HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-02-17_COUNCIL PACKETMP P MP PR All Properties Inspected 18 Month Project Estimated Cost: $400,000 City Ordinance Staff Recommendations: RAM 1. Implement Sump Program 2. Enact New Ordinance AGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 17,1998 7.00 P.M. ROLLCALL ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Adoption of the Consent Agenda is made by the Commissioners as to HRA items and by the Council Members as to Council items. All agenda items marked with an asterisk ( *) in bold print are Consent Agenda.items and are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless a Commissioner, Council Member or citizen so requests it. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. * I. Rollcall II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of HRA - Regular Meeting of February 2,1998 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS as per pre -list dated 2/11/98 TOTAL: $50,690.97 * III. CHANGE ORDER - HRA CONTRACT 97 -2 C.S. McCrossan, Centennial Lakes Grading IV. ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of February 2, 1998 and Special _ Meeting of February 2,1998 II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS - Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinances: First and Second Reading require 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall of all members of Council to pass. Final Development Plan Approval of Pro erty Zoned Planned District: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Conditional Use Permit: 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. Rollcall, A. FINAL REZONING. R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRS-4, Planned Residence District and Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Opus, National LLC and Karrington Health Inc., 7128. France Avenue South (Lutheran Church of the Master Site Rollcall B. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Guardian Savings, 6950 Xerxes Avenue * C. SET PUBLIC HEARING (3/2/98) - Community Development Block Grant for 1998 III. AWARD OF BID * A. Traffic Signals for 78th Street at Cahill Road and Ceceilia Circle * B. Well Repair for 3 City Wells Agenda/Edina City Council February 17,1998 Page 2 IV. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS * A. Approval of Traffic Safety Report of February 3,1998 * B. Resolution Authorizing 1998 Hennepin County Recycling Grant C. Resolution Tobacco Free Community Grant * D. Resolution Receiving Feasibility Reports and Setting Public Improvement Hearing Dates (3/2,/98)- 1. France Avenue at Crosstown 62 Improvement * No. BA 2. West 77th Street at TH 100, Improvement No. BA -315 -316 E. Annual Bridge Inspection Report F. MnDOT Cooperative Signal Agreement for Valley View Road G. State Aid Variance Request for West 78th Street and 169 Signal H. State Aid Route Designations I. City Sump Pump Program Report * J. Annual Appointment of Assistant Weed Inspector K. Board of Soil & Water Resources Report L. Confirm Edina School Board Appointments to Human and the Edina Foundation Relations Commission M. Set Hearing Date - Street Vacation, 69th Street - Christ Presbyterian Chur (3/16/98) V. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS VI. CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS VII. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES VIII. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL IX. MANAGER'S MISCELLANEOUS ITEM X. FINANCE Rollcall A. Payment of Claims as per Pre -List dated 2/11/98 TOTAL: $511,187.02 and for Confirmation of Payment of Claims $308,434.40 as per Pre -List dated 2/3/98 TOTAL: SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Mon Mon Mar 2 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. Mar 16 Regular Council Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues 7:00 P.M. Mar 24 Annual Meet w /Brds, Commss & Commtts COUNCIL Mon 6:00 P.M. Apr 6 Orientation -Board of Review BRAEMAR GOLF CLUE Mon Apr 6 6:00 P.M. p Regular Council Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBET Mon 7:00 P.M. Apr 13 Board of Review COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Apr 20 Regular Council Meeting :00 P.M. . COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon May 4 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon May 18 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 P.M. g COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon May 25 7:00 P.M. Y MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED - City Hall Closed COUNCIL CHAMBERS �9lNA • ,ilr� �1 0 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY City of Edina ENTER INTO A TOBACCO FREE COMMUNITIES GRANT CONTRACT WITH WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WHEREAS, the Edina City Council is the Community Health Board for the City of Edina; and WHEREAS, the Edina Community Health Board has been active in reducing tobacco usage by youth in our community; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Health is authorized by Minnesota Statutes 145.14, Subd. 3 to award special grants to community health boards to conduct community- wide programs to prevent tobacco use; and WHEREAS, the Edina Health Department has applied for a special grant for the purpose of conducting community -wide programs to prevent tobacco use in the community of Edina. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina Community Health Board that the Community Health Administrator be authorized to enter into a contract with the Minnesota Department of Health to accept funding for the Tobacco Free Communities for Children Grant. Adopted this 17`h day of February, 1998 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing City Council Minutes is a true correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of February 17, 1998 and as recorded in the minutes of said meeting. WITNESS, my hand and seal of said City this 18`h day of February, 1997 11 / / � J Debra A. Mang n, City Clerk City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5461 4,9t� r,4 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY ENTER INTO 1998 MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRANT AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY City of Edina WHEREAS, the City of Edina operates a recycling program consistent with Minnesota Statutes 115A.02 and 115A.03, as amended by the Laws of Minnesota 1992, Chapter, 685, and Minnesota Statutes, 473.8011; and WHEREAS, the Edina Recycling Program is consistent with the Office of Environmental Assistance Solid Waste Management Development Guide /Policy Plan, the Hennepin County Solid Waste Master Plan; and Hennepin County's Residential Recycling Funding Policy; and WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Board has adopted a Resolution authorizing funding for Municipal Recycling Programs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Edina City Council that the Mayor and the City Manager to enter into an Agreement with Hennepin County to accept funding for the Edina Recycling Program. Adopted this 17`h day of February, 1998 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing City Council Minutes is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of February 17th, 1998 and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS, my hand and seal of said City this 18`h -day of February, 1998 Debra A. Mang -en, C& Clerk City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5461 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HELD AT CITY HALL FEBRUARY 2, 1998 - 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rolicall were Commissioners Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold and Chair Smith. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Maetzold and seconded by Commissioner Hovland approving and adopting the HRA Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Motion carried. *HRA MINUTES OF JANUARY 20, 1998, APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Maetzold and seconded by Commissioner Hovland approving and adopting the HRA Minutes of January 20, 1998. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. r CLAIMS PAID Commissioner Faust made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated January 27, 1998, and consisting of one page totaling $5,550.27. Commissioner Maetzold seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chair Smith declared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director F- -I COUNCIL CHEL. -�GISTER 11 8-1998 (18:54) page 1 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13286 02/17/98 $49,922.02 GLOBAL SPECIALTY CONTRAC PARKS 97 -4 #5 CENTENNIAL LAK PARKS < *> $49,922.02* 13287 02/17/98 $10.50 Haas, Mary Parking permit refund 801 50TH STREET PARKING PERMIT < *> $10.50* 13288 02/17/98 $758.45 PLAISTED COMPANIES INC Bunker sand 9359 CENTENNIAL LAK PARKS < *> $758.45* $50,690.97* RE PO RURECO M MEN DATI O N To: HRA From: Francis Hoffma City Engineer Date: February 17, 1998 Subject: Contract 97- 2(HRA) Centennial Lakes South Pond Mass Grading - Change Order Recommendation: Approve change order. Info /Background: Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action HRA III. ® To HRA ❑ To Council ® Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Due to the impending construction of buildings 3 and 4 of the Centennial Lakes project, the HRA needs to provide a change order to its current contractor, C.S. McCrossan, Inc. Currently, McCrossan has a mass grading project which is to be completed on June 30, 1998. However, due to the building schedules the grading must be completed in five stages prior to June 300'. In order to do this, McCrossan has requested a change order in the amount of $5,000.00 for the adjustment in the contract. Currently, change orders for a total of $8,579.67 have been approved ,on a $99,300.00 contract. Thus, the ten percent limit will be exceeded with this latest change order. This requires HRA approval. Staff would recommend the change order along with the interim completion dates as part of the change order. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL FEBRUARY 2,1998 - 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, and Mayor Smith. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Hovland to approve and adopt the Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of Agenda Items IV.A. Resolution Authoring Acceptance of State Grant Funding Police Overtime and IV.B. Tax Forfeit Property, Outlot B, Whiteman Addition. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998, APPROVED Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Hovland approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council on January 20,1998. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. PRELIMINARY REZONING AND PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED FOR R -1 SINGLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT TO PRD -3, PLANNED RESIDENCE DISTRICT FOR NAMRON COMPANY LLC (51XX LINCOLN DRIVE), GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF LINCOLN DRIVE Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Planner Larsen explained the subject site measures 5.1 acres in size, and is developed with a single dwelling home located in the far north end of the site. The site is platted as an outlot Properties to the west and south are zoned PRD -3 and are developed with apartment buildings. Properties to the east are zoned PRD -2, and are developed with zero lot -line, single dwelling homes. Properties to the north are double bungalow lots. The subject site is shown as low density, multi- family in Edina's Comprehensive Plan. Planner Larsen noted the proposed rezoning was continued by the Council at their January 20, 1998 meeting. The developer, in response to concerns raised by Council members, has prepared a revised site plan for Council consideration. Planner Larsen reviewed the following changes: Density The project unit count has been reduced to 39 units. The original site plan illustrated eleven "B" units easterly of the proposed private drive. The revised plan illustrates eight units in this area. Other changes to the site plan include the reduction of the "C" units from fourteen to twelve and the increase of "D" units from four to six. The revised site plan also eliminates the need for a building set back variance from the north property line. Minutes/Edina City Council/February 2,1998 Guest Parking Guest parking has been increased from twelve to twenty spaces. Besides adding more guest parking, demand has also been reduced through the reduced density and the elimination of the community building. The revised site plan has a total of 176 parking spaces on -site, including each unit's two car garage. Site Grading The developer has proposed reducing the maximum street grade from seven to five percent. This reduction lowers the elevation of the entire site, increasing the vertical separation between this site and the home to the east. Street Width The proposed private street continues at 24 feet wide. The street would be posted "No Parking on either side. Planner Larsen noted that along with the changes the developer included a' conceptual landscaping plan emphasizing screening along the easterly property line.. Mayor Smith noted receipt of letters from Dr. F. E. Drill, 5080 Malibu Drive, Robin B. Nelson, 5180 Malibu, Drive and John & Evodena Linner, 5040 Malibu Drive expressing their concern regarding the proposed development. The residents' concerns included density, traffic, visual separation and proposed landscaping. Mayor Smith stated his opinion that the proposed development as revised makes a good transition zoning between the,apartments to the west and the single family homes to the east. The developer, Mr. Bjornnes has addressed the concerns expressed at the January '20, 1998 meeting. Member Hovland asked what controls the City has over the landscaping of a project such as the proposed development. Planner Larsen explained that at the time the final approvals are considered, the developer would submit a detailed landscaping plan that would be approved by the City Council. In addition, the developer must provide a landscaping bond for the project. Member Faust asked what was the distance between the "B" units and the lot lines. Norm Bjornnes, developer replied that the northerly building is 45 feet from the lot line increasing to 50 feet from the lot line on the southerly building. Norm Bjornnes, developer, informed the Council, his landscape architect is the same one used by the developer of the zero lot line homes on Malibu. He added he intends to build the scattered parking at this time. Member Maetzold questioned whether the rental of units will be handled by the office at the Lincoln. Mr. Bjornnes confirmed the Lincoln will handle rentals for the townhomes. Page 2 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 2,1998 Member Faust thanked the developer for his efforts in responding to the concerns raised at the January 20th Council meeting. Member Kelly reiterated thanks to the developer for his willingness to resolve concerns. Public Comment Robert Crosby, 5020 Malibu Drive, explained he had two concerns relating to the proposed development: 1) density, and 2) adequate landscaping between the existing single family homes. Mr. Crosby believes the 39 -unit proposal is still too dense. He would also like to see the existing trees salvaged between his home and the new development. Member Hovland asked if subdivision dedication would be collected on this development. Planner Larsen explained the subdivision dedication had been collected from this property at an earlier time. Motion by Member Maetzold, seconded by Member Hovland to grant first reading to Ordinance No. 1998 -1, an ordinance rezoning the subject property from R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -3, Planned Residence District for Namron Company LLC., 51XX Lincoln Drive. Roll call: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith First Reading granted. Member Hovland introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled, "OAKS LINCOLN TOWNHOME ", platted by Namron Company LLC hereby granted preliminary plat approval with four conditions: 1) Final rezoning, 2) Final Plat, 3) Watershed District Permits (noting final unit count may be reduced if on -site ponding is required), and 4) Developer's Agreement for installation of sewer, water, and improvements to Lincoln Drive. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Roll call: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Resolution adopted. Member Maetzold left the meeting at 7:50 P.M. due to illness. -fit; DUNG DATE SET OF FEBRUARY 17 1998 FOR PLANNING MATTERS Motion made by Member Maetzold and seconded by Member Hovland setting February 17, 1998, as the hearing date for the following planning matters: 1. Final Rezoning, R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PRS-4, Planned Residence District and Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Opus, National LLC and Karrington Health Inc., 7128 France Avenue South (Lutheran Church of the Master Site) 2. Final Development Plan, Guardian Savings, 6950 Xerxes Avenue. Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes. Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 2,1998 BID AWARDED FOR REPLACEMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT SELF - CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS Chief Paulfranz explained of the four bids received for the replacement self- contained breathing apparatus for the Fire Department, two manufacturers met specifications. The Committee recommended awarding the bid to the lowest complying bidder, Scott Fifty -Fifty at $92,657.72. Following a brief Council discussion, Member Kelly made a motion for award of bid for replacement Fire Department self - contained breathing apparatus to the lowest complying bidder, Scott Fifty -Fifty at $92,657.72. Motion seconded by.. Member Faust. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Smith Motion carried. PARAGON CABLE'S OFFER ACCEPTED FOR EXPANSION OF GARDEN PARK COMFORT STATION Park Director Keprios pointed out that Paragon Cable Company approached the City with a proposal at Garden Park for the comfort station that included: • adding 400 square feet to the 280 square foot proposed Garden Park Comfort Station plan for a combined total square footage of 680 • $100,000 payment to the City of Edina • Paragon paying all additional costs to increase the size of the building (to include architect fees and construction costs) • free rent for the life of the franchise or 14 years • after 14 years, a new lease agreement would be negotiated or the City would assume the storage space. Following a brief Council discussion, Member Kelly made a motion.to accept Paragon Cable Company's proposal to pay $100,000.00 plus all additional costs needed to enlarge the comfort station at Garden Park which would allow. approximately 400 square feet of secured storage for Paragon Cable Company's backup equipment. Member Faust seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Smith Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR PARK SHELTER BUILDINGS AND COMFORT STATIONS Director Keprios explained that the. purchase is for four park shelter buildings at Cornelia School Park, Todd Park, Walnut Ridge Park and Weber Park and for three comfort stations at Garden Park, Lake Cornelia Park and Wooddale Park, and for renovations of bathrooms at the Lewis Park shelter building. In the interest of saving money,' plumbing and heating fixtures will be bid separately with an anticipated cost at approximately $40,000.00. Director Keprios concluded the specifications call for substantial completion of this project by July 15, 1998, and final completion by July 30, 1998. He pointed out this would be the last large Park Referendum project to be completed. Staff recommended approval of the low bid'. Page 4 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 2,1998 Mayor Smith inquired whether consideration had been given to use of the Golden Years Montessori School Building for both a park shelter as well as a Senior Center in the Weber Park area. Manager Rosland noted discussion had been held on the feasibility of this use and concluded the building is not for sale at this time. The business continues to operate even though it has been sold. Mayor Smith asked if Hunnerberg Construction is awarded the bid could they construct the Weber Park project last so more inquiries could be made into use of the existing building. Manager Rosland assured the Council he would confer with Hunnerberg Construction. Member Faust made a motion for award of bid for park shelter buildings at Cornelia School Park, Todd Park, Walnut Ridge Park, Weber Park and for comfort stations at Garden Park, Lake Cornelia Park and Wooddale Park to recommended low bidder, Hunnerberg Construction Company at $968,650.00. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Smith Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR POLICE SQUAD CAR (FORD) Chief Bernhjelm indicated it is being proposed the 1994 squad car scheduled for replacement would be replaced by one full -size Ford Crown Victoria. The replacement vehicle would serve as a Class B marked squad for four years. Member Hovland made a motion for award of bid for one full -size Ford Crown Victoria to Superior Ford under Hennepin County Cooperative Purchasing Contract, #4277A7, at $20,443.00. Motion seconded by Member Faust. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Smith Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR POLICE SQUAD CARS (CHEVROLET) Chief Bernhjelm reported three Police squads are up for replacing. He suggested replacements for these vehicles as follows: CHEVROLET TAHOE (1) • Replacement Vehicle used as first line marked patrol vehicle for three years • Truck chassis offers a 3 year life expectancy versus 2 years for full size squads • Tahoe is only full -size police vehicle on market other than Ford Crown Victoria • Crown Victoria may be discontinued within 2 years • Tahoe would be test vehicle for possible future use as departments primary squad car CHEVROLET LUMINAS (2) • Replacement vehicles for unmarked fleet • Will replace two 1991 unmarked squads • Police package Luminas offer durability and performance for 7 year expected life span Following a brief Council discussion, Member Faust made a motion for award of bid for one Chevrolet Tahoe at $26,611.00, and two Chevrolet Luminas at $35,264.00, to Erickson Chevrolet Pontiac, Inc., through Hennepin County Cooperative Purchasing Contract #4204 B7 -232. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Smith Page 5 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 2,1998 Motion carried. RESOLUTION ADOPTED AUTHORIZING GRANT FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATION NIGHTCAP Chief Bernhjelm explained Operation NightCAP is a statewide saturation patrol program designed to arrest drug and alcohol impaired drivers. State, County and local law enforcement agencies work together on saturation events. Surrounding agencies have selected two saturation events on Highway 62 with state funds paying for two Edina officers at overtime rates. Chief Bernhjelm noted the state requires a Council resolution authorizing City participation before the Operation NightCAP grant request may be submitted to the state. Member Faust introduced the following resolution and moved its approval: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina Police Department enters into a Grant Contract with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, State Patrol Division for the program entitled Operation NightCAP. Deputy Chief Mike Siitari is hereby authorized to execute and sign such Grant Contracts, and amendments thereto, as are necessary to implement the program on behalf of the Edina Police Department. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina on February 2. 1998. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Smith Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION APPROVING PUBLIC AUCTION OF TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY - OUTLOT (WHITEMAN ADDITION) Manager Rosland informed the Council, the City has been advised by Hennepin County Taxpayer Services Division that a small parcel of land in Whiteman Addition has been forfeited due to nonpayment of property taxes. The City could: 1. Approve the parcel for sale at public auction; 2. Approve the auction of the parcel to adjacent property owners only; or 3. Request conveyance of the property to the City for public use. Upon review, Staff believes the parcel was platted as an outlot to Whiteman Addition because of a proposed driveway immediately north of the property. The property to the north chose a different location for their driveway, never acquiring the outlot. A utility easement exists on the outlot. The outlot is an unbuildable piece of property according to Code and not needed for any public purpose. Staff believes the best option for the outlot would be to allow its sale at public auction, restricting the sale to adjacent property owners. The Mayor called for public comment. No public comments were heard. Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved its approval: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina has received from the County of Hennepin a list of lands in said municipality which became the property of the State of Page 6 Minutes/Edina City Council/February 2,1998 Minnesota for non - payment of property taxes, which said list was dated December 23, 1997, Conservation/Non- Conservation Classification List 1027- C,/NC. WHEREAS, the parcel in said list identified as PIN No. 29- 117 -21 -33 -0034 has heretofore been classified by the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County, Minnesota, as non - conservation land the sale thereof and has heretofore been authorized by said Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Edina City Council that there are no existing or pending special assessments on said parcel; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Edina City Council that said parcel need not be withheld from sale pursuant to M.S. 85.012, M.S. 92.461; M.S. 282.01, Subd. 8; M.S. 282.018, Subd. 1, or M.S. 282.018, Subd. 2; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Edina City Council that the said classification is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that, acting pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 282.01, Subd. 7a, it has determined that said parcel of land is not buildable according to the City's Zoning Ordinance and that sale of said parcel be limited to the adjacent properties for attachment thereto. Adopted this 2nd day of February, 1998. Member Faust seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Smith Resolution adopted. DISCIPLINARY ACTION APPEAL REMOVED FROM AGENDA At the request of the employee concerned, the disciplinary appeal was removed from the agenda prior to the Council meeting. CLAIMS PAID Member Kelly made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated January 27, 1998, and consisting of 27 pages: General Fund $262,703.24; C.D.B.G. $140.50; Communications $427.21; Working Capital $30,911.34; Art Center $10,883.87, Golf Dome Fund $339.98; Swimming Pool Fund $106.35; Golf Course Fund $16,778.52; Ice Arena Fund $13,337.80, Edinborough/Centennial Lakes $8,346.10; Utility Fund $322,432.60; Storm Sewer Utility Fund $10,820.10; Liquor Dispensary Fund $163,263.01; Construction Fund $12,199.76, Park Bond Fund $130,223.30;1- 494 Commission $2,653.09; TOTAL $985,566.77. Member Faust seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Kelly, Smith Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Smith declared the meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. City Clerk Page 7 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL AND' THE EDINA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL FEBRUARY 2, 1998 - 5:00 P.M. Mayor Pro Tem Maetzold called the meeting to order. Attending from the City Council were. Members Nan Faust, Mike Kelly, James Hovland and Mayor Pro Tem Dennis Maetzold. Attending from the Edina School District Board were: Members Idith Almog, Ernie Fischer, Ruth Gouth, Phyllis Koehler, .John Murrin, .Tim Walsh, and Chair Frank Bennett. Mayor Smith entered the meeting at 5:07 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Maetzold thanked the School Board members for their attendance. He briefly reviewed the purpose of the meeting which was to review the status of the Kunz/ Lewis property with the School Board, to gather further information regarding the West Metropolitan Education Program (WMEP) proposals, and discuss the School Board's position regarding the WMEP proposals for the Kunz/ Lewis site. Assistant Manager Hughes explained the Grandview Area Tax Increment Financing District was originally created in 1984. Various proposed developments have been reviewed for the site commonly called the Kunz /Lewis property since 1984. An office development was approved in 1992, but never built and the approvals expired. In 1996 Four S Properties acquired the site, then February of 1997 the Edina City Council authorized the acquisition of the site through condemnation, if necessary. However, the City was able to reach a negotiated settlement with the owners. The City solicited requests for proposals from developers which were received on December 5, 1997. Thirteen proposals were received, two that proposed construction of a magnet school on the site and eleven for mixed purpose redevelopment. Superintendent Dragseth explained that WMEP is a consortium of school districts, from Columbia Heights, St. Anthony, Brooklyn Center, Robbinsdale, St. Louis Park, Hopkins, Edina, Minneapolis and Richfield. WMEP has been in existence about seven years and is an attempt to ., voluntarily develop projects increasing integration in Minneapolis and surrounding suburban schools. WMEP currently has three projects under way. The first is an elementary school in downtown Minneapolis that is scheduled for completion in about a year, but which will open for students in the 3rd through 8th grades in the Fall of 1998. The second magnet school is located in Robbinsdale and will be a fine arts school. Since the two projects under construction were in downtown Minneapolis and a northern suburb, the south west was the next area targeted for a magnet school. The Kunz /Lewis site met WMEP's selection criteria. WMEP has secured State site acquisition funding of $1.8 million and is requesting an additional $1.2 million in 1998. The State will also fund construction of the magnet school that is estimated to be $12 million. If the magnet school is constructed in Edina, District 273 then becomes its Minutes/Edina City Council/February 2,1998 fiscal manager and has authority over programming the facility. Students from the nine participating districts are allocated spots in the magnet schools based proportionally upon population. Superintendent Dragseth noted that WMEP is the only voluntary organization in the United States attempting to integrate urban and suburban schools. The City Council and School Board discussed various aspects of the WMEP proposal including: • The possible programs a magnet school could provide, • The need for additional elementary facilities in Edina, • The number of enrollment slots available to Edina students,. • How magnet school attendance opportunities are apportioned, • The impact on Edina if the Kunz /Lewis property becomes tax exempt, • Whether or not a magnet school could or would meet any community needs (additional gym space, community indoor pool, theater, senior center), and • The variety of proposals the City has received for the Kunz /Lewis. property. Mayor Smith requested the School Board draft a resolution outlining the District's position and forward this resolution to the City Council as soon as possible. There being no further business on the Council/ School Board agenda the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. City Clerk Page 2 IREPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Craig Larsen City Planner Date: February 17, 1998 Subject: Z -97-4, and Amendment to Comprehensive Plan. 7128 France Avenue. Karrington Health, Inc. Recommendation: Agenda Item II. A. Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA - ® To Council Action F-1 Motion ® Resolution ® Ordinance Fj Discussion The Planning Commission recommends Final Rezoning approval and Amendment of the Comprehensive Plan from Quasi - Public to Multi - Family Residential. Conditioned on: 1. Grant 50 foot conservation restriction along westerly property line. Info /Background: See attached Planning Commission minutes, staff report and plans, and correspondence. DRAFT MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1998. MEMBERS PRESENT: Runyan, Bergman, Byron, Workinger, McClelland, Lonsbury Z -97-4 Rezoning R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PSR-4, Planned Residence District Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Generally Located: West of France Avenue and south of Hazelton Road Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the City Council granted Preliminary Rezoning approval for the proposed development on November 17, 1997. At the same time the Council gave preliminary approval to a Comprehensive Plan amendment changing the land use designation for the site from Quasi - Public to Multi- family Residential. The proponents have now prepared plans in support of their request for Final Rezoning approval. Mr. Larsen pointed out in addition to the normal requirements for Final Rezoning, the Council identified six issues to be addressed and resolved before the granting of final approval. Continuing, Mr. Larsen explained at the time of preliminary approval the developers indicated they would accept a no -build easement along the westerly portion of the site. The size of the easement was not specified. The westerly parking lot maintains a 90 foot setback in the final site plan. Staff would suggest a 50 foot conservation easement along the westerly property line. Mr. Larsen informed the Commission during City Council hearings both the height of the berm and the amount of berming along the westerly property line were issues. The plan considered by the Council had a pond in the northwesterly portion of the site, and berming extending from the southerly end of the pond to the south property line. The final plan illustrates a berm along the - entire west side of the property. The proposed undulating berm varies between 3 and 5 feet above the grade of the parking lot. The berm is heavily landscaped, primarily with conifers. Mr. Larsen pointed out the pond with permanent standing water has been eliminated. In its place a dry storm water detention pond is developed in the northwesterly portion of the site. The pond is sized to handle the 100 year storm, but would only have standing water during and shortly after significant rainfall events. