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1979 Annual Budget
1979 BUDGET General Government: City Council Planning Administration Finance, Election Assessing Legal and Court Services Public Works: Administration Engineering Supervision and Overhead Payroll - Summary - Distribution Street Maintenance Street Lighting Street Name Signs Traffic Control Bridges Storm Drainage City Properties Sidewalks - Ramps - Parking Lots Capital Outlay Protection of Persons and Property: Police Protection Fire Protection Civilian Defense Animal Control Public Health Inspections TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary I - Revenue.by Fund and Source I - II - III Summary II - Expenditures by Fund and Function IV - V DETAILS OF EXPENDITURES Non- Departmental Expenditures- 1 - 2 Contingencies 61 3 - 4 Settlement of Suite 62 5 - 6 Special Assessments on City Property 63 7 - 8 Central Services - Capital Outlay 64 - 65 9 - 10 Capital Improvement 66 11 - 12 Commissions and Special Projects 67 - 68 - 69 13 - 14 Park and Recreation: Administration 70 - 71 15 - 16 Recreation Program 72 - 73 - 74 - 75 - 76 17 - 18 - 19 Payroll - Summary - Distribution 77 20 - 21 Park Maintenance 78 - 79 - 80 - 81 - 82 22 Capital Outlay 83 - 84 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 Other. Tax Supported Expenditures: 27 - 28 Public Nursing 85 29 - 30 Park Construction - Capital Improvements 86 31 - 32 - 33 Bonds and - Interest 87 34 - 35 Fire Protection 88 36 - 37 Central Services: 38 - 39 - 40 General 89 - 90 - 91 . 41 - 42 - 43 City Hall 92 - 93 - 94 44 - 45 Public Works Building 95 - 96 Equipment Operation 97 - 98 - 99" 46 - 47 _ 48 -49 50 - 51 - 52 Comparative Summary of Major Objects by Activity 53 - 54 and Fund A 55 - 56 Analysis B 57 - 58 Details of Conferences and Schools C 59 - 60 Comparative Assessed Valuation, Tax Rate in Mills, and Taxes in Dollars, All Funds D Income Producing Funds E CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE I SUMMARY I REVENUES BY FUND AND SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGETED ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED GENERAL FUND 1976 1977 1978 1978 1979 1979 Real and personal property taxes $2,363,45 2,591,055 42,816,509 2,788,288 $3,107,274 $2,919,926 Other taxes 55,694 69,567 50,000 55,800 50,000 50,000 Licenses and permits: Bicycle $ 2,949 $ 38 Beer and liquor 2,250 2,425 $ 2,300 $ 2,400 $ 2,400 2,400 Cigarette 2,298 29331 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 Dog and impounding fees 10,234 14,645 12,500 15,000 15,000 15,000 Food and soft drinks 18,096 22,960 21,000 22,585 23,000 23,000 Gas pumps, tanks, burning permits, etc. 1,400 1,410 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 Bowling, taxi, pinball, etc. 10,840 7,390 7,300 7,700 7,600 7,600 Scavenger and garbage collectors 1,155 830 500 825 800 800 Building permits 78,120 132,534 75,000 84,600 70,000 70,000 Cesspool and sewer permits 988 947 900 900 900 900 Plumbing permits 12,892 17,956 12,000 15,350 15,000" 15,000 Sign permits 4,200 4,450 4,000 4,700 6,000 6,000 Street opening 3,217 2,139 2,000 800 800 800 Heating, ventilation and mechanical permits and licenses 22,265 20,964 2] 000 20,150 19,800 19,800• Other licenses and permits 351 333 300 300 300 300 Pools and spa 6,372 5,700 6,500 6,400 6:400 $ 171,255 $ 237,724 $ 168,000 $ 185,110 $ 171,300 $ 171,300 Engineering, clerical and searches 77,450 1899332 125,000 143,000 93,000 93,000 Police service 7,115 Equipment rental 972 2,315 2,000 2,000 2,000 ' Municipal Court fines 170,224 93,288 140,000 92,500 99,500 99,500 State Highway tax 54,855 54,315 54,000 54,466 54,000 54,000 State sales and use tax 843,854 845,084 843,137 844,000 844,000 917,000 Charges to other funds 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 39,900 39,900 Contribution from Liquor Fund $ 400,000 $ 325,000 $ 325,000 $ 325,000 $ 325,000 $ 375,000 Less transfers: Park Fund $ 285,057 $ 250,335 $ ,229,948 $ 229,948 $ 230,000 $ 231,775 Park Construction Fund 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Q�_____�� $ 365,057 $ 330,335 $ 309,948 $ 309,948 $ 310,000 .7/� 34,943 (5,335) 15,052 15,052 15,000 6 3,225 CITY OF EDINA SUMMARY I CONT'D. GENERAL FUND CONT'D. Planning fees Sales and rental of property Miscellaneous revenue Income on investments Fees -sale of automobile licenses Laboratory fees Recycling fees Housing assistance aid Federal aid Donations Planning aid - Metropolitan Council and Community Development Funds Police aid - (1 %) Hennepin County (CETA employees) Transfer - unappropriated surplus Transfer - revenue sharing Services Housing and Redevelopment Authority Transfer - Reserve for Commitments Hennepin County - Health program State aid - trees TOTAL GENERAL FUND PARK FUND Real and personal property tax Registration fees - swimming and activities Transfers from Liquor and General Funds Unclassified Income on investments TOTAL PARK FUND POOR FUND Real and personal property tax TOTAL POOR FUND $ 23,834 $ 111 960 23,834 111,960 -0- -0- -0- $ -0- ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE II ACTUAL BUDGETED ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 976 1977 1978 1978 1979 1979. 8,237 $ 17,045 $ 17,000 $ 11,500 $ 15,000 15,000 16,653 66,435 10,000 8,724 8,700 8,700 19,519 31,577 21,000 21,200 22,000 22,000 43,184 32,878 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 26,591 30,822 30,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 27 1,303 1,000 1,500 . 1,500 1,500. 8,708 11,885 10,000 14,200 16,300 16,300 214 3,919 10,200 10,500 16,000 16,000 4,243 5,000 5,000 12,410 12,500 12,500 13,140 13,140 64,700 64,700 96,300 96,300 10,882 40,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 122,026 100,000 100,000 175,000 209,564 150,000 230,475 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,00.0 18,725 3,780 6,000 6,500 3,000 3,000 12,500 105,808 143,308 72,288 72.288 79,258 79,260 76,000 80,552 16.500 16,500 16,500 ,130,827 $4,670,372 $5PO24,164 59027,608 $5,309,702 9 $ 196,908 $ 283,873 $ 377,282 $ 369,736 $ 403,655 $ 403,655 23,408 29,362 28,000 28,100 28,000 28,000 285,057 250,335 229,948 229,948, 230,000 231,775 885 5,237 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,422 2,500 2,500 2,500 506,258 - 570,229 4 635,730 631,284 665,155 666,930 $ 23,834 $ 111 960 23,834 111,960 -0- -0- -0- $ -0- CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE III SUMMARY I CONT'D. ACTUAL BUDGETED ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED PARK CONTRUCTION FUND 1976 1977 1978 1978 1979 1979 Transfer from Liquor and General Funds 80,000 80,600 $ 80.000 8 80,000 80,000. " TOTAL PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND $ 80,000 4 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 80,000 80,000 OTHER REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REVENUE Fire protection $ 15,729 $ .15,032 $ 15,370 $ 14,950 $ 15,450 $ 15,450 Bonds and interest 297,754 285,714 315,000 306,653 316,000 316,000 TOTAL OTHER REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REVENUE $ 313,483 $ 300,746 $ 330,370 $ 321,603 $ 331,450 $ 331,450 TOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS $5,054,402. $5,733,307 $6,070,264 $6,060,495 $6,386,307 $6,361,075 I O Indicates red figure CITY OF EDINA GENERAL FUND General Government: Mayor and Council Planning Administration Finance Election Assessing Legal and Court Services TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT Public Works: Administration Engineering Supervision and Overhead Street Maintenance Street Lighting Street Name Signs Traffic Control Bridges Storm Drainage City Properties Sidewalks, Ramps and Parking Lots Capital Outlay ; TOTAL. PUBLIC WORKS Protection of Persons and Property: Police Fire Civilian Defense Animal Control Public Health Inspection TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE IV SUMMARY II EXPENDITURES BY FUND AND FUNCTIONS Actual Budgeted Estimated Requested Recommended Budgeted 1976 1977 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 22,759 23,404 23,560 $ 23,339 $ 26,520 $ 26,520 26,520 52,370 69,998 78,175 77,757 87,763 87,763 80,461 166,086 181,175 176,741 179,506 175,270 170,772 176,401 130,959 129,900 151,246 145,789 165,665 165,665 166,250 41,482 7,890 35,334 40,100 21,352 21,352 9,418 110,699 111,556 117,027 118,770 129,797 126,325 128,730 123,116 96,293 78,000 74,736 78,000 78,000 78,000 647,471 620,216 660,083 659,997 684,367 676,397 - $ 665,580 $ 34,641 $ 44,270 $ 37,424 $ 38,335 $ 43,000 $ 43,000 $ 47,176 180,102 210,123 219,549 224,086 226,810 200,110 204,013 . 185,867 211,560 244,879 253,666 268,968 268,968 269,•889 469,815 471,702 576,585 545,340 624,932 593,423' 593,423 148,287 162,054 161,460 163,315 165,530 165,530 165,530 8,359 29,283 39,135 38,086 18,529 18,529 18,529 66,738 51,017 64,802 59,495 68,285 68,285 68,085 1,866 2,613 6,970 3,960 7,920 7,920 7,920 29,844 41,045 57,650 56,026 63,555 63,555 63,555 80,502 118,468 88,700 105,281 97,920 95,510 95,510 16,078 15,608 27,920 28,419 34,205 31,965 . 31,965 47,377 73,303 59,700 90,057 94,335 64,635 64J35 1,269,476 1,431,046 $1,584,774 1,606,066 $1,713,989 $1,621,430 $1,630,230 $1,227,721 $1,263,263 $1,413,202 $1,436,269 $1,518,951 $1,496,763 $1,504,419 564,987 694,602 758,751 748,276 923,159 844,672 855,458 941 6,899 8,419 8,973 10,007 9,407 9,536 19,546 24,432 23,690 22,590 26,248 25,050 25,362 53,650 59,608 154,645 150,340 165,606 160,263 162,189 84,554 74,844 102,651 105,895 105,895 105,895 110,237 $1,951,399 $2,123,648 $2,461,358 $2,472,343 $2,749,866 $2,642,050 $2,667,301 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE V SUMMARY II CONT'D. Actual Budgeted Estimated Requested Recommended Budgeted GENERAL FUND (CONT'D.) 1976 1977 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 Non - Departmental Expenditures: $ 17,851 $ 33,630 $ 79,949 $ 30,663 $ 150,000 $ 110,000 $ 64,409 Contingencies Settlement of Suite 5,962 1,781 2,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 80,000 Special Assessments on City Property 81,805 2,718 87,991 1,351 80,000 2,650 80,395 2,539 80,000 2,225 80,000 17,725 17,725 Unallocated Capital Outlay Capital Improvements 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Commissions and Special Projects 39,022 52,275 102,850 97,711 134,600 109,600 369,825 104,950 9, TOTAL NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES FUND 197,358 $ 4,401.938 227 028 317,949 $5,024,164 262,808 5,001,21 419,325 5,567,547 5,309,702 ,695 TOTAL GENERAL ,065,704 PARK FUND Administration $ 193,228 $ 197,171 $ 253,645 $ 252,000 $ 295,827 $ 285,349 $ 287,124 Recreation 70,721 231,070 69,539 232,785 87,935 267,550 86,161 264,725 83,580 278,426 83,580 278,426 83,580 278,426 Maintenance Capital Outlay 15,019 21,830 26,600 24,829 25,800 17 800 17,800 TOTAL PARK FUND 510,038 4 _521,3Z5 635,730 4 627,715 683,633 665,155 POOR FUND 24,968 75,181 PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES Bonds and Interest: Park Sinking Fund $ 297,754 $ 285,714 $ 315,000 $ 306,653 $ 316,000 $ - 316,000 316,000 Fire Protection. 14,765 159032 15,370 14,950 15,450 15,450 15,450 TOTAL OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES $ 312,519 $ 300,746 $ 330,370 $ 321,603 $ 331,450 $ 331,450 $ 331,450 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS $4,993,229 $5,379,190 $6,070,264 $6,030,532 $6,662,630 $6,386;307 $6,361,075 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 1 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL -, 10 GENERAL GOVERNMENT MAYOR AND COUNCIL 100 -10 SUMMARY COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The City Council constitutes the legislative or policy - making division Proposed expenditures are thirteen percent (13x) higher than last year's of Edina City Government. The Council is composed of the Mayor and appropriation. Higher cost of central services is the reason for the four Trustees, all elected at large for overlapping, terms of four and, increase. four years, respectively. The Mayor is the official head of City Government and is the presiding officer at Council meetings. The Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at the City Hall. ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED $ 14,850 $ 14,190 $ 14,300 $ 14,300 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 14,300 $ 14,300 $ 251 306 200 169 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 200 200 218 688 300 110 3. COMMODITIES 200 200 7,440 8,220 8,760 8,760 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 11,820 11,820 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 22,759 $ 23,404 $ 23,560 $ 23,339 $ 26,520 $ 26,520 $ 26,520 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The City Council constitutes the legislative or policy - making division Proposed expenditures are thirteen percent (13x) higher than last year's of Edina City Government. The Council is composed of the Mayor and appropriation. Higher cost of central services is the reason for the four Trustees, all elected at large for overlapping, terms of four and, increase. four years, respectively. The Mayor is the official head of City Government and is the presiding officer at Council meetings. The Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at the City Hall. PAGE 2 CITY OF EDINA FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT LEGISLATIVE - 100 DIVISION MAYOR AND COUNCIL - 10 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED Mayor $ 3,900 $ 3,900. $ 3,900 Trustees 10,400 10,400 10,400 4105 $14,850 $14,190 6,710 ----f17,300 $14,300 $14.300 $14,300 4202 Conferences and schools 251 306 65 169 200 200 200 4504 General supplies $ 218 $ 50 $ 10 $ 110 $ 300 $ 200 $ 200 4600 News letter 638 218 688 10 110 300 200 200 4802 General $ 3,540 $ 4,020 $ 2,040 $ 4,080 $ 4,080 $ 7,020 $ 7,020 4804 City Hall 3,900 4,200 . 2,340 4,680 4,680 4,800 4,800 $ 7,440 $ 8,220 $ 4,380 $ 8,760 $ 8,760 $11,820 $11,820 TOTAL LEGISLATIVE $22,759 $23,404 $11,165 $23,339 $23,560 $26,520 $26,520 $26,520 riTV nr cniKiA ANNI IAI RI inr.FT PAGE-A Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PLANNING 120 -12 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 37,281 $ 51,323 $ 58,165 $ 58,315 1. PERSONAL SERVICES •$ 64,598 $ 64,598 $ 57,296 682 901 1,065 600 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,015 1,015 1,015 991 434 525 422 3. COMMODITIES 550 550 550 13,416 17,340 18,420 18,420 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 21,600 21,600 21,600 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 52,370 $. 69,998 $ 78,175 $ 77,757 $ 87,763 $ 87,763 $ 80.461 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The.function of the Planning Department is to provide staff service Proposed expenditures are twelve percent (127) higher than last year's to the City Council, Planning Commission, to other City Departments, appropriation. Higher cost of payroll, and central services are the reasons and to the City Manager, and to a limited degree to other agencies, for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. both public and private whose activities influence -the physical development of the City of Edina. AMOUNT Staff services include office operations, the administration of the Salaries and wages $6,433 various land and subdivisions before the Council and Planning Other contracted services (50) Commission, and the preparation and review of overall development Commodities 25 plane. Central services 3,180 TOTAL •$9,588 O Indicates red figure FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT PLANNING - 120 DIVISION PLANNING - 12 CODE DESCRIPTION Director Planning Aide (2) Secretary O Overtime Less chargeable to others: Revenue Sharing Fund Historical Preservation Board Contractual services Conferences and schools Dues and subscriptions Meeting, expense Mileage Books and pamphlets General supplies Photographic supplies Office supplies Printing General City,Hall Equipment operation TOTAL PLANNING CI'T'Y OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PACE 4 CURRENT YEAR $ 146 YEAR 19 79 ' 31 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $20,956 $22,899 $ 600 " $24,362 35,191 38,119 29,354 5,018 4,680 290 4,680 140 1,000 1,000 37,281 $51,323 $27,927 $60,319 $61,165 $66,698 $66,698 $59,396 1,009 $ 2,004 $ 3.000 $ 2 ,323 $26;918 $58,315 $58,165 464,598 $64,598 57, $ 25 $ 146 $ ' 31 126 284 129 $ 200 $ 590 $ 600 255 281 178 260 225 290 140 164 28 100 200 75 136 26 15 40 50 50 682 6 901 381 $ 1,015 $ 39 $ 41 $ 28 $ 58 $ 75 $ 75 323 246 65 57 .50 75 74 61 6 76 100 100 459 2 10 96 86 21 221 300 300 991 3 122 422 525 550 550 $ 550 $10,236 $13,800. $7;260 $14,520 $14,520 $17,400 1,920 2,100 1;170 2,340 2,340 2,400 1,260 1,440 780 1,560 1,560 1,800 $13,416 $17,340 $ 9,210- $18,420 $18,420 $21,600 $21,600 $21,600 $521-370 $69,998 $36,631 $77,757 $78,175 $87,763 $87,763 $80,461 pAr,G c Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION 140 -14 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $105,674 $117,915 $110,918 $120,859 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 1116,740 $112,242 $117,871 28;210 26,768 30,483 18,375 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 20,520 20,520 20,520 2,274 1,425 600 686 3. COMMODITIES 450 450. 450 29,928 34,320 34,440 34,440 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 37,560 37,560 37,560 747 300 5,146 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY Central services (3,120) $ 166,086 $ 181,175 $ 176,741 $1.79,506 $175,270 $ 170,772 $176,401 O Indicates red.figure TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The management of the City's administrative affairs, the proper execution Proposed expenditures are three percent (37) lower than last year's:. of the, policies adopted by the Council, and the enforcement of local laws appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the decrease. and ordinances, are all the direct responsibility of the City Manager. This account provides his office with the necessary staff and funds to AMUNT properly manage the administrative organization needed to implement his Salaries and wages $ (1,324) responsibility. Contractual services 51855_ Dues and .subscription 2,103 Professional services 2,000 Other contractual services 5 Commodities 150 Central services (3,120) Capital outlay 300 TOTAL $ 5,969 O Indicates red.figure FUND GENERAL FUND - 10 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION - 140 DIVISION ADMINISTRATION - 1 CODE. DESCRIPTION Manager Administrative Assistant City Clerk Secretary PBX Operator Administrative Assistant Secretary 4105 4200 Contractual services 4202 Conferences and schools 4204 Dues and subscriptions 4208 Mileage 4210 Legal advertising 4224 Professional services 4502 Books and pamphlets 4504 General supplies 4516 Office supplies 4600 Printing 4802 General 4804 City Hall 4808 Equipment operation Automobile CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 6 ; File cabinets (3) $ 300 Typewriter $ 747 -0- 747 5,146 5,146 300 - -0-- $ -0- TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $166,086 $181,175 $ 92,215 $179,506 $176,741 $175,270 $170,772 $176,401 Note A - One half of increase first six months and one half last six months. CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 1976 1977 MONTHS(6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 37,000 $ 38,844 $ 38,844 39,962 13,598 14,300 14,846 17,472 16,692 17,524 17,524 18,421(A) 10,374 10,894 10,894 11,206 8,060 8,476 8,476 8,502 15,210 15,964 10,920 11,232 9,984 10,738 10,738 11,076 $105,674 $117,915 $ 60,799 $120,859 $110,918 $116,740 $112,242 117,87 $ 821 $ 3,336 $ 44 $ 544 $ 10,855 $ 5,000 1,935 1,957 1,047 1,647 875 1,170 11,827 12,354 3,958 10,244 12,653 10,550 445 1,060 255 355 100 300 3,996 3,700 1,035 3,335 4,000 3,500 9,186 4,361 2,250 2,250 2,000 28,210 $ 26,768 $ 8,589 18,375 30,483 $ 20,520 20,520 $ 267 $ 825 $ 145 $ 185 $ 100 $ 150 331 455 290 325 423 100 300 300 1,253 145 26 76 200 2,274 $ 1,425 $ 461 686 $ 600 $ 450 $ 450 $ 22,788 $ 27,105 $ 12,960 $ 25,920 $ 25,920.. $ 28,800 59880 5,775 3,480 6,960 6,960 6,960 1,260 1,440 780 1,560 1,560 1,800 9,928 34,320 $ 17;220 $ 3 34,440 37,560 37,560 37,560 $ 5,146 $ 5,146 File cabinets (3) $ 300 Typewriter $ 747 -0- 747 5,146 5,146 300 - -0-- $ -0- TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $166,086 $181,175 $ 92,215 $179,506 $176,741 $175,270 $170,772 $176,401 Note A - One half of increase first six months and one half last six months. CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 7 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE 160 -16 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 84,837 $ 85,656 $ 103,788 $ 95,371 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $109,690 $ 109,690 $110,275 23,261 18,556 23,698 26,441 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 26,705 26,705 26,705 301. 128 300 517 3. COMMODITIES 350 350 350 22,'560 '25,560 23,460 23,460 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 28,920 28,920 28,920 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 130,959 $ 129,900 $ 151,246 $ 145,789 $165,665 $ 165,665 $166,250 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The Finance Department is responsible for the financial affairs of Proposed expenditures are ten percent (10 %) higher than last year's the City. All revenue and expenditure transactions are controlled appropriation. Higher coat of payroll, data processing, and central by the Finance Department. A centralized system of purchasing is services are reasons for the increase. The below listed detail contributes maintained. Financial statements and reports are prepared and to the increase. issued by the Finance Department. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $ 5,902 Conferences and schools (378) Data Processing: Equipment rental 580 Payroll 1,300 Financial control 1,335 Other contractual services 170 Commodities 50 Central services 5,460 TOTAL $ 14,419 O Indicates red figure 4200 Contractual services $ 148 $ 110 CITY OF EDINA $ PAGE 8 FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet 719 444 $ PROJECT FINANCE - 160 668 $ 593 215 DIVISION FINANCE - 16 115 150 84 CURRENT YEAR 120 YEAR 19 79 120 4208 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 367 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 4216 Director $ 32,110 $ 33,722 1,350 $ 34,684 1,400 Secretary 1,500 11,102 11,648 11,986 4226 Accountant - Data Processing 10,660 11,206 3,318 11,310 1,484 Cashier 5,270 11,232 11,804 12,142 4228 Accountant 11,232 11,804 4,160 12,142 1,876 Accounting clerk (') 5,775 4,498 5,590 5,759 4230 Clerks - Auto licenses 17,954 19,916 8,599 18,252 4 484 Part -time help - auto licensee 12,673 2,500 1,500 1,500 Clerical -$-23,261 2,500 2,500 18,556 2,500 4105 84,837 85,656 43,503 95,371 $103,788 $109,690 $109,690 $110,275 4200 Contractual services $ 148 $ 110 $ 120 4202 Conferences and schools 719 444 $ 725 $ 668 $ 593 215 4204 Dues and subscriptions 115 150 84 120 120 120 4208 Mileage 367 425 195 435 400 450 4216 Annual audit 3,150 1,350 1,400 1,500 1,500 1,500 4226 Equipment rental 3,332 3,318 1,484 5,270 4,920 5,500 4228 Payroll 6,086 4,160 1,876 5,775 4,500 5,800 4230 Financial control 9`,344 8,599 4 484 12,673 11,665 13,000 -$-23,261 18,556 10,248 $ 26,441 $ 23,698 $ 26,705 26,705 ,7. 4500 Books and pamphlets $ 11 $ 53 $ 25 $ 75 $ 50 4504 General supplies 290 75 317 442 $ 300 300 301 128 342 517 300 350 350 3 4802 General $ 19,860 $ 22,680 $ 10,140 $ 20,280 $ 20,280 $ 25,620 4804 City Hall 2,700 2,880 1,590 3,180 3,180 3,300 $ 22,560 $ 25,560 $ 11,730 23,460 $ 23,460 28,920 "8,920 _ 920 TOTAL FINANCE $130,959 $129,900 $ 65,823 $145,789 $151,246 $165,665 $165,665 $166,250 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 9 Fund Function Area Acct. No GENERAL - 10 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION 180 -18 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ESTIMATED OBJECT BUDGETED REQUESTED RECOMMENDED ACTUAL1977 BUDGETED $ 17,828 $ 4,589 $ 21,378 $ 21,650 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 8,636 $ 8,636 $4,238 9,448 24 7,146 6,850 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,030 6,030 900 2,386 517 2,160 2,100 3. COMMODITIES 2,606 2,606 2,220 2,760 2,700 2,700 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 4,080 4,080 .4,080 9,600 1,950 6,800 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 41,482 $ 7,890 $ 35,334 $ 40,100 $ 21,352 $21,352 $9,218 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS.. The City Clerk is responsible for conducting all National, State, and During 1979, only local type elections will be held. The below listed City elections that occur in the City of Edina. detail contributes to the decrease. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $12,742 Contractual services 103 Movinp charges (1,067) Custodians 1,080 Insurance 100 Contracted repairs 900 Commodities (446) Central services (1,380) Capital Outlay 1,950 TOTAL $13,982 O Indicates red figure FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT ELECTION - 180 DIVISION ELECTION - 18 CODE DESCRIPTION Election judges Registration and filing 4105 4200 Contractual services 4234 Moving charges 4236 Custodians 4248 Insurance Contracted repairs 4504 General supplies 4516 Office supplies ,4600 Printing 4604 Lumber 4802 General 4944 Voting machines 4900 Air Conditioner 4900 Stamping machines (40) TOTAL ELECTION CITY OF EDINA PAGE 10 Budget Worksheet CURRENT YEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 1976 . 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $15,175 $ 4,515 6,203 4,121 $ 4,238 $17,828 $ 4,589 $ 3,634 $21,650 $21,378 $ 8,636 $ 8,636 4,23F- $ 5,888 $ 24 $ 322 $ 500 $ 503 $ 400 706 1,250 1,300 2,367 1,959 3,400 3,443 .2,363 895 900 1,000 900 $ 900 R00 900 $ 9,448 $ 24 322 $ 6,850 $ 7,146 $ 6,030 $ 6,030 $ 573 $ 156 $ 2 $ 600 $ 626 $ 1,430 25 5 144 200 200 200 1,413 356 72 1,300 1,334 976 375 2,386 $ 517 $ 218 $ 2,100 2,160 2,606 $ 2,606 - 2,220 2,760 1,350 2,700 2,700 4,080 4,080 4,080 $ 9,600 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 150 1,800 1,800 9,600 -0- 5,000 6,800 $ 1,950 $ -0- -0- -0- $41,482 $ 7,890 $10,524 $40,100 $35,334 $21,352 $21,352 $ 9,218 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 11 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ASSESSING 200 -20 SUMMARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The assessing function includes the determination of the assessed Proposed expenditures are eight percent (87) higher than last year's values and preparation and maintenance of tax records of all appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. properties within the City. Special assessments levied for improve- ments are also computed and spread on the tax rolls by personnel of AMOUNT the Assessing Department. Salaries and wages T7,891. Other contractual services 580 Commodities (250) Central services 1,080 Capital outlay (3) TOTAL $9,298 O Indicates red figure OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED ACTUAL1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ 81,319 $ 79,382 $ 83,837 $ 85,909 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 94,200 $ 91,728 $ 94,133 3,694 4,559 3,870 3,824 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,450 4,450 4,450 330 735 1,150 870 3. COMMODITIES 900 900 900 25,356 26,880 27,420 27,420 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 28,500 28,500 28,500 •750 747 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 747 747 747 $ 110,699 $ 111,556 $ 117,027 $ 118,770 $ 129,797 $ 126,325 $128.730 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The assessing function includes the determination of the assessed Proposed expenditures are eight percent (87) higher than last year's values and preparation and maintenance of tax records of all appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. properties within the City. Special assessments levied for improve- ments are also computed and spread on the tax rolls by personnel of AMOUNT the Assessing Department. Salaries and wages T7,891. Other contractual services 580 Commodities (250) Central services 1,080 Capital outlay (3) TOTAL $9,298 O Indicates red figure FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT ASSESSING - DIVISION ASSESSING - CODE DESCRIPTION 4504 General supplies 4508 Photographic supplies 4516 Office supplies 4600 Printing 4802 General 4804 City Hall 4808 Equipment operation 4902 Typewriter TOTAL ASSESSING CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 12 i Assessor Deputy Assessor Deputy Assessor Secretary YEAR 19 79 Assessment clerk ACTUAL Deputy Assessor. 4105 ACTUAL 4200 Contractual services 4202 Conferences and schools 4204 Dues and subscriptions 4206 Meeting expense 4208 Mileage 4233 Data processing 4240 Service - mailing 4504 General supplies 4508 Photographic supplies 4516 Office supplies 4600 Printing 4802 General 4804 City Hall 4808 Equipment operation 4902 Typewriter TOTAL ASSESSING CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 12 i 747 750 747 747 747 $110,699 $111,556 $ 55,231 $118,770 $117,027 $ 129,797 $126,325 $128,736 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED. BUDGET REOLIESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 23,998 $ 25,200 $ 25,194 $ 25,922 14,755 16,100 15,756 16,198 12,610 14,900 15,119 15,457 11,232 13,000 11,804 12,142 7,540 9,500 8,606 8,840 13,702 15,500 15,249 15,574 $ 81,319 $ 79,382 $ 39,160 $ 85,909 83,837 $ 94,200 $ 91,728 $ 808 $ 757 $ 724 $ 724 $ 600 $ 1,100 1,100 301 1,233 42 500 500 1,500 500 375• 268 55 320 320 350 350 54 80 100 100 103 123 200 200 200 200 283 337 1,824 1,787 1,459 2,000 2,250 2,200 2,200 $ 3,694 $ 4,559 $ 2,280 $ 3,824 $ 3,870 5,450 $ 4,450 S 4,450 . $ 226 $ 29 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 101 91 38 200 200 200 163 179 550 550 600 66 239 14 20 _300 330 $ 735 $ 81 $ 870 1,150 $ 900 900 900 $ 21,816 $ 22,980 $ 11,550 $ 23,100 $ 23,100 $ 23,940 2,280 2,460 1,380 2,760 2,760 2,760 1,260 1,440 780 1,560 1,560 1,800 $ 25,356 $ 26,880 $ 13,710 $ 27,420 $ 27,420 28,500 28,500 28,500 747 750 747 747 747 $110,699 $111,556 $ 55,231 $118,770 $117,027 $ 129,797 $126,325 $128,736 CITY OF EDINA ANNUALBUDGET PAGE 13 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 GENERAL GOVERNMENT LEGAL AND COURT SERVICES 220 -22 SUMMARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The,City requires the professional services of attorneys who are Proposed expenditures are the same as last year's appropriation. contracted for on an annual basis. They provide legal counsel and prepare the necessary ordinances and resolutions required to implement the wishes of the Council. In addition, they defend the City in all claims and suits and prosecute all cases arising out of violation of the City ordinances. OBJECT ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED REQUESTED ± RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 22;984 $ 19,290 $ 21,000 $ 19,314 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 21,000 $ 21,000 $ 98;572 75,248 57,000 55,422 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 57,000 57,000 15 3. COMMODITIES 1,560 1,740 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 123;116 $ 96,293 $ 78,000 $ 74,736 $ 78,000 $ $ 7a,onn $ 78.000 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The,City requires the professional services of attorneys who are Proposed expenditures are the same as last year's appropriation. contracted for on an annual basis. They provide legal counsel and prepare the necessary ordinances and resolutions required to implement the wishes of the Council. In addition, they defend the City in all claims and suits and prosecute all cases arising out of violation of the City ordinances. FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT LEGAL AND COURT SERVICES - DIVISION LEGAL AND COURT SERVICES - CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 14 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 4100 Prosecuting attorney $18,914 $20,000 $20,000 4170 Witness fees 400 LOW 1,000 22,98 $19,290 7,OR4 $19,314 21,000 $21,000 , 4218 Professional fees - Legal $ 72,513 $56,938 $ 8,207 $35,890 $36,000 $36,000 4244 Henn-, epin County - Court Charges 15,406 14,301 4,580 14,277 15,000 15,000 4286 Board and room - prisoners 10,653 4,009 1,259 5,255 6,000 6,000 98,572 $75,248 $14,046 $55,422 $57,000 $57,000 $57,0130 4600 Printing 15 4802 General 1,560 1,740 TOTAL LEGAL AND COURT SERVICES $123,116 $96,293 $21,130 $74,736 $78,000 $78,000 $78,000 $78,000 C.ITV C)F FnINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 15 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 240 -24 SUMMARY UUMMEN I AHY FUNCTION COMMENTS The supervision and guidance required by various departments, . such as Proposed expenditures are fifteen percent (15 %) higher than last year's engineering, street, sewer and water, is furnished by Director of Public appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Works-. The cost involved to furnish this service is accumulated in this account. AMOUNT Salaries and wages 5,156 Central. services 420 TOTAL $5,576 ESTIMATED OBJECT BUDGETED REQUESTED RECOMMENDED ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL1977 BUDGETED $ 24,017 $ 32,652 $ 25,714 $ 26,814 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 30,870_ $30,870 $35,046 165 70 .550 335 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 550 550 550 . 8 26 3. COMMODITIES 9,792 11,460 11,160 11,160 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 11,580 11,580 11,580 667 80 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 34,641 $ 44,270 $ 37,424 $ 38,335 TOTALS $ 43,000 $43,000 $47,176 UUMMEN I AHY FUNCTION COMMENTS The supervision and guidance required by various departments, . such as Proposed expenditures are fifteen percent (15 %) higher than last year's engineering, street, sewer and water, is furnished by Director of Public appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Works-. The cost involved to furnish this service is accumulated in this account. AMOUNT Salaries and wages 5,156 Central. services 420 TOTAL $5,576 FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION - 240 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - CODE DESCRIPTION Director Secretary ('�) 4105 4200 Contractual services 4202 Conferences and schools 4204 Dues and subscriptions 4504 General Supplies 4802 General 4804 City Hall 4808 Equipment operation 4902 Typewriter TOTAL ADMINISTRATION CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 16 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 19 76 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 21,333 $26,270 $30,186 4,381 4,600 4,860 $24,017 $32,652 $13,553 $26,814 $25,714 $30,870 $30,870 35,0 6 $ 91 $ 35 39 $ 5 $ 300 $ 500 $ 500 35 35 35 50 50 165 70 $ 5 335 550 $ 550 550 $ 8 6 26 $ 7,392 $ 8,820 $ 4,140 $ 8,280 $ 8,280 $ 8,340 1,140 1,200 660 1,320 1,320 1,440 1,260 1,440 780 1,560 1,560 1,800 9,792 $11,460 5,580 $11,160 $11,160 $11,580 $11,580 $11,580 667 80 $34,641 $44,270 $19,144 $38,335 $37,424 $43,000 $43,000 $47,176 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 17 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 Function Area Acct. No. OBJECT [Gnd ENERAL - 10 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 260 -26 $ 150,544 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 117,436 $ 150,544 $ 151,379 $ 151,208 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 154,555 $132,855. $136,758 5,552 898 1,450 3,945 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,360 2,360 2,360 8,757 6,450 8,330 10,200 3-COMMODITIES 10,635 8,635 8,635 42,276 47,700 50,100 50,100 4.CENTRAL SERVICES 48,360 48,360 48;360 6,081 4,531 8,290 8,633 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,900 7,900 7,900 $ 180;102 $ 210.123 $ 219.549 $ 224.086 $ 226.810 $200.110 $204.013 TOTALS FUNCTION The.Engineering Department prepares plans, specifications, and estimates for public construction projects. This includes street grading and surfacing, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, watermains, and other structures and improvements. It supervises the con- struction of these projects and provides the necessary inspection needed to insure materials and worlmanship are in accordance with project specifications. The.department maintains records and files on all above mentioned activities and operates and maintains copying equipment. COMMENTARY COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are nine percent (9 %) lower than last year's appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $18,524 Contractual services (910). General supplies (305) Blueprinting (140) Lumber and tools 140 Central services 1,740 Capital outlay 390 TOTAL $19,439 () Indicates red figure FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT ENGINEERIhr, - 260 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 26 CODE DESCRIPTION Civil Technician I Assistant Engineer Supervisor of Surveys Supervisor of Designs Supervisor of Inspection Aide III - (3) Aide II Secretary Overtime and summer help 4105 4200 Contractual services 4202 Conferences and schools 4204 Dues and subscriptions 4206 Meeting expense 4208 . Mileage 4220 Professional services 4504 General supplies 4570 Blue printing, 4604 Lumber and tools CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet CURRENT YEAR ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET PAGE 18 YEAR 19 79 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 13,200_ 4802 General $ 28,356 $ 32,220 $ 16,680 $ 33,360 $ 18,850 $ 31,500 4804 City Hall 2,280 2,460 1,380 2,760 2,760 2,880 20,228 21,240 $ 21,240 $ 21,840 13,980 13,980 - 42,276 7,700 20,228 21,240 21,240: 21,840 20,228 21,240 21,240 21,840 48,928 51,270 51,270 52,728 12,636 13,265 13,265 13,650 4,381 4,600 4,600 4,860 6,000 8,500 117,436 $150,544 $ 72,897 $151,208 $154,555 $132,855 $136,758. $ 443 $ 157 $ 333 $ 725 $ 700 $ 700. 156 114 14 100 $ 200 100 100 35 59 35 70 100 100 100 23 25 360 360 52 25 .150 100 100 4,866 545 574- 3,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 5,552 4 898 956 3,945 1.450 3,3 ,360 $ 2,360 $ 4,439 $ 3,449 $ 1,435 $ 4,125 $ 3,230 $ 4,535 $ 3,535. 3,472 2,119 1,492 3,000 2,860 3,000 3,000 846 882 118 3,075 2,240 3,100 2,100 8,757 6,450 3,,045 10,200 8,330 10,635 8.635 $ 8,635 4802 General $ 28,356 $ 32,220 $ 16,680 $ 33,360 $ 33,360 $ 31,500 4804 City Hall 2,280 2,460 1,380 2,760 2,760 2,880 4808 Equipment operation 11,640 13,020 6,990 13,980 13,980 13,980 - 42,276 7,700 25,050 $ 50,100 50,100 48,360 8,360 $ 48,360 PAGE 19 FUND GENERAL - 10 tsuaget worKSneet PROJECT ENGINEERING - 260 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 26 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 1976 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED ENGINEERING CONTINUED 4900 Traffic counters $ 1,460 $ 259 4900 Metal locator $ 470 4910 Vehicles 3,971 4,272 $ 6,095 $ 6,095 6,000 $ 6,200 $ 6,200 4900 Replacement -blue print machine(1 /3) 1,200 1,200 1,200 " 4900 Replacement- transit 1,876 1,876 4906 File cabinets (5) 263 419 419 620 4900 Other 387 243 243 2,000 4900 Traffic signal 500 500 $ 6,081 49531 8,633 8,633 8,290 9,900 7,900 7,900 TOTAL ENGINEERING $180,102 $210,123 $110,581 $224,086 $219,549 $226,810 $200,110 $2049013 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 20 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD 280 -28 SUMMARY ACTUAL1976 COMMENTS ESTIMATED OBJECT Proposed expenditures are ten percent (10 %) higher than last year's BUDGETED REQUESTED RECOMMENDED ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED $ 94,440 $ 104,975 $ 109,064 $ 118,101 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 115,743 $ 115,743 $116,664 407 479 355 205 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 555 555 555 26 100 3. COMMODITIES 150 150 150 91,020 106,080 135,360 135,360 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 152,520 152,520 152,520 Conferences and schools 250 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY Central services 17,160 $ 185,867 $ 211,560 $ 244,879 $ 253.666 $ 268,968 $ 268,968 $269,889 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS All Public Works personnel (other than Engineering) are under the Proposed expenditures are ten percent (10 %) higher than last year's supervision of the Public Works Superintendent. He, through this appropriation. Higher cost of payroll and central services are the account, plans and coordinates his activities, maintains cost and reason for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the work records, and provides the training and instruction necessary increase. to ensure his men do their job most effectively and efficiently. AMOUNT "Paid Leave" represents all vacation, sick, funeral, etc. leave Salaries and wages: used by all Public Works employees. Supervision $ 2,163 Training 75 Paid Leave 4,441 6,679 Conferences and schools 250 Central services 17,160 TOTAL $24,089 FUND GENERAL - 10 • PROJECT SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD - 280 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 28 CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 21 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED SUPERVISION Superintendent $ 24,700 $ 24,000 $ 24,362 Administrative Assistant 14,482 15,210 15,652 Cost Clerk 4,082 4,290 4,407 Overtime and summer help 1,927 1,927 4105 $ 40,561 43,889 30,445 $ 54,449 43,264 45,427 45,427 46,348 4200 Contractual services $ 47 $ 419 $ 11 4202 Conferences and schools 308 45 $ 100 $ 100 $ 300 " 4204 Dues and subscriptions 52 15 35 55 55 55 4246 Physical examinations 50 50 50 407 $ 479 $ 46 $ 205 $ 205 $ 405 405 $ 405 .4802 General $ 85,620 $ 99,840 $ 64,290 $128,580 $128,580 $144,600 ,4806 Public Works Building 4,140 4,800 2,610 5,220 5,220 6,120 4808 Equipment operation 1,260 1,440 780 1,560 1,560 1,800 91,020 $106,080 67,680 $135,360 $135.360 $152,520 $152,520 $152,52 0 TOTAL SUPERVISION .$131,988 $150,448 $ 98,171 $190,014 $178,829 $198,352 198;352 $199,273 TRAINING . 4105 Payroll $ 1,088 $ 694 $ 134 $ 1,134 $ 1,500 $ 1,575 4202 Conferences and schools 150 150 4608 Training aids 26 100 150 TOTAL TRAINING. 