HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-01-04_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 4,1999 7:00 P.M.. OATH OF OFFICE Dennis F. Maetzold (Council Member and HRA Commissioner) James:- Hcivland.(Council Member and HRA Commissioner) . ROLLCALL - - ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the .Council Members as to, items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion.. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner, Council Member or citizen so requests it. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its. normal sequence on the Agenda. I. LEWIS ENGINEERING/ KUNZ OIL REPORT II. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR PRO -TEM I. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON VACATIONS OF STREET OR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution 3/5 favorable rollcall of Council Members required to pass. Rollcall - A VACATION OF A PORTION OF WEST 41ST STREET - Thomas L. Piper, 4023 Lynn Avenue South II. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Wooddale Park Comfort Station Update B. Intoxicating Liquor Issues Report *. C. Designation of Director /Alternate Director of Suburban Rate Authority * D. Designation of Director /Alternate Director of LOGIS * E. Designation of Official Newspaper F. Signatory Resolution G. Facsimile Signature Resolution * H. Official Depositories Resolution I. Official Depository Resolution - National City Bank J. Confirmed Dates for The Annual Meeting & Volunteer Recognition Reception Agenda/Edina City Council January 4,1999 Page 2 III. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS IV. CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS V. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES VI. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL VII. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEM VIII. FINANCE A. Ordinance No. 1999-1 Amending Code Section 185 -Increase in Utility Rates Ro IMI B. Payment of Claims as per Pre -List dated 12/30/98 TOTAL: $602,677.76. _'SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING- MEETINGS Mon Jan 18 MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY OBSERVED - CITY HALL CLOSED Tues Jan 19 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Feb 1 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Feb 15 PRESIDENTS DAY OBSERVED - CITY HALL CLOSED Tues Feb 16 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Mar 1 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Mar 15 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thu Mar 25 .ANNUAL MEETING 5:00 P.M. CENTENNIAL LAKF Mon Apr 5 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Apr 19 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Apr 20 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION RECEPTION 5:00 P.M. EDINBOROUGH PARK Otte REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item HRA I. From: GORDON L. HUGHES Consent ❑ MANAGER Information Only ❑ Date: JANUARY 49 1999 Mgr. Recommends ® To BRA ❑ To Council Subject: LEWIS ENGINEERING/ ❑ Motion KUNZ OIL REPORT ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ® Discussion INFO/BACKGROUND: At the December 21, 1998, meeting, the HRA discussed the potential redevelopment of the Lewis Engineering/Kunz Oil properties with a public mixed use project comprising a WMEP sponsored magnet school, a library, senior center, gymnasiums and a school bus garage. The Council directed me to offer recommendations concerning how such a mixed use proposal should be considered and processed by the City. The Council generally agreed that WMEP and the Edina Public Schools, rather than the City, should take the lead in the further development of the public mixed use concept. Following the December 21, meeting, I met with Ken Dragseth, Superintendent of Schools, and spoke via telephone with Frank Bennett, Vice Chair of WMEP. As a result of these conversations, WMEP has agreed to pursue additional planning studies and refinement of the proposal at WMEP's expense. They also advised that they had retained Bill Beard of the Beard Group to oversee these activities. Mr. Beard is an Edina resident and is an experienced developer. On December 28, I met with Mr. Beard to discuss the status of the properties and the features of the public uses that could be considered. I also provided Mr. Beard with surveys, air photos, etc. in my possession to assist in his evaluation. I advised Mr. Beard that I had opined to the Council that three months may be required to undertake more detailed plans and l REPORT/RECONM ENDATION - LEWIS ENGINEERING/KUNZ OIL REPORT January 4, 1999 Page 2 proposals. He noted that a more aggressive schedule could be considered but felt that 60 - 90 days may be necessary noting the number of public agencies which would be involved. If the Council wishes to consider this concept further, I suggest that it allow WMEP 60 - 90 days to submit more detailed plans and proposals. The cost of planning consultants and developers would be borne by WMEP for this portion of the study. Due to the financial complexities of this proposal (primarily TIF related), it may be necessary for the City to retain, at our expense, the assistance of a financial consultant to evaluate the proposal. No other costs, other than staff time, are anticipated for this stage of the study. tt3A. REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: ; Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # I.A. From: Francis J. Hoffman BUR- Fvf Consent ❑ City Engineer Information Only ❑ Date: January 4, 1999 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Vacation of Public Roadway Action ❑ Motion Right -of -Way ® Resolution Public Hearing - W. 41St St. ❑Ordinance Between Lynn & Kipling ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Vacate a portion of unimproved West 41 st Street, -adjacent to 4023 Lynn Avenue. Info /Background: The property owner at 4023 Lynn Avenue has requested that the City vacate a portion of unimproved West 41St Street adjacent to 4023 Lynn Avenue. West 41St Street does not exist as a public roadway, nor does it. ever appear that such a roadway will be needed. The attached sketch depicts the area under review. The City of Edina, NSP, Minnegasco, US West, and Paragon Cable do not have any facilities located in the requested area. Staff recommends requested vacation. VACATION OF PUBLIC ROADWAY )16 a )18 )20 W N 122 c z N zz (O J West 41 st Street 0 1 250 ao West 41st Street 4017 135 4019 135 0) 4021 135 4020 oI It 4022 CD 135 4024 � 135 W Z a W U 2 9 1-40 a 440 J(co O: X40' 280 1-41C ao ca> M rn 0 o e 0 to REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: Mayor Smith and Members of the City Council From: John Keprios, Director Park and Recreation Department Date: December 22, 1998 Subject: Wooddale Park Comfort Station. Recommendation: The Park Board recommends to: Agenda Item # II. A. Consent X Information Only Mgr. Recommends To HRA X To Council Action X Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion 1. Put the construction of a permanent comfort station at Wooddale Park on hold indefinitely. 2. Rely on the use of portable toilets at Wooddale Park during summer months only. 3. Work with the neighborhood on a design and location of a three -sided structure to contain a portable toilet facility. 4. Place signs in Wooddale Park informing park users of restroom facilities at Utley Park. 5. Work towards eliminating scheduled games at Wooddale Park. Background: On March 22, 1998, the Edina Park and Recreation Department received a petition signed by residents of the Wooddale Park neighborhood concerning the construction of the comfort station. Staff immediately put construction on hold and mailed out 573 notices to residents of the Wooddale Park neighborhood inviting them to attend an input meeting. 17 residents attended the meeting and twenty- two (22) residents submitted letters. At the meeting, there appeared to be no compromise to the issue that would satisfy all those in attendance. At their April 14, 1998, meeting, the Park Board listened to residents' testimony and discussed the issue as reflected in the Park Board minutes. The Park Board then unanimously passed a recommendation that the comfort station construction be put on hold this summer, that portable toilets be used at Wooddale Park and that the issue be addressed again at the end of the summer. The comfort station construction site at Wooddale Park was restored to its original condition and a portable toilet was placed at the park throughout the summer months of 1998.' Throughout the 2 summer, staff received only one complaint that the portable unit was tipped over, which was likely caused by strong winds. In October of this year, 854 notices were mailed to neighboring households of Wooddale Park (copy of letter included in this report) that again requested community input regarding the issue. The letter also invited residents to attend a neighborhood input meeting on November 19, 1998, at City Hall to discuss the issue and view alternative concepts for a permanent comfort station facility. Thirty -one (3 1) residents attended the meeting on November 19th along with Park Board representative Tom White and our project Architect, Jon Brakke from SGN Architects. Only two of those in attendance appeared to be in favor of a permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park. The overwhelming majority favored portable toilets over any form of permanent restroom facility. The following are several of the concerns that were expressed by those opposed to a permanent comfort station: 1. There is a lack of demonstrated need. 2. We do not want non - residents to use Wooddale Park. 3. The park was not originally designed to be a scheduled park facility. 4. Signs should be placed informing park users of the restroom facilities at Utley Park. 5. Wooddale Park was never intended to be an all Edina park. 6. Scheduling games at Wooddale Park causes children to cross 50th Street due to inadequate parking at Wooddale Park. 7. Dollars should be used elsewhere in the park, such as, replacing trees lost in the storms of 1998 and replacing old playground equipment. 8. A permanent facility will invite serious crime and vandalism. 9. A permanent restroom facility will harm property values. 10. Most residents prefer temporary portable toilets. 11. There should be no scheduled games at Wooddale Park. The overwhelming majority of residents were not interested in seeing alternative drawings of smaller comfort station plans. There were 'two residents at the input meeting who were vocally in favor of constructing a permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park and those two did not agree with most of the reasons given by those in opposition of constructing a permanent facility. One resident in particular felt that a sanitary permanent facility would be an asset to the park and all Edina residents who use the park. The overwhelming majority opinion (of those who have provided input) was that permanent restroom facilities should not be constructed at Wooddale Park but instead should rely on portable toilets. Park Board Recommendation On December 8, 1998, the Park Board voted unanimously to: 1. Put the, construction of a permanent comfort station at Wooddale Park on hold indefinitely. 2. Rely on the use of portable toilets at Wooddale Park during summer months only. 3. Work with the neighborhood on a design and location of a three -sided structure to contain a portable toilet facility.^ 4. Place signs in Wooddale Park informing park users of restroom facilities at Utley Park. 5. Work towards eliminating scheduling games and all summer programs at Wooddale Park. Cost Data 3 • Cost for a portable toilet is about $62.00 a month. • Cost to build a permanent comfort station is approximately $50,000 (not including utilities, architect and engineering fees). • Cost to develop a three -sided cedar enclosure for a portable toilet is approximately $1,000. EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS DECEMBER 8, 1998 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jean Rydell, Becky Bennett, Andrew Montgomery, Beth Hall, Andy Herring, Tom White, Dave Fredlund, Bill Jenkins, John Dovolis, Dave Crowther MEMBERS ABSENT: Phyllis Kohler STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Janet Canton OTHERS PRESENT: Eric Flowers, Marjorie Ruedy, Jane & Charles Paulus, Kathryn & Keith Peterson, Sara Peterson, David & Pam O'Halloran, Barbara Mahler, Gordon Asselstine, Peggy Jennings, Marcia Rehnberg, Caryl Sharp, Ron Sharp, Dave & Alyce Lees, William Loomis I. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PARK BOARD MINUTES Jean Rydell MOVED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 10, 1998 PARK BOARD MINUTES. John Dovolis SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. WOODDALE PARK COMFORT STATION Mr. Keprios gave a presentation on the Wooddale Park Comfort Station which explained everything that has taken place to date. Mr. Crowther informed the residents that the Park Board has received a copy of every letter that has been written regarding the Wooddale Park Comfort Station. A resident handed out to the Park Board 17 additional letters opposing the building of a comfort station at Wooddale Park. She indicated that she feels it's ridiculous to even think about putting a permanent structure at the park. The resident stated that her main concern with the park is the playground equipment because there are some broken items and it is very dangerous. She then handed out pictures showing what the playground equipment looks like. The resident indicated that she feels the $75,000 could possibly be used to update the playground equipment and make it safe for the children. She noted that she realizes Wooddale Park's playground equipment is not scheduled to redone until 2001 but feels it should be done sooner than that. She then added that there is a permanent restroom facility right across the street at Utley Park. Gordon Asselstine, resident, indicated that he attended the previous meeting and commented that there were a few people who were in favor of building a permanent structure. He indicated that some neighbors brought up things they were fearful of that might happen. Mr. Asselstine asked what negative experiences has Edina had at the other various facilities. He also noted that $25,000 has already been spent and therefore it's really only another $50,000 that is being looked at. Mr. Asselstine also pointed out that people are concerned about safety and noted that the facility would only be open during' certain hours. Mr. Keprios responded that at a previous meeting Gerry Drevlow, an Edina Police Officer, attended and he was asked the question is there an abundance of violent crime or is there any serious violent crime that has occurred in the shelter buildings. He stated that the answer is no however, that does not mean that. they haven't had vandalism. He feels, however, that is not a good reason to not build a structure because vandalism will always occur. Jane Paulus, resident, indicated that in the presentation by staff the reference was made several times�that when the referendum first went out this was identified to the residents of Edina and they should have been aware of it. However, she noted that she thinks when most people were voting in favor of the referendum it was the overall package of the referendum and people weren't breaking it down per item and what it meant to their park. Secondly, she commented that apathy grows because people feel this is a well run community and she 'knows a number people didn't attend the meeting this evening because they feel the city will do what it wants to do. Ms. Paulus stated that she doesn't always know thatthe number of people that are physically at 'a meeting make something right or wrong because it usually comes down to a judgment decision by the people who are either appointed or elected to these committees and City Council that becomes important. She stated that she thinks that what we do need to look at is whether we are going to save $50,000 or $75,000 because we are looking at maybe four months out of the year, 8 hours a day. When we look at that and we look at the whole budget designated to a park that size that's a huge percentage. Ms. Paulus noted that she walks through that park three times a day and the maintenance at Wooddale Park is almost zero right now. She indicated that some neighbors went in and cut down brushes and they left them in piles and the piles were there about a month and a half. Therefore, she can't say there are public employees who are constantly there maintaining the park. -Ms. Paulus stated that her question is what it's going' to be like if we put a permanent facility there and if that's going to be further maintained. She indicated that the cost is so great in what you are asking the families to give up for that particular park and if every facility in Edina has double facilities to it then one would question whether the government was maintaining itself in a fiscally responsible manner in the community. That is what we really have to'look at is that there is already a facility there. Ms. Paulus commented that we need to go back to what is the purpose of Wooddale Park and she thinks that right now the city is pushing that purpose too far because it doesn't have the square footage to compete against what the other parks have. Therefore, by not putting a public facility there we are going to allow Wooddale to go 2 back to what she believes it was intended for. She stated she would really encourage that it be more than just indefinitely to avoid the burden of attending one meeting after another. The policy makers should come up with a more lasting solution and try to work with the community. Mr. Crowther asked the residents what their feeling is on having a semi - permanent structure to enclose the satellite like that one that was shown in the presentation rather than just -have it sit out in the open. A resident commented that she feels having a structure such as that with a little landscaping around it would be perfectly acceptable. She pointed out that she likes the idea staff has to de- emphasize the use of the park because she agrees the park was not built to accommodate all the scheduled.events that occur because it really is not that big. Mr. White stated that he attended the neighborhood meeting and he agrees with staff to de- emphasize the use of the park with scheduled activities because it is such a small park. Secondly, the comment was made that the neighborhood would rather see new playground equipment than build a bathroom and he noted that he doesn't necessarily think it's a trade -off. Mr. White indicated, however, if the current playground equipment is not safe than it should be taken care of as soon as possible and try to move that date up sooner than 2001. Mr. White indicated that the neighbors felt crime is an issue in which he. responded he doesn't necessarily see any difference between a permanent shelter building and a satellite. In fact, the shelter building would be locked in the evenings and a.satellite is always open. Therefore, maybe a permanent shelter is safer than a satellite. Mr. White commented that he does have a problem with people from the neighborhood saying we don't want people coming to Wooddale Park who live outside of -the neighborhood. He stated that may be what the park was originally designed for but at this point in time people outside of the neighborhood are advised to use all of the parks. Mr. Keprios pointed out that they can try to look at some creative ways to keep the satellite from being vandalized. Mr. Herring asked about scheduling games at other locations and questioned if the situation at Wooddale Park is really unique compared to the other parks where games are scheduled. Mr. Keprios responded that in his opinion Wooddale Park is unique as far as a safety issue. It's a convenient place to. schedule games because of the parking, but we have learned through experience that the park in reality is not big enough to handle that many people. It is not a safe scenario to have children crossing 50th Street. Ms. Bennett asked, if a satellite is put in where would it physically be located. Mr. Keprios replied that he would like to work with the neighbors to figure out where the best location would be for it. Mr. Dovolis MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION TO PUT THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PERMANENT COMFORT STATION ON HOLD INDEFINITELY AND RELY ON THE USE OF A SATELLITE DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS AND HAVE MR. KEPRIOS WORK WITH NEIGHBORHOOD TO SETTLE ON SOME SORT OF A PERMANENT THREE SIDED STRUCTURE IF THAT'S WHAT THE NEIGHBORHOOD WANTS. SECONDLY, PLACE SIGNS INFORMING PARK USERS THAT UTLEY IS AVAILABLE WITH PERMANENT RESTROOMS. LASTLY, WORK TOWARDS ELIMINATING SCHEDULED GAMES WHERE POSSIBLE AT WOODDALE PARK. Jean Rydell SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. III. -YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION BUDGETS Ms. Bennett indicated that at the Park Board meeting two months ago the topic came up regarding the funds that some of the associations have sitting in CD's, savings and checking accounts.. She stated that she is not here to point fingers at anyone for doing anything inappropriate, she just has some questions and concerns. She asked how the association's fees fall in line with what they are being charged, what they get for that money and is there any excess money from those fees that are going into some sort of savings account or CD. She asked if those moneys are then being used to make capital expenditures back to the city as gifts such as what the Basketball Association did. Ms. Bennett commented that her concern is for the families who pay those fees for their children to participate in the sports, are they being overcharged. Also, where is the money coming from for these big capital expenditures and gifts to the city. If it is money raised from fees and is. it really the association's function as non -profit associations to be doing that. . Mr. Keprios indicated that each association is run a little bit differently. He then gave an, example of the Baseball Association. He noted that baseball raises quite a bit of money by operating the concessions stand at Courtney Fields in Braemar Park. With their profits, the EBA makes capital improvements to Braemar Park. He stated that they try. not to overcharge for their program. Mr. Keprios then explained that the Basketball Association currently does not have a vehicle to raise money to make capital . improvements to improve their program and therefore, they do it through program fees. Mr. Keprios explained that all of the athletic associations are independently incorporated with the State of Minnesota and they must file a tax. return every year with the IRS if their income is at a certain level. When the IRS looks at these non - profit incorporated groups' returns and believe that the organization has .a little too much cash on hand, they are going to start asking them questions. What their bottom line shows is what their profit and loss statements and expense report show is that those funds are going to improve their sport and as far as the state and IRS are concerned that's okay. However, is that philosophically okay with the city is a question for the Park Board and City Council. 