HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-06-01_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL JUNE 1, 1999 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner, Council Member or citizen so requests it. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF HRA - Regular Meeting of May17,1999 II. WMEP UPDATE III. REQUEST FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING REBATE - Edina School District ►Ilcall IV. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS -as per pre -list dated 5/26/99, TOTAL: $2,851.65 V. ADTOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Minutes of May 17,1999 II. PUBLIC HEARING OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to proceed, action by resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council required to pass if improvement is petitioned for; 4/5 favorable rollcall vote required if no petition Rollcall A. GLENGARRY PARKWAY STREET RESURFACING IMPROVEMENT A -186A Rollcall B. MERRITT CIRCLE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT A -186B Rollcall C. BROOKVIEW AVENUE & WEST 56TH STREET CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT B -096 )Ilcall D. CORNELIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT S -077 Rollcall E. COUNTRYSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT S -076 Agenda/Edina City Council June 1, 1999 Page 2 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner Public Comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoninjz Ordinances: First and Second Reading require 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council to pass. Waver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. SET HEARING DATE - EDINA'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN YEARS 1999 -2005 (6/15/99 IV. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Metropolitan Radio Board Antennae Request V. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS VI. CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS A. Parkwood Knolls Residents Traffic Concerns VII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES VIII. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL IX. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEM X. FINANCE Rolicall A. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS as per Pre -List dated 5/26/99 TOTAL: $981,088.55 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING-MEETINGS - Tues. Jun 15 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Jul 5 INDEPENDENCE DAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed Tues Jul 6 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER! Tues Jul 20 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Aug 3 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Aug 17 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Sep 6 LABOR DAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed Tues Sep 7 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Sep 21 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 06/0,1/99 TUE 14:50 FAX 612 340 7800 DORSEY & WHITNEY 16002 w l NEMORANDUM TO: Acting Mayor and Members of the City Council Gordon L. Hughes, City Manager FROM: Christopher Smith DATE: June 1, 1999 RE: Mayoral Vacancy Vacancies in elective offices are governed by Minn. Stat. § 412.02, subd. 2a. The Statute provides that a vacancy in an office "shall be filled by council appointment." Although the statute does not mandate when the appointment must be made, any vacancy should be tilled as soon as possible. The law does not require the city to advertise a council vacancy although a city could choose to do so. The law also does not require the city to interview prospective council members or to follow any set procedures. These matters are within the discretion of the council. The council may appoint any individual who is otherwise eligible for election. Under state law, this means the person selected must be at least 21 years of age, a citizen of the United Slates, a resident of the state for at least 20 days, and a resident of the City of Edina. The council may appoint a current council member or any other eligible resident of the city. I the council is voting to appoint a current member of the council as mayor, the interested council member should not participate in the vote. Sce Minn. Stat. §471.46 (A city council member may be appointed to the office of mayor but "the member shall not vote in the appointment." ) In the present case, the mayor's resignation has created a vacancy. The appointment of a new mayor must be made by the city council. The appointment shall be made by a majority vote of the retraining four council members at a regular or special treeting of the council. if there is a tie vote, the statute provides that. "the mayor shall make the appointment." Since the mayor's office is vacant, the acting mayor shall make the appointment if there is a tie vote. See Minn. Stat. § 412.121 ("The acting mayor shall perform the duties of mayor ... III Case of vacancy in the office of mayor, until a successor has been appointed and qualifies. ") The acting mayor may select any qualified person and does not need to choose from those individuals considered by the council. The acting mayor, however, may not appoint himself or herself as the mayor. Since there are less than two years left in the mayor's term, the person appointed to the mayor's office shall serve the remainder of the term., Minn. Stat. § 412.02, subd. 2a was amended in the 1999 legislative session to allow cities the option of holding a special election 06/01/99 TUE 14:50 FAX 612 340 7800 DORSEY & WHITNEY V X003' following the appointment, even though less than two years remain in the term. See 1999 Minn. Laws ch. 75. "Phis change, however, is not effective until August 1, 1999. Assuminb the mayoral appointment is made prior to this date, the city does not have the option to hold a special election. The newly appointed mayor will serve until the end of the unexpired term. If a current council member is appointed as mayor, then there will be a vacancy in that council position. The vacancy must be filled using the same procedure as above. The council make% the appointment, and in the event of a tic, the mayor makes the appointment. Depending, on the length of time left in that council member's tern, a special election tnay be required. If more than two years, remain in the unexpired term, the appointed council member serves only until a special election is held. The individual elected at the special election shall serve the remainder of the term. Under current law, the special election must be held at the next regular city election. Effective August 1, 1999, the law has been amended to give'citics an option as to when to hold the special election. The new law provides that a special election shall be held "at or before" the next regular city election. See 1999 Minn-laws eh. 75. The law does not specify whether a city may utilize this provision if the vacancy occurs before August 1, 1999. It appears, however, under the plain language of the statute, that the city would have the option of holding a special election prior to the next regular city election if more than two years remain in the unexpired term. To use this provision, the new law requires the city council to pass an ordinance specifying under what circumstances it will hold a special election to fill a vacancy at times other than the next regular city election. The city, however, retains the option to wait and hold the special election at the next regular city election. -2- 06/9ly/99 TUE 14:51 F.4X 612 340 7800 DORSEY & WHITNEY ST.No. 257, 2nd Engrossment 41� A51, 0'1� A KEy: man = old language to be removed prjd%:Lscojed = new Language to be added 2004 Page 1 of 1 NOTE: If you cannot see any difference in the key above, you need to c} angc.tlie,disp2 of stricken and/or underscored language. Author and Statue ■ . l=ist versions SY No. 257, 2nd Engrossment: 81st Legislative Session (1999 -2000) Posted on 4/12/99 1,1 A bill for an act 1,2 -relating to statutory cities; perm:itG],ng special 1.3 elections in cases of certain vacancies; amending 1.4 Minnesota Statutes 1998, sections 205.10, subdivision 1.5 2; and 412.02, subdivision 2a. 1.6 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE S'T'ATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.7 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 205.10, 1.8 subdivision 2, is amended to read: 1.9 Subd. 2. (VACANCIES IN CITY OFFICES.] Specirsl elections 1.10 shall be held in statutory cities onj lane `' gwnieipal 1.11 to fill vacancies in elective city offices as 1.12 provided in section 412.02, subdivision 2a. 1.13 Sec. 2.. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 412.02, 1.14 subdivision 2a, is amended to read: 1.15 Subd. 2a. (VACANCY.) Except as otherwise provided in 1.1,6 subdivision 2b, a vacancy in an office shall be filled by 1.17 council appointment until an election is held as provided in 1.18 this subdivision. In case of a tie vote in the council, the 1.19 mayor- s:haall make the appointment. If the vacancy occurs before 1.20 the first day to file affidavits of candidacy for the next a..23 regular city election and more than two years remain in the 1.22 unexpired term, a special, el.ectiori 4hall be held xac 1.23 the next regular city election and the appointed person shall 1.24 serve until the qualification of a successor elected at a 1.25 special election to fill the unexpired portion of the term. If 2.1 the vacaricy occurs or or after the first day to file affidavits 2.2 of candidacy for the regular city election or when less than two 2.3 years remain in the unexpired term, there ehell lee-no need not 2.4 kq special election to fill the vacancy and the appointed 2.5 person shall serve until the qualification of a successor 2.6 ' wetwlfio t- ==. The council mustsp�cify., by 2.7 ordirl ance under what. circumstances it will hold ecial 2.8 eleGtiPn, r�o f 1�� vacancy o Y 4r til, a special election held at 2.9 the same time as the requlNr city: 06/01/99 TUE 14:51 FAX 612 340 7800 DORSEY & WHITNEY Servile Bill Status Document Display Document 1, of I M-M - --Z......I..........., .............. Senate Bill Status Document Display Document 3. of I . Senate Bill Status Search Form Souse Bill Status Search Fq Pagc I of 1 Bill Name: SP'0257 . Text . ...... . Revisor Number: 99-1162 House St;at')S Chief Author: Robling Authors Johnson, D.E. Authors Otirada Author: Kelly, R.C. companion Files 14PO182 B i. 11'.. Ti ,-; " kLq!A�eL.. —77 Short Description: Statutory cities special elections to fill office vacancies Lona Description t-1frilrial Arfinnc- Action I CommitteelDescription Roll Calli 101125/1999 Introduction and first reading 01/25/1999 [R—cfe-r–re- d' to JFE� �ction La ass as amended K9 2La� "0�3101/129.99',Commiuee report: To p, 1/1 11:Second reading SPP: ..... .. 10enerat Orders: To pass 544 i&ilu 9 . Calendar: Third reading Passed 623 ro-4/0�j�jtuii�e—d—from House with amendment] 1408 -771 � ,Senate concurred and repassed bill l 401811 04/09/1999 40 IThird eading 1. ........... Presentment date 1714 ov6mor's action Approval 04/20/99 ItSecretary of State [Ch. 75 04/20/99 F Effective -date August 1:1999 Senate Bill Status Search-ForM Rouge Bill Status Search Form ............................. MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 17, 1999 - 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Faust, Hovland, Kelly, and Vice Chair Maetzold. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Hovland and seconded by Commissioner Faust approving the Council Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR MAY 3, 1999. APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Hovland and seconded by Commissioner Faust approving the Minutes of the May 3, 1999, Regular Meeting. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. CLAIMS PAID Commissioner Faust made a motion approving payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Registered dated May 13, 1999, and consisting of one page totaling, $182,627.53. Commissioner Kelly seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Vice Chair Maetzold declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director. Of Vl REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: HRA Agenda Item HRA II. From: GORDON L. HUGHES Consent ❑ CITY MANAGER Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 19 1999 Mgr. Recommends ® To HRA ❑ To Council Subject: WMEP UPDATE ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ® Discussion INFO/BACKGROUND: On May 17, 1999, the Legislature concluded its 1999 session. On the final day of the session, the Legislature passed an emergency bonding bill which, among other things, allocated $4 million for the Southwest magnet school with a "commitment" by House and Senate conferees to fund the remaining $10 million needed for construction during the 2000 session. (Although Governor Ventura vetoed a number of line items in the bonding bill, we are advised that the $4 million WMEP allocation remains intact.) In 1998, the Legislature funded $3.8 million for land acquisition and related costs. Therefore, a total of $7.8 million has been funded and $10 million remains unfunded. The Legislature also imposed new restrictions on the use of tax increment financing with respect to "social, cultural and recreational" facilities. Under the new law, TIF cannot be used to finance such facilities after January 1, 2000, unless done so pursuant to binding contracts or a letter of intent with a developer or contractor entered into before this date. In our view, libraries, senior centers and community centers are likely affected by these new restrictions. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - WMEP UPDATE June 1, 1999 Page two On April 12, 1999, the HRA issued a non - binding letter of intent with respect to a project involving the WMEP magnet school as well as a public library, bus garage, senior center as well as private redevelopment north of Eden Avenue. This letter of intent provided that the project was contingent upon WMEP obtaining "from the Minnesota State Legislature at its 1999 Session all necessary funding approvals for construction of its portion of the Project." The action by the 1999 Legislature allows partial but not total compliance with this contingency. Alternatives The HRA seems to have four alternatives at this point: Alternative 1. The HRA need not take any action at this time. It could instead choose to wait until the next legislative session to determine if funding is approved. This alternative, 1) prolongs the HRA's holding period and increases its attendant costs, 2) reduces the time period available to receive tax increments from related private development, and 3) extends the uncertainty regarding the use of the property, and 4) may jeopardize the ability to use TIF for the library and senior center due to new TIF restrictions. Alternative 2. The HRA could sell the Kunz Oil and Lewis Engineering properties to WMEP at an agreed upon price but retain a reversionary right that would be triggered by, 1) the failure of the 2000 Legislature to fund the balance of the WMEP related costs, or 2) the inability to obtain rezoning, conditional use or redevelopment agreement approval from the City and HRA. This sale could also be conditioned upon WMEP committing to, 1) the immediate demolition of the Kunz Oil building, 2) the clean up of any on -site contamination (we don't believe there are significant clean up costs based upon past studies), 3) the completion of rezoning and conditional use approvals and redevelopment agreements, and 4) completion of construction drawings for the school and its related facilities. Were the property to revert, the HRA would re- acquire the property for the net price paid by WMEP. This alternative, 1) eliminates the HRA's carry cost during the period of uncertainty, 2) allows project planning and negotiations to proceed during the interim, and 3) improves the property for development even if it reverts to the HRA, but it also 4) extends the uncertainty regarding the use of the property, 5) potentially reduces the time period available to receive tax increments were the project to fail, and 6) may jeopardize the use of TIF for the library and senior center unless a satisfactory letter of intent can be concluded which complies with the new TIF law. (From a preliminary standpoint, we believe such a letter of intent could be entered into before the end of the year.) REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - WMEP UPDATE June 1, 1999 Page three The WMEP proposal is also based upon the need to acquire additional properties adjoining Kunz Oil and Lewis Engineering. The HRA would need to decide if it . should proceed to acquire these parcels in light of legislative uncertainty. Alternative 3. The HRA could reject the WMEP proposal and direct staff to solicit "final" proposals for the private development of the Kunz Oil and Lewis Engineering properties and potentially some adjacent properties. Proposals could be solicited from a selected number of developers who submitted preliminary proposals last year or the HRA could issue a new RFP and thereby obtain a new set of proposals. In either case, the HRA could request that proposals include a new library and senior center. This alternative, 1) does not rely on future legislative actions, 2) may result in commitments prior to the end of the year so as to safeguard TIF use for the public facilities, 3) provides a taxable development, but it also, 4) eliminates the . gymnasium and theater as State funded facilities, and 5) may eliminate the opportunity to redevelop the existing bus garage site with taxable uses. With respect to safeguarding TIF for the community facilities, the HRA should understand that time is of the essence in order to select a developer and .enter into a letter of intent by the end of the year. Alternative 4. The HRA could direct the staff to develop plans for a redevelopment of the Kunz Oil and Lewis Engineering properties exclusively with public uses. Components of such a development could include a library and senior center as well as gymnasiums and other public uses. This alternative, 1) uses the properties to provide needed public facilities, 2) does not necessitate the submission of private proposals, 3) may not need the acquisition of additional properties, but it 4) requires the development of new taxable development within the TIF district if the HRA wishes to finance such facilities with TIF. Staff recommends that the HRA discuss these alternatives at the June 1, meeting. 1 I May 25, 1999 Gordon Hughes City Manager City of Edina 5701 4801 W. 50' St. NORMANDALE Edina, MN 55424 ROAD Dear Gordon: EDINA MINNESOTA I would like you to share with the City Council of Edina that WMEP 55424 continues to be interested in pursuing a magnet school on the Kunz -Lewis 612/928 -2500 site and working in partnership with the City of Edina to help meet their facility needs. FAX 612/928 -2501 As you are aware WMEP received $4 million for the beginning construction of the elementary school in the recently completed legislative session. Sen. Keith Langseth, chair of the bonding committee, made a verbal commitment as did other members of the bonding committee to fund the additional $10 million for construction in the 2000 legislative session since it is a bonding year. This money would be available in the 2000 -2001 fiscal year. I am convinced from my discussions at the legislature and with officials from the executive branch that the $10 million will be forthcoming next fiscal year. The project can proceed with the money allocated by this legislative session. WMEP can now transfer the $3 million to the City of Edina for the purchase of the land. The $4 million currently allocated for the construction of the school will be sufficient for the site development and beginning construction activity. If approved by the legislature, the $10 million will be available on July 1, 2000, or sooner according to officials at the Department of Children, Families, and Learning. It is unfortunate that the full $14 million wasn't allocated by the legislature this session. WMEP, however, continues to believe that the project is a viable and worthy one, that the legislature will allocate the money for the construction in the next legislative session, and that the enhancements to the community through this joint project will benefit Edina for many years. Sincerely, N Kenneth Dragseth, A.D. Superintendent of Schools WE CARE ♦ WE DARE V WE SHARE an equal opportunity employer s 0 491�'11'rj,. o e R FP0RT/RECOMMENDATION II To: HRA From: GORDON L. HUGHES CITY MANAGER Date: JUNE 19 1999 Subject: EDINA SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCE REBATE Agenda Item HRA III. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ® To BRA ❑ To Council ❑ Motion ® Resolution ElOrdinance ❑ Discussion RECOMMENDATION: .Rebate excess tax increments to Edina School District from the Grandview tax increment financing district.. Rebate amount for 1997 - $20,000 Rebate amount for 1998 - $20,000 Rebate amount for 1999 - $20,000 REPORT: On September 8, 1998, the HRA considered this request for 1997 and 1998. On that occasion, the HRA approved the requested rebate conditioned upon funds being rebated, "following approval by the Edina School District to study and possibly restructure sidewalks adjacent to schools" (please refer to the attachment). Based upon this provision, funds have not as yet been rebated to the School District. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION - SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST, TAX INCREMENT REBATE June 1, 1999 Page two The School District has adopted the attached resolution at its May 24, 1999, meeting. This resolution renews the request for 1997 and 1998 and has added 1999, as well. This resolution provides that rebated tax increments will be used to pay the District's assessment with respect to the sidewalks in the Cornelia School area, and the Countryside School area as well as the paving assessment in the vicinity of Highlands School. The referenced sidewalk projects are scheduled for public hearing on the June 1, 1999, City Council Agenda. The School District also notes that any excess funds will, be used for projects that benefit the community. Last autumn, the School District suggested that these funds will be used to resurface tennis courts at the high school, remodel the concession stand at the Community Center, and install a handicap access door at Valley View. In staffs opinion, the HRA should authorize the rebates for 1997, 1998 and 1999. Future rebates will be considered on a year -by -year basis. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HELD AT CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 8, 1998, 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold and Chair Smith. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Maetzold and seconded by Commissioner Faust for approval of the HRA Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 17 1998 HRA MEETING APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Maetzold and seconded by Commissioner Faust for approval of the Minutes of the August 17, 1998. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. RESOLUTION APPROVING REBATE OF TAX INCREMENTS TO EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Executive Director Hughes reported the Board. of Education for the Edina Public Schools has adopted a resolution requesting the HRA rebate excess tax increments resulting from the 1988 excess levy referendum. The amount of the requested rebate is $20,000.00 for 1997 and $20,000.00 for 1998. The rebated amounts would be collected only from the Grandview Tax Increment Financing District. The HRA granted similar rebates to the School District for 1991 through 1996. Rebated funds have historically been used for a variety of projects benefiting both the School District and the City. In 1991, funds were used to re- condition tennis courts at the Community Center. In 1992, rebated funds were applied to the cost of rehabilitating the track at Kuhlman Field. In 1993 and 1994, rebated funds were used for replacing the playing surface at the Field House at Edina High School. In 1995 and 1996, the funds were applied to the resurfacing .of the running track at the Edina Community Center and the resurfacing of tennis courts which are also located at the Community Center. Director Hughes pointed out the School District's Resolution suggests that the rebated funds for 1997 and 1998 be used to resurface the tennis courts at the High School, remodel the concession stand at the Community Center and install a handicap access door at Valley View Middle School. He reminded Council that the requested rebate is for 1997 and 1998 only, and any future rebates will be considered on a year -to -year basis. 1 Following a brief Council discussion, it was suggested the Edina School District be requested to use the excess tax increments to study and possibly restructure sidewalks around Edina schools. Commissioner Maetzold introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, does with this approve rebate of excess tax increments in the amount of $20,000 from the Grandview Tax Increment Financing District for the year 1997 and $20,000 from the Grandview Tax Increment Financing District for the year 1998 to Independent School District No. 273, with payment of funds to be made following approval by the Edina School District to study and possibly restructure sidewalks adjacent to schools.- Commissioner Faust seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Motion carried. FACILITIES REPORT PRESENTED Park Director Keprios explained on July 6, 1998, the Council received proposals from a number of Edina organizations for development of the Kunz Oil /Lewis .Engineeringproperty. The proposal, "Edina - A Multi -Use Facility for the Millennium" advocated the development of a multi - purpose activity center comprising of gymnasiums, senior center, running track, 50 meter competitive pool, leisure - pool, -- fitness center, attendant locker facilities, showers and toilets: The proposal also included an optional domed facility for indoor soccer, football and baseball. Following the presentation, the Council directed staff to evaluate the proposal and report back at a future Council meeting. The evaluation process followed was: 1. Meeting with representatives of the Edina Organizations advocating the project, 2. City Council tour of Chaska Community -- Center, Lifetime Fitness (Plymouth and Hopkins Lindbergh Activity Center), 3. Meeting with school district staff, 4. Survey of other similar facilities, and 5. Contact private health clubs regarding potential partnerships. FACILITY SQUARE FEET • Senior Center 14,400 • Teen Center /Day Care /Administration 10,800 • Four Basketball Courts/Track 36,000 • Mechanical 12,800 • 50 Meter Indoor Competition Pool 17,600 • Indoor Leisure Pool 6,400 • Multi- Purpose Fitness Center 12,800 2 795 8 FOR ACTION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 273 Regular Meeting,-May 24, 1999 Volume 70, Report 429 SUBJECT: TAX INCREMENT FINANCE REBATE Be it Resolved, That The Board of Education Request the Edina City Council to rebate the excess tax increment revenue resulting from the 1988 referendum levied for fiscal years ending 6/30/97, 6/30/98, and 6/30/99 in the amount of $20,000 each year for a total of $60,000. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The City of Edina contains four Tax Increment Financing districts (TIF) which are also within the boundaries of the Edina Public Schools. When these TIF districts were established, the tax base was captured to retire the development bonds and other costs of the development. The school district receives no additional revenue as a result of the development until the bonds are retired. When the voters of the school district approved an excess levy in 1988, it effectively increased the revenue to the TIF district rather than producing revenue for the school district. The 1988 amendments to the Minnesota Tax Increment Financing Act include a provision whereby a city with a TIF district may pay excess tax increment revenue generated by a referendum levy to the school district. This request can be made annually. The last approved request was for fiscal year 1995 -96. If this request is approved, the funds will be used to pay 25% of the.current sidewalk project petitioned in the Cornelia area (approximately $7,000), 25% of the current sidewalk project petitioned in the Countryside area (approximately $16,000), all of our estimated assessment for the Doncaster Way paving project (approximately $6,000 per year for 10 years), and the remainder for projects that will benefit Edina community members. The referenced sidewalks definitely enhance the safety of our walking students. The Board Finance Committee has reviewed and recommends approval of the above. COUNCIL CHEC. ..EGISTER 26 -MAY -1999 (. .56) page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13432 06/01/99 $36.00 BRAUN INTERTEC Prof eng sery 115918 CENTENNIAL LAK PARKS < *> $36.00* 13433 06/01/99 $1,740.00 Ehlers & Associates Inc TIF consulting 16074 GRANDVIEW PROFESSIONAL S < *> $1,740.00* 13434 06/01/99 $1,075.65 Tessman Music Center Music stands 86172 CENTENNIAL LAK EQUIPMENT 2737 < *> $1,075.65* $2,851.65* r MINUTES OF THE.REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 17,1999 - 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Faust, Hovland, Kelly, and Mayor pro tem Maetzold. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED . Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Faust approving the Council Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 3, 1999, APPROVED Motion made by. Member Hovland and seconded by Member Faust approving the Minutes of the May 3, 1999, Regular Council Meeting. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL SYSTEM INMPROVEMENT TS -27 ROAD Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Engineer Engineer Hoffman explained that the proposed signal was not part of the Centennial Lakes master plan. However, after completion of the Edinborough Townhomes and Centennial Lakes Townhomes; staff has received many calls from residents asking that a traffic signal be installed at W.. 769, Street and Edinborough Way. He added that with the proposed. new office buildings; the traffic signal would be warranted. The cost of the signal was estimated to be approximately $154,260 and would be funded as follows: 50% - State Aid 25% - Special Assessment to office development estimated between $15,040.35 to $23,525.00 payable over three years 25% - Special. Assessment to neighborhood townhomes and cooperatives estimated between $37.91 to $71.79 payable over three years Engineer Hoffman added that after the public hearing notices were mailed staff noticed they contained the legal description of the Edinborough Condominiums, but not the addresses of the affected units. Therefore, he recommended that Council hold the hearing, but continue any action until June 15,1999, so new notices could be mailed. Engineer Hoffman stated Edina, Bloomington and Richfield all participated in the I -494 Integrated Corridor Management System (ICTM). West 7611, Street is a major planned arterial roadway running parallel to I-494 and meant to serve intra - community and nearby community non - freeway trips. Page 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 17,1999 I Engineer Hoffman noted that the proposed signal would not enhance the traffic flow. The proposed traffic signal would be a safety improvement benefiting the nearby properties using the intersection for access to their area. He added that most residents responding to the public hearing notices indicated they believed the office development should bear the cost of the signal, instead of the residents. Member Hovland asked how the proposed special assessment allocation was determined and also about traffic volumes and the corresponding sources of the traffic. Engineer Hoffman replied that there had been a comparable signal put in at Cornelia Drive and 70th Street so the assessments were calculated similarly. He added that over the past few years he has received traffic complaint phone calls for the W. 76th street and Edinborough Way intersection. In his opinion, the installation of the signal would be a benefit to the residents as a safety improvement, and now, with the proposed office development warrants for the signal will be met. Member Kelly stated he had several questions: were the office and residential portions of Centennial Lakes platted at the same time; who is requesting the signal installation; has the office development density been reduced since the original plan was approved; and were potential buyers of twnhomes in the area informed of the proposed office development. Engineer Hoffman said that the signal was initiated by staff in response to phone call complaints and because the time is ripe with the office development occurring simultaneously. Manager Hughes noted that the Centennial Lakes office and residential areas were all part of the same master concept plan. He added that the office density has been reduced since the area was originally planned. Manager Hughes pointed out that Edinborough Way was a separate development completed before Centennial Lakes. Therefore, people purchasing Edinborough Way condos perhaps did not know of the proposed office development. However, Centennial Lakes Townhomes was part of the same development so buyers should have been informed of the office development. Member Kelly asked whether the signal installed at Cornelia and West 706, Street was assessed similarly to residents in the area. He also verified the highest residential assessment proposed was approximately. $72.00 spread over three years and asked why 50% and not 75% of the project was taken from State Aid dollars. Engineer Hoffman responded that the Cornelia Drive / West 701h Street project included a larger number of residences reducing the per property cost. He added that Member Kelly was correct that the highest proposed residential assessment was estimated at $72.00 over three years. Engineer Hoffman said staff felt that taking 50% from State Aid was equitable, but Council could decide on a different formula because another leg of the intersection is a State Aid street. Mayor pro tern Maetzold asked if funding a third leg of the intersection from the State Aid Funds would leave the City short on another project. Engineer Hoffman acknowledged that State Aid Funds are limited, but can be used for qualifying projects at the Council's discretion. Public Comment Albert Mayer, 7400 Edinborough Way, explained he was the president of the Centennial Lakes Townhomes Owners Association. Mr. Mayer reported when the first residents moved Page 2 1 Minutes/Edina Ci!y Council/Mav 17,1999 into Centennial Lakes Townhomes, the proposal for the West 76f Street and Edinborough Way corner was residential. Mr. Mayer added he had talked to the manager of the Ebenezer Apartments and found that over 300 of the residents do not drive. He said most traffic is cut through from the offices on France. Mr. Mayer stated he did not have a consensus from the homeowners regarding whether. or nor they favored the installation. Member Faust asked Mr. Mayer if he could poll the Centennial Lakes residents by the June 15th hearing. Mr. Mayer replied he would attempt to poll residents. Member Kelly suggested that Mr. Mayer have the Townhome Association .Board consider its position on the project and report that position to the Council, if the homeowners could not be polled. Don Rognstad, 7540 Edinborough Way, stated he moved into Edina in 1989, and was not shown any plan for an office before he bought his townhome. Mr. Rognstad asked Council not to install the light because it will just funnel traffic into the area. Instead he suggested that a 4 -way STOP sign be installed at West 7811, Street and York Avenue.. John Daffer, 7500 Edinborough Way, said he was not informed of a future office building when he purchased his townhome. He added that many things at Centennial Lakes are .different than what buyers were originally told, such as a proposed tot lot (now a croquet court) and a shuttle to the retail area (never happened). Before that developers the offices on France buildings the traffic signal was not needed. Mr. Daffe Avenue be asked to contribute to the traffic signal installation cost because they are contributing the majority of the traffic. Mr. Daffer suggested that all the Centennial Lakes Townhomes contribute to the improvement, if any are assessed. Joe Jesseph, 7540 Edinborough Way, said he bought his home in 1996 and also did not know anything except that the park would be extended. Mr. Jesseph said he became concerned about the stop light last March and called City Hall. Staff informed him no light was planned but residents could petition for an improvement. He wondered why the townhomes were being assessed and questioned whether the signal is necessary. Mr. Jesseph believes. there should be a protected turn lane on York Avenue and West 76th Street. Council Discussion/ Action Mayor pro tern Maetzold suggested that City staff re -notify a larger area before the June 15, 1999, continued hearing if the possibility exists that more units will be included in the assessments. Member Hovland added that he would like to see sked traffic to report the completed over a minimum of forty -eight hours. Member Kelly P status of any large projects that need State Aid funding in the near future. Member Kelly made a motion continuing the hearing for Traffic Signal Control System Improvement No. TS -27 until June 15,1999; directing staff to mail notices of the continued hearing to all owners of Centennial Lakes Townhomes and to also conduct a traffic study over a forty-eight hour time period. Member Faust seconded the motion. . Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. Page 3 Minutes/Edina Ci!y Counci]/May 17,1999 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL GRANTED HAUGLAND FIRST ADDTION INTERLACHEN CORPORATE CENTER HAUGLAND COMPANY Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Planner Presentation Planner Larsen informed Council the subject property is generally located in the southwest corner of Lincoln Drive and 70, Street. The property measures approximately five acres, is vacant, and zoned Planned Office District, POD -1. The current zoning has been in place since 1984. Before 1984 part of the site was zoned for office use with the balance zoned for high - density residential use. Planner Larsen reminded Council the Preliminary Plat for Haugland First Addition had been granted April 17, 1999. He added that staff initially believed a subdivision dedication was due when the property was platted. However, after research it was discovered that the property was part of the consideration for a 1978 land dedication. The 1978 land dedication is now part of Van Valkenburg Park. He stated that staff recommends Final Plat Approval subject to: Landscaping Bond; Executed and Recorded Proof of Parking Agreement; and Watershed District Permits. Member Hovland introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption subject to: Landscaping Bond; Executed and Recorded Proof of Parking Agreement; and Watershed District Permits. RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR THE HAUGLAND 1s" ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled, " HAUGLAND 1s'r ADDITION ", platted by Haugland Company, a Minnesota corporation, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council on May 17, 1999, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Passed and adopted by the Edina Ciiy Council this 17`" day of May 1999. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Resolution adopted. *BID AWARDED FOR 6826 CHEYENNE CIRCLE LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT LS -14 Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Faust for award of bid for 6826 Cheyenne Circle Lift Station to recommended low bidder, Great Western Corporation at $59,125.50. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR TWO 1999 FIVE GANG FAIRWAY REEL MOWERS FOR BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Faust for award of bid for a hydraulic hammer attachment for a backhoe loader in the Utility Department to recommended low bidder, Ziegler, Inc., at $16,629.98. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. Page 4 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 17,1999 TRAFFIC SAFETY REPORT OF MAY 4 1999 APPROVED Traffic Safety Coordinator Bongaarts noted that residents might be in attendance to speak to their concerns. No residents appeared to speak. Member Faust made a motion approving Section A of the Traffic Safety Staff Report of May 4,1999: 1. Installation of staff recommended 'word message' signs with word "School" added to the symbolic signs already in place on West 70th Street at Heatherton Trial and at Wooddale Avenue; 2. Installation of staff recommended "No Through Traffic to France Avenue" sign on Lynmar Lane at West 701h Street, 3. Installation of staff recommended "No Parking" restrictions for 50 feet on either side of driveway at 7500 Cahill Road; and to acknowledge Sections B and C. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. *RESOLUTION ADOPTED AUTHORIZING LOCAL COLLABORATIVE TIME STUDY (LCTS) AGREEMENT GOVERNANCE PLAN Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Faust introducing the following resolution and moving its adoption: RESOLUTION WHERAS the cities of Bloomington, Edina, and Richfield are participants, along with other entities, in a state - sanctioned Family Services Collaborative operated through the South Hennepin Regional Planning Agency, titled the South Hennepin Family Service Collaborative ( "FamiLink "); and WHEREAS, FamiLink has agreed to participate in the Local Collaborative Time Study (LCTS) revenue maximization activity to generate new funds for the work of its collaborative. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Edina agrees to the governance plan concerning the allocation and assignments of decision - making authority over the public health LCTS revenues generated by the City of Bloomington Health Division as per the Interagency Agreement with the Cities of Bloomington, Edina and Richfield. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute the aforementioned agreement on behalf of the City of Edina. Adopted this 17th day of May, 1999. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. SUMP PUMP UPDATE PRESENTED Engineer Hoffman noted in December 1997; the Council authorized a city -wide sump pump inspection program to determine the amount of clear water inflows into Edina's sanitary sewer system. Howard Green and Associates, the consultant, hired to complete the inspections, is approximately 95% finished with the program. Staff felt the consultant's preliminary information should be presented at this time because summer which is traditionally the time for high inflow from wet weather, is approaching. Page 5 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 17,1999 0 i In addition, Engineer Hoffman, stated staff would be asking the Council to authorize certified letters be sent to the non - inspected properties and those properties already inspected, with failed sumps that have not been corrected. The letter will set a ninety day period for inspection and completion of repairs. The letters will also set a date for implementing the $100 monthly surcharge on the utility bills for non - compliance either allowing the inspection or completing repairs. Engineer Hoffman introduced Tom Kaldunsky of Howard Green and Associates. Mr. Kaldunsky presented the findings of the Sump Pump Inspection Program. He explained the City had been divided into four quadrants and that as of May 7, 1999; 13,779 properties had been inspected with approximately 611 properties remaining to be inspected. Of those properties already inspected 370 failed the first inspection, 61 had a problem with water running .over the floor, and 68 were corrected before inspection for a total of 499 properties discharging clear water into the sanitary sewer system. The potential outflow gallons per minute could have and most likely did cause the surcharging experienced during the rain events of 1997. Mr. Kaldunsky postulated that if 611 inspections remain, using a 4% failure rate, 25 failed pumps would be found with the potential to generate 750 GPM of sanitary sewer flow. Using an 8% failure rate the potential flow would increase to 1,470 GPM. Mr. Kaldunsky suggested the following next steps be followed for the remaining inspections, and those properties who have been notified of their failed system, but have not yet repaired them, as well as those properties where owners have been notified, but not allowed inspections to be made. The Council authorize a certified letter that provides: 30 days to schedule an appointment for an inspection; and sets a starting date for the $100/ month surcharge on utility billings (as allowed by ordinance). Mr. Kaldunsky concluded that Howard Green & Associates believes the inspection program has been very successful so far because Edina's average daily sanitary sewer flow has been lessened significantly already. Those systems found out of compliance that have properly connected their sump pumps or redirected the pumps' flow have reduced the average flow enough to bring it below the point reached, in 1997 when the surcharging happened. The Council briefly discussed the partial inspection report results. Member Faust made a motion authorizing certified letters be sent to owners of sump pumps which have not been inspected or repaired indicating monthly surcharge billings will begin in 90 days if inspections or repairs are not completed. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. *RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING DATE OF JUNE 1 1999 FOR IMPROVEMENTS Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Faust approving the following. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, pursuant to a motion of the Council adopted May 3, 1999, a report has been prepared by the City Engineer with reference to the Street Resurfacing Improvement A- 186a Glengarry Parkway and Concrete Curb & Gutter Improvement No. A -186b Merritt Circle. Vann A R A. Minutes/Edina City council/May 17,1999 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Edina, Minnesota: I. The City Council will consider the improvement of such streets in accordance with the reports and the assessment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvements pursuant to Minnesota States, Chapter 429 as follows: A. Street Resurfacing Improvement A -186a for Glengarry Parkway; and B. Concrete Curb and Gutter Improvements A -186b for Merritt Circle. II. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 1sT day of June, 1999, in the City Council Chambers of Edina City Hall at 7:00 P.M. and the City Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted this 171h day of May, 1999. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *I494 CORRIDOR COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT PRESENTED Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Faust acknowledging receipt of the I -494 Corridor Commission's Annual Report for 1997 -1998. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *C.D.B.G. TOINT COOPERATION AGREEMENT APPROVED Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Faust approving the following. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A JOINT COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EDINA AND HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM IN FY 2000 - 2002 WHEREAS, the City of Edina, Minnesota and the County of Hennepin have in effect a Joint Cooperation Agreement for purposes of qualifying as an Urban County under the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Programs: and WHEREAS, the City and County wish to execute a new Joint Cooperation Agreement in order to continue to qualify as an Urban County for purposes of the Community Development Block Grant and HOME Programs. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the current Joint Cooperation Agreement between the City and the County be terminated and a new Joint Cooperation Agreement between the City and County be executed effective October 1, 1999, and that the Mayor and the City Manager /Administrator be authorized and directed to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City. Adopted this 17th day of May, 1999. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. NEW ON -SALE WINE AND 3.2 BEER LICENSE FOR SAM AND NICKI'S EMBERS AMERICA (7700 NORMANDALE ROAD) Manager Hughes noted that Edina Embers, Inc., d.b.a. Sam and Nicki's Embers America, 7700 Normandale Road, has filed all necessary documentation for liquor licensing and paid the necessary license fees. The Planning Department has reviewed the application and found it complied with all code requirements. Manager Hughes added the Health Department has reviewed and approved the applicant's plan for wine and beer storage and service. He pointed out the Police Department have Page 7 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 17,1999 completed their investigation and submitted_ a memorandum stating the Department's findings from their investigation. Mr. John Bryant of Embers America introduced himself to the Council and thanked them for consideration of his application. Member Kelly made a motion granting an on -sale wine and 3.2 beer license to Edina Embers, Inc., d.b.a. Sam and Nicki's Embers America located at 7700 Normandale Road. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Kelly, Hovland, Maetzold Motion carried. CLAIMS PAID Motion made by' Member Faust approving payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated May 13, 1999, and consisting of 29 pages: General Fund $197,353.10; C.D.B.G. $1,086.00; Communications $10,300.96; Working Capital $16,910.75; Art Center $8,107.87; Golf Dome Fund $210.90; Swimming Pool Fund $3,823.27; Golf Course Fund $125,018.64; Ice Arena Fund $4,561.94; Edinborough/ Centennial Lakes $19,345.38; Utility Fund $39,018.57; Storm Sewer Utility Fund $498.89; Recycling Program $35,092.44; Liquor Dispensary Fund $189,059.57; Construction Fund $5,175.27; Park Bond Fund $2,130.06; IMP Bond Redemption #2 $1,600.00; TOTAL $659,293.61; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated May 4,1999, and consisting of 4 pages: General Fund $474,841.14; Communications $1,127.83; Working Capital $79.56; Art Center $1,492.64; Golf Dome Fund $2,520.89; Swimming Pool Fund $1,182.03; Golf Course Fund $2,955.14; Ice Arena Fund $11,149.65; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes $9,539.76; Utility Fund $11,104.26; Storm Sewer Utility Fund $217.49; Liquor Dispensary Fund $62,216.43; TOTAL: $578,426.82. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Smith adjourned the. Council Meeting at 9:00 P.M. City Clerk Page 8 J o1Ve REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # II.A. From: Francis J. Hoffman City Engineer] Consent Information Only ❑ ❑ Date: June 1, 1999 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Receive Feasibility and Action Motion Public Hearing: Glengarry ® Resolution Parkway Street Resurfacing El Ordinance Improvement A -186a ❑ Discussion Recommendation: If the Council determines the project to be warranted and necessary, Council shall adopt a resolution approving the addition of Glengarry Parkway Street Resurfacing Improvement A -186a to Highlands Park Neighborhood Street Resurfacing Improvement A -186, authorize plans and specifications to be completed and bids taken. Info /Background: City staff initiated this project as a result of public testimony at Improvement A -186 Public Hearing. The proposed project would involve reclaiming the existing bituminous, and repaving the roadways. Staff analyzed the project and feels that the project is feasible from an engineering standpoint. Attached is a copy of the Feasibility Study along with Notice of Public Hearing to this report. The estimated project cost is $32,400. Funding for this project would be from a special assessment of approximately $2,400 per all assessable lots. 1 ' k ° ^r�,� FEASIBILITY STUDY Al 86a ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT �y CITY OF EDINA ra.a STREET IMPROVEMENTS HIGHLANDS PARK NEIGHBORHOOD JUNE 1, 1999 LOCATION: Glengarry Parkway from Vernon Avenue to Ayrshire Boulevard. i eras 11RE BLVD AYRSHIRE BOULEVARD _ �a —.... $a ....................... — —. .. ....... ... ........ ._...,......._ N —. —� VERNON AVENUE - - ----- l INDEE RD ..................g:a..... 5a..............j.__. ..... ........... Project Location INITIATION & ISSUES: This project was staff initiated by the Edina Engineering Department as a result of public testimony during the Public Hearing for Street Reclamation Improvement A -186 Highlands Park Neighborhood. Residents along the northerly portion of Glengarry Parkway requested that the entire street be reclaimed (from Vernon Avenue to Northwood Drive). These residents could not see, a difference between the two sections of roadway. Staff re- reviewed the sections of roadway that were seal coated last year; these roadways included Dundee Road, Mirror Lakes Drive, and Chantrey Road south of Ayrshire Boulevard. Glengarry was not included with this seal coating. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The existing roadway was constructed in 1957. This roadway consists of a 28 foot wide bituminous rural section. The pavement is in relatively poor condition and is very brittle with major and minor block cracking throughout. This roadway is near the end of its useful life; meaning overlaying or seal - coating this pavement would not be feasible. Feasibility Study A186a Highlands Park Neighborhood June 1, 1999 Page 2 Pavement Condition on Glengarry Parkway IMPROVEMENT: This project involves reclaiming the existing bituminous pavement, a process that grinds up the existing roadway, regrades the road bed, removes all excess material and repaves the roadway with a two and one -half to three inch bituminous pavement. The initial sump survey indicated that a number of homes in this neighborhood have existing sump pumps. City staff will analyze extending the existing storm sewer system that will provide an underground stub to accommodate these homes. A neighborhood informational packet was sent to these residents with the Notice of Public Hearing. All resident letters received are attached to this report. RIGHT -OF -WAY: Adequate right -of -way exists. FEASIBILITY: This project is feasible from an Engineering / City standpoint. EASEMENTS: No additional easements will be required. COMPLETION: 1999 Construction Season ASSESSMENTS: A special assessment of approximately $2,400 per assessable lot will be levied against the residents along Glengarry Parkway. The assessments for this project will be combined with Improvement No. A -186 Highlands Park Street Reclamation Project. Feasibility Study A186a Highlands Park Neighborhood June 1, 1999 Page 3 PROJECT COSTS: The total estimated project cost is $32,400 and includes indirect costs of 22.5 %, which includes engineering, clerical, and finance costs.. The - estimated project cost does not include storm sewer or utility upgrades. Utility upgrades will be funded through their respective utility fund. Funding for the entire project will be from a combination of special assessment and utility funds. This project will be added to Improvement No. A -186 Highlands Park Street Reclamation Project. See cost summary below. SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $23,800 10% CONTINGENCY $ 2,400 TOTAL CONSTRUCITON COST $26.200 15% ENGINEERING & CLERICAL $ 3,900 SUBTOTAL PROJECT COST $30,100 7.5% FINANCE COST $ 2,300 TOTAL PROJECT COST $32.400 PROJECT SCHEDULE: The following schedule is feasible from an Engineering standpoint: Council Orders Public Hearing .......... ............................May 17, 1999 Receive Feasibility Report ................ ...........................June 1,1999 Public Hearing ............................... ...........................June 1, 1999 Bid Opening . ............................... ...........................June 24, 1999 Award Contract ............................ ...........................July 6, 1999 Begin Construction .......................... ........................August, 1999 Complete Construction ........................ .......................October, 1999 s 3 i i t �-N�=lv� 1 r E: May 18, 1999 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING STREET RESURFACING PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT A-1 86a GLENGARRY PARKWAY HIGHLANDS PARK NEIGHBORHOOD City of Edina The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall on Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 7:00 PM to hold a Public Hearing on the street recycling, bituminous resurfacing on Glengarry Parkway from Vernon Avenue to Ayrshire Boulevard. This hearing is being conducted under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. This hearing has been called as a recommendation from staff as a result of the Public Hearing on May 3, 199 for Improvement No. A -186, Highlands Park Neighborhood Pavement Reclamation. Staff recommends, after hearing public testimony, that this portion of Glengarry Parkway be added to Improvement No. A -186. Improvement No. A186 is scheduled for construction in 1999 with the assessment hearing occurring in late September or early October. The additional estimated project cost is $32,400. The cost of the project will be funded by special assessment. The estimated cost per assessable lot is $2,400 and could be divided over a ten year period with interest accumulating on the unpaid balance. The area proposed to be assessed the cost of the proposed improvement includes: Lots 1 thru 9, Block 1 and Lots 5 thru 13, Block 2, John E. Anderson's Addition to Edina Highlands. Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties which are considered to be benefited by the improvement. Any inquiries, comments and /or suggestions you may have regarding this improvement may be forwarded to the City Council or Engineering Department prior to the hearing or presented at the hearing itself. If you desire additional information, please call Wayne Houle at 826 -0443 between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. The City Council can authorize the proposed project immediately upon the close of the hearing. Thank you, Francis J. Ho an, P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer FJH /cif City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612).826-0379 1 o a CD . �. INFORMATIONAL SHEET GLENGARRY PARKWAY: HIGHLANDS PARK NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF EDINA PROJECT: The proposed project will consist of reclaiming the roadway along Glengarry Parkway from Vernon Avenue to Ayrshire Boulevard. If the Edina City Council approves this project it will be added to the Highlands Park Neighborhood Improvement A -186. Most streets in this neighborhood were installed in 1957. No concrete curb and gutters are proposed for this street. Engineering staff will also look at any surface drainage problems that might exist and ways to help alleviate these problems. SCHEDULE: The construction for this project should take approximately three to eight weeks depending on the extent of work to be completed (utility work will generally take longer than just repaving). The proposed preliminary schedule is as follows: Public Hearing ....... ...........................June 1, 1999 Begin Construction . ............................... July,1999 Complete Construction ................. September, 1999 Final Assessment Hearing ......... Fall of 1999 or 2000 Please keep in mind that this portion of the Highlands Park Neighborhood Street Improvement Project is 11 proposed only" until the City Council orders it at a Public Hearing. Also, you will be notified of the public hearing date at least ten days prior to the public hearing. ASSESSMENTS: The assessments for this project are preliminarily setup on a per lot basis, meaning all lots will be assessed equally. Assessments are typically added to the tax roll after the final assessment hearing and can be spread -out over 10 years. Proposed Assessments for this project are +$2,400 per lot and includes only the pavement reclaiming portion, any utility work will be charged to the City Utility Fund. NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT OPPORTUNITIES: Residents from this neighborhood will have opportunities for input at the public hearing, or you can call Wayne Houle at 826 -0443. saa5 5595 sma stm / sto9 ___ wa5 7 RE BLVD AYRSHIRE BLVD J/ 6591 5500 .'A01 5559 5505 SW. Q• sso9 9vo �4l 5915 W15 9 ��' sstr Wtl 111 sWl _ _ �1 i ss'0 u W6 --- -- 1 56:5 A9+ i 9109 �� Sal3 JJJ55w ___ wlz ,1 -- s.zi solo a 5501 Wxo _ ................ _ uW1 9509 F ssx. a sn9 u _ RECLAIM STREET o FROM VERNON AVENUE ° SOiS J TO AYRSHIRE BLVD .. .. . ....... __ tee- 1 ......... 1670 _._.— SZ- 5511 5615 WI] - sWO ... ............... _ EDEN PRAIRIE RD NDEE RD VERNON AVE SfaJ j �r 911 rS I O�� 5901 '' -� 9®10 ""Rj 21�AWAY NDS NEIGHBORHOOD STREET IMPROVEMENT /iN ^r�� o e in N'�o �o REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis J. Hoffman/ City Engineer Date: June 1, 1999 Subject: Receive Feasibility and Public Hearing: Merritt Circle Curb and Gutter Improvements A-1 86b Recommendation: Agenda Item # II.B. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance Discussion If the Council determines the project to be warranted and necessary, Council shall adopt a resolution approving the addition of Merritt Circle. Curb and Gutter Improvements A -186b to Highlands Park Neighborhood Street Resurfacing Improvement A -186, authorize plans and specifications to be completed and bids taken. Info /Background: City Council initiated this project as a result of public testimony at Improvement A -186 Public Hearing. The proposed project would involve adding concrete curb & gutter to the above stated reclamation project along Merritt Circle. Staff surveyed the neighborhood and the majority (6 against, 5 for) of the responding neighbors do not support the addition of curb and gutters. If the Council does desire curb and gutters, a surmountable type curb and gutter would be recommended. Also, Engineering feels that the project is feasible from an engineering standpoint.. Attached is a copy of the Feasibility Study along with Notice of Public Hearing to this report. The estimated project cost is $30,500 for surmountable concrete curb and gutter. Funding for this project would be from a special assessment of approximately $1:,900 per assessable lot and would be added to the pending assessment for Improvement A- 186. 91NA.1�l ow a FEASIBILITY STUDY - A186b ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ay CITY OF EDINA CURB & GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS HIGHLANDS PARK NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS JUNE 1, 1999 LOCATION: Merritt Circle from Vernon Avenue to Doncaster Way. A�HHW BLVD e'ma Ew- MERRITT CIRCLE aoa fine ¢aas � / GO�:://yyJJ VERNON AVE mee WM- AVE �' \ ......._ ema .._uva .... ... ..._ .. am. ro. fma .. bne xta dn_ exue ............ ..........e . me ema mi^ masme xmi ................................ ................ _ ... ..._.. ............ —... .. ..__.....__..... miu .._NOGE .. . �5 lFA miv m — r ...� acro I � vna 1\ ev.�v .ma erax ..................._ ...._... e..._.._...,, ......, mi e //^ ea. mon mxn mxe /A DR PROJECT LOCATION N - - -- J l P� aN l / INITIATION & ISSUES: This project was initiated by the City Council as a result of discussion during the Public Hearing for Street Reclamation Improvement A -186 Highland Park Neighborhood. During recent surveys of the neighborhood residents indicated a desire to install concrete curb and gutter along their street. These results are as follows: SURVEY STYLE OF CURB NO CURB BULK HEAD SURMOUNTABLE No. 1. 1 0 0 No. 2. 7 2 4 No. 3. 1 4 6 Survey No. 3 was sent out at the request of City Council. As you can see 5 residents are for curb and gutter and 6 are against curb and gutter. Also, two Feasibility Study A -186b Merritt Circle June 1, 1999 Page 2 of the five residents against the project, had previously wanted curb and gutter installed. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The existing roadway consists of a 28 foot wide bituminous rural section. IMPROVEMENT: The majority of the recent survey results request that no concrete curb and gutters be installed with this project. If the Council chooses to include adding concrete curb and gutter to this street during the pavement reclaiming process, a surmountable type concrete curb and gutter would be recommended due to the results of this most recent survey. Driveway aprons would not be installed with a surmountable concrete curb and gutter system. As driveway aprons would be installed with a bulkhead style concrete curb and gutter. RIGHT -OF -WAY: Adequate right -of -way exists. FEASIBILITY: This project is feasible from an engineering / city standpoint. EASEMENTS: No additional easements will be required. COMPLETION: 1999 Construction Season as part of the Street Reclamation Improvement A- 186 Highland Park Neighborhood. ASSESSMENTS: A special assessment of approximately $1,900 to $2,900 per assessable lot will be levied against the residents along Merritt Circle. Assessment costs related to the surmountable versus the bulk -head is $1,900 and $2,900 per each home respectively. Any additional assessment costs for curb and gutter will be added to the special assessments pending on Improvement No. A -186 for each individual lot. PROJECT COSTS: The total estimated project cost is $30,500 to $47,000, depending on the surmountable versus bulkhead curb and gutter, and includes indirect costs of 22.5 %, which includes engineering, clerical, and finance costs. Funding for the entire project will be from special assessments. PROJECT SCHEDULE: The following schedule is feasible from an Engineering standpoint: Council Orders Public Hearing ....... ............................May 17, 1999 Receive Feasibility Report ................ ...........................June 1, 1999 Public Hearing ............................... ...........................June 1, 1999 Bid Opening . ............................... ...........................June 24, 1999 Award Contract .... ............................... ..........................July, 1999 Begin Construction ........................... .........................August ,1999 Complete Construction .................... .....................September, 1999 May 18, 1999 City Of Edina NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CURB & GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT NO. A -186b MERRITT CIRCLE The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall, on Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 7:00 PM, to consider the Public Hearing on the addition of concrete curb and gutter along Merritt Circle. This hearing is being conducted under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. This hearing has been called as a request from Edina City Council resulting from the Public Hearing of Improvement No. A -186, Highlands Park Neighborhood Pavement Reclamation. The estimated project cost is $30,500 to $47,000. The cost of the project will be funded by special assessment. The estimated assessment cost is $1,900 to $2,900 per assessable lot. and can be divided over a ten year period with interest accumulating on the unpaid balance. This portion of the proposed project includes installation of a surmountable concrete curb and gutter only. The pavement reclamation for this neighborhood was approved at the May 3 Public Hearing. The proposed project would be constructed in 1999 in conjunction with the pavement reclamation project, the final assessment hearing will occur after the projects are complete in late September or early October. A survey postcard is enclosed requesting your input as to the scope of work and costs of these curbs. The area proposed to be assessed the cost of the proposed improvement includes: Lots 1, and 7 thru 11, Block 2, Lots 1 thru 10, Block 3, Victorsen's Addition to Edina Highlands. Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties that are considered to be benefited by the improvement. Any inquiries, comments and /or suggestions you may have regarding this improvement may be forwarded to the City Council or Engineering Department prior to the hearing or presented at the hearing itself. If you desire additional information, please call Wayne Houle at 826 -0443 between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. The City Council can authorize the proposed project immediately upon the close of the hearing. Thank you, Francis J. AW,P.E. rector o Porks and City Engineer City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 826 -0379 City of Edina May 19, 1999 Merritt Circle Highlands Park Neighborhood Area Residents Edina, MN Re: Resident Letter No. 2a Curb and Gutter Survey Merritt Circle Dear Resident: As many of you know the Edina City Council approved the reclamation of your streets at the May 3 City Council Meeting. As a request of the neighbors present and of the Council, staff has estimated additional costs that you would incur if concrete curb and gutter is installed on Merritt Circle. The costs for installing concrete curb and gutter along your street varies between $30,500 for surmountable curb and gutter (similar to Sherman Circle / Olinger Boulevard) and $47,000 for bulk -head curb and gutter (similar to Ayrshire adjacent to park). No concrete driveway aprons would be installed with the surmountable curb and gutter as concrete driveway aprons would be installed with the bulk -head curb and gutter. Additional assessment costs related to the surmountable versus the bulk -head is $1,900 and $2,900 per each home respectively. Keep in mind that these costs will be added to the pending assessment of $2,500. Please complete the attached postcard survey and return this survey by Wednesday May 26. Please contact me at 826 -0443 if you have any questions regarding this project. Sincerely, e��"ev� Wayne D. Houle, PE Assistant City Engineer Attachment c: File City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 826 -0379 • REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis J. Hoffman�� City Engineer Date: June 1, 1999 Subject: Receive Feasibility and Public Hearing: Brookview Avenue and West 56th Street Curb and Gutter Improvement B -096 Recommendation: Agenda Item # II.C. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion If the Council determines the project to be warranted and necessary, Council shall adopt a resolution approving Brookview Avenue and West 56th Street Curb and Gutter Improvement B -096, authorize plans and specifications to be completed and bids taken. Info /Background: The City has received a petition from 27 of the 31 residents in the neighborhood to install bulkhead style concrete curb and gutter along Brookview Avenue from Woodland Road to West 56th Street and along West 56th Street from Oaklawn Avenue to Park Place. Staff analyzed the project and feels. that the project is feasible from an engineering standpoint. Attached is a copy of the Feasibility Study along with Notice of Public Hearing to this report. The estimated project cost is $99,400. Funding for this project would be from a special assessment of approximately $47 per assessable front footage (approximately $2800 per typical 60 foot lot). s �y9SN�\ ok e o 'o ay CURB & GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS BROOKVIEW AVENUE AND WEST 56TH STREET JUNE 1, 1999 FEASIBILITY STUDY - B -096 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA LOCATION: West 56th Street from Oaklawn Avenue to Park Place Avenue and Brookview Avenue from Woodland Road to West 551h Street. ....... 5424 ... 5121 5,25 61N 5426 5120 6,28 5129 5125 5132 ]] 64]2 64]3 5431 5,� ; 61]6 5337 5438 ...... 55TH... ST W 5 %0 r601 X00 s3o 1 6600 5504 6;as s94 %as 5c�4 6509 6508 9508 5500 %08 ....... ...................... . ._..... %12 ,55,3 .............. ............ %12.... 65,3 %12 %10 55 t2 5516 517 9ta 5370 5521 ..... . sir .....55z0 F12 5925 5524 2 SL'S %24 WEST 58TH STREET ®00 901 '1L0 SW1 900 904 as0s 92s 900 %0. KELLOGG PL - _.. seas ........_..... s50a %12 810 920 328 917 % /1\ 00 m LN ......__._ 5336 6437 181 %00 5505 5504 694 %c 9509 6688 ... ..... SSOa F 9813 %12 ` ........ %13 6511 5515 ..... _� •� 5521 . 5520 %23 5525 a......_ ssze _ %2a %2r 55]r 553s 563; 96os 912 , 6816 D 9 29 10 `` 6M0 1W. `512 %15 %12 a24 J 5521 `\ / 550, X00 )N W04 8D 805 9 912 5509 82 %10 915 61 919 \21'1 PROJECT LOCATION INITIATION & ISSUES: This project was initiated by a petition from 27 of the 31 residents in the neighborhood. Residents along West 56th Street would like curb and gutter to help contain the surface water along West 56th Street. Currently these people are experiencing erosion problems along their front and side yards from surface water runoff. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The existing roadways consist of approximately 28 foot wide bituminous rural section. Concrete curb and gutter exist along West 56th Street from Park Place to Minnehaha Creek and Woodland Road south of Brookview Avenue. West 56th Street is the main drainage route for surface water bounded by south of West 54th Street to the north, midway between Wooddale Avenue and Kellogg Avenue to the west, Park Place to the east, and south of West 56th Street to the south. Storm sewers do exist along West 56tH Street from Brookview Avenue to the east. Feasibility Study B -096 West 56th Street and Brookview Avenue June 1, 1999 Page 2 West 56th Street looking east at Oaklawn Avenue Brookview Avenue looking south at West 55th Street IMPROVEMENT: This project involves removing two feet of the edge of pavement, removing approximately one to five feet of boulevard, excavating soils within this area, removing existing ends of driveways, placing a bulkhead style concrete curb and gutter, then patching the removed bituminous and resodding. All driveways will receive new concrete aprons. Any sprinklers and other landscaping disturbed during construction will be repaired. RIGHT -OF -WAY: Adequate right -of -way exists. FEASIBILITY: This project is feasible from an Engineering / City standpoint. Feasibility Study B -096 West 56th Street and Brookview, Avenue June 1, 1999 Page 3 EASEMENTS: No additional easements will be required. COMPLETION: 1999 Construction Season ASSESSMENTS: A special assessment of approximately $47 per assessable front footage will be levied against the residents along West 56th Street and Brookview Avenue. As per City policy any lot that has a side yard adjacent to this project will be assessed one -third of that side frontage. Homes affected by this side frontage are 5537 and 5601 Oaklawn Avenue; 5536, 5537, 5600, 5601 Brookview Avenue;5536 and 5600 Park Place. PROJECT COSTS: The total estimated project cost is $99,400 and includes indirect costs of 22.5 %, which includes engineering, clerical, and finance costs. The estimated construction cost does not include storm sewer upgrades. Any storm sewer upgrades will be funded through the stormwater utility fund. Funding for the entire project will be from special assessments. See summary of the Project Cost Estimate below. SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST: $ 73,100 10% CONTINGENCY: $ 7,300 TOTAL CONSTRUCITON COST: $ 80,400 15% ENGINEERING & CLERICAL: $ 12,100 SUBTOTAL PROJECT COST: $ 92,500 7.5% FINANCE COST: $ 6,900 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $ 99.400 PROJECT SCHEDULE: The following schedule is feasible from an Engineering standpoint: Council Orders Public Hearing ....... ............................May 17, 1999 Receive Feasibility Report ................ ...........................June 1, 1999 Public Hearing ............................... ...........................June 1, 1999 Bid Opening ....... ............................... ..........................July, 1999 Award Contract ... ............................... ...........................July 1999 Begin Construction ........................... .........................August ,1999 Complete Construction .................... .....................September, 1999 i 4-c" tg-�- / -k C(-Y1 CL - qd May 18, 1999 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING City Of EdInB CURB & GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT NO. B -096 BROOKVIEW AVENUE AND WEST 56 STREET The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall, on Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 7:00 PM, to consider the Public Hearing on the construction of concrete curb and gutter along Brookview Avenue from West 55th Street to Woodland Road and West 56th Street from Oaklawn Avenue to Park Place. This hearing is being conducted under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. This hearing has been called as a result of a etp ition from 27 of the 31 residents in the neighborhood. The estimated project cost is $99,400. The cost of the project will be funded by special assessment. The estimated assessment cost is $47 per assessable front footage can be divided over a ten year period with interest accumulating on the unpaid balance. The proposed project includes the installation of concrete curb and gutter only. Any street resurfacing is not included in this proposal. The proposed project would be constructed in 1999, with the assessment hearing occurring in late September or early October. The area proposed to be assessed the cost of the proposed improvement includes: Lots 1 thru 11, Block 13, and Lots 10 thru 20, Block 14, "South Harriet Park, Hennepin County, Minn. "; Lots 30 thru 38, "Colonial Grove 2nd Addition Edina Minn "; Lot 1, Block 1, Edwards Addition; and Lot 1, Block 3, Colonial Grove Sixth Addition. Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties that are considered to be benefited by the improvement. Any inquiries, comments and /or suggestions you may have regarding this improvement may be forwarded to the City Council or Engineering Department prior to the hearing or presented at the hearing itself. If you desire additional information, please call Wayne Houle at 826 -0443 between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. The City Council can authorize the proposed project immediately upon the close of the hearing. Thank you, Francis J. 19off an, P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 826 -0379 To: Mayor & City Council From: Debra Mangen City Clerk Date: September 8, 1998 Subject: Receive petitions REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item # V.A.. B. & C. Consent Lnj Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends El To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Refer the petitions received to Engineering for processing as to feasibility. Info /Background: The City received three petitions as follows: 1. Timothy Hendrick, 5017 Edinbrook Lane requesting curb & gutter; 2. Circulated by Teresa McCarthy, signed by residents of Brookview Avenue, requesting curb & gutter on Brookview Avenue between Park Place and Wooddale Avenue; and 3. Circulated by Cheri Morris, signed by residents of Oaklawn Avenue, Park Place, Kellogg Avenue, Wooddale, and Brookview, requesting curb & gutter on Brookview Avenue between Park Place and Oaklawn.. The City's normal procedure is to refer the petition to the Engineering Department for processing as to feasibility. 617x. — $7 - -7 1113 I 510, 5100 510! 5� �t Sam f —4 6101 1 5409 51oe I j'_ --� —� r— 3 6.12 $113 r �t 6�1i3 5112 5113 6112 511 i 7 154t0 5116 6117 5116 6417. 5116 6/!7 5116 5117 5421 5121 / �1 5@1 6121 5126 6421 6420 , 6�1 5425 1 r— r— 5421 5425 5121 5127 1502 ago L I 612i 1 _J Lam— �-- —� I— —� 4z:�� I —t 1 5126 I fr I 5429 I' r543 6 6120 612e 5: 6132 � 1603 �, , 5 5132 5433 6132 5139 5132 5133 --I sLi7 5136 I d 6437 5136 5137 6137 5136 ��� r I 650t f 6600 560t Iry0p 5501 �? 5600 56pi\ I 5600 �, �S 5501 06 1601 4502 4500 6506 5b01 56� 5b01 5 5501 5506A 6501 �— 55W S 5506 1 Seas X01 55m I ssora . 5,11 I � 6501 1 56a I 5501 M O7 6p5 1503 1501 r— —� —1 r— r— 6512 I X13: "� 55u 6313 SH2 { 5613 551 . 6613 __ 4 n 6613 5617 5516 5517 SFil6 5613 61 1 _ 6517 � 5616 5617 � 6618 _ R17 _ 5WI F6521 L6E25 5521 ita26 5621) 1 �� 1 1 1 5s29 -- 1 6629 ' 11 �Y I 5527 It I 5633 5632 I 5533 5632. 6533:' . 6633 \ 5524 L _ _ 5537 _6536 5637 X� Xx� } X 5p7 ,�._,.a,a.....a.�_._.� - ....e. 6626 ST r 5625 4507 5eoo �(— —I 6600 660! 5801 �U( X 5800 560r 'x —T 56W 56IIf Sm LSW1 6606 I 5625 5W1 193e6x�6e01 5806 1 1 6808 6608 M1066 P= � 6606 561fx� Sm —ll 5617 va � / `� 5616 1 5613 6612 5616 6820 6528 / 4516r 5820 5612 55f5i1� o -- / 6617 5612 5609 30 5618 7 4513 �Of 6833 � � �\ � 5610 - - 5615 — 27 l I 1 66'b I C7 5516 5617 \ I� —1 � I X56 10 5661 Sm 5621 O6 S 1 � � 21 �0 � 5821 I 6666 6866 I fl 26 %N L1512 I L ym `� � _ 12 21 22 Sees % 5631 ob QQQ •� 5662 1 5619 bblp� f TI 570o a ./ / Seel j — 663 / \ l3 f8 20 _ \I -6701 1 D 1rOml31D 15 /— —� 6863 6W9 5616 5611 %37 \ / 5709 %670e l8 --is T — I \ �— ] _ I � 5713 5712 __ I -W / 1428 1 4121 1112D 1 1118 121 I 1321 4320 1316 1312 1130BJ I M / �i l City of Edina, Minnesota DATE: CITY COUNCIL R cusIge 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 (612) 927 -8861 • (612) 927 -7645 -FAX • (612) 927 - 5461 -TDD PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL ❑ SIDEWALK ❑ STQRM SEWER L5 CURB AND GUTTER ❑ ALLEY PAVING ❑ SANITARY SEWER ONLY ❑ PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER ❑ WATERMAIN ❑ STREET LIGHTING ❑ OTHER: To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE EMYROVEMENTS AGAINST THE. PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE U*VROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) SSz-5— &-u-4 j Mira circulated by: PROPERTY ADDRESS between SSOO and C'_? C off/ /ADDRESS LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME A /RESS A &11,9,&&11 �o &A' � f j t t'7` between Q C e- and ' )CATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE EMYROVEMENTS AGAINST THE. PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE U*VROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) SSz-5— &-u-4 j Mira circulated by: PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S PHONE C off/ SS 3 .2 le 3 7G ADDRESS PHONE There is space for more signatures on the back or you may attach extra pages. SEPTEMBM 19W n, F PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME PHONE ,SIGNA 1_TT"R� h Leca 1 �cCa .r U J I yrPal 6 as a� a d 7 �3 4 Sp g�m -la 32 j �s ly.