1,088 720 $ 134 1,134 $ 1,750 $ 1,875 1,875 $ 1,87 PAID LEAVE 4132 Sick leave $ 15,032 $ 21,053 $ 10,261 $ 17,860 $ 17,700 $ 18,939 4134 Vacation 19,958 25,757 8,807 26,114 26,800 28,676 4136 Holiday 14,285 12,458 6,290 15,720 16,800 17,976 4144 Other 3,516 1,124 824 2 824 3,000 3 150 TOTAL PAID LEAVE 52,791 60,392 26,182 62,518 64,300 68,741 4 68,741 $ 68,741 TOTAL SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD $185,867 $211,560 $124,487 $253,666 $244,879 $268,968 $268,968 •$269,889 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 22 Empl Title 1978 Assistant Superintendent (Foreman) 1 Senior Public Works Person 10 Public Works Person 15 Electrician 1 Temporary summer help Overtime PUBLIC WORKS PAYROLL SUMMARY * DISTRIBUTION ees Bi- Weekly Salary Appropriations PUBLIC WORKS: 1979 1978 1979 1978 1979 Supervision and Overhead: Training 1 $750.00 $767.00 $ 19,500 $ 19.942 Paid leave Street Maintenance: 10 594.40 636.00 154,544 165,360 General maintenance Street cleaning 15 559.20 600.00 218,088 234,000 Street renovation Snow and ice removal 1 613.00 662.00 15.938 17,213 Street lighting 10,000 10,590 Street name signs Traffic Control: Traffic Signs 23,988 11.295 Signal maintenance 27 27 $442,058 $458,400 pavement marking Guard rail and barricades Park Maintenance Payroll 50,500 55,000 Bridges TOTAL $492,558 $513,400 Storm Drainage: Storm sewer maintenance Temporary drainage and culverts Village Properties: Turf and plant maintenance $ 10,290 $ 1,575 Tree maintenance 46,530 68,741 Lake and pond maintenance 6,090 Public Sidewalks: 113,933 Maintenance and repair 1,680 43,260 Snow and ice removal 3,550. 35,700 Parking Ramp Maintenance 5,040 65,310 Parking lots 1,155 3,990 8,400 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $483,654 9,415 Charged to other funds $ 1,696 1,150 Central services: 5,145 City Hall 3,300 4,200 Public Works Building 6,250 4,410 Equipment operation 18,500 $-29,746 39,890 TOTAL $513,400 4,200 CITV OF FnINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 23 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENANCE 300 -30 ci meneeaV ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 174,730 $ 179,227 $ 245,908 $233,224 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $258,203 $ 258,203 $ 80,288 77,459 67,650 67,029 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 67,700 67,700 107,997 98,376 134,507 f.. 116,567 3. COMMODITIES 169,309 137,800 106,800 116,640 128,520 128,520 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 129,720 129,720 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 469,815 $ 471,702 $ 576,585 ► $545,340 $624,932 $ 593,423 $ 593,423 TOTALS ;diP�PiIA���SI FUNCTION The maintenance of City streets constitutes the greatest portion of the Public Works endeavor. As the word 'Saintenance" implies, the purpose of this account is to preserve, and not necessarily to improve, the streets within the City. Improvements such as blacktopping, curbing, oiling, and installation of drainage facilities, are normally financed through an assessment procedure and are, therefore, not included in this account. This account does provide for such maintenance activities as patching, cleaning, sealing and snow plowing. COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are three percent (3 %) higher than last year's appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salariea and wages: General maintenance $ 5,425 Street cleaning, 2,060 Street renovation 1,700 Snow and ice removal 3,110 12,295 Other contractual services 50 Commodities: General maintenance $(5,000) Street cleaning 527 Street renovation 5,900 Snow and ice removal 1,866 3,293 Central services 1,200 O Indicates red fif'ure 'DOTAL $16,A3.9 FUND GENERAL - 10 ' PROJECT STREET MAINTENANCE- 300 - 320 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 30 CODE DESCRIPTION GENERAL MAINTENANCE - 301 4105 Payroll 4200 Contractual services 4226 Equipment rental 4248 Contracted repairs 4250 Rubbish hauling 4252 Light and power 4258 Water and sewer service 4504 General supplies 4518 Fill materials 4520 Calcium Chloride 4522 Select materials 4524 Asphalt mix 4526 MC 1 Oil 4528 Concrete 4530 Jacking and joint material 4532 Class V materials 4632 Safety equipment 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE ii CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet CURRENT YEAR ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET PAGE 24 YEAR 1979 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 78,510 $ 85,254 $ 37,941 $103,284 $108,508 $113,933 $113,933 $ 804 $ 1,321 $ 150 72 $ 108 1,090 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 25,141 20,802 410 7,147 7,500 7,500 492 539 494 1,185 1,050 1,100 3,146 4,550 782 5,282 4,600 4,600 89 $ 29,672 27,284 1,794 14,854 $ 14,350 $.14,400 14,400 $ 719 $ 3,547 $ 888 $ 4,362 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 1,000 $ 2,820 .2,820 2,000 650 650 650 1,327 1,151 187 1,126 3,900 3,900 2,500 14,149 16,122 3,734 18,723 21,000 23,100 20,100 4,657 3,866 4,070 5,100 5,610 4,500 106 4,930 4,930 3,000 1,750 1,750 1,550 331 901 3,358 4,850 4,850 4,000 102 252 700 700 20,958 25,017 5,812 32,891 45,000 49,310 $ 40,000 29,832 34,680 18,660 37,320 37,320 37,620 37,620 $158,972 $172,235 $ 64,207 $188,349 $205,178 $215,263 $205,953 FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT STREET MAINTENANCE - 300 -320 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS 30 CODE - DESCRIPTION CLEANING - 310 . 4105 Payroll 4250 Rubbish removal 4504, General supplies 4534 Brooms 4536 Wearing shoes 4808 RENO, 4105 4504 4522 4524 4526 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL CLEANING JATION - 314 Payroll General supplies Granular materials Asphalt mix Oil Equipment operation TOTAL RENOVATION CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 25 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 7q ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 37,273 $ 30,387 $-16,135 $ 40,326 $ 41,700 $ 43,260 $ 43,260 800 800 800 $ 336 $ 367 $ 500 $ 338 $ 400 9,247 8,048 $ 4,473 8,576 9,035 10,000 1,615 450 900 400 $ 11,198 8,415 4,473 9,526 $ 10,273 $ 10,800 10,800 22,416 23,880 12,810 25,620 25,620 25,920 25,920 70,887. 62,682 33,418, 75,472 77,893 $ 80,780 80,780 $ 20,065 $ 17,005 $ 459 $ 31,339 $ 34,000 $ 35,700 $ 35,700 $ 531 $ 954 11,662 5,603 $ 11,250 $ 14,190 $ 16,000 $ 15,000 15,520 13,479 18,000 17,382 22,000 20,000 20,552 21,192 22,500 .22 528 35 000 25,000 8,265 $ 41,228 -0- $ 51,750 $ 54,100 $ 73,000 60,000 22,536 25,080 13,470 26,940 26,940 27,240 27,240 90,866 $ 83,313 13,929 110,029 $115,040 135,940 122,940 FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT STREET MAINTENANCE - 300 -3Z0 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 30 CODE DESCRIPTION SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL - 318 4105 Payroll 4226 Equipment rental 4504 General supplies 4520 Calcium Chloride 4522 Sand 4538 Salt 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL REPLACEMENTS - 320 4200 Contracted construction TOTAL REPLACEMENTS TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 26 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 CURRENT YEAR $ 50,000 50,000 YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL $469,815 $471,702 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 38,882 $ 43,581 $ 21,848 $ 58,275 $ 62,200 $ 65,310 $ 65,310 616 175 175 2,175 2,500 2,500 2,500 $ 6,785 $ 4,296 $ 722 $ 1,200 1,530 1,952 780 3,500 $ 4,050 $ 4,050 $ 4,050 10,966 8,361 2,402 9,400 10,170 13,320 11,320 8,295 9,107 1,382 8,300 10,914 18,829 11,630 . 27,576 23,716 5,286 22,400 25,134 $ 36,199 27,000 32,016• 36,000 19,320 38,640 38,640 38,940 38,940 99,090 103,472 46,629 121,490 128,474 $142,949 $133,750 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 50,000 50,000 -0- 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $469,815 $471,702 $158,183 $545,340 $576,585 $624,932 $593,423 $593,423 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 27 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 PUBLIC WORKS STREET LIGHTING 300 -30 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 4,633 $ 5,034 $ 3,800 $ 4,077 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 3.990 $ 3,990 $ 141,416 152,747 152,100 153,328 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 155,440 155,440 978 2,833 4,000 4,350 3. COMMODITIES 4,300 4,300 1,260 1,440 1,560 1,560 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 1,800 1,800 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 148,287 $ 162,054 $ 161,460 $ 163,315 $ 165,530 $ 165,530 $.165,530 TOTALS GOMMEN T ARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The overhead street lighting system throughout the City, is installed Proposed expenditures are three percent (3 %) higher than last year's and maintained by Northern States Power Company. The City's obligation appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. is to provide funds for furnishing electrical power to all lights. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $ 190 Light and power 3,340 General supplies 300 Central services 240 TOTAL $4,070 FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT STREET LIGHTING - - DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - CODE DESCRIPTION REGULAR - 321 4105 Payroll 4248 Contracted repairs 4252 Light and power 4504 General supplies 4540 Repair parts 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL STREET LIGHTING- REGULAR ORNAMENTAL - 322 4105 Payroll 4248 Contracted repairs 4252 Light and power 4504 General supplies TOTAL STREET LIGHTING - ORNAMENTAL TOTAL STREET LIGHTING CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet CURRENT YEAR ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 19 76 ' 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET PACE 28 YEAR 19 79 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 666 $ 254 4,780 $ 500 $ 800 $ 840 $ 840 $ 30 $ 58 $ 3,150 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 44 120,756 130,742 $ 49,705 128,031 127,100 130,680 20,610 12 ,786 30,800 9,705 4128,531 128,100 $131,680 $131,680 . $ 121 20,630 $ 21,947 9,365 24,797 $ $ 71 $ $ 750 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 121 $ 71 -0- 750 $ 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,260 1,440 780 1,560 1,560 1,800 1,800 122,833 $132,565 50,485 $131,341 131,460 S135,320 4135,320 $ 3,967. $ 4,780 $ 715 $ 3,577 $ 3,000 $ 3,150 $ 3,150 $ 20 $ 56 $ 44 20,610 21,891 9,321 $ 24,797 $ 24,000 $ 23,760 20,630 $ 21,947 9,365 24,797 $ 24,000 $ 23,760 23,760 857 2,762 3,305 3,600 3,000 3,300 3,300 $ 25,454 $ 29,489 $ 13,385 $ 31,974 $ 30,000 $ 30,210 $ 30,210 $148,287 $162,054 $ 63,870 $163,315 $161,460 $165,530 $165,530 $165,530 i. CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 29 Fund Function Area Acct. No GENERAL - 10 PUBLIC WORKS STREET NAME SIGNS 300 -30 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 3,519 $ 5,300 $ 12,800 $12,086 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 8,400 $ 8,400 $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,360 20,083 22,135 21,800 3. COMMODITIES 5,929 .5,929 3,480 3,900 4,200 4,200 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 4,200 4,200 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 8,359 $29,283 $ 39,135 $38.086 TOTALS $18 -529 $ 18,529 $ .18,529 COMMENTARY FUNCTION CODIMENTS The City installs and maintains all street name signs. This account Proposed expenditures are fifty -three percent (537) lower than last provides for installation and maintenance. year's appropriation. Appropriation for 1978 will complete the replacement program. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages 4,400 Signs and posts 16,206 TOTAL $20,606 CITY OF'EDINA PAGE 30 FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT STREET NAME SIGNS - 325 DIVISION PTIBLIC WORKS - 30 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 4105 Payroll $ 3,519 $ 5,300 $ 3,713 $12,086 $12,800 $ 8,400 $ 8,400 4504 General supplies $ 86 $ 1,290 $ 300 ,$ 300 $ 300 4528 Concrete 40 4542 Signs and posts 1,168 18,707 21,000 21,206 5,000 4544 Paint. 66 86 500 629 629 $ 1,360 $20,083 -0- $21,800 $22,135. 5,929 $ 5,929 4808 Equipment operation 3,480 3,900 2,100 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 TOTAL STREET NAME SIGNS $ 8,359 $29,283 $ 5,813 $38,086 $39,135 $18,529 $18,529 $18,529 [:ITV OF FI)INA ANNLIAL BUDGET PAGE 31 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 , PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC CONTROL 300 -30 ACTUAL1976 REQUESTED 1. PERSONAL SERVICES ACTUAL1977 BUDGETED $19,632 $16,188 $ 17,600 19,084 19,024 21,700 21,422 8,425 17,522 6,600 7,380 _ 7,980 $ 66,738 AMOUNT $ 64,802 $ 51,017 ESTIMATED $17,337 20,163 14,015 7,980 $59,495 SUMMARY OBJECT REQUESTED 1. PERSONAL SERVICES '$19,910 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21,360 3. COMMODITIES 19,035 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 7,980 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY rails is properly within the jurisdiction of the Police Department,.it $68,285 TOTALS is, nevertheless, COMMENTARY RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 19,910 $19,910 21,360 21,160 19,035 19,035. 7,980 7,980 $ 68,285 $68.085 FUNCTION COMMENTS Although the determination of need for, and the location of all traffic Proposed expenditures are five percent (5i) higher than last year's control devices, such as signs, signals, pavement marking and guard appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. rails is properly within the jurisdiction of the Police Department,.it is, nevertheless, the function of the Public Works Department to install AMOUNT and maintain such devices. ibis account provides for installation and Salaries and wages $2,310, maintenance. Light and power (1,040) Other contractual services 700 Commodities: Traffic sign maintenance$660 Traffic signal maint'ce 500 Pavement marking 338 Guard rail & barricades 15 1,513 TOTAL $3,483 ( ) Indicates red figure FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT TRAFFIC CONTROL - 328 - 340 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 30 CODE DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGN MAINTENANCE - 328 4105 Payroll 4200 Contractual services 4504 General supplies 4542 Signs and posts 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGN MAINTENANCE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE - 330 4105 Payroll 4252 Light and power 4248 .Contracted repairs 4274 Equipment maintenance -.4504 General supplies 4544 Paint 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet CURRENT YEAR ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 1976 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET PAGE 32 YEAR 19 79 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $13,384 $ 9,268 $ 4,086 $ 8,451 $ 7,900 $ 9,415 $ 9,415 1,040 500 $16,543 $ 2,375 $ 2,560 $ 4,941 $ 6,605 $ 3,065 567 500 4,200 $16,543 $ 2,375 $ 3,127 $ 5,441 $ 6,605 7,265 7,265 2,760 3,000 1,620 3,240 3,240 3,240 3,240 32,687 $15,683 8,833 17,632 W,745 $19,920 $19,920 419,9267 I $ 1,338 $ 899 $ 894 $ 976 $ 800 $ 1,150 $ 1,150 $15,852 $15,599 $ 6,380 $16,663 $18,200 $17,160 2,152 2,281 1,748 2,000 2,300 2,500 1,080 104 1,000 1,000 1,500 $19,084 $17,9S4 $ 8,128 19,663 $21,500 $21,160 $21,160 $ 886 $ 15 $ 33 $ 1,500 $ 3,000 $ 3,500 158 1,044 $ 15 $ 33 $ 1,500 $ 3,000 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 840 960 510 19020 1,020 1,020 19020 $229306 $19,858 $ 9,565 $23,159 $26,320 $26,830 $26,830 *26,830 FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT TRAFFIC CONTROL - 328 - 340 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 30 CODE DESCRIPTION PAVEMENT MARKING - 335 4105 Payroll 4226 ' Equipment rental 4504 General supplies 4544 Paint .4808 Equipment operation TOTAL PAVEMENT MARKING GUARD RAILS AND BARRICADES - 340 105 Payroll 4504 General supplies 4546 Guard rail material 4808 .Equipment operation TOTAL GUARD RAILS AND BARRICADES TOTAL TRAFFIC CONTROL CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet CURRENT YEAR ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET $ 3,760 $ 3,150 $ 1,723 $ 4,583 $ 4,900 200 PAGE 33 $ 377 YEAR 19 79 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 3,674 $ 1,085 $ 5,145 $5,145 $ 5,145. 200 200 3,708 $ 377 $ 34 2,908 3,674 $ 1,085 $ 4,085 $ 4,162 $ 4,500 $ 3,285 3,708 $ 1,085 $ 4,085 $ 4,162 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 1,500 1,740 960 1,920 1,920 1,920 1,920 1,920 $ 8,545 8,598 $ 3,768 10,588 $11,182 411,765 $11,765 $ 1,150 $ 2,871 $ 1,538 $ 3,327 $ 4,000 $ 4,200 $ 4,200 $ 230 $ 459 $ 376 $ 489 $ 255 $ 270 320 1,868 2,500 3,500 3,500 550 2,327 376 2,989 39755 3,770 3,770 1,500 1,680 900 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 . $ 3,200 $ 6,878 $ 2,814. $ 8,116 $ 9,555 $ 9,770 $ 9,770 $ 9,770 $66,738 $51,017 $24,980 $59,495 $64,802 $68,285 $68,285 $68,085__ CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 34 Acct. No. 300 -30 Fund Function Area ESTIMATED GENERAL - 10 PUBLIC WORKS. BRIDGES REQUESTED SUMMARY COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The purpose of this account is to provide maintenance of the seventeen Proposed expenditures are thirteen percent (13%) higher than last year's bridges within the City, appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $210 Contracted repairs 500 Central services 240 TOTAL $950 ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED ACTUAL1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED $ 105 $ 685 $ 4,200 $1,500 1. PERSONAL SERVICES '$4,410 $ 4,410 $ 255 488 500 400 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,000 1,000 246 710 500 3. COMMODITIES 710 710 1,260 1,440 1,560 1,560 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 1,800 1,800 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 1,866 $ 2,613 $ 6,970. $3;960 TOTALS $7,920 $ 7,920 $ 7,920 COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The purpose of this account is to provide maintenance of the seventeen Proposed expenditures are thirteen percent (13%) higher than last year's bridges within the City, appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $210 Contracted repairs 500 Central services 240 TOTAL $950 PAGE 35 CITY OF EDINA FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT BRIDGES - 343 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 30 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 4105 Payroll $ 105 $ 685 $ 84 $1,500 $4,200 $4,410 ,410 4248 Contracted repairs 255 488 400 500 1,000 1,000 4504 General supplies $ 246 $ 500 $ 710 $ 710 $ 710 246 -0- -0- $ 500 710 710 $ 710 4808 Equipment operation 1,260 1,440 780 1,560 1,560 1,800 1,800 . TOTAL BRIDGES $1,866 $2,613 $ 864 $3,960 $6,970 $7,920 $7,920 $7,920__ SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 Fund Function Area Acct. No. certain facilities and furnishes certain services Proposed expenditures are ten percent (10 %) GENERAL - 10 PUBLIC WORKS STORM DRAINAGE 300 -30 $16,822 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 COMMENTS ESTIMATED OBJECT certain facilities and furnishes certain services Proposed expenditures are ten percent (10 %) REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED $16,822 $24,239 $ 41,800 $40,155 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $44,090 $ 44,090 $ 861 1,330 620 871 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,700 1,700 5,561 8,096 7,250 7,020 3. COMMODITIES 9,785 9,785 6,600 7,380 7,980 7,980 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 7,980 7,980 Headwalls and spillways 1,000 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL $ 29,844 $ 41,045 $ 57,650 $56,026 TOTALS $63.555 $ 63.555 _ $.63,555 COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The City maintains certain facilities and furnishes certain services Proposed expenditures are ten percent (10 %) higher than last year's in an effort to keep damage to property by storm water at a minimum. appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. In those areas served by storm sewers, City crews periodically check and clean these sewers. In areas not so served, emergency measures AMOUNT in the form of pumping and temporary drains are provided during Salaries and wages 2,290 storms. Televised inspection 680 Light and power 400 Pipe 500 Castings and concrete 1,035 Headwalls and spillways 1,000 TOTAL $5,905 FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT STORM DRAINAGE - 345 - 350 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 30 CODE DESCRIPTION STORM SEWER MAINTENANCE - 345, 4105 Payroll 4200 . Contractual services' 4224 Televised inspection 4252 Light and power 4504 General supplies 4518 Fill materials 4550 Pipe 4552 Castings and cement 4554 Headwalls and spillways 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL STORM SEWER MAINTENANCE TEMPORARY DRAINAGE - 350 4105 Payroll 4556 Hose 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL TEMPORARY DRAINAGE TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 37 $ 46 $ 515 $ 3,515 CURRENT YEAR $ 4,200 $ 4,200 YEAR 19 7q ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 800 800, DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 19 76 19 77 MONTHS ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 6,480 6,680 $16,776 $24,239 $12,426 $36,640 $37,800 $39,890 $39,890 $ 1,189 $ 500 $ 620 $ 1,300 $ 861 141 76 371 400 861 $ 1,330 $ 76 $. 871 $ 620 $ 1,700 $ 1,700 $ 1,681 $ 3,526 $ 165 $ 755 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 489 51 451 600 600 2;224 1,500 2,500 3,000 3,001 2•,346 644 2,951 2,350 3,385 500 1,000 $ 5,171 8,096 860 6,157 6,450 8,985 8,985 5,220 5,820 3,150 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 28,028 39,485 16,512 9,968 51,170 56,875 6,875 $ 46 $ 515 $ 3,515 $ 4,000 $ 4,200 $ 4,200 390 463 863 800 800 800, 1,380 $ 1 560 840 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,816 1,560 1,818 6,058 6,480 6,680 $ 6,68 $29,844 $41,045 $18,330 $56,026 $57,650 $63,555 $63,555 $63,555 ACTUAL 1976 $ 55,256 10,382 4,724 10,140 llITV nC Cr%IKIA ANNUALBUDGET PAGE 38 Fund Function Area Acct. No GENERAL - 10 PUBLIC WORKS CITY PROPERTIES 300 -30 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 77,181 $ 57,900 $ 70,156 t. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 62,910 $ 62,910 $ 26,025 9,900 15,725 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11,700 11,700 3,862 8,600 7,100 3. COMMODITIES 11,010 8,600 11,400 12,300 12,300 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 12,300 12,300 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 80,502 $118,468 $ 88,700 $ 105,281 TOTALS $ 97,920 $ 95,510 $ 95,510 COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The function of the City Properties account is to properly care for Proposed expenditures are eight percent (8 %) higher than last year's all City owned properties; other than those used for Park and appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Recreation purposes. These City properties are principally, . boulevards, triangles, public building sites, and sites used AMOUNT for utility facilities. The maintenance of these properties Salaries and wages: includes the cultivation and mowing of the turf, spraying and Turf and plant maintenance $ 490 trimming of trees, establishment and care of planting, and Tree maintenance 4,230 everyday housekeeping necessary to keep these City properties Lakes and ponds maintenance 290 in aesthetic accord with our many fine privately owned residential $5,010 properties. Rubbish removal 1,000 Services- forester 800 TOTAL $6,810 i FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT CITY PROPERTIES - 352 - 358 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 30 CODE DESCRIPTION TURF AND PLANT MAINTENANCE - 352 4105 Payroll 4200 Contractual services 4310 Licenses and permits 4558 4560 4562 4564 4580 4504 Fertilizer Plantings Soil and black dirt Chemicals Tool replacements General supplies 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL TURF AND PLANT MAINTENANCE TREE MAINTENANCE - 353 4105 Payroll 4200 . Contractual services 4242 Service- forester 4250 Rubbish removal 4504 General supplies 4566 Spray 4580 Tools 4808 Equipment operation .TOTAL TREE MAINTENANCE CITY OF EDINA PAGE 39 Budget Worksheet CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 1976 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $10,966 $16,795 $ 2,472 $10,912 $ 9,800 $10,290 $10,290 $ 1,879 $ 3,072 $ 2,500 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 231 '96 200 300 300 2,110 3,168 -0- $ 2,700 2,300 2,300 2,300 $ 99 $ 200 $ 240 $ 240 $ 240 500 570 570 570 $ 100 $ 126 1,000 1,020 1,200 1,020 1,073 382 700 730 1,000 730 669 36 250 240 700 240 648 748 1,868 517 2,650 2,800 3,710 2,800 3,540 4,020 2,160 4,320 4,320 4,320 4,320 17,364 $25,851 5,149 $20,582 $19,220 $20,620 $19,710 $42,795 $60,130 $23,367 $57,244 $42,300 $46,530 $46,530 $ 1,162 $ 225 $ 1,020 $ 2,000 $ 2,400 $ 2,400 5,985 14,670 4,400 7,025 5,200 6,000, 7,462 4,000 1,000 7.147 $22,357 5,420 $13.025 7,600 9,400 9,400 $ 2,208 $ 1,106 $ 27 $ 800 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1.000 950 1,950 3,000 3.000 3,000 1,020 18 22 700 800 1,800 800 3,228 1,12 .999 3,450 ,800 5,800 ,800 3,360 3,780 2,040 4,080 4,080 4,080 4,080 $56,530 $87,391 $31,826 $77,799 $58,780 $65,810 $64,810 CITY OF EDINA GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet FUND PROJECT CITY PROPERTIES - 352 - DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - $ 500 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL MONTHS (6) ACTUAL ACTUAL CODE DESCRIPTION 1976 1977 LAKES AND PONDS MAINTENANCE - 358 $ 2,000 $ 5,800 4105 Payroll $ 1,495 $ 256 4200 Contractual services 1,125 500 4548 Rip -rap, headwalls, and special PAGE 40 structures CURRENT YEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL $ 500 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 500 500 $ 90 $ 2,000 $ 5,800 $ 6,090 $ 6,090 106 structures $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 4564 Chemicals $ 748 $ 870 500 500 500 500 4580 Tools 500 748 870 -0- 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,000 4808 Equipment operation 3,240 3 600 1,950 3.900 3,900 3,900 3,9 0 TOTAL LAKES AND PONDS MAINTENANCE 6,608 5,226 2,146 $ 6.900 $ 10,700 11,490 10,990 TOTAL CITY PROPERTIES $ 80,502 $118,468 $ 39,121 $105,281 $ 88,700 $ 97,920 $ 95,510 $95,510 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 41 Fund Function Area Acct. No. 11,900 11,750 SIDEWALKS, RAMPS, AND 15,760 GENERAL - 10 PUBLIC WORKS PARKING LOTS 300 -30 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 7,162 5,373 1,983 1,560 $ 16,078 $ 3,982 5,977 3,309 2,340 $ 15,608 $ 9,100 $10,549 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $11,425 11,900 11,750 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,760 4,400 3,600 3. COMMODITIES 4,500 2,520 2,520 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 2,520 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 27,920 $28,419 $34,205 TOTALS COMMENTARY $ 11,425. $ 13,520 4,500 2,520 $ 31,965 $ 31.965 FUNCTION COMMENTS The primary function of this account is to develop a system of publicly Proposed expenditures are fifteen percent (15 %) higher than last year's comstructed and maintained sidewalks to assure the safe and convenient appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the movement of pedestrians. The maintenance of parking ramps and lots is also a function of this account. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $2,325 Light and power 620 Rubbish hauling (500) Contractual services 1,500 Commodities 100 TOTAL $4,045 O Indicates red figure CITY OF EDINA FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT SIDEWALKS, RAMPS AND PARKING LOTS -365 - 380 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 30 CODE DESCRIPTION SIDEWALKS- MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS - 365 105 Payroll 4200 Contractual services 4500 Commodities 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL SIDEWALKS- MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS SIDEWALKS -SNOW AND.ICE REMOVAL - 370 4105 Payroll 4500 Commodities 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL SIDEWALKS -SNOW AND ICE REMDVAL PARKING RAMPS MAINTENANCE - 375 4105 Payroll 4200 Contractual services 4250 Rubbish removal 4252 Light and power 4260 Insurance 4504 General supplies 4512 Cleaning supplies 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL PARKING RAMP MAINTENANCE CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 PAGE 42 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 19 76 1977 MONTHS(6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 760 $ 617 $ 140 $ 1,000 $ 1,600 $ 1,680 $ 1,680 60 209 23 400 600 600 600 420 300 180 360 360 360 360 $ 1,449 $ 940 $ 320 $ 1,760 $ 2,560 $ 2,640 $ 2,640 $ 3,079 $ 2,923 $ 2,532 $ 4,249 $ 1,600 $ 3,550 $ 3,550 156 500 700 700 700 - 480 720 390 780 780 780 780 3,715 3,643 2,922 5,529 .3,080 5,030 ,03. $ 2,893 $ 360 $ 358 $ 4,300 $ 4,800 $ 5,040 $ 5,040 $ 1,124 $ 952 $ 19800 $ 2,000. $ 5,240 $ 3,500 $ 384 500 1,000 1,000 500 4,360 2,451 4,809 6,950 6,200 6,820 6,820 569 2,083 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 $ 5,313 $ 5,658 $ 5,761 $10,950 $10,900 $14,760 $12,520 $ 1,618 $ 3,286 $ 468 $ 1,500 $ 1,600 $ 1,700 700 1,000 1.000 1,618 3,286 68 2,200 2,600 2,700 $ 2,700 660 900 480 960 960 960 960 $10,484 $10,204 $ 7,067 $18,410 $19,260 $23,460 $21,220 PAGE 43 CITY OF EDINA FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT SIDEWALKS, RAMPS AND PARKING LOTS - 365 - 380 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 30 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER- COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED PARKING LOTS - 380 4105 Payroll $ 430 $ 82 $ 63 $ 1,000 $ 1;100 $ 1,155 $ 1,155 4200 Contractual services 319 800 1,000 1,000 1,000 4500 Commodities 500 500 500 500 4808 Equipment operation 420 210 420 420 420 420 TOTAL PARKING LOTS 430 821 $. 273 2,720 $ 3,020 3,075 $ 3,075 TOTAL SIDEWALKS, RAMPS, AND . PARKING LOTS $16,078 $15,608 $10,582 $28,419 $27,920 $34,205 $31,965 $31,965 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 47,377 73,303 59,700 90,057 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 94,335 64,635 $ 47,377 $ 73,303 $ 59,700 $ 90,057 TOTALS $ 94.335 $ 64.635 $ 64,635 • COMMENTARY FUNCTION COW4ENTS Expenditures for items of equipment which have a useful life_of more Plows and wings for loaders needed for numberous turnarounds and deadends. than one year are classified as Capital Outlay. Trucks are replacements for 1967 and 1969 models. Water pump to replace older pumps for emergency situations. Electrical and electronic testing, equipment for use with sutocom system, street lighting (locating breaks), and traffic signal controller. Pick -up truck is replacement for 1966 model. Panel truck is replacement for 1970 model. Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OUTLAY 300 -30 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 47,377 73,303 59,700 90,057 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 94,335 64,635 $ 47,377 $ 73,303 $ 59,700 $ 90,057 TOTALS $ 94.335 $ 64.635 $ 64,635 • COMMENTARY FUNCTION COW4ENTS Expenditures for items of equipment which have a useful life_of more Plows and wings for loaders needed for numberous turnarounds and deadends. than one year are classified as Capital Outlay. Trucks are replacements for 1967 and 1969 models. Water pump to replace older pumps for emergency situations. Electrical and electronic testing, equipment for use with sutocom system, street lighting (locating breaks), and traffic signal controller. Pick -up truck is replacement for 1966 model. Panel truck is replacement for 1970 model. CITY OF EDINA PACE 45 FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT CAPITAL OUTLAY - 300 DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS - 30 CURRENTYEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL. ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER. COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 1976 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 4912 Steering sector and power steering (1946 Grader) $ 1,200 $ 1,200 4912 Grader -Part $ 5,000 $10,000 4912 Brush sweeper -Part 5,000 10,000 $33,826 $33,826 4912 Snow removal. equipment 3,995 4910 Dump trucks (2)., 26,614 25,670 37,600 14,835 4910 Pick -up 35 4910 Truck -panel 5,500 5,500 4912 Underbody snow plow 2,150 3,819 3,819 $ 4,500 3,400 3,400 4912 Backhoe 3,000 3,000 4900 Other 1,576 3,090 3,090 4912 Paint mixer 350 4912 Water pump 3,000 3,000 4912 Plows and wings 25,800 14,900 4912 Paint spray unit 1,428 4912 Spreaders (2) 1,294 3,000 3,000 4912 Tractor 1,125 4912 Blades 3,190 5,700 3,340 3,340 3,500 3,500 4912 Loaders 5,956 35,782 35,782 30,000 4912 Sewer cleaning equipment 11,632 4912 Street flusher 15,000 4912 One ton four wheel drive truck with blade and dump box 10,200 10,200 r. 4.912 Electrical and electronic testing equipment 3,500 3,500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $47,377 $73,303 $79.857 $90,057 $59,700 $94,335 $64,635 $64,635 r^ITV nG Gnitun ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 46 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS A ND POLICE PROTECTION 420 -42 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES PROPERTY 35,261 35,261 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 878,948 24,843 9,361 282,876 31,693 $ 917,278 29,525 8,060 308,400 $ 1,227,721 $ 1,263,263 $ 1,045,555 $ 1,053,311 37,976 33,262 $ 972,674 $ 993,594 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $1,060,765 $ 1,045,555 $ 1,053,311 37,976 33,262 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 37,761 35,261 35,261 7,552 10,318 3. COMMODITIES 9,407 - 9,407 9,407 347,100 347,100 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 362,040 362,040 362,040 47,900 51,995 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 48,978 44,500 1 44,500 $ 1,413,202 $ 1,436,269 TOTALS $ 1,518,951 $ 1,496,763 $ 1,504,519 COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The.primary function of police protection is to protect life and Proposed expenditures are six percent (6 %) higher than last year's property which includes investigation' of major crimes and public moral appropriation. Higher cost of payroll and central services are the. offenses, offenses which have to do with the maintenance of peace, reasons for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the and enforcement of traffic violations. The authority to do this is increase. granted to a large extent through criminal and civil codes, and city, AMOUNT state and federal legislation affecting the public in general. Salaries and wages 72,881 Teletype service (1,813) Insurance (3,010) Printing 1,340 Other contracted services 768 Commodities 1,855 Central services 14,940. Capital outlay (3,400) TOTAL $83,561 O Indicates red figure Page 7 CITY OF EDINA FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT POLICE PROTECTION - 420 DIVISION POLICE PROTECTION - 2 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 1g 77 MONTHS(6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED Chief $ 24,596(A) $ 25,835(A) $ 25,835(A) $ 25,564 Captain 27,700 29,171 29,171 29;292 Lieutenants (5) 123,036 129,456 129,456 136,580 Sergeants (6) 135,083 150,240 -150,240 146,182 Patrolmen (21) 481,759 424,524 424,524 424,524 Patrolmen (3) 54,753 54,753 54,753 Patrolman 26,011 26,011 26,011 Patrolman 10,582 Detectives (4) 57,902 87,022 87,022 87,022 Dispatchers (5) 66,684 63,492 63,492 66,474 Secretary (3) 19,682 29,406 29,406 30,264 Clerk- typist 7,150 Overtime and court 13,500 14,175 14,175 14,175 Senior Police Reserve 4,800 4,800 4,800 Alcohol Safety Action Program 5,000 6,670 6,670 6,670 Community Service Officers (2) 15,210 878,9 8 917,278 38,883 993,59 $972,674 $1,060,765 41,045 555 ,053,311 FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT POLICE PROTECTION - 420 DIVISION POLICE PROTECTION - 42 CODE DESCRIPTION 4200 4202 4204 4206 4208 4224 4226 4260 4262 4266 4268 4272 4274 4283 4288 4502 4504 4508 4510 4516 4572 4600 4642 Contractual services Conferences and schools Dues and subscriptions Meeting expense Mileage Professional services Equipment rental Insurance Laundry Uniform allowance Teletype service Psychological testing Equipment maintenance Range rental Service contract equipment Books and pamphlets General supplies Photographic supplies First Aid supplies Office supplies Ammunition Printing Safety equipment CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 48 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (4) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 2,041 $ 1,992 $ 176 $ 400 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 2,997 102 1,073 2,500 2,500 3,500 2,500 197 258 2,322 250 286 286 286 73 284 88 150 150 210 210 206 240 150 150 150 150 1,935 8,261 84 300 300 2,020 520 3,096 516 237 14,000 13,890 14,723 14,723 3,010 16 50 50 50 - 50' 6,652 11,088 2,019 10,000 9,785 10,000 10,000 2,972 1,239 2,413 600 600 525 1,735 240 320 500 500 1,749 1,020 1,009 1,222 1,222 1,222 1,222 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 390 1,010 1,600 1,000 1,600 1,600 $24,843 29,525 8,03 33,26 37,976-------W7-,76l 3 ,261 $ 35,261 $ 41 $ 67 $ 150 $ 150 $ 289 2,751 $ 2,407 1,577 1,600 1,590 1,600 1,919 .1,113 724 1,300 1,200 1,600 126 254 318 318 318 170 64 2,068 1,597 125 2,500 2,522 2,500 2,286 2,460 2,737 3,750 1,060 2,400 165 700 712 700 9,361 $ 8,060 $ 5,230 $10,318 7,552 9,457 9,407 $ 9,407 FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT POLICE PROTECTION - 420 DIVISION POLICE PROTECTION - 42 CODE DESCRIPTION 4802 General 4804 City Hall 4808 Equipment operation 4908 Vehicles 4914 Police equipment 4914 Radio equipment TOTAL POLICE PROTECTION CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 49: (A) - Part of Police Chief's salary allocated to Civilian Defense CURRENTYEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 203,376 $ 220,200 $125,400 $ 250,800 $ 250,800 $ 264,420 17,700 19,020 10,560 21,120 21,120 22,020 61,800 69,180 37,590 75,180 75,180 75,600 $ 282,876 308,400 $173,550 $ 347,100 $ 347,100 $ 362,040 $ 362,040. O $ 31,693 $ 31,113 $ 51,800 $ 46,900 $ 38,500 $ 38,500 1,000 4,478 195 195 6,000 6 000 31,693 $ -0- 31,308 51,995 47,900 $ 48,978 $ 44,500 44,500 $1,227,721 $1,263,263 $657,005 $1,436,269 $1,413,202 $1,518,951 $1,496,763 $1,504,519 (A) - Part of Police Chief's salary allocated to Civilian Defense rriTV nG PniNA ANNI JAI Ri mriFT PAGE 50 Fund Function -T Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS FIRE PROTECTION 440 -44 higher than last year's AND PROPERTY (2) to prevent loss of life and property in case of fire; SUMMARY - COMMENTARY - FUNCTION COMMENTS Basically the objectives of Fire Protection are (1) to prevent fires Proposed expenditures are eleven percent (117) higher than last year's from starting; (2) to prevent loss of life and property in case of fire; appropriation. Higher cost of payroll, contracted repairs, and central (3) confine a fire to the place of origin; and (4) extinguish all fires. services, are the reasons for the increase. The below listed detail In general, this involves the providing of services for both fire contributes to the increase. prevention and fire fighting. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $43,611 Contracted repairs 1,000 Other contractual services 535 . Commodities (860) Central services 41,160 Capital outlay 475 TOTAL $85,921 () Indicates red figure CITY OF EDINA PAGE 51 FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT FIRE PROTECTION - 440 DIVISION FIRE PROTECTION - 44 CURRENTYEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED Director (Public Safety) 32,110 33,722 33,722 34,684 Assistant Chiefs (4) 87,376 93,440 93,440 107,952 Drivers and Inspectors (4) 75,785 79,638 79,638. 79,638. Firemen (4) 54,190 76,336 76,336 76,336 Firemen (3) 18,490 56,597 56,597 56,597 Firemen (2) 83,217 34,033 34,033 34,033 Firemen (2) 24,723 38,513 38,513 38,513 Secretary 9,542 14,206 10,010 10,322 Firemen - Part -time 20,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 Paramedics (6) 110,768 117,523 117,523 117,523 4105 $379,348 $410,826 $243,461 $507,026 516,201 564,008 $559,812 $570,598 4200 Contractual services $ 239 $ 2,031 $ 169 $ 270 $ 300 4202 Conferences and schools 1,294 1,166 810 1,234 1,260 $ 1,250 $ 1,200 4204 Dues and subscriptions 428 363 2,717 500 500 500 4206 Meeting expense 473 188 .2,712 435 576 100 100 4208 Mileage 493 700 50 4218 Professional services - Legal 2,325 29 4224 Professional services - Other 55 895 500 4226 Equipment rental 716 877 241 1,417 2,000 2,500 2,500 4248 Contracted repairs 3,049 1,003 365 355 2,000 1,000 4250 Rubbish removal 198 197 138 361 200 280 280 4252 Light and power 6,737 5,154 2;229 8,453 9,000 9,800 9,800 4254 Heat 2,287 2,694 1,994 3,888 4,000 4,000 4,000 4258 Sewer and water 188 216 92 212 200 200 200 4260 Insurance 719 572 2,000 1,000 1,000 4262 Laundry 1,197 1,436 760 1,512 1,600 1,500 1,500 4266 Uniform allowance 3,674 3,170 4,900 5,706 3,900 5,200 5,200 . 4272 Psychological testing 525 255 300 4274 Equipment maintenance 807 362 572 335 2,500 3,400 3,400 4288 Service contract - equipment 507 325 625 1,000 4310 Licenses and permits 55 55 100 105 105 25,418 21,101 15,797 27,716 29,300 32,535 30,835 30,83 CITY OF EbINA PAGE 52 FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT FIRE PROTECTION - DIVI §ION FIRE PROTECTION - CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ' ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 19 77 MONTHS(6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 4502 Books and pamphlets $ 128 $ 298 $ 67 $ 142 $ 150 $ 150 $ 150 4504 General supplies 4,498 11,133 2,906 3,782 8,150 7,240 7,240 4508 Photographic supplies 415 523 166 566 450 450 450 4510 First aid supplies 2,228 3,477 1,572 3,995 4,000 51600 5,600 4512 Cleaning supplies 236 401 220 395 300 400 400 4516 Office supplies 8 428 150 275 500 100 100 4540 Repair parts 887 738 1,500 500 4556 Hose 2,094 2,621 1,750 2,950 3,000 1,000 1,000 4580 Tools 400 1,450 450 4574 Clothing replacement 1,764 1,549 649 1,773 1,500 1,500 1,500 4608 Training aids 354 50 51 189 500 300 300 4642 Safety equipment 864 4650 Fire prevention 500 400 600 600. 600 $ 12,529 21,867 $ 7,531 15,605 $ 19,150 $ 20,290 $ 18,290 18,290 4802 General $ 95,460 $114,360 $ 70,410 $140,820 $140,820 $181,980 $181,980 4808 Equipment operation . 20,340 22 800 12,390 24,780 24,780 24,780, 24,780 115,800 137,160 82,800 165,600 165,600. 4206,760 $206,760 , 4918 Pumper $ 86,974 $ 76,000 4900 Capital Outlay $ 1,738 523 $ 920 $ 6,920 $ 500 6,525 $ 6,075 4918 Equipment reserve 6,000 8.000 8,000 20,000 4918 Compressor 12,200 2,400 4914 Radios 399 2,490 2,490 500 500 4906 Typewriter 747 4918 Ambulance 29,755 4918 Beds 9,404 4914 Home Portable radio monitor 8,000 10,000 4918 Life Pak V Defibrillator 5,945 59945 6,000 4918 Ladder pipe 3,500 Refrigerator 499 974 500 Physical fitness equipment 4.341 31,892 $103,648 9,854 32,329 $ 28,500 99.566 28,975 $ 28,975 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION $564,987 $694,602 $359,443 $748,276 $758,751 $923,159 $844,672 $855.458 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 53 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL PROHSTI99OPERWRSONS CIVILIAN DEFENSE 460 -46 SUMMARY . COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The Edina Civilian Defense organization maintains liaison with local, Proposed expenditures are twelve percent (12 %) higher than last .state and federal agencies, in order to provide the needed resources year's appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. to meet emergency situations of catastrophic nature.