4 Mr. Keprios pointed out as an example that for 1999 the Park Department has no capital plan,'there is not enough money, because of levy limits and if history repeats itself there will not be enough funding to keep up with the capital improvements that each sport ,would like to see. Therefore, these associations have recognized . that if they want these improvements they are going to have to raise it on their own. Mr. Keprios noted that staff will soon be presenting the Park Board with a proposed five year capital plan, which right now identifies approximately 15 million dollars worth of improvements. Aside from the larger items such as the senior center and gymnasiums staff is suggesting that there are $500,000 worth of capital improvements needed for 1999,, knowing full well that there is no money.. He commented that staff is looking at, a long range plan that includes trying to find creative ways to come up with funding: Mr. aowther asked Ms. Bennett if her main concern is that people are not being told what all of their money is going towards that they are being charged as opposed to the philosophical issue of an association paying to improve the fields. Ms. Bennett replied that she feels people.need to know if a certain percentage of the fees they are paying are going towards improving the sport when their child is no longer even playing that sport. Mr. Crowther pointed out that all of the athletic associations are independently incorporated and are not part of the city. The City grants them use of their facilities but they don't own or operate them. Mr. Herring added that the City provides them preferred use of the facility. Ms. Dovolis pointed out that the number of kids who participate in each sport fluctuates from year to year and therefore it's hard to know how many kids will be participating . each year. Ms. Bennett indicated that she has had families tell her that their kids cannot participate in hockey, for example, because they cannot afford it, it costs too much. Mr. Crowther pointed out that all of the associations offer scholarships so there is a mechanism offered for everyone to be able to participate. Ms. Bennett asked Mr. Keprios if he feels all the fees across the board are in line with what is being charged for each child to play that season. Mr. Keprios responded that it depends on how you view the whole picture of funding and the philosophy of those who play pay. For example, the golfer in all essence pays for his or her own capital improvements at the golf course every.time they play a round also the hockey player does every time they rent an hour of ice. Mr. Keprios commented that all of the enterprise facilities follow that philosophy. He then pointed out that'basketball does not pay for their gym time and the only vehicle for them to improve their capital plan is through their registrations. The golfers do it through their fees and charges. Mr. Keprios indicated that we could approach this in a different way if we feel that we want to raise capital funding on our own and not leave that up to the responsibility of the associations who don't have a vehicle to raise funds. He explained that we could start 5 charging them for the use of facilities and collect it as part of the capital plan. Mr. Keprios stated that he intends to get all of the athletic association presidents together for a group meeting and this is one issue that he does plan to bring up. Also, he will ask the associations if they are being up front and honest with their participants that a portion of their registration fee goes to capital improvements down the road. Mr. Keprios indicated that maybe they should separate that out and give them an option and throw that out for at least discussion if there is some concern. Mr. Montgomery indicated that a lot of the associations have contributed back to the city but others have not. He noted for example EGAA has not contributed and they have $53,000 in the bank. "Mr. Keprios responded that philosophically he has always questioned whether EGAA should be taking registration dollars and giving it away in scholarships for former participants to go to college. Apparently there is a vehicle for them to do that through .the-IRS -and it is legitimate.. Philosophically, however, he has a problem with that. Mr. Keprios indicated that a rule of thumb we have leamtd that non- profit organizations should always maintain approximately 15% of their annual operating budget in reserve. Mr. Dovolis commented that Mr. Keprios brought up a good point in that all of the associations presidents get together and discuss these issues. Ms. Bennett noted that she thinks it's wonderful that the associations give back to the city, she just questions does everyone know what their money is being used for and feels that all of the associations should be on the same page. Mr. Crowther indicated that he agrees there should be .a commonality for what every association does from an operating standpoint. Mr. Crowther asked that this issue be looked at again in the future for the Park Board to discuss after the associations presidents have had their meeting. IV. OTHER A. Off -Leash Area -Mr. Montgomery asked whatever happened with the off -leash issue at Todd Park. He noted that he heard someone was supposed to contact him and he has heard nothing. Mr. Keprios indicated that he will follow -up with that. V. ADJOURNMENT John Dovolis MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:40 P.M. Bill Jenkins SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. n 11/18/98 WED 09:38 FAX 612 673 6630 CHURCHILL CAPITAL 19001 November 16, 1998 Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborhood: Stop the construction of permanent toilets in Wooddale Park! Please indicate your support by sending this form letter to John Keprios, Park Director, informing the Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department that you do not want permanent toilets in our park. Please mail, FAX, or hand deliver this signed piece of paper to John Keprios ASAP, ideally by Thursday, November 19, the date on which the neighborhood input meeting will be held at the Edina City Hall Council Chambers (7:00 p.m.). Anne Hall 4405 Country Club Road Edina, MN 55424 Telephone: 929 -1227 Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s): Address: Telephone: <G t2.**) 9-20 Nov-98 NOV 18 198 09:36 FR CHO FS November 16, 1998 612 310 8195 TO 99277645 P.01i01 Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborhood: . Stop the construction of permanent toilets in Wooddale Park! Please indicate your support by sending this form letter to John Keprios, Park Director, informing the Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department that you do not want permanent toilets in our park. Please mail, FAX, or hand deliver this signed piece of paper to John Keprios ASAP, ideally by Thursday, November 19, the date on which the neighborhood input meeting will be held at the Edina City Hall Council Chambers (7:00 p.m.). Anne and Michael Hall Telephone: 929 -1227 4405 Country Club Road. Edina, MN 55424 Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name{s): MO .r Address: Telephone:_ 9.2"+ - 0 2 2-1 11/17/98 November 16,199$ Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborhood: Stop the construction of permanent toilets in Wooddale Park! Please indicate your support by sending this form letter to John Keprios, Park Director, informing the Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department that you do not want permanent toilets in our park, Please mail, FAX, or I=d deliver this signed piece of paper to John Keprios ASAP, ideally by Thursday, November 19, the date on which the neighborhood input meeting will be held at the Edina City Hall Council Chambers (7;00 p.m.). Anne Ha1J 4405 Country Club Road Edina, NM 55424 Telephone: 929-1227 Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 PAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive er. Name(s). �. Address: W% I Vc Telephone: Nov 98 W DAL (4 12.) k 30 - 3 Z6 11 -18 -1998 9:57AM FROM MIMS 6129202929 P.1 November 18, 1998 . Mr. John Keprios City of Edina Mr. Keprios, Unfortunately Russ and I will not be able to attend the meeting on November 19 concerning the restroom facility at Wooddale Park but we wanted to express our opinion. We use the park weekly for family time together and also have attended many softball games there with our ten-year-old daughter. When the situation arises for the need to use the restroom, we have always just crossed the street and used the facilities across from the church. We strongly support using the allocated money to upgrade the park's playground equipment. Although the park is so convenient, wre find ourselves going to Linden Hills Park or to the park at Grimes and 42' Street in order to have the use of newer and more safe equipment. Thank you for your consideration of this proposal. Sincerely, . eu4A dJ Russell and Cindy Anderson 4603 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I a against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I sup rt the ntinued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s)� Address:�� ,\-,)A , iS� � SS\1Z� Telephone: L�-Z T zz -4-7-7 ) Nov -98 Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 . FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s): !C, 1,11`} q FOLLY f-I-t�� Address: qb 13 P►� D AU;7 Ar%)1- Telephone: 612,2- Ob[Z- Nov -98 1 tee- jMM Marian Evans Sunnyside Rd. MN 66424 -1102 of t L. R. E. Powell y �J '��'`r�=- '►�.�L�L -� ..may � 1 =� , ,� I November 16, 1998 Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborhood: Stop the construction of permanent toilets in Wooddale Park! Please indicate your support by sending this form letter to John Keprios, Park Director, informing the Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department that you do not want permanent toilets in our park. Please mail, FAX, or hand deliver this signed piece of paper to John Keprios ASAP, ideally by Thursday, November 19, the date on which the neighborhood input meeting will be held at the Edina City Hall Council Chambers (7 :00 p.m.). Anne and Michael Hall 4405 Country Club Road Edina, MN 55424 Telephone: 929 -1227 Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood i am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s): / Address: 7 6 Telephone: 11/17/98 11/18/98 11:55 %T6129298555 AIG LIFE BRAUER ig004 Many neighbors feel that due to the small size of the park, its proximity to homes and the fact that it is meant to serve the neighborhood, the city should de- emphasize programmed activities at Wooddale Park. There are some significant safety reasons as well as demographic information to support this idea During the 8 week youth baseball season, the teams are scheduled at 1 hour intervals. As one pair of teams is still playing, another team arrives. Each team has about 12 players, so that means there could be up to 48 cars looking to park (worst case). Because the parking lot is small (holding only about 18 cars), frequently drivers are forced to park across the street at Utley Park. Unfortunately, the cars' occupants then run across 50ie Street. This is exactly the reason that was given for why the existing public toilets at Utley cannot support the perceived need for Wooddale Park. Demographics should also be considered when looking at any long -term decisions for the park. According to a report published by the Minnesota State Demographic Center in May 1998: "Me number of children age 14 and under is expected to decline about 16 percent between 1995 and 2025 .... The number of children under age 15 will never be as large as it was in 1995. Births are expected to decline during the next decade... The annual number of births in the next 30 years is expected to be small by current standards." Furthermore, the population of the immediate neighborhood is largely composed of school -age children rather than toddlers, so we could anticipate a gradually decline in usage of the park over the next ten years. Park Safety Safety continues to be a concern. There were several instances of teens or young adults in the park after curfew this summer. in addition, evidence of alcoholic beverage consumption has been found by neighbors on at least two occasions this summer. Additionally, there was an incident of paint balls being shot at objects in the alley due north of the park. We view this as a threat to the security to the homes backing up to the park that should be addressed before any additional facilities are added that could attract more nighttime activity. As noted by the Edina Police department at an earlier meeting, the best location for public toilets, if any, should be in a well - lighted area close to 50s' for ease of patrolling. Conclusion Although the construction of the public toilets began without any community input, it should be clear that the neighborhood residents have strong feelings about this project. Based on input from the neighborhood, we believe the priorities for the park should be as follows: 1. Find a permanent solution to the issue of the sand spreading outside the tot lot on to the surrounding walkways. 2. Take steps to remove or cover the cement and rock that is protruding from the sand. 3. Add additional trees as a buffer with the neighborhood and maintain all existing plantings. 4. Repaint or replace worn play equipment We do not believe that public toilets should even be considered until these priorities are fully addressed. Kathryn and Keith Peterson 4303 Country Club Road Edina, MN 55424 11/18/98 11:54 %Y6129298555 AIG LIFE BRAUER To: John Keprios Date: November 14, 1998 Subject: Proposed Public Toilets at Wooddale Park There has been considerable discussion about public toilets for Wooddale Park beginning last Spring. Please consider the following points as we revisit the issue of public toilets in Wooddale Park. Park Priorities The following are areas o; "concern that have been raised by the neighborhood indicating the priority needs for Wooddale Park. The sand continues to be an issue and causes numerous small accidents as kids slip on the sandy pavement. Children on foot and on bicycles'%Nipc out" on the sidewalk due to the fact the curbing does not contain the sand. There are many minor injuries that could easily be avoided. Cement and rock has been exposed in the tot lot beneath the play equipment and is very hazardous. This was mentioned in our spring meeting to discuss the public toilets, yet no action was taken. Again, this situation should be addressed immediately to avoid additional injury incidents. The storm on May 15, 1998 was responsible for the loss of approximately 30 trees from the backyards of neghbors immediately to the north and west of the park (10 to the north and 20 to the west). The park itself also lost trees. As a result the buffer between the park and the adjoining properties is severely diminisbed, thus making park activities much more visible and audible. Additional buffer (and maintenance of the existing buffer) should be a priority firom both a financial and acsthdtic view. Neighbors of the park invested approximately 20 hours this spring, summer and i a - •'" s weeds and invasive growth around the evergreens on the north border of the park. These "suckers" were endangering the existing trees as well as being an unsightly nuisance. Perceived Need There does not appear to be any empirical data to support the need for additional facilities. This question was raised last spring and has never been addressed. Before concluding that a need exists, it might be useful to understand the usage of the park. What is the average length of time auit Ali dF,,-;duals are at the nark? Does that warrant the construction of facilities? How for do most park users trtt ti c i park? A, c r .c; l e aware of the existence of toilets directly across the street? Do the longer term demographics of the rrli, ,h : hnc,d support the perceived need? We believe these questions should be answered before a need can ':^ established Park Usage and Demographics Wooddale Park is categorized by the city as a "neighborhood park". As defined by the Park and Rec. department in their "Jupiter" report, a neighborhood park is "designed to serve primarily the needs of children six to fourteen years of age... Service Area —1 square mile." It was noted in this report that while there were proposed improvements to the park, that it met the requirements of a neighborhood park. 19 003 10002 11/18/98 11:54 '6129298555 lAUER Please J Send/FAVDeliver t. Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL,: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, p lease note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet f8cilitY portable restrooms surrounded at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal by an attractive shelter. Name(s): 1- Address: Telephone: Nov -98 . NOV -18 -1998 12:09 ORION CONSULTING November 18, 1998 John Keprios Edina City Hall John: 6128571699 P.01i01 We are writing to express our thoughts regarding the construction of a restroom facility at the Wooddale Park. We are opposed to the construction of this facility to keep this as a neighborhood park that is safe from vandalism. We would rather see the funds that have been set aside for the restroom facility is used to update the equipment at this park facility, The existing equipment is dated and some of the equipment is also unsafe for the children to be using. We think it is more important to emphasize the safety of our children, than to add a restroom facility at this time. If it is decided to update the park facility at this time instead of adding the restroom facility, we could then revisit the issue of adding a restroom facility at a later date. Please feel free to contact us if you would like any additional information. Sincerely, Tammy and Marty Miller 4527 Drexel Avenue Edina, MN 55424 (612) 836 -1295 TOTAL P.01 ZEELAN IND - Questionable Need 612 737 1764 11/17 '98 11:12 N0.020 02/02 When Wooddale Park was constructed it was clearly intended to be a small, neighborhood park, serving primarily younger neighborhood. children. A very large percentage of the children and adults that use the park live close enough. that toilet facilities are not as necessary or important as in the larger parks intended primarily for organized sports and activities. I am led to believe that the primary concern is providing toilet facilities to the people that come to the park for the summer baseball season. 'There are existing toilet facilities directly across 50°' Street from the parking lot used by virtually all of these baseball families. If additional toilet facilities are required within Wooddale Park, improved and attractive, but small scale toilet facilities in. or near the parking area would make far more sense than a large, visually intrusive building located at the opposite end of the park. - Poor Use of Limited Park Funds Anyone that has used Wooddale Park is aware of the need for repairs to the existing recreational facilities and restoration of the trees and landscaping damaged by this year's storms. If funds are available for improvements to Wooddale Park they should be used for these needs, which affect the ability of the park to serve the primary purpose for which it was constructed. - Neighborhood Opposition Given that Wooddale Park is and was built to be a small park serving primarily the neighborhood residents, I would assume that the views of these residents would be an important factor in decisions about the park and its facilities. I have yet to meet a neighborhood resident that feels strongly the need for additional toilet facilities. I have met a very large number that are extremely concerned about the size, nature, and location. of the . proposed toilet facilities and the fact that initial construction was begun without the residents most affected having input. I hope you will take the views of the neighborhood residents into consideration as final decisions are made about our neighborhood park I would strongly urge you to re- consider the need for the proposed new toilet facilities and whether the scale and location proposed are appropriate. Sincerely, William W. Loomis ZEELAN IND 612 737 1764 11/17 '98 11:11 N0.020 01/02 44V &4,h 6&4 -4700'd 'liras " 66484 November 17, 1998 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation. Department City Hall 4.801 West 50' Street Edina, MN 55424 Via Fax to: 927 -7645 Re: Proposed Permanent Public Toilet Facilities in Wooddale Park Dear Mr. Keprios, I only recently became a resident of the Wooddale Park neighborhood, but I am a long time resident of the Country Club area. I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed permanent public toilet facilities presently planned for the back part of Wooddale Park. I believe that construction of a large, permanent toilet facility in that area is a bad idea for a number of reasons, including: - Public and Neighborhood Safety The rear area of Wooddale Park is relatively dark after dusk it is and difficult for the police to observe. Addressing this with lighting would be extremely disruptive to the neighborhood residents. There is considerable potential for crime or problems in or near a closed, poorly illuminated building set far back in a neighborhood park intended for use by young children. It is my understanding that the Edina Police Department has recommended that toilet facilities, if necessary, should be located in a well - lighted area on or near 50a' Street. The Police have also acknowledged the presence of one or more gangs plus a variety of troublemakers at 50a' and France. They have indicated that a goal of these groups is to expand their influence and activities across France Avenue, into Edina. The presence of such groups within blocks of the proposed toilet facility only increases the potential for problems and increases the importance of the Police Department's recommendation. Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park.- I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. TO 4-ke pftces;s ` deb- erv�ihes ��.� Pes►MaMe <<'}' Name(s): O 7"oi le� s s koLkQ l e � 1 fkeh Address: U b Telephone: -1 dg 1 ^ 39q Nov-98 +kR ►^ec6u�ecQ V� SIZe. a►id +41e- P t0LQ VvLeA 6 ( e- C-lase r to 5ot�Qfk�U� (o) a.�d {�•e iv�w���a{�Y su,�roun��r' r FROM sEDINA REALTY SOTH ST. S24 SS10 Mr- John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX 927 -7645 TFIL: 927 -8861 1990.11 -17 11:20 #781 P.02/02 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable by an attractive shelter. restrooms surrounded Name(s): �..ydrri /ems 4r lit Address: Telephone: ;;2 ` 9," ~ ewnw?eF Nov -98 i; 1 t. Y , . 5• • i ... 11/17/98 09:16 FAX 6129294504 TRAUTZ November 16, 1998 Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborhood: Stop the construction of permanent toilets in Wooddale Park! Please indicate your support by sending this form letter to John Keprios, Park Director, informing the Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department that you do not want permanent toilets in our park. - Please mail, FAX, -or hand deliver this signed piece of paper to John Keprios ASAP, ideally by Thursday, November 19, the date on which the neighborhood input meeting will be held at the Edina City Hall Council Chambers (7:00 p.m.). Anne and Michael Hall 4405 Country Club Road Edina, MN 55424 Telephone: 929 -1227 Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 041, 4t.A- I Q01 In response to your letter. dated October 21, 1998, please. note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent, toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name( ' s): T 1 ii' �On V-&L Address: (a 13 �.+�� a &N.Av LTQLJ' Telephone: 2 -- [ _-72 �` 11/17/98 0C. Marcia Rehnber ll ` Y ' g 4602 Drexel Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55424 vw 612- 927 -0254 November 8, 1998 Dear Neighbors, We all received a letter dated October 21, 1998 from John Keprios, Director of Edina Park and Recreation Department. In his letter he discusses some ideas about construction of a permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park. Apparently City Council favors construction of a permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park. However, I am a frequent user of the park with two young children and have spoken to many parents on this matter and none seem to feel this is necessary. Several parents and I feel that the outdated and dangerous equipment is more of an issue. I even know of several families that do not use the park because of the dangerous and out dated equipment. Wooddale Park had been designated to be redone in two years if fonds are available. What I would like to propose to City Council is to use the funds currently designated for the comfort station to update. the park's equipment instead. Then when the park is updated to look at the possibility of putting in a permanent restroom facility. Please show your support for our neighborhood park by phoning or faxing John Keprios with your ideas and suggestions or come to the meeting on November 19, 1998 at 7:00 pm at Edina City Hall Council Chambers, John Keprios' Phone - 927 -8861. Fax 927 -7645 I look forward to your support. Q Very truly yon, 9 r Marcia Rehnberg ` � � o� 1� S ��1 a V\ff- C -� s � � t -mob � Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Part: neighbor'.:^ 'd I a::: 2bkirst the'c�:.stractic: of a per;nanent toilet faciiity at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. —n-t" r 1 *PD Name(s): ht �Q �QgV � \wT Address: qppf�w",7. � ✓�l% �� Pin � a 4 mo Telephone: Oe 11/17/98 ID &() -to T � fkltl► ,6� IAAI;t�, Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I suprort the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. /I ■G i Address: 450 Ka-6. AK-e-n Telephone: .4r°na d A 11/17/98 Nov -17 -98 07:55P PAUL WALSER 612- 927 -0032 November 16, 1998 Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborhood: Stop the construction of permanent toilets in Wooddale Park! Please indicate your support by sending this form letter to John Keprios, Park Director, informing the Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department that you do not want permanent toilets in our park. Please mail, FAX, or hand deliver this signed piece of paper to John Keprios ASAP, ideally by Thursday, November 19, the date on which the neighborhood input meeting will be held at the Edina City Hall Council Chambers (7:00 p.m.). . Anne Hall 4405 Country Club Road Edina, MN 55424 Telephone: 929 -1227 Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s): Patti a�� Rib w Alker Address: 46cq nw n& I e 4W4?/ - W I nz I %'aq Telephone: Nov -" P.01 NOV -18-96 09:56 AM M MADISON 9261620 P.01 Yluris;: C W'!),IVW anu Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, ?%f N' 55424' FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In esponsc to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood 1 am against the construction of a pennanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I suppo►l the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. r . Name(s): r V t ei j Address. Telephone' W-98 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal porlable restroorps surrounded by an attractive shelter. ft5 ak -r w&'Jd "4 k�L U AA Name(s): Address: 6 y 2 koo -fl-1 *,^ A4— Sp, rj a, Telephone: q "435 Nov-98 TO'd 00 >1001"000 ssaLRON dVO :90 e6- Li -A0N 11/18/98 WED 09:19 FAX 612 673 6630 CHURCHILL CAPITAL November 16, 1998 Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborhood: Stop the construction of permanent toilets in Wooddale Park! Please indicate your support by sending this form letter to John Keprios, Park Director, informing the Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department that you do not want permanent toilets in our park. Please mail, FAX, or hand deliver this signed piece of paper to John Keprios ASAP, ideally by Thursday, November 19, the date on which the neighborhood input meeting will be held at the Edina City Hall Council Chambers (7:00 p.m.). Anne Hall 4405 Country Club Road Edina, MN 55424 929 -1227 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 - FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s): A /L -4A L 474 < C- Address: CD u ry-6C y LJB Ron cP rdiNA Telephone: T Z 7- / t z} 4. 