HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-07-20_COUNCIL PACKETAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL JULY 20,1999 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL - .. - -- - ADOI?I'IONfOF CONSENT AGENDA Adoption of . the Consent Agenda - is- -made by the - - - - - Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to- Council items -AH agenda -items - -- marked with an asterisk ( *) in bold print are Consent Agenda items and are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. , There will be no separate discussion of items unless item unless a Commissioner, Council Member or citizen so requests it. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF HRA - Regular Meeting of July 6,1999 Rollcall II. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS - as per pre -list dated 7/15/99, TOTAL: $133,466.03 III. KUNZ /LEWIS PROPERTY UPDATE IV. ADTOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL * I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Minutes of July 6, 1999 and Special Meeting of July 6, 1999 II. PUBLIC HEARING OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to proceed, action by resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council required to pass if improvement is petitioned for;. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote required if no petition * A. WEST 76TH & EDINBOROUGH WAY TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT NO. TS -27 - CONTINUE TO AUGUST 17,1999 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner Public Comment heard.. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinances: Firstand Second Reading require 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council to. pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Property Zoned Planned- District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. I-494 COMMISSION REPORT, LISA RADUENZ, COMMISSION CONSULTANT Rollcall B. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL THE COVENTRY AT CENTENNIAL LAKES TENTH ADDITION, LAUKK ' JARVIS DEVELOPMENT Agenda/Edina City Council July 20,1999 Page 2 Rollcall C. APPEAL OF VARIANCE DENIAL DOUGLAS & PATRICIA VAYDA, 5601 OAKLAWN AVENUE D. APPEAL OF VARIANCE ST. STEPHENS CHURCH, 4439 WEST 50TH STREET IV. AWARD OF BID * A. Contract 99 -5 Sidewalks Countryside & Cornelia School Areas * B. Contract 99 -6 Tracy Avenue Drop- Off/Pick -Up Bay * C. Contract 99 -7 Storm Sewer V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Traffic Safety Report of Tuesday, July 6,1999 B. Mayor's Vacancy * C. Board of Water & Soil Resources Report to Hennepin County regarding Minnehaha Creek VI. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS VII. CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS VIII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES IX. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL X. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEM XI. FINANCE A. 2000 BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS Rollcall B. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS as per Pre -List dated 7/15/99 TOTAL: $940,184.53 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Tues Aug 3 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Aug 17 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Sep 6 LABOR DAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed Tues Sep 7 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Sep 21 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Oct 5 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Oct 19 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS City of Edina RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR THE COVENTRY AT CENTENNIAL LAKES 16" -` ADDITION: BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled, "THE COVENTRY AT CENTENNIAL LAKES 10'x ADDITION ", platted by Centennial Land Partnership, a Minnesota liinitedpartnership, an undivided 91.43% interest, and John W. Hedberg, an undivided 8.57% interest, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, public body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council on July 20, 1999, be and is hereby granted final plat approval Adopted this 20`h day of July, 1999. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN CITY OF EDINA )SS CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the- attached-and foregoing Resolution-was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of July 20, 1999, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 19`h day of October, 1999. Mir- City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 826 -0379 1-49,,,4-,, Corridor Commission Executive Summary Report on Activities 1997-1998 Executive Summary Contents • I -494 Corridor Commission • Congestion along I -494 — Residential Growth — Household Growth — Employment Growth • Solutions and Strategies to Congestion Along I -494 • Future Directions ground Mitigate 1-494 Corridor Commission Background • 1986 MO—Members: Bloomin'oon, Edina, Eden Prairie, Maple Grove Mine ka, Plymouth and Richfield. • I -494 Corridor Commission mission is promote the improvement of I -494 from e Minnesota River to I -94 in order to increa e road capacity and to improve the productivity and convenience of residents and businesses throughout the region. Corridor Commission Member • Elected official from each me •Staff person from each member ci • MnDOT I -494 Project Managers • Metropolitan Council Planning Staff • City and Hennepin County Engineers • Local Transit Providers (Opt -Outs, Metro) • Chamber of Commerce Executives Congestion along I -494 • More Residents — 1995: 369,504 persons in sE — 2020: 438,000 (Met Counci +18.54% increase • More Households — 1995: 145,127 — 2020: 185,400 (Met Counc +27.75% increase Congestion along I -494 (cont.) • More Employment — 1995: 288,904 jobs within — 2020: 369,200 (Met Counc +27.79% increase Solutions and Strategies I -494 Solution to Gridlock: Decrease number of vehicles on I -49 while at the same time increasing the number of occupants per vehicle. Strategies • Two Strategies to Accomplish 's: — Services are being explored, imple en and evaluated to increase vehicle occupans; — Corridor Commission is working with Mi%pOT, Hennepin County and each member city to ensure that each scheduled infrastructure project and constructed along I -494 will contribute to goal of increasing vehicle occupancies. 1-494 Corridor Commission Service • Transportation Managemen"socations (TMAs) — Minnetonka Corporate Center (494/62)'l — Golden Triangle /Market Center Area of Prairie (169/21 2/494) • Market Identification for Transit, Carpools and Vanpools — MCS surveys assist in market identification at each corporate site 1-494 Corridor Commission Services (cent.) • Developer Transportation Plan (TMP) Agreements ement — Required in Eden Prairie and Minneapo is — Contain goals, objectives and measureme is for increasing vehicle occupancy rates at indivi ual sites along I -494 corridor — In some cases, a bid bond or letter of credit is being required of developers to ensure participation 1-494 Corridor Commission Service • Infrastructure — HOV Ramp Meter Bypasses (newly at key 1-494 locations) — Park - and -Ride Facilities Parallel Arterials (e.g., 76th/77th St. for sho trip diversions off of I -494) Private Investment (e.g., Supervalu) Right of Way Mapping of I -494 (Cedar to 394) 1-494 Corridor Commission Services (c Q, nt. ) • Construction Prioritization ess — Commission working with MnDOT, ennepin County and Cities to identify and prior %tize projects for future available funding. this date, 32 projects along I -494 were iden, and group has narrowed down the list to six projects (not previously identified) for CMA funding in 2003 -2004. J Future Directions •Integrate TDM service /infra cture planning • Identify and pursue funding for pr projects • Encourage private investment for transportation improvements • Reconstruction scheduling MINUTES --- --- O_ _F_T_H_ E_EDI_NA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HELD AT CITY HALL JULY 6, 1999 - 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Faust, Hovland, Kelly and Vice Chair Maetzold., CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made seconded by Commissioner Hovland approving presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. by Commissioner Kelly and the Consent Agenda as *MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF JUNE 15. 1999 AND SPECIAL MEETING OF JUNE 8, 1999, APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Kelly and . seconded by Commissioner Hovland approving the Minutes of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of July 6, 1999, and Special Meeting of July 8, 1999. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. CLAIMS PAID Commissioner Hovland made a motion approving payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated July 2, 1999, and consisting of one page totaling $64,114.46. Commissioner Faust seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Kelly, Hovland, Maetzold Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda;- Vice- -Chair Maetzold declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director COUNCIL CHECK xEGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (1__.s2) page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13449 07/20/99 $63.00 Dickson, Richard Refund parking permit 070299 50TH STREET PARKING PERMIT < *> $63.00* 13450 07/20/99 $31.50 Schmitt, Judy Refund parking permit 070799 50TH STREET PARKING PERMIT <*> $31.50* 13451 07/20/99 $133,371.53 THOMAS & SONS CONSTRUCTI CONTRACT # 98 -3 PYMT #11 CENTENNIAL LAK PARKS <*> $133,371.53* $133,466.03* W REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL' Agenda Item HRA.III. From: GORDON L. HUGHES Consent El CITY MANAGER Information Only Date: JULY 209 1999 Mgr. Recommends ® To BRA ❑ To Council Subject: KUNZ/LEWIS PROPERTY ❑ Motion UPDATE ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ® Discussion INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: On July 6, 1999, the Council briefly discussed the status of the Kunz Oil / Lewis Engineering properties with particular reference to the year -end deadline for using TIF for social, cultural and recreational purposes. The Council generally agreed to proceed to consider private development proposals for the properties (and potentially other properties) which could include a public library and senior center. The Council questioned if such proposals should be 'solicited only from developers who previously submitted proposals or if new proposals should be accepted. Council Members noted that some circumstances with respect to the properties had changed and, therefore, new proposals may be appropriate. The changed circumstances included, 1) the possibility of incorporating additional properties into the development area, and 2) the City's interest in including public facilities in the project. The HRA's Request for Proposal (the "RIFF) was sent to 28 developers and brokers in 1997. Included in the distribution list were many of the larger developers in the Twin Cities including United Properties, Opus, Ryan Companies and Welsh Companies. Although some of these developers appeared interested in the opportunity provided by the RFP none of them elected to respond at that time. I w REPORT /RECOMMENDATION: Kunz/Lewis Property Update July 20, 1999 . Page two The HRA is under no obligation to limit its consideration to only proposals received in 1997. The 1997 RFP stated the following: The HRA is under no obligation to select any developer. Following a review of all information, the HRA may instruct staff to seek additional proposals or may decide to redevelop the Site in another manner. The RFP further stated the HRA may ...reject any and all developers submitting qualifications or proposals, obtain proposals from additional developers or proceed to redevelop the Site in a different manner. The RFP did not mention the possibility of public facilities as part of the development. However, the RFP did clearly open the door for the submission of proposals extending beyond the confines of the Kunz / Lewis properties and several developers submitted plans which included additional properties. The RFP stated the following: The Site adjoins other properties that may be suitable for inclusion in a redevelopment proposal. The HRA does not own or control any of these properties. The HRA encourages proposers to consider the inclusion of such properties in their redevelopment plans. However, the HRA cannot now commit to assisting with the acquisition of these properties. Several months ago, staff recommended that four developers who submitted proposals in 1997 be invited to submit final proposals for HRA consideration. These developers included Frauenshuh Companies, Told Development Company, Namron Company and Ron Clark Construction. Following the July 6, 1999, meeting, staff contacted these developers to determine if they remain interested in the development of the properties. All expressed continued interest except Mr. Clark who is apparently out of town on vacation. Based upon the Council's comments we also contacted United Properties and Opus Corporation concerning their potential interest in development. They both stated their intent to submit proposals if afforded the opportunity. Several of the above developers submitted the attached letters verifying their interest. The HRA may limit its consideration to proposals received in 1997 or it may solicit additional proposals. In either case, staff is confident that the HRA will receive several quality proposals to review. Based upon the fact that over one and one half years have elapsed since the receipt of proposals, staff believes it appropriate to, 1) invite additional proposals, and 2) allow previous proposers to revise their plans to reflect any changes they wish to incorporate. In that time is of the essence, we recommend that the 1997 RFP not be re -written but simply modified with an addendum to reflect current thinking and a revised schedule. We recommend the following calendar. July 23, 1999 Mail RFP with Addendum August 27, 1999 Deadline for Proposals This schedule would allow approximately four months for the HRA to evaluate the proposals, select a developer and enter into letters of intent prior to December 31, 1999. . , UNITED PROPERTIES Worldwide Reol Estate Services July 15, 1999 Mr. Gordon Hughes HRA DIRECTOR City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55435 VIA FACSIMILE AND MAIL RE: Edina Redevelopment Dear Gordon: The purpose of this letter is to express United Properties' sincere interest in evaluating and proposing a redevelopment of the site located southeast of Jerry's Super Market. I am eager to gain an understanding of the City's goals and objectives for that site so that we may factor this information into a development proposal. I look forward to receiving a packet of information on the property. Sincerely, Brian P. Carey Vice President Development c: Boyd Stofer Frank Dutke Mark Nelson BPC/bls 3500 West 80th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55431 612 831 -1000 Fax: 612 893 -8804 Offices throughout the United States, Asia, Europe, United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico and South Africa. Opus Northwest, LLC. ! OPUS. Opus Corporate Center Mailing Address 10350 Bren Road West P.O. Box 59110 Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55459 -0110 612 - 656 -4444 Fax 612 - 656 -4529 July 14, 1999 Mr. Gordon Hughes City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 RE: KUNZ -LEWIS REDEVELOPMENT EDINA, MINNESOTA Dear Gordon: Thank you for taking time to speak with me earlier today regarding the redevelopment of the Kunz -Lewis land and surrounding properties. As mentioned, we are very interested in pursuing the redevelopment of this property. We have extensive experience with "Mixed Use" developments. As a national developer, I believe that we can draw upon our many experiences to provide the City of Edina with some interesting ideas and concepts. This redevelopment is a very exciting opportunity and we are excited about the possibility of presenting our ideas to the City of Edina. Please express to the members of the City Council our sincere interest in submitting a proposal. I look forward to further discussions. B ards, homas F. Lund Director Real Estate Development cc: Jim Heller Dean Newins Mark Rauenhorst Opus Northwest, L.L.C. is an affiliate of the Opus Group of Companies — Architects, Contractors, Developers Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Denver, Ft. Lauderdale, Houston, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Orange County, Orlando, Pensacola, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, Sacramento, San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa, Washington D.C. NAMRON COMPANY LLC 401 Groveland Avenue • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 • (612) 874 -1102 • FAX (612) 874 -1054 July 14, 1999 Edina City Council Attn: Gordon Hughes 4801 West 501 Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: Kunz Oil/Lewis Engineering Properties Dear Council Members: The purpose of this letter is to advise you that we continue to be interested in developing the Kunz Oil/Lewis Engineering Properties. We believe we are uniquely qualified to be selected to implement Edina's vision for the site. I am excited by the prospect of expanding the scope of our original proposal to include a library and perhaps a commuter rail, light rail, or "park and ride" element. We pledge to build a project that: • is sensitive to and complements the neighborhood • achieves City goals • represents the best in planning, design and construction • is financially sound Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Norman P. Bjornnes, Jr. lJ President NPB /cam B99j1841 AC H S T O tE June 12, 1999 Mr. Craig Larsen City of Edina Director of Planning 4801 West 500' Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Dear Craig: Archstone Communities Oakbrook North Office Building 1200 Harger, Suite 310 Oak Brook, Illinois 60523 Telephone (630) 472 9130 Fax (630) 586 9177 www.archstoneconununities.com Per our conversation, please find enclosed additional information on Archstone Communities Trust. Archstone is a national apartment company, with over 85,000 units nationwide, and recently entered the Minneapolis market with the purchase of Eden Commons Apartments, a 196 -unit project located in Eden Prairie. Currently, we are actively pursuing other acquisitions and development opportunities in the Minneapolis Metro area to expand our presence. To that end, we are interested in pursuing discussions with you regarding the city - owned site, which we discussed briefly. I am confident that we could propose a plan that would maintain desired elements while incorporating an upscale apartment project of 200 —250 units on about 4 to 6 acres. I trust the enclosed information is helpful and please feel free to contact me to discuss this matter at 630/472 -9132. We look forward to the possibility of working with you in the future. Sincerely, Quincy L. Allen ;I Stuart Companies Corporate Headquarters 1050 West 80th Street Minneapolis, MN 55420 -1000 v 612.948.9500 f 612.948.9570 Regional Office 8004 Western Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53012 it 414.376.9771 f 414.376.9772 http://www.stuartco.com July 14, 1999 City Council Members City of Edina Administrative Offices 4801 West 50`h Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Grandview Redevelopment Area We originally submitted a development proposal for the 8.4 -acre site known as Grandview Redevelopment Area in late 1997. We are writing to express our continued strong interest in not only developing the Lewis Engineering Site, but also the adjacent properties. Our development, which would consist of extremely high quality multi - family housing would be greatly enhanced and would complement the proposed library and senior citizen center. We submit that an upscale multi - family residential development would not only yield the tax increment dollars necessary to make the library and senior citizen center possible but also would result in less traffic and a more compatible adjacent use than either retail or office uses. We welcome the opportunity to discuss our ideas further with you or your staff and would appreciate the opportunity to update our proposal to include these latest changes in a larger development that would be of great benefit to the City of Edina. Sincerely, STUART COMPANIES art oIan President SHN :jp Writer's Direct Dial: (612) 948 -9501 copy: Gordon Hughes City Manager AGENDA ITEM: HRA III (9TOLD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY July 15, 1999 Mr. Craig Larsen City of Edina 4801 West 50'' Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: Former Kunz Oil/Lewis Engineering Site Dear Craig: I understand that there may be some interest on the part of the City of Edina to revisit the possibility of involving a private developer for the redevelopment of the Kunz Oil/Lewis Engineering site. We remain interested in working with the City of Edina for the redevelopment of the site. We would be willing to work within whatever reasonable parameters the City sets, and we are in a position to react as the City requires. I will keep in contact in the coming weeks. Continued best wishes. RHC:sah MINNEAPOLIS • MILWAUKEE WEDGWOOD COMMERCE CENTRE • 6900 Wedgwood Road, Suite 100, Maple Grove, MN 55311 • (612) 420.9000 Fax (612) 420.7574 AGENDA ITEM: HRA III CONSTRUCTION 7500 West 78th Street Edina, Minnesota 55439 (612) 947 -3000 fax (612) 947 -3030 July 20, 1999 Mr. Craig Larsen City of Edina 4809 West 5& Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Re: Kunz/Lewis Site Edina, MN Dear Mr. Larsen: I am writing to confirm my continued interest in redevelopment of the subject site. This is a very special site and we are extremely interested in designing a mixed -use development that would include the library and Senior Center as desired by the City as well as other commercial and residential elements. I welcome the opportunity to talk further on this matter. Sincerely, GC, a Ronald E. Clark REC /sd Construction and Design MN Builder License # 0001220 http://www.RonClark.com FRAUENSHUH COMPANIES Commercial Real Estate July 20, 1999 Hand Delivered Mr. Michael Kelly CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55404 RE: LEWIS -KUNZ REDEVELOPMENT Dear Michael: This letter is intended as a reminder that Frauenshuh Companies, as well as our entire development team, continues to remain very interested in the redevelopment of the Lewis -Kunz property. We have already adjusted our plans to -include several public uses and would be willing to further modify our plan to meet the needs of the community (see enclosed site plan and project.data summary). As you know, we have attended virtually every City Council meeting for the last 4+ years when the Lewis -Kunz redevelopment was on the HRA agenda. We have watched the entire process and believe strongly that the City must begin to look to the energy and creativity of a professional development firm, in order to create a Development Agreement for a public /private venture, before the tax increment finance deadline expires in January. Because we are so familiar with the property and have refined an understanding of the multiple development components as well as acquisition and construction costs, we feel that we can achieve a November deadline to structure a Development Agreement. Nevertheless there is a significant amount of work to do in order to meet this goal. It would truly be a shame to waste the opportunity to use the Tax Increment to fund all public improvements eligible under the program. To this end and we would appreciate the opportunity to begin working with the City as soon as possible. Very Truly Yours, Frauenshuh Companies John B. Donnelly Principal Enclosure JBD:nkg cc: All City Council Members David Frauenshuh 7101 West 78th Street, Suite 100 it Bloomington, Minnesota 55439 1 Tel: 612.829.3480 1 Fax: 612.829.3481 7.7! vI INV- C' . M111"HI 1A OL )w OMMS oq- mi , ch, MIR! R ME EEK Mmi ►ice k ISM. 9 13L 2__I_ Iz i m. Ica . ...... ..... .... .... .... . ... ..... 1 W4 WD, Im! ;a Or sip, R. moo I mm wo -Val Wil, a9ai 61 t1 1 Ilk I `iii s w IN 01 so - cEA --` 1. 2. 3. EDENMOOR PROJECT DATA SUMMARY (Page 1) EDENMOOR OFFICE CENTRE 57,400 GROSS SQUARE FEET 3 floors @ 15,600 square feet 1 floor @ 12,400 square feet 250 cars in parking structure 20% enclosed and heated on 3 levels (approximately 5 cars /1,000 square feet) EDENMOOR OFFICE CENTRE 11 70,800 GROSS SQUARE FEET 4 floors @ 15,600 square feet 1 floor @ 8,400 square feet 300 cars in parking structure 20% enclosed and heated on 3 levels (approximately 5 cars /1,000 square feet) THE VILLAGE AT EDENMOOR 68 DWELLING UNITS 22,000 SF LEASEABLE SPACE 68 dwelling units at 1,100 square feet each. 1 level underground parking for 120 cars. (1.8 cars /D.U. in garage) Approximately 20 surface parking spaces for guests, ground floor retail and restaurants East Building • Three floors at 14,500 SF each • Ground floor retail @ 10,000 SF West Building • Three floors at 14,500 SF each • Ground floor retail @ 4,000 SF • Restaurant on the Green 8,000 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL AREA 87,000 SF TOTAL RETAIL/RESTAURANT AREA 22,000 SF EDENMOOR PROJECT DATA SUMMARY (Page 2) 4. EDENMOOR PLACE 47 DWELLING UNITS A. Town Home Units 24 duelling units in 3 buildings at 2,100 square feet Each. Total square feet town homes 55,400 (garage area not .included) B. Garden Home Units 23 Dwelling units at 1,980 square feet each. Total square feet garden homes 45,540 (garage area not included). 5. EDINA COMMUNITY LIBRARY AND SENIOR CENTER 21,000 square foot library on two levels 12,000 square feet Senior Center on one level. Approximately 75 cars parking are shared in surface lots of 160 and 20 cars 6. EDENMOOR COMMUNITY PARK Community Building of approximately 3,000 square feet • . Approximately 3,000 square feet • Wading pool • 10 cars • Combined with current Edina Park Y EDENMOOR SITE AREA SUMMARY A. EDENMOOR OFFICE CENTER I 78,200 square feet 1.80 acres B. EDENMOOR OFFICE CENTER II 82,800 square feet 1.90 acres C. 'VILLAGE 122,400 square feet 2.81. acres D. EDENMOOR PLACE 226,900 square feet 5.21 acres SUBTOTAL — LAND AREA 510,300 square feet FOR PRIVATE USES 11.72 acres E. LIBRARY AND SOCIAL CENTER 55,800 square feet EXISTING PUBLIC PARK 66,600 square feet EDENMOOR CONLMUNITY PARK 38,300 square feet SUBTOTAL — PUBLIC LAND 106,700 square feet TOTAL PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 671,000 square feet 15.41 acres �_i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JULY 6,1999 - 7:00 P.M. ovland Kelly, and Mayor pro -tem ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Faust, H, Maetzold. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member K presented with the by Member Hovland approving the and 2.c Set Hearing Da ea for July 20, 1999, and .exception of Agenda Item III.A.1.. Agenda Item V.H. Signatory Resolution. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. made *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF LINE 15 1999 APPROVED Mof the une by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Hovland approving the minutes 15,1999, Regular Council Meeting. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. _ iTTT ON ADOPTED ORDERING RPR nvF.M NT NO 096E Affidavits of rNotice were presented, approved arici ordered placed on file. Presentation by Engineer in Engineer Houle noted the City had received a petition 0. from 2 curb and Yetter along Assistant the neighborhood requesting the instal West156 Street and along West 56� Street from Brookview Avenue from Woodland R oad t Oaklawn Avenue to Park Place. He said that previously council dggutter nd what type the neighborhood to' determine how many residents wanted they wanted installed: r Houle re orted that residents residing north of West 56th 3 . nBu okov { o Assistant Engine P p . PP overwhelmingly did. not want curb and the Holwevereresidentls of West 56�' Street and the project and 13 not in support of view south of West 56th supported the project. These residents responded in favor of Brook view against the the project seven times a project three times... Houle explained the project would consist of removing two. feet of Assistant Engineer Ho p. pavement along the outer edge of West 56 Street and ri 1 first three lots on o boulevard, and excess south of West 56th Street; excavating approximate y o soils within the area, removing existing driveway ends, installing oddingad Astyle driveways curb and gutter, then patching the removed blturrunou would receive new concrete aprons. In addition, any sprinklers and other landscaping Pagel Minutes/Edina City CounciViuly 6,1999 . disturbed during constructi on would be repaired. He stated that venue residents had south of We scaled back based on the survey results to include only Brookvie The 56th and West 561 Street residents between Oaklawn and me t aac . benefit d properties project cost of $36,200 would be funded by special asses g of $52 per assessable foot. Public Comment James Grotz, 5513 Park Place, said that when it rains a large portion of the City's rain water drains down Brookview. Mr. Grotz questioned why this drainage pa r rob1em. A sd tant suggested that something be done at the City "s expense to rectify . p Engineer Houle said the drainage issues in the area were inherited due to the .topography and the way the City developed over the years. He added that drainage will be reviewed when the improvement project is designed. Mark MaCarth , 5537 Brookview, commented that after a one inch rainfall he ruruun as curb Y g as ten feet into his yard. Member Hovland asked what the effect would be o and gutter further north on Brookview. . Assistant Engineer Brookview noted no Brookview rent that does flatten out. Engineer Hoffman pointed out Parkwood Drive. He said that when an inch of rain comes ns ofuEdina do not havengtorlm handle it. Engineer Hoffman reminded that major 'portions sewer. The Engineer will review this issue in the design stage to see if reshaping the boulevard would aid in catching the water. Member Hovland asked what the average cost would be for each homeowner $ 00 and $4,500 area. Assistant Engineer Houle said the estimated cost would be between $ per lot. Member Faust introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING CURB & GUTTER IMPROVEMENT NO. B -096 WHEREAS, the Edina City Council on the 3rd day of May 1999, fixed a date for a council hearing on the proposed concrete curb and gutter installation, Improvement No. B- 096 and WHEREAS, a report has been prepared by the Edina City Engineer with reference to et the. Improvement 'No. B -096 installation of concrete curb and'gutter on West dla d tRoadeto between Oaklawn and Park Place and Brookview A venue between W West 56th Street, and this report was received by the Council on July 6,1999; and WHEREAS, ten days' mailed notice and two weeks' published notice of the hearing was given, and the hearing was held thereon on the 6th of July, for. Improvement No. B- 096 installation of concrete curb and gutter on West 56th Street between 56th0 Street at which Place and Brookview Avenue between Woodland Road to, W 5. 6th all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully-advised of the pertinent facts, does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, .including all Page 2 Minutes/Edina City Council/Tuly 6,1999 proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent West proceedings as Improvement No. B -096 installation of concrete curb and gutter on 56th Street between Oaklawn and Park Place and Brookview Avenue between Woodland Road to West 56th Street. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Edina City. Council: 1. Improvement No. B -096 installation of concrete -curb and gutter on West 56th - Street— -- between Oaklawn and Park Place and Brookview Avenue between Woodland Road to West 56th Street is hereby ordered as proposed;, . 2. The Edina City Engineer is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. The City Engineer shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. 3. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to advertise and take bids for Improvement No. B =096 installation of concrete curb and -gutter on West 56th Street between Oaklawn and Park Place and Brookview Avenue between Woodland Road to West 56th Street. Adopted this 6th day of July, 1999. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Resolution adopted. PUBLIC HEARING WEST 76TH STREET AND EDINBOROUGH WAY TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT NO TS -27 CONTINUED UNTIL AUGUST 3 1999 Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Engineer Engineer Hoffman explained the hearing had been continued from May 17 and June 15, 1999. Engineer Hoffman reviewed that the proposed signal was not a part of the master plan for Centennial Lakes., However, after completion of the Edinborough Townhomes and Centennial Lakes Townhomes; staff received many resident calls requesting the City install a traffic signal at West 76th Street and Edinborough Way. The traffic signal was not warranted until the addition of the new office buildings. The proposed total traffic volumes from the existing properties and the new office buildings now justify the installation. Engineer Hoffman added the new installation would not enhance the traffic flow along West 76th Street. West 76th Street .is a major planned arterial roadway running parallel to I -494 and is meant to serve intra- community and nearby, community non - freeway trips. Edina, along with Bloomington and Richfield have participated in the integrated corridor management system of I-494. The proposed signal would be a safe improvement benefiting nearby properties using the intersection for access to their properties. Engineer Hoffman stated that the townhome association surveyed their residents. He noted that most responses from neighbors indicate that they believe no assessment should occur to their property but only. to the office.property. Page 3 Minutes/Edina Cif Councillf my 6,1999 Engineer Hoffman added the estimated project cost of $154,260.00 could be split as follows and assessed over three years: 50% =State Aid 25% - Office Assessment 25% - Adjacent Neighborhood Townhomes and Cooperatives At Council's request staff completed a 48 hour volume count on the intersection. The results of the raw data counts were: • Westbound West 76th Street- 7273 average daily traffic • Eastbound West 76th Street 5905 average daily traffic • Southbound Edinborough Way 455 average daily traffic. • Northbound Edinborough Way 2131 average daily traffic Engineer Hoffman noted that if the West 76th Street volumes are added together and factored for time taken during the week and month, the numbers are very similar to what was on 76th Street in 1997. He said this indicated that the average annual daily traffic (AADT) has been in the 10,000 to 11,000 range before Centennial Lakes offices, but certainly the offices do add an increment of volume. Upon staff's review of existing and projected conditions, it would appear that the signal is going to be necessary although staff believes it will disrupt the "through flow" on West 76th Street. Engineer Hoffman said residents fairly strongly believe that "someone else" should finance the improvement, although a considerable number perceive this improvement as necessary for public safety. A poll of the public safety zone officers from the Edina , Police believe a traffic signal is needed. Staff recommends approval of the project and also recommends a final decision be made on the split of the assessment at the special assessment hearing. Current information would suggest those north of West 76th Street do not favor assessment, but very few comments have been received from Edinborough Townhomes suggesting that special assessment of a small portion may be appropriate. Member Hovland asked how much each .property owner would be assessed. Engineer Hoffman responded that each property would be assessed $55.00 spread over three years. Maetzold asked if the office building had always been in the plan for the area. Engineer Hoffman replied that originally the office building was larger with a higher density: He added this installation is a safety issue. Fourteen years ago it was thought that cars would stay on freeways, however, now drivers are being encouraged to find alternate routes via arterial roadways. Member Faust commented that she drove through the area during rush hour and noticed a backup of traffic from McDonalds' almost to 76th Street. She asked if this would be a problem. Page 4 Minutes/Edina Qy Council/iuly 6,1999 Member Kelly said he had the same observation. He asked if installation of the signal was imperative. Engineer Hoffman agreed that the fewer signals in a corridor the better the flow of traffic. However, in his opinion the proposed signal is needed to allow time for safe turning movements. Member -Faust asked- if-- the new office development. when built will further reduce the individual cost of the assessments. Engineer Hoffman explained the office property had already been factored into, the assessment rolls. However, he suggested the Council could order the. installation of the light and decide how to assess the cost at the special assessment hearing in the fall. They could also decide to pay the entire cost out of the City's gas tax if they so choose. Public Comment Joseph Jessup, 7540 Edinborough Way, explained he was representing the Village Homes for Al Maier, Association President, who was out of town. Mr. Jessup said he assumed the Council has seen the survey responses from the townhomes. He that i survey responded. Of the respondents 55% did not think a lig ht was necessary and 41 thought it was needed. In addition, 34% would accept an assessment for the light's installation, but 69% wanted to wait and see. Mr. Jessup concluded the prevailing opinion of the residents is that there is a traffic problem caused by the office development so they should not have to pay to resolve the problem. He pointed out that a common survey comment was that the 1989 model showed no commercial development which has contributed heavily to the traffic. Mr. Jessup noted that a resident had researched the City Council meeting minutes from March 16, 1998, which stated, "...Member Hovland questioned the cost .of the traffic semaphore on Edinborough Way and 76th Street and if the traffic lights at the 'McDonald's' corner would be borne by United Properties. Brian Carey answered United Properties, along with the developer of the Centennial Lakes Retail Center, will pay for the- Edinborough Way and 76th Street light in its entirety. The City's policy is when the intersection is created by two private drives, it is the developers responsibility to pay for it. When an intersection is made up of public roadways, it is the City's responsibility. Engineer Hoffman clarified that part of the cost of the signal could be assessed back to property owners...." Mr: Jessup suggested Mr. Carey be contacted and asked -to pay for the light. He added that he did ' not agree the West 76th and Edinborough Way light could be compared to the light installed on Cornelia. Mr. Jessup also stated that many residents believe a protected left hand turn should be installed at West 76th and York.. . Council Discussion /Action Member Hovland commented that the light seems to be a safety issue as determined by experts. He said it appears from the quoted minutes that the developer of the office needs to be contacted again., Member Hovland suggested postponing a decision on the assessment allocation and ordering the light installed. Member Faust said she did not think it would be known until after the. office is fully developed how necessary the light would be. She suggested waiting. until -after the final building is completed before making a decision to install a light. Page 5 Minutes/Edina City Council/luly 6,1999 Member Kelly stated he was troubled by the dichotomy of improving traffic flow and improving safety. He added he was always hesitant when residents say I think there should be a light, but I am not willing to help pay for it's installation. Most compelling also was Mr.. Carey's comment quoted from the March 16, 1998, minutes stating that Mr. Carey's firm would pay for the entire installation. Mayor pro tern Maetzold asked how significant a safety issue 'is the light installation. Engineer Hoffman replied that he brought the issue before the Council because it is a safety issue. The timing is right to build the light. He noted that his recommendation to install the light was based upon what the police officers and staff see in the area. Member Kelly asked what would happen to the City if they do not install the light and an accident occurs. Attorney Gilligan replied that cities have legislative immunity in this kind of situation. He reminded the Council, that a. 4/5 vote is needed for this project because it was staff initiated. He added that he believed the office developer would need to be re notified before a larger amount could be assessed to them because the original notice had stated the 25% amount suggested by staff. Member Kelly suggested that the matter be held over and the Engineer contact Mr. Carey. This would also allow renotification if it was determined to be legally necessary. Motion by Member Kelly to continue the Public Hearing for Traffic Control System Improvement TS -27 West 76th Street and Edinborough Way until August 3, 1999; and directing the City Engineer to contact the developer of the, office building, Brian Carey regarding his contribution to pay the cost of the installation. Member Faust seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried: HEARING DATE'OF JULY 2011999, SET FOR PLANNING MATTERS Member Faust said. she removed this item from the Consent Agenda for clarification. Manager Hughes explained because the Independence Day holiday moved up the publication deadline for the paper, staff was forced to publish the hearings before the Planning Commission's meeting. The Planning Commission recommended denial of both items. Therefore, both items may be before the Planning Commission again with revised plans. However, at this time A is not known if the applicants intend to continue with their original plans before the Council July 20, 1999, so the best action is to set the hearing date. Motion made by Member Faust setting July 20,1999, as hearing date for planning matters: 1. Preliminary Plat Approval of High Point of Edina, Harold Hagen, Generally located south of 66th Street and each of Normandale Road 2. Preliminary Plat Approval for Waterman Addition, Waterman Partners, 6525 Waterman Avenue. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. Page 6 Minutes/Edina City Council/iuly 6,1999 *BID AWARDED CONTRACT 99-4 STREET IMPROVEMENTS NO A -184 A -185 A -186 A -187, AND A -188 Motion made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Hovland for award of bid for Street Improvements No. A -184, A -185, A -186, A -187, A -188, to recommended low bidder, Midwest Asphalt Corporation at $789,727.30. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR 2 3/4 CUBIC tuber Hovland for award of bid fo Motion 3/ c b made Member Kelly and seconded by Me articulated loader to recommended low bidder, St. Joseph Equipment under State Contract 422446 at $46,497.94. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR INSURANCE RENEWAL; EQUIPMENT, PUBLIC INCLUDING I ODOR AND POLICE PROFESIONAL, AUTO, EMPLOYEE BENEFIT AND WORKERS' COMPENSATION Motion made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Hovland for award of bid for equipment, public officials liability, police professional, auto, general liability including liquor and employee benefit and workers' compensation insurance to sole bidder, St. Paul Companies at $446,983. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *BID AWARDED FOR PROPERTY INSURANCE RENEWAL Motion made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Hovland for award of bid for property insurance to sole bidder, Travelers Insurance at $41,679. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW - SECTION B.2 DECISION UPHELD Traffic Safety Coordinator Bongaarts explained the Traffic Safety Staff Review Section B.2 was continued from the June 15, 1999, Council meeting. Residents were notified to be in attendance to discuss the Traffic Safety Committee's recommendation for denial for STOP signs on Mirror Lakes Drive at Ayrshire Boulevard because no new evidence of any problems or warrants were found. Coordinator Bongaarts commented no residents were in attendance to speak to the issue. Manager Hughes suggested the concerned residents be contacted about their intentions. Member Kelly made a motion to uphold the Traffic Safety Staff Review Section B.2 decision of denial for STOP signs on Mirror Lakes Drive at Ayrshire Boulevard as no new evidence of problems or warrants exist. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. *RESOLUTION APPROVED - NO PARKING ANY TIME ON TRACY AVENUE PARKING BAY AT COUNTRY SIDE SCHOOL Motion made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Hovland introducing the following resolution and moving its approval: RESOLUTION Page 7 Minutes/Edina City Council/July it 1999 RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON S.A.P. 120-152-11 FROM BENTON.AVENUE TO COUNTRYSIDE ROAD IN THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA THIS RESOLUTION, passed this 6th day of July, 1999, by the City of Edina in Hennepin County, Minnesota. The Municipal corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the "City" has planned the improvement of MSAS 152, Tracy Avenue from Benton Avenue to Countryside Road. WHEREAS, the 'City" will be expending Municipal Street Aid funds on the improvement of this Street, and WHEREAS, this improvement does not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street; and approval of the proposed construction as a Municipal State Aid Street project must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS THEREBY RESOLVED, that -the. "City" shall ban the parking of motor vehicles on the west side of MSAS 152, Tracy - Avenue from Benton Avenue to Countryside Road, at all times, except for parking bay. Dated this 6th day of July, 1999- Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EN MANAGER TO EXECUTE - ASSURED SPIN COUNTY OR 1999 - 2000 Member Kell PROVIDER CONTRACT WITH H Kelly introduced the following resolution seconded by Member Hovland: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ASSURED CARE PROVIDER CONTRACT NO. A10219 WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY 1999 - 2000 WHEREAS, Hennepin County, on behalf of the City of Edina Fire Department wishes to include the Edina Fire Department Ambulance as a member of the Hennepin County Assured Care Provider Network, and WHEREAS, the Edina Fire Department wishes to provide services to participants in the Hennepin County Assured Care program. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Edina City Council, that the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute Hennepin County Contract No. A10219 on behalf of the City of Edina Fire Department. Adopted this 61h day of July, 1999. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. *IN LOIAVINFILTRATION SUMP PUMP INSPECTION PROGRAM seconded LETTER AUTHORIZED FOR DISTRIBUTION Motion made by Member Kelly a y Member Hovland authorizing distribution of a Inflow/Infiltration Sump Pump Inspection Program Letter to property owners who have failed inspections and not corrected he problem to the best of staff's knowledge. Motion carried on rollcall vote -four ayes. RESIDENTIAL PARKING BAY REVIEW REPORTED Assistant Engineer Houle reported the review occurred since there are many street improvement underway on residential street Page 8 Minutes/Edina City Council/Tuly 6,1999 where some homeowners have carved out or paved over City boulevards to create additional parking space. After reviewing the issue with the .Planning and Police Departments and the City Manager, the Engineering Department recommends the unapproved bays be removed whenever a new street project occurs, as a matter of policy. Staff believes this will reduce the use of public boulevards as "parking lots." The City Code that exists is a good community policy.-Another reason to eliminate unapproved paved parking surfaces, is the additional run -off of stormwater. The more run -off per lot that occurs, the greater the flooding risk is-in low areas. Resident comment Joe Blair, 5137 Bedford, submitted a letter in April regarding his parking bay that has been in place since 1976. Upon speaking to the Planning Department a few years ago, he was told while it is not legal, they understood the problem with no place'to park all their vehicles. He pointed out other areas in the City where vehicle parking is not complying with the Code. He asked for consideration with his parking problem. Member Kelly made a motion adopting staff's recommendation to continue current Code requirements which prohibits parking within fifteen feet of traveled portion of roadway in single family or double residential zones. Member Faust seconded the'motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. APPROVAL GRANTED TO DRAFT OF PROPOSED COMMUNITY SURVEY Assistant Manager Anderson presented a draft of the community survey that Decision Resources prepared for the City. The. survey consists of 110 questions that will assess the opinions of . City of Edina residents in four areas: QUALITY OF LIFE: How satisfied are residents with their lives in Edina? What are the needs of the community? What services and facilities serve the community well? Are there any priorities for specific services, or facilities? Should any services or facilities be terminated? FUTURE SCENARIOS: What should the community be like in the year 2010? What trade -offs are residents willing to accept to achieve these ends? What are the challenges and barriers toward these goals? CHANGING CITY DEMOGRAPHICS: Does the current population profile suggest policy changes for the long run? Among newer residents, what characteristics attracted them to the City? What are the major community: values the older residents want to maintain in the future? PARK /PUBLIC FACILITY OPTIONS: Awareness of park facilities - Rating of park facility options within the City - are there any park facilities missing? Would the community favor construction of a community center? Would the community center be supported if property taxes were increased to pay for operation and construction. Page 9 Minutes/Edina City Council/Tuly 6,1999 Assistant Manager. Anderson noted. that copies of the survey have been circulated to the school district, -the Chamber of Commerce and the Hoisington Koegler Group,, for comment. Decision. Resources would begin surveying immediately and bringing results back the first week in August. This would allow Council to receive the results by the second August meeting: Council comment: Member Kelly commented the survey is good and thorough. Member Faust asked the cost of the survey. Assistant Manager Anderson said approximately $10,000. Member Hovland inquired whether residents would take the time on the phone to answer the surveyor.' Assistant Manager Anderson said when the community is involved, residents will take the time to be responsive. Manager. Hughes said this is not an unusually long questionnaire for a' City, but it is thorough.. Assistant Manager Anderson said Decision Resources is very customer :oriented and will be accommodating with times to acquire responses.from the residents. Member Faust inquired whether it was a random survey. Assistant :Manager Anderson said .Decision Resources will call approximately 400 residents and if a cross- section of demographics needed for. a qualified survey and not reached, they will continue surveying until the demographics are met. Member Kelly said he noted no housing options for the elderly were mentioned and could there be a better way to address these. He also noted no mention of basketball/ volleyball' courts or gymnasiums. Assistant Manager Anderson said they tried to look at more facilities operated by the City versus facilities operated by the school district. Mayor pro tem Maetzold asked if the survey is being based on things only the City does, he voiced concern with what is being missed. Assistant Manager Anderson said the basketball. programs are operated within the existing school facilities. Staff wanted to review what is operated by the City and leave question #84 open for additional questions that might- come forward. Manager Hughes said the circulated copies of the survey did not elicit responses, but a question could be included referring to gymnasiums/ performing arts. Mayor pro tem Maetzold said the survey firm should be questioned about whether there is a paradigm as a whole or should we be getting into school related questions. Assistant Manager Anderson said the survey was built off the community meeting held on April 15, 1999, but could be expanded upon.... Member Kelly noted they would like to know what the rest of the community that did not attend the.meeting think. He would like to know how good the services are that are already provided but are there services that should be provided. If the response is that it is a school district responsibility, it can go to the school district. Page 10 Minutes/Edina Cif Council/july 6,1999 Mayor pro tern Maetzold said based upon the discussion; maybe the word 'community' of Edina should replace. the 'City' of Edina within the survey. He said maybe the community center could be referred to as an activity center to alleviate confusion as well. Member Hovland asked if the survey was thinking far enough into the future. He further thought a question .should be included about thoughts on the quality of the educational - system as well as a continued commitment to quality .infrastructure. He further questioned questions dealing with self- assessment and whether it had anything to do with Vision 20/ 20. Manager Hughes said one of the best ways to have people articulate their vision of the future is to ask them to rank the present. If the present is not what it ought to be, they are saying what the future ought, to be. He asked for help defining activity center. Following a brief Council discussion, 'Activity Center' was defined as containing a Senior Center, Library, Performing Arts Center, Gymnasiums, Physical Fitness Center, and is a place where people come together and perform activities. Mayor pro tern Maetzold called for resident comment. None was forthcoming. Member Hovland made a motion approving the draft of the proposed community survey with noted changes. Member Faust seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. RESOLUTION APPROVING ANNEXATION OF OT- PROPERTY FROM BLOOMINGTON TO EDINA FOR BRAEMAR FRONTAGE ROAD. Engineer Hoffman explained MnDOT is completing a renovation of the TH 169/I 494 interchange. Bloomington and -Edina have agreed that a frontage road should be constructed to tie West.78th- Street into the Valley :View Road interchange; at Highway 169. Edina needs the frontage road located within its corporate boundary limits to" be able to fund the construction from the municipal state aid funds. Engineer Hoffman reported Bloomington has Agreed to the annexation.and will take the necessary action for it to .be completed. He stated the Council. needs -to adopt..a resolution annexing the. land that will be forward to the Metropolitan Council's -Office of Strategic. and Long -Range Planning. Following a brief Council discussion,.. Member Faust introduced the following resolution and moved its. approval: RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE CITY OF EDINA'S DESIRE TO DETACH CERTAIN LAND FROM BLOOMINGTON FOR CONCURRENT ANNEXATION TO EDINA WHEREAS; the City Council of the City of Edina is the official governing body of the City of Edina; And WHEREAS, the City Council finds that certain property now located in the City of Bloomington, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, described in Exhibit A (the "West Page 11 Minutes/Edina City Council/iuly 6,1999 78th Street Property ") which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, abuts the City of Edina and is properly subject to concurrent detachment and annexation by resolutions of the two councils of the two municipalities pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 414.061; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of Edina that the West 78th Street Property described in Exhibit A be concurrently detached from the City of Bloomington and annexed to the City of Edina; and WHEREAS, this resolution is contingent upon adoption by the City. Council of the City of ' Bloomington of a resolution approving the concurrent detachment and. annexation of the property as provided above; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Edina in regular meeting assembled. That the above - described concurrent.. detachment and annexation be effective upon the issuance of the order of the Office of Strategic and Long Range Planning or, at such later date as provided by the Office of Strategic and Long- Range Planning in its order. Exhibit A PROPOSED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (A) Those parts of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter. of Section 18, Township 116, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 1, BRAEWOOD PARK, according to the plat thereof on file. or of record in the office of the._ Registrar of Titles in and for said Hennepin County; thence South 1 degree 07 minutes 04 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the southerly extension of the east .line of said Lot 3, a distance .of 60.52 feet to a line 60.00 feet southerly of and parallel with the southerly line of said Lot .3; thence westerly, parallel with said southerly line of Lot 3 and its, westerly extension, a distance of 890.11 feet along a non - tangential curve concave to the. north having a radius of 7549.44 feet, a central angle of 6 degrees 45 minutes 20 seconds and a chord that bears South 84 degrees 47 minutes- 50 seconds West thence South 88 degrees' 10 minutes 30 seconds ' West tangent to said curve a ,distance of 198.39 feet; thence North 1 degree '49 minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 9.74 feet; thence northwesterly a distance of 199.37 feet`along a non - tangential curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 958.00 feet, a central angle of 11 degrees 55 minutes 27 seconds and a chord that bears North 74 degrees 51 Minutes 34 seconds West, to a southerly line.of said plat of BRAEWOOD PARK having a bearing of South 88 degrees 00 minutes 39 seconds East; thence South 88 degrees 00 minutes 39 seconds East, along said southerly line of BRAEWOOD PARK, a distance of 117.44 feet to an angle point in said southerly line of BRAEWOOD PARK; thence North 88 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds ,East, along said southerly line of BRAEWOOD PARK, a distance of 271.57 feet to a point of curvature in said southerly line of BRAEWOOD PARK; thence easterly a distance of 890.90 feet, along the southerly line of Lots 1, 2 and 3, said Block 1, BRAEWOOD PARK, along a tangential curve concave to the north, having a radius of 7489.44 feet and a central angle of 6 degrees 48 minutes 56 seconds to the point of beginning. PROPOSED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (B) Those parts of Lot 1, Block 2, CISKOVSKY'S ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, He County, Minnesota, and the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 116, Range 21, said Hennepin County, described as Page 12 Minutes/Edina City Council/Tuly 6,1999 beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence South 0 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the east line of said Lot 1, a distance of 245.99. feet; thence North 55 degrees 28 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 156.63 feet; thence northwesterly a distance of 211.76 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 433.00 feet and a central angle of 28 degrees 01 minute 14 seconds to the north line of said Northwest - Quarter of. -the Northwest Quarter of Section 18; thence North. 89 degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds East, along said north line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 18, a distance of 264.64 feet to the point of beginning. Adopted this 6th day of July, 1999- Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. RESOLUTION APPROVING SIGNATORY RESOLUTION Member Faust . said she removed the signatory resolution from the consent agenda for modification. She asked that the statement "including the signer or signers of the check be changed to read "signers of the check". Member Faust introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that persons holding office as Mayor pro tem, Manager and Treasurer of the City of Edina, be and they hereby are authorized to act for this municipality in the transaction of any banking business. with U.S. Bank (National Association (formerly known as first Bank National Association), Excel Bank (formerly known as Americana State Bank of Edina), Fidelity Bank, Norwest Bank Minnesota NA, Richfield Bank and Trust Co., National City.Bank/Southdale Office and Western Bank (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank ") from time to time and until written notice to any Bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said accounts, which checks will be signed by the Mayor pro tem, Manager, and .City Treasurer. Each.Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks against such account if signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the City, including the signers of the check. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. *RESOLUTION APPROVING FOR FACSIMILE IG qAT dRES Member Kelly introduced the following resolution, seconded by Member RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS RESOLVED that the use of facsimile signatures by the following named persons: DENNIS F. MAETZOLD Mayor pro tem GORDON L. HUGHES City Manager JOHN WALLIN Treasurer on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant- checks, vouchers or other.:. orders of public funds deposited in U.S. Bank National Association (formerly known as First Bank National Association), Excel Bank (formerly known as Americana State Bank of Edina), Fidelity Bank, Norwest Bank Minnesota NA, Richfield Bank and Trust Co., National City Page 13 Minutes/Edina City Council/July 6,1999 Bank/Southdale Office and Western Bank, be and hereby is approved, and that each of said persons may authorize said depository banks to honor any such instrument bearing his facsimile signature in such, form as he may designate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drawn as fully as though it bore his manually written signature and that instruments so honored shall be wholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without his authority. Adopted this 6th day of July, 1999. Motion carried on rollcall vote - four ayes. METROPOLITAN RADIO BOARD ANTENNA LEASE TERMS APPROVED Assistant Manager Anderson explained at the June 1St Council meeting, staff was directed to negotiate a lease with the Metropolitan Radio Board (MRB). Staff met with members of the County involved in the project and had them identify the area of land they were interested in locating the antenna and the fenced compound. The City Engineer has identified the area of land that an access road can be constructed to the site. The following financial terms have been agreed to: • Annual Rent: The County / MRB will pay $3,000 per year - commencing on September 1, 1999, with CPI adjustments occurring annually beginning January 1, 2001. The annual rental will be waived. if the City commences use of the 800 MHz radio system. • Road Construction Costs: The County / MRB shall reimburse the City an amount not to exceed $20,000 for construction of an access road to the antenna site. • Reimbursement for Site Location Costs: The County/ MRB will reimburse the City 1/3 of the consulting costs related to the Gleason Tower /Braemar Arena South site analysis. • Commercial Wireless Rent: The County /MRB will pay the City 50% of the rent payments received as compensation for the use of the land or tower by commercial wireless users. • Maintenance of the Access Road: City agrees to maintain and plow the access road to the site. Staff recommends approval, of the lease terms and endorses the project as a necessary part of providing public safety communications for the metropolitan area. Deputy Chief Siitari submitted a letter stating that Hennepin County is making a significant investment in the. metro radio system. The location and elevation of the Braemar site are critical factors needed to design a functional system. The Minnesota State, Hennepin County Sheriff's Office and ambulance services that serve as our back -up will be using the system as their primary communications channel. These agencies regularly operate in our City and the proposed tower will help them provided necessary public safety services to our City and neighboring jurisdictions. Council comment Page 14 Minutes/Edina City Council/Tuly 6,1999 Member Faust asked is the only tower located on City land. John Urbach, with the Communications Division of Hennepin County Sheriff's Offices, said they have multiple antennas on County land. They will lease space in Rogers and Maple Plain as well. Member Faust asked what the City of Rogers will be paid for the leased land. Mr. Urbach said $3,000 per year to locate the shelter on the property. Member Faust said if the City locates their 800 MHz system on the County antenna will their lease stop. Mr. Urbach explained as is the case in many areas the Hennepin County Sheriff's office is the 911 calling point and dispatch center for agencies in the area. The lease rents would stay. Assistant Manager Anderson said the reason it would be taken away is that we do our own dispatching. Member Kelly asked if other communities pay for access to the 800 MHz system. Rents would stop because we would need to put up a microwave dish on our tower or build an additional tower to do that. Member Kelly asked what the lease is in Maple Plain. Mr. Urbach said the negotiated rate is $10,000 per year for use. of their water tower and land. Equipment necessary in the area would exceed the water tower use and they would lose out on other commercial revenues. Assistant Manager Anderson said if they co- located on the Gleason tower, we would have negotiated a higher rate because of depreciation to the tower. Member Hovland asked for comments on commercial wireless rent. Mr. Urbach has been in contact with commercial carriers and if the Council approves the site, they might be interested. The area is established with existing 120 -150 cell sites and the perception is the area is saturated. With company growth more requests might come in for the site in the future. Assistant Manager Anderson said when companies five year capital plans are expended there may be more interest in the site. Member Hovland asked if there are any prospects for commercial use at this time. Mr. Urbach said there are no prospects at this time. Member Hovland asked if alternative revenue sharing has been considered. Assistant Manager Anderson said this has not yet been discussed. Member Kelly said there are a number of cities tapping into the 800 MHz system; with 15 - 20 cities participating we would be able to obtain an average cost of tapping into the system. We would then abate the rent up to the point of that average cost. Roger Lawrence, Communications Manager from Hennepin County, said the project would cost approximately 37 million dollars and 37 cities would be coming on the system. To connect to the 911 center, it would cost $200,000 to make the microwave connection and would be financed on a leaseback with the County. He concluded the County's investment per city would be between $200,000 and a million dollars. Member Hovland asked who would be a prospect to use the tower for their 800 MHz system. Mr. Lawrence said the County has invited all municipalities, school districts, and special districts (airport commission and University of Minnesota, Hennepin Parks) to use the system. Member Hovland asked if everyone is charged to use the system. Mr. Lawrence explained the County does not charge back the capital construction costs of the system nor operating costs. In addition, cities are not charged for their 911 calls service. Cities are asked to pay for their mobiles and portables and the County is willing to purchase those on a long term rental agreement method. With Page 15 Minutes/Edina City Council/f my 6,1999 self dispatched cities, they are asked to pay for the dispatching console equipment. and connection to the network ($200,000). Member Hovland asked if $3,000 could not be waived if the City does not get commercial rent equal to our lease amount.. Mr. Lawrence believes language . can be worked out that would accomplish this. Two things would need to happen in order for the $3,000 to be forgiven; 1) the City would need to commence using the system and 2) within the City's 50 %, or there would need to be a gross of $6,000. Member Faust voiced concern that Edina is contributing an 80 X 80 plot of land and are supposed to pay 1/3 of consulting costs and maintenance for the access road as well as construction costs for the access road. The other communities using it are paying nothing. She believes Edina is paying a disproportionate share. Assistant Manager Anderson said the County is reimbursing us for the cost of the road and for 1/3 of cost of consultants fees for the Gleason site. Member Kelly said he would amend the terms if there was no abatement of the $3,000 lease. Mr. Lawrence said he has to go back and sell it to the County Board Member Kelly made a motion to approve the Metropolitan Radio Board antenna Lease Terms as amended to include the removal of any abatement of $3,000 rents. Member Faust seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried: MAYOR'S VACANCY Attorney Gilligan indicated State Statutes require the Council to appoint a mayor. He noted that if a mayor is appointed August 1, 1999, the person will serve as mayor for the remainder of the term until December 31, 2000. However, effective August if 1999, the law was amended to allow City Council to hold a special election before the next State General Election in November 2000. Under the new law an appointed mayor would serve until special election. Whoever won the special election would then serve the remaining mayor term until December 31; 2000. - Attorney Gilligan also noted that his memo outlined the procedure if a majority vote is not achieved by the Council. If there is a tie vote, the Mayor pro tem shall make the appointment. He added that if a Council Member is appointed to fill out the mayoral term, the same procedure would apply to fill the Council seat. In addition, if a Council Member is appointed as mayor, that Member gives up their Council seat. The Council briefly discussed the pros and cons of holding a special election versus appointing a mayor and or council member. They agreed to gather constituent feedback and discuss the issue at the July 20, 1999, meeting. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM ENERGY CENTS COALITION TO ADOPT AFFORDABLE ENERGY RESOLUTION Pam Marshall from the Energy Cents Coalition explained her letter of June 15, 19999, requesting Council's support of universal service support in a deregulated Page 16 Minutes/Edina City Council/July 6,1999 electric utility market. Following a brief discussion, Council consensus was to pass on the request and possibly look at the request in the future. *RECEIPT OF COMPREHENSIVE 1998 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR) ACKNOWLEDGED Motion made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Hovland acknowledging receipt of the 1998 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Motion carried on rollcall vote -four ayes.- CLAIMS PAID Motion made by Member Kelly approving payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated June 30, 1999, and consisting of 53 pages: General Fund $686,653.38; C.D.B.G. $19.50, Communications $43,808.94; Working Capital $10,311.50; Art Center $18,254.97; Golf Dome Fund $13,140.34; Swimming Pool Fund $32,190.22; Golf Course Fund $71,561.63; Ice Arena Fund $6,263.29; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes $19,081.93_; Utility Fund $294,657.96, Storm Sewer Utility Fund $2,989.85; Liquor Dispensary Fund $270,222.48; Construction Fund $15,406.99; Park Bond Fund $14,696.00; I-494 Commission $328.00; TOTAL $1,499,586.98; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated July 2, 1999, and consisting of 3 pages: General Fund $458,306.12,-'Working Capital $394.13; Swimming Pool Fund $165.08; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes $500.00; Liquor Dispensary Fund $80,526.69; TOTAL $539,891.69. Member Faust seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried.. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor pro tem Maetzold adjourned the Council Meeting at 10:25 P.M. City Clerk Page 17 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JULY 6,1999 -- 5:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answerin& rollcall were Members Faust, Hovland, Kelly, and Mayor pro tem . -Maetzold. 2000 PROPOSED BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS PRESENTED Manager Hughes presented a memorandum outlining proposed budget assumptions and adjustments for 2000. He noted that the State has imposed levy limits for another year which severely limits, the City's ability to make changes to its service levels and/or add. additional programs. The 2000 property tax levy may increase by only 2.2% which is calculated by adjusting the 1999 tax levy by inflation and adding a growth factor based on household growth and commercial and industrial growth. The current levy represents approximately 71% of the revenue base for -the City annual budget. Manager -Hughes noted that other legislative trends possibly affecting cities are: reverse referendum legislation; further restrictions on the use of tax increment financing; changes in Medicare Funding affecting Edina s Ambulance revenue; and "Last Best Offer" arbitration. Manager Hughes reminded that there has been no General Fund support for a Capital Improvement Plan for several years. He outlined the following infrastructure needs that will happen within the next fouryears: • City Hall/Police $7,000,000 • .800 MHz Radio System $1,500,000 • Fire Station Improvement $500,000. • Park Improvements $1,600,000 • Public Safety..Tralning'Center _ $1,600,000 . Sidewalks - City Portion $60,000 Manager Hughes said that possible sources of funds for the above mentioned improvements were: internal funds (interest earnings. and working capital); Bond issue.- City Hall f Police; and internal charges to Enterprise Funds. The status of the Enterprise funds was reviewed. It was noted that some Enterprises'annually have shortfalls while others make profits. The Liquor Stores for example have been profitable and those profits have been used to subsidize the General Fund, the Art Center, Edinborough and Centennial Lakes. Other. profitable. enterprises such as the Swimming Pool, Golf Course and Golf Dome have been using their profits to-repay operational losses from prior years as well as expansion costs. The water and sewer fund and cable fund are breakeven enterprises that are•just self sufficient. Manager Hughes outhned'ezpected Year 2000 Budget Expenditures and Revenues. as follows: Year 2000 Budget - Expenditures Major Expenditure Categories Expenditure Proposed Adjustment Rationale: Wage Adjustment 3% Settlements Contractual Services 2% CPI Commodities 2% CPI Central Service 2.25% PERA/ FICA / Insurance Minutes/Edina City Council/Tuly 6,1999 Equipment 2% ... CPI • Other Required Changes: • Reduction in Public Safety PERA. ($100,000) • General Election 80,000 • Health Insurance $10 /month ( +2.7 %) 24,000 • Prior year program reduction (30,000) • Other Required Departmental Changes 141,000 • Total Required Changes $115,000 • Total Expenditure Increase $618,000 or 3.34% Year 2000 Budget - Revenues Major Revenue Categories Revenue Proposed Adjustment Rationale: Taxes 2.2% Levy Limit Set by State Fees & Charges 2% Based on Review of Activity Court Fines/ Fund Transfers 2% Higher Court Fees/ Lower: Volume, other needs for liquor funds Intergovernmental Aid 2% HACA Year 2000 Budget - Revenues • Other Revenue Adjustments: - • . On Sale Liquor Licenses $ 90,000 • Reduction in Tax Abatements/ Shortfall 50,000 • Loss of Fairview Medical Director Subsidy 17000 • Total Revenue Adjustments $123,000 • Total Revenue Increase $523,000 or Revenue Shortfall of $95,000 Departmental Requests (Required Item Bold& Italic): • Fire Department: • Additional Paramedic/ Firefighter $ 50,000, • . Additional Inspector/ Firefighter'-, . 50,000 • Total Request for 2000 $100,000 • Public Works: • Career Development Program Budget Re- allocation • Automated Truck Wash $7510007251000 • Health Department: • Fund mileage shortfall $ 2,600. - • -- Noise. Monitoring- Equipment -.- _ _ _. .- - -.. _ 5,000 • Total Request for 2000 $ . 7,600 • Police Department: . • Data Processing - MDT Contract $ 15,000 • Service Contracts - MDT Project 15,000. • Equipment Replacement - Laptops/MDT Project 33,000 • Additional Inspection Expenses 7,000 • P.O.S.T. License Fees 1,500 • New Investigative Position 65,000, • " New Asst. Support Services Manager '55,000 Page 2 r i COUNCIL DISCUSSION The Council discussed the budget presentation. They noted that decisions would need to be made whether to transfer any shortfall from reserves, to cut services, to hold an excess levy referendum, to increase the contribution from enterprises, or to increase fees.. Issues raised included whether the Council should become more involved in lobbying, the legislation (over levy limits); whether any funds had been set aside to fund City Hall/ Police; the impact of future TIF restrictions, how to improve the performance of the various enterprises; suggested that departments look at potential areas'to reduce requests, and options available to fund the shortfall. Consensus was that Council would continue looking at budget assumptions July 20, 1999 with a detailed budget available for hearing in mid- September. .It was noted that the maximum "levy must be adopted by the Council September 7, 19991 but- that - -a -final budget would not -be adopted -- until after Truth In Taxation hearings in December. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. with no formal action taken. City Clerk Page 3 Minutes/Edina City CounciVluly 6,1999 • Increased Overtime 15,000 • Continuing Education 20,000 • General Supplies 7,000 • Uniforms 4,000 • Crisis Negotiation Throw Phone 5,000 • Total Request for 2000 $242,500 • Building Department: - •- New-Building Software -,:. $ 15,000 • Convert part time support position to full time 20,000 • Uniforms 1,800 • Total Requests $ 36,800 • Park Department: • Additional Maintenance $ due to. new facilities $ 18,000 • Career Development,program 24,000 • Reinstatement of Park Maintenance.Position 45,000 • , Paths & Hard Surface budget 30;000 • Goose Control Program 5,000 • Total Requests $122,000 • Assessing:. • . 'Additional Digital Camera $ 1,100 • Additional Vehicle 16,000 • New Filing System 12,000- 50,000 • Software Changes - CAMA System, County Connection ? • Consulting - Tax Court Case. 1,000- 15,000 • Part Time Summer Help 3,500' • Technology Changes: • PayrollTinancial HR Software Upgrade $10,000 • Citywide GIS/ Mapping Implementation 20,000 COUNCIL DISCUSSION The Council discussed the budget presentation. They noted that decisions would need to be made whether to transfer any shortfall from reserves, to cut services, to hold an excess levy referendum, to increase the contribution from enterprises, or to increase fees.. Issues raised included whether the Council should become more involved in lobbying, the legislation (over levy limits); whether any funds had been set aside to fund City Hall/ Police; the impact of future TIF restrictions, how to improve the performance of the various enterprises; suggested that departments look at potential areas'to reduce requests, and options available to fund the shortfall. Consensus was that Council would continue looking at budget assumptions July 20, 1999 with a detailed budget available for hearing in mid- September. .It was noted that the maximum "levy must be adopted by the Council September 7, 19991 but- that - -a -final budget would not -be adopted -- until after Truth In Taxation hearings in December. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. with no formal action taken. City Clerk Page 3 o�1le REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # II.A. From: Francis J. Hoffma Consent City Engineer Information Only ❑ Date: 20 July, 1999 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Public Hearing - Traffic Action ® Motion Control System ❑ Resolution' Improvement No. TS -27 W. 76th & Edinborough Way p ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Continue hearing to August 17th for action. Info /Background: This proposed project is recommended to be continued so that the potential properties who may be assessed at a new rate receive legal notice. The last hearing resulted in dropping residential properties from the proposed assessment list and the office properties are proposed to be assessed at twice the original proposal. Due to time required for official notice and other issues, it is recommended that the hearing be continued to August 17th. (2� i oe0-5 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item: Ill. B. From: Craig Larsen Consent ❑ City Planner Information Only ❑ Date: July 20, 1999 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: S -99 -5, The Coventry at Action ❑ Motion Centennial Lakes 10th Addn. ® Resolution Final Plat Approval. ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Approval of Final Plat for the Coventry at Centennial Lakes 10th Addition. Info /Background: . The proposed plat represents the final phase of this townhouse development. Originally approved as a 98 unit development, the proposed nine unit building will bring the final unit count to 96. The plat meets all requirements for final approval. 0 C.R. DOC. THE COVENTRY AT CENTENNIAL- LAKES 10TH ADDITION I C.Brg.-S14*211127-1 Jl;fW.286',07" 7.97 ------------- SOOl 4'09"E --282.04 --- .................. a.0 siaE. Ca, . 40,18 OUTLOT A 0', 30 26 4., Z, 3 of.. z P 1 A 4 4 lot 34 6 i- 0 4.0, 7 7j. 4 *j T T V, lj 4." T 10 C. T 20 to 0 20 40 60 SCALE IN FEE7 KAMM ARE BASED ON AN ASS MED DOW 0 OEMOTES OM Mommew THE COVENTRY AT CENTENNIAL LAKES TOWNHOMES EXHIBIT EDINA, MINNESOTA NO SCALE JUNE 8, 1999 0R tW. 7n.zsner square, 900 nn d-sl— so Yieceepells, VN 58415. Ph— 812/A0 -0700. Fa 819/370 -1278 fr. A� OI REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item: Ill. C From: Kris Aaker Consent ❑ Assistant Planner Information Only ❑ Date: July 20, 1999 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: B- 99 -33, Appeal of variance Action ® Motion denial for 5601 Oaklawn. ❑ Resolution Douglas & Patricia Vayda ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Uphold the Zoning Board of Appeals decision to deny the variance request. Info /Background: On June 17, 1999, the Zoning Board of Appeals heard and unanimously denied the applicant's request for a three foot south sideyard setback variance to allow an air conditioner unit to be located within the five foot sideyard setback requirement. At the Zoning Board hearing there were no individuals present representing homeowner. The homeowner was also not present at the hearing. The homeowner has requested a hearing of the Council to overturn the Zoning Board's action. Attached for reference are a letter of explanation, minutes of the meeting, staff report and plans. Ale ZI Tk6 seA< <�, J4 2 R E 1 1999 y l QED 1 is #: c, city- ofz_ June 18, 1999 Doug and Pat Vayda 5601 Oaklawn Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Re: B- 99 -33, Variance to allow an conditioner unit within 5 feet of the side lot line for 5601 Oaklawn.Avenue Dear Mr. and Mrs.. Vayda: In connection with your recent request for a variance to allow an air conditioner unit within 5 feet of the side lot line for 5601 Oaklawn Avenue, which was heard by the Zoning Board on Thursday, June 17, 1999, may we advise you that same has been denied. If'you wish to appeal-the decision of the Board to the Edina City Council, a letter of intent must be submitted to the City Clerk no later.than June 27, 1999. If you have further questions on this matter, please contact either Kris Aaker or me at 826 -0369. Sincerely, Jackie Hoogenakker Planning Department i (612) 927 -8861 City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 TDD (612) 927 -5461 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 a DRAFT MINUTES ZONING BOARD MEETING JUNE 17, 1999 B- 99 -33. Doug and Pat Vayda 5601 Oaklawn Avenue Request: Variance to allow air conditioner unit within 5 feet of the side lot line Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is located in the southeast corner of West 56th Street and Oaklawn Avenue consisting of "a two story home with a tuck under two car garage.. The home has been under construction to add a second story. All aspects of the home remodel and additions to the home conform to Zoning Ordinance requirements with the exception of placement of an air conditioner unit. The homeowner would like to place an air conditioning unit in their south sideyard. The air conditioner condenser will be within the 5 foot setback requirement.. Ms. Aaker explained the Zoning Ordinance indicates that accessory structures must maintain the frontyard, side and rearyard setbacks established for the corresponding zoning district. Air conditioning units are considered accessory structures. The minimum side and rearyard setback standard for accessory structures is 5 feet, accessory structures may not be located in the frontyard setback area., Ms. Aaker noted the homeowners have indicated that due to the addition of a porch, the previous location of the condenser behind,the house is now occupied by building area. In addition they have stated that the narrow sloped yard prevents placement in the rearyard. They also believe the location would have little affect on the neighbor. Ms. Aaker noted if Board Members visited the site they will have observed the air conditioner unit is already installed. Ms. McClelland asked if the proponents or their representative were present. The proponents /representative were. not present. Mr. Lewis asked Ms. Aaker what would happen if the AC unit is found to violate Edina's noise ordinance standards. Ms. Aaker said if the Health Department receives a complaint.and determines that a unit violates noise ordinance standards it would have to be brought into compliance. Ms. McClelland asked what building space is next (south) to the air conditioner. Ms. Aaker said.the air conditioner unit is located next to the neighbors living space area. Ms. McClelland asked Ms. Aaker if she knows the size of the AC unit. Ms. Aaker said air conditioning units vary in size, and she is unsure of the size of the unit. Mr. Lewis said he has a concern that-the contractor- does not'know Edina.s zoning requirements because the AC unit was installed before the variance hearing. Continuing, Mr. Lewis said with the air conditioner already installed it becomes difficult for the Board to make a .decision. Ms. McClelland agreed, and explained her concern is also with the neighbor to the south. Their living space abuts the new unit. Ms: ,McClelland said in her opinion the air conditioner should be moved around the corner,, and tucked away from the neighboring property owners living area: Mr. Lewis moved denial of the variance request subject to the condition that the proponents and /or contractor speak with Carl. Shannon, "building inspector, regarding.the proper location for the air conditioner unit. Mr. Byron seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried: �r __ MM n nn S� I 1- LOCATION MAP EIE] [ILI �u L I PARR DINA �. z _ -B •_ __ : M,. Illnl Illliln MM MM MM =II�I.� 11111111 =1111 �� �� ■rte f -' MENola* MM SOUTH 0M MM •— -- N �, .' �. SiDE HEBREW BURIAL j Ok NUMBER B -99 -33 LOCATION 5601 Oaklawn REQUEST Variance for air conditioner compressor location EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT ZONING'BOARD OF APPEALS N JUNE 17, 1999 STAFF REPORT B -99 =33 Doug and Pat Vayda 5601 Oaklawn Avenue Zoning: I R -1 Request: Variance to allow air conditioner unit within 5 feet of the side lot line Background The subject property is located in the southeast corner of West 56th Street and Oaklawn Avenue consisting of a two story home with a tuck under two car garage. The home has been under construction to add a second story. All aspects of the home remodel and additions to the home conform to, Zoning Ordinance requirements with the exception of placement of an air conditioner unit. The homeowner would like to place an air conditioning unit in their south sideyard. The air conditioner condenser will be within the 5 foot setback requirement. Issues /Analvsis The Zoning Ordinance indicates that accessory'structures must. maintain the frontyard, side and rearyard setbacks established for the corresponding zoning district. Air conditioning units are considered accessory structures. The minimum side and rearyard setback standard for accessory structures is 5 feet, accessory structures may not be located in the frontyard. The homeowners have indicated that due to the addition of a porch, the previous location of the condenser behind the house is now occupied by building area. In addition they have stated that the narrow sloped yard prevents placement in the rearyard. They also believe the location would have little affect on, the neighbor. Conclusion The homeowners are requesting a variance, to relocate their air conditioner unit due to displacement resulting from an addition to'the home. Staff would agree that the proposed location is convenient, however, has concerns regarding shifting impact onto the neighboring property. 4 6 r ��. lose � ✓aa- /9aa PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE NUMBER- .33 DATE F', FEE PAID 1 150 . 00 Planning Department 4801 West Fiftieth Street * Edina, MN 55424 * (612) 927 -8861 ------ -- ---- -------------- - - - -�� APPLICATION FOR:. VARIANCE/FEE RES. $150/NON -RES. $250 APPLICANT: NAME: ADDRESS: '40 / no-ULW O kv-c' PHONE: 011 3 L 12 PROPERTY OWNER: VA Dr MzMo i 0 ADDRESS: 0 V a /� PHONE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: PROPERTY ADDRESS: �o PRESENT ZONING: P.I.D.# EXPLANATION OF REQUEST: (Use reverse side or additional pages if necessary) ARCHITECT: NAME: C % 1 s l D eA rud n %) PHONE: c.��/ (P ,3 Q 0� �P 9 SURVEYOR: NAME: PHONE: perty O is Signature (Date) Applicant 'gnature (Date) Application .... page.2 - -Minnesota statutes and Edina ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: (If yes, please explain. Use additional sheets if necessary.) YES NO a) Relieve an undue hardship which was not self- imposed or a,mere inconvenience. b Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property, but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. &A.mv, illy- c) Preserve a substantial-property right possessed.by other property in the vicinity and zoning district. 0. d) Not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious -to other.property in the vicinity or zoning district. / � a ��Ot5 C ol pfd. c(J Drs. Patricia and Douglas Vayda 5601 Oaklawn Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Telephone 612 927 -7630 Edina City Council 4801 West Fiftieth Street Edina, MN 55424 July 13, 1999 RE: Appeal of Application of Variance filed 5 -1 -99, Case Number B -99 -33 To be discussed at the July 20th, 1999 City Council Meeting Dear Members of the City Council, We are respectfully submitting a request for an appeal to a decision to deny a variance for an air conditioner unit relocation at 5601 Oaklawn Avenue, Edina. As part of our appeal we are submitting the following: Our statement of earnest intent and a description of the process leading to the variance application submitted by our contractor, Evergreen Remodeling, dated May 1, 1999. This variance was reviewed at the June 17th Planning Dept. meeting. 