HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-06 City Council Meeting PacketAg enda City Council Meeting City of E dina, Minnesota City Hall Council Chambers Tuesday, June 6, 2023 7:00 PM Watch the m eeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeeting s or Facebook.com /EdinaMN. Participate in Com m unity Com m ent and Public H ear ing Call 786-496-5601 Enter Conference 4291915# Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak An operator will intr oduce you when it is your turn I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Pled ge of Allegiance IV.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda V.Com m u n ity Com m ent Durin g "Com m u n ity Com m ent," the Mayor w ill invite residen ts to sh are issu es or concerns th at a re n ot sched u led for a futu re p u b lic hearin g. Item s th at a re on ton ight's agen d a m ay n ot be a d d ressed durin g Com m u n ity Com m ent. Individ u als m u st lim it their com m ents to three m inutes. Th e Ma y or m ay lim it th e n u m b er of speakers on th e sa m e issue in th e interest of tim e a n d topic. In d ividua ls sh ould not expect th e Ma y or or Council to resp ond to th eir com m en ts tonigh t. The City Ma n ager w ill resp ond to question s raised durin g Com m u n ity Com m ents at th e n ext m eeting. A.City Mana ger's Respon se to Com m unity Com m en ts VI.Adop tion Of Consent Agen d a All a ge n d a ite m s liste d on th e Con se n t Age n d a w ill be approved b y on e m otion . Th ere w ill b e n o sep ara te discu ssion of item s u n less req u ested to be rem ove d b y a Cou n cil Me m b er. If re m oved th e item w ill be con sid ere d im m e d ia te ly follow ing th e a d option of the Con sen t Agenda . (Fa vorable rollca ll vote of m ajority of Council Mem bers p resent to a pprove , unless oth erw ise n oted in consent item .) A.Ap p rove Min u tes: W ork Session a n d Regu la r, Ma y 16, 2023 B.Ap p rove Pa y m ent of Claim s C.Request for Pu rcha se: Two 2023 Ford Lightn ing Electric Veh icles D.Request for Pu rcha se: Four 2023 Ford Police Interceptor Utility Pa trol Veh icles E .Ordin ance 2023-07: Am endin g Cha p ter 30 of the E d ina City Code Con cern ing Vegetation , Article III. La n d scapin g F.Ap p rove Su m m ary Publication for Ord ina n ce 2023-07 Concernin g Vegeta tion, Article III. Landsca p ing G.Tra;c Sa fety Rep ort of April 25, 2023 H.Request for Pu rcha se: ENG 22-2L Bla ke Roa d La n d scapin g I.Request for Pu rcha se: Ch ange Ord er: E NG 22-2 Blake Road Street Recon stru ction J.Request for Pu rcha se: ENG 23-1NB Morn ingside C Neigh b orhood Roa d wa y Recon stru ction Project W ater Services K.Request for Pu rcha se: FC22-01 Pu b lic W orks Tren ch Drain Replacem en ts a n d W a sh Bay Im provem ents L.Request for Pu rcha se: Braem ar Field Dom e Rem oval M.Request for Pu rcha se: Braem ar Golf Cou rse Marketin g Services N.Request for Pu rcha se: Lew is Park Trail Repa vin g O.Request for Pu rcha se: Cleanin g Services for Edin a Aq u atic Center P.Request for Pu rcha se: Help Desk Softwa re Su b scription Q.Resolu tion No. 2023-40: Rescindin g Resolution No. 2014-29 R.Ap p rove Tem porary On-Sa le In toxicating Liquor Licen se for Mid west Rett Syndrom e Founda tion VII.Special Recogn ition s An d Presentation s A.2023 State of Su stain ability VIII.Pu b lic Hea rings Durin g "Pu b lic Hea rings," the Mayor w ill ask for public testim ony a fter sta D and/or applicants m ake th eir presen ta tions. Th e followin g guid elines are in place to en sure a n e;cient, fair, and resp ectful hearin g; lim it you r testim ony to th ree m in u tes and to th e m atter under consideration ; the Mayor m a y m od ify tim es, as deem ed necessary; a void repeating rem a rks or p oin ts of view m ade by previous sp ea kers. Th e u se of signs, clappin g, cheerin g or booin g or a n y other form of verba l or n onverba l com m u n ication is n ot a llow ed. A.PUBLIC HE ARING: Ord ina n ce No. 2023-08: An Ord ina n ce Ap p roving Ch apter 35 of th e Edin a City Cod e Concernin g th e Edin a W est Housing Im provem ent Area and Resolu tion No. 2023-36 Approvin g th e Fee for th e Edin a W est Housing Im provem ent Area B.PUBLIC HE ARING: Ord ina n ce No. 2023-06: An Ord ina n ce Am endin g Cha p ter 36 of the E d ina City Code Con cern ing Electric Veh icle a n d Sola r E n ergy Inform ation C.PUBLIC HE ARING: Resolution No. 2023-39: Ap p roving Right-of- W ay Ea sem ent Vacation a t 4660 W est 77th Street D.PUBLIC HE ARING: Resolution No. 2023-37: 6200 In terla chen Blvd , Am endm en t to a Con d ition al Use Perm it a n d Variance at Interlach en Country Clu b IX.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s: (Fa vorable vote of m a jority of Cou n cil Mem bers p resent to approve excep t where n oted) A.Resolu tion No. 2023-38: Accep tin g Don ation s B.Ap p rove Bu d get In crease for Com m unity Hea lth a n d Sa fety Center (Fire Station 2) C.Sketch Plan Review for 5780 Lin coln Drive X.Com m ission Correspon d ence (Min u tes and Ad visory Com m u n ication ) A.Min u tes: Arts and Cu ltu re Com m ission , Ma rch 30, 2023 B.Min u tes: E n ergy & E n vironm en t Com m ission , Ap ril 13, 2023 C.Min u tes: Tra n sporta tion Com m ission , Ap ril 20, 2023 D.Min u tes: Board of Ap p ea l and Equa liza tion, April 20 a n d May 4, 2023 E .Min u tes: Hum a n Righ ts & Relation s Com m ission , Ap ril 25, 2023 XI.Mana ger's Com m ents A.Recognition of Hu m an Services Ta sk Force Mem b ers B.Sta te Legisla tive Results for City of Edin a C.M Hea lth a n d Sa n ford Merger Discussion D.Prep Mem o Ju n e 6, 2023 E .Am ended Prep Mem o June 6, 2023 XII.Mayor And Council Com m ents XIII.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampliKcation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: O ther F rom:S haron Allis on, C ity C lerk Item Activity: Subject:C ity Manager's R espons e to C ommunity C omments Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: C ity M anager N eal will respond to questions asked at the previous C ouncil meeting. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: Minutes F rom:S haron Allis on, C ity C lerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve Minutes : Work S es s ion and R egular, May 16, 2023 Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve minutes as presented. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Minutes : Draft Work Session, May 16, 2023 Minutes : Draft City Council, Regular May 16, 2023 MINUTES OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION COMMUNITY ROOM, CITY HALL TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2023 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser and Mayor Hovland Absent: Pierce Staff in attendance: Scott Neal, City Manager; Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director; Addison Lewis, Community Development Coordinator; Cary Teague, Community Development Director; Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner; Stephanie Hawkinson, Affordable Housing Development Manager; Chad Millner, Engineering Director; Heidi Lee, Race and Equity Manager; Jake Miller, I.T. Specialist; and Sharon Allison, City Clerk. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION JOINT MEETING Parks and Recreation Director Vetter, Chair Matt Doscotch and Vice Chair Jamie Pfuhl updated the Council on their 2023 work plan. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Commissioners in attendance: Chair Matt Doscotch and Vice Chair Jamie Pfuhl. ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS Community Development Coordinator Lewis said this work plan item to "review and recommend changes to city ordinances regulating Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)" was a continuation from the Planning Commission's (PC) 2022 work plan. Lewis said on Feb. 7, 2023, the PC presented an advisory communication with the recommendation that the City Council direct staff and the PC to draft an ordinance allowing ADUs, but City Council had questions and that staff and commissioner Smith would respond to those questions. Furthermore, staff and commissioners were looking for direction from Council to continue working on the ordinance to allow ADUs. Lewis said ADUs were identified in several guiding documents to meet various housing and sustainability goals and how they would provide more housing options that serve a diverse range of ages, household types, and economic situation. He spoke about demographic changes and how AARP was advocating for ADUs as a housing solution for seniors to age in place, and that two-thirds would consider living in an ADU. Lewis said from their research of neighboring communities with ADUs, they were more affordable to build, did not require subsidy, prohibited as short-term rentals, showed no evidence of decreased property values, adds to property tax because value increases, no infrastructure concerns because of low volume in other communities, and how many units could be built depends on the ordinance. He said current ordinances were strict so only a few units have been built but several cities were considering loosening restrictions. Commissioner Smith spoke about the number of single-family homes and what it would mean if just two percent added ADUs. He spoke about surrounding communities and Edina with aging parents and adult children and the benefits of ADUs. Smith said the single-family neighborhood façade would not change. He recommended that units be owner-occupied to dissuade investment properties. Council asked questions and provided feedback. Edina City Council Work Session Meeting, May 16, 2023 Commissioners in attendance: Quincy Smith and Bonnie Padilla ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:35 pm. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by the Edina City Council, June 6, 2023. ___________________________________________ James B. Hovland, Mayor Page 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL MAY 16, 2023 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. then shared the procedure for public hearing and community comment. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland. Absent: None. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED AS PRESENTED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Agnew, to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT Wilson Edwards, 10030 Brookside Avenue, and representative of Minnesota Association of Sports Officials, shared about the youth of the state and the NFL/Minnesota Vikings event on July 8 at Jefferson High School for the NFL Combine and MN Youth Rugby. The Council thanked Mr. Edwards for his work with youth and offered a round of applause. David Frenkel, 4510 Lakeview Drive, shared safety concerns regarding the south end of the Macy’s Furniture site and easement once construction began and requested a survey to determine easement placement. He spoke about the easement with Three Rivers Park District and lack of transparency surrounding the easement’s exact location then requested the mature trees on the north side of the trail be retained as well as his desire for a safety barrier along the trail and how it would be a path if removed to access Fred Richards Park. V.A. CITY MANAGER’S RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY COMMENTS Manager Neal said there were no Community Comments at the last meeting. VI. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS AMENDED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, approving the consent agenda as amended, removing Items VI.E., Ordinance No. 2023-07; Amending Chapter 30 of the Edina City Code Concerning Vegetation, Article III, Landscaping, and to VI.H., Local Trail Connection Agreement with Three Rivers Park District, as follows: VI.A. Approve Minutes of the Worksession and Regular Meeting of May 2 and Retreat of May 4, 2023 VI.B. Approve Claims for Payment for Check Register Claims Pre-List dated April 14, 2023, totaling $1,021,602.73 and Check Register Claims Pre-List dated April 21, 2023, totaling $1,860,871.37 VI.C. Adopt Resolution No. 2023-34; Providing for the Sale of Up to $12,000,000 General Obligation Funds VI.D. Community Development Block Grant Requalification VI.E. Ordinance No. 2023-07; Amending Chapter 30 of the Edina City Code Concerning Vegetation, Article III, Landscaping Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2023 Page 2 VI.F. Approve Stormwater Maintenance Agreement with MFG – Southdale Owner, LLC VI.G. Request for Purchase; Change Order for Residential Permit Review Support, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Bolton & Menk, $65,814 VI.H. Local Trail Connection Agreement with Three Rivers Park District VI.I. Approve Grant of Permanent Easements at 4100 76th Street VI.J. Request for Purchase; 2024 Bobcat Loader with Attachments, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Lano Equipment, $63,321 VI.K. Approve Special Permit to Use City Property with Service of Alcohol at the Edina Art Fair, June 2-4, 2023 VI.L. Approve Amendment to Mobile ECMO Truck and Operations Agreements VI.M. Approve Out of State Travel for Mayor Hovland Rollcall: Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA VI.E. ORDINANCE NO. 2023-07; AMENDING CHAPTER 30 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING VEGETATION, ARTICLE III, LANDSCAPING – ADOPTED The Council shared concerns about residents with zero setback and the need to construct an opaque fence to ensure vegetation did not go onto neighboring property. The Council further considered amendments to this ordinance and spoke about the importance of access to sunlight, how some fencing was made with chemically-treated wood, and its effect on sustainability. The Council recommended future consideration regarding possibly transparent fencing instead of opaque. Member Risser moved to grant First Reading adopting Ordinance No. 2023-07; amending Chapter 30 of the Edina City Code concerning Vegetation, Article III, Landscaping. Seconded by Member Agnew. Rollcall: Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. VI.H. LOCAL TRAIL CONNECTION AGREEMENT WITH THREE RIVERS PARK DISTRICT – APPROVED The Council said this was an important action that would open the south end of Fred Richards Park and create a trail for use and thanked everyone for their work on this agreement. Member Risser made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to approve the Local Trail Connection Agreement with Three Rivers Park District. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. VII. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS VII.A. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK – PROCLAIMED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Agnew, to proclaim the week of May 21-27, 2023, as Emergency Medical Services Week. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. Fire Chief Slama thanked the Council for the support of EMS service, noting emergency services was a great benefit for residents then introduced Marty Burley, a cardiac arrest survivor, to share his story. Mr. Burley, Edina, thanked EMS staff for saving his life during a medical crisis and said he was extremely grateful for the emergency services Edina offered. A round of applause was offered by all. VII.B. PRESERVATION MONTH MAY 2023 – PROCLAIMED Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2023 Page 3 Member Risser made a motion, seconded by Member Jackson, to proclaim the week of May 2023 as Preservation Month. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. Assistant City Planner Bodeker thanked Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel for his long-term service to the City and said he was an integral part of Edina’s historic preservation. A round of applause was offered by all. Mr. Vogel thanked the Council for the recognition then shared about his work and thanked the City for their support for the past 20 years. He said Edina should be very proud of the Heritage Preservation Commission’s work. VII.C. EDINA HERITAGE AWARD TO ST. PETER’S CHURCH EDINA – RECOGNIZED Heritage Preservation Commission Vice Chair Severson shared his background then spoke about the designer of St. Peter’s Church Edina, architect Ralph Rapson. He described background of the church that through several additions maintained its integrity and thanked the church for their work. A round of applause was offered by all in attendance. Pastor Shockey shared appreciation of the community for recognition of the buildings and work and thanked the City for this honor. VII.D. NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK – PROCLAIMED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Risser, to proclaim the week of May 21-27, 2023, as National Public Works Week. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. Public Works Director Olson said he was proud to share about connecting the world through public works and how the proclamation was designed to raise awareness of the roles and responsibilities in the community. He spoke about the many challenges public works faced last year such as record snowfall, supply chain issues, and equipment repairs and how these professionals took the challenge in stride then thanked the City for their support. VII.E. CLEAN WATER STRATEGY PHASE 2: VISION (VALUES AND GOALS) AND PRIORITIES UPDATE – RECEIVED Water Resources Manager Wilson shared an update regarding the Clean Water Strategy Phase 2 preview for the public. She shared the importance of the strategy to incorporate modern evolving scientific understanding to meet the expectations of residents, define clean water goals, outline cost and pace and plan implementation, and define the vision, values, goals and priorities. She said Phase 3 would create detailed management plans then outlined the engagement work in detail which included open house style meetings with boards that would set the stage to draft themes. Ms. Wilson outlined the promise to work with the public to ensure the concerns and aspirations were directly reflected and focused on the outcomes at the water resources level and result in draft priority pollutants such as nutrients, chloride, and sediment. She stated next steps included community engagement into June with a work session in August and September followed by final amendments to the water resources management plan. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. VII.F. COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY CENTER (FIRE STATION 2) 30% DESIGN UPDATE – RECEIVED Park Planner Finberg shared a timeline update, landscape and site layout, floorplans and space planning, architectural design, sustainability update, and next steps in detail of Fire Station 2. She shared about parking, pedestrian and bicycle friendly areas, and sustainability features in detail. She shared the proposed floorplans that focused on fire response times and collaboration space that included good kitchen space and outdoor patio areas to decrease stress levels which helped with overall wellness. She shared the proposed exterior concepts that incorporated the Southdale Area design standards then reviewed the layout that included daylight harvesting, materials selection, equipment, and controls. Ms. Finberg said the next touchpoint would Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2023 Page 4 be planning review and public hearing to gather community input then construction bid and design to begin winter 2023 and construction spring 2024 for completion by fall 2025. Chief Slama responded to Council questions regarding the proposed design that included the team’s desirables which fed into the budget process and spoke about continued conversations to ensure the plan fit all the needs then noted no value-engineering had occurred yet to reprioritize any items. Michael Healy, BKV Group, shared about the architectural elements of expression and how the canopy was meant for the main entrance which would be more transparent. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. VII.G. 2023 STATE OF SUSTAINABILITY – POSTPONED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to postpone the 2023 State of Sustainability report to June 6, 2023. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. VIII. PUBLIC HEARING Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. VIII.A. ORDINANCE NO. 2023-06; ZONING CODE AMENDMENT TO INCLUDE ELECTRIC VEHICLE AND SOLAR ENERGY INFORMATION – CONTINUED TO JUNE 6, 2023 Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to continue consideration of Ordinance No. 2023-06 Zoning Code Amendment to Include Electric Vehicle and Solar Energy Information to June 6, 2023. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. IX. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS IX.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2023-33; ACCEPTING DONATIONS - ADOPTED Member Agnew introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2023-33, accepting donations. Seconded by Member Pierce. Rollcall: Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. IX.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2023-35; OPPOSING THE PROPOSED MERGER OF SANFORD HEALTH AND M HEALTH FAIRVIEW – DENIED Mayor Hovland stated he would be recusing himself from this discussion due to a potential conflict of interest and left the dais. Mr. Neal shared background regarding reasons for the proposed resolution which was based on Council input and the potential implications for such resolutions in the community. He said based on public information M Health Fairview was currently not fiscally strong compared to Sanford but noted staff was not aware of any movement towards closure of the hospital at this time. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Member Risser made a motion, seconded by Member Jackson, to deny Resolution No. 2023- 35, opposing the proposed merger of Sanford Health and M Health Fairview and requested staff draft a resolution incorporating additional feedback from Council for a resolution of support. Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce, Risser Nay: Agnew Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2023 Page 5 Abstain: Hovland Motion carried. Mayor Hovland returned to the dais. X. COMMISSION CORRESPONDENCE (MINUTES AND ADVISORY COMMUNICATION) - Received X.A. MINUTES: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, APRIL 11, 2023 XI. MANAGER’S COMMENTS – Received XI.A. PREP MEMO MAY 16, 2023 XII. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS – Received XIII. ADJOURNMENT Member Agnew made a motion, seconded by Member Jackson, to adjourn the meeting at 9:22 p.m. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, June 6, 2023. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the May 16, 2023, meeting available. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: C laims F rom:Alis ha Mc Andrews , F inance Director Item Activity: Subject:Approve P ayment of C laims Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve claims for payment: C heck R egister C laims P re-L ist Dated 05.12.23 T O TAL $1,715,059.09 C heck R egister C laims P re-L ist Dated 05.19.23 T O TAL $1,126,656.16 C heck R egister C laims P re-L ist Dated 05.26.23 T O TAL $1,924,816.93 C heck R egister C laims P re-L ist Dated 06.02.23 T O TAL $554,196.28 I N TR O D U C TI O N: C laims information for approval is attached. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 05.12.23 TOTAL $1,715,059.09 Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 05.19.23 TOTAL $1,126,656.16 Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 05.26.23 TOTAL $1,924,816.93 Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 06.02.23 TOTAL $554,196.28 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 41 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND SUB FUND DUE TO DUE FR 1000 General 136,279.01 2100 Police Special Revenue 115.40 2100 Police Special Revenue 770.00 2500 Conservation & Sustainability 9,980.95 2600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 1,862.50 2600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 2,107.69 4000 Capital Projects 117,748.27 4200 Equipment Replacement 80,321.00 4400 PIR Capital Projects 1,740.00 5100 Art Center 126.00 5200 Braemar Golf Course 57,714.81 5200 Braemar Golf Course 1,314.40 5300 Aquatic Center 592.50 5400 Edinborough Park 1,671.97 5500 Braemar Arena 32,330.98 5700 Centennial Lakes 943.10 5800 Liquor 161,308.05 5900 Utility Fund 15,603.77 5900 Utility Fund 3,355.14 5900 Utility Fund 7,061.70 6000 Risk Management 66,953.41 6100 Equipment Operations 30,005.59 6200 Information Technology 12,955.05 6300 Facilities Management 5,467.73 7100 PS Training Facility 5,219.43 7200 MN Task Force 1 10,679.54 9000 Payroll 950,831.10 9999 Pooled Cash Fund 1,715,059.09 TOTAL 1,715,059.09 1,715,059.09 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Mallory Schauer ** City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 1 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483515 05/12/2023 PRTD 133522 AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM AARP#C19401 04/14/2023 20230512 510.00 CHECK 483515 TOTAL: 510.00 483516 05/12/2023 PRTD 100614 ACE SUPPLY COMPANY INC 143695 04/11/2023 20230512 177.19 ACE SUPPLY COMPANY INC 143960 04/12/2023 20230512 155.33 CHECK 483516 TOTAL: 332.52 483517 05/12/2023 PRTD 129458 ACME ELECTRIC MOTOR INC 11159750 04/12/2023 20230512 66.99 CHECK 483517 TOTAL: 66.99 483518 05/12/2023 PRTD 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915067809 02/28/2023 20230512 269.56 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915084842 03/02/2023 20230512 1,511.67 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915093772 03/03/2023 20230512 1,219.39 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915472365 04/13/2023 20230512 -734.40 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915499784 04/17/2023 20230512 300.66 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915513312 04/18/2023 20230512 340.54 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915526692 04/19/2023 20230512 463.68 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915535664 04/20/2023 20230512 144.69 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915556043 04/24/2023 20230512 51.18 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915556223 04/24/2023 20230512 144.69 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915572022 04/26/2023 20230512 144.69 CHECK 483518 TOTAL: 3,856.35 483519 05/12/2023 PRTD 143557 ADIDAS AMERICA INC 6159173842 03/17/2023 20230512 765.20 ADIDAS AMERICA INC 6159276314 04/14/2023 20230512 164.05 ADIDAS AMERICA INC 6159385379 04/11/2023 20230512 2,007.68 CHECK 483519 TOTAL: 2,936.93 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 2 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483520 05/12/2023 PRTD 140318 ADVANCED ELEMENTS INC 86625 04/11/2023 20230512 9,421.00 CHECK 483520 TOTAL: 9,421.00 483521 05/12/2023 PRTD 133504 AID ELECTRIC CORPORATION 74026-1 04/13/2023 20230512 520.00 AID ELECTRIC CORPORATION 74025-1 04/13/2023 20230512 2,665.00 AID ELECTRIC CORPORATION 74025-2 04/13/2023 20230512 265.84 AID ELECTRIC CORPORATION 74026-2 04/13/2023 20230512 40.82 CHECK 483521 TOTAL: 3,491.66 483522 05/12/2023 PRTD 100575 AMERICAN CYLINDER LLC 205675 04/14/2023 20230512 136.59 AMERICAN CYLINDER LLC 205688 04/14/2023 20230512 57.17 CHECK 483522 TOTAL: 193.76 483523 05/12/2023 PRTD 160095 AM CRAFT SPIRITS SALES & MARKETIN 16713 04/24/2023 20230512 190.46 CHECK 483523 TOTAL: 190.46 483524 05/12/2023 PRTD 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1CXW-FVQT-33RM 04/11/2023 20230512 13.66 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1GN4-J3WP-1X9K 04/11/2023 20230512 24.47 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 16FM-34H7-1J7P 04/11/2023 20230512 249.95 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1GD3-JFL6-1KRJ 04/11/2023 20230512 168.39 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1J3K-4GFG-67DG 04/12/2023 20230512 64.02 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1K6N-R7P6-6FG4 04/12/2023 20230512 159.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 119M-W1LL-6K9G 04/12/2023 20230512 64.75 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1WR4-KTD1-44MN 04/12/2023 20230512 813.83 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 19X4-43CF-3FCW 04/12/2023 20230512 -4.95 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17M1-HQFX-4V77 04/12/2023 20230512 20.58 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17M1-HQFX-6PP9 04/12/2023 20230512 21.27 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1K1G-V4XT-6VFX 04/13/2023 20230512 177.54 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 3 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1HQK-VHNT-1GH9 04/13/2023 20230512 1,546.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1GVR-9PT3-7CRD 04/13/2023 20230512 106.90 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1C1H-FCMD-4HTQ 04/13/2023 20230512 64.49 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1Y7F-WX3G-CH39 04/14/2023 20230512 320.52 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1GNG-DYWM-9CP1 04/14/2023 20230512 119.59 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1MXC-3XVR-D4PT 04/14/2023 20230512 147.72 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1HQQ-MGJ4-HKDX 04/16/2023 20230512 44.25 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 11PN-MX6N-HJC9 04/16/2023 20230512 101.76 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 19J6-K16H-HQ3H 04/16/2023 20230512 134.96 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1RKC-9X91-1FCG 04/17/2023 20230512 -58.28 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1F6Y-GRMW-19YQ 04/17/2023 20230512 82.37 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1GW7-DYDG-3DRC 03/28/2023 20230512 264.54 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1KV6-G44Q-VTP4 03/27/2023 20230512 68.30 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1TYV-QTRM-4XRH 03/21/2023 20230512 20.06 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 19TN-61TF-QFVV 03/06/2023 20230512 64.94 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1N6K-PTFN-D7N6 02/24/2023 20230512 166.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 11NT-RPGG-1XJR 04/17/2023 20230512 45.97 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1V6J-VJPV-6WY1 04/06/2023 20230512 87.86 CHECK 483524 TOTAL: 5,101.45 483525 05/12/2023 PRTD 101874 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER 114241 04/12/2023 20230512 196.75 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER 114242 04/12/2023 20230512 160.00 CHECK 483525 TOTAL: 356.75 483526 05/12/2023 PRTD 141691 ANDERSON, WENDY S 18 04/16/2023 20230512 1,323.00 CHECK 483526 TOTAL: 1,323.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 4 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483527 05/12/2023 PRTD 151441 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 1500224157 04/12/2023 20230512 282.42 CHECK 483527 TOTAL: 282.42 483528 05/12/2023 PRTD 100634 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO 10248068 04/13/2023 20230512 57.14 CHECK 483528 TOTAL: 57.14 483529 05/12/2023 PRTD 100634 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO 10248089 04/14/2023 22100047 20230512 78,775.00 CHECK 483529 TOTAL: 78,775.00 483530 05/12/2023 PRTD 106304 ASPEN MILLS INC 312197 04/14/2023 20230512 57.00 ASPEN MILLS INC 312196 04/14/2023 20230512 94.75 ASPEN MILLS INC 312193 04/14/2023 20230512 139.39 ASPEN MILLS INC 312192 04/14/2023 20230512 176.49 ASPEN MILLS INC 37502 03/28/2023 20230512 24.00 CHECK 483530 TOTAL: 491.63 483531 05/12/2023 PRTD 100920 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 3599-203948 04/11/2023 20230512 54.62 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 380144640 04/12/2023 20230512 18.88 CHECK 483531 TOTAL: 73.50 483532 05/12/2023 PRTD 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271917.23-2 04/12/2023 20230512 5,067.50 CHECK 483532 TOTAL: 5,067.50 483533 05/12/2023 PRTD 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106739900 04/27/2023 20230512 28.12 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099210800 04/27/2023 20230512 390.60 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106722200 04/27/2023 20230512 41.13 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099210400 04/27/2023 20230512 195.30 CHECK 483533 TOTAL: 655.15 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 5 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483534 05/12/2023 PRTD 144783 BELYN KEY LLC 23924 03/28/2023 20230512 2,129.06 CHECK 483534 TOTAL: 2,129.06 483535 05/12/2023 PRTD 126847 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 949816 04/12/2023 20230512 685.14 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 950009 04/13/2023 20230512 50.69 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 949817 04/13/2023 20230512 97.25 CHECK 483535 TOTAL: 833.08 483536 05/12/2023 PRTD 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 22341 04/27/2023 20230512 279.00 CHECK 483536 TOTAL: 279.00 483537 05/12/2023 PRTD 151149 BOARMAN KROOS VOGEL GROUP INC 61427 04/10/2023 20230512 76,203.64 BOARMAN KROOS VOGEL GROUP INC 61509 04/10/2023 20230512 1,740.00 CHECK 483537 TOTAL: 77,943.64 483538 05/12/2023 PRTD 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84923114 04/13/2023 20230512 289.98 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84923113 04/13/2023 20230512 60.27 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84926032 04/17/2023 20230512 731.90 CHECK 483538 TOTAL: 1,082.15 483539 05/12/2023 PRTD 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 195858 04/25/2023 20230512 960.00 BOURGET IMPORTS 195852 04/25/2023 20230512 562.00 CHECK 483539 TOTAL: 1,522.00 483540 05/12/2023 PRTD 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348639503 04/12/2023 20230512 6,170.19 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348844852 04/26/2023 20230512 121.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348844851 04/26/2023 20230512 1,533.85 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348844850 04/26/2023 20230512 1,701.80 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348844849 04/26/2023 20230512 837.75 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 6 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348844848 04/26/2023 20230512 2,538.63 CHECK 483540 TOTAL: 12,903.37 483541 05/12/2023 PRTD 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348634705 04/11/2023 20230512 7,063.70 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348736712 04/18/2023 20230512 8,646.20 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348736076 04/18/2023 20230512 7,923.35 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348839684 04/25/2023 20230512 5,321.10 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348840471 04/25/2023 20230512 39.20 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410910200 04/25/2023 20230512 -27.80 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410910201 04/25/2023 20230512 -13.60 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410910202 04/25/2023 20230512 -7.25 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410910203 04/25/2023 20230512 -14.25 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410910204 04/25/2023 20230512 -26.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410910205 04/25/2023 20230512 -173.60 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410910206 04/25/2023 20230512 -12.40 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348839699 04/25/2023 20230512 3,458.50 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410857630 04/11/2023 20230512 -204.00 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410857632 04/11/2023 20230512 -79.20 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410857633 04/11/2023 20230512 -153.60 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410857631 04/11/2023 20230512 -367.20 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348839700 04/25/2023 20230512 67.70 CHECK 483541 TOTAL: 31,440.70 483542 05/12/2023 PRTD 120935 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA 3-2023-2851 03/31/2023 20230512 21,245.84 CHECK 483542 TOTAL: 21,245.84 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 7 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483543 05/12/2023 PRTD 103110 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY STS-457 05/02/2023 20230512 1,500.00 CHECK 483543 TOTAL: 1,500.00 483544 05/12/2023 PRTD 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2820474 04/11/2023 20230512 6,313.20 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2828787 04/28/2023 20230512 -257.28 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2828789 04/28/2023 20230512 14.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2828790 04/28/2023 20230512 1,685.75 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2828788 04/28/2023 20230512 60.30 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2828798 04/28/2023 20230512 27.55 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2828799 04/28/2023 20230512 3,349.50 CHECK 483544 TOTAL: 11,193.02 483545 05/12/2023 PRTD 151132 CARDNO INC 2068955 04/17/2023 20230512 1,462.70 CHECK 483545 TOTAL: 1,462.70 483546 05/12/2023 PRTD 160520 CAREFREE AQUARIUM SERVICES LLC 27378 04/17/2023 20230512 157.00 CHECK 483546 TOTAL: 157.00 483547 05/12/2023 PRTD 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 4151927822 04/10/2023 20230512 13.68 CINTAS CORPORATION 4151927668 04/10/2023 20230512 16.40 CINTAS CORPORATION 4151927671 04/10/2023 20230512 6.00 CINTAS CORPORATION 4152612413 04/17/2023 20230512 6.00 CINTAS CORPORATION 4152612327 04/17/2023 20230512 14.00 CINTAS CORPORATION 4152613705 04/17/2023 20230512 81.65 CINTAS CORPORATION 4152612400 04/17/2023 20230512 35.04 CINTAS CORPORATION 4152613747 04/17/2023 20230512 19.20 CINTAS CORPORATION 4152613715 04/17/2023 20230512 89.76 CINTAS CORPORATION 4152613708 04/17/2023 20230512 179.83 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 8 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CINTAS CORPORATION 4152613762 04/17/2023 20230512 65.55 CHECK 483547 TOTAL: 527.11 483548 05/12/2023 PRTD 101837 CITY OF EDINA COM-2807 04/26/2023 20230512 121.14 CHECK 483548 TOTAL: 121.14 483549 05/12/2023 PRTD 101837 CITY OF EDINA COM-2811 05/03/2023 20230512 609.94 CHECK 483549 TOTAL: 609.94 483550 05/12/2023 PRTD 101837 EDINA FIRE DEPARTMENT EFD-04/2023-1 04/25/2023 20230512 2,851.00 CHECK 483550 TOTAL: 2,851.00 483551 05/12/2023 PRTD 130477 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 685282 04/26/2023 20230512 406.00 CHECK 483551 TOTAL: 406.00 483552 05/12/2023 PRTD 144092 CONCENTRA 103757835 04/13/2023 20230512 1,811.00 CHECK 483552 TOTAL: 1,811.00 483553 05/12/2023 PRTD 100012 CORE & MAIN LP S652926 04/11/2023 20230512 612.60 CHECK 483553 TOTAL: 612.60 483554 05/12/2023 PRTD 102195 DAY INVESTMENTS LLC P61448453 04/12/2023 20230512 151.20 CHECK 483554 TOTAL: 151.20 483555 05/12/2023 PRTD 100718 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 271616/1 04/13/2023 20230512 489.55 CHECK 483555 TOTAL: 489.55 483556 05/12/2023 PRTD 100730 DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP 3867984 04/07/2023 20230512 1,862.50 CHECK 483556 TOTAL: 1,862.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 9 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483557 05/12/2023 PRTD 129079 DRAIN KING INC 117000 04/12/2023 20230512 1,000.00 DRAIN KING INC 117007 04/12/2023 20230512 687.50 DRAIN KING INC 118056 04/17/2023 20230512 550.00 CHECK 483557 TOTAL: 2,237.50 483558 05/12/2023 PRTD 160678 DRUK, TIMOTHY 2304 04/14/2023 20230512 3,325.00 CHECK 483558 TOTAL: 3,325.00 483559 05/12/2023 PRTD 160061 FILTER BREWING COMPANY LLC PLATO 2079 04/27/2023 20230512 55.00 CHECK 483559 TOTAL: 55.00 483560 05/12/2023 PRTD 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 942504 04/13/2023 20230512 166.60 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 942505 04/13/2023 20230512 65.45 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 942506 04/13/2023 20230512 89.25 CHECK 483560 TOTAL: 321.30 483561 05/12/2023 PRTD 143018 ECO WORKS SUPPLY 141 04/11/2023 20230512 9,270.00 ECO WORKS SUPPLY 140 04/11/2023 20230512 9,270.00 ECO WORKS SUPPLY 139 04/11/2023 20230512 4,090.00 CHECK 483561 TOTAL: 22,630.00 483562 05/12/2023 PRTD 100049 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES 93917 04/17/2023 20230512 1,523.75 CHECK 483562 TOTAL: 1,523.75 483563 05/12/2023 PRTD 160062 ELM CREEK BREWING COMPANY E-4296 04/21/2023 20230512 140.00 ELM CREEK BREWING COMPANY E-4294 04/21/2023 20230512 405.00 CHECK 483563 TOTAL: 545.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 10 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483564 05/12/2023 PRTD 122792 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES JP041323-44 04/12/2023 20230512 58.39 CHECK 483564 TOTAL: 58.39 483565 05/12/2023 PRTD 104733 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC 2545810 04/12/2023 20230512 311.57 CHECK 483565 TOTAL: 311.57 483566 05/12/2023 PRTD 136021 EPIC SOLUTIONS INC 13624 04/13/2023 20230512 1,190.76 CHECK 483566 TOTAL: 1,190.76 483567 05/12/2023 PRTD 100752 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC DD1538 04/12/2023 20230512 2,160.00 CHECK 483567 TOTAL: 2,160.00 483568 05/12/2023 PRTD 100146 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-484695 04/12/2023 20230512 285.74 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 75-465487 04/13/2023 20230512 3.52 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 159-083029 04/13/2023 20230512 7.04 CHECK 483568 TOTAL: 296.30 483569 05/12/2023 PRTD 147181 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-9823 04/21/2023 20230512 335.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-9828 04/21/2023 20230512 402.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-9912 04/27/2023 20230512 201.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-9914 04/27/2023 20230512 201.00 CHECK 483569 TOTAL: 1,139.00 483570 05/12/2023 PRTD 103600 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES LLC 0235397 04/17/2023 20230512 495.18 CHECK 483570 TOTAL: 495.18 483571 05/12/2023 PRTD 141837 DAIOHS USA INC 666987 04/13/2023 20230512 694.85 CHECK 483571 TOTAL: 694.85 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 11 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483572 05/12/2023 PRTD 105066 FITTING REFLECTIONS LLC 3315 04/14/2023 20230512 1,325.00 CHECK 483572 TOTAL: 1,325.00 483573 05/12/2023 PRTD 130699 FLEETPRIDE INC 107070417 04/12/2023 20230512 311.52 CHECK 483573 TOTAL: 311.52 483574 05/12/2023 PRTD 160292 FORECAST PUBLIC ARTWORKS 2266 03/31/2023 20230512 1,500.00 CHECK 483574 TOTAL: 1,500.00 483575 05/12/2023 PRTD 160412 MKM BRANDS INC 209 04/12/2023 20230512 594.00 CHECK 483575 TOTAL: 594.00 483576 05/12/2023 PRTD 102456 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC 024165593 04/13/2023 20230512 -187.00 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1864153 04/17/2023 20230512 22.00 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1864689 04/17/2023 20230512 359.44 CHECK 483576 TOTAL: 194.44 483577 05/12/2023 PRTD 100775 GENERAL SPORTS CORPORATION 4/14/23 04/14/2023 20230512 231.00 CHECK 483577 TOTAL: 231.00 483578 05/12/2023 PRTD 160376 GOPHER IN275982 04/11/2023 20230512 223.89 CHECK 483578 TOTAL: 223.89 483579 05/12/2023 PRTD 101103 WW GRAINGER 9670083907 04/11/2023 20230512 2.40 WW GRAINGER 9670083899 04/11/2023 20230512 114.48 WW GRAINGER 9672833424 04/13/2023 20230512 280.28 CHECK 483579 TOTAL: 397.16 483580 05/12/2023 PRTD 100783 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO INC 9331663601 04/12/2023 20230512 7,920.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 12 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483580 TOTAL: 7,920.00 483581 05/12/2023 PRTD 102060 HALLOCK COMPANY INC 263436-1 04/17/2023 20230512 152.00 CHECK 483581 TOTAL: 152.00 483582 05/12/2023 PRTD 160611 HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON INC 51557 04/13/2023 20230512 198.00 CHECK 483582 TOTAL: 198.00 483583 05/12/2023 PRTD 143563 HEADFLYER BREWING E-4527 04/19/2023 20230512 118.00 HEADFLYER BREWING E-4526 04/19/2023 20230512 301.00 CHECK 483583 TOTAL: 419.00 483584 05/12/2023 PRTD 122093 GROUP HEALTHPLAN INC 120393996 04/10/2023 20230512 477,547.90 CHECK 483584 TOTAL: 477,547.90 483585 05/12/2023 PRTD 122093 GROUP HEALTHPLAN INC 119661614 03/09/2023 20230512 473,189.56 GROUP HEALTHPLAN INC 120393285 04/10/2023 20230512 22,193.12 CHECK 483585 TOTAL: 495,382.68 483586 05/12/2023 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000205448 04/13/2023 20230512 15,000.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000205668 04/19/2023 20230512 3,762.50 CHECK 483586 TOTAL: 18,762.50 483587 05/12/2023 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 74582 04/07/2023 20230512 2,914.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 2023-Mills Ford 04/07/2023 20230512 20.00 CHECK 483587 TOTAL: 2,934.00 483588 05/12/2023 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 2023-CONWELL 04/19/2023 20230512 20.00 CHECK 483588 TOTAL: 20.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 13 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483589 05/12/2023 PRTD 137677 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC 238748 04/12/2023 20230512 930.00 CHECK 483589 TOTAL: 930.00 483590 05/12/2023 PRTD 160637 HGS LLC ILP-615 04/03/2023 20230512 10,000.00 CHECK 483590 TOTAL: 10,000.00 483591 05/12/2023 PRTD 103753 HILLYARD INC - MINNEAPOLIS 700541887 04/12/2023 20230512 58.34 CHECK 483591 TOTAL: 58.34 483592 05/12/2023 PRTD 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC 602643 04/25/2023 20230512 1,208.25 HOHENSTEINS INC 602630 04/25/2023 20230512 81.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 602663 04/25/2023 20230512 50.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 603450 04/27/2023 20230512 1,977.75 CHECK 483592 TOTAL: 3,317.00 483593 05/12/2023 PRTD 100417 HORIZON CHEMICAL CO INV36297 04/12/2023 20230512 813.84 CHECK 483593 TOTAL: 813.84 483594 05/12/2023 PRTD 116680 HP INC 9017314056 04/12/2023 20230512 1,800.00 CHECK 483594 TOTAL: 1,800.00 483595 05/12/2023 PRTD 160628 HYDRA POWER HYDRAULICS 25298 04/17/2023 20230512 825.52 CHECK 483595 TOTAL: 825.52 483596 05/12/2023 PRTD 146337 INDUSTRIAL BATTERY PRODUCTS INC 80050653 04/06/2023 20230512 181.48 CHECK 483596 TOTAL: 181.48 483597 05/12/2023 PRTD 146407 INGCO INTERNATIONAL 603828 04/17/2023 20230512 400.00 CHECK 483597 TOTAL: 400.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 14 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483598 05/12/2023 PRTD 132592 JF AHERN CO 570106 04/12/2023 20230512 265.00 CHECK 483598 TOTAL: 265.00 483599 05/12/2023 PRTD 100835 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3600048 04/27/2023 20230512 844.40 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3600050 04/27/2023 20230512 2,204.65 CHECK 483599 TOTAL: 3,049.05 483600 05/12/2023 PRTD 100835 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6575907 04/14/2023 20230512 7,508.42 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6582342 04/27/2023 20230512 45.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6582341 04/27/2023 20230512 97.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6582343 04/27/2023 20230512 2,310.80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6582349 04/27/2023 20230512 113.95 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6582350 04/27/2023 20230512 180.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6582351 04/27/2023 20230512 2,643.36 CHECK 483600 TOTAL: 12,899.93 483601 05/12/2023 PRTD 100835 WINE MERCHANTS 7423993 04/20/2023 20230512 8,378.21 WINE MERCHANTS 7423992 04/20/2023 20230512 6,837.00 WINE MERCHANTS 7424923 04/27/2023 20230512 3,598.80 WINE MERCHANTS 7424925 04/27/2023 20230512 2,307.60 CHECK 483601 TOTAL: 21,121.61 483602 05/12/2023 PRTD 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2281630 04/21/2023 20230512 1,138.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286449 04/27/2023 20230512 65.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286442 04/27/2023 20230512 31.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286445 04/27/2023 20230512 616.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286443 04/27/2023 20230512 81.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286447 04/27/2023 20230512 123.40 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 15 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286450 04/27/2023 20230512 367.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286444 04/27/2023 20230512 1,141.50 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286448 04/27/2023 20230512 504.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286451 04/27/2023 20230512 1,555.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286463 04/27/2023 20230512 82.30 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286470 04/27/2023 20230512 988.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286465 04/27/2023 20230512 391.78 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286466 04/27/2023 20230512 349.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286468 04/27/2023 20230512 2,034.86 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286469 04/27/2023 20230512 326.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286464 04/27/2023 20230512 2,137.21 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286467 04/27/2023 20230512 707.74 CHECK 483602 TOTAL: 12,642.99 483603 05/12/2023 PRTD 138279 KFT FIRE TRAINER LLC 160.00004702 04/12/2023 20230512 3,986.00 CHECK 483603 TOTAL: 3,986.00 483604 05/12/2023 PRTD 136686 KIDCREATE STUDIO 17571156 04/13/2023 20230512 126.00 CHECK 483604 TOTAL: 126.00 483605 05/12/2023 PRTD 124002 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 24627718 03/31/2023 20230512 2,107.69 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 24627721 03/31/2023 20230512 11,754.43 CHECK 483605 TOTAL: 13,862.12 483606 05/12/2023 PRTD 116776 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 86670 04/11/2023 20230512 190.00 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 89220 04/11/2023 20230512 215.00 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 89348 04/12/2023 20230512 365.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 16 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483606 TOTAL: 770.00 483607 05/12/2023 PRTD 151024 LA DONA SBC 6290 04/26/2023 20230512 80.00 CHECK 483607 TOTAL: 80.00 483608 05/12/2023 PRTD 160224 LAFORCE HOLDINGS INC 1218247 04/13/2023 20230512 3,951.00 LAFORCE HOLDINGS INC 1218186 04/13/2023 20230512 5,500.00 CHECK 483608 TOTAL: 9,451.00 483609 05/12/2023 PRTD 100849 LAKELAND ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT CO 12-42104 04/14/2023 20230512 829.49 CHECK 483609 TOTAL: 829.49 483610 05/12/2023 PRTD 101220 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 01-986076 04/13/2023 20230512 779.69 CHECK 483610 TOTAL: 779.69 483611 05/12/2023 PRTD 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9310522715 04/14/2023 20230512 166.51 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9310522714 04/14/2023 20230512 1,761.70 CHECK 483611 TOTAL: 1,928.21 483612 05/12/2023 PRTD 134957 LEACH LAW OFFICE LLC 03-2023 03/31/2023 20230512 22,412.10 CHECK 483612 TOTAL: 22,412.10 483613 05/12/2023 PRTD 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 8034 04/13/2023 20230512 22,509.42 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20392 03/01/2023 20230512 471.30 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20453 03/01/2023 20230512 498.40 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20460 03/01/2023 20230512 235.34 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20428 03/01/2023 20230512 30.89 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20463 03/01/2023 20230512 1,588.24 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20476 03/01/2023 20230512 15,962.02 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20482 03/01/2023 20230512 1,822.84 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 17 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20483 03/01/2023 20230512 323.14 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20484 03/01/2023 20230512 341.68 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20485 03/01/2023 20230512 977.02 CHECK 483613 TOTAL: 44,760.29 483614 05/12/2023 PRTD 103217 LHB INC 220556.00-8 04/12/2023 20230512 283.50 CHECK 483614 TOTAL: 283.50 483615 05/12/2023 PRTD 135867 LIBATION PROJECT 57420 04/25/2023 20230512 142.04 LIBATION PROJECT 57415 04/25/2023 20230512 470.20 LIBATION PROJECT 57416 04/25/2023 20230512 470.20 LIBATION PROJECT 57418 04/25/2023 20230512 970.04 CHECK 483615 TOTAL: 2,052.48 483616 05/12/2023 PRTD 130046 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH A APR 2023 04/19/2023 20230512 93.64 CHECK 483616 TOTAL: 93.64 483617 05/12/2023 PRTD 139443 LOOP1 SYSTEMS INC INV-US-24610 04/14/2023 20230512 11,000.00 CHECK 483617 TOTAL: 11,000.00 483618 05/12/2023 PRTD 160548 LUCE LINE BREWING CO LLC E-1382 04/27/2023 20230512 286.00 LUCE LINE BREWING CO LLC E-1384 04/27/2023 20230512 346.00 CHECK 483618 TOTAL: 632.00 483619 05/12/2023 PRTD 141916 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 52724 04/26/2023 20230512 189.00 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 52723 04/26/2023 20230512 198.00 CHECK 483619 TOTAL: 387.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 18 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483620 05/12/2023 PRTD 123848 LVC COMPANIES INC 111980 04/14/2023 20230512 210.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 111907 04/13/2023 20230512 440.00 CHECK 483620 TOTAL: 650.00 483621 05/12/2023 PRTD 100864 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT LLC P48949 04/12/2023 20230512 1,245.60 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT LLC P48974 04/12/2023 20230512 103.05 CHECK 483621 TOTAL: 1,348.65 483622 05/12/2023 PRTD 134063 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 24188822 04/14/2023 20230512 17,707.71 CHECK 483622 TOTAL: 17,707.71 483623 05/12/2023 PRTD 122554 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC 0027577928 04/12/2023 20230512 311.24 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC 0027580556 04/12/2023 20230512 194.47 CHECK 483623 TOTAL: 505.71 483624 05/12/2023 PRTD 141215 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV977576 04/26/2023 20230512 1,135.20 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV977571 04/26/2023 20230512 334.50 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV977586 04/26/2023 20230512 1,135.20 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV977581 04/26/2023 20230512 201.54 CHECK 483624 TOTAL: 2,806.44 483625 05/12/2023 PRTD 105603 MEDICINE LAKE TOURS 04-26-2023 04/15/2023 20230512 78.00 CHECK 483625 TOTAL: 78.00 483626 05/12/2023 PRTD 146040 STRAYER, JUSTIN 23281 04/26/2023 20230512 307.80 STRAYER, JUSTIN 23283 04/26/2023 20230512 237.00 CHECK 483626 TOTAL: 544.80 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 19 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483627 05/12/2023 PRTD 101483 MENARDS 79445 04/12/2023 20230512 45.97 MENARDS 79528 04/13/2023 20230512 23.97 MENARDS 79519 04/13/2023 20230512 164.32 MENARDS 79508 04/13/2023 20230512 75.92 MENARDS 79578 04/14/2023 20230512 50.94 MENARDS 79591 04/14/2023 20230512 39.71 MENARDS 79580 04/14/2023 20230512 239.37 MENARDS 79575 04/14/2023 20230512 81.76 MENARDS 79751 04/17/2023 20230512 56.67 MENARDS 79389 04/11/2023 20230512 35.47 MENARDS 79391 04/11/2023 20230512 738.93 MENARDS 79413 04/11/2023 20230512 40.96 CHECK 483627 TOTAL: 1,593.99 483628 05/12/2023 PRTD 102507 METRO VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS ASSOCI 1803 04/11/2023 20230512 510.00 CHECK 483628 TOTAL: 510.00 483629 05/12/2023 PRTD 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 0001156656 04/26/2023 20230512 1,680.79 CHECK 483629 TOTAL: 1,680.79 483630 05/12/2023 PRTD 160669 MIZUNO USA INC 7954321R1 03/28/2023 20230512 568.50 CHECK 483630 TOTAL: 568.50 483631 05/12/2023 PRTD 160697 MN NATIONAL GUARD 23-214 04/17/2023 20230512 5,403.00 CHECK 483631 TOTAL: 5,403.00 483632 05/12/2023 PRTD 120550 MOBILE RADIO ENGINEERING INC W5270 04/13/2023 20230512 1,962.12 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 20 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483632 TOTAL: 1,962.12 483633 05/12/2023 PRTD 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1380378-00 04/11/2023 20230512 1,298.00 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1379570-01 04/14/2023 20230512 185.74 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1380608-00 04/14/2023 20230512 40.79 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1380749-00 04/17/2023 20230512 390.15 CHECK 483633 TOTAL: 1,914.68 483634 05/12/2023 PRTD 160695 JYOTI KISTNER 05/2023 05/02/2023 20230512 1,500.00 CHECK 483634 TOTAL: 1,500.00 483635 05/12/2023 PRTD 101390 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES IN1860510 04/14/2023 20230512 101.50 CHECK 483635 TOTAL: 101.50 483636 05/12/2023 PRTD 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 203738 04/26/2023 20230512 1,159.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 203797 04/26/2023 20230512 372.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 203740 04/26/2023 20230512 1,310.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 203801 04/26/2023 20230512 223.50 CHECK 483636 TOTAL: 3,065.50 483637 05/12/2023 PRTD 142161 NEXBELT LLC 340319 04/17/2023 20230512 810.05 CHECK 483637 TOTAL: 810.05 483638 05/12/2023 PRTD 104350 NIKE USA INC 9704094206 03/22/2023 20230512 1,212.56 NIKE USA INC 9704475339 03/22/2023 20230512 176.60 NIKE USA INC 9752679132 04/11/2023 20230512 130.65 CHECK 483638 TOTAL: 1,519.81 483639 05/12/2023 PRTD 100926 BLUETARP FINANCIAL INC 0033137455 04/17/2023 20230512 194.93 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 21 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483639 TOTAL: 194.93 483640 05/12/2023 PRTD 100926 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT 0033137456 04/17/2023 20230512 199.96 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT 0035145413 04/17/2023 20230512 299.99 CHECK 483640 TOTAL: 499.95 483641 05/12/2023 PRTD 160426 NOVACARE REHABILITATION 846489339 04/13/2023 20230512 370.00 CHECK 483641 TOTAL: 370.00 483642 05/12/2023 PRTD 100936 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO INC 699388 04/12/2023 20230512 82.02 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO INC 699675 04/14/2023 20230512 172.50 CHECK 483642 TOTAL: 254.52 483643 05/12/2023 PRTD 999995 Great Neighborhood Homes ED154459-Refund 04/26/2023 20230512 9,105.00 CHECK 483643 TOTAL: 9,105.00 483644 05/12/2023 PRTD 999994 BRS Field Ops LLC ED200469-REFUND 04/19/2023 20230512 247.96 CHECK 483644 TOTAL: 247.96 483645 05/12/2023 PRTD 999994 Edina Country Club 17105446-9529229012 04/13/2023 20230512 1,173.69 CHECK 483645 TOTAL: 1,173.69 483646 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 ALTMARK,STANISLAV 00124786-5/1/23 05/01/2023 20230512 41.74 CHECK 483646 TOTAL: 41.74 483647 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 CLIFFORD,THOMAS 00099685-5/1/23 05/01/2023 20230512 236.67 CHECK 483647 TOTAL: 236.67 483648 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 CRAMER,PAUL 00125372-5/1/23 05/01/2023 20230512 26.48 CHECK 483648 TOTAL: 26.48 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 22 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483649 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 EASTMAN,ERIC 00090551-5/1/23 05/01/2023 20230512 49.00 CHECK 483649 TOTAL: 49.00 483650 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 FRIES,DAVID 00120536-5/1/23 05/01/2023 20230512 148.26 CHECK 483650 TOTAL: 148.26 483651 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 GREEN,CONOR 00121578-5/1/23 05/01/2023 20230512 66.19 CHECK 483651 TOTAL: 66.19 483652 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 HIBBS,SHIRLEY 00085543-5/1/23 05/01/2023 20230512 124.72 CHECK 483652 TOTAL: 124.72 483653 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 IKELER,ALAN 00126149-5/1/23 05/01/2023 20230512 60.98 CHECK 483653 TOTAL: 60.98 483654 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 JURKOVICH,JOHN 00086959-5/1/23 05/01/2023 20230512 107.57 CHECK 483654 TOTAL: 107.57 483655 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 LOBBEN,MARK 00121669-5/1/23 05/01/2023 20230512 62.70 CHECK 483655 TOTAL: 62.70 483656 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 Mckeen, Erin 00128503-REFUND 04/10/2023 20230512 799.23 CHECK 483656 TOTAL: 799.23 483657 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 PALMER,ADAM 00105617-5/1/23 05/01/2023 20230512 331.00 CHECK 483657 TOTAL: 331.00 483658 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 SHADE,KRIS 00128090-5/1/23 05/01/2023 20230512 39.56 CHECK 483658 TOTAL: 39.56 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 23 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483659 05/12/2023 PRTD 999997 Welch, Michael 00106776-Refund 05/03/2023 20230512 150.00 CHECK 483659 TOTAL: 150.00 483660 05/12/2023 PRTD 101659 ORKIN 243413009 04/14/2023 20230512 90.00 ORKIN 243411939 04/11/2023 20230512 63.00 ORKIN 243410950 04/14/2023 20230512 49.00 CHECK 483660 TOTAL: 202.00 483661 05/12/2023 PRTD 100944 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 200273 04/25/2023 20230512 723.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 200243 04/25/2023 20230512 1,151.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 200272 04/25/2023 20230512 1,652.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 200271 04/25/2023 20230512 1,686.50 CHECK 483661 TOTAL: 5,213.50 483662 05/12/2023 PRTD 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 46913407 04/24/2023 20230512 1,538.44 CHECK 483662 TOTAL: 1,538.44 483663 05/12/2023 PRTD 100957 PLANT & FLANGED EQUIPMENT LLC 0083784-IN 04/13/2023 20230512 807.80 CHECK 483663 TOTAL: 807.80 483664 05/12/2023 PRTD 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC 210647453 04/14/2023 20230512 334.00 CHECK 483664 TOTAL: 334.00 483665 05/12/2023 PRTD 143468 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 0031978 04/25/2023 20230512 192.00 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 0031975 04/25/2023 20230512 105.00 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 0031976 04/25/2023 20230512 105.00 CHECK 483665 TOTAL: 402.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 24 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483666 05/12/2023 PRTD 160672 TIMBERLAND TRANSPORTATION INC 1535677 03/02/2023 20230512 112.91 CHECK 483666 TOTAL: 112.91 483667 05/12/2023 PRTD 123377 PROFESSIONAL BEVERAGE SYSTEMS, IN 52795 03/31/2023 20230512 1,570.26 CHECK 483667 TOTAL: 1,570.26 483668 05/12/2023 PRTD 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-53916 04/27/2023 20230512 397.00 CHECK 483668 TOTAL: 397.00 483669 05/12/2023 PRTD 138144 QED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS INC 0000310521 04/11/2023 20230512 386.25 QED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS INC 0000309989-2 03/27/2023 20230512 211.64 CHECK 483669 TOTAL: 597.89 483670 05/12/2023 PRTD 123078 QUALIFIED LABORATORIES INC 60155 04/14/2023 20230512 178.00 CHECK 483670 TOTAL: 178.00 483671 05/12/2023 PRTD 138267 QUALITY LOCKSMITH INC QLS24948 04/12/2023 20230512 328.22 QUALITY LOCKSMITH INC QLS24947 04/12/2023 20230512 1,038.85 QUALITY LOCKSMITH INC QLS24991 04/14/2023 20230512 7,036.62 CHECK 483671 TOTAL: 8,403.69 483672 05/12/2023 PRTD 100466 R & R PRODUCTS INC CD2776346 04/14/2023 20230512 74.09 CHECK 483672 TOTAL: 74.09 483673 05/12/2023 PRTD 144674 RAMPION USA INC UINV052335 04/17/2023 20230512 422.48 CHECK 483673 TOTAL: 422.48 483674 05/12/2023 PRTD 104642 RCM SPECIALTIES INC 8901 04/15/2023 20230512 1,463.44 CHECK 483674 TOTAL: 1,463.44 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 25 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483675 05/12/2023 PRTD 105324 READY WATT ELECTRIC 2215521 04/17/2023 20230512 5,034.00 CHECK 483675 TOTAL: 5,034.00 483676 05/12/2023 PRTD 144351 REHDER, MARK 329 04/11/2023 20230512 99.00 CHECK 483676 TOTAL: 99.00 483677 05/12/2023 PRTD 160675 REINHARDT, HAZEL 3-2023 04/13/2023 20230512 4,000.00 CHECK 483677 TOTAL: 4,000.00 483678 05/12/2023 PRTD 139188 REVOLUTIONARY SPORTS LLC 0364 04/12/2023 20230512 330.40 CHECK 483678 TOTAL: 330.40 483679 05/12/2023 PRTD 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 87081 04/14/2023 20230512 1,859.00 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 87082 04/14/2023 20230512 620.00 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 87083 04/14/2023 20230512 170.00 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 87084 04/14/2023 20230512 273.25 CHECK 483679 TOTAL: 2,922.25 483680 05/12/2023 PRTD 160661 ROYAL SUPPLY INC 4765 04/11/2023 20230512 235.45 CHECK 483680 TOTAL: 235.45 483681 05/12/2023 PRTD 151124 SAIL LA VIE, LLC 4615 04/12/2023 20230512 592.50 CHECK 483681 TOTAL: 592.50 483682 05/12/2023 PRTD 144553 SALTCO LLC 107496 04/15/2023 20230512 70.00 CHECK 483682 TOTAL: 70.00 483683 05/12/2023 PRTD 134643 SHAKOPEE MDEWAKANTON SIOUX COMMUN SALES000000008318 03/31/2023 20230512 181.30 CHECK 483683 TOTAL: 181.30 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 26 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483684 05/12/2023 PRTD 100995 SHORT-ELLIOT-HENDRICKSON INCORPOR 444695 04/09/2023 20230512 800.00 CHECK 483684 TOTAL: 800.00 483685 05/12/2023 PRTD 160278 ROHN INDUSTRIES, INC 598044 04/14/2023 20230512 17.73 ROHN INDUSTRIES, INC 598043 04/14/2023 20230512 17.73 CHECK 483685 TOTAL: 35.46 483686 05/12/2023 PRTD 137482 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 126329646-001 01/17/2023 20230512 -1,000.00 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 129235182-001 04/27/2023 20230512 281.63 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 129386570-001 05/01/2023 20230512 376.42 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 129434840-001 05/02/2023 20230512 12.77 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 129438608-001 05/02/2023 20230512 332.62 CHECK 483686 TOTAL: 3.44 483687 05/12/2023 PRTD 132195 SMALL LOT MN MN64264 04/25/2023 20230512 235.76 SMALL LOT MN MN64266 04/25/2023 20230512 159.96 SMALL LOT MN MN64275 04/25/2023 20230512 164.96 CHECK 483687 TOTAL: 560.68 483688 05/12/2023 PRTD 140502 SOUTH METRO FIRE DEPARTMENT SMFD-05/2023-1 05/01/2023 20230512 1,505.34 CHECK 483688 TOTAL: 1,505.34 483689 05/12/2023 PRTD 127878 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337848 04/26/2023 20230512 844.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337849 04/26/2023 20230512 288.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337850 04/26/2023 20230512 1,329.13 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337851 04/26/2023 20230512 896.36 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337858 04/26/2023 20230512 238.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337859 04/26/2023 20230512 2,339.94 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 27 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337857 04/26/2023 20230512 350.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337860 04/26/2023 20230512 1,108.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337861 04/26/2023 20230512 1,073.60 CHECK 483689 TOTAL: 8,469.43 483690 05/12/2023 PRTD 145599 SSI MN TRANCHE 2 LLC 54828 04/12/2023 20230512 8,685.65 CHECK 483690 TOTAL: 8,685.65 483691 05/12/2023 PRTD 102371 STANDARD SPRING PARTS 398407 04/13/2023 20230512 309.34 STANDARD SPRING PARTS 398398 04/13/2023 20230512 1,745.16 CHECK 483691 TOTAL: 2,054.50 483692 05/12/2023 PRTD 105842 MINER, LTD 800040 04/12/2023 20230512 608.00 CHECK 483692 TOTAL: 608.00 483693 05/12/2023 PRTD 101007 STAR TRIBUNE MEDIA INTERMEDIATE H 493121 04/09/2023 20230512 1,252.58 CHECK 483693 TOTAL: 1,252.58 483694 05/12/2023 PRTD 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 49890 04/26/2023 20230512 105.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 49894 04/24/2023 20230512 330.00 CHECK 483694 TOTAL: 435.00 483695 05/12/2023 PRTD 102786 STOP STICK LTD 0028954-IN 04/17/2023 20230512 242.00 CHECK 483695 TOTAL: 242.00 483696 05/12/2023 PRTD 102390 STRAND MANUFACTURING COMPANY INC 31862 04/13/2023 20230512 1,438.00 CHECK 483696 TOTAL: 1,438.00 483697 05/12/2023 PRTD 101015 STREICHERS INC I1627096 04/12/2023 20230512 93.99 STREICHERS INC I1627127 04/12/2023 20230512 11.99 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 28 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET STREICHERS INC I1627549 04/13/2023 20230512 194.98 CHECK 483697 TOTAL: 300.96 483698 05/12/2023 PRTD 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 137131P 04/11/2023 20230512 468.33 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 139242P 04/13/2023 20230512 582.00 CHECK 483698 TOTAL: 1,050.33 483699 05/12/2023 PRTD 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC 10193470 04/13/2023 20230512 562.08 CHECK 483699 TOTAL: 562.08 483700 05/12/2023 PRTD 100991 SCHWAB VOLLHABER LUBRATT SERVICE SVC-203193 04/12/2023 20230512 426.00 CHECK 483700 TOTAL: 426.00 483701 05/12/2023 PRTD 160081 GREAT CIRCLE VENTURES HOLDINGS, L 1220671 02/27/2023 20230512 405.00 CHECK 483701 TOTAL: 405.00 483702 05/12/2023 PRTD 141589 TARGET SOLUTIONS LEARNING LLC INV70451 04/17/2023 20230512 115.40 TARGET SOLUTIONS LEARNING LLC INV70417 04/17/2023 20230512 485.87 CHECK 483702 TOTAL: 601.27 483703 05/12/2023 PRTD 104932 TAYLOR MADE 36477253 02/21/2023 20230512 1,444.67 TAYLOR MADE 36554765 03/24/2023 20230512 2,997.48 TAYLOR MADE 36557907 03/24/2023 20230512 1,220.84 TAYLOR MADE 36558134 03/23/2023 20230512 3,001.93 TAYLOR MADE 36557944 03/23/2023 20230512 1,348.89 CHECK 483703 TOTAL: 10,013.81 483704 05/12/2023 PRTD 160414 TEGRA GROUP INC 424.423 04/06/2023 20230512 12,450.00 CHECK 483704 TOTAL: 12,450.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 29 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483705 05/12/2023 PRTD 160681 TENNES, ANN 002301 04/11/2023 20230512 8,800.00 CHECK 483705 TOTAL: 8,800.00 483706 05/12/2023 PRTD 160677 WALSH, DONOVAN COE-002 03/31/2023 20230512 1,562.50 CHECK 483706 TOTAL: 1,562.50 483707 05/12/2023 PRTD 134784 THE IDEA CREEK 181 04/17/2023 20230512 217.00 CHECK 483707 TOTAL: 217.00 483708 05/12/2023 PRTD 123129 TIMESAVER OFF SITE SECRETARIAL IN M28143 04/14/2023 20230512 1,043.25 CHECK 483708 TOTAL: 1,043.25 483709 05/12/2023 PRTD 101826 TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION 3007179059 04/01/2023 20230512 665.95 CHECK 483709 TOTAL: 665.95 483710 05/12/2023 PRTD 134673 TOTAL MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC S6459 04/13/2023 20230512 2,614.50 CHECK 483710 TOTAL: 2,614.50 483711 05/12/2023 PRTD 138732 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS LLC 35745 04/18/2023 20230512 1,233.00 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS LLC 35744 04/21/2023 20230512 1,972.00 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS LLC 35849 04/26/2023 20230512 1,924.00 CHECK 483711 TOTAL: 5,129.00 483712 05/12/2023 PRTD 103982 TRAFFIC CONTROL CORPORATION 142779 04/11/2023 20230512 700.00 CHECK 483712 TOTAL: 700.00 483713 05/12/2023 PRTD 102150 TWIN CITY SEED CO 53473 04/13/2023 20230512 317.50 CHECK 483713 TOTAL: 317.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 30 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483714 05/12/2023 PRTD 160648 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 1630269793 04/13/2023 20230512 71.76 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 1630270092 04/14/2023 20230512 26.38 CHECK 483714 TOTAL: 98.14 483715 05/12/2023 PRTD 131957 UNIVERSAL ATHLETIC, LLC 150-0069021-01 04/17/2023 20230512 3,779.40 CHECK 483715 TOTAL: 3,779.40 483716 05/12/2023 PRTD 145567 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2539 04/26/2023 20230512 174.00 CHECK 483716 TOTAL: 174.00 483717 05/12/2023 PRTD 100050 USPS 79939-41 04/21/2023 20230512 804.03 CHECK 483717 TOTAL: 804.03 483718 05/12/2023 PRTD 101058 VAN PAPER COMPANY 032737 04/14/2023 20230512 986.49 CHECK 483718 TOTAL: 986.49 483719 05/12/2023 PRTD 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY S006753498.002 03/21/2023 20230512 -358.99 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY S006806114.001 03/31/2023 20230512 261.99 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY S006877868.001 04/28/2023 20230512 310.56 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY S006886562.001 05/01/2023 20230512 25.88 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY S006877868.002 05/02/2023 20230512 -25.88 CHECK 483719 TOTAL: 213.56 483720 05/12/2023 PRTD 160088 VINIFERA IMPORTS 326312 04/27/2023 20230512 690.00 CHECK 483720 TOTAL: 690.00 483721 05/12/2023 PRTD 119454 VINOCOPIA INC 0328278-IN 04/27/2023 20230512 1,472.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0328274-IN 04/27/2023 20230512 1,379.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0328285-IN 04/27/2023 20230512 127.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 31 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET VINOCOPIA INC 0328284-IN 04/27/2023 20230512 1,212.50 CHECK 483721 TOTAL: 4,191.50 483722 05/12/2023 PRTD 120627 VISTAR 67954537 04/13/2023 20230512 775.42 CHECK 483722 TOTAL: 775.42 483723 05/12/2023 PRTD 160685 WAGGLE GOLF 14903 04/14/2023 20230512 634.00 CHECK 483723 TOTAL: 634.00 483724 05/12/2023 PRTD 123616 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICES INC 13133 04/12/2023 20230512 1,043.71 CHECK 483724 TOTAL: 1,043.71 483725 05/12/2023 PRTD 130574 WATSON COMPANY 133132 04/13/2023 20230512 613.67 CHECK 483725 TOTAL: 613.67 483726 05/12/2023 PRTD 101033 WINE COMPANY 232595 04/12/2023 20230512 5,304.00 WINE COMPANY 233867 04/26/2023 20230512 1,908.20 WINE COMPANY 233863 04/26/2023 20230512 2,271.36 WINE COMPANY 233864 04/26/2023 20230512 160.00 WINE COMPANY 234096 04/27/2023 20230512 106.00 CHECK 483726 TOTAL: 9,749.56 483727 05/12/2023 PRTD 144412 WINEBOW MN00129723 04/27/2023 20230512 1,674.48 CHECK 483727 TOTAL: 1,674.48 483728 05/12/2023 PRTD 124503 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 242769 01 04/12/2023 20230512 63.43 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 242771 01 04/12/2023 20230512 103.27 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 242844 01 04/12/2023 20230512 79.58 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 242869 01 04/12/2023 20230512 59.88 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 243014 01 04/14/2023 20230512 24.80 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 32 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483728 TOTAL: 330.96 483729 05/12/2023 PRTD 160680 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 285596 04/17/2023 20230512 320.80 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 285402 04/11/2023 20230512 1,445.60 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 285456 04/12/2023 20230512 1,131.20 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 285510 04/13/2023 20230512 1,114.40 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 285553 04/14/2023 20230512 321.60 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 285357 04/10/2023 20230512 328.80 CHECK 483729 TOTAL: 4,662.40 483730 05/12/2023 PRTD 142162 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4203 04/27/2023 20230512 236.10 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4202 04/27/2023 20230512 236.10 CHECK 483730 TOTAL: 472.20 483731 05/12/2023 PRTD 160299 WOODEN SHIP BREWING COMPANY 000383 04/20/2023 20230512 268.80 WOODEN SHIP BREWING COMPANY 000385 04/21/2023 20230512 134.40 CHECK 483731 TOTAL: 403.20 483732 05/12/2023 PRTD 130618 CHANHASSEN AUTO CENTERS LLC 23870 04/14/2023 20230512 1,846.43 CHECK 483732 TOTAL: 1,846.43 483733 05/12/2023 PRTD 101091 ZIEGLER INC IN000949275 04/11/2023 20230512 1,520.00 ZIEGLER INC IN000955195 04/14/2023 20230512 52.52 CHECK 483733 TOTAL: 1,572.52 483734 05/12/2023 PRTD 136192 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION 3707433 04/11/2023 20230512 698.61 CHECK 483734 TOTAL: 698.61 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/11/2023 13:35 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 33 NUMBER OF CHECKS 220 *** CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL *** 1,715,059.09 COUNT AMOUNT TOTAL PRINTED CHECKS 220 1,715,059.09 *** GRAND TOTAL *** 1,715,059.09 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 49 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND SUB FUND DUE TO DUE FR 1000 General 246,450.49 2100 Police Special Revenue 4,350.16 2100 Police Special Revenue 531.00 2200 Braemar Memorial 7,948.00 2500 Conservation & Sustainability 14,280.44 4000 Capital Projects 141,843.09 4200 Equipment Replacement 31,180.00 4400 PIR Capital Projects 12,950.00 5100 Art Center 59.34 5200 Braemar Golf Course 37,347.22 5200 Braemar Golf Course 9,671.73 5300 Aquatic Center 4,657.67 5400 Edinborough Park 17,194.69 5500 Braemar Arena 11,217.07 5600 Braemar Field 8,495.93 5700 Centennial Lakes 6,874.69 5800 Liquor 194,003.92 5900 Utility Fund 7,127.68 5900 Utility Fund 14,541.63 5900 Utility Fund 44,807.68 6000 Risk Management 85,374.67 6100 Equipment Operations 23,319.81 6200 Information Technology 241.14 6300 Facilities Management 19,843.10 7100 PS Training Facility 11,903.95 7200 MN Task Force 1 169,492.06 9000 Payroll 949.00 9999 Pooled Cash Fund 1,126,656.16 TOTAL 1,126,656.16 1,126,656.16 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Mallory Schauer ** City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 1 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483735 05/19/2023 PRTD 129458 ACME ELECTRIC MOTOR INC 11203511 04/24/2023 20230519 686.93 CHECK 483735 TOTAL: 686.93 483736 05/19/2023 PRTD 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 914961750 02/10/2023 20230519 12,301.60 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915105967 03/06/2023 20230519 2,109.41 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915141758 03/09/2023 20230519 192.62 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915154660 03/10/2023 20230519 86.36 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915301520 03/27/2023 20230519 218.70 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915320435 03/29/2023 20230519 34.60 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915583723 04/26/2023 20230519 303.42 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915606359 04/28/2023 20230519 253.26 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915631384 05/02/2023 20230519 64.88 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915645216 05/04/2023 20230519 289.38 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915655148 05/04/2023 20230519 79.87 CHECK 483736 TOTAL: 15,934.10 483737 05/19/2023 PRTD 143557 ADIDAS AMERICA INC 6159387359 04/19/2023 20230519 149.04 ADIDAS AMERICA INC 6159411458 04/24/2023 20230519 507.59 CHECK 483737 TOTAL: 656.63 483738 05/19/2023 PRTD 160201 TB GLASS 9063 04/24/2023 20230519 1,008.50 CHECK 483738 TOTAL: 1,008.50 483739 05/19/2023 PRTD 133504 AID ELECTRIC CORPORATION 74062-1 04/18/2023 20230519 2,878.97 AID ELECTRIC CORPORATION 74062-2 04/18/2023 20230519 2,992.87 CHECK 483739 TOTAL: 5,871.84 483740 05/19/2023 PRTD 100620 AIM ELECTRONICS INC 44383 04/18/2023 20230519 253.93 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 2 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483740 TOTAL: 253.93 483741 05/19/2023 PRTD 160095 AM CRAFT SPIRITS SALES & MARKETIN 16768 05/03/2023 20230519 136.00 CHECK 483741 TOTAL: 136.00 483742 05/19/2023 PRTD 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1TJ3-VHYQ-LLD9 04/10/2023 20230519 18.35 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1MKF-VRR3-71D4 04/12/2023 20230519 14.48 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1KRX-3DXN-FFCP 04/15/2023 20230519 59.37 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1YTT-P9MT-34CG 04/18/2023 20230519 18.39 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17N1-YQVR-31PY 04/18/2023 20230519 25.46 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1X1T-VW77-316W 04/18/2023 20230519 70.40 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1TXM-VT7D-31XP 04/18/2023 20230519 11.21 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1PGY-4XXV-1FXN 04/18/2023 20230519 71.91 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1971-7GRQ-1W99 04/19/2023 20230519 12.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1RCN-W3VL-3CV1 04/19/2023 20230519 284.13 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1Y7Y-M9WD-6K1K 04/19/2023 20230519 9.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1FW1-79LC-4KL7 04/20/2023 20230519 33.50 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1JRN-367R-4HYL 04/19/2023 20230519 31.50 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1NWY-TNRW-3XRH 04/19/2023 20230519 15.70 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 197M-41T1-4QWH 04/21/2023 20230519 48.59 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 14TM-1C1Q-69TP 04/21/2023 20230519 486.61 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1XDC-WV3L-67WT 04/21/2023 20230519 151.48 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17LT-6KHN-6LX3 04/21/2023 20230519 92.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1XDC-WV3L-9396 04/21/2023 20230519 21.96 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1W4J-TGHL-9YD7 04/21/2023 20230519 12.82 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 16PG-YYF6-9LRX 04/21/2023 20230519 17.47 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1WTC-P631-DHPD 04/22/2023 20230519 128.04 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 3 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17XC-7X1P-DCLV 04/22/2023 20230519 37.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17LT-6KHN-KLJ9 04/23/2023 20230519 29.87 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1XX3-3VPL-LCLV 04/23/2023 20230519 22.02 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1PGC-7DK1-KCQX 04/23/2023 20230519 25.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1W4J-TGHL-K4MT 04/23/2023 20230519 18.35 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1WTC-P631-HR9P 04/23/2023 20230519 119.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1P3R-MLMC-HFY7 04/23/2023 20230519 26.17 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1NHL-1QR7-GYW4 04/23/2023 20230519 278.13 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 11DM-MDQ3-GTHJ 04/23/2023 20230519 119.41 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1C6H-YFF3-GVQ3 04/23/2023 20230519 7.85 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 197M-41T1-GGJ3 04/23/2023 20230519 8.19 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1YFP-X7R1-G661 04/23/2023 20230519 32.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1RTV-6FL6-MFDV 04/24/2023 20230519 297.62 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 11DM-MDQ3-M9CX 04/24/2023 20230519 77.77 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1D61-7XYR-MHMP 04/24/2023 20230519 57.14 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 11GY-QXWN-PJ6H 04/24/2023 20230519 45.80 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1K7W-XDTC-QCR1 04/24/2023 20230519 363.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 173K-JX77-9D9T 04/28/2023 20230519 64.67 CHECK 483742 TOTAL: 3,270.24 483743 05/19/2023 PRTD 100630 ANCHOR PAPER COMPANY 10715811-00 04/24/2023 20230519 1,216.05 ANCHOR PAPER COMPANY 10716217-00 04/28/2023 20230519 392.47 CHECK 483743 TOTAL: 1,608.52 483744 05/19/2023 PRTD 120088 ANCHOR SCIENTIFIC INC 263792 04/24/2023 20230519 267.33 CHECK 483744 TOTAL: 267.33 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 4 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483745 05/19/2023 PRTD 118491 APPLE INC AL17131445 04/03/2023 20230519 119.00 CHECK 483745 TOTAL: 119.00 483746 05/19/2023 PRTD 151441 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500226249q 04/17/2023 20230519 234.94 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500227588 04/18/2023 20230519 131.91 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500227529 04/18/2023 20230519 224.58 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500228378 04/19/2023 20230519 203.37 CHECK 483746 TOTAL: 794.80 483747 05/19/2023 PRTD 106304 ASPEN MILLS INC 312546 04/21/2023 20230519 73.50 ASPEN MILLS INC 312547 04/21/2023 20230519 20.50 ASPEN MILLS INC 312548 04/21/2023 20230519 186.70 CHECK 483747 TOTAL: 280.70 483748 05/19/2023 PRTD 102774 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1422086-050123 05/01/2023 20230519 8,466.25 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1405453-050123 05/01/2023 20230519 3,056.19 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1406543-050123 05/01/2023 20230519 10,150.93 CHECK 483748 TOTAL: 21,673.37 483749 05/19/2023 PRTD 100920 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 3599-205616 04/24/2023 20230519 170.99 CHECK 483749 TOTAL: 170.99 483750 05/19/2023 PRTD 101718 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 380145520 04/19/2023 20230519 23.76 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 2122-942092 04/19/2023 20230519 25.83 CHECK 483750 TOTAL: 49.59 483751 05/19/2023 PRTD 160625 AVENPITCH MUSIC LLC 23CLP0012 04/24/2023 20230519 250.00 CHECK 483751 TOTAL: 250.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 5 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483752 05/19/2023 PRTD 103241 BALDINGER, WENDY 23CLP0016 04/24/2023 20230519 250.00 CHECK 483752 TOTAL: 250.00 483753 05/19/2023 PRTD 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23270354.23-2 04/19/2023 20230519 22,138.00 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271869.03-1 04/21/2023 20230519 2,700.00 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271869.01-12 04/24/2023 20230519 19,369.40 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271898.01-9 04/20/2023 20230519 7,028.70 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271913.01-1 04/24/2023 20230519 911.00 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271913.01 - 2 04/24/2023 20230519 14,322.50 CHECK 483753 TOTAL: 66,469.60 483754 05/19/2023 PRTD 151171 7TH STREET BEER COMPANY 2439 05/03/2023 20230519 242.00 7TH STREET BEER COMPANY 2440 05/03/2023 20230519 684.00 CHECK 483754 TOTAL: 926.00 483755 05/19/2023 PRTD 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099250900 04/27/2023 20230519 1,298.65 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099210600 04/27/2023 20230519 97.65 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106722300 04/27/2023 20230519 26.67 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099250700 04/27/2023 20230519 2,058.89 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106767200 05/04/2023 20230519 202.62 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099325600 05/04/2023 20230519 139.65 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106756700 05/04/2023 20230519 174.49 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099301400 05/04/2023 20230519 622.95 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099301300 05/04/2023 20230519 181.65 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099301000 05/04/2023 20230519 97.65 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099301100 05/04/2023 20230519 1,423.20 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 6 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483755 TOTAL: 6,324.07 483756 05/19/2023 PRTD 143097 BERRY DUNN MCNEIL & PARKER LLC 429223 04/21/2023 20230519 17,967.86 CHECK 483756 TOTAL: 17,967.86 483757 05/19/2023 PRTD 130069 BFG SUPPLY COMPANY 2282346-00 04/19/2023 20230519 267.30 CHECK 483757 TOTAL: 267.30 483758 05/19/2023 PRTD 130069 BFG SUPPLY COMPANY 2282345-00 04/21/2023 20230519 412.36 CHECK 483758 TOTAL: 412.36 483759 05/19/2023 PRTD 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 22342 04/27/2023 20230519 459.00 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 22418 05/03/2023 20230519 350.00 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 22419 05/03/2023 20230519 525.00 CHECK 483759 TOTAL: 1,334.00 483760 05/19/2023 PRTD 132444 BOLTON & MENK INC 0310381 04/19/2023 20230519 1,714.50 BOLTON & MENK INC 0310021-2 04/26/2023 20230519 17,848.00 CHECK 483760 TOTAL: 19,562.50 483761 05/19/2023 PRTD 101010 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC 926149321 04/19/2023 20230519 33.63 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC 926156982 04/20/2023 20230519 1,231.97 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC 926181258 04/24/2023 20230519 584.70 CHECK 483761 TOTAL: 1,850.30 483762 05/19/2023 PRTD 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 196042 05/02/2023 20230519 647.90 BOURGET IMPORTS 196041 05/02/2023 20230519 398.00 CHECK 483762 TOTAL: 1,045.90 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 7 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483763 05/19/2023 PRTD 142566 BRASS FOUNDRY BREWING CO E-9061 04/27/2023 20230519 128.00 CHECK 483763 TOTAL: 128.00 483764 05/19/2023 PRTD 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348844827 04/26/2023 20230519 3,843.21 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348844828 04/26/2023 20230519 178.30 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348844829 04/26/2023 20230519 37.10 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348844826 04/26/2023 20230519 758.90 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348967755 05/03/2023 20230519 2,624.27 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348967754 05/03/2023 20230519 2,221.80 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348967756 05/03/2023 20230519 50.30 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 348967757 05/03/2023 20230519 2,348.92 CHECK 483764 TOTAL: 12,062.80 483765 05/19/2023 PRTD 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348635957 04/12/2023 20230519 12,811.13 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410870026 04/15/2023 20230519 -10.40 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348841275 04/25/2023 20230519 39.20 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410910197 04/22/2023 20230519 -7.69 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410910196 04/22/2023 20230519 -7.69 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410736343 04/28/2023 20230519 -6.00 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410736345 04/28/2023 20230519 -20.80 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410736346 04/28/2023 20230519 -6.00 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410736347 04/28/2023 20230519 -114.80 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348958116 05/02/2023 20230519 550.20 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348956880 05/02/2023 20230519 401.50 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410736344 02/28/2023 20230519 -10.20 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410736348 02/28/2023 20230519 -110.40 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348958202 05/02/2023 20230519 4,107.55 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 8 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348958203 05/02/2023 20230519 785.30 CHECK 483765 TOTAL: 18,400.90 483766 05/19/2023 PRTD 100667 CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY HOLDINGS II, 15816427-01 04/21/2023 20230519 75.72 CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY HOLDINGS II, 15816427-02 04/21/2023 20230519 176.85 CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY HOLDINGS II, 15816427-03 04/21/2023 20230519 71.62 CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY HOLDINGS II, 15816427-04 04/21/2023 20230519 5,481.00 CHECK 483766 TOTAL: 5,805.19 483767 05/19/2023 PRTD 150972 BROKEN CLOCK BREWING COOPERATIVE 7626 05/03/2023 20230519 53.00 CHECK 483767 TOTAL: 53.00 483768 05/19/2023 PRTD 130485 BRUESKE, TARA 23CLP0011 04/24/2023 20230519 200.00 CHECK 483768 TOTAL: 200.00 483769 05/19/2023 PRTD 102149 CALLAWAY GOLF 936051867 02/27/2023 20230519 9,487.50 CALLAWAY GOLF 936194610 03/24/2023 20230519 2,072.50 CALLAWAY GOLF 936235392 03/30/2023 20230519 444.60 CALLAWAY GOLF 936235393 03/30/2023 20230519 227.70 CALLAWAY GOLF 936235394 03/30/2023 20230519 225.00 CHECK 483769 TOTAL: 12,457.30 483770 05/19/2023 PRTD 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2826800 04/25/2023 20230519 1,682.10 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2826799 04/25/2023 20230519 287.50 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2826823 03/18/2023 20230519 -7.67 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2831754 05/05/2023 20230519 1,525.