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1973 Annual Budget
B U D G E'T 1973 VILLAGE OF X01 NA I i TABLE OF CONTENTS SCMUM OF MAKn4UM SALARIES, RESOLUTION AND SUMMARIES Schedule of K=41aam Salaries Budget Resolution Summary I - Revenue by Fund and Source Summary II = Expenditures by Fund and Function DETAILS OF EXPENDITURES General, Govercmxent Village Council Planning Administration Finance Election Assessing Legal and Court Services Public Works: Administration Engineering Supervision and Overhead Payroll - Summary - Distribution Street Maintenance Street Lighting Street Name Signs Traffic Control Bridges Storm Drainage Village Properties Sidewalks and Ramp Capital Outlay Protection of Persons and Property Police Protection Fire Protection Civilian Defense Public Health Anivai Control Inspections Non - Departmental Expenditures Contingencies Settlement of Suits Special Assessments on Village Property Central Services - Capital Outlay Capital Improvement Commissions I -II -III IV- V VI-VII VIII -I% 1 - 2 3 -4 5 - 6 7 - 8 9 _ 10 11 - 12 13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 19 - 20 21 50 22 - 23 - 24 24 - 26 27 - 28 29 - 30 31 - 32 33 - 34 35 - 36 37 - 38 39 - 40 41 - 42 - 43 44 - 45 - 46 47 - 48 49 - 50 51 52 - 53 54 55 56 57 - 58 59 60 - 61 i i i i FABLE OF CO TS CORTI1V ZD Park and Recreation Admimistration 62 - 63 Recreation Program 64 - 65 - 66 Park Maintenance 67 0 68 - 69 Payroll - Summary - Distribution 70 Capital Outlay 71 - 72 Other Tan Supported Expenditures Relief and Public Nursing 73 Park Construction - Capital Improvements 74 Bonds and Interest 75 Fire Protection 76 Firemen's Relief Association 77 Central Services (general 78 - 79 - 80 Village .Hall 81 - 82 - 83 Public Works Building 84 - 85 Equipment Operation 86 - 87 - 88 Other Data Schedule of Maxim Salaries and Wages A Comparative Summary of Major Objects by Activity and Fund B Analysis C Details of Conferences and Schools D Comparative Assessed Valuation, Tau Rate in Mills, and Taxes in Dollars, All Funds E Page I I3carymber 29" 19'x'2 VILLAGE OIL RD117A SCHEMM 01? XCIM CARIES ADD MGM FOR YRM 1972 AM 1973 Director of Fierce aund Treasurer Assessor Deputy Assessors Village Cleric Administrative Services Coordinator Office Clerical - fiscal- secretarlal: Merical I (7) ClericaR II (13) Cllerfic€al ITI (2) Legal Prosecuting Attorney Planning `technician Planning Intern Accountant ® auditor PUBLIC SAFEW POLICE* Director of Public Safety and Police Chief Captains - 2 years service 1 year service First year Detective Sergeants (School Liaison) 2 years service 1 year oe>rvice First year Sergeants 2 years eervice 1 year service First year Datectivvesr 2 years service 1 year service First year Patrolmen 4 years service 3 years service 2 years service 1 year service Met year Dispatchers -Desk clerko Dispatchers-Desk Clarks (hourly) FIRE** Mief Assistant Chier Lieutevants, - 2 years service 1 year oervice First year D>Yi�rs� Teaspect =ors Fireman 4 yours service 3 years service 2 years service �. 1 year service First year Part Time Animal Control Officer 3972 MDOWS $1,835 1, 340 (R) 1,100 (F) 790 1,000 373-525 450 -650 530-800 750 1,105 (D) 600 650 (E) 1,835 1,255 1,185 1.,125 Y,085 1,070 1,050 X50 1,020. j 1fl015 1,Q00 9761 --. 929 887 84.0 750 780 (L) 4,00 1.'73 P It "T HTH s1;;90y 1,415 �A) 1, 1.60 (J). 835 1,040 375 -350 300-700 600-850 7750 1,235 645 (th) 885 1,905 0 1,333 / 6!b 1,250 1 1,024 1,003 977 961 935 900 8+60 825 737 1.50% of regular &n=xli,y rate, with a minimum of 2 haurB for e6ch eff =duty call, $4.25 per drill 0- 640 e ; - Schedule of Salaries and Wages Covtiraued; PAGR II Rec'Efinber 29" .072 PUBLIC SMETY ODMMD fibers of the Police Department will raceivre: an additional $45..00 a3 month as pa t.t for taking at lehst 30 hours off-duty training from the Fire Department in fire fis4tiuva techanl4ues, for aiding In the 4mtingu ishing of fires and for 'qualifying for Red Cants First Aid Certificates" *$20.00 per mol9th to be paid represents compensation for the fiact that Edina °s pengiiocn coats and ben -shisa are louver than cities which have independent fire pension fuAds, rather than for Mies outside normal fire department activities,, the Fire Department will, h veer' continue to do other worrk aas assigned.. ff -duty police and paid firmen reeaponding to calls and drill's shall be paid in the same manmer as part -time firm., ELECTION Judges Chairwomen PARKS AND RECREATION Director Assistant Director Program Supervisor Recreation Specialist Pool Manager (S) Assistant Pool Manager (S) Concession Manager (S) Pool Cushier (S) Bathhou @emConce@sion Atte ndaant6 ((S) Swimming Inatr actor (S) Lifer Guards (S) Pool Maintenance (S) Baseball and Craft Supervisors ((S) Baseball Assistants (S) Hockey Coache a (S) Rink Attendants (S) Playground Leaders ((S) S%tlarSkiing Instructors 'S) Park Kasper 1114 Park Reeper IIt Park Keeper I# Golf Course Sassiness manager Golf Course Superintendent Golf Course Rangera, Startero, Castles Lunch Counter Clerks (S) Areas - manager Arena - Assistant Manager Arena - Maintenances Supervisor Arena - Guards, Caableare, Concession Attendants LIQUDR STORE manager Assistant Manager Assistant Managers - stones Clerks - regular Clerks o part time 1972 PER NDbTS $2.,25 per hour 3.30 additional al $1,580 (K) 1,180 (D) 860 (J) 600 375 325 2,35 Per hours 1,,95 9v 2.,30 ee 2.20 ee 573 2,20 per hour 21,73 90 2,30 09 2,75 9v 6.30 Iust,Cllass 888 818 745 910 (J) 950 3,25 per hour 965 (I) 818 818 2.90 peer hour $1,530 (C) 985 945 3,75 per h=r 3 n 0 to 1973 PER P DMTH $2 � 25 per hoar 3 30 additional $1,655_(Q) 1,233 (A) 933 �A) 700 595 535 245 per hour 2.100 ce 2-.73 C6 275 °B 2,50 375 2,20 per hour 2 � 75 to 2,50 ov 2075 vo 6,50 Instr'Clasaa 925 855 782 965 �P) 990 3.35 per hour r 18010 853 855 3,00 per hour $1,525 (F) 1,033 985 3,90 per hwr 3,35 09 Schedule of Salaries ands ages continued. and $60.00 July 1 (B) =$65.00 Jamary 1�:CP.E�b�V 29v PAYS 19 2 CC)- $30.00 Jaeaaary 1972 and $3040 ,July 1 1973 1 INS SRS PER F�0%�R PER IMTH Plying $1,110 (�T) $1,175: (B) Building 1„130 (F) 1,225 (a) Deputy Inspector 923 (I) 990 (E) RRAL2H (R) =$55.00 Ja wary I sand $30.00 July 1 W425.00 Jamary Realth Officer $ 25 (M)- $35.00 January $ 25 and $35,00 July 1 Sanitarian 1,120 (F) 1,195 (J) Laboratory Technician 930 (D) 1,000 (H) PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINERING and $40A10 July 1' (R) °$45.00 Jamary 1 amd $30.00 July 1 Director of Pablic Works and Engiaeeerixng $1,770 (G) $1,905 (B) Supervisor of Survey 11145 (F) 1,190 Supervisor of sign 1,145 (F) 1,190 Supervisor of Inspection 1,145 (F) 1,190 Eangiring Aide III 910 930 Reglazer-Ing Aide II 810 (J) 843 Raginsering Aide I 700 725 Superintendent Public Works 1,340 (H) 1,410 (M) Superintendent hater 1,143 1,190 Foreman _ (Street,sewr,water,parks.,and mechanic) 1 „030 1,075 Roavy 14ulpmeat operators 0 888 925 Light Equipmut Operators # 818 855 Mainteamce MW 1P 743 782 Mchanic 910 947 Mechanic ° o belper 0 818 855 Janitor 750 (E) 790 (0) Semr -water Utility Main # SIB 855 #Starting rates may be 20% less for the first three months of service and 10% less For the second three cronthe” (S) Seasonal (A)- $35.00 Jaciary 1 and $60.00 July 1 (B) =$65.00 Jamary 1 and $70.00 July 1 CC)- $30.00 Jaeaaary 1 and $3040 ,July 1 (D)- $40.00 Jawary 1 and $40.00 July 1 (E)m$40.00 January 1 and $25.00 July 1 (F)-$40.00 January 1 and $33,.00 July 1 (G) =$6040 Jan z ary l and $60.00 July 1 (R)- $45.00 January l and $45,00 July 1 (I)- $33.00 Ja=ary 1 and $30.00 July 1 (J) °$30.00 January I and $30.00 July 1 (R) =$55.00 Ja wary I sand $30.00 July 1 W425.00 Jamary 1 and $30.00 July 1 (M)- $35.00 January 1 and $35,00 July 1 (B) =$25.00 January 1 and $2000 July 1 (0) =$20.00 Jaimary 1 and $20.00 July 1 (P) °$35000 January 1 and $20.00 July 1 (Q)-$43.W January 1 and $40A10 July 1' (R) °$45.00 Jamary 1 amd $30.00 July 1 RNOL0100 AWM= 86I T FOR M IrILMO OF MM FOR Tim MR 19730: mo EmousEaw Ta LEVY FOR M rZM 1972 PAYS IN 1973. THE FIII6g C+OMMIL OF 512 FIIIiGE OF RIDIUL , MlIMZSOTA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLWHS: Section 1 The Budget for the Village of Edina for the calendar year 1993 .is hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth; and fuvAs are hereby Appropriated therefor; GENERAL F[DRTD GRAL GOVERMGM Mayor and Coueicil S 19.190 Planning :1,373. Administration 103,394 Fin wce 99,060 Election 10,747 hasessi ng 81,717 Legal and Court Services 55,OEIO WTAL GRbWAL GDS $ 40O,363 PUBLIC HORKS Administration 33,665 Engineering 151,360 Highways 871„792 ` TAL PUWLIC WORKS 18056,517 PROTE-^nON OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police $865,763 Fire 392,086 Civilian Defense 4,314 Public martb 35,026 Animal Control 18,500 Inspe @time 7S „811 Till, PRO S"A. On OF PERSONS AND PWPER ' 11,391,500 HDO-DEPArIMENTAL FJMN DITMS - ContingenciGs 40,000 Settlewsnt of Snits 500 Special Assessments on Village Property 75,000 Unallocated Capital Outlay 4,,800 Capital Improvem nts 3O,000 Rights Comission 92500 I DTAL MISCELLANEOUS AND COOTINGENCIBS 179,800 TOTAL GLOM FUND $3,O28s680 i3. : l' ,1'1iJ Administration $121,825 Recreation 68,700 Naintenance 167,950 Capital Outlay 0,4050 TOTAL PARR FUND 366925 RESOLUTION COMMM. Section 2. Rstimated- Receipts other than General Tats Levy are hereby established as ,hereinafter set forth-9 GEDIR& FIB Village Shsr,6- State Liq o and Cigarette Tomes $158,125 Licenwe and Permits 146,500 vaanicipal Court Pines 105.000 Department Service Cbarges 149,306 Other 143.659 Transfer from .Liquor Fund 46.133 State P#Fortioments m Sales Tax 625,211 tezoda on Invest nts , 40200 0 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $1,414,234 PARR: FAD Registration Tess $ 26aG00 Other 750 Transfer from General Fund 148 »067 197,617 PARK CO ON PUND Transfer frm General Fund 80,000 TOTAL BST TBD RECEIPTS $1,671,851 Section 3o that there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the Village of Mina, a tax rate mfficient to produce the wants hereinafter set forth: For Gaeral Fiats $10614.446 For Park Fund 189,308 For the Poor Hand 17,500 For the Fireman's Relief 5.000 For Pine Protection 14,510 For ids and Interest 72,000 $1,7128964 Adopted this 2nd day of October. 19720 QSignedl Arthar Co Dradesen, Jro 1'OR A3IESTe (�3iSLWd) Florence D. Hallberg VILLAW VILLAGE OF EDINA . ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE VI SUMMARY I RNUES BY FUND AND SOURCE Eat GENERAL FUND 894 .1,572 850 960 900 Real and personal property 56,028 73,232 60,000 72,784 72,000 taxes $1,495,926 $1,619,854 $1,489,905 $1,469,046 $1,614,446 Other Taxes.- 14,674 19,792 17,000 20,464 22,000 Interest, penalties and 930 870 1.000 1;,200 11,000 forfeited taut sales $ 11,787 13,820 16,500 14,250 14x000 Mortgage registry 20,320 23,745 15,000 20,488 20,000 Bank excise 6 1631 9,526 5,000 5,940 6,000 Mmeh mican permits $ 38,738 $ 47,091 $ 36,500 $ 40,678 $ 40,000 Licenses and permits - 17,880 17,880 20,700 20,700 20,700 Bicycle $. 1,949 $ 2,270 $ 2,100 $ 2,653 $ 2,200 Beer and liquor 1=,195 1,450 1,450 1,425 1,450 Cigarette 1,937 2,096 20200 2,049 2,300 Dog and impounding fees 6 "297 5,943 .6,500 6,629 6,500 Food and soft drinks 7,,877 8,934 9,500 8,950 9,500 Gas pumps, tanks, burning permits, etc. 1,027 1,135 1,150 1,130 1,150 Bowling, taxi, pinball,etc, 5,351 5,574 6,500 6,257 6,800 Scavenger and garbage collectors 894 .1,572 850 960 900 Building permits 56,028 73,232 60,000 72,784 72,000 Cesspool and sewer permits 1,161 1,605 1,300 .1,635 1,500 Plumbing pewits 14,674 19,792 17,000 20,464 22,000 Sign permits 930 870 1.000 1;,200 11,000 Street Openings 3,578 3,039 2,000 1,086 1,500 Heating and ventilating permits 4,107 4,014 3,500 4,278 4,000 Othe=r licenses and permits 1,198 1;,651 578,170 1,878 1,000 Mmeh mican permits 2.,218 2,782 - -- _ 13,000 $ 108,203 $ 133,177 $ 115,050 $ 133,378 $ 146,800 Engineering, Clerical and searches 107,446 158,318 150,000 123,685 1159000 Police services 9,531 10,197 9,945 10,728 11,106 Equipment rental (2,562) (4;,062) (2,400) Municipal Court fines 106,467 103,615 105,000 102,191 105"000 State Highway tax CA) 24,000 28,796 28,000 State liquor and cigarette tax 134,592 1649291 158,981 153,, 83 158,125 State sale and use tare 296,080 337 "226 578,170 582,172 625 "211 Planning fees 2.,218 2,782 3,500 2,,003 2,500 Charges to other funds 17,880 17,880 20,700 20,700 20,700 Contribution from liquor fund$ 225,000 $ 2,75,000 $ 275,000 $ 275,000 $ 275,000 Less transfer to Park Fund 126,611 116,777 140,845 140,845 1509441 Ldss transfer to Park Construction Fund 80,000 802000 80 "000 801,000 80,000 $ 18;,389 $ 78,223 $ 54,155 $ 54,155 $ _ 44,559 V111= OF EDINA ANNUAL, BUDGET PAGES VII conti=Qd MRAL FUND Cont °do _ ;ales and rental of Property Other miscellaneous revenue Reserve for encumbrances Income on inv astments Fees-sale of auto and driving licenses Transfer - unappropriated surplus TOTAL GENERAL FUND PARK FUND Real and personal property tax Registration fees - swimming and activities Transfer from liquor funds Unclassified TOTAL PARK FUND POOR FUND Real and personal property tax PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND Transfer from liquor fund 70TAL PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND OTHER REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REVENUES Firemen °s Relief Association Fire protection Bonds and interest TOTAL OTHER REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REVENUES WTAL REVENUES - ALL FUNDS a B $ 39,688 $ 45,384 $ 27„922 15,,245 27,700 170,152 34,692 32,627 Es 8,600 $ 38,657 $ 8,600 13,150 14,,389 . 12,900 554000 389313 40,000 8,398 21,134 24,000 24,,500 24,000 256,000 51,000 138500 13,500 309159 $2,727,308 $39004,134 $2,860,156 $2,84.9,974 $3,027,106 $ 113,720 $ 156,839 $ 171,109 $ 168,713 4 189,308 20,203 26,578 28,000 27,,861 28,000 126,611 116,777 140,845 1409845 150,441 6,182 4,689 750 11000 750 271,716 $ 304,883 $ 340,704 $ 338,419 $ 368,499 $ 139763 $ 159989 $ 17,500 $ 17,255 $ 17,,500 $ 13,763 $ 15,989 $ 17,500 $ 17,255 $ 17,500 $ 804000 $ 80„000 $ 802000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $. 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 59965 $ 79407 $ 5,000 $ 4,,930 $ 5,000 16,722 12,801 13,980 13,784 14,510 63,305 644214 71.000 70,006 722000 $ 85,992 $ 84,422 1 899980 $ 88,720_$ 912510 23,1782779 $3,489,428 $3,1388,340 $3;374,368 09584,615 AMAL BUDGET SUMOM II EXMDITURES BY FUND MD FUNCTION GENERAL FUND General Ga veraments $ 26,943 $ 29,326 $ 31,669 $ 31,695 $ 33,725 Mayor amd Council $ 16,803 $ 18,230 $ 18,780 $ 18,,770 $ 19,190 Planning 22,398 23,970 28,604 27,292 31,,480 Administration 81,721 90,230 97,578 97,113 103,094 Finance 68,733 85,708 95,526 95,505 99,195 Election 18,577 30,182 15,418 15,451 108747 Assessing 76,,976 70,757 79,772 79,562 61,807 Legal and Court Services 498313 72,988 48,120 60,471 55,080 Library 279599 242089 39,310 38,521 40,750 U)TAL GENERAL 28,486 419456 52,820 51,326 53,380 GOVERNMNT $ 362,120 $ 416,154 $ 383,798 $ 394,164 $ 400,593 PUBLIC WORKS Administration $ 26,943 $ 29,326 $ 31,669 $ 31,695 $ 33,725 Engineering 143,758 159,509 159,371 158,019 148;,915 Supervision and overhead 92,,553 96,917 104,641 105,813 112,180 Street maintenance 3245705 371,238 424,108 407,807 445,674 Street lighting 68,903 768080 950655 96,436 100,020 Street name signs 14„831 118810 20,628 20,527 219491 Traffic control 31,,466 36,459 41,483 41,991 40,,925 Bridges 58733 3,,211 7,967 7,423 8,246 Storm drainage 27,014 27,657 39,310 38,521 40,750 Village properties 28,486 419456 52,820 51,326 53,380 Sidewalks and ramp 6,432 8,823 6,836 10,140 10,740 Capital outlay 541,025 39,996 43,700 44,200 40,600 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 824,849 $ 902,482 $1,0282186 $18013,900 $1,056,646 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Police $ 628,676 $ 736,112 $ 816,562 $ 816,991 $ 866,384 Fire 277,088 321.531 359,642 359,083 392,086 Civilian defense 49246 3,769 4,063 4,269 4,323 Public health 26,186 28,,409 32,683 36,304 35.311 Animal control 15,806 16,553 17,522 16,923 18,500 Inspection 55,160 55,813 61,427 61,,243 76,351 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $1,007,162 $151622187 $19291,899 $1,290,813 $15392,955 VILLAGE OF EDIV.A A` M BUDGET PACE L% BUteOM II cootia med Administration $ I $ Actual Budsated EstImated Budgeted 112,581 $ 1970 1971 1972 1972 1973 GENERAL FIEND (continued) 63,716 68,700 Maintenance 123,812 Ron=Departmdotal Expenditures: 1378390 154,598 1568442 169,294 Contingencies $ 158462 $ 29,247 $ 20,614 $ 20,497 $ 37,112 Settlement of suits 894:50 1,774 500 248490 500 Special assessments on $ 3428522 $ 368,499 �FUND 13,938 Village property 56x709 72,827 10z000 75,020 75,000 Unallocated capital outlay 2818749 333,367 4,659 4,620 4,800 Capital Improvements 85,000 l OTHER TAXvv1{SUPPORTED 30,000 50,000 508000 Comissions 2,637 6,163 10,500 9,868 9,500 Central services - unallocated 82,936 42,867 7 OTAL NON- DEPARWMAL EXPENDITURES $ 524fl493 $ 486,243$ 156,273 $ .184,495 $_,176,912 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $28718,624 $289678068 $2,860,,156 $2,8838372 $38027,106 PARK. FUND Administration $ 819919 $ 98,117 $ 112,077 $ 112,581 $ 122,055 Recreation 58,084 59,315 64,829 63,716 68,700 Maintenance 123,812 1378390 154,598 1568442 169,294 Capital outlay 15,299 9,950 9,200 9,783 894:50 S TDTAL PARR FOND $ 279,114 $ 304,772 $ 340,704 $ 3428522 $ 368,499 �FUND 13,938 21,288 17,500 23,,285 17,500 PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND 80,000 80x000 80,000 80,000 80,000 l OTHER TAXvv1{SUPPORTED IT Bond®` .and Interest: Parking Sinking Fund $ 60,545 $ 60,805 $ 71,000 $ 70,006 $ 72,000 Fireman's Relief Association 5,965 78407 %000 4,930 59000 Fire protection 16,,722 13,740 13,,980 13,784 14,510 TOTAL OAR TAX SUPPORTED EMNDITURES $ 83,232 $ 812952 89,980 $ 88,720 $ 91, 510 70M EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS ,$3A174,908 $3,455,080 13,388,340 $3,417,899 $32584 615 VILLAGE OF EDINA AMNUAL BUDGET PAGE 1972 Fmdim &sue EM 6: No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVLR IERT MAYOR Ah9D COUNCM 800 21.100 1972 BUDGETED EM $ 13x200 S 113,200 100 173 800 7117 4,,68 0 4,680 7q;All 1973 $ l3o2.oa.