HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-01-03 City Council Meeting PacketAgenda City Council Meeting City of Edina, Minnesota City Hall Council Chambers Tuesday, January 3, 2023 7:00 PM Watch the meeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeetings or Facebook.com/EdinaMN. Participate in Community Comment Call 786-496-5601 Enter Conference PIN 8436056# Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak An operator will introduce you when it is your turn I.Call To Order II.Roll Call A.Administer Oath of Oce III.Pledge of Allegiance IV.Approval Of Meeting Agenda V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Mayor will invite residents to share issues or concerns that are not scheduled for a future public hearing. Items that are on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Mayor may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments tonight. The City Manager will respond to questions raised during Community Comments at the next meeting. A.City Manager's Response to Community Comments VI.Adoption Of Consent Agenda All agenda items listed on the Consent Agenda will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless requested to be removed by a Council Member. If removed the item will be considered immediately following the adoption of the Consent Agenda. (Favorable rollcall vote of majority of Council Members present to approve, unless otherwise noted in consent item.) A.Approve Minutes: Regular, Dec. 20, 2022 B.Approve Payment of Claims C.Resolution No. 2023-01: Designating Ocial Newspaper for 2023 D.Resolution No. 2023-02: Signatory Resolution E.Resolution No. 2023-03: Designating Ocial Depositories F.Resolution No. 2023-04: Designation of Director and Alternate Director of LOGIS G.Resolution No. 2023-05: Designation of Director and Alternate Director of Suburban Rate Authority H.Resolution No. 2023-06: Authorizing Facsimile Signatures by Public Ocials I.Resolution No. 2023-09: Approving Mayor's Appointment of the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the City of Edina J.Annual Appointment of Assistant Weed Inspector K.Request for Purchase: Change Order #1 Mill Pond Aquatic Vegetation Management Site Visits L.Approve Out-of-State Travel for Mayor Hovland M.Trac Safety Report of November 29, 2022 VII.Reports/Recommendations: (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted) A.Resolution No. 2023-08: Accepting Donations B.Appointment of Acting Mayor C.Appointment of Members to School City Partnership Committee D.Appointment to the Southwest Cable Commission Board E.Appointment to Board of the I-494 Corridor Commission F.Appointment to I-494: Airport to Highway 169 Project Advisory Committee G.Sketch Plan Review for 5201 Grandview Lane VIII.Commission Correspondence (Minutes and Advisory Communication) A.Advisory Communication: 2023 Quality of Life Survey Question 31 B.Minutes: Transportation Commission, Nov. 17, 2022 IX.Manager's Comments A.Prep Memo for January 3, 2023 X.Mayor And Council Comments A.Mayor's Report on US Heartland China Event XI.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampliIcation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: II.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Administer Oath of Office Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: City Clerk Allison will administer the oath of office to Council Members Kate Agnew and Julie Risser. Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:City Manager's Response to Community Comments Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: City Manager Neal will respond to questions asked at the previous Council meeting. Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve Minutes: Regular, Dec. 20, 2022 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Minutes as presented. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: Draft City Council, Dec. 20, 2023 Page 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 20, 2022 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. then shared the procedure for public hearing and community comment. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland. Absent: None. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED AS PRESENTED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared. V.A. CITY MANAGER’S RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY COMMENTS Manager Neal responded to Community Comments at the last meeting. VI. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS PRESENTED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Anderson, approving the consent agenda as presented: VI.A. Approve minutes of the Work Session and Regular Meetings of December 6, 2022 VI.B. Approve claims for payment for Check Register Claims Pre-List dated December 2, 2022, totaling $2,345,636.00 and dated December 9, 2022, totaling $2,778,865.69 VI.C. Adopt Ordinance No. 2022-20; Amending City Code Chapter 2, Setting Fees for 2023 VI.D. Approve Summary Publication for Ordinance No. 2022-20 Amending Chapter 2, Setting Fees for 2023 VI.E. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-117; Amending 2022 General Fund Budget VI.F. Approve Redevelopment Agreement for Multifamily Housing at 4620 W. 77th Street VI.G. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Annual Cityworks Maintenance Contract, Azteca Systems, LLC, $37,080 VI.H. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Strachauer Park Planning Services, Confluence, $25,000 VI.I. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Clean Water Strategy Professional Services Phase 2 and Participation Plan, Barr Engineering, $89,500 VI.J. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Watermain Loop at 4660 77th Street, Weis Builders, $94,975 VI.K. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Change Order #1 Eden Avenue Improvements, S.M. Hentges and Sons to extend completion date to July 2, 2023 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 20, 2022 Page 2 VI.L. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Change Order #1 Eden Avenue Landscaping, Peterson Companies to extend completion date to June 1, 2023 VI.M. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Change Order #1 Grandview Pedestrian Bridge, Pember Companies to extend completion date to July 28, 2023 VI.N. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Change Order #1 for Clean Water Strategy Professional Services Scope Phase I to Barr Engineering, $10,000 VI.O. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Change Order #1 for traffic signal repairs, Killmer Electric, $50,000 VI.P. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Change Order #1 for electric building repairs and service, Aid Electric Corporation, $50,000 VI.Q. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Change Order #2 ENG 22-3 Morningside D&E Roadway Reconstruction to extend completion date to August 31, 2023 VI.R. Adopt Resolution 2022-113; Approving Parking Restrictions on Oakdale Avenue VI.S. Adopt Major Amendment to the Water Resources Management Plan Incorporating Flood Risk Reduction Strategy VI.T. Approve Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund Policy Revisions VI.U. Approve Supplemental Traffic Study Findings for Metro Transit E-Line Bus Rapid Transit VI.V. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-112; Agency Agreement for Federal Participation in Construction with State of Minnesota VI.W. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Electronic Plan Review SaaS Subscription VI.X. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-115; Setting Ambulance and Miscellaneous Fire Fees VI.Y. Approve 2021 Minnesota Pay Equity Implementation Report VI.Z Approve 2023 Board and Commission Reappointments VI.AA. Approve Contract for Government Relations Services for the 2023 Legislative Session Representation VII.AB. Receive Petition for Traffic Safety Improvements in Lake Cornelia/Point of France Neighborhood Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VII.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-118; ACCEPTED DONATIONS – ADOPTED Member Pierce introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2022-118 accepting donations. Member Anderson seconded the motion. Roll call: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-110; MORNINGSIDE C NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-462 – ADOPTED Director of Engineering Milner shared that on December 6, 2022, the City Council reviewed the Engineering Study and conducted a public hearing on the Morningside C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Project. The City provided individuals several ways to provide public input in the public hearing. Between November 16, 2022, when public hearing notices were mailed and noon Wednesday, December 14 when the public hearing closed, nine comments were received on BetterTogetherEdina.org (BTE). He noted testimony included support for sidewalks, requests for sidewalks to be installed along each street in the project area, sidewalk location clarification, assessment REU clarifications, requests for assessment change based on Minutes/Edina City Council/December 20, 2022 Page 3 comparisons to the 2022 Morningside D & A project area, bicycle facility clarifications, a traffic calming request, and turf restoration suggestions. He said staff recommended adopting Resolution No. 2022-110: Morningside C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA-462 and for staff-initiated projects, authorizing projects with special assessments required a minimum of 4 out of 5 Council votes in favor to pass. He noted the estimated pending assessment was $13,800 per REU. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Member Jackson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2022-110 Ordering Improvement for Morningside C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No. BA-462. Member Pierce seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII.C. RESOLUTION NOS. 2022-97 AND 2022-98; ORDINANCE NO. 2022-17; COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT, REZONING AND SITE PLAN WITH MULTIPLE VARIANCES FOR 6016 VERNON AVENUE – ADOPTED Community Development Director Teague shared Special X Properties LLC was proposing to remodel and expand the existing Kee’s auto repair shop at 6016 Vernon Avenue into a 2,300 square foot, 54-indoor seat restaurant. The existing site was zoned PCD-4, Planned Commercial District, which allowed only automobile service centers, gas stations and car washes. Restaurants were allowed uses in the PCD-1, Planned Commercial Zoning District. The site was guided in the Comprehensive Plan for medium density residential use. He noted the applicant submitted a revised site plan on November 30, 2022, and recapped public testimony at the last Council meeting. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Member Pierce introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2022-98 denying the Comprehensive Plan amendment at 6016 Vernon Avenue. Member Jackson seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Abstain: Anderson Motion carried. Member Staunton introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2022-97 denying a request for rezoning and site plan with multiple variances for the Westside Café at 6016 Vernon Avenue. Member Pierce seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Abstain: Anderson Motion carried. VII.D. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-109; SETTING 2023 TAX LEVY AND ADOPTING OPERATING BUDGET, APPROVE 2023-2028 CIP – ADOPTED Manager Neal shared the City started the 2022-2023 budget development process early in 2021. On December 7, 2021, Council adopted the 2022-2023 budget. During 2022, inflationary pressures that were unknown in 2021 had led to changes to the 2023 operating budget and levy and were incorporated into the budget documents. He said the City Council reviewed the proposed 2023 budget and adopted the preliminary levy for taxes payable in 2023 on September 20, 2022. The levy for 2023 was $4,4,87,664 or 9.89% more than the 2022 levy. Council also reviewed the 2023-2028 CIP at the August 16, 2022, work session then reviewed the list of the projects funded in the 2023-2028 CIP by funding source. Minutes/Edina City Council/December 20, 2022 Page 4 Member Staunton introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2022-109, adopting the budget for the City of Edina for the year 2023 and establishing the proposed tax levy payable in 2023. Member Jackson seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII.E. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-116 SUPPORTING THE AUTHORITY TO IMPOSE A LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX FOR SPECIFIC CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS – ADOPTED Mr. Neal shared Resolution 2022-116, if adopted by the City Council, would formally inform the State Legislature of the City of Edina’s request to increase the spending authority of the recently approved local option sales tax in order to build additional ice capacity at Braemar Arena by adding a fourth indoor ice rink to the Braemar complex. He said this request was the same request the City sought during the 2022 legislative session which did not ultimately win approval as it was part of the 2022 Tax Bill that did not win final approval by the Legislature before the 2022 mandatory adjournment date of the Legislature in May 2022. He said the resolution did not increase the rate of the approved 0.5% local option sales tax or the 19-year duration of the sales tax but sought seeks authority from the State to spend the full amount of anticipated sales tax revenue over the 19-year effective period. This action would require an additional local referendum and if so, the referendum would be held as early as November 2023. He noted no additional authorization to spend money that will be collected that voters had already approved. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Parks & Recreation Director Perry responded to questions regarding ice sheets and future expansions to save money then explained the initial plan would have the south arena removed and two sheets added east/west as the east area had permafrost and remained in its current orientation. He noted this plan would save money if done and create a master arena plan as well as make the driveway area safer. Member Anderson introduced and moved adoption of Resolutions No. 2022-116 Supporting the Authority to Impose a Local Sales Tax to Fund Specific Capital Improvements Providing Regional Benefit, to Establish the Duration of the Tax and the Revenue to be Raised by the Tax, and to Authorize the City of Edina to Issue Bonds Supported by the Sales Tax Revenue. Member Jackson seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII.F. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING POLICY – APPROVED Economic Development Director Neuendorf shared this item was last updated in 2011. Over the past few months, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has discussed potential revisions to the policy to clarify the use of TIF in Edina. This policy clarified that most construction projects should be privately financed and that the use of TIF was the exception, not the rule. This policy also clarified that in addition to the limitations in MN Statutes, in Edina, TIF should only be used to deliver benefits to the general public that would not otherwise be possible on the site. Since the December 6 Council meeting, staff had explored whether additional fees can be charged to developments that obtain TIF funding. While some types of fees might be possible, a full legal review will take several months to complete. Staff has begun that review and recommends that the TIF policy be adopted at this time with the understanding that further changes can be considered in the future. This policy was approved by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) on November 17, 2022, and was advanced to the City Council because some of the policy items also involve actions by the City Council. The policy was further updated to clarify the expectations for site plans in all districts of the city (not just Greater Southdale) and to clearly articulate that TIF can also be by the City to fund eligible public infrastructure improvements. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Minutes/Edina City Council/December 20, 2022 Page 5 Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Jackson, to approve the updated Tax Increment Financing Policy as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VIII. COMMISSION CORRESPONDENCE (MINUTES AND ADVISORY COMMUNICATION) - Received 1. MINUTES: ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION, SEPTEMBER 22, 202 2. MINUTE: ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 IX. MANAGER’S COMMENTS – Received IX.A. LETTER RESPONSE; LOCATIONOF MCCAULEY TRAIL SHARED USE PATH X. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS – Received X.A. MAYOR’S REPORT ON US HEARTLAND CHINA EVENT X.B. RECOGNIZE OUTGOING COUNCIL MEMBERS XI. ADJOURNMENT Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Anderson, to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 p.m. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council January 3, 2023. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the December 20, 2022, meeting available. Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Claims From:Alisha McAndrews, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Approve Payment of Claims Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve claims for payment: Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 12.16.22 TOTAL $1,415,373.99 Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 12.23.22 TOTAL $2,411,670.68 INTRODUCTION: Claims information for approval is attached. ATTACHMENTS: Description Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 12.16.22 TOTAL $1,415,373.99 Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 12.23.22 TOTAL $2,411,670.68 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 39 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND SUB FUND DUE TO DUE FR 1000 General 218,366.762300 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety 3,000.002500 Conservation & Sustainability 15,480.872600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 3,292.402600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 26,224.002600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 18,364.502600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 10,500.002600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 351,596.234000 Capital Projects 60,680.854200 Equipment Replacement 112,309.254400 PIR Capital Projects 9,425.485100 Art Center 1,168.805200 Braemar Golf Course 4,941.735200 Braemar Golf Course 490.905300 Aquatic Center 29.675400 Edinborough Park 12,667.315500 Braemar Arena 64,517.845600 Braemar Field 753.615700 Centennial Lakes 3,655.515800 Liquor 221,868.025900 Utility Fund 41,130.225900 Utility Fund 9,643.005900 Utility Fund 46,467.996100 Equipment Operations 5,508.606200 Information Technology 162,374.616300 Facilities Management 4,771.147100 PS Training Facility 1,323.717200 MN Task Force 1 4,820.999999 Pooled Cash Fund 1,415,373.99 TOTAL 1,415,373.99 1,415,373.99 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Shirleng Tan Geil ** City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 1 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479287 12/09/2022 VOID 100430 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55223226 11/12/2022 20221216 -22.77 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55178410 11/09/2022 20221216 -639.80 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV / 55122135 11/04/2022 20221216 -197.93 CHECK 479287 TOTAL: -860.50 479331 12/16/2022 PRTD 143143 TORRES, ARMANDO CHAVEZ 2225 11/01/2022 20221216 619.46 TORRES, ARMANDO CHAVEZ 2199 11/01/2022 20221216 1,064.50 CHECK 479331 TOTAL: 1,683.96 479332 12/16/2022 PRTD 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 914591229 11/28/2022 20221216 89.44 ACUSHNET COMPANY 914602903 11/29/2022 20221216 54.03 CHECK 479332 TOTAL: 143.47 479333 12/16/2022 PRTD 143557 ADIDAS AMERICA INC 6158181583 11/04/2022 20221216 73.26 CHECK 479333 TOTAL: 73.26 479334 12/16/2022 PRTD 160095 AM CRAFT SPIRITS SALES & MARKETIN 15846 11/30/2022 20221216 244.00 AM CRAFT SPIRITS SALES & MARKETIN 15844 11/30/2022 20221216 429.95 AM CRAFT SPIRITS SALES & MARKETIN 15845 11/30/2022 20221216 168.25 CHECK 479334 TOTAL: 842.20 479335 12/16/2022 PRTD 160287 AMAZING ATHLETES OF CENTRAL MN 10174 11/17/2022 20221216 910.00 CHECK 479335 TOTAL: 910.00 479336 12/16/2022 PRTD 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1JMC-KHMW-4CRM 11/15/2022 20221216 42.