HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-20 City Council Work Session PacketAgenda City Council Work Session City of Edina, Minnesota City Hall Community Meeting Room Tuesday, June 20, 2023 5:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.2023 Quality of Life Survey IV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli'cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: June 20, 2023 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Reports / Recommendation From:Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications Director Item Activity: Subject:2023 Quality of Life Survey Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Receive the results of the 2023 Quality of Life Survey administered by Polco. INTRODUCTION: Kim Daane of Polco will give a remote presentation on the results of the 2023 Quality of Life Survey. She will also discuss survey methodology and benchmark comparisons nationally and in Minnesota. Key findings of the survey were: Edina residents enjoy an exceptional quality of life. While residents generally feel safe in Edina, the feeling of safety has declined in some areas of the city and the perception of some types of crime has increased. City services continue to be highly rated. Residents identify opportunities for improvements with housing and development. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report Survey Report Polco Presentation June 20, 2023 Mayor and City Council Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications Director 2023 Quality of Life Survey Information / Background: Staff has been directed to complete a Quality of Life, or public opinion, survey every two years to measure residents’ satisfaction with City services and facilities and to gauge interest on various topics. The survey data is useful in making important planning decisions for the future and provides benchmark comparisons for service ratings to the nation and other communities in Minnesota, as well as comparisons to previous survey years. The 2023 Edina Quality of Life Survey provided residents the opportunity to rate the quality of life in Edina, as well as the quality of service delivery and overall workings of local government. The survey also permitted residents to provide feedback to government on what is working well and what is not, and to share their priorities for community planning and resource allocation. Surveys were mailed to 2,000 randomly selected resident households in March 2023. A total of 475 surveys were completed, yielding a response rate of 25%. Survey results were weighted so that respondent gender, age, housing unit type (attached or detached), housing tenure (rent or own), race, and ethnicity were represented in proportions reflective of the entire adult population of the city. The margin of error is plus or minus five percentage points around any given percentage point reported for all survey respondents. Because Edina has administered resident surveys before, some comparisons could be made between 2023 responses and those from 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021. Edina also elected to have its results compared to those of other jurisdictions around the nation and in Minnesota. Comparisons are made possible through a national benchmark database created and maintained by Polco/National Research Center (NRC). This database contains resident perspectives gathered in resident surveys from over 500 jurisdictions over the past five years. Kim Daane of Polco will give a remote presentation on the survey methodology, key findings and other information. 8001 Terrace Ave., Middleton, WI 53562 info.polco.us • 608-709-8683 City of Edina Resident Survey 2023 Report of Results June 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 2 Contents Figures ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................ 6 Summary of Survey Methods ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Key Findings ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Survey Background .......................................................................................................................... 10 Survey Administration .................................................................................................................................................... 10 How the Results Are Reported .................................................................................................................................. 11 Precision of Estimates .................................................................................................................................................... 11 Comparison of Results Over Time and By Subgroups .............................................................................. 11 Comparing Survey Results to Other Communities ..................................................................................... 11 Quality of Life and Community ................................................................................................................. 13 Quality of Life ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Sense of Community ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 Inclusivity and Diversity........................................................................................................................................... 16 Community Characteristics ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Safety in Edina .................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Ease of Travel ...................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Issues Facing Edina.......................................................................................................................................................... 30 Most Serious Issue ....................................................................................................................................................... 30 Traffic Concerns ............................................................................................................................................................. 32 Other Concerns .............................................................................................................................................................. 33 City Services ........................................................................................................................................ 35 Quality of City Services ................................................................................................................................................. 35 Drinking Water .................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Garbage Collection ........................................................................................................................................................... 40 Parks and Recreation ...................................................................................................................................................... 42 Government Performance .............................................................................................................. 44 Value of Taxes Paid .......................................................................................................................................................... 44 Trust in City Government............................................................................................................................................. 46 Impression of City Employees .................................................................................................................................. 51 Public Information and Communication .................................................................................. 52 Information Sources ........................................................................................................................................................ 52 City Website .......................................................................................................................................................................... 54 Planning and Priorities ................................................................................................................... 56 Municipal Liquor Stores ................................................................................................................................................. 56 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 3 Redevelopment in Edina ............................................................................................................................................... 58 Sustainability and Climate Change ........................................................................................................................ 62 Appendix A: Respondent Characteristics ................................................................................ 65 Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies ........................................................................... 72 Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-Ended Questions ....................................... 119 Appendix D: Responses to Selected Survey Questions by Respondent Characteristics .................................................................................................................................. 180 Comparisons by Demographic Characteristics ............................................................................................ 181 Comparisons by Geographic Area ........................................................................................................................ 230 Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons ................................................................. 257 Comparison Data ............................................................................................................................................................. 257 Interpreting the Results .............................................................................................................................................. 257 National Benchmark Comparisons ....................................................................................................................... 258 Minnesota Benchmark Comparisons ................................................................................................................... 264 Appendix F: Survey Methodology ............................................................................................. 270 About the Survey ............................................................................................................................................................. 270 Developing the Questionnaire ................................................................................................................................. 270 Selecting Survey Recipients ..................................................................................................................................... 270 Survey Administration and Response Rate .................................................................................................... 271 Margin of Error ............................................................................................................................................................ 273 Survey Processing (Data Entry) ............................................................................................................................ 273 Weighting the Data ........................................................................................................................................................ 275 Analyzing the Data ......................................................................................................................................................... 277 Appendix G: Survey Materials .................................................................................................... 278 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 4 Figures Figure 1: Overall Quality of Life in Edina, 2023................................................................................................. 13 Figure 2: Overall Quality of Life Compared by Year ....................................................................................... 13 Figure 3: Residential Stability Compared by Year ............................................................................................ 14 Figure 4: Sense of Community by Year .................................................................................................................. 15 Figure 5: Edina as a Welcoming Community by Year .................................................................................... 16 Figure 6: Importance of Edina Creating a Diverse and Inclusive City by Year ............................ 17 Figure 7: Job the City Does at Creating an Inclusive and Diverse Community by Year ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 8: Feelings of Discrimination, 2023 ........................................................................................................... 19 Figure 9: Overall Community Characteristics by Year .................................................................................. 21 Figure 10: Individual Community Characteristics by Year ......................................................................... 22 Figure 11: Reasons for Living in Edina by Year ................................................................................................. 24 Figure 12: Most Liked Attribute of Living in Edina, 2023 ............................................................................ 25 Figure 13: Overall Feeling of Safety by Year ....................................................................................................... 26 Figure 14: Feelings of Safety by Year ...................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 15: Overall Ease of Travel by Year ............................................................................................................. 27 Figure 16: Ease of Walking and Biking in Edina by Year ............................................................................. 28 Figure 17: Travel-related Characteristics by Year ............................................................................................ 29 Figure 18: Most Serious Issues Facing Edina, 2023 ....................................................................................... 31 Figure 19: Future Economic Outlook by Year ...................................................................................................... 32 Figure 20: Traffic Problems by Year .......................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 21: Crime-related Problems in Community by Year ....................................................................... 33 Figure 22: Concerns about Household Issues by Year.................................................................................. 34 Figure 23: Overall Quality of City Services by Year ........................................................................................ 35 Figure 24: Quality of City Services by Year .......................................................................................................... 37 Figure 25: Quality of Drinking Water by Year ..................................................................................................... 39 Figure 26: Aspects of Drinking Water by Year ................................................................................................... 39 Figure 27: Quality of Garbage Collection by Year ............................................................................................ 40 Figure 28: Support for Change in Garbage Collection System by Year ............................................. 41 Figure 29: Use of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year ......................................................................... 42 Figure 30: Quality of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year ................................................................. 43 Figure 31: Value of City Services by Year ............................................................................................................. 44 Figure 32: Property Tax Level by Year .................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 33: Support for Property Tax Increase by Year ................................................................................. 45 Figure 34: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track by Year ............................................. 46 Figure 35: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track, 2023 .................................................. 47 Figure 36: Reasons for Wrong Track, 2023 .......................................................................................................... 47 Figure 37: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run by Year ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 48 Figure 38: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run, 2023 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 5 Figure 39: Reasons for Feeling Residents Don't Have a Say in How Edina is Run, 2023 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 49 Figure 40: Aspects of Public Trust by Year ........................................................................................................... 50 Figure 41: Impression of Employee(s) by Year ................................................................................................. 51 Figure 42: Information Sources by Year ................................................................................................................ 52 Figure 43: Effectiveness of the Newsletter, Edition: Edina by Year ..................................................... 53 Figure 44: Accessed City Website by Year ............................................................................................................ 54 Figure 45: Quality of City Website by Year ........................................................................................................... 54 Figure 46: Aspects of City Website by Year ......................................................................................................... 55 Figure 47: Level of Support for Municipal Owned Liquor Stores by Year ......................................... 56 Figure 48: Frequency of Edina Liquor Purchases, 2023 ............................................................................... 57 Figure 49: Reasons for Not Purchasing from Edina Liquor, 2023 .......................................................... 57 Figure 50: Quality of Redevelopment in Edina by Year ................................................................................ 58 Figure 51: How Well the City Manages Redevelopment Tensions by Year...................................... 59 Figure 52: Availability of Housing for Various Income Groups, 2023 ................................................. 60 Figure 53: Housing Choice Priorities by Year ...................................................................................................... 61 Figure 54: Quality of Sustainability Services Provided by the City by Year ................................... 63 Figure 55: Importance of Sustainability Services Provided by the City by Year ......................... 64 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 6 Executive Summary Summary of Survey Methods The 2023 Edina Resident Survey provided residents the opportunity to rate the quality of life in the City of Edina, as well as the quality of service delivery and overall workings of local government. The survey also permitted residents to provide feedback to government on what is working well and what is not, and to share their priorities for community planning and resource allocation. Surveys were mailed to 2,000 randomly selected resident households in March 2023. A total of 475 surveys were completed, yielding a response rate of 25%. Survey results were weighted so that respondent gender, age, housing unit type (attached or detached), housing tenure (rent or own), race, and ethnicity were represented in proportions reflective of the entire adult population of the City. The margin of error is plus or minus five percentage points around any given percentage point reported for all survey respondents. Because Edina has administered resident surveys before, some comparisons could be made between 2023 responses and those from 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021. Edina also elected to have its results compared to those of other jurisdictions around the nation and in Minnesota. Comparisons are made possible through a national benchmark database created and maintained by Polco/National Research Center (NRC). This database contains resident perspectives gathered in resident surveys from over 500 jurisdictions over the past five years. Key Findings Edina residents enjoy an exceptional quality of life. • Edina residents continue to rate the quality of life highly, with 93% of survey respondents awarding excellent or good marks in 2023. This rating was higher than national benchmark and similar to peer communities in Minnesota. • About 9 in 10 respondents indicated that they would recommend living in Edina to someone asks and would remain in the City for the next 5 years. • About two-thirds of residents rated the sense of community in Edina as excellent or good. • More than 8 in 10 respondents felt that Edina is a welcoming community for people of all ages. About two-thirds felt that the City is welcoming for people of all sexual orientations, for people of all abilities, for people of all gender identities, and for people of all religions. More than 5 in 10 respondents felt that Edina is welcoming toward people of all races and ethnicities. However, only about 3 in 10 residents felt that the community is welcoming toward people who have a lower income. • About 9 in 10 residents positively rated the quality of the overall natural environment in Edina, health and wellness opportunities, and the overall economic health of the City. More than 8 in 10 gave excellent or good ratings to the overall opportunities for education and enrichment. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 7 • At least three-quarters or residents gave high marks to the overall established “built environment” of Edina, the overall image or reputation of the City, and neighborliness of residents. • As in previous years, the highest rated aspects were cleanliness of Edina, shopping opportunities, air quality, and overall quality of business and service establishments. Each of these items were rated excellent or good by at least 9 in 10 residents. Among the lowest rated items were cost of living (41% rated excellent or good) and the availability of affordable quality housing (32%). • The top reasons residents chose for why they live in Edina were location/convenience (selected by 77% of respondents) and safe community (59%). About half of residents chose attractive community and good schools. More than 4 in 10 respondents selected amenities and good neighbors. About one-third chose family lives here/born or raised here and variety/type of housing. • Survey respondents were also given the opportunity to write in their own words what they liked most about living in Edina. Of those who chose to write in a response, 42% commented on Edina being a convenient location, accessible, and walkable. Other top mentions included quality of life and community (14%) and schools (11%). While residents generally feel safe in Edina, the feeling of safety has declined in some areas of the city and the perception of some types of crime has increased. • About 9 in 10 residents said that the overall feeling of safety in Edina was excellent or good. • One of the top reasons residents chose for why they live in Edina was because it is safe community (selected by 59% of respondents). • In addition to considering what they like most about living in Edina, residents shared what they felt was the most serious issue facing Edina. About 10% of respondents commented on crime and safety issues. • Residents also rated how safe they felt in three different areas of the community. Almost all residents (93%) said they felt very or somewhat safe in their neighborhood, and over 8 in 10 felt safe in the 50th & France area (downtown area). About two-thirds felt safe in the Southdale area, which declined in positive ratings from 2021 to 2023. • Edina residents also rated four additional potential problems related to crime. About one- third of respondents felt vandalism and property crimes were a moderate, major or extreme problem, while slightly fewer felt that youth crimes (24%) and drugs (18%) were problematic. About 15% felt that violent crime was of concern. When compared to 2021, residents rated youth and violent crimes as being more of a concern in 2023. City services continue to be highly rated. • About 9 in 10 highly rated the overall quality of City services. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 8 • More than 9 in 10 respondents positively rated fire services, ambulance or emergency medical services, city parks, and police services. At least 8 in 10 gave high marks to sewer services, park maintenance, fire prevention and education, recycling, condition of trails and sidewalks, snow removal, organics recycling, public health services, recreation programs or classes, animal control, yard waste pickup, emergency preparedness, and street cleaning. • Among the lowest rated services were land use, planning and zoning (rated excellent or good by 50% of residents) and street repair (48%). • Overall, Edina residents’ ratings of City services tended to be higher than or similar to the benchmark comparisons. One item, snow removal, was rated much higher than the national benchmark. Additionally, compared to other Minnesota communities, Edina ranks #1 in snow removal, ambulance or emergency medical services, fire services, fire prevention and education, and city-sponsored special events. • About 7 in 10 residents gave excellent or good reviews to the overall quality of drinking water. • The reliability, safety, and appearance of drinking water in Edina were rated as excellent or good by at least 8 in 10 respondents. Nearly three-quarters of residents provided a positive evaluation of the water’s odor, and almost two-thirds said the taste was excellent or good. One-third gave positive reviews to the water’s hardness. • Close to 9 in 10 respondents gave excellent or good ratings to the quality of garbage collection in Edina. In addition to rating the overall quality of garbage collection, residents also rated their level of support for the City changing from the current multiple hauler garbage collection system to a single hauler (chosen by the City) system. A larger proportion of residents support the City choosing one hauler for the whole community in 2023 compared to 2021. Nearly 6 in 10 respondents supported this change. • More than 9 in 10 residents support the City in continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores. Residents identify opportunities for improvement with housing and development. • Among the lowest rated community characteristic items were availability of affordable quality housing (rated excellent or good by 32% of respondents) and variety of housing options (57%). • When asked to share what they felt was the most serious issue facing Edina, 22% of residents wrote a comment related to overdevelopment/wrong type of development or teardowns, while 13% commented on the need for more affordable housing. • About two-thirds of residents gave excellent or good reviews to the overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina, while about 6 in 10 gave positive reviews to the overall quality of residential redevelopment. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 9 • When asked how well, if at all, they felt the City does managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina, about half of residents felt the City manages tensions very or somewhat well. • Overall, a majority of respondents felt that there was somewhat too little or far too little housing for lower-income singles and families (65% and 68%, respectively); about 2 in 10 felt there was the right amount of housing available for lower-income groups. A slightly smaller proportion of residents felt that there was too little housing available for middle-income families and singles (50% each); another 4 in 10 felt there was the right amount of housing available for these two income groups. A majority of respondents felt that there was either too much or the right amount of housing available for high-income families (98%) and singles (97%). • About two-thirds of respondents said that it was essential or very important for the City to encourage preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer rooms or other amenities that are affordable for first-time buyers). One-third of residents prioritized medium-density development (like townhouses), and about one-quarter said that the City should encourage the building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments or small homes built above garages, in backyards, etc.) About 2 in 10 felt that the City should focus on higher-density development (like apartments). City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 10 Survey Background The City of Edina contracted with Polco/National Research Center (NRC) to conduct a community- wide resident survey. The primary goal of the survey was to assess the attitudes and opinions of residents by: • Evaluating City programs and services. • Determining general perceptions of the quality of life in the City. • Identifying issues facing the City. • Comparing survey results to other communities across the nation. • Establishing trendlines to measure government performance over time. The Edina Resident Survey serves as a consumer report card for Edina by providing residents the opportunity to rate the quality of life in the City, as well as the community’s amenities, service delivery and their satisfaction with local government. Residents also provide feedback on what is working well and what is not, and communicate their priorities for community planning and resource allocation. Focus on the quality of service delivery helps council, staff, and the public to set priorities for budget decisions and lays the groundwork for tracking community opinions about the core responsibilities of Edina City government, helping to assure maximum service quality over time. This type of survey gets at the key services that local government controls to create a quality community. It is akin to private sector customer surveys that are used regularly by many corporations to monitor where there are weaknesses in product or service delivery before customers defect to competition or before other problems from dissatisfied customers arise. This is the 7th iteration of the Edina Resident Survey since the baseline study conducted in 2011. The 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021 surveys were conducted by mail and online; the 2011 and 2013 iterations were conducted by phone. Survey Administration A postcard was mailed to 2,000 Edina households, selected at random, notifying residents that they had been chosen to participate in the survey. A paper copy of the survey followed in the mail after one week, followed by a reminder postcard one week later. Both postcards included a web link so that residents could take the survey online, if desired. There were 475 respondents to the mailed questionnaire (with 96 undeliverable addresses), yielding a response rate of 25%. The margin of error is plus or minus five percentage points around any given percentage for all respondents. Survey results were weighted so that respondent gender, age, housing unit type (attached or detached), housing tenure (rent or own), race, and ethnicity were represented in the proportions reflective of the entire city. More information about the survey methodology can be found in Appendix F: Survey Methodology. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 11 How the Results Are Reported For the most part, the full set of frequencies or the “percent positive” are presented in the body and narrative of the report. The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., “excellent” and “good,” “very safe” and “somewhat safe,” “strongly support” and “somewhat support,” etc.). On many of the questions in the survey, respondents could give an answer of “don’t know.” The proportion of respondents giving this reply is shown in the full set of responses included in Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies and is discussed in the body of this report if it is 30% or greater. However, these responses have been removed from the analyses presented in the body of the report, unless otherwise indicated. In other words, the majority of the tables and graphs in the body of the report display the responses from respondents who had an opinion about a specific item. For some questions, respondents were permitted to select multiple responses. When the total exceeds 100% in a table for a multiple response question, it is because some respondents are counted in multiple categories. When a table for a question that only permitted, a single response does not total to exactly 100%, it is due to the customary practice rounding values to the nearest whole number. Precision of Estimates It is customary to describe the precision of estimates made from surveys by a “level of confidence” and accompanying “confidence interval” (or margin of error). The margin of error for this survey is generally no greater than plus or minus five percentage points around any given percent reported for the entire sample (N=475). Comparison of Results Over Time and By Subgroups Results from the 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021 surveys are presented when comparisons to 2023 were available. Where differences in ratings from 2021 to 2023 are six percentage points or greater, they can be considered significantly higher or lower. Selected survey results were compared by geographic location of a respondent’s home, race and ethnicity, presence of children in the home, respondent length of residency, age, gender, housing unit type (attached or detached), housing unit tenure (rent or own) and income. These crosstabulations are summarized and presented in tabular form in Appendix D: Responses to Selected Survey Questions by Respondent Characteristics. For each pair of subgroups that has a statistically significant difference, an upper-case letter denoting significance is shown in the category with the larger column proportion. Comparing Survey Results to Other Communities NRC’s database of comparative resident opinion comprises resident perspectives gathered in citizen surveys from approximately 500 communities whose residents evaluated their services. Communities City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 12 to which Edina was compared can be found in Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons. National benchmark comparisons and Minnesota benchmark comparisons have been provided when similar questions on the Edina survey are included in NRC’s database, and there were at least five communities in which the question was asked. Where comparisons for quality ratings were available, Edina’s results were generally noted as being “higher” than the benchmark, “lower” than the benchmark or “similar” to the benchmark. In instances where ratings are considerably higher or lower than the benchmark, these ratings have been further demarcated by the attribute of “much,” (for example, “much lower” or “much higher”). These labels come from a comparison of Edina’s rating to the benchmark where a rating is considered “similar” if it is within the standard margin of error (10 points or less on the 100-point scale); “higher” or “lower” if the difference between Edina’s rating and the benchmark is greater than 10 points but 20 points or less; and “much higher” or “much lower” if the difference between Edina’s rating and the benchmark is more than twice the standard margin of error (greater than 20 points). Comparisons for a number of items on the survey are not available in the benchmark database. These items are excluded from the benchmark tables. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 13 Quality of Life and Community The City of Edina Resident Survey contained a set of questions related to quality of community life and overall community characteristics. Survey respondents also were asked to indicate how likely they would be to remain in the community and recommend it to others. Quality of Life Edina residents continue to rate the quality of life highly, with 93% awarding excellent or good marks in 2023. This rating was higher than national benchmark and similar to peer communities in Minnesota (see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for detailed information on the benchmark comparisons). This rating is on par with previous years. Survey results were compared by geographic location of residency and select respondent demographic characteristics. Survey participants who lived in Edina for 20 years or less, were between the ages of 18-34, and were renters were more likely to give higher ratings to overall quality of life than their counterparts (see Appendix D: Responses to Selected Survey Questions by Respondent Characteristics). Figure 1: Overall Quality of Life in Edina, 2023 Figure 2: Overall Quality of Life Compared by Year Excellent, 51% Good, 42%Fair, 6% Poor, 1% 96%97%98%96%93% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 Percent excellent or good City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 14 About 9 in 10 respondents stated would recommend living in Edina to someone asks and would remain in the City for the next 5 years. These ratings were on par with previous years and comparable with peers nationwide and in Minnesota. Residents who lived in northeastern Edina were more likely to indicate that they would remain in Edina for the next five years. Additionally, homeowners, those between the ages of 35-54, and those who had lived in Edina for more than 20 years were more likely to remain in the City for the next five years. Figure 3: Residential Stability Compared by Year Percent very or somewhat likely 89% 92% 94% 96% 90% 94% 86% 95% 87% 90% Remain in Edina for the next five years Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 15 Sense of Community About two-thirds of residents rated the sense of community in Edina as excellent or good, a rating on par with 2021 and comparable to communities in Minnesota and nationwide. Respondents who lived in the northeast quadrant of Edina were more likely to give higher ratings to the sense of community. Additionally, those who lived in Edina for 5 years or less, those between the ages of 18-34, and renters were more likely to attribute lower ratings to sense of community. Figure 4: Sense of Community by Year Please rate the sense of community as it relates to Edina. Percent excellent or good 73%74%74%70%66% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 16 Inclusivity and Diversity As in previous years, respondents were asked about the City as a welcoming community toward different groups of people, and the importance of diversity and inclusion in Edina. More than 8 in 10 respondents felt that Edina is a welcoming community for people of all ages. About two-thirds of residents felt that the City is welcoming for people of all sexual orientations, for people of all abilities, for people of all gender identities, and for people of all religions. More than 5 in 10 respondents felt that Edina is welcoming toward people of all races and ethnicities. As in 2021, only about 3 in 10 residents felt that the community is welcoming toward people who have a lower income. Where comparisons were available, ratings were on par with 2021. Residents living in northeastern Edina were more likely to feel that the community is welcoming toward people of all abilities, while those living in southwestern Edina were more likely to feel that Edina is welcoming toward people who have a lower income. Men were more likely than women to feel that the City is welcoming community toward all identified groups of people, with the exception of people of all ages. Figure 5: Edina as a Welcoming Community by Year Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: The first four items in this question were new on the 2023 survey. 38%29% 54% 54% 63% 33% 56% 57% 65% 66% 67% 67% 81% For people who have a lower income For people of all ethnicities For people of all races For people of all religions For people of all gender identities For people of all abilities For people of all sexual orientations For people of all ages percent very welcoming or welcoming 2023 2021 2019 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 17 Nearly 6 in 10 respondents felt that it is either essential or very important for the local government to focus on creating a diverse and inclusive city. About 3 in 10 residents felt this initiative was essential, while about one-quarter felt it was very important or somewhat important. Additionally, 16% of respondents indicated that it was not at all important (see Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies for full frequencies). The proportion of residents rating the importance of Edina becoming a diverse and inclusive city decreased from 2021 to 2023, back to a rating similar to 2019. Compared to their counterparts, respondents who lived in the southeast quadrant of Edina were more likely to feel that the local government should focus on creating a diverse and inclusive community. Residents who lived in Edina for 5 years or less, were between the ages of 18-34, renters, and women were more likely to feel that the local government should focus on creating a diverse and inclusive community. Figure 6: Importance of Edina Creating a Diverse and Inclusive City by Year How important for the people of Edina is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse and inclusive city? Percent essential or very important 57% 70% 58% 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 18 Survey participants were also asked how well the City does at a creating an inclusive and diverse community. At least two-thirds of residents said the City does an excellent or good job making all residents feel welcome and providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds. More than half felt that Edina does at least a good job of valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds and helping new residents feel connected and integrated. More than 4 in 10 gave high marks to the city for attracting people from diverse backgrounds. All items were on par with 2021. Three of the five ratings could be compared to the benchmarks: Making all residents feel welcome, attracting people from diverse backgrounds, and valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds. All ratings were similar to both national and Minnesota benchmarks, except for attracting people from diverse backgrounds, which was lower than Minnesota peer communities. Respondents who lived in southeastern Edina were more likely to give high marks to the city for attracting people from diverse backgrounds. Where there were differences, men, those age 35+, homeowners, and those who had lived in Edina for at least 6 years were generally more likely to positively rate the job the City is doing on creating an inclusive and diverse community. Figure 7: Job the City Does at Creating an Inclusive and Diverse Community by Year Please rate the job you feel the City does at each of the following: Percent excellent or good 51% 63% 64% 79% 73% 43% 55% 57% 72% 67% 45% 56% 58% 68% 70% Attracting people from diverse backgrounds Helping new residents feel connected and integrated Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds Making all residents feel welcome 2023 2021 2019 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 19 Respondents’ experiences with discrimination in 2023 were similar to those in 2021. Residents were most likely to report having experienced discrimination based on their political affiliation, with 14% experiencing this some or most of the time. Fewer than 1 in 10 experienced discrimination on the basis of race(s) or age, while fewer than 5% experienced discrimination based on ethnicity, disability, national origin, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Those who identified as White alone, not Hispanic, were less likely to experience all types of discrimination compared to their counterparts. Respondents who lived in Edina for more than 20 years, and those age 55+ were more likely experience discrimination based on religion and age. Those between the ages of 18-34 were more likely than their counterparts to experience discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Figure 8: Feelings of Discrimination, 2023 To what extent, if at all, have you or someone in your household experienced discrimination based on each of the following in the Edina community in the past 12 months? Prior to 2023, "Gender identity" was "Gender" and "Sexual orientation" was "Sexual orientation or gender identity". "Ethnicity" was added in 2023. 3% 5% 3% 4% 5% 5% 8% 15% 2% 3% 3% 3% 4% 4% 5% 6% 14% Sexual orientation Gender identity Religion National origin (birth country) Disability Ethnicity Age Race(s) Political affiliation Percent some or most of the time 2023 2021 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 20 Community Characteristics The quality of several broad characteristics of community livability were evaluated on the survey. About 9 in 10 residents positively rated the quality of the overall natural environment in Edina, health and wellness opportunities, and the overall economic health of the City. More than 8 in 10 gave excellent or good ratings to the overall opportunities for education and enrichment. Further, at least three-quarters of residents gave high marks to the overall established “built environment” of Edina, the overall image or reputation of the City, and neighborliness of residents. Ratings were similar to 2021 except for the overall established “built environment” of Edina and overall opportunities for education and enrichment. These items declined in positive ratings in 2023. As in previous years, Edina residents gave ratings to the overall community characteristics that were higher than or similar to the national and Minnesota averages. When compared to other Minnesota communities, Edina was ranked #1 for overall economic health and #2 in health and wellness opportunities and overall opportunities for education and enrichment. Renters were more likely to positively rate the quality of overall natural environment in Edina, while those who identified as White alone, not Hispanic were more likely to give high marks to overall opportunities for education and enrichment, overall economic health, and neighborliness of residents. Men and those age 55+ were more likely to positively rate the overall image or reputation of Edina. Meanwhile, homeowners and those 35+ were also more likely than their counterparts to highly rate the neighborliness of residents. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 21 Figure 9: Overall Community Characteristics by Year Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: 76% 86% 81% 94% 91% 90% 88% 75% 87% 82% 95% 95% 92% 88% 76% 89% 80% 94% 94% 93% 91% 73% 81% 83% 90% 91% 92% 88% 75% 76% 77% 84% 90% 90% 90% Neighborliness of residents in Edina Overall image or reputation of Edina Overall established "built environment" of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) Overall opportunities for education and enrichment Overall economic health of Edina Health and wellness opportunities in Edina Quality of overall natural environment in Edina Percent excellent or good 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 22 In addition to rating overall community characteristics, residents were also asked to rate the quality of several individual community characteristics. As in previous years, the highest rated aspects were cleanliness of Edina, shopping opportunities, air quality, and overall quality of business and service establishments. Each of these items were rated excellent or good by at least 9 in 10 residents. Among the lowest rated items were cost of living (41% rated excellent or good) and the availability of affordable quality housing (32%). All items were rated similarly compared to 2021 except for variety of housing options and opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities. Both aspects were rated more positively in 2023 than they were in 2021. When compared to other communities across the nation and in Minnesota, survey respondents in Edina tended to give ratings that were higher or similar. One item, shopping opportunities, was rated much higher than national and Minnesota benchmarks, and also ranked #1 in Minnesota and #5 in the nation. Where there were differences, respondents identifying as White alone, not Hispanic were more likely to give more positive ratings. Those age 35+ were more likely to positively rate recreational opportunities. Renters, those between the ages of 18-34, and those who had lived in Edina for 20 years or less were more likely to give high marks to K-12 education. Homeowners, those age 55+, and those who had lived in Edina for more than 20 years were more likely to positively rate the cost of living in Edina. Figure 10: Individual Community Characteristics by Year Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Percent excellent or good 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 Cleanliness of Edina 93% 94% 95% 91% 95% Shopping opportunities 92% 94% 93% 91% 90% Air quality 91% 93% 89% 88% 92% Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 90% 91% 92% 90% 86% K-12 education 87% 85% 90% 96% 94% Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 86% 82% 84% 75% 71% Recreational opportunities 85% 86% 87% 82% 76% Public places where people want to spend time 85% 85% 86% 82% 84% Adult educational opportunities 82% 82% 89% 89% 85% Opportunities to volunteer 79% 76% 81% 79% 70% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 23 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Percent excellent or good 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 77% 68% 77% 80% 74% Employment opportunities 74% 73% 70% 69% 63% Opportunities to participate in community matters 68% 65% 76% 75% 62% Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 66% 67% 63% 72% 71% Variety of housing options 57% 49% 51% 55% 59% Cost of living in Edina 41% 46% 51% 47% 46% Availability of quality affordable housing 32% 30% 32% 37% 36% Note: At least 30% of respondents said “don’t know” when rating the quality of employment opportunities and opportunities to volunteer. The responses presented in the body of the report are for those who had an opinion. The full set of responses, including “don’t know” can be found in Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies. Survey participants were provided a list of eleven potential reasons for choosing to live in Edina (see Figure 11 on the following page). They could select more than one response and could also write in an “other” response note included in the list. As in 2021, the top reasons for living in Edina were location/convenience (selected by 77% of respondents) and safe community (59%). About half of residents chose attractive community and good schools. More than 4 in 5 respondents selected amenities and good neighbors. About one-third chose family lives here/born or raised here and variety/type of housing. Fewer than 1 in 10 chose affordable housing, access to public transportation, or an “other” reason. The proportions of respondents selecting the various reasons for living in Edina in 2023 were similar to 2021. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 24 Figure 11: Reasons for Living in Edina by Year Why did you choose to live in Edina? 15% 15% 23% 28% 42% 40% 52% 46% 51% 15% 15% 25% 35% 47% 39% 53% 52% 52% 8% 15% 28% 35% 48% 41% 52% 48% 55% 8% 7% 12% 15% 25% 28% 48% 47% 50% 49% 58% 75% 7% 7% 7% 16% 27% 30% 43% 45% 47% 49% 59% 77% Other Affordable housing Access to public transportation Variety/type of housing Family lives here/born or raised here Job is here (or nearby) Good neighborhoods Amenities (e.g., parks, library, etc.) Good schools Attractive community Safe community Location/convenience percent of respondents 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 25 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents had the opportunity to write-in a response for “other;” responses to “other” can be found in Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-Ended Questions. Survey respondents were also given the opportunity to write in their own words what they liked most about living in Edina. The written responses were reviewed and grouped into categories by theme. Of the 403 respondents who chose to write in a response, 42% commented on Edina being a convenient location, accessible, and walkable. Other top mentions included quality of life and community (14%) and schools (11%). Fewer than 10% wrote in comments about the remaining categories. Due to the varied responses, not all written comments could be grouped into a theme or category so an “other” category was created; 3% of the written comments fell into “other.” Figure 12: Most Liked Attribute of Living in Edina, 2023 What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina? Respondents were given an opportunity to write in a response; 403 chose to write in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-Ended Questions for the verbatim responses. 3% 2% 2% 4% 7% 7% 11% 14% 42% Other Beauty/cleanliness of community Raised here or close to family, job, etc. Housing/neighborhoods Safe City services/infrastructure/local government Schools Positive comments about quality of life and community (friendly, neighbors, peaceful, etc.) Convenient location/accessibility/walkability percent of respondents City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 26 Safety in Edina About 9 in 10 residents said that the overall feeling of safety in Edina was excellent or good, a rating that was similar to 2021. Perceptions of the overall feeling of safety in Edina were on par with national and Minnesota benchmarks. Those who had lived in Edina for 5 years or less, and those between the ages of 18-34 were more likely than their counterparts to positively rate the overall feeling of safety. Figure 13: Overall Feeling of Safety by Year Please rate the overall feeling of safety in Edina. Percent excellent or good Residents also rated how safe they felt in three different areas of the community. Almost all residents (93%) said they felt very or somewhat safe in their neighborhood, and over 8 in 10 felt safe in the 50th & France area (downtown area). These assessments were on par with those given in previous years. About two-thirds felt safe in the Southdale area, which declined in positive ratings from 2021 to 2023. Assessments of feelings of safety in neighborhoods and in the downtown area (50th & France) could be compared to communities across the nation and in Minnesota; both ratings were similar to the national and Minnesota averages. Respondents who lived in Edina for 5 years or less were more likely to feel safer in the downtown and greater Southdale areas. Residents between the ages of 18-34 were more likely to feel safer in the downtown area. Additionally, respondents identifying as Hispanic and/or other race were less likely to feel safe in their neighborhood. 96%97%96%93%89% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 27 Figure 14: Feelings of Safety by Year Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Ease of Travel Over 8 in 10 respondents felt that the overall ease of travel in Edina was excellent or good. This evaluation declined in 2023 compared to 2021. White residents, those who lived in Edina between 6-20 years, and those 55+ were more likely to give high marks to ease of travel. Figure 15: Overall Ease of Travel by Year Please rate the overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit. Percent excellent or good 80% 96% 96% 77% 96% 98% 80% 94% 97% 77% 89% 94% 67% 84% 93% In the greater Southdale area In the 50th & France area (downtown area) In your neighborhood percent very or somewhat safe 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 88%87%86%91%83% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 28 In addition to assessing the overall ease of travel, residents provided feedback on the ease of travel by walking and by bicycle in Edina. Two-thirds of respondents positively rated the ease of walking in Edina, a rating lower than 2021. More than half of respondents gave high marks to the ease of travel by bicycle in Edina. This rating also declined in 2023. Compared to the national and Minnesota averages, Edina residents gave ratings that were similar for both ease of walking and biking. Residents in southwestern Edina were more likely to give high marks to ease of travel by bicycle than their counterparts. Residents who lived in Edina at least 6 years, those age 35+, and those identifying as White along, not Hispanic were more generally more likely to rate these aspects higher than their counterparts. Figure 16: Ease of Walking and Biking in Edina by Year Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Survey respondents evaluated an additional five travel-related aspects of the community. More than three-quarters of residents positively rated ease of travel by car and the availability of paths and walking trails. Over 7 in 10 gave high marks to ease of public parking, and about two-thirds rated traffic flow on major streets as excellent or good. Two items declined between 2021 and 2023, ease of travel by car and ease of public parking. All items were rated similarly to peer communities across the nation and in Minnesota, except for traffic flow on major streets which was rated higher than the national benchmark. Respondents 35+ were more likely than their counterparts to positively rate the availability of paths and walking trails. 47% 60% 49% 66% 65% 65% 64% 73% 55% 67% Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina Ease of walking in Edina percent excellent or good 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 29 Figure 17: Travel-related Characteristics by Year Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: 58% 68% 58% 83% 63% 72% 60% 82% 53% 61% 79% 75% 70% 77% 79% 88% 66% 71% 76% 82% Traffic flow on major streets Ease of public parking Availability of paths and walking trails Ease of travel by car in Edina percent excellent or good 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 30 Issues Facing Edina Several questions on the survey gauged resident perceptions about potential issues, problems or concerns in the Edina community. Most Serious Issue In addition to considering what they like most about living in Edina, residents shared what they felt was the most serious issue facing Edina. Respondents’ written responses were reviewed and grouped into categories by theme. Of the 384 respondents who wrote in a response, 22% wrote a comment related to overdevelopment/wrong type of development or teardowns, while 13% commented on the need for more affordable housing. Another 13% of residents commented on traffic and infrastructure while 10% commented on either the City government or safety/crime. About 9% or less wrote comments about the remaining categories. Due to the varied responses, not all written comments could be grouped into a theme or category so an “other” category was created; 8% of the written comments fell into “other.” City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 31 Figure 18: Most Serious Issues Facing Edina, 2023 What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? Respondents were given an opportunity to write in a response; 384 chose to write in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-Ended Questions for the verbatim responses. 8% 1% 1% 1% 3% 8% 9% 10% 10% 13% 13% 22% Other Water quality/environmental issues Too much focus on affordable housing Economic development Growth/overcrowding Schools/education Lack of diversity and sense of community Safety/crime City government (fiscal responsibility, taxes, planning, etc.) Traffic and infrastructure (road maintenance, snow removal, sidewalks, etc.) More affordable housing needed Overdevelopment/wrong type of development, teardowns percent of respondents City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 32 When thinking about the impact they thought the economy would have on their family income in the coming six months, about 1 in 10 respondents thought the impact would be very or somewhat positive. This rating of future economic outlook represented a decrease since 2021. When compared to peer communities across the nation and in Minnesota, Edina ranked lower in terms of economic outlook. Figure 19: Future Economic Outlook by Year What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: percent very or somewhat positive Traffic Concerns Survey respondents assessed a number of potential problems in Edina including traffic speeding and stop sign violations in neighborhoods. Nearly 4 in 10 respondents felt that traffic speeding in their neighborhood was at least a moderate problem and about one-quarter said that stop sign violations in their neighborhood were at least a moderate problem. Where there were differences, respondents who lived in Edina for more than 5 years and those 55+ were more likely to feel that these traffic issues were a problem. Figure 20: Traffic Problems by Year Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. percent moderate, major, or extreme problem 33%34% 27% 38% 11% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 35%42%41%34%38% 29%27%30%23%26% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 Traffic speeding in your neighborhood Stop sign violations in your neighborhood City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 33 Other Concerns Edina residents also rated four additional potential problems related to crime. About one-third of respondents felt vandalism and property crime were a moderate, major or extreme problem, while slightly fewer felt that youth crimes (24%) and drugs (18%) were problematic. About 15% felt that violent crime was of concern. When compared to 2021, residents rated youth and violent crimes as being more of a concern in 2023. Where there were differences, respondents who lived in Edina for more than 5 years and those 55+ were more likely to view these crimes as more of a problem. Figure 21: Crime-related Problems in Community by Year Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. percent moderate, major or extreme problem 6% 13% 17% 21% 3% 15% 11% 19% 4% 13% 11% 19% 8% 16% 17% 26% 15% 18% 24% 31% Violent crime Drugs Youth crimes Vandalism and property crimes 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 34 Nearly 3 in 10 respondents had at least a minor concern about feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others. About 2 in 10 indicated they were concerned about having access to health care, while 14% were concerned about having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage. Around 1 in 10 respondents were concerned about either having enough money to pay your heat, light, or water bill or running out of food before you had money to buy more. Ratings were on par with 2021 except for feeling social isolated or disconnected from others. This rating decreased from 59% in 2021 to 28% in 2023. Residents living in southeastern Edina were more likely than their counterparts to be concerned about all issues. Renters were more likely to be concerned about having enough money to pay their rent or mortgage, feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others, having access to health care, and running out of food before they had money to buy more. Those who lived in Edina for 5 years or less and those between the ages of 18-34 were more likely to be concerned about feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others and having access to health care. Those who lived in Edina for more than 20 years or 35+ were more likely to be concerned about being able to age in place. Figure 22: Concerns about Household Issues by Year To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months? “Having enough money to pay our heat, light, or water bill” was added in 2023. 10% 23% 14% 26% 7% 17% 22% 59% 8% 11% 14% 21% 28% Running out of food before you had money to buy more Having enough money to pay your heat, light, or water bill Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage Having access to health care Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others percent minor, moderate or major concern 2023 2021 2019 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 35 City Services Edina residents evaluated a number of services provided by the City, as well as the overall quality of City services, aspects of drinking water and parks and recreation amenities. Quality of City Services Survey participants gave positive scores to the overall quality of City services, with about 9 in 10 providing excellent or good ratings; this has remained stable since this question was first asked in 2015. Respondents identifying as White alone, not Hispanic were more likely to positively rate the overall quality of City services. Figure 23: Overall Quality of City Services by Year Please rate the overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina. percent excellent or good 87%89%89%87%87% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 36 Survey respondents had the opportunity to evaluate a number of individual services provided by the City (see Figure 24 on the following page). Overall, city services continue to be highly rated. Thirty- two of the 34 services were rated as excellent or good by at least 60% of survey respondents. More than 9 in 10 respondents positively rated fire services, ambulance or emergency medical services, city parks, and police services. At least 8 in 10 gave high marks to sewer services, park maintenance, fire prevention and education, recycling, condition of trails and sidewalks, snow removal, organics recycling, public health services, recreation programs or classes, animal control, yard waste pickup, emergency preparedness, and street cleaning. Among the lowest rated services were land use, planning and zoning (rated excellent or good by 50% of residents) and street repair (48%). When compared to 2021, most service ratings were similar in 2023. However, rating decreases since 2021 were observed for crime prevention, economic development, sidewalk maintenance, code enforcement, land use, planning and zoning, and street repair. One item, organics recycling, was rated higher in 2023 than in 2021. Most City services could be compared to ratings from other communities across the nation and in Minnesota. Overall, Edina residents’ ratings of City services tended to be higher than or similar to the benchmark comparisons. One item, snow removal, was rated much higher than the national benchmark. Additionally, compared to other Minnesota communities, Edina ranks #1 in snow removal, ambulance or emergency medical services, fire services, fire prevention and education, and city-sponsored special events. Residents living in southeastern Edina tended to give lower ratings to fire prevention, while those living in the northeast quadrant were more likely to rate street repair positively. Those in southwestern Edina were more likely to be satisfied with sidewalk maintenance and drinking water, while those in southeastern Edina were more likely to positively rate fiber/home internet connection. Those in northwestern Edina were also less likely to positively rate public information services/communication from the City. Those age 55+ were more likely to give positive ratings to police services, ambulance or emergency medical services, street repair, sidewalk maintenance, recycling, utility billing, condition of trails and sidewalks, recreation programs or classes, and fiber/home internet connection. Men were more likely to give higher ratings to fire prevention and education and storm drainage, while women were more likely to rate yard waste pickup as excellent or good. Homeowners were more likely to positively rate ambulance or emergency medical services, fire prevention and education, snow removal and utility billing, while renters were more likely to give higher marks to street lighting, city parks, code enforcement, animal control, and cable television. Where there were differences, those identifying as White alone, not Hispanic were more likely to positively rate City services than their counterparts. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 37 Figure 24: Quality of City Services by Year Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Percent excellent or good 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 Fire services 98% 99% 98% 99% 98% Ambulance or emergency medical services 97% 99% 98% 99% 98% City parks 93% 93% 94% 91% 93% Police services 92% 94% 92% 89% 90% Park maintenance 89% 91% 92% 90% 90% Fire prevention and education 89% 90% 96% 91% 85% Sewer services 89% 89% 89% 88% 83% Condition of trails and sidewalks 86% 88% 91% 84% 83% Recycling 86% 83% 84% 86% 88% Snow removal 85% 90% 87% 92% 87% Organics recycling 85% 79% NA NA NA Public health services 84% 86% 88% 86% 84% Recreation programs or classes 83% 84% 93% 87% 85% Animal control 82% 85% 82% 84% 77% Yard waste pickup 82% 77% 84% 83% 85% Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 81% 78% 81% 80% 72% Street cleaning 80% 81% 81% 80% 72% Crime prevention 77% 86% 94% 86% 87% Street lighting 76% 80% 77% 70% 69% Public information services/communication from the City 76% 80% 82% 78% 82% Utility billing 75% 79% 83% 79% 77% Storm drainage 74% 79% 81% 80% 78% Economic development 72% 78% 74% 79% 76% Traffic enforcement 72% 77% 81% 77% 75% Edina open space 71% 75% 70% 68% 70% Traffic signal timing 70% 73% 69% 70% 58% City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, Days of Remembrance, etc.) 70% 69% 78% 77% 77% Sidewalk maintenance 68% 78% 79% 75% 69% Bus or transit services 66% 64% 62% 54% 57% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 38 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Percent excellent or good 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 65% 73% 72% 67% 63% Fiber/home internet connection 61% 59% NA NA NA Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 60% 56% 55% 60% 49% Land use, planning and zoning 50% 57% 53% 60% 57% Street repair 48% 57% 60% 54% 49% Note: between 30% and 45% of respondents selected “don’t know” when rating the quality of a number of city services including fire prevention and education, bus or transit services, organics recycling, and public health services, among others (see Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies for a complete set of responses including “don’t know”). City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 39 Drinking Water About 7 in 10 residents gave excellent or good reviews to the overall quality of drinking water; this rating has remained stable since 2015 and was similar to both the national and Minnesota averages. Residents in southwestern Edina were more likely to positively rate the quality of drinking water. Figure 25: Quality of Drinking Water by Year percent excellent or good Survey respondents also evaluated different aspects of drinking water. The reliability, safety, and appearance of drinking water in Edina were rated as excellent or good by at least 8 in 10 respondents. Nearly three-quarters of residents provided a positive evaluation of the water’s odor and almost two-thirds said the taste was excellent or good. One-third gave positive reviews to the water’s hardness. Assessments given in 2023 were similar to those in 2021. Where there were differences, residents in western Edina, men, those age 35+, and homeowners were more likely to give more positive reviews of aspects of drinking water. Figure 26: Aspects of Drinking Water by Year Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: Percent excellent or good 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 Reliability 89% 85% 83% 87% 84% Safety 86% 85% 83% 83% 84% Appearance 84% 85% 84% 85% 77% Odor 73% 76% 67% 72% 66% Taste 65% 67% 59% 63% 58% Hardness 33% 33% 35% 36% 33% 69%68%69%70%72% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 40 Garbage Collection Nearly 9 in 10 respondents gave excellent or good ratings to the quality of garbage collection in Edina; this rating was similar to those given in previous years and also was on par with both the national and Minnesota averages. Residents identifying as White alone, not Hispanic were more likely to positively rate the garbage collection than their counterparts. Figure 27: Quality of Garbage Collection by Year percent excellent or good In addition to rating the overall quality of garbage collection, residents also rated their level of support for the City changing from the current multiple hauler garbage collection system to a single hauler (chosen by the City) system. A larger proportion of residents support the City choosing one hauler for the whole community in 2023 compared to 2021. Nearly 6 in 10 respondents supported this change. Residents living in southeastern Edina were more likely than their counterparts to support a single hauler system. Additionally, renters, those between the ages of 18-34, and those who had lived in Edina for 5 years or less were more likely to support changing to a single hauler system. 84%86%89%87%87% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 41 Figure 28: Support for Change in Garbage Collection System by Year Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection: an open system or an organized system. An open system means all haulers serve all areas, resulting in many garbage trucks on neighborhood streets on garbage day. Residents choose their own haulers. An organized system means haulers are assigned to specific areas, resulting in only one garbage hauler on neighborhood streets on garbage day. The City organizes the haulers. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current open collection process to an organized collection system? percent strongly or somewhat support The wording of this question was changed slightly in 2023 to add more detail. 50%49%50%53%59% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 42 Parks and Recreation Survey respondents reviewed a list of 12 Parks and Recreation Department amenities and indicated how frequently they used each. More than 8 in 10 residents said they had neighborhood parks, trails, and the Centennial Lakes Park at least once in the 12 months prior to the survey. More than 4 in 10 reported using Edinborough Park and large community athletic fields. About 37% or fewer of respondents reported having used each of the remaining amenities at least once in the 12 months prior to the survey. Compared to 2021, usage of Edinborough Park, Edina Aquatic Center, Edina Senior Center, Braemar Golf Dome, and Braemar Field increased. Where there were differences, those living in southeastern Edina were less likely to use most facilities, except for Edinborough Park and Centennial Lakes Park. Overall, residents between the ages of 35-54 and homeowners were more likely than their counterparts to use parks and recreation facilities. Figure 29: Use of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year In the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household members used any of the following Edina Parks and Recreation Department amenities? Percent at least once 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 Neighborhood parks 87% 88% 71% 89% 80% Trails 84% 85% 81% 80% 71% Centennial Lakes Park 81% 78% 81% 75% 76% Large community athletic fields 46% 44% 40% 49% 40% Edinborough Park 42% 33% 48% 48% 50% Braemar Golf Course 37% 34% 20% 32% 34% Braemar Field (sports dome) 28% 17% 18% 24% 15% Braemar Arena (ice arena) 27% 23% 40% 24% 25% Braemar Golf Dome 27% 19% 25% 20% 21% Edina Aquatic Center 23% 10% 34% 28% 24% Dog parks/off-leash areas 19% 17% 21% NA NA Edina Senior Center 16% 9% 29% 20% 18% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 43 After indicating their use of park and recreation amenities, residents rated the quality of each amenity, regardless of use. Overall, of those who had an opinion, 10 of the 12 parks and recreation amenities were highly rated by about 9 in 10 respondents or more. Nearly all residents rated Centennial Lakes Park as either excellent or good. Dog parks and off-leash areas received the lowest quality ratings (rated excellent or good by 70% of respondents). Quality ratings for all amenities remained stable from 2021 to 2023 except for Braemar Arena and Braemar Field which both declined in 2023. Respondents who lived in northeastern Edina were less likely to positively rate dog parks/off-leash areas, while those living in the northwest quadrant were less likely to give high marks to large community athletic fields, Edinborough Park, Braemar Arena, and Braemar Field. Figure 30: Quality of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year Please rate the quality of each of the following Edina Parks and Recreation Department amenities, regardless of your household's use. Percent excellent or good 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 Centennial Lakes Park 97% 96% 99% 95% 95% Braemar Golf Dome 94% 96% 94% 92% 88% Neighborhood parks 93% 93% 93% 88% 89% Trails 93% 90% 96% 81% 77% Edina Senior Center 92% 94% 89% 89% 89% Braemar Golf Course 92% 93% 94% 85% 77% Edina Aquatic Center 92% 91% 95% 88% 91% Braemar Field (sports dome) 91% 99% 97% 93% 88% Large community athletic fields 91% 92% 95% 92% 92% Edinborough Park 91% 89% 88% 91% 87% Braemar Arena (ice arena) 80% 91% 96% 90% 89% Dog parks/off-leash areas 70% 71% 78% NA NA Note: between 38% and 75% of respondents selected “don’t know” when evaluating the quality of most parks and recreation amenities (see Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies for a full set of responses including “don’t know”). City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 44 Government Performance The Resident Survey measured aspects of the City government or government performance as well as contact with and evaluations of City staff. Value of Taxes Paid When thinking about the value of services for the taxes they pay to Edina, about two-thirds of survey respondents felt they get excellent or good value for the taxes paid. This rating was a decrease from 2021. When compared to the benchmarks, the rating for value of services for taxes paid was higher than other communities across the nation and similar to the Minnesota comparison group. Those living in the southeast quadrant were more likely than their counterparts to rate the value of services for the taxes paid as excellent or good. Additionally, respondents age 55+, women, and those identifying as White alone, not Hispanic were more likely to rate the value of services for the taxes paid as excellent or good. Figure 31: Value of City Services by Year Percent excellent or good 78%81%78%72%66% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 45 Residents also indicated if they felt property taxes in Edina were high, about average or low. Nearly 6 in 10 felt that property taxes were very or somewhat high, which was an increase from 2021. Respondents who lived in Edina for 5 years or less and those identifying as Hispanic and/or other race were more likely than their counterparts to feel that property taxes in Edina were either very or somewhat high. Figure 32: Property Tax Level by Year Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, property taxes in Edina are… Percent very or somewhat high Prior to 2019, the question was worded 'Thinking about your property taxes in comparison with neighboring cities, do you consider property taxes in Edina to be…?'. Survey respondents shared their level of support or opposition for a property tax increase to maintain City services at their current level. Nearly half of respondents strongly or somewhat supported a tax increase to maintain service levels. This rating was similar to previous years. Residents living in southeastern Edina, and those identifying as White along, not Hispanic were more likely to support a tax increase to maintain City services. Figure 33: Support for Property Tax Increase by Year To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent strongly or somewhat support 55%58%57%47%58% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 45%44%44%45%47% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 46 Trust in City Government Residents were asked if they thought things in Edina were generally headed in the right direction or if things are off track. About two-thirds of respondents felt things in the City were headed in the right direction; this rating was similar to 2021. Respondents who lived in Edina for 5 years or less and those between the ages of 18-34 were more likely than their counterparts to feel that Edina is headed in the right direction. Figure 34: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track by Year All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Percent right direction 73%75%66%68%68% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 47 The 32% of residents who indicated that things are on the wrong track could write in a reason for giving the rating they did. Of the 139 respondents who wrote in a response, 61% wrote comments related to poor development, overbuilding and density of the city. About 15% wrote in comments related to the City government. Due to the varied responses, an “other” category was created (see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-Ended Questions for a set of all written responses). Figure 35: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track, 2023 All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Figure 36: Reasons for Wrong Track, 2023 All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? If wrong track, Why? percent of respondents who selected “wrong track” If a respondent selected “wrong track,” they were given an opportunity to write in a response for why they feel the City is on the wrong track; 139 chose to write in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-Ended Questions for the verbatim responses. Right direction 68% Wrong track 32% 7% 4% 4% 4% 5% 15% 61% Other Schools/education Affordable housing/cost of living/teardowns Traffic, bike lanes, public transportation, infrastructure Safety City government (high taxes, not listening to residents, etc.) Poor development/overbuilding/ density of city City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 48 About 6 in 10 survey participants felt that they could have a say about the way things are run in the community other than by voting. This assessment was similar to those given in previous survey years. Figure 37: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run by Year Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Percent yes Note: About 30% of respondents said “don’t know” when answering this question (see Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies). 64%69%68%62%58% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 49 The 42% of residents who felt that they could not have a say in the community could write in a response as to why. Of the 117 respondents who opted to write in a response, 37% wrote general comments related to the public voice not being heard or listened to. About one-quarter made comments related biases toward commercial and wealthy or special interest groups. Nearly 2 in 10 made a comment that decisions are predetermined/leaders have an agenda. Due to the varied responses, an “other” category was created (see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-Ended Questions.) Figure 38: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run, 2023 Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Figure 39: Reasons for Feeling Residents Don't Have a Say in How Edina is Run, 2023 Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? If no, Why? percent of respondents who said “no,” they could not have a say If a respondent said “no” to being able to have a say in how things are run in the community, they were given an opportunity to write in a reason why; 117 chose to write in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-Ended Questions for the verbatim responses. Yes 58% No 42% 17% 5% 17% 24% 37% Other Communication issues (slow response time, unhelpfulness, don't know how to provide input, etc.) Decisions are predetermined/leaders have agenda Decisions are biased toward or influenced by commercial, wealthy, or special interests Public voice not heard/listened to City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 50 When rating four additional aspects of government performance, over 6 in 10 residents gave excellent or good reviews to each, including the City government treating all residents fairly, generally acting in the best interest of the community, overall confidence in Edina government, and the job the City does welcoming resident involvement. Ratings remained stable since 2021. When compared to other communities across the nation and those in Minnesota, Edina residents’ ratings of aspects of public trust in the local government were similar to those of its peers. Where there were differences, women, those under the age of 35, renters, and those who lived in Edina for 5 years or less were less likely to rate aspects of public trust positively. Figure 40: Aspects of Public Trust by Year Please rate each of the following categories of Edina government performance: Percent excellent or good 70% 72% 64% 72% 69% 69% 61% 69% 65% 64% 65% 62% 68% 63% 58% 65% 64% 64% 65% 66% Treating all residents fairly Overall confidence in Edina government The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement Generally acting in the best interest of the community 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 51 Impression of City Employees Residents were asked to rate their impressions of City employees. Over 8 in 10 respondents positively rated City employees in terms of courtesy, knowledge, overall customer service, and responsiveness. Nearly three-quarter of respondents rated follow-up as excellent or good, which was a decrease since 2021. Where there were differences, those living in the northeast quadrant tended to rate aspects of their impression of employees less positively. Additionally, those age 55+ and those identifying as White alone, not Hispanic were more likely to positively rate these aspects compared to their counterparts. Figure 41: Impression of Employee(s) by Year Please rate your impression of City employees: About 30% of respondents said “don’t know” when answering each of these items (see Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies). 83% 84% 87% 93% 86% 83% 85% 91% 94% 94% 85% 88% 88% 92% 92% 81% 83% 86% 89% 91% 73% 80% 81% 84% 86% Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) Responsiveness Overall customer service Knowledge Courtesy percent excellent or good 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 52 Public Information and Communication Respondents provided information about the sources they use to get information about the Edina government and its activities. Residents also evaluated various aspects of the City’s website. Information Sources As in previous years, the top sources of information included word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors, Edition: Edina monthly newsletter, Parks & Recreation Activities Directory, and direct mail updates. Each of these items were indicated to be either major or minor sources of information by at least three-quarters of respondents. Fewer than 2 in 10 respondents indicated that the City’s e-mail subscription service (City Extra), online videos, and Edina TV were major or minor sources of information. Residents living in southeastern Edina were less likely to use the City’s website as a source of information, while those living in the southwest quadrant were more likely to use the Edina Sun- Current and City employees as sources of information. Overall, homeowners, those age 55+, and those who lived in Edina for more than 20 years were more likely to indicate many sources as being either a major or minor source for information. Figure 42: Information Sources by Year Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. Percent major or minor source 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 91% 87% 85% 89% 90% Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 85% 85% 56% 48% 57% Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 77% 75% 75% 71% 68% Direct mail updates 75% 77% 66% 62% 69% City’s website, EdinaMN.gov 71% 74% 67% 61% 63% Star-Tribune newspaper 52% 58% 63% 63% 68% Edina Sun-Current newspaper 52% 57% 63% 64% 69% NextDoor 45% 58% 57% 49% 35% City’s engagement website, BetterTogetherEdina.org 41% 34% NA NA NA Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 39% 48% 47% 40% 32% City employees 37% 39% 42% 31% 32% City Council Members 25% 24% 38% 26% 19% City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 17% 23% 29% 21% 20% Online videos 17% 20% 12% 11% 9% Edina TV (Comcast channels 813 and 16) 12% 16% 25% 21% 20% Prior to 2019, "Edition: Edina monthly newsletter" was "Edition: Edina monthly insert in Edina Sun-Current newspaper” and "City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra)" was "City Extra e-mail subscription service." Prior to 2017, “Edina TV” was “Edina Channels 16 or 813.” City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 53 Over 8 in 10 residents felt that Edition: Edina is very or somewhat effective for keeping informed of City activities. This rating is on par with the 2021 rating. Figure 43: Effectiveness of the Newsletter, Edition: Edina by Year How effective, if at all, is Edition: Edina for keeping informed of City activities? percent very or somewhat effective 81%82%86% 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 54 City Website When asked if they had accessed the City’s website in the 12 months prior to the survey, about half of survey respondents indicated they had done so. Use of the City’s website has remained stable since 2015. Those living in southeastern Edina were less likely than their counterparts to have visited the City website. Homeowners, those between the ages of 35-54, and those who lived in Edina between 6 to 20 years were more likely to have accessed the City website. Figure 44: Accessed City Website by Year Have you accessed the City of Edina website (www.EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? percent yes Of those who reported accessing the City’s website, nearly 8 in 10 residents felt that the overall quality of the website was excellent or good. This rating is on par with 2021. Figure 45: Quality of City Website by Year percent excellent or good Responses to this question are only from those who reported that they had accessed the City website. 47%52%50%52%53% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 73%70%75%78%79% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 55 Those who had accessed the website in the last 12 months also rated the quality of three aspects of the site. At least 8 in 10 gave positive reviews of the appearance of the website and the online information and services offered. These ratings were similar to those given in 2021. About 6 in10 gave excellent or good ratings to the ease of navigation and their ability to find information, which was a decrease from 2021. Where there were differences, homeowners, and those who had lived in Edina for 5 years or less were more likely to positively rate aspects of the City website. Figure 46: Aspects of City Website by Year Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: percent excellent or good Responses to this question are only from those who reported that they had accessed the City website. 58% 80% 86% 54% 75% 82% 56% 81% 85% 64% 84% 85% 59% 80% 86% Ease of navigation/ability to find information Online information and services offered Appearance 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 56 Planning and Priorities The 2023 survey included several questions that measured resident opinion on a number of issues facing the City, including City-run liquor stores, redevelopment and sustainability. Municipal Liquor Stores Residents rated their level of support for the City to continue to operate its municipal liquor stores. More than 9 in 10 strongly or somewhat supported this initiative. Since 2015, the level of support has remained steady. Figure 47: Level of Support for Municipal Owned Liquor Stores by Year The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? percent strongly or somewhat support Prior to 2017, the question wording was 'The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from the liquor operations are used for capital and public improvements and to offset operating costs of some recreation facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores?' 86%88%88%88%91% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 57 One in 10 respondents indicated that they had purchased from Edina Liquor at least twice a month in the past 12 months. About 15% had purchased at least once a month or every other month. About 3 in 10 indicated that they had purchased once or just a couple of times, and about one-quarter of residents said they did not make a purchase at Edina Liquor in the past 12 months. The 26% who reported not having purchased from Edina Liquor in the last 12 months were asked to write in their own words the reasons why. These comments were reviewed and grouped into categories and are presented below. About two-thirds of those who had not been to Edina Liquor in the last year reported it was because they do not drink alcohol or rarely drink. About 16% of respondents reported not purchasing from Edina Liquor because it is more expensive than other stores. Finally, about 7% indicated that they have not made a purchase because other stores have better selection or are more convenient, and 1 in 10 wrote in some “other” reason. The verbatim responses can be found in Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-Ended Questions. Figure 48: Frequency of Edina Liquor Purchases, 2023 In the past 12 months, about how often, if at all, did you and other household members purchase from Edina Liquor? Figure 49: Reasons for Not Purchasing from Edina Liquor, 2023 In the past 12 months, about how often, if at all, did you and other household members purchase from Edina Liquor? - If not at all, why not? percent of respondents who selected “not at all” If a respondent selected “not at all,” they were given an opportunity to write in a response for why they did not purchase from Edina Liquor; 108 chose to write in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-Ended Questions for the verbatim responses. Once a week 4% Twice a month 11% Once a month 17% Every other month 13% Once or just a couple of times 28% Not at all 27% 10% 7% 16% 67% Other Other stores have better selection or ar emore convenient More expensive than other stores Don't drink alcohol/drink rarely City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 58 Redevelopment in Edina About two-thirds of residents gave excellent or good reviews to the overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina, while almost 6 in 10 gave positive reviews to the overall quality of residential redevelopment. These ratings were similar compared to 2021. Figure 50: Quality of Redevelopment in Edina by Year Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: 71% 71% 67% 72% 62% 63% 61% 67% 57% 66% Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina percent excellent or good 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 59 When asked how well, if at all, they felt the City does managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina, about half of residents felt the City manages tensions very or somewhat well. This was similar compared to ratings given in 2021. Figure 51: How Well the City Manages Redevelopment Tensions by Year How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? Percent very or somewhat well Note: About 33% of respondents selected “don’t know” when evaluating this question (see Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies for a full set of responses including “don’t know”). 