�Ti�/%L SSa28 6,2404vi �'l�9"3y33 ,'f . Mf 7 �� s�lrG1� /.� . 'ccd � _ lv ,u. 1r1A. � j oe � City of Edina, Minnesota CITY COUNCIL •�� 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 (612)927 -U61 • (612) 927 -7645 -FAX • (612) 927 - 5461 -TDD PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL ❑ SIDEWALK ❑�, STORM SEWER U CU/RB AND GUTTER ❑ ALLEY PAVING ❑ SANITARY SEWER .dam: W3l4 ❑ WATERMAIN ❑ STREET LIGHTING ONLY ❑ PERMANENT STREET ❑ OTHER: SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. r.,, .I%��� :�� /�y -- - - - between L5-S--257(f) and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME /ADD X00 sla 57`^ct74-' between �!G /mil- �� and �- LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between .CATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS and ADDRESS and ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERNI[INED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY O 'S SIGN Z LVI. � d petition was circulated by: NA OWNER'S NAME. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S (PRINTED) CC.X W r.ofs6 `, PHONE I Ef—IM4 J Ga CJd /1Y0e44VICCL -) JZZ� �(Ol ADDRESS PHONE There is space for more signatures on the back or you may attach extra pages. SEPrEMBER,9, PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S SIGNATURE- D n - DkMA,l, 5wsr � j/16 'V l . 1. r CV, raoLVV re e q20 O/ • fr/v AGENDA ITEM: II.C. 5/25/99 Francis J. Hoffman,P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN. 55424 Dear Mr. Hoffman, In regards to the letter dated May 18, 1999, pertaining to the proposed project of the installation of concrete curb and gutters for the 5500 block of Brookview Ave. The cost that was proposed to us last fall was a lot lower than the estimated project cost in your letter. I feel that this cost of $47.00 per assessable front footage is very high and at this time I do not wish to pay that amount or to have the concrete curb and gutters put in. In the Fall of 1998 when I signed the petition to have this considered, I was unaware of the total cost that we would be asked to pay as well as for any Street resurfacing. This amount is far to high and would not increase the value of my house to justify the cost of this project. On record I want my vote for this project to be " NO " Nancy A. Bradley 5508 Brookview Ave. Edina, MN. 55424 J VII- 1 -00 1 uc 0-00 1 lnLW rKUUUU I � 1 NU r fin NU, 3NL f eel F. U1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ��++ {. y of Edina rER IMPROVEMENTS - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT NO. B-09� BROOKVIEW AVENUE AND WEST 56 STREET The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall, on Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 7:00 PM, to consider the Public Hearing on the Construction of concrete curb and gutter along Brookview Avenue from West 55'h Street to Woodland Road and Wesf 56`" Street from Oaklawn Avenue to Park Place. This hearing is being conducted under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. This hearing has been called as a result of a etp ition from 27 of the 31 residents in the neighborhood. The estimated project cost Is $99,400. The cost of the project will be funded by special assessment. Tl:e estimated assessment cost is $47 per assessable front .footage can be divided over a ten year period with interest accumulating on the unpaid balance. The proposed project includes the installation of concrete curb and gutter only. Any street resurfacing is not included in this proposal. The proposed project would be constructed in 1999, with the assessment hearing occurring In late September or early October. The area proposed to be assessed the cost of the proposed improvement includes: Lots 1 thru 11, Block 13, and Lots 10 thru 20, Block 14, "South Harriet Park, Hennepin County, Minn. "; Lots 30 thru 38, "Colonial Grove 2n° Addition Edina Minn "; Lot 1, Block 1, Edwards Addition; and Lot 1, Block 3, Colonial Grove Sixth Addition. Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership. is listed toyou. is, among thgsp properties that are considered to be benefited by the improvement. Any Inquiries, comments and/or suggestions you may have regarding this improvement may be forwarded to the City Council or Engineering Department prior to the hearing or presented at the hearing itself. If you desire additional information, please call Wayne Houle at 826 -0443 between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. The City Council can authorize the proposed project immediately upon the close of the hearing. Thank you, 03 0, 0 , -rC' l•G-fi -��LG ` -- 11F J. WoXap .E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer City Hatt (G12) 927 - 111)61' 4801 WLSt ,n rl i 5TKFET FAX (612) 026.0390 y L•DINA, MINNFSOTA 55424 -139 ��� ,V �. �(� _�- TI.)L) (612) 026 -0379 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis J. Hoffma ",( City Engineer Date: June 1, 1999 Subject: Receive Feasibility and Public Hearing: Cornelia Elementary School Neighborhood Sidewalk Improvement S -077 Recommendation: Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action II.D. ❑ To H RA ® To Council ® Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion If the Council determines the project to be warranted and necessary, Council shall adopt a resolution approving Cornelia Elementary School Neighborhood Sidewalk Improvement S -077, authorize plans and specifications to be completed and bids taken. Info /Background: The City has received a petition from the Cornelia Elementary School Site Council that included 13 Edina residents to construct concrete sidewalks along Cornelia Drive at Cornelia Elementary Entrance, Mavelle Drive and West 72nd Street from Cornelia Drive to Lynmar Drive. Staff analyzed the project and feels that the project is feasible from an engineering standpoint. Attached is a copy of the Feasibility Study along with Notice of Public Hearing to this report, and all resident letters received. Also attached is a waiver from the Edina School District waiving the length of advertising time due to an error in the first notice of Public Hearing. , The estimated project cost is $67,000. Funding for this project would be from a special assessment of approximately $350 per assessable lot based on an area assessment (see Page 8 of Feasibility Report). c- 'r w9sNA1r,�, o �� ay FEASIBILITY STUDY CITY OF EDINA CORNELIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS S -077 June 1, 1999 LOCATION: Cornelia Drive at Cornelia Elementary Entrance, Mavelle Drive and West 72nd Street from Cornelia Drive to Lynmar Drive. J-- 5 110+ uoo 1306 1301 +300 1221 azo — nu .Mn amo Iwo .. Q. _-j L 70TH ST W 1101 1111 131) 1213 l2DD 1191 m a 1005 mosol OW )oW N » moe )009 �6 r000-+t 12,6 1213 1105 1231 1200 Int] )012 rots ]� m13 mt2 M17 VELLE DR )ot9 m16 ml1 rota 7191 11w ltol mz, l000 m )too 71as ;Ia non FMAVELLE 1m1 )tot ;too not )tae 7199 not 7119 711 )Ins )+a Z 1113 7112 1111 r 5 71oe ;109 )loft loco aot m10 10 )too )1 mo m, Mn )tat 112 7111 )116 )11) )110 1119 )1N 7135 J )126 7129 i13p 2 )111 7120 1121 )IM 7129 m yy 112A m 1116 11]1 )126 )121 1133 )133 -1 m � O_ Ml )130 1131 71. cz 71m 71]6 1129 I'm Mw M )126 121:1) I PROPOSED EVEI OPMENT SIDEWALKS PROPOSED SIDEWALKS MAVELLE DRIVE & WEST 72nd STREET N W Q aUZ Q N >f z 9 to r Feasibility Study Cornelia Elementary Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 2 INITIATION & ISSUES: This project was initiated by a petition from the Cornelia Elementary Site Council that contains 13 City of Edina residents. The petition requests the City to consider sidewalk improvements along West 72nd Street from Cornelia Drive to Lynmar Lane; Cornelia Drive at entrance to Cornelia Elementary; Cornelia Drive from West 70th Street to West 66th Street; Mavelle Drive from Cornelia Drive to Lynmar Lane. At the request of Staff the petitioners agreed to repetition the City for sidewalks along Cornelia Drive north of West 70th Street at a latter date. The request was due to lack of signatures from residents along this stretch of roadway and the major scope of work for installation of sidewalks north of West 70`h Street. Engineering Staff had many conversations with the president of the Cornelia Elementary School Site Council last fall regarding this petition for sidewalks. The Cornelia Elementary Site Council through the School Districts Business Manager submitted proposed sidewalk layouts for this neighborhood for the proposed Edina Transportation Plan as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan update. This neighborhood included sidewalks as shown below. CORNELIA ELEMENTARY SCHOO EXISTING C;IINC- ,RI::1_1.. SIDEWAI.....K EXIST ING BITl..JMINOUS SIDEWALK PPEPI]SED `. C.= HO[::::II ..... ...... :BI.J 1 1N,!f:::` S SIDS W () LK PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN /BICYCLE FACILITIES Existing sidewalks exist along the westerly side of Cornelia Drive from West 72nd Street to West 69th Street, along the northerly side of West 72nd Street for one block west of Cornelia Drive and at 7128 France Avenue (former site of Lutheran Church of the Master), along both sides of West 70th Street, and along France Avenue. Feasibility Study Cornelia Elementary Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 3 Staff held a neighborhood informational meeting on May 12. Twenty -five to thirty residents from the neighborhood attended this meeting. Some of the issues these residents had regarding the proposed sidewalks are as follows: 1. The residents requested a neighborhood survey regarding the alignment of the West 72nd Street sidewalk. Apparently students walk along the southerly boulevard area to get to and from the school and buses, see photo below. 2. Resident maintenance of the sidewalk such as snow removal. 3. General concern with maintenance of sidewalks south of Cornelia School along with placement of snow along West 72nd Street during plowing. 4. Residents want the sidewalks extended around the park at Lynmar Lane and Mavelle Drive. 5. Other traffic issues such as cut through traffic along Cornelia Drive and West 72nd Street and other streets during peak periods. A neighborhood survey was sent regarding placement of the sidewalk along West 72nd Street; north versus south side. The results of the survey are as follows: Prefer sidewalk along West 72nd Street on: North side: 24 South side: 10 Support of sidewalk project: Supports: ...................... 15 Do not Support: ........... 25 All resident letters received by staff are included with this report. EXISTING CONDITIONS: Cornelia Drive, Mavelle Drive, and West 72nd Street streetscapes consists of a 30 foot wide bituminous roadway flanked with curb and gutter on both sides. Right -of -ways for all three street are 60 feet. The southerly right -of -way along Mavelle and the northerly right -of -way along West 72nd Street contains minimal trees or obstructions within City right -of -way. The right -of -way along Cornelia Drive at the school entrance does contain many deciduous and coniferous trees, however these trees can be transplanted if required. The topography of the streetscape along all three proposed sidewalks is fairly level. The streetscape along the southerly side of West 72nd Street at the easterly end is obstructed with many plantings. Feasibility Study Cornelia Elementary Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 4 Streetscape of Cornelia Drive Streetscape of Mavelle Drive at Glouchester Avenue Feasibility Study Cornelia Elementary Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 5 Streetscape of West 72nd Street at Bristol Boulevard Mavelle Drive and West 72nd Street serves as an easterly access for students living in the general area along West 72nd Street, west of France Avenue, and south of West 70th Street. West 72nd Street also serves as a sub - regional pedestrianway for area residents accessing retail establishments east of France Avenue. Traffic counts for these three streets were taken during the school year and are shown below. The numbers of potential students that might utilize these sidewalks are also shown below. Feasibility Study Cornelia Elementary Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 6 B rppq +100 tl00 4A4 430D 1 424 I @20 I Ct8 1 4713 I @08 R00 J)10 950 3010 6398 L 70TH ST W BAl 422+ 4717 Q13 42W SA1 A01 A00 7001 A06 Too"' .O Q ] 90+ j 'RAS 7004 < O A05 ADI J 7005-07 AW AM Mi) 7608 7009 ma 700& I1 O N 7010 343 ADT 1 328 ADT SAS Qm R AI3 7012 A13 Atx A +5 A+7 7008 A: 11 A16 A17 '018 A19 7000 no, 6 nos 71W 7101 7105 7150 1$Y MT A21 1000 I'm 7100 O nog 7109 1103 7101 nu 7100 no, 4001 7101 771 71,3 nr 7119 nos PROIPOSEDSIO EW LKS CORNELIA ELEM. 1106 7109 7108 Am SCHOOL 7116 7117 YDOADT RAFFIG 122+ 71x0 7.21 7113 7111 7112 HOOL F 7125 7JN 7129 7116 7117 71,5 14 POTENTIAL NUNS ER OF TUD o BEYOND THIS POI n29 n2B 7129 712p 2 7121 fY++ 7120 F 1121 Vl 7136 nxe 7. 719, 7125 m U 7133 7133 n2a o 7124 7125 7+34 1142 n37 7128 Z n2B 7136 7129 7137 7 960 11 3 n2B Hof •DT 4105 2."GADT DR W W 7 ST W 410+ 720+ 7816 7206 Ttlt TV6 1201 y. 1�0 Q'9 l283W N 4104 7105 T1141 Ros rzos 7108 % 0D 7301 7275 7x08 1208 7201.08 M6.0 M6.0 mo -13 T101 -09 L 7 < T19 4 @12 7112 3 PROPOSED S DEWALKS =1 1216 . LE DRIVE & 1250 ST 72nd STREET oRTHDR T-1 TRAFFIC INFORMATION ' IMPROVEMENT: Construct sidewalks along Cornelia Drive, Mavelle Drive, and West 72nd Street. Boulevard style sidewalks are proposed along all three sidewalk routes with the exception of Mavelle Drive from Heatherton Trail to Lynmar Lane where a back -of -curb sidewalk is proposed. Construction of these sidewalks would involve removing 4 -8 inches of topsoil and replacing with a 4 inch concrete sidewalk over a 4 inch aggregate base. Construction of the sidewalk at bituminous driveways will consist of removing the existing driveway material and replacing with a 6 inch concrete sidewalk section over 4 inches of aggregate base; concrete driveways will remain inplace. The boulevard style sidewalk will consist of a 4 foot wide sidewalk as the back -of -curb sidewalk will consist of a 5 foot wide sidewalk. See attached sketch. Feasibility Study Cornelia Elementary Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 7 MAVELI...E DR 1 7 INSTALL PEV.RARP, - .................. 7200 7201 Due to the 15 foot wide boulevard that exists along Cornelia Drive, West 72nd Street, and Mavelle Drive very few trees or bushes will be directly impacted with the installation of sidewalks. The right -of- way along Mavelle from Heatherton Trail to Sandell Avenue does contain some trees therefore the sidewalk will be place at the back - of -curb. 7200 cuw /2UU 7201 'uu \ 7201 I ' CORNELIA ELEMENTARY SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS RIGHT -OF -WAY: Adequate right -of -way exists. FEASIBILITY: Due to the increasing amount of vehicle trips per day through out this neighborhood and at the request of the Cornelia Site Council a sidewalk to separate vehicles and pedestrians would be recommended. This project is also feasible from an engineering standpoint. Feasibility Study Cornelia Elementary Sidewalks June 1,1999 Page 8 EASEMENTS: No additional easements will be required. COMPLETION: ASSESSMENTS: 7000 7200 TAI ae 212 ae 1999 Construction Season (August- October) A special assessment of approximately $350 per assessable lot will be levied against the residents within the area shown on the map below. 701 700 to 70, 700° 7001.0 � < a W H "10 otal Pro e t Cost: $67,000 §dkpol o $16,750 $16,750 S 33.500 lot of unit) Wy Q UZQAI 7 y Q W LL PROJECT COSTS: The total estimated project cost is $67,000. The estimated project cost includes indirect costs of 22.5 %, which includes engineering, clerical, and finance costs. Funding for the entire project will be distributed 25% from the School District, 25% from the City of Edina, and 50% from special assessments. The cost summary for this project is shown below. Feasibility Study Cornelia Elementary Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 9 Subtotal Construction Cost: Schedule A - $ 25,000 Cornelia Dr & Mavelle Dr Subtotal Construction Cost: Schedule B - $ 24,000 72nd St W Subtotal Construction Cost $ 49,000 10% Contingency $ 5,000 Total Construction Cost $ 54,000 15% Engineering & Clerical $ 8,000 Total Construction Cost $ 62,000 7.5% Finance $ 5,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $ 67,000 PROJECT SCHEDULE: The following schedule is feasible from an Engineering standpoint only if Council orders this project: Council Orders Public Hearing .... ............................May 3, 1999 Receive Feasibility Report ....... ...........................June 1, 1999 Public Hearing .......................... ...........................June 1, 1999 Bid Opening ............................... ..........................July, 1999 Award Contract ............................ ..........................July, 1999 Begin Construction* .................. .....................September, 1999 Complete Construction .............. ......................November, 1999 Monday, May 24, 1999 Wayne Houle City of Edina 4801 W 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Wayne: I had thought that it would be a great idea to have sidewalks on 72 d, Cornelia Drive and Mavelle Drive. Often I walk my dog in the area, and have to confess if you want to witness Road Rage, be there during the time frame that the Mother's in their SW's are dropping off or picking up their children at Cornelia Elementary School. Frankly I think the Police Department could make A Training Video on Road Rage. A sidewalk is useless in these areas because the problems are the intersections; these Mother's in SUV's have no respect for anyone but their own selves as well as their own children. I was under the impression that a law had been passed where the pedestrian had the right of way in Minnesota as in California. I think a few warning citations by the Police Dept would make the need for sidewalks unnecessary. Possibly the Mothers against Dnmken Drivers could expand their mission. I think a white line on 72nd for walkers on the North Side so the sun helps melt the snow with a warning that beware of the Mother's in the SUV's during certain hours would be a satisfactory cost effective solution. Sincerely, Name withheld for fear of retaliation from the SW's Mother's ��a71999 I; li 0� -Z 254-� Ila- A Jr: ti I o _ do May 14, 1999 Mr. Wayne D. Houle, P.E. Assistant City Engineer 4801 West 50`h Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Dear Wayne, It was a pleasure meeting you at Cornelia School on Wednesday evening. I will put my comments in written form and I would like to speak on this topic at the June Ist, Council meeting. There are many reasons why we need sidewalks in this area, but the main reasons are traffic and children. Everyone is at greater risk, but the children are the pnmary concern. I am a little disappointed that the residents had to follow the "routine" and initiate a petition. This is a city problem the has resulted from the massive commercial development by France Avenue. Galleria, Leisure Lane, Yorktown, Byerly's and now Centennial Lakes are the responsibility of the city and the city should have corrected this problem years ago. The sidewalks must be constructed for the safety of the children, but the residents of Cornelia did not create this problem, nor should they pay for it. This also includes the school as they did not create the problem either. Furthermore, if sidewalks are only constructed on one side of 72 °d and Mavelle, it will encourage the children to cross those busy streets. This will be a greater hazard then we have now. Writing speeding tickets will only slow people down for a few days. The sidewalks are needed because of decisions made by the City Council. I am not complaining about these decisions, because the shopping areas that I previously mentioned are positive for all Edina. You (the City of Edina) created this situation, therefore they should pay for it. The sidewalks are not amenities for the residents of Cornelia or for the school. Sincerely, kq Robert Rofi al 7125 Bristol blvd. Edina, MN 55435 612 - 927 -8594 7016 Bristol Blvd. Edina, MN 55435 Tele. # 927 -7907 May 24, 1999 Wayne D. Houle Assistant City Engineer Edina City Hall 4801 West 5& Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: Cornelia Elementary Neighborhood Sidewalk Improvements Dear Wayne; Please replace our letter to you dated May 8h, with this letter, because of the changed plan presented, at Corneilia School, May lfh. 1. It is very hard to clean the sidewalks because of the current snow -plow methods. Hardpaked snow will be thrown on the sidewalk several times a day, from the street snowplows. This is our current experience with our driveway. We don't believe the objective of getting the children off the streets will be met if the sidewalks are not cleaned. 2. The limited addition of sidewalks, instead of full inclusion, tends to pit neighbor against neighbor. This was seen in the informational meeting on May e. .3. Why isn't the City of Edina paying for the sidewalks? The city approved the businesses adjacent to our neighborhood, thus forcing more traffic through our neighborhood, which has caused the School Safety Committee to place the petition to add the sidewalks. Shouldn't the City proactively plan for traffic management through the approval process of adding new businesses to the area? We personally favor neighborhood sidewalks, but before the building of homes on.the property not after. Yo Richard Stem, Marianne Rother v 1• Jci• 1' 1 . MAY -17 =1999 15.03 ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS Wwywo, cc " -VIAI( r _ e.%&- U3SO Post4C Fsx Note 7671 4 2-14P M �►�te r- i pa ' { s1JG 4 612 931 5294 P.01i01 V, s $ in r. ^ Phone 0 M-43+?— It am 3 r r 17 -35o A AA i I_ I f�ly��s t0�oPU w o... e- s+— r'', V%o lcA4 'L'L b sz TOTAL P.01 Bucknam Associates FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATORS May 13, 1999 Dear Mr. Houle: I am going to try to summarize concerns expressed last evening. There seemed to be little debate with the $350/lot assessment as long as the assessment is fair to all No one would disagree that child safety is paramount I did my own small survey this morning. The area of Cornelia at Mavelle was jammed with cars dropping children off. School buses were in the mix as well. I saw 4 children — 2 pairs of 2 — walking along the south side of Mavelle to school.. On 72 °d Street this morning, I saw 2 boys walking along the south side enroute to Cornelia — both of them live on the SE comer of 72nd and Gloucester Drive. In short, it appears that many children don't walk to school at all. (Local a.m. weather — cloudy, but no rain.) I doubt that a sidewalk on 72 °d Street is even necessary. If it is decreed that a sidewalk is necessary, certainly the south side would make the most sense based on traffic patterns. It seems as if a south side sidewalk on Mavelle might make sense although no sidewalk will address the issue of the wide place in the road where Mavelle and Heatherton Trail kind of blend together.. It is difficult to see approaching traffic and even after it is spotted, difficult for both drivers and pedestrians to know in which direction it will go. Children do not attend Cornelia in the summertime and, at least in the winter months, the existing sidewalks — along the west side of Cornelia Drive and on the south side of the playground -park area are often impassable. Either they are snow bound or covered with glare ice — in short the maintenance is poor. I am sure that part of the reason is the frequent plowing trips along Cornelia that keep the sidewalk.buried in snow — how often can a sidewalk plow be expected to appear? One assumes that it will be difficult to keep new sidewalks clear as_well — plows tear up and down 72nd frequently tossing snow, slush, sand fully 20 ft into yards,! - (612) 920 -5799 7136 GLOUCESTER AVENUE FAX (612) 920 -9078 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55435 -4112 SBUCKNAM ®AOL.COM The issue raised by a resident of Cornelia Drive as to the lack of assessment for residents of the Cornelia Drive extension and Gloucester Drive seems valid. If Cornelia Ave residents were assessed for the Cornelia Drive sidewalk — which appears to be of no particular benefit to them — then, if they are to be assessed again, the residents of the other two areas should be assessed as well . I `d like thorough review of this proposal before spending community resources on yet another layer of concrete. Thanks for listening. Since , usan Bucknam May- ,17 -99 08:40A TO: Wayne Houle A.5 sINLant: City Engineer FROM: Roger & Pat Harmon DATE: May 1.7, 1999 SUBJECT: Cornelia Elementary Neighborhood Sidewalk Tmpr.ovements Thank you for your informational meeting last Wednesday. Here are some points'we want to be considered when making your final decision: 1 ] '111ie: following addresses should be included in the assessment area: 91ouchester Dr -- 7201, 7205, 7207 -09, 7200, 7204 R 7208 Cornelia Dr -- 7201, 7205 & 7209 2] A survey should be made of this area t.o see where the majority of the children live. Most of the children who live North of 72nd Street and walk to Cornelia School go along Movelle. 