3- 6 6 E Nov -98 4 001 a 11/18%98 WED 18:20 FAX Q001 Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX ' 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s): Address:Cf Telephone: D — a 1 Nov -98 Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s): Alcid- Address: L/ (� ,7 j- Telephone 11/17/98 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: -927-764. TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s). Address: Telephone: qze) 11/17/98 . Marcia Rehnberg 4602, Drexel Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55424 612- 927 -0254 November 8, 1998 Dear Neighbors, We all received a letter dated October 21, 1998 from John Keprios, Director of Edina Park and Recreation Department. In his letter he discusses some ideas about construction of a permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park. Apparently City Council. favors construction of a permanent . restroom facility at Wooddale Park. However,'I am a frequent user of the park with two young children and have spoken to many parents on this matter and none seem to feel this is necessary. Several parents and I feel that the outdated and dangerous equipment is more of an issue. I even know of several families that do not use the park because of the dangerous and out dated equipment. Wooddale Park had been designated to be redone in two years if funds are available. What I would like to propose to City Council is to use the funds currently designated for the comfort station to update the park's equipment instead. Then when the park is updated to look at the possibility of putting in a permanent restroom facility. Please show your support for our neighborhood park by phoning or faxing John Keprios with your ideas and suggestions or come to the meeting on November 19, 1998 at 7:00 pm at Edina City Hall Council Chambers. John Keprios' Phone - 927 -8861 Fax 927 -7645 • p I look forward to your support. Very truly yours, 41`fii GX/ AAA.) - Marcia Rehnberg 14C • to a�i Qr- r ftim m 400 Dm el Aue w55424 .1131 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1.998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s): Address: Telephone: 9A Nov -98 NOV -17 -96 01:22 AM HALL 612 929 5114 November 16, 1998 Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborhood: Stop the construction of permanent toilets in Wooddale Park! Please indicate your support by sending this form letter to John Keprios, Park Director, informing the Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department that you do not want permanent toilets in our park. Please mail, FAX, or hand deliver this signed piece of paper to John Keprios ASAP. ideally by Thursday, November 19, the date on which the neighborhood input meeting will be held at the Edina City Hall Council Chambers (7:00 p.m.). Anne and Michael Hall 4405 Country Club.Road Edina, MN 55424 Telephone: 929 -1227 Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927.8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s): Address: D1 X14 Telephone: 2 11117/42 P.01 r,ease complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s): >'>' 'o'er Address: Telephone: 11/17/98 T6 39Vd DIV 837HVWI TZ6T9EBZT9 WET 8661/9T/TT 11/16 '98 12:11 ID:PAUL LARSON CLINIC FAX:9274026 PAGE 1 Mr. John Keprio;, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s): Address: Nov -98 11 -16 -1998 2:32PR FROM BORDEWICK AND CO. 1 riease (,ompiete anu senuirAAlieiivrr. Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 9274645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the'construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Address: yU -2o .err & . LA'.�a �Sy3 -1 'Telephone: , ?a5 —y96, S Nov -98 w NOU -12 -1998 14:24 J B HUDSON Marcia Rehnberg 4602 Drexel Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55424 612- 927 -0254 November 8, 1998 Dear Neighbors, 6123385238 P.01i01 We all received a letter dated October 21, 1998 from John Keprios, Director of Edina Park and Recreation Department. In his letter he discusses some ideas about construction of a permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park. Apparently City Council favors construction of a permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park. However, I am a frequent user of the park with two young children and have spoken to many parents on this matter and none seem to feel this is necessary. Several parents and I feel that the outdated and dangerous equipment is more of an issue. I even know of several families that do not use the park because of the dangerous and out dated equipment. Wooddale Park had been designated to be redone in two years if funds are available. What I would like to propose to City Council is to use the funds currently designated for the comfort station to,, update the park's equipment instead. Then when the park is updated to look at the possibility of putting in_a..permanent restroom, facility. Please show your support for our neighborhood park by phoning or faxing John Keprios with your ideas and suggestions or come to the meeting on November 19, 1998 at 7:00 pm at Edina City Hall Council Chambers. John Keprios' Phone - 927 -8861 Fax 927 -7645 I look forward to your support. Very truly yours, ` r!AMarcia Rehnberg O� r r NOV -12 -9B 09:04 AM LEWIS.CO. 612 926 7669 P.01 MIKE LEWIS 4601 DR : XEL AVE. SO. EDINA, MN. 55424 November 12, 1998 TQ J01 IN KEPItI()S FROM: MIKE LEWIS S1113JF ;CT: 13.' TI IROOM I OK WOODDALL PARK Dear John, 1 have a few thoughts on the purposed bathroom rOr Wooddale park. As you know I have been a resident of the Country Club area for over 45 years. I used to play at Wooddale school play ground, an my children have played at the new park. I question the need for a bathroom: I know that there is a bathroom in the water works building across the street, and l wonder if this should be made available to the public. I really don't think that a bathroom is necessary, we have been malting it work the way it is no%v for over 50 years. We might want to put the monoy toward a better cause. You continue to du a wonderful job t'or the city of Edina, we are very fortunate to have a person of your quality on staff; Thanks ror your time. NORTHWEST A I R L I N E S John W. Temple Vice President Passenger Sales Northwest Airlines, Inc. Department A6500 5101 Northwest Drive St. Paul MN 55111 -8034 April 7, 1998 612 726 -6986 612 727 -4585 Fax Mr. John Keprios Edina Park and Recreation Department City hall 4801 West 5& Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear W. Keprios: �-k I am writing with a deep concern over a plan to build a public toilet in Wooddale park. I share my fellow Edina residents' concerns about what this facility would do to the neighborhood. More specifically: ♦ The esthetics of the park would be totally destroyed. ♦ My wife and I would feel very differently about the safety of our children at the Park- • I have yet to see a public toilet or restroom facility not turn into an eye sore and maintenance headache in short order. ♦ In discussions with several neighbors, I have never once heard any expression of a need for a restroom facility. If the park is maintained for neighborhood use, the residents of the neighborhood would logically use their own home restrooms. ♦ As an alternative, I would suggest you expand the current building on the North side of 5& Street to accommodate a toilet. That would still have all of the problems I have mentioned, but I would not consider it nearly as much of a problem as your planned facility. In short, my wife and I have strong objections to erecting this facility as planned. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at 926 -9526. Sin ly John Temple '.J �YEe23 BRrD(:ING 0-•PAC.1 FIC: 04LD�r NOWMWUT NORTHWEST A I R L I N E S John W. Temple Vice President Passenger Sales Northwest Airlines, Inc. Department A6500 5101 Northwest Drive St. Paul MN 55111 -3034 November 5, 1998 612 726 -6986 612 727 -4535 Fax Mr. John Keprios Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina; MN 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: Regarding the attached letter which I faxed to you earlier this year, my wife and wanted to register once again our strong opposition to any plan to build a public toilet in Wooddale park Our concerns remain as outlined in my letter of April 7. We plan to attend the public meeting later this month to share our concerns regarding this proposed facility. Again, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at 926 -9526. Sincerely, 44 John Temple A Y aEAR S BRIDGING the P A C I F I C E IT November 16, 1998 Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborhood: Stop the construction of permanent toilets in Wooddale Park! Please indicate your support by sending this form letter to John Keprios, Park Director, informing the Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department that you do not want permanent toilets in our park. Please mail, FAX, or hand deliver this signed piece of paper to John Keprios ASAP, ideally by Thursday, November 19, the date on which the neighborhood input meeting will be held at the Edina City Hall Council Chambers (7:00 p.m.). Anne and Michael Hall Telephone: 929 -1227 4405 Country Club Road Edina, MN 55424 Please Complete and Send/FAX/Deliver Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 FAX: 927 -7645 TEL: 927 -8861 In response to your letter dated October 21, 1998, please note that as a resident of Wooddale Park neighborhood I am against the construction of a permanent toilet facility at Wooddale Park. I support the continued use of seasonal portable restrooms surrounded by an attractive shelter. Name(s): Address: 4 Telephone: I Z q ,?,C b �1. S 0 11/17/98 r "��, t of Edina SZtzee October 21, 1998 Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborhood: The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department are seeking your input on issues related to the construction of the.proposed comfort station for Wooddale Park. Based on previous neighborhood input, �rtaj'jEdina put on hold the construction of the comfort station. The decision was made to place a the.park during the summer of 1998 and re issue in late fall of 1998. As a result of a Tier neigh orhood input, new plans have been drawn for your input. To address the concern of the building being too large and too tall, six alternate concept plans have been drawn. These plans range from a unisex (one bathroom) 161 square foot facility to a separate men's and women's bathrooms plan that is 284 square feet. All six plans have a lower roof line than the original design. The location of a comfort station within the park was also a primary concern of many residents. As previously discussed, there are pluses and minuses to any location, however, the chosen site is yet to be determined. Of course there is still the alternative of not building a permanent restroom facility at all at. Wooddale Park and rely -on portable toilets. However, it appears as though the City Council favors the construction of a permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park. Therefore, you are invited to attend the following Wooddale Park neighborhood input meeting: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS If you cannot or choose not to attend the meeting but wish to express your concerns and suggestions, please do so in writing to me at the return address on this letterhead. I wish to thank you in advance for your input. Please know that your input is much appreciated. If you have any questions, feel free to call the Edina Park and Recreation Department office at 826 -0367. City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5461 If you cannot or choose not to attend the meeting but wish to express your concerns and.suggestions, please do so in writing to me at the return address on this letterhead. I wish to thank you in advance for your input. Please know that your input is much appreciated. If you have . any questions, feel free to call the Edina Park and Recreation Department office at 826 -0367. j ( 1. Si ly, 1 qn r ohn iepri I hector Mina Park and Recreation Department �t e c�,L `� �� ✓ City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5461 ---------------- E46 C S- . ......... .. ��1r1A, �1 i e �tt1 v � i. \'CUXIMNt \„ City of Edina October 21, 1998 Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborhood: The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department are seeking your input on issues related to the construction of the proposed comfort station for Wooddale Park. Based on previous neighborhood input, the City of Edina put on hold the construction of the comfort station. The decision was made to place a portable toilet in the park during the summer of 1998 and revisit the issue in late fall of 1998. As a result of earlier neighborhood input, new plans have been drawn for your input. To address the concern of the building being too large and too tall, six alternate concept plans have been drawn. These plans range from a unisex (one bathroom) 161 square foot facility to a separate men's and women's bathrooms plan that is 284 square feet. All six plans have a lower roof line than the original design. The location of a comfort station within the park was also a primary concern of many residents. As previously discussed, there are -)luses and minuses to any location, however, the chosen site is yet to be determined. Of course there is still the alternative of not building a permanent restroom facility at all at Wooddale Park and rely on portable toilets. However, it appears as though the City Council favors the construction of a permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park. Therefore, you are invited to attend the following Wooddale Park neighborhood input meeting: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS If you cannot or choose not to attend the meeting but wish to express your concerns and suggestions, please do so in writing to me at the return address on this letterhead. I wish to thank you in advance for your input. Please know that your input is much appreciated. If you have any questions, feel free to call the Edina Park and Recreation Department office at 826 -0367. Si kand ohn Kector Edina ecreation Departm ent �.P/�� Oiu,/i n 0��... n J C— "CA DAde_ i , � �!� il►� Y � /11�i6:�1,� /A /lfoO.ihi/i - .S � o� �i City H r (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 0 �- City of Nina October 21, 1998 �d"-Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborh G� �5 �g The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department are seeking your input on issues related to the construction of the proposed comfort station for Wooddale Park. - Based on previous neighborhood input, the City of Edina put on hold the construction of the comfort station. The decision was made to place a portable toilet in the park during the summer of 1998 and revisit the issue in late fall ofj1998. As a result of earlier neighborhood input, new plans have been drawn for your input. To address the concern of the building being too large and too tall, six alternate concept plans have been drawn. These plans range from a unisex (one bathroom) 161 square foot facility to.a separate men's and women's bathrooms plan that is 284 square feet. All six plans have a lower roof line than the original design. The location of a comfort station within the park was also a primary concern of many residents. As previously discussed, there are pluses and minuses to any location, however, the chosen site is yet to be determined. Of course there is still the alternative of not building a permanent restroom facility at all at Wooddale Park and rely on portable toilets. However, it appears as though the City Council favors the construction of a permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park. Therefore, you are invited to attend the following Wooddale Park neighborhood input meeting: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS If you cannot or choose not to attend the meeting but wish to express your concerns and suggestions, please do so in writing to me at the return address on this letterhead. I wish to thank you in advance for your input. Please know that your input is much appreciated. If you have any questions, feel free to call the Edina Park and Recreation Department office at 826 -0367. Si ly, i� ohn Kepri irector Edina Park and Recreation Department. City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 1612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5461 iDIZ.7, 1 q A-CA "e, 2�4 bum � (,7 o e cn ? 0 o City of Edina October 21, 1998 Dear Resident of Wooddale Park Neighborhood: The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department are seeking your input on issues related to the construction of the proposed comfort station for Wooddale Park. Based on previous neighborhood input, the City of Edina put on hold the construction of the comfort station. The decision was made to place a portable toilet in the park during the summer of 1998 and revisit the issue in late fall of 1998. As a result of earlier neighborhood input, new plans have been drawn for your input. To address the concern of the building being too large and too tall, six alternate concept plans have been drawn. These plans range from a unisex (one bathroom) 161 square foot facility to a separate men's and women's bathrooms plan that is 284 square feet. All six plans have a lower roof line than the original design. The location.of a comfort station within the park was also a primary concern of many residents. As previously discussed, there are pluses and minuses to any location, however, the chosen.site is yet to be determined.. Of course there is still the alternative of not building a permanent restroom facility at all at Wooddale Park and rely on portable toilets. However, it appears as though the City Council favors the construction of a permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park. Therefore, you are invited to attend the following Wooddale Park neighborhood input meeting: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS If you cannot or choose not to attend the meeting but wish to express your concerns and suggestions, please do so in writing to me at the return address on this letterhead. I wish to thank you in advance for your input. Please know that your input is much appreciated. If you have any questions, feel free to call the Edina Park and Recreation Department office at 826 -0367. S • ly, �� �ie-,�l�sf�' ohn Kepri , irector, 1 i :ry; Edina Park and Recreation Department • - - City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5461 FROM : ED I NR REALTY SOTH ST. 924 SSIO jj'j Post -it" Fax Note . 1998,12-21 10,14 #286 P.01/01 7671 Dal f exceived'necd except ­.­... purpose c:with the size and purpose of W qqd44e Pwk, a rieighborhood, park!' 't- More focu3,is.neededonmaintenance.of the, existing'facilities A' ­4 vtewe !!_�aj­ ty. . by ts eqUIML Users of the park. A waste of money ($50,000) when there are re3troozns'across the street at Utley Park -7 % r 6. Although it appcars that John KepTiqs head of-Park and Rec)w.ill rgcoahnend the use of a portable toilet (t9 be more .attractively.packaged. in:a cedar shelter) ,It is not, at all Clear that this. recommendation will .be ' accepted by the Park Board or City.'Council,:,We need a show f public opinion to buys e our voices heard. Please fill m- your name and address ohd we will fax to.the Park Board and City Council. Date _ 2,- 11�' _T To: John Keprios Edina Park Boatel' Edina Ci.ty,Council I am againstthe construction of perinanent'public toiJcts at Woodd4le Park.' Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by.the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable-toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the, 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermiom, I. believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures Removing.a.11 hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand Finding a,permanent solution to the sand spilling the walkways creating a hazardous condition.:, q !P Replacing Ihe dead trees in the north berm:"V, Adding a berm similar to the .north berm, on the wablot s idiof the park. Planting additional shade tmes'near the tot lot.: . Name I it, Address Additional Comments From ,L Phone 0 Mom # 'rax# n07 j--ecF�, Fay. 0 f exceived'necd except ­.­... purpose c:with the size and purpose of W qqd44e Pwk, a rieighborhood, park!' 't- More focu3,is.neededonmaintenance.of the, existing'facilities A' ­4 vtewe !!_�aj­ ty. . by ts eqUIML Users of the park. A waste of money ($50,000) when there are re3troozns'across the street at Utley Park -7 % r 6. Although it appcars that John KepTiqs head of-Park and Rec)w.ill rgcoahnend the use of a portable toilet (t9 be more .attractively.packaged. in:a cedar shelter) ,It is not, at all Clear that this. recommendation will .be ' accepted by the Park Board or City.'Council,:,We need a show f public opinion to buys e our voices heard. Please fill m- your name and address ohd we will fax to.the Park Board and City Council. Date _ 2,- 11�' _T To: John Keprios Edina Park Boatel' Edina Ci.ty,Council I am againstthe construction of perinanent'public toiJcts at Woodd4le Park.' Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by.the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable-toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the, 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermiom, I. believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures Removing.a.11 hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand Finding a,permanent solution to the sand spilling the walkways creating a hazardous condition.:, q !P Replacing Ihe dead trees in the north berm:"V, Adding a berm similar to the .north berm, on the wablot s idiof the park. Planting additional shade tmes'near the tot lot.: . Name I it, Address Additional Comments FRI01 . ED I NR R'ErLTY S©TH ST. S24 SGI O 199e, 12 -10 12 c 20 #OSO P.03/04 Date�� To: John Keprios ! _ Edina Park Board Edina City Council I arts against the construction of penuanant public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are Unnecessary and are iit?t supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am hi favor of using a portable-toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. 1-he toilet only needs to be in -cc the 10 weeks of tho summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city sliould focus on maintaining and improving the existi,rt6 facilities, including: Upgrading the play structures • Removing all huzr rdous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous ;.. condition .• Replacing the dead trees in the north berm ' • Adding a berm similar to the north been on the west side of the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. FROM :EDINR RERLTY 50TH 5T. 924 9510 1995.12 -10 12:20 #090 P.04/04 To: John Keprios Date Edina Park Board 6 Edina City Council 1 am against the construction of pertrtanent public toilets at Wo unnecessary and arc+ not supponcd by the oddale park, Such facilities are Portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter srurprou Or size b of the ark, needs to be in place for the .10 weeks of tJte summer when schedule I am in favor of using a place. Y trees all alternative. The toilet only d baseball activities are taking Furthermore, I.believe ghat the city should focus on tnalntainin facilities, including; b and improving the existing • Upgrading the play §tructures • Removing all bazar ous rocks and cement imbedded in tite s,�Zd Finding a permanen� solution to the, s condition :; ar�d spilling onto the walkwa s creating a dous •' Re j� Y reati .8 hazar P ing the dead trees ut -tile north. berm Adding a berth sjtnilar to fthe north berth of the west side o' • f the Park. . Planting additional sli We trees uear.Ule, tot lot. IVaule Address 0 v Additional Comments FROM :EOItA REALTY SOTH ST. 924 SS10 3.998,12 -10 12:19 #o90 P. 0'2/04 Date /'C —�� -J To: John Keprios Edina Park Board ' L-dina City Coultoil i I am against the consupction of pennanent, public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are ndt supported by the purpose or size of the park. 1 am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as all alternuti*�e- The toilet ally' needs to be in place for the 10 weeks'of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthentiore, I believe I at the city should•focus on maintaining and improving the existin faciliti es, includin g: B , • Upgrading the play structures • Removing ;ill hazardous rock% and cement imbedded is the sand �. Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees In the north berm' • Adding a bemt sin] i lar to the north benn on the west side of the park. • Planting additional 61jade trees near the tot lot.' i Name Address %i Additional Comntents ,' ; I' F=ROM :EDINA RERLTY SOTH ST. 924 9510 1998:12 -11 12:44 #126 P.01/02 • ��`!M'.'h' -'?F: Y�i,M,:�+: �`y ylri �,�, -.• � fit. aFt?esppPsg .g'... mainterutnce.of t1ie. sting' facilities -viewed as`e:priority by the !'requent useisVof the k' A waste of money ($St),Ot)0 `when there i-` are restrooms across:the,street atUtley:pa*, .. Although it appears that John, Keprlos ( head of park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be amore attractively packaged in a cedar, shelterl it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by tha Park Board or City Council.' We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park board and City Council: ' ri���rrrr�e •.a��rr��errrrrarrllrrrsr �rrrrrrlr�rerrr�errr.r r.r�rerrrrrerer ■e Date s To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of pernmanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by ;the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable- toilet in an attractive cedar she surrounded by trees as an alterxlative. 