67%68% 51%55%53% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 60 As in 2021, respondents were asked to help identify gaps in the type and amount of housing provided for various income groups. Overall, a majority of respondents felt that there was somewhat too little or far too little housing for lower-income singles and families (65% and 68%, respectively); about 2 in 10 felt there was the right amount of housing available for lower-income groups. A slightly smaller proportion of residents felt that there was too little housing available for middle-income families and singles (50% each); another 4 in 10 felt there was the right amount of housing available for these two income groups. A majority of respondents felt that there was either too much or the right amount of housing available for high-income families (98%) and singles (97%). Figure 52: Availability of Housing for Various Income Groups, 2023 Thinking about the types of housing in Edina, how would you rate the availability of housing for each of the following income groups? Note: About 30% of respondents selected “don’t know” when rating the availability of housing for lower-income singles (see Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies for a full set of responses including “don’t know”). 20% 29% 7% 7% 27% 26% 6% 4% 7% 8% 50% 43% 42% 44% 18% 21% 3% 2% 37% 37% 27% 24% 13% 13% 41% 41% High-income singles High-income families Middle-income singles Middle-income families Lower-income families Lower-income singles Percent of respondents Far too much Somewhat too much Right amount Somewhat too little Far too little City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 61 Survey respondents were also asked how important it was for the City to encourage various housing choices. About two-thirds of respondents said that it was essential or very important for the City to encourage preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer rooms or other amenities that are affordable for first-time buyers). About one-third of residents prioritized medium-density development (like townhouses), and about one-quarter said that the City should encourage the building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments or small homes built above garages, in backyards, etc.) About 2 in 10 felt that the City should focus on higher-density development (like apartments). All ratings were on par with 2021. Respondents living in southeastern Edina were more likely to indicate that is essential or very important for the City to encourage higher-density development. Respondents between the ages of 18-34, renters, and those who had lived in Edina for 20 years or less were more likely to favor medium- and higher-density development. Figure 53: Housing Choice Priorities by Year There are different ways that a community can try to ensure there are a wider variety of housing choices. How important, if at all, do you think it is that the City encourage each of the following? 20% 26% 34% 66% 22% 27% 36% 66% Higher-density development (like apartments) Building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments or small homes built above garages, in backyards, etc.) Medium-density development (like townhouses) Preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer rooms or other amenities that are affordable for first-time buyers) Percent essential or very important City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 62 Sustainability and Climate Change As in previous years, respondents shared their perspectives on climate change in Edina. Survey respondents assessed the quality of 9 sustainability services or initiatives provided by the City. All received excellent or good reviews from at least half of respondents. Of those who had an opinion, fostering natural habitats in public spaces, organics recycling collection, energy conservation and efficiency programs, and water conservation programs received the highest marks, with about two- thirds or more saying these services were excellent or good. At least 6 in 10 gave positive reviews to encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land and increasing renewable energy programs. Residents gave relatively lower quality ratings to the City investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change (54% rated excellent or good) and adapting to climate change (57%). When compared to ratings given in 2021, most were similar. However, in 2023 a significantly higher proportion of respondents gave favorable ratings to encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land and adapting to climate change. Where there were differences, respondents age 35+ were generally more likely to award positive ratings to these services. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 63 Figure 54: Quality of Sustainability Services Provided by the City by Year Rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. Note: Between 33% and 55% of respondents selected “don’t know” when rating the quality of most of the sustainability services provided by Edina (see Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies for a complete list of all responses including “don’t know”). Prior to 2023, "Organics recycling collection services" was "Composting collection services" and "Transportation emission (pollution) reduction (e.g., sidewalks, bike lanes and public electric vehicle charging)" was "Transportation emission reduction (e.g., bike lanes and public EV charging). 59% 64% 63% 64% 74% 52% 73% 49% 48% 58% 57% 66% 69% 78% 71% 54% 57% 60% 63% 66% 71% 76% 77% Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change Adapting to climate change Increasing renewable energy programs Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land Water conservation programs Energy conservation and efficiency programs Organics recycling collection services Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 2023 2021 2019 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 64 Residents also rated the importance of the same 9 sustainability services. All services were rated as essential or very important by at least 6 in 10 respondents. The most important services were fostering natural habitats in public spaces (81% essential or very important), water conservation programs (77%), and encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land (73%). Organics recycling collection (60%) and investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change (65%) were of relatively lower importance. Most ratings could be compared to those given in 2021 and while many remained stable, two services saw an increase in importance: fostering natural habitats in public spaces and encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land. Figure 55: Importance of Sustainability Services Provided by the City by Year Rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. Prior to 2023, "Organics recycling collection services" was "Composting collection services" and "Transportation emission (pollution) reduction (e.g., sidewalks, bike lanes and public electric vehicle charging)" was "Transportation emission reduction (e.g., bike lanes and public EV charging). 68% 59% 63% 71% 67% 62% 77% 73% 62% 68% 71% 73% 75% 75% 66% 73% 74% 60% 65% 70% 71% 72% 72% 73% 78% 81% Organics recycling collection services Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change Transportation emission (pollution) reduction (e.g., sidewalks, bike lanes and public electric vehicle charging) Adapting to climate change Energy conservation and efficiency programs Increasing renewable energy programs Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land Water conservation programs Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 2023 2021 2019 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 65 Appendix A: Respondent Characteristics The following tables summarize the demographic characteristics of Edina’s survey respondents in 2023. Table 1: Question D2 Do you work inside the boundaries of Edina? Percent Number Yes, outside the home 16% N=72 No 33% N=144 Yes, from home 51% N=227 Total 100% N=443 Table 2: Question D3 How many years have you lived in Edina? Percent Number Less than 2 years 17% N=75 2-5 years 19% N=85 6-10 years 16% N=70 11-20 years 15% N=68 More than 20 years 34% N=152 Total 100% N=451 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 66 Table 3: Question D4 Which best describes the building you live in? Percent Number One family house detached from any other houses 56% N=255 Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium) 42% N=191 Other 2% N=8 Total 100% N=455 Table 4: Question D5 Is this house or apartment... Percent Number Rented 28% N=129 Owned 72% N=324 Total 100% N=453 Table 5: Question D6 About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners' association [HOA] fees)? Percent Number Less than $600 per month 2% N=8 $600 - $999 per month 7% N=32 $1,000 - $1,499 per month 16% N=68 $1,500 - $2,499 per month 35% N=151 $2,500 or more per month 40% N=170 Total 100% N=429 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 67 Table 6: Question D7 How much do you anticipate your household's total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include money from all sources for all persons living in your household.) Percent Number Less than $25,000 3% N=13 $25,000 to $49,999 11% N=44 $50,000 to $99,999 20% N=82 $100,000 to $149,999 16% N=64 $150,000 or more 50% N=207 Total 100% N=410 Table 7: Question D8 Do any children 17 or under live in your household? Percent Number No 73% N=329 Yes 27% N=124 Total 100% N=452 Table 8: Question D9 Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? Percent Number No 61% N=276 Yes 39% N=176 Total 100% N=452 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 68 Table 9: Question D10 Do you speak a language(s) other than English at home? Percent Number No, English only 90% N=404 Yes 10% N=46 Total 100% N=450 Table 10: Question D10 – Other Languages Yes, Which Language? Percent Number Other 67% N=15 Spanish 11% N=2 Hindi 8% N=2 Chinese 8% N=2 Russian 6% N=1 Persian/Farsi 0% N=0 Vietnamese 0% N=0 Hmong 0% N=0 Somali 0% N=0 Korean 0% N=0 Tamil 0% N=0 Percents may add to more than 100% as respondents could choose more than one language. Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an "other" response. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 69 Table 11: Question D11 Is English your first language? Percent Number No 12% N=28 Yes 88% N=200 Total 100% N=228 Table 12: Question D12 Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino? Percent Number No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 96% N=430 Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 4% N=19 Total 100% N=449 Table 13: Question D13 What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race you consider yourself to be.) Percent Number American Indian or Alaskan Native 0% N=1 Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian 0% N=1 Asian and Asian Indian 5% N=21 Black or African American 2% N=11 White 92% N=408 Other 6% N=26 Total 100% N=444 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 70 Table 14: Question D14 What other races, if any, are represented in your home? (Check all that apply). Percent Number American Indian or Alaskan Native 2% N=6 Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian 0% N=0 Asian and Asian Indian 7% N=20 Black or African American 3% N=8 White 84% N=228 Other 7% N=19 Total 100% N=270 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Table 15: Question D15 In which category is your age? Percent Number 18-24 years 1% N=6 25-34 years 17% N=77 35-44 years 14% N=64 45-54 years 19% N=88 55-64 years 13% N=60 65-74 years 17% N=76 75 years or older 18% N=82 Total 100% N=452 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 71 Table 16: Question D16 What is your gender/gender identity? Percent Number Female 54% N=247 Male 45% N=204 Prefer to identify another way 0% N=2 Total 100% N=453 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 72 Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies The following pages contain a complete set of responses to each question on the survey. For questions that included a “don’t know” or “no opinion” response option, two tables for that question are provided: the first excludes the “don’t know” or “no opinion” responses and the second includes those response options. Table 17: Question 1 - Excluding Don't Know Responses How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? Percent Number Excellent 51% N=233 Good 42% N=194 Fair 6% N=27 Poor 1% N=3 Total 100% N=457 Table 18: Question 1 - Including Don't Know Responses How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? Percent Number Excellent 51% N=233 Good 42% N=194 Fair 6% N=27 Poor 1% N=3 Don't know 0% N=1 Total 100% N=458 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 73 Table 19: Question 2 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Overall feeling of safety in Edina 40% N=187 49% N=226 9% N=42 2% N=9 100% N=464 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 44% N=204 39% N=180 14% N=67 3% N=12 100% N=464 Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 36% N=168 53% N=247 10% N=45 1% N=4 100% N=463 Overall established 'built environment' of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 27% N=122 50% N=230 21% N=94 3% N=13 100% N=460 Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 45% N=203 45% N=199 9% N=42 1% N=3 100% N=447 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 46% N=198 38% N=165 14% N=61 2% N=9 100% N=432 Overall economic health of Edina 42% N=181 48% N=205 9% N=37 2% N=7 100% N=429 Sense of community 26% N=118 40% N=180 24% N=107 11% N=48 100% N=452 Overall image or reputation of Edina 37% N=172 38% N=178 17% N=78 8% N=35 100% N=463 Neighborliness of residents in Edina 31% N=141 44% N=202 20% N=93 5% N=23 100% N=459 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 74 Table 20: Question 2 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Overall feeling of safety in Edina 40% N=187 49% N=226 9% N=42 2% N=9 0% N=0 100% N=464 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 44% N=204 39% N=180 14% N=67 3% N=12 0% N=0 100% N=464 Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 36% N=168 53% N=247 10% N=45 1% N=4 0% N=1 100% N=464 Overall established 'built environment' of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 26% N=122 50% N=230 20% N=94 3% N=13 1% N=3 100% N=462 Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 44% N=203 43% N=199 9% N=42 1% N=3 4% N=19 100% N=466 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 43% N=198 36% N=165 13% N=61 2% N=9 6% N=29 100% N=461 Overall economic health of Edina 39% N=181 44% N=205 8% N=37 1% N=7 8% N=36 100% N=465 Sense of community 25% N=118 39% N=180 23% N=107 10% N=48 2% N=11 100% N=463 Overall image or reputation of Edina 37% N=172 38% N=178 17% N=78 8% N=35 0% N=2 100% N=465 Neighborliness of residents in Edina 30% N=141 44% N=202 20% N=93 5% N=23 1% N=5 100% N=464 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 75 Table 21: Question 3 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Total Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 58% N=268 32% N=146 7% N=31 3% N=15 100% N=460 Remain in Edina for the next five years 62% N=277 25% N=113 7% N=32 6% N=27 100% N=450 Table 22: Question 3 - Including Don't Know Responses Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Don't know Total Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 57% N=268 31% N=146 7% N=31 3% N=15 1% N=7 100% N=467 Remain in Edina for the next five years 59% N=277 24% N=113 7% N=32 6% N=27 4% N=20 100% N=470 Table 23: Question 4 Why did you choose to live in Edina? Percent Number Location/convenience 77% N=357 Safe community 59% N=274 Attractive community 49% N=227 Good schools 47% N=218 Amenities (e.g., parks, library, etc.) 45% N=208 Good neighborhoods 43% N=202 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 76 Why did you choose to live in Edina? Percent Number Job is here (or nearby) 30% N=138 Family lives here/born or raised here 27% N=125 Variety/type of housing 16% N=76 Other 7% N=33 Affordable housing 7% N=33 Access to public transportation 7% N=33 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an other response. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. Table 24: Question 5 - Excluding Don't Know Responses What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina? Percent Number Convenient location/accessibility/walkability 42% N=170 Positive comments about quality of life and community (friendly, neighbors, peaceful, etc.) 14% N=55 Schools 11% N=43 Parks and trails/lakes/recreation centers/open spaces 8% N=30 Safe 7% N=28 City services/infrastructure/local government 7% N=30 Housing/neighborhoods 4% N=18 Other 3% N=12 Beauty/cleanliness of community 2% N=8 Raised here or close to family, job, etc. 2% N=8 Total 100% N=403 Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 77 Table 25: Question 5 - Including Don't Know Responses What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina? Percent Number Convenient location/accessibility/walkability 41% N=170 Positive comments about quality of life and community (friendly, neighbors, peaceful, etc.) 13% N=55 Schools 11% N=43 Safe 7% N=28 Parks and trails/lakes/recreation centers/open spaces 7% N=30 City services/infrastructure/local government 7% N=30 Housing/neighborhoods 4% N=18 Other 3% N=12 Beauty/cleanliness of community 2% N=8 Raised here or close to family, job, etc. 2% N=8 Don't know/nothing 2% N=9 Total 100% N=411 Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 78 Table 26: Question 6 - Excluding Don't Know Responses What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? Please be specific (e.g., note if the issue/problem is "too much" or "too little"). Percent Number Overdevelopment/wrong type of development, teardowns 22% N=86 More affordable housing needed 13% N=51 Traffic and infrastructure (road maintenance, snow removal, sidewalks, etc.) 13% N=50 City government (fiscal responsibility, taxes, planning, etc.) 10% N=38 Safety/crime 10% N=38 Lack of diversity and sense of community 9% N=35 Schools/education 8% N=30 Other 8% N=29 Growth/overcrowding/density 3% N=13 Water quality/environmental issues 1% N=5 Economic development 1% N=3 Too much focus on affordable housing 1% N=5 Total 100% N=384 Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. Table 27: Question 6 - Including Don't Know Responses What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? Please be specific (e.g., note if the issue/problem is "too much" or "too little"). Percent Number Overdevelopment/wrong type of development, teardowns 22% N=86 More affordable housing needed 13% N=51 Traffic and infrastructure (road maintenance, snow removal, sidewalks, etc.) 13% N=50 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 79 What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? Please be specific (e.g., note if the issue/problem is "too much" or "too little"). Percent Number City government (fiscal responsibility, taxes, planning, etc.) 10% N=38 Safety/crime 10% N=38 Lack of diversity and sense of community 9% N=35 Schools/education 8% N=30 Other 7% N=29 Growth/overcrowding/density 3% N=13 Don't know/nothing 3% N=12 Water quality/environmental issues 1% N=5 Economic development 1% N=3 Too much focus on affordable housing 1% N=5 Total 100% N=395 Table 28: Question 7 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Total In your neighborhood 65% N=302 28% N=130 5% N=23 2% N=8 1% N=3 100% N=466 In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 47% N=204 37% N=161 7% N=32 7% N=31 1% N=4 100% N=432 In the greater Southdale area 22% N=101 44% N=199 13% N=59 15% N=65 6% N=26 100% N=450 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 80 Table 29: Question 7 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Don't know Total In your neighborhood 65% N=302 28% N=130 5% N=23 2% N=8 1% N=3 0% N=0 100% N=466 In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 44% N=204 35% N=161 7% N=32 7% N=31 1% N=4 6% N=28 100% N=460 In the greater Southdale area 22% N=101 43% N=199 13% N=59 14% N=65 6% N=26 2% N=9 100% N=459 Table 30: Question 8 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: Very welcoming Welcoming Somewhat welcoming Not welcoming Total For people of all races 20% N=82 37% N=146 31% N=123 12% N=48 100% N=398 For people of all religions 26% N=99 39% N=146 29% N=109 6% N=22 100% N=377 For people of all ethnicities 20% N=79 36% N=143 34% N=135 10% N=39 100% N=396 For people who have a lower income 15% N=60 17% N=68 34% N=132 34% N=134 100% N=395 For people of all ages 34% N=145 47% N=199 16% N=67 3% N=12 100% N=422 For people of all abilities 27% N=104 40% N=152 24% N=92 9% N=35 100% N=382 For people of all gender identities 23% N=80 43% N=147 24% N=84 9% N=32 100% N=343 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 81 Table 31: Question 8 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: Very welcoming Welcoming Somewhat welcoming Not welcoming Don't know Total For people of all races 18% N=82 32% N=146 27% N=123 10% N=48 13% N=61 100% N=459 For people of all religions 21% N=99 32% N=146 24% N=109 5% N=22 19% N=86 100% N=462 For people of all ethnicities 17% N=79 31% N=143 29% N=135 8% N=39 14% N=66 100% N=462 For people who have a lower income 13% N=60 15% N=68 29% N=132 29% N=134 14% N=66 100% N=461 For people of all ages 31% N=145 43% N=199 15% N=67 3% N=12 8% N=38 100% N=460 For people of all abilities 23% N=104 33% N=152 20% N=92 8% N=35 17% N=78 100% N=460 For people of all gender identities 17% N=80 32% N=147 18% N=84 7% N=32 26% N=121 100% N=463 Table 32: Question 9 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. Not a problem Minor problem Moderate problem Major problem Extreme problem Total Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 28% N=130 34% N=157 23% N=105 10% N=46 5% N=25 100% N=463 Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 45% N=195 29% N=123 14% N=59 7% N=30 5% N=24 100% N=431 Violent crime 59% N=253 26% N=112 12% N=50 2% N=7 2% N=8 100% N=431 Drugs 56% N=196 26% N=91 13% N=46 4% N=15 1% N=3 100% N=351 Youth crimes 40% N=148 36% N=133 17% N=64 5% N=19 2% N=8 100% N=371 Vandalism and property crimes 35% N=145 34% N=139 21% N=85 7% N=30 2% N=10 100% N=410 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 82 Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. Not a problem Minor problem Moderate problem Major problem Extreme problem Total Hate crimes and bias/discrimination offenses 57% N=196 27% N=91 12% N=41 3% N=11 1% N=4 100% N=342 Table 33: Question 9 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. Not a problem Minor problem Moderate problem Major problem Extreme problem Don't know Total Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 28% N=130 34% N=157 23% N=105 10% N=46 5% N=25 0% N=1 100% N=464 Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 42% N=195 27% N=123 13% N=59 6% N=30 5% N=24 7% N=32 100% N=463 Violent crime 54% N=253 24% N=112 11% N=50 2% N=7 2% N=8 7% N=35 100% N=466 Drugs 42% N=196 20% N=91 10% N=46 3% N=15 1% N=3 24% N=113 100% N=464 Youth crimes 32% N=148 29% N=133 14% N=64 4% N=19 2% N=8 20% N=90 100% N=461 Vandalism and property crimes 31% N=145 30% N=139 18% N=85 7% N=30 2% N=10 11% N=53 100% N=463 Hate crimes and bias/discrimination offenses 42% N=196 20% N=91 9% N=41 2% N=11 1% N=4 26% N=121 100% N=463 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 83 Table 34: Question 10 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Traffic flow on major streets 15% N=67 51% N=234 26% N=120 8% N=35 100% N=457 Ease of public parking 22% N=98 49% N=221 23% N=104 5% N=24 100% N=446 Ease of travel by car in Edina 33% N=150 49% N=220 15% N=66 3% N=13 100% N=450 Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 16% N=52 40% N=133 32% N=106 13% N=43 100% N=334 Ease of walking in Edina 25% N=110 42% N=185 22% N=97 11% N=48 100% N=440 Availability of paths and walking trails 35% N=153 41% N=181 21% N=92 4% N=16 100% N=441 Air quality 34% N=150 57% N=249 9% N=39 1% N=2 100% N=440 Cleanliness of Edina 46% N=212 47% N=215 7% N=30 1% N=4 100% N=460 Public places where people want to spend time 34% N=152 51% N=228 12% N=55 2% N=10 100% N=446 Variety of housing options 18% N=73 39% N=157 31% N=126 12% N=48 100% N=403 Availability of quality affordable housing 12% N=45 20% N=75 34% N=128 33% N=124 100% N=371 Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 36% N=159 49% N=215 13% N=58 1% N=5 100% N=437 Recreational opportunities 38% N=168 47% N=206 13% N=55 2% N=9 100% N=439 K-12 education 55% N=204 32% N=117 9% N=35 4% N=13 100% N=368 Adult educational opportunities 34% N=129 48% N=182 15% N=58 3% N=12 100% N=380 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 28% N=112 49% N=193 21% N=83 2% N=9 100% N=397 Employment opportunities 28% N=85 47% N=144 21% N=66 4% N=14 100% N=309 Shopping opportunities 62% N=283 30% N=137 7% N=33 1% N=3 100% N=456 Cost of living in Edina 7% N=32 34% N=155 44% N=201 15% N=68 100% N=456 Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 35% N=160 54% N=247 10% N=45 1% N=3 100% N=455 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 84 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 21% N=80 45% N=171 26% N=100 7% N=28 100% N=379 Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 21% N=83 37% N=147 32% N=128 11% N=43 100% N=400 Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 27% N=105 49% N=196 19% N=77 5% N=19 100% N=397 Opportunities to volunteer 36% N=117 43% N=139 17% N=56 4% N=12 100% N=323 Opportunities to participate in community matters 26% N=100 42% N=158 26% N=98 6% N=24 100% N=380 Table 35: Question 10 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Traffic flow on major streets 15% N=67 51% N=234 26% N=120 8% N=35 0% N=1 100% N=458 Ease of public parking 21% N=98 48% N=221 23% N=104 5% N=24 3% N=14 100% N=460 Ease of travel by car in Edina 33% N=150 48% N=220 14% N=66 3% N=13 2% N=10 100% N=459 Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 11% N=52 29% N=133 23% N=106 9% N=43 28% N=127 100% N=461 Ease of walking in Edina 24% N=110 40% N=185 21% N=97 11% N=48 4% N=16 100% N=456 Availability of paths and walking trails 34% N=153 40% N=181 20% N=92 3% N=16 3% N=12 100% N=453 Air quality 33% N=150 54% N=249 8% N=39 0% N=2 4% N=19 100% N=459 Cleanliness of Edina 46% N=212 47% N=215 6% N=30 1% N=4 0% N=2 100% N=462 Public places where people want to spend time 33% N=152 49% N=228 12% N=55 2% N=10 3% N=16 100% N=461 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 85 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Variety of housing options 16% N=73 35% N=157 28% N=126 10% N=48 11% N=51 100% N=454 Availability of quality affordable housing 10% N=45 16% N=75 28% N=128 27% N=124 19% N=87 100% N=458 Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 35% N=159 47% N=215 13% N=58 1% N=5 4% N=20 100% N=457 Recreational opportunities 37% N=168 45% N=206 12% N=55 2% N=9 4% N=18 100% N=456 K-12 education 44% N=204 25% N=117 8% N=35 3% N=13 20% N=92 100% N=461 Adult educational opportunities 28% N=129 39% N=182 13% N=58 3% N=12 17% N=80 100% N=460 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 24% N=112 42% N=193 18% N=83 2% N=9 13% N=62 100% N=458 Employment opportunities 19% N=85 32% N=144 15% N=66 3% N=14 32% N=144 100% N=454 Shopping opportunities 61% N=283 30% N=137 7% N=33 1% N=3 1% N=6 100% N=463 Cost of living in Edina 7% N=32 33% N=155 43% N=201 15% N=68 2% N=7 100% N=463 Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 35% N=160 54% N=247 10% N=45 1% N=3 1% N=4 100% N=459 Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 18% N=80 38% N=171 22% N=100 6% N=28 16% N=73 100% N=452 Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 18% N=83 32% N=147 28% N=128 9% N=43 13% N=58 100% N=458 Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 23% N=105 42% N=196 17% N=77 4% N=19 14% N=65 100% N=462 Opportunities to volunteer 25% N=117 30% N=139 12% N=56 3% N=12 30% N=139 100% N=462 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 86 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Opportunities to participate in community matters 22% N=100 34% N=158 21% N=98 5% N=24 18% N=83 100% N=463 Table 36: Question 11 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Appearance 34% N=151 50% N=225 13% N=57 4% N=16 100% N=449 Taste 22% N=99 43% N=193 21% N=94 14% N=64 100% N=450 Odor 30% N=131 43% N=191 21% N=92 6% N=26 100% N=441 Hardness 11% N=48 22% N=95 24% N=104 43% N=183 100% N=431 Reliability 46% N=202 43% N=191 7% N=33 3% N=14 100% N=441 Safety 42% N=162 44% N=172 11% N=42 3% N=12 100% N=388 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 87 Table 37: Question 11 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Appearance 33% N=151 49% N=225 13% N=57 4% N=16 2% N=7 100% N=456 Taste 22% N=99 42% N=193 21% N=94 14% N=64 2% N=8 100% N=459 Odor 29% N=131 42% N=191 20% N=92 6% N=26 4% N=18 100% N=458 Hardness 11% N=48 21% N=95 23% N=104 40% N=183 6% N=27 100% N=458 Reliability 44% N=202 42% N=191 7% N=33 3% N=14 4% N=18 100% N=458 Safety 36% N=162 38% N=172 9% N=42 3% N=12 15% N=67 100% N=455 Table 38: Question 12 (Use) First, tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities. Never Once or twice 3 to 12 times 13 to 26 times More than 26 times Total Trails 16% N=69 13% N=53 28% N=120 16% N=67 27% N=117 100% N=427 Dog parks/off-leash areas 81% N=358 10% N=46 5% N=20 1% N=3 4% N=16 100% N=443 Neighborhood parks 13% N=58 13% N=60 28% N=125 15% N=68 30% N=136 100% N=446 Large community athletic fields 54% N=241 16% N=73 13% N=57 7% N=31 10% N=45 100% N=446 Edinborough Park 58% N=261 23% N=103 12% N=54 3% N=15 4% N=16 100% N=450 Centennial Lakes Park 19% N=90 23% N=104 33% N=151 9% N=41 16% N=74 100% N=460 Edina Aquatic Center 77% N=349 11% N=50 6% N=29 4% N=16 2% N=9 100% N=453 Edina Senior Center 84% N=386 7% N=34 4% N=18 2% N=8 2% N=11 100% N=457 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 88 First, tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities. Never Once or twice 3 to 12 times 13 to 26 times More than 26 times Total Braemar Arena (ice arena) 73% N=328 12% N=54 5% N=22 4% N=19 6% N=28 100% N=453 Braemar Golf Course 63% N=286 14% N=62 12% N=56 5% N=21 6% N=28 100% N=452 Braemar Golf Dome 73% N=330 13% N=59 8% N=38 2% N=9 4% N=18 100% N=454 Braemar Field (sports dome) 72% N=326 8% N=36 10% N=43 5% N=24 5% N=24 100% N=453 Table 39: Question 12 (Quality) - Excluding Don't Know Responses Then please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household's use of the amenities. Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Trails 44% N=163 49% N=184 6% N=24 0% N=1 100% N=373 Dog parks/off-leash areas 25% N=29 45% N=53 22% N=26 8% N=10 100% N=118 Neighborhood parks 41% N=157 51% N=194 7% N=27 0% N=2 100% N=379 Large community athletic fields 44% N=105 47% N=113 8% N=20 0% N=1 100% N=239 Edinborough Park 39% N=92 52% N=122 8% N=19 1% N=1 100% N=234 Centennial Lakes Park 63% N=224 33% N=118 3% N=12 0% N=1 100% N=355 Edina Aquatic Center 42% N=71 50% N=85 6% N=10 2% N=3 100% N=170 Edina Senior Center 41% N=40 50% N=49 7% N=7 2% N=2 100% N=97 Braemar Arena (ice arena) 36% N=57 44% N=69 18% N=28 2% N=3 100% N=156 Braemar Golf Course 47% N=88 45% N=86 8% N=15 0% N=0 100% N=189 Braemar Golf Dome 50% N=80 44% N=70 6% N=10 0% N=0 100% N=159 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 89 Then please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household's use of the amenities. Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Braemar Field (sports dome) 45% N=73 46% N=76 8% N=14 0% N=1 100% N=165 Table 40: Question 12 (Quality) - Including Don't Know Responses Then please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household's use of the amenities. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Trails 40% N=163 45% N=184 6% N=24 0% N=1 9% N=38 100% N=411 Dog parks/off-leash areas 8% N=29 14% N=53 7% N=26 2% N=10 70% N=271 100% N=389 Neighborhood parks 38% N=157 47% N=194 7% N=27 0% N=2 7% N=29 100% N=408 Large community athletic fields 27% N=105 30% N=113 5% N=20 0% N=1 38% N=144 100% N=383 Edinborough Park 23% N=92 31% N=122 5% N=19 0% N=1 41% N=160 100% N=395 Centennial Lakes Park 55% N=224 29% N=118 3% N=12 0% N=1 13% N=51 100% N=406 Edina Aquatic Center 18% N=71 22% N=85 3% N=10 1% N=3 56% N=219 100% N=389 Edina Senior Center 10% N=40 13% N=49 2% N=7 0% N=2 75% N=288 100% N=386 Braemar Arena (ice arena) 15% N=57 18% N=69 7% N=28 1% N=3 59% N=224 100% N=380 Braemar Golf Course 23% N=88 22% N=86 4% N=15 0% N=0 52% N=201 100% N=389 Braemar Golf Dome 20% N=80 18% N=70 2% N=10 0% N=0 59% N=232 100% N=391 Braemar Field (sports dome) 19% N=73 20% N=76 4% N=14 0% N=1 57% N=219 100% N=384 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 90 Table 41: Question 13 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Police services 54% N=205 38% N=142 6% N=21 2% N=8 100% N=376 Fire services 69% N=229 29% N=96 2% N=7 0% N=1 100% N=333 Ambulance or emergency medical services 72% N=217 26% N=77 3% N=8 0% N=0 100% N=302 Crime prevention 30% N=100 47% N=156 19% N=64 4% N=14 100% N=335 Fire prevention and education 43% N=113 46% N=118 10% N=26 1% N=2 100% N=259 Traffic enforcement 27% N=102 45% N=170 21% N=81 7% N=25 100% N=378 Street repair 14% N=60 34% N=147 35% N=150 17% N=72 100% N=430 Street cleaning 33% N=141 47% N=203 17% N=75 3% N=11 100% N=430 Street lighting 28% N=125 47% N=208 18% N=80 6% N=27 100% N=439 Snow removal 55% N=246 31% N=137 10% N=45 5% N=21 100% N=449 Sidewalk maintenance 24% N=95 44% N=173 24% N=95 7% N=28 100% N=391 Traffic signal timing 22% N=92 48% N=204 25% N=106 5% N=20 100% N=422 Bus or transit services 23% N=50 43% N=94 18% N=40 16% N=36 100% N=219 Garbage collection 46% N=185 41% N=166 10% N=39 3% N=13 100% N=403 Recycling 44% N=181 42% N=171 11% N=47 2% N=10 100% N=409 Organics recycling 53% N=161 32% N=97 8% N=26 7% N=21 100% N=304 Yard waste pickup 42% N=124 40% N=118 14% N=41 4% N=13 100% N=297 Storm drainage 28% N=98 46% N=163 21% N=76 4% N=16 100% N=354 Drinking water 26% N=113 46% N=202 16% N=68 12% N=51 100% N=436 Sewer services 34% N=119 56% N=196 9% N=31 2% N=6 100% N=352 Utility billing 26% N=103 49% N=195 19% N=77 6% N=22 100% N=398 City parks 49% N=216 44% N=194 6% N=27 1% N=2 100% N=439 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 91 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Park maintenance 45% N=192 45% N=192 10% N=42 1% N=4 100% N=430 Condition of trails and sidewalks 35% N=147 51% N=211 13% N=56 1% N=3 100% N=417 Recreation programs or classes 34% N=111 49% N=158 13% N=43 4% N=12 100% N=325 Land use, planning and zoning 15% N=50 35% N=120 35% N=118 15% N=52 100% N=340 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 21% N=60 44% N=125 27% N=77 7% N=20 100% N=282 Animal control 30% N=75 52% N=128 15% N=38 2% N=6 100% N=246 Economic development 23% N=72 50% N=157 22% N=71 5% N=17 100% N=317 Public health services 33% N=90 52% N=142 12% N=32 4% N=10 100% N=275 Public information services/communication from the City 36% N=145 40% N=163 20% N=80 4% N=16 100% N=405 Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 22% N=79 38% N=138 23% N=82 17% N=62 100% N=361 Fiber/home internet connection 22% N=80 39% N=143 26% N=96 13% N=47 100% N=365 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 34% N=87 47% N=120 15% N=39 4% N=10 100% N=255 Edina open space 25% N=93 46% N=169 23% N=85 5% N=20 100% N=366 Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 32% N=139 55% N=243 13% N=57 0% N=2 100% N=441 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 92 Table 42: Question 13 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Police services 45% N=205 31% N=142 5% N=21 2% N=8 18% N=83 100% N=458 Fire services 50% N=229 21% N=96 2% N=7 0% N=1 27% N=124 100% N=457 Ambulance or emergency medical services 47% N=217 17% N=77 2% N=8 0% N=0 34% N=154 100% N=456 Crime prevention 22% N=100 35% N=156 14% N=64 3% N=14 25% N=114 100% N=449 Fire prevention and education 25% N=113 26% N=118 6% N=26 0% N=2 42% N=190 100% N=449 Traffic enforcement 22% N=102 38% N=170 18% N=81 5% N=25 16% N=75 100% N=452 Street repair 13% N=60 32% N=147 33% N=150 16% N=72 5% N=25 100% N=455 Street cleaning 31% N=141 45% N=203 16% N=75 2% N=11 6% N=26 100% N=457 Street lighting 27% N=125 46% N=208 18% N=80 6% N=27 3% N=16 100% N=455 Snow removal 54% N=246 30% N=137 10% N=45 5% N=21 1% N=5 100% N=454 Sidewalk maintenance 21% N=95 38% N=173 21% N=95 6% N=28 13% N=61 100% N=452 Traffic signal timing 20% N=92 45% N=204 23% N=106 4% N=20 7% N=32 100% N=454 Bus or transit services 11% N=50 21% N=94 9% N=40 8% N=36 51% N=232 100% N=451 Garbage collection 41% N=185 37% N=166 9% N=39 3% N=13 11% N=48 100% N=452 Recycling 40% N=181 37% N=171 10% N=47 2% N=10 11% N=48 100% N=457 Organics recycling 35% N=161 21% N=97 6% N=26 5% N=21 33% N=150 100% N=454 Yard waste pickup 27% N=124 26% N=118 9% N=41 3% N=13 35% N=157 100% N=454 Storm drainage 22% N=98 36% N=163 17% N=76 3% N=16 22% N=97 100% N=451 Drinking water 25% N=113 45% N=202 15% N=68 11% N=51 4% N=16 100% N=452 Sewer services 26% N=119 43% N=196 7% N=31 1% N=6 22% N=99 100% N=452 Utility billing 23% N=103 43% N=195 17% N=77 5% N=22 12% N=54 100% N=452 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 93 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total City parks 47% N=216 43% N=194 6% N=27 0% N=2 4% N=16 100% N=456 Park maintenance 42% N=192 42% N=192 9% N=42 1% N=4 5% N=23 100% N=453 Condition of trails and sidewalks 32% N=147 46% N=211 12% N=56 1% N=3 9% N=39 100% N=457 Recreation programs or classes 25% N=111 35% N=158 10% N=43 3% N=12 28% N=126 100% N=451 Land use, planning and zoning 11% N=50 27% N=120 26% N=118 12% N=52 24% N=108 100% N=448 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 13% N=60 28% N=125 17% N=77 4% N=20 37% N=167 100% N=449 Animal control 17% N=75 28% N=128 8% N=38 1% N=6 46% N=206 100% N=452 Economic development 16% N=72 35% N=157 16% N=71 4% N=17 30% N=135 100% N=451 Public health services 20% N=90 32% N=142 7% N=32 2% N=10 39% N=176 100% N=451 Public information services/communication from the City 32% N=145 37% N=163 18% N=80 4% N=16 10% N=43 100% N=447 Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 18% N=79 31% N=138 18% N=82 14% N=62 20% N=89 100% N=450 Fiber/home internet connection 18% N=80 32% N=143 21% N=96 10% N=47 19% N=87 100% N=452 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 19% N=87 27% N=120 9% N=39 2% N=10 43% N=192 100% N=448 Edina open space 21% N=93 37% N=169 19% N=85 4% N=20 19% N=86 100% N=452 Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 31% N=139 53% N=243 12% N=57 0% N=2 3% N=14 100% N=455 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 94 Table 43: Question 14 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 23% N=97 43% N=184 26% N=110 8% N=36 100% N=428 The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 20% N=69 45% N=158 27% N=94 9% N=30 100% N=351 Overall confidence in Edina government 21% N=87 43% N=180 24% N=100 13% N=54 100% N=421 Generally acting in the best interest of the community 22% N=90 44% N=180 22% N=89 13% N=53 100% N=412 Treating all residents fairly 26% N=94 38% N=140 25% N=92 11% N=42 100% N=368 Table 44: Question 14 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 21% N=97 40% N=184 24% N=110 8% N=36 7% N=31 100% N=459 The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 15% N=69 35% N=158 21% N=94 7% N=30 23% N=104 100% N=454 Overall confidence in Edina government 19% N=87 39% N=180 22% N=100 12% N=54 8% N=38 100% N=459 Generally acting in the best interest of the community 20% N=90 39% N=180 19% N=89 11% N=53 10% N=47 100% N=459 Treating all residents fairly 21% N=94 31% N=140 20% N=92 9% N=42 19% N=87 100% N=455 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 95 Table 45: Question 15 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate your impression of City employees: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Knowledge 37% N=108 47% N=139 15% N=43 2% N=5 100% N=295 Courtesy 42% N=132 44% N=139 11% N=33 3% N=9 100% N=313 Responsiveness 36% N=111 44% N=136 16% N=51 4% N=12 100% N=309 Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 34% N=91 39% N=105 20% N=54 7% N=18 100% N=269 Overall customer service 34% N=103 47% N=143 16% N=47 4% N=11 100% N=304 Table 46: Question 15 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate your impression of City employees: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Knowledge 24% N=108 31% N=139 10% N=43 1% N=5 35% N=156 100% N=450 Courtesy 29% N=132 31% N=139 7% N=33 2% N=9 31% N=139 100% N=452 Responsiveness 25% N=111 30% N=136 11% N=51 3% N=12 31% N=141 100% N=451 Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 20% N=91 23% N=105 12% N=54 4% N=18 40% N=182 100% N=451 Overall customer service 23% N=103 32% N=143 11% N=47 2% N=11 32% N=145 100% N=449 Table 47: Question 16 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, do you feel property taxes in Edina are… Percent Number Very high 15% N=57 Somewhat high 43% N=165 About average 34% N=127 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 96 Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, do you feel property taxes in Edina are… Percent Number Somewhat low 6% N=23 Very low 2% N=7 Total 100% N=379 Table 48: Question 16 - Including Don't Know Responses Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, do you feel property taxes in Edina are… Percent Number Very high 13% N=57 Somewhat high 36% N=165 About average 28% N=127 Somewhat low 5% N=23 Very low 2% N=7 Don't know 17% N=75 Total 100% N=454 Table 49: Question 17 - Excluding Don't Know Responses To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent Number Strongly support 8% N=31 Somewhat support 39% N=159 Somewhat oppose 31% N=124 Strongly oppose 23% N=92 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 97 To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent Number Total 100% N=406 Table 50: Question 17 - Including Don't Know Responses To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent Number Strongly support 7% N=31 Somewhat support 35% N=159 Somewhat oppose 27% N=124 Strongly oppose 20% N=92 Don't know 11% N=48 Total 100% N=454 Table 51: Question 18 - Excluding Don't Know Responses All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Percent Number Right direction 68% N=265 Wrong track 32% N=127 Total 100% N=393 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 98 Table 52: Question 18 - Including Don't Know Responses All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Percent Number Right direction 59% N=265 Wrong track 28% N=127 Don't know 13% N=57 Total 100% N=450 Table 53: Question 18 - Wrong Track, Why? All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? If wrong track, why? Percent Number Poor development/overbuilding/density of city/growth/urbanization 61% N=84 City government (high taxes, not listening to residents, political ideology, etc.) 15% N=21 Other 7% N=9 Safety 5% N=8 Affordable housing/cost of living/teardowns 4% N=5 Schools/education 4% N=5 Traffic, bike lanes, public transportation, infrastructure 4% N=5 Don't know/nothing 1% N=1 Total 100% N=139 Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response for why they feel the City is on the wrong track. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 99 Table 54: Question 19 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Percent Number Yes 58% N=179 No 42% N=131 Total 100% N=310 Table 55: Question 19 - Including Don't Know Responses Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Percent Number Yes 40% N=179 No 29% N=131 Don't know 30% N=135 Total 100% N=445 Table 56: Question 19 - No, Why? Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? If no, why? Percent Number Public voice not heard/listened to 37% N=43 Decisions are biased toward or influenced by commercial, wealthy, or special interests 24% N=28 Decisions are predetermined/leaders have agenda 17% N=20 Other 17% N=20 Communication issues (slow response time, unhelpfulness, don't know how to provide input, etc.) 5% N=6 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 100 Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? If no, why? Percent Number Don't know/nothing 0% N=0 Total 100% N=117 Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response for why they responded "No" to question 18. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. Table 57: Question 20 - Excluding Don't Know Responses How important is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive city? Percent Number Essential 31% N=134 Very important 27% N=118 Somewhat important 26% N=111 Not at all important 16% N=70 Total 100% N=433 Table 58: Question 20 - Including Don't Know Responses How important is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive city? Percent Number Essential 30% N=134 Very important 26% N=118 Somewhat important 25% N=111 Not at all important 16% N=70 Don't know 4% N=16 Total 100% N=449 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 101 Table 59: Question 21 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate the job you feel the City government does at each of the following: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Making all residents feel welcome 22% N=71 48% N=154 25% N=79 6% N=18 100% N=322 Helping new residents feel connected and integrated 18% N=53 38% N=113 32% N=93 12% N=35 100% N=295 Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 19% N=56 26% N=76 31% N=91 24% N=71 100% N=294 Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds 26% N=77 33% N=99 30% N=90 12% N=35 100% N=300 Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds 30% N=101 38% N=127 22% N=75 10% N=34 100% N=337 Table 60: Question 21 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate the job you feel the City government does at each of the following: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Making all residents feel welcome 16% N=71 34% N=154 18% N=79 4% N=18 28% N=125 100% N=447 Helping new residents feel connected and integrated 12% N=53 25% N=113 21% N=93 8% N=35 34% N=151 100% N=446 Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 13% N=56 17% N=76 21% N=91 16% N=71 34% N=151 100% N=446 Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds 17% N=77 22% N=99 20% N=90 8% N=35 32% N=143 100% N=444 Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds 23% N=101 29% N=127 17% N=75 8% N=34 24% N=107 100% N=444 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 102 Table 61: Question 22 To what extent, if at all, have you or someone in your household experienced discrimination based on each of the following in the Edina community in the past 12 months? Never Rarely Some of the time Most of the time Total Age 88% N=380 7% N=29 5% N=23 0% N=1 100% N=433 Gender identity 94% N=419 4% N=20 1% N=3 0% N=2 100% N=444 Race(s) 89% N=397 6% N=27 4% N=17 1% N=4 100% N=445 Ethnicity 91% N=402 5% N=22 3% N=12 1% N=4 100% N=439 National origin (birth country) 94% N=419 4% N=18 1% N=5 1% N=4 100% N=446 Religion 92% N=411 5% N=20 3% N=12 1% N=3 100% N=445 Political affiliation 78% N=343 9% N=40 10% N=42 3% N=15 100% N=441 Disability 93% N=413 3% N=14 4% N=16 0% N=2 100% N=445 Sexual orientation 95% N=422 3% N=15 1% N=6 0% N=1 100% N=445 Table 62: Question 23 - Excluding Don't Know Responses How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? Percent Number Very well 13% N=40 Somewhat well 40% N=119 Somewhat poorly 26% N=80 Very poorly 21% N=62 Total 100% N=301 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 103 Table 63: Question 23 - Including Don't Know Responses How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? Percent Number Very well 9% N=40 Somewhat well 26% N=119 Somewhat poorly 18% N=80 Very poorly 14% N=62 Don't know 33% N=151 Total 100% N=452 Table 64: Question 24 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Thinking about the types of housing in Edina, how would you rate the availability of housing for each of the following income groups? Far too much Somewhat too much Right amount Somewhat too little Far too little Total Lower-income singles 9% N=28 9% N=27 20% N=62 24% N=75 37% N=113 100% N=305 Lower-income families 10% N=32 9% N=28 16% N=51 27% N=86 39% N=126 100% N=322 Middle-income singles 2% N=6 6% N=20 43% N=152 33% N=115 17% N=60 100% N=353 Middle-income families 0% N=1 3% N=12 43% N=152 38% N=136 16% N=57 100% N=357 High-income singles 22% N=77 28% N=100 46% N=165 3% N=12 0% N=0 100% N=355 High-income families 30% N=112 26% N=100 41% N=153 3% N=11 0% N=0 100% N=377 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 104 Table 65: Question 24 - Including Don't Know Responses Thinking about the types of housing in Edina, how would you rate the availability of housing for each of the following income groups? Far too much Somewhat too much Right amount Somewhat too little Far too little Don't know Total Lower-income singles 6% N=28 6% N=27 14% N=62 17% N=75 25% N=113 32% N=142 100% N=447 Lower-income families 7% N=32 6% N=28 11% N=51 19% N=86 28% N=126 28% N=127 100% N=449 Middle-income singles 1% N=6 4% N=20 34% N=152 26% N=115 13% N=60 21% N=96 100% N=449 Middle-income families 0% N=1 3% N=12 34% N=152 30% N=136 13% N=57 20% N=89 100% N=446 High-income singles 17% N=77 22% N=100 37% N=165 3% N=12 0% N=0 21% N=96 100% N=451 High-income families 25% N=112 22% N=100 34% N=153 2% N=11 0% N=0 17% N=75 100% N=451 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 105 Table 66: Question 25 - Excluding Don't Know Responses There are different ways that a community can try to ensure there are a wider variety of housing choices. How important, if at all, do you think it is that the City encourage each of the following? Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Total Preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer rooms or other amenities that are affordable for first-time buyers) 37% N=158 30% N=130 23% N=100 10% N=42 100% N=430 Building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments or small homes built above garages, in backyards, etc.) 11% N=44 18% N=70 34% N=135 37% N=147 100% N=397 Medium-density development (like townhouses) 15% N=63 22% N=92 46% N=192 16% N=67 100% N=415 Higher-density development (like apartments) 10% N=40 14% N=59 34% N=138 42% N=174 100% N=410 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 106 Table 67: Question 25 - Including Don't Know Responses There are different ways that a community can try to ensure there are a wider variety of housing choices. How important, if at all, do you think it is that the City encourage each of the following? Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Don't know Total Preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer rooms or other amenities that are affordable for first-time buyers) 35% N=158 29% N=130 22% N=100 9% N=42 5% N=21 100% N=451 Building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments or small homes built above garages, in backyards, etc.) 10% N=44 16% N=70 30% N=135 33% N=147 12% N=52 100% N=449 Medium-density development (like townhouses) 14% N=63 21% N=92 43% N=192 15% N=67 8% N=34 100% N=449 Higher-density development (like apartments) 9% N=40 13% N=59 31% N=138 39% N=174 8% N=38 100% N=448 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 107 Table 68: Question 26 - Excluding Don't Know Responses The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? Percent Number Strongly support 64% N=271 Somewhat support 27% N=117 Somewhat oppose 5% N=23 Strongly oppose 4% N=16 Total 100% N=427 Table 69: Question 26 - Including Don't Know Responses The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? Percent Number Strongly support 60% N=271 Somewhat support 26% N=117 Somewhat oppose 5% N=23 Strongly oppose 3% N=16 Don't know 6% N=25 Total 100% N=452 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 108 Table 70: Question 27 In the past 12 months, about how often, if at all, did you and other household members purchase from Edina Liquor? Percent Number Once a week 5% N=23 Twice a month 10% N=44 Once a month 15% N=66 Every other month 15% N=68 Once or just a couple of times 29% N=130 Not at all 26% N=118 Total 100% N=449 Table 71: Question 27 - Why not purchase from Edina Liquor? In the past 12 months, about how often, if at all, did you and other household members purchase from Edina Liquor? If not at all, why not? Percent Number Don't drink alcohol/drink rarely 67% N=72 More expensive than other stores 16% N=17 Other stores have better selection or are more convenient 7% N=8 Other 10% N=11 Don't know/nothing 0% N=0 Total 100% N=108 Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response for why they had not made purchases. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 109 Table 72: Question 28 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection: an open system or an organized system. An open system means all haulers serve all areas, resulting in many garbage trucks on neighborhood streets on garbage day. Residents choose their own haulers. An organized system means haulers are assigned to specific areas, resulting in only one garbage hauler on neighborhood streets on garbage day. The City organizes the haulers. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current open collection process to an organized collection system? Percent Number Strongly support 36% N=126 Somewhat support 23% N=82 Somewhat oppose 13% N=47 Strongly oppose 27% N=96 Total 100% N=351 Table 73: Question 28 - Including Don't Know Responses Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection: an open system or an organized system. An open system means all haulers serve all areas, resulting in many garbage trucks on neighborhood streets on garbage day. Residents choose their own haulers. An organized system means haulers are assigned to specific areas, resulting in only one garbage hauler on neighborhood streets on garbage day. The City organizes the haulers. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current open collection process to an organized collection system? Percent Number Strongly support 28% N=126 Somewhat support 18% N=82 Somewhat oppose 11% N=47 Strongly oppose 21% N=96 Don't know 22% N=96 Total 100% N=448 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 110 Table 74: Question 29 (Quality) - Excluding Don't Know Responses First, rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Energy conservation and efficiency programs 19% N=43 52% N=119 24% N=55 4% N=10 100% N=228 Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 24% N=80 53% N=175 19% N=63 4% N=12 100% N=331 Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 19% N=57 44% N=131 27% N=80 10% N=31 100% N=300 Increasing renewable energy programs 19% N=42 42% N=95 31% N=71 8% N=19 100% N=226 Adapting to climate change 17% N=37 40% N=90 33% N=74 10% N=23 100% N=223 Organics recycling collection services 34% N=104 42% N=128 17% N=52 7% N=21 100% N=305 Water conservation programs 18% N=41 48% N=110 24% N=54 11% N=24 100% N=229 Transportation emission (pollution) reduction (e.g., sidewalks, bike lanes and public electric vehicle charging) 14% N=44 36% N=110 38% N=118 12% N=36 100% N=308 Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change 18% N=37 36% N=75 31% N=65 15% N=31 100% N=208 Table 75: Question 29 (Quality) - Including Don't Know Responses First, rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Energy conservation and efficiency programs 10% N=43 28% N=119 13% N=55 2% N=10 47% N=205 100% N=432 Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 19% N=80 41% N=175 15% N=63 3% N=12 23% N=99 100% N=430 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 111 First, rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 13% N=57 31% N=131 19% N=80 7% N=31 30% N=127 100% N=427 Increasing renewable energy programs 10% N=42 22% N=95 16% N=71 4% N=19 47% N=204 100% N=431 Adapting to climate change 9% N=37 21% N=90 17% N=74 5% N=23 48% N=208 100% N=431 Organics recycling collection services 24% N=104 30% N=128 12% N=52 5% N=21 30% N=128 100% N=432 Water conservation programs 9% N=41 25% N=110 13% N=54 6% N=24 47% N=205 100% N=434 Transportation emission (pollution) reduction (e.g., sidewalks, bike lanes and public electric vehicle charging) 10% N=44 26% N=110 27% N=118 8% N=36 28% N=122 100% N=430 Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change 9% N=37 18% N=75 15% N=65 7% N=31 51% N=221 100% N=429 Table 76: Question 29 (Importance) - Excluding Don't Know Responses Then rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Total Energy conservation and efficiency programs 36% N=135 36% N=136 22% N=81 6% N=22 100% N=374 Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 39% N=149 42% N=162 17% N=66 1% N=5 100% N=383 Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 36% N=134 37% N=141 20% N=77 7% N=25 100% N=377 Increasing renewable energy programs 37% N=135 35% N=129 19% N=71 9% N=32 100% N=367 Adapting to climate change 49% N=180 22% N=81 17% N=62 12% N=46 100% N=369 Organics recycling collection services 31% N=114 29% N=106 27% N=97 13% N=48 100% N=366 Water conservation programs 46% N=167 32% N=119 20% N=72 2% N=9 100% N=367 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 112 Then rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Total Transportation emission (pollution) reduction (e.g., sidewalks, bike lanes and public electric vehicle charging) 38% N=142 32% N=122 19% N=71 11% N=42 100% N=378 Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change 39% N=145 26% N=99 19% N=70 17% N=62 100% N=376 Table 77: Question 29 (Importance) - Including Don't Know Responses Then rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Don't know Total Energy conservation and efficiency programs 33% N=135 33% N=136 20% N=81 5% N=22 9% N=39 100% N=413 Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 36% N=149 39% N=162 16% N=66 1% N=5 8% N=34 100% N=417 Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 32% N=134 34% N=141 19% N=77 6% N=25 9% N=39 100% N=416 Increasing renewable energy programs 33% N=135 31% N=129 17% N=71 8% N=32 11% N=46 100% N=413 Adapting to climate change 43% N=180 20% N=81 15% N=62 11% N=46 11% N=44 100% N=413 Organics recycling collection services 28% N=114 26% N=106 24% N=97 12% N=48 11% N=45 100% N=411 Water conservation programs 41% N=167 29% N=119 17% N=72 2% N=9 11% N=43 100% N=411 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 113 Then rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Don't know Total Transportation emission (pollution) reduction (e.g., sidewalks, bike lanes and public electric vehicle charging) 35% N=142 30% N=122 17% N=71 10% N=42 8% N=32 100% N=410 Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change 35% N=145 24% N=99 17% N=70 15% N=62 8% N=35 100% N=410 Table 78: Question 30 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. Not a source Minor source Major source Total Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 23% N=95 43% N=179 34% N=138 100% N=413 Edina Sun-Current newspaper 48% N=192 23% N=91 30% N=119 100% N=402 Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 15% N=63 38% N=158 47% N=196 100% N=418 Star-Tribune newspaper 48% N=203 25% N=104 27% N=112 100% N=419 City's website, EdinaMN.gov 29% N=117 51% N=206 20% N=83 100% N=406 City's engagement website, BetterTogetherEdina.org 59% N=231 33% N=128 8% N=30 100% N=389 Edina TV (Comcast channels 813 and 16) 88% N=339 10% N=39 2% N=9 100% N=387 City employees 63% N=249 33% N=131 4% N=18 100% N=397 City Council Members 75% N=298 22% N=87 3% N=12 100% N=397 Direct mail updates 25% N=102 46% N=187 30% N=122 100% N=411 Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 61% N=247 28% N=113 12% N=47 100% N=407 NextDoor 55% N=225 32% N=132 13% N=55 100% N=412 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 114 Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. Not a source Minor source Major source Total Online videos 83% N=332 14% N=57 3% N=10 100% N=399 City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 83% N=318 13% N=49 5% N=17 100% N=385 Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 9% N=40 48% N=202 43% N=182 100% N=423 Table 79: Question 30 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. Not a source Minor source Major source Don't know Total Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 22% N=95 41% N=179 31% N=138 6% N=27 100% N=440 Edina Sun-Current newspaper 43% N=192 20% N=91 27% N=119 10% N=43 100% N=445 Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 14% N=63 36% N=158 44% N=196 6% N=26 100% N=444 Star-Tribune newspaper 46% N=203 23% N=104 25% N=112 6% N=26 100% N=445 City's website, EdinaMN.gov 26% N=117 47% N=206 19% N=83 8% N=36 100% N=442 City's engagement website, BetterTogetherEdina.org 52% N=231 29% N=128 7% N=30 12% N=53 100% N=443 Edina TV (Comcast channels 813 and 16) 77% N=339 9% N=39 2% N=9 13% N=56 100% N=443 City employees 56% N=249 30% N=131 4% N=18 10% N=46 100% N=443 City Council Members 67% N=298 20% N=87 3% N=12 10% N=46 100% N=444 Direct mail updates 23% N=102 42% N=187 28% N=122 7% N=32 100% N=443 Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 55% N=247 25% N=113 11% N=47 8% N=37 100% N=444 NextDoor 50% N=225 30% N=132 12% N=55 8% N=35 100% N=447 Online videos 75% N=332 13% N=57 2% N=10 10% N=46 100% N=445 City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 72% N=318 11% N=49 4% N=17 12% N=54 100% N=439 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 115 Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. Not a source Minor source Major source Don't know Total Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 9% N=40 45% N=202 41% N=182 5% N=20 100% N=443 Table 80: Question 31 - Excluding Don't Know Responses How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition: Edina is for keeping informed of City activities? Very effective Somewhat effective Somewhat ineffective Very ineffective Total How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition: Edina is for keeping informed of City activities? 27% N=100 58% N=215 10% N=37 4% N=16 100% N=368 Table 81: Question 31 - Including Don't Know Responses How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition: Edina is for keeping informed of City activities? Very effective Somewhat effective Somewhat ineffective Very ineffective Don't know Total How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition: Edina is for keeping informed of City activities? 22% N=100 48% N=215 8% N=37 4% N=16 17% N=78 100% N=446 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 116 Table 82: Question 32 Have you accessed the City of Edina website (EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? Percent Number No 47% N=207 Yes 53% N=237 Total 100% N=445 Table 83: Question 33 - Excluding Don't Know Responses Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website, EdinaMN.gov: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Appearance 24% N=57 61% N=145 13% N=30 2% N=4 100% N=236 Online information and services offered 21% N=50 59% N=141 17% N=41 2% N=5 100% N=237 Ease of navigation/ability to find information 18% N=42 41% N=97 33% N=77 8% N=18 100% N=235 Overall quality of the City of Edina website 20% N=46 60% N=140 19% N=44 2% N=5 100% N=236 Table 84: Question 33 - Including Don't Know Responses Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website, EdinaMN.gov: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Appearance 23% N=57 59% N=145 12% N=30 2% N=4 4% N=9 100% N=245 Online information and services offered 20% N=50 58% N=141 17% N=41 2% N=5 3% N=8 100% N=244 Ease of navigation/ability to find information 17% N=42 40% N=97 32% N=77 7% N=18 3% N=8 100% N=243 Overall quality of the City of Edina website 19% N=46 58% N=140 18% N=44 2% N=5 3% N=8 100% N=244 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 117 Table 85: Question 34 - Excluding Don't Know Responses To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months? Not a concern Minor concern Moderate concern Major concern Total Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others 72% N=315 14% N=62 9% N=38 6% N=25 100% N=440 Having access to health care 79% N=351 10% N=46 6% N=28 4% N=19 100% N=445 Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) 68% N=299 18% N=77 8% N=36 6% N=26 100% N=438 Running out of food before you had money to buy more 92% N=403 6% N=26 1% N=6 1% N=3 100% N=439 Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage 86% N=379 8% N=36 3% N=12 3% N=13 100% N=440 Having enough money to pay your heat, light, or water bill 89% N=390 7% N=31 2% N=8 3% N=12 100% N=440 Table 86: Question 34 - Including Don't Know Responses To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months? Not a concern Minor concern Moderate concern Major concern Don't know Total Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others 71% N=315 14% N=62 9% N=38 6% N=25 1% N=3 100% N=442 Having access to health care 78% N=351 10% N=46 6% N=28 4% N=19 1% N=3 100% N=447 Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) 67% N=299 17% N=77 8% N=36 6% N=26 2% N=8 100% N=446 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 118 To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months? Not a concern Minor concern Moderate concern Major concern Don't know Total Running out of food before you had money to buy more 91% N=403 6% N=26 1% N=6 1% N=3 1% N=5 100% N=443 Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage 85% N=379 8% N=36 3% N=12 3% N=13 1% N=5 100% N=445 Having enough money to pay your heat, light, or water bill 87% N=390 7% N=31 2% N=8 3% N=12 1% N=6 100% N=446 Table 87: Question D1 What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Percent Number Very positive 1% N=5 Somewhat positive 10% N=44 Neutral 50% N=222 Somewhat negative 34% N=153 Very negative 5% N=23 Total 100% N=446 City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 119 Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-Ended Questions Following are verbatim responses to the open-ended question on the survey. Because these responses were written by survey participants, they are presented here in verbatim form, including any typographical, grammar or other mistakes. The responses are grouped by category and are in alphabetical order. Question 5: What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina? Convenient location/accessibility/walkability • Ability to walk to many places - shopping, dr., etc. • Ability to walk to parks. • Above; location & convenience. • Access to errands within short distance • Access to highways / airport. • Access to shopping, downtown Minneapolis, parks and green spaces • Accessibility • accessibility to places I frequent • Accessibility to services. • Accessibility to stores - parks - sports. • Accessibility to the city (Mpls) & proximity while managing to be very safe. • Accessibility. • Being able to walk to so many places • Being close to medical facilities & business facilities. • Central location • central location • Central location. • Central location. • Central location-close to lakes, [?] airport-restaurants. • CENTRALLY LOCATED TO MANY BUSINESSES- ATTRACTIONS. • Close proximity to amenities, parks, golf course. • Close proximity to everything. • Close proximity to retail and restaurants. • Close proximity to stores & job. • Close proximity to the airport. • Close to church. • Close to doctors, shopping & parks. • Close to downtown. • Close to everything - airport- city. • Close to everything. • Close to Minneapolis, close to chain of lakes. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 120 • close to my work • Close to shopping, restaurants, schools, hospital and a variety of clinics, parks and easy to get to both large cities and western suburbs and lakes • CLOSE TO SHOPPING. • CLOSE TO SHOPS! FREQUENT. MY CONDO. • close to stuff • Close to the city • Close to the city w / a bit more space. • Close to things that interest me. • Close to trail & walking distance to many amenities. • Closeness to great shops & restaurants. • Closeness to shops, activities. Close to downtown Minneapolis for a suburb • Convenience • Convenience • Convenience • Convenience - I'm close to health care, grocery shopping, library. • Convenience - well located, easy to walk places, great places to go - restaurants nature. • convenience & cute downtown with independently owned shops • Convenience & the quality & upkeep shows. • Convenience / location, easy to get places. • Convenience / location. • Convenience and family neighborhoods. • Convenience of getting around to everything. I love having a large selection of medical for everything in Edina • CONVENIENCE OF LOCATION. • Convenience of shopping and challenging school. • Convenience of shopping. • Convenience to airport & shopping. • Convenience to anything we need. • Convenience to doctors and groceries. • Convenience to downtown. • Convenience to many services hosp / doctors / costoo / shopping. • Convenience to shops. • Convenience to the metropolitan area and trails. • Convenience, close to everything I do. • Convenience, parks, housing. • Convenience, schools, and friends. • Convenience. • Convenience. • Convenience. • Convenience. • Convenience. • Convenience. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 121 • Convenience. • CONVENIENCE. • Convenience. • Convenience. • Convenience: lots of stores nearby, Crosstown Highway links to everwhere else • Convenient access to downtown. • Convenient access. • Convenient location to amenities within Edina, and to getting to other areas within the Twin CIties - great access to highway and non-highway routes • Convenient location to everything. • Convenient location. • Convenient location. • Convenient to almost anything! • Convenient to most things that I want. • Conveniently located to downtown, the airport, city lakes, the suburbs. • CONVIENCE (& SNOW PLOWING!). • Ease of access to most amenities. • Ease of getting places & plowing in winter. • Easy access to freeways • Easy access to shopping. • Easy transportation, events at Centennial, safety, parks. • Everything I need in terms of errands is extremely close by. • FRANCE AND 50TH SENSE OF A DOWNTOWN. • Great location. • I can walk or bus anywhere and drive to anywhere in the twin cities within 20 minutes • I like that it's a compact community. Where you have neighborhoods, parks and restaurants all reachable by bike or side roads. I appreciate that all our schools serve the surrounding neighborhood not act like magnet schools. Parents walk their kids to school and kids ride their bikes home together. It's what's different about living in Edina vs. many suburbs like Mika where big open highways like 101, 7 and 41 run through the community making it less livable. • I'm close to cultural events. • It is close to major highways and easy to get to various location. • It's close to everything. • Living in the Southdale area give us access to Centennial Lakes, the library, good stores,etc. • Local retail shopping and entertainment options within walking distance. • Location • Location • Location • Location • location • Location • Location • location City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 122 • Location • Location • Location • Location - everything is convenient. • Location - it's very convenient to everywhere we need to go. • Location - low taxes-beauty. • Location , and parks • Location / convenience. • Location / convenience. • location and access to walking where ever I need to go • Location location location! • Location of 7500 York. • location relative to amenities west of the Mississippi River • Location to city of Minneapolis, cultural, sporting events, etc. • Location to daily needs. • LOCATION TO DOWNTOWN & AIRPORT. • Location to downtown, airport, etc. • Location to work. • Location, amenities. • Location, convenience. • Location, location, location • LOCATION, QUALITY OF LIFE. • Location. • Location. • Location. • Location. • Location. • Location. • Location. • Location. • Location. • Location. • Location. • LOCATION. • Location. • Location. • Location. • Location. • LOCATION. • Location. • location. Cose to all highways- 169, 100, 494. Close to airport • location/convenience to family, shopping, restaurants • Location/convenience. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 123 • METRO-WIDE ACCESS EASE. • MY CURRENT LOCATION IS SO CONVENIENT TO - LIBRARY - YMCA - STORES - THEATERS. • NEIGHBORHOOD RESOURCES. YMCA, LIBRARY, SHOPPING. • Opportunity for concerts and education. • Proximity to anywhere in the Twin Cities, Schools • Proximity to everything • Proximity to restaurants and activities • PROXIMITY TO SHOPPING, HEALTH CARE, PARKS - GREAT LOCATION. • Proximity to the rest of the metro • Quick access to everything I need. • See above - location. • The close proximity to parks, shopping & downtown. • The convenience • The location • The location is near all the places I want or need to go to, accessibility. • There are lots of amenities close by • Walkability of 50/France. • Walkability, beauty and conveniences living on Centennial Lakes is outstanding. This park and community is a treasured asset in Edina to be protected and enhanced. • Walkability, parks, safety. • Walkability, paths. • Walkability. • Walkable neighborhoods. • Walking access to anything I need • walking and biking, tons of parks available Safe • FAIRLY SAFE. • FEEL SAFE AND COMFORTABLE. • Feeling of safety and nearness of businesses for shopping and health. • Feeling safe!!!! Fabulous pol.ice department • Feeling safe. • I feel safe. • It is fairly safe here • Low crime, nice neighborhoods. • Safe and Quiet neighborhood • Safe community, located close to metro area • Safe community. • Safe, small and nice parks, good schools. • Safe. • safety • Safety City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 124 • Safety • Safety • Safety and good neighborhood • safety of community • Safety, convenience to highways, stores. • Safety, family close, schools, stores, class of residents • Safety. • Safety. • Safety. • the relative safety, though it's mitigated by the higher cost of living (I would like to pay less rent!) • The safety/maintenance of public spaces. Schools • Edina High School • Edina remains committed to funding its public schools. • Education for children. • excellent public schools • Excellent public services. • excellent school system • Good schools • Good schools • Good schools. • Good schools. • Good schools. • I LOVE THE SCHOOLS!!!. • Public education options • Public Safety • Public Safety is excellent, very quick and responsive, and geographical location is excellent as well. • Public schools • quality of public schools • School system • School system. • Schools • Schools • Schools • Schools • Schools • Schools - we have recent EHS grad and a todder at ECFE. • Schools and school spirit • Schools close to health facilities. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 125 • schools, quality • schools, quality • Schools. • The schools Positive comments about quality of life and community (friendly, neighbors, peaceful, etc.) • COMMUNITY • Community • COMMUNITY SPIRIT. • Community, environment, access. • COMMUNITY. • Connection with neighbors • Edina residents have a great sense of pride in their community. • Excellent quality of life - in the all of the dimensions I checked above. • Feels like a small town with access to Minneapolis city life • feels like a smaller town in a city • Friendly Community • Generally good community and willingness to show up for one another. • Good parents and neighbors in the residential neighborhoods • Good place to raise kids so far • History of decent living & educ. • It feels like a small town within a city • It is a great place for my child to grow-up. • Its a community that cares. • It's a great place to raise a family - for many reasons (safety, schools, convenience, opportunity, quality of life, etc.) • Large community involvement. • Living in a community of high achievers; business, professional, & community lenders. • Meet more friends. • My home and my immediate community • My neighbors we care & look out for one another regardless of race. • My neighbors. • Neighbors • Neighbors & friends. • Neighbors are connected by smaller roads and feel like a cohesive group. They are not isolated by large feeder roads like Eden Prairie and Plymouth. • Neighbors. • Not as much of noise as Mpls. • Our neighbors • Peace, quiet, the former homogeneity of focus on public service. • Peaceful, close to work & medical facilities & shoppi. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 126 • Peaceful. My condo is a stress-free refuge across from a beautiful park.Giant • People & city keep Edina attractive, clean & streets plowed. • People are friendly, great community • People!. • Pleasant, safe area. • Quality of life • Quality of life. • Richard our mailman comes to our block parties, we know all the long time employees at Jerry's, the hardware store and Lunds, we participate in the Edina Art Fair every year, our neighbors are friendly and everyone brings their willing spirit if someone needs help. I like the sense of community we feel in Edina. • Sense of community • Sense of community • Sense of community • Sense of community • Sense of community & quality educat. • Sense of community but probably b/c of my neighbors. • Sense of community. • Sense of community. • Small community, medical services, shopping. • Strong community of neighbors who care about similar things - education, orderliness, functioning city services like plowing and police. • That we live in a quiet neighborhood, but are close to restaurants/coffee shops. • The people living here & serving the city. Thank you. Centennial Lakes. • The people who live here • The quality of life. • The sense of community & traditions. • The sense of community and pride. • Upper scale better quality of life (deterioration however). • VARIETY OF COMMUNITY. • With the influx of young families from the city, it's becoming more progressive. That's great. Beauty/cleanliness of community • Beautiful well kept community c lush regatation. • Cleanliness. • Good clean, safe neighborhood. • Greenery, safety, good schools • I love the mature trees. • It is a clean well run community. • Most care for property making it pleasant place to live. • The natural beauty of Edina, and the Twin Cities in general, is really stunning. Safety and convenience are also pretty high on the list. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 127 Parks and trails/lakes/recreation centers/open spaces • (1) Proximity to Highland lake park (regional park) - biking & x - country skiing reserve and 9- mile creek trail (2) Grand view auto on 70th. • 9 mile creek bike path • Access to natural spaces and parks. • CENTENIAL LAKES. • Centennial lakes • Centennial Lakes • Centennial Lakes Park & Edina Art Center • Centennial Lakes Park :) • CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK. • GREEN SPACES. • Investment in parks • Living right by Centennial Lakes • Open, clean, accessible • Park System • Park system • Parks & trails, med. facilities. • Parks are good. There is open space in parks • Parks, good location/centrally located in metro - close to downtown Minneapolis, airport, etc. • Parks. • Parks. • Parks. • Parks/trails • The parks, schools and enrichment opps. • The wonderful trails and parks. • TRAILS. • We live on Centennial Lake. Love the park! Also convenience of stores & restaurants & doctor. Raised here or close to family, job, etc. • Being near family & friends. • Family is here, wonderful neighbors. • I grew up here!. • I grew up in Edina everything too changed too much [?] very little I'm proud of. • I have lived here for 59yrs. • It's close to our son. • Living close to family (Moved to be close to grandchildren) • Living near my family. • Nearness to friends / family. • Where friends and family are. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 128 Housing/neighborhoods • (1) Where I live; the amount of green space & (2) the people I share thi space wi. • Great neighborhood walkable to shops/restaurants • I love my neighborhood / neighbors • I love our neighborhood school community. • love my neighborhood and neighbors. • my neighborhood, Morningside • Neighborhood. • Neighborhoods • Neighborhoods are safe and well maintained. • Neighborhoods. • Nice neighborhood with conveniences nearby. • Property value. • Property value. • The Morningside neighborhood, both the location and the close knit residents in this community. • The neighborhood + "downtown". • Truly the only thing that I am happy about Edina is the fact that my house went up in value. Other than that, Edina can be a miserable city to live in due to its reputation. Most people, but not all, are arrogant and entitled. If you didn't grow up here there's no reason to consider it as a place to raise kids and retire. My neighborhood is filled with very old (near death) people that don't seem to die. There is no sense of community or togetherness. It's a lonely, sad and unfulfilling place to live. • We live in a condo on the creek and it's so quiet and calming. City services/infrastructure/local government • A well run city. • City services - roads are plowed, parks are maintained, very responsive • Clear side walks of snow faster. • Good government. • good snowplowing • Great infrastructure and schools • Having streets plowed well all winter. • I really appreciate how quickly and thoroughly the streets are plowed in the winter. • Maintenance of roads, green spaces, ease of getting to destination. • Moved from Mpls. much better service and safety! • No sale tax. • Police are great. City services (e.g. snow plowing) are great. • Progressive values. • Public services / location. • public works City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 129 • Quality of public services and responsiveness of city staff • Quality of varied services. • Reputation for quality public services and quality of public schools. • Size and good government, reasonable taxes. • Snow plowing in winter is excellent • SNOW REMOVAL. • Snowplowed streets • Streets/Public works • The library. • The plowed streets and few potholes. • The quick response time of fire, police, paramedics. • The roads are well maintained. Few potholes and they are fixed fairly quickly, good plowing. • The streets are well maintained in all seasons. • The way Edina cares for its residents & city. • The way roads are cleared after a snow storm. We have the best service. • Thoughtful, creative mix of public & private space. • Well maintained parks. great EMS service Other • Amenities • Amenities and closeness to Minneapolis • Availability of medical care, groceries, shopping & restaurants. • Doctors, hospital. • downtown Edina • Familiar area • It's not Minneapolis or St. Paul. • My husband taught here many years ago. • Opportunity and overall safety; reputation, schools • Policies-zero woke anywhere-if it meriezes-kill it!. • Refer to #4. • Restaurants • There is a prestige element to living in Edina, but more than that its the parks and schools. Keeping parks available for neighbors and not overprogrammed is paramount to the vitality of Edina for the future. • Upper income Don’t know/nothing/something bad • 7. • [?]. • [?]. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 130 • Absolutely nothing. All of the rich, tax-and-spend, white guilt liberals have taken over this city, from the council members (looking at you Hovland!) to the public-sector employees, and non- profit freeloaders. Are white males in the minority yet in our community? I don't need to see any more of this Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ********. The next unsolicited newsletter of "Edition: Edina" I get in my mailbox, I am either going to wipe my *** with or set fire to. How many more third world people do we plan on bringing in to the community? How many more Drction 8 • It could be worse. • No longer safe to live here, decline in test scores and national ranking of schools, too much crime, too much emphasis on getting away from what made Edina great. Bringing in affordable housing equals higher crime, stress on social services and decline on excellence on education. Teachers reporting they can not discipline, hold students accountable, give higher caliber of education and need to reduce homework. • Over building-to much construction - bring it to an end. • Traffic on Hwy 62 is often at a standstill. • Used to be beautiful, safe - no longer true. • Used to be safe, pleasant. Too many new suburbia dense housing. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 131 Question 6: What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? Please be specific (e.g., note if the issue/problem is "too much" or "too little") More affordable housing needed • 1) Lack of affordable housing; 2) lack of housing variety. Everything is a mansion or an apartment and nothing in between. I'd like to retire in Edina but there's no place to live. • Access to affordable housing • Affordability - especially for young home-buyers. • Affordability of homes. • affordability of housing • Affordable Housing • Affordable housing - too little. • AFFORDABLE HOUSING TO ATTRACT YOUNGER FAMILIES. • Affordable housing which will enable a more diverse community. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. Friends want to move here and they can't afford it. • Affordable housing-not enough of it. • aging population combined with lack of affordable houses • amount of equity in housing and schools - there is not enough housing for low income and the schools continue to be racially separate within schools. • Cost of living • Having an open mind to accept varieties of housing options, including more affordable housing. Reluctance for greater density in land usage. We would like to see more density and affordable housing • High cost of single family houses. • HOUSING FOR ELDERS. • Housing for first time home owners • Housing is too expensive • Housing is unaffordable. Too much construction. Lack of neighborliness. • Housing providing affordable housing. • I wish our community had more affordable housing. • Lack of affordable housing • Lack of affordable housing for young adults. Reputation of Edina is trash and that everyone is snotty and it's not totally off base • Lack of affordable housing to maintain diversity of incomes in our community • Lack of affordable housing; perhaps less welcoming to non-white people. • Large need for low income housing. • Not enough affordable housing • not enough affordable housing! City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 132 • Not enough affordable housing. • Not providing enough affordable living for seniors not staying in their home. • One issue is the lack of availability of affordable housing. • PRICE OF HOUSING. • PROBABLY AFFORDABLE HOUSING. • Rise in housing costs. • THE COST OF HOUSING IS EXPENSIVE. • Too expensive housing. • Too little affordable housing & too little diversity. • Too little affordable housing / too little high end senior housing. • Too little affordable housing. • TOO LITTLE AFFORDABLE HOUSING. • Too little affordable housing. • Too little affordable housing. • Too little options for affordable housing. • Variety of housing pricing Traffic and infrastructure (road maintenance, snow removal, sidewalks, etc.) • ALL THE MULTI-DWELLING IS MAKING TOO MUCH TRAFFIC. TAKES FOREVER TO GET OUT ONTO XERXES FROM HERITAGE DR TO ACCESS 62 CROSS-TOWN. • BAD PEDESTRIAN CROSSING @ MAIN STREETS. • Congestion around 50th and Hwy. 100 • Congestion in popular places such as 50th & France & Grandview area - roads not adequate. • Drivers driving too fast regardless of speed limit signs! • Due to parking at 50th/France - no longer shop there. Due to over-abundance of bike lanes, cars are squeezed out. • Friendliness to carless resident • I wish it were easier to walk or bike on main roads like Vernon, France, etc. I wish I could walk to shops and restaurants. I have to drive everywhere which is a bummer. • Infrastructure is a mess. Getting in & out of parking lots are dangerous. I hate that there are road for both bicycles & cars. Very dangerous. • Lack of sidewalks and safe bike paths • Lack of sidewalks. It is unsafe for kids to walk to school, especially in winter when they are pushed into the middle of the road by snowbanks. • lack of walkability and bike ability - not enough sidewalks, not enough neighborhood amenities, restaurants and retail • Lots of traffic & stoplights. • May be too little thinking like a pedestrian on bus rider. Traffic on France, etc. can be overwhelming. Consider more bldg. like Yorkdale town homes so families can have some space rather than apartments. • Need road repairs. • Not enough bike paths - walk signals need more voice controls. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 133 • Not so great without a car, not unusual for parts of Minnesota. • Not very biking or walking friendly. I'm sure there are much more serious issues, but this is one downfall of Edina that stands out to me. • POOR ROADS. • Pot holes! • Pot holes. • POT HOLES; infrastructure • POTHOLES • Potholes (roadwork) to many apt. buildings. • Potholes. • Public transit isn't amazing, but I would say the public transit in Minneapolis and surrounding areas just isn't great. • Public transportation - i.e. bike racet [?] & availabil. of buses travelling only w/ in Edina. • Road layout on west side is poor. Little connectivity, funneling all traffic to 62. • See # 2; on and off freeway ramps on same ramp. Stupid. • Speeding on neighborhood streets; no real feeling of unity or community. • Streets on Barrie Rd need to be fixed. • Too car-centric. There is little to no effort to improve pedestrian and biking infrastructure. It is not safe to bike on our major routes. • Too little infrastructure to safely and comfortably walk or bike. • Too many pot holes. • Too much speeding. If limit is 25mph- NO ONE complies • Too much traffic for side streets and very congested in busy areas • Too much traffic. • Too much traffic. • too much. bike lanes added that are not wide and safe enough and reduce car lanes. - a bad recipe for accidents • Traffic - too much. • Traffic congestion especially on York/Xerxes Av, overdevelopment. • Traffic increasing. • Traffic on 62, too much & overall lack of diversity in some schools (Normandale Elem). • Traffic on France & York between H [?] 62 & 494 to fast not safe speed limit should be 30mph also traffic light pedestrian walk time is too short lots of older people live here and need more time to cross streets. I never see the police lookin' for speeders. • Traffic on France Ave. • Traffic, continual building of apartments. • Traffic, overbuilding of multi-family residential and invasion of criminals from Minneapolis and other suburbs • Traffic. • Without access to a car, it is difficult to get to all the placed in Edina. Also it doesn't feel safe to walk around due to lack of sidewalks (or they are on the other side of the street and the crosswalks are not pedestrian friendly). City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 134 Schools/education • Currently, our biggest struggle is with the quality and size of our daughter's 2nd grade class. The 2nd grade class at Creek Valley is quite large and the school does not appear to have the resources or skills to adequately serve a growing population. More serious than any one issue, however seems to be a pervasive sense of complacency about the quality of life in Edina. A common refrain that we hear from native Edinans when presented with a potential issue for discussion is "well, it's always been this way." As in, we're not open to change. And this, I think, if not corrected, could have long-term negative implications for life in Edina. The city is changing, new families move in, older ones leave... Hanging on to the past will never create a vibrant future. Edina seems to have been "Great" in the past. The present... I'm not so sure. And the Mail. Goodness, the mail service is terrible. And strangely so... there's really no good reason for such bad service. • Declining academic performance of K-12 students in schools. • Declining education; focus on inclusion rather than learning. • Edina Public Schools - budget issues, apparent struggles with diversity/inclusion, Edina residents opting for private/parochial school options rather than supporting the public system • Education too liberal. • Failing schools. Density by overbuilding properties. • Focusing too much on diversity instead of educating the kids the correct facts and history. Too much liberal politics in the school. • I think the public schools have taken a turn for worse. Class sizes are too big, no sense of connection for students. Math department at EHS needs major overhaul. • Keep school education high. • Keeping the school district top reputation. • Keeping up high standards in education. Very concerned that the quality standard is slipping as seen by test scores. I would be looking to other communities to move to if I had young school age children. • Liberal school board & city council. • Liberal trend in schools. • Poor behavior of kids in schools, too many apartments being built not enough room in schools for big population growth. • Quality of the schools has deteriorated. Rich parents have taken their kids out of public schools and the administration is too incompetent to fix anything. Teachers are ineffective and the state is handing out too many "standards," missing what's key to educating children: focus, direction, and practice. If the city doesn't fix the public schools, right wing nuts will take charge and kill it completely, blaming the problems on diversity. Bring the class sizes down to a manageable level: 15 kids per class. • School funding. • School shootings - are our buildings secure? • Schools declining • Schools have dropped. • Schools! Politics! Both have gotten terrible!. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 135 • Schools/education deteriorating, too much tax payer money to developers. • the high school doesn't seem as supportive to students for guidance as what I experienced at Rochester Mayo • The public school budget deficit • The quality of our schools. • the school curriculum has changed for the worse • The schools are no longer excellent. They have lost students to other public and private schools who meet their kids needs better, and whose classrooms are less distracting and uncomfortable/unsafe. Too little focus on maintaining classrooms where learning is the constant, too much focus on everything else. • The schools are not what they used to be. Public schools. • Underpaid teachers/paras (so many leaving) • WAY TOO much development and overcrowding of schools. We pay a significant amount in taxes for education, I would prefer my kids benefit from that by smaller class sizes. Open enrollment should be closed up outside cities. Lack of diversity and sense of community • Being more inclusive of other cultures and religions and races • Being open to newcomers who are different from traditional population • bullying, ostracization/exclusion, community education not affordable • Clicky community • Continued history of racism and classism. It is still too hard/too expensive for most communities of color to move here. Addt'l low income housing is scarce. Marginalized groups do not feel welcome here. • Drs-information via s##t stirrers on next door. People have no idea how lucky they are. • Edina has a very snooty reputation. I attend a church here and don't notice that at all. I do think it is not very diverse, and that is a problem. • Edina higher class not welcoming of others below them, judgementa people. • Equal opportunities for low income/diversity in community. Edina is very white & wealthy. • Equity • For some (NOT all!!!), unwillingness or inability to listen/understand to multiple points of view or diverse experiences, instead holding a belief that one's own thinking and beliefs are the ONLY right way and must be true • Inaccessible to diverse populations • issues with somalia residents-I feel they can be misunderstood and it makes me sad. I worked at the Edina Family Center and the families from Somalia were wonderful. Valued education for their kids. • It's racist and the politics in youth sports reflects the general entitlement of the community. • Lack of community involvement in listening to one another. • Lack of racial diversity. • Limited diversity / inclusivity for both financially & racially. • Quality of living. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 136 • snobby • Too little diversity • Too little diversity • TOO LITTLE DIVERSITY. • Too little inclusivity & the tactics to address these social issues of violence. • Too much emphasis on diversity. Need to focus on core essentials like safety, infrastructure, STEM courses in schools, proper testing in schools. • Too much emphasis on race - it is divisive to do this. • Too much emphasis on race & equality. Much less of an issue than what is talked about. It's "overkill" discussed. Growth/overcrowding/density • "Too much density". • All the new apartment complexes going up. Getting crowded • Becoming too urban-too congested & impersonal. • Density population. • Density. • Excessive numbers of people/cars - too much!. • GROWTH (TOO MUCH) CRIME (TOO MUCH). • Growth is becoming too much. The town is losing its character as all the old housing is torn down and replaced with architecturally deficient McMansions. We are loosing all our old growth trees to new construction. This is a real issue. • Growth issues. • My concerns are really around density in Edina. I'm all for growth and change and modernization. But I think there is a real disconnect between the city and the community to really explain the "why" behind how dense the community is becoming. From along France to 50th and France to every developable parcel off 77th. Where is the benefit to the resident? How does it help us? I haven't really heard the solid and positive "why." It seems at times that the city doesn't want community feedback. Because community awareness often happens once it's to late to turn back. Whether it is a bridge project or a housing development. I see an opportunity to explain to residents how these developments benefit them. It's likely they do. But in the communication gap you develop some mistrust. I appreciate that there are more varieties of housing available and I think it is an incredible opportunity for developers. How is it directly benefiting our community? What are we getting out of it? It feels like we're on track to just more, and more development - becoming more of a city than a community. We could be both, but the city then needs to engage more meaningfully with residents. On the same topic of density, I'm concerned about how big our schools have become. Its a big draw for families to live in Edina and go to Edina Schools. But graduation class sizes are twice what they were 20/30 years ago. Understand that things change, but parents want a high quality experience for their kids. That experience isn't just in the form of test scores and AP classes. It's about not going to a high school the size of a community college where you can easily get lost in the massive class size of 700+ kids. It's about cultivating a community experience. Our elementary schools are City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 137 community/neighborhood schools. And, even that's evolving to make it seem more like we have magnet schools. What does Edina housing demand look like if people feel like the schools are less of a draw? Will they pay 700k for a house that costs 400k in Golden Valley? The decisions we make about development have a ripple effect. And, understanding that and sharing the vision for it is an important issue. • Negative-no growth policies - must be new growth so we avoid regressing!. • POPULATION DENSITY/TRAFFIC. • Possible overcrowding - so many new condos / apartments. • Rapid growth in neighborhoods & commercial areas. • Too much densification happening. Making it more difficult to get aroundfeeling too much like Minneapolis • Too much density being pursued. • TOO MUCH DENSITY IN HOUSING. • Too much density. Traffic congestion increasing. No regard in our neighborhood. They just keep adding and adding drivers. • TOO MUCH URBANIZATION. • too populated/too much traffic City government (fiscal responsibility, taxes, planning, etc.) • 1 To much taxes on property. 2. Too much mineral deposits in water causing severe & expensive plumbing repairs. • Added fees -/ taxes. • City does not listen to residents • City officials don't take resident concern) seriously. • Don't agree with some of the Council decisions, like the turn down of having a caf where the old Key's auto repair is located.This would have been such a plus for the community and the neighborhood. • Edina has been running well. The biggest risk is our leaders trying to do too much for good optics, for seeming good intentions, or for more nefarious political reasons. Major changes to the city's vision, plans, or operations should be based on sound evidence and data with the input of the community. • High taxes property. • High taxes, affordability. • High taxes. • Increase in taxes seem out of control • Keeping real estate taxes under control for people on fixed incomes as well as younger families • Lack of focus on public services and quality of schools. • Liberal policies leading to degrading quality of community • Not living within budget causing continuous tax increases; no consideration for residents on fixed incomes, continuation of teardowns which was to be discontinued, unnecessary city jobs - Sidewalk Monitor - really???; discontinued city services to residents; • Over taxation on property (Hennepin County) taxes are high. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 138 • Postal service is very poor. • Problems caused by Hennepin County government • Radical left politics turning Edina into MPLS, DEI initiatives, crime, erosion of middle class. • Rising property taxes. • Rising property taxes. Even lower valued homes are set at high market values due to lot size only. You will tax the middle class right out of Edina. • Rising taxes. • Rising taxes. • Rising taxes. • Single firmly property tax increases. • SPEND TOO $$ - TOO EASILY. • THE CITY IS ON A SPENDING SPREE. IE: HIRED A NEW "SIDEWALK INSPECTOR". • THE COST - OF EDUCATION, OPPORTUNITY, HOUSING, TAXES, ETC. (TOO MUCH). • The lack of interest and concern for resident feedback & input by city, particularly as those concerns relate to development and too much density. • TOO MUCH CITY GOVERNMENT MEDDLING. • Too Much Progressive Cultural Ideology & Not Enough Traditional/Conservative Values: Not supporting police enough, too much focus on "progressive" values in lieu of common sense traditional values, progressive values/agendas corrupting our schools & children, wasted taxes/resources focusing on "green" initiatives, not enough support for our religious & faith based values. Question 9 is a great example of the focus/resources we put on progressive values. The city should be investing very little in focusing on tribal demographics & identity politics. Public safety, public infrastructure, reasonable taxes, economic opportunity, traditional academics (STEM, etc.) should be way higher on the list than gender, gender identities, sexual orientation, etc. The city shouldn't play a role in any of the latter. • Too much taxes. • Too much wokeness. Edina has become increasingly liberal in the 65 years I've lived hear. • Water sewer price is quite high. • We need a younger, more vibrant mayor and some innovative, creative leadership within the government, police department, chamber of commerce and business association. Its reputation as a stuck-up, aging, entitled, privileged, hockey-obsessed community is its #1 problem. Everybody feels they're better and more successful than everybody else. It's a tiresome charade that, frankly, I'm tired of playing. Safety/crime • Car jackings - robberies - coyotes - parking for post office @ 50th c France. • City crime moving in, schools in decline, out of control too many apt buildings, taxes. • Crime • Crime & over building. • Crime and safety is a primary concern recently. There is a lot more crime in the community. It is concerning and disconcerting. After 20 years, I feel less safe overall. • Crime in metro area. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 139 • Crime targeting Edina residents • crime was starting to become something to worry abt (our car was stolen, all the instances of attacks in parking lots, etc) - i think its getting better but something to watch. there was the news of a shooting at southdale, so that is scary. • Crime, safety & speeding (cars). - Cars running stop signs. -Old parking light is & people on phones driving a dangerous intersection now with new apartment building so close to the road. [?] • Crime. • Crime. • Crime. • Growing crime - too much. • increase in crime, too much population density and overbuilding of apartment complexes, over- crowded schools with too much open-enrollment, lagging behind other communities in amenities for residents (example a true community and activity center), questionable city planning and zoning (example massive new apartment complexes everywhere, while we can't get a small restaurant for the NW quadrant approved), too much focus on inclusive/affordable housing (there are plenty of community options surrounding Edina for low/moderate income multi-family housing units--we don't need this in Edina). • Increase in gun violence - specifically Southdale. • Increased crime. We don't feel safe getting our kids in and out of their car seats with our garage door open. Someone attempted to steal our neighbor's car in their driveway while they were unloading groceries. We live in a quiet neighborhood. There's also been a lot of increased crime in the area of West 70th and Cahill. Our friend owns a business and she has had several issues since the apartment complex went up. So have other businesses over there. The shootings at Southdale (even though not targeted at people) have also been alarming and we now avoid going there. • Increasing crime/theft! • Not able to specify; wife expresses concern over potential for catalytic converter one [?]. • Ongoing issues with crime • Police - fire localine - availability. • Public Safety - too little emphasis • PUBLIC SAFETY / ENCROACHMENT OF NON-RESIDENT CRIMINALS. • Rising crime and declining schools. • RISING CRIME, • Rising crime. • Robbery/Catalitic Converters • Safety • Safety • Safety is starting to be a concern. Two shootings at Southdale, Homeless people camping around centennial lakes • Safety, in large part due to proximity to crime upticks, esp. in Linden Hills/Uptown • Safety, too much increase in housing density. • Safety. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 140 • Safety-lack of; paving parks to increase climate change; building more stupid ice rinks but no pickpocketed in nov at Lunds 50th France; car broken into-Southdale. • Theft. • too many carjackings • Too much crime! Taxes too high. Too many homeless. • Too much crime, too many apartments going in, too many affordable housing units. City Council has lost what made Edina great, We are trying to become an urban area rather than the calm, quiet, safe suburbia that we were. Stop changing Edina. • Too much crime. • Too much robberies once sect 8 housing was built near Edina market + T5's. • Violence in school and on street. Water quality/environmental issues • Cutting down old growth/old trees (too much). • drinking water is not good • Environmental issues- too little!. • Loss of habitat; losing trees; to much corporate power; residents uneducated about environment. • WATER QUALITY-HARDNESS-MINERALS. Economic development • Decline of Southdale Mall. • Need for redevelopment of Southdale mall area. • Too bad Kenn Kee's place couldn't become a restaurant. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 141 Overdevelopment/wrong type of development, teardowns • Allowing huge multi-million dollar homes to be built, towering over the current homes. Really changes the "feel" of the neighborhood. Looking down into my hot tub isn't really appreciated! Also trying to crowd more apartments/condos into every available space. again, takes away from the charm and elegance of Edina. • Amount of apartments being built. Roads and schools getting way too crowded. • Balancing the number of tear downs and too many expensive big houses and the number of houses for middle income families (by this I do not mean "affordable" housing). Too many apartment buildings going into or too close to traditional single family communities such as the huge, ugly apartment that is being jammed into the former Perkins location. This is totally destroying the look of the surrounding community. These buildings cause major traffic jams and wreck the roads. • Building way too many high rises. • Constant building of apartments • Density of the France Avenue corridor is becoming a concern , especially Macy's redevelopment near established residential. The proposed Macy's redevelopment does not enhance Centennial Lakes, it overwhelms it. • Development - traffic - noise in Southdale area!. • Development. Mcmansions and huge apartment complexes. • Fewer apartment buildings should be built. More townhomes needed. Homeownership promotes stability & community, not re. • GIANT NEW HOUSES WHEN RAISE EVERYONE'S PROPERTY TAXES. • High cost of housing • High renting • Land use / development conflicts • Managing redevelopment for the common good. • Mc Mansions-they will sell lock and the neighborhoods are gone. • New apartments are everywhere; population density is becoming an issue. • New gigantic homes in modest neighborhoods, 1g business office bld. • Over building • Over building - density. • Over building. • Over building. • Over building. • Over development around Southdale, multiple family residences popping up all over, gonna get really crowded. • Over expansion, & infrastructure. • Overbuild of apartments/condos. • Over-building - large apt. complexes - taking up "green" space. • Overbuilding / density. • Overbuilding in certain areas, not enough affordable housing. • Overbuilding of apartments, especially along/around France Avenue. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 142 • overbuilding of expensive housing (large houses and too many apartment buildings) • Overbuilding too many low income & tall buildings. • Overbuilt for the roads. • Overdevelopment emphasis on multi-housing spaces & population density. Change in business property tax base. • Overdevelopment of apartment buildings / development in residential neighborhoods. It makes it difficult to get around. • Overdevelopment on France Ave is a threat. • Overemphasis are social engineering at the expense of public services, safety. • Rapid growth of housing. • Real planning and understanding of the community. We are seeing big buildings go up between France and York and traffic is going to start to be a problem. Another example, Fred Richards...we close the golf course with no plan and a significant referendum passed to now upgrade it for what... much of what is around that part is commercial buildings and so if we are doing that to bring in business that is one thing but is less for the residents in my opinion. If we have city covenants and plan, abide by them vs. issuing variances. • Southdale growth -roads are bursting at seems and people already drive poorly. Adding a hotel at 7200 is a bad idea, especially with a school yamile away, worried about traffic to school & kids safety. Too many people coming in and out of the area with hotel. • Southdale Mall - should be torn down - a disgrace to our community and not safe for public. • Substantial increase in apartment/condo living options in Edina • The city is becoming overbuilt. There are areas of density that have grown up with little thought as to how it will change our community. All of the development is changing the visual appearance of Edina and the sense of neighborhood. It's a real problem. • the city seems to be overbuilding in some neighborhoods. • the community is being overbuilt with apartments and the increased traffic is an issue • The continuous building of apartments. I understand the need and benefit of housing, but enough is enough. Edina is a land-locked smaller community, and too much high-density housing will change the scope and feel of what makes Edina special. We don't want to feel like we're living in Minneapolis. • There's too much development and building of apartments and large houses. • There's too much development and building of apartments and large houses. • To many buildings, not enough parking, no parking to up [?]. • To many large apartments being built. • To many multi-family complex + apartments - too much. • Too little thought about the overall look, feel and livability of our city as new development is being created. We need someone with a design vision to weigh in on new plans. Southdale is an example of how not to design spaces to make people not feel safe, buildings not to be attractive (Byerly's wall and soviet era apartments), not have "living streets" (France and York are NOT pedestrian friendly and where are the trees? where can you bike? sidewalks are so close to the street where cars are driving 40+ it feels unsafe to walk), the mall now feels unsafe, The corner of 50th and Interlachen is another example (no bike route through that area, pedestrians crammed next to the curb, when there are sidewalks, a new ugly sound wall, no visually City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 143 appealing, cohesive built development. DESPITE years of Grandview Planning and Transportation "plans"). Edina is looking as if it wants to have our nodes bigger than most urban neighborhoods of Minneapolis, lacking community feel, and a feeling of what kind of place Edina really is. Ugly new buildings, crammed onto small lots (above and 50th and France newest condos -- the older ones SW corner 50th and France and older development were fine) Putting parks right next to development so it doesn't even feel like a "community park" but like it is an yard belonging to the building, all maintained by the city, but not really feeling like an open park. • Too many apartment buildings being constructed. Will create traffic issue. • Too many apartments • Too many apartments and condos are going up without any additional infrastructure and Rising property taxes despite the amount of additional residents (TIF is a problem) • Too many apartments and not enough restaurant options • too many apartments going up in Southdale area • Too many apartments in dense space, this causes too much traffic & influx of people. • Too many apt. • Too many apt. buildings. • Too many apts going up. • Too many apts. being built, turning into urban area; high crime stress of schools, traffic, infrastructure. • Too many condos & apartments being built. • Too many giant residentil building projects with worsening traffic congestion, too little commercial • Too many high rises popping up - not enough green space. • Too many huge apartment buildings being built. • Too many multi dwelling / apartments being approved before seeing the impact of those already under construction on traffic, pollution, or if water, power, police or fire services will be affected. • Too many multi unit housing developments. This equals too many kids flooding the schools with not enough teachers. • too many multi/big apartments going up, too much emphasis on political agendas • Too many new apartment building going on. • Too many new economic projects that bring new apartments, condos, and other high rise buildings into the community. Would prefer to focus more on cutting costs vs. new more taxes streams • Too many tear downs of smaller homes to build homes that are too big / lack of good public transportation. • Too many ugly apartment buildings, and not enough fun dining experiences. Obviously, not a serious problem,. • Too much building of housing - specifically high rises. • Too much building of unaffordable housing and too many buildings. You are turning it into a mini New York City. We are losing the small-town atmosphere and quiet. Our city is getting too big and is bursting at the seams with people. It's also becoming unaffordable to live here for City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 144 the middle class and lower middle-class population like me. Taxes are getting ridiculous and well as the cost of everything. People can't afford to move here. Schools are overcrowded with kids who don't live in the city, and that's very annoying for us. • Too much building. • too much development • too much development at Southdale • Too much development. We moved here because it was a suburb -- we did NOT want to live in Minneapolis. Very disappointed to see the city pursuing aggressive development with high-rise buildings that overtax the infrastructure. If we wanted busy streets and crowds everywhere, we would have lived in the city. • Too much focus on multi-housing and commercial development-more doesn't equate to better Edina needs more natural development and less concrete development. • Too much high density building undermining sense of community, quality of school and ease of getting around • too much high density construction • Too much high density housing being built without regards to the schools, roads, traffic levels, police/fire. Edina was a single-family home type of city and developers (with city's blessing) are getting rich off making Edina something different. • too much high end development • Too much high end housing. • Too much move toward dense multiple housing. • too much multi family housing • Too much new apt buildings and tear down. • Too much new developments in congested areas. • Too much new high density housing • Too much new housing - esp. apartments. • Too much new multi family housing apartments. • Too much new multi-unit housing being built • Too much over building apartments that are not needed. • TOO MUCH RETAIL/CONDO DEVELOPMENT. • Too too too much development of ugly buildings built right to the street • Way too many "cheap" looking "brutalist buildings & especially large commerci right along France Av overbuilding (too high & too many apartment bldgs. France Ave was designed to be a boulevard, tree lined!. • We are concerned with the number of apartment complexes going up. We feel it will become over saturated with housing and over crowding. This could be a game changer for us. Traffic becoming more congested for. • We have too many apartments going up in EDINA. TRAFFIC HAS GOTTEN WORSE AND EXPECT IT TO GET EVEN MORE WORSE AS THE APARTMENTS ARE BUILT. Too much focus on affordable housing City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 145 • Changing from safe suburb with nationally ranked schools; too much affordable dense housing which equates to higher crime; poor academics. • Too much affordable housing being build - invites crime. • Too much Affordable housing! If you can't afford to live in Edina, why should you get special rates just so you can live here. Makes no sense, other than the federal government is pushing for it. Brings in undesirables. • Too much apartment development/affordable housing - not planned properly. • Too much focus on pursuing low income housing low income brings crime. • too much low income housing • Too much low income housing. • Too much: "affordable", at one time, entry-level homes are being destroyed and replaced by minimum one-million dollar homes (many are now $2 million). One or two economic levels that used to inhabit Edina are now being drummed out. It's sad that Edina is becoming a community for only the very upper-middle class and wealthy. Oh, everyone else can live in an apartment...... Other • (Elite calm). • 24hr services • Encroaching crime from Minneapolis, also need to reopen the Edina Art Center (building updated to code.) • Future home value deterioration as Minneapolis degenerates. • Getting everyone involved. • Homelessness prevalence growing. • How to grow in a built-out environment. • I DO NOT HAVE A DOG - PUT MANY PEOPLE WITH DOGS COULD HAVE THEM OFF LEASH IF A DOG PARK WAS THERE HARMING AND DEVELOPING FRED RICHARDS PARK - ITS BEAUTIFUL AND QUIET HOW IT IS NOW! MAYBE ADD A DOG PARK TO IT WHAT/THAT WOULD BUILD COMMUNITY AND NOT HARM LIFE GROWING IN THE PARK. • Keeping doctors close. • Lack of urgent care facilities. • Mostly concerned about the bigger issue of climate change and how we're prepared as a community. • No picnic tables around when biking. • No recreation opportunities! Not good for young or old residents. • No restaurants near Vernon. • Not specific to Edina - everywhere people need to be more reponsible and aware and support police • Require additional pickleball courts • See # 5. • TO MUCH ATTENTION TO THE WEALTHY PARTS. • Too competitive for everything - even signing up for craft activities with young kids • too little aggressive action to fight climate change City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 146 • Too much attention placed on a few. • Too much change. • Vibrancy of neighborhood areas - 50th and France, 50th and Vernon, Valley View, etc.. • We are becoming an extension of Minneapolis and not in a good way. The building of large complexes seems to go against what the affected neighborhoods want. The roads are congested. City leaders seem to be working their own agendas. It's not the city I fell in love with. • We need an indoor recreation park • Wish we had some of the same community resources as some of the larger suburbs. Community centers, etc. Don’t now/nothing • ? • [?]. • Cannot be specific at this time • I have no knowledge @ this time. • I moved here 1 year (2 mo) ago - not sure often by problem. • I've only lived here 23/4 years, haven't had any trouble. • NO ISSUES COME TO MIND. • None I can think of • not sure • Uncertain • Unsure • Very few issues, I guess. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 147 Question 6: What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? Please be specific (e.g., note if the issue/problem is "too much" or "too little") More affordable housing needed • 1) Lack of affordable housing; 2) lack of housing variety. Everything is a mansion or an apartment and nothing in between. I'd like to retire in Edina but there's no place to live. • Access to affordable housing • Affordability - especially for young home-buyers. • Affordability of homes. • affordability of housing • Affordable Housing • Affordable housing - too little. • AFFORDABLE HOUSING TO ATTRACT YOUNGER FAMILIES. • Affordable housing which will enable a more diverse community. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. • Affordable housing. Friends want to move here and they can't afford it. • Affordable housing-not enough of it. • aging population combined with lack of affordable houses • amount of equity in housing and schools - there is not enough housing for low income and the schools continue to be racially separate within schools. • Cost of living • Having an open mind to accept varieties of housing options, including more affordable housing. Reluctance for greater density in land usage. We would like to see more density and affordable housing • Housing providing affordable housing. • High cost of housing • High cost of single family houses. • High renting • HOUSING FOR ELDERS. • Housing for first time home owners • Housing is too expensive • Housing is unaffordable. Too much construction. Lack of neighborliness. • I wish our community had more affordable housing. • Lack of affordable housing • Lack of affordable housing for young adults. Reputation of Edina is trash and that everyone is snotty and it's not totally off base • Lack of affordable housing to maintain diversity of incomes in our community • Lack of affordable housing; perhaps less welcoming to non-white people. • Large need for low income housing. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 148 • Not enough affordable housing • not enough affordable housing! • Not enough affordable housing. • Not providing enough affordable living for seniors not staying in their home. • One issue is the lack of availability of affordable housing. • PRICE OF HOUSING. • PROBABLY AFFORDABLE HOUSING. • Rise in housing costs. • THE COST OF HOUSING IS EXPENSIVE. • Too expensive housing. • Too little affordable housing & too little diversity. • Too little affordable housing / too little high end senior housing. • Too little affordable housing. • TOO LITTLE AFFORDABLE HOUSING. • Too little affordable housing. • Too little affordable housing. • Too little options for affordable housing. • Variety of housing pricing Overdevelopment/wrong type of development, teardowns • Allowing huge multi-million dollar homes to be built, towering over the current homes. Really changes the "feel" of the neighborhood. Looking down into my hot tub isn't really appreciated! Also trying to crowd more apartments/condos into every available space. again, takes away from the charm and elegance of Edina. • Amount of apartments being built. Roads and schools getting way too crowded. • Balancing the number of tear downs and too many expensive big houses and the number of houses for middle income families (by this I do not mean "affordable" housing). Too many apartment buildings going into or too close to traditional single family communities such as the huge, ugly apartment that is being jammed into the former Perkins location. This is totally destroying the look of the surrounding community. These buildings cause major traffic jams and wreck the roads. • Building way too many high rises. • Constant building of apartments • Density of the France Avenue corridor is becoming a concern , especially Macy's redevelopment near established residential. The proposed Macy's redevelopment does not enhance Centennial Lakes, it overwhelms it. • Development - traffic - noise in Southdale area!. • Development. Mcmansions and huge apartment complexes. • Fewer apartment buildings should be built. More townhomes needed. Homeownership promotes stability & community, not re. • GIANT NEW HOUSES WHEN RAISE EVERYONE'S PROPERTY TAXES. • Land use / development conflicts City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 149 • Managing redevelopment for the common good. • Mc Mansions-they will sell lock and the neighborhoods are gone. • New apartments are everywhere; population density is becoming an issue. • New gigantic homes in modest neighborhoods, 1g business office bld. • Over building • Over building - density. • Over building. • Over building. • Over building. • Over development around Southdale, multiple family residences popping up all over, gonna get really crowded. • Over expansion, & infrastructure. • Overbuild of apartments/condos. • Over-building - large apt. complexes - taking up "green" space. • Overbuilding / density. • Overbuilding in certain areas, not enough affordable housing. • Overbuilding of apartments, especially along/around France Avenue. • overbuilding of expensive housing (large houses and too many apartment buildings) • Overbuilding too many low income & tall buildings. • Overbuilt for the roads. • Overdevelopment emphasis on multi-housing spaces & population density. Change in business property tax base. • Overdevelopment of apartment buildings / development in residential neighborhoods. It makes it difficult to get around. • Overdevelopment on France Ave is a threat. • Overemphasis are social engineering at the expense of public services, safety. • Rapid growth of housing. • Real planning and understanding of the community. We are seeing big buildings go up between France and York and traffic is going to start to be a problem. Another example, Fred Richards...we close the golf course with no plan and a significant referendum passed to now upgrade it for what... much of what is around that part is commercial buildings and so if we are doing that to bring in business that is one thing but is less for the residents in my opinion. If we have city covenants and plan, abide by them vs. issuing variances. • Southdale growth -roads are bursting at seems and people already drive poorly. Adding a hotel at 7200 is a bad idea, especially with a school yamile away, worried about traffic to school & kids safety. Too many people coming in and out of the area with hotel. • Southdale Mall - should be torn down - a disgrace to our community and not safe for public. • Substantial increase in apartment/condo living options in Edina • The city is becoming overbuilt. There are areas of density that have grown up with little thought as to how it will change our community. All of the development is changing the visual appearance of Edina and the sense of neighborhood. It's a real problem. • the city seems to be overbuilding in some neighborhoods. • the community is being overbuilt with apartments and the increased traffic is an issue City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 150 • The continuous building of apartments. I understand the need and benefit of housing, but enough is enough. Edina is a land-locked smaller community, and too much high-density housing will change the scope and feel of what makes Edina special. We don't want to feel like we're living in Minneapolis. • There's too much development and building of apartments and large houses. • There's too much development and building of apartments and large houses. • To many buildings, not enough parking, no parking to up [?]. • To many large apartments being built. • To many multi-family complex + apartments - too much. • Too little thought about the overall look, feel and livability of our city as new development is being created. We need someone with a design vision to weigh in on new plans. Southdale is an example of how not to design spaces to make people not feel safe, buildings not to be attractive (Byerly's wall and soviet era apartments), not have "living streets" (France and York are NOT pedestrian friendly and where are the trees? where can you bike? sidewalks are so close to the street where cars are driving 40+ it feels unsafe to walk), the mall now feels unsafe, The corner of 50th and Interlachen is another example (no bike route through that area, pedestrians crammed next to the curb, when there are sidewalks, a new ugly sound wall, no visually appealing, cohesive built development. DESPITE years of Grandview Planning and Transportation "plans"). Edina is looking as if it wants to have our nodes bigger than most urban neighborhoods of Minneapolis, lacking community feel, and a feeling of what kind of place Edina really is. Ugly new buildings, crammed onto small lots (above and 50th and France newest condos -- the older ones SW corner 50th and France and older development were fine) Putting parks right next to development so it doesn't even feel like a "community park" but like it is an yard belonging to the building, all maintained by the city, but not really feeling like an open park. • Too many apartment buildings being constructed. Will create traffic issue. • Too many apartments • Too many apartments and condos are going up without any additional infrastructure and Rising property taxes despite the amount of additional residents (TIF is a problem) • Too many apartments and not enough restaurant options • too many apartments going up in Southdale area • Too many apartments in dense space, this causes too much traffic & influx of people. • Too many apt. • Too many apt. buildings. • Too many apts going up. • Too many apts. being built, turning into urban area; high crime stress of schools, traffic, infrastructure. • Too many condos & apartments being built. • Too many giant residentil building projects with worsening traffic congestion, too little commercial • Too many high rises popping up - not enough green space. • Too many huge apartment buildings being built. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 151 • Too many multi dwelling / apartments being approved before seeing the impact of those already under construction on traffic, pollution, or if water, power, police or fire services will be affected. • Too many multi unit housing developments. This equals too many kids flooding the schools with not enough teachers. • too many multi/big apartments going up, too much emphasis on political agendas • Too many new apartment building going on. • Too many new economic projects that bring new apartments, condos, and other high rise buildings into the community. Would prefer to focus more on cutting costs vs. new more taxes streams • Too many tear downs of smaller homes to build homes that are too big / lack of good public transportation. • Too many ugly apartment buildings, and not enough fun dining experiences. Obviously, not a serious problem,. • Too much building of housing - specifically high rises. • Too much building of unaffordable housing and too many buildings. You are turning it into a mini New York City. We are losing the small-town atmosphere and quiet. Our city is getting too big and is bursting at the seams with people. It's also becoming unaffordable to live here for the middle class and lower middle-class population like me. Taxes are getting ridiculous and well as the cost of everything. People can't afford to move here. Schools are overcrowded with kids who don't live in the city, and that's very annoying for us. • Too much building. • too much development • too much development at Southdale • Too much development. We moved here because it was a suburb -- we did NOT want to live in Minneapolis. Very disappointed to see the city pursuing aggressive development with high-rise buildings that overtax the infrastructure. If we wanted busy streets and crowds everywhere, we would have lived in the city. • Too much focus on multi-housing and commercial development-more doesn't equate to better Edina needs more natural development and less concrete development. • Too much high density building undermining sense of community, quality of school and ease of getting around • too much high density construction • Too much high density housing being built without regards to the schools, roads, traffic levels, police/fire. Edina was a single-family home type of city and developers (with city's blessing) are getting rich off making Edina something different. • too much high end development • Too much high end housing. • Too much move toward dense multiple housing. • too much multi family housing • Too much new apt buildings and tear down. • Too much new developments in congested areas. • Too much new high density housing City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 152 • Too much new housing - esp. apartments. • Too much new multi family housing apartments. • Too much new multi-unit housing being built • Too much over building apartments that are not needed. • TOO MUCH RETAIL/CONDO DEVELOPMENT. • Too too too much development of ugly buildings built right to the street • Way too many "cheap" looking "brutalist buildings & especially large commerci right along France Av overbuilding (too high & too many apartment bldgs. France Ave was designed to be a boulevard, tree lined!. • We are concerned with the number of apartment complexes going up. We feel it will become over saturated with housing and over crowding. This could be a game changer for us. Traffic becoming more congested for. • We have too many apartments going up in EDINA. TRAFFIC HAS GOTTEN WORSE AND EXPECT IT TO GET EVEN MORE WORSE AS THE APARTMENTS ARE BUILT. Traffic and infrastructure (road maintenance, snow removal, sidewalks, etc.) • ALL THE MULTI-DWELLING IS MAKING TOO MUCH TRAFFIC. TAKES FOREVER TO GET OUT ONTO XERXES FROM HERITAGE DR TO ACCESS 62 CROSS-TOWN. • BAD PEDESTRIAN CROSSING @ MAIN STREETS. • Congestion around 50th and Hwy. 100 • Congestion in popular places such as 50th & France & Grandview area - roads not adequate. • Drivers driving too fast regardless of speed limit signs! • Due to parking at 50th/France - no longer shop there. Due to over-abundance of bike lanes, cars are squeezed out. • Friendliness to carless resident • I wish it were easier to walk or bike on main roads like Vernon, France, etc. I wish I could walk to shops and restaurants. I have to drive everywhere which is a bummer. • Infrastructure is a mess. Getting in & out of parking lots are dangerous. I hate that there are road for both bicycles & cars. Very dangerous. • Lack of sidewalks and safe bike paths • Lack of sidewalks. It is unsafe for kids to walk to school, especially in winter when they are pushed into the middle of the road by snowbanks. • lack of walkability and bike ability - not enough sidewalks, not enough neighborhood amenities, restaurants and retail • Lots of traffic & stoplights. • May be too little thinking like a pedestrian on bus rider. Traffic on France, etc. can be overwhelming. Consider more bldg. like Yorkdale town homes so families can have some space rather than apartments. • Need road repairs. • Not enough bike paths - walk signals need more voice controls. • Not so great without a car, not unusual for parts of Minnesota. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 153 • Not very biking or walking friendly. I'm sure there are much more serious issues, but this is one downfall of Edina that stands out to me. • POOR ROADS. • Pot holes! • Pot holes. • POT HOLES; infrastructure • POTHOLES • Potholes (roadwork) to many apt. buildings. • Potholes. • Public transit isn't amazing, but I would say the public transit in Minneapolis and surrounding areas just isn't great. • Public transportation - i.e. bike racet [?] & availabil. of buses travelling only w/ in Edina. • Road layout on west side is poor. Little connectivity, funneling all traffic to 62. • See # 2; on and off freeway ramps on same ramp. Stupid. • Speeding on neighborhood streets; no real feeling of unity or community. • Streets on Barrie Rd need to be fixed. • Too car-centric. There is little to no effort to improve pedestrian and biking infrastructure. It is not safe to bike on our major routes. • Too little infrastructure to safely and comfortably walk or bike. • Too many pot holes. • Too much speeding. If limit is 25mph- NO ONE complies • Too much traffic for side streets and very congested in busy areas • Too much traffic. • Too much traffic. • too much. bike lanes added that are not wide and safe enough and reduce car lanes. - a bad recipe for accidents • Traffic - too much. • Traffic congestion especially on York/Xerxes Av, overdevelopment. • Traffic increasing. • Traffic on 62, too much & overall lack of diversity in some schools (Normandale Elem). • Traffic on France & York between H [?] 62 & 494 to fast not safe speed limit should be 30mph also traffic light pedestrian walk time is too short lots of older people live here and need more time to cross streets. I never see the police lookin' for speeders. • Traffic on France Ave. • Traffic, continual building of apartments. • Traffic, overbuilding of multi-family residential and invasion of criminals from Minneapolis and other suburbs • Traffic. • Without access to a car, it is difficult to get to all the placed in Edina. Also it doesn't feel safe to walk around due to lack of sidewalks (or they are on the other side of the street and the crosswalks are not pedestrian friendly). City government (fiscal responsibility, taxes, planning, etc.) City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 154 • 1 To much taxes on property. 2. Too much mineral deposits in water causing severe & expensive plumbing repairs. • Added fees -/ taxes. • City does not listen to residents • City officials don't take resident concern) seriously. • Don't agree with some of the Council decisions, like the turn down of having a caf where the old Key's auto repair is located.This would have been such a plus for the community and the neighborhood. • Edina has been running well. The biggest risk is our leaders trying to do too much for good optics, for seeming good intentions, or for more nefarious political reasons. Major changes to the city's vision, plans, or operations should be based on sound evidence and data with the input of the community. • High taxes property. • High taxes, affordability. • High taxes. • Increase in taxes seem out of control • Keeping real estate taxes under control for people on fixed incomes as well as younger families • Lack of focus on public services and quality of schools. • Liberal policies leading to degrading quality of community • Not living within budget causing continuous tax increases; no consideration for residents on fixed incomes, continuation of teardowns which was to be discontinued, unnecessary city jobs - Sidewalk Monitor - really???; discontinued city services to residents; • Over taxation on property (Hennepin County) taxes are high. • Postal service is very poor. • Problems caused by Hennepin County government • Radical left politics turning Edina into MPLS, DEI initiatives, crime, erosion of middle class. • Rising property taxes. • Rising property taxes. Even lower valued homes are set at high market values due to lot size only. You will tax the middle class right out of Edina. • Rising taxes. • Rising taxes. • Rising taxes. • Single firmly property tax increases. • SPEND TOO $$ - TOO EASILY. • THE CITY IS ON A SPENDING SPREE. IE: HIRED A NEW "SIDEWALK INSPECTOR". • THE COST - OF EDUCATION, OPPORTUNITY, HOUSING, TAXES, ETC. (TOO MUCH). • The lack of interest and concern for resident feedback & input by city, particularly as those concerns relate to development and too much density. • TOO MUCH CITY GOVERNMENT MEDDLING. • Too Much Progressive Cultural Ideology & Not Enough Traditional/Conservative Values: Not supporting police enough, too much focus on "progressive" values in lieu of common sense traditional values, progressive values/agendas corrupting our schools & children, wasted taxes/resources focusing on "green" initiatives, not enough support for our religious & faith City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 155 based values. Question 9 is a great example of the focus/resources we put on progressive values. The city should be investing very little in focusing on tribal demographics & identity politics. Public safety, public infrastructure, reasonable taxes, economic opportunity, traditional academics (STEM, etc.) should be way higher on the list than gender, gender identities, sexual orientation, etc. The city shouldn't play a role in any of the latter. • Too much taxes. • Too much wokeness. Edina has become increasingly liberal in the 65 years I've lived hear. • Water sewer price is quite high. • We need a younger, more vibrant mayor and some innovative, creative leadership within the government, police department, chamber of commerce and business association. Its reputation as a stuck-up, aging, entitled, privileged, hockey-obsessed community is its #1 problem. Everybody feels they're better and more successful than everybody else. It's a tiresome charade that, frankly, I'm tired of playing. Safety/crime • Car jackings - robberies - coyotes - parking for post office @ 50th c France. • City crime moving in, schools in decline, out of control too many apt buildings, taxes. • Crime • Crime & over building. • Crime and safety is a primary concern recently. There is a lot more crime in the community. It is concerning and disconcerting. After 20 years, I feel less safe overall. • Crime in metro area. • Crime targeting Edina residents • crime was starting to become something to worry abt (our car was stolen, all the instances of attacks in parking lots, etc) - i think its getting better but something to watch. there was the news of a shooting at southdale, so that is scary. • Crime, safety & speeding (cars). - Cars running stop signs. -Old parking light is & people on phones driving a dangerous intersection now with new apartment building so close to the road. [?] • Crime. • Crime. • Crime. • Growing crime - too much. • increase in crime, too much population density and overbuilding of apartment complexes, over- crowded schools with too much open-enrollment, lagging behind other communities in amenities for residents (example a true community and activity center), questionable city planning and zoning (example massive new apartment complexes everywhere, while we can't get a small restaurant for the NW quadrant approved), too much focus on inclusive/affordable housing (there are plenty of community options surrounding Edina for low/moderate income multi-family housing units--we don't need this in Edina). • Increase in gun violence - specifically Southdale. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 156 • Increased crime. We don't feel safe getting our kids in and out of their car seats with our garage door open. Someone attempted to steal our neighbor's car in their driveway while they were unloading groceries. We live in a quiet neighborhood. There's also been a lot of increased crime in the area of West 70th and Cahill. Our friend owns a business and she has had several issues since the apartment complex went up. So have other businesses over there. The shootings at Southdale (even though not targeted at people) have also been alarming and we now avoid going there. • Increasing crime/theft! • Not able to specify; wife expresses concern over potential for catalytic converter one [?]. • Ongoing issues with crime • Police - fire localine - availability. • Public Safety - too little emphasis • PUBLIC SAFETY / ENCROACHMENT OF NON-RESIDENT CRIMINALS. • Rising crime and declining schools. • RISING CRIME, • Rising crime. • Robbery/Catalitic Converters • Safety • Safety • Safety is starting to be a concern. Two shootings at Southdale, Homeless people camping around centennial lakes • Safety, in large part due to proximity to crime upticks, esp. in Linden Hills/Uptown • Safety, too much increase in housing density. • Safety. • Safety-lack of; paving parks to increase climate change; building more stupid ice rinks but no pickpocketed in nov at Lunds 50th France; car broken into-Southdale. • Theft. • too many carjackings • Too much crime! Taxes too high. Too many homeless. • Too much crime, too many apartments going in, too many affordable housing units. City Council has lost what made Edina great, We are trying to become an urban area rather than the calm, quiet, safe suburbia that we were. Stop changing Edina. • Too much crime. • Too much robberies once sect 8 housing was built near Edina market + T5's. • Violence in school and on street. Lack of diversity and sense of community • Being more inclusive of other cultures and religions and races • Being open to newcomers who are different from traditional population • bullying, ostracization/exclusion, community education not affordable • Clicky community City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 157 • Continued history of racism and classism. It is still too hard/too expensive for most communities of color to move here. Addt'l low income housing is scarce. Marginalized groups do not feel welcome here. • Drs-information via s##t stirrers on next door. People have no idea how lucky they are. • Edina has a very snooty reputation. I attend a church here and don't notice that at all. I do think it is not very diverse, and that is a problem. • Edina higher class not welcoming of others below them, judgementa people. • Equal opportunities for low income/diversity in community. Edina is very white & wealthy. • Equity • For some (NOT all!!!), unwillingness or inability to listen/understand to multiple points of view or diverse experiences, instead holding a belief that one's own thinking and beliefs are the ONLY right way and must be true • Inaccessible to diverse populations • issues with somalia residents-I feel they can be misunderstood and it makes me sad. I worked at the Edina Family Center and the families from Somalia were wonderful. Valued education for their kids. • It's racist and the politics in youth sports reflects the general entitlement of the community. • Lack of community involvement in listening to one another. • Lack of racial diversity. • Limited diversity / inclusivity for both financially & racially. • Quality of living. • snobby • Too little diversity • Too little diversity • TOO LITTLE DIVERSITY. • Too little inclusivity & the tactics to address these social issues of violence. • Too much emphasis on diversity. Need to focus on core essentials like safety, infrastructure, STEM courses in schools, proper testing in schools. • Too much emphasis on race - it is divisive to do this. • Too much emphasis on race & equality. Much less of an issue than what is talked about. It's "overkill" discussed. Schools/education • Currently, our biggest struggle is with the quality and size of our daughter's 2nd grade class. The 2nd grade class at Creek Valley is quite large and the school does not appear to have the resources or skills to adequately serve a growing population. More serious than any one issue, however seems to be a pervasive sense of complacency about the quality of life in Edina. A common refrain that we hear from native Edinans when presented with a potential issue for discussion is "well, it's always been this way." As in, we're not open to change. And this, I think, if not corrected, could have long-term negative implications for life in Edina. The city is changing, new families move in, older ones leave... Hanging on to the past will never create a vibrant future. Edina seems to have been "Great" in the past. The present... I'm not so sure. And the City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 158 Mail. Goodness, the mail service is terrible. And strangely so... there's really no good reason for such bad service. • Declining academic performance of K-12 students in schools. • Declining education; focus on inclusion rather than learning. • Edina Public Schools - budget issues, apparent struggles with diversity/inclusion, Edina residents opting for private/parochial school options rather than supporting the public system • Education too liberal. • Failing schools. Density by overbuilding properties. • Focusing too much on diversity instead of educating the kids the correct facts and history. Too much liberal politics in the school. • I think the public schools have taken a turn for worse. Class sizes are too big, no sense of connection for students. Math department at EHS needs major overhaul. • Keep school education high. • Keeping the school district top reputation. • Keeping up high standards in education. Very concerned that the quality standard is slipping as seen by test scores. I would be looking to other communities to move to if I had young school age children. • Liberal school board & city council. • Liberal trend in schools. • Poor behavior of kids in schools, too many apartments being built not enough room in schools for big population growth. • Quality of the schools has deteriorated. Rich parents have taken their kids out of public schools and the administration is too incompetent to fix anything. Teachers are ineffective and the state is handing out too many "standards," missing what's key to educating children: focus, direction, and practice. If the city doesn't fix the public schools, right wing nuts will take charge and kill it completely, blaming the problems on diversity. Bring the class sizes down to a manageable level: 15 kids per class. • School funding. • School shootings - are our buildings secure? • Schools declining • Schools have dropped. • Schools! Politics! Both have gotten terrible!. • Schools/education deteriorating, too much tax payer money to developers. • the high school doesn't seem as supportive to students for guidance as what I experienced at Rochester Mayo • The public school budget deficit • The quality of our schools. • the school curriculum has changed for the worse • The schools are no longer excellent. They have lost students to other public and private schools who meet their kids needs better, and whose classrooms are less distracting and uncomfortable/unsafe. Too little focus on maintaining classrooms where learning is the constant, too much focus on everything else. • The schools are not what they used to be. Public schools. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 159 • Underpaid teachers/paras (so many leaving) • WAY TOO much development and overcrowding of schools. We pay a significant amount in taxes for education, I would prefer my kids benefit from that by smaller class sizes. Open enrollment should be closed up outside cities. Growth/overcrowding/density • "Too much density". • All the new apartment complexes going up. Getting crowded • Becoming too urban-too congested & impersonal. • Density population. • Density. • Excessive numbers of people/cars - too much!. • GROWTH (TOO MUCH) CRIME (TOO MUCH). • Growth is becoming too much. The town is losing its character as all the old housing is torn down and replaced with architecturally deficient McMansions. We are loosing all our old growth trees to new construction. This is a real issue. • Growth issues. • My concerns are really around density in Edina. I'm all for growth and change and modernization. But I think there is a real disconnect between the city and the community to really explain the "why" behind how dense the community is becoming. From along France to 50th and France to every developable parcel off 77th. Where is the benefit to the resident? How does it help us? I haven't really heard the solid and positive "why." It seems at times that the city doesn't want community feedback. Because community awareness often happens once it's to late to turn back. Whether it is a bridge project or a housing development. I see an opportunity to explain to residents how these developments benefit them. It's likely they do. But in the communication gap you develop some mistrust. I appreciate that there are more varieties of housing available and I think it is an incredible opportunity for developers. How is it directly benefiting our community? What are we getting out of it? It feels like we're on track to just more, and more development - becoming more of a city than a community. We could be both, but the city then needs to engage more meaningfully with residents. On the same topic of density, I'm concerned about how big our schools have become. Its a big draw for families to live in Edina and go to Edina Schools. But graduation class sizes are twice what they were 20/30 years ago. Understand that things change, but parents want a high quality experience for their kids. That experience isn't just in the form of test scores and AP classes. It's about not going to a high school the size of a community college where you can easily get lost in the massive class size of 700+ kids. It's about cultivating a community experience. Our elementary schools are community/neighborhood schools. And, even that's evolving to make it seem more like we have magnet schools. What does Edina housing demand look like if people feel like the schools are less of a draw? Will they pay 700k for a house that costs 400k in Golden Valley? The decisions we make about development have a ripple effect. And, understanding that and sharing the vision for it is an important issue. • Negative-no growth policies - must be new growth so we avoid regressing!. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 160 • POPULATION DENSITY/TRAFFIC. • Possible overcrowding - so many new condos / apartments. • Rapid growth in neighborhoods & commercial areas. • Too much densification happening. Making it more difficult to get aroundfeeling too much like Minneapolis • Too much density being pursued. • TOO MUCH DENSITY IN HOUSING. • Too much density. Traffic congestion increasing. No regard in our neighborhood. They just keep adding and adding drivers. • TOO MUCH URBANIZATION. • too populated/too much traffic Water quality/environmental issues • Cutting down old growth/old trees (too much). • drinking water is not good • Environmental issues- too little!. • Loss of habitat; losing trees; to much corporate power; residents uneducated about environment. • WATER QUALITY-HARDNESS-MINERALS. Economic development • Decline of Southdale Mall. • Need for redevelopment of Southdale mall area. • Too bad Kenn Kee's place couldn't become a restaurant. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 161 Too much focus on affordable housing • Changing from safe suburb with nationally ranked schools; too much affordable dense housing which equates to higher crime; poor academics. • Too much affordable housing being build - invites crime. • Too much Affordable housing! If you can't afford to live in Edina, why should you get special rates just so you can live here. Makes no sense, other than the federal government is pushing for it. Brings in undesirables. • Too much apartment development/affordable housing - not planned properly. • Too much focus on pursuing low income housing low income brings crime. • too much low income housing • Too much low income housing. • Too much: "affordable", at one time, entry-level homes are being destroyed and replaced by minimum one-million dollar homes (many are now $2 million). One or two economic levels that used to inhabit Edina are now being drummed out. It's sad that Edina is becoming a community for only the very upper-middle class and wealthy. Oh, everyone else can live in an apartment...... Other • - I DO NOT HAVE A DOG - PUT MANY PEOPLE WITH DOGS COULD HAVE THEM OFF LEASH IF A DOG PARK WAS THERE HARMING AND DEVELOPING FRED RICHARDS PARK - ITS BEAUTIFUL AND QUIET HOW IT IS NOW! MAYBE ADD A DOG PARK TO IT WHAT/THAT WOULD BUILD COMMUNITY AND NOT HARM LIFE GROWING IN THE PARK. • (Elite calm). • 24hr services • Encroaching crime from Minneapolis, also need to reopen the Edina Art Center (building updated to code.) • Future home value deterioration as Minneapolis degenerates. • Getting everyone involved. • Homelessness prevalence growing. • How to grow in a built-out environment. • Keeping doctors close. • Lack of urgent care facilities. • Mostly concerned about the bigger issue of climate change and how we're prepared as a community. • No picnic tables around when biking. • No recreation opportunities! Not good for young or old residents. • No restaurants near Vernon. • Not specific to Edina - everywhere people need to be more reponsible and aware and support police • Require additional pickleball courts • See # 5. • TO MUCH ATTENTION TO THE WEALTHY PARTS. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 162 • Too competitive for everything - even signing up for craft activities with young kids • too little aggressive action to fight climate change • Too much attention placed on a few. • Too much change. • Vibrancy of neighborhood areas - 50th and France, 50th and Vernon, Valley View, etc.. • We are becoming an extension of Minneapolis and not in a good way. The building of large complexes seems to go against what the affected neighborhoods want. The roads are congested. City leaders seem to be working their own agendas. It's not the city I fell in love with. • We need an indoor recreation park • Wish we had some of the same community resources as some of the larger suburbs. Community centers, etc. Don’t know/nothing • ? • [?]. • Cannot be specific at this time • I have no knowledge @ this time. • I moved here 1 year (2 mo) ago - not sure often by problem. • I've only lived here 23/4 years, haven't had any trouble. • NO ISSUES COME TO MIND. • None I can think of • not sure • Uncertain • Unsure • Very few issues, I guess. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 163 Question 18: All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? - Wrong track, why? Poor development/overbuilding/density of city/growth/urbanization • (*) ? There seems to be little or no emphasis placed on the establishment of solar energy equipment in the construction of new apartment buildings, etc. - why? • All the high apartment complexes going up. Definitely will change the dynamic of the community in negative way. More traffic congestion too!. • Allowing for over building & way to many so called green initiatives without long term cost concerns and neg. results. • As earlier stated, the large push to build apartments, high rises, added commercial and overall congestion will take our community the wrong way. • Becoming Minneapolis; focus switched from education to inclusion. • Changing from suburbia to intercity. • Changing what was great about Edina; safe suburb; nationally ranked schools. Trying to become too urban which equates to higher crime & lower school rankings & test scores. • Concerned about over building, poor public transit, not enough open spaces. • Concerns with economic development on France Ave. with the building of new office, condos and hotels with no concerns about traffic issues. I understand some of these developers are wanting TIF money. • Congestion being created by more apartments - infrastructure is not being addressed with these increases. Also houses are no longer affordable. It doesn't feel like the same community as 22 years ago when we moved here. • Development of apartment buildings crammed into every empty space & buildings too high. Leads to traffic & dense population. • Don't turn this into another downtown Mpls - too many big buildings! More crime. • Edina is a great place to live. Let's leave it that way we don't need drugs or apartment buildings. • Excessive development. This is a suburb. People move here for quiet streets, single family homes, good schools -- NOT for traffic and overcrowded schools and shootings in the mall. • Focus on infrastructure maintenance and improvements, keep Edina Safe and be respectful of scope and size of land projects so they do not negatively affect our wonderful neighborhood feel. • I feel we have too much housing going in around Southdale & France & down to 7200. • I think development is dropping the ball. Way too many high rises. Also annoyed that the historic district - design integrity is going out the window. • I'm clarifying to add that the only reason that generally I think yes things are headed down a good direction except for the major increase in commitment to increasing population density without truly thinking through plans for how to accommodate extra citizens. I'm very nervous for the future in particularly our schools and how it will impact that. • Infrastructure needs to be able to keep up with all the development. Southdale-Vernon-50th. • It seems like a lot of apartments are being added. Also new homes need more regulation on trees and environmental changes. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 164 • It used to be a lovely quiet community. Now it seems no different than the heart of a large city. Do we really need 17 story buildings? Saying that this direction allows Edina the opportunity to offer affordable housing feels dishonest. • Need more protecting of naturally occurring affordable housing. • No hotel at 7200 France Av _ Southdale traffic/roads cannot support that and all of the newly built apartments in the same area. • Not a fan of increased density. • Not enough focus on future planning/traffic/development. Need to make long term decisions vs. what is best new. • Nothing like it used to be in Edina. Typical liberal suburb in extremely liberal Minnesota. • OVER BUILDING - BIG HOMES - HI-RISES. • Over building with apartments. Poor quality k-12 education. • OVER BUILDING. • Over develop on housing - d [?] ing. • Over development and misguided leadership • Overbuilding Edina doesn't have community feeling. • OVERBUILDING/POPULATION DENSITY. • Overdevelopment of housing (apartments) and office space. Edina does not need more high-rise housing (the bower was one too many - its environmental impact on promenade side "landscaping" and wind tunnel consequences is irreversible) please do not make a similar mistake on the Macys Homes tore site!. • Overdevelopment, crime, congestion- with so much development, why aren't taxes decreasing with the larger tax base? • Overdevelopment, not taking care of current Edina residents • Over-development, traffic congestion, poor drinking water. • People come to Edina for the schools and items that are being implemented are going to start dragging down the quality of education. These things need to be done slower in order to make the necessary changes to keep up. To be clear I am not opposed to lower income housing but 1400+ units in one year is too much too fast. The city needs time to put the infrastructure in place to handle the influx of people and children and traffic and public buses etc. • Population density • The city government has grown too much. It is not sustainable and there is little in the way of vision. Look at the idiotic tax people agreed to to pay for an essentially private ice rink (sure, it's "public" but how much time is actually available for public use vs private hockey use?) What a mess. This city needs leaders who are able to think critically about the fiscal sustainability of this town. • There are too many apartment buildings and high density housing buildings going up and very little additional infrastructure being built to support all the potential new residents. There are no new grocery stores being built that I know of. Is it possible to add so many new apartments without adding additional amenities/essentials to support the numerous new residents? I also feel that the the direction Edina is headed is less focused on long term residents and more focused on short term residents/renters that will not live here long term. Overall, it is a decline in the atmosphere of the community-more urban and less family oriented. The focus needs to City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 165 take into consideration the size of our city, the amenities needed to support the residents and the quality of life the city's reputation purports to offer and has offered until recently. The direction the city is headed is contrary to the first tier suburb culture Edina has maintained for years-the direction is much more urban than suburban. I am worried that non-renter residents will shoulder the burden of supporting non-permanent residents. Is Edina a neighborhood community or an urban transient community? There is too much focus on multi-density housing. Slightly rambling response, the bottom line is that there is a definite change afoot, and I'm not sure it is the right direction. • There are too many apartments being built. Offering lower income housing will destroy the current safety and low crime. People live in Edina for a reason. They want to feel safe and want to feel like they've worked hard to live here. I used to live in Eden Prairie. It used to be one of the top cities in MN. Now there is nothing but crime and trouble because they have allowed people to live there that dont have the same level of respect for the community. This is not about exclusion. Its about not everything has to be fair for everyone, especially if they havent earned it. • There is too much focus on building new housing rather than providing a high quality of life to those already living here. • To many apartments. • To many apts - no condos being built. • To many multi-family complex & apartments & low income properties being built. • Too eager $ raise taxes and charge fees for everything. Too much commercial development. Too little attention to water quality. • Too fast growth - apartments. • Too many apartment buildings being built. More townhomes & single family homes need to be built to create a stable community. • Too many apartments & condos being built too many houses knocked down large ones built in their place. • Too many apartments & extra traffic. • too many apartments being built creating a lot of congestion • Too many apartments going in, too much emphasis on affordable housing, changing community and schools too much by this action. Too much emphasis on being politically correct. • Too many apartments going up • Too many apts being built yet tear down places to eat - perkins. • Too many high rises, apartments. Roads and schools can't handle all this. • Too many homes being torn down, JCPenney left Southdale (favorite clothing store), new home developers don't care about neighbors living in the neighborhood where they build. They leave a mess and park in front of everyone else's property. Not good. Have had to deal with the noise and racket for three straight years now. • Too many large apartment - cemery traffic problems. • Too many large apartment buildings. • Too many large apartments. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 166 • Too many large houses replacing existing homes, losing important trees and they are not being replaced losing seen and in give causing public form [?]. • Too many multi-tenant, subsidized housing projects. • Too many new apartment construct [?]. • Too many new buildings will make it too crowded. • Too many zoning changes poor/lack of comprehensive planning. Resident input not adequately considered. • Too may te [?] do [?] - too many monster mansions. • Too much building in the city and traffic. The cost of living here has been become difficult to keep up with. • Too much city time spent on things that are not core to running the city. Lights, sewer, water, parks, police all good • Too much construction. • too much development • too much development • Too much development for one police, fire, roads to handle. • Too much development that doesn't include affordable housing. When responding to the above questions about city employees I am referring to city council and city management staff. • Too much emphasis on affordable housing need to keep up business tax base. • Too much emphasis on affordable housing. • Too much emphasis on expanding low income housing it brings crime. • Too much focus on climate change (which is questionable). • Too much high density development in a city where many choose to live for the single family neighborhoods • Too much high density housing and unnecessary climate initiative • TOO MUCH LUX HOUSING; TOO MUCH TRAFFIC IN SOUTHDALE AREA. • Too much luxury hi rise development paid for by tax payers/tiff. • Too much multi family housing - too dense. • Too much new construction, new, too tall buildings. • Too much over building. • Too much planned high density building without planning in advance (e.g. more roads, more schools, etc) • Too much TIF being handed out to developers. • Trying to add too much low income housing. • TRYING TO URBANIZE A SUBURB. IF YOU WANT MINNEAPOLIS, MOVE THERE. • Two many apartments. • Way too many high density housing units being built - creates much too much traffic. • way too much emphasis and multi family housing • We are over building condo, apartments without creating a charming atmosphere. • What is with all the apartment building? • WOULD LIKE TO SEE LESS NEW CONSTRUCTION TOO MUCH TRAFFIC. • If Edina residents wanted to live in Minneapolis or Richfield, they would. People move here for the schools, public services, and safety. Those services have received inadequate attention in City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 167 recent years. Edina's reputation in those aspects of government is slipping. Edina should renew focus in its core strengths: education, pubic services, and safety. Schools/education • Edina public schools trending wrong direction. Driving is becoming problematic. • Education in the schools. • Need to improve the quality of our schools. • Schools are too liberal. • -Schools should focus on education not woke agendas! The overdevelopment of the city is taking away from the charm. Enough with the apartment buildings! Do lid! We don't need more residents. • Schools were better in past. City government (high taxes, not listening to residents, political ideology, etc.) • TOO MUCH LIBERAL CHANGE. • again, political emphasis on "equity" and "inclusiveness" ends up dividing the community further. We have open-minded people that live here, they are welcoming and creating an atmosphere of shaming and a progressive political agenda is not bringing people together at all. We need people with more insight and foresight navigating these times, not people pushing political causesit starts with the school board up to the city councilwe need a wide range of ideas represented and discussed, not just group think. I am all for ideas and progress that works, but the evidence is somewhat disconcertingresidents are leaving the public schools in large numbers to be replaced by students that aren't connected and involved in our community, crime is up citywide, discord and discipline at schools is up, classroom sizes are increasingif the policies were working, the fruit would be good, but it is not. We are considering moving for the first time in our 51 year history with Edina, and it feels like that is another of the goals of whatever leadership is in place nowdrive people away, people who have been dedicated community members, who have engaged with kids (winning awards for our engagement) and churches, in the community centers and through sports, music and our neighborhood. Because there is only one way to think about everything in regard to how to make this city thrive and other voices are drowned out, the city may just find itself lacking some of the people who were all in and dedicated to this place. • City government has lost their way, not following the mission of being great at the basics, too much focus on political trends of diversity. There is a lost focus on the middle. Everything is moving toward the fringes. • City spending out of control • Continuous tax increases without any real value for these increases; no consideration of long time residents on fixed incomes. Learn to live within a budget! • Edina does not seem to have anyone with a vision for what the City should strive to become, and willing to persist with maintaining that vision despite efforts to disrupt that vision. Edina has recently allowed several truly unattractive developments to be built, creating an unsafe, ugly, City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 168 urban feel around Southdale. What ever happened to the living streets plan? Is there anything living around the streets of France and York? Southdale? The sidewalks next to those four lane roads are not welcoming to pedestrians, the buildings are not visually appealing (the Byerly's wall for example) there is no connection to the street from the buildings next to those arteries. Southdale has truly gone down hill. I do not feel safe anymore parking my car and walking into the mall. And the mall is empty. It makes me frustrated to think that the city invested in the remodel of that mall. But it isn't just Southdale. The development proposed elsewhere does not embrace walkable communities. The development that you are proposing isolates our elders into silos. • Edina is & has been a great city - progressive values will bring to Edina what it brought to Minneapolis & St. Paul. Be careful. It's coming our way & we are not taking a strong enough stance against it. Do not cater to progressive values & the mob like our once great Twin Cities. • EXCESSIVE TAX INCREASES. • I caveat is I am thoroughly impressed w/Edina services but don't necessarily feel we need to add any services & thus increase taxes should consider moving if this were the case. • Not convinced that city government is focused on the most important elements of a safe, clean city. • Property tax too high. • Radical left politics. • Right direction mostly property taxes need to go down & car speeding on Edina streets. • Sales tax; spending like drunken sailors no attempts to economize. • The city is only concerned with making commercial developers happy at taxpayers expense. They need to spend tax money in a much better manner than just raising taxes. All of the development makes it difficult to get around and shop in Edina. It is easier to go to surrounding communities. • They don't enforce the ordinances or traffic laws. • Too much $ in taxes. • too woke • Wasteful spending, over building apartments. • Wasting $; never trying to save $; paving the ugly parks, poor schools, no summer programs. • Woke policies, to concerned with climate issues, lbgt issues and so on. Beyond the scope of what local government should be about. Safety • As long as Edina stays on top of rising crime & safety issues surrounding Southdale area. • Becoming less safe, dirtier. • Crime is increasing, schools are declining, and way too many apartment buildings are being built (with TIF subsidies). • Feeling less safe • I think schools have lost their shine. • More crime, more traffic, stupid multi-family development decisions, too much focus on DEI, affordable housing vs things that really matter (good families, good schools and education) City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 169 • Safety and public schools on the decline, effort to enforce "bias" crimes (?!?!), property values will define when public housing is implemented Traffic, bike lanes, public transportation, infrastructure • Bike lanes & biking paths over building in Southdale area, poor road lack of diversity / affordable housing maintenance. • But more public transit, better/easier to access affordable housing. • Need to make non-motor & bicycle & walking easier separate cars from bikes & walkers. • -There might be too much development without enough street width for all the new cars [?] of people that will be added - Redeveloping parks, redeveloping or adding playgrounds that are not 100 percent safe or accessible for a variety of children people with various abilities to play. • Too many bike lanes Affordable housing/cost of living/teardowns • Becoming more expensive pricing out even some high earners. • No affordable living. All new construction is for rich retiree. No draw for young adults to work/live here. Soon only elderly will live in Edina. Other • Becoming more inclusive. • Diversity, financial, race • Edina is extremely divided regarding diversity and exclusivity with no change in sight. There are way too many older citizens living in homes that truly need assisted care but refuse to leave. There is an ongoing resistance to change in this city which will keep it locked in an old- fashioned thought process that will turn away young families. Hovland has been mayor for almost 20 years. It's time for new leadership that will focus on growth, innovation, change and reputation. • If there is a reconsideration of discrimitory (racial policies of the city, I'd say in the right & direction. • Overemphasis on social engineering, affordable housing, wokeness. Underemphasis on maintaining public services (snow removal, police pres [?] al which are declining). Don't listen to long-time residents. Clear cutting urban forest in Morningside. • PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY. WELCOMING. • This was a tough binary. In some ways the City has made good progress and is on the right track (mostly social and environmental decisions) however, I decided to say the wrong track because the city feels as if it has lost its sparkle, in a big way. This is despite hard-working city departments and a responsible Council. What makes a city feel like a home? What is Edina's identity now? We are not creating neighborhoods, we are just letting developers construct a building not doing the work to make a "place." AND this isn't working. • We are licensed/permitted on everything quaintness of Edina is gone. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 170 • We need more picnic tables on a mile creeke theres o. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 171 Question 19: Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? - No, why? Public voice not heard/listened to • - Tried to block sidewalk on my street & was not heard. - still paying city for my street repavement on loan with tax statement & now have increased taxes to pay for other neighborhood street projects -unfair. • Already tried. We need new thinking in out city government • Asked for painted/lighted crosswalk to park/bus stop. Denied! • Because every time that I have had to contact the city, or sign a petition, the oposite happens, even though the majority had contacted the city on the same outcome as me. • Because there are numerous documented instances where a clear and sizable majority of Edina citizens opposed a certain action, there were meetings with Public comment, and the city council went forward anyway. I was personally involved in several such instances. • City administrator & council don't listen. • City council does not listen to their constituents. • City council does not seem to listen. • City council over the years have put up to many barriers to attend, and then doesn't always listen to concerns & act accordingly. • City council will do whatever they want - they're turning Edina into a mini Minneapolis with less of a community feel. I grew up here and am disappointed about the changes • City does not invite residents to discuss. • City has usually decided matters and don't consider feedback. • City is not interested in listening to viewpoints other than those they are promoting. • Council who do not listen to residents' concerns. • Doesn't ever get the impression city cares what residents want -except maybe this survey. • Government officials do not listen to residents. • Have tried, but doesn't do any good. • I could probably show up and say something at a meeting, but it would be unlikely to matter • I do not feel voices from lower incomes are respected. • I don't think community comment really influences decisions that already seem to be made by the school, planning commission, city council in advance of the meetings. • I don't think input from community materially changes minds of city decision makers. • I feel typical community input is taken but not taken into account in decisions. Feel decisions are likely already made internally. • I have attended meetings; no results. • I have tried in the past. It seems like residents are over ruled. • I live at Centennial Lakes and our dues cover maintenance of Centennial Lakes from an agreement signed years ago - and it renews at the discretion of the city of Edina. Of course the city opted to continue so a small group fund the upkeep of the park for the many. Despite lots of people signing petitions, attending meetings, etc. it did not feel like our position was heard. • I think I have a general feeling of cynicism about the way city government is run and I'm not certain that my voice would be heard or acknowledged. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 172 • I was part of the 58th street project and the Pamela Park re-envisioning project. I sat on committees and attended meetings. In the end, the formal recommendations of the neighbors were rejected and sidelined and city officials ended up doing what they wanted instead. • I'm just one person & nobody cares ex. I was opposed to moving the Southdale Library (covid intervened). • It seems like regardless of feedback from the community, the mayor and city counsel does what they want. • It seems like major decisions are made without a lot of public comment or awareness. So that once the public is aware, it's too late for people to engage and share feedback on the plans. Like there is a significant amount of commercial development. If that's happening AND you're asking about property tax increases? It makes residents wonder what you're doing in service of them? Existing residents. Not potential residents. Given the volume of residential home reconstruction and commercial development it seems our city should be doing very well with a strong tax base. If we're not and looking for increases thats a big concern I think will result in questioning leadership. • I'VE SEEN HOW LITTLE INFLUENCE GRASS ROOTS EFFORTS OPPOSING OVERBUILDING HAD. • I've tried participating in different groups in Edina and they are a waste of time. They are designed to give the impression of citizen involvement but there is little to no impact a citizen can have. • Mayor and City Council do what they want, don't listen to residents input or they would not allow all this high density development and mega mansions. • Mayor and city council jam things thru and ignore residents concerns • No one would listen. If a topic is not a trendy DFL / left / liberal agenda priority, city government would never listen. There is no desire to hear the middle ground - only the extremes get attention. Diversity is important but don't forsake the middle for the benefit of the fringe. Equitable means equitable for all - not benefits for the minority and ignoring the majority. City government has forsaken the majority. • no way to have a voice that would be listened to or considered • Only what the Mayor wants is what counts • People spoke up and were not heard in the past few months. • Progressives run everything-they don't care about anyone elses input. • So many have attended city council meetings asking that their view points be heard and considered, but they have fallen on deaf ears. It seems like more than just a few appose the direction of the city and yet the those residents are ignored. • The city doesn't care to listen or educate themselves. • The community was ignored regarding Fred Richards. • There are times we and our neighbors have attended meetings and felt we it was just "show" as our comments weren't acted on. • Too focused on DEI. This city has leaned so far to the left that no one in government listens to anyone with dissenting opinions. • We have spoken up several times to the city council regarding concerns of redevelopment in our neighborhood and we have only been responded to once and it appears that they don't listen to residents and just do what they want. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 173 • We spoke up around some of the changes Fred Richards some of the changes on France and there were decisions made that I don't think were in the best interest of the city. Decisions are predetermined/leaders have agenda • Agenda is already established. • ALREADY DECIDED. • City council has their own agenda • City council on Agenda to change Edina for the worse. • City council runs the show unilaterally - money under the table? • CITY GOVERNMENT AND BOARD HAVE AN AGENDA. • Concerns brought up via on line comment forums, phone calls, and speaking at meetings are generally ignored if they do not promote the pre-determined opinion of the council or committee. • Council already has mind made up!. • Council pre determined; have agendas. • EDINA DOES ONLY WHAT IT WANTS TO DO. • Elected officials in state and federal government don't seem to care about anybody else but their latest photo opportunity. They run their own agenda at the expense of the citizen who votes them into office. Very unfortunate. The do whatever suits their narrative, plain and simple. Money talks and b.s. walks. • Entrenched mayor & city council. • I have participated in a few City Council Meetings and it seems to be decisions are already made and they are letting residents think they have input, but not really. • I have written letters, filled out surveys, and spoken at City Council meetings. Doesn't seem like the city is interested in resident feedback unless it fits with their pre-determined plans. • Inside decisions-often prior to votes. • It feels like decisions are made in advance of asking residents to weigh in. • Leadership is too intrenched • No! All of city council and mayor all seem to have an ukral-liberal social agenda but little concern for livability. • Things pass & change before people even know about them. • Too often politicians have a set agenda Decisions are biased toward or influenced by commercial, wealthy, or special interests • (1) NO - NOT A PROPERTY OWNER (2) ETHNICITY. • Because I'm not a white man in Edina. • Because me & my family would be targeted, attacked, mislabeled, & slandered for not being part of progressive group think • City council seems to listen mostly to business interests, esp. in allowing them to minimize green space for larger buildings. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 174 • City officials have listened to Point of France owners. • Conservative/moderate politics aren't welcome in Edina. • Council is directed by state party dfl politics and their agenda. • I am a Republican and Edina seems Democratic. I do not think I would be heard at all. I could be wrong, but I feel I would not be heard at all as a conservative. • I do not think community meetings are effective anymore. It is usually the person with the loudest voice who gets heard. • I feel there are a few people in Edina who control city hall. Especially big developers who seem to get whatever they want. The less powerful individuals have no say. • I'm not a property owner. • Just a voice in the crowd; my views are not trendy • Not a politician • The city and employees are only concerned with commercial developments and organizations. They do not care about residents. So if you try to comment it is ignored. City employees do not properly monitor utility projects and commercial development projects. • The city council and mayor only listen to people who agree with their opinions • The city creates comprehensive plans and small area plans but does not abide by them or allows developers to have loopholes in the plan. It is a waste of time to participate in these things. • The government is full of liberals & they do what they want with other peoples money. • There is no way anyone in this city would care about how I or my family feel about the way things are run because we did not grow up here. People that are born and raised in Edina feel they are superior and thus have more opinion and investment in the city. The city as a whole is too set in its ways. I've lived here 15 years and I look out my window every day and see the same boring, uninspired neighborhood every single day. I have so many ideas and opinions about positive changes that can be made to improve the quality of living but no one really cares. Communication issues (slow response time, unhelpfulness, don''t know how to provide input, etc.) • No easy way to communicate with the city. • Takes too much time, not accessible • Too congested and not enough products available at local grocery stores (food) anyway. Canceling in-person meetings for important community input. • When I have provided input and feedback, I don't get follow up and action from city staff and leadership. This hasn't made me confident that my input was valued. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 175 Other • City council members have seemed out of touch with specific neighborhood needs. • Despite strong community support 6016 Vernon Ave. • Destroying neighborhoods. • Don't want to. • EQUAL OPPORTUNITY NOT EQUAL OUTCOMES. • Everyone does an excellent job in our city! Water bill too high!. • for the reasons aboveit is group think and a wide variety of minds with differing opinions and ideas aren't representedas for Question 24this is another example of the only right way to thinkshould diversity and equity and inclusion be defined by a small group? It seems it has beenthere are trade offs for everythingwhat are we willing to give up to make the progressive ideas the most important? Will we (have we been) sacrifice education, for instance, by creating unmanageable class sizes, or by driving residents to leave the district for better education, etc... • GOOD LISTENERS ON COUNCIL-BUT TOO MANY KNOW NOTHINGS!. • Have not needed to do so. • I just moved here in 2020. Most smaller communities appreciate a longer experience in the area. • I think it would take a lot of hoops to jump through and a lot of time lost. The pace with which the city has worked in my experience has been rather slow. We need quicker action and attention to matters. • I volunteer at YMCH. • I'm not sure, probably? • It I was willing to put a lot of time and effort into it.. But y' all are doing pretty well without me, so-!. • It just isn't clear how talents in the community are leveraged. • Live in senior hi-rise. • Lived here 50 yrs. Highly educated. This is 1st contact. • No one really has any say other than voting. • Not interested in getting "into it" with liberals. • NOT INVOLVED WITH FORCES OF CHANGE. • Not very welcoming • Ranked choice voting and elected representatives who focus more on state/national ones than what Edina residents want. • Same question as # 18. • Sense that city cares too much about development and not about community. • Stop building apts. • Too old. • We do not have a planning commission or council that require developers to abide by the Comprehensive Plan, or other planning documents that were presented to residents. So many exceptions are made, so much PUD in the plans it is hard to keep up with the details. • We have (had) a great community here. Let's keep it that way! We (Edina) don't need redistricting! We don't need it!. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 176 • You are always refered and back to [?] already on book. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 177 Question 27: In the past 12 months, about how often, if at all, did you and other household members purchase from Edina Liquor? – Not at all, why not? Don’t drink alcohol/rarely drink • Cook c [?] nt-limited types but don't drink much. • Currently not drinking. • Do not consume alcohol. • Do not drink alcohol. • DO NOT DRINK. • DO NOT DRINK. • DO NOT DRINK. • Don't buy alcohol. • Don't buy liquor • Don't buy liquor. • Dont drink • don't drink • Don't drink • don't drink alcohol • Don't drink alcohol. • Don't drink alcohol. • Don't drink alcohol. • Don't drink alcoholic beverages. • DONT DRINK. • Don't drink. • Don't drink. • Don't drink. • Don't drink. • DON'T DRINK. • Don't drink. • Don't drink. • DON'T DRINK. • Don't drink. • Don't drink. • Don't use alcohol. • DON'T USE ALCOHOL. • I do not drink very much. But I am in support of muni liquor stores in order to support recreational facilities. • I do not drink. • I don't drink alcohol. • I don't drink!. • I don't drink. • I don't drink. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 178 • I don't drink. It is the dumbest program though. To the extent the profits from liquor sales are collected they should be used to offset the costs of drinking, not to balance the city's budget. • I don't drink; my husband prefers a store in Bloomington. • I DON'T SERVE ALCOHOL. • I work for a store that has alcohol. Don't drink much. • I'm not drinker. • Never • No drinkers here. • No need • No need. • Not a drinker. • Not a drinker. • Not a drinker. • Rarely drink alcohol. • Recovering alcoholic. • Religious reasons • Sober • Sober. • We do not drink • We do not drink alcohol. • We don't drink • WE DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL. • We don't drink alcohol. • We don't drink alcohol..... • We don't drink. • We rarely drink alcohol More expensive than other stores • Bought at total wine (cheaper). • Budget. • Cheaper elsewhere. • consistently high prices • COST. • High prices - low choice. • High prices compared to Costco • More expensive. • My wine is $10 a bottle higher at Edina [?] total wine only sum big. • Other places cost less. • Price, convenience, parking. • Prices are not competitive. Assortment is not competitive. • prices not competitive • The pricing is too high. many other alternatives to chose from City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 179 • Too expensive. • Too expensive. • Too much $. • TOTAL WINE CHEAPER / HAS MORE. • We rarely purchase liquor, and when we do we now tend to shop at Total Wine due to significant price differences between the 2 stores Other stores have better selection or are more convenient • Convenience, closer store nearby. • I purchase liquor at other places with wider selection and lower prices. • Limited choices. • Many more options closer to my residence. Purely related to distance. • Not as much variety - not as much expertise. • Not close to my home • not convenient • Not convenient. • Other choices. • Private stores have better selection and lower prices • Tough location to get to. Other • 98 years old moved into assisted living in Edina. • Done are that much. • GOVERNMENT HAS NO PLACE IN RETAIL. • I buy at Total WIne or Wholesale clubs • I usually go to France 44. • My daughter shops for me at Costco. • Not sure... just don't shop there. • Poor parking. • Purchase from other retailers. • Total wine. • Total wine/trader Joes. • Total Wlne • Trader Joe's in Blmgtn. • We go to another liquor store. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 180 Appendix D: Responses to Selected Survey Questions by Respondent Characteristics The subgroup comparison tables contain the cross tabulations of selected survey questions by respondent characteristics. Chi-square or ANOVA tests of significance were applied to these breakdowns of survey questions. A “p-value” of 0.05 or less indicates that there is less than a 5% probability that differences observed between groups are due to chance; or in other words, a greater than 95% probability that the differences observed in the selected categories of the sample represent “real” differences among those populations. For each pair of subgroups that has a statistically significant difference, an upper-case letter denoting significance is shown in the category with the larger column proportion. The letter denotes the category with the smaller column proportion from which it is statistically different. Differences were marked as statistically significant if the probability that the differences were due to chance alone were less than 5%. Categories were not used in comparisons when a column proportion was equal to zero or one. Items that have no upper-case letter denotation in their column and that are also not referred to in any other column were not statistically different. For example, in Table 88: Quality of Life by Respondent Characteristics, 98% of renters (A) gave excellent or good ratings to the overall quality of life in Edina. This proportion of residents (A) was statistically higher than homeowners (B). City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 181 Comparisons by Demographic Characteristics Table 88: Quality of Life by Respondent Characteristics Percent "excellent" or "good" Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? 96% C 96% C 88% 94% 93% 98% C 95% 91% 98% B 91% 94% 90% 93% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 182 Table 89: General Community Characteristics by Respondent Characteristics Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Overall feeling of safety in Edina 96% B C 86% 85% 90% 87% 96% B 86% 89% 90% 88% 90% 84% 89% Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 79% 89% A 81% 84% 82% 75% 84% 86% A 78% 85% 85% B 73% 83% Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 93% 91% 87% 89% 92% 90% 93% 88% 97% B 87% 90% 90% 90% Overall established "built environment" of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 83% C 74% 72% 77% 77% 79% 75% 78% 80% 75% 78% 73% 77% Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 87% 95% A 89% 89% 92% 89% 87% 93% 94% 89% 93% B 72% 90% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 183 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 87% 82% 83% 84% 85% 83% 81% 87% 88% 82% 86% B 70% 84% Overall economic health of Edina 92% 93% 86% 90% 90% 92% 92% 89% 92% 89% 93% B 74% 90% Sense of community 56% 72% A 70% A 67% 65% 49% 66% A 72% A 52% 71% A 69% B 42% 66% Overall image or reputation of Edina 71% 82% A 75% 70% 84% A 68% 72% 82% A B 72% 77% 77% 70% 76% Neighborliness of residents in Edina 71% 77% 78% 77% 72% 59% 83% A 75% A 66% 78% A 77% B 55% 75% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 184 Likelihood of Recommending or Remaining in Edina by Respondent Table 90: Characteristics Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: (Percent "very likely" or "somewhat likely") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 90% 93% 88% 89% 92% 93% 89% 90% 88% 91% 91% 86% 90% Remain in Edina for the next five years 82% 88% 91% A 86% 88% 66% 91% A 91% A 80% 89% A 88% 80% 87% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 185 Table 91: Feelings of Safety by Respondent Characteristics Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: (Percent "very safe" or "somewhat safe") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) In your neighborhood 93% 96% C 88% 93% 92% 91% 96% 91% 92% 93% 94% B 85% 93% In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 93% B C 83% 78% 87% 82% 97% B C 83% 82% 86% 84% 85% 82% 84% In the greater Southdale area 79% B C 64% 58% 67% 67% 74% 68% 64% 78% B 62% 69% 55% 67% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 186 Table 92: Sense of Community Welcoming by Respondent Characteristics Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: (Percent "very welcoming" or "welcoming") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) For people of all races 53% 57% 60% 46% 70% A 42% 59% A 61% A 49% 59% 56% 54% 57% For people of all religions 65% 63% 67% 57% 75% A 63% 63% 67% 60% 66% 66% 57% 65% For people of all ethnicities 51% 54% 61% 46% 67% A 42% 59% A 58% A 49% 57% 56% 51% 56% For people who have a lower income 21% 41% A 37% A 26% 40% A 13% 39% A 36% A 21% 36% A 31% 32% 33% For people of all ages 79% 84% 81% 80% 83% 75% 88% A C 79% 78% 82% 83% B 67% 81% For people of all abilities 64% 72% 65% 59% 76% A 52% 74% A 66% A 61% 68% 66% 64% 67% For people of all gender identities 71% 68% 62% 56% 79% A 70% 72% C 60% 63% 67% 66% 65% 66% For people of all sexual orientations 70% 70% 63% 57% 77% A 66% 76% C 59% 55% 71% A 67% 63% 67% Table 93: Problems in Edina by Respondent Characteristics City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 187 Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. (Percent "moderate problem", "major problem" or "extreme problem") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 29% 48% A 40% 34% 44% A 20% 46% A 40% A 37% 39% 39% 34% 38% Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 14% 29% A 34% A 26% 25% 16% 23% 31% A 20% 28% 26% 28% 26% Violent crime 5% 19% A 21% A 12% 18% 8% 10% 21% A B 11% 17% 14% 14% 15% Drugs 7% 20% A 25% A 17% 17% 0% 11% A 31% A B 18% 18% 17% 13% 18% Youth crimes 7% 30% A 35% A 21% 28% 10% 22% 33% A B 16% 27% A 24% 20% 24% Vandalism and property crimes 15% 37% A 41% A 31% 31% 15% 26% 41% A B 30% 32% 31% 27% 31% Hate crimes and bias/discrimination offenses 9% 18% 19% A 19% 12% 13% 14% 18% 12% 17% 15% 21% 16% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 188 Table 94: Community Characteristics by Respondent Characteristics Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Traffic flow on major streets 66% 65% 65% 63% 68% 61% 65% 69% 67% 65% 67% 58% 66% Ease of public parking 74% 73% 68% 73% 71% 72% 75% 70% 68% 73% 74% B 59% 71% Ease of travel by car in Edina 84% 85% 79% 84% 81% 87% 83% 81% 79% 84% 85% 74% 82% Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 42% 62% A 63% A 55% 54% 32% 58% A 63% A 55% 55% 56% B 39% 55% Ease of walking in Edina 59% 67% 73% A 69% 63% 56% 62% 74% A B 75% B 63% 68% B 49% 67% Availability of paths and walking trails 71% 78% 79% 78% 74% 55% 80% A 82% A 78% 75% 77% 66% 76% Air quality 86% 94% A 92% 88% 93% 81% 95% A 91% A 87% 92% 90% 88% 91% Cleanliness of Edina 89% 96% A 93% 94% 92% 89% 94% 93% 91% 93% 95% B 75% 93% Public places where people want to spend time 87% 84% 84% 83% 89% 87% 82% 87% 93% B 82% 87% B 72% 85% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 189 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Variety of housing options 50% 65% A 56% 51% 65% A 44% 64% A 56% 50% 59% 56% 54% 57% Availability of quality affordable housing 25% 32% 42% A 26% 41% A 18% 37% A 35% A 21% 37% A 30% 44% 32% Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 86% 82% 88% 87% 85% 83% 84% 88% 82% 87% 87% B 73% 86% Recreational opportunities 80% 88% 87% 85% 87% 70% 87% A 90% A 86% 85% 87% B 64% 85% K-12 education 94% C 90% C 79% 90% 84% 100% B C 86% 84% 95% B 85% 89% 78% 87% Adult educational opportunities 78% 83% 84% 84% 81% 76% 81% 85% 81% 82% 85% B 56% 82% Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 76% 76% 78% 79% 75% 80% 68% 82% B 85% B 74% 79% B 59% 77% Employment opportunities 67% 79% 77% 74% 76% 59% 81% A 76% A 63% 79% A 79% B 38% 74% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 190 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Shopping opportunities 92% 93% 92% 92% 93% 95% 92% 92% 97% B 90% 93% B 83% 92% Cost of living in Edina 35% 36% 52% A B 40% 43% 28% 40% 48% A 31% 45% A 43% B 27% 41% Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 91% 85% 91% 92% 87% 95% 89% 88% 90% 89% 91% B 77% 90% Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 78% B C 62% 61% 63% 71% 82% B C 62% 65% 75% 64% 68% 60% 66% Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 67% B C 51% 52% 51% 65% A 63% 54% 57% 46% 60% A 58% 53% 57% Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 71% 76% 79% 74% 78% 75% 72% 78% 73% 76% 78% B 56% 76% Opportunities to volunteer 81% 78% 80% 76% 85% 81% 74% 83% 86% 78% 82% B 53% 79% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 191 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Opportunities to participate in community matters 70% 73% 66% 71% 66% 68% 64% 71% 65% 69% 72% B 38% 68% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 192 Table 95: Aspects of Drinking Water by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Appearance 84% 83% 85% 80% 88% A 73% 89% A 85% A 77% 87% A 85% 83% 84% Taste 64% 63% 69% 56% 75% A 50% 67% A 69% A 62% 66% 66% 61% 65% Odor 73% 75% 74% 68% 80% A 63% 76% A 76% A 66% 76% A 75% 64% 73% Hardness 30% 37% 33% 27% 40% A 18% 31% A 40% A 38% 31% 31% 44% 33% Reliability 91% 89% 89% 87% 92% 87% 92% 88% 84% 91% A 91% B 82% 89% Safety 84% 86% 90% 83% 90% A 81% 90% 86% 82% 88% 88% B 70% 86% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 193 Table 96: Use of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Respondent Characteristics Tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities. (Percent at least once) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Trails 87% C 90% C 77% 85% 82% 97% C 90% C 74% 79% 85% 85% 78% 84% Dog parks/off-leash areas 22% C 20% 13% 16% 22% 34% B C 18% 13% 25% 17% 19% 21% 19% Neighborhood parks 85% 92% 85% 89% 84% 88% 94% C 81% 76% 91% A 88% B 79% 87% Large community athletic fields 34% 61% A C 43% 43% 48% 41% 66% A C 31% 20% 55% A 46% 38% 46% Edinborough Park 45% 42% 36% 43% 40% 42% 42% 42% 31% 45% A 41% 43% 42% Centennial Lakes Park 79% 85% 77% 83% 77% 79% 84% 79% 81% 80% 82% 71% 81% Edina Aquatic Center 20% 33% A C 18% 23% 22% 18% 43% A C 11% 5% 29% A 24% 15% 23% Edina Senior Center 12% 11% 23% A B 18% 11% 9% 7% 23% A B 10% 17% 16% 10% 16% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 194 Tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities. (Percent at least once) Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Braemar Arena (ice arena) 18% 32% A 32% A 23% 31% 17% 41% A C 20% 8% 34% A 28% B 12% 27% Braemar Golf Course 27% 38% 46% A 34% 39% 24% 47% A C 34% 15% 44% A 37% B 23% 37% Braemar Golf Dome 29% 21% 30% 22% 32% A 32% 31% C 22% 13% 32% A 27% 20% 27% Braemar Field (sports dome) 21% 34% A 29% 23% 33% A 23% 48% A C 15% 7% 35% A 27% 33% 28% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 195 Quality of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Respondent Table 97: Characteristics Please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household’s use of the amenities. (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Trails 96% C 95% C 87% 94% 91% 98% B 90% 94% 98% B 91% 94% 87% 93% Dog parks/off- leash areas 52% 73% 79% A 77% 60% 48% 60% 89% A B 74% 66% 73% B 46% 70% Neighborhood parks 92% 97% C 90% 92% 94% 88% 94% 94% 94% 92% 95% B 72% 93% Large community athletic fields 86% 94% 92% 97% B 85% 84% 89% 98% A B 86% 92% 93% B 75% 91% Edinborough Park 92% 89% 94% 92% 91% 93% 90% 94% 100% B 90% 91% 94% 91% Centennial Lakes Park 96% 96% 97% 98% 95% 96% 96% 99% 98% 96% 97% 96% 97% Edina Aquatic Center 96% 90% 92% 97% B 87% 100% 89% 96% 100% 92% 92% 93% 92% Edina Senior Center 96% 100% 86% 94% 86% 100% 100% 89% 100% 90% 92% 71% 92% Braemar Arena (ice arena) 82% 74% 84% 85% 76% 100% B 67% 91% B 100% B 78% 80% 86% 80% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 196 Please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household’s use of the amenities. (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Braemar Golf Course 87% 95% 93% 93% 92% 85% 95% 94% 89% 93% 94% B 72% 92% Braemar Golf Dome 95% 96% 92% 95% 93% 100% 94% 94% 88% 94% 97% B 70% 94% Braemar Field (sports dome) 87% 100% A C 87% 97% B 85% 68% 95% A 94% A 71% 94% A 92% 88% 91% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 197 Table 98: Quality of Services by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overal l 5 year s or less 6 to 20 year s Mor e than 20 years Femal e Mal e 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Ow n White alone, not Hispani c Hispani c and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Police services 93% 90% 94% 94% 90% 82% 93 % A 95 % A 93% 92% 94% B 72% 92% Fire services 97% 98% 98% 99% 96% 100 % 96 % 98 % 100 % 97% 98% B 92% 98% Ambulance or emergency medical services 94% 100 % A 97% 96% 99% 100 % B 95 % 99 % B 94% 99% A 98% B 88% 97% Crime prevention 78% 75% 77% 77% 76% 74% 75 % 79 % 72% 78% 79% B 49% 77% Fire prevention and education 86% 90% 92% 85% 93% A 88% 92 % 88 % 80% 92% A 91% B 74% 89% Traffic enforcement 69% 73% 73% 70% 75% 66% 77 % 71 % 72% 72% 74% B 52% 72% Street repair 46% 49% 51% 46% 53% 38% 50 % 53 % A 41% 51% 52% B 27% 48% Street cleaning 83% 78% 81% 82% 79% 94% B C 78 % 78 % 84% 79% 82% 71% 80% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 198 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overal l 5 year s or less 6 to 20 year s Mor e than 20 years Femal e Mal e 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Ow n White alone, not Hispani c Hispani c and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Street lighting 74% 72% 82% 75% 77% 79% 71 % 79 % 86% B 72% 78% B 61% 76% Snow removal 81% 83% 91% A B 84% 87% 82% 82 % 89 % 76% 89% A 88% B 63% 85% Sidewalk maintenance 61% 65% 79% A B 70% 68% 47% 71 % A 77 % A 68% 69% 72% B 41% 68% Traffic signal timing 62% 76% A 75% A 71% 70% 62% 75 % A 72 % 64% 73% 72% 58% 70% Bus or transit services 56% 73% A 68% 65% 66% 56% 65 % 71 % 67% 65% 65% 62% 66% Garbage collection 87% 86% 89% 90% 84% 88% 86 % 88 % 87% 87% 90% B 62% 87% Recycling 82% 89% 89% 88% 86% 85% 83 % 91 % B 90% 86% 88% B 70% 86% Organics recycling 85% 87% 84% 86% 85% 97% B C 84 % 82 % 87% 84% 86% 81% 85% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 199 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overal l 5 year s or less 6 to 20 year s Mor e than 20 years Femal e Mal e 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Ow n White alone, not Hispani c Hispani c and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Yard waste pickup 78% 80% 87% 87% B 77% 89% 79 % 83 % 76% 83% 85% B 60% 82% Storm drainage 74% 70% 78% 67% 81% A 69% 74 % 77 % 71% 75% 75% 70% 74% Drinking water 74% 70% 75% 70% 75% 64% 76 % 74 % 68% 74% 74% 62% 72% Sewer services 92% 92% 85% 87% 92% 93% 94 % C 86 % 90% 90% 92% B 69% 89% Utility billing 68% 75% 79% A 74% 76% 64% 76 % 78 % A 65% 78% A 80% B 35% 75% City parks 94% 96% 91% 94% 93% 98% B 90 % 94 % 98% B 92% 95% B 84% 93% Park maintenance 87% 92% 89% 91% 88% 86% 88 % 92 % 87% 90% 92% B 75% 89% Condition of trails and sidewalks 83% 90% 85% 87% 85% 77% 90 % A 87 % A 86% 86% 88% B 73% 86% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 200 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overal l 5 year s or less 6 to 20 year s Mor e than 20 years Femal e Mal e 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Ow n White alone, not Hispani c Hispani c and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Recreation programs or classes 80% 84% 86% 86% 82% 72% 88 % A 85 % A 79% 85% 86% B 67% 83% Land use, planning and zoning 59% B 45% 47% 49% 52% 65% B 41 % 52 % 59% 47% 50% 49% 50% Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 69% 65% 62% 64% 66% 78% B 58 % 68 % 84% B 59% 66% 59% 65% Animal control 87% 80% 81% 81% 84% 89% 84 % 81 % 94% B 79% 83% 73% 82% Economic development 81% B C 67% 68% 69% 76% 79% 68 % 73 % 79% 70% 75% B 47% 72% Public health services 86% 84% 84% 80% 89% 82% 84 % 85 % 88% 82% 87% B 63% 84% Public information services/communicatio n from the City 79% 76% 75% 76% 77% 76% 77 % 77 % 72% 78% 79% B 64% 76% Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 55% 67% 57% 60% 61% 62% 55 % 63 % 70% B 56% 61% 50% 60% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 201 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overal l 5 year s or less 6 to 20 year s Mor e than 20 years Femal e Mal e 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Ow n White alone, not Hispani c Hispani c and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Fiber/home internet connection 49% 68% A 62% A 63% 58% 46% 55 % 70 % A B 66% 58% 63% B 44% 61% Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 83% 86% 75% 79% 85% 92% 78 % 81 % 84% 81% 83% B 67% 81% Edina open space 75% C 78% C 62% 71% 74% 81% C 73 % 68 % 78% 69% 71% 73% 71% Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 92% B 83% 84% 89% 85% 95% B 78 % 89 % B 89% 85% 89% B 67% 87% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 202 Table 99: Government Performance by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 64% 68% 65% 72% B 60% 65% 60% 72% B 72% 64% 68% B 49% 66% The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 74% C 62% 59% 64% 66% 72% 61% 64% 71% 63% 67% B 48% 65% Overall confidence in Edina government 68% 64% 58% 63% 65% 70% B 57% 66% 62% 64% 66% B 42% 64% Generally acting in the best interest of the community 73% C 64% 59% 65% 67% 73% B 58% 69% 67% 65% 69% B 40% 66% Treating all residents fairly 66% 62% 64% 59% 70% A 54% 64% 67% 53% 68% A 67% B 33% 64% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 203 Table 100: Impression of City Employees by Respondent Characteristics Please rate your impression of City employees: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Knowledge 88% 81% 84% 81% 87% 76% 78% 91% A B 87% 83% 85% B 69% 84% Courtesy 87% 82% 89% 87% 86% 74% 82% 92% A B 81% 87% 89% B 61% 86% Responsiveness 83% 77% 81% 78% 84% 76% 75% 86% B 78% 81% 80% 70% 80% Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 84% B 65% 73% 73% 74% 74% 63% 81% B 68% 74% 74% 58% 73% Overall customer service 88% 79% 78% 81% 82% 78% 73% 88% B 76% 82% 82% B 64% 81% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 204 Table 101: Opinion of Property Taxes by Respondent Characteristics Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, do you feel property taxes in Edina are… Percent "very high" or "somewhat high" Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, do you feel property taxes in Edina are... 66% B 52% 57% 59% 56% 63% 59% 54% 53% 59% 54% 81% A 58% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 205 Level of Support for Increasing Property Taxes by Respondent Table 102: Characteristics To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent "strongly support" or "somewhat support" Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? 46% 46% 48% 51% 44% 54% 42% 49% 50% 46% 50% B 26% 47% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 206 Table 103: Direction of Edina by Respondent Characteristics All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Percent "right direction" Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? 81% B C 62% 59% 69% 68% 81% B 61% 69% 75% 65% 69% 64% 68% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 207 Table 104: Perception of Own Influence by Respondent Characteristics Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Percent "yes" Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? 63% 53% 59% 58% 57% 55% 52% 65% B 55% 60% 63% B 30% 58% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 208 Importance of Diversity and Inclusivity by Respondent Table 105: Characteristics Percent "essential" or "very important" Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) How important is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive city? 66% B C 52% 55% 62% B 53% 75% B C 48% 58% 71% B 54% 56% 79% A 58% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 209 Table 106: Ratings of Inclusivity of City by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the job you feel the City does at each of the following: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Making all residents feel welcome 68% 73% 71% 63% 80% A 66% 71% 74% 58% 75% A 75% B 46% 70% Helping new residents feel connected and integrated 53% 57% 64% 50% 65% A 48% 54% 64% A 48% 61% 59% 42% 56% Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 35% 52% A 56% A 39% 53% A 25% 51% A 54% A 37% 49% A 46% 38% 45% Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds 51% 67% A 62% 53% 65% A 43% 62% A 63% A 46% 63% A 59% 49% 58% Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds 64% 74% 68% 62% 75% A 54% 70% A 73% A 61% 70% 72% B 41% 68% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 210 Table 107: Experiences of Discrimination by City by Respondent Characteristics To what extent, if at all, have you or someone in your household experienced discrimination based on each of the following in the Edina community in the past 12 months? Percent some or most of the time Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Age 5% 3% 8% B 7% 4% 5% 1% 8% B 8% 5% 4% 15% A 6% Gender identity 1% 1% 2% 2% 0% 0% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% 3% 1% Race(s) 4% 5% 5% 5% 4% 8% 4% 4% 6% 4% 2% 25% A 5% Ethnicity 3% 4% 3% 3% 4% 3% 4% 4% 4% 4% 1% 22% A 4% National origin (birth country) 1% 3% 3% 2% 1% 3% 1% 2% 1% 2% 1% 12% A 2% Religion 1% 2% 6% A 3% 3% 0% 3% 5% A 2% 4% 2% 8% A 3% Political affiliation 10% 15% 14% 13% 14% 15% 10% 13% 9% 15% 10% 31% A 13% Disability 5% 2% 5% 5% 2% 5% 4% 3% 7% 3% 3% 11% A 4% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 211 To what extent, if at all, have you or someone in your household experienced discrimination based on each of the following in the Edina community in the past 12 months? Percent some or most of the time Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Sexual orientation 3% 1% 2% 2% 1% 5% B C 0% 2% 3% 1% 1% 9% A 2% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 212 Table 108: Managing Community Tensions by Respondent Characteristics How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? Percent "very well" or "somewhat well" Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? 71% B C 43% 49% 52% 54% 68% B 41% 60% B 60% 51% 54% 46% 53% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 213 Table 109: Too Little Housing Choice Thinking about the types of housing in Edina, how would you rate the availability of housing for each of the following income groups? Percent far or somewhat too little Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Lower-income singles 80% B C 56% 46% 66% 57% 80% B C 53% 61% 81% B 54% 63% 61% 61% Lower-income families 80% B C 62% 54% 69% 63% 79% B 61% 65% 85% B 60% 67% 68% 66% Middle-income singles 56% C 52% C 38% 50% 49% 52% 51% 48% 53% 47% 50% 44% 50% Middle-income families 62% C 59% C 42% 58% 50% 64% C 58% 49% 59% 53% 55% 52% 54% High-income singles 6% 1% 4% 2% 6% A 0% 5% 4% 1% 5% 4% 0% 4% High-income families 5% 1% 2% 1% 5% A 0% 5% 3% 1% 4% 3% 0% 3% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 214 Table 110: Too Much Housing Choice Thinking about the types of housing in Edina, how would you rate the availability of housing for each of the following income groups? Percent far or somewhat too much Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Lower-income singles 12% 18% 27% A 15% 22% 13% 23% 16% 4% 24% A 17% 29% 18% Lower-income families 13% 16% 27% A 14% 24% A 14% 24% 15% 4% 24% A 17% 28% 19% Middle-income singles 6% 5% 12% 5% 10% 0% 11% A 7% A 7% 8% 7% 18% A 8% Middle-income families 1% 1% 8% A B 2% 5% 0% 4% 4% 3% 4% 4% 2% 3% High-income singles 51% 48% 52% 54% 46% 66% B C 43% 50% 69% B 44% 49% 68% A 50% High-income families 62% 55% 53% 62% B 50% 80% B C 49% 52% 76% B 50% 55% 75% A 56% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 215 Table 111: Priorities for Ensuring Housing Choice How important, if at all, do you think it is that the City encourage each of the following? Percent essential or very important Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer rooms or other amenities that are affordable for first- time buyers) 66% 64% 72% 74% B 60% 71% 59% 71% B 74% 65% 69% 56% 67% Building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments or small homes built above garages, in backyards, etc.) 34% 28% 24% 31% 27% 35% 30% 27% 35% 27% 30% 26% 29% Medium-density development (like townhouses) 44% C 40% C 28% 38% 38% 59% B C 28% 36% 47% B 34% 37% 47% 37% Higher-density development (like apartments) 36% B C 17% 17% 23% 26% 45% B C 16% 21% 46% B 16% 24% 30% 24% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 216 Table 112: Support for Municipal Liquor Stores by Respondent Characteristics Percent "strongly support" or "somewhat support" Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? 90% 92% 92% 92% 90% 95% 93% 88% 89% 92% 92% 88% 91% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 217 Support for Single-Hauler Garbage Collection by Respondent Table 113: Characteristics “Strongly support" or "somewhat support" Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) To what extent do you support the City changing from the current open collection process to an organized collection system? 72% B C 58% 48% 64% 55% 86% B C 56% 55% 78% B 55% 58% 77% A 59% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 218 Table 114: Quality of Environmental Services by Respondent Characteristics Rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Energy conservation and efficiency programs 68% 73% 72% 69% 74% 43% 75% A 79% A 62% 75% 75% B 49% 71% Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 78% 76% 77% 75% 81% 66% 80% A 81% A 82% 75% 77% 73% 77% Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 63% 61% 64% 63% 65% 51% 71% A 64% 71% 60% 63% 63% 63% Increasing renewable energy programs 59% 58% 65% 64% 58% 43% 63% A 68% A 63% 60% 59% 67% 60% Adapting to climate change 47% 67% A 59% 57% 57% 40% 61% A 61% A 51% 59% 55% 61% 57% Organics recycling collection services 80% 75% 73% 79% 72% 82% 79% 72% 69% 77% 75% 79% 76% Water conservation programs 63% 61% 71% 60% 73% A 32% 73% A 74% A 60% 67% 66% 54% 66% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 219 Rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Transportation emission (pollution) reduction (e.g., sidewalks, bike lanes and public electric vehicle charging) 47% 53% 52% 47% 55% 33% 51% A 58% A 51% 50% 48% 58% 50% Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change 51% 55% 58% 51% 58% 28% 62% A 61% A 38% 60% A 51% 63% 54% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 220 Table 115: Importance of Environmental Services by Respondent Characteristics Rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. (Percent "essential" or "very important") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Energy conservation and efficiency programs 88% B C 64% 63% 74% 69% 89% B C 64% 71% 88% B 66% 74% 66% 72% Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 85% C 82% 75% 82% 80% 87% 82% 79% 84% 80% 84% B 68% 81% Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 80% C 70% 67% 74% 71% 81% 72% 70% 78% 71% 75% 62% 73% Increasing renewable energy programs 87% B C 67% 61% 76% B 65% 92% B C 66% 68% 88% B 65% 73% 71% 72% Adapting to climate change 80% C 69% 63% 79% B 59% 84% B C 67% 68% 80% B 67% 73% B 55% 71% Organics recycling collection services 71% B C 56% 52% 70% B 48% 81% B C 52% 59% 71% B 57% 60% 65% 60% Water conservation programs 89% B C 75% 69% 82% B 72% 96% B C 72% 74% 91% B 73% 77% 89% 78% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 221 Rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. (Percent "essential" or "very important") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Transportation emission (pollution) reduction (e.g., sidewalks, bike lanes and public electric vehicle charging) 82% B C 67% 59% 76% B 61% 85% B C 65% 66% 82% B 66% 70% 76% 70% Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change 72% C 65% 58% 72% B 55% 83% B C 57% 64% 78% B 60% 66% 59% 65% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 222 Table 116: City Information Sources by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. (Percent "minor source" or "major source") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 76% 82% 74% 84% B 68% 79% 75% 77% 60% 83% A 76% 79% 77% Edina Sun-Current newspaper 36% 49% A 69% A B 50% 55% 40% 38% 66% A B 38% 57% A 51% 53% 52% Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 87% 81% 86% 84% 86% 91% B 77% 88% B 80% 87% 86% 74% 85% Star-Tribune newspaper 42% 51% 60% A 51% 52% 40% 37% 67% A B 41% 55% A 54% B 27% 52% City’s website, EdinaMN.gov 71% 75% 70% 70% 72% 80% C 74% 65% 50% 79% A 70% 80% 71% City’s engagement website, BetterTogetherEdina.org 43% 41% 40% 40% 42% 45% 41% 39% 29% 45% A 39% 53% 41% Edina TV (Comcast channels 813 and 16) 7% 11% 20% A B 13% 11% 7% 5% 20% A B 6% 15% A 12% 9% 12% City employees 30% 27% 55% A B 34% 42% 16% 36% A 46% A 17% 45% A 38% 29% 37% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 223 Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. (Percent "minor source" or "major source") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) City Council Members 16% 24% 35% A B 26% 23% 14% 20% 32% A B 15% 28% A 25% 18% 25% Direct mail updates 73% 76% 78% 74% 77% 72% 75% 77% 67% 78% A 76% B 56% 75% Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 41% 45% 34% 41% 38% 31% 53% A C 32% 25% 45% A 40% 26% 39% NextDoor 34% 45% 57% A B 47% 44% 27% 47% A 51% A 19% 54% A 44% 54% 45% Online videos 16% 16% 19% 15% 19% 30% B C 11% 17% 8% 20% A 17% 14% 17% City’s e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 9% 22% A 22% A 14% 22% A 9% 21% A 18% 8% 21% A 18% 8% 17% Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 86% 96% A 90% 91% 90% 89% 92% 89% 82% 94% A 91% B 80% 91% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 224 Effectiveness of newsletter Edition: Edina by Respondent Table 117: Characteristics How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition: Edina is for keeping informed of City activities? (Percent "very effective" or "somewhat effective") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition: Edina is for keeping informed of City activities? 86% 86% 87% 86% 85% 85% 81% 90% B 89% 85% 86% 89% 86% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 225 Table 118: City Website Access by Respondent Characteristics Have you accessed the City of Edina website (EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? Percent "yes" Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Have you accessed the City of Edina website (EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? 44% 65% A 54% 54% 52% 50% 66% A C 45% 26% 64% A 54% 50% 53% Table 119: Aspects of City Website by Respondent Characteristics Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Appearance 86% 83% 88% 85% 88% 78% 83% 93% A B 77% 87% 88% B 71% 86% Online information and services offered 95% B C 70% 78% 78% 87% 81% 79% 85% 64% 83% A 83% 68% 80% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 226 Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Ease of navigation/ability to find information 64% 55% 59% 55% 67% 48% 56% 69% A 35% 63% A 60% 49% 59% Overall quality of the City of Edina website 90% B C 72% 77% 76% 86% A 75% 79% 83% 64% 81% A 80% 69% 79% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 227 Table 120: Concern About Household Issues by Respondent Characteristics To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months? (Percent "minor concern", "moderate concern" or "major concern") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others 38% B C 27% 19% 28% 28% 37% C 31% 23% 39% B 24% 24% 63% A 28% Having access to health care 32% B C 18% 12% 19% 24% 36% B C 19% 16% 41% B 13% 17% 50% A 21% Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) 25% 28% 43% A B 35% 28% 8% 25% A 45% A B 32% 32% 31% 36% 32% Running out of food before you had money to buy more 10% 5% 7% 10% 5% 11% 6% 8% 13% B 6% 5% 26% A 8% Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage 16% 11% 13% 15% 13% 11% 13% 16% 25% B 10% 11% 36% A 14% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 228 To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months? (Percent "minor concern", "moderate concern" or "major concern") Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) Having enough money to pay your heat, light, or water bill 12% 9% 12% 12% 10% 10% 12% 11% 18% B 9% 9% 30% A 11% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 229 Table 121: Economic Impact on Family Income by Respondent Characteristics Percent "very positive" or "somewhat positive" Length of residency Gender Age Housing tenure Race/ethnicity Overall 5 years or less 6 to 20 years More than 20 years Female Male 18- 34 35- 54 55+ Rent Own White alone, not Hispanic Hispanic and/or other race (A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: 10% 14% 9% 11% 12% 11% 12% 11% 7% 13% 11% 9% 11% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 230 Comparisons by Geographic Area Table 122: Quality of Life by Quadrant Percent "excellent" or "good" Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? 92% 94% 93% 95% 93% Table 123: General Community Characteristics by Quadrant Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Overall feeling of safety in Edina 84% 90% 91% 90% 89% Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 88% 78% 83% 86% 83% Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 91% 86% 91% 90% 90% Overall established "built environment" of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 79% 73% 78% 77% 77% Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 89% 89% 91% 90% 90% Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 79% 87% 86% 80% 84% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 231 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Overall economic health of Edina 85% 90% 91% 94% 90% Sense of community 76% B C 60% 64% 65% 66% Overall image or reputation of Edina 76% 81% 72% 74% 76% Neighborliness of residents in Edina 77% 77% 74% 68% 75% Table 124: Likelihood of Recommending or Remaining in Edina by Quadrant Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: (Percent "very likely" or "somewhat likely") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 91% 91% 88% 92% 90% Remain in Edina for the next five years 93% C 85% 84% 87% 87% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 232 Table 125: Feelings of Safety by Quadrant Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: (Percent "very safe" or "somewhat safe") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) In your neighborhood 86% 94% A 93% A 98% A 93% In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 87% 79% 85% 88% 84% In the greater Southdale area 54% 57% 83% A B D 67% 67% Table 126: Sense of Community Welcoming by Quadrant Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: (Percent "very welcoming" or "welcoming") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) For people of all races 58% 61% 56% 52% 57% For people of all religions 65% 68% 63% 64% 65% For people of all ethnicities 54% 61% 57% 50% 56% For people who have a lower income 35% 28% 29% 45% B C 33% For people of all ages 83% 82% 80% 81% 81% For people of all abilities 76% C 65% 63% 68% 67% For people of all gender identities 70% 66% 63% 68% 66% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 233 Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: (Percent "very welcoming" or "welcoming") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) For people of all sexual orientations 71% 71% 60% 68% 67% Table 127: Problems in Edina by Quadrant Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina. (Percent "moderate problem", "major problem" or "extreme problem") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 44% 41% 33% 35% 38% Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 32% 23% 26% 23% 26% Violent crime 12% 21% 14% 13% 15% Drugs 22% 20% 15% 15% 18% Youth crimes 31% 24% 20% 25% 24% Vandalism and property crimes 36% 25% 33% 28% 31% Hate crimes and bias/discrimination offenses 18% 15% 15% 18% 16% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 234 Table 128: Community Characteristics by Quadrant Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Traffic flow on major streets 69% 72% C 59% 65% 66% Ease of public parking 62% 74% A 71% 80% A 71% Ease of travel by car in Edina 82% 88% C 76% 86% 82% Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 54% 52% 52% 73% A B C 55% Ease of walking in Edina 62% 69% 71% 62% 67% Availability of paths and walking trails 72% 74% 76% 83% 76% Air quality 92% 90% 89% 93% 91% Cleanliness of Edina 91% 92% 94% 95% 93% Public places where people want to spend time 87% 84% 87% 82% 85% Variety of housing options 57% 55% 56% 62% 57% Availability of quality affordable housing 24% 34% 31% 46% A C 32% Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 81% 85% 87% 92% A 86% Recreational opportunities 83% 85% 87% 84% 85% K-12 education 79% 86% 93% A 90% 87% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 235 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Adult educational opportunities 81% 81% 79% 90% 82% Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 77% 71% 85% B D 68% 77% Employment opportunities 73% 78% 68% 85% C 74% Shopping opportunities 96% 90% 93% 89% 92% Cost of living in Edina 41% 38% 34% 60% A B C 41% Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 88% 90% 88% 94% 90% Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 68% 63% 69% 62% 66% Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 57% 56% 56% 62% 57% Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 79% 68% 78% 81% 76% Opportunities to volunteer 70% 80% 83% A 83% 79% Opportunities to participate in community matters 67% 64% 70% 72% 68% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 236 Table 129: Aspects of Drinking Water by Quadrant Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Appearance 77% 89% A C 80% 92% A C 84% Taste 53% 70% A 61% 79% A C 65% Odor 68% 78% C 66% 87% A C 73% Hardness 30% 30% 35% 40% 33% Reliability 92% C 92% C 83% 94% C 89% Safety 87% 91% C 78% 93% C 86% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 237 Table 130: Use of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Quadrant Tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities. (Percent at least once) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Trails 86% 81% 82% 88% 84% Dog parks/off-leash areas 32% C D 23% C D 13% 6% 19% Neighborhood parks 93% C 85% 82% 92% 87% Large community athletic fields 62% C 53% C 28% 51% C 46% Edinborough Park 39% 33% 52% A B 39% 42% Centennial Lakes Park 76% 68% 95% A B D 76% 81% Edina Aquatic Center 37% B C D 24% C 14% 22% 23% Edina Senior Center 10% 26% A C D 11% 14% 16% Braemar Arena (ice arena) 44% B C 27% C 15% 33% C 27% Braemar Golf Course 35% C 42% C 22% 62% A B C 37% Braemar Golf Dome 27% 34% C 17% 40% C 27% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 238 Tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities. (Percent at least once) Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Braemar Field (sports dome) 38% C 38% C 12% 33% C 28% Table 131: Quality of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Quadrant Please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household’s use of the amenities. (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Trails 90% 91% 96% 95% 93% Dog parks/off-leash areas 45% 65% A 95% A B 96% A B 70% Neighborhood parks 95% 89% 94% 93% 93% Large community athletic fields 89% 85% 97% B 99% B 91% Edinborough Park 91% 84% 97% B 89% 91% Centennial Lakes Park 99% 95% 96% 97% 97% Edina Aquatic Center 92% 89% 95% 95% 92% Edina Senior Center 84% 93% 89% 97% 92% Braemar Arena (ice arena) 77% 69% 93% B 87% B 80% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 239 Please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household’s use of the amenities. (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Braemar Golf Course 96% 89% 94% 90% 92% Braemar Golf Dome 97% 94% 94% 92% 94% Braemar Field (sports dome) 98% B 82% 96% B 94% 91% Table 132: Quality of Services by Quadrant Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Police services 90% 94% 93% 90% 92% Fire services 95% 96% 99% 100% 98% Ambulance or emergency medical services 97% 98% 95% 100% 97% Crime prevention 75% 83% C 71% 80% 77% Fire prevention and education 95% C 92% C 80% 96% C 89% Traffic enforcement 71% 74% 67% 80% 72% Street repair 59% B D 45% 48% 41% 48% Street cleaning 79% 79% 82% 78% 80% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 240 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Street lighting 71% 74% 77% 81% 76% Snow removal 85% 89% C 79% 93% C 85% Sidewalk maintenance 68% 64% 67% 81% B C 68% Traffic signal timing 68% 72% 65% 81% C 70% Bus or transit services 68% 60% 68% 61% 66% Garbage collection 85% 87% 90% 82% 87% Recycling 85% 83% 91% B 84% 86% Organics recycling 87% 84% 82% 87% 85% Yard waste pickup 86% 83% 79% 76% 82% Storm drainage 74% 71% 74% 79% 74% Drinking water 65% 75% 69% 86% A C 72% Sewer services 90% 92% 87% 89% 89% Utility billing 77% 73% 73% 80% 75% City parks 94% 92% 94% 94% 93% Park maintenance 93% B 84% 89% 93% 89% Condition of trails and sidewalks 87% 83% 86% 90% 86% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 241 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Recreation programs or classes 79% 79% 87% 86% 83% Land use, planning and zoning 54% 41% 54% 53% 50% Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 69% 59% 70% 64% 65% Animal control 80% 79% 84% 88% 82% Economic development 72% 69% 79% 67% 72% Public health services 79% 84% 90% 76% 84% Public information services/communication from the City 78% 66% 79% B 86% B 76% Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 57% 61% 62% 60% 60% Fiber/home internet connection 60% 48% 74% A B 61% 61% Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 79% 75% 82% 89% 81% Edina open space 73% 67% 73% 74% 71% Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 85% 85% 88% 90% 87% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 242 Table 133: Government Performance by Quadrant Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 61% 60% 75% A B 63% 66% The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 57% 64% 68% 67% 65% Overall confidence in Edina government 63% 58% 69% 63% 64% Generally acting in the best interest of the community 63% 61% 68% 74% 66% Treating all residents fairly 63% 64% 62% 68% 64% Table 134: Impression of City Employees by Quadrant Please rate your impression of City employees: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Knowledge 81% 82% 84% 90% 84% Courtesy 80% 91% A 85% 89% 86% Responsiveness 69% 84% A 79% 88% A 80% Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 58% 78% A 75% A 81% A 73% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 243 Please rate your impression of City employees: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Overall customer service 74% 80% 82% 90% A 81% Table 135: Opinion of Property Taxes by Quadrant Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, do you feel property taxes in Edina are… Percent "very high" or "somewhat high" Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, do you feel property taxes in Edina are... 56% 61% 53% 67% 58% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 244 Table 136: Level of Support for Increasing Property Taxes by Quadrant To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent "strongly support" or "somewhat support" Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? 