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1975 Annual Budget
BUDGET 1975 ITT OF E TNA TABLE OF CONTENTS _ Summary I - Revenues by Fund and Source Summary II- Ezpenditures by Fund and Function Schedule of Maximum Salaries and rages Comparative Summary of Major Objects by Activity and fund Analysis Details of Conferences and Schools Comparative Assessed Valuation, Tax Date in Mills, and Taxes in Dollars, All Funds Income Producing Funds DETAILS OF SXPZnN 1TU0S General Government City Council Planning Administration Finance Election Assessing Legal and Court Services Public Works: Administration Engineering Supervision and Overhead Payroll ° Summary ° Distribution Street: Maintenance Street Lighting Street Name Signs Traffic Control Bridges Storm Drainage City Properties Sidewalks and Ramp Capital Outlay Protection of Persons and Property Police Protection Fire Protection Civilian Defense Public Health Animal Control - - Inspections Non- Deparmental Expenditures Contingencies Settlement. of Suits Special Assessments on City Property Central Services o Capital Outlay Capital Improvement Commissions I - II III- IV A B C D F I - 2 3 ° 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 - l® 11 - 12 13 ° 14 . i5 - 16 17 - 18 19 20 21 22° 23a 21, 25 ° 26 27 ° 28 29 0 3O .- 31 ° 32 33 - 34 35 0 36 37 - 38 39 ° 40 41042 -4.3 44 - 45 - 46 x,7-49 49 - 50 51 ° 52 53 ° 54 55 56 57 58 a 59 60 61 ° 62 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED Park and Recreation P_dministration Recreation Program Park Maintenance Payroll - Summary - Distributi ©n Capital Outlay Other Tax Supported Expenditures Public Nursiv =g Park Construction - Capital Improvements Bonds and Interest Fire Protection Firemen's Relief Association Central Services General City Hull Public Works Building Equipment Operation 63 - 64 65 - 66 - 67 68 - 69 70 71 72 0 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 - 80 - 82 - 83- 85 - 86 87 - 88 S1 89 VILLAGE OF EDINA AUUTUAL BUDGUT PAC7L T I GENSRAL FUND ?Zeal and pa -eso aal property 11 =Ces �01 Other taxes: Interest, penalties and -,413,'forfeited tax sale Mortgage registry Daak excess Licenses and permits: .3'03�v Bicycle 30357Beer and liquor ,,dr,ODog and impounding fees -3v,-;ST-oad and soft driahz, Gas pumps, tanks, burning Pezraits, ete, xti 3107fBowling, ta, piuball,ptc, 3#Scavenger and garbage 0 k r collectors 3Oq3-Buildingq permits 3100cessrpol and sewcr- permits -.51 tv FlumbirW, permit:s 31, 1,5-Sign pe=its 317,vStreat opening -5jjS'Heatinp, and ventilati:,4 permits 3I -yo' Other licenses and psmits 3130 Mechanical Fermin s clerical a& se irchei oervices rental firc* —I'nta hisAvuey �--ax 3z:i.ite U'.qijor end agaxette tpn 0;. 3;e allet use ul"r 15V - C-' -as 4 1-11111it"1 T C�0 C C, ", 017 f U, "-,I, - jWo SUND'1011y I BY FUND AN) SOURC3. i: $1,4,72,x,69 $1,554,736. $17,639.,6 -'e-2 $-1,626,480- $2,318,5-R-` .21024-fl•31 I Ali 0 21,7'E) C C 0 11 333 14,129- IV25 3,309 1230,976/ 159,E / 'L 137 24 19,592%$ 152030 $ 1e�,793 $ 37,2408 ✓ 51,432 4, 'i 01"," 31,637 Lp can 2 � 240 ✓ 5�302 53, $ 73,174 $ 15,000 $-Sl , 0,0Z s. 15'Coo `i 3n3r2 $ 5,320 $ 5,300 S 5,078 $ 4 , 5* 194:75 2,475 .:;2 0 0 24.25 2:,44;, 2"155 2.393 2,100 2,721 2, SO o 6,955 63290 6, A50 6, 7 IR 7, OC,'_') 9,113 10,273 15,500 17, 4:18 16, 5c' 1,1.00 1,260 1:,.150 1,230 a,2C. 8,359 7,500 10 331--- 975 903 9'19P) 162,068 67 2,002 1,42 2 (m 1, S.-, 27,131 28,432 24,M 25r 21 1,460 1,899) 1 2,977 2,066. 1,200 5,910 6, 1. ;5 5 1609 97 900 1? a.000 2331187 SVO I Ali 0 21,7'E) C C 0 11 333 14,129- IV25 3,309 1230,976/ 159,E / 'L 137 24 4, 'i 01"," L.T C S y VILLAGE OF MINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE II SM24ARY I CONTINULD GENERAL FUND Cont'd 3i,5o Sales and rental property $ -�35v Other miscellaneous revenues Reserve for commitments 3No Income on investments 3i()&VFees -sale of automobile I u 3 icew7 appra ' ... ate surplus 3gdp Over levy - 1972 T OTAL GENERAL FiLE'ID $ 38,090 $ 15,657 $ 8fl700 $ 12,797 21,600 13,500 30,022 72,500 34,,325 563580 45,000 36,683 37,200 35,000 13.,500 30,159 179,513 ,030,061 $3,193,664 $3,270, N 61 10,545 $ 9,000 1' g 0 a.,, 12,985 13,500 1,35vo 44,454 71,500 50,000 50,o"4 35,400 35,000 3 S 1 iS �o 179,513 _ 28,,530 PARK FMID 3oq Real and personal property tax $ $ 1 168,555 $ $ 1 187,261 $ $ 1 198,, 875 $ $ ! !96,896 $ 2 213,87111'77/ 5-7 / Registration fees-swimming W W� and aca:ivitles 2 24n305 2 25,295 2 27,000 2 26,137 2 27,0€ 1 7 7,7,&vQ 3y5�D Transfer from Liquor Fund 1 140,845 1 150,441 1 187,183 1 187,103 L L40,M -3 W Wo,& -j- 3-:y "Unclassified 1 1,122 1 131 7 730 1 195 2 2 OTHER REAL AND PE_RSOMAL PRO IM RTs' TAX REVENUES Firemen's Relief Assoc-ia -:- ;on $ 5,G3 k8 $ 5,244 $ 5„000 $ x:,373 $ 5,0's) PS-00,.z Fire protection 14,162 14,729 1£:,850 14,409 15,5 ;3' 1.�5� Bonds and interest 70,795 71,959 - 72,09 � 70 00 73. ©'s� 13cs -w-v PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REVENLI:r.0 TOTAL F.Et3ENUES ALL FUNDS S3 5a2 y 9 •`�3.� 7t,6 3. 2 � ���Oh � �F �O��1''6 $4, 512,4' '` TOTAL F.Et3ENUES ALL FUNDS S3 5a2 y 9 •`�3.� 7t,6 3. 2 � ���Oh � �F �O��1''6 $4, 512,4' '` VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUM, BUDGET PAGE III GENERAL FUND General Government: Mayor and Council Planning Administration Finance Election Assessing Legal and Cou -t Services TOTAL GE1 Er4iL GOVEB.1 4ENT Public Works: Administration Engineering Supervision and Overhead Street: Maintenance Street Lighting Street Name Signs Traffic Control Bridges. Storm Drainage City Properties Sidewalks and Ramp Capital Outlay TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS Protection of Persons and Property: Police Fire Civilian Defense Public Health Animal Control_ Inspections OTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPEP - -. -Y SUMMARY II EXPENDITURES BY BUND AND FUNCTION d E 19 $ 18,148 $ 19,014 $ 190570 $ 19,320 $ 216730 1 PJ,73o .25.,719- X9,445 38,753 36,813 45,962 x[4',9 (a-z- 97.,992 95,057 1.24,€01 122,764 141 64-5 635,783 95,893 103,514 17.10,485 111,709 . 133,515 l3?, 5'16 20,427 11,043 21,764 23,429 7,915 7915 77,552 87,147 89,258 90,201 102,445 /0o,9tA _ 72.,667 78A9j':-_ 58,25_0 75,010 68,0 v $ 408,398 $ 424,134 $r 462,891 $ 479,246 $ 521,7 ;';. :?5 /tP $ 31,655 $ 33:722 8 37,061 $ 36,543 $ 37,9131 S7,g13 164,228 168,120 160,330 163,532 185,9`'2 1$017 -14 107,405 121,095 125279 135,621: 174,:;(' -; 173,® l o 376,270 365,321 469,441 467,054 5625,36. 493 41c1 85,457 93,35,7 103,927 .99,836 105,7:.' 97;LF8V 13,772 12,069 24,3-28 22,933 26._5 -20177 340463 39,049 43,278 9L, 4.8,`:{':' 47, �P" 10,4.04 2,646 8,694 yt "3� 9,wj 32,502 39,143 45,704 ": ? , C5'3 �-:•3, 0� i 47,699 '49,911 57,565 5.5,7E ". 75.;8: 9,767 6,798 11;,495 11,31' 13.,3: 13,3vo� 46,787 40,x:91 48 1,00 2 42 .�':� 57.9uaA $ 960,409 $ 971,722 $1,13 5,502 $ :J.: 35, �;j/ $1,2'73,4' $ 316,037 $ 866,93?. $ 352„721 404x;4.32 4,096 5, 391 29., 896 33„1 C 16,5:5 !.O.:E) 7} 61, 849 66, 691 <j8.,635 ';„'.. -3 OR,;c�� $1,3.87,940 S7 :`i:3; ,9: (� ;� =.. ?.'a,.F S'..: ?G;'): 71t08oys8 j �gfs, X86 5,01 toy 17, 4F>o $, tP kg �� i7-17� 1 5(, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUM, BUDGET PAGE IV SUMMARY II Continued _ Actual Budgeted Estimated P,ecom6nded 1972 1973 1971 1974 1975 GENERAL FUND(Conted) 66,225 $ 72,000 $ 70,2 [-0 $ 73,01',' Administration Non - Departmental Expenditures: Contingencies $ 37,246 $ 36,372 2,035 $ 31,619 90,000 Recreation 59,895 $ 79,030 $ 66,195 Settlement of Suits 25,484 26 500 100 5GO �o Special Assessments on 24 y,P�o Capital Outlay 9.285 139074 8,100 City Property 70,319 64,995 70,000 55,794 659000 Unallocated Capital Outlay 17,727 54•;617 4,600 170,268 10,810 5y0-0 Capital Improvements 34,454 50,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 Sores Commissions ' 7,455 9,692 12,780 10,878 13,932 1a, 33 z Central Services-Unallocated 10,185 46,314 64,148 70TAL NON- DEPARTMENTAL -A., EXPENDITURES $ 202,870 $ 262 016 $ 139,915 $ _392,807 $__ 230,21;.211 -o n TOTAL GENERAL FUND $2,852,821 $3,045,820 $3,270,224 $3,521.147 $3,841,8 :13,(p71rZ( /s PARK FUND 66,225 $ 72,000 $ 70,2 [-0 $ 73,01',' Administration $ 112,433 $ 123,772 $ 139,93° $, 140,585 $ 1.56,5- j5l15S1136 Sir Recreation 59,895 59,808 79,030 79,4.32 66,195 B�Iq S Maintenance 146,833 173,906 186,745 184,005 209,443 24 y,P�o Capital Outlay 9.285 139074 8,100 8,558 28 913 <9 ls',ea -d TOTAL PARK FUND $ .323,446 $ 370,560 $ 413,808 S 412,5 €0 $ 481,0- POOR FUND $ 23,510 $ 22,933 $ 15,000 $ 14,976 $ 16,0,:" PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND 80,000 .30,000 115,000 115,000 OO,C.' $0�� OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES Bonds and Interest; Paris Sinking Fund Firemen's Relief Association Fire Protection TOTAL OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPEAIDITUP.ES ALL FUNDS $ 67,999 $ 66,225 $ 72,000 $ 70,2 [-0 $ 73,01',' 131 5,048 5,241, 5,COO 4. ,375 5,0�;; Sir 14,162 14,729 3,4 CO l74.e:E 1.5,51,,'. IS$1i-o $ 87,209 $ 86,198 $ _91.Cn0 $ 89,56, .$ 93,3`. 33,��-o $3,371,986 $3,u05�51.1 $,905,92 `�s,_Wa3 2',? A10 ,119T 29, 1974 n CITY OF EDINA PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF MAXIMUM SALARIES AND WAGES FOR YEARS 1974 AND 1975 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Director of Finance and Treasurer Assessor Deputy Assessors City Clerk Administrative Assistant Personnel and Safety Officer Office Clerical - fiscal - secretarial: Clerical I (8) Clerical 11 (12) Clerical III (2) Legal Prosecuting Attorney Planning Technician Planning Intern -(Code Enforcement Officer) Planning E,xiviromnental PUBLIC SAFETY FOLICE* Director of Public Safety and Police Chief Captains - 2 years service 1 year service First year Sergeants 2 years service 1 year service First year Detectives 2 years service 1 year service First year Patrolmen 4 years service. 3 years service 2 years service 1 year service First year Dispatchers -Desk Clerks Dispatchers -Desk clerks (hourly FIRE* Chief Assistant Chief Lieutenants - 2 years service First year Drivers - Inspectors Firemen 4 years service 3 years service 2 years service I year service First year Parr: 'Rime** Animal Control Officer 150% of regular 2 hours for each 197.4 Weekly lAnnural) $943 (24,518) 725(A) (18,850) 596(A) (15,496) 440 (11,440) 420 (10 ®920) 550 (14,,300) 1975 Bi- Weekly `. (Annual) $999 ' "(252974) 769 (0.,994) 632 (1&.432) 466 (12,116) '445 (11,570) 583 (15,158) 210 -255 (5460 -6630) 225280 (5850 -7280 250 -340 (6500 -8840) 280-370 (7280 -9620 375 -410 (9750 - 10,660) 370 -420 (9620 - 10,920) 350 (9100) 350 (9100) 640 (16,640) 750(A)(19,50C° 320 (8320) 339 (8814) 341 (8866) 361 (9386) 943 324,518) 999 (25,974) 715 (18,590) 758 (19,70;) 683 (17,758) 724 (18,821,) 646 ,16,796) 685 (17,51Q 606 (15,756) 642 (16,692) 596 (15,496) 632 (16,1:32) 586 (15,236) 621 (16,146; 558 (14,508) 592 (15,39'_' 55062 (14,316) 5w) 542,, 77 (14,112) 573 (14,95(" • 502062 (139068)' 533 (13,:85',:~ 47862 (12,444)x; 508 (13'2001 � 45692 (11,880)' 4815 (12,58_.';` 43292 (11,256)A' 459 (11,SJY._; .? 38769 (109060)* 4i1 (10,686)'. 403 (10,608) 433 (11,2K€ 4.,40 .,65 716 (18,616) ** 759 (19,FR1,11,' 690 (17,940)x* 731 (19,C0k�,-.; 530 (13,780) ** 562 (14L63`;a ,,.. 523 (13,598) *T% 556 (14,404 ?- , 495 (12,870)z:y°: 525 03,55C)` 482 (12,532)x:: 511 (13,e6G�,' > 474 (123324)x:: 503 (13,:87;: _- 443 (11,518): 470 (12,22c 425 (11,050)x:~ 1151 r,11.; 72 383 ( 9,958)* 40IG (10,55 ;'' hourly rate, with a minimum of off -duty call, $4.,25 per drill, 320 ( 8,320) 350 ( 9,100 Proposed Schedule of Salaries and Wages Continued: August 28, 1974 A PUBLIC SAFETY CONTINUED *Members of the Police Department will receive an additional $45.00 a month as payment for taking at least 30 hours off-duty training from the fire Department in fire fighting techniques, for aiding its the extinguishing of fires and for qualifying for Red Cross First Aid Certificates. * *$20.00 per month to be paid represents compensation for the fact that Edina's pension costs and benefits are lower than cities which have independent fire pension funds, rather than for duties outside normal fire department activities. The Tire Department will, however, continue to do other work as assigned. **'Off -duty police and paid fire -amen responding to calls and drills shall be paid in the same manner as part -time firemen. 1974 1975 Bi- Bi- We-.ekly (Annual) Weekly (Annual➢ ELECTION Judges $2.40 per hr,, $2650 per hr. Chairwomen 4.00 additional 4.50 additicnr- - -.. PARKS AND RECREATION Director 823 (21,398) 872 (22,672) Assistant: Director 619 (16,094) 656 (17,056) Program Supervisor 463 (12,038) 491 (12,760) Recreation Specialist: 323 ( 8,398) 355 ( 9,230) Pbol Manager (S) 290 305 Assistant Pool Manager (S) 260 275 Concession Manager (S) 7.60 per hr. 2.60 per hr� Pool Cashier (S) 2,20 per hr, 2,25 per hr, Bathhouse - Concession Attendants (S) 1 75 per hr. 2,00 per air, Swimming Instructor (S) 2.85 per hr, 2.85 per hr.: Life Guards (S) 2.55 per hr., 2,85 per hr, Pool Maintenance (S) 2150 per hro 2.50 per i3r Baseball and Craft Supervisors (S) 275 290 Baseball Assistants (S) 2,25 per hr, 2.50 per "ir., Hockey Coaches (S) 2.85 per h$, 2.85 per Rink Attendants (S) 2.50 per hr:, 2.,50 per Playground Leaders (S) 2,83 per hrc. 2085 puz Skating- Skiing Instructors (S) 6.50 inst,Class 6,50 Ins,, Park Keeper III# 456.92 (.,11,880) 491 Park Kemper II# 424.62 (11,040) 455,,92 Park Keeper I# 385 (10,010 424,,62 Golf Course Business Manager 476 (12,376) 520 (13fl520) Golf Course Superintendents 4.89 (12,714) 490 Golf Course Maintenance 423 (10,998) 449 (11.c'.T': Golf Course Managers, Starters, Cashiers, Lunch Counter Clerics (S) 3.50 per hr, 3,70 per ' *r„ Arena - Manager 499 (128974) 529 (13,75"d' Arena - Assistant Manager 423 (10,998) 449 (11,3 " Arena - maintenance Supervisor 423 (10,998) 449 (11. ;G ") Areas - Guards, Cashiers, Concession Attendant 3.15 Der hr. 3.15 per hr- LIQUOR STORES Manager 754+ (19,634) C00 (20,0-00) Assistant Manager 510 (13,260) 541 (14oOG -0) Assistant. Managers - Stores 486 (12,636) 515 (l3,-:)9-_) Clerks - regular 4,20 per hi, 4A5 pe r ear, Clerks - part -time 3.55 per hr, 375 per tir, Proposed Schedule of Salaries and Wagas continued. August 28, 1994 1974 1975 -Bi- Bi- Weekly (Annual) Weekly (Annual) INSPECTORS Plumbing $590 (15,340) $623 (16,250) Building 615 (15,990) 652 (16,952) Deputy Inspector 495 (12,870) 525 (13,650) Mechanical 462 (12s012) 490 (12,740) HEALTH Health Officer 25 per mouth 23 per month Sanitarian 590 (15,340) 625 (16,230) Laboratory Technician 494 (129844) 524 (13,624) Deputy Sanitarian 347 ( 9,022) 370 Q 9,620) PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING Director of Public Works and Engineering 943 (24,518) 999 (25,974) Assistant Engineer 529 (13,754) 561 (14,586) Supervisor of Survey 387 (15,,262) 622 (16,172) Supervisor of Design 587 (15,262) 622 (16,172) Supervisor of Inspection 587 (15,262) 622 (16,172) Engineering Aide III 471 (12,246) 499 (12,97[= - Engineering Aide 11 417 (10,842) 442 (11,492) Engineering Aide 1 358 ( 9,308) 360 ( 9,36C) Superintendent Public Worms 710 (18,460) 753 (19,578) Superintendent Water 587 (15,262) 588 (15,28Q, Foreman - Street,sewer,water,parks,and mechanic) 535 (13,9102 565 (14,69C,) Heavy Equipment Operatorsf 43692 (11,880) 491,54 (12,360) Light Equipment Operators# 424.62 (11,O40) 456,92 (11,830) Maintenance Man# 385 (10,010) 424,,62 (11,C4,G) Mechanic 466,15 (12,120) 500.77 (13,020) Mechanic's helper# 433.85 (11,280) 466,15 (12,I2Q Janitor 385 (10,010) Im. (10,60�.) Suer - Water Utility Man 424,,62 (11 *040) 456.