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1DQ1-VPV9-6FN4 11/15/2022 20221216 44.80 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17HM-FLWX-6M7F 11/15/2022 20221216 7.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1KK3-XW4F-74ML 11/15/2022 20221216 27.71 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 13X1-6XRV-7TQY 11/15/2022 20221216 478.40 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 2 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1GKP-HL3Q-FVM3 11/16/2022 20221216 319.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1TTK-YQ7H-GCWW 11/16/2022 20221216 18.88 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1K1N-Y9X6-3HK7 11/16/2022 20221216 359.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1N3L-N4Q4-4CQY 11/17/2022 20221216 63.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1VCF-JRYR-1QRQ 11/17/2022 20221216 132.53 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1L9V-WVML-63YM 11/17/2022 20221216 4.41 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1L9V-WVML-7QYV 11/17/2022 20221216 31.88 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17H9-179Q-7KNG 11/17/2022 20221216 44.16 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1XJX-D97X-CD3F 11/18/2022 20221216 100.42 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 11V3-7LMF-HYCL 11/19/2022 20221216 61.16 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 14NY-TJT7-JHHN 11/19/2022 20221216 68.97 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1J7V-JLDJ-KMM3 11/19/2022 20221216 32.49 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1XQP-4MY6-LWTK 11/19/2022 20221216 116.34 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1V3N-L3YD-LXH7 11/19/2022 20221216 396.61 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1CLT-WK9D-MM9N 11/19/2022 20221216 -9.06 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1V3N-L3YD-MM1C 11/19/2022 20221216 -16.26 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1MCJ-LXT9-NL3P 11/20/2022 20221216 178.05 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1WPP-WWNQ-MW64 11/20/2022 20221216 280.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 14JL-RWKY-PCYJ 11/20/2022 20221216 43.11 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1XQP-4MY6-QJPV 11/20/2022 20221216 14.42 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 13K1-DLH1-TMHX 11/20/2022 20221216 324.37 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 146K-XRGG-Y71D 11/21/2022 20221216 225.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1Q3L-6GG6-1GYV 11/21/2022 20221216 1,920.17 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1PMG-YNKF-7KY1 11/21/2022 20221216 112.32 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1XND-K1WD-NX7V 11/28/2022 20221216 -29.95 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1YGR-3HY3-6FP4 12/06/2022 20221216 -9.27 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 3 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479336 TOTAL: 5,388.55 479337 12/16/2022 PRTD 118491 APPLE INC AK20473511 11/15/2022 20221216 2,666.00 CHECK 479337 TOTAL: 2,666.00 479338 12/16/2022 PRTD 100632 AQUA ENGINEERING INC 110884 11/15/2022 20221216 155.00 CHECK 479338 TOTAL: 155.00 479339 12/16/2022 PRTD 151441 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500132900 11/15/2022 20221216 224.02 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500132965 11/15/2022 20221216 118.80 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500134050 11/16/2022 20221216 244.21 CHECK 479339 TOTAL: 587.03 479340 12/16/2022 PRTD 151756 ARBEITER BREWING COMPANY LLC 874 12/01/2022 20221216 132.00 ARBEITER BREWING COMPANY LLC 873 12/01/2022 20221216 258.00 CHECK 479340 TOTAL: 390.00 479341 12/16/2022 PRTD 106304 ASPEN MILLS INC 304182 11/18/2022 20221216 496.27 ASPEN MILLS INC 304190 11/18/2022 20221216 204.65 ASPEN MILLS INC 304188 11/18/2022 20221216 132.80 ASPEN MILLS INC 303972 11/15/2022 20221216 103.89 ASPEN MILLS INC 304189 11/18/2022 20221216 700.00 ASPEN MILLS INC 304006 11/16/2022 20221216 914.35 ASPEN MILLS INC 304239 11/18/2022 20221216 1,677.76 ASPEN MILLS INC 304187 11/18/2022 20221216 406.14 ASPEN MILLS INC 304184 11/08/2022 20221216 77.85 CHECK 479341 TOTAL: 4,713.71 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 4 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479342 12/16/2022 PRTD 102774 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1422086-120122 12/01/2022 20221216 7,688.81 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1405453-120122 12/01/2022 20221216 2,878.98 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1146354-120122 12/01/2022 20221216 311.20 CHECK 479342 TOTAL: 10,878.99 479343 12/16/2022 PRTD 100636 ASTLEFORD EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC 02P22448 11/18/2022 20221216 65.62 CHECK 479343 TOTAL: 65.62 479344 12/16/2022 PRTD 100636 ASTLEFORD EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC 02P22321 11/15/2022 20221216 321.08 CHECK 479344 TOTAL: 321.08 479345 12/16/2022 PRTD 101718 IEH AUTO PARTS LLC 380129931 11/17/2022 20221216 11.02 IEH AUTO PARTS LLC 380129965 11/17/2022 20221216 19.02 IEH AUTO PARTS LLC 380130259 11/21/2022 20221216 13.50 CHECK 479345 TOTAL: 43.54 479346 12/16/2022 PRTD 138681 AVOLVE SOFTWARE CORP 7391 11/30/2022 20221216 28,402.82 CHECK 479346 TOTAL: 28,402.82 479347 12/16/2022 PRTD 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271917.00-11 11/16/2022 20221216 2,783.00 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271926.00-11 11/16/2022 20221216 1,113.50 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271869.02-7 11/21/2022 20221216 1,848.50 CHECK 479347 TOTAL: 5,745.00 479348 12/16/2022 PRTD 100646 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS INC 607072 11/16/2022 20221216 12,187.40 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS INC 607115 11/18/2022 20221216 847.26 CHECK 479348 TOTAL: 13,034.66 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 5 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479349 12/16/2022 PRTD 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0097538800 12/01/2022 20221216 3,181.95 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0097549500 12/01/2022 20221216 3,862.73 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106093700 12/01/2022 20221216 384.91 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0097524600 12/01/2022 20221216 97.65 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0097524400 12/01/2022 20221216 1,822.30 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106088500 12/01/2022 20221216 184.54 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0097537000 12/01/2022 20221216 360.95 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106094100 12/01/2022 20221216 630.03 CHECK 479349 TOTAL: 10,525.06 479350 12/16/2022 PRTD 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC 5115046 11/17/2022 20221216 936.00 CHECK 479350 TOTAL: 936.00 479351 12/16/2022 PRTD 126847 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 927714 11/15/2022 20221216 1,522.71 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 927793 11/15/2022 20221216 136.50 CHECK 479351 TOTAL: 1,659.21 479352 12/16/2022 PRTD 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 20314 12/01/2022 20221216 371.00 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 20313 12/01/2022 20221216 406.00 CHECK 479352 TOTAL: 777.00 479353 12/16/2022 PRTD 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 20312 12/01/2022 20221216 371.00 CHECK 479353 TOTAL: 371.00 479354 12/16/2022 PRTD 119153 BLACKBURN MANUFACTURING COMPANY 0691646-IN 11/15/2022 20221216 811.16 CHECK 479354 TOTAL: 811.16 479355 12/16/2022 PRTD 101010 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC 925354779 11/21/2022 20221216 96.09 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 6 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479355 TOTAL: 96.09 479356 12/16/2022 PRTD 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84764205 11/17/2022 20221216 234.48 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84765834 11/18/2022 20221216 551.40 CHECK 479356 TOTAL: 785.88 479357 12/16/2022 PRTD 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 192116 11/29/2022 20221216 1,035.90 CHECK 479357 TOTAL: 1,035.90 479358 12/16/2022 PRTD 117040 BOYER FORD TRUCKS INC 008P16511 11/16/2022 20221216 37.03 CHECK 479358 TOTAL: 37.03 479359 12/16/2022 PRTD 117040 ALLIANCE PARTS TRUCK AND TRAILER 007P44698 11/15/2022 20221216 119.42 ALLIANCE PARTS TRUCK AND TRAILER F224864-1 11/23/2022 22200084 20221216 47,144.36 ALLIANCE PARTS TRUCK AND TRAILER F224864-2 11/23/2022 20221216 7,734.64 CHECK 479359 TOTAL: 54,998.42 479360 12/16/2022 PRTD 160571 BRAINERD ENTERTAINMENT LLC THEATHER-11/01/2022 12/12/2022 20221216 351,000.00 CHECK 479360 TOTAL: 351,000.00 479361 12/16/2022 PRTD 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION B317658 11/16/2022 20221216 10,500.00 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION B318007 11/18/2022 20221216 18,319.50 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION B318315 11/21/2022 20221216 667.00 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION B317655 11/16/2022 20221216 3,292.40 CHECK 479361 TOTAL: 32,778.90 479362 12/16/2022 PRTD 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726194 11/30/2022 20221216 5,525.98 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726195 11/30/2022 20221216 178.30 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726193 11/30/2022 20221216 140.55 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726192 11/30/2022 20221216 150.29 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 7 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726196 11/30/2022 20221216 3,348.90 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726188 11/30/2022 20221216 2,102.28 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726187 11/30/2022 20221216 140.55 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726189 11/30/2022 20221216 223.45 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726190 11/30/2022 20221216 309.76 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726191 11/30/2022 20221216 403.45 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726170 11/30/2022 20221216 3,107.75 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726167 11/30/2022 20221216 299.45 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726171 11/30/2022 20221216 229.71 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726169 11/30/2022 20221216 140.55 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346726168 11/30/2022 20221216 5,129.63 CHECK 479362 TOTAL: 21,430.60 479363 12/16/2022 PRTD 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346703637 11/29/2022 20221216 13,915.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346704905 11/29/2022 20221216 323.30 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346704913 11/29/2022 20221216 6,194.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346704954 11/29/2022 20221216 658.50 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346704955 11/29/2022 20221216 1,177.60 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346704912 11/29/2022 20221216 213.80 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346703638 11/29/2022 20221216 9,124.85 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346704911 11/29/2022 20221216 484.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346704906 11/29/2022 20221216 1,024.00 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 361877742 11/20/2022 20221216 -20.40 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 361879070 11/20/2022 20221216 -842.80 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346704948 11/30/2022 20221216 496.60 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 8 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479363 TOTAL: 32,748.90 479364 12/16/2022 PRTD 100648 BERTELSON BROTHERS INC WO-1214572-2 11/15/2022 20221216 35.48 CHECK 479364 TOTAL: 35.48 479365 12/16/2022 PRTD 102149 CALLAWAY GOLF 935671158 11/16/2022 20221216 475.20 CHECK 479365 TOTAL: 475.20 479366 12/16/2022 PRTD 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 18410041 09/20/2022 20221216 -25.45 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2768784 11/29/2022 20221216 210.10 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2770420 12/02/2022 20221216 409.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2770419 12/02/2022 20221216 2,470.65 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2770417 12/02/2022 20221216 1,626.60 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2770418 12/02/2022 20221216 151.55 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2771675 12/06/2022 20221216 151.55 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2771674 12/06/2022 20221216 60.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2771673 12/06/2022 20221216 -422.40 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2771676 12/06/2022 20221216 4,460.55 CHECK 479366 TOTAL: 9,092.15 479367 12/16/2022 PRTD 160207 JASON THOMAS CARDINAL EFD2022-3 10/31/2022 20221216 990.00 CHECK 479367 TOTAL: 990.00 479368 12/16/2022 PRTD 160520 CAREFREE AQUARIUM SERVICES LLC 26926 11/18/2022 20221216 157.00 CHECK 479368 TOTAL: 157.00 479369 12/16/2022 PRTD 103300 CENTER FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT 21768 11/15/2022 20221216 26,224.00 CHECK 479369 TOTAL: 26,224.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 9 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479370 12/16/2022 PRTD 101264 CHESTER LATAWIEC JUNIOR 30007 11/01/2022 20221216 2,231.65 CHECK 479370 TOTAL: 2,231.65 479371 12/16/2022 PRTD 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 4137878749 11/18/2022 20221216 149.19 CINTAS CORPORATION 4137878838 11/18/2022 20221216 27.65 CINTAS CORPORATION 4137878731 11/18/2022 20221216 17.87 CINTAS CORPORATION 4137878690 11/18/2022 20221216 11.78 CINTAS CORPORATION 4137878772 11/18/2022 20221216 26.88 CINTAS CORPORATION 4138030200 11/21/2022 20221216 64.24 CHECK 479371 TOTAL: 297.61 479372 12/16/2022 PRTD 103216 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPARTMENT 431-0005.300-10/22 11/04/2022 20221216 21,181.06 CHECK 479372 TOTAL: 21,181.06 479373 12/16/2022 PRTD 130477 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 662671 11/30/2022 20221216 96.75 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 662670 11/30/2022 20221216 533.85 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 662677 11/30/2022 20221216 96.75 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 662678 11/30/2022 20221216 651.00 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 662674 11/30/2022 20221216 1,848.50 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 662675 11/30/2022 20221216 129.00 CHECK 479373 TOTAL: 3,355.85 479374 12/16/2022 PRTD 120433 COMCAST 0373022-11/22 11/17/2022 20221216 33.90 CHECK 479374 TOTAL: 33.90 479375 12/16/2022 PRTD 120433 COMCAST 0161120-11/22 11/26/2022 20221216 20.30 CHECK 479375 TOTAL: 20.30 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 10 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479376 12/16/2022 PRTD 120433 COMCAST 0023973-12/22 12/03/2022 20221216 9.00 CHECK 479376 TOTAL: 9.00 479377 12/16/2022 PRTD 105981 TILLER CORPORATION 221115 11/15/2022 20221216 806.96 CHECK 479377 TOTAL: 806.96 479378 12/16/2022 PRTD 160115 CREATING ART INC. 1359 11/15/2022 20221216 490.00 CHECK 479378 TOTAL: 490.00 479379 12/16/2022 PRTD 121267 CREATIVE RESOURCES 86013 11/16/2022 20221216 1,160.33 CREATIVE RESOURCES 86205 11/19/2022 20221216 1,493.63 CHECK 479379 TOTAL: 2,653.96 479380 12/16/2022 PRTD 100699 CULLIGAN SOFTWATER SERVICE COMPAN 114X88825001 11/30/2022 20221216 66.74 CULLIGAN SOFTWATER SERVICE COMPAN 114X88939802 11/30/2022 20221216 79.99 CULLIGAN SOFTWATER SERVICE COMPAN 114X88888009 11/30/2022 20221216 362.00 CHECK 479380 TOTAL: 508.73 479381 12/16/2022 PRTD 103799 CURBSIDE LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION 260699 11/15/2022 20221216 612.56 CURBSIDE LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION 260896 11/16/2022 20221216 120.64 CHECK 479381 TOTAL: 733.20 479382 12/16/2022 PRTD 133169 DAIKIN APPLIED 3372764 11/15/2022 20221216 1,608.31 CHECK 479382 TOTAL: 1,608.31 479383 12/16/2022 PRTD 104020 DALCO ENTERPRISES INC 4010566 11/15/2022 20221216 1,254.24 CHECK 479383 TOTAL: 1,254.24 479384 12/16/2022 PRTD 148044 DAVIDSON, JEAN ERTEL 2198 11/20/2022 20221216 4,637.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 11 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479384 TOTAL: 4,637.50 479385 12/16/2022 PRTD 129079 DRAIN KING INC 115229 11/15/2022 20221216 544.50 CHECK 479385 TOTAL: 544.50 479386 12/16/2022 PRTD 129718 DREW'S CONCESSIONS LLC 2866 11/17/2022 20221216 2,884.34 CHECK 479386 TOTAL: 2,884.34 479387 12/16/2022 PRTD 145811 EASTLAKE CRAFT BREWERY LLC 2112 12/01/2022 20221216 54.00 CHECK 479387 TOTAL: 54.00 479388 12/16/2022 PRTD 122792 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES OAK22093 09/20/2022 22200008 20221216 5,361.06 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES OAK22095 09/20/2022 22200008 20221216 5,361.06 CHECK 479388 TOTAL: 10,722.12 479389 12/16/2022 PRTD 100752 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC CC10461 11/16/2022 20221216 420.00 CHECK 479389 TOTAL: 420.00 479390 12/16/2022 PRTD 134730 EXPLORE EDINA Oct 2022 Lodging Tax11/30/2022 20221216 60,109.66 CHECK 479390 TOTAL: 60,109.66 479391 12/16/2022 PRTD 100146 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8166033 11/15/2022 20221216 175.55 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-Z31008 11/15/2022 20221216 639.06 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8179974 11/21/2022 20221216 30.22 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8180980 11/21/2022 20221216 17.60 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8181495 11/21/2022 20221216 291.98 CHECK 479391 TOTAL: 1,154.41 479392 12/16/2022 PRTD 147181 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-8443 11/30/2022 20221216 361.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-8444 11/30/2022 20221216 441.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 12 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479392 TOTAL: 802.00 479393 12/16/2022 PRTD 105066 FITTING REFLECTIONS LLC 3266 10/25/2022 20221216 1,694.50 CHECK 479393 TOTAL: 1,694.50 479394 12/16/2022 PRTD 160289 GOLF COMPETE INC 12-2022-7311 12/01/2022 20221216 1,655.01 CHECK 479394 TOTAL: 1,655.01 479395 12/16/2022 PRTD 160485 FRONTIER ENERGY INC 190618 11/21/2022 20221216 600.00 CHECK 479395 TOTAL: 600.00 479396 12/16/2022 PRTD 102456 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1755469 11/15/2022 20221216 79.79 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1755526 11/16/2022 20221216 976.19 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1756315 11/16/2022 20221216 111.96 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1756318 11/16/2022 20221216 31.49 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1756319 11/16/2022 20221216 35.99 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1756869 11/17/2022 20221216 220.04 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1756880 11/17/2022 20221216 246.18 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1757386 11/17/2022 20221216 29.99 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1757838 11/18/2022 20221216 14.34 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1758328 11/18/2022 20221216 31.49 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1758341 11/18/2022 20221216 29.99 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1759191 11/21/2022 20221216 446.04 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1759199 11/21/2022 20221216 13.18 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1759217 11/21/2022 20221216 220.04 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1759701 11/21/2022 20221216 62.98 CHECK 479396 TOTAL: 2,549.69 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 13 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479397 12/16/2022 PRTD 160231 BOLDENOW, CINDY GG221116 11/17/2022 20221216 2,000.00 CHECK 479397 TOTAL: 2,000.00 479398 12/16/2022 PRTD 101662 GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOC 1184531 11/23/2022 20221216 150.00 CHECK 479398 TOTAL: 150.00 479399 12/16/2022 PRTD 101103 WW GRAINGER 9518233292 11/18/2022 20221216 379.59 WW GRAINGER 9518728390 11/18/2022 20221216 34.09 CHECK 479399 TOTAL: 413.68 479400 12/16/2022 PRTD 144412 WINEBOW MN00122715 11/29/2022 20221216 792.48 WINEBOW MN00122658 11/30/2022 20221216 895.98 WINEBOW MN00122660 12/01/2022 20221216 1,431.72 CHECK 479400 TOTAL: 3,120.18 479401 12/16/2022 PRTD 160003 GRAY, GLENN S ECH-1202-22 12/02/2022 20221216 375.00 GRAY, GLENN S ECH-1121-22 11/21/2022 20221216 250.00 GRAY, GLENN S ECH-1209-22 12/09/2022 20221216 75.00 CHECK 479401 TOTAL: 700.00 479402 12/16/2022 PRTD 160347 GUARDIAN FLEET SAFETY LLC 22-0872 11/21/2022 20221216 13,176.26 CHECK 479402 TOTAL: 13,176.26 479403 12/16/2022 PRTD 150691 HALLMARK CLEANERS 208160-113022 11/30/2022 20221216 1,864.51 CHECK 479403 TOTAL: 1,864.51 479404 12/16/2022 PRTD 137677 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC 234455 11/15/2022 20221216 19,040.20 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC 234655 11/15/2022 20221216 3,234.75 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 14 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479404 TOTAL: 22,274.95 479405 12/16/2022 PRTD 151168 HAMMER SPORTS LLC 2871 11/20/2022 20221216 364.00 CHECK 479405 TOTAL: 364.00 479406 12/16/2022 PRTD 130116 HARRIS SRVCE000000009942 11/19/2022 20221216 683.00 HARRIS SRVCE000000009938 11/19/2022 20221216 608.05 CHECK 479406 TOTAL: 1,291.05 479407 12/16/2022 PRTD 100797 HAWKINS INC 6332154-1 11/08/2022 20221216 3,445.40 CHECK 479407 TOTAL: 3,445.40 479408 12/16/2022 PRTD 143585 HENNEPIN HEALTHCARE HENNEMS-11/2022-1 11/15/2022 20221216 2,303.36 CHECK 479408 TOTAL: 2,303.36 479409 12/16/2022 PRTD 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC 562611 11/29/2022 20221216 1,696.