38% 42% 55% A B 52% 47% Table 137: Direction of Edina by Quadrant All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Percent "right direction" Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? 64% 58% 76% B 70% 68% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 245 Table 138: Perception of Own Influence by Quadrant Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Percent "yes" Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? 48% 57% 63% A 64% 58% Table 139: Importance of Diversity and Inclusivity by Quadrant Percent "essential" or "very important" Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) How important is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive city? 56% 51% 68% B D 52% 58% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 246 Table 140: Ratings of Inclusivity of City by Quadrant Please rate the job you feel the City does at each of the following: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Making all residents feel welcome 73% 73% 66% 67% 70% Helping new residents feel connected and integrated 59% 53% 58% 55% 56% Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 40% 33% 54% B 51% 45% Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds 60% 53% 63% 53% 58% Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds 68% 73% 65% 65% 68% Table 141: Experiences of Discrimination by City by Quadrant To what extent, if at all, have you or someone in your household experienced discrimination based on each of the following in the Edina community in the past 12 months? Percent some or most of the time Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Age 7% 5% 7% 3% 6% Gender identity 2% 0% 1% 0% 1% Race(s) 4% 3% 6% 4% 5% Ethnicity 5% 2% 3% 4% 4% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 247 To what extent, if at all, have you or someone in your household experienced discrimination based on each of the following in the Edina community in the past 12 months? Percent some or most of the time Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) National origin (birth country) 3% 0% 1% 5% B C 2% Religion 6% 3% 2% 1% 3% Political affiliation 16% 15% 9% 15% 13% Disability 5% 2% 6% B 1% 4% Sexual orientation 2% 0% 3% 2% 2% Table 142: Managing Community Tensions by Quadrant How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? Percent "very well" or "somewhat well" Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? 44% 54% 56% 57% 53% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 248 Table 143: Too Little Housing Choice Thinking about the types of housing in Edina, how would you rate the availability of housing for each of the following income groups? Percent far or somewhat too little Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Lower-income singles 58% 62%D 72%D 41% 61% Lower-income families 67% 62% 74%D 52% 66% Middle-income singles 49% 54% 50% 38% 50% Middle-income families 56% 57% 54% 44% 54% High-income singles 2% 4% 3% 7% 4% High-income families 3% 3% 1% 7% C 3% Table 144: Too Much Housing Choice Thinking about the types of housing in Edina, how would you rate the availability of housing for each of the following income groups? Percent far or somewhat too much Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Lower-income singles 11% 22% C 8% 46% A B C 18% Lower-income families 10% 24% A C 10% 39% A B C 19% Middle-income singles 6% 8% 7% 9% 8% Middle-income families 5% 5% 2% 2% 3% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 249 Thinking about the types of housing in Edina, how would you rate the availability of housing for each of the following income groups? Percent far or somewhat too much Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) High-income singles 48% 52% 56%D 36% 50% High-income families 56% 56% 63%D 44% 56% Table 145: Priorities for Ensuring Housing Choice There are different ways that a community can try to ensure there are a wider variety of housing choices. How important, if at all, do you think it is that the City encourage each of the following? Percent essential or very important Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer rooms or other amenities that are affordable for first-time buyers) 70% 66% 71%D 57% 67% Building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments or small homes built above garages, in backyards, etc.) 30% 23% 34% 27% 29% Medium-density development (like townhouses) 36% 33% 41% 40% 37% Higher-density development (like apartments) 20% 19% 33% A B D 20% 24% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 250 Table 146: Support for Municipal Liquor Stores by Quadrant Percent "strongly support" or "somewhat support" Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? 90% 91% 91% 93% 91% Table 147: Support for Single-Hauler Garbage Collection by Quadrant Percent "strongly support" or "somewhat support" Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) To what extent do you support the City changing from the current open collection process to an organized collection system? 53% 52% 68% A B 66% 59% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 251 Table 148: Quality of Environmental Services by Quadrant Rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Energy conservation and efficiency programs 64% 64% 73% 85% A B 71% Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 71% 72% 82% 85% 77% Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 50% 57% 71% A B 69% A 63% Increasing renewable energy programs 47% 66% 62% 66% 60% Adapting to climate change 47% 56% 58% 66% 57% Organics recycling collection services 76% 78% C 65% 88% C 76% Water conservation programs 53% 76% A C 58% 75% A 66% Transportation emission (pollution) reduction (e.g., sidewalks, bike lanes and public electric vehicle charging) 40% 54% 45% 69% A C 50% Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change 45% 53% 48% 80% A B C 54% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 252 Table 149: Importance of Environmental Services by Quadrant Rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community. (Percent "essential" or "very important") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Energy conservation and efficiency programs 62% 72% 80% A 71% 72% Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 84% 75% 86% B 80% 81% Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 76% 66% 77% 75% 73% Increasing renewable energy programs 61% 69% 82% A B 69% 72% Adapting to climate change 61% 72% 78% A 69% 71% Organics recycling collection services 62% 58% 64% 54% 60% Water conservation programs 67% 77% 86% A 77% 78% Transportation emission (pollution) reduction (e.g., sidewalks, bike lanes and public electric vehicle charging) 64% 70% 75% 67% 70% Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change 61% 60% 74% B 61% 65% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 253 Table 150: City Information Sources by Quadrant Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. (Percent "minor source" or "major source") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 82% 79% 75% 69% 77% Edina Sun-Current newspaper 49% 50% 49% 66% A B C 52% Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 79% 87% 83% 92% A 85% Star-Tribune newspaper 53% 51% 50% 55% 52% City’s website, EdinaMN.gov 76% C 77% C 60% 76% C 71% City’s engagement website, BetterTogetherEdina.org 41% 49% 36% 35% 41% Edina TV (Comcast channels 813 and 16) 12% 11% 15% 10% 12% City employees 36% 37% 29% 56% A B C 37% City Council Members 26% 30% 23% 18% 25% Direct mail updates 73% 81% 74% 72% 75% Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 44% 46% 34% 32% 39% NextDoor 53% C 47% 36% 51% 45% Online videos 15% 16% 17% 20% 17% City’s e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 23% C 16% 12% 24% C 17% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 254 Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. (Percent "minor source" or "major source") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 95% C 93% 86% 91% 91% Table 151: Effectiveness of newsletter Edition: Edina by Quadrant How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition: Edina is for keeping informed of City activities? (Percent "very effective" or "somewhat effective") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition: Edina is for keeping informed of City activities? 80% 82% 91% A 88% 86% Table 152: City Website Access by Quadrant Have you accessed the City of Edina website (EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? Percent "yes" Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Have you accessed the City of Edina website (EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? 66% C 61% C 39% 53% 53% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 255 Table 153: Aspects of City Website by Quadrant Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: (Percent "excellent" or "good") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Appearance 85% 85% 83% 91% 86% Online information and services offered 82% 82% 73% 87% 80% Ease of navigation/ability to find information 60% 58% 53% 72% 59% Overall quality of the City of Edina website 81% 79% 71% 89% C 79% Table 154: Concern About Household Issues by Quadrant To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months? (Percent "minor concern", "moderate concern" or "major concern") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others 34% B 21% 34% B 21% 28% Having access to health care 17% 12% 34% A B D 15% 21% Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) 28% 28% 38% 30% 32% Running out of food before you had money to buy more 3% 5% 15% A B D 5% 8% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 256 To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months? (Percent "minor concern", "moderate concern" or "major concern") Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage 8% 9% 24% A B D 10% 14% Having enough money to pay your heat, light, or water bill 7% 9% 18% A B 10% 11% Table 155: Economic Impact on Family Income by Quadrant Percent "very positive" or "somewhat positive" Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: 8% 12% 11% 13% 11% City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 257 Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons Comparison Data Polco/National Research Center (NRC)’s database of comparative resident opinion comprises resident perspectives gathered in surveys from over 500 communities whose residents evaluated the same kinds of topics on the Edina Resident Survey. The comparison evaluations are from the most recent survey completed in each community; most communities conduct surveys every year or in alternating years. NRC adds the latest results quickly upon survey completion, keeping the benchmark data fresh and relevant. The communities in the database represent a wide geographic and population range. National benchmark comparisons and Minnesota communities’ comparisons have been provided when similar questions on the Edina Resident Survey are included in NRC’s database. Interpreting the Results Ratings are compared when there are at least five communities in which a similar question was asked. Where comparisons are available, four columns are provided in the table. The first column is Edina’s “percent positive.” The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., “excellent” and “good,” “very safe” and “somewhat safe,” “essential” and “very important,” etc.), or, in the case of resident behaviors/participation, the percent positive represents the proportion of respondents indicating “yes” or participating in an activity at least once a month. The second column is the rank assigned to Edina’s rating among communities where a similar question was asked. The third column is the number of communities that asked a similar question. The final column shows the comparison of Edina’s rating to the benchmark. In that final column, Edina’s results are noted as being “higher” than the benchmark, “lower” than the benchmark or “similar” to the benchmark, meaning that the average rating given by residents is statistically similar to or different (greater or lesser) than the benchmark. Being rated as “higher” or “lower” than the benchmark means that Edina’s average rating for a particular item was more than 10 points different than the benchmark. If a rating was “much higher” or “much lower,” then Edina’s average rating was more than 20 points different when compared to the benchmark. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 258 National Benchmark Comparisons Table 156: Quality of Life Quality of Life Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Overall image or reputation of Edina 76% 113 337 Similar How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? 93% 28 360 Higher Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 90% 105 296 Similar Remain in Edina for the next five years 87% 85 294 Similar Table 157: Governance Governance Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Overall confidence in Edina government 64% 65 292 Similar The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 66% 42 344 Higher Generally acting in the best interest of the community 66% 71 296 Similar The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 65% 41 319 Similar Treating all residents fairly 64% 83 293 Similar Public information services/communication from the City 76% 12 297 Higher City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 259 Table 158: Economy Economy Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Overall economic health of Edina 90% 12 296 Higher Economic development 72% 36 293 Higher Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 90% 14 298 Higher Shopping opportunities 92% 5 300 Much higher Employment opportunities 74% 9 309 Higher Cost of living in Edina 41% 114 289 Similar What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the imp 12% 261 281 Lower Table 159: Mobility Mobility Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Traffic flow on major streets 66% 62 312 Higher Ease of travel by car in Edina 82% 52 306 Similar Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 55% 123 306 Similar Ease of walking in Edina 67% 134 309 Similar Ease of public parking 71% 58 276 Similar Bus or transit services 66% 45 269 Higher Traffic enforcement 72% 29 331 Higher Traffic signal timing 70% 12 289 Higher Street repair 48% 131 331 Similar Street cleaning 80% 20 298 Higher Street lighting 76% 30 319 Higher Snow removal 85% 4 245 Much higher Sidewalk maintenance 68% 50 299 Higher City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 260 Table 160: Community Design Community Design Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation syst 77% 26 289 Higher Public places where people want to spend time 85% 16 284 Higher Variety of housing options 57% 78 296 Similar Availability of quality affordable housing 32% 131 317 Similar Land use, planning and zoning 50% 79 301 Similar Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 65% 27 324 Higher Table 161: Utilities Utilities Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Fiber/home internet connection 61% 44 220 Similar Garbage collection 87% 55 310 Similar Drinking water 72% 170 295 Similar Sewer services 89% 62 293 Similar Storm drainage 74% 107 305 Similar Utility billing 75% 76 273 Similar City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 261 Table 162: Safety Safety Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Overall feeling of safety in Edina 89% 87 331 Similar Police services 92% 8 353 Higher Crime prevention 77% 104 330 Similar Animal control 82% 33 306 Higher Ambulance or emergency medical services 97% 1 300 Higher Fire services 98% 6 320 Higher Fire prevention and education 89% 18 294 Higher Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 81% 21 296 Higher In your neighborhood 93% 203 313 Similar In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 84% 217 303 Similar Table 163: Natural Environment Natural Environment Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 90% 73 298 Similar Cleanliness of Edina 93% 29 313 Higher Air quality 91% 70 283 Similar Edina open space 71% 69 280 Similar Recycling 86% 17 313 Higher Yard waste pickup 82% 55 275 Higher City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 262 Table 164: Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Availability of paths and walking trails 76% 106 309 Similar City parks 93% 23 309 Higher Recreational opportunities 85% 38 303 Higher Recreation programs or classes 83% 43 304 Higher Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 86% 47 286 Higher Table 165: Health and Wellness Health and Wellness Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 90% 18 291 Higher Public health services 84% 23 270 Higher Table 166: Education, Arts, and Culture Education, Arts, and Culture Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 84% 12 293 Higher Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 77% 35 298 Higher City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, Days of Remembrance, etc.) 87% 12 287 Higher K-12 education 87% 23 292 Higher Adult educational opportunities 82% 6 283 Higher City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 263 Table 167: Inclusivity and Engagement Inclusivity and Engagement Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Sense of community 66% 121 311 Similar Neighborliness of residents in Edina 75% 24 285 Similar Making all residents feel welcome 70% 113 230 Similar Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 45% 179 227 Similar Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds 58% 121 228 Similar Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 76% 36 294 Higher Opportunities to volunteer 79% 27 289 Higher Opportunities to participate in community matters 68% 45 290 Similar City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 264 Minnesota Benchmark Comparisons Table 168: Quality of Life Quality of Life Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Overall image or reputation of Edina 76% 15 33 Similar How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? 93% 4 34 Similar Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 90% 17 27 Similar Remain in Edina for the next five years 87% 15 27 Similar Table 169: Governance Governance Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Overall confidence in Edina government 64% 11 27 Similar The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 66% 5 34 Similar Generally acting in the best interest of the community 66% 13 28 Similar The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 65% 6 28 Similar Treating all residents fairly 64% 14 26 Similar Public information services/communication from the City 76% 3 27 Similar City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 265 Table 170: Economy Economy Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Overall economic health of Edina 90% 1 28 Higher Economic development 72% 6 28 Similar Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 90% 2 28 Higher Shopping opportunities 92% 1 27 Much higher Employment opportunities 74% 3 32 Higher Cost of living in Edina 41% 18 26 Similar What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the imp 12% 23 25 Lower Table 171: Mobility Mobility Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Traffic flow on major streets 66% 18 27 Similar Ease of travel by car in Edina 82% 18 29 Similar Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 55% 25 27 Similar Ease of walking in Edina 67% 24 28 Similar Ease of public parking 71% 17 25 Similar Bus or transit services 66% 5 25 Similar Traffic enforcement 72% 5 27 Similar Traffic signal timing 70% 3 27 Similar Street repair 48% 24 31 Similar Street cleaning 80% 4 28 Similar Street lighting 76% 5 29 Similar Snow removal 85% 1 34 Higher Sidewalk maintenance 68% 12 27 Similar City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 266 Table 172: Community Design Community Design Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation syst 77% 5 26 Similar Public places where people want to spend time 85% 3 26 Higher Variety of housing options 57% 20 29 Similar Availability of quality affordable housing 32% 27 32 Similar Land use, planning and zoning 50% 17 30 Similar Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 65% 5 27 Similar Table 173: Utilities Utilities Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Fiber/home internet connection 61% 5 21 Similar Garbage collection 87% 2 25 Similar Drinking water 72% 21 29 Similar Sewer services 89% 10 28 Similar Storm drainage 74% 21 28 Similar Utility billing 75% 15 26 Similar City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 267 Table 174: Safety Safety Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Overall feeling of safety in Edina 89% 8 29 Similar Police services 92% 2 34 Similar Crime prevention 77% 12 28 Similar Animal control 82% 5 28 Similar Ambulance or emergency medical services 97% 1 27 Higher Fire services 98% 1 29 Similar Fire prevention and education 89% 1 27 Similar Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 81% 2 30 Similar In your neighborhood 93% 24 27 Similar In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 84% 24 27 Similar Table 175: Natural Environment Natural Environment Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 90% 11 28 Similar Cleanliness of Edina 93% 6 28 Similar Air quality 91% 12 25 Similar Edina open space 71% 7 25 Similar Recycling 86% 3 31 Similar Yard waste pickup 82% 3 24 Higher City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 268 Table 176: Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Availability of paths and walking trails 76% 23 28 Similar City parks 93% 6 31 Similar Recreational opportunities 85% 8 31 Similar Recreation programs or classes 83% 5 27 Similar Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 86% 6 27 Similar Table 177: Health and Wellness Health and Wellness Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 90% 2 27 Higher Public health services 84% 2 26 Similar Table 178: Education, Arts, and Culture Education, Arts, and Culture Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 84% 2 27 Higher Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 77% 2 26 Higher City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, Days of Remembrance, etc.) 87% 1 25 Higher K-12 education 87% 4 26 Higher Adult educational opportunities 82% 1 26 Higher City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 269 Table 179: Inclusivity and Engagement Inclusivity and Engagement Items Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Sense of community 66% 14 30 Similar Neighborliness of residents in Edina 75% 3 24 Similar Making all residents feel welcome 70% 13 22 Similar Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 45% 19 21 Lower Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds 58% 16 22 Similar Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 76% 2 25 Similar Opportunities to volunteer 79% 1 26 Higher Opportunities to participate in community matters 68% 5 25 Similar City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 270 Appendix F: Survey Methodology About the Survey The City of Edina Resident Survey was first administered in 2011. General resident surveys, such as this one, ask recipients their perspectives about the quality of life in the city, their use of city amenities, their opinions on policy issues facing the city and their assessment of city service delivery. The City of Edina funded this research. Please contact Jennifer Bennerotte of the City of Edina at JBennerotte@edinamn.gov if you have any questions about the survey. Developing the Questionnaire The 2023 survey instrument was developed by starting with the version from the previous implementation in 2021. Few changes were made to the survey in order to maximize comparisons over time. In an iterative process between City staff and NRC staff, a final five-page questionnaire was created. Selecting Survey Recipients “Sampling” refers to the method by which survey recipients are chosen. The “sample” refers to all those who were given a chance to participate in the survey. A list of all households within the zip codes serving Edina was purchased from Go-Dog Direct based on updated listings from the United States Postal Service, updated every three months, providing the best representation of all households in a specific geographic location. NRC used the USPS data to select the survey recipients. A larger list than needed was pulled so that a process referred to as “geocoding” could be used to eliminate addresses from the list that were outside Edina’s boundaries. Geocoding is a computerized process in which addresses are compared to electronically mapped boundaries and coded as inside or outside desired boundaries; in this case, within Edina. All addresses determined to be outside the study boundaries were eliminated from the list of potential households. Each address identified as being within city boundaries was further identified as being within one of four quadrants: Northeast (NE), Northwest (NW), Southeast (SE), and Southwest (SW). A random selection was made of the remaining addresses to create a mailing list of 2,000 addresses. To choose the 2,000 survey recipients, a systematic sampling method was applied to the list of households previously screened for geographic location. Systematic sampling is a procedure whereby a complete list of all possible households is culled, selecting every Nth one, giving each eligible household a known probability of selection, until the appropriate number of households is selected. Multi-family housing units were selected at a higher rate as residents of this type of housing typically respond at lower rates to surveys than do those in single-family housing units. In general, because of the random sampling techniques used, the displayed sampling density will closely mirror the overall housing unit density (which may be different from the population density). While the theory of probability assumes no bias in selection, there may be some minor variations in practice (meaning, an area with only 15% of the housing units might be selected at an actual rate that is slightly above or below that). City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 271 An individual within each household was randomly selected to complete the survey using the birthday method. The birthday method selects a person within the household by asking the “person whose birthday has most recently passed” to complete the questionnaire. The underlying assumption in this method is that day of birth has no relationship to the way people respond to surveys. This instruction was contained in the cover letter accompanying the questionnaire. Survey Administration and Response Rate Each selected household was contacted three times. First, a prenotification announcement was sent on March 22, 2023, informing the household members that they had been selected to participate in the City of Edina Resident Survey. Approximately one week after mailing the prenotification, each household was mailed a survey containing a cover letter signed by City Manager Scott Neal enlisting participation. The packet also contained a postage-paid return envelope in which the survey recipients could return the completed questionnaire directly to NRC. A reminder letter and survey, scheduled to arrive one to two weeks after the first survey, was the final contact for all households. The second cover letter asked those who had not completed the survey to do so and those who had already done so to refrain from turning in another survey. The survey was available in English. Each wave of the cover letter accompanying the mailed survey included a web link for residents to visit if they preferred to take the survey online. Data collection was open through May 3, 2023. About 5% of the 2,000 surveys mailed were returned because the housing unit was vacant, or the postal service was unable to deliver the survey as addressed. Of the 1,904 households presumed to have received a survey, 475 completed the survey (192 of which were completed online), providing a response rate of 25%. Additionally, responses were tracked by geographic area; response rates by area ranged from 20% to 31%. The response rates were calculated using AAPOR’s response rate #21 for mailed surveys of unnamed persons. 1 See AAPOR’s Standard Definitions here: http://www.aapor.org/Standards-Ethics/Standard-Definitions- (1).aspx for more information City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 272 Response Rate by Area for Mailed Survey NE NW SE SW Unknown Overall Total sample used 368 492 852 288 - 2,000 I=Complete Interviews 93 130 157 83 1 464 P=Partial Interviews 2 2 6 1 0 11 R=Refusal and break off 1 0 0 1 0 2 NC=Non Contact 13 20 49 14 0 96 O=Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 UH=Unknown household 0 0 0 0 0 0 UO=Unknown other 259 340 640 189 0 1,523 Response rate: (I+P)/(I+P) + (R+NC+O) + (UH+UO) 27% 28% 30% 31% - 25% One survey did not have an indicated area. This survey is listed above as “unknown”. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 273 Margin of Error The 95% confidence interval (or “margin of error”) quantifies the “sampling error” or precision of the estimates made from the survey results. A 95% confidence interval can be calculated for any sample size and indicates that in 95 of 100 surveys conducted like this one, for a particular item, a result would be found that is within five percentage points of the result that would be found if everyone in the population of interest was surveyed. The practical difficulties of conducting any resident survey may introduce other sources of error in addition to sampling error. Despite best efforts to boost participation and ensure potential inclusion of all households, some selected households will decline participation in the survey (referred to as non-response error) and some eligible households may be unintentionally excluded from the listed sources for the sample (referred to as coverage error). While the margin of error for the survey is generally no greater than plus or minus five2 percentage points around any given percent reported for the entire sample, results for subgroups will have wider confidence intervals. Where estimates are given for subgroups, they are less precise. Survey Processing (Data Entry) Upon receipt, completed surveys were assigned a unique identification number. Additionally, each survey was reviewed and “cleaned” as necessary. For example, a question may have asked a respondent to pick two items out of a list of five, but the respondent checked three; in this case, NRC would use protocols to randomly choose two of the three selected items for inclusion in the dataset. All surveys then were entered twice into an electronic dataset; any discrepancies were resolved in comparison to the original survey form. Range checks as well as other forms of quality control were also performed. NRC uses Polco, an online public engagement tool designed primarily for local governments, to collect online survey data. The Polco platform includes many features of online survey tools, but also includes elements tailored to the civic environment. For example, like NRC’s mailed surveys, surveys on Polco are presented with the city name, logo (or other image) and a description, so residents understand who is asking for input and why. Optionally, Polco can also verify respondents with local public data to ensure respondents are residents or voters. More generally, an advantage of online programming and data gathering is that it allows for more rigid control of the data format, making extensive data cleaning unnecessary. A series of quality control checks were also performed in order to ensure the integrity of the web data. Steps may include and not be limited to reviewing the data for clusters of repeat IP addresses 2 Although this has become the traditional way to describe survey research precision, when opt-in results are blended with scientific results, assumptions about randomness of responses are not the same as when results come only from the random sample. Consequently other terms sometimes are used in place of "confidence interval" or "margin of error," such as "credibility intervals." We hew to the traditional way of describing sample-driven uncertainty while we work with the industry to sort out the best ways to describe these new approaches. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 274 and time stamps (indicating duplicate responses) and removing empty submissions (questionnaires submitted with no questions answered). City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 275 Weighting the Data The demographic characteristics of the survey sample were compared to those found in the 2020 Census and the 2021 American Community Survey estimates for adults in the City of Edina. The primary objective of weighting survey data is to make the survey sample reflective of the larger population of the community. Both samples were weighted independently and then combined into one final dataset. The characteristics used for weighting were respondent gender, age, housing unit type (attached or detached), housing tenure (rent or own), race, and ethnicity. This decision was based on: • The disparity between the survey respondent characteristics and the population norms for these variables • The saliency of these variables in differences of opinion among subgroups • The historical profile created and the desirability of consistently representing different groups over the years A special software program using mathematical algorithms is used to calculate the appropriate weights. Several different weighting “schemes” are tested to ensure the best fit for the data. The results of the weighting scheme are presented in the table on the following page. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 276 2023 Edina Resident Survey Weighting Table Characteristic Population Norm Unweighted Data Weighted Data Housing Rent home 29% 14% 28% Own home 66% 86% 72% Detached unit 57% 58% 58% Attached unit 43% 42% 42% Race White 88% 92% 88% Not white 12% 8% 12% Not Hispanic 98% 98% 96% Hispanic 2% 2% 4% White alone, not Hispanic 87% 91% 87% Hispanic and/or other race 13% 6% 13% Sex and Age Female 54% 62% 55% Male 46% 38% 45% 18-34 years of age 20% 6% 18% 35-54 years of age 34% 23% 33% 55+ years of age 45% 71% 48% Females 18-34 10% 4% 12% Females 35-54 19% 13% 17% Females 55+ 26% 45% 26% Males 18-34 11% 2% 6% Males 35-54 16% 9% 17% Males 55+ 20% 26% 22% Council District Northeast Quadrant 22% 20% 22% Northwest Quadrant 28% 28% 38% Southeast Quadrant 35% 34% 35% Southwest Quadrant 15% 18% 15% * 2020 U.S. Census Bureau, 2021 American Community Survey Population Estimates City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 277 Analyzing the Data The electronic dataset was analyzed by NRC staff using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). For the most part, frequency distributions and mean ratings are presented in the body of the report. A complete set of frequencies for each survey question is presented in Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies. Also included are results by respondent characteristics (Appendix D: Responses to Selected Survey Questions by Respondent Characteristics). Chi-square or ANOVA tests of significance were applied to these breakdowns of selected survey questions. A “p-value” of 0.05 or less indicates that there is less than a 5% probability that differences observed between groups are due to chance; or in other words, a greater than 95% probability that the differences observed in the selected categories of the sample represent “real” differences among those populations. Where differences between subgroups are statistically significant, they have been denoted with capital letters. City of Edina Resident Survey June 2023 278 Appendix G: Survey Materials The following pages contain copies of the survey materials sent to randomly selected households within the City of Edina. Results for Edina, MN Quality of Life Survey June 20, 2023 ●7th time conducting the Edina Quality of Life Survey ●Previous iterations in 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021. ●Survey conducted from March 22nd to May 3rd ●Sampling approached employed: ●Probability-based sample of 2,000 households ●475 total responses received ●25% overall response rate ●Results statistically weighted to reflect Edina ●95% confidence interval with a +/-5% margin of error Survey Methodology Polco’s Benchmarking Database More than 500 comparison communities across the nation. Representing the opinions of more than 50 million residents. Overview of Survey Results Comparisons to National Benchmarks 36 received similar ratings 1 received lower ratings 41 received higher ratings Comparisons to Minnesota Benchmarks 61 received similar ratings 2 received lower ratings 15 received higher ratings Comparisons to Previous Survey Year 166 received similar ratings 27 received more negative ratings 16 received more positive ratings Key Findings Edina residents enjoy an exceptional quality of life. Quality of Life in Edina Quality of Life Measures 70% 86% 95% 66% 87% 90% Sense of community Remain in Edina for the next five years Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 2023 2021 Excellent, 51%Good, 42% Fair, 6%Poor, 1% Overall Quality of Life Higher than national benchmarks Percent excellent or good Diversity and Inclusion 57% 70% 58% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 2019 2021 2023 Importance of Edina Creating a Diverse and Inclusive City by Year Edina as a Welcoming Community by Year 29% 54% 54% 63% 33% 56% 57% 65% 66% 67% 67% 81% For people who have a lower income For people of all ethnicities For people of all races For people of all religions For people of all gender identities For people of all abilities For people of all sexual orientations For people of all ages 2023 2021 Percent essential or very important Percent very welcoming or welcoming Diversity and Inclusion Job the City Does at Creating an Inclusive and Diverse Community by Year 43% 55% 57% 72% 67% 45% 56% 58% 68% 70% Attracting people from diverse backgrounds Helping new residents feel connected and integrated Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds Making all residents feel welcome 2023 2021 Percent excellent or good Overall Community Characteristics 73% 81% 83% 90% 91% 92% 88% 75% 76% 77% 84% 90% 90% 90% Neighborliness of residents in Edina Overall image or reputation of Edina Overall established "built environment" of Edina Overall opportunities for education and enrichment Overall economic health of Edina Health and wellness opportunities in Edina Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 2023 2021 Percent excellent or good Higher than national benchmarks Higher than Minnesota benchmarks Specific Community Characteristics Higher than national benchmarks Higher than Minnesota benchmarks Top-Rated Community Characteristics Changes Since 2021 Variety of housing options Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 49% 57% 2021 2023 68% 77% 2021 2023 Percent excellent or good Percent excellent or good Reasons for Living in Edina Reasons for Living in Edina, 2023 7% 7% 7% 16% 27% 30% 43% 45% 47% 49% 59% 77% Other Affordable housing Access to public transportation Variety/type of housing Family lives here/born or raised here Job is here (or nearby) Good neighborhoods Amenities Good schools Attractive community Safe community Location/convenience Percent of respondents selecting 3% 2% 2% 4% 7% 7% 11% 14% 42% Other Beauty/cleanliness of community Raised here or close to family, job, etc. Housing/neighborhoods Safe City services/infrastructure/local government Schools Positive comments about quality of life and community Convenient location/accessibility/walkability Most Liked Attribute of Living in Edina, 2023 Percent of respondents While residents generally feel safe in Edina, the feeling of safety has declined in some areas of the city and the perception of some types of crime has increased. Safety About 9 in 10 positively rated the overall feeling of safety in Edina 77% 89% 94% 67% 84% 93% In the greater Southdale area In the 50th and France area (downtown area) In your neighborhood 2023 2021 Percent very or somewhat safe Feelings of Safety by Year Crime Percent moderate, major, or extreme problem 8% 16% 17% 26% 15% 18% 24% 31% Violent crime Drugs Youth crimes Vandalism and property crimes 2023 2021 Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina: City services continue to be highly rated. City Services Overall Quality of City Services Highest Rated City Services Excellent, 32% Good, 55% Fair, 13% Higher than national benchmarks Higher than Minnesota benchmarks Percent excellent or good 94% 93% 99% 99% 92% 93% 97% 98% Police services City parks Ambulance or emergency medical services Fire services 2023 2021 Drinking Water & Garbage Collection Quality of Drinking Water Excellent, 26% Good, 46% Fair, 16% Poor, 12% Percent excellent or good Quality of Garbage Collection Excellent, 46% Good, 41% Fair, 10% Poor, 3% 33% 65% 73% 84% 86% 89% Hardness Taste Odor Appearance Safety Reliability 50%49%50%53%59% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 Aspects of Drinking Water, 2023 Support for Change in Garbage Collection System by Year Percent strongly or somewhat support Parks and Recreation Use of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year Quality of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year Municipal Liquor Stores More than 9 in 10 support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores Not at all, 27% Once or just a couple of times, 28% Every other month, 13% Once a month, 17% Twice a month, 11% Once a week, 4% Frequency of Edina Liquor Purchases 10% 7% 16% 67% Other Other stores have better selection or are more convenient More expensive than other stores Don't drink alcohol/rarely drink Reasons for Not Purchasing from Edina Liquor Residents identify opportunities for improvement with housing and development. Housing and Development Community Characteristics 30% 49% 32% 57% Affordable quality housing Variety of housing options 2023 2021 Percent excellent or good Most Serious Issues Facing Edina Overdevelopment/wrong type of development, teardowns More affordable housing needed 22% 13% 71%67% 62%61%57% 71%72% 63%67%66% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina Percent excellent or good Quality of Redevelopment in Edina Housing and Development City Management of Redevelopment Tensions by Year Percent very or somewhat well 67%68% 51%55%53% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 Housing and Development Availability of Housing for Various Income Groups Housing and Development 20% 26% 34% 66% 22% 27% 36% 66% Higher-density development (like apartments) Building of more accessory dwelling units Medium-density development (like townhouses) Preservation of small starter homes 2023 2021 Housing Choice Priorities by Year Percent essential or very important Summary of Key Findings 1.Edina residents enjoy an exceptional quality of life. 2.While residents generally feel safe in Edina, the feeling of safety has declined in some areas of the city and the perception of some types of crime has increased. 3.City services continue to be highly rated. 4.Residents identify opportunities for improvement with housing and development. Other Topics Issues Facing Edina Most Serious Issues Facing Edina 8% 1% 1% 1% 3% 8% 9% 10% 10% 13% 13% 22% Other Water quality/environmental issues Too much focus on affordable housing Economic development Growth/overcrowding Schools/education Lack of diversity and sense of community Safety/crime City government Traffic and infrastructure More affordable housing needed Overdevelopment/wrong type of development, teardowns Percent of respondents Issues Facing Edina Future Economic Outlook by Year Percent very or somewhat positive Traffic Problems, 2023 33%34%27%38% 11% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 38% 26% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Traffic speeding in your neighborhood Stop sign violations in your neighborhood Percent moderate, major, or extreme problem City Government & Employees Aspects of Public Trust by Year Impression of Employee(s) by Year 68% 63% 58% 65% 64% 64% 65% 66% Treating all residents fairly Overall confidence in Edina government The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement Generally acting in the best interest of the community 2023 2021 Percent excellent or good 81% 83% 86% 89% 91% 73% 80% 81% 84% 86% Follow-up Responsiveness Overall customer service Knowledge Courtesy 2023 2021 Percent excellent or good Taxes Higher than national benchmarks 78%81%78%72%66% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 Value of City Services by Year Percent excellent or good Property Tax Level by Year Support for Property Tax Increase by Year 55%58%57%47%58% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 45%44%44%45%47% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 Percent very or somewhat high Percent strongly or somewhat support Trust in City Government City Direction Wrong track, 32% Right direction, 68% Reasons for Wrong Track 7% 4% 4% 4% 5% 15% 61% Other Schools/education Affordable housing/cost of living/teardowns Traffic, bike lanes, public transportation, infrastructure Safety City government (high taxes, not listening to residents, etc.) Poor development/overbuilding/density of city Resident Involvement Opportunity for Resident Involvement No, 42% Yes, 58% Reasons for Feeling Residents Don’t Have a Say in How Edina is Run 17% 5% 17% 24% 37% Other Communication issues Decisions are predetermined/leaders have agenda Decisions are biased toward or influenced by commercial, wealthy, or special interests Public voice not heard/listened to Information Sources Information Sources, 2023 12% 17% 17% 25% 37% 39% 41% 45% 52% 52% 71% 75% 77% 85% 91% Edina TV Online videos City's email subscription service City Council Members City employees Social media City's engagement website, BetterTogetherEdina.org NextDoor Edina Sun-Current newspaper Star-Tribune newspaper City's website, EdinaMN.gov Direct mail updates Parks & Recreation Activities Directory Edition: Edina monthly newsletter Word of mouth from friends, family, or neighbors Percent major or minor source City Website Accessed City Website by Year 47%52%50%52%53% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 Quality of City Website by Year 73%70%75%78%79% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 Aspects of City Website by Year 64% 84% 85% 59% 80% 86% Ease of navigation/ability to find information Online information and services offered Appearance 2023 2021 Percent yes Percent excellent or good Sustainability & Climate Change Quality of Sustainability Services by Year 54% 49% 48% 58% 57% 66% 69% 78% 71% 50% 54% 57% 60% 63% 66% 71% 76% 77% Transportation emission (pollution) reduction Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change Adapting to climate change Increasing renewable energy programs Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land Water conservation programs Energy conservation and efficiency programs Organics recycling collection services Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 2023 2021 Percent excellent or good Sustainability & Climate Change Importance of Sustainability Services by Year 62% 68% 71% 73% 75% 75% 66% 73% 74% 60% 65% 70% 71% 72% 72% 73% 78% 81% Organics recycling collection services Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change Transportation emission (pollution) reduction Adapting to climate change Energy conservation and efficiency programs Increasing renewable energy programs Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land Water conservation programs Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 2023 2021 Percent essential or very important Questions? Thank you!Kim Daane Survey Research Associate Polco/National Research Center kim@polco.us