�� � 130 800 5,040 o &8. 780 &1&.770. I TOTALS � Z9,B90 &i W90 a FUIWH The Village Council constitutes the legislative or policy- wmkierg division of Edims Village C- o-%erament. The Coiancil is composed of the Mayor and four trustees, all elected at large for overlapping terms of to- and three years, respectively. The Ka�or is the official head of Village Goverement and is the presiding officer at Council meetings. The Council wets on the first and third Mondays of each month at the village Hall. Proposed expenditures are two percent (2 %) higher thou bast year& appropriatiocn� The inn -rease is represented by higher cast of central services and confereace.. emd scb*ols. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' � "ASE 2 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Am { Art. Ha. GIMERAL GM710AL GoyEam T �_ MAYOR AND COUNCIL ( _ 210 100. i EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Wavil Pue,. nt get. Rocowirnerx,d Budge .ted 1. Mayor $ 3,600 I x`1£600 i ` rix stees 9,,60 0 9 600 8 2. Conferences and schools 100 150 3. Annual reportis $ 400 $ 400 I j Mews letter 00 400 I 8Q0 $ S00 j 4. General $ 1s560 $ 1,680 W11-age Ha11 3 J:2- 0 3.360 WTAL 'FAYOR j &ND COUNCIL 18 L80 119.190 Ai o v4n� 1 i I + I j I � j f { I j � { II I I j! 1 i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 3 iAro RUOGMD Aw. ML G rp GENERAL GOVERMNT P1AMUG 21.110 SUMMARY RECOMMEMM ROWED S 22,545 $22,110 2,1775 29175 475 475 69720 6,720 .erg en. eat Q' �6 �6 ® %� t9�06'fIS :�� 2 �Sd 4 1W 5� & 92 ,T the fuvAtiton of the Planning Department is to provide staff service to the Village Coy ncil, Plannitng C�issiom, to other Tillage Departments, and to the Village Hanages9 and to a limited degree to other agencies,, both public and private, whose ackivities influence -tbe physical development of the Village of Edina,, Staff services include office operations, the administration of the various lased use and development ordInmeesr, submission of recommendations an watter8 of zoning and subdivisions before the Council and PRauning Commission, and the preparation and review of overall development plan8b Proposed expenditures are thirteen percent (13%) hiaher than last yearlus appropriatioub Salary increases and higher cost of central services are the maim reasons for the Increase. The belm -, listed detail contributes to the increa- -e. A&DLM?9 Salary and sages $1,813 Contractual servaceo 5 Codities 73 Central services ln7i6 TOTAL 3 611 RUOGMD EMIATO $ 21,030 $ 20,107 2,170 1,801 400 380 S oOM 5,004 SUMMARY RECOMMEMM ROWED S 22,545 $22,110 2,1775 29175 475 475 69720 6,720 .erg en. eat Q' �6 �6 ® %� t9�06'fIS :�� 2 �Sd 4 1W 5� & 92 ,T the fuvAtiton of the Planning Department is to provide staff service to the Village Coy ncil, Plannitng C�issiom, to other Tillage Departments, and to the Village Hanages9 and to a limited degree to other agencies,, both public and private, whose ackivities influence -tbe physical development of the Village of Edina,, Staff services include office operations, the administration of the various lased use and development ordInmeesr, submission of recommendations an watter8 of zoning and subdivisions before the Council and PRauning Commission, and the preparation and review of overall development plan8b Proposed expenditures are thirteen percent (13%) hiaher than last yearlus appropriatioub Salary increases and higher cost of central services are the maim reasons for the Increase. The belm -, listed detail contributes to the increa- -e. A&DLM?9 Salary and sages $1,813 Contractual servaceo 5 Codities 73 Central services ln7i6 TOTAL 3 611 VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGE PAGE 4 Pend Pa sa loaa Area _ -- — - fact. No. GEMR11 GMMt G117E, R1.\'1ONT PLANDSING 21.110 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Caadgct. Recommended Budgeted t o Director $13,020(A) $15,,300 $14,460 Secretary Sumer and extra help 3fl510(B) 1,200 3,765e.0) 1 � 200 3,870 1,200 Intern 3 300 2 58fl D� szn $21030 $22,045 022,110 2. 0 ®afercecaces and echoaaas $ e-10 $ 425 I&zeis and rnib'�scrlpt- f ions 230 220 Profession, services 1200 1,200 I! MDeetSing expease ISO 180 Iftlease 150 150 4 I $ 2.170. $ 2,175 , $ 2,173 30 Rooks and pamphlets $ 75 $ 75 Printing 300 350 Drafting supplies 25. -$0 $ 400 $ 475 $ 475 �. 40 General $ 3 n.144 5 4 ,, 74.0 Village Hall 10020 1;,080 Equipment operation 840 900 ; 5 ,004 A 66J720 a -sin . 28 604 32 215 911 _AR0 . TOTAL PTAIR UNG .p X3 'j I e.e (A) 4000 Ja &1 `� I�p'� },�� y7 G� $rW OiiV July Y. (S) a $M00 a` ry and $20000 July 1 i (0) ® $13000 .n ary &aVA $15000 July I (D) m Represents the il1age share of the b�ga�e i to he gaf Eme'r ncy Employment Act.,. jf e!ILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE S FWd Am 99M GEERAL GENERAL GOVERIOMW ADl` INISTR,A`b1ON 21.200 SUMMARY fae mamSement of the Village °s administrative affairs, the proper execution of the policies adapted by the Council, and the-enforcement of local laws and ordinances,, are all the direct responsibility of the Village Manager. This account provides hio office with the neceswiiry staff and funds to properly manage tho administrative organization needed to implant hi& responsibility. CCHMMM Proposed euTendltnres are six percent (6 %) higher than last year°. appropriation. Salary increases,, and higher cost of central services are the principal reason for the increase. %be belaw listed detail contributes to the increase. AMUM Salaries and wages $3 ,,040 Confere=e=s and schools 340 Dines and subscriptions 379 Consultant-labor relationas 200 Commodities 25 Central services n,392 Capital outlay 490 AL 5.816 r 1972 _ _ 19714 _ 1 BUDCAM EMMATO OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 72,,090 $ 771 ®983 1. POSONAL SERVICES $ 75,130 $74,,830 90015 9 ,,250 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVI 9 ,,934 9 ,,934 225 202 3. COMMOW0 200 200 15,648 15 ,,648 4, CINTRAL SERVIM 17,040 17 ,,040 600 L WITAL OUTLAY 1 ,,090 1 ®090 LM_ &12L.394 6 103 fae mamSement of the Village °s administrative affairs, the proper execution of the policies adapted by the Council, and the-enforcement of local laws and ordinances,, are all the direct responsibility of the Village Manager. This account provides hio office with the neceswiiry staff and funds to properly manage tho administrative organization needed to implant hi& responsibility. CCHMMM Proposed euTendltnres are six percent (6 %) higher than last year°. appropriation. Salary increases,, and higher cost of central services are the principal reason for the increase. %be belaw listed detail contributes to the increase. AMUM Salaries and wages $3 ,,040 Confere=e=s and schools 340 Dines and subscriptions 379 Consultant-labor relationas 200 Commodities 25 Central services n,392 Capital outlay 490 AL 5.816 r Fund GENERAL ANNUALOUDGET GBNEFAL GOVERNM —NT AWINZSTRAi10N EXPENDITURE OETAM PAGE 6 i_._. —c3. ray. i Code Activity Object ®atoll pmsent Budget fteermmerded Budgeted . 1. 1 Amager $ 32,,100 $ 32,100 $ 33,300 Administrative Assistant 12,000 12,420 12,480 Village Clerk 9460 9,840 10,020 I I Secretary PBX operator 6,360(( % 880QA 7;,050; 6,240 ' 7,050 5,400 Clerk s 2,350 2,.400 2,700 Sumner help and overtime 3-- 720 5,080 3,880 $ 72,090 $ 75,130 $ 74,830 jI i 1 ! 20 Conferences and I schools $ 315 $ 655 Dues and sabscriptiens 4,150 4,529 Legal mdVrertiGing 3,500 3,500 Mileage 150 150 Consultant-Labor relations 900 11400 $ 9.,015 $ 9,934 $ 9,934 3. Printing $ 150 $ 150 _, . Books and pamphlets 75 50 $ 225 $ 200 $ 200 I I 1. 4. ! General $ 9,828 $ 10,920 Village Hall 4980 .5,220 8tnipm nt operation 840 900 $ 15:,648 $ 17,04.E $ 17,04.0 5. i A4gto replacement $ 600 $ 600 Typewriter 490 j 1 , 600 xrogo 8 1.090 ! ! i TOUL ADMINISTRATION 97.578 103 394 8103_094 I Note A Q $20.00 Ja ary I and $20.00 July I ! ! i J I I I ! B "-° $25.00 Jaluary I Ij. and $Moo .sully 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAeE 7 Fwa _ WIMAM Am Ace. Me. Rai, c UL GOVERMUT FINMCE �a a 210 SUMMARY 1972 RUDGETO _ WIMAM OBJECT _ _ _ RECOMMENDED 1973 _ SUDWED $78,990 8 78, 224 1. PESOML SHV $81,030 y $ GT1,165 3,010 3,616 X CONMCMAL SEWICE 3,760 3,960 30 189 1 0MES 50 30 13,476 13„476 4. ... CENTM SERYM 14,220 14,220 4526 X505 . 9 ®o 6 PUMTION The Finance Departmut is responsible for the financial affairs of the Village. All revenue and expenditure trar-sactfions are controlled by the. Fi�r� =e Department. A centralized system of purchasing is mainta59ned. Finmtial' statema nts and tap�rtS. are prepared and isrswed by t8w Finance Departments C0 Proposed expenditures are four percent (4%) higher .than lafFt year's appropriation., Salary increases, higher cost of conferences and schools, adleage allowacce and central services are main reasons for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the fix -rsase a AKDWk Salaries and wages $2,040 Conferexaces avd schools 150 Annul audit 250 Mileage 350 Central services 744 TOTAL 13 534 YH. AG OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE S r EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Fund Function Area Ar.L Nra. GMWRAL OMUL GDVEMIEW FIA1ME 22,210 r EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Detail Present 8adget Recommended Budgeted I. Director $22x020 $228800 $22 ,,860 Secretary 8,820 9,120 9,180 Accounting Clark 6,900 6,570(D) 6,630 Payroll clerk 7,380(A) 7,770 ,fD) 7,830 Cashier 7,380(A) 7,7700 7,,830 Clerks -auto I licenses y2) 11,760(B) 12,360 12,180 Accountant W 2,850(C) 2,640 2,655 Accounting clerk(k) 2,860 3,,000 3,000 Part-time help- auto licenses 9,000 91,000 9.000 $788990 $818030 $818165 2. Conferences aa schools $ 380 $ 530 Wes and subscriptions 130 130 Awwal audit 21500 2, 7 SO Mileage 350 $ 3,010 $ 3,760 $ 35,760 3. Books and pamphlets 30 50 30 4. General $11,496 $12,120 Village Hall L980, 2 100 $13,476 '14 220 $14.220 jj i IDTAL FBI CB 95 526 X99 060 899 a 95 i Note A o $25.00 Jam ary 1 land $20.00 July 1 1 B - $20.00 ary 1 ;ad $20.00 July 1 � I C- $25.00 Jana y 1 land $25.00 X my I I 1D - $13.00 Javdary I 1 and %S. CO July 1 VILLAGE OF EDiNA ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1972 BUDGETS EM MATED OBJECT GEidSSFiI, GE1 UX EUC`PION 21 0400 SUMMARY 1972 BUDGETS EM MATED OBJECT $ 10,750 8 10.898 1. PENONAL SWIM 1,780 1,,665 1 COMMMAL =V 550 550 S. COAMOOrs 0 600 600 4. CENTRAL. SERVW 1,738 16738 1 CAPWAL OUWAT 5 15 4 TOTALS 2973- RECOMWMDED BUDGETED •b 6,333 949 315 1,260 1,690 0 FONMON fts Village Clerk Is responsible for 'conducting all National, State, and . Village elections that occur In the Village of Edict. CO Proposed ezpenditures are thirty percent (30%) lower than last year's appropriation. Mrieg 1973 only a local election will be held. The below listed , detail contributes to the imerease. TOTAL 4 671 Salaries and gages $49417 Custodians .26 moving charges 465 Service Bureau 340 Gemral 6upplies 35 Central services 660 Capital outlay 48 TOTAL 4 671 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUALBUDGET PAGE IO Feld E ion Arm Act. N®. GMRAL GENERAL GOVERM EW EUCTION 21 .400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code A y Object Detail Present Budget Reccnarneeaded Budgeted to Zlectl ®n judges $ 7,050 $ 29075 See -up time 700 600 Registration and filing 3,000 3.638 $10,,750 $ 6,333 20 Custodians $ 100 $ 74 Moving charges 680 215 Service Bureau 1 OOO 660 $ 1,1780 $ 949 3. Ballasts $ 250 $ 250 General supplies 300 265 $ 550 $ 515 4o. General 600 1,260 5a Installmeme pa Wng. 10 voting machines 12738 1 690 I i i Ii I Wm ELECTIOD1 13 418 $10 7577 $10.747 � ANNUAL BUDGET G== cOVE&TMW SUMMARY 1972ppAA���e�a�py �oei 0 YB�i 9 �yd 52,,200 52 ,,200 13,232 13,,094 900 820 13,640 13,440 PAGE 11 Arm a ASSESSIM 21500 Y46C0WEiVEi ED Sd9fdiftE® -- 3 54990 $ 55,080 12,977 12,977 550 530 13,200 13,200 e X79 792 �9 55R, X11 & a1,, 807 TWALS COMMONARY MOTION Mw assessing function includes the determination of the assessed values and preparation and m aimtemance of teas records of all properties within the Village, Speclal aasessm uts levied for improvements are also camputed and spr6ad on the tax rolls by personnel of the Assessing Dapartmento OON4ENS Proposed' expenditures are two percent higher than last year °s appropriastlono Salary increases are the principal rea3am for the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages s2 "T90 Conferences and schools 3441 Other contractual services 90 Commodities 350 Central services 240 WOTAL $1,945 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 12 Fund i ewc ian Arta � Act. Boo. GENERAL GELTRAL GOVERMENT ASSESSING I 21 oS00 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade Activity Object 0ataii Prownt Budget Recommended Budgeted 1. Assessor $15,810yA) $36,71VD $16,740 Deputy Assessor 12,990(B) 13,740(0 , 13,740 Deputy Assessor 10,140(C) 10,740(E) 10,740 Secretary 7,568 7,860 7,920 Assessment Clerk 5 700 5, 940 5°940 $52,200 $54,990 $55,080 20 Comfereuces and schools $ 1,585 $ 1,240 Dues and subseript'iou-� 147 137 �IBM preparing 1 , assess-ment» 550 400 Mileage 500 500 Hailing homesteads 500 !Do lReassesa�rcent stur�yi 10 ,000 201300 i $13,232 $12,977 $12,977 3, J $ 500 $ 500 i ftotographic supplies 100 General sanpplies 300 50 j. t 900 $ 550 $ 550 40 'General $10,;620 $10,200 (Village W0_11 1,930 2,100 EgmlVment operation 840 900 13 .440 13 200 913.200 , , I 20W. ASSESSING 079n772 81,717 S810807 � Note A - $45.00 o3siing3ry i Sid $45000 July 1 � B - $40.,00 Ja ary 11 anal $35.00 July i � I } C - $30000 Ja4ary I yard $30.00 July 1 D •• $35000 Zarw. ay 11aind $35006 July I r i d" $23.00 -Janiary l and $20600 July a I yy 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGt IS5 1982 _ �tJ EMMATED. 8 96000 s 9,000 38,100 50,451 1"020 1,,020 _ 19/5 RECOMMENDED BUDDED ?.. COE ACTUAL SERVWB 45,,000 4: COWUL Say= l,OgO ffAL CUBAT i9 CEO N,r�oo..e�. 14 0 1 1711 1 j'riKWFOa' I �L'BVo /ldSOAY . The Village requires the professional sen7 -ices of attorneys who are contracted for an an anoaal bas►ia. They provide legal caun @el and prepare the necetsary ordidances and resolutions required to implement nt the wishes-of the Council. in addition, thby defeats the Tillap in all claims and ouits and prosecute all cases arieing out of violation of Village ordina�t:cea o Proposed espe edit ures are fourteen percent (14 %) higher than last year's appropriation. Higher cost df prefe8olonal service and Hennepin County court, eostS are the amain reasons for the increaseso Profs6sional feria Board and room prisoners witue6s fees bnnapin County court costs Cwrt reporting Central Services %%TAIL $1920000 500 500 4,000 l00 50 .29 A G RU G R& GOVERM T UW%AL MD GOM SERVICES 21. 