HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-02 City Council Meeting PacketAgenda City Council Meeting City of Edina, Minnesota City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday, August 2, 2023 7:00 PM Watch the meeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeetings or Facebook.com/EdinaMN. Participate in Community Comment Call 786-496-5601 Enter Conference 8452129#. Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak An operator will introduce you when it is your turn I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Pledge of Allegiance IV.Approval Of Meeting Agenda V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Mayor will invite residents to share issues or concerns that are not scheduled for a future public hearing. Items that are on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Mayor may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments tonight. The City Manager will respond to questions raised during Community Comments at the next meeting. A.City Manager's Response to Community Comments VI.Adoption Of Consent Agenda All agenda items listed on the Consent Agenda will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless requested to be removed by a Council Member. If removed the item will be considered immediately following the adoption of the Consent Agenda. (Favorable rollcall vote of majority of Council Members present to approve, unless otherwise noted in consent item.) A.Approve Minutes: Work Session and Regular, July 18, 2023 B.Approve Payment of Claims C.Request for Purchase: Parks and Recreation Sta6 Development Training D.Request for Purchase: Professional Services Proposal for Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse, Maintenance Buildings Facility Assessment & Market Study E.Request for Purchase: Professional Design Services Proposal for Braemar Golf Dome Food & Beverage Expansion Analysis F.Request for Purchase: Braemar Arena Zamboni Repairs G.Request for Purchase: Edina Liquor Southdale Product Inventory H.Request for Purchase: Edina Liquor Grandview Product Inventory I.Request for Purchase: 2024 Kabota M4 Tractor and Attachments J.Request for Purchase: 2023 Chrysler Paci?ca Hybrid K.Request for Purchase: 2023 Metal Pless Blade L.Request for Purchase: Well 10 Preliminary Study M.Request for Purchase: Starchase Pursuit Intervention N.Sta6 Response: Lake Cornelia TraAc Safety Petition O.Approve Transportation Commission Mid-Year Work Plan Modi?cation P.TraAc Safety Reports of May 30 and June 27, 2023 Q.Ordinance No. 2023-10: Renewing the Grant of a 10-year Franchise to CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gas R.Approve Summary Publication for Ordinance No. 2023-10: Renewing the Grant of a 10-year Franchise to CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gas S.Request for Purchase: Painting South Ramp 50th and France T.Request for Purchase: Citywide Roof Assessment U.Request for Purchase: Salvage Interior Materials at New Fire Station #2, 4401 W. 76th Street V.Approve Release of Development Agreement with Millennium Edina, LLC and Approve Declaration of Restrictive Covenants W.Approve Special Permit to use City Property with Service of Alcohol for Mr. Paul's Supper Club VII.Special Recognitions And Presentations A.Minnesota Recreation & Park Association Awards of Excellence VIII.Reports/Recommendations: (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted) A.Resolution No. 2023-50: Accepting Donations B.Proposal to Increase Franchise Fees with CenterPoint Energy and Xcel Energy C.Ordinance No. 2023-12: Concerning the Use of Cannabis and Hemp in Public D.Ordinance No. 2023-13: Interim Ordinance Prohibiting the Operation of Cannabis Businesses E.Local Elections Management F.Continue Action to August 15, 2023 for Resolution No. 2023-46: Authorizing Sta6 Submittal of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Metropolitan Council for the Cahill District Area Plan IX.Commission Correspondence (Minutes and Advisory Communication) A.Minutes: Arts and Culture Commission May 25, 2023 B.Minutes: Energy & Environment Commission, June 8, 2023 C.Minutes: Human Rights & Relations Commission, June 27, 2023 X.Manager's Comments A.Prep Memo Aug. 2, 2023 XI.Mayor And Council Comments XII.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli?cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:City Manager's Response to Community Comments Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: City Manager Neal will respond to questions asked at the previous Council meeting. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve Minutes: Work Session and Regular, July 18, 2023 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve minutes as presented. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: Draft Work Session, July 18, 2023 Minutes: Draft Regular Session, July 18, 2023 MINUTES OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION COMMUNITY ROOM, CITY HALL TUESDAY, July 18, 2023 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser and Mayor Hovland Staff in attendance: Scott Neal, City Manager; Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager; Gillian Straub, City Management Fellow; Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director; Grace Hancock, Sustainability Manager; Chad Millner, Engineering Director; Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications Director; Twila Singh, Organics Recycling Coordinator; Heidi Blum, GreenCorp member to Community Health; Nick Lovejoy, I.T. Security Analyst; and Sharon Allison, City Clerk. ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATION UPDATE Assistant City Manager Lisa Schaefer updated the City Council on City administration of the Edina Public Schools (EPS) Elections. Schaefer said the primary question was which staff should be responsible for running the EPS elections that do not coincide with a city or state-wide general election, EPS or City staff. Schaefer said the City has historically served as EPS’ election vendor; however, in 2021, City staff began the discussion with EPS staff that there was a desire to not continue as its election vendor because elections were more time consuming and challenging, required months of work by the City Clerk Division and other departments, and took staff away from day-to-day City work and projects. Schaefer said there was an agreement in place to administer the 2023 election and that EPS staff would shadow City staff to get an understanding of the requirements and workload. Schaefer said the City and EPS are working to develop an agreement to better share costs and workload for year 2025 and beyond and plan to bring a proposal to Council in August; however, she recommended not approving the agreement until after the 2023 election is completed. Council asked questions and provided feedback. CARRYOUT BAG FEE DISCUSSION Sustainability Manager Grace Hancock reviewed the recommendation from the Energy and Environment Commission (EEC) which was for the City to require merchants to charge a $.05 fee for carryout bags and to write an ordinance for this requirement. Hancock said after review, staff did not recommend implementing a carryout bag fee ordinance for several reasons including the significant City resources that would be required for effective implementation. Hancock recommended other measures that the City could take to meet Edina’s waste reduction goals. Engineering Director Chad Millner said the EEC was very disappointed with staff’s recommendations and asked Council how they would like staff to proceed. Working group members and EEC commissioners in attendance all spoke in favor of implementing the fee. Council asked questions and provided feedback. Council asked staff to come back with a draft ordinance. Attendees: Energy and Environment Chair Hilda Martinez, Commissioner Ukasha Dakane and EEC working work members Nicole Meehan and William Sierks. ADJOURNMENT Edina City Council Work Session Meeting, July 18, 2023 Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by the Edina City Council, August 2, 2023. ___________________________________________ James B. Hovland, Mayor Page 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL JULY 18, 2023 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. then shared the procedure for public hearing and community comment. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland. Absent: None. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED AS PRESENTED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Agnew, to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT Colleen Curran, 6301 Rose Court, requested an update on the ADA pedestrian bridge requested by her neighborhood. She said they met staff and Bolton and Menk on proposed designs in April and received an update in May but hadn’t heard an update since regarding possible designs and status of the process which included the potential of a lift. Danny Schulstad, 6303 Rose Court, thanked the Council for their work and said he lived on the current walking/bike path and said that based on how much it was used had concerns about the proposed length of an ADA walkway over the freeway that could result in safety concerns. He suggested speaking with all users for their input and suggested a stairway and lift be created instead. Ana Martinez, 6216 Lockmore Drive, shared as a former student commissioner on the Energy and Environment Commission her disappointment for not supporting their proposal for single-use bags and encouraged the Council to reconsider. Adam Miller, 7233 Menardo Lane, shared about their current deck project and the delay by the City for a permit because of the need for a new survey. He explained the survey would result in delays and an additional cost because the deck changed in size and encouraged the City to identify a better solution to avoid the need for this additional survey. Janey Westin, 6136 Brookview Avenue, requested the Council increase time allowed for Community Comment to five minutes then shared concerns about PCD sections of the zoning code that were included on a public agenda but postponed as she felt there were no concerns with those sections of code and were currently understandable and no amendments were necessary. She requested language be amended regarding conditional uses that included total buy-out instead of buy-in for developers who wish to opt out of providing affordable units then spoke about public hearing notifications how the Planning Commission should not have been allowed to vote on a recent item because the amendments were not included in the public hearing notice and were in violation of State law. She spoke about the Drooling Moose’s request for a variance to change zoning for a use change and how the public was never notified of the request and requested the City follow the processes and laws as outlined to ensure the retention of their recent AAA bond rating. Minutes/Edina City Council/July 18, 2023 Page 2 Director of Engineering Millner responded that staff and the consultant were working on the proposed ADA bridge/ramp through development of a matrix for review of 10 options that included cost analysis and would be presented to the neighborhood first for their input. He said staff met with MnDOT regarding funding possibilities as well for project construction in 2025. Manager Neal said he would follow up with Mr. Miller regarding questions on his deck this week. V.A. CITY MANAGER’S RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY COMMENTS Manager Neal, Director of Engineering Millner responded to Community Comments at the last meeting. VI. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS AMENDED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, approving the consent agenda as amended, removing Items VI.K., Traffic Safety Report of April 25, 2023, and VI.U., Out-of- State Travel for City Council: VI.A. Approve Minutes of the Worksession and Regular Meeting of June 20, 2023 VI.B. Approve Claims for Payment for Check Register Claims Pre-List dated June 23, 2023, totaling $ 572,829.87, Check Register Claims Pre-List dated June 30, 2023, totaling $ 1,890,920.63, Check Register Claims Pre-List dated July 7, 2023, totaling $ 2,642,430.02, and Check Register Claims Pre-List dated July 7, 2023, totaling $ 3,226,588.99 VI.C. Adopt Ordinance No. 2023-08: An Ordinance Approving Chapter 35 of the Edina City Code Concerning the Edina West Housing Improvement Area and Resolution No. 2023-36 Approving the Fee for the Edina West Housing Improvement Area VI.D. Approve Summary Publication for Ordinance No. 2023-08: An Ordinance Approving Chapter 35 of the Edina City Code Concerning the Edina West Housing Improvement Area VI.E. Request for Purchase; Agreement with Sigma Tactical Wellness, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, SIGMA Tactical Wellness Cardiac Screening, $47,940.00 VI.F. Adopt Ordinance No. 2023-11, Renewing the Grant of a 10-Year Franchise to Comcast Minnesota, Inc. VI.G. Approve Summary Publication for Ordinance No. 2023-11, Renewing the Grant of a 10- Year Franchise to Comcast Minnesota, Inc. VI.H. Request for Purchase; Edinborough Park Gym Floor Recoating, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, H2I Group, Inc., $49,105 VI.I. Request for Purchase; Fox Meadow Park Playground Equipment, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Landscape Structures, $66,750, and Installation with Flagship Recreation, $23,238 VI.J. Request for Purchase; Wooddale Park Playground Equipment, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Minnesota Playground, Inc., $180,000 VI.K. Traffic Safety Report of April 25, 2023 VI.L. Adopt Ordinance No. 2023-10, Renewing the Grant of a 10-Year Franchise to CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gas VI.M. Approve Construction Cooperative Agreement with Hennepin County and City of Bloomington VI.N. Approve Master Services Agreement with Garland/DBS, Inc. for Roofing Inspection and Design Services VI.O. Adopt Resolution 2023-47; Approving Parking Restrictions on France Avenue VI.P. Request for Purchase; City Hall Workspace Reconfiguration, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Christianson’s Business Furniture, $28,524 VI.Q. Request for Purchase; ENG 23-9 McCauley Trail Phase 2 2023 Improvements, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Max Steininger, Inc., $406,397 VI.R. Request for Purchase; Change Order No. 1 for 50th and France Parking Ramp Repairs, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Ram Construction, $405,998 VI.S. Request for Purchase; Network Infrastructure Replacements, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, LOGIS, $59,413 Minutes/Edina City Council/July 18, 2023 Page 3 VI.T. Approve Cooperative Agreement with City of Bloomington for Maintenance of W. 78th Street VI.U. Out-of-State Travel for City Council Rollcall: Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA VI.K. TRAFFIC SAFETY REPORT OF APRIL 25, 2023 – TABLED TO AUGUST 2, 2023 The Council spoke about residents questioning the validity of the data included in the traffic report and requested the item be tabled to include standards and mechanisms used for the recommendations then requested updates on the plans for sidewalks in the 49th Street area. Mr. Neal shared the item was incorrectly scheduled for this agenda as the traffic safety report had already been approved however the comments of Council were relevant and would be included at the next meeting for Council feedback. Member Pierce made a motion, seconded by Member Agnew Pierce, to remove consideration of the Traffic Safety Report of April 25, 2023 and direct staff to include a report on the data included in the report at the August 2, 2023, Council meeting. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. VI.U. OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR CITY COUNCIL – APPROVED The Council thanked the City for designating funds for training and learning and the importance of attending the summit instead and asked for an overview of Council budget for travel and training. Mr. Neal outlined the budget designated for Council training and travel of approximately $30,000 Member Pierce made a motion, seconded by Member Jackson, to approve out-of-state travel for City Council as presented. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. VII.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2023-46; AUTHORIZING STAFF SUBMITTAL OF A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL FOR THE CAHILL DISTRICT AREA PLAN – CONTINUED TO AUGUST 2, 2023 Community Development Coordinator Lewis shared The Cahill District was generally bounded by West 70th Street to the north, Cahill Road to the west, Highway 100 to the east, and the municipal boundary to the City of Bloomington directly south and was roughly 380 acres in size. Existing land uses were primarily light industrial and offices uses as well as some multi-family residential and community serving uses, such as neighborhood retail, post office, brewery, schools, and religious institutions. The area was developed in the 60s, 70s, and 80s and the nature of business and industrial parks had changed since this time and as a result, the Cahill District was identified in the previous two Comprehensive Plans as needing further study. He shared limits of the study area important area economically to the City that included 4,000-7,000 employees from many industrial areas. He spoke about the two-year time for the study and outlined the public engagement work conducted that included community workshops, focus groups, business surveys, developer panel sessions, and Better Together. He shared the agencies they interacted with that included Nine Mile Creek Watershed, CP Railway, Xcel Energy, Metro Transit, City of Bloomington, and Edina Public Schools and said staff was seeking authorization to submit the Comprehensive Plan amendment to the Metropolitan Council for review. Prior to submission to the Metropolitan Council, staff proposed making the changes noted in the response column of the "Jurisdictional Review Comments" table and following approval by the Metropolitan Council, the Cahill District Area Plan would be brought back to City Council for adoption. Minutes/Edina City Council/July 18, 2023 Page 4 David Alkire, Cahill District Area Plan Working Group Chair, thanked the members of the Working Group then reviewed the proposed plan for Cahill that included preservation of the industrial core, creation of a new neighborhood mixed use area in the northeast corner, new connections throughout, affirmed the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan, advancement of numerous Climate Action Plan goals, and others. Haila Maze, Bolton & Menk, thanked the work group for their efforts and outlined their considerations that included protecting existing businesses, especially industrial, creation of a strong public realm, impacts of allowing new housing, anticipated benefits, and creating something unique to the region and a new employment-based destination. She spoke about development principles that anchored the plan’s development and highlighted the current infrastructure’s constraints such as gaining buildings, internal circulation, sewer capacity, lack of public realm, flooding and stormwater concerns. She outlined the selected organizing framework of open to business defined by industrial services and office use while introducing high employment offices along the east and south edges of the district. She reviewed the proposed land use plan in detail that included the business node, industrial node, high employment area, and neighborhood mixed use then reviewed the public realm plan that included enhanced streetscapes, pedestrian-oriented activity areas, regional stormwater opportunities, street network typology, CP trail, Dewey Hill intersection, and transit. She spoke about the multimodal connection plans and outlined next steps with the goal for Metropolitan Council submission on August 3 and final Council adoption October 17. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:47 p.m. Public Testimony Janey Westin, 6136 Brookview Avenue, addressed the Council. Ralph Zicktur, 4311 Cornelia Circle, addressed the Council. Steve Brown, 5528 Halifax Lane, addressed the Council. Dan Eaton, 5712 Parkwood Lane, addressed the Council. Barbara Hoganson, 6724 Duncan, addressed the Council. Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Agnew, to close the public hearing at noon on July 24, 2023, and continue action on consideration of Resolution No. 2023-46, authorizing staff submittal of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Metropolitan Council for the Cahill District Area Plan, to the August 2, 2023 meeting. Roll call: Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. VIII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VIII.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2023-48; ACCEPTING DONATIONS – ADOPTED Member Pierce introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2023-48, accepting donations. Seconded by Member Jackson. Rollcall: Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.B. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH EDINA WEST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION – APPROVED Affordable Housing Development Manager Hawkinson shared this item pertained to the use of General Obligation Bonds to repay a short-term construction loan related to the creation of a Housing Improvement Minutes/Edina City Council/July 18, 2023 Page 5 Area (HIA) for Edina West Condominium Association. She shared the development was in need of repair due to age of the buildings and the Association would oversee common area improvements financed with a loan from the City. Repayment of the loan would be through a fee placed on the members’ individual property tax statements. She stated the redevelopment agreement was based on Ordinance 2023-08 approving Chapter 35 of the Edina City Code and Resolution 2023-36 approving the fees for the Edina West Housing Improvement Area. A public hearing pertaining to the ordinance and resolution was held June 6 and closed July 10 and noted over 70% of members signed the petition and agreed to the fee then outlined the estimated request of $3.9 million and work that included siding, insulation, concrete work, grading, roof, and electrical work. She reviewed the development agreement in detail and repayment process and said staff recommended the development agreement be approved. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Grant Turpin, Dorsey and Whitney, said City did good job with the petitioning process that required more than State law requires because from a security standpoint it placed the City in the best position for financial protection. Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Agnew, to approve the development agreement with Edina West Condominium Association as presented. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.C. STRACHAUER PARK MASTER PLAN – APPROVED Parks and Recreation Director Vetter stated The Strachauer Park master plan process was initiated to create a larger vision for the park. Capital funding for playground equipment was identified, however, the parks current and future needs were yet to be identified. Staff wanted to ensure the investment into playground equipment would complement the future needs of the park. A master plan allowed the City to enact the vision through phases with overarching goals and themes. He said Confluence was hired as a design team to provide professional services and assist staff with public engagement utilizing the newly created Values Viewfinder process. Feedback was used to prepare concept plans for the master planning process, including the playground replacement improvements. Staff followed a public participation plan that involved public at numerous points throughout the process and on April 11, 2023 the Parks & Recreation Commission (PARC) provided positive feedback in support of the preferred concept and recommended master plan. Terry Minarik, Confluence, shared their work in providing four proposed concept plans then stated this was a greatly valued park but was wearing out and outlined considerations such as athletic fields, impacts of freeway, and use of the park for more diversified programming. He outlined how they collected feedback and identified flexible space that included courts, fields, and dog park, as well as landscaping and building needs. He outlined the proposed phases and proposed funding. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Member Agnew made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to approve the Strachauer Park Master Plan as presented. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.D. FRED RICHARDS PARK WETLAND BANKING RECOMMENDATION – APPROVED Park Planner Finberg stated the Fred Richards Park master plan approved in 2017 included the major themes to restore natures role, create pathways to play and health, and invite the whole community. These goals were incorporated and reflected in the creation of a Central Green, Nature Bank, and Great Lawn and Loop. The Nature Bank aspect of the project specifically enforced the goal to restore natures role and said this was accomplished by restoration of wetlands and enhancement for wildlife and user experience and provided educational components. She said the site was 17 acres then outlined the proposed restoration work in Minutes/Edina City Council/July 18, 2023 Page 6 detail and said staff recommendation was to pursue the wetland banking process based off information evaluated included in the staff report. She said if approved the next step was to approve the request for purchase for the wetland banking design contract with Confluence which followed on the agenda. Jason Naber, EOR, explained more about the proposed mitigation bank that included restrictions on use and performance standards, credit potential, and onsite mitigation. He spoke about the proposed phasing plan that included construction in 2026 and the potential realized credit value over five years of $1.3 million. He shared work completed to date. Mr. Minarik shared how the design included boardwalks, play areas and educational areas as well as potential for outdoor classroom space and programming opportunities that could be conducted on the peripheral of the bank only but would be designed to accommodate those activities. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Member Agnew made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to approve staff recommendation to establish and implement a permanent wetland banking at Fred Richards Park as laid out in the approved master plan. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.E. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE; FRED RICHARDS PARK WETLAND BANKING DESIGN SERVICES – APPROVED Mr. Vetter stated since the Council approved the Fred Richards Park wetland banking recommendation, they were asked to approve the request for purchase for design services to implement the banking phase of the overall project. The Fred Richards Park master plan included 17 acres of wetland restoration and wetland banking as a component of the Nature Bank area. The process included formal applications and approvals of regulatory agencies and the banking process would create quality wetlands and was an environmental stewardship commitment from City of Edina. Member Risser made a motion, seconded by Member Jackson, to approve request for purchase for Fred Richards Park wetland banking design services with Confluence for $164,400. Rollcall: Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Main motion carried. VIII.F. PETITION RESPONSE; MORNINGSIDE C PETITION FOR EQUITABLE ASSESSMENT - APPROVED Director of Engineering Millner stated at the June 6, 2023 City Council meeting, the City Council received community comments from residents of the Morningside C Neighborhood. The Council officially received their petition at the June 20 City Council meeting. He outlined the assessment differences and how the properties were wider lots at 57 feet compared to 41 feet as well as inflation increases that resulted in a 17% increase from 2022 then reviewed work from the 2020 Street Funding Task Force. He said based on the data analysis staff recommended no further action was required as the Special Assessment Policy had been applied consistently for approximately 20 years on street reconstruction projects. Member Agnew made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to direct staff to take no further action on the Morningside C Petition for Equitable Assessment as the Special Assessment Policy has been applied consistently for approximately 20-years on street reconstruction projects. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Rollcall: Minutes/Edina City Council/July 18, 2023 Page 7 Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Hovland Nays: Risser Motion carried. VIII.G. 2023-2024 STUDENT COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS – APPROVED Member Jackson provided a summary of the student commission appointment process and commented how impressive all 33 applicants were and thanked them for applying. Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Agnew, to approve student commissioners with terms starting September 1, 2023, and ending September 1, 2024 as presented: Arts & Culture Commission - Kawthar Benarouch - Alexandria Li Community Health Commission - Anoushka Jha - Jay Shapiro Energy & Environment Commission - Griffith Pugh - Angela Langsweirdt Heritage Preservation Commission - Kathleen Kiely - Sanjana Varadhan Human Rights & Relations Commission - Devarsh Borah - Muna Mohamud-Karie Parks & Recreation Commission - Alessandra DiLorenzo - Sonja Holtey Planning Commission - Alexander Schultze - Sarah Hu Transportation Commission - Evangelia Karoussos - Samuel Donnelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.H. RESOLUTION NO. 2023-49; APPROVING PROPOSED LOCAL SALES TAX QUESTION ON SPENDING PLAN AMENDMENT AND AUTHORIZING ELECTION THEREON DURING THE 2023 GENERAL ELECTION – ADOPTED Mr. Neal stated Resolution No. 2023-49 approved ballot language for the City’s local option sales tax referendum question for the 2023 election. The City was authorized to pose this ballot question to Edina voters by an act of the Minnesota State Legislature in 2023. The resolution also authorized the referendum question to be on the ballot in November 2023. If approved by the City Council, the resolution and ballot language would be forwarded to Hennepin County for inclusion on City ballots for the 2023 General Election with early voting to begin in September 2023. He noted that based on review of two months of sales tax receipts experience if passed the local sales tax would average over $6 million per year. He noted the ballot question could not be included on a special election but needs to be done within the next two years and noted the upcoming general election was scheduled for a date and time when residents were expecting a vote for all school districts in the City and that staff was comfortable including it on this year’s ballot. Mr. Neal shared more about the proposed ballot question and how it was drafted. City Attorney Kendall spoke about the requirement for any question approval occurring at a general election and while the upcoming school board election was a general election there were no City offices on the ballot but that staff felt this action met the definition to include on the 2023 election. He said staff did not believe it was the intent of the legislation to force a city to wait until 2024 then spoke about the desire for meaningful participation and how the legislature did not include language that stated inclusion of City offices. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Member Jackson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2023-49, approving proposed local sales tax question on spending plan amendment and authorizing election thereon during the 2023 General Election. Seconded by Member Pierce. Rollcall: Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. IX. COMMISSION CORRESPONDENCE (MINUTES AND ADVISORY COMMUNICATION) - Received Minutes/Edina City Council/July 18, 2023 Page 8 IX.A. MINUTES: COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMISSION, FEBRUARY 13, MARCH 13, APRIL 10, 2023 X.B. MINUTES: ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION, APRIL 27, 2023 X.C. MINUTES: ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION, MAY 11, 2023 X.D. MINUTES: TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, MAY 18, 2023 X.E. MINUTES: HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION, MAY 23, 2023 X. MANAGER’S COMMENTS – Received X.A. PREP MEMO JULY 18, 2023 XI. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS – Received XII. ADJOURNMENT Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Agnew, to adjourn the meeting at 10:51 p.m. Ayes: Agnew, Jackson, Pierce, Risser, Hovland Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, August 2, 2023. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the July 18, 2023, meeting available. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Claims From:Alisha McAndrews, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Approve Payment of Claims Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve claims for payment: Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 07.14.23 TOTAL $3,226,588.99 Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 07.21.23 TOTAL $1,751,398.00 INTRODUCTION: Claims information for approval is attached ATTACHMENTS: Description Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 07.14.23 TOTAL $3,226,588.99 Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 07.21.23 TOTAL $1,751,398.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 55 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND SUB FUND DUE TO DUE FR 1000 General 458,422.002100 Police Special Revenue 1,495.002300 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety 48,106.622500 Conservation & Sustainability 1,350.002600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 14,678.502600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 36,862.602600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 1,087.632600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 20,573.113000 Debt Service 400.003000 Debt Service 1,400.003000 Debt Service 400.003000 Debt Service 400.003000 Debt Service 400.004000 Capital Projects 258,001.464200 Equipment Replacement 37,434.044400 PIR Capital Projects 228,824.825100 Art Center 777.945200 Braemar Golf Course 34,279.305200 Braemar Golf Course 438.465300 Aquatic Center 19,988.895400 Edinborough Park 21,729.035500 Braemar Arena 106,037.125600 Braemar Field 2,602.095700 Centennial Lakes 11,706.295800 Liquor 281,012.315900 Utility Fund 179,791.505900 Utility Fund 574,228.505900 Utility Fund 687,790.335900 Utility Fund 118,310.186000 Risk Management 30,462.236100 Equipment Operations 12,588.236200 Information Technology 12,970.236300 Facilities Management 6,966.107100 PS Training Facility 518.607200 MN Task Force 1 6,920.749000 Payroll 7,635.149999 Pooled Cash Fund 3,226,588.99 TOTAL 3,226,588.99 3,226,588.99 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Mallory Schauer ** City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 1 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 97 06/30/2023 WIRE 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 0001158086 06/01/2023 498,929.85 CHECK 97 TOTAL: 498,929.85 103 07/14/2023 WIRE 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL JUNE 2023 SAC 07/03/2023 27,161.05 CHECK 103 TOTAL: 27,161.05 485557 07/14/2023 PRTD 133644 A DYNAMIC DOOR CO INC 22306141 06/15/2023 20230714 3,759.98 CHECK 485557 TOTAL: 3,759.98 485558 07/14/2023 PRTD 129458 ACME ELECTRIC MOTOR INC 11411965 06/15/2023 20230714 249.00 CHECK 485558 TOTAL: 249.00 485559 07/14/2023 PRTD 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915631205 05/02/2023 20230714 393.87 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915676488 05/08/2023 20230714 119.72 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915804887 05/24/2023 20230714 178.32 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915944611 06/13/2023 20230714 54.37 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915956423 06/14/2023 20230714 773.25 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915966226 06/15/2023 20230714 330.74 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915999456 06/21/2023 20230714 500.26 ACUSHNET COMPANY 916027169 06/26/2023 20230714 67.41 CHECK 485559 TOTAL: 2,417.94 485560 07/14/2023 PRTD 140318 ADVANCED ELEMENTS INC 87825 06/13/2023 20230714 9,716.47 CHECK 485560 TOTAL: 9,716.47 485561 07/14/2023 PRTD 133504 AID ELECTRIC CORPORATION 74688 06/14/2023 20230714 1,820.00 AID ELECTRIC CORPORATION 74688-1 06/14/2023 20230714 285.75 CHECK 485561 TOTAL: 2,105.75 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 2 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485562 07/14/2023 PRTD 130792 AIRGAS NATIONAL CARBONATION 9139152895 06/16/2023 20230714 380.29 CHECK 485562 TOTAL: 380.29 485563 07/14/2023 PRTD 138492 ALL STATE COMMUNICATIONS INC 335821 06/15/2023 20230714 550.00 CHECK 485563 TOTAL: 550.00 485564 07/14/2023 PRTD 160095 AM CRAFT SPIRITS SALES & MARKETIN 17045 06/20/2023 20230714 67.50 AM CRAFT SPIRITS SALES & MARKETIN 17092 06/29/2023 20230714 305.50 CHECK 485564 TOTAL: 373.00 485565 07/14/2023 PRTD 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1QG3-KKKN-DVKV 06/07/2023 20230714 123.36 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1FNH-6VYG-31HN 06/12/2023 20230714 89.90 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1NKN-79VW-1P6P 06/12/2023 20230714 105.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1LRN-H1YL-1T34 06/12/2023 20230714 7.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1RJK-91L1-1Q4H 06/12/2023 20230714 34.76 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1TVH-KM7Y-1LYP 06/13/2023 20230714 26.