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 562596 11/29/2022 20221216 66.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 562610 11/29/2022 20221216 66.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 562600 11/29/2022 20221216 2,973.90 HOHENSTEINS INC 562598 11/30/2022 20221216 2,098.50 HOHENSTEINS INC 562613 11/29/2022 20221216 -7.50 HOHENSTEINS INC 562609 11/29/2022 20221216 76.50 CHECK 479409 TOTAL: 6,969.40 479410 12/16/2022 PRTD 100417 HORIZON CHEMICAL CO INV29562 11/16/2022 20221216 594.02 CHECK 479410 TOTAL: 594.02 479411 12/16/2022 PRTD 160569 MIDWEST WASH SYSTEMS 15098 11/14/2022 20221216 1,102.09 CHECK 479411 TOTAL: 1,102.09 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 15 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479412 12/16/2022 PRTD 146427 LUCID BREWING LLC 15080 12/01/2022 20221216 92.00 LUCID BREWING LLC 15078 12/01/2022 20221216 84.00 CHECK 479412 TOTAL: 176.00 479413 12/16/2022 PRTD 100814 INDELCO PLASTICS CORPORATION INV363953 11/18/2022 20221216 15.48 CHECK 479413 TOTAL: 15.48 479414 12/16/2022 PRTD 146337 INDUSTRIAL BATTERY PRODUCTS INC 80041487 11/08/2022 20221216 2,053.38 CHECK 479414 TOTAL: 2,053.38 479415 12/16/2022 PRTD 100828 GREAT RIVERS PRINTING 70805 11/11/2022 20221216 2,262.25 CHECK 479415 TOTAL: 2,262.25 479416 12/16/2022 PRTD 132592 JF AHERN CO 541487 11/16/2022 20221216 265.00 CHECK 479416 TOTAL: 265.00 479417 12/16/2022 PRTD 121075 JIMMY'S JOHNNYS INC MP214243 11/17/2022 20221216 73.00 JIMMY'S JOHNNYS INC MP214241 11/17/2022 20221216 28.68 JIMMY'S JOHNNYS INC MP214242 11/17/2022 20221216 28.68 JIMMY'S JOHNNYS INC MP214240 11/17/2022 20221216 28.68 JIMMY'S JOHNNYS INC MP214239 11/17/2022 20221216 28.68 JIMMY'S JOHNNYS INC MP214238 11/17/2022 20221216 28.68 JIMMY'S JOHNNYS INC MP214306 11/17/2022 20221216 38.26 JIMMY'S JOHNNYS INC MP214307 11/17/2022 20221216 41.43 CHECK 479417 TOTAL: 296.09 479418 12/16/2022 PRTD 100835 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 349266 11/29/2022 20221216 -278.70 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3574443 12/01/2022 20221216 2,947.60 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3574444 12/01/2022 20221216 1,530.75 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 16 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479418 TOTAL: 4,199.65 479419 12/16/2022 PRTD 100835 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6504943 12/01/2022 20221216 83.85 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6504937 12/01/2022 20221216 2,203.10 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6504936 12/01/2022 20221216 4,951.83 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6504935 12/01/2022 20221216 61.35 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6504934 12/01/2022 20221216 1,356.09 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6504933 12/01/2022 20221216 941.65 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6504932 12/01/2022 20221216 157.90 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6504944 12/01/2022 20221216 3,471.78 CHECK 479419 TOTAL: 13,227.55 479420 12/16/2022 PRTD 100835 WINE MERCHANTS 7406311 12/01/2022 20221216 4,201.24 WINE MERCHANTS 7406310 12/01/2022 20221216 3,789.16 WINE MERCHANTS 7406313 12/01/2022 20221216 2,841.65 CHECK 479420 TOTAL: 10,832.05 479421 12/16/2022 PRTD 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190738 12/01/2022 20221216 5,263.99 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190737 12/01/2022 20221216 1,558.95 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190740 12/01/2022 20221216 81.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190733 12/01/2022 20221216 1,438.66 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190725 12/01/2022 20221216 1,394.01 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190722 12/01/2022 20221216 788.44 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190723 12/01/2022 20221216 1,438.19 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190726 12/01/2022 20221216 750.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190724 12/01/2022 20221216 812.07 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190721 12/01/2022 20221216 257.45 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 17 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190727 12/01/2022 20221216 6,287.43 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190720 12/01/2022 20221216 33.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190719 12/01/2022 20221216 38.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190712 12/01/2022 20221216 561.45 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190718 12/01/2022 20221216 6,059.85 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190713 12/01/2022 20221216 4,429.14 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190715 12/01/2022 20221216 732.12 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190711 12/01/2022 20221216 145.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190714 12/01/2022 20221216 1,053.32 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190717 12/01/2022 20221216 919.88 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190716 12/01/2022 20221216 3,561.97 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190736 12/01/2022 20221216 1,020.15 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190741 12/01/2022 20221216 652.37 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190735 12/01/2022 20221216 1,504.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190732 12/01/2022 20221216 38.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190734 12/01/2022 20221216 33.35 CHECK 479421 TOTAL: 40,854.54 479422 12/16/2022 PRTD 103409 KELBRO COMPANY 2837293 12/01/2022 20221216 55.40 KELBRO COMPANY 2839017 12/01/2022 20221216 161.60 KELBRO COMPANY 6701446324 12/01/2022 20221216 24.00 KELBRO COMPANY 2838957 12/01/2022 20221216 405.80 CHECK 479422 TOTAL: 646.80 479423 12/16/2022 PRTD 137525 KERNS, JOHN 22EP1222 12/05/2022 20221216 500.00 CHECK 479423 TOTAL: 500.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 18 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479424 12/16/2022 PRTD 160105 KILLMER ELECTRIC CO., INC. W19332 11/18/2022 20221216 1,794.00 CHECK 479424 TOTAL: 1,794.00 479425 12/16/2022 PRTD 124002 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 23023789 10/31/2022 20221216 20,034.11 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 23023787 10/31/2022 20221216 596.23 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 160603028-1022 10/31/2022 20221216 11,637.50 CHECK 479425 TOTAL: 32,267.84 479426 12/16/2022 PRTD 136161 KNOX ASSOCIATES INC INV-KA-141045 11/16/2022 20221216 97.00 CHECK 479426 TOTAL: 97.00 479427 12/16/2022 PRTD 151024 LA DONA SBC 6000 11/30/2022 20221216 120.00 CHECK 479427 TOTAL: 120.00 479428 12/16/2022 PRTD 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9310123031 11/18/2022 20221216 843.68 CHECK 479428 TOTAL: 843.68 479429 12/16/2022 PRTD 145377 LEADSONLINE LLC 402167 11/15/2022 20221216 4,151.00 CHECK 479429 TOTAL: 4,151.00 479430 12/16/2022 PRTD 135867 LIBATION PROJECT 52286 11/29/2022 20221216 690.04 LIBATION PROJECT 52292 11/29/2022 20221216 293.96 LIBATION PROJECT 52294 11/29/2022 20221216 1,680.04 LIBATION PROJECT 52289 11/30/2022 20221216 466.08 CHECK 479430 TOTAL: 3,130.12 479431 12/16/2022 PRTD 160043 LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS INC. 88842 11/08/2022 20221216 506.50 CHECK 479431 TOTAL: 506.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 19 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479432 12/16/2022 PRTD 101455 IUOE LOCAL 49 TRAINING CENTER 11-15-2022 11/15/2022 20221216 8,960.00 CHECK 479432 TOTAL: 8,960.00 479433 12/16/2022 PRTD 100858 LOGIS 52926-2 11/09/2022 20221216 23,476.70 LOGIS 52926-3 11/09/2022 20221216 157,306.89 LOGIS 52926-4 11/09/2022 20221216 19,844.27 CHECK 479433 TOTAL: 200,627.86 479434 12/16/2022 PRTD 141916 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 49456 11/30/2022 20221216 216.50 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 49461 11/30/2022 20221216 207.50 CHECK 479434 TOTAL: 424.00 479435 12/16/2022 PRTD 123848 LVC COMPANIES INC 101088 11/21/2022 20221216 440.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 101091 11/21/2022 20221216 440.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 101090 11/21/2022 20221216 440.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 101087 11/21/2022 20221216 440.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 101086 11/21/2022 20221216 440.00 CHECK 479435 TOTAL: 2,200.00 479436 12/16/2022 PRTD 100864 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT LLC P45997 11/15/2022 20221216 753.58 CHECK 479436 TOTAL: 753.58 479437 12/16/2022 PRTD 122878 MARTTI, DOROTHEA J 276 11/22/2022 20221216 165.00 CHECK 479437 TOTAL: 165.00 479438 12/16/2022 PRTD 141215 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV882019 12/01/2022 20221216 86.52 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV882027 12/01/2022 20221216 1,694.04 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV881992 12/01/2022 20221216 1,460.52 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 20 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479438 TOTAL: 3,241.08 479439 12/16/2022 PRTD 105603 MEDICINE LAKE TOURS 12-13-2022 11/15/2022 20221216 2,610.00 CHECK 479439 TOTAL: 2,610.00 479440 12/16/2022 PRTD 101483 MENARDS 52243 11/16/2022 20221216 43.98 CHECK 479440 TOTAL: 43.98 479441 12/16/2022 PRTD 101483 MENARDS 72205 11/16/2022 20221216 47.69 MENARDS 72202 11/16/2022 20221216 698.96 MENARDS 72322 11/16/2022 20221216 4.17 MENARDS 72306 11/18/2022 20221216 61.84 MENARDS 72308 11/18/2022 20221216 119.36 MENARDS 72459 11/21/2022 20221216 54.98 CHECK 479441 TOTAL: 987.00 479442 12/16/2022 PRTD 100885 METRO SALES INC INV2164389 11/14/2022 20221216 1,507.90 CHECK 479442 TOTAL: 1,507.90 479443 12/16/2022 PRTD 102507 METRO VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS ASSOCI 1713 11/15/2022 20221216 714.00 CHECK 479443 TOTAL: 714.00 479444 12/16/2022 PRTD 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 530065 11/15/2022 20221216 74.24 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 530111 11/17/2022 20221216 53.46 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 530097 11/16/2022 20221216 233.56 CHECK 479444 TOTAL: 361.26 479445 12/16/2022 PRTD 160053 METRPOLITAN AREA MANAGEMENT ASSOC 2023 DUES-SCHAEFER 11/23/2022 20221216 45.00 CHECK 479445 TOTAL: 45.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 21 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479446 12/16/2022 PRTD 101161 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY INC 44424 11/16/2022 20221216 729.72 CHECK 479446 TOTAL: 729.72 479447 12/16/2022 PRTD 145395 MILK AND HONEY LLC 11242 12/01/2022 20221216 196.00 CHECK 479447 TOTAL: 196.00 479448 12/16/2022 PRTD 160568 SCHMIDTCO LLC 61721 10/07/2022 20221216 49.33 SCHMIDTCO LLC 61695 09/29/2022 20221216 31.37 CHECK 479448 TOTAL: 80.70 479449 12/16/2022 PRTD 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC E-36843 11/29/2022 20221216 118.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-36842 11/29/2022 20221216 163.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-36844 11/29/2022 20221216 580.00 CHECK 479449 TOTAL: 861.00 479450 12/16/2022 PRTD 145476 MONSTER MINNEAPOLIS LLC 5128 11/21/2022 20221216 1,240.18 CHECK 479450 TOTAL: 1,240.18 479451 12/16/2022 PRTD 108668 MORRIS, GRAYLYN 22EP1231 12/05/2022 20221216 600.00 CHECK 479451 TOTAL: 600.00 479452 12/16/2022 PRTD 132591 MUSKA ELECTRIC COMPANY 46871 11/18/2022 20221216 778.15 MUSKA ELECTRIC COMPANY 46870 11/18/2022 20221216 2,690.00 CHECK 479452 TOTAL: 3,468.15 479453 12/16/2022 PRTD 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 196829 11/30/2022 20221216 1,830.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 196826 11/30/2022 20221216 991.50 CHECK 479453 TOTAL: 2,821.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 22 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479454 12/16/2022 PRTD 999995 Scherber Companies LLC ED195736-REFUND 12/02/2022 20221216 2,500.00 CHECK 479454 TOTAL: 2,500.00 479455 12/16/2022 PRTD 999994 Boockmeier, Matt COM-2705-REFUND 11/16/2022 20221216 340.00 CHECK 479455 TOTAL: 340.00 479456 12/16/2022 PRTD 999994 Boockmeier, Matt COM-2734-REFUND 11/16/2022 20221216 2,575.00 CHECK 479456 TOTAL: 2,575.00 479457 12/16/2022 PRTD 999994 Griffith, Richard GRIFFITH-11/15/22 11/15/2022 20221216 205.98 CHECK 479457 TOTAL: 205.98 479458 12/16/2022 PRTD 129485 PAPCO INC 227100 11/17/2022 20221216 382.99 PAPCO INC 227100-1 11/18/2022 20221216 59.92 CHECK 479458 TOTAL: 442.91 479459 12/16/2022 PRTD 137491 BEALKE, ROBERT J 23CLP0108 11/29/2022 20221216 700.00 CHECK 479459 TOTAL: 700.00 479460 12/16/2022 PRTD 100944 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 185868 11/30/2022 20221216 218.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 185862 11/30/2022 20221216 1,017.90 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 185850 11/30/2022 20221216 2,084.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 185864 11/29/2022 20221216 535.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 185856 11/30/2022 20221216 2,683.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 185866 11/30/2022 20221216 588.50 CHECK 479460 TOTAL: 7,126.40 479461 12/16/2022 PRTD 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 65090156 11/29/2022 20221216 330.70 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 67905664 11/28/2022 20221216 719.87 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 23 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479461 TOTAL: 1,050.57 479462 12/16/2022 PRTD 149249 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-171018 12/01/2022 20221216 103.00 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-171019 12/01/2022 20221216 206.00 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-170595 12/01/2022 20221216 53.00 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-171020 12/01/2022 20221216 179.00 CHECK 479462 TOTAL: 541.00 479463 12/16/2022 PRTD 138081 PETERSON SALT & WATER TREATMENT 203080 11/16/2022 20221216 533.00 CHECK 479463 TOTAL: 533.00 479464 12/16/2022 PRTD 160202 PIONEER POWER INC 202205032 #7 11/21/2022 20221216 7,146.23 CHECK 479464 TOTAL: 7,146.23 479465 12/16/2022 PRTD 130926 PLANTSCAPE INC 372096 11/15/2022 20221216 2,335.06 CHECK 479465 TOTAL: 2,335.06 479466 12/16/2022 PRTD 145866 PLATINUM DANCE CENTER LLC 1087 11/16/2022 20221216 2,898.00 CHECK 479466 TOTAL: 2,898.00 479467 12/16/2022 PRTD 129706 PREMIUM WATERS INC 319132889 11/30/2022 20221216 15.00 CHECK 479467 TOTAL: 15.00 479468 12/16/2022 PRTD 108875 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 108041 11/18/2022 20221216 6,254.22 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 108042 11/18/2022 20221216 9,012.08 CHECK 479468 TOTAL: 15,266.30 479469 12/16/2022 PRTD 124831 PRESSWRITE PRINTING INC 086432 11/09/2022 20221216 137.00 CHECK 479469 TOTAL: 137.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 24 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479470 12/16/2022 PRTD 105690 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 107170 10/31/2022 20221216 2,195.90 CHECK 479470 TOTAL: 2,195.90 479471 12/16/2022 PRTD 106322 SCHENCK, DAVID 160246 11/21/2022 20221216 321.85 SCHENCK, DAVID 160199 11/21/2022 20221216 837.35 SCHENCK, DAVID 160095 11/21/2022 20221216 1,591.96 SCHENCK, DAVID 160188 11/21/2022 20221216 1,008.28 CHECK 479471 TOTAL: 3,759.44 479472 12/16/2022 PRTD 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-46949 11/30/2022 20221216 217.00 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-46950 11/30/2022 20221216 653.00 CHECK 479472 TOTAL: 870.00 479473 12/16/2022 PRTD 138267 QUALITY LOCKSMITH INC QLS23940 11/18/2022 20221216 197.50 CHECK 479473 TOTAL: 197.50 479474 12/16/2022 PRTD 100972 R & R SPECIALTIES INC 0077306-IN 11/18/2022 20221216 1,966.20 CHECK 479474 TOTAL: 1,966.20 479475 12/16/2022 PRTD 133627 REPUBLIC SERVICES #894 0894-005984509 10/31/2022 20221216 46,467.99 CHECK 479475 TOTAL: 46,467.99 479476 12/16/2022 PRTD 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 86052 11/16/2022 20221216 689.00 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 86053 11/16/2022 20221216 208.50 CHECK 479476 TOTAL: 897.50 479477 12/16/2022 PRTD 101659 ORKIN 234068298 11/15/2022 20221216 153.42 ORKIN 234069220 11/15/2022 20221216 149.47 ORKIN 234069596 11/15/2022 20221216 30.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 25 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET ORKIN 234069082 11/15/2022 20221216 26.28 CHECK 479477 TOTAL: 359.17 479478 12/16/2022 PRTD 129282 ROSENBAUER MINNESOTA LLC 0000057079 11/21/2022 20221216 327.28 CHECK 479478 TOTAL: 327.28 479479 12/16/2022 PRTD 129348 SAFETY ON SITE LLC 111522 11/15/2022 20221216 2,780.00 CHECK 479479 TOTAL: 2,780.00 479480 12/16/2022 PRTD 141767 SALT SOURCE LLC 24165 11/16/2022 20221216 1,713.78 CHECK 479480 TOTAL: 1,713.78 479481 12/16/2022 PRTD 144553 SALTCO LLC 97932 11/15/2022 20221216 70.00 CHECK 479481 TOTAL: 70.00 479482 12/16/2022 PRTD 160463 SANSIO INC INV0000003294 11/21/2022 20221216 595.00 CHECK 479482 TOTAL: 595.00 479483 12/16/2022 PRTD 144403 SENTEXT SOLUTIONS 298938 11/20/2022 20221216 318.50 CHECK 479483 TOTAL: 318.50 479484 12/16/2022 PRTD 160278 ROHN INDUSTRIES, INC 588162 11/16/2022 20221216 24.54 CHECK 479484 TOTAL: 24.54 479485 12/16/2022 PRTD 160563 SIGHT & SOUND CONSULTING 22001 11/17/2022 20221216 2,442.17 CHECK 479485 TOTAL: 2,442.17 479486 12/16/2022 PRTD 120784 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 17767 11/21/2022 20221216 302.00 CHECK 479486 TOTAL: 302.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 26 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479487 12/16/2022 PRTD 132195 SMALL LOT MN MN59491 11/29/2022 20221216 649.04 SMALL LOT MN MN59492 11/29/2022 20221216 109.04 CHECK 479487 TOTAL: 758.08 479488 12/16/2022 PRTD 100430 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55223226 11/12/2022 20221216 22.77 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55178410 11/09/2022 20221216 639.80 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55251914 11/15/2022 20221216 21.12 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55293899 11/18/2022 20221216 35.28 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV / 55122135 11/04/2022 20221216 197.93 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55304325 11/18/2022 20221216 12.51 CHECK 479488 TOTAL: 929.41 479489 12/16/2022 PRTD 101000 RJM PRINTING INC 121443013 07/19/2022 20221216 80.00 RJM PRINTING INC 121938013 08/31/2022 20221216 80.00 CHECK 479489 TOTAL: 160.00 479490 12/16/2022 PRTD 127878 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287076 11/30/2022 20221216 123.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287073 11/30/2022 20221216 854.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287075 11/30/2022 20221216 698.51 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287086 11/30/2022 20221216 377.75 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287092 11/30/2022 20221216 1,502.20 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287093 11/30/2022 20221216 96.