600 1982 _ �tJ EMMATED. 8 96000 s 9,000 38,100 50,451 1"020 1,,020 _ 19/5 RECOMMENDED BUDDED ?.. COE ACTUAL SERVWB 45,,000 4: COWUL Say= l,OgO ffAL CUBAT i9 CEO N,r�oo..e�. 14 0 1 1711 1 j'riKWFOa' I �L'BVo /ldSOAY . The Village requires the professional sen7 -ices of attorneys who are contracted for an an anoaal bas►ia. They provide legal caun @el and prepare the necetsary ordidances and resolutions required to implement nt the wishes-of the Council. in addition, thby defeats the Tillap in all claims and ouits and prosecute all cases arieing out of violation of Village ordina�t:cea o Proposed espe edit ures are fourteen percent (14 %) higher than last year's appropriation. Higher cost df prefe8olonal service and Hennepin County court, eostS are the amain reasons for the increaseso Profs6sional feria Board and room prisoners witue6s fees bnnapin County court costs Cwrt reporting Central Services %%TAIL $1920000 500 500 4,000 l00 50 .29 MAGE OF EMMA ANNUAL BUDGE ' PAGE 14 Fu�md Fero Area Act No. i°s�It'rRAL T yr G�R� G®VEI� o.� LEGAL AND COURT SEMCES , 210600 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cede Activity Object Detail Present Budget ftecommeaded Budgeted 1. Prosecuting attorney $ 9,000 $ 9,000 2, Profeasional fees $26,000 $28000 Board anal ,ream prisoners 4,000 4,500 Witness fees 1"000 1,500 Hennepin County mart charge@ 7,000 11,000 Court reporting 9.00 $38100 $45,,000 _ 4n General la020 { 12000 TOTAL AAlgLy AND I 1 I I ' COURT SERVICES I 4g 120 k53,080 558000 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 15 P1 V{7Abti6CT� 6 8132 6,132 SUMMARY 03jWT RECOMMENDED BUDOffED Q. PEWHAL SMCES $27,240 $ 27,300 2. COMTRACTUAL SERVIC5 65 65 4. CEHI RAL LEV 6x360 6,,360 . CAPffAL ITV 31��06� 31„695 &33^66,5 3 2 TWALS «*r7�1!�T 01l'U2 XAI �� of tlLV W The supervision and guidance required by various departments, such as engineering,, street, sager and eater, 3s furnished by Director of Public Works. 11pe cost Involved to furnish this service is accumgated in this account. COMNS Ptoposed expenditures are six percent (6 %) higher than last year's appropriation. Salary increases are main reason for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the Increase. AMDURT Salaries and wages Contractual services 15 Central services 228 MTAL i 998 i Am Acce. W. GENERAL PUBLIC [ORKS ADMINISTRATMN 22.050 6 8132 6,132 SUMMARY 03jWT RECOMMENDED BUDOffED Q. PEWHAL SMCES $27,240 $ 27,300 2. COMTRACTUAL SERVIC5 65 65 4. CEHI RAL LEV 6x360 6,,360 . CAPffAL ITV 31��06� 31„695 &33^66,5 3 2 TWALS «*r7�1!�T 01l'U2 XAI �� of tlLV W The supervision and guidance required by various departments, such as engineering,, street, sager and eater, 3s furnished by Director of Public Works. 11pe cost Involved to furnish this service is accumgated in this account. COMNS Ptoposed expenditures are six percent (6 %) higher than last year's appropriation. Salary increases are main reason for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the Increase. AMDURT Salaries and wages Contractual services 15 Central services 228 MTAL i 998 i VILLAGE Or EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET ?AGE 16 Fused FuracVw A= Act?. 'No. Gi RAa, PUBLIC WPM . ADMINISTRATION ` 2.050 EXPENDITURE MAIL Code Activity Object Dewii Present Budget} Recommended Budgeted to Director Secretary $20,880(A) 4 5MB $22,410(C) 4.830 D $22,440 860 $25,455 $27,240 $278300 20 Conferences and schools 80 65 65 4e General. $ 4,272 $ 4,380 Village Hall 1,020 i 1,080 Equipment: operation 840 900 6,132 6360 S 6.360 70T AL AMIMSTRATIOM 31.667 X33,665 933_725 Note A a $W00 J ary I.and,$W00 July 1 R v $25000 Ja ary and $2500 July I C m $65000 Jai any a vd $63.00 July 1 i i � D - $20000 Ja i wary I and $2000 July 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET 17 FEW F "IM Ma. GEZEM PUBLIC WORKS 1�NOINMI RING � 22. 100 SUMMARY 8U OBJ= BECOMMEMD SUDGEM $ 116,675 119,643 1. P OM -- $ 114,330 $111,885 11,300 8,198 .2. CONTRAMAL SERVC3 1,450 1,,430 56563 4, 623 3. CQMWD B 6,)000 6,000 ?daa0$6 24,,096 4 CENTM SERVM 27,780 27,780 I e800 10459 . CAMAL OUVAT 1,800 1, 800 360 1483 915 piE MTI0N The 8ngineering Department prepares plans,,, opecifications, and estimates for public construction projects. This includes street grading and surfacing, sanitary suers, storm seusrs, waterm.ins, and other structures and imorovements. It supervises the construction of these psojecto and provides the necessary inspection Maded to ivsmre materials and workmanship are in accordance with project specifications. The. department maintains records and file; on `all abov* mentiowd activities and operates and maintains copying equipment. COMM Proposed expeenditurea are five percent (3 %) lamr than last year ° s appropriation. rw principal reasons. for the decrease are reduction of provision for overtime and sir help and no provision for traffic commt. The below listed detail contribuf�es to the decrease. AMUVT Salaries and wages $29345 Conferences avA schoolz 15th traffic count 10,000 Lum"r mid tools d00 Central services 3 a 6€ .- TOU 8„011 PAGE 11 Fund Activity FuncHon Area Act. No. 3ENi RAL Budgeted PUBLIC WORKS E GIMERING i 22.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cede Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted lia Supervisor of Surveys $ 13"530(Q $ 14,220 $149280 Supervisor of Resign 13,5W0 A 14,,220 14,280 SupeTvisor of Inspection 13,530(A 14,,220 14,,280 do III 33y 32,800(B 34,6$0 33,600 Aide 11 (2) 18, ?10(C 20,160 18,585 Secretary (�) 4,575(D 4 "830(E) 4,860 Ovartime and summer help 20 000 12,000 12000 .�116,675 4114,330 $111,885 20 Confereaces and schools $ 100 $ 250 Dines and subscripti=3 50 SO Professional services 1,000 1,000 mileage 850 ISO Traffic count 10,000 .$ 11"300 $ 1,450 $ 1,450 3. Blue prixatir4 29500 $ 2 "500 Lumber and tools 1 "500 2,000 supplies 11,500 1.500 �General ' $ 5"500 $ 6 "000 $ 6,000 I 40 'General $ 14,136 $ 17 "220 I Village Hall 1"860 2 "040 EquipmZOt operation $ 100 8,520 $ 24,096 $ 27,780 $27,780 j 3. Calculators $ 1,000 j $ 2,00 Radic for survey ttreuc 800 �K2p cabinet 800 1 800 10800 s 1.800 i 1 '10TAL ENCgc M-RXNc $ $151L,,360 9148.915 Mote A v $40000 January I and $35000 July I B - $33.00 Ja wary I and $35000 July Y ! C - $30.00 Ja4ary 1 and $30.00 July I D - $25,00 Jai.-cry I and $250033 July a B - $20.00 J ' 1 i aary lZ cad $20.00 July I . VILLAGE OF E®BNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 19 Fwd Training 1 MORAL PUBLIC WORKS S=RV7-ST011 AND OVERMAD 23.100 'A 1.972 _ BU YRY 6 D 'J MA 4 M $ 56,105 $ 57"570 !40 375 280 252 47,616 47 "616 j�I�ayggx ���{nW'pep_Q�,.��SILe; 8�8 p_����p p��C�pW�ppp k`OI�tlYV�I{ AENDED SUDGiI 6i iY:/ 59,635 $ 60,150 690 690 280 280 51,060 31,060 $ 104,641 $ 105,813 °p111 "6651i2.1S0 .We PC .LO Lm , 66 V maysid'TC W TAU nos mmi�mm�evssAo All Public Works parsosavel (other than F ineering) are under the suspervii aion of the Peb11c Vorks Superintendent. Be, through this account, piaxns and coordinates his activities" maintains cost and work records, and prides the training and Instruction necessary to ensure hio men do their ,fob most effectively and efficiently. B°Paid Leam ". represents all vacation, sick, funeral, etc, leave used by all Public marks employees. CMMHTS Proposed expenditures are ,even percent (7`) higher than last year"p, appropriation, Salary increase ,anal higher cost of central services are ths reasons for the increase. %e below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries ,and wages-. supervision i . $1,135 Training 1,365 Paid gave 4 m 360 $3,530 Conferences and schools 50 Central services 3444 $71024 VILLAGE OF EDINA PAGE 20 Fund Fweioa Area Act. NQ. GEERAL PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD 23.100 EXPENDITURE. DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Reeemmended Budgeted 110 Supervision 1. Superintendent Coat clerk Accountant ?) Overtime and sumer $ 15,810(Q 3,jW0 B,11 2,400 $ 16,710((Y$ 3,555() 2,640 16,713 3,555 2,655 alp 2 120 2 120 2 120 $ 23,870 $ 25,025 $ 23,040 2. Conferemes and schools $ 300 $ 350 Dues amid subscriptions 40 40 Physical enxamination 50 50 $ 390 $ 440 $ 440 4. General S 43,896 $ 47,100 Public Works Building 2,880 3,060 Equipment operation 840 900 47,616 51,060 51 060 .AL SUPERVISION $ 71,876' $ 76,525 $ 76,340 120 `Draining 1. Payroll $ 3,4 +35 $ 18430 2. Conferences and @chool a 250 250 3. ` Training aids 280 280 $ 3,965 $ 11980 $ 119$0 MAL TRAINING 140 Paid Leave 16. Payroll $ 28,800 $ 33,160 33,660 IOUL PAID LEAVE 28,2900 33 16 0 33.660 I i ` OTAL SUPERVISION AM OVERVAD 104.641 §111,663 $112,180 Note A - $EaMO Jam, ry 1 $45000 July I B - $20.00 Jams ry 1 $M 00 Jelly 1 C > $35.00 Jame ry 1 ind $35000 Jelly I 0 ® $15.00 JamnT 1 ind $15.00 Jelly t VIBE OF SDINA ANWML BUDGET PAGE 21 for Public Works Man lic Works Man porary Sommer help ime maintenance payroll PUBLIC WORKS PAY IWLL SMOMY o DISTRIBUTION 1 1 $1,03' $1,075 11 11 888 925 14 14 818 855 iBBLIC WORKS: $326,023 Supervision and overhead: Training $ 1,450 Paid leave 33,660 Street Maintenance: $ 7,255 General maintenance 80,163 Street cleaning 29,894 Street renovation 24,530 Snow and Ice removal 44,660 Street lighting 600 Street nerve signs 9,500 Traffic Control: 2,,165 Traffic sign 3,,940 Signal maintenance 600 Pavement marking 3,560 Guard rails and barricades 2,970 Bridges 3,100 Stow drainage: 1,500 Storm sewer maintenance 26,125 Temporary drainage and 8„860 culverts 2,970 $ 12,360 $ 12,900 117,,216 122,,100 137,424 143,640 8,000 8,000 16,202 16,583 $291,202 $303,223 22,_000 22,800 TOTAL $313,202 $326,023 DISTRIBUMON Village Properties: Turf and plant maintenance $ 7,255 Tree maintenance 12,393. Lakes and pond maintenance 8,085 Public sidewalk: Maintenance and repairs 1,100 Sine rd and ice removal 1,100 Parking ramp maintenance 2,,165 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $301,824 .Charged to assessed projects and others $ 1,800 Charged to other fiends 8,539 Central services: Village Hall 1,500 Public Worke Building 3,500 Equipment operation 8„860 $ 24,199 TOTAL $326,023 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET pAGE 22 Facd GRNi:&bL PUBLIC %DRKS S'n=T M.INO A&T 23;,200 1972 _ ® EdR/A � 17�g918 $� 165 ,,135 63v860 79,,638 1096714 83,4 18 77,616 77 ,,616 � �9. �oa9s0a SUMMARY RECOMMEMDED BUDGETED J 197,, 550 $179,249 74 285 74$285 124„509 110 ,,000 82,140 82 ,,140 438,,486, 44614 FUNCTION 11m maintenance of pillage streets constitutes the greateet portion of the . Public Works endeavor. As tiva- wvrd 'maimtemamce10 implies,, the purpose of this account is to preseroe and not necessarily to improve,, the streets within the Village. Improvements such as blaektoppfin& curbing, oiling, and installation of drainage facilities,, are normlly financed through as asses=emt procedure and are, therefore,, not included im this Facccc u nt4 This account. doee provide for such Maintenance activ9ities+ as patching, cleaning,, sealing ard snots plowing. Proposed expenditures are eight percent (8 %) higher than last year°v appropriation Mw principal reasons for the increase are additional payroll allocation, additional provision for contracted repairs,, additional cast of camoditierfj9 and higher cost of equipmant operation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AN&UM Salaries and gages: 1,4:20 Street cleaning 970 Street xemovation &OO Spa and ice removal 12442 9 4 ,,632 Equipment rental ISO Contracted repairs 10 ,,275 General maimtenance 3,180 Street clean8n 160 Street rennovationa 9 ,,895 SnW and tee removal 1 ,,360 Central serviced 4J24 TOTAL 34+ 376 Fund Fu= ion _ Detail Area j - Ace. No. GM48RAL 210 PUBLIC WRKS to STREET DIAINMA1KWE I 23 ., 200 EXPENDITURE DEMI. R ® Object Detail PPresentPresentActivity Present Recommended � Budgeted 210 General Maintenance to Payroll $ 77,745 $ 79,163 $ 80,165 20 Equipment rental $ 2,200 $ 2,,310 Contracted repairs 5,500 M775 $ 7£700 $ 18,085 $ 18,085 3. Fill materials $ 3,375 $ 3,550 $ 2,,500 Calcium Chloride 1,875 1,875 1,700 salt 1,000 1,000 1,600 Asphalt mir. 18`_570 200300 13,000 Hal oil 3,,000 3,.000 2,500 Couc rote 4,080 43 325 3,000 Jac&ing materials 3,300 3,470 2,500 Joint materials 11708 2,057 1,800 General supplies 1;302 194$3 1,251 Class V material 8,850 9,000 6,000 Select materials 5,080 5,,200 3,500'.. $ S29060 $ 559260 $ 40,751 40 Eqaipment operation 21 600 22 860 22,,860 'W AL GENML HUMNANCE $159,125 $175,370 $161,861 220 Street cleaniang I. Payroll $ 28,725 $ 29,695 $ 29,894 2, Trash removal 660 760 700 3. Brooms $ 3,541 $ 3.630 Wearing shoes 880 923 Use dater additive 226 258 $ 4,653 $ 4,813 $ 4,�813- 4,, Equipment operation 16,200 17 160 17,,160 i I TOTAL SMET CLEWNG $ 50,238 $ 52,368 $ 32,,567 1240 Street res atiou 1. Payroll $ 23,730 $ 24,530 3. Asphalt mix $ 12,,602 $ 13,038 oil 8,261 11,264 Granular materials 8,743 15 199 $ 29,606 $ 39,501 4. Equipment operation 16,800 17 820 `OM STWET I i REM®ATIION $ 70,136 $ S1,851 $ 81,851 "Vi OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 24 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code A,c.tmty Arm Ace. No. G=RAL PUWLIC WORKS" STREET HM.NIEWdICE 23,,200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code A,c.tmty 2bjce� POW �aessn� Budget Recommended Budgeted 270 SP-M and lee ' Removal to Payroll $ 42,718 $ 44,160 $ 44,660 2,, Equipment rental 5,500 5,500 5, 500 3. Salt $ 11,550 � $ 12,350 Calcium chloride 4,125 lC,500 Sand 7.700 8,085 $ 23,375 $ 24,935 24,935 4. Rqulp .nt operation 25 016 24,300 24,300 0T& SWU AND ' ICE RE-KO VAL $ 94,,609 $ 98,895 $ 99,395 280 Alley canstmction 290 Re placeiien is 20 Contracted Construction 501000 $ 50,000 TOTAL REPLACEMENTS SO OQO 50 000 50D TOTAL STMT I mULVAMCE ° s4,, 108 I 2§58,4M. $445,674 VILLAGE OF EDINA AID -WAL BUDGET PAGE 25 pod Fmaw Am AM12. NO. GENEPAL PUBLIC CORKS STET LIGHTING 23 0 300 1972 BU _ $ 575 $ l "919 93J40 93 x 277 1 "100 400 840 840 SUMMARY 1973 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 600 $ 97',370 1,250 900 93."5 ,�a36 .100,020 11 0 020 �r!���Ttl a�1�1!1111 he overhead street lighting system throughout the Village, is installed and ined by Northern Statee) Power Company. The Village ° s obligations is to provide for furnishing electrical per to all lights. TS ioposed expenditures are five percent (3 %) higher than last year °,s appropriation. pat reason for the Increasa is hfsgher cost of purer. The below listed detail buttes to the increase. AKOUZT Salaries and wages $ 25 Swer 4,,100 Contracted repairs 130 Repair parts 50 Central services 60 TDIM 365 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 26 Fein Fwction Area Act. No. GMRAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET LIGHTING 23.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cods Actift Object Detail present Budget Reccmmended Budgeted 310 Operation and Mainten a I. Payroll $ 375 $ 600 2. Power $82,140 $ 86,240 Contracted repairs 2 750 2"880 $ 89,120 I$84.,890 3. Repair parts 1,100 1.,150 i 4o Equipment operation 840 900 AND MINTENAME $87,405 $ 91 .,970 320 Orawantal lighting i 20 i Centracted serviced: i Replacements 8 250 S 230 70TAL ORNMNTAL LXGumr. $ 8,,.230 $ C250 TOTAL STMET I i i f LIGffi' G I i i { 195,,655 $100.,020 $100.020 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 27 Fwd _ ft GEAR ( PUBLIC WORKS STREET NAME SIGNS 23.400 SUMMARY 1972 _ $ 9,190 0 8"787 , a. PEMONAL SEVICES I CONTRACTUAL 98038 9,,340 3. CDWODM 2fl400 2,400 4• CENTM SERVKZ 9. CAPITAL OUTLAY o 628 . 20 o..... TWALS RECOMMENDED' SU ,® $ 9"500 9,471 2,520 520 FUNCTWN . The Village Installs and maintains all street name Sig". 