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1GNJ-MLF6-GGM1 06/14/2023 20230714 21.72 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 179V-G9TV-FXR3 06/14/2023 20230714 34.82 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1DTJ-3DJV-FMK9 06/14/2023 20230714 36.89 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1KT4-DXWN-FJKQ 06/14/2023 20230714 19.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 13WC-G3QF-F36G 06/14/2023 20230714 37.81 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1CW3-QQKG-DXPJ 06/14/2023 20230714 872.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1MGF-RH66-4T13 06/14/2023 20230714 42.33 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1FMG-F9WQ-9C9N 06/13/2023 20230714 6.59 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 13YY-VTJ1-GMHJ 06/14/2023 20230714 63.04 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1CM4-W67V-GLFH 06/14/2023 20230714 32.07 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1RCC-QDP3-3TYK 06/15/2023 20230714 48.90 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 3 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17XF-H6XJ-3YWK 06/15/2023 20230714 36.78 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 13WK-R3TV-3X3L 06/15/2023 20230714 224.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1JMM-4WRT-CLJH 06/15/2023 20230714 28.95 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1LQW-YTLJ-1NMY 06/15/2023 20230714 39.94 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1GPX-LV9H-HT6P 06/15/2023 20230714 16.80 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1XWL-97GT-HNQQ 06/13/2023 20230714 212.83 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1K71-CRPT-4DDQ 06/15/2023 20230714 56.43 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1MPD-R14T-4X9R 06/16/2023 20230714 20.39 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1Y6X-LQ1M-6DPL 06/16/2023 20230714 176.95 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1N6L-PF7L-9FPW 06/16/2023 20230714 24.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1Y6X-LQ1M-6LD4 06/16/2023 20230714 108.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1KC9-F9RQ-FLKH 06/14/2023 20230714 450.95 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1PVC-YXJW-JCJN 06/19/2023 20230714 20.58 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1N9M-RQGK-LDDW 06/19/2023 20230714 73.39 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1N9M-RQGK-LCLG 06/19/2023 20230714 249.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1GNG-XTYR-14YL 06/19/2023 20230714 29.97 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1FL6-HRK7-3YTY 06/19/2023 20230714 32.38 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1TPF-QKYJ-MJQ1 05/27/2023 20230714 60.64 CHECK 485565 TOTAL: 3,468.09 485566 07/14/2023 PRTD 132360 AMERICAN LIBERTY CONSTRUCTION INC FC-20-05 #4 05/30/2023 20230714 85,855.66 CHECK 485566 TOTAL: 85,855.66 485567 07/14/2023 PRTD 101874 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER 115410 06/13/2023 20230714 170.00 CHECK 485567 TOTAL: 170.00 485568 07/14/2023 PRTD 118491 APPLE INC MA00862105 06/14/2023 20230714 419.00 APPLE INC MA00852642 06/14/2023 20230714 768.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 4 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485568 TOTAL: 1,187.00 485569 07/14/2023 PRTD 160745 AQUA TERRA CANADA INC 2023-125 06/14/2023 20230714 964.00 CHECK 485569 TOTAL: 964.00 485570 07/14/2023 PRTD 151441 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500258037 06/07/2023 20230714 282.42 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500260423 06/12/2023 20230714 265.85 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500260937 06/13/2023 20230714 147.36 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500260923 06/13/2023 20230714 253.91 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500261717 06/14/2023 20230714 228.28 CHECK 485570 TOTAL: 1,177.82 485571 07/14/2023 PRTD 142465 THE ARBITRAGE GROUP INC 86307 06/14/2023 20230714 1,000.00 CHECK 485571 TOTAL: 1,000.00 485572 07/14/2023 PRTD 160593 B & B AUTO LLC 173131 06/15/2023 20230714 198.00 CHECK 485572 TOTAL: 198.00 485573 07/14/2023 PRTD 100920 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 2122-961584 06/12/2023 20230714 26.72 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 2122-962358 06/13/2023 20230714 43.23 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 2122-959528 06/15/2023 20230714 28.92 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 2122-963025 06/15/2023 20230714 6.92 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 3599-212558 06/19/2023 20230714 21.01 CHECK 485573 TOTAL: 126.80 485574 07/14/2023 PRTD 160761 AV FOR YOU LLC 38380 06/17/2023 20230714 716.52 CHECK 485574 TOTAL: 716.52 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 5 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485575 07/14/2023 PRTD 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271913.01 - 4 06/14/2023 20230714 7,559.50 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271869.03-3 06/14/2023 20230714 3,279.52 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23270354.23-4 06/15/2023 20230714 8,503.50 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271996.00-2 06/16/2023 20230714 4,177.50 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271869.01-14 06/16/2023 20230714 12,165.10 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271898.01-11 06/15/2023 20230714 5,516.60 CHECK 485575 TOTAL: 41,201.72 485576 07/14/2023 PRTD 151171 7TH STREET BEER COMPANY 2696 06/28/2023 20230714 273.00 7TH STREET BEER COMPANY 2694 06/28/2023 20230714 140.00 CHECK 485576 TOTAL: 413.00 485577 07/14/2023 PRTD 100645 BEACON ATHLETICS LLC 0573271-IN 06/13/2023 20230714 234.00 BEACON ATHLETICS LLC 0573248-IN 06/13/2023 20230714 39.00 CHECK 485577 TOTAL: 273.00 485578 07/14/2023 PRTD 100646 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS INC 609007 06/12/2023 20230714 2,961.50 CHECK 485578 TOTAL: 2,961.50 485579 07/14/2023 PRTD 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106975400 06/22/2023 20230714 57.96 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099895400 06/22/2023 20230714 838.40 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099887000 06/22/2023 20230714 179.30 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099863300 06/22/2023 20230714 489.23 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099891400 06/23/2023 20230714 2,533.90 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106987400 06/22/2023 20230714 59.97 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099886800 06/22/2023 20230714 139.65 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099891300 06/22/2023 20230714 807.29 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0106987500 06/22/2023 20230714 77.30 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 6 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099946600 06/29/2023 20230714 1,251.08 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099991000 06/29/2023 20230714 181.65 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0107011500 06/29/2023 20230714 524.80 CHECK 485579 TOTAL: 7,140.53 485580 07/14/2023 PRTD 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC 5166395 06/13/2023 20230714 1,218.00 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC 5168134 06/20/2023 20230714 696.00 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC 5169715 06/27/2023 20230714 1,479.00 CHECK 485580 TOTAL: 3,393.00 485581 07/14/2023 PRTD 126847 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 958737 06/13/2023 20230714 672.00 CHECK 485581 TOTAL: 672.00 485582 07/14/2023 PRTD 127340 BIDDLE CONSULTING GROUP INC 74964 05/05/2023 20230714 1,495.00 CHECK 485582 TOTAL: 1,495.00 485583 07/14/2023 PRTD 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 23171 06/28/2023 20230714 234.00 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 23170 06/28/2023 20230714 279.00 CHECK 485583 TOTAL: 513.00 485584 07/14/2023 PRTD 151149 BOARMAN KROOS VOGEL GROUP INC 61875 06/10/2023 20230714 92,770.93 CHECK 485584 TOTAL: 92,770.93 485585 07/14/2023 PRTD 132444 BOLTON & MENK INC 0314238 06/19/2023 20230714 1,125.00 BOLTON & MENK INC 0314455 06/19/2023 20230714 5,116.00 CHECK 485585 TOTAL: 6,241.00 485586 07/14/2023 PRTD 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84972838 05/31/2023 20230714 1,761.14 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84989438 06/14/2023 20230714 271.08 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 7 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485586 TOTAL: 2,032.22 485587 07/14/2023 PRTD 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 197470 06/20/2023 20230714 906.00 BOURGET IMPORTS 197471 06/20/2023 20230714 520.00 BOURGET IMPORTS 197700 06/27/2023 20230714 792.00 BOURGET IMPORTS 197699 06/27/2023 20230714 2,988.00 CHECK 485587 TOTAL: 5,206.00 485588 07/14/2023 PRTD 125155 BRAUN, MICHAEL 3133 06/02/2023 20230714 86.97 CHECK 485588 TOTAL: 86.97 485589 07/14/2023 PRTD 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868395 06/21/2023 20230714 4,446.18 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868393 06/21/2023 20230714 451.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868367 06/21/2023 20230714 2,729.35 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868369 06/21/2023 20230714 181.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868372 06/21/2023 20230714 2,658.40 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868370 06/21/2023 20230714 73.