•92 (12,120) Assistant Superintendent Public Works 554 (14,404) 577 Administrative Assistant = Public Works 423 (101,998) 448 (11,646 Electrician 457 (11,862) 485 (12,611 Building Engineer 425,,62 (11,Ow) 456.92 (11,88G) # Starting rates may be 207, less for the first three months of service and 10% less for the second three months. (A) One -half first of year and one -half the last half of year, (S) Seasonal Activities GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Mayor and Council: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease' Planning: 19.75 1974 Increase- Decrease` Administrative: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease` Finance: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease= Election: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease? Assessing: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* Legal and Court Services: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT: 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease* COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF MAJOR OBJ 3CTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND FOR YEARS 1975 AND 1974 Contractual Services Coasmodities Personal Conferences Supp'!ieD Central Capital Services and Schools Other General Sg2cial Services Outlay Total $ 14,300 $ 150 $ 800 $ 6,480 $ 21,730 13,520 150 S00 5100 190570 $ 700 $ 000 $ -0- $ -0_ $ =G_ $ 1,3a0 $ -0- $ 2,160 $ 34,162 $ 505 $ 585 $ 400 $ 50 $ 10,020 $ 240 $ 45,962 292198 515 550 400 50 ap 040 - 38, 753 $ 4,964 $ 10* 35 $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,980 $ 240 $ 7,209 $103,199 $ 800 $ 13,756 $ 200 $ 50 $ 23,040 $ 600 $141,645 90,298 640 15,063 150 50 18,000 600 124,801 $ 12,901 $ 160 $ 1,,307* $ 50 $ -0- $ 5,040 $ -0- $ 16,844 $ 93,220 $ 230 $ 20,106 $ 100 $19,860 $133,516 8_7;625 565 6,235 100 15,960 110,485 $ 5,595 $ 335" -' $ 13,871 $ -0- $ -0- $ 3,900 $ -0- $ 23,031 $ 6,055 $ 1,860 $ 7,915 15,,266_ $ 4,305 $ 873 12-320 21,764 $ 9112H $ -0- $ 4,305* $ -0- $ 873* $ 540 $ -0- $ 13,849.' $ 74,776 $ 2,350 $ 2,880 $ 2,100 $ 20,340 $102,446 60x138 1,570 112490 650 15 420 89,268 $ 14,638 $ 780 $ B,,610* $ 1,450 $ -0- $ 4,920 $ -On $ 13,178 $ 9,100 $ 57,250 $ 1,680 $ 68,030 91100 47,950 11200 58,250 $ •0- $ -0- $ 9,300 $ :0• $ -0- $ 480 $ -0- $ 9,780 $334,812 $ 4,035 $ 94,577 $ 2,700 $ 1,000 $ 83,280 $ 840 $521,244 305,145 39440 85,593 1,200 1,873 65,040 600 462,891 $ 29,667 $ 595 $ 8,984 $ 1,500 $ 873* $ 18,240 $ 240 $ 58,353 w Activities PUBLIC WORKS: Administration: 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease* Engineering: 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease Supervision and Overhead: 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease* Street Maintenance: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* Street: Lighting: 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease* Street Name Signs: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease!, Traffic Control: 1975 1974 Increase - Decreases" Bridges: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* Storm Drainage: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* GthIPEiRA`IIVE & SM cY OF NAj;DR GBiX` S W !tea!V!rLY AND T'b-ND (CONVD) Contractual Services Commodities Personal Conferences Supplies Central Capital Services and Schools Other General Special Services Outlay Total $ 29,796 $ 42 $ 35 $ 8,040 $ 37,913 29,796 65 7,200 37,061 $ -0- $ 23.. $ 35 $ -0- $ -0® $ 840 $ -0- $ 852 $127,206 $ 351 S 1,285 $ 5,900 $ 2,600 $ 39,240 $ 9;374 $185,956 120,870 185 1_1.275 4,200 2 000 311800 160,330 "$ $ 6,336 $ 166 $ 10 $ -1,700 $ 600 $ 7,440 $ 9,371; 25,626 $ 89,400 $ 400 $ 100 $ 280 $ 84,180 $174,360 6211255 650 90 280 622004 1258275► $ 27,145 $ ..50", $ 10 $ -0- $ -0- $ 22,176 $ -0- $ 49,081. $209,150 $ 76,800 $109,700 $ 14,250 $ 95,460 $505,360 194,203 76,310 100,069 13,299 85,560 $ _ 469,441 $ 14,947 $ -0- $ 490 $ 9.,631 $ 951 $- 9,900 $ -0- $ 35,919: $ -700 $102.,450 $ 1,500 $ 1,080 $105,730 650 101.069 11248 960 103,927 $ 50 $ -0- $ 1,381 $ -0. $ 252 $ '120 $ -0- $ 1,803 $ 11,080 $12,500 $ 2,940 $ 26,520. 10,295 11,393 - 20640 24,328 $ 785 $ -0- $ .0- $ 1,187 $ -0- $ 300$ -0- $ 2,192 $ 15.,260 $ 11,500 $ 12,500 $ 3,500 $ 5,640 $ 48,400 14,163 10,700 9,575 3,800 5,040 43,278 Z097 $ -0- $ 800 $ 2,925 $ 300* $ 600 $ -0- $ 5,122 $ 3,620 $ 1,500 $ 300 $ 2,600 $ 1,080 $ 9.,100 3,360 1,500 300 2,574 960 8,694 $ 260 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 26 $ 1120 $ -0- $ 406 33,955 $ 1,850 $ 3,150 $ 3,500 $ 5,640 $ 48,095 31,524 2,650 3,140 3,350 5.040 45,704 $ 2,431 $ -0= $ '°' $ 16 $ 150 $ 600 $ -U- $ 2,391 w COMPARATIVE SUWAU OF NAjOR OBJV%CTS BY ACTI'VI7Z AND PUND (GO W'D) Contractual Services Commodities Personal Conferences Supplies Central Capital Activitie Services and Schools Other General Special Service& Outlay Total S T$ 'D" City Properties: 1975 $ 49,217 $ 3,250 $ 4,000 $ 10,700 $ 8,640 $ 75,,807 1974 317605 2,350 3,835 11.975 7,800 57,565 Increase - Decrease* $ 17,612 $ -O- $ 900 $ 165 $ 19275' $ 840 $ -0- $ 18,242 Sidewalks and Ramp: 1975 $ 5,290 $ 4,700 $ 1,400 $ 600 $ 1,320 $ 13,310 1974 4,_910 3,500 1,250 575 1,260 11,495 Increase - Decrease* $ 380 $ -0- $ 1,200 $ 150 $ 25 $ 60 $ -0- $ 1,815 Capital Outlay: 1975 $ 42,900 $ `,2,900 1974 46,400 48,400 Increase - Decrease* $ -0. $ °0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 5,500: � 5,500+ TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS: 1975 $574,674 $ 793 $203,470 $149,450 $ 39,530 $253,260 $ 52,274 $1;273,451 1974 503,631 900 199,444 133,762 39,101 210,264 48,400 1,135,502 Increase - Decrease* $ 71,043 167': $ 4,026 $ 15,688 $ 429 .$ 42,996 $ 3,874 $ 137,949 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Police Protection: 1975 $ 798,444 $ 1,945 $ 19,765 $ 2,115 $ 2,880 $234,120 $ 38,500 $1,097,769 1974 711,483 1,503 18,076 1,915 2,180 186,360 309374 951,891 Increase - Decrease* $ 86,961 $ 442 $ 1,689 $ 200 $ 700 $ 47,760 $ 8,126 $ 145,878 Fire Protection: 1975 $ 396,163 $ 1,764 $ 18,771 $ 4,800 $ 5,654 $ 95,280 $ 24,814 $ 547,246 1974 310,930 1 699 15,910 4,075 2,980 73,320 16,080 424,994 Increase- Decrease* $ 85,233 $ 65 $ 2,861 $ 725 $ 2,674 $ 21,960 $ 8,734 $ 1122,252 Civilian Defense: 1975 $ 3,896 $ 50 $ 335 $ 550 $ 4,831 1974 3,678 50 320 350 4,398 Increase - Decrease* $ 218 $ -0- $ 15 $ -0- $ 200 $ -0- $ -07 $ 433 Public Health: 1975 $ 37,009 $ 450 $ 2,056 $ 1,269 $ 10,020 $ 50,804 1974 34,981 476 _ 1,597 1,134 7,200 $ 100 45,488 Increase- Decrease* $ 2,028 $ 26* $ 459 $ -0- $ 135 $ 2,820 $ 100* $ 5,316 Animal Control: 10,000 $ 3'300 $ $ 4,020 $ , 1974 9220 100 3840 16460 Increase- Decrease* 780 -0- $ -0- -0- -0- 180 $ -0- $ 960 to CMIPARATIVE SM-MA Y Or rWOR €1PIRICTS BY ACTIVITY AM rUND (CTONV O) Activities PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY CONT °D, Inspections: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* 'DOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: 1975 1974 Increase- Decreased IDIJ- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES: Contingencies: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* Settlement of Suits: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* Special Assessments on City Property: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* Central Services - Capital Outlay: 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease* Capital Improvements: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease{ Contractual Services Caumodities Personal Conferences Supplies Central Capital Services and Schools Other General Special Services Outlay Total $ 77,852 $ 941 $ 797 $ 275 $ 525 $ 18,300 $ 150 $ 98,840 73,122 504 1,087 325 927 12,720 88,685 $ 4,730 $ 437 $ 290* $ W $ 1002ti $ 5,580 $ 150 $ 10,155 $1,323,364 $ 5,150 $ 45,024 $ 7,190 $ 10,978 $361,740 $ 63,464 $1,816,910 1,1432_414 42232 40,290 6,315 7.671 283,440 46,554 1,531,916 $ 179,950 $ 918 $ 4,734 $ 875 $ 3,307 $ 78,300 $ 16,910 $ 284,994 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 2,035 2,035 $ -0- $ _O_. $ 87,965 $ -0- $ -O_ $ -0- $ -0- $ 87,965 $ 500 $ 500 500 S00 - $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ °0° $ -0° $ -0- $65,000 $ 65,000 70,000 70 000 $ -0- $ -0- $ "O- $ °0- $ -0- $ -0- '.5 5,000°'' $ 5,000=. $ 10,810 $ 10,810 4,600 4,600 $ -O- $ -0- $ oO_ $ -0° $ -0- $ -0- $ 6,210 $ 6,210 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 50,000 50,000 °0° $ -0- $ m0- $ -0- $ -0- to Activities NDN- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CONT'D, Commissions: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* TOTAL NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* TOTAL GENERAL I'UND: 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease* PARK FUND: Administration: 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease* Recreation: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* Maintenance: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* Capital Outlay: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* TOTAL PARK FUND: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* COMPARATIVE SUMMM OF 14AJO1R OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (COPIV D) Contractual Services Commodities PQrsonal Conferencee Supplies Central Capital Services and Schools Other General Social Services Outlay Total $ 9,000. $ 200 $ 4,132 $ 600 $ 13,932 9,000 2,980 600 12,780 $ -0® $ -0- $ 1,132 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ °0- $ 1,152 $ 9,000 $ 200 $ 94,632 $ 600 $125,810 $ 230,242 9,000 200 59515 600 124,600. 139,915 $ -0- $ �0- $ 89,117 $ a0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,210 $ 90,327 $2,241,850 $ 10,178 $437,703 $159,340 $ 52,108 $698,280 $242,388 $3,841,847 1. 9613190 8,772 330,842 141,277 49,245 558,744 220,154 3,270,224 $ 280,660 $ 1,406 $106,861 $ 18,063 $ 2,863 $139,536 $ 22,234 $ 571,623 $ 89,401 $ 800 $ 1,600 $ 100 $ 75 $ 64,560 $ 156,536 8.4,278 300 1,300 100 75 53,880 139,933 $ 5,123 $ 500 $ 300 $ -0- $ -0- $ 10,680 $ -0- $ 16,603 $ 60,995 $ 11,200 $ 14,000 $ 86,195 _56,180 10,150 12,700 79,030 $ 4,815 $ -0- $ 11050. $ -0- $ 1,300 $ -0- $ -0- $ .7,165 $ 146,350 $ 11,750 $ 23,200 $ 1,800 $ 26,340 $ .209,440 126,805 11,100 22,750 2,450 23,640 186,745 $ 19,545 $ -0= $ 650 $. 450 $ 650%- $ 2,700 $ -0- $: 22,695 $ 28,900 $ 28,900 8,100 8,100 $ -0a $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 20,800 $ 20,800 $ 296,746 $ 800 $ 24,550 $ 23,300 $ 15,875 $ 90,900 $ 28,900 $ 481,071 2672263 300 22,550 22,850 15,225 77,520 8,100 413,808 $ 29,483 $ 500 $ 2,000 $ 450 $ 650 $ 13,380 $ 20,800 $ 67,263 w COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONVD), Activities OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES.* Public Nursing: 1975 1974 Increase - Decrease* Park Construction - Capital Improvements: 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease* Bonds and Interest: 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease* Firemen °s Relief Association: 1975 1974 Increase - Decreases` Fire Protection: 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease* TOTAL OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES: 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease* TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1975 1974 Increase- Decrease* Percent of Increase - Decrease * Over Last Year Contractual Services Commodities Peraonal Conferences SugP? -1:e Central Capital Services and Schools Other Ganeral Special Services Outlay Total $ 16,000 $ 16,000 15,000 15,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 _ 115,000 115,000 $ ••0- $ -0- $ �0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 35,000" $ 35,O00* $ 73,000 $ 73,000 72,000 72,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 5,000 5,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 15,500 $ 15,500 14,860 14,860 $ -0- $ -0- $ 640 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 640 $109,500 $ 80,000 $ 189,500 106,860 115,000 221,860 $ -0- $ -0- $ 2,640 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 1, S.r,rrr,* 11 12 f, 31i() $2,538,596 $ 10,978 $571,753 $182,640 $ 67,983 $789,180 $351,288 $4,512,418 2,228,453 9,072 460,252 164,127 64,470 636,264 343,254 3,905,892 $ 310.143 $ 1.906 $111.501 $ 18.513 S 3.513 $152.916 S 8.034 $ 606.526 13.92% 21.01% 24.23% 11".28% 5.45% 24,03% 2.34% 15.53% w rt , AMALYSIS OT' MAJOR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO INCREASE IN RECOMMNDED EXPENDITURHS FOR 1975 Reclassification Additional and 66et Additional a �vr�reTtime Ad iustmente Personnel Msyor and Council Planning Administration Finance Fflectfon Assessing Public Works. Administration Engineering General Police Fire Civilian Defense Public Health : Animal Control Inspection Parks: Administration Recreation Maintenance $2,000 2,312 $ 1,398 .$ %980 9,908 1,170 9,750 1,677 339 $4,473 10,708 40,410 22,420 13,371 5,261 56,422 Salary nereace 780 2,964 3,211 5,595 697 3,718 1,677 6,695 30,532 51,170 23,550 218 2,028 760 1,212 3,518 550 4,573 4,815 820 5,063 22700 10,962 $9,605 $12,660 $135210 $152,G68 TOTAL. INCREASE- PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - OTTER Administration: Dues League of Minnesota Municipalities Legal advertising Consultant - Labor relations Mileage and local meetings Finance: Anneal `audit Data processing Election.. Custodians Moving charges Service Bureau Assessing: Data processing Mailing homesteads Reassessment survey Mileage Legal and Court Services: __. Professional fees Board and room-prisoners Witness fees Hennepin County -Court charges Paablic Works: Street Maintenance: Equipment rental Street Lighting: Poorer Contracted repairs $ 1,a57 250 .200 100 $ 250 13,546 $ 2,86'8 200 In257 $ 1,500 200 10„ 0P4 . 400 $ 8,000 500 200 600 $ 1,500 119 C $ 780 4,964 12,901 5,595 9,211. 14,638 -0- 6,336 64,707 86,961 85,233 218 .2,028 780 4,730 5,123 4,815 19 � 54.5 $310,143 ANALYSIS OF MAJOR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO INCREASE IN RECOAlMENDBD EXPENDITUR139 C FOR 1975 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - OTHER (COAST °Do): TOTAL Public Works Continued: Traffic Control: Traffic signal maintenance: Power $ 800 Storm Drainage: Storm Sewer maintenance: Televised inspection Ss3O City properties. Turf and plant maintenance: Contracted weed con &rol $ 300 Tree maintenance: Contracted services 600 900 Sidewalks and Ramp: Parking ramp maintenance: Power $ 500 Insurance 200 Rubbish removal 500 1,20€ Police Protection :' Teletype $ 869` Radar and drunkometer 385 Unifom- allowance 1100 Copier - transmitter 480 Equipment maintenance 200 Psychological testing 140 1,51 -• Fire Protection: Laundry $ 200 Uniform allowance 750 Insurance 100 Heat 200 Light and power 410 Psychological testing 625 Rental of pagers 576 2,36 - Public Health: Mileage 4a Inspections: Mileage 36-3 Contingencies 87,965 Commissions: Human Relations Counission: Dues and subscriptions 132 Education programs 1,200 Registration -Human Relations Course ISO 1152 Park and Recreation: Administration: Annual audit $ 150 Mileage 150 Recreation program: Bus rental 1,000 Maintenance: Contract-forester 400 Truck rental 500 Utilities 750 1,959 ANALYSIS OF MAJOR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO INCREASE IN RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES C FOR 19750 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES -OTHER (CONT"D,) TOTAL Public Nursing $ 1,000 Bonds and Interest 1,000 Fire Protection 640 Other 679 TOTAL INCREASE - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES -OTHER CENTRAL SERVICES General: Telephone Equipment service - contracts Pension contributions Postage Liability insurance Workmen's Compensation insurance Employer's share - hospitalization, life and income protection insurance Equipment rentals -copy machines Office supplies City Hall: 36,360 Salaries and wages (Increase in rata $598) Light and power 11500 Other contractual services — _a $136,896 Commodities Central services Public Works Building: Salaries and wages (Increase in rate $494) utilities 4, 200 Commodities Central services Equipment Operation: Salaries and wages (Increase in rate $3480) Contracted repairs Insurance Gasoline and fuel oil Accessories and parts Central Services DISTRIBUTIONS: Budgeted accounts Other funds TOTAL INCREASE CENTRAL SERVICES 111 501s� $ 5,7C0 600 55,152 4,200 2,388 30,696 $7,836 3,000 3,500 16,,600 2, im 3,060 29 $1435,196 29, 5 .QO_._ _ TOTAL $172,77g 36,360 300 11500 — _a $136,896 $2,660 600 320 200 420 4, 200 $1,396 1,200 196 180 2,5u0 $7,836 3,000 3,500 16,,600 2, im 3,060 29 $1435,196 29, 5 .QO_._ _ TOTAL $172,77g D DETAILS OF CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS-""975 Mayor and Council: Local meetings, conferences and schools $ 150 Planning: National meeting -San Antonio - Planner $ 48O League meeting -St* Paul-Planner 25 505 Administration: National meeting- Seattle- Manager $ 565 League meetingaschool and local meetings - Managers Clerk, and Administrative Service Coordinator 235 800 Finance: League meeting and school-Director $ 105 Local meeting (MFOA and SRA)- Director 125 230 Assessing: National meeting - Atlanta - Assessor $ 500 Special courses - American Institute of Appraiser, Chicago, Two weeks -Both deputies 1,500 Local schools - University of Minnesota- Assessor and deputies 350 2,350 Public Works: Administration: Local meetings and school - Director 43 Engineering: Local meetings and schools - various employees 351 Supervision and Overhead: National meeting -Sty F-adl- Superintendent $ 150 In service straining -all personnel 250 4.00 Police Protection: FBI Academy - Washington, D.. C�. - Sergeant $ 300 FBI Retaining - Local- Detective Captain 135 Juvenile Officers Institute -three officers 175 Public Defenders School - Uniform Captain and detective 180 Check and shoplifting Seminar - Local- Detective 100 Criminal Investigation School - Detective 75 Traffic Course I - Three officers 90 Traffic Course II - Three officers 90 Breathalyzer School - One officer 50 Trauma Workshop - Two officers 140 Radar Certification School -. Four officers 120 Clerk and Computer Update School 200 Other local schools and meetings 290 1'0'41; Fire Protection: International Association of Fire Chiefs -Las Vegas -Chief $ 424 Emergency Medical Technician Training Program - Six men 210 State Fire School - Three men 155 In state meetings and schools - Three men 415 Tuition - Metropolitan State Junior College 500 1, ?61-. Civilian Defense: Local meetings and schools - Director 5C Public Health: Local meetings and schools- Sanitarian and assistant $ 350 Local meetings and schools- Laboratory technician (1/3) 100 Inspections: National meeting- Denver•- Building inspector $ 430 League meeting and school -Three inspectors 511 941 DETAILS OF'COWFERENEES M SCHOOLS-1975. Commissions: Human-Relation Commissions: High' I School Fourth Annual Human Affairs Conference Park Administration:' National meeting Dallas Director and assistant director TOTAL $ 200 800 $IM78 D VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET COMPARATIVE ASSESSED VALUATION, TAX RATS IN MILLS, AND TAXES IN DOLLARS ALL FUNKS COMPARATIVE ASSESSED VALUATION Levy of Collectible In Real Personal Other 1965 1966 $ 35,250,135 $2,436,976 $ 37,687,111 1966 1967 41,002,999 3,156,601 44,159,600 1967 1968 43,338,714 3,301,490 46,640,204 1968 1969 53,585,438 3,499,045 57,064,483 1969 1970 56,680,044 3,856,784 60,536,828 1970 1971 77,145,878 4,344,906 81,490,784 1971 1972' 80,486,054 3,827,251 84,313,305 1972 1973 279,328,717 4,289,594 283,618,311 1973 1974 308,103,338 4,651,955 312,755,293 1974 1975 319,383,319 4,894,303 324,277,622 TAX RATE IN MILLS llectible In General Parks Bands and Interest Other Total 1966 24+ 80 2,00 I 80 a86 25. 