7his account provides for Installation and maintenance. Propomd eugenditures are four percent (4 %) higher than last year 's appropriation. the Belau listed detail contributes to the inerwise, AMUM Salaries and wages $ 310 Signs and posts 05 Other camoditiePs 8 Central services R20 AL j=L6=3= VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 28 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Debit Fund Function Arm Act. No. GEUERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET IAMB SIGNS 23.400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Debit Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 1. Payroll $ 9,190 $ 9,500 3, Signs and posts $ 8,527 $ 8,952 Paint supplies 311 309 Gloves axed brushes 200 210 $ 9,038 $ 9,471 40 Equipment operations 2,,400 2,,520 TOTAL S %MW > i I 1 SIGNS 20,628 2l 491 $21,491 s VILLAGE OF EDINA ANI NUAL BUDGET PAGE 19 Fund FMCHM Am GMRAL PUBLEC WORKS TRAFFIC COMMOL 23.500 b'UMMMY 1972 _ 1973. $ 12,640 $ 16a3i2 1. PBMxa GYM $ 13,070 $13,070 10,065 9,284 2. COMMMAL SMVM 10,555 108555 14,158 11,713 aL VOM 1 ODYM 14,870 12,500 _ 4,62 0 4,620 &. ENS 5MVMM - 4,800 4, 80 O .lo : C M 9 o"!iS OUMAY X83 Ft8dC9.° M Althaugh the determination of 'need. fear, and the location of all traffic c6ntIro1 devices, such as signs, signals, paement marking, and guard rails, is properly within the jurisdiction of the Police Department, it is, nevertheless, the fu=tion of the nblic Works Department to install and maintain such devices. This account prides for installation and maintenance. Comm Proposed eapendituree are four percent (470) higher than last year's appropriati ®n, The below listed Mail contributes to the 1mrea seo AMOUNT Salaries. and wages: Traffic sign maintenance $ 1.95 Traffic signal maintenances 25 Pavement markieg 115 Guard rails and barricades 95 $ 430 Pater 330 Other contractual service 160 Counaditles-0 Traffic sign Maintemance 368 traffic signal Maisntenawne 40 PaTawnt mstkins 175 Gard rails and barr9cades 129 Central services 1GO 20TAL 1 812 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 30 Fuatd Function Area Act. No. I GMRAL PUBLIC WORKS TAW -M M COAL 236500 I EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 510 Traffic, sign smintevance 1. Payroll $ 5,745 $ 5,940 $ 5,940 3. Gewral supplies 7,132 7,500 6,000 4. Equipment operation 1 920 1 980 1.980 TOTAL MWIG SIGN i MIMMIME $14,797 $15,420 $ 13,920 520 `taffie sill ! maintesame 10 1payroll $ 575 $ 600 2. 1power $ 6,600 $ 6,930 ntracted repairs 2,200 2,300 Contracted services 1,100 11,150 11C $ 9,900 $10,,380 3. Repair materials 770 810 4. Equipment operation 720 720 AL CIO SIGN 1~1AI� OAt�OB $11,965 $12,510 120510 W, Patent Marklag i 10 � payroll $ 36445 $ 3,560 3,560 2, 'r E4mipment rental 165 175 175 l3a Paint 3,400 3,5,5 3,075 I I 40 ( Egipmesat operation 1,,020 1 080 '. _080 TOTAL PAVMNT ING $ 8,030 $ 8,390 $ 7,890 570 Guard rails and � barricades 1. Payroll $ 2,875 $ 2,970 $ 2,970 30 `Guard rail material8 2,856 2,983 2,615 i 4. Equipment operation 960 1,020 1.020 MWAL GUARD RAILS i BARRICADES 6m691 6,975 A 6-603 TOM PEO I COMML 1,483 43,295 s bn _ w vs VILLAGE OF EWNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 31 Fmd F� A rm As& N % i GENKUL PUBLIC NO NKS BRIDGES 23c.600 I 1972 EMMATO 3,000 $ 2,645 18500 1,500 2,627 2,440 840 840 7 SUMMARY -I -• I --i :y go go _ 1973 _ R MMEM S E 3,100 $ 1,300 2,746 900 24b a 8 A 246 . I The purpose of this account is to pride mai ntema=e for the seventeen bridges within the Village. Comm Proposed expenditures are four percent (4 %) higher than laot year °u appropriatiomo The below tinted detail contributes to the increase, AMUM Personal services 100 ec=zodities 119 Central *ervices 60 TOTAL 279 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 32 Fused Function Area Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WRKS BRIDGES 23.600 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail present Budget Recommended Budgeted 1. Payroll $3,000 $3,100 2, Contracted repairs 2,500 1"500 3. Paint $ 300 $ 312 lgmber,cable,bolts, I etc o I J27 1 fl054 Rip-rap Z 200 1,380 .$2 ,,627 $2,746 4. Equipment operation 8440 900 f i I � 10TAL BRIDGES f M967 8 246 SR,2 &6 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNIUAL BUDGET PAGE 33 had Fm9fin Avw A=& W. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STDEN DRAINAGE 23.700 19172 OUP EMTFa S 28,145 $ 27,551 330 310 6,215 6x010 4,j620 4,620 SUMMARY RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 29,095 350 6,505 4,800 39 3� 40 n 750 M 750 PEON .. The Village maintains certain facilities and furrdshfas certain services in an effort to keep damage to property by stars water at a miniuumo In thooe arenas served by storm severs, Village crews periodically check and clean there Gewers, In areas not so served, emarg®ncy measures in the form of Wiping and temporary drains are prided during storms o Comm Proposed expenditures are four percent (4 %) higher than last year's appropriation. the below listed detail contributes to the increase AMUNT Salaries and wages 930 P"er 20 Commodities 290 Central services Igo TOTAL 1 4x40 PAGE 34, Fund Activity Area . Act. No. O t R !/ UBLIC WRKS PUBLIC �j STORK DRAINAGE 23.700 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 9 710 Storm sower Maintenance 1. Payroll $25"275 $26125 2. Poser 330 330 3. Pill materials $ 530 $ 580 PIPS 2,200 2,300 Castings and cement 825 060 I Coverete headwalls and spillways 1,000 1"050 General supplies 815 855 $ 59390 $ 5"645 4. Equipment operation 3,660 3J80 `DOTAL STORM SHMR I MIME $34,653 $35®900 7201Temporary drainage 1. Payroll $ 2"870 $ 2"970 30 Hose 823 860 4. . Equipment operation 960 1 020 TOTAL ` HMPOMY DS4IGi3 653 4.830 � i i f IDTAL STORM DRAINAGE 39 310 730 $40J50 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET 'AGE 35 ft2d F=0M AM A=L Na. GENERAL PUBLIC WRICS MI:EIGE PROPERTIES 23.800 SUMMARY 1972 AMUNT Salaries and wages: 2973 Turf and plant maintenance BUDGUM _ ONECT _ _ RECOMMENDW BUDGETED $ 26,530 S 26 ,,242 1. p ly S 105 $ 27,735 $27,735 2 lm 3,193 2. C.0.47R=UAL SMVM 2p205 2,205 l6 S1p10� 14fl809 3}. d�Mg1�9'�1n� 17,595 16,000 7D0E0 7,080 �p�p�a�� Wo CENTRAL dp35,W�V9pm'Z 7,440 70440 .q/j 52082® S1n326 . 54,975 .aims S3.a380:. WTALS a..�. The function of the Village Properties account is to properly care for all . Village ammd properties, other than those used for Park and Recreation purposes. Mmse Village properties are principally, boulevards, triangles, public building sites, and situ used for utility facilities. The maintenance of these properties Includes the cultivation and umving of the turf, spray - -iog and trimming of trees,, establishment wA care of plantings, mad everyday housekeeping necersLaasry to Bu-ep these Village properties in aesthetic accord with our many fine privately owned wasidentiel properties. Proposed expenditures are fear percent (4 %) higher than last year's appropriation, aim below listed detail contributes to the increase. AI IL L-5.5 AMUNT Salaries and wages: Turf and plant maintenance $ 235 Tree n,ainttflsance 405 Lake and pond maintewme 265 905 Contractual services l05 Commodirieso. liar¢ and plant maintenance 125 Tree maintenance 60 Lake and pond wintmonce 600 Camtral -cokes 360 AI IL L-5.5 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 36 Fund Function Area Act. Na GMERAL PUBLIC WORKS PILLAGE PROPERTIES 23.000 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Obj_ct Oete @Q Present 8adgat Recommended Budgeted 810 Mirf and plant �inte ewe 1. 2, Payroll Contracted rued $ 7,020 $ 7,255 control 1,500 1,575 3. Fertilizer $ 400 $ 620 fool replacement 200 200 Plantings 500 525 Sod std black dirt Chemicals 1,,110 300 1,165 325 40 Equiymn t operation $ 2,510 2 460 $ 2,635 2 580 W AMID PM X� IMINTENME $138490 $148045 $149045 820 Tres maintearance I. Payroll, $11,990 $12,395 2. Contracted services 600 630 3. H=d tmis,ropes and saes $ 400 $ 400 Spray 1 200 4. i qu%pmnt operation $ 196 2 340 -11,260 $ 19 E860 2,460 TOTAL TRES 1�TA $169530 I $17,145 $178145 870 Lis and ponds Maintenance +� to PayMll $'x,820 $ 0,085 $ 8,,085 30 Chemicals headwalls, $ 8,750 $ 9,200 7,605 IRip-rap, and spec' lal '' t strractErar�s 3 950 4.100 4.100 $12,700 2 280 $138300 2,400 $110705 2.400 ' ! i 4. Rgnipment operation TOTAL LMS AM POND PAIR L22,800 $23,,785 $22,190 WTAL VILLAGE PROPERTIES 52&20 2340975 $53380 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 37 Facd _ f M1AT I Ana AmL Imo. GE)MRAL 3,,035 NUB= WORKS 1,357 � SIDEWALKS AND RAMP 23 � 900 1972 _ BUS M1AT $4,216 $ 4,528 Parking ramp 3,,035 1,600 1,357 1,020 1,020 SUMMARY 1. PEMM SERVICES 3. CO MACTUAL SERVIM 3. COMMODMIS k CENTRAL SFAVICXS & CAPITAL. OUTIAY RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 4,365 $ 3,500 1,675 1,200 $ 6 y 836 10, i�c0 10, 740 40-740 E «f1 ;... .1 'ti, FUICTION The primary function of this account is to develop a system of publicly constructed and maintaived sidevalke to assure the safe anal convemient mavemect of pedestrians. The maintenance of parking ramps is also a function of thin account, ITheProposed expenditures are fifty-seven percent (57 %) higher than lest year's appropriation. The princ-1pal reason for the increase is power c©st of the recap bellow lieted detail contributes to the increase. TOTAL 3 904 AMOUNT Salaries and wages: Sidewalk $ 80 Parking ramp 69 $ 149 Power 3,300 Oowmeditiee 75 Gentrat services 180 TOTAL 3 904 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PASCR 38 Fund Function Area Ace. No. GEM ER" PUBLIC VORKS SIDENTALKS AND RAMP � 93.900 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Acthity Object Detail Pmene Budget Recommended Budgeted� 910 Mai ntema+nce and repairs 1. Payroll $19060 $19100 2a Cement aad patching materials S00 525 Goo Ec�ipment operatic an 300 360 Tom MAINTEM'CE LAND REPAIRS $1„860 $19985 920 Snow acrA ice i removal 10 Payroll $19060 $19100 i 30 ( Sand and salt 550 5515 4. 1 Equipmment operation 300 360 MAL SNOW AND ICE i REMAL $19910 $28051 950 Rarking ram I Maintenance 10 'Payroll $2,096 $2,165 2. i Pm. er 3,500 3. 18and and salt 550 375 4. Equipment operation 420 480 TOTAL PAMUNG RAMP i NAINTML49CE -01,3,066 $6J20 1 TOM SIDEWALKS i I 1 f AND RAMP $69836 $10,740 S9.O MO VILLAGE OF EDiNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 39 Fwd Fmdkm Am No. GEMRAL PUBLIC. WRICS CAPITAL 00IXAY 23.100 K 43,700 �43a70® 44,200 &--4, 4 a 200 19773 RECCAMENOED BUDGETED 40,600 40,,600 S_ 40 600 Expenditures for items of equip=-at which have a useful life of more thram one year are classified as Capital Outlay. Cows D mp (crack replacements are both 1966 models. Both trucks have over 46,000 mines each. The mount provided for loader represents the second year provision to replace a 1952 asodelo Tail Bate sanders and sv+v plows are to replace worn out items6 bombardier is needed for plowing sidewalks and cleaning stom sever outlets. Mw pick -up is replacement for 1964 wdel, a three radios for the following vehicles-(l) electrician; (2) sign hack; and (3) vacmallo The ref shelter is for the storage trite purchased during 1972, also includes 200 feet of Matal fenc ilrs with gate. VILL46E OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 40 Fu ad Act'Wity Femeticm r Area i Act. No. Recommanded Budgeted PUBLIC 1110M CAPITAL OUTLAY I 23.103 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Act'Wity Object Detail Present Budget Recommanded Budgeted S. Replacement dtfmp truck- �2) $159000 $15,000 Front-end leader(1 /3 5"000 5,000 RaplaCements o ` I Tail gate sander 2,400 , 1,200 SMV ploys (2) 1,800 I 1,800 Tractor with backhoe 4,500 Bituminous storage t 10,000 gallon 15,000 Bombardier with bwkhoe 9,000 O half for picks -up 2,600 Radios-(3) 3,000 Asphalt beating tank roof shelter 2 000 1 1 Tim CAPITAL OWEAY §43,700 J40,600 $40.600 VILLAGE OF EDINA MMUAL BUDGE PAGE 41 F=d g� AM , GENEi�I. PRDTECTiOPR&PER ONS AND POLICE PROTECTION 24.100 SUMMARY 1972. BUMM-D EMMA—ItW OBJKT 197 RECOMMENDED 1 8U06 D 602,.73 ' 8 601,004 1. pW0PA, SERVM $ 645,464 $641,285 24,430 25,,678 1 CWTRACTUAL SEAY 27,126 270126 2,941 5 ,,224 3. COMMOOMES 3,032 30032 151 D 6'20 151 D 620 4•. qkqUAL SMVKZ 158,580 158,590 . 348834 33,465 CAPIYAL OUTLAY 36,361 36,361 g Slm, 6� S62 816 1 &E2"563 FUNCTION The primary function of police protection ie; to protect life and property which includes investigation of major crimes and public moral offenses, offenses which have to do with the maintenance of puce, and enforcement of traffic violations. The authority to do this is granted to a large extent thraugh criminal and civil codes, and village, state, and federal legislation affecting the public in general. C0 Proposed expenditures are seven percent (7 %) higher than last year's appropriation, Salary increases and additional personnel repret3ents about eighty percent'(80 %) of the ine-reaseo 'Dw balance is represented by hAgher cost of central services ,seal higher cost of vehicle replracema nto The below listed detail contributes to the increase, Salaries and wages $42,727 Pamision supplement 600 Conferencee and schools 439 Dues and subscriptions 26 Teletype and teleprinters 10407 Psychological testing 200 Other contractual services 24 Cammodities 91 Central services 6,960 Capital Outlay 1,,527 TOTAL. L4 001 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 42 Fund EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Function Areaa. ' Act. No. GENERAL PR019EC`hION OF PERSONS AND POLICE PROTECTION , 24.100 PROPE R Director $ 18,870 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code AdIvity Object Detail Budget B 8 ue$ga Recommended Budgeted 1 Director $ 18,870 $ 19,380 $ 19,431 Captain, (2) 32,688 33,816 33,816 Sergeants (7) 96,636 990942 99,942 Patrolmen (15) 197,424 1929,948 192,948 Patrolmen (4) 70,640 5oAk 50,451 Patrolmen (3) 32,965 35,151 35,751 - Patrolmen (3) 34,082 38,116 38,116 Patrolmen (2) 20,650 20,650 i Patrolmen-new 9,600 4, 800 Detectives (6) 52,936 97,318 77,318 Dispatchers (2) 27,540 29,160 29,160 :bl�ipatchars PT 11,358 11,869 11,869 Secretary (2) 13,680 15,330 13,450 Secretary suing shff 6,430 Clark - typist 4,300 4,950 Part-time dispateher high school atudent 4,633 4,633 4,633 Uug4tion incentive pay plan 2 815 A - 2 000'A 2,000 $602,737 $645,464 $641,285 2.. Pension supplement $ .109300 $ 10,900 Y.. Conferences and r Schools 1,595 2,034 Dues and subscriptions 302 328 Teletype 1,)428 2,834 Radar and drunkometer 325 300 Laundry 40 s0 Uniform allowance 8,400 8,400 Psychological testing 200 400 Ianswrarnce l 840 l"880 $ 24,430 $ 27,126 _ $ 27,126 1 ANNUALBUDSU Fund Fwx&n Aae � Aa. No. PIMEC ION OF PERS03S AND GENERAL POLICE PROTEMON 24.100 PROPERTY EXPENDIT tE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detaaii Budget Recommended Budgeted 3. Ammunition. $ 1 200 $ 1,300 Jail . and prisoner expeiase 450 350 Photographic suppl.:ie 550 500 First aid supplies 305 200 Fire a itixpisher Supplies 75 90 General. supplies 361 592 2,941 0 3,032 $ 3,,032 4� Gemerral $ 97,320 $100,980 Village Hall 98420 � 10,440 Equipment operation 44,890, 47,160 $151,620 $258,,580 $1588580 50 Vehicles (13) $ 30,100 $ 32,500 Piatplo and shotgu ns 250 260 Tape recorder 300 cr°iter 360 350 . Visible file 319 PA and sire6 unit 190 250 File cabinets 300 125 Fir entingulobaas 300 I Camera with enRarger 450 Tape reeordiag system dispatcher 1,,400 Glade- A <Pbene 865 Radios- Portable (25 1,300 j Radar unit- Speedgui, 1,030 . Radio - monitor 2013 Strobe light 190 Polaroid-focus fRash ISO 3 834 3 1_ 9 36_.3Sl p���q� POLICE TOTAL S�Y7fd�FOSa PROUCTION $816,562 $8700563 9866.39& Note A Incentive P y is included with regular Par where tba t amotint is Ewzwno , VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 44 1972 _ NU �'T9�lA $261a605 GEMRAL PRMCTION OF PERSONS ALT FIRE PROWCTION I 24u 200 3,864, PROPERTY 216202 1972 _ NU �'T9�lA $261a605 $ 261,572 12,494 16,373 S6121 3,864, $9,220 59,220 216202 18,054 S1&642 &MLO SUMOARY 1973 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $285,282 $ 16,963 6,221 "8920 18,700 &nLOS6 392.06. - - - -- Basically. the objectives of Fire Protection are (1) to prevent fires from starting; (2) to prevent loss of life and property in case of fire; (3) confine a fire to the place of origine and (4) extingni8h all fires. in several, this imrolves the providing of services for boon fire prewntion and fire fighting. �ea-aa PropasW expenditures are sirs percent (9 %) higher than last year's appropriation, About seventy -five percent (73 %) of they increase is represented by salary incresses and additional personnel (one fireman acd half time secretary). The balance of increase is represented by higher cost of utilitie@ for new fire station, higher cost of hose and central services. legs a reduction in mount@ prodded for capital outlay. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. .a N _y Salaries and rages $$238677 Cmferences and schools 287 Dues and subscriptions 82 Utilities 4,,100 Hose 1,100 Central services 3D700 Capital outlay 2,502 TOTAL 31' "4 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL SUDSET pAGE 4.5 Fund Fatzbon Area Art. No. GENERAL . PROTECTION OF PERSONS 1D FIRE PROTEOTION 240200 Tait RE Ohief $ 13,,660 EXPENDIT0RE DETAIL Code Activity 01jee2 Detail I- i'resen� Budget Recommended Bud eted 9 1. Ohief $ 13,,660 $ 16,560 Assistant Chief 14,916 1.6,236 Lieutenants (3) 38,46. 3960 Drivers aad inspectors (4) 35,640 48,768 Firemen (5) 58,200 59,,688 Firemen 2) 33,120 23,412 Firemen (3) 31,393 33.,531 Firm 10,215 10,914 Fireman -new (1) 9"441, Secretary-part tune 3,120 Fireman -part time 24,000 24"00�0� $261,605 $285,282 20 Conferences and scchcals $ 1,686 $ 11973 ! Ones and i subscriptions 158 240 � Lan,whT 1,100 1,10O inform allowance 3,150 3,150 Insurance 1.200 1,200 Beat 2,600 Light and power 6,500 water and sewer service: 200 Utilities 5,200 Ij $ 12,494; $ 16,963 t 3, Clothing aeplacemo t i $ 471 $ 471 Liquid foam 450 ! 4.30 Photographic � sUppbies 450 450 First aid supplies 4.00 40O General supplies 2,15O� :1,150 Lose- 200 1,300 Cleaning Supplier; 200 Paper Guppl ies 200 Other supplies- ba;lding 1,000 600 $ 5,121 $ 6,221 4. General by IA, 460 yZ, .=19 , 41140 Equipment operation 14 760 15 480 $ 59,220 + $ 64,920 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL SUDGU PAGE 46 FwA Furtcgo APen Act. No. GMRA1 PROT:MOK OIL PERSONS AND FIRE PROTECTi0N 24 � 200 PROPERTY Portable radio 425 EXPENDITURE DETAIL code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted � So Portable radio 425 $ 500 Screen, and speaker 210 225 lFtamper 15,000 15,000 Radio replacement ;4) 3,240 1,600 Fool set and chest 410 Various wols and ! stop equipment 1,382 500 i Lumber -work beneb and table 450 lWavriter 85 Lumber for cabinet 250 `I Training !Film 125 Nozzles and valves S00 2Y 202 $ 10 „700 TOTAL FIRE ' 4 I i i I I ! PROUCTION $359,642 $392,086 $392,O1* ( F 1 1 I i F . VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAC9 47 FwW Fawn Afw Ate. NQ. GEORAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND $ 39378 010 — - $ 3.420 R 333 480 SUMMARY 1972 BUDGETED EMMATED OBJECT .1973 RECOMMENDED BUDGEi0 $ 36150 $ 39378 1. PE NA SERVICES — - $ 3.420 $3,4;9 333 480 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 394 394 so 411 3. COAMODITO 500 300 d. CENTRAL SMVICES & CAPifAL OUTLAY $ 063 84 269 31R six-a. ......�.e.w ...�. i� .�.ws�.e .�w.....o 1 r lC�:/idJV�Y $dim Civilian Defevase.ergsmidae'Lon aaintaiii4 lidi6dn with local,' static ,i.0 federal sgena4s, in order t® provide the needed resmrces to meet emergoicy sft6ation"s of catastsopli¢ nature. Pcasttiular emphasis is be%ag plgcad upon an effort to better integrate a" coordinate the` attivitles of paid and valunteer.emergeicy perseibel. col"PiTS Prop'sed ekpanditures are six percent (6 %) higher than last year °s appr0pr1aii0ao Sa1as7 increase Is principal rte_ silica for the increase; The begdo listed detail contributed ge the increase., Saldiia' 6 'amd wages $ 270 Caaferemes and schools 41 8.eserv' as- uniforms 50 Re r�es�semcanitloc� 10 TOTAL 251 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PACE erg Fund Function P C'TION OF PE�MNS AND Area Act. No. CIVILIAN DEFENSE 24.300 Detail PROPERTY PROPERTY Recommended EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 9 1. Director $3,150 $3,420 $3,429 2, Conferences and schools $ 40 $ 81 Dues subscriptions 13 13 Leased lines for siren 300 300 $ 353 $ 394 394 30 Uniform- reserves $ 450 $ 400 I + Am. Muitioa� -s� Radiological "0 70 survey meter supplies 30 30 S60 300 500 I i TOM, C IM j Di FEM 4.063 §4,,314 $4,323 i � i� , i } I I I I i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE.49 Fmd I Fameba - PJW $24,130 GENnA PR0WCTX0MhffrNS WD PUBLIC HULTH 24400 s 1272 AM i' Salaries and wages $24,130 $ 23,,870 I�555 1,471 925 957 5g856 5,636 217 150 2 X683 &M&304 SUS( _ . 1973 _ RECOMMENND BUDMED $ 25a 5i5 $25,860 1,632 1x632 925 925 6,660 6,660 236 234 35026 g 33..311 U functions of the Public Hoalth Dapasrtmeat are to provide for the general welfam of the cam pity by maldng and onforcing lam to preserw and pr to the public health arA safety. and to protect the life and health of all. persons within the aaity0 Pi—oposed expenditures a am seven percent (7 %) higher than last year o s appropriation. Salary increase ad higher cost of central sen4eas are more reasons for the increase. The balm listed detail contributes to the Ineream, AM i' Salaries and wages $1 3 Dues sad subscriptions 27 mileage 50 Central services m Capital outlay 17 VILLAGE OF E ®!NA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 50 Find Fuaaa Aam Act. Nei. GEBii M Og OF PERSONS A1�D P -BII�I� MZALTH 24.400 PROPERTY SI- mitariaan $136230(B ) EXPENDITURE DETAIL Coda Activity Object Detail Present Baadget Recommended Budgeted 1� SI- mitariaan $136230(B ) $13,980CH) $14,160 (Bbdleal officer 300 300 300 Secretary g�) 3,SaO(C) 3,76SQF) 1,870 Extras help ....... 2 950 3,050 3,050 Laboratory tadhnidlan (1 /3) 3,646(1) 3,930(G) 3;,930 Ste: help- Ilaboratory Q1 /3) 500 550 5.50 I $24,130 $25,375 $25,860 2o G=Eerevces and schools $ 500 $ 500 D2es and subscriptions so 107 mileage 975 1,025 i $ 1,555 $ 1,632 $ 1,632 3. { Test eqwipment am& supplies (1 /3) 9255(A 925L(A) 4. Gamraal $ 3,756 $ 4,"0 I Village Hall f olio Works 1,020 1,080 Building 15080 1 140 5,856. 6,660 $ 6,660 { S. Sterne- microscope $ 217 Desiccator $ 67 Toploa ding balance 167 I $ 217( $ 234(A) $ 234QA) j T&M PUSLI0 932,683 435,026 9%%_ m -i ' Note A - Represents loam I Ird of the costa Tim Balmuce to be shed qquaI15 with Saist Buis Park and Dlomi toga. B ® $4.0.00 Ja= lary 1 iiSrad 03.00 . e my 1 ' G m $25.00 Jawlary 1 and $20.00 July I { )D ©x.00 Jan ary 1 and $40.00 July l B o $30.00 Ja>iery I { $30.00 July 1 F o $15.00 J ary 1 and $1540 Daly 1 G ° $35.00 J ary I and $35600 July l VILLAGE OF E ®IC VA ANNUAL BUDGET PArvE 51 Rod Fm Am ft GMRAL PROTECTION PERSONS AM 1�VDL4L CONTROL 24.500. F RTZ SU+fty PUNCTRO 1 Animl Control is a function of Village Govermamt designed to protect life and property frm the imj urioms activities of cAdmals. bona wild and domesticated.. Mle Village Council has, by ordimmaea regulated the Reashing aaad licensing of do(;&. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 52 f GB R PP=CTMN OF PMONS tom' WSPEC71ONS 24.600 PROPERTY 1972 SUMMARY `9, ; e,a 47e980 6 47,371 1,629 1,789 865 1,193 10.440 100440 .5.13 250 SUMMARY `9, ; e,a 61.427 61,243 7 ,& X51 .. WYALS TEDN RECOMMENDED W$DGETED 61,300 $61.840 1,,544 11544 619 617 11.700 11,700 650 650 61.427 61,243 7 ,& X51 .. WYALS TEDN the functions of the Inspection Department are to issue and rev, &e building,, plumbing and sign permits; enforce building, plumbing and gonins ordinance; and codes; propose axed revue building, plum- bing used construction codes; establioh house nmmbering9 recamend condemnation and abateMnt of unsafe buildings; and inspect all building construction. CONKS= Proposed expenditures are twenty-three percent C23 %) higher than lest year's appropriation. Provision for fall time meeb nical inspector fv the principal reason for the increase. TM balance is represented by salary increases and higher central service cases. The below Misted detail contributes to the L=rease. AMMU Salaries and wages $13,320 Conferences and schools l8 Does and subscriptions 5 mileage 72 Commodities 248 Central services 15260 Capital outlay 137 TOW, 14.384 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 53 Fund Ftio® Ama Act. No. MiMRAL PROTECTION OP PERSONS AND Budgeted 246600 PROPER ]Wilding inspector Plumbing and heating $13,530 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail �eosso4 Budget Recommended Budgeted ]Wilding inspector Plumbing and heating $13,530 $14,340(A) $14,520 Inspector As'sisatant inspector Clerk Rxtra help Macbanidal inspector 120930 10,920 6 ®510 4,030 13,740�A) I1e530cg) 6fl870 4,000 10 800 13,920 11 ®730 6,870 4,000 10.800 47,980 $61,300 $61,840 2. Conferences and schools $ 997 $ 979 Dues and subscriptions 155 160 Mleage 477 405 $ 11629 $ 1,544 $ 1,344 3. Printed forms b 715 $ 518 Code books too 24 General supplies 50 75 Y 865 $ 617 $ 617 4. General $x',620 $ 8,640 .j.Equipmsat Village Hall operation 1,14;0 1,680 1,260 fl 800 $10,440 $11,700 $11,700 S. Plan hangers $ 313 $ ISO Equipmot and tables 200 Desk, chair and file SQO 513 650 a kin I 'alto INSPECTIONS $61.427 .. _$M811 $76..351 ' ftte A ® $30.00 Jamiary 1 a�d $30oO0 July I R o $25.00 JaML&TY I and $25.00 July I I ! I C o $13.00 Jamlary 1 and $13.00 July I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE Sys Feted Pia sus I AM. Ma CHOR& NoD! -DEPAR I ii, D M �E MMGEKCT E I 26.100 1972 _ 60,614 20,490 2 0 eA Z ®�497 S9lb4kMY .1973 40,,000 37,112 ��!q/Vv� .,� ®/{aiw/yPy ��a��pyma��ac. .000 d3mavac1 Wring the year, unanticipated but neceasa" expenditures may occur, for which dwre has bew w prey a us appmpriati®n, This account is a reserve for Fisch Contiagencie9 0 COPMETS Vw additiowl provision for contlagenctes is for re elites in Village Hall, ANNUAL SUDGU PAW s� SUMMARY �s Affm AWL ft GE&E WN-DEPARMNTAL EXPENDITURES SETTLEt6NT OF SUITES 26,200 SUMMARY EMMATED OBJECT �U ® RECOMMENDED BUDGE MD I. FWam Sav - $ $ - 500 24D490 I CO AL SERVIM 500 500 3. CDMWDffM I 4.. $IRY S S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 200 490 - -- - - -- Soo - a, TWALS VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET a 56 H _ BUD p�2 EM .MA 702000 75,020 &M I5 2® SUMMARY -RECOMMENDED SUDGMD , $ $ 75,000 ° Pd�DB� The Village owed properties are subject to special assessmant s for various ilmprav=ent pr®jectw. Ibis account provides funds to pay these assessmentz;� f- G U&, WW- DEPtR BL E UDITMS SI' ASS iSSIeNTS ON 26.31 H _ BUD p�2 EM .MA 702000 75,020 &M I5 2® SUMMARY -RECOMMENDED SUDGMD , $ $ 75,000 ° Pd�DB� The Village owed properties are subject to special assessmant s for various ilmprav=ent pr®jectw. Ibis account provides funds to pay these assessmentz;� f- r ` VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 57 4b659 4,620 n SLIMY tm�Y 6416 9 HCOMMEMDED BUDGeTED ,g am MN-DEPAR I $$ DI` URES . CIMIU o SERVICES— OUHAY 26.500 4b659 4,620 n SLIMY tm�Y 6416 9 HCOMMEMDED BUDGeTED ,g VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 58 rat d Activity Amu CAPITAL taco. No. GMTHRAL NONDEPAR =BYE EXPENDITURES CENTRAL SERMES OiFnAY 266500 EXPENDITURE WAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget �ecaiamended Bud etcd ' Village Hall 5. Improvements: Gdneral office $3,000 03,000 TOTAL VILIAGR MU $3„600 $3,000 %blAc Works Building + i IEqmip mt Operation Toot replaccments and rmewals- various $1 659 $11M AL EQUIPMENT OPBRATIOii 1.659 21,800 TWAL CEBIT-AL SEgiICE&- i I l i CAPITAL OUTLAY 4 659 1416W $4-800 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET FAGEE 59 Sii0V89iCAll B W-8—account was established for the purpose of acc ueulating fnds for Capital ImprovMents. Tae appropriation for capital Improvements will be used to acquire the Americag Legion property adjacent to cur property. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 60 Fmd FMMNM IMN-DEPARTMUL Am L. No. GENERAL EXPENDITURES ooa41USSIon 26,7 00 SUMMARY ®0 =7 RfC0MW ffD 8Ub& 6 $ 6,600 $ 6,600 3,600 1,400 1,300 1,500 a 9.868 la9�i00 TOTAU CAMOAMARY TwN tit RIGHTS comaSSWN `lam man Rights Ccmm}iasiocn ire a citi�ev advisory co mission to the Village Cooncilo Their main activity i@ that of advising the Council an matters involtvin the infrI ngeme nt of guaranteed rights of citircns and the education of Edina reoldeents concercnimg thefir. rights and obligations for the rights of othero MKIRDMOITAL gUALI` Y CiPMSSWO The Enviftms ataa Quality Gommiscsioe is a citisgen advisory cemmisfian to the Village Council. Their main scope of activity is iLvestigatioen of eaviroiuAeiit al cOmditioaas affecting the Tfililrage and the Education of Edima residents in envir®a mentraa matters. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BURET ;1 PAGE Fund Function Amu Act. Igo. GMRAL NOWDEPAR NTAL EXPENDITURES CMMi1SSZONS 26,700 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code AetMty Object Detud pmsent Budget Recommended Budgeted 26,700 Hyman Rights Commission to Director- Part -time $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $6,000 2. ' Conferences and schools $ 325 $ 323 $ 325 Dmes and i subscriptions 75 775 75 Education programs 3,200 3ti200 1,000 Expense allowance 600 $ 4,200 $ 3;600 $1,400 3. Printing $ 300 $ 300 Unclassified 600 300 900 S 900 TOTAL HUMAN RIGIUS CON4ISSION $10,500 $10,500 $8,300 26.800 Envirocmental Quality Commissio 1, Secretary $ 600 3. Printing $ 50 FAucational activitiL.8 550 -0- 600 - 91_200 TO A ER11 RO±��AL TOTAL QUALgTZ COMISSION -0. 1,200 99-500 i I I TOTAL CM SSIONS $10.500 $ll 700 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET HNGE 62 P"d F Am Ant. H. PARR PARK AND RPCRSATION ADMIWZSTRATION 47. 100 1972 BUOGVE MD ESTIMATED $ 744000 5 73,673 1,950 175 35j952 �112� 077 20430 526 35,952 112;581 SUMMARY 1. PERSOON& SUVICU 2. CONTRACTUAL S2RV 3. COMMO@ITI$S Q CENTRAL SERVXX 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY El's 1973 _ RECOMMENDED BU M $ 79,090 3 79,320 2,000 2,000 175 175 40,560 40,560 s- 7 210825 122,055 P'ONC3"YDBi The Park sad Recreation Department is responsible for the acquisition, developwntt, operation and maintenmme of the Village parks and recrestloh facilities, and the conduct of the recreation program, Providing for the administration of the park and recreation function is the object of this account. The Edina Park Board, as an advisory body to the Edina Village Council, assists in the plans and operation of the park and recreation function6 COMMSNTS Proposed expenditures are nice percent (V4) higher than last year's appropriation. Salary increases cod higher cost of central services are principal reasons for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. ANQ= Salaries and wages $5,090 Mileage 50 Central services 4,608 TOTAL 9 748 t VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 63 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade Activity Object del Fund Fuction Ares I . Act. No. PAR PARK AND RECREATION AM NI I 47.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade Activity Object del Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 10 Director $ 18;660(A) $$9,620(() $ 19.740 Assistant director 13,920(B) 14,620(E) 14,820 Program supervisor 10,140(C) 10,900(E) 10,900 secretary 7,300(D) 7,770(P) 7,030 Recreation specialist Clerh6 typist 7,200 0,400 1,100 0,400 1,750 Clerical 900 Paid leave 15,500 15,500 13,500 `Raining 300 I 300 ern I $ 74,000 $79,090 $ 79,320 2. Confere=es and • Schools $ 000 $ 000 Dues and subscriptions ISO 150 Audit 050 050 mileage 150 200 S 1,950 $ 21000 $ 2,000 3. Printing $ 100 $ 100 Books and pamphlets 75 75 $ 175 $ 175 $ 175 4� General $ 27,052 $31,920 f Village Hall 3,120 3,,360 Poblic Worts Building 20000 3,060 zgmipmnt operation 2,100 2,220 35p952 40 560 S .40-590 i • TOM AMIMS `l'1018 $112,,077 8121 025 $122,055 Non A - $55000 Jamaa •ry 1 $30.00 July 1 B m $40.00 Jam 1 md $40000 July l C G $30000 James y 1 $3040 July 1 D - $25000 iamn4ry 1 nd $20.00 July 1 B ® $35000 January 1 md $40.00 July 1 P G $15000 J ry ,l $15.00 July 1 VILLAGE OF EDEMA f F 1 I PARR i ANNUAL BUDGE PAGE 64 knSw PARK AND RECRUTION SUMMARY RRCREA'i°IOh PROGRAM 47.200 IDUDMIM EMMATED 0&1= RECOMMENDED BUDGMD 44 "854 8 42,438 E. POWN& SEW= 472190 $ 9"800 10 "000 COWMACTUAL SBV= 10,150 10J75 193 11 "298 Bus rental l l "380 Goalie equipment Soo 4 GMTRAL SERY 3o Temis ccmaodities 153 I CAPWAL OUTLAY 100 S 1e 29 S_13.116 Gym rental and booketbali �m 68,700 x.68.900 . Sssacrsar music activities 400 TMALS Et Y'.. ,i-�4r.: 'I',�`C`.' ^., S Wl0YION . The Village, in addition to provviding park facilities, conducts a yeaar around recreational program as a function of Village goverment,, This program is the responsibility. of the Park and Recreatiozn Daparteaent, It includes such activities as organized baseball, softballs hockey" swiming and tennis instruction., and a sang planygrou nd program for mall children. Some of these activities receive fliumcrial support from various service organizations, and into othero the participants tbams elves pay a portion of the cost._ COMKEM Proposed expenditures are six percent.