2. Copy of the site plans at 5601 Oaklawn Avenue dated September 10th 1999. 3. Photographs of the air conditioning unit in place in the new location. 4. Letter of support from our adjacent neighbors: Jenny and Terry Puckett 5. Page of our contract with Evergreen Remodeling stating their responsibility for timely filing for all inspections and variances. 6. Copy of the initial variance application submitted by Evergreen Remodeling. Please note that we did not fill out this application, nor did we sign the application. We hope that the above supplied information is beneficial in interpreting and analyzing our case and we sincerely hope that we can reach a favorable decision. Sincerely, fac; �a, Patricia M. Vayda, D.D. Douglas W. Vayda, D.D.S. 4 - - �Z STATEMENT FROM HOMEOWNERS Drs. Patricia and Douglas Vayda 5601 Oaklawn Avenue Edina, MN 55424 July 13, 1999 Dear Members of the Edina City Council, We are in the process of extensive remodeling of our house at 5601 Oaklawn Avenue. This house which was previously a small single floor ranch style home has been remodeled to a two story colonial style home. We signed a contract with Rick Severson of Evergreen Remodeling on September 21 st 1998 and the demolition and construction was initiated on November 1st 1998. During the course of the project we lived in an apartment approximately one mile from the construction site. The anticipated completion date was March 1, 1999 although due to continual construction delays the work is still not completed. We returned to the house on May 14th, 1999. We had an independent architect, Chris Doehrmann, develop the site plans. It is our understanding that these site plans dated September 10th, 1998 were submitted by Evergreen Remodeling for permit approval prior to construction. Clearly itemized on the site plans is the relocation of the air conditioning unit from the backyard patio to the south wall of the house. The architect clearly indicated on the plans that approval for this relocation would have to be obtained. Our contractor assured us that he would be obtaining the variance in the fall prior to the initiation of construction. His wife and business partner, Barb Severson, would file the actual paperwork. We spoke at length with our adjacent neighbors, Jenny and Terry Puckett, regarding the relocation and they were in full agreement with moving the air conditioning unit. In the winter, during one of our inspections of the job site, as the duct work was being redirected for the air conditioning unit I inquired about the status of the variance. I was shocked to learn that the contractor had not only neglected to file for the variance but that he had no intention of filing for the variance. He told be it would be okay to move the unit without the variance . I informed him that this was unacceptable and that he would quickly have to file the application. The contractor told me that the application was a "formality" , that it would definitely be approved and that air conditioning relocation requiring variances were done all the time. This being our first construction experience we (foolishly) believed him. In May we moved back into the house and a new Trane air conditioning unit had been purchased and relocated. We received notification of the variance hearing date set for June 17th. We were again upset with the lateness of the contractor's filing date. In conversations with our contractor we were told that we need not attend the hearing and that Barb Severson would be present for the hearing. Again we heard that this was just a "formality ". We were obviously shocked and dismayed when we received notification that the variance was denied. At this point I spoke with Ms. Kris Aaker for the first time and learned a significant amount of information much of which was in contradiction to what the contractor had led us to believe. It turns out that no- one from Evergreen Remodeling was present at the June 17th meeting. Furthermore, I was informed that much of the boards decision to deny the variance rested on two issues. First, we the homeowners had not been present at the June 17th meeting to discuss the case and secondly the board was extremely concerned with the fact that the air conditioning unit had been moved prior to the application for variance. Also, the application was not particularly detailed in terms of appropriately describing the construction changes and necessity for relocation. We can understand that without anyone present to discuss the situation on our behalf that the board would have had difficulty in interpreting this document. I am supplying this historical information to make the City Council aware of the fact that as the homeowners we paid for and trusted that our contractor was filing for the appropriate inspections and variances. We had assumed that the variance had been obtained in the Fall of 1998. We always expected to follow the rules and we are very dismayed and disappointed that our contractor chose not to. In investigating further, I have learned that there is a previous complaint on file with the Attorney General's Office relative to Evergreen Remodeling's failure to apply for appropriate inspections /variances on time. We would respectfully request that the City Council Members reconsider our submission for this variance. The new Trane air conditioning unit has been relocated to the south wall of our house where it is totally concealed from the street by our chimney. The unit is tucked between the chimney and the backyard fence. It is surrounded in front by two large hydrangea bushes and is inconspicuous even from the view standing directly in front of the unit. Our next door neighbors, Jenny and Terry Puckett are in favor of the relocated position. In fact, they have informed us that they hear less noise from the unit now then when it was located in the middle of our backyard directly across from their porch. Finally, because of the remodeling, the previous location for the air conditioning unit no longer exists as a screened in porch and patio was extended into that location. This leaves no reasonable place for the unit at the back of our house. In conclusion, we know that our remodeling project has greatly improved the esthetics and value of the property at 5601 Oaklawn Avenue. We are on very good terms with all of our neighbors and everyone we have spoken with has been very pleased with the results. The relocation of the air conditioning unit is an improvement over its previous position on the basis of the functioning of the backyard property and the esthetics of the overall property. We greatly enjoy living in Edina and we hope that the final outcome of our remodeling project is of benefit to the neighborhood as well. Sincer y, �cZ717u -�,c Patricia M. Vayda, D.D.S. ` Dougla W. Vayda, D.D.S. 5609 Oaklawn Ave. So. Edina, MN 55424 7/14/99 Members of the Edina City Council: This letter concerns the variance for an air conditioner unit at 5601 Oaklawn Ave. We are the nearest neighbors, directly adjacent to the Vaydas, and the location of their AC unit would have the greatest impact on us. Their AC unit has been moved to a location that positions it behind a fence next to a chimney. Two large hydrangea bushes are an additional screen for the unit. I honestly cannot suggest a better place to position the AC unit. I most certainly prefer this location to the pre- remodel location as it is much more privately positioned. The Vaydas have been considerate in communicating their project with us from the outset. The City of Edina as well as their neighbors will certainly benefit both aesthetically as well as economically from their thoughtful and intensive improvement to their home and property. I implore you to accept their request for a variance. This would ensure that the AC unit would be in the least intrusive position in relation to our adjacent location. Respectfully, Terry Puckett Jennifer Puckett Maddy Puckett Teddy Puckett Franklie Puckett 9 "'� IL EVERGREEN REMODELING, INC. 5800 Kellogg Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 55424 (612) 922 -1922 FAX (612) 926 -4 790 Doug and Pat Vayda 5601 Oaklawn Avenue Edina, MN 55424 September 1, 1998 Install floor protection and dust barriers to seal off area under construction, maintaining this protection throughout the length of the project. Construction area to be cleaned at the end of each day. Supply all necessary building materials to complete the remodeling, including: framing for demolition, floor truss system, roof truss system, exterior wall framing, interior partition framing, sheathing, subfloor and underlayment, headers and structural framing, miscellaneous framing, exterior roofing shingles, soffit, facia and cornice details, vinyl siding, doors and windows, garage doors, porch doors, insulation, vapor barrier, drywall, interior doors, window and door casings and baseboards. All debris to be hauled to specific location on job site and to be disposed of by Evergreen Remodeling. Building permits to be responsibility of Evergreen Remodeling, Inc., including: General building permit. An allowance of $1,500.00 is included in pricing for the general building permit. Electrical permit. Plumbing permit. HVAC permit. Roofing permit. .t -14 U7/13/VV 13:42 tAA at7 764.5 CITY uF EDINA 191002 wv� l� qaa Ma a PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE NUMBFRBL-Fa -33 DATE &N 01 FEE PAID I bD . 00 Planning Department 4801 Went Fiftieth Street * Edina, MN 55424 * (612) 927 -8861 APPLICATION FOR: VARIANCE/FEE RES. $150/NON -RES. $250 APPLICANT: Z C�j a� P„ L v� GC.� NAME: Gt�� ADDRESS: ate!! /iviL PHONE: PROPERTY OWNER: NAME: ADDRESS: �/ (J�� G�- Aiy1 PHoNE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: PROPERTY ADDRESS: PRESENT ZONING: P.I.D.# EXPLANATION OF REQUEST:,Pd.C� (Use reverse side or additional pages if uecessarp) ARCHITECT. NAME: (.�' S I Q A r4ann PHONE: 4en &,3 q 9 SURVEYOR: NAME: Applicant PHONE: rC) 07/13/88 13:13 FAX 927 7615 CITY OF EDINA _P Application .... page 2 • Minnesota statutes and Edina ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfiad affirmatively. The proposed variance will: (If yes, please explain. Use additional sheets if necessary.) YES NO - a) Relieve an undue hardship which was PS self - imposed or mere inconveniencQ . b) Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property, but not applicable to other property in the Vic, it or zoning district. c) Preserve a substantial property right k possessed by other property in the vicinity Q 003 d) Not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. -F gg I I 1 4-�� OZr • I Photo #1: View of Property at 5601 Oaklawn Ave. (Vayda) Photo #2: View of Alr Conditioning Unit from the Street • Photo #3: Wall of Neighbor's House directly adjacent to the Air Conditioning Unit l� Ph( s I I \ \ � \ � � \ � � \ � \ � J � � } � \ � � \ � \ � � { \� \ ....... .. \� \ � \ � � \ � � \ � \ � J � � } � \ � � \ � \ � � { r� REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item: III. D. From: Kris Aaker Consent ❑ Assistant Planner Information Only ❑ Date: July 20, 1999 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: B- 99 -42, 4439 W. 501h St. Action ® Motion St. Stephens Church ❑ Resolution variance appeal request by ❑ Ordinance neighbors for location of ❑ Discussion air conditioning cooler tower Recommendation: Staff recommends a two week continuance to allow church representatives and neighbors to discuss new plans. Info /Background: On July 1, 1999, the Zoning Board of Appeals heard and approved a modified plan to locate an air conditioning cooling tower within the east sideyard of the St Stephens church site. The plan was modified from a chiller to a cooling tower to reduce the profile of the structure. The Zoning Board of Appeals heard and approved the modified request. Neighboring property owners submitted an appeal to council to over turn the Board's decision.' In response to neighbors concerns St. Stephens is re- examining their situation and are devising a new plan that they believe will comply with the ordinance. The church is planning a neighborhood meeting for July 26, 1999, to discuss new plans. Representatives of the church request the council continue the hearing until after the church meets with neighbors on July 26, 1999. DRAFT MINUTES ZONING BOARD MEETING, JULY 1, 1999 B -99 -42 Church of St. Stephen the Martyr 4439 West 50th Street Part of NW' /4 of the SE' /4 section 18, Y.28 R.24, Hennepin County, MN Zoning: R -1 Request: A 31 foot frontyard setback variance, a 20 foot sideyard setback variance and a 26 foot creek setback variance Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of West 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue consisting of St. Stephens church. The church is planning to replace the buildings HVAC system and to provide air conditioning. The variance application is submitted to allow the chiller unit to be located east of the parish office building. The Zoning Ordinance requires a 50 foot setback from all lot lines and from Minnehaha Creek. Ms. Aaker pointed out the property /building are historic and St. Stephens church is a prominent and recognized fixture fondly considered by many to be part of what makes Edina unique. As such, visual modifications to the grounds and building seem to concern more than just the parish members and the neighbors. In addition to aesthetic concerns relating to any improvements, the property is non - conforming regarding setback from all property lines, the creek edge, and location relative to the flood zone. Virtually everything about the property is non - conforming and nearly any location would require a variance. The architectural company has submitted a revised plan that uses a water cooling system versus the air cooled chiller system. The water cooling system will be smaller and quieter than the chiller system. Given the required setbacks, the visibility of the site from two street frontages and a flood elevation that affects all the yard area behind the building as well as on the west end of the site, an east sideyard location appeared to be the only reasonable location. Ms. Aaker concluded given the limited location opportunities available on site staff is supportive of the request. Mr. Charles Liddy was present representing St. Stephen's, interested neighbors were also present. Mr. Skallerud asked Ms. Aaker if the Board can hear the revised plan since it is different from the original submission. Ms. Aaker said the revised plan can be heard because the setbacks remain the same, or have been increased reducing the amount of variance requested. Mr. Liddy told the Board the intent of the church is to upgrade the church system with air conditioning. Mr. Liddy noted at this time the parish house is the only area of the church that is air conditioned. Continuing .Mr. Liddy explained the first submission depicted an air cooled chiller system, but after careful consideration the church decided to go with,a water cooled system that is smaller and, quieter. Mr. Liddy added`the area around the proposed air conditioning unit,will be re- landscaped. Mr. Tom Mahler, #3 Edina Court asked Mr. Liddy how high the screening wall would be if the air conditioning unit is put on the roof. Mr. Liddy said screening material for a roof mounted unit would be at least 10 feet high with the proposed system. Mr. Mahler questioned if smaller units could be installed, or the proposed unit could be located on the Wooddale (west) side of the church across from City property., Mr. Liddy said there are . steps into.the church on the west side plus a courtyard area. Regarding numerous units - that could be accomplished, but the units would be scattered, would also produce noise, and need to be screened. Continuing, Mr. Liddy explained any noise from the air conditioner when measured from the property line cannot exceed 50 decibel'units. Readings have found that the decibel readings from the traffic, etc. from West 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue are between 70 - 83 units:. Mr. Jennings, 4401 West 50th Street, said in his opinion the proposed structure is very large, and questioned if it would be able to provide cooling'for'the church and church buildings if there are future plans to enlarge the church facility.. Mr. Liddy said with the proposed unit the church will need to be cooled in zones. . Mr. Jennings asked if there are horizontal units that could be placed on, a flat roof that would be les's obtrusive. I Mr. Liddy said horizontal units would still have to be screened adequately enough to reduce noise and their visual impact..' Mr. Liddy said in his opinion the design of the screening structure,b lends in very well with the existing church facility, with the materials matching the stone of the church.' Mr. Jennings agreed that the design of the screening structure is very good. He said his concern �is with the capacity of the unit, and future expansion plans, and the possibility the cooling unit will need to be enlarged if the church facility is expanded. Cheryl Bredenbeck, #8 Edina Court, told the Board in her opinion this is an attempt to place an industrial cooler in a residential neighborhood. Mr. Greg Walling, 5015 Wooddale Lane, explained to the Board he lives directly across the creek from the proposed cooler. He stated in his opinion the proposed cooler .does not fit the neighborhood. Mr. Walling said his worry is with the constant noise the cooler will emit. He acknowledged the noise from vehicular traffic; and pointed out during the evening hours West 501h Street is quiet. The proposed air conditioner will still; run, during the night. Mr. Liddy explained the noise from the unit when measured from the property line cannot exceed 50 decibels. Normal conversation is around 60 decibels. Mr. John Knoll, #5 Edina Court, asked Ms. Aaker if any additional changes are proposed to the church would there be a public hearing. Ms. Aaker said the church would . need to amend their Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commission and City Council hear Conditional Use Permits at a public hearing. Paul Rippe, #6 Edina Court, questioned the materials used to screen the cooler. Mr. Liddy explained the materials used to screen the cooler match will match the stone of the church. The area where the cooler is proposed to be located will also be re- landscaped. Mr. Mahler asked the tonnage of the cooling unit. Mr. Liddy stated the cooler is an 80 ton unit. Mr. Skallerud informed the Board in. his opinion a hardship exists due to the non - conformity 'of the site. Virtually every location on this site would require a variance, and' the hardship is not self imposed. Mr..Skallerud moved variance approval subject to the revised,plans submitted. Mrs. Mannix seconded the motion. Mrs. -Utne said she agrees with Mr. Skallerud's observation regarding hardship because of the non - conformity of the site. She added she believes a roof mounted cooler system would not be aesthetically pleasing, and can support the revised plan as presented. Mrs. Mannix said in her opinion the water cooled system is preferable to the air cooled system, and with the proposed screening of the system, visual and noise impact will be reduced. All voted aye; motion carried. I o� @ vt r In City of Edina July 1, 1999 Church of St. Stephen the Martry 4439 West 501h Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: B- 99-42, A 31 foot frontyard setback variance, a 20 foot sideyard setback variance, and a 26 foot creek setback variance for 4439 West 50th Street. To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to inform you your request for the above referenced variance has been heard and approved. The Zoning Board of Appeals met on Thursday, July 1, 1999, and issued the enclosed Order. Your next step is to apply for a building permit. Please.feel free to contact the Building Department if you have questions on the permitting process. If you have any questions regarding the variance' process feel free to call Kris Aaker or me at 826 -0369. Sincerely, Jackie Hoogenakker Zoning Board of Appeals Enclosure h City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET . EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 (612) 927 -8861 FAX (612) 826 -0390 TDD (612) 826 -0379 CITY OF EDINA PLANNING # B -99 -42 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS IN RE PETITION OF: Church of St. Stephen the Martyr, a 31 foot frontyard setback variance, a 20 foot sideyard setback variance and a 26 foot creek setback variance .for 4439 West 50th Street For a Variance under Ordinance No 8501 , and 460 The above entitled Zoning Board of Appeals for the City of Edina at a regular (speGW) meeting thereof has duly considered the above petition and after hearing, and examining all of the evidence and the file herein does hereby: FIND AS FACT:, 1. Petition Filed: June 10, 1999 2. Fee Paid: 150.00 3. Notice Mailed: June 21, 1999 4. The Proposed Variance Would: YES NO A. Relieve and undue hardship X B. Correct extraordinary circumstances X applicable to this property, but not applicable to the other property in the vicinity of the zoning district. C. Preserve a substantial property right X possessed by other property in the vicinity and zoning district. D. Not be materially detrimental to the X public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. Conclusions: 1. The procedural requirements of the Ordinance have been met. 2. The variance should (net) be granted as requested. PLANNING # B -99 -42 3. Conditions to the granting of said variance: Subject to the revised plans presented. 4. This Order shall be effective July 1, 1999 , however, this variance shall lapse and be of no effect unless the erection or alterations permitted shall have commenced within one (1) year of the effective date unless said period of time is extended pursuant to the appropriate procedures prior to the expiration of one year from the effective date hereof. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By: Chairper n Dated: Order Mailed to Petitioner Ju 1_Y 9� 1 9 A A - Time to appeal expires July 10, ,199,9 .(Notice of Appeal shall prevent the issuance of a building permit until said Appeal has.been determined.) LOCATko MAP 4 �OVD'AEE -' :. PARK \E iiA'�CT -� .Too .y i UTLEY eP r PA.Rr, , 1-.4 ^;11 w D 44 COUNTRY CLUB 7� L, l� T 1 0 A D� L K E V� VARIANCE So Tm -. n rr m � - F L 4 ARDEN it J j... ..PART( l 56 TM ' coo -- ui L o J Y ~�•` C I F77 F —T � j1 NUMBER B -99 -42 L O C A T 10 N 4439 West 50th Street REQUEST Setback varianceSto locate a chiller for air conditioning EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT EDINA ZONING BOARD JULY 1, 1999 STAFF. REPORT B -99 -42 Church of St. Stephen the Martyr 4439 West Wh Street Part of NW' /4 of the SE' /4 section 18, Y.28 R.24, Hennepin. County, MN Zoning: . R -1 Request: A 31 foot frontyard setback variance, a 20 foot sideyard setback variance and a 26 foot creek setback variance Background The subject property is located at the. southeast corner of the intersection of West 501h Street and Wooddale Avenue consisting. of St. Stephens church. The church is planning to replace the buildings HVAC system: and.to provide air conditioning. The variance application is submitted to allow the chiller unit to be located east of the parish office building. The Zoning Ordinance requires a 50 foot setback from all lot lines and from Minnehaha Creek. Issues /Analysis The property /building are, historic and St. Stephens church is a prominent and recognized fixture fondly considered by many to be part of what makes Edina unique. As such, visual modifications to the grounds and building seem to concern more than just the parish members and the neighbors.. In addition to aesthetic concerns relating to any improvements, the property is non - conforming regarding setback from all property lines,, the creek edge, and location relative to the flood zone. Virtually everything about the property is non - conforming and nearly any location would require a variance. The architectural company hired for the project looked at a number of options for the location of the chiller prior to settling on the east sideyard location which they believe will be least impacting. Given the required setbacks, the visibility of the site from two street frontages and a flood elevation that affects all of the yard area behind the building as well as on the west end of the site, an east sideyard location appeared to be the only reasonable location. The plans indicate that the chiller will be housed completely within a wall constructed for screening and acoustics that will have a veneer of stone to match the stone on the existing church. The application indicates that the chiller unit will meet MPCA sound requirements. Conclusion /Recommendation Given the limited location opportunities available on site staff is supportive of the request. i Planning Departmrnt 4801 West Fiftieth SUTO * Edina, MN 55424 # (612).927 -8861 APPLICATION FOR: VARIANCEAME RES. $1501NON -RES. $250 Lei i jla�.�a�� a • __ .. NAME: Church of St Stephen-the Martyr . ADDRESS. 4439 West 50th Street PHONE: (612) 920 -0595 PROPERTY OW"'. NAMES Church of St Stephen the Martyr ADDRESS: 4439 West 50th Street PHONE: (612) 920 -0595 LEGAL DESCRHvn0N OF PROPERTY: -Part of NW 1/4 of the. SE 1/4 Section 18, T.28, R.24, Hennpin County Minnesota PROPERTY ADDRESS= 4439 West 50th Street, Edina, MN pRESEM ZONIING: R -1 Conditional Xam.# Use EXPLANATION OF REQUEST: , The Church is planning to replace the HVAC system this summer. The Application is submitted ,for a chiller to be located east of the Parish Office Building. (See attached plans and elevations.) (Use reverse side or additional pages if.necessary) ARCHITECT: NAME: Mille. r- Dunwtddi,e..-As.sociatesPHONE: (612) 337 -0000 _ SURVEYOR: NAME:. James R. Hill, Inc. PHONE: —(612) 880 -6044 Pftperty Owner's Signattwe (Date) Applicant's Signature (Date) Application .... page 2 Minnesota statutes and Edina ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: (If yes, please .explain. Use additional Sheets if necessary.) NO a) Relieve do undue hardship which was X not self- imposed.or a mere inconvenience. 50 foot setbacks at all Dr ei�_ty_lines and SO foot set ag m water elevation- b) Correct extraordinary circumstances X applicable.. to this property, -but not applicably to other property in the vicinity 'or zoning district. The propertl is located i.n..an historic d'' t. The se acs are rest icti a due to the•cnrner lot and Dlinnehaha Creek Whi,ch limit thp- -buildable area. c) Preserve,a substantial property right X possessed by other property in the vicinity and zoning district. Other properties are able to condition spaces A) Not.be materially detrimental to the public X welfare or injurious to other property in e vicinity or zoning district. The chiller will meet MPCA Sound Re uirements a e property lines.and the enclosure will be ui of com atrb a materia. to the =e7 en's complex. ►, St. tephen's Church* Edina EPISCOPAL St. Stephen's... A Community Growing. in Christ, Serving in His Name 16 July 1999 Edina City Council c /o: Ms. Kris Aaker, Planner Edina City Hall 4801 West 50`h Street Edina, MN 55424 -1394 Subject: Case. file B -9942 Dear Council Members: We deeply regret the distress our neighbors feel with respect to the proposed location of our refrigeration equipment housing. Our architect designed a tasteful enclosure that fits well with the architecture of the building and will suppress noise to specified levels. We appreciate the action of the Zoning Board in approving the variance. However, because of the neighbors response, we have re- examined our situation and have devised a plan that complies with the ordinance and, therefore requires no variance. In outline, we plan to place the cooling tower on the roof of the small connecting building between the church and chapel in a location that conforms to the fifty foot set -back requirement from Wooddale Avenue and the Minnehaha Creek. A short, shingled mansard -like roof will visually screen the equipment and control fan noise. We plan to install the compressor in an existing storage room on the lower level of the church building. These locations are not as convenient for delivery or installation and deprive us of a storage room but we are willing to make this gesture of goodwill to the neighborhood. As a result, we have no plan to build the approved structure. We are surprised that the neighbors perceive that we have undisclosed plans despite our strenuous efforts to keep them informed. For example, all residents of Edina Court,. Wooddale Lane, 50'" Street and the 5000 block of both Bruce and Arden Avenues were invited to an open house on 6 December 1998 where we showed. our total three year program. Only Mr. Mahler came. On 29 March 1999, Ms. Kris Newcomer and I met with the residents of Edina Court and a few others in the Mahler's house to review an updated version. Ms:" Catherine Niewoehner, (5009 Wooddale Lane) a member of the parish, offered a similar meeting to -the residents of Wooddale Lane. No one accepted her invitation. On 12 May, Ms. Newcomer distributed an information letter including a sketch of our overall plan and her telephone number to the houses on the north side of Wooddale Lane. She received no questions. On 29 June we invited the residents of Edina Court to a meeting at the. church to discuss the variance request. Only Mr. and Ms. 06nnings came. We acknowledge that the equipment house that is the subject of the variance request was first shown on the June plans because we did not know the extent of our equipment needs until a few weeks ago. We plan another meeting at 7 o'clock on Monday evening, 26 July, at the church for the same group that was invited to the 6 December meeting. We pray that this session will answer remaining questions. . Therefore, we respectfully suggest that Council consider a continuance to allow the neighbors time to more fully understand our program. Sin/ y, n ,r lrh6as F. Brandt, Senior Warden 5232 Kellogg Avenue South Ernie Ashcroft, Rector 4439 West 50th Street - Edina, Minnesota 55424 - (612) 920 -0595 - Fax (612) 920 -1929 - e -mail: office @stephenmartyr.org INC, July 15, 1999 Dear Council Member, 5015 Wooddale Lane Edina, MN 55424 We live at 5015 Wooddale Lane directly south across the creek from the proposed air conditioner /chiller unit. As a homeowner whose lot line is little more than 50 feet from the (612) 920 -2221 Fax 926 -0285 proposed 80 ton capacity cooling tower, we are very concerned about the noise that will be generated by a unit this size. Especially when by the architect's own admission, the tower could be located in an area that would shield it from all the surrounding residences. Our home is designed to take advantage of the beauty and serenity of the creek. We are heavily shaded to the south and open to the creek. We enjoy fresh air and because of the solar protection of the trees to the south, we only close up our home and turn on our air conditioner on the most oppressive days. The house has 21 windows and sliding glass doors, all our bedrooms, and our deck and patio area with direct visual line to the proposed cooling tower. St Stephen's architect has stated that the noise level would be no more than "normal" conversation. Our concern is: have you ever tried to sleep in a room, or enjoy the beauty of nature's sounds, with someone carrying on a "normal" conversation - non -stop? I am not a sound engineer, but possibly because our home sits down in a "bowl" (we are lower than St Stephen's, 50`h Street, and our neighbors across the creek on Bruce), sound transmission to our home is very good. We are acutely aware of "normal" conversation carried on by pedestrians on 50`' Street and even from the front yard of the Curtis home across 50`h. The noise generated by the compressor is supposedly less than traffic sounds at 5e Street at rush hour. Granted, at times during the day 50`h can be noisy with trucks and emergency vehicles, but early morning and evenings, when we like to enjoy our back yard, traffic is very minimal and certainly not the constant drone that the tower would produce. The three members of the Zoning Board granted three major setback variances to St. Stephens to erect this cooling tower. This is not an industrial park; it is a quiet residential neighborhood. We don't dispute the need to air condition, but the resultant noise pollution for St. Stephen's neighbors is a high price to pay. The only neighbor friendly solution would be to place the tower on the west side of St. Stephen's, as indicated, where it would be sheltered by the church on three sides and any noise'would:be directed to the park on the west. Sincerely, Sue & Greg Walling 5015 Wooddale Lane 926 -0285 Enc: Alternative site map I 1 I � I — YCION or I I I E D I N A I r 1 26 C0V I I I 1 I N I NN..a 1 I I 1 eROPERrr ot�IMpnITNe 1 1 BegMNq at the calla of Section 14 1, 4 70 N.th. Reinge N test. of 04 4th PrWclpd Merldlen; th.nce Ia mq Swth 59 detpeee 40 MVVAe Eel. do" IM cool aW .et wort. Ha of cold Section 39100 let; III— earth and Wood .Ith the Iwth oW =th qn.l. IM of mW S.ctldn 97.0 Isl to IM e.nU. Of Mha.Ma Oe4 thenNa .auth—torly dog IM rant. Ilne el cold De.e la .aM north old —th Plata fins Ih— north do" cold north and .oath pawl. Are to the pdnl of e9Vlnhly EXCEPT Meet 50th 51ret old M..ddde A.aena t Ic = 0 BAIRD PARK I Z Q I el C 0 U R T a 24 •� I I 0 010 L I I 25 I I I I Oa1.o Has I NIERTHCATIO: I ..by —tIfY Mal NAM M 1, t— -hd ao.eel tep/e.delim .R a MeT .1 t. Oandorle of tM JdW d. 6" Iw_ od of the emlle of .0 aiding% N ohy6 th..ae, and s 4e0e -- hod—t% it -1% an b . a add IoM SNVn.d thin 70th doT of MOT. 1996 Far: June R. HB. M% Bi RaHIF M. Morton. Lond S.wTar. Lk N0. 71401 v I 27 6 I I I I I SECt1`ON I I I I rl SCALE. 1 NCH - 70 FEET o » a e 9.M. N V LEGEt>� I x 0 M ❑A e.a0 W 1000 WON FOUND. TRAFFIC LIGHT LIGHT POLE SIGN CAS VALVE CLEAN OUT MANHOLE CATCH BASIN HYDRANT GTE VALVE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SPOT ELEVATION ASPHALT SWAM CONCRETE SURFACE COBBLESTONE SURFACE STONE WALLS .. E ESTIN0 CONTOURS B6 -12 CURB GUARD RAIL . SANITARY SENN STOW SEWER HATER MAN UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND TELEPHHOM- UNDERfR0O1D w LOW TREE AND BRUSH LINE I B Boos N I S SECTION 16. T.M "4 TO HAVE AN ASSUMED BEARING OF S 09'10`70' E THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE COMMITMENT PO I T TITLE 04H10N. THEREFORE NO SEARCH HAS BEEN COMPLETED N RECAROS TO OTi THE LOCATION AND INFORMATION SHOWN REGARDING SANITARY SEMR. STORM SE- MATER MAWS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM AS BOLT PLANS PROVIDED RY THE OTT C I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AND FED VERIFIED WIE E POSSIBLE. THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND GAS. IEU94IOE AND ELECTRIC UNES HAVE SEE I FROM PLANS PROVIDED BY THE NOMOUAL UTILITY COMPANIES AND FIELD VEREEC POSSE. PLEASE CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CAL PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. c I 617- 454-ODOL mITOLIR INTERVAL 14 1 POOL ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF ED,' (NGVD 79) BENCIYARKC TOP NUT HYDRANT ON THE MST SIDE O MOODOAL[ AVEE P IM AP 150 FEET SOUTH OF 9 50TH STREET. ELEVATION 68677 PEER NUMBER OF REGULAR PARKING STALLS 6 OVERALL GIE069 AREA - 60.100 SOIARE PEEL MOTE OR LESS eoO.� July 8, 1999 SEAL k JUL 9 1998 City Clerk RECEIVED City of Edina `; 4801 West Fiftieth Street `: a y Edina MN 55424 Dear Madam Clerk, On July 1, 1999, the Zoning Board of Appeals with only three members present granted. St. Stephan's Church setback variances of 3.1 feet, 26 feet and 20 feet. These variances were sought to permit St. Stephan's to build a large structure to house an 80 ton commercial /industrial grade water chiller and compressor. This massive air conditioning machinery almost certainly is the first step in St. Stephan's as -yet undisclosed expansion plans. The foot print of the existing building already exceeds. the legal limit of 25% of the area of the lot on which it is located. We were given only a few days' prior notice of St. Stephan's plans, certainly not enough time considering the impact of the 80 ton machinery and its large structure on the immediate neighborhood. The Zoning Board eared in granting these variances, as no undue hardship exists. We appeal from its decision and ask the City Council to hold a new, full hearing on the matter. Thank you. zZ d� ro / S W vo FAN. coart 4 ` �{ Rue- . I L I I I E D I N A I Z? I BAIRD PARK I Z' I C O U R T I ---------- - - - - -1 1 p l I I ---------- - - - - -- p 8 W CSI �-- - - - - - IW 0 �--------------- I —r - - -- I I I I CENTER OF SECTION 1& --•. I I o Y -..:: �. �::�::::i�:rr::r:_r.r r_:: -- ��� 1 I I j� ON o : I I O 6- Q C MAPIEO O iSY V MAPLE V MAPLE 0- MAPLE J +1 1 STONY STON tU9�F/ BUILDING (UNDER _�__ WAU(WAY) "� , ,I6 � 10 6 SOB /J 11- ASH 29" OAR ns =_, ' ` "- PamE'IER OE EAOI 041RG fNl OI �' - mIIn]RL Mlal ARE RDT SHOW 31111111 s17Ia7 : - aN TM9 sm.LY. • N.1 / 1 � OOlU 1 004.1 M10 /. . 0 0^ aTO , 6 N7; IB'7 R I NOTES: ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE EAST AND WEST QUARTER LINE OF 15- CULVERT • - Q 0 I I SECTION 18. T.28. R.24 TO HAVE AN ASSUMED BEARING OF S 89'40'00° E. INX- 009.11 I , ` %J v E1u5TING HOUSE I C I ai I THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE COMMITMENT POLICY OR 6 I TITLE OPINION THEREFORE NO SEARCH HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN REGARDS TO TITLE w Ine � ten ' D b •E1e,..e.4. ; 1 aa.k IT ._.0]_57•_• _ — -- - - - - - - - - N86']2 Afi E SURVEY UNE- =_ -- MI MEHAHA `• 876/! /0 // / / i .n- -OIL TANK FILLER PIPE • _ T _ — _ —� _ — _ 0- A91 0 ; ed� 7]- ELI /882 R x • EPISCOPALEN S • an, a 50' SETBACK FROM aIURCH SIGN PROPERTY y- 5- O Z _ 2 0 ^� z U N to M W � mo =zi IO Wa i a: a� i0 u1 5± ,da;�:•' EDGE OF MI>WHAHA 14C'REEK, 14, 1998. • • � 871 72 9RFE7 lOL __ 50' SETBACK FROM : - n',� .(cA MINNEHAHA CREEK EDGE - I BIRCH 13-15- 870— ,• �, ° I 22 e ' era -EDGE OF MINNEHAHA ,' , CREEK, MAY 14, 1998. e,Y I I 23 I 24 I I O N G I I O x d O 1000 N � N o� N a Ln m //�� O' LL // W .. W Z �//�� :z 5 C JJ W H 6 � W U n Z Z 3 SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FEET S o —� d r a 0 20 40 60 Ipg Scale in feet 1 I 1— EEE— TTT— c —cc- IRON FOUND. TRAFFIC LIGHT LIGHT POLE SIGN GAS VALVE CLEAN OUT MANHOLE CATCH BASIN HYDRANT GATE VALVE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SPOT ELEVATION ASPHALT SURFACE CONCRETE SURFACE COBBLESTONE SURFACE STONE WALLS EXISTING CONTOURS B6 -12 CURB GUARD RAIL SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER WATER MAIN UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE UNDERGROUND GAS LINE TREE AND BRUSH LINE } }h0• - I 2 25 I I I PROBLEMS OR EASEMENTS WHICH MAY BENEFIT OR ENCUMBER THIS PROPERTY. I N FASTING HOUSE I I I ms C O I I I WATER MANS HAVE IBEEENMTATKEEN FROM AS BUILT PANS SANITARY PROVIDED BY R, STORM HE CITY EOF EDNA !EXSnN. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AND FIELD VERIFIED WHERE POSSIBLE. THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND GAS, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES HAVE BEEN TAKEN / E1aSTNG DUS7jn Hoag I I FROM PLANS PROVIDED BY THE INDIVIDUAL UTILITY COMPANIES AND FIELD VERIFIED WHERE I CERTIFICATION: I I POSSIBLE. PLEASE CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. PHONE NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION, I 612- 454 -0002. 1 I Beginning at the center of Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 24 West, of the 4th Principal Meridian; thence running South 89 degrees 40 Minutes East, along the east and west quarter line of said Section 393.00 feet; thence South and parallel with the north and south quarter line of said Section 97.0 feet to the center of Minnehoho Creek; thence southwesterly along the center line of said Creek to said north and south quarter line; thence n rlh along said north and south quarter line to the point of beginning. EXCEPT West 50th Street and Wooddole Avenue. I hereby certify that this Is b true and correct representotlon of a Survey of the boundaries of the land described hereon and of the location of oil buildings, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. Signed this 20th day of May, 1998. For: James R. Hill, Inc. By M. Morton, Land Surveyor, License No. 21401 CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 1 FOOT. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF EDINA DATUM. (NGVD 29) BENCHMARK: TOP NUT HYDRANT ON THE WEST SIDE OF WOODDALE AVENUE APPROXIMATELY 150 FEET SOUTH OF WEST 50TH STREET. ELEVATION = 880.22 FEET NUMBER OF REGULAR PARKING STALLS = 8 OVERALL GROSS AREA = 60,100 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS z = > U i 0 = a Lit U i J = a < 0- o O n U m /rQ a � w 2 CFI w In U w ° W = F a F- O Q N % O ; d DRAWN BY KTB DATE 5/19/98 REVISIONS BOOK /PAGE 229/50 CAD FILE 8569 PROJECT NO. 8569 FILE NO. 1 -98 -076 SHEET 1 OF 1 0 0^ aTO , 6 N7; IB'7 R I NOTES: ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE EAST AND WEST QUARTER LINE OF 15- CULVERT • - Q 0 I I SECTION 18. T.28. R.24 TO HAVE AN ASSUMED BEARING OF S 89'40'00° E. INX- 009.11 I , ` %J v E1u5TING HOUSE I C I ai I THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE COMMITMENT POLICY OR 6 I TITLE OPINION THEREFORE NO SEARCH HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN REGARDS TO TITLE w Ine � ten ' D b •E1e,..e.4. ; 1 aa.k IT ._.0]_57•_• _ — -- - - - - - - - - N86']2 Afi E SURVEY UNE- =_ -- MI MEHAHA `• 876/! /0 // / / i .n- -OIL TANK FILLER PIPE • _ T _ — _ —� _ — _ 0- A91 0 ; ed� 7]- ELI /882 R x • EPISCOPALEN S • an, a 50' SETBACK FROM aIURCH SIGN PROPERTY y- 5- O Z _ 2 0 ^� z U N to M W � mo =zi IO Wa i a: a� i0 u1 5± ,da;�:•' EDGE OF MI>WHAHA 14C'REEK, 14, 1998. • • � 871 72 9RFE7 lOL __ 50' SETBACK FROM : - n',� .(cA MINNEHAHA CREEK EDGE - I BIRCH 13-15- 870— ,• �, ° I 22 e ' era -EDGE OF MINNEHAHA ,' , CREEK, MAY 14, 1998. e,Y I I 23 I 24 I I O N G I I O x d O 1000 N � N o� N a Ln m //�� O' LL // W .. W Z �//�� :z 5 C JJ W H 6 � W U n Z Z 3 SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FEET S o —� d r a 0 20 40 60 Ipg Scale in feet 1 I 1— EEE— TTT— c —cc- IRON FOUND. TRAFFIC LIGHT LIGHT POLE SIGN GAS VALVE CLEAN OUT MANHOLE CATCH BASIN HYDRANT GATE VALVE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SPOT ELEVATION ASPHALT SURFACE CONCRETE SURFACE COBBLESTONE SURFACE STONE WALLS EXISTING CONTOURS B6 -12 CURB GUARD RAIL SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER WATER MAIN UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE UNDERGROUND GAS LINE TREE AND BRUSH LINE } }h0• - I 2 25 I I I PROBLEMS OR EASEMENTS WHICH MAY BENEFIT OR ENCUMBER THIS PROPERTY. I N FASTING HOUSE I I I ms C O I I I WATER MANS HAVE IBEEENMTATKEEN FROM AS BUILT PANS SANITARY PROVIDED BY R, STORM HE CITY EOF EDNA !EXSnN. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AND FIELD VERIFIED WHERE POSSIBLE. THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND GAS, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES HAVE BEEN TAKEN / E1aSTNG DUS7jn Hoag I I FROM PLANS PROVIDED BY THE INDIVIDUAL UTILITY COMPANIES AND FIELD VERIFIED WHERE I CERTIFICATION: I I POSSIBLE. PLEASE CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. PHONE NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION, I 612- 454 -0002. 1 I Beginning at the center of Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 24 West, of the 4th Principal Meridian; thence running South 89 degrees 40 Minutes East, along the east and west quarter line of said Section 393.00 feet; thence South and parallel with the north and south quarter line of said Section 97.0 feet to the center of Minnehoho Creek; thence southwesterly along the center line of said Creek to said north and south quarter line; thence n rlh along said north and south quarter line to the point of beginning. EXCEPT West 50th Street and Wooddole Avenue. I hereby certify that this Is b true and correct representotlon of a Survey of the boundaries of the land described hereon and of the location of oil buildings, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. Signed this 20th day of May, 1998. For: James R. Hill, Inc. By M. Morton, Land Surveyor, License No. 21401 CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 1 FOOT. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF EDINA DATUM. (NGVD 29) BENCHMARK: TOP NUT HYDRANT ON THE WEST SIDE OF WOODDALE AVENUE APPROXIMATELY 150 FEET SOUTH OF WEST 50TH STREET. ELEVATION = 880.22 FEET NUMBER OF REGULAR PARKING STALLS = 8 OVERALL GROSS AREA = 60,100 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS z = > U i 0 = a Lit U i J = a < 0- o O n U m /rQ a � w 2 CFI w In U w ° W = F a F- O Q N % O ; d DRAWN BY KTB DATE 5/19/98 REVISIONS BOOK /PAGE 229/50 CAD FILE 8569 PROJECT NO. 8569 FILE NO. 1 -98 -076 SHEET 1 OF 1 IT ._.0]_57•_• _ — -- - - - - - - - - N86']2 Afi E SURVEY UNE- =_ -- MI MEHAHA `• 876/! /0 // / / i .n- -OIL TANK FILLER PIPE • _ T _ — _ —� _ — _ 0- A91 0 ; ed� 7]- ELI /882 R x • EPISCOPALEN S • an, a 50' SETBACK FROM aIURCH SIGN PROPERTY y- 5- O Z _ 2 0 ^� z U N to M W � mo =zi IO Wa i a: a� i0 u1 5± ,da;�:•' EDGE OF MI>WHAHA 14C'REEK, 14, 1998. • • � 871 72 9RFE7 lOL __ 50' SETBACK FROM : - n',� .(cA MINNEHAHA CREEK EDGE - I BIRCH 13-15- 870— ,• �, ° I 22 e ' era -EDGE OF MINNEHAHA ,' , CREEK, MAY 14, 1998. e,Y I I 23 I 24 I I O N G I I O x d O 1000 N � N o� N a Ln m //�� O' LL // W .. W Z �//�� :z 5 C JJ W H 6 � W U n Z Z 3 SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FEET S o —� d r a 0 20 40 60 Ipg Scale in feet 1 I 1— EEE— TTT— c —cc- IRON FOUND. TRAFFIC LIGHT LIGHT POLE SIGN GAS VALVE CLEAN OUT MANHOLE CATCH BASIN HYDRANT GATE VALVE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SPOT ELEVATION ASPHALT SURFACE CONCRETE SURFACE COBBLESTONE SURFACE STONE WALLS EXISTING CONTOURS B6 -12 CURB GUARD RAIL SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER WATER MAIN UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE UNDERGROUND GAS LINE TREE AND BRUSH LINE } }h0• - I 2 25 I I I PROBLEMS OR EASEMENTS WHICH MAY BENEFIT OR ENCUMBER THIS PROPERTY. I N FASTING HOUSE I I I ms C O I I I WATER MANS HAVE IBEEENMTATKEEN FROM AS BUILT PANS SANITARY PROVIDED BY R, STORM HE CITY EOF EDNA !EXSnN. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AND FIELD VERIFIED WHERE POSSIBLE. THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND GAS, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES HAVE BEEN TAKEN / E1aSTNG DUS7jn Hoag I I FROM PLANS PROVIDED BY THE INDIVIDUAL UTILITY COMPANIES AND FIELD VERIFIED WHERE I CERTIFICATION: I I POSSIBLE. PLEASE CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. PHONE NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION, I 612- 454 -0002. 1 I Beginning at the center of Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 24 West, of the 4th Principal Meridian; thence running South 89 degrees 40 Minutes East, along the east and west quarter line of said Section 393.00 feet; thence South and parallel with the north and south quarter line of said Section 97.0 feet to the center of Minnehoho Creek; thence southwesterly along the center line of said Creek to said north and south quarter line; thence n rlh along said north and south quarter line to the point of beginning. EXCEPT West 50th Street and Wooddole Avenue. I hereby certify that this Is b true and correct representotlon of a Survey of the boundaries of the land described hereon and of the location of oil buildings, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. Signed this 20th day of May, 1998. For: James R. Hill, Inc. By M. Morton, Land Surveyor, License No. 21401 CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 1 FOOT. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF EDINA DATUM. (NGVD 29) BENCHMARK: TOP NUT HYDRANT ON THE WEST SIDE OF WOODDALE AVENUE APPROXIMATELY 150 FEET SOUTH OF WEST 50TH STREET. ELEVATION = 880.22 FEET NUMBER OF REGULAR PARKING STALLS = 8 OVERALL GROSS AREA = 60,100 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS z = > U i 0 = a Lit U i J = a < 0- o O n U m /rQ a � w 2 CFI w In U w ° W = F a F- O Q N % O ; d DRAWN BY KTB DATE 5/19/98 REVISIONS BOOK /PAGE 229/50 CAD FILE 8569 PROJECT NO. 8569 FILE NO. 1 -98 -076 SHEET 1 OF 1 IRON FOUND. TRAFFIC LIGHT LIGHT POLE SIGN GAS VALVE CLEAN OUT MANHOLE CATCH BASIN HYDRANT GATE VALVE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SPOT ELEVATION ASPHALT SURFACE CONCRETE SURFACE COBBLESTONE SURFACE STONE WALLS EXISTING CONTOURS B6 -12 CURB GUARD RAIL SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER WATER MAIN UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE UNDERGROUND GAS LINE TREE AND BRUSH LINE } }h0• - I 2 25 I I I PROBLEMS OR EASEMENTS WHICH MAY BENEFIT OR ENCUMBER THIS PROPERTY. I N FASTING HOUSE I I I ms C O I I I WATER MANS HAVE IBEEENMTATKEEN FROM AS BUILT PANS SANITARY PROVIDED BY R, STORM HE CITY EOF EDNA !EXSnN. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AND FIELD VERIFIED WHERE POSSIBLE. THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND GAS, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES HAVE BEEN TAKEN / E1aSTNG DUS7jn Hoag I I FROM PLANS PROVIDED BY THE INDIVIDUAL UTILITY COMPANIES AND FIELD VERIFIED WHERE I CERTIFICATION: I I POSSIBLE. PLEASE CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. PHONE NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION, I 612- 454 -0002. 1 I Beginning at the center of Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 24 West, of the 4th Principal Meridian; thence running South 89 degrees 40 Minutes East, along the east and west quarter line of said Section 393.00 feet; thence South and parallel with the north and south quarter line of said Section 97.0 feet to the center of Minnehoho Creek; thence southwesterly along the center line of said Creek to said north and south quarter line; thence n rlh along said north and south quarter line to the point of beginning. EXCEPT West 50th Street and Wooddole Avenue. I hereby certify that this Is b true and correct representotlon of a Survey of the boundaries of the land described hereon and of the location of oil buildings, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. Signed this 20th day of May, 1998. For: James R. Hill, Inc. By M. Morton, Land Surveyor, License No. 21401 CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 1 FOOT. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF EDINA DATUM. (NGVD 29) BENCHMARK: TOP NUT HYDRANT ON THE WEST SIDE OF WOODDALE AVENUE APPROXIMATELY 150 FEET SOUTH OF WEST 50TH STREET. ELEVATION = 880.22 FEET NUMBER OF REGULAR PARKING STALLS = 8 OVERALL GROSS AREA = 60,100 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS z = > U i 0 = a Lit U i J = a < 0- o O n U m /rQ a � w 2 CFI w In U w ° W = F a F- O Q N % O ; d DRAWN BY KTB DATE 5/19/98 REVISIONS BOOK /PAGE 229/50 CAD FILE 8569 PROJECT NO. 8569 FILE NO. 1 -98 -076 SHEET 1 OF 1 I Beginning at the center of Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 24 West, of the 4th Principal Meridian; thence running South 89 degrees 40 Minutes East, along the east and west quarter line of said Section 393.00 feet; thence South and parallel with the north and south quarter line of said Section 97.0 feet to the center of Minnehoho Creek; thence southwesterly along the center line of said Creek to said north and south quarter line; thence n rlh along said north and south quarter line to the point of beginning. EXCEPT West 50th Street and Wooddole Avenue. I hereby certify that this Is b true and correct representotlon of a Survey of the boundaries of the land described hereon and of the location of oil buildings, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. Signed this 20th day of May, 1998. For: James R. Hill, Inc. By M. Morton, Land Surveyor, License No. 21401 CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 1 FOOT. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF EDINA DATUM. (NGVD 29) BENCHMARK: TOP NUT HYDRANT ON THE WEST SIDE OF WOODDALE AVENUE APPROXIMATELY 150 FEET SOUTH OF WEST 50TH STREET. ELEVATION = 880.22 FEET NUMBER OF REGULAR PARKING STALLS = 8 OVERALL GROSS AREA = 60,100 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS z = > U i 0 = a Lit U i J = a < 0- o O n U m /rQ a � w 2 CFI w In U w ° W = F a F- O Q N % O ; d DRAWN BY KTB DATE 5/19/98 REVISIONS BOOK /PAGE 229/50 CAD FILE 8569 PROJECT NO. 8569 FILE NO. 1 -98 -076 SHEET 1 OF 1 _ T T r T......... r r j ... r. . lb - -- --- ----- ----- ---- -- --- - - - - --- -- - --- f --- --- ---- - -- - -- --- - - - - -- - - 882.60 - - -- RlM EL. 880.37 '� o ° 88Q:98 31" ELM 881; 50 Ask w 882.60 —c c c c c c c c c c c c , R RIM EL. =E _ — --- -_ —_ -- -- — -- _ - -- _ _ E E E 7" ELM 27" ELM � INV. =870. ------ - - - - -- - - -= _______ _ __ '� - --- - - -- -OIL TANK FILLER PIPE - LANDSCAPI G ►,� - 16" ASH M 6' MAPLE TRANSFO ER E 1 , cP 23" ELM + ao 6" MAPLE ° EXISTIN �' o I g32 0 ST. STEPHEN'S N 13" SP UC �'SETBACK EPISCOPAL + 882.3 CONCR TE FROM CHURCH SIGN STAIR - LIt I W - PROPERTY LINE 882.5 h 8.06,_8 = O --ACQUS_T1� C MPRESS R /MATERIAj N c. ? 882.1 h 8.0. 883.64 ci Lo ao - - - - - - -- OR Do 7:5 -- - __ VENE -ER COOLING +_ 43:7 TOWER ONE (0 o RPMOv O .0 0 881 8 FL 0 6- R O 22 2 882.60 _ - NG __ 883 .9 A � � 4 o N `�3$`_ •`zcr� 4439 WEST i 87%i'�°n .e 1� p ONCRETE SLAB 1. ..s *._ ? - F..,�. WITH WOOD CHIPS 14.8 lb , ' '., �x LF ; t - `b i CONCRETE. 4.0 s :. n, - -. - a� \ , SIDEWALK;; - 1 1..... 98• _______ . • _ / - � mil. 877 / O X441 WEST 3 / - - - - -- - Jr �- )TH STREET ' �'t6— — - - - -_ —_ — 68.5 FLOOR= �-� 875 �' 71.2 ' 870.96 /' 26.3 cO —872 SPILLWAY 871.5 �1i<, -ED E OF MI HAHA 24.1 873.30 do �, ; . 0% =- 9" WILLOW K, 14, 1998. 872 871 x ��, I � SURVEY LINE ....... ° -- �� I 50' SETBACK FROM ; / TRI T - -- /,•, ,�O I f MINNEHAHA CREEK EDGE r = 13" BIRCH 13 -15° /� 13.9 s BIRCH g'E IGI-EC -- �NICA NCLOSURE I 27.4 870.66 ��� N�5�21 /' PR"OPO D SITE PLAN I 870.6 =• 7 ± ; i / , ,� _ o r' :. -_ N8 , 1/8 1 0 9 °37'59 "E ' 02 ____ _ ---------------------------- ---------------------------- - - - - -- - ';'--- - - - - -- 51.21 - 18.g. g ?? . — CHURCH O ST. STEPHEN THE MARITYR tD - M I L L E R ■ DUN i D D I E ■ A R C H I T E C T S I J U L Y 1 9 9 9 2 C a a rc a I IlOi P .ra 1 I � DT{Il �; ■ ■ ■ �I�kl•���Idll 11►V`glgl I�I,I�I,I ■,I■I �sll Ic a All 1 1 ■ j I "_�_.,,^.,.,�j.'�,P,'�.�°�`�.,LL _._ —_— 11� rtIl � Il 7167.' �A �iil ■ ■ ■ Ian MqR Ilp ry p( 1 1 1 �i�f o•I Ioi1 eio� �f ,� 1 �C�����SI 1�1� �I rc 0 a� MINNEHAHA CREEK 1�J N O R T H E L E V A T I O N PARISH OFFICE (HOUSE) Eta I iLJ, S O U T H E L E V A T I O N PARISH OFFICE (HOUSE) l 2 __ —_ —_— TDLIAL Z� EL. B97ID ✓- CUT STONE TRIM, 7 CAP, AND PANEL w STONE VENEER WALL o a I� T_ TAIR9 - - EL9B15 -. SLAB EL. 8TB5� y2 - CL S N E AP, AND PANEL — " — "— — Z STONE VENEER WALL It TLLLIL* LANDSCAPING ✓T s TRANSFORMER CONCRETE SLAB ilk AND FOOTINGS _ _ TacoNC. sLA6� i � J ai MECHANICAL ENCLOSURE E A S T E L E V A T I O N P R O P O S E D E L E V A T I O N S PARISH OFFICE (HOUSE) CHURCH OF ST. STEPHEN THE MARTYR M III E R • DUN W I D D I E ■ A R CHI T E C T S 1 J U L Y 1 9 9 9 TO: FROM: VIA: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Mayor'& City Council - Francis Hoffman, City Engineer Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $20,000 DATE: July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM IV.A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Sidewalks - Countryside School Area & Cornelia School Area, Improvement Nos. S -076 & S -077, Contract No. 99 -5 (ENG) Company 1. Knish Construction Company, Inc. 2. Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc. 3. Gunderson Bros. Cement Contractors Co.,. Inc. 4. 5. 6. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Knish Construction Company, Inc. Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 95,626.50 2. $109,358.75 3. $109,697.75 4. 5. 6. $ 95,626.50 GENERAL INFORMATION: This bid is for the installation of sidewalks along Stuart Avenue and Grove Street at Countryside Elementary School Neighborhood and West 72nd Street and Mavelle Drive at Cornelia Elementary School Neighborhood. This project will be financed by special assessment and general funds. The Engineer's Estimate is $105,700. Staff recommends awarding this project. _ Public Works - Engineering Signatu _ Departmgnt The Recommended Bid is within budget not within budget , Finance Director ugnes, city manager KIP 'e i 11111111101IIIIIIII REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $20,000 DATE: July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM IV.B. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Tracy Avenue Drop -Off / Pick -Up Bay, Improvement No. A -098 Contract No. 99 -6 (Eng) Company 1. Bituminous Roadways, Inc. 2. Thomas & Sons Construction, Inc. 3. Midwest Asphalt Corporation 4. Knish Construction Company, Inc. 5. 6. Bituminous Roadways, Inc. GENERAL INFORMATION: Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $ 44,278.30 2. $46,773.20 3. $ 46,938.30 4. $ 51,952.50 5. 6. $ 44,278.30 This project is for the installation of a drop -off / pick -up bay along Tracy Avenue at Countryside Elementary School. Funding for this project will be solely Municipal State Aid funded. The total bid of the project is.five percent higher than the Engineer's Estimate of $42,150. Staff recommends awarding this project in -order for this bay to be functional at the start of school this fall. Signatu The Recommended Bid is Public Works - Engineering I within budget not within budget Jo lin, Finance Director Hughes, City Manager TO: FROM: VIA: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Mayor & City Council Francis Hoffman, City Engineer Gordon Hughes, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $20,000 DATE: July 20, 1999 AGENDA ITEM IV.C. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Storm Sewer Improvements STS -261 - W. 48th St. From Maple Rd. To Just E. Of Townes Rd. & STS -263 - Stauder Circle, Contract No. 99 -7 (Eng) RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Design Excavating, Inc. $ 89,763.75 GENERAL INFORMATION: This project is for the placement of the storm sewer system along W. 48'h Street from Maple Road to just east of Townes Road and the construction of a storm sewer on Stauder Circle. The W. 48th St and Maple Road storm sewer will eliminate a ponding situation along Maple Road between W. 48th St. and W. 49th St. that was identified last year during the Maple Road sidewalk hearings. The Stauder Circle storm sewer will provide an overflow gravity system that will eliminate flooding of the westerly side of Stuader Circle. The project will be funded through the Storm Water Utility fund. The Engineer's Estimate is $100,000. Staff recommends awarding this project. The Recommended Bid is DC within budget Public Works - Engineering Department j not within budget Johf *allin, Finance Director ughes, City Manager Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Design Excavating, Inc. 1. $ 89,763.75 2. G.L. Contracting, Inc. 2. $ 91,638.70 3. F.F. Jedlicki, Inc. 3. $ 91,646.50 4. Ro -So Contracting, Inc. 4. $ 98,529.00 5. Penn Contracting, Inc. 5. $ 99,556.00 6. 6. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Design Excavating, Inc. $ 89,763.75 GENERAL INFORMATION: This project is for the placement of the storm sewer system along W. 48'h Street from Maple Road to just east of Townes Road and the construction of a storm sewer on Stauder Circle. The W. 48th St and Maple Road storm sewer will eliminate a ponding situation along Maple Road between W. 48th St. and W. 49th St. that was identified last year during the Maple Road sidewalk hearings. The Stauder Circle storm sewer will provide an overflow gravity system that will eliminate flooding of the westerly side of Stuader Circle. The project will be funded through the Storm Water Utility fund. The Engineer's Estimate is $100,000. Staff recommends awarding this project. The Recommended Bid is DC within budget Public Works - Engineering Department j not within budget Johf *allin, Finance Director ughes, City Manager REPORT/REC OMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item V.A. From: VINCE BONGAARTS Consent ❑ TRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATOR Information Only ❑ Date: JULY 209 1999 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF ® Motion REVIEW OF JULY 63,1999 ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Traffic Safety Staff Review of July 6, 1999. INFO/BACKGROUND: Residents concerned with Section A. 1, request to open Mackey Avenue between Sunnyside Road and West 44`h Street may be in attendance at the July 20, meeting. OF TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1999 The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on July 6, 1999. Staff present included the Police Chief, the City Engineer, the Assistant City Engineer, the City Planner, the Traffic Safety Coordinator and the Public Works Traffic Control Specialist. From that review, the below recommendations are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They have also been informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the July 20, 1999, Council Agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which the staff recommends approval. 1. Request to open Mackey Avenue between Sunnyside Road and W. 44th Street. For approximately 30 years, Mackey Avenue between Sunnyside Road and W. 44th Street has been closed to all traffic but emergency vehicles. A barricade has been used to keep the street blocked. All traffic using that part of Sunnyside must exit by way of Browndale. In the past few years, residents from the west end of Sunnyside Road along with some commercial drivers have been throwing the barricade to the side and using Mackey Avenue as their exit and entrance to Sunnyside Road from W. 44th Street. It has been impossible to keep the barricade up and would require a more permanent type of barrier to keep Mackey Avenue closed. The staff doesn't have a good history of why this barricade was used in the first place. Prior to making any recommendations to the City Council regarding this issue, the staff decided to survey the residents living adjacent to Sunnyside Avenue and Mackey Avenue that would be directly affected by the opening or closing of Mackey Avenue. The survey was sent out to 38 residences. 35 of the 38 surveys were returned with 21 saying yes, Mackey Avenue should be open, to 14 saying no, Mackey Avenue should be closed. TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW July 6, 1999 Page 2 A comment section was also added to the survey. From those saying yes, Mackey Avenue should be open, the following comments were received: • Nine respondents commented on the trouble and difficulty involved in getting through on Sunnyside when there were garbage trucks,, construction vehicles, etc., parked along the street. • Two respondents felt that the houses adjacent to Mackey Avenue were using Mackey Avenue as their private playground, and parking lot. • Comment that it made no sense to close it off. • Comment.that they didn't' need a permanent barrier. • Comment - "People just throw the barricade in my yard." • Comment - Should be open for health and safety reasons. • Comment - Would like it open - but want the "No Outlet signs to stay up. Traffic would increase if they.came down.. • Comment - Would like it open but will need a stop sign on the northwest corner of S.unnyside, and Mackey for cars coming into Sunnyside. • Comment - Want speed bumps on Mackey if open -.and measures to slow down traffic - would be willing to help pay the costs. • And there were 4 with no comments, that said yes, Mackey., should be open. From those saying no, Mackey Avenue should be kept closed, the.following comments were received: • 3 comments - If Mackey Avenue was open it would result in too much traffic. • . 2 comments - By keeping Mackey Avenue closed it reduces chances for vandalism and theft. • Additional comment - Better security and less traffic if kept closed.' r ' TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW July 6, 1999 Page 3 • Comment -"Favorite, shortcut for motorcyclists who race up and down the street. 'Comment-- Tau-narrow a street and traffic too fast without barricade.-- . Have young children and live right next to barricade. •. Comment - Concerned about speed generated from that street. (Mackey Avenue). • No comment - 5 -respondents. The staff after reviewing the survey and discussion, came to the following conclusions: a. There isn't a very good history for why Mackey Avenue was closed in the first place._ b. It would be difficult to. put up a semi - permanent barrier allowing only emergency vehicles and maintaining it. c. A second opening would be good for public safety due to the narrowness of _ Sunnyside Road and the access to Mackey Avenue. d. It would enhance the traffic flow, especially for those at the west end of Sunnyside Road. the staff recommends the openinq.of Mackey Avenue Sunnvside SECTION B: Requests on which the staff recommends denial of request. 1. A request for "Stop" signs on Abercrombie Drive at Everett Place. Requestor feels the "Stop" signs are needed to slow traffic on Abercrombie because of -the children in the area using their bicycles, etc. There-are no. sidewalks, in this area, however, the requestor has expressed some interest in gathering a petition for them and has been given information on how to go about it. a, TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW July 6, 1999 Page 4 There is no accident history for this location. The average daily traffic is 476 vehicles on Abercrombie. Everett Place which ends at the Abercrombie intersection, has very little traffic, less than 75 cars per day. The average daily 85 percentile speed is 32 mph. The staff recommends denial of the "Stop" signs for lack of any warrants. 2. Request for "Stop" signs on W. Woodland Road at St. Johns Avenue /Fairfax Avenue. The requestor feels the signs are needed to control the speed and volume of traffic on W. Woodland Road in order to protect the pedestrians and children in the area. W. Woodland Road is two blocks long and runs from Wooddale to Concord Avenue. In the middle: it intersects with St. Johns to the north and Fairfax to the south. W. Woodland has no sidewalks and no parking restrictions. W. Woodland is a wide street with no sight limitations. There are no hidden entrances for the entire two blocks. Fairfax Avenue enters W. Woodland at an angle but it is not obstructed. This is the second request for "Stop" signs in the last year. In November, 1998, the average daily traffic Monday through Friday was 450 vehicles. In June of this year the average Monday through Friday daily traffic was 428 vehicles. In November, 1998, the daily average 85 percentile speed was 34 mph. " In June of this year it was 32 mph. Accident history shows one minor property damage accident on 6/2/94 at 7:30 PM. Staff again recommends denial of the "Stop" signs for lack of warrants. The staff feels there are no traffic problems in. this St. Johns `corridor that require any more signing. St. Johns itself is a very lightly traveled road with very little accident history. Since November, 1994, the volume of traffic on W. Woodland has decreased from an average of 550 cars per day to 428 cars per day. 3. Request for "Stop" signs on W. 64th Street at Rolf Avenue. Rolf Avenue on the south side of the intersection at W. 64th Street is a dead end street. There are no sidewalks in this area. There is no accident history for this intersection. The average daily traffic is 402 vehicles. The average daily 85 percentile speed is 29 mph. !I TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW July 6, 1999 Page 5 The staff recommends denial of the request for lack of any warrants. 4. Request for "Stop" signs on Kellogg Avenue at W. 61 st Street. Requestor is concerned about the volume and speed of the traffic in relationship with the number of children living in-the area. The average daily traffic is 361 vehicles. The average daily 85 percentile speed is 26 mph. There was one personal injury accident on 5/2/97 that involved an under -aged drinking situation. There is no other history. There are no sidewalks in this area. There are already "Yield" signs in place for northbound and southbound Kellogg. The staff recommends denial for lack of any warrants. 5. Request for "Blind Driveway" signs at 6301 Ridgeview Drive. The requestor feels the signs are needed in order to exit his driveway safely. The Driveway exit is near a curve in the roadway. There is no accident history. The requestor was advised to cut back some of the heavy brush and trees near the driveway exit and consider installation of a mirror across from the driveway. It has been the City's policy not to install "Blind Driveway" signs and it is the staffs recommendation that the signs be denied. SECTION C: Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. 1. Request for "Stop" signs on W. 62 "d Street and Peacedale Avenue. Requestor is concerned about the speed and volume of traffic on W. 62nd Street and the safety of pedestrians, especially children. The requestor is also working on a sidewalk petition that is nearly completed. The staff wishes to defer this request and discuss it along with the sidewalk issue when the petition is received. 2. Request to put in lane markings on Valley View Road between Wooddale Avenue and the Crosstown Highway to better differentiate whether there are two or four lanes and their relation to where parking is allowed. TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW July 6, 1999 Page 6 This area is due for reconstruction and staff has referred the request to the Engineering Department. 3. John Keprios, Park and Recreation Director, passed on a request from the Wooddale Park Development Committee for longer, 'all red' timing at the W. 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue intersection signal lights. They also wanted,to request adding warning lights prior'to the stop lights. The staff doesn't feel the warning lights for the signal lights are warranted. However, the staff will refer this to Public Works to check on`the.timing of the "ALL RED" clearance time between traffic cycles. 0 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # V.C. From: Francis J. Hoffma @%� Consent ❑ City Engineer Information Only Date: 20 July, 1999 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Board of Water and Soil Action ❑ Motion Resources Report on ❑ Resolution Minnehaha Creek ❑ Ordinance Watershed District 0 Discussion Recommendation: No action. Info /Background: Attached is the report to the Hennepin County Commissioners from the Board of Soil and Water Resources. The issue arose in 1997 on the interaction between the District and its rules with cities and property owners in the Watershed District. The attached report indicates that changes have been made and are ongoing to improve the "stakeholders" relationship with the District. Staff concurs with the report. T w i J� one West Water Street Suite 200 St. Paul, MN 55107 (651) 296 -3767 Fax(651)297 -5615 Field Offices Northern Region: 394 S. Lake Avenue Room 403 Duluth, MN 55802 (218) 723 -4752 Fax (218) 723 -4794 3217 Bemidji Avenue N Bemidji, MN 56601 (218) 755 -4235 Fax(218)755 -4201 217 S. 7th Street Suite 202 Brainerd, MN 56401 -3660 (218) 828 -2383 Fax(218)828 -6036 Southern Region: 261 Highway 15 S. New Ulm, MN 56073 -8915 (507) 359 -6074 Fax (507) 359 -6018 40 -16th Street SE Suite A Rochester, MN 55904 (507) 285 -7458 Fax(507)280 -2875 Box 267 1400 E. Lyon Street Marshall, MN 56258 (507) 537 -6060 Fax (507) 537 -6368 Metro Region: One West Water Street Suite 250 St. Paul, MN 55107 (612) 282 -9969 Fax(612)297 -5615 An equal opportunity employer Printed on recycled paper June 24, 1999 Board of Hennepin County Commissioners A -2400 Government Center Minneapolis, MN 55487 -0240 Dear Commissioners:. The Board of Water and, Soil Resources (BWSR) has completed the enclosed report as a follow -up to our January 26, 1998 report. The BWSR will continue to work with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District board of managers to affect the changes identified in the two reports. The District has initiated changes in the past year and half. Cities have.been generally satisfied with the current direction of the District and have had greater opportunity for input than prior to the first report. The BWSR sees this increase in communication as a significant step forward in addressing the issues identified in the first report. It is our intent to assist the District whenever possible to foster better working relationships with its stakeholders. Ultimately, however, the success of the District will be determined by the shared commitment of the District, county, cities and townships to identify a common vision of the District's role in water and land resource management, designate responsibility, and create a system accountability to ensure the vision is achieved. Please feel free to contact Doug Snyder of my staff at 651- 215 -1520 should you wish to discuss this matter further. Sincerely, ✓ f Ronald D. Hamac Executive Director Enclosure cc: attached. cc: District Board of Managers Eric Evenson, District Manager Louis Smith, District Counsel, Mike Panzer, District Engineer Joel Settles, Hennepin County Water Resources Specialist Vern Genzlinger, Hennepin County Public Works Director Janet Leick, Hennepin County Environmental Services Director. Cities and Townships in the District BWSR Staff: Jim Birkholz, Doug Thomas, Steve Woods, Jim Haertel. BWSR Report to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners on the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District June 15, 1999 On September 23, 1997 the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners (Conmi,ssioners) requested the Board,of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) review the activities of the Minnehaha . Creek Watershed District (District) to determine, whether the activities were in compliance with State statutes, rules and regulations. The original report was prepared and delivered to the Commissioners on January 26, 1998: While the report found the District was in compliance with State statutes; rules and regulations,, it. also contained several recommendations for the District. In summary; the BWSR recommended. the District review its activities in the following areas. 1. DISTRICT MANAGEMENT. The District board of managers should: A. shift their management style from being involved in the details of District operations toward policy and oversight activities. ` B. empower District staff to carry outmost of the operational. functions and administrative functions of the District. C. rely more on staff in the areas of permits and planning. 2. DISTRICT COMMUNICATION, OUTREACH AND COORDINATION. The District. board of managers should: A. improve communications with its constituents, especially cities. B. host an annual meeting with its. constituent cities and counties to discuss capital improvement projects and to try to achieve broad agreement among the parties on sources of funding for the projects. 3. DISTRICT FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY. The District board of managers should: A. .consider using additional. engineering firms or the Hennepin Conservation District for capital improvement project design. B consider using city engineers as project managers on capital improvement projects. . Although. reports like the above tend to focus on areas of District activity which may require some improvement, the BWSR report also found the District's managers, staff and consultants to be a highly dedicated and committed group working together to protect and manage water and related land resources of the District. As with the first report, District staff and managers have willing cooperated with the BWSR to complete this follow -up report. This report will review District activities relative to the three main areas of concern identified in the first report - District management, District communication, coordination and outreach, and District financial accountability. DISTRICT MANAGEMENT The District-board has progressed in shifting their management style from a "hands -on" approach to that of being a policy and, oversight body. Delegation of day -to =day management to its staff is reflected in the District's new Rule B which allows the staff, rather than the District board, to issue erosion control permits in appropriate circumstances. This change and others like it should reduce the cost and time for negotiating the application process. It will also.move the District board closer to its role as a „policy making and oversight body: Additional evidence that District managers are progressing in this shift is revealed by tracking manager per diem and expenses. Per diems have deceased each of the last two reporting years from $63,397.46 in 1996 to $$27,162.64 in 1998. There still is concern that the turnover rate of District staff is higher than other watershed districts in the metropolitan area. In the past year anew District supervisor was hired. Staff turnover slowed down the progress the District was making toward less direct daily management of District activties. With the new supervisor in place, the District has resumed its shift toward policy and oversight. District staff are now responsible for District activities which had previously been contracted for, primarily in the areas of communications and engineering. The result should allow District staff to efficiently and effectively carry out the administrative services and manage the programs for which the District is responsible. The District should track the cost effectiveness and efficiency of this decision. On the surface, it appears that it could eventually reduce the District costs if staff is retained for periods of at least three to four years.. Service to constituents may benefit from the increased internal capabilities, though specialized expertice would still likely be necessary from outside providers. The BWSR commends the District board and staff for.the work they have completed to implement positive changes in the District's management. The BWSR recommends the District board continue to find ways to delegate to staff administrative and programmatic tasks while continuing to move toward its role as a policy making and oversight body. BWSR Report to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners on the June. 15, 1999 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Page 2 DISTRICT COMMUNICATION, OUTREACH AND COORDINATION The District has undertaken several activities to improve communication, outreach and coordination with its constituent cities and residents. Most notably, the District now has an active citizen advisory committee and the District hosted a city and .watershed District staff round table. The citizen advisory committee has worked with the District board and staff as the District completed its revision to its erosion control and storm water management rules. The District committed to resolving outstanding issues related to these rules by April 1999. The District board and staff accomplished this by holding regular meetings with city representatives, consulting engineers and the advisory committee. This rulemaking process achieved two goals. First, the District developed consensus that the new rules will protect the District's water resources and will not be locally burdensome to, implement.: Secondly, the process reinforced lines of communication between the District and its stakeholders. Recently, District and city staff met at a round table forum to begin the discussion of how to find ways they might work together to meet their respective short- and long -term resource management goals. The District's goal is to' find ways to build on the respective strengths of the cities and District staff to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of all parties. DISTRICT FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY There have been adjustments made in how the District looks at engineering services and legal services. This is, in some respects, a District management issue, but is retained in the discussion of Financial Accountabilty for consistency with the original report. The District continues to work with one firm for general engineering services and permit review assistance. The District has pre- screened an engineering consultant pool to draw on for capital improvement projects. The list of firms in the pool include six environmental engineering or landscape design firms and one technical/laboratory firm. As new projects are conceived where there is no compelling need for the firm to have a "District memory', the District requests proposals from the pool. The District board may then select the most appropriate firm for the task. To date, five'of the seven firms have been assigned work. District legal fees have decreased each of the last two reporting years. However, they remain the, highest for Metropolitan area watershed districts. The District should continue to review this expense to determine why the District incurs these expenses and ensure the cost effectiveness of the service. A quick benchmarking study of the other metropolitan watershed districts would be one possible way of providing context. BWSR Report to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners .on the June 15, 1999 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Page 3 The District is exploring ways to make the management of the District's resources more cost efficient. On Friday, March 12, 1999, the District hosted a round table discussion with city managers and public works staff. The information which resulted from this meeting should help the District better define its leadership role in policy development and fiscal accountability. The attendees suggested the District should develop cost sharing options, define system -wide versus local watershed functions and develop appropriate cost - benefit analyses to determine whom should pay and how much they should pay. In other words, the District should reexamine its .policy of funding all projects on an ad valorem basis. ; OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS The BWSR report also contained two recommendations directed to the Commissioners and, the cities within the District. First, the Commissioners should establish, in coordination with cities and other District constituents, a set of "guiding principles and standards" for selecting and reviewing the performance of District managers. Second, cities, which have not already done so, should designate a technical and policy representative to act as liaison with the District. The District and Cities have largely addressed the second of these recommendations. However, the first recommendation has remains undeveloped. The Commissioners, as the appointing and recalling authority for the District's board of managers, have a clear leadership role in monitoring the effective management of water and related land resources in the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and in the other watershed management organizations in Hennepin County. It was in this capacity that the Commissioners acted, when in September of 1997 they requested the BWSR review the District's activities. The Commissioners. would benefit from the establishment of a way to measure the success of the District board or an individual manager. The BWSR again recommends that the Commissioners develop a set of standards and a performance review procedure for the selection, appointment and reappointment. of watershed district managers in Hennepin County. Performance measures might include interviews. with District, City and County staff that work with the District board or manager on a regular basis, review, of manager per diem and other individual expenses, review of the cost effectiveness of District programs by independent audit or any number of other indices the Commissioners feel would be useful in adding their decision - making. BWSR Report to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners on the June 15, 1999 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Page 4 SUMMARY The District has moved significantly and positively forward in response to the concerns expressed by its constituents and the Commissioners in the first report. During conversations with individuals to complete this report, new and old issues which still need to be resolved were identified; such as, developing a District policy on which projects the District should fund, determining project cost shares, identifying regionally significant water and land resources, improving enforcement and permit compliance, and realizing the District's desire to review comprehensive plans as well as local water plans for consistency with District water resource goals. The District has begun work on some of these issues, but many have yet to be addressed. The BWSR believes the District has created the foundation from which it can efficiently manage, communicate and coordinate District policy and goals with the County and Cities. BWSR Report to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners on the June 15, 1999 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Page 5 f Engineering Expenditures $1,600,000 31,400.000 31,200.000 $1.000,000 5800.000 S600.000 5100.000 3200.000 1996 1991 1 9911 Manager Expenditures 570,000 SJ00,000 160.000 a 5700.000 •'OiY4ti ��k '$}::iv r{ gip: xS .. S200.000 Llk.'i.Yti.. ;{s�. ;F,r,.;r.;;{.� ?:,'{?"•as +; . ';i ass ? ti?t:t >:•.'t 510,000 5100,000 :.:2.`:.;;:;,`.;:: so 1996 1997 1998 IMMI'Litiption All other fees 570.000 F:•i� 550.000 310,000 r.: .v h• . t 1996 1997 1998 Engineering Expenditures $1,600,000 31,400.000 31,200.000 $1.000,000 5800.000 S600.000 5100.000 3200.000 1996 1991 1 9911 Legal Expenditures 3500.000 SJ00,000 5700.000 •'OiY4ti ��k '$}::iv r{ gip: xS .. S200.000 ;{s�. ;F,r,.;r.;;{.� ?:,'{?"•as +; . ';i ass ? ti?t:t >:•.'t 5100,000 so 1996 1997 1998 IMMI'Litiption All other fees Engineering Expenditures $1,600,000 31,400.000 31,200.000 $1.000,000 5800.000 S600.000 5100.000 3200.000 1996 1991 1 9911 •'OiY4ti ��k '$}::iv r{ gip: ;{s�. ;F,r,.;r.;;{.� ?:,'{?"•as +; . ';i ass ? ti?t:t >:•.'t Engineering Expenditures $1,600,000 31,400.000 31,200.000 $1.000,000 5800.000 S600.000 5100.000 3200.000 1996 1991 1 9911 Summary of District Expenses 1996 1997 1998 Engineering Total Legal Total Litigation All other fees Manager - Total Gross $1,248,734.00 $42-1,82-9-00 $110,124.00 $311j7 .00 $63,397.46 $1,461,864.00 $370,357.00 $72,112.00 $298,245.00 $54839.05 $860,181.00 $176,132.00 $36,384.00 $139 748.00- $27,162.64. Individual Manger Per Diem and Expense Total for the Last Three Reporting Years Bold Print indicates current manager. i offal .'bL /,bby.4l 3U.uU 4)1-'UU 1.9U . YLO,JL7.J0 .➢ i,wc.v I "- ?,avv.01 ww,• ..�w w�., - . ..__ - ._,___.. . Individual Manager Per Diem Day Equivalent Assumes $55 per diem and rounded to the nearest full day. Bold Print Indicates current manager. Blixt Calkins Fisher Gross Hartfiel LaBounty Love Maple Reid Thomas Total 1996 $10 924.01 $0.00 $0.00 $7,879.80 $1,202.01 $19049.72 $10433.99 $2 961.29 $3,452.00 $7,494.64 $63,397.46 1997 $9,556.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11 393.26 $0.00 $12 385.33 $9,116.37 $2.200.00 $2,45-8.00, $7,730.09 $54,839.05 1998 $7,189.40 $0.00 $2,057.40 $7,056.30 $0.00 $31531.92 $1,157.00 $1,485.00 $3 001.58 Co n•IA CR $1684.04 Q�C 011R 77 $27,162.64 i offal .'bL /,bby.4l 3U.uU 4)1-'UU 1.9U . YLO,JL7.J0 .➢ i,wc.v I "- ?,avv.01 ww,• ..�w w�., - . ..__ - ._,___.. . Individual Manager Per Diem Day Equivalent Assumes $55 per diem and rounded to the nearest full day. Bold Print Indicates current manager. rotas gL`J,3 /U.UU UJ9 P- t.7,JAJ.UJ ✓va w .+, - •- 1998 er diem Days Claimed 1997 per diem Days Claimed 1996 - per diem . Days Claimed Blixt $7,205.00 131 $8,58000 156 _ $7,682.87 140 Calkins $0.00 0 $0.00 0 ` $0.00 0 Fisher $1,265.00 23 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Gross $5,390.00 98 $8.305.00 151. $5.926.77 108 Hartfiel 1 $0.00 0 $0.00 0. $1023.66 19 LaBounty $3,630.00 66 $10,598.83 193 $15 021.90 273 Love $3,465.00 63 $10.560.00 192 $5,652.08 103 Maple $1,375.00 25 $2 145.00 39 $3,016.29 55 Reid $3,575.00 65 $1,980.00 36 $2,970.00 54 Thomas $3,465.00 1 63 $7,425.00 135 $3,764.34 �7 n■ 1 68 OAn rotas gL`J,3 /U.UU UJ9 P- t.7,JAJ.UJ ✓va w .