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2831753 05/05/2023 20230519 130.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2831755 05/05/2023 20230519 1,461.95 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 9 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2831844 05/05/2023 20230519 3,214.70 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2831843 05/05/2023 20230519 -84.63 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2829901 05/02/2023 20230519 3,398.95 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2829900 05/02/2023 20230519 84.00 CHECK 483770 TOTAL: 11,691.90 483771 05/19/2023 PRTD 137524 CAPRI BIG BAND 23CLP0010 04/24/2023 20230519 150.00 CHECK 483771 TOTAL: 150.00 483772 05/19/2023 PRTD 160207 JASON THOMAS CARDINAL EPD23-3 04/24/2023 20230519 4,560.00 JASON THOMAS CARDINAL EFD23-2 04/11/2023 20230519 2,340.00 CHECK 483772 TOTAL: 6,900.00 483773 05/19/2023 PRTD 150883 CARLTON DILDY JR 23CLP0009 04/24/2023 20230519 250.00 CHECK 483773 TOTAL: 250.00 483774 05/19/2023 PRTD 160710 CASSE, ANDREW 23CLP0018 04/24/2023 20230519 150.00 CHECK 483774 TOTAL: 150.00 483775 05/19/2023 PRTD 103300 CENTER FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT 22502 04/20/2023 20230519 2,435.00 CHECK 483775 TOTAL: 2,435.00 483776 05/19/2023 PRTD 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 4153311325 04/24/2023 20230519 179.83 CHECK 483776 TOTAL: 179.83 483777 05/19/2023 PRTD 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 4153311333 04/24/2023 20230519 65.55 CHECK 483777 TOTAL: 65.55 483778 05/19/2023 PRTD 112542 BROOKLYN COMMUNITY BAND 23CLP0003 04/24/2023 20230519 150.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 10 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483778 TOTAL: 150.00 483779 05/19/2023 PRTD 101837 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1059 04/20/2023 20230519 1,009.72 CHECK 483779 TOTAL: 1,009.72 483780 05/19/2023 PRTD 103216 MINNEAPOLIS FIRE DEPARTMENT MFD-4/2023-2 04/28/2023 20230519 19,252.06 CHECK 483780 TOTAL: 19,252.06 483781 05/19/2023 PRTD 103216 MINNEAPOLIS FIRE DEPARTMENT MFD-4/2023-3 04/25/2023 20230519 12,233.30 CHECK 483781 TOTAL: 12,233.30 483782 05/19/2023 PRTD 103216 MINNEAPOLIS FIRE DEPARTMENT MFD-4/2023-4 04/25/2023 20230519 11,668.69 CHECK 483782 TOTAL: 11,668.69 483783 05/19/2023 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN RFD-5/2023-1 05/01/2023 20230519 17,864.24 CHECK 483783 TOTAL: 17,864.24 483784 05/19/2023 PRTD 100087 CITY OF SAINT PAUL IN53401 04/03/2023 20230519 103,271.48 CHECK 483784 TOTAL: 103,271.48 483785 05/19/2023 PRTD 146213 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK SLPFD-5/2023-1 05/02/2023 20230519 930.91 CHECK 483785 TOTAL: 930.91 483786 05/19/2023 PRTD 146213 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK SLPFD-5/2023-2 05/03/2023 20230519 1,310.30 CHECK 483786 TOTAL: 1,310.30 483787 05/19/2023 PRTD 146472 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN 32009016446 04/20/2023 20230519 4,233.60 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN 32009016527 04/20/2023 20230519 1,537.99 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN 32009016400 04/20/2023 20230519 4,241.59 CHECK 483787 TOTAL: 10,013.18 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 11 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483788 05/19/2023 PRTD 130477 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 685208 04/26/2023 20230519 219.25 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 686435 05/04/2023 20230519 791.70 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 686430 05/03/2023 20230519 114.50 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 686431 05/03/2023 20230519 156.75 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 686386 05/03/2023 20230519 1,129.85 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 686434 05/03/2023 20230519 114.50 CHECK 483788 TOTAL: 2,526.55 483789 05/19/2023 PRTD 102165 ROGER CLEVELAND GOLF CO. INC 7295669 SO 01/28/2023 20230519 300.96 CHECK 483789 TOTAL: 300.96 483790 05/19/2023 PRTD 120433 COMCAST 0161120-04/23 04/26/2023 20230519 20.39 CHECK 483790 TOTAL: 20.39 483791 05/19/2023 PRTD 144092 CONCENTRA 103753647 04/20/2023 20230519 784.00 CHECK 483791 TOTAL: 784.00 483792 05/19/2023 PRTD 160708 COURTNEY KLOS 23CLP0008 04/24/2023 20230519 150.00 CHECK 483792 TOTAL: 150.00 483793 05/19/2023 PRTD 160364 COVERSHOTS MOBILE CANOPIES INTERN 694 04/24/2023 20230519 7,948.00 CHECK 483793 TOTAL: 7,948.00 483794 05/19/2023 PRTD 121267 CREATIVE RESOURCES IN0001290 04/24/2023 20230519 2,754.95 CHECK 483794 TOTAL: 2,754.95 483795 05/19/2023 PRTD 101403 CRYSTEEL MANUFACTURING INC LC00082282 03/27/2023 20230519 226.08 CRYSTEEL MANUFACTURING INC LCCR007798 03/03/2023 20230519 -340.00 CRYSTEEL MANUFACTURING INC LC00082994 05/05/2023 22100057 20230519 1,850.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 12 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483795 TOTAL: 1,736.08 483796 05/19/2023 PRTD 100699 CULLIGAN SOFTWATER SERVICE COMPAN 114X90742806 03/31/2023 20230519 -60.10 CULLIGAN SOFTWATER SERVICE COMPAN 114X90966207 04/30/2023 20230519 -7.89 CULLIGAN SOFTWATER SERVICE COMPAN 114X91077103 04/30/2023 20230519 172.02 CULLIGAN SOFTWATER SERVICE COMPAN 114X91027702 04/30/2023 20230519 548.00 CHECK 483796 TOTAL: 652.03 483797 05/19/2023 PRTD 160487 CUSTOM TRUCK ONE SOURCE 2023007080850 04/20/2023 20230519 803.58 CHECK 483797 TOTAL: 803.58 483798 05/19/2023 PRTD 123995 DICKS SANITATION SERIVCE INC 9170516T460 05/01/2023 20230519 595.61 CHECK 483798 TOTAL: 595.61 483799 05/19/2023 PRTD 123995 DICKS SANITATION SERIVCE INC 9170500T460 05/01/2023 20230519 291.59 CHECK 483799 TOTAL: 291.59 483800 05/19/2023 PRTD 123995 DICKS SANITATION SERVICE INC 9171267T460 05/01/2023 20230519 386.00 CHECK 483800 TOTAL: 386.00 483801 05/19/2023 PRTD 101479 DVORSAK MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPME 30865 04/10/2023 20230519 1,245.94 CHECK 483801 TOTAL: 1,245.94 483802 05/19/2023 PRTD 129079 DRAIN KING INC 118004 04/16/2023 20230519 280.50 CHECK 483802 TOTAL: 280.50 483803 05/19/2023 PRTD 145811 EASTLAKE CRAFT BREWERY LLC 2271 05/03/2023 20230519 282.60 CHECK 483803 TOTAL: 282.60 483804 05/19/2023 PRTD 160711 EDINA MORNINGSIDE COMMUNITY CHURC 23CLP0022 04/24/2023 20230519 250.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 13 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483804 TOTAL: 250.00 483805 05/19/2023 PRTD 117483 ENGELE, LEE 23CLP0020 04/24/2023 20230519 150.00 CHECK 483805 TOTAL: 150.00 483806 05/19/2023 PRTD 134730 EXPLORE EDINA Feb 2023 Lodging Tax03/14/2023 20230519 37,454.54 EXPLORE EDINA Mar 2023 Lodging Tax04/11/2023 20230519 43,879.09 CHECK 483806 TOTAL: 81,333.63 483807 05/19/2023 PRTD 160613 FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE 165700897 04/21/2023 20230519 949.00 FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE 165702124 04/21/2023 20230519 5.34 CHECK 483807 TOTAL: 954.34 483808 05/19/2023 PRTD 100146 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-485446 04/18/2023 20230519 134.72 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-485541 04/19/2023 20230519 37.22 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8570151 04/19/2023 20230519 61.86 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1/8575488 04/20/2023 20230519 14.08 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 75-466131 04/20/2023 20230519 9.52 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8584144 04/24/2023 20230519 80.03 CHECK 483808 TOTAL: 337.43 483809 05/19/2023 PRTD 147181 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-9913 04/27/2023 20230519 201.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-9998 05/04/2023 20230519 334.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-9997 05/04/2023 20230519 301.00 CHECK 483809 TOTAL: 836.00 483810 05/19/2023 PRTD 130699 FLEETPRIDE INC 107240516 04/19/2023 20230519 156.00 FLEETPRIDE INC 107330469 04/24/2023 20230519 7.21 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 14 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483810 TOTAL: 163.21 483811 05/19/2023 PRTD 102456 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1869503 04/24/2023 20230519 369.00 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1869326 04/24/2023 20230519 65.50 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1869243 04/24/2023 20230519 2,740.64 CHECK 483811 TOTAL: 3,175.14 483812 05/19/2023 PRTD 144982 GERTEN GREENHOUSES & GARDEN CENTE 297115/1 04/21/2023 20230519 42.42 CHECK 483812 TOTAL: 42.42 483813 05/19/2023 PRTD 100781 MJ DONOVAN ENTERPRISES INC 150193 04/18/2023 20230519 2,342.00 CHECK 483813 TOTAL: 2,342.00 483814 05/19/2023 PRTD 101103 WW GRAINGER 9677890189 04/18/2023 20230519 45.36 WW GRAINGER 9680902518 04/20/2023 20230519 439.80 WW GRAINGER 9681865037 04/21/2023 20230519 71.34 CHECK 483814 TOTAL: 556.50 483815 05/19/2023 PRTD 129922 MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL REGIONAL ECO INV-1011 04/19/2023 20230519 10,500.00 CHECK 483815 TOTAL: 10,500.00 483816 05/19/2023 PRTD 114514 H & R CONST CO 20664 12/02/2022 20230519 18,825.00 CHECK 483816 TOTAL: 18,825.00 483817 05/19/2023 PRTD 129108 HAAG COMPANIES INC 4-468250 04/24/2023 20230519 68.00 CHECK 483817 TOTAL: 68.00 483818 05/19/2023 PRTD 102060 HALLOCK COMPANY INC 263502-1 04/18/2023 20230519 106.20 CHECK 483818 TOTAL: 106.20 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 15 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483819 05/19/2023 PRTD 102320 HAMCO DATA PRODUCTS 176270 12/23/2022 20230519 181.50 CHECK 483819 TOTAL: 181.50 483820 05/19/2023 PRTD 160498 HARRIS, ALEXANDRINE 23CLP0021 04/24/2023 20230519 200.00 CHECK 483820 TOTAL: 200.00 483821 05/19/2023 PRTD 160667 HARRISON TILE COMPANY 7871 03/27/2023 20230519 9,500.00 CHECK 483821 TOTAL: 9,500.00 483822 05/19/2023 PRTD 122093 GROUP HEALTHPLAN INC 119656536 03/09/2023 20230519 23,920.12 CHECK 483822 TOTAL: 23,920.12 483823 05/19/2023 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000205934 05/01/2023 20230519 87.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000205773 04/30/2023 20230519 1,914.76 CHECK 483823 TOTAL: 2,001.76 483824 05/19/2023 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 2023-Robles 05/18/2023 20230519 20.00 CHECK 483824 TOTAL: 20.00 483825 05/19/2023 PRTD 143585 HENNEPIN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM INC HENNEMS-04/2023-1 04/24/2023 20230519 2,597.09 CHECK 483825 TOTAL: 2,597.09 483826 05/19/2023 PRTD 118765 HENRY SCHEIN INC 37064908 04/24/2023 20230519 249.00 CHECK 483826 TOTAL: 249.00 483827 05/19/2023 PRTD 137677 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC 238946 04/18/2023 20230519 8,656.98 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC 238767 04/17/2023 20230519 2,062.44 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC 238769 04/17/2023 20230519 5,531.25 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC 238949 04/18/2023 20230519 11,845.44 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 16 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483827 TOTAL: 28,096.11 483828 05/19/2023 PRTD 102079 HIGHVIEW PLUMBING INC 16810 05/08/2023 20230519 12,950.00 CHECK 483828 TOTAL: 12,950.00 483829 05/19/2023 PRTD 103753 HILLYARD INC - MINNEAPOLIS 700543122 04/24/2023 20230519 808.53 CHECK 483829 TOTAL: 808.53 483830 05/19/2023 PRTD 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC 602659 04/25/2023 20230519 2,094.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 604854 05/02/2023 20230519 1,683.30 HOHENSTEINS INC 604853 05/02/2023 20230519 52.50 HOHENSTEINS INC 604862 05/02/2023 20230519 1,062.90 HOHENSTEINS INC 604857 05/02/2023 20230519 2,795.10 HOHENSTEINS INC 604860 05/02/2023 20230519 120.00 CHECK 483830 TOTAL: 7,807.80 483831 05/19/2023 PRTD 160239 HUEBSCH LAUNDRY CO 20223758 04/24/2023 20230519 208.38 CHECK 483831 TOTAL: 208.38 483832 05/19/2023 PRTD 129508 IMPACT MAILING OF MINNESOTA INC 205518 04/19/2023 20230519 2,144.44 CHECK 483832 TOTAL: 2,144.44 483833 05/19/2023 PRTD 146427 LUCID BREWING LLC 15949 04/27/2023 20230519 223.50 CHECK 483833 TOTAL: 223.50 483834 05/19/2023 PRTD 103193 INTOXIMETERS INC 732524 04/24/2023 20230519 531.00 CHECK 483834 TOTAL: 531.00 483835 05/19/2023 PRTD 100828 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC 93053 04/24/2023 20230519 385.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 17 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483835 TOTAL: 385.00 483836 05/19/2023 PRTD 100835 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3600049 04/27/2023 20230519 1,391.50 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3601407 05/04/2023 20230519 963.00 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3601405 05/04/2023 20230519 141.50 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 361686 04/28/2023 20230519 -46.68 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3601406 05/04/2023 20230519 1,487.55 CHECK 483836 TOTAL: 3,936.87 483837 05/19/2023 PRTD 100835 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6582345 04/27/2023 20230519 963.25 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6582346 04/27/2023 20230519 712.30 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6582344 04/27/2023 20230519 33.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6586166 05/04/2023 20230519 262.20 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6586165 05/04/2023 20230519 3,918.35 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6586167 05/04/2023 20230519 2,236.71 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6586157 05/04/2023 20230519 65.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6586158 05/04/2023 20230519 594.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6586159 05/04/2023 20230519 142.35 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6586162 05/04/2023 20230519 2,151.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6586161 05/04/2023 20230519 1,658.95 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6586160 05/04/2023 20230519 134.46 CHECK 483837 TOTAL: 12,872.37 483838 05/19/2023 PRTD 100835 WINE MERCHANTS 7424924 04/28/2023 20230519 2,242.60 WINE MERCHANTS 7425772 05/04/2023 20230519 2,172.60 WINE MERCHANTS 7425771 05/04/2023 20230519 1,934.20 WINE MERCHANTS 7425773 05/04/2023 20230519 1,091.20 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 18 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483838 TOTAL: 7,440.60 483839 05/19/2023 PRTD 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286453 04/27/2023 20230519 1,885.93 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286458 04/27/2023 20230519 1,754.30 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286455 04/27/2023 20230519 602.90 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286454 04/27/2023 20230519 977.36 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286446 04/27/2023 20230519 208.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286457 04/27/2023 20230519 2,631.06 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286459 04/27/2023 20230519 401.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286456 04/27/2023 20230519 403.47 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2286452 04/27/2023 20230519 31.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291342 05/04/2023 20230519 2,303.68 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291343 05/04/2023 20230519 1,845.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291329 05/04/2023 20230519 1.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291347 05/04/2023 20230519 1,237.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291348 05/04/2023 20230519 527.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291341 05/04/2023 20230519 783.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291344 05/04/2023 20230519 421.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291346 05/04/2023 20230519 55.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291324 05/04/2023 20230519 69.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291327 05/04/2023 20230519 706.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291325 05/04/2023 20230519 1,938.24 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291330 05/04/2023 20230519 326.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291328 05/04/2023 20230519 121.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291331 05/04/2023 20230519 317.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291326 05/04/2023 20230519 379.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291332 05/04/2023 20230519 2,648.63 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 19 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291338 05/04/2023 20230519 1,604.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291335 05/04/2023 20230519 349.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291337 05/04/2023 20230519 774.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291336 05/04/2023 20230519 381.10 CHECK 483839 TOTAL: 25,688.87 483840 05/19/2023 PRTD 102113 AUDRANN INC 1415875 04/21/2023 20230519 96.75 CHECK 483840 TOTAL: 96.75 483841 05/19/2023 PRTD 141864 JOSEPH E JOHNSON & SONS CONSTRUCT 1282 05/01/2023 20230519 7,500.00 CHECK 483841 TOTAL: 7,500.00 483842 05/19/2023 PRTD 145396 JUNKYARD BREWING COMPANY LLC 005535 05/03/2023 20230519 204.00 JUNKYARD BREWING COMPANY LLC 005534 05/03/2023 20230519 177.00 CHECK 483842 TOTAL: 381.00 483843 05/19/2023 PRTD 160622 KAESER COMPRESSORS INC 915958105 04/18/2023 20230519 29,330.00 CHECK 483843 TOTAL: 29,330.00 483844 05/19/2023 PRTD 102824 KAY PARK RECREATION CORPORATION 198622 04/21/2023 20230519 9,347.00 CHECK 483844 TOTAL: 9,347.00 483845 05/19/2023 PRTD 137525 KERNS, JOHN 23CLP0014 04/24/2023 20230519 250.00 CHECK 483845 TOTAL: 250.00 483846 05/19/2023 PRTD 130042 KULLY SUPPLY INC 610059 04/19/2023 20230519 187.57 CHECK 483846 TOTAL: 187.57 483847 05/19/2023 PRTD 116776 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 000247 04/19/2023 20230519 115.00 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 00247 04/19/2023 20230519 115.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 20 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483847 TOTAL: 230.00 483848 05/19/2023 PRTD 151024 LA DONA SBC 6291 04/26/2023 20230519 156.00 LA DONA SBC 6313 05/04/2023 20230519 256.00 LA DONA SBC 6310 05/03/2023 20230519 76.00 LA DONA SBC 6312 05/03/2023 20230519 152.00 CHECK 483848 TOTAL: 640.00 483849 05/19/2023 PRTD 151166 LAMIS, JAMES 32031235.1 04/24/2023 20230519 5,058.83 CHECK 483849 TOTAL: 5,058.83 483850 05/19/2023 PRTD 100605 LANDS' END INC SIN11164971 04/19/2023 20230519 202.10 CHECK 483850 TOTAL: 202.10 483851 05/19/2023 PRTD 101220 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 01-987067 04/18/2023 20230519 428.40 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 03-989561 04/28/2023 20230519 120.91 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 03-990344 05/02/2023 20230519 -15.13 CHECK 483851 TOTAL: 534.18 483852 05/19/2023 PRTD 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9310549456 04/24/2023 20230519 1,474.38 CHECK 483852 TOTAL: 1,474.38 483853 05/19/2023 PRTD 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 40002474-4/23 04/21/2023 20230519 225.00 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 40002968-4/23-2 04/21/2023 20230519 42,872.00 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20374 05/01/2023 20230519 13,840.33 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20409 03/01/2023 20230519 1,748.79 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20391 03/01/2023 20230519 405.96 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20698 05/01/2023 20230519 120.21 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20736 05/01/2023 20230519 284.09 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 21 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20737 05/01/2023 20230519 21.03 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20800 05/01/2023 20230519 217.20 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20729 05/01/2023 20230519 332.64 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20790 05/01/2023 20230519 461.08 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20675 05/01/2023 20230519 238.78 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20686 05/01/2023 20230519 335.19 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20691 05/01/2023 20230519 246.91 CHECK 483853 TOTAL: 61,349.21 483854 05/19/2023 PRTD 135867 LIBATION PROJECT 57419 04/25/2023 20230519 328.06 LIBATION PROJECT 57417 04/25/2023 20230519 470.20 LIBATION PROJECT 57713 05/03/2023 20230519 354.00 LIBATION PROJECT 57726 05/03/2023 20230519 240.04 LIBATION PROJECT 57664 05/02/2023 20230519 101.96 CHECK 483854 TOTAL: 1,494.26 483855 05/19/2023 PRTD 100858 LOGIS 53664-2 03/28/2023 20230519 18,090.07 CHECK 483855 TOTAL: 18,090.07 483856 05/19/2023 PRTD 101078 LUBE-TECH ESI 3187557 04/21/2023 20230519 300.00 CHECK 483856 TOTAL: 300.00 483857 05/19/2023 PRTD 160548 LUCE LINE BREWING CO LLC E-1383 04/27/2023 20230519 265.00 LUCE LINE BREWING CO LLC E-1404 05/04/2023 20230519 260.00 CHECK 483857 TOTAL: 525.00 483858 05/19/2023 PRTD 141916 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 52850 05/03/2023 20230519 120.00 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 52852 05/03/2023 20230519 147.70 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 22 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483858 TOTAL: 267.70 483859 05/19/2023 PRTD 134063 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 24203470 04/20/2023 20230519 682.40 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 24202800 04/20/2023 20230519 14,079.76 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 24202770 04/20/2023 20230519 1,565.57 CHECK 483859 TOTAL: 16,327.73 483860 05/19/2023 PRTD 160640 MARGE MAGNUSON CONSTRUCTION CO IN FC22-113 #1 04/21/2023 20230519 49,152.05 CHECK 483860 TOTAL: 49,152.05 483861 05/19/2023 PRTD 100869 MARTIN-MCALLISTER CONSULTING PSYC 15302 04/21/2023 20230519 2,500.00 CHECK 483861 TOTAL: 2,500.00 483862 05/19/2023 PRTD 141215 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV977596 04/26/2023 20230519 1,135.20 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV977574 04/26/2023 20230519 553.50 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV982073 05/03/2023 20230519 371.04 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV982085 05/03/2023 20230519 1,593.12 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV983682 05/04/2023 20230519 289.50 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV982056 05/03/2023 20230519 609.00 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV982077 05/03/2023 20230519 491.04 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV982070 05/03/2023 20230519 609.00 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV982063 05/03/2023 20230519 241.50 CHECK 483862 TOTAL: 5,892.90 483863 05/19/2023 PRTD 146040 STRAYER, JUSTIN 23145 04/19/2023 20230519 218.15 STRAYER, JUSTIN 23282 04/26/2023 20230519 326.10 STRAYER, JUSTIN 23282-1 04/27/2023 20230519 -7.61 STRAYER, JUSTIN IN-184 05/03/2023 20230519 228.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 23 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483863 TOTAL: 765.14 483864 05/19/2023 PRTD 101483 MENARDS 61253 04/20/2023 20230519 35.09 CHECK 483864 TOTAL: 35.09 483865 05/19/2023 PRTD 101483 MENARDS 79863 04/19/2023 20230519 113.45 MENARDS 79902 04/20/2023 20230519 104.05 MENARDS 79924 04/20/2023 20230519 62.67 MENARDS 79912 04/20/2023 20230519 269.71 MENARDS 79974 04/21/2023 20230519 62.39 MENARDS 80125 04/24/2023 20230519 29.98 MENARDS 80122 04/24/2023 20230519 275.79 CHECK 483865 TOTAL: 918.04 483866 05/19/2023 PRTD 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 531504 04/19/2023 20230519 63.18 CHECK 483866 TOTAL: 63.18 483867 05/19/2023 PRTD 127062 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE IN 180230988 04/16/2023 20230519 12.90 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE IN 180230990 04/16/2023 20230519 36.56 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE IN 180230989 04/16/2023 20230519 24.73 CHECK 483867 TOTAL: 74.19 483868 05/19/2023 PRTD 128914 BJKK DEVELOPMENT 34550 04/24/2023 20230519 34.00 BJKK DEVELOPMENT 34546 04/21/2023 20230519 158.00 CHECK 483868 TOTAL: 192.00 483869 05/19/2023 PRTD 160684 MINNESOTA STATE HIGH SCHOOL LEAGU 2023 Admin Refund 02/17/2023 20230519 295.00 CHECK 483869 TOTAL: 295.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 24 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483870 05/19/2023 PRTD 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC E-40843 05/02/2023 20230519 676.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-40842 05/02/2023 20230519 346.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-40844 05/02/2023 20230519 851.00 CHECK 483870 TOTAL: 1,873.00 483871 05/19/2023 PRTD 160409 MOE, LAURA 23CLP0005 04/24/2023 20230519 150.00 CHECK 483871 TOTAL: 150.00 483872 05/19/2023 PRTD 122019 MOORE CREATIVE TALENT INC 148785 04/19/2023 20230519 480.00 CHECK 483872 TOTAL: 480.00 483873 05/19/2023 PRTD 108668 MORRIS, GRAYLYN 23CLP0019 04/24/2023 20230519 250.00 CHECK 483873 TOTAL: 250.00 483874 05/19/2023 PRTD 100912 MOTOROLA INC 1411009934 04/20/2023 20230519 1,093.62 CHECK 483874 TOTAL: 1,093.62 483875 05/19/2023 PRTD 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1380608-01 04/18/2023 20230519 52.19 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1379931-00 04/21/2023 20230519 361.18 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1366643-04 04/21/2023 20230519 23.61 CHECK 483875 TOTAL: 436.98 483876 05/19/2023 PRTD 132591 MUSKA ELECTRIC COMPANY 50276 04/21/2023 20230519 130.00 CHECK 483876 TOTAL: 130.00 483877 05/19/2023 PRTD 130461 GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM, INC INV-31640 12/01/2022 20230519 1,680.00 CHECK 483877 TOTAL: 1,680.00 483878 05/19/2023 PRTD 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 203739 04/26/2023 20230519 1,257.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 203798 04/26/2023 20230519 149.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 25 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET NEW FRANCE WINE CO 204102 05/03/2023 20230519 345.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 204146 05/03/2023 20230519 772.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 204103 05/03/2023 20230519 791.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 204104 05/03/2023 20230519 277.00 CHECK 483878 TOTAL: 3,592.00 483879 05/19/2023 PRTD 104350 NIKE USA INC 9750548004 03/28/2023 20230519 103.39 NIKE USA INC 9753003187 04/22/2023 20230519 301.71 CHECK 483879 TOTAL: 405.10 483880 05/19/2023 PRTD 100926 BLUETARP FINANCIAL INC 0035146311 04/26/2023 20230519 -154.99 BLUETARP FINANCIAL INC 0033137841 04/25/2023 20230519 159.99 CHECK 483880 TOTAL: 5.00 483881 05/19/2023 PRTD 131670 OAK RIDGE WILDLIFE CONTROL 897689 04/21/2023 20230519 850.00 CHECK 483881 TOTAL: 850.00 483882 05/19/2023 PRTD 160385 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC 308486017001 04/17/2023 20230519 55.14 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC 310909484001 04/24/2023 20230519 220.85 CHECK 483882 TOTAL: 275.99 483883 05/19/2023 PRTD 999998 BERTELSEN, FLOYD 273-22-3988 05/09/2023 20230519 1,443.87 CHECK 483883 TOTAL: 1,443.87 483884 05/19/2023 PRTD 999998 BLANKHOLM, BECKY 273-22-4919 05/09/2023 20230519 50.00 CHECK 483884 TOTAL: 50.00 483885 05/19/2023 PRTD 999998 BONDA, PENELOPE 273-22-4307 05/09/2023 20230519 97.15 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 26 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483885 TOTAL: 97.15 483886 05/19/2023 PRTD 999998 CHRISTIANSON, ROBERT 273-22-5738 05/09/2023 20230519 100.68 CHECK 483886 TOTAL: 100.68 483887 05/19/2023 PRTD 999998 FOGARTY, CAROL 273-22-2967 04/13/2023 20230519 1,831.60 CHECK 483887 TOTAL: 1,831.60 483888 05/19/2023 PRTD 999998 HANCOCK, HAROLD 273-22-5980 05/09/2023 20230519 104.53 CHECK 483888 TOTAL: 104.53 483889 05/19/2023 PRTD 999998 JOHNSON, LARRY 273-23-0349 05/09/2023 20230519 216.94 CHECK 483889 TOTAL: 216.94 483890 05/19/2023 PRTD 999998 PELKA, CRISTINA 273-22-2318 05/09/2023 20230519 1,400.00 CHECK 483890 TOTAL: 1,400.00 483891 05/19/2023 PRTD 999994 Fulgency, Betty 223879 05/03/2023 20230519 171.65 CHECK 483891 TOTAL: 171.65 483892 05/19/2023 PRTD 999994 Kenyon, Patrick Stip Release-05/202305/08/2023 20230519 100.00 CHECK 483892 TOTAL: 100.00 483893 05/19/2023 PRTD 999994 P.F. Chang's China Bistro 583147-REFUND 05/09/2023 20230519 7,750.00 CHECK 483893 TOTAL: 7,750.00 483894 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 KWON,YOUNGHOON 00118637-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 139.30 CHECK 483894 TOTAL: 139.30 483895 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 ADRIATIC HOMES 00128592-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 87.05 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 27 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483895 TOTAL: 87.05 483896 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 CARROLL,JOHN 00083625-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 97.01 CHECK 483896 TOTAL: 97.01 483897 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 CHANG,RENE 00113250-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 239.46 CHECK 483897 TOTAL: 239.46 483898 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 CITYLINE HOMES INC 00128016-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 54.26 CHECK 483898 TOTAL: 54.26 483899 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 EASTMAN,ERIC 00123099-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 210.36 CHECK 483899 TOTAL: 210.36 483900 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 EDWARD G HUSTAD TRUST 00078965-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 344.87 CHECK 483900 TOTAL: 344.87 483901 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 HAGEN,SUPAPORN 00084619-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 167.51 CHECK 483901 TOTAL: 167.51 483902 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 HARPS LLC 00129050-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 61.36 CHECK 483902 TOTAL: 61.36 483903 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 HIBBS,SHIRLEY 00085543-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 75.28 CHECK 483903 TOTAL: 75.28 483904 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 HLAVAC,MICHELLE 00107828-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 59.56 CHECK 483904 TOTAL: 59.56 483905 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 HONG,BARBARA 00127569-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 148.29 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 28 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483905 TOTAL: 148.29 483906 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 JOHNSON,BRETT 00120635-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 112.86 CHECK 483906 TOTAL: 112.86 483907 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 JOHNSON,TROY 00101237-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 76.33 CHECK 483907 TOTAL: 76.33 483908 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 JURKOVICH,JOHN 00086959-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 42.43 CHECK 483908 TOTAL: 42.43 483909 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 KELLER,ROBERT 00078237-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 311.17 CHECK 483909 TOTAL: 311.17 483910 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 KELLY,MICHELE 00097316-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 39.63 CHECK 483910 TOTAL: 39.63 483911 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 KRUG,CHRISTOPHER 00124952-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 165.34 CHECK 483911 TOTAL: 165.34 483912 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 LEE,RAEVEN 00128523-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 10.94 CHECK 483912 TOTAL: 10.94 483913 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 MCCARTHY,BRENDAN 00121192-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 115.05 CHECK 483913 TOTAL: 115.05 483914 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 MELIN,WILLIAM 00107362-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 199.44 CHECK 483914 TOTAL: 199.44 483915 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 ONEILL,MICHAEL 00121153-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 45.16 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 29 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483915 TOTAL: 45.16 483916 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 OUYANG,DONG 00122850-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 55.82 CHECK 483916 TOTAL: 55.82 483917 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 PETERSON,TOM 00102759-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 136.16 CHECK 483917 TOTAL: 136.16 483918 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 PLITNICK,MARTIN 00097542-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 18.40 CHECK 483918 TOTAL: 18.40 483919 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 REFINED RL ESTATE HOLLDINGS 00127326-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 4.65 CHECK 483919 TOTAL: 4.65 483920 05/19/2023 PRTD 999997 WEST HENNEPIN AFFORDABLE HOUSING 00129077-04/24/23 04/24/2023 20230519 166.48 CHECK 483920 TOTAL: 166.48 483921 05/19/2023 PRTD 101659 ORKIN 243411978 04/18/2023 20230519 30.00 ORKIN 243411440 04/18/2023 20230519 26.28 ORKIN 243411583 04/19/2023 20230519 149.47 CHECK 483921 TOTAL: 205.75 483922 05/19/2023 PRTD 100940 OWENS TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES INC 34355 04/19/2023 20230519 901.00 OWENS TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES INC 34385 04/20/2023 20230519 742.00 CHECK 483922 TOTAL: 1,643.00 483923 05/19/2023 PRTD 141248 PAPER ROLL PRODUCTS LLC 226354 04/20/2023 20230519 199.50 CHECK 483923 TOTAL: 199.50 483924 05/19/2023 PRTD 100944 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 200249 04/25/2023 20230519 2,989.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 200248 04/25/2023 20230519 1,464.60 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 30 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 200322 04/26/2023 20230519 218.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 200895 05/02/2023 20230519 928.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 200891 05/02/2023 20230519 1,037.20 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 200882 05/02/2023 20230519 686.00 CHECK 483924 TOTAL: 7,323.80 483925 05/19/2023 PRTD 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 49385254 05/01/2023 20230519 532.38 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 50303805 05/08/2023 20230519 504.43 CHECK 483925 TOTAL: 1,036.81 483926 05/19/2023 PRTD 149249 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-187250 05/04/2023 20230519 91.17 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-187251 05/04/2023 20230519 385.50 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-187243 05/04/2023 20230519 53.00 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-187242 05/04/2023 20230519 421.60 CHECK 483926 TOTAL: 951.27 483927 05/19/2023 PRTD 134706 GASTERLAND, HANS WILLEM 23CLP0017 04/24/2023 20230519 150.00 CHECK 483927 TOTAL: 150.00 483928 05/19/2023 PRTD 100119 PING INC 16836302 04/05/2023 20230519 98.22 PING INC 16862141 04/19/2023 20230519 184.15 CHECK 483928 TOTAL: 282.37 483929 05/19/2023 PRTD 143468 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 0031977 04/25/2023 20230519 279.00 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 0032026 05/03/2023 20230519 124.50 CHECK 483929 TOTAL: 403.50 483930 05/19/2023 PRTD 119429 POVOLNY SPECIALTIES INC 48453 04/21/2023 20230519 6,200.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 31 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483930 TOTAL: 6,200.00 483931 05/19/2023 PRTD 160158 PRG AMERICAS, LLC IV2023-52097 04/19/2023 20230519 1,286.85 PRG AMERICAS, LLC IV2023-52070 04/18/2023 20230519 3,984.14 CHECK 483931 TOTAL: 5,270.99 483932 05/19/2023 PRTD 106322 SCHENCK, DAVID 160686 04/18/2023 20230519 297.00 SCHENCK, DAVID 160685 04/18/2023 20230519 635.47 SCHENCK, DAVID 160689 04/18/2023 20230519 103.78 SCHENCK, DAVID 160690 04/24/2023 20230519 750.74 CHECK 483932 TOTAL: 1,786.99 483933 05/19/2023 PRTD 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-54280 05/04/2023 20230519 580.00 CHECK 483933 TOTAL: 580.00 483934 05/19/2023 PRTD 160517 RANGE RENOVATION CONSULTING INC 2063 04/24/2023 20230519 10,075.00 CHECK 483934 TOTAL: 10,075.00 483935 05/19/2023 PRTD 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 87158 04/21/2023 20230519 2,883.32 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 87159 04/21/2023 20230519 6,456.08 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 87160 04/21/2023 20230519 5,393.46 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 87161 04/21/2023 20230519 190.00 CHECK 483935 TOTAL: 14,922.86 483936 05/19/2023 PRTD 160438 RODAL, YUNIOR ROMERO 23CLP0015 04/24/2023 20230519 200.00 CHECK 483936 TOTAL: 200.00 483937 05/19/2023 PRTD 129360 SECURITAS TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 6003246891 03/24/2023 20230519 1,054.68 CHECK 483937 TOTAL: 1,054.68 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 32 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483938 05/19/2023 PRTD 144403 SENTEXT SOLUTIONS 318264 04/20/2023 20230519 318.50 CHECK 483938 TOTAL: 318.50 483939 05/19/2023 PRTD 132054 SETCOM CORPORATION 52834 04/20/2023 20230519 325.81 CHECK 483939 TOTAL: 325.81 483940 05/19/2023 PRTD 103409 KELBRO COMPANY 2885839 05/04/2023 20230519 212.66 KELBRO COMPANY 2885911 05/04/2023 20230519 161.05 CHECK 483940 TOTAL: 373.71 483941 05/19/2023 PRTD 160278 ROHN INDUSTRIES, INC 598293 04/19/2023 20230519 32.72 CHECK 483941 TOTAL: 32.72 483942 05/19/2023 PRTD 111824 SIDEKICK INC 1537 04/21/2023 20230519 6,300.80 CHECK 483942 TOTAL: 6,300.80 483943 05/19/2023 PRTD 140243 PK BLOODY MARY CORP 2180 04/24/2023 20230519 39.00 PK BLOODY MARY CORP 2203 04/28/2023 20230519 39.00 CHECK 483943 TOTAL: 78.00 483944 05/19/2023 PRTD 120784 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 18182 04/18/2023 20230519 65.71 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 18197 04/20/2023 20230519 132.72 CHECK 483944 TOTAL: 198.43 483945 05/19/2023 PRTD 132195 SMALL LOT MN MN64265 04/25/2023 20230519 153.50 CHECK 483945 TOTAL: 153.50 483946 05/19/2023 PRTD 101000 RJM PRINTING INC 124330012 04/24/2023 20230519 103.52 CHECK 483946 TOTAL: 103.52 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 33 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483947 05/19/2023 PRTD 127878 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337856 04/26/2023 20230519 208.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337855 04/26/2023 20230519 204.40 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337854 04/26/2023 20230519 2,128.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337853 04/26/2023 20230519 1,592.55 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2337852 04/26/2023 20230519 757.85 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340356 05/03/2023 20230519 2,037.62 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340360 05/03/2023 20230519 2,578.88 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340357 05/03/2023 20230519 1,128.82 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340359 05/03/2023 20230519 676.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340358 05/03/2023 20230519 1,924.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340346 05/03/2023 20230519 1,646.90 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340345 05/03/2023 20230519 238.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340349 05/03/2023 20230519 152.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340348 05/03/2023 20230519 204.40 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340344 05/03/2023 20230519 270.71 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340347 05/03/2023 20230519 676.46 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340355 05/03/2023 20230519 238.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340351 05/03/2023 20230519 552.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340354 05/03/2023 20230519 136.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340352 05/03/2023 20230519 2,122.58 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340353 05/03/2023 20230519 874.46 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2340350 05/03/2023 20230519 270.71 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9388757 04/29/2022 20230519 -12.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9394921 05/19/2022 20230519 -92.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9397982 05/31/2022 20230519 -36.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9400770 06/08/2022 20230519 -84.44 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 34 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9409596 07/01/2022 20230519 -40.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9414436 07/14/2022 20230519 -4.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9444017 10/05/2022 20230519 -10.29 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9448209 10/20/2022 20230519 -12.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9397984 05/13/2022 20230519 -108.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9400771 06/08/2022 20230519 -40.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9413001 07/12/2022 20230519 -175.50 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9417731 07/29/2022 20230519 -18.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9419931 08/01/2022 20230519 -222.65 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9450160 10/25/2022 20230519 -152.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9458252 11/17/2022 20230519 -16.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9472072 12/21/2022 20230519 -18.00 CHECK 483947 TOTAL: 19,582.26 483948 05/19/2023 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W23020660 03/13/2023 20230519 -35.12 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W22080621 05/08/2023 20230519 270.90 CHECK 483948 TOTAL: 235.78 483949 05/19/2023 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W23030538 04/13/2023 20230519 1,602.18 CHECK 483949 TOTAL: 1,602.18 483950 05/19/2023 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W23030541 04/13/2023 20230519 308.70 CHECK 483950 TOTAL: 308.70 483951 05/19/2023 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W23010613 02/13/2023 20230519 207.90 CHECK 483951 TOTAL: 207.90 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 35 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483952 05/19/2023 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W22120613 01/13/2023 20230519 84.00 CHECK 483952 TOTAL: 84.00 483953 05/19/2023 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W22110615 05/08/2023 20230519 160.65 CHECK 483953 TOTAL: 160.65 483954 05/19/2023 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W22100611 05/08/2023 20230519 137.55 CHECK 483954 TOTAL: 137.55 483955 05/19/2023 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W22090629 05/08/2023 20230519 55.65 CHECK 483955 TOTAL: 55.65 483956 05/19/2023 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W22070617 05/08/2023 20230519 87.15 CHECK 483956 TOTAL: 87.15 483957 05/19/2023 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W22060614 05/08/2023 20230519 78.75 CHECK 483957 TOTAL: 78.75 483958 05/19/2023 PRTD 139006 OFFICE OF MNIT SERVICES W23030613 04/13/2023 20230519 34.65 CHECK 483958 TOTAL: 34.65 483959 05/19/2023 PRTD 139006 STATE OF MINNESOTA SA-58384227 04/24/2023 20230519 45.00 CHECK 483959 TOTAL: 45.00 483960 05/19/2023 PRTD 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 49891 04/24/2023 20230519 105.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50049 05/03/2023 20230519 105.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50047 05/03/2023 20230519 204.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50048 05/03/2023 20230519 330.00 CHECK 483960 TOTAL: 744.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 36 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483961 05/19/2023 PRTD 160564 STERLINGTON MEDICAL 2300237 04/10/2023 20230519 165.00 CHECK 483961 TOTAL: 165.00 483962 05/19/2023 PRTD 141830 LUCAS, STEVEN 46250 04/23/2023 20230519 75.00 CHECK 483962 TOTAL: 75.00 483963 05/19/2023 PRTD 101015 STREICHERS INC I1629355 04/21/2023 20230519 93.99 STREICHERS INC I1629376 04/24/2023 20230519 1,618.60 CHECK 483963 TOTAL: 1,712.59 483964 05/19/2023 PRTD 102639 STROHMYER, TOM 23CLP0007 04/24/2023 20230519 250.00 CHECK 483964 TOTAL: 250.00 483965 05/19/2023 PRTD 160702 LAWRENCE P YAGGIE 16830 02/24/2023 20230519 995.40 CHECK 483965 TOTAL: 995.40 483966 05/19/2023 PRTD 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC 10193621 04/21/2023 20230519 1,231.96 CHECK 483966 TOTAL: 1,231.96 483967 05/19/2023 PRTD 102140 SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS INC 1111720 04/18/2023 20230519 205.50 CHECK 483967 TOTAL: 205.50 483968 05/19/2023 PRTD 119864 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447632559 05/08/2023 20230519 4,628.00 CHECK 483968 TOTAL: 4,628.00 483969 05/19/2023 PRTD 104932 TAYLOR MADE 36605611 04/10/2023 20230519 805.74 CHECK 483969 TOTAL: 805.74 483970 05/19/2023 PRTD 132051 RICHARD ALAN PRODUCTIONS 23CLP0004 04/24/2023 20230519 300.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 37 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483970 TOTAL: 300.00 483971 05/19/2023 PRTD 103277 TITAN MACHINERY INC 18159948 GP 03/16/2023 20230519 2,860.54 CHECK 483971 TOTAL: 2,860.54 483972 05/19/2023 PRTD 160286 TOWN TALK MFG CO INC 521405 02/10/2023 20230519 -34.50 TOWN TALK MFG CO INC 522211 05/04/2023 20230519 400.54 CHECK 483972 TOTAL: 366.04 483973 05/19/2023 PRTD 138732 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS LLC 234083 05/01/2023 20230519 118.00 CHECK 483973 TOTAL: 118.00 483974 05/19/2023 PRTD 103982 TRAFFIC CONTROL CORPORATION 142885 04/19/2023 22300009 20230519 35,336.50 CHECK 483974 TOTAL: 35,336.50 483975 05/19/2023 PRTD 101360 TWIN CITY HARDWARE COMPANY INC PSI2185931 04/18/2023 20230519 350.00 CHECK 483975 TOTAL: 350.00 483976 05/19/2023 PRTD 102150 TWIN CITY SEED CO 53569 04/21/2023 20230519 190.00 CHECK 483976 TOTAL: 190.00 483977 05/19/2023 PRTD 146436 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-419447 04/12/2023 20230519 3,587.50 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-420854 04/19/2023 20230519 1,793.75 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-421360 04/24/2023 20230519 2,362.50 CHECK 483977 TOTAL: 7,743.75 483978 05/19/2023 PRTD 160638 TZU TZU SPORT 61843 04/20/2023 20230519 2,021.50 CHECK 483978 TOTAL: 2,021.50 483979 05/19/2023 PRTD 145567 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2538 04/26/2023 20230519 118.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 38 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483979 TOTAL: 118.00 483980 05/19/2023 PRTD 140009 US KIDS GOLF LLC IN2074445 04/19/2023 20230519 203.15 CHECK 483980 TOTAL: 203.15 483981 05/19/2023 PRTD 144209 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 4202 04/26/2023 20230519 120.00 CHECK 483981 TOTAL: 120.00 483982 05/19/2023 PRTD 141927 VER-TECH LABORATORIES INC INV721825 04/24/2023 20230519 2,941.66 CHECK 483982 TOTAL: 2,941.66 483983 05/19/2023 PRTD 160707 VANDERWOOD, KATHERINE 23CLP0002 04/24/2023 20230519 150.00 CHECK 483983 TOTAL: 150.00 483984 05/19/2023 PRTD 160522 VINCENT PROMOTIONS LLC 23-2049 03/28/2023 20230519 1,875.00 CHECK 483984 TOTAL: 1,875.00 483985 05/19/2023 PRTD 160408 VINCENT, LESLIE 23CLP0006 04/24/2023 20230519 200.00 CHECK 483985 TOTAL: 200.00 483986 05/19/2023 PRTD 160408 VINCENT, LESLIE 23CLP0013 04/24/2023 20230519 150.00 CHECK 483986 TOTAL: 150.00 483987 05/19/2023 PRTD 160088 VINIFERA IMPORTS 326316 05/04/2023 20230519 209.00 CHECK 483987 TOTAL: 209.00 483988 05/19/2023 PRTD 119454 VINOCOPIA INC 0328310-IN 04/27/2023 20230519 136.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0328294-IN 04/27/2023 20230519 3,377.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0328777-IN 05/04/2023 20230519 328.75 VINOCOPIA INC 0328775-IN 05/04/2023 20230519 467.75 VINOCOPIA INC 0328776-IN 05/04/2023 20230519 121.25 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 39 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 483988 TOTAL: 4,431.25 483989 05/19/2023 PRTD 120627 VISTAR 68024255 04/21/2023 20230519 932.30 CHECK 483989 TOTAL: 932.30 483990 05/19/2023 PRTD 100183 WASHINGTON COUNTY 213431 04/15/2023 20230519 4,230.18 CHECK 483990 TOTAL: 4,230.18 483991 05/19/2023 PRTD 101033 WINE COMPANY 233866 04/26/2023 20230519 3,620.20 WINE COMPANY 233865 04/26/2023 20230519 378.00 WINE COMPANY 234509 05/03/2023 20230519 419.40 WINE COMPANY 234513 05/03/2023 20230519 2,800.00 WINE COMPANY 234506 05/03/2023 20230519 1,718.10 WINE COMPANY 234507 05/03/2023 20230519 524.25 WINE COMPANY 234510 05/03/2023 20230519 1,671.00 WINE COMPANY 234508 05/03/2023 20230519 274.00 CHECK 483991 TOTAL: 11,404.95 483992 05/19/2023 PRTD 144412 WINEBOW MN00129806 04/28/2023 20230519 786.12 WINEBOW MN00129753 04/27/2023 20230519 1,343.16 WINEBOW MN00130134 05/04/2023 20230519 739.74 WINEBOW MN00130133 05/04/2023 20230519 357.90 CHECK 483992 TOTAL: 3,226.92 483993 05/19/2023 PRTD 124503 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 243115 01 04/18/2023 20230519 90.81 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 243349 01 04/21/2023 20230519 112.34 CHECK 483993 TOTAL: 203.15 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 40 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 483994 05/19/2023 PRTD 160680 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 285627 04/18/2023 20230519 237.60 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 285721 04/21/2023 20230519 160.00 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 285738 04/24/2023 20230519 320.80 CHECK 483994 TOTAL: 718.40 483995 05/19/2023 PRTD 142162 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4204 04/27/2023 20230519 244.80 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4219 05/04/2023 20230519 110.70 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4218 05/04/2023 20230519 131.40 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4220 05/04/2023 20230519 433.20 CHECK 483995 TOTAL: 920.10 483996 05/19/2023 PRTD 105740 WSB & ASSOCIATES R-021930-000-4 04/20/2023 20230519 1,627.00 WSB & ASSOCIATES R-022453-000-1 04/20/2023 20230519 5,233.75 WSB & ASSOCIATES R-022328-000-1 04/20/2023 20230519 1,713.00 CHECK 483996 TOTAL: 8,573.75 483997 05/19/2023 PRTD 103266 YORKDALE SHOPPES PARTNERS, LLC MAY 2023 04/19/2023 20230519 1,148.77 CHECK 483997 TOTAL: 1,148.77 483998 05/19/2023 PRTD 136192 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION 3712188 04/18/2023 20230519 220.82 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION 3713058 04/19/2023 20230519 404.56 CHECK 483998 TOTAL: 625.38 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 41 NUMBER OF CHECKS 264 *** CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL *** 1,126,656.16 COUNT AMOUNT TOTAL PRINTED CHECKS 264 1,126,656.16 *** GRAND TOTAL *** 1,126,656.16 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 42 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED CLERK: MSchauer YEAR PER JNL SRC ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESC T OB DEBIT CREDIT EFF DATE JNL DESC REF 1 REF 2 REF 3 LINE DESC 2023 5 1024 APP 59005900-2010 Wat BS - Accts Pay 7,127.68 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 9999-1012 Control BS - CashAP 1,126,656.16 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 52005200-2010 Course BS - Accts Pay 37,347.22 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 6100-2010 Equ Op BS - Accts Pay 23,319.81 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 1000-2010 GF Bal Sh - Accts Pay 246,450.49 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 59005910-2010 Sew BS - Accts Pay 14,541.63 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5600-2010 Field BS - Accts Pay 8,495.93 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5800-2010 Liquor BS - Accts Pay 194,003.92 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5400-2010 EdinPrk BS - Accts Pay 17,194.69 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5700-2010 Cent Lk BS - Accts Pay 6,874.69 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 21002100-2010 E911 BS - Accts Pay 4,350.16 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 6200-2010 I.T. BalSh - Accts Pay 241.14 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 7200-2010 MNTF1 BS - Accts Pay 169,492.06 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 4000-2010 Cap Prj BS - Accts Pay 141,843.09 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 59005920-2010 Stm BS - Accts Pay 44,807.68 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 52005210-2010 Dome BS - Accts Pay 9,671.73 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 2500-2010 CAS BalSh - Accts Pay 14,280.44 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 6300-2010 FacMgmt BS - Accts Pay 19,843.10 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 7100-2010 PSTF BS - Accts Pay 11,903.95 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5500-2010 Arena BS - Accts Pay 11,217.07 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 2200-2010 BrMem BS - Accts Pay 7,948.00 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 4200-2010 EquRep BS - Accts Pay 31,180.00 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 9000-2010 Payroll BS - Accts Pay 949.00 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 6000-2010 Rsk Mg BS - Accts Pay 85,374.67 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 43 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED YEAR PER JNL SRC ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESC T OB DEBIT CREDIT EFF DATE JNL DESC REF 1 REF 2 REF 3 LINE DESC 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 4400-2010 PIR CP BS - Accts Pay 12,950.00 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 21002130-2010 DWI BS - Accts Pay 531.00 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5100-2010 Art BalSh - Accts Pay 59.34 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5300-2010 Aqu Ctr BS - Accts Pay 4,657.67 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL GENERAL LEDGER TOTAL 1,126,656.16 1,126,656.16 APP 9999-2099 Control BS - PoolCashL 1,126,656.16 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 59005900-1010 Wat BS - Cash 7,127.68 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 52005200-1010 Course BS - Cash 37,347.22 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 6100-1010 Equ Op BS - Cash 23,319.81 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 1000-1010 GF Bal Sh - Cash 246,450.49 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 59005910-1010 Sew BS - Cash 14,541.63 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 5600-1010 Field BS - Cash 8,495.93 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 5800-1010 Liquor BS - Cash 194,003.92 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 5400-1010 EdinPrk BS - Cash 17,194.69 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 5700-1010 Cent Lk BS - Cash 6,874.69 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 21002100-1010 E911 BS - Cash 4,350.16 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 6200-1010 I.T. BalSh - Cash 241.14 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 7200-1010 MNTF1 BS - Cash 169,492.06 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 4000-1010 Cap Prj BS - Cash 141,843.09 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 59005920-1010 Stm BS - Cash 44,807.68 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 52005210-1010 Dome BS - Cash 9,671.73 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 2500-1010 CAS BalSh - Cash 14,280.44 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 6300-1010 FacMgmt BS - Cash 19,843.10 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/18/2023 13:46 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 44 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED YEAR PER JNL SRC ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESC T OB DEBIT CREDIT EFF DATE JNL DESC REF 1 REF 2 REF 3 LINE DESC APP 7100-1010 PSTF BS - Cash 11,903.95 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 5500-1010 Arena BS - Cash 11,217.07 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 2200-1010 BrMem BS - Cash 7,948.00 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 4200-1010 EquRep BS - Cash 31,180.00 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 9000-1010 Payroll BS - Cash 949.00 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 6000-1010 Rsk Mg BS - Cash 85,374.67 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 4400-1010 PIR CP BS - Cash 12,950.00 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 21002130-1010 DWI BS - Cash 531.00 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 5100-1010 Art BalSh - Cash 59.34 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS APP 5300-1010 Aqu Ctr BS - Cash 4,657.67 05/19/2023 20230519 MAS SYSTEM GENERATED ENTRIES TOTAL 1,126,656.16 1,126,656.16 JOURNAL 2023/05/1024 TOTAL 2,253,312.32 2,253,312.32 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 49 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND SUB FUND DUE TO DUE FR 1000 General 349,840.66 2300 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety 21,442.00 2500 Conservation & Sustainability 1,899.98 2600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 10,103.34 4000 Capital Projects 19,687.88 4200 Equipment Replacement 152,122.00 5100 Art Center 297.21 5200 Braemar Golf Course 71,762.24 5200 Braemar Golf Course 752.07 5300 Aquatic Center 11,076.80 5400 Edinborough Park 19,454.80 5500 Braemar Arena 51,491.41 5600 Braemar Field 46,849.12 5700 Centennial Lakes 30,766.74 5800 Liquor 170,622.03 5900 Utility Fund 84,069.79 5900 Utility Fund 770,103.98 5900 Utility Fund 6,555.39 5900 Utility Fund 47,295.18 6000 Risk Management 10,230.27 6100 Equipment Operations 9,223.07 6200 Information Technology 17,006.27 6300 Facilities Management 16,248.04 7100 PS Training Facility 2,179.06 7200 MN Task Force 1 3,737.60 9999 Pooled Cash Fund 1,924,816.93 TOTAL 1,924,816.93 1,924,816.93 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Shirleng Tan Geil ** City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 1 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 93 05/05/2023 WIRE 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL April 2023 SAC 05/01/2023 4,920.30 CHECK 93 TOTAL: 4,920.30 95 05/26/2023 WIRE 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 0001156751 05/03/2023 498,929.85 CHECK 95 TOTAL: 498,929.85 483999 05/26/2023 PRTD 129458 ACME ELECTRIC MOTOR INC 11236438 05/01/2023 20230526 307.12 CHECK 483999 TOTAL: 307.12 484000 05/26/2023 PRTD 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915364185 04/03/2023 20230526 81.06 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915584351 04/26/2023 20230526 2,068.36 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915606933 04/28/2023 20230526 642.38 CHECK 484000 TOTAL: 2,791.80 484001 05/26/2023 PRTD 143557 ADIDAS AMERICA INC 6159430817 04/26/2023 20230526 353.58 CHECK 484001 TOTAL: 353.58 484002 05/26/2023 PRTD 130792 AIRGAS USA LLC 9137479991 04/28/2023 20230526 868.95 CHECK 484002 TOTAL: 868.95 484003 05/26/2023 PRTD 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1TMG-99P3-4GMV 04/13/2023 20230526 65.09 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1W4T-R7CW-4LN4 04/18/2023 20230526 27.97 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1FFC-HH9K-3RKQ 04/25/2023 20230526 41.94 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1KHD-7LXG-RRQK 04/25/2023 20230526 89.31 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1QDC-GT7N-11X4 04/25/2023 20230526 101.05 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1X13-Y1WC-4TCM 04/26/2023 20230526 28.70 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1PKY-J4FD-6CDD 04/26/2023 20230526 299.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1TPV-DT31-69TJ 04/26/2023 20230526 206.86 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1XH3-GRG6-7NG6 04/26/2023 20230526 253.86 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 2 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17GF-DH9D-1VJD 04/26/2023 20230526 37.97 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1W7Y-JNFW-41ND 04/26/2023 20230526 1,500.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1P7M-K7QR-47NG 04/27/2023 20230526 34.06 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1W9G-WPWV-4L1L 04/27/2023 20230526 48.74 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1QQQ-4TLJ-4VJP 04/27/2023 20230526 5.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1F73-4FVX-6KN6 04/27/2023 20230526 67.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1QYQ-CFY7-16FW 04/27/2023 20230526 106.48 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1J31-6WVP-1YPN 04/27/2023 20230526 164.37 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1LQJ-1HHX-1DMW 04/27/2023 20230526 64.86 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17CX-TQCP-7QJY 04/28/2023 20230526 35.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 199M-DFKX-9GPR 04/29/2023 20230526 31.08 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1LQJ-1HHX-FVYX 04/30/2023 20230526 20.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1QKD-66W7-FVCN 04/30/2023 20230526 9.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1XKY-HM7K-FYYC 04/30/2023 20230526 65.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1RCF-7V7R-FRYT 04/30/2023 20230526 133.89 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 199M-DFKX-H99J 04/30/2023 20230526 37.15 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1GTX-MTFD-JTHM 04/30/2023 20230526 18.29 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1LVV-WMWP-13CL 05/01/2023 20230526 135.56 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 191W-1P3H-KV4Q 04/30/2023 20230526 45.50 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1QKD-66W7-J9KJ 04/30/2023 20230526 83.31 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1M97-FHPW-6W73 04/28/2023 20230526 163.88 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1TLH-99MN-7VLX 04/27/2023 20230526 76.99 CHECK 484003 TOTAL: 4,003.81 484004 05/26/2023 PRTD 160555 ANDERSON, MARC April 26, 2023 04/26/2023 20230526 180.00 CHECK 484004 TOTAL: 180.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 3 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484005 05/26/2023 PRTD 118491 APPLE INC AL20363260 04/20/2023 20230526 5,332.00 CHECK 484005 TOTAL: 5,332.00 484006 05/26/2023 PRTD 151441 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500232569 04/27/2023 20230526 269.46 CHECK 484006 TOTAL: 269.46 484007 05/26/2023 PRTD 151756 ARBEITER BREWING COMPANY LLC 1053 05/05/2023 20230526 108.00 ARBEITER BREWING COMPANY LLC 1066 05/11/2023 20230526 396.00 CHECK 484007 TOTAL: 504.00 484008 05/26/2023 PRTD 106304 ASPEN MILLS INC 312925 04/28/2023 20230526 365.80 ASPEN MILLS INC 312926 04/28/2023 20230526 136.95 ASPEN MILLS INC 298233 01/02/2023 20230526 175.00 ASPEN MILLS INC CM4605 01/02/2023 20230526 -89.99 ASPEN MILLS INC 305695 01/02/2023 20230526 113.89 ASPEN MILLS INC 301342 01/02/2023 20230526 118.60 ASPEN MILLS INC 305702 01/02/2023 20230526 113.89 ASPEN MILLS INC 300515 01/02/2023 20230526 28.50 ASPEN MILLS INC 305703 01/02/2023 20230526 113.89 ASPEN MILLS INC 305694 01/02/2023 20230526 28.50 ASPEN MILLS INC 301341 01/02/2023 20230526 244.05 ASPEN MILLS INC 305693 01/02/2023 20230526 28.50 ASPEN MILLS INC 314052 01/02/2023 20230526 1,685.79 ASPEN MILLS INC 312410 04/19/2023 20230526 1,775.48 ASPEN MILLS INC 312195 04/14/2023 20230526 233.55 ASPEN MILLS INC 311154 03/24/2023 20230526 611.19 ASPEN MILLS INC 311151 03/24/2023 20230526 674.68 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 4 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET ASPEN MILLS INC 307130 01/16/2023 20230526 965.85 ASPEN MILLS INC 305716 01/02/2023 20230526 625.58 ASPEN MILLS INC 307454 01/19/2023 20230526 132.00 ASPEN MILLS INC 307845 01/25/2023 20230526 8.85 ASPEN MILLS INC 307182 01/16/2023 20230526 244.00 ASPEN MILLS INC 307339 01/18/2023 20230526 965.85 CHECK 484008 TOTAL: 9,300.40 484009 05/26/2023 PRTD 102774 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1146354-050123 05/01/2023 20230526 343.76 CHECK 484009 TOTAL: 343.76 484010 05/26/2023 PRTD 106015 ATHLETICA SPORTS SYSTEMS INC 419137 04/28/2023 20230526 315.27 CHECK 484010 TOTAL: 315.27 484011 05/26/2023 PRTD 102660 AUDUBON SOCIETY OF NEW YORK STATE 10984-2023 04/14/2023 20230526 500.00 CHECK 484011 TOTAL: 500.00 484012 05/26/2023 PRTD 101718 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 380146141 04/25/2023 20230526 6.92 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 380146248 04/26/2023 20230526 13.86 CHECK 484012 TOTAL: 20.78 484013 05/26/2023 PRTD 138681 AVOLVE SOFTWARE CORP 7768 04/28/2023 20230526 1,237.50 CHECK 484013 TOTAL: 1,237.50 484014 05/26/2023 PRTD 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271917.23-3 05/01/2023 20230526 1,274.00 CHECK 484014 TOTAL: 1,274.00 484015 05/26/2023 PRTD 100645 BEACON ATHLETICS LLC 0569456-IN 04/25/2023 20230526 1,124.48 CHECK 484015 TOTAL: 1,124.48 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 5 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484016 05/26/2023 PRTD 100646 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS INC 608192 04/27/2023 20230526 9,796.55 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS INC 608206 03/08/2023 20230526 87.25 CHECK 484016 TOTAL: 9,883.80 484017 05/26/2023 PRTD 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099346400 05/04/2023 20230526 763.25 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106798500 05/11/2023 20230526 76.35 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099405600 05/11/2023 20230526 1,052.10 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099387400 05/11/2023 20230526 238.80 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099405200 05/11/2023 20230526 220.95 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099404400 05/11/2023 20230526 2,850.05 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099405100 05/11/2023 20230526 179.30 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106798300 05/11/2023 20230526 86.54 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099387500 05/11/2023 20230526 1,572.10 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106789900 05/11/2023 20230526 102.46 CHECK 484017 TOTAL: 7,141.90 484018 05/26/2023 PRTD 160009 APH STORES, INC 406005908 04/25/2023 20230526 486.00 CHECK 484018 TOTAL: 486.00 484019 05/26/2023 PRTD 117379 BENIEK PROPERTY SERVICES INC 160432 05/01/2023 20230526 833.90 CHECK 484019 TOTAL: 833.90 484020 05/26/2023 PRTD 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC 5155142 04/27/2023 20230526 522.00 CHECK 484020 TOTAL: 522.00 484021 05/26/2023 PRTD 141961 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY SERVICES LLC 11778713 04/27/2023 20230526 6,118.02 CHECK 484021 TOTAL: 6,118.02 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 6 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484022 05/26/2023 PRTD 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 22524 05/11/2023 20230526 121.00 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 22525 05/11/2023 20230526 318.00 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 22523 05/11/2023 20230526 272.00 CHECK 484022 TOTAL: 711.00 484023 05/26/2023 PRTD 132444 BOLTON & MENK INC 0310382 04/20/2023 20230526 10,879.00 BOLTON & MENK INC 0305306 04/27/2023 20230526 10,563.00 BOLTON & MENK INC 0310021 04/27/2023 20230526 639.38 BOLTON & MENK INC 0310867 04/26/2023 20230526 1,401.63 BOLTON & MENK INC 0310837 04/25/2023 20230526 1,324.00 BOLTON & MENK INC 0310867-1 04/26/2023 20230526 4,798.00 BOLTON & MENK INC 0311454 04/30/2023 20230526 745.50 CHECK 484023 TOTAL: 30,350.51 484024 05/26/2023 PRTD 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84937005 04/26/2023 20230526 5.75 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84939912 04/28/2023 20230526 1,099.22 CHECK 484024 TOTAL: 1,104.97 484025 05/26/2023 PRTD 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 196284 05/09/2023 20230526 956.00 BOURGET IMPORTS 196283 05/09/2023 20230526 351.44 BOURGET IMPORTS 196281 05/09/2023 20230526 2,096.00 CHECK 484025 TOTAL: 3,403.44 484026 05/26/2023 PRTD 117040 BOYER FORD TRUCKS INC 008P22240 04/25/2023 20230526 17.62 CHECK 484026 TOTAL: 17.62 484027 05/26/2023 PRTD 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION B340528 05/01/2023 20230526 3,247.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 7 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484027 TOTAL: 3,247.00 484028 05/26/2023 PRTD 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 410849503 05/05/2023 20230526 -22.50 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 349020879 05/05/2023 20230526 638.90 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 349020878 05/09/2023 20230526 824.62 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 349073160 05/10/2023 20230526 3,630.51 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 349073159 05/10/2023 20230526 187.71 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 349073063 05/10/2023 20230526 178.30 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 349073064 05/11/2023 20230526 718.90 CHECK 484028 TOTAL: 6,156.44 484029 05/26/2023 PRTD 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 900113368 05/02/2023 20230526 2,223.55 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 349061924 05/09/2023 20230526 2,199.45 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 349061824 05/09/2023 20230526 87.00 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 349061922 05/09/2023 20230526 140.75 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 349062648 05/09/2023 20230526 126.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410975783 05/08/2023 20230526 -460.80 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410975784 05/08/2023 20230526 -332.80 CHECK 484029 TOTAL: 3,983.30 484030 05/26/2023 PRTD 100648 BERTELSON BROTHERS INC WO-1239670-1 04/19/2023 20230526 38.89 BERTELSON BROTHERS INC IN-49040 04/28/2023 20230526 42.55 CHECK 484030 TOTAL: 81.44 484031 05/26/2023 PRTD 137691 BY THE YARD INC 162307 04/26/2023 20230526 19,689.10 CHECK 484031 TOTAL: 19,689.10 484032 05/26/2023 PRTD 136782 C & C COURTS INC 2023-680 05/01/2023 20230526 450.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 8 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484032 TOTAL: 450.00 484033 05/26/2023 PRTD 102149 CALLAWAY GOLF 935936723 02/08/2023 20230526 355.50 CALLAWAY GOLF 935942616 02/08/2023 20230526 3,624.30 CALLAWAY GOLF 935950870 02/10/2023 20230526 1,023.30 CALLAWAY GOLF 935957186 02/11/2023 20230526 369.00 CALLAWAY GOLF 935957187 02/11/2023 20230526 166.50 CALLAWAY GOLF 935964843 02/13/2023 20230526 296.10 CALLAWAY GOLF 935987070 02/16/2023 20230526 186.30 CALLAWAY GOLF 936035932 02/24/2023 20230526 444.60 CALLAWAY GOLF 936044935 02/27/2023 20230526 444.60 CALLAWAY GOLF 936051979 02/28/2023 20230526 139.50 CALLAWAY GOLF 936051980 02/28/2023 20230526 175.50 CALLAWAY GOLF 936064137 03/01/2023 20230526 189.00 CALLAWAY GOLF 936064138 03/01/2023 20230526 189.00 CALLAWAY GOLF 936064151 03/01/2023 20230526 166.50 CALLAWAY GOLF 936064150 03/01/2023 20230526 166.50 CALLAWAY GOLF 936064149 03/01/2023 20230526 166.50 CALLAWAY GOLF 936069518 03/02/2023 20230526 166.50 CALLAWAY GOLF 936241620 04/01/2023 20230526 259.20 CALLAWAY GOLF 936241621 04/01/2023 20230526 227.70 CALLAWAY GOLF 936346180 04/17/2023 20230526 335.21 CALLAWAY GOLF 936353714 04/18/2023 20230526 3,909.75 CALLAWAY GOLF 936367939 04/20/2023 20230526 1,302.53 CALLAWAY GOLF 936412731 04/28/2023 20230526 1,533.00 CHECK 484033 TOTAL: 15,836.59 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 9 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484034 05/26/2023 PRTD 120935 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA 4-2023-2851 04/30/2023 20230526 20,381.88 CHECK 484034 TOTAL: 20,381.88 484035 05/26/2023 PRTD 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2834864 05/12/2023 20230526 1,508.30 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2834863 05/12/2023 20230526 570.50 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2833380 05/10/2023 20230526 61.50 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2833381 05/10/2023 20230526 1,564.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2832515 05/12/2023 20230526 3,361.50 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2834872 05/12/2023 20230526 118.60 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2837931 05/19/2023 20230526 29.55 CHECK 484035 TOTAL: 7,213.95 484036 05/26/2023 PRTD 144675 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC 25000 05/08/2023 20230526 156.00 CHECK 484036 TOTAL: 156.00 484037 05/26/2023 PRTD 105497 CENTRAL ROOFING COMPANY 33309 04/26/2023 20230526 1,230.00 CHECK 484037 TOTAL: 1,230.00 484038 05/26/2023 PRTD 142533 CADD ENGR SUPPLY INC INV150990 04/27/2023 20230526 95.00 CADD ENGR SUPPLY INC INV150991 04/27/2023 20230526 279.00 CHECK 484038 TOTAL: 374.00 484039 05/26/2023 PRTD 160160 CHRISTIANSON'S BUSINESS FURNITURE 7600-1-KR 04/25/2023 20230526 855.00 CHRISTIANSON'S BUSINESS FURNITURE 7561-1-KR 04/25/2023 20230526 14,149.55 CHECK 484039 TOTAL: 15,004.55 484040 05/26/2023 PRTD 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 4153901656 04/28/2023 20230526 18.24 CINTAS CORPORATION 4153901703 04/28/2023 20230526 6.00 CINTAS CORPORATION 4153901570 04/28/2023 20230526 14.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 10 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CINTAS CORPORATION 4154008737 05/01/2023 20230526 19.20 CINTAS CORPORATION 4154008754 05/01/2023 20230526 81.65 CINTAS CORPORATION 4154008730 05/01/2023 20230526 179.83 CINTAS CORPORATION 4140729017 01/02/2023 20230526 23.05 CINTAS CORPORATION 4140729095 01/02/2023 20230526 65.25 CHECK 484040 TOTAL: 407.22 484041 05/26/2023 PRTD 103235 CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE 4361 01/31/2023 20230526 9,632.00 CHECK 484041 TOTAL: 9,632.00 484042 05/26/2023 PRTD 101837 CITY OF EDINA COM-2807 04/26/2023 20230526 21.14 CHECK 484042 TOTAL: 21.14 484043 05/26/2023 PRTD 101837 COMMUNICATIONS COM-2819 05/12/2023 20230526 100.00 CHECK 484043 TOTAL: 100.00 484044 05/26/2023 PRTD 103216 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPARTMENT 431-0005.300-4/23 05/04/2023 20230526 9,626.40 CHECK 484044 TOTAL: 9,626.40 484045 05/26/2023 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN RFD-05/2023-2 05/05/2023 20230526 623.59 CHECK 484045 TOTAL: 623.59 484046 05/26/2023 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN RFD-05/2023-3 05/10/2023 20230526 1,627.01 CHECK 484046 TOTAL: 1,627.01 484047 05/26/2023 PRTD 100087 CITY OF SAINT PAUL IN53727 05/04/2023 20230526 200.00 CHECK 484047 TOTAL: 200.00 484048 05/26/2023 PRTD 146472 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN 42009007396 04/25/2023 20230526 2,000.00 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN 42009007397 04/25/2023 20230526 3,054.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 11 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484048 TOTAL: 5,054.00 484049 05/26/2023 PRTD 140274 CIVICPLUS LLC 260829 04/28/2023 20230526 958.00 CHECK 484049 TOTAL: 958.00 484050 05/26/2023 PRTD 130477 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 687556 05/10/2023 20230526 397.50 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 687571 05/10/2023 20230526 686.15 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 687557 05/10/2023 20230526 114.50 CHECK 484050 TOTAL: 1,198.15 484051 05/26/2023 PRTD 146851 CLIFTON LARSON ALLEN LLP 3687312 04/27/2023 20230526 19,465.95 CHECK 484051 TOTAL: 19,465.95 484052 05/26/2023 PRTD 126726 COBRA PUMA GOLF G3275110 04/27/2023 20230526 1,207.45 CHECK 484052 TOTAL: 1,207.45 484053 05/26/2023 PRTD 120433 COMCAST 0023973-05/23 05/03/2023 20230526 9.04 CHECK 484053 TOTAL: 9.04 484054 05/26/2023 PRTD 120433 COMCAST 0540232-05/2023 05/08/2023 20230526 95.81 CHECK 484054 TOTAL: 95.81 484055 05/26/2023 PRTD 144092 CONCENTRA 103761249 04/26/2023 20230526 757.00 CONCENTRA 103766205 05/01/2023 20230526 25.00 CHECK 484055 TOTAL: 782.00 484056 05/26/2023 PRTD 160654 CONCRETE & COATINGS LLC 92991 03/09/2023 20230526 3,237.60 CHECK 484056 TOTAL: 3,237.60 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 12 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484057 05/26/2023 PRTD 135711 CONFLUENCE INC 26150 04/27/2023 20230526 3,393.75 CHECK 484057 TOTAL: 3,393.75 484058 05/26/2023 PRTD 142772 CREATIVE ARCADE 1716 05/01/2023 20230526 950.00 CHECK 484058 TOTAL: 950.00 484059 05/26/2023 PRTD 121267 CREATIVE RESOURCES IN0001301 04/25/2023 20230526 3,744.05 CHECK 484059 TOTAL: 3,744.05 484060 05/26/2023 PRTD 103833 HOVERSON, THOMAS 3427 05/01/2023 20230526 4,500.00 CHECK 484060 TOTAL: 4,500.00 484061 05/26/2023 PRTD 104020 DALCO ENTERPRISES INC 4078420 05/02/2023 20230526 232.40 DALCO ENTERPRISES INC 4080147 05/01/2023 20230526 26.85 DALCO ENTERPRISES INC 3906235-credit 05/15/2023 20230526 -207.52 CHECK 484061 TOTAL: 51.73 484062 05/26/2023 PRTD 121103 DIRECTV GROUP INC 051616649X230502 05/09/2023 20230526 62.87 CHECK 484062 TOTAL: 62.87 484063 05/26/2023 PRTD 102259 EASY PICKER GOLF PRODUCTS INC 0190919-IN 05/01/2023 20230526 838.13 CHECK 484063 TOTAL: 838.13 484064 05/26/2023 PRTD 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 944701 04/27/2023 20230526 65.45 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 944700 04/27/2023 20230526 142.80 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 945118 04/30/2023 20230526 346.00 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 945119 04/30/2023 20230526 600.00 CHECK 484064 TOTAL: 1,154.25 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 13 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484065 05/26/2023 PRTD 103594 EDINALARM INC 90186 04/25/2023 20230526 477.78 EDINALARM INC 90250 05/01/2023 20230526 357.54 CHECK 484065 TOTAL: 835.32 484066 05/26/2023 PRTD 104733 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC 2550524 04/28/2023 20230526 162.89 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC 2550073 04/28/2023 20230526 153.54 CHECK 484066 TOTAL: 316.43 484067 05/26/2023 PRTD 160413 RAINY FALLS VENTURE LLC 677 04/26/2023 20230526 244.00 CHECK 484067 TOTAL: 244.00 484068 05/26/2023 PRTD 100146 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-486180 04/25/2023 20230526 10.56 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8588963 04/25/2023 20230526 27.16 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-Z32520 04/25/2023 20230526 47.83 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8592090 04/26/2023 20230526 12.32 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8606083 05/01/2023 20230526 10.43 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-486836 05/01/2023 20230526 7.96 CHECK 484068 TOTAL: 116.26 484069 05/26/2023 PRTD 147181 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-10073 05/11/2023 20230526 311.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-10074 05/11/2023 20230526 201.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-10075 05/11/2023 20230526 323.00 CHECK 484069 TOTAL: 835.00 484070 05/26/2023 PRTD 100756 FEDEX 8-115-94340 05/01/2023 20230526 20.00 CHECK 484070 TOTAL: 20.00 484071 05/26/2023 PRTD 142145 FISCHER BROS LLC 1955-721 05/01/2023 20230526 2,756.00 FISCHER BROS LLC 1955-722 05/01/2023 20230526 4,127.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 14 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484071 TOTAL: 6,883.50 484072 05/26/2023 PRTD 105066 FITTING REFLECTIONS LLC 3316 04/26/2023 20230526 2,004.00 CHECK 484072 TOTAL: 2,004.00 484073 05/26/2023 PRTD 160289 GOLF COMPETE INC 05-2023-15158 05/01/2023 20230526 1,655.01 CHECK 484073 TOTAL: 1,655.01 484074 05/26/2023 PRTD 122414 FORKLIFTS OF MINNESOTA INC 01P9800960 04/25/2023 20230526 542.64 CHECK 484074 TOTAL: 542.64 484075 05/26/2023 PRTD 102456 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1870744 04/25/2023 20230526 170.90 CHECK 484075 TOTAL: 170.90 484076 05/26/2023 PRTD 101931 HANESBRANDS INC 42000317 04/25/2023 20230526 798.89 CHECK 484076 TOTAL: 798.89 484077 05/26/2023 PRTD 144982 GERTEN GREENHOUSES & GARDEN CENTE 193363/12 04/03/2023 20230526 3,225.75 GERTEN GREENHOUSES & GARDEN CENTE 302651/1 04/25/2023 20230526 284.26 CHECK 484077 TOTAL: 3,510.01 484078 05/26/2023 PRTD 143454 GLEASON ENTERPRISES LLC 90977 04/26/2023 20230526 290.57 CHECK 484078 TOTAL: 290.57 484079 05/26/2023 PRTD 160231 BOLDENOW, CINDY GG230426 05/01/2023 20230526 1,600.00 CHECK 484079 TOTAL: 1,600.00 484080 05/26/2023 PRTD 160589 GOES AROUND TIRE TRANSPORT LLC 5/1/2023 04/28/2023 20230526 177.00 CHECK 484080 TOTAL: 177.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 15 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484081 05/26/2023 PRTD 100780 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 3040365 04/30/2023 20230526 1,317.60 CHECK 484081 TOTAL: 1,317.60 484082 05/26/2023 PRTD 101103 WW GRAINGER 9686441339 04/25/2023 20230526 72.12 WW GRAINGER 9686104069 04/25/2023 20230526 57.30 WW GRAINGER 9691585047 05/01/2023 20230526 184.35 WW GRAINGER 9692601025 05/01/2023 20230526 43.92 CHECK 484082 TOTAL: 357.69 484083 05/26/2023 PRTD 129108 HAAG COMPANIES INC 4-468340 04/25/2023 20230526 68.00 HAAG COMPANIES INC 4-468349 04/25/2023 20230526 85.00 HAAG COMPANIES INC 4-468430 04/26/2023 20230526 85.00 HAAG COMPANIES INC 4-468442 04/26/2023 20230526 68.00 HAAG COMPANIES INC 4-468483 04/27/2023 20230526 136.00 CHECK 484083 TOTAL: 442.00 484084 05/26/2023 PRTD 102320 HAMCO DATA PRODUCTS 177410 04/28/2023 20230526 272.25 CHECK 484084 TOTAL: 272.25 484085 05/26/2023 PRTD 151168 HAMMER SPORTS LLC 3364 04/30/2023 20230526 476.00 CHECK 484085 TOTAL: 476.00 484086 05/26/2023 PRTD 130116 HARRIS SR000025640 04/28/2023 20230526 1,899.00 HARRIS SR000025875 04/30/2023 20230526 371.00 CHECK 484086 TOTAL: 2,270.00 484087 05/26/2023 PRTD 100797 HAWKINS INC 6460311 05/01/2023 20230526 11,589.51 CHECK 484087 TOTAL: 11,589.51 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 16 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484088 05/26/2023 PRTD 143563 HEADFLYER BREWING E-4586 05/05/2023 20230526 55.00 CHECK 484088 TOTAL: 55.00 484089 05/26/2023 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000205966 05/02/2023 20230526 2,429.10 CHECK 484089 TOTAL: 2,429.10 484090 05/26/2023 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 74582 04/07/2023 20230526 2,914.00 CHECK 484090 TOTAL: 2,914.00 484091 05/26/2023 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 2023-Mills Ford 04/07/2023 20230526 20.00 CHECK 484091 TOTAL: 20.00 484092 05/26/2023 PRTD 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC 607035 05/09/2023 20230526 2,007.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 607036 05/09/2023 20230526 81.90 HOHENSTEINS INC 607050 05/09/2023 20230526 51.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 607041 05/09/2023 20230526 2,551.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 607051 05/09/2023 20230526 66.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 607049 05/09/2023 20230526 585.75 HOHENSTEINS INC 609070 05/16/2023 20230526 -16.50 CHECK 484092 TOTAL: 5,326.15 484093 05/26/2023 PRTD 116680 HP INC 9017345249 04/21/2023 20230526 16,667.20 CHECK 484093 TOTAL: 16,667.20 484094 05/26/2023 PRTD 160628 HYDRA POWER HYDRAULICS 25374 05/01/2023 20230526 403.00 CHECK 484094 TOTAL: 403.00 484095 05/26/2023 PRTD 146427 LUCID BREWING LLC 16041 05/10/2023 20230526 102.00 LUCID BREWING LLC 16044 05/10/2023 20230526 97.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 17 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET LUCID BREWING LLC 16045 05/10/2023 20230526 84.00 CHECK 484095 TOTAL: 283.00 484096 05/26/2023 PRTD 100814 INDELCO PLASTICS CORPORATION INV393145 04/28/2023 20230526 221.74 CHECK 484096 TOTAL: 221.74 484097 05/26/2023 PRTD 146407 INGCO INTERNATIONAL 603893 04/27/2023 20230526 600.00 INGCO INTERNATIONAL 603894 04/27/2023 20230526 90.00 INGCO INTERNATIONAL 603918 04/27/2023 20230526 1,000.00 CHECK 484097 TOTAL: 1,690.00 484098 05/26/2023 PRTD 129619 INGERSOLL-RAND INDUSTRIAL U.S., I 31055953 05/01/2023 20230526 927.94 CHECK 484098 TOTAL: 927.94 484099 05/26/2023 PRTD 160653 INSIGHT BREWING COMPANY LLC 5234 05/11/2023 20230526 552.25 INSIGHT BREWING COMPANY LLC 5233 05/11/2023 20230526 138.50 CHECK 484099 TOTAL: 690.75 484100 05/26/2023 PRTD 102146 JESSEN PRESS INC 690710 04/28/2023 20230526 3,215.00 CHECK 484100 TOTAL: 3,215.00 484101 05/26/2023 PRTD 100835 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 362246 05/05/2023 20230526 -23.04 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3602777 05/11/2023 20230526 1,358.50 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 361687 04/22/2023 20230526 -7.68 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3602778 05/11/2023 20230526 1,124.65 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3602779 05/11/2023 20230526 36.90 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3602780 05/11/2023 20230526 1,544.65 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 361165 04/21/2023 20230526 -143.75 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3602913 05/11/2023 20230526 369.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 18 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 362563 05/10/2023 20230526 -144.00 CHECK 484101 TOTAL: 4,115.23 484102 05/26/2023 PRTD 100835 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6589937 05/11/2023 20230526 178.80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6589938 05/11/2023 20230526 349.70 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6589939 05/11/2023 20230526 1,345.70 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6589942 05/11/2023 20230526 3,057.78 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6589940 05/11/2023 20230526 1,422.20 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6589941 05/11/2023 20230526 831.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6589947 05/11/2023 20230526 503.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6589946 05/11/2023 20230526 798.00 CHECK 484102 TOTAL: 8,487.18 484103 05/26/2023 PRTD 100835 WINE MERCHANTS 7426640 05/11/2023 20230526 2,162.40 WINE MERCHANTS 7426641 05/11/2023 20230526 656.80 WINE MERCHANTS 7426642 05/11/2023 20230526 4,962.01 CHECK 484103 TOTAL: 7,781.21 484104 05/26/2023 PRTD 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 246806 03/31/2023 20230526 -93.38 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296054 05/11/2023 20230526 38.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296065 05/11/2023 20230526 33.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296064 05/11/2023 20230526 1,360.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296058 05/11/2023 20230526 4,336.30 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296056 05/11/2023 20230526 1,115.33 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296063 05/11/2023 20230526 1,113.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296061 05/11/2023 20230526 582.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296057 05/11/2023 20230526 1,247.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291333 05/08/2023 20230526 2,385.93 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 19 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291334 05/08/2023 20230526 3,057.10 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296072 05/11/2023 20230526 738.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296070 05/11/2023 20230526 276.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296068 05/11/2023 20230526 3,998.06 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296066 05/11/2023 20230526 2,740.59 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296071 05/11/2023 20230526 377.