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868368 06/21/2023 20230714 89.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868366 06/22/2023 20230714 451.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868392 06/21/2023 20230714 4,019.97 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868391 06/21/2023 20230714 750.90 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868390 06/21/2023 20230714 429.75 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868388 06/21/2023 20230714 281.91 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868389 06/22/2023 20230714 451.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110980319 06/28/2023 20230714 110.25 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110766361 06/28/2023 20230714 361.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110980321 06/28/2023 20230714 2,213.59 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110980320 06/28/2023 20230714 1,340.60 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 8 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110980322 06/28/2023 20230714 321.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110980317 06/28/2023 20230714 2,795.55 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110980315 06/28/2023 20230714 724.60 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110980318 06/28/2023 20230714 210.30 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110980314 06/28/2023 20230714 272.95 CHECK 485589 TOTAL: 25,363.50 485590 07/14/2023 PRTD 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 110641417 06/06/2023 20230714 15,921.33 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 110885833 06/21/2023 20230714 27.70 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 110845789 06/20/2023 20230714 106.90 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 110845790 06/20/2023 20230714 425.00 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 110886925 06/21/2023 20230714 425.00 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 110886926 06/21/2023 20230714 295.50 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 110993313 06/28/2023 20230714 342.75 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 110996361 06/28/2023 20230714 1,023.10 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 110996363 06/28/2023 20230714 425.00 CHECK 485590 TOTAL: 18,992.28 485591 07/14/2023 PRTD 150972 BROKEN CLOCK BREWING COOPERATIVE 7800 06/22/2023 20230714 106.00 CHECK 485591 TOTAL: 106.00 485592 07/14/2023 PRTD 100669 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC 59152 06/15/2023 20230714 164.86 CHECK 485592 TOTAL: 164.86 485593 07/14/2023 PRTD 100648 BERTELSON BROTHERS INC WO-1247956-1 06/14/2023 20230714 221.65 BERTELSON BROTHERS INC WO-1247845-1 06/14/2023 20230714 115.64 CHECK 485593 TOTAL: 337.29 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 9 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485594 07/14/2023 PRTD 102149 CALLAWAY GOLF 936206620 03/25/2023 20230714 444.60 CALLAWAY GOLF 936535754 05/22/2023 20230714 369.00 CALLAWAY GOLF 936543841 05/23/2023 20230714 1,069.43 CALLAWAY GOLF 936538647 05/23/2023 20230714 173.38 CALLAWAY GOLF 936538648 05/23/2023 20230714 173.38 CALLAWAY GOLF 936546479 05/24/2023 20230714 898.35 CALLAWAY GOLF 936553591 05/25/2023 20230714 176.62 CALLAWAY GOLF 936553589 05/25/2023 20230714 176.62 CALLAWAY GOLF 936553548 05/25/2023 20230714 176.62 CALLAWAY GOLF 936705961 06/23/2023 20230714 173.35 CHECK 485594 TOTAL: 3,831.35 485595 07/14/2023 PRTD 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2852857 06/23/2023 20230714 1,145.70 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2850867 06/21/2023 20230714 -34.37 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2851337 06/21/2023 20230714 4,442.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2851336 06/21/2023 20230714 195.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2851335 06/21/2023 20230714 157.55 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2852854 06/23/2023 20230714 4,441.05 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2852853 06/23/2023 20230714 130.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2855901 06/30/2023 20230714 1,398.55 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2855899 06/30/2023 20230714 29.55 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2855900 06/30/2023 20230714 1,345.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2855924 06/30/2023 20230714 288.80 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2855925 06/30/2023 20230714 207.75 CHECK 485595 TOTAL: 13,746.58 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 10 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485596 07/14/2023 PRTD 160520 CAREFREE AQUARIUM SERVICES LLC 27566 06/19/2023 20230714 157.00 CHECK 485596 TOTAL: 157.00 485597 07/14/2023 PRTD 101515 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY 7163501 06/13/2023 20230714 966.50 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY 7165704 06/14/2023 20230714 1,057.50 CHECK 485597 TOTAL: 2,024.00 485598 07/14/2023 PRTD 103300 CENTER FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT 22568 05/15/2023 20230714 36,862.60 CHECK 485598 TOTAL: 36,862.60 485599 07/14/2023 PRTD 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 4158226012 06/12/2023 20230714 78.65 CINTAS CORPORATION 4158225965 06/12/2023 20230714 89.76 CINTAS CORPORATION 4158226003 06/12/2023 20230714 11.52 CINTAS CORPORATION 4158671485 06/15/2023 20230714 35.04 CINTAS CORPORATION 4158671340 06/15/2023 20230714 14.00 CINTAS CORPORATION 4158671452 06/15/2023 20230714 6.00 CINTAS CORPORATION 4158922697 06/23/2023 20230714 179.83 CHECK 485599 TOTAL: 414.80 485600 07/14/2023 PRTD 103216 MINNEAPOLIS FIRE DEPARTMENT MFD-06/23-1 06/08/2023 20230714 6,151.58 CHECK 485600 TOTAL: 6,151.58 485601 07/14/2023 PRTD 103216 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPARTMENT 431-0005.300-05/23 06/06/2023 20230714 23,349.20 CHECK 485601 TOTAL: 23,349.20 485602 07/14/2023 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN RFD-6/23 06/13/2023 20230714 457.68 CHECK 485602 TOTAL: 457.68 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 11 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485603 07/14/2023 PRTD 146213 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK SLPFD-6/23-1 06/15/2023 20230714 221.58 CHECK 485603 TOTAL: 221.58 485604 07/14/2023 PRTD 130477 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 695178/6990202 06/23/2023 20230714 778.35 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 695135 06/22/2023 20230714 1,515.85 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 694940 06/22/2023 20230714 166.94 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 695136 06/21/2023 20230714 745.50 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 695987 06/28/2023 20230714 333.60 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 695991 06/28/2023 20230714 1,690.80 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 695994 06/28/2023 20230714 275.50 CHECK 485604 TOTAL: 5,506.54 485605 07/14/2023 PRTD 146851 CLIFTON LARSON ALLEN LLP 3752920 05/31/2023 20230714 23,100.00 CHECK 485605 TOTAL: 23,100.00 485606 07/14/2023 PRTD 126726 COBRA PUMA GOLF G3326389 06/15/2023 20230714 2,366.68 COBRA PUMA GOLF G3326490 06/14/2023 20230714 163.32 CHECK 485606 TOTAL: 2,530.00 485607 07/14/2023 PRTD 120433 COMCAST 0161120-06/2023 06/27/2023 20230714 20.39 CHECK 485607 TOTAL: 20.39 485608 07/14/2023 PRTD 120433 COMCAST 0023973-07/2023 06/27/2023 20230714 9.04 CHECK 485608 TOTAL: 9.04 485609 07/14/2023 PRTD 120433 COMCAST 0007539-07/2023 07/08/2023 20230714 840.67 CHECK 485609 TOTAL: 840.67 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 12 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485610 07/14/2023 PRTD 120433 COMCAST 0540232-07/2023 07/08/2023 20230714 139.40 CHECK 485610 TOTAL: 139.40 485611 07/14/2023 PRTD 135711 CONFLUENCE INC 25875 03/27/2023 20230714 2,501.50 CHECK 485611 TOTAL: 2,501.50 485612 07/14/2023 PRTD 101329 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS INC 0231009-IN 06/13/2023 20230714 642.40 CHECK 485612 TOTAL: 642.40 485613 07/14/2023 PRTD 100012 CORE & MAIN LP T036960 06/15/2023 20230714 598.80 CHECK 485613 TOTAL: 598.80 485614 07/14/2023 PRTD 120032 CORPORATE MECHANICAL INC W67055 06/12/2023 20230714 820.52 CHECK 485614 TOTAL: 820.52 485615 07/14/2023 PRTD 121267 CREATIVE RESOURCES 87232 03/08/2023 20230714 1,743.42 CHECK 485615 TOTAL: 1,743.42 485616 07/14/2023 PRTD 160775 CREDIT ONE BANK N.A. LU-05262301 06/05/2023 20230714 34.50 CHECK 485616 TOTAL: 34.50 485617 07/14/2023 PRTD 133169 DAIKIN APPLIED 3398562 06/13/2023 20230714 4,420.00 CHECK 485617 TOTAL: 4,420.00 485618 07/14/2023 PRTD 160492 LIND, DAVID G 570 05/31/2023 20230714 200.00 CHECK 485618 TOTAL: 200.00 485619 07/14/2023 PRTD 100718 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 290590/1 06/12/2023 20230714 50.10 CHECK 485619 TOTAL: 50.10 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 13 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485620 07/14/2023 PRTD 123995 DICKS SANITATION SERIVCE INC 9321739T460 07/01/2023 20230714 285.16 CHECK 485620 TOTAL: 285.16 485621 07/14/2023 PRTD 123995 DICKS SANITATION SERIVCE INC 9321755T460 07/01/2023 20230714 582.50 CHECK 485621 TOTAL: 582.50 485622 07/14/2023 PRTD 121103 DIRECTV GROUP INC 045419181X230519 06/07/2023 20230714 142.56 CHECK 485622 TOTAL: 142.56 485623 07/14/2023 PRTD 121103 DIRECTV GROUP INC 045419181X230619 06/20/2023 20230714 291.37 CHECK 485623 TOTAL: 291.37 485624 