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287090 11/30/2022 20221216 228.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287094 11/30/2022 20221216 208.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287087 11/30/2022 20221216 573.60 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287089 11/30/2022 20221216 1,690.40 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287088 11/30/2022 20221216 231.80 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 27 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287091 11/30/2022 20221216 3,826.88 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287077 11/30/2022 20221216 3,336.33 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287079 11/30/2022 20221216 425.60 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287080 11/30/2022 20221216 547.60 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287083 11/30/2022 20221216 228.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287081 11/30/2022 20221216 451.40 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287085 11/30/2022 20221216 2,229.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287084 11/30/2022 20221216 4,317.02 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287072 11/30/2022 20221216 290.40 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287078 11/30/2022 20221216 410.10 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287074 11/30/2022 20221216 440.60 CHECK 479490 TOTAL: 23,088.59 479491 12/16/2022 PRTD 145599 SSI MN TRANCHE 1 LLC 42917 11/15/2022 20221216 32,453.42 CHECK 479491 TOTAL: 32,453.42 479492 12/16/2022 PRTD 145599 SSI MN TRANCHE 2 LLC 42918 11/15/2022 20221216 5,655.23 CHECK 479492 TOTAL: 5,655.23 479493 12/16/2022 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W22100536 11/15/2022 20221216 1,602.18 CHECK 479493 TOTAL: 1,602.18 479494 12/16/2022 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W22100539 11/15/2022 20221216 308.70 CHECK 479494 TOTAL: 308.70 479495 12/16/2022 PRTD 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 48079 11/30/2022 20221216 204.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 48096 11/30/2022 20221216 175.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 48081 11/30/2022 20221216 330.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 28 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479495 TOTAL: 709.00 479496 12/16/2022 PRTD 146040 STRAYER, JUSTIN 19946 11/30/2022 20221216 315.60 STRAYER, JUSTIN 19947 11/30/2022 20221216 482.30 CHECK 479496 TOTAL: 797.90 479497 12/16/2022 PRTD 101015 STREICHERS INC I1589080 09/09/2022 20221216 209.97 STREICHERS INC CM293706 09/13/2022 20221216 -116.00 CHECK 479497 TOTAL: 93.97 479498 12/16/2022 PRTD 133750 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION 3959165 11/17/2022 22200069 20221216 41,629.50 CHECK 479498 TOTAL: 41,629.50 479499 12/16/2022 PRTD 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC 10190826 11/21/2022 20221216 261.38 CHECK 479499 TOTAL: 261.38 479500 12/16/2022 PRTD 133512 SUDDATH RELOCATION SYSTEMS OF MIN 775540 11/15/2022 20221216 2,115.00 SUDDATH RELOCATION SYSTEMS OF MIN 775541 11/15/2022 20221216 1,982.00 CHECK 479500 TOTAL: 4,097.00 479501 12/16/2022 PRTD 146870 TERRY'S HARDWARE 321665/1 11/17/2022 20221216 1,051.88 CHECK 479501 TOTAL: 1,051.88 479502 12/16/2022 PRTD 101038 TOLL COMPANY 10487883 11/16/2022 20221216 251.18 CHECK 479502 TOTAL: 251.18 479503 12/16/2022 PRTD 138732 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS LLC 34307 11/30/2022 20221216 994.00 CHECK 479503 TOTAL: 994.00 479504 12/16/2022 PRTD 103218 TRI-STATE BOBCAT S35183 11/15/2022 20221216 1,595.00 TRI-STATE BOBCAT R33799 11/21/2022 20221216 2,800.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 29 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479504 TOTAL: 4,395.00 479505 12/16/2022 PRTD 138581 TRUST IN US LLC 96177 11/15/2022 20221216 30.00 CHECK 479505 TOTAL: 30.00 479506 12/16/2022 PRTD 146436 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-402890 11/16/2022 20221216 87.50 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-400451 11/16/2022 20221216 3,780.00 CHECK 479506 TOTAL: 3,867.50 479507 12/16/2022 PRTD 145567 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2181 11/30/2022 20221216 174.00 CHECK 479507 TOTAL: 174.00 479508 12/16/2022 PRTD 100050 USPS 79781 11/29/2022 20221216 91.20 CHECK 479508 TOTAL: 91.20 479509 12/16/2022 PRTD 100050 USPS 690118 12/13/2022 20221216 5,105.84 CHECK 479509 TOTAL: 5,105.84 479510 12/16/2022 PRTD 144033 USS MINNESOTA ONE MT LLC 42916 11/15/2022 20221216 3,962.42 CHECK 479510 TOTAL: 3,962.42 479511 12/16/2022 PRTD 144209 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 3701 12/01/2022 20221216 174.00 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 3698 12/01/2022 20221216 366.00 CHECK 479511 TOTAL: 540.00 479512 12/16/2022 PRTD 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES 91811 11/15/2022 20221216 367.41 CHECK 479512 TOTAL: 367.41 479513 12/16/2022 PRTD 119454 VINOCOPIA INC 0318625-IN 12/01/2022 20221216 414.00 VINOCOPIA INC 0318617-IN 12/01/2022 20221216 113.25 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 30 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET VINOCOPIA INC 0318618-IN 12/01/2022 20221216 136.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0318619-IN 12/01/2022 20221216 306.50 VINOCOPIA INC 0318684-IN 12/01/2022 20221216 153.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0318623-IN 12/01/2022 20221216 136.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0318622-IN 12/01/2022 20221216 312.08 VINOCOPIA INC 0318624-IN 12/01/2022 20221216 651.33 CHECK 479513 TOTAL: 2,222.91 479514 12/16/2022 PRTD 120627 VISTAR 66493069 11/18/2022 20221216 1,679.90 CHECK 479514 TOTAL: 1,679.90 479515 12/16/2022 PRTD 130574 WATSON COMPANY 129872 11/17/2022 20221216 338.99 CHECK 479515 TOTAL: 338.99 479516 12/16/2022 PRTD 101033 WINE COMPANY 221663 11/30/2022 20221216 2,386.00 WINE COMPANY 221660 11/30/2022 20221216 343.10 WINE COMPANY 221659 11/30/2022 20221216 2,034.00 WINE COMPANY 221661 11/30/2022 20221216 4,190.20 WINE COMPANY 221662 11/30/2022 20221216 420.00 CHECK 479516 TOTAL: 9,373.30 479517 12/16/2022 PRTD 124503 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 236866 01 11/16/2022 20221216 62.86 CHECK 479517 TOTAL: 62.86 479518 12/16/2022 PRTD 148067 WITLINGO INC INV-COE-1120222 11/03/2022 20221216 250.00 CHECK 479518 TOTAL: 250.00 479519 12/16/2022 PRTD 142162 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 3911 12/01/2022 20221216 110.70 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 3918 12/01/2022 20221216 125.40 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/15/2022 13:05User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 31 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 3912 12/01/2022 20221216 43.80 CHECK 479519 TOTAL: 279.90 479520 12/16/2022 PRTD 103266 YORKDALE SHOPPES PARTNERS, LLC DEC 2022 12/01/2022 20221216 1,092.31 CHECK 479520 TOTAL: 1,092.31 479521 12/16/2022 PRTD 101091 ZIEGLER INC IN000776869 11/17/2022 20221216 1,520.00 CHECK 479521 TOTAL: 1,520.00 479522 12/16/2022 PRTD 136192 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION 3610390 11/15/2022 20221216 272.00 CHECK 479522 TOTAL: 272.00 NUMBER OF CHECKS 193 *** CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL *** 1,415,373.99 COUNT AMOUNT TOTAL PRINTED CHECKS 192 1,416,234.49 TOTAL VOIDED CHECKS 1 860.50 *** GRAND TOTAL *** 1,415,373.99 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 38 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND SUB FUND DUE TO DUE FR 1000 General 113,145.832100 Police Special Revenue 1,242.002100 Police Special Revenue 605.002300 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety 370.002500 Conservation & Sustainability 20,523.392600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 2,177.002600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 195,000.004000 Capital Projects 63,195.374200 Equipment Replacement 44,952.934400 PIR Capital Projects 9,293.005100 Art Center 137.735200 Braemar Golf Course 66,824.875200 Braemar Golf Course 1,685.325400 Edinborough Park 4,740.985500 Braemar Arena 5,775.495600 Braemar Field 3,297.715700 Centennial Lakes 6,969.005800 Liquor 212,493.855900 Utility Fund 70,951.165900 Utility Fund 25,583.745900 Utility Fund 458,706.625900 Utility Fund 47,009.696000 Risk Management 470,507.556100 Equipment Operations 27,871.066200 Information Technology 59,964.806300 Facilities Management 9,349.667100 PS Training Facility 67.477200 MN Task Force 1 42,762.269000 Payroll 446,467.209999 Pooled Cash Fund 2,411,670.68 TOTAL 2,411,670.68 2,411,670.68 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Shirleng Tan Geil ** City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 1 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479523 12/23/2022 PRTD 100609 50TH & FRANCE BUSINESS & PROFESSI 3222 11/22/2022 20221223 3,000.00 CHECK 479523 TOTAL: 3,000.00 479524 12/23/2022 PRTD 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 914613134 11/30/2022 20221223 134.16 CHECK 479524 TOTAL: 134.16 479525 12/23/2022 PRTD 140318 ADVANCED ELEMENTS INC 82763 09/13/2022 20221223 24,748.00 ADVANCED ELEMENTS INC 83400 10/11/2022 20221223 9,325.00 CHECK 479525 TOTAL: 34,073.00 479526 12/23/2022 PRTD 120796 ALERUS RETIREMENT AND BENEFITS C134260 12/05/2022 20221223 241.50 CHECK 479526 TOTAL: 241.50 479527 12/23/2022 PRTD 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 13WY-P9JV-JTJC 11/02/2022 20221223 1,193.83 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1LCP-RRWV-1644 11/12/2022 20221223 574.53 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1PYW-FWRP-CDH6 11/22/2022 20221223 164.50 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 19MJ-CKMJ-HDGM 11/22/2022 20221223 11.86 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1QXJ-J7MM-HDMR 11/22/2022 20221223 108.02 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1KDC-F4QQ-JP6X 11/22/2022 20221223 35.53 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1CY1-9VXT-LP9P 11/23/2022 20221223 33.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1MLW-F1DH-QFVC 11/23/2022 20221223 14.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1WM7-14FJ-TDVX 11/24/2022 20221223 247.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1D7X-PF3P-9G7W 11/25/2022 20221223 199.12 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17QW-MFXX-D3R1 11/25/2022 20221223 9.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1TKN-M344-QV7H 11/26/2022 20221223 12.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 19M9-VYWH-1KVD 11/27/2022 20221223 17.25 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1LPX-4WNW-3VH9 11/27/2022 20221223 19.83 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 14JM-TWRH-9VC9 11/27/2022 20221223 219.19 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 2 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17F1-J66Q-DLQM 11/28/2022 20221223 57.38 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1XT3-3M9W-D39H 11/28/2022 20221223 12.94 CHECK 479527 TOTAL: 2,932.93 479528 12/23/2022 PRTD 100632 AQUA ENGINEERING INC 111200 11/28/2022 20221223 695.00 CHECK 479528 TOTAL: 695.00 479529 12/23/2022 PRTD 151441 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500138301 11/23/2022 20221223 282.42 CHECK 479529 TOTAL: 282.42 479530 12/23/2022 PRTD 100634 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO 10242451 11/28/2022 20221223 243.72 CHECK 479530 TOTAL: 243.72 479531 12/23/2022 PRTD 102774 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1406543-120122 12/01/2022 20221223 10,635.55 CHECK 479531 TOTAL: 10,635.55 479532 12/23/2022 PRTD 101718 IEH AUTO PARTS LLC 380130342 11/22/2022 20221223 15.76 CHECK 479532 TOTAL: 15.76 479533 12/23/2022 PRTD 100637 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE COMPANY 11497 11/23/2022 20221223 130.04 CHECK 479533 TOTAL: 130.04 479534 12/23/2022 PRTD 141881 FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE 2935295 11/22/2022 20221223 2,882.01 CHECK 479534 TOTAL: 2,882.01 479535 12/23/2022 PRTD 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271898.01-4 11/23/2022 20221223 10,965.50 CHECK 479535 TOTAL: 10,965.50 479536 12/23/2022 PRTD 142186 BAYCOM INC EQUIPINV_040727 11/16/2022 20221223 264.00 CHECK 479536 TOTAL: 264.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 3 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479537 12/23/2022 PRTD 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0097645400 12/08/2022 20221223 914.10 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0097614800 12/08/2022 20221223 189.30 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106130400 12/08/2022 20221223 334.33 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0097635700 12/08/2022 20221223 967.25 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0097642700 12/08/2022 20221223 45.65 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106131700 12/08/2022 20221223 149.18 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0097653700 12/08/2022 20221223 2,125.81 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0097642400 12/08/2022 20221223 390.60 CHECK 479537 TOTAL: 5,116.22 479538 12/23/2022 PRTD 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC 5099836 11/28/2022 20221223 468.00 CHECK 479538 TOTAL: 468.00 479539 12/23/2022 PRTD 143097 BERRY DUNN MCNEIL & PARKER LLC 423725 11/25/2022 20221223 2,870.00 CHECK 479539 TOTAL: 2,870.00 479540 12/23/2022 PRTD 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 20417 12/08/2022 20221223 344.00 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 20416 12/08/2022 20221223 470.00 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 20418 12/08/2022 20221223 344.00 CHECK 479540 TOTAL: 1,158.00 479541 12/23/2022 PRTD 132444 BOLTON & MENK INC 0301597 11/22/2022 20221223 370.00 BOLTON & MENK INC 0301598 11/22/2022 20221223 5,225.00 BOLTON & MENK INC 0302740 11/28/2022 20221223 9,267.00 CHECK 479541 TOTAL: 14,862.00 479542 12/23/2022 PRTD 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84772669 11/28/2022 20221223 81.80 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84772670 11/28/2022 20221223 27.29 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 4 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479542 TOTAL: 109.09 479543 12/23/2022 PRTD 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 192117 11/29/2022 20221223 1,228.00 BOURGET IMPORTS 192119 12/02/2022 20221223 1,304.00 BOURGET IMPORTS 192315 12/06/2022 20221223 300.40 BOURGET IMPORTS 192314 12/06/2022 20221223 723.50 BOURGET IMPORTS 192312 12/06/2022 20221223 649.90 CHECK 479543 TOTAL: 4,205.80 479544 12/23/2022 PRTD 117040 BOYER FORD TRUCKS INC F224294-1 08/17/2022 20221223 1,000.00 CHECK 479544 TOTAL: 1,000.00 479545 12/23/2022 PRTD 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION B317634 11/16/2022 20221223 2,177.00 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION B318823 11/28/2022 20221223 9,293.00 CHECK 479545 TOTAL: 11,470.00 479546 12/23/2022 PRTD 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835295 12/07/2022 20221223 3,347.62 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835290 12/07/2022 20221223 107.81 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835293 12/07/2022 20221223 140.55 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835292 12/07/2022 20221223 178.10 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835291 12/07/2022 20221223 1,946.35 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835294 12/07/2022 20221223 177.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835297 12/07/2022 20221223 42.42 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835300 12/07/2022 20221223 226.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835298 12/07/2022 20221223 1,290.89 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835296 12/07/2022 20221223 1,043.75 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835299 12/07/2022 20221223 177.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835276 12/07/2022 20221223 107.81 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 5 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835275 12/07/2022 20221223 185.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835278 12/07/2022 20221223 1,678.95 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 346835274 12/07/2022 20221223 338.30 CHECK 479546 TOTAL: 10,988.15 479547 12/23/2022 PRTD 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346815668 12/06/2022 20221223 2,228.40 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346815667 12/06/2022 20221223 95.40 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346815734 12/06/2022 20221223 4,738.90 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346815729 12/06/2022 20221223 124.00 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 346815660 12/06/2022 20221223 156.00 CHECK 479547 TOTAL: 7,342.70 479548 12/23/2022 PRTD 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2773446 12/09/2022 20221223 123.70 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2773457 12/09/2022 20221223 2,918.35 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 21390096 12/09/2022 20221223 -42.15 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2773456 12/09/2022 20221223 1,335.95 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2773455 12/09/2022 20221223 67.70 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2770421 12/02/2022 20221223 1,932.60 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2774424 12/13/2022 20221223 111.10 CHECK 479548 TOTAL: 6,447.25 479549 12/23/2022 PRTD 101515 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY 7049417 11/23/2022 20221223 770.50 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY 7050191 11/28/2022 20221223 824.50 CHECK 479549 TOTAL: 1,595.00 479550 12/23/2022 PRTD 105497 CENTRAL ROOFING COMPANY 30340 11/22/2022 20221223 15,576.86 CENTRAL ROOFING COMPANY 30525 11/22/2022 20221223 3,544.03 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 6 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479550 TOTAL: 19,120.89 479551 12/23/2022 PRTD 142533 CADD ENGR SUPPLY INC INV146312 11/28/2022 20221223 95.00 CADD ENGR SUPPLY INC INV146313 11/28/2022 20221223 279.00 CHECK 479551 TOTAL: 374.00 479552 12/23/2022 PRTD 160160 CHRISTIANSON'S BUSINESS FURNITURE 7168-1-KR 11/22/2022 20221223 4,713.18 CHRISTIANSON'S BUSINESS FURNITURE 6994-1-KR 11/22/2022 20221223 3,979.06 CHECK 479552 TOTAL: 8,692.24 479553 12/23/2022 PRTD 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 4138639062 11/28/2022 20221223 49.01 CINTAS CORPORATION 4138638993 11/28/2022 20221223 38.79 CINTAS CORPORATION 4138639023 11/28/2022 20221223 17.87 CINTAS CORPORATION 4138638950 11/28/2022 20221223 26.88 CINTAS CORPORATION 4138638994 11/28/2022 20221223 11.78 CINTAS CORPORATION 4138639508 11/28/2022 20221223 77.25 CINTAS CORPORATION 4138639533 11/28/2022 20221223 67.47 CINTAS CORPORATION 4138639557 11/28/2022 20221223 24.00 CINTAS CORPORATION 4138639518 11/28/2022 20221223 64.24 CHECK 479553 TOTAL: 377.29 479554 12/23/2022 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN ROCHESTER-11/2022-1 11/23/2022 20221223 12,713.90 CHECK 479554 TOTAL: 12,713.90 479555 12/23/2022 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN ROCHESTER-11/2022-2 11/23/2022 20221223 213.90 CHECK 479555 TOTAL: 213.90 479556 12/23/2022 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN ROCHESTER-11/2022-3 11/23/2022 20221223 28,763.25 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 7 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479556 TOTAL: 28,763.25 479557 12/23/2022 PRTD 146213 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK SLPFIRE-11/2022-1 11/22/2022 20221223 459.60 CHECK 479557 TOTAL: 459.60 479558 12/23/2022 PRTD 140274 CIVICPLUS, LLC 96851 03/07/2022 20221223 -790.08 CIVICPLUS, LLC 244035 11/15/2022 20221223 450.00 CIVICPLUS, LLC 248128 11/30/2022 20221223 426.00 CHECK 479558 TOTAL: 85.92 479559 12/23/2022 PRTD 130477 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 663763 12/07/2022 20221223 677.75 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 663761 12/07/2022 20221223 617.50 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 663765 12/07/2022 20221223 744.55 CHECK 479559 TOTAL: 2,039.80 479560 12/23/2022 PRTD 144092 CONCENTRA 103678868 11/23/2022 20221223 129.00 CHECK 479560 TOTAL: 129.00 479561 12/23/2022 PRTD 148044 DAVIDSON, JEAN ERTEL 2199 11/23/2022 20221223 4,427.50 CHECK 479561 TOTAL: 4,427.50 479562 12/23/2022 PRTD 123995 DICKS SANITATION SERVICE INC 8480178T460 12/01/2022 20221223 540.18 DICKS SANITATION SERVICE INC 8480162T460 12/01/2022 20221223 298.82 CHECK 479562 TOTAL: 839.00 479563 12/23/2022 PRTD 103594 EDINALARM INC 84287 12/01/2022 20221223 474.53 CHECK 479563 TOTAL: 474.53 479564 12/23/2022 PRTD 105906 EGAN COMPANY SVC0000123122 12/06/2022 20221223 16,898.