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North /17e of SZ of, Z ol-Nily ' of 4lj of.Secfion 2o, Tag Q14
Zb4.Z -- 60 -_-1 135
Soufh /ne of /Vz o,�- Si of ri/Z of ,lf?/¢ of N�V4 0 = . 5ecllzw 20 T 28, ,P, 4
Engineers and Surveyors
Know a/I men by fhese `areseafs that we l/efen R. Jerome and A/berf C. Jerome her hush oo' and Mae
T. INi/o'er, widow, owners andpropriefors, of the f//omlly described properly situate /r, the Stale of
^hnesafa and Comfy of fHenr1e1o1n tom/. - The Ni of the -f of fhe NZ of JJy¢ of fhe / &j /yin
East of fhe /'vest 650 feet (hereof, . a/so fhaf part of the ki of the Ni of 7h(e J'Mi of fhe IM , /y
East of the /'Yesf 650 ;�eet thereof a/so fhat,oarf of ffie Si of ffie S2 of fhe NN¢ of the N`V' / 1
East of fhe /'Pest 670 feet thereof aft 1n Secfion 20, T14nship ?B Norfh kal��e 24 west of fhe 4'�
PrincPa/ Me��dian, acc ordr��s fo flie U.S. 6cver»�nenf Survey h5ereof, have caused he same fo be
sllrveyedel"I plaffed as E01NA gll-LS and do hereby, donate and dedicate fo fhe oc/6/�c use
>orever; the Avenges, Pafh and �°a1k as shown ors fhe annexed p/at. /17 witness rvhe,,eof-
have set our hands and sea/s ' h�re�n,o on fhiS....L2day of �-
o�l. U�
a As fo Aefen R Jerome
As fo A/berf C. Ie -olne
A/berf �: e� one
As fo /Vae T. lfi lder J
Mae T l�Yi/o'er
State of Mni�esofa
County o,` f/enne�oin } S. S. On this day of 44Ji4L4e A 0 /946, before Ive a Nofary pzlb/c
within and far said Counfy and State,loersonai%y agoeared f/elen R Jerome ar�d A/ber,�C.,/erorr�e
her husband arld /yae T /'Y17der; w1ollow fo me knowr2 fo be wersorls described e r ec�fed
fhe fore�soir�J¢ 1i�sfrellwent and they ackrlo�v/edJ¢ed fhaf/hey fhe same as their ow12fee
act and deed. n .- n D
Std le of ,1%/nneSola 1%y �omm�ss�on EX,o��es
County 0ffi'en17eo117�S'S I do hereby certify fha.' I have surveyed and�p,affed fhe pro rfy described
69 f,)1slala, as EO/NA 9iL L S , " f&7 this v,; / 1s a correct 1-epresenta,,'ion of said survey, fhaf a// distances
are correclfy- shown or1 fhelofal 112 f of and deClmda s of a foot; fhaf the �orl�rnenfs fr�uroa/7ce
o,Fffuce surveys are core ect/y placed 112 fhe round as shown on fhe plat 1hal the ea'sjde
boundary /ices are correctly des_¢,-)afed or1 fhe ,o/af,' fhaf fhe fo�oo�raphy of the /arid 1s
cor�recf/y shorvrl on fhela/af and fhaf fhese are ao wet /al1o's orwub/rc hl�Shways to be des ndfed
on Said o/a,1 other than as shown thereon.
A60ue cerficafe subscribed and sworn to before rrle on this y! "o5ay of a� D. /94h
Nola y�pvb1;tc,o �fy, Mrr� �esofa
/"Iy Commission Ex�oii es f y 52
This p/af was aploroved and accepted by fhe I/111,ye Couvell cf Ed��a /�Ihnesofa of a re u/ar
rneeI117¢ thereof held fhis2ao:ay of � Prn p f- A. D /946.
�7/aTe recorder Vo ; �