+, - •- oe v � ! ro REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item XI.A. From: GORDON HUGHES Consent ❑ CITY MANAGER Information Only ❑ Date: JULY 20, 1999 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: REVISED BUDGET ® Motion ASSUMPTIONS ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ® Discussion RECOMMENDATION: Adopt revised budget assumptions. INFO/BACKGROUND:' As per your request at our last budget meeting, Staff has made some recommended changes to the budget assumptions for next year's budget to place it within the levy limits for next year. The 2000 levy limits have put a significant restriction on our ability to provide new services or make improvements to our existing service delivery. Despite these limits, the revised assumptions will allow us to provide the quality of service that has been provided in previous years. I am asking that you approve the revised budget assumptions and allow staff to prepare a formal budget for hearings in mid - September. This action would also require you to certify the maximum property tax levy ( +2.2 %) to the County on your first meeting in September. Significant Changes from the 7/6/99 budget meeting: REPORT/RECOMMENDATION/Revised Budget Assumptions July 20, 1999 Page two REVENUES Increase in Liquor Contribution for MDT Project: In our first draft, we forgot to include a $33,000 increase in the liquor contribution to help pay for the public safety MDT project. This amount was agreed to by the Council when the MDT project was approved. Reinstatement of Fairview Contribution: Upon further review, Fairview has decided to continue funding our Medical Director position at $17,000. Rental of Property: We have increased revenues from the rental of property by $10,000 to account for the additional antenna leases that have been approved. Building/Mechanical/Plumbing Permits: We have increased these items $80,000 to bring our budget closer to actual levels of permit activity. There is some risk in increasing this to a higher level with the possibility of decreased building activity due to an economic downturn. Despite this fact, there is still some cushion in these line items and we can assume this amount of increase. EXPENDITURES Health Insurance Contribution Increase: This item has increased $15 per month bringing the proposal to $25 per month per employee ($60,000). It appears the City's health insurance provider will have a 10% increase in premiums for next year. The 10% increase would result in a $50 per month increase for employee's with family coverage. The proposed increase would split the cost with the employees. Police Dept. Professional Services: Instead of adding the new position to handle the data processing needs in the Police Department, we have added $10,000 to the professional service budget to pay for some outside help to deal with the more complicated data needs. This does not eliminate the need for staff, but with levy limits we felt it was too difficult to add new positions this year. Assessing Department Changes: We have added $15,500 in the assessing department budget to pay for three changes from last year's budget - 1) Development of a sales based CAMA system within our existing software program, 2) More qualified part time help for the summer to help us in data collection, and 3) Increase in our equipment replacement plan to account for an additional vehicle. Currently, there are. three cars and four appraisers. We will re- allocate a car from another department, -but need to increase the equipment budget to plan for its replacement in the future. f COUNCIL CHECK n-vISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (ll:s5) page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201559 07/20/99 $110.00 A -1 ROOTMASTER CONTRACTED REPAIRS 10014172. BUILDING MAINT CONTR REPAIRS 3575 < *> $110.00* 201560 07/20/99 $27.06 AAA Credit Screening Ser Pro serv. /E.Balfanz 5568 POLICE DEPT. G PROF SERVICES < *> $27.06* 201561 07/20/99 $8.50 AAA License tabs 26.192 0630 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $8.50* 201562 07/20/99 $8.50 AAA License for 26.181 063099. EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $8.50* 201563 07/20/99 $1,273.50 AAA T.E.PLATE, TITLE, ETC 063099 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $1,273.50* 201564 07/20/99 $186.20 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY parts 05063300 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3548 < *> $186.20* 201565 07/20/99 $712.50 Accountemps temp help 00628585 FINANCE PROF SERVICES 07/20/99 $760.00 Accountemps TEMP HELP 00650784 FINANCE PROF SERVICES 07/20/99 $285.18 Accountemps TEMP HELP DE 00667700 FINANCE PROF SERVICES < *> $1,757.68* 20156'6 07/20/99 $200.00 Achievement Health Care dep.refund didn't use REFUND /D GOLF DOME DOME RENTAL < *> $200.00* 201567 07/20/99 $378.08 ACME WINDOW CLEAN parking ramp glass 030235 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 3406 < *> $378.08* , 201568 07/20/99 $13.85 ACT ELECTRONICS INC fan signal 8143 TRAFFIC SIGNAL REPAIR PARTS 3694 < *> $13.85* 201569 07/20/99 $359.68 ACTION MAILING SERVICE mail process 82409 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES < *> $359.68* 201570 07/20/99 $117.04 ADVANCED GRAPHICS SYSTEM SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 022663 CENT SVC GENER SVC CONTR EQUI 3878 < *> $117.04* 201571 07/20/99 $27.45 Airtouch Cellular Bellev telephone 10031363 ED ADMINISTRAT TELEPHONE < *> $27.45* 201572 07/20/99 $14,286.00 Albany Ford car, taurus 10815 INSPECTIONS EQUIP REPLACEM 1886 < *> $14,286.00* 201573 07/20/99 $54.32 ALBINSON PLANS 799346 INSPECTIONS PRINTING 07/20/99 $23.00 ALBINSON PLANS 801531 INSPECTIONS PRINTING 07/20/99 $12.46 ALBINSON Blueline print reprod 807043 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 3729 07/20/99 $2.40 ALBINSON vellum reproduction 807476 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 3835 < *> $92.18* 201574 07/20/99 $195.00 ALEXANDER, PETE softball official OFFICIAT EDINA ATHLETIC CONTR SERVICES < *> $195.00* 201575 07/20/99 $34.75 ALL FIRE TEST INC FIRE PROTECTION SERVI 027197 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 3925 07/20/99 $92.26 ALL FIRE TEST INC SAFTY EQUIP 27782 ARENA ADMINIST SAFETY EQUIPME COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 2 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO -NUM ------------------_------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <*> $127.01* 201576 07/20/99 $110.40 All Saints Brands COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 00013502 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $92.00 All Saints Brands COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 00013671 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $243.20 All Saints Brands COST OF GOODS SOLD -BE 00013677 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $238.18 All Saints Brands COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 00013848 YORK SELLING. CST OF GDS BEE < *> $683.78* 201577 07/20/99 $137.39 ALTERNATOR REBUILD. parts /rebuild 29993 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR 3533 < *> $137.39* 201578 07/20/99 $89.80 AMERICAN BUILDING REFUND BLDG PERMIT 99002067 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING PERMI 2685 < *> $89.80* 201579 07/20/99 $28.79 AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTER Rope Hook, general pa 6694416- CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 3723 < *> $28.79* 201580 07/20/99 $193.00 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCI apa dues 062499 PLANNING DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $193.00* 201581 07/20/99 $15.98 Ameripride Linen & Appar towels 16319 6/ LABORATORY LAUNDRY 07/20/99 $199.86 Ameripride Linen & Appar laundry 168136/ GRILL LAUNDRY 07/20/99 $184.44 Ameripride Linen & Appar LAUNDRY 35320 6/ VERNON OCCUPAN LAUNDRY 07/20/99 $55.82 Ameripride Linen & Appar LAUNDRY 35334 6/ 50TH ST OCCUPA LAUNDRY 07/20/99 $224.94 Ameripride Linen & Appar LAUNDRY 46 6/30 CITY HALL GENE LAUNDRY 07/20/99 $70:47 Ameripride Linen & Appar LAUNDRY M430204 VERNON OCCUPAN LAUNDRY 07/20/99 .$340.32 Ameripride Linen & Appar LAUNDRY M454161 FIRE DEPT. GEN LAUNDRY < *> $1,091.83* 201582 .07/20/99 $480.00 ANOKA - HENNEPIN TECHNICAL safety course 612472 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $480.00* 201583 07/20/99 $420.00 APCO cont. education epd 070799 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 07/20/99 $60.00 APCO Continuing Ed. Nat'-1 71299 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $480.00* 201584 07/20/99 $18.68 Arch Paging PAGER FOR VINCE 8282 PARK MAINTENAN TELEPHONE 3926 < *> $18.68* 201585 07/20/99 $383.35 Architectural Consultant Stair Treads 21903 CLUB HOUSE REPAIR PARTS 3262 _ < *> $383.35* 201586 07/20/99 $35.00 ART CENTER CLAIM SHEET PROF`SERV 071399 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES 07/20/99 $100.38 ART CENTER CLAIM SHEET GALLERY GEN 071399 ART SUPPLY GIF GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $135.38* 201587 07/20/99 $60.33 ASHWORTH INC Shirts Staff 539325 GOLF ADMINISTR EQUIPMENT OPER 8306 07/20/99 $234.00 ASHWORTH INC COST OF GOODS - PRO S 540863 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8306 < *> $294.33* 201589 07/20/99 $355.38 Aspen Waste Systems PUBLIC WORKS STREET 070199 GENERAL MAINT RUBBISH REMOVA 07/20/99 $75.91 Aspen Waste Systems FIRE DEPT 070199 FIRE DEPT. GEN RUBBISH REMOVA 07/20/99 $20.44 Aspen Waste Systems FIRE STATION #2 070199 FIRE SUPPLIES RUBBISH REMOVA 07/20/99 $137.22 Aspen Waste Systems CITY HALL 070199- CITY HALL.GENE_RUBBISH REMOVA 07/20/99 $355.38 Aspen Waste Systems PUBLIC WORKS BLDG 070199 PW BUILDING RUBBISH REMOVA COUNCIL CHECK x- LISTER $17,076..75 AUDIOVISUAL INC Progress billing /equi 58372 15 -JUL -1999 (li._j) page 3 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ----------------------------=----'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201589 07/20/99 $223.23 Aspen Waste Systems RUBBISH REMOVAL. 070199 LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOVA 07/20/99 $74.76 07/20/99 $192.86. Aspen Waste Systems CORNELIA 070199 LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOVA $53.94 AUGIE'S 07/20/99 $140.08 Aspen Waste Systems VAN VALKENBURG PARK 070199 LITTER REMOVAL RUBBISH REMOVA AUGIE'S INC. 07/20/99 $41.47 Aspen,Waste Systems ART CENTER 070199 ART CENTER BLD RUBBISH..REMOVA. AUGIE'S INC. COST 07/20/99 $157.88 Aspen Waste Systems SWIMMING POOL 070199 POOL OPERATION RUBBISH.REMOVA 07/20/99 $451.19 Aspen Waste Systems BRAEMAR CLUB HOUSE 070199 CLUB HOUSE RUBBISH REMOVA 07/20/99 $262.63 Aspen Waste Systems BRAEMAR MAINT BLDG 070199 MAINT OF LOURS RUBBISH REMOVA 07/20/99 $406.64 Aspen Waste Systems ARENA 070199 ARENA BLDG /GRO RUBBISH REMOVA 07/20/99 $690.05 Aspen Waste Systems EDINBOROUGH 070199 ED BUILDING & RUBBISH REMOVA 0.7/20/99 $22.19 Aspen Waste Systems 50TH & FRANCE 070199 50TH.ST OCCUPA RUBBISH REMOVA 07/20/99 $62.08 Aspen Waste Systems YORKDALE 070193 YORK OCCUPANCY RUBBISH REMOVA 07/20/99 $63.08 Aspen Waste Systems VERNON 070199 VERNON OCCUPAN RUBBISH REMOVA 07/20/99 $41.44 Aspen Waste Systems FRED RICHARDS COURSE 070199 FRED RICHARDS RUBBISH REMOVA < *> $3,699.15* 201590 07/20/99 $14.91 ASPLUND COFFEE water cooler /rental e 023766 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL < *> $14.91* 201591 07/20/99 $84..00 AT &T.WIRELESS SERVICES phonebill 8322012 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 4502 07/20/99 $21.00 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES phonebill 8322012 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 4502 07/20/99- $42.00 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES phonebill 8322012 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI 4502 07/20/99 $31.50 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES 8322012 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 4502 07/20/99 $10.50 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES phonebill 8322012 VERNON•LIQUOR GENERAL SUP.PLI 4502 07/20/99 $10.50 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES phonebill 8322012 LIQUOR 50TH ST GENERAL SUPPLI 4502' 07/20/99 $10.50 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES phonebill 8322012 PUBLIC HEALTH. GENERAL SUPPLI 4502 07/20/99 $10.50 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES phonebill 8322012 INSPECTIONS GENERAL SUPPLI 4502 07/20/99 $10.50 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES phonebill 8322012 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 4502 07/20/99 $10.50 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES phonebill 8322012 ELECTION GENERAL SUPPLI 4502 07/20/99 $41.57 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES GENERAL SUPPLIES 8322012 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 4502 < *> $283.07* 201592 07/20/99 $182.27 AT &T Wireless cellular invest 4240743 INVESTIGATION TELEPHONE < *> $182.27* 201593 07/20/99 $10.94 AT &T telephone 061599 CENT SVC.GENER TELEPHONE. 01/20/99 $10.94 AT &T TELEPHONE 061599 CENT SVC'GENER TELEPHONE < *> $21.88* 201594 07/20/99 $6.71 AT &T TELEPHONE 061899 INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE 07/20/99 $25.91 AT &T TELEPHONE 061899 PARK MAINTENAN.TELEPHONE 07/20/.99 $0.30 AT &T TELEPHONE 061899 FIRE,DEPT. GEN TELEPHONE._ 07/20/99 $2.74 AT &T TELEPHONE 061899 ENGINEERING GE TELEPHONE ' 07/20/99 $0.61 AT &T TELEPHONE 061899 DISTRIBUTION TELEPHONE < *> $36.27* 201595 07/20/99 $17,076..75 AUDIOVISUAL INC Progress billing /equi 58372 < *> $17,076..75* 201596 07/20/99 -$3.33 AUGIE'S INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD 17586 07/20/99 $74.76 AUGIE'S INC. COGS 18578 07/20/99 $53.94 AUGIE'S INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD 18668 . 07/20/99 $65.64 AUGIE'S INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD,. 18877 07/20/99 $69.17 AUGIE'S INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD 19024 < *> $260.18* COMMUNICATIONS NEW EQUIP CONTRACT FRED RICHARDS- COST OF GD SOL 9025 FRED RICHARDS COST OF GD SOL 9025_ FRED RICHARDS .COST OF GD SOL 9025 FRED RICHARDS COST -OF GD SOL 9025 FRED RICHARDS COST OF GD SOL 9025 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 4 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=--------------------------------------- 201597 07/20/99 $123.78 AUTO MACHINE AND SUPPLY Battery 4481 -A CENTENNIAL LAX GENERAL SUPPLI 2150 < *> $123.78* 201598 07/20/99 $38.80 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE COMPA Repair shock 614199 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 3282 07/20/99 $38.80 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE COMPA REPAIR 18089 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 3545 07/20/99 $38.80 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE COMPA Labor repair, align 18089 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 3545 < *> $116.40* 201599 07/20/99 $120.00 B.C.A.. Cont. Ed S.Kuyper T007996 POLICE DEPT_ G CONF & SCHOOLS 07/20/99 $120.00 B.C.A. Cont. Ed D.Nelson T008001 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 07/20/99 $80.00 B.C.A. Cont. Ed / S. Kuyper T008023 POLICE DEPT..G CONF & SCHOOLS 07/20/99 $80.00 B.C.A. Cont. Ed. D.Nelson T008026 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $400.00* 201600 07/20/99 $599.20 BACHMANS PLANTINGS 3463206 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES 3915 07/20/99 $155.15 BACHMANS PLANTINTS 2527592 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES 3251 07/20/99 $1,283.51 BACHMANS LANDSCAPING 137881 ICE ARENA PROG CIP 3344. 07/20/99 $371.21 BACHMANS ENGINEERING JOB WAYNE 00001386 WOODDALE LN /GL CIP - 07/20/99 $530.35 BACHMANS Plants x36 138661 70 CENTENNIAL LAK TREES FLWR SHR 4172. 07/20/99 $876.84 BACHMANS BEAUTIFICATION 062099 MAINT OF -LOURS COURSE BEAUTIF 3490 < *> $3,816.26* 201601 07/20/99 $67.42 BAKER POOLS. Pool chemicals /cleane 42584 POOL TRACK GRE CLEANING SUPPL 4027 < *> $67.42* 201602 07/20/99 $100.00 BALDINGER, -WENDY PERFORMANCE 080599 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 201603 07/20/99 $42.60 BANNERS TO GO signs 10795 FIRE.DEPT. GEN:GENERAL SUPPLI 3252. < *> $42.60* 201604 07/20/99 $964.63 BARCO PRODUCTS COMPANY curb stops 06990099 PATHS & HARD S GENERAL SUPPLI 3620 < *> $964.63* 201605 07/20/99 $106.48 BATTERIES PLUS ALL PHONE BATTERIES D126093 PARK ADMIN. TELEPHONE 4021 < *> $106.48* 201606 07/20/99 $150.43 Battery Wholesale Inc Batteries x3 6801. EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3763 < *> $150.43* 201607 07/20/99 $80.00 BCA /Training & Developme cont. education T007945 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 07/20/99 $1,000.00 BCA /Training & Developme cont. education CONT.ED POLICE DEPT.. G CONF'& SCHOOLS < *> $1,080.00* 201608 07/20/99 $459.25 Becker Arena Products Repair 189 Olympia XL 15395 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 4159 07/20/99 $1,270.75 Becker Arena.Products powder paint,ice pain 00015033 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 07/20/99 $82.36 Becker Arena Products Repair Switch 15273 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 4158 07/20/99 $30.52 Becker Arena'Products Repair resurfacer . 15457 ARENA'ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 4157 < *> $1,842.88* 201609 07/20/99 $37.00 Beer System Maintenance Beer line clean 2731. GRILL SVC CONTR EQUI 9026 07/20/99 $15.00 Beer System Maintenance Beer line cleaning 2743 FRED RICHARDS SVC CONTR.EQUI 9026 < *> $52.00* 201610 01/20/99 $664.10 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 16738600 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU COUNCIL CHECK t- iISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:,o) page 5 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201610 07/20/99 $20.77 BELLBOY CORPORATION general supplies 29999100 LIQUOR 50TH ST GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $80.88 BELLBOY CORPORATION misc. 29999100 50TH ST SELLIN'CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $106:26_ BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 29999400 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $72.50 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 16738000 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $93.10 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 29908300 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $348.35 BELLBOY - CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 29949900 YORK SELLING. CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $211.53 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30053500 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $61.07 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30054000 YORK SELLING. CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $617.72 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 2015100 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $34..21 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 30088300 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX < *> $2,310:49* 201611 07/20/99 $100.00 BELLS.OF THE NORTH MORRI PERFORMANCE CL 080599 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 201613 07/20/99 $62.55 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL.SUPPLIES 6692020 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPLI 3421 07/20/99 $119.26 BERTELSON BROS. INC. Laminate rolls R251670 MEDIA LAB CRAFT SUPPLIES 3421 07/20/99 $112.84 BERTELSON BROS. INC. office supplies 6695000 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 2627 07/20/99 $71.72 BERTELSON BROS. INC. LAMP PENS MOP SHEARS 6696460 LIQUOR YORK GE OFFICE SUPPLIE 07/20/99 $20.51 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 6714250 PARK ADMIN. GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $20.92 BERTELSON BROS. INC. LABEL, LASER R245120 PLANNING GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $66.15 BERTELSON BROS. INC. office supplies 6720.850 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 3677 07/20/99 $57.45 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 6721660, CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $82.51, BERTELSON BROS. INC. file supplies 6721810. FIRE DEPT. GEN OFFICE SUPPLIE 3125 07/20/99 -$2.02 BERTELSON BROS., INC. office supplies CM657589 POLICE DEPT.-.G OFFICE SUPPLIE 2627 07/20/99 - $19.81.. BERTELSON BROS. INC. office supplies CM669500 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 2627 07,/20/99. $181.80- BERTELSON BROS. INC. Panel system display 6727160 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLIE 3565 07/20/99 $38.57 BERTELSON BROS. INC. 8 tab index, portfoli 6732830 PWKS.ADMIN GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $21.19 BERTELSON BROS. INC. post it pad yellow 3x 6732830 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $54.32 BERTELSON BROS. INC. folders /labels 6733320 FIRE DEPT. GEN OFFICE SUPPLIE 3128 07/20/99 $41:83 BERTELSON BROS. INC. office supplies 6734980 GOLF ADMINISTR OFFICE SUPPLIE 3568 07/20/99 $19.11 BERTELSON BROS. INC. comp paper 6750190 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 3677 07/20/99 $12.23 BERTELSON BROS. INC. folders 6748470 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 3895 < *> $961.13* 201614` 07/20/99 $23.90 Beryle M. Christesen Ambulance overpayment REFUND O GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $23.90* 201615 07/20/99 $33.60 Best Access Systems of.M KEYS FOR SHELTERS MN -10389 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 3646 07/20/99 $10.60 Best Access Systems of M KEYS MN104477 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $44.20* 201616 07/20/99 $42.59 BEST BUY COMPANY INC. supplies /labels 28105013 LIQUOR YORK GE OFFICE SUPPLIE 3709 07/20/99 $42.59 BEST BUY.COMPANY INC. SUPPLIES /LABELS 28105013 LIQUOR 50TH ST OFFICE SUPPLIE < *> $85.18* 201617 07/20/99 $1,474.97 Biffs Inc 4TH OF JULY PARADE W64087 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $1,474.97* 201618 07/20/99 $68.00 BIRGIT DIBARTOU PARTIAL SEASON TICKET 070899 POOL ADMIN SEASON TICKETS < *> $68.00 *• 201619 07/20/99 $1,657.35 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS commodites 78470 STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP 03144524 07/20/99 $86.86 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS asphalt' 78506 GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 3014524 .07/20/99 $1,008.74 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS Asphalt 78525 STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL- 1999.(11:35) page 6 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------------------------------------ 201619 07/20/99 $943.60 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS Asphalt 78549 GENERAL MAINT BLACKTOP 07/20/99 $824..51 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS Asphalt 78549 STREET RENOVAT BLACKTOP < *> $4',521.06* 201620 07/20/99 $58.50 BLACK, STEVE Umpire /softball UMPIRE EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $58.50* 201621 07'/20/99 $100.00 BLOOD, DAVID POLICE SERVICE 071399 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 201622 07/20/99 $6.00 BOB MCKLVEEN REFUND MINNETONKA 070999 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION .F < *> $6.00* 201623 07/20/99 $6.00 BOWLES, POLLY Refund field trip REFUND /F GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> _ .$6.00* 201624 07/20/99 $55.82 BOYER TRUCKS 864220 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3682 07/20/99 $191.14 BOYER TRUCKS _PARTS PARTS 865129 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR -PARTS 3740 < *> $246.96* . 201625 07/20/99 .$18.00 BRAD EDLEFSEN DAILY ADMISSION REFUN 070799 POOL ADMIN GEN ADMISSIONS < *> $18.00* . 201626 07/20/99 $8.52 BRAEMAR GOLF - COURSE .Printing /pc PETTY CA GOLF ADMINISTR PRINTING 07/20/99 $38.50 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE postage /pc PETTY CA GOLF ADMINISTR POSTAGE - 07/20/99 $42.86 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE office supplies /pc PETTY CA GOLF ADMINISTR - OFFICE SUPPLIE - 07/20/99 $14.89 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE office supplies /pc PETTY CA MAINT OF COURS REPAIR.PARTS 07/20/99 $48.16 BRAEMAR GOLF.COURSE supplies /pc PETTY .CA GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $7.99 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE beautification /pc PETTY CA-MAINT OF COURS COURSE BEAUTIF 07/20/99 $64.70 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE refunds /pc -PETTY CA GOLF PROG COMPUTR HANDIC . < *> $225.62 *" 201627 07/20/99 $359.50 BRAUN INTERTEC PROF.ENG SERVICES 117498 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA. < *> $359.50* 201628 07/20/99 $35,092.44 Browning Ferris Industri RECYCLING 06099050'RECYCLING Recycling Char < *> $35,092.44* 201629 07/20/99 $6,387.21 Browning Ferris Industri REFUSE 06099020 50TH STREET RU PROF SERVICES < *> $6,387:21* 201630 07/20/99 $328.08 BRYAN ROCK.PRODUCTS INC GRAVEL & AGLINE 262153 FIELD MAINTENA SAND,GRVL & RO 3673 07/20/99 $213.18 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC ROCKS 4524B STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 03144504 < * >_ $541.26* 201631 07/20/99 $480.42 BUDGET - LIGHTING REPAIR _ 151805 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 3736 07/20/99 $199.40 BUDGET LIGHTING REPAIR 152077 ARENA.BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 3879 < *> $679.82* 201632 07/20/99 .$230.04 Buell's'Landscape Center Plants x5 2965 CENTENNIAL LAK TREES FLWR SHR 07/20/99 $143.78 'Buell's- Landscape Center Spruce tree 2990 CENTENNIAL LAK TREES FLWR SHR 3735 < *> $373.82* 201633 07/20/99 $30.00 BUIE, BARBARA POSTAGE 070799 ED ADMINISTRAT POSTAGE 07/20/99 $10.64 BUIE, BARBARA OFFICE SUPPLIES 070799 ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLIE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 7 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201633 07/20/99 $31.96 BUIE, BARBARA GENERAL SUPPLIES ART 070799 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $37.27 BUIE, BARBARA GENERAL SUPPLIES GENERAL CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $19.78 BUIE, BARBARA general supplies /CL REIMBURS CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $17.34 BUIE, BARBARA supplies REIMBURS ED ADMINISTRAT OFFICE SUPPLIE < *> $146.99* 201634 07/20/99 $100.00 BUTLER, GEORGE POLICE SERVICE 071399 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 201635 07/20/99 $185.58 Camas CONCRETE FOR BENCH 1090300 PATHS & HARD S GENERAL SUPPLI 1766 07/20/99 $741.56 Camas cement 1094404 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 03144528 07/20/99 $238.29 Camas CONCRETE FOR BENCH 1094405 PATHS & HARD S GENERAL SUPPLI 1766 07/20/99 $539.32 Camas cement 1094406 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 03144528 07/20/99 $539.32 Camas cement 03144528 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 03144528 07/20/99 $235.95 Camas cement 1095068 STREET RENOVAT CONCRETE 03144528 07/20/99 $131.31 Camas REPAIR 1096045 GENERAL STORM FILL MATERIALS 09004518 07/20/99 $202.24 Camas Catch basin 1097074 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 1766 07/20/99 $183.60 Camas concession product V309521 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL < *> $2,997.17* 201636 07/20/99 $52.53 CATCO PARTS & SERVICE PARTS 303665 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 336 07/20/99 $24.40 CATCO PARTS & SERVICE PARTS 303976 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3547 07/20/99 $102.18 CATCO PARTS & SERVICE PARTS 304087 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3683 < *> $179.11* 201637 07/20/99 - $191.70 CATCO Core credit x2 3 -05014 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/20/99 $275.27 CATCO Parts, misc 3 -05216 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3754 07/20/99 $11.72 CATCO Parts /nuts 3 -05264 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 4102 < *> $95.29* 201638 07/20/99 $68.77 Chanhassen Lawn & Sports CHAIN SAW PARTS 15775 TREES & MAINTE REPAIR PARTS 3273 < *> $68.77* 201639 07/20/99 $72.00 CHRISTY ZILKA SKATING CLASS REFUND 070699 ARENA BLDG /GRO PRO SVC OTHER < *> $72.00* 201640 07/20/99 $50.00 CIATTI REFUND MANAGER'S LICE 062999 GENERAL FD PRO WINE LICENSE < *> $50.00* 201641 07/20/99 $87.95 CIT GROUP /COMMERCIAL SER COST OF GOODS - PRO S 130722 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9432 07/20/99 $1,047.30 CIT GROUP /COMMERCIAL SER COST OF GOODS - PRO S 131269 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9432 07/20/99 $43.85 CIT GROUP /COMMERCIAL SER COST OF GOODS - PRO S 131390 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9432 < *> $1,179.10* 201642 07/20/99 $403.94 CITY OF RICHFIELD LIGHT & POWER 9601624 GENERAL STORM LIGHT & POWER < *> $403.94* 201643 07/20/99 $25.56 City Wide Window Service WINDOW CLEANING 138721 YORK OCCUPANCY CONTR REPAIRS 07/20/99 $15.71 City Wide Window Service WINDOW CLEANING 138722 VERNON OCCUPAN CONTR REPAIRS 07/20/99 $15.71 City Wide Window Service WINDOW CLEANING 138723 50TH ST OCCUPA CONTR REPAIRS < *> $56.98* 201644 07/20/99 $52.00 CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP REGULATOR ACCESS 51010A FIRE DEPT. GEN HAZARD. MATERI 2173 < *> $52.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 8 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------- 201645 07/20/99 $238.14 Clark Foodservice Inc CANDY V309948 YORK OCCUPANCY CONTR REPAIRS 07/20/99 $157.12 Clark Foodservice Inc VanValk Concession V310147 VANVALKENBURG COST OF GD SOL 3630 < *> $395.26* 201646 07/20/99 $35.00 COLE, J. Refund Tennis REFUND T GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F NINA COL < *> $35.00* 201647 07/20/99 $117.88 Commercial Pool & Spa Su Pool Chemicals Chlori 98643 POOL TRACK GRE CHEMICALS 3653 < *> .$117.88* 20.1648 07/20/99 $51.17 COMPUSA INC Software / CM Smith 40107371 ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLI 3865 07/20/99 $87.32 COMPUSA INC Computer accessories 40107371 CENT SVC GENER NEW EQUIP 3865 < *> $138.49* 201649 07/20/99 $171.32 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS gloves 00948782 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL.SUPPLI 3688 07/20/99 $95.05 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS Safety glasses x22 951620 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 3688 07/20/99 $24.77 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS Medicine IB's 952290 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 3797 < *> $291.14* 201650 07/20/99 $158.42 Connolly, Robert Ambulance overpayment REFUND O GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES . < *> $158.42* 201651 07/20/99 $334.95 Construction Bulletin Ma ads for bid CB60470 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE < *> $334.95* 201652 07/20/99 $62.00 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO repair parts 036365 ART CENTER BLD REPAIR PARTS 3102 07/20/99 $248.75 CONTINENTAL CLAY CO cost of goods sold 036365 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD.SOL < *> $310.75* 201653 07/20/99 $22.78 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. BLUELINE PAPER, VELLU 0134265 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 3855 07/20/99 $292.07 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. VELLUM 0134433 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 3855 07/20/99 $51.86 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. Spec book covers, Mar 135401 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 4048 < *> $366.71* 201654 07/20/99 $293.25 Cragun's Conference Cent Lodging,D.Velde CHS C LODGING, PUBLIC HEALTH CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $293.25* 201655 07/20/99 $133.13 CRITTER CONTROL CONTRACT WOODCHUCK RE 0285582 TREES & MAINTE PROF SERVICES 3924 07/20/99 $95.85 CRITTER CONTROL CONTRACT WOODCHUCK RE 0285603 TREES & MAINTE PROF. SERVICES 3924 < *> $228.98* 201656 07/20/99 $100.00 Crosby Lake Clatterers PERFORMANCE CL 081999 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 201657 - 07/20/99 $814.56 Curtis 1000 NO SOLICITOR PLATES 25938001 -CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 1920 07/20/99 $907.35 Curtis 1000 Printing Letterhead(p 26602301 POLICE DEPT. G PRINTING 3205 < *> $1,721.91* 201658 07/20/99 $475.12 Curtis -Rand Industries I MACHINE SET UP, CANDY 151808 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 9499 < *> $475.12* 201659 07/20/99 $96.70 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO. repair parts 104071 MAINT OF LOURS REPAIR PARTS 3715 < *> $96.70* 201660 07/20/99 $107.80 D L ANDERSON & ASSOC INC paimt 067212 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 3402 COUNCIL CHECK -- LISTER 15 -JUL -1999 page 9 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < *> $107.80* 201661 07/20/99 $400.00 DAKOTA COUNTY TECH COLLE CONTINUING EDUCATION 070199 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $400.00* 201662 07/20/99 $11.00 DAN JOHNSON UPGRADE DRIVERS LICEN 02814202 TRAINING CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $11.00* 201663 07/20/99 $864.50 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN REPLACEMENT GEAR 29775401 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACEM 9100 07/20/99 $864.50 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN REPLACEMENT GEAR 297755 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP REPLACEM 9100 07/20/99 $17.31 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN SUSPENDERS 303271 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROTECT CLOTHI 1984 07/20/99 $1,346.36 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN FIRE GEAR 303363 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROTECT CLOTHI 1366 07/20/99 $53.00 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN HELMET REPAIR 303996 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 3112 07/20/99 $69.23 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMEN FOAM 304013 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 3122 < *> $3,214.90* 201664 07/20/99 $248.75 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT GAS DETECTOR REPAIRS M227550 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 3126 < *> $248.75* 201665 07/20/99 $100.00 Davis, Brently Michel PERFORMANCE CL 081099 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 201666 07/20/99 $904.25 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 65158 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $682.65 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 63850 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $2,836.70 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 64013 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $108.60 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 64015 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $1,624.60 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 64469 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $891.85 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 64651 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $23.95 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 64652 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $38.40 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 64653 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $4,302.05 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 64654 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $876.00 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 65152 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $3,212.80 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 65175 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $15,501.85* 201667 07/20/99 $95.00 DEBORAH TRAUN REFUND TENNIS 070699 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $95.00* 201668 07/20/99 $46.53 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD 18936 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9029 07/20/99 $69.53 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD 18967 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9029 07/20/99 $149.61 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD STMT GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9029 07/20/99 $72.78 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD 19174 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9029 07/20/99 $51.93 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD 19175 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9029 07/20/99 $120.14 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD 19232 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9029 07/20/99 $49.83 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD 19233 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9029 07/20/99 $26.88 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD 19269 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9029 07/20/99 $16.08 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD 19475 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9029 07/20/99 $18.42 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD 19540 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9029 07/20/99 $60.36 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD 19550 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9029 07/20/99 $26.00 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD 19551 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9029 < *> $708.09* 201669 07/20/99 $660.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAF Teletype P07 -MN02 POLICE DEPT. G TELETYPE SERVI < *> $660.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 10 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------- 201670 07/20/99 $375.00 Determan Brownie Inc FUEL OIL 194797 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 2819 < *> $375.00* 201671 07/20/99 $105.38 DIAMOND ART & CRAFT DIST COST OF GOODS SOLD 18336.9 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF.GD SOL 3635 < *> $105.38* 201672 07/20/99 $108.18 Direct Safety Company flashlights 14116910 GENERAL MAINT SAFETY EQUIPME 2308 < *> $108.18* 201673 07/20/99 $339.13 Discount School Supply playground crafts D0041013 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL.SUPPLI 3084 < *> $339.13* 201674 07/20/99 $55.00 DMX DMX MUSIC 013224 LIQUOR 50TH ST DUES & SUBSCRI 07/20/99 $110.00 DMX JUNE /MUSIC VERNON 013225 VERNON OCCUPAN CONTR REPAIRS 07/20/99 $55.00 DMX DMX MUSIC 013227 LIQUOR 50TH ST DUES & SUBSCRI. < *> $220.00* 201615 07/20/99- $123.30 DOMINO'S PIZZA PLAYGROUND FIELD TRIP 062599 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 3780 < *> $123.30* 201676 07/20/99 $5,200.00 DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP LEGAL 702670 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES < *> $5,200.00* 201677 07/20/99 $4,556.76 DPC INDUSTRIES Water Chemicals 1322739 WATER TREATMEN WATER TRTMT SU 1703 < *> $4,556.76* 201678 07/20/99 $215.85 Draper Foods-Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD 941367 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9047 07/20/99 $167..25 Draper Foods Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD 942544 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9047 < *> $383.10* 201679 07/20/99 $150.27 DRUMMOND AM CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 8299694 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 3746 < *> $150.27* 201680 07/20/99 $9,400.00 E J MAYERS STORM SEWER 062099 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 7712 < *> $9,400.00* 201681 07/20/99 $2,850.00 E J MAYERS ADDL STORM SEWER WORK 09004504 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 3779 < *> $2,850.00* 201682 07/20/99 $17.08 E- Z- GO•.TEXTRON repair parts. 0301753 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 3718 07/20/99 $134.38 E -Z -GO TEXTRON CUST PARTS 0304219 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 3721 07/20/99 $197.94 E -Z -GO TEXTRON CUST PARTS 0305573 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 3721 < *> $349.40* 201683 07/20/99 $1,040.00 E. H. RENNER & SONS REMOVE PUMP 4055 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 1554 < *> $1,040.00* 201684 07/20/99 $4,428.00 E.H. RENNER & SONS WELL REPAIR 4051 PUMP & LIFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 1557 < *> $4,428.00* 201685 07/20/99 $1,235.51 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 73415 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $687.87 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 73420 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,316.83 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 76559 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,192.77 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI '76561 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $753.92 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 76560 .50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE COUNCIL CHECK ih.- SISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:x.,) page 11 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -------------------------------------------------------------------;----------------------------------------------------------------- < *> $5,186.90 *. 201686 07/20/99 $58.43 EARL F. ANDERSON MISC HARDWARE 17994 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 3674 • < *> $58.43* 201688 07/20/99 $17.60 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 492,098 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $1,094.60 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 485573 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $21.20 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 485574 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $17.60 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 485575, 50TH.ST.SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX . 07/20/99 $2,740.66 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD'BE 485576 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99' $506.10 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 486766 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $1,165.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 484318" 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $17.60 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST.OF GOODS SOLD MI 486642 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $3,044.20 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 488641 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 ,$9.05 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 488643 50TH ST SELLIN.CST OF GDS MIX, 07/20/99 $8,651.'85 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 488651 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $26.25 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 488652. YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $42.40" EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST -OF GOODS SOLD BE 489198 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $3,858.30 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 489200 VERNON SELLING'CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $992.00 EAST SIDE.BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 489847 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $1,294:05 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST.OF GOODS SOLD BE 492099 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $3,519.15 EAST SIDE.BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 492095 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE. 07/20/99 $3,223.50 EAST'SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 492345 VERNON SELLING CST.OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $18.10 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 492346 VERNON SELLING CST.OF GDS BEE. 07/20/99 $409.40 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 492352 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $1,730.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 492353 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> - $32,398.61 *. 201689 07/20/99 $102.67 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION SPARY FOR BUGS 6140291 POOL TRACK GRE SVC -CONTR EQUI CONTRACT < *> $102.67*- 201690 07/20/99 $223.96 EILEEN JUMER AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 070999 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $223.96* 201691 07/20/99 $2,350.00 Eklund Tree Recycling BRUSH DISPOSAL 670199 TREES & MAINTE RUBBISH REMOVA < *> $2,350.00* 201692 07/20/99 $385.00 ELECTRIC SERVICE CO INSTALLED STREET LIGH 115437 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 3610 07/20/99 $662.50 ELECTRIC SERVICE CO INSTALLED & REMOVED S 115436 CIVIL DEFENSE GENERAL SUPPLI 3609 < *> $1,047.50* 201693 07/20/99 $154.00 Elite Video MED STUDIO EQUIPMENT 79596, MEDIA LAB EQUIP REPLACEM 3782 $154.00* 20169,4 07/20/99 $231.87 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAIN repair. 061699, EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 3.301 < *> $231.87* 2016.95 07/20/99 $1,710.55 "EQUIPMENT SUPPLY INC CONTRACTED REPAIR 184679 POOL OPERATION CONTR REPAIRS - 07/20/99 $336.48 EQUIPMENT SUPPLY INC CONTRACTED REPAIR 184737 POOL OPERATION CONTR REPAIRS < *> '$2,047.03* 201696 07/20/99 $997.98 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES BB3984 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 3580 07/20/99 $466.47 ESS "BROTHERS & SONS INC. STORM GRATES BB4027 GENERAL STORM CASTINGS' 3534 < *> $1,464.45* . COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page•12 CHECK NO DATE .CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM. OBJECT PO NUM ------------ 201697 -------------- 07/20/99 - ---------------- $316.07 EULL - S MANUFACTURING CO CATCH BASIN SUPPLIES 17644 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 3808 < *> $316.07* 201698 07/20/99 $2,512.00 Expert T Billing JUNE AMB BILLS 070699 FIRE.DEPT: GEN PROF SERVICES < *> $2,572.00* 201699 07/_20/99 $45.00 FINE, AGNES visual arts program 071999 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVQ OTHER < *> $45.00* ..201700 07/20/99 $41,880.26 Firstar Bank Minnesota FIRE STATION 9001 FIRE DEBT SVC INTEREST BONDS < *> $41,880.26* 201701 07/20/99 $176.40 FLANAGAN SALES GARBAGE CAN PARTS 8550 LITTER REMOVAL GENERAL SUPPLI 3921 < * >. $176.40 *. 201702 07/20/99 $697.95 FLEXIBLE PIPE.TOOL COMPA GUIDE HOSE 5241 SEWER CLEANING REPAIR PARTS 3809 < *> $697.95* 20.1703 07/20/99 $32.49 FLOYD TOTAL SECURITY SECURITY 573910. CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS 3796 07/2.0/99 $70.00 FLOYD TOTAL SECURITY SECURITY 23539 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 3834 < *> $102.49* 201704 07/20/99 $91.43 FOOTJOY COST OF GOODS - PRO S 3223972 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6333 < *> $91.43* 201705 07/20/99 -$400.40 FRAME, SUSAN COST OF GOODS.SOLD 070699 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 3936 < *> $400.40* 201706 07/20/99 $60.57 FREEWAY RADIATOR SERVICE HEATER CORD 24577 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 1733. 07/20/99 $296.07 FREEWAY RADIATOR SERVICE.RADIATOR 24592 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 1746 07/20/99 $989.39 FREEWAY RADIATOR SERVICE repair, .25025 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 3517 < *> $1,346.03* 201707 07/20/99 $119.66 Freund, Jeff MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 063099 ED ADMINISTRAT MILEAGE < *> $119.66* 201708 07/20./99 $954.01 FUN SERVICES FAMILY JAMBOREE 7115 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $954.01* 201709 07/20/99 $39.91 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 0148254 ;ARENA BLDG /GRO LAUNDRY 07/20/99 $41.56 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 0148254 CITY HALL GENE LAUNDRY 07/20/99 $45:.60 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 0148254 -_STREET REVOLVI LAUNDRY 07/20/99 $175.62 G & K SERVICES CLEANING SUPPLIES 0148254 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL. 07/20/99 $109.12 -G & K SERVICES SOD & BLACK DIRT 0148254 PUMP & LIFT ST SOD & DIRT 07/20/99 $309.70 G -& K'SERVICES LAUNDRY 0148254• EQUIPMENT OPER LAUNDRY 07/20/99 $578.48 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 0148254- GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 07/20/99 $219.68 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 0148254 BUILDING MAINT LAUNDRY < *> $1,519.67* 201710 07/20/99 $280.46 G.E. Capital DATA PROCESSING 90427024 POLICE DEPT. G DATA PROCESSIN 3219 07/20/99 $1,659.16 G.E. Capital EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 90440681 PLANNING EQUIP REPLACEM 3864 07/20/99 $274.95 G.E. Capital EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 90440681 INSPECTIONS EQUIP REPLACEM 3864 07/20/99 $418.91 G.E. Capital EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 90440681 ADMINISTRATION EQUIP REPLACEM 3864 < *> $2,633.48* COUNCIL CHECK i— GISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:. -page 13 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM --------- OBJECT_ --- _- PO_NUM 201711 07/20/99 $296.1-3 Gartner Refrigeration & REPAIR 135525 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR-REPAIRS 3.622 < *> $296.13* 201712 07/20/99 $1,606.75 GENERAL SPORTS STAFF CLOTHING 52663 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI'3258 07/20/99 $22.47 GENERAL SPORTS P GROUND EQUIPMENT 52852 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 3863 < *> $1,629.22* 201713 07/20/99 $56.25 Georgantones; Despie SKATING INSTRUCTOR 070899 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES < *> $.56.25* 201714 07/20/99 $511.20 Geraldine Christensen Ambulance Overpayment REFUND O GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $511.20* 201715 07/20/99 $58.50 GIBBONS, MIKE SOFTBALL OFFICIAL 070999 EDINA ATHLETIC CONTR SERVICES < *> $58.50* 201716 07/20/99 $33.59 GIBBS, PEGGY• GOING AWAY L DALEN 070999 FINANCE MEETING EXPENS < *> $33.59* 201717 07/20/99 $180.00 GILL, LINDA S. sl. interpreter 0054 ADAPTIVE RECRE PROF SERVICES'. < *> $180.00* 201718 07/20/99 $135.83 Glenwood Water JUNE WATER 6091800 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI` < *> $135.83* 201719 07/20/99 $145.00 GOLFCRAFT COST OF GOODS - PRO S 12299 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9448 . . 