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 8 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479564 TOTAL: 16,898.00 479565 12/23/2022 PRTD 160062 ELM CREEK BREWING COMPANY E-3630 12/02/2022 20221223 273.50 CHECK 479565 TOTAL: 273.50 479566 12/23/2022 PRTD 117375 ESRI 94375410 11/23/2022 22200073 20221223 44,285.00 CHECK 479566 TOTAL: 44,285.00 479567 12/23/2022 PRTD 100146 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-470375 11/23/2022 20221223 7.04 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 75-455513 11/28/2022 20221223 54.99 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-Z31062 11/22/2022 20221223 1,096.11 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8195607 11/28/2022 20221223 54.99 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8188896 11/25/2022 20221223 -16.00 CHECK 479567 TOTAL: 1,197.13 479568 12/23/2022 PRTD 147181 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-8530 12/08/2022 20221223 201.00 CHECK 479568 TOTAL: 201.00 479569 12/23/2022 PRTD 103600 FERGUSON US HOLDINGS INC 0495676 11/22/2022 20221223 3,380.34 CHECK 479569 TOTAL: 3,380.34 479570 12/23/2022 PRTD 141837 DAIOHS USA INC 642539 11/23/2022 20221223 560.80 CHECK 479570 TOTAL: 560.80 479571 12/23/2022 PRTD 132866 SAWTOOTH HOLDINGS F10011 11/28/2022 20221223 2,564.00 CHECK 479571 TOTAL: 2,564.00 479572 12/23/2022 PRTD 132866 FLAGSHIP RECREATION F10020 11/28/2022 20221223 7,930.00 FLAGSHIP RECREATION F10026 11/28/2022 20221223 2,547.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 9 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479572 TOTAL: 10,477.50 479573 12/23/2022 PRTD 101603 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME CO 40127 11/23/2022 20221223 214.50 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME CO 37897 11/23/2022 20221223 156.00 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME CO 37894 11/23/2022 20221223 273.00 CHECK 479573 TOTAL: 643.50 479574 12/23/2022 PRTD 160289 GOLF COMPETE INC 08-2022-1291 08/01/2022 20221223 1,655.00 CHECK 479574 TOTAL: 1,655.00 479575 12/23/2022 PRTD 160412 MKM BRANDS INC 182 11/22/2022 20221223 540.00 MKM BRANDS INC CM163 12/20/2022 20221223 -600.00 MKM BRANDS INC 185 12/09/2022 20221223 900.00 CHECK 479575 TOTAL: 840.00 479576 12/23/2022 PRTD 102456 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1760355 11/22/2022 20221223 153.74 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1760139 11/22/2022 20221223 259.95 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1760938 11/22/2022 20221223 206.13 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1762653 11/25/2022 20221223 18.58 CHECK 479576 TOTAL: 638.40 479577 12/23/2022 PRTD 101103 WW GRAINGER 9526115978 11/28/2022 20221223 82.48 CHECK 479577 TOTAL: 82.48 479578 12/23/2022 PRTD 144412 WINEBOW MN00123104 12/06/2022 20221223 279.00 WINEBOW MN00123058 12/06/2022 20221223 396.72 CHECK 479578 TOTAL: 675.72 479579 12/23/2022 PRTD 129248 GROTH, CHRISTOPHER 41256 11/17/2022 20221223 5,500.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 10 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479579 TOTAL: 5,500.00 479580 12/23/2022 PRTD 130116 HARRIS SRVCE000000010594 11/23/2022 20221223 227.00 CHECK 479580 TOTAL: 227.00 479581 12/23/2022 PRTD 100797 HAWKINS INC 6346892 11/28/2022 20221223 4,943.40 CHECK 479581 TOTAL: 4,943.40 479582 12/23/2022 PRTD 143563 HEADFLYER BREWING E-4134 12/02/2022 20221223 110.00 HEADFLYER BREWING E-4135 12/02/2022 20221223 126.00 CHECK 479582 TOTAL: 236.00 479583 12/23/2022 PRTD 122093 GROUP HEALTHPLAN INC 116811336 11/22/2022 20221223 41,725.55 GROUP HEALTHPLAN INC 116833700 11/22/2022 20221223 443,585.19 CHECK 479583 TOTAL: 485,310.74 479584 12/23/2022 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000195332 11/23/2022 20221223 796.00 CHECK 479584 TOTAL: 796.00 479585 12/23/2022 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY RESIDENT AND REAL TIF Payment 12/2/22 12/20/2022 20221223 195,000.00 CHECK 479585 TOTAL: 195,000.00 479586 12/23/2022 PRTD 118765 HENRY SCHEIN INC 29372729 11/22/2022 20221223 228.00 CHECK 479586 TOTAL: 228.00 479587 12/23/2022 PRTD 102079 HIGHVIEW PLUMBING INC 16725 11/23/2022 20221223 691.25 CHECK 479587 TOTAL: 691.25 479588 12/23/2022 PRTD 145307 HM CRAGG CO 0274336-IN 10/21/2022 20221223 952.65 CHECK 479588 TOTAL: 952.65 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 11 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479589 12/23/2022 PRTD 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC 564590 12/06/2022 20221223 1,413.10 HOHENSTEINS INC 564595 12/06/2022 20221223 75.50 HOHENSTEINS INC 564580 12/06/2022 20221223 3,316.95 HOHENSTEINS INC 564591 12/06/2022 20221223 359.80 HOHENSTEINS INC 564567 12/06/2022 20221223 1,021.60 HOHENSTEINS INC 564566 12/06/2022 20221223 81.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 566328 12/13/2022 20221223 -37.50 CHECK 479589 TOTAL: 6,230.45 479590 12/23/2022 PRTD 116680 HP INC 9016906085 11/19/2022 20221223 3,070.34 CHECK 479590 TOTAL: 3,070.34 479591 12/23/2022 PRTD 146427 LUCID BREWING LLC 15127 12/07/2022 20221223 100.00 LUCID BREWING LLC 15128 12/07/2022 20221223 134.00 CHECK 479591 TOTAL: 234.00 479592 12/23/2022 PRTD 146407 INGCO INTERNATIONAL 602933 11/28/2022 20221223 1,000.00 CHECK 479592 TOTAL: 1,000.00 479593 12/23/2022 PRTD 100828 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC 11/2022 11/30/2022 20221223 32.76 CHECK 479593 TOTAL: 32.76 479594 12/23/2022 PRTD 100828 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC UTILITIES-11/2022 11/25/2022 20221223 61.36 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC FACILITIES-11/2022 11/25/2022 20221223 156.57 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC STREETS-11/2022 11/25/2022 20221223 77.98 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC ELEC-11/2022 11/25/2022 20221223 17.16 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC EQUIP OPS-11/2022 11/25/2022 20221223 177.58 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC PARKS-11/2022 11/25/2022 20221223 288.72 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 12 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC POLICE-11/2022 11/25/2022 20221223 93.02 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC FIRE-11/2022 11/25/2022 20221223 122.14 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC ARENA-11/2022 11/25/2022 22200056 20221223 1,903.66 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC UTILITIES-11/2022-1 11/25/2022 20221223 11.24 CHECK 479594 TOTAL: 2,909.43 479595 12/23/2022 PRTD 150045 JOHNNIE-0 INC 1101595 11/25/2022 20221223 611.60 CHECK 479595 TOTAL: 611.60 479596 12/23/2022 PRTD 100835 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 349265 12/06/2022 20221223 -316.75 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3575716 12/08/2022 20221223 161.50 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3575715 12/08/2022 20221223 2,217.95 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3575717 12/08/2022 20221223 2,796.05 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3575718 12/08/2022 20221223 2,429.10 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 350370 12/05/2022 20221223 -329.80 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3574813 12/02/2022 20221223 1,771.10 CHECK 479596 TOTAL: 8,729.15 479597 12/23/2022 PRTD 100835 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6505860 12/02/2022 20221223 7,897.50 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6505859 12/02/2022 20221223 3,542.63 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6505861 12/02/2022 20221223 2,239.92 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6504941 12/02/2022 20221223 275.26 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6504942 12/02/2022 20221223 3,108.26 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510154 12/08/2022 20221223 605.54 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510157 12/08/2022 20221223 158.85 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510158 12/08/2022 20221223 89.10 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510153 12/08/2022 20221223 166.85 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510164 12/08/2022 20221223 620.34 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 13 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510159 12/08/2022 20221223 724.05 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510171 12/08/2022 20221223 1,787.23 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510168 12/08/2022 20221223 109.85 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510169 12/08/2022 20221223 623.70 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510170 12/08/2022 20221223 716.30 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510160 12/08/2022 20221223 458.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510163 12/08/2022 20221223 1,964.26 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510161 12/08/2022 20221223 1,728.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510162 12/08/2022 20221223 83.85 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510155 12/08/2022 20221223 1,102.85 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6510156 12/08/2022 20221223 886.75 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 685501 12/02/2022 20221223 -10.08 CHECK 479597 TOTAL: 28,879.81 479598 12/23/2022 PRTD 100835 WINE MERCHANTS 7407310 12/08/2022 20221223 337.50 WINE MERCHANTS 7407312 12/08/2022 20221223 3,021.68 WINE MERCHANTS 7407311 12/08/2022 20221223 4,248.95 WINE MERCHANTS 7407308 12/08/2022 20221223 270.00 WINE MERCHANTS 7407309 12/08/2022 20221223 780.05 CHECK 479598 TOTAL: 8,658.18 479599 12/23/2022 PRTD 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190728 12/01/2022 20221223 15,127.21 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2190739 12/01/2022 20221223 10,412.74 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2191791 12/02/2022 20221223 217.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 231525 11/30/2022 20221223 -224.32 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 231109 11/23/2022 20221223 -54.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195740 12/08/2022 20221223 1,068.17 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 14 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195742 12/08/2022 20221223 2,446.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195743 12/08/2022 20221223 397.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195745 12/08/2022 20221223 65.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 219937 09/22/2022 20221223 -3.33 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195750 12/08/2022 20221223 1,358.79 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195748 12/08/2022 20221223 3,493.81 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195764 12/08/2022 20221223 609.73 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195767 12/08/2022 20221223 1,551.24 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195757 12/08/2022 20221223 1,158.85 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195760 12/08/2022 20221223 4,443.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195747 12/08/2022 20221223 280.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195762 12/08/2022 20221223 1,085.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195765 12/08/2022 20221223 438.24 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195761 12/08/2022 20221223 983.04 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195766 12/08/2022 20221223 637.26 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195755 12/08/2022 20221223 133.35 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195756 12/08/2022 20221223 411.74 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195754 12/08/2022 20221223 2,170.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195753 12/08/2022 20221223 1,668.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195751 12/08/2022 20221223 715.02 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195744 12/08/2022 20221223 4.05 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195752 12/08/2022 20221223 2,621.26 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195749 12/08/2022 20221223 964.41 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195738 12/08/2022 20221223 152.88 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195739 12/08/2022 20221223 1,562.45 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195741 12/08/2022 20221223 565.40 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 15 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2195746 12/08/2022 20221223 836.15 CHECK 479599 TOTAL: 57,298.49 479600 12/23/2022 PRTD 145396 JUNKYARD BREWING COMPANY LLC 004998 12/06/2022 20221223 218.00 CHECK 479600 TOTAL: 218.00 479601 12/23/2022 PRTD 130789 KATZ, DAVID 1252 11/28/2022 20221223 1,156.00 CHECK 479601 TOTAL: 1,156.00 479602 12/23/2022 PRTD 103409 KELBRO COMPANY 2840652 12/08/2022 20221223 91.50 CHECK 479602 TOTAL: 91.50 479603 12/23/2022 PRTD 124002 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 23023790 10/31/2022 20221223 8,809.94 CHECK 479603 TOTAL: 8,809.94 479604 12/23/2022 PRTD 116776 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 86129 04/05/2021 20221223 190.00 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 87532 08/29/2021 20221223 195.00 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 87515 08/27/2021 20221223 220.00 CHECK 479604 TOTAL: 605.00 479605 12/23/2022 PRTD 139451 LANDBRIDGE ECOLOGICAL INC 1667 11/23/2022 20221223 800.00 CHECK 479605 TOTAL: 800.00 479606 12/23/2022 PRTD 101220 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 03-936853 08/30/2022 20221223 250.81 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 03-940477 09/15/2022 20221223 421.12 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 03-947938 10/13/2022 20221223 582.21 CHECK 479606 TOTAL: 1,254.14 479607 12/23/2022 PRTD 101220 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 03-957434 11/22/2022 22200062 20221223 63,703.13 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 16 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479607 TOTAL: 63,703.13 479608 12/23/2022 PRTD 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 368702 10/10/2022 20221223 60.00 CHECK 479608 TOTAL: 60.00 479609 12/23/2022 PRTD 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 40002474-12/22 12/05/2022 20221223 173,916.00 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 40002968-12/22 12/05/2022 20221223 254,866.00 CHECK 479609 TOTAL: 428,782.00 479610 12/23/2022 PRTD 135867 LIBATION PROJECT 52694 12/06/2022 20221223 330.00 LIBATION PROJECT 52693 12/06/2022 20221223 707.96 LIBATION PROJECT 52695 12/06/2022 20221223 504.04 LIBATION PROJECT 52696 12/06/2022 20221223 368.00 CHECK 479610 TOTAL: 1,910.00 479611 12/23/2022 PRTD 100858 LOGIS 52825 11/01/2022 20221223 31,174.00 CHECK 479611 TOTAL: 31,174.00 479612 12/23/2022 PRTD 135835 CENTURYLINK-ACCESS BILL 5142XLP6S3-2022312 11/08/2022 20221223 1,242.00 CHECK 479612 TOTAL: 1,242.00 479613 12/23/2022 PRTD 141916 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 49628 12/07/2022 20221223 138.00 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 49629 12/07/2022 20221223 156.70 CHECK 479613 TOTAL: 294.70 479614 12/23/2022 PRTD 102722 PEAVEY CORPORATION 395600 11/28/2022 20221223 46.00 CHECK 479614 TOTAL: 46.00 479615 12/23/2022 PRTD 134063 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 23805726 12/01/2022 20221223 5,916.98 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 23814702 12/05/2022 20221223 7,775.78 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 17 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479615 TOTAL: 13,692.76 479616 12/23/2022 PRTD 141215 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV881991 12/02/2022 20221223 1,738.02 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV885053 12/06/2022 20221223 568.98 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV885074 12/06/2022 20221223 366.96 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV885133 12/06/2022 20221223 573.00 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV885152 12/06/2022 20221223 573.00 CHECK 479616 TOTAL: 3,819.96 479617 12/23/2022 PRTD 101483 MENARDS 72600 11/23/2022 20221223 29.47 MENARDS 72607 11/23/2022 20221223 127.84 MENARDS 72477 11/21/2022 20221223 80.13 CHECK 479617 TOTAL: 237.44 479618 12/23/2022 PRTD 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 529902 10/31/2022 20221223 585.25 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 529297 10/31/2022 20221223 217.90 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 529876 10/28/2022 20221223 110.98 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 530108 11/17/2022 20221223 217.90 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC CM529297 11/02/2022 20221223 -217.90 CHECK 479618 TOTAL: 914.13 479619 12/23/2022 PRTD 145395 MILK AND HONEY LLC 11279 12/08/2022 20221223 136.00 CHECK 479619 TOTAL: 136.00 479620 12/23/2022 PRTD 101684 MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCI 13665 11/28/2022 20221223 478.00 MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCI 13537 11/28/2022 20221223 193.00 CHECK 479620 TOTAL: 671.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 18 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479621 12/23/2022 PRTD 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC E-37064 12/06/2022 20221223 116.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-37062 12/06/2022 20221223 420.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-37063 12/06/2022 20221223 170.00 CHECK 479621 TOTAL: 706.00 479622 12/23/2022 PRTD 132591 MUSKA ELECTRIC COMPANY 46982 11/22/2022 20221223 6,955.00 CHECK 479622 TOTAL: 6,955.00 479623 12/23/2022 PRTD 160072 NORTHERN AIR CORPORATION 205432 11/23/2022 20221223 380.00 CHECK 479623 TOTAL: 380.00 479624 12/23/2022 PRTD 100920 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 897415 11/23/2022 20221223 178.05 CHECK 479624 TOTAL: 178.05 479625 12/23/2022 PRTD 121233 NARDINI FIRE EQUIPMENT COMPANY IN IV00224462 11/22/2022 20221223 679.00 NARDINI FIRE EQUIPMENT COMPANY IN IV00224561 11/23/2022 20221223 552.00 CHECK 479625 TOTAL: 1,231.00 479626 12/23/2022 PRTD 136354 SAXON FLEET SERVICES 1001686-1 11/22/2022 22200031 20221223 49,558.00 CHECK 479626 TOTAL: 49,558.00 479627 12/23/2022 PRTD 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 197336 12/07/2022 20221223 644.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 197299 12/07/2022 20221223 170.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 197294 12/07/2022 20221223 967.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 197334 12/07/2022 20221223 586.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 197335 12/07/2022 20221223 218.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 192282 08/31/2022 20221223 506.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 192874 09/14/2022 20221223 867.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 19 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479627 TOTAL: 3,960.00 479628 12/23/2022 PRTD 160426 NOVACARE OUTPATIENT REHABILITATIO 846068740 11/22/2022 20221223 310.00 CHECK 479628 TOTAL: 310.00 479629 12/23/2022 PRTD 139023 NUSS TRUCK GROUP INC 7196955P 11/28/2022 20221223 294.71 CHECK 479629 TOTAL: 294.71 479630 12/23/2022 PRTD 160385 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC 280187560001 11/22/2022 20221223 62.12 CHECK 479630 TOTAL: 62.12 479631 12/23/2022 PRTD 160434 OILQUICK AMERICAS LLC INV01085 11/23/2022 20221223 713.19 CHECK 479631 TOTAL: 713.19 479632 12/23/2022 PRTD 141965 OMNI BREWING COMPANY LLC E-12930 12/02/2022 20221223 120.00 OMNI BREWING COMPANY LLC E-12956 12/06/2022 20221223 170.00 CHECK 479632 TOTAL: 290.00 479633 12/23/2022 PRTD 999995 Allied Partners ED180106-REFUND 12/12/2022 20221223 9,890.00 CHECK 479633 TOTAL: 9,890.00 479634 12/23/2022 PRTD 999995 Bellin Construction Services LLC ED183103-REFUND 12/12/2022 20221223 9,210.00 CHECK 479634 TOTAL: 9,210.00 479635 12/23/2022 PRTD 999995 JS Stewart Companies Inc ED199640-REFUND 12/09/2022 20221223 2,500.00 CHECK 479635 TOTAL: 2,500.00 479636 12/23/2022 PRTD 999995 NEMA INC ED188460-REFUND-2 12/16/2022 20221223 10,000.00 CHECK 479636 TOTAL: 10,000.