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District has granted all necessary permits for the development. Mr. Larsen asked the Commission to note the developer has agreed to install sidewalks along West 72 "d Street and Hazleton Road to connect to the existing sidewalk on France Avenue. There has been some discussion of a sidewalk along Lynmar with neighbors. Staff does not recommend this sidewalk if the two other sections are installed. The site plan continues to provide for site access only from Hazleton Road. To further orient traffic to France Avenue the westerly drive has been angled to the northeast. Mr. Larsen concluded the developer has presented plans which meet the requirements for Final Rezoning approval, and which address the issues and concerns raised at Preliminary Rezoning approval. Staff recommends Final Rezoning approval, and approval of the Comprehensive Plan amendment. Approval should be conditioned on the granting of a 50 foot Conservation Easement along the westerly property line. Mr. Michael Concilla, Mr. Cease, Mr. Hurst and Ms. Trott were present representing Karrington, Inc. Commissioner Workinger questioned why the sidewalk does not extend along Lynmar Lane. Mr. Larsen said the City prefers that the sidewalk does not extend along Lynmar Lane. The sidewalks constructed by the proponent along West 72 "d Street and Hazelton Road link with France Avenue so a sidewalk along Lynmar is not really needed. Mr. Mike Concilla, introduced himself, and explained to the Commission the development team is working with their attorney's on the language regarding the conservation easement. He introduced the development team; Mr. Tom Cease, Gene Hurst and Ms. Carla Trott. Continuing, Mr. Concilla stated Opus /Karrington does not have a problem with the 50 foot conservation "easement ", but the attorney /lender is experiencing hesitation with the wording. Mr. Mark Sullivan, 7128 Lynmar Lane, told Commission Members the neighborhood has experienced a very positive relationship with Karrington /Opus. .Continuing, Mr. Sullivan stated the neighborhood believes the proposed plan is very good, but the neighborhood wants assurance the requested 50 foot conservation easement stays in place. Mr. Sullivan said the neighborhood is not worried about Karrington, but has a concern if the facility is sold, what the new owners may do regarding the easement. Commissioner Byron commented if he understands the main concern of the neighboring residents, that concern is maintaining the 50 foot conservation easement. Mr. Sullivan said that is correct. Continuing, Commissioner Byron questioned how members of the neighborhood feel about extending the sidewalk to include the east side of Lynmar Lane. Mr. Sullivan said in all honesty, the residents on Lynmar Lane do not want to see the sidewalk constructed across from them, but there is a faction of neighbors that desire the sidewalk. Mr. Larsen interjected in response to questions raised about the conservation easement, the City wants to see this easement in place, and legally recorded. In conversations with the proponents they divulged the lender is uncomfortable with the word "easement ". Continuing, Mr. Larsen said he would like the motion to reflect a 50 foot "restriction ", "easement" , "no build area ", etc., or whatever wording the Commission chooses to ensure that this area remains open. Mr. Larsen said the lender needs to realize this protection is needed, but does not prevent them from asking in the future for it to be reduced. Concluding, Mr. Larsen stressed the City wants the "restriction" because if offers the City another layer of protection. Commissioner McClelland said in her opinion this is a good project, the developers have been very responsive to the concerns of the residents, and City, adding she would hate to see all the past hard work unravel because of language issues. Commissioner Byron said the City and City Attorney would probably like to see the word "easement ", but as Mr. Larsen mentioned another word may suffice. Commissioner Workinger suggested platting this area as an "Outlot" may solve the financing problem with the language issue. Mr. Larsen said he believes that would only complicate the issue. Chairman Runyan said it has been very gratifying to see such a respectful relationship between a neighborhood and developer, and he can support the proposal as presented. Mr. Rofidahl, 7101 Bristol Boulevard, stated he does not care either way if the sidewalk is constructed along Lynmar Lane, but believes it is important to _.maintain the 50 foot strip of open space. Ms. Diane Marteens, resident of the neighborhood, said she is very pleased with the developers of the project, the planned sidewalk, and suggested that the City look into extending the sidewalk along West 72nd Street, all the way to Cornelia Drive. Ms. Kathy Campbell, 7201 Bristol Circle, stated she agrees with what has been discussed this evening, but added she has a concern with vehicular parking congestion, and suggested widening Hazelton Road to provide safety for vehicles traveling along it when the funeral home is conducting a funeral. Ms. Campbell pointed out she submitted photos of cars parking along Hazelton Road, and Lynmar Lane, during a funeral, stating in her opinion parking has become a problem. Commissioner Workinger asked Mr. Larsen to address the parking issue. Mr. Larsen said he will look into the situation, but pointed out the project presented this evening can not remedy the parking, and traffic that occur as a result of a funeral. Mr. Larsen pointed out the funeral home conforms to all Code requirements, and at this time Traffic Safety is reviewing the situation. Commissioner Workinger said he has a concern if funeral overflow occurs on Hazelton Road the site lines for vehicles leaving the subject site may be compromised. Commissioner McClelland suggesting posting "No Parking" signs or a yellow curb line near the entrance /exit curb cuts of the facility. Chairman Runyan explained to Ms. Campbell the Commission is not in the position to recommend the widening of Hazelton Road, but the Council will review the comments this evening, and can decide on the appropriate action. Commissioner Byron asked Mr. Larsen if staff is content with the storm - water run -off solution depicted in the plans. Mr. Larsen said what is proposed should work, pointing out the site will also tie into the Centennial Lakes drainage system. Commissioner McClelland moved to recommend Final Rezoning and Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan subject to staff conditions, and the recommendation that a 50 foot conservation "easement" be placed along the westerly property boundary line, not restricted to the word "easement ". Commissioner Bergman seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. Commissioner Byron added he would like the Council to consider extending the proposed sidewalks to include Lynmar Lane. EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JANUARY 28, 1998 Z -97-4 Rezoning R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to PSR-4, Planned Residence District Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Generally Located: West of France Avenue and south of Hazelton Road The City Council granted Preliminary Rezoning approval for the proposed development on November 17, 1997. At the same time the Council gave preliminary approval to a Comprehensive Plan amendment changing the land use designation for the site from Quasi - Public to Multi- family Residential. The proponents have now prepared plans in support of their request for Final Rezoning approval. In addition to the normal requirements for Final Rezoning, the Council identified six issues to be addressed and resolved before the granting of final approval. The issues are as follows: Conservation Easement At the time of preliminary approval the developers indicated they would accept a no -build easement along the westerly portion of the site. The size of the easement was not specified. The westerly parking lot maintains a 90 foot setback in the final site plan. Staff would suggest a 50 foot conservation easement along the westerly property line. Height of Berm During City Council hearings both the height of the berm and the amount of berming along the westerly property line were issues. The plan considered by the Council had a pond in the northwesterly portion of the site, and berming extending from the southerly end of the pond to the south property line. The final plan illustrates a berm along the entire west side of the property. The proposed undulating berm varies between 3 and 5 feet above the grade of the parking lot. The berm is heavily landscaped, primarily with conifers. Pond Location The pond with permanent standing water has been eliminated. In its place a dry storm water detention pond is developed in the northwesterly portion of the site. The pond is sized to handle the 100 year storm, but would only have standing water during and shortly after significant rainfall events. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District has granted all necessary permits for the development. Traffic Safety The developer has agreed to install sidewalks along West 72 1'd Street and Hazleton Road to connect to the existing sidewalk on France Avenue. There has been some discussion of a sidewalk along Lynmar with neighbors. Staff does not recommend this sidewalk if the two other sections are installed. The site plan continues to provide for site access only from Hazleton Road. To further orient traffic to France Avenue the westerly drive has been angled to the northeast. Location and Screening of Service Area The service doors continue to be located in the northwesterly wing of the building. The doors are screened from the west by the building. Lighting Final plans include a lighting plan which demonstrates that lighting will be directed only to parking areas and will not wash to neighboring properties. The impact of parking lot lighting will be further reduced because the parking lot has be moved 30 feet to the east in the final plans. In addition to addressing issues raised by the City Council, the developer has submitted a complete set of plans to support their request for final approval. The plans continue to illustrate a 93 unit building, but over all building size has been reduced. As a result the building and the westerly parking lot have moved approximately 30 feet to the east. The 3 story building will be finished with a combination of face brick and lap siding. The landscaping plan meets or exceeds ordinance requirements, while emphasizing screening along Lynmar. RECOMMENDATION The developer has presented plans which meet the requirements for Final rezoning approval, and which address the issues and concerns raised at preliminary approval. Staff recommends Final Rezoning approval, and approval of the Comprehensive Plan amendment. Approval should be conditioned on the granting of a 50 foot Conservation Easement along the westerly property line. Minutes/Edina City Council/November 17,1997 considered to be four feet above the ground. Using this as a guide, approximately 483 trees are larger than 12 inches in diameter, and 435 are less than 12 inches in diameter. The estimated cost per homeowner is $60 per tree trimmed. Homeowners are given an opportunity to trim their own trees before the City contractor begins work. Member Maetzold questioned whether the City pays sales tax on other improvement projects. Staff explained the City pays sales tax on all purchases of goods and service. Member Hovland asked if the City has a plan to control Dutch Elm. Manager Rosland explained that over the years a variety of treatment methods have been used. Sanitization seems to work best. Public Comment William Orr, 4920 Arden Avenue, explained he lives on a corner lot at Arden Avenue and 50th Street. Mr. Orr is not anxious to pay assessments for trimming trees on both Arden Avenue and 50th Street. He asked that he only be required to pay for tree trimming on one street, noting this is how street or sidewalk assessments are handled. Ann Macieg, 4630 Bruce Avenue, stated she has lived on Bruce for 25 years. MS. Macieg believes treating the trees has helped immensely over the years. Ms. Macieg is very concerned about the cleanliness of the trees and urged that proper trimming be done. She asked that young trees be included in the trimming process. Manager Rosland noted the City Forester is on the lookout for diseased elms; however, citizens are urged to call if they suspect a diseased tree. The City will send the Forester to inspect the tree. Member Maetzold asked about the City's policy of assessing corner properties for all their trees. Manager Rosland explained the project is an area improvement; therefore, each lot is assessed for all trees on public boulevards. Mayor Smith added trees benefit individual home owners' property exclusively, while streets and sidewalks are used by the general public. Member Hovland introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT-98 WHEREAS, the Edina City Council on the third of November, 1997, fixed a date for a council hearing on the proposed tree trimming Improvement No. TT-98 and WHEREAS, ten days' mailed notice and two weeks' published notice of the hearing were given, and the hearing was held thereon on the 17th of November 1997, for Improvement No. TT- 98 Tree Trimming. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts, does hereby determine to proceed with said improvement, including all proceedings which may be necessary in eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Improvement No. TT-98 Tree Trimming. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Improvement No. TT-98 Tree Trimming is hereby ordered. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Resolution adopted. PRELIMINARY REZONING, R -1, SINGLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT TO PSR-4 PLANNED `- RESIDENCE DISTRICT AND AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, OPUS, NATIONAL Page 2 Minutes/Edina City Council/November 17, 1997 LLC AND KARRINGTON HEALTH, INC., 7128 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Presentation by Planner Planner Larsen explained the City has received a redevelopment request from Opus, National LLC and Karrington Health Inc. for the site of the former Lutheran Church of the Master. The subject property is 4.18 acres in area and developed as a church. The church ceased operating during the summer of 1997. The proposed rezoning would allow redevelopment of the site as a senior citizen assisted living residence. The proposed development would also require amending the City's Comprehensive Plan use designation for the site from Single Family Residential to Multi- family Residential. The proposed rezoning would allow development of the site with a three -story assisted living senior citizens residence containing 93 units. Planner Larsen reviewed the proposal relative to Edina's Zoning Code as follows: • Density: PSR-4 District requires an area of 1,500 square feet per dwelling unit. The proposed 93 unit building would provide 1,957 square feet per unit. • Building Setbacks: PSR- 4District building setbacks are 35 feet or the height of the building from all property lines. The proposed building is 40 feet 10 inches with proposed setbacks of between 70 and 130 feet. • Surface parking: Accessed from Hazelton Road only for approximately 55 spaces which would adequately handle traffic. Based on other operations of the proponent, their peak parking demand will be during the day shift with 28 staff on site. • Landscaping Plans (not required for Preliminary Approvals): proposes to retain as many France Avenue trees as possible. Emphasis will be placed on screening the west side of the site. Planner Larsen compared the Walker Elder Suites to the proposal: Planner Larsen noted the proponent revised the site plan after the Planning Commission review as follows: • The building was moved east and south to minimum setback, • Parking slightly rearranged, • Pond moved from the south side to the site low point on the north west corner, • Additional emphasis placed on the berm west and north west portion of side. Mayor Smith asked the height of the berm on the west side of the site and whether this proposal would require a Developers Agreement. Planner Larsen responded that a Developers Agreement would govern the development. Member Kelly asked why the pond had been relocated in the revised plan. Planner Larsen replied the new location on the northwest corner is the lowest point on the site. Member Maetzold asked what was meant in the Planning Commission minutes when it stated if the proposed building height was reduced the project would loose its residential feel. Planner Larsen Page 3 Walker Karrington Area 1.87 acres 4.18 acres No. Units 72 93 Heights 40 feet halfway up to peak 40 feet 10 inches Lot Coverage 22% 12% Parking 37 55 Planner Larsen noted the proponent revised the site plan after the Planning Commission review as follows: • The building was moved east and south to minimum setback, • Parking slightly rearranged, • Pond moved from the south side to the site low point on the north west corner, • Additional emphasis placed on the berm west and north west portion of side. Mayor Smith asked the height of the berm on the west side of the site and whether this proposal would require a Developers Agreement. Planner Larsen responded that a Developers Agreement would govern the development. Member Kelly asked why the pond had been relocated in the revised plan. Planner Larsen replied the new location on the northwest corner is the lowest point on the site. Member Maetzold asked what was meant in the Planning Commission minutes when it stated if the proposed building height was reduced the project would loose its residential feel. Planner Larsen Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/November 17,1997 said there had been discussion about lowering the base elevation or having two stories. Two stories would result in 50% more ground cover making parking crowded and leaving less open space. He added that single family homes are allowed to have a maximum height of 30 feet measured at the mid -point between the roof peak and eaves. Member Maetzold asked how parking would be kept out of the oval drive in front of the building. Planner Larsen explained that due to the width of the oval, parking would be allowed within it. Member Hovland asked if the berm is planned to rise 4-5 feet above the parking lot grade or the adjacent land, if the west side of the pond will have 4 -5 foot banks, whether homes exist the entire length of Lynmar Lane adjacent to the site, has any work been done to ensure lighting from the parking lot does not wash into the residential homes and whether watershed approval has been obtained yet. Mayor Smith expressed concern that necessary drainage be provided considering the additional hard surface being created. Planner Larsen introduced Julie Kimble of Opus to respond to Council's questions. Julie Kimble, Opus, explained they are partnering with Karrington Health Inc. She introduced Mike Concilla of Karrington Health, Inc. Ms. Kimble explained the new pond location was based on the natural topography of the site. The new location also reduced the retaining wall. The developer has been working with the Lynmar Lane residents regarding the berm and landscaping. Ms. Kimble noted the berm is undulating and the landscaping should screen the west side of the pond. Mike Concilla, Karrington Health Inc., noted the lights proposed are hooded on the back and are residential in nature. The light bulbs are not high pressure sodium, but are a lower intensity light. Mayor Smith stated the pond at its typical low state should be attractive and be designed with an adequate bounce to hand all storm water. In addition, the trash/ service area should be reconfigured to provide additional screening and more noise buffering. Member Kelly said he believes the proposed screening on Lynmar Lane should extend the entire length of the site, and he wants to see impact on the single family homes minimized. In addition, he expressed concern regarding the safety of the pond at its proposed location and questioned the aesthetic integrity of the site plan. Julie Kimble, Opus, responded that pond's proposed location takes advantage of the low point of the site, and that the pond is required for storm water management. She added the developer had been informed the neighborhood children walk on the 72.d Street side of the site; so, moving the pond to the northwest comer seemed appropriate. Member Maetzold questioned the outside mechanical systems' location. Mike Concilla, Karrington Health, Inc., explained the exterior mechanical systems are screened behind the roof facade on top of the building. Mr. Concilla added Karrington operates 24 assisted living•facilities currently, has 20 under construction and an additional 18 in the planning process. He explained the building design affords each wing to contain a different neighborhood. Each neighborhood will contain common areas for beauty parlor, craft areas, outdoor areas, dining facilities, etc. The proposed building will have 93 units with 111 beds, allowing shared rooms for married couples or others. Mr. Concilla noted there are no kitchen facilities in the rooms. Residents Page 4 Minutes/Edina City Council/November 17,1997 may need help bathing, dressing or eating. The average resident is an 83 -year old female needing minimal assistance. One wing will be reserved for Alzheimer's patients. Member Maetzold asked about security of the Alzheimer's patients because of the proximity to France Avenue. Mr. Concilla explained the Alzheimer's wing has locked doors with keypad exits and patients wear bracelets. Member Hovland urged that coniferous trees be included in the landscaping plan and expressed concern about the adequacy of the parking, especially during holidays when residents may receive many visitors. Mr. Concilla responded in his experience the proposed parking should be more than adequate. Public Comment Mark Sullivan, 7128 Lynmar Lane, lives west of the Lutheran Church of the Master site. Mr. Sullivan bought his home eight years ago believing he would live forever next door to a church. He stated he is representing the Cornelia neighborhood, and they prefer the present proposal over the office development that previously was suggested for the site. Mr. Sullivan noted that Opus has returned phone calls, held neighborhood meetings and is working with the neighborhood to alleviate concern. He added the neighborhood is almost ready to support the proposal but have the following concerns: 1. The 40 feet 10 inch building height, 2. Limits must be placed on the site not allowing any future expansion, with either additional wings or floors, 3. Increase the easement to the single family property adjoining the site to limit impact on the homes, 4. Assurance that the berm will be satisfactorily landscaped, 5. Ensure protection from lights washing into the residential homes, Mr. Sullivan added the developers' tight time schedule should not become either the neighborhood's or City's problem. He expressed concern that final approval not be granted until all parties are satisfied. Pat Evans, 7111 Heatherton Trail, voiced concern regarding the proposed pond and the many children in the area. The pond will become a very attractive nuisance. Ms. Evans requested the pond be relocated. She also requested that care be taken the pond does not become a stagnate place to breed mosquitoes. Diane Martin, 7112 Bristol Boulevard, added her concern regarding safety and noted the comer of Lynmar and Hazelton currently becomes inundated with water. Ms. Martin worried about the impact of additional water and a pond in this area. Kathy Campbell, 7201 Bristol Circle, reiterated concern about the pond's proposed location and the safety issue of the pond. Ms. Campbell also noted concern relative to -the amount of traffic on the corner of Hazelton and France. Ms. Campbell cautioned approval of the proposal because she believes the proposal has too many missing pieces. She suggested redesigning the building. Rick Adair, 7120 Lynmar Lane, reported the neighbors have not achieved a consensus for the pond's location. He stated he would prefer to see the building site further east to lessen its impact on the neighborhood. Council Discussion/ Action Page 5 Minutes/Edina City Council/November 17,1997 Mayor Smith noted the neighbors' request for a conservation restriction along Lynmar Lane, problems with the pond location and design, and desire that the service area be moved nearer to France Avenue. Member Maetzold expressed concern over the proposed height of the structure. Member Kelly stated he believes the proposed pond design is not very creative and is a safety concern. Member Kelly suggested Opus rework the pond area and turn it into an aesthetically pleasing amenity for the site. Julie Kimble thanked the Council and neighbors for their comments. She stated the "no- build" easement would not be a problem. Mr. Kimble reminded this is a concept plan, that neighbors still have input and the plan will be refined before it is finalized. Member Hovland complimented the developer for the quality of the proposed project. The City wants the best outcome for the neighbors and the developers. He asked if the Council moves ahead with preliminary approval can the City procedurally require the developers to come back with detailed plans. Planner Larsen explained the preliminary plan is more detailed than required by Edina's ordinance. Planner Larsen listed the following issues to be resolved before final approvals: • Conservation restriction on west side of site, • Height of berm • Pond location, safety and aesthetics • Traffic safety • Location and screening of service area • Lighting Member Maetzold indicated his support of the proposed development observing the property is going to redeveloped. This use compliments the residential neighborhood adjacent to the property. Member Hovland agreed with moving forward with preliminary approvals as long as the safety issues can be addressed before final zoning is granted. Member Kelly stated his reluctance to grant rezoning until the issues are resolved satisfactorily. He added that the developer can obtain options and, if necessary, deadlines can be changed. Member Kelly asked how the previously mentioned issues relate to granting preliminary approvals of the project and does granting preliminary approval weaken or change the City's position relative to granting final rezoning. Planner Larsen replied the plan needs to be refined addressing the issues previously outlined to the City Council's satisfaction. At final zoning, the Council decides if the issues have ultimately been addressed. Attorney Gilligan explained that relative to the rezoning, granting preliminary approval does not encumber the Council in their deliberations of final rezoning. However, denial at this point would require the applicant to wait one year before resubmitting a proposal. Member Hovland introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption conditioned upon final rezoning and final plat approval: RESOLUTION Page 6 Minutes/Edina City Council/November 17, 1997 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL that preliminary approval be granted amending the Comprehensive Plan showing 7128 France Avenue South as Multi- Family Residential. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Resolution adopted. Member Hovland made a motion granting first reading to Ordinance No. 850 -A13 rezoning the property located at 7128 France Avenue from Single Dwelling Zoning District to PSR4, Planned Senior Residence, conditioned upon satisfactory resolution of the issues identified by Council and citizens, final rezoning, and final plat approval. Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Hovland, Kelly, Maetzold, Smith Motion carried. FIRST READING GRANTED FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1997 -14, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING EDINA CODE SECTION 1230 AND 900 AND MODIFYING CITY POLICY REGARDING THE CONSUMPTION OF 3.2% MALT LIQUOR AT CERTAIN CITY PARKS AND FACILITIES Assistant Manager Hughes reminded that on November 3, 1997, the subject ordinance which regulates consumption and sale of various alcoholic beverages at City -owned facilities was before the Council. Staff, following Council's direction, presented the revised ordinance reflecting more clearly where certain beverages may be consumed or sold. Member Kelly made a motion granting first reading for Ordinance No. 1997 -14, An Ordinance Amending Edina Code Section 1230 and 900 and Modifying City Policy Regarding the Consumption of 3.2% Malt Liquor at Certain City Parks and Facilities. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Hovland, Kelly, Smith Nays: Maetzold First Reading Granted. FIRST READING GRANTED FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1997-17, AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE AND USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS Sanitarian Velde explained the Minnesota Legislature passed a law during the 1997 session requiring licensing of retail tobacco sales, mandating annual compliance checks of licensed facilities, establishes minimum penalties through an administrative penalty system and requiring alternative penalties for minors who violate the law. State law places restrictions on self - service merchandising and sales of tobacco products through vending machines. Presently, Code Section 1325 addressees self - service merchandising and sales through vending machines. Section 1325, however, does not mandate compliance checks, did not provide an administrative penalty system with fines and does not address alternative penalties for minors. Sanitation Velde presented overheads of proposed Section 1326 which addressed State law as follows: DEFINITIONS: • Tobacco or Tobacco Related Products Cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco and other forms of tobacco leaf suitable for chewing, sniffing or smoking • Tobacco Related Devices Page 7 i v �PRR THG N°h December 22, 1997 Craig Larson City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Subject: Proposed Karrington Community France Avenue and Hazelton, Edina Dear Mr. Larson: By prior invitation (a copy of which is enclosed) representatives of Karrington and Opus met with Cornelia neighbors on December 16, 1997. Six neighbors attended the meeting to continue discussions about the proposed Karrington project at France Avenue and Hazelton. We continue to be very pleased with the spirit of cooperation that is apparent within the concerned citizens of the neighborhood. At the meeting we walked through our proposed final submittal including the site plan, grading plan, landscape plan and elevations. A color rendering for the proposed facility was also shared. A formal written response (enclosed dated December 15) to the neighborhood's letter of November 25, 1997 (enclosed) was passed out and reviewed point by point. The three issues which were under discussion at the meeting were as follows: 1. Could Karrington add some additional evergreens along the berm to further mask potential lights from the parking lot? Yes. It will be done. 2. Since Karrington cannot accept a conservation easement, what assurance can the neighborhood have that the site assisted living project would not be razed some day for the construction of an office building? We believe that the City's zoning and zoning process would not allow this to happen without the opportunity for neighborhood involvement. How can the City help make the neighborhood comfortable with this issue? We would look forward to discussing the issue at you earliest convenience. KARRINGTON COMMUNITIES 919 Old Henderson Road / Columbus, OH 43220 / 614.451.5151 / Fax: 451.5199 3. There was not a consensus regarding where sidewalks should be placed. One neighbor felt strongly that there should also be a sidewalk along Lynmar while others preferred the additional greenspace /landscaping. It is Karrington's position that the site is better served by the additional landscape buffer rather than to have a sidewalk along Lynmar. The balance of the site would be surrounded by sidewalks which we believe is more than adequate for pedestrian traffic. We hope that this information is helpful to the City as it continues to consider this project. It is our intention to make the final project submittal on January 14 so that we can be on the planning commission agenda on January 28 and on the City Council agenda on February 17. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. Thank you. Sincerely, Michael A. Concilla Project Coordinator cc: Julie Kimble, Opus John Kuehn Edina City Council members Edina Planning Commission members RRT H . �P� N INC. December 15, 1997 Dear Cornelia Neighborhood Committee: Thank you for your letter (a copy of which is attached) dated November 25, 1997. We appreciate your support to date for this project and your willingness to communicate openly and directly regarding your concerns and suggestions. By this letter we are responding to the Recommendations for the Redevelopment of 7128 France Avenue South which was attached to your letter. Building Mass and Configuration: 1. The project architects have worked to minimize the overall mass and have made the floor plate slightly smaller. The result of these changes have increased the rear building setback from Lynmar to approximately 180' and reduced the overall mass of the building. 2. As described above, the new footprint increases the rear setback. 3. The service entrance faces diagonally away from the neighborhood, towards Hazelton Road. The entire service area is completely shielded from the neighbors by residential units and building mass in the rear. In addition, there is very limited services to the facility and only panel trucks are used for deliveries. Traffic: 1. The curb cuts have been adjusted as requested. There will be "no left turn" signs posted. Further, Karrington will ask its employees to use the France /Hazelton intersection only. 2. Karrington will ask its employees not to park on Hazelton Road. Karrington does not have any control over others who wish to park on the street. It is our understanding, however, that the City of Edina has a public process for the restriction of on- street parking that the neighborhood may wish to pursue. 3. Karrington will be happy instruct their employees to utilize routes to work other than Cornelia Drive. 4. We believe that the City is willing to address the issue of the timing /cycling of the traffic signal at Hazelton Road and France Avenue. KARRI NGTON COMMUNITIES 919 Old Henderson Road / Columbus, OH 43220 / 614.451.5151 / Fax: 451 .5199 Safety: 1. As you can see on the revised site plan, the wet pond area has now been eliminated as a result of engineering cooperation between the City, the Watershed District, and project engineers. We believe that this will eliminate all safety issues relative to the ponding. 