- Particular emphasis is being 'placed upon an effort to better integrate and AMOUNT coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer emergency personnel. Salaries and wages 217 Uniform allowance 250 Other contractual services 96 Capital Outlay 425 TOTAL $ 988 ESTIMATED OBJECT BUDGETED ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED REQUESTED RECOMMENDED $ 54 $ 98 $ 4,342 $4,342 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 4,559 $ 4,559 $ 4,688 884 1,940 2,127 2,130 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,073 2,473 2,473 3 361 650 530 3. COMMODITIES 650 650 650 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 4,500 1,300 1,971 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY .1.725 1, -725 1,725 $ 941 $ 6,899 $ 8,419 $ 8,973 $ 10.007 $ 9,407 $.9,536 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The Edina Civilian Defense organization maintains liaison with local, Proposed expenditures are twelve percent (12 %) higher than last .state and federal agencies, in order to provide the needed resources year's appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. to meet emergency situations of catastrophic nature.- Particular emphasis is being 'placed upon an effort to better integrate and AMOUNT coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer emergency personnel. Salaries and wages 217 Uniform allowance 250 Other contractual services 96 Capital Outlay 425 TOTAL $ 988 FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT CIVILIAN DEFENSE - 460 DIVISION CIVILIAN DEFENSE - 46 CODE DESCRIPTION 4105 Director 4200 Contractual services 4202 Conferences and schools 4204 Dues and subscriptions 4252 Light and power 4256 Telephone 4266 Uniform allowance 4504 General supplies 4572 Ammunition 4900 Air warning sirens TOTAL CIVILIAN DEFENSE CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet FACE 54 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 54 $ 98 $ 207 $4,342 $4,342 $ 4,559 $ 4,559 $ 4,688 $ 725 $ 750 $ 1,200 $ 600 $ 15 $ 30 $ 3 100 100 250 250 47 15 7 45 45 45 45 175 1,029 108 270 252 289 288 300 414 276 510 480 540 540 347 452 480 500 750 750 884 $1,940 394 $2,130 $2,127 $ 3,073 2,473 2,4T3— $ 3 $ 61 $ 400 $ 500 $ 500 300 130 150 150 3 361 -0- 530 650 $ 650 650 650 4,500 1,971 1,300 1,725 1,725 1;725 $ 941 $6,899 $ 601 $8,973 $8,419 $10,007 $ 9,407 $ 9,536 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 55 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS ANIMAL CONTROL 470 -47 $11,378 AND PROPERTY $ 13,550 $ 13,000 SUMMARY ACTUAL1976 ACTUAL1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $11,378 $ 10,683 $ 13,550 $ 13,000 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 14,228 $ 13,030 $13,342 3,055 2,856 4,250 3,700 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,250 4,250 4,250 241 3 250 250 3. COMMODITIES 250 250 250 4,872 5,220 5,640 5,640 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5,520 5,520 5,520 . 5,670 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,000 2,000 2,000 $ 19,546 $ 24,432 $ 23,690 $ 22,590 TOTALS . $ 26,248 $ 25,050. $ 25,362 COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS Animal Control is a function of City Government designed to protect life Proposed expenditures are six percent (6 %) lower than last year's and property from the injurious activities of animals, both wild and appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the decrease. domesticated. The City Council has, by ordinance, regulated the leashing and licensing of dogs. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $ (520) Central services. (120) Capital Outlay 2,000 TOTAL $1,360 () Indicates red figure FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT ANIMAL CONTROL - 470 DIVISION ANIMAL CONTROL - CODE DESCRIPTION Dog.Officer Overtime and extra help 4105 4200 Contractual services 4224 Professional services 4278 Kennel service -:4504 General supplies 4802 General. 4808 Equipment operation 4908 Vehicle TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL CITY OF EDINA Budget worksheet PAGE 56 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 19 77 ACTUAL MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET DEPT. REQUESTED MANAGER PROPOSED COUNCIL APPROVED $11,050 $10,530 $10,530 $10,842 2,500 3,698 2,500 2,500 $11,378 $10,683 $ 4,236 $13,000 $13,550 $14,228 $13,030 $13,342 $ 45 10 $ 200 $ 250 $ 250 $ 3,055 2t801 899 3,500 4,000 4,000 3,055 $ 2,856 899 3,700 4,250 ,250 4,250 4,250 241 3 136 250 250 250 250 25.0 $ 2,352 $ 2,400 $ 1,320 $ 2,640 $ 2,640 $ 2,520 2,520 2,820 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 ,872 $ 5,220 2,820 5,640 5,640 5,520 5,520 $ 5,520 5,670 2,000 2,000 2,000 $19,546 $24,432 $ 8,091 $22,590 $23,690 $26,248 $25,050 $252362 CITY OF FDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 57 Fund PROTECTIONCOFnPERSONS Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 AND PROPERTY PUBLIC HEALTH 480 -48 ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED $ 40,196 $ 44,253 $ 54,583 439 573 80,443 793 1,588 1,799 . 12,024 12,660 17,820 198 534 $ 53,650 $ 59,608 $ 154,645 SUMMARY ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 50,651 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 54,769 $ 51,826 $ 53,752 80,264 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 87,019 84,619 84,619 1,605 3. COMMODITIES 1,598 1,598 1;598 17,820 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 21,720 21,720 21;720 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 500 500 500 $ 150,340 $ 165,606 $160,263 $162;189 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The functions of the Public Health Department are to provide for the Proposed expenditures are four percent (4Z) higher than last years general welfare of the Community by making and enforcing laws to preserve appropriation. The increase is made up of higher cost for health and.promote the public health and safety, and to protect the life and service contract and central services. The below listed detail health of all persons within the community. contributes to the increase. AMOUNT. Salaries and wages ,$(2,757) Contractual services (Bloomington contract) 4,000 Other contractual services 176 Commodities (201) Central services 3,900 Capital Outlay 500 TOTAL $ 5,618 () Indicates red figure FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT PUBLIC HEALTH - 480 DIVISION PUBLIC HEALTH - 48 CITY OF EDINA PAGE 58 Budget Worksheet CURRENTYEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED Sanitarian $ 20,592 $ 21,622 $ 20,431 21,489 Medical officer 300 300 300 300 Secretary (�) 5,018 4,680 4,680 4,680 Assistant Sanitarian 16,640 17,492 15,740 16,432 Laboratory technician (1/3) 5,833 6,125 6,125 6,301 Summer help: Laboratory (1/3) 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 General 5,200 3.050 3,050 050 4105 $40,196 $44,253 $22,099 50,651 54,593 54,769 51,826 $ 53,752 4200 Contractual services $ 55 $ 10 $19,994 $ 79,693(A) $ 79,700(A) $ 86,100(A) $ 83,700(A) 4202 Conferences and schools 78 210 109 180 275 275 275 4204 Dues and subscriptions 91 126 125 145 145 145 4208 Mileage 196 167 200 255 465 465 .4262 Laundry 19 60 14 66 68 34 34 39 573 $20,117 80,264 $ 80,443 87,019 840619 84,619 4504 General supplies $ 700 $ 1,277 $ 479 $ 1,500 $ 1,659 $ 1,458 4508 Photographic supplies 30 6 6 40 40 40 4600 Printing 63 305 15 65 100 .100 $ 793 $ 1,588 $ 500 $ 1,605 1,799 $ 1,598 19598 ,598 4802 General $ 9,384 $ 9,720 $ 5,790 $ 11,580 $ 11,580 $ 15,000 4804 City,Hall 1,140 1,200 660 1,320 1,320 1,440 4806 Public Works Building 1,500 1,740 960 1,920 1,920 2,280 4808 Equipment operation 1,500 3,000 3,000 .3 000 $12,024- $12,660 $ 8,910 $ 17,820 $ 179820 $ 21,720 $ 21,720 21,720 _4900 Capital Outlay 198 534 500 500 500 TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH $53,650 $59,608 $51,626 $150,340 $154,645 $165,606 $160,263 $162,189 Note A - Represent contract City of Bloomington with for health services. CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE so Fund Function Area Acct. No. 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS INSPECTIONS 490 -49 GENERAL - AND PROPERTY $ 84,554 I $ 74,844 ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ 60,032 $ 50,607 839 603 2,119 430 21,564 22,860 344 $ 84,554 I $ 74,844 SUMMARY OBJECT r.nMMFNTARV REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED FUNCTION COMMENTS The functions of the Inspection Department are to issue and revoke Proposed expenditures are three percent (3%) higher than last year's building, plumbing and sign permits; enforce building, plumbing and appropriation. Higher cost of payroll and central services are the zoning ordinances and codes; propose and revise building, plumbing reasons for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the and construction codes; establish house numbering; recommend con- increase. demnation and abatement of unsafe buildings; and inspect all building AMOUNT construction. Salaries and wages 1, 7 Conferences and schools 170 Mileage 200 Commodities (140) Central services 1,740 TOTAL $3,244 O Indicates red figure 4502 Books and pamphlets $ 194 CITY OF EDINA $ 21 $ 60 $ PAGE 60 FUND GENERAL - 10 4504 General supplies Budget Worksheet 204 2 75 PROJECT TNSPECTTONS - 490 100 4508 Photographic supplies 142 33 125 DIVISION INSPECTIO q - 49 50 4600 Printing 1,042 34 40 150 200- CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 430 63 $ ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 430 430 $ 430 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 2,160 Building official 1,290 2,580 $ 21,892 $ 22,982 2,700 $ 24,362 Equipment operation Assistant inspector 2,820 1,500 3,000 17,654 19,066 19,084 Mechanical inspector $21,564 $22,860 $12,300 $ 14,742 16,216 24,600 15,938 26,340 $ 26,340 $ 26,340 Clerk Capital outlay 344 7,280 8,736 8,892 Assistant inspector 15,158 11,000(A) 14,066 4105 $84,554 $60,032 $50,607 $31,661 76,194 76,726 $ 78,000 $ 78,000 82, 4200- Contractual services $ 133 164 75 150 4202 Conferences and schools 110 225 106 289 $ 490 $ 660 4204 Dues, and subscriptions 153 155 125 225 265 265 4208 Mileage 443 59 49 75 200 839 603 355 739 755 1,125 1,125 1,125 4502 Books and pamphlets $ 194 $ 159 $ 21 $ 60 $ 80 $ 80 4504 General supplies 741 204 2 75 100 100 4508 Photographic supplies 142 33 125 190 50 4600 Printing 1,042 34 40 150 200- 200 $ 2,119 430 63 $ 410 $ 570 430 430 $ 430 4802 General $16,884 $17,700 $ 9,510 $ 19,020 $ 19,020 $ 20,640 4804 City Hall 2,160 2,340 1,290 2,580 2,580 2,700 4808 Equipment operation 2,520 2,820 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 $21,564 $22,860 $12,300 $ 24,600 $ 24,600 $ 26,340 $ 26,340 $ 26,340 4900 Capital outlay 344 TOTAL INSPECTIONS $84,554 $74,844 $44,379 $101,943 $102,651 $105,895 $105,895 $110,237 Note (A) - Part of the salary of Assistant Inspector is paid by CETA. Amount is included in revenue. SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED -OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 17,851 33,630 79,949 30,663 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 150,000 110,000 64,409 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 17,851 $ 33,630 $ 79,949 $ 30,663 $ 150,000 $ 110,000 $ 64,409 TOTALS COMMENTARY Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CONTINGENCIES 500 -50 I SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED -OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 17,851 33,630 79,949 30,663 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 150,000 110,000 64,409 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 17,851 $ 33,630 $ 79,949 $ 30,663 $ 150,000 $ 110,000 $ 64,409 TOTALS COMMENTARY SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 5,962 1,781 2,500 1,500 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21500 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,500 $ 5,962 $ 1,781 $. 2,500 $ 1,500 TOTALS $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ .2,500 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Represents an appropriation to pay small claims filed against the City. Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES SETTLEMENT OF SUITS 501 -50 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 5,962 1,781 2,500 1,500 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21500 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,500 $ 5,962 $ 1,781 $. 2,500 $ 1,500 TOTALS $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ .2,500 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Represents an appropriation to pay small claims filed against the City. f.ITV C11: FI)INA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 63 Fund Function Area Acct. No GENERAL - 10 NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES SPECIACIASSESS ER S ON 506 -50 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 81,805 87,991 80-,000 80,395 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 80,000 80,000 $ 81,805 $ 87,991 $ TOTALS 80,000 $ 80,395 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80:000 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The City owned properties are subject to special. assessments for various improvement projects. This account provides fuds to pay these assessments. CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 64 Fund Function Area Acct. No GENERAL - 10 NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CENTRAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY 502 -50 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 2,718 1,351 2,650 2,539 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,225 17,725 $ 2,718 $ 1,351 $ 2,650 $ 2,539 TOTALS $ 2'225 $ 17,725 $ 17,725 Cc)MMFNTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS Certain items of equipment or improvements which have a useful life of Principal reason for the large increase is three replacement more than one year, which cannot be allocated to any particular function, automobiles for operating departments. are classified in this account. PAGE 65 CITY OF EDINA FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT CENTRAL SERVICES - CAPITAL OUTLAY - 502 DIVISION CENTRAL SERVICES - CAPITAL OUTLAY - 50 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 4926 Tool replacements and,renewals $ 265 $1,351 $ 140 $ 140 $1,100 $ 1,100 4908 Automobiles - Replacements (3) 15,500 4926 Freon tester 275 275 4926 Brake lathe 834 850 850 4926 Tire repair equipment 1,619 4926 Air conditioning recharge unit 750 750 $ 550 4926 Test equipment - Electronic ignition 1,000 1,000 4926 Hydraulic Hose Crimper 649 649 1,100 TOTAL CENTRAL SERVICES - CAPITAL OUTLAY $2,718 $1,351 $1,539 $2,539 $2,650 $2,225 $17,725 $17,725 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 66 Fund Function Area Acct. No GENERAL - 10 NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 503 -50 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 50,000 50,000 50,000 500000 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 50,000 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION This account was established for the purpose of accumulating funds for Capital Improvements. ( 1TV nF 5=111NA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 67 Fund Function Area Acct. No GENERAL - 10 NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES COMMISSIONS AND SPECIAL 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 94,800 2,380 PROJECTS 2,500 ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED $ 8,407 $ 11,099 1 12,500 29,990 40,031 87,850 625 1,145 2,500 $ 39,022 $ 52,275 $ 102,850 SUMMARY ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED $ 11,879 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 12,300 83,452 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 94,800 2,380 3. COMMODITIES 2,500 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 25,000 $ 97,711 TOTALS COMMENTARY RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 12,300 $ 12,300 94,800 90,150 2,500 2,500 $ 134,600 $ 109,600 $104,950 FUNCTION HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION TREE SUBSIDY The Human Rights Commission is a citizen advisory commission to the City The tree subsidy represents a contribution by the City to private home Council. Their main activity is that of advising the Council on matters owners to defray cost of removing diseased (Dutch elm and Oak wilt) involving the infringement of guaranteed rights of citizens and the trees. education of Edina residents concerning their rights and obligations for the rights of others. FIREWORKS Fireworks display to be presented after band concert on Fourth of July. RECYCLING.COMMISSION The recycling Commission manages and publicizes the Edina Recycling Center SUBSIDY TO OPERATING FUND which is open for business twenty hours each week. Seven paid employees The subsidy to-operating funds (Swimming Pool and Recreation Center currently man the Center. (Arena) represents an allocation to cover cost not completely supported. by fees. HISTORICAL PRESERVATION BOARD .The Historical Preservation Board advises the City Council on preservation matters. Research and document historical and architectural significance, recommends rezoning, and approves building permits in the Historical Preservation District. RECYCLING COMMISSION - 507 CITY OF EDINA PAGE 68 FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet $ 6,493 $ 8,196 $ 4,004 $ PROJECT COMMISSIONS AND SPECIAL PROJECTS 504 - 510 $ 8,200 $ 8,200 4250 Rubbish removal 22 6 DIVISION COMMISSIONS AND SPECIAL PROJECTS - 200 200 200 4504 General supplies $ 147 $ ' $ 149 $ 230 CURRENT YEAR 150 $ YEAR 19 79 4580 Tools ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 20 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION - 504 100 4642 Safety equipment 43 4100 Director - Part -time $ 1,914 $ 1,127 $ 508 $ 1,858 $.2,000 $.2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 4200 Contractual services $12,130 $13,500 $ 6,467 $16,000 $16,000 $18,300 TOTAL RECYCLING COMMISSION $ 14,000 4202 Conferences and schools 8 8,524 150 200 200 8,80 ,80D0 $ 8,800 200 4204 Dues and subscriptions 314 163 150 200 200 200 4280 Education programs 1,035 267 1,776 $ 1,009 3,000 2,004 $ i.650 $ 2,100 13, 87 $13,930 6,467 $16,300 $16,400 $21,700 $21,700 $ 179050 4504 General supplies 478 506 100 TOTAL HISTORICAL PRESERVATION BOARD -0- $ 1,776 $ 1,009 $ TOTAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION 15,879 $15,563 6,975 $18,158 $18,400 $23,700 $23,700 $ 19;050. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION - 505 4280 Education programs $ 12 TOTAL ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION $ -0- $ 12 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $. -0- RECYCLING COMMISSION - 507 4100 Payroll $ 6,493 $ 8,196 $ 4,004 $ 8,017 $ 7,500 $ 8,200 $ 8,200 4250 Rubbish removal 22 6 51 182 200 200 200 4504 General supplies $ 147 $ 352 $ 149 $ 230 $ 150 $ 200 4580 Tools 62 7 20 50 50 4600 Printing 170 100 100 4642 Safety equipment 43 75 100 50 147 627 6 325 00 00 TOTAL RECYCLING COMMISSION 6,662 8,829 $ 4,211 8,524 $ 8,100 8,80 ,80D0 $ 8,800 HISTORICAL PRESERVATION BOARD 4105 Payroll $ 1,776 $ 1,009 $ 2,004 $ 3,000 $ 2,100 $ 2,100 4504 General supplies. 70 100 100 100 TOTAL HISTORICAL PRESERVATION BOARD -0- $ 1,776 $ 1,009 $ 2,074 $ 3,100 $ 2,200 2,200 $ 2,200. CITY OF EDINA PAGE 69 FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT COMMISSIONS AND SPECIAL PROJECTS - 504 -510 DIVISION COMMISSIONS AND SPECIAL PROJECTS - 50 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY - 509 4200 Dues $ 750 $ 750 TOTAL SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY $ -0- $ 750 $ -0- $ -0- $ 750 $ -0- . $ -O- $ -0- TREE SUBSIDY - 509 . 4200 Subsidy - Removal tree - Private Property- -CITY SHARE ONLY $16,481 $25,345 $ 4,913 $51,570 $55,000 $55,000 TOTAL DUTCH ELM $16,481 $25,345 $ 4,913 $51,570 $55,000 $55,000 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 - - -•- FIREWORKS - 509 2-00 Set -up and clean -up $ 400 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 -. 