1967 24A3 1.97 1,42 .84 29106(--5 1968 2464 2,00 1 34 673 28.71- 1969 24.75 2,00 1 11 .67 2&53 1970 24073 2 99 1,06 X61 2&39 1971 19.98 1097 X80 .47 23.22 1972 17,66 2.03 A5 X44 20.98 1973 5.61 �66 X25 X13 6 65 1974 5.31 .63 ,23 X12 &29- 1975 7015 .66 023 .11 8.15, TAXES IN DOLLARS llectible In General Parks Bonds and interest Other Total 1966 $ 934,640 $ 75,374 $67,837 $32,411 $1,110,262 1967 1,096,483 86,994 62,707 37,094 1,283,278 1968 1,149,215 93,280 62,498 34,047 1,339,040 1969 1,412,841 114,169 63,364 38,247 1,628,621 1970 1,497,076 120,468 64,169 36,927 1,718,640 1971 1,628,626 159,926 65,312 38,352 1,892,216 1972 1,488,973 171,156 71,666 37,098 1,766,893 1973 1,595,084 187,088 71,367 36,963 1,890,502 1974 1,659,792 198,912 72,247 35,029 1,965,980 1975 2,318,521 213,871 73,000 36,500 2,641,892 Note A - The 1971 legislature changed the method of determining assessed value. Before 1973 assessed value was determined in the following manner Market value divided by three to determine full and true value, them certain percentages applied to full andtrue to determine assessed value For 1973 assessed value is determined in the following manner; determine market value, then apply certain percentages to determine assessed value. The change in method increases assessed value about three times over prior years. E � �'.a �. :r" �� .'u v..r . i�S��Y MOOS STET _TN"-.?.T OF IP:COTIZZ MID EXP111104 CITY OF EDINA For Year Ending December 31 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 SWIMMING POOL FUND Income: Admissions $ 52,536 $ 48,380 $ 43,661 $ 39,671 $ 43,912 $ 45,000 Other 3,619 3,576 2,580 2,111 21500 -2:500 $ 56,155 $ 51,956 $ 46,241 $ 41,782 $ 46,412 $ 47;500 Expense s : Operating expenses $ 47,257 $ 46,215 $ 43,135 $ 50,118 $ 48,679 $ 47,000 Interest on debts 5,500 5,,000 $ 52,757 $ 51,215 43,135 $ 50,118 $ 48,679 $ 47,000 NET INCOME- (LOSS) $ 3,398 $ 741 $ 3,106 (8,336) $ (2,267) $ 500 GOLF COURSE FUND Income: Memberships and fees $180,510 $187,860 $175,624 $197,163 $196,262 $198,000 Other 29,825 37,843 33,200 42,681 40,390 42,000 $210,335 $225,703 $208,824 $239,844 $236,652 $240,000 Expenses: Operating expenses $130,514 $142,662 $952,375 $170,589 $168,171 $171,000 Interest on debt 32,376 31,678 30,625 293P573 28,481 29,000 Provision for depreciation 5p715 6 547 7,774 8,545 9 936 10,000 $168,605 $180,887 $190,774 $208,707 $206,588 $210,000 NET INCOME $ 41,730 $ 44,816 $ 18,050 $ H 137 $ 30,064 $ 30,000 RECREATION CENTER FUND (ARENA) Income: Operating revenue $159,099 $199,856 $198,461 $191,094 $186,787 $195,000 Other 112210 720 $170,309 $199,576 $198,461 $191,094 $186,787 $195,000 Expenses: Operating expenses $134,431 $143,872 $149,011 $174,295 $178,288 $175,000 Interest on debt 29,455 27,141 26,203 25,095 249110 23,000 Provision for depreciation 3,578 4,295 4,355 4,432 4,380 42400 $167,464 $175,308 $179,569 $203,822 $206,778 $202,400 NET INCOME- (LASS) $ 2,545 $ 24,268 $ 181,892 $(12,728) $(19,991) $ (72400) WATER WORKS FUND Income: Sale of water Other operating revenue Non- operating income Expenses: Operating expenses Interest on debt Provision for depreciation NET INCOME - (LOSS) SEWER RENTAL FUND Income, Operating revenue Other Expenses:. Operating expenses Provision for depreciation NET INCOME - (LASS) LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND Income: Sale of merchandise Other Cost of sales and expenses: Cost of merchandise sold Operating expenses Provision for depreciation NET INCOME UK )DO F1 STATLE -M NT OF INCOME AND EKPUSSS For Year Ending DeceErber 31 $217,444 $246,417 $253,675 $331,789 $285,698 $290,000 18,212 17,080 15,288 13,411 11,530 10,000 193,233 207,239 221.869 224.403 227.642 230.000 $100,,798 $ 41x292 $24,391) $?13,858) $ 49,404 $ 46,000 $154,867 64,778 :158,736 4,139 ACTUAL $646,445 42 ESTIMATED PROJECTED 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 $469,071 $463,490 $419,101 $499,784 $517,315 $520,000 30,360 28,761 29,514 32,653 32,199 32,000 30P256 19,777 17,826 23,308 242760 24,000 $529,687 $512,028 $466,441 $555,745 $574,274 $576,000 $217,444 $246,417 $253,675 $331,789 $285,698 $290,000 18,212 17,080 15,288 13,411 11,530 10,000 193,233 207,239 221.869 224.403 227.642 230.000 $100,,798 $ 41x292 $24,391) $?13,858) $ 49,404 $ 46,000 $154,867 64,778 :158,736 4,139 $597,172 2,637 $646,445 42 $694,294 50 $725,000 100 $219,645 $162,875 $599,809 $646,487 $694,344 $725,100 $252,010 $261,424 $475,970 $497,226 $597,1.70 $625,000 3,245 4,041 94,291 95,360 97,546 100,000 $255,255 8265.465 $570.261 $592.586 5694.716 5725.000 $ 35,610) $fJ102,590) $ 29,548 $ 53,901 $ (372) $ 100 $2 027,593 35,724 $2,657,251 44,780 $2,709,004 36,476 53,518,241 42,119 $3,907,290 43,450 $4,150,000 44,000 $2,563,317 $2,702,031 $2,745,480 $39560,360 $3,950,740 $4,194,000 $19925,913 $2,022,204 $2,06%;9412 $2,845,046 $3,182,878 $3,403,000 215,876 219,254 232,022 278,709 324,588 350,000 10,769 12.317 11.000 17.409 19.200 20.000 $ 410A759 $ 4482256 $ 440,046 '$ 419,196 ___$ 414,074 $_ 421,000 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE I Food ESTIMATED Arm; Astir. No.. GENERAL GEI4-ERAL GOVERMiENT MAYOR AND COUNCIL SL14,300 $ SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1975 RECOMMENDED BUOGETE9 $139520 $13,294 1. PERSONAL SERVICES SL14,300 $ ISO 140 2. CONTRACTUAL. SERWC5 150 800 786 3. COMMODITIES 800 5,100 5,100 4. CENTIXAL SERV 6,480 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,570 19,3241 TOTALS 1, 730 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The City Council constitutes the legislative or policy - making division of Edina City Government. The- Council is composed e Mayor send four trustees, all elected at large for overlapping terms of two and years, respect-ively., The Mayor is thL- official heats of City Government and is the presiding officer at Council meetings. 'size: Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at the City Hal?. CO*SNTS a Proposed expenditures are eleven percent. (11 %) higher tf an last year ° a appropwia- tioa. The principal reason for the increase is higher cost of personal services and a central services. The below listed detail contributes to the increase, AMOUMl` Salaries and wages $ 780 Central services 1,,330 TOTAL $2,160 6 a s M i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 2 Fed Faectioa Area Am No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT WAY ©R AND COUNCIL 2411EGG to Mayor o. 0 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Defstit Present Budget Recommended Budgeted to Mayor $ 3,640 $ 3,900 Trustees 9,880 10.400 .405 4 t $13,520 $14,300 2. Conferences and schools 150 150 3. Annual reports $ 400 $ 400 News letter 400 400 $ 800 $ 800 440-0 L ow General City Hall $ 2,040 3,060 $ 3,120 3,360 $ 5 100 6,480. TDTAL MAYOR AND COUNCIL $19,570 $ 21,730 �1� 730 i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE ET PAGE 3 Pmd Pvwt*wa Ans Acct. eta GENERA. GENERAL GOVERMENT PLANNING W $ 34,162 1,€$65 999 SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1975 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 29,198 $27,369 1. PERSONAL SERViM $ 34,162 1,€$65 999 2 CbNTRACTUAL SERVICE 1,090 )109,0 450 405 3. COMMODITIES 450 I FV 8,i34E3 So#i4 € 4. CENTRAL SWERVIM 10,020 1 t� 07-0 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 240 $112753 X3631813 TOTALS rv*7.W1X1jj j '�S'_ki FUNCTION 3 The Zunction of the Planning Department is to provide staff service to the City � Council, Planning Commission, to other City Departments, and to the City Mdniager,, and to a limited degree to ocher agencies, both .public and private, whose activities influence the physical development of the City of Edina. w Staff services include office operations, the administration of the various land use and development ordinances, submission of recommendations on matters of zoning and subdivisions before the Council. and Planning Commission, and the preparation end review of overall development plans CM ENTS Y proposed erpeadiLures are nineteen percent (19 %) higher than last year's appTopriation. The principal reason, for the increase is higher cast of personal services ead central services. The below listed detail contributes to the increase„ AfiR2UNT Salaries and wages $4996[, Conferences and schools 14 Dues and subscriptions 55 Central services 1.980 Capital autlay 240 i0'1AL L7-209 I v i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 4 EXPENDITURE DETAM Code Fawfim Area Acct. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNbMiNT PLANNING 23 _0 EXPENDITURE DETAM Code Activity Object Detail Bit Recommeided . Budgeted 10. Director $16,640 $18,850 ;° 18,7857 Secretary 4,238 4,,498 µ, 6,107 Intern QCode Enforce - -. q1 C, S meat officer) Overtime 8,320 8,814 2,,000 9152— D00 $29,198 $34,162 1� 2. Confereases and 47,0E schools $ 515 $ 505 L/ Dues and subscriptions 220 255 k 4 yp,& Meeting expense ISO ISO. Mileage 150 1S0 $ 1,065 $ 11090 3. Books and pamphlets $ 50 $ 50 Fringing 350 350 Drafti.n, supplies SO S0 450 $ 450 _ .. . �n y 4o General $ 6,120 $ 7,320 ego SGFi�$ City Hall Equipment Operation . 960, 960 1,620 1,080 _ '� lot 0 � . . $ 3,040 $10,£#20 Lig3 5e Slide projector 240 a-yO TOTAL PLAMUNG:. $36 753 %5,962 t � f VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 5 Fund Function Amu Acct. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION 2i.2ee SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1Q75 RECOMMEAIM BUDGETED $ 90,298 $ 88,345 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 103,199 $10 t f, V03 15,703 15,524 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 14,556 1%ft 58,6 200 295 3. COMMODITIES 250 X.70 18,000 182000 A. C .ENT'RAL SERWECES 23,040 ,0grp 600 600 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 600 �o-o $124,801 S I2_: 2_. TOTALS Legal advertising 250 COJY MENTAIY FUNCTION The management of the City's administrative affairs, the proper execution of the policies adopted by the Council, and the enforcement of local laug and ordinances, are all the direct responsibility of the City )~Tanager., This account provides his office with the necessary staff and funds to properly manage the administrai:iwe organizaL-ion needed to implement his responsibility. i r 1 COMMENTS '• Proposed expenditures are thirteen percent- (13 %) higttea: than lase: year's appropri.a- t:ioa. About eighty percent (80 %) of the increase is represented by salary iLtcreasC! and a new poskkion of elerkrt:ypists The balance of the increase is made up of hig ter. cost of central services, less a reduction in cues and subscriptions. The below 1_i.si: detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $12,901 Conferences and schools 160 Dues and subscriptions 1x857 Legal advertising 250 Mileage and local meetings 100 Consultant -labor relations 200 Commodities 50 Central services 5,040__ T©TAI, $16,841A. i f VILLAGE AGE AF EMNA ANNUAL BtiDGR PACE- 6 WENDITURE DETAIL Coda Code Fuwfwn Ara Acct. No. GE0RAL GENERAL GDVERNMETI T AMIINISTRATION �- 1, Manager J WENDITURE DETAIL Coda Code Actiaitq Abject Detail Bedg ire se Recommended Sudaeaed� 1, Manager $ 35,698 $ 35,698 3sb98 Administrative' Assistant- 10,920. 11,570 l l)4 8b City Clerk Secretary 1 ,440 7,930 12 ,,116 8,450 I ?qq � isz PBX Operator 5,772 6,110 /37,0 Personnel and Safety Officer 14,300 15,158 ls, 730 Clerk 2,886 3,055 �Itr Summer help and overtime 1,352 5,062 3Sby Clem:- typist 3,980 $ 90,298 $103,199 t 0q, 03 1410T- 20 Conferences and 42v z, schools $ 640 $ 800 4-LO �p Dues and subscriPtions 10,313 8,456 Vz1-0 Legal advertising 3,500 3,750 Mileage and l.oca.? meetings ISO 250 Consultant -Labor relations WOO 1,300 T l (P,5S4 $ 15,703 $ 1:,556 _ 3. Printing $ 150 $ 200 Books and pamphlets 50 50 �f SB-o $ 200 $ 250 `rg�Y 4. General City hall $ 12,360 4,680 $ 16,920 5,040 %Pg 16 R Equipment .Operation 960 11080 $ 18,000 $ 23,0410 110 $ 5. Auto replacement 600 600 (p A4 $124,801 $1��.,6G5 ?� ADmINISTWI11ObI l VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET. PAGE 7 Fold Fum:fien Arno Acct. Nm GENTEM GENERAL GUVERI*iENT FINANICE 1. PERSONAL S €RV= SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED ESTWTED ORJI:Cr RECOMMENDED 3975 BUDGED 87,625 87,356 1. PERSONAL S €RV= $� 93,220 9S, $0$ 6,8130 8,155 2. CONTRACTUAL. kiVEC€S 20,336 A0, 33 b 100 178 d. COMMOITItS 100 10-0 15,960 15,960 4. CENTRAL SERV= 19,860 /51$L 0 60 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS FMTCTION The Finance Department is responsible for the financial affairs of the City. All revenue and expenditure transactions are controlled by the Finance Department, A centralized system of purchasing is maintained, Financial statements and reports are prepared and issued by the Finance Department:, Proposed expenditures are twenty -one percent (21 %).higher than last years expenditures. About Sixty percent (6070` of the increase is because of change over :r on line data processing (IDGIS) for payroll and financial control (general ledger). The balance of the increase represent higher costs for personal services and centr.A serviceso The below listed detail contributes to the incraasao AMDUNT Salaries and wages $ 5,595 Conferences and schools 335 Dues and subscriptions 25 Annual audit ._ _ 250 mileage 50 Data processing: Payroll 2,630 Financial control 7 ,,220 Equipment rental 3,696 Central services 3„900 TGTAL Y23,031 VILLAGE OF EDWA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 8 Fwd t=sretiM Arm Acct. NO. GEIN 'RA-6 GENERAL GQVERI11I0NT FINANCE EXPENDITURE DETAIL u.oda Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgated - I.. Director $ 24,518 $ 253-974 Secretary 9,828 10,426 la, $ Al Payroll Clerk 8,476 8,996 Q, 33Y Cashier 8.,476 8,996 9,33)4 Clerks-Auto licenses (2) 13,286 14,274- 15 -1 6 Accountant 7,930 8,996 433V Accounting clerk (t:) 3,211 3,406 3S3b Part -tires help auto licenses 9,500 9,50101- gSOo Clerical. 2,400 2 65:? 7 /OS $ 87,625 $ 93,220 1,75 '$O$ 20 Conferences and schools $ 565 $ 230 Dues and sub- � �2"o scriptions 95 120 q-24 t1nilual ivdi t 2:,750 3,€100 ` Mileage 35€1 400 Data processing: l�iyyg Payroll, 3,046 5,670 yy3,p Financial control 7,220 j Equipment- rental 6,600 ---3.1696 $ 20,336 _3 1 :L013 3 6 3,, Books and pamphlet8 100 100 1*0 4. Gegeral. $ 14,040 $ 17,580 knot City (fall 3. 920 2280 1 �,9Cf� $ 19,863 �b(a $11OAgL $133 51 4 0 C TOTAL FINANCE � Y v 7 7 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 9 SUMMARY _ 197+ BUDCj'i:BED ESTIMATED OBJECT 3 QC_ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED Fm F®nc6a Arn Acct. No. GENE&Z GENERAL MVERNIMNT ELECTION aisfte — Z2, IS SUMMARY _ 197+ BUDCj'i:BED ESTIMATED OBJECT 3 QC_ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $15,266 $16,089 1. PERSONAL SERVl $.. 6,055 $ r 4,305 5, 100 2. CONTRACTUAL SEW= 873 920 3. COMMODITIES 1,320 1,320 4. CENTRAL SERV& 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY _ 2 23 A TOTAU 915 OF I FUNCTION The City Clerk is responsible for conductin,& all National, State, and City elections that occur in the City of Edina. E;OYlY�1.1i`� Proposed e-..penditures are sixty-four percent: (64%) lower ttan last year's appropriation. No election will be held during 1975. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Sa34ries and wages Cus"ians Novi -ng charges Service Bureau Ballots General supplies Central services TOTAL ANDUUT $ 9,2il 2, &.8 200 1,257 360 533 540 VILLAGE OF E©INA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 10 F=d AeSvity Arm � Acct. GENERAL GEI%TERM, GOVELIMENT ELECTION 2- w4W EXPEND MI RE DETAIL Code AeSvity Object Detail prewot Budget Recommended Budgeted &o Election judges 9,148 Set -up `ime goo Registration and filing 5 358 $ 6,055 $15,266 $ 6,055 t�oy3fo 2. Custodians $ 2,848 tOv35G Moving charges 200 X33 Service Bureau 1 257 $ 4,305 $ o0- 3o Ballots $ 360 SISO� General supplies 513 873 $ -Ce 4n General l _32t ---j2.860 TOTAL ELECTION $21,764 $ 7a%! � 7115— i i i t VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PACE 11 Fand Funcfoe -1I.-M Acct. Plo. GESYdERAL GBPIERAL G01M -RI NT ASSESSING .?-. 