7be toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities,. including: • Upgrading the play structures, • Removing all.hatardous rocks and,cement imbedded in the sand. Finding a:pertnanent solution to the,saud spilling;onto the;walkways creating a ltazar,�ous condition • .Replacing Oe dead trees in the north berm' •' Adding a bet, similar to the north berm "on the west side'Af the park Planting additional.shade_trees new the toi.)ot,'= ; Name J 1.7 Address Additional Comments FROM :EDINR REALTY SOTH ST. 924 9510 1998,12-11 12:44 #126 P. 02,'02 1a�'r:•rJ@ yI 'f: ;�;1r��Sx.c ^C� �1 !1!. 9^ T.i,l..i`Si:�:0iai:;F1�E:` �l flphb'd' "+;P ,'i +`'L':�' !.j' 'I: ::,. `r.: Yv�.,}�7s ^�I" ,1 �6i1�``.rJ t '+l f: "•5 a '.=11 •., . i.. I� Ir��i�{ `�L(�'Ii''.f.'Y[:'w:�i ;:::Fl }ir `•':'w+::='1''.:� n•sY„ T'',FY �..:J,;.. �..�llOi�Jil�Clilwlll lj.: �.': Lli' f: ��. i11�YS�YRI] Ll#?. F_ vJf !•hiS�'Fi�.�i+.�i�f�:4.1.1.... .�... .i'��er.L'�4.ik'1.hM �1' +.•Y•!... ,_.. ..... .,__._j,......v , l ,. a.i. iir'P.'.- ���•nws ±r '+ l• ...�.4. 1 .4 ( 1 ! /- 'J:< <+i�. h �hh.l {.4 i'M p��! ; n�i• �+I M • :y"A i `'. {4 N 1� �. �) . � 'r fi. �1:.i�.ai :, l!1.1 IYi �'IrX'..'.ti.��pi� 'Y�l Nr l.. rlyi r,rU• i4:�w t7( ft5•�S••\ 'f�rr•M ;ir ..cf � :•a �4+ ]:, >;#" €�Y,,'�.J Sy .�1�. , ;s,L s�:�;;�• "12Fr i r .. _• "f� �:Knrr. , .ahl ;i�.: ..;F s '�'�. .•r:. Ems. „I. t' %1 ''i'F^ .'1.:� ` r.'�,_ �. ,� ''w f.::. ,K •r , al:^ ,`,!�u•�j�.�',�.. the ro -' �.... r� �: �4t.t�e geigbborp�odln�ut.�neeSutg regarding ,F posed.public torlets gat. Wooddal'e;Parlc;:The res � e was ovenvhelmmgty ttegauvc e: p;sitC reasons for.the o ition ` "' pP°s are: " .'''. <•., t: 1. No Cel need exc Per e t foi' .ve 'short eri ° f ,., P -.a ,ry p ,od,.o time,inthesummer,(l0.weeks A:;>.:. 10Com ati 1041 h`'tbesize and ) P. •_ . purpose of WooddaIe Park; s neighborbcwd paTk:' More focus is neoded.on maintenance.of t le.exs{t E facilities :Not viewed as:a,prionty by 1hi frequent users .of the park:, A waste of moatey ($Sep, p00) whets there are restroomy across the street at Utley Park J A thoagb it appears that John Keprios { head of Park and Rec) wilf recomrnead the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in 'a cedar shelter), it is not•at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council.. We.need a show'of public opinion to have our voices' heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. 1 ,r j�ii. r smogs r7ta farsurrrrrr��rrarfa Ma rrr�>, ��Ynrrrrrrrrr�rrr�errr��wrrrrrrr���Orr�f t✓ To: Iohn Keprios Frdina'Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of permaneru public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the perk. I atr in favor of using a portable-toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet-only needs to be in place for the _l 0 weelcs.of the summer:whe.n scheduled baseball activities are taking place.', Furthermore, I believe that the city should Focus on maintaining and improving the existing, facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand . + Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition e . ' Replacing the dead trees in .the north berth Adding aherm similar to the north berm on the'westsideof. the park., •..' Planting additional shade trees near,tllC. tot lot: NameC11-AD L L ; �� t 14' 4� r� Addre 106 FF6.r_�� REALTY' BOTH ST. 924 S510 1598 :12 -J9 13 48 #073 P. OZ. C,2 I'— 'A W OV!, "A T. I "il!!7: Z., t�.4,1,pg ,Y r 7.,: J .Rohe. neighbor g 7rigardiijg'the proposed public1tol cta at Woo .4004 W overwheimingl for �1 qp I'MaLn reaso : !`vw. No' pe.tce-,ivedz*ed except .for :a. very. time in i14 y short pozi 3urniner weeks' compabble'01, with Iiie size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a nei borbood park N� Mom focus;is needed,on mallatenance.of the txijtjmg� facilitie 7..!Not' view. I A ' as a,pnonty . . y e frequent . users. Of the pirk ..A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across -the street at uticy-Park Although it appears Wt John Keprios; head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet' (to be more attracfivel�,!. packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommeadation will be accepted by the Park Bard or City Council.: We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard,' Please fill UO your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council.' P a IP N 8 a 0 Date To: John Keprios I Edina Park Soaiid Edina City Council am against the construction of permanentpbjic toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are :tot supported by the pur pq se or size of the park. I am ill favor of using a . Portable -toilet, in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as as alternative.. T11c toilet.ollly needs to be in place f6r the 1, 0 weeks of the. summerwhen scheduled baseball activitiest are taking Place. Furthermore, Lbelieve that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities including- Upgrading the pl;Ay structures Acm Removing all hazirdous roc in the sand rocks and WM% tLA4 Finding a. pernmn6nt solution to the sand spilling onto the,walkways creating azardous condition • RFiplaciPl; the deo. trees in the north Adding a berm similar to the north berm on the west site Df the park. • Planting additiontil shade trees near the tot. lot.' Name _AQ A-1 Address —y-&— 9_1 Additional Comments nc--, XT jP ULk A 4 0 Ck d !U: C;GhA 401-i4s Ard -/V 69t- pOen x=12 ox`✓os�� �G /o /ylgA2G�tr/D /97/E —. At the neighborhood input meeting regarding the proposed public toilets at Wooddale Park, the response was overwhelmingly negative. The main reasons for the opposition are: ,:> No perceived need except for a very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) => Incompatible with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park => More focus is needed on maintenance of the existing facilities => Not viewed as a priority by the frequent users of the park => A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will deliver to the Park Board and City Council. rrLr�ti r+ �rsrrrrrrorrrrrrrrrrrr■ or. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr� Date ?, ME? To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets'at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The portable toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm • Adding a berm similar to the north berm on the west side of the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. Name Addrt Additional Comments 1. 3 r jl t� �.f At the neighboF4 d_input meeting „regardmg the,proposed public toilets at Wooddale Park,_the response was over negative. The'mam reasons f or the opposition are: No percewed need except for a, very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) Incompatible'with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park => More focus is, needed on maintenance of the existing facilities Not viewed as a priority by the frequent users of the park => A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date To: John Keprios Edina Park Board - Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm • Adding a berm similar to the north berm on the west side of the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. a Name !�')1✓i( �� �� S �� Address m- ,� -� E'>!�J ,� � /' Additional Comments No perceived need except for a very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) => Incompatible with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park = More focus is needed on maintenance of the existing facilities => Not viewed as a priority by the frequent users of the park =� A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date o 'V To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm • Adding a berm similar to the north berm on the west side of the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. Name �Q� ���lr�t4✓ Address�`� Additional Comments c' /.ziyarsr z o� / /a�srvc.JE- �G 4-Ga/l79 1426 T l� p r <r.• ay sr.i?rrl� frI'ri t lti. '"�n r.�,111W,r I r'^ 7 Y +j fp n _r•; 'I r 2 )t ,d i F4 r .t sii, .! {� d h..at y. r - > ij•�1 • ✓av,' s�1µh i��lrcfa �fi��,Li! iti.r sr . =.,� `teataP11 1. 3 tub' Srlti••j! a„ �.,. XI rh,• r i ..' r �4' "jyl,S*4'j, is n F MI '�r' tfriF' •ki i - i.. e n . f?• ''1 �, t �C' -.� r Ir ?q r }t a rit. ,. J'F,r '�,-r� t `i)Y r .y7� /Gyirl,.i!';. {3 41`I..., •.,_.. -'. ,v a ''ts 4i..`� "I Je:;. •.ti of .�,., ?aCrAa• +�;'�.��, ?�i)t �i. r,� i .fit the. neighborhood �mput meetmgyresarding the; proposed public toilets at Wooddale Park „the4response was overwhelmingly negative .The mam reasons for the opposition are rt => No perceived need except fora. very short period.of.time in the summer (10 weeks) = Incompatible'with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park �.. More focus is, needed on maintenance of the existing facilities . = Not viewed.as a priority by the frequent users of the park => A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date l f •' ! ' [ To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north beam • Adding a berm similar to the north berm on the west side of the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. Nam L L Address `T9© Additional Comments am c t f n C Ly ► 611 •tic I/ 110 (C', fist tz t� 1 .L t' & n c t.. l i iQ l s k LQV k d a,( ti�\ AIU V Mau• PI u 1lae0-"c�,�va�[tb�14 +L(&A fry nocuwru t � 4 1 Ya C�z3 � S a-+c � Cr�✓� c Q rrsi 6L� (AAW 6. btav f v) Gam✓ 'IDu�r Ks . I C n• G� a1 �[7 �SK.� i it .7.r K g•� �+'?M""Af1�7 lrt �I YtI 7t , {i t -, , r tdl� Jr, L - a a ' a s i t i`t , "r;l y+`.rt�r t L rk f .3 sl rd. r r , f t uirL "r( I`•:;:5 sal M t -n , � r ,, i ; -. i , � sl . } - '�� 1, Y, .. � r:�'.' .i, �P• � !4:r 3v"A.. ::•�. .i rp r..l a i "�.,; �_. ,yt�z,y I�r ,a v ?: �.w,,: ��. :. , {{ 41§Q41."'.:4 10.0 V n J IR ��,7�,,. 9 �`f ,I h'Ti:i'ii ^�� 3.q %, iy1,,, y�0 t• n • r ,�L `,it•1':,�5. 1. 7.� ,,. ) ., , (: i }- ••u'i.!'' , , �I, .o -r l r �, • .,5._. ' I a r r ;•!`r FtyL'1V' �L`l k ....... 2y1fi4 {'d is 1t. �.� �•.:4'3� 1 ? + � -�'. �.,:: ";651�?'FGI��r *: � {,, -3. 1 -t (, +, 3" 'At :the neighborpodinput_meeting regarding the proposed public ;toilets at Wooddale Park; theresponse was overwheLningly negative ,The main reasons forthe opposition are ,Nsari �. ,,,:1f il,i jrt.i•d' ti. r. No perceived need except fora very short period of time in the summer, (10 weeks) lncompatible'with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park More focus is needed,on maintenance of the. existing facilities . => Not viewed as a priority by the frequent users of the park A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm • Adding a berm similar to the, north berm on the west side of the park. ". • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. 0 Additional Comments R 4 .4-i 'I .r, .r r At the neighborhpod input meetin g resardmg the proposed public,toilets at Wooddale Park,_theresponse g` was overwhelmingly negative ,.The main reasons for the opposition are = No perceived need except for a, very short period.of time in the summer (10 weeks) => Incompatible with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park => '; More focus is needed on maintenance.of the existing facilities => Not viewed as a priority by the frequent users of the park => A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley. Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date "e—, %9 To: John Keprios Edina Park Board - Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm;. • Adding a berm similar to the. north berm on the west side of the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. Additional Comments IR. iipp Wrenn v�J,1 rt' 7:ir�IM�i�e/`I} �I. 9 'i . ,+ * ! �'�,.,t:l..� ..! <_n, � vx..ror,C'1. �rlr5.t �a��s.l�,.! r y;,•.tkns a _ , iR.¢,s Qi.I r:+n ntP"`;,i`s3""11n _. "9 iu'"I i7 { ,x' .s.` 1 -s+ tr �w r � tt t -c, .1 �. 1 r -,! �. ,f At the neighborhod Inplut meetmgresardmg the proposed publicaoilets at Wooddale Park, thetresponse was overwhelmmgly negative tThe mam reasons for the opposmon are => No ''perceived need except, for a very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) = Incompatible'with the. size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park �. More focus is needed,on maintenance of the existing facilities . => Not viewed as a priority by the frequent users of the park A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date To: John Keprios _ Edina Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent. public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a. permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm `. . • Adding a berm similar to the, north berm on the west side .of the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. •. � Y�tt~�s�,+Sl�'+t.. t�.kaF.W u�'�.,IV`fi��Y�>,I: ::ry Lrh' i �i1t „ ±YLI ai, rl t � 7ii� ari�i a r.: as 1..'; "a ir: 'y, 7c�� � cr_. •. ,_bcy' �{ , � .�- �A'i^ 11 �'� «v,�l}.11.: Yt„1::h i'r a� 'e r{,�k _p,rrr ' a kti A � -. .. c �y.F 'r -, a � 4, {-' .r L1 d. I ti• -I M.yy�YJ �, -ih .j^ jIR r.. h t i r ! f. :I S ron.} �kk`H, r• r .,, i I 1 -'� 'Y �.bu. S/fj. +.n?�,g�i+ ✓vi +c1 "pL .�rr, r.. dl a r i'F �i F�l, er.- .5.,�4 "t a Il.,; ,{r yi-. ':' p 16 ., At the neighbolbNood input meeSingregarding the,proposed public toilets at Wooddale Park, theiresponse r4 was overwhelmingly negative The main reasons for the opposition are ; No perceived, need except, for a very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) Incompatible with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park = More focus is, needed on maintenance.of the existing facilities => Not viewed as a priority by the frequent,users of the park => A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date To: John Keprios Edina Park Board - Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm • Adding a berm similar to the north berm on the west side of the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. Name l nn Address Ll S 11 L3 go W N PA t-L— � eD) �I, Additional Comments At the. neighborhood in put meeting regarding the proposed public toilets at Wooddale Park, the res was overwhelmingly. negative' , he'mam reasons for the opposition are: No perceived need except for a. very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) = Incompatible with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park => More focus is needed.on maintenance of the existing facilities 1. => Not viewed as a priority by the frequent users of the park => A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park �onse Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date \'I — 9 --q 18 To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm • Adding a berm similar to the. north berm on the west side of the park. Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. Name Address i t) `- l 0��� � V 7�Gi ",q+ i�'r - �� _. /.x { n . {! l i �7+d k LIS + r - ,•'c; _,: �� 3Sy�T„•n� ;' n+ I'SY. 4' %• '.'9',.p ! -y �Y'3 i ,�• .•, y'.t.' •4 !! rv�.tP,. - F1ir�'W �L?�x� -� � ic•S r�i ;{ ' � >tS "�"t, *� 5a,hr'.,•t i u '� ? p 9a•a ayr.� t, ! a; ta3"? VC :.b�+.:. _.i. u• x i4 -+_. t At t i} ! Z. '7r ..^ x +7' S(e�y�:},tis rt�`ji'd,Y,l�''f'��'i' i,x,�k• J li +.. .• r ii ° :r•: r;..6 i i I ;- .;. p .. .t s ., r µrca :.yfi�T� 1 !.. r , , 5:.. . .ti At the neighborhood input meetmgregarding the,proposed public toilets at Wooddale Park, the response was overwhelmingly negative' ;The main reasons for the opposition are = No perceived need except for very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) => Incompatible with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park More focus is needed on maintenance of the existing facilities Not viewed as a priority by the frequent users of the park => A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date 7j-;/1 To: John Keprios Edina Park Board - Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm; • Adding a berm similar to the, north berm. on the west side of the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. Name leci t Y I[ L `PA V- Address 40cy, a n /PVC 0 UV-- U u e, rl A) SSq -�.'j q15` j r Additional Comments Iti f_J1' _ :ighbb"c)d input meetingregar ding the; proposeq public,toilets at Wooddale Park„the,respon whelminglypegative , The main reasons for the opposition are r ,q���4 I �� err {��� I:.a �::; �' a., ,r �; �� ;, .. • � No perceived need except fora very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) Incompatible'with the. size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park �. More focus is,needed,on maintenance of the existing'facilities . Not viewed as a priority by the frequent.users of the park A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date / oZ -� — 17S To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council . I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition . • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm • Adding a berm similar to the north berm on the west side Af the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. k T-- _ V r Address��p i Additional Comments r ��'1)C ..1; °( I �f :�.ja3 9 �{' "J�..Iy li. �JYtA�r✓.t. As�„i 1tJ .i9+ +,6" y�� I r �iyt, 3 t ¢ r� • �'i • .1.. ° `•` 1i1 1•h +i' . t et x� Yr'r� b f Y r� Y T" h_, 1JMA ��hyu ( { a ! i �. i ! k'a 4 °, fr w t: a , y r}„yah 1, `f r Frtys J r .S t ,.. "sIe•;xia. "� I: ,i f r,J! t s � �- fi � a , � F xy ,5+ f .tv .4i�Lis .w'.V r - �,,,y,., . fI f ^,.I+�. Lk'1�35 �yrt% _I_ f _ it } r �F i• p t .ti . i'- •4iFt�.n'�rrl�{,>l.r,!'1 Y At the neighbo�iloodmgut meetmg regazdmg the proposed public toilets at Wooddale Park, the response was overwhelmingly negative''; The main reasons for the opposition are- N6 i e need except for a very short period of time in.the summer (10 weeks) = Incompatible with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park => . More. focus is needed on maintenance. of the existing facilities => Not viewed as a priority by the frequent users of the park => A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date r� To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. N A Additional Comments At the neigh meeting regarding the proposed public toilets at Wooddale Park; the response was overwhelmingly_negative. The main reasons for the opposition are: => No perceived need except for a very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) => Incompatible with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park More focus is needed on maintenance of the existing facilities => Not viewed as a priority by the frequent users of the park =:> A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date Zq — % — 9F To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm • Adding a berm similar to the north berm on the west side .of the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. Additional Comments 4 x � t q' a /•tt� +M . r ,- - rc i, :q•`Y1/ r y ! �,a < s' -� X r<<a F , a 1 r'iy3i� ✓E4 I,�C l i� �1 e i i hur. 4'Fr }}.. a7P• L 1` L' - 1 6 1 j 5 y yC 'j t ...�ri; rTa 4El''Yr �` �` '�i" 6r" +'{1 ��` < 1a+`s c .�"� z (fq (,;" { aNtii + 4 '1 k �►,'y'''.:,,5 �+w .a r M`r•, a l 1' F c a !Z f b Y wit it, C r,1 `.a..+. P i Tt{'lY i +mil �� {� )l die r +i A + •. ,1++ I �, 1 �.%�"� I t r({u �1 t 1'f, _! a i:• At the nei ghborhpod input meetmg regarding the proposed public toilets at Wooddale Park, thetiresponse was overwhelmingly negaUve.':The mam reasons for the opposition are. . = No perceived need except for a very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) = Incompatible'with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park => ` More focus is needed.on maintenance.of the existing facilities . = Not viewed as a,priority by the frequent users of the park => A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley.'Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm • Adding a berm. similar to the north berm on the west side of the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot. Name Address L3 EORLAl 2 Ave 1 N A i Additional Comments 3 I1,N 5 J ,1 fi 4 13 1 r At we neiguuortigoa.mput meeting regaraing me proposes puonc Lpnr s cL w uouualG rarx, LL1GyIGJpVUaG was over whehnmgly negative The main reasons for the opposition are ... t lnll� �45 ��,..II I _IS ,1' 'i .� • : •' .1 R ' ` No pe ;ceived need except for a very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) Incompatible'with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park More focus is needed on maintenance, of the existing facilities => Not viewed,as a priority by the frequent users of the park => A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley.'Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Downs Date C To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place;for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous condition . • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm:'., • Adding a berm similar to the, north berm on the west side �tmhe k. • Planting additional shade ees near the tot lot. Name Addre 12_�l r - tihs7W{�e�s'y�'•2 7 - n �.5,+,•�)i�•.+�i'�'�.r' , ��+ '� jlt•• f�v94V L R +[ �r .. )c l R ++ 1 t ikd lr i.t�L. - a. 1:� + • ti 'C i i;±C. •nY`t•I iy.:. T'.s 1 t Ir `u; i,y. "t i� •tk J�'! I., I ? ^+. �r''.y. %. t.,�.1... f 3'.� _'H s� + s,yr. S _ �. � •:_� t rY; �I r .�: � . ' r �;•ir,��+�t �`h. ��!� hytrr r2A , ..' FtL`d� tt Cdj't•!,jt Sa S• fst h� - Z - .7 ter r.R�ir���� a ° is T� s ; : S d r.��r '.s -Rl t dt �+ 1V +'�"., r'�''i 'r�'�1a �'��lr! 1 + 13t 's FAH i- : �,.bitl r •tirf, �!_. I S 1 >. + JrF. i .tP �.� S'�,f {•' a ty R ; � � } r1� i�, +'�' l . ;1' 7F tt+ dt"rZf • "l "y�. >!.I. f b F. ��rr d �I • - 1 •. i T':',: n "• ' .1 a ?• r+ a. . a � ., tthe, neighbop eeimg •regardmg,the;proposed'pubhc toilets at Woo ddale Park,;the,response' 7 was over,,,. negative `, The main reasons for :the opposition are r •r . No�pe;ceived need except fora very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) Incompatible,with the. size and purpose of Wooddale Park, a neighborhood park => More focus is needed,on maintenance of the. existing facilities Not viewed as a priority by the frequent users of the park A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council .I am against the construction of permanent. public. toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: ,( • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the walkways creating a hazardous 0�! condition (� Replacing the dead trees in the north berm • Adding a berm similar to the north berm on the west side of the park. • Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot.. it Additional Comments 'kip �ii �-., ,p.�.,yy, rw,rv.+,l a '� ',�1 �y .- r;��y,sy- ?N,,ikE��'>.m:����'� s =..z:�,T;x ";. � ,t t "�:rs�'' Bch �s�� ,�';;a�a� �'�t,RJ�:�.�•,�' ,� „t41� .�s, i .:.1):cr �.t'P�K)��A{4 •NI �� rye. 4)) �Ly�L;rti i`f� r�,�.� � Ph 4,YS .. 