4500 Commodities- fireworks 1,985 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL FIREWORKS -0- $ -0- -0- $ 2,385 2,500 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 SUBSIDY TO OPERATING FUNDS - 509 4200 Swimming Pool $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 4200 Recreation Center (Arena) 7,500 7,500 7,500 TOTAL SUBSIDY TO OPERATING FUNDS -0- -O- -0- $15,000 15,000 $15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 SOUTH HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES COUNCIL -509 4200 Contribution- $ 2,400 TOTAL SOUTH HENNEPIN HUMAN SERVICES COUNCIL $ -0- $ -0- S -0- $ -0- S -Q- S 2,400 $ 2,400 $ 2,400 OPTI -COM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE - 509 4900 Capital Outlay $25,000 TOTAL OPTI- COM.TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $25,000 $ -0- $ -0- TOTAL COMMISSIONS AND SPECIAL PROJECTS $39,022 $52,275 $17,108 $97,711 $102,850 $134,600 $109,600 $104,950 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 70 Fund Function Area Acct. No. PARK - 20 F PARK AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 600 -60 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 111,949 $105,698 $ 120,575 $ 118,961 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 133,977 $ 123,499 $125,274 2,980 1,856 2,400 2,190 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,200 2,200 2,200 779 277 350 529 3. COMMODITIES 350 350 350 77,520 89,340 130,320 130,320 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 159,300 159,300 159,300 Central services 28,980 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL $31,704 $ 193,228 $ 197,171 $ 253,645 $ 252,000 $ 295,827 $ 285.349 $287.124 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The Park and Recreation Department is responsible for the acquisition, Proposed expenditures are thirteen percent (13 %) higher than last development, operation and maintenance of the City parks and recreation year's appropriation. Higher payroll cost and central services are the facilities, and the conduct of the recreation program. Providing for reasons for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the the administration of the park and recreation function is the object increase. of this account. The Edina Park Board, as an advisory body to the AMOUNT Edina City Council, assists in the plans and operation of the park Salaries and wages 2,924 and recreation function. Contractual services (200) Central services 28,980 TOTAL $31,704 ( ) Indicates red figure FUND PARK - 20 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION - 600 DIVISION PARK AND RECREATION - 60 CODE DESCRIPTION Director Administrative Assistant Assistant Director Program Supervisor (2) Secretary Recreation specialist Clerical- Part -time Clerk= typist (1/3) Paid leave Training 4105 4200 4202 4204 4208 4216 Contractual services Conferences and schools Dues and subscriptions Mileage Annual audit 4502 Books and pamphlets 4504 General supplies 4508 Photographic supplies 4516 Office supplies 4600 Printing 4802 General 4804 City Hall 4806 Public Works Building 4808 Equipment operation V TOTAL ADMINISTRATION CITY OF EDINA PAGE 71 Budget Worksheet CURRENT YEAR . YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 26,702 $ 29,380 $ 29,380 $ 30,186 10,478 19,448 20,410 20,410 21,008 $ 80,624 $ 78,697 $ 48,996 $ 85,624 15,990 25,220 25,220 25,948 8,424 8,814 8,814 8,424 12,584 3,500 3,900 3,900 3,900 2,427 2,775 2,775 2,808 30,663 25,956 9,325 32,762 31,000 32,500 32,500 32,500 662 1,045 424 575 500 500 500 500 111,949 $105,698 58,745 $118,961 $120,575 $133,977 $123,499 125,274 $ 616 $ 294 $ 83 $ 125 $ 50 $ 50 662 383 79 475 600 600 333 265 20 170 150 150 419 414 190 520 600 400 950 500 900 900 1,000 1,000 2,980 1,856 1,272 2,190 2,400 2,200 2,200 2,200 $ 36 $ 50 $ 579 102 $ 170 $ 270 16 12 23 120 50 $ 50 184 117 63 89 10 1,703 50 250 300 779 277 1,959 529 350 350 $ 350 $ 350 $ 65,100 $ 75,540 $ 57,600 $115,200 $115,200 $142,680 5,280 5,700 3,150 6,300 6,300 6,900 4,140 4,800 2,610 5,220 5,220 6,120 3,000 3,300 1,800 3,600 3,600 3,600 $ 77,520 $ 89,340 $ 65,160 $130,320 $130,320 $159,300 $159,300 $159.300 $193,228 $197,171 $127,136 $252,000 $253,645. $295,827 $285,349 $287,124 ACTUAL 1976 $ 44,666 15,270 10,785 $ 70,721 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 72 Fund Function Area Acct. No. PARK - 20 PARK AND RECREATION RECREATION 620 -62 ACTUAL1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ 43,418 $ 57,685 $56,207 14,084 16,800 17,127 12,037 13,450 12,827 $ 69,539 $ 87,935 $86.161 SUMMARY OBJECT REQUESTED 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $53,980 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17,150 3. COMMODITIES 12,450 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 53,980 $ 17,150 12,450 TOTALS $ 83.580 $ 83.580 $ 83.580 COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The City, in addition to providing park facilities, conducts a year Proposed expenditures are five percent (5 %) lower than last year's around recreational program as a function of City government. This appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. program is the responsibility of the Park and Recreation Department. Salaries and wages: It includes such activities as organized baseball,.softball, hockey; Skating and hockey $ (290) swimming and tennis instruction; and a summer playground program for Tennis instruction (210) small children, and covers activities at the Senior Citizens Center. Playground 5,530 The Administrative Account and the Maintenance Account also covers Miscellaneous and special Senior Citizen programming which works in the social services for Activities (750) the Seniors as well as for the recreation program." Other 225 Senior Citizens (800) $3,705 Contractual services (350) Baseball and softball - commodities 350 Miscellaneous and special activities- commodities 650 O Indicates red figure TOTAL $4.355 CITY OF EDINA FUND PARK - 20 Budget Worksheet PROJECT RECREATION - 620 - DIVISION PARK AND RECREATION - PAGE 73 4504 General supplies 4582 Baseball equipment 4600 Printing TOTAL BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL SKATING AND HOCKEY - 622 Rink supervision Hockey coaching 4100 4200 Contractual services 4504 General supplies 4584 Hockey equipment TOTAL SKATING AND HOCKEY 9 28 CURRENT YEAR 200 300 YEAR 19 79 $ 153 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL $ 910 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL - 621 259 682. 882 250 200 Supervision $ 4,512 $ 2,115 $ 1,000 $ 1,850 1,500 1,500 Coaching assistant $ 8,526 4,101 2,000 $ 3,000 $ 4,700 $ 4,700 4100 2,821 $ 3,730 $ 1,986 $ 3,387 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 3,000 4200 Contractual services $ 94 $ 231 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $20,100 $20,100 4208 Mileage 53 100 200 100 4504 General supplies 4582 Baseball equipment 4600 Printing TOTAL BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL SKATING AND HOCKEY - 622 Rink supervision Hockey coaching 4100 4200 Contractual services 4504 General supplies 4584 Hockey equipment TOTAL SKATING AND HOCKEY 9 28 -0- 200 300 200 200 $ 153 $ 840 $ 810 $ 910 $ 200 $ 300 616 3,413 1,305 1,305 1,400 1,000 124 259 682. 882 250 200 $ 893 $ 4,512 $ 2,115 $ 2,215 $ 1,850 1,500 1,500 3,808 $ 8,526 4,101 $ 5,802 $ 5,150 $ 4,700 $ 4,700 $18,110 $18,250 600 750 $17,162 $11,496 $18,337 $20,165 $18,710 $19,000 $19,000 1,335 609 682. 882 500 600 600 $ 297 $ 109 $ 6 $ 400 $ 500 $ 500 297 09 6 00 500 $18,794 $12,214 $19,025 $21,447 $19,710 $20,100 $20,100 FUND PARK - 20 PROJECT RECREATION - 620 - 628 DIVISION PARK AND RECREATION - CODE DESCRIPTION TENNIS INSTRUCTION - 623 Instruction Assistant instructors 4100 4586 Tennis supplies TOTAL TENNIS INSTRUCTION PLAYGROUNDS'- 624 4100 Leaders 4504 General supplies 4588 Craft supplies 4600 Printing TOTAL PLAYGROUND SWIMMING INSTRUCTION - 625 Supervision Instruction Attendants Registration 4100 4282 Bus rental 4284 Pool rental 4504 General supplies TOTAL SWIMMING INSTRUCTION CITY OF EDINA ACTUAL ACTUAL 19 76 19 77 Budget Worksheet CURRENT YEAR ACTUAL MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET PAGE 74 YEAR 19 79 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 1,200 $ 1,400 3,090 3,100 3,414 3,737 $ 55 $ 4,000 $ 4,290 4,500 $ 4,500 334 1,075 1,300 1,350 1,350 1,350 3,748 $ 4,812 55 5,300 $ 5,640 5,850 $ 5,850 $10,006 $11,018 $ 871 $11,355 $13,530 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 704 $ 598 $ 700 $ 800 $ 800 585 1,242 1,700 2,000 2,000 4 1,293 1,840 -0- 2,400 2,800 2,800 2,800 11,299 $12,858 4 871 3,7 16,330 10,8 , $ 850 $ 800 9,075 9,000 800 800 500 400 5, 30 $ 6,643 $ 369 9,750 $11,225 $11,000 $11,000 $ 7,864 $ 5,981 $ 9,500 $10,000 $10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 �12,864 10,981 -0- 14,500 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 218 240 100 200 200 200 18,512 $17,864 $ 369 $24,350 $26,425 $26,200 $26,200 CITY OF EDINA PAGE 75 PARK - 20 Budget Worksheet FUND PROJECT RECREATION - 620 - 628 DIVISION PARK AND RECREATION - 62 CODE DESCRIPTION TEEN PROGRAM - 626 4258 Telephone TOTAL TEEN PROGRAM MISCELLANEOUS AND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES -627 Payroll Leader 4100 4200 Contractual services 4500 Commodities 4504 General supplies 4508 Photographic supplies 4516 Office supplies 4590 Theatre supplies 4592 Football equipment 4594 Gymnastic equipment (Girl's Athletic Association) 4596 Music supplies 4598 Soccer equipment 4600 Printing TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS AND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES CURRENT YEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 19 76 19 77 MONTHS(6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 63 $ 63 $ -0- S -0- $ -0- $ -0- -0- S -0- $ 3,180 $ 4,180 2,750 2,500 4,485 4,856 410 5,210 5,930 6,680 $ 6,680 1,339 115 300 400 400 400 $ 748 1,740 $ 314 $ 394 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 129 395 85 100 150 300 36 9 1,102 308 15 400 600 300 349 289 400 400 300 13 600 700 300 800 561 470 600 700 700 300 300 300 2,696 2,190 146 3,112 3,200 3,200 $ 7,613 $ 4,057 1,119 6,012 $ 6,550 $ 5,900 5,900 $12,098 $10,252 $ 1,644 $11,522 $12,880 $12,980 $12,980 PAGE 76 CITY OF EDINA FUND PARK - 20 Budget Worksheet PROJECT RECREATION - 620 - 628 DIVISION PARK AND RECREATION - 62 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED SENIOR CITIZENS - 628 4100 Payroll $ 1,348 $ 1,938 $ 1,940 $ 2,340 $ 1,000 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 4256 Telephone and other contractual services 914 871 808 1,245 600 950 950 4504 General supplies 137 204 303 400 200 200 200 TOTAL SENIOR CITIZENS 2,399 $ 3,013 $ 3,051 3,985 $ 1,800 2,950 2,950 TOTAL RECREATION $70,721 $69,539 $29,116 $86,161 $87,935 $83,580 $83,580 $ 83,580 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 77 SUMMARY * DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY * DISTRIBUTION Employees Bi- Weekly Salary Appropriations Title 1978 1979 1978 1979 1978 1979 PARK AND RECREATION: Charged to Other Funds: Administration: General: Park Foreman 1 1 $724 $730 $:18,824 $ 18,980 Training. $ 500 City Hall S. 2;750 Paid leave 32,500 Public Works 55,000 Park Keeper-III 1 1 594.40 636 15 454 + 16 536 + Recreation: Public Works Building 2,100 Miscellaneous & Special Equipment operation 4,900 Park. Keeper II P 14 14 559.20 600 203 548 218 400 Activities $ 4,180 Swimming Pool 4,000 Maintenance: Golf Course 1,000 Temporary laborer 'Mowing-. 19,846 Recreation Center 2,000 (Spring and summer) 25,300 25,000 Special turf care 54,500 Waterworks 2,000 Plantings and trees 7,200 Sewer Rental 1,000 Overtime 10,700 10,440 Litter removal 4,000 74,750 Park area maintenance 2,880 Golf Course (winter help). p) 11,000 Building and equipment _ $300,356 maintenance 40,000 16 16 $284,730 $300,356 Skating rink maintenance 60,000 192,606 TOTAL PARK AND RECREATION $225,606 CITY OF FDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 78 Fund Function Area Acct. No. PARK - 20 PARK AND RECREATION MAINTENANCE 640 -64 ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED $149,729 $ 141,559 $ 180,650 $ 167,750 22,942 28,204 20,500 29,00 29,119 30,142 31,000 32,375 29,280 32,880 35,400 35,400 SUMMARY OBJECT REQUESTED 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 188,426 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21,000 3. COMMODITIES 33,600 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 35,400 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $188,426 $ 21,000 33,600 35,400 $ 231,070 $ 232,785 $ 267,550 $ 264.725 $ 278.426 $ 278.426 $ 278,426 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS Park Maintenance involves the care of a11.City parks and recreation Proposed expenditures are four percent (4%) higher than last year's facilities. Included in this budget account are only those properties appropriation. Higher cost of payroll allocation, and commodities are designated as parks. Other City properties such as boulevards, islands, the reason for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to triangles, lift and pumping stations, etc., are maintained through the increase. other budget accounts, although the ground work is done by the park Salaries and wages: maintenance crew. The maintenance of parks, includes turf care, Mowing $ 2,346. establishment and care of trees and plantings, litter removal, mainten- Litter removal 1,500 ance of park buildings, and equipment and skating rinks. Parking area maintenance (120) Building and.equipment maintenance 3,730 Skating rink maintenance 320 7,776 Light and power (500) Contract work 1,000 Commodities 2,600 TOTAL $10,876 O Indicates red figure FUND PARK - 20 PROJECT MAINTENANCE - 640 - 647 DIVISION PARK AND RECREATION - 6 CODE DESCRIPTION MOWING - 641 4105 Payroll 4504 General supplies 4580 Tools 4808 SPEC 4105 4200 4248 Equipment operation TOTAL MOWING [AL TURF CARE - 642 Payroll Contractual services Contract work 4504 General supplies 4522 Sand, gravel and rock 4558 Fertilizer 4562 Sod and black dirt 4566 Weed spray 4568 Seed 4808 Equipment operation TOTAL SPECIAL TURF CARE CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 79 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 19 76 19 77 MONTHS(6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $14,278 $11,191 $ 7,515 $17,650 $17,500 $19,846 $19,846 $ 600 $ 700 $ 500 $ 599 $ 639 599 639 -0- 600 700 500 500 6,780 7,620 4,110 8,220 8,220 8,220 8,220 21,657 19,450 $11,625 26,470 26,420 $28,566 $28,566 $48,852 $43,545 $18,043 $52,800 $54,500 $54,500 $54,500 $ 175 $ 240 $ 1,877 3,256 2,700 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 1,877 3,431 240 2,700 1,500 $ 1,500 4 1,500 $ 1,146 $ 1,016 $ 113 $ 600 $ 500 $ 500 249 949 1,600 2,000 1,522 914 2,638 2,900 2,500 1,500 1,404 55 1,400 2,500 500 1,049 1,122 910 1,200 500 300 902 783 260 1,200 1,800 1,800 6,023 4,139 4,870 8,900 7,800 $ 6,600 6,600 3,660 4,080 2,190 4,380 4,380 4,380 4.380 $60,412 55,195 25,343 68,780 68,180 $66,980 66,980 CITY OF EDINA PAGE 80 FUND PARK - 20 Budget Worksheet PROJECT MAINTENANCE 640 - 647 DIVISION PARK AND RECREATION - CURRENTYEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL, ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL . CODE DESCRIPTION 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED PLANTINGS AND TREES - 643 4105 Payroll $ 6,423 $ 6,580 $ 6,097 $ 6,400 $ 7,200 $ 7,200 $ 7,200 4242 Services - Forester 144 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 4560 Plantings and trees $ 4,822 $ 3,814 $ 225 $ 5,225 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 4562 Sod and black dirt 94 144 500 . 4,916 3,958 225 5,225 $ 5,000 $ 5,500 S 5,500 4808 Equipment operation 3,000 3,360 1,800 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 TOTAL PLANTINGS AND TREES $14,339 $13,898 $ 8,266 15,975 16,800 17,300 17,300 LITTER REMOVAL - 644 4105 Payroll $ 5,599 $ 5,528 $ 5,350 $ 6,500 $ 2,500 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 4250 Rubbish removal 3,111 3,302 2,511 3,200 3,000 3,000 3,000 4602 Trash containers 466 234 500 500 500 4808 Equipment operation 2,460 2,760 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 TOTAL LITTER REMOVAL $11,636 $11,824 $ 9,361 $12,700 $ 9,000 $10,500 $10,500 . PARKING AREA MAINTENANCE - 645 4105. Payroll $ 1,477 $ 485 $ 2,000 $ 3,000 $ 2,880 $ 2,880 4200 Contractual services 107 4522 Sand; gravel and rock $ 213 $ 700 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 .4524 Blacktop 1,999 750 1,000 1,000 4526 Road oil 1,200 1,800 1,800 2,212 -0- -0- 2,650 ,000 4,000 4 4,000 4808 Equipment operation _ 2,280 2,520 1,350 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 TOTAL PARKING AREA MAINTENANCE $ 6,076 $ 3,005 $ 1,350 $ 79350 $ 90700 $ 9,580 $ 9,580 FUND PARK - 20 PROJECT MAINTENANCE - 640 - 7 DIVISION PARK AND RECREATION - CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 81 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - 646 4105 Payroll $15,716 $27,458 $ 7,232 $30,300 $36,270 $40,000 $40,000 4200 Contracted services $ 842 $ 1,576 $ 218 $ 400 4248 Contracted repairs 581 1,699 1,048 1,6.50 $ 1,000 4250 Rubbish removal 59 99 78 100 4252 Light and power 3,880 6,300 1,155 7,500 $ 4,000 4,000 4254 Heat 4,601 4,177 4,501 5,500 4,000 4258 Sewer and water service 122 150 84 200 4260 Insurance 1,051 681 500 500 500 4262 Laundry 389 372 ---T-7-,2-6-4"-- 180 300 - 11,525 $15,054 16,150 8,500 9,500 9,500 4504 General supplies $ 5,234 $ 8,301 $ 3,005 $ 6,100 $ 4,000 $ 4,500 4540 Repair parts 1,507 3,661 658 800 1,000 1,000 4544 Paint 1,168 760 875 1,800 1,500 1,500 4564 Chemicals 399 222 500 500 4580 Tools 1,009 1,263 2,472 3,000 500 1,000 4604 Lumber 2,446 1,747 1,194 2,000 4,500 4,500 4606 Lamps and fixtures 117 1,546 190 250 1,000 4642 Safety equipment 262 85 R8 100 12,142 $17,585 8,482 $14,050 $14,000 $14,000 4808 Equipment operation 3,960 4,440 2,400 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 _ TOTAL BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $43,343 $64,537 $25,378 $65,300 $61,570 $68,300 $68,300 CITY OF EDINA PAGE 82 FUND PARK - 20 Budget Worksheet PROJECT MAINTENANCE - 640 - 647 DIVISION PARK AND RECREATION - 60 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL, ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE - 647 4105 Payroll $ 57,384 $ 46,772 $ 30,697 $ 52,100 $ 59,680 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 4200 Contracted services $ 272 $ 134 4252 Light and power 3,145 3,603 $ 39859 $ 4,600 $ 3,500 $ 4,000 4254 Heat 2,905 2,680 977 1,800 3,000 2,000 62322 6,417 $ 4,836 6,400 6,500 $ 6,000 6,000 4504 General supplies $ 1,785 $ 2,352 $ 369 $ 950 $ 1,000 $ 2,500 4504 Repair parts 976 1,235 143 2,761 3,587 $ 512 950 1,000 2,500 $ 2,500 4808 Equipment operation 7,140 8,100 4,350 8-,70-0- 8,700 8,700 8,700 SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE 73,607 $ 64,876 $ 0,395 $ 68,150 $ 75,880. 77,200 1.77,200 TOTAL MAINTENANCE $231,070 $232,785 $121,718 $264,725 $267,550 $278,426 $278,426 $278,426 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 83 Fund Function Area Acct. No. PARK - 20 PARK AND RECREATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 600 -60 , SUMMARY COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS Expenditures for items of equipment which have a useful life of more One half cost of replacement of 1962 model. than one year are classified as capital outlay. Replacement of seven gang mower -- a 1957 model. Cushman with cab is a replacement for a 1970 model. Rotary mower is a replacement for 1965 model. ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED . ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 15,019 21,830 26,600 24,829 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 25,800 17,800 $ 15,019 $ 21,830 $ 26,600 $ 24,829 $ 25,800 $ 17,800 $ 17,800 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS Expenditures for items of equipment which have a useful life of more One half cost of replacement of 1962 model. than one year are classified as capital outlay. Replacement of seven gang mower -- a 1957 model. Cushman with cab is a replacement for a 1970 model. Rotary mower is a replacement for 1965 model. CITY OF EDINA PAGE 84 FUND PARK - 20 Budget Worksheet PROJECT CAPITAL OUTLAY - 600 DIVISION PARK AND RECREATION - 60 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 19 77 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 4910 .Truck $ 9,052 $ 9,863 $ 7,000 $ 3,500 4932 Chain saws 115 $ 456 $ 1,456 $ 1,600 4908 Automobile replacement 4,410 4,410 4,500 4,500 4906. Typewriter 747 800 800 4928 Mowing tractor 5,236 5,000 5,000 4932 Picnic tables 913 685 1,000 1,500 4932 Cushman with cab 4,223 4,223 3,500 4,500 4,500 4910 Pick -up with crew cab 5,299 4906 Office equipment 203 497 497 4932 Benches 596 4932 Bleachers 4,140 4910 Pick -up 4,607 4,607 4,000 Panel truck 5,386 5,386 6,000 Rotary mower 3,250 3,250 5,500 4,000 4,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $15,019 $21,830 $22,829 $24,829 $26,600 $25,800 $17,800 $17,800 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 85 Fund Function Area Acct. No POOR PUBLIC NURSING SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 24,968 75,181 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $ 24,968 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 75,181 $ -0- $ -0- TOTALS $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- COMMENTARY CITY OF FDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 86 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 Function Area Acct. No Park - 24 REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED ACTUAL1977 Construction $ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 24 -2220 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED ACTUAL1977 $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $80,000 $ 80,000 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION Represents amount allocated from Liquor Dispensary Fund for Capital Improvements. i I CITY OF FI)INA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 87 Fund Function Area Acct. No. Park RECOMMENDED BUDGETED ACTUAL1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ $ $ $ Sinking -25 $ BONDS AND INTEREST 25 -3011 SUMMARY COMMENTARY FUNCTION These funds are used to make annual payments on outstanding Park Improvement bonds. OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED ACTUAL1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 297,754 285,714 315,000 306,653 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 316,000 316,000 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 297,754 $ 285,714 $ 315,000 $ 306,653 $ 316,000 $316,000 $•316.000 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION These funds are used to make annual payments on outstanding Park Improvement bonds. CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 88 Fund Function Area