0 G 9 r SUMMARY 1974 6UlDGETEO ESTIMATED GFJECT RECOMMENDED 1.975 BUDGETED $60,138 3 65,506 1. PERSONAL SEP.VW S 74,776 577, W-6 13,068 8,501 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 5,230 3,730 650 774 d. COMMODITIES 2,100 200 15,420 15,120 4. CENTRAL SERW 20,340 7W, "Wo 5. CAPITAL OtJt'" K z �30r2€3l � $l2012,ls45 �� 6 FUNCTION The assessing function includes the determination of the assessed values and preparation and maintenance of tax records of all properties with-in t€ a City. Special assessments levied for improvements are also ccmputa-d and spread oa the ta-x roils by personnel of the Assessing Departure to COON'S Froposed e....pandit:ures are fifteen percent (15`10) higher than last: year's appropria- tion,., increase in personal services is 3rrpresented b y salary increasc-s and a new appraiser. The new appraiser is replace -went. of Lhe temporary help needed for the reassessment survey. higher cosy: of central services ,-epiesents about: thirty-sever, percent (37 %) of the increase. The below listed detail contributes to she increasa. TOTAL ANDUNT Salaries and wages $14,638 Conferences and schools 780 Dues anal subscriptions 90 IBM preparing - valuation not .ces 1,500 Mailing homestead 200 Reassessment survey :x.0',000 Mileage 400 Printing 1,250 General --supplies, 200 Central services 4,920 TOTAL ViLLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 12 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Acd;s' Cy Object Dabii FLmd Rece:� mended —.�- Mea AXCL K0. i GE112R sL G1111MiAL GOVER1;'1011T ASSESSING $18,382 15,106 $19,994p, 16,43? zoo '7v$ 1?1 OS,b EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Acd;s' Cy Object Dabii 6'resent budge: Rece:� mended —.�- Budgeted 1. assessor Deputy Assessor $18,382 15,106 $19,994p, 16,43? zoo '7v$ 1?1 OS,b Deputy Assessor 11,804 12,,844 13.35 $ Secretary 8,476 8,996 q, 33� Assessment clergy: 6,,3713 6,760 7� ozo c� .� °S Appraiser 9 750 960,138 $74,776 7 , 3 -M T 20 Con�r esences and schools. Dues and subscriptions $ 1,570 190 $ 2,350 280 2 � IBM preparing: Assessments and 'ax books 5.00. 500 59 o it LP y� �y Valuation notices iaiiing homesteads 300 1,500 S00 .1000 5" _ Lk — reassessment survey Mileage 10,0+00 500 100 00 Y&&4 3. PrJn.ting $ 500 $ 1,750 SGSO� General supplies 150- 350 $ 650 $ 2,104 V,r50 -Y 4. General $12,540 $17,340 �F$Og City Hall Equipment opeLat.f_on 1,920 960 1,920 o L!5a4� TOTAL ASSESSID?4; VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL Et DC)E7 PACE 13 Feted Func&n PMO Acct. NO. GENERAL GRi`IERAL GlIVERlMIEW MIGAL AND COURT SERVICES 1. PERSONAL SERVICES SUMMARY - -- - — 1974 BUDC -Eno 13-TIMATED OBJECT 14Z�i. RECOMMENDED BUDGETED L 9,100 9,100 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 9,100 � 47,950 64s,710 2. CONTRACTUAL SIMCFS 57,250 3. COMMODITIES 1,200 1"2€30 4. CENTRAL SERVICBS 1,684 S. CAPITAL OU -MAY Ss8,250 aL2.1€3 - TOTS r 41 X Ii4Ai10s l FUNCTION The City requires the professional sei•uices of attorneys who are contracted for on an annual basis. They provide legal counsel and prepare the necessary ordinances and resolutions required to implement the wislhes of fiche Council., In addition, they defend the City in all claims and sums and prosecute ail cases arising out of violation of City ordinances. C4AiMZ+ TS Proposed expenditures are seventeen percent (17%) h =igher than last year's appropriation. About: eighty -two percent (82 %) is rep..esented by Nigher Cost Of professional services. The below listed der=ail contributes to: this increase, AMOUNT Professional Tees �S8,000 Board and room ar son:ers 500 witness fees 240 Hezmepxn County - Court; charges 604 Central services 480 TOTAL 89,730 s VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 14 Et Fwction Area Acct. No. GENERAL GEVE AL GOVERMENT LEGAL AND COURT SERVICES � EXPENDITURE DETAIN. Code Aclririty Object Detail Preset budget Recommorded Budgeted of 1. Prosecuting attorney � 9,106 $ 9,100 thy/ S 2;, Professional tees $28,000 $36,000 Board and room Fig (o prisoners 2,750 3,250 4170 Witness fees 2,800 3;000 Hennepin County ` 7 -vy court Charges 14 1,00 15-1.0- 0 $47,950 $57,230 �$oY 4. General 1 2f30 1,680 TOTAL LEGAL AND COURT SERVICES $58 23€! $68 030 i 4 i� i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 15 SUMMARY - - —� 1974 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT -1975 RECOMMENDED Fted Function Am Acct. No. GENERAL BL UC WORKS ,ALMINISTI NMON 63 SUMMARY - - —� 1974 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT -1975 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 29,796 $29,290 1. PERSONAL SERWES 29,796 65 63 2. CONTMCTUAL SPRVX5 77 77 7,200 7, 242 3. COMMODITIES 8,040 $, O �co 4. CENTRAL S£RY S 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $37,261 �6aS43 TOT X37 9-13. I. MAIMAMIINI I'i ICTION The supervision and guidance required by various depari;men,ts, such as engineei:ing,, street, sewer and water, is furnished by Director of Public Works. The cost involved to farni.sh this service is accumulated in :his account., CONT The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Conferences and schools Dues and sub5criptiom s Central services TOTAL AMOUNT S 23 35 8409 $852 t a a d a f VILLAGE. OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 16 Fib Fs srioaa Arta Acct. No. GE, 11E WORKS ADMINISTRAMON g •,' 1. Director 2-we EXPENDi'ME DETAIL Code Activity Object De a Present Budget Recommerded t�s�dgated 1. Director $24,518 $25,974 7& qb?i �i dS Secretary 51,278, 3x822 3 9&S' $29,796 $29,796 20 Conferences and schools $ 65 $ 42 Dues and subscriptions 35 $ 65 $ 77 77 Vto 4. General $ 5,280 $ 6,000 V,rrov City Hail 960 960 t�go8 Equipment operation 960 1 080 $ 7 200 $ 8 040 a TOTAL ADMINISTRATION,, $37,061 $37,913 o i t r VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 17 Fund Funcfm Asp Acct. Wo. GENERAL PUBLIC WOMS ENGHT, ERIVG 1. PERSONAL SEWICES SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED - ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1975 BUDGETED $120,870 $124,074 1. PERSONAL SEWICES $127,206 $/N/ b13 1,460 1,553 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICFS 1,636 11 63.6 6,200 6,107 3. COMMODITIES 8,500 7, Svo 31,800 31,800. 4. CENTRAL, SERVICES 39,240 39, 71,Go 5. CAP9TAL OUTLAW 9,374 5,13 j 16©,330 163,532 ''O AID S1 5,956 J_8 y-�s [VUaM71M21ff FUNCTION The Engiieering Department- prepares plans, specifications, and estimates for public construction projects ibis includes street grading and surfacing, unitary sewers, s40rm sewers, watermain,s, and other structures and improvements., It supe--ViSeS the construction of these projects and provides the necessary inspection needed to insure materials and workmanship are in accordaace with project specifications. `the department maintains records and Files an all above mentioned activities and oper1,:es and maintains copying equipment. { COMMENTS Proposed eispenditores are sixteen percent (16 %- higher than Iasi: year's appropri�n- tion. The principal reason - for the increase is higher payroll casts, higher cost central services, and capital outlay items. The belo -e listed detail contributes to the increase. TO TAL $25 622 i F F ' l AND MUT Salaries and wages $ 6,336 Conferences and schools 166 Dues and subscriptions 10 Blew printing 900 Lumber and tools 600 General supplies 800 Central services 7D440 Capital outlay 9,374 TO TAL $25 622 i F F ' l VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 18 Fiod Actirety Object Detail Frownt Budget icrxcgiw 6a0 Acct. No. G81M,111 . PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 224eo- EXPENDITURE DETAIL mode Actirety Object Detail Frownt Budget Recommended Budgeted 1„ Assistant- Engineer $ 14,586 1S, )3y Supervisor of Survey. $ 15,262 16,172 16,�9b Supervisor of Design 15,262 16,172 j4,7 9 6 Supervisor of Inspection 35,262 16,172 16,714 Aide 111 (3) 36,378 38,922 40, SGO j0 Aide II (1) 21,068 9,360 y�7zy0 Secretary(k) 5,278 3,)822 3 g &r Overtime and summer V/ ,o S help 12 000 a2 000 12 &,ro $127,266 13) b/3 $120,870 20 Conferences and �?•o ?� schools $ 185 $ 351 Dues and zoo subscriptions 125 135 Professional serv- ices 1,000 1,000 Mileage 150 150 $ 1,636 ? $ 1,460 y',�7. O 3 o Blue z o$ printing 2 a 00 5 $ - 3 400 a� 1 3 t O'tt'V fbosp Lumber and tools 2,000 2,600. 4's 0 fa -General supplies 1,700- 21 500• X7-00 .:. $ 8,500 f '715" i $ 6,200 So v 4o General $ 20;940 $ 27,360 City Hall 1,9210 1,920 V910 Equipment operation 8,940 9,960 $ 39,240 $ 31,8€0 5 `traffic countess(6) $ 2,704 One -half ton pica - 'f `1l,0 up (2) 6,20€1 3, leo 0 4110 Truck boxes (4) 470 Q $ 9 374 $ -0- 185 956 SAL ENGINEERIM $160a,330 ' T t ..r• 1 sew �� y M .�.� �... VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BU�ET PAGE 19 Fend function Anna Acct. No. GENMAL PUBLIC WORKS SliFERVISION AND OVERHEAD -- SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED • ESTIMATED OBJECT 1975 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED_ $ 62,255 $ 72,881 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 89,400 `�' �y� $20 740 479 2. CONTRACTUAL SLRvm 500 �a-o 260 260 3. COMMODITIES 290 219-0 62,004 62,004 4. CENTRAL SERWC &,n180 $ 3, Sti S. CAPITAL OUTLAY $125,279 $135,624 TOTALS X374, ;ta0 $LZ / [N- NI ?'llN E fl, JrI FUNCTION All Public harks personnel (other than Engineering) are under the supervision of the Public Works Superintendent, He, through this account, plans and coordinates his activities, maintains cost and work records, and provides the training and instruction necessary to ensure his men do their job most effectively and efficiently, "Paid Leave" represents all vacation., sick, funeral., etc. leave used by all Public Works employees. { e CO RI Proposed expenditures are thirty nine percent (59°!x) higher than last year's appropriation. About fifty-five percent (553'x) of th6 increase is higher payroll costs represented by new position of administrative assistant (actually employed after 1974 budget was prepared), and higher allo cation for paid leave. The balance of the increase is represented by higher cost for central services. The below listed .detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages Conferences and schools Dines and subscriptions Central services AMUIT $27,145 250 10 22,176 TOTAL $49,683 I VILLAGE OF EUINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE �0 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code AcHvity Object Detail Fwd Fuson kos Acct. trio. GE -RAL PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD 49.teb - ... EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code AcHvity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 110 Supervision lo Superintendent $ 18,64-0 $ 19, 578 T .,w, 3 p (, Administrative Assistant 11,648 /Z, o IF v Cost Clerk 3,848. 4,082 , 3� 3,3 -Y Overtime and summer help 2;365 .2 ,692 7- 6 —47-6 $.24,853. $ 38,000 , 20 Conferences and So v schools $ 400 $ 150 Dues and 47-050 subscriptions 40 50 Physical examination. 50 50 490 _ $$ 250 �g0 y 4. General $ 51, 6FA- $ 79,500 7$, q" Public Works X90,6 Building 3,360 3,600 Equipment operation 960 1 080 oiso 62 004 $ 84,180 TOTAL StblERVIS1011s $ 81,347 $122,430 p Zfs Tra.in.iP4 y/os 1, Payroll $ 1,482 $ 1,200 c�z o z 2. Conferences and schools 250 250 p g 3o Training aids 286 280 $ 2,012 $ 1,730 /,7-50 TOTAL TRAINING 140 Paid Leave 1. Payroll $ 35,920 $ 50,200' T0`3:te1L PAIR LEAVE $ 15 92 s 56,200 f? TOTAL SITERVISION AND OVERLIE-AD $125,279 $174,360 I VILLAGES OF EDINA ANTNUAL BUDGZT PAGE 21 Assistant: Superintendent Foreman) . Senior Rtblic Works Man Edblic Works Mart ELF.Cii� ► G► b+� Temporary summer help Overtire Park maintenance payroll PUBLIC WORKS PAYROLL SWHARY * DISTRIBUTION _ 17,608 21,754 26 27 $327,09€4 $- _""'_..3599" 27,000 �Zooy MI TAL $354,098 �57 �. _ �.✓r. DISTRIBUTION � PUBLIC 14ORKS: ViLLAIGEE, PROPERTIES: Supervision and Overhead: Turf and plant Training $ 1,200 maintenance $ 5,550 Paid leave 50,200 wee maintenance 18,gef Street Maintenance: Lake and pond General Maintenance 9-4-1&30- Ql�O�F3 1 1 $554 $ 14,404 $ "� ^°� /•� , : 94,ssf Public Sidewalk: Street: renovation -1-2 457 491.54 �- �n6'vs M- ninkenfanee and repair 13 14(b) 424 456092 1438 442 3 � �" Snore and icy: removal Street Lighting 700 culverts 9,000 9,000 _ 17,608 21,754 26 27 $327,09€4 $- _""'_..3599" 27,000 �Zooy MI TAL $354,098 �57 �. _ �.✓r. DISTRIBUTION � PUBLIC 14ORKS: ViLLAIGEE, PROPERTIES: Supervision and Overhead: Turf and plant Training $ 1,200 maintenance $ 5,550 Paid leave 50,200 wee maintenance 18,gef Street Maintenance: Lake and pond General Maintenance 9-4-1&30- Ql�O�F3 maintenance Street cleaning 700 94,ssf Public Sidewalk: Street: renovation o,v- �- �n6'vs M- ninkenfanee and repair Snow and ice removal 5�E4tl6 Snore and icy: removal Street Lighting 700 culverts Pnrking RamR Maintenance Street Name Signs 11"080 Traffic Control: Traffic signs 6,930 Signal maint:edance 700 Pavement marking 401-60 Guard rails and barricades 3,470 Bridges 3,620 Stow Drainage: Storm sewer maintenance - 30,455 Temporary drainage and culverts 3,470 NAU & To 91;4-� 1 , TDTAL PUBLIC WORKS Charged �o assessed projects and others Charged to other funds Central Sekvices: City Hail public Works Building Equipment operatdota 9,795 1, 32.0 1,320 i 2,.650 .�., V 30,5- 2,000 10,,446 2,400 4,000 10,500 $ 29,646 n VILLAGE OF EDMA ANNUAL BUMET PAGE 22 F=d Fusefon Am Acct. No. GEriIF P PUBLIC 14ORKS STREET MAINTE14ANCE &&-r2r8e• SUMMITRY 1974 BUDGETED ESTLMATCDD OBJECT 1975 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $194,203 .S 148,068 1. PERSONAL SERVICES a 209,156 75 76,310 80,996 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICE'S 76,800 7(P, 3&9-o 113,368 112,430 3. COMMODITIES 123,956 !?.0, CfS0 85,560 85,566 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 95,460 gS, *60 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY ,14111 467, i�5t TarAi 5 505, 366 FUNCTION The maintena=. e of City streets constitutes the. greatest portion of the Public Works endeavor. As the ward 1�maintenance10 implies, t pug Pose of t i accoun is to preserve and aot: necessarily to improve, the streets with-in the Village, 1"Provements such as blacktopping, curbing, ciiisg, and installation of drainage facilities, are normally €iaxanced through an assessment procedure and arc-, therefore, not included in j this account. This account does provide for such maintenance activities as patching, cleaning, sealing and snow plowing., COMENT Proposed- espendiLure.s are eight percent (87.) higher than last year ° s agprapriation J Hig7her payroll allocation, additional cost of comodities (asphalt Mir, and oil products; and higher cost: of equipments operation,, Vie below listed detail contributes to the increase. AiK9itl+3T x Salaries and gages: General maintenance $ 6,680 Street cleaning 2 495 � Street renovation , 2,047 Sno-t and ice removal 3,725 $14,947 Equipment rental 415 Trash reisaval 75 Comodities: General maintenance $ 7,740 Street cleaning 178 Street rersvation 3,683 Snow and ice removal 1c019 - $10,582 Equipment operation 9,900 TOM, 135"2919 Vi LA E OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 23 F=4 F rio" Area Acct. Mo. L I GE-NERA!, PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINMI ITICE -��- EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Ac ivitg Abject Detail Beet Recommerded Budges -ted r.: r„ General F�aini s e l" Payroll $ 86,850 $ 93,530 -f 47// 0Y3. 441.7 4 2. Equipment rental $ 2,310 9 2,500 S ;LS" 4248 Contracted repairs 17,500 171-500- S o-w $ 19,810 $ 20,000 1 /7,5v.-o q,s/$ 30 Fill materials $ 3,000 $ 3,500 1 -35- a-za �Szo Calcium chloride 1 "875 2,000 2m� kP538 S e1 t 950 1,000 1; m.0-0 V57 Sv Asphalt Milt 16,400 20,500 19,51-0 49-A4 MCI Oil 3,000 4,000 3,510o &45-A -g Concrete 3,500 3,500 tAS30 Jacking materials 2„770 2,500 1.5 0 .4soy Joint materials 1"457 1,500 1,5V-0 V'ra y General supplies 1,308 1,300 d , 5v" 4VS'3 Class V material 7,000 8,000 7.5-4 tP5' Select materials 4,000 5-0000 S, d.+o $ 45,260 $ 53,000 _ y �V,&4" t/$og 4. Equipment operation 24:,,000 26,E 760 rIDTAL GENERAL MAIMMUCE $175.920 $193,290 0 3o3 -'street Cleani g A#P 1. Payroll $ 32,390 $ 34,885 1 . 1 SGzSo• 2, Trash removal 723 800 g°'O 5/S3 y0 3. Brooms $ 3,630 $ 3,750 45,3�4 Wearing shoes 925 l"000 Wet water additive 517 300 $. 