31 Consideration shou'1 d he g1 vein to locating the 72nd St. sidewalk along the South side of the Street. ERpecially if the survey shows a number of Cornelia students com=ing from South of 72nd St. 4] Plowing of thesc si.dewa1ks should be the City's responsibility, not the residents. Roger Harmon Nat Harmon 7129 Cornelia Dr 926 -9500 P.O1 612 - 623 -6613 May 12, 1999 VIA Facsimile Wayne D. Houle, PE Assistant City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55423 -1394 150 P02 MAY 12 199 12:13 Scott A. Waychoff 7117 Heatherton Trail Edina, MN 55435 (612) 929 -3954 Work 623 -6603 Re: Cornelia Elementary Sidewalk Improvements Dear Wayne, This letter is in ' response to your invitation to attend a community meeting today regarding sidewalks for our neighborhood. Unfortunately, a business meeting will not allow me to attend tonight. I did want to voice some comments. I applaud the City's efforts to improve the living environment of our neighborhood. Sidewalks will be a welcome addition on a limited basis. I concur with your assessment that sidewalks are needed on 72nd Street to connect with those on Cornelia Drive and beyond. The traffic is heavy, the drivers exceed the speed limit nearly all of the time and it can be dangerous to walk along the side of the street - at all hours of the day, or evening. My concern is with the proposal to place sidewalks on Mavelle Drive. This area is, not a heavily traveled section of our neighborhood. We do not have a large amount of east /west traffic on the street nor do we have a heavy concentration of north /south traffic converging onto to Mavelle Drive. I assume that some mothers have argued that their children are at risk in walking on this street to and from Cornelia School. I don't believe it. Houle 612 - 623 -6613 Page 2 150 P03 MAY 12 '99 1213 •. The number of small children in the area is not growing at a rapid pace, if at all. The street is wide enough to allow for safe passage of cars and children without causing accidents. And finally, the addition of sidewalks is not in keeping with the look and feel of the neighborhood. We don't have or need sidewalks on all of the surrounding streets so why Movelle Drive? I am not against progress and am willing to pay for it if it is appropriate. In this case I do not feel that the entire package is warranted. I support 72W Street but am opposed to sidewalks on Movelle Drive. Please voice my concerns and comments to those in attendance and to the powers that be afCity Hall on this issue. Thank you for your fine service to our communityl Best regards, Scott A. Waychof f � ----'-------------------'-------- lel cf- � ----'-------------------'-------- lel May 19, 1999 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT NO. S -077 CORNELIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEIGHBORHOOD: CORNELIA D 7 ST 72 STR City of Edina The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall, on Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 7:00 PM, to consider the Public Hearing on the construction of sidewalks along Cornelia Drive from ' /z block south of West 70th Street to Mavelle Drive, Mavelle Drive from Cornelia Drive to Lynmar Lane, West 72 "d Street from Cornelia Drive to Lynmar Lane. This hearing is being conducted under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. This hearing has been called as a result of a etp ition from the Cornelia Elementary Site Council. The estimated project cost is $67,000. The cost of the project will be funded by special assessment. The estimated cost per assessable lot is $350 and could be divided over a ten year period with interest accumulating on the unpaid balance. Under current City policy, maintenance (snow removal) of the sidewalk will be the responsibility of the homeowner. The sidewalk is proposed to be four to five feet wide and constructed of concrete. The alignment will be adjacent to right -of -way line and will vary slightly to protect existing property features to the greatest extent possible. The proposed project would be constructed in 1999, with the assessment hearing occurring in late September or early October. A survey postcard is enclosed regarding the alignment of the West 72nd Street sidewalk; please return this survey by Wednesday, May 26, 1999. This survey was initiated from the Informational Meeting held on May 12, at Cornelia Elementary School. Issues raised at this meeting will presented to the council at the Public Hearing. The area proposed to be assessed the cost of the proposed improvement includes: Lots 3 thru 6, Blk 2, Lots 2 thru 9, Blk 3, Lots 2 thru 8, Blk 4, Lots 1 thru 9, Blk 5, Lots 1 thru 16, Blk 6 and Lots 1 thru 6, Blk 7, Stow's Edgemoor Addition; Lots 31 thru 39 and 41 thru 43, Blk 1, Oscar Roberts First Addition; Units'! & 2, Condominium No. 375, Bristol Circle Condominiums; Lots 1 thru 5, Blk 1, Lots 1 thru 10, Blk 2 and Lots 1 thru 20, Blk 3, Stow's Delaney Addition; and Lot 5, Blk 1, Stow's Delaney Addition McCoy Replat; Unplatted 31- 028 -24, That part of the N 1060 ft of the W 25 acres of NW' /4 of NE % lying E of W 210 ft thereof ex road. Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties that are considered to be benefited by the improvement. Any inquiries, comments and /or suggestions you may have regarding this improvement may be forwarded to the City Council or Engineering Department prior to the hearing or presented at the hearing itself. If you desire additional information, please call Wayne Houle at 826 -0443 between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. The City Council can authorize the proposed project immediately upon the close of the hearing. Thank you, r ncis J. H , P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 826 -0379 Agreement of and Waiver of Irregularity and Appeal THIS AGREEMENT, is made this 25th day of May, 1999, between the City of Edina, State of. Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the City and Independent School District No. 273 of Hennepin County, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as Owner. In consideration of the action of the City Council, to cause the construction of sidewalk on Cornelia Drive, Mavelle Drive and W. 72nd Street. Owner expressly waives objection to length of time of advertising with regard to the said improvement Public Hearing notice - SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS CORNELIA ELEMENTARY STREET IMPROVEMENT S -077, tog r with all rights to appeal in the courts. In testimony, whereof has hereunto set his hand, the day and year first ai a r en. In presence of: Subscribed and sworn tb before me the 25th day of May 1999. o ary Pu is JANE M. TIMM NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA HENNEPIN COUNTY My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2000 o e INFORMATIONAL MEETING ° CORNELIA ELEMENTARY NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS AGENDA 1. PURPOSE OF TONIGHTS MEETING • FACT FINDING - GATHERING PROCESS NEIGHBORHOOD INPUTS: :Z USE POST -IT NOTES AND PLACE ON MAPS :Z WRITE DOWN ON LEGAL PAD TONIGHT :) TELL ME �D CALL ME �D WRITE TOME �Z SPEAK AT PUBLIC HEARING 2. PETITION PROCESS 3. PROJECT • HISTORY - CORNELIA SITE SAFETY COUNCIL - DIANE MARTENS • PROJECT • SCHEDULE • ASSESSMENTS 4. NEXT STEP - PUBLIC HEARING: JUNE 1 5. QUESTIONS 4g1NA �1 Cn N„J .b0 INFORMATIONAL SHEET CORNELIA ELEMENTARY NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF EDINA PROJECT: This project was initiated by a petitioned circulated by Cornelia Elementary School. The proposed project will consist of constructing sidewalks along the westerly side of Cornelia Drive at the school entrance, along the southerly side of Mavelle Drive, and along the northerly side of West 72nd Street. The majority of the sidewalks will be 4 foot wide boulevard sidewalks; meaning that a four to five foot grass boulevard will exist between the sidewalk and the street. SCHEDULE: The construction for this project should take approximately three to eight weeks depending on the weather. The proposed preliminary schedule is as follows: Informational Meeting ......... May 12, 1999 Public Hearing ....................June 1, 1999 Begin Construction ....... July / August, 1999 Complete Construction ...... August / September, 1999 Final Assessment Hearing ......... Fall of 1999 or 2000 Please keep in mind that this project is "proposed only" until the City Council orders it at a Public Hearing. Also, you will be notified of the public hearing date at least ten days prior to the public hearing. ASSESSMENTS: The assessments for this project are preliminarily setup on a per lot basis, meaning all lots will be assessed equally. Assessments are typically added to the tax roll after the final assessment hearing and can be spread -out over 10 years. Proposed Assessments for this project are ±$350 per lot. NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT OPPORTUNITIES: Residents from this neighborhood will have opportunities for input at both the informational meeting and the public hearing, or you can call Wayne Houle at 826- 0443. NOTES: to w Q UN 7. U z g DR 72ND ST W w 7201 7200 �, 7201 7200 f7 "v1 7200 7201 7200 lL� 72Qy C�iQ i�^iI3 -115 7204 7205 7�4 7205. 7200 w 7205 7204 w 721T6-0 , Q "..,6 7207 -09 T2u7 -4$ 2208 7209 7208 7207 -09 7209 7a' tT -t2 w U z 7213 J - 7212 7211 -13 lt_ 7 212 PROPOSED S DEWALKS 7217 7216 7250 216 Vf L E DRIVE & W ST 72nd STREET 7n1 7220 I 7001 7001 7000 7001 -03 g 390! w 4301 4221 4217 4213 4209 4201 7000 7112' G v Q 7000 J J � 7121 7905 70J4 11)06 7006'07 p 7004 - z Q — 7010 1009 rn58 roa@ 7QO6 7009 -11 otal Pro e t Cost: $67 ,1000 7101 4215 4212 420® 4204 4200 YM3 70ka 7012 7016 S ® ®I O�8 $169750 7017 -�� R 7124 701U City C st �� y O $169750 7000 7101 7100 < 7109 7or� 7017 rat€ 79ZS 4000 O m x7,00 Spec i ssessme is $33395®® .7105 71x4 7105 — 7102 T101 7400 7101 4001 n 71x8 .7109 7105 ?'429 7120. m PROPA ASSESSME T ARE 71 .... O 7110 7101 7105 7104 (Approxim tely $350,pe� lot o unit) z T,13 7,1i n D" 7109 m D aloe tlua 4tOPOSE SIDEWALK( 0 7117 7117 - _. .{ HAZELTON RD to w Q UN 7. U z g DR 72ND ST W w 7201 7200 �, 7201 7200 f7 "v1 7200 7201 7200 lL� 72Qy C�iQ i�^iI3 -115 7204 7205 7�4 7205. 7200 w 7205 7204 w 721T6-0 , Q "..,6 7207 -09 T2u7 -4$ 2208 7209 7208 7207 -09 7209 7a' tT -t2 w U z 7213 J - 7212 7211 -13 lt_ 7 212 PROPOSED S DEWALKS 7217 7216 7250 216 Vf L E DRIVE & W ST 72nd STREET 7n1 7220 I . 7112 7111 7112' 7121 :;, 4.7120 7121 - -._ ._„ .. 7125 - �. 7118 T11T.. 7116 'ff25 7124 O J 7129 7128; C ?'429 7120. m 7129 ., 7120 Cl) 7 +2? 7124 n D" _. .{ m ) ".7.133 7124 7125 7124 74•25 7124 71,33 7132 M m O 142 z 7137 7 ?56 7137 7128 7120 7128 7129 7128 to w Q UN 7. U z g DR 72ND ST W w 7201 7200 �, 7201 7200 f7 "v1 7200 7201 7200 lL� 72Qy C�iQ i�^iI3 -115 7204 7205 7�4 7205. 7200 w 7205 7204 w 721T6-0 , Q "..,6 7207 -09 T2u7 -4$ 2208 7209 7208 7207 -09 7209 7a' tT -t2 w U z 7213 J - 7212 7211 -13 lt_ 7 212 PROPOSED S DEWALKS 7217 7216 7250 216 Vf L E DRIVE & W ST 72nd STREET 7n1 7220 I City of Edina l May 6, 1999 Cornelia Elementary Neighborhood Sidewalk Improvements Edina, MN Re: Resident Letter No. 1 Informational Meeting Announcement Cornelia Elementary Neighborhood Sidewalk Improvements Dear Resident: The City of Edina received a petition from the Cornelia Elementary Neighborhood for sidewalk installation on the following streets: Cornelia Drive (in front of school), Mavelle Drive (from Cornelia Drive to Lynmar Lane), and 72nd Street West (from Cornelia Drive to Lynmar Lane). See attached map for locations. The, City of Edina is hosting an Informational Meeting regarding this project to be held on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at Cornelia School, 7000 Cornelia Drive, in the cafeteria, at 7:00 PM. The meeting format will consist of a short presentation followed by an informal question and answer session. The presentation will cover scope of work and average assessment costs. If you cannot attend this meeting please contact me at 826 -0443 and I will answer any questions . you may have. Sincerely, Wayne D:. Houle, PE Assistant City Engineer Attachment c: File City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 826 -0379 d •.,s 4 .4� � '9iN�1'rry� oe 0 R FPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item VII.B. From: DEBRA MANGEN Consent CLERK Information Only ❑ Date: OCTOBER 199 1998 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: PETITION RECEIVED ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion RECOMMENDATION: Refer petition received to Engineering for processing as to feasibility. INFO/BACKGROUND: The attached petition was received October 16, 1998, from the Cornelia Site Council requesting sidewalks at: 1. West 72 "d Street - Lynmar Lane to Cornelia Drive 2. Cornelia Drive - West 70d' Street to the south parking lot of Cornelia Elementary School 3. Cornelia Drive - West 70d' Street to West 66`h Street 4. Mavelle Drive - Cornelia Drive to Lynmar Lane Cornelia Elementary School Zone Road Volumes West 72nd Street: Cornelia Drive : Cornelia Drive : Oaklawn Ave West Shore Dr. : West Shore Dr. : Lynmar Lane to Cornelia Drive 72nd Street to 701h Street 70th Street to 66th Street 72nd Street to Gilford Drive 701h Street to 66th Street Gilford Drive to 70th Street Volume 2,386 2,383 1,168 1,100 1,000 900 Dunberry Lane Cornelia Dr. to W. Shore Dr. 802 Gilford Drive Oaklawn Ave. to W. Shore Dr. 800 Mavelle Drive Cornelia Dr. to Lynmar Lane ? s� A.9 w• S �1 r l�v v ooRPogx 1888 The City Council City of Edina Petition Petition Instructions This petition form is to be used to ask the Edina City Council to consider. the following types of improvements: SIDEWALK ALLEY PAVING WATER MAIN STORM SEWER PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER CURB AND GUTTER ONLY (WITHOUT PERMANENT STREET SURFACING) SANITARY SEWER STREET LIGHTING or another improvement you describe (called OTHER on this form). You may use another petition form if you wish but the city council may reject such petitions unless they contain the following information: 1. Type of improvement(s) requested, e.g., SIDEWALK, STORM SEWER, WATER MAIN, etc. 2. Precise location(s) of the requested improvements 3. A statement that all who sign the petition understand that the city council may assess the costs of these improvements against the proper- ties benefiting from the improvements in amounts determined by the council 4. Printed name of property owner, owner's signature and phone num- ber, and property address 5. Signature of person circulating the petition If you have questions, please call the City Clerk at 927 -8861 between 8:OOAM and 4:30PM. DEBRA MANGEN CITY CLERK i e City of Edina, Minnesota th CITY COUNCIL a� 48o1 West Soth Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 (612) 927 -8861 • (612) 927 - 7645 -FAX • (612) 927 - 5461 -TDD PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL ® SIDEWALK ❑ STORM SEWER ❑ ALLEY PAVING ❑ SANITARY SEWER ❑ CURB AND GUTTER ONLY ❑ PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER lo/ 1 UM DATE: 10/7/98 ❑ WATERMAIN ❑ STREET LIGHTING ❑ OTHER: To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. West 72nd Street between Lvnmar Lane and CnrnP1 ; n nr; ve LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS Cornelia Drive between 72nd Street and 70th Street ADDRESS ADDRESS ':ATION OF IMyROVEMENT BY STREET NAME jrnelia Drive between 70th Street and �� }'' }'' °R LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS Mavelle Drive between Cornelia Drive and Lvnmar Lane DRESS ADDRESS LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NA AD ME IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SO ��IlVIPROVEMEUNDERSTAND S AINSTT THE THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN STATUTES. DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, V `SN (: iT L ell. CORNF.la to S OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) 1 i i /J PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S PHONE . O ; r j r .is petition was circulated by: Cornelia Elementary School 7000 Cornelia Drive 928 -2780 ADDRESS PHONE NAME There is space for more signatures on the back or you may attach extra pages. S87MVBM 19M rROl'j9R -n OWN R-'S OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S SIGH (PRINTED) PHONE A A, �u1t �► ��i 5� E 7 1 2, C`)1c�n �t9e 83� -95$G L'�7�i- v� /..c1 � /`7-e �� Si �0�3 2 W 5 tiw r e 1J-r• G/ZG" C�� S rOSM HOME ¢505 A- doyer R�6-57// y� A AAM rwilw (F �h:► �1h�tr Ni7�i N�I���z,j ��L�ho�a� 9a� -a��,� � He-e- ` l;rr•ne /]11a.r�"ev�s �1r2 /5rj',)4-r! li 9s7 -9id'3 6o-'taPo,,L2- 9 -1 s -97a/ Petition to the City Council To the Mayor,, City Council, and Edina School District: The Cornelia Site Council and Cornelia Safety Committee ,members ask the City Council and.-Edina School District to consider the installation of sidewalks ai the locations listed below. We request these sidewalks to provide a safe pedestrian environment for children classified as' walkers by the Edina School District. Funding for the proposed sidewalks to be allocated in accordance with the September 1998 sidewalk financing policy. The category of Public School Zone allocates the cost as follows: 25% City, 25% School District, and we request the remaining 50% as a special assessment to the local area. A map showing the locations is attached. Sidewalk Locations *West 72nd Street: Lynmar Lane to. Cornelia Drive. Volume 2,386. *Cornelia Drive: *Cornelia Drive: *Mavelle Drive: West 701h Street to the south parking lot of Cornelia Elementary School. Volume 2,383. West 70th Street to West 66th Street. Volume 1,168. Cornelia Drive to Lynmar Lane. CIR �6�NI► her 1, OR ui 9ALFANZ -� LA �O O OUNSERR Y LA F N 70TH vs FCD(27 SOUTHDALE SHOPPING CENTER RICHFIELD SCHOOL t rf A SCHOOL 0 N 69TH ST 41kvv 1 GALLERIA Q_ - - 7 j�ro�cs�c1 NOOVEP A. m �� - y F�.tf'Ccre 8EL V I DRE o HAZEL TON RD cc ST CC Ci cx_- 0 c v W . in G I LFORD OR k J t lu J (2 1) N ! B I SOUS ..A VE �:: PARKLAMN cb - �JN 76TH `ST !]USE I EM ?L � �T C. REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: Mayor & City Council From: Francis J. Hoffmaw City Engineer Date: June 1, 1999 Subject: Receive Feasibility and Public Hearing: Countryside Elementary School Neighborhood Sidewalk Improvement S -076 Recommendation: Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action II.E. ❑ To H RA ® To Council ® Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion If the Council determines the project to be warranted and necessary, Council shall adopt a resolution approving Countryside Elementary School Neighborhood Sidewalk Improvement S- 076, authorize plans and specifications to be completed and bids taken. Info /Background: The City has received a petition from 40 neighborhood residents to construct concrete sidewalks along Stuart Avenue from Benton Avenue to Grove Street. Staff is also proposing an extension of this sidewalk along Grove Street from Stuart Avenue to Arbour Avenue. Staff analyzed the project and feels that the project is feasible from an engineering standpoint. Attached is a copy of the Feasibility Study along with Notice of Public Hearing to this report, and all resident letters received. The estimated project cost is $27,000. Funding for this project would be from a special assessment of approximately $200 per assessable lot based on an area assessment (see Page 6 of Feasibility Report). As part of the Site Council discussions with the City, City staff and Countryside School staff have reviewed the inclusion of a parking bay on Tracy Avenue to improve safety conditions at Countryside School. The proposed parking bay cost would be $28,000 and would be funded by Municipal State Aid funds. Staff would. recommend the additional change if the sidewalks are approved. ok a co �0 FEASIBILITY STUDY '����• CITY OF EDINA COUNTRYSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS S -076 June 1, 1999 LOCATION: Stuart Avenue from Countryside Elementary School to Grove Street and Grove Street from Stuart Avenue to Arbour Avenue. Bqy •1N 5{p9 sae Sbz S o +Va F:.9 \.r16 GROVE . saw GROVE ST a )]U9 si95 991 % 'EU 5ry �:5 xol :81] ) 3 RJ9 STlO 0]+2 5N9 `�0 Se.T GROVE ST �9a xn >,un AM xro9 5000 '.de] 5"1 !%�: 51+. ':N: •:AI 5]0 B9t1 5M1 b�J Y OR 'ATe j '.v95 Q J P :4C! SLI 11] 501 ^. J Y1.h Blbb sam � yg2t Srt Q � I 5]1] T !A1 9O9 j 6 +8 Q M19B o91 !811 N yiz BENTON AVE xc. Ale O 0 BENTON AVE u9 SME Q 3]I! a -u 519 k++ !S'IINTFYSCY [lCU[N'Ri 4_K PROPOSED SID Countryside School Proposed Sidewalk Improvements INITIATION & ISSUES: This project was initiated by a petition from forty residents within the Countryside Elementary Neighborhood. The petition requests the City to consider sidewalk improvements along Stuart Avenue. Engineering Staff met with the Countryside Elementary School Principal and members of the Countryside Site Council last fall regarding the layout of sidewalks within the Countryside Elementary School's walking area. The Site Council was concerned with students walking to school from the northwest and also the amount of traffic that is generated by parents dropping and picking up their children. Most parents were using either Stuart Avenue or Benton Avenue for their route to and from the school. The school has since set up drop -offs and pick -ups along Arbour Avenue at Sun Road. The Countryside Elementary Site Council through the Principal of Countryside submitted a proposed sidewalk layout for this neighborhood for the proposed Edina Transportation Plan as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan update. This neighborhood included the sidewalks as shown below. Feasibility Study Countryside Elementary Sidewalks June .1, 1999 Page 2 ................. Ci:;NCfi V. I'E `�I DI.. WA I,.K IDE RY [XiS?ING BI RIMINCWS PRI:iPOSi::D SID[:WALI <_ PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN /BICYCLE FACILITIES Staff held a neighborhood informational meeting on May 19. Ten residents from the neighborhood attended this meeting. Some of the issues these residents had regarding the proposed sidewalks are as follows: 1. The sidewalk along Stuart Avenue is definitely wanted. 2. Many residents felt the sidewalk along Grove Street should be located on the northerly side. 3. There are other traffic issues in the neighborhood such as speeding, people rolling through and not stopping for stop signs. 4. Site lines along Grove Street both from east and west are obstructed with vegetation and both horizontal and vertical curves of the roadway.. 5. The proposed sidewalks should be extended to Olinger Road to provide a safe passage to Bredesen Park. 6. Resident maintenance of the sidewalk such as snow removal. 7. The originally proposed back -of -curb sidewalk along Stuart Avenue should be a boulevard type sidewalk. All resident letters received by staff are included with this report. EXISTING CONDITIONS: Stuart Avenue and Grove Street streetscapes consists of a 30 foot wide bituminous roadways flanked with curb and gutter on both sides. Right -of -ways for Stuart Avenue and Grove Street are 60 and 40 feet respectively. The westerly side of Stuart Avenue contains minimal trees planted within City right -of -way. The most northerly lot, 5800 Stuart Avenue, has two large pines within the boulevard . area. The two southerly lots, 5812 and 5816 Stuart Avenue contains many smaller bushes within the boulevard area. The topography of the streetscape is fairly level at the southerly Feasibility Study Countryside Elementary Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 3 end with the northerly end experiencing grade changes from the street to the property lines. Streetscape of Stuart Avenue Streetscape of Grove Street at Arbour Avenue Grove Street and Stuart Avenue serves as a northwesterly access to Countryside Elementary School. Grove Street also serves as one of many routes to Bredesen Park located off Olinger Road and Olinger Boulevard. Traffic counts for these two streets were taken during the school year and are shown below. The numbers of potential students that might utilize these sidewalks are also shown below. Feasibility Study Countryside Elementary Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 4 PROPOSEDASS (Approximately PROPOSED SIDI EEoeo nor AVERAGE DA TAKEN DURI 0 14 POTENTIAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS BEYOND THIS POINT Enloe MINIM NMIME Countryside School idewa Proposed Assessment Area IMPROVEMENT: Construct sidewalks along Stuart Avenue and Grove Street. A boulevard sidewalk is proposed along Stuart Avenue due to the input of the residents along this street. The sidewalk would be located along the westerly side of Stuart Avenue within the roadway right -of -way along the front property lines. The sidewalk along Grove Street would be on the southerly side of the roadway within roadway right -of -way along the existing back -of -curb. Staff proposed the addition of this sidewalk to provide an off - street route for pedestrians through this area. This also provides another link as per the proposed pedestrian /bicycle plan. A sidewalk constructed along the northerly side of Grove Street between Stuart Avenue and Wycliff Road is not feasible due to the steep grade of the property and the lack of right -of -way at this location. Construction of these sidewalks would involve removing 4 -8 inches of topsoil and replacing with a 4 inch concrete sidewalk over a 4 inch aggregate base. Construction of the sidewalk at bituminous driveways would consist of removing the existing driveway material and replacing with a 6 inch concrete sidewalk section over 4 inches of aggregate base; concrete driveways will remain inplace. The boulevard style sidewalk along Stuart Avenue will consist of .a 4 Feasibility Study Countryside Elementary Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 5 foot wide sidewalk as the back -of -curb sidewalk will consist of a 5 foot wide sidewalk. See attached sketch. Due to the 15 foot wide boulevard that exists along Stuart Avenue very few trees would be directly impacted with the installation of sidewalks. However, two large trees located at 5800 Stuart Avenue will need to be removed for installation of the sidewalk. The larger Maple tree at 5809 Grove Street is very close to the proposed sidewalk but will be protected during construction. INSTALL CURB RAMP 5801 5' INSTALL CURB RAMP[ I` I IV[ ... a NARROW SID EWALKOCN @ MAPLE TREE INSTALL LANNON STONE WALL 5800 ? +' 5801 w • 5804 ._.. .. .6 1r rer , .. 24 .�\.i. Ili- .:, z • ov <J.. ' c 5605 �.. 5808 Fin p_._._ ... _............ _ ...... ........._...__ —_ cur r 5716 5812 -- �.,,... _... _. ............. _ _ ............................ 4 vRw R 1.. N A v':- .........,,, P nii s pr 5816 5701 COUNTRYSIDE ELEMENTARY SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS Feasibility Study Countryside Elementary Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 6 RIGHT -OF -WAY: Adequate right -of -way exists. FEASIBILITY: Due to the increasing amount of vehicle trips per day along Grove Street and the request of the Countryside Site Council a sidewalk to separate vehicles and pedestrians would be recommended. This project is also feasible from an engineering standpoint. EASEMENTS: No additional easements will be required. COMPLETION: 1999 Construction Season (August- October) ASSESSMENTS: A special assessment of approximately $200 per assessable lot will be levied against the residents within the area shown on the ;s IF DR WARDEN AVE pp. WARDEN AVE o GROVE ST OROVE ST °41k lu4 - V 3OVE ST Y DR LYLE ACIR 0.ti. Ld S6, 0 x b 6 00 W 13,400 xv s. y. ,. gENTON AVE O S �BENTON AVE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT (Approximately 5200 per I Proposed Assessment Area PROJECT COSTS: The total estimated project cost is $27,000. The estimated project cost includes indirect costs of 22.5 %, which includes engineering, clerical, and finance costs. Funding for the entire project will be distributed 25% from the School District, 25% from the City of Edina, and 50% from special assessments. The cost summary for this project is shown below. Feasibility Study Countryside Elementary Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 7 COST SUMMARY Subtotal Construction Cost $ 20,000 10% Contingency $ 2,000 Total Construction Cost $ 22,000 15% Engineering & Clerical $ 3,000 Total Construction Cost $ 25,000 7.5% Finance $ 2,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $ 27,000 PROJECT SCHEDULE: The following schedule is feasible from an Engineering standpoint only if Council orders this project: Council Orders Public Hearing .... ............................May 3, 1999 Receive Feasibility Report ....... ...........................June 1, 1999 Public Hearing .......................... ...........................June 1, 1999 Bid Opening ............................... ..........................July, 1999 Award Contract ............................ ..........................July, 1999 Begin Construction .................. .....................September, 1999 Complete Construction .............. ......................November, 1999 Lynn W. Gallup 5932 Grove Street Edina, MN 55436 May 20, 1999 Mr. Wayne Houle, PE City of Edina Dear Mr. Houle: First of all, thank you for conducting the informational meeting on May 19th. I was very pleased to have the opportunity to give my thoughts on the project. My purpose with this letter is to summarize my comments made at that meeting. These were the major points: 1. I fully support the project as you presented it; that is, having the sidewalk run on the west side of Stuart Ave. and around the corner heading west on the south side of Grove St. However, I do not believe it goes quite far enough to adequately achieve the goal of assuring the safety of our children. 