2. The requested sidewalks are now shown on the site plan. 3. Should damage to a home be the direct result of construction at this site, Karrington, its contractor and /or their insurance companies will correct the damage. Environment and Landscaping: 1. Since any conservation easement placed on the property will remain there in perpetuity, our lenders will not finance our project with that restriction. We have no intention of ever expanding on the site, in fact our building is not designed for expansion. The City's zoning'procedures and laws will protect the neighborhood from any change in the use or design of our project and site. Any change would have to go through this same zoning process and public input. 2. The revised landscaping plan shows berming along Lynmar to the corner of Hazelton and Lynmar (which is designed so that site lines and therefore safety is not impaired at the corner). The berm has been. designed to provide screening as well as to be architecturally interesting. 3. We understand the concern with this issue and will be in compliance with all of the requirements of the City of Edina and Watershed District relative to the need for engineering to ensure good drainage. The project can not commence until the engineering calculations are deemed adequate by the regulating agencies. 4. Karrington is pleased to work with the neighborhood on a landscape plan on its own property, but is not prepared to provide for landscaping on land it does not own. The west boundary of our project does provide for evergreens as part of the landscape plan. 5. Karrington will provide for any landscape bonds that are normal and customary requirements of the City of Edina or other governing agencies for the purpose of ensuring the guarantee of the plant materials used. Sincerely, k-N-co� Michael A. Concilla Project Coordinator Rick & Debbie Adair 7120 Lynmar Lane Edina, MN 55435 612- 926 -9576 February 10, 1998 Edina City Council C/O Edina Planning department 4801 West 50'x' Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: Z -97 -4, Rezoning of the Lutheran Church of the Master site Dear Members of the City Council, We live directly across from the LCM site and wish to express our approval of the Karrington proposal recently passed by the Planning Commission. We believe that this plan is an appropriate use of this site relative to the existing neighborhood. Karrington has made adjustments to its plan to address various concerns raised by neighbors. That is commendable. At the Planning Commission meeting, Commission member David Byron urged that the City require a sidewalk on the west side of the site, along Lynmar Lane. Mr. Byron's suggestion is well- intentioned, but neither necessary nor in the best interests of the immediate neighborhood. We have lived on Lynmar Lane for ten years. Except for our family, and our immediate neighbors, there is virtually no foot traffic on Lynmar Lane. It is simply not a significant pedestrian route. We would much prefer that the Karrington development be able to use as much of the western edge of the site as possible to create a buffer between the exisiting homes and the new building and parking lot. To conclude, we support the Karrington proposal, including the absence of the sidewalk on Lynmar Lane. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, P,-t, q cu Rick and Debbie Adair 0 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Craig Larsen City Planner Date: February 17, 1998 Subject: P -98 -1, Final Development Plan. 6950 Xerxes Avenue. Guardian Savings Recommendation: Agenda Item ll. B. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ Action ❑ To H RA To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion The Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Final Development Plan. Info /Background: See attached Planning Commission minutes, staff report and revised plans. DRAFT MINUTES P.C. MEETING JANUARY 28, 1998 Members Present: Runyan, McClelland, Lonsbury, Byron, Workinger, Bergman P -98 -1 Guardian Savings 6950 Xerxes Avenue South Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the subject property is zoned Planned Commercial District, PCD -3, and is developed with a 33,300 square foot indoor tennis facility. Total site area is 68,012 square feet. The proposed Final Development Plan contemplates razing the existing building and redeveloping the site with a two building, 12,150 square foot retail project. The proposed bank and retail strip mall are allowed uses in the PCD -3 district. Mr. Larsen explained the proposed buildings would share the same architecture and exterior finish materials. Both buildings would be finished with a brick veneer and stone masonry accents. Mr. Larsen stated as proposed, the redeveloped site would require only one variance. The service drive on the north side of the building maintains an 8.5 foot set back where 10 feet is required by code. The proposal complies with all other Zoning Ordinance requirements. Mr. Larsen asked the Commission to note roof drainage from the north one -half of the existing building flows northerly to the adjacent parking lot. The proposed plan would continue this drainage pattern. The City Engineer recommends that catch basins be installed and that storm water be piped to the system in Xerxes Avenue. Mr. Larsen concluded the proposed development complies with all Zoning Ordinance requirements except for the drive aisle setback adjacent to the northerly property line, and is not detrimental to adjacent properties. Staff recommends approval of the proposed Final Development Plan to include granting the variance request. Approval should be conditioned on the storm sewer changes suggested by the City Engineer. Mr. Tom Melody, and members of the development team were present to respond to questions. Chair Runyan commented in his opinion this is a very tight site, and if someone parks on the proposed service road, stacking will occur. Mr. Larsen agreed, stating that is an management control issue they will have to address. Mr. Larsen said in his opinion there is adequate parking to serve the public, reiterating stacking may become a problem if the service road is not addressed. Commissioner McClelland questioned what would happen if in the future the bank wanted a drive -up aisle. Mr. Larsen said this project is driven by the bank, and they have indicated no desire for a drive -up facility. Mr. Larsen concluded if this proposal is approved as presented, it does not give the bank the right to install a drive -up window. Commissioner Lonsbury questioned the proposed lighting, and how it will impact the residents in Richfield. He added he wants their property rights protected by adequate screening of both lighting, and the parking area. Mr. Larsen agreed those points are legitimate concerns. He said lighting standards would need to be directed downward so light does not wash into the residential neighborhood. He also pointed out the proposed lights can be put on timers that turn off at a certain time. Additional landscaping along the easterly property boundary can reduce the impact of the development from the residential homes directly east of the subject site. Concluding Mr. Larsen explained the proposed landscaping meets code requirements, but the Commission has it in their power to request more landscaping, and light control measures. Commissioner Bergman questioned the distance between the curb cut for the proposed development, and the curb cut for Walgreens. Mr. Larsen said the curb cuts are probably only 20 feet apart, but he pointed out the proposed project uses the existing curb cut. Mr. Larsen added the engineering department has indicated the locations of the two existing curb cuts should not be a problem. Mr. Tom Melody introduced himself to the Commission and told them the proposed bank does not plan on adding a drive -up window, and in response to Commissioner Lonsbury's suggestion to add additional landscaping, that can also be implemented. Chair Runyan asked if the bank/retail shop(s) will have to wheel their trash to a more convenient location for pickup. Mr. Melody stated that is correct. Commissioner Byron asked for clarification on the distance between curb cuts. Mr. Melody stated Mr. Larsen is correct, the distance between the existing curb cut for this site and the Walgreen's site is 20 feet. Mr. Larsen interjected the Commission should note there is a grade separation between the properties. Commissioner Byron questioned if the grade separation could be a safety issue. Mr. Larsen reiterated the engineering department has reviewed the plans and believes the existing curb cut is the best location. He added the engineering department does not want to see curb cuts on Xerxes Avenue. Commissioner Byron pointed out if someone is traveling from the east, and another vehicle is closely following, the driver may not know which curb cut the vehicle in front is entering (Proposed bank or Walgreen's) because of the close proximity of the curb cuts. This may cause at minimum an abrupt stop, or possibly an accident. Commissioner McClelland said it may be possible for the management team to solve internal circulation problems and traffic issues with signage such as in /out only, etc.. A discussion ensued with Commission Members in agreement that this is a tight site, but the proper zoning exists to support the proposal, a non- conforming condition does exist regarding the driveway, and redevelopment is needed. Commissioner McClelland moved to recommend Final Development Plan approval subject to staff conditions, with special consideration by the proponent on internal traffic patterns. Commissioner Bergman seconded the motion. Commissioner Lonsbury asked to amend the motion to include the addition of more landscaping along the easterly property line, to consider timers for the light standards, with the assurance the lights will not wash into the residential neighborhood by being directed downward. Commissioner McClelland accepted the amendment. Commissioner Workinger stated he feels this proposal pushes the development limits of the site, and he can not support it. Ayes; McClelland, Byron, Bergman, Runyan. Nays; Lonsbury, Workinger. Motion carried 4 -2. Flor'"Al. DEVELLOPMEM7 N . U M B E R P-98-1 PLAN LOCATION 6950 Xerxes Avenue South REQUEST Construct two (2) retail buildings EDINA PLAMMING DE,=ARTME4:q a EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JANUARY 28, 1998 P -98 -1 Guardian Savings 6950 Xerxes Avenue South The subject property is zoned Planned Commercial District, PCD -3, and is developed with a 33,300 square foot indoor tennis facility. Total site area is 68,012 square feet. The proposed Final Development Plan contemplates razing the existing building and redeveloping the site with a two building, 12,150 square foot retail project. The proposed bank and retail strip mall are allowed uses in the PCD -3 district. The proposed buildings would share the same architecture and exterior finish materials. Both buildings would be finished with a brick veneer and stone masonry accents. As proposed, the redeveloped site would require only one variance. The service drive on the north side of the building maintains an 8.5 foot set back where 10 feet is required by code. The proposal complies with all other Zoning Ordinance requirements. Roof drainage from the north one -half of the existing building flows northerly to the adjacent parking lot. The proposed plan would continue this drainage pattern. The City Engineer recommends that catch basins be installed and that storm water be piped to the system in Xerxes Avenue. RECOMMENDATION The proposed development complies with all Zoning Ordinance requirements except for the drive aisle setback adjacent to the northerly property line. In my opinion that variance is insignificant, and is not detrimental to ,adjacent properties. Staff recommends approval of the proposed Final Development Plan to include granting the variance request. Approval should be conditioned on the storm sewer changes suggested by the City Engineer. 7 1 m,E O CTP L S -ED It. N� L S � IM3, nLc FIRS1 RC M-T. - — 11, —0 fO0ivamr ATE- - .S'.— . -I rN O 7 < L X x 30 PARKING SPACES (exis-i"- . ..... INS I -OFFICE BLDG, PARCEL - OFFICE BLDG. PARCEL­ ...... IRKING LOT ­ j — — — — — PARKING LOT --___l B, ­CUS SURFACE • FWNID C-PPEO a IRON - 148 39 �4,9*.00­ E - . ! • .— — " �sp I . " R. ALL UTILITIES S,­ BE �C`EIt PtIW — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — TREE PROTECTOM FENCING WW AML —1 IL A-1 11 1�r I1 - . 1. RI_IELD L 7 ACCAgW Ot SEA — (L—) M (M)9S2-1165 S. STREET IRPItt SHALL WET OTY MCNITEMElm . _117�- - - - by TO FOU— UTILITIES la� typ 5,N �1311 �7 A r:-,% IN J. •A... ­.— CIS IS WOUIROO 61 IINESOTI STANK 21W V� SOU MDALE TENNIS CLUB i Pe STORY CONCRETE BLOCK & STUCCO BUILONC 47.00 STREET ADDRESS. 69W FERIES AvENUE SWTN — . Ron,>D — w 9R. EON' INNESOFA 0L) TH LINE OF TRACT M. 589•49'00"W 1 m,E O CTP L S -ED It. N� L S � IM3, nLc FIRS1 RC M-T. - — 11, —0 fO0ivamr ATE- - .S'.— . -I rN O 7 < L X x 0 Ot 4., AWN111 MAU. 30 PARKING SPACES (exis-i"- . ..... INS ...... 19ML — — — — — — — — — — — — — ___� 1. ALL UOUT, UWOS -1 "OA.— . TItS R. ALL UTILITIES S,­ BE �C`EIt PtIW umiT OF DEMOLITION ( Typ TREE PROTECTOM FENCING WW AML —1 —TY. �T.l — STATE - . 1. RI_IELD L ACCAgW Ot SEA — (L—) M (M)9S2-1165 S. STREET IRPItt SHALL WET OTY MCNITEMElm 7" _117�- - - - by TO FOU— UTILITIES la� 0 Ot 4., AWN111 MAU. LEGEND o p7 ­1 RATER ­1 Qy Dr-L—S TIES TREE ..Tt Al OR. SEKR LNE S_ SE^E1 ?EJ ,_E -ONE'. 30 PARKING SPACES (exis-i"- . ..... INS ...... 19ML — — — — — — — — — — — — — ___� 1. ALL UOUT, UWOS -1 "OA.— . TItS R. ALL UTILITIES S,­ BE �C`EIt PtIW umiT OF DEMOLITION ( Typ TREE PROTECTOM FENCING WW AML —1 —TY. �T.l — STATE - . 1. ACCAgW Ot SEA — (L—) M (M)9S2-1165 S. STREET IRPItt SHALL WET OTY MCNITEMElm 7" _117�- - - - by TO FOU— UTILITIES la� 5,N �1311 �7 A r:-,% J. •A... ­.— CIS IS WOUIROO 61 IINESOTI STANK 21W V� C'ER— — w —1 a X..'- 47.00 — . Ron,>D — w 9R. 0L) TH LINE OF TRACT M. 589•49'00"W R N_ 529- 10 FT )NC. I R WLL: REMAIN 70TH STREET ZCONC: J CURS GUTTER MALL REMAIN .... I. LEGEND o p7 ­1 RATER ­1 Qy Dr-L—S TIES TREE ..Tt Al OR. SEKR LNE S_ SE^E1 ?EJ ,_E -ONE'. 7 I 51! z 0 2 oz Z, z 0- "o z z 4 z o C3, 03 ou r- F= Cc x C.1 19ML — — — — — — — — — — — — — ___� 1. ALL UOUT, UWOS -1 "OA.— . TItS R. ALL UTILITIES S,­ BE �C`EIt PtIW To— WW AML —1 —TY. �T.l — STATE START OF E.1 CO ACCAgW Ot SEA — (L—) M (M)9S2-1165 S. STREET IRPItt SHALL WET OTY MCNITEMElm IIJ9LIC L_ 0 by TO FOU— UTILITIES Wt Ol` WAR AREA) M IRQUTST TI,E IDJCTRC PIOII� STATES �R C­ OF ALL �_ Wms •A... ­.— CIS IS WOUIROO 61 IINESOTI STANK 21W C'ER— — w —1 a X..'- — . Ron,>D — w 9R. 10 FT 7 I 51! z 0 2 oz Z, z 0- "o z z 4 z o C3, 03 ou r- F= Cc x C.1 _347.00 MCUNiA9_E C,.R3 6' SCREEN FENCE R 2' ' i�N'/ CA -s ONE WAY SERV.CE 12 r- BI�JMIVOUS PAVEMrNT��T R 12 R 27 R 15' AR�AH 207 -6 1 20- '6 R 2.5 C °.o0RE- 9,350 SF RETAIL SPACE :EE NOTE 3 6 60'� 6' CCNC SOr' ■ALK 1 1 I 1 C I. 165j AN 6 R 375 17 A 2 a •'y'T'j� , I v 8,S' (IYP) I 4- 8. 8 6, MI CP _ 2a i-: 10 IB +' BANK ; N ` ~ a 25 2,800 SF W n - --- - 5' — I 2: 0. 66/ s%-1� 2+ - ' 20 T R 225 7+ ° r 81TUV'NOUS PAVEMEN7— ' / ' II y -8612 CURB @ WRER(TYP) I y - I �10051 70 IIID P117e1 SIf.N 9 I; 7. R so I s' zD' I 1 R 501 1 1 r Ce 347.D0" MATCH E%SRNO -! CURB & G:.'TER 70TH STREET S SITE Dniq: a LOT AREA..._.._ ... .......... ..... 1.56 ACRES (60.012 S.F # 2JV:NC. _. ... ... .. _.. PCO -3 PLA,`IEO S DIS'RICI NA%IV -M FLOOR AREA RARO RECUIREJ...0.5 MA%IY UM FLOOR AREA RA RO PROV.DED.. 018 YA %IMUM BUILDING MEICMT .... NO MA%IV11V: HEIGHT TO RE 0 r E=—E0 RY SETBACK _ 11Iw01NC S: RIAC.K fH ONT SIRFEI.... .. .. ..50 IEf 1 ° SITE S MEET ....... ....... ...... ..50 FEET IN--R CR SDE YARD ................: FEET REAR MAR;... ...............^ TEET ip PARK: \C & OR VE SETBA:t FROND STR_E T ......... ............... 2O FEET SIDE STREET-.. ........ _.... .... .. 2C FEET Q c IN"ER'CR S CE YARD... .IO F_ET lJ REAR YARD 0 it FEEI �g(k o Z Sa it PARKI,C aECI: RED 2.000 S= % I S'ACE S.,:- R- 'A:_ SPACE_ I•CCO SF % B S =ACES /LOCOS= - 0 S'+:_= .0 N W B.35C SF % 6 S=AC?S /LOOCSF 50 SPACES +53- �„ e .... .!+ CU'RE7 72 SPACES q yaK6. xPARK:vC PROV7EC _........ .. .. .. ........ 72 SPACES :dafi3N o NO-"-` I. A'__ CURB SHALL BE CCN3E1 8612 i 2. A'__ D ME %SIC%S TO FACE C- CURB OR TO FATE OF BUILC "C. 3 TRAS, AREA' VEBFT A:-.,AL SIZE 0= TRAS- CCV"A,ER TC ? -1. 5- TO R CC,S'RUC T.NC CC, C : -- _+- A,7 SCREEN ■ FE w /CA-s. jr + I- JIl DIN1.- A•.] PA •' S+•.; A rAPAI Fi ; TO I!- S.1- PR•�P: RIT l:'.= 10� o g i rL z� c S W a was G 7. 4 Z W= W C3 O 0 l� tr a O O 4 V > O u f- u C.2 Y e: ,.e FLOOR PLAN - RETAIL CENTER RETAIL CENTER ELEVATION - NORTH �• . R =TAIL CENTER ELEVATION - 5OUTN G�l:lfae rxlilik*uC A RETAIL CENTER ELEVATION - WEST RETAIL CENTER ELEVATION - EAST � v.�e as ..r a: r RETAIL CENTER SECTION i-W A ��egtdA Arctiledt hlc - •MINNESOTA LTA �. •aQ" Y ny CC ""ST 7565 NEW FACILM' FOR CCARDIAN PLAZA EDI \A. MINNESOTA Ia' A2 ok a t. y • PORXV • 1.e. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE:. 17 February, 1998 AGENDA ITEM iii.A. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Traffic Signal Control Systems TS -23 W. 78`h St. & Cecilia Cir. /Delaney Blvd. & TS -20 W. 78`h St. & Cahill Rd. Company 1. Killmer Electric Co., Inc. 2. Collins Electrical Systems, Inc. 3. Electric Service Company 4. Egan -McKay Electrical Contractors, Inc. 5. Electrical Installation & Maintenance Co. RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Killmer Electric Co., Inc. Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $163,075.00 2. $167,397.00 3. $179,900.00 4. $185,838.00 5. $187,120.00 $163,075.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This purchse is for two traffic signal control systems. System "A" (TS -23) will be located at W. 78`h Street and Cecilia Circle /Delaney Boulevard and System "B" (TS -20) will be located at W. 78`h Street and Cahill Road. These improvements will be funded through state aid and the developer, DOS. The Engineer's Estimate for this project was $220,000.00. � �. r^�✓ Public Works - Engineering Signat gre /' . Department not within budget JoV Wallin, F ance Director /2z Ll P, /(�/ . Kehn6th Rosland, City M ager The Recommended Bid is y within budget NA REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE IN EXCESS OF $15,000 DATE: 17 February, 1998 ITEM DESCRIPTION: Well Repair for Three Wells Company 1. Cahoy, Inc. 2. T.L Stevens Well Company 3. Bergerson - Caswell, Inc. 4. E.H. Renner & Sons 5. Keys Well Drilling Company 6. Thein Well Company RECOMMENDED QUOTE OR BID: Cahoy, Inc. I AGENDA ITEM 111.13. Amount of Quote or Bid 1. $43,251.00 2. $44,889.00 3. $45,243.00 4. $45,782.00 5. $47,253.00 $43,251.00 GENERAL INFORMATION: This purchase is for the general overhaul and renovation of three City wells. Well #6 is located at 5901 Ruth Drive, Well #11 is located at 7620 Parklawn Avenue and Well #16 is located at 6001 Gleason Road. This project is part of our annual capital plan work to maintain our wells in proper working condition. These improvements will be funded by the utility system. The Engineer's Estimate for this project was $36,000.00. -c % �^ P �✓ Public Works - Utilities Signa re Departme t The Recommended Bid is i( within budget not within bud et Jo V1 allin Finance Director Kenneth Rosland, City anager %-A 0 NO "Colees / aea REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item # IV. A. FROM: VINCE BONGAARTS Consent TRAFFIC SAFETY COORD Information Only El DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 1998 Mgr. Recommends F� To HRA ® To Council SUBJECT: TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF Action Motion REVIEW - FEBRUARY 3, 1998 Resolution Ordinance ❑ Discussion RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Traffic Safety Staff Review of Tuesday, February 3, 1998. INFO /BACKGROUND: AAreport TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1998 The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on February 3, 1998. Staff present included the Assistant City Manager, Police Chief, Assistant City Engineer, the Traffic Safety Coordinator and the Public Works Traffic Control Specialist. From that review, the below recommendations are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They have also been informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the February 17, 1998, Council Agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which the staff recommends approval. Request for a "Yield" sign on W. 61 St at Chowen Avenue. This is a 'T' type intersection, Chowen being the thru street. Chowen Avenue south of W. 61 St Street curves gradually in an easterly direction. The southeast corner lot of the intersection has four pine trees that create some visibility problems for cars both westbound on W. 61St Street and northbound on Chowen because of that curve in the roadway. The pine trees are not in violation of the clearview ordinance. There is no accident history for the intersection. The "Yield" sign would give the cars on W. 61 St a visual reminder that they need to yield to vehicles on Chowen Avenue. The staff recommends the installation of a "Yield" sign for westbound W. 61 St at Chowen Avenue. 2. Request for highlighting the "Do Not Block Intersection" signs at the Edina Industrial Boulevard and Metro Boulevard intersection. Request also calls for 'stop bars' to designate where vehicles should stop for lights. This intersection does have a lot of rush hour congestion and does have some accident history. There is construction scheduled for Highway 100/W. 77th in 1998 by Mn /DOT. This should help clear the intersections better in that area. The Police Department has been working on the problems at that intersection and feels the above requests would help. TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW February 3, 1998 Page 2 The staff recommends that the "Do Not Block Intersection" signs be highlighted and the stop bars added to the intersection of Edina Industrial Boulevard and Metro Boulevard. SECTION B: Requests on which the staff recommends denial of request. None. SECTION C: Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. None. l9 am REPORURECOM M EN DATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Solvei Swenson Recycling Coordinator Date: February 17, 1998 Subject: Adopt Resolution for Municipal Recycling Grant Agreement with Hennepin County Recommendation: Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action TE ❑ To HRA ® To Council ❑ Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Adopt a resolution authorizing the City of Edina to enter into an agreement with Hennepin County to accept funding for the Edina Recycling Program. Info /Background: The City of Edina Recycling program applies for -Grant money through the Hennepin County SCORE (Select Committee on Recycling and the Environment) fund. In order to be eligible to receive the monies Edina must enter into an agreement to receive the funds and use them for the residential recycling program. The amount of Grant money has not yet been determined. The anticipated amount will be no more than 5% less than last years $133052. o RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY ENTER INTO 1998 MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRANT AGREEMENT WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY City of Edina WHEREAS, the City of Edina operates a recycling program consistent with Minnesota Statutes 115A.02 and 115A.03, as amended by the Laws of Minnesota 1992, Chapter, 685, and Minnesota Statutes, 473.8011; and WHEREAS, the Edina Recycling Program is consistent with the Office of Environmental Assistance Solid Waste Management Development Guide /Policy Plan, the Hennepin County Solid Waste Master Plan; and Hennepin County's Residential Recycling Funding Policy; and WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Board has adopted a Resolution authorizing funding for Municipal Recycling Programs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Edina City Council that the Mayor and the City Manager to enter into an Agreement with Hennepin County to accept funding for the Edina Recycling Program. Adopted this 17th day of February, 1998 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing City Council Minutes is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of February 17th, 1998 and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS, my hand and seal of said City this 17th day of February, 1998 Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -76.1; EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5461 o e Cn REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: David A. Velde City Sanitarian Date: February 17, 1998 Subject: Adopt Resolution for a Tobacco Free Community Grant for 1998 -1999. Recommendation: Agenda Item # iv.c. Consent ❑ Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action ❑ Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Adopt a resolution authorizing David Velde, Edina Community Health Administrator to sign a contract with the Minnesota Department of Health for a Tobacco Free Community Grant for calendar years 1998 and 1999. Info /Background: The Edina Health Department submitted a grant application to the Minnesota Department of Health for the Tobacco -Free Communities for Children, Community Action Grant. These grants are being awarded to Community Health Agencies who are implementing programs to change community norms related to tobacco use by the youth. These funds may be used to provide the following activities: • Develop a database of tobacco retailers • Develop a database of tobacco laws • Monitor enforcement of penalties for tobacco violations • Develop innovative law enforcement measures for youth violators • Assess the number of tobacco free restaurants or worksites in the community • Collect data on compliance checks • Publicize tobacco related information through the media • Encourage worksites, restaurants, malls, stadiums, or other public places to become smoke free • Identify gaps in laws, enforcement or policies and recommend measures to address those gaps. These funds may not be used to fund enforcement activities, pay for smoking cessation classes or pay for activities which directly benefit an individual. The focus of the grant is on broad community activities. The cost breakdown of the proposed grant are as follows: Salaries $2,000 Contractual Services 5,000 Supplies 1,000 Telephone /Postage 500 Transportation 1,000 Other 500 Total $10,000 These are the expenditures for 1998 only I anticipate coordinating and cooperating with Richfield and Bloomington Community Health Agencies on some of these activities. Together, we will be able to stretch these grant funds to cover some of the costs we will have in common. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY ENTER INTO A TOBACCO FREE COMMUNITIES GRANT CONTRACT WITH WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WHEREAS, the Edina City Council is the Community Health Board for the City of Edina; and WHEREAS, the Edina Community Health Board has been active in reducing tobacco usage by youth in our community; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Health is authorized by Minnesota Statutes 145.14, Subd. 3 to award special grants to community health boards to conduct community- wide programs to prevent tobacco use; and WHEREAS, the Edina Health Department has applied for a special grant for the purpose of conducting community -wide programs to prevent tobacco use in the community of Edina. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina Community Health Board that the Community Health Administrator be authorized to enter into a contract with the Minnesota Department of Health to accept funding for the Tobacco Free Communities for Children Grant. Adopted this 17" day of February, 1998 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing City Council Minutes is a true correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of February 17, 1998 and as recorded in the minutes of said meeting. WITNESS, my hand and seal of said City this 18`h day of February, 1997 Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk me �11�,� REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis Hoffman . City Engineer �l U Date: February 17, 1998 Subject: Public Hearing - Feasibility Report & Set Hearing Date Two Reconstruction Projects BA -315 (W. 77th St. at TH 100) & BA -316 (France Ave. at Crosstown 62) Recommendation: Set hearing date of March 2, 1998. Info /Background: Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action N.D. 1. &2. ❑ To HRA ® To Council ® Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑. Discussion The City, under a local initiatives project with Mn /DOT, is proposing to reconstruct a portion of ramps at two interchanges and roadways in Edina, W. 77th Street at TH 100 (BA -315) and France Avenue at Crosstown 62 (BA -316). These projects would provide capacity improvements along with improved traffic signal systems. These two projects are "local initiatives" projects where the City initiates the project because it is not large enough to receive high priority in the Mn /DOT project selection program. The estimated cost for improvement BA -315 is $1,150,600.00 and funding would be from state and City state aid funds. The estimated cost for improvement BA -316 is $700,000.00 and also would be funded from state and City state aid and county state aid funds. Both projects are considered feasible and staff would suggest a hearing date of March 2, 1998. 1� r„ oe� tit 0 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION less To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # IV.E. From: Francis Hoffman ,�(_ Consent City Engineer ' Information Only Date: February 17, 1998 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Annual Bridge Certification Action ❑ Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Review report. Info /Background: The City Engineer is required to have all City bridges and culverts of a certain size to be inspected and certify to the State that the inspections were completed. There are twenty -five bridges and culverts that currently are inspected annually or officially every second year based on design and age. One structure, the Soo Line Bridge over W. 44th Street is not owned by the City, but the State requires the City to inspect it because it is over a City street. In the past,. staff has written to both the State officials and railroad officials regarding this structure. It is an old structure that the railroad officially maintains that it is adequate for rail use. Staff continues to suggest that additional maintenance work should be done to prolong the life of the structure. Additionally, the State now allows bridges to be inspected every second year instead of annually. Thirteen structures (bridges and culverts) meet the State criteria for every other year official inspection. Staff continues to informally review all structures annually. The reason for the every other year official inspections is to reduce inspections costs and paperwork when it is obviously a structure which is newer or type (culvert) that simply would not have significant deterioration occurring annually. In 1997, the City inspected all twenty -five structures. Finally, two structures of the twenty -five need to be replaced or refurbished in the next few years. The Browndale bridge currently has a weight restriction and is in need of refurbishing and reconstruction. Staff has started preliminary engineering work on the Browndale bridge. Also, the W. 56`h Street bridge over Minnehaha Creek should be scheduled for refurbishing or replacement as soon as the Browndale bridge is completed. Staff would seek State bridge bonding funds for both since neither bridge is on a street which is state aid eligible. Both of these structures plus the railroad bridge will receive additional review this spring. Also, staff is wot'king with SRF, our bridge consultant, to develop a final proposal to request state bridge bonding funds. PKINS v 11 x - I IE II T1 16N T '21 12I I]IIB R21• I Mcodo"rook Lake ST. LOUIS PARK riLuumilvv a vi-4 N W. 40th i I 615 T21N R2 4w TZSN R24M 1 • 1617 �h ST. 48th iT. MINNEAPOLIF I ST. TI ITM R249 18117 74th r 5 1 911•.4115th ST. ❑ v 5 o� e REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Cn y v .a f�COntpmX4 9 lase To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis Hoffman City Engineer �l Date: February 17, 1998 Subject: Cooperative Agreement Traffic Control Signals TH 169Nalley View Road Interchange Recommendation: Agenda Item # Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends Action IVY. ❑ To HRA ® To Council ❑ Motion ® Resolution .❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Approve resolution to enter into cooperative agreement with Mn /DOT for traffic signals at TH 169/Valley View Road interchange. Info /Background: At the March 4, 1996, City Council meeting, the City approved signal plans subject to the City's local share being state -aid (see attached Council minutes). The state is now ready to construct the signals and have submitted the cooperative agreement for the project. The City pays for a portion of the project based on standard Mn /DOT policy for construction. Staff agrees that the appropriate project splits have been applied. The total estimated project cost is $307,260.00. Edina's share would be estimated at $146,812.50. This portion would be funded through our state -aid allocation. The resolution for approval is attached and staff will have the agreement available at the Council meeting if any questions should arise. Staff recommends approval as this was part of our transportation plan for 78th /Braemar frontage program that the Council reviewed last year. Following a brief discussion, the consensus was that the City Engineer crystallize Council's thoughts on the proposal and submit them to MTG and Mn /DOT. It was further suggested the proposal be before the Council again on March 18, 1996. No recommendation was made or action required. REAPPOINTMENTS /APPOINTMENTS MADE TO BOARDS /COMMISSIONS /COMMITTEES Motion made by Member Paulus for consent of the Mayor's reappointment of individuals to advisory boards /commissions /committees as follows: Art Center Committee (3 year term to 2/1/99) ` Imogene Anderson, Dolores Dege, Elizabeth Eisenbrey Community Health Services Advisory Committee (2 year term to 2/1/98) JoAnn Blatchley, Mary Edwards, David Groth, Sharon Marx Heritage Preservation Board (2 year term to 2/1/98) John Cooney, Marilyn Curtis, Garold Nyberg Human Relations Commission (3 year term to 2/1/99) Robert Brandel, Shirley Hunt - Alexander, Sharon Ming, Hugh Wooldridge Park Board (3 year term to 2/1/99) David Crowther, Beth Hall, Andrew Montgomery, Jean Rydell Planning Commission (3 year term to 211/99) Nan Faust, Charles Ingwalson, Ann Swenson Recycling and Solid Waste Commission (2 year term to 2/1/98) Robert Reid, Ardythe Buerosse, Thomas Carrico Regional Citizen Advisory Commission (SheRPA) (2 year term to 2/1/98) Nancy Atchison, Glenn Smith Zoning Board of Appeals (3 year term to 2/1/99) Rosemary Utne and appointments of individuals as follows: Art Center Committee (3 year term to 2/1199) George Kuebler Community Health Services Advisory Committee (2 year term to 2/1/98) J. Paul O'Connor, Freda Terry Zoning Board of Appeals (3 year term to 2/1/99) Meg Mannix, William Skallerud Member Maetzold seconded the motion. Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT TH 169 AND VALLEY VIEW INTERCHANGE Engineer Hoffman stated Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn /DOT) is planning to install new traffic signals at the east and west interchanges of Trunk Highway 169 and Valley View Road. The plan would replace the existing traffic controller at the Washington Avenue and Valley View Road intersection. The signal locations would be interconnected to provide maximum efficiency. Normally, the State pays for one -half the installation and maintains the signal system. The local agency pays the other one -half plus electricity to run the system. Edina's share would be approximately 50% of the installation costs and electricity to run the signals. This project includes the additional element of replacing the Washington Avenue and Valley View Road intersection's controller. Eden Prairie maintains the signal at Washington Avenue and Valley View Road while Edina provides electricity for the signal. Eden Prairie, Edina and Mn /DOT would enter into a cooperative construction agreement. The agreement is not finalized, but the plans are being submitted for approval. Staff recommends approval of the plans, requiring the interconnection of the new signals with the existing signal at Washington Avenue and Valley View Road, and subject to Edina's local share coming from municipal state aid funds. Member Maetzold introduced the following resolution and moved approval: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Plans for Minnesota Department of Transportation Project No. 2772 -6 and Edina S.A.P. 120 - 010 -06, showing proposed traffic signal installation at the intersection of Trunk Highway 169 and Valley View Road and interconnection with the existing Washington Avenue signal within the limits of the City of Edina, have been prepared and presented to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED: That said plans be in all things approved and that the City, agrees to approve plans to signalize the interchange of Valley View Road and Trunk Highway 169 and the required interconnection of the new signals with the existing signal at Valley View Road and Washington Avenue, subject to City of Edina's local share being municipal state aid funds. Member Maetzold seconded motion for adoption of the resolution. Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Resolution adopted. *CLUB ON -SALE AND SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS APPROVED Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold approving Club On -Sale and Sunday Liquor License renewals for Edina Country Club and Interlachen Country Club. Motion carried on rollcall vote - three ayes. *ON -SALE WINE LICENSE RENEWALS APPROVED Motion made by Member Smith and seconded by Member Maetzold approving on -sale wine license renewals for the following restaurants: Byerly's Restaurant, Chico's Tacos, Ciatti's Italian Restaurant, Daytons Boundary Waters Restaurant, Good Earth Restaurant, Hawthorn Suites, Mick's at Southdale, Original Pancake House /My Pie, Pantry, Pizzeria Uno, Rossini's, Ruby Tuesdays, Sidney's, Tejas, Two Guys From Italy, and Szechuan Star Restaurant. Motion carried on rollcall vote - three ayes. CLAIMS PAID Member Maetzold made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated March 1, 1996, and consisting of 30 pages: General Fund $315,590.82; Community Development Block Grant $5,096.00; Communications $535.85; Working Capital $7,345.49; Art Center $10,745.94; Golf Course Fund $44,849.42; Ice Arena Fund $20,151.55; Gun Range Fund $114.35; Edinborough /Centennial Lakes $20,105.35; Utility Fund $323,266.46; Storm Sewer Utility Fund $305.43; Recycling Program $39,966.57; Liquor Dispensary Fund $142,751.21; Construction Fund $167.56; TOTAL $930,992.00. Member Paulus seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Richards adjourned the meeting at 9:20 P.M. City Clerk RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edina enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes, to wit: To install new traffic control signals with street lights, emergency vehicle pre - emption and signing on Trunk Highway No. 169 West and East Ramps at Valley View Road; revise the existing traffic control signal with street lights on Valley View Road at Washington Avenue; and install interconnect on Valley View Road from Trunk Highway No. 169 East Ramps to Washington Avenue in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth and contained in Agreement No. 74805, a copy of which was before the Council. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the Manager are authorized to execute the Agreement. CERTIFICATION State of Minnesota County of Hennepin City of Edina I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the Council of the City of Edina at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the day of , 1998, as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. Notary Public My Commission Expires (Signature) (Title) n r' Wa REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council From: Francis Hoffman f)AConsent Agenda Item # N.G. City Engineer Information Only ❑ Date: February 17, 1998 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA Subject: State Aid Variance Request - ACtlon ® To Council ❑Motion W. 78th Street ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Authorize resolution to construct lane widths on W. 78th Street to 3.3 meters (11') versus 3.6 meters (12') through state -aid variance process. Info /Background: A portion of W. 78th Street from Glasgow Drive west to the City border Oust west of Gleason Road) has a 40 MPH speed limit. With the projected traffic and existing speed limit, the geometric standard for a lane width is 3.6 meters or approximately 12 feet. Our reconstruction project of W. 78th Street with Bloomington and DPS is in its final design stages. During design, we have determined that we lack adequate right -of -way to construct the larger facility (at 12 foot lanes). Since the portion of the project east of Glasgow Drive to the railroad bridge requires only 11 foot lanes, it does not seem logical to construct to the larger lane width for a portion of the project. In talking with state aid personnel (plan approvers), they believe it would be logical to construct to the eleven foot standard, but it may need a variance to the published state aid operations rules. As such, staff would recommend that City Council authorize the resolution so that the City Engineer may seek the variance if state aid personnel conclude that one is needed. The City has been granted two past variances. The first one was for Blake Road near Mirror Lakes for a design speed variance, and in 1996, for a right -of -way variance on Maloney Avenue. 'o e i;✓ vl RESOLUTION City of Edina Directing the City Engineer to proceed with a variance request to the Commissioner of Transportation for W.78 1h Street between Glasgow Drive and Gleason Road (S.A.P. 120- 160 -05). WHEREAS, the City wishes to reconstruct W. 78th Street between Glasgow Drive and Gleason Road in part using Municipal State Aid Funds; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation Rule 8820.9936 Geometrics Design Standards requires that W. 78th Street between Glasgow Drive and Gleason Road has a minimum lane width of 3.6 meters for a 40 MPH zone; WHEREAS, the City believes there are valid reasons for constructing W. 78th Street to a lower lane width (3.3 meters) standard and that such lower lane width standard will safely and adequately handle existing and proposed traffic; WHEREAS, the City is willing to sign an agreement to hold harmless the State of Minnesota if the variance request is granted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, that the City Engineer be directed to submit to the Commissioner of Transportation a formal request for variance for W. 78th Street between Glasgow Drive and Gleason Road from the minimum lane width of 3.6 meters to 3.3 meters. STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of February 17, 1998, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 18th day of February, 1998. Debra Mangen City Clerk City Hall (612) 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927 -7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 -1394 TDD (612) 927 -5461 ow1��11�,� REPORT /RECOMMENDATION 0 4 To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # N.H. From: Francis Hoffman/' �j N Consent City Engineer J Information Only ❑ Date: February 17, 1998 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Change in State Aid Routes Action ❑ Motion ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Authorize designation of a new state aid route from TH 169/Valley View Road interchange to W. Bush Lake Road and W. 78`h Street intersection. Info /Background: As part of the W. 78th Street traffic plan, the City needs to designate a new state aid route. This allows for funding to be used from the state allocated gas tax. The attached map depicts the portion that needs to be designated by the City of Edina. The City of Bloomington also needs to dedicate a small portion west of W. Bush Lake Road. This was discussed during the traffic study last year and should receive concurrence from the City of Bloomington. The total route length for the new route in Edina would be 1.45 miles. If this route is'authorized, the City of Edina and Bloomington would do an exchange of approximately 0.3 mile along W. 78`h Street which would be Edina roadway per the attached drawing. Staff would recommend designation of the route with assumption that the balance of the exchanges be worked out after designation by our City. NEW STATE -AID EDINA EDINA NEW STATE -AID BLOOMINGTON BLOOMINGTON �---- ---- LIBERTY PROPERTY TRUST /DIVERSIFIED PHAR. SEP' -- ------------- CURRENTLY BLOOMINGTON OWNED i SIGNAL 6 INTERSECTION GEOMETRIC RECONSTRUCTION COST SPLIT WQ 78TH STREET-CORRIDOR COST SPLITS 1r� o� e co Cafe �,� .. • CORPOR.+2S9/ 1808 REPORT /RECOMMENDATION To: Mayor & City Council Agenda Item # iv.i. From: Francis Hoffman �� Consent ❑ City Engineer ; "i Information Only ❑ Date: February 17, 1998 Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Subject: Sump Pump Program Action ® Motion Inspection ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Approve program to implement sump pump inspection project. Info /Background: As part of the overall program to reduce inflow to our public sanitary sewer system, a sump pump inspection program is recommended by the City consultants. Staff agrees with the recommendation and has been working with a consultant to develop a program. This sump pump program is a specialty of this consultant. The City has already conducted approximately 500 inspections during the initial TKDA (consultant) analysis. Some revisits may need to be made to these homes. Otherwise, it would be a home visit by trained inspectors in cooperation with the City's Building and Engineering departments. The City currently has a plumbing code which in essence makes it illegal to discharge storm related water into the sanitary sewer. An additional ordinance should be put into place to cover the entry to private property and cost for failure to comply with the ordinance. A sample of a local ordinance is attached. The program is expected to cost approximately $400,000.00 to fully implement. These funds would be expended from the sewer and water utility in approximately eighteen months. The cost for 1998 would be approximately $100,000.00 with the balance expended in 1999. A short synopsis of the program from our consultant is attached.. WATER, SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL § 19.44 Sec. 19.44. Prohibited discharges into sanitary sewer system. (a) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any substance not requiring treatment or any substance not acceptable for discharge, as determined by the city or the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency', into the sanitary sewer system. Only sanitary sewage from approved plumbing fixtures may be discharged into the sanitary sewer system. (b) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged, directly or indirectly, any storm water, surface water, ground water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, or cooling water to any sanitary sewer. Any person having a roof drain, sump pump, unauthorized swimming pool discharge, cistern overflow pipe or surface drain connected and/or discharging into the sani- tary sewer shall disconnect and remove any piping or system conveying such water to the sanitary sewer system by May 1, 1994. (c) All construction involving the installation of clear water sump pits shall include a sump pump with minimum size one and one-half (11 /2) diameter discharge pipe. The pipe attachment must be a rigid permanent type plumbing such as PVC or ABS plastic pipe with glued fittings, copper or galvanized pipe. All discharge piping shall be installed in accordance with the plumbing code. Discharge piping shall start at the sump pit and extend through the exterior of the building and terminate with not less than six (6) inches of exposed pipe. The discharge pipe shall be provided for all clearwater sump installations with no regard as to whether the pump is actuary► installed. Sump pump discharge location and flow shall be consistent with the approved development drainage plan for the lot. The discharge may not be pumped directly onto any public right -of -way unless approved by the city engineer or his designee. Any disconnects or openings in the sanitary sewer shall be closed and repaired in compliance with applicable codes. (d) Every person owning improved real estate that discharges into the city's sanitary sewer system shall allow inspection by authorized city employees or its agents of all properties or structures connected to the sanitary sewer system to confirm there is no sump pump or other prohibited discharge into the sanitary sewer system. Any persons refusing to allow their property to be inspected shall immediately become subject to the surcharge as described in section (g) hereinafter. (e) Any owner of any property found to be in violation of this section shall make the necessary changes to comply with this section and such change shall be verified by authorized city employees or its agents. Any property or structure not inspected or not in compliance by May 1, 1994, shall, following notification from the city, comply within fourteen (14) calendar days or be subject to the surcharge as provided in subsection (g) hereinafter. (f) Upon verified compliance with this section, the city reserves the right to reinspect such property. or structure at least annually to confirm continued compliance. Any property found not to be in compliance upon reinspection or any person refusing to allow their property to be reinspected shall, following notification from the city, comply within fourteen (14) calendar days or be subject to the surcharge hereinafter provided for. Supp. No. 7 1070.5 10002 .lQ 003 619-44 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE (g) A surcharge of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month is hereby imposed and shall be added to every sewer billing, to property owners who are found not in compliance with this section. The surcharge shall be added every month until the property is verified to be in compliance through the city's inspection program. (h) The city council, upop recommendation of the city engineer, shall hear and decide requests for temporary waivers from the provisions of this section where strict enforcement would cause a threat to public safety because of circumstances unique to the individual prop. erty under consideration. Any request for a temporary waiver shall be submitted to the city engineer in writing Upon approval of a temporary waiver from the provisions of this section, the property owner shall agree to pay an additional fee for sanitary sewer services based on the number of gallons discharged into the sanitary sewer system as estimated by the city engineer. W Violation of this section is a misdemeanor and each day that the violation continues is a separately prosecutable offense. The imposition of the surcharge shall not limit the city's authority to prosecute the criminal violations, seek an injunction in district court ordering the person to disconnect the nonconforming connection to the sanitary sewer, or for the city to correct the violation and certify the costs of connection as an assessment against the property on which the connection was made. (Ord. No. 5, § 1.05, 3- 11.85; Ord. No. 108, § 9, 4.27 -92; Ord. No. 205, § 1, 5 -9 -94) Sec. 19.45. Connection charges. (a) No permit shall be issued to connect with the sanitary sewer system of the city either directly or indirectly from any lot or tract of land unless the city clerk shall have certified: (1) That the lot or tract of land, or portion of the lot or tract, to be served by such connection has been assessed for the cost of construction of the sanitary sewer lateral with which the connection is made; or (2) If no assessment has been levied for said construction cost, that proceedings for levying such assessment have been or will be commenced in due course; or (3) If no assessment has been levied, and no assessment proceedings will be completed in due course, that a sum equal to the portion of cost of constructing said sanitary sewer which would be assessable against said lot or tract has been paid to the city as outlined in subsection (b) below. Supp. No. 7 1070.6 )ward R. Green Company �SULTING ENGINEERS Background/Introduction Infiltration/ inflow (I /I) has long been a problem in municipal sewer systems. However, it was not until the passage of the Clean Water Act of 1972 that municipalities had either a financial or legal incentive to try and identify, then correct, I/I flows. The Clean Water Act required operators of municipal wastewater treatment facilities to remove I/I if they desired to be part of the grant program that was implemented by the Act. Unfortunately, the past twenty years have demonstrated that the traditionally accepted I/I approaches do little to correct the problem. The reason -for the lack .of success can be traced to the simple fact that the vast majority of I/I is generated on private property, rather than in the interceptor sewers that were the focus of the Clean Water Act. Most municipalities have conducted I/I Reduction Programs on the public sanitary sewers. The focus is now switching to the private I/I sources such as sump pumps, services, and foundation drains. History has shown us that the easily removed sources of I/I have long since been repaired. With the rare exception of a major cross connection to the storm sewer system or an interceptor sewer break, the majority of I,iI now enters the sewer system through such private property sources as foundation drains, sump pumps, and leaking sanitary sewer service lines. As a result of the severe rainstorm activities that occurred during the month of July 1997, the City of Edina commissioned three studies to analyze conditions and develop recommended solutions. The studies included the following: • Meteorological report analyzing rainfall events in Edina, Minnesota, during 1997 by Mr. William Endersen. • Stormwater analysis for City of Edina recommending changes to the stormwater system as a result of the 1997 storms. prepared by Barr Engineering. • Evaluation of the City's sanitary sewer system completed by TKDA. The City of Edina staff also analyzed flow records from the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services. including flow data for the summer of 1997. Dward R, Green Company �SULTING ENGINEERS Background/Introduction The purpose of all these analyses was to attempt to determine what may have caused the severe flooding problems experienced in selected Edina neighborhoods during the heavy rainfall conditions in July of 1997. Also, the reports recommended steps to prevent the situation from occurring in the future. The meteorological report suggested that the summer storms of July 1997 were extremely unusual. They were different from the 1977 and 1987 storms in that the storms were of a shorter duration, but occurred over a longer period of time. As a result, the City of Edina experienced saturated soil conditions and much higher groundwater conditions than normal. The Barr Engineering report indicated that generally the stormwater system is adequate to handle most conditions with several exceptions noted. With minor regrading of several problem areas, most stormwater improvements necessary are currently in place. The Barr report stated that major flooding problems were caused by groundwater flow to the sanitary sewer system. The groundwater reaches the sanitary sewer from direct connections through basement floor drains. from interior and exterior foundation drains, and also direct flow from seepage through the walls and cracks. The most serious source of groundwater flow to the sanitary sewer is from sump pump connections to the sanitary sewer. Many sump pumps discharge directly to the floor drain, allowing clear water to reach the sanitary sewer. The sanitary sewer evaluation completed by TKDA notes that 60% of the clear water in the Edina sanitary sewer system is from inflow. The TKDA report identified three neighborhoods that experienced severe flooding problems from sanitary sewer backups. These included the Tower /Woodcrest area (sewer basin 6). St. Johns /Ashcroft area (sewer basin 10). and the Limerick area (sewer basin 18). The TKDA report noted that in these three neighborhoods. 50% to 75% of the sanitary sewer capacity was used up by clear water from sump pump connections to the sanitary sewer. As part of its study, TKDA conducted a selected survey of approximately 500 homes. The results of the survey were as follows: Howard R, Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS Background/Introduction • One -third of the homes surveyed have sump pumps in the basement. • Twenty -three percent of the sump pumps are illegally connected to the sanitary sewer. • Forty-four percent of the surveyed homes had water problems. Of the homes having water problems, 37% had problems relating to the sanitary sewer. The TKDA report suggests that 7% of the homes surveyed have sump pumps illegally connected to the sanitary sewer system. The report further suggests that, city-wide, a lower number, or 4%, could be expected. It has been our experience in working in other communities that the 7% number of illegal connections of sump pumps to the sanitary sewer should be applied City-wide, not just in problem areas. Using this number, for the 13,500 homes in Edina, approximately 945 can be expected to have sump pumps illegally connected to the sanitary sewer. Using a pumping rate of 10 gallons per minute with the sump pumps running half -time, by completing a sump pump inspection program and removing all of the anticipated illegal connections, 6,800,000 gallons of clear water can be removed from the sanitary sewer system each day. This is especially important during wet conditions when heavy rainfalls are experienced and most of the sanitary sewer capacity is utilized for clear water. The TKDA report recommended several solutions to the clear water problem. These included: 1. Projects to attenuate the peak flows to the sanitary sewer system. 2. Projects to divert flow from the sanitary sewer system. 3. Projects to increase conveyance system capacity. 4. An inflow reduction program, which would include: ■ A public education program. ■ A sump pump inspection program. ■ Programs to replace manhole covers and deteriorated manholes. • Television inspection and cleaning of the sanitary_ sewer system. Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS Background/Introduction ■ Work on private property to correct locations where stormwater is directly discharged to the sanitary sewer system. In order to effectively and efficiently reduce I/I as the TKDA report outlines, it is necessary to implement a comprehensive program that includes the identification and correction of sources found on both public and private property. One such component is the sump pump inspection program. The private property portion of the problem is not simply related to older portions of a city. Homes in newer developments located in lower, more marginal land are likely to have wet basements. Homeowners often install foundation drains and sump baskets because of contractor requirements. This allows owners to install associated sump pumps at a later date, in an effort to correct their problems because these developments did not take this into account, and initially did not construct a drain tile that connects with the storm sewer across the back lot lines or behind the curb line. The homeowner is often left with two choices: 1) drain the sump pump to the yard and continually repump the water and /or kill their lawn, or 2) connect the drain to the sanitary sewer. Even though it generally is against municipal ordinance to connect the sump to the sanitary sewer line, plumbers often do so. The only way to discover this illegal connection is to physically inspect each property. Edina wishes to do this in the entire City, starting with selected neighborhoods which experienced sewer backup and flooding as a result of the heavy rainfalls in July 1997. The goal of this program would be to identify improper sump pump connections in all neighborhoods to improve sanitary sewer service to all Edina residents and businesses. After identification of illegal sump pump connections, a follow -up program would be necessary to provide discharge facilities for the rerouted sump pump connections. Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS Recommended Project Approach It has been our experience that sump pump inspection programs of this type consist of a minimum of three phases: the first phase is communication/education, the second phase is the actual physical inspection, and the third phase consists of the final reports and follow -up to develop other improvement projects to correct identified problems. The first phase includes contacts with residents, City Council, City staff, and local contractors and plumbers. There are times when a community will consider multi -year phases for the inspections due to constraints such as budget and manpower. That is our recommendation for the City of Edina. The program should be completed in two phases, over 18 months. Phase I would include inspections in late winter /spring of 1998 in the three identified targeted problem neighborhoods (2,500 -3,000 households). The balance of the City would be inspected in the fall /winter of 1998 -1999 (10,500- 11,000± households). 1. COMMUNICATION /EDUCATION Our Howard R. Green Company team will work closely with the City of Edina staff to develop an understanding of the local ordinance provisions, including reviewing your local ordinances and suggesting changes required to effectively implement a sump pump program. With this background, we will be prepared to hold discussions with selected local contractors to determine their current practices regarding sump pump installation. and develop alternate procedures where necessary to meet City requirements. This will be followed by a general meeting open to all interested plumbers and contractors where information on the ordinance will be disseminated and correct methods of compliance will be discussed. For the general public. Howard R. Green Company believes that a professional communication and advertising program is essential to the successful completion of the )ward R. Green Company �SULTING ENGINEERS Recommended Project Approach City of Edina Sump Pump Inspection Program. Inspectors will be able to do their jobs most efficiently with the cooperation and assistance of informed and educated homeowners. Our suggested approach would be to combine public meetings, local access videos, printed brochures and newsletters, press releases for print and broadcast mediums, and paid advertising to communicate to residents and business owners. This public education program was also recommended in the TKDA report. e REPORURECOMMENDATION TO: Mayor Smith and Members of the City Council From: John Keprios, Director Park and Recreation Department Date: February 12, 1998 Subject: Appointment of Inspector. Assistant Weed Agenda Item # IV. J Consent X Information Only ❑ Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA X To Council Action X Motion ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Discussion Recommendation: Staff recommends that Lowell McCarthy be appointed to serve as Assistant Weed Inspector for the calendar year 1998. Info /Background: Lowell McCarthy has served admirably as Assistant Weed Inspector for the City of Edina during the years 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997. The duties of the Assistant Weed Inspector are to carry out the enforcement of the City of Edina's Nuisance Ordinance with regards to Section 1050 - Maintenance of Vegetation. The Assistant Weed Inspector's duties primarily include identifying and eradicating noxious weeds as defined by the State Commissioner of Agriculture and mandated by State Statute. Duties also include identifying and cutting turf grasses and weeds throughout the City of Edina that exceed ten inches in height and are subject to City Ordinance Maintenance Standards under Ordinance #1050.05. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT WEED INSPECTOR FOR CITY OR TOWNSHIP INSTRUCTIONS 1) Complete this form. 2) Return to the County Agricultural Inspector; Greg Serest 417 North Sth Street Minneapolis, MN 55401 NAME OF PERSON APPOINTED APPOIN IMFINT LOCATION Lowell McCarthy City of Edina ADDRESS CITY OR TOWNSHIP NAME 6400 York Ave. S. Unit 617 Edina CRY, STATE, ZIP CODE COUNTY Edina, MN 55435 IENNEPIN TELEPHONE! (INCLUDE AREA CODE) DATE OF APPORTIMENT 612 - 922 -5193 February 17, 1998 IN ACCORDANCE WRM MINNESOTA STATUTES 18.80, SUED. 3, PERTAINING TO ASSISTANT WEBD WSPEC ,'TORS, THE ABOVE NAMI� PERSON 1S HffitFBY APPOINTED TO BE ASSISTANT WEED ] NSPEC, MR FROM DATE INDICATED UNTIL SUCH A TVAE AS THE MAYOR OR TOWN BOARD WISHES TO TERMIINATH THE THE HE DATE . THIS APPOMWE TP CONFERS ON THE APPORTM ALL THE DUTMs, AUTHORITY, AND PRIVILEGES OF ANY LOCAL WEED INSPECTOR AS OUTLINED BY LAW. SIGNA (MAYOR OR CHAIR OF TOWNSHIP BOARD) TRZ.E DATE SIGNED �' `� L Mayor STREET ADDRESS CRY AND STATE ZIP CODE 4801 West 50th Street Edina 55424 %-A O N "cbxPOgw�y" lees REPORT /RECOMMENDATION TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: GORDON L. HUGHES ASSISTANT CITY MGR DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 1998 SUBJECT: BOARD OF SOIL AND WATER RESOURCES REVIEW OF MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT REPORT: Agenda Item # IV.K. Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends ❑ To HRA ® To Council Action F-1 Motion Resolution Fj Ordinance Discussion Last September, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners adopted a Resolution requesting the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources to review the activities of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. This Resolution was prompted by the requests of a number of cities in the district (including Edina), for the County Board to investigate the activities of the district. The Board of Water and Soil Resources has now completed its investigation and has forwarded the attached report to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners. The report concludes that the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District has not violated any applicable statutes or rules and regulations. The report goes on to make some recommendations to the Board of Managers of the Watershed District with respect to communication to constituents, especially cities, and micro - management by the Board of Managers. No action is required of the City Council at this time. We will be glad to provide additional information at your request. Changes urged for Minnehaha >* rTJ district board x Q A state investigation questions some management practices at the A_ Watershed District, but also offers � praise for the district's work. By Mark Brunswick Star Tribune Staff Writer A state board has given favorable marks to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District but has recommended that its board communicate better and rely less on outside consultants and lawyers. The district, which coordinates water projects from the tributaries of Lake Minnetonka and along Minnehaha Creek to the Mississippi River, was criticized last year by more than 15 Henne- pin County suburbs. The cities complained about poor manage- ment and called for an investigation of the dis- trict's operations, including high per -diem pay- ments to managers and high engineering and legal fees. The County Board asked for an investigation by the state Board of Water and Soil Resources. The state board, in a report presented Tuesday to the County Board, found no criminal wrongdoing in the district's operations and generally gave the district favorable marks for its work "The board has been highly professional and should be justifiably proud of itself and its ac- complishments," said Ronald Harnack, executive director of the state board. "The district has shown significant leadership in comprehensive water management." But the state board did make several recom- mendations. Among them: > The Watershed District's managers should shift from "micromanagement" style and allow its professional staff to handle day -to -day activ- ities. > The district should improve communication with constituents, especially cities. > It should consider using additional engineer- ing firms on capital improvement projects, or city engineers as project managers. While a financial audit found no irregularities, the report raised some questions about expendi- tures, particularly legal expenses and engineering for capital improvement projects. It recom- mends that some legal work be done by parale- gals or a staff attorney. Though slightly more than three times larger than the three other watershed districts in Hen- nepin County, the Minnehaha district's $5.3 mil- lion 1998 budget is more than four times larger than those of the other districts. Its legal ex- penses are five times higher than those of the next- highest district in the county, and the dis- trict has the highest proportion of per -diem pay- ments to managers, who receive no salary. One manager, for example, was paid more than $14,000 in per -diem payments. Diane Lynch, administrator of the Watershed District, said she was pleased with the results of the state report, particularly portions that showed that the district is following state stat- utes and is financially sound. County Commissioner Penny Steele, one of the harshest critics of the district, said she is satisfied with the state report but will continue to monitor the district closely. "My concern is that this is going to be re- solved to the satisfaction of the citizen," she said. County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin said the report affirmed the Watershed District's actions. The 181 - square -mile district includes parts of Hennepin and Carver counties, 27 cities and three townships. It was established by the Legis- lature in 1967 to preserve and protect water quality and to control flooding :ft Gray Freshwater Center Hwys. 15 & 19, Navarre Mail: 2500 Shadywood Road Excelsior, MN 55331 -9578 Phone: (612) 471-0590 Fax: (612) 471-0682 Email: admin @minnehahacreek.org Web Site: www.minnehahacreek.org Board of Managers: ,n E. Thomas President C. Woodrow Love Vice President Pamela G. Blixt Treasurer Monica Gross Secretary Thomas W. LaBounty Thomas Maple, Jr. Malcolm Reid District Office Diane P. Lynch District Administrator Printed on recycled paper containing at least 30% post consumer waste. Minnehaha Creek ,.t Watershed District Improving Quality of Water, Quality of Life MEMORANDUM DATE: February 6, 1998 TO: City Administrators Chair, Board of Supervisors, Town Board FROM: Diane Lynch, District Administrator t��00� RE: Board of Soil and Water Resources (BWSR) Review of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Last summer, a number of the cities in our watershed district passed resolutions asking the Hennepin County Board to look into a number of matters regarding the watershed district. The County Board determined they were not the appropriate body to do a review and requested the Board of Soil and Water Resources to conduct the study. The study is completed. Although BWSR distributed the report to all the municipalities and townships within our district, many of the city officials I have talked to have not seen it. Enclosed are three sets of copies for your office. The set includes the following: •Report to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners on the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District 1/26/98 *internal BWSR Memorandum regard_ ing Minnehaha Creek's Financial Statements (this is in addition to the State Auditor's review mentioned in the Report) eBWSR News Release eMCWD News Release Please distribute a copy to your Mayor /Chair of Supervisors and. Public Works Director. If you have any questions, please contact me at 471 -0590. Thank you! -LO 70t1ILUI 14•J0 )nrwuiiiva/ur&r,,) uar iGL•u1L oJJ uuV4 r. uui Gray Freshwater Center Hwys. 15 819, Navarre Mail: 2500 Shadywood Road Excelsior, MN 55331 -9578 Phone: (612) 471 -0590 Fax: (612) 471 -0662 Email: admin@minnehahacreek.org Web Site: www.minnehW2creek.org Board of Managers: John E. Thomas President C. Woodrow Love vice President Pamela G. Blixt Treasurer Monica Gross Secretary Thomas W. LaBounty Thomas Maple, Jr. Malcolm Reid District Office: Dlane P. Lynch District Administrator m P11n1" en fKYCWd 0UW C0flZ"M Minnehaha Creek 0 Watershed District Improving Quality of Water, Quality of Life FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Diane Lynch, MCWD 471 -0590 or Marcy Lehbnen, Shandwick 831 -9080 Watershed District Gets Clean Bill of Health; Considers Recommendations Very Helpful EXCELSIOR (Jan. 28, 1998) — The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) was given a clean bill of regulatory and financial health and generally - praised as "showing significant leadership in comprehensive water management" in a report by the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) to the Hennepin County Board. In its report, dated Jan. 26, BWSR made several administrative and operational recommendations but also said it "recognizes and commends the district for the dedication and commitment of its board of managers, staff and consulting engineers and attomeys. The district is highly professional and is justifiably proud of its accomplishments." District Administrator Diane Lynch says MCWD is pleased the several -month study is completed, and will use the report as a foundation for improvements in several areas. "Because we are proud of our record of improving the district's quality of water and quality of life, as well as our stewardship of public funds, we welcomed this review," she says. "We will carefully consider the recommendations in their entirety.* Lynch points out that many changes already have been made that will address BWSR's specific recommendations, including: . • Aggressively expanding communication efforts with cities and other constituents through one - on-one meetings, circulating planning documents to wider audiences, and conducting more preliminary meetings with stakeholders to anticipate and resolve conflicts. We also are broadening distribution of general watershed information regarding consumer education and watershed activities. • Expanding a bidding policy to solicit proposals for managing specific construction projects. -more- unn. .0 JokIILiul 1't v0 ollhou III vaiULALJ uRr ILV•01L OJJ UUJ4 r.uuJ Watershed District Gets Clean Bill of Health /2 • Reviewing construction project plans with the Hennepin and Carver County Boards and seeking their approval before implementation. This is in addition to conducting extensive public hearings prior to county review. Reassigning staff job responsibilities to manage a.higher workload resulting from less reliance on board managers and consultants. This includes hiring a part-time bookkeeper and interviewing candidates for one administrative staffer and one project manager. During the past,year. MCWD hired Lynch, a professional with extensive public policy, conflict management and environmental issues management credentials, following the retirement of former director Gene Strommen; revised the Districts per -diem policy to eliminate. duplication of efforts by staff and the board of managers; worked with citizen advisory committees on major water quality projects; and established a task force to improve implementation of the District's controversial stormwater management rule. During the past two years, the Districts budget has declined. An average property owner contributes to MCWD an amount•equivalent to the cost of taking a family of four to a movie. MCWD was established to improve water quality and control flooding, using a regional approach that no individual city or county can take. "MCWD has generated measurable results in water quality, received the "Watershed of the Year" award in 1996 from the Department of Natural Resources, and was praised last summer for its role in helping to minimize flooding along Minnehaha Creek. "We invite you to contact our office with questions, or. to check out our web site (www.minnehahacreek_org) for more information," Lynch says. News Release For immediate release: Tuesday, January 27, 1998 For further information cast: Jim Haertel 612 /297 -2906 Minnesota Board of Mater and Soil Resources, One West Water St., Suite 200, St. Pau], MN 55107 BWSR ISSUES REPORT ON MIN14EHAHA CREEK WD A report issued today by the-Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) on the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) makes several recommendations but indicates that the BWSR uncovered no district wrongdoing. Among the BWSR's recommendations are: -The MCWD board of managers sbouid ,shift its management style away from `micro management;" -The MCWD should rely more on :stafiand possibly hire additional staff; -The MCWD should improve communications with cities; -The MCWD should hold an annual meeting with member cities and counties to discuss upcoming capital improvement projects; and -The MCWD should consider using-more than one engineering firm. "Essentially, our investigation'revealed that the district is doing a good job," said Ron Harnack, executive director of the BWSR.. "Of course, there are always improvements that can be made, and we highlighted those in our recommendations." The State Auditor also reviewed the districts's financial statements from 1994, 1995 and 1996 and found them, "clean." (mare) The Hennepin County Board triggered the,BWSR's investigation last fall when it Du. Ui water/5oi i Kes. rdX OlL- Lyr -JOlJ Jail GO 70 LJ GG r. Vii l Report to the Hennepin County Board-of Commissioners. on the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District January 26, 1998 INTRODUCTION The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil. Resources. provides this report in response to a request, passed on September 23, 1997,An.the foim of ResalutionNo. 97- 9- 62483, by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners. The resolution requested the Board of Water and Soil Resources to: (A) determine if the activities of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (district) are in compliance with statutes, rules, and regulations; (B) facilitate dialogue between the district and affected municipalities; (C) determine if the cost effectiveness of capital projects proposed by the district is in compliance with statutes, rules, and regulations; and (D) request the State Auditor to audit the district to. address issue (A) or (C), if necessary. In addition to addressing these concerns, this report will alto, present various guidelines and perspectives on the roles and responsibilities involved in watershed district management. Although reports of this type inevitably focus on recommended improvements, the Board of Water and Soil Resources recognizes and commends the district for the dedication and commitment of its board of managers, staff and consulting engineers and attorneys. The district is highly professional and is justifiably proud of its accomplishments. District staff and managers were cooperative and accommodating throughout this study. The Board of Water and Soil Resources gathered information several different ways for this report. Interviews were conducted with various staff members from several cities in the district. uu. wa�Ci gull RCS. c0 :_10 LJ•GJ Past and present district staff were also interviewed. Interviews were conducted with citizen and environmental groups, non - district consulting engineers.and attorneys, other metro. watershed district managers -and staff, and-select state -agency -staff: In addition; many, district records were reviewed, including an exhaustive review of the Long Lake project and reviews of the Gray's Bay Dam Outlet, Gleason Lake, Painter Creek, and Langdon•Lake projects. Staff from the Board of Water and Soil Resources also. reviewed the. 1994 Management Study and the 1997 Draft Strategic Plan, both of which the district commissioned. Lastly, the State Auditor reviewed the audited financial statements of the district for fiscal'years 1994, 1995,,and 1996. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Based. on all the information gathered, the Board, of Water and Soil Resources'concludes that the district has not violated anyapplicable statutes, rules and regulations. In addition, the district has shown significant leadership in comprehensive water management. However, a number .of concerns -did arise during. our research for this report; primarily in two areas: micro management by the Board of Managers and lack of District communication with stakeholders or constituents, especially cities. Additionally, the issue of accountability for expenditure of public funds was raised as a, concern by some interviewees. Although some of these concerns. are already being addressed through recent administrative changes, including hiring a new administrator„ our review suggests impFoveinents focused on district management; district operational procedures; district outreach, communication and coordination; and financial accountability. DISTRICT MANAGEMENT. The board, of managers for the district had a history of being dedicated and running the operations "hands -on" during the first 25 years. The district had no staff, choosing instead to use engineering and legal consultants. In 1992, two staff positions were established; a full time administrator and a half-time clerical. Since then, the board of managers has not-completely shifted its focus and priorities from.day -to- day management of operations to that of being a policy and oversight body. Too many and lengthy meetings result. Too often managers function individually and give administrative direction to staff, or opinions to constituents; without full board awareness and approval. Further, the district administrator and staff should be working directly with the constituents without excessive oversight from individual managers. Oftentimes constituents are uncertain who to contact at the district level. Members of the district staff are generally seen as not empowered to make decisions, except the most simple or basic 2 uu. W wa601 i,>JI I (CGZ). Ca.l'ViG' -L7f -JVIJ JQII GU 7o L,) r. Von 11 types, so district consultants or managers are contacted directly. District staff have been pulled in many different directions by individual contact from managers,. resulting in conflicting direction and overworked situations. Certainly the practice undeimines -employee morale; turnover rate of district staff has been high. Two recent management studies the district commissioned corroborate.this finding and point to the need for correcting micro management by the board of managers. In fact, the 1997 draft strategic plan shows six of the seven managers spoke of micro management and the problems it created. This also underscores the need for strong leadership- by county boards in choosing managers that will cooperate together and work as a team. COMMUNICATION, OUTREACH; COORDINATION District communications with stakeholders, especially the member cities, needs to be improved. Communication would likely improve if the board of managers will step back and allow district staff to conduct routine communications with constituents. The district would speak with a more uniform voice, reduce the likelihood of sending mixed messages, and reduce false expectations among constituents. Nevertheless, it takes two partiecommunicating s openly communic to make the situation work. Constituents, such as cities, oftentimes do not put enough effort into the process. This was very evident when the district-actively solicited comments from member cities during the development of the second generation watershed management plan. Most substantial comments from cities only arose during the very final stages of plan review by the state agencies, resulting in a reactive, rather than proactive, approach. It is also evident there are some situations where cities attempt to downplay water resources management concerns such as erosion control measures or on -site water detention. This may occur in commercial projects as the result of pressure from developers or in cities' own public works projects as they try to complete them in a timely and cost - effective manner. In those cases,.-the district is unfairly criticized for monitoring non - compliance and refusing to relax its standards. The Board of Water and Soil Resources,has proposed using. the services of a state mediator to help facilitate a dialogue among the cities and the district. This option will continue to be explored and assessed along with the adoption and implementation of these recommendations. We understand that the district administrator and a manager are in the process of meeting individually with staff of all cities in the district. While. generally. viewed by constituents as a step in the right direction, there is. some concern about the need for, or desirability of, having a manager present. Again, city staff do not see district .staff as being empowered by the board of managers to carry out their assigned duties, or what most would agree should be a staff duty. L,-4- -j wdLP_ / J0 1 1 RCS. Jan Lo -lo _., .44 r. ur / 1 f CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Another area of-concern revolves around,capital improvement projects and taxation -to cover the planning and implementation of the projects. Comments from all people interviewed varied regarding the taxation issue, but the need for the projects, or similar projects, goes largely unchallenged. The Board of Water and Soil Resources found no evidence that the cost effectiveness of capital improvement. projects is not in compliance with statutes, rules, and regulations.. The issue of who should pay for the.projects, or where taxes should be levied and to what extent, is the subject of considerable debate and a,primary focus of concern for some cities. Opinions on solutions span a vast range and include: (a) fund all projects by an ad valorem district -wide tax is is presently the case; (b) fund major projects -of.regional importance by an ad valorem district - wide tax and fund smaller projects on a subwatershed district basis; (c ) divide the district into two tax districts, divided at Gray's Bay dam; (d) continue as is presently the case but spread the' projects around so many cities have a.project in.their area; and. (e) fund projects by a combination of an ad valorem district -wide tax and create, a subwatershed district or stormwater utility district for the area directly benefitting or contributing, e�g., 74 percent of the project cost levied over the area directly benefitting or contributing and 34 percent ad valorem over the remainder of the district. . Defining the appropriate funding option is.a district responsibility and a matter of policy. Greater' proactive participation by city and county policy makers and staff in the plan development process would create greater awareness and understanding of the options` FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY The cost of capital improvement'projects is an area of concern, specifically the cost of engineering and, to a lesser extent,-.legal services for the projects. The expense of engineering consultants and legal consultan ts for other district activities is also an area of concern raised by several people interviewed. It does appear that the district could reduce net operating expenses by_ hiring some professional staff. A staff engineer and a staff attorney or paralegal could reduce expenses in the areas of permits and planning and a staff engineer would be helpful in monitoring engineering consultant costs. In addition, since the district does not have a staff attorney or engineer, individual managers are assigned.to implementation of individual capital improvement projects, furthering the problem -of board members performing tasks that should be done by staff. Several interviewees also recommended using different engineering firms to design capital improvement projects. Under this scenario, the district would still maintain a single consulting engineering firm for district activities, but would.vary the engineering firms used for capital 4 uu. Q WaLCI / )uI I i GA•UL4- GPI ->OlJ JGII Lv ,O LJ GJ r. Uo/ 11 improvement projects, either through a bid process or by rotation within a pool of firms. Other suggestions include relying more on the Hennepin Conservation District; and using the city engineer as the project manager, instead of an engineering, consultant. This -latter suggestion would also address the cities' perception of a lark of coordination and information dissemination at the project implementation stage. While we don't know if-these suggestions would decrease costs, they would definitely decrease the risk of communication breakdowns. The 1994 management study stated the need for the district administrator. to monitor consultant costs. This has been implemented over the past few months. Reviews of the District's 1994, 1995, and 1996 financial statements by the State Auditor essentially yielded the same, information as the audit reports by the CPA firms, namely, an unqualified "clean" opinion. RECOMMENDATIONS In summary, the Board of Water and Soil Resources recommends the following: I. II. A. The board of managers should shift their management style from being involved in many details of district operations, towards being a policy and oversight body, as presented in the "District Management" section on pages 2 and 3. B. The board of managers should assign district staff.and empower district staff to carry out most of the operational functions and administrative. services, as presented in the "District Management" section on pages 2 and 3. C. The district should rely more on staff in the areas. of permits and planning, which may require additional staff, as presented in the "Financial Accountability" section on pages 4 and 5. A. The district should improve communications with. constituents, especially cities, as presented in the "Communication, Outreach, Coordir ation'' section on page 3. B. The district should hold an annual meeting with the cities and. counties to discuss capital improvement projects on line for the coming year and try to achieve. broad agreement among the patties on sources offunding for the projects. DU. UT WaLdF /0011 KeS. rdX ;01L- L7(-J01J Jdil LO 70 1J LJ r.Uvilr III. The district should consider using additional engineering firms or the Hennepin Conservation District on capital improvement project design, as presented under the "Financial Accountability" section on pages 4. and 5. IV. The district should consider using city engineers as project managers, as presented in the "Financial Accountability" section on pages 4 and 5. V. Hennepin County should establish "guiding principles and standards" for.selecting managers and judging performance VI. Cities that have not already done so should designate a technical and policy representative to act as liaison with the district. . CONCLUSION Managing water resources in a responsible and effective mariner is extremely. challenging. In today's urban setting this challenge is made even more complex by the many political boundaries that are crossed. The large population center of the Minneapolis area, the wealth of water resources, including such regionally significant ones as. the Chain of Lakes, Minnehaha Creek, and Lake Minnetonka, coupled with the-primarily agricultural nature of the upper reaches of the watershed combine to make• the district's job very complicated and yet extremely important. The district has shown innovative leadership.. While the Board of Water and Soil Resources has made some recommended changes, the overall job the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District has done in the management of such important waters has been, for all purposes, quite satisfactory. In conclusion, the Board of Water and-Soil Resources offers assistance to work with Hennepin County, the district, and the cities. towards establishing a strong framework for watershed management within the Minnehaha .Creek Watershed District. 2 W. OT water/5oil Res. rax:t)12 -21j7 -5615 Jan 26 '98 1321 r.01 /i� Board of Water and Soil Resources Metro Region - - One- West Water - Street - Suite 250 St. ,Paul, Minnesota 55107 Phone: 282 -9969 Fax: 297-5617 Page 1 of 17 Date: January 26, 1998 To: Diane Lynch 471 -0682 Louis Smith 344 -1550 From. Jim Haertel Ph: 297 -2906 If you have any transmission problems, please. contact Joan Anderson at 296 -3767. DO. or water/�>oti, t<es. rax —Delb jan Lb "y6 U21ir One West Water Street Suite 200 St. Paul. MN 55107 (612) 296 -3767 Fax(612)297.5615 Field Offices Northern Region: 394 S. Lake Avenue Room 403 Duluth. MN 55802 (218) 723 -4752 Fax (218) 723 -4794 3217 Bemidji Avenue N. Bemidji, MN 56601 (218) 755 -4235 Fax (218) 755 -4201 217 S. 7th Street Suite 202 Brainerd. MN 564013660 (218) 628 -2383 Fax (218) 828 -6036 Southern Region: 261 Highway 15 S. New Ulm, MN 56073-8915 (507) 359 -6074 Fax (507) 359 -6018 40 -16th Street SE Suite A Rochester, MN 55904 (507) 285 -7458 Fax(507)280 -2875 Box 267 1400 E. Lyon Street Marshall, MN 56258 (507) 537 -6060 Fax (507) 537 -6368 Metro Region: One West Water Street Suite 250 St. Paul. MN 55107 (612)282 -9969 Fax(612)297 -5615 An equal opportunity employer Printed on recycled paper January 26, 1998 Board of Hennepin County Commissioners A -2400 Government Center Minneapolis, MN 55487 -0244 Dear Commissioners: The Board of Water and Soil Resources has completed the enclosed report on the Mitnnehaha Creek Watershed District as requested by resolution no. 97- 9- 624R3. which was adopted by the County Board on September 23, 1997. Also enclosed is- a memorandum from the office of the state auditor. Although no violation of applicable statutes, rules and regulations was found, the report offers several recommendations. The Board of Water and Soil Resources will continue to. work with the District, and cities, to implement these recommendations. It is evident that the District has made. some significant changes over the past several months. We are also aware that the District is presently in the process of implementing some of the recommendations brought forth in the report. Cities have been generally satisfied with the progress, made by the stormwater task force dealing with Rule B. It is our intent. to keep the, momentum - going, and foster better working relationships with the District, cities and the county. Please feel free to contact Jim Haertel of my staff at 297 -2906 should you wish to discuss this matter further. Sincerely, Ronald D. ack Executive Director Enclosures cc's on attached page Da. OT water/Z)Oii Res. raX b1L- Lyf-Dblb jan Lo _io UJilf cc: Cities and Townships in District District Board of Managers Diane Lynch; District Administrator - -- - - - - - - - -- — Louis Smith, District Counsel Mike Panzer, District Engineer Vern Genzlinger, Hennepin County Public-.,Works Director Janet Leick, Hennepin County Environmental. Services Manager Roger Williams, Office of Dispute Resolution Kathleen Docter, Office of the State Auditor BWSR Staff: Birkholz, Thomas, Haertel, Sandstrom • W. UT Water/J011 reS. raX.OlL- L7r-DOIJ Jal [O 70 1J L0 r.julit Pecrivelu interoffice. °EC221997 • MEMORANDUM To: Jim Haertel From: Tom Karlson Subject: Minnehaha Creek-Natershed Date: December 19, 1997 Finally, I have completed some notes on my review of the 1994, 1895, and 1996'audited financial statements for the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. I did some. comparison of revenues, expenditures, and fund balances over the years.. Attached are my observations from reviewing the reports and some schedules comparing the years.. The notes are not arranged in any particular order. Please call if you have any questions. LU. U f mdS. raX •OLL -Lyf -JO1J Jdil GO yo 1.) - Lo r'. 11/ if Review of 1Viinnehaha Watershed District • Financial ,Statements far 1994,1995 and 1996 Annual Audit: The District was audited by CPA firms.for each year reviewed. In 1994 the firm was Larson Allen Weishair & Co. In 1995 and 1996 the -firm was Babcock, Langbein and Company. My personal experience has been that I have been more impressed by the quality of reports issued by Larson Allen Weishair & Co. than the latter firm. Independent Auditor's Report: In all three years the District received an unqualified "clean ". opinion on -their financial statements. In other words it was the auditors' opimion thit the financial statements were fairly presented in all material respects. There were a couple minor errors in the wording-for the 1995 and 1996 opinions. Other auditor Reports: The audits were conducted under Government A.udiring. Standords, issued. by the Comptroller General of the US. These standards. require. reports. on internal control and compliance to be issued. For all three years these reports were issued. These reports -indicate that the auditor's had no issues of noncompliance that were required to be issued and no material reportable conditions. In the 1996 Babcock, Langbein actually erred by staring they noted no reportable conditions. This�Aactually a violation of auditing standards. (Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards AU § 326.17). What all the above means is that the firms reported no findings or recommendations related to their audits of the District. In some cases CPA, firms issue separate management letters directly to mangement. There is. no indication that they have done this, but you may want to ask the District if they have received separate letters. Financial Statements: A few minor presentation errors noted in the 1.995 and 1996 financial statements. However, nothing too critical. The one curious item is that the .General (Administrative) Fund in 1995 had a $3,000,000 certificate of deposit that it did not have in ,1994. The revenues of the General Fund were only $265,000 so they were not the source of this investment. It came, from the Special Revenue Funds, in particular the tax revenues of the Management Planning Fund. The General Fund does have a liability to the Special Revenue Funds, but the interest earned on the project revenues are being used to eliminate the General Fund's deficit. Do. 61 WdLef /J011 Nes. jan Lo yo 1J-LO h'. Fund Balances: 46 From the schedule of fund balances you can see that the financial condition hit a low ' 4. At y to 199 that time the District-had an overall.deficit of $115,494. The overall deficit was due to the large $324,004 in the General Fund. The condition of the General Fund has improved aver the last two years. Two other funds also had deficits at the end of 1996. The project revenues of the Management Planning Fund are responsible for the healthier looking total fund balance. The deficits result from expending funds without current revenue sources. Revenues: No major observations on revenues.. Property taxes_ are their primary source of revenue. Total revenues of course increased due to the large projects started in 1995. Expenditures: As was the case with revenues,, expenditures have increased in the last two years due to the large projects. The largest expenditure has been for engineering, which is probably understandable due to the nature of their purpose. 'Possibly, more unusual is the large amount of legal expenditures, which have ranged from about 10% of total expenditures to a high of 26% in 1.994. On the issue of managers' per diem, they have increased each year from $22,436 in 1993 to $60,423 in 1996. On the flip side coordinator's expense has dropped from $79,620 in 1993 to, $11,201 in 1996. An No unusual item was a negative expenditure in 19951abeled "Returned Wayzata Check" for $175,540. Generally should not have negative revenue or expenditure amounts. Summary: Reviewing financial statements will not necessarily address the concerns raised about the District. Based on no findings and clean opinions on the financial statements there are no major red flags that were noted from our review of the financial statement reports: There are just some areas identified above that may require additional information to determine if there is anything to be concerned about. do. of Water/5oii i<es. rax-oil -[ -Doi5 Jan 2e 'y� 1��1r r.l5iir Mlnnehaha Creek Watershed District Review of Financial Statements Fund Balances 1993 to 1996 General Management, Water Survey Gleason Administrative Planning. . Maintenance and Data Creek Fund Balance - December 31 Total :Fund Fund and Repair Acquisition Fund (192,578) 3,845,363 84.913 (1,420) (207,5,75 1996 I 3.528.703. 1995 _ ! 3.042 ,184 (281242) 3.427,604 79,503 3.875 (207.578 1994 i 115,494 . (324,004) 108,504 70,970 , 24,200 6,836 1993 236,804 (277.597) 459;385 73,626 41.594 (60,204 1992 192.3461. (239,530) 441,515 112.790 881 (123,310 or i- 0 a...A.0 CW.A mwoha Dl--&A 111.0— drk—..d SLA—t. P— Im a. Me "w-qw—w Wb. $--I Cal X Carr Mr vew .69144. 1"6 % IM 6. ab C-t!al IIPW 1. Tm % Chg... dd T"d JOAT*lb*A" FWWfA9 Mabdm WAGala cf.& dT.W J.—v S--y Ad,,-00— Pg. .6 MAAv W Oda - l"d F.0 Fwd maple*.& Amon F�d 34 O�L 20 201.01Z 3.U*.%3 ll.m 154 ft 0. M 2 (W21" -Pam SA" 3,3% 11.251 I&sfL 1.274 zs.M 1%2% SASG "RIS M --- lcd. 3 103.3al --m iu ate 24.130 2" WPM . dial MR of .446 0 ol 'A I FtA :RA --- 0 a EKR IFM _'6 a 0 EFiR DAM 20 6 3 weal R- CIe.N..1.o Pf "V W M Umaa ..e,�m.. rti.l�.ad G—d I4w.e.m.A Mots Gr w fl.u+rl II.O.t/.0 l4...IwwW wdo" GM! 1 G.nar V+a.a�y elan Vi4W $--I ca_ N.It4 It .17.W AA.Mh.r.. 4e.A„ YAran dDA. Oro 4,262 .a fay 7uW e_ f...e F..a . d "�. �.�, ►r4 rwl e...... I.GU.w 87, F% 1"Jae 401,5:. 15.10 ! MOGS 1,574= - -ai »eel .._ ! IN W= MY4 al •1,4x1 I.tl► HAWN IISq _ 1 eil 1?1s L'.4e in 1.4A9 JEW — o I;l43n� Iwoxl-- 754.r} 4sale► , la1» 4,uA geq,�lr ,�Zuywl_ im.< G—d I4w.e.m.A Mots Gr w fl.u+rl II.O.t/.0 l4...IwwW wdo" GM! !!A-P.6 A W-J, . -aw elan 16.318 4$j= area N.It4 a 141 !!an m :d17 "A 4a1 4,262 N1 141 f.e SSn II,= tore v PLT —7 ldw.d.a. C..A VAUrp.4 qb&_j 0-6— .9 Fbu,.dW sb&—u Up_dbs Mae. Me 1494 I Chats Yr. ows IS CA_."ft_ IV" 1. 16 ck—" b— It 1. IS, IoW Ad—.*.b- G—rd as—w— pt.- lh-id� G1. IL G—d M-.V.Od VWlw Wxvy Gk= Cho, tr__W_LM= A_____ F-8 I"— atom A**" P" . !6e!T!t_ FWd r.W W (MASA 47AIL 5A4ii RAPS5 10274 221ACC 519,A swiaw -74.1m 11OA47 SuAll Iasi —1.3if4b SW 114.167 K22" [Oki" (4.144 it K (40105 [51.116 -fobi -joixi 7311100 T1 i.sed DISK 16* UIAI hit U."s $39 aslns —JIM ill SK 77,424 287.9" 122 •20,1150 2.100 9343 RK 161S9 - 'Uti 4_8 Aft -W 611-04 51 A 27% ;OAQI IGA9R 23.131 50.400 432I 10.623 "a (!.&Ie -!*8 bA 10 -66i - 77264 23.216 102% -3iN IA6 745w ERA 4id" S>4i Em E FbA cl A 4 ON �s 1.010 _(1 1,671 .g _iill 215.1il 31411,14 TK bill EAR 11'46D,SI 1,904 21cs ____ . Irs, W tool) 25.360 20 15.963 flikk jiken Ibiig _EAA j jae 'I ziL v-K L, 24114 049 6.123 I:A1Q awbiiiii lj?s lot 1"-24 P4 I"An ANSI 13: _Aalil fad _c_ ICASI - am . - M - O an FA4 330 bkh it -fs 42% *1P - 3AIB . irsm 63a - - ­ 112 9716 _SAI _f a .... PA i '10% -6 ---E" 5.630 sit ivii Z3fs7C tAR I'sal AM 2116.51i MX4 1.193 23% es <m Ispis 411i* ERR 06% tie v.M3 ON . HASS _­44 . _ ifivi — ___ IN34 ii�! IlAu 51 is ,tae 24N4 A,Ia6 birk -bFtFi -Amw -_ -A L .",rs __L oor a 46 --a To --its W ,3i 3 ,16 A92% �.igi 4907 11A 336 0 Clio _hl itiL b' aj 0'077 OWN 4.313 4.141 X4 SIA ERR • --Goll 1.46J __7TF_A --9.364 fivi , - --lus- tips I ZA Milo IL am (AAir I-iS2 A —ow 1.1112 ld.wo OWNS li.a$ lI.nI 129132 sisju a as • CL3; bin EAR 3l.rJ6 1411AI 0.045 IMILK -kA -gr .171 If.rol soft S.W. 6x66 a" Ifila too&% ga cm to CF# pitlof X,A EM J.092,510 E �,_qM 100,K "11 =1d1 17301 77.451 t A6 Aw 44 006370 owl 0 '_1254ft •=00 .r-- 0% lost% 2D _IU IS G- as 7/. gm-t vfmw Gk. - Y Gi d 16r1.P--6 lawn e....t CL% . - .11.+r Adnnataa.. " Fl bwbu a. wEIA. Ger (T"d wanes.. rw.&y Y.i11e..r... .n00.1. fi.r - EY`'ra•Cls.e.lr.1 bW E.P- -" .. F.s Md "I" AD"-- —� _Fed_ 7v• Nw Rty k Ac4a+lv1 _ i-A- - Ealraeelq "170!00 X11]% 101]0 111.424 001 .10,521 __107.097=213% 171,1%1 160192 - 96,11! 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" SJ-ir piv►q _ ►TF IOi7L _- 1•_1.0 'Os% - 14160 _ - -. _IlS7?I ,•Ut ' _ 1191 OVA - ... 