5,072 $ 5,250 r $, zSb t�irs-o $ 4. Equipment operation 17,940 19,980 12, Cj�17 TOTAL STREET CLEANING $ 56,127 $ 605,915 0 59, C1 /r 9) V - l Strut Renovation Payroll $ 26,573 $ 28,625 7-'V 7 �-7, 6 7-'V r 3" Asphalt mix $ 14,080 $ 16,900 $ Oil 12,015 14,400 � Granular materials 1*6 C 422 152000 $ 42 "517 $ 46,200 f G,vWD 1��08 4� Equipment operation 18 000 20,100 /Do TOTAL SIMMET RENOVA!TzON $ 67,095 $ 94,925 g3,clZs 1 KZ VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 24 EXPENDITURE MAIL Code Activi' Arm Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WRKS STREET iMuTENANCE 2306— Snow and ice 00 3- EXPENDITURE MAIL Code Activi' Object Detail Present Budget Re- copmrwided Budgeted M Snow and ice 31ft. Removal 4 /of to Pay-eoll $ 48,385 $ 52,110 � � 5/, //0 t fzvG 2. Equipment rantal 5,775 6,000 &" SPS3$ 3. Salt $ 9,500 $ 9,000- 4.5z0 Calcium Chloride 2,250 2,250- Sand 8 769 81250 ' $ 20,519 $19,,500 f 111 5" X08 too Equipment operation 25 620 28,620 312 foh7 70TAL SNMVJ AM ICE REMDVAL $1€10,299 $105,230 0 0 Replacements 2. Contracted 3zO Construction. /�/q $ 5i3 000 50,000 ` TDTAL REP1ACEi' EMTS $ 50.000 $ 50 0Q0 7 60 TOTAL STREET MMENANCE $469,441 505n360 9 i I i t VILLAGE OF EDWA ANINUAL BiJt9OET PACE 25 Fmd Potion Ar6a Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC IibRKS STRIERT LIGHTTi2214019- 1. PWCONA.L SERVICES zoo loo 203.v069 96;410 SUMMARY _ 1974 BUDGETED ESnMATED ORJECT RECO}V N EWDED i 1975 BUDGEMD 650 S 1,932 1. PWCONA.L SERVICES zoo loo 203.v069 96;410 2. CQ14MCTUAL SFRvicEs ' 142,450 1, 248 52k 3. G4:a�rt�3D tS 1,500 / S� 960 960 4. CENTIRAL,SERVICEs 1,080 It Oro S. CAPITAL OUW AY $103,927 Y 'ALS $--- -,— FUNCTIOW The overhead street lighting system thrauughout the City, is installed and maintained by Uorthern. States 1Fbwer Campany„ The City °s obligation is to aroviAp funds .for. furnishing electrical power to all lights C014t5 Proposed expendiLu:res are two percent (2do) higher Lhar Last year's appropriation Higher cast of power is the main reason for the :increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. ADIRIP Salaries and wages $' so Power 1asoo Contracted repairs 11)5 Repair karts 252 Central services 120 TOTAL $1„803 . M VILLAGE OF EDgNA ANNUAL BUDC-ET PAGE 26 Futd F ctiob Aran Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET LIGHTING 2t& EVENDITURE DETAIL Code Ac%n'iy Object OetcH Present Budget Recornmended Budgased 2t& Operation and r Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 650 $ 700 �yc 2. Roger $ 89,7€0 $ 91,200 Yz-VIr Contracted repairs .3 ,119 3,00-6- $ 929819 $ 94,200 `�JSP , 3. Repair parts 1,248 1,560 %pgo 8' 4,, Equipment operation 960 1 080 TOTAL OPERATION AND biAZMENANCE $ 95,677 $ 97,480 y q7. Sam 3&& Ornamental Lighting 2. Co atracted services: -3y 41Z-0.0 Replacements $ 8,230 $ 8,250 TOTAL ORNAMENTAL � LIGHTNG $ 8, 250 $ 8,250 `— t t MTAL STREET LIGHTING $10.3 927 5105 730 �gro. 1 - a 1 l M 1 f VILLAGE OF EMNA ANNUAL BUDOET PAGE 27 Fmd Feictko paw Acct. Pao. BUDGETED PUBLIC WORKS S'�REET NAME SIGNS 1. PERSONAL SERMES SUMMARY 1975 BUD G-qw ESTIMATED OBJ'EC'T' 1975 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED Slti,295 9,260 1. PERSONAL SERMES X1.1,080 S j/, Oil 2. CONTRACTUAL SERF 11,393 11,038 3. COM1,40DITtE,S 12,500 2,640 2,640 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 2,940 a `!�D S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 824„328 x,938 TOTALS s2 6 5 20 X 104 tri FUNCTION The City installs and maintains all street name signs. This account provides for installation and mainte:aance, CODDENTS Proposed expenditures are mine percent (9 %) higher thazi last year °s appropriation. Higher allocation of payroll costs and additional coast of signs and parts are the main reasons for the increase. The below listed detail contributes t® the increase. Al' U14T Salaries and gages $ 785 Signs and posts 1,093 Paint and supplies 9 Gloves and brushes 23 Central services 3€0 TOTAL $2,192 q" VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 28 Fwd Faactioa Asp Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET ME SIGNS 0 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object DOW t'r Budge dget t Recommended Budgeted 32 % +1 nom to Payroll $10,195 $11,080 �O£SD Y-yY-L— 3. Signs and pasts $10,307 $12,000 141c "I gaint: supplies 259 25€1 �-Sb �5o j0 Gloves and brushes 227 250 $11,393 $12,500 Ofr &$ 4. Equipment operation 2,640 2,940 9 0 TOTAL STET NAHE SIGNS $24,328 $26,520 �7� � VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET FADE 29 Feed Foacti n Am Acct No. GKNERAL PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC CflNTED%, 214, 1;n SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED ESTIMATED WECT , x.97 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED ;14,163 �5 15.326 1. PERSONAL SERVICES & 15,260 % /5, Noo 10,700 10,718 2. CONMCTUAL SERYW 11,500 590 13,375 13,84.9 3. Ct MMODItI S 16, @� ! js0-0- � - 5,040 5,040 4. CENTP.AL SERYW 5,640 S, t'ofPo 5. CAPITA! l tnUY rL3,2 %8i -}=s9' T OT ALS 400Zr�. ---- 504I Li��ityXxl FUNCTION Although the dete"xaination. of steed for, and the location of all traffic control devices, such as signs, signals, pavement king, and guard rails, is properly within the jurisdiction of the Police Department-, it is, nevertheless, the function of the Public Works Department to install and maintain such devices, This account provides for installation and maintenance. Proposed eapenditares are welve percent (12 %) higher than lest year's appropkia- tion. 71he principal reasons'' for increase are higher payroll allrcayion, higher cdat of traffic signs and pcver' for traffic signals. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. • Salaries and wages $1,097 Paver Soo Traffic signs - general supplies 3,000 `1`raffic signals - repair materials 190 Pavement: ma.rki€gg -paint 75 Guard rail material 490 Equipment operation 600 TOTAL $5122 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE'TT PAGE 30 Y Fad Fewfiim Am !Acct. ado. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS TRAl FIC CONTROL -23 0 . 3.0;01 . MENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity object' Detail t�et sud9 ®t Recommended Budgeted 44 ,= Traffic Sign Maintenance Payroll $ 6,433 $ 6,930 f G, R 3 o o y 3. General supplies 6, 000 9,0€0 910"p-0 4f"Of 4. Equipment operation 2„100 2 340 113. (P-0 TOTAL T-2 a., FIC SIGN HAIN£EP MICE $14,533 $18,270 1 17, x-70 We- Traffic Signal Maintenance4j/o5,- 1. Payroll $ 650 $ 700 SF7r5' 2, Power $ 7,1200 $ 8,000 Y7-V91 Contracted repairs 2,300 2,304 Contracted services 1,000 1 000 $10,500 $11,300 4G$�pp 3. Repair materials 810 110000 �Og-mg 4e Equipment operation 720 780 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL. MAINTER &NCE $12,680 $13,780 Pavement Markipg 1. Payroll $ 3,860 $ 4,160 r�yyy 2. Equipment rental. 200 200 Y,510)0 3. Paint 3,575 3,500 V$og 4. Equipment operation 11,140 1,260 TOTAL PAVEMENT MAR.K�.NG $ 8,775 $ 9,12€3 2,0 $fig 3 Guard Rails and Barricades 1. Payroll $ 3,220 $ 3,470 tf5'4& 3,, Guard rail maeterial 2,990 2,500 t t(8�8 4. Equipment operation 1.080 1 260 $ 7 290 $ 7,230 `14TAL GUARD RAILS AND BARRICADES TOTAL TRAFFIC CONTROL $43,278 $48 400 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 31 Fwd Faactiae Am Acct. No. GEIERAL PUBLIC t4ORK5 BRIDGES 1974 BUSED ESTIMATED , $3360 3,500 2,874 960 $2,565, 1,200 2;114 960 OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERV -10 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVW. 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTLM. 5E6r! S S. CAPITAL 0071W! $ 6, 839 TO` AL5, CO MW NTPZV F0NCTION The purpose of this account is to provide maintenance for the seventeens bridges within the City. Coles Proposed expenditures are five percent (5 %) higher than last year's appropriation- Pe below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMD€NT Salaries and wages $260 Commodities 26 Central services 120 70TAL $406 i t r 1975 RECOMMENDED 9U0GETE® 3,620 1,500 2,900 1,080 09-0 $ 6, 839 TO` AL5, CO MW NTPZV F0NCTION The purpose of this account is to provide maintenance for the seventeens bridges within the City. Coles Proposed expenditures are five percent (5 %) higher than last year's appropriation- Pe below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMD€NT Salaries and wages $260 Commodities 26 Central services 120 70TAL $406 i t r VILLAGE OF EDMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 32 Fmd Fi Area Acct. lqo. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS BRIDGES 223.689 61105— 1, Payroll O EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Acti0ty► Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 30. 61105— 1, Payroll $3,360 $3,620 f 3162-0 41,50 g 20 Contracted repairs 1,500 1,500 �S�Py 3. Paiat $ 300 $ 300 3 oo yRbOfO Lumber, cable, bolts etco 1,194 1,200 boo qsW Rip -Rap 1.380 1,400 sot_ $2,874 $2,900 'R /�04* t g-OF 4. Equipment operation 960 1.080 1,022 TOTAL BRIDGES $8,694 M100 19.0 r d i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUCCET PACE 33 Fund Funcctim Am Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS SMRM DRAINAGE 23,4es O SUMMARY 1974 1975 RUB ESTIMATED O&1 €CT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $31,524 $29,522 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 33,955 $ 2,650 1,315 6,494 5,978 5,040 5,040 LL04 -- 41, 855 2. CONMCTUAL SERVICES I COMMODITIES 4. CCNTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS 1,850 6,650 5,640 48,095 FUNCTION The City maintains certain facilities and furnishes certain services in an effort to keep damage to property by storm water at a minimum. In those areas served by storm sewers, City crews periodically check anc3 clean these sewers. In areas not so served, emergency measures iu the form of pcmping and temporary drains are provided deering storms. COMMOTS Proposed expenditures are €ivo percent (5 %) higher than last year's appropriat- "on.. 'rhe below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages Televised inspection Commodities Central services RIWA $2,431 800 160 600 TOTAL :22391 VILLAGE OF ELENA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 34 FaW F icy Ana Acct. No. GERRAL PUBLIC WORKS S'13RM DRAINAGE aa.m EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Objoctt Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted Storm Sewer 3�S.. Maintenance 410j— 1,, Payroll $28,304 $30,485 20 Power $ 350 $ 350 televised inspection 2 300 1,500 $ 7650 $ 1,850 YS-t8 3. Pill materials $ 580 $ 600 �SSO Pipe 2,300 2,500 V Castings and cement 860 750 Concrete headvia lls and spillways ..1,050 1,000 V, SOjo General supplies 900 1,000 $'5,690 $ 5,850 Vf-08' 4. Equipment operation 3,960 4,440 TDTAL STOR?i SEWER MAINTENANCE $40,604 $42,625 Temporaty DraiW— 1. Payroll $ 3,220 $ 3,470 3 4ss& 3. Hose 800 80® V9,og 4. Equipment 1.080 1 200 TOTAL tooperation DRAINAGE $ 5.100 S 470 TDTAL STORM DRAINAGE $45,704 $48,095 Og� i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 35 Fmd Function Ae+mca Acct. No. GENERAL PMLIC HORKS CIVZ PROPERTIES _aawm 1974 8i90CE7E0 Eii'WATEi OBJECT 1975 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED _X31,605 :312333 1. PERSONAL SER FS 9,21-7 *37, 337 2,350 2,197 2. CONTRACTUAL S2_ VWz 3,250 3, �1,ro 15,810 14,,451 a. Cg3MMOWIIES 14,700 840 7,800 7,WO w. CENTRAL SERVWM 8,640 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 57,56- 5 { TWA S acs 'D? qZ FUNCTION The function of the City Properties account is to properly cure f8r all City owned properties; other than those used for Park and Recreation purposes., These City properties are principally, boulevards, triangles, public building sites, and sites used for utility facilities. The maintenance of these properties includes the cultivation and mowing of the turf, spraying and trimm ing of frees, establishment and care of plannings, ,and.everyday housekeeping necessary to keep these City properties is aesthetic accord ui fi- our many fine privately owned residential properties, CONMNTS Proposed expenditures are thirty -two percent (32 %) higher than last year's appropriation. About ninety percent (90 %) of the increase is represented by additional staff for a second tree trimming `MIXT; The below listed detail contribui:es to the increase. A14 DUNT Salaries and wages; Tar- and plant ivain.tenance 610 Mee maintenance 16,302 Lakes and pond maintenance 700 $17,612 Contracted weed control. 300 Contracted services 600 Commodities aafl J0 Central services 840 `1Z'Al, $78.2.2 VILLAGE OF EDIMI A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 36 Pr ENDiTURE DETAM Code Acfkity Object Detail F FmcOn Am Acct. NQ. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS CITY PROPERTIES y3 vv y, 3Do, Pr ENDiTURE DETAM Code Acfkity Object Detail Pre^xa t Rc6mmessded Budge-ted SEO Turf and Plant y, Maintenance 1,, Payroll $ 7,940 $ 8,550 y2vo 2, contracted —creed control 1,700 2,000 %45S'8 3. Fertilizer $ 450 $ 400 kPSTM `fool replacement 200 400 445bo Plantings 675 700 YS70 Sod and black dirt 1,200. 1,200 fib)a Chemicals 325 300 . $ 2,850 $ 3,000 kA80,? 4. Equipment operation 29960 3.000 . TOTAL TURF AND PLANT MAINMIANCE $15,190 $36,550 82& Tree Maint:ectan� %,r 1e Payroll _$14.,570 $30,872 ?jf�� y97i 2, Contracted services 650 1,250 Skv 3. hand tools, ropes, and saris $ 400 $ 400' 45 Spray 1fl260 18360.`. $ 1x660 $ 1,700 t /.7 d� Stto 4. Equipment operation 29586 2 880 $$p $19,460 $36.70- TOTAL TREE MAIMIUME 91$ Lakes and Pands Maintenance' io Payroll $ 911395 $ 9,795 ,74s,- 3571 3. Chemicals $ 8,200 $ 7,0o-O Rip-rap,, headwalls, and special Structures 3,100 3 000. ) 0o-o $11,300 $10,000 7 !r, �G$08 4. Equipment operation 2,520 2,760 y TOTAL LAKE S AND P€ N-D MAINTEN1 4CE $22,913 $22,555 ?J 7, f M CITY.'. PROPERML ,8 $57,565 VILLAGE OF EDINA ,ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 37 Fwd ESTWATED Ajw Acct. No. GEI'mAL PUBLic € OR M SIDEWALKS AND RAMP �80 SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED ESTWATED OBJECT 1975 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED r $ 4,910 4,8()8 1. PERSONA. SERVIM 5,290 $ 3,50® a, 517 2. CONTRACTUAL SERA 4,700 1,825 1,734 3. COMMODITIES 2,0()0 1,260 1,269 4: CENTRAL SERVIS 1,320 5. CAPITAL OU[nAY 1$� aL,95 li x 3 TOTALS g''�lE�'. ON The primary function of this account is to develop a system of publicly construc and maintained sidewalks to assure the safe and convenient movement of pedestrians Tke maintenance of parking ramps is also a function of this account. CO2MVITS Proposed expenditures are fifteen percent (15 %) higher fhan. last: yeas °s appropria- tion. Two - thirds of ate :increase is represented by higher costs for pover, insurance, aad rubbish ha -alingo The below listed deta,_l contributes to the increase, Salaries and rages power Insurance Rubbish removal Co dimes Central services ANDUT $ 380 Soo 200 500 175 60 $? 1515 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 33 E(PENMURE EMAIL Cod Q Area (p � Acct No GEM, AL R 'PU5LIC WORKS SIDEWALKS AND ISMP 44- E(PENMURE EMAIL Cod Q Abject 1 Detail Present Budget Retoimmended Bud -.red 9 44- Maintenance and i 'Repairs 4�ioJ' 1. Payroll. $ 1,225 $ 1,320 3. Cement and patching materials 575 600 tf 2-08 4. Equipment: operation TOTAL MAINTTENFANCE 360 360 AND REPAIRS $ 2,160 $ 22260 Siiow and Ice 3Zo Removal V,o,r ' -10 Payroll $ 1,225 $ 1,320 SLy�o 3. Sand and salt~ 625 700 qfrog 4. Egqu�i�pment:�popperattica x.20 420 - ll L SW G'SN SL� REMOVAL $ 2,270 $ 2,440 4 ' Parking Raotp Maiuteuance,,(,,C 1. Payroll $ 2,460 $ 2 � 550 tfzs-. 2� Posher y $ 3,000 $ 3,500 Yotf" `�-T+� Insu;:aizce. Rubbish removal '` "' 5€10 700- 500 $ 3,500 $ 4,700 • Y tPy�.o 3. Sand and salt 623 700 %ffle9 4. Equipment operation 480 -944 '?C AL PARKING RAMS? MAINTENANCE ' 7.065 $ 8 590 $11.495 $13,310 /V TOTAL SIDWALK AND RAMP I i i t + VILLAGE OF.EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 39 Frame Fu=t'NM 1 AM Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OU'llAY 23.440 SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED ESTIMATED MECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTM&UAL SIRVICES 3. commwiTIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 48,400 49,250 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 42',900 37, 4a:0 49,250 T $42,1 D OTALS 'FUNCT102-1 Expend kcure s for Iteas of equipaent t4hich have a useful life of more than one year are classified as Capital Outlay. COPTS Dump t--uck replacements are for 1965 and 1966 International dump tracks. Tail gate sander, snow plow and busting bitch, are replacement for worm out items The pick-up is a raplacement for a 1959 Chevrolet pick-up. The underbody scrapers are to be counted under truck body to scrape snow and ice before applying; salt. Pz7asently only graders are able to do the task The compressor is needed for the sign track. Request f-a-ads to be set aside for replece-ments of suceivar($35,000) and grader ($45,000),, rA rM VILLAGE OF ED19 A ANNUAL BUDOET PAGE 40 Fwd Fwxfm Agee /acct. K'o. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OUTLAY �3�0fl EXPENDITURE. DETAIL Code Aetivil Object Detail Buie? Recom�°:teided Budgeted 5. Replacement dump y�9i o trucks (2) $ 8,500 $17,000 ? 17, 6-w Replacements: �f9 /Z ',mil gate sander 1,200 1,200 l,Zese Snow plows (2) 1,000 2,400 Z, tpoo vgta One -half ton pick -up 2,840 3 300 3 ►3�-q Truck chassis with special designed clump box and self - bucket type leader 15,004 Concrete router 3,000 Sweeper 6,400 Sign truck with compressor sign washer and hydraul- ic equipment 9,500 Crosswalk striper 1,000 Underbody scraper(2) 4,000 oQo 404 I Y Hosting hitch 1"000 Grader -Part . 3,000 3►Stto L/ 9 / y Combination vacuum- brush sweeper -Part 5"000 3y coq iy Compressor for sign track b 4,000 TOTAL CAPITA, OUTLAY $4---8 40© . $42.900 Vn1 i AM= nr- MIKIA AMMUAg BUDGIET PACE 41 Feted Fcacfti Area Acct. Ko. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND IO£ICF. PR©TECIricki 24.100 2. CONTFACTUAL SER.V+ PROPERTY 6,359 d. C0NUv OD1 71ES SUMMARY 19P�r BUDGETED ESQ IM-4TED . OBJECT - $711,483 :$ 711,274 1. PERSONAL SERUM 19,579 21,990 2. CONTFACTUAL SER.V+ 4,095 6,359 d. C0NUv OD1 71ES 186,360 186,360 4. CENTRAL WVW 30,374 29,756 5. CAPITAL C€FrLAV $951,891 &n5,7 49W0 _ 1975 RECOMMEMDED 13l DGEE E® S 798,444 5701 'f.S-D 21,710 ZO,gl1v 4,795 234,120 3S; 5€i0 3-1k e497 .. x'69 2-37-177b 3S, v-m-v FUNCTION Ilse primary function of Mice protection is to p:totect life and property which includes investigation of major crimes and public morai of en:ses, offenses which have to ado with the. maimenaxnce of peace, and enZorcemeat of trraffic vioiat_ons� The authority to do- this is granted to a large ei.tent thr€nigh criminal and civil codes, and City, state and federal legislation- at- fecting the public in general. COMMENTS proposed a .,,,penc?iicures are fiFteen percent (15Io) higher than last year °s appro, a- Mona Abol:t sj:ty percent (60%) ok the increase is Vepresentcd by 'higher payroll cos:., and includes carre new of icar. Balance of the increase is made up of higher cast of central services and capital outlay o The below listed detail contributes to the increase. TDT.AL $145,878. AMd1UFT Salaries and wages $ 86,961 conferences and schools 442 Teletype 869 Uniform allowance 400 Other contractual sem-ices 420 Azmuni ion 780 Other coanodities 120 Central services 47,769 Capital. outlay 8,126 TDT.AL $145,878. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET - PAGE42 had Fm=Oon Object Acct. too. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS ALM POLICE PROTECTION 2&2M FTY Director �o. If EXPENDITURE ®E"iAO. Code A ai ii, t9 Object Oeta -H Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 1. Director $ ` 0,840 $ 22,078 �4 l$ Captain (2) 39,130 412496 43 05'6 sergeants (7) 1$3,372 120;172 ��- y�,7z� Patrolmen (18) 224,402 2650481 �S, V-S-/ Patrolman (1) 29,629 13,370 /3,370 Patrolmen (6) 12,036 82,760 $Z, 7G a PatrolaeA (6) 67,293 72,864 7 Z 96,90 Patrolman-New (1) 46,650 11,232 - - 0.--- Detectives (6) 86,936 93,M5 �13,Cs�Fs Dispatchers (3) 31,564 33,,774 3S day Dispatcher 12,462 10f,608 Secretary 16 ,,276 27,264 17, 14150 Clerk-typist 6,032 6,500 Part -time dispatchers high school student: 3,861 6,O00 Education incentive j 41 O� Fay plan 1.0 043 A � 1 00(A) I a," ! y $711,.483 $798,444 rfy,61 YS0 Y ao v 20 Conferences and /S�r • schools $ 1,503 $ 1,945 Yz ®y Dues and subscriptions 199 284 _S-t 4z(o 8 Teletype 3,152 4,021 a -A-1 LI "17 Radar and drual mete - 325 710 7/0 V-2,&Y Laundry 60 70 70 41 Uniforst allowance 9,400 9, 60a0 Z7 v Psychological testing 400 §49 '311-0 �?-6a insurance 1 ,,960. 20040 yo(oa j `teleprinters d (10 emits) 2,1€ 0 2,100 7-1/00 yZ Copier - transmitter 1 ' Equipment 480 maintenance 200 a �O _ $ 19,579 $ 21,710 $ S p gp 3,, Jail and prisoner _ expcnse $ 580 $ S00 �So 8 Photographic supplies 5,00 Soo 69 , �Se o First aid supplies 585 300 3&;0 � Pare extinguish-dr i Supplies 90. 90 General supplies - 740 "Aqo 925 2 380 fr� $ 4,095 t $. 4,955 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET pAf �-, 43 F=d Function A rcc Aec�. M10. GENERALE gfl0T?CTI43N "Or- PERSONS AND POLICE PROTECTION ' -4` V, 9-ny PROPERTY General $122,700 I:.XM'MITURc DETAIL Code Act Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted � V, 9-ny 4. General $122,700 $163,920 71&2.157 t3 �8o 8 City flail 14,160 15,000 [S, Equipment operation. 49.500 55g2I}€l SSA � $1 86,360 $234,120 12-327 7(c AOCq0 g 5. Vehicles (13) $ 29,864 $ 37,000 Pistols and shotguns 260 P„A, and siren unit 250 Equipment for vehicle.; Red lights 1,6 - - ;irea, - PA system, Firs- aid kit,ete. -.1,000 /, �y 1,6 A -siren combination unit aciio eq*.p>iint 253 250 � �v $ 30,314 $ 18,500 75 �J I TDTAL POLICE PROTECTION 951,891 SIgG97:769 r Dote A Incentive bay is included with kegular pay where .he am unt is known. i i r 1 w . i VILLAGr! OF ED'NA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 44 FwW ESTIMATED Am Ace. Cho. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND FIRE PROTECTION ? Ai—�- $396,163 PROPERTy 17,609 17,979 SUMMARY 1974 BUDGMD ESTIMATED 08JISCT 1975 RECOR MENDED BUDGUED3 $ 31 ©,930 $310,656 1. PERSONAL SEW10ES $396,163 3 SVi x57 17,609 17,979 2. CONTPUkMAL SWIM 20,535 19/73ke 7,055 6,994 3. COMMODITIES 10,454 $551 73,324 73,320 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 95,28€3 �o� 0 3(0, 16,080 6,117 S. CAPITAL OUTIAY 24,814 yjb 424,994 's a6Fi TIDTid 2� 46� sat . Fi3I!tCTIOi Basically the objectives of Fire Protection are (1) to prevent ¢fires groin staetips (2) to prevent loss of life and prrperwy in. case of fire; (3) confine a fire to the • a place of origin; and (4) extinguish all fixes. In general, this involves the providing of services fas bath fire prevention and gire fighting. � COPit+lENTS ' Proposed expenditures are twanty�nine percent (29 %) higher than last year's appropriation. About seventy percent (70%) is higher cost of personal services, including five new firemen. Balance of the increase is made up of higher cost for central services and capital outlay. The balav listed detail contributes to the � increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages, $ 85,233 Uniform allowance 750 Testing 625 Rental o� pagers 576 Light and power 410 Other contractual services 565 Clothing replacement 1,564 General supplies 65€1 Rose 1,060 Commodities 125 Central services 219960 Capital outlay 8,734 10'd'.A, $122052 VILLAGE OF EDN'IA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 45 Fund Femrwa Amc AW. No. GENERAL ?ROTECTION OF PERSOUS AND FIRE PROTECTION in PROPER' Clues S 18,616 MENDiTUR,t DETAIL Code Adi*y Obi-act Detail Detail Badger Recommended Sudgzted 1. Clues S 18,616 S 19,734 4 its Assistant Chief 17,950 19,812 5-6% . Lieutenants (3) 43,172 45,708 4s, ?O8 ' Drivers and inspectors (4) 53,296 56,472 y Firemen (7) 77,256 95,542 r SSFv Fireman 12,653 Firemen (3) 32,970 37,909 37,909 Firemen (3) 26,193 35,730 Firemert -new (5) 54,606 Secretary 4,834 6,656 &9 /6 /oS Firemen -part time 24 000 24 000 ° $310,930 $396,163 z57 4G 7.e v 20 Conferences and schools $ 1,699 $ 1,764 vOjo Dues and subscriptions 320 320 3y0 `f� ✓ Laundry 1,200 1,400 /� 0&0 L�zG,6 uniform allowance 3,300 4,050 3, If 5' �G� -loo Insurance 1,300 1,400 �yS1f Heat 2 „700 2,900 .9n -0 �py�y Light and power 6,890 7,300 7, 30w0 �ySg mater and sewer service 200 200 7-100 y7 Psychological testing 625 00.0 Rental of pagers 576 -.- $ 17,609 $ 20,535 k(5-7s0 3. Clothing replace- � meat $ 630 $ 2,194 /l Liquid foam 500 550 SSA X508 Photographic supplies 459 450 Y5_0 cp57o First aid supplies 475 500 Sall 'P$0 General supplies 2,150 2,800 -x-5V-9 VSS� dose 1,850 2,910 'L3� �iSIY Cleaning supplies 200 '200 4S, IV, Paper supplies 203 250 1 .257V L/S-V/ � Other supplies- building 600 600 60.4 $ 7,055 $ 10,454 1 iO 4,, General $ 57,069 $ 77,160 s 7 71161-C( � Equipment operation 16.,26:3 18.,120 jkj-L_o..� 4 73,320 $ 95,280 i go , 013,G VILLAGE OF EDINA. ANNUAL, BUDGET PAGE 46 Row Ro tion Arm Acct. 14". GEbWXAY. PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND FIRE PROTECTION 24_2130 PROPERTY Portable radio N0 o . y o WENDiTURE DETAIL Code Ac&fty Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budg_ted I Portable radio $ 550 $ 590 5Qa - Pumper 10,92E Radio replacements (4) 1,,887 S Various tools and shop equipment: 700 860 Nozzles and valves 500 900 Q 60 Haigh pressure truck washer 2€32 Masher and dryer 280 `Fy6g Siren and speaker 215 225 z� Ring saw 470 Scott: voice packs 350 Vehicle replace - �tq I meat: fund 15,000 ZS �8 Scout: air packs(2 - 1,086 �pgb Snow plow for pick -up 630 u-• Training manikin 865 Plectron radio ((q !8 receiver 640 ggp'k Overhead projector 20€3 'A- &0 ' tt► Movie projector 725 —.�-- Chain saw and 41? If rescue tool 336 �g Dictaphone and recorders 635 Radio base unite and remote 2 120 l6 Q80 $ 24,814 1,9, -2,76 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION $424,994 547,246 � i t r 3 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 47 FEW Function A Acct. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS lnND CIVILIAN Dm,1FENSE - %33896 PROPERTY 370 476 SUMMARY 1974: BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1975 RECOMMENDED BUDGE 10 $3,678 $3,832 _ 4. PERSONAL SERVICES %33896 0SF 370 476 2. CONTRACTUAL SE-R 385 3 ?SS 350 256 3. COW10DITIE'S 550 SSb 4. CENTRAL SERVE S. CAPITAL OUTLAY S&398 4, L31 Wd;7@'SF14sENT - FUNCTION The FAIna. Civilian Defense organization mainzains liaison with local, state, and federal agencies,, in order to provide the aaeded resources to meet emergency situations of catastrophic nature. ParLicuiar emphasis is being -placed upon an effort to better integrate and coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer emergency personnel/ C0?MHTS Proposed expenditures are ten percent (107.) laigher than last year's appropriation. The below lasted detail contributes to the increase, U Salaries and wages $218 Dues and subscriptions 15 U- niforms- reserves 200 TOTAL $433 F VILLAGE OF EDINA . ANNUAL. BUDGET PAGE 48 Food tread m Area -Acct. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND CIVILIAN DEFENSE 24v486- qt s— PROPERTY Director $3,678 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted qt s— to Director $3,678 $3,896 LFOYY 20 Conferences and schools Dues and :$ 50 50 subscriptions Leased lines for 20 35 y7 6 siren 300 300 $ 370 $ 385 3. Uniform- raserves $ 250 $ 450 9mounition- reserves 100 l0® k4 350 $ 550 5-510 TOTAL CIVILIAN DEFENSE $4,398 $4,831 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 49 FwW Function Arcs Acct. Flo. GENERAL PROTECTION OF ME RS ®NS AND PUBLIC HEALTH 24 400 - 400 -MOPERU - 1974 BUDGMD — _ESTIMATED $34,981 $ 33,948 i 29073 1,685 1,134 1,222 7,200 7,200 - 400 110 SUMMARY 1. PERSONAL SERVI 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COIv4moDrhES 4. CENTRAL SER7VtM a. CAPITAL OUTLAY iOiAU 1975 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED X37, ®a9 S 3S, 7Sb 2,506 aSD.G 1,269 10,020 10107-0 AQ4 FUNCTION The &nc =rions of the Public Heap Department are to provide n=or the general welfare of the Community by malting and enforcing laws to preserve and promote the publ.ac health and safety, and to protect the lice and health of all persons within the community. COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are twelve percent (12%)high.er than last year's appropriation The priacipal reasons for the increase are higher payroll cost and central, services allocation. The below listed detrail contributes to the increase., Salaries and wages Conferences and schools Wes and subscriptions Mileage Test equipment and supplies Central services Capital outlay TOT& , Est# +7VA $2,028 26 39 420 135 2,820 log $5..,316 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 50 F=d Fwwcl+B Area Acct. loo. GENERAL PROTECTION OF FERSONIS AND PUBLIC HEALT11 2* - PROPPRI- Sanitarian $1.5,340 � EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code ActWity Object Detail Present Qudge � Recommended Sudgecmd �, Sanitarian $1.5,340 � $16,250 go, V7 Medical Officer 300 300 3&P,* Secretary Q) 4,238 4,498 4&&7 Assistant 'Sanitarian 9,022 9,620 )of V,00 Laboratory technician (1/3) 4,281(A) 4,541(A) ,7 Summer help- laboratory (193) 1,800(A) 1 8AO A 1 CA $34,981 $37,409 V 3S7 7Sb 2. Conferences and .,� schools .. $ 476 $ 45€3 Dues and subscriptions 107 146 LP 2,0 $ val.eage 1 490 1 910 $ 2,073 $ 2,506 1 1r Sob 3. Test equipment and supplies (1/3) 1,134(A) 1,269(A) V9'0 y 4. General $ 4,960 $ 7,740 tf " o City Hall 960 960 �f�d6 Public Works Buildin. I 260 1.,320 $ 7,200 $101020 _r 4 /V,07,0 j 5. Safety shower and eyewash station 100 TOTAL. PUBLIC MLTR $45,483 $50P804 Itiote A - Represents oneat ird of the cosy.. Toe balance to be shsr • d eW - lly with Saint: Louis aak and i B t oomingto 0 d J VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 53 Farad Function Am Acct. No. GENERAL PROTECTION Or PERSONS AND AiNim& CON ODL 500 10, 000 FROPaxY 3o300 i�aa Sig SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED ES►T ?. OBJECT 1975 RECOMMENCED BUDGMS, $ 9,220 8,941 4. PERSONAL SERVICES 10, 000 3o300 3,139 2. CONTRACTUAL SH.VM 3:,300 do 75 3. COMMODITIES 100 3,840 3,840.. 4. CcIVTRAL .SERVICES 4,020 5. CAPITAL 'OUTLAY 1i6,460 995. TOTALS 17.420 f12Q COMMENTARY COMNTS Proposed expenditures are sits percent (Cif,) nigher than lust year's appropriation, ?he bellow lasted detail contributes to the increase. AMDU NT Salaries and wages. $780 Central services ISO TDB±, 5960 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUM! BUDGET PAGE 57 F Foxgw Ama Acct. Ito. GENERAL PROTECTION OF - PERSONS AND ANMa CONTROL 24e -O-- PROPERTY Day officer $ 8,320 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Mode Actic �}Isjntt [iei+�9l Present BudgeRecommenRecommended Recommended Budgs3ed I o Day officer $ 8,320 $ 9,100 ♦ '%75V Overtime and extra. (o help 900 900 900 $ 9,220 $10,000 4 f1%%Sb 20 City of Bloomington �Y7 $ Kennel service 3,300 3,300 3. General sappl ies 100 100 YJ(w y 4o General $ 1,920 $ 1,860 V9-09 Equipment operation 1.920 2,i60 $ 3,840 $ 4,020 TOTAL AM M& CONTROL _11624-60 460 $17 ,20 t • ?'i2Z 0 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 53 Few# Faction Afas Acct. No. CEiT - RAID PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND INSPECTIONS .24.6919 PROPERTY 1974 RUVINETED ESTIMAT M . $73,122 $562,568. 3,591 1,252 12,720 .S,685 1,645 1,220 12,720 38,153 SUMMARY OBJECT 9. PERSONAL SERVICE 2. CONPMCTUAL SERV=S 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENT. SERIES 5. CApiTAL OUTLAY TOTALS 1975 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED S77,832 $ W, 5V y 1,738 15-131 1? 18,300 17,10-0 ISO )5-0 "98.840 FUNMTION The functions of the Inspection Depart=n—t are to issue and revoke building, plumbing and sign permits; enforce building, plumbing and zoning ordinances and codes; propose and revise building, plumbing and construction codes; establish house numbering; recommend condemnation and abatement of unsafe buildings; and inspect all building comstruction.. COMMF. TS Proposed eupenditures are eleven percent (11 %) higher than last year's appropriation. Higher cost of personal services and central services are the maim reasons for the increase. The below lasted detail contributes to the Increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages 40,730 Conferences and schools 437 Dues and subscriptions 70 Mileage 3v ; Commodities 452 Central services 505SO Capital outlay 150 TOTAL $1 ®A 155 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 54 FeW Acti ity Am Acct. too. GENERAL PROTECTION OF iLRSONS ARID INSPECTIONS FROPERW Building inspector $15,)990 EMPENDrrm DETAL Cade Acti ity Object i}etai! 'resent 6udge�i Recommended Budgetcd 0 Building inspector $15,)990 $16,952 1 17, fat? -A,- Plumbing and heating � inspector 15,340 16,250 14,197�O Assistant inspector 12 ,)870 13,650 1 Clerk 6,110 6,500 6$gfl Nechanicai inspector 12,012 12,488 13,a►o `fl oT Inspectcoro trainee 10;2800 12,012 ' $73,122 $77,852 1 �5 2" Conferences and schools $ 501 $ 941 f 7V/ Drees and zs7 y -DSO subscriptions 187 257 q,l,o g Mileage 900 540 5%40 $ 1,591 $ 1,738 w I�57;2 8 q&" 3 o Printed farms $ 765 $ 4500 45-0(/ Code books 162 75 %Psnso General supplies 325 275 $ 1,252 $ 800. gB-o qPS' -Y 4a General $ 9,660 $14,280 1 13, oko $ Vgoso City Ball 1,140 1,860 �$O$ Equipment operation 1,92€3 21 60 110 u 512,720 $18,300 06 S. Tape recorder 150 1S TOTAL INSPECTIONS • 8� fr85 $98� 84� _E � 7i f d i ti 1filLAGE OF EDtNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 55 1974* I BUDGETED ESTIMATED SUMMJAKY 1975 OBJECT Rl�!O MENDED BUDGETED 1. PCRSON'AL SERVICES 2,035 31,619 'f!;PQ 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTML SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $035 $ 31&619 TOTALS .90,000 'f 7, &o. X90,000 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Daring the year, unanticipated but necessary expenditures may occur, for which there has. been no previous appropriation. %lais account-is a reserve for such 6`BiDt�8�Q4'I'uG �C8 0 ODIMNTS ?tae provision for contingencies is to prnvlde reserve for additional parking using the Legion property, sometime in 1976o I i S Fwd Fnncfmn Are Acct. No. GED RJ+L. L N- DjElPAE'1EI1TAL EXPEIMI`TIMS Ct3�t1'II�Gd3KCIES fir' -.£� 1974* I BUDGETED ESTIMATED SUMMJAKY 1975 OBJECT Rl�!O MENDED BUDGETED 1. PCRSON'AL SERVICES 2,035 31,619 'f!;PQ 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTML SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $035 $ 31&619 TOTALS .90,000 'f 7, &o. X90,000 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Daring the year, unanticipated but necessary expenditures may occur, for which there has. been no previous appropriation. %lais account-is a reserve for such 6`BiDt�8�Q4'I'uG �C8 0 ODIMNTS ?tae provision for contingencies is to prnvlde reserve for additional parking using the Legion property, sometime in 1976o I i S � I i VILLAGE OF EDINA -- - - -- ANNUAL BUDGET- - PAGE 56 -- - - Fwd Function Area Acct. Flo. GE'20RAL RON- DEPARWNTAL EXPENDITMS SETTLEIENT UP SUITS �;.5. SUMMARY 1975 1975 BUDGETED ESTI_MAT EI) 01JECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 500 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVE • C13�tl� x s:prese is an appropriation to pay small claims filed against the City. W - VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET - FACIE 57 raw Fwwfim Arm Acct. No. GMvERAL N0K'- DHPASn'ZNThL EXPENDITURES SPSCIAL ASSESSMENTS ON CITY- MPERTY .