1 t 1 `,1 C At the. neighborhood n iut_meetmg regarding the.proposed public toilets at Wooddale Park, the�response W as over whelminglypegatrve I The main reasons for the opposition are 1 : ,.: => No perceived need except fora, very short period of time in the summer (10 weeks) => lncompaUble:with the size and purpose of Wooddale Park; a neighborhood park �. More focus is needed on maintenance of the existing facilities => _'Not viewed as a priority by the frequent. users of the park => A waste of money ($50,000) when there are restrooms across the street at Utley Park Although it appears that John Keprios ( head of Park and Rec) will recommend the use of a portable toilet (to be more attractively packaged in a cedar shelter), it is not at all clear that this recommendation will be accepted by the Park Board or City Council. We need a show of public opinion to have our voices heard. Please fill in your name and address and we will fax to the Park Board and City Council. Date To: John Keprios Edina Park Board Edina City Council I am against the construction of permanent public toilets at Wooddale Park. Such facilities are unnecessary and are not supported by the purpose or size of the park. I am in favor of using a portable toilet in an attractive cedar shelter surrounded by trees as an alternative. The toilet only needs to be in place for the 10 weeks of the summer, when scheduled baseball activities are taking place. Furthermore, I believe that the city should focus on maintaining and improving the existing facilities, including: • Upgrading the play structures • Removing all hazardous rocks and cement imbedded in.the sand • Finding a permanent solution to the sand spilling onto the,walkways creating a hazardous condition . • Replacing the dead trees in the north berm • Adding a berm similar to the north berm on the west side of the park. Planting additional shade trees near the tot lot.::, N Address_ 7 to 02 O B1?OGcW1VbAL C �'1/� i Additional Comments of Uu •,v vim°• REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item From: GORDON L. HUGHES Consent ❑ CITY MANAGER Information Only ❑ Date: JANUARY 4, 1999 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: INTOXICATING LIQUOR ❑ Motion ISSUES REPORT ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ® Discussion REPORT: The purpose of this report is to respond to the questions and issues identified by the Council with respect to the consideration of an ordinance regulating the issuance of on- sale intoxicating liquor licenses. To assist with this analysis, we have surveyed seven surrounding cities with respect to their liquor ordinances and policies. The results of this survey are contained in Exhibit # 1. Question # 1. State law permits the issuance of not more than 19 on -sale intoxicating liquor licenses in Edina. Does the Council wish to allow the issuance of all 19 licenses or does the Council wish to cap the number of available licenses at a lesser number? Discussion. The maximum number of licenses is based upon the City's population. The City may exceed the statutory maximum only upon receiving authority to do so by a vote of the people. If the Council elects to issue fewer than the maximum permitted by law, it may later elect to increase the number of available licenses without a referendum as long as the statutory maximum is not exceeded. Club licenses, wine licenses, 3.2 beer licenses and municipal off -sale or on -sale licenses are not included in the statutory limit. Exhibit # 1 shows the number of licenses issued in surrounding cities. Four of the seven surveyed cities have passed referenda enabling the issuance of more than the statutory maximum, REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - INTOXICATING LIQUOR ISSUES REPORT January 4, 1999 two cities permit the issuance of the statutory maximum, and one city (Richfield) has elected not to issue the statutory maximum. The Council inquired if the City could cap the number of licenses available by category, e.g. no more than two hotel licenses, three "sports restaurant" licenses etc. The attached letter from Mr. Gilligan 'addresses this issue. In general, we believe the City has broad authority with respect to the issuance of liquor licenses. However, it may be difficult to distinguish between certain types of applicants to the degree desired by the Council. For example, it may be easy to distinguish hotels from restaurants, but it may be difficult to distinguish "sports restaurants" from "family restaurants." In our view, regulations as to bar seating, food sales and so forth may effectively limit license applications from certain uses. This will be discussed in more detail later in this memo. Most cities surveyed prohibit the issuance of more than one license to the same person, partnership or corporation. To our knowledge, no existing wine or beer licensee owns multiple locations in the City and, therefore, such a restriction should not affect current licensees. Also, surveyed cities appear to license a hotel as a single entity even though such a hotel may have several restaurants or "points of sale" on the premises. This seems to be a reasonable approach as long as all. facilities are under single ownership and control. The hotel situation may, however, be affected by food sale requirements and bar seating requirements discussed later in this report. Question # 2. The City currently has issued 17 on -sale wine licenses and nine 3.2 beer licenses. Does the Council wish to give a "preference" to such licensees for new intoxicating liquor licenses? Discussion. Exhibit # 2 lists current holders of wine licenses and 3.2 beer licenses. City Code requirements are significantly more stringent for wine licenses than 3.2 beer licenses. Among the more stringent requirements are 1) a detailed investigation process prior to issuance, 2) "licensed manager in charge" requirements, 3) maximum bar seating, 4)minimum food sales as percent of all sales, 5) wait staff alcohol awareness training and 6) a significantly higher license fee. Based upon these requirements, we believe that present holders of wine licenses are in a much better position to manage a restaurant with full liquor service. Therefore, if the Council wishes to grant a preference, staff recommends that it should be limited only to current holders of wine licenses. The Council in granting a preference must not be discriminatory. The attached letter from Mr. Gilligan addresses this issue in more detail. A° preference system may be complicated in some respects by the Council's decision concerning the maximum number of available licenses. An allegation of 2 a REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - INTOXICATING LIQUOR ISSUES REPORT January 4, 1999 discrimination may result if current licensees are given a preference but all who desire a license cannot be accommodated due to the cap. If the Council wishes to grant a preference, staff recommends that the City accept license applications only from current wine licensees for a specified period of time - say 60 days. Following this time period, others could apply but licenses would be issued first to those applying during the "preference period." Again, this system is somewhat complicated if we reach our cap before issuing licenses to all current wine licensees who desire them and who comply with ordinance requirements. Ouestion # 3. Restaurants with wine and / or beer service are allowed in the following zoning districts: PC -1,2,3 (commercial districts), MDD (mixed development district), PRD -4,5, PSR -4 (residential districts) and POD (office district). Does the Council wish to permit the issuance of on -sale intoxicating liquor licenses in all of these districts or in only some of the districts? Discussion. Exhibit 2 notes the zoning district where each current wine and beer licensed establishments is located. These zoning districts and the location of licensed establishments are highlighted on Exhibit 3. Although restaurants with wine service are allowed in several zoning districts, all are currently located only in the PC -2, PC -3, MDD, or POD. (It should be noted that the only licensee in the POD is Pizzeria Uno which is considered to be a non- conforming use in this zone. Restaurants in the POD are now not allowed to be freestanding and have signage on the outside of the building). Staff recommends that on -sale intoxicating liquor licenses be limited to establishments in the PC -2, PC -3 and MDD districts. Question # 4. What is the approximate cost of issuance, inspection and enforcement with respect to on -sale intoxicating liquor licenses? What should the City's fee schedule be for such licenses? Discussion. Staff believes that the extensive study-completed by Bloomington is applicable to our situation. (This full study was provided to Council in a recent packet.) The cost data that they report is $10,075 per license which, given similar rates of pay for staff etc, is what we can reasonably predict our costs to be on a per license basis. It is assumed that the Council .prefers an aggressive approach to enforcement and inspection of licensed premises. Given this approach staff believes that a license fee of $ 11,000 would adequately cover the costs of issuance, inspection and enforcement as presently conceived. Costs could be adjusted after a final determination on process is made. Future fees can be adjusted by Council after our actual experience is known. 3 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - INTOXICATING LIQUOR ISSUES REPORT January 4, 1999 The issue of uniformity of the license fee is addressed in Mr. Gilligan's memo. Staff notes that of our neighboring cities only St. Louis Park uses a sliding fee based on floor area and entertainment offered. Question # 5. The City Code requires that wine licensed restaurants receive at least 60 percent of revenues from the sale of food. Should this requirement be maintained or changed for on -sale intoxicating liquor licensees? Discussion. Exhibit # 1 illustrates the requirements of other cities in this regard. A minimum food sale requirement serves to discourage bars and entertainment establishments. It also reflects the business community's request to allow full beverage service as an adjunct to full service restaurants and not bars. Our Code requires a minimum of 60% of the gross receipts must come from food sales for wine licensed restaurants. None of the surveyed cities imposes a more stringent requirement than this on their on -sale liquor establishments. Most cities require that only that the "principal" part of the business must be food sales. We have encountered no problems with the 60% requirement with respect to wine licensed restaurants. We continue to recommend this standard for on -sale liquor establishments. As noted earlier, future hotels could be affected by a minimum food sale requirement. If the Council licenses a hotel under one license, then it must decide if each point of liquor sale in the hotel must comply with the minimum food sale requirement or rather if the hotel as a whole must comply. Our survey suggests that the latter is the case in surrounding cities and we would recommend the same for our ordinance. Question # 6. State law restricts liquor licenses in close proximity to certain schools. Does the Council wish to provide spacing requirements with respect to other uses? Discussion. Some surveyed cities did not require any spacing requirements, others required spacing only from schools while others require spacing from schools as well as churches. No uses other than churches and schools were subject to spacing requirements. The most stringent standard among the surveyed cities mandated a 1,000 foot spacing to churches and schools. A 300 foot spacing is the more typical standard. If the Council adopted a 300 foot requirement from churches and schools, all presently licensed wine establishments would comply and would be eligible for on -sale liquor licenses. However, if a 1,000 foot standard were adopted, existing wine licensees at 50' and France would be ineligible for liquor licenses. Staff recommends that the 300 foot spacing required by most cities is reasonable and should be incorporated into our ordinance. 4 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - INTOXICATING LIQUOR ISSUES REPORT January 4, 1999 The Council also discussed the issue of the potential overcrowding of licensed establishments. If the Council wished, it could provide a minimum spacing requirement between licensed establishments so as to prevent such overcrowding. None of the surveyed cities provides a spacing requirement. A spacing requirement would principally affect the licensure of existing and future establishments within shopping centers such as Southdale and the Galleria. , Staff believes that other regulations recommended in this memo will be more effective than a spacing requirement with respect to controlling undesirable effects of liquor service. We, therefore, do not recommend such a spacing requirement at this time. Question # 7. The City Code limits bar or service counter seating to not more than 15 percent of the seating capacity of a premises licensed to sell wine. Should this ratio be maintained for intoxicating liquor premises? Discussion. Our survey shows that no cities specifically restrict bar seating in licensed establishments. We believe the 15 percent limitation now imposed on wine licensed establishments is reasonable and should be maintained for on -sale liquor establishments. No existing wine or beer licensed restaurant in the City would be ineligible for applying for an on -sale liquor license due to this requirement. As with the minimum food sale requirement, a bar seating requirement could potentially affect future hotels wishing a liquor license. Hotels typically provide numerous points of liquor sale - in restaurants, lounges, meeting rooms, banquet rooms, as well as in guest rooms. It may not be feasible to treat each point of sale as if it were a free standing restaurant. In our view, the 15 percent bar seating maximum should be imposed on hotels in the aggregate rather than for each point of sale. Question # 8. Some cities require a minimum capital investment to qualify for an intoxicating liquor licenses. Does the Council wish to establish a minimum requirement? Discussion. Our survey shows that few cities require a minimum capital investment or market value to qualify for licensure. In that market value or capital investments may be subject to interpretation, many cities instead address this issue by requiring a seating capacity in excess of the minimum mandated by State law. (State law requires that liquor- serving restaurants have at least thirty seats). One city requires at least 150 seats, two cities require at least 100 seats and one city requires 50 seats. In addition, two cities require a minimum floor area - 750 square feet and 4,000 square feet respectively. Minimum investment, minimum seating and minimum floor area requirements all seem to be based on the presumption that larger restaurants are more desirable than smaller restaurants - perhaps out of a fear that smaller establishments may be 5 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - INTOXICATING LIQUOR ISSUES REPORT January 4, 1999 more bar -like than restaurant -like. We are not sure that this necessarily follows. In our view, the characteristics of an establishment are best regulated by a minimum food sale percentage, bar seating restrictions and entertainment restrictions. The size of establishments may also be affected by the attendant costs associated with full liquor service. The license fee, insurance costs and other operational issues may discourage smaller establishments from seeking licensure. Based on the above analysis, we do not recommend more stringent requirements than provided by State law. Question # 9. The City Code provides a rather stringent investigation process for wine license applicants. Does the Council believe that this process is adequate for intoxicating liquor license applications? Discussion. The present investigation process used by the police department for wine licensing is as extensive as that used by our neighbors for full liquor. The investigation involves verification of the information submitted on the application plus background investigation of the owners, managers and/or corporate officers. The experience of the licensee in other jurisdictions is also determined, if applicable. The volume of work that may be required depends on the complexity of the ownership arrangement, and the number and location of other licenses held by the applicants. The investigation fee maximums are set by state statute at $500 for an in state investigation, and actual cost not to exceed $10,000 for an out of state investigation. We believe our wine license investigation process is adequate for intoxicating liquor applications and we, therefore, do not recommend additional requirements at this time. The city does not now require a public hearing prior to the issuance of a wine license, however many neighboring cities do require a public hearing prior to the issuance of a liquor license. Public hearings and the required publication and notifications would tend to extend the application process and increase costs. The Council may wish to adopt a policy of requiring a public hearing only for new applications, not those who are upgrading an existing wine license. Question # 10. Should the City prohibit certain types of entertainment establishments from receiving an on -sale liquor license? Discussion. "Entertainment" includes but is not limited to: • Amusement devices and amusement rides • Bowling and recreation centers • Gambling • Live music • Live entertainment such as comedians, performances, theater • Public dancing • Sexually oriented entertainment 6 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - INTOXICATING LIQUOR ISSUES REPORT January 4, 1999 • Private event entertainment such as that offered at wedding receptions, banquets, conferences, meetings and parties • T.V.s or videos With the exception of gambling and sexually oriented entertainment, none of the cities surveyed specifically prohibits entertainment at liquor establishments. Some cities, however, separately license some forms of entertainment. Several years ago, the City Code was amended to provide stringent requirements with respect to sexually oriented businesses. Although this section of the code specifically prohibits such businesses from holding liquor licenses, it would be advisable to duplicate such restrictions in the liquor section of the Code. State law prohibits unlawful gambling at licensed establishments as does our Code. We should clarify in our Code, however, that charitable gambling could occur in licensed establishments. None of the Edina restaurants currently licensed to serve wine offers entertainment on a regular basis with the exception of the Yorktown Cinema Grill which serves food and wine to cinema customers. Some restaurants may occasionally offer dinner music (such as a pianist) during the holiday season or other times. Entertainment oriented establishments will be affected by a requirement mandating that 60% of gross receipts must come from food sales. Some establishments may also be affected by a bar seating requirement. Notwithstanding the effect of these requirements, staff believes that some entertainment oriented establishments may be inconsistent with the spirit of the referendum. As such, the Council may wish to prohibit bowling centers and other recreation establishments from receiving intoxicating liquor licenses. No existing wine licensee would be ineligible from applying for an on -sale liquor license due to this restriction. Question # 11. Are the present standards for serving wine, including the requirement for licensed wine managers, adequate for the service of intoxicating liquor? Discussion. As compared to other cities, our present requirements for wine licensees are unique in three ways: • We require that a manager licensed by the City be present during all hours of operation. Most cities require that the licensee designate a responsible individual, but don't require that person to be present on the premises at all times. • We require that the licensee submit evidence that the wait staff and managers annually complete an approved alcohol awareness training program. • We prohibit "two for one" specials, "happy hour" specials or any other promotions that offer wine at less than that regularly charged. 7 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - INTOXICATING LIQUOR ISSUES REPORT January 4, 1999 Staff believes that each of these requirements has been effective with respect to the service of wine and we recommend that these requirements be maintained for the sale of intoxicating liquor. The Council discussed strengthening some of our requirements, particularly the alcohol awareness training requirement. The City Code requires that, in the case of license renewals, at least 75 percent of the employees authorized to serve wine must have completed an alcohol awareness program within the preceding 90 days. In the case of a newly issued license, at least 75 percent of the wait staff must complete such training within 30 days following issuance. All licensed managers must have completed an approved training program prior to licensure. The specific training program must be approved by the Police Chief. If the Council wished, 'it could increase the 75 percent threshold and / or the frequency of training. However, the transient nature of the wait staff industry may make it difficult to enforce a more stringent percentage. One of the surveyed cities (Richfield) requires licensure of all employees associated with the service of alcohol. We believe that our alcohol awareness training requirement as well as our licensed manager requirement are adequate controls. Licensure of each employee would be very burdensome to our Police Department and is not recommended. In staff's opinion, our current regulations concerning the service of liquor significantly exceeds other .comparable cities. We do not recommend more stringent service standards. Question # 12. Should the ordinance spell out a process for suspension and revocation of licenses? Discussion. Section 160 of the City Code as well as State law contains standards and procedures for the suspension and revocation of licenses, including liquor licenses. We do not believe major changes to this Section are needed. Question # 13. Can the City significantly increase the fees for liquor licenses if we later determine that fees do not cover our costs? Discussion. State law provides that the City may charge license fees to cover "the costs of issuing and inspecting and other directly related costs of enforcement." In our view, if the City can reasonably demonstrate that the costs associated with issuing, inspecting and enforcing liquor licenses, it may increase fees to cover same. There is no requirement that the fee increase be limited to a certain percentage. 8 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - INTOXICATING LIQUOR ISSUES REPORT January 4, 1999 Question # 14. Should the City issue on -sale licenses to any City facilities such as Braemar Clubhouse, Edinborough Park or Centennial Lakes Park Centrum? Discussion. Staff recommends that this question be directed to the Park Board for their review and recommendation. The Council should note that it may, issue licenses to City facilities under the same authority as it operates the City's liquor stores. Therefore, such licenses are not subject to the statutory cap as to the number of intoxicating liquor licenses which may be issued. 9 EXHIBIT 1 Survey Results - Communities with On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor Minimum Minimum Food Restriction Beverage Entertainment Investment Seating Sale On Bars Community # Allowed # Issued On -Sale Fee Manager License Required Capacity Requirement Bloomington No Limit 55 $ 9,049.60 No Yes No Restaurant 50 & 750 sf 30-40% No Hotels 30 seat DR & 50 guest rooms Eden Prairie 26 20 -21 $ 7,500.00 Agent/Mngr No No Restaurant 150 50% No Hotels 100 seat DR & 100 guest rooms Golden Valley 18 9 $ 8,000.00 AgnVMnfg No 850,000 MV 150 Seats & Majority 60% No of square footage Minnetonka Not Limited 20 $ 7,500.00 Gen Mngr No No 100 50% No Referenda in the 80's Richfield 7 7 $ 11,200.00 All Emp Lic. No Res. 600,000 40 seats or4000sf 51% or more No Hot. 1,000,000 Hotels 30 seat dr & 100 guest rms Roseville 30 21 $ 7,000.00 No No No Restaurant 100 100 -174 seat 50% No Hotel 50 Guest Room 175 & more 25% & a DR of 1,800 sf St. Louis Park 18 18 $5,400 - $7,200 No Yes No Restaurant 30 seats No No Based on floor Hotel 30 seats DR area & whether or & 25 Guest Rooms not ent. is licensed EX -2 Current Edina Liquor License Holders Business Name Business Address License Type Seating Capacity IZoning Braemer Golf Course 6364 John Harris Drive 3.2 On Sale Beer 200 R -1 Braemer Golf Dome 7420 Braemar Blvd 3.2 On Sale Beer 20 R -1 Chico's of the Midwest, Inc. 7078 Amundson Avenue 3.2 On Sale Beer 85 PC -1 Corellis Pizza & Pasta 4502 1/2 Valley View Road 3.2 On Sale Beer 68 PC -1 Davanni's Pizza /Hoagies 5124 Gus Young Lane 3.2 On Sale Beer 150 PC -2 New Hong Kong Kitchen 3335 Hazelton Road 3.2 On Sale Beer 116 PC -3 Q Cumbers, Inc. 7465 France Ave. S. 3.2 On Sale Beer 250 MDD Richards Golf Course 7640 Parklawn Avenue 3.2 On Sale Beer 40 R -1 T J's Family Rest 7100 Amundson Ave. S. 3.2 On Sale Beer 80 PC -1 D'Amico & Sons 3984 W. 50th Street Wine 68 PC -2 Big Bowl Cafe 3669 Galleria Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 189 PC -3 Ciatti's Italian Restaurant 3220 Galleria Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 180 PC -3 Dayton's Boundary Waters Restaurant 100 Southdale Center Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 121 PC -3 Eden Avenue Grill 5101 Arcadia Avenue Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 95 PC -2 Good Earth Restaurant 3460 W. 70th Street Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 180 PC -3 Hawthorn Suites Edina 3400 Edinborough Way Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 50 MDD Locanda De Giorgio, Inc. 4924 France Avenue Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 64 PC -2 Macaroni Grill 7651 France Avenue Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 336 MDD Pizzeria Uno 6740 France Avenue Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 150 PC -2 Rossini's 7373 France Ave. S. Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 45 MDD Ruby Tuesday 1656 Southdale Center Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 198 PC -3 Sidney's Pizza Cafe 3520 Galleria Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 200 PC -3 Szechuan Star Rest 3655 Hazelton Road Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 120 PC -3 Tejas 3910 West 50th Street Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 138 PC -2 Two Guys From Italy 7495 France Ave. S. Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 150. MDD Yorktown Cinema Grill 3313 Hazelton Road Wine & 3.2 Beer On -Sale 250 PC -3 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Members of City Council Gordon Hughes, City Manager FROM: Jerry Gilligan DATE: December 30, 1998 RE: Issuance of On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor Licenses In connection with the City Council's consideration of an ordinance regulating the issuance by the City of on -sale intoxicating liquor licenses you have asked me to address certain issues. Set forth below are the issues and my responses. 1. Haw much discretion does the Qy Council have in determining to issue a license to sn applicant? In Minnesota no one has a vested or constitutional right to engage in the business of selling, intoxicating liquor. Therefore, the sale of intoxicating liquor is a privilege not a right. Minnesota courts have held that a City Council has broad discretion in determining whether to issue a liquor license. While the City has broad discretionary powers with respect to regulating the sale of intoxicating liquor-its exercise of these powers must be reasonable, uniform in operation and not discriminatory. The City Council has the power to refuse to issue a liquor license or to limit the number of licenses when in the judgment of the Council the welfare of the City suggests such action. If the City has more qualified applicants for liquor licenses than the number of available licenses, the City Council has the discretion to choose which applicants are issued licenses so long as the basis for choosing which applicants are issued a license is reasonable. If the Council believes that it furthers the public we) fare of the City it should be permissible for the Council to "reserve' a license for a hotel and to distinguish among certain restaurants eligible for a license. However, any standard for distinguishing among different restaurants should be based on objective criteria such as the required percentage of food sales or limit on the amount of bar seating, as opposed to the type of restaurant, or it will likely be deemed discriminatory. nnRCFY & WHITNEY LLP 2. Mayrreference be granted to existing holders of wine licenses for issuance of new on -sale liquor licenses'? Based upon the City's broad discretion in determining whether to issue a liquor license to an applicant, I believe that it is permissible for the City Council to grant a preference to existing holders of wine licenses for issuance of new on -sale liquor licenses. The City is in a unique situation since it has a number of existing restaurants with wine licenses, and it would be within the discretion of the City Council to grant a preference to persons with an existing restaurant operation holding a wine license if the Council believes that such a preference is within the welfare of the City. 3. What is the City's ability to impose further restrictions on sale of liquor than required by Minnesota law? Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.509, provides that a city, may impose further restriction and rcgulations on the sale or possession of alcoholic beverages within its corporate limits. Minnesota courts have interpreted this grant of authority to apply to areas where no state law or regulation specifically governs the sale and possession of alcoholic beverages. For example, the City Council may limit the zoning districts in which liquor establishments may be located and require a certain percentage of sales in a restaurant to be for food in order to be eligible for a liquor license, since such matters are not specifically governed by Minnesota law. However, Minnesota law specifically regulates other matters such as the permitted age for consumption and the penalties for violations by a license holder and the City Council may not impose further restrictions or regulations of these matters. 4. What are the limitations on the amount of license 'fee? Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.408, subdivision 2(a) specifically provides that the Iicense fee for an on -sale liquor license is intended to cover the costs of issuance, inspection and other directly related costs of enforcement. This provision is more restrictive. than the common law rule in Minnesota as to the amount of license fees that'may be imposed by a city. The common law rule is that the amount of a license fee should be reasonably related to the actual costs incurred by the City related to the licensed activity, and what is a reasonable license fee is largely discretionary for the City Council, and a court will not declare a license fee unreasonable unless it is manifestly unreasonable. Because the City has less discretion in setting the amount of the liquor license fee it is more open to challenge in this area. I believe that a unifo= fee schedule without gradation based on size or gross sales of an establishment would be more defensible if the City's license fees were.ever challenged. Generally, the City's costs of issuing and inspecting an establishment and the directly related costs of enforcement will not vary by a significant amount based on the size or gross sales of an establishment. -2- DORS EY & WHITNEY L L P- 5. Does a license holder have Property rights in a liquor license? Minnesota courts have held that a license confers on the licensee the right to engage in the licensed business only for the term of the license and absent express authority licenses may not be transferred by the licensee. While the holder of an on -sale intoxicating liquor license generally does not possess any "property rights" in the license, the courts have held that the holder is entitled to a reasonable expectation of continuing to receive the benefit conferred by the liquor license_ Tn. recognition of the investment the Iicense holders have in licensed premises courts have become more protective of license holders in recent years. Consequently, while the City Council has broad discretion in initially determining to issue a license, this discretion will be more limited in considering the renewal of a license and it will be difficult for the City Council to deny a renewal of a license unless there are changed circumstances or evidence of violations by a license holder. 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Consent Information Only F] Mgr. Recommends [—] To HRA ® -To Council Action Motion ® Resolution Ordinance Discussion Adopt Resolutions designating the Director /Alternate Director of the Suburban Rate Authority and LOGIS for 1999. Info /Background: Attached are copies of Resolutions requiring Council approval at the first meeting in January. The Resolutions designate John Wallin as Director and Margaret (Peggy) Gibbs as Alternate Director to the Suburban Rate Authority and John Wallin as Director and Eric Anderson, Alternate to LOGIS on behalf of the City of Edina. 0 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: John C. Wallin is hereby designated to serve as a Director of the Suburban Rate Authority, and Margaret (Peggy) Gibbs is hereby designated to serve as Alternate Director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 1999 and until their successors are appointed. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 4, 1999, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 5th day of January, 1999. City Clerk RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO LOGIS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina Minnesota, as follows: John C. Wallin is hereby designated as a Director of LOGIS and Eric R. Anderson is hereby designated as Alternate Director of LOGIS for the year 1999, and until their successors are appointed. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 4, 1999, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 5t' day of January, 1999. City Clerk CARR SRA & LOGODW o e ts� Cn • j�roRPOR�+Sv� • 1888 To: MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORT /RECOMMENDATION From: DEBRA MANGEN - — CITY- CLERK-- - - - - -- - - -- - Date: JANUARY 4, 1999 Subject: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 1999 Recommendation: Agenda Item # II.E. Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Z To Council Action [:] Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance Discussion Adopt the Resolution designating the Edina Sun- Current as official newspaper for 1999. Info /Background: This year the Edina Sun - Current has notified us of a rate increase from $1.24 per line for the first insertion of each legal publication to $14.30 per inch for each insertion and $7.15 per inch for subsequent insertions. There are 11 inches per inch. Attached is a copy of a Resolution requesting approval by the Council at the January 4, 1999, meeting. It RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the Edina Sun - Current be and is hereby designated as the Official Newspaper for the City of Edina for the year 1999. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 4, 1999, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 5"' day of January, 1999. Csun- current City Clerk FAM SUN PUBUCAMNS Sun-Current Sun-Post Sun-Sailor December 18, 1998 Debra Mangen City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 � 1.A Dear i IS: kla,nlge :: The Edina Sun - Current would like to be considered for designation as the legal newspaper for the City of Edina for the year 1999. Lionheart Newspapers, Inc., new owners of Sun Newspapers, bring a wealth of experience as well as a strong commitment to community newspapers. The first and most obvious improve- ment is the relocation of the corporate office to Eden Prairie (and the Bloomington news office to Glenroy Road) effective December 21 st. We look forward to 1999 being an exciting year full of new opportunities. The rate structure for legal effective January 1, 1999 will be: 1 column width $14.30 per inch for first insertion $ 7.15 per inch for subsequent insertions There are 11 lines per inch. Notarized affidavits on each of your publications will be provided with no additional charge. The deadline for regular length notices is 2:00 pm the Thursday prior to publication; notices that are six pages or more deadline an extra 24 hours in advance. If you require more infor- mation to make your decision, please contact myself or Meridel Hedblom, our Legal Representative, at 392 -6880. Thank you for considering the Sun - Current as the official newspaper for the City of Edina in 1999. We appreciate the opportunity to serve the needs of your community. Sincerel Frank Chilinski Publisher 7831 East Bush Lake Road • Bloomington, MN 55439 • (612) 896 -4700 /1 ^lam o e lees To: MAYOR & COUNCIL From: DEBRA MANGEN CITY CLERK Date: JANUARY 4, 1999 Subject: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION Recommendation: REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item # II.F. Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action [:] Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Adopt a Signatory Resolution authorizing the Mayor, Manager and Treasurer of the City to transact all banking business. Info /Background: At the first Council meeting of the year, the Council should adopt a Signatory Resolution authorizing the person holding office as Mayor, and the Manager and Treasurer of the City to act for the City in transacting banking business with the City's named banks.. A copy of the recommended Resolution is attached for review. SIGNATORY RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that persons holding office as Mayor., Manager and Treasurer of the City of Edina, be, and they hereby are authorized to act for this municipality in the transaction of any banking business with U.S. Bank National Association (formerly known as First Bank National Association), Excel Bank (formerly known as Americana State Bank of Edina), Fidelity Bank, Norwest Bank Minnesota NA, Richfield Bank and Trust Co., and National City Bank/Southdale Office (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank ") from time to time and until written notice to any Bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said accounts, which checks will be signed by the Mayor, Manager and City Treasurer. Each Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks against such account if signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the City, including the signer or signers of the check. ADOPTED this 4"' day of January, 1999. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached_ and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 4, 1999, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 5' day of January, 1999. City Clerk C:SIGNATORY RESOLUTION o e Cn •j • �RBPBU� REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR & COUNCIL Agenda Item # From: DEBRA MANGEN Consent CITY CLERK Information Only Date: January 4, 1999 •Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: ® To Council FACSIMILE SIGNATURES Action Motion RESOLUTION ® Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the use of facsimile signatures by public officials of the City. Info /Background: At the first Council meeting of the _year, the Council should adopt a Resolution authorizing. the use of facsimile signatures by the Mayor, Manager and Treasurer on checks, drafts, warrants, vouchers, etc., or other.orders by public funds deposited with the. City's banks. A copy of the recommended Resolution is attached for your review. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS RESOLVED that the use of facsimile signatures by the following named persons: GLENN L. SMITH - Mayor GORDON.L. HUGHES. - City Manager JOHN WALLIN - Treasurer on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant- checks, vouchers or other orders of public funds deposited in U.S. Bank National Association (formerly known as First Bank National Association), Excel Bank, (formerly known as Americana State Bank of Edina), Fidelity Bank, Norwest Bank Minnesota NA, Richfield Bank and Trust Co., and National City Bank/Southdale Office, be and hereby is approved, and that each of said persons may authorize said depository banks to honor any such instrument bearing his facsimile signature in such form as he may designate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drawn as fully as though it bore his manually written signature and that instruments so honored_ shall be wholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without his authority. ADOPTED this 4t' day of January, 1999. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 4, 1999, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 5t' day of January, 1999. City Clerk C:%RR FACSIMILE SIGNATURESOW Y 1 oe ,ae8� R To: MAYOR & COUNCIL From: DEBRA MANGEN . CITY CLERK Date: JANUARY 4, 1999 Subject: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CITY DEPOSITORIES Recommendation: REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Adopt a Resolution designating depositories for public funds of the City of Edina. Info /Background: At the first regular Council meeting of the year, a Resolution designating official depositories for public funds of the City of Edina should be adopted. A copy of the recommended Resolution is attached for your review. Agenda Item,# Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends To HRA ® To Council Action Motion ® Resolution Ordinance F] Discussion Adopt a Resolution designating depositories for public funds of the City of Edina. Info /Background: At the first regular Council meeting of the year, a Resolution designating official depositories for public funds of the City of Edina should be adopted. A copy of the recommended Resolution is attached for your review. RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES BE IT RESOLVED that the U.S. Bank National Association (formerly known as First Bank National Association), Excel Bank (formerly known as Americana State Bank of Edina), Fidelity Bank, Norwest Bank Minnesota NA, Richfield Bank and Trust Co., and National City Bank/Southdale Office, are authorized to do banking business in Minnesota, be and are hereby designated as Official Depositories for the Public Funds of the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, until January 1, 2000. ADOPTED this 4" day of January, 1999. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS' CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 4, 1999, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 5th day of January, 1999. City Clerk C:%RR DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES/DW o e r v • f�C�RpOPA�'9 • 1686 To: MAYOR & COUNCIL From: DEBRA MANGEN CITY CLERK-- Date: JANUARY 4, 1999 Subject: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING NATIONAL CITY BANK AN EDINA DEPOSITORY Recommendation: REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends To HRA ® To Council Action Motion ® Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion Adopt the Resolution designating National City Bank as a depository for public funds of the City of Edina. Info /Background: The Council, at its first-regular meeting of 1998, should adopt a Resolution designating official depositories for public funds of the City of Edina. In 1994, Jerry Gilligan prepared the attached memorandum regarding the recommended process designating National City Bank as a depository of City funds. A copy of the recommended Resolution is attached for your review. RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY BE IT RESOLVED that the National City Bank/Southdale Office, Edina, MN, authorized to do banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is designated as an Official Depository for the Public Funds of the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, until January 1, 2000. ADOPTED this 4T" day of January, 1999. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 4, 1999, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 5th day of January, 1999. City Clerk CARR DEPOSITORY DESIGNATINGIDW • } MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Kenneth Rosland, City Manager FROM: Jerry Gilligan DATE: December 21,1994 RE: Designation of National City Bank as Depository of City Funds At its meeting on January 3, 1995 the City Council will be requested to designate banks to act as the depositories of City funds for 1995. Councilmember Elect Maetzold is an officer of National City Bank /Southdale, which is one of the banks proposed for designation as a depository. The City is presently using National City Bank as a depository. Minnesota law contains an exception for the designation of banks as depository of public funds from the conflict of interest prohibition contained in Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.87. This exception is contained in Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.88, subdivisions 1 and 2, and permits the City to designate a bank in which a Councilmember is interested as a depository of City funds if the following conditions are met: 1. The interested Councilmember makes a disclosure that he is a director or employee of the bank and this disclosure is entered on the minutes of the Council meeting; 2. The disclosure is made when the bank is first designated as depository or when the Councilmember is elected, whichever is later; and 3. The designation of the bank as a depository is approved by. unanimous vote. As noted above, the designation of the depository is required to be by unanimous vote. Since the language in the statute requiring a unanimous vote does not contain the additional phrase "by all members of the council" as is used in certain other instances in Minnesota law when referencing a vote by the Council (i.e. two-thirds vote of all members is required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.355 for approval of comprehensive plan amendments and is required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.357 to approve a rezoning), I would interpret this provision to require a unanimous vote by all members voting on the question. DORSEY & WHITNEY APAXTUMONOIrausoFoROMMUL AUMNAMOM REPORUREC OMMENDATION TO: Mayor & Council Members FROM: Susan Heiberg DATE: January 4,1999 SUBJECT: CONFIRMED DATES FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING AND VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Agenda Item = ❑ Consent 0 Information Only Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA 0 To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ - Ordinance ❑ Discussion 'Recommendation: Please note the confirmed dates for the events in the spring: • ANNUAL MEETING - Thursday, March 25`h, 5:00 PM, at Centennial Lakes • VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION RECEPTION - Tuesday, Apri120', 5:00 PM, at Edinborough Park Thank you for your help! sh r� O, To: Mayor & City Council From: John Wallin Finance Director pate: January 4, 1999 Subject: Utility Fees and Charges REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item # VIII.A Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ Action ❑ El El Recommendation: Adopt Ordinance 1999 -1 approving utility fees charged during 1999. To HRA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Info /Background: Attached are the following schedules for utility fees and charges proposed for 1999. The fees that are proposed to change from 1998 to 1999 are in bold. 1) Schedule of Fees and Charges for the Utility Funds. 2) Ordinance 1999 -1 approving utility fees. 3) Report of Progressive Consulting Engineers, Inc. Receuse of the construction projects due to the 1997 flood and other projects on the construction plan, the City hired Progressive Consulting Engineers to look at the water and newer fees for 1999 and beyond. The report shows that the bonds needed to finance the flood related projects as well as the other construction projects on the capital plan can be funded with an increase in the City's water and sewer rates of 4%. The attached Ordinance reflects the 4% increase proposed by the consultants for Edina water users, all sewer fees and all meter charges. The SAC charge is a pass- through charge determined by the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services. The higher tiered water charge is for the areas of Edina using Minneapolis water. Minneapolis has notified us that they will be charging us $1.68 per 100 cubic feet for 1999. The $.02 additional charge is for a share of administrative costs. We are not recommending an increase in storm water charges for 1999. The City's recycling hauling for 1999 is the second year of a two year contract. We are not recommending an increase in 1999 for the recycling utility. CITY OF EDINA SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR THE GENERAL FUND AND FOR THE UTILITY FUND FEE NO. FEES U 1 ILI I Its SEWER RENTAL CHARGE: 235 SGL FAM. < 1600 CU FT 28.00 /QTR 29.1210TR 236 > 1600 CU FT 1.75/100 CU FT 1.821100 CU FT 237 5 UNIT APTS AND GREATER 25.00 > 4 26.00 > 4 OR 1.75/100 CU FT OR 1.821100 CU FT 238 COMM & IND BLDGS 34ANATER METER OR 34/WATER METER OR 1.75/100 CU FT 1.821100 CU FT 239 IND USER SEWER STRENGTH 250 SAC 1,000 1,050 WATER SERVICE: 243 EAST OF BEARD AV 1.52/100 CU FT 1.70/100 CU FT 243 MORNINGSIDE AREA 1.52/100 CU FT 1.70/100 CU FT 242 ALL OTHER AREAS .62/100 CU FT .64/100 CU FT 244 EXCESSIVE USE CHARGE .20/100 CU FT .20/100 CU FT METER CHARGE 245 UP TO 3/4" METER 7.48 /QTR 7.78/QTR 245 1" METER 10.15 /QTR 10.56 /QTR 245 1 1/4" METER 11.60 /QTR 12.06 /QTR 245 1 1/2" METER 13.05 /QTR 13.57 /QTR 245 2" METER 21.00 /QTR 21.85 /QTR 245 3" METER 79.71/QTR 82.90 /QTR 245 4" METER 101.45/QTR 105.50 10TR FLAT WATER CHARGE: 246 PARK DEPT /SPRINK/SKATE 2,500.00 2,500.00 ' 47 ST DEPT /FLUSH 1,000.00 1,000.00 {0 CURB WATER STOPS 12.50 /EA 12.50/EA W ISSUE WATER METER COST + COST + 251 CONNECTION CHARGE $1,000MINIMUM $1,000MINIMUM 255 STORM WATER DRAINAGE 5.00 /QTR 5.00 /QTR RRCYCLING 131 SINGLE FAMILY 6.69 /QTR 6.69 /QTR 132 DOUBLE BUNGALOW 6.69 /QTR 6.69 /QTR 133 APTS CONDOS 2 - 8 UNITS 5.43 /QTR 5.43 /QTR Page 1 i SCHEDULE 2 ORDINANCE NO.1999 -1 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. The following described fees of Schedule A to Code Section 185 are amended to read as follows: SECTION SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEE : FEE/CHARGE AMOUNT NO. 1100 1100.03 Subd 2 Sewer service charge: To and including 1600 $29.12 quarter 235 cubic feet From 1601 cubic feet and $1.82 per 100 cubic 236 over feet Apartment buildings with $26.00 for each unit 237 more than 4 dwelling units over four, or $1.82 per 100 cubic feet of water used during the quarter, whichever is greater 1100 1100.03 Subd 2 Sewer service charge: $34.00 per water 238 Commercial & Ind meter or approved buildings, including schools sewage metering and churches device on premises, or $1.82 per 100 cubic ft of water used during quarter whichever is greater 1100 1100.03 Subd 2 Water Service 1. $0.64 /100 cubic 242 ft for area of City, except areas described below in 2 2. $1.70 /cubic ft for 243 Morningside area and for east side of Beard Av from W 54th St to Fuller St and both sides of Abbott PI from W 5e St to Beard Av Section 2. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 5,1999. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 0 Meter Charge: up to% Inch meter $7.78 /qtr 245 1 Inch meter $10.56 /qtr 1 % Inch meter $12.08gtr 1 % Inch meter $13.57 /qtr 2 Inch meter $21.85/qtr 3 inch meter $82.90 /qtr 4 Inch meter $105.50/ qtr 1105 1105.01 Subd 1 Service Availability Charge $1,050.00 per SAC 250 (SAC) unit x.number of SAC units computed as pursuant to - - Subsection 1110.03 Section 2. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 5,1999. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 0 f COIJNCIL C: _.. REGISTER AC -1998 (19:58) page 1 -CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 195931 01/04/99 $82.28 ACE SUPPLY stock 195782 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI 8776 < *> $82.28* 195932 01/04/99 $383.19 ADVANCED GRAPHICS SYSTEM GENERAL SUPPLIES 019190 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 8735 < *> $383.19* 195934 01/04/99 $446.15 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE 1003 -254 PATROL TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $19.95 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE 1003 -254 INVESTIGATION TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $35.70 Airtouch Cellular Bellev GENERAL SUPPLIES 1003 -254 ANIMAL CONTROL GENERAL SUPPLI 01/04/99 $97.02 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE 121098 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $143.51 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE 121098 ENGINEERING GE TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $132.57 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE 121098 SUPERV. & OVRH TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $204.68 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE 121098 FIRE DEPT. GEN TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $10.63 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE. 121098 PUBLIC HEALTH TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $113.84 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE 121098 INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $23.57 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE 121098 PARK ADMIN. TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $95.94 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE 121098 PARK MAINTENAN TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $27.33 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE 121098 TREES & MAINTE TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $8.71 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE 121098 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $143.78 Airtouch Cellular Bellev TELEPHONE 121098 DISTRIBUTION TELEPHONE < *> $1,503.38* 195935 01/04/99 $99.10 ALL FIRE TEST INC fire protection 024748 BUILDING MAINT CONTR REPAIRS 8848 < *> $99.10* 195936 01/04/99 $198.50 All Saints Brands COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 00007210 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE < *> $198.50* 195937 01/04/99 $1,273.12 AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS patron cards 512875 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 7709 01/04/99 $631.24 AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS patron cards 512876 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 7391 < *> $1,904.36* 195938. 