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296067 05/11/2023 20230526 812.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296069 05/11/2023 20230526 1,385.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296073 05/11/2023 20230526 33.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2291345 05/09/2023 20230526 1,971.75 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296078 05/11/2023 20230526 1,350.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296080 05/11/2023 20230526 3,072.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296081 05/11/2023 20230526 219.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296083 05/11/2023 20230526 1,533.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296084 05/11/2023 20230526 33.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296077 05/11/2023 20230526 31.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296079 05/11/2023 20230526 938.22 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296082 05/11/2023 20230526 301.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2296085 05/11/2023 20230526 1,228.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 241750 02/16/2023 20230526 -13.33 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 247054 04/04/2023 20230526 -13.33 CHECK 484104 TOTAL: 36,192.84 484105 05/26/2023 PRTD 100835 ORIGIN WINE AND SPIRITS 0021563 05/11/2023 20230526 69.40 ORIGIN WINE AND SPIRITS 00221564 05/11/2023 20230526 208.20 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 20 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484105 TOTAL: 277.60 484106 05/26/2023 PRTD 102113 AUDRANN INC 1417290 04/28/2023 20230526 49.76 CHECK 484106 TOTAL: 49.76 484107 05/26/2023 PRTD 141864 JOSEPH E JOHNSON & SONS CONSTRUCT 1287 05/16/2023 20230526 43,611.50 CHECK 484107 TOTAL: 43,611.50 484108 05/26/2023 PRTD 145396 JUNKYARD BREWING COMPANY LLC 005568 05/09/2023 20230526 374.00 JUNKYARD BREWING COMPANY LLC 005569 05/09/2023 20230526 418.00 JUNKYARD BREWING COMPANY LLC 005570 05/09/2023 20230526 152.00 CHECK 484108 TOTAL: 944.00 484109 05/26/2023 PRTD 101696 KEY ENTERPRISES LLC 2023-132164 05/01/2023 20230526 2,800.00 CHECK 484109 TOTAL: 2,800.00 484110 05/26/2023 PRTD 100002 KLM ENGINEERING INC 9323 01/22/2023 20230526 3,100.00 CHECK 484110 TOTAL: 3,100.00 484111 05/26/2023 PRTD 160541 KUBISTA, TERENCE 3 04/26/2023 20230526 150.00 CHECK 484111 TOTAL: 150.00 484112 05/26/2023 PRTD 116776 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 000247 04/19/2023 20230526 115.00 CHECK 484112 TOTAL: 115.00 484113 05/26/2023 PRTD 116876 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES 10993899 04/30/2023 20230526 66.19 CHECK 484113 TOTAL: 66.19 484114 05/26/2023 PRTD 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9310561906 04/27/2023 20230526 353.76 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9310566039 04/28/2023 20230526 240.00 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9310570339 05/01/2023 20230526 148.36 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 21 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484114 TOTAL: 742.12 484115 05/26/2023 PRTD 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 8127 05/04/2023 20230526 3,609.90 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20660 05/01/2023 20230526 1,816.30 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20735 05/01/2023 20230526 1,810.97 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20717 05/01/2023 20230526 2,150.90 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20583 04/01/2023 20230526 496.18 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20600 04/01/2023 20230526 346.02 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 20609 04/01/2023 20230526 2,489.62 CHECK 484115 TOTAL: 12,719.89 484116 05/26/2023 PRTD 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 380643 04/26/2023 20230526 225.00 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 380649 04/21/2023 20230526 225.00 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 379633 03/21/2023 20230526 495.00 CHECK 484116 TOTAL: 945.00 484117 05/26/2023 PRTD 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES PSTF-2023 05/11/2023 20230526 1,487.00 CHECK 484117 TOTAL: 1,487.00 484118 05/26/2023 PRTD 135867 LIBATION PROJECT 57945 05/09/2023 20230526 604.00 LIBATION PROJECT 57940 05/09/2023 20230526 330.00 LIBATION PROJECT 57944 05/09/2023 20230526 260.08 LIBATION PROJECT 57942 05/09/2023 20230526 550.00 LIBATION PROJECT 57941 05/09/2023 20230526 824.04 LIBATION PROJECT 57943 05/09/2023 20230526 260.08 CHECK 484118 TOTAL: 2,828.20 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 22 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484119 05/26/2023 PRTD 144426 LIFE LINE BILLING SYSTEMS LLC 64336 04/30/2023 20230526 8,233.41 CHECK 484119 TOTAL: 8,233.41 484120 05/26/2023 PRTD 139627 TOM LOUCKS & ASSOCIATES INC 44128 05/01/2023 20230526 975.00 TOM LOUCKS & ASSOCIATES INC 44129-2 05/01/2023 20230526 8,500.00 TOM LOUCKS & ASSOCIATES INC 44129-3 05/01/2023 20230526 431.59 CHECK 484120 TOTAL: 9,906.59 484121 05/26/2023 PRTD 160548 LUCE LINE BREWING CO LLC E-1428 05/11/2023 20230526 140.00 CHECK 484121 TOTAL: 140.00 484122 05/26/2023 PRTD 123848 LVC COMPANIES INC 112821 04/27/2023 20230526 440.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 113353 04/30/2023 20230526 320.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 112824 04/27/2023 20230526 440.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 112822 04/27/2023 20230526 440.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 113412 04/30/2023 20230526 714.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 113414 04/30/2023 20230526 874.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 113417 04/30/2023 20230526 879.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 113726 04/30/2023 20230526 692.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 113725 04/30/2023 20230526 279.50 LVC COMPANIES INC 113727 04/30/2023 20230526 444.50 LVC COMPANIES INC 113724 04/30/2023 20230526 279.50 CHECK 484122 TOTAL: 5,802.50 484123 05/26/2023 PRTD 100864 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT LLC P08991 04/27/2023 20230526 957.92 CHECK 484123 TOTAL: 957.92 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 23 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484124 05/26/2023 PRTD 160471 MAGNEY CONSTRUCTION INC ENG 22-15 #7 05/05/2023 20230526 264,719.26 CHECK 484124 TOTAL: 264,719.26 484125 05/26/2023 PRTD 160699 MANN, ELLIOT 23CAPF-Mann 04/25/2023 20230526 800.00 CHECK 484125 TOTAL: 800.00 484126 05/26/2023 PRTD 160297 MARIE RIDGEWAY LICSW LLC 2195 04/28/2023 20230526 800.00 CHECK 484126 TOTAL: 800.00 484127 05/26/2023 PRTD 160651 MARKET BBQ 10014 05/23/2023 20230526 674.00 CHECK 484127 TOTAL: 674.00 484128 05/26/2023 PRTD 100869 MARTIN-MCALLISTER CONSULTING PSYC 15303 04/30/2023 20230526 1,250.00 CHECK 484128 TOTAL: 1,250.00 484129 05/26/2023 PRTD 122878 MARTTI, DOROTHEA J 281 05/01/2023 20230526 330.00 CHECK 484129 TOTAL: 330.00 484130 05/26/2023 PRTD 122554 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC 0027673346 04/30/2023 20230526 206.04 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC 0027673812 04/30/2023 20230526 67.14 CHECK 484130 TOTAL: 273.18 484131 05/26/2023 PRTD 141215 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV987372 05/10/2023 20230526 384.00 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV987390 05/10/2023 20230526 649.20 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV987461 05/10/2023 20230526 137.46 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV987459 05/10/2023 20230526 741.00 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV987455 05/10/2023 20230526 478.08 CHECK 484131 TOTAL: 2,389.74 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 24 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484132 05/26/2023 PRTD 146040 STRAYER, JUSTIN IN-352 05/10/2023 20230526 168.00 STRAYER, JUSTIN IN-353 05/10/2023 20230526 334.00 STRAYER, JUSTIN IN-354 05/10/2023 20230526 74.30 CHECK 484132 TOTAL: 576.30 484133 05/26/2023 PRTD 100903 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR INC 1018489 05/01/2023 20230526 2,656.20 CHECK 484133 TOTAL: 2,656.20 484134 05/26/2023 PRTD 101483 MENARDS 61678 04/27/2023 20230526 50.17 CHECK 484134 TOTAL: 50.17 484135 05/26/2023 PRTD 101483 MENARDS 80173 04/25/2023 20230526 904.68 MENARDS 80174 04/25/2023 20230526 -904.68 MENARDS 80176 04/25/2023 20230526 684.70 MENARDS 80181 04/25/2023 20230526 22.76 MENARDS 80186 04/25/2023 20230526 7.71 MENARDS 80177 04/25/2023 20230526 1,900.37 MENARDS 80172 04/25/2023 20230526 228.96 MENARDS 80261 04/26/2023 20230526 61.83 MENARDS 80312 04/27/2023 20230526 18.20 MENARDS 80311 04/27/2023 20230526 899.94 MENARDS 80523 05/01/2023 20230526 72.84 MENARDS 80532 05/01/2023 20230526 34.11 CHECK 484135 TOTAL: 3,931.42 484136 05/26/2023 PRTD 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 423500 04/26/2023 20230526 198.88 CHECK 484136 TOTAL: 198.88 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 25 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484137 05/26/2023 PRTD 105611 MILHOFF MACHINE AND WELDING INC 01426 04/26/2023 20230526 1,125.00 CHECK 484137 TOTAL: 1,125.00 484138 05/26/2023 PRTD 145395 MILK AND HONEY LLC 11935 05/04/2023 20230526 328.00 CHECK 484138 TOTAL: 328.00 484139 05/26/2023 PRTD 102174 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMPANY 00109343 04/30/2023 20230526 142.89 CHECK 484139 TOTAL: 142.89 484140 05/26/2023 PRTD 128914 BJKK DEVELOPMENT 34566 04/26/2023 20230526 84.00 BJKK DEVELOPMENT 34584 04/28/2023 20230526 398.50 BJKK DEVELOPMENT 34451 03/31/2023 20230526 141.00 CHECK 484140 TOTAL: 623.50 484141 05/26/2023 PRTD 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC E-41033 05/09/2023 20230526 152.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-41032 05/09/2023 20230526 329.00 CHECK 484141 TOTAL: 481.00 484142 05/26/2023 PRTD 143339 MR CUTTING EDGE 5506 04/30/2023 20230526 361.00 CHECK 484142 TOTAL: 361.00 484143 05/26/2023 PRTD 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1382069-00 04/25/2023 20230526 344.63 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1382428-00 04/28/2023 20230526 57.82 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1383111-00 05/01/2023 20230526 296.83 CHECK 484143 TOTAL: 699.28 484144 05/26/2023 PRTD 104416 BERNARD J MULCAHY COMPANY INC PS-INV162666 04/27/2023 20230526 243.11 BERNARD J MULCAHY COMPANY INC PS-INV162745 04/28/2023 20230526 223.52 BERNARD J MULCAHY COMPANY INC PS-INV162948 04/30/2023 20230526 55.80 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 26 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484144 TOTAL: 522.43 484145 05/26/2023 PRTD 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 204490 05/10/2023 20230526 735.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 204493 05/10/2023 20230526 1,813.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 204495 05/10/2023 20230526 194.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 204489 05/10/2023 20230526 2,967.50 CHECK 484145 TOTAL: 5,710.50 484146 05/26/2023 PRTD 104350 NIKE USA INC 9755053391 04/25/2023 20230526 754.50 NIKE USA INC 9755533904 04/26/2023 20230526 1,448.02 CHECK 484146 TOTAL: 2,202.52 484147 05/26/2023 PRTD 151528 NO WAIT INSIDE LLC 2651 04/30/2023 20230526 52.80 CHECK 484147 TOTAL: 52.80 484148 05/26/2023 PRTD 142880 NORDIC SOLAR HOLDCO LLC INV-NSH003631 04/30/2023 20230526 6,990.12 CHECK 484148 TOTAL: 6,990.12 484149 05/26/2023 PRTD 100926 BLUETARP FINANCIAL INC 0033137454 04/17/2023 20230526 1,899.99 CHECK 484149 TOTAL: 1,899.99 484150 05/26/2023 PRTD 139023 NUSS TRUCK GROUP INC PSO002835-1 05/09/2023 20230526 77.25 CHECK 484150 TOTAL: 77.25 484151 05/26/2023 PRTD 160385 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC 309948551001 05/01/2023 20230526 52.24 CHECK 484151 TOTAL: 52.24 484152 05/26/2023 PRTD 999995 Robert McNearney Custom Homes ED200344-REFUND 05/15/2023 20230526 2,350.00 CHECK 484152 TOTAL: 2,350.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 27 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484153 05/26/2023 PRTD 999995 Stone Cottage Construction, Inc ED178717-REFUND 05/08/2023 20230526 8,900.00 CHECK 484153 TOTAL: 8,900.00 484154 05/26/2023 PRTD 999994 Inspire Brands 153069-REFUND 05/11/2023 20230526 8,467.00 CHECK 484154 TOTAL: 8,467.00 484155 05/26/2023 PRTD 999994 Kratzke, RObert Kratzke-05/01/23 05/01/2023 20230526 100.00 CHECK 484155 TOTAL: 100.00 484156 05/26/2023 PRTD 999994 Total Air Inc ED204629-Refund 05/05/2023 20230526 35.68 CHECK 484156 TOTAL: 35.68 484157 05/26/2023 PRTD 999993 McGrath, Patty AC-05/10/2023 05/10/2023 20230526 1,900.00 CHECK 484157 TOTAL: 1,900.00 484158 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 BENNETT,ANDREW 00116686 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 418.35 CHECK 484158 TOTAL: 418.35 484159 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 BRODSKY,JOSEPH 00103336 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 17.03 CHECK 484159 TOTAL: 17.03 484160 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 CHAMBERLAIN CAPITAL LLC 00128681 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 284.82 CHECK 484160 TOTAL: 284.82 484161 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 CRAMER,JESSICA 00119870 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 65.00 CHECK 484161 TOTAL: 65.00 484162 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 FREEBURG,CHARLIE 00101146 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 18.39 CHECK 484162 TOTAL: 18.39 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 28 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484163 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 KAYAK PROPERTIES 00129264 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 1.99 CHECK 484163 TOTAL: 1.99 484164 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 KLAASSEN,JO ANN 00095247 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 34.61 CHECK 484164 TOTAL: 34.61 484165 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 KORSLUND,LISA 00115919 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 33.62 CHECK 484165 TOTAL: 33.62 484166 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 LUTHER,LESLI 00121570-3/9/21 03/10/2021 20230526 361.61 CHECK 484166 TOTAL: 361.61 484167 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 MELIN,WILLIAM 00107362 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 185.56 CHECK 484167 TOTAL: 185.56 484168 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 MIELKE,CHRISTINA 00122878 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 203.65 CHECK 484168 TOTAL: 203.65 484169 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 NELSON ESTATE,WILLIAM 00117222 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 63.34 CHECK 484169 TOTAL: 63.34 484170 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 NR PROPERTIES INC 00128567 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 32.96 CHECK 484170 TOTAL: 32.96 484171 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 O'DONNELL,AMY 00126847 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 25.84 CHECK 484171 TOTAL: 25.84 484172 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 QUIRK,WILLIAM 00128850-4/17/23 04/13/2023 20230526 52.66 CHECK 484172 TOTAL: 52.66 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 29 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484173 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 RAHR,HEIDI 00093337 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 22.13 CHECK 484173 TOTAL: 22.13 484174 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 SCOTT,SUSAN 00123334 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 135.76 CHECK 484174 TOTAL: 135.76 484175 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 WELLBORN,DANA 00117221 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 47.64 CHECK 484175 TOTAL: 47.64 484176 05/26/2023 PRTD 999997 WORTHAM RESSEMANN,SUZANNE 00120389 5/5/23 05/05/2023 20230526 46.04 CHECK 484176 TOTAL: 46.04 484177 05/26/2023 PRTD 101659 ORKIN 243412106 04/25/2023 20230526 45.00 ORKIN 243412102 04/25/2023 20230526 30.00 ORKIN 243412095 04/25/2023 20230526 30.00 ORKIN 243411938 04/25/2023 20230526 32.10 ORKIN 243412094 04/25/2023 20230526 30.00 ORKIN 243412101 04/25/2023 20230526 30.00 ORKIN 243412105 04/25/2023 20230526 45.00 ORKIN 243412098 04/25/2023 20230526 30.00 ORKIN 243412096 04/25/2023 20230526 30.00 ORKIN 243412099 04/25/2023 20230526 30.00 ORKIN 243412108 04/25/2023 20230526 60.00 ORKIN 243412107 04/25/2023 20230526 45.00 ORKIN 243412104 04/25/2023 20230526 30.00 ORKIN 243412103 04/25/2023 20230526 30.00 ORKIN 243412100 04/25/2023 20230526 30.00 ORKIN 243412097 04/25/2023 20230526 30.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 30 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484177 TOTAL: 557.10 484178 05/26/2023 PRTD 129485 PAPCO INC 228779 04/25/2023 20230526 73.00 PAPCO INC 228648 05/10/2023 20230526 171.46 PAPCO INC 227819-CM 05/10/2023 20230526 -149.64 CHECK 484178 TOTAL: 94.82 484179 05/26/2023 PRTD 100944 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 201591 05/09/2023 20230526 834.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 201602 05/09/2023 20230526 772.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 201598 05/09/2023 20230526 680.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 201601 05/09/2023 20230526 91.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 201588 05/09/2023 20230526 1,742.00 CHECK 484179 TOTAL: 4,120.50 484180 05/26/2023 PRTD 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 48254355 05/12/2023 20230526 793.35 CHECK 484180 TOTAL: 793.35 484181 05/26/2023 PRTD 149249 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-188078 05/11/2023 20230526 152.40 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-188077 05/11/2023 20230526 203.00 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-188113 05/11/2023 20230526 416.25 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-188114 05/11/2023 20230526 191.00 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-188115 05/11/2023 20230526 82.00 CHECK 484181 TOTAL: 1,044.65 484182 05/26/2023 PRTD 160501 PFM ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC 13668397 04/24/2023 20230526 3,314.04 CHECK 484182 TOTAL: 3,314.04 484183 05/26/2023 PRTD 100119 PING INC 16845176 04/11/2023 20230526 63.45 PING INC 16884638 05/01/2023 20230526 1,078.54 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 31 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET PING INC 16884641 05/01/2023 20230526 1,990.20 CHECK 484183 TOTAL: 3,132.19 484184 05/26/2023 PRTD 102423 PLAISTED COMPANIES INC 59394 04/30/2023 20230526 4,870.81 CHECK 484184 TOTAL: 4,870.81 484185 05/26/2023 PRTD 143468 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 0032056 05/10/2023 20230526 315.00 PORTAGE BREWING COMPANY 0032057 05/09/2023 20230526 315.00 CHECK 484185 TOTAL: 630.00 484186 05/26/2023 PRTD 125979 PRECISE MRM LLC 200-1042308 04/26/2023 20230526 100.00 PRECISE MRM LLC 200-1042302 04/26/2023 20230526 975.00 CHECK 484186 TOTAL: 1,075.00 484187 05/26/2023 PRTD 129706 PREMIUM WATERS INC 319410967 04/30/2023 20230526 15.00 PREMIUM WATERS INC 319424455 05/05/2023 20230526 48.99 CHECK 484187 TOTAL: 63.99 484188 05/26/2023 PRTD 108875 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 126317 05/01/2023 20230526 471.43 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 126313 05/01/2023 20230526 994.70 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 126314 05/01/2023 20230526 1,154.15 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 126315 05/01/2023 20230526 567.27 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 126312 05/01/2023 20230526 911.85 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 126316 05/01/2023 20230526 471.43 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 126318 05/01/2023 20230526 713.20 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 126305 05/01/2023 20230526 872.16 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 126306 05/01/2023 20230526 1,243.57 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 32 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484188 TOTAL: 7,399.76 484189 05/26/2023 PRTD 105690 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 109598 04/30/2023 20230526 4,075.68 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 109600 04/30/2023 20230526 10,367.00 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 109601 04/30/2023 20230526 9,280.00 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 109602 04/30/2023 20230526 10,668.89 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 109603 04/30/2023 20230526 15,089.96 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 109722 04/30/2023 20230526 137.40 CHECK 484189 TOTAL: 49,618.93 484190 05/26/2023 PRTD 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-54680 05/11/2023 20230526 714.00 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-54683 05/11/2023 20230526 721.00 CHECK 484190 TOTAL: 1,435.00 484191 05/26/2023 PRTD 104642 RCM SPECIALTIES INC 8912 04/26/2023 20230526 595.00 CHECK 484191 TOTAL: 595.00 484192 05/26/2023 PRTD 138298 RED BULL DISTRIBUTION COMPANY INC 2008239303 05/11/2023 20230526 481.44 CHECK 484192 TOTAL: 481.44 484193 05/26/2023 PRTD 125936 REINDERS INC 3093814-00 04/06/2023 20230526 2,178.00 CHECK 484193 TOTAL: 2,178.00 484194 05/26/2023 PRTD 133627 REPUBLIC SERVICES #894 0894-006219867 04/30/2023 20230526 47,295.18 CHECK 484194 TOTAL: 47,295.18 484195 05/26/2023 PRTD 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 87191 04/26/2023 20230526 189.00 CHECK 484195 TOTAL: 189.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 33 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484196 05/26/2023 PRTD 127639 MIDWAY FORD COMPANY 771559 04/28/2023 20230526 1,015.41 CHECK 484196 TOTAL: 1,015.41 484197 05/26/2023 PRTD 160696 ROTHSCHILD, MICHAEL 23CAPF-Rothschild 04/28/2023 20230526 800.00 CHECK 484197 TOTAL: 800.00 484198 05/26/2023 PRTD 160255 SACHS, FRANK D 000155 04/27/2023 20230526 462.00 CHECK 484198 TOTAL: 462.00 484199 05/26/2023 PRTD 100988 SAFETY KLEEN SYSTEMS INC R002909366 04/27/2023 20230526 124.21 CHECK 484199 TOTAL: 124.21 484200 05/26/2023 PRTD 144553 SALTCO LLC 108513 04/30/2023 20230526 337.41 CHECK 484200 TOTAL: 337.41 484201 05/26/2023 PRTD 160574 JEAN, SANDRA 07-2023 04/20/2023 20230526 800.00 CHECK 484201 TOTAL: 800.00 484202 05/26/2023 PRTD 160055 SANDSTROM LAND MANAGEMENT 043023 04/25/2023 20230526 3,724.00 CHECK 484202 TOTAL: 3,724.00 484203 05/26/2023 PRTD 160698 SCHADEGG MECHANICAL 65521 04/26/2023 20230526 6,330.00 CHECK 484203 TOTAL: 6,330.00 484204 05/26/2023 PRTD 104151 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP 8106232184 05/01/2023 20230526 1,090.14 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP 8106242661 05/01/2023 20230526 859.86 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP 8106243158 05/01/2023 20230526 1,019.25 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP 7153705236 05/01/2023 20230526 625.73 CHECK 484204 TOTAL: 3,594.98 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 34 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484205 05/26/2023 PRTD 132210 RUSCIANO GROUP INC 69557 04/25/2023 20230526 1,000.00 CHECK 484205 TOTAL: 1,000.00 484206 05/26/2023 PRTD 103409 KELBRO COMPANY 2887793 05/11/2023 20230526 126.22 CHECK 484206 TOTAL: 126.22 484207 05/26/2023 PRTD 160278 ROHN INDUSTRIES, INC 598880 04/28/2023 20230526 17.73 ROHN INDUSTRIES, INC 598881 04/28/2023 20230526 17.73 CHECK 484207 TOTAL: 35.46 484208 05/26/2023 PRTD 120784 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 18218 04/26/2023 20230526 56.86 CHECK 484208 TOTAL: 56.86 484209 05/26/2023 PRTD 132195 SMALL LOT MN MN64763 05/09/2023 20230526 164.96 SMALL LOT MN MN64764 05/09/2023 20230526 109.04 CHECK 484209 TOTAL: 274.00 484210 05/26/2023 PRTD 100430 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/57133789 04/25/2023 20230526 511.30 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL ARV/57132992 04/25/2023 20230526 230.36 CHECK 484210 TOTAL: 741.66 484211 05/26/2023 PRTD 127878 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9388405 04/28/2022 20230526 -24.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9388758 04/29/2022 20230526 -276.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9391666 05/10/2022 20230526 -24.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9397983 05/31/2022 20230526 -198.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9415164 07/19/2022 20230526 -138.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9371759 03/04/2022 20230526 -20.76 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342855 05/10/2023 20230526 2,211.98 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342859 05/10/2023 20230526 129.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 35 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342854 05/10/2023 20230526 270.71 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342856 05/10/2023 20230526 3,704.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342857 05/10/2023 20230526 1,288.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342858 05/10/2023 20230526 1,195.20 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342862 05/10/2023 20230526 2,198.84 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342860 05/10/2023 20230526 458.31 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342863 05/10/2023 20230526 3,748.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342861 05/10/2023 20230526 451.20 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342867 05/10/2023 20230526 2,270.57 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342865 05/10/2023 20230526 518.15 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342864 05/10/2023 20230526 146.40 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2342866 05/10/2023 20230526 2,660.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 9509130 05/17/2023 20230526 -6.00 CHECK 484211 TOTAL: 20,565.20 484212 05/26/2023 PRTD 160274 SOUTHWEST LAWN, SNOW & LANDSCAPE 3803 05/01/2023 20230526 1,868.00 CHECK 484212 TOTAL: 1,868.00 484213 05/26/2023 PRTD 101004 SPS COMPANIES INC S4788523.001 04/25/2023 20230526 78.91 CHECK 484213 TOTAL: 78.91 484214 05/26/2023 PRTD 145599 SSI MN TRANCHE 1 LLC 54827 04/12/2023 20230526 38,696.60 CHECK 484214 TOTAL: 38,696.60 484215 05/26/2023 PRTD 145599 SSI MN TRANCHE 2 LLC 52325 03/19/2023 20230526 6,105.19 CHECK 484215 TOTAL: 6,105.19 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 36 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484216 05/26/2023 PRTD 102251 ST ANDREWS PRODUCTS CO 37327-40424 04/25/2023 20230526 571.51 CHECK 484216 TOTAL: 571.51 484217 05/26/2023 PRTD 100438 STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC 2073075 04/26/2023 20230526 3,145.00 CHECK 484217 TOTAL: 3,145.00 484218 05/26/2023 PRTD 139006 MINNESOTA DEPARTEMNT OF HEALTH 995984 05/16/2023 20230526 40.00 CHECK 484218 TOTAL: 40.00 484219 05/26/2023 PRTD 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50129 05/10/2023 20230526 81.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50137 05/10/2023 20230526 186.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50138 05/10/2023 20230526 186.00 CHECK 484219 TOTAL: 453.00 484220 05/26/2023 PRTD 160524 STEPP MANUFACTURING CO INC 062631 04/27/2023 20230526 58,061.00 CHECK 484220 TOTAL: 58,061.00 484221 05/26/2023 PRTD 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC 10193644 04/25/2023 20230526 752.00 CHECK 484221 TOTAL: 752.00 484222 05/26/2023 PRTD 137673 SWEETLAND ORCHARD LLC 4598 05/11/2023 20230526 120.00 CHECK 484222 TOTAL: 120.00 484223 05/26/2023 PRTD 126924 CAN HOLDINGS INC 6219 04/25/2023 20230526 171.00 CHECK 484223 TOTAL: 171.00 484224 05/26/2023 PRTD 146347 TELEFLEX FUNDING LLC 9506910692 04/28/2023 20230526 562.50 CHECK 484224 TOTAL: 562.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 37 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484225 05/26/2023 PRTD 102798 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 848256103 05/01/2023 20230526 787.94 CHECK 484225 TOTAL: 787.94 484226 05/26/2023 PRTD 123129 TIMESAVER OFF SITE SECRETARIAL IN M28181 04/28/2023 20230526 1,361.25 CHECK 484226 TOTAL: 1,361.25 484227 05/26/2023 PRTD 101038 TOLL COMPANY 40173218 04/30/2023 20230526 34.92 CHECK 484227 TOTAL: 34.92 484228 05/26/2023 PRTD 134673 TOTAL MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC S6556 04/26/2023 20230526 643.50 TOTAL MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC S6564 04/26/2023 20230526 4,681.00 CHECK 484228 TOTAL: 5,324.50 484229 05/26/2023 PRTD 138732 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS LLC 36003 05/10/2023 20230526 1,160.00 CHECK 484229 TOTAL: 1,160.00 484230 05/26/2023 PRTD 138581 TRUST IN US LLC 97687 04/28/2023 20230526 645.00 TRUST IN US LLC 97694 05/01/2023 20230526 55.00 CHECK 484230 TOTAL: 700.00 484231 05/26/2023 PRTD 102150 TWIN CITY SEED CO 53653 04/27/2023 20230526 190.00 CHECK 484231 TOTAL: 190.00 484232 05/26/2023 PRTD 146436 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 130-135608 02/28/2023 20230526 94,061.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 130-136478 05/01/2023 20230526 17,675.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-421994 04/30/2023 20230526 3,500.00 CHECK 484232 TOTAL: 115,236.00 484233 05/26/2023 PRTD 160638 TZU TZU SPORT 61925 04/25/2023 20230526 493.50 TZU TZU SPORT 61950 04/27/2023 20230526 109.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 38 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484233 TOTAL: 602.50 484234 05/26/2023 PRTD 145567 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2576 05/10/2023 20230526 156.00 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2575 05/10/2023 20230526 100.00 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2574 05/10/2023 20230526 224.00 CHECK 484234 TOTAL: 480.00 484235 05/26/2023 PRTD 100050 USPS 690862 05/23/2023 20230526 5,322.15 CHECK 484235 TOTAL: 5,322.15 484236 05/26/2023 PRTD 100050 USPS 376-04/23 04/17/2023 20230526 2,500.00 CHECK 484236 TOTAL: 2,500.00 484237 05/26/2023 PRTD 144033 USS MINNESOTA ONE MT LLC 54826 04/12/2023 20230526 4,982.27 CHECK 484237 TOTAL: 4,982.27 484238 05/26/2023 PRTD 115380 VARITECH INDUSTRIES INC 060-1026579 04/27/2023 20230526 1,573.49 CHECK 484238 TOTAL: 1,573.49 484239 05/26/2023 PRTD 103252 VEAP INC (VOLUNTEERS ENLISTED TO ARPA-RENTAL-FY23-Q1 04/25/2023 20230526 116,914.77 VEAP INC (VOLUNTEERS ENLISTED TO ARPA-RENTAL-FY22-Q4-04/25/2023 20230526 14,179.74 CHECK 484239 TOTAL: 131,094.51 484240 05/26/2023 PRTD 144209 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 4226 05/03/2023 20230526 144.00 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 4225 05/03/2023 20230526 311.00 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 4244 05/10/2023 20230526 144.00 CHECK 484240 TOTAL: 599.00 484241 05/26/2023 PRTD 141927 VER-TECH LABORATORIES INC INV000035160 04/25/2023 20230526 3,294.36 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 39 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484241 TOTAL: 3,294.36 484242 05/26/2023 PRTD 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES 95484 04/27/2023 20230526 7,138.00 VERSATILE VEHICLES 95488 04/27/2023 20230526 1,164.94 CHECK 484242 TOTAL: 8,302.94 484243 05/26/2023 PRTD 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY S006877889.001 04/28/2023 20230526 1,259.56 CHECK 484243 TOTAL: 1,259.56 484244 05/26/2023 PRTD 119454 VINOCOPIA INC 0329225-IN 05/11/2023 20230526 145.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0329224-IN 05/11/2023 20230526 646.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0329223-IN 05/11/2023 20230526 966.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0329243-IN 05/11/2023 20230526 589.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0329211-IN 05/11/2023 20230526 113.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0329212-IN 05/11/2023 20230526 201.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0329253-IN 05/11/2023 20230526 2,741.75 VINOCOPIA INC 0329209-IN 05/11/2023 20230526 145.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0329254-IN 05/11/2023 20230526 872.75 CHECK 484244 TOTAL: 6,421.25 484245 05/26/2023 PRTD 160301 VISION INC 123577 04/30/2023 20230526 1,138.31 CHECK 484245 TOTAL: 1,138.31 484246 05/26/2023 PRTD 120627 VISTAR 68092373 04/28/2023 20230526 942.80 CHECK 484246 TOTAL: 942.80 484247 05/26/2023 PRTD 151681 WALKER LAWN CARE INC 9030 04/27/2023 20230526 9,814.00 WALKER LAWN CARE INC 9031 04/27/2023 20230526 8,713.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 40 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484247 TOTAL: 18,527.00 484248 05/26/2023 PRTD 103088 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN 0102787-2808-3 05/03/2023 20230526 7,351.47 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN 8899167-2282-6 05/03/2023 20230526 1,782.39 CHECK 484248 TOTAL: 9,133.86 484249 05/26/2023 PRTD 130574 WATSON COMPANY 133389 04/27/2023 20230526 389.79 CHECK 484249 TOTAL: 389.79 484250 05/26/2023 PRTD 101033 WINE COMPANY 235182 05/10/2023 20230526 258.00 WINE COMPANY 235183 05/10/2023 20230526 4,372.00 WINE COMPANY 235181 05/10/2023 20230526 184.00 WINE COMPANY 235180 05/10/2023 20230526 4,132.00 WINE COMPANY 235178 05/10/2023 20230526 2,544.00 WINE COMPANY 235179 05/10/2023 20230526 1,288.00 CHECK 484250 TOTAL: 12,778.00 484251 05/26/2023 PRTD 144412 WINEBOW MN00130351 05/09/2023 20230526 915.00 WINEBOW MN00130339 05/09/2023 20230526 406.44 WINEBOW MN00130341 05/09/2023 20230526 464.94 CHECK 484251 TOTAL: 1,786.38 484252 05/26/2023 PRTD 124503 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 243464 01 04/25/2023 20230526 29.05 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 243523 01 04/26/2023 20230526 81.34 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 243606 01 04/27/2023 20230526 20.02 CHECK 484252 TOTAL: 130.41 484253 05/26/2023 PRTD 160680 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 285759 04/25/2023 20230526 318.40 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 286025 05/01/2023 20230526 323.20 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 41 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484253 TOTAL: 641.60 484254 05/26/2023 PRTD 142162 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4239 05/11/2023 20230526 466.20 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4241 05/11/2023 20230526 301.80 CHECK 484254 TOTAL: 768.00 484255 05/26/2023 PRTD 136192 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION 3717979 04/26/2023 20230526 631.45 CHECK 484255 TOTAL: 631.45 484256 05/26/2023 PRTD 160252 HANCE UTILITY SERVICE, INC. 33386 05/01/2023 20230526 4,585.25 CHECK 484256 TOTAL: 4,585.25 NUMBER OF CHECKS 260 *** CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL *** 1,924,816.93 COUNT AMOUNT TOTAL PRINTED CHECKS 258 1,420,966.78 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS 2 503,850.15 *** GRAND TOTAL *** 1,924,816.93 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 42 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED CLERK: STanGeil YEAR PER JNL SRC ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESC T OB DEBIT CREDIT EFF DATE JNL DESC REF 1 REF 2 REF 3 LINE DESC 2023 5 1703 APP 1000-2010 GF Bal Sh - Accts Pay 349,840.66 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 9999-1012 Control BS - CashAP 1,924,816.93 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 59005910-2010 Sew BS - Accts Pay 770,103.98 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 52005200-2010 Course BS - Accts Pay 71,762.24 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5600-2010 Field BS - Accts Pay 46,849.12 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 6100-2010 Equ Op BS - Accts Pay 9,223.07 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 2500-2010 CAS BalSh - Accts Pay 1,899.98 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5700-2010 Cent Lk BS - Accts Pay 30,766.74 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5300-2010 Aqu Ctr BS - Accts Pay 11,076.80 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 6200-2010 I.T. BalSh - Accts Pay 17,006.27 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5400-2010 EdinPrk BS - Accts Pay 19,454.80 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 7100-2010 PSTF BS - Accts Pay 2,179.06 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5800-2010 Liquor BS - Accts Pay 170,622.03 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5500-2010 Arena BS - Accts Pay 51,491.41 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 4000-2010 Cap Prj BS - Accts Pay 19,687.88 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 2300-2010 PACS BalSh - Accts Pay 21,442.00 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 6300-2010 FacMgmt BS - Accts Pay 16,248.04 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 52005210-2010 Dome BS - Accts Pay 752.07 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 59005900-2010 Wat BS - Accts Pay 84,069.79 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 7200-2010 MNTF1 BS - Accts Pay 3,737.60 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 5100-2010 Art BalSh - Accts Pay 297.21 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 59005920-2010 Stm BS - Accts Pay 6,555.39 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 6000-2010 Rsk Mg BS - Accts Pay 10,230.27 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 26026000-2010 HRA Admin - Accts Pay 10,103.34 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 43 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED YEAR PER JNL SRC ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESC T OB DEBIT CREDIT EFF DATE JNL DESC REF 1 REF 2 REF 3 LINE DESC 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 59005930-2010 Rec BS - Accts Pay 47,295.18 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL APP 4200-2010 EquRep BS - Accts Pay 152,122.00 05/26/2023 20230526 SG AP CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL GENERAL LEDGER TOTAL 1,924,816.93 1,924,816.93 APP 9999-2099 Control BS - PoolCashL 1,924,816.93 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 1000-1010 GF Bal Sh - Cash 349,840.66 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 59005910-1010 Sew BS - Cash 770,103.98 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 52005200-1010 Course BS - Cash 71,762.24 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 5600-1010 Field BS - Cash 46,849.12 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 6100-1010 Equ Op BS - Cash 9,223.07 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 2500-1010 CAS BalSh - Cash 1,899.98 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 5700-1010 Cent Lk BS - Cash 30,766.74 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 5300-1010 Aqu Ctr BS - Cash 11,076.80 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 6200-1010 I.T. BalSh - Cash 17,006.27 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 5400-1010 EdinPrk BS - Cash 19,454.80 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 7100-1010 PSTF BS - Cash 2,179.06 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 5800-1010 Liquor BS - Cash 170,622.03 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 5500-1010 Arena BS - Cash 51,491.41 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 4000-1010 Cap Prj BS - Cash 19,687.88 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 2300-1010 PACS BalSh - Cash 21,442.00 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 6300-1010 FacMgmt BS - Cash 16,248.04 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 52005210-1010 Dome BS - Cash 752.07 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 59005900-1010 Wat BS - Cash 84,069.79 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 7200-1010 MNTF1 BS - Cash 3,737.60 05/26/2023 20230526 SG City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 44 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED YEAR PER JNL SRC ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESC T OB DEBIT CREDIT EFF DATE JNL DESC REF 1 REF 2 REF 3 LINE DESC APP 5100-1010 Art BalSh - Cash 297.21 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 59005920-1010 Stm BS - Cash 6,555.39 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 6000-1010 Rsk Mg BS - Cash 10,230.27 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 26026000-1010 HRA Admin - Cash 10,103.34 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 59005930-1010 Rec BS - Cash 47,295.18 05/26/2023 20230526 SG APP 4200-1010 EquRep BS - Cash 152,122.00 05/26/2023 20230526 SG SYSTEM GENERATED ENTRIES TOTAL 1,924,816.93 1,924,816.93 JOURNAL 2023/05/1703 TOTAL 3,849,633.86 3,849,633.86 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 45 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND BALANCE SEG YEAR PER JNL EFF DATE DEBIT CREDIT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1000 General 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 1000-1010 GF Bal Sh - Cash 349,840.66 1000-2010 GF Bal Sh - Accts Pay 349,840.66 FUND TOTAL 349,840.66 349,840.66 2300 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 2300-1010 PACS BalSh - Cash 21,442.00 2300-2010 PACS BalSh - Accts Pay 21,442.00 FUND TOTAL 21,442.00 21,442.00 2500 Conservation & Sustainability 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 2500-1010 CAS BalSh - Cash 1,899.98 2500-2010 CAS BalSh - Accts Pay 1,899.98 TOTAL 1,899.98 1,899.98 FUND TOTAL 1,899.98 1,899.98 2600 26000 HRA /HRA Admini 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 26026000-1010 HRA Admin - Cash 10,103.34 26026000-2010 HRA Admin - Accts Pay 10,103.34 FUND TOTAL 10,103.34 10,103.34 4000 Capital Projects 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 4000-1010 Cap Prj BS - Cash 19,687.88 4000-2010 Cap Prj BS - Accts Pay 19,687.88 FUND TOTAL 19,687.88 19,687.88 4200 Equipment Replacement 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 4200-1010 EquRep BS - Cash 152,122.00 4200-2010 EquRep BS - Accts Pay 152,122.00 FUND TOTAL 152,122.00 152,122.00 5100 Art Center 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 5100-1010 Art BalSh - Cash 297.21 5100-2010 Art BalSh - Accts Pay 297.21 TOTAL 297.21 297.21 FUND TOTAL 297.21 297.21 5200 5200 Golf /Braemar Go 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 46 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND BALANCE SEG YEAR PER JNL EFF DATE DEBIT CREDIT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 52005200-1010 Course BS - Cash 71,762.24 52005200-2010 Course BS - Accts Pay 71,762.24 5200 TOTAL 71,762.24 71,762.24 5200 5210 Golf /Braemar Go 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 52005210-1010 Dome BS - Cash 752.07 52005210-2010 Dome BS - Accts Pay 752.07 FUND TOTAL 72,514.31 72,514.31 5300 Aquatic Center 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 5300-1010 Aqu Ctr BS - Cash 11,076.80 5300-2010 Aqu Ctr BS - Accts Pay 11,076.80 FUND TOTAL 11,076.80 11,076.80 5400 Edinborough Park 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 5400-1010 EdinPrk BS - Cash 19,454.80 5400-2010 EdinPrk BS - Accts Pay 19,454.80 FUND TOTAL 19,454.80 19,454.80 5500 Braemar Arena 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 5500-1010 Arena BS - Cash 51,491.41 5500-2010 Arena BS - Accts Pay 51,491.41 FUND TOTAL 51,491.41 51,491.41 5600 Braemar Field 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 5600-1010 Field BS - Cash 46,849.12 5600-2010 Field BS - Accts Pay 46,849.12 FUND TOTAL 46,849.12 46,849.12 5700 Centennial Lakes 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 5700-1010 Cent Lk BS - Cash 30,766.74 5700-2010 Cent Lk BS - Accts Pay 30,766.74 FUND TOTAL 30,766.74 30,766.74 5800 Liquor 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 5800-1010 Liquor BS - Cash 170,622.03 5800-2010 Liquor BS - Accts Pay 170,622.03 TOTAL 170,622.03 170,622.03 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 47 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND BALANCE SEG YEAR PER JNL EFF DATE DEBIT CREDIT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FUND TOTAL 170,622.03 170,622.03 5900 5900 Utl Fund /Water 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 59005900-1010 Wat BS - Cash 84,069.79 59005900-2010 Wat BS - Accts Pay 84,069.79 5900 TOTAL 84,069.79 84,069.79 5900 5910 Utl Fund /Sanitary S 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 59005910-1010 Sew BS - Cash 770,103.98 59005910-2010 Sew BS - Accts Pay 770,103.98 5910 TOTAL 770,103.98 770,103.98 5900 5920 Utl Fund /Storm Sewe 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 59005920-1010 Stm BS - Cash 6,555.39 59005920-2010 Stm BS - Accts Pay 6,555.39 5920 TOTAL 6,555.39 6,555.39 5900 5930 Utl Fund /Recycling 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 59005930-1010 Rec BS - Cash 47,295.18 59005930-2010 Rec BS - Accts Pay 47,295.18 FUND TOTAL 908,024.34 908,024.34 6000 Risk Management 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 6000-1010 Rsk Mg BS - Cash 10,230.27 6000-2010 Rsk Mg BS - Accts Pay 10,230.27 FUND TOTAL 10,230.27 10,230.27 6100 Equipment Operations 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 6100-1010 Equ Op BS - Cash 9,223.07 6100-2010 Equ Op BS - Accts Pay 9,223.07 FUND TOTAL 9,223.07 9,223.07 6200 Information Technology 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 6200-1010 I.T. BalSh - Cash 17,006.27 6200-2010 I.T. BalSh - Accts Pay 17,006.27 FUND TOTAL 17,006.27 17,006.27 6300 Facilities Management 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 6300-1010 FacMgmt BS - Cash 16,248.04 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 05/25/2023 13:37 User: STanGeil Program ID: apcshdsb Page 48 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND BALANCE SEG YEAR PER JNL EFF DATE DEBIT CREDIT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 6300-2010 FacMgmt BS - Accts Pay 16,248.04 FUND TOTAL 16,248.04 16,248.04 7100 PS Training Facility 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 7100-1010 PSTF BS - Cash 2,179.06 7100-2010 PSTF BS - Accts Pay 2,179.06 FUND TOTAL 2,179.06 2,179.06 7200 MN Task Force 1 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 7200-1010 MNTF1 BS - Cash 3,737.60 7200-2010 MNTF1 BS - Accts Pay 3,737.60 FUND TOTAL 3,737.60 3,737.60 9999 Pooled Cash Fund 2023 5 1703 05/26/2023 9999-1012 Control BS - CashAP 1,924,816.93 9999-2099 Control BS - PoolCashL 1,924,816.93 FUND TOTAL 1,924,816.93 1,924,816.93 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 18 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND SUB FUND DUE TO DUE FR 1000 General 68,626.33 2100 Police Special Revenue 2,377.83 2300 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety 3,592.15 2600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 4,453.35 4000 Capital Projects 5,626.46 4400 PIR Capital Projects 31,117.78 5200 Braemar Golf Course 26,433.18 5300 Aquatic Center 4,631.85 5400 Edinborough Park 3,684.28 5500 Braemar Arena 4,449.84 5600 Braemar Field 600.00 5700 Centennial Lakes 1,125.00 5800 Liquor 52,345.64 5900 Utility Fund 41,830.27 5900 Utility Fund 6,152.26 5900 Utility Fund 286,672.19 6100 Equipment Operations 7,238.71 6200 Information Technology 2,780.32 6300 Facilities Management 458.84 9999 Pooled Cash Fund 554,196.28 TOTAL 554,196.28 554,196.28 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Mallory Schauer ** City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 1 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 96 06/02/2023 WIRE 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MAY 2023 SAC 06/01/2023 14,785.75 CHECK 96 TOTAL: 14,785.75 484257 06/02/2023 PRTD 143143 TORRES, ARMANDO CHAVEZ 2400 05/01/2023 20230602 1,677.39 TORRES, ARMANDO CHAVEZ 2415 05/01/2023 20230602 1,000.00 TORRES, ARMANDO CHAVEZ 2403 05/01/2023 20230602 4,406.00 CHECK 484257 TOTAL: 7,083.39 484258 06/02/2023 PRTD 160119 ADAM'S PEST CONTROL 3640988 04/03/2023 20230602 319.00 CHECK 484258 TOTAL: 319.00 484259 06/02/2023 PRTD 133504 AID ELECTRIC CORPORATION 74279 05/03/2023 20230602 2,493.52 CHECK 484259 TOTAL: 2,493.52 484260 06/02/2023 PRTD 141829 ALL TRAFFIC SOLUTION INC SIN036313 04/11/2023 20230602 950.00 CHECK 484260 TOTAL: 950.00 484261 06/02/2023 PRTD 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1FDP-MRXP-36D6 05/02/2023 20230602 24.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 14HC-XQTF-3XXH 05/02/2023 20230602 60.55 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 141X-R4HK-7L7V 05/03/2023 20230602 254.84 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1NN3-3W3D-7YHM 05/03/2023 20230602 421.23 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1PH7-Y3YK-1JM9 05/03/2023 20230602 21.38 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1TQF-WK6Y-3QMX 05/03/2023 20230602 138.68 CHECK 484261 TOTAL: 921.67 484262 06/02/2023 PRTD 101874 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER 114673 05/03/2023 20230602 617.50 CHECK 484262 TOTAL: 617.50 484263 06/02/2023 PRTD 151441 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500236377 05/02/2023 20230602 131.91 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500236361 05/02/2023 20230602 224.58 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 2 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484263 TOTAL: 356.49 484264 06/02/2023 PRTD 137556 ARCHITECTURE FIELD OFFICE LLC 202304 05/02/2023 20230602 1,758.75 CHECK 484264 TOTAL: 1,758.75 484265 06/02/2023 PRTD 129624 BARNA GUZY & STEFFEN LTD 262394 04/30/2023 20230602 119.00 CHECK 484265 TOTAL: 119.00 484266 06/02/2023 PRTD 100645 BEACON ATHLETICS LLC 0570197-IN 05/03/2023 20230602 630.00 CHECK 484266 TOTAL: 630.00 484267 06/02/2023 PRTD 126847 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 953031 05/03/2023 20230602 643.84 CHECK 484267 TOTAL: 643.84 484268 06/02/2023 PRTD 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 22597 05/18/2023 20230602 284.00 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 22596 05/18/2023 20230602 442.00 CHECK 484268 TOTAL: 726.00 484269 06/02/2023 PRTD 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84942875 05/02/2023 20230602 207.50 CHECK 484269 TOTAL: 207.50 484270 06/02/2023 PRTD 117040 BOYER FORD TRUCKS INC 008P22541 05/03/2023 20230602 323.22 CHECK 484270 TOTAL: 323.22 484271 06/02/2023 PRTD 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION B340321 05/02/2023 20230602 951.00 CHECK 484271 TOTAL: 951.00 484272 06/02/2023 PRTD 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348841276 04/25/2023 20230602 6,610.10 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 348958135 05/02/2023 20230602 5,716.55 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 349062647 05/09/2023 20230602 10,511.10 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 3 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 349062649 05/09/2023 20230602 8,368.25 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 410975789 05/09/2023 20230602 -102.40 CHECK 484272 TOTAL: 31,103.60 484273 06/02/2023 PRTD 100648 BERTELSON BROTHERS INC WO-1241562-1 05/02/2023 20230602 27.19 BERTELSON BROTHERS INC WO-1241712-1 05/03/2023 20230602 5.21 CHECK 484273 TOTAL: 32.40 484274 06/02/2023 PRTD 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2837932 05/19/2023 20230602 571.55 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 23320247 05/19/2023 20230602 -20.40 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2837935 05/19/2023 20230602 114.30 CHECK 484274 TOTAL: 665.45 484275 06/02/2023 PRTD 160207 JASON THOMAS CARDINAL EPD23 05/03/2023 20230602 1,980.00 CHECK 484275 TOTAL: 1,980.00 484276 06/02/2023 PRTD 120433 COMCAST 0007539-05/23 05/08/2023 20230602 908.43 CHECK 484276 TOTAL: 908.43 484277 06/02/2023 PRTD 133169 DAIKIN APPLIED 3393400 05/03/2023 20230602 3,684.28 CHECK 484277 TOTAL: 3,684.28 484278 06/02/2023 PRTD 104020 DALCO ENTERPRISES INC 4078216 05/02/2023 20230602 862.68 CHECK 484278 TOTAL: 862.68 484279 06/02/2023 PRTD 104733 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC 2551643 05/03/2023 20230602 178.60 CHECK 484279 TOTAL: 178.60 484280 06/02/2023 PRTD 100146 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-487243 05/03/2023 20230602 96.46 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 4 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484280 TOTAL: 96.46 484281 06/02/2023 PRTD 106035 FASTENAL COMPANY MNTC2179004 05/02/2023 20230602 111.23 CHECK 484281 TOTAL: 111.23 484282 06/02/2023 PRTD 103600 FERGUSON US HOLDINGS INC 0510757 05/03/2023 20230602 78.18 CHECK 484282 TOTAL: 78.18 484283 06/02/2023 PRTD 138685 FIRE CATT LLC 12148 05/02/2023 20230602 4,574.75 CHECK 484283 TOTAL: 4,574.75 484284 06/02/2023 PRTD 141837 DAIOHS USA INC 001440 05/03/2023 20230602 694.85 CHECK 484284 TOTAL: 694.85 484285 06/02/2023 PRTD 142145 FISCHER BROS LLC 1955-723 05/02/2023 20230602 3,874.25 CHECK 484285 TOTAL: 3,874.25 484286 06/02/2023 PRTD 160292 FORECAST PUBLIC ARTWORKS 2276 04/30/2023 20230602 1,125.00 CHECK 484286 TOTAL: 1,125.00 484287 06/02/2023 PRTD 146181 GMH ASPHALT CORPORATION ENG 22-3 #9 04/20/2023 20230602 111,303.15 CHECK 484287 TOTAL: 111,303.15 484288 06/02/2023 PRTD 101103 WW GRAINGER 9695672569 05/03/2023 20230602 108.84 CHECK 484288 TOTAL: 108.84 484289 06/02/2023 PRTD 129108 HAAG COMPANIES INC 2-296754 05/02/2023 20230602 68.00 HAAG COMPANIES INC 2-296359 04/25/2023 20230602 68.00 CHECK 484289 TOTAL: 136.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 5 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484290 06/02/2023 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000206011 05/02/2023 20230602 1,970.27 CHECK 484290 TOTAL: 1,970.27 484291 06/02/2023 PRTD 102079 HIGHVIEW PLUMBING INC 16803 05/02/2023 20230602 2,296.44 CHECK 484291 TOTAL: 2,296.44 484292 06/02/2023 PRTD 116680 HP INC 9017372600 04/29/2023 20230602 540.00 HP INC 9017355980 04/25/2023 20230602 1,515.20 HP INC 9017359894 04/26/2023 20230602 1,450.00 CHECK 484292 TOTAL: 3,505.20 484293 06/02/2023 PRTD 100835 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6589948 05/12/2023 20230602 1,424.75 CHECK 484293 TOTAL: 1,424.75 484294 06/02/2023 PRTD 145396 JUNKYARD BREWING COMPANY LLC 005606 05/18/2023 20230602 138.00 JUNKYARD BREWING COMPANY LLC 005607 05/18/2023 20230602 280.00 CHECK 484294 TOTAL: 418.00 484295 06/02/2023 PRTD 124002 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 24777175 04/30/2023 20230602 4,453.35 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 24777177A 04/30/2023 20230602 3,959.11 CHECK 484295 TOTAL: 8,412.46 484296 06/02/2023 PRTD 116776 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 000265 05/02/2023 20230602 100.00 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 000267 05/02/2023 20230602 91.00 CHECK 484296 TOTAL: 191.00 484297 06/02/2023 PRTD 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9310578639 05/03/2023 20230602 63.17 CHECK 484297 TOTAL: 63.17 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 6 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484298 06/02/2023 PRTD 134957 LEACH LAW OFFICE LLC 04-2023 04/30/2023 20230602 22,439.70 CHECK 484298 TOTAL: 22,439.70 484299 06/02/2023 PRTD 141916 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 53019 05/11/2023 20230602 138.00 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 53012 05/11/2023 20230602 267.00 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 53153 05/17/2023 20230602 147.50 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 53151 05/17/2023 20230602 198.00 CHECK 484299 TOTAL: 750.50 484300 06/02/2023 PRTD 100864 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT LLC P49617 05/02/2023 20230602 63.54 CHECK 484300 TOTAL: 63.54 484301 06/02/2023 PRTD 105603 MEDICINE LAKE TOURS 05-04-2023 05/05/2023 20230602 2,088.00 CHECK 484301 TOTAL: 2,088.00 484302 06/02/2023 PRTD 146040 STRAYER, JUSTIN IN-536 05/17/2023 20230602 151.30 CHECK 484302 TOTAL: 151.30 484303 06/02/2023 PRTD 101483 MENARDS 80597 05/02/2023 20230602 35.83 MENARDS 80591 05/02/2023 20230602 249.98 MENARDS 80613 05/02/2023 20230602 73.53 MENARDS 80681 05/03/2023 20230602 29.98 MENARDS 80673 05/03/2023 20230602 172.30 CHECK 484303 TOTAL: 561.62 484304 06/02/2023 PRTD 100889 MINNESOTA GOLF ASSOCIATION INC 230028 05/02/2023 20230602 270.00 CHECK 484304 TOTAL: 270.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 7 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484305 06/02/2023 PRTD 128914 BJKK DEVELOPMENT 34609 05/03/2023 20230602 831.00 BJKK DEVELOPMENT 34615 05/03/2023 20230602 25.00 CHECK 484305 TOTAL: 856.00 484306 06/02/2023 PRTD 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC E-41231 05/16/2023 20230602 727.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-41232 05/16/2023 20230602 756.00 CHECK 484306 TOTAL: 1,483.00 484307 06/02/2023 PRTD 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1383200-00 05/02/2023 20230602 583.96 CHECK 484307 TOTAL: 583.96 484308 06/02/2023 PRTD 104416 BERNARD J MULCAHY COMPANY INC PS-INV162926 05/02/2023 20230602 67.36 CHECK 484308 TOTAL: 67.36 484309 06/02/2023 PRTD 999998 Losinski, Joanne 273-22-6293 04/26/2023 20230602 99.24 CHECK 484309 TOTAL: 99.24 484310 06/02/2023 PRTD 999998 Mcclain, Bettye 273-22-5727 04/26/2023 20230602 85.75 CHECK 484310 TOTAL: 85.75 484311 06/02/2023 PRTD 999998 Montemayor, Jaime 273-22-5015A 04/26/2023 20230602 335.40 CHECK 484311 TOTAL: 335.40 484312 06/02/2023 PRTD 999998 Pederson, Maryann 273-23-0204 04/26/2023 20230602 106.03 CHECK 484312 TOTAL: 106.03 484313 06/02/2023 PRTD 999998 Westerberg, Elenor 273-21-4108 04/26/2023 20230602 100.00 CHECK 484313 TOTAL: 100.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 8 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484314 06/02/2023 PRTD 999998 Wilson, Ryan 273-23-0049 04/26/2023 20230602 50.00 CHECK 484314 TOTAL: 50.00 484315 06/02/2023 PRTD 999996 Crawford, Jonathan 49896477-Refund 04/20/2023 20230602 16.25 CHECK 484315 TOTAL: 16.25 484316 06/02/2023 PRTD 999996 Pernula, Mary 49914125-Refund 04/20/2023 20230602 16.25 CHECK 484316 TOTAL: 16.25 484317 06/02/2023 PRTD 145078 PROACTIVE SPORTS INC 1485793-00 05/02/2023 20230602 832.00 CHECK 484317 TOTAL: 832.00 484318 06/02/2023 PRTD 120831 1ST SCRIBE INC 259987 05/01/2023 20230602 425.00 CHECK 484318 TOTAL: 425.00 484319 06/02/2023 PRTD 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-54681 05/12/2023 20230602 1,264.50 CHECK 484319 TOTAL: 1,264.50 484320 06/02/2023 PRTD 160037 RACHEL CONTRACTING, LLC ENG 21032 #10 05/04/2023 20230602 226,988.73 CHECK 484320 TOTAL: 226,988.73 484321 06/02/2023 PRTD 114799 RES GREAT LAKES LLC IN36213 05/03/2023 20230602 667.75 CHECK 484321 TOTAL: 667.75 484322 06/02/2023 PRTD 149242 ROCK HARD LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 3085825 05/03/2023 20230602 48.60 CHECK 484322 TOTAL: 48.60 484323 06/02/2023 PRTD 100988 SAFETY KLEEN SYSTEMS INC 91653541 05/02/2023 20230602 5,837.40 CHECK 484323 TOTAL: 5,837.40 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 9 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484324 06/02/2023 PRTD 144403 SENTEXT SOLUTIONS 319501 05/02/2023 20230602 145.67 CHECK 484324 TOTAL: 145.67 484325 06/02/2023 PRTD 104098 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP B16743418 04/18/2023 20230602 10,106.49 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP B16777342 04/25/2023 20230602 141.43 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP B16792549 04/27/2023 20230602 8,209.14 CHECK 484325 TOTAL: 18,457.06 484326 06/02/2023 PRTD 160278 ROHN INDUSTRIES, INC 599503 05/03/2023 20230602 32.72 CHECK 484326 TOTAL: 32.72 484327 06/02/2023 PRTD 127878 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2345463 05/17/2023 20230602 3,765.13 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2345461 05/17/2023 20230602 83.40 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2345460 05/17/2023 20230602 270.71 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2345462 05/17/2023 20230602 264.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2345459 05/17/2023 20230602 248.40 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2345473 05/17/2023 20230602 352.60 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2345474 05/17/2023 20230602 2,853.89 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2345471 05/17/2023 20230602 1,026.16 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2345472 05/17/2023 20230602 557.52 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2345475 05/17/2023 20230602 206.40 CHECK 484327 TOTAL: 9,629.01 484328 06/02/2023 PRTD 139006 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENC SA-77481992 04/24/2023 20230602 45.00 CHECK 484328 TOTAL: 45.00 484329 06/02/2023 PRTD 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50168 05/15/2023 20230602 204.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50174 05/15/2023 20230602 330.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 10 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484329 TOTAL: 534.00 484330 06/02/2023 PRTD 101015 STREICHERS INC I1631500 05/03/2023 20230602 1,618.60 STREICHERS INC I1631499 05/03/2023 20230602 3,560.92 STREICHERS INC I1631303 05/02/2023 20230602 169.98 CHECK 484330 TOTAL: 5,349.50 484331 06/02/2023 PRTD 104932 TAYLOR MADE 36668721 05/02/2023 20230602 1,143.74 TAYLOR MADE 36671513 05/03/2023 20230602 146.98 CHECK 484331 TOTAL: 1,290.72 484332 06/02/2023 PRTD 160489 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS (U.S.) INC 1029 05/01/2023 20230602 48.00 CHECK 484332 TOTAL: 48.00 484333 06/02/2023 PRTD 101038 TOLL COMPANY 10510978 05/02/2023 20230602 503.86 CHECK 484333 TOTAL: 503.86 484334 06/02/2023 PRTD 103982 TRAFFIC CONTROL CORPORATION 143196 05/02/2023 22300009 20230602 1,456.00 CHECK 484334 TOTAL: 1,456.00 484335 06/02/2023 PRTD 136342 TRAVISMATHEW LLC 90343858 01/02/2023 20230602 85.00 CHECK 484335 TOTAL: 85.00 484336 06/02/2023 PRTD 108660 TWIN CITIES FLAG SOURCE INC 37590 05/02/2023 20230602 350.00 CHECK 484336 TOTAL: 350.00 484337 06/02/2023 PRTD 121153 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA FM360-23 05/01/2023 20230602 125.00 CHECK 484337 TOTAL: 125.00 484338 06/02/2023 PRTD 145567 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2598 05/18/2023 20230602 174.00 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2597 05/18/2023 20230602 162.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 11 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 484338 TOTAL: 336.00 484339 06/02/2023 PRTD 101058 VAN PAPER COMPANY 034446 05/02/2023 20230602 325.23 VAN PAPER COMPANY 034447 05/02/2023 20230602 862.34 VAN PAPER COMPANY 034442 05/02/2023 20230602 322.97 VAN PAPER COMPANY 034443 05/02/2023 20230602 1,012.64 VAN PAPER COMPANY 034448 05/02/2023 20230602 163.40 VAN PAPER COMPANY 034449 05/02/2023 20230602 187.78 VAN PAPER COMPANY 034446-01 05/03/2023 20230602 72.38 CHECK 484339 TOTAL: 2,946.74 484340 06/02/2023 PRTD 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES 95951 05/02/2023 20230602 776.24 VERSATILE VEHICLES 96021 05/03/2023 20230602 178.79 CHECK 484340 TOTAL: 955.03 484341 06/02/2023 PRTD 101064 VESSCO INC 090914 05/02/2023 20230602 6,922.00 CHECK 484341 TOTAL: 6,922.00 484342 06/02/2023 PRTD 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY S006882673.001 05/03/2023 20230602 1,411.05 CHECK 484342 TOTAL: 1,411.05 484343 06/02/2023 PRTD 100183 WASHINGTON COUNTY 213325 04/01/2023 20230602 1,760.33 CHECK 484343 TOTAL: 1,760.33 484344 06/02/2023 PRTD 135181 WATERFORD OIL CO INC 175557 05/03/2023 20230602 1,863.05 WATERFORD OIL CO INC 175558 05/03/2023 20230602 925.59 CHECK 484344 TOTAL: 2,788.64 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 06/01/2023 13:16 User: MSchauer Program ID: apcshdsb Page 12 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 484345 06/02/2023 PRTD 160537 WEX HEALTH INC 0001732403-IN 04/30/2023 20230602 1,005.00 CHECK 484345 TOTAL: 1,005.00 484346 06/02/2023 PRTD 101079 WHEELER LUMBER 1220-044857 04/28/2023 20230602 240.00 WHEELER LUMBER 1220-044885 05/03/2023 20230602 137.50 CHECK 484346 TOTAL: 377.50 484347 06/02/2023 PRTD 130471 WINFIELD SOLUTIONS LLC 65286530 10/28/2022 20230602 8,808.52 WINFIELD SOLUTIONS LLC 65286531 10/28/2022 20230602 9,403.68 CHECK 484347 TOTAL: 18,212.20 484348 06/02/2023 PRTD 142162 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4240 05/12/2023 20230602 365.20 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4248 05/18/2023 20230602 191.10 CHECK 484348 TOTAL: 556.30 NUMBER OF CHECKS 93 *** CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL *** 554,196.28 COUNT AMOUNT TOTAL PRINTED CHECKS 92 539,410.53 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS 1 14,785.75 *** GRAND TOTAL *** 554,196.28 Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.C . To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R equest F or P urc hase F rom:Todd Milburn, C hief of P olice Item Activity: Subject:R equest for P urc hase: Two 2023 F ord Lightning Electric Vehic les Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R equest for P urchase for two 2023 Ford L ightning Electric Vehicles, emergency equipment and installation for a total of $145,720 from Tenvoorde F ord I nc. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he police department is scheduled to replace six patrol vehicles in 2023. In an effort to continue working towards an electric fleet, we are requesting two of the six be fully electric vehicles. T his purchase is funded through the equipment replacement with the sustainability fund contributing toward the additional cost for the electric vehicles. T he vehicles will replace a 2016 I mpala and 2018 Ford P olice U tility. S ince this model is not currently available on state bid quotes, Tenvoorde F ord was the least expensive. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Request for Purchase: Two 2023 Ford Lightning Electric Vehicles Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300061 Department:Police Buyer:Ryan Schultz Date: 05/23/2023 Requisition Description:Police Replacement EV Vehicles Vendor:TENVOORDE FORD INC Cost:$145,720.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW:REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE:QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION:Replacing two vehicles with two EV patrol squads BUDGET IMPACT: Funding will come from the equipment replacement and sustainability Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:EV will reduce gas and greenhouse gasses ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:Vehicles are all electric Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle:2023 Ford Lightning Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): 16 Impala and 18 Ford Utility Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? YES - YES Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG:68mpge Carbon Emissions:216 vs 382 Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.D. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R equest F or P urc hase F rom:Todd Milburn, C hief of P olice Item Activity: Subject:R equest for P urc hase: F our 2023 F ord P olice Interc eptor Utility P atrol Vehic les Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R equest for P urchase for four 2023 F ord P olice I nterceptor U tility P atrol Vehicles, emergency equipment and installation for a total of $214,216 from Tenvoorde Ford Inc. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he requested vehicles will replace four 2020 Ford P olice Interceptors that are on the 2023 equipment replacement schedule. T his purchase is funded through equipment replacement and is within budget. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Request for Purchase: Four Utility Patrol Vehicles Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300062 Department:Police Buyer: Date: 05/23/2023 Requisition Description:Police Veh Replacement - Four Ford Utility Squads Vendor:TENVOORDE FORD INC Cost:$214,219.52 REPLACEMENT or NEW:REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE:STATE K - STATE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION:Four squads to replace squads scheduled for replacement BUDGET IMPACT: Within budget, funded through equipment replacement Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:Patrol vehicle is used to patrol and respond to emergency calls. Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle:2023 Ford Utility Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): 2020 Ford Utility Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? NO - NO Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: TECHDELY - NEW TECHNOLOGY IS DELAYED MPG:Similar Carbon Emissions: Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.E. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eport / R ecommendation F rom:Jes s ica V. Wilson, Water R esources Manager Item Activity: Subject:O rdinanc e 2023-07: Amending C hapter 30 of the Edina C ity C ode C onc erning Vegetation, Article I I I. Landsc aping Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve Ordinance No. 2023-07 amending C hapter 30 of the E dina C ity C ode C oncerning Vegetation, Article I I I . L andscaping, and grant second reading. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he 2021 C limate Action P lan identifies implementation item G S 2-2, “remove and ease lawn/grass requirements in ordinances.” Additionally, the E nergy and E nvironment C ommission has recommended, and City Council has adopted No M ow M ay resolutions in 2022 and 2023. Staff is proposing to revise the landscaping ordinance to sync with the goals of these two initiatives. S taff recommends adopting the ordinance revisions as written. I n response to comments from the M ay 16 C ity C ouncil meeting, staff will review the topic of fencing adjacent to restoration areas and planned landscape areas and bring information back for a future discussion. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report: Ordinance 2023-07 Concerning Vegetation, Article III Lands caping Ordinance No. 2023-07 Concerning Vegetation, Article III Lands caping June 6, 2023 Mayor and City Council Tom Swenson, Assistant Director Parks and Natural Resources Jessica Wilson, Water Resources Manager Ordinance 2023-07: Amending Chapter 30 of the Edina City Code Concerning Vegetation, Article III. Landscaping Information / Background: The 2021 Climate Action Plan identifies implementation item GS 2-2, “remove and ease lawn/grass requirements in ordinances.” Additionally, the Energy and Environment Commission has recommended, and City Council has adopted No Mow May resolutions in 2022 and 2023. The Energy and Environment Commission reviewed the proposed changes at their April meeting and were supportive. Staff is proposing to revise the landscaping ordinance to sync with the goals of these two initiatives. The changes include;  Revising the purpose of the section to acknowledge the value of replacing lawns with native grasses and wildflowers consistent with a naturally occurring Midwestern American landscape such as combating climate change, providing shelter and food for songbirds and other small mammals, and compared to the typical lawn, native grasses improve water quality, reduce air pollution, provide habitat restoration and protection, and increase carbon sequestration.  Adding and modifying definitions for garden, native plants, and planned landscape area.  Increasing buffer distances around waterbodies from 20 feet to 30 feet.  Increasing the allowable height of turf grass and weeds before enforcement from 10 inches to 12 inches.  Decreasing the front yard setback for planned landscape areas and natural areas from 20 feet to five feet and adding a mitigation option to allow for the front, side, or rear yard setback to be reduced to zero feet.  Eliminating the enforcement of tall turf grasses and weeds for the month of May plus a grace period of two weeks for residential properties.  Repealing the requirement to cut planned landscape areas and natural areas once per summer.  The changes would become effective immediately upon approval and second reading. The staff recommendation is to approve ordinance 2023-07 amending Chapter 30 of the Edina City Code concerning Vegetation, Article III. Landscaping and grant second reading. ORDINANCE NO. 2023-07 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 30 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING VEGETATION, ARTICLE III. LANDSCAPING THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 30, Article III of the Edina City Code is amended as follows: DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 30-91. Purpose. It is the purpose of this article to prohibit the uncontrolled growth of vegetation, while permitting the planting and maintenance of landscaping or garden treatments which add diversity and a richness to the quality of life. There are reasonable expectations regarding the proper maintenance of vegetation on any lot or parcel of land. It is in the public's interests to provide standards regarding the maintenance of vegetation because vegetation which is not maintained may threaten public health, safety and order, and may decrease adjacent property values. It is also in the public's interests to encourage diverse landscaping and garden treatments, particularly those which restore native vegetation which requires less moisture and place a lower demand on the public's water resources. Replacing lawns with native grasses and wildflowers is consistent with a naturally occurring Midwestern American landscape that combats climate change and provides shelter and food for songbirds and other small mammals. Compared to the typical lawn, native grasses improve water quality, reduce air pollution, provide habitat restoration and protection, and increase carbon sequestration. The city enacts this article to balance these competing interests. Sec. 30-92. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Garden means a cultivated area dedicated to growing vegetables, fruits, flowers, ornamental grasses, groundcovers, shrubs and similar plants that were planted in a well-defined location. Native grasses and forbs means grasses, including prairie grasses and flowering broadleaf plants, which are indigenous to the state. Native plants are those grasses (including prairie grasses), sedges (solid, triangular-stemmed plants resembling grasses), forbs (flowering broadleaf plants), trees and shrubs that are plant species native to or naturalized to the state of Minnesota, excluding prohibited exotic species, as defined by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 84D. Native plants do not include noxious weeds. Natural area means any wetland or floodplain designated by chapter 36, or any area of mature woodland, prairie and meadow vegetation native to the state. Ornamental grasses and ground covers. (1) The term "ornamental grasses and ground covers" means grasses and ground covers not indigenous to the state. (2) The term "ornamental grasses and ground covers" does not include turf grasses. Planned landscape area means an area where plants have been intentionally established and managed. ornamental grasses and groundcovers or native grasses and forbs are planted pursuant to a plan. Restoration area means an area where native grasses and forbs are being, or have been, intentionally re-established. Turf grasses means grasses commonly used in lawn areas, including any blue grass, fescue or rye grass blends or any other similar grasses. Weed means: (1) Any plant which is identified by the state commissioner of agriculture as a noxious weed or secondary noxious weed pursuant to Minn. Stats. § 18.75 et seq.; or (2) Any volunteer plant, except trees and other woody vegetation, which is not customarily or intentionally planted. Sec. 30-93. Where planted. (a) Ornamental grasses and ground covers. Ornamental grasses and groundcovers shall be planted only in a planned landscape area. (b) Native grasses and forbs. Native grasses and forbs shall be planted only in a planned landscape area or a restoration area. Sec. 30-94. Location of restoration areas and planned landscape areas. (a) Setback. A restoration area or a planned landscape area must provide the following minimum setbacks: (1) Front street or side street (as measured from the traveled portion of the street): 520 feet. (2) Side yard or rear yard: five feet; provided, however, for the exception in the required side yard or rear yard setback, as shown in subsection (b) of this section. (b) Mitigations for reductions in front, side or rear yard setback. A required front yard, side yard or rear yard setback may be reduced to zero feet if: (1) A fully opaque fence at least five feet in height is installed on the lot line adjoining the restoration area or planned landscape area; (2) The restoration area or planned landscape area abuts: a. A restoration area on any adjoining lot; b. A public park or open space; c. A vacant lot; d. A wetland, pond, lake or stream; e. Natural area; or (3) The restoration area or planned landscape area is located on slopes equal to, or greater than, three feet horizontal to one foot vertical (3:1). (4) The restoration area or planned landscape area within the 5-foot setback is cut or otherwise controlled to a height no greater than 12 inches. (c) Composition of setback area. The setback area required by subsection (a) of this section shall be composed of pavement, rock, gravel, wood chips, regularly mowed turf grasses, trees or shrubs. DIVISION 2. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS Sec. 30-117. Owner's responsibility. Every owner of property shall maintain the vegetation growing thereon according to the minimum standards set forth in this division. Sec. 30-118. Turf grasses. Except for the period from May 1 to June 15 each year for residential properties, tTurf grasses shall be regularly cut such that no individual plant shall exceed, at any time, twelve ten inches in height or length, as measured from its base at the ground to the tip of each stalk, stem or blade; provided, however, that turf grasses: (1) Located on slopes equal to, or steeper than, three feet horizontal to one foot vertical (3:1); or (2) Within 3020 feet of a wetland, pond, lake or stream, need not be maintained in accordance with this section. Sec. 30-119. Weeds. Except for the period from May 1 to June 15 each year for residential properties, wWeeds shall be regularly cut or controlled such that no individual plant shall exceed, at any time, twelve ten inches in height or length, as measured from its base at the ground to the tip of each stalk, stem, blade or leaf. Noxious weeds, as defined by the state commissioner of agriculture, shall be eradicated. Sec. 30-120. Planned landscape areas and restoration areas. (a) Planned landscape areas and restoration areas shall be cut at least once between May 1 and August 1 of each year to a height no greater than ten inches; provided, however, that planned landscape areas and restoration areas: (1) Located on slopes equal to, or steeper than, three feet horizontal to one foot vertical (3:1); or (2) Within 20 feet of a wetland, lake, pond or stream, need not be cut as required by this article. (b) No person shall permit ornamental grasses and ground covers growing on the person's property to invade adjoining properties. Sec. 30-121. Nonconforming planned landscape areas and restoration areas. Any planned landscape area or restoration area which lawfully existed prior to the effective date of the ordinance from which this article is derived may continue to exist and need not comply with the requirements of section 30-94, but shall comply with sections 30-117 through 30-120. Any expansion or addition to a nonconforming planned landscaped area or restoration area shall comply with all provisions of this article. Sec. 30-122. Exemption. Parks and natural areas owned by the city and rights-of-way owned by the county and state shall be exempt from the requirements of this article. DIVISION 3. ABATEMENT OF CERTAIN CONDITIONS Sec. 30-143. Nuisance. Any vegetation which does not meet the requirements of this article is declared to be a nuisance. Sec. 30-144. Conditions allowing inspector to enter property. Entry by the weed inspector or assistant weed inspector for the purpose of cutting, removing, destroying or eradicating vegetation shall be done only after written notice is served upon the owner, and the occupant if other than the owner, of the property to be entered, and failure of the owner or occupant to cut down, remove, destroy or eradicate vegetation declared to be a nuisance, within the time, and in such manner, as the weed inspector or assistant weed inspector shall designate in the notice. The notice shall be given in the manner prescribed by Minn. Stats. § 18.271, subd. 2, and shall allow a minimum of seven days for the property owner or occupant to comply with requirements of the notice. Sec. 30-145. Owner's responsibility for costs incurred. (a) The costs and expenses incurred by the city in connection with entering a property pursuant to section 30-144 and cutting, removing, destroying and eradicating vegetation declared to be a nuisance, shall be paid by the owner or occupant of the property entered pursuant to a notice containing the information and served as prescribed by Minn. Stats. 18.271, subd. 4. (b) If the city is not paid the amount stated in the notice within 30 days or before the following October 1, whichever is later, such amount shall become a lien in favor of the city and a penalty of eight percent shall be added to the amount due as of that date and the total cost, expenses and penalties shall be certified to the auditor of the county for entry as a tax upon such property for collection as other real estate taxes are collected, all pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stats. 18.271, subd. 4. This ordinance is effective upon adoption. First reading: May 16, 2023 Second reading: June 6, 2023 Published: Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on Send one affidavit of publication Bill to Edina City Clerk Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.F. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: O ther F rom:S haron Allis on, C ity C lerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve S ummary P ublication for O rdinance 2023- 07 C oncerning Vegetation, Artic le I I I. Landsc aping Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve S ummary P ublication for Ordinance 2023-07 Concerning Vegetation, Article I I I . L andscaping. I N TR O D U C TI O N: S tate S tatute requires that the City publish all approved ordinances within 45 days of approval in its official newspaper. S tate S tatute allows cities to choose to publish a summary of a complete public notice. T his is a cost effective option for lengthy ordinances. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Summary Publication 223850v1 CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 2023-07 AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REGARDING CHAPTER 30 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING VEGETATION, ARTICLE III. LANDSCAPING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on June 6, Ordinance No. 2023-07 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance No. 2023-07, the following summary of the ordinance has been prepared for publication and approved by the City Council as authorized by state law. Landscaping changes regarding Chapter 30, Article III include revising the purpose of the section to acknowledge the value of replacing lawns with native grasses and wildflowers consistent with a naturally occurring Midwestern American landscape such as combating climate change, providing shelter and food for songbirds and other small mammals, and compared to the typical lawn, native grasses improve water quality, reduce air pollution, provide habitat restoration and protection, and increase carbon sequestration. Adding and modifying definitions for garden, native plants, and planned landscape area. Increasing buffer distances around waterbodies from 20 feet to 30 feet. Increasing the allowable height of turf grass and weeds before enforcement from 10 inches to 12 inches. Decreasing the front yard setback for planned landscape areas and natural areas from 20 feet to five feet and adding a mitigation option to allow for the front, side, or rear yard setback to be reduced to zero feet. Eliminating the enforcement of tall turf grasses and weeds for the month of May plus a grace period of two weeks for residential properties. Repealing the requirement to cut planned landscape areas and natural areas once per summer. The complete ordinance is available by contacting Sharon Allison at sallison@EdinaMN.gov or 952-826-0408. APPROVED for summary publication by the City Council this 6th day of June 2023. By order of the Edina City Council. Sharon Allison City Clerk Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on ______ Send one affidavit of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.G . To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eport / R ecommendation F rom:Nick Bauler, Traffic S afety C oordinator Item Activity: Subject:Traffic S afety R eport of April 25, 2023 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the T raffic S afety R eport of April 25, 2023. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he T ransportation C ommission reviewed the report at their May 18 regular meeting. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Traffic Safety Report of April 25, 2023 Mis cellaneous Res ident Reques ts Memo June 6, 2023 Mayor and City Council Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of April 25, 2023 Information / Background: The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on April 25. The Traffic Safety Coordinator, City Engineer, Streets Public Service Worker, Transportation Planner, Public Works Director and Assistant City Planner were in attendance for this meeting. The Police Sergeant was not able to attend but was informed of the decisions and had no objections to the recommendations On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can submit correspondence to the Transportation Commission and/or to City Council prior to the June 6 regular meeting. Section B: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends no action B1. Traffic concerns within White Oaks neighborhood Description Requests included restricting non-local traffic, improving signal timing and layouts along W 50th St and France Ave. Maple Rd (2022) ADT- 1,630 85% Speed- 26.9 mph W 49th St (2022) ADT- 900 85% Speed- 29.9 mph Crashes Two involving distracted drivers hitting parked cars along Maple Rd. Ped and Bike Crosses N/A Sight Lines Adequate Previous Requests Turn restrictions entering Maple Rd or W 49th and vehicle speed concerns. Policy Guideline N/A Unique Circumstances Upgraded signal timing recently implemented at W 50th and Halifax, comprehensive study of neighborhood completed by consultant. White Oaks neighborhood STAFF REPORT Page 2 Staff recommends no additional action as the signal retiming appears to have addressed the majority of concerns. The full consultant memo is attached to this report. B2. Request for parking restrictions adjacent to 4244 Valley View Rd Staff recommends no action. The adjacent parking and bike lanes provide space for the vehicle to creep out of their driveway to improve sight lines. B3. Concerns for buses not being able to enter W 55th St from Xerxes Ave Staff recommends no action as street width is wide enough to accommodate bus turning movements. Resident was advised to contact Police if vehicles are parked too close to the intersection. Description Upon leaving residence, resident can’t see around cars parked east/south of driveway. ADT AADT 8600 (2021) 85% Speed 24.1 mph (2022) Crashes None in past 10 years. Ped and Bike Crosses Bike lanes present on Valley View. Street Layout Bike lanes and parking is allowed on east side of street. Sight Lines Inadequate when parking is utilized. However, parking bay allows protected space to slowly enter roadway. Previous Requests N/A Policy Guideline City Code restricts parking within 5’ of private driveways. Unique Circumstances Redevelopment project occurring across the street, leading to increased parking demand in area. Description Resident requesting parking restrictions to allow buses to turn into neighborhood. AADT N/A 85% Speed N/A Crashes A southbound vehicle turning right onto 55th hit a parked car on north side of street. Child hit when crossing Xerxes after exiting bus- motorcyclist failed to stop and was arrested. Ped and Bike Crosses N/A Sight Lines Adequate Previous Requests Request for no outlet sign northbound York at 55th. Policy Guideline City Code restricts parking within 5’ of intersections. Unique Circumstances Location is one block east of York Park. Valley View Rd facing north W 55th St facing east towards Xerxes Ave STAFF REPORT Page 3 B4. Request for crosswalk over France Ave at Morningside Rd Staff recommends no action based on observed crossing volume and distance to the nearest crossing. Section D: Other traffic safety items handled D1. A resident requested to relocate ‘Road Closed’ signs during a redevelopment project at 6500 Barrie Rd. The sign was reviewed and will remain in place. D2. A complaint was received regarding a traffic signal along Vernon Avenue being covered by snow following an April storm. The snow melted prior to inspection by staff. D3. A resident requested on-street parking restrictions to be enforced in the Melody Lake neighborhood. The concern was referred to Police for enforcement. D4. A resident had several concerns regarding W 70th St between Metro Blvd and Cahill Rd including vehicle weight restrictions, volume and speed of traffic, lack of trees and how the Nine Mile Creek habitat has been impacted in recent years due to these issues. Staff from Public Works, Engineering and Police Departments communicated with the resident about their abilities to assist with these issues. D5. A request to add speed limit signs and a dynamic display speed sign (DDSS) on W 58th St between Xerxes Ave and France Ave citing consistent high speeds. Speed limit signs are currently in place for both directions on W 58th and this location will be reviewed following the completion of a DDSS policy. D6. A request to install parking restrictions adjacent to 5120 France Ave during a development project across the street in Minneapolis. City staff installed the temporary restrictions to allow adequate visibility upon exiting the property’s driveway. D7. A request to improve visibility for the stop controls on W 70th St at Tracy Avenue due to drivers failing to stop. Stop signs have adequate visibility from all directions. Police was contacted for added enforcement. D8. A request to add horizontal alignment warning and advisory speed signs when approaching the curve and intersection of W 76th St and Parklawn Ave. Advisory signage is in place for both directions. D9. A resident was concerned with southbound vehicles on France Ave between W 48th and W 49th St driving in the parking lane. Hennepin County recommended increased police enforcement in the area to prevent behavior. Description Safety concerns crossing France. AADT 10,500 (2019) 85% Speed N/A Crashes Vehicle attempting to turn left onto Morningside was rear-ended. Ped and Bike Crosses 25 Bikes, 59 Peds, Peak hour of 12 at 6:00-7:00 AM. Sight Lines Adequate Previous Requests None Policy Guideline Pedestrian Crossing Policy: Does not meet minimum crossing volume (20); is within 300’ of protected crossing (44th St). Unique Circumstances France Ave is under Hennepin County jurisdiction. France Ave at Morningside Ave STAFF REPORT Page 4 D10. A resident requested advise on where to install a fence along their property bordering adjacent to Valley View Rd and Dakota Tr. Staff explained the City’s clear view ordinance. Attachments Miscellaneous Resident Requests Memo TKDA | 444 Cedar Street Suite 1500 | Saint Paul, MN 55101 651.292.4400 • tkda.com An employee-owned company promoting affirmative action and equal opportunity. Memorandum To: Chad Millner, City of Edina Project Reference: E Line Analysis Update Copies To: Andrew Scipioni, City of Edina Miscellaneous Resident Requests TKDA Project No.: 20172.000 From: Lindsay Gaines, PE (TKDA) Client No.: Date: 12-21-2022 This memo is intended to respond to miscellaneous traffic requests located in the 50th and France Commercial district that were made by residents of the City of Edina. The 50th and France Commercial district was recently studied in order to complete the E Line Analysis Update, report dated December 13, 2022. The understanding gained from the modeling, traffic analysis, field visits, and traffic counts associated with that report were used to inform the below responses to resident requests. Request #1: Install flashing yellow arrow at 50th and Halifax (to increase capacity of eastbound left turn lane) At the time this resident request was received, the eastbound movement did not have a protected/permitted left turn phase. Eastbound left turning traffic had to yield to oncoming traffic before completing their turn under a permitted only left turn phase. The City has since reprogrammed the signal to add a protected/permitted eastbound left turn phase. Now, there is a phase where left turning traffic may freely turn without yielding as well as a phase where left turning vehicles may turn after yielding to oncoming traffic. The length of time assigned to the protected portion of the left turn phase varies depending on queue length of left-turning vehicles. This current phasing of the eastbound left turn functions the same as a flashing yellow arrow. Reprogramming the signal has addressed this request. Request #2: Extend eastbound left turn lane at 50th and Halifax (to provide more vehicle storage to prevent detouring onto Maple) At the time that this resident request was received, the eastbound movement did not have a protected/permitted left turn phase. As discussed under Resident Request #1, the City has since reprogrammed this signal to add a protected portion to the permitted left turn phase for eastbound traffic. After this change, field observations of this intersection indicate that eastbound queues fully clear during the green phase. Additionally, modeling of this intersection using Synchro 11 indicates the expected queue length for eastbound left turning traffic is less than the available storage length in the existing left turn lane. Reprogramming the signal has addressed this request. Request #3: Restrict southbound right turn from France to 49th during a.m. peak hour (to reduce non-local traffic) Two sources of volume data are available for this movement. First, the city took traffic counts at this intersection on August 16, 2022 from 6am to 7pm. See below for the volume of southbound right turning traffic during the AM, Midday, and PM peak hours.  