07/.2.0/99 $290.00 "GOLFCRAFT COST OF GOODS - PRO S 12332 PRO,SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9448 07/20/99 $435.00 GOLFCRAFT COST OF GOODS - PRO S 12336 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9448 < *> $870.00* 201720 07/20/99 $261.07 GOODIN CO. PIPE 13256410 PUMP & LI_FT ST REPAIR PARTS 3807 < *> $261.07* 201721 07/20/99 $153.90 GRAINGER supplies 49822067 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 3252 07/20/99 $42.118 GRAINGER supplies 49822067 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 3252 07/20/99 $18.98 GRA.INGER REPAIR PARTS 49883385 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS . 3722 07/20/99 $6.26 GRAINGER BELTS 49893197 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 3651 07/20/99 $10:95 GRAINGER PHOTO CONTROL 49893197 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 3651 07/20/99 $236.28 GRAINGER PARTS SCREWDRIVER 97301119 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 3819 07/20/99 $119.28 GRAINGER - SCREWDRIVER KIT 93702456 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 2823 07/20/99 $283.17 GRAINGER GLOVES TOOLBOX 49517413 STREET. NAME SI- GENERAL SUPPLI 3403 07/20/99 $911.73 GRAINGER VENTILATOR 49523552 BUILDINGS REPAIR PARTS 3803 07/20/99 $38.84 GRAINGER WALL SHUTTER 49526928 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 3806 07/20/99 $86.39 GRAINGER CHECK VALVE 49529032 WATER TREATMEN REPAIR PARTS 3816 07/20/99 $28.93 GRAINGER BIRDSCREEN 93731346 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 3806 < *> $1,936.89* 201722 07/20/99 $227.00 Grand Pere Wines Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 00006123 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $640.00 Grand Pere Wines Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 00006164 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $867.00* 201723 07/20/99 $81.00 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 25437 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $545.00 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 25438 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $626.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 14 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201724 07/20/99 $26.76 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10450039 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 3881 07/20/99 $7.93 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. PVC 10450083 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 3881 07/20/99 $16.90 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. PARTS 50096704 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 3897 < *> $51.59* 201725 07/20/99 $130.00 GREENWAY IRRIGATION INC IRRIGATION REPAIR 7566 FIELD MAINTENA CONTR REPAIRS 3928 < *> $130.00* 201729 07/20/99 $1,135.30 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70069 YORK SELLING- CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $5,664.87 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 70070 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $321.12 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 70071 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $1,803.26 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70072 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $77.60 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST. OF GOODS SOLD MI 70073 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $2,547.13 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 70065 50TH. ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $453.58 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 70066 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $995.79 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70067 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $418.49 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70068 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $210.06 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70990 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $133.80 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 110843 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 - $48.00 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 110946 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $826.25 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST. OF GOODS SOLD LI 110947 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 - $477.90 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 111289 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99. - $33.75 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 111290 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $17.'13 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 111757 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 -$ 61.20 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 112154 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD "WINE 07/20/99 - $121.46 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 112334 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 - $18.29 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 112392 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU .07/20/99 $375.00 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 71850 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $76.50 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 71851 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/-99 $169.81 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 71852 YORK-SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 - $11.91 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 111908 YORK SELLING CST OF GD.WINE 07/20/99 - $116.64 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 112812 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU " 07/20/99 - $341.40 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 112843 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $76.50 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 73416 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $468.00 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 73417 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $6,286.99 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 73418 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $2,148.51 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 73423 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $3,590.27 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 73424 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $153.00 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 73425 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $310.20 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 73426 YORK SELLING CST-OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $505.21 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 73427 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $363.61 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 73428 YORK;SELLING CST OF.GDS MIX 07/20/99 $4,006.75 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 73429 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $50.08 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 74447 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 - $96.03. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 112730 .50TH ST SELLIN -CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $116.64 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 112814 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $82.50 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF .GOODS SOLD MI 74448 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $128.00 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 75370 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $96.00 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 75371 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $3,344.20 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 76107 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $48.60 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 76109 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $789.22 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 76109 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $4,064.97 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 76112 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $103.80 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 76114 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX .07/20/99 - $93.67 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 113055 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU COUNCIL CHECK ..:�GISTER 15 -JUL -199.9 (11:..5) page 15 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE. PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------ 201729 07/20/99 $140.51 GRIGGS COOPER & CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 77964 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $38,491.36* 201730 07/20/99 $103.50 Groth Music SHEETMUSIC 187034 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2730 07/20/99 .$19.35 Groth Music SHEETMUSIC 187541 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI,2730 07/20/99 $22.50 Groth Music SHEETMUSIC 191031 CENTENNIAL LAX GENERAL SUPPLI 2730 < *> $145.35* 201731 07/20/99 $4,725.00 Hage Concrete Works CONCRETE WORK STMT MAINT. OF COURS SHARED MAINT 2738 < *> $4,725.00* 201732 07/20/99 $40.00 HALL, MARILYN art program 072299 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $40.00* 201733 07/20/99 $198.53 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY parts 21172 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS 1760 07/20/99 $198.53 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY GREASE 19802 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS 1760 < *> $397.06* 201734 07/20/99 $16..89 HALLOCK COMPANY INC SWITCHES 6993638 SEWER TREATMEN REPAIR PARTS 36.76 07/.20/99 $37.27 HALLOCK COMPANY INC TIMER 6993644 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 3663 < *> $54.16* 201735 07/20/99 $384.73 HARMON AUTOGLASS pats /repair 061499 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 3518 < *> $384.73* 201736 07/20/99 $869.98' HARMON FULL SERVICE GROU SPRAY PAINT SPRAY CAN 24008848 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 2849 07/20/99 - $537.00 HARMON. -FULL SERVICE GROU CREDIT FOR 2 CASES 88481 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 2849 < *> $332.98* 201737 07/20/99 $1,656.72 HARMON GLASS & GLAZE WINDOW REPLACEMENT 24008904 BUILDING MAINT CONTR REPAIRS < *> $1,656.72* 201738 07/20/99 $295.41 HAROLD LILJENQUIST T- SHIRTS FOR PARADE V 062999 SPECIAL`.ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $295.41* 201739 07/20/99 $149.76 Hawkins Chemicals CHLORINE 187209 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS 07/20/99 $149.76 Hawkins Chemicals CHEMICALS 188317 POOL OPERATION CHEMICALS < *> $299.52* 201740 07/20/99 $98.50 HEALTH PARTNERS AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 070999 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $98.50* 201741 07/20/99 $30.00 HEIDENREITER, LORNA PARTIAL SEASON TICKET 053099 POOL ADMIN SEASON TICKETS < *> $30.00* 201742 07/20/99 $134.10 HEIMARK FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD 13647 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9032 07/20/99 $134.10 HEIMARK FOODS COST OF GOODS SOLD 013659 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9032 < *> $268.20* .201743 07/20/99 $15.50 Hennepin County Sheriff' EQUIPMT MAINTENANCE ST34010 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT < *> $15.50* 201744 07/20/99 $4,692.50 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURE ROOM AND BOARD 002255 LEGAL SERVICES BRD & RM PRISO < *> $4,692.50* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 16 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -------------------------------------------------------- 201745 07/20/99 $106.50 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEWLETT - PACKARD BATTERY /DEFIB 012522 GOLF ADMINISTR SAFETY EQUIPME 3571 < *> $106.50* 201746 07/20/99 $15.00 HILLYER, CINDY PARTIAL SEASON TICKET 070299 POOL ADMIN SEASON TICKETS < *> $15.00* 201747 07/20/99 $1,386.67 Ho, Jeffery D MEDICAL DIRECTOR SERV 071399 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES < *> $1,386.67* 201748 07/20/99 $125.88 Hoel, Judy SKATING.PRO 070899 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES < *> $125.88* 201749 07/20/99 $945.00 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP 20/20 VISION 070899 ADMINISTRATION Pro Svc- Aud /Vi < *> $945.00* 201750 07/20/99 $55.55 Home Juice COST OF GOODS SOLD. MI 37939 VERNON SELLING.CST OF GDS MIX < *> $55.55* 201751 07/20/99 $417.00 HOPKINS COMMUNITY EDUCAT TRAINING 1592 CENT SVC GENER CONF & SCHOOLS 4166 07/20/99 $218.00 HOPKINS COMMUNITY EDUCAT TRAINING 1593 CENT SVC GENER CONF & SCHOOLS 4165 07/20/99 $218.00 HOPKINS COMMUNITY EDUCAT TRAINING 1596 CENT SVC GENER CONF & SCHOOLS 4167 < *> $853.00 *_ 201752 07/20/99 $126.21 HOULE, WAYNE D. MILEAGE FOR MAY & JUN 071299 ENGINEERING -GE MILEAGE < *> $126.21* 201753 07/20/99 $225.00 Houston, Chris SKATING INSTRUCTOR 070899 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES < *> $225.00* 201754 07/20/99 $69.44 Hoyt, John mileage reimbursement 062999 GOLF ADMINISTR MILEAGE < *> $69.44* 201755 07/20/99 $56.56 HUEBSCH TOWELS 816938 POOL -TRACK GRE SVC CONTR EQUI CONTRACT. 07/2'0/99 $.9.03 HUEBSCH TOWELS 821491 POOL TRACK GRE SVC CONTR EQUI SERV CON < *> $65.59* 201756 07/20/99 $35.00 HUGH MEEKER CURB CUT. PERMIT REFUN 063099 GENERAL FD PRO Engineering fe < *> $35.00* 201757 07/20/99 $40.00 HUMPHREY,,CAROLE art program 050599 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $40.00* 201758 07/20/99 $99.80 HVASS, WEISMAN & KING JOB CANCELLED 99001611 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING PERMI- < *> $99.80* 201759 07/20/99 $1,513.47 HYDRO SUPPLY CO WATER METER 14899 UTILITY PROG INVENTORY WATE 3671 < *> $1,513.47* .201760 07/20/99 $3.81 INDELCO PLASTIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 184181 BUILDING MAINT REPAIR PARTS 3815 < *> $3.81* 201761 07120/99 $97.58 Interlight REPAIR PARTS 4923260 MEDIA LAB REPAIR PARTS 3630 < *> $97.58* 201762 07/20/99 $195.00 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ICBO DUES 99430753 INSPECTIONS DUES & SUBSCRI COUNCIL CHECK nLuISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11: --) page 17 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <*> $195.00* 201763 07/20/99 $13,853.52 INTERSTATE DETROIT DIESE GENERATOR 29271 UTILITY PROG MACH. & EQUIP 7684 < *> $13,853.52* 201764 07/20/99 $69.22 IOS Capital EQUIPMENT RENTAL 44272055 ART CENTER ADM EQUIP RENTAL < *> $69.22* 201765 07/20/99 $307.35 J.H. LARSON COMPANY TAPE, LINERLESS 41260010 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 3672 07/20/99 $290.72 J.H. LARSON COMPANY ELECTRIC COMPONENTS 4126627 LIFT STATION M REPAIR PARTS 3701 < *> $598.07* 201766 07/20/99 $100.00 JAMES, WILLIAM F POLICE SERVICE 071399 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 201767 07/20/99 $13.83 JASON PETERSON GENERAL SUPPLIES 070999 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $13.83* 201768 07/20/99 $400.00 JEFF ELLIS & ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL SERV 991699 POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES < *> $400.00* 201769 07/20/99 $198.13 JERRY'S FOODS fire 070199 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $181.99 JERRY'S FOODS golf 070199 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 07/20/99 $94.96 JERRY'S FOODS art cntr 070199 ART SUPPLY GIF GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $165.88 JERRY'S FOODS art cntr 070199 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $222.58 JERRY'S FOODS art cntr 070199 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $67.24 JERRY'S FOODS PARK & REC 070199 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $124.64 JERRY'S FOODS PARK & REC 070199 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $3.79 JERRY'S FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 070199 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $1,059.21* 201773 07/20/99 $17.57 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $184.48 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $408.92 JERRY'S HARDWARE TOOLS 252162 5 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 07/20/99 $94.86 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $70.02 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $37.61 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $29.93 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $168.78. JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 YORK FIRE STAT GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $91.96 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $92.00 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $107.40 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $16.18 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 PARK MAINTENAN GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $514.57 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $54.52 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $25.70 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 RICHARDS MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $55.65 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $23.79 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 ARENA ICE MAIN GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $53.20 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $336.91 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $212.95 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $235.68 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $10.13 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 5 VERNON OCCUPAN GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $910.58 JERRY'S HARDWARE ROTARY MOWERS PO3713 MAINT OF LOURS GENERAL SUPPLI 3713 07/20/99 $25.15 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER - $59.20 JIM HATCH SALES COST OF 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 18 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT 93507 VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM --- - - - - -- -------------------- 201773 07/20/99 ---------=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $360.53 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $24.39 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $133.04 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $84.13 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $64.75 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 GRANDVIEW REVO GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $40.04 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $407.22 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 YORK FIRE STAT GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $291.92 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $3.37 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 -6 PUBLIC HEALTH GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $29.49 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 CITY HALL GENE_ GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $182.63 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $76.93 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $4.41 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 SENIOR CITIZEN GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $31.09 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 PARK MAINTENAN GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $577.99 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI „ 07/20/99 $69.31 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $179.61 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 RICHARDS MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $62.33 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $190.66 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 ARENA ICE MAIN GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $368.90 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 ED BUILDING & GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $162.23 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $20.70 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 50TH ST OCCUPA,GENERAL LIQUOR SUPPLI 07/20/99 $25.01 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES 252162 6 VERNON OCCUPAN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $7,169.22* 201774 07/20/99 - $59.20 JIM HATCH SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 93507 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $71.10 JIM HATCH SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 93508 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99. $175.91 JIM HATCH SALES SHOVEL BRUSH 9597 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 3405 < *> $45.61* 201780 07/20/99 - $10.67 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 93201 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 - $22.22 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 93202 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $4,398.45 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 508516 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $6,305.81 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF'GOODS SOLD LI 992215 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $450.65 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 992216 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,433.75 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 992220 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $3,227.48 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 992221 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $174.25 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 91929 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $17.14 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 92076 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 -$2.74 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 92077 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $227.30 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 92448 YORK SELLING CST OF GD.LIQU 07/20/99 - $10.32 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 92764 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 -$1.54 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 92765 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $53.63 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 92953 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 - $274.30 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 92954 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 -$8.22 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR. COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 93012 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 -$7.85 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 93064 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $50.88 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 992213 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS_MIX 07/20/99 $118.50 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 992214 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,748.55 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 992219 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $1,243.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 93509 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 - $102.65 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 93511 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 - $28.65 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 93510 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $75.15 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 93506 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 - $157.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 93592 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11. 6) page 19- CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT - VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201780 07/20/99 $2,103.18 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 992212 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $974.95 JOHNSON BROTHERS-LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 993101 YORK SELLING CST-OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $27.9.72 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 995244 VERNON SELLING.CST OF GD LIQU. 07/20/99 $1,177.25 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS`,SOLD WI 995245 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $446.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST.OF GOODS SOLD LI 995247 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $3,287.78 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 995248 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $262.95 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 995249 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $388.30 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 995253 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $7,779.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 995254 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $332.15 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 995255 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $9,503.82 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 995260 YORK SELLING, CST OF GD LIQU . 07/20/99 $4,703.10 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST.OF GOODS SOLD WI 995261 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,667.30 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 995262 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $.115.65 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 93978, 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 - $22.24 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 93979 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 - $290.93 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 93981 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 - $31.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 93982 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 -$6.66 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 94187 VERNON'SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 -$2.74 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 94188 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $33.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 94813 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $45.64 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS.SOLD LI 94814 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $175.30 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 995246 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $99.05 JOHNSON.BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 995250 50TH•ST.SELLIN CST.OF-GD LIQU 07/20/99 $806.45 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 995251 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,986.45 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 995256 .50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $47.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 995257 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $22.24 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 995258' 50TH ST'SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $1,612.05 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 995259 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $2,391.05 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 997394 50TH ST.SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $77.90 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 997395 50TH ST. SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $28.64 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 997396 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $722.85 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 997400 50TH ST;SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $4,947.57 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 997402 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $1,910.72 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 997403 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $268.30 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 93960 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $5,646.03 JOHNSON BROTHERS-LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 997397 YORK SELLING. CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $77.90 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 997398 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $1,298.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 997401 YORK SELLING CST OF GD_WINE < *> $69,254.53* 201781 07/20/99 $9.00 JOHNSON,. NAOMI OFFICE SUPPLIES 071399 ART CENTER -ADM OFFICE SUPPLIE 07/20/99 $93.27 JOHNSON, NAOMI CRAFT SUPPLIES 071399 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 07/20/99 $89.31 JOHNSON, NAOMI MAINT GEN SUPP 071399 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $31.15 JOHNSON,-NAOMI MEDIA GEN SUPP 071399 MEDIA LAB GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $23.80 JOHNSON, NAOMI GEN SUPP 071399 ART CENTER ADM GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $28.60 JOHNSON, NAOMI PRINTING 071399 ART CENTER ADM PRINTING < *> $275.13* 201782 07/20/99 $100.00 JOHNSON, WALTER POLICE SERVICE 071399 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 201783 07/20/99 $169.25 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY OF GOLD THERMOSTAT 150530 BUILDINGS REPAIR PARTS 3460 < *> $169.25* 201784 07/20/99 $84.99 JOHNSTONS SALES & SERVIC VAC BAGS P372188 GRILL CLEANING SUPPL 3408 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 20 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=----------------------- 201784 07/20/99 $479.25 JOHNSTONS SALES & SERVIC VACUUM 060899 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 3408 07/20/99 $109.67 JOHNSTONS SALES & SERVIC VAC PARTS P372552 GRILL CLEANING SUPPL 3408 < *> $673.91* 201785- 07/20/99 $91.20 JORDAN BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 60041 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $91.20* 201786 07/20/99 $3.00 JOY ERNST REFUND MINNETONKA 070666 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $3.00* 201787 07/20/99 $50.00 JULIE CHURCHILL CLASS REFUND 063099 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F < *> $50.00* 201788 07/20/99 $12.00 JULIE EIDE REFUND PLAYGROUND 070699 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $12.00* 201789 07/20/99 $28.85 JUSTUS LUMBER NAILS 1761 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 3727 < *> $28.85* 201790 07/20/99 $140.60 KAR PRODUCTS FASTENERS 433231 MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI 3498 < *> $140.60* 201791 - 07/20/99 $174.26 Kath Fuel Oil Service parts /repair 17617 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS 3482 < *> $174.26* 201792 07/20/99 $35.00 KATHY WAGAR REFUND TENNIS 071299 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $35.00* 201793 07/20/99 $72.00 KAY CONTERATO SKATING CLASS REFUND 070699 ARENA"BLDG /GRO PRO SVC OTHER < *> - $72.00* 201794 07/20/99 $110.00 K_IFFMEYER, WALLY SOFTBALL OFFICIAL 070999 EDINA ATHLETIC CONTR SERVICES < *> $110.00* 201795 07/20/99 - $102.60 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 063099. 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $949.60 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 111623 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $57.75 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 111624 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $842.30 Kiwi.Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 111625 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $2,116.60 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 111628 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $797.35 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF -GOODS SOLD WI 111953 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $154.00 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 111954 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $421.60 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 111952 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE .07/20/99 $956.00 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 111962 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $115.50 Kiwi. Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 111963 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $6,308.10* 201797 07/20/99 $32.39 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT LUMBER & MISC 02173820 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 3476 07/20/99 - $257.97 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT STAPLER /PLANNER KIT 02173820 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS 3474 07/20/99 $256.11 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT TIMBER GREEN 02173821 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 3520 07/20/99 $40.28 KNOX COMMERCIAL.CREDIT BLDG MATERIALS 02173823 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 3584 07/20/99 $34.37 KNOX COMMERCIAL,CREDIT TOOLLBAG & ORG BOX 02173823 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 3585 07/20/99 $31.31 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT BLDG MATERIALS 02173824 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 3584 07/20/99 $115.45• KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT BLDG MATERIALS 02173824 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 3584 07/20/99 - $57.81 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT RETURNED ITEMS 02173825 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 3584 07/20/99 $27.86 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT LATTICE PANEL 02173835 BUILDING MAINT LUMBER 3675 COUNCIL CHECK -- GISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11: -j) page 21 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201797 07/20/99 $26.78 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT PARTS TOOLS 02173836 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 3689 07/20/99 $357.12 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT PARTS 02173837 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 3692 07/20/99 $37.13 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT FELT 02173841 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 3699 07/20/99 $61.01 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT BUILDING MATERIALS 02173845 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 3817 07/20/99 $44.10 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT TOOLS & LUMBER 02173847 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 3827 07/20/99 $53.34 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT MISC HARDWARE 02173849 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 3886 < *> $1,317.41* 201798 07/20/99 $7,428.56 KOCH MATERIALS CO CRS -2 353249 STREET RENOVAT ROAD OIL 1702 < *> $7,428.56* 201799 07/20/99 $301.93 KREMER SPRING & ALIGNMEN PARTS /REPAIR 088418 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2215 07/20/99 $318.97 KREMER SPRING & ALIGNMEN PATS /REPAIR 089874 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3739 07/20/99 $527.18 KREMER SPRING & ALIGNMEN SPRINGS 090065 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 3756 07/20/99 $85.78 KREMER SPRING & ALIGNMEN PARTS 090092 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3762 < *> $1,233.86* 201800 07/20/99 $1,858.80 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 242668 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $43.35 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 242707 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $1,506.80 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 242108 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $28.90 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 242109 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $2,782.30 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 242286 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $28.90 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 242287 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $4,717.15 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 242760 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 1 $28.90 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 242833 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $1,098.40 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 243236 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $87.00 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 243237 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $1,316.55 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 243335 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $176.90 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 243336 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $13,673.95* 201801 07/20/99 $102.60 KUNDE CO INC OAKWILT ACTIVITY REPO 5657 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES CONTRACT < *> $102.60* 201802 07/20/99 $101.49 KUYPER, SCOTT CONTINUING EDUCATION 070199 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $101.49* 201803 07/20/99 $1,841.00 LAGUNA CLAY CO CLAY 88021 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 2999 < *> $1,841.00* 201804 07/20/99 $322.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC. POND TREATMENT 6483 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 3929 07/20/99 $490.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC POND TREATMENT 6874 PONDS & LAKES PROF SERVICES 3923 07/20/99 $4,423.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC 1ST HARVESTING PROGRA 6915 AQUATIC WEEDS PROF SERVICES 07/20/99 $187.00 LAKE RESTORATION INC POND TREATMENT 6915 AQUATIC WEEDS PROF SERVICES 4078 < *> $5,422.00* 201805 07/20/99 $34.96 Lathrop Paint Supply Com PAINT 744191 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 3798 < *> $34.96* 201806 07/20/99 $35.00 LAURA PECK REFUND TENNIS 070699 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $35.00* 201807 07/20/99 $100.00 LAWLER, ROYA SEASON TICKET REFUND 063099 POOL ADMIN SEASON TICKETS < *> $100.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 22 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -------------- 201808 -------------------------=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07/20/99 $441. -73 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC.- PARTS 1110179 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 3824 07/20/99 $376:.07. LAWSON.PRODUCTS INC. SUPPLIES 1110180 FIELD MAINTENA GENERAL SUP.PLI 3801 07/20/99 $157.40 _BALLFIELD 'LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. NUTS BOLTS ELECT 1111054 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 3823 < *> $975:20* 201809 07/20/99 $47.58 LEEF BROS. INC. office furnishings 227440 6 ART CENTER BLD LAUNDRY 07/20/99 $32.76 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 228332 MAINT OF COURS LAUNDRY 3908 < *> $.80:34* 201810 07/20/99 $35.00 Leigh.Myers. Refund Tennis REFUND T GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F JAMIE MY < *> $35.00* 201811 07120/99 _$13.75 Lifeguard Store, The SAFETY EQUIPMENT .875099. POOL ADMIN SAFETY EQUIPME < *> .$13.75 *... 201812 07/20/99 _$257.20 LIGHT CYCLE INC LIGHT BULBS 1161 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 3698 < *> $257.20* 201813 07/20/99 $579.36 LINE -X SPRING LINER 1394 VEHICLE OPERAT CONTR REPAIRS 3690 201814 07/20/99 $28.50 LIZZIE OLKEN -HUNT CLASS REFUND 070799 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F < *> $28.50* 20.1815 07/20/,99 $206.38 LOFFLER BUSINESS - SYSTEMS GEN SUPPLIES 22685A POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 3221 < *> .$206:38* - 201816 .07/20/99 $432.36 Lois'Bremer Ambulance overpayment REFUND O GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE_ FEES < *> $432.36* 201817 07/20/99 $79.88 LOSS PREVENTION SPECIALI LOSS PREVENTION. 9615 YORK SELLING GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $79.8.8* 201818 07/20/99 $.576.00 LUCILLE - SWANSON AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT-.070999 GENERAL.FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $576.00 *. 201819 07/20/99 $12.00 LYNCH,.REBECCA. REFUND /PLAYGROUND PRO 063099 GENERAL FD PRO.REGISTRATION F < *> "$12_,00* .201820 07/20/99 $63.85 LYNDALE GARDEN_CENTER COURSE FLOWERS 114513 MAINT OF COURS COURSE BEAUTIF 3840 < *> $63.85 -- 201821 07/20/99 $50.01 M. SHANKEN.COMMUNICATION DUES AND SUBSCRIPTION.00237800 LIQUOR 50TH ST DUES & SUBSCRI. < *> $50.01* . 201822 07/20/99 $,536.99 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. PARTS: 2994866 EQUIPMENT_OPER REPAIR PARTS 3738 < *> $536.99* 201823 07/20/99 $15.00 MACGIBBON PACTIAL SEASON-TICKET 062999 POOL ADMIN SEASON TICKETS < *> $15:00* 201824 07/20/99, $173.60 Magnuson-Sod/Haag Servic LANDSCAPE BLOCK 20713 PATHS & HARD S GENERAL SUPPLI 3462 < *> $17.3.60* 201825 07%20/99 $125.88 Mairs, Candyce Skating Lessons LESSONS POOL TRACK GRE PROF.SERVICES COUNCIL CHECK ..LGISTER .15 -JUL -1999 (11:jo) page 23 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT .VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM --------------------------------------------------------- < *> $125.88* -.--------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ 201826 07/20/99 $449.00 MARGUERITE EVANS AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT 070999 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $44,9.00* 201827 07/20/99 $150.00 MARK STILLMAN 4TH OF JULY PARADE 070699 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $150.00* 201831 07/20/99 $2,719.85 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 922305 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $55.20 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 922306 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF.GDS BEE 07/20/99 $95.60 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 916895 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $3,546.35 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 916896 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS.BEE 07/20/99 $18.00_ MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 916897 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $55.20 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 916898 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $1,370.20" MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 919374 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS-BEE 07/20/99 $18.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 919375 YORK.SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $1,710.80 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 919656 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $4,152.68 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 919673 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $36.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 919674 YORK SELLING. CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $147.20 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 919675 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $37.25 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 914538 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $37.25- MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 916478 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $339.70 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 916788 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $27.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 916789 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $1,573.70 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 919249 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $236.05 MARK VII ,SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 919567 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $356.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 920901 GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 9034 07/20/99 $691.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 922309 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $18.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 922310 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $64.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 922311 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $3,077.10 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 922312 VERNON SELLING CST:OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $43.50 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 922313 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $18.40 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 922314 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $1,777.75 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 922786 VERNON.SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $18.40 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 922789 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $2,860.95 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 922814 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $36.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 922815 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $12.10 MARK -VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 922809 FRED RICHARDS CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $65.