07/14/2023 PRTD 101766 DISPLAY SALES COMPANY INV-036123 06/12/2023 20230714 592.00 CHECK 485624 TOTAL: 592.00 485625 07/14/2023 PRTD 129079 DRAIN KING INC 118581 06/06/2023 20230714 187.00 CHECK 485625 TOTAL: 187.00 485626 07/14/2023 PRTD 129718 DREW'S CONCESSIONS LLC 2936 06/14/2023 20230714 796.00 DREW'S CONCESSIONS LLC 2937 06/14/2023 20230714 398.00 DREW'S CONCESSIONS LLC 2938 06/14/2023 20230714 1,815.08 DREW'S CONCESSIONS LLC 2934 05/31/2023 20230714 2,467.60 CHECK 485626 TOTAL: 5,476.68 485627 07/14/2023 PRTD 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 941513 04/06/2023 20230714 309.40 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 952455 06/15/2023 20230714 113.05 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 952454 06/15/2023 20230714 59.50 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 952453 06/15/2023 20230714 77.35 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 952452 06/15/2023 20230714 83.30 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 14 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485627 TOTAL: 642.60 485628 07/14/2023 PRTD 143018 ECO WORKS SUPPLY 21368 06/16/2023 20230714 3,210.53 CHECK 485628 TOTAL: 3,210.53 485629 07/14/2023 PRTD 100049 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES 94270 06/12/2023 20230714 130.00 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES 94271 06/12/2023 20230714 127.50 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES 94273 06/12/2023 20230714 6,037.50 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES 94272 06/12/2023 20230714 1,885.00 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES 94274 06/12/2023 20230714 260.00 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES 94275 06/12/2023 20230714 927.50 CHECK 485629 TOTAL: 9,367.50 485630 07/14/2023 PRTD 160062 ELM CREEK BREWING COMPANY E-4673 06/23/2023 20230714 366.00 ELM CREEK BREWING COMPANY E-4693 06/22/2023 20230714 65.00 ELM CREEK BREWING COMPANY E-4678 06/22/2023 20230714 136.67 ELM CREEK BREWING COMPANY E-4722 06/29/2023 20230714 210.00 CHECK 485630 TOTAL: 777.67 485631 07/14/2023 PRTD 102309 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS INC 344543 06/19/2023 20230714 2,905.80 CHECK 485631 TOTAL: 2,905.80 485632 07/14/2023 PRTD 104733 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC 2558372 05/31/2023 20230714 884.38 CHECK 485632 TOTAL: 884.38 485633 07/14/2023 PRTD 160245 ESO SOLUTIONS INC ESO-111154 05/31/2023 20230714 444.36 CHECK 485633 TOTAL: 444.36 485634 07/14/2023 PRTD 134730 EXPLORE EDINA Apr 2023 Lodging Tax05/19/2023 20230714 54,103.79 EXPLORE EDINA May 2023 Lodging Tax06/15/2023 20230714 63,222.40 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 15 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485634 TOTAL: 117,326.19 485635 07/14/2023 PRTD 100146 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-492078 06/13/2023 20230714 119.70 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-492138 06/13/2023 20230714 104.17 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-491887 06/12/2023 20230714 107.19 CHECK 485635 TOTAL: 331.06 485636 07/14/2023 PRTD 147181 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-10612 06/22/2023 20230714 194.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-10613 06/22/2023 20230714 201.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-10614 06/22/2023 20230714 361.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-10692 06/28/2023 20230714 311.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-10697 06/28/2023 20230714 395.00 CHECK 485636 TOTAL: 1,462.00 485637 07/14/2023 PRTD 141837 DAIOHS USA INC 003878 06/15/2023 20230714 1,192.30 CHECK 485637 TOTAL: 1,192.30 485638 07/14/2023 PRTD 126444 KIRK STENSRUD ENTERPRISES INC 2315-52389 06/13/2023 20230714 3,525.00 KIRK STENSRUD ENTERPRISES INC 2315-51843 06/17/2023 20230714 900.00 KIRK STENSRUD ENTERPRISES INC 2315-52228 06/16/2023 20230714 990.00 CHECK 485638 TOTAL: 5,415.00 485639 07/14/2023 PRTD 132866 SAWTOOTH HOLDINGS F21340 06/19/2023 20230714 1,011.00 CHECK 485639 TOTAL: 1,011.00 485640 07/14/2023 PRTD 160718 US FLEET SOURCE EPD-PH009211 06/02/2023 20230714 37,371.00 CHECK 485640 TOTAL: 37,371.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 16 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485641 07/14/2023 PRTD 160412 MKM BRANDS INC 224 06/14/2023 20230714 891.00 MKM BRANDS INC 221 06/14/2023 20230714 396.00 CHECK 485641 TOTAL: 1,287.00 485642 07/14/2023 PRTD 102456 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1902896 06/13/2023 20230714 6.99 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1903506 06/14/2023 20230714 10.99 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1903239 06/15/2023 20230714 741.84 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1904835 06/16/2023 20230714 13.18 CHECK 485642 TOTAL: 773.00 485643 07/14/2023 PRTD 102418 GARDENSIDE LTD 28881 06/13/2023 20230714 2,508.00 CHECK 485643 TOTAL: 2,508.00 485644 07/14/2023 PRTD 144982 GERTEN GREENHOUSES & GARDEN CENTE 103782/6 06/15/2023 20230714 328.07 CHECK 485644 TOTAL: 328.07 485645 07/14/2023 PRTD 146181 GMH ASPHALT CORPORATION ENG 22-3 #10 05/19/2023 20230714 557,961.52 CHECK 485645 TOTAL: 557,961.52 485646 07/14/2023 PRTD 160231 BOLDENOW, CINDY GG230531 05/31/2023 20230714 2,300.00 CHECK 485646 TOTAL: 2,300.00 485647 07/14/2023 PRTD 120079 GOODPOINTE TECHNOLOGY INC 4400 06/13/2023 20230714 6,388.20 CHECK 485647 TOTAL: 6,388.20 485648 07/14/2023 PRTD 100781 MJ DONOVAN ENTERPRISES INC 151190 06/13/2023 20230714 1,696.54 CHECK 485648 TOTAL: 1,696.54 485649 07/14/2023 PRTD 160003 GRAY, GLENN S ECH-0516-23 05/16/2023 20230714 300.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 17 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485649 TOTAL: 300.00 485650 07/14/2023 PRTD 151168 HAMMER SPORTS LLC 3417 06/18/2023 20230714 290.00 HAMMER SPORTS LLC 3410 06/11/2023 20230714 578.00 CHECK 485650 TOTAL: 868.00 485651 07/14/2023 PRTD 100797 HAWKINS INC 6501108 06/15/2023 20230714 3,259.20 HAWKINS INC 6504174 06/19/2023 20230714 15,556.50 CHECK 485651 TOTAL: 18,815.70 485652 07/14/2023 PRTD 100798 HAYDEN-MURPHY EQUIPMENT COMPANY R0321201 06/12/2023 20230714 18,000.00 HAYDEN-MURPHY EQUIPMENT COMPANY R0323001 06/19/2023 20230714 7,850.00 CHECK 485652 TOTAL: 25,850.00 485653 07/14/2023 PRTD 143563 HEADFLYER BREWING E-4766 06/21/2023 20230714 126.00 CHECK 485653 TOTAL: 126.00 485654 07/14/2023 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000208443 06/16/2023 20230714 1,634.00 CHECK 485654 TOTAL: 1,634.00 485655 07/14/2023 PRTD 137677 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC 240609 06/14/2023 20230714 26,469.51 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC 240611 06/14/2023 20230714 6,240.26 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC 240615 06/14/2023 20230714 2,212.50 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC 240613 06/14/2023 20230714 627.61 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC 240616 06/14/2023 20230714 1,747.21 CHECK 485655 TOTAL: 37,297.09 485656 07/14/2023 PRTD 160535 HERITAGE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY GROUP I 0011229606-001 06/12/2023 20230714 838.70 CHECK 485656 TOTAL: 838.70 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 18 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485657 07/14/2023 PRTD 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC 619557 06/20/2023 20230714 3,492.30 HOHENSTEINS INC 619588 06/20/2023 20230714 2,368.80 HOHENSTEINS INC 622030 06/27/2023 20230714 2,619.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 622014 06/27/2023 20230714 201.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 622034 06/27/2023 20230714 -299.25 CHECK 485657 TOTAL: 8,381.85 485658 07/14/2023 PRTD 151094 HOPKINS SPORTS CAMPS LLC 20645 06/16/2023 20230714 127.20 CHECK 485658 TOTAL: 127.20 485659 07/14/2023 PRTD 100417 HORIZON CHEMICAL CO INV44079 06/16/2023 20230714 3,675.43 CHECK 485659 TOTAL: 3,675.43 485660 07/14/2023 PRTD 160239 HUEBSCH LAUNDRY CO 20236893 06/19/2023 20230714 208.38 CHECK 485660 TOTAL: 208.38 485661 07/14/2023 PRTD 129508 IMPACT MAILING OF MINNESOTA INC 205969 05/23/2023 20230714 4,867.28 CHECK 485661 TOTAL: 4,867.28 485662 07/14/2023 PRTD 146427 LUCID BREWING LLC 16335 06/22/2023 20230714 153.00 LUCID BREWING LLC 16386 06/28/2023 20230714 102.00 LUCID BREWING LLC 16388 06/28/2023 20230714 102.00 CHECK 485662 TOTAL: 357.00 485663 07/14/2023 PRTD 160653 INSIGHT BREWING COMPANY LLC 5989 06/29/2023 20230714 567.25 CHECK 485663 TOTAL: 567.25 485664 07/14/2023 PRTD 160781 JEFFREY W LAMBERT PA 27-CR-21-19795-06/2306/06/2023 20230714 1,187.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 19 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485664 TOTAL: 1,187.50 485665 07/14/2023 PRTD 132592 JF AHERN CO 582934 06/15/2023 20230714 265.00 CHECK 485665 TOTAL: 265.00 485666 07/14/2023 PRTD 100835 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3611024 06/22/2023 20230714 30.75 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3611025 06/22/2023 20230714 753.70 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 365307 06/14/2023 20230714 -40.00 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3611026 06/22/2023 20230714 1,540.25 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3611027 06/22/2023 20230714 2,357.35 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 365596 06/26/2023 20230714 -138.44 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3612489 06/29/2023 20230714 638.45 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3612492 06/29/2023 20230714 98.40 CHECK 485666 TOTAL: 5,240.46 485667 07/14/2023 PRTD 100835 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6613333 06/22/2023 20230714 178.80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6613332 06/22/2023 20230714 416.