01/04/99 $27.03 Ameripride Linen & Appar laundry M245444 50TH ST OCCUPA LAUNDRY 01/04/99 $33.10 Ameripride Linen & Appar laundry M245467 VERNON SELLING LAUNDRY 01/04/99 $88.98 Ameripride Linen & Appar laundry M247132 FIRE DEPT. GEN LAUNDRY < *> $149.11* 195939 01/04/99 $573.19 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC radio for vehicles 20021 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8410 < *> $573.19* 195940 01/04/99 $120.00 ANDERSEN, GENE prof. serv. 122398 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $120.00* 195941 01/04/99 $92.00 Applied Concepts Inc equipment maintenance 33357 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 8243 < *> $92.00* 195942 01/04/99 $233.50 ASPLUND COFFEE COST OF GOODS SOLD 014439 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL < *> $233.50* 195943 01/04/99 $216.26 AT & T WIRELESS SERVICES cellulars- invest. 4240743 INVESTIGATION TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $11.29 AT & T WIRELESS SERVICES cellular phone STMT CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE < *> $227.55* 195944 01/04/99 $51.75 ATOL, ROBERT Dec. 9 -11 meeting exp 122298 GOLF ADMINISTR PROF SERVICES < *> $51.75* COUNCIL C CHECK.REGISTER 3 30- DEC -1998 (19:58) p page 2 CHECK NO D DATE C CHECK AMOUNT V VENDOR D DESCRIPTION I INVOICE P PROGRAM O OBJECT P PO NUM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COUNCIL C`H,. .. REGISTER 3l, _6C -1998 (19:58) page 3 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 195957 01/04/99 $26.27 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE OFFICE SUPPLIES 122498 GOLF DOME OFFICE SUPPLIE 01/04/99 $27.62 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE REPAIR PARTS 122498 GOLF DOME REPAIR PARTS < *> $221.35* 195958 01/04/99 $127.03 BRISSMAN - KENNEDY INC general supplies 547078 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 8175 < *> $127.03* 195959 01/04/99 $230.00 Brooks, John UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 195960 01/04/99 $159.43 BUDGET LIGHTING repairs 136613 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 8166 < *> $159.43* 195961 01/04/99 $38.00 BUELL, PAUL continuing education 122498 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $38.00* 195962 01/04/99 $846.99 Camas cement 1079367 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 2854 01/04/99 $179.40 Camas cement 1079368 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 2854 - 01/04/99 $47.35 Camas rock 357332 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 6532 < *> $1,073.74* 195963 01/04/99 $296.00 CAMCO LUBRICANTS general supply 27730 ARENA ICE MAIN GENERAL SUPPLI 8828 < *> $296.00* 195964 01/04/99 $119.52 CATCO parts 3 -88661 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8636 - 01/04/99 $188.85 CATCO fittings 3 -88839 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8303 01/04/99 $32.48 CATCO parts 3 -88962 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8647 < *> $340.85* 195965 01/04/99 $585.10 CDW GOVERNMENT INC general supplies 9541383 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 8244 < *> $585.10* 195966 01/04/99 $162.26 CERAMIC ARTS & SUPPLIES cost of goods sold 27185 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 5309 < *> $162.26* 195967 01/04/99 $134.00 CHAOUCH, HABIB soller ref; admin.- 2 122398 GOLF DOME PROF SERVICES < *> $134.00* 195968 01/04/99 $516.94 COMPUSA INC initial setup med. st 40106065 MEDIA LAB EQUIP REPLACEM 1878 < *> $516.94* 195969 01/04/99 $136.02 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS medical supplies 00792842 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 8683 < *> $136.02* 195970 01/04/99 $141.65 CONSOLIDATED CONTAINER C garbage cans 20956 LITTER REMOVAL GENERAL SUPPLI 8697 < *> $141.65* 195971 01/04/99 - $207.68 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS I credit 043575 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8790 01/04/99 $3,802.05 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS I material 43587 STREET RENOVAT ROAD OIL 7415 < *> $3,594.37* 195972 01/04/99 $25.00 CROSSTOWN CAMERA CLUB membership for Jay An 121598 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F < *> $25.00* 195973 01/04/99 $59.29 Dasco Systems electrical supplies 90501 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI 8555 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 30- DEC -1998 (19:58) page 4 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 195973 01/04/99 $7.26 Dasco Systems electrical supplies 90502 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI 8555 < *> $66.55* 195974 01/04/99 $913.11 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT water main. repair 19735 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 7687 01/04/99 $86.13 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT repair clamp 20073 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL 7685 < *> $999.24* 1.95975 01/04/99 $801.10 - DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 49977 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $2,029.65 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD -BE 50001 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $206.10 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 50002 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $2,439.30 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD, BE 50003 YORK SELLING, CST OF GDS BEE .. 01/04/99 $492.30 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 50211 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE < *> $5,968.45* 195976 01/04/99 $544.00 DIETRICHSON, BILL prof. serv. 122398 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $544.00* 195977 01/04/99 $1,539.65 DPC INDUSTRIES water chemicals 01296221 WATER TREATMEN WATER TRTMT SU 3325 < *> $1,539.65* 195978 01/04/99 $93.80 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 06381 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $1,056.75 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS'SOLD WI 06382 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $895.82 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 06385 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $625.34 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 07511 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE .01/04/99 $1,226.83 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 07517 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $970.36 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 07519 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $253.80 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 08555 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $5,122.70* 195979 01/04/99 $2,395.65 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 408315 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $43.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF .GOODS SOLD BE 408316 VERNON SELLING CST.OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $2,409.55 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 408882 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $20.30 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 408883 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $484.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 4091822 VERNON SELLING CST.OF GDS BEE < *> $5,352.50* 195980 01/04/99 $1,321.07 ELECTRIC.SERVICE CO electric emergency re 114957 PATHS & HARD S PROF SERVICES < *> $1,321.07* 195981 01/04/99 $650.00 EMPLOYEES CLUB. GENERAL SUPPLIES 122898 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $650.00* 195982 01/04/99 $230.00 ENGEN, KELVIN UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 195983 01/04/99 $45.00 EVANS, FRANK visual arts program 1.121598 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $45.00* 195984 01/04/99 $420.00 FAHRENKRUG, ROGER instructor jr. classe 122398 GOLF DOME PROF SERVICES < *> $420.0.0* 195985 01/04/99 $20,658.00 Falls Automotive Inc 1 - Ton truck 3520 EQUIPMENT REPL EQUIP REPLACEM 6579 < *> $20,658.00* 195986 01/04/99 $230.00 FASULO, WALTER UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW • COUNCIL Ci, REGISTER 3, C -1998 (19:58) page 5 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < *> $230.00* 195987 01/04/99 $270.01 Ferrellgas GENERAL SUPPLIES 041976 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 8499 < *> $270.01* 195988 01/04/99 $40.00 FINE, AGNES visual arts program 1 121598 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $40.00* 195989 01/04/99 $856.36 FISHER SCIENTIFIC lab supplies 5657963 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPLI 8322 < *> $856.36* 195990 01/04/99 $202.44 FLOYD TOTAL SECURITY locks 551904 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8704 < *> $202.44* 195991 01/04/99 $230.00 FORSETH, JOEL UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 195992 01/04/99 $400.00 FRAME, SUSAN prof. services 122398 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $400.00* 195993 01/04/99 $39.73 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE uniforms 066104 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 8845 01/04/99 $51.81 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE uniforms 066107 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 8844 01/04/99 $109.02 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE uniforms 066125 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 8843 < *> $200.56* 195994 01/04/99 $5,193.40 G.L. CONTRACTING INC water main. repair 037006 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 7676 < *> $5,193.40* 195995 01/04/99 $100.00 GAGLIARDIE, CELESTE perf.- Edinborough Pk 121598 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 195996 01/04/99 $230.00 GARFIN, JEFF UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 195997 01/04/99 $450.00 GEISHEKER, PATRICIA prof. services 122398 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $450.00* 195998 01/04/99 $62.98 GENERAL PARTS & SUPPLY repair parts 315382 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 8574 < *> $62.98* 195999 01/04/99 $25.19 GOPHER CASH REGISTER register keys 20087 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 8806 < *> $25.19* 196000 01/04/99 $130.95 GRAINGER tools 495 -6004 SEWER TREATMEN TOOLS 8525 01/04/99 $41.38 GRAINGER fan /blower motor 495 -80 -6 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI 8786 < *> $172.33* 196001 01/04/99 $346.00 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 22499 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $346.00* 196002 01/04/99 $40.00 GREEN, RICHARD C visual arts program 2 121598 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $40.00* 196003 01/04/99 $3,366.18 GREUPNER, JOE lesson gift cert. -sal 122398 GOLF DOME GOLF DOME RECP 01/04/99 $6,000.00 GREUPNER, JOE PROFESSIONAL SVCS - G 121598 GOLF ADMINISTR PRO SVC - GOLF COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 30- DEC -1998 (19:58) page 6 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -- -------- <* - - - - -- - - $9,366.18* 196004 01/04/99 $37.50 GRIFFITHS, GEORDIE prof. serv. 122398 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $37.50* 196006 01/04/99 $3,220.71 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI.06376 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $2,203.69 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 06378 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $92.70 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 06379 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $52.02 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 06380 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $6,914.91 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 06384 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $3,528.28 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 06388 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $145.79 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 06389 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $2;217,.67 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 07509 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $1,673.94 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 07510 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $209.94 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 07521 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $75.94 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 07522 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $190.90 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 07523 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $75.94 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 07524 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU .01/04/99 $481.92 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 08870 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $349.73 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 08871 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU < *> $21,434.08* 196007 01/04/99 $316.44 GTE Directories Corporat advertising 00658 ART CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER 8732 01/04/99 $608.04 GTE Directories Corporat advertising 00658 ART CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER 8731 < *> $924.48* 196008 01/04/99 $103.83 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY oil 11214 EQUIPMENT.OPER WELDING SUPPLI'8634 01/04/99 $388'.12 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY oil 11224 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 8634 < *> $491.95* 196009 01/04/99 $100.00 HALLS OF MAGIC INC 1/7/99 Edinbourough p 122398 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 196010 01/04/99 $865.69 Hawkins Water Treatment water chemicals 85927, WATER TREATMEN WATER TRTMT SU 8588 < *> $865.69* 196011 01/04/99 $95.00 Haworth, Liz prof. services 122398 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $95.00* 196012 01/04/99, $230.00 HELMER, RICHARD UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 196013 01/04/99 $306.00 HIRSH, JIM soccer ref. 122398 GOLF DOME PROF SERVICES < *> $306.00* 196014 01/04/99 $100.00 HODAPP, TED 1/10/99 program at Ed 122398 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 196015 01/04/99 $300.00 Hoe1, Judy holiday ice program 1 122398 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $300.00* 196016 01/04/99 $42.29 Hoyt, John computer cable for GH 121898 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLIE < *> $42.29* 196017 01/04/99 $10,738.50. HUNERBERG CONSTRUCTION C park shelter building 8 PKBOND CIP EQUIP REPLACEM 98 -1PK COUNCIL CHI REGISTER 30 .-1998 (19:58) page 7 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO -NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 196017 01/04/99 $10,738.50 HUNERBERG CONSTRUCTION C park shelter building 8 PKBOND CIP EQUIP REPLACEM 98 -1PK 01/04/99 $10,738.50'. HUNERBERG CONSTRUCTION C park shelter building 8 PKBOND CIP EQUIP REPLACEM 98 -1PK 01/04/99 $10,738.50 HUNERBERG CONSTRUCTION C park shelter building 8 PKBOND CIP EQUIP REPLACEM 98 -10K < *> $42,954.00* 196018 01/04/99 $19,370.87 HUNERBERG CONSTRUCTION C shelter building 7 PKBOND CIP EQUIP REPLACEM 98 -1PK 01/04/99 $19,370.87 HUNERBERG CONSTRUCTION C shelter building 7 PKBOND CIP EQUIP REPLACEM 98 -1PK -. 01/04/99 $19,370.88 HUNERBERG CONSTRUCTION C shelter building 7 PKBOND CIP EQUIP REPLACEM 98 -1PK 01/04/99 $19,370.88 HUNERBERG CONSTRUCTION C shelter building 7 PKBOND CIP EQUIP REPLACEM 98 -1PK < *> $77,483.50* 196019 01/04/99 $538.22 HYDRAULIC COMPONENT SERV motors 13640 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8644 01/04/99 $545.73 - HYDRAULIC COMPONENT SERV underbody cylinder 13646 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8703 < *> $1,083.95* 196020 01/04/99 $139.63 IOS Capital lease on copy machine 42664354 SUPERV.,& OVRH GOPHER.STATE 5258 < *> $139.63 *. 196021 01/04/99 $107.68 J.H. LARSON COMPANY stock 4100742- PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8694 01/04/99 $93.32 J.H. LARSON COMPANY stock 4101333- EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8759 < *> $201.00* 196022. 01/04/99 $129.00 JAMIESON AND ASSOCIATES_ A.V. Consulting 98921 COMMUNICATIONS PROF SERVICES < *> $129.00* 196023 01/04/99 $49.40 JERRY'S.TRANSMISSION SER 392 labor 11092 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 4514 01/04/99 $23.70 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SER wheel nut kit I5173 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI .4514 01/04/99 $67:54 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SER lamp 11107 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 4514 01/04/99 $74.27 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SER light I5193 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 4514 01/04/99 $192.00 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SER 394 repairs 11609 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 6987 01/04/99 $80.91 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SER 394 repairs 11609 FIRE DEPT..GEN REPAIR PARTS 6987 „ 01/04/99 $86.40 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SER 394 repairs 11631 FIRE DEPT.' GEN CONTR REPAIRS 6987 01/04/99 $97.78 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SER 394 repairs 11631 FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS 6987 01/04/99, $159.66 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SER replacement lamp I5516 FIRE DEPT. GEN REPAIR PARTS 6987 01/04/99 $9.82 JERRY'S TRANSMISSION SER service charges 113098 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $841.48* 196025 01/04/99 - $80.95 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 77373 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 -$8.24 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 77424 VERNON SELLING.CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 - $11.95 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 77518 VERNON SELLING CST,OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 - $91.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 78102 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $801.70 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 924401 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE- 01/04/99 $1,444.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 924402' 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $935.07 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 924403 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $3,143.28 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 924404 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $10,009.36 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 924405 .YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $4,560.18 JOHNSON'BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 924406 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $70.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 925299 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $250.49 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 925300 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $5,089.78 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 925301 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $429.69 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 926477 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $26,542.26* 196026 01/04/99 $78.20 JOHNSON, NAOMI CRAFT SUPPLIES 122398 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 01/04/99 $6.41 JOHNSON, NAOMI GENERAL SUPPLIES 122398 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 30- DEC - 1998 (19:58) page CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE' PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-------------- 196026 01/04/99 $114.48 JOHNSON, NAOMI GENERAL SUPPLIES 122398 MEDIA LAB GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $199:09* 196027 0.1/04/99 $230.00 JULKOWSKI, JAMES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE- 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 196028 01/04/99 $1.05 KINKO'S general supplies 06220002 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $1.05* 196029 01/04/99 $2,142.55 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 101579 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $35.80 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 101580 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $27.95 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 101581 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $826:80 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 101582 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $2,504.08 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 101648 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $540.00 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 101807 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $265.50 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 101835 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $197.50 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 101851 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $170.75 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD.BE 101852 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $311.00 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 101867 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $7,021:93* 196030 01/04/99 $310.75 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT ventilation supplies 0217 -357 FIRE_DEPT. GEN TRAINING AIDS 6993 . 01/04/99 $2.33 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT ventilation supplies 0217 -357 FIRE DEPT. GEN TRAINING AIDS 6993 01/04/99 $103.31 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT ventilation supplies 0217 -357 FIRE DEPT. GEN TRAINING AIDS 6993 01/04/99 .- $8.08 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT hand held spreader 0217 -357 LIFT STATION M TOOLS 8349 01/04/99 $46.38 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT ventilation supplies 0217 -357 FIRE DEPT. GEN TRAINING AIDS 6993 01/04/99 $25.16 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT misc. bldg. materials 0217 -358 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI -8542 01/04/99 $16.90 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT supplies for rinks 0217 -358 SKATING RINK M GENERAL SUPPLI 8589 01/04/99 $41.68 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT stock 0217 -359 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8606 01/04/99 $69.91 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT stock 0217 -359 SNOW & ICE REM GENERAL SUPPLI 7546 01/04/99 $19.40 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT stock 0217 -359 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8608 01/04/99 $8.96 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT stock 0217 -359 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 8680 < *> $652.86* 196031 01/04/99 $252.00 KOCHENASH, RICK PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 122398 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $252..0.0* 196032 01/04/99 $400.44 KREMER SPRING & ALIGNMEN shop parts 086502 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8641 < *> $400.44* 196033 01/04/99 $460.00 LANDRY, STEPHEN UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $460.00* 196034 01/04/99 $40.00 ..Langholtz, Dave repair 3044 ARENA.BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 8827 < *> $40.00* 196035 01/04/99 $75.00 Langholz, Timothy PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 122398 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $75.00* 196036 01/04/99 $56.45 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. plow bolt 0976743 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 7908 01/04/99 $241.95 LAWSON PRODUCTS.INC. . stock 0975648 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8604 < *> $298.40* 196037 01/04/99 $230.00 LAWSON, ROBERT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* •COONCIL CHEt— REGISTER 30 .0 -1998 (19:58) page 9 .CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR - - - - DESCRIPTION -- - -- - - - - -- INVOICE --------------- PROGRAM --- - - OBJECT - - -- PO NUM -------------------------- 196038 01/04/99 ------ $16.21 - - - - -- ------- LEEF BROS. INC. towels 814491 MAINT OF COURS LAUNDRY < *> $16.21* 196039 01/04/99 $230.00 LISK, LEROY UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 196040 01/04/99 $4,657.38 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR1198 FINANCE DATA PROCESSIN 01/04/99 $2,125.45 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR1198 ASSESSING DATA PROCESSIN 01/04/99 $130.86 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR1198 POLICE DEPT. G DATA PROCESSIN 01/04/99 $130.86 LOGIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AR1198 INSPECTIONS PROF SERVICES 01/04/99 $1,374.04 LOGIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AR1198 CENT SVC GENER PROF SERVICES 01/04/99 $184.21 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR1198 COMMUNICATIONS DATA PROCESSIN 01/04/99 $4,892.76 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR1198 GENERAL(BILLIN DATA PROCESSIN < *> $13,495.56* 196041 01/04/99 $57.73 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQUI switch 248304 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 8637 < *> $57.73* 196042 01/04/99 $172.50 Luger, Laura prof. services 122398 MEDIA LAB PROF SERVICES < *> $172.50* 196043 01/04/99 $42.51 LYNDALE GARDEN CENTER hay 111324 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 8813 < *> $42.51* 196044 01/04/99 $300.00 Mairs, Candyce prof. serv.