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 923366 FRED RICHARDS CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99, $212.65 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 924548 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $55.20 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 924549 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $1,940.36. MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 924550 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $12.80 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 924551 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $23.00 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 924552 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $36.80 MARK VII SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 924553 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $27,496.54* 201832 07/20/99 $45.00 Marks, Ken Cont. Ed K. Marks CP.CPR CONT RESERVE PROGRA CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $45.00* 201833 07/20/99 $40.00 Martin, Kim ART PROGRAM CL 080399 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER 07/20/99 $10.54 Martin, Kim ART SUPPLIES 080399 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $50.54* 201834 07/20/99 $304.50 MARTIN - MCALLISTER Pro Serv. Evalute M.H 471 POLICE DEPT. G -PROF SERVICES COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 24 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <*> $304.50* 201835 07/20/99 $60.00 MARY BETH.MONSOUR CLASS REFUND 071299 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F < *> $60.00* 201836 07/20/99 $327.18 MAXFLI GOLF DIVISION COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2047285 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9425 < *> $327.18* 201837 07/20/99 $576.58 MCCAREN DESIGN Plants x38 10343 POOL TRACK GRE TREES FLWR SHR 3502 < *> $576.58* 201838 07/20/99 $420.00 McClain Marketing EQUIPMENT MANITE 198733 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT. 3208 < *> $420.00* 201839 07/20/99 $30.00 MCGEE, ELIZABETH REFUND PROGRAM FEE 062299 ADAPTIVE RECRE PROF SERVICES < *> $30.00* 201840 07/20/99 $100.00 MCPHERSON, KEONI CONTRACT SERVICE FOR 062899 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $100.00* 201841 07/20/99 $633.30 MDS Matrx Medical Inc Ambulance supplies 667947 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 3110 07/20/99 $99.00 MDS Matrx Medical Inc Police rescue bag 668630 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 3119 < *> $732.30* 201842 07/20/99 $106:90 MENARDS * ACCT #30240251 REPAIR PARTS 23528 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 3718 07/20/99 $93.72 MENARDS * ACCT #30240251 STORAGE CABINET 27254 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 4028 < *> $200.62* 201843 07/20/99 $100.00 MERFELD, BURT POLICE SERVICE. 071399 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* - 201844 07/20/99 $954.47 MERIT SUPPLY PAINT 51210 DISTRIBUTION PAINT 3398 07/20/99 $268.38 MERIT SUPPLY TOOLS 51228 GENERAL MAINT TOOLS 3395 07/20/99 $521.85 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANERS 51285 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 3813 07/20/99 $336.42 MERIT SUPPLY Fire hydrant paint re 51300 DISTRIBUTION _ PAINT 3894 07/20/99 $124.61 MERIT SUPPLY Simple green 51301 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 3889 07/20/99 $654.66 MERIT SUPPLY Stripper, Bath & Body 51321 POOL TRACK GRE CLEANING SUPPL 4025 < *> $2,860.39* 201845 07/20/99 $20,790.00 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL SAC MARCH 030199 GENERAL FD PRO SAC CHARGES 07/20/99 $10,395.00 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL SAC APRIL 040199 GENERAL FD PRO SAC CHARGES < *> $31,185.00* 201846 07/20/99 $17.10 METZ BAKING CO VANVALKENBURG CONC. 151279 VANVALKENBURG COST OF GD SOL 2337 < *> $17.10* 201847 07/20/99 $60.00 MICHAEL KREGNESS CONT. ED. FIRE 062999 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS < *> $60.00* 201848 07/20/99 $43.67 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 17567 ART CENTER BLD CLEANING SUPPL 2458 < *> $43.67* 201850 07/20/99 - $81.60 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD 66415062 FRED RICHARDS COST OF GD SOL 9046 07/20/99 $396:30 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD 06694624 FRED RICHARDS COST OF GD SOL 9046 07/20/99 $152.00 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI POP 15999856 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL COUNCIL CHECK k.6ISTER $1,656.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S REPLACE SERVICE 31525 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 15 -JUL -1999 (li:sD) page 25 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT REPLACE VENDOR 31530 DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT 07/20/99 PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201850 07/20/99 $300.70 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI POP . 07/20/99 15999864 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL 31536 DISTRIBUTION 07/20/99 $435.85 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD 15999872 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL 07/20/99 07/20/99 $475.70 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 65175116 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $402.70 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 62428093 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX GENERAL SUPPLI 3871 07/20/99 $121.35 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 65175025 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX $213.00 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPME 07/20/99 $296.00 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD 66621032 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9046 07/20/99 $142.50 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI POP DUES AND SUBSCRIPTION 070199 POLICE DEPT. G 66624150 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL $18.00* 07/20/99 $222.65 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI POP 201862 07/20/99 66624168 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL 010199 GENERAL FD PRO 07/20/99 $108.80 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD 66624192 FRED RICHARDS COST OF GD SOL 7046 07/20/99 07/20/99 $279.85 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD 10088550 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL april 99 < *> 040199 $3,252.80* SURTAX 07/20/99 $4,679.01 MINNESOTA STATE TREASURE may 99 surcharge 050199 GENERAL FD PRO SURTAX 201851 07/20/99 $587.85 Midwest Fuels GAS 062199 MAINT OF COURS GASOLINE 1217 < *> $587.85* 201852 07/20/99 201853 07/20/99 201854 07/20/99 201855 07/20/99 201856 07/20/99 201857 07/20/99 $15.00 MIDWEST GANG INV ASSOC DUES AND SUBSCRIPTION 070199 POLICE DEPT. G DUES & SUBSCRI $15.00* $156.66 MIDWEST VENDING INC COST OF GOODS SOLD 2929 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9036 $156.66* $38.00 $38.00* $60.00 $60.00* $50.00 $50.00* $376.00 $376.00* MIKE'S SHOE REPAIR, INC. GEAR REPAIRS 070199 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS Miller, Susan Registration for golf GOLF SYM PARK ADMIN. CONF & SCHOOLS MILNE, ELIZABETH MINN COMM PAGING REFUND /SWIMMING KEVIN 070299 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F quarterly papers 30343007 POOL TRACK GRE SVC CONTR EQUI CONTRACT 201858 07/20/99 $1,656.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S REPLACE SERVICE 31525 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 3267 07/20/99 $1,395.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S REPLACE SERVICE 31530 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 3668 07/20/99 $1,098.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S REPLACE SERVICE 31531 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 3669 07/20/99 $1,417.50 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S replace line 5336 Bro 31536 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 3826 07/20/99 $1,111.50 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S replace line 4904 Bra 31539 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 3892 07/20/99 $1,248.00 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN S replace line 5012 Bru 31542 DISTRIBUTION CONTR REPAIRS 3825 < *> $7,926.00* 201859 07/20/99 $33.97 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMPA NOS 22 -gas 557316 FRED RICHARDS GENERAL SUPPLI 3871 < *> $33.97* 201860 07/20/99 $213.00 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPME Poly adj. rings 76872 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 4072 < *> $213.00* 201861 07/20/99 $18.00 MINNESOTA S.C.I.A. DUES AND SUBSCRIPTION 070199 POLICE DEPT. G DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $18.00* 201862 07/20/99 $4,940.18 MINNESOTA STATE TREASURE jan. 99 surcharge 010199 GENERAL FD PRO SURTAX 07/20/99 $1,616.51 MINNESOTA STATE TREASURE feb. 99 surcharge 020199 GENERAL FD PRO SURTAX 07/20/99 $6,424.06 MINNESOTA STATE TREASURE march 99 surcharge 030199 GENERAL FD PRO SURTAX 07/20/99 $4,382.07 MINNESOTA STATE TREASURE april 99 surcharge 040199 GENERAL FD PRO SURTAX 07/20/99 $4,679.01 MINNESOTA STATE TREASURE may 99 surcharge 050199 GENERAL FD PRO SURTAX COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 26 CHECK NO DATE. CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ----------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------.-------------------------------------- 201862 07/20/99 $3,529.010 MINNESOTA STATE TREASURE june st. surcharge 060199 GENERAL FD PRO SURTAX < *> $25,570.83* 201863 07/20/99 $16,701.00 Minnesota Valley Landsca CONSTR. IN PROGRESS PAYMENT UTILITIES -GRAN CIP 98 -5 HRA < *> $16,701.00* 201864 07/20/99 $339.64 Mississippi Transport, I Parts oil hose 362394 STREET RENOVAT ROAD OIL 4063 < *> $339.64* 201865 07/20/99 $92.66 Mitchell /Repair Informat WINDOWS 1 YR RNWL PMT 5529435 EQUIPMENT OPER DATA PROCESSIN 3900 < *> $92.66* 201866 07/20/99 $50.00 MN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIA KATHY IVERSON MEMB: R 062899 COMMUNICATIONS DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $50.00 *. . 201867 07/20/99 $12.00 MOLLY GERBER REFUND PLAYGROUND 070999 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $12.00* 201868 07/20/99 $253.50 MOSE, WILLIAM Softball Official OFFICIAT EDINA ATHLETIC CONTR SERVICES < *> $253.50* 201869 07/20/99 $80.00 MPGMA MPGMA MEETING 063099 GOLF ADMINISTR CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $80.00* 201870 07/20/99 $40.00 MPWA REGISTRATION 02604202 ENGINEERING GE CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $40.00* 201871 07/20/99 $146.29 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO Parts misc I280255 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2970 07/20/99 $252.37 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO REPAIR PARTS 1286100 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 3712 07/20/99 $159.80 MTI-DISTRIBUTING CO REPAIR PARTS 1286454 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 3712 07/20/99 $41.75 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO IRRIGATION PARTS 1286759 MAINT OF COURS IRRIGATION EQU 3638 07/20/99 $108.20 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO REPAIR I286715 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3957 07/20/99 $246.69 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO REPAIR PARTS 1287163 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 3720 07/20/99 $121.46 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO Irrigation supplies. I286998 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 1715 07/20/99 - $248.65 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO RETURN REPAIR PART. C97463 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 3712' 07/20/99 - $147.81 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO Part /,master cylinder C97553 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3764 07/20/99 $147.81 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO Parts/ master cylinde I288086 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 4064 07/20/99 $243.45 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO Parts / cyl- master I288460 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3752 07/20/99 $26.01 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO Parts /bearing 2288813 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 3764 < *> $1,097.37* 201872. 07/20/99 $480.87 MUNICILITE CO Parts / mag mini edge 11288 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 3750 < *> $480.87* 201873 07/20/99 $1,798.44 Napa.Auto Parts Parts MAY -JUNE EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> - $1,798.44* 201874 07/20/99 $88.25 National Camera Exchange CRAFT SUPPLIES 7074959 ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 3784 < *> $88.25* 201875 07/20/99 $65.80 National Fire Protection KEY GUIDE TO NEC 0387797 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 3702 < *> $65.80* 201876 07/20/99 $125.00 NATIONAL FIRE SPRINKLER NFSA SEMINAR 7/22/99/ 070199 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $125.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER STAR i 15 -JUL -1999 (11: ») page 27 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR., DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201877 07/20/99 $43.95 NATIONAL PEN CORPORATION Craft supplies ART CNTR ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES < *> OF $43.95* SOLD MI 201878 07/20/99 $99:92 Nelson, David CONTINUING EDUCATION 070199 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> OF $99.92* SOLD MI 201879 07/20/99. 201881 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/2.0/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 01/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/9.9 01/20/99 201882 .07/20/99 201883 07/20/99 < *> 201884 07/20/99 201885 07/20/99 201886 07%20/99 201887 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 201888 07/20/99 $100.00 NISSEN, DICK POLICE SERVICE $100;00* 071399 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES $29.70 NORTH. STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 15980 $50.68 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 17597 $40.80 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 10565 $40.80 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS'SOLD MI 11799 $108.40 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 11253 $74.10 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 99212 $204'.00 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 12597 $96'.84 NORTH :STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 15594 $139.00 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 15595 $106.50 NORTH STAR.ICE COST OF.GOODS SOLD MI 14160 $158.40 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 17580 $173.35 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS.SOLD MI 15049 $70.40 NORTH STAR`ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 16645 $10.20 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 19147 $153.00 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 19324 $69.50 NORTH STAR ICE TRADE DISCOUNTS 22072 $1,525.67* $20•.95 NORTH STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS $20.95* $34,570.24- NORTHDALE CONSTRUCTION C CONSTR. IN PROGRESS $34,570.24* $50.61 NORTHERN AIRE GENERAL SUPPLIES $50.61* $26,937.15 Northern Escrow CONSTR. IN PROGRESS $26,937,.15* $434.85 Northern Tool & Equipmen PARTS $434..85* $558.39. NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST-OF GOODS SOLD $81.22 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD $38.51 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD $678.12* $133.00.. NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO PARTS $133:00* 201889 •07/20/99 $3,000..00 Northwestern University < *> $3,000.00* 201891 07/20/99. $151.51 NSP 07/20/99 $306.25,. NSP 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF -GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN.CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING. CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS ,MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT 203545 MAINT OF'COURS REPAIR PARTS 3714 PAYMENT SAN.SEWER CIP 98 -6 ENG 26026 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI PAYMENT LIFT STATION CIP 99 -1 ENG 3239085 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 3086 15904000 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 3633 15749500 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 3639 15928400 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 3639 NW55755 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 3293 Cont. Ed Staff & J.Lo STAFF & POLICE DEPT. G CONF_& SCHOOLS REGULAR LIGHTING 072099 GENERAL MAINT LIGHT & POWER ORN LIGHTING 072099 ST LIGHTING OR LIGHT & POWER COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 07/20/99 Chain 07/20/99 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 28 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201891 07/20/99 $4,110.80 NSP TRAFFIC SIGNALS 072099 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT•& '07/20/99 POWER _- 07/20/99 $53.05 NSP STORM WATER 072099 GENERAL STORM LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $122.29 NSP FIRE DEPT #2 072099 YORK FIRE STAT LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99. $683.45 NSP FIRE DEPT 072099: FIRE DEPT. GEN LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $77.02 NSP _ CIVIL DEFENSE 072099 CIVIL DEFENSE LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $2•,834.77 NSP CITY HALL 072099 CITY HALL GENE LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $1,249.11 NSP.. ART CENTER 072099 ART CENTER BLD LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $2,663.35 NSP PARKS AND GREENHOUSE 072099 BUILDING MAINT LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $4,232.1.9 NSP GC. CLUBHOUSE 072099 CLUB HOUSE LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $691.86 NSP- GC MAINT BLDG 072099 MAINT OF COURS LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 .$2,802.28 NSP SWIMMING POOL 072099 POOL OPERATION LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $618.29 NSP NORMANDALE GC 072099 FRED RICHARDS LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $10,149.54 NSP ARENA. 072099, ARENA BLDG /GRO LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $978.18 NSP SEWER 072099 PUMP & LIFT ST LIGHT & POWER $4,319.74 ' NSP WATER AND PUMPING 072099 DISTRIBUTION LIGHT & POWER .07/20/_99 07/20/99 $897.03 NSP LIQUOR #1 072099 50TH ST OCCUPA LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $1,324.24 NSP LIQUOR #2 072099 YORK OCCUPANCY LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $87,4.97 NSP LIQUOR #3 072099 VERNON OCCUPAN LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $11,336.80 NSP EDINBOROUGH 072099 POOL TRACK GRE LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $383.27 NSP CENTENNIAL LAKES 072099 CENTENNIAL LAK LIGHT& POWER 07/20/99 $375.67 NSP PONDS AND LAKES 072099 PONDS & LAKES LIGHT & POWER 07/20/99 $2,675.66 NSP LIGHT & POWER 072099 PW BUILDING LIGHT & POWER < *> $53,911.32* 201892 07/20/99 Chain 07/20/99 Cable 07/20/99 I REPAIR PARTS 07/20/99 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 201893 07/20/99 Olsen 07/20/99 & 07/20/99 Co I.TREE PRUNERS 201894 '07/20/99 TOOLS 3844 201895 07/20/99 201896 07/20/99 201897 07/20/99 201898 07/20/99 07'/20/99 07/20/99 201899 07/20/99 07/20/99 $250.53 Olsen Chain & Cable Cc I REPAIR PARTS 113801 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 3843 $543.11 Olsen Chain & Cable Co I.TREE PRUNERS 4667 MAINT OF COURS TOOLS 3844 $153.90 Olsen Chain & Cable Co I Sewer cleaning suppli 114073 SEWER CLEANING REPAIR PARTS 3051 $66.66 Olsen Chain & Cable Co I PARTS /REPAIR 114074 BUILDING MAINT TOOLS 3888 $1,014.20* $25.47 OPSAHL, LAURA $7.44 OPSAHL -, LAURA $20.97. OPSAHL, LAURA $53.88* :$4,767.50 ORVIS, JOAN $4,767.50* $12.00 OSSELL, PAT $12.00* $50.00 OSSEU, PAT $50.00* $40.47 OSWALD HOSE & ADAPTERS $40.47* $415:00 $85.50 $124.50 $625.00* $247.05 $507.58 $754.63* Otis Spunkmeyer Inc Otis Spunkmeyer Inc Otis Spunkmeyer Inc OWENS SERVICE CO OWENS SERVICE CO STAFF MEETING /BAGELS 062999 DIAPERS 062999 DIAPERS 062999 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 070699 REFUND/ PARK CLOSING 062899 SEASON TICKET REFUND 062899 Hose repairs /coupling 991345 COOKIES 3094964 COST OF GOODS SOLD 3096184 COOKIES 3096194 POOL OPERATION GENERAL.SUPPLI POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI ARENA ADMINIST PRO SVC OTHER GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F POOL ADMIN SEASON TICKETS POOL OPERATION CONTR REPAIRS 4077 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9037 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL McQuay Repairs & Pool 3222.6 POOL TRACK GRE CONTR REPAIRS 3996 Repair McQuay Unit 32286 POOL TRACK GRE CONTR REPAIRS 4171 COUNCIL CHECK a,_,.4ISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11.: -_/ page 29 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO.NUM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------ 201900 07/20/99 $370.41 Pagenet of Minnesota Equip rental phone 064 -A311 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP RENTAL 07/20/99 $402.75 Pagenet of Minnesota. Pager rental 064 -A314 FIRE DEPT. GEN EQUIP RENTAL < *> $773.16* 201901 07/20/99 $4,834.65 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 209 5/1- EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 07/20/99 - $27.99 PARTS PLUS CREDIT PARTS 1792445 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI. 07/20/99 - $37.45 PARTS PLUS CREDIT FILTER 1794049 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $4,769.21* 201902. 07/20/99 $90.00 PATHFINDERS RESOURCES IN CHS con. Ref. D.Velde CHS REG. PUBLIC HEALTH CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $90.00* 201903 07/20/99 $708.99 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 111283 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,042.90 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 111281 50TH ST SELLIN CST.OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $66.00 PAUSTIS.& SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 11282 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF-GDS BEE 07/20/99 $106.64 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 109682 YORK SELLING C$T OF GD WINE 07_/20/99 $9.66 PAUSTIS & SONS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 106230 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD--WINE < *> $1,934.19* 201904 07/20/99 $166.20 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 21636665 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $238.45 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 21453823 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $92.10 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY TRADE DISCOUNTS 21636750 YORK SELLING TRADE DISCOUNT < *> $496.75* 201905 07/20/99 $106.23 Perey Turnstiles TURNSTILE PART 99296 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $106.23* 201906 07/20/99 $950.00 PERKINS LANDSCAPE CONTRA PLACE, FILL AND GRADE NIA PATHS & HARD S PROF SERVICES 3706 07/20/99 $800.00 PERKINS LANDSCAPE CONTRA PARKING LOT WORK 070299 PATHS & HARD S PROF SERVICES 3922 < *> $1,750.00* 201907 07/20/99 $850.00 PERSONNEL DECISIONS Asst.Chief Peer Evalu J124166 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF.SERVICES < *> $850.00* 201908 07/20/99 $60.45 Peterson, Ann Mileage reimburse MILEAGE PLAYGROUND & T MILEAGE < *> $60.45* 201909 07/20/99 $200.00 Peterson, Dorothy Accompanist to group ACCOMPAN SENIOR CITIZEN PROF SERVICES < *> $200.00* 201911 07/20/99 $8.20 PETTY CASH' COUNCIL MTG EXP 071299 CITY COUNCIL MEETING EXPENS 07/20/99 $27.00 PETTY CASH ADMIN MTG EXP 071299 ADMINISTRATION MEETING EXPENS 07/20/99 $10.13 PETTY CASH ADMIN MILEAGE 071299 "ADMINISTRATION MILEAGE 07/20/99 $6.98 PETTY CASH FINANCE MILEAGE 071299 FINANCE' MILEAGE 07/20/99 $20.46 PETTY CASH ELECTIONS MILEAGE 071299 ELECTION MILEAGE 07/20/99 $1.50 PETTY CASH ASSESS PARKING 071299 ASSESSING MILEAGE 07/20/99 $4.25 PETTY CASH ENG SUPPLIES 071299 ENGINEERING GE,GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $5.25 PETTY CASH HEALTH PARKING .071299 PUBLIC HEALTH CONF & SCHOOLS 07/20/99 $1.25 PETTY CASH HEALTH PARKING 071299 PUBLIC.HEALTH MILEAGE 07/20/99 $12.84 PETTY CASH HEALTH FILM DEVELOP 071299 PUBLIC HEALTH GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $22.76 PETTY CASH HEALTH DEVELOP 071299 PUBLIC HEALTH PHOTO-SUPPLIES 07/20/99 $54.76 PETTY CASH POLICE SUPPLIES'4TH O 071299 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $6.87 PETTY CASH KEYS MAINT 071299 CITY -HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $8.21 PETTY CASH KITCHEN MAINT 071299 CITY HALL GENE GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $5.07 PETTY CASH P & R TENNIS ICE 071299 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 30 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201911 07/20/99. $41.30 PETTY CASH ADAPTIVE REC 071299 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $10.77 PETTY CASH ADAPTIVE REC SUPPLIES 071299 SPECIAL ACTIVI GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $30.71 PETTY CASH ADAPTIVE REC 071299 ADAPTIVE RECRE GENERAL SUPPLI 07/20/99 $8.30 PETTY CASH CONCESSIONS 071299 VANVALKENBURG COST OF GD SOL < *> $286.61 *. 201914 07/20/99 -$1.97 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 3196720 VERNON- SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $2,343.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 508517 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $59.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3196342 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 .- $1,057.45 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 508514 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 - $63.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 3196672 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 - $34.65 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3196670 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 7$25.15 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3196671 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,995.45 - PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 508515 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $141.45 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 511092 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE . 07/20/99 $1,923.65 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 511093 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,483.10 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 511095 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $458.75 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 511098 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $2,316.95 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 511099 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $777.72 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 511100 VERNON SELLING CST OF.GD LIQU 07/20/99 $1,435.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 511101 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $130.80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 3196987 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $1,642.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 511094 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $385.30 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 511096 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $594.10 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 511097 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $106.15 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 512816 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $996.80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 512817 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07%20/99 $606.25 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 512821 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $3,045.35 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 512822 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $149.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3196878 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $25.15 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 3196986 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,111.05 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF'GOODS SOLD LI 512818 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $1,647.95 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 512819 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE. < *> $23,578.75* 201915 07/20/99 $67.10 Pinkerton Systems Integr Clean Alarm System 14168 POOL TRACK GRE CONTR•REPAIRS 4024 < *> $67.10* 201916, 07/20/99 $261.80 Pinnacle Distributing COST OF GOODS - PRO S 592421 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 2163 07/20/99 $818.73 Pinnacle Distributing COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 592322 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $545.52 Pinnacle Distributing COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 592417 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $1,339.74 Pinnacle Distributing COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 592514 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $570.63 Pinnacle Distributing COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 592564 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $290.25 Pinnacle Distributing COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 592602 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $240.00 Pinnacle Distributing COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 592603 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $446.58 Pinnacle Distributing COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 592560 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $620.25 Pinnacle Distributing COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 592719 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS.MIX 07/20/99 $545.82 Pinnacle Distributing COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 592775 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $317.88 Pinnacle Distributing COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 592786 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $5,997.20* 201917 07/20/99 $61.64 PIP PRINTING PRINTING 9527 POLICE DEPT. G PRINTING 3215 < *> $61.64* 201918 07/20/99 $880.00 POSTMASTER Bulk mail BULK MAI CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11: ») page 31 .CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < *> $880.00* 201919 07/20/99 $280.00 POSTMASTER; NEWSLETTER POSTAGE 070899 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE < *> $280.00* 201920. 07/20/99 .$400.00 POSTMASTER BRM PERMIT 6171 001395 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE < *> $4.00.00* 201921 07/20/99. $552.74. PRECISION BUSINESS SYSTE SONY TRANSCRIBER 065863 ADMINISTRATION EQUIP REPLACEM 4023 < *> $552.74* 2019.22 07/20/99 $630.90 Print Shop, The MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 8762 SENIOR CITIZEN GENERAL SUPPLI 3647 < *> $630.90* 201923 .07/20/99 $48.00 PRINTERS SERVICE INC Blade sharpening x3 15630 ARENA ICE MAIN EQUIP MAINT < *> $48.00* 201924 07/20/99 $1,645.36 Y PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 73419 VERNON SELLING CST. OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,054.73 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST,OF GOODS SOLD WI 73421 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $20.07 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 112991 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $821.00 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS.SOLD WI 76108 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $232.45 -PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 76110 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,315.81 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 76113 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $77.05 PRIOR WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 78286 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $5,126.33* 201925 07/20/99 $541.02 Pro Staff TEMP /JENCKS 10218896 INSPECTIONS PROF SERVICES < *> $541.02* 2.01926 07/.20/99 $75.00 PROGRESSIVE CONSULTING E PROF ENG SERVICES. 96017.26 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES . 07/20/99 $38.00 PROGRESSIVE CONSULTING E Phosphate system 98023.07 WATER TREATMEN PROF SERVICES 4071 07/20/99 $1,53.1.00 PROGRESSIVE CONSULTING E PROF ENG SERVICES 99022.02 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES < *> $1,644.00* 201927 07/20/99 $111.00 Protection One ALARM SERVICE 070199 ARENA BLDG /GRO ALARM SERVICE < *> $111.00* 201928 07/20/99 $1,088.44 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS Repair parts 5995 LIFT STATION M REPAIR PARTS 3700 07/20/99 $602•.80 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS Lift station controls 6021 LIFT STATION M REPAIR PARTS 3818 < *> $1,691.24* 201929 07/20/99 $38.48 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 71994600 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $122.50 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 72369100 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $5,637.46 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 72776700 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE . 07/20/99 $5,817.11 QUALITY WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 72800000 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU < *> $11,615.55 *' 201930 07/20/99 $291.30 QUANTUM CLEANING General supply /cleani 10440 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 4160 < *> $291.30* 201931 07/20/99 $175.00 QUICK SET PANELS, CORP QUICK SET PANELS 010117 CDBG PROG_ PROF SERVICES < *> $175.00* 201932 07/20/99 $313.06 R &R SPECIALTIES INC REPAIR 10568 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 4156 < *> $313.06* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35)..page 32 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------=----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201933 07/20/99 $735.00 Radio. Disney ADVERTISING 12300026 ED ADMINISTRAT ADVERT OTHER AD CONTR < *> $735.00* 201934 07/20/99 $950.00 RAYMOND HAEG PLUMBING MED LAB CONSTRUCTION 062399 MEDIA LAB CONS CIP 3098 < *> $950.00* 201935 07/20/99 $35.89" RDO Equipment Co THERMOSTAT, GASKETS 10144 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 3292 < *> $35.89* 201936 07/20/99 $127.00 RDO Truck Center PARTS 21914600 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2958 07/20/99 $148.21 RDO Truck Center PARTS 21916700 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3515 07/20/99 $607.03 RDO-Truck Center FUEL TANK 21917900 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3302 07/20/99 $135.26 RDO Truck Center PARTS 21918300 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 2958 < *> $1,017.50* 201937 07/20/99 $131.09 RECREONICS CONTRACTED WORK. 175782 -POOL OPERATION PROF SERVICES 4076 < *> $131.09* 201938 07/20/99 $190.88 REEDS SALES & SERVICE PARTS 00029013 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3509 < *> $190.88* 201939 07/20/99 $35.00 REID - LINDQUIST REFUND TENNIS _ 071299 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $35.00* 201940 07/20/99 -$390.00 Reimer, Mark SOFTBALL OFFICIAL 070999 -EDINA ATHLETIC CONTR SERVICES. < *> $390.00* 201941 07/20/99 $11,000.00 RES- Specialty Pyrotechni FIREWORKS DISPLAY 1383 FIREWORKS GENERAL SUPPLI 1835 < *> $11,000.00 *' 201942 07/20/99 $331.51 RICMAR INDUSTRIES CLEANING SUPPLIES 237356 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 4084 < *> $331.51* 201943 07/20/99 .$16.91 Ritz Camera - PROJECT PICTURES 37506813 LIFT STATION CIP 3362 < *> $16.91* 201944 07/20/99 $50.00 ROBB, CINDY REFUND SWIMMING 070299 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $50.00* 201945 07/20/99 $1,400.00 Robert C Vogel & Associa HISTORIC.CONTEXT STUD 99044 HISTORIC PRESE PROF SERVICES < *> $1,400.00* 201946 07/20/99 $15.00 ROBYN INGALLS PARTIAL SEASON TICKET 06813415 POOL ADMIN SEASON TICKETS < *> $15.00* 201947 07/20/99 $15,983.00 ROSEDALE DODGE - HYUNDAI EQUIPMENT REPLACEMT 619072 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 2056 < *> $15,983.00* 201948 07/20/99 $117.00 RYDER, ROBERT SOFTBALL OFFICIAL 070999 EDINA ATHLETIC CONTR SERVICES < *> $117.00* 201949 07/20/99 $197.03 SAFETY KLEEN SOLVENT 988319 SUPERV. & OVRH HAZ. WASTE DIS 3958 < *> $197.03* 201950 07/20/99 $884.08 SAMARITAN TIRE CO INC PARTS 076620. EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES .3294 COUNCIL CHECK r,uVISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11: ») page 33 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201950 07/20/99 $450.11 SAMARITAN TIRE CO INC PARTS 076833 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 3294 07/20/99 $697.79 SAMARITAN TIRE CO INC PARTS 076912 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 3294 07/20/99 $524.94 SAMARITAN TIRE CO INC PARTS 077263 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 2528 07/20/99 $524.94 SAMARITAN TIRE CO INC PARTS 077264 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 2528 07/20/99 $84.26 SAMARITAN TIRE CO INC PARTS 077759 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 4065 < *> $3,166.12* 201951 07/20/99 $350.00 SANDERS WACKER WEHRMAN B PROF ENG SER 966023 STREET IMPROVE CIP 07/20/99 $140.00 SANDERS WACKER WEHRMAN B PROF ENG SER 981111 UTILITIES -GRAN CIP < *> $490.00* 201952 07/20/99 $133.75 SCHAFER EQUIP CO CONCRETE MATERIALS 195292 PATHS & HARD S GENERAL SUPPLI 3478 < *> $133.75* 201953 07/20/99 $87.73 SCHENCK, LAURA MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 070299 PARK ADMIN. MILEAGE < *> $87.73* 201954 07/20/99 $179.69 SECURITY LINK FROM AMERI ALARM SERVICE 34157494 ART CENTER BLD ALARM SERVICE < *> $179.69* 201955 07/20/99 $213.00 SERV -A -CLEAN STAT 1 CARPET CLEANIN 1564 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $213.00* 201956 07/20/99 $25.00 SESAC Inc DUES 1494326 ARENA ADMINIST DUES & SUBSCRI < *> $25.00* 201957 07/20/99 $400.00 SHANNON, JIM STROLLING PIANO PERFO 070699 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $400.00* 201958 07/20/99 $12.00 SHEEHAN, BETH REFUND,CANCEL PLAYGRD 063099 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $12.00* 201959 07/20/99 $100.00 SHEPARD, JOHN POLICE SERVICE 071399 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 201960 07/20/99 $12.00 SHERI KANZ REFUND PLAYGROUND 070899 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $12.00* 201961 07/20/99 - $21.54 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CHARGE CREDIT 75134 PAVEMENT MARKI PAINT 07/20/99 $204.48 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 75514 PAVEMENT MARKI PAINT 3591 07/20/99 $82.18 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 76280 PAVEMENT MARKI PAINT 3687 < *> $265.12* 201962 07/20/99 $151.87 SIMS SECURITY SECURITY GUARD 9451347 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES CONTRACT < *> $151.87* 201963 07/20/99 $280.00 SKB ENVIRONMENTAL DEBRIS 21701 STREET REVOLVI GENERAL SUPPLI 3909 < *> $280.00* 201964 07/20/99 $100.00 SLEEPER, DAVID PERFORMANCE 081999 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 201965 07/20/99 $276.00 SOCCER EXPRESS UNIFORM T- SHIRTS 0132 FIRE DEPT. GEN UNIF ALLOW 3981 < *> $276.00* COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 34 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR POLICE DESCRIPTION G GENERAL SUP_PLI INVOICE PROGRAM STREICHERS OBJECT 1138282 PO NUM ------------------------------------L--------------------------L-------------------------------------------------------------------- 201966 07/20/99 $619.37 South Town Refrigeration PARTS /REPAIR AMMUNITION. 1158411 108006 YORK OCCUPANCY REPAIR PARTS 3910 < *> 1160031 $619.37* DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 3223 $96.28 STREICHERS AMMUNITION 116406.1 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 3220 $569.90 STREICHERS UNIFORMS /VEST 1116401 201968 07/20/99 $731.20 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 97115 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 07/20/99 $12.20 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 97116 50TH ST.SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX $54.30* 07/20/99 $4,547.75 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 96629 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $12.20 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 96630 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $693.10 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 96631 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $48.80 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 96634 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $97.20. SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 309758 FRED RICHARDS CST OF GDS BEE 9041 07/20/99 $496.50 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 96633 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99. $1,458.80 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 96867 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $42.65 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 96868 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $5,781.40 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 96870 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $136.15 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 96871 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 07/20/99 $48.60 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 97054 FRED. RICHARDS CST OF GDS BEE 9041 07/20/99 $4,859.75 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 97118 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $780.05 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 97216 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $19,746.35* 201969 07/20/99 $281.84 SPALDING COST OF GOODS - PRO S 51604477 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6334 < *> $281.84* 201970 07/20/99 $3,543.26 SPECIFIED MECHANICAL SYS VFD MOTOR 9228TS GOLF DOME CONTR REPAIRS < *> $3,543.26* 201971 07/20/99 $2,519.51 SPS REPAIR PARTS 3230213 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 3023 07/20/99 $748.63 SPS HANDLES PARTS FOR SHO 3257363 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 3656 07/20/99 $124.02 SPS PARTS 3257367 BUILDINGS GENERAL SUPPLI 3678 07/20/99 $17.74 SPS PARTS 3265759 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS. 3753 < *> $3,409.90* 201972 07/20/99 < *> 201973 07/20/99 201974 07/20/99 < *> 07/20/99 201975 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 201976 07/20/99 $2,673.35 $2,673._35* $1,459.40 $1,459.40* ST. CROIX RECREATION CO PEDISTAL DRINKING FOU 2876 ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT CO EQ PART 178598 $1,750.00 STOREFRONT /YOUTH ACTION $8,750.00 STOREFRONT /YOUTH ACTION $10,500.00* INTERVENTION PROGRAM 1122 3RD QTR YOUTH 1123 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 3404 EDINA CHEM AWA PROF SERVICES HUMAN RELATION PROF SERVICES $75.12 STREICHERS BINOCULARS 1141631 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUP_PLI 3216 $109.16 STREICHERS UNIFORMS 1138282 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 3212 $28.21 STREICHERS AMMUNITION. 1158411 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 3832 $215.19 STREICHERS EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1160031 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 3223 $96.28 STREICHERS AMMUNITION 116406.1 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 3220 $569.90 STREICHERS UNIFORMS /VEST 1116401 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF- ALLOW 3231 $123.01 STREICHERS AMMUNITION 114420.3 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 3217 $16.93 STREICHERS AMMUNITION 115998.2 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 3220 $1,233.80* $54.30 SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS INC. COST OF GOODS - PRO S 522891 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6335" $54.30* COUNCIL CHECK r.- .zISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11: -_, page 35 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION -------- INVOICE - - - - -- PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM - --------------------------- 201977 07/20/99 ---------------------- $119.60 - - - - -- Sun Newspapers AD FOR BID 99 -5 ENG 236023 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 07/20/9.9 $130.00 Sun Newspapers AD FOR BID 99 -6 ENG 236026 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 07/20/99 $132.60 Sun Newspapers AD FOR BID 99 -7 236028 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE < *> $382.20* 201978 07/20/99 $361.90 Sundance Commodities & D MULCH 00025365 CENTENNIAL LAX GENERAL SUPPLI 3994 < *> $361.90* 201979 07/20/99' $906.61 SUNDE LAND SURVEYING INC PROF ENG SERVICES 24734 ST 78TH & CAHI CI P. < *> $906.61* 201980 07/20/99 $199.20 SuperAmerica MISC 04191334 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 3901 < *> $199.20* 201981 07/20/99 $23.09 SUPERIOR FORD parts 370.232 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR..PARTS. .1752 < *> $23.09* 201982 07/20/99 $157.00 SUTPHEN CORPORATION PARTS 29102289. EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3303 < *> $157.00* 201983 07/20/99 $100.00' SWANSON, HAROLD POLICE.SERVICE 071399. RESERVE PROGRA CONTR,SERVICES. < *> $100:00* 201984 07/20/99 $42.10 SWEENEY BROS TRACTOR GENERAL SUPPLIES 1X08034 : EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 3532 07/20/99 $42.10 SWEENEY BROS TRACTOR PARTS 1X08034 - EQUIPMENT.OPER REPAIR PARTS 3532 < *> $84.20* 201985 07/20/99 $112.57 TARGET. BATTERIES /FILM;' 42057 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 3566 < *> $112.57* 201986 07/20/99 $600.00 TeeMaster Inc TEEMASTER SERV 3171 GOLF ADMINISTR EQUIPMENT OPER 3870. < *> $600.00* 201987 07/20/99 $142.37 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO PARTS /REPAIR 5757100 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 3521 07/20/99 $5.90 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO TERMINAL 5724201 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3531 < *> $148.27* 201988 07/20/99 $35.00 TERWILLIGER, MICHELLE REFUND PARKS 00103500 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $35.00* 201989 07/20/99 - $23.00 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 164473CM VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $460.00 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 137617 _ GRILL CST OF GDS BEE 9043 07/20/99 $4,584.10 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 165894 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $90.80 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 165895_ VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 $192.35 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 16624.1 GRILL,.