HomeMy WebLinkAbout50thFrance Bike RacksEdinaTLC
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
Contact: David Katz, Communications Intern
Phone 952-833-9522 • Fax 952-826-0389 • www.EdinaMN.gov
Hilary Reeves, Bike Walk Twin Cities
Phone 651-767-0298, x115
Sean McDonnell, for Bike Walk Twin Cities
Phone 612-889-3297
29 New Bike Racks to be Installed at 50th & France
Edina, Minn., Sept. 25, 2012 – In the next two weeks, the bicycle parking capacity in downtown Edina at
50th & France will jump by nearly 60 spots. Twenty-nine bike racks, each of which can hold two adult-sized
bikes, are currently being installed in seven strategic locations throughout the neighborhood. Racks were also
installed recently at 44th & France, Edina City Hall and the Edina Public Works & Park Maintenance Facility.
The project was first conceived by the 14-member Bike Edina Task Force, and is now coming to fruition “with
financing from a federal non-motorized transportation pilot program known as Bike Walk Twin Cities,
through Transit for Livable Communities,” said Public Works Director Brian Olson.
The new bike racks will dot both 50th Street and France Avenue South, said Rachel Thelemann, Executive
Director of the 50th & France Business & Professional Association. The 29 units are being installed on France
outside Cocina del Barrio and Walgreens and on 50th outside College Nannies & Tutors, D’Amico & Sons,
Edina Liquor, Lunds and Lush Cosmetics.
The 50th & France neighborhood contains several preexisting racks, but the new additions will do much to
alleviate traffic congestion in the area. “Biking is another mode of transportation; any time a bike gets ridden
to work, it frees up a parking space in the ramps,” Olson said.
“We have been trying for some time to retain more bike racks at 50th & France,” Thelemann said. “We want
visitors and employees in the area to be able to walk, bike or drive to the area and spend the day. On any
given Saturday, you see lots of bicyclists in the area, so these extra racks will be wonderful for the
neighborhood, shoppers and employees. We are just thrilled!”
Brad Schaeppi, a member of the Bike Edina Task Force, is excited to see his organization’s years of work on
bicycling expansion in Edina become a reality. “Between the enhancement of Edina roadways for bicycling and
the city’s new bike racks, this is truly a watershed year in Edina,” he said. “This is a great win for our
community and residents, to enhance our overall quality of life.”
The new bike racks stand about three feet high, and are colored to match the décor of the area. Less than
two inches in thickness, the racks accommodate standard U-style bike locks.
Edina’s bike expansion effort is funded in part by Bike Walk Twin Cities, a program of Transit for Livable
Communities. In addition to adding bike racks, the expansion will triple the number of City streets with
bicycle facilities from 4 to 12. Improvements to three of Edina’s most popular bike routes – on 54th Street,
Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road – will provide key north-south connections within the community
and a vital east-west connection into Minneapolis.
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
For more information on the City projects, contact the City of Edina Engineering
Department at 952-826-0371 or visit www.EdinaMN.gov/Engineering. For more
information about Bike Walk Twin Cities, visit www.bikewalktwincities.org. For
more information on the Bike Edina Task Force’s mission and initiatives,
visit bikeedina.org.
About Bike Walk Twin Cities
The Twin Cities is one of four U.S. communities to receive $28 million through the federal Nonmotorized
Transportation Pilot Program to enhance bicycling and walking as transportation and to improve health, community
livability, and air quality. Beginning in 2007, the Bike Walk Twin Cities
(BWTC) pilot program allocated funding to expand the network of bicycle routes (more than 75 miles of new bike
lanes and sidewalks), to innovative ways to increase access to bicycles for transportation (e.g., Nice Ride Minnesota and
the Cycles for Change Community Partners Bike Library), and to education, outreach, planning, and measurement. The
Twin Cities area count of bicycling and walking, conducted with several local partners and volunteers, is one of the
largest counting efforts in the nation. BWTC, along with the other pilot program locations, is working with the US DOT
to establish protocols for measuring nonmotorized transportation in ways that are comparable to other transportation
modes. Bike Walk Twin Cities count data shows that bicycling increased 52 percent and walking 18 percent between
2007-2011. The Bike Walk Twin Cities pilot program is administered by Transit for Livable Communities, a nonprofit
organization focused on increasing transportation options for Minnesotans. To learn more about BWTC, go to