� SUMMARY 1974 1975 BUI GM0 ESTIMATED OBJECT RCmOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICEES $� 2. CONTRACTUAL SERViCES 3. COMMODITIES �-a u 4. CENTRAL SERV1 , 7 70,000 55,794 5. CAPITAL OiiBUY 65,000 o,g,�v O X000 §a 7 3�S TOMS S65 000 r oroa COMMENTARY The City owned properties are subject to special assessments for various se improvement l jectso This account provides funds to pay the assessments i VILLAGE OF EDBNA ANNUALBUDGET PAGE 58 Fuld Functim Arse CAPITAL No. GENERAL KON- DEEARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CENTRAL SERVICES - OUTLAY :Aca. , "6 SUMMARY 1974 BUS ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICE; 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVfW 4,600 1.70, 268 5. CAPITAL. OUTLAY d-J-o 4,600 6f 0 $ 170,268 TOTALS WArWENTART FUNCTION Cer`ain seems, of equipment or Improvements Which have a useful life of more than aue year, which carmot be allocated to any particular function, are classi.fi.ed iu this account. COMN€E US The principal reason for the increase is the cost of installing a twin post hydraulic floor hoist for servicing vehicles. { igg I i 1 a VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL. BUDGET . PAGE 59 Fwd Ac c Am CA9?ITAL Aect• Wo. GENERAL 1101".4,DEPAIMRAL EXtEMITUP18 CEMAL SERVICES OUTLAY M500 City Hall Sa Improvements: EXPENDITURE DETAIN. Code Ac c Object Detail Present Budget Recommended : Budgeted City Hall Sa Improvements: General office $3 000 } _$3,000 TOTAL CITY HALL $3,000 $3.000 Q Equipment Operation Replacement welder $1,500 t l5'00 Hydraulic floor hoist 4,900 yg79 -o Tool replacements anal renewals - %rartous $➢ 600 1,410 6L" $1.600 $7,83.0 S &v-0 TDTAL EQUIPS' UT OPERATION TDM CENTRAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTI AY $4,600 $10,810 i f 3 ti d ANNUAL BUDGET PAG, 60 FvW Famfin Area Acct. iNo. GENERAL 1111N- DUAR21M, 11TAL EXPII1ID17URES CAPITAL IM R4LTTDEPiTS a SUNW ARY 1974 ?975 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED � BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVIM 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES T.»r✓ d. CENTRAL SERI /W 50,000 60,000 * 9av S. CAPITAL OUTLAY -_;0,000 Dl f1 {hQ k I1-3:'a VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET - PAGE 51 SUMMARY 2140s sQ 1974 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RcwOMMSMDED Fw Feactios Arse Acct. No GENERAL rK3A- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES COMISSIONS , Mal SUMMARY 2140s sQ 1974 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RcwOMMSMDED 1975 BUDGETED $ 9,000 8,000 1. PERSONAL SERVICES S 9,€100 5 cis-" 3J80 2,539 27 COt- TRACTUA.L SERViC6 4,332 600 3339 3. COMMODITIES 600 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY, TOTALS g_1;.`92_/Z 33 FUNCTION HUMAN RIGHTS CG*ffSSION The ihmaa Rights Commission is a citizen advisory cormission to the City Council., Their main activity is that of advising the Council on matters involving the iafrin�e.. meni of guarantted rights of citizens and the education of Edina residents concerning their rights and obligations for the rights of others. ENEROmCEML 20LITT CO21ISHON 'he Environmental Quality Commission is a citizen advisory commission to the City Council. Their main scope of activity is investigation o: envivonmer -tal co4ditiona affecting the City and the Edmeation of Edina residents in anv-iroumental matters. a x VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL EUDC -7J- 'AGE 62 EKPENDITURE DETAIL 5bSo," S -S-. b-V Cods 14c" Object Detail - -- Peewnt Budged Recommended Bucgeied GENERAL IN.DN- DEPA.RTMENTA:. EXPE14DITURES COMMISSIONS EKPENDITURE DETAIL 5bSo," S -S-. b-V Cods 14c" Object Detail - -- Peewnt Budged Recommended Bucgeied i Human Relation Commission I Director Part-time $ 6,000 $ 6,000 w vo 2. Conferences and schools $ 200 $ 20(; saes and 14 7-©9 subscriptions 100 232 7-3 L/ y0 Education programs 2;700. 3,900 14$0-o Registration-Human Relation Course $ :3,180 $ 4,332 3�z3v TOE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION _9 180 $1€1,332 -A-,N Zhvironnental Quality Comm =ssign Lo Secretary $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Y . Printing $ 50 $ 50 Educational activities 550 550 - _ a, 600 ^ . 600 IF MTAI,. EW91RO1004 AL QUALI a i COMMSSION $ i 600 $ 3,600 . 70TAL COMMISSIONS $12 780 63y VILLAGE OF EDINAA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 63 Fmd Function Area Aced`.: So. PARK L. PARK MID RECREATION I AI3MINIST'RATION �^ SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMlWNDED BUDGETED $ 84,278 $ 84,710 1. PERS0NAL' SERUM % 89,401 1,600 11905 2. C0NTRACTUAL SER"11WE 2,400 7 yoo 175 90 3. COMMODITIES 175 /7J- 53,880 53,980 4. CENTRAL SERVKZ 64,560 6 3.30 0 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY Q 139,933 140,585 TOTALS '4i.�..e.3 �517 1 iWICTl®N The Park mid Recreation Department is responsible for 'the acquisition, development operation and maimzewmce of thA City parks and recreation, facilities, and the oonduct of the keereation ,program. ftov ddng for the administration of the park and recreation function is the object of this accouwc� Edina Park Board, as au advisory both to the Edina City Council, assists in the plans and operation of the nark and recreation function, Proposed er.penditures are twelve percent (12) higher than last year's approp :-ic- tiono Higher cost of payroll and central services are reasons far the increase,, Tae below listed detail contributes to the increase, Salaries and wages Con erences and schools Audit Mileage Central services AODUiLT $ 5,123 500 1.50 ISO 19,689 TD TAI., $_ 6 603 VILLAGE OF EMPA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 64 Foad Activity Area Acc?. 1,!o. PARR PARR AiIND RECREATION ADMINISTRATI©IN EVENDITURE DETAIL Cade Activity Object Detail Budget Recommended Bndgp cd 1. Director $ 21,398 $ 22,672 i �3,S3o Assistant director 16,094 17,056 17 70 . Program supervisor 12,038 12,766. l3, '}-GO Secretary 6,630 7,280 7,97" Recreation special- ist 8,398 9,230 q56$ Clerk - typist (1/3) 2,040 2,167 2-0$9 Paid leave 17,380 17,930 /7,7W Training 300 300 `pi os— $ 8!4,278 $ 89,401 20 Conferences and �Q -xv -,/ schools $ 300 $ S40 4 /pow Dues and subscriptions 150 150 Audit 850 1,000 10" Mileage6' 300 450 'f5►? $ 1,600 $ 2,400 4(a ems, 3. Printing $ 100. $ 100 1�6S -0 Books and pamphlets. 75 75 _ $ 175 $ 175 l 4. General $ 44,580 $ 53,940 0 $2, 7�Fo d� City Hall 3,600 4,440 LI, Vy-0 Public Works W 6-0 Building 3,360 3,600 66V ��p g Ecraipment operation 2,340 2 580 S 53,880 $ 6'x_560 p ._ TOTAH, tI3€SA ^10 $i39 933 $15vA536 _ { 15-7. f e F VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDS Et pp -,rGF 65 FwW Function Am Aca. iKo. PARK PARK AND RECREATION RECREAPTION PROGRAM o SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED ESTWTED OBJECT RECOMMNDED 1975 BUDGETED $56,180 6 54,518 1. PERSONAL SERMAS $60,995 5y t? 30,150 11,218. 2. CONTRACTUAL S!T 11 „200 /h yv o 12,700 13,896 3. COMMODITIES 14,000 g0 Tennis instruction supplies 300 4. CENTRAL SERMES 603 Childrens th�--atse and puvonetry ” Summer music activities S. CAPITAL OUTLAY Soccer 100 $7T1 ,03O 799432 TOTALS MAMMARY FDNCTIOnp The Cray, in additions to providing park facilities, conducts a year around recreational program as a function of City government. This program is the responsibility of the Park and Recreation Department„ it includes such activitie,. as organized baseball, softball, hockey, swiming and tennis instruction; and a suamer playground program for small children. Some of .these activities receive financial support from various service organizations, .and in others the participp-n: s themselves pay a portions of the cosh COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are nine percent (9) higher than last year °s approp- `zt:-.:217,u. Higher cost of personal service rep«eselnts about sixty-seven percent X67 %) of tL.a increase. The bel.oa listed detail contributes to the increase. ' Y i AaMM""T Salaries and wages: Skating and hockey $2,520 Temils instruction 200 Swimming instruction 1,445 Miscellaneous and special activities 1, 054D $4,815 Bess rental 1,000 Mileage g0 Tennis instruction supplies 300 Printing-bulletins 603 Childrens th�--atse and puvonetry 100 Summer music activities 200 Soccer 100 T43W, $7 163 ' Y i V11 1 ®rr- nr- Ft INA ANNUAL BUDGET pA 66 Ana Acct. Wo. t� � RECREATION PROGRAM PARK PARK AND RECREATION (ozo.Gv Code Acuity Object ga$ Basebal? and (oz./ So` tbaII l o ew 4G�.v 8 Skating and Hockey b qr" EXPENti un vt -ism. Detail assistant 2. Mileage 3. Plates and bases Bats and balls Catching equipment. Equipment repairs TOTAL BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL 1. Rini: supervision IHockey coaching 3. Goalie equipment: Goals TOTAL SKATING AN HOCKEY saaw Tennis Instruction 10. instructor .Assistant instructor 3. Tennis balls Wets Unclassified LP SMb TOTAL CIS INS- la- trCTION 2*9 Playground yof 97 1. Leaders 3� Crafts Replacements axed renewals LES�SB TOTAL PUYGROUND $ 1,650 1,980_ $ 3,630 ISO $ 700 300 300 $ 5,230 $,32,600 600 $13,200 � $ 1,000 $14,500 $ 800 2,,,000 $ 2,800 $ 200 600 $ 3,650 $12,300 $ 2,000 $15, Recommended Bu+d ®vted $ x.,650 1;980 - $ 3,630 200 700 300 300 l50 $ 5,280 $15,120 600 6d° $15,720 �5,7.tio $ 1,000 300 $ 1 3 ®0 '► , '?vJ $17,020 $ 800 .2 200 �..�. ...,._. $ 3,000 $ 300 800 $ 4,156 0 4L1 5V � $12,300 $ 2,000 15,100 1 f 157, /Al l i Vi3 LADE OF EDIMA ANNUAL BUDGET FA-;GE 617, 4k Fend kiwfim Area Azy °. N, 9. !'! PARK PART( AND RECREATION RECREATION PROGRAM 24& &15- EXPENDITURE DETAM Code Ae Mty Object Wail Present Budget Recommended 8udgvaed 24& &15- Swimming Instruction 1. Supervision $ 825 8,250 $ 850 9,075 Attendants 715 860 Registration 450 1 Sao $10,240 $11,285 Yn-8Y 20 Bus rental $ 8,000 $ 9,000 �GL&50 Pool rental 2,,000 2,1000 $10,000 $il,000 j 9�5-wo 3. Unclassified 200 200 TOTAL SUIMMING INSTRUCTION $20,440 $22,485 96% Teen Program 41" 1. Supervision $ 8,100 $ 8,100 i 6 w505C 3. Equipment and supplies $ 1,400 $ 1,400 q&,P0 Printing 500 500 V s-0 Unclassified 500 500 $ ?- 400 $ 2s400 _ TOTAL TEEHI PROGRAM $10,500 $1015043 t 6y7 Miscellaneous and Special Activities . 1. Payroll Leaders $ 3,410 2.500 $ 3,9b43 3,000 $ 5,910 $ 6,960 3. Printing- printer and summer bulletins $ 1,1003 $ 1,703 Children's theatre 4,S-90 and puppetry 500 600 X59 t� Football 400 400 Soo Unclassified 500 500 uym rental and V basketball 300 300 V-5'47 Girl's gymnastics 200 200 YS-9,6 Summer music activities 500 7€34 � I�SR Soccer 300 _200 $ 3,700 $ 4 7Q0 " �`1'iiTAL t�iSCF.iLMM.oiis AND SPECIE' ACTIVITIES $ 9 610 $112660 � $79,030 $ 7,tQ �- .. TAL RECREATION PROGRAM _$86,195 �j S VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUD CET PAGE 68 SUMMARY 19Z4 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 3975 REvO.MMENDED FwW Function Arec Acct. iIo. PARK PARK AND RECREATION MAINTENANCE 0 6 SUMMARY 19Z4 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 3975 REvO.MMENDED BUDGETED $126,805 $122,833 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 5146,350 M%fPja 11,100 12,'387 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICZ11,750 1,365 J/, 7 517 25,200 25,147 3. COMMODITIES 25,000 ;.5-, 0-0 23,640 23,640 4. CEmMI. SERVE 26,340 7- (r,390t0 Commodities 200 , 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY „700 186 ?4�5 �'.� .. ft-OTALS �s�SL ��t FUNCTION Park Naiutenance involves the care, ©� all City parks and recreation facilities. Included in this budget account are only those properties designated as parks. ©t'har City properties such as boulevards, islands, triangles, lift and pumping stations, etc,, are maintained through other budget accounts, s, although the ground work is done by the park maintenance crew. The maintenance of parks, includes turf care, estab6ism meat and care of trees and plantings, litter removal, maintenance of park buildings, and eq6 pment and skating rinks COMWNTS Proposed expenditures are twelve percent (12 %,) higher than last year 's appropria- tion. Higher cost of personal services represents about eighty -six percent (86 %) C2 the increase. T'ne below listed detail contributes to the increase,, ti TOTAL $22.695 A-MOUNT Salaries and wages.; mii ing $ 40430 Special turf care 4,740 Plantings and trees 220 Utter removal 370 Parking area maintenance 1,365 Boil ding and equipment maintenance 4,625 Skating rink maintenance 3,795 $19,545 Contract forester 400 Track rental 500 Utilities 750 Commodities 200 , Central serf =ices 0 „700 TOTAL $22.695 VILLAGE OF ED Mt ANNUAL BUDS' ►E7 PAGE 69 Fcad fauctica Area sauce. 1+3a. PARK PARK AND RECREATION YAA114TEHAi10E 47.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detaii Present Budget Reeonmanded Eudg2reed Mowing 1. Payroll $1.7,570 $22,800 &41/ 3o Repairs, parts and hand movers 600 600 Y-S-o$ 4. Equipment operation 5,700 6,120 $23,870 $28,720 0 P 2-2-,77-0 MTAL MOWING 420 Special Turf Care Po Payroll. $23,760 $28,500 S� SPW* 2,, Contracted worm 1,900 1,900 V551,g 3. Seed $ 1 "800 $ 1,800 Y'%-62' Soot l"200 1,200 wSSg Fertilizer 2,000 2,000 YT4 Black dirt 2,400 2,400 . GJs Weed spray 200 300 $ 7,600 $ 7,700 t 4. Equipment operation 3.000 3.240 TOTAL SPECIAL TURD` CARE $36,260 $41,340 Plantings and Trees 10 Payroll $ 8,680 $ 8,900 fo�P3 `F� y790 2. Contract forester 900 I,Bao ySZ.w 3. Plant materiais 800 800 "tSO$ 4. Equipment operation 2,,400 2,640 `TOTAL PIA MINGS AWD TREES $129780 $13,64.0 Vev Litter Removal k(fe 1. Payroll $ 7,630 $ 8 "G00 2. Truck rental 500 a �g0 3. Trash containers 700 700 16$08 4. Equipment operation 1,740 2 220 TOTAL LITTER RENDVAL $109570 $100920 lo, tvo A VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 70 FW Fv=Non Ame Acct. Wo. PARK PARK AND RECREATION MAINTENANCE 47,300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL (9 Y •n / Cade Aticir4 Object Detail Prewt Budget Reccmme�ded Budgeted Parking Area Maintenance If (o 1. Payroll $ 4,135 $ 5,500 If57 3. Road oil $ 1,800 $ 1,500 ySy Sand 1,200 1,200 tfSoO Unclassified ISO 150 $ 3,150 $ 3,150 V ro r 4. Equipment operation_ 1 800 2,0:0 DOTAL PARKIRG AREA MAINTENANCE $ 9,055 $ 10,690 1� !a, ' Building and Equip- (py�ezat Maintenance Payroll $ 25,825 $ 30,450 3o,y96 � f if7.�0 20 Utilities ties 2,300 3,000 3. Uniforms- maintenance �6ASo men Lumber $ 750 4,000 $ 4,050 Y$ow Repair materials 7 000 7 000 $ 11,750 $ 11,050 _ �,P%ok 4. Equipment: operation 3,000 3 „600 IDTAL, BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT MAINTEHANCI $ 43,075 $ 43,100 6� 331 Skating Rink 6 MaintenanceV(o to Payroll $ 39,205 $ 43,000 2. Electrical wiring $ 300 Power and telephone Heat 1"500 3,500 $ 1,700 31tsso $ 5,300 $ 5,:50 ..� ��_ �(.1* 3. Lamps and fixt;ires 600 1,000 YleO8 4, Egaaipnernt operation 6,000 6,480 _ 51.105 $ 56,030 _ ; TO T, SKAT -I NG RINK MAINTENANCE $1862745 '2139,440 IDTAL MAINTENAINCE d i EEDINA ANNUAL, BUDGEST PAGE 71 PARK MAINTENANCES PAYROLL DISTRIBUTION & SUMAWr Title 1974- 1975 Park foreman 1 1 Park keeper III 1 1 Building engineer 1 1 Parr keeper II 12 14 ml Temporary laborer(summer) Overtime Golf Course (winter help) Spring clean --up help 15 -17 Park and Recreation: Administration: Training Paid leave Recreation_: Miscellaneous and special activities Maintenance: Mowing Special turf care Planting and trees Litter removal Parking area maintenance Building and equipment maintenance Skating rink maintenance TOTAL PARK AND RECREATION Bi,- Weekly Salar $530 457 424 424 5 DISTRIBUTION Charged to Other: Funds: General: $ 300 City 13,8 1 17,930 $ $ 13,790 $--;6 Public works 49154 11,887 12,780 ,:56-,92 11,034. 11,880 Sr7:l.il m- ng Pool %8,500 Golf Course 6,900 456,92 132,408 1!4 `, 1 Waterworks 9 5r,500 Sewer Relktal 3..z:3d, 1:5500' 14,200 8,200 9,020 10,736 11,010 5 „000 24,500_ -_ _ __ DISTRIBUTION Charged to Other: Funds: General: $ 300 City 13,8 1 17,930 Public works Public works 3,960 building Equipment operation $ 22,000 Sr7:l.il m- ng Pool %8,500 Golf Course 6,900 Recreation Center 8,000 Waterworks 9 5r,500 Sewer Relktal 3..z:3d, 4R 6 1a3 ,, 000 70 7%1, W pt��t, - —).,,,o -hi- )td-, / - $" 751"?1(01,oX $ 2,000 2""'00 ft00 : 2,900 7,300 4,000 10,000 2,500 1,�OD li ... x - . ,sc .. �... �. a.•. u, �. .r��asr•�s...���F:.rae�lf�lt[s— Ts+mr_+���'cxrs:fs�� VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 72 Fed F2ncilon Amu Acct. Poo. PARR P AM RECREATION CAPITAL OUTLAY .' ' 2- CONTRACTUAL SLFYI SUMMARY 197: BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJET liS RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVKE- S 2- CONTRACTUAL SLFYI 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL S €RMS 8,100 8,55E S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 28,900 $,1Ca '558 TOTALS - --=. -- �...5.