(6 %) highar than last year's appropriation. Righter cost of personal services, and additional camodities are maim reasons for the Increase,. the below listed detail contributes to the increase. WOTAL $3n891 ANDUNT Salaries and wages; Skating €and hockey 41,886 Terris Instruction 130 Plaaygrssmud 300 �2�316 Nilease ISO Bus rental 200 Goalie equipment Soo Goals 3o Temis ccmaodities 153 Printing bulletin 100 Football 200 Gym rental and booketbali 200 Sssacrsar music activities 400 WOTAL $3n891 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 65 Fund Feaction Areb Act. Rao. PARR PARK ARID RECREATION RECREATION PROGRAM 47.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Pawl Prmn Bridget Recommended -. Budgeted IO Baseball and softball to Supervision $1,650 $ 1,650 Coaching assistant 1 980 1 960 ( $ 3,630 $ 3,630 2. Mileage 150 3. Plates and bases $ x/00 � 900. $ Bags and balls 300 300 j Catching equipment 300 300 Equipment repairs ISO ISO $ X50 $ 30 WTAL BASEBALL AND } SOIFTBALL $ 3,080 $ 3,230 220 jSkatiog and hockey to Rink supervision $10,120 $12,000 Hockey coaching 595 600 $20 7L4 $12,600 3� Goalie equipment $ 300 $ 11000 Goals 250 300 5}�� TOTAL SRAnNG AND RDCKEY $11,664 $13,900 230 Tamis instruction � to , instructor $ 770 $ Soo A5alstant � i Instructors 11,500 1,600 i $ 21)270 $ 2,4300 I 3. I Tennis balls $ 150 $ ISO i (filets 4500 500 i Unclassified 23 i so 375 730 %O MWIS ZWSTRWTION $ 2,845 1 $ 3 � 130 E40 Playground 1. ! leaders $12,0uo $U2,300 3. Crafts $ 2,000 $ 2,000 y q R.eplac nta and renewals Soo Soo 2,800 2 NO TOTAL PXAYGROUND $14,800 $15,100 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 66 �aod Function sie�m Act. No. " PAW PARK MD RECREATION RECREATION PROGRAM 47.,200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted g 50 Swimming instruction to Supervision $ 825 $ 825 Isnstzuction 8,250 8,250 Attendants 715 715 Registration 450 450 10,240 $10,240 20 Sne rental $ 7,800 $ 81000 Pool rental 2 000 3 000 $ 9,800 $10,000 3. Unclassified 200 200 SAL SWIi iG INSTRUCTION $300240 $20,440 260 Tenn Program � to � su" rvision $ 500 $ 500 3, { and 1Equipment supplies $ S00 $ S00 Printing Unclassified S00 500 500 500 1500 1,500 i TEAL MN PROGRAM 2';000 $ 21000 P-70 Miscellaneous and special activities 1. f Payroll $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Leaders 2A500 2 500 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 3. Printing- summer and i winter bulletins { ChladreYn ° s theatre $ 1,000 $ 1,100 i arA pmppetry ,Football SOO 200 S00 400 i UWlaasafied Gym rental and 500 S00 . . brasketball 500 300 j Girl ° a gymnastics 200 200 1 Sir music activities 400 $ 2,900 3 400 TOTAL HISCWLLAMOUS AND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 8,400 8.900 RECREATION PROGRAM $64,,829 s6gn.700 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 67 Pmt Fs Am — - -- Salaries and wages: PA� rARK MD RECREATION. MAINI19NAM 47.300 SUMAMY 1972 i99 RlfA` OBJECT $ 102 ,,128 $ 102,741 B. PERSON& $110,,200 $1118544 9,950 12,596 P. CWTUCFUAL SERVKZS 10.900 10 :900 21,:100 19,685 3' COMMODITIES 24,350 24,,350 21,420 21,420 4.. UNTM S$RV 22 ,,500 22 ®500 COITAL OUWAY �g98 &x2442 TWALS 169 950 i69. 294 Park Maintenance involves . the care of all Village parks and recreation facilities., Included in this, budget account are only those properties designated as parks. Other Village properties such as baaulevrards,, islands, triangles, life and pumping stations ,,. etc.,) are maientalwA through other budget accounts, although the ground work is dosm by the park maintename creep Tha maintenance of parks, includes turf care, estagblieb- > amt and care of trees and plantings,, litter removal, maintenance of park buildings, d eqmipmnt and skating rinks. 1+S Proposed eupecWitcares are nice percent (9 %) higher than last gear ®s appropriation, Additional pall (ealary increase and additional part-time help), higher coast of catilitieeb camwdities and central services, are the reasons for the increa:isp� `ae below listed detain contributes to the increase. ANDUM Salaries and wages: wing $1J50 Central services Special turf care 21250 $ 1.080 Plasntipgs avd trees 1,250 Litter rewvaal , 1,250 joTAL $r43n352 Parking area maaintemance Soo Befildin and equipment maintemance 500 Skating risk :maintenance 2&572 $8 ,,072 Forester 150 Utilities 800 Caummoditiew, Special turf care $18400 Plantings and trees 200 Litter removal 100 Parking area Maintenance 450 Building and egdnipmat maintenavce180.00 Lamp and fixtures 100 $3 ,,250 VILLAGE OF E ®!NA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 68 Fund dre-e Act. No. PARK PARK AND RECREATION MIN78NANCE 47.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Budget B Cade Activity Object Detail Present Recommendzd Bud eted aedgst B 310 Hmwing 1. Payroll $ 14 250 $ 16 000 320 i 1340 4. qtaipment oparation 1.6 0 1.680 'iflM- II�1S -MB RR OVAL S 6, 370 $ 9,780 s , 3. Repairs, parts and hand rowers 600 600 4. ,Bcmipment operation 5,160 5400 �WTA& 10WING S 20,010 $ 22,000 $ 221,000 pecial turf care 1. Payroll $ 159750 $ 18,000 2. Contracted work 1„900 1,900 3. Seed Sod $ 1,200 1,200 $ 1,800 1 ,200 Fertilizer Black dire 2,000 1 "600 2,000 2r,400 weed spray 200 200 $ 6,200 $ 7,600 4. Equipiwnt operation 2,,760 2 P 880 70TAL SPEC= TURF CABS $ 26,610 $ 30;380 $ 30,380 aa and .antbngs nd trees J,, Pityroll $ 51750 50 1 $ 71000 20 Contract foreseer 650 BOp 30 Plant materials 500 700 4. Equipment operation 2 160 2,280 FPLANTIMS AND S $ 9,060 I'..� 10,780 S 10,780 teer removal 0 Payroll $ 5,750 $ 7,000 c1y 2 d ftu—ch rental 400 400 30 ash container 600 700 4. qtaipment oparation 1.6 0 1.680 'iflM- II�1S -MB RR OVAL S 6, 370 $ 9,780 VILLAGE O .EDINA a ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 69 Fund ISEXPENDITURE DETAIL Code F8=00n AMa Act. No. PARK PARK MD RECREATION HMNMANCE 47.300 ISEXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Oe Budget. dged c dg ® Recommended Bedge2ed SO Parking area owiratename 10 �ayroll $ 4,500 $ 4,000 30 oad oil $ 16040 1, 0 rand 600 1,200 nassified 300 ISO $ 2,700 $ 31150 4. Ipme nt operation 1,620 1,680 I I VO YAL PARKING A 0,020 $ 0903® $ 8,830 60 ;Build ng- and eepip- I meat maiote a 10 �ffrcll $ 22,,000 $ 220500 2390" 2e ivalities 1 "900 2,300 29500 3. i�ai�ber $ 3 il S00 $ 4,000 lRepair materials 6 500 7000 10,000 $ 11,000 $ 11"004 40 qa ip aye operatica 2 764 ! 2 880 2 _ A90 ULDING AND �$QUIPMENT XUMNAME $ 36 "650 t' $ 38 "880 $ 39,424 370 V SK$ tes 8 rbvk 1. IP�oil $ 34,128 $ 35 "700 $ 36,500 I 20 101ectrficaal wiring $ Soo I $ 300 :Pmer. €mod telephone 1,100 1 "500 I 1 meat 3 „500 3,.500 $ 5,100 $ 5 "300 $ 5"300 i I i I I j 3. jLonps and fixtures I S00 600 600 1 4. 'Equigment operation S 340 5"700 3,700 iTOTAL SKATING Baia j iffi�Y &' 43y068 47 3t� $ 48 p 100 $1.54,598 2167.950 $169,,294 I ' ' 120M NUMEMS PAGE 70 PARK MUNTMWCE PAYROLL DISTRIBUTION * SM&MY ft2l9jLeas Title 1972 1973 Monthly 1972 Salarsr 19 ?3 Appropriati 1972 ®n a 1973 Park foreman 1 1 $1,010 $1,055 $ 12,120 $ 12,660 1 Perk keeper III 1 1 888 925 10,656 11.100 Building engineer 1 1 818 855 9,816 10,260 Perk keeper II 11 11 818 855 1079976 112,860 1 Temporary laborer(summer) 10,000 11,000 vertimme 7,000 7,800 Golf Course (Winter help) 9, 260 10,164 `Spring clean-up help 3,,000 4,000 f 14 14 $169a828 $179,844 4 DIS7'RIBUT1OH ' i 'Park and Recreation: r Charged to Other Fundas � Administration: Gemerals Training $ 300 Village Hall $ 19500 Paid leave 15,500 Public Works 22,800 Recreation: Public Works 3 Miscellaneous and special activities 3,000 Building 2,000 Maintenance: Equipment operations 2, 500 MaVing $ 16,000 Swimming pool 59 0100 Special turf care 18,000 Golf Course 2,500 Planting saes trees 7,000 Recreation Center 10,000 Litter removal 7,000 Waterworks 2,000 Park area maintenance 4,000 Suer Rental 1:;200 Building and equipment maintenance 23,044 $ 49,500 Skating rink maintenance 36,500 ' $111,544 TOTAL $1793844 ` TOTAL Pty AND RECREATION 4130,344 4 i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 71 FWd TMCHOM Am Hm PARK PARR AND RRCRMT10H CAPITAL OUTLAY 47.100-5 SUMMARY 1973_ _ BUS® E MMATED OBJECT RECOMMM®ED BUDGETED S 1. PERSON& SUVICES 3. COHMCTUAL SWICES 4. CENTRAL SERVICE: S. COITAL GUTIAY 9,200 9,783 12,,950 S 83 �TA�S 12 030 ddxpenditmres for items of equipment which have a useful life of more thins eve year are classified as capital oautlayo Orton dump truck is needed for maintenance work ew.d transportation. Side mounted rotary mower would be used for weed control on steep banks, banks of lakes avA other difficult places to reach, The boat is needed for aquatic seed control. This is a replacement for an old boat in bad shape. 2he tsee spade is needed to keep our trees program moving. Nature tress in the parks teceive bass vandraliam., Tree diseases are armed and many ttreea that are removed should be replaced. The camrate miser will replace the hand mining that is presently being done ors urines =all jobs. =I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 72 EXPENDI a URE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail I?reMd Recommended Area Act. No. PIMK . 1 PAR AND RECREATION CAPITAL 04U.14Y 47.100-5 EXPENDI a URE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail 1'reserat Budget Recommended Budgetpd i S. Replacement -hose and wades $1,600 One -ton duM tack 2,000(A) $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Tractor with Yonder and side nvmmmted rotary 2,000 `filler 1,000 i Triplex mwer 1,500 Drill press 300 Radio 800 Side mounted rotary amwer (40%) 1,300 1,,300 Alumlwxm boat 300 300 Tree spade 7,000 � 2,300 Co=rete mixer 350 330 TEAL CAPITAL OID`A`8AY $9 200 Y2 950 5 8,430 Note A - Osoa -half cost If I I I 1 E f s ANNUAL BUDGET PAGF. 73 SUMMARY 1972 BUDUM IMMATED OBJ $ $ PERSONAL SWWM 17,_500 23,285 1 COMTPACT L SERYMB 3. ®8�9E5 4. CEO SEMI€ I QMAL OUTLAY 1973 REC ®MkM 3UDGEM) $ $ 178500 17,5007 5� FETION Represents Ville cost of relief amd adminis+traaiong and shared cast of varal Hempin county . }arsin8 a VILLAGE OF EDINA P"K ' CONSTRW& ION ANNUAL BUDGED hwac&a Aiev C.MTAL UTROVIMNTS SUMMARY PAO? E 74 1973 Rwommmfm gumm F=TION Represeate amunt allocated fmm Liqwr Dispensary Rand for Capital Improvemuts. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACM- S � 1973 RECOMMENDED SUDGETE® 72,000 &_.L2.000 s x 000 o� Ukew funds are used -to awe an=al p aymmts on outsgardfng bonds, Fwxgim Arw BONDS MD INTEREST S � 1973 RECOMMENDED SUDGETE® 72,000 &_.L2.000 s x 000 o� Ukew funds are used -to awe an=al p aymmts on outsgardfng bonds, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 76 Fe Fazcfm A AomL ft FIRE PROTEMO N 2€ .160- 9 SUMMARY _ 1973 RECOMMENDED SUDGM-D 14,510 FUNMON Represents amount ®f hydrant rental f ®r fixes protection paid t® waterworks fumd.; � VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 77 6 MMATED 9 5o000 4930 S40930O 5U@AKT _ 1973 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED Sn00® � S Represents the ant the Village contrSbutes for retirement of volunteer firemen. FIREICN ° S RELIEF ASSOCIATION 20.230-9. 6 MMATED 9 5o000 4930 S40930O 5U@AKT _ 1973 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED Sn00® � S Represents the ant the Village contrSbutes for retirement of volunteer firemen. VILLAGE OF EDINA AN IUAL BUDGET PAGE 78 i Am Cam$. 9ft RL+ OLVINd CAL SERVICES GEMRAL 25100 1972 MUDGEM EMMATED S 6 338,628 346.435 76800 7,458 SUZY •?;:sue __ __ 1973 RfC041 ME, �4Dk® SUDC- ® 369x660 7,800 &346428 S_MvII93 377.460 WTALS these expenditures represent costs which are incurred periodically, such as , office suppliesd telephone, pension payments, postage, equipment service contracts, and insurance p ums. These costs are allocated to operating departments and other funds monthly, based an usage. COBS Proposed expenditures are nine percent (9 %) &nigher than last years appropriation. About forty -eight percent (48%) of increase is represented by higher cost of social security and state retirement. Provisiba for higher cost of hospitalitatioxn, worlauen °s compensation and liability Insurcafte, represents the major part of the balance of the increases Om copy mnchlnsa, postage and telephone cost m Ae up the other fifteen(15 %) of the Increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AL `eRephone $ 2,100 Pension contribution 14,796 Postage 600 Liability insurance 3,360 Workman's Compensation insurance 3,900 Bmployeres share- hospitalization, gaup life and long -term disability Insurance 4,176 Equipment rental -copy machines (2) 21,100 Tom 1aJ032 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 79 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Fuwtloeapp � � A9ct DptFund REVOLVIM //cc p�7�opQ �cMMAL SERV7CES �+Area GENERAL yNo�. 250 100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Pent Budget Recommended Budgeted g 20 Telephone $ 16,200 $ 15,300 Equipment service contracts 2,700 2,700 Pevnsion$- contributions 215,964 230,760 Postage 11,400 12,000 Insurance.- Liability 9,840 13,200 Campensatic 28,440 32,340 Bmployer's share - Hospitalization, f life insurance, tincome protectiour, i insurance 50,784 54,960 Equipment rentals 3,300 5.400 $335,628 $369,660 3. I Office supplies 71,800 7,800 IOTAAL GENERAL ' 2346,428 $377,460 $3770460 1 DISTRIBUTION -ALLOCATED TD OPERA TI "G DEP MS: AMIM ADMTILY Pryor and Council 1 $ 1,680 $ 140 Plavaaing 4,740 393 AdmivAstration ! 10,920 910 Finance i` 12,120 1,010 Election 1,260 105 Assessing l I 10,200 850 Lqp1 and Court Ser�dce 1,080 I 90 Public Works: i Administration f 4,380 363 iaaeeriang 17,220 1,435 General 49,100 3,925 Police 100,980 8,415 Fire 49,44.`0 4,120 Public Health 4,,440 370 Inspections 8,640 720 Village Pali 1,500 123 Public Works BuilLding 1,320 110 Equirmat Operation 6J80 565 $283,800 $ 23,650 VOLLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE PAGE w Fund Fin Area Act. Pao. REVOLTING CAL SERVICES GENERA 25.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Budget Recommended lludgeted ALLOCATED (�g�y� PyC� pC�� I:aQ.TED O ®R.MR p^�p��i FEW S: �ypl�eadgeY CLOTVJd`3L WLV.}HLY Swimming Pool $ 500 25 Golf Course 11.,160 930 Recreation Center, 5,280 IM ' Park 31,920 2x660 watenyarks 17,340 1,445 Swer Rectal 9,900 625 I Mquor 50th Street 7,260 605 j Liquor- Safthdale 5,250 440 1 Liquor- GrarAvDiew 5,,220 433 93,660 7"805 i I I I i i J� 1 i I I i � i i I `I0W "5 } 377460 3g 455 I VILLAGE OF EDINA AMNIUAL BUDGES PAGE 81 REVOLVIVV CENITL SERVICES I VI1AGE XkU W. 25.200 1972 RECOMMENDED BUDGETEO 1973 SUDGMD — ES"MATO -- SUMMARY OBJECT 1972 RECOMMENDED BUDGETEO 514 8 692 16 a 792 1. PERSON SERVICES $16,,370 $ 128405 12,565 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVE 13,030 3,395 3,,529 3. COMMODITO 4,, 200 2$028 2,,028 41 CENTM SERA 10300 General supplies 200 CMITAL OUTLAY 100 QQ 32.8 520 rtj+s...s.vomo � 34 ®914 cmmsau� - � 358 100 �y'� ��3g 1 100 rt wn� a.:v+tQ40 g, -. ..err�....�. C AR Is account provides for the operation and maintenance of the Village Hall ng costs are allocated to departments on the basis of space occupied. Proposed expenditures are eight percent (8 %) higher than last year's appropriation. Higher provision for overtime and extra help, and park department and public works payroll allocation represents about sixty -five percent (65%) of the increase. Light and power cost represents the balance of the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increases AL 380 ANDil>RT Salaries and wages $1,678 light and power 18000 Water and sewer service 75 Insurance 125 Rubbish avA hauling is Laundry service 200 Electrical and furnace service ISO Cleaning supplies 60 Paper supplies 365 General supplies 200 Repair parts and hardware 100 Carpenter materials and paint 200 Central services _528 -- AL 380 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 82 F��and�/q Activity A/e�c-® Detail ppi�g *yry REIIOLVILM �v� SERVICES CENTRAL gp� �/ ��(� �7 VILLAGE Ql7U aAct. �Noo. M200 EXPENDITURE SAIL Code Activity Object Detail Budget Q�adget; Recommended Budgeted to Custodian $ 81850 $ 9,360(A) Extra help and overtime 3,642 4,010 Public Works - payroll 1,200 10500 Park - payroll 11000- 1500 $14,692 $16,390 f 2� I Beat $ 2,500 $ 2,500 ! I Light and power 5,500 6.,500 Water-and sever service Sag 300 Insurance 695 600 Rmbbi8b service 695 ` 600 i Laundry service 1,000 600 Electrical and furnace service 600 450 ' Air conditioning service 680 680 Contracted service and repairs 400 400 $12,405 $13,030 3. Cleaning supplies $ 660 $ 600 Paper supplies 535 90U ' General supplies 800 1,000 Repair parts and hardware 200 300 Carpenter materials and paint 800 1,000 Replacement-light bulbs 400 400 I $ 3,3951 $ 4,200 J ! 