2. Referring to the attached drawing showing my suggested sidewalks in blue, there should be a short piece of sidewalk in front of the church on the north side of Grove St. Based upon my personal experience of having walked my child to Countryside School every day for four years, I can say that this piece of sidewalk is needed to provide an off-street cross -walk assembly point at the stop sign for children coming down Wycliffe or Grove. 3. Stuart Ave. is unquestionably a dangerous street to walk on but Grove Street is nearly as bad. It is a thru - street, heavily used and often driven too fast. I believe the proposed sidewalk should be extended on the south side of Grove St. all the way to Olinger Rd. It should not be on the north side of Grove for the following reasons: A. The lots on the south side are much flatter. The north side would require some retaining walls. B. Running on the north side would introduce the need for a controlled intersection at Merold Drive and Grove St. C. The south side has better access to Olinger Rd. because there is a long narrow stretch of neglected property on Grove between Merold and Olinger having unattractive trees which should be removed or drastically thinned anyway for better snow melt on Grove St. D. The south side of Grove is the natural route to school because it results in the least crossings of the street. 4. Any sidewalk plan should include assessing the properties on Olinger Rd for one block to the north and south of the Grove St. intersection as these children use the Grove -Stuart route to school too. 5. Similarly, the properties directly across from Countryside School should be assessed because Stuart Ave. is their natural route to school. r Q COVE ST Total Project Cost: School Cost City Cost Special Assessments PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AF (Approximately $200 per lot) PROPOSED SIDEWALKS II kY� %1 t'I���t lty��r �� }�T, �' 1.. �111 yi ��.Ilil'�•�1I 1�� }�' �� II f i rIF� ,F r! • 1 t4 1,}, tit s{u (r�'•�. �i ��',jt',gv,!'IrT �,a.�i�° ��r� ' y �I i��ln ��l{ • �j�III 11 r1 td `it t 11a� �� iii �rll �dl a( i� 1 1�1111.'T'N" It(.iil {I Illy I,I w i..( I II',S} (��3 I 1 �,: I� L�1 • L.,. !,. 1�!t I I � ; I I ,t (I �y��f � �I��tt�a(, r Ih I 113�•zL��..I�Ii11I1I��Jt "r }�'',j:i }vi I} �Il� • . aII 1 .i } i f I 1' I ,r t I i I'll9 111 I ,�� � ; 1 1u1 �� A � ` ; q It^�e I 1 �' 1''S Ikk�`i'�� �i ���p � � �•j 1 ��• 9 �� 1,1 t�l .'!� :i�',I,.�•t ,: .I. }ij, l! }.. �1 " }!1 ��ri . �1!'Yf`I�,�,��y i1>��,1 ��. ���, I:I,,,I,k31it �. ,Ni }+ .. • f 1 `?Sz..t 1 Il ..816 1,71 ' I E' rF•.l t 1` [.i7.. Y Z .. \ 4 1 �.yY � :�.1.. 1 E]'''. i '873 ` +!'3 h1.1 1 f^ IPE Q I .__..__...__ ._... ..._ °_871 Q COVE ST Total Project Cost: School Cost City Cost Special Assessments PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AF (Approximately $200 per lot) PROPOSED SIDEWALKS II kY� %1 t'I���t lty��r �� }�T, �' 1.. �111 yi ��.Ilil'�•�1I 1�� }�' �� II f i rIF� ,F r! • 1 t4 1,}, tit s{u (r�'•�. �i ��',jt',gv,!'IrT �,a.�i�° ��r� ' y �I i��ln ��l{ • �j�III 11 r1 td `it t 11a� �� iii �rll �dl a( i� 1 1�1111.'T'N" It(.iil {I Illy I,I w i..( I II',S} (��3 I 1 �,: I� L�1 • L.,. !,. 1�!t I I � ; I I ,t (I �y��f � �I��tt�a(, r Ih I 113�•zL��..I�Ii11I1I��Jt "r }�'',j:i }vi I} �Il� • . aII 1 .i } i f I 1' I ,r t I i I'll9 111 I ,�� � ; 1 1u1 �� A � ` ; q It^�e I 1 �' 1''S Ikk�`i'�� �i ���p � � �•j 1 ��• 9 �� 1,1 t�l .'!� :i�',I,.�•t ,: .I. }ij, l! }.. �1 " }!1 ��ri . �1!'Yf`I�,�,��y i1>��,1 ��. ���, I:I,,,I,k31it �. ,Ni }+ .. • f 1 `?Sz..t 1 Il May 26, 1999 City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Edina City Council Members, We are writing to express our opinion about the proposed sidewalk project for Stuart Avenue and Grove Street. Our lot is one of those directly affected by the proposed sidewalk. We live at 5809 Grove St. and have watched the traffic patterns evolve in our neighborhood for the past 15 years. Last fall, we supported and signed the neighborhood petition proposing a sidewalk for Stuart Ave. Traffic on Stuart Ave. gets quite congested during the hours children are going to and from school, creating unsafe conditions, particularly in the winter. We hope that the Stuart Ave. sidewalk will be built prior to the start of the next school year. The proposed sidewalk on the south side of Grove St., which was not part of the neighborhood petition, is ill- advised for safety reasons. A sidewalk will provide children and parents a reason to cross the street at the intersection of Grove St. and Arbour Ave. This intersection is not particularly safe and will become less so if a sidewalk is placed such that children will be crossing Grove St. or Arbour Ave. at that point. A number of hazards exist at this intersection: • Traffic from the west on Grove St., comes around a blind curve due to some large pine trees just prior to the intersection. • Traffic from the south on Arbour Ave. comes up a hill that precludes drivers from seeing traffic or pedestrians on Grove St. until entering the intersection. • Traffic from the east on Grove St. comes over a rise that ends at the east end of our lot and creates a semi -blind approach to the intersection. • Grove St. is quite wide at this intersection due to the nature of this three -way intersection. • There is no traffic control at this intersection. We believe the sidewalk would create a false sense of security for pedestrians, while doing little about the traffic conditions. Traffic control at the intersection of Grove St. and Arbour Ave. would be safer and less costly than the sidewalk extension. Another unsafe crossing would be created at Wycliffe Rd. and Grove St. Traffic proceeding west on Grove St. enters this intersection over a rise that does not allow drivers to see pedestrians, particularly short elementary school children, until autos are already upon them. .. t Part of the justification for the Grove St. sidewalk is due to the traffic count data taken on Grove St. This data is partially flawed due to the placement of the traffic count equipment. The equipment was placed to the east of Good Samaritan Church and thus picks up traffic that does not necessarily impact the Countryside Elementary issue. Good Samaritan currently holds two sessions daily of preschool and numerous public meetings during the day and evening which make the traffic count appear much heavier than actually exists further west on Grove St. where the sidewalk is proposed. At the informational meeting on May 190, a revision to the proposed sidewalk on Grove St. was discussed. This revision would place a sidewalk on the north side of Grove St. between Stuart Ave and Wycliffe Rd. We believe this revision would provide a safer alternative for pedestrians in the neighborhood, particularly children on their way to school. We also believe that the other improvements at the school will greatly help the traffic and safety issues around Countryside elementary, particularly the new drop -off zone on Arbour Ave. and the upcoming drop- off /pick -up lane on Tracy Ave. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, 1 Kevin J. Lawless and April H. Egan cc: Wayne D. Houle, PE Assistant City Engineer May 27, 1999 Wayne Houle Edina Engineering Department I am writing to express my opinion concerning "Sidewalk Improvement -- Proposed Improvement NO.S -076 ". I have lived at 5629 Wycliffe Road for over 20 years. My children attended ( walked to ► Countryside school during the 80's and 90's. They never encountered any problems to their safety by walking to and from school. I am unaware of a single incident of a child ( or an adult for that matter ) being hit or injured by a car on Wycliffe, Grove or Stuart over the past 20 years. Concerning the alleged safety factor of "too much traffic ", it appears to be a "Catch 22 ". 1 asked several neighbors about the traffic. The comment was that the traffic was generated mostly by parents driving their kids to school. Furthermore, if there is a problem, it is that they drive too fast! I do NOT support NO. S -076. It is an "improvement" that is unwarranted and an unnecessary waste of taxpayer money. A more reasonable solution would be for parents to stop driving their children to school. And, for the Edina police to stringently enforce the speed limit in the neighborhoods adjacent to Countryside school. The City of Edina has no control over parents driving their children to school. However, Edina police do have the authority to strictly enforce the speed limit around Countryside school. Thank you. Eugene H. Rasschaert 5629 Wycliffe Road Edina , MN 55436 City of Edina May 19, 1999 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT NO. S -076 COUNTRYSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEIGHBORHOOD: STUART AVENUE AND GROVE STREET The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall, on Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 7:00 PM, to consider the Public Hearing on the construction of sidewalks along Stuart Avenue from Countryside Elementary School to Grove Street and along Grove Street from Stuart Avenue to Arbour Avenue. This hearing is being conducted under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. This hearing has been called as a result of a eta ition from 40 residents in the neighborhood. The estimated project cost is $26,800. The cost of the project will be funded by special assessment. The estimated cost per assessable lot is $200 and could be divided over a ten year period with interest accumulating on the unpaid balance. Under current City policy, maintenance (snow removal) of the sidewalk will be the responsibility of the homeowner. The sidewalk is proposed to be five feet wide and constructed of concrete. The alignment will be adjacent to the back of curb and gutter. The proposed project would be constructed in 1999, with the assessment hearing occurring in late September or early October. The area proposed to be assessed the cost of the proposed improvement includes: Lot 1, Block 1 & the N 10' of W 1215/10' of Outlot 1, and Lot 1, Block 2, Clagramar Addition; Lots 2 & 3, Block 2, Fridlund's Addition; Lots 1 thru 7, Block 1, Broadmore Addition - 2nd Replat; Lot 2 thru 4, Blk 1, Broadmore Addition Eliason Replat; Lot 4, Blk 3, Broadmore Addition; Lots 1 thru 6, Blk 1, Lots 1 thru 4 and 7 thru 14, Blk 2, Lots 1 thru 24, Blk 3, Lots 1 thru 9, Block 4, Edina Highlands Lakeside Addition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Edina Highlands Lakeside; All of Blocks 2, 3, & 4 incl vac sts in Lyle 2nd Addn and all of Blk 2 in Broadmore Addition. Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties that are considered to be benefited by the improvement. Any inquiries, comments and /or suggestions you may have regarding this improvement may be forwarded to the City Council or Engineering Department prior to the hearing or presented at the hearing itself. If you desire additional information, please call Wayne Houle at 826 -0443 between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. The City Council can authorize the proposed project immediately upon the close of the hearing. Thank you, n 4rancis J. Mo n, P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 826 -0379 a 1 f w9S��r� INFORMATIONAL MEETING COUNTRYSIDE ELEMENTARY NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS AGENDA 1. PURPOSE OF TONIGHTS MEETING • FACT FINDING - GATHERING PROCESS NEIGHBORHOOD INPUTS: USE POST -IT NOTES AND PLACE ON MAPS WRITE DOWN ON LEGAL PAD TONIGHT TELL ME CALL ME WRITE TO ME SPEAK AT PUBLIC HEARING 2. PETITION PROCESS 3. PROJECT • HISTORY • PROJECT • SCHEDULE • ASSESSMENTS 4. NEXT STEP - PUBLIC HEARING: JUNE 1 5. QUESTIONS INFORMATIONAL SHEET o COUNTRYSIDE ELEMENTARY NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF EDINA PROJECT: This project was initiated by a petitioned circulated by residents around Countryside Elementary School. The proposed project will consist of constructing sidewalks along the westerly side of Stuart Avenue and along the southerly side of Grove Street from Stuart Avenue to Arbour Ave. The sidewalks will be 5 feet wide concrete walks and will be placed adjacent to the existing curb and gutter. SCHEDULE: The construction for this project should take approximately three to eight weeks depending on the weather. The proposed preliminary schedule is as follows: Informational Meeting ........................May 19, 1999 Public Hearing ....... ...........................June 1,1999 Begin Construction .....................July / August,1999 Complete Construction ...... August / September, 1999 Final Assessment Hearing ......... Fall of 1999 or 2000 Please keep in mind that this project is "proposed only" until the City Council orders it at a Public Hearing. Also, you will be notified of the public hearing date at least ten days prior to the public hearing. ASSESSMENTS: The assessments for this project are preliminarily setup on a per lot basis, meaning all lots will be assessed equally. Proposed assessments for this project are ±$200 per lot. Assessments are typically added to the tax roll after the final assessment hearing and can be spread -out over 10 years. NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT OPPORTUNITIES: Residents from this neighborhood will have opportunities for input at both the informational meeting and the public hearing, or you can call Wayne Houle at 826- 0443. NOTES: MIMI rrulecz vvaI chool Cost ity Cost pecial Assessme PROPOSED AS! (Approximately PRnPn3En AND 15 sug i, 0 s o0 4_dnn Ilyl�t�lr��- 'i[•[- �Prnnnsnn s Cnool alaew�l Ores a�ccrt�anf O e ���bHIg1V`T�• City of Edina. May 7, 1999 Countryside Elementary Neighborhood Sidewalk Improvements Edina, MN Re: Resident Letter No. 1 Informational Meeting Announcement Countryside Elementary Neighborhood Sidewalk Improvements Dear Resident: The City of Edina received a petition from the Countryside Elementary Neighborhood for sidewalk installation on Stuart Avenue and a portion of Grove Street. See attached map for locations. The City of Edina is hosting an Informational Meeting regarding this project to be held on Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at Countryside School, 5701 Benton Avenue, in the cafeteria, at 7:00 PM. The meeting format will consist of a short presentation followed by an informal question and answer session. The presentation will cover scope of work and average assessment costs. If you cannot attend this meeting please contact me at 826 -0443 and I will answer any questions you may have. Sincer ly, 4Z Way ?D`.Flou e, PE Assistant City Engineer Attachment c: File City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 826 -0379 Total Projec School Cost City Cost Special Assessments PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AF (Approximately $200 per lot) PROPOSED SIDEWALKS WARDEN AVE Propo d Assessment Area 5621 5625 5629 W Q } 5633 Q Q D! H S61A 51 51 5715 5616 5f 5601 5805 5809 5813 5917 5921 W Q 5925 } U¢ BEN' 5901 56 5909 5919 k 1 5620 156 33-z -9 ,) /? �y I Be REPORT/RECOM MENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: DEBRA MANGEN CLERK Date: OCTOBER 19,1998 Subject: PETITION RECEIVED RECOMMENDATION: Agenda Item VII.A. Consent Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ZTo Council ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Refer petition received to Engineering for processing as to feasibility- INFO/ BACKGROUND: The attached petition was received October 12, 1998, from residents in the Stuart Avenue neighborhood requesting sidewalks on the west side of Stuart Avenue. a /o /iy�98 tAl OA, OWL, V » OAL aAA— LIS- tit TOGS N S o "J MA X36 &J z, �y- SSG f (`sfi��c r s rPs aA�S� " 5 -� s. t To: Concerned parents and residents of Countryside School area A safety concern has existed for Countryside's walking students for a long time. Stuart Avenue, which is the final approach block to the school for many walkers, has become dangerous for our students to navigate with traffic, especially in winter months when the roadway is narrowed by snow. In order for the students to be protected from this traffic, we must get the kids off the street on this block. We, the undersigned, propose that a sidewalk be installed on the west side of Stuart Avenue. Naturally, the residents of this block should not be solely financially responsible for this safety improvement. The cost for the sidewalks themselves should be divided as follows: 25% to the school district, 257o to the city, of Edina, and the remaining 50% divided among the residents of the Countryside School area. division of cost is used on a direct traffic safety hazard for pedestrians a ng the school Of course none of us warA assessments for ourselves, but you should know that there is a much more cost" in the works.The school district has made a proposal to the city council tfiat sidewalks be installed not only on Stuart Avenue, but also on Grove Street, Arbour Avenue, Wycliffe Road, Sun Road, and Amy Drive. Also there is a plan to make a drive through area off Arbour, taking some of the school land and increasing traffic on that street. The school has already redirected some of the traffic onto Arbour, further adding problems in an area that was not a problem before. Installing sidewalks on Stuart Avenue represents the least expensive, most practical solution to this safety problem for Countryside students. Please support the safety of our walking children and sign this petition. Thank you. Qu*stions? 925 -1503. W,_�t � O, .F 1 Ste. -A. : A�ery� City of Edina, Minn"- ota DA�' ' In CITY COUNCIL 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 —` -- - - .' (612) 927-8861 • (612) 927 - 7645 -FAX • (612) 927 - 5461 -TDD PETITION -TO THE CITY COUNCIL SIDEWALK ❑ ALLEY PAVING ❑ WATERMAIN ❑ STORM SEWER ❑ SANITARY SEWER ❑ STREET LIGHTING ❑ CURB AND GUTTER ONLY ❑ PERMANENT STREET ❑ OTHER: SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. ,.u.a r-�- A\MAAM, between 5800 and 581 �P LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME between I.IX'A -r1ON OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME and ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS and ADDRESS and ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT T11E CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERN19NED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATTU`RE �I OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) Lp'CL &clr^ /' / :f � C .c jIs L' ��4-LtL. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER'S PHONE 5 gab 5'-4 cn -q,, -r ikoT 4zz-0 �Y�esre �.'i' l7tir,� %`ZZ —Z) ?7 591t. C wave- S +. Q2-1 -512/ 58l7 Affve- 9,�7-5-WO THis petition was circulated by: fkAME %2�� ppue_�� �12s = !S"o•�� h re Is i space f0 ore signatures on the back or ou may attach extra page s� „� t'r ` PR(S-put-l-V owNFWS OwNb'.H'S NAME SIGNATURE (PRINTED) ov OA WILI-iAH t -- — ) . I A lie '-Ef-y'va-0:5 eo"'A 6, u OWNER'S VIIONK x(22 - Y X20 C, f-7 -(II cl /I (Oaoq -4anse. -7 a 122- .57 a 6rcue, Sf 3G rz-g- 04 it )92 9 22 qlA -' 92&- 3940 i 0 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Craig Larsen City Planner Date: June 1, 1999 Subject: Comprehensive Plan Update Recommendation: Info /Background: Agenda Item: III. A. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Attached is a.draft update of the Comprehensive Plan. The Plan has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission and Park Board. A public hearing on the Plan is scheduled for June 15, 1999. otLe • ," ✓p • REPORD/REC OMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item IV.A. From: ERIC ANDERSON Consent ❑ ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Information Only ❑ Date: JUNE 1, 1999 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject:. REQUEST BY METROPOLITAN ® Motion RADIO BOARD FOR A 800 MHz ❑ Resolution TOWER LOCATED SOUTH OF ❑ Ordinance BRAEMAR ARENA _ ' ® Discussion RECOMMENDATION: Approve 800 MHz tower concept and give direction on lease terms. INFO/BACKGROUND: Staff has been working with Hennepin County and some commercial carriers to co- locate a number of antennas on the Gleason water tower. After a long process of review and recommendations from our consultants, staff suggested the Metropolitan Radio Board /County consider some alternate locations in Edina. The attached request details the Metro Radio Board /County's proposal for a tower located south of Braemar Arena. This proposal provides information on the need for a tower in Edina, the type of tower that would be built and proposed lease arrangements for the tower. Staff recommends this proposal over the location on the Gleason water tower for a number of reasons: • Difficulty and expense of painting the tower • Magnitude of equipment proposed for the tower Fj REPO RTIRECOM MEN DATION - TOWER REQUEST SOUTH OF BRAEMAR ARENA June 1, 1999 Page two • Resistance from neighborhood • Aesthetics of the proposal • Lease complications The proposed tower would have minimal residential impact and would meet a need for public safety communications for the Metro area. Staff will have a presentation that will detail both the south Arena tower and Gleason tower proposals. If the Council approves this concept, staff will be seeking direction on the terms of the lease for this project. HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Communications Division 9300 Naper Street Golden Valley, MN 55427 May 24, 1999 Patrick D. McGowan, Sheriff Eric Anderson, Assistant City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50`h Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 -1394 Dear Mr. Anderson: The purpose of this letter is to formally request the City Council, City of Edina to consider a request by the Hennepin County Sheriff s Office on behalf of the County and the Metropolitan Radio Board to approve the construction of a 180 foot, free standing public safety radio communications tower on City property immediately south of the Braemar Arena, along Minnesota State Highway 169. This request is being made because of the essential need for a radio communications antenna site in the City of Edina for the new 800 MHz public safety radio system and for concerns expressed for the installation of multiple user radio equipment on the Gleason Water Tower. We appreciate the assistance that you, Fran Hoffinan and the City's consultants have provided to help identify a mutually suitable site for locating the new 800 MHz radio system equipment. We also recognize the City's goal to collocate commercial wireless users within the City to the extent possible. The following materials are attached as background information to this request: History of Request to the City for a Tower Location 800 MHz Radio System Project Overview Technical Need for a Tower Site in the City of Edina Critical Project Timelines Braemar Tower Proposal Next Steps if Approval is Granted We look forward to meeting with you and the City Council June 1, 1999 to review and discuss this request. If you have any questions, please call me at 525 -6260. Sincerely, "— "John Urbach Assistant Radio Systems Manager c. Enclosures Hennepin County is an equal opportunity employer HISTORICAL OVERVIEW 1993 - The Hennepin County Board of Commissioners at the request of local police, fire and EMS agencies directs a study, report and recommendations for improving public safety communications within the County. 1995 - The Minnesota Legislature directs all seven Metropolitan area counties to complete a public safety communications needs assessment which examines the role and use of 800 MHz trunked radio technology proposed for the seven county Metropolitan area. The Hennepin County Board of Commissioners approves a long term communications plan for the County which proposes to migrate all users of existing two way radio systems to an 800 MHz radio subsystem of the Regionwide Metro 800 MHz project. Hennepin County submits 800 MHz subsystem plan to the Metropolitan Radio Board for approval pursuant to State Statute and indicates intent to build an 800 MHz radio subsystem with the State of Minnesota, Metro Transit and City of Minneapolis. Ron Vegemast Engineering Inc. writes letter to City of Edina indicating the Gleason Water Tower has been identified as a highly desirable site to locate. 800 MHz radio equipment. Information is provided on the site needs, equipment specifications and requests direction on how to proceed if use of the site is acceptable to the City. - A site sketch plan, equipment and shelter specifications are forwarded to the City for review and recommendations. 1996-1997 County, consultant and City staffs review and consider various design and technical options for locating 800 MHz public safety equipment at the Gleason Water Tower. A draft lease is forwarded to City for review and consideration. 1998 Revised draft leases for use of land and Gleason Water Tower provided to the City for review and consideration. City of Edina receives request from APT to relocate current antennas adjacent to Gleason Water Tower to top of water tower. City issues Request For Proposal for use of City properties for telecommunications installations. City facilitates meeting of all interested telecommunications users for the Gleason Water Tower. City provides guidance for the development of a single Gleason Water Tower site plan and proposal that would attempt to address various concerns. 