170 ' 1sLaelu.!W.°1POg.. tl11 9611 _ - �a)1 0W .2.901 en.m..G1aOp#m _ �„ - bi7t -- 21h - a -To- as - -al —Tan . rmr'°6 - f•srd i7% 91w 6776 6,77 — — 6.700 7M9 6.206 - _ -- _ c:or.o :leivi — lly a -•u, 6 .21e i3 b.blC ,u o' o1�!a y7reee.t -- 1,171 1 .271. - • -pmt/ Olt! 1.136 17• 791 T. 7 917 In 112 Ire�..�o9t. 1,n6 e.i% J6 90_ eoo =- te- .6ao+l e 161 •— �`•a w - _- i - ?en6 _ - - - ear - wms ux a ° --o - , _ /i 30wy159 >4n, lem 1m To: Mayor & City Council From: Debra Mangen City Clerk Date: February 17, 1998 Subject: CONFIRMATION OF SCHOOLBOARD APPOINTMENTS REPORT /RECOMMENDATION Agenda Item IV. L. Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends To HRA ® To Council Action ® Motion Resolution [] Ordinance Discussion Recommendation: Motion confirming the appointment of Lynne Westphal to the Edina Human Relations Commission for a three year term ending, February 1, 2001, and the appointment of Sarah Jones to the Edina Foundation for a term ending June 30, 2000. Info /Background: Yesterday, the City received two resolutions from the Edina School District making the following appointments: Edina Human Relations Commission - Lynne Westphal, effective immediately to a three year term ending February 1, 2001. Edina Foundation - Sarah Jones effective immediately to fill the unexpired term of Juanita Peterson who resigned from the Foundation. The term ends June 30, 2000. The Council confirms appointments made by the School Board to the Human Relations Commission and the Edina Foundation. The School Board resolutions are attached for your review. -� J 7u 1-1 • CJc cL 1 nH SuraM 1 N I ENDL V l FOR ACTION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Regular Meeting, February 9, 1998 Volume 69, Report 270 612 928 2514 P.02 585 SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO EDINA HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Be it Resolved, That The Board of Education Appoint Lynne Westphal to the Edina Human Relations Commission for a three -year term effective immediately through January 31, 2001. i !� BACKGROUND INFORMATION Lynne Westphal has expressed a willingness to serve as one of six School Board community appointees to the Edina Human Relations Commission. School Board Community Appointees Term Expires Nancy Atchison 1/31/98 Sharon Ming 1/31/99 open 1/31/99 Betsy Flaten 1/31/00 Eileen Supple 1/31/00 Edina School District Policy 8140 rGL- is -177u 1`1 • C.IJ GL11VM �UrCR 11V I CfYLCIV I FOR ACTION 612 5213 2514 P . 03 586 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Regular Meeting, February 9, 1998 Volume 69, Report 271 SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO THE EDINA FOUNDATION Be it Resolved, That The Board of Education Appoint Sarah Jones to The Edina Foundation effective immediately through June 30, 2000. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Sarah Jones has expressed a willingness to serve as one of four School Board community appointees to The Edina Foundation. She will fill the unexpired term of Juanita Peterson who found it necessary to resign from the Foundation. School Board Community Appointees Term Expires Jan Michaletz 6/30/98 Dennis Maetzold 6/30/99 Margo Hoppmann 6/30/00 Edina School District Policy 8140 TOTAL P.03 s � COUNCIL CHECK ISTER 11 -. 1998 (18:49) 1 page CHECK NO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 186209 02/17/98 $25.52 3M CO Shop supplies TP27587 STREET NAME SI --------------------- SIGNS & POSTS 9873 02/17/98 $404.59 3M CO Shop supplies TP26996 STREET NAME SI SIC- , POSTS 9873 < *> $430.11* 186210 02/17/98 $963.24 AAA Registration for 22.1 020398 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $963.24* 186211 02/17/98 $40.50 AAA Tabs for 3 vehicles 012798 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $40.50* 186212 02/17/98 $27.00 AAA License tabs for 2 tr 020298 EQUIPMENT OPER LIC & PERMITS < *> $27.00* 186213 02/17/98 $780.00 ABA ABA affiliation fee 012898 EDINA ATHLETIC DUES k SUBSCRI < *> $780.00* 186214 02/17/98 $951.87 ABLE HOSE & RUBBER INC Pump hoses 9800416 GENERAL STORM REPAIR PARTS 1596 02/17/98 $855.43 ABLE HOSE & RUBBER INC PUMP PARTS 98 -00782 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 1987 02/17/98 $15.23 ABLE HOSE k RUBBER INC HOSE GASKETS 9800837 GENERAL ST(,RM GENERAL SUPPLI 1987 < *> $1,822.53* 186215 02/17/98 $828.11 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY Parts 042813 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 9746 02/17/98 $55.40 ABM EQUIPMENT k SUPPLY Shackle linker 0/1 271901 EQUTPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS < *> $883.51* 186216 02/17/98 $785.99 ACTION MAILING SERVICE MAGAZINE /NEWSLETTER E 50035 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX 02/17/98 $164.99 ACTION MAILING SERVICE MAIL SERVICES 50057 GENERAL(BILLIN PROF SERVICES < *> $950.98* 186217 02/17/98 $876.01 Adams COST OF GOODS - PRO S 85231 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 1724 < *> $876.01* 186219 02/17/98 $80.23 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR TELEPHONE 011098 INSPECTIONS TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $6.30 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR TELEPHONE 011098 PUBLIC HEALTH TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $304.82 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR TELEPHONE 011098 FIRE DEPT. GEN TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $87.21 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR TELEPHONE 011098 ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $17.93 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR TELEPHONE 011098 PARK ADMIN. TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $104.00 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR TELEPHONE 011098 PARK MAINTENAN TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $27.02 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR TELEPHONE 011098 TREES & MAINTE TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $8.40 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR TELEPHONE 011098 CLUB HOUSE TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $122.00 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR TELEPHONE 011098 DISTRIBUTION TELEPHONE 02/17/98 - $42.04 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR TELEPHONE 011098 ENGINEERING GE TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $90.24 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR TELEPHONE 011098 SUPERV. & OVRH TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $17.61 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR Cellulars 011098 INVESTIGA'T'ION TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $494.03 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR Cellulars 011098 PATROL TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $35.44 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR Cellulars 011098 ANIMAL CONTROL GENERAL SUPPLI 02/17/98 $27.42 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR TELEPHONE 100-1-136 ED ADMTNiSTRAT TELEPHONE < *> $1,380.61* 186220 02/17/98 $14.91 ALBINSON PRINTING 667942 INSPECTIONS PRINTING 8395 02/17/98 $49.84 ALBINSON PRINTING 678070 INSPECTIONS PRINTING 8395 < *> $64.75* 186221 02/17/98 $365.00 Alfax Wholesale Furnitur EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 067798 -E POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 1604 < *> $365.00* COUNCIL CHE( -,, REGISTER 11 -rv�B -1998 (18:49) page 2 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 186222 02/17/98 $294.00 All Saints Brands COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 2833 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE < *> $294.00* 186223 02/17/98 $186.22 ALTERNATOR REBUILD Shop 013098 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES < *> $186.22* 186224 02/17/98 $49.37 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 013198 50TH ST OCCUPA LAUNDRY 02/17/98 $183.46 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 013198 FIRE DEPT. GEN LAUNDRY 02/17/98 $232.68 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 013198 YORK OCCUPANCY LAUNDRY 02/17/98 $59.01 AMERICAN LINEN COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 013198 VERNON SELLING LAUNDRY 02/17/98 $14.38 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 013198 LABORATORY LAUNDRY 02/17/98 $187.36 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 013198 CITY HALL GENE LAUNDRY 02/17/98 $87.40 AMERICAN LINEN CLEANING SUPPLIES 013198/G GOLF DOME CLEANING SUPPL 02/17/98 $38.04 AMERICAN L,TNEN LAUNDRY nl"1198 /G GRTLL LATINDRY < *> $851.70* 186225 02/17/98 $63.20 AMERICAN SERVICES CORP GENERAL SUPPLIES 3308 YORK SELLING GF.NERAT, SUPPLI 2004 < *> $63.20* 186226 02/17/98 - $75.99 Ameriserve of Minneapoli COST OF GOODS SOLD 749146 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL 02/17/98 - $89.64 Ameriserve of Minneapoli COST OF GOODS SOLD 749311 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL 02/17/98 - $30.50 Ameriserve of Minneapoli COST OF GOODS SOLD '750493 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL 02/17/98 $348.32 Ameriserve of Minneapoli COST OF GOODS SOLD 261346 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL 02/17/98 $25.33 Ameriserve of Minneapoli COST OF GOODS SOLD 261347 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL < *> $177.52* 186227 02/17/98 $21.41 AMUNDSON, ERIK CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 020298 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $21.41* 186228 02/17/98 $573.19 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC Mobil radio 17432 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE 1367 02/17/98 $573.19 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC Mobil radio 17433 EQUTPMENT OPER RADIO SERVTCE 1370 < *> $1,146.38* 186229 02/17/98 $65.00 Anoka County Law Enforce CONT ED 020698 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $65.00* 186230 02/17/98 $228.25 APACHE HOSE & BELTING IN GENERAL SUPPLIES 699031 BUTLDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1496 < *> $228.25* 186231 02/17/98 $30.00 Applied Concepts Inc GENERAL SUPPLIES 25779 POI,TCE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 1802 < *> $30.00* 186232 02/17/98 $398.36 ASAP MAILING SERVICES POSTAGE 70801 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE < *> $398.36* 186233 02/17/98 $151.20 ASCAP LICENSE FEE 020698 ED ADMTNTSTRAT DUES & SUBSCRT < *> $151.20* 186234 02/17/98 $937.02 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. Parts 255871 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1184 02/17/98 $162.31 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. Shop parts 266691 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1627 02/17/98 $106.39 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. PLOW BAR 267821 CENTENNIAL LAK TOOLS 2150 < *> $1,205.72* 186236 02/17/98 $259.21 Aspen Waste RUBBISH REMOVAL 020198 GENERAL MAINT RUBBISH REMOVA 02/17/98 $74.08 Aspen Waste RUBBISH REMOVAL 020198 FIRE DEPT. GEN RUBBTSH REMOVA COUNCIL CHEC_ 2GISTER 11 -8-1998 (18:49) page 3 CHECK NO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 186236 02/17/98 $19.95 Aspen Waste RUBBISH REMOVAL 020198 FIRE SUPPLIES RUBBISH REMOVA 02/17/98 02/17/98 $159.87 Aspen Waste RUBBISH REMOVAL 020198 CITY HALL GENE RUBBISH REMOVA $259.20 Aspen Waste RUBBISH REMOVAL 020198 PW BUILDING RUBBISH REMOVA 02/17/98 $40.46 Aspen Waste RUBBISH REMOVAL 020198 ART CENTER BLD RUBBISH REMOVA 02/17/98 $157.55 Aspen Waste RUBBISH REMOVAL 020198 CLUB HOUSE RUBBISH REMOVA 02/17/98 $40.44 Aspen Waste RUBBISH REMOVAL 020198 GOLF DOME RUBBISH REMOVA 02/17/98 $487.44 Aspen Waste RUBBISH REMOVAL 020198 ARENA BLDG /nRO RIIBBISII REMOVA 02/17/98 02/17/98 $718.58 Aspen Waste RUBBISH REMOVAL 020198 ED HUILDINC F RIIRIIISII REMOVA 02/17/98 $3'7.31 $77.20 Aspen Waste Aspen RUBBISH REMOVAL 020198 50TH ST OCCUPA RUBBISH REMOVA 02/17/98 $82.20 Waste Aspen Waste RUBBISH REMOVAL RUBBISH 020198 YORK OCCUPANCY RUBBISH REMOVA REMOVAL 020198 VERNON OCCUPAN RUBBISH REMOVA < *> $2,413.49* 186237 02/17/98 $113.19 ASPLUND COFFEE COST OF GOODS SOLD 01229980 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL < *> $113.19* 186238 02/17/98 $4.60 ASTLEFORD EQUIPMENT COMP Shop parts T64884 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1424 < *> $4.60* 186239 02/17/98 $2.77 AT &T TELEPHONE 011898 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $5.33 AT &T TELEPHONE 011898 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 02/17/98 $6.12 AT &T TELEPHONE 012498 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE < *> $14.22* 186240 02/17/98 $1,858.29 AUTO MACHINE AND SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 013198 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 02/17/98 $54.54 AUTO MACHINE AND SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 013198 ED BUILDING & REPAIR PARTS 02/17/98 $404.60 AUTO MACHINE AND SUPPLY GENERAL SUPPLIES 013198/G MAINT OF COURS GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $2,317.43* 186241 02/17/98 $145.00 AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR REPAIR DOOR 0088093- ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 1866 < *> $145.00* 186242 02/17/98 $35.10 BACHMANS GENERAL SUPPLIES 103024 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 5611 02/17/98 $21.38 BACHMANS PLANTINGS & TREES 09111 TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES 9028 02/17/98 02/17/98 $151.81 BACHMANS GENERAL SUPPLIES 24645 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2011 02/17/98 $42.78 $94.32 BACHMANS BACHMANS GENERAL SUPPLIES 00109912 GENERAL STORM GENERAL SUPPLI 8486 02/17/98 $130.47 BACHMANS Past due PLANTINGS & TREES SUMMER TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES 02/17/98 $184.58 BACHMANS PLANTINGS & TREES 24195 332031 TREES & MAINTE TREES & MAINTE PLANT & TREES PLANT & TREES 8466 8907 < *> $660.44* 186243 02/17/98 $260.00 Bakken, Ruth Tap instructor 012998 SENIOR CITIZEN PROF SERVICES < *> $260.00* 11162.14 021171911 $2,498.22 11ARR EN(IMP ?RINl; ,•n,i r:,•T'v A :'7'rt',r, r:I:NI:ItAI, ,':'I'rH:M I'Rr l tl:RVlr'I•::: ]86.2.45 02/17/98 02117198 $97.09 Battery Wholesale Inc Batteries 2276 EQUIPMENT OpI ?R REPAIR PARTS 1589 $116.16 I1.1tt,•1-y Wholf'r+.rl,• I0,• 11.0 1,•r ir;: l RQ111PMENT ()PI- :R I?FPAIII PART!, 1')',1 186246 02/17/98 02/17/98 $826.33 Becker Arena Products GENERAL SUPPLIES 8050 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 1735 $461.16 Becker Arena Products REPAIR RESURFACER 8247 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 2010 < *> $1,287.49* COUNCIL r'HEt- REGISTER 11-rLB -1.998 (18:49) page 4 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186247 02/17/98 $145.70 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 13504100 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 1!19.50 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 27038300 50TH ST SELT!': 7- F GDS MIX 02/17/98 ,.1.40 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 2702700 YORK SELLIN:; ..,. F GDS MIX 02/17/98 $42.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 1354000 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $60.85 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 13540100 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 02/17/98 $156.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 27057600 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $68.85 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 27074700 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $34.75 BELLBOY CORPORATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MT 27074ROO YORK SRLT.INr, CST OF (IDS, MTX < *> $545.05* 186248 02/17/98 $39.38 Bellingham, Michelle Skating instructor Ed 012898 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVTCES < *> $39.38* 186250 02/17/98 $167.01 BERTELSON BROS. INC. CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 5255190 PARK ADMIN. CON! � SCHOOLS 1603 02/17/98 $17.20 BERTELSON BROS. INC. Office supplies 5269070 PW BUILDING GENEERAk SIIPPLI 1599 02/17/98 $22.09 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 5273690 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 02/17/98 $199.88 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES 5273700 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 2000 02/17/98 $184.72 BERTELSON BROS. INC. EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT R172781 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 1439 02/17/98 - $18.06 BERTELSON BROS. INC. GENERAL SUPPLIES CM525230 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 02/17/98 $47.89 BERTELSON BROS. INC. Binders, binders inde 5284370 PARK ADMIN. OFFICE SUPPLIE 02/17/98 $56.39 BERTELSON BROS. INC. Office supplies 5287830 STREET NAME SI REPAIR PARTS 1772 02/17/98 $285.42 BERTELSON BROS. INC. EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 5279060 CITY HALL EQUIP REPLACEM 02/17/98 $350.00 BERTELSON BROS. INC. EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 5294910 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 1803 02/17/98 $221.14 BERTELSON BROS. INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 5294910 POLICE DEPT. G OFFICE SUPPLIE 1803 02/17/98 $79.77 BERTELSON BROS. INC. EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 5295220 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 1803 02/17/98 $43.79 BERTELSON BROS. INC. Office supplies 5301410 PW BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLI 1795 02/17/98 - $134.72 BERTELSON BROS. INC. 60 days past due 013098 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI 02/17/98 - $54.52 BERTELSON BROS. INC. 90 days past due 013098 CENT SVC GENER GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $1,468.00* 186251 02/17/98 $745.07 Best Access Systems of M Lock core & keys 58578 BUILDINGS REPAIR PARTS 1351 02/17/98 $947.42 Best Access Systems of M Lock core 58715 BUILDINGS REPAIR PARTS 1361 02/17/98 $262.82 Best Access Systems of M Lock core 58871 BUILDINGS REPAIR PARTS 1794 02/17/98 $282.65 Best Access Systems of M Lock:: or, 9430 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS. 1,76') < *, $2,237.96* 186252 02/17/98 $65.26 BIFFS INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BI111583 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 2025 02/17/98 $85.26 BIFFS INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES B1115833 BUILDING MAINT PROF SERVICES 2025 < *> $150.52* 186253 02/17/98 $100.00 BLOOD, DAVID POLTCE SERVICES 021798 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVTCES < *> $100.00* 186254 02/17/98 $1,363.77 BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLI ARCHITECT /ENG FEES OS21S6 PKROND CIP PROF SERVICES < *> $1, 363. -77* 186255 02/17/98 $94.61 BOYER TRUCKS Shop parts 672781 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1642 02 /17 /qR $125.33 T1OYER TRUCK!! "hop party I I1: 5 EQUIPMENT OPER RE.PA'IR PORT:: 1409 < *> $219.94* 18625G n2/17/98 $61.77 BRENT'S: SI(INS: f)TtiT'T,AY & STAN nnnn0414 (1,01,1-' DOME (,RNERAL SUPPLT 2054 < *> $61.77* 186257 02/17/98 $349.40 BRISSMAN- KENNEDY INC CLEANING SUPPLIES 500629 CITY HALL GENE CLEANING SUPPL 1808 02/17/98 $19.66 BRISSMAN- KENNEDY INC CLEANING SUPPLTES 50M;291 CITY HALL GENE CLEANING SUPPL 1808 COUNCIL C11EC 3GISTER 1 � 13-1998 (18:49) page 5 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT ------ - - - - -- -- - - - VENDOR -- DESCRIPTION - - INVOICE- PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM <*> $369.06* - - - --------------- ------ - - - - -- - - -- 186258 *> 02/17/98 $201.29 BRO -TEX INC Supplies 190127 PW BUILDING CLEANING SUPPL 1375 < $201.29* 186259 *> 02/17/98 $6,703.46 Browning Ferris Industri Refuse 013198 50TH STREET RU PROF SERVICES < $6,703.46* 186260 02/17/98 $985.00 BRW INC. 13RAEMAR OFFICE STUDY 267 -0306 CONTINGENCIES PROF SERVICES < *> $985.00* 186261 02/17/98 02/17/98 $132.65 BUDGET PROJECTOR REPAIR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 6449 MEDIA LAB CONTR REPAIRS 9924 *> $77.00 BUDGET PROJECTOR REPAIR CONTRACTED REPAIRS 6859 MEDIA LAB CONTR REPAIRS 9912 < $209.65* 186262 < *> 02/17/98 $100.00 $100.00* BUTLER, GEORGE POLICE SERVICES 021998 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES 186263 *> 02/17/98 $137.00 C.L. Bensen Co Inc GENERAL SUPPLIES 1379 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 1996 < $137.00* 186264 *> 02/17/98 $50.00 CANTON, JANET MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 020998 FINANCE MILEAGE < $50.00* 186265 *> 02/17/98 $157.79 CATCO Repairs 360659 CENTENNIAL LAK CONTR REPAIRS < $157.79* 186266 *> 02/17/98 $120.00 CERES ENVIRONMENTAL SERV Weed disposal 212.40 TREES & MAINTE RUBBISH REMOVA < $120.00* 186267 02/17/98 $121.00 CHAOUCH, HABIB SOCCER REF 012398 GOLF DOME PROF SERVTCES <* $121.00* 186268 < *> 02/17/98 $50.00 $50.00* CITY BEAT ADVERTISTNG OTHER 1463 GOLF DOME ADVERT OTHER 2052 186269 02/1 "7/98 02/17/98 $321.19 $43.31 CITY OF EDINA CITY OF SEWER & WATER 021 '198 CITY HALL GENE SEWER & WATER 02/17/98 $48.07 EDINA CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 021.798 BUILDING MAINT SEWER & WATER 02/17/98 $50.34 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER 021798 GENERAL MAINT SEWER & WATER 02/17/98 $42.67 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 021798 021798 50TH ST OCCUPA PW BUILDING SEWER & WATER 02/17/98 02/17/98 $49.06 $510.65 CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 021798 VERNON OCCUPAN SEWER & WATER SEWER & WATER < *> $1,065.29* CITY OF EDINA SEWER & WATER 021798 PW BUILDING SEWER & WATER 1.86270 *> 02/17/nil $790.00 CTTY OF ST. PAIIL CONT ED POIJUR 1101.10E DEPT. (' roNI' & S('IIOOLS < $790.00* 186271 02/17/98 02/17/98 $25.56 $15.71 City Wide Window Service City Wide Window Window cleaning 110970 YORK OCCUPANCY CONTR REPAIRS 02/17/98 $15.71 Service City Wide Window Service Window cleaning Window cleaning 110971 110972 VERNON OCCUPAN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $56.98* 50TI1 ST OCCUPA CONTR REPAIRS 186272 *> 02/17/98 $98.45 CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP Pike poles & Axes 40661 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 1464 < $98.45* COUNCIL CHEC.,. REGISTER ll -rEB -1998 (18:49) page 6 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 186273 02/17/98 $485.40 CLUTCH & U -JOTNT REPAIR PARTS 147959 CENTENNIAT. LAK REPAIR PARTS 8865 < *> $485.40* 186274 02/17/98 $468.36 COLE PUBLICATIONS BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 245707 POLICE DEPT. G BOOKS & PAMPHL 1703 < *> $468.36* 186275 02/17/98 $230.55 Construction Market Data Ad for bid CB6854 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE < *> $230.55* 186276 02/17/98 $567.06 COOL AIR MECHANICAL Repair.compressor 24192 ARENA ICE MAIN CONTR REPAIRS 1998 < *> $567.06* 186277 02/17/98 $57.11 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. Blueline paper 0080090 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 1741 02/17/98 $67.31 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. Metric scale 0080173 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SUPPLI 1748 02/17/98 $21.29 COPY EQUIPMENT INC. Blueline paper 0080988 ENGINEERING GE BLUE PRINTING 1925 < *> $145.71* 186278 02/17/98 $182.49 CREATIVE IMAGES ON RIBBO PRINTING 4115 ARENA ADMINIST PRINTING 1727 < *> $182.49* 386279 02/17/98 $1,386.67 CRIMMINS MD, TIMOTHY J PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 020998 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROF SERVICES < *> $1,386.67* 186280 02/17/98 $316.82 CRYSTEEL DIST INC Hanger rod shop 137078 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1630 < *> $316.82* 186281 02/17/98 $32.00 Culligan SOFT WATER SERVICE 8903585 LABORATORY CONTR SERVICES < *> $32.00* 186282 02/17/98 $302.61 Curtis 1000 Amb ret env 1.6905301 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 1533 < *> $302.61* 186283 02/17/98 $2,348.64 Custom Energy LLC CONSTR. IN PROGRESS J000941 ICE. ARENA PROG CIP 1815 < *> $2,348.64* 186284 02/17/98 $92.50 D.C. ANNIS SEWER INC Drain cleaning 1760 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 02/17/98 $79.50 D.C. ANNIS SEWER INC Contracted sewer work 1763 BUILDING MAINT CONTR REPAIRS 1894 < *> $172.00* 186285 02/17/98 $752.00 D2 Services Repair flow meter 5A78 PUMP & I,TFT ST CONTR REPAIRS 1791 < *> $752.00* 186286 02/17/98 $84.28 DANKO EMERGENCY EQIIIPMEN Boots 271834 FIRE DEPT. GEN PROTECT CLOTHI 1469 02/17/98 $45.10 DANKO EMERGENCY EQIIIPMEN BAr 272179 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 1469 02/17/1)A $193.11 DANKO EMERGENCY EQIIIPMEN I1RI,MET 272402 1,1121? nrCT. GEN PROTECT ('LOTHI 1473 < *> $322.49* 1.86287 02/17/98 $1,444.40 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 25526 5.OT11 ST SELLTN CST OF' GDS BEE 02/17/98 $3,050.75 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 25592 YORK SELI.,ING CST OF GDS BEE 02/1.7/98 $60.60 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SURD MI 25695 YORK SELLING CSI' OF G198 MIX 02/17/98 $20.20 DAY DISTRIBUTIN(, COST OF GOODS S0I,1) BE 25(•96 VERNON SELLING CST OF' GDS BEE 02/17/98 $1,243.07 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS 1401,1.) BE 25697 VERNON SELLING CSI' OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $775.60 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 25984 50T11 ST SELLTN CST OF' GDS BEE 02/17/98 $40.40 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 25986 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $159.20 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 26019 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE COUNCIL CHEC :GISTER 16,279 1; 3 -1998 (18:49) REPLACEM 1319 Dikareva, Natalya PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 20898 7 CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES GOODS SOLD WI 65786 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI page CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR LI DESCRIPTION COST INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 186287 02/17/98 $938.50 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 26051 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE COST 02/17/98 $57.40 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 26052 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX OF 02/17/98 $313.00 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 26057 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE GOODS 02/17/98 $60.60 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 26058 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> WI $8,163.72* COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80816 COST OF GOODS SOLD 186288 02/17/98 $116.85 DAY - TIMERS INC. Daytimer SOLD LI 80875 27929041 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> 70592 $116.85* OF GOODS SOLD WI 70593 COST OF GOODS SOLD W1 186289 02/17/98 $157.67 DELEGARD TOOL CO. Tools 12584 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS 1365 < *> $157.67* 186290 02/17/98 186291 02/17/98 186292 02/17/98 186293 02/17/98 186294 02/17/98 186295 02/17/98 186296 02/17/98 02/17/98 186299 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/1.7/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 $23.93 DENNYS 5th AV BAKERY COST OF GOODS SOLD 80577 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 1382 $23.93* $146.94 Department of Administat MNET W9712165 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE $146.94* $1,050.78 $1,050.78* $169.00 $169.00* $722.43 $722.43* $504.85 $504.85* $181.35 $98.53 $279.88* $218.35 $42.95 $193.38 $268.90 - $258.63 - $73.44 $232.97 $473.54 $370.52 $632.11 $56.79 $703.17 $459.71 - $157.80 -$7.50 - $26.80 - $16.75 - $13.14 $334.80 $618.63 $112.37 Design Wise Commercial F EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 16,279 CITY HALT, EQUIP REPLACEM 1319 Dikareva, Natalya PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 20898 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES DONALD SALVERDA k ASSOCI CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS P8797 -12 ADMTNTSTRATTON CONF k SCHOOI.,S E -Z Sharp Inc General supplies 1981. ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI 1997 E -Z -GO TEXTRON E -Z -GO TEXTRON EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE REPAIR PARTS 0544839 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 1569 REPAIR PARTS 0544840 GOLF CARS REPAIR PARTS 1575 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 65 "781 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 65782 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 65786 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 65796 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 80445 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80446 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68512 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68521 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68522 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 68523 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68535 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68536 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 80749 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80815 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80816 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 80817 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 80875 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70592 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70593 COST OF GOODS SOLD W1 70Gn0 50T11 ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TIl ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD -WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE SOT11 ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE SOTH ST SE1.,1.,TN CST OF GD WINE CO UNCI1 -. CHE(.r, REGISTER 11 -eEB -1998 ( 18:49) page 8 CHECK NO., --------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT ------------ VENDOR ----------- - - - - -- DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT .-PO NUM 186299 02/17/98 $168.90 EAGLE WINE - - -- COST - -------------------- OF GOODS SOLD WI ----- 70601 ----------- - - - - VERNON SELLING -. --.. ----------------- WINE 02/17/98 $750.24 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70602 VERNON SELLING :u WINE 02/17/98 $394.25 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70608 . YORK SELLING CSC uF' GD WINE 02/17/98 $2,154.44 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70609 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $638.30 EAGLE WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70617 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $8,270.26* 186300 02/17/98 $112.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 018770 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $2,585.35 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 256061 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $201.50 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 257247 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $1,702.50 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 257250 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $4,540.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 257261 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $821.35 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 259095 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $3,052.55 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 259107 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $2,259.70 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 259108 VERNON SELLING CST.OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $72.00 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 260245 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $1,852.05 EAST'SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 262045 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $1,805.75 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 262046 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $19,004.75* 186301 02/17/98 $116.94 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION Pest control 5173240 CENTENNIAL LAK SVC CONTR EQUI 02/17/98 $99.15 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION PEST CONTROL 5173246 POOL TRACK GRE SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $216'.09* 186302 02/17/98 $9.45 Edina Cleaners Linen cleaning 97159 POOL TRACK GRE LAUNDRY 02/17/98 $0.61 Edina Cleaners Linen cleaning tax 98004 POOL TRACK GRE LAUNDRY < *> $10.06* 186303 02/17/98 $25.63 EDINA HARDWARE GENERAL SUPPLIES rF9084 AR•I' SUPPLY (IIF GENERAL SUPPLT 9916 < *> $7.5.63* 186304 02/17/98 $16.26 Edina Public Schools Labels 020498 ATHLE'T'IC ACTTV GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $16.26* 18630 F; 02117/)R $24.36 EDMUND!., I,T7 C'c)S'P O F MI o I'),(8 !.O'I'll I' t,l l,I,1N G;'1' OI' GD:; MIX < *> $24.36* 186306 02/17/98 $126.74 Enhance Graphics Inc Sign Shop Supplie.