- holiday i 122398 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $300.00* 196045 01/04/99 $32.00 MAMA MAMA meeting 972 ADMINISTRATION MEETING EXPENS < *> $32.00* 196046 01/04/99 - $300.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 849599 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $1,271.04 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 852569 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $866.90 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 852862 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $45.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 852863 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $2,701.15 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 853062 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $3,157.27 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 853064 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $73.95 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 853065 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $18.40 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 853066 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $42.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 853084 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $420.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS.SOLD BE 853968 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE < *> $8,296.21* 196047 01/04/99 $282.36 MATHISON CO, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD 144041 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 8255 01/04/99 $21.96 MATHISON CO, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD 144041 -1 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 8255 < *> $304.32* 196048 01/04/99 $18.46 MATRX MEDICAL INC ambulance supplies 646689 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 8473 01/04/99 $415.42 MATRX MEDICAL INC ambulance supplies 646707 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 6999 < *> $433.88* 196049 01/04/99 $120.00 MEA license certif. train 122298 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $120.00* 196050 01/04/99 $230.00 MEDZIS, ANDREW UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 30- DEC -1998 (19:58) page 10 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE I PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------- 196051 01/04/99 ---------------------------------------------------- $116.09 MERIT SUPPLY simple green ------------------------------------------------- 49772 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8595 01/04/99 $205.55 MERIT SUPPLY stock 49773 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8537 01/04/99 $689.06 MERIT SUPPLY cleaning supplies 49782 ARENA BLDG /GRO CLEANING SUPPL 8757 < *> $1,010:.70* 196052 01/04/99 $465.10 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY bandy nets 32082 SKATING RINK M GENERAL SUPPLI 8849 < *> $465.10* 196053 01/04/99 $80.00 Metro Volley Ball Offici officiating fees 122398 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $80.00* 196054 01/04/99 $246,016.53 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENV.sewer service 680260 SEWER TREATMEN SEWER SVC METR < *> $246,016.53* 196055 01/04/99 $280.00 Miller, Tom PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 122398 GOLF-DOME PROF SERVICES < *> $280.00* 196056 01/04/99 $1,494.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S service repair 31437 DISTRIBUTION. CONTR REPAIRS 7683 < *> $1,494.00* 196057 01/04/99 $104.88 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO ad for bid 181764 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE < *> $104.88* 196058 01/04/99 $49.70 Mullin, Steve reimbursement conf. 1 122398. GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $49.70* 196059 01/04/99 $345.91 MUNICILITE CO strobe 10598 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8645 < *> $345.91* - 196060 01/04/99 $11.70 Napa Auto Parts cement - exh 592400 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8638 < *> $11.70* 196061 01/04/99 $169.17 National Camera Exchange CRAFT SUPPLIES 7051570 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 9307 < *> $169.17* 196062 01/04/99 $390.00 NELSON, BARBARA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 122398 MEDIA LAB PROF SERVICES < *> $3901.00* . 196063 01/04/99 $140.00 NELSON, LARRY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 122398 GOLF DOME PROF SERVICES < *> $140.00* 196064.._01/04/99 $314.18 NORTH STAR CONCRETE COMP top coating 102248 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI-7686 < *> $314.18* 196065 01/04/99 $51.00 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 70156 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $103.96 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 70159 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS_MIX < *> $154.96* 196066 01/04/99 $13.25 NORTH STAR INTERNATIONAL gasket 217437 EQUIPMENT OPER.REPAIR PARTS 8639 < *> $13.25* 196067 01/04/99 $0.48 NORTH STAR TURF repair parts 189094 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS •8384 01/04/99 $36.33 NORTH STAR TURF repair parts 189203 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 8573 < *> $36.81* ' COUNCIL CHt—, REGISTER 3L C -1998 (19:58) page 11 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT------ VENDOR--------- DESCRIPTION - - - - -- INVOICE - - - -- PROGRAM--- - - - - -- OBJECT PO NUM ---------------------------- 196068 01/04/99 $2,204.12 - - - - -- - NORTHERN STATES POWER CO - - - -- emergency repair -elec C26949 PKBOND CIP PROF SERVICES < *> $2,204.12* 196069 01/04/99 $227.85 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY craft supplies 15004800 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 8494 01/04/99 $97.20 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 15034600 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 8500 < *� $325.05* 196070 01/04/99 $86.90 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO tires NW -51692 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 8338 < *> $86.90* 196071 01/04/99 $200.00 NYHLENS FILTER RECYCLING oil filters 6154 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 8847 < *> $200.00* 196072 01/04/99 $37.50 NYLUND, JOHN exp. reimbursement -12 122298 GOLF ADMINISTR PROF SERVICES < *> $37.50* 196073 01/04/99 $230.00 O'Brien, William UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 196074 01/04/99 $192.00 ODLAND, DOROTHY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 122398 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $192.00* 196075 01/04/99 $186.91 Olsen Chain & Cable Co I chains 98272 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 8648 01/04/99 $47.93 Olsen Chain & Cable Co I ratchet strap 98280 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 8772 01/04/99 $144.86 Olsen Chain & Cable Co I stock 98281 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8766 < *> $379.70* 196076 01/04/99 $438.58 Pagenet of Minnesota pater rental 064 -A259 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL 01/04/99 $443.97 Pagenet of Minnesota pager rental - Jan 064 -A267 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL < *> $882.55* 196077 01/04/99 $88.00 PARK NICOLLET CLINIC employement physical 121298 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL < *> $88.00* 196079 01/04/99 $136.92 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1- 683481 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 $11.84 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1- 683529 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 $12.31 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1- 683960 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 $162.05 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1- 685537 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 $97.07 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1- 685564 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 $6.21 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1- 686137 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 - $100.00 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1- 686172 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 $1.16 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1- 686335 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 $1.16 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 2- 232905 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 $1.16 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 4- 179546 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 $1.16 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 5- 121476 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 $17.52 PARTS PLUS filter 1- 688377 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 $8.05 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1- 688524 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 01/04/99 $134.58 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 1- 688952 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $491.19* 196080 01/04/99 $2,130.00 PERSONNEL DECISIONS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES J115550 POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES < *> $2,130.00* 196082 01/04/99 -$9.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 3186662 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $42.75 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 454193 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 30- DEC -1998 (19:58) page 1. CHECK NO -------------------------7----------=-----------------------------------------------------------------=------------=--------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 196082 01/04/99 $42.75 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST.OF GOODS SOLD MI 454194 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $117.45 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 454195 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $1,736.25 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 454196 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF . GD WINE 01/04/99 $473.45 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 454197 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 $4,257.05 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 454198 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $1,355.81 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 454199 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 01/04/99 - $15.07 PHILLIPS WINE &.SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 3187206 50TH ST SELLIN CST'OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 - $12.28 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3187207 ,50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD -WINE 01/04/99 -$5.99 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3187208 50TH ST-SELLIN CST OF.GD'WINE 01/04/99 $193.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 454858 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS'MIX 01/04/99 $7,450.40 PHILLIPS -WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 454860 VERNON SELLING CST'OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $332.10 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 455764 .50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $403.57 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 454859 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $16,362.24* 196083 01'/04/99 $372.15 Pinnacle Distributing COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 997131 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX < *> $372.15* 196084 01/04/99 196085 01/04/99 -c*> 196086 01/04/99 196087 01/04/99 196088 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 196089 01/04/_99 196090 01/04/99 196091 01/04/99 196092 01/04/99 01/04/99 $230.00 Porthan, Todd $230.00* $5,000.00 - POSTMASTER $5,000.00* $680.00 POSTMASTER $680.00* $64.00 $64.00* $507.10 $24.40 $717.35 $1,934.57 $174.40 $381.10 $93.35 $1,035.00 $2,535.47 $416.69 $42.70 $7,862.13* PRINTERS SERVICE INC PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE.COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE.COMPANY UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POSTAGE POSTAGE blade sharpening 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW 122498 122398_ 15029 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 06375 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 06377 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 06383 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 06386 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 06387 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 07512 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 07513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 07518 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 07520 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 08872 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 08873 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE ARENA ICE MAIN EQUIP MAINT 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST-OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING.CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX $625.81 Pro Staff temp. file /office cle 102 -1727 INSPECTIONS PROF SERVICES $625.81* $460.00 RADJENOVICH, JOEL UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW $460.00* $10.54 Ritz Camera $10.54* $479.25 ROBERT B. HILL $41.27 ROBERT B. HILL $520.52* photo finishing general supply salt 37504158 FIRE DEPT. GEN PHOTO SUPPLIES 2370 50876 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 8625 00051136 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 1468 • COUNCIL Ch_ . REGISTER 3L -'-1998 (19:58) page 13 'CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196093 01/04/99 $460.00 ROBINSON, JAMES E UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $460.00* 196094 01/04/99 $230.00 RUNNING, PATRICK UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 196095 01/04/99 $397.31 SAMARITAN TIRE CO INC tires 067035 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 8348 01/04/99 $397.31 SAMARITAN TIRE CO INC tires 067035 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 8348 < *> $794.62* 196096 01/04/99 $233.87 SCAN AIR FILTER motor seal 62013 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8527 < *> $233.87* 196097 01/04/99 $460.00 SCHEERER, MARTIN UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $460.00* 196098 01/04/99 $230.00 SCHMITZ, THOMAS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 196099 01/04/99 $644.85 SCHMITZER, DAVID reimbursement -reg. fe 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS 01/04/99 $230.00 SCHMITZER, DAVID UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $874.85* 196100 01/04/99 $59.64 Schwans COST OF GOODS SOLD 122298 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL < *> $59.64* 196101 01/04/99 $28.64 SEARS shop - scraper ID -62 -98 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 8123' < *> $28.64* 196102 01/04/99 $230.00 SIEMS, JEFFERY UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 196103 01/04/99 $230.00 SINGLETON, JAMES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 196104 01/04/99 $230.00 SMEGAL, GREGORY UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < * >. $230.00* 196105 01/04/99 $42.90 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 4003259 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $325.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 403258 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $58.75 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 403226 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 01/04/99 $3,221.75 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 91339 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $3,648.40* 196106 01/04/99 $360.00 SPECKMAN, GAIL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 122398 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $360.00* 196107 01/04/99 $8.11 ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT CO REPAIR PARTS SI73128 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8649 < *> $8.11* 196108 01/04/99 $1,464.38 STAN MORGAN & ASSOCIATES BUILDINGS 47389 LIQUOR PROG BUILDINGS 7611 < *> $1,464.38* 196109 01/04/99 $16.00 STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICI elec. permit - remode 122898 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS < *> $16.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 30- DEC -1998 (19:58) page 14 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------=----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196110 .01/04/99 $192.68 STATE CHEMICAL MANUFACTU GENERAL SUPPLIES 90053168 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 8476 < *> $192.68* 196111 01/04/99 $176.57 STEWART LUMBER REPAIR PARTS 803658 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 8602 < *> $176.57* 196112 .01/04/99 $35.00 Stouten, Jaqueline visual arts program -1 121598 ED ADMINISTRAT -PRO SVC OTHER < *> $35.00* 196113 01/04/99 $303.53 STREICHERS ammunition IN.97580 POLICE DEPT.. G AMMUNITION 8232 01/04/99 $57.35 STREICHERS ammunition IN.99837 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 8738 01/04/99 $10.38 STREICHERS ammunition IN. 9901 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 8241 < *> - $371.26* 196114 01/04/99 $230.00 STRUZYK, JOSEPH UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN-UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 196115 01/04/99 $57.25 SuperAmerica WELDING SUPPLIES 73 -30 -70 EQUIPMENT.'OPER WELDING SUPPLI 8841 < *> $57.25* 196116 01/04/99 $66.03 Tape Distributors of Min general supplies 99267 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 8242 ' < *> $66.03* 196117 01/04/99 $2,614.05 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 150597 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 01/04/99 $251.50 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 150598 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $2,865.55* 19.6118,.01/04/99 $460.00 TODD, DARRELL UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $460.00* 196119 01/04/99 $114.89 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPL gas & tools 217245 LIFT STATION M TOOLS 8323 < *> $114.89* 196120 01/04/99 $100.00 TOWGAS, FRANK 1/12/99 program -.Edi 122398 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 196121 01/04/99 $39.92 TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFT craft supplies 199014 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 8495 < *> $39.92* 196122 01/04/99 $330.15 Twin Cities Service Cent CONTRACTED REPAIRS I21535 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 01/04/99 $213.:75 Twin Cities Service Cent CONTRACTED REPAIRS I21751 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $543.90* 196123 01/04/99 $498.52 U.S. Filter /Waterpro storm swere pipe 495238 GENERAL STORM PIPE 8314 01/04/99 $798.75 U.S. Filter /Waterpro gluoride equip. 495773 DISTRIBUTION PHOTO SUPPLIES 8325 < *> $1,297.27* 196124 01/04/99 $182.69 United Electric REPAIR PARTS 41530600 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 8699 < *> $182.69* 196125 01/04/99 $100.00 UNITED STATE GOLF ASSOCI DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS R445 -966 GOLF ADMINISTR DUES & SUBSCRI 8816 < *> $100.00* 196126 01/04/99 $85.85 UNITED STORES clothing allowance 43739 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY 8792 < *> $85.85* • COUNCIL Ch, REGISTER 3. C -1998 (19:58) page 15 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 196127 01/04/99 $53.79 UPBEAT INC- GENERAL SUPPLIES 00273585 LITTER REMOVAL GENERAL SUPPLI 8135 < *> $53.79* 196128 01/04/99 $162.99 US FOODSERVICES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD 288369 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL < *> $162.99* 196129 01/04/99 $110.40 US West Dex ADVERTISING OTHER 00478968 ART CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER 01/04/99 $485.80 US West Dex TELEPHONE 00481671 ED ADMINISTRAT TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $277.70 US West Dex TELEPHONE 00483356 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 01/04/99 $69.30 US West Dex TELEPHONE 00483356 FRED RICHARDS TELEPHONE < *> $943.20* 196130 01/04/99 $230.00 Vadnais, Scott UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 196131 01/04/99 $178.00 VINTAGE ONE WINES COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2920 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $178.00* 196132 01/04/99 $103.20 Voss Lighting lighting 2031601 - ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 8698 < *> $103.20* 196133 01/04/99 $166.94 WALSER FORD REPAIR PARTS 20097 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 8640 01/04/99 $50.00 WALSER FORD warranty FOCS8411 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 8653 < *> $216.94* 196134 01/04/99 $408.00 WENZEL, KENNETH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 122398 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $408.00* 196135 01/04/99 $100.00 Williams, Geoff program - Edinborough 1 122398 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 196136 01/04/99 $366.75 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 015082 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $1,429.95 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 015083 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $1,768.60 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 015084 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $404.00 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 015113 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $168.00 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 015114 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $356.00 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 015115 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $232.00 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 015229 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $498.00 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 015302 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $5,223.30* 196137 01/04/99 $189.65 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 14701 50TH ST.SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $383.05 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 14835 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $491.90 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 14874 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $1,064.60* •196138 01/04/99 $208.00 Wolfe, Kay PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 122398 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES < *> $208.00* 196139 01/04/99 $230.00 WOODCOCK, JEFFREY UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 122898 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW < *> $230.00* 196140 01/04/99 $593.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 77925 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $269.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 77930 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 01/04/99 $167.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 77988 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 30- DEC -1998 (19:58) page lE CHECK NO . DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE 'PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 196140 01/04/99 - $192.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI..78084 50TH'ST SELLIN CST OF-GD WINE < *> $837.00* 196141 01/04/99 $170.00 ZINN, BOBO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 122398 -ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 01/04/99 $37.48 ZINN, BOBO CRAFT SUPPLIES .122398 ART - CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES < *> $207.48* 196142 01/04/99 $172.50 ZWERNIK, DON PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 121298 MEDIA LAB PROF SERVICE$ < *> $172.50* $602,677.76* r ` COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY 30 -Lm%�-1998 (20:01) page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUND # 10 GENERAL FUND $68,891.12 FUND # 12 COMMUNICATIONS $313.21 FUND # 15 WORKING CAPITAL $80.00 FUND # 23 ART CENTER $8,165.60 FUND # 25 GOLF DOME FUND $4,775.24 FUND # 27 GOLF COURSE FUND $8,869.95 FUND # 28 ICE ARENA FUND $1,809.74 FUND # 30 EDINBOROUGH /CENTENNIAL LAK $2,227.12 FUND # 40 UTILITY FUND $263,582.03 FUND # 41 STORM SEWER UTILITY FUND $812.70 FUND # 50 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND $120,509.43 FUND # 61 PARK BOND FUND $122,641.62 $602,677.76* CITY OF EDINA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: December 22, 1998 TO: Gordon Hughes, City Manager City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Wo rk sloly SUBJECT: CITATION FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICE On Wednesday, December 16, 1998, a situation arose that tested our Public Works personnel and equipment. A truck working for the railroad tipped over near the railroad tracks on 44th Street, trapping a worker inside. Public works was contacted by Police Dispatch to bring loaders and the large wrecker. City personnel stabilized the accident scene allowing the trapped individual to be freed and taken to the hospital. The following individuals are to be commended for their meritorious service: Greg Bretson John Scheerer Ed Haller Randy Schugel Steve Bergren Dave Adams FH /dj cc: Greg Bretson John Scheerer Ed Haller Randy Schugel Steve Bergren Dave Adams Greg Bretson personnel file John Scheerer personnel file Ed Haller personnel file Randy Schugel personnel file Steve Bergren personnel file Dave Adams personnel file