1999 APT prepares comprehensive site and design plans and specifications for the collocation of four telecommunication users at the Gleason Water Tower. City staff and consultants review comprehensive telecommunications plan for Gleason. Water Tower and indicate concerns to County regarding use and recommend pursuing alternative site for 800 MHz radio system equipment focusing on Braemar Park area. 800 MM RADIO SYSTEM PROJECT OVERVIEW The Hennepin County 800 MHz radio subsystem is part of an overall nine county radio system infrastructure under the oversight of the Metropolitan Radio Board. The initial radio system build out also includes the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, City of Minneapolis, Carver County and Metro Transit. Key features of the County subsystem: Two radio subnetworks — East and West. The sixteen transmitter /receiver sites in the subsystem represents one of the most densely built systems constructed to date. A 95% radio coverage guarantee with a portable radio, on the belt with antenna, against the body, in building, above ground: - In- building East Network design is guaranteed for medium industrial buildings; and - In- building West Network design is guaranteed for light industrial buildings. - Greater than 95% countywide mobile and outdoor portable radio coverage. Advanced radio and system features and functions to improve radio user safety, service or business options, enhanced mutual aid and interoperability. Radio features include encryption, secure conversation capabilities, imbedded signaling to identify radios and send status messages, individual radio call alert encode /decode, emergency call, scanning, telephone interconnect, out - of -range indicator, analog 800 MHz mutual aid. Immediate availability of predefined intra and inter agency communications, mutual aid and interoperability with other 800 MHz users. Independent Public Safety Answering Points continue to maintain operational autonomy while using all the features of the new 800 MHz radio system. Significant radio system reliability due to "loop protection." Two alternate routes serve each transmitter /receiver site so if one pathway is broken, the other will remain intact and the radio system remains fully operation where conventional county and city systems would fail. The County subsystem will maintain many trunked radio functions and radio features even in the event of a catastrophic failure of a site or the network controller. A high speed mobile data system planned for operation on the 800 MHz high capacity microwave system has been funded with initial planning and design work commencing in 1999. Area wide communications available throughout the nine county area when needed. Overall system is "open architecture" enabling multiple vendors of end user products. System uses trunking and digital modulation for voice communications. The radio system use 12.5 KHz band width enabling the use of radio frequencies in the project not otherwise available to increase the number of radio users. All radio system users have same feature set and capabilities available to them. TECHNICAL NEED FOR AN 800 MHZ TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER SITE IN EDINA The Hennepin County 800 MHz radio system is comprised of 16 transmitter /receiver sites within and adjoining the County. Exhibit I displays the configuration of all transmitter sites within the regional radio system. The high - density coverage and radio performance standards established for the County radio subsystem drives the need for a radio site in the area of the Gleason Water Tower or Braemar Park. Exhibits lI and III show the projected 40 dbu radio signal coverage (propagation) expected from transmitter /receiver sites located at the Gleason Water Tower and Braemar Park respectively. Movement of the antenna site to the south and west changes the radio system coverage in a concurrent manner. Because the new system is a "simulcast" radio system, simultaneous radio signal transmissions from other sites in the system (Glen Lake, Golden Valley, Bloomington) will help "fill in" the coverage pattern changes. Tower sites serving the Hennepin County radio system must be spaced 6 — 8 miles a part in order to achieve the in- building communications performance and reliability required for the new system. The Braemar Park site continues to enable the microwave connection of Edina police, fire and EMS into the new 800 MHz via their public safety answering point at City Hall. CRITICAL 800 MHZ PROJECT TIMELINES Various components of the new 800 MHz public safety radio system are under contract for production and delivery including: • Contracts have been entered into to fabricate and ship the radio equipment shelter buildings, including the Braemar tower site. Hennepin County has issued purchase orders for eight shelters including one for an Edina area, site. • Civil construction and technical work has commenced and is well underway at several Hennepin County sites including Bloomington, Maple Plain, Golden Valley, Medina and Plymouth. • Bids for all other civil work on the regional project, which includes other Hennepin County subsystem sites being prepared by the State of Minnesota will be received by June 1 with work, scheduled to commence within 60 days. • Contracts have been entered into to manufacture and install the radio and microwave equipment at the Gleason Water Tower (or equivalent site.) • Confirmation of the microwave locations, paths and equipment requirements are being finalized for the manufacture, delivery and installation of the microwave system in April 2000. Confirmation of an acceptable and suitable site for the location of 800 MHz radio system equipment is a critical project activity and priority. A failure to identify an acceptable site will have significant effects on other parts of the adjoining system components. The timeline to construct a new tower and avoiding cold climate construction conditions requires an approved site very soon. TOWER PROPOSAL WITHIN THE CITY OF EDINA Location A freestanding tower is proposed to be located at City of Edina property, on the top of the hill, immediately south of the Braemar Ice Arena and Pavilion parking lot, 7501 Highway 169. Exhibit IV presents an image of the hill area proposed for the tower. The specific location would be just over the top of the hill. Microwave path analysis shows multiple building obstructions to the microwave path to the Bloomington tower site if the tower is moved further to the south. Design and Specifications The proposed tower is an open steel lattice style, self supporting PiRod tower. The specified tower is 180' tall, with a low profile rotatable top for installing antennas. With the installation of whip antennas, the tower height would be 200 feet. The base of the tower would be 22 feet between each leg of the tripod. Exhibit V is a photo of the current 150' tower located at the Hennepin County Sheriffs Office Patrol Division in Brooklyn Park. The proposed Braemar Tower would be very similar, but 30 feet higher. Exhibit VI is a drawing of the tower showing proposed tower and the location of 800 MHz public safety antennas. Currently, four — twenty foot "whip" antennas are proposed for the top of the tower and three microwave antennas required to connect and "loop" the communications equipment to other sites as follows: 4 foot microwave at 76 feet connecting site to the Glen Lake tower, Minnetonka; 4 foot microwave at 129 feet connecting site to Edina City Hall; and 6 foot microwave at 170 feet connecting site to Bloomington tower. Microwave path analysis determines the height and size requirements of the microwave antennas. The tower is designed to withstand wind forces of 92 miles per hour, with a one half inch of radial ice load. The tower conforms to the 1998 Minnesota State Building Code. An equivalent height monopole is not an alternative for structural, loading and cost reasons. Collocation Opportunities The tower is structured to accommodate multiple commercial wireless carriers to facilitate collocation objectives of the City. The geographic location, proximity to major traffic and business corridors and structural capacity of the tower make it suitable as a collocation facility subject to local commercial carriers needs in the area and City review of antenna designs. The number of commercial users will depend upon the specific antenna array requirements, but two and perhaps three could be accommodated. City Concerns Addressed Key concerns identified by the City are addressed by the proposed Braemar Tower: • Minimization of adverse environmental and aesthetic concerns; • Opportunities to address current and future commercial wireless coverage needs in the City; and • Support for essential public safety and emergency communications needs in the community and County at large. Opportunities to Amortize Costs The construction and relocation of essential 800 MHz public safety communications equipment to the Braemar site represent a significant new financial expense for the County's portion of the radio project in addition to the $35,000 expended for design and engineering analysis for the Gleason Water Tower. Total County costs will increase $175,000 - $200,000 for design, construction and changes to the microwave and radio contracts. Working with the City cooperatively with a "no charge" land lease would be essential for the project to proceed. Because of the tower's capacity for collocation of commercial users, the opportunity exists for both the City and the County to recognize revenues from the site at some point. Depending upon the needs of commercial wireless companies, there may be an opportunity for a joint venture build out and asset transfer and deferred rent on a full or partial participation basis. Adequate space would remain for additional tenants and revenue sharing opportunities. Images of Towers Exhibits VII -A — VII -E present several examples of similar lattice tower structures currently installed around the County. While not precisely the same, they provide a reasonable frame of reference for the visual image of the proposed Braemar tower. Exhibit VIII -A and VII-B present a photo rendition of what the proposed Braemar tower may look like on the site without the antennas a fixed. NEXT STEPS If the City Council provides approval and direction to the County and the City staffs to proceed with site development and construction of a new public safety radio tower at the Braemar site, the following activities will occur: • County develops and releases Request For Bids for Braemar tower. • City Council and County Board approve land lease and use agreement. • City and County staff develops project work plan. • City and County staffs develop mutually acceptable site plan and access road. • City Staff reviews progress reports on project. • Service road designed and construction requirements and costs defined. • Site testing and preparation conducted. • City reviews and approves plans and specifications. • Building permits applied for tower and shelter foundations, and tower and shelter. • Utility work requirements identified; approvals, easements and permits obtained. • Construction commences, tower and shelter installed within 90 days. While a number of activities following site approval by the City Council can occur, the overall project to construct a new tower must commence soon to avoid more costly cold weather construction techniques. EXHIBT I EXHIBT II 40 db THRESHOLD MAP R EXHIBT III 40 db THRESHOLD MAP BRAEMAR SITE — 180' TOWER 0 v 0 el - 11 - low a 2 EXHIBIT V 150' PiRodTOWER HCSO PATROL DIVISION 9401 83RD AVENUE NORTH BROOKLYN PARK 0 EXHIBIT VI PROPOSED BRAEMAR TOWER — 180' ¢ ,q .VIEW OF TOWER LOOKING NORTH o, Q w on A z z m a o 0 3 a z z � u c 200' Overall T CC 0 a a d W U r. cz w O far. w a w c o z e G O o Z u .o a� Z d E z ° o O � U r EXHIBIT VII -B COMMERCIAL TOWER 140'- 150' MEDICINE LAKE ROAD AND HWY 169 r EXHIBIT VII -B COMMERCIAL TOWER 140'- 150' MEDICINE LAKE ROAD AND HWY 169 GLEN LAKE GOLF COURSE EXHIBIT VII -E COMMERCIAL TOWER 140'- 160' EAST OF GLEN LAKE TOWER, SAME VIEW AS EXHIBIT VII -D EXHIBT VIII -A BRAEMAR TOWER RENDERING EXHIBT VIII -B BRAEMAR TOWER RENDERING Y o e ` REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Info/Background: Friday morning Tom Beutell of 6204 Parkwood Road brought in 50 letters from residents in Parkwood Knolls. Mr. Beutell indicated that he planned to attend Tuesday evening's meeting and deliver additional letters to the Council. A copy of one letter is attached. It should be noted that identical letter were received from all the residents. To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item VI. From: Debra Mangen Consent City Clerk Date: Information Only Subject: Parkwood Knolls Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Resident Letters ® Council To Action ® Motion ❑ Resolution Ordinance Discussion Info/Background: Friday morning Tom Beutell of 6204 Parkwood Road brought in 50 letters from residents in Parkwood Knolls. Mr. Beutell indicated that he planned to attend Tuesday evening's meeting and deliver additional letters to the Council. A copy of one letter is attached. It should be noted that identical letter were received from all the residents. May 26, 1999 Edina City Council City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Dear City Council Members: As Edina residents and parents of Edina Public School children, we are writing to the Edina City Council to express our concern regarding increasing vehicular traffic in the Parkwood Knolls neighborhood. The multiple problems associated with this safety- related issue require the immediate attention of the Edina City Council. The increased Parkwood Knolls neighborhood traffic appears to be the result of non -Edina residents. The non -Edina resident contingent is primarily comprised of Opus Development business commuters. The commuters have shown a preference for the residential Parkwood Knolls streets in order to bypass the congestion of Highway 169 metered entrance ramps. Generally, the commuters are traveling through the Parkwood Knolls neighborhood to access Blake, Schaefer, Interlachen Roads and Vernon Avenue. Of additional concern is that this traffic pattern continues to increase. The safety issues related to the commuter traffic are threefold: 1) high vehicular volume, 2) failure to obey the 30 MPH posted speed limit (vehicle speeds routinely in excess of 45 MPH to 60+ MPH) and 3) failure to obey traffic control signage for Yield and Stop. Edina Police Department monitoring has corroborated this. The Parkwood Knolls residential streets were neither intended nor designed to accommodate the volume of traffic, the speed, and the recklessness of the business commuters. For safety sake, we as parents do not allow our children to play in our own front yards. Nor do we allow our children to walk or bike on the street for fear that they become the victim of a reckless driver. Adult pedestrians, bicyclists and animals are exposed to this unsafe environment. This situation is completely unacceptable. We ask that the City Council appropriate, and then propose to the residents, a suitable solution. For the safety of all the residents, especially the children, and for the integrity of our neighborhood, we need the City Council to act swiftly. Sincerely, Ov- NC// 1/n Tom and Kari Beutell Or- ``� 6204 Parkwood Road 935 -1858 MA + rzB 7%_ � e 7 R E 1999 l • PARKWOOD KNOLLS OF EDINA • EDINA, MN o�1Le REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: ERIC ANDERSON ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Date: JUNE 15,1999 Subject: CALENDAR FOR YEAR 2000 BUDGET WORK SESSIONS REPORT: Agenda Item Consent ❑ Information Only Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA To Council ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion The following is a proposed calendar for the 2000 budget process: July 6 5:00 Budget Assumptions /Overview July 20 5:00 Budget Assumptions/Follow -up September 7 7:00 Resolution Setting Maximum Tax Levy Mid September Budget Hearing(s) November/December Truth in Taxation Hearing(s) December Adopt Year 2000 budget 0 Metropolitan Council Working for the Region, Planning for the Future May 19, 1999 Glenn Smith Mayor City of Edina 4801 W 50th St Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Dear Mr. Smith: f� f� The Metropolitan Council research staff has prepared a preliminary population and household estimate as of April 1, 1998 for your community. Enclosed for your review is a 1998 worksheet which includes 1990 Census background data. The estimates are used by the Council to monitor population and household change throughout the region. We strive to provide accurate estimates that treat municipalities consistently. Questions concerning how the estimates are determined should be directed to me at (651) 602 -1332 or by e-mail at kathy.johnson @metc.state.mn.us. No reply from you is necessary. If you have comments regarding the estimates please submit them to me in writing before June 11, 1999. This will ensure that issues are addressed in a timely manner and that we will be able to deliver finalized estimates to the Department of Revenue by the end of June. The estimates are used in the Department of Revenue's local aid formulas and by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) for calculating local street aids. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, Kathy Johnson Community Development Division Enclosure 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 -1626 (651) 602 -1000 Fax 602 -1550 TDD /TN 291 -0904 Metro Info Line 602 -1888 Art Equal Opportunity Employer Metropolitan Council Provisional Population Estimate April 1, 1998 EDINA Housing Units Household Estimate 1990 Census Households 1998 Household Estimate 19,860 21,010 Population Estimate 1990 Census 1998 Estimated 1998 Estimated Occupied Housing By Type Housing Units Completed Housing Units Households Single- family 12,297 12,445 12,233 Multifamily (incl. town homes) 8,685 9,302 8,777 Mobile Home 1 0 0 Total 20,983" 21,747 21,010 Household Estimate 1990 Census Households 1998 Household Estimate 19,860 21,010 Population Estimate 1990 Census Total Population 46,070 1990 Group Quarters Population 366 1990 Population in Households 45,704 1998 Population Estimate 47,235 1998 Group Quarters Population 406 1998 Population in Households 46,829 Persons per Household 1990 Census Persons per Household 2.30 1998 Persons per Household 2.23 All numbers are as of April 1 of each year. 'This total includes 157 unit(s) listed in "other' housing in the 1990 Census data. The Census defines these units as those not fitting the defined housing categories, such as houseboats, railroad cars, campers and vans. Since no information on "other" units is available between censuses, for purposes of 1998 population and household estimation, these units have been allocated to the single and multiple family categories. This was done based on persons per "other' household and the ratio of single - family to multifamily housing in the jurisdiction. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1999, AT 7:00 P.M. EDINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - ARNESON ACRES 4711 WEST 70TH STREET, EDINA, MN MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Gary Nyberg, John Cooney, John McCauley and Lois Wilder MEMBERS ABSENT: Marilyn Curtis, Herman Ratelle and Donald Wray STAFF PRESENT: ,Joyce Repya OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Vogel, Research Historian Chairman Nyberg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Mr. Cooney moved approval of the minutes from the February 23, 1999, meeting. Mr. McCauley seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. II. HISTORIC CONTEXT STUDY: Chairman Nyberg welcomed Robert Vogel to the meeting and asked that Mr. Vogel provide the Boardwith a progress report on the Historic Context Study. Mr. Vogel explained that since meeting with the Board in February, he has completed the outlines for the Historic Context Study which had been mailed to the Board prior to the meeting. At this point the context study is consistent with the federal requirements. However, Edina's study will be somewhat unique to meet the goals of establishing a framework for future studies. Mr. Vogel observed that Edina's context study will not be another history book — there are plenty of those. Rather the study will serve the City as a planning document with goals that can be implemented in a 5 to 15 year timeframe. Once the Context Study is complete, the HPB should move to the planning mode where decisions as to surveys, the use of property and the level of regulation will need to be made. r Chairman Nyberg pointed out that areas such as the Country Club District and Morningside are easy to survey. The challenge comes in delineating the post war development into separate neighborhoods and districts. Board members agreed that the post -war development in Edina was much broader and not specific to an area. Mr. Vogel suggested that the Board undertake a border to border survey of every street in the City to identify original structures which are part of Edina's agricultural heritage. These bits and scraps of the City's past may be all that's left of Edina's agrarian heritage that was hard hit by the Twentieth Century, Mr. Cooney asked Mr. Vogel why the Board should undertake historic surveys. Mr. Vogel explained that it is through the surveys that tangible links to the past are identified. Ms. Wilder observed that she felt the HPB should start researching the City on the neighborhood level, Ms. Wilder pointed out that over time, some neighborhoods have been redefined (or cut -up) as highways were built. Board members agreed with Ms. Wilder that identifying neighbors would be a good starting point. Ms. Repya advised the Board that as part of the research for the Historic Context Study, Mr. Vogel has asked that a City tour with members of.the HPB be organized sometime in June. Board members agreed that a tour would be an excellent idea. Tuesday, June 15th at 6:00 p.m. was the tentative date set for the tour. Ms. Repya stated that she would check on the availability of using the Edina Senior Center van on that date. In conclusion, Chairman Nyberg thanked Mr.'Vogel for his information update and added that he was very pleased with the progress of the project thus far; all board members echoed. their pleasure. No formal action was taken. III. ANNUAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION CONFERENCE: Ms. Repya reminded the Board that an annual State Historic Preservation conference is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Mary 14 & 15, at the Regional Treatment Center in St. Peter. The theme for the conference will be "Thinking About the Unthinkable ", centering around the recovery efforts from a tornado which struck St. Peter in March of 1998. Ms. Repya pointed out that as a Certified Local Government City, Edina is required to send at least one board member to the conference. The City will reimburse the $30.00 conference fee for attendees. Ms. Repya then asked board members to check their calendars and let her know if they would be available to attend the conference; she would then submit the registrations to the Minnesota Historical Society. No formal action was taken. IV. ADJOURNMENT: 8:15 p.m. MINUTES EDINA RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE COMMISSION MARCH 18, 1999 7:00 A.M. MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Inna Hays, Judith Smith, Anne Cronin, Kathy Frey, Bob Reid, K.C. Glaser, Shelly Lipetzky GUESTS: Paul Rosland, BFI STAFF PRESENT: Solvei Wilmot I. ROLL CALL Meeting was called to order by Inna Hays, Chair, at 7:05 a.m. II. MINUTES Bob Reid MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 27, 1999, MEETING. Kathy Frey SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED: III. TOURS The commission will tour the BFI Recyclery April 15, 1999. Mr. Rosland will provide a map for the commission members. IV. BFI Update Mr. Rosland reported that the merger with Allied Waste is expected to be completed in August. The merger should not create any changes to recycling service locally. Commission members inquired about the recycling brochure which BFI produced. Ms. Wilmot distributed copies to the commission. Ms. Cronin commented that recycling bins have been left in the driveway and that the drivers need to return them where they found them. V. STAFF REPORT Annual Meeting & Volunteer Awards Reception Ms. Wilmot inquired how many of the commission members would be attending the annual meeting and the awards reception. Five members indicated they are planning to attend the annual meeting. For the volunteer reception, five members are planning on attending. Earth Day Ms. Wilmot reported that the City does not have a, recognition day planned. Ms. Cronin reported that Creek Valley is planting trees. Ms. Wilmot will check with other schools to see if they have any events planned. Recycling Contract Update The recycling contract will be completed at the end of the year. As a result, the contract, will be bid again this fall. Ms. Wilmot will present a bid packet to the Commission at the May meeting. VI. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Reid stated he has a meeting set for March 24 to meet with Jay Willemson of the Edina School District to discuss the recycling within the schools. VII. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Bob Reid MOVED TO NOMINATE MS. FREY AS CHAIR AND JUDY SMITH AS VICE CHAIR OF THE RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE COMMISSION. Ann Cronin SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. Ms. Frey and the commission'.members thanked Inna Hays for her leadership the past two . years. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:02 a.m. a EDINA COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, January 27, 1999 7:30 p.m. Edina Community Library MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Paul O'Connor, Freda Terry, Mary Edwards, Bruce Burnett, Jim Reynolds and Kathy Frey EX OFFICIO MEMBERS: Lotem Almog (non- voting members) ,MEMBERS ABSENT: Rev. Charles Vogt, John Fennig, Chip Evans, Carrie Christiansen and Audrey Runyan GUEST: Barton Erickson, Cornerstone; Kathy Iverson, City of Edina Chemical Health Coordinator I. ROLL CALL Meeting was called to order by Chair J. Paul O'Connor at 7:35 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: NOVEMBER 4, 1998 Freda Terry MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 4, 1998 MEETING. Bruce Burnett SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. III. REPORTS A. Domestic Abuse Dr. Burnett reported that he did obtain some posters which could be used in the bathrooms or other locations. This would approach the person in a private manner and allow them to get information for help regarding domestic abuse. One poster talks about work place abuse the other examples were about domestic abuse. The Committee could use these posters or use these as examples to create their own posters Ms. Edwards inquired what Dr. Burnett knew about the Men's Line. Dr. Burnett commented that he was aware that the Men's Line is a resource for domestic abuse where a man might report abuse. Mr. O'Connor inquired if Ms. Frey had contacted any businesses. Ms. Frey said she had contacted several Edina businesses and inquired if they would be willing to post a domestic abuse poster. Norte of them had objected. Dr. Reynolds inquired if Southdale had a location for posters. Ms. Frey will check. Dr. Burnett commented that a poster regarding work place abuse may be also be posted at the different retailers. Dr. Reynolds inquired if a sponsor for an ad for the newspaper could be found. Mr. Velde M commented that maybe the Tri-City coalition could buy ad space. He will check into that. Cornerstone and Women Kind would be resources for more posters or more information. Dr. Reynolds suggested an article in the paper as well as-an ad. Mr. O'Connor suggested a letter to the editor. Dr. Reynolds stated the article could emphasize that this is a problem that has been identified. Mr. O'Connor stated with an initiative like this, someone within the committee is needed to organize it. Someone to give direction and follow up. Ms. Almog introduced Barton Erickson, a representative from Cornerstone that does PAVE education. PAVE is Preventing Abuse and Violence through Education. He visits schools in Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina and Richfield and does education in the area of dating violence. He also educates the students about domestic violence, anger awareness, sexual harassment, group and one on one counseling, and mentoring after school. Mr. Erickson distributed some brochures. One brochure was targeting businesses and how domestic violence affects the work place. Cornerstone also has a business card which has. their phone number on it but does not indicate that it is from Cornerstone. This is for the safety of the person needing the number. Mr. Erickson also had brochures for family members "How Can I Help" that he distributed. Cornerstone can assist with temporary and long term housing needs, intervention assistance with the courts, and restraining orders assistance. Mr. Erickson reported for 1998 there were 173 referrals to Cornerstone from Edina. Mr. O'Connor inquired what his work is with teenagers. Mr. Erickson stated thathe makes a presentation in every Health class. Every high school student in the four city area is reached that way. He talks about both dating violence and domestic violence. Then after. the presentation a response form is distributed to the class. It gives the students an opportunity to share what they learned and if they would like to have a one on one meeting. Students are referred to the Cornerstone counselors by the Deans, parents or friends. Mr. O'Connor inquired if the response from each community, is the same. Mr. Erickson stated that Cornerstone is just doing presentations in Edina and not doing project services for anger awareness as he does in Eden Prairie, Bloomington and Richfield. The committee inquired how Edina could have those services. Mr. Erickson stated he didn't know but could find out and get back to the committee. Another group that Cornerstone coordinates is SAVE, Students Against Violence Environments, at Bloomington and Richfield. SPARC, Students Preventing Abuse Relationships Committee is at Jefferson in Bloomington. These are a couple of after school programs for teens to be involved in. i Dr. Reynolds inquired if there is a reduction in the numbers of abuse calls in the last six years because of education. Mr. Erickson commented that there has been an increase in calls in the last six years. The increase is probably due to the increased awareness about Cornerstone. Mr. Erickson stated that in 1995 -96 PAVE met with 2600 students in the four communities. In 1997, PAVE met with 5000 students. That was every tenth grader in their health class. Dr. Reynolds inquired if the number of calls reflect the number of problems that exist and if the Cornerstone programs are having a positive effect. Ms. Iverson stated that it is a hard thing to measure. Ms. Almog stated that she was able to assist a person because she was aware of Cornerstone. Mr. Erickson stated that the national statistic is that 1 in 40 high school students will be affected by an abusive relationship before they graduate. Mr. O'Connor inquired if the programs continued into the 1 Vb and 12'b grade class. Mr. Erickson stated that it is just in the 10th grade classes. However, they are present in the after - school programs. Ms. Iverson stated that Edina does not offer the after - school programs. It is important to have something since the children are maturing and probably dating more as they get into 12'h grade. Ms. Almog stated that the programs like PAVE and SAVE embrace the Developmental Assets because they look at the individual and not at the group as a whole. Mr. O'Connor commented that he agreed and that programs like this can create an environment to prevent problems. Mr. Erickson commented that an environmental change is key. The level of acceptability for appropriate behavior is different in each school. Ms. Frey inquired what creates the different climates. Mr. Erickson stated the children in the schools. Some things are acceptable behavior and other things aren't. Ms. Frey stated that she was wondering what is the source of abuse. It didn't seem to be as prevalent as it is now. Mr. Erickson stated he didn't know. Dr. Burnett stated that 20 -30 years ago things that were perceived as normal are now considered abusive. Dr. Reynolds stated that there is a coarsening of our culture. Mr. Erickson stated that youth deal with conflict by removing the problem. That is why there are shootings in the schools. Mr. O'Connor asked for each of the committee members to address whether as a committee they would like to focus on this issue and what can be done from a community perspective in order to improve community health. Ms. Frey stated it is a good focus. There are some tangible things that the committee can do and be able to measure the outcome. As a committee we should support getting the SAVE program into the Edina High School. The committee can also work at distributing the posters to businesses. Hand delivering the posters may have a better outcome than just mailing them. Also, an insert in the water bills. Dr. Reynolds commented that the SAVE program touches many young people and has many facets that can be approached. Violence and abuse can be thought of in a broad sense not just one person throwing a punch. Ms. Almog stated this has been relevant. The more people who are aware of this, the better off we will be. Ms. Terry commented that we should start with students to bring more awareness and education. Dr. Burnett stated that we should focus on what it is that we want to accomplish. Should we approach this through the adolescents or do we approach the broader community through posters. The poster distribution is a little more labor for the committee, but it is important to be able to get the information out there to everyone. Ms. Edwards commented that 25 years ago help for an abused person was a problem. This kind of discussion didn't exist. Women Kind at Fairview is a very good program but it is set- up for after the problem has started. So getting a program going that focuses on educating the youth, like Cornerstone. has, is tremendous. She applauded Cornerstone for their hard work. She stated it would be hard to measure the results of that kind of a program. Results, won't be seen for 20 to 25 years. SAVE should be a program available in the schools. Also, promoting awareness of the different programs through the posters, and placing an ad in the Edina Sun Current would provide better coverage of this issue. Ms. Edwards stated that Fairview has a Public Relations person, Cynthia Beamus- Abrams, that we could approach outside of her duties for Fairview, for assistance in getting the information out. Mr. O'Connor stated there are a lot of good ideas. He asked for volunteers to Chair this subcommittee. Ms. Frey and Dr. Burnett volunteered to Co- Chair. Ms. Frey stated she would like to know exactly what is available'at the High School. Ms. Almog stated that Cornerstone comes to the High School for the Health class which is given each semester. As a result, each student gets two hours from Cornerstone, but there aren't any after school programs like PAVE or SAVE. Ms. Iverson confirmed that information. Mr. Erickson stated that Ann Harrington from Cornerstone would be best to contact to check on availability for Cornerstone staff and who to approach at the schools. Mr. Iverson said we should check with the schools to see if there is a need for an anger awareness program Ms. Frey inquired who is Ann Harrington. Mr. Erickson stated she has been with Cornerstone nine years and is the -Coordinator. She would know what Cornerstone is doing for Edina schools and what is happening at other schools'. B. ASSET BUILDING - Paul O'Connor and David Velde The 40 Assets were mailed to the committee members and there is more information on the internet through the Search Institute which produced the list of the 40 assets. Mr. O'Connor handed out a list which indicated that the opportunity for the success of an individual increases significantly as the individual is able to claim more and more assets. The most balanced individuals have the most assets. The individuals that do not have many assets still can succeed, as well as those individuals that claim more assets can blow it. The main message is that the more supportive the environment, the better the chance the individual has at being a better citizen. The Edina School District has undertaken this as part of their strategic planning. Lotem Almog is part of that committee. In addition, two Edina City staff members are on the committee, John Keprios, Park Department Director and Gordon Hughes, City Manager. There are 13 people on the committee and they are going to try and work out an action plan. They are going to conduct a survey next fall to assess the current situation. They hope to determine the number of children that have 0 -10, 11 -20, etc. assets. Then the school district will focus on the initiatives to benefit the children. The School District, by the year 2000, plans to implement a better support system for these particular assets. The 40 Assets include avoiding dangerous behavior and Mr. O'Connor assumed that would include avoiding alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Dr. Reynolds inquired where the 40 Assets came from. Mr. O'Connor stated the Lutheran Research group, The Search Institute and Peter Benson. Peter Benson started the study in the early 1980's with the results in the early 1990's. Peter Benson resides in St. Louis Park. Ms. Almog stated that in 1992 the Search Institute did a survey of Edina. IV. Next Meeting The next meeting will be a joint meeting with Richfield and Bloomington in the Edina Council Chambers. The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. with Dr. Cerra from the U of M, Health Sciences on March 10, 1999. Dr. Cerra will speak about funding. The other communities will give an overview regarding what they have done in the last year. V. Kathy Iverson There will be an article in the Edina Sun Current regarding the tobacco money settlement. Edina is requesting money to be dedicated as an endowment, specifically for prevention. Also, contact your legislators to let them know you would like to see an endowment for prevention. It is possible that the money could be returned as a rebate. But that is a one -time return and the endowment would be a way to fund a continuous program. , Ms. Iverson distributed a brochure. VI. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned 9:00 p.m. KAY MITCHELL �4y'N��c� PHONE CLERK TO THE BOARD 'S'`� 348-5433 - gar �akNEBQi BOARD OF HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A-24O0 GOVERNMENT CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55487 -0240 May 19, 1999 TO: Various Municipalities RE: HENNEPIN COUNTY APPOINTMENT TO NINE MILE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD Enclosed please find a copy of an extract from the minutes of the May 18, 1999 meeting of the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners. Please note, that Corrine Lynch of Eden Prairie, MN. was appointed for an unexpired term of September 29, 1999, for the seat vacated by Ed Schuck. Yours truly, udy umley eputy Clerk of the Board Encl. /r 000s Y •I "' Tuesday, May 18, 1999 One appointment to the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board had been laid over from the previous Board meeting. Applications had been received from Roy Jenson and Corrine Lynch. A vote was taken on the vacancy, as follows: Commissioner . Nomination Opat Jenson Stenglein It Dorfman Lynch Tambornino Jensen Steele Lynch Johnson McLaughlin 1. Accordingly, Corrine Lynch was appointed. l ATTEST: Clerk of the C unty Board May 20,1999 Edina City Council City of Edina 4801 West 50" Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Dear City Council Members: We have resided at 5616 Parkwood Lane, which is on the southwest corner of the intersection of Dovre and Parkwood Lane, for many years and we are writing to the City Council to express our concern over the enormous increase of vehicular traffic cutting through our Parkwood Knolls neighborhood between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on weekdays. This traffic began to increase several years ago when the traffic control meters were added to the northbound Highway 169 access ramp at the Londonderry and Bran overpass. This traffic continues to increase as more and more drivers exiting the Opus development on the west side of Highway 169 have discovered they could avoid the bottleneck on the northbound Highway 169 access ramp during the late afternoon exodus from Opus by cutting through our neighborhood. This increased traffic is unacceptable for several reasons. First, the sheer volume of traffic has disrupted what was intended to be a quiet residential neighborhood. For example, between 5 p.m. and 5:10 p.m. on Wednesday May 12 , we counted 74 cars turning off of Lincoln Drive and then traveling east on Dovre to its intersection with Parkwood Lane. From there, approximately half of the vehicles turn left onto Parkwood Lane and then left or right onto Parkwood Road. The other half of the vehicles continue from the intersection of Dovre and Parkwood Lane east on Dovre and then turn left on Londonderry and then continue through the neighborhood to Schaeffer or Blake. Secondly, this traffic is creating unsafe conditions in the neighborhood because of its volume, speed, and general failure to stop at stop signs. In this regard, on Monday and Tuesday May I Oh and I Vh, the City of Edina police monitored the stop sign at the southwest corner of Dovre and Parkwood Lane and the stop sign at Biscayne Blvd. and issued over two dozen traffic tickets for failure to stop at these stop signs even though tickets, in general, were only being issued to.cars that, as one police officer stated, "blew through the stop sign in excess of 15 miles per hour ". Thirdly, as reported to me by one of the police officers, not one of these traffic tickets were issued to Edina residents; all of the tickets were issued to drivers who were residents of other communities, some from as far away as Moundsview. In other words, all of these ticketed drivers were using our residential streets as arterial streets in lieu of facing the frustration of the delays incurred by reason of the meters on e northbound Highway 169 access ramp. Neither the City of Edina nor the residents of Parkwood Knolls intended the neighborhood's interior streets to be used as a highway alternative by non — residents of Edina and this use should not permitted. The City Council should ask City Staff to conduct a traffic study to determine the relevant facts and then take appropriate action to protect our neighborhood from this intrusive and dangerous traffic. Although I will leave to the City the determination of the appropriate remedy to this problem, prohibiting turns from Lincoln Drive onto Dovre ( both left turns and right turns) between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on weekdays would, in my view, solve the problem.. Very truly yours, q L I &LI-AI\ ohn S. Crouch Robert L. Crosby 5020 Malibu Drive Edina, MN 55436 May 28, 1999 Edina City Council 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Dear Council Members: I am in receipt of Mr. John Crouch's letter to you of May 20th, which I believe he sent to a number of his neighbors. I concur with his views regarding increased traffic, the source thereof, and his suggested solution. We reside at 5020 Malibu Drive, by the intersection of Malibu and Park Terrace, and much of this late- afternoon traffic proceeds north on Malibu, and then gets back on Highway 169 at the Lincoln Drive /South 5th Street entrance. Indeed I have used this route myself when returning home from the Opus development area. I realize you have no control over the ramp access policy. We have also noticed a substantial increase, particularly in late afternoon, of traffic at the intersection of Blake Road and Interlachen Boulevard. Much of this may be due to traffic coming from Dovre, as Mr. Crouch suggests. There is often a long line of vehicles going north on Blake Road, trying to get on to Interlachen Boulevard, and similarly a line of vehicles going east on the western extension of Interlachen Boulevard turning on to Blake Road. I expect the traffic on Malibu Drive will increase because of the new rental townhouse project on Lincoln Drive (behind us) and also because of the recently approved large office building which will be built on Lincoln Drive and West 7th Street, which no doubt will cause much increased traffic through the Parkwood Knolls area during the coming -to -work and going -home times. Incidentally, while the stop signs at Malibu and Park Terrace are good, the traffic going north and south on Malibu is little inclined to pay much attention to stopping. Very truly yours, ba�,, 4AOrl/r Robert L. Crosby cc: John S. Crouch 069640 Tom E. Emmer 5160 Malibu Drive Edina, Minnesota 55436 Fax 612 - 935 -3800 Home Phone 612 - 935 -3700 Edina City Council City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear City Council Members, May 24, 1999 I would like to join my neighbor, John Crouch, to express concern about the level of traffic on Malibu Trail between four and six in the evening. I know you have done traffic studies on Malibu in the past. The volume has picked up steadily since we came here in 1995. This past week we waited a full two minutes to back out of our driveway at 4:45. There was a steady flow of traffic south to north! Something needs to be done soon. Yours trul. , Tom E. Emmer P. S. Stop signs don't seem to work - -they go right through them or just pause(Malibu and Interlachen). May 22, 1999 Edina City Council City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Dear City Council Members: We were interested to read the copy sent to us, of the letter from Mr. John Crouch, regarding the increased traffic going through Parkwood Knolls intersection of Parkwood Lane and Dovre. Apparently many drivers coming from the Opus development are avoiding the congestion of the entrance ramps to Highway 169, by driving through Parkwood Knolls. We also have lived in this neighborhood for many years, and can understand Mr. Crouch's concern about this increased traffic in our neighborhood. We live on the corner of Londonderry and Field Way. The traffic on Londonderry has definitely increased also. We would also like to see this problem corrected, however, the suggestion of prohibiting turns from Lincoln Drive onto Dovre would create more problems for some of us. Many of us who live in this neighborhood frequently need to use this route between 4 and 6 p.m. To prohibit all cars from turning from Lincoln Drive onto Dovre, would cause us even more inconvenience and wasted time. It would seem that there is a need to look more closely at the problems involved in entering 169 and also to examine the traffic coming from the many businesses in the Opus development. The cities of Edina and Minnetonka, and perhaps Eden Prairie should be considering how to redirect this traffic more effectively so that drivers won't be so tempted to race through our residential neighborhood, and also so that traffic can flow with less frustration from Bren/ Londonderry onto 169. Siplerely, tit— Roberta Ogurak 6600 Field Way Edina, MN 55436 Lisa H. Fish, M.D. 5408 Larada Lane Edina, MN 55436 May 24, 1998 Edina City Council City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Sirs: I would like to express concern about the amount of through -traffic our neighborhood carries during morning and evening rush hours. The cars move through Parkwood Knolls quickly, often ignoring stop signs, and seem to come from the Opus complex area. I have personal, knowledge of a friend who lives in Eden Prairie and works north on Highway 100, but commented that she drives by my house on her way to work every day because the freeways are backed up. While I realize some through- traffic is unavoidable, I would like to see this problem studied. If we have a problem with large numbers of out -of -town cars cutting through our neighborhood similar to that found in Countryside several years ago, then it could be addressed with traffic control measures. Thank you for your attention to this concern. Sincerely, — () Lisa H. Fish May 26, 1999 Edina City Council City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Dear City Council Members: As Edina residents and parents of Edina Public School children, we are writing to the Edina City Council to express our concern regarding increasing vehicular traffic in the Parkwood Knolls neighborhood. The multiple problems associated with this safety- related issue require the immediate attention of the Edina City Council. The increased Parkwood Knolls neighborhood traffic appears to be the result of non -Edina residents. The non -Edina resident contingent is primarily comprised of Opus Development business commuters. The commuters have shown a preference for the residential Park-wood Knolls streets in order to bypass the congestion of Highway 169 metered entrance ramps. Generally, the commuters are traveling through the Parkwood Knolls neighborhood to access Blake, Schaefer, Interlachen Roads and Vernon Avenue. Of additional concern is that this traffic pattern continues to increase. The safety issues related to the commuter traffic are threefold: 1) high vehicular volume, 2) failure to obey the 30 MPH posted speed limit (vehicle speeds routinely in excess of 45 MPH to 60+ MPH) and 3) failure to obey traffic control signage for Yield and Stop. Edina Police Department monitoring has corroborated this. The Parkwood Knolls residential streets were neither intended nor designed to accommodate the volume of traffic, the speed, and the recklessness of the business commuters. For safety sake, we as parents do not allow our children to play in our own front yards. Nor do we allow our children to walk or bike on the street for fear that they become the victim of a reckless driver. Adult pedestrians, bicyclists and animals are exposed to this unsafe environment. This situation is completely unacceptable. We ask that the City Council appropriate, and then propose to the residents, a suitable solution. For the safety of all the residents, especially the children, and for the integrity of our neighborhood, we need the City Council to act swiftly. Sincerely, �-� Robert and Elizabeth Hollway 6644 Parkwood Road 935 -4797 • PARKWOOD KNOLLS OF EDINA • EDINA, MN 4 0 1pe 301 Second Street. North East Queen of Peace Hospital New Prague, Minnesota 56071 (612) 758 -4431 1- 800 - 584 -6667 May 21, 1999 Edina City Council 4801 West 50`h Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Council Members: On May 2, 1999, Doug Grow reported in the Star Tribune that you had denied a request of N. C. Little Memorial Hospice to add addi- tional space to serve the dying. We hope that you would reconsider this action and attempt to find a solution that could satisfy all sides involved. Our mission at Queen of Peace Hospital is to serve and care for all people as if they were Christ himself. We hope that you and the community you represent will support Jackie Mc Gowan and Robert Solheim's efforts to care for the people they serve in their "labor of love." Sincerely, Loy J. Jeffrey, Chairperson Ethics Committee LJJ:mkd An £dual O000rruniry Finnlnver B. "Radha "krishna 3921 W. 60'h Street Edina, MN 55424 2 (612) 927 -9790 May 22, 1999 The Mayor /City Council City of Edina, MN. Dear Sirs/Mesdames: It is with some anguish I wish to report that the Citizens and children of the city of Edina have the poorest access to high -speed connections to the internet among all the metro areas. There are two technologies available to provide quicker access — cable modems and DSL (branded "megabit service" by US West). Both these services are available in most other parts of the metro. The principal impetus is, as usual, competition. Wherever Media One offers its service, US West is gearing up to challenge them. In Edina, Paragon Cable has been happy to limit its investments, and they do not offer cable modems, nor to my knowledge do they have any plans to offer the service till perhaps late 2,000. Consequently, US West does not seem to be worried that large parts of our city is not wired to receive its megabit services. Unless the city acts to induce some competition, I am afraid we will be left behind in the dark ages of the internet while the rest of metro marches forward. Since the city does have some influence in licensing cable services, I hope the city will take measures to induce cable companies to offer cable modem services soon. That will engender competition and will be beneficial to the entire city. Thanks. Sincerely, A0.040-U B. Radhakrishna y -3u-99 � �q i2b8 yvos valky UltwIFA — too#j"Clo RGt.G� �"P.Cd��LdG1��dGv G�ed'P.f'Y/e, �f &�� ese/- a-�,td ak&,� c y A4tmtC�raIed sad a- c9f d� " Tk w./. < s, S& wa I jeg 790 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 273 Regular Meeting, May 24, 1999, 7:00 P.M. Room 350, Edina Community Center AGENDA Regular Board Meeting Determination of Quorum and Call to Order Approval of Minutes of Meeting.of May 10, 1999 PRESENTATION - South View Middle School Students and Staff - Uses of Technology HEARINGS OF INDIVIDUALS, DELEGATIONS, AND PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC REGARDING ITEMS BEFORE THE BOARD FOR ACTION ( *SEE ATTACHED DETAIL.) ACTION Paae 427 Personnel Recommendations 791 -793 428 Expenditures Payable on May 24, 1999 794 429 Tax Increment Finance Rebate 795 430 Revised 1999 -2000 Early Childhood, Kindergarten, 796 -797 Elementary, Middle, and Senior High School Calendar 431 Board of Education Meeting Dates for 1999 -2000 798 CONSENT 432 Commendation of Berit Peterson 799 433 Commendation of JoAnne Farley and Jim Norman, 800 -801 Continuous Progress Teachers 434 Commendation of Zephyrus Newspaper and Advisor 802 435 Gift from Thomas and Marlese Vander Molen 803 436 Gift from Norman Bjornnes Jr. of Mulligan & Bjornnes Inc. 804 437 Gift from Marcia, Ken, Justin & Jennifer Koester 805 HEARINGS OF INDIVIDUALS, DELEGATIONS, AND PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC ON ANY ISSUE ( *SEE ATTACHED DETAIL.) DISCUSSION 438 Strategic Plan for 1999 -00, appended 806 439 Revised Teacher Performance Appraisal, appended 807 -808 440 441 442 REPORTS Revised General Fund Budget, 1998 -99 Proposed General Fund Budget, 1999 -2000, Proposed Food Service Fund Budget, 1999 -2000 809 -817 818 -820 821 -827 Long -Range Technology Plan - Mike Burke, Larry Fuglesten, Ware Washam INFORMATION 443 Staff Recognition Adjournment NM * Persons who wish to address the Board are requested to complete and submit an appropriate form to the Board Secretary prior to the designated hearing time. When recognized, each individual shall identify himself /herself and the group represented, if any. He /She shall then state the reason for addressing the Board and shall be limited in time at the discretion of the Board chair. Individual employees of the School District or representatives of employee organizations shall have utilized administrative procedures before making a request to address the Board. PETITION REGARDING STREET RESURFACING AND ADDITION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT A -184 OXFORD RESIDENTS The undersigned are owners of the residences on Oxford Avenue, in the city of Edina, that are affected by the proposed addition of concrete curb and gutter along with the street resurfacing known as `Proposed Improvement A -184'. It is on record that the useful life of bituminous roadways is thirty-five [35] years. It is also on record that the streets are at the end of their useful life and in need of resurfacing. The expenditure of funds for reclamation of the roadways is a prudent expense. The record shows the roadways have lasted the full and expected life; without the benefit of having concrete curb and gutter. There is no material benefit to be gained from the expenditure of funds for the addition of concrete curb and gutter. On the contrary, if there is any mistake while plowing, concrete curb and gutter damage city plows. We want you to consider our opinions separate from the opinions of residents of any other street in the proposed improvement. WE DO NOT WANT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER INSTALLED. Aaaress Name 5343 Interlachen Blvd Ze W 5001 k_4 r/ 5012 Lang 5013 5016 P�c�fsN j 5017 �►' 5020 5021 rnll P� 5024 d 5028 5029 5032 i 5033 5036 i 5037 5040 CjU ss.�u 5044 5045 oa.& .1X► 611b Buy-�Jz i Me , -5-. q-,?y n 5 -4 -`9 s - /T - '9y - -i17 y 99 s v