Acct. No. WATERWORKS -30 FIRE PROTECTION 1 30 -3850 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 14,765 15,032 15,370 14,950 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,450 15,450 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 14,765 $ 15,032 $ 15,370 $ 14,950 TOTALS $ 15,450 $ 15,450 $ 15,450 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Represents amount of hydrant rental for fire protection paid to waterworks fund. CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 89 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 510 -51 SUMMARY ACTUAL1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ 762,883 888,897 946,980 997,458 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,096,760 1,096,760 7,528 15,474 12,000 14,208 3. COMMODITIES 13,000 13,000 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 770,411 $ 904,371 $ 958,980 $ 1,011,666 $ 1.109,760 $1.109.760 $ 1,109,760 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS These expenditures represent costs, which are incurred periodically, Proposed expenditures are sixteen percent (167) higher than last year's such as office supplies, telephone, pension payments, postage, equip- appropriation. Higher cost of pension contributions, workmen's compensa- ment service contracts, and insurance premiums. These costs are tion, liability insurance and other employee insurance benefits, are the allocated to operating departments and other funds monthly, based reason for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the on usage. increase. AMOUNT Pension contributions $ 23,937 Liability insurance 11,923 Workmen's compensation insurance 67,490 . Employers' share-hospitaliza- tion, life insurance, and - income protection insurance 36,330 Postage 3,800 Telephone 7,200 Other 100 TOTAL $150,780 FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT GENERAL - 510 DIVISION CENTRAL SERVICES - 51 CODE DESCRIPTION 4145 Pensions 4156 Employer's share - hospitalization, life and income protection Insurance 4226 Equipment rental 4256 Telephone 4260 Liability and other insurance 4260 Workmen's compensation 4288 Equipment service contracts 4290 Postage 4502 Books and pamphlets 4504 General supplies 4514 Paper supplies 4516 Office supplies 4600 Printing TOTAL GENERAL CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet CURRENT YEAR ACTUAL ACTUAL- ACTUAL 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET $359,396 $354,192 $192,818 $ ,410,431 $414,410 PAGE 90 YEAR 1979 DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED $ 438,347 133,719 149,344 96,691 179,685 160,890 197,220 13,029 16,340 4,178 9,721 13,200 12,500 25,211 30,901 15,263 36,259 31,200 38,400 69,639 122,527 9,676 128,840 127,260 139,183 136,520 187,283 111,093 203,357 172,120 239,610 3,396 4,056 1,884 3,589 3,900 3,700 21,973 24,254 - 11,645 25,576 24,000 27,800 762,883 X888,897 3,248 -997, 58 946,980 1,096,760 $1,096,760 $ 285 $ 1,755 1,740 $ 1245 $ 2,441 $ 2,000 128 2,455 2,075 2,000 5,038 9,532 354 7,730 $ 12,000 7,000 607 1,462 162 1,962 2,000 $ 7,528 $ 15,474 $ 1,761 $ 14,208 . $ 12,000 V 13,000 $ 13,000 $770,411 $904,371 $445,009 $1,011,666 $958,980 $1,109,760 $1,109,760 $1,109,760 CITY OF EDINA FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT GENERAL - 510 DIVISION CENTRAL SERVICES - 51 PAGE 91 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 1977 MONTHS ESTIMATED - BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED ALLOCATED TO OPERATING DEPARTMENTS: ANNUAL Mayor and Council $ 7,020 Planning 17,400 Administration 28,800 Finance 25,620 Election 4,080 Assessing 23,940 Public Works: Recreation Center Administration 8,340 Engineering 31,500 General 144,600 Police 264,420 Fire 181,980 Public Health 15,000 Animal Control 2,520 Inspections- 20,640 City Hail 4,980 Public Works Building 3,720 Equipment operation 23,520 695 808,080 DISTRIBUTION MONTHLY ALLOCATED TO OTHER FUNDS: ANNUAL MONTHLY 585 Golf Course $ 23,100 1,925 1,450 Recreation Center 15,900 1,325 2,400 Park 142,680 11,890 2,135 Waterworks 44,460 3,705 340 Sewer Rental 31,560 2,630 1,995 Liquor -50th Street 13,140 1,095 Liquor- Yorkdale 14,400 1,200 695 Liquor - Grandview 14,520 1,210 2,625 Art Center 1,920 160 12,050 $301,680 $25,140 22,035 15,165 TOTAL $1,109,760 $92,480 1,250 210 1,720 415 310 1,960 T6_7_,__370 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 92 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 CENTRAL SERVICES CITY HALL 520 -52 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 23,319 $ 23,023 $ 24,630 $27,822 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 27,340 $ 27,340 $ 20,082 19,302 23,450 21,795 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 22,080 22,080 7,081 8,985 7,000 7,677 3. COMMODITIES 6,800 6,800 2,940 3,180 3,360 3,360 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 4,980 4,980 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 53,422 $ 54,490 $ 58,440 $60,654 TOTALS $ 61.200 $ 61.200 $ 61.200 COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS This account provides for the operation and maintenance of the City Proposed expenditures are five percent (5 %) higher than last year's Hall. Operating costs are allocated to departments on the basis of appropriation. The principal reasons for the increase are higher cost space occupied. of payroll and central services. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $2,710 Contracted services and repaira(1,400) Lipht and power (220) Heat 420 Water, and sewer service (500) Other contractual services 330 Paper supplies (700) Repair parts and supplies 100. Other commodities 400 Central services 1,620 TOTAL $2,760 O Indicates red figure FUND GENERAL - 10 PROJECT CITY HALL - 520 DIVISION CENTRAL SERVICES - 52 CODE DESCRIPTION Custodian Extra help and overtime Public Works - payroll Park - payroll 4105 4248 4250 4252 4254 4258 4260 4262 .4274 4288 4304 4504 4512 4514 4540 4544 .4614 4606 4802 CITY OF EDINA Budget Worksheet PAGE 93 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 1979 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL 19 76 19 77 MONTHS(6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED 13,390 $14,040 14,456 5,690 7,250 6,834 3,000 3,300 3,300 2,550 2,750 2,750 23,319 $23,023 $16,178 $27,822 $24,630 $27,340 $27,340 $ 27,340 Contracted services and repair $ 1,847 $ 3,274 $ 544 $ 315 $ 1,700 $ 300 Rubbish service 550 563 415 996 650 1,095 Light and power 9,920 10,469 2,510 11,541 12,100 11,880 Heat 2,885 2,379 2,327 4,596 4,200 4,620 Water and sewer service 1,369 326 92 392 900 400 Insurance 1,754 1,798 1,750 1,700 1,700 Laundry service 329 369 197 414 400 400 Electrical and furnace service 124 11 75 300 125 Air Conditioning service 305 1,716 1,500 1,560 Alarm system 1,123 $20,082 $19,302 6,096 $21,795 $23,450 $22,080 $22,080. , General supplies $ 1,790 $ 1,589 $ 1,081 $ 1,253 $ 1,400 $ 1,000 Cleaning supplies 1,165 1,031 654 896 1,200 1,000 Paper supplies. 2,971 2,394 1,598 2,298 2,400 1,700 Repair parts and supplies 474 1,479 228 448 1,200 750 Carpenter materials and .paint 107 368 1,335 1,353 200 750 Fuel oil 1,621 729 1,129 1,200 Replacement -light bulbs 574 7,081 503 8,985 5,625 300 7,677 600 7,000 400 6,800 6,800. 6,800 General 2,940 3,180 1,680 3,360 3,360 4,980 4,980 4,980 TOTAL CITY HAIL $53,422 $54.490 $29,579 $60,654 $58,440 $61,200 $61,200 $ 61,200 CITY OF EDINA PAGE 94 GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet FUND PROJECT CITY HALL - DIVISION CENTR S V C - CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL MONTHS ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED DISTRIBUTION ACTUAL ACTUAL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 19 Park $ 6,900 ALLOCATED TO OPERATING DEPARTMENTS: ANNUAL MONTHLY Mayor and Council $ 4,800 $ 400 Planning 2,400 200 Administration 6,960 580 Finance 3,300 275 Assessing 2,760 230 _- Public Works: Administration 1,440 120 Engineering 2,880 240 Police 22,020 1,$35 Public Health 1,440 120 Inspection 2,700 225 $50,700 $41'225 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL MONTHS ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OTHER FUNDS: ANNUAL MONTHLY Park $ 6,900 575 Waterworks 1,800 150 Sewer Rental 1,800 150 0, 00 875 TOTAL $61'9200 $5,100 C.ITV nr FnINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 95 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 CENTRAL SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING 540 -54 SUMMARY COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The function of the Public Works Building is to provide a shelter for Proposed expenditures are eight percent (8 %) higher -then last year's equipment maintenance operations, stockroom, and office area for public appropriation. Higher cost of payroll and heat are principal reasons for works personnel, the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT. Salaries and wages $1,380 Rubbish hauling 400 Light and power (700) Heat 2,400 Sewer and water service (300) Laundry I 800 Other contractual services 150 Commodities (50) Central services 720 TOTAL $4,800 O Indicates red figure ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED $ 13,410 $ 9,707 $ 19,060. $ 18,846 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 20,440 $ 20,440 $ 29,137 30,730 33,600 34,025 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 36,350 36,350 4,990 5,024 4,700 3,878 3. COMMODITIES 4,650 4,650 2,100 2,520 3,000 3,000 4.CENTRAL SERVICES 3,720 3,720 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 49,637 $ 47,981 $ 60,360 $ 59,749 TOTALS $. 65,160 $ 65,160 $ 65,160 COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS The function of the Public Works Building is to provide a shelter for Proposed expenditures are eight percent (8 %) higher -then last year's equipment maintenance operations, stockroom, and office area for public appropriation. Higher cost of payroll and heat are principal reasons for works personnel, the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT. Salaries and wages $1,380 Rubbish hauling 400 Light and power (700) Heat 2,400 Sewer and water service (300) Laundry I 800 Other contractual services 150 Commodities (50) Central services 720 TOTAL $4,800 O Indicates red figure CITY OF EDINA ALLOCATED TO OPERATING DEPARTMENTS: ANNUAL PAGE 96 FUND GENERAL - 10 MONTHLY Health Budget Worksheet $ 190 Park $ 6,120 510 Public Works PROJECT PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING - 540 Waterworks 1,800 150 Equipment operation 47,040. 3,920 Sewer Rental 1,800 DIVISION CENTRAL SERVICES - 54 $55,440 $$6 $ 9,720 $ 810 TOTAL $65,160 $ 5,430 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 79 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 1976 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED Custodian $11,232 $11,804 $ 11,960 Public Works - payroll 5,700 6,250 6,250 Park - payroll 1,900 2,100 2,100 Overtime 228 286 130 4105 $13,410 $ 9,707 $ 5,549 $18,846 $19,060 $20,440 $20,440 4248 Contract work $ 2,615 $ 2,133 $ 2,396 $ 2,444 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 4250 Rubbish hauling 998 988 596 1,387 1,100 1,500 4252 Light and power 8,918 8,629 2,780 9,138 11,000 10,300 4254 Heat 12,484 15,724 14,597 16,748 15,000 17,400 4258 Sewer and water service 1,206 712 383 1,033 1,500 1,200 4260 Insurance 2,030 2,044 2,100 1,800 2,100 4262 Laundry 448 326 825 800 4288 Service contract equipment 886 52 125 350 1,400 1,250 $29,137 $30,730 $21,203 $34,025 $33.600 $36,350 $36,350 36,35 4504 General supplies $ 3,752 $ 1,268 $ 32 $ . 432 $ 2,200 $ 1,000 4512 Cleaning supplies 514 212 326 426 600 500. 4540 Repair parts and hardware 572 1,814 1,577 1,670 1,500 1,750 4606 Replacement -light bulbs 152 372 141 441 400 400 4614 Fuel oil 1,358 809 909 1,000 ,990 $ 5,024 2,885 3,878 1 4,700 $ 4,650 $ 4,650 $ 4,650 4802 General 2,100 2,520 1,500 39000 3,000 3,720 3,720 3.720 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING $49,637 $47,981 $31,137 $59,749 $60,360 $65,160 $65,160 $ 65,160 DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OPERATING DEPARTMENTS: ANNUAL MONTHLY ALLOCATED TO OTHER FUNDS: ANNUAL MONTHLY Health $ 2,280 $ 190 Park $ 6,120 510 Public Works 6,120 510 Waterworks 1,800 150 Equipment operation 47,040. 3,920 Sewer Rental 1,800 150 $55,440 $$6 $ 9,720 $ 810 TOTAL $65,160 $ 5,430 [.ITV (1F FI)INA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 97 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL - 10 CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT OPERATION 560 -56 SUMMARY ACTUAL 1976 ACTUAL 1977 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $104,873 $ 98,052 $119,780 $ 115,703 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 123,510 $123,510 $ 60,667 54,003 66,500 59,263 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 64,540 64,540 173,284 146,194 146,600 149,791 3. COMMODITIES 143,750 143,750 48,780 57,360 64,200 64,200 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 70,560 70,560 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $387.604 $ 355.609 $397 .080 $ 388.957 TOTALS $ 402.360 $402,360 $ 402,360 COMMENTARY FUNCTION COMMENTS This account provides for operation and maintenance of all vehicles, Proposed expenditures are one percent (1 %) higher than last year's maintenance equipment, and power tools. Costs of equipment operation appropriation. Higher cost of payroll and central services are the are charged to operating departments and other funds on the basis of reason for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the use. increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages T3,730 - Contracted repairs (6,760) Insurance 5,400 Other contractual services (600) Commodities (2,850) Central services 6,360 TOTAL $5,280 ( ),Indicates red figure CITY OF EDINA PAGE 98 FUND GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet PROJECT EQUIPMENT OPERATION - 560 DIVISION CENTRAL SERVICES - 56 CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 76 1977 MONTHS (6) ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED Mechanic foreman 18,4bU 19,396 19,916 Mechanics 31,148 33,072 33,072 Serviceman - night 14,779 16,796 16,796 Serviceman 14,539 15,860 15,860 Mechanic 13,000 8,892 9,152 Parts clerk (') 4,082 4,295 4,407 Public Works - payroll 16,850 18,500 18,500 Park and.Golf Course payroll 4,450 4,900 4,900 Overtime 2,472 1,799 907 4105 $104,873 98,052 62t753 $115,703 119,780 $123,510 Tlf3,5TO $123,510 4248 Contracted repairs $ 37,314 $ 21,637 $ 12,936 $ 17,381 $ 25,000 $ 18,240 . 4260 Insurance 16,986 26,648 483 34,436 32,500 37,900 4262 Laundry 3,108 2,873 1,148 3,240 3,000 3,500 4294 Radio service 2,359 2,395 688 3,088 5,000 3,900 4296 Car washes 900 450 618 1,118 1,000 1,000 60,667 54,003 $ 15,873 59,263 $ 66,500 64,540 64,540 $ 64,540 - 4580 Replacement of tools $ 574 $ 420 $ 700 $ 754 $ 600 $ 750 4610 Welding supplies 1,263 1,286 593 928 1,000 1,000 4612 Gasoline and fuel oil 77,068 62,282 37,967 69,565 72,000 70,000 4616 Tires and tubes 18,379 10,704 3,262 9,262 9,000 9,000 4618 Lubricants 3,592 3,863 2,395 3,503 4,000 4,000 4620 Accessories 72,408 67,639 45,916 65,779 60,000 59,000 173,284 $146,194 $ 90,833 $149,791 $146,600 $143,750 $143,750 $143,750 4802 General $ 12,480 $ 15,600 $ 9,540 $ 19,080 $ 19,080 $ 23,520 4806 Public Works Building 36,300 41,760 22,560 45,120 45,120 47.040 48,780 $ 57,360 $ 32.100 642200 $ 64,200 $ 70,560 $ 70,560 $ 70,560 TOTAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION $387,604 $355,609 $201,559 $388,957 $397,080 $402,360 _ $402,360 $402,360 PAGE 99 CITY OF EDINA GENERAL - 10 Budget Worksheet FUND PROJECT EQUIPMENT OPERATION - 560 DIVISION CENTRAL SERVICES - CURRENT YEAR YEAR 19 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT. MANAGER COUNCIL CODE DESCRIPTION 19 19 MONTHS ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED APPROVED DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OPERATING DEPARTMENTS: ANNUAL MONTHLY ALLOCATED TO OTHER FUNDS: AMOUNT MONTHLY Planning $ 1,800 $ 150 Swimming Pool $ 1,800 $ 150 Administration 1,800 150 Golf Course 24,600 2,050 Assessing 1,800 150 Recreation Center 6,300. 525 Public Worts Parks 39,000 3,250 Administration 1,800 150 Waterworks 15,600 1,300 Engineering 13,980 1,165 Sewer Rental 11,400 950 Supervision and Overhead .1,800 150 Construction Street,Maintenance 129,720 10,810 (Assessed projects) 3000 - 250 Street Lighting 1,800 150 101.700 8,475 Street Name Signs 4,200 350 • Traffic Control 7,980 665 TOTAL $402,360 $33,530 Bridges 1,800 150 Storm Drainage 7,980 665 - Village Properties 12,300 1,025 Sidewalks, Ramps and Parking Lots 2,520 210 Police 75,600 6,300 Fire 24,780 2,065 Animal Control 3,000 250 Health 3,000 250 Inspections 3,000 250 300,660 $25,055 GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Mayor and Council: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* Planning: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* Administrative: 1979 1978 Increase - Decrease* Finance: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* Election: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* Assessing: 1979 1978 Increase - Decrease* COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND For years 1978 and 1979 A Contractual Services Commodities Personal Conferences Supplies Central Capital Services and Schools Other General Special Services Outlay Total $ 14,300 $ 200 $ 200 $ 11,820 $ 26,520 .14,300 200 300 8,760 23,560 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 100* $ -0- $ 3,060 -0- $ 2,960 $ 64,598 $ 600 $ 415 $ 250 $ 300 $ 21,600 $ 87,763 58,165 590 475 225 300 18,420 78,175 $ 6,433 10 60* $ 25 $ -0- $ 3,180 $ -0- $ 9,588 $112,242 $ 1,170 $ 19,350 $ 450 $ 37,560 $170,772 110,918 875 29,608 400 $ 200 34,440 $ 300 176,741 1.324 295 10,258* 50 $ 200* 3,120 300* 5,969* $109,690 $ 215 $ 26,490 $ 350 $ 28,920 $165,665 103,788 593 23,105 300 23,460 151,246 ,90 78* 3,385 50 -0- , , $ 8,636 $ 6,030 $ 1,630 $ 976 $ 4,080 $ 21,352 21,378 7,146 826 1,334 2,700 $ 1 950 35,334 $ 12,742* $ -0- $ 1,116* $ 804 $ 358* 1,380 $ 19950* $ 13,982* $ 91,728 $ 500 $ 3,950 $ 900 $ 28,500 $ 747 $126,325 83,837 500 3,370 850 $ 300 27,420. 750 117,027 7,891 $ -0- $ 580 $ 50 $ 300* $ 1,080 $ 3* $ 9,298 COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONT'D.) ities TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1979 Personal Conferences. Supplies Central Capital 2,685 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CON'E'D. Services_ and Schools Other General Special Services Outlay Total Legal and Court Services: $132,480 $ 747 $676,397 1979 $ 21,000 $ 57,000 $ 78,000 1978 21,000 57,000 78,000 Increase- Decrease* -0- $ -0- $' -0- $ -0- -0- $ -0- 660,083 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1979 $422,194 $ 2,685 $113,235 $ 3,780 $ 1,276 $132,480 $ 747 $676,397 1978 413,386 2 758 120,704 2,901 2,134 115,200 3,000 660,083 Increase- Decrease* 8,808 $ 73* $ 7,469* 879 $ 858* $ 17,280 2,253* $ 16,31 PUBLIC WORKS: Administration: 1979 $ 30,870 $ 500 $ 50 $ 11,580 $ 43,000 1978 25,714 500 50 11,160 37,424 Increase- Decrease* 5,156 -0- -0- $ -0- -0- $ 420 -0- 5,576 Engineering: 1979 $132,855 $ 100 $ 2,260 $ 5,635 $ 3,000 $ 48,360 $ 7,900 $200,110 1978 151,379 200 1,250 5,470 2,860 50,100 8,290 219,549 Increase - Decrease* 18,524* 100* 1,010 165 140 1,740* 390* $ 19,439* Supervision and Overhead: 1979 $115,743 $ 450 $ 105 $ 150 $152,520 $268,968 1978 109,064 255 100 100 135,360 244,879 Increase - Decrease* 6,679 $ 195 5 -0- 50 $ 17,160 -0- $ 24,089 Street Maintenance: 1979 $258,203 $ 67,700 $122,850 $ 14,950 $129,720 $593,423 1978 245,908 67,650 117,554 16,953 128,520 576,585 Increase - Decrease* 12,295 -0- 50 5,296 ,003* 1,200 -0- 16,838 Street Lighting: 1979 $ 3,990 $155,440 $ 3,300 $ 1,000 $ 1,800 $165,530 1978 3,800 152,100 3,000 1,000 1,560 161,460 Increase- Decrease* 190 -0- 3,340 300 -0- 240 -0- $ 4,070 Street Name Signs: 1979 $ 8,400 $ 929 $ 5,000 $ 4,200 $ 18,529 1978. 12,800 929 21,206. 4,200 39,135 Increase- Decrease* $ 4,400* $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 16,206* $ -0- -0- $ 20,606* COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONT'D.)• A Contractual Services Commodities Personal Conferences Supplies Central Capital PUBLIC WORKS CONT'D. Services and Schools Other Services Outlay Total Traffic Control: -General -1979 $ 19,910 $ 21,360 $ 11,335 $ .7,700 $ 7,980 $ 68,285 1978 17,600 21,700 14,022 3,500 7,980 64,802 Increase - Decrease* $ 2,310 $ -07 $ 340* $ 2,687* $ 4,200 $ -0- $ -0- 3,483 Bridges: 1979 $ 4,410 $ 1,000 $ 710 $ 1,800 $ 7,920 1978 4,200 500 710 1,560 6,;572 Increase- Decrease* $ .210 -0- 500 -0- -0- 240 -0- 950 Storm Drainage: 1979 $ 44,090 $ 1,700 $ 5,400 $ 4,385 $ 7,980 $ 63,555 1978 41,800 620 4,900 2,350 7,980 57,650 Increase - Decrease* $ 2,290 -0- 1,080 4 500 2,035 -0- -0 -. $ 5,905 City Properties: 1979 $ 62,910 $ 11,700 $ 3,870 $ 4,730 $ 12,300 $ 95,510 1978 57,900 9,900 3,870 4,730 12,300 88,700 Increase- Decrease* 5,010 -0- 1,800 -0- -0- $ -0- -0- 6,810 Sidewalks, Ramps,Parking Lots 1979 $ 11,425 $ 13,520 $ 4,500 $ 2,520 $ 31,965 1978 9,100 11,900 4,400 2,520 27.920 Increase- Decrease* $ 2,325 -0- $ 1,620 100 -0- -0- -0- $ 4,045' Capital Outlay: 1979 $ $ 1978 59,700 59,700 Increase- Decrease* $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $, -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 4,935 $ 4,935 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS: 1979 $692,806 $ 1,050 $274,835 $158,529 $ 40,915 $380,760 $ 72,535 $1,621,430 1978 679,265 955 265,770 154,855 52,699 363,240 67,990 1,584 774 Increase- Decrease* 13,541 $ 95 $ 9,065 3,674 $ 11,784* 17,520 4,545 36,656 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Police Protection: 1979. 