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 20 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479637 12/23/2022 PRTD 999994 Lillie, Heidi 3037 12/06/2022 20221223 16.13 CHECK 479637 TOTAL: 16.13 479638 12/23/2022 PRTD 999994 OAKLAND PLUMBING ED201959-REFUND 12/02/2022 20221223 42.15 CHECK 479638 TOTAL: 42.15 479639 12/23/2022 PRTD 999994 Standard Heating & AC ED201706-REFUND 12/09/2022 20221223 144.54 CHECK 479639 TOTAL: 144.54 479640 12/23/2022 PRTD 999994 Twin City Fireplace ED201917-REFUND 12/07/2022 20221223 152.20 CHECK 479640 TOTAL: 152.20 479641 12/23/2022 PRTD 999996 Caspers, Judy 47163476-REFUND 11/14/2022 20221223 96.77 CHECK 479641 TOTAL: 96.77 479642 12/23/2022 PRTD 999996 Caspers, Judy 47163522-REFUND 11/14/2022 20221223 96.78 CHECK 479642 TOTAL: 96.78 479643 12/23/2022 PRTD 999997 Wutzke, Linda 00122374-12/15/2022 12/15/2022 20221223 318.01 CHECK 479643 TOTAL: 318.01 479644 12/23/2022 PRTD 100940 OWENS TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES INC 32262 11/28/2022 20221223 2,587.58 CHECK 479644 TOTAL: 2,587.58 479645 12/23/2022 PRTD 146766 CHOPS, INC 23EP0108 12/20/2022 20221223 150.00 CHECK 479645 TOTAL: 150.00 479646 12/23/2022 PRTD 100944 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 186576 12/07/2022 20221223 91.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 186581 12/06/2022 20221223 972.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 186577 12/06/2022 20221223 1,269.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 21 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 186574 12/06/2022 20221223 358.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 186580 12/06/2022 20221223 2,287.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 186586 12/06/2022 20221223 1,918.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 186575 12/06/2022 20221223 91.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 186599 12/06/2022 20221223 1,216.50 CHECK 479646 TOTAL: 8,204.00 479647 12/23/2022 PRTD 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 70204758 12/02/2022 20221223 1,011.75 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 84341354 12/05/2022 20221223 1,020.54 CHECK 479647 TOTAL: 2,032.29 479648 12/23/2022 PRTD 138081 PETERSON SALT & WATER TREATMENT 203348 11/23/2022 20221223 81.80 CHECK 479648 TOTAL: 81.80 479649 12/23/2022 PRTD 100958 PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL 7827597 11/22/2022 20221223 66.77 CHECK 479649 TOTAL: 66.77 479650 12/23/2022 PRTD 143468 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 0031124 12/08/2022 20221223 411.00 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 0031123 12/07/2022 20221223 621.00 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 0031125 12/07/2022 20221223 402.00 CHECK 479650 TOTAL: 1,434.00 479651 12/23/2022 PRTD 125979 PRECISE MRM LLC 200-1039805 11/24/2022 20221223 100.00 PRECISE MRM LLC 200-1039807 11/24/2022 20221223 975.00 CHECK 479651 TOTAL: 1,075.00 479652 12/23/2022 PRTD 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-47359 12/08/2022 20221223 160.00 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-47360 12/08/2022 20221223 320.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 22 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479652 TOTAL: 480.00 479653 12/23/2022 PRTD 160037 RACHEL CONTRACTING, LLC ENG 21032 #5 11/23/2022 20221223 449,854.53 CHECK 479653 TOTAL: 449,854.53 479654 12/23/2022 PRTD 133627 REPUBLIC SERVICES #894 3-0894-7000078 11/30/2022 20221223 46,467.99 CHECK 479654 TOTAL: 46,467.99 479655 12/23/2022 PRTD 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 86110 11/23/2022 20221223 340.00 CHECK 479655 TOTAL: 340.00 479656 12/23/2022 PRTD 160272 RODRIGUEZ, LOLITA OYAMOT 23EP0112 12/20/2022 20221223 250.00 CHECK 479656 TOTAL: 250.00 479657 12/23/2022 PRTD 101659 ORKIN 234069552 11/22/2022 20221223 32.10 ORKIN 232711532 10/25/2022 20221223 30.00 ORKIN 232711624 10/25/2022 20221223 30.00 ORKIN 232711849 10/25/2022 20221223 75.00 CHECK 479657 TOTAL: 167.10 479658 12/23/2022 PRTD 160255 SACHS, FRANK D 000152 11/04/2022 20221223 560.00 CHECK 479658 TOTAL: 560.00 479659 12/23/2022 PRTD 134173 SAFE-FAST INC INV269444 11/25/2022 20221223 349.75 CHECK 479659 TOTAL: 349.75 479660 12/23/2022 PRTD 100988 SAFETY KLEEN SYSTEMS INC R002874059 11/27/2022 20221223 124.21 CHECK 479660 TOTAL: 124.21 479661 12/23/2022 PRTD 141767 SALT SOURCE LLC 24046 11/10/2022 20221223 8,816.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 23 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479661 TOTAL: 8,816.50 479662 12/23/2022 PRTD 101431 SCAN AIR FILTER INC 156820 10/04/2022 20221223 1,125.90 SCAN AIR FILTER INC 156818 10/04/2022 20221223 147.89 SCAN AIR FILTER INC 156819 10/04/2022 20221223 1,267.80 CHECK 479662 TOTAL: 2,541.59 479663 12/23/2022 PRTD 120784 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 17639 10/01/2022 20221223 501.82 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 17648 09/30/2022 20221223 185.00 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 17653 10/07/2022 20221223 101.46 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 17573 09/30/2022 20221223 185.00 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 17805 11/23/2022 20221223 157.86 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 17821 11/23/2022 20221223 198.50 CHECK 479663 TOTAL: 1,329.64 479664 12/23/2022 PRTD 132195 SMALL LOT MN MN59811 12/06/2022 20221223 120.38 SMALL LOT MN MN59812 12/06/2022 20221223 120.38 CHECK 479664 TOTAL: 240.76 479665 12/23/2022 PRTD 139228 SILBAUGH, ANDREW DUANE 22EP1231 12/05/2022 20221223 750.00 CHECK 479665 TOTAL: 750.00 479666 12/23/2022 PRTD 100430 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55223226 11/12/2022 20221223 22.77 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55178410 11/09/2022 20221223 639.80 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55251914 11/15/2022 20221223 21.12 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55293899 11/18/2022 20221223 35.28 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55304325 11/18/2022 20221223 12.51 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/55337833 11/22/2022 20221223 173.70 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 24 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479666 TOTAL: 905.18 479667 12/23/2022 PRTD 127878 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287537 12/02/2022 20221223 134.98 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287538 12/02/2022 20221223 134.98 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287539 12/02/2022 20221223 134.98 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2287536 12/02/2022 20221223 947.43 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2288282 12/02/2022 20221223 699.84 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9467294 12/07/2022 20221223 -392.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289544 12/07/2022 20221223 1,411.38 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289543 12/07/2022 20221223 426.18 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289547 12/07/2022 20221223 252.71 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289545 12/07/2022 20221223 409.53 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289546 12/07/2022 20221223 376.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289530 12/07/2022 20221223 329.38 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289531 12/07/2022 20221223 770.98 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289533 12/07/2022 20221223 440.31 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289532 12/07/2022 20221223 496.04 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289534 12/07/2022 20221223 1,219.20 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289539 12/07/2022 20221223 113.60 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289541 12/07/2022 20221223 425.60 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289537 12/07/2022 20221223 136.51 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289542 12/07/2022 20221223 288.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289538 12/07/2022 20221223 4,435.08 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289536 12/07/2022 20221223 973.89 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289535 12/07/2022 20221223 232.58 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2289540 12/07/2022 20221223 1,178.31 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 25 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479667 TOTAL: 15,577.09 479668 12/23/2022 PRTD 119715 SPARTAN PROMOTIONAL GROUP 608646 11/15/2022 20221223 303.63 CHECK 479668 TOTAL: 303.63 479669 12/23/2022 PRTD 139006 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1270011-Q4-2022 12/09/2022 20221223 34,977.00 CHECK 479669 TOTAL: 34,977.00 479670 12/23/2022 PRTD 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 48210 12/07/2022 20221223 105.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 48211 12/07/2022 20221223 286.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 48209 12/06/2022 20221223 175.00 CHECK 479670 TOTAL: 566.00 479671 12/23/2022 PRTD 101015 STREICHERS INC I1601894 11/22/2022 20221223 219.98 CHECK 479671 TOTAL: 219.98 479672 12/23/2022 PRTD 133750 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION 3963698 M/3961827 M 11/22/2022 22200069 20221223 14,394.93 CHECK 479672 TOTAL: 14,394.93 479673 12/23/2022 PRTD 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC 10190996 11/22/2022 20221223 3,302.80 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC 10189990 10/20/2022 20221223 456.72 CHECK 479673 TOTAL: 3,759.52 479674 12/23/2022 PRTD 160147 WILKES, JOHN 23EP0115 12/20/2022 20221223 150.00 CHECK 479674 TOTAL: 150.00 479675 12/23/2022 PRTD 119864 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447335394 11/10/2022 20221223 878.33 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447346579 11/17/2022 20221223 636.63 CHECK 479675 TOTAL: 1,514.96 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 26 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479676 12/23/2022 PRTD 106673 TAPCO I741625 11/23/2022 20221223 97.19 TAPCO I741665 11/23/2022 20221223 523.39 CHECK 479676 TOTAL: 620.58 479677 12/23/2022 PRTD 104932 TAYLOR MADE 36310301 11/22/2022 20221223 176.80 CHECK 479677 TOTAL: 176.80 479678 12/23/2022 PRTD 132051 RICHARD ALAN PRODUCTIONS 23EP0126 12/20/2022 20221223 300.00 CHECK 479678 TOTAL: 300.00 479679 12/23/2022 PRTD 123470 TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT/KIDSDANCE PRO 8131-1 12/07/2022 20221223 900.00 CHECK 479679 TOTAL: 900.00 479680 12/23/2022 PRTD 104064 TRANS UNION LLC 11208888 11/25/2022 20221223 10.56 CHECK 479680 TOTAL: 10.56 479681 12/23/2022 PRTD 138581 TRUST IN US LLC 96282 11/22/2022 20221223 30.00 CHECK 479681 TOTAL: 30.00 479682 12/23/2022 PRTD 101360 TWIN CITY HARDWARE COMPANY INC PSI2158067 11/23/2022 20221223 250.00 CHECK 479682 TOTAL: 250.00 479683 12/23/2022 PRTD 160317 ARTINA GROUP 77555 11/28/2022 20221223 133.08 CHECK 479683 TOTAL: 133.08 479684 12/23/2022 PRTD 145567 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2199 12/07/2022 20221223 168.00 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2201 12/07/2022 20221223 176.70 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2198 12/07/2022 20221223 112.00 CHECK 479684 TOTAL: 456.70 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 27 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 479685 12/23/2022 PRTD 160436 BENJAMIN HUGUS E-3396 12/06/2022 20221223 285.66 BENJAMIN HUGUS E-3395 12/06/2022 20221223 491.75 BENJAMIN HUGUS E-3206-2 12/06/2022 20221223 138.00 BENJAMIN HUGUS E-3206-1 12/06/2022 20221223 170.58 CHECK 479685 TOTAL: 1,085.99 479686 12/23/2022 PRTD 101354 USGA 2023 MEMBERSHIP 12/07/2022 20221223 150.00 CHECK 479686 TOTAL: 150.00 479687 12/23/2022 PRTD 100050 USPS 690131 12/19/2022 20221223 5,105.72 CHECK 479687 TOTAL: 5,105.72 479688 12/23/2022 PRTD 100050 USPS 690134 12/20/2022 20221223 7,247.19 CHECK 479688 TOTAL: 7,247.19 479689 12/23/2022 PRTD 115380 VARITECH INDUSTRIES INC 060-1025242 11/28/2022 20221223 585.30 CHECK 479689 TOTAL: 585.30 479690 12/23/2022 PRTD 160088 VINIFERA IMPORTS 326226 12/07/2022 20221223 209.00 VINIFERA IMPORTS 326227 12/07/2022 20221223 209.00 CHECK 479690 TOTAL: 418.00 479691 12/23/2022 PRTD 119454 VINOCOPIA INC 0319281-IN 12/08/2022 20221223 155.75 VINOCOPIA INC 0319283-IN 12/08/2022 20221223 988.50 VINOCOPIA INC 0319285-IN 12/08/2022 20221223 882.00 VINOCOPIA INC 0319286-IN 12/08/2022 20221223 1,099.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0319282-IN 12/08/2022 20221223 628.50 VINOCOPIA INC 0319284-IN 12/08/2022 20221223 251.08 VINOCOPIA INC 0319331-IN 12/08/2022 20221223 329.75 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 28 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET VINOCOPIA INC 0319288-IN 12/08/2022 20221223 533.00 VINOCOPIA INC 0319289-IN 12/08/2022 20221223 145.25 CHECK 479691 TOTAL: 5,013.08 479692 12/23/2022 PRTD 103088 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN 0098478-2808-5 12/01/2022 20221223 4,468.81 CHECK 479692 TOTAL: 4,468.81 479693 12/23/2022 PRTD 101033 WINE COMPANY 222285 12/07/2022 20221223 160.00 WINE COMPANY 222284 12/07/2022 20221223 1,948.10 WINE COMPANY 222288 12/07/2022 20221223 333.10 WINE COMPANY 222287 12/07/2022 20221223 1,406.35 WINE COMPANY 222300 12/07/2022 20221223 1,634.10 WINE COMPANY 222299 12/07/2022 20221223 462.00 WINE COMPANY 222286 12/07/2022 20221223 915.00 WINE COMPANY 222297 12/07/2022 20221223 160.00 CHECK 479693 TOTAL: 7,018.65 479694 12/23/2022 PRTD 124503 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 237250 01 11/22/2022 20221223 131.63 CHECK 479694 TOTAL: 131.63 479695 12/23/2022 PRTD 142162 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 3936 12/08/2022 20221223 110.70 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 3935 12/08/2022 20221223 191.10 CHECK 479695 TOTAL: 301.80 479696 12/23/2022 PRTD 160299 WOODEN SHIP BREWING COMPANY 000257 12/07/2022 20221223 176.40 CHECK 479696 TOTAL: 176.40 479697 12/23/2022 PRTD 105740 WSB & ASSOCIATES R-021139-000-2 10/31/2022 20221223 3,296.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 12/22/2022 12:54User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 29 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 479697 TOTAL: 3,296.00 479698 12/23/2022 PRTD 160546 YANNIE, MARK 23EP0122 12/20/2022 20221223 150.00 CHECK 479698 TOTAL: 150.00 479699 12/23/2022 PRTD 160573 YELLOW DOG SOFTWARE LLC INV-019321 12/14/2022 20221223 6,380.00 CHECK 479699 TOTAL: 6,380.00 479700 12/23/2022 PRTD 101091 ZIEGLER INC IN000782348 11/22/2022 20221223 1,520.00 CHECK 479700 TOTAL: 1,520.00 NUMBER OF CHECKS 178 *** CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL *** 2,411,670.68 COUNT AMOUNT TOTAL PRINTED CHECKS 178 2,411,670.68 *** GRAND TOTAL *** 2,411,670.68 Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2023-01: Designating Official Newspaper for 2023 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2023-01 designating the Edina Sun-Current as the official newspaper. INTRODUCTION: Staff recommends Council designate the Edina Sun-Current as the official newspaper of the City of Edina for 2023. All published public notices are posted on the Sun-Current's website www.current.mnsun.com, at no additional charge. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2023-01: Designating Official Newspaper for 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-01 DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the Edina Sun-Current is hereby designated as the Official Newspaper for the City of Edina for the year 2023. Passed and adopted this 3rd day of January, 2023. Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 3. 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _________ day of ___________________, 2023. City Clerk Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2023-02: Signatory Resolution Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Signatory Resolution No. 2023-02 authorizing Mayor, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the City of Edina to act for the City in transacting banking business. INTRODUCTION: At the first Council meeting of the year, the Council must adopt a Signatory Resolution authorizing the persons holding office as Mayor, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Treasurer, and Deputy Treasurer of the City to act for the City in transacting banking business with the City’s named banks. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2023-02: Signatory RESOLUTION NO. 2023-02 SIGNATORY RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that persons holding office as Mayor, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the City of Edina, be, and they hereby are authorized to act for this municipality in the transaction of any banking business with U.S. Bank, Crown Bank and Tradition Capital Bank, (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank") from time to time and until written notice to any Bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said accounts, which checks will be signed by the Mayor, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer. Each Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks against such account if signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the City, including the signers of the check. Dated: January 3, 2023 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 3, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _______ day of __________________, 2023. City Clerk Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2023-03: Designating Official Depositories Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2023-03 designating depositories for the public funds of the City of Edina. INTRODUCTION: At its first regular Council meeting of the year, a resolution designating official depositories for public funds of the City of Edina must be approved. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2023-03: Designating Official Depositories RESOLUTION NO. 2023-03 DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES BE IT RESOLVED, that U.S. Bank, Crown Bank and Tradition Capital Bank, are hereby authorized to do banking business in Minnesota, be and are hereby designated as Official Depositories for the Public Funds of the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota until January 1, 2024. Dated: January 3, 2023 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 3, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _________ day of ___________________, 2023. City Clerk Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.F. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2023-04: Designation of Director and Alternate Director of LOGIS Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2023-04 designating director and alternate director of LOGIS. INTRODUCTION: The Council must designate a Director and Alternate Director of LOGIS each year. Staff recommends Ryan Browning and Alisha McAndrews act in this capacity. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2023-04: Designation of Director and Alternate Director of LOGIS RESOLUTION NO. 2023-04 DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO LOGIS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Ryan Browning is hereby designated to serve as a Director of LOGIS, and Alisha McAndrews is hereby designated to serve as Alternate Director of LOGIS for the year 2023 and until their successors are appointed. Dated: January 3, 2023 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 3, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______ day of ___________________, 2023. City Clerk Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.G. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2023-05: Designation of Director and Alternate Director of Suburban Rate Authority Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2023-05 designating Director and Alternate Director of the Suburban Rate Authority. INTRODUCTION: The Council must designate a Director and Alternate Director to the Suburban Rate Authority each year. Staff recommends Brian Olson, and Alisha McAndrews act in this capacity. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2023-05: Designation of Director and Alternate Director of Suburban Rate Authority RESOLUTION NO. 2023-05 DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Brian Olson is hereby designated to serve as a Director of the Suburban Rate Authority and Alisha McAndrews is hereby designated to serve as Alternate Director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 2023 and until their successors are appointed. Dated: January 3, 2023 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 3, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _______ day of ___________________, 2023. City Clerk Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.H. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2023-06: Authorizing Facsimile Signatures by Public Officials Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2023-06 authorizing the use of facsimile signatures by public officials. INTRODUCTION: The Council must adopt a Resolution authorizing the use of facsimile signatures by the Mayor, Treasurer, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Deputy Treasurer on checks, drafts, warrants, vouchers, etc., or other orders by public funds deposited with the City's banks. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2023-06: Authorizing Facsimile Signatures by Public Officials RESOLUTION NO. 2023-06 AUTHORIZING USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS RESOLVED that the use of facsimile signatures by the following named persons: JAMES B. HOVLAND - Mayor ALISHA MCANDREWS - Treasurer SCOTT H. NEAL - City Manager LISA SCHAEFER - Assistant City Manager PA THAO - Deputy Treasurer on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant-checks, vouchers or other orders of public funds deposited in U.S. Bank, Crown Bank and Tradition Capital Bank be and hereby are approved, and that each of said persons may authorize said depository banks to honor any such instrument bearing his facsimile signature in such form as he may designate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drawn as fully as though it bore his manually written signature and that instruments so honored shall be wholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without his authority. Dated: January 3, 2023 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 3, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ________ day of ___________________, 2023. City Clerk Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.I. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2023-09: Approving Mayor's Appointment of the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the City of Edina Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2023-09 approving Mayor's appointment of the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the City of Edina. INTRODUCTION: Minnesota Statute 469 describes the appointment procedures for municipal Housing & Redevelopment Authorities (HRA). HRA commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council to serve up to five-year, staggered terms. An HRA may consist of up to seven members who are residents of the city. It is not uncommon for a City Council to serve as the HRA, and that has been Edina's past practice. This practice is called out in the By-Laws of the Edina HRA. The attached Resolution appoints the two officials to the HRA for terms that are coterminous with each Council Member's term on the City Council. Staff recommends that Council reaffirm the practice of appointing the Council to serve as HRA by formally approving the Mayor's appointment. In addition, staff also recommends that the Council affirm the practice of making the terms of the HRA Members coterminous with their terms on the City Council. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2023-09: Appointing Commissioners to HRA RESOLUTION NO. 2023-09 APPROVING MAYOR’S APPOINTMENT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the “City”), as follows: 1. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.003, Subdivision 5 and 6, the Mayor has submitted for the City Council’s consideration the appointment of the following members to the Authority: Kate Agnew and Julie Risser. 2. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.003, Subdivision 6, the City Council hereby approves the appointment of two Commissioners of the Authority for terms of such office which coincide with their terms of office as members of the City Council, respectively. 3. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.003, Subdivision 7, the City Clerk (a) shall file the originals of such certificates of appointment in the office of the City Manager and (b) shall file in the office of the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development a certified copy of this Resolution and a certified copy of the above-mentioned certificates of appointment. Adopted by the Edina City Council this 3rd day of January, 2023. Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN (SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 3, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ________ day of ___________________, 2023. City Clerk Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.J. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Annual Appointment of Assistant Weed Inspector Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Appoint Tom Swenson, Assistant Director of P arks and Natural Resources, as Assistant Weed Inspector for calendar year 2023. INTRODUCTION: The Assistant Weed Inspector enforces the City of Edina's City Code Chapter 30, Maintenance of Vegetation. Primarily, the Assistant Weed Inspector identifies and eradicates noxious weeds as defined by the State Commission of Agriculture and mandated by Minnesota Statues, and identify and cut turf grasses and weeds that exceed 10 inches in height. Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.K. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Jessica V. Wilson, CFM, Water Resources Manager Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Change Order #1 Mill Pond Aquatic Vegetation Management Site Visits Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase Change Order #1 Mill Pond Aquatic Vegetation Management to add two additional site visits in 2023, increasing the contract with Lakes Aquatic Weed Removal by $19,690.00. INTRODUCTION: The request for additional site visits is requested by the Mill Pond Association. The cost for this service is special assessed. ATTACHMENTS: Description Mill Pond Change Order 1 Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.L. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Approve Out-of-State Travel for Mayor Hovland Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve out-of-state travel for Mayor Hovland for Jan. 18-20, 2023, to attend the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C. INTRODUCTION: Mayor Hovland requests approval from the City Council, per the City’s Elected Official Out-of-State Travel Policy, to attend the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C., from Jan. 18-20. The estimated cost is $3,000. The City Manager has confirmed that sufficient funds for this expense are included in the City's 2023 budget. Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.M. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Traffic Safety Report of November 29, 2022 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Traffic Safety Report of November 29, 2022. INTRODUCTION: The Transportation Commission reviewed the report at their December 15 regular meeting; comments are included in the attached staff report. ATTACHMENTS: Description Traffic Safety Report of November 29, 2022 January 3, 2022 Mayor and City Council Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of November 29, 2022 Information / Background: The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on November 29. The Traffic Safety Coordinator, City Engineer, Streets Public Service Worker, Transportation Planner, Public Works Director and Assistant City Planner were in attendance for this meeting. The Police Sergeant was not able to attend but were informed of the decisions and had no objections to the recommendations. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can submit correspondence to the Transportation Commission and/or to City Council prior to the January 3 regular meeting. Section A: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends action A1. Request to improve crossing visibility at Southview Ln and Sherwood Ave • Concerned for crossing visibility at school. • Crosswalk connects to east side of Sherwood. • Parking allowed west of crosswalk. • Requesting removing 1-2 parking spaces west of south pedestrian ramp. • Request to improve crosswalk treatment – follows current warrant. • 2021 AADT 4815. • No reported crashes at intersection. • ETC advised further review citing a state statute restricting parking adjacent to crosswalks. Staff recommends installing an additional sign to restrict parking 20’ west of crosswalk. Staff will remove parking lane striping within this segment in 2023. Southview Ln facing east at Sherwood Ave STAFF REPORT Page 2 A2. Request to add a parking restriction sign along Arcadia Ave • Parking is restricted on entire east side of Arcadia. • Police have noticed Hilltop customers parking on east side of Arcadia. • Signs range from 220-250’ apart. • Sign located directly east of Gus Young Ln is blocked by vegetation. Staff recommends clearing vegetation blocking signs in the area and installing an additional parking restriction sign directly north of the Hilltop driveway to clarify the restrictions. Section B: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends no action B1. Request for wayfinding signs for Meetinghouse Church (6200 Colonial Way) • Meetinghouse Church (formerly Colonial Church) requested directional signage at Colonial Way/Olinger Blvd and Colonial Way/Tracy Ave. • Meetinghouse Church abuts Olinger Blvd and Colonial Way. Staff recommends no action as the City does not provide directional signage for private properties. The church was notified directional signage is permitted on private property but is restricted to four square feet per sign. B2. Review use of GreenStep City signage at entrance points • Sustainability Division requested installation of signs to promote the City’s participation in this recognition program. • Each sign is 2’ x 2’. • Signs can be purchased through MnDOT and installed along highways, county roads, or local streets. Staff recommends no action as the City does not install signage for other recognition programs (Bike-Friendly Community, Tree City USA, etc.). Staff recommends promoting Edina’s participation in this program through other means. Meetinghouse Church sign along Olinger Blvd Arcadia Ave GreenStep City sign STAFF REPORT Page 3 Section C: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends further study C1. Review school zone designation on W 54th St for Agamim Classical Academy (5300 France Ave) • School property abuts France Ave, 54th St. • Access to school parking lot is off 54th St. • 54th St speed limit is 25 mph. • State statute definition of school speed zone: "school zone" means that section of a street or highway which abuts the grounds of a school where children have access to the street or highway from the school property or where an established school crossing is located provided the school advance sign…is in place. Staff recommends studying pedestrian crossings near the school in spring 2023 to determine if marked crossing and/or school speed zone is warranted. C2. Request for signage improvements for all-way stop at W 42nd St at Oakdale Ave/Monterey Ave • Neighbors near intersection witness eastbound vehicles failing to stop at Oakdale. • Requesting ways to raise stop sign awareness i. Stop bar- Studies show only provide benefit when sight lines impacted from minor street. ii. Red sign-post strip- MnDOT uses only in rural approaches to 2-lane highways. iii. Added crosswalk- does not meet warrants for controlled or uncontrolled intersections. • W 42nd ADT is 1,700. • Oakdale/Monterey are offset by 55’. • Sidewalk on north side of W 42nd. • No crashes reported at intersection in last 10 years. • The Transportation Commission recommends collecting additional data on stop sign compliance, enhancing the existing stop signs with flags, reviewing the request again after street reconstruction and reporting back to the Commission no later than the January 2023 meeting. Staff will review existing stop sign compliance. W 42nd St will be narrowed to 27’ as part of street reconstruction in 2023. Police will also consider additional enforcement in this area. Agamim Classical Academy W 42nd St at Oakdale/Monterey STAFF REPORT Page 4 Section D: Other traffic safety items handled D1. A request for improved safety treatments at the crosswalk over Gleason Rd at McCauley Tr. The current treatment is consistent with City policy. D2. A request was made to improve stop compliance along Gleason Rd at Creek Valley Rd, Valley View Rd, Schey Dr and Dewey Hill Rd. Police were requested to add patrol to these intersections. D3. A submission was made concerning added traffic delays during a project adjacent to Eden Ave and Wilson Rd. The requestor was advised to plan for additional travel time through this area for the duration of the construction or utilize alternative routes. D4. Two concerns were submitted regarding low-hanging wires from utility poles. The companies who own the equipment were contacted and resolved the issues. D5. A submission was made for the City to educate drivers about utilizing roundabouts properly. City staff is working on this task as the number of roundabouts within Edina is steadily increasing. D6. A complaint was submitted regarding an RRFB button was not working at W 66th St and West Shore Dr. Public Works resolved the issue. D7. A resident submitted a complaint regarding vehicles speeding and failing to stop at the intersection of W 56th St and Code Ave. Police were requested to add patrol to this area. D8. A resident was concerned with queuing vehicles near Our Lady of Grace School. Staff continues to communicate concerns with OLG and seek solutions. The resident was advised to use other routes or adjust their travel times around school pick-up/drop-off. D9. A request was submitted for traffic signals at Tracy Ave and Highway 62. MnDOT supports a single-lane roundabout system at this interchange. City and MnDOT staff will review timing and funding for such a project. D10. A complaint was submitted regarding a closed sidewalk on W 70th St impacting student safety. The closure was temporary due to utility work and has since been lifted. D11. A request was made for a pedestrian bridge over I-494 at France Ave. This area is under Bloomington, Hennepin County and MnDOT agencies. The resident was informed of this and provided necessary contact information. Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2023-08: Accepting Donations Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2023-08 accepting donations. INTRODUCTION: To comply with State Statute, all donations to the City must be accepted by resolution and approved by two- thirds majority of the Council. See attached resolution with list of donations. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2023-08: Accepting Donations RESOLUTION NO. 2023-08 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed grants and donations on behalf of its citizens. Police Department  Edina Crime Prevention Fund $7,434.99 Mavic 3 Drone Purchase  Edina Crime Prevention Fund $3,609.55 Community Engagement Promotional Items  Little Memorial Hospice Inc $1,750.00 General use Dated: January 3, 2023 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 3, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _______ day of ___________________, 2023. City Clerk Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VII.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Appointment of Acting Mayor Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Appoint Council Member _____ Acting Mayor for 2023. INTRODUCTION: The position of Acting Mayor is an annual appointment by the City Council to serve in official and ceremonial capacities when the Mayor is unavailable or incapacitated. The appointment of Acting Mayor is made by majority vote of the Council. The current Acting Mayor is Council Member Staunton. Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VII.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Appointment of Members to School City Partnership Committee Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Appoint Council Members ______ and ______ to the School City Partnership Committee. INTRODUCTION: The committee is comprised of representatives from the Edina Public Schools Board and the City Council. The mission of the committee is to manage the overall relationship between the City of Edina and Edina Public Schools and to discuss matters of mutual concern. There are three members from the School Board plus the School Superintendent. There are two members from the City Council plus the City Manager. The City’s current members are Council Member Anderson and Council Member Jackson. Meeting times and frequency are not set yet but are generally two to three times each year. Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VII.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Appointment to the Southwest Cable Commission Board Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Appoint Council Member _______ to the Southwest Cable Commission Board. INTRODUCTION: The mission of the Southwest Cable Commission is to provide local regulation and management of the cable television franchises that operate in the five member cities. T he five cities in the commission are Hopkins, Richfield, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka and Edina. The board of directors of the commission is comprised of the city manager and an elected municipal official from each member city. The City’s current board representatives on the commission are Council Member Jackson and me. The board meets twice each year, typically in April and October, to manage the cable television franchise and to discuss matters of mutual concern. Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VII.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Appointment to Board of the I-494 Corridor Commission Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Appoint Council Member _________ to the I-494 Corridor Commission. INTRODUCTION: The City Council is authorized to appoint a Member of the City Council to the I-494 Corridor Commission. The Commission is comprised of elected officials and staff from Eden P rairie, Edina, Bloomington and Richfield. T he group encourages economic growth, improved mobility and reduced traffic congestion by providing commuter resources and advocating for infrastructure and transit improvements along the corridor. T he City’s current representative on this commission is Council Member P ierce. Meeting location/commitment: Bi-quarterly, Wednesdays 8-9:30am (one virtual meeting and one in-person meeting at Eden P rairie City Center per quarter) Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VII.F. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Appointment to I-494: Airport to Highway 169 Project Advisory Committee Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Appoint Council Members _______ and _______ to the I-494: Airport to Highway 169 P roject Policy Advisory Committee (PAC). INTRODUCTION: The PAC is comprised of elected officials from the project area (Bloomington, Richfield, Edina, Hennepin County, Metropolitan Council, state senators/representatives). Their major responsibility is to provide guidance and concurrence on decision points and major milestones for the I-494: Airport to Highway 169 project. Edina’s current representatives are Council Member Pierce, Council Member Anderson and Council Member Staunton. For purposes of managing our Open Meetings Law vulnerabilities, I recommend appointing two instead of three members to this committee. Meeting location/commitment: Quarterly, 10-11am, virtual (Teams) Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VII.G. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Cary Teague, Community Development Director Item Activity: Subject:Sketch Plan Review for 5201 Grandview Lane Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: No action requested. Provide the applicant non-binding feedback on a potential future development application. INTRODUCTION: The City Council is asked to consider a sketch plan request to tear down the existing duplex at 5201 Grandview Lane and build a 3-unit townhome. Two units would gain access off Grandview Lane and the other off 52nd Avenue South. (See attached applicant narrative and plans.) The subject property is zoned R-2, Double Dwelling unit District. T he site is guided low density attached residential, which allows between 4-8 units per acre. T he property is 12,938 square feet in size. The proposed density is 10 units per acre. The request would require the following: A Comprehensive P lan Amendment to re-guide the site from low density attached to medium density, which would allow up to 12 units per acre; and A Rezoning from R-2, Single-Dwelling Unit District to PRD-3, P lanned Residential District-3, and multiple variances including setbacks on all sides, building coverage and lot area per unit. ATTACHMENTS: Description Planning Commission Staff Memo Applicant Narrative Proposed Plans Staff Presentation Affordable Housing Manager Memo Site Location, Zoning, & Comp. Plan Required Setbacks City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: December 14, 2022 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review – 5201 Grandview Lane The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan request to tear down the existing duplex at 5201 Grandview Lane and build a 3-unit townhome. Two units would gain access off Grandview Lane and the other off 52nd Avenue South. (See attached applicant narrative and plans.) The subject property is zoned R-2, Double Dwelling unit District. The site is guided low density attached residential, which allows between 4-8 units per acre. The property is 12,938 square feet in size. The proposed density is 10 units per acre. The request would require the following:  A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re-guide the site from low density attached to medium density, which would allow up to 12 units per acre; and  A Rezoning from R-2, Single-Dwelling Unit District to PRD-3, Planned Residential District-3, and multiple variances including setbacks on all sides, building coverage and lot area per unit. The table on the following page is a compliance table demonstrating how the proposed new building would and would not comply with a PRD-3, Planned Residential Development-3 standards on the lot. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Compliance Table City Standard (PRD-3) Comprehensive Plan Proposed Front – Grandview Lane Front – 52nd Ave. South Side – South Rear 35 feet 35 feet 20 feet 35 feet 30 feet* 17 feet* 10 feet* 30 feet* Building Height 2.5 stories or 35 feet 2.5 stories Building Coverage .30 .34* Lot Area per Dwelling Unit 4,400 s.f. 4,312 s.f.* Density Allowed (units allowed on the site) 8 units per acre (2 units) 10 units per acre** (3 units**) *Variances required **Comprehensive Plan Amendment Required Highlights/Issues:  Affordable Housing. The average market value for the two units that exist on the site is $328,000, therefore, the units are considered naturally occurring affordable housing. The proposal would remove these units and replace them with market rate housing. (See attached memo from the affordable housing development manager.)  The properties to the west and south contain duplexes that are zoned R-2, Double Dwelling Unit District. The property to the east is zoned PRD-3, and guided medium density housing. (See attached Zoning Map & Comprehensive Land Use Plan).  Density/Comprehensive Plan. Increased density was not considered for this site as part of the recent Comprehensive Plan Update. While the proposal would add only one unit over the two lots, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment would still be required.  The proposal requires variances for all setbacks, lot area and building coverage, indicating the proposed increase in density is too much for the site and not appropriate as proposed. The plans should be revised to meet setback and building coverage requirements. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424  Staff would suggest that this entire block of Grandview Lane could be considered as a potential future area of change and studied further within the next Comprehensive Plan Update. Re-guiding this entire area to medium density residential could be considered at that time, as it would be consistent with medium density designations to the east and west. D o n n a y H o m e s, I n c. 9655 – 63rd Avenue North, Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369 Builder #594838, #594839 Date: November 15, 2022 Re: Grandview Lane Redevelopment 5201 Grandview Lane. PID 2811721330019 Background: Proposal: Project is a total of 3 townhome units on the subject property in 1 – 3 unit building. Submittal description: • Adjacent Properties are a mix of R-1, R-2, PRD-3 o Adjacent Uses are Low-, Medium- and High Density Residential • Unit count is 3. o Current Density is 6.7u/a o Project Density is 10u/a, but the increase in units is 1. o We will request Rezoning to PRD-3 and update the Comprehensive Plan to Medium Density. o Total Hardcover is 43.3%. o Building (Structural) Hardcover is 28.8% • Building is 1 – 3-unit Building. o Building offers reasonable side setback distances of 10-feet to the adjacent property line and 20- feet to 52nd street. o Rear Setback is 30-feet to the accessory decks. o Building would be built as a Walkout as the lot slopes to the rear. • Building Elevations are as shown. o Siding is a quality Composite product LP or equal. o ‘Stone’ accents are a composite stone product. o Material Board can be provided at PC and Council o Exterior finishes are the same as what we have used in many projects throughout the Edina area. See image Above. • Unit Pricing is estimated to start in the $600’s. (Building in the images below is a previously constructed twin home at 54th and Drew Ave So, Edina) Finish Options • Building information o Units have a full-sized 2-car garage o Units are Multi-level, with unfinished basement options offering a variety of finishes o Basement finishes are available from the builder, or can be done in the future by the owner o Units may have up to 4 bedrooms and 3 baths Conclusion: Donnay Homes is confident the redevelopment of this properties will enhance the neighborhood, offering a type of housing in short supply, help address a lack of Missing Middle housing in Edina, and modestly increase density of the neighborhood. The addition of this new building continues the redevelopment begun at Grandview Townhomes (at a more modest scale). • The neighborhood include a number of twin homes in the area, but also includes significant mid- and high-rise apartment buildings, as well as a strong retail presence along the Vernon Avenue Corridor. • Townhomes are an appropriate infill product in this area. • This neighborhood is walkable. It is adjacent to the Grandview Small Area. • Location provides the opportunity for new housing stock in an appropriate location. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Sketch Plan Review –5201 Grandview Lane www.EdinaMN.gov 2 www.EdinaMN.gov 3 Site Site www.EdinaMN.gov 4 Site www.EdinaMN.gov 5 www.EdinaMN.gov 6 www.EdinaMN.gov 7 www.EdinaMN.gov 8 www.EdinaMN.gov 9 www.EdinaMN.gov 10 City Standard (PRD-3) Comprehensive Plan Proposed Front –Grandview Lane Front –52nd Ave. South Side –South Rear 35 feet 35 feet 20 feet 35 feet 30 feet* 17 feet* 10 feet* 30 feet* Building Height 2.5 stories 2.5 stories Building Coverage .30 .34* Lot Area per Dwelling Unit 4,400 s.f.4,312 s.f.* Density Allowed (units allowed on the site) 8 units per acre (4 units) 10 units per acre** (3 units**) * Variances required ** Comprehensive Plan Amendment Required This Request Requires: EdinaMN.gov 11 ➢A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re-guide the site from low density attached to medium density, which would allow up to 12 units per acre; and ➢A Rezoning from R-2, Single-Dwelling Unit District to PRD-3, Planned Residential District-3, and multiple variances including setbacks on all sides, building coverage and lot area per unit. www.EdinaMN.gov 12 Required Setbacks Discussion/Sketch Plan Review EdinaMN.gov 13 ➢ Affordable Housing. The average market value for the four units that exist on the site is $328,000, therefore, the units are considered naturally occurring affordable housing. The proposal would remove these units and replace them with market rate housing. (See attached memo from the affordable housing development manager.) ➢ The properties to the west and south contain duplexes that are zoned R-2, Double Dwelling Unit District. The property to the east is zoned PRD-3, and guided medium density housing. (See attached Zoning Map & Comprehensive Land Use Plan). ➢ Density/Comprehensive Plan. Increased density was not considered for this site as part of the recent Comprehensive Plan Update. While the proposal would add only one unit over the two lots, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment would still be required. ➢ The proposal requires variances for all setbacks, lot area and building coverage, indicating the proposed increase in density is too much for the site and not appropriate. Discussion/Sketch Plan Review EdinaMN.gov 14 ➢ Staff would suggest that this entire block of Grandview Lane could be considered as a potential future area of change and studied further within the next Comprehensive Plan Update. Re- guiding this entire area to medium density residential could be considered at that time, as it would be consistent with medium density designations to the east and west. www.EdinaMN.gov 15 www.EdinaMN.gov 16 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Department Name Phone 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390 • EdinaMN.gov Date: December 9, 2022 To: Cary Teague, Community Development Director From: Stephanie Hawkinson, Affordable Housing Development Manager Subject: 5201 Grandview Lane Townhomes I have reviewed the proposal for 5201 Grandview Lane entailing the demolition of a duplex to be replaced with a tri-plex, adding one unit to the site. The combined assessed value of this two-unit property is $657,700, which equates to $328,850 per unit, making this Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH). According to the Metropolitan Council, a home valued at $355,600 is affordable to households with incomes at or below 80% of the Area Median Income. Due to the demolition of two NOAH properties to be replaced with three market rate townhomes that will be presumably valued at greater than $355,600 I do not support this proposal. Both the Housing Strategy Task Force Report and the Comprehensive Plan support ‘Missing Middle” development (medium density residential) and encourage investigating the possibility increasing density along transit corridors to allow for “Missing Middle”. Yet, both documents also support the preservation of Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH). NOAH properties exist without public subsidy, and they cannot be replaced at the same price points. Since 2008 roughly 1,000 moderately priced housing units have been torn down and replaced with high end luxury housing. Through 2020 the average value of teardowns was $427,302 and the average value of the replacement housing was $1,205,308. The assessed values of the homes along Grandview Lane range from affordable to houses values in the high $600,000s. Homes with affordable values such as 5201 Grandview Lane provide opportunities for people who work in Edina to live in Edina: these house values are becoming increasingly rare. Tearing them down to be replaced with market rate housing serves to contribute to the housing crunch experienced locally and nationally. Furthermore, the reduction of affordable places to live conflicts with Edina’s value of equity and inclusion. I do not support the proposal as replacing two affordable homes with market rate homes does not appear to comply with any City policies or plans and fails to serve a larger public purpose. www.EdinaMN.gov 2 www.EdinaMN.gov 3 Site Site www.EdinaMN.gov 4 Site www.EdinaMN.gov 5 www.EdinaMN.gov 6 www.EdinaMN.gov 1 Required Setbacks Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Advisory Communication From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Advisory Communication: 2023 Quality of Life Survey Question 31 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: The Transportation Commission is submitting this advisory communication to recommend that the City correct Question 31 for the City's 2023 Quality of Life Survey to accurately reflect the differences between organized and open trash collection systems. ATTACHMENTS: Description Advisory Communication: 2023 Quality of Life Survey Question 31 Date: December 15, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council From: Transportation Commission Subject: 2023 Quality of Life Survey Question 31 Action Requested: The Transportation Commission emphatically recommends that the wording of Question 31 for the City’s 2023 Quality of Life Survey be corrected to accurately reflect the differences between organized and open trash collection systems. Below is an example wording: “Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection; an open system or an organized system. An open system means all haulers serve all areas, resulting in many garbage trucks on neighborhood streets on garbage day. An organized system means haulers are assigned to specific areas, resulting in only one garbage hauler on neighborhood streets on garbage day. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current open collection system to an organized collection system?” Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: VIII.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Transportation Commission, Nov. 17, 2022 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None; information only. INTRODUCTION: Receive minutes of the Transportation Commission from November 17, 2022. ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: Transportation Commission, November 17, 2022 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: December 15, 2022 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission City Hall Community Room November 17, 2022 I. Call To Order Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call: Commissioners Ahler, Brown, Plumb-Smith, Rubenstein, Sweeney, Johnson Late: Commissioners Kitui, Lewis, McCarthy, Kanti Mahanty Absent: Commissioner Richman Staff present: Transportation Planner Andrew Scipioni III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by Commissioner Rubenstein and seconded by Commissioner Ahler to approve the agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by Commissioner Ahler and seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve the October 27, 2022 meeting minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Kitui arrived at 6:04. V. Community Comment Steve Cook, 5337 Halifax Avenue, testified about Item D7 on the Traffic Safety Report of October 25, 2022. Cook noted that cars travel fast on W 54th Street when parked cars are not present, and visibility at Halifax Avenue/Lane is impacted when parked cars are present. Suggested improvements include an all-way stop, traffic circles, curb extensions or a painted crosswalk. Rick Jacobson, 4001 Monterey Avenue, testified about Item A1 on the Traffic Safety Report of October 25, 2022. Jacobson shared a handout (attached) with suggestions to reduce vehicle speeds on W 40th Street, including an additional stop sign, speed limit signs and realigning the intersection of W 40th Lane and W 40th Street. Commissioner Lewis arrived at 6:13. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Traffic Safety Report of October 25, 2022 The Commission reviewed and commented on the Traffic Safety Report of October 25, 2022. • Item B2: Request to improve crossing visibility at South View Lane and Sherwood Avenue Motion was made by Commissioner Brown and seconded by Commissioner Kitui to Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: December 15, 2022 recommend that staff review Minn. Stat. § 169.34 and bring adjacent on-street parking into compliance. All voted aye. Motion carried. Commissioner McCarthy arrived at 6:18. Commissioner Kanti Mahanty arrived at 6:20. B. Draft PACS Fund Increase Proposal The Commission discussed the draft report for the PACS Fund initiative. C. 2022 Work Plan Updates • #1 Tree Boulevard Policy – Initiative completed. • #2 Public Transit Checklist – Initiative terminated. • #3 PACS Fund Policy – Commission reviewed draft report, aiming to finalize in December. • #4 SRTS Demonstration Projects – Initiative terminated. • #5 TIS Process Review – Initiative terminated. • #6 Transit Connectivity – Initiative completed. D. 2023 Work Plan Proposal City Council is expected to approve Commission work plans at their December 6 regular meeting. Staff is seeking Council feedback on three of the ETC’s proposed initiatives. VII. Chair and Member Comments – Received. VIII. Staff Comments – Received. IX. Adjournment Motion was made by Commissioner Lewis and seconded by Commissioner Ahler to adjourn the November 17, 2022 regular meeting at 7:38 p.m. All voted aye. Motion carried. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: December 15, 2022 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE J F M A M J J A S O N D # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 NAME Ahler, Mindy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 91% Brown, Chris 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 73% Johnson, Kirk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 82% Kitui, Janet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 82% Lewis, Andy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 91% McCarthy, Bruce 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 73% Plumb-Smith, Jill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 82% Richman, Lori 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 73% Rubenstein, Tricia 1 1 1 1 1 5 71% Kanti Mahanty, Stephen (s) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 64% Sweeney, Isaiah (s) 1 1 1 3 100% Kane, Bocar Resigned 0 N/A Clark, Anna (s) 1 1 Term Expired 2 25% St z tenon. RPH 9 a Linhoff Photo The Print Refinery • 9 Sherwin-WithaMS Pain! SicTe - • ,,, 9 W 39th St a W 39th St a KRIS iloc 9 Weber Par tennis Courts 5 Go gle GO!t,?K1 9 0 9 McDonald s rrzr! -.7 Zip Piintintifl & Copy Shop n Park NicoSet 5050 y Excelsior OfEines Vv'eHs F:rgc: Bank 91 Subway 99 Half Price Books ,t2re o ▪ Minikanda Vista Park Hc,Te n Ji 3• 05' Baby s Breath P,atecr it;S-rib 6 .1' 11/3 11191000°4°54' AWri u. rt a 9Tc Deeks A'.SSI 9 Susan Lindgren Berner tar; SPIT: sal Weber Park Yale Gardens Park Map data ©2022 Google 200 ft r sie\\°`"'°' 0 " 71P''‘‘ Fresh Thyme Market 9 gi 9 9 9 Hoigaerd's ei‘yr. le 310F,. VIsta Lutheran Church 9 9 s , 01'4' O, to..6 1.3 N 1 lvt, 9. Wcccdae Conmi_ Nursery SCt,C)Qi Avail 10, Edna !ZamauE 11/16/22, 6:09 PM Google Maps Googie Maps https://www.google.com/maps/©44.9302074,-93.3387107,17z 1/1 Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: IX.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From: Item Activity: Subject:Prep Memo for January 3, 2023 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Prep Memo for January 3, 2023 From:Scott H. Neal To:jhovland@hovlandrasmus.com; James Pierce; Carolyn Jackson; Kate Agnew; Julie Risser Cc:Lisa Schaefer; Sharon Allison Subject:Prep Memo for City Council Work Session and Meeting for Jan3, 2023 Date:Tuesday, January 3, 2023 1:19:05 PM Good Afternoon Everyone – Here’s an update for tonight’s meetings: Work Session is ready to go. The goal for the Work Session is to get as close to consensus as possible on the proposed legislative platform, positions and priorities. Whatever we gain consensus on tonight is what we will share with our state legislative team at the joint meeting on Jan 17. The sketch plan review for 5201 Grandview Lane has been removed from tonight’s meeting agenda at the request of the proponent. It will be placed on the Council’s Jan 17 agenda. Council Member Jackson and Council Member-elect Risser have requested the removal of the approval of the minutes from the Consent Agenda in order to repair a typographical error. The City Clerk has repaired the error. A copy of the correction will be at the dais for each of you tonight. Council Member-elect Risser has requested to pull the following items from the Consent Agenda: item 6.B. (Payment of Claims) and item 6.L. (Approval of Out of State Travel for the Mayor). We are experiencing considerable snowfall at the moment. We are expecting it to taper off in the late afternoon. We have a high threshold for canceling a City Council meeting. My plan is to move ahead with getting our resources, human and otherwise, ready for a Council meeting tonight. That’s all for now. See you all tonight. Scott Scott H. Neal, City Manager 952-826-0401 | Fax 952-826-0390sneal@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov Follow me on Twitter. Date: January 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: X.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:James B. Hovland, Mayor Item Activity: Subject:Mayor's Report on US Heartland China Event Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Mayor Hovland will give a report on his Dec. 8-9 visit to Chicago for the US Heartland China event.