4. General 22028, 1,500 f I MM ®ICE ML 32,520 $35,100 835,100 `Note i Am$30o00 Janus, i y and $20000 July l VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 83 Fund Fm= ion Arm Act. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES VILLAGE M91 25,200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail PPes©n Budget Recommended Budgeted DISTRIBMON ALLOCATED 70 OPERATI EG DEE ARMNTS-. ANNUAL MONTHLY Mayor. and Cauncil $ 3,360 $ 280 Planning 1,080 90 Administration 5,,220 435 Fiance 2,100 175 Assessing ( 2,100 173 Public Works: Administration � 1,080 90 ftIneering 2,040 170 Iblice 10,,440 870 Public Health 1,080 90 Inspection l 260 105 I. $29,760 $2948® ALWU29D TO OTHHER UNDS o Park $ 3,360 $ 280 watelworks 1,020 85 Sewer Remtal 960 80 5 340 445 i i I i i 1110L g35,100 $2.925 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 84- 75 $ 13,580 17,080 3,120 1"260 1972 _ EMMATO $ 12,777 18,,216 3 ,,251 1,260 SUMMMY 1973 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGnEW $13a800 $ 18,,300 3 ,,300 1320 3 &15. 304 $ 36720 3.6 720 TWALS The function of the Public Works Building is to provide a shelter for eipipaeat maintenance operations, stockroom,, and office area for public: works personnel Proposed eupenditures are five percent (3 %) higher than last year's appropriation.. The aasin reason for the increase is the higher cost of beating the two buildings. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wager $ 220 Beat 1 ,,500 Insurance 100 Rubbish hauling 20 Seer and water service 200 General supplies, hardware and repair pasts 280 Replacement-light bulbs 100 Central services ll60 TOTAL P.s �. Fmctim Af me, REVOLVINd CERTRAL SERVICES PUBLIC L; US BUILDING; 23 � 300 75 $ 13,580 17,080 3,120 1"260 1972 _ EMMATO $ 12,777 18,,216 3 ,,251 1,260 SUMMMY 1973 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGnEW $13a800 $ 18,,300 3 ,,300 1320 3 &15. 304 $ 36720 3.6 720 TWALS The function of the Public Works Building is to provide a shelter for eipipaeat maintenance operations, stockroom,, and office area for public: works personnel Proposed eupenditures are five percent (3 %) higher than last year's appropriation.. The aasin reason for the increase is the higher cost of beating the two buildings. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wager $ 220 Beat 1 ,,500 Insurance 100 Rubbish hauling 20 Seer and water service 200 General supplies, hardware and repair pasts 280 Replacement-light bulbs 100 Central services ll60 TOTAL P.s �. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUD E PAGE 85 Fad Fe=Non I Area V I Act. No. R tTOMPI"M CENTRAL SERVICES I PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING I 25.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted to Custodian $ 8,280 $ 71800 Public works-payroll 3,300 3,500 Perk- payroll 2x000 2,000 Overtime 500 $13,580 $13,800 20 Heat $ 7,000 $ 8,500 Light and purer 7,000 7,000 Insu+rEmee 800 700 Rubbish hauling 780 800 Sewer and water service 500 3001 contract work l"000 1 000 $17,080 $18,300 i 3. Cleaning supplies $ 1,000 $ 1,000 General supplies, hardware & repair parts 1,720 2,000 y� b •� gip t Replacement° l igb bulbs 400 3.00 $ 3,120 $.3,300 4. General 1,320 1.,320 AYE tUB11C WOW BtUILDIMG 35,040 36 72.0 $36.720 DISTRIB[noN i TED IV OPERA , 1UG DE1�AR S o SAL MDY Health $ 1,140 $ 95 Public Works 3,060 2551 E�nipma�t i 27,900 2 325 $32,100 $ 2,675 AIAUD TO CiMR tUIMS.- Park $ 3,060 $ 255 vatenwrks 780 65 Sear Rental 780 65 $ 4 620 385 DOTAL _836,720 3,060 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET pAqP,- P6 1972 _ SUS 3 70,386 $68,701 39,700 36,544 89,930 92,,797 32,,940 32,940 SUMWARY ��; ? ri;l ,. 1973 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 73,070 42V000 95,050 34.680 82329956 230,982, 2[�fl800 2ID800 . 8 O ®ASN $ aoo�w FUNCTION This account provides for operation and maintenaame of all vehicles, maintanan.ce equipmat9 and power tools. Costs of equipment operation are charged to operatic departments and other fluvAs can the basis of use. (ANKSM Proposed exWnditures are five percent (5°d) higher than last yea's appropriation. Salary Increases, contracted repairs,, stack materials, gasoline aud fuel oil,, accessori, and parts and central. services ices are the main reasons for the increa8e, %-- below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages $ 2,684 Radio service 200 REWLfWING CENTRAL SERVICES ]EMPMEI-T OPERATION ! 230400 1972 _ SUS 3 70,386 $68,701 39,700 36,544 89,930 92,,797 32,,940 32,940 SUMWARY ��; ? ri;l ,. 1973 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 73,070 42V000 95,050 34.680 82329956 230,982, 2[�fl800 2ID800 . 8 O ®ASN $ aoo�w FUNCTION This account provides for operation and maintenaame of all vehicles, maintanan.ce equipmat9 and power tools. Costs of equipment operation are charged to operatic departments and other fluvAs can the basis of use. (ANKSM Proposed exWnditures are five percent (5°d) higher than last yea's appropriation. Salary Increases, contracted repairs,, stack materials, gasoline aud fuel oil,, accessori, and parts and central. services ices are the main reasons for the increa8e, %-- below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages $ 2,684 Radio service 200 Contracted repairs 2,500 Stack materiels 1 „500 Wedding supplies 320 Gasoline end fuel oil 3,,000 Fires and tubes 1,500 Accessories and parts 1 „800 Central services 2,7140 110TAL 11 11 8” VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAA BUDGET PAGE 87 Fund Activity F"cl-ma Area ` Act. ado. RMLV Budgeted CEDYLM SERVICES EQUIPMENT OPERATION j M400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 1� Mechanic foremen $ 12 9000 $ 12,000 $ 12,000 Mechanics (2) 21,576 22,341x• 22,474 Serviceman-night 16,056 10,416 10,500 Serviceman 9°816 10,164 10,260 Public works - payroll 6,360 8,860 8 ,,860 Parts Clerk (t) 3,360 3,555 3,553 Park =a Golf Course payroll 4,000 2,500 2,300 Overtime 3,218 3,231 2,921 $ 70,386 $ 73,,070 $ 73'8070 2, Radio service $ 8,200 $ 8,000 Laundry 1,500 1,500 Contracted repairs 10,000 12"500 Insurance 18,500 18,500 Car washes fl 500 1 500 $ 39,700 $ 42,000 $ 42,000 3. Replacement of tools $ 750 $ 750 Stock materials 9,000 10 "500 Welding 6upplies 680 1"000 Gasoline and fuel ! 25.410-3 oil 30 "300 33,500 25.420-3 Tires and tubes 10 "000 8 "500 25.430 -3 Lubricants 39000 3,000 Acce .9aories and parts 36.000 37,800 $ 89,930 $ 95,030 $ 95 "050 4. Ge ra, $ 6,180 $ 6,780 - i Public Works Building 26,760 27,900 32 940 34. 680 S 34_680 TOML twl b'� OPERATION x232 956 244,800 $244.800 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 88 Furad Fwaian Ama Act. No.. L yOL INN ry6p ipAL SERVICES EQUITME }i gPZRA MN 25,400 EXPENDS' MUE DUAEL Cede Activity Object a9 9a�dge� Budget ticcammanded � Budgeted 9 + DI.STRIBUXION AIWCATED TO OPERA+ DE I ��NS 0 AMWALU1AL DMN HLY P3aming $ 900 $ 5 Administration 900 75 i Assessiag 900 95 Pablic Works: Administration 300 35 ft8inmrin 8,520 710 Smyervision and Overhead 900 75 Street Maintenatge 82,140 6,845 Street Lighting 900 75 Street Name sigro 2,520 210 Traffic Control J 4,800 400 Bridges 930 75 Steam drainage 4,800 400 village Propert es 7,440 620 Sidewalk and r - P 1"200 100 Police 47,160 399:0 Fire 15"480 1,290 Inspection 1,800 ISO $182b160 $15nk€�O ALWMED W 01M8 MMS: SWIM10;3 Pool Golf Oaurse I $ 1,140 14,820 $ 95 1,235 i Recreation Conwr 3,720 310 Parke � 24,720 2,060 watemorks 8"820 733 Sr Rental J-Nojects) 0,420 535 Cons .cti on (Ass ssed 3,000 250 5,220 J62 64.0 i `1011 $2"800 $20"400 i ti A VILLAGE OF EDINA August 31, 197.2 . SCHEDULE OF MAXIMUM SALARIES AND WAGES FOR YEARS 1972 and 1973 1972 1973 GMRAL ADMINISTRATION PER MOP3M PER NDNTH Director of Finance and Treasurer $1,835 $1,900 { Assessor 1,340 (H) 1,410 (M) Deputy Assessors 1,100 CF) 1,160 (J) Village Clerk 790 820 Administrative Services Coordinator 1,000 1,035 Office Clerical - fiscal - secretarial: Clerical I (6) 375 -525 375 -550 Clerical II (13) 450 -650 500 -700 Clerical III (2) 550 -800 600 -850 Legal Prosecuting Attorney 750 750 Planning Technician 1,105 (D) 1,275 Planning Intern 600 645 (N) Accountant - auditor 850 (E) 880 PUBLIC SAFETY PO'LICZ* Director of Public Safety and Police Chief 1,835 1,900 Captains - 2 years service 1,255 1,30+0 1 year service 10185 1,230 First year 11125 1,165 Detective Sergeants (School Liaison) 2 years service 1,085 1,125 _ 1 year service 1,070 1,110 First year 1,050 1,090 Sergeants- 2 years service 1,065. 1£105 1 year service 1,050 1,090 First year 1,020 1,060 Detectives -2 years -service 1,035 1,075 I year service 1,015 1,050 First year 1,000 1,035 Patrolmen- 4.yeare service 976 1,012 3 years service 929 963 2 years service 887 920 1 year service 840 871 First year 750 755 Dispatchers -Beek clerks 780 (L) 820 (0) Dispatchers -Desk Clerks (hourly) 4000 4.15 FIRE*'* Chief 1,333 1,380 Assistant Chief 1,250 1,295 Lieutenants - 2 years service 1,024 1,061 1 year service 1,008 1,044 First year 977 1,012 Drivers-Inspectors 961 996 Fireman - 4 years service 935 969 3 years service 900 933 2 years service 860 891 1 year service 825 855 First year 737 764 Part Time 150% of regular hourly rate, with a minimum-of 2 hours for each off -duty call, $4,.25 per drillo Schedule of Salaries and Wages Continuede August 31, 1972. A PUBLIC >SAFkkS CON n" N E' D Members of the Police Dapartment will receive an additiooai $45.00 a month as paymeffit for taking at least.30 hours off-duty training from the Fire Department in fire fights technigffiess for 4iidiz4 in the extinguishing of fires and for gealifyiej for Red Gross First Aid - Ceriificates,; $20000 per month to be paid represents comp6nsation for the fact that Edina °s pension costs and benefits are loser than cities which have independent fire pension funds, rather than for duties outside normal fire department Factivities,� The Fire Department trill, bomvera contimue to do other work as assigned, > Off -duty police and paid firemen respondinig to calls and drills shall be paid in the same manner as part-time firemeiu SUCTION Judges and Clerks Chairwomen PARKS AND RECREATION Director Assistant Director Program Supervisor Recreation Specialist Pool Manager (S) Assistant Pool Manager (S). Concession Manager (S) Pool Cashier (S) Bathbouse- Concession Attendants (S) Swflmmin Instructor (S) Life Gtaa�ds (S) Pool Maintenance (S) Baseball and Craft Supervisors (S) Baseball Aiaietants (S) Hockey Coaches (S) Rink Attests (S) Playground Leaders (S) Skating - Skiing Instructors (S) Park xeeper 111# Park Keeper 110 Park Keeper 1# Golf Course Business Manager Golf Course Superintendent Golf Course RmSers9 Starters, Cashiers, Lunch Counter Clerks (S) Arena -lager Arena ® Assistant Manager Arena m Maintenance Supervisor Arena ®(beards, Cashiers, Concession Attendants UQWR SWRES . Manager Assistant Mauer Assistant Managers o stores Clerks - regular Clerks m Part ties { 1972 PER WWM $2025 per hour 3050 additional $1,580 (K) 1,190 (D) 860 (J) 600 575 525 2.35 par hour 1.95 81. 1065 vo 2075 n 2.50 vv 2,20 " 575 2 , 20, per honer 2.75 ry 2050 vv L7S 6050 Inst.Class see 818 745 910 (J) 950 3.25 per hour 965 (1) Ste SIB 2,90 per hour $1,450 (C) 985 945 3.75 per hour 3020 1973 PER MONTH $2x25 per hour 3050 additional $19655 (A) 1,255 (A) 935 (A) 700 595 535 2,45 per hour 2,00 81. 1.656 2075 2.75 vv 2.50 " 575 2,20 per hour 2075 " 2050, 275 6050 Inst.Class 919 M7 770 965 (P) 985 3035 per hoar 1,005 847 847 3000 per hour $l£520 (H) 1,020 910 3.90 per hour 3035 ea A Schedule of Salaries and wages continued. August 31, 1972 1972 1973 INSPECTORS PER MONTH PER MNTH Plumbing $1,110 (F) $1,160 (J) Building 1,150 (F) 1,210 (J) Deputy Inspector 925 (I) 975 (E) HEALTH Health Officer $ 25 $ 25 Sanitarian 1,120 (F) $1,180 (J) Laboratory Technician 930 (D) 1,000 (m) PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING Director of Public Works and Engineering $1,770 (G) $1,900 (B) Supervisor of Survey 1,145 (F) 1,185 Supervisor of Design 1,145 (F) 1,185 Supervisor of Inspection 1,145 (F) 1,185 Engineering Aide III 965 (I) 1,000 Engineering Aide II 810 (J) 850 Engineering Aide I 700 725 Superintendent Public Works 1,340 (H) 1,410 (M) Superintendent hater 1,145 1,185 Foreman m (Street,sewer,water,parks,and mechanic) 1,030 1,065 Heavy Equipment Operators # 888 919 Fight Eq"pmnt Operators 818 847 Maintenance Man 745 770 Mechanic 910 942 Mechanic's helper 0 818 847 Janitor 750 (E) 790 (0) Sewer -water Utility Man # 818 847 ` Starting rates may be 20% less for the first three months of service and 10% less for the second three months. (S) Seasonal (A)$35.00 January 1 and $40.00 July 1 (B)m$65.00 January I and $63.00 July 1 (0)450.00 January l and $50.00 July 1 (D)- $40000 January 1 and $40.00 July 1 (E)m$25.00 January.l and $25.00 July 1 M-00.00 January 1 and $35.00 July l (G) ®$60.00 January l and $60.00 July 1 (H) °$45.00 Jamaary 1 and $45.00 July 1 W-05.00 January 1 and $30.00 July l (J) °$30.00 January 1 and,$30.00 July 1 (R) =$55.00 January 1 and $50.00 July 1 (L)m$25.00 January I and $30.00 July 1 (M) °$35.00 January 1 and $35.00 July 1 W425.00 January 1 and $20.00 July 1 (0)$20.00 January 1 and $20.00 July 1 (P) =$35.00 January I and $20.00 July 1 MRARATI1D1 31e OF MMOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY MM FUND FOR VMW 1973 AM 1972 Centraetu al Services comwaltles Permnal coaftmaces lies Ce®tral Ca ital Actwties Ser�C0e Sell® Other M=ra 8 ►el al 80Micee Ors lay Total GENERAL GDVERNMEN` : Mayor and Councils 1973 1972 $ 13 -,200 139200 $ 150 100 $ 800 $ 5,040 $ 19,190 Increase - Decrease* $ -0- $ 50 $ -0- $ =Q° $ 800 -0- $ 4,,680 360 $ -0- $ 18,780 410 Planning: 1973 1972 $ 22:,845 $ 425 $ 1,750 .