^ 63063 SNOW k TCr REM GENERAL SUPPLT 1.773 < *> $126.74* 186307 02/17/98 $120.00 FBI /LEEDS CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS n20298 POLICE DEPT. G CONE & SCHOOLS < *> $120.00* 186308 02/17/98 $1,826.22 Fechheimer UNIFORMS 29864 ATHLETIC ACTIV GENERAL SUPPLI + < *> $1,826.22* 186309 02/17/98 $177.86 Fire Instructors Aesocia Training manual.,; 43RRn FIRE DEPT. GEN TRAINING AIDS 5553 < *> $177.86* 186310 02/17/98 $24.95 Fire Rescue Magazine Fire rescue magazine 012798 FIRE DEPT. GEN DUES & SUBSCRI <*> $24.95* 186311 02/17/98 $2,502.97 FISCHER AGGREGATES INC Metro seal 6081 SNOW & ICE REM SAND,GRVL & RO 5437 02/17/98 $1,402.49 FISCHER AGGREGATES INC Metro.seal 6094 SNOW & ICE REM SAND,GRVL & RO 5438 02/17/98 $671.63 FISCHER AGGREGATES INC Metro seal 6113 SNOW & ICE REM SAND,GRVL & RO 5438 C:OUNCIL CIIEC BGISTER 1. B -1998 ( 18 :49) page 9 CHECK NO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 186311 02/17/98 $1,251.33 FISC14ER AGGREGATES INC Metro seal 6105 SNOW & ICE REM SAND,GRVL k RO 5438 ---- < *> $5,828.42* 186312 02/17/98 $419.75 FISHER SCIENTIFIC Lab supplies 0517932 LABORATORY GENERAL SUPPLI 1594 < *> $419.75* 186313 02/17/98 $89.70 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 7858 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $63.60 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 4568 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $33.60 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 7965 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GUS MIX 02/17/98 $268.80 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 010998. VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 -$5.60 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME CO COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 4606 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX < *> $450.10* 186314 02/17/98 $41.23 Flasher Handling Corp Sign shop 0066583 STREET NAME SI GF.NERAT, SUPPLI 9097 < *> $41.23* 186315 *> 02/17/98 $260.66 FORMS GROUP, THE PRINTING 2159 POLICE DEPT. G PRINTING 7594 < $260.66* 186316 *> 02/17/98 $20.43 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 52017700 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 1856 < $20.43* 186317 02/17/98 $29.82 FRANKLIN QUEST COMPANY OFFICE SUPPLIES 70191507 PARK ADMIN. OFFICE SUPPLIE < *> $29.82* 186318 02/17/98 $165.56 FRESCO Elec supplies 42804 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 9740 02/17/98 $165.31 FRESCO Safety hammer 42812 LIFT STATION M WATER TRTMT SU 9747 < *> $330.87* 186319 02/17/98 $102.59 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE Uniforms 041573 EQUIPMENT OPER LAUNDRY 1973 02/17/98 $748.92 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE Uniforms 041593 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY 1974 02/17/98 $46.99 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE Uniforms 041923 PUMP & LIFT ST LAUNDRY 1972 02/17/98 $74.31 G & K DIRECT PURCHASE Uniforms 042013 EQUIPMENT OPER LAUNDRY 1971 < *> $972.81* 186320 *= 02/17/98 $"1.49 GENERAL SPOR'T'S Score book^ 1 "7tifa EDINA A'I'111,E'PiC GFNF..RAT, SUPP1,1 < $7.49* 186321 02/17/98 $168.75 George, Heather Skating instructor Ed 012898 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $168.75* 186322 *> 02/17/98 $957.23 GEREBI, LIZ Skating instructor Ed 01.2898 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < $957.23* 1.86323 *> 02/17/98 $795.00 GOLF MTNNRSOTA ADVERTTSTNG OTIIP;R Of+n50 r,OLP DOME ADVERT OTHER 2051 < $'795.00* 186324 *> 02/17/98 $193.00 GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERV CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 020698 ADMINISTRATION CONE & SCHOOLS < $193.00* 186325 *> 02/17/98 $207.35 GRAFIX SHOPPE Emblems 25193 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIFS 1422 < $207.35* 186326 02/17/98 02/17/98 $424.94 GRAINGER POWER WASHER 498 -7724 GOLF DOME RANGE BALLS 1317 $13.53 GRAINGER ELEC PARTS 498 -7727 GOLF DOME REPAIR PARTS 1201 COUNCIL CHEF- REGISTER GOODS SOLD 11 -rEB -1998 (18:49) 65784 50TH ST SELLIN CST page 10 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR GOODS DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 186326 02/17/98 $39.03 GRAINGER OF Batteries & Testers 49580643 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 1272 CST 02/17/98 $357.23 GRAINGER COST Tools 49519988 DISTRIBUTION EQUIP MAINT 1598 50TH ST SELLIN 02/17/98 $63.90 GRAINGER LIQU Repair parts 49520725 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 1572 68515 02/17/98 $51.95 GRAINGER GD Shop parts 49521469 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 1789 < *> 68516 $950.58* CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS 186327 02/17/98 $217.00 Grand Pere Wines Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 5132 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE OF < *> SOLD $217.00* 68525 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU COST 186328 02/17/98 $774.00 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 17692 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE LIQU COST 02/17/98 $399.00 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 17715 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE GDS MIX 02/17/98 $1,092.00 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 17745 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE OF < *> LIQU $2,265.00* OF GOODS SOLD LI 68529 YORK SELLING CST 186329 02/17/98 $51.25 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. Light bulbs 10497025 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 50TH ST SELLIN CST 02/17/98 $303.13 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. Shop supplies 10497682 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 1494 YORK SELLING 02/17/98 $696.64 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. Elec parts 10498370 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 1201 < *> 50T11 ST SELLIN $1,051.02* OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD 186330 02/17/98 $639.73 GREAT WESTERN SUPPLY CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 00833647 POLICE DEPT. G GENERAL SUPPLI 1328 < *> SOLD $639.73* 70598 50TIl ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU COST 186331 186333 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 < *> 186334 02/17/98 02-/17/98 $92.00 GREEN, DICK $92.00* $1,766.54 $55.72 $23.51 $1,301.66 $458.40 $31.06 $1,730.52 $52.02 $549.90 $371.25 $41.24 $4,376.71 $102.15 $102.15 $17.34 $628.83 $41.57 $2,099.82 $610.48 $13.07 $38.28 $91.18 $3,906.18 $18,409.58* $472.86 $73.49 $546.35* GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. GRIGGS COOPER & CO. H &L MESABI H &L MESABI 186335 02/17/98 $132.57 HAAGEN DAZS CO, THE ART CENTER INSTRUCTOR 020898 ART CENTER ADM PROF SERVICES COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 65784 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 68507 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 68508 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 68509 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 68515 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 68516 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 68517 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 68525 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 68526 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 68527 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 68528 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 68529 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 69265 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 69266 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 70595 50T11 ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 70596 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 70598 50TIl ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 70599 50Th ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 70604 VERNON SEI-I,ING CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SO1,1) LL 70(.06 VE RNON :,RL,I,ING CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70611 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 70615 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 70616 YORK SEI_,LING CST OF GD LIQU Part 036075 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 9723 Plow blade 06383 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 9735 COST OF GOODS SOLD 71.7364 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 3953 COUNCIL CHEC. ,GISTER 11 3-1998 (18:49) page 11 CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM <*> $132.57* 186336 02/17/98 $30.00 HALL, MARILYN Perform Edinborough 021298 ED ADMINISTRAT PRO SVC OTHER < *> $30.00* 186337 02/17/98 $1,011.75 HALLMAN OIL COMPANY Hallman oil 303543 EQUIPMENT OPER LUBRICANTS 5498 < *> $1,011.75* 186338 02/17/98 $3,203.73 Harris Companies CONTRACTED REPAIRS 68858 ARENA BLDG /GRO CONTR REPAIRS 1744 < *> $3,203.73* 186339 02/17/98 $17,028.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 3963 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 02/17/98 $16,107.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 3965 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE 02/17/98 $1,033.00 HARRIS HOMEYER CO. INSURANCE 4565 CENT SVC GENER INSURANCE < *> $34,168.00* 186340 02/17/98 $47,685.65 HEALTH PARTNERS HOSPITALIZATION 7615102 CENT SVC GENER HOSPITALIZATIO < *> $47,685.65* 186341 02/17/98 $2,240.17 HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDICAL Amb supplies 6330 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 4092 < *> $2,240.17* 186342 02/17/98 $664.37 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 110497 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 02/17/98 $1,340.73 HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF Booking fee 012698 LEGAL SERVICES COURT CHARGES < *> $2,005.10* 1- 86343 02/17/98 $38.80 HENNEPIN COUNTY SURVEYOR GENERAL SUPPLIES 020298 ENGINEERING GE GENERAL SIIPPLI < *> $38.80* 186344 02/17/98 $100.51 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURE Contracted repairs 35074 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTR REPAIRS < *> $100.51* 186345 02/17/98 $100.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURE Utility permits 26100 DISTRIBUTION LIC & PERMITS < *> $100.00* 186346 02/17/98 $240.00 HIRSH, JIM SOCCER REF 012398 GOLF DOME PROF SERVICES < *> $240.00* 186347 02/17/98 $262.50 Hoel, Judy Skating instructor Ed 012898 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $262.50* 186348 02/17/98 $100.00 HOFFMAN, WILLIAM POLICE SERVICES 021798 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 1863411 02/17/08 $43.35 Il(,mf, Jiii(— cor!'1' o (,.noj)S7 �:C)LI) M1 1,1':!t V171MO N f:17f I,1Nf; (' :'1' of ( :I): MIS( .. -. ::;.l { { 1 ) 1 IA6350 02/17/118 $ 8.58 1101`f<INf: (:ARMIiN'I' IJ7'I" ERIN ( :,IIm.u111c 41:'!t ( :I ?NI•:I?AI, MAINT I,AIINI)I?Y 14!t- • 1.1t . "it * 186351 02/1'1/98 $6,490.00 HOPKINS PET HOSPITAL KENNEL SERVICE 1-231972 ANIMAL CONTROL LEASE LINE6 02/17/98 $5,330.00 HOPKINS PET IOSPITAL KENNEL SERVICES 92'); ? 2 ., 47_ ANIMAL CONTROL, LEASE L-INES < *> $11,820.00* 186352 02/17/98 $106.39 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL Chlorine, test tablet 16421 POOL TRACK GRE CHEMICALS 1544 COUNCIL CHEL -i. REGISTER 11 -rFB -1998 (18:49) page 12 CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 186352 02/17/98 $26.70 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL Muriatic acid 16484 POOL TRACK GRE ''HEMICALS 02/17/98 $51.33 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL CHLORINE 16584 POOL TRACK GRE CHEMICALS 1825 < *> $184.42* 186353 02/17/98 $54.12 HUEBSCH Towels, rugs 475318. POOL TRACK GRE SVC CONTR EQUI 02/17/98 $45.18 HUEBSCH TOWELS, RAGS 479805 POOL TRACK GRE SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $99.30* 186354 02/17/98 $10.00 Ice Skating Institute DUES 02(1998 ED ADMTNTSTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $10.00* 1.86355 02/17/98 $69.22 TKON CAPTTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAI., 19721332 ART CENTER ADM EOUIP PRNTAL < *> $69.22* 186356 02/17/98 $29.70 Ikon Office Solutions Copy machine servic- 005281 ED ADMINISTRAT SVC CONTR.EQTIl 02/17/98 $163.85 Ikon Office Solutions Fax repair 134633 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 1984 02/17/98 $66.25 Ikon Offi.ce Solutions Fax toner cartridge F,(,RRSA CENT SVC C;ENER GENERAL SUPPLI 2098 < *> $259.80* 186357 02/17/98 $263.00 Information Hotline ADVERTISING OTHER 118730 50TH ST SELLIN ADVERT OTHER 02/17/98 $263.00 Information Hotline ADVERTISING OTHER 118730 YORK SELLING ADVERT OTHER 02/17/98 $264.00 Information Hotline ADVERTISING OTHER 118730 VERNON SELLING ADVERT OTHER < *> $790.00* 186358 02/17/98 $903.05 INLAND TRUCK PARTS Parts 481127 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORTES 1615 < *> $903.05* 186359 02/17/98 $271.00 INTERLACHEN TRAVEL MEETING EXPENSE 075217 PRO SHOP MEETTNG EXPENS < *> $271.00* 186360 02/17/98 $216.47 INTERSTATE DETROIT DIESE Shop parts 181478 EQUIPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 1419 02/17/98 $73.33 INTERSTATE DETROIT DIESE Muffler 1nr458 EOTITPMENT OPER REPATR PARTS 1411 < *> $289.80* 186361 02/17/98 $460.00 J Patrick Moore & Partne ADVERTISING OT14ER 14033 GOLF DOME ADVERT OTHER 02/17/98 $489.67 J Patrick Moore & Partne ADVERTISING OTHER 14034 GOLF DOME ADVERT OTHER 02/17/98 $168.00 J Patrick Moore & Partne ADVERTISING OTHER 14034 50TH ST SELLIN ADVERT OTHER 02/17/98 $169.00 J Patrick Moore & Partne ADVERTISING OTHER 14034 YORK SELLING ADVERT OTHER 02/17/98 $168.00 J Patrick Moore & Partne ADVERTISING OTHER 14034 VERNON SELLING ADVERT OTHER < *> $1,454.67* 186362 02/17/98 $363.88 J.H. LARSON ELECTRICAL C Elec parts 40486700 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 1663 02/17/98 $104.17 J.H. LARSON ELECTRICAL C AC elec 40492530 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 1683 < *> $468.05* 186363 02/17/98 $40.00 Jack McClard & Associate Shop parts 16963 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 1417 < *> $40.00* 186364 02 117199 $100.00 ,TAMES, W11,I,1AM V POT,ICE SRRVICE:; 11IM(;RA CONTR 7;ERVT('ES < *> $100.00* 186365 02/17/98 $632.00 Jeane Thorne Inc Temp service 00190549 ADMINISTRATION PROF SERVICES 02/17/98 $572.00 Jeane Thorne Inc Temp service 00190954 ADMT N I STRATI ON PROF SERVICES < *> $1,204.00* COUNCIL CIIFC, r.''(',ISTER 1,1 _ sB -1998 ( 18:49) I ago 13 CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 186366 02/17/98 $91.86 JERRY'S FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 012998 GOLF DOME GENERAL SUPPLI 02/17/98 $112.72 JERRY'S FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 012998 ART SUPPLY GIF GENERAL SUPPLI 02/17/98 $43.20 JERRY'S FOODS GENERAL SUPPLIES 012998 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $247.78* 186367 02/17/98 $421.74 JERRY'S PRINTING PRINTING 3947 INSPECTIONS PRINTING 02/17/98 $26.25 JERRY'S PRINTING Food est insp forms A4226 PUBLIC HEALTH PRINTING 02/17/98 $74.69 JERRY'S PRINTING Season tickets A4314 POOL ADMIN PRINTING 02/17/98 $186.38 JERRY'S PRINTING Stats pool logo A4374 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI 02/17/98 $229.98 JERRY'S PRINTING: PRINTING FORMS A4419 PARK ADMIN. PRTNTING < *> $939.04* 186368 02/17/98 $317.51 Johnson Wholesale Floris PLANTS 33123 POOL. TRACK GRF. TREES FLWR SHR 1541 < *> $317.51* 186370 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 186371 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 186372 02/17/98 186373 02/17/98 - $75.85 -$5.61 -$5.62 - $38.55 - $11.96 $2,173.39 $1,846.57 $1,625.03 $77.80 $29.04 $74.20 $2,108.79 $367.02 $3,914.14 $3,875.96 $4,480.64 $1,987.45 $74.85 $504.60 $3,397.58 $3,381.69 $3,377.00 $33,158.16* $105.96 $92.09 $8.48 $206.53* JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON WINE CO JOHNSON, NAOMI JOHNSON, NAOMI JOHNSON, NAOMI $59.00 JOHNSON, TOM $59.00* $100.00 JOHNSON, WAL.TFR $100.00* COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 49786 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 50571 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 50572 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 50682 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 50831 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 801334 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 801335 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 801339 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 803931 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 803932 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 803933 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 803934 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 803935 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 803936 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 803937 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 803938 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 803939 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 803940 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 804378 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 803203 COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 806201 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 806202 ART WORK SOLD 020598 CRAFT SUPPLIES 020598 MEDIA LAR SUPPLIES 020598 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE ART CNTR PROG SALES OTHER ART CENTER ADM CRAFT SUPPLIES MEDIA LAP GENERAL SUPPLI UNIFORM ALLOWANCE n20998 POLICE DEPT. G UNTF ALLOW POLICE. SERVICES 02(1998 186374 02/1_-7/99 $83.25 JOHNSTONS SAI,FS & SERVIC R�-pair vac < *> $83.25* 186375 02/17/98 $971.73 JP FOODSERVICES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD 02/17/98 $366.84 JP FOODSERVICES INC GENERAL SUPPLIES RFSFRVF PROGRA CONTR SERVTCES 17R51O1 (1.118 DOUSE 020298 GRILL 020298 GRILL REPAIR PAR'I'S 2050 COST OF GD SOL GENERAL SUPPLI COUNCIL CHEC- REGISTER 11 -r6B -1998 (18:49) page 14 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM <*> -- - - - $1,338.57* - -- -- - --- ---- -- --- - -- -- - - -- - -- -- 186376 02/17/98 $64.01 JUSTUS LUMBER Lumber 12229 CENTENNIAL LAK PAINT 1522 02/17/98 $27.29 JUSTUS LUMBER PAINT 12773 CENTENNIAL LAK PAINT 1522 < *> $91.30* 186377 02/17/98 $832.00 KAEDING AND ASSOCIATES I Eng sery 020498 MEDIA LAB CONS CIP < *> $832.00* 186378 02/17/98 $227.00 KAHN, DEBORAH MORSE. MAGAZINE /NEWSLETTER E 020298 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX < *> $227.00* 186379 02/17/98 $26.63 Kaman Industrial Technol REPAIR PARTS Z154148 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 2013 < *> $26.63* 186380 02/17/98 $41.89 KANE, KENNETH INSPECTION EXPENSES 020398 POLICE DEPT. G INSP. EXP. < *> $41.89* 186381 02/17/98 $64.21 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING CO COST OF GOODS - PRO S 3399810 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS -PR 8835 < *> $64.21* 186382 02/17/98 $105.01 KEPRIOS, JOHN Reimbursement 020298 GOLF ADMINISTR GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $105.01* 186384 02/17/98 $200.80 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 86523 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $719.75 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 86563 50TII ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $161.60 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 86564 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $109.00 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 86565 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $64.80 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 86757 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $695.00 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WE 80759 50TH ST SKLIA N CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $289.80 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WE H6760 5OTII ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $154.40 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 86761 501H ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $1,007.55 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 86762 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $1,698.20 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WE 86763 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 - $47.50 Kiwi Kai. Lmports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI.CM2998 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $1,270.20 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 87002 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $1,520.50 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 87004 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $1,960.10 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 87008 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $87.20 Kiwi Kai Imports Inc COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 87009 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $9,891.40* 18638, 02/17/08 $22.32 Kla", Trrry R-vyvling cr -dit. 01279H IT11,1TY I'Ro(l, AcCOTINTS RFC. < *> $22.32* IR618C 02/17/98 $247.68 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT Lumber i(11917 11111L1)1NG MAINT GENL•;RAI, Slll'1'1,I 1281 02/17/98 $59.02 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT GENERAL SUPPLIES 304407 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1.484 02/17/98 $152.66 KNOX COMMERCIAL CREDIT Shop supplies tnqM90 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $459.36* 186387 02/17/98 $158.67 KOJETIN, BOB Council table supplie 020298 CON'T'INGENCIES GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $158.67* 186388 02/17/98 $51.53 KRUGE AIR INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 26216 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $51.53* (1)UN('1I, Clll•:c :(;1::'1' -:11 it .1 1998 ( 18:49) p g'. 15 CHECK NO DATE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 186389 02/17/98 $1,663.53 Kudos TROPHIES 43647 EDINA ATHLETIC GENERAL SUPPLI 1745 < *> $1,663.53* 186390 02/17/98 $586.15 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 202533 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $930.40 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 202706 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $1,516.55* 186391 02/17/98 $270.00 LAKE COUNTRY CHAPTER ICBO SEMINAR 020698 INSPECTIONS CONF k SCHOOLS < *> $270.00* 186392 02/17/98 $118.24 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. Tape 1850943 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL SUPPLI 1584 02/17/98 02/17/98 $330.06 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. Shop supplies 1851996 EQUIPMENT OPER GENERAL SUPPLI 1585 $384.40 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. Shop supplies 1851997 ST LIGHTING OR PAINT 1582 02/17/98 02/17/98 $413.96 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. Sign shop 1851998 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1583 02/17/98 $342.67 $37.81 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. LAWSON Misc shop supplies 1851999 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1586 02/17/98 $401.07 PRODUCTS INC. LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. Shop parts Shop 1854684 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1585 02/17/98 $337.54 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. parts Shop parts 1854685 1854686 STREET NAME SI ST LIGHTING GENERAL SUPPLI 1681 < *> $2,365.75* OR GENERAL SUPPLI 1682 186393 02/17/98 $41.89 LEEF BROS. INC. LAUNDRY 013198/G MAINT OF COURS LAUNDRY < *> $41.89* 186394 02/17/98 $46.88 Lentner, Laura Lee Skating instructor Ed 012898 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $46.88* 186395 02/17/98 $35.89 LINHOFF aDV 40380 ART CENTER ADM ADVERT OTHER 02/1 -7/98 $106.39 LINHOFF MAGAZINE /NEWSLETTER E 40738 COMMUNICATIONS MAG /NEWSLET EX < *> $142.28* 186396 02/17/98 $4,829.79 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0198 FINANCE DATA PROCESSIN 02/17/98 02/17/98 $2,188.13 $4,745.77 LOGIS LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0198 ASSESSING DATA PROCESSIN 02/17/98 $191.62 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING AR0198 GENERAL(BILLIN DATA PROCESSIN 02/17/98 $136.12 LOGIS DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING AR0198 AR0198 COMMUNICATIONS DATA PROCESSIN 02/1'1/9fl $1,293.56 LOGIS FIQUrPMrNT REP1.A('rMF :NT ARO1118 CONTINGENCIRS I;NGINrrRrN(1 ( ;r DATA PROCESSIN RQUIP Rr•.r'LA('RM $13,384.99+ 186397 02/17/98 $75.00 Lucke, Mary Skating instructor Ed 01 1098 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $75.00* 186398 02/17/98 02/17/98 $9.00 M. SHANKEN COMMUNICATION Wine mag 358223 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX $9.00 M. SHANKEN COMMUNICATION COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 361248 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $15.00 M. SHANKEN COMMUNICATION Wine spectator 361715 LIQUOR 50TH ST DUES k SUBSCRI < *> $33.00* 186399 02/17/98 $55.00 M.A.S.S. Seminar 020398 PARK ADMIN. CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $55.00* 186400 02/17/98 - $83.31 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. Credit 96898 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 02/17/98 02/17/98 -$8.80 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. Pulley 96898. EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1979 02/17/98 $31.46 $95.50 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. MAC Supplies 29800972 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 9745 02/17/98 $76.62 QUEEN EQUIP INC. MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. Shop Shop 29801347 29801418 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1620 02/17/98 $355.85 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC. parts Shop parts 29801419 EQUIPMENT OPER EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 1770 1770 COUNCIL CHEum REGISTER 11 -FEB -1998 (18:49) page 16 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM - - - -- -------------------- <*> $467.32* 186401 02/17/98 02/17/98 1.86402 02/17/98 186403 02/17/98 186404 02/17/98 186407 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 186408 07./17/98 $10.54 Magnuson Sod /Haag Servic Sod 33107 $152.88 Magnuson Sod /Haag Servic Sod 3;101 $163.42* $84.35 Mail Boxes Etc COLOR COPIES 7867 $84.35* $157.50 Mairs, Candyce $157.50* $15.00 Marell, Pauline $15.00* $1,735.55 $618.07 $325.00 $582.70 $325.00 $154.45 $325.00 $413.35 $25.60 $3,391.45 $25.60 $99.90 $54.45 $158.00 $562.80 $9.60 $25.20 $18.15 $1,245.20 $2,134.63 $58.80 $72.00 $389.10 $61.50 $1,288.10 $325.00 $2,589.25 $85.85 $17,099.30* MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES MARK VII SALES $612.00 MARTIN - MCAi,I,I`,'1'ER $* Skating instructor Ed 012898 MAINT OF COURS SOD & DIRT 8320 MAINT OF LOURS SOD & DIRT 8320 ENGTNEERTN(', GE BLUE PRINTING 1140 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES Refund pool pass 020198 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 732685 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 732687 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 732831 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 732832 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 732833 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 732839 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 732840 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 732841 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 732842 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 732852 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 732853 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 732854 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 732855 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 733376 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 734979 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 734980 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 734981 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 734982 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 734984 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 734985 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 734986 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 734987 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 735102 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 735103 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 735119 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 735120 COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 735136 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 735137 Pr- emp.l oynv-nt -va 1 8')',l 186409 02/17/98 $14.00 Manni.e, Kristin.i Claim, r,fund < *> $14.00* 186410 02/17/98 $295.00 Matrix Communications In Telephones 02/17/98 $215.11 Matrix Communications In PW AN /DG CON 02/17/98 $45.00 Matrix Communications In Vm Sr center < *> $555.11* VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50Th ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 5014 ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GUS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 501'11 ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE YPRK SELLING CST OF GDS MTX ('RNT "V(' (7ENER AI)VERT 1'E1?:,0NI, 01.'!'7')8 ART CNTR FROG RE(1TSTRATION F 30486 POLICE DEPT. G TELEPHONE 30566 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE 30596 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE COUNCIL CHECK_ -�GISTER $7,524.00 11 6-1998 (18:49) 02/17/98 $1,881.00 < *> page 17 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 186411 02/17/98 $50.00 MBC PRESENTATION TAMM SEMINARS 020698 LIQUOR 50TH ST PROF SERVICES 02/17/98 $129.10 02/17/98 $50.00 MBC PRESENTATION TAMM SEMINAR 020698 LIQUOR YORK GE PROF SERVICES 02/17/98 $50.00 MBC PRESENTATION TAMM SEMINAR 020698 VERNON LIQUOR PROF SERVICES < *> $150.00* 186412 02/17/98 $956.37 MCCAREN DESIGN TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUB 6102 POOL TRACK GRE TREES FLWR SHR 1268 < *> $956.37* 186413 02/17/98 $197.69 MCKENZIE, TOM CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 020298 POLICE DEPT. G CONF & SCHOOLS 02/17/98 $25.00 MCKENZIE, TOM INSPECTION EXPENSES 020.398 POLICE DEPT. G INSP. EXP. < *> $222.69* 186414 02/17/98 $438.00 MEDICA Overpayment 971234 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $438.00* 186415 02/17/98 $383.00 Medtox PEE FOR SERVICE 01987911 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL < *> $383.00* 186416 02/17/98 $21.86 MENARDS * ACCT #30240251 Fan 7779 GOLF DOME REPAIR PARTS 2048 < *> $21.86* 186417 b2/17/98 $100.00 MERFELD, BURT POLICE SERVICES 020998 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 186418 02/17/98 $846.40 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 47140 POOI, TRACK GRE CLEANING SUPPL 1275 02/17/98 $413.90 MERIT SUPPLY Soaking tank, gloves 47182 POOL TRACK GRE GENERAL SUPPLI 1543 02/17/98 $881.66 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 47199 POOL TRACK GRE CLEANING SUPPL 1549 02/17/98 $2,065.04 MERIT SUPPLY Scrubber 47205 EDINB /CL PROG MACH. & EQUIP 1647 02/17/98 $242.28 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 47241 CENTENNIAL LAK CLEANING SUPPL 1740 02/17/98 $836.89 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 47275 ARENA BLDG /GRO CLEANING SUPPL 1805 02/17/98 $773.40 MERIT SUPPLY Supplies 47292 EQUIPMENT OPER SAFETY EQUIPME 1374 02/17/98 $567.75 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 47293 POOL TRACK GRE CLEANING SUPPL 1823 02/17/98 $189.35 MERIT SUPPLY Supplies 47310 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 1871 < *> $6,816.67* 186419 02/17/98 $120.00 MESSERLI & KRAMER Collect fees 012298 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES 02/17/98 $292.69 MESSERLI & KRAMER Collect fees 63801. GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $412.69* 186420 02/17/98 $100.00 Metro Volley Ball Offici Officiating fee 012798 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES 02/17/98 $100.00 Metro Volley Ball Offici Officiating fee 020498 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $200.00* 186421 02/17/98 $7,524.00 02/17/98 $1,881.00 < *> $9,405.00* 186422 02/17/98 $116.37 < *> $116.37* 186423 02/17/98 $397.27 < * > $39.7.2 "7* 186424 02/17/98 $159.70 02/17/98 $129.10 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Sac METROPOLITAN COUNCIL, Sac Micron Eloctroni.c:: Inc DATA PROCESSING MIDWEST CHEMICAL S11P111,Y Cleaning r:uppl i r -f: BRAEMAR GENERAL FD PRO SAC CHARGES DEC 1997 GENERAL, FD PRO SAC CHARGES Ir;O; ?052 POLICE DEPT. C DATA 11RO('RSSTN 127() CITY HAIL GENE PAPER SUPPLIES 1921 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 06213609 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX MIDWEST COCA -COLA ROTTLT COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 061-112704 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX COUNCIL CHEur, REGISTER 11 -rEB -1998 (18:49) page 18 CHECK NO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT: VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 186424 02/17/98 $113.60 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 06213711 - VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $73.75 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 06513006 YORK SELLING CS.!' rF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $99.85 MIDWEST COCA -COLA BOTTLI COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 06521303 50TH ST SELLIN CST uF GDS MIX < *> $576.00* 186425 02/17/98 $300.00 MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE Pump drain traps 8059 CENTENNIAL LAK CONTR REPAIRS <*> $300.00* 186426 02/17/98 $700.00 Miller, Tom GROUP LESSON INSTRUCT 020698 GOLF DOME PROF SERVICES < *> $700.00* 186427 02/17/98 $2,084.93 MINNEGASCO HEAT 022198 ARENA•BLDG /GRO HEAT 02/17/98 $4,502.06 MINNEGASCO HEAT 022198 GOLF DOME . .HEAT 02/17/98 $1,079.98 MI14NEGASCO HEAT 02219 -8 ARENA BLDG /GRO HEAT < *> $7,666.97* 186428 02/17/98 $622.00. Minnesota Bride Magazine ADVERTISTNG OTHER ('4702 ED ADMTNISTRAT ADVERT OTHER < *> $622.00* 186429 02/17/98 $240.80 MINNESOTA CLAY USA COST OF GOODS SOLD 33135 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 3135 02/17/98 $101.10 MTNNESOTA CLAY 1151A CRAFT SUPPLIES 3';11; ART CENTEP ADM CRAFT SUPP1.TES 3135 <> $341.90* 186430 02/17/98 $73.15 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR INC SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 10331 POOL TRACK GRE SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $73.15* 186431 02/17/98 $38.86 MINNESOTA GLOVE INC Gloves 013030 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1684 < *> $38.86 *. 186432 02/17/98 $952.00 MINNESOTA PIPE k EQUIPME Curbstop repair tops (1167 DTSTRIBUTTON GENERAL SUPPLI.1655 < *> $952.00* 186433 02/17/98 $3,041.33 MINNESOTA STATE TREASURE Surcharge DEC1997. GENERAL FD PRO SURTAX < *> $3,041.33* 186434 .02/17/98 $31.00 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO Pub hearing notice 078320 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE 02/17/98 $131.44 MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIO Budgeting summary 078325 ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING LE - 02/17/98 $119.12 MINNESOTA SUN-PUBLTCATTO Ad for bid OR0039 ADMINTSTRATION ADVERTISING LE < *> $281.56* 186435 02/17/98 $20.00 Minnesota Surveyors & En Dues 012798 ENGINEERING GE DUES k SUBSCRI < *> $20.00* 186436 02/17/98 $24.23 Minnesota Vikings Food S MEETING EXPENSE 161.0097 T -494 COMMISSI.MEETTNG EXPENS < *> $24.23* 186437 .02/17/98 $133.13 Mint Condition Detailing LAUNDRY 11145 POLICE DEPT. G LAUNDRY 1734 < *> $133.13* 186438 02/17/98 $87.00 Mitchell /Repair Informat Windows -shop 5037280 EQUIPMENT OPER DATA PROGESSIN 1989 02/17/98 $87.00 Mitchell /Repair Informat.Windows 5011577 EQUIPMENT.OPER DATA PROCESSIN < *> $174.00* 186439 02/17/98 $395.00 MSP COMMUNICATIONS ADVERTISING OTHER TC58170 ED ADMINISTRAT ADVERT OTHER < *> $395.00* COUNCIL CHEC,. EGISTER 11 _..,B -1998 (18:49) page 19 CHECK NO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 186440 02/17/98 $141.69 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO PARTS I1.86373 CENTENNIAL, LAK REPAIR PARTS 8869 02/17/98 $72.47 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO GEARBOX I1.86471 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PART'S 8869 02/17/98 $60.36 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO REPAIR PARTS I199724 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 1125 02/17/98 $95.15 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO REPAIR PARTS I199853 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 1125 02/17/98 $227.82 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO REPAIR PARTS I200742 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 02/17/98 $529.40 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO Repair to groundmaste I200763 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 02/17/98 $8.00 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO GASKET 7201351 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 1743 < *> $1,134.89* 186441 02/17/98 $330.00 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 013098 PARK MAINTENAN CONF & SCHOOLS 1895 < *> $330.00* 186442 02/17/98 $10.00 MUNICI -PALS MEETING EXPENSE 020298 CONTINGENCIES MEETING EXPENS < *> $10.00* 186443 02/17/98 $197.18 MUNICILITE CO Shop parts 9543 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1956 02/17/98 $57.51 MUNICILITE CO Shop parts 9552 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1407 02/17/98 $374.04 MUNICILITE CO Shop parts 9559 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1407 02/17/98 $124.68 MUNICILITE CO Shop parts 9592 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1407 < *> $753.41* 186444 02/17/98 $230.13 MURPHY, SYDNEY Skating instructor Ed 01.2898 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVICES < *> $230.13* 186445 02/17/98 $132.15 MUZAK SERVICE CONTRACTS EQU 010198 CENTENNIAL LAK SVC CONTR EQUI < *> $132.15* 186446 02/17/98 $15.00 NATIONAL ARBOR DAY FOUND DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 012898 BUILDING MAINT DUES & SURSCRT < *> $15.00* 186447 02/17/98 $150.00 NATIONAL HIGHWAY INSTITU PCCP SEMINAR JOHN SCH 020698 TRAINING CONE & SCHOOLS < *> $150.00* 186448 02/17/98 $311.50 NEHA Resource books R26995 PUBLIC HEALTH CONF & SCHOOLS 1810 < *> $311.50* 186449 02/17/98 $58.00 NELSON, DAVID INSPECTION EXPENSES 020398 POLICE DEPT. G INSP. EXP. < *> $58.00* 186450 02/17/98 $29.50 NIBBE, MICHAEL UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 020998 POLICE DEPT. G UNIF ALLOW < *> $29.50* 1.86451 02/17/98 $100.00 NISSEN, DICK POLICE SERVICES 020998 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $10().00* 1 80.4'-12 02117/98 :;:7!,5.29 NOR'PH AMVR IC'AN l ;Af,T CO. Ilwy r.I It. I 0 + 1 + /00 ::NOW J, I CR REM SAI.T 8781 02 / 1,7 14 $4, 386. 