- mcTION Expenditures for items of equipment which have a. useful lire of a *re than one year are classified as capital outlay, CMIENTS The treacher is. needed to install irrigation systems at athletic Melds., The flail mower is needed for rough mowing. Tracer, and cab is nee-ded to replace Ford tractor which has a bad ttansinission and can ant handle the winter sweeping equipment, The pick-up is needed for transportation between athletic fields. Tlae present Cushman truckster is unsafe for traveling around the city. We hope to purchase, a smaller pick-up with short wheel base and short turning radius so it may be used for skating rims. the Cushman truckster wi11 be used at the atbletac campiex, wild f1dwer garden, archery range and soccer field. Sevest- gang mower will be needed for wing along Highway 100. Tte two small riding rotary avers are needed for turf cares; One will be used an the west: side and one ora the east side of the City. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGP_ 73 F=d Faric6m Assn Acct. No. PARR PARK AND RBCRWITION CAPIMAL OUMAY & _ EXPENDITURE DETAIL WV Code ActMty Object D IMI Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 5. Pick,-up truck $3,000 $ 3,000 Revamping of tractor 3,000, Rotary broom 450 Snowblower 600 Boat 250 Rotary blower 400 Broadcaster - seeder 400 Trencher 2,500 Severe Snot flail raoi3er 3 , 100 Tractor and winter cab 10,000 Cushman With dump box 2,300 Seven gang mower 8,000 Riding rotary sower (2) 2,000 `� B'D TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $8 x.00 S282904 1 5 D��_ VILLAGE .0F EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 74 Fm d FwKtim A:w . Acct. Rio. POOR PUBLIC NURSING 90.1300 SUMMARY 1974 1975 BUDGED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVIM $� 15,000 14,976 2. CONTRACTUAL L S►:MCES 16,090 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SFeRVIM 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 2 ,t3Q0 4,976 TOTALS FUIRICTION - Represents City shared cost of Raral Hennepin County Nursing. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 75 SUMMARY. 1975 BUDWTED RSTWATED OBJEa RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ S 1. PERSONAL SERV= 2.. QONTRACTUAL SERVfM . COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SER.V€ M 115,,00.0 115,000 V,-,6 S. CAPITA, OUTLAY 80,000 IS S,O ®O $-Hil-0110 TOTALS COMMENTARY ?CTIOAS Represents aaount allocated from Liquor Dispensary Fund for Capital Itaprovements, � Paaaactatas AM Acct. No. CONSTRUCTION CAPITAL L'i VEtMINITS 2 ' SUMMARY. 1975 BUDWTED RSTWATED OBJEa RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ S 1. PERSONAL SERV= 2.. QONTRACTUAL SERVfM . COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SER.V€ M 115,,00.0 115,000 V,-,6 S. CAPITA, OUTLAY 80,000 IS S,O ®O $-Hil-0110 TOTALS COMMENTARY ?CTIOAS Represents aaount allocated from Liquor Dispensary Fund for Capital Itaprovements, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 76 SUMMARY Fad Fbw-ion Ame Acct. No. BUDGETED ESTLMATED BONDS AND INTEREST RECOMMENDED BUDGETED SUMMARY FMTLON -1&eze funds are used to make annual payments on outstanding bonds. 1974 1975 BUDGETED ESTLMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVIM 72,000 70,200: 2• CONTRACTUAL SERVI= 73,000 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL, SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $-!2,000 .70.200 LS TOTALS 000. , $ COMMENTARY FMTLON -1&eze funds are used to make annual payments on outstanding bonds. VILLAGE OF ED #NA ANNUAL BUDGET pAr=E 77 Fmd Arw Aca. Me. SUMMARY /V, a //0, 1974 1975 BUDGETED ESTIMATED ORJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED S 1. PERSONAL SERYeM fA $ 5,000 4,875 Z CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. C®mmoDmEs 4. CENTRAL SERVIUS S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 51000 � 4,875 `�T �. 5,000 146T T.I� Wli I FUNCTION Represents the 4-mwjnt the City* contributes for retirement of volunteer firem-en, VILLAGE OF EDNt A ANNUAL BUDGET PAG- E 78 14,860 STIMATED 14,489 SUMMARY 77- 1. PERSONAL SERVICES I CONTRACTUAL SWIM 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. C,APBTAL OUTLkY Q7 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 5 15,500 $ FUNCTION Represents �maun . of hydrant rental for fire protection Paid to waterworks fund, FeW Functim Ana Acct. No. FIRE PROTECTION 14,860 STIMATED 14,489 SUMMARY 77- 1. PERSONAL SERVICES I CONTRACTUAL SWIM 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. C,APBTAL OUTLkY Q7 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 5 15,500 $ FUNCTION Represents �maun . of hydrant rental for fire protection Paid to waterworks fund, Ll VIU AGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PA=E 79 Faed Facfroa Asia Acct. Ida REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL a SMMARY 1974 BUMEMD ESTIMATED 06JECT RECOMMENDED 1975 BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERMES $ $ 453,864 513,541 2, CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 589,260 S79,6 7 ✓ r 8,100 8,757 3. COMMODITIES 9,600 Z, insurance 4. CENTRAL SERVKZ Equipment rental -copy machines (2) 300 5: CAPITAL OUTIA►Y $135,396 F Office supplies $461,964 1522 298 TOTALS $ 5 &M -0 � 7� Ct!1�Ir lIZrf-I14A FUNCTION These expenditures represent costs which are incurred periodically, such as office supplies, telephone, pension payments, postage, equipment service contracts and insurance premiums. These casts are allocated to operating departments and other funds monthly, based on usage. COMIC NTS Proposed expenditures are thirty percent (30 %) higher than last: year's appropria- tion.. nigher cost of retirement (PERA) and social security; increase cost of hospitalization, representing one -half of dependent's cost, and higher cost of workmen °s compensation insurance represents about ninety percent (900) of the iccr�easc The below listed detail contributes to the increase. At"�Ui�M' Telephone $ 5,700 Equipment sere ce coftttacts 600 Pension.contributions 55,152 F Postage 4,200 h Liability insurance 2,988 Workmen's compensation insurance 30,696 Employer's snare hospital- ization, group life and long -term disability insurance 36,360 Equipment rental -copy machines (2) 300 $135,396 F Office supplies 11500 l' TOTAL $136,896 t rt VILLAGE CSC EMNA ANNUAL BURG- ET PAGE 80 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detag Fwd Fawflon AT= Acct. Mo. REVOLVING CENITUU. SERVICES GBNERAL $ 19,500 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detag pmeni Budget I Recommended kdgeted 1�'LS7o 2, Telephone $ 19,500 $ 250200 1 Equipment service yiyf{g contracts 3,300 .3,900 39� tension cocntribution, 282,048 337,200 L�I -q'a Postage 12,000 16,2 00 Insurance: tp-7 4D'0 Liability 18,912 21,300 Worlasecn °.s compensa- tion 51,984 825,680 tx.&W Employer °s share- Hospitalization, life.insurance and income protection ze o insurance 1 60,420 96,780 %,-79 VI -XIV. Equipment rent-als - - - - -5 7LO 6 000 6 $453,864 $589,260 1,57 i 6-77 L, i VS'16 3. Office- supplics 8,100 9 600 $4613964 $598 X72, TOTAL GENERAL ,860 ALLOCATED. TO OPERATI 4G DE -DISTRIBUTION LRITISKS: AFINUAL MON'!'ET�.Y i $ 3,120 Mayor and Council $ 260 Plannirz 7,310 610 Administration. 16,920 1,410 Finance. 17,580 .1,465 � Election 1, 860 155 Assessing 37,340. 1,445 Legal =n nd Court Service 1,680 140 { Public Works: Administration 6,000 540 Eng�ueering 27,360 2,280 4 General - (600 -7$, q 1 ° 5,9S Police 13tf� J3 5V8 Fire - 5 'a . I, q �3� 6 5 4; Rq3 Public Health 7,740 645 Animal Control 1,860 155 Inspections -V 13, 0 �" 08 0�b City Hall � 2,460 205 Public Works Build ng 10740 145 Equipment Operatiofz 9,060 755 4 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 81 b(PENDrruptF .DEFAm 516 1I/ Coda Activity Object Detail Fared Funti Am tAcck. No. REVOLWAiG CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL AN"IM AL b(PENDrruptF .DEFAm 516 1I/ Coda Activity Object Detail B iudg aet t Budg. Recommended Budgeted AIMCATED TO OTHM E UNDS: AN"IM AL MONTHLY Golf Course $ 14,940 _ $ 1,245 Recreation Center 9,300 775 Park SZ� v C , . 1VIV4& 4-349- Waterworks 21,060 1,755 Sewer Rental 16,140 1,3,65 Liquor -50th Scree 9,840 820 Liquor- Yorkdal!e 9,360 780 Liquor- Grandview 7 380 615 11 �COt Wig 11, 7 3v $moo Zone , �.� , .49,905 l E M 1 I i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BEET FADE $2. FvW Fuciim Arm Acc= No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES CiTly HALL SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1975 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 17,730 $22,941 1. PERSONAL SERVWZ S 20,39€3 $ 12,580 9,961 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,500 4,850 4,247 3. COMMODITIES 5,450 2,040 2,x',4.0 4. CENTP.AL SERVICES 2,460 Central services 420 S. CAPITAL OUTtAT $ 200 $37 20fl ,Reg TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTTON This account provides for the operation and maintenance of the City Hall operating costs are allocated to departments on the basis of space occupied. C4MM M- Proposed expenditures are eleven percent (11 %) Nigher than last year's appropriation. About sixty -taro percent (62 %) of the increase is represented by higher payroll cast. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. A14OUNT Salaries and wages $2,660 Heat 200 Light and power 600 Water and serer service 50 Laundry service 40 Electrical and furnace service 40 Air conditioning service 250 Paper supplies 300 General supplies 200 Carpenter materials end paint 300 Central services 420 . TOTAL $ 200 VILLAGE CF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE, 83 P=d fay Area Acct. Spa. REVOLVING CTi,NTRM SERVICES CITY I ATIL MENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Budget Budge Recommended Recommended Budgeted _ 1,,_ Custodian $10,010 $10,608 t Extra help and overtime 4,520 5,382 ?Ofo Public Works - payroll 1,600 2,400 �/ OS Park-payroll 1,600 2,,000 $17,730 $20,390 y 2O,3yv �,ys -fp 20 beat $ 21560 $ 2,700 ,Sy Light and power 6,000 6,604 Vacer and sewer fir$ service 300 250 t�7 (io Insurance .950 950 Rubbish service 600 600 �v Laundry service 540 Soo Electrical and furnace service 540 500 . Air conditioning 44-16$ service 750 1,000 Contracted service ' isGB and repairs 400 400 _ $12,580 $13,500 N(Sr2-- 3" Cleaning supplies $ S00 $ 800 %�r Paper supplies 1,300 1,600 05r4( General supplies 19000 1,200 Repair parts and �FS� fl hardware 350 350 Carpenter materials -4 and paint 1,000 700 Replacement light bulbs 400, 400 $ 4,850 $ 5,050 5 LI! F, 0 5 -0 k a(r�o 4, G6neral _2,049 2r�s60 ��60 $37,200 ___$411400 � " TOTAL. CITY UALL r d i a � C M t a VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 84 Fwd Faw im Area Acct. loo. REVOLVING CEIrIRAL SERVICE'S CITY HALL 125-20n DISTRIBUTION J YO ,. Sl/ EXPENi)ITtitdE DETA-IL Code (Activity Object Detail Present resent .Recce, mended Budgeted DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OPERATING DEP TMENTS: Ab NUilL MONTELY Mayor and Council $ 3,360 $ 280 Planning 1,620 135 Administration 5,040 4201 Finance 20280 190 Assessing 1,920 169 Public Works: Administration 960 8Q Engineering 1,920 160 Police 15,060 1,250 Public Health 960 80 'Inspection 1 860 155 $34,920 $ 2,910 ALLDCATED TO OTMER IDS: Park $ 4,440 $ 370 Waterworks 1,020 83 Se -wer Rental j.2020 85 $ 6,480 $ 540 110TAL $41,400 $ 3,,450 w i a I s VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET I PAGE 85 F=d ESTIMATED Atae Aca No. RLaQ1,4NC CP?'RAi, SERVICES i�BLYC w'Qi�KS 8i�I,D?i� ?Q -391':3;99 SUMMARY 1974 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT I Q75._... RECOMMENDED BUDGETED_ $ 14,464• $14,220 1. PEPSONAL SEW= S-15,860 $ 19,300 18,874 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 20,500 4,096 3,885 3. COMMODITIES 3,900 1,560 2,560 Qb CENTRAL SERMES 1,740 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 4 3L420 �. 8 539 TOTALS Sk2 JM_ fuaction of the Public Works Building is to provide a shelter for equipment ce operations, stocitraom, and office area for public works personnel. Proposed espenditr res are seven. percent (7 %) higher than last year ° s appropriation. The principal reasons £tar the increase are higher payroll costs, heat, light and poker. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages Heat Light and power Seger and water service Cleaning supplies Rdplaceu:ent-light bulbs Central, services Tor-IL AMDUNT $1,39'6 500 S00 200 200 4 too i& &L8=0= a e VILLAGE OF MCA ANNUALBUDGUE PAGE 86 EVENDITURE MAIL Cade AdW Object Detail FM 6 Recommenkd Am Amy. No UVOLVING CBiSTIRA1e SERVICES L- PUBLIC T-MRKS BSI LDIM $ 8,346 EVENDITURE MAIL Cade AdW Object Detail �.aL'�� Recommenkd Budgeted 1. Custodian $ 8,346 $ 8,840 1' gng Public Works-payroll 3,603 4,000 q"-o - Park-payroll 2,200 2,400 d -o Overtime 310 620 $v "Lk/ of $14,464 %5,860 YKy 20 Heat $ R;SQ4 $ 9,GOO 423'y Light and power 7,700 8,200 Y-X,& s Insurance 18200 1,200 y�ZSV Rubbish hauling 600 600 �z r Sewer and water service 300 Sao Ywa Contract work. 1 000 1 000 $19, 30, $20,500 � e7v0, 5� 1F5'I 3. Cleaning saplslies $ 1,200 $ 1,000 General supplies, q- Sa hardware and repair pmts 2,500 28500 6 O6 R_ place nt- light: bulbs 396 400 $ 4,096 $ 3,900 . 3,�L� 4. General 1� 560. 1,740 ( o TOTAL Lo PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING LBUILDING . 39 �2Q . $42 000. DISTR.IBUT' ON "T GATED TO OPERATING DRP Nfi3Ar± Y Health $ 1,320 $ 110 Public lJorks 3,,6'00 300 Equapm�t Operativ, 1 31,690 2w640 $36,600 $ 3,055 ALLOCATED TO OTHER P CMS: ' Park $ 3,600 $ 300 Wateruorks 9€ 0 75 Server Rental 900 75 $ 5 e:.830 S X50 TOTAL $42 000 $ 3,500 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BWC -;ET PAGE 87 Fmd Faelion Am Acct. No. RF-� LVING CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMEN-E OPEE MOR S 84,860 S 'SUMMARY 1924 BUDGETED n ESTIMATED OGIECT 1975 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED S 77,024 $ 70,933 1. PERSONAL SERVIM S 84,860 S 39,000 37,954 2. CONTRACTUA"+L SERVM 38,000 103,396 113,239 3. COMMODITIES 122,60€9 37,680 37,680 4. CENTRAL Sy1' MES 40,740 S. CAPITA! OUTLAY 237,1Q@ $2.53 806 TOTALS cz286.20f9 $� �Ny6•o FUNCTION This account provides for operation and maintenance of all vehicles, maintenance equipment, and poser tools:. Costs of equipment operation are charged to operating departments and other funds on the basis ox use. COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are eleven percent (11 %) higher than last yeat °s appropria- tion. About fifty-seven percent (57 %) of the increase is represented by Higher cost of gasoline and fuel oil., The principal reason' for the balance of the ir- crease is higher payroll casts and cost of central services. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. � AMOUNT Salaries: and wages $1,839 Contracted repairs 3,000 Insurance 3,500 Car washes 500 Stock materials 500 Gasoline and fuel oil 16,600 Accessories and pasts 2,104 Central services 3,060 � TOTAL $29,100 F 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA1 ANNUAL 3UDSET [-`AGE. s8 RwA Pt�mflon Ana facer. No. RESOLVING EXPENDITURE DETAIL. Coda AaMty Object Detail CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT OPERATION EXPENDITURE DETAIL. Coda AaMty Object Detail t udga4 Recommended Budgeted 1. Mechanic foreman $ 12,714 $ 13,390 8 15, mechanics (2) 23,504 25,800 Alf, 40.0 Serviceman -night 10,998 12,120 Serviceman 10,738 11,880 Public Works-'payroll 9,400 10,800 !D,$�-o Parts cleric (h) 3,770 4,082 Park and Golf Course payroll 2,700 2,900 O S' Overtime 3,200 3 838 0" _ $ 77,024 $ 84,860 P �,P" y0 2. Radio service $ 7,5€30 $ 7,500 Laundry 1,500 1,500 Contracted repairs 13,000 16,000 Insurance ' 15,500 12,000 Y�4 G Car wastes 1, 500 I acoo _ $ 39,000 $ 38,000` 4s 85.0 3. Replacement of tools $ S00 $ a00 j WO)a Stock materials 10,500 11,000 401v Welding supplies 1,000 1,000 ? 446 / -.A- - „� Gasoline and fuel oil 41,800 58,430 Tires and tubes 10,500 10,500 I Lubricants 3,200 3,200 Accessories and pacts 35,396 37,700 $103,396 $122,600 1 4. General $. 7,920 ` 9,060 80.0 Public Works Building 29 760 S 37,680 _31_,680 $ 4a n ?4€3 �f `IDTAL EQUIPMEEI E OPERATION 5237 100 00-- E t E i a VILLAGE OF EMMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 69 Fod Fum6on Am Acct. No. R-11,11M.110 CE"FTRAL SERVICES EQDIRM01i° OPERATION �4�3 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code AcfiviRy Object Datnil Present Budget Recommanded Budgeted DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OPERATI G DEPARTMENTS: ANNIik1L 14ON` LILY $- 1,080 $ N 90 Planning � Administration 1,080 90 Assessing 1,080 90 Public Works: Administration 1,080 90 Engineering 9,960 .830 Supervision and verlae d 1,080 90 Street Maintenan a 95,460 7,955 Street Lighting � 1,080 90 Street dame Signs 2,940 245 Traffic Control 52640 470 Bridges + 1,080 90 Storm Drainage 5,640 470 Village Properties Sidewalk and Ramo 8,640 1,320 720 10 f Police 55,200 4,600 Fire 18,120 1:510 Animal Control 2,160 180 Inspections 2a160 ISO $2i-4,800 8- 17,903 ALLOCATED TO O ER F TS: swiTmling Pool $ 1,260 ;, 105 Golf Course 17,100 1,425 Recreation Center 4,320 36t Parrs 28,920 2,410 Waterworks 10,440 270 Sewer Rental 7,560 630 Construction (Assessed p oject:s) 1,800 150 $ 7 %,400 951 _$__52 .s TOTAL $286,200 $ 23 1350 t, y P t