$ 400 $ 75' $ 6,720 $ 3$,215 Increase- Decrease* 21.,030 1,815 $ 410 1S $ 1,760 10* $ 325 75 $ 75 -0- $ 5,004 1,716 28,604 Administrative: $ ®0. $ 3,611 1973 1972 $ 75.,130 $ 655 $ 9,279 $ 150 $ 50 $ 17,040 $ 1,090 $103,394 Increase - Decrease* _ $ 72,090 3,040 $ 315 340 $ 8x700 579 ISO $ 75 25* $ 151,648 19392 600 97.578 Finances $ 490 $ 5,816 1973 1972 $ 819030 78 990 $ 530 $ 39230 $ 50 $ 14,220 $ 99,060 Increase - Decrease* e 040 $ 380 1g0 $ 2 630 600 $ -0° $ 50 _0- $ 13 476 744 $ -0= 95-0526 Elections $ 3,; 534 1973 1972 $ 6,333 103750 $ 949 $ $15 $ 1,260 $ 1,690 $ 10,747 Increase - Decrease* 0 4,417* $ 0= $ 1.780 831* $ -0- $ 550 35* $ 600 660 $ 1,738 48* 152418 Asseseings $ 40671-* 1973 1972 $ 54,990 $ 1,240 $ 11,737 $ 550 $ 13,200 $ 81,717 Increase- Decreasel. $ 52,200 2,790 11585 343* $ 11 647 90 $ 900 350*$ =0- $ 13 240 *$ 71,945 Legal and Court Servicess -0® $ 1973 1972 $ 9,000 9,00® $ 45,000 $ 1,080 $ 559080 Increase- Decrease* $ _ $ 0 � $ 389100 6,900 $ �Q= $ oQa $ 1,020 60 $ m0- 48,120 TOTAL GENERAL (�A9ERAIl7811�s $ 6,960 1973 1972 $262,528 257,260 $ 3,000 $ 71,945 0 1,100 $ 1,490 $ 58,560 $ 2,780 $401,403 Increase- Decrease* 5,268 9 2,790 210 0 64.617 7,328 1 375 275*$ _1,330 60* 53,868 4,692 2.338 383,798 0 $ 442 0 17,605 Activities PUBLIC A�9,�e¢r��a�iang 1979 1972 Increase - Decrease* Engineering: 1973 1972 Increase - Decrease Supervision and Overhead: 1973 1972 Increase- Decrease street Maintenmee: 1973 1972 Increase - Decrease* Street Li tine: 1973 1972 Increasew Decrease* Street Name signs: 1973 1972 Increase- Decrease" Traffic C®ntr ®1s 1973 1972 IecreesemDeerease* Bridges: 1973 1972 �y Increase- Decrease* Storm Drainage: 1973 1972 Increase- Decrease* $ 27,240 $ 65 $ 9,,471 9,038 $ 2,520 23400 $ 6,360 $ 310 $ m0., $ $ 33,665 25a455 433 80 -0- $ 120 $ =0- $ 863 $ 139070 $ 6,132 $ 11,075 31,667 $ 1,785 $ 15* $ =On 12 640 -0- $ -OA 10r,532 228 $ °Om $ 1,998 $114,330 $ 250 $ 1,200 $ 4,000 $ 2,000 $ 27,780 $ 1,800 $151,360 116,675 1,300 100 312 11 200 2,434 40,000 900 1"500 8,246 24.096 _ 1,800 1S9 371 2,345* $ 150 $ 10,000' $ =Om $ 500 $ 3,684 $ a0b $ 81011* $ 59,633 $ 600 $ 90 $ 280 $ 51,060 0111,665 56,105___ -- _ - 5.50 90 260 47,616 1046,41 $ 3,530 $ 50 $ m0- $ _Om $ °0® $ 3,444 $ -0= $ 7,024 $177,550 $ 7482€3 $114,169 $ 10,340 $ 82,140 $458,484 172,918 63.860 100 053 92.661 77,616 424 108 4,632 $ o0e $ 10,423 $ 14,116 679 $ 4,524 $ . ®0- $ 34,376 $ 600 0 97,370 $ 1,150 $ 900 $100,020 575 _ -- -- -- $3,140 1.100 640 95,655 $ 25 $ -0= $ 4,230 $ -0- $ 50 $ 60 $ =0- $ 4,365 $ 9,500 92190- $ 9,,471 9,038 $ 2,520 23400 $ 21,491 20,628 $ 310 $ m0., $ =0° $ 433 $ -0- $ 120 $ =0- $ 863 $ 139070 $ 10,555 $ 11,075 $ 3,795 $ 4,800 $ 43,295 12 640 10,065 10r,532 3a626, 4,620 41,483 430 $ =0= $ 490 $ 543 $ 169 $ ISO $ 00a $ 1,812 $ 39100 $ 1,300 $ 312 $ 2,434 $ 900 $ 8,246 3,, 000 _ 1.500 300 -2.327 840 7.90 $ 29,095 28,145 $ 950 mu_ a -um m is M -1 MI M hn H $ 350 330 $ -0d $ 20 $ 3,155 $ 3,350 $ 4,800 31O1S 3.200 48620 $ 140 $ ISO $ 180 $ 40,750 140_149n $ ®0. $ 1,440 w Activities PUBLIC WRKS ODNTOD: Village Properties: 1973 1972 increase - Decrease* Sidewalks and Rgmp: 1973 1972 Increas6- Decrease* Capital outlays 1973 1972 Increase- Decrease* TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS s 1973 1972 Increase =Decrease* PROlICTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Police Protection: 1973 1972 - lacrease- Dacrease* Fire Protection: 1973 1972 Increase- Decreasef: Civilian Defense: 1973 1972 Increase - Decrease* Pubt is Heal th s 1973 1972 /���,,,,�4 Increase- Decrease* - Animal Control: 1973 1972 IncreaseoDecrease* MRARAUVE DUMMY OF PAR OBJEM BY ACTIV12Y SAID P (CONgOD) Contrmtmal Sery1cee $ 2,034 commalties 25',092 $ 1,382 $ . Parssanal Oonfam € es 0 36,361 $870,563 sapplies coatra1 Capitol 22,835 SONVIC89 aWALhwle oebw Oowrol special services 816,562 Outlay $ 1 27,735 $ 2,205 $ 3,,770 $ 13,825 $ 7,440 1£527 $ 54,975 26 830 905 -0= 1,973 2,200 105 14,990 3 610 3,000 13,200 3,221 7,080 -c-0- $ 52.820 $392,086 2612605 g 160 $ 625 3,000 360 $ 2,155 $ 4,365 $ 3,500 $ 1,130 $ 525 $ 1,200 -0- $ 10,740 _4,210 5,700 $ 2,502* 1„® 100 $ 3,420 500 81 1,020 313 6.836 $ 149 $ -Om $ 3,500 $ 50 $ 23 $ 180 $ 00® $ 3,904 560 .49063 $ 40,600 $ 40,600 $ _O_ 1 0 -0- $ 60* $ -0® $ 43,700 $ 251 439700 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0a $ -0= $ 000 $ - 0 m $ 3,100 $ 3,100* $466,220 $ 915 $1918055 $147,102 $ 37,699 $189,900 $ 42,400 $12075,291 ,770 $ 15, ,020 $ 36100+" $ 47, 0645,464 $ 2,034 $ 25',092 $ 1,382 $ 1.4-50 4158,580 0 36,361 $870,563 602,73? 1 595 22,835 1,291 1.650 1519620 34 834• 816,562 $ 42,727 $ 439 $ 2,257 $ 91 $ -Om $ 6,960 $ 1£527 $ 54,001 $285,282 $ 1,973 $ 14,990 0 3,000 $ 3,221 $ 64,920 $ 18, ?00 $392,086 2612605 1,656 10,808 3,000 2,121 59,220 21,202 3593 642' $ 23,677 $ 287 $ 4,182 $ -0- $ 1,100 $ 5,700 $ 2,502* $ 32,444 $ 3,420 $ 81 $ 313 $ 500 $ 4,314 3 1SO 40 313 560 .49063 $ 270 $ 41 $ _O_ 1 0 -0- $ 60* $ -0® $ -Om $ 251 $ 259375 0 500 $ 1,132 $ 923 $ 6,660 $ 234 $ 35,026 ,.Q'v.s '? _%r= V 0 0 $ Helm 9 -%I= 9 OU94 91 A/ Q 4'. $ 18,500 $ 18,500 17g522 17,522, -0- $ -Ow $ 978 $ m0o $ ®pm $ m0= $ -0= $ 978 .W Activities PROTMIGN OF PMWOKS Abm PROPEMTZ CONTI0. Inspections: 1973 1972 Increase ®Decrease* TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS CONFAVATIVE SUM= OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONT®D) Contractual Services caumndities Personal conferenees supplies Central Capital seavices wd sebools other Garal 0 ftial ServIcas Ontl®v Total $ 61,300 $ 979 $ 563 $ 75 $ 542 $11,700 $ 650 $ 75,011 47,980 997 632 50 015 10a440 513 61,427 13,320 $ 18* $ 67* $ 25 $ 273* $ 1,260 $ 137 $ 14,354 AND PROPERTY: 1973 $18021,041 $ 51567 $ 60,592 $ 4,,457 $ 6,836 $241,560 $ 55,945 $1,396,300 1972 _9_39n602 4 ,,818 53,1165 4,341 6 071 227,136 56,766 1.291.899 Inetease °Decrease* $ 81,439 $ 749 $ 7,427 $ 116 $ 767 $ 14,724 $ 821 *$ 104,401 NON DEPARUI AL EXPENDITURES: Contingencies: 1973 1972 Increase - Decrease* Settlement of Suits: 1973 1972 increase- Decrease* Special Assessments on Village Propart y: 1973 1972 Increase °Decrease* Central services-Capital Outlay: 1973 1972 Increase - Decrease* Capital Improvements: 1973 1972 Increase- Decrease* 40,000 40,000 20.614 20,614 mom -0- $ 19,386 $ •0® $ m0• $ °0° $ •O= $ 19,386 500 500 500 300 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 702000 70&00 $ °0° $ =0• $ ®Om $ -0. $ •0m $ °0= $ 51000 $ 51000 $ 4,800 $ 4,800 .4 ,659, 4,659, °0• $ 00• 0Om $ °0- $ m0- $ 141 $ 141 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 __ 509000 50,000 Activities NON- DEPARrA tAL BXP13NDITURES (OHM.: Comissions: 1973 1972 Increase - Decrease* TOTAL WH-DEPARTWNTAL EXPENDITURES: 1973 1972 Increase- Decrease+' 1973 1972 Increasd- Decrease * PARK LEAD: Administration: 1973 1972 Increase- Decrease: Remati n: 1973 1972 Increase - Decrease Maintenance: 1973 1972 Increase =Decrease* Capital Outlay: 1973 1972 Increase- Decrease* TOTAL PARR : 1973 1172 Increase - Decrease* ARATIO SLEMY OF MAJOR OBJEC22 BY AOrA-,-TVI`Y AND YUND (00WTTD) Gonevactmal services COMMalegen Pegeonal Confereacea sappliae Coatgal Capital Geuvice s and 8e is Other Gawral 8 lal 201vicea Out1� metal $ 6,600 $ 3$600 $ 1,500 $ 11,700 6 000 4g200 300 10°500 6G0 $ -0- $ 600* $ -0- $ 1.,200 $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,200 $ 6,600 $ 44,100 $ 1,500 $129,800 $182,000 6,000 25,314 300 124,659 156,273 $ 600 $ -0° $ 18,786 $ -0- $ 1,200 $ -0- $ 5,141 $ 25,727 $1,756,389 $ 9,482 $367,692 $152,659 $ 47,527 $490,320 $230,925 $3,0514,994 19658,611 82338 325,381 137,364 43,315 457,884 229.,263 2,860,156 $ 97,778 $ 1,144 $ 42,311 $ 15,295 $ 4,212 $ 32,436 $ 1,662 $ 194,838 $ 79,090 $ 800 $ 1,200 $ 100 $ 75 $ 40,560 $121,825 74,00© 800 1,150 100_ 75 '35 "952 112,077 $ 5,090 $ -0- $ 50 $ -0= $ m0= $ 4,608 $ -0- $ 9,748 $ 47,170 $ 108150 $ 11,380 $ 68,700 44x854 9,800 10,175 6 4m82 $ 2,316 $ -0- $ 350 $ -0- $ 1,205 $ -0- $ =0- $ 3,871 $1109200 $ 10,900 $ 22,000 $ 2,350 $ 22,500 $167,950 102 128 9.950 19,000 2,100 21,420 154,598 8,072 -0m 950 3,000 250 1,080 -0m 13,352 $ 12,950 $ 12,950 9,200 9,200 $ -0- $ -0. $ -0- $ -0. $ -0= $ -0- $ 3,750 $ 3,750 $236,460 $ 800 $ 22,250 $ 22,100 $ 138805 $ 63,060 $ 12,950 $371,425 2200982 800 20,900 19,100 12,350 57,372 90200 340,704 $ 15,478 $ -0= $ 1,350 $ 3,000 0 1,455 $ 5,688 $ 3,750 $ 30,721 to : ActWities 07M TAX SUPPORTSD ffAM9wrrU9=: Relief and Public Nursing,.- 1973 1972 Increase- Decreasofi Pares Construction - capital Improvements: 1973 1972 Increase- Decrease* Bonds and Interest: 1973 1972 A &TM SMOMY OF NAJOH OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (COIN °D), Commetmal 8ervio 03 Commodities Personal Gnforemas 8upp1163 Central Capital 8ar1088 and $ehmls Oar Cewral Sweial 8e "Ices Outlay Total $ 17,300 $ 17,500 ,r 17,500 170,500 $ •o. $ •0e $ °0° $ =0- $ e0m $ °Om $ =Om $ -0- $ 80,0/00 $ 80,000 8090./ $ ®Om $ e0 $ e0e $ e0- $ 00._ $ m0= 0 80,000 $ 729000 $ 72,000 712000 71.000 Increase =Decrease $ ®0e $ e0= $ 1,000 $ -Oe $ ®0= $ e0= $ e0= $ 1,000 Firemen's, Relief Association: 1973 $ 51000 $ 5,000 1972 % _ enn a MA Increase - Decrease* Fire Protection: 1973 1972 Increase -Deere ase * TOTAL OTMR TAX SUPPORTED NDITUREs 1973 1972 Iecraose- Decreseaf, m0- aW 8 0 $ 14,510 $ 14,510 1_380 13,980 $ ®0° $ -e. $ 530 $ e0. $ e0n $ °0° $ -0= $ 330 $109,010 $ 80,000 $189,010 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1973 $1„9929849 $ 10,282 $498,952 $174,759 $ 61,332 $553,380 $3239875 $3,615,429 1972 1,879,393 9,138 453,761 156,464 55,665 513,256 318,463 3;388,340 Increase- Decrease* $ 113 256 „ L4144 45 191 $ 180295 $ 5,667--t 38,124 $ 5,412 $ 227,089 P®rcent of Increase- Decrease* over last year 0,03% 12.52% 9,96% 11,69% 10.18% 7,40% I M% 6.70% ANALYSIS OF iAJOR FA TO CONTRIBUTING ' I�C�33 C in RNMOMED E NDITURES FOR 3973 - Classification ' and other Additional Additioucal Salary PMMOM SMICES u®tmato oyertim Per I increase Total Planning $ 360 $ 2,(75 $ 1,815 . Administration $ 1. „2� 1,360 2,970 � ^O Finance 540 2,580 2,040 Election 4,.568 150 4,417 Assessing 660 2,130 2,790 Public Works-. Admiaiatration 435 1,350 1,753 Engineering 2,055 x,000 3,600 2, �S•5 General 466 $ 391 500 9,384 11,031 Police 4,393 9,600 UP334 x.2,727. Fife 335 R2 a 564. 10,779 23677 Civilian Defense 270 270 Public Health 2.0 150 1,305 1,iA,5 Inspections 720 10,800 1,m 13,320 Co=issions 600 1 600 Parkes Administration 840 3,450 Recreation �f g86a:0 2.,.316 y5,090 29316 inatenarnce 600 900 _ - -- 2,904 4,968 9; 072 $ 7,664 $ 1fl191 $209967 475,444 TOTAL INCREASE-PERSO SERVICES $113p256 CONTRACT= SERVICES -OTHER Administration:' 0aes -Mtro section-League of Minnesota Municipalities $ 375 Consultant -Labor selatlo n6 200 $ 575 Finance: Aumaal Audit $ 250 mileage (auto allovance) 350 600 Election: ' moving charges $ 465 Service Bureau Legal and Court Service: - Professional service $ 2,000 Board and roam-prisoners 500 Witness fees 500 Hennepin Counter Court charges 4,000 7,000 Engineering: Ttaffis count 10,000 Public Works: Street Maintenance: General maintenance-contracted repairs 10,275 Street Lighting: Poe: 4,100 Traffic Controls `traffic signal maintenance-p��r 330 Sidewalk and ramps . Pashiag ramp mafntenamemp er r 3,500 C MALTSIS OF WOB FAOMBS, CDY3MBWfl= TO I IN REMOMED EMNDIa S 2 0R 19y m COTUAL SERVICES -OTHEe CONr °no Teletype and teleprinters $ 1,407 Pension supplement 600 Psychological to "ing 200 2,207 Fire.- Utilities 4,100 Animal Control - contract 978 Contingencies 19,385 Commissions- e nse allowance 600 Parts ftnat o Recreation: mileage $ 1SO Baas mental 200 350 maintenance: Plantings and trees- forester ISO Buildings and equipment maintenance-Utilities 600 Skating rink malaatenence -Power and telephone 400 1,500 Bowe and interest 1,000 Fire protection 530 Other 515 TOTAL INCREM ®COMRACTUAL SERVICES -OMB 45„191 1 ` C YSIIS OF DWOR FPM CON BUTING TO IMCRRM IDl MM HMHDI`I'ii M FOR 19730 ( °D) Fquipmnt operation: Salaries and rages (Increase in rate $1476) $ 2,684 Contracted repairs 2,500 Stock materials 1,500 Gasoline and fuel oil 3,000 Other (contractual services and comodities) 420 Central services 12740 11,844 J00TAL INCREASE - CENTRAL SERVICES 47 136 ii31murloxs Budgeted account $ 33.708 Other funds 13,425 437 p 136 IL CZMAL SERVICES Generals Telephone $ 21100 Pension contributions 14,796 Postage 600 Liability insurance 3:360 Morn ° s compensation insurance 900 ' Rmployer's share - hospitalization, group life tend long -term disability insurance 4,176 Bgeipment rental -copy machine 2,100 $ 31,032 Village Balls Salaries and rages (Increase in rate $360) $ 1,678 Utilities 975 Other (contractual services and commodities) 455 Central services 528 2,580 Public Works Braildings Salaries and wages (Increase in sate $300) $ 220 Utilities 1,300 Otter (contractual services and commodities) 100 Central services 60 1,680 Fquipmnt operation: Salaries and rages (Increase in rate $1476) $ 2,684 Contracted repairs 2,500 Stock materials 1,500 Gasoline and fuel oil 3,000 Other (contractual services and comodities) 420 Central services 12740 11,844 J00TAL INCREASE - CENTRAL SERVICES 47 136 ii31murloxs Budgeted account $ 33.708 Other funds 13,425 437 p 136 D DW AILS OF COPS AID SMOLS d 1973 Mayor and Council: Local Meetings, conferences and schools $ 150 Planning. In service training - all personnel 250 600 Ratiosael meeting d .Atlanta - Plarmr $365 National meting - ibuston - .Director league meting - Alexandria - Planner 60 425 Administration: ISO North Central Cries Conference - Detective National Mwting - Boston - Manager $440 60 League, school and local meetings m - na=gera Clerk, and Detective Administrative Assistant 215 655 hike: 120 lie meeting and school - Director National mating - Kansas City = Director $250 120 Legne meeting and school - Director and accountant ISO Other local schools and meetings - Vazlous officers Local meetings (EM AND SRA) Director and Accountant l0O 530 Assessing: National meeting - Miami - Assessor $400 Special course - University of Minnesota - Deputy 20 Asseaso$° a Sclool- university, of Ai azaesota - Assessor and deputies 170 Special course, - American Institute of Appraiser Deputy - Various locations 630 1,240 Public Works: Administration: &gape meetings and school m Director 65 Engisnssring o Legpe meetings and various schools 250 Supervision and Overhead: National meeting - Demmer - Superintendent $350 In service training - all personnel 250 600 Police Protection: National meting - ibuston - .Director $260 F.B.I. Re- training Conferences - nmluth - Captain of Detectives ISO North Central Cries Conference - Detective ISO Public Defenders Institute - xin polis - uniform Captain 60 Juvenile Officers Institute - Liaison officers and one Detective 225 Recruit School - new area 13 Check and Shoplifting Seminar - Detective 120 lie meeting and school - Director 73 Trams Workshop - Two officers 120 Traffic Coursee ad Basic Police Science Course - 9 officers 270 Other local schools and meetings - Vazlous officers 4x30 2,034 I1 DETAILS OF CONFRUNCBS AND SCWOLS 1973 (CONTOD) Fire Protectiorso International Association of Fire Chiefs - Baltimore - Chief $326 N.F.P „Ao - St- IRais - Assistant Chief 234 State fire school - St. Paul - Threa personnel IS0 State mdating, schools and seminars - various permunel 409 Trauma Workshop - Two personnel 140 Thitioa - Metropolitan State Junior College S0o Arson Investigators - Des Moines - Inspector 194 $ 1,973 Civilian Defense: State Conferences - Arden Hills and Rochester - Director 81 Public Health: National sting - Denver - Sanitarian $$00 Rational meatintig - Cincinnati - Laboratory technician (1/3) 100 500 Inspections: National meeting - Seattle - Building Inspector $457 National meeting - Chicago - Plumbing inspector 282 League meeting and school - Three inspectors 90 Local monthly meetings - All inspectors 150 979 Part Administrations: National Recreation and Paris Association - Washington,D.C.m Director and Assistant Director 650 Local meetings - Directors Assistant Director, and programs supervisor IS0 .4102282 VILLAGE OF 8DIHA ANWAL BUDGET S 0WARATIV8 ASSESSED FALUMON, TAX RATS IN i9 U99 AND TAXES IN DO1.I,A88 ALL FUM CRBARATIN ASS1if �D FALUATIOH EM of _ Collectible In R"I Lt alai 1963 1964 $ 31,916,098 $20300,580 „Total $ 34,216,678 196+ 1965 33,666,989 2,300,415 35,967,404 1965 1966 35,250,135 2,4-36,976 37,687,111 1966 1967 41,0029999 3,156,601 448.7159,600 1967 1968 43,338,714 3,301,490 46,640,204 1968 1969 53,585,438 3,499,043 57,084,483 1969 1970 56,680,044 3,856,784 60,536,828 1970 1971 77,145,818 4,344,906 81,490,,784 1971 1972 80,486,054 3,827,251 84,313,305 1972 1973 279,672,131 492139,594 283,961,,725 (B) TAX DATE IN KILLS . Bonds Collectible In General Parks And Interest Other Total 1964 22.56 2.01 1.96 1.09 27.62 1965 23.86 2,00 1.86 as 28.60 1966 24.80 2.00 1080 .86 29.46 1967 24.83 1.97 1.42 .84 29.06 1968 24.64 2.00 1.34 .73 28.71 1969 24.75 2.00 1.11 .67 28.53 1970 24.73 1.99 1.06 .61 28.39 1971 19.98 1.97 .80 .47 23.22 1972 17.66 2.03 .85 .44 20.98 1973 5.79 .67 ..25 .13 6.84 TAKES IN DOLLARS Collectible In General Park® Bonds And Interest Other Total 1964 $ 771,928 $ 68,776 $67,065 $37,296 $ 945,065 1965 858,074 719926 668891 31,647 1,028,538 1966 934,640 75,374 67,,837 32,411 1,110,262 1967 1,096,483 86,994 62,707 37,094 1,283,278 1968 1,149,,215 93,280 62,498 34,047 1,,339,040 (A) 1969 1,4120841 114,169 63,364 38,247 1,628,621 (A) 1970 1,497,076 120,468 64,169 36,927 1,7180640 (A) 1971 10628,626 159,926 65,312 38,352 1,892,216 (A) 1972 1,488,973 171,156 71,666 37,098 1,768,893 1973 1,645,260 1899308 72,000 37,010 10943,578 Note A - The Sales tax replacement fund will pay the Village about $277,200 for 1968; $287,700 for 1969; $296,100 for 1970; aad $3009000 for 1971. Note B - The 1971 legislature chafeged the method of determining assessed value. Before 1973 assessed value was determined in the following manner. Market value divided by three to detertmine full and true value; then certain percentages applied to full and true to determine assessed value. For 1973 assessed value is determined in the following Summner; determine market value then apply certain percentages to determine assessed value. The change in method increases assessed value about three times over prior years.