93 NORTH AMER i CAN , ;A[.'I* CO. Ilwy ::.I I I- I n + + + 1 (, 0 !:N(IIJ h I +'I: PF, :.AI,'I' * j' 14:.. 22* 18(; 453 02/17/98 $! >4.60 NORTH STAR ]CE COST OI' C;OOLJS ::01.1 -) M1 81`)19 50'1•II ST ::N.LL.IN CST OF C;US M1X 02/17/98 $74.40 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 82803 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS•MIX 02/17/98 $59.40 NORTH STAR ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 83401 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $188.40* 186454 02/17/98 $26.97 NORTH STAR INTERNATIONAL Shop parts 177553 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1614 COUNCIL CHFC. REGISTER 11 -eEB 1998 (18:49) page 20 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM - - -< *<- - - - $26.97* 186455 02/17/98 $79.26 NORTH.STAR TURF REPAIR PARTS 161849 MAINT OF LOURS REPAIR PARTS 1857 < *> $79.26* 186456 02/17/98 $46.82 NORTHWEST GRAPHIC SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 261781 ART SUPPI,Y GIF COST OF GD SOL 1554 < *> $46.82* ]- 8r,,457 02/17/98 5210:61 NORTHWESTERN TI RR CO TIRES & TUBES -4 1666 EQUIPMENT NT• OPER -TIRES & 11114ES 1 34 i 02/17/98 $33.57 NORTHWESTERN.TIRE CO TIRES & TUBES 44033 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1343 02/17/98 $42.00 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO Road service 44097 EQUIPMENT OPER TIRES & TUBES 1343 < *> $286.18* 186458 02/17/98 $48.21 NOVAK'S GARAGE TRACTOR REPAIRS 8230 CENTENNIAL LAK CONTR REPAIRS < *> $48.21* - 186459 02/17/98 $1,855.00 NSP Street lighting Braem 020498 PKBOND CIP. EQUIP REPLACEM < *> $1,855.00* - 186460 02/17/98 $102.24 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO I Polypros 175168 LIFT STATION M GENERAL SUPPLI 1029 02/17/98 $480.32 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO I Chain 175288 - EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1667 02/17/98 $295.36 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO I.REPAIR PARTS 175378 MAINT OF COURS REPAIR PARTS 1573 02/17/98 $256.41 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO I ROPE 17G093 GOLF DOME REPAIR PARTS 1862 < *> $1,134.33* 186461 02/17/98 $35.28 OLWIN, ROGER INSPECTION EXPENSES 020698 POLICE DEPT. G INSP. EXP. < *> $35.28* 186462 02/17/98 $2,893.38 Omni Productions CONSTR.' IN PROGRESS 7585, ICE ARENA PROG CIP 1648 02/17/98 $740.57 Omni Productions GENERAL SUPPLIES" 7588 ARENA BLDG /GRO GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $3,633.95* 186463 02/17/98 - $45.00 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM Install credit 630702 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP REPLACEM 02/17/98 - $45.00 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM Install credit 630702 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP REPLACEM 02./17/98 $2,134.33 OPM INFORMATION SYSTEM Service Contract 1? 7 -A5:3 CENT SVC GFNFR SVC - CONTR FQTTI < *> $2,044.33* 186464 02/17/98 $59.64 ORKIN Pest control 190659 CITY HAIL, GENE CONTR REPAIRS 2060 < *> $59.64* 186465 02/17/98 $79.00 OTIS SPUNKMEYRR INC - COST OF GOODS SOLD 11232635 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL < *> $79.00* 1864C,G 02/17/98 $500.00 Our Lady c,r I`,:ic,• REVITND DAMA(.I' DEPOSIT 01'71)fa PRO(', RENTAL 1NCOMT? < *> $500.00* 18646'7 02/1.7/98 $377.74 PAGTNG NETWORK OF MINNFS EQUIPMENT RENTAL, 0:'01'18 r,omCT? r*:0-. E011T1' RFNT'A1, *> $.171.•14* 186469 02/17/98 $1,470.77 PARTS PLUS REPAIR PARTS 012498 FQIIIPMENT C)PER REPAIR PARTS < *.• $1,4'70.77* 186469 02/17/98 $14.00 PEICK, JUNE Class refund 012798 ART CNTR PROG REGISTRATION F <*> $14.00* COUNCIL CHEC, ,GISTER 11- -8 -1998 (1.8:49) page 21 CHECK NO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 186470 02/17/98 $12.58 PELECIS, MARA Reimbursement art slip 0129 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLT < *> $12.58* 186471 02/17/98 $39.80 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 49556510 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $72.00 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD 49269151 CENTENNIAL LAK COST OF GD SOL 02/17/98 $69.65 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 47106808 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $149.25 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD 49533106 GRILL COST OF GD SOL 1394 02/17/98 $154.23 PEPSI -COLA COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 48141243 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $484.93* 186472 02/17/98 $200.00 Peterson, Dorothy Accomp tap group 012998 SENIOR CITIZEN PROF SERVICES < *> $200.00* 186475 02/17/98 -$4.56 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 28679 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 -$4.24 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 28680 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 -$8.42 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 28681 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 - $24.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 28682 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $136.15 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 358125 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $48.55 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 358126 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $521.23 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 358127 50TII ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 02/17/98 $1,524.80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 358128 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $1,646.19 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 358132 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $378.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 359672 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $378.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 359673 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $432.91 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 360086 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD LIQU 02/17/98 $971.80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 360087 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $1,665.70 PIIILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 360088 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 02/17/98 $2,435.86 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 360089 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $588.96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 360090 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 02/17/98 $2,504.25 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOI.D WI 360091 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WTNE 02/17/x8 $12.4.00 PIIILLIPS WINE & SIIIRITS COST OF GOODS sole I.I +6n'� o 3 YORK SHI,I,ING CST OF (:) 1,1011 02/1'1/98 $298.00 PIIILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 360.325 YORK SELLING CST OF GU LIQU 02/17/98 $183.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 360326 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $91.31 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRTTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 360,105 50TH :,T SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $300.24 PIIII LLPS WINE & ';I'IRI'I':. COST OF GOODS ::OI,U LI 36n.106 VERNON gP1.1,1NG CST of (.I) 1, 1Qu 02/1'7/98 $91.58 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOOIJS SOLD WI -1 407 VERNON SELLING CST OF GI) WINE 02/17/98 $455.65 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 361870 YORK SELLING CST OF GD LIQU 02/17/98 $6,287.91 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 361871 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $606.30 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD LI 361873 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD LIQU < *> $21,629.17* 186476 02/17/98 $298.70 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOI,D MI 96 950 9 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $552.00 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 969552 YORK SELLING CST OF GUS MIX 02/17/98 $239.20 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 969589 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $2.94.40 PINNACLE DISTRII I)TING COST OF GOODS SOLD MI VERNON SEI.I.TNG CST OF GDS MIX 02/1.7/98 $408.70 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD ML 9696 U'7 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $483.76 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD MT 969(110 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $2,276.76* 186477 02/17/98 $121.49 Pirtek Plymouth CONTRACTED REPAIRS OR51 CENTENNIAL LAK CONTR REPAIRS < *> $121.49* r. 186478 02/17/98 $85.00 POSTMASTER Presort permit 00303 021798 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE < *> $85.00* COUNCIL CHECz, REGISTER 11 -eE B -1998 (18:49) page 22 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 186479 02/17/98 $128.00 POSTMASTER 4 rolls stamps 012898 CENT SVC GFNER POSTAGE c *> $128.00* 186480 02/17/98 186481 02/17/98 c *> 186482 02/17/98 02/17/98 186484 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98. 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 02/17/98 $310.00 POSTMASTER $300.00* Senior newsletter $608.47 . PRAIRIE EQUIPMENT COMPAN Pump parts $608.47* $4,046.88 Precision Tree Company, Tree trimming $3,269.97 Precision Tree Company, TREE TRIMMING $7,316.85* $410.00 $643.35 $565.16 $390.65 $580.17 $68.40 $399.00 $942.98 $53.45 $102.60 $351.70 $96.45 $1,676.88 $196.60 $154.35 $171.00 $213.75 $700.72 $380.70 $754.55 $175.90 $1,327.43 $26.15 $10,381.94* PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR.WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY. PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY - PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY PRIOR WINE COMPANY 020398 CENT SVC GENER POSTAGE 1070 PONDS .& LAKES REPAIR PARTS 8927 1 TREE TRIMMING PROF SERVICES BILL 42 TREE TRIMMING PROF SERVICES COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 56200 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 65783 COST OF GOODS-SOLD WI 65785 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68506 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68510 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68511 COST OF'GOODS SOLD WI 68534 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68518 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 68519 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI. 68520 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 6.8524 COST OF GOODS.SOLD < *> WI .68530 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68531 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 68532 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68533 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68534 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70594 COST OF.GOODS 84354 SOLD WI 70597 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70603 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 70605 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 7061.0 COST OF GOODS SOLD WI'70612 COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 70613 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS MIX VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX YORK SELLING CST. OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD -WINE VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE YORK SELLING CST OF GDS MIX 186485 02/17/98 $196.00 PROGRESSIVE CONSULTING E ENO SERVICES 98031.01 GENFRAL(RII,LIN PROF SERVICES < *> $196.00* 186486 02/1.7/98 $61.24 R &R SPECIALTIES INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 7356 ARENA ICE MAIN GENERAL SIIPPL,T 1816 < *> $61.24* 186487 02./1'7/98 $300.00 R.J.K. Craft!: FQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT I UITY IIAI.I, E0111P RFI'LACEM - *> $300.00* 3.86488 02/17/98 $220.46 RADISSON ARROWWOOD Hotel 020698 ADMINISTRATION CONF k SCHOOLS < *> $220.46* 186489 02117198 $122.20 RDO EQ11I1'MENT CO !;hop parts 1I- Ir,Or, I ?QI111'MENT OPFR R11'AIR PARTS 9546 02/17/98 $314.38 RDO EQUIPMENT CO Shop pat -Le 83!'75 EQl11PMENT OPER REPAIR PAR'I'S. 9782 0.2/17/98 $10.36 RDO EQUIPMENT CO Shop parts 84354 EQUIPMENT OPER.REPAIR PARTS 1187 02/17/98 $206.61` RDO EQUIPMENT CO Shop parts 84347 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1187 02/17/98 $49.37 RDO EQUIPMENT CO Forestry parts AFI-1"73 TREES & MALNTE REPAIR PARTS 1879 COUNCIL CHEC. GISTER 11 s -1998 (18:49) 23 page CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT - ---------------------- VENDOR ----------------------- DESCRIPTION -------------- INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM <*> $702.92* ---------------------------------------- 186490 02/17/98 $2,124.00 RECREATION SPORTS OFFICI Basketball official 013098 EDINA ATHLETIC PROF SERVICES < *> $2,124.00* 186491 02/17/98 $10.00 Reding, Linda Refund pool pass 020398 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $10.00* 186492 02/17/98 $50.00 Regnier, Ruth REFUND SWIMMING 020998 GENERAL FD PRO REGISTRATION F < *> $50.00* 186493 02/17/98 $3,060.00 Rehrig Pacific Company Recycling bins KE43732 RECYCLING GENERAL SUPPLI 1534 < *> $3,060.00* 186494 02/17/98 $76.00 RETAIL DATA SYSTEM OF MI Cash register program 5 "7465 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES < *> $76.00* 186495 02/17/98 $410.00 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPA Plumbinq 4318 CITY HALL GENE CONTR REPAIRS 2061 < *> $410.00* 186496 02/17/98 $175.00 Rickoro, John GROUP LESSON INSTRUCT 020698 GOLF DOME PROF SERVICES < *> $175.00* 186497 02/17/98 $98.60 RTTE -WAY WATERPROOFING Job canceled 97003746 GENERAL, FD PRO BUTLDING PERMI < *> $98.60* 186498 02/17/98 $40.50 Ritz Camera PHOTO PROCESSING 3754706 SAN.SEWER CIP 02/17/98 $40.50 Ritz Camera CONSTR. IN PROGRESS 3754706 SAN.SEWER CIP < *> $81.00* 186499 02/17/98 $376.68 RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON EQ CO Street dept C07925 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1342 < *> $376.68* 186500 02/17/98 $300.00 SALUD AMERICA COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1800 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $300.00* 186501 02/17/98 $72.04 SAX ARTS & CRAFTS COST OF GOODS SOLD 0306041 ART SUPPLY GIF COST OF GD SOL 1551 < *> $72.04* , 186502 02/17/98 $50.00 Schall, David Retainer reimbursemen 012998 POOL OPERATION GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $50.00* 186503 02/17/98 $50.00 SCHWARTZ, S.A. INSPECTION EXPENSES 020398 POLICE DEPT. G INSP. EXP. < *> $50.00* 186504 02/17/98 $71.34 SEARS Tools SR756784 POOL TRACK GRE TOOLS 1546 02/17/98 $149.61 SEARS Tool box 62731111 EQUIPMENT OPER TOOLS 1783 < *> $220.95* 186505 02/17/98 $90.00 SECURITY LINK ALARM SERVICE 15086889 CENTENNIAL LAK ALARM SERVICE n2/17/98 $92.41 SECURITY LINK ALARM SERVICE 15ORC•891 POOL TRACK GRE ALARM SERVICE < *> $182.41* 186506 02/17/98 $100.00 SHEPARD, JOHN POLICE SERVICES 020998 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* COUNCIL CHEun REGISTER 11-FEB-1998 (18:49) page 24 CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM 186507 02/17/98 $45.00 STEMS, JEFFERY BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 012898 FIRE DEPT. GEN BOOKS & PAMPHL < *> $45.00* 186508 02/17/98 $42.00 SIGNAL SYSTEM Time cards 9195 ED ADMINISTRAT GENERAL SUPPLI 1742 02/17/98 $181.49 SIGNAL SYSTEM Repair to time clock 63974 PARK ADMIN. PROF SERVICES < *> $223.49* 186509 02/17/98 $55.94 SIITARI, MICHAEL FIRST AID SUPPLIES 020298 POLICE DEPT. G FIRST AID SUPP 02/17/98 $49.00 SIITARI, MICHAEL INSPECTION EXPENSES 020398 POLICE DEPT. G INSP. EXP. < *> $104.94* 186510 02/17/98 $280.25 SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO Time clock 82755434 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS < *> $280.25* 186511 02/17/98 $197.43 S1 MS SECURITY SECURITY 8428867 POOL TRACK GRE PROF SERVICES < *> $197.43* 186512 02/17/98 $80.94 Smith Winter Products Plow repair parts 8823 PATHS & HARD S REPAIR PARTS 1775 < *> $80.94* 186513 02/17/98 $82.88 SMITH, AMY MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 020998 CLUB HOUSE MILEAGE < *> $82.88* 186514 02/17/98 $9.96 SOKKIA MEASURING SYSTEM Survey supplies 8009242R ENGINEERING GE DUES & SUBSCRI 1926 < *> $9.96* 186515 02/17/98 $58.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 57508 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $1,096.70 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 80152 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $21.45 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 80153 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $1,222.70 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD HE 80360 50111 ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $1,444.70 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 80361 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 - $13.20 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 58102 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $292.30 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 80573 50Th ST SELLIN CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $2,659.00 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 80575 YORK SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $83.75 SOUTHSIDE DISTRIBUTORS I COST OF GOODS SOLD MI 80876 YORK :TELLING CST OF GDS MIX < *> $6,865.40* 186516 02/17/98 $140.63 Speiser, Brenna Skating instructor 012898 ED ADMINISTRAT PROF SERVI"PS < *> $140.63* 186517 02/17/98 $600.00 SPRINGSTED INCORPORATED Continuing disclosure 020398 GENERAL FD PRO DUE FROM HRA < *> $600.00* 186518 02/17/98 $488.10 SPS Shower parts 2848316 POOL TRACK GRE REPAIR PARTS 1545 02/17/98 $124.46 SPS Parts 2850021 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 1662 02/17/98 $154.64 SPS Shower parts 7953511 POnL TRACK GRE REPAIR PARTS 1822 < *> $767.20* 186519 02/17/98 $69.08 ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT CO Parts 5162485 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1.613 02/17/98 - $55.12 ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT CO Paid twice 012798 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORZES 02/17/98 $205.48 ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT CO Shop parts SI62830 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1637 02/17/98 $74.28 ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT CO Shop parts SI62853 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1640 < *> $293.72* 186520 02/17/98 $3,351.47 STAN MORGAN & ASSOCIATES Air door & installati 46685 LIQUOR PROG MACH. & EQUIP 1242 COUNCIL CHECK REGISTER 11 -FEB -1998 (18:49) page 25 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -- < *< $3,351.47* - --------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- 186521 02/1.7/98 $3,221.75 STAR TRIBUNE Help wanted ads 013198 CENT SVC GENER ADVERT PERSONL 2012 < *> $3,221.75* 186522 02/17/98 $30.00 STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICI Permit 012798 CITY HALL GENE REPAIR PARTS < *> $30.00* 186523 02/17/98 $48.00 Stop Stick LTD SAFETY EQUIPMENT 5890 POLICE DEPT. G SAFETY EQUIPME 1706 < *> $48.00* 186524 02/17/98 $648.72 STORAGE EQUIPMENT INC LOCKER PARTS 065366 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2151 < *> $648.72* 186525 02/17/98 $528.00 Streed, Esther Overpayment ambulance `)72911 GENERAL FD PRO AMBULANCE FEES < *> $528.00* 186526 02/17/98 $45.21 STREICHERS AMMUNITION 433401 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 1811 02/17/98 $820.17 STREICHERS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 420651 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP REPLACEM 02/17/98 $127.30 STREICHERS EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 437851 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 02/17/98 $116.88 STREICHERS BATTERY STACKS 44112.1 FIRE DEPT. GEN GENERAL SUPPLI 1476 02/17/98 $68.93 STREICHERS EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 44187.1 POLICE DEPT. G EQUIP MAINT 1711 02/17/98 $149.10 STREICHERS AMMUNITION 44462.1 POLICE DEPT. G AMMUNITION 1710 < *> $1,327.59* 186527 02/1.7/98 $60.00 STROH, STEVE INSPECTION EXPENSES 020398 POLICE DEPT. G INSP. EXP. < *> $60.00* 186528 02/17/98 $186.19 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET Shop supplies 14109 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1624 02/17/98 $262.21 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET Shop supplies 14202CVW EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1625 02/17/98 $85.53 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET Parts 14247 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1631 02/17/98 $11.33 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET Parts 14369 EQUIPMENT OPER ACCESSORIES 1633 02/17/98 $11.94 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET Shop supplies 1.4606 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1636 < *> $557.20* 186529 02/1 -7/98 $128.72 Super America MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE 020298 POLICE DEPT. (; MILFAGF < *> $128.72* 186530 02/17/98 $63.92 SUTPHEN CORPORATION Parts 281.00022 EQUTPMENT OPER CONTR REPAIRS 9987 < *> $63.92* 186531 02/17/98 $100.00 SWANSON, HAROLD POLICE. SERVICES 020998 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* 186532 02/17/98 $66.03 Tape Di- r:trihiitarr of Min (1RNFRAL, SUPPI,TF:. a I'OT,Trr. DEPT. G (;FNRRAL, SUPTITJ 1707 < *> 186533 02/17/98 $570.00 Tauges Redpath & (-o LTD Permit: works training 020198 TNSPECPIONS CONE h SCHOOLS < *> $570.00* 186534 02/17/98 $4,999.60 TAYLOR k ASSOCIATES CHATSF. LOUNGES 01 SWIM FROG MACH. & EQUIP 1806 < *> $4,999.60* 186535 02/17/98 $300.00 Taylor Technologies Inc Computer training 11015 ENGINEERING GE CONE k SCHOOLS 1607 < *> $300.00* COUNCIL CHEC... REGISTER ll -r6B -1998 (18:49) page 26 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186536 02/17/98 $225.00 TELEX COMMUNICATIONS Radio service 1192390 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS < *> $225.00* 186537 02/17/98 $125.50 'THERAPISTS OFFICE SOLUTI Sound screen 026005 ENGINEERING "5 GENERAL SUPPLI 1532 < *> $125.50* 186538 02/17/98 $12,109.95 THOMSEN- NYBECK Prosecution 119332 LEGAL SERVICES PROF SERVICES < *> $12,109.95* 186539 02/17/98 $70.20 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 124983 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $1,651.10 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 125137 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $23.30 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 125138 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE 02/17/98 $1,396.60 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP COST OF GOODS SOLD BE 125668 VERNON SELLING CST OF GDS BEE < *> $3,141.20* 186540 02/17/98 $47.57 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPL TOOLS 152862 MAINT OF COURS TOOLS 1567 02/17/98 $42.81 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPL Sign shop 153120 STREET NAME SI GENERAL SUPPLI 1581 < *> $90.38* 186541 02/17/98 $22.17 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS I OFFICE SUPPLIES 5227 GOLF DOME OFFICE SUPPLIE 1517 < *> $22.17* 186542 02/17/98 $1,851.00 Tri -Tech Electrical Cont CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER 3392 PKBOND CIP PROF SERVICES < *> $1,851.00* 186543 02/17/98 $127.50 Twin Cities Service Cent Repairs I15303 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE 1623 02/17/98 $172.49 Twin Cities Service Cent Repair I15304 EQUIPMENT OPER RADIO SERVICE 1628 02/17/98 $148.75 Twin Cities Service Cent RADIO SERVICE I15471 FIRE DEPT. GEN CONTR REPAIRS 1966 < *> $448.74* 186544 02/17/98 $116.26 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO REPAIR PARTS 044754 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 1788 02/17/98 $75.68 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO Street dept 044658 PW BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 1660 < *> $191.94* 186545 02/17/98 $77.14 TWIN CITY OXYGEN CO Oxygen, nitrous 405293 FIRE DEPT. GEN FIRST AID SUPP 1111 02/17/98 $29.92 TWIN CITY OXYGEN CO OXYGEN 406963 FIRE DEPT. CEN FIRST AID SUPP 1111 < *> $107.06* 186546 02/17/98 $66.31 TWIN CITY SAW SERVICE CO Forestry Parts 7831 TREES & MAINTE REPAIR PARTS 1668 < *> $66.31* 186547 02/17/98 $129.16 U.S. Filter /Waterpro Valve box 381458 DISTRIBUTION REPAIR PARTS 1591 < *> $129.16* 186548 02/17/ra $50.00 11I1LEMANN, DERRIE REFTIND SWTMMIN(; (;ENI ?RAI, PI) PRO RECIISTRATION F < *> $50.00* 186549 02/17/98 $28.00 TILLRICH, CINDY UNIFORM PANTS 020198 POOL, TRACK GRE LAUNDRY < *> $28.00* 186550 02/17/98 $178.20 Ultimate Golf GOLF BALLS 51270 PRO SHOP COST OF AS -PR 1725 < *> $178.20* 186551 02/17/98 $602.07 United Electric Part 97811600 ST LIGHTING OR GENERAL SUPPLI 1771 < *> $602.07* COUNCIL CHECn - EGISTER 11 -.iB -1998 (18:49) page 27 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186552 02/17/98 $1,098.34 UNITED STORES Clothes 123197 GENERAL MAINT LAUNDRY - - - - -- - --- 02/17/98 $388.57 UNITED STORES Clothes 121197 EQUTPMENT OPER LAUNDRY 1891 < *> $1,486.91* 186553 02/17/98 $50.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 012698 GENERAL TURF C CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $50.00* . 186554 02/17/98 $50.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 012698 GENERAL TURF C CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $50.00* 186555 02/17/98 $50.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 012698 GENERAL TURF C CONF & SCHOOLS < *> $50.00* 186556 02/17/98 $1,077.00 URDAHL, CATHERINE NELSON Freelance writing /edi 012898 PARK ADMIN. PROF SERVICES < *> $1,077.00* 186557 02/17/98 $260.80 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS Logis TI D0869309 CENT SVC GENER TELEPHONE < *> $260.80* 186558 02/17/98 $1,045.99 VAN PAPER CO. Bags 200760 VERNON SELLING PAPER SUPPLIES 1653 02/17/98 $1,007.22 VAN PAPER CO. Bags 200764 YORK SELLING PAPER SUPPLIES 1653 02/17/98 $653.22 VAN PAPER CO. Bags 201015 50TH ST SELLIN PAPER SUPPLIES 1653 02/17/98 $309.92 VAN PAPER CO. GENERAL SUPPLIES 201160 CLUB HOUSE GENERAL SUPPLI 1515 < *> $3,016.35* 186559 02/17/98 $19.38 VIDEO DUPLICATION INC TRAINING AIDS 118421 TRATNING TRAINING AIDS < *> $19.38* 186560 02/17/98 $32.80 VIKING ELECTRIC Broker 3427071 CENTENNIAL LAK REPAIR PARTS 1276 02/17/98 $281.16 VIKING ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 3471.246 MAINT OF LOURS REPAIR PARTS 1571 < *> $313.96* 186561 02/17/98 $71.00 VINTAGE ONE WINES COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2222 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $530.00 VINTAGE ONE WINES COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 2230 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $601.00* 186562 02/17/98 $296.82 Voss Lighting Bulbs 20052760 GENERAL MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 02/17/98 $346.06 Voss Lighting Parts 20110340 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI 1674 02/17/98 $391.71 Voss Lighting Art center supplies 20115850 ART CENTER BLD GENERAL SUPPLI 1875 < *> $1,034.59* 186563 02/17/98 $13,047.00 W. E. NELSON STUCCO CO LATH & STUCCO ART CEN 020698 MEDIA LAB CONS CTP 1239 < *> $13,047.00* 186E+64 02/17/98 $3.16 WALSER FORD Shop suppli,•!-. 60939 EQ111PMFNT OPFR RFPAIR PARTS 1405 02/ 171111 $174.96 WALSER F0111 : ;11,)I) I,:iil!: r.l•I .:'. I:p(iIPMENT OPRIt ACCh:a:ORIRt: 1622 * $178.12* 1.86565 02/17/98 $100.00 WALSH, WILLIAM POLICE SERVTCFS 0201)98 RFSFRVE PROC;RA CONTR SERVTCKS *> $100.00* 186566 02/17/98 $68.37 West Group GENERAL SUPPLIES 96686425 SUPFRV. & OVRH GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $68.37* 186567 02/17/98 $504.82 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. Supplies 012081 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1666 COUNCIL CHEC.i, REGISTER 11 -kEB -1998 (18:49) page 28 CHECK NO . DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR DESCRIPTION INVOICE PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM ----------------------=--------------- 186567 02/17/98 $84.87 -------- - - - - -- WEST WELD SUPPLY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CO. Parts 12153 EQUIPMENT OPER WELDING SUPPLI 9535 02/17/98 $149.16 WEST WELD SUPPLY CO. Supplies 12236 EQUIPMENT OPER REPAIR PARTS 1784 < *> $738.85* 186568 02/17/98 $20.18 WESTBURNE SUPPLY INC GENERAL SUPPLIES 2567829 BUILDING MAINT GENERAL SUPPLI < *> $20.18* 186569 02/17/98 $1,560.00 WESTCOTT COMMUNICATIONS Subscription 878018 ADMINISTRATION DUES K SURSCRI < *> $1,560.00* 1865'70 02/17/98 $49.64 WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO COST OF GOODS PRO S 1673052 PRO SHOP COST OF GDS PR 1161 < *> $49.64* 186571 02/17/98 -$18.51 WINE COMPANY, TIIE COST OF GOODS SOLD W1 541 50'1.11 ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $70.18 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 660 50TH 5'r SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $496.89 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SO1,D WI 661 50TH ST SELLIN'CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $811.84 WINE COMPANY, THE COST -OF GOODS SOLD WI 914 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $852.63 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 915, VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $471.48 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 916 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $180.80 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF•GOODS SOLD MI 918 5011 ST SELLIN CST OF GDS MIX 02/17/98 $120.95 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 998 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $1,472.41 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1193 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $547,-.92 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 1195 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $944.89 WINE COMPANY, THE COST.OF GOODS SOLD WT 1.1-96. 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE < *> $5,951.48* 186572 02/17/98 $467.00 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 22212 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $237.00 WINE MERCHANTS COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 22213 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE < *> $704.00* 186573 02/17/98 $481.00 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY COST OF GOODS SOLD 6401.8 GOLF DOME COST OF GD SOL 1513 < *> $481.00* 186574 02/17/98 $50.95 WM H MCCOY Kerosene 39040 MAINT OF LOURS GASOLINE 1574 < *> $50.95* 186575 02/17/98 $75.00 Wolfe, Kay Art work for recyclin 012998 COMMUNICATIONS PRINTING < *> $75.00* 186576 02/17/98 $839.60 WOOLDRIDGE, MARY PGA SHOW REIMBURSMENT 020598 PRO SHOP MEETING EXPENS- <*> $839.60* 186577 02/17/98 $463.72 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68353 50TI1 ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $664.25 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68354 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $379.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68504. 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $533.57 WORLD CLASS WINES INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68505 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $60.00 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68518 VERNON SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $600.21 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68674 50TH ST SELLIN CST OF GD WINE 02/17/98 $1,537.71 WORLD CLASS WINES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI 68676 YORK SELLING CST OF GD WINE 02/17/gR $281.19 WORLD CLASS WTNES INC COST OF GOODS SOLD WI �Rr.79 VERNON SELLTNG CST OF GD, WINE < *> $4,519.65* 186578 02/17/98 $100.00 WROBLESK.I, HENRY POLICE SERVICES 020998 RESERVE PROGRA CONTR SERVICES < *> $100.00* •COUNCIL CHE. SGISTER 1_ -�B -1998 (18:49) page 29 CHECK NO DATE CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR - - - -- DESCRIPTION- INVOICE- PROGRAM OBJECT PO NUM -------------------------- ----- - - - - -- ------------------------------ 186579 02/17/98 $717.85 XEROX CORPORATION Maint 60754045 CENT SVC GENER EQUIP RENTAL < *> $717.85* 4 186580 02/17/98 $220.46 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC BRUSH 62756 CENTENNIAL LAK GENERAL SUPPLI 2149 < *> $220.46* $511,187.02* ,'01INC I I. CHECK f:11MMARY L l Pl ft 19911 1 -- ------------- FUND # 10 ----- --- - -- ----------------------------- GENERAL FUND $210,663.03 FUND # 12 COMMUNICATIONS $1,296.00 FUND # 15 WORKING CAPITAL $34,310.53 FUND # 23 ART CENTER $2,349.00 FUND # 25 GOLF DOME FUND $9,034.11 FUND # 26 SWIMMING POOL FUND $5,310.67 FUND # 27 GOLF COURSE FUND $6,436.45 FUND # 28 ICE ARENA FUND $16,560.69 FUND # 30 EDINBOROUGH /CENTENNIAL LAK $17,045.47 FUND # 40 UTILITY FUND $9,929.56 FUND # 41 STORM SEWER UTILITY FUND $4,972.00 FUND # 42 RECYCLING PROGRAM $3,060.00 FUND # 50 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND $185,044.51 FUND # 60 CONSTRUCTION FUND $81.00 FUND # 61 PARK BOND FUND $5,069.77 FUND # 73 I -494 COMMISSION $24.23 $511,187.02* NEW STATE -AID EDINA EDINA NEW STATE -AID BLOOMINGTON BLOOMINGTON ---- m °---° LIBERTY PROPERTY TRUST /DIVERSIFIED PNAR. SER' --- ------ - ----- CURRENTLY BLOOMINGTON OWNED SIGNAL 6 INTERSECTION GEOMETRIC RECONSTRUCTION COST SPLIT W. 78TH STREET CORRIDOR COST SPLITS