HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-06 City Council Work Session PacketAg enda City Council Work Session City of E dina, Minnesota City H all Comm unity Meeting Room Tuesday, June 6, 2023 5:30 PM I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Join t Meeting: Tra n sporta tion Com m ission IV.Join t Meeting: E n ergy & E n vironm en t Com m ission V.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli%cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: I I I. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: O ther F rom:Andrew S c ipioni, Trans portation P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Joint Meeting: Transportation C ommission Disc ussion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Transportation Commissioners will provide an update on current work plan initiatives. AT TAC HME N T S: Description 2022 Work Plan Progress Report Date: June 6, 2023 Agenda Item #: I V. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: O ther F rom:G rac e Hancoc k, S us tainability Manager Item Activity: Subject:Joint Meeting: Energy & Environment C ommis s ion Disc ussion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None, discussion only. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Energy & Environment Chair Hilda M artinez will share an update on the E E C 2023 work plan initiatives with C ity C ouncil. AT TAC HME N T S: Description EEC 2023 Work Plan Progres s Report EEC Current Reporting Date: Jul 10, 2023 Report Created On: May 30, 2023 Report Legend Priority No Update Overdue Plan Label And Number Description Initiative Type Council Charge Deliverable Status Progress Leads Last Update Date Last Update Commission Name 1.3 Energy & Environment Commission The Commission advises the City Council on energy conservation, waste reduction and environmental and conservation eorts. Status Pending: 33.33% On Track: 66.67% Initiative 1.3.1 No Mow May 2.0 Consider, if any, recommended changes to No Mow May (NMM) are needed, including program expansion to other property types (condos, commercial, etc.) and report-back method for residents. Establish a communication strategy with support from the City Communication area. Link NMM promotion with the promotion of rain and pollinator gardens. Explore ways for residents to add additional "greening" eorts beyond NMM, including soil health Project Support No Mow May event. Tessman, Martinez, Rawat Apr 06, 2023 No Mow May 2023 is underway. EEC prepared Resolution of Support in early 2023, which Council passed in Q1 2023. 330 households have signed up as of April 1, 2023. 1,000 signs are available. Promotions are occurring at Edina Theatre and all Edina communications channels. Initiative 1.3.2 Green Business Recognition Program Strengthen and bring more business to the Green Business Recognition Program. Establish an annual outreach and recruitment calendar including spring communications campaign; present at Chamber, Rotary and other relevant business associations Add bike rack fund participation as part of rubric, as well as one-stop lighting audits, tree preservation. On-going / Annual Support Green Business Recognition program. Lukens, Hovanec, Lanzas Apr 06, 2023 EEC has welcomed new working group members, approved at their March meeting. The application period is April 22 (Earth Day until June 17 for businesses to apply for recognition. New businesses will be recognized via EEC's presence at July 4th parade. Promotions underway include a press release announcing the application open period, going out week of 4/20, Sun Current ad in early May, digital Chamber of Commerce ad in mid to late-May, June Edition: Edina ad, and digital Southdale mall ads during the month of May until June 17. Initiative 1.3.3 Tree Recognition Campaign “Parade of Trees” tree recognition campaign around Arbor Day Residents submit photos and locations of special trees. Trees are mapped and residents are invited to do a walking tour to see the trees. Tree photos can be used in social media to raise awareness around Edinaʼs tree canopy. EEC may award special tree recognitions: “most climbable tree,” “spookiest,” etc. Mayor will be invited to recognize beloved trees during Mayorʼs Minute Project Develop a campaign for tree recognition.Lukens, Hovanec, Haugen Apr 06, 2023 Not started in Q1. # Progress 16% 4 On Track Progress 50% 4 On Track Progress 25% 4 On Track Progress 10% Plan Label And Number Description Initiative Type Council Charge Deliverable Status Progress Leads Last Update Date Last Update Initiative 1.3.4 Commercial Tree Ordinance Assess Edinaʼs Commercial Tree Ordinance by comparing to similar ordinances adopted in relevant cities; determine if changes should be made. Project Report and recommendations to City Council.Haugen, Tessman, Weber Apr 06, 2023 Not started in Q1. Initiative 1.3.5 Time of Sale Energy Disclosure Program Review the program currently under implementation in Bloomington and Minneapolis. Analyze local data and evaluate if it is a program that can be implemented in the city of Edina. Project Report to City Council.Martinez, Schima, Lukens, Weber Apr 06, 2023 City Council received a presentation to share information on this topic at their March 21, 2023 work session. EEC members received contact information to interview City representatives in Minneapolis and Bloomington, where this program is already underway. City Attorney has provided initial legal advice. Initiative 1.3.6 Parking (Planning Commission Work Plan) Consideration of future of parking in Edina to identify parking initiatives to pursue in the next 10-15 years, in what order and what commissions/resources should be assigned to each. Planning Commission will be the lead. ETC & EEC will review and comment on final report and recommendation from Planning Commission. Project Review and comment on the Planning Commission report and recommendations. All Initiative 1.3.7 Boulevard Tree Planting (Transportation Commission Work Plan) Review options for replacement and new boulevard tree planting program. (Greenspace + Trees Strategy GS1). Project Review and comment on the Transportation Commission's report for Council. All Initiative 1.3.8 Climate Action Plan HS 4-3 (Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan) Evaluate community organizations, networks, and connections serving those who require special attention, such as people who are elderly, homebound, isolated, living with disabilities, or those likely to need financial assistance, during or aer extreme weather events (e.g., heat, cold, and heavy precipitation). EEC will review and comment on approved report. Project Review and comment on Human Rights and Relations Commission report for Council. All Initiative 1.3.9 Carryout Bag awareness and outreach plan implementation Partner with City sta to implement an awareness and outreach plan to inform residents and businesses of merchant bag fee requirement. Gather stakeholder input in early 2023 to inform ordinance development, once passed the EEC will contribute to a promotional campaign to raise awareness and support businesses to integrate the new requirement ahead of 2024 eective date. Project Support City sta in implementing sta-created outreach and awareness plan Dakane, Martinez, Hovanec Apr 06, 2023 City Council approved a work plan amendment to add this initiative in February, 2023, aer receiving a report and recommendation from EEC. A working group is being recruited in April. A consultant will be hired in April to begin public outreach, overseen by sta. Aer public outreach concludes, City Council will receive an ordinance proposal from sta. If approved, EEC will support an awareness and outreach plan to notify residents and businesses of the new requirements. 3 On Track Progress 10% 1 On Track Progress 25% 2 Status Pending Progress 0% 2 Status Pending Progress 0% 2 Status Pending Progress 0% 4 On Track Progress 25%