AM Peak Hour (8am to 9am): 21 vehicles  Midday Peak Hour (Noon to 1pm): 16 vehicles  PM Peak Hour (4:15pm to 5:15pm): 25 vehicles Second, a private organization called “Streetlight Data” uses “Big Data” such as cell phone location services to estimate traffic volumes. With this service, we can estimate how many vehicles take this southbound right turn and continue via Maple Rd to 50th Street. During an average AM Peak Hour, 7 Resident Requests in the City of Edina Memorandum December 21, 2022 Page 2 vehicles are estimated to make this southbound right turn and continue to Maple Rd, and during the PM Peak Hour it’s 14 vehicles. The City will take this data into consideration when determining if a right turn restriction is appropriate for the southbound right turn from France Ave to 49th Street. Request #4: Restrict eastbound left turn from 49th to France during p.m. peak hour (to reduce non-local traffic). Similar to Request #3, two sources of volume data are available for this movement. First, the city took traffic counts at this intersection on August 16, 2022 from 6am to 7pm. See below for the volume of eastbound left turning traffic during the AM, Midday, and PM peak hours.  AM Peak Hour (8am to 9am): 2 vehicles  Midday Peak Hour (11:45am to 12:45pm): 10 vehicles  PM Peak Hour (4:15pm to 5:15pm): 19 vehicles Second, similar to Request #3, volumes were estimated by a private organization using cell phone location services and similar data. With this service, we can estimate how many vehicles taking this eastbound left turn originated from Maple Rd and 50th Street. During an average AM Peak Hour, 1 vehicle is estimated to make this eastbound left turn and originate from 50th Street, and during the PM Peak Hour, it is 8 vehicles. The City will take this data into consideration when determining if a left turn restriction is appropriate for the eastbound left turn from 50th Street to Maple Rd. Request #5: Restrict on-street parking on west side of France from 49th to Market (to improve access to southbound right turn at Market to prevent detouring on 49th) The intersection of France Avenue and Market Street was modeled using Synchro 11 to determine the expected queue length for the southbound right turn. The model shows a maximum queue for this right turn is 158 feet, the 95th percentile queue is 116 feet, and the average queue is 50 feet. Currently, the first No Parking sign is approximately 160 feet in advance of the Market Street intersection. While the maximum queue (158 feet) is less than this 160 feet, some room is needed for maneuvering. Thus, when the maximum queue occurs, the last vehicle may not be able to enter the right turn lane immediately. This vehicle would remain in the thru lane until space is available in the right turn lane. By definition, the maximum queue would occur once in the peak hour. The 95th percentile queue would occur one or two times in the peak hour. The City will take this data into consideration when determining if the on-street parking restriction should be expanded along the west side of France Avenue. Request #6: Install “local traffic only” signs at 50th/Maple and France/49th Prior experience shows little to no compliance with voluntary traffic control signing. These types of signs are not enforceable. Request #7: Install curb extensions on 49th and Maple City staff will continue to review traffic volumes, speeds, and behaviors to determine if curb extensions are an appropriate application at this location. LKG:JAH:LF C:\tkda_projectwise\lindsay.gaines\dms13505\City of Edina - Resident Requests Memo.docx Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.H. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R equest F or P urc hase F rom:C had A. Millner, P.E., Director of Engineering Item Activity: Subject:R equest for P urc hase: ENG 22-2L Blake R oad Landsc aping Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R equest for P urchase for B lake Road L andscaping with H offman and McNamara for $193,362. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Due to the project details noted in attached Request for P urchase, impacts occurred to adjacent trees and landscaping. T his contract will replace trees and landscaping per discussions with the adjacent property owners. T his work will occur in 2023 and 2024 with a two-year warranty. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Request for Purchase: ENG22-2L Blake Road Landscaping Contract ENG22-2L Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300066 Department: Engineering Buyer: Chad Millner Date: 06/06/2023 Requisition Description: ENG 22-2L Blake Road Landscaping Vendor: Hoffman & McNamara Co. Cost: $193,362.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW:REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE:QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION:Due to the project details noted below, impacts occurred to adjacent trees and landscaping. This contract will replace trees and landscaping per discussions with the adjacent property owners. This work will occur in 2023 and 2024 with a two-year warranty. The project involves reconstruction of 1.0 mile of municipal state aid asphalt streets, construction of a mini roundabout and street lighting at the Interlachen Boulevard intersection, replacement of existing concrete curb and gutter, installation of new concrete curb and gutter, construction of new concrete on-street bike lanes, shared use path and walk, localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer systems in the neighborhood. Significant modular block and steel sheet pile retaining walls adjacent to Mirror Lakes are proposed to support the roadway, on-street bicycle lanes and shared use path and walk improvements. The project area includes Blake Road between Scriver Road and Spruce Road, and a portion of Interlachen Boulevard east of Blake Road. BUDGET IMPACT: The improvements are listed in the 2021-2026 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) under CIP number 17-020. The improvements will be funded by Municipal State Aid (MSA), special assessments, property taxes, respective utility funds and the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) fund. 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT: This project will provide premier, long term core service facilities and provide access and mobility for all transportation modes while enhancing safety and convenience. It is necessary to improve the infrastructure and comply with the City’s Living Streets Policy as well as Vision Edina’s mission statement to “provide effective and valued public services and maintain a sound public infrastructure”. The roundabout will reduce vehicle queues and delays during peak hours, slow traffic along Blake Road and Interlachen Boulevard, and improve safety for pedestrian, bicyclists and motor vehicles traveling along the corridor. The new pedestrian option and improved bike lanes provide an improved connection to the future Southwest Light Rail Transit Station on Blake Road just north of Excelsior Boulevard in Hopkins. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This project involves rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, upgrades to the storm sewer, localized rehabilitation and full reconstruction of watermain systems, construction of new concrete curb and gutter, shared use path and sidewalk, and complete reconstruction of bituminous pavement surfaces. Alternative construction methods utilized within the City include reclamation of existing bituminous surfaces to reuse aggregate base material, implementation of utility pipe rehabilitation through trenchless technologies thus reducing greenhouse gases associated with open cut installations. 1 1/2015 CONTRACT NO. ENG 22-2L THIS AGREEMENT made this 6th day of June, 2023, by and between the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“City”) and Hoffman & McNamara, 9045 180th Street East, Hastings, MN 55033 Contractor”). City and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, agree as follows: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shall be referred to as the “Contract Documents,” all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract bet ween the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: A. This Agreement. B. Instructions to Bidders. C. City of Edina General Contract Conditions. D. Addendum number 1. E. Specifications prepared by Chad A. Millner, P.E., dated May 5, 2023. F. Plan sheets numbered 1 to 11. G. Performance Bond. H. Payment Bond. I. Responsible Contractor Verification of Compliance J. Contractor’s Bid dated May 25, 2023. The Contract Documents are to be read and interpreted as a whole. The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work and to require Contractor to provide the highest quality and greatest quantity consistent with the Contract Documents. If there are inconsistencies within or a mong part of the Contract Documents or between the Contract Documents and applicable standards, codes or ordinances, the Contractor shall provide the better quality or greater quantity of Work or comply with the more stringent requirements. 1.1 Before ordering any materials or doing any Work, the Contractor shall verify measurements at the Project site and shall be responsible for the correctness of such measurements. No extra charges or compensation will be allowed on account of differences between actual dimensions and the dimensions indicated on the Drawings. Any difference that may be found shall be submitted to the City for resolution before proceeding with the Work. 1.2 If a minor change in the Work is necessary due to actual field conditions, the Contractor shall submit detailed drawings of such departure to the City for approval before making the change. The City shall not be required to make any adjustment to either the Contract Sum or Contract Time because of any failure by the Contractor to comply with the requirements of this paragraph. Actual or alleged conflicts or inconsistencies between the Plans and Specifications or other Contract Documents shall be brought to the City’s attention in writing, prior to performing the affected Work. The City’s directions shall be followed by the Contractor. 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR. The Contractor shall provide the goods, services, and perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY. The City agrees to pay and the Contractor agrees to receive and accept payment in accordance with the Contractor’s bid $193,362.00. 2 1/2015 4. PAYMENT PROCEDURES. A. Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment. Applications for Payment will be processed by City as provided in the General Conditions. B. Progress Payments; Retainage. City shall make 95% progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of Contractor’s Applications for Payment during performance of the Work. C. Payments to Subcontractor. (1) Prompt Payment to Subcontractors. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.25, Subd. 4a, the Contractor must pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the Contractor’s receipt of payment from the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. The Contractor must pay interest of 1½ percent per month or any part of a month to the subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100.00 or more is $10.00. For an unpaid balance of less than $100.00, the Contractor shall pay the actual penalty due to the subcontractor. (2) Form IC-134 required from general contractor. Minn. Stat. § 290.92 requires that the City of Edina obtain a Withholding Affidavit for Contractors, Form IC-134, before making final payments to Contractors. This form needs to be submitted by the Contractor to the Minnesota Department of Revenue for approval. The form is used to receive certification from the state that the vendor has complied with the requirement to withhold and remit state withholding taxes for employee salaries paid. D. Final Payment. Upon final completion of the Work, City shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by City. 5. COMPLETION DATE. The Work must be completed and ready for final payment by June 16, 2024. 6. CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIONS. A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Contract Documents. B. Contractor has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. C. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all f ederal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. D. Contractor has carefully studied all: (1) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the General Conditions; and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmen tal Condition, if any, at the Site. E. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for doing so) all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and underground facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may affect cost, progress, or performance of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, 3 1/2015 sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, including any specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction expressly required by the Bidding Documents, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. F. Contractor does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. Contractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by City and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. Contractor has correlated the information known to Contractor, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. I. Contractor has given City written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Contractor has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by City is acceptable to Contractor. J. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. K. Subcontracts: (1) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, upon receipt of the executed Contract Documents, submit in writing to the City the names of the subcontractors proposed for the work. Subcontractors may not be changed except at the request or with the consent of the City. (2) The Contractor is responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's subcontractors, and of their direct and indirect employees, to the same extent as the Contractor is responsible for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees. (3) The Contract Documents shall not be construed as creating any contractual rela tion between the City and any subcontractor. (4) The Contractor shall bind every subcontractor by the terms of the Contract Documents. 7. WARRANTY. The Contractor guarantees that all new equipment warranties as specified within the bid shall be in full force and transferred to the City upon payment by the City. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship, materials, and equipment which may develop in any part of the contracted service, and upon proper notification by the City shall immediately replace, without cost to the City, any such faulty part or parts and damage done by reason of the same in accordance with the bid specifications. 8. INDEMNITY. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim made by third parties as a result of the services performed by it. In addition, the Contractor shall reimburse the City for any cost of reasonable attorney’s fees it may incur as a result of any such claims. 9. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Terms used in this Agreement have the meanings stated in the General Conditions. B. City and Contractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal represent atives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. C. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaini ng provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon City and Contractor, who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such 4 1/2015 stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provisions. D. Data Practices/Records. (1) All data created, collected, received, maintained or disseminated for any purpose in the course of this Contract is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Pract ices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, any other applicable state statute, or any state rules adopted to implement the act, as well as federal regulations on data privacy. (2) All books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices to the Contractor and its subcontractors, if any, relative to this Contract are subject to examination by the City. E. Copyright/Patent. Contractor shall defend actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or patent by reason of the use or adoption of any designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it, and it shall hold harmless the City from loss or damage resulting there from. If the equipment provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement contains software, including that which the ma nufacturer may have embedded into the hardware as an integral part of the equipment, the Contractor shall pay all software licensing fees. The Contractor shall also pay for all software updating fees for a period of one year following cutover. The Contractor shall have no obligation to pay for such fees thereafter. Nothing in the software license or licensing agreement shall obligate the City to pay any additional fees as a condition for continuing to use the software. F. Assignment. Neither party may assign, sublet, or transfer any interest or obligation in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, and then only upon such terms and conditions as both parties may agree to and set forth in writing. G. Waiver. In the particular event that either party shall at any time or times waive any breach of this Agreement by the other, such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any other or any succeeding breach of this Agreement by either party, whether of the same or any other covenant, condition or obligation. H. Governing Law/Venue. The laws of the State of Minnesota govern the interpretation of this Agreement. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District Court of the State of Minnesota for Hennepin County. I. Severability. If any provision, term or condition of this Agreement is found to be or becomes unenforceable or invalid, it shall not affect the remaining provisions, terms and conditions of this Agreement, unless such invalid or unenforceable provision, term or condition renders this Agreement impossible to perform. Such remaining terms and conditions of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and shall continue to operate as the parties’ entire agreement. J. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties and is a final, complete and all inclusive statement of the terms thereof, and supersedes and terminates any prior agreement(s), understandings or written or verbal representations made between the parties with respect thereto. K. Permits and Licenses; Rights-of-Way and Easements. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees therefore, and give all notices necessary and incidental to the construction and completion of the Project. The City will obtain all necessary rights-of-way and easements. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for any construction delay resulting from the City’s not timely obtaining rights-of-way or easements. L. If the work is delayed or the sequencing of work is altered because of the action or inaction of the City, the Contractor shall be allowed a time extension to complete the work but shall not be entitled to any other compensation. 5 1/2015 M. Responsible Contractor. This contract may be terminated by the City at any time upon discovery by the City that the prime contractor or subcontractor has submitted a false statement under oath verifying compliance with any of the minimum criteria set forth in Minn Stat. § 16C.285, subd. 3. CITY OF EDINA CONTRACTOR BY: ____________________________ BY: ____________________________ Its Mayor Its AND ___________________________ AND ___________________________ Its City Manager Its Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.I. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eques t F or P urchas e F rom:C had A. Millner, P.E., Director of Engineering Item Activity: Subject:R equest for P urc hase: C hange O rder: ENG 22-2 Blake R oad S treet R ec onstruc tion Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R equest for P urchase C hange Order for B lake Road Street Reconstruction to S .M . H entges & S ons, I nc. for $293,745. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Due to a private utility company, approximately 60% of the 2022 P roject area was delayed until 2023. S taff worked with the contractor on reasonable inflationary changes to the contract and a new completion date. M N S tate Aid Office has reviewed and approved these contract price changes. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Change Order #1 Request for Purchase: Change Order: ENG 22-2 Blake Road Street Recons truction CHANGE ORDER NO.1 Contract No: ENG 22-2 Contract Date: April 19, 2022 Type of Work: Blake Road Street Reconstruction Location: Blake Road and Interlachen Boulevard Contractor: S.M.Hentges and Sons, Inc. Address: 650 Quaker Avenue, Jordan MN 55352 Description of Change: Adjustment of Completion Date and Contract Amount ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY PRICE TOTAL 1 12-month contract substantial completion date extension from November 11, 2022 to October 20, 2023 $0.00 2 Contract value change due to 2023 Inflation and delayed project from 2022 to 2023 due to a private utility company. 1 1 $293,745.31 $293,745.31 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO.1 $293,745.31 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS, THE CONTRACT AMOUNT SHALL BE ADJUSTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $293,745.31, AND EXTENSION OF 12 MONTHS SHALL BE ALLOWED FOR COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. THERE IS A CHANGE TO THE SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION DATE TO OCTOBER 20, 2023 COMPLETION DATE FROM NOV. 11, 2022. Amount of Original Contract Total Additions Total Deductions Amount of Adjusted Contract $10,941,270.00 $293,745.31 $0.00 $11,235,015.30 ITEM #1: Adjustment of Completion Date The City of Edina accepts S.M. Hentges request for a completion date extension due to delay of 60% of the project area from a private utility company. Approved Contractor: City of Edina: By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date: 6/6/2023 G:\ENG\CONST\CONTRACTS\2022\ENG 22-3 (22002) Morningside D_E\ADMIN\LEGAL\Morningside DE Street Project Change Order No. 2.doc Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12200099 Department: Engineering Buyer: Chad Millner Date: 06/06/2023 Requisition Description: Change Order: ENG 22-2 Blake Road Street Reconstruction Vendor: S M HENTGES & SONS INC Cost: $293,745.31 REPLACEMENT or NEW:REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE:QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION:Due to a private utility company, approximately 60% of the 2022 Project area was delayed until 2023. Staff worked with the contractor on reasonable inflationary changes to the contract and a new completion date. MN State Aid Office has reviewed and approval these contract price changes. The project involves reconstruction of 1.0 mile of municipal state aid asphalt streets, construction of a mini roundabout and street lighting at the Interlachen Boulevard intersection, replacement of existing concrete curb and gutter, installation of new concrete curb and gutter, construction of new concrete on-street bike lanes, shared use path and walk, localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer systems in the neighborhood. Significant modular block and steel sheet pile retaining walls adjacent to Mirror Lakes are proposed to support the roadway, on-street bicycle lanes and shared use path and walk improvements. The project area includes Blake Road between Scriver Road and Spruce Road, and a portion of Interlachen Boulevard east of Blake Road. BUDGET IMPACT: Original Contract Amount = $10,941,270.00 Change Order #1 = $293,745.31 Revised C0ntract Amount = $11,235,015.30 The improvements are listed in the 2021-2026 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) under CIP number 17-020. The improvements will be funded by Municipal State Aid (MSA), special assessments, property taxes, respective utility funds and the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) fund. 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT: This project will provide premier, long term core service facilities and provide access and mobility for all transportation modes while enhancing safety and convenience. It is necessary to improve the infrastructure and comply with the City’s Living Streets Policy as well as Vision Edina’s mission statement to “provide effective and valued public services and maintain a sound public infrastructure”. The roundabout will reduce vehicle queues and delays during peak hours, slow traffic along Blake Road and Interlachen Boulevard, and improve safety for pedestrian, bicyclists and motor vehicles traveling along the corridor. The new pedestrian option and improved bike lanes provide an improved connection to the future Southwest Light Rail Transit Station on Blake Road just north of Excelsior Boulevard in Hopkins. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This project involves rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, upgrades to the storm sewer, localized rehabilitation and full reconstruction of watermain systems, construction of new concrete curb and gutter, shared use path and sidewalk, and complete reconstruction of bituminous pavement surfaces. Alternative construction methods utilized within the City include reclamation of existing bituminous surfaces to reuse aggregate base material, implementation of utility pipe rehabilitation through trenchless technologies thus reducing greenhouse gases associated with open cut installations. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.J. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eques t F or P urchas e F rom:Aaron T. Ditzler, P E, As s is tant C ity Engineer Item Activity: Subject:R equest for P urc hase: ENG 23-1NB Morningside C Neighborhood R oadway R ec onstruc tion P rojec t Water S ervices Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve Request for Purchase for Morningside C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Project Water Services with Groth Sewer & Water for $60,000. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he work includes a certified plumber installing twelve private water services from the right-of-way to the water service inside homes along a portion of Monterey and Lynn Avenues. T his work is required because the City is abandoning the watermain in the rear yard and installing new watermains and water services in the roadway right-of-way associated with the M orningside C Roadway R econstruction project, which was approved by the City Council at the April 4, 2023, meeting. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Request for Purchase: ENG 23-1NB Morningside C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Project ENG 23-1NB Contract Pres entation 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 Requisition Number 12300071 Department: Engineering Buyer: Aaron Ditzler Date: 05/30/2023 Request for Purchase Requisition Description: ENG 23-1NB Morningside C Roadway Reconstruction Vendor: GROTH SEWER & WATER Cost: $60,000.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW: REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE: QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION: The work includes a certified plumber installing twelve private water services from the right-of-way to the water service inside the home along a portion of Monterey and Lynn Avenues. This work is required because the City is abandoning the watermain in the rear yard and installing new watermains and water services in the roadway right-of-way associated with the Morningside C Roadway Reconstruction project, which was approved by the City Council at the April 4, 2023 meeting. The Morningside C Roadway Reconstruction project involves reconstruction of 1.4 miles of local streets, replacement of existing concrete curb and gutter, construction of new concrete sidewalk and localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer systems in the neighborhood. The Morningside C Roadway Reconstruction project area includes Grimes Avenue, Inglewood Avenue, Kipling Avenue, Lynn Avenue, Monterey Avenue and West 40th Street. BUDGET IMPACT: The improvements are listed in the 2023-2028 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) under CIP number 19-311. The private water service improvements will be funded by the water utility fund. 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT: The Morningside C Roadway Reconstruction project will provide premier, long term core service facilities and provide access and mobility for all transportation modes while enhancing safety and convenience. It is necessary to improve the infrastructure and comply with the City’s Living Streets Policy as well as Vision Edina’s mission statement to “provide effective and valued public services and maintain a sound public infrastructure”. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This project involves the installation of water services. Alternative construction methods utilized include implementation of utility pipe rehabilitation through trenchless technologies thus reducing greenhouse gases associated with open cut installations. 140400v01 ENG23-1NB RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF EDINA AND CONTRACTOR FOR NON-BID CONTRACT ENG 23-1NB THIS AGREEMENT made this 6th day of June 2023, by and between the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“Owner” or “City”) and Growth Sewer & Water, 775 Tower Drive, Hamel, MN 55340 (“Contractor”). Owner and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, agree as follows: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shall be referred to as the “Contract Documents”, all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract between the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: A. This Agreement B. City of Edina General Contract Conditions C. Specifications prepared by City of Edina D. Drawing (1 sheet), prepared by City of Edina E. Responsible Contractor Verification of Compliance F. Contractor’s Quote In the event of a conflict among the provisions of the Contract Documents, the order in which they are listed above shall control in resolving any such conflicts with Contract Document “A” having the first priority and Contract Document “F” having the last priority. 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR. The Contractor shall provide the goods, services, and perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. CONTRACT PRICE. Owner shall pay Contractor for completion of the Work, in accordance with the Contract $60,000.00 inclusive of taxes, if any. 4. PAYMENT PROCEDURES. A. Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment. Applications for Payment will be processed by the City Engineer. B. Progress Payments; Retainage. Owner shall make 95% progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of Contractor’s Applications for Payment during performance of the Work. C. Payments to Subcontractors. (1) Prompt Payment to Subcontractors. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.25, Subd. 4a, the Contractor must pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the Contractor’s receipt of payment from the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. The Contractor must pay interest of 1 ½ percent per month or any part of a month to the subcontractor on any undisputed amount not 140400v01 ENG23-1NB RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 paid on time to the subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100.00 or more is $10.00. For an unpaid balance of less than $100.00, the Contractor shall pay the actual penalty due to the subcontractor. (2) Form IC-134 (attached) required from general contractor. Minn. Stat. § 290.92 requires that the City of Edina obtain a Withholding Affidavit for Contractors, Form IC-134, before making final payments to Contractors. This form needs to be submitted by the Contractor to the Minnesota Department of Revenue for approval. The form is used to receive certification from the state that the vendor has complied with the requirement to withhold and remit state withholding taxes for employee salaries paid. D. Final Payment. Final payment will not be made until the Contractor has filed with the Owner a fully and duly executed Affidavit, General Waiver and Indemnity Agreement, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B and hereby made a part hereof, together with such other and additional evidence as Owner may request, in form and substance satisfactory to the Owner, that all labor, materials and services expended or used in the Work have been paid for in full and that no liens or other claims for such labor, materials or services can be made or claimed against Contractor, Owner or any other person or any property. In case such evidence is not furnished, the Owner may retain out of any amount due said Contractor a sum sufficient, in the reasonable discretion of Owner, but in any event not less than one and one-half times the sum determined by Owner to be necessary, to pay for all labor, material, services or other claims which are then unpaid or which are then believed by Owner, in its reasonable discretion, to be unpaid. Upon final completion of the Work, Owner shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by the City Engineer. 5. COMPLETION DATE. The Work must be completed by August 31, 2023. 6. CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIONS. A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Contract Documents. B. Contractor has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. C. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. D. Contractor has carefully studied all: (1) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of 140400v01 ENG23-1NB RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the General Conditions and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condition, if any, at the Site. E. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for doing so) all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may affect cost, progress, or performance of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, including any specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction expressly required by the Bidding Documents, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. F. Contractor does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. Contractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by Owner and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. Contractor has correlated the information known to Contractor, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. I. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. J. Responsible Contractor. This contract may be terminated by the City at any time upon discovery by the City that the prime contractor or subcontractor has submitted a false statement under oath verifying compliance with any of the minimum criteria set forth in Minn Stat. § 16C.285, subd. 3. K. Subcontracts: (1) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, upon receipt of the executed Contract Documents, submit in writing to the Owner the names of the Subcontractors proposed for the work. Subcontractors may not be changed except at the request or with the consent of the Owner. 140400v01 ENG23-1NB RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 (2) The Contractor is responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's subcontractors, and of their direct and indirect employees, to the same extent as the Contractor is responsible for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees. (3) The Contract Documents shall not be construed as creating any contractual relation between the Owner and any subcontractor. (4) The Contractor shall bind every subcontractor by the terms of the Contract Documents. 7. WORKER’S COMPENSATION. The Contractor shall obtain and maintain for the duration of this Contract, statutory Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance as required under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 8. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY. Contractor shall obtain the following minimum insurance coverage and maintain it at all times throughout the life of the Contract, with the City included as an additional name insured on the general liability insurance on a primary and noncontributory basis. The Contractor shall furnish the City a certificate of insurance satisfactory to the City evidencing the required coverage: Bodily Injury: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate products and completed operations Property Damage: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate Contractual Liability (identifying the contract): Bodily Injury: $1,000,000 each occurrence Property Damage: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate Comprehensive Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned, hired): Bodily Injury: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each accident Property Damage: $1,000,000 each occurrence 9. WARRANTY. The Contractor guarantees that all new equipment warranties as specified within the quote shall be in full force and transferred to the City upon payment by the City. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship, materials, and equipment which may develop in any part of the contracted service, and upon proper notification by the City shall immediately replace, without cost to the City, any such faulty part or parts and damage done by reason of the same in accordance with the bid specifications. 140400v01 ENG23-1NB RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 10. INDEMNITY. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim made by third parties as a result of the services performed by it. In addition, the Contractor shall reimburse the City for any cost of reasonable attorney’s fees it may incur as a result of any such claims. 11. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS. Performance and payment bonds are not required for the doing of any public work if the contract price is $175,000 or less. On projects of more than $175,000 for the doing of public work a payment bond and a performance bond each in the amount of the contract price must be furnished to the City prior to commencement of work. The form of the bonds must satisfy statutory requirements for such bonds. 12. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Terms used in this Agreement have the meanings stated in the General Conditions. B. Owner and Contractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. C. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any law or regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon Owner and Contractor, who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provisions. D. Data Practices/Records. (1) All data created, collected, received, maintained or disseminated for any purpose in the course of this Contract is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, any other applicable state statute, or any state rules adopted to implement the act, as well as federal regulations on data privacy. (2) All books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices to the Contractor and its subcontractors, if any, relative to this Contract are subject to examination by the City. E. Software License. If the equipment provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract contains software, including that which the manufacturer may have embedded into the hardware as an integral part of the equipment, the Contractor shall pay all software licensing fees. The Contractor shall also pay for all software updating fees for a period of one year following cutover. The Contractor shall have no obligation to pay for such fees thereafter. Nothing in the software license or licensing agreement shall obligate the City to pay any additional fees as a condition for continuing to use the software. 140400v01 ENG23-1NB RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 F. Patented devices, materials and processes. If the Contract requires, or the Contractor desires, the use of any design, device, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright, trademark or trade name, the Contractor shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and a copy of said agreement shall be filed with the Owner. If no such agreement is made or filed as noted, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented designed, device, material or process, or any trademark or trade name or copyright in connection with the Project agreed to be performed under the Contract, and shall indemnify and defend the Owner for any costs, liability, expenses and attorney's fees that result from any such infringement. G. Assignment. Neither party may assign, sublet, or transfer any interest or obligation in this Contract without the prior written consent of the other party, and then only upon such terms and conditions as both parties may agree to and set forth in writing. H. Waiver. In the particular event that either party shall at any time or times waive any breach of this Contract by the other, such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any other or any succeeding breach of this Contract by either party, whether of the same or any other covenant, condition or obligation. I. Governing Law/Venue. The laws of the State of Minnesota govern the interpretation of this Contract. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District Court of the State of Minnesota for Hennepin County. J. Severability. If any provision, term or condition of this Contract is found to be or become unenforceable or invalid, it shall not effect the remaining provisions, terms and conditions of this Contract, unless such invalid or unenforceable provision, term or condition renders this Contract impossible to perform. Such remaining terms and conditions of the Contract shall continue in full force and effect and shall continue to operate as the parties’ entire contract. K. Entire Agreement. This Contract represents the entire agreement of the parties and is a final, complete and all inclusive statement of the terms thereof, and supersedes and terminates any prior agreement(s), understandings or written or verbal representations made between the parties with respect thereto. L. Permits and Licenses; Rights-of-Way and Easements. The Contractor shall give all notices necessary and incidental to the construction and completion of the Project. The City will obtain all necessary rights-of- way and easements. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for any construction delay resulting from the City’s not timely obtaining rights-of-way or easements. 140400v01 ENG23-1NB RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 M. If the work is delayed or the sequencing of work is altered because of the action or inaction of the Owner, the Contractor shall be allowed a time extension to complete the work but shall not be entitled to any other compensation. CITY OF EDINA CONTRACTOR BY: ____________________________ BY: ___________________________ Its Mayor Its AND ___________________________ AND ___________________________ Its City Manager Its ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION ASSESSMENTS IN MORNINGSIDE C June 6, 2023 OVERVIEW •We believe the assessments for Roadway Reconstruction in Morningside C are inequitable and unfair to its residents. •The assessment calculation goes against common sense, general fairness, and is inconsistent with the city’s stated policy objectives. •We request the Edina City Council review the proposed assessment for Morningside C Roadway Reconstruction, and adjust it accordingly. MORNINGSIDE ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION “For reference, each street reconstruction project has a letter associated with the neighborhood –that’s because neighborhoods are much too large to reconstruct in one Summer, therefore we divide them into sub- groups,each distinguished with a different letter…” 2023 Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction [video] MORNINGSIDE ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION Morningside D/E 2022 246.21 REUs Morningside C 2023 133.61 REUs Morningside D/E 2022 246.21 REUs $ 2,285,103 S.A. $ 9,300 per REU Morningside C 2023 133.61 REUs $ 1,843800 S.A. $ 13,800 per REU MORNINGSIDE ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION 48% UPCHARGE 9,300 13,800 MORNINGSIDE D/E MORNINGSIDE C ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION ASSESSMENT The projected assessment for Morningside C is 48% higher than the assessment charged to Morningside D/E residents - for the same project. VALUE ADD SHORTFALL Under State Statutes, the City can assess properties for public improvements, but the benefit to property values must be ‘equal to or greater than the assessment’. (City of Edina Special Assessments Policy) ESTIMATED VALUE ADDED D/E C $20K $15K $10K $ 5K EST. VALUE ADDED $14 -20K ASSESSMENT $ 9.3K EST. VALUE ADDED $12 –17K ASSESSMENT $13.8K $13.8K $9.3K DOES STATUTE ALLOW CHARGING ABOVE $12K? SO, WHAT HAPPENED? MORNINGSIDE C PROJECT AREA MORNINGSIDE C PROJECT AREA 115 Full REUs (blue) MORNINGSIDE C PROJECT AREA 115 Full REUs (blue) 4 (8 x .5) REUs (yellow) MORNINGSIDE C PROJECT AREA 115 Full REUs (blue) 4 (8 x .5) REUs (yellow) 8.61 Avail Acad. MORNINGSIDE C PROJECT AREA 115 Full REUs (blue) 4 (8 x .5) REUs (yellow) 8.61 Avail Acad. 5 Weber Park 133.61 Project REUs MORNINGSIDE C PROJECT AREA 115 Full REUs (blue) 4 (8 x .5) REUs (yellow) 8.61 Avail Acad. 5 Weber Park 133.61 Project REUs MORNINGSIDE C PROJECT AREA 115 Full REUs (blue) 4 (8 x .5) REUs (yellow) 8.61 Avail Acad. 5 Weber Park 133.61 Project REUs 18 Uncounted REUs 3 Weber Short REUs 21 Total Extra REUs 154.61 Adjusted Ttl REUs MORNINGSIDE C PROJECT AREA 115 Full REUs (blue) 4 (8 x .5) REUs (yellow) 8.61 Avail Acad. 5 Weber Park 133.61 Project REUs 18 Uncounted REUs 3 Weber Short REUs 21 Total Extra REUs 154.61 Adjusted Ttl REUs 9 Natchez withheld 163.61 w/ Natchez MORNINGSIDE D/E MORNINGSIDE C SIDE-BY-SIDE COMPARISON OF ASSESSED AND UNASSESSED LOTS ALL OF MORNINGSIDE It’s worth noting, that for flood mitigation all 570 Morningside parcels make up the Morningside Neighborhood Watershed Drainage Area. Why would roadway reconstruction for everyone’s drainage pond be paid for by only residents of Morningside C? HERE’S WHAT (MAYBE) HAPPENED. The division of the Roadway Reconstruction was good for project logistics, but it was not equitable for Morningside residents. Morningside C was unintentionally saddled with nearly all unassessed lots/areas for the entire roadway reconstruction area. While unintentional, it resulted in significant financial disparity. THE WHOLE PROJECT Total Project REUs:379.82 Total of Specials $ 4,128,903 Assessments Avg. Assessment $ 10,871 Morningside D/E $ 1,571 (below) Morningside C $ 2,929 (above) Difference $ 4,500 It helps to consider the whole Morningside Roadway Reconstruction Project, D/E + C together. OUR REQUEST •Review Morningside Roadway Reconstruction assessments to understand the information we’ve provided. •Adjust the projected assessment for Morningside C to reflect a more equitable share of project costs. •Explore the legal issues of special assessments greater than the estimated added value to avoid city liability. •Revise the city assessment policy for ‘divided’ projects to ensure ‘resident equity’ is considered, with project logistics. OUR REQUEST: PETITION You’ll remember there are 115 homes in Morningside C 100+ Homes have signed on in 2 weeks THANK YOU. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.K. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R equest F or P urc hase F rom:Jon Dars ow, F acility S upervis or Item Activity: Subject:R equest for P urc hase: F C 22-01 P ublic Works Trench Drain R eplacements and Wash Bay Improvements Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R equest for P urchase for F C22-01 P ublic Works Trench D rain Replacements and Wash Bay I mprovements with Equity Builders and Construction Services, I nc. for $560,870. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Extensive testing was done around the drains to determine the amount of chloride in and around the concrete slab. T he P ublic Works trench drains are rapidly deteriorated due to the amount of salt which travels through this facility. T his project will replace all three trench drains and repair the ponding issues that have formed around the existing drains. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Request for Purchase: FC22-01 Public Works Trench Drain Replacements and Was h Bay Improvements Contract FC22-01 Public Works Trench Drain and Was h Bay Improvements 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 Requisition Number 12300047 Department: Engineering Buyer: Jon Darsow Date: 06/06/2023 Request for Purchase Requisition Description: ENG FC22-01 Public Works Trench Drain Repairs and Wash Bay Improvements Vendor: EQUITY BUILDERS & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. Cost: $560,870.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW: REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE: QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION: This project will replace three existing trench drains in our public works facility that have deteriorated and are quickly becoming a safety concern. The City has done extensive test to determine the health of the concrete and rebar. These improvements will provide the City with a new replacement trench drain systems, an expansion to our EV Charging capabilities and needed repairs to our wash bay. BUDGET IMPACT: The improvements are funded from the 2021 budget surplus dedicated to facility maintenance and repairs. 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT: This project will provide a long-term repair to the trench drains and needed improvements to the public works facility. The City of Edina is committed to providing efficient and safe facilities. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: N/A 1 1/2015 FC22-01 CONTRACT NO FC22-01 THIS AGREEMENT made this 26th day of May, 2023, by and between the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“City”) and Equity Builders & Construction Services, Inc., 12204 S Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN 55068 (“Contractor”). City and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, agree as follows: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shall be referred to as the “Contract Documents,” all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract between the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: A. This Agreement. B. Instructions to Bidders. C. City of Edina General Contract Conditions (AIA 201). D. Addenda number 01. E. Specifications prepared by Kimley-Horn dated May 8th, 2023 F. Plan sheets numbered T100 to S504. G. Performance Bond. H. Payment Bond. I. Responsible Contractor Verification of Compliance J. Contractor’s Bid dated May 23rd, 2023. The Contract Docum ents are to be read and interpreted as a whole. The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work and to require Contractor to provide the highest quality and greatest quantity consistent with the Contract Documents. If there are inconsistencies within or among part of the Contract Documents or between the Contract Documents and applicable standards, codes or ordinances, the Contractor shall provide the better quality or greater quantity of Work or comply with the more stringent requirements. 1.1 Before ordering any materials or doing any Work, the Contractor shall verify measurements at the Project site and shall be responsible for the correctness of such measurements. No extra cha rges or compensation will be allowed on account of differences between actual dimensions and the dimensions indicated on the Drawings. Any difference that may be found shall be submitted to the City for resolution before proceeding with the Work. 1.2 If a minor change in the Work is necessary due to actual field conditions, the Contractor shall submit detailed drawings of such departure to the City for approval before making the change. The City shall not be required to make any adjustment to either the Contract Sum or Contract Time because of any failure by the Contractor to comply with the requirements of this paragraph. Actual or alleged conflicts or inconsistencies between the Plans and Specifications or other Contract Documents shall be brought to t he City’s attention in writing, prior to performing the affected Work. The City’s directions shall be followed by the Contractor. 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR. The Contractor shall provide the goods, services, and perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY. The City agrees to pay and the Contractor agrees to receive and accept payment in accordance with the Contractor’s bid $560,870.00. 2 1/2015 FC22-01 4. PAYMENT PROCEDURES. A. Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment. Applications for Payment will be processed by City as provided in the General Conditions. B. Progress Payments; Retainage. City shall make 95% progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of Contractor’s Applications for Payment during performance of the Work. C. Payments to Subcontractor. (1) Prompt Payment to Subcontractors. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.25, Subd. 4a, the Contractor must pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the Contractor’s receipt of payment from the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. The Contractor must pay interest of 1½ percent per month or any part of a month to the subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100.00 or more is $10.00. For an unpaid balance of less than $100.00, the Contractor shall pay the actual penalty due to the subcontractor. (2) Form IC-134 required from general contractor. Minn. Stat. § 290.92 requires that the City of Edina obtain a Withholding Affidavit for Contractors, Form IC-134, before making final payments to Contractors. This form needs to be submitted by the Contractor to the Minnesota Department of Revenue for approval. The form is used to receive certification from the state that the vendor has complied with the requirement to withhold and remit state withholding taxes for employee salaries paid. D. Final Payment. Upon final completion of the Work, City shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by City. 5. COMPLETION DATE. The Work must be completed and ready for final payment by August, 28th 2023. 6. CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIONS. A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Contract Documents. B. Contractor has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. C. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. D. Contractor has carefully studied all: (1) reports of explorations and te sts of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the General Conditions; and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condition, if any, at the Site. E. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for doing so) all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and underground facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may affect cost, progress, or performance of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods , techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, including any specific means, 3 1/2015 FC22-01 methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction expressly required by the Bidding Documents, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. F. Contractor does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. Contractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by City and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. Contractor has correlated the information known to Contractor, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. I. Contractor has given City written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Contractor has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by City is acceptable to Contractor. J. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. K. Subcontracts: (1) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, upon receipt of the executed Contract Documents, submit in writing to the City the names of the subcontractors proposed for the work. Subcontractors may not be changed except at the request or with the consent of the City. (2) The Contractor is responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's subcontractors, and of their direct and indirect employees, to the same extent as the Contractor is responsible for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees. (3) The Contract Documents shall not be construed as creating any contractual relation between the City and any subcontractor. (4) The Contractor shall bind every subcontractor by the terms of the Contract Documents. 7. WARRANTY. The Contractor guarantees that all new equipment warranties as specified within the bid shall be in full force and transferred to the City upon payment by the City. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship, materials, and equipment which may develop in any part of the contracted service, and upon proper notification by the City shall immediately replace, without cost to the City, any such faulty part or parts and damage done by reason of the same in accordance with the bid specifications. 8. INDEMNITY. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim made by third parties as a result of the services performed by it. In addition, the Contractor shall reimburse the City for any cost of reasonable attorney’s fees it may incur as a result of any such claims. 9. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Terms used in this Agreement have the meanings stated in the General Conditions. B. City and Contractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. C. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon City and Contractor, who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such 4 1/2015 FC22-01 stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provisions. D. Data Practices/Records. (1) All data created, collected, received, maintained or disseminated for any purpose in the cours e of this Contract is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, any other applicable state statute, or any state rules adopted to implement the act, as well as federal regulations on data privacy. (2) All books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices to the Contractor and its subcontractors, if any, relative to this Contract are subject to examination by the City. E. Copyright/Patent. Contractor shall defend actions or claims charging infrin gement of any copyright or patent by reason of the use or adoption of any designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it, and it shall hold harmless the City from loss or damage resulting there from. If the equipment provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement contains software, including that which the manufacturer may have embedded into the hardware as an integral part of the equipment, the Contractor shall pay all software licensing fees. The Contractor shall also pay for all software updating fees for a period of one year following cutover. The Contractor shall have no obligation to pay for such fees thereafter. Nothing in the software license or licensing agreement shall obligate the City to pay any additional fees as a condition for continuing to use the software. F. Assignment. Neither party may assign, sublet, or transfer any interest or obligation in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, and then only upon such terms and conditions as both parties may agree to and set forth in writing. G. Waiver. In the particular event that either party shall at any time or times waive any breach of this Agreement by the other, such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any other or any succeeding breach of this Agreement by either party, whether of the same or any other covenant, condition or obligation. H. Governing Law/Venue. The laws of the State of Minnesota govern the interpretation of this Agreement. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District Court of the State of Minnesota for Hennepin County. I. Severability. If any provision, term or condition of this Agreement is found to be or becomes unenforceable or invalid, it shall not affect the remaining provisions, terms an d conditions of this Agreement, unless such invalid or unenforceable provision, term or condition renders this Agreement impossible to perform. Such remaining terms and conditions of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and shall continue to operate as the parties’ entire agreement. J. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties and is a final, complete and all inclusive statement of the terms thereof, and supersedes and terminates any prior agreement (s), understandings or written or verbal representations made between the parties with respect thereto. K. Permits and Licenses; Rights-of-Way and Easements. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees therefore, and give all notices necessary and incidental to the construction and completion of the Project. The City will obtain all necessary rights -of-way and easements. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for any construction delay resulting from the City’s not timely obtaining rights-of-way or easements. L. If the work is delayed or the sequencing of work is altered because of the action or inaction of the City, the Contractor shall be allowed a time extension to complete the work but shall not be entitled to any other compensation. 5 1/2015 FC22-01 M. Responsible Contractor. This contract may be terminated by the City at any time upon discovery by the City that the prime contractor or subcontractor has submitted a false statement under oath verifying compliance with any of the minimum criteria set forth in Minn Stat. § 16C.285, subd. 3. CITY OF EDINA CONTRACTOR BY: ____________________________ BY: ____________________________ Its Mayor Its AND ___________________________ AND ___________________________ Its City Manager Its Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.L. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eques t F or P urchas e F rom:P erry Vetter, P arks & R ec reation Direc tor Item Activity: Subject:R equest for P urc hase: Braemar F ield Dome R emoval Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R equest for P urchase for B raemar F ield dome removal with J oseph E J ohnson & Sons C onstruction L L C for $43,611. I N TR O D U C TI O N: B raemar F ield operates as a seasonal dome structure for the winter season. Each fall and spring the dome fabric is installed or removed to allow for community use with respect to the season of use. T he spring 2023 removal period was extended due to weather and additional contractual services were used to support this extended effort. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Request for Purchase: Braemar Field Dome Removal Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300069 Department:Parks & Recreation Buyer:Perry Vetter Date: 05/26/2023 Requisition Description:Braemar Field Contractual Services Vendor:JOSEPH E JOHNSON & SONS CONSTRUCTION LLC Cost:$43,611.50 REPLACEMENT or NEW:NEW - NEW PURCHASE SOURCE:SERVIC K - SERVICE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION:Braemar Field Contractual Services BUDGET IMPACT: Braemar Field Fund Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:Sports dome is used in winter for community and athletic use. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:Dome is removed each spring and fall Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle:NA Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): NA Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG: Carbon Emissions:NA Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.M. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R equest F or P urc hase F rom:P erry Vetter, P arks & R ec reation Direc tor Item Activity: Subject:R equest for P urc hase: Braemar G olf C ourse Marketing S ervic es Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R equest for P urchase for marketing and advertising services at Braemar G olf Course for S tar T ribune M edia Intermediate H olding Co I I for $32,000. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T his purchase is for digital marketing and advertising services for Braemar G olf Course operations for the 2023 season and the 2023 and 2024 B raemar Golf Dome seasons. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Request for Purchase: Braemar Golf Cours e Marketing Services Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300072 Department:Parks & Recreation Buyer:Kersten McManamon Date: 05/30/2023 Requisition Description:2023-2024 Braemar Golf Course Digital Advertising Vendor:STAR TRIBUNE MEDIA INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS CO II Cost:$32,000.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW:- PURCHASE SOURCE:SERVIC K - SERVICE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION:Advertising Services BUDGET IMPACT: Within allocated budget for 2023-2024 Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:Additional avenue of information sharing to community ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:No environmental impact Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle:NA Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): NA Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG:NA Carbon Emissions:NA Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.N. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R equest F or P urc hase F rom:Tom S wens on, As s is tant Director of P arks and Natural R esources Item Activity: Subject:R equest for P urc hase: Lewis P ark Trail R epaving Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R equest for P urchase for Lewis P ark trail mill and overlay repaving project with B ituminous R oadways for $142,862. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he L ewis P ark trail loop is due for replacement. T he current surface is beyond it's useful lifecycle. T he existing surface will be milled, root heaving repaired and overlayed with new asphalt. P ricing is through S ourcewell cooperative purchasing contract and upon approval staff will work with the contractor on establishing a timeframe for the work to be completed. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Request for Purchase: Lewis Park Trail Repaving Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300060 Department:Parks & Recreation Buyer:Tom Swenson Date: 05/21/2023 Requisition Description:Lewis Park trail repaving Vendor:BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS INC Cost:$142,862.26 REPLACEMENT or NEW:REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE:COOP - NATIONAL, STATE,COUNTY COOP DESCRIPTION:Lewis Park trail repaving BUDGET IMPACT: Planned operating budget expense Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:Creates safe trail for Lewis Park ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:Removed trail material is repurposed Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle: Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG: Carbon Emissions: Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.O . To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R equest F or P urc hase F rom:P atty Mc G rath, G eneral Manager - Edinborough P ark & Edina Aquatic C enter Item Activity: Subject:R equest for P urc hase: C leaning S ervic es for Edina Aquatic C enter Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R equest for P urchase for cleaning services at the Edina Aquatic Center with Wendy D el C armen Maciel Gutievrez for $27,717. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T his purchase is for deep cleaning, daytime and overnight cleaning services at the E dina Aquatic C enter. T hese services provide a clean and safe facility during all hours of operation for the 1,000-2,000 daily visitors in attendance. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Request for Purchase: Cleaning Services for Edina Aquatic Center Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300073 Department:Parks & Recreation Buyer:Patty McGrath Date: 05/30/2023 Requisition Description:Cleaning Services for Edina Aquatic Center Vendor:WENDY DEL CARMEN MACIEL GUTIEVREZ Cost:$27,717.73 REPLACEMENT or NEW:REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE:QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION:Cleaning Services for Edina Aquatic Center BUDGET IMPACT: Operating Budget Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:Provides a clean and safe facility for guests at the Aquatic Center ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:N/A Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle:N/A Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): N/A Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG:N/A Carbon Emissions:N/A Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.P. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eques t F or P urchas e F rom:Ryan Browning, I.T. Director Item Activity: Subject:R equest for P urc hase: Help Desk S oftware S ubsc ription Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R equest for P urchase for help desk software subscription from H appyF ox for $28,790. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T his is a request for purchase of a one-year subscription for H appyF ox help desk software. T his is renewal of our existing help desk system that tracks work orders for several departments. T his H appyF ox plan allows for unlimited agents, and ticket users. I t has been a cost-effective solution to bring many staff onto a ticketing system. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Request for Purchase: Help Des k Software Subs cription Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300065 Department: Information Technology Buyer: Ryan Browning, I.T. Director Date: 06/06/2023 Requisition Description: Internal Services Help Desk Renewal Vendor: HAPPYFOX INC Cost: $28,790.40 REPLACEMENT or NEW: Renewal PURCHASE SOURCE: QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION: This is a request for purchase of a one-year subscription to HappyFox help desk software. This is a renewal of our existing help desk system that is tracking work for a number of departments. This HappyFox plan allows for unlimited agents, and ticket users. It has been a cost effective solution to bring many staff onto a ticketing system. BUDGET IMPACT: This request is within budget and will be paid for out of the I.T. budget. 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT: This software improves service to internal customers which could assist in better service to our residents. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This software is cloud based and should have a minimal environmental impact. The software includes a mobile app so staff can address issues faster without needing to return to the office to check new work requests which has improved efficiency. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.Q . To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eport / R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:R es olution No. 2023-40: R esc inding R es olution No. 2014-29 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Adopt R esolution No. 2023-40 rescinding Resolution N o. 2014-29 I N TR O D U C TI O N: R esolution No. 2014-29 was a an approval for a P reliminary Rezoning of P entagon P ark and filed at Hennepin C ounty. T he project that was contemplated for the P roperty was never constructed; and by subsequent action of the City Council in R esolution 2022-92, a new development was proposed and approved, which necessitates the release of the P roperty from the preliminary rezoning and conditions of approval recorded Resolution 2014-29. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Resolution No. 2023-40 Resolution No. 2014-29 (Resolution to be res cinded) Resolution No. 2022-92 (Approved project for the site) 226437v2 CITY OF EDINA RESOLUTION NO. 2023-40 RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2014-29 WHEREAS, on March 18, 2014, the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (“City Council”), approved RESOLUTION NO. 2014-29, APPROVING PRELIMINARY REZONING FROM MDD-6, MIXED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, & OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PENTAGON PARK (the “Resolution”); and WHEREAS, the Resolution included an Exhibit A, that included legal descriptions of the parcels to which the rezoning and Overall Development Plan applied (the “Property”); and WHEREAS, Section 2 of the Resolution made findings that the proposed land use was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; met the purpose and intent of the PUD; created a more efficient and creative use of the property; and met seven goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, Section 3 of the Resolution approved the Preliminary Rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development & an Overall Development Plan for Pentagon Park, subject to 23 conditions of approval; and WHEREAS, the Resolution was recorded with the Office of the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles on September 25, 2014, as Document No. T05202503; and WHEREAS, the project that was contemplated for the Property was not constructed; and WHEREAS, by subsequent action of the City Council in Resolution 2022-92, a new development was proposed and approved, which necessitates the release of the Property from the preliminary rezoning and conditions of approval recorded Resolution 2014-29. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, that Resolution 2014-29 is rescinded in its entirety, and shall no longer be in effect or applicable to the Property because it is superseded by the rezoning and conditions of approval reflected Resolution 2022-92; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Property is released from the conditions enumerated in Resolution 2014-29; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be recorded with the Office of the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles, as evidence of the rescission by the City of Resolution 2014-29. 226437v2 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, on , 2023. ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ss. CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of , 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ____ day of __________________, 2023. _________________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ____________, 2023, by James Hovland and Sharon Allison, respectively the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON, Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 DSK/akls RESOLUTION NO. 2022-92 APPROVING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, SITE IMPROVEMENT PLAN AGREEMENT, AND FINAL REZONING FROM MDD-6, MIXED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT-6 TO PUD-23, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT — 23, AT 4600 & 4620 77TH STREET WEST BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Section I. BACKGROUND. 1.01 The applicant is proposing to tear down one of the existing two office buildings on the site and construct a 5-7 story, 276-unit apartment. 1.02 This site was rezoned to Mixed Development District — 6 (MDD-6) in 2008 as part of rezoning of all of Pentagon Park; however, no development ever took place. The MDD zoning designation was used before the City established PUD Zoning in 201 I. There was to be a mixture of office and residential uses. The subject property was specifically contemplated for multi-family residential housing. 1.03 The property is legally described as follows: Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 1218, Hennepin County Minn. 1.04 To accommodate the request, the following is required: I. A Rezoning from MDD-6, Mixed Development District to PUD, Planned Unit Development, and 2. Final Site Plan. 1.05 On July 27, 2022, after published and mailed notice in accordance with Minnesota Statutes and the City Code, the Planning Commission held a public hearing, at which time all persons desiring to be heard concerning this application were given the opportunity to speak thereon. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the requests. 1.06 On August 16, 2022, the City Council held a public hearing. 1.07 On September 7, 2022, the City Council approved the request for Preliminary Rezoning, and Preliminary Development Plan. Section 2. FINDINGS 2.01 Final approval is based on the following findings: CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0389 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-92 Page 2 The proposed land uses, and density are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the existing Zoning on the site. 2. The proposal meets the City's criteria for PUD zoning. The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for "Office Residential," which allows for residential, and limited retail uses. The project would provide 28 units of affordable housing, meet the City's sustainability policy, and provide significant upgrades to pedestrian, vehicular and bike connections to Fred Richards Park and the Regional Trail. Primary parking would be located under and within the building, which is pulled up closer to the street, and separated from the street by green space to promote a more walkable environment. Sidewalks are provided all around the building including a significant connection to the regional bike trail. Since this project would be the second phase of the apartment project to the west an extension of the PUD-23 District is appropriate. The proposed buildings would be a high-quality brick, with metal siding. 3. The PUD would ensure that the development proposed would be the only building that would be allowed on the site unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council and ensures the buy-in funds to provide affordable housing elsewhere in the City of Edina. 4. The existing roadways and parking would support the project. Stantec Consulting conducted a traffic and parking impact study and concluded that the proposed development could be supported by the existing roads and proposed parking. 5. The proposed height of seven stories is reasonable for this site. The nearest single-family home to this site is 780 feet to the north. Section 36-618 (6) of the City Code requires that buildings that are 7 stories tall, be setback 4 times the height of the building from the 7-story portion of the building to the nearest single-family lot line. The building would be 77 feet tall, therefore, a 308-foot setback is required. 6. The proposed uses would be an upgrade to the current development on the site. Section 3. APPROVAL NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina, approves the Site Improvement Plan Agreement, Final Rezoning from MDD-6 to PUD-23, Planned Unit Development District and Final Development Plan for 4600 & 4620 77th Street West subject to the following conditions: I. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. A performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures at the time of any building permit. 2. Provision of code compliant bike racks for each use near the building entrances. 3. The Final Lighting Plan must meet all minimum requirements per Section 36-1260 of the City Code. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-92 Page 3 4. Roof-top mechanical equipment shall be screened per Section 36-1459 of the City Code. 5. Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district's requirements. 6. A Developer's Agreement/Site Improvement Plan Agreement is required at the time of Final Approval. 7. Dedication of public access easements must be established over the north-south woonerf and new vehicular connection to Fred Richards Park and the east-west sidewalk along 77th Street. Dedication of the easement for the vehicular connection to Fred Richards Park must occur prior to issuance of any building permit. Maintenance of the north-south connections shall be the property owner's responsibility. The City will maintain the sidewalk along 77th Street. The Maintenance of sidewalks internal to the site to be responsibility of property owner. 8. Compliance with all the conditions outlined in the engineering memo dated July I I, 2022, including meeting the City's sustainability policy, subject to review and approval of the City's sustainability manager. 9. Compliance with the Wenck Consulting Traffic & Parking Study recommendations. 10. Subject to the Zoning Ordinance Amendment expanding the PUD-23, Planned Unit Development for this site. I I. Submittal of a construction management plan subject to review and approval of city staff prior to issuance of a building permit. 12. Hours of construction must be consistent with City Code. 13. The road access to the Fred Richards Park be designed to a maximum of 20 mph. • RESOLUTION NO. 2022-92 Page 4 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, on October 6, 2022. ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of October 6, 2022, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this (e day of OCA , 2022. Sharon Ilison, City Clerk Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.R . To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eport / R ecommendation F rom:S haron Allis on, C ity C lerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve Temporary O n-S ale Intoxicating Liquor Licens e for Midwes t R ett S yndrome F oundation Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve Temporary O n-S ale I ntoxicating L iquor L icense for M idwest R ett S yndrome F oundation. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he Midwest Rett Syndrome Foundation has applied for a Temporary O n-S ale I ntoxicating L icense for an event they are holding from July 28-30, 2023, at Minnesota M ade Ice Arena, 7300 Bush Lake R oad. T he event will be held in the on-site designated areas. T he applicants are eligible for the liquor license and have submitted plans to meet the special requirements for a Temporary License under City Code. American Security has been hired as security for this event. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I.A. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eport / R ecommendation F rom:G rac e Hancoc k, S us tainability Manager Item Activity: Subject:2023 S tate of S us tainability Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None, information only. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he City of E dina has a history of commitment to environmental protection and progress. In 2016, the C onservation and S ustainability Fund received its first franchise fee income distribution and a staff dedicated to sustainability was hired. I n 2021, E dina passed its first Climate Action P lan and received its first S tate of S ustainability report. T he purpose of the annual S tate of S ustainability report is for staff to inform C ouncil of program metrics, progress on the C limate Action P lan, provide a look ahead to long-term goals and to answer questions. T he State of Sustainability is also an opportunity for Sustainability staff to share key reports related to sustainability initiatives including: C onservation and S ustainability Fund Efficient Buildings O rdinance T his year, staff is also sharing an example of a flyer to assist residents ready to take climate action, as an F Y I . AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report: 2022 Efficient Buildings Program Res ults Staff Report: 2022 Cons ervation and Sus tainability Fund Report Resident Climate Action Flyer for reference Staff Pres entation May 16, 2023 Mayor and City Council Grace Hancock, Sustainability Manager 2022 Efficient Buildings Program Summary Report Information / Background: Edina City Council passed an Efficient Buildings Ordinance in 2019, taking effect in 2020 and amended in 2021. The ordinance includes two requirements that are phased in from 2020-2024: (1) that all buildings 25,000 square feet or larger – with some exceptions – annually report (or “benchmark”) to the City their electricity, heat and water use; and (2) beginning in 2022, buildings with energy efficiency improvement potential (defined as the 50% of buildings in a given class size that are least energy efficient compared to peer buildings in Edina) must agree to receive an Energy Assessment at no cost to them. Edina’s Efficient Buildings Benchmarking and Assessment program is part of Hennepin County’s Efficient Buildings Collaborative and is administered centrally by a county-consultant team. Hennepin County hosts a map of participating buildings with their energy use; the map can be viewed here: http://efficientbuildingsmap.hennepin.us/. The first three years of this ordinance implementation allows the City to set a baseline by which to measure the following: Topline Goals: Why does this ordinance exist? - Meet Climate Action Plan goals to reduce community energy use 17% by 2030, from 2019 - Move 25% of heating load to electricity by 2030. How do we measure success? - Are commercial buildings doing their part? - Overall energy use should reduce year-over-year - Heating should start to reduce more dramatically - City buildings should lead the way How do we ensure success? - Increase compliance rate - Provide building owners and managers with actionable information via energy assessments - Develop wrap-around programs informed by energy assessment results o Ensure Climate Action Fund meets needs outlined in energy assessments o Promote Commercial Building Operator training Building Benchmarking Results The compliance rate has increased each year. 2021 was the first year that all building classes (buildings sized 25,000 sq. ft. +) were required to comply. The first three years of this ordinance implementation sets a baseline by which to measure success, as the full ordinance comes into effect and the compliance rate levels off. 2021 is a reasonable baseline by which to measure future years, since all building classes had experienced at least one year of compliance by. With the twin goals of reducing energy use 17% overall, and transitioning 25% of heating energy from natural gas to electricity, by 2030 the City should expect to see the blue and orange lines trend downward, until they are both below the green “2030 goal” line. 265 buildings were required to comply in 2022, reporting their 2021 year energy and water use. The City benchmarks its 20 largest facility sites as part of this program. City buildings are becoming slightly more efficient over time; as large energy efficiency projects get underway this rate of efficiency should increase. Key projects in 2023 include implementation of the City Hall energy efficiency and renewables plan, the Edinborough Park building automation controls project, and the new Community Health and Safety Center design. By 2030, the City should expect to see the blue and orange lines trend downward, until they are both below the green “2030 goal” line. 79%78%87% 21%22%13% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2020 (154)2021 (264)2022 (265)RateYear (bldgs) Ordinance Compliance Rate % Submitted % Not Submitted Energy Assessment Results 2022 was the first year that the Energy Assessment requirement was implemented. In 2022, Class 1 buildings that were in the bottom 50% for efficiency were required to receive a no-cost energy audit administered by the City. 45 buildings 100,000 sq. ft. or larger received an audit, with another 22 buildings of all sizes volunteering to receive one. Assessed buildings are required to submit their audit to the City to demonstrate compliance, along with a list of all energy saving actions that have a payback of 2 years or less – meaning that an energy saving action will pay for itself in 2 years or less. 230 measures were identified across 67 buildings as having a payback period of 2 years or less. Of these, an estimated two thirds are related to building operations and equipment maintenance, rather than replacement. This underscores the opportunity to help buildings more efficiently steward what they already have, instead of directing all resources to replacement. Energy Saving Measures with a Return on Investment of less than 2 years Buildings Assessed 67 Energy Management Measure Type Number of Measures Average one-time cost to building Annual savings for building Building Envelope 5 $1,393 $380 HVAC - Cooling 3 $14,890 $1,746 HVAC - Heating 57 $3,299 $2,538 HVAC - Other 68 $11,906 $6,429 Lighting 30 $1,924 $1,214 Other 37 $2,878 $2,481 Water Heating 30 $833 $700 Total Measures with <2 year ROI 230 Looking Ahead After the 2023 assessment timeframe, City staff can evaluate data for its usefulness in informing City programs. Buildings that receive energy assessments are eligible for bonus utility rebates if they take action in the first 12 months; the City also expects to audit another ~50 buildings in 2023, expanding the dataset. May 16, 2023 Mayor and City Council Grace Hancock, Sustainability Manager 2022 Conservation and Sustainability (CAS) Fund Summary Report Information / Background: The CAS Funds available in 2022 were $3,227,210. This includes $2,265,988 in rollover funds from 2021 and new franchise fee income of $961,222 in 2022. $847,000 (26%) of available funds were spent on CAS-related projects and items in 2022 ($447,666 was spent in 2021). At 12/31/2022, the CAS Fund balance was $2,552,938.19; of this, an estimated $1,200,000 is encumbered in contracts to be implemented in 2023. CAS Project Type Cost Percentage City Fleet Electric Vehicle Purchases & Infrastructure $125,000 City Facility Energy Management Projects (City Hall, Park & Utility buildings, Edinborough Park Building Automation System) $425,000 Total Capital Projects: $550,000 65% Efficient Buildings Ordinance Implementation Services $72,000 Sustainable Buildings Policy Implementation Services $22,000 Climate Action Fund Disbursement $17,000 Community Energy Efficiency Services & Community Outreach $46,000 Policy support services: Electrify Everything & EV/Solar code amendment projects $7,000 Other (supplies, central services, training) $13,000 Staff Salary and Benefits $120,000 Total Citywide: $297,000 35% Total 2022 CAS Expenditures: $847,000 100.0% The CAS Fund policy was revised in May, 2022 to allow expenses related to direct community support to cost-share energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements. In the first six months of its roll-out, Edina’s Climate Action Fund cost-shared 13 electrification and renewable energy installations for residents in Edina. In 2022, the Climate Action Fund distributed $17,135.90 to support projects that generate an estimated 106,027 kWh/year in renewable electricity, equal to 10 households with average electricity use moving to fully renewable energy. The three electrification projects reduce home greenhouse gas emissions and home energy costs for these residents. In 2023, the Climate Action Fund requires energy efficiency improvements in order to access renewable energy funding, to ensure homes are as efficient as possible and that renewable energy systems are right-sized and economically priced. Further, it includes a bonus cost-share amount for residents living in areas of Edina deemed by the US Dept. of Energy as “energy justice” communities. In 2023, new CAS projects are underway to help the City meet its goals outlined in the Climate Action Plan. Below is a summary table indicating projects already begun and anticipated to take place this year. 2023 CAS Projects Building Energy Implement City Hall Energy Management Plan findings – energy efficiency and solar Electrify natural gas City facility equipment as equipment comes up for replacement Transportation Energy Install Electric Vehicle Infrastructure at Public Works and Police Department fleet-only spaces Implement Green Fleet Policy to purchase electric and efficient City fleet replacements Purchase electric and efficient City equipment replacements for winter and summer maintenance Community Policies & Resources Implement Efficient Buildings Benchmarking Ordinance requirements Implement Efficient Buildings Energy Assessment Ordinance requirements Implement Sustainable Buildings Policy Implement Residential Energy Efficiency Audit Services Implement Climate Action Fund Initiate Electrify Everything home electrification awareness and outreach campaign ACTION #3: Like planting or caring for 12 trees WHAT'S THE IMPACT? WHAT'S THE IMPACT? TAKE ACTION TAKE ACTION 1 metric ton CO2e requires about 39 mature trees to offset it. 1 mature tree can absorb roughly 48 lbs. of CO2e annually.* [1 metric ton = 2,205 lbs] Like planting or caring for 10 trees Like planting or caring for 35 trees CLIMATE ACTION PLANCLIMATE ACTION PLANEdina'sEdina's Relies on You!Relies on You! veggies, whole grains, seeds and nuts. Eat local and foods that are in season to further lower your environmental impact.. WHAT'S THE IMPACT?Like planting or caring for 101 trees EV or Car-free? ACTION #1:Multi-modal Transportation Travel around Edina using active and shared methods like sidewalks, bike routes & buses. Using public transit to get to work or school each day helps lower air pollution and congestion on roadways. Active transportation methods such as biking or walking are carbon-free + they boost your overall health & wellness. If you need to drive, join a carpool or hitch a ride with friends or family, or consider buying an EV when it's time to upgrade your vehicle. TAKE ACTION Know somewhere that could benefit from getting a bike rack installed? Request one from the City! Commit to one car-free day each week. Make use of over 44 miles of bike routes & lanes in Edina. Take Edina’s CloverRide bus Fridays 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Carpool with friends or family. Shop Edina's annual Tree Sale in March. Like planting or caring for 1 tree Plant or Care For A Tree fort range. Switch to LED bulbs & purchase high-efficiency electric appliances when it’s time for replacement. Search CUB Minnesota’s Energy Tips online for more easy tips. S i g n up fo r a h om e e n er g y a u d i t . A p p l y t o t h e C l im a te A c t io n F u n d f o r m o n e y to h e l p pa y f o r h om e e n er g y -sa v i n g pr o j e c ts . J o i n X c e l E n e r g y ’s W i n d s o u r c e p r o g r a m fo r ~$6 /m on t h & m at c h t h e C it y ’s c o mm i tm e n t t o a c hi e v in g f u l l y re n e w a b l e ele ct ri c i t y i n bu il d i ng s. ACTION #2:ACTION #4: Trees are a recognizable part of any community. We all have a favorite tree or tree memory. Trees also give us community and climate benefits, like absorbing rainwater when it storms, cleaning the air of carbon dioxide and other pollution, giving us shade and clearing our minds. Trees give us a familiar way to measure the impact of everyday actions on our environment. Most of Edina’s impact on the environment comes from building energy use. Use less energy by heating & cooling your home 2°F above or below your usual com- Lower Home Energy Usage Plant a tree or care for one that's already in your neighborhood. Trees help reduce local flooding, absorb air pollution, and cool nearby streets, homes and side- walks. According to the USDA, the net cooling effect of a young, healthy tree is equivalent to 10 room-size air conditioners running 20 hours a day. TAKE ACTION TAKE ACTION Prevent Food Waste & Eat Buy food you know you can eat before it goes bad to avoid food waste. Lowering your food waste helps reduce emissions when wasted food breaks down in a landfill, and avoids using the energy and resources it took to plant, grow, produce, package and transport that food. Have food scraps? Compost them! More Climate-friendly Protein Eat more climate-friendly protein and plant-based foods every day. Climate-friendly foods that are high in protein include beans, peas, and lentils, fruits, WHAT'S THE IMPACT? TAKE ACTION Participate in Edina's organics recycling at home. Participate in Arbor Day events & tree plantings. Drop off your food scraps & organic materials at one of the City's public drop-off sites. Climate change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. The unit CO2e, or carbon dioxide equivalent, tells us how much greenhouse gases exist, but what does that mean in our everyday lives? You can take the following climate actions to help make a positive impact on our planet. This impact has been estimated using CO2e and equating it to the number of trees cared for or planted, required to achieve similar results. Commit to eating meat-free one day each week. Water a boulevard tree during a drought. ACTION #5:Protect Pollinators Native and climate-adaptive flowers & grasses provide food & habitat for native wildlife including pollinators. Unlike turf grass, wildflowers & grasses native to the reg- ion are better adapted to local conditions. Both native & climate- adaptive plants require less water & effort to maintain while providing benefits for people and wildlife Attend Edina Garden Council's annual Plant Sale & choose native plants. Like planting or caring for 2 trees WHAT'S THEIMPACT? TAKE ACTION Join Minnesota's Lawns to Legumes program to replace turf grass with bee & butterfly-friendly plantings. edinamn.gov/climate-action Purchase locally grown food from Edina’s summer farmers market. Like planting or caring for 94 trees Like planting or caring for 3 trees Refuse unneeded items Reduce purchases of new, single-use or short-lived items Reuse and repair what you already have Recycle correctly by learning what your waste hauler or City accepts 1) Refusing 2) Reducing 3) Reusing & Repairing 4) Recycling WHAT'S THE IMPACT? TAKE ACTION Participate in one of Edina’s annual clothing swaps. Join a Buy Nothing Group in Edina. Bring your own bag(s), when shopping. Purchase items in recyclable or compostable packaging. CLIMATE ACTION PLANCLIMATE ACTION PLANEdina'sEdina's Relies on You!Relies on You! As the old saying goes, 'waste less, want not.' The U.S. EPA estimates that the average American produces nearly 5 lbs of waste per ACTION #6:Take Fewer Unnecessary One of the biggest ways to lower your environmental impact is to fly less. Did you know that for every 100 miles traveled by plane, more than 5,330 lbs of CO2 is emitted? That is more than 1/3 of the average American household's annual greenhouse gas emissions. Flights Take one less flight each year. Do you fly for fun? Replace one flight each year with a train ride, or take a road trip with friends or family WHAT'S THE IMPACT? WHAT'S THE IMPACT? Do you fly often for work? Trade in-person for virtual meetings when you can." TAKE ACTION TAKE ACTION edinamn.gov/climate-action day — or 1,825 lbs of waste each year. Waste that can't be composted or recycled increases air pollution, especially for residents and wildlife nearby. Be a responsible consumer and cut down on unnecessary waste by . . . Use Less, Care For WhatYou HaveACTION #7: RESOURCES RESOURCES https://www.edinamn.gov/490/Biking-Walking https://www.mncee.org/programs-edina-residents? energy-audits https://cubminnesota.org/library/seasonal-energy- tips/ https://www.edinamn.gov/1929/Community- Climate-Action-Fund https://www.edinamn.gov/1913/For-Residents https://www.edinamn.gov/1783/Trees---Buckthorn- Disease-Boundary-Issue https://www.edinamn.gov/1638/Organics-Recycling https://www.edinamn.gov/1975/Multi-Family- Recycling-Organics https://beelab.umn.edu/ https://bwsr.state.mn.us/l2l https://www.hennepin.us/recycling https://buynothingproject.org/find-a-group ACTION #1: ACTION #2: ACTION #3: ACTION #4: ACTION #5: ACTION #7:C L I M A T E A C T I O N P L A N C L I M A T E A C T I O N P L A N EdinaMN.gov 2023 Edina State of Sustainability Grace Hancock, Sustainability ManagerJune 6, 2023 Climate Action Plan Goals The Climate Action Plan helps those who live and work in Edina imagine and achieve a future where the earth and all who live on it thrive. 8 Sectors 36 Strategies 218 Actions 9 years to achieve The CAP is made up of: - 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 2013 2016 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 2030MT CO2eYear City-wide GHG Reduction Progress Buildings Transportation Waste Water Climate Action Plan Goals -15.3%-1.9% -35% Reductions Needed At 2030, we celebrate Edina is blooming and shaded ◦Every neighborhood in Edina enjoys a tree canopy higher than 40% ◦Pollinator corridors are cultivated across Edina – pollinator plants dot Edina lawns, parks and roadsides. ◦Edina has 250 acres of green roofs and cool pavement to keep the city comfortable on hot days. People are prepared ◦Knowledgeable about climate change, and equipped with actions to make a difference ◦Connected to each other and to the City to increase resilience during extreme weather events. ◦Food isn’t waste, it is shared among neighbors and scraps are composted ◦People enjoy climate-friendly cuisine. Meatless Mondays and buying local are the norm. We waste less and recover more of our waste for other uses. ◦Items are reused instead of thrown away ◦70% of organics are recycled instead of being landfilled ◦Recycling makes up a third of total waste handled in Edina ◦Landfilled or incinerated trash goes down 45% Homes are comfortable, safe and efficient ◦People can age in place thanks to efficient homes that lead to affordable home energy bills ◦Half as many residents are burdened by high energy bills ◦10% of homes use high-efficiency heat pumps to heat and cool their homes ◦20% of community electricity needs is generated within Edina boundaries, saving money and increasing resilience. People move around differently ◦driving a little less (7%) ◦Riding public transit twice as often ◦Biking, walking and rolling more thanks to denser neighborhood networks ◦EVs are the default vehicle type (25%) •Sustainability Communications Plan •Community Partnerships •Events & Workshops •Policies & Programs •Community Climate Action Report •Biennial GHG Inventory •State of Sustainability Awareness Accountability Activation Building Energy Use Climate Action Strategy 2022 Highlight Actions Underway/Total BE 1: Improve total community wide building energy efficiency by 15% by 2030 •Climate Action Fund 9/15 BE2: Increase adoption of high-performance building construction technology, achieving 5% Net Zero households and 1% commercial properties by 2030 •Sustainable Buildings Policy 2/4 BE3: Reduce share of population living in high energy poverty from 29% to 12% by 2030 1/4 BE 4: Achieve 10% building "fuel switching" from on-site fossil fuel combustion to less carbon intensive, or carbon neutral sources by 2030 •2023 Electrify Everything MN 2/5 BE 5: Increase renewable energy (distributed and purchased) from 1.6% to 17% of citywide electric use by 2030 •Solar Power Hours •2023 Windsource City Match Campaign 4/9 BE 6: Improve total municipal building energy efficiency by 17% by 2030 •City Hall energy efficiency and solar energy installation •Utility/Park Building efficiency upgrades •Edinborough Park Building Automation System •Community Health & Safety Center Sustainable Design 2/4 BE 7: Achieve 25% municipal building thermal “fuel switching" by 2030 1/2 BE 8: Increase renewable energy (distributed and purchased) from 0.2% to 100% of city operations 2030 •2023 City Windsource subscription and renewable energy strategy 1/3 Community Building Energy Sustainable Buildings Policy (4) Electrify Everything MN (1,000) Summer Energy Event Series (5) Efficient Building Benchmarking (270) Commercial Energy Assessments (60/yr) Home Energy Squad (170) Transportation Climate Action Strategy 2022 Highlight Actions Underway/Total TL 1: Decrease community wide VMT by 7% by 2030 •Cornelia Elementary $275K Active Routes Grant 1/6 TL 2: Double public transit commuter ridership from 3.3% to 6.6% by 2030 •Resilient Homes Grant targeting NOAH homes near transit 1/6 TL 3: Increase average population per developed acre by 4% by 2030 1/7 TL 4: Increase battery electric vehicle (BEV) utilization to 25% of community wide rolling stock •2023 EV-ready ordinance 4/6 TL 5: Convert municipal operations gasoline and e10 gasoline vehicles and equipment within municipal fleet to EV's. Achieve 40% by 2030 and 100% by 2040 •2023 Xcel Fleet Electrification Advisory Program 3/3 U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization Natural Systems Climate Action Strategy 2022 Highlight Actions Underway/Total Waste 1: Decrease total per capita municipal solid waste handled 5% by 2030 2/7 WM 2: Achieve 70% organics landfill waste diversion by 2030 •2% increase in participation 5/7 WM 3: Increase recycling from 32% to 35% of total MSW handled by 2030 •Green To Go Packaging Ordinance 2/5 WM 4: Increase diversion of potential recoverables by 15% by 2030 •Earth Day Clothing Swap 3/5 Water 1: Promote increased water conservation citywide with a targeted reduction of 7.5% by 2030 2/7 W 2: Reduce GHG emissions associated with wastewater City Wide by 25% per capita by 2030 1/2 W 3: Mitigate and adapt to the projected increased flood hazards and impacts due to climate change •Morningside Flood Project 3/8 W 4: Update design standards and municipal plans to meet projected climate change flood mitigation requirements •Refreshed Edina resources page: https://www.edinamn.gov/371/Flooding- and-Drainage 1/3 Greenspace 1: Increase tree cover from 35.9% to 39.5% by 2030 and 43% by 2040 •NexGen Trees •Residential Tree Protection Ordinance 3/9 GS 2: Increase pollinator supportiveness of lawns and grasslands in City of Edina and achieve a 10% turf replacement with native or climate adaptive grasses and wildflowers by 2030 (250 acres converted) •No Mow May •Turf & Weed Ordinance amendments 3/9 GS 3: Reduce heat island effect through citywide “dark” impervious surface reduction of 10% by 2030 and 20% by 2040 (250 acres reduced by 2030, 500 acres reduced by 2040) •NexGen Trees 2/6 Human Systems Climate Action Strategy 2022 Highlight Actions Underway/Total Local Food 1: Increase production of local food and its resilience to climate shocks, particularly serving low income and food insecure individuals. •Planting Weber Park food forest •Rehabbed Edina Giving Garden 1/8 LF 2: Increase access to local food, particularly serving low income and food insecure individuals 0/4 LF 3: Achieve a 25% reduction in food waste community-wide by 2030 0/3 LF 4: Reduce the amount that the community's food consumption contributes to climate change 0/3 Health/Safety 1: Educate, engage, and empower the public on health and safety risks of climate change impacts 1/6 HS 2 : Assist the City’s vulnerable populations in preparing for climate change impacts 0/6 HS 3: Establish and update plans to address climate risks and impacts 0/5 HS 4: Strengthen community response capacity and social support networks 1/4 Climate Economy 1: Promote economic investment that aligns with the Climate Economy and the goals of the Climate Action Plan 1/5 CE 2: Promote workforce development for success in the climate economy 1/4 CE 3: Encourage commercial properties and businesses and institutions to plan for climate resilience 0/7 CE 4: Establish dedicated sustainable financing for the City’s climate action implementation •Updated TIF Policy 3/8 https://performance.envisio.com/dashboard/ClimateActionPlan-Edina Looking Ahead: 13 •This Year: New Sustainability Specialist •Robust federal funding strategy •Predictable and engaging communications plan •Next 3 years: 2023+ Whole Home Retrofit Pilot •Multi-year program partnered with St. Louis Park & Eden Prairie •2025: mid-point evaluation •Informed by 2023 GHG inventory •2026-30: Implement 40% 53% 35% 15% Buildings Transportation Waste Water City-wide Sector GHG Reductions needed by 2030 Thank You Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I I.A. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eport / R ecommendation F rom:S tephanie Hawkinson, Affordable Housing Development Manager Item Activity: Subject:P UBLI C HEAR I NG : O rdinanc e No. 2023-08: An O rdinanc e Approving C hapter 35 of the Edina C ity C ode C oncerning the Edina West Hous ing Improvement Area and R esolution No. 2023-36 Approving the F ee for the Edina West Hous ing Improvement Area Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: C lose the public hearing at noon on July 10 and continue to July 18. I N TR O D U C TI O N: On M ay 27, 2021 T he E dina Housing and R edevelopment Authority approved a Housing Improvement P olicy to provide a financing mechanisms for private townhome and condominium common area improvements. T his is a financing tool of last resort. T he E dina West Condominium Association has applied for the establishment of a H ousing I mprovement Area (H I A) to address approximately $4.1M of rehabilitation needs on their 50-plus year-old buildings. As the condominiums provide N aturally O ccurring Affordable Housing (N O AH) to 162 households, many of whom are on fixed incomes, there is a public purpose for preserving. T he first reading of the ordinance will take place on J une 20 and a second reading on July 18, at which time staff will seek adoption of the ordinance to establish the H I A and the resolution to set the fees. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report: Ordinance No. 2023-08 Chapter 35 and Resolution No. 2023-36 Fees for HIA Ordinance 2023-08: Approving Chapter 35 HIA Resolution No. 2023-36: Approving HIA Fees Staff Pres entation June 6, 2023 Mayor and City Council Stephanie Hawkinson, Affordable Housing Development Manager PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2023-08 Approving Chapter 35 of the Edina City Code Concerning the Edina West Housing Improvement Area and Resolution No. 2023-36 Approving the Fee for the Edina West Housing Improvement Area Information / Background: HIA’s are City funded improvements to common areas of owner-occupied condominiums and/or townhomes. The City lends the money for the improvements and is repaid with fees added to the property taxes. This is a last resort for financing, after the Association has demonstrated that they cannot received financing from a traditional lender, such as a bank. The City Council may appoint the HRA to be the implementing entity for this policy. In May 2021 the HRA approved an HIA Policy in response to various Condominium Associations approaching the City over the years seeking a financing mechanism for common area improvements. The purpose of the HIA policy is to establish the City and Housing and Redevelopment Authority’s (HRA) position relating to the use of HIA financing for private townhome and condominium housing improvements. This policy is a guide in processing and reviewing applications requesting HIA financing. An application to establish an HIA was received by the Edina West Condominium Association (“Edina West”), located at 6075-6115 Lincoln Drive. They are seeking $5,000,000 for common area improvements, including fees. This request to establish the Edina West HIA is captured in Ordinance 2023-08 with the recapture of fees memorialized in Resolution 2023-36. The application addressed the main policy highlights: 1. Eligible Uses: Promote neighborhood stabilization; correct building code violations; increase or prevent the loss of the City’s tax base. The Edina West comprises of 163 condominiums in four buildings. The market value of the individual condominiums is within the affordable range, so this complex is considered NOAH housing. The regular maintenance and upkeep of the building is sound, but due to it being over 50- years old there are more deferred maintenance issues than the reserves can address. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Edina West engaged Encompass engineering consultants to complete a complete needs assessment for the four residential buildings and the recreation center. They catalogue repairs needed on the building facades, site water management, mechanical and plumbing systems, roofs, and other building components. A scope of work was created for 55 work items and a bid package created. Bids were submitted in January 2023 to determine financing needed. The scope of work includes the following:  Replace ineffective siding and trim;  Address water intrusion through grading, drain tiles, gutters and down spouts;  Replace and repair roofs;  Repair damaged concrete columns and concrete slabs in garages;  Other items as described in the scope of work. The association has addressed some maintenance issues, including replacing the HVAC system and upgrading the elevators. These were large ticket items that dramatically reduced their reserves, which does not allow them to address the extensive scope of work. 2. Approval Criteria: Last resort for financing; financial guarantees; 70% of owners support; financial plan for on-going maintenance; common area improvements. Edina West sought private financing from three different banks, who all denied their request. One challenge banks face is there are 163 separate owners. With HIA’s, the individual owners pay off the City loan through a fee placed on their property tax statement. Ownership approval of this plan was satisfied. 145 out of 163 owners signed a petition supporting the establishments of an HIA to financing common area improvements that they have each agreed to repay. This is 89.5% of the owners, which exceeds the minimum of 70% that the policy requires. The application includes a long-term maintenance and reserve plan prepared by Reserve Advisors, LLC. 3. City Administration Fee: 1% of total project cost or $7,500, whichever is greater plus an escrow deposit of $10,000 to cover out of pocket costs for financial advisor and legal advisors. Edina West has paid the escrow fee and will include the administration fee in the loan. Financing Plan Staff engaged Nick Anhut from Ehlers and Associates to assist with underwriting the request and establishing a loan amount. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Once an Ordinance is approved for the establishment of an HIA, Edina West will seek a construction loan that will be repaid with City Funds. The construction loan will be in place during the rehabilitation period, with the lender overseeing the draws and collecting the lien waivers. The City funds will take out the construction loan once the rehabilitation is complete. This reduced the City’s risk exposure during the construction period. Staff is proposing that the source of the City loan funds are General Revenue Bonds. The $5MM used for the HIA will be combined with a City Bond issuance. The use of GO Bonds for this purpose does not count against the statutory debt limit. It is a relatively small amount relative to the City’s bonding capacity. The bond proceeds will be repaid through a 20-year assessment, or fee, placed on the individual condominiums through their property taxes. The fee will be 105% of the debt service coverage in the event an owner is delinquent in paying their property taxes. Alignment with various City objectives:  Promote neighborhood stabilization and revitalization. The general renovation of the property will revitalize Edina West, which will in turn, improve the neighborhood, and make it an even more attractive place to live.  Correct building code violations. The HIA project will address specific concerns that City staff has identified such as replacement of the pool deck, and the elimination of issues with site drainage. In addition, the HIA project will resolve long outstanding issues such as the replacement of the siding.  Increase the resale value of units or avoid a decrease. Without address the common area improvements the HIA project, the current Association Board fears it will become increasingly difficult to sell units. As a result, resale values, and with them Estimated Market Values, would decrease. With the HIA project, Edina West will be significantly more attractive to prospective buyers. The experience of other associations that have done HIA projects has been that resale prices go up.  Preserve naturally occurring affordable housing. Edina West provides some of the more moderately priced homeownership opportunities in Edina. The HIA project will preserve the property and allow it to continue to provide this valuable housing opportunity.  Preserve a variety of housing styles and values. Edina West is somewhat unique in several ways, including its contoured and partially wooded site.  Stabilize or increase owner-occupancy. The HIA project will preserve Edina West as an owner- occupied homeowner association. Alignment with Comprehensive Plan: 1. 2040 Comprehensive Plan  Goal 2.2: Encourage the preservation and maintenance of, and improvements to, existing subsidized and naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH).  Goal 2.5: Promote the preservation and production of affordable housing through the areas of Edina accessible to transit by addressing financial and zoning barriers (italics added). STAFF REPORT Page 4  Goal 2.10: Recognize that housing is a long-term investment and promote housing policies that offer enduring opportunities for medium and low-income residents to house themselves, emphasizing home ownership.  Goal 3.4: Maintain some of Edina’s lower square footage housing stock to attract new residents and retain existing residents, including providing affordable options. 2. Housing Strategy Task Force Report  Goal 1.D.2: Encourage the preservation, maintenance, and rehabilitation of existing subsidized and naturally occurring affordable rental and ownership housing (NOAH).  Goal 3.B.8: Fully utilize the other options the city has to lower the cost of development and or financing [del]. Alignment with City Pillars: 1. Sustainability Edina West Condominiums are aging. It faces deferred maintenance issues that exceed the accumulated reserves. This may not be due to poor management, but rather reflect aging buildings with failing mechanical systems, building envelopes including windows, siding and roofs that are reaching the end of their functional life. HIA financing can help extend the life and functionality of these buildings. It is more environmentally sustainable to increase energy efficiency and address rehabilitation needs rather than demolishing a building and constructing new. 2. Equity and Inclusion Condominium and townhome ownership are more affordable ownership options in the City. A vast majority of the Come Home 2 Edina mortgages are placed on condominiums that allow low- and moderate-income homeowners to move into the City or transfer from rental to ownership housing. 3. Engagement The HIA policy was reviewed and supported by the Edina Housing Foundation at their March 23, 2021 Board meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 2023-08 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING CHAPTER 35 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING THE EDINA WEST HOUSING IMPROVEMENT AREA THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 35, Edina West Housing Improvement Area Section 2. Recitals. 2.01. The City is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 428A.11 to 428A.21, as amended (the “Housing Improvement Act”), to establish by ordinance a housing improvement area within which housing improvements are made or constructed and the costs of such improvements are paid in whole or in part from fees imposed within the area. 2.02. The City has determined a need to establish the Edina West Housing Improvement Area as further defined herein (the “Edina West HIA”), in order to facilitate certain improvements to property, all in accordance with the Housing Improvement Act. 2.03. The City has consulted with the Edina West Condominium Association (the “Association”) and with residents in the Edina West HIA regarding the establishment of such area and the housing improvements to be constructed and financed under this ordinance. Section 3. Findings. 3.01. The City Council finds that owners of approximately 89.5% of the housing units within the Edina West HIA (which exceeds the requirement for owners of at least 50% of the housing units pursuant to Section 428A.12 of the Housing Improvement Act and the requirement for owners of at least 70% of the housing units pursuant to the City’s policy) have filed a petition with the City Clerk requesting a public hearing regarding establishment of such housing improvement area. 3.02. On June 6, 2023, the City Council conducted a public hearing, duly noticed in accordance with the Housing Improvement Act, regarding adoption of this ordinance at which all persons, including owners of property within the Edina West HIA were given an opportunity to be heard. 3.03. The City Council finds that, without establishment of the Edina West HIA, the Housing Improvements (as hereinafter defined) could not be made by the Association or the housing unit owners. 3.04. The City Council further finds that designation of the Edina West HIA is needed to maintain and preserve the housing units within such area. 3.05. The City will be the implementing entity for the Edina West HIA and the Housing Improvement Fee (as defined in Section 5 below). 3.06. For the purpose of providing full disclosure of public expenditures and financing arrangements for the Edina West HIA (as required under Section 428A.13, subd. 1a (1) of the Housing Improvement Act), the City Council determines that the City expects to finance the Housing Improvements with available funds of the City which will be reimbursed by a housing improvement fee imposed on unit owners within the Edina West HIA. 3.07. In accordance with Section 428A.13, subd. 1a (2) of the Housing Improvement Act, the City Council determines that the Association will contract for construction of the Housing Improvements. 2 Section 4. Housing Improvement Area Defined. 4.01. The Edina West HIA is hereby defined as the area of the City including the property addresses listed in Exhibit A hereto. 4.02. The Edina West HIA contains 162 housing units as of the date of adoption of this ordinance, along with common areas. Section 5. Housing Improvements Defined. 5.01. For the purposes of this ordinance and the Edina West HIA, the term “Housing Improvements” shall mean the general renovation of the buildings and the site of the Association, including but not limited to improvements to the building exteriors; improvements to garages and tunnel; site and driveway improvements and water mitigation; improvements to common areas and the swimming pool, and mechanical system, plumbing, and electrical improvements and upgrades. 5.02. Housing Improvements shall also be deemed to include: (a) all costs of architectural and engineering services, overhead, and all similar soft costs in connection with the activities described in Section 4.01 hereof, including without limitation costs of a professional construction manager. (b) all administration, legal and consultant costs in connection with the Edina West HIA; and (c) costs of financing the Housing Improvements under the Housing Improvement Act. Section 6. Housing Improvement Fee. 6.01. The CITY may, by resolution adopted in accordance with the petition (the “Fee Resolution”), hearing and notice procedures required under the Housing Improvement Act, impose a fee on the housing units within the Edina West HIA, at a rate, term or amount sufficient to produce revenues required to provide the Housing Improvements (the “Housing Improvement Fee”), subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Section. The City intends to adopt such a resolution imposing the Housing Improvement Fee on July 18, 2023 (the “Fee Resolution”). 6.02. Any Housing Improvement Fee shall be allocated based on the square footage of each housing unit in the HIA. The total Housing Improvement Fee is as follows: Size (Square Feet) Amount 972 $21,428 1026 22,618 1360 29,982 1598 35,228 1750 38,579 1928 42,503 6.03. Any Housing Improvement Fee shall be prepayable in full, at any time after the effective date of the Fee Resolution. 6.04. If not prepaid, the Housing Improvement Fee shall be imposed and payable for a period no greater than 20 years, the first of the installments to be payable in calendar year 2024. The estimated annual fee imposed on each housing unit is as follows: 3 Size (Square Feet) Amount 972 $1,071 1026 1,131 1360 1,499 1598 1,761 1750 1,929 1928 2,125 6.05. The Fee Resolution provides that no interest accrues on the Housing Improvement Fees. 6.06. The Housing Improvement Fee shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as provided for payment and collection of ad valorem taxes, in accordance with Section 428A.15 of the Housing Improvement Act and Minnesota Statutes, Section 428A.05. As set forth in Section 428A. 14, subd. 2 of the Housing Improvement Act, the Housing Improvement Fee is not included in the calculation of levies or limits on levies imposed under any law or charter. 6.07. The Housing Improvement Fee shall not exceed the amount specified in the notice of public hearing regarding the approval of such fee; provided, however, that the Housing Improvement Fee may be reduced after approval of the Fee Resolution, in the manner specified in such resolution. Section 7. Annual Reports. 7.01. On August 15, 2023 and each August 15 thereafter until the Housing Improvement Fee and all interest thereon is paid in full and all Housing Improvement Fee revenues have been expended, the Association (and any successor in interest) shall be required to submit to the City, as the implementing entity, a copy of the Association’s audited financial statements. 7.02. The Association (and any successor in interest) shall also submit to the City any other reports or information at the times and as required by any contract entered into between that entity and the City. Section 8. Notice of Right to File Objections. 8.01. Within 5 days after the adoption of this ordinance, the City Clerk is authorized and directed to mail to the owner of each housing unit in the Edina West HIA: (a) a summary of this ordinance; (b) notice that owners subject to the proposed Housing Improvement Fee have a right to veto this ordinance if owners of at least 45% of the housing units within the Edina West HIA file an objection with the City Clerk before the effective date of this ordinance; and (c) notice that a copy of this ordinance is on file with the City Clerk for public inspection. Section 9. Amendment. 9.01. This ordinance may be amended by the City Council upon compliance with the public hearing and notice requirements set forth in Section 428A.13 of the Housing Improvement Act. Section 10. Effective Date. 10.01. This ordinance shall be effective 45 days after adoption hereof, or on the date of publication of this ordinance, whichever is later, subject to the veto rights of housing unit owners under Section 428A.18 of the Housing Improvement Act. 4 First Reading: June 20, 2023 Second Reading: July 18, 2023 Published: Attest Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on Send one affidavit of publication Bill to Edina City Clerk 5 EXHIBIT A Edina West HIA Property Addresses 6075 Lincoln Drive 6085 Lincoln Drive 6105 Lincoln Drive 6115 Lincoln Drive 4867-0107-3503\5 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-36 APPROVING A HOUSING IMPROVEMENT FEE FOR EDINA WEST HOUSING IMPROVEMENT AREA Section 1. Recitals 1.01. The City of Edina, Minnesota (“City”) is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 428A.11 to 428A.21, as amended (the “Housing Improvement Act”), to establish by ordinance a housing improvement area within which housing improvements are made or constructed and the costs of such improvements are paid in whole or in part from fees imposed within the area. 1.02 By ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City (the “City Council”) on the date hereof (the “Enabling Ordinance”), the City Council established the Edina West Housing Improvement Area (the “Edina West HIA”) in order to facilitate certain improvements to property described in the Enabling Ordinance and designated the City as the implementing entity, all in accordance with the Housing Improvement Act. 1.03 Owners of approximately 89.5% of the housing units within the Edina West HIA (which exceeds the requirement for owners of at least 50% of the housing units pursuant to Section 428A.12 of the Housing Improvement Act and the requirement for owners of at least 70% of the housing units pursuant to the City ’s policy) have filed a petition with the City Clerk requesting a public hearing regarding imposition of a housing improvement fee for the Edina West HIA. 1.04. On June 6, 2022, the City Council conducted a public hearing, duly noticed in accordance with the Housing Improvement Act, regarding adoption of this resolution (the “Resolution”) and the Enabling Ordinance at which all persons, including owners of property within the Edina West HIA, were given an opportunity to be heard. 1.05. Prior to the date hereof, Edina West Condominium Association (the “Association”) has submitted to the City a financial plan prepared by an independent third party, acceptable to the City and the Association, that provides for the Association to finance the general renovatio n of the buildings and the site of the Association, including but not limited to improvements to the building exteriors; improvements to garages and tunnel; site and driveway improvements and water mitigation; improvements to common areas and the swimming pool, and mechanical system, plumbing, and electrical improvements and upgrades, all in accordance with Section 428A.14 of the Housing Improvement Act. 1.06. For the purposes of this Resolution, the term “Housing Improvements” has the meaning provided in the Enabling Ordinance. Section 2. Housing Improvement Fee Imposed. 2.02. The total estimated costs of the Housing Improvements are approximately $5,000,000, all of which is proposed to be paid for by the fee imposed hereby. The City hereby imposes a fee on each housing unit within the Edina West HIA (the “Housing Improvement Fee”) based on the square footage of each housing unit in the Edina West HIA based on the table below: Size (Square Feet) Amount 4867-0107-3503\5 972 $21,428 1026 22,618 1360 29,982 1598 35,228 1750 38,579 1928 42,503 2.03 The owner of any housing unit against which the Housing Improvement Fee is imposed may pre- pay the Housing Improvement Fee imposed against such housing unit to the City Finance Director in full , at any time after the effective date of this Resolution. 2.04. If not prepaid in accordance with Section 2.02 hereof, the Housing Improvement Fee shall be payable in equal installments extending over a period of 20 years, the first of the installments to be payable in calendar year 2024. The estimated annual fee imposed on each of the housing units is as follows: Size (Square Feet) Amount 972 $1,071 1026 1,131 1360 1,499 1598 1,761 1750 1,929 1928 2,125 No interest shall accrue on the Housing Improvement Fees. 2.05. The Housing Improvement Fee, unless prepaid in accordance with Section 2.02 hereof, shall be payable at the same time and in the same manner as provided for payment and collection of ad valorem taxes, as provided in Sections 428A.14 and 428A.15 of the Housing Improvement Act. Section 3. Notice of Right to File Objections. Within 5 days after the adoption of this Resolution, the City Clerk is authorized and directed to mail to the owner of each housing unit in the Edina West HIA (a) a summary of this Resolution; (b) notice that owners subject to the Housing Improvement Fee have a right to veto this Resolution if owners of at least 45% of the housing units within the Edina West HIA file an objection with the City Clerk before the effective date of this Resolution; and (c) notice that a copy of this Resolution is on file with the City Clerk for public inspection. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective 45 days after adoption hereof, subject to (a) the veto rights of housing unit owners under Section 428A.18 of the Housing Improvement Act; and (b) execution in full of a development agreement between the EDA and the Association providing for construction of the Housing Improvements. Section 5. Filing of Housing Improvement Fee. After September 1, 2023, the effective date of this Resolution, the City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Resolution to the Hennepin County Director of Taxation to be recorded on the property tax lists of the county. Adopted by the City Council this 18th day of July, 2023. 4867-0107-3503\5 ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of July 18. 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _________ day of ___________________, 2023. City Clerk Housing Improvement Area Edina West Condominiums City Goal: Preservation of NOAH “Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing” •Historically have not received subsidies for construction, operation, or maintenance •Typical Purchase Price below $304,700 D) Encourage Preservation and Promotion of Diverse Housing Stock •Encourage the preservation, maintenance, and rehabilitation of existing subsidized and naturally occurring affordable rental and ownership housing (NOAH) •Support program(s) for assisting income eligible property owners with rehabilitating their homes to extend their useful life.Goal 2: Encourage the development and maintenance of a range of housing options affordable to residents at all income levels and life stages. •Encourage the preservation and maintenance of, and improvements to, existing subsidized and naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH). •Increase housing stability and security of residents living in affordable housing Housing Improvement Areas Summary: In 1996 the Minnesota State Legislature granted cities the authority to establish HIA’s to provide financing for common area improvements in condominiums and townhomes and be reimbursed through a fee placed on the property tax statement. •Property owners repay the loan through fees imposed on the HIA and collected as part of their property taxes up to 20 years -Carries same penalties and tax forfeiture process HIA Statutory Requirements •Owners request the establishment of an HIA by submitting petition. •Public Hearing to approve Ordinance and Fee Resolution •Notice published and mailed to each owner •Prior to adoption, an owner may file objection if property would not benefit (determination to exclude property made within 60 days) •Ordinance and Resolution •Establishes purpose and findings •Defines the project and specific area •Defines the imposition of the fee •States that without HIA improvements could not be made •Public disclosure of project expenditures, contracting, financing and third-party long-term ops/maintenance plan •HIA Residents have a process to veto HIA establishment prior to effective dates of ordinance and resolution City of Edina HIA Checklist Association submits Application -Demonstration of no other funding options -Reserve plan Petition for Improvement Area Establishment and Fees (70% owners) Public meeting to accept Petition and schedule hearing Public Hearing to establish Ordinance and Fee Resolution -Provide list of Public Area Improvements Public meeting on First Reading of Ordinance Public meeting on Second Reading of Ordinance and Council consideration to adopt Fee Resolution & Ordinance to establish HIA Mail Ordinance to all Owners included in HIA -Mailing includes information on right to veto ordinance Public meeting to approve Development Agreement for HIA Financing between City and Association Public meeting to approve summary publication of Ordinance -After HIA resident objection period Delivery of City’s Financing Commitment Edina West Application: Summary •Located at 6075-6115 Lincoln Drive •Encompasses 4 buildings and 162 units •Buildings are over 50-years old •Preserves NOAH ownership housing •Corrects building code violations •Addresses flooding and drainage issues •Scope created by 3rd party advisors Application Materials Evidence of: •Compliance to Policy goals •Scope of requested improvements with estimated budget •Evidence of Membership discussions on improvements and 3rd party Needs Assessment •Evidence of efforts to secure private financing •Association By-laws •Certificate of Good Standing with the Secretary of State •Audited financial statements and Association financial information •Membership petition > 70% support •Long-range plans for maintenance, operations, capital improvements and finances Ordinance 2023-08: Compliance •Only Common Area Improvements The term “Housing Improvements” shall mean the general renovation of the buildings and the site of the Association, including but not limited to improvements to the building exteriors; improvements to garages and tunnel; site and driveway improvements and water mitigation; improvements to common areas and the swimming pool, and mechanical system, plumbing, and electrical improvements and upgrades. •Project costs are within Statutory limits, debt limits guidelines, and for eligible expenses. Estimated construction budget of $3.9MM Ordinance 2023-08: Compliance •Funding of last Resort. The Developer has provided letters from three financial institutions declining them for a loan. •One challenge is 20-year term. •Another pertains to new Fannie Mae rules about buying condominium mortgages. •Finally there is the challenge securing the loan •Association has limited collateral •Scattered property owner interests and prior mortgages Ordinance 2023-08: Compliance •Owners of at least 70% of the housing units pursuant to Section 428A.12 of the Housing Improvement Act have filed a petition with the City Clerk requesting a public hearing regarding establishment of such housing improvement area. A petition has been submitted to the City Clerk that included 145 signatures accounting for 89.5% of the owners. Exceeds City policy requiring 70% of Association Members to sign the petition. Ordinance 2023-08: Compliance •The designation of the Edina West HIA is needed to maintain and preserve the housing units within such area. Edina West is considered Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing. Establishing an HIA supports the preservation of affordable ownership housing. Edina West Scope and Estimated Request •Siding •Insulation •Concrete work •Tuckpointing •Grading/landscaping •Waterproofing •Waste Tank •Roof •Electrical Estimated Construction budget is $3.9MM Resolution No 2023-36: HIA Fee Structure •Total Bonding Amount: $5,000,000 •Covers construction work, interest and fees •Collected over a 20-year term •Repaid through a fee added to property tax statement. •Each individual Housing Improvement Fee shall be based on the square footage of each housing unit. •Pre -payment option available. •Association members have 45 days to submit a veto to the City clerk. •Annual Association revenues exceed the expected HIA Bond payment amount Size (Square Feet) Annual Fee 972 $1,071 1026 $1,131 1360 $1,499 1598 $1,761 1750 $1,929 1928 $2,125 Association Member Repayment Obligation based on unit size Repayment Process City lends Condominium Association amount secured by Fee Revenue Fee is added to individual condominium unit’s property tax statement for 20 -years Fee is sent to the City to pay debt service Protecting City Resources Taking out Construction Loan with General Obligation Bond Funds Risks Edina West Mitigation of Risk HIA fee repayment dependent on capacity of Association property owners. •Reviewed Association’s financial reports, long-term maintenance and operating plan. •Financing Agreement will require Association guarantees and repayment flexibility. •Large percentage of condominium units do not have mortgage debt. HIA requires ongoing administrative oversight during project completion and length of fee repayment. HIA fee established to cover City administrative costs. HIA General Obligation Bonds will carry City backing and count against credit factors. •HIA fee provides 105% debt service coverage. •Association will provide financial guaranty. •Does not count against statutory debt limit or election requirements. •Size of amount relative to City’s debt obligations. Benefit to Establishing an HIA The quality of a city’s housing stock is a window into the city’s priorities and values. A clean, well- maintained community will attract residents seeking a safe and reliable place to call home or raise a family. ~ Family Housing Fund Next Steps and Future Requests •June 20: First Reading to enact Ordinance •July 18: Second reading and adopt Ordinance, adopt fee Resolution and approval of contingent* financing development agreement •August 15: Approve Summary Publication of Ordinance * Contingent upon Owner objections fewer than 45% Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I I.B. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eport / R ecommendation F rom:G rac e Hancoc k, S us tainability Manager Item Activity: Subject:P UBLI C HEAR I NG : O rdinanc e No. 2023-06: An O rdinanc e Amending C hapter 36 of the Edina C ity C ode C oncerning Elec tric Vehicle and S olar Energy Information Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: C lose the public hearing at noon, June 12, and continue action to J une 20, and grant first reading of Ordinance No. 2023-06 Amending C hapter 36 regarding Solar Energy Systems and Electric Vehicle Supply Infrastructure. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T his proposed City zoning code amendment seeks to clarify and simplify existing City Code related to renewable energy installations and add electric vehicle language, to better guide projects voluntarily adding on-site solar or electric vehicle charging infrastructure and ensure progress on Edina Climate Action P lan goals. T he P lanning Commission held a public hearing on April 26, 2023. P lanning C ommission motioned to recommend approval to the City Council of Ordinance No. 2023-06: E V-Solar Zoning C ode Amendment as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein with investigating the 17-foot height for carports and removing incentivized parking. T he motion tied 4-4. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report: Ordinance No. 2023-06 Ordinance No. 2023-06: Zoning Code Amendment Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Staff Pres entation STAFF REPORT Page 1 May 16, 2023 Mayor and City Council Grace Hancock, Sustainability Manager PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2023-06: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 36 of the Edina City Code Concerning Electric Vehicle and Solar Energy Information Information / Background: The Edina community is dedicated to building a sustainable environment where current and future generations benefit from clean air and water, climate and community resiliency, and access to nature, as reflected in City Council value statements. In particular, the City recognizes the risks of climate change and has set a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 45% by 2030. Building energy use accounts for more than half of Edina’s greenhouse gas footprint, while transportation is the second highest contributor to Edina’s greenhouse gas emissions. The City has set an ambitious target to increase renewable energy from 1.6% to 17% of citywide residential and commercial electric use by 2030, with 20% coming from renewables produced within the City boundaries. Further, Edina’s Climate Action Plan calls for 25% of the vehicles used in Edina to be electric by 2030. Staff propose to amend Edina City Code to prepare for solar infrastructure, specifically for opportunities in ground-mounted and carport solar. The proposal also amends Edina City Code to prepare for electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure in multifamily, commercial and public space zoning districts. The Planning Commission received these proposed amendments as part of a public hearing held on April 26, 2023. The Commission voted 4-4 to advance the recommended ordinance changes to Council, on the condition that Sec 36-1324 part 4 be removed, and Sec 36-1269 part C be investigated related to the vehicle clearance requirements. Discussion: Planning Commission Recommendation: The proposed addition to Sec 36-1324 part 4 relates to parking space reduction, and reads: “A five percent reduction in parking will be allowed if ten percent or more parking stalls are served by EVSE. Five percent of the parking stalls will be calculated before the reduction, rounded to the nearest whole number.” Planning Commission’s motion recommends this change be struck from the ordinance recommendation. Staff Recommendation: City code currently allows parking space reductions where multiple modes of transportation are present or added as an alternative to a personal vehicle. This includes parking reduction allowances when there are services present related to public transit, car-share parking and bicycle facilities. These parking reduction allowances could feasibly reduce the number of personal vehicles traveling to a site, STAFF REPORT Page 2 and provide a more balanced set of transit offerings by allowing and encouraging site users to travel by a mode that is more equitable and more climate-friendly than driving on their own. Electric vehicles are more climate- friendly than internal combustion engine vehicles, but they do not reduce the number of personal vehicles traveling to a site. Further, with the existing parking reduction allowances the City incentivizes additional multi- modal transportation infrastructure available to all members of the public, not just those who are able to purchase and use a personal electric vehicle. Staff agrees with Planning Commission, that parking reductions should only be permitted if alternative modes of transportation are provided or enhanced, and recommends that the amendment related to Sec 36-1324 be struck from the ordinance recommendation. Planning Commission Recommendation: The proposed addition to Sec 36-1269 part C relates to carport solar energy systems as an accessory use. This section reads: “(c) Carport solar energy systems are permitted as accessory uses in all districts excluding R-1 and R-2. Carport solar energy systems must have a 17-foot vehicle clearance and may not exceed 25 feet in height or the maximum building height requirements in the underlying zoning district.” Planning Commission’s motion asks staff to investigate the proposed Sec 36-1269 part C language related to the 17 foot vehicle clearance requirements. Staff Recommendation: Carport solar is defined in the ordinance amendment as “a solar energy system that is installed on a carport structure, and which may include electric vehicle supply equipment or energy storage facilities.” The carport solar structure is one where its primary use is to hold solar energy panels, and is specifically fabricated for the installation of solar panels above parking areas. In the Sec 36-1269 amendment, these are not allowed to be constructed in R-1 or R-2. These carport solar systems, at the recommendation of Edina’s Fire Marshall, must be installed at a height of at least 17 feet to allow for emergency vehicle access and passage. In R-1 and R-2, residents can install rooftop solar energy systems on their primary structure, as well as accessory structures such as a detached garage. Carports – a roof extending from a home over a driveway – is considered an accessory structure like a detached garage, so is eligible for a resident to install a rooftop solar energy system. Staff recommends keeping the ordinance amendment language as it’s proposed. Conclusion: Staff recommends that Council accept Planning Commission’s motion to approve Ordinance 2023-06 without the addition of Sec 36-1324 part 4: “A five percent reduction in parking will be allowed if ten percent or more parking stalls are served by EVSE. Five percent of the parking stalls will be calculated before the reduction, rounded to the nearest whole number.” Appendix: A. Ordinance Development Process & Reference list for City Solar and EV code best practices B. Proposed EVSE and Solar Ordinance Amendment Consultant literature and resource review Nov-Dec 2022 Planning Commission Mar-Apr 2023 Dec 2022 -Feb 2023 Staff Workshops May 2023 City Council STAFF REPORT Page 3 Appendix A: Ordinance Development Process & Reference List Nov-Dec 2022: The proposed City Code amendments refer to a broad array of resources and best practices, including other cities with similar and different types of codes. Resources consulted to draft this ordinance come from: Dec 2022- Feb 2023: After incorporating best practices, the draft incorporates comments from staff engagement meetings in December 2022 and January 2023, a staff survey, and emails with department leaders. Departments consulted included:  Building Inspections Division  Engineering Department  Facilities Division  Fire Department  Planning Department  Public Works Department Overall feedback from staff was positive to build parameters for the context of Edina in a way that is strategic and planful, so that all staff can be prepared to answer questions from City stakeholders about EV technologies, especially based on previous discussions and questions the City has sought. Mar 2023: The draft was shared with the Planning Commission at their March 29, 2023 work session meeting. Apr 2023: Planning Commission public hearing took place on April 26, 2023. May 2023: City Council public hearing occurs on May 16, 2023. References: Title Source Solar Installations Best Practice Guidance for Solar and Zoning – Accessory use. (January 2022). SolSmart https://solsmart.org/resources/best-practice-guidance- for-solar-and-zoning/ Day, Megan. (April 21, 2017). Best Practices for Zoning for Solar. National Renewable Energy Laboratory https://www.nrel.gov/state-local- tribal/blog/posts/best-practices-in-zoning-for- solar.html Minnesota Solar Energy Solar Energy Industries Association Conference trainings, presentations, and discussions https://www.mnseia.org/ Minnesota Solar Model Ordinance. (2020). Great STAFF REPORT Plains Institute https://www.growsolar.org/wp- Page 4 content/uploads/2020/08/MN-Solar-Ordinance- 2020.pdf Planning for Solar Energy. (April 2014). American Planning Association https://solsmart.org/wp- content/uploads/APA_PlanningforSolarEnergy.pdf RBI Solar Tee-Shape Canopy specifications on ground-mount and carport solar https://www.rbisolar.com/solutions/solar-carport/ Solar Energy Planning & Implementation Resources. Metropolitan Council https://metrocouncil.org/Communities/Planning/Local- Planning-Assistance/Solar.aspx Solar Array Installed on the Twin Cities Campus (August 9, 2020). University of Minnesota https://sustainable.umn.edu/sustainability -news/solar-array-installed-twin-cities- campus Solar Energy Toolkit for Local Governments. SolSmart https://solsmart.org/solar-energy-a-toolkit-for- local- governments/planning-zoning-development/ SolSmart Program Guide. (January 2021). SolSmart https://solsmart.org/wp-content/uploads/SolSmart- Program-Guide-2021.pdf Electric Vehicle Supply Infrastructure 2020 Minnesota Building Code. (Mar, 2020). ICC Digital Codes https://codes.iccsafe.org/content/MNBC2020P1 A Best Practice Guide for EVSE Regulations. (October 2022). Electric Vehicle Council powered by Fuels Institute https://www.fuelsinstitute.org/research/reports/a- best-practice- guide-for-evse-regulations/ Bernard, Joe. (March 10, 2022). Proposed Zoning Code Text Amendment: Incentives for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure. City of Minneapolis City Planning Commission https://www2.minneapolismn.gov/business- services/planning-zoning/amendments/adopted- proposed/recently-adopted/electric-vehicle-charging/ ChargePoint CT4000 Make-Ready Requirements Specification. (2016). ChargePoint https://www.chargepoint.com/files/Make-Ready- Requirements-Specification.pdf Cooke, Claire and Ross, Brian. (June 2019). Summary of Best Practices in Electric Vehicle Ordinances. Great Plains Institute https://www.betterenergy.org/wp- content/uploads/2019/06/GPI_EV_Ordinance_Summ ary_web.pdf Installation Requirements for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. (January 2021). Minnesota Pollution Control Agency https://www.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/p- gen4-20.pdf Kelly, Kay; Noblet,Stacy; and Brown, Abby. (Dec, 2019). Best Practices for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Installations in the National Parks. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy20osti/74806.pdf Navratil, Liz and Bjorhus, Jennifer. (November 25, 2022). Mpls. offers incentives for EV chargers in new garages after state code blocks requirement. Star Tribune. https://www.startribune.com/minneapolis-offers- incentives-for-ev-chargers-in-new-garages- after-state- code-blocks-requirement/600229871/ Plug Share Mapping Tool (2022). https://www.plugshare.com/ Rivard, Raymond. (May 22, 2022). New Richfield ordinance addresses electric vehicle charging. Hometown Source. https://www.hometownsource.com/sun_current/co mmunity/richfield/new-richfield-ordinance-addresses- electric-vehicle-charging/article_9bf351a4-aa0a-11ec- 99aa-2325ec046a71.html Salcido, V R; Tillou, M; and Franconi, E. (July 2021) Electric Vehicle Charging for Residential and Commercial Energy Codes Technical Brief. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. https://www.energycodes.gov/sites/default/files/2021- 07/TechBrief_EV_Charging_July2021.pdf Sutor, Julie. (August 31, 2021). Electrification Coalition Releases EV Policy Toolkit for Cities. Electrification Coalition. https://electrificationcoalition.org/wp- content/uploads/2021/08/Electrifying-Transportation- in-Municipalities-FINAL-9.9.21.pdf U.S. Department of Energy, Alternative Fuels Data Center. Electric Vehicle Readiness. https://afdc.energy.gov/pev-readiness.html Wyatt, Jessi. (Feb. 8, 2021). Database of Climate Ordinances Now Available to Planners. Great Plains https://betterenergy.org/blog/database-of-climate- ordinances-now- available-to-planners/ STAFF REPORT Institute. Page 5 Zukowski, Dan. (Oct. 25, 2022). EV charging station rollout hampered by outdated state, City regulations: report. Smart Cities Dive. https://www.smartcitiesdive.com/news/ev-charging- stations-hampered-outdated-state-city-policies- regulations- permits/634819/?%3A+Smart+Cities+Dive%3A+Dail y+Dive+10-29-+2022= City Examples for both topics Aspen, CO Minneapolis, MN Auburn Hills, MI Red Wing, MN Bloomington, MN Richfield, MN Des Moines, IA St. Louis Park, MN ORDINANCE NO. 2023-06 ZONING CODE AMENDMENT TO INCLUDE EV & SOLAR ENERGY The City Council of Edina Ordains: Section 1. Chapter 36, Article I, Section 36-10 of the Edina City Code is amended as follows: Sec. 36-10. – Definitions. Solar energy system means an energy system that consists of one or more solar collection devices, solar energy related "balance of system" equipment, and other associated infrastructure with the primary intention of generating electricity, storing electricity, or otherwise converting solar energy to a different form of energy. Solar energy systems may generate energy in excess of the energy requirements of a property. Solar energy systems cannot exceed building height requirements. Residential roof-mounted solar energy systems cannot exceed two feet above the rooftop to which it is attached. Commercial, flat-roof-mounted solar energy systems cannot exceed four feet from the roof to which it is attached to. (1) Carport solar energy system means a solar energy system that is installed on a carport structure, and which may include electric vehicle supply equipment or energy storage facilities. (2) Ground-mounted solar energy system means a solar energy system mounted on a rack or pole that is ballasted on, or is attached to, the ground. (3) Roof-mounted solar energy system means a solar energy system mounted on a rack that is ballasted on, or is attached to, the roof of a building or structure. Section 2. Chapter 36, Article XII, Division 2, Section1269 of the Edina City Code is amended as follows: Sec. 36-1269. – Energy Collection Systems and as a permitted accessory use. (a) Wind Energy: Facilities and equipment designed for the collection of solar energy or wind energy shall maintain the same setbacks as are required for principal buildings or structures and shall not be located within the front yard. Solar energy systems are permitted accessory uses in all zoning districts. (b) Solar energy systems may generate energy in excess of the energy requirements of a property. (c) Carport solar energy systems are permitted as accessory uses in all districts excluding R-1 and R-2. Carport solar energy systems must have a 17-foot vehicle clearance and may not exceed 25 feet in height or the maximum building height requirements in the underlying zoning district. (d) Ground-mounted solar energy systems are permitted as accessory uses in all districts excluding R-1 and R-2. Ground-mounted solar energy systems shall not exceed 15 feet in height when oriented at maximum tilt. Appearance and operation of solar energy systems shall comply with the Chapter 20 Article VI of the City Code (property maintenance code). Ground-mounted solar energy systems are exempt from lot coverage and impervious surface requirements if the area under the system contains vegetative ground cover. (e) Roof-mounted solar energy systems are permitted accessory uses in all zoning districts. Residential roof-mounted solar energy systems cannot exceed two feet above the rooftop to which it is attached. Commercial, flat-roof-mounted solar energy systems cannot exceed four feet from the roof to which it is attached to. Section 3. Chapter 36, Article XII, Division 2, Section 1273 of the Edina City Code is amended as follows: Sec. 36-1273. – Utility buildings and structures (a) Utility buildings and structures owned by the City. Utility buildings and structures owned by the City and used for rendering service to all or any part of the City (but excluding warehouses, maintenance buildings and storage yards) shall be a permitted principal or accessory use in all districts. (b) Other utility buildings and structures. Utility buildings and structures owned by private utility companies or governmental units other than the City and used for rendering service to all or any part of the City (but excluding warehouses, maintenance buildings and storage yards) shall be a conditional use in all districts and shall only be constructed pursuant to a conditional use permit granted in accordance with article V of this chapter. (c) Utility poles and wires, water, gas, electric and mechanical equipment regulations. (1) If the footprint is 36 square feet in area or less, and six feet in height, utility and/or mechanical equipment shall be permitted at any location in a front, side or rear yard with no minimum setback from any property line. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) height is allowable to eight feet. If utility or mechanical equipment is located within a city right-of-way, a permit is required. (2) If the footprint is larger than 36 square feet in area or six feet in height, utility and/or mechanical equipment shall be required to meet all setback requirements in the underlying zoning district. Utility and mechanical equipment that is grouped together, excluding electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) owned by electrical utilities with an active franchise agreement with the City, and in the aggregate exceeds 36 square feet in area shall also be required to meet all setback requirements in the underlying zoning district. EVSE with a height greater than eight feet must abide by these requirements. (3) Air conditioning units and privately owned mechanical equipment in the R- 1 and R-2 zoning districts shall comply with the setback requirements for accessory buildings and structures in accordance with the table in section 36-438(1). (4) All mechanical equipment accessory to any building, except single dwelling unit and double dwelling unit buildings, shall be screened from all lot lines and streets, excluding EVSE owned by electrical utilities with an active franchise agreement with the City, in accordance with section 36-1459. (5) Noise from mechanical equipment shall be subject to the City's noise regulations in accordance article II, division 5 of chapter 16. Section 4. Chapter 36, Article XII, Division 3, Subdivision II, Section 1324 in the Edina City Code is amended as follows: Sec. 36-1324. - Parking space reductions. Reductions. The following off-street parking reductions may be utilized jointly or separately except as indicated otherwise: (1) Transit. The required number of spaces for a building may be reduced by ten percent if the building is located within one-quarter of a mile from a qualified transit stop; to qualify, the transit stop must be served by regular transit service on all days of the week and adequate pedestrian access must be available between the transit stop and the parcel. Information about transit routes and schedules should be posted in public spaces within the building to encourage the use of transit. (2) Car-share parking. A reduction of up to one space per reserved parking space for car share vehicles or five percent of the required parking spaces, whichever is greater, may be granted for any development that provides reserved parking for car-share vehicles. Reserved parking spaces for car-share vehicles may be provided in any required or non- required off-street parking space. Parking spaces for car-share vehicles shall be provided in convenient, accessible locations within 50 feet of a public entrance to a principal building. (3) A ten percent reduction in parking may be approved by the City planner or the City planner's designee provided that one of the following conditions are met: a. If a residential use: One covered, long-term bicycle parking space per three dwelling units. b. If a retail or service use: One covered, long-term bicycle parking space per 5,000 square feet of retail or service uses. c. 1 short-term bike space per 5,000 s.f. of retail/services uses. In order to qualify for this reduction, the long-term bicycle parking must: a. Be protected from weather and from access by unauthorized persons; b. Consist of bike racks or lockers anchored so that they cannot be easily removed; and c. Allow both the bicycle frame and the wheels to be locked with the bicycle in an upright position using a standard U-lock. (4) A five percent reduction in parking will be allowed if ten percent or more parking stalls are served by EVSE. Five percent of the parking stalls will be calculated before the reduction, rounded to the nearest whole number. (4) (5) The area which would have been occupied by the eliminated parking spaces in items (1) to (3) above must be devoted to pervious surfaces, stormwater facilities, tree retention or native landscaping as directed by City planner or City planner's designee. Section 5. Chapter 36, Article XII, Division 3, Section 26 in the Edina City Code is amended as follows: Sec. 36-1326. - Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) parking regulations. (1) Applicability. (a) These regulations shall apply to the following zoning districts: a. Automobile Parking District b. Mixed Development District c. Planned Commercial District d. Planned Industrial District e. Planned Office District f. Planned Residence District g. Planned Unit Development h. Regional Medical District (b) Any EVSE installed before the date of adoption of these regulations will be assumed to be legal, non-conforming structures. (2) Type of EVSE. (a) Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 chargers are permitted as an accessory use in existing parking structures or parking lots in the abovementioned zoning districts. (b) An assembly of more than 24 EVSE adjacent to each other is prohibited on a single parcel. (c) The EVSE must incorporate a cord management system or method to eliminate potential for cable entanglement, user injury or connector damage from lying on the ground. (3) EV parking stall requirements. (a) Parking stalls with EVSE shall count towards off-street parking minimums required in the zoning code. (4) Location and Accessibility. not (a) EVSE may not obstruct a sidewalk or walkway and must minimize trip and safety hazards. (b) EVSE must interfere with the right-of-way sight lines. (c) EVSE and parking stalls served by EVSE shall follow Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. (5) Parking restrictions/requirements. (a) Parking stalls served by EVSE shall be reserved for EVs only. The developer or owner shall include signage and parking restrictions on the stalls to ensure availability and preference for EVs. (6) Design, installation, operations and maintenance. (a) EVSE shall be installed pursuant to manufacturer specification and shall comply with all applicable state building codes, state fire codes, state electrical codes, and relevant permitting processes. (b) EVSE shall be adequately maintained for safety and continual usage, following the property maintenance code. The area surrounding the EVSE shall be maintained appropriately to reduce hazards and allow access to EVSE, including snow removal around the equipment to allow for safety and access. (c) EVSE signage shall include a phone number to contact for regular maintenance issues and state to call 911 in case of an emergency. (d) EVSE signage may include wayfinding and usage instructions, but all other signage must meet the requirements of City Code Section 36-1655. Signs with a total area of over six square feet must follow the sign requirements of City Code Section 36-1655. (7) Definition of Terms (a) Electric Vehicle (EV): any vehicle that is licensed and registered for operation on public and private highways, roads, and streets; either partially or exclusively, on electrical energy from the grid, or an off-board source, that is stored on-board via a battery for motive purpose. “Electric vehicle” includes: (1) a battery electric vehicle; (2) a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. (b) Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE): provide electric power to the vehicle to recharge the vehicle's batteries. EVSE systems include the physical charger, software, and communications protocols that deliver energy efficiently and safely to the vehicle. EVSE does not include equipment located on the electric vehicles themselves. EVSE systems do not include mechanical or utility equipment related to delivering energy to the EVSE system and any connected EV, such as a transformer. (c) Charging Levels: the standardized indicators of electrical force or voltage, at which an electric vehicle’s battery is recharged. The terms 1,2, and 3 are the most common charging levels, and include the following specifications: (1) Level-1 is considered slow charging. It is considered 120V single phase EVSE. (2) Level-2 is considered medium charging. It is considered 208V/240V single phase AC EVSE. (3) Level-3 or DC Fast Charging is considered fast or rapid charging. It is considered AC 208V or 480V, 3 phase supply. Section 6. Chapter 36, Article XII, Division 5, Section 1457, required screening in the Edina City Code is amended as follows: Sec. 36-1457. - Required. The following uses shall be screened in accordance with the requirements of this subdivision with the exception of solar energy systems. Solar energy systems are exempt from screening requirements. (1) Nonresidential principal buildings or structures, and any building or structure accessory thereto, shall be screened from lots in the R-1 district which are used for single dwelling unit buildings and which are located within 200 feet of the nonresidential use. The distance shall be the shortest distance between the nonresidential building or structure to be screened and the nearest lot line of the R- 1 district lot, but shall not extend across a street; (2) Principal buildings or structures, or any building or structure accessory thereto, located in the Planned Industrial District or Planned Commercial District shall be screened from lots used for any residential purpose which are located within 200 feet. The distance shall be the shortest distance between the PID or PCD building or structure to be screened and the nearest lot line of the residential lot, but shall not extend across a street; (3) Off-street parking facilities containing six or more spaces and all loading facilities shall be screened from streets located within 50 feet, and from lots which are used for any residential purpose which are located within 50 feet. Said distance shall be the shortest distance between the parking facility or loading facility and the nearest part of the street or the nearest lot line of the residential lot; (4) Trash storage facilities, including recycling storage facilities, shall be screened from all lot lines and public road rights-of-way; and (5) All mechanical equipment accessory to any building, except single dwelling unit and double dwelling unit buildings, shall be screened from all lot lines and streets, excluding EVSE owned by electrical utilities with an active franchise agreement with the City. Section 7. This ordinance is effective upon second reading of the Ordinance. First Reading: June 20, 2023 Second Reading: Published: Attest: City Clerk Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send one affidavit of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk Survey Responses Public Hearing Comments-Solar and EV Better Together Edina Project: Solar and Electric Vehicle Ordinance Amendments No Responses VISITORS 7 CONTRIBUTORS 0 RESPONSES 0 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous EdinaMN.gov Public Hearing: Ord. 2023-06 Solar and Electric Vehicle Ordinance Amendment Proposal Grace Hancock, Sustainability Manager, June 6, 2023 Code Amendment Purpose •Meet Edina Climate Action Plan Goals •TL 4: Increase battery electric vehicle (BEV) utilization to 25% of community wide rolling stock (from approximately 357 vehicles to 9100 vehicles community-wide). •BE 5: Increase renewable energy (distributed and purchased) from 1.6% to 17% of citywide residential and commercial electric use by 2030 Code Amendment Summary •The City proposes ordinance changes related to Chapter 36 of the Edina City Code, to clarify and simplify existing City Code to better guide projects voluntarily adding on- site solar or electric vehicle charging infrastructure and ensure progress on Edina Climate Action Plan goals. These changes include: 1. Amend existing Solar Ordinance Add carport and ground-mounted solar energy systems: •Definitions •Requirements 2. Add EV Ordinance Add Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE): •Definition •Requirements Staff Recommendation •Staff recommends that Council accept Planning Commission’s motion to approve Ordinance 2023-06 without the addition of Sec 36-1324 part 4, related to parking requirement reductions for additions of EVSE. •With Council’s direction, staff will provide an updated Ordinance 2023-06 without Sec 36-1324 part 4 for a first reading and approval at Council’s next meeting. Amend Solar Ordinance Solar: Definitions Section Current Language New Language Sec. 36-10 Definitions Solar energy system means an energy system that consists of one or more solar collection devices, solar energy related "balance of system" equipment, and other associated infrastructure with the primary intention of generating electricity, storing electricity, or otherwise converting solar energy to a different form of energy. Solar energy systems may generate energy in excess of the energy requirements of a property. Solar energy systems cannot exceed building height requirements. Residential roof-mounted solar energy systems cannot exceed two feet above the rooftop to which it is attached. Commercial, flat-roof-mounted solar energy systems cannot exceed four feet from the roof to which it is attached to. (1)Carport solar energy system means a solar energy system that is installed on a carport structure that is accessory to a parking area, and which may include electric vehicle supply equipment or energy storage facilities. (2)Ground-mounted solar energy system means a solar energy system mounted on a rack or pole that is ballasted on, or is attached to, the ground and the system is accessory to the primary use. (3)Roof-mounted solar energy system means a solar energy system mounted on a rack that is ballasted on, or is attached to, the roof of a building or structure. Carport Solar example Ground-mount Solar example Rooftop Solar example Home rooftop solar example Solar: Setbacks and Accessory Use Section Current Language Updated Language Sec. 36-1269. - Energy collection systems setbacks and as a permitted accessory use Facilities and equipment designed for the collection of solar energy or wind energy shall maintain the same setbacks as are required for principal buildings or structures and shall not be located within the front yard. Solar energy systems are permitted accessory uses in all zoning districts. (a) Wind Energy: Facilities and equipment designed for the collection of solar energy or wind energy shall maintain the same setbacks as are required for principal buildings or structures and shall not be located within the front yard. Solar energy systems are permitted accessory uses in all zoning districts. Solar: Setbacks and Accessory Use Section New Language Sec. 36-1269. - Energy collection systems setbacks and as a permitted accessory use (b) Solar energy systems may generate energy in excess of the energy requirements of a property. (c) Carport solar energy systems are permitted as accessory uses in all districts excluding R-1 and R- 2. Carport solar energy systems must have a 17-foot vehicle clearance and may not exceed 25 feet in height or the maximum building height requirements in the underlying zoning district. (d) Ground-mounted solar energy systems are permitted as accessory uses in all districts excluding R-1 and R-2. Ground-mounted solar energy systems shall not exceed 15 feet in height when oriented at maximum tilt. Appearance and operation of solar energy systems shall comply with the Chapter 20 Article VI of the City Code (property maintenance code). Ground-mounted solar energy systems are exempt from lot coverage and impervious surface requirements if the area under the system contains vegetative ground cover. (e) Roof-mounted solar energy systems are permitted accessory uses in all zoning districts. Residential roof-mounted solar energy systems cannot exceed two feet above the rooftop to which it is attached. Commercial, flat-roof-mounted solar energy systems cannot exceed four feet from the roof to which it is attached to. Add Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) considerations to City Code EVSE: Amend Utility Buildings and Structures Section Current Language Updated Language Sec. 36- 1273. Utility Buildings and Structures Utility buildings and structures. (c) Utility poles and wires, water, gas, electric and mechanical equipment regulations. (1) If the footprint is 36 square feet in area or less, and six feet in height, utility and/or mechanical equipment shall be permitted at any location in a front, side or rear yard with no minimum setback from any property line. If utility or mechanical equipment is located within a city right-of-way, a permit is required. (2) If the footprint is larger than 36 square feet in area or six feet in height, utility and/or mechanical equipment shall be required to meet all setback requirements in the underlying zoning district. Utility and mechanical equipment that is grouped together and in the aggregate exceeds 36 square feet in area shall also be required to meet all setback requirements in the underlying zoning district. (4) All mechanical equipment accessory to any building, except single dwelling unit and double dwelling unit buildings, shall be screened from all lot lines and streets in accordance with section 36-1459. Utility buildings and structures. (c) Utility poles and wires, water, gas, electric and mechanical equipment regulations. (1)If the footprint is 36 square feet in area or less, and six feet in height, utility and/or mechanical equipment shall be permitted at any location in a front, side or rear yard with no minimum setback from any property line. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) height is allowable to eight feet. If utility or mechanical equipment is located within a City right-of-way, a permit is required. (2)If the footprint is larger than 36 square feet in area or six feet in height, utility and/or mechanical equipment shall be required to meet all setback requirements in the underlying zoning district. Utility and mechanical equipment that is grouped together, excluding electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) owned by electrical utilities with an active franchise agreement with the City, and in the aggregate exceeds 36 square feet in area shall also be required to meet all setback requirements in the underlying zoning district. EVSE with a height greater than eight feet must abide by these requirements. (4) All mechanical equipment accessory to any building, except single dwelling unit and double dwelling unit buildings, shall be screened from all lot lines and streets, excluding EVSE owned by electrical utilities with an active franchise agreement with the City,in accordance with section 36- 1459. EVSE Related Mechanical Equipment EVSE Related Mechanical Equipment EVSE: Amend Parking Reductions Section New Language Sec. 36-1324 - Parking Space Reductions (4) A five percent reduction in parking will be allowed if ten percent or more parking stalls are served by EVSE. Five percent of the parking stalls will be calculated before the reduction, rounded to the nearest whole number. •Planning Commission voted 4-4 not to recommend this change •Staff does not recommend this change EVSE Parking Regulations Section New Language Sec. 36- 1326 -EVSE Parking Regulations (1) Applicability. (a)These regulations shall apply to the following zoning districts: a.Automobile Parking District b.Mixed Development District c.Planned Commercial District d.Planned Industrial District e.Planned Office District f.Planned Residence District g.Planned Unit Development h.Regional Medical District (b)Any EVSE installed before the date of adoption of these regulations will be assumed to be legal, non- conforming structures. (2) Type of EVSE. (a)Level 1,Level 2,and Level 3 chargers are permitted as an accessory use in existing parking structures or parking lots in the abovementioned zoning districts. (b)An assembly of more than 24 EVSE adjacent to each other is prohibited on a single parcel. (c)The EVSE must incorporate a cord management system or method to eliminate potential for cable entanglement,user injury or connector damage from lying on the ground. EVSE Parking Regulations Section New Language Sec. 36-1326 - EVSE Parking Regulations (3) EV parking stall requirements. (a)Parking stalls with EVSE shall count towards off-street parking minimums required in the zoning code. (4) Location and Accessibility. (a)EVSE may not obstruct a sidewalk or walkway and must minimize trip and safety hazards. (b)EVSE must not interfere with the right-of-way sight lines. (c)EVSE and parking stalls served by EVSE shall follow Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. (5) Parking restrictions/requirements. (a)Parking stalls served by EVSE shall be reserved for EVs only.The developer or owner shall include signage and parking restrictions on the stalls to ensure availability and preference for EVs. EVSE Parking Regulations Section New Language Sec. 36-1326 - EVSE Parking Regulations (6) Design,installation,operations and maintenance. (a)EVSE shall be installed pursuant to manufacturer specification and shall comply with all applicable state building codes,state fire codes,state electrical codes,and relevant permitting processes. (b)EVSE shall be adequately maintained for safety and continual usage,following the property maintenance code. The area surrounding the EVSE shall be maintained appropriately to reduce hazards and allow access to EVSE,including snow removal around the equipment to allow for safety and access. (c)EVSE signage shall include a phone number to contact for regular maintenance issues and state to call 911 in case of an emergency. (d)EVSE signage may include wayfinding and usage instructions, but all other signage must meet the requirements of City Code Section 36-1655.Signs with a total area of over six square feet must follow the sign requirements of City Code Section 36-1655. EVSE Parking Regulations Section New Language Sec. 36-1326 -EVSE Parking Regulations (7) Definition of Terms (a)Electric Vehicle (EV):any vehicle that is licensed and registered for operation on public and private highways, roads,and streets;either partially or exclusively,on electrical energy from the grid,or an off-board source,that is stored on-board via a battery for motive purpose.“Electric vehicle”includes: (1)a battery electric vehicle; (2)a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. (b)Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE):provide electric power to the vehicle to recharge the vehicle's batteries.EVSE systems include the physical charger,software,and communications protocols that deliver energy efficiently and safely to the vehicle.EVSE does not include equipment located on the electric vehicles themselves. EVSE systems do not include mechanical or utility equipment related to delivering energy to the EVSE system and any connected EV, such as a transformer. (c)Charging Levels:the standardized indicators of electrical force or voltage,at which an electric vehicle’s battery is recharged.The terms 1,2,and 3 are the most common charging levels,and include the following specifications: (1)Level-1 is considered slow charging.It is considered 120V single phase EVSE. (2)Level-2 is considered medium charging.It is considered 208V/240V single phase AC EVSE. (3)Level-3 or DC Fast Charging is considered fast or rapid charging.It is considered AC 208V or 480V,3 phase supply. Level 3 (DC Fast) Charger Examples Level 2 Charger Examples EVs: Amend Landscaping and Screening Section Current Language New Language Sec. 36- 1457 Screenin g (5) All mechanical equipment accessory to any building, except single dwelling unit and double dwelling unit buildings, shall be screened from all lot lines and streets (5) All mechanical equipment accessory to any building, except single dwelling unit and double dwelling unit buildings, shall be screened from all lot lines and streets, excluding EVSE owned by electrical utilities with an active franchise agreement with the City. Corresponding Codes Conclusion & Staff Recommendation •Staff recommends that Council accept Planning Commission’s motion to approve Ordinance 2023-06 without the addition of Sec 36-1324 part 4, related to parking requirement reductions for additions of EVSE. •With Council’s direction, staff will provide an updated Ordinance 2023-06 without Sec 36-1324 part 4 for a first reading and approval at Council’s next meeting. Thank you Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I I.C . To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eport / R ecommendation F rom:C had A. Millner, P.E., Director of Engineering Item Activity: Subject:P UBLI C HEAR I NG : R es olution No. 2023-39: Approving R ight-of-Way Eas ement Vac ation at 4660 West 77th S treet Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: C lose the public hearing at noon on June 12 and continue action to the J une 20 City Council meeting. I N TR O D U C TI O N: As a condition of development projects, the Engineering Department requires developers to review and vacate easements that are no longer needed. T his application is associated with the project nearing completion by Solhem C ompanies. An application was received on M ay 10 requesting that easements be vacated at 4660 West 77th S treet. T he easements are an unneeded drainage easement and an ingress and egress easement. Staff recommends approval. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Resolution No. 2023-39: Approving Right-of-Way Eas ement Vacation at 4660 Wes t 77th Street Public Hearing Notice Application Eas ement Graphic Staff Pres entation RESOLUTION NO. 2023-39 VACATING PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 4660 West 77th STREET WHEREAS, an application was received on May 10, 2023, from Pentagon One LLC of 4660 West 77th Street, requesting that the 4660 West 77th Street public utility easements be vacated; and WHEREAS, two weeks published and posted notice was given and the hearing was held on June 6, 2023, at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public utility easement is not needed for public purposes; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota: 1. That the following described public utility is hereby vacated: The Ingress and Egress Easement per Document No. 931813 and the Drain Pipe Easement referred to in Paragraph 4.10 of Document No. 2375224, lying within Tract A, REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 1218, files of the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota. 2. The vacation shall not affect the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling the electric or telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, water pipes, mains and hydrants thereon or thereunder, if any, to continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such way or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto. 3. That the Mayor and the City Manager are authorized to execute all documents necessary, in the opinion of the City Attorney, to affect the transfer of this property. Adopted this 20th day of June, 2023. Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 20, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _____ day of __________, 2023. _______________________________ City Clerk Public Hearing Notice City Council, 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 6th May 23, 2023 English: This and other public hearing notices can be viewed online at EdinaMN.gov/PublicNotices. Español: Este y otros avisos de audiencia pública se pueden ver en línea en EdinaMN.gov/PublicNotices. Soomaali: Tan iyo ogeysiisyo kale oo dhagaysi dadweyne ayaa lagu daawan karaa onlayn ahaan EdinaMN.gov/PublicNotices. Vacation of Public Right-of-Way Easement at 4660 77th Street W LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT: The Ingress and Egress Easement per Document No. 931813 and the Drain Pipe Easement referred to in Paragraph 4.10 of Document No. 2375224, lying within Tract A, REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 1218, files of the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota. REQUEST: Vacate Public Right of Way Easement at 4660 77th Street W. HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Public hearing input can be provided in a variety of ways to the Planning Commission and City Council. Options 1 & 2 are available now: 1) Complete the Public Hearing Comment Form online at: www.bettertogetheredina.org/public-hearings 2) Leave a voicemail with your feedback. (952-826-0377) Options 3 & 4 are available the night of the public hearing meetings: 3) Watch the meeting and call in to provide testimony. a. Edina TV (Comcast Channels 813 or 16) b. Facebook.com/EdinaMN c. EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeetings  City Council: Call in to provide live testimony at the June 6 meeting, 786-496-5601. The Conference ID 4291915#. 4) Attend the meetings to provide testimony, City Hall Council Chambers, 4801 W. 50th St. DEADLINES: The City Council is scheduled to make a decision at its June 20th meeting. FURTHER INFORMATION: City of Edina Engineering, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, MN 55439, 952-826-0371 To view the proposed easement vacation, visit the Better Together Edina website for this specific project at: www.bettertogetheredina.org/4660-77th-street-w City Of Edina, Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424-1394 Phone (952) 927-8861 TDD (952) 826-0379 Fax (952) 826-0390 PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY VACATION APPLICATION Applicant Pentagon One LLC Print Name Address 4660 77th W Street Edina, Minnesota 55435 Street City/State Zip Telephone No. 612.216.2825 Fax No. I hereby petition the City Council of the City of Edina to vacate all of the following described public right of way pursuant to M.S. 412.851 and Edina Code Section 24-191: q Street El Alley El Utility Easement N Drainage Easement Other Legal description of the area proposed to be vacated (Please note all legal descriptions shall be transmitted electronically in a Word documents to the City of Edina City Clerk: Dm angen@edinamn.gov ). Ingress & Egress Easement per Doc. No. 931813 and Drain Pipe Easement per paragraph 4.10 Doc. No. 2375224 on the West side of the building. Does the area proposed to be vacated or any part thereof terminate at or abut upon any public water? El Yes El No Please note if the area requested to be vacated terminates at or abuts upon any public water, no vacation shall be made unless written notice of the petition is served by certified mail upon the commissioner of natural resources by the City of Edina thirty days before any Council action. • Attach a copy of a scaled drawing showing in full detail the area proposed to be vacated. • Include the vacation fee of $450.00 with your application. THE MINNESOTA DATA PRACTICES ACT requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Private data is available to you, but not to the public. We are requesting this data to determine your eligibility for a license from the City of Edina. Providing the data may disclose information that could cause your application to be denied. You are not legally required to provide the data, however, refusing to supply the data may cause your license to not be processed. Under MS 270.72, the City of Edina is required to provide the Minnesota Department of Revenue your MN Tax ID Number and Social Security Number. The Department of Revenue may supply information to the Internal Revenue Service. In addition, this data can be shared by Edina City Staff, Department of Public Safety, Hennepin County Auditor, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Hennepin County Warrant Office, Ramsey County Warrant Office and other persons or entities deemed necessary for verification of information submitted in the application. Your signature on this application indicates you understand these rights. I request that my residence address and telephone number be considered private data. My alternative address and telephone number are as follows: Address Telephone Number Date Initiated 5/8/2023 Signature 04/21/2014 A ccount No. 1001.4391 LEGEND O Denotes iron monument set marked with P.L.S. No. 44890 • Denotes found iron monument marked PLO 17256 • Denotes 1.17 inch diameter copper magnetized marker with disc cap affixed stamped LS-44890 set Denotes air conditioner Denotes building entrance Denotes beavertail curb Denotes catch basin Denotes cast Iron pipe Denotes building column Denotes concrete wall bottom Denotes drain grate Denotes ductile iron pipe Denotes electric manhole Denotes first floor Denotes fire hookup Denotes face of walk Denotes concrete gutter Denotes gas meter Denotes ground light Denotes disabled romp Denotes disabled sign Denotes handhole Denotes fire hydrant Denotes structure Invert Denotes landscaping Denotes light pole Denotes metal cover Denotes manhole Denotes per plan Denotes polyethylene pipe Denotes parking sign Denotes polyvinylchloride pipe Denotes reinforced concrete pipe Denotes sanitary manhole Denotes sanitary m sewer Denotes storm anhole Denotes storm sewer Denotes lop of concrete curb Denotes transformer Denotes underground communication line Denotes underground electric line Denotes underground telephone line Denotes vent pipe Denotes water line Denotes w a ter manhote Denotes wter valve Denotes Birch tree Denotes Boxelder tree Denotes Crabapple tree Denotes evergreen tree Denotes Hackberry tree Denotes Locust tree Denotes Maple tree Denotes Poplar tree FLOOD ZONF tlifiFS. I.) The subject property appears to lie within Other Areas Zone X (Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain), and Other Flood Areas Zone X (Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood; areas of IX annual chance flood with average depths of less than I foot or with drainage areas less than I square mile; and areas protected by levees from IX annual chance flood), per the National Flood Insurance Program. Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No, 2701600452F. dated November 4. 2016. This information was obtained from the FEMA Map Service Center web site. 2.) The flood zone demarcation line shown hereon is approximate only per scaled mop location and/or graphic plotting. FEMA maps are not precisely drawn and do not scale uniformly. Contact FEMA for final determination. PARKING 363 Regular Spaces 13 Disobled Spaces 376 Total Spaces AREA Gross n 236,951 square feet or 5.440 acres LIST OF POSSIBLE ENCROACHMENTS The following list of possible encroachments is only the opinion of this surveyor; should not be Interpreted as a legal opinion and should not be interpreted as a complete listing. E Possible eras enztd below. o e ochment ore indicated on survey with boxed A.) Fence in the northwest corner of the property. AC BE BTL CB CIP COL CWB DC DIP EMH FF FH FW GM GRDL HCR HCS HH HYD INV LA LP MC MH (P) PEP PKS PVC RCP SAN SAN S SMH ST S TC TRANS UGC UGE UGT VP • WMH WV BIR BOX CRAB EVC HACK LOC MPL POP O DATE DIUKRIPTION 12/01 DI FOOTING • FOUNDATION SITE SURVEY I \ 144?. 1 ) `Ale' 21, I /\ \--T" \ r I - 1./ A S. ---- I 010' .... ire 4.21.2 r- - Atv- ___ • .... 3 , / 111...., 7 V -- ---- ••%4 - 'N \ N onlvvr-rtrr-cr ram-- - - - / --- --- - \ sac /- _ _ - v./ / 540.1 se/ I /1 1 • , etll, sue - size ay. -16 Lo "i. -'.• )( PROPOSED BUIDIN9.„ • ,APIROPOSED BUILDING I • OP 3 aie- u v f=•-• '8T41 _tsAAL, 1.1111.tiT EASEMENT PER - DOC NO. 3698236 c - 1 ' In 1..._ 0, --- _.- --- -31.9-;;;;Jovi maw ----' ----- .--- I'.. ill&.,,-. < j ,, /A•.,.. Wall jiiiSri &113 &Us / silo, fit.- . _ 83.10,.._ 33.3 .4500 -----'wee ' --- -.----.' -4_ c ' -Tr. 1 IA/ ----___IL 7 1 i v W / STREET 1,...11/,-DED,"--.„0/---,,,,,,---.„-,--4,,,,,.._ 1 te . .24 .. Ig" tg. /-1-- ..44.71 .„ 331.4 5 l'c'''' 15 i ti" 13' s--- , NO° _. -BTU • ‘ j • • AWAI Ae1.r., i.e PONT 'A' ev'e •22.2 IC Ana, 1,22.,1C -Pr MOM IV op users J. fLaa0 •an.i OCHER • . LtT4-577,V. • .• / - .• • .• 1, . 1. • • • • • LL -JOT: / • 1113 /i.211 7T I L- i i (; ),/ 7- 71 r., A r I 1 t 3.31 /-/- , B23.1/ -I/ F \ I I \ 0 / .----) ' 'r ,.: ,.,,,, „..... .061 t., 11 1 ,1 i,1 11 fl 10 ,, 1,1 11 , I I '., 7' ,.1 1 \ • I .. ,-------____ - • , r . t 6.,.), - lki•A les.3 • 1_0131 7 G 4-7 , BACK (yAR4.131.£ H L. ti. ":-.'.a /Ir.> - I e / I a, r- ZONE ~e sang 1 1' P iDPOBED BUILD I ..J r - 1-1 6„i A L-",) f•--) E,) A 4,- L_ LJYI V /-1 v L-1/ \ 4 L// \ / IL_ / r 7/// A L./ - L / N _ 1 b n f.a4I 1 L PPRO%4ATELOCAnON or unbEzto•OUHO TANK NO, 4 PER DOC. NOS. 2596409 AND T4996729 a l ' Li& L_ 133 3 S33.3 _L_ _ ......, _L___L_ I I-- - '1'-i." l -- ,-.., . ...0.., --r 1 r. . ' r . , 0 - °P - .° 1 1 i , \ ) 7 C ....4,1 , PE1rE O „fri.i• • i • ...L., me, 42 7 ,1-A 17-1--5) I L_ - --- 1 !Q.& T DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED (Per First American Title Insurance Company Commitment for TRIe insurance File No. NCS-1045655-MPLS, commitment dote December 3, 2020) Parcel A: Tract A. Registered Land Survey No. 1218. Hennepin County. Minnesota. Torrens property-Certificate of Title No. 1356682 (Certificate contains oddltionol land) Parcel Bh Non-exclusive easements os contained In Declaration of Reciprocal Easements recorded February 25, 2015 os Doc, No. 705236311, PLAT RECORDING INFORMATION Registered Land Survey No. 1218 was filed of record on May 22. 1967, [ ] Bearings and/or dimensions listed within brackets are per plat or record documents. TITLE COMMITMENT First American Title insurance Company Commitment for Title Insurance File No. NCS-1045655-MPLS, commitment date December 3, 2020, woe relied upon as to matters of record. Schedule B Exceptions: Exceptions are indicated on survey with circled numbers unless otherwise noted. Items not listed below ore standard exceptions and/or are not survey related. 9. Easement for power line purposes In favor of Northern States Power Company. as contained in the Underground Easement, dated March 20, 1968, recorded March 22, 1968, as Doc. No, 904324. [shows on survey] in. Easement for ingress and egress purposes, as contained in the Suit Claim Deed, dated August 19, 1968 recorded January 2, 1969, as Doc. No. 931813. [shown on survey] I. Terms and conditions, including an easement for drain pipe purposes, as contained in the Easement Agreement, dated September 24, 1992, recorded Moy 17, 1993, as Doc. No. 2375224. [shown on survey] 12. Affidavit Regarding Underground Tanks, recorded March 13, 1998, as Doc. No. 2896409. [shown on survey] 13. Easements for road right of way, signal, utility and walkway purposes, In favor of the City of Edina, as contained In the Easement. dated July 26, 2002, recorded September 6. 2002. as Doc. No. 3598236, [shown on survey] 14. Conditions contained In Resolution No. 2009-19 by the City of Edina, recorded April 27, 2009, as Doc, No. 4637656. [not plottable] 15. Affidavit Regarding Underground Storage Tanks recorded September 27, 2012, as Document No. 14996729. [shown on survey) 16. Terms of unrecorded Master Development Agreement as disclosed by Memorandum of Master Development Agreement among the City of Edina, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the city of Edina and Pentagon Revival, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, dated May 20. 2014, recorded June 4. 2014 as Doc. No. 705174647. [not plottoble] 17, Terms and conditions of City of Edina Resolution No. 2014-29 recorded September 25, 2014 as Doc. No. 705202503. [not plottable] IB. Terms, conditions, obligations and easements as contained In Declaration of Reclprocal Easements by Pentagon North, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, dated February 24, 2015, recorded February 25, 2015 as Don No. 705236311. [shown on survey] 2t. Matters disclosed by Plot of a Survey of Part of Section 31, Township 28 North, Range 24 West of 4th P.M. Pled May 23. 2018 as Doc. No. T05532517 and shown as a memorial plot on the Certificate of Title. [not plottable] 22. Terms, conditions, covenonts, restrictions, obligations and easements as cantolned in Declaration of Reciprocal Easements, Covenants and Restrictions by Pentagon North, LLC. a Minnesota limited Itobalty company, dated February 27. 2019, recorded February 28. 2019 as Doc. No. T05597334. [blanket kr nature] 23. Terms, conditions, obligations, covenants and restrictions as contalned In Declaration by Pentagon North, LLC in favor of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District recorded May 31. 2019 as Doc. No. 705615976. [not plottable] GENERAL NOTES I.) Survey coordinate basis; Hennepin County Coordinate System 2.) Adjoining ownership information shown hereon was obtained from the Hennepin County Property Tax Information web site. 3.) There were no wetland delineation mockers Observed In the process of conducting the fieldwork. 4.) There was no evidence of recent earth moving work, building construction or building additions observed in the process of conducting the fieldwork. 5.) There are no proposed changes In street right of way lines per the City of Edina Right of Woy Department. There was no evidence of recent street or sidewalk construction or repairs observed in the process of conducting the fieldwork. 6.) At the lime fieldwork was performed for this survey, there was a significant amount of snow on the ground. Physical features were located to the best of our ability, but there may be additional features that were not visible and, therefore, not shown hereon. UTILITY NOTFC 13 Utility Information from plans and markings ems combined with observed evidence of utilities to develop a view of the underground utilities shown hereon. However, lacking excavotion, the tact location of underground features connot be accurately, completely and reliably depicted. In addition, Gopher State One Call locate requests from surveyors may be Ignored or result in an incomplete response. Where additional or more detailed Information is required, excavation and/or a private utility locate request moy be necessary. 2.) Other underground utilities of which we are unaware may exist. Verify all utilities critical to construction or design. 3.) Some underground utility locations are shown as marked on Pte by those utility companies whose locators responded to our Gopher State One Coll, ticket number 210260485. 4.) Contact GOPHER STATE ONE CALL ot 651-454-0002 0300-252-1166) for precise onsite location of utilities prior to any excavation. - ZONING NOTES I.) Zoning information and building setback depiction shown hereon is per Ordinance No. 2021-06, amending the zoning ordinance to add PUO-23. (Planned Unit Development District-23 - Pentagon Park Apartments) 2.) Building Setbacks. (Development Standards) Front - 77th Street 40-50 feet Rear - Fred Richards Park 20 feet Side - West 50 feet Side - East 45 feet BENCHMARK (SRI I.) Top of top nut of fire hydrant on north side of West 77th Street at building number 4660. Elevation = 824.78 feet REVISION SUMMARY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION To: Solhern LLC. a Minnesota limited liability company, or its Permitted Assigns; Pentagon North, LLC, o Minnesota limited liability company. Associated Bank, National Association, a notional banking association, its successors and assigns; Pentagon One LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company. First American Title insurance Company; Old Republic National Title Insurance Company and Guaranty Commercial Title. Inc. This Is to certify that this mop or plot and the survey on which it is based were mode Inaccordance with the 2016 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes items I, 2, 3, 4, 7(a). 7(b)(I), 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 17 and 19 of Table A thereof. The fieldwork was completed on January 28, 2021, Dated this 4th day of February. 2021. SIAZDE±yo SURVEYING. LLC. :7r ucweem /1 r - MAP li/15/2021 AP 10/22/2021 MAP 7/C6/2021 ) MAP 4/22/2021 ) 1 Brr • Oreming ALTA / NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR: SOLHEM COMPANIES 4640 8 4660 W 77TH ST, EDINA, MN Ar1 11L 11-1 - -- Aria proposertiildln alRevised certification Revised per comments Added contours A i GUESTSUITEPUBCOWORK LOUNGE CONF.FITNESSWEIGHTROOMFITNESSYOGAGAME ROOMSAUNAPOOLCLUB ROOMRAMPDNMECH.326C TANDEM4 C19C587 STALLS57 C6RESIDENTIAL UNITSRESIDENTIAL UNITSRESIDENTIAL UNITS3CNOPARKING12187754332435' BUILDING SETBACK35' BUILDING SETBACK35' BUILDING SETBACK20' BUILDING SETBACKCONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONST.LIMITS55.7'56.2'86.7'76.7'43.8'55.7'9.0'40.0'20.0'TYP.9.0' TYP.5.3'8.5'TYP.6.3'20.0'5.7'20.0'7.3'22.0'5.1'5.0'5.0'8.5' TYP.8.9'46.6'18.6'26.4'28.3'16.8'13.3'10.0'9.0'TYP.55.7'51.7'R3.0'R3.0'R3.0'R3.0'R3.0'R3.0'R3.0'R3.0'R3.0'R3.0'R3.0'R100.0'R78.0'R3.0'R6.0'R3.0'R8.0'R100.0'R3.0'R10.0'R10.0'R10.0'R7.0'R8.0'R3.0'R3. 0 'R3.0'R3. 0 ' R 3 6 . 0 ' R2 0 . 0 'R4.0'R4.0'R4.0 'R4.0'R 4 . 0 'R4.0'R8.0'R3.0'R 3 . 0 'ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE, INCL.SIGNAGE, STRIPINGAND RAMPSM.D. BIT.PVMT., TYPPVMT.STRIPINGTYP.CONCRETE DRIVEWAYAPRON PER CITYSTANDARDS, TYP.REMOVE AND REPLACEEXISTING PAVEMENT ANDBASE MATERIAL TO MATCHEXISTING PAVEMENT SECTIONFOR UTILITY CONSTRUCTIONCONCRETE SIDEWALKPER CITY STANDARDS,TYP.B612 C&G, TYP.M.D. BIT.PVMT., TYPB612 C&G,TYP.B612 C&G,TYP.B612 C&G,TYP.PVMT. STRIPINGTYP.CONCRETE SIDEWALKPER CITY STANDARDS,TYP.CONCRETE DRIVEWAYAPRON PER CITYSTANDARDS, TYP.REMOVE AND REPLACEEXISTING PAVEMENT ANDBASE MATERIAL TO MATCHEXISTING PAVEMENT SECTIONFOR UTILITY CONSTRUCTION3' CURBTAPERMATCHEX. C&GMATCHMATCHMATCHMATCHB612 C&G,TYP.B612C&G,TYP.L.D. BIT.PVMT., TYPPVMT.STRIPINGTYP.CONC. WALK, TYPCONC. WALK, TYPCONC. WALK, TYPCONC. WALK, TYPBITUMINOUS PATH, TYPPICKLE BALL COURT,SEE ARCH'L PLANSFOR DETAILSWOOD DECK BRIDGE,SEE ARCH'L PLANSRETAINING WALLS, SEEGRADING PLAN FOR WALLELEVATIONS, SEE ARCH'LPLANS FOR DETAILSRETAINING WALLS, SEEGRADING PLAN FOR WALLELEVATIONS, SEE ARCH'LPLANS FOR DETAILSRETAINING WALLS, SEEGRADING PLAN FOR WALLELEVATIONS, SEE ARCH'LPLANS FOR DETAILSRETAINING WALLS, SEEGRADING PLAN FOR WALLELEVATIONS, SEE ARCH'LPLANS FOR DETAILSPLAZA DECK WITH RETAINING WALLS,SEE ARCH'L PLANS FOR DETAILSPLAZA DECK WITH RETAINING WALLS,SEE ARCH'L PLANS FOR DETAILSCONC. STAIRS,SEE ARCH'L PLANSFOR DETAILSCONC. STAIRS,SEE ARCH'L PLANSFOR DETAILSCONC. STAIRS,SEE ARCH'L PLANSFOR DETAILSCONC. STAIRS,SEE ARCH'L PLANSFOR DETAILSCONC. STAIRS,SEE ARCH'L PLANSFOR DETAILSCONC. WALK, TYPL.D. BIT.PVMT., TYPL.D. BIT.PVMT., TYPL.D. BIT.PVMT., TYPPLAZA DECK WITHRETAINING WALLS,SEE ARCH'L PLANSFOR DETAILSM.D. BIT.PVMT., TYPPATIO, SEE ARCH'LPLANS FOR DETAILSDOG RUN AREA,SEE ARCH'L PLANSFOR DETAILSSEE LANDSCAPINGPLAN, BY OTHERSCONC. STAIRS,SEE ARCH'L PLANSFOR DETAILSCONC. WALK, TYPCONC. PAVEMENT3' CURBTAPER3' CURBTAPERRIBBONCURB3' CURBTAPER22.0'MATCHEX. C&GMATCHEX. C&GMATCHEX. C&GMATCHEX. C&GMATCHACCESSIBLE ROUTEARROW. DO NOT PAINT,FOR CODE REVIEW ONLY,TYP.PERMEABLEPAVEMENTAREAS, TYP. SEEDETAIL.16.0' 12.2' 6.0'4.0' 16.0'11.5'8.0'44.0'5.7'18.0'TYP.22.0'4.7'8.0'24.0'5.7'9.0'TYP.22.0'18.0'TYP.4.7'20.0'TYP.9.0'TYP.22.0'18.0'TYP.4.7'20.0'TYP.2.9'5.0'29.8'6.0'14.8'18.0'TYP.24.0'8.3'18.0'TYP.24.0'10.1'18.0'TYP.24.0'8.9'18.0' 24.3'35.6'24.6'35.4'22.6'8.0'8.4'8.0'16.0'13.1'6.0'4.0'8.0'44.0'TOP=821.00EOF=820.80SITE 100-YR HWL=823.203:1 SIDE SLOPESMIN. BOTTOM AREA=5800 SF4931 W. 35TH ST. SUITE 200ST. LOUIS PARK, MN 55416CivilSiteGroup.com612-615-0060PENTAGON PARK RESIDENTIAL 4660 W 77TH ST, EDINA MN 55435 724 N 1ST ST, SUITE 500, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 SOLHEM COMPANIES PROJECT P R E L I M I N A R Y : N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O NISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION............PROJECT NUMBER:21105............04/30/2021CITY SUBMITTALDRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:RL, MWDK..............COPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.c202148776David J. KnaebleLICENSE NO.DATEI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULYLICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.04/30/21REVISION SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTIONC2.0SITE PLAN............SITE AREA TABLE:1.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS AND LAYOUT OF ALL SITE ELEMENTS PRIOR TO BEGINNINGCONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOCATIONS OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED PROPERTY LINES,EASEMENTS, SETBACKS, UTILITIES, BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENTS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINALLOCATIONS OF ALL ELEMENTS FOR THE SITE. ANY REVISIONS REQUIRED AFTER COMMENCEMENT OFCONSTRUCTION, DUE TO LOCATIONAL ADJUSTMENTS SHALL BE CORRECTED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TOOWNER. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE LAYOUT SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIORTO INSTALLATION OF MATERIALS. STAKE LAYOUT FOR APPROVAL.2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING ARIGHT-OF-WAY AND STREET OPENING PERMIT.3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY RECOMMENDATIONS NOTED IN THE GEO TECHNICAL REPORT PRIOR TOINSTALLATION OF SITE IMPROVEMENT MATERIALS.4.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY COORDINATES AND LOCATION DIMENSIONS OF THE BUILDING AND STAKE FORREVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF FOOTING MATERIALS.5.LOCATIONS OF STRUCTURES, ROADWAY PAVEMENTS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, BOLLARDS, AND WALKS AREAPPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE STAKED IN THE FIELD, PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BYTHE ENGINEER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.6.CURB DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF CURB. BUILDING DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CONCRETEFOUNDATION. LOCATION OF BUILDING IS TO BUILDING FOUNDATION AND SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS.7.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS OR SAMPLES AS SPECIFIED FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BYTHE ENGINEER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO FABRICATION FOR ALL PREFABRICATED SITE IMPROVEMENTMATERIALS SUCH AS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING, FURNISHINGS, PAVEMENTS, WALLS, RAILINGS,BENCHES, FLAGPOLES, LANDING PADS FOR CURB RAMPS, AND LIGHT AND POLES. THE OWNER RESERVES THERIGHT TO REJECT INSTALLED MATERIALS NOT PREVIOUSLY APPROVED.8.PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH TRUNCATED DOME LANDING AREAS IN ACCORDANCEWITH A.D.A. REQUIREMENTS-SEE DETAIL.9.CROSSWALK STRIPING SHALL BE 24" WIDE WHITE PAINTED LINE, SPACED 48" ON CENTER PERPENDICULAR TOTHE FLOW OF TRAFFIC. WIDTH OF CROSSWALK SHALL BE 5' WIDE. ALL OTHER PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BEWHITE IN COLOR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR REQUIRED BY ADA OR LOCAL GOVERNING BODIES.10.SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND GUTTER TYPE. TAPER BETWEEN CURB TYPES-SEE DETAIL.11.ALL CURB RADII ARE MINIMUM 3' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.12.CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO FINAL PLAT FOR LOT BOUNDARIES, NUMBERS, AREAS AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TOSITE IMPROVEMENTS.13.FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS.14.PARKING IS TO BE SET PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULAR TO EXISTING BUILDING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.15.ALL PARKING LOT PAINT STRIPPING TO BE WHITE, 4" WIDE TYP.16.BITUMINOUS PAVING TO BE "LIGHT DUTY" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SEE DETAIL SHEETS FOR PAVEMENTSECTIONS.17.ALL TREES THAT ARE TO REMAIN ARE TO BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE WITH A CONSTRUCTION FENCE AT THEDRIP LINE. SEE LANDSCAPE DOCUMENTS.18.ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL"(651-454-0002 OR 800-252-1166) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THECONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY UTILITIES THAT ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NOCOST TO THE OWNER.SITE LAYOUT NOTES:SITE PLAN LEGEND:TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW PAVEMENT MARKINGSCITY OF EDINA SITE SPECIFIC NOTES:SIGN AND POST ASSEMBLY. SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRED.HC = ACCESSIBLE SIGNNP = NO PARKING FIRE LANEST = STOPCP = COMPACT CAR PARKING ONLY01" = 20'-0"20'-0"10'-0"N1.RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC NOTES.Know what'sbelow.before you dig.CallRCONCRETE PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ASSPECIFIED (PAD OR WALK) SEE GEOTECHNICALREPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & CONCRETEDEPTHS, SEE DETAIL.PROPERTY LINECURB AND GUTTER-SEE NOTES (T.O.) TIP OUTGUTTER WHERE APPLICABLE-SEE PLANLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE).SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE& WEAR COURSE DEPTH, SEE DEATIL.MEDIUM DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE).SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE &WEAR COURSE DEPTH, SEE DETAIL.CONSTRUCTION LIMITSTOSPECIALTY PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) - PROVIDE BIDFOR THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS, INCLUDE VARIATIONSOF BASE MATERIAL AND OTHER NECESSARYCOMPONENTS.1. STAMPED & COLORED CONCRETE2. CONCRETE PAVERSMAKERS, COLORS, MODELS, & PATTERN TO BEINCLUDED IN SHOP DRAWING SUBMITTAL PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION.OPERATIONAL NOTES:SNOW REMOVAL:ALL SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON-SITE AT OUTSIDE EDGES OF PARKING LOT. WHEN THOSEAREAS ARE FULL, SNOW REMOVAL COMPANY WILL REMOVE TO OFFSITE LOCATIONTRASH REMOVAL:TRASH SHALL BE COLLECTED IN INTERIOR COLLECTION AREA AND STAGED OUTSIDE,WHERE DESIGNATED, ON DAY OF PICK-UP BY BUILDING PERSONNEL. PICK-UP SHALL BE BYCOMMERCIAL REFUSE AND RECYCLING HAULER COMPANY.DELIVERIES:DELIVERIES SHALL OCCUR AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE VIA STANDARD COMMERCIAL DELIVERYVEHICLES (UPS, FED EX, USPS). MOVE-IN/OUT OPERATIONS MAY BE STAGED AT OTHEREGRESS LOCATIONS WITH COORDINATION AND OPERATIONS ORGANIZED BY BUILDINGSTAFF, INCLUDING TRAFFIC CONTROL, AS REQUIRED.ACCESSIBILITY ARROW (IF APPLICABLE) DO NOTPAINT.PERVIOUS PAVEMENT - INCLUDE ALL BASE MATERIALAND APPURTENANCES AS SPECIFIED PERMANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS & INSTRUCTIONS.MAKE: T.B.D.MODEL: T.B.D.COLOR: T.B.D. - PROVIDE SAMPLES, SHOP DRAWINGS & PRODUCT DATA REQUIRED PRIORTO CONSTRUCTION. The CITY ofEDINA Vacation of Easements 4660 77th Street Resolution 2023-39 Public Hearing June 6, 2023 The CITY ofEDINAExisting Easements www.EdinaMN.gov 2 The CITY ofEDINAUtilities City: No Issues Private Utilities: No Issues www.EdinaMN.gov 3 The CITY ofEDINASummary Close the public hearing at noon on June 12 and continue action to the June 20 City Council meeting. www.EdinaMN.gov 4 Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I I.D. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eport / R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:P UBLI C HEAR I NG : R es olution No. 2023-37: 6200 Interlac hen Blvd, Amendment to a C onditional Use P ermit and Varianc e at Interlachen C ountry C lub Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Adopt R esolution No. 2023-37 approving an amendment to a previously approved conditional use permit and height variance at Interlachen Country C lub, 6200 I nterlachen B lvd. I N TR O D U C TI O N: I n 2022 I nterlachen C ountry Club received a Conditional U se P ermit (C U P ) and a height variance to redevelop some of their existing facilities for its members. T he expanded facilities included a new lodge with food service, a fitness center, and indoor and outdoor racquet facilities. T he proposed covered tennis courts were proposed to be located inside of a structure which received a variance for building height. T he proposed building was approved at 39 feet tall and was approved conditioned to the plans and elevations presented to the planning commission and city council at the time of approval. I nterlachen C ountry Club received some feedback from nearby residents and property owners and has submitted updated elevations to the tennis structure to address reducing light, reducing sound, and improving sustainability. T he changes to the approved elevations are the reason the project is requesting an amended conditional use permit and height variance. T his is due to the previous approvals being conditioned to the plans presented in 2022. T he request is to amend the existing condition on the C U P and variance to reflect the current plans presented. B ecause this overall project has been approved, is under construction, and the request is simply to make alterations to the approved building to reduce impacts including noise, light and sustainability. T he C ouncil is asked to take action on this request on J une 6. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Resolution No. 2023-37 Planning Commission Staff Report Applicant Submittal Resolution 2022-55 2022 Staff Reports : Engineering & Building Site Location Map Staff Pres entation Applicant Pres entation Better Together Comment Report RESOLUTION NO. 2023-37 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND HEIGHT VARIANCE AT INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB, 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. BACKGROUND. 1.01 Interlachen Country Club is requesting an amendment to a previously approved Conditional Use Permit and building height variance approved in 2022. 1.02 The Conditional Use Permit is conditioned to the plans presented in 2022. The amendment request is to update the approved elevations of the covered tennis structure. 1.03 No other changes to the approved plans are proposed. The covered tennis structure is the same size and height as the previous approvals. 1.04 The property is legally described as follows: LOT 001 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 248 HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN 1.05 To accommodate the request, the following is requested: 1. An amendment to the Conditional Use Permit to change the approved elevations. 2. An amendment to the height variance to change the approved elevations. 1.06 On May 24, 2023, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit and height variance request. 1.07 On June 6, 2023, the City Council held a public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit and height variance. Section 2. FINDINGS 2.01 Approval of the amendment to the conditional use permit and height variance to update the approved elevations is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed project met the conditional use permit standards of Chapter 36. 2. The proposed project met the criteria to grant a variance. RESOLUTION NO. 2023-37 Page 2 3. The height of the structure over the tennis court is required for the functionality of the tennis court. 4. The height of the tennis court structure would be 13 feet shorter than the tallest structure on the site. 5. The proposed project will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Section 3. APPROVAL NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina, approve the amendment to the Conditional Use Permit and building height variance for Interlachen Country Club at 6200 Interlachen Boulevard. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The Construction Plans must be consistent with the proposed Development Plans date stamped May 12, 2022. 2. Compliance with all the conditions outlined in the city engineer’s memo dated June 6, 2022. 3. Compliance with all the conditions outlined in the building official and fire marshal memo dated June 8, 2022. 4. Hours of operation are limited to the following times:  Fitness Center: 5:30 AM – 10:00 PM  Food Service: 7:00 AM – 12:00 AM  Tennis/Hockey: 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM 5. The elevations of the tennis structure must be consistent with the elevations and plans submitted by the applicant on May 3, 2023. RESOLUTION NO. 2023-37 Page 3 Adopted by the city council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, on June 6, 2023. ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 6, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ____ day of __________________, 2023. _________________________________ City Clerk May 24, 2023 Planning Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Conditional Use Permit and Variance Amendment – 6200 Interlachen Boulevard, Interlachen Country Club Information / Background: In 2022 Interlachen Country Club received a Conditional Use Permit and a height variance to redevelop some of their existing facilities for its members. The expanded facilities included a new lodge with food service, a fitness center, and indoor and outdoor racquet facilities. The proposed covered tennis courts were proposed to be located inside of a structure which received a variance for building height. The proposed building was approved at 39 feet tall and was approved conditioned to the plans and elevations presented to the planning commission and city council at the time of approval. Interlachen Country Club received some feedback from nearby residents and property owners and has submitted updated elevations to the tennis structure to address reducing light, reducing sound, and improving sustainability. The changes to the approved elevations are the reason the project is requesting an amended conditional use permit and height variance. This is due to the previous approvals being conditioned to the plans presented in 2022. The request is to amend the existing condition on the CUP and variance to reflect the current plans presented. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single-family homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single-family homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single-family homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single-family homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Existing Site Features The location, size, footprint, and height of the tennis structure is unchanged with the proposed amendment. The only changes to the proposal are to the elevations of the covered tennis structure. Planning Guide Plan designation: Public/semi-public and low-density residential Zoning: R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District Proposed Elevation Changes (Pages 3-7 of the Applicant Submittal) The proposed changes from the applicant are to address feedback received by the applicant. The feedback the proposed changes address reducing light, reducing sound, and improving sustainability. The proposed changes include:  Changes to the overall number storefronts and storefront doors.  Reduce the number of garage doors and replace them with fixed windows.  Eliminate the dormers with glazing and replacing them with a fully opaque roof.  Remove the translucent polycarbonate system and replace it with LP Smart Siding painted brown to match the clubhouse. Approved Elevations Proposed Elevations North Elevation West Elevation STAFF REPORT Page 3 South Elevation East Elevation Setback Compliance Table No changes are proposed to the approved height/location of the accessory buildings. City Standard Proposed North lot line South lot line West line East lot line 95 feet (Structure) 50 feet (courts) 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 96 feet 50 feet Roughly 400-600 feet 207 feet 1 inch 1,000 + feet Accessory Building Height Tennis Structure 20 feet *39 Feet Lodge Building 20 feet 20 feet Field House Building 20 feet 20 feet * Required a variance-the proposed height of the tennis structure has not changed. STAFF REPORT Page 4 PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issue  Is the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) criteria still met with the proposed change? Yes, the proposed change to the elevations does not change the findings of the conditional use permit criteria that were previously approved. The project continues to:  Not have an adverse impact on utilities and service.  Not change any traffic outside the capacity of the streets serving the property.  Not have an undue adverse impact on public health, safety, or welfare.  Not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of other property in the vicinity.  Conform to the restrictions and conditions of the R-1 zoning district.  Remain consistent with the comprehensive plan.  Is the proposed variance justified? Yes. The variance criteria continues to be met with the proposed elevation changes.  The variance continues to relieve practical difficulties with the elevation change. The proposed height remains the same.  The circumstances are unique to this property and are not self-created.  The change in elevations will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The proposed design matches the existing buildings in both architectural stye and materials. The proposed height remains unchanged. Staff Recommendation Recommend that the Planning Commission approve the amendment to the previously approved conditional use permit and building height variance at 6200 Interlachen Boulevard. The findings and conditions of the original approval have not changed. The proposed added condition of approval is to condition the elevations of the tennis structure to the current plans presented. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed project meets the conditional use permit standards of Chapter 36. 2. The proposed project meets the criteria to grant a variance. 3. The height of the structure over the tennis court is required for the functionality of the tennis court. STAFF REPORT Page 5 4. The height of the tennis court structure would be 13 feet shorter than the tallest structure on the site. 5. The proposed project will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Construction Plans must be consistent with the proposed Development Plans date stamped May 12, 2022. 2. Compliance with all the conditions outlined in the city engineer’s memo dated June 6, 2022. 3. Compliance with all the conditions outlined in the building official and fire marshal memo dated June 8, 2022. 4. Hours of operation are limited to the following times:  Fitness Center: 5:30 AM – 10:00 PM  Food Service: 7:00 AM – 12:00 AM  Tennis/Hockey: 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM 5. The elevations of the tennis structure must be consistent with the elevations and plans submitted by the applicant on May 3, 2023. INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD • EDINA, MN 55436 Club (952) 929-1661 • Fax (952) 929-7720 • interlachencc.org Date: May 1, 2023 To: City of Edina From: Interlachen Country Club Subject: Tennis Pavilion Design Improvements Dear City Officials: Last year the City of Edina issued Interlachen Country Club (the "Club") a Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") and granted a variance to improve our existing racquet facilities and related amenities. The approved project includes a new Lodge (restaurant), fitness center, and racquet courts, including two covered tennis courts – construction is well underway and on schedule to finish in the early fall. We received valuable feedback from nearby residents and City Officials throughout the permit process. Overall, the feedback centered on three key areas: 1. Reducing light 2. Reducing sound 3. Improving sustainability The feedback informed changes to our application's conceptual tennis pavilion design. Ultimately, it led to a significantly improved final design, considerably reducing light and sound travel to neighboring properties. Unfortunately, after we submitted our building permit for the tennis pavilion last month, City Staff informed us that the building permit plans needed to match the plans and elevations included in our CUP and variance applications. Building the tennis pavilion, as proposed in the CUP and variance applications, would not be consistent with the spirit of the conversations with our neighbors or our commitment to do our best to address resident concerns and be good neighbors. We are seeking approval for the final design of the tennis pavilion as outlined in this application. We have reviewed the final design with several neighbors. To date, the neighbors we have met with prefer and support the final design. The tennis pavilion's size, height, and location did not change. The only changes are to the quantity, size, and location of overhead doors, windows, and dormers, all to reduce light, reduce sound, and improve energy efficiency. If you have any questions or if we can provide any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at jlivingood@interlachencc.org or 952-924-7401. Respectfully, Joel Livingood General Manager and CEO Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD • EDINA, MN 55436 Club (952) 929-1661 • Fax (952) 929-7720 • interlachencc.org Date: May 1, 2023 To: City of Edina From: Interlachen Country Club Subject: Tennis Pavilion Design Improvements Dear City Officials: Last year the City of Edina issued Interlachen Country Club (the "Club") a Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") and granted a variance to improve our existing racquet facilities and related amenities. The approved project includes a new restaurant, fitness center, and racquet courts, including two covered tennis courts – construction is well underway and on schedule to finish in the early fall. We received valuable feedback from nearby residents and City Officials throughout the permit process. Overall, the feedback centered on three key areas: 1. Reducing light 2. Reducing sound 3. Improving sustainability The feedback informed changes to our application's conceptual tennis pavilion design. Ultimately, it led to a significantly improved final design, considerably reducing light and sound travel to neighboring properties. Unfortunately, after we submitted our building permit for the tennis pavilion last month, City Staff informed us that the building permit plans needed to match the (conceptual) plans and elevations included in our CUP and variance applications. Building the tennis pavilion, as proposed in the CUP and variance applications, would not be consistent with the spirit of the conversations with our neighbors or our commitment to do our best to address resident concerns and be good neighbors. We are seeking approval for the final design of the tennis pavilion as outlined in this application. We have reviewed the final design with several neighbors. To date, the neighbors we have met with prefer and support the final design. The tennis pavilion's size, height, and location did not change. The only changes are to the quantity, size, and location of overhead doors, windows, and dormers, all to reduce light, reduce sound, and improve energy efficiency. If you have any questions or if we can provide any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at jlivingood@interlachencc.org or 952-924-7401. Respectfully, Joel Livingood General Manager and CEO Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 Submitted May 3, 2023 DATE: 6/6/2022 TO: 6200 Interlachen Blvd, Owner and Development Team CC: Cary Teague – Community Development Director FROM: Mattias Oddsson, Engineering Intern Zuleyka Marquez, PE, Graduate Engineer RE: 6200 Interlachen Blvd – Conditional Use Permit Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for pedestrian facilities, utility connections, grading, flood risk, and storm water. Plans reviewed included c ivil, landscape, and survey drawings stamped 5/12/2022 Review Comment Required For General 1. Deliver as -build records of public and private utility infrastructure post construction. Certificate of Occupancy 2. Maintenance of sidewalks to be responsibility of property owner. General Comment Survey 3. An existing and proposed site condition survey is required. Grading/Building Permit 3.1 Show all existing and proposed public and private easements. Grading/Building Permit Living Streets 4. Design sidewalks to meet ADA requirements. Grading/Building Permit 5. Consider extending sidewalk on the east side of existing west parking lot to serve all accessible parking stalls. General Comment Traffic and Street 6. Review fire access requirements with fire department. Fire truck turning template attached. Grading/Building Permit 7. Waterman Ave was milled and overlaid in 2021. Avoid any damage. Damage to be repaired per standard plate 544. Certificate of Occupancy Sanitary and Water Utilities 8. Verify fire demand and hydrant locations. Grading/Building Permit 9. Domestic water shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. Grading/Building Permit 10. Domestic sanitary shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. Grading/Building Permit 11. Apply for a sewer & water connection permit with Public Works. Prior to Starting Utility Work 11.1 Meter required for building service line and combined lines. No meter required for fire only service line. Grading/Building Permit 11.2 Public Works to determine acceptable installation methods. Grading/Building Permit 12. Disconnected sanitary and water services to be capped at main. 13. A SAC determination will be required by the Metropolitan Council. The SAC determination will be used by the City to calculate sewer and water connection charges . Grading/Building Permit 14. Single connection from main for fire and domestic, split after main connection. Grading/Building Permit 15. Verified well at 6309 Waterman Ave (owned by Interlachen Country Club). 6201 Belmore La was demolished in 2009 for gold course expansion and has a verified well onsite. Wells not in use must be sealed by a licensed well contractor per MN Rules, Chapter 4725. Provide well sealing records as available. Certificate of Occupancy Storm Water Utility 16. Provide final geotechnical report with soil borings. Grading/Building Permit 17. Provide the proposed lowest opening elevations for the new structures (fieldhouse and lodge) in subwatershed HO_19. Proposed lowest opening elevations shall not be less than 917.4’ Grading/Building Permit 18. Provide net cut/fill calculations for grade chan ges in subwatershed ML_31 below the elevation of 916.2’. Some fill shown on Exhibit 2 of the stormwater management report. Grading/Building Permit 19. Provide details for the proposed permeable pavers. City of Edina considers permeable pavers impervious until mitigated with sufficient below ground storage. Confirm permeable pavers are included in the impervious surface calculations. Grading/Building Permit 20. Provide hydraulic and hydrologic report meeting watershed and state construction site permit requirements. Grading/Building Permit 21. Submit watershed district permit and copies of private maintenance agreement in favor of watershed. Grading/Building Permit Grading Erosion and Sediment Control 22. A SWPPP consistent with the State General Construction Site Stormwater Permit is required. Grading/Building Permit Constructability and Safety 23. Construction staging, traffic control, and pedestrian access plans will be required. Grading/Building Permit Other Agency Coordination 24. MDH, MPCA and MCES permits required as needed. Grading/Building Permit 25. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit is required. Grading/Building Permit Sustainability 26. Consider installation of electric vehicle chargers for a minimum of 5% of additional proposed parking and wiring an additional 10% for EV conversion in the future. General Comment 27. See Sustainable Design Questionnaire for additional considerations , including: • Utilize Xcel Energy’s Energy Design Assistance or Energy Efficient Buildings, and/or CenterPoint Energy’s Builder and Developer programs f or this development to optimize building performance. • Install appliances and equipment that are Energy Star or EPA WaterSense certified . General Comment June 8 , 2022 Cary Teague, Community Development Director David Fisher, Chief Building Official Interlachen Country Club – Variance Information / Background: New building on site . - Provide a complete Build Code analysis with plans when submitt ing for the building permit. - An NFPA 13 Fire Sprinkler System shall be installed when required by MSFC S903. - Verify and provide an address for each building on site with Building and Fire Departments . - Verify fire hydrant locations as required by the Fire Department. - Verify Fire Department access per MSFC S503, including consideration for the turning radius of fire apparatus in parking lots. - Provide Knox Key gate access where Fire Department access roads may be blocked by gates . - Verify there is adequate assessable parking. - Verify bathroom requirements are met. - Verify noise ordinance is complying and is understood. Working Hours: Monday – Friday 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Saturdays – 9A.M. to 5 P.M. Sundays and Holida ys – No Work Allowed - Provide as -build architectural and engineered plans before occupancy. - Recommend a meeting with staff for 30, 60 and 90 percent before submit ting for building permit. EdinaMN.gov Revisions to Approved Plans for Interlachen Country Club 6200 Interlachen Boulevard Site Staff Recommendation Approve the amendment to the previously approved CUP and building height variance to allow the construction of the indoor tennis courts as proposed. INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD • EDINA, MN 55436 Club (952) 929-1661 • Fax (952) 929-7720 • interlachencc.org Date: May 1, 2023 To: City of Edina From: Interlachen Country Club Subject: Tennis Pavilion Design Improvements Dear City Officials: Last year the City of Edina issued Interlachen Country Club (the "Club") a Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") and granted a variance to improve our existing racquet facilities and related amenities. The approved project includes a new restaurant, fitness center, and racquet courts, including two covered tennis courts – construction is well underway and on schedule to finish in the early fall. We received valuable feedback from nearby residents and City Officials throughout the permit process. Overall, the feedback centered on three key areas: 1. Reducing light 2. Reducing sound 3. Improving sustainability The feedback informed changes to our application's conceptual tennis pavilion design. Ultimately, it led to a significantly improved final design, considerably reducing light and sound travel to neighboring properties. Unfortunately, after we submitted our building permit for the tennis pavilion last month, City Staff informed us that the building permit plans needed to match the (conceptual) plans and elevations included in our CUP and variance applications. Building the tennis pavilion, as proposed in the CUP and variance applications, would not be consistent with the spirit of the conversations with our neighbors or our commitment to do our best to address resident concerns and be good neighbors. We are seeking approval for the final design of the tennis pavilion as outlined in this application. We have reviewed the final design with several neighbors. To date, the neighbors we have met with prefer and support the final design. The tennis pavilion's size, height, and location did not change. The only changes are to the quantity, size, and location of overhead doors, windows, and dormers, all to reduce light, reduce sound, and improve energy efficiency. If you have any questions or if we can provide any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at jlivingood@interlachencc.org or 952-924-7401. Respectfully, Joel Livingood General Manager and CEO TENNIS PAVILION DESIGN INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB TENNIS PAVILION DESIGN s NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FINAL DESIGN CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FINAL DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS Doors Storefront double door Storefront single door Single door seals better, improving acoustics and energy efficiency Garage Doors Four garage doors (182 SF each) Four fixed transom windows (48 SF each) Significantly improves acoustics and energy efficiency and reduces light Dormers Three dormers with 52 SF of glazing No dormers, fully opaque roof Eliminates light pollution to the each, 20’ above grade neighborhood above the roof line TENNIS PAVILION DESIGN s WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FINAL DESIGN CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FINAL DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS Storefronts Two fixed storefronts (160 SF each) No storefronts, stucco wall to match Significantly improves acoustics and the Clubhouse energy efficiency and reduces light Garage Doors Five garage doors (144 SF each) Two garage doors (144 SF each) Significantly improves acoustics and energy efficiency and reduces light Gable End Translucent polycarbonate system Fixed LP Smart Siding painted brown to Eliminates significant light pollution to the (1,242 SF) match the Clubhouse neighborhood and improves energy efficiency TENNIS PAVILION DESIGN TRANSLUCENT POLYCARBONATE Examples of light travel from translucent polycarbonate buildings. TENNIS PAVILION DESIGN s SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FINAL DESIGN CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FINAL DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS Garage Doors Two garage doors (180 SF each) One garage door and one fixed storefont Improves acoustics and energy efficiency (144 SF each) Dormers Three dormers with 52 SF of glazing No dormers, fully opaque roof Eliminates light pollution to the each, 20’ above grade neighborhood above the roof line Transoms Four transom windows (91 SF each) Four transom windows (48 SF each) Reduces light and improves energy efficiency TENNIS PAVILION DESIGN s EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FINAL DESIGN CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FINAL DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS Garage Doors Five garage doors (144 SF each) and Six garage doors (144 SF each) Maintains desired airflow, while directing two storefront single doors noise towards Interlachen’s property Gable End Translucent polycarbonate system Fixed LP Smart Siding painted brown Eliminates significant light pollution to (1,242 SF) to match the Clubhouse the neighborhood and improves energy efficiency TENNIS PAVILION DESIGN NO CHANGES TO THE SIZE, LOCATION, OR HEIGHT s EXTERIOR RENDERINGS TENNIS PAVILION DESIGN EAST-FACING s EXTERIOR RENDERINGS TENNIS PAVILION DESIGN NORTH-FACING WEST-FACING SOUTH-FACING Survey Responses Public Hearing Comments-Interlachen CUP and Variance Amendments Better Together Edina Project: Interlachen Country Club- Conditional Use Permit Amendment & Variance Amendment VISITORS 4 CONTRIBUTORS 2 RESPONSES 2 0 Registered 0 Unverified 2 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 2 Anonymous Respondent No:1 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:May 16, 2023 07:18:20 am Last Seen:May 16, 2023 07:18:20 am IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Jason Holm Q2.Address 5113 Lake Ridge Road Edina, MN 55436 Q3.Comment Love the plan. Really like everything Interlachen Country Club does for our area. Thanks. Respondent No:2 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:May 16, 2023 07:57:53 am Last Seen:May 16, 2023 07:57:53 am IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Colin Peterson Q2.Address 5804 Hidden Lane Q3.Comment I live nearby and support these revisions. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: I X.A. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eport / R ecommendation F rom:S haron Allis on, C ity C lerk Item Activity: Subject:R es olution No. 2023-38: Acc epting Donations Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve R esolution No. 2023-38 accepting donations. I N TR O D U C TI O N: To comply with State Statute, all donations to the City must be accepted by resolution and approved by two- thirds majority of the Council. See attached resolution with list of donations. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Resolution No. 2023-38: Accepting Donations RESOLUTION NO. 2023-38 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed grants and donations on behalf of its citizens. Edina Senior Center  Allina Health Atnea $30 Gift Certificate TaylorMarie Fashion Show 10 Centerpieces  Haute House Studio 12 Centerpieces Barn Dance & Resource Fair  Casandra Mihalchick $238.39 Mah Jongg Open Play Supplies Dated: June 6, 2023 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 6, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _______ day of ___________________, 2023. City Clerk Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: I X.B. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eport / R ecommendation F rom:R achel F inberg, P rojec t Manager Item Activity: Subject:Approve Budget Inc reas e for C ommunity Health and S afety C enter (F ire S tation 2) Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve budget increase for the Community Health and S afety C enter (F ire S tation #2) based on preliminary design. I N TR O D U C TI O N: On June 21, 2022 C ity C ouncil authorized financing for up to $39 million of general obligation bonds for the land acquisition and construction of the C ommunity H ealth and Safety Center (fire station 2) project. A project construction budget of $20 million was set based on square footage estimates and comparable stations and a project budget of $25 million was then anticipated. T he project team has been tracking preliminary design costs throughout this process. P roject budget scope include 4 site acres built for F ire and P ublic Health operations as well as demolition and site repair for the remaining undeveloped 4 acres. T he schematic design package shown to Council on May 16 was over budget and required alterations to fit it within budget. Fire D epartment and City staff made voluntary reductions and cuts to square footage and needs. T he current changes have had minimal effect on project goals incorporating staff, public, and city council feedback. T he Fire D epartment is comfortable with the new design and its inclusion of future growth based off the 3-station model recommended for Edina. T he current design meets the needs of F ire and City staff and to the best of its ability incorporates the S outhdale D esign Guidelines. T his adjusted design, however, is still trending higher than budget. T hough it is still early in the design process, staff would like Council approval to proceed with current design at its projected budget. Additional value engineering and cuts can be made and approached, however, these items will have effect on project goals and direction including operations, sustainability, and character and aesthetics of project. C ity staff will present budget tracking history as well as current budget and share changes and alterations made to schematic design and possible additional changes available. S taff will facilitate a discussion of potential changes and reductions that could be incorporated and ask for approval to proceed with current design or directed modifications from Council. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Pres entation Community Health and Safety Center Budget Update City Council June 6th, 2023 Overall Budget Progression Budget Item 2022 Bonding Request Concept Design 30% Design Package Staff Recommended Reductions Project Scope Reductions *Soft Costs 5,000,000 5,334,901 5,900,000 5,900,000 5,000,000 Land Costs 14,000,000 15,450,000 15,450,000 15,450,000 15,450,000 Construction Costs 20,000,000 19,324,646 23,177,615 21,124,311 19,592,325 Contingency -1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 Grand Total 39,000,000 41,909,547 46,327,615 44,274,311 42,742,325 Project Overage -$1,300,000 Bonding -$250,000 Tax Refund $1,359,547 $5,777,615 $3,724,311 $1,742,325 * Design Costs, Professional Services, Insurance, Fees, Furniture, Equipment Staff Recommended Reductions 30% Design Staff Recommended Reductions •Square Footage Reductions •Apparatus Bay (1) •Dorm Rooms (4) •Narrowing Spaces •Other Reductions •Interior finishes •Solar array size •Apparatus Door types •Ceiling Heights •Narrowing Roads and Parking Project Scope Reductions 30% Design 30% Design Project Scope Reductions 30% Design Project Scope Reductions 30% Design Project Scope Reductions Project Scope Reductions •Square Footage Reductions •Community Space reduction to 1,500 SF minimum •Collaboration space reduction •Narrowing of living spaces •Future proofing •Other Reductions •Sustainability items •Walkability •Development needs •Roads and vehicle access •Glazing •Architectural features EDINA COMMUNITY HEALTH & SAFETY CENTER | BKV GROUP |5 P roject Framing GOALS/OBJECTIVES •Fire and ambulance protection •Upgrade existing/expansion •Community landmark •Community health services current and future considerations •Public interaction: Attractive and accessible space (people want to come there) •Initial step for planned area development –Southdale area design •Staff needs •Overall: collect information to inform the overall design of the fire station DRIVERS •Response time and service to the community •Expand facility and better capacity to accommodate fire services •Better customer service and experience and access •Connection point for the city and community •Need more flexibility and adaptability •Push boundaries of development and design for buildings •Lead by example: showcase utilizing our city goals through this project STAKEHOLDERS (WHO) •City of Edina Design team / executive design team •City Council •Fire/health •Community –orgs, neighborhoods,businesses •Bloomington Public Health WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE? •Staff retention and well-being •Lower response rate •Usage (parking lot is too small) •City staff awareness of space and usage •Attendance at events •Ease of use -people know how to navigate the space •Room rentals •Outreach events | Example: Open house grand opening Staff Recommendation •Recommendation will allow for character of station to remain •Allow for sustainability initiatives to continue to be pursued •Allow for optimal services and response times •Avoid additional space and programming reductions•Approve staff recommended design reductions and construction estimate •Approve 30% Design and costs associated •Advise Project Team to re-evaluate City values and project goals creating a scope reduction. Overall Budget Progression Budget Item 2022 Bonding Request Concept Design 30% Design Package Staff Recommended Reductions Future Program and Project Reductions Square Footage (GSF) 39,000 SF 35,135 SF 38,076 SF 36,396 SF REDUCTIONS Construction Cost/Square Foot $514.43 $550.01 $608.72 $580.40 REDUCED Construction Costs $20,000,000 $19,324,646 $23,177,615 $21,124,311 TARGET Grand Total 39,000,000 41,909,547 46,327,615 44,274,311 40,500,00 Project Overage -$1,300,000 Bonding -$250,000 Tax Refund $1,359,547 $5,777,615 $3,724,311 TBD Community Space Type Name Capacity Braemar Arena West Arena 2300 Braemar Arena South Arena 1500 Braemar Arena East Arena 1500 Braemar Arena Braemar Field Dome 600 Braemar Arena Arena Lobby 50 Braemar Arena Arena Field Lobby 50 Braemar Clubhouse Hoyt and Blanchard Meeting Room 48 Braemar Clubhouse Cooper Conference Room 18 Centennial Lakes Park Hughes Pavillion 120 City Hall Council Chambers 223 City Hall Community Room 22 City Hall Mayors Conference Room 14 Fire Station 1 Fire Training Room 30 Parks Facility Pamela Park 77 Parks Facility Cornelia School Park 63 Parks Facility Weber Park 63 Parks Facility Arden Park 58 Parks Facility Arneson Acres 56 Parks Facility Countryside Park 49 Parks Facility Todd Park 49 Parks Facility Walnut Ridge Park 49 Public Works Multipurpose Room 120 Public Works Conference Room A 12 Senior Center Fireside Room 133 Senior Center Classroom 3 48 Senior Center Classroom 1 45 Senior Center Classroom 2 45 Senior Center Sherwood Room 45 Senior Center Classroom 4 40 Senior Center Grandview Room 37 Senior Center Aquarium Room 25 Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: I X.C . To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: O ther F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:S ketch P lan R eview for 5780 Linc oln Drive Dis cus s ion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: No action requested. P rovide the applicant nonbinding feedback on a potential future land use request. I N TR O D U C TI O N: S olhem Development L L C is requesting consideration of a sketch plan proposal to redevelop 5780 Lincoln Drive. T he applicant is proposing to tear down the existing office building on the site and construct a 5-story 89- unit apartment in phase 1; the second phase would be 52-unit building on the east side of the site. T he project would be 100% affordable for individuals and families earning 60% AM I or less. (S ee attached plans.) T his site is currently zoned P I D , P lanned Industrial District, and guided O R , O ffice R esidential in the City’s C omprehensive P lan. T he allowed residential density in this area is up to 75 units per acre. T his site is 2.59 acres in size; therefore, the applicant is proposing a density of 54 units per acre AT TAC HME N T S: Description Planning Commission Staff Memo Memo - Affordable Hous ing Development Manager Proposed Plans Applicant Narrative Site Location, Zoning, & Comp. Plan Staff Pres entation Applicant Pres entation Applicant Pres entation 2 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: May 24, 2023 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review – 5780 Lincoln Drive Solhem Development LLC is requesting consideration of a sketch plan proposal to redevelop 5780 Lincoln Drive. The applicant is proposing to tear down the existing office building on the site and construct a 5-story 89-unit apartment in phase 1; the second phase would be 52-unit building on the east side of the site. The project would be 100% affordable for individuals and families earning 60% AMI or less. (See attached plans.) This site is currently zoned PID, Planned Industrial District, and guided OR, Office Residential in the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The allowed residential density in this area is up to 75 units per acre. This site is 2.59 acres in size; therefore, the applicant is proposing a density of 54 units per acre. The request would require the following: 1. A Rezoning from PID, Planned Industrial District to PUD. Flexibility would be requested through the PUD Ordinance to vary from parking, height, setback, and floor area ratio (FAR) requirements. The PUD Zoning is the zoning tool that the City of Edina has used for 100% affordable housing developments to ensure long term affordability. (The Sound, Amundson Apartments, 4040 70th Street) The table on the following page demonstrates how the proposed new building(s) would comply with the existing PID zoning standards on the lot. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Compliance Table City Standard (PID) Proposed (Measured from building to lot line) Building Setbacks Front – Lincoln Front – Londonderry Front – Highway 169 Side 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 20 feet 40 feet* 40 feet* 35 feet* 10 feet (phase 2)* Building Height 4 stories & 48 feet 5 stories* Density 20-75 units per acre (2.59 acres) 54 units per acre Floor Area Ratio (FAR) .5% .93%* (phase 1)* Parking Housing Phase 1– 1 enclosed space per unit + .25 surface spaces per unit = 111 spaces required 113 (90 enclosed) *Does not meet base Zoning Standards-Flexibility would be requested through a PUD Issues/considerations:  Density. The development density is in middle of the density range. The allowed residential density in this area is up to 75 units per acre. This site is 2.59 acres in size; therefore, the applicant is proposing a density of 54 units per acre.  Affordable Housing. The project would add 89 to 141 units of affordable housing. The City of Edina has established a goal to develop 992 to 1,804 new units of affordable housing by year end 2030. As of this date, 342 new units have been approved of which 108 have been completed. There remains an urgent need for new affordable units. The addition of 89-141 new units would help the City achieve its goal.  Traffic and parking. A traffic and parking study would be required.  Sewer Capacity. Currently the City of Edina does not have the sanitary sewer capacity in this area to support this project. There is potential to connect to the City of Minnetonka under Highway 169, paid for by the applicant and subject to Metropolitan Council and the City of Minnetonka approval. This issue would have to be resolved prior to any approvals for housing on this site. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424  Proposed heights. The proposed height of 5 stories exceeds the code required 4-story maximum. The heights seem reasonable as the step back away from the park and the medium density residential neighborhood to the east. The site would be screened by existing trees on City owned land along Lincoln Drive. Given that 52 units are anticipated for phase 2; perhaps that building would be limited to 4 stories.  Pedestrian connection to the regional trail. The regional trail is located just to the south of this site. Consideration should be given to pedestrian connections to better connect to the trail.  Sustainability. The applicant will be asked to submit the sustainability questionnaire as part of a formal application. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 TO: Cary Teague, Community Development Director FROM: Stephanie Hawkinson, Affordable Housing Development Manager DATE: May 16, 2023 RE: Potential Affordable Housing Development at 5780 Lincoln Drive This memo is to express preliminary support for the Solhem Company’s proposed development at 5780 Lincoln Drive. This 89-unit apartment is 100% affordable and will serve individuals and families on the west side of Edina. On October 7, 2020 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2020-94 that agreed worked towards the development of 992 to 1,804 new units of affordable housing by year end 2030. As of this date 342 new units have been approved of which 108 have been completed. There remains an urgent need for new affordable units. The addition of 89 new units will help the City achieve its goal. The shortage of affordable housing not only impacts the individuals and households who need it, but also impacts the local and regional economy. According to the Minnesota Governor’s Task Force on Housing: The affordability of homes has been a competitive advantage for Minnesota and our employers, but a growing shortage of homes is pushing prices beyond the reach of many individuals and families. New housing construction has not kept pace with household growth since the Great Recession, as evidenced in the short supply of homes for rent or sale. Locally this sentiment is echoed by the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank who wrote in a November 1, 2022 article: “The increasing cost of housing – driven by too little housing supply relative to housing demand- threatens the vibrancy of the Twin Cities economy.” This theme is also central to the Itasca Project Housing Innovation Report: “Stable and affordable housing is the foundation for business and economic growth as well as a host of other positive individual and systemic outcomes. Increasing housing production and improving housing affordability will benefit families, firms, and the entire MSP region for generations to come.” Edina does not exist in an isolated bubble but is part of an integrated economic ecosystem that is impacted but the supply of housing both within the City and in the Metropolitan area. The location is well suited for multifamily affordable housing. While commercial and large multi-family properties skirt Highway 169, with moderate density housing directly to the east which scales down low density residential. It brings higher density affordable housing to a location in Edina that is not in the Greater Southdale area, so assists with reducing the concentration of affordability to one quadrant of the City. Residents may benefit from the commercial uses are offered along the highway, offering hundreds of jobs within walking distance. Londonderry Shops, includes a coffee shop, UPS Store, and restaurant. Target is 2.5 miles north, as is Knollwood Mall, which features a grocery store. Large employers within a half mile include Children’s Hospital business center, United Healthcare group, and a Marriott Hotel. The site is well-served by transit. Transit Route 612, a local route with a stop within .25 mi. connects the site to Hopkins and Uptown Minneapolis. The route offers frequent service. The Metro Green Line is slated to open in 2027. The Opus Station will be .3 miles from the site. The enhanced transit option will provide service to Eden Prairie to Downtown Minneapolis. 5780 Lincoln Drive will provide an important housing option in Edina. kaas wilson architects 5780 LINCOLN APARTMENTSCOVER 0.0 05/08/2023 5780 LINCOLN APARTMENTS 05/08/2023 Project Narrative Solhem Development, LLC (Solhem) proposes “5780 Lincoln”, an affordable rental housing development located at 5780 Lincoln Drive in Edina. Up to 141 units of Affordable Housing will be developed in two phases. Phase I will be an 89-unit, 5 story, elevator building with underground parking and will be comprised of studios, one, two, three and four-bedroom units. Amenities include interior and exterior common space for residents. This building will be 100% affordable for individuals and families earning 50% AMI or less. 5780 Lincoln is located at the corner of Lincoln Drive and Londonderry Road in Edina. There is an existing commercial building on the 2.59 acre site. The site is situated between Highway 169 and Nine Mile Creek. Commercial properties line Highway 169, while directly to the east and south of the site is a residential neighborhood composed of multifamily housing, townhomes, condominiums, and single family homes. Solhem controls the site via a purchase agreement with the long term intention of developing multifamily housing. We request a rezoning from PID, Planned Industrial District to PUD. Sewer access will be coordinated with the City of Edina, the City of Minnetonka and the Metropolitan Council. Both cities and the Metropolitan council have given preliminary concept approval to connecting a new sewer line to the Minnetonka Opus station area which has newly increased sewer capacity. Engineering and funding details still need to be worked out for the new sewer connection. Development Summary PID #: 311172123CC0085 Site Area: 2.59 ACRES (112,990 SF) Current Zoning: PID (Planned Industrial District) Proposed Zoning: PUD (Planned Unit Development) Surrounding Context: North: PID (Industrial) East: R-2, R-1, PRD-2 South: PCD-1, MDD-5 West: HWY 169 / Edina / Minnetonka Boundary Proposed Height: 6 Stories Above Grade -Approximately 72' Building Setback: See Plans Proposed Units/Acre: 54.4 Parking Ratio: 1.27 parking spot per unit ratio Location Map Zoning Map Density Map kaas wilson architects 5780 LINCOLN APARTMENTSPROJECT DATA 1.0 05/03/23 UNIT MIX - GROSS AREA 5780 LINCOLN Name Count Unit Gross Area Total Area %Main Floor 1BR Unit 1-2 4 690 ft² 2,761 ft² 4% 4 2,761 ft² 4% 1BR (Alcove) Unit 1-0 18 571 ft² 10,286 ft² 20% 18 10,286 ft² 20% 2BR Unit 2-0 39 941 ft² 36,707 ft² 44% Unit 2-3 5 1,031 ft² 5,153 ft² 6% 44 41,860 ft² 49% 3BR Unit 3-1 15 1,343 ft² 20,139 ft² 17% 15 20,139 ft² 17% 4BR Unit 4-0 8 1,356 ft² 10,850 ft² 9% 8 10,850 ft² 9% Grand total 89 85,897 ft² 100% PARKING Level Type Count Level -2 Garage 47 Level -1 Garage 43 Level -1 Site 23 113 GROSS AREA - TOTAL 5780 LINCOLN Level Area Level 5 18,695 ft² Level 4 21,524 ft² Level 3 21,524 ft² Level 2 21,524 ft² Level 1 21,524 ft² Level -1 22,526 ft² Level -2 22,023 ft² Grand total 149,338 ft² Lobby/ Mail/ Offices UPPER GARAGE ENTRY STAIR A STAIR BTOT LOT LOWER GARAGE ENTRY TBD PHASE 2 89 UNITS 5 STORIES OF HOUSING OVER 2 STORIES UNDERGROUND GARAGE NMAIN BUILDING ENTRY PHASE 2 PARKINGPHASE 2 PARKINGPHASE 2 PARKINGkaas wilson architects 5780 LINCOLN APARTMENTSSITE PLAN 2.0 05/03/23 1" = 40'-0"1 Level -1 Site Plan LOWER GARAGE ENTRY STAIR A STAIR BNLower Garage Lobby/ Mail/ Offices UPPER GARAGE ENTRY STAIR A STAIR BNTrash Upper Garage kaas wilson architects 5780 LINCOLN APARTMENTSFLOOR PLANS 3.0 05/03/23 1/32" = 1'-0"1 Level -2 1/32" = 1'-0"2 Level -1 STAIR A STAIR B941 ft² Unit 2-0 1,343 ft² Unit 3-1 1,343 ft² Unit 3-1 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 Commons Community Room N1,356 ft² Unit 4-0 1,356 ft² Unit 4-0 Fitness 571 ft² Unit 1-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 1,031 ft² Unit 2-3 1,343 ft² Unit 3-1 571 ft² Unit 1-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 STAIR A STAIR B571 ft² Unit 1-0 1,343 ft² Unit 3-1 1,343 ft² Unit 3-1 941 ft² Unit 2-0 ? ? ? 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 1,356 ft² Unit 4-0 N1,356 ft² Unit 4-0 571 ft² Unit 1-0 571 ft² Unit 1-0 1,031 ft² Unit 2-3 1,343 ft² Unit 3-1 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 571 ft² Unit 1-0 690 ft² Unit 1-2 kaas wilson architects 5780 LINCOLN APARTMENTSFLOOR PLANS 3.1 05/03/23 1/32" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 1/32" = 1'-0"2 Levels 2-4 941 ft² Unit 2-0 571 ft² Unit 1-0 1,343 ft² Unit 3-1 1,343 ft² Unit 3-1 941 ft² Unit 2-0 ? ? ? 