- CST OF GDS BEE 9043 07/20/99 $2,582.00 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 166370 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 07/20/99 .$286.00 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 137972 GRILL• CST OF GDS BEE 9043 07/20/99 $265.25 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 166863 GRILL ;. CST OF GDS BEE 9043 < *> $8,437.50* 201990 07/20/99 $258.24 TITLEIST COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2332756 PRO.SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6333 < *> $258.24* 201991 07/20/99 $373:24 TKDA Engineers Architect PROF ENG SERV 044059, , GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES 07/20/99 $996.33 TKDA Engineers Architect PROF ENG SERV` 044060` GENERAL(BILLIN.PROF•SERVICES COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL 71999 (11:35) page 36 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------------- <*> $1,369.57* 201992 07/20/99 $114.53 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPL WELDING SUPPLIES 256797 MAINT OF COURS TOOLS 3837 07/20/99 $79.80 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPL CYLS 406177 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 4050 . < *> $194.33* 201993 07/20/99 $1,217.61 Tommy Hilfiger Golf- STAFF SHIRTS 335506 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9449 < *> $1,217.61* 201994 07/20/99 $593.25 TONYA WIESNER CONTINUNING EDUCATION 070299, POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS. < *> $593.25* 201995 07/20/99 $89.80 TOP GUN JOB CANCELLED REFUND 98.005134 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING PERMI < *> $89.80* 201996 07/20/99 $357.11 TRACY /TRIPP FUELS GAS 062599 MAINT OF COURS GASOLINE 1217 < *> $357.11* 201997 07/20/99 $477.68 TRIARCO ARTS &.CRAFT CRAFT SUPPLIES 232345 ART.CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES 3634 < * >, $477.68* 201998 07/20/99 $18.25 TRUE BREW BAGEL BAR PLAYGROUND ORIENTATIO 11282 PLAYGROUND & T GENERAL SUPPLI 3972 < *> $18.25* 201999 67/20/99 $332.28 Turf Partners CHEMICALS 1612251 MAINT OF LOURS CHEMICALS, 2754 < *> $332.28* 202000 07/20 /99 $985.13 Turtle Bay Building Sery MONTHLY HOUSEKEEPING 990718 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES .SERVICE < *> $985.13* 202001 07/20/99 $304.00. Twin Cities Service Cent PROF SERV S24557 POLICE DEPT, G PROF SERVICES < *> $304.00* 202002 07/20/99 $268.38 TWIN CITY CONCRETE PRODU GENERAL SUPPLIES 152710 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 3705 < *> $268.38* 202003 07/20/99 $274.90 TWIN CITY,FILTER GENERAL.SUPPLY 188051 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 3858 < *> $274.90* 202004 07/20/99 $33.60 TWIN CITY OXYGEN CO OXYGEN STAT 2 491705 FIRE.DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 9765 < *> $33.60* 202005 07/20/99 $495.23 TWIN CITY.SEED CO. seed 1599 RANGE PLANT TREES 3501 < *> $495.23* .& 202006 07/20/99 $153.00 TWIN CITY CLINIC water analysis 5487 WATER TREATMEN PROF SERVICES 3884 < *> $153.00* 202007 07/20/99 $88.12 U S BANCORP MEETING EXPENSES 070599 ADMINISTRATION MEETING EXPENS < *> $88.12* 202008 07/20/99 $17.95 U.S. CAVALRY UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 3591119 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW 1328 < *> $17.95* 202009 07/20/99 $512.23 United Electric connectors 46245400 LIFT STATION M GENERAL SUPPLI 3662 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER. BAGS 270805 PAPER GOODS 271276 15 -JUL -1999 (11:» ) page 37 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT. BAGS VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ----------------- 202009 ---------------- 07/20/9.9 -.---- $1_,025.60 United Electric LIGHTING 05804901 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP REPLACEM 2351 < *> $1,537.83 *. 202010 07/20./99 $1,698:19 UNITED PROPERTIES CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION 44210 STREET IMPROVE CIP < *> $1,698.19* 202011 07/20/99 $254.30 UNITED RENTALS, GENIE REPAIRS 35006920 POOL TRACK GRE CONTR REPAIRS 3655 < *> $254.30* .202012 07/20/99 $102.._89 UPBEAT INC MAT 00298802 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI 3553 < *> $102.89* 202013 202014 ..202016 202017 07/20/99 $45.00 US bank ANNUAL FEE 07/20/99 $491.98 US bank MISC SUPPLIES $536.98* 07/20/99 $50.53 US Filter Distribution G WATER MAIN PARTS 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 202018 .07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99 07/20/99' 07/20/99 202019 07/20/99 07/20/99 202020 07/20/99 $50.53 - $25.15 $688.50 - $15.75 $90.95- .$216.00 $75.03 $1,622.34 $5,533.88 $15.75 $685.54 $804.50 $20.70 $438.10 $10,077.49* $750.00 $255.00 $1,005.00* $43.67 $777.50 $979.37 $527.97 $304.86- "$420.14 $413.33 .$187.71 $255.33 $46.86 $3,956.74* $675.86 $654.13 $1,329.99* $239.63 US FOODSERVICES INC US FOODSERVICES INC US'FOODSERVICES INC US FOODSERVICES.INC US-FOODSERVICES INC US FOODSERVICES.INC US FOODSERVICES INC US FOODSERVICES INC US FOODSERVICES INC US FOODSERVICES INC US FOODSERVICES INC US FOODSERVICES INC US FOODSERVICES INC USTA USTA VAN PAPER CO., VAN PAPER CO. VAN PAPER CO. VAN PAPER CO. VAN PAPER CO. VAN PAPER CO. VAN PAPER CO. VAN PAPER CO. VAN PAPER CO. VAN PAPER CO. VANTAGE ELECTRIC VANTAGE ELECTRIC _ VER -TECH LABS CAN UNEU COST OF GOODS SOLD returned chdrscrm COST OF GOODS SOLD COST OF GOODS SOLD SUPPLIES CLEANING SUP COST.OF GOODS SOLD CHIPS COST OF GOODS SOLD CONCESSION PRODUCT CONCESSION PRODUCTS CONCESSION PRODUCT 48334960 CONTINGENCIES PROF SERVICES 48334960 FIRE DEPT. GEN.GENERAL SUPPLI 5477940 DISTRIBUTION -REPAIR PARTS 3802 CM438041 POOL OPERATION CLEANING SUPPL 448013 POOL'CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL 448013/8 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL 448186 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL 449159• CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL STMT GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 9044 STMT. GRILL CLEANING SUPPL 9044 STMT GRILL COST OF GD SOL 9044 CM448013 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL 452324 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL 453762 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL 448013 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL 455245 POOL CONCESSIO COST OF GD SOL registration /team fee 070199 TEAM TENNIS 070799 PINCHER 268702 T T TOWELS CUPS & PLA 269869 PAPER PRODUCTS 270703 BAGS 270805 PAPER GOODS 271276 BAGS 271744 BOWL TOWELS CUPS & PL 272813 BAGS 272815 MULTI T T 273060 BAGS 273473 ELECTRICAL WORK LIGHT INSTALLATION GLEN SAFE 15623 15624 TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI TENNIS INSTRUC GENERAL SUPPLI CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 3850 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 3430 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 9045 VERNON SELLING PAPER SUPPLIES 9807 GRILL GENERAL SUPPLI 9045 50TH ST SELLIN PAPER SUPPLIES 9805 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 3882 VERNON SELLING PAPER SUPPLIES 9807 CITY HALL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 3882 VERNON SELLING PAPER SUPPLIES 9807 CENTENNIAL LAK CONTR REPAIRS POOL TRACK GRE CONTR REPAIRS 8093 00057706 STREET RENOVAT GENERAL SUPPLI 3748 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:35) page 38 CHECK NO DATE CHECK:AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM. OBJECT PO NUM ---------_------- - -< *> $239.63* 202021 07/20/99 • $45.00 VERONICA CASEY CLASS REFUND 063099 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F < *> $45.00* 202022 07/20/99 $100.00 VICE, GARY PERFORMANCE 07814224 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $100.00* 202023 07/20/99 1$136.37 Viewpoint International COST OF GOODS - PRO S 95615 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 9429 < *> $136.37* 202024 07%20/99 _ $605:62 VIKING ELECTRIC contact 4366222 PUMP & LIFT ST REPAIR PARTS 3661 < *> .$605.62* 202025 07/20/99, $622.10 Vogel Paint & Wax PAINT 320304 PAVEMENT MARKI PAINT 1893 < *> $622.10* - 202026 07/20/99 $108.40 VOGT HEATING & AIR CONDT CANCELLED 99002167 GENERAL FD PRO MECHAN PERMITS < *> $108.40* 202027 07/20/99 $15.00 WAITE, KATHY PARTIAL SEASON;TICKET 070299 POOL ADMIN SEASON TICKETS < *> $15.00* 202028 07/20/99 $1,047.96 WALDOR PUMP & EQUIP IMPELLER 10440 LIFT STATION M REPAIR -PARTS 3621 < *> $1,047.96* 202030. 07/20/99 $135.24 WALSER.FORD PARTS 74804 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3538 07/20/99 $13.83 WALSER FORD PARTS 74805 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3538 07/20/99 $187.36 WALSER FORD PARTS= 74813 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3539 07/20/99 $25.05" WALSER FORD PARTS 74825. EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3541 07/20/99 $29.29 WALSER FORD PARTS 74917 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3544 07/20/99 $92.77 WALSER FORD PARTS 374953 EQUIPMENT..OPER REPAIR PARTS 3741 07120/99 $223.27.. WALSER FORD PARTS 47980 " EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3742 07/20/99 $33.51 WALSER FORD PARTS 75039 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 4066 07/20/99 $122.96 WALSER FORD SUPPLIES FOCS9246 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3744 07/20/99 $22.71 WALSER FORD PARTS 75025 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS- 3745 07/20/99 $8.19 WALSER -FORD PARTS 75067 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3751 .07/20/99 7$118..64 WALSER FORD BRK ASY CM74804 EQUIPMENT OPER.REPAIR PARTS - 3538 07/20/99 $14.96 WALSER FORD PARTS. 75167 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR -PARTS 3755 < *> $790.50* .202031 07/20/99 $100.00 WALSH, WILLIAM POLICE SERVICE 071399 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 202032 07/20/99 $120.00 WATERSTREET, JOAN JULY 4.PARADE & FIREW 070799 CONTINGENCIES GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $120.00* 202033. 07/20/99 $87.60 WENZEL HEATING & AIR CON REFUND 15987 GENERAL FD PRO BUILDING PERMI < *> $87:60* 202034 07/20/9.9 $517.54 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO.:. PARTS /TOOLS 24245 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 3397 < *> $517.54* " 202035�' 07/20/99 •$240:33 WIGEN CO INC REPAIR 4724 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 3366 < *> $240.33* COUNCIL CHECK �,LGISTER 15 -JUL -1999 (11:__) page 39 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE. PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM. - ----------------------------- 202036 07/20/99 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $221:09 WILLIAMS STEEL PARTS 85983801 PUMP & LIFT ST GENERAL SUPPLI 3717 < *> $221.09* 202037 07/20/99 $1,429.20 WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 2074408. PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 6325 . < *> $1,429.20* 202038 07/20/99 $765.70 WINE COMPANY, THE 'COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 023103 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $1,590.02, WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 023076 50TH ".ST SELLIN CST-OF GD WINE 07/20/99 - $64.00 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 023331 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $485.40 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 023819 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $692.65 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 023820 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $842.65 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 023821 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $4,312.42* 202039 07/20/99 $303.20 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 19130 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $728.85 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 19131 YORK SELLING CST, OF GD.WINE 07/20/99 $88.40 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 19492 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $1,12'0:45 *. 202040 07/20/99 $325.45 WINSTAR BROADBAND SERVIC COPS GRANT 18995 COPS MORE GRAN EQUIP REPLACEM 1337 < *> $325.45* 202041 07/20/99 $640.00 Working Smart COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 00006165 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE' < *> $640.00* 202042 07/20/99 - $249.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 80885 -50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 07/20/99 $129.02 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 82948 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $291.90 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 83009. 50TH ST SELLIN CST.OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $230.00 -..WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 83111 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $179.00" WORLD'CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 83106 VERNON SELLING CST OF.GD WINE 07/20/99 $319.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 83187 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 07/20/99 $433.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI. 834239 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $1,332.92* 202043 07/20/99 $100.00 WROBLESKI, HENRY POLICE SERVICES 071399 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 202044 07/20/99 $274.77 XEROX CORPORATION, PUBLI TONER FOR XEROX 16923542 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 3731 < *> $274.77* 202045 07/20/99 $284.75 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE FIRST AID SUPPLIES 54162044 ED ADMINISTRAT SAFETY EQUIPME < *> $284.75* 202046 07/20/99 $50.00 Zickert, Laurie REFUND SWIMMING 070899 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $50.00* 202047. 07/20/99 $2.62.03 ZIEGLER INC GENERATOR RENTAL E2454601 GENERAL STORM EQUIP RENTAL 3454 07/20/99 $557.50 ZIEGLER INC GENERATOR RENTAL 2451701' GENERAL STORM EQUIP RENTAL 3331 07/20/99 $15,021.83 ZIEGLER INC NPK HAMMER 4637007A UTILITY PROG MACH. & EQUIP 2573 07/20/99 $536.88 ZIEGLER INC PARTS PC000230 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3754 07/20./99 $18.85 ZIEGLER INC PARTS 0OC62031 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3761 07/20/99 $18.85 ZIEGLER INC PARTS PC000230 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 3761. < *> $16,415.94* 202048 07/20/99 $15.00 ZOSEL, TIM PARTIAL SEASON TICKET 070299 POOL ADMIN SEASON TICKETS - COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 15 =JUL -_1999 (11:35) page 40 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM { -------- - - - - -- - -< *> $15.00* $940,184.53* COUNCIL CHECK SUMMARY 15 -JUL -1999 (11 ;� /) page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUND # 10 GENERAL FUND $284,934.67 FUND # 11 COMMUNITY DEVELP. BLOCK GR $175.00 - FUND # 12 COMMUNICATIONS $18,152.35 FUND # 15 WORKING CAPITAL $16,288.35 FUND # 23 ART CENTER $7,140.29 FUND # 25 GOLF DOME FUND $3,743.26 FUND # 26 SWIMMING POOL FUND $11,232.42 FUND # 27 GOLF COURSE FUND $39,647.34 FUND # 28 ICE ARENA FUND $21,220.23 FUND # 30 EDINBOROUGH /CENTENNIAL LAX $26,017.13 FUND # 40 UTILITY FUND $73,632.62 FUND # 41 STORM SEWER UTILITY FUND $17,346.91 FUND # 42 RECYCLING PROGRAM $35,092.44 FUND # 50 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND $303,870.21 FUND # 60 CONSTRUCTION FUND $81,691.31 $940,184.53* MINUTES - -EDINA RECYCLING AND SOLID- WASTE COMMISSION MAY 20, .1999 7:00 A.M. MANAGER'S.CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Inna Hays, Judith Smith, Anne Cronin, Kathy Frey, Bob Reid, K.C. Glaser, Shelly Lipetzky GUESTS: -Paul Rosland, BFI STAFF PRESENT: Solvei Wilmot ROLL CALL Meeting was called to order by Kathy Frey, Chair, at 7:05 a.m. MINUTES Judy Smith MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 18TH , 1999, MEETING. Bob Reid SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. . SCHOOL Bob Reid reported that he met with Jay Willemson of the Edina School District. Mr Willemson was very interested in having Mr. Reid look at the school's recycling programs. Mr. Reid will be visiting all ten- of the schools in a day and a half. CONTRACT/BID Ms. Wilmot presented the ad for bid and the specification packet to the committee. Committee members considered adding another item to the recycling list. Batteries were discussed but decided not to be added. -Co- mingled collection was discussed. The committee will include co- mingled with source separated in the bid process. It is anticipated that source separating will not be available as a collection process in the future since the collection agencies are using more co- mingled. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned 8:05 a.m. MINUTES EDINA RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE COMMISSION MARCH 18, 1999 7:00 A.M. MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Inna Hays, Judith Smith, Anne Cronin, Kathy Frey, Bob Reid, K.C. Glaser, Shelly Lipetzky GUESTS: Paul Rosland, BFI STAFF PRESENT: Solvei Wilmot I. ROLL CALL Meeting was called to order by Inna Hays, Chair, at 7:05 a.m. II. MINUTES Bob Reid MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 27, 1999, MEETING. Kathy Frey SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. III. TOURS The commission will tour the BFI Recyclery April 15, 1999. Mr. Rosland will provide a map for the commission members. IV. BFI Update Mr. Rosland reported that the merger with Allied Waste is expected to be completed in August. The merger should not create any changes to recycling service locally. Commission members inquired about the recycling brochure which BFI produced. Ms. Wilmot distributed copies to the commission. Ms. Cronin commented that recycling bins have been left in the driveway and that the drivers need to return them where they found them. V. STAFF REPORT Annual Meeting & Volunteer Awards Reception Ms. Wilmot inquired how many of the commission members would be attending the annual meeting and the awards reception. Five members indicated they are planning to attend the annual meeting. For the volunteer reception, five members are planning on attending. Earth Day Ms. Wilmot reported that the City does not have a recognition day planned. Ms. Cronin reported that Creek Valley is planting trees. Ms. Wilmot will check with other schools to see if they have any events planned. Recycling Contract Update The recycling contract will be completed at the end of the year. As a result, the contract will be bid again this fall. Ms. Wilmot will present a bid packet to the Commission at the May meeting. VI. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Reid stated he has a.meeting set for March 24 to meet with Jay Willemson' of the Edina School District to discuss the recycling within the schools. VII. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Bob Reid MOVED TO NOMINATE MS. FREY AS CHAIR AND JUDY SMITH AS VICE CHAIR OF THE RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE COMMISSION. Ann Cronin' SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. Ms. Frey and the commission members thanked Inna Hays for her leadership the past two years. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:02 a.m. 6E l64'oN +aP+O . ".! paseq -Aos pue laded papbai 'gsaro) pa8euew ww; s!epa!ew az!!!7n o1 uoga A4%a spew sey pue luaw—!A- ay1 + j wa3uoo a s mjs Auedwo:) ueuun ps 1a m aioow aua!ieW p e!wq!!eo'p!a!p W � n n waded awl uewroyo5 jo uo!s!n!p y CV `J— ANVdWOJ Nnp- Ai j u! Pa) VW - roj A!an!snp�a A!eq u! paluud . U Z4A r '4� a , MUNICIPAL L �M�o UPDATE UPDATE 1999 -4 MONDAY, JULY 511999 IMPACTS OF THE 1999 TAX BILL The 1999 Omnibus Tax Bill has been touted by both the Republicans and Democrats, as well as Governor Jesse Ventura, as the most taxpayer - friendly bill in Minnesota history. It provides for a $1.25 sales tax rebate, a permanent income tax cut that will benefit all income taxpayers, and a few changes in property tax classification rates. Although there were many proposals for tax reform that were not included due to the focus on income tax cuts and the rebate (i.e. a sales tax exemption for local governments, a per capita LGA minimum for all cities) this legislation will have a profound and positive impact on MLC taxpayers. This issue of the MLC Update will focus on illustrating the impacts of the 1999 tax bill on your constituents and you. If you have any questions or would like further information about the issues discussed in this Update, please contact Bob Renner at 651/228 -9757. SALES TAX REBATE The Omnibus Tax Bill provides $1.25 billion in a sales tax rebate that all Minnesota residents who paid property or income tax in 1997 (and non - residents who paid sales tax in the state during 1997) are eligible to collect. Rebates will be mailed out automatically sometime at the end of the summer or beginning of the fall. Minimum rebate amounts are $358 for a married couple filing jointly, or $204 for an individual or per person for a couple filing separately. The rebate is capped at $5,000 (for income earners of more than $1 million. The rebate formula was created by estimating the amount of sales tax paid at defined income levels. This information was taken from the Minnesota Tax Incidence Report. The rebate is based upon 1997 federal taxable income, not gross earnings for that year. Taxable income is calculated by reducing rederal adjusted income by your itemized or standard deduction amount and the exemption amounts permitted by law. It is significantly lower than gross income. The chart on the next page is the schedule for the rebate at all income levels. The MLC Update Is prepared by Robert G. Renner, Jr. and Jennifer J. Peterson Messed! 8 Kramer P.A., 145 University Avenue West Suite 450, St. Paul, MN 55103 Telephone (851) 228 -9757 Fax (851) 228 -9787 1999 SALES TAX REBATE FEDERAL TAXABLE INCOME _REBATE FOR MARRIED- JOINT FILER REBATE FOR INDIVIDUAL OR MARRIED- SEPARATE FILER < $2,500 $358 $204 $2,500 - $4,999 $469 $249 $5,000.- $9,999 $502 $299 $10,000 - $14,999 $549 $408 $15,000 - $19,999 $604 $464 $20,000 - $24,999 $641 $496 $25,000.- $29,999 $690 $515 $30,000 - $34,999 $762 NA $30,000 - $39,000 NA $570 $351000 - $39,999 $820 NA $40,000 - $44,999 $874. NA $40,000 - 49,999 NA $649 $45,000 - $49,999 $921 NA $50,000-7$59,999 $969 NA $60,000 - $69,999 $1,071 NA $50,000 - $69,999 NA $776 $70,000 - $79,999 $1,162 NA $80,000- $89,999 $1,276 NA $90,000 - $99,999 $1,417 NA $70,000 - $99,999 NA $958 $100,000 - $119,999 $1,535 NA $120,000 - $139,999 $1,682 NA $100,000 - $139,999 NA $1,154 $140,000 - $159,999 $1,818 NA $160,000 - $179,999 $1,946 NA $180,000 - $199,999 $2,067 NA $140,000 = $199,999 NA $1,394 $200,000 - $399,999 $2,644 $1,889 $400,000 - $599,999 $3,479 $2,485 $600,000 - $799,999 $4;175 NA $800,000 - $999,999 $4,785 NA > $600,000 NA $2,500 >_ $1,000,000 $5,000 NA 2 r PERMANENT INCOME TAX REDUCTIONS Permanent income tax rate reductions' were heavily debated this session. The discussion was often- philosophical; yet highly charged politically. -Republicans believed that income tax rates were high across the board, and therefore should be cut equally among all brackets. Democrats accused, Republicans of not cutting taxes in a progressive manner and argued ." for an even more progressive income tax system by focusing cuts on the lower brackets. The compromise worked out cut all income tax brackets at least 4/2 °percent, with the middle bracket receiving a' 3/4 percent reduction.. The size of each income brackets was also expanded. Below are charts of the old and new brackets and their rates. MARRIED — FILING JOINTLY'' PRE -1999 INCOME TAX BRACKETS AND RATES INCOME TAX RATE $1—$19,910 6.0 percent $19,911 — $79,120 8.0 percent >_ $79,121 8.5 percent INCOME TAX BRACKETS AND RATES FOLLOWING PASSAGE. OF 1999 TAX BILL (retroactive to January 1, 1999)_ INCOME TAX RATE. $1 —$25,220 5.5 percent $25,221 = $100,200 7:25 percent >_ $100,201 8.0 percent *Rates I for married — filing separately are the same, except income in the brackets is cut in half. 3 i INDIVIDUAL PRE -1999 INCOME TAX BRACKETS AND RATES INCOME TAX RATE $1 — $13,620. 6.0 percent $13,621 — $44,750 8.0 percent >_ $44,751 8.5 percent INCOME TAX BRACKETS AND RATES FOLLOWING PASSAGE OF 1999 TAX BILL (retroactive to January 1, 1999) INCOME TAX RATE $1—$17,250 6.0 percent $17,251 — $56,680 7.25 percent >_ $56,681 8.0 percent Here are some examples of the ,financial benefits received by a few sample taxpayers when the rebate and income tax cuts are combined. These estimates were created assuming that taxpayers would not be taking advantage of additional available state tax credits or reductions (i.e. credit for approved educational purposes). A married couple filing jointly with a federal net taxable income of $40,000 will see a combined benefit of .$1,231. This includes an income tax reduction of $357 — from $2,816 to $2,459 and a sales tax rebate of $874.. A married couple filing jointly with a federal net taxable income of $85,000 will see a reduction in taxes of $725 — from $6,446 to $5,721. This couple will also receive a sales tax rebate of $1,276, for a total benefit of $2,001. A married couple filing jointly with a federal net taxable income of $500,000 will see a reduction in taxes from $41,663 to $38,807, a benefit of $2,856. This couple will also receive a sales tax rebate of $3,479, . for a total of $7,856. An individual taxpayer with a federal net taxable income. of $5,000, income taxes will drop from $300 to $275, a decrease of $25. This taxpayer will receive a sales tax rebate of $204, for a total benefit of $229. 4 For an individual taxpayer with a federal net taxable income of $20,000, income taxes - -- will -drop from - $1,327 -to $1,148, -a difference -of $179. The - sales- tax- rebate received will_ equal $496. This taxpayer will see a tax benefit during 1999 of $675. While DFLers argued that these rebates and reductions would make the income tax system- more - regressive and- would .benefit.the wealthy. far_more than middle and lower income residents, Republicans argued that these cuts would make the system even more progressive. If one reviews the effects of the new rates and the rebate; it is clear they both are fairly progressive. While the upper- income married couple taking, home $500,000 in', taxable income received a larger dollar amount when compared to lower income earners, the ratio of their combined sales tax rebate and income'tax cut as compared to total income is 1.57 percent. The ratio -of benefit as a percent of total taxable income for the individual earning $5,000 is 4.58 percent. And while a tax cut of $25 dollars might seem small, that $5,000 wage earner actually will see an 8.33 percent reduction in income taxes while the $500,000 married couple will see a 6.86 percent reduction in their taxes. However, the middle income _earners, the individual earning $20,000 will see a 'cut of 13.49 percent and the couple making $85,000 will see a reduction equating to 11.25 percent. The state will be altering withholding tables in July, but they will not be reduced enough to make up the difference in withholding for the first six months of the year, so taxpayers will need to change their withholding amount or-they can expect a larger- than - normal tax refund. PROPERTY TAX CHANGES Unlike the most recent two sessions, this year brought relatively few changes to the property tax system. The most notable, for MLC communities, is the reduction in property tax class rates for the second tier of homestead property. You`rriay remember that in 1997 homestead property valued. at greater than $72,000 was taxed at a class rate of two percent. That rate h`as steadily decreased to 1.85 percent for pay- 1998,.1.7 percent for pay -1999 and now- has again been reduced to 1.65 percent for pay -2000. The value in the second tier has also been increased from $72,000 to $76,000 for...pay- 2000. The charts on the final, pages of this Update estimate the change _in= property taxes for average and above average homes in MLC counties between pay-1999 and 'pay -2000. These charts are based upon property.tax simulations created by House Research, and they are estimates only. If you would like a complete copy of this computer run, please contact Jennifer Peterson at 651/228 -9757. s HOMESTEAD PROPERTY TAXES _.1999-COMPARED _TO.2000 Dakota County (Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Lakeville) Property Value Tax'Change Percent Change in tax /3 Below- Average Value -$28 -2.9 percent ($85,900 in 1999/. $90,300 in 2000) Average Value -,$51 -2.9 percent ($128;800 in 1999/ $135,500 in 2000) /3 Above- Average Value -$65 -2.4 percent ($171,700 in 1999/ $180,700.in 2000) Washington County (Woodbury) Property Value Tax Change Percent Change in tax /3 Below- Average Value -$88 -7.9 percent ($92,300 in 1099/ $93,700'in 2000) Average Value -$130 -6.3 percent ($138,500 in 1999/ $140,500 in 2000) /3 Above - Average Value - $168 -5.5 percent ($184,700 in 1999/ $187,300 in 2000) Southeast Hennepin County (Bloomington, Edina) Property Value Tax Change Percent Change in tax /3 Below- Average Value -$6 -0.5. percent ($91,900 in 1999/ $98;100 in 2000) Average Value -$39 -1.8 percent ($137,900 in 1999/ $147,100 in 2000) /3 Above- Average Value -$58 -1.8 percent ($183,900 in 1999/ $196,100 in 2000) 6 Southwest Hennepin County (Eden Prairie, Plymouth, Minnetonka) Property Value Tax Change Percent Change in tax /3 Below- Average Value -$26 -1.4 percent ($125,100 in 1999/ $132,100 in 2000) Average Value -$33 -1.0 percent ($187,700 in 1999/ $198,200 in 2000) /3 Above - Average Value -$39 -0.8 percent ($183,900 in 1999/ $196,100 in 2000) Suburban Ramsey County (Maplewood, Roseville, Shoreview) Property Value Tax Change Percent Change in tax /3 Below- Average Value -$18 -1.7 percent ($82,700 in 1999/ $86,600 in 2000) Average Value -$4 -0.2 percent ($124,000 in 1999/ $132,900 in 2000) /3 Above - Average Value -$3 -0.1 percent ($165,300 in 1999/ $177,200 in 2000) EDINA ASSET BUILDING STEERING COMMITTEE June 29, 1999 Meetiny, Minutes Committee Members Peter Hodne, Susan Heiberg, Anthony Sussman Gordon Hughes, Todd Olson, Alice Randall & Doug Johnson Review EPS Administrative Retreat Presentation: The group reviewed the presentation by Mick Johnson, President of the HealthSystems Foundation to the EPS administrators. Members of the steering committee . that attended the event indicated that they enjoyed the session and thought he was an excellent presenter. In addition,, the survey date was announced to the group. The survey will be administered to all grade 6 -12 students on October 26, 1999. Web Site: The asset web site is up and running. Thanks go to Peter, Christine and Ware Washam for their efforts. The web site is located at www.edina.kl2.us /whatsup /assets.htm. Funding: Revenues are going well. EPS has budgeted $30,000, HealthSystems has awarded a grant of $1,000, four Lutheran Brotherhood Chapters have pledged a total of $4,000 towards the cost of the survey and Alice has been in touch with Fairview - Southdale. Gordon and Doug have met with the allocations committee of the Edina Foundation. The city and district will be preparing a joint request. A copy of the application was distributed. Breakfast Event: The group discussed the proposed kick -off breakfast event. It was agreed that the event will be held the week of September 13 at the Braemar Clubhouse. A sub - committee was formed to plan the event. Members include Susan, Alice and Doug. Others on the committee and in the community are invited to be part of the planning group. Suggestions for the invitation list include senior staff Hiring Process: Christine and Doug would like to move forward with hiring a "coordinator." Gordon agreed to develop a job description. Gordon, John, Alice, Doug and a student will serve as the hiring committee. Based on the revenue available, we anticipate that the position will be half -time at about $20,000. At this point the expected duration will be the school year. A decision to extend beyond that needs to be made at a later date when more information and a better sense of funding is available. Committee Content: There was some confusion over the membership of the committee. Doug will make the needed changes to the future roster. Co- Chair: With Christine out on sabbatical a replacement was sought. Todd agreed to assist with the leadership of the group. Next Meeting Date: The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 19 at 8:00 a.m. in the EPS district office conference room. Building a Healthier Edina - Asset Development I E? I N— PUBLIC SCHOOLS http://www.edina.k12.mn.us/whatsup/assets.htm �3 uilding a Healthier Edina-Asset Development /$;;16zN What is 'Building a Healthier Edina "? The community of Edina is committed to creating the future for youth. In the fall of 1998, an Edina Asset Building Steering Committee was established to start conversation and planning for how Edina as a community could build a healthier Edina for its youth. This planning centers on the asset development research conducted by the Minneapolis -based Search Institute. We believe that a community and its members have a powerful influence on the development of young people. Together in partnership with the Search Institute, the community of Edina is identifying and building developmental assets that give kids what they need to succeed. . Developmental Asset Cate og ries . Beliefs . Approach and Timeline . Edina Asset Building Steering Committee Developmental Asset Categories The Search Institute has identified 40 developmental assets that help young people make wise decisions, choose positive paths, and grow up competent, caring, and responsible. The assets are grouped into eight categories. 1 of 3 07/06/99 07:42:48 Building a Healthier Edina - Asset Development Beliefs http://www.edina.kl2.mn.us/whatsup/assets.htm - Support External - Empowerment Assets - Boundaries and expectations . Constructive use of time . Commitment to learning Internal - Positive values Assets - Social competencies . Positive identity We believe that: • Youth assets involve families, schools, congregations, neighborhoods and community organizations. • Individuals in a community should play a profound role in making a difference in the lives of youth. • Asset building is a way of life rather than a specific program with a title. We are committed to: • Creating a partnership between city, education, health, business and religious communities. • Developing a journey that links meaningful support to Edina youth. Approach and Timeline . Education - Provide ongoing education to community, family and school partners about asset building including o Leadership Retreat (June, 1999) o Mobilizing the Asset Building Community - Breakfast (September, 1999) . Survey - o Letter describing the Search Institute survey sent to parents of all Edina Public School students in grades 6 -12 (early October, 1999). o Search Institute survey administered to all Edina Public School students in grades 6 -12 (October 26, 1999). . Town Meeting I - Present the survey results to the community (January, 2000) . Town Meeting 11 - Conduct a community conversation on building a healthier Edina in the new millennium - a meeting to discuss an action plan (February, 2000). Edina Asset Building Steering Committee Members include: • Chace Anderson, Edina High School • Bethany Brand, Community • Kelly Crowther, Edina High School • Betsy Flaten, Edina Human Relations Commission • Kathy Iverson, City of Edina • Susan Heiberg, Edina Human Relations Commission • Peter Hodne, Highlands Elementary School 2 of 3 07/06/99 07:42:49 Building a Healthier Edina - Asset Development . Gordon Hughes, City of Edina . Kyle Jackson, Youth Pastor . Doug Johnson, Edina Community Education . John Keprios, Edina Park & Recreation . Todd Olson, Edina High School . Linda Packard, Edina Community Council . Alice Randall, Edina Community Education . Anthony Sussman, Edina High School . Ken Thoreson, Edina Rotary Club . Christine Weymouth, Edina Public Schools http://www.edina.kl2.mn.us/whatsup/assets.htm For more information, contact Doug Johnson (612- 928 -2612) or Christine Weymouth (on sabbatical until January, 2000). Edina Public Schools 612- 928 -2500 ISD 273 District Office 612 - 928 -2501 (fax) 5701 Normandale Road isd273(i�edina.k12.mn.us Edina, Minnesota 55424 Edina Public Schools I District I Tour the Schools I Community Education 11k "hats Up Copyright © 1999 Edina Public Schools. S I 3 of 3 07/06/99 07:42:49 Richard A. Lind 5725 View Lane Edina, MN 55436 July 19, 1999 Mr. Gordon Hughes Edina City Manager City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Hughes: Over the years my neighbors and I have. complained about the volume and speed of traffic on View Lane. Not only has the traffic increased each year over the last ten years, the speed of the vehicles on View Lane has gradually gotten to a point where it is unsafe. Homeowners in the area have brought this condition to the attention of the police department which has responded on occasion with patrols of the area. We remain concerned because of the number of new homeowners with young children. We also understand other areas of Parkwood Knolls are experiencing similar problems. I believe the complaints of the homeowners on View Lane and the complaints of others in the Parkwood Knolls area have created a liability risk for the City. Therefore, I believe it is time to address the issue before someone gets hurt on our streets. We understand you are reviewing the traffic patterns and traffic controls in the Parkwood Knolls area. I would request that you include View Lane in your study. We appreciate your hard work and attention to this situation. It may be that continuous police patrols are not economically feasible. Therefore, please consider speed bumps, additional signs and other controls on View Lane north of Vernon Avenue to slow the traffic and control the volume. Sincerely, . 4 icha�ALind RAL/bl c: Edina City Council members Edina Traffic Safety Committee Mike Siitari, Edina Police Department lose Ile d✓ G � 'l��F�'" /U'�� �� �!./ .�' fiCl..��G�- r�"-: 2C�.` o [�"' 4el- 7 �p 4 / Roy K. Jenson, 5124 Blake Road Edina, Minnesota 55436 -1126 Phone: (612) -935 -1825 July 20, 1999 Mr. Gordon Hughs _ -- - -- City_ of Edina - 4801 West 50th St. - -- - Edina; -MN .. 55424 Reference: Cut through traffic to Blake Road Dear Mr. Hughs, Since I will be unable to attend the City Council this evening, I will make my comments in a letter format. Please. include this letter in any materials provided to the Council members. I am familiar with the issues raised by the citizens on the south end of Blake Road regarding cut though traffic from the Highway 169 Businesses and I am sympathetic with the issues of high speed traffic. The same cut through traffic presents a different issue on the north end of Blake Road in that rush hour traffic brings a massive traffic jam of cars waiting to access Interlochen and north bound Blake Road. The size of the traffic jam is heavily dependent on the weather but duri ng an afternoon snowstorm, the back up will stretch from Interlochen to Pine Grove Road, a distance of over half a mile. The estimated wait time is in excess of half an hour. During a normal summer afternoon, it is common to wait 10 minutes to be able to leave my house and drive two blocks north. Another impact of this cut through traffic induced backup is the inability of emergency vehicles to access the large area north of Mirror Lakes. The reconstruction of Blake Road near Mirror Lake. left the road too narrow to allow cars to pull over for emergency vehicles. During any rush hour, but especially those-in bad weather, there is a two hour period when any emergency vehicle traffic will require other vehicles to back up along a winding road for a distance of up to a quarter mile. This is not acceptable from a public safety standpoint. The traffic issues in this area have been steadily increasing over the years. I would hope that the Mayor, City Council, and staff in the City of Edina will find ways to address these issues. Sincerely yours, V Roy Jenson JUL.16.1999 4 :00PM LAPP,LAURIE,LIBRA N0.007 LAPP, LAURIE, LIBRA, ABRAMSON & THOMSON CHARTERED ATTORNTYS AT LAW GERALD T. LAURIE• WILLIAM S. LAPP DAVID A. LIBRA*' FRANK ABRAMSON RICHARD T. THOMSON JOHN R. STOEBNER04 GREGORY D. PUSCH JULIA A. CHRISTIANS ANORCW E. TANICK JACQUELINE A. MRkCHEK DAVID A. HARBECK IAN S. LAURIE WILLIAM S. CLEW, OF COUNSEL Ms. Nan Faust 5522 Highwood Dr. Edina, MN 55436 Mr. James Hovland 4907 Sunnyside Dr. Edina, MN 55424 P.5 /7 ONE FINANCIAL PLAZA SUITE 2500 120 SOUTH SIXTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA SS402 TELEP14ONG (612) 339-5815 FACSIMILE (612)'339-W I •CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST *•REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST CERTIFIED BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION July 16, 1999 SENT VIA FAX AND U.S. MAIL ##326 -0390 Mr. Michael Kelly 6700 West Shore Dr, Edina, MN 55435 Mr. Dennis Maetzold 5110 Arden Ave. Bdina, MN 55424 Re: Rezoning and proposed redevelopment at 3916 -18 West 4401 Street (the "Durr Property") Dear Mayor pro tern and council members: We represent Owen Husney and certain other property owners and residents of the area near or adjacent to the Durr Property. As you know, our clients as wen. as other local residents have been unanimous in expressing their dismay over the city's rezoning of the Durr Property; specifically because the rezoning has already resulted in the destruction of a substantial number of trees from the site, would ultimately result in the addition of a 10,000+ square foot addition to the Odd Fellows Hall building, and would result in the creation of a commercial parking lot adjacent to existing single family and other residential properties. We were surprised to hear that Efta's city attorney apparently advised the council that it should not review (or cause the city's planning commission to review) the city's JUL.16.1999 4 :00PM LAPP,LAURIE,LIBRA LAPP, LAURIE,. LIBRA, ABRAMSON & THOMSON CHARTERED N0.007 P July 16, 1999 Page 2 comprehensive plan and consider whether the zoning classification for this tract continues to conform with said plan in light of the changes that have occurred in the neighborhood within the past seven. years. Our surprise is based, in part, on the fact that the Edina Land Use, Platting and Zoning Ordinance specifically contemplates such action within two years after any rezoning, provided the landowner has not obtained a building permit and commenced "erection or alteration of a building as described in the petition ". See Edina, MN, Ordinances §850.04 Subd.2, H. Lapse of Rezoning by Non -User. Here, Mr Durr apparently did not obtain a building permit and has not erected or altered any building since the rezoning. Obviously, if the city envisioned a need to review rezoning decisions as soon as two years after making such changes, the passage of seven years ought to merit at least a review of this particular decision. While the city, of course, could "reaffirm the final rezoning approval previously granted" following such review, the residents of the area are nevertheless entitled to have this rezoning decision reviewed in light of the substantial lapse. of time without action by Mr. Durr. The neighbors' entitlement to review is also justified by concerns expressed by the: Planning Commission during its consideration of the rezoning, At that time, Commissioner Workinger asked how soon the work would commence. City planning official Craig Larsen responded that he was "not sure when work would commence"- but "if they do not act within three years the proposal may have to be re- heard." See Minutes of th; Regular Meeting of the Edina Community Development and Planning Commission held on May 27, 1992. Finally, the applicant, as an experienced developer and architect, surely knew that the zoning of his property would be subject to review and reclassification after his failure to act within the two year period following his requested rezoning. Therefore, we do not agree that the city faces any substantial liability for simply acting act is accordance with its, clearly written ordinance, For all of the reasons set forth above, we respectfully ask the council to consider initiating a review of the earlier rezoning decision and to review specifically whether changes in the area since 1992 justify further action, including, rescinding the previously granted rezoning. Finally, even if the council declines to take action to review the rezoning issue, we ask that you each personally visit the Durr Property to view for yourselves the dramatic changes that will result if the property is not rezoned. Specifically, we are concerned that following any_, ,. redevelopment, the screening and buffering between the Durr Property and the adjacent property owners will not be adequate. Although Craig Larsen has assured me that the city "is. expecting more than the bare minimum for screening and buffering ' , we would like the city to take a very active role in this issue. This issue is especially important when there is commercial development immediately adjacent to residential property. Here, it is anticipated that a commercial parking lot will abut residential properties. Perhaps the city could encourage Mr. D= to meet with all of the adjacent property owners to discuss the screening and buffering issue or, alternatively, to involve such property owners in any meetings the ' city has with Mr. Durr to discuss this important issue. UL.16.1999 4:01PM LAPP,LAURIE,LIBRA LAPP, LAURIE, LIBRA, ABRAMSON & THOMSON CHARTERED July 16, 1999 Page 3 Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. JRS /dkk cc: Mr. Jerry Gilligan, Esq. Mr. Craig Larsen (by facsimile only) NO. 007 P.7 /7 LAPP, LAURIE, LIBRA, ABRAMSON & THOMSON, CHARTERED By: )k- John R. Sto ner