1978 Increase- Decrease* Fire Protection: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* Civilian Defense: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* Animal Control: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* Public Health: 1979 1978 Increase - Decrease* Inspections: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONT'D.) Contractual Services Commodities Personal Conferences Supplies Services and Schools Other deneral Special A Central Capital Services Outlay Total $1,045,555 $ 2,500 $ 32,761 $ 4,507 $ 4,900 $362,040 $ 44,500 $1,496,763 972,674 2,500 35,476 3,970 3,582 347,100 47,900 1,413,202 72,881 $ -0- $ 2,715* 537. 1,318 14,940 3, 00* 83,561 $ 559,812 $ 1,200 $ 29,635 $ 15,890 $ 2,400 $206,760 $ 28,975 $ 844,672 516,201 1,200 28,100 16,550 2,600 165,600 28,500 758 751 43,611 -0- 1,535 660* 200* 1,160 $ 475 85!921 $ 4,559 $ 250 $ 2,223 $ 500 $ 150 $ 1,725 $ 9,407 4,342 100 2,027 500 150 1,300 8,419 $ 217 150 196 $ -0- .$ -0- -0- $ 425 988 $ 13,030 $ 4,250 $ 250 $ 5,520 $ 2,000 $ 25,050• 13,550 4,250 250 5,640 23,690 $ 520* -0- $ -0- $ -0- -0- 120* $ 2,000 $ 1,360 $ 51,826 $ 275 $ 84,344 $ 1,498 $ 100 $ 21,720 $ 500 $ 160,263 54,583 275 80,168 1,699 100 17,820 154,645 2,757* 4,176 201* -0- 3,900 500 5,618 $ 78,000 $ 660 $ 465 $ 230 $ 200 $ 26,340 $ 105,895 76,726 490 265 370 200 24,600 102,651 1,274 170 200 140* -0- 1,740 -0- 3,2 $1,752,782 $ 4,885 $153,678 $ 22,875 $ 7,750 $622,380 $ 77,700 :$2,6420050 1,638,076 4,565 150,286 23,339 6,632 560,760 77 700 2,461,358 $ 114,706 $ 320 $ 3,392 $ 464* $ 1,118 $ 61,620 4 -0- - 180,692 NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES: Contingencies: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease *. Settlement of Suits: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* Special Assessments on City Property: 1979 1978 Increase - Decrease* COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONT'D.) Personal Conferences Services and Schools Other E ties .es Central Soecial Services A' Capital Outlav Total $110,000 $110,000. 79,949 79,949 $ -0- $ -0- $ 30,051 -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 30,051 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 . 2,500 2,500 -0- -0- $ -0- -0- $ -0- -O- -O- -0- $ 80,000 $ 80,000 80,000 80,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -O- -0- $ -0- S -0 Central Services- Capital Outlay: 1979 $ 17,725 S 17,725 1978 2,650 2,650 Increase- Decrease* -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 15,075-------T-15,075 Capital Improvements: 1979 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 1978 50,000 50,000 Increase- Decrease* -0- -0- -0- -O- -0- -0- -0- -0- Commissions and Special Projects: 1979 $ 12,300 $ 200 $ 94,600 $ 400 $ 2,100 $109,600 1978 12,500 200 87,650 400 2,100 102,850 Increase- Decrease* 200* $ -0- $ 6,950 -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 6,750 TOTAL NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES: 1979 $ 12,300 $ 200 $207,100 $ 400 $ 2,100 $147,725 $369,825 1978 12,500 200 170,099 400 2,100 132,650 317,949 Increase - Decrease* 200* $ -0- $ 37,001 -0- -0- -0- 15,075 $ 51,876 GENERAL FUND: TOTAL GENERAL FUND: 1979 1978 Increase - Decrease* PARK FUND: Administration: 1979 1978 Increase - Decrease* Recreation: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* Maintenance: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* Capital Outlay: 1979 1978 Increase - Decrease* TOTAL PARK FUND: 1979 1978 Increase- Decrease* COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONT'D.) Contractual Services Commodities Personal Conferences Supplies Central Capital Services And Schools Other General Services Outlay Total $2,880,082 $ 8,820 $748,848 $185,584 $ 52,041 $1,135,620 $298,707 $5,309,702 . 2,743,227 8,478 706,859 181,495 63,565 1,039,200 281,340 5,024,164 $ 136,855 342 41,989 4,089 11,524* 96,420 $ 17,367 $ 285,538 $ 123,499 $ 600 $ 1,600 $ 100 $ 250 $ 159,300 $ 285,349 120,575 600 1,800 100 250 130,320 253,645 2,924 $ -0- 200* -0- -0- - X28,980 $ -0- 31,704 $ 53,980 $ 17,150 $ 2,300 $ 10,150 $ 83,580 57,685 16,800 2,050 11,400 87,935 $ 3,705* $ -0- $ 350 250 1,250* -0- -0- 4,355* $ 188,426 $ 21,000 $ 26,600 $ 7,000 $ 35,400 $ 278,426 180,650 20,500 24,000 7,000 35,400 267,550 $ 7,776 $ -0- $ 500 $ 2,600 -0- -0- 10,876 $ 17,800 $ 17,800 26,600 26,600 -O- -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 8,800* $ > -- 8,800* $ 365,905 $ 600 $ 39,750 $ 29,000 $ 17,400 $ 194,700 $ 17,800 $ 665,155 358,910 600 39,100 26,150 18,650 165,720 26,600 635,730 6,995 -0- 650 2,850 1,250* 8,980 81800* 29,42 COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND(CONT'D.) A Contractual Services Commodities Personal Conferences Supplies Central Capital OTHER TAX SUPPORTED and Schools Other General Special Services Outlay Total EXPENDITURES: Park Construction- Capital Improvements: 1979 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 1978 80,000 80,000 Increase- Decrease* $ -0- $ -0- -0- -O- $ -0- -0- $ 80,000 $ 80,000 Bonds and Interest: 1979 $316,000 $ 316,000 1978 315,000 315 000 Increase - Decrease -0- -0- 1,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,000 Fire Protection: 1979 $ 15,450 $ 15,450 1978 15,370 15,370 Increase- Decrease* $ -0- $ -0- $ 80 -0- -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 80 TOTAL OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES: 1979 $ $331,450 $ 80,000, $ 411,450 1978 330,370 80,000 410,370 Increase- Decrease* -0- -0- 1,080 -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,080 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1979 $3,245,987 $ 9,420 $1,120,048 $214,584 $ 69,441 $1,330,320 $396,507 $6,386,307 1978 3,102,137 9,078 1,076,329 207,645 82,215 1,204,920 387,940 6,070,264 Increase- Decrease* $ 143,850 $ 342 $ 43,719 $ 6,939 $ 12,774* $ 125,400 $ 8,567 $ 316,043 Percent of Increase - Decrease* Over Last Year $ 4.64% 3.77% 4.06% 3.34% 15.54 %* 10.41% 2.21% 5.21% PERSONAL SERVICES Planning Administration Finance Election Assessing Public Works: Administration Engineering General Police Fire Civilian Defense Animal Control Public Health Inspections Commissions and Special Projects Park: Administration Recreation Maintenance CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - OTHER Administration: Contractual services Dues and subscriptions Mileage Legal advertising Professional services Finance: Data Processing: Equipment rental Payroll Financial control Contractual services Mileage ANALYSIS OF MAJOR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO INCREASE IN RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES FOR 1979 Reclassification Additional and other Additional Salary Overtime -Adjustments Personnel Increase Total $ 1,000 $ 2,353 $ 3,080 6,433 4,004* 5,328 1,324 1,377 $ 1,000* 5,525 5,902 12,937* 195 12,742* 1,521 6,370 7,891 5,156 5,156 6,000* 18,850* 6,326 18,524* 12,038* 13,008 590 25,349 26,909 675 6,470 65,736 72,881 43,611 43,611 217 217 1,482* 962 520* 3,643* 1,650* 2,536 2,757* 3,702* 4,976 1,274 900* 700 200* 3,956* 1,500 5,380 2,924 3,705* 3,705* 300 7,588* 204 14,860 7,776 .16,063* 6,116* 30,278* $196,307 TOTAL INCREASE - PERSONAL SERVICES $143,850 $ 5,855* 2,103* 200 500* 2,000* 0,258* $ 580 1,300 1,335 120 50 3,385 B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - OTHER CONT'D. Election: Moving charge Custodians Insurance Contractual services Contracted repairs Assessing: Contractual services Public Works: Engineering: Contractual services Meeting expense Street Lighting: Light and power Traffic Control: Light and power Equipment maintenance Contracted repairs Bridges: Contracted repairs Storm Drainage: Televised inspection Light and power City Properties: Rubbish removal Service- forester Sidewalks, Ramps and Parking Lots: Light and power Rubbish hauling Contractual services Police Protection: Professional services Equipment rental Insurance Uniform allowance Teletype services Psychological testing Service contract equipment Fire Protection: Contractual services Meeting expense Professional - other Equipment rental ANALYSIS OF MAJOR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO INCREASE IN RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES FOR 1979 $ 1,067 1,080* 100* 103* 900* $ 1,116* 600 $ 700 360 1,060 3,340 $ 1,040* 200 500 340* 500 $ 680 400 1,080 $ 1,000 800 1,800 $ 620 500* 1,500 1,620 $ 2g0 833 3,010* 215 1,813* 180 600 2,775* $ 300* 100 500* 500 B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - OTHER CONT'D. Fire.Protection Cont d. Contracted. repairs Rubbish removal Light and power Insurance Laundry Uniform allowance Psychologicsl testing Equipment maintenance Service contract - equipment Civilian Defense: Contractual.services Telephone Uniform all�wance Public Health• Contractual services - (Bloomington contract) Mileage Inspections: Mileage Contingencies Commissions and Special Projects: Human Rights Commission: Contractual services Education programs South Hennepin Human Services Council: Contribution Suburban Rate Authority: Due's Park Fund: Administration: Mileage Recreation: Senior Citizens: Telephone and other contractual services ANALYSIS OF MAJOR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO INCREASE IN RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES FOR 1979 $ 1,000 80 800 1,000* 100* 1,300 300* 900 1,000* $ 1,480 $ 150* 60 250 160 $ 4,000 210 4,210 200 30,051 $ 2,300 3,000 $ 5,300 2,400 750* 6,950 200* 350 B ANALYSIS OF MAJOR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO INCREASE B; IN RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES FOR 1979 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 'OTHER CONT'D. Park Fund Cont'd.: Maintenance: Building and Equipment Maintenance: Contracted repairs $ 1,000 Skating Rink Maintenance: Light and power $ 500 Heat 1,000* 500* $ 500 Bonds and Interest 1,000 Other 122 TOTAL INCREASE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - OTHER $ 43,719 * Indicates red figure i ANALYSIS OF MAJOR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO INCREASE B IN RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES IN 1979 CENTRAL SERVICES General: Pension contribution $ 23,937 Liability insurance 11,923 Workmen's Compensation insurance 67,490 Employer's share - hospitalization, life insurance and income protection insurance 36,330 Postage 3,800 Telephone 7,200 Equipment rental 700* Equipment service contracts 200* Commodities 1,000 150,780 City.Hall: Salaries and wages (Increase in rate $650) $ 2,710 - Contracted services and repairs 1,400* Light and power 220* Heat 420 Water and power service 500* Rubbish hauling 445 Electrical and furnace service 175* Air conditioning service 60 Commodities 200* Central services 1,620 2,760 Public Works Building: Salaries and wages (Increase in rate $572) $ 1,380 Rubbish hauling 400 Light and power 700* Heat 2,400 Sewer and water service 300* Laundry 800 Service contract equipment 150 Commodities 50* Central services 720 4,800 'ANALYSIS OF MAJOR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO INCREASE B IN RECOMMENDED,EXPENDITURES IN 1979 CENTRAL SERVICES (CONT'D.) Equipment Operation: Salaries and wages (Increase in rate $5,148) $ 3,730 Contracted repairs 6,760* Insurance 5,400 . Laundry 500 Radio service 1,100* Replacement of tools 150 Gasoline and fuel oil 2,000* Accessories 1,000* Central services 6,360 $ 5,280 TOTAL INCREASE - CENTRAL SERVICES $ 163,620 DISTRIBUTION Budgeted accounts $ 125,400. Other funds 38,220 TOTAL $ 163',620 Mayor and Council: Local meetings, conferences and schools Planning: State Architectural Conference Minnesota Association of Housing Redevelopment Authority Minnesota Planning Association National meeting - Baltimore Administration: National meeting - Phoenix - Manager League - annual meeting - four persons Other local meetings and schools School - City Clerk Finance: Local meetings and schools Assessing: . National meeting - Phoenix - Assessor Local meetings and schools Public works: Administration: National meeting - Toronto - Director Local meetings and schools Engineering: Local meetings and schools - various employees Supervision and Overhead: National meeting - Portland - Superintendent In service training - all personnel Police Protection: Minnesota Chief. Conference - Chief Crime Prevention Theory - Louisville Police Physical Fitness Trainer's Course - Dallas Advance Driving - St. Cloud DETAILS OF CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS - 1979 $ 200 $ :50 100 50 400 600 $ 550 170 290 160 1,170 215 $ 450 50 500 $ 450 50 500 100 $ 300 150 450 $ 100 1,300 500 600 2,500 C Fire Protection: Fire Instructor's course - Memphis - Two $ 380 Tactical School - Oklahoma 390 State Fire School - three officers 90 In -state meetings and schools - various officers 100 Minnesota State Fire Chief's meeting - one 100 Building Inspection School - 'ltoo officers 50 Tuition - Metropolitan State Junior College 90 $1,200 Civilian Defense: Local meetings and schools - Director and officers 250. Public Health: Local meetings and schools - Sanitarian, Assistant Sanitarian and laboratory technician, 275 Inspections: Local school - three persons $ 200 Local chapter - International Conference of Building Officials 340 Tuition - night courses - North Hennepin Community College 120" 660 Commissions and Special Projects: Human Rights Commission: Local conferences and schools 200 Park Administration: National meeting - New Orleans - Director $. 400 Local meetings, schools and conferences - various persons 200 600 TOTAL $9,420 CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET COMPARATIVE ASSESSED VALUATION, TAX RATE IN MILLS, AND IN TAX DOLLARS ALL FUNDS COMPARATIVE ASSESSED VALUATION Fiscal Disparity Increment Adiustment Valuation $( 7,542,224) ( 9,674,915) ( 9,740,168) ( 9,997,623) (11,000,000) $(317,306) (576,977) (726,434) (850,000) Total 60,536,828 81,490,784 84,313,305 283,618,317 (A) 312,755,293 (A) 324,157,696 (A) 361,810,427 (A) 384,5080268 (A) 392,780,411 (A) 401,700,000 (A) (B) Real and Levy of Collectible In Personal 1969 1970 60,536,828 1970 1971 81,490,784 1971 1972 84,313,305 1972 1973 283,618,317 1973 1974 312,755,293 1974 1975 331,699,920 1975 1976 371,802,648 1976 1977 394,825,413 1977 1978 403,504,468 1978 1979 413,550,000 ANNUAL BUDGET COMPARATIVE ASSESSED VALUATION, TAX RATE IN MILLS, AND IN TAX DOLLARS ALL FUNDS COMPARATIVE ASSESSED VALUATION Fiscal Disparity Increment Adiustment Valuation $( 7,542,224) ( 9,674,915) ( 9,740,168) ( 9,997,623) (11,000,000) $(317,306) (576,977) (726,434) (850,000) Total 60,536,828 81,490,784 84,313,305 283,618,317 (A) 312,755,293 (A) 324,157,696 (A) 361,810,427 (A) 384,5080268 (A) 392,780,411 (A) 401,700,000 (A) (B) D TAX RATE IN MILLS Collectible Bonds and In General Parks Interest Other Total 1970 24.73 1.99 1.06 .61 28.39 1971 19.98 1.97 .80 .47 23.22 1972 17.66 2.03 .85 .44 20.98 1973 5.61 .66 .25 .13 6.65 1974 5.31 .63 .23 .12 6.29 1975 6.24 .61 .04 .07 6.96 1976 6.633 .545 .866 .111 8.155 1977 6.764 .740 .817 .125 8.446 1978 7.225 .961 .803 .040 9.029 1979 7.735 1.005 .787 .038 9.565 D CITY OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET D COMPARATIVE ASSESSED VALUATION, ETC. CONT'D, TAXES IN DOLLARS Collectible Bonds and In General Parks Interest Other Total 1969 $1,412,841 $114,169 $ 63,364 $38,247 $1,628,621 1970 1,497,076 120,468 64,169 36,927 1,718,640 1971 1,628,626 159,926 65,312 38,352 1,892,216 1972 1,488,973 171,156 71,666 37,098 1,768,893 1973 1,595,084 187,088 71,367 36,963 1,890,502 1974 1,659,792 198,912 72,247 35,029 1,965,980 1975 2,023,068 197,736 13,290 20,746 2,254,840 1976 2,399,889 197,187 313,328 40,160 2,950,564 1977 2,585,877 283,666 312,339 47,788 3,229,670 1978 2,836,628 377,302 315,267 15,702 3,544,890 1979 3,107,274 403,655 316,000 15,450 3,842,379 Note A - The 1971 legislature changed the method of determining assessed value. Before 1973, assessed value was determined in the following manner; market value divided by three, to determine full and true value, then certain percentages applied to full and true to determine assessed value. For 1973, assessed value is determined in the following manner; determine market value, then apply certain percentages to determine assessed value. The change in method increases assessed value about three times over prior years. B - Estimated O Indicates red figure __ SWIMMING POOL FUND Income: Admissions Other Subsidy Expenses: Operating expenses GOLF COURSE FUND Income: Memberships and fees Other INCOME PRODUCING FUNDS $252,053 $283,388 $320,282 E STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE 49,080 27,457 19,420 32,457 CITY OF EDINA 44,000 252,390 $279,510 $302,808 FOR PAST SIX YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31 367,500 $181,612 $196,634 ACTUAL $225,071 $235,800 ESTIMATED PROJECTED 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 $ 43,878 $ 36,579 $ 37,884 $ 35,372 $ 37,400 $ 36,500 2,030 3,030 9,003 10,909 17,000 17,500 $263,830 $284,000 7,500 7,500 $ 45,908 $ 39,609 46,887 46,281 61,900 $ 61,500 49,802 49,662 53,760 61,163 67,840 67,800 . NET INCOME - (LASS) $ (3,894) $(10,053) $ (6,873) $(14,882) $ (5,940) $ (6,300) Expenses: Operating expenses Interest on debt Provision for depreciation RECREATION CENTER FUND (ARENA) Income: Operating revenue Subsidy Expenses: Operating expenses Interest on debt Provision for depreciation NET INCOME - (LOSS) NET INCOME - (LOSS) $203,310 $252,053 $283,388 $320,282 $317,300 $323,500 49,080 27,457 19,420 32,457 43,200 44,000 252,390 $279,510 $302,808 $352,739 360,500 367,500 $181,612 $196,634 $221,620 $225,071 $235,800 $256,800 28,475 18,894 17,772 16,651 15,530 14,200 9,565 11,168 8,712 10,543 12,500 13,000 $219,652 $226,696 $248,104 $252,265 $263,830 $284,000 $ 32,738 $ 52,814 $ 54,704 $100,474 $ 96,670 $ 83,500 $188,741 $192,164 $207,014 $213,856 $212,700 $220,500 7,500 7,500 $188,741 $192,164 $207,014 $213,856 $220,200 $228,000. $165,136 $191,654 $219,267 $232,309 $258,000 $243,000 23,602 12,051 9,600 9,169 8,270 6,360 4,449 4,593 3,189 3,995 4,600 4,800 $193,187 $208,298 $232,056 $245t473 $270,870 $254,160 $ (4,446) $(16,134) $(25,042) $(31,617) $(50,670) • $(26,160) GUN RANGE FUND Income: Operating revenue Expenses: Operating expenses ART CENTER FUND Income: Operating revenue Expenses: Operating expenses Provision for depreciation WATERWORKS FUND Income: Sale of water Other operating revenue Non - operating income Expenses: Operating expenses Interest on debt Provision for depreciation NET INCOME - (LOSS) NET INCOME - (LOSS) NET INCOME - (LOSS) INCOME PRODUCING FUNDS $495,958 $679,032 $520,865 E STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE 30,780 26,719 25,927 23,877 CITY OF EDINA 26,500 19,083 11,324 10,816 FOR PAST SIX YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31 12,100 12,000 571,238 $534,001 ACTUAL $554,295 617,300 ESTIMATED PROJECTED 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 $ 7,759 $ 7,320 $ 11,138 $ 13,716 $ 14,000 $ 14,500 9,946 14,429 13,695 15,484 14,270 14,790 $ (2,187) $ (7,109) $ (2,557) $ (1,768) $ (270) $ (290) $718,473 $776,490 804,000 $ 19,218 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 20,416 $ 34,400 $ 35,500 $ 25,876 $ 48,040 $ 48,600 539 1,300 1,400 -0- $ -0- -0- $ 26,415 9,340 50,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ (5,999) $(14,940) $(14,500) $521,375 $495,958 $679,032 $520,865 $578,800 $660,000 30,780 26,719 25,927 23,877 26,400 26,500 19,083 11,324 10,816 9,553 12,100 12,000 571,238 $534,001 715,775 $554,295 617,300 $6989500 $313,306 $364,863 $482,244 $471,587 $526,840 $552,600 11,449 9,573 7,886 6,420 5,150 3,400 227,265 231,652 237,688 240,466 244,500 248,000 $552,020 $606,088 $727,818 $718,473 $776,490 804,000 $ 19,218 $(72,087) $(12,043) $(164,178) $(159,190) $(1051500) SEWER RENTAL FUND Income: Operating revenue Other Expenses: Operating expenses Provision for depreciation LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND Income: Sale of merchandise Other Cost of sales and expenses: Cost of merchandise sold Operating expenses Provision for depreciation NET INCOME - (LOSS) NET INCOME --(LOSS) INCOME PRODUCING FUNDS STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE CITY OF EDINA FOR PAST SIX YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31 E $ 621,196 $ 787,156 ACTUAL $1,138,816 ESTIMATED PROJECTED 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 $ 674,248 $ 690,389 $1,189,206 $1,161,364 $1,222,200 $1,415,000 7,906 21,871 21,487 15,297 4,800 5,000 $ 682,154 $ 712,260 $1,210,693 $1,176,661 $1,227,000 $19420,000 $ 621,196 $ 787,156 $ 919,280 $1,138,816 $1,331,132 $1,388,700 95,060 99,122 100,577 102,606 105,600 108,000 716,256 886,278 1,019,857 $1,241,422 $1,436,732 $1,496,700 $ (34,102) $ (174,018) $ 190,836 $ (64,761) $ (209,732) $ (76,700) 313,877 364,308 368,456 364,022 400,300 414,500 26,117 29,164 28,730 29,627 40,000 45,000 $4,165,120 $4,463,713 $3,899,365 $4,049,311 $4,601,100 $5,025,000 45,516 32,848 40,322 52,772 60,000 60,000 4,210,636 $4,496,561 $3,939,687 4,102,083 $4,661,100 5,085,000 $3,335,935 $3,628,571 $3,240,863 $3,378,813 $3,864,900 $4,220,000_ 313,877 364,308 368,456 364,022 400,300 414,500 26,117 29,164 28,730 29,627 40,000 45,000 3,675,929 $4,022,043 $3,638,049 3,772, 62 ,305,200 $4,679,500 $ 534,707 $ 474,518 $ 301,638 $ 329,621 $ 355,900 $ 405,500