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 941 ft² Unit 2-0 STAIR BSTAIR A N571 ft² Unit 1-0 571 ft² Unit 1-0 690 ft² Unit 1-2 571 ft² Unit 1-0 1,031 ft² Unit 2-3 1,343 ft² Unit 3-1 941 ft² Unit 2-0 kaas wilson architects 5780 LINCOLN APARTMENTSFLOOR PLANS 3.2 05/03/23 1/32" = 1'-0"1 Level 5 kaas wilson architects 5780 LINCOLN APARTMENTSMASSING RENDERING 7.0 03/12/20 AERIAL VIEW LOOKING SOUTHWEST kaas wilson architects 5780 LINCOLN APARTMENTSMASSING RENDERING 7.1 03/12/20 VIEW FROM INTERSECTION OF LONDONDERRY RD AND LINCOLN DR To:Cary Teague,City of Edina Subject:5780 Lincoln Sketch Plan Review Project Narrative Solhem Development,LLC (Solhem)proposes “5780 Lincoln”,an affordable rental housing development located at 5780 Lincoln Drive in Edina.Up to 141 units of Affordable Housing will be developed in two phases.Phase I will be an 89-unit,5 story,elevator building with underground parking and will be comprised of studios,one,two,three and four-bedroom units. Amenities include interior and exterior common space for residents.This building will be 100% affordable for individuals and families earning 60%AMI or less. 5780 Lincoln is located at the juncture of Lincoln Drive and Londonderry Road in Edina.The site is situated between Highway 169 and Nine Mile Creek.While commercial and large multi-family properties skirt Highway 169,directly to the east of the site is a residential neighborhood with single family homes.Phase I will be built on the southern half of the site,which is an existing commercial strip mall and is 2.59 acres in size.Solhem entered into a purchase agreement with the intention of developing housing. We request a rezoning from PID,Planned Industrial District to PUD. Development Summary PID #:311172123CC0085 Site Area:2.59 ACRES (112,990 SF) Current Zoning:PID (Planned Industrial District) Proposed Zoning:PUD (Planned Unit Development) Surrounding Context:North:PID (Industrial) East:R-2,R-1,PRD-2 South:PCD-1,MDD-5 West:HWY 169 /Edina /Minnetonka Boundary Proposed Height:6 Stories Above Grade -Approximately 72' Building Setback:See Plans Proposed Units/Acre:54.4 Parking Ratio:1.27 parking spot per unit ratio Site Site EdinaMN.gov Sketch Plan Review 5780 Lincoln Drive Site Site Issues/Considerations Density. The development density is in middle of the density range. The allowed residential density in this area is up to 75 units per acre. This site is 2.59 acres in size; therefore, the applicant is proposing a density of 54 units per acre. Affordable Housing. The project would add 89 to 141 units of affordable housing. The City of Edina has established a goal to develop 992 to 1,804 new units of affordable housing by year end 2030. As of this date, 342 new units have been approved of which 108 have been completed. The addition of 89-141 new units would help the City achieve its goal. Traffic and parking. A traffic and parking study would be required. Issues/Considerations Sewer Capacity. Currently the City of Edina does not have the sanitary sewer capacity in this area to support this project. There is potential to connect to the City of Minnetonka under Highway 169, paid for by the applicant and subject to Metropolitan Council and the City of Minnetonka approval. This issue would have to be resolved prior to any approvals for housing on this site. Proposed heights. The proposed height of 5 stories exceeds the code required 4-story maximum. The heights seem reasonable as the step back away from the park and the medium density residential neighborhood to the east. The site would be screened by existing trees on City owned land along Lincoln Drive. Given that 52 units are anticipated for phase 2; perhaps that building would be limited to 4 stories. Pedestrian connection to the regional trail. The regional trail is located just to the south of this site. Consideration should be given to pedestrian connections to better connect to the trail. Discussion/Feedback Edina Affordable Housing Solhem Companies We build beautiful, sustainable communities that people love 3000+ housing units created in Twin Cities since 2009 $900M+ in housing value created 20 Award-winning residential and mixed-use communities 1500+ units under management 600+ units under construction Contributed >$5.8M to metro area Affordable Housing trusts to date X 51% Female-owned 25% BIPOC employees 22% Immigrant employees Solhem Leadership Curt Gunsbury Founder / CEO Catherine Gunsbury Founding Partner Amol Dixit VP, New Business Development Sustainability 5 Focus Areas: Energy, Water, Air, Waste, Transportation Pedestrian Friendly Living, Transit-Oriented COMMUNITIES With 5.7MW of on and Off-Site Solar, Solhem Housing is GRID NET POSITIVE FIRST LEED Gold Certified Multifamily Building in Minnesota XCEL RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE Award for Highest Electric Savings PIONEERED Multifamily On-Site Organics Recycling in Minnesota FIRST in Minnesota to include EV chargers in ALL multifamily developments Water conservation Rain Barrel Irrigation MORE Energy Efficient than 99% of Multi-Family Buildings NATIONWIDE Preliminary Site Plan 2.59 acre site 141 unit capacity 54 units / acre 5 stories housing 2 stories underground parking 1.27 parking spots per unit ~72’ Phase I proposed height Sewer Access being coordinated with Edina, Minnetonka and Met Council Lincoln Drive Project Vision Income / Rent restrictions 30% - 50% AMI 23 Deeply Affordable units Family Housing 67 2BR+ units 18 Supportive Housing units Compliance with City’s Climate Action Plan Affordability period 30+ years Phase I Project Features Bren Rd / Londonderry Rd 2023 Income Limits* Household Size 30% of AMI 50% of AMI 1 person $26,100 $43,500 2 people $29,800 $49,700 3 people $33,550 $55,900 4 people $37,250 $62,100 5 people $40,250 $67,100 6 people $43,250 $72,050 7 people $46,200 $77,050 8 people $50,560 $82,000 *AMI = Area Median Income (midpoint of Hennepin County’s gross income distribution. Half of the HH’s in Hennepin County earn > median and half of the HH’s earn < median *Published annually by HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) 2023 Rent Limits* Bedrooms 30% of AMI 50% of AMI Studio $652 $1,087 1 Bedroom $699 $1,165 2 Bedrooms $838 $1,397 3 Bedrooms $969 $1,615 4 Bedrooms $1,080 $1,801 *AMI = Area Median Income (midpoint of Hennepin County’s gross income distribution. Half of the HH’s in Hennepin County earn > median and half of the HH’s earn < median *Published annually by HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) Edina Affordable Housing Summary Objectives ●Demonstrate how the proposed project meets City of Edina’s criteria for rezoning to PUD ●City Council feedback & guidance on initial Sketch Plan for 5780 Lincoln Drive Key Takeaways 1.Solhem has an opportunity to bring much needed Affordable Workforce Housing to West Edina 2.Sewer access is being coordinated with City of Edina, City of Minnetonka and Met Council 3.Project will be 100% compliant with MHFA’s prevailing wage policy 4.Solhem has a successful track record of building beautiful, sustainable communities in the Twin Cities and has assembled a diverse development team with significant Affordable Housing experience 5.5780 Lincoln is aligned with key funder priorities - City of Edina, Hennepin County, MHFA, Met Council 6.5780 Lincoln will serve important members of the Edina community - working individuals and families who work in Edina but can’t currently afford to live in Edina PUD Requirements Sketch Plan ★Consistent with Edina’s Comprehensive Plan ★Promote creative & efficient approach to land use ★Design elements exceed City's standards ★High quality design that is compatible with surrounding land uses both existing and planned ★Maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities ★Preserve and enhance site characteristics ★Encourage a variety of housing types including Affordable Housing ★Ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses Bren Rd / Londonderry Rd Density Map Development Summary Sketch Plan 2.59 acre site 141 unit capacity 54 units / acre 5 stories of housing 2 stories covered parking 6 stories above grade 1.27 parking spots per unit ~72’ Phase I proposed height Solhem Companies We build beautiful, sustainable communities that people love 3000+ housing units created in Twin Cities since 2009 $900M+ in housing value created 20 Award-winning residential and mixed-use communities 1500+ units under management 600+ units under construction Contributed $5.8M+ to metro area Affordable Housing trusts to date X Sustainability 5 Focus Areas: Energy, Water, Air, Waste, Transportation Pedestrian Friendly Living, Transit-Oriented COMMUNITIES With 5.7MW of on and Off-Site Solar, Solhem Housing is GRID NET POSITIVE FIRST LEED Gold Certified Multifamily Building in Minnesota XCEL RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE Award for Highest Electric Savings PIONEERED Multifamily On-Site Organics Recycling in Minnesota FIRST in Minnesota to include EV chargers in ALL multifamily developments Water conservation Rain Barrel Irrigation MORE Energy Efficient than 99% of Multi-Family Buildings NATIONWIDE Development Team Property Management Architect Consultant Service Provider Reference Slides Phase I Unit Mix Unit Type % AMI # of Units Rent Range** (per month) Household Income Range*** Studio 30%18*$734 - $985 $26,100 1BR 30%3 $660 $26,100 - $29,800 50%1 $1100 $43,500 - $49,700 2BR 30%2 $805 $29,800 - $37,250 50%42 $1320 - $1333 $49,700 - $62,100 3BR 50%15 $1525 $62,100 - $72,050 4BR 50%8 $1701 $67,100 - $82,000 *Supportive Housing Units - Residents receive supportive services and Rental Assistance **2023 Monthly Gross Rent Limits as determined by HUD for Hennepin County ***2023 Annual Income Limits as determined by HUD for Hennepin County 2023 Income Limits* Household Size 30% of AMI 50% of AMI 1 person $26,100 $43,500 2 people $29,800 $49,700 3 people $33,550 $55,900 4 people $37,250 $62,100 5 people $40,250 $67,100 6 people $43,250 $72,050 7 people $46,200 $77,050 8 people $50,560 $82,000 *AMI = Area Median Income (midpoint of Hennepin County’s gross income distribution. Half of the HH’s in Hennepin County earn > median and half of the HH’s earn < median *Published annually by HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) 2023 Rent Limits* Bedrooms 30% of AMI 50% of AMI Studio $652 $1,087 1 Bedroom $699 $1,165 2 Bedrooms $838 $1,397 3 Bedrooms $969 $1,615 4 Bedrooms $1,080 $1,801 *AMI = Area Median Income (midpoint of Hennepin County’s gross income distribution. Half of the HH’s in Hennepin County earn > median and half of the HH’s earn < median *Published annually by HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: X.A. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: Minutes F rom:Laura F ulton, R ec reation S upervisor Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : Arts and C ulture C ommis s ion, March 30, 2023 Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: R eceive the minutes from the M arch 30, 2023 meeting of the Edina Arts and Culture C ommission. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Minutes : Arts and Culture Minutes March 30, 2023 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: April 27, 2023 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall Community Room Thursday, March 30, 2023 I. Call To Order Vice-Chair Westlund called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners Amlaw, Curtin, Scully, Stemmler, Faeth, Zbaren, Vice Chair Westlund and Student Commissioners Anand and Konkimalla. Staff Present: Parks and Recreation Director, Perry Vetter, and Recreation Supervisor, Laura Fulton. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Faeth to approve the agenda. Motion seconded by Curtin. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Amlaw to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Stemmler. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Commission Introduced new commission members Ann Curtin and Tim Scully B. Commission recognized outgoing Commissioners Susan Chandler and Susan Johnson and Chair Rebecca Sorensen and thanked them for their service. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Commission held elections for the positions of Chair and Vice Chair of the Arts and Culture Commission • Commissioner Amlaw nominated Commissioner Westlund for the position of Chair of the Arts and Culture Commission. Zbaren seconded the nomination. Motion to elect Commissioner Westlund as Chair of the Arts and Culture Commission carried. • Commissioner Stemmler nominated Alana Zbaren for the position of Vice Chair of the Arts and Culture Commission. Amlaw seconded the nomination. Motion to elect Commissioner Zbaren as Vice Chair of the Arts and Culture Commission carried. B. 2023 Work Plan Updates – • Initiative 1.1.1: Review and recommend decor and public art elements for 5146 Eden Ave. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: April 27, 2023 • Staff gave an update of the timeline for the Grandview project. Once the project begins, Vetter mentioned that the Commission Initiative members will be brought in for input on art elements. • Commissioner Fram was chosen as lead to initiative. • Initiative 1.1.2: Street Art Policy and Practices • Commissioner Stemmler presented. Initiative members have done preliminary research into the public street art history in Edina. Stemmler discussed the project at the Galleria as well as the mural at the Caribou on Vernon Avenue. • Initiative 1.1.3: Public Art Incorporated in Planning and Development • Commissioner Zbaren reported that the initiative members are working with an Arts and Culture report created in 2021. Members are currently conceptualizing how to work with the Planning Department for new construction in Edina to add public art components to applications. • Vetter discussed legal aspects to being a statutory city rather than a charter city and the portions of the report that would not be allowed under City of Edina statutes. • Initiative 1.1.4: New Art Center • Chair Westlund discussed that initiative members will be meeting after the Commission meeting to discuss the report given to Commission members in January. • Vetter informed new commissioners about the report and recommended steps for discussion moving forward. • Initiative 1.1.5: Add Art Wraps to City owned Utility Boxes • Commissioner Westlund discussed the seven utility boxes available for wraps in 2023. • Fulton mentioned that staff is working to develop an application for acceptance of art ideas and outlined a rough timeline. • Initiative 1.1.6: Grow the ACC presence at Performance on the Plaza, Fall into the Arts, Edina Fourth of July Parade, Juneteenth and other city events. • Commissioner Stemmler discussed options for commission involvement at City Events in 2023, especially at the POP series at 50th and France. • Commission discussed other opportunities in which to participate and promote arts in Edina and how to have a larger presence. • Initiative 1.1.7: Developing Phase II of the Microgrant process • Faeth discussed the report submitted to the Edina City Council in January. • Initiative members will be creating a road map and doing more research as Phase II progresses. Commission plans to work with staff to develop an application for the next step of the program. • Commission discussed assignments of initiatives for new members. VII. Chair and Member comments Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: April 27, 2023 VIII. Staff Comments • Fulton mentioned that MJ Lamon will be presenting in April and reminded Commission of upcoming meetings. • Fulton discussed a meeting that city staff had with Forecast Public Art and requested Commissioners answer questions via email after the March meeting about what public art looks like in Edina. IX. Adjournment Motion was made by Curtin to adjourn the March 30, 2023 meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission at 6:11 p.m. Motion seconded by Scully. Motion carried. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: X.B. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: Minutes F rom:G rac e Hancoc k, S us tainability Manager Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : Energy & Environment C ommission, April 13, 2023 Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None; information only. I N TR O D U C TI O N: R eceive the April 13, 2023 minutes of the E nergy & E nvironment C ommission. AT TAC HME N T S: Description EEC Minutes: April 13, 2023 Agenda Energy and Enviro nment C o mmissio n City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall - Mayor's Conference Room 1st Fl M eeting will take place in perso n. M asks are o ptio nal. Thursday, April 13, 2023 7:00 P M I.C all To O rder C hair Martinez c alled the meeting to order at 7:00pm. S taff Liaison Hancoc k welc omed new S ustainability S pecialist Matthew G abb and invited all in attendance to make introduc tions . I I.R oll C all Ans wering roll c all were C hair Martinez, Vic e C hair Lukens , C ommis s ioners Lanzas , Tessman, Weber and S tudent C ommissioners Machart and R awat. Late: C ommissioner Dakane arrive at 7:10pm, departed at 8pm. Absent: C ommis s ioners Haugen, Hovanec , S chima I I I.Approval O f Meeting Agenda Motion by Bayardo Lanzas to Approve Meeting Agenda. S econded by Tom Tessman. Motion Carried. I V.Approval O f Meeting Minutes A.Minutes : Energy and Environment C ommission March 9, 2023 Motion by Tom Tessman to Approve Meeting Minutes. S econded by Hilda Martinez Salgado. Motion Carried. V.S pec ial R ec ognitions And P res entations A.S pecial P res entation: Elec trify Everything MN C ommissioners and all in attendance gave feedbac k to Edina's Electrify Everything contrac tor, C enter for Energy and Environment, on c ommunity outreac h mes s aging drafts, including image and text c hoic es . B.S pecial P res entation: C ity ADU propos al C ommissioners rec eived a presentation from C ommunity Development C oordinator Lewis regarding Ac cessory Dwelling Units. C .S taff R eport: P ropos ed Lands caping O rdinanc e R evis ions C ommissioners rec eived a staff report on the draft ordinance amendment proposal from Water R es ourc es Manager Wilson and P arks As s is tant Direc tor S wens on. VI.C ommunity C omment C ounc il member Jacks on thanked EEC members for their service, and c omplimented their work. During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will inv ite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Indiv iduals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Indiv iduals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might ref er the matter to staf f f or consideration at a f uture meeting. VI I.R eports /R ec ommendations A.EEC 2023 Work P lan C hair Martinez walked through the EEC work plan and asked for C ommissioner updates as available. B.Monthly call for c ommunication requests no additional communic ations reques ts were received. VI I I.C hair And Member C omments No comments were received. I X.S taff C omments S taff reiterated C ommis s ioner partic ipation expectations , and invite C ommissioners to attend the Edina C lothing S wap on April 20, and the Elec trify Everything MN works hop on May 3. X.Adjournment T he EEC meeting was adjourned at 8:55pm. Motion by Cory Lukens to Adjourn. Seconded by Hilda Martinez Salgado. Motion Carried. T he C ity of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. I f you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: X.C . To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: Minutes F rom:Andrew S c ipioni, Trans portation P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : Trans portation C ommis s ion, April 20, 2023 Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: R eceive minutes of the T ransportation C ommission from April 20, 2023. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Minutes : Transportation Commission, April 20, 2023 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: May 18, 2023 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission City Hall Community Room April 20, 2023 I. Call To Order Chair Lewis called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call: Commissioners Bildsten, Brown, Johnson, Lewis, Plumb-Smith, Rubenstein, Wright, Kanti Mahanty, Sweeney Late: Commissioner McCarthy Absent: Commissioner Kitui Staff present: Transportation Planner Andrew Scipioni, Sustainability Manager Grace Hancock III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by Commissioner Lewis and seconded by Commissioner Wright to amend the agenda to move Item VI. Community Comment before Item IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Plumb-Smith to approve the amended agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Community Comment Arne Selbyg, 6225 Grandview Square, testified about Item B1 on the Traffic Safety Report of March 28, 2023. Selbyg noted that there is a flashing beacon at the intersection of Grandview Square and Eden Avenue, but stated that cars traveling east from Vernon Avenue speed up as they go downhill. Selbyg requested an advance warning sign and also noted that large snow banks this winter restricted access to the existing push buttons. Sheri Anderson, 6225 Grandview Square, testified about item B1 on the Traffic Safety Report of March 28, 2023. Commissioner McCarthy arrived at 6:04. V. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb-Smith and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the March 16, 2023 meeting minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. VI. Special Presentations/Recognitions A. 2022 State of Sustainability Sustainability Manager Grace Hancock presented the 2023 State of Sustainability. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: May 18, 2023 B. 2022 PACS Fund Summary Report Liaison Scipioni presented the 2022 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund Report for comments. Comments from Commissioners included: • Are any rollover funds anticipated at the end of 2024? • Is there any quantifiable data on what the Sidewalk Inspector has done this year? VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Traffic Safety Report of March 28, 2023 The Commission reviewed and commented on the Traffic Safety Report of March 28, 2023. B. 2023 Work Plan Updates • #1 Pedestrian Crossing Policy Review – Next step is to meet with staff. • #2 Bicycle Network Planning for Bikes and Transportation – Subcommittee will review information provided by staff, will focus efforts on what is within City’s control. • #3 France Avenue Corridor Review – Subcommittee reached out to Planning about redevelopment proposal at Macy’s and lack of bicycle facilities. A pedestrian underpass is also being discussed related to the redevelopment of Macy’s and 7200/7250 France. • #4 Boulevard Tree Planting – Subcommittee reached out to City Forester to schedule another meeting. • #5 Cahill Small Area Plan – Add discussion item to May agenda. • #6 Parking – No update. VIII. Chair and Member Comments – Received. IX. Staff Comments – Received. Motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Plumb-Smith to appoint Commissioner Wright to the City’s Human Service Task Force. All voted aye. Motion carried. X. Adjournment Motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Bildsten to adjourn the April 20, 2023 regular meeting at 7:57 p.m. All voted aye. Motion carried. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: May 18, 2023 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE J F M A M J J A S O N D # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings 1 1 1 1 4 SEAT NAME 1 Wright, Grant 1 1 2 100% 2 Rubenstein, Tricia 1 1 1 1 4 100% 3 Bildsten, Roger 1 1 2 100% 4 Lewis, Andy 1 1 1 1 4 100% 5 Johnson, Kirk 1 1 1 1 4 100% 6 Brown, Chris 1 1 1 1 4 100% 7 Kitui, Janet 1 1 25% 8 McCarthy, Bruce 1 1 1 3 75% 9 Plumb-Smith, Jill 1 1 1 1 4 100% 10 Kanti Mahanty, Stephen (s) 1 1 1 3 75% 11 Sweeney, Isaiah (s) 1 1 1 3 75% Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: X.D. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: Minutes F rom:Jamie Eric ksen, Assessing S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : Board of Appeal and Equalization, April 20 and May 4, 2023 Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: R eceive the minutes from the April 20 and M ay 4, 2023, B oard of Appeal and Equalization meetings. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Minutes : April 20, 2023 Minutes : May 4, 2023 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE EDINA BOARD OF APPEAL AND EQUALIZATION APRIL 20, 2023, AT 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Member Bland called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. ROLLCALL Answering roll call were Board Members Rhonda Bland, Katie Broich, Robert MacPhail and Michael McCauley. Scott Roti was absent. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON Member MacPhail made a motion to elect Member Bland as chairperson and Member McCauley as Vice Chair. Member Broich seconded the motion. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail and McCauley. Motion carried. Chair Bland asked if there were any additions or corrections to the agenda set forth, hearing none, Member McCauley made a motion to approve the April 20, 2023 agenda, Member MacPhail seconded the motion. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail and McCauley. Motion carried. Chair Bland asked if there were any additions or corrections to the May 5, 2022 Meeting Minutes. Hearing none, Chair Bland called for a motion to approve the meeting minutes from May 5, 2022. Member McCauley made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from May 5, 2022. Member MacPhail seconded the motion. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail and McCauley. Motion carried. Chair Bland stated that no decision would be made at this meeting but would take place at the reconvened meeting of the Board on May 4, 2023. She added that property owners would be notified of the Board’s decision following the reconvened meeting. The following property owners appeared personally before the Board regarding the Assessor’s estimated market values as of January 2, 2023. Minutes/Edina Board of Appeal and Equalization/April 20, 2023 Name Address PID Number 2023 Estimated Market Value Owners’ Requested Value Roderick Neil 4603 Moorland Ave 18-028-24-24-0030 $2,018,800 $1,825,000 Rick Murphy 5415 70th St W 08-116-21-11-0005 $1,891,500 $1,450,000 Rick Murphy 5100 Vernon Ave 28-117-21-31-0033 $2,214,200 $2,000,000 Nora Davis 6921 Southdale Rd 30-028-24-44-0016 $470,500 None stated Lisa Burroughs 5112 West 60th Street 33-117-21-31-0020 $429,800 None stated Donald Notvik 4200 W 42nd St 07-028-24-13-0108 $549,300 $500,000 Kathleen Disano, Grand Place Partnership 5908 Abbott Ave S 20-028-24-31-0096 $458,900 $371,265 Carissa Holley 5616 Woodcrest Dr 19-028-24-14-0066 $1,090,200 $953,000 Youping (Brian) Mei 5912 Schaefer Rd 31-117-21-41-0049 $784,500 $700,000 Bill Buenz 4232 Crocker Ave 07-028-24-42-0053 $804,600 $607,200 Peter Barott 6416 Maloney Ave 30-117-21-12-0047 $499,600 $420,000-$425,000 Todd Emerson 5628 Kellogg Pl 19-028-24-13-0064 $926,200 $783,000 Ronnie Erhardt 4214 Sunnyside Rd 18-028-24-12-0012 $709,100 $600,000 The Board heard the property owners present their reasons for requesting a reduction and asked questions to clarify issues. The following property owners submitted applications or letters to the Board regarding the Assessor’s estimated market values as of January 2, 2023. Name Address PID Number 2023 Estimated Market Value Owners’ Requested Value Josh Sprague 4520 Hibiscus Ave 31-028-24-31-0022 $1,016,800 $875,000 Dorothy Lodahl 5201 Richwood Dr 33-117-21-22-0009 $423,000 $300,000 Krista Heidgerken 5433 Wooddale Ave 19-028-24-12-0066 $680,500 $580,000 Tom Fletcher 4445 W 77th St 31-028-24-43-0014 31-028-24-43-0013 $1,286,400 $1,776,400 $2,000,000 (combined) Rick Nelson 7241 Ohms La 09-116-21-24-0031 $1,753,800 $1,488,000 Brad & Joanna Callahan 28 Circle West 29-117-21-11-0023 $943,500 $800,000 Corporate 4 Hold LLC 7220 Metro Blvd 09-116-21-24-0012 $1,326,500 $1,224,840 Corporate 4 Hold LLC 7230 Metro Blvd 09-116-21-24-0013 $1,037,700 $855,360 Cottages of Edina 5100 Lincoln Dr 30-117-21-32-0004 $13,157,300 $11,000,000 Jon Hornig 5220 Interlachen 28-117-21-23-0110 $3,106,000 $2,600,000 Tony McGibbons on behalf of Hans Loeffler 5125 Halifax Ave S 18-028-24-41-0094 $772,100 $705,000 Jackie Lund 5805 Hidden Ln 29-117-21-34-0041 $1,151,200 $830,000 Tony McGibbons on behalf of Merit and Blake Schultejans 6416 Ryan Ave 30-028-24-23-0026 $585,200 $550,000 J Lindsay 7240 Metro Blvd 09-116-21-24-0014 $1,198,900 $794,500 Jeff Wood 5253 Lochloy Dr 29-117-21-44-0006 $910,300 $730,000 Bill Egan 5237 Wooddale Ave 18-028-24-43-0032 $961,300 Applicant has withdrawn their appeal, will be a board recommendation Nelson Sequeira 5416 Grove St 32-117-21-14-0070 $534,200 None Stated Rochelle Lackner 5821 Tracy Ave 32-117-21-42-0042 $379,500 $317,500 Gregory and Margaret Hildebrand 4811 Lakeview Dr 19-028-24-22-0063 $2,074,200 $1,750,000 Minutes/Edina Board of Appeal and Equalization/April 20, 2023 Staff Member, Jamie Ericksen, noted to the board that Case #19, 5237 Wooddale Ave, had withdrawn their application prior to the start of the board meeting Member McCauley made a motion to recess the Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting until May 4, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. Member MacPhail seconded the motion. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail and McCauley. Motion carried. The meeting was recessed at 7:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jamie Ericksen Recording Clerk 1 MINUTES OF THE RECONVENED MEETING OF THE EDINA BOARD OF APPEAL AND EQUALIZATION May 4, 2023 AT 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bland called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members; Chair, Rhonda Bland, Vice Chair, Michael McCauley, Katie Broich, Robert MacPhail and Scott Roti. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member MacPhail to approve the minutes from the April 20, 2023 meeting and approve agenda for May 4, 2023 meeting. Rollcall Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Chair Bland explained the purpose of the reconvened meeting was to allow the Board to take action on the applications and letters received from appellants regarding their 2023 estimated market value. After action by the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization, residents may continue the process with the County Board of Appeal and Equalization. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member Broich to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $ 1,016,800 for PID 31-028-24-31-0022. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member Roti, seconded by Member MacPhail to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $ 423,000, for PID 33-117-21-22-0009. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member MacPhail, seconded by Member McCauley sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $ 680,500, for PID 19-028-24-12-0066. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Minutes/Board of Appeal and Equalization/May 5, 2022 2 Motion of Member Broich, seconded by Member Roti to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $1,776,400, for PID 31-028-24-43-0013. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member MacPhail to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $ 1,286,400, for PID 31-028-24-43-0014. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member MacPhail to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $1,753,800 to $ 1,659,000, for PID 09-116-21-24-0031. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member Broich, seconded by Member Roti to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $943,500 to $875,000, for PID 29-117-21-11-0023. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member MacPhail, seconded by Member Broich to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $1,326,500 to $1,184,400, for PID 09-116-21-24-0012. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member MacPhail to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $ 1,037,700, to $926,500 for PID 09-116-21-24-0013. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member MacPhail to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $2,018,800 to $1,825,000, for PID 18-028-24-24-0030. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member MacPhail, seconded by Member Broich to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $ 13,157,300, for PID 30-117-21-32-0004. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member Broich to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $ 1,891,500, for PID 08-116-21-11-0005. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Minutes/Board of Appeal and Equalization/May 5, 2022 3 Motion of Member Roti, seconded by Member MacPhail to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $2,214,200 to $2,119,600, for PID 28-117-21-31-0033. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member Broich to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $3,106,000 to $3,030,200 for PID 28-117-21-23-0110. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member Broich to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $772,100, for PID 18-028-24-41-0094. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member Broich, seconded by Member MacPhail to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $1,151,200 to $1,045,000, for PID 29-117-21-34-0041. Ayes:, Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member Roti, seconded by Member McCauley to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $585,200 to $550,000, for PID 30-028-24-23-0026 Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member Broich, seconded by Member Roti to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $1,198,900 to $1,070,400, for PID 09-116-21-24-0014. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member Roti, seconded by Member Broich to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $910,300 to $840,000 for PID 29-117-21-44-0006. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Case #19 was withdrawn by appellant and is now an assessor recommendation. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member Broich to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $470,500 to$456,000, for PID 30-028-24-44-0016. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member Broich, seconded by Member MacPhail to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $534,200 to $470,000 for PID 32-117-21-14-0070. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Minutes/Board of Appeal and Equalization/May 5, 2022 4 Motion of Member MacPhail, seconded by Member Broich to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $429,800 to $400,000 for PID 33-117-21-31-0020. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member MacPhail to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $379,500 for PID 32-117-21-42-0042. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member Broich, seconded by Member Roti to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $2,074,200 for PID 19-028-24-22-0063. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member Roti, seconded by Member MacPhail to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $549,300 for PID 07-028-24-13-0108. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member MacPhail, seconded by Member Roti to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $458,900 to $395,000 for PID 20-028-24-31-0096. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member Broich to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $1,090,200 for PID 19-028-24-14-0066. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member Roti, seconded by Member Broich to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $784,500 for PID 31-117-21-41-0049. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member Roti, seconded by Member MacPhail to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $804,600 for PID 07-028-24-42-0053. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member MacPhail, seconded by Member Roti to sustain the 2023 total estimated market value of $499,600 for PID 30-117-21-12-0047. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Minutes/Board of Appeal and Equalization/May 5, 2022 5 Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member Broich to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $926,200 to $900,000 for PID 19-028-24-13-0064. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member Broich to reduce the 2023 total estimated market value from $709,100 to $650,000 for PID 18-028-24-12-0012. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Motion of Member McCauley, seconded by Member Broich to reduce the following properties in accordance with Assessor recommendations. These recommendations include reviews that occurred in less than ten days prior to the Board meeting and properties that have recently sold. Address PID Assessor's Recommendation 4800 62nd St W 19-028-24-33-0036 $ 450,000 5351 Oaklawn Ave 18-028-24-43-0086 $ 753,700 5523 Park Pl 19-028-24-11-0052 $ 750,000 5237 Wooddale Ave 18-028-24-43-0032 $ 814,600 4908 Arden Ave 18-028-24-13-0127 $ 905,000 4835 Valley View Rd 19-028-24-33-0027 $ 454,900 4502 Edina Blvd 18-028-24-21-0067 $ 2,500,000 5412 Oaklawn Ave 19-028-24-12-0039 $ 708,900 5408 Oaklawn Ave 19-028-24-12-0038 $ 708,500 5421 Kellogg Ave 19-028-24-12-0049 $ 1,050,000 4228 Lynn Ave 07-028-24-42-0113 $ 605,000 5606 Concord Ave 19-028-24-23-0047 $ 705,800 4502 Arden Ave 18-028-24-12-0030 $ 762,500 5209 Halifax Ave 18-028-24-44-0050 $ 1,281,800 5610 Concord Ave 19-028-24-23-0045 $ 840,000 4606 Wooddale Ave 18-028-24-24-0028 $ 950,000 5600 Chowen Ave 20-028-24-22-0012 $ 645,000 Minutes/Board of Appeal and Equalization/May 5, 2022 6 4516 Casco Ave 18-028-24-12-0098 $ 794,000 6880 Langford Dr 31-117-21-32-0046 $ 198,000 5713 Chowen Ave 20-028-24-23-0030 $ 510,000 4828 Maple Rd 18-028-24-14-0084 $ 750,000 4508 Wooddale Ave 18-028-24-21-0084 $ 2,295,000 5516 Park Pl 19-028-24-12-0142 $ 695,000 5200 Halifax Ave 18-028-24-44-0054 $ 1,295,500 4410 Branson St 07-028-24-43-0141 $ 670,300 5729 York Ave 20-028-24-24-0019 $ 455,000 5720 York Ave 20-028-24-24-0032 $ 435,000 3609 55th St W 20-028-24-22-0112 $ 906,300 5837 Abbott Ave 20-028-24-31-0061 $ 480,000 5709 Fairfax Ave 19-028-24-24-0096 $ 840,000 4500 Lakeview Dr 19-028-24-21-0012 $ 705,300 4704 Golf Terr 19-028-24-22-0019 $ 2,374,700 4804 Sunnyslope Rd W 18-028-24-22-0089 $ 2,550,000 3940-3942 49th St W 18-028-24-14-0013 $ 723,800 4360 Brookside Ct #201 28-117-21-22-0046 $ 258,700 4401 Browndale Ave 18-028-24-21-0010 $ 1,000,000 4000 Sunnyside Rd 07-028-24-44-0046 $ 564,500 6109 Kellogg Ave 19-028-24-43-0084 $ 425,000 5525 Halifax Lane 19-028-24-11-0029 $ 697,900 5916 Abbott Ave 20-028-24-31-0098 $ 525,000 5121 Indianola Ave 18-028-24-41-0117 $ 1,800,000 Minutes/Board of Appeal and Equalization/May 5, 2022 7 6821 Cheyenne Tr 06-116-21-43-0012 $ 965,000 4501 Dunberry Lane 30-028-24-34-0021 $ 790,000 5209 Meadow Ridge 04-116-21-32-0072 $ 1,325,500 4101 Parklawn Ave #121 31-028-24-41-0139 $ 129,500 6705 Indian Hills Rd 06-116-21-32-0008 $ 260,000 5551 70th St W 08-116-21-12-0139 $ 735,400 6517 Indian Hills Rd 06-116-21-24-0017 $ 1,000,000 7606 York Ave S #7209 32-028-24-34-0863 $ 188,000 7330 York Ave S #203 32-028-24-24-0266 $ 170,000 6512 Wilryan Ave 04-116-21-24-0019 $ 630,200 5300 Vernon Ave S 28-117-21-33-0003 $ 11,917,000 5525 Hansen Rd 33-117-21-22-0055 $ 4,990,000 4505 Balfanz Rd 30-028-24-34-0026 $ 1,105,800 5113 W 48th St 28-117-21-24-0090 $ 452,000 5808 South Dr 29-117-21-34-0045 $ 1,181,000 5113 Blossom Ct 29-117-21-41-0030 $ 850,000 5629 Interlachen Cir 29-117-21-42-0020 $ 765,000 5201 Doncaster Way 29-117-21-43-0040 $ 1,500,000 5217 Duncraig Rd 29-117-21-44-0028 $ 860,000 6417 Mendelssohn Ln 30-117-21-13-0055 $ 605,000 317 Monroe Ave S 30-117-21-21-0062 $ 455,000 6600 Biscayne Blvd 31-117-21-24-0034 $ 938,000 6110 Arctic Way 31-117-21-43-0057 $ 481,000 6112 Kaymar Dr 32-117-21-23-0041 $ 665,000 Minutes/Board of Appeal and Equalization/May 5, 2022 8 6000 Eden Prairie Rd 32-117-21-23-0049 $ 500,000 5200 Benton Ave 33-117-21-32-0073 $ 532,900 3209 Galleria #901 29-028-24-34-0041 $ 750,900 Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Member MacPhail had requested that the board be allowed to discuss what went well and what, if any, changes could be made for next year’s Local Board of Appeal and Equalization. The board agreed to timing each applicant and limiting their presentations to 5 minutes. The board also requested a glossary of terms from staff for a comp grid for properties. Staff agreed to provide that and go over a comp assessment in the board orientation. Member McCauley made a motion, seconded by Member Broich to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. Ayes: Bland, Broich, MacPhail, McCauley and Roti Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, ______________________________ Jamie Ericksen, Assessing Specialist Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: X.E. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: Minutes F rom:G illian S traub, C ity Management F ellow Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : Human R ights & R elations C ommission, April 25, 2023 Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: R eceive the minutes from the April 25, 2023, Human Rights & Relations Commission meeting. AT TAC HME N T S: Description HRRC Minutes : April 25, 2023 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/23/2023 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights & Relations Commission Edina City Hall, Community Room April 25, 2023, 7 p.m. I. Call to Order Chair Stringer Moore called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Chair Stringer Moore, Vice Chair Bennett, Commissioners Dawkins, Felton, Khalifa, Rogers, and Segall. Staff Present: Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Manager, Gillian Straub, City Management Fellow Absent: Commissioner Ismail, Student Commissioners Ahluwalia and Jain. III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion by Commissioner Segall to approve the April 25, 2023, meeting agenda, seconded by Commissioner Khalifa. Motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion by Commissioner Bennett to amend the March 28, 2023 meeting item V.A. Introduction of New Members to read “Commissioners Dawkins and Khalifa introduced themselves,” and approve the amended minutes from the March 28, 2023 meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Khalifa. Motion carried. Commissioner Ismail arrived at 7:08 p.m. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Introduction of New HRRC Member • Commissioner Rogers introduced himself to the Commission. B. Member Orientation & Appointment Process • City Manager Scott Neal reviewed board and commission member orientation materials. • Commissioners discussed the appointment process for boards and commissions, the code of conduct, demographic data of boards and commissions and related topics. • City Manager recommended that any feedback for City Council on the appointment process be provided through a memorandum to City Council by September 2023. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/23/2023 VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Human Services Task Force • Commissioners discussed the role of the Human Services Task Force (HSTF). • Commissioner Khalifa will serve as the HRRC representative on the HSTF. B. 2023 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan Update • Staff Liaison Lee relayed that Commissioner Guadarrama passively resigned from the Commission due to attendance. • Commissioners described each initiative and discussed the following updates: o Initiative 1: Sharing Values, Sharing Communities Event • Vice Chair Bennett provided an update and Commissioners discussed possible topics including child nutrition, felon disenfranchisement, drivers’ licenses for undocumented immigrants, early-learning in preventing bias, civility and cultural awareness. o Initiative 2: Days of Remembrance Event • Commissioner Felton introduced and described the event and affirmed the theme would be “Never Again.” Motion by Commissioner Felton to offer all speakers not connected to the City a gift of the event poster in the frame. Commissioner Khalifa seconded. Motion carried. • Commissioner Felton plans to provide refreshments, and Staff Liaison Lee plans to print the program for the event. • Commissioners discussed the marketing plans for the event and potential partners to promote the event. • Chair Stringer Moore introduced the exhibit from World Without Genocide. Motion by Commissioner Felton for the World Without Genocide Exhibit to be part of the lobby display for the Days of Remembrance event, to be displayed from May 1 through May 8, with a cost of $250. Seconded by Vice Chair Bennett. Motion carried. o Initiative 3: Bias and Discrimination Event Response • The Police Department provided an update at the March 28, 2023 meeting. • Staff Liaison Lee introduced the opportunity to have police department staff speak at the May meeting. • Chair Stringer Moore and Commissioner Rogers volunteered to serve on the subcommittee for this initiative. o Initiative 4: Tom Oye Award Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 5/23/2023 • Chair Stringer Moore and Commissioner Rogers volunteered to serve on the subcommittee for this initiative. o Initiative 5: Climate Action Plan HS 4-3 • Commissioner Segall noted that the subcommittee would focus its efforts first on identifying the “organizations, networks, and connections” serving vulnerable populations in the case of extreme weather events. Second, Commissioners will develop questions to ask each of these organizations. Finally, the Commissioners will draft a report. o Initiative 6: Juneteenth Community Celebration • Staff Liaison Lee provided an update on vendors, music, and events. o Initiative 7: Bias and Discrimination Event Response Plan Review • No update. C. HRRC Participation at AAPI Month Festival • Chair Stringer Moore introduced the opportunity to table at the AAPI Month Festival and called for volunteers. Motion by Commissioner Felton that the HRRC would have a table at the 2023 AAPI Month Festival. Seconded by Commissioner Ismail. Motion carried. D. HRRC Participation at Juneteenth • Chair Stringer Moore introduced the opportunity to table at Juneteenth and called for volunteers. Motion by Commissioner Felton that the HRRC would have a table at the 2023 Juneteenth celebration. Seconded by Commissioner Rogers. Motion carried. VII. Chair and Member Comments • Received. VIII. Staff Comments • Received. IX. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Segall to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Felton. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: XI.A. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: O ther F rom:G illian S traub, C ity Management F ellow Item Activity: Subject:R ecognition of Human S ervic es Tas k F orce Members Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: F ive volunteers from the City's boards and commissions will serve on the Human Services Task Force, for funding recommendations for 2024-2025. T he members, and their board or commission affiliation, are: B onnie P adilla (P lanning Commission) T heresa F arrell-Strauss (H eritage P reservation Commission) Daisy K halifa (H uman R ights & R elations C ommission) LeeAnn Weber (Energy & Environment Commission) Grant Wright (T ransportation C ommission) T hese task force members will serve in 2023 and 2024, covering the two-year operating cycle of the Human S ervices Task F orce. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: XI.B. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: O ther F rom:S cott H. Neal, C ity Manager Item Activity: Subject:S tate Legis lative R esults for C ity of Edina Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: M anager N eal to provide an update. AT TAC HME N T S: Description MLC 2023 Legislative Ses s ion Report 2023 Legislative Priorities and Pos itions Municipal Legislative Commission 2023 Regular Legislative Session Report Prepared by Tom Poul, Tony Albright, and Owen Neubauer 555 N Wabasha St, Suite 555 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Table of Contents Introduction MLC Legislative Priorities Housing and Home Ownership Tax Policy and Local Issues Transportation and Infrastructure Public Safety Adult-use Marijuana Workforce and Economic Expansion MLC Legislation of Interest that Passed State Forecast Required to Include the Rate of Inflation Juneteenth (June 19) Omnibus Housing Finance and Policy Bill Omnibus Jobs, Economic Development, Labor and Industry Appropriations Bill Omnibus Transportation Finance and Policy Bill Bonding Bill Omnibus Tax Bill Omnibus Environment, Natural Resources, Climate, and Energy Finance and Policy Bill Omnibus State and Local Government Appropriations and Policy Bill Omnibus Judiciary and Public Safety Appropriations Bill Catalytic Converter Theft Penalties Duty Disability Omnibus Pension Finance Bill Omnibus Pension Policy Bill Paid Family Medical Leave Legalizing Adult Use Cannabis Prince Rogers Nelson Memorial Highway MLC Legislation of Interest that was Vetoed Uber/Lyft Company Driver Protections List of All Bills that Passed Appendix MLC Letters of Testimony Introduction The 2023 Legislative Session was ushered in with historic and unexpected wins by the DFL resulting in a legislative trifecta for only the second time in thirty years. Governor Walz easily won re-election and the DFL gained control of the Senate by one seat and held a 34/33 majority, while the House majority continued its reign with a six-seat majority of 70/64. All DFL constitutional officers also prevailed in their elections. Legislators returned to St. Paul on January 3 with an unprecedented number of new colleagues. Of the 201 legislators 71 members between the House and Senate were brand new. In the House, a total of 47 newly elected members included 25 Republican members and 19 DFL members. In the Senate, a total of 24 newly elected members included 14 DFL members and 10 Republican members. Both House and Senate majority and minority caucuses came into session with newly elected leaders. House Speaker Melissa Hortman was the only leader to continue in her position and the DFL caucus elected Rep. Jaime Long as the Majority Leader and Rep. Athena Hollins as Majority Whip. Republicans elected Rep. Lisa Demuth as Minority Leader and Rep. Paul Torkelson as Deputy Minority Leader. In the Senate, the DFL caucus elected Sen. Kari Dziedzic as Majority Leader and Sen. Bobby Joe Champion as Senate President. The first year of each biennium is a budget year in Minnesota with the primary goal of the Legislature to create a two-year budget for the state with the new fiscal year beginning July 1. However, this year with pent up demand on key DFL policies and election promises, Legislators got to work on several key items. Within the first six weeks the Legislature passed, and the Governor signed: targeted increases in the Attorney General’s Office to add capacity for its criminal division, voter restoration, tax conformity, recognition of Juneteenth as a state holiday, 100% carbon free standards by 2024, and a fundamental right to reproductive health care. A historic surplus of $17.5 billion dollars greeted legislators in the updated February Forecast and the Legislature made quick work of their new majorities. They set early committee deadlines, agreed on joint budget targets a full two months before the end of session and predicted the possibility of adjournment prior to the May 22 deadline. The budget agreement framework prioritized multi-billions of investments in tax cuts, education and supports for children and families, transportation improvements, housing and infrastructure projects. Other marquee topics that dominated session action included paid family and medical leave, legalizing adult use cannabis, driver’s license for all, social security tax elimination, and efforts to pass a robust bonding bill left over from last session. As the session entered its final weekend eleven budget bills had passed off the House and Senate floors. However, final agreements on the tax, transportation, health and bonding bills held the legislature all the way to its deadline of Monday, May 22nd at midnight. A last minute compromise between democrats and republicans on an additional $300 million dollars for nursing home support helped pave the way for a GO bonding agreement of $1.5 billion, a cash bonding agreement of $1.1 billion and the assurance of orderly floor sessions to complete their work. The last weekend also ushered in final passage of bills to legalize adult use cannabis, approve minimum compensation for Uber and Lyft drivers, and authorize committee-driven nurse-to-patient staffing ratios as well as a pair of constitutional amendments; one to continue to dedicate a portion of lottery proceeds to protect the environment and one to adopt equality under the law. Rumors of a possible special session to address the U of M’s desire to buy back its hospital following the merger of Fairview and Sandford systems surfaced in the last days of session. However, absent a special session and with arguably the busiest and most accomplished session in recent memory legislators will return home to their districts until February 12, 2024, when the next session is set to reconvene. To date, only one member, Representative Jerry Newton, has declared his intent to not run again. The 2024 session will be a short session with a focus on policy measures, bonding, and it will be an election year for all members of the House of Representatives. MLC Legislative Priorities Housing and Home Ownership • NOAH Preservation Grants • Housing Infrastructure Bonds (HIB) • Community Land Trusts • Down Payment Assistance • Local Autonomy and Land Use Decisions Tax Policy and Local Issues • Property Tax Refund & Renters Credit • Homestead Market Value Exclusion Adjustment • Sales Tax Exemption on Construction Materials Process Simplification • Repeal Local Government Salary Cap Transportation and Infrastructure • Corridors of Commerce • Transportation Economic Development (TED) • State Match for IIJA Funding • Regionally Balanced Bonding Bill • Street Impact Fees Public Safety • Duty Disability Reform • State Funding for Juvenile Offender Detention, Treatment, and Programs • Public Safety Aid for Cities • Catalytic Converter Reform Adult Use Marijuana • Local Licensing Authority • Revenue Sharing with Cities Workforce & Economic Expansion • Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) • Job Creation Fund (JCF) MLC Legislation of Interest that Passed State Forecast Required to Include the Rate of Inflation H.F. 35 Representative Stephenson / S.F. 46 Senator Marty View the bill summary here. Chapter 10 Each year, the Minnesota Office of Management and Budget releases a budget forecast in November and February to give legislators and the governor a baseline with which to create the state budget. It usually provides the inflation rate in the forecast; however, in 2002 lawmakers passed a law removing the inflation estimates. The bill was drafted to require Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) to include inflation when estimating future state expenditures in the biannual budget forecasts. A fiscal note accompanying the bill estimated that adding inflation to the forecast’s projected spending would reduce the state’s budget surplus by $1.55 billion for the 2024-25 biennium and by $3.3 billion the following biennium. The bill didn’t specify how inflation will be measured but requires the Commissioner of Minnesota Management and Budget to consult with the Senate Government and Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee before the forecast’s release. Juneteenth (June 19) H.F. 48 Representative Richardson / S.F. 13 Senator Champion View the bill summary here. Chapter 5 Juneteenth (June 19) is an annual celebration in recognition of the historical pronouncement of the abolition of slavery on June 19, 1865 – which was when federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas to ensure the last enslaved people in the United States were set free, more than two years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Probation. Juneteenth became a federal holiday in 2021, after the murder of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests. In current law, the third Saturday in June is an official state observance. This bill made June 19, rather than the third Saturday in June, a designated state Holiday. As a recognized state Holiday, no public business can be transacted by the state government. Omnibus Housing Finance and Policy Bill H.F. 2335 Representative Howard / S.F. 2566 Senator Port View the bill summary here: House and Senate The bill did pass. Chapter 37 The state is making record investments in housing, over $1 billion to address Minnesota’s housing needs. The funding will go to a range of programs, from helping first generation homeowners afford down payments to preserving affordable housing. Lawmakers also put funding into rent vouchers and have included a 0.25% metro sales tax to support additional housing assistance. Notable Bill Appropriations include: • Challenge Program: $95 million • Housing Trust Fund: $11.64 million • Local Housing Trust Fund Grants: $4.8 million • Housing Infrastructure $200 million in • Homeownership: Homeownership assistance fund: $50 million • Homeownership Investment Grants (CFI’s): $40 million • Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH): $90 million ($10 million to Huntington Place) • Workforce Housing Development Program: $35 million • Workforce Homeownership Program: $20 million • First Generation Homebuyer: $50 million • Community Based First Generation Homebuyer: $100 million • Metro Sales Tax: .25% deposited into the Housing Assistance Fund o This will take effect on October 1st, 2023, and is expected to generate between $150-200 million annually Omnibus Jobs, Economic Development, Labor and Industry Appropriations Bill S.F. 3035 Senator Champion / H.F. 3028 Representative Hassan Chapter 53 The Omnibus Jobs bill provides large-scale employment law reform and massive investments in an effort to address workforce shortages and economic disparities. These efforts are highlighted by a $1.4 billion appropriation dedicated to workforce development, economic competitiveness, and assisting disadvantaged communities. The policy changes in this legislation will have significant impacts on employers in Minnesota. Employers will take note of the changes that render non-compete agreements unenforceable, prohibit mandatory employer-sponsored meetings, establish additional paystub requirements, and enhance protections for pregnant employees. Employers will have to act relatively quickly to ensure compliance as many provisions of this bill take effect as early as July 1 of this year. Earned Sick and Safe Time The bill contains language from the Earned Sick and Safe Time bill, which was passed as a stand- alone bill by the House earlier in the session. This allows all workers to accrue paid time off, earning one hour of paid leave for every 30 hours worked. Eligible use of sick leave includes: • An employee’s mental or physical illness, treatment, or preventive care • Care for a sick family member or a family member in need of preventive care or treatment • Absence related to domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking of an employee or family member • Closure of an employee’s workplace or a family member’s school or daycare due to weather or public emergency • A determination by a health care provider that an employee or family member is at risk of infecting others with a communicable disease • Effective Date: January 1, 2024 Economic and Workforce Development Provisions • $12.9 million for the Small Business Assistance Partnerships Program • $10 million for the Minnesota Expanding Opportunity Fund Program • $5 million for Launch Minnesota, to spur innovation and grow technology start-ups • $5 million for the Emerging Developer Grant Program • $3 million for the Community Grant Wealth Building Program • $50 million in targeted populations workforce grants for organizations that provide job skills training and businesses that hire and retain people of color • $20 million for the Drive for Five Initiative • $14.3 million in additional funding for the Pathways to Prosperity competitive grant program • $2 million to establish the Getting to Work grant program • $1.5 million to establish the Office of New Americans for helping immigrants economically integrate into Minnesota • $91.4 million for Vocational Rehabilitation Services • $26.1 million for General Support Services • $20.9 million for State Services for the Blind • $1m in funding to support a working group on youth interventions to provide recommendations on the design of a regional system of care for youth interventions, sustainable financing models and alternatives to criminal penalties • $25 million to fund a Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority, also known as a “green bank” that would provide loans for green initiatives, and includes enabling legislation for the Authority • $8.5 million in fiscal years 2024-25 and $4.5 million in fiscal years 2026-27 in dedicated general fund spending for the Redevelopment Grant Program to help assist cities with the cost of redeveloping blighted industrial, residential, or commercial sites • Base-level funding for both the Minnesota Job Creation Fund and the Minnesota Investment Fund at $16 million and $24.74 million respectively over each biennium. • Program for a total of $4.57 million for fiscal years 2024-25 and fiscal years 2026-27 • $10 million in one-time funding for Community Energy Transition Grants to assist local communities address economic dislocation associated with the closing of a local electric generating plant • $13 million in fiscal years 2024-25 and $3 million in fiscal years 2026-27 for Local Community Child Care Grants to provide local governments with grant funding to increase the number of child care providers to support economic development Notable Labor and Industry Appropriations • $3 million in grants for clean economy jobs • $497,000 for a novel regulatory framework of combative sports Notable Labor Policy Provisions • Noncompete Ban o Under the new law, which passed out of the Minnesota Legislature this week, most noncompete agreements between employers and employees or independent contractors would be banned. If signed by Gov. Walz, the law would go into effect July 1st, but would not be retroactive. The law would not ban non-solicitation agreements or agreements restricting the ability to use client or contact lists or to solicit customers o Unlike other states that have passed laws that restrict noncompete agreements only with employees earning below a certain salary or income threshold, Minnesota enacted a complete prohibition on noncompete agreements with only two limited exceptions:  Those agreements that are greed to during the sale of a business where the agreement prohibits the seller from carrying on a similar business within a reasonable geographic area for a reasonable period of time; or  In anticipation of the dissolution of a business in which the dissolving partnership or entity agrees that the partners, members, or shareholders will not carry on a similar business in a reasonable geographic area for a reasonable period of time • Establishing new standards related to public sector unions including: o Requiring the dissemination of employee personnel data to public sector unions for several purposes, such as conducting elections and investigating grievances o Obligating employers to provide union representatives with contact information of and face-to-face time with both newly hired and all bargaining unit employees o Enabling workplace unionization without going through the process of a formal election if over 50% of employees provide authorization for representation Additional policy provisions • Authorization for religious institutions to site micro-unit dwellings in sacred settlements on their property, and requires cities to authorize use as a permitted use or conditional use • Updated commercial energy code tied to new American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) baselines • New state building code requirements for minimum number of electric vehicle charging for commercial and multifamily properties • Establishment of an Office of New Americans • Establishment of an Office of Child Care Community Partnerships • Construction worker wage protections expanding liability for wage theft claims to include general contractors and owners in certain circumstances • A ban on “captive audience” meetings, prohibiting employers from requiring employees to attend employer-sponsored meetings to communicate their opinion about religious or political matters Omnibus Transportation Finance and Policy Bill H.F. 2887 Representative Hornstein / S.F. 3157 Senator Dibble Chapter 68 Transportation Chairs Hornstein and Dibble, both from Senate District 61 in Minneapolis, were tasked with putting together the state’s transportation budget. The final deal will make historic investments in the state’s roads, bridges, and transit, while also creating significant new revenue streams to increase ongoing dedicated funding for the state’s transportation system. The bill increases funding for transportation statewide and includes many new revenue sources including: • Indexing the gas tax to inflation, resulting in a 5-cent increase over the current rate by fiscal year 27 • Establishing a new Regional Transportation Sales and Use Tax of .75% o 83% of these funds will go to the Met Council for the following uses:  5% for active transportation as determined by the Transportation Advisory Board  95% for the below uses: • Improvements to regular route bus service levels • Improvements to transit safety • Maintenance and improvements to bus accessibility at transit stops and transit centers • Transit shelter replacement and improvements • Planning and project development for expansion of ABRT lines • Operations and capital maintenance of ABRT lines • Planning and project development for expansion of highway BRT and bus guideway lines • Operations and capital maintenance of highway BRT and bus guideways • Zero-emissions bus procurement and associated costs in conformance with the zero-emission and electric transit vehicle transition plan • Demand response microtransit service provided by the Council • Demand response microtransit service provided by the Suburban Transportation Providers • Financial assistance to political subdivisions • Wage adjustments for Metro Transit hourly operations employees  The Met Council is prohibited from using these funds on Southwest light rail transit. o 17% to the metropolitan counties  Delivery fee of 50 cents for most deliveries to homes that are more than $100 • Funds deposited into the Transportation Advancement Account • Increasing the Motor Vehicles Sales Tax from 6.5% to 6.875% o New distribution of funds:  60% to Highway User Trust Fund  34.3% to Metropolitan Area Transit Account  5.7% to Greater Minnesota Transit • Raising the fees to register vehicles, purchase driver's licenses, and documentary fees • Fully dedicating the Auto Parts Sales Tax Receipts to transportation over a ten-year period Notable appropriations provisions: • $216,400,000 for Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act discretionary matches • $9 million to expand micro transit services for the Suburban Transit Providers: o $5.8 million for Minnesota Valley Transit Authority o $3 million for SouthWest Transit o $200,000 for Maple Grove Transit  $195 million to support the Northern Lights Express passenger rail service between the Twin Cities and Duluth  $2 million to fund safety interventions with passengers on the Green and Blue light-rail lines  Creates $1500 credits for purchasing electric bikes  $153 million for Corridors of Commerce o $8,000,000 for FY24 o $72,500,000 in FY25 o $72,500,000 in FY26 • $200,000,000 in State Road Construction o $67,000,000 in FY24 o $67,000,000 in FY25 o $66,000,000 in FY26 • $11,000,000 for information technology projects for the Department of Transportation • $68,750,000 for Trunk Highway 65 • $30,000,000 for U.S. Highway 10 • $4,200,000 for U.S. Highway 169 Interchange in Scott County Notable transportation policy provisions: • Creates a Metropolitan Governance Task Force to review the make-up of the Met Council and whether they should be elected rather than appointed by the Governor • Creates a Transit Signal Priority System Planning workgroup to perform planning on transit signal priority systems and related transit advantage improvements on high- frequency and high-ridership bus routes in the metropolitan area • Requires the Met Council to produce a Post-Covid Study on the impacts of Covid on transit ridership • Requires the Commissioner of Public Safety to submit a report to the legislature on process and associated policies for issuance of a mailed citation to vehicle owners that a speed safety camera system detects is operated in violation of a speed limit. • Establishes a Transit Rider Investment Program (TRIP) which will put transit officials on buses and trains as a means of fare enforcement and to monitor passenger activity • Creates many new license plate options for Minnesotans to choose from including: o Lions Club International Plates o Minnesota Professional Sports Team Foundation Plates:  Minnesota Vikings  Minnesota Timberwolves  Minnesota Lynx  Minnesota Wild  Minnesota Twins  Minnesota United o Minnesota Blackout Plates o Minnesota Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Plates • Requires a Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Assessment and appropriation greenhouse gas mitigation practices for any capacity expansion project that is a major highway project and adds traffic capacity to the roads not to supplant the safety and well-being goals of a highway project o The bill also creates a working group to assist in the following items prior to the implementation of the requirement for the assessment and mitigation:  Developing the process for impact assessment  Developing an impact mitigation plan  Considering options related to funding mitigation activities  Considering options for alternative mitigation options o Members of the working group:  Commissioner of Transportation  Met Council Chair  Two members from the Department of Transportation Sustainable Transportation Advisory Council  Two members from the Minnesota County Engineers Association  Two members from the City Engineers Association  One representative from a Metropolitan Planning Organization or Regional Development Organization in Greater Minnesota  One Representative from Move Minnesota o Requiring two crew members on freight trains traveling in and through Minnesota Bonding Bill H.F. 669 Representative Lee / S.F. 676 Senator Pappas Chapter 72 Every other year, lawmakers typically passed a capital investment bill – known as a bonding bill. However, they failed to get one across the finish line in 2021 and again in 2022 under divided control of the Legislature. Bonding bills require a 60% vote in the House and Senate to pass. The 2023 bill was the largest bonding bill in Minnesota history financing $2.6 billion for projects across Minnesota including $1.5 billion in General Obligation (GO) bonds and $1.12 billion in cash funding. As part of a last-minute deal, both DFL and GOP lawmakers agreed to invest an additional $300 million in emergency aid for nursing homes in crisis. That nursing home funding compromise passed separately in HF3342. Agency funding totals in HF 669 include: • $381.1 million to the Public Facilities Authority for 47 water and wastewater projects across the state • $326.3 million to the Department of Transportation, including $146 million from bond proceeds for local roads and bridge • $233.1 million to the Department of Natural Resources, including $49.7 million for flood hazard mitigation programs • $108.6 million to the Metropolitan Council, including $72 million for bus rapid transit projects • $90 million to the Department of Veterans Affairs, including $77.8 million for upgrades at the Hasting Veterans Home Campus • $130 million to University of Minnesota, including $92.6 million to renovate Fraser Hall into an undergraduate chemistry building and $43.35 million in asset preservation • $134.7 million to Minnesota State - $90 million for renovations and upgrades at 13 campuses and $44.7 million for asset preservation Cash Projects in HF 670 authorized $850.7 million in General Fund spending for more than 190 projects, which include: • $1.82 million for the Sanneh Foundation • $550,000 for the Phyllis Wheatley Community Center in Carver County • $6 million for the Maple Grove Community Center • $800,000 for the Chankahda Trail in Plymouth • $8 million for Hope 4 Youth in Anoka County • $2.5 million for the Conway Recreation Center operated by the Sanneh Foundation • $48.6 million to Department of Public Safety (local fire or public safety centers) • $10 million for a regional training center in Hibbing • $6.4 million for a Lake Johanna fire station headquarters • $4.4 million for a fire station in Dilworth • $21.6 million to renovate facilities at the St. Peter Regional Treatment Center • $14.5 million for improvements to the wastewater treatment plant in Austin • $12.8 million to the Pope-Douglas Solid Waste board to switch to single-source recycling • $7 million to construct a freight rail car storage facility in Lakeville • $4 million to the Indian Health Board for a medical center in Minneapolis • $3 million to replace the ice plant and make other improvements to the sports arena and curling club in Chisolm • $2.2 million to the Ain Dah Yung Center in St. Paul for renovations of its emergency shelter Omnibus Tax Bill H.F. 1938 Representative Gomez / S.F. 1811 Senator Rest Chapter 64 Lawmakers passed a sweeping $3 billion tax relief bill along party lines that includes onetime rebates, a credit for low income families, income tested exemption from Minnesota’s tax on Social Security benefits, and property tax relief and funding to cities for public safety improvements. The bill will raise $1.034 billion over the biennium from business and high-income households. Tax Relief Provisions include the following: • Rebates o $260 single filer up to $75,000 income o $520 joint filer up to $150,000 income • Child Tax Credit o $260 per dependent (up to 3 children) for a maximum of $1,300 o $1,750 per child to households making $35,000 per year, phasing out at $96,250 • Social Security Exemption – Exempts Minnesota’s state tax on a couples earning up to $100,000 (singles up to $78,000) Tax Increase Provisions include the following: • Federal conformity to GILTI with 50% dividend reduction with no selection 250 deduction ($437 million FY24-25) • Reduced deductions for dividends received from domestic subsidiaries ($125 million FY24-25) • Modifications to phase out standard itemized deductions for high income earners by adding two new thresholds: o 10% of AGI over $300,000 o 20% AGI over $1 million, up to max of 80% of total deductions o $354 million FY24-25 • New 1% tax on all net investment income (interest, dividends, annuities, royalties, etc.) over $1 million ($128 million FY24-25) • Decouple corporate net operating loss provision, limiting deductions to 70% ($22.5 million FY24-25) State Aid Provisions • $80 million for an annual increase to local government aid • Updated formula factors for local government aid • $210 million in one-time public safety aid for cities, distributed on a per capita basis. Eligible uses include community violence prevention and intervention programs; community engagement; mental health crisis responses; victim services; training programs; first responder wellness; equipment related to fire, rescue, and emergency services; or to pay other personnel or equipment costs • Establishment of a new transition aid for counties, cities, townships, and school districts that lose tax base when an electric generation plant is retired • Creating an affordable housing aid for local governments located outside the metro that will not receive distributions from the quarter-cent metro area sales tax for housing. Qualifying cities with a population of at least 10,000 will receive a $4.5 million annual distribution in fiscal years 2024-25 and $2 million annual distribution in following years. Cities with populations under 10,000 will be eligible to apply for grants of at least $25,000 from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA). This MHFA aid totals $2.25 million annually for fiscal years 2024-25 and $1 million annually in following years Property Tax Provisions • A permanent increase to the Homestead Credit refund to increase the refund for taxpayers that are currently eligible for it • Converting the Renter’s Credit from a property tax refund to an income tax credit, and changing the definition of income to the simpler adjusted gross income • One-time increases to the Homestead Credit refund, Renter’s Credit, and targeted property tax refund • Increasing the homestead market value exclusion (HMVE) for homes valued up to $517,000 • Lowering the property tax classification rate on 4d property from .75% of the first $100,000 of value to .25%, causing a property tax shift onto other property. The bill also allows for a two-year transition aid for cities whose tax base is at least 2% 4d property • Increasing the income limit for the senior citizens’ property tax deferral from $60,000 to $96,000. The bill also reduces the minimum number of years the homeowner must own and occupy the property to qualify from 15 years to five years Sales Tax Provisions • Local Sales Tax o Edina o Bloomington o Chanhassen o Golden Valley o Woodbury • Places a two-year moratorium on local sales tax authorizations going through the 2025 legislative session • Creation of a task force to examine the use of local taxes as a funding mechanism for cities to fund capital projects and other improvement projects. The task force recommendations will be reported to the Legislature by Jan. 15, 2024 Other Provisions • TIF o Bloomington o Plymouth o Shakopee o Woodbury • Construction Materials Exemption o Chanhassen o Edina o Maple Grove o Woodbury • An eight-year extension of the Historic Structure Rehabilitation Credit. It will also allow an exception for projects that would have qualified for the credit during the one fiscal year that the credit was not in place • Numerous cities’ individual bills that provided exceptions from tax increment financing rules for specific projects • General tax increment financing law clarifications that were worked on with the Office of the State Auditor and the League of Minnesota Cities • A $40 million one-time increase to the workforce and affordable homeownership development account to support the existing Workforce and Affordable Homeownership Development Program Estimated Public Safety Aid for MLC Cities City Total 2021 population Share of eligible population Aid amount APPLE VALLEY 56,318 1.17% $ 2,464,493 BLOOMINGTON 90,974 1.90% 3,981,050 BURNSVILLE 64,627 1.35% 2,828,097 CHANHASSEN 25,936 0.54% 1,134,967 EAGAN 69,086 1.44% 3,023,224 EDEN VALLEY 1,026 0.02% 44,898 EDINA 53,572 1.12% 2,344,327 GOLDEN VALLEY 22,334 0.47% 977,343 INVER GROVE HEIGHTS 35,743 0.74% 1,564,124 LAKEVILLE 72,135 1.50% 3,156,649 MAPLE GROVE 70,247 1.46% 3,074,030 MINNETONKA 54,704 1.14% 2,393,864 PLYMOUTH 81,184 1.69% 3,552,636 PRIOR LAKE 27,832 0.58% 1,217,937 ROSEMOUNT 26,133 0.54% 1,143,588 SAVAGE 32,516 0.68% 1,422,910 SHAKOPEE 45,593 0.95% 1,995,163 SHOREVIEW 26,967 0.56% 1,180,084 WOODBURY 75,723 1.58% 3,313,661 Omnibus Environment, Natural Resources, Climate, and Energy Finance and Policy Bill H.F. 2310 Representative Hansen, R. / S.F. 2438 Senator Hawj Chapter 60 This bill featured a two-billion-dollar package to invest in initiatives to promote green energy and cut greenhouse gases while tackling conservation issues including restrictions on PFAS chemicals and bans on new deer farms to combat chronic wasting disease. This legislation is the third piece in a series of climate bills passed by legislators this year, the first being the 2040 clean energy bill and the second being the state competitiveness bill aimed at capturing federal funds for clean energy initiatives. The bill also funds a Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority, also known as a “green bank” that would provide loans for green initiatives. The bill also creates a “green alley” to promote clean energy companies. Another goal of the DFL majority for this session was environmental justice initiatives. The new cumulative impacts provisions will require the MN Pollution Control Agency to alter the process in issuing air permits to include past emissions in their considerations. Finally, the bill makes investments into Minnesota’s natural resources and recreational infrastructure using a boat license fee increase and by making large-scale appropriations to pay for these priorities. Notable investments of the bill include: • $30 million to place solar panels on schools and other public buildings • $1 million for lead tackle reduction • $16 million for electric vehicle rebates plus $13 million for electric buses for schools • $13 million in grants and rebates to install electric heat pumps in homes • $6.5 million to install electric panels to allow homeowners to add electric stoves and other appliances • $20 million in funding for the Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority (this is in addition to $25 million in the Jobs Bill and the authorizing language moved to the Jobs bill) • $60 million for new fish hatcheries • Boat license fee proceeds for recreational infrastructure and campgrounds • $2 million to develop a comprehensive plan to ensure the communities in the White Bear Lake area have access to sufficient and safe drinking water and o Working group to develop the plan includes Commissioner of Natural Resources, Commissioner of Health, PCA, Metropolitan Area Water Supply Advisory Committee, St. Paul Regional Water Services, Lake Elmo, Hugo, Mahtomedi, Stillwater, Lino Lakes, North St. Paull, Oakdale, Vadnais Heights, Shoreview, Woodbury, New Brighton, North Oaks, and White Bear Lake o The plan must include:  Evaluating methods for conserving and recharging groundwater in the area  Determining which existing groundwater supply wells would be most effective and efficient in ensuring future water sustainability  Identifying a long-term plan for converting groundwater supply wells  Identifying policy and funding recommendations for converting groundwater supply wells to surface water sources, recommendations for treating and reusing wastewater  Identifying any policy and funding recommendations for local wastewater treatment and recharge  Reporting back to the chairs and ranking members of the committees with jurisdiction over environment and natural resources finance and policy • More than $100 million for planning and implementation of local climate adaptation plans • Significant new authority for the DNR to enforce administrative penalty orders related to water appropriations and to restrict where surface water levels are negatively impacted • Numerous provisions related to PFAS compounds, including phased-in bans on many products, $25 million for addressing PFAS in municipal drinking water, and new water quality standards and health risk limits for certain PFAS compounds • $8 million per year for the ReLeaf program to deal with emerald ash borer and other community forest issues • $2 million per year for the Lawns-to-Legumes program • $27 million to restore fund balances drained by the state in 2003 from the Metropolitan Landfill Contingency Action Trust, which assures that closed landfills in the metro area are managed properly by the state in perpetuity Notable natural resources policy provisions include: • Allowing the DNR to temporarily (until June 30, 2027) issue permits for the City of Lake Elmo to construct and operate a new municipal water supply well and amend existing water-use permits issued to the City of Lake Elmo to increase the authorized volume of water that may be appropriated under the permits to a level consistent with the amount anticipated to be needed each year – this provision has an effective date immediately following enactment • Temporarily prohibits the DNR (until June 30, 2027) from reducing the total amount of groundwater use permitted under a White Bear Lake area water use permit issued or amended before January 1, 2023 unless necessary to address emergency preparedness or other public health and safety issues • Establishing a Habitat-Friendly Utilities Program allowing the Board of Water and Soil Resources to provide financial and technical assistance to promote the successful establishment of native vegetation as part of utility projects, including solar, wind, pipelines, and electrical transmission corridors • Establishes new Greenhouse Gas Emissions-Reduction Goals across all sectors producing greenhouses gas emissions by at least the following amounts compared with the level of emissions in 2005: o 15 percent by 2015 o 30 percent by 2025 o 50 percent by 2030 o Net zero by 2050 Notable energy policy provisions include: • Outlines a distributed solar energy standard that requires, by the end of 2030, the following proportions of a public utility's total retail electric sales in Minnesota to be generated from solar energy generating systems: o for a public utility with at least 200,000 retail electric customers in Minnesota, at least three percent o for a public utility with at least 100,000 but fewer than 200,000 retail electric customers in Minnesota, at least three percent o for a public utility with fewer than 100,000 retail electric customers in Minnesota, at least one percent o includes an exemption for sales to industrial customers to be subtracted from the utility's total retail electric sales for the purpose of calculating total retail electric sales in Minnesota • Defining the “resilience” of the electric grid as the ability of the grid to prepare for, adapt to, or minimize the consequences of extreme weather or malicious physical or cyber- attacks. • Increasing the threshold that requires a public utility to notify the PUC if they are selling, acquiring, leasing, or renting a plant from $100,000 to $1,000,000 • Establishing a Distributed Energy Resources System Upgrade Program to provide utilities funding to complete infrastructure investments necessary to enable electricity customers to interconnect distributed energy resources • Establishing an Electric Grid Resilience Grant program in the Department of Commerce to provide financial assistance to projects that increase resilience of the grid, develop or improve carbon-free distributed energy resources in the state, and improve a utilities ability to add load growth resulting from strategic electrification and electrification of transportation • Requiring public utilities to develop and operate a program to provide a grant to customers to reduce the cost to purchase and install an on-site energy storage system • Establishes a new Electric Vehicle Rebate program to create rebates of $2,500 for the purchase of a new electric vehicle and $600 for the purchase of a used electric vehicle • Creates a new public policy of the state to encourage each utility that serves Minnesota residents to focus on and improve the diversity of the utility’s workforce and suppliers • Prohibits private entities from limiting the owner of a single-family home from installing or maintaining the use of a roof-mounted solar energy system • A definition provided for ‘environmental justice.’ Areas containing census tracts meeting that definition will be prioritized for accessibility to many state grants, program focus, and other funding. • Extensive new policy related to community solar gardens. Omnibus State and Local Government Appropriations and Policy Bill H.F. 1830 Representative Klevorn / S.F. 1426 Senator Murphy Chapter 62 The State and Local Government Omnibus Bill features a variety of changes that have broad effects across Minnesota. In addition to various changes to the way the government will operate and be funded, a change to make alterations to the state flag and seal will be decided following the work of a State Emblems Redesign Commission established by the bill. Overall, the price tag to fund state government operations landed at $1.53 billion which is a $410 million increase over base. The bill includes additional spending for the state’s constitutional offices, more than 30 boards, agencies and councils, and the departments of Administration and Revenue. There are also changes to operations at the Capitol itself, including a new session start date that would be ‘the first Tuesday after the second Monday in January of each odd-numbered year’. The bill would also redefine a legislative day to be when either body ‘gives any bill a third reading, adopts a rule of procedure or organization, elects a university regent, confirms a gubernatorial appointment, or votes to override a gubernatorial veto.’ In current statute, a legislative day is described as ‘a day when either house of the legislature is called to order.’ Notable State Government appropriations: • $27,000,000 for statewide cybersecurity enhancements • $6,000,000 for a state and local government cybersecurity improvement grant program • $40,000,000 to modernize targeting applications to improve user experience • $4,000,000 for Children’s Cabinet information technology innovation • $33,000,000 for executive branch cloud transformation • $4,000,000 for state grant administration oversight • $5,000,000 to implement the Capitol Mall Design Framework Notable State Government policy provisions: • Authorize a limited medical exception to the Open Meeting Law, which will allow elected officials to fully participate in meetings via interactive technology from a nonpublic location up to three times in a year if a health care professional has advised them against being in a public place for medical reasons. • Expand local government investment options available to AAA-credit rated cities to AA- rated cities. • Authorize a “construction manager at risk” option for municipal contracts over $175,000. • Require cities to allow natural landscaping on any parcel. • Provide cities an additional licensing tool to respond to hotels that significantly overburden public safety due to criminal activity. • Repeal the compensation limit for employees of political subdivisions. • Establish a commission to redesign the official state flag and official state seal. • Set up a structure and provide funding for a program to provide cybersecurity grants to local governments. The Department of Information Technology Services would have $2.2 million in fiscal year (FY) 2024 and $3.5 million in FY 2025 to provide grants to political subdivisions to support addressing cybersecurity risks and threats to information systems owned or operated by state, local, or tribal governments. • Create a legislative task force on aging to review and develop state resources for an aging demographic, and to identify and prioritize necessary support for an aging population through statewide and local endeavors for people to remain in their communities. • Establish an Infrastructure and Resilience Advisory Task Force to evaluate issues related to coordination; sustainability; resiliency; and federal funding on state, local, and private infrastructure in the state. Task force membership will include a member appointed by the League of Minnesota Cities. • Establish an environmental standards procurement task force and establish requirements for certain materials and products used in the construction of buildings funded in whole or in part with state bond proceeds. • Change the effective date of the law passed earlier in session to make Juneteenth a state holiday from Aug. 1, 2023, to the day after enactment. This would make the new holiday effective on June 19 of this year. • Expand special service district authority to create new special service districts under the existing petitioning process to include both commercial and industrial properties as well as qualified multifamily and mixed-use properties that can now be subject to the charges imposed for increased services in a district. Omnibus Judiciary and Public Safety Appropriations Bill S.F. 2909 Senator Latz / H.F. 2890 Representative Moller Chapter 52 The final Public Safety and Judiciary Omnibus Bill this year reflects years of pent-up demand to pass key policy measures and make use of historic surplus funds. The five hundred- and twenty- two-page bill was reconciled a full ten days before adjournment date and passed the House and Senate on party line votes. Below are summaries of the key financial and policy items included in the final bill. Office of Justice Programs • Youth Services and Grants $250,000/$250,000 • Dual Status Youth Programs $1m/$1m • Youth Restorative Justice Program $4m/$4m • Youth Intervention Grants $3.525m/$3.525m • Juvenile Restorative Justice Office $500,000/$500,000 • Ramsey County Juvenile Placement $5m • Prosecutor Training Grants $100,00/$100,000 • Federal Victims of Crime Act $11m/$11m • Domestic/Sexual Violence Housing $1.5m/$1.5m • Missing/Murdered Indigenous Bd $1.248m/$1.248m • Community Crime Prevention Grants $750,000/$750,000 • Resources for Crime Victims $1m/$1m • Minnesota Heals $500,000/$500,000 • First Responder Mental Health $75,000/$75,000 • State Paid Sex Assault Exams Costs $3.967m/$3.967m • Ramsey County Violence Prevention $5m • Pre-Trial Release Study $250,000/$250,000 • Crime Victim Services Funding $5m/$5m • Pathways to Policing $400,000/$400,000 • Intensive Police Officer Education $5m Public Safety • Use of Force Investigations Unit $4.4m/$4.4m • Violent Crime Reduction Strategy $9.3m/$9.3m • Community Crime and Violence Prevention $70m • Crisis Response $10m • VCRS – Investigative Partnerships $6m • Human Trafficking Response TF $1.8m/$1.8m • FBI Compliance, IT, Cybersecurity $10.5m/$2.7m • Decrease Evidence Turnaround $4.5m/$3.5m • Clean Slate/Expungement $3.6m/$190,000 • Radio System Equipment Grants $2m/$2m • Soft Body Armor Expansion $1m/$1m Policy Items of Interest: • Creates a new carjacking crime and new reporting requirement on carjacking • Authorizes new statutory structure for organized retail theft • Clarifies the crime of surreptitious intrusion • Provides for a felony offense for reporting fictitious emergency resulting in serious injury • Updates ignition interlock program statutes to eliminate vendor preference referrals • Authorizing language for the Office of Restorative Practices • Changes the No-knock search warrants to require: o Definition of no-knock search warrant means entering a premise without first loudly and understandably announcing the officer’s presence and waiting an objectively reasonable amount of time thereafter for the occupant to comply, based on a totality of the circumstances o Restricts a court from issuing or approving a no-knock warrant unless the judge determines that applicant has articulated specific, objective facts that establish probable cause for belief that: o the search cannot be executed while the premise is unoccupied, and o the occupant/s on premise present an imminent threat of death or great bodily harm to the officers executing the warrant or others • Body Cam data in deaths because of use of force by a police officer must allow viewing within 5 days by deceased individual’s next of kin, legal representative or other parent of the deceased individual’s child, absent compelling reason that would impact/interfere with the investigation, or 14 days for others • Clarifies the Use of Force statute by statutorily removing the words “by the law enforcement officer” which was determined unconstitutional by the court • Prohibits peace officers from joining/supporting/advocating for or maintain a membership in hate or extremists' groups, criminal gangs • Does away with Life without the possibility of Parole for Juveniles sentenced as adults Catalytic Converter Theft Penalties H.F. 30 Representative Richardson / S.F 5 Senator Marty View the bill summary here. Chapter 15 In 2013, the legislature required scrap metal dealers to maintain video surveillance, record certain information about individuals who sold scrap metal, including copper plumbing and catalytic converters, and prohibited cash payments. This year the legislature added requirements for scrap metal dealers to follow a protocol when purchasing catalytic converters such as recording any catalytic converter with an identifying number that connects it to the vehicle from which it was taken and keeping purchased converters on site for at least seven days. The law establishes criminal penalties for unauthorized possession or purchase of a catalytic converter, and the new law provides for the summary forfeiture of illegal catalytic converters, and other conforming changes. It appropriates $298,000 in FY2024 and FY 2025 from the general fund to the Commissioner of Public Safety to perform auditing and registration requirements imposed under the bill. Duty Disability H.F. 1234 Representative Her / S.F. 1959 Senator Frentz View the bill summary here: House Chapter 48 The bill aimed to address troubling financial trends around access to public safety duty disability determinations related to post-traumatic stress disorder. The final agreement requires up to 32 weeks treatment for a psychological condition before applying for duty disability benefits from the Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS) or the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA). This bill also provides resources and training related to mental health to first responders. It was passed by the House and Senate on bipartisan votes. The bill provides $104 million to fund treatment programs for police officers, firefighters, and other public safety professionals diagnosed with PTSD. Notable Provisions in the bill include: • Require treatment for a mental injury before an employee can file for a related duty disability through the PERA • Keep injured employees on payroll while they are receiving treatment for a mental injury • Provide state financial support for employers to continue pay benefits for injured employees while they are off duty for treatment • Fully reimburse employers for the cost of a continued health insurance benefit for disabled employees or dependents of those killed in the line of duty if the employer has implemented mental injury prevention measures such as peer support • Require learning objectives and preservice training that prepares peace officers and firefighters for the stressful and traumatic events that are common to their jobs and teach officers methods to process and cope with stress and trauma • Adjust the vesting schedule in PERA so members would be fully vested after 10 years as opposed to the current 20-year requirement • Clarify the reapplication process for PERA disability recipients to require reapplication each year for the first five years and every three years thereafter • Increase duty total and permanent disability benefits to 99% of the member’s average high-five salary • Modify the current offsets against disability benefits for reemployment earnings by: • Capturing a portion of re-earnings to make employee contributions to PERA for employees with less than 20 years of service. • Reducing one dollar for every two dollars that the disability benefit plus reemployment earnings exceed 100% of pay and $1 for every $1 when the sum exceeds 125% for an active member in a comparable position • Eliminate the workers compensation offsets against disability benefits Omnibus Pension Finance Bill H.F. 3100 Representative Her / S.F. 3162 Senator Frentz Chapter 45 For the first time in many sessions the Legislature provided a target for the Pension Commission. The $600 million target, all one-time funding, includes $489.5 million in fiscal year 2024 to the state pension plans and $100 million associated with HF1234, a duty disability bill moving separately. Additionally, $5 million is provided to PERA Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Plan to start an incentive program for volunteer firefighter relief associations to join the statewide plan. The Governor signed the bill May 18. Other notable provisions include: • Reducing the rate of actuarial assumption for investment return from 7.5% to 7% for all state pension plans • Providing $293,032 in financial assistance as one-time state aid to the Judges Plan to account for the assumed rate of return change • Including a one-time COLA to all members of the statewide pension plan at 1% in effect on January 1, 2024, except for MSRS General, Unclassified, Legislators, Corrections and Judges plans will be at 1.5% • Reducing employee contributions to the Minnesota State Retirement System General and Unclassified plans from 6% of pay to 5.5% of pay during the 2024-25 biennium • Reducing from five to three the years of service required for full vesting for members of the MSRS and PERA general plans to put them on the same vesting schedule as the teacher plans • Revising the expiration date for supplemental employer contributions to the MSRS Correctional Plan and the State Patrol Plan and the annual state aid of $6 million to the Judges Plan, essentially extending each for three years; • Revising COLA and PERA correctional plans to restore the 2.5% cap if the funded status improves • Increasing the employee contribution rate by 1% beginning July 1, 2025, for St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association members to help fund a new benefit that kicks in July 1, 2023, that would allow a member at least age 62 with 30 or more years of service to receive an unreduced retirement annuity Omnibus Pension Policy Bill H.F. 2950 Representative Her / S.F. 3016 Senator Frentz Chapter 47 This policy bill is the compilation of fifteen bills and substantive amendments considered by the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement this session. The changes are primarily technical improvements recommended by the fund directors at the Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS), Public Employee Retirement Association (PERA) and the Teachers Retirement Association (TRA). Notable provisions include: • Extending the minimum time for purchasing service credit for periods of military leave to three years for all public employee pension plans in 2021 and 2022 • Establishing an expanded right for judges to purchase service credit for a period of military leave consistent with changes made for other plans in 2022 o Extending the period during which a judge may purchase service credit for a period of military service under the federally protected leave provisions in current law from 1 year to 3 years after a period of military service o Permitting judges to purchase service credit for periods of military leave when the judge has missed the deadline for purchasing service credit under the less expensive federally protected leave provisions • Allowing a person to be classified as a dependent child in all cases until age 23 • Increasing the threshold for requiring relief associations to file audited financial statements from $500,000 to $750,000 in assets or liabilities in any prior year • Altering the monetary threshold required for a governmental subdivision employee to participate in PERA-administered pension • Permitting local appointed government officials to participate in the PERA Defined Contribution Plan • Allowing employees in the State Patrol Plan to apply to begin their annuity no more than 60 days, rather than 90, in advance of the employee’s annuity starting date • Increasing the limit on employer contributions to supplemental plans that are in addition to the primary pension plans provided to public employees for two construction trade unions; • Allowing two Metropolitan Airports Commission employees to transfer service credit for several months of service in 2005 from the PERA General Plan to the PERA Police and Fire Plan upon payment of the missed employee contributions plus interest • Allowing former members of the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association who receive a retirement annuity to change it to a joint and survivor annuity and designate a same-sex spouse as the survivor if the retiree could not to do so when same-sex marriage was not recognized under state law • Authorizing four Fond Du Lac Tribal and Community College employees and a Minnesota State employee to transfer from the Minnesota State Higher Education Individual Retirement Account Plan the Teachers Retirement Association Additionally, a working group would be established to recommend legislation to eliminate the need for special legislation in similar cases Paid Family Medical Leave H.F. 2 Representative Richardson / S.F. 2 Senator Mann Chapter 59 This bill creates a program that will provide a number of weeks of partial wage replacement for family and medical leave funded through a payroll tax applied to all employers. The program will be administered by the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). The benefits and premium cost will be effective January 1, 2026. The State of Minnesota will initially fund the program with $668 million to start this initiative. The program authorizes up to 20 weeks of leave for the combined benefits, for a maximum of 12 weeks for either benefit (8 weeks for the remaining benefit or some other combination not to exceed 12 weeks for one benefit or 20 weeks benefit). Employers that provide their own paid family and medical leave plan could apply to DEED for approval if the plan meets the same rights, protections, and benefits provided to employees in the bill. The program will be funded through a payroll tax of .7%. The maximum wage subject to a premium in a calendar year is equal to the maximum earnings subject to social security tax. For reference, the wage cap is $160,700 for 2023. If an employer is only participating in the medical benefits program with an approved private plan for family benefits the rate would drop to .4%. If the employer is providing family benefits with an approved private plan, the rate would be .3%. The premium rate adjustments will be made annually depending on program expenditures in the prior year. The annual premium rate cannot exceed 1.2%. The program defines family as including the following: • A spouse or domestic partner • A child, including biological, adopted, foster, stepchild, a child to whom the applicant serves as a legal guardian o A sibling • A parent or spouse’s parent • A grandchild • A grandparent or spouse’s grandparent • A son-in-law or daughter-in-law The employers will be required to submit a quarterly wage detail report electronically, including for each employee (name, total wages, hours worked, etc.). Wage reporting will be due starting July 1, 2024. The new law requires all employers to pay a yearly premium on employee taxable wages, paid quarterly into the insurance account and calculated based on the wage detail report. The bill will allow employers to deduct up to 50% of the premiums paid by the employer from the employee’s wages. The payroll tax is set to begin January 1, 2026. Legalizing Adult Use Cannabis H.F. 100 Representative Stephenson / S.F. 73 Senator Port Chapter 63 After a long journey the adult use cannabis bill finally managed to make it across the finish line. The bill will make Minnesota the 23 state to enact measures to regulate cannabis for adult non- medical use. In addition to allowing adults over the age of 21 to produce, possess, and consume cannabis, the bill also notably allows expungements of records of those with misdemeanor marijuana conviction and allows those with felony marijuana-related convictions to apply for expungement to a state created board. Other notable provisions of this bill include: • Establishes a seed to sale regulatory framework comprised of 15 different licenses, ranging from growing and manufacturing to various types of retail locations. The new “Office of Cannabis Management” will issue licenses and be responsible for oversight of the industry • The possession limit for flowered cannabis will be two ounces in public and two pounds at home • The sales tax rate for marijuana will be 10% (80% to general fund and 20% to local government cannabis account) • Creating more than a dozen types of licenses for growing, selling, transporting and testing cannabis • Establishes an Office of Cannabis Management to regulate cannabis and take enforcement actions • creating grants to assist individuals entering the legal cannabis market • Allowing local governments have powers to block cannabis stores from opening near schools and other special locations. They may also choose to enforce a cap on the number of cannabis sellers allowed to do business in their city: one cannabis provider per 12,500 residents • Medical cannabis providers will not be expected to change their current operations in any significant way, and they may be in both the medical and recreational marijuana businesses simultaneously • Local governments may place a capacity on the number of medical cannabis stores in their city: one per congressional district • Selling cannabis will remain illegal in school zones, park zones, and drug treatment facilities • Funding to support treatment courts including $3,000,000 in the first biennium and $2,500,000 in each year thereafter Prince Rogers Nelson Memorial Highway H.F. 717 Representative Rehm / S.F. 279 Senator Coleman View the bill summary here. Chapter 35 The bill dedicates a portion of Minnesota Highway 5 to Minnesota’s favorite son Prince Rogers Nelson. Prince was known for his many musical hits including Purple Rain, Kiss, and When Doves Cry. Now, the stretch of road in the Minneapolis suburbs of Chanhassen and Eden Prairie will be named in his honor as the Prince Rogers Nelson Memorial Highway. The legislation stipulates the sign must be purple and installed in the summer of 2023. MLC Legislation of Interest that was Vetoed Uber/Lyft Company Driver Protections H.F. 2369 Representative Hassan / S.F. 2319 Senator Fateh The bill was vetoed by Governor Walz H.F. 2369, as authored by Representative Hodan Hassan and Senator Omar Fateh, would have set minimum payment levels for drivers and required that more of the amount collected in fees for a late pickup or cancellation be directed toward drivers. It would also have required clearer rules about why a driver could be deactivated, notice in writing if a driver was up for deactivation and give that driver a chance to appeal before removing them from the app. After Uber threatened to stop operating outside of the Twin Cities area and to only offer premium services in the Metro Area, Governor Walz vetoed the bill, his first since taking office in 2019. Governor Tim Walz issued his first veto of his tenure on May 25, vetoing the bill that would have established protections for transportation company drivers, including those for Uber and Lyft. In vetoing the bill, Governor Walz stated that the bill, if signed into law, would have made “Minnesota one of the most expensive states in the country for rideshare, potentially putting [Minnesota] on par with the cost of rides in New York City and Seattle”. Walz also wrote in his veto statement his concern for a lack of Minnesota-specific data regarding riders, drivers, and rideshare companies, and that the bill would have dramatically raised the prices of rideshare services, negatively impacting “low-income Minnesotans, those in the disability community who depend on rideshares for independence, people who use rideshare for medical transportation or to get to work, Minnesotans without cars, and Minnesotans who simply need a safe ride home at night”. The Governor also highlighted concerns from disability advocates, anti-violence organizations, and organizations representing seniors, childcare centers, and local governments. Governor Walz issued Executive Order 23-07, which establishes the Governor’s Committee on the Compensation, Wellbeing, and Fair Treatment of Transportation Network Drivers. The Executive Order: • Orders the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to commission and oversee a study to obtain and analyze data and information related to the working conditions of transportation network company “TNC” drivers in Minnesota and how potential changes may impact access and cost for riders • Establishes the Governor’s Committee on the Compensation, Wellbeing and Fair Treatment of Transportation Network Company Drivers (“Committee”) o The Committee’s objectives are to: a. Provide a forum to engage, collect, and analyze data and information related to working conditions of TNC drivers b. Draft recommendations related to compensation and fair treatment of TNC drivers that achieve the following goals: i. Ensure TNC drivers receive fair compensation ii. Ensure TNCs have established procedures for the deactivation of TNC drivers that provide due process iii. Limit impact on fares for riders, especially riders in the disability community and low-income communities who rely on these services iv. Ensure continued operation of TNCs in the state of Minnesota c. By January 1, 2024, provide recommendations for state policy and legislative changes o The members of the Committee are: a. The Commissioners of the following agencies or their designees: i. Department of Commerce ii. Department of Labor and Industry b. One member of the Minnesota House of Representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the House c. One member of the Minnesota Senate, appointed by the Majority Leader of the Senate d. The Attorney General or his designee e. Ten additional members appointed by the Governor: i. Three members representing TNC drivers ii. Two members representing TNCs iii. Two members of the general public iv. One member representing Minnesota cities v. One member representing a labor union vi. One member from a group that provides services to or advocates on behalf of disabled individuals o The Commissioners of Labor and Industry and Commerce, or their designees, will serve as the Committee’s Co-Chairs. o The duties of the Committee are as follows: a. Meet at least once per month and more often as necessary. b. Identify and engage stakeholders who can inform discussion of strategies and plans necessary to achieve the Committee’s objectives. c. Review the results of the study commissioned pursuant to paragraph 1. d. By January 1, 2024, submit a written report to the Governor that sets forth the Committee’s recommendations that relate to compensation and fair treatment of TNC drivers. e. Communicate recommendations with interested stakeholders. o The following individuals will provide assistance and resources to the Committee as needed: a. Chief Equity Officer b. Commissioner of Employment and Economic Development c. Commissioner of Transportation Executive Order 23-07 will become effective June 14, 2023, and will remain in effect until the order is rescinded or through June 1, 2024. All Bills That Passed • Protect Reproductive Options Act (PRO Act) • Driver’s License for All • Juneteenth • Clean Energy by 2040 • State Forecast Required to Include the Rate of Inflation • Restore the Vote • Competency Attainment and Appropriation • Catalytic Converter Theft Penalties • Minnesota Indian Family Protection Act (MIFPA) • Free School Lunches for All • Veteran’s Restorative Justice Act (VRJA) • Minnesota Competitiveness Fund • Democracy for the People Act • Omnibus Higher Education Finance and Policy Bill • Omnibus Economic Development Policy Bill • Prince Rogers Nelson Memorial Highway • Omnibus Housing Finance and Policy Bill • Omnibus Early Childhood Finance Bill • Omnibus Commerce Finance Bill • Nurse and Patient Safety Act • Omnibus Education Finance Bill • Omnibus Judiciary and Public Safety Appropriations Bill • Omnibus Jobs, Economic Development, Labor, and Industry Appropriations Bill • Duty Disability • Omnibus Agriculture, Broadband and Rural Development Appropriations and Policy Bill • Paid Family Medical Leave • Omnibus Pension Finance Bill • Omnibus Pension Policy Bill • Omnibus Health and Human Services Appropriations Bill • Omnibus Human Services Finance and Policy Bill • Data Reporting and Attorney General Oversight of Healthcare Sales, Mergers, and Acquisitions Bill • Omnibus State and Local Government Appropriations and Policy Bill • Omnibus Transportation Finance and Policy Bill • Omnibus Environment, Natural Resources, Climate, and Energy Finance and Policy Bill • Omnibus Taxes Bill • Adult Use Cannabis • Omnibus Legacy Finance and Policy Bill • Bonding Bill Appendix February 21, 2023 Senator Erin Murphy 3211 Minnesota Senate Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 RE: Support for SF 1086 (Cwodzinski) - Political subdivision compensation limit repealed Dear Senator Murphy, On behalf of the Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC), a coalition of 19 suburban communities, I write in support of SF 1086 which repeals the salary cap for local units of government. The MLC strongly believes locally elected officials are in the best position to determine the needs of their communities, and as such, supports policies that empower these officials to do so. One such decision is the ability for local officials to determine compensation of city employees. Currently, Minnesota law limits salaries of city employees to 110% of the governor’s salary, without a waiver from the state. The law was put into place in 1997, repealed in 1980, and reinstated in 1983. This artificial salary cap puts cities at a disadvantage when attracting and retaining talented high level individuals to help lead their cities. Minnesota cities face significant challenges competing nationally, as we are the only state in the country that has a local government salary cap. Further, the salary cap law has also not been applied in a uniform way – exemptions have been granted for school districts, hospitals, clinics and HMOs owned by political subdivisions, and most recently, the Metropolitan Airports Commission. We would like to thank Senator Cwodzinski for his leadership in addressing this issue and offering a solution to equip localities with an additional tool necessary to attract and retain the best talent. The MLC looks forward to working with the bill author and supporting this legislation as it moves forward. Sincerely, James Hovland Chair, MLC Mayor, City of Edina February 14, 2023 Rep. Ginny Klevorn 581 State Office Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 RE: Support for HF 1213 (Acomb) - Political subdivision compensation limit repealed Dear Rep. Klevorn, On behalf of the Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC), a coalition of 19 suburban communities, I write in support of HF 1213 which repeals the salary cap for local units of government. The MLC strongly believes locally elected officials are in the best position to determine the needs of their communities, and as such, supports policies that empower these officials to do so. One such decision is the ability for local officials to determine compensation of city employees. Currently, Minnesota law limits salaries of city employees to 110% of the governor’s salary, without a waiver from the state. The law was put into place in 1997, repealed in 1980, and reinstated in 1983. This artificial salary cap puts cities at a disadvantage when attracting and retaining talented high level individuals to help lead their cities. Minnesota cities face significant challenges competing nationally, as we are the only state in the country that has a local government salary cap. Further, the salary cap law has also not been applied in a uniform way – exemptions have been granted for school districts, hospitals, clinics and HMOs owned by political subdivisions, and most recently, the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Thank you for your leadership in addressing this issue and offering a solution to equip localities with an additional tool necessary to attract and retain the best talent. The MLC looks forward to working with you to move this legislation forward. Sincerely, James Hovland Chair, MLC Mayor, City of Edina March 6, 2023 To: Chair Howard, Vice Chair Agbaje and members of the House Housing Finance and Policy Committee Re: Opposition to Legalize Affordable Housing Act HF 2235 On behalf of the members of the Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC), we write asking for you to oppose HF2235. This “Legalize Affordable Housing Act” is foundationally, a zoning preemption bill without any policy that ensures deeper affordability. Local zoning is an important planning tool that benefits communities economically and socially, improves health and wellness, and helps preserve and improve our environment. Each community has its own unique characteristics and locally identified housing needs that impact how development occurs. Whether it is topography, soils, forests, lakes, we are all unique and we know best how to facilitate efficient and cost-effective development. While “legalize affordable housing” exists in the title of the bill, this is not only misleading as affordable housing is legal, HF2235 offers no assurance the cost of a new home will be reduced or affordable housing more readily available. Instead, it preempts city zoning and land use authority absent a demonstrated reduction or guaranty that the preemption provisions in the bill would translate to a reduced sales price, devoid of market dynamics, from a for-profit builder. This bill would require all cities to “up-zone” existing single family zoned areas to allow for duplexes regardless of the underlying infrastructure’s capacity to handle the increased density. It restricts cities use of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) as a tool in providing the flexibility that is needed to address the unique characteristics, challenges and complexities that abound with new developments. This bill would also cap what cities can collect for new parks that are only needed but for the new residents and growth in the community from development. The bill contains provisions that would serve to both prescribe narrow public street width(s) while also limiting adequate off-street parking for new homes. The implications of these provisions are clear, there will be an increased demand for on-street parking on a narrower road section. These provisions might fully meet the new housing needs for a community in Arizona or Florida. Unfortunately, Minnesota cities must address the realities of balancing snow storage, on-street vehicle storage, and, at the same time, provide multi-modal opportunities in the public- right-of-way while assuring public safety mobility in the harshest of Minnesota winters. Special interest groups may claim HF2235 alone would enhance new home affordability and result in the construction of more affordable starter homes. Given the market realities of supply and demand and forces outside city control, it is a misleading narrative. If it were true, objective data would exist to show that market forces could be thwarted and that the proposed changes would result in builders shifting to smaller more modest developments and an automatic reduction in the sales price of a new home. As the data do not exist, the provisions of HF2235 are asking us, legislators, cities and taxpayers to trade-off the elimination of longstanding local decision-making authority in exchange for an unrealized hope or possibility of enhancing affordability. Our MLC cities are committed to growth and affordable development and appreciate the relationship we have with our builders. We ask that you work with the stakeholders involved to develop comprehensive statewide policy and resources that incentivizes change at the local level and provides for community-specific solutions to housing challenges rather than the heavy- handed approach in HF 2235. HF 2235 removes the ability of cities to respond to locally identified needs and we respectfully ask that you oppose HF2235. We would look forward to the opportunity of speaking directly with you on the importance of opposing this bill in person or providing testimony should this bill receive a hearing. Sincerely, James Hovland Chair, MLC Mayor, City of Edina cc: Mike Maguire, Mayor of Eagan Kirt Briggs, Mayor of Prior Lake Anne Burt, Mayor of Woodbury Matt Lehman, Mayor of Shakopee Clint Hooppaw, Mayor of Apple Valley Ron Case, Mayor of Eden Prairie Janet Williams, Mayor of Savage Jeff Weisensel, Mayor of Rosemount Tim Busse, Mayor of Bloomington Jeffry Wosje, Mayor of Plymouth Luke Hellier, Mayor of Lakeville Shep Harris, Mayor of Golden Valley Mark Steffenson, Mayor of Maple Grove Elizabeth Kautz, Mayor of Burnsville Brenda Dietrich, Mayor of Inver Grove Heights Sue Denkinger, Mayor of Shoreview Elise Ryan, Mayor of Chanhassen Brad Wiersum, Mayor of Minnetonka March 8, 2023 Chair Kelly Moller Members of the House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee RE: Support for HF 1234 (Her) - Peace officer and firefighter disability provisions modified, report required, and money appropriated Dear Chair Moller and Members of the House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee, We are writing to express our support for HF 1234, a bill related to public safety posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) duty disabilities. We support HF 1234 because it would help curb current trends by implementing policies and funding to increase mental injury prevention and treatment initiatives so first responders will stay healthy on the job and so those who become injured can recover from mental injuries and potentially return to work. Public safety employees face situations in the line of duty that put them at risk for mental injuries. In recent years, Minnesota has seen troubling trends around public safety duty disabilities related to PTSD. Fortunately, according to experts, the risk of a mental injury can be lowered by implementing preventive measures, such as robust wellness programs, normalizing conversations about mental health and providing access to tools like peer support. Medical experts, including the Mayo Clinic, agree most people diagnosed with PTSD can be successfully treated if they receive timely and appropriate professional help. When an employee becomes eligible for a Public Employees Retirement Association-Police and Fire (PERA-P&F) duty disability, the employee also becomes eligible for continued health insurance under Minn. Stat. § 299A.465. The statute, known as the Public Safety Officer Benefit (PSOB), provides that the employer at the time of injury is responsible for the continued payment of the employer’s contribution for coverage of the officer or firefighter — and in some cases, the employee’s dependents — until the employee reaches age 65. When the PSOB law was enacted, the state was fully reimbursing employers for the cost of complying with the continued health insurance mandate. In the early 2000s, the Legislature stopped fully funding the reimbursement account and passed an amendment to the statute that said employers would only be reimbursed on a prorated basis. As of the end of fiscal year 2021, the state was only reimbursing $1.367 million of the $10.691 million requested by employers. The members of our organizations believe there is a role for the state in helping employers and employees address the trends and costs pertaining to PTSD duty disability claims. HF 1234 contains provisions intended to help prevent mental injuries and funds treatment for first responders who suffer from mental injuries. The bill requires treatment for injured employees before a duty disability can be granted by PERA and provides state funding to keep employees on payroll while they are being treated. The bill also provides full state funding for the mandate that requires employers to continue health insurance benefits for employees who are approved for a PERA duty disability. The full reimbursement to cities contained in HF 1234 is a critical element in securing the support of cities across the state. We respectfully request your support for this important legislation. Sincerely, Anne Finn Intergovernmental Relations Director League of Minnesota Cities Bradley Peterson Executive Director Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities Patricia Nauman Executive Director Metro Cities James Hovland Mayor of Edina Chair, Municipal Legislative Commission Cap O’Rourke Executive Director Minnesota Association of Small Cities March 9, 2023 Dear Chair Hornstein, The Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC) is a coalition of 19 cities, many, among the fastest growing in the state of Minnesota! This rapid growth brings both opportunity and challenge. Each new home build brings incremental costs to existing infrastructure. Every new home adds increased demand on parks, water, sewer and roads with 10 vehicle trips/day added to collector road infrastructure. It is for that reason that MLC requests your support for statutory authorization of Street Impact Fees as outlined in HF1402. It is through this legislation that the incremental costs of growth will be on the for-profit developers and not fall to existing taxpayers. In growing areas, it is critical that new development pay for itself. The absence of a fee is not the absence of a cost; it is a transfer of cost to another. Absent legislative action to remedy this situation, cities will find themselves in one of three difficult positions: 1. Standing firm on a position of premature development where we must await infrastructure build-out before welcoming new neighbors; 2. Allow growth to come and burden existing residents with a degradation of capacity and safety on a road network sized for a smaller community; 3. Transfer the uncovered cost of growth to existing taxpayers. The time to address this omission in statute is upon us. HF1402 addresses the missing infrastructure piece for roads that will align with provisions for parks, water, sewer, and storm water. I am hopeful that you as members of the Transportation Finance and Policy Subcommittee will support this bill with passage. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, or any of our MLC Cities to offer additional perspective on HF1402. Sincerely, James Hovland Mayor, City of Edina Chair, Municipal Legislative Commission cc: League of Minnesota Cities, MLC Cities March 10, 2023 Dear Chair Murphy and Members of the State and Local Government Committee: The League of Minnesota Cities, the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (Metro Cities) and the Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC) appreciate the opportunity to comment on SF 73 (Port). Our organizations, representing cities across the state, have specific concerns with SF 73 as it relates to role of local governments and their responsibility to implement and enforce laws enacted by the State. Cities are well poised to be partners with the State in ensuring that the adult-use cannabis industry is brought to local communities responsibly and with a robust regulatory framework. After the Legislature passed a bill to authorize the sale of certain THC products with very minimal oversight, many cities stepped up to put reasonable regulations in place. However, SF 73 currently places cities on the sidelines in the regulation of cannabis and cannabinoid products and fails to provide cities with the authority and resources needed to respond to the unique challenges this industry will bring to local communities. Local licensing and regulation are vital to manage the implementation and enforcement of state laws and for the provision of public safety. Cities should maintain the authority to license cannabinoid products and any future adult- use cannabis retailers. Additionally, the current proposal does not require that a cannabis business comply with local zoning and land use laws as a condition of their state-issued license nor does it allow local jurisdictions to limit the number of retailers, as they can for liquor and tobacco. While local governments request that cities can opt-out from authorizing the retail sale of the products as other states allow, at a minimum, it is imperative that those businesses comply with local zoning and land use ordinances and that cities can place reasonable limits on the number of adult-use cannabis retailers in their jurisdictions. Finally, Cities should have reasonable taxing authority or revenue sharing with the State in recognition that cities will experience increased costs related to the challenges associated with legalized adult-use cannabis. If the current proposal were to pass, Minnesota would be the only state with legalized adult-use cannabis that does not provide funding to local governments to deal with the costs that the adult-use cannabis market will bring. To adequately respond to issues with retailers, illicit market activity, and increased incidents of driving under the influence, local governments must be equipped with resources. An adult-use cannabis market in Minnesota cannot be properly regulated or successful without a strong partnership between the state and local units of government. Without providing local governments with resources and reasonable local control to manage these new challenges, this proposal is not setting our communities up for success in ensuring a safe and responsible ushering-in of the adult-use cannabis industry. We appreciate Senator Port’s ongoing willingness to discuss these concerns and look forward to continuing to work together to ensure a successful partnership between the State and local governments for this new industry. Thank you for your consideration of this letter. Sincerely, James Hovland Mayor, City of Edina Chair, Municipal Legislative Commission March 22, 2023 Members of the Minnesota Senate Housing Finance and Policy Committee: On behalf of the Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC), an organization representing 19 suburban cities in the metropolitan area, we would like to express our support for SF 1093. The MLC strongly supports the following provisions of SF 1093: • Investments in Housing Infrastructure Bonds (HIB) • Housing Cost Reduction Incentive Program • Investments in the Challenge Program • Appropriations to Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH) • Local Housing Trust Fund Grants • Pilot Program for Housing Infrastructure Grants Our Association strongly supports significant state investments to address the multitude of housing needs facing our residents. We believe that robust state investments will bolster local efforts to increase the preservation of existing affordable housing while simultaneously supporting new developments. The MLC also supports providing financing programs such as down payment assistance to first-generation home buyers to ensure all Minnesotans have access to housing. The MLC would like to thank committee members and Senator Port for her leadership in the housing area and her willingness to support what will be significant life changing investments for the people of Minnesota. Sincerely, James Hovland Mayor, City of Edina Chair, Municipal Legislative Commission March 23, 2023 Re: City support for the Comprehensive Housing Spectrum Act (SF 1093) Dear Members of the Senate Housing and Homelessness Prevention Committee: The League of Minnesota Cities, Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities, Minnesota Association of Small Cities, Metro Cities, and Municipal Legislative Commission appreciate the opportunity to provide joint comments on our support for SF 1093, the Comprehensive Housing Spectrum Act. Our cities continue to innovate and provide support with limited resources to preserve and develop a mix of housing stock that meets the unique needs of their communities. Nonetheless a strong state-local partnership is crucial if we are to address the state’s housing challenges in a comprehensive way. We strongly believe that robust state resources and policies that bolster local efforts and are proven solutions that support and increase preservation and new development are necessary to address statewide goals while remaining sensitive to unique locally identified housing needs. The Comprehensive Housing Spectrum Act seeks to provide resources and policies that will help built-out cities focused on preservation of existing naturally occurring affordable housing and redevelopment as well as cities focused on attracting new development in communities with extensive greenfield development opportunities. This legislation will help cities by the three largest cost drivers of housing: land, labor, and lumber. SF 1093 as amended by the A1 amendment takes a comprehensive approach grounded in four key principles that we believe must be included in order to effectively address housing challenges across the state: Address the full spectrum of housing from preservation of existing units on up to new market rate construction: - SF 1093 includes $50 million in FY 2024 for grants and loans to qualified owners of Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing that will support the most cost-effective way to provide housing opportunities affordable to many city residents by preserving the homes we have. With market forces continuing to provide opportunity for investor acquisition of single- and multi-family properties that eliminate ownership opportunities and displace residents, now is the time to invest in preservation. - The bill also includes proven state resources that support the construction, acquisition, and preservation of housing stock throughout the spectrum including $400 million in Housing Infrastructure Bonds, additional resources for the Economic Development and Challenge Fund Grant Program, $100 million in General Obligation bonds for public housing rehabilitation, and $10 million for Local Housing Trust Fund state matching grants. Support local innovation that cities are deploying to address needs and promote development: - Many cities are pulling every local lever they can to attract development including providing all water and sewer infrastructure needed to support buildable lots as a way to attract development. The bill provides resources to assist cities with the cost of providing infrastructure necessary for workforce housing, which is particularly challenging for cities in Greater Minnesota seeking to attract development Provide incentives to cities that allow for local efforts that meet diverse local needs: - Cities continue to innovate and provide local resources and advance policy that supports affordable development and preservation. The bill seeks the state’s support in these efforts by providing assistance via a housing cost reduction incentive program that reimburses cities that provide incentives for developers who build affordable single- and multi-family units. Provide community-specific solutions throughout Minnesota that are sensitive to the different housing needs across cities and regions: - The market forces and local needs impact cities differently across Minnesota. While other housing policy proposals focus only on one aspect of the housing spectrum and the market forces impacting a specific region, SF 1093 provides resources and tools that seek to specifically address regionally-specific housing challenges. In addition to resources that are flexible and deployed across the state, the bill includes policy provisions that allow a city to take a more active role in development when the market fails to bring development opportunities needed to support growing local economies. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on SF 1093, the Comprehensive Housing Spectrum Act. We look forward to continuing working with the legislature to address housing challenges impacting our cities. Sincerely, Daniel Lightfoot Elizabeth Wefel League of Minnesota Cities Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities Patricia Nauman Ania McDonnell Metro Cities Metro Cities Cap O’Rourke Tom Poul Minnesota Association of Small Cities Municipal Legislative Commission March 29, 2023 Members of the Minnesota House Transportation Finance & Policy Committee Re: HF2887 (Omnibus Transportation Bill) On behalf of the Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC), an organization representing 19 suburban cities in the metropolitan area, we would like to express our support for the Corridors of Commerce Program Provisions contained within HF2887. The goal of the Corridors of Commerce program is to focus additional transportation investments in state highway projects that directly and indirectly foster economic growth for the State through the provisioning of construction jobs, enabling of goods to be transported through a commerce-friendly network of corridors, and providing additional mobility to its citizens. Overall, this program has been very successful in doing this. Our Association strongly supports significant state investments to address the multitude of transportation needs facing our residents. We believe that robust state investments will bolster economic growth, encourage vibrant communities and alignment with our shared vision for Minnesota. The MLC would like to thank the committee members and Chair Hornstein for their leadership on transportation issues, for what will become significant infrastructure investments serving the people of Minnesota. Sincerely, James Hovland Mayor, City of Edina Chair, Municipal Legislative Commission May 2, 2023 To: Senator Port, Representative Howard, and the members of the 2023 Housing Conference Committee RE: HF2335 Housing Provisions Dear Conference Committee Members, On behalf of the nineteen suburban cities comprising the Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC), we want to thank you for your work on the Omnibus Housing Bill. One of MLC’s primary initiatives is housing and home ownership, from supporting affordable homeownership, to preserving existing affordable homes, all while striving to preserve local autonomy and community characteristics. We hope to continue the crucial partnership between local governments and the State in addressing housing issues and as you deliberate provisions within the bill, we ask that you consider MLC’s positions on the following items: MLC Supports Homeownership Investments: • Community Stabilization grants for Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing • Economic Development and Housing Challenge Program • Local Housing Trust Fund Investments • First-Generation Homeownership Grants • Homeownership Investment Fund • Homeownership Education Counseling and Training • Housing Infrastructure Bonds MLC appreciates the efforts made to support homeownership and our communities are committed to creating affordable housing options for all Minnesotans. We look forward to a continued partnership to accomplish this common goal. Respectfully, Jim Hovland Chair, MLC Mayor, City of Edina On behalf of MLC Member Cities: Apple Valley, Bloomington, Burnsville, Chanhassen, Eagan, Eden Prairie, Edina, Golden Valley, Inver Grove Heights, Lakeville, Maple Grove, Minnetonka, Plymouth, Prior Lake, Rosemount, Savage, Shakopee, Shoreview, and Woodbury May 2, 2023 To: Senator Dibble, Representative Hornstein, and the members of the 2023 Transportation Conference Committee RE: HF 2887 Transportation Provisions Dear Conference Committee Members: On behalf of the nineteen suburban cities comprising the Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC), we want to thank you for your work on the Omnibus Transportation Bill. One of MLC’s primary initiatives is transportation and infrastructure. MLC cities combined are among the biggest job producing areas in the state with over half a million employees (530,660) Along with those jobs comes added congestion and demand on transit and roads in MLC Cities. MLC supports increased, regionally balanced investment in transportation and infrastructure to maintain and grow a robust transportation network. As you deliberate provisions to include in your conference committee report, we ask that you consider MLC’s positions on the following items:  Increased investments in Corridors of Commerce  Increased investments in Transportation Economic Development (TED)  Increased Investments in the Municipal State-Aid Streets Fund  Proposed adjustments to the allocation model for the Auto-Parts Sales Tax, emphasizing County State-Aid Highways, Municipal State-Aid Street Fund, and the Large-Cities Assistance Account (MSAS)  Fully fund the required state matching dollars to leverage federal grant opportunities available in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) We hope to continue the crucial partnership between local governments and the State in addressing transportation issues to promote a robust, regionally balanced allocation model that includes significant investments in suburban communities. Respectfully, Jim Hovland Chair, MLC Mayor, City of Edina On behalf of MLC Member Cities: Apple Valley, Bloomington, Burnsville, Chanhassen, Eagan, Eden Prairie, Edina, Golden Valley, Inver Grove Heights, Lakeville, Maple Grove, Minnetonka, Plymouth, Prior Lake, Rosemount, Savage, Shakopee, Shoreview, and Woodbury May 4, 2022 To: Senator Rest, Representative Gomez, and members of the 2023 Taxes Conference Committee RE: HF 1938 (Gomez)/SF 1811 (Rest) Omnibus Tax Provisions Dear Conference Committee Members, On behalf of the nineteen suburban cities comprising the Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC), we want to thank you for your work on the Omnibus Tax Bill HF 1938 (Gomez)/SF 1811 (Rest) One of MLC’s primary initiatives is to promote stable and predictable tax policies while supporting local control. We hope to continue this crucial partnership between local governments and the State. As you deliberate provisions within the bill, we ask that you consider MLC’s thoughtfully developed positions on the following items: Direct Property Tax Relief through the Homestead Refund and Renters’ Credit: MLC supports providing direct property tax relief to homeowners and renters. MLC Cities do not receive LGA so direct property tax relief helps reduce the tax burden on seniors, renters and low-income Minnesotans living in our cities. Both the House and Senate include some enhancements to property tax relief programs. We urge the Conference Committee to include significant property tax relief in the final agreement such as: • Increase Homestead and Renters Credits for all claimants and reduce copay percentages • Homestead Market Value Exclusion – Increase value thresholds and maximum exclusion amount • Targeting Property Tax Refund – Increase additional targeting refunds for homeowners who experience large year after year property tax increases • Renters Credit – Convert renters’ credit into a refundable income tax credit • MLC does not take a position on the level of funding to the LGA program, however, would ask the committee to look closely at whether including an annual inflation adjustment is of sound fiscal policy. Tax Increment Financing: MLC supports updating and modifying the current Tax Increment Financing statute, including: o Clarifying rules on use of administrative expenses o Clarifying rules on pooling and decertification; and o Granting special authorization legislation for Shakopee, Woodbury, Plymouth, Bloomington, and Savage Local Option Sales Tax: MLC supports the cities’ ability to impose a local option sales tax if they so choose. Public Safety Aid: MLC supports the establishment of a program to distribute $300 million of one-time public safety aid to local units of government Construction Sales Tax Exemption: Along with cities, counties, school districts, non-profits, municipal utilities, labor and contractors, MLC supports a permanent general law change to simplify the process by which local governments and nonprofits receive the sales tax exemption on construction material purchases. If a permanent solution is not possible this session, the MLC would support the House provision authorizing a temporary sales tax exemption. Again, we thank you for your continual service and commitment to your constituents and all Minnesotans. We look forward to working with you as a final tax agreement is assembled. Respectfully, Jim Hovland, Chair, MLC Mayor, City of Edina On behalf of MLC Member Cities: Apple Valley Maple Grove Bloomington Minnetonka Burnsville Plymouth Chanhassen Prior Lake Eagan Rosemount Eden Prairie Savage Edina Shakopee Golden Valley Shoreview Inver Grove Heights Woodbury Lakeville May 6, 2023 Dear Chairs Port and Stephenson and Members of the Omnibus Cannabis Conference Committee: Our organizations, representing cities across the state, appreciate the opportunity to comment on provisions included in HF 100. Local Land Use and Zoning Authority We support provisions in the Senate language (Art. 1 R36 lines 37.7-37.11) that articulate the ability of local governments to exercise land use and zoning authorities to adopt reasonable restrictions on the time, place, and manner of the operation of cannabis businesses which includes, but is not limited to, standards for noise, odor, hours of operation, and location. We further support the Senate’s inclusion of a land use compatibility statement as a requirement for cannabis license applicants to ensure local zoning compliance for proposed cannabis businesses. (Art. 1 R39 line 39.19, Art. 1 R45-R46 lines 43.21-43.34) Licensing While neither the House nor Senate bill includes the ability for cities to “opt out” of cannabis retail establishments within their jurisdiction, our organizations support the population-based limits on cannabis retailers contained in the Senate bill (Art. 1 R37-R38 lines 38.10-38.24). These limits are especially important for small cities bordering states where adult-use cannabis is not legal. We support provisions in both bills requiring local registration for cannabis businesses, which will help cities effectively ensure compliance (Art. 1 R52-R54). It is vital that local governments retain the ability to suspend retail registrations for businesses that pose an immediate threat to public health or safety. Finally, we support the provision in the House bill to create an expedited, 24-hour response time from the Office of Cannabis Management if a local unit government notifies the office that a cannabis business poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of the public (Art. 1 R37 lines 38.27-28.32). Revenue Sharing We support language in the Senate bill establishing a local government cannabis aid account that provides cities and counties a portion of the revenue from the gross receipts sales tax on cannabis products (Art. 2 lines 157.22-157.27 and Art. 2 § 26). We appreciate the revenue sharing provisions in the Senate bill and their recognition of local government costs and impacts that will result from adult-use cannabis legalization in Minnesota. An adult-use cannabis market cannot be properly regulated or successful without a strong partnership between the state and local units of government. Our organizations urge the conference committee to include the provisions highlighted above in the conference committee report for HF 100. Thank you for your consideration of this letter. Sincerely, Alex Hassel, League of Minnesota Cities Mike Lund, Metro Cities Bradley Peterson, Coalition of Greater MN Cities Jacob Kolander, Minnesota Association of Small Cities James Hovland, Municipal Legislative Commission Draft 2023 Summary of Legislative Priorities and Positions January 3, 2023 Priorities: 1 Sales Tax Exemption for the Community Health and Safety Center (Fire Station 2) The City of Edina is constructing a new Community Health and Safety Center, replacing the existing Edina Fire Station 2 and housing the Public Health division and will seek a sales tax exemption for the construction of the Center. 2 Sales Tax Exemption for Projects in Braemar Park Master Plan The City will make improvements with new local sales and use tax revenue in the Braemar Park Master Plan and will seek a sales tax exemption for the construction. 3 Sales Tax Exemption for Projects in Fred Richards Park Master Plan The City of Edina will make improvements and expansions with its new local sales and use tax revenue at Fred Richards Park, as outlined in the Fred Richards Park Master Plan, and will seek a sales tax exemption for the construction. 4 LOST Expanded Spending Capacity The City is seeking additional spending capacity of the local sales and use tax for $31.7 million to fund an additional sheet of indoor ice at Braemar Arena. The request does not require an increase to the rate or duration of the approved sales and use tax. 5 Bonding for Community Health and Safety Center (Fire Station 2) The City requested $10 million in state funds to complete a new Community Health and Safety Center replacing the existing Edina Fire Station 2 and housing the Public Health division. State bonding for the Center is appropriate because the Center will provide regional benefits, through emergency management or community health events. The City purchased the site for the proposed center and incurred pre-construction costs. Representative Edelson first introduced this bonding request in H.F. 2703 in 2022. 6 Bonding for the South Metro Public Safety Training Facility The Facility is a Joint Powers Agreement owned jointly by a consortium of the cities of Edina, Eden Prairie and Bloomington and the Metropolitan Airports Commission, and it is managed by the City of Edina. The Facility provides training space for their public safety personnel, other agencies public safety personnel and the public. The SMPSTF consortium received a bonding bill appropriation in 2020 of $1 million for a new tactical training structure. After design and public competitive bidding, the lowest responsible bidder was 60% higher than the project budget, so all bids were rejected. The board is requesting an additional $1 million to complete the project, due to the regional benefit of the Facility. Representatives Edelson, Kotyza-Wittuhn, Elkins, Carlson, and Howard first introduced this bonding request in H.F. 3080. 7 Bonding for the Pedestrian Bridge over Highway 62 The City will request $2 million for the replacement of the pedestrian bridge over Highway 62. The City is requesting funds because the replacement project will likely include Edina assuming long-term ownership and maintenance of the bridge, and the $2 million requested will finance Edina’s portion of the cost of the new bridge. Positions: 1 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1.1 Realign Motor Vehicle Lease Sales Tax Allocation Hennepin and Ramsey Counites contributions to the County State Aid Highway Fund for roads and bridges are allocated to the other five metro counties, while all seven metro counties now collect their own local transportation sales tax. The City of Edina advocates for distributing the sales tax on lease vehicles, per the county state aid formula, to all metro counties, because it puts Hennepin and Ramsey Counties at a disadvantage in funding needed roads and bridge projects. 1.2 Preserve Legal Structure for Utility Franchise Fees The current legal structure for utility franchise fees allows costs to be shared by all users rather than only property owners. The City advocates for preserving this structure because the funds are used for the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) and Conservation and Sustainability (CAS) funds. 1.3 Public Notices in Newspapers The City supports legislation eliminating outdated and unnecessary city publications and giving cities the authority to select a publication, publication method, and use summaries, as the requirements are no longer relevant and are costly. 1.4 Data Practices The City supports mechanisms to define and regulate reasonable data requests, and charges that better reflect the actual costs of responding to data requests due to increases in data requests and increased staff time required for repetitive, broad and far-reaching requests. 1.5 Increase Purchasing Agency The city manager purchasing limit in statutory Plan B cities is $20,000; any purchase in excess of that requires approval by the city council. The City supports a raise in the legal maximum to at least $100,000, with the ability for individual city councils to set lower thresholds at their discretion because the current limit has not been raised since 2004, many city purchases exceed $20,000 and neighboring cities have higher limits. 1.6 Repeal Statutory Salary Limitation on City Employees Minnesota law limits the salaries of city employees to I10% of the governor's salary, with an annual inflationary adjustment. The Legislature should end the salary cap all together because numerous other government organizations are exempt, no other states have a similar cap, leading to recruiting disadvantages and salary compression. The City supports local elected leaders determining the needs of their community and recognizes that salary information is already made transparent through the required publishing of top salaries. 1.7 Implement Rank Choice Voting System The City supports legislation that would give statutory cities the same authority as charter cities to adopt rank -choice voting and statewide standards for rank choice voting to ensure consistency, fairness and confidence in the outcomes of all elections. 1.8 Change Group Home Regulation The City supports regulation that requires distance separation for licensed residential care facilities because without this regulation, neighborhoods experience an increase in traffic, parking needs, and deliveries; individuals no longer reap the benefit of enjoying a normal residential setting with a diversity of households; grouping residential facilities is more similar to a large institutional campus and commercial area, rather than a residential one. 1.9 Authorize Statutory Cities to Collect Park Dedication Fees for Multifamily Redevelopment Projects The City supports legislation authorizing cities to collect park dedication fees from multifamily development projects due to the significant demands generated to parks and outdoor amenities and the more even distribution of costs of parks through fees. 1.10 Reinforce the Open Wholesaling Systems through Legislation The City supports reinforcement of the open wholesaling system because without open wholesaling, wholesale prices will increase, service levels on certain brands will decrease, purchase and delivery schedules will reduce, and sale margins will be compressed. 1.11 Oppose Changes to Tap Room Retail Operations In October 2021, tap rooms began offering direct-to-customer bulk sales via carryout, with controls on quantity and packaging. More time is needed to understand their effect on the market, customer, and other retailers. 1.12 Protect Customer Data The City supports protections for customer data that may currently be subject to data practices requests because it requests erodes trust with the customer, puts municipal liquor stores at a competitive disadvantage, and led to the discontinuation of Edina’s municipal liquor customer rewards program. 1.13 Clarity on THC-Infused Products As of July 2022, products containing THC are permitted for sale. The City seeks clarification on if retail liquor stores can sell THC-infused beverages because there are currently no guidelines on labels, no employer licensing system ensuring compliance with the law, state guidance from the Department of Public Safety does not allow it, and profits generated would be considered unlawful activity. 1.14 Maintain Constraints on Off Sale Liquor Minnesota allows off sale liquor for grocery stores which apply for the appropriate license, which some have done. Other grocery and convenience stores sell the 3.2% alcohol allowed in stores without an off sale liquor license. The City supports maintaining the constraints on off sale liquor because grocery stores can apply for the appropriate license and the current licensing system allows smaller private and municipal liquor stores to compete. 1.15 Adult Use Cannabis The Governor and State Legislative leaders have made numerous public statements that they will pursue the liberalization of state’s laws around adult use of cannabis during the 2023 legislative session, including filing House File 600. HF 600 prioritizes the State as the licensing, regulatory and taxing authority. If the Legislature passes a bill such as HF 600, The City supports provisions for licensing and regulation by state and local governments, shared taxation revenue between state and local governments and the option to establish municipal dispensaries, like municipal liquor stores. 1.16 Hearing Aid Affordability Hearing aid health care coverage and costs make these critical devices unattainable for those who are on a fixed income and youth who age out of hearing aid support programs. The City of Edina supports programs or policy changes which reduce the cost of hearing aids and increase access to them, due to the critical role they play and the cost which prohibits people from accessing these devices. 2 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 2.1 Apply the 4d Property Tax Classification to Community Land Trust Properties The City supports changing the tax classification for Community Land Trust properties from 1a – Residential Homestead to 4d – Low-income Rental, because homeowners do not own the land, the trust is should create affordable home ownership opportunities, which is difficult when the higher 1a tax rate makes the home less affordable. 2.2 Protection of and Taxation for Housing Purchased by Corporations for Renting The City supports legislation authorizing a tax on the sale of these properties to corporations (SF 3147) and protections prohibiting the conversion of single family residences in to rental properties by developers and corporations (SF 4313). The City and surrounding communities have seen an increase in the number of residences converted from single family homes owned by the residents to rental properties, and such conversion negatively impacts ownership opportunities for residents. 2.3 Use Pooled Tax Increment Financing (TIF) for Affordable Housing The City supports legislation allowing the City to deposit pooled TIF for affordable housing in Edina's Affordable Housing Trust Fund to increase flexibility in the use of the pooled TIF for affordable housing, alleviate the burden of annual reporting, and because similar special legislation has been approved for Minnetonka, Richfield and St. Louis Park. 2.4 Additional Affordable Housing Financing Bonding Authority The City supports an effective bonding bill that provides Housing Infrastructure (HIB) and General Obligation (GO) Bonds to fund affordable housing to serve low-income households to meet rising need. 2.5 Establish Revenue Resource for Affordable Housing The City supports establishing a financing source to fund local and regional programs facilitating the creation and preservation of affordable housing to meet need that has grown to crisis proportions. 2.6 Protect Tenants in Affordable Housing Property Ownership Changes Local adoption of an ordinance to control rents on private residential properties is prohibited unless the ordinance is approved in a general election. The City supports first, a statewide tenant protection plan, and second, allowing for a 90- day tenant protection period following the transfer of naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH) property ownership due to increased investment purchases of NOAH multi-family residential properties, leading to rehabilitating properties and increasing rents, and non-renewing leases of existing tenants with minimal notice and/or substantially increased the rent with minimal notice. 2.7 Reform Eviction Expungement Records of unlawful detainer filings, or eviction lawsuits, remain on a tenant’s public record regardless of whether the matter was settled or dismissed prior to the court hearing or if the tenant prevails at the hearing. These records are not a reasonable predictor of future tenant behavior, yet they impede renters from securing housing in the future. Therefore, the City supports legislation that would expand the eligibility for discretionary and mandatory expungements for eviction case court files. 3 ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 3.1 Adopt a more advanced state energy code and/or allow for local adoption of more efficient building standards The state building code, which includes enforcement of the energy code, precludes cities from adopting a more progressive building code. Minnesota adheres to the 2018 International Energy Code, with some amendments. The City needs a more advanced state energy code, or local adoption of more efficient building standards because to meet climate action goals. 3.2 Increase the State's Renewable Energy Standard The Renewable Energy Standard from the state Department of Commerce, requires that 25% of electricity from utilities come from renewable sources by 2025, but this goal contradicts the Minnesota’s Climate Action Plan’s call for establishing a standard to achieve 100% carbon-free electricity and 55% renewable electricity by 2040. The City supports increasing the State’s renewable energy standard because it has not been updated since 2007, and without an increase, the state and city cannot accomplish their goals. 3.3 Increase Funding and Research on Reducing On-site Fossil Fuel Use The City supports research and funding to explore the reduction of on-site fossil fuel use for electricity and heat because of public health effects. 3.4 Adopt Local Environmental Protection Measures The City requests the Legislature adopt enabling legislation allowing local governments to devise and implement environmental protection measures so that cities can adopt the protections best suited to their communities. 3.5 Allocate I 00% of State Revenue from the Solid Waste Management Tax (SCORE) to County Waste Management Activities The City supports continued SCORE funding because the funds advance waste reduction, reuse, recycling and organics programs to meet city, county and state recycling goals. 3.6 Support Efforts for the Proper Labeling of Compostable Products The City supports promoting only vetted manufactures because it reduces the sale of products with misleading claims, reduces recycling contamination and simplifies education. 3.7 Fund Expanded Infrastructure at the Local Level for the Creation of Compost Processing Sites and Anaerobic Digesters. The City supports additional funding for the programs because landfilling all waste in the county and metropolitan area is no longer a viable option. 3.8 Support Extended Producer Responsibility Extended Producer Responsibility initiatives require manufacturers to finance all costs associated with collection, reusing, recycling, or safe disposal of their products such as carpets, mattresses, and electronics, which aligns with the City’s focus on reuse events and building partnerships. 3.9 Develop and fund-zero waste initiatives Zero-waste initiatives manage all discarded materials to their highest and best use. The City these initiatives because they will aid state, county and city governments reaching recycling and composting goals. 3.10 Support Funding and Technical Assistance to Electrify Public and School Buses There are very few electric public-school buses in Minnesota, and none in Edina. The City supports efforts to increase electrification of public and school buses because it would reduce overall GHG emissions and the impact of carbon emissions on populations that rely on this mode of transportation. 3.11 Continue Support for Local Environmental Health Regulatory Programs Currently, the State delegates authority to operate food, pool and lodging establishment regulatory programs to cities and counties. The City of Edina supports continuing local operation of these public health services and programs, allowing cities to provide services to meet local needs. 3.12 Support Funding Research, Training, and Legislation for Applicators of Chloride- Containing De- Icing Chemicals Salt is a pollutant and causes damage to infrastructure and the environment. Private contractors tend to over-apply salt on parking lots and sidewalks, often because they are afraid of “slip-and-fall” lawsuits. Research, training and certification is needed to decrease salt application, liability concerns, and improve water quality. 3.13 Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) Municipal Grant Program Inflow and infiltration (I/I) are terms for the ways that clean water (ground and storm) makes its way into sanitary sewer pipes and gets treated, unnecessarily, at regional wastewater plants. I/I mitigation through the Municipal State Bond Grant Program supports efficient use of the regional system for waste treatment and slows the the need for capacity upgrades. 4 TRANSPORTATION 4.1 Continue Municipal State Aid (MSA) Funding The City has 40.85 miles of roads designated as MSA. The City asks for continued support of this vital funding because high-quality connections are necessary for the overall state highway network to work well, and the roads on the state aid system typically carry heavier traffic volumes, connect major points of interest and provide an integrated and coordinated road system. 4.2 Allow Cities to Create Street Improvement Districts The City supports enabling legislation allowing cities to create street improvement districts because 85% of municipal streets are ineligible for municipal state aid (MSA) funds and must be paid for with property taxes, special assessments or other funding sources, yet cities face growing demands for street improvements and maintenance. Similar sidewalk improvement districts are allowed under state statute, and a system for street improvement could eliminate the need for special assessment financing. 4.3 Increase Local Bridge Replacement Program (LBRP) Funding The Local Bridge Replacement Program provides local agencies transportation funding for the reconstruction, rehabilitation or removal of bridges or structures, but the program does not receive enough funding, with $36 million in waitlisted projects in 2019, including two Edina projects. The City supports funding dedicated to the Local Bridge Replacement Program to meet local need. 4.4 Expansion of Public Transportation Frequency and Reach The City supports additional funding to reverse the impact of recent service reductions, supports operator hiring initiatives, and developing a connecting bus study for the METRO Green Line Extension (Southwest LRT) to increase ridership to meet climate action goals and community goals. 4.5 Support Goals and Strategies to Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled Transportation and land use account for 40% of Edina’s citywide greenhouse gas emissions and are likely to become the leading GHG emissions source. The City supports funding to provide alternative transportation infrastructure to decrease the use of single-occupancy vehicles to reduce their negative impacts on air quality, traffic congestion and quality of life and meet climate action goals. 5 PUBLIC SAFETY 5.1 Funding of Fire Resources, Training and Statewide Response Teams The Edina Fire Department relies on state funding for training through the Minnesota Board of Firefighter Training and Education (MBFTE). The City supports broader discretion in the use of the Fire State Aid it receives in order to fund vital functions of the Minnesota Fire Service, including Task Force I Statewide Response Team, which Edina is a primary member of. 5.2 Continue Railroad and Hazardous Substance Safety Training and Funding The City supports continuing current training and planning requirements to increase railroad safety. 5.3 Residential Fire Sprinklers The City opposes efforts to statutorily limit the use of residential fire sprinklers and supports the inclusion of professionals and industry experts in the creating or writing of any code parameters, particularly the installation of fire suppression systems in residential building code because of the protection that sprinklers provide at low costs. 5.4 Support Funding for Auto Theft and Violent Crime Investigation The City supports the creation and funding of a multijurisdictional group of law enforcement officials focusing on investigations and prevention due to the increase of auto theft and violent crimes committed in stolen vehicles. 5.5 Support Funding and Programming for Recruitment and Retention Needs The City supports a variety of funded recruitment and retention programs for law enforcement agencies, including bonuses, part-time officer licenses, paid health care in retirement, and scholarship programs. These programs will help address the difficult hiring and retention landscape that agencies of all sizes are facing. 5.6 Continue Law Enforcement Training Funding Beginning in 2018, the required POST (Peace Officers Standards and Training) Board training was reimbursed to local agencies. The City supports continuing financial support of the POST Board training because the training is mandatory and critical. 5.7 Require K12 Threat Assessments The City supports legislation which would require school districts to study and address general and specific school safety issues to address concerns beyond physical infrastructure, which has been addressed in other grant programs. 5.8 Increase Funding for Public Safety Disability Requirements The legislature requires cities to pay the costs of health insurance benefits for firefighters and law enforcement officers disabled in the line of duty, including their dependents, until the employees are 65 years old. The law required cities to first pay the costs, then the Department of Public Safety was to reimburse the full costs paid by the city annually. State funding has been deficient since 2002, and the cities are no longer reimbursed. Edina was reimbursed for 20% of the overall costs in 2019. The City supports the State either fully funding the post-employment health insurance costs or provide these benefits directly to firefighters and law enforcement officers, eliminating cities as a pass through due to the number of disability retirements and cost of healthcare increasing significantly, placing the financial burden on cities. 5.9 Focus on Mental Health and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Support for Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters In 2019, worker’s compensation legislation passed that presumes a diagnosis of PTSD is work-related for law enforcement officers and firefighters. The City supports efforts focusing on treatment and support for employees to safely and effectively return to work if possible. The City also supports programs and funding for emotional trauma training and for advancing wellness and mental health support as a component of any law enforcement reform. These positions are critical given the role law enforcement officers and firefighters have caring for the public, and current disability duty under PERA and worker’s comp are not always compatible with treatment, support, and return to work. 5.10 Arbitration Reform Currently, individual arbitrators are allowed to override the professional discipline and termination decisions made by city manager and police chiefs. Arbitrators can, in their sole judgement, require a city to return an officer to the streets, when the city has determined the officers is not meeting the standards required of the department and community, without an appeals process for the city. The City supports using administrative law judges and instituting a standard of reasonableness focused on if the facts presented show that the employer’s actions were reasonable and consistent with city and department policies, to restore the ability of local elected and appointed officials to make lasting discipline or termination decisions and help ensure a public safety department meets the needs of the community. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: XI.C . To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: O ther F rom:S cott H. Neal, C ity Manager Item Activity: Subject:M Health and S anford Merger Dis cus s ion Dis cus s ion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft Resolution No. 2023-35 Concerning Healthcare in the City of Edina, Minnesota and the Propos ed Merger of Sanford Health and M Health Fairview DRAFT RESOLUTION NO. 2023-35 CONCENRING HEALTHCARE IN THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA AND THE PROPOSED MERGER OF SANFORD HEALTH AND M HEALTH FAIRVIEW WHEREAS, on November 16, 2022, Sanford Health, based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and M Health Fairview, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, mutually announced their plan to merge in 2023; and, WHEREAS, M Health Fairview is the largest private employer in the City of Edina, and one of the largest in the metropolitan area, accounting for over $14 billion of total economic impact, paying $532 million in state and local property taxes, paying $1.6 billion in federal taxes, spending $2.1 billion on local goods and services and employing over 65,000 direct or indirect jobs; and, WHEREAS, the Edina City Council is concerned about the resulting quality and availability of healthcare services available to Edina residents following the proposed merger; and, WHEREAS, the Edina City Council is concerned about the proposed merger's impacts on the academic standing and purpose of the M Health Fairview healthcare facilities located at the University of Minnesota. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Edina City Council requests that its concerns be communicated to the leadership of both Sanford Health and M Health Fairview and that both parties to the proposed merger give serious consideration to these concerns; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Edina City Council also requests that its concerns about the proposed merger be shared with Minnesota's state elected and appointed leaders and that give serious consideration to these concerns. Dated: June 6, 2023 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of May 16, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 2023. City Clerk CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0389 Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: XI.D. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: F rom:S cott H. Neal, C ity Manager Item Activity: Subject:P rep Memo June 6, 2023 C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Prep Memo June 6, 2023 From: Scott H. Neal <sneal@EdinaMN.gov> Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 2:35 PM To: jhovland@hovlandrasmus.com; James Pierce <JPierce@EdinaMN.gov>; Carolyn Jackson <CJackson@EdinaMN.gov>; Kate Agnew <kagnew@EdinaMN.gov>; Julie Risser <jrisser@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: Lisa Schaefer <LSchaefer@EdinaMN.gov>; Sharon Allison <SAllison@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Prep Memo for the June 6, 2023 City Council Work Session and Meeting Good Afternoon Everyone – WORK SESSION Tonight’s Work Session is back-to-back joint meetings with commissions. The first meeting is with the Transportation Commission. The second is with the Energy & Environment Commission. Both meetings are formatted the same: review work plan status followed by Q&A and discussion. COUNCIL MEETING • Council Member Jackson has requested that Consent Agenda item VI.E. be removed from Consent. • Council Member Risser has requested that Consent Agenda item VI.Q. be removed from Consent. • Regarding tonight’s public hearing item D, staff and applicant (Interlachen Country Club) request the Council take final action on the item at the conclusion of tonight’s public hearing. This request is contrary to our standard operating procedures, but is warranted in this case. Staff will explain in more detail tonight. • I am working on the final draft of a revised resolution for the Council to consider on the healthcare merger matter. I will share it with Council later this afternoon. There is no firm timeline on this item. That’s all I have right now. See you all for the Work Session at 5:30pm. Scott Scott H. Neal, City Manager 952-826-0401 | Fax 952-826-0390 sneal@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov Follow me on Twitter. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: XI.E. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: F rom:S cott H. Neal, C ity Manager Item Activity: Subject:Amended P rep Memo June 6, 2023 C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Amended Prep Memo June 6, 2023 From: Scott H. Neal <sneal@EdinaMN.gov> Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 3:10 PM To: jhovland@hovlandrasmus.com; James Pierce <JPierce@EdinaMN.gov>; Carolyn Jackson <CJackson@EdinaMN.gov>; Kate Agnew <kagnew@EdinaMN.gov>; Julie Risser <jrisser@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: Lisa Schaefer <LSchaefer@EdinaMN.gov>; Sharon Allison <SAllison@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: AMENDED Prep Memo for the June 6, 2023 Work Session and Council Meeting Good Afternoon Everyone – >>> I have had two additional requests to remove items from the Consent Agenda. They are highlighted in yellow below. WORK SESSION Tonight’s Work Session is back-to-back joint meetings with commissions. The first meeting is with the Transportation Commission. The second is with the Energy & Environment Commission. Both meetings are formatted the same: review work plan status followed by Q&A and discussion. COUNCIL MEETING • Council Member Jackson has requested that Consent Agenda item VI.E. be removed from Consent. • Council Member Risser has requested that Consent Agenda item VI.Q. be removed from Consent. • Council Member Jackson has requested that Consent Agenda item VI.K. be removed from Consent. • Council Member Risser has requested that Consent Agenda item VI.M. be removed from Consent. • Regarding tonight’s public hearing item D, staff and applicant (Interlachen Country Club) request the Council take final action on the item at the conclusion of tonight’s public hearing. This request is contrary to our standard operating procedures, but is warranted in this case. Staff will explain in more detail tonight. • I am working on the final draft of a revised resolution for the Council to consider on the healthcare merger matter. I will share it with Council later this afternoon. There is no firm timeline on this item. That’s all I have right now. See you all for the Work Session at 5:30pm. Scott Scott H. Neal, City Manager 952-826-0401 | Fax 952-826-0390 sneal@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov Follow me on Twitter.