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6613334 06/22/2023 20230714 889.05 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 689858 01/26/2023 20230714 -13.33 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 689857 01/26/2023 20230714 -8.67 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 690358 06/20/2023 20230714 -25.33 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6613336 06/22/2023 20230714 1,508.20 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6613335 06/22/2023 20230714 2,479.85 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6613341 06/22/2023 20230714 647.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6613340 06/22/2023 20230714 1,320.80 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6613339 06/22/2023 20230714 100.05 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6613342 06/22/2023 20230714 2,515.70 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6617554 06/29/2023 20230714 208.30 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 20 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6617555 06/29/2023 20230714 481.35 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6617556 06/29/2023 20230714 1,559.40 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6617563 06/29/2023 20230714 4,769.48 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6617562 06/29/2023 20230714 928.50 CHECK 485667 TOTAL: 17,955.55 485668 07/14/2023 PRTD 100835 WINE MERCHANTS 7432053 06/22/2023 20230714 3,424.60 WINE MERCHANTS 7432056 06/22/2023 20230714 138.80 WINE MERCHANTS 7433028 06/29/2023 20230714 2,779.20 CHECK 485668 TOTAL: 6,342.60 485669 07/14/2023 PRTD 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325844 06/22/2023 20230714 304.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325841 06/22/2023 20230714 707.38 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325843 06/22/2023 20230714 713.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325842 06/22/2023 20230714 371.99 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325847 06/22/2023 20230714 992.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325845 06/22/2023 20230714 4.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 241751 02/16/2023 20230714 -28.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 240105 02/02/2023 20230714 -14.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 240276 02/03/2023 20230714 -3.33 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 240104 02/02/2023 20230714 -56.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 240103 02/02/2023 20230714 -3.33 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2320929 06/19/2023 20230714 1,641.10 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325853 06/22/2023 20230714 2,361.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325850 06/22/2023 20230714 281.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325849 06/22/2023 20230714 1,106.95 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325854 06/22/2023 20230714 1,732.80 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 21 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325852 06/22/2023 20230714 1,440.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325848 06/22/2023 20230714 1,803.67 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 255194 06/09/2023 20230714 -7.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 239183 01/26/2023 20230714 -16.17 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325859 06/22/2023 20230714 4,146.18 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325862 06/22/2023 20230714 45.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325846 06/22/2023 20230714 1,272.50 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325860 06/22/2023 20230714 1,244.95 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325861 06/22/2023 20230714 4,031.11 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325863 06/22/2023 20230714 2,679.30 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325858 06/22/2023 20230714 31.40 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325864 06/22/2023 20230714 2,650.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331292 06/29/2023 20230714 1,709.34 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331294 06/29/2023 20230714 909.11 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331299 06/29/2023 20230714 277.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331291 06/29/2023 20230714 555.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331300 06/29/2023 20230714 276.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 255195 06/09/2023 20230714 -15.50 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331318 06/29/2023 20230714 4,089.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331312 06/29/2023 20230714 2,061.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331295 06/29/2023 20230714 1,272.50 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331313 06/29/2023 20230714 851.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331316 06/29/2023 20230714 899.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331296 06/29/2023 20230714 210.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331311 06/29/2023 20230714 267.30 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 22 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485669 TOTAL: 42,798.85 485670 07/14/2023 PRTD 100835 ORIGIN WINE AND SPIRITS 0021940 06/22/2023 20230714 81.40 ORIGIN WINE AND SPIRITS 0022006 06/29/2023 20230714 146.80 ORIGIN WINE AND SPIRITS 0022007 06/29/2023 20230714 73.40 CHECK 485670 TOTAL: 301.60 485671 07/14/2023 PRTD 160430 JPS INTEROPERABILITY SOLUTIONS IN 8933 06/14/2023 20230714 3,150.00 CHECK 485671 TOTAL: 3,150.00 485672 07/14/2023 PRTD 145396 JUNKYARD BREWING COMPANY LLC 005724 06/21/2023 20230714 142.00 JUNKYARD BREWING COMPANY LLC 005726 06/21/2023 20230714 142.00 JUNKYARD BREWING COMPANY LLC 005727 06/23/2023 20230714 142.00 CHECK 485672 TOTAL: 426.00 485673 07/14/2023 PRTD 124002 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 25062212 05/31/2023 20230714 2,225.37 CHECK 485673 TOTAL: 2,225.37 485674 07/14/2023 PRTD 151024 LA DONA SBC 6426 06/21/2023 20230714 76.00 LA DONA SBC 6439 06/28/2023 20230714 76.00 CHECK 485674 TOTAL: 152.00 485675 07/14/2023 PRTD 101220 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 03-1001008 06/12/2023 20230714 176.92 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 01-1000878 06/12/2023 20230714 214.92 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 01-1001504 06/14/2023 20230714 126.25 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 01-1001843 06/15/2023 20230714 11.69 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 01-1002067 06/15/2023 20230714 409.99 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 01-1002065 06/15/2023 20230714 -214.92 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 01-1001807 06/15/2023 20230714 22.26 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 23 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485675 TOTAL: 747.11 485676 07/14/2023 PRTD 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9310702669 06/19/2023 20230714 1,433.27 CHECK 485676 TOTAL: 1,433.27 485677 07/14/2023 PRTD 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 8286 06/22/2023 20230714 28,718.81 CHECK 485677 TOTAL: 28,718.81 485678 07/14/2023 PRTD 135867 LIBATION PROJECT 59469 06/20/2023 20230714 362.04 LIBATION PROJECT 59476 06/20/2023 20230714 48.67 LIBATION PROJECT 59748 06/27/2023 20230714 240.04 LIBATION PROJECT 59777 06/28/2023 20230714 324.00 LIBATION PROJECT 59751 06/27/2023 20230714 1,724.28 CHECK 485678 TOTAL: 2,699.03 485679 07/14/2023 PRTD 100858 LOGIS 53671 04/28/2023 20230714 38,774.00 CHECK 485679 TOTAL: 38,774.00 485680 07/14/2023 PRTD 139627 TOM LOUCKS & ASSOCIATES INC 44129-1 05/01/2023 20230714 12,276.00 CHECK 485680 TOTAL: 12,276.00 485681 07/14/2023 PRTD 160548 LUCE LINE BREWING CO LLC E-1542 06/22/2023 20230714 265.00 LUCE LINE BREWING CO LLC E-1543 06/22/2023 20230714 123.00 LUCE LINE BREWING CO LLC E-1544 06/22/2023 20230714 419.00 LUCE LINE BREWING CO LLC E-1566 06/29/2023 20230714 140.00 LUCE LINE BREWING CO LLC E-1567 06/29/2023 20230714 280.00 CHECK 485681 TOTAL: 1,227.00 485682 07/14/2023 PRTD 135835 CENTURYLINK-ACCESS BILL 5142XLP6S3-2023098 04/08/2023 20230714 1,242.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 24 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485682 TOTAL: 1,242.00 485683 07/14/2023 PRTD 141916 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 53950 06/21/2023 20230714 235.20 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 53949 06/21/2023 20230714 60.00 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 54094 06/28/2023 20230714 207.00 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 47610 06/27/2023 20230714 396.00 CHECK 485683 TOTAL: 898.20 485684 07/14/2023 PRTD 123848 LVC COMPANIES INC 116424 06/13/2023 20230714 352.08 LVC COMPANIES INC 116490 06/14/2023 20230714 640.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 116646 06/16/2023 20230714 420.00 LVC COMPANIES INC 113416-2 04/30/2023 20230714 610.00 CHECK 485684 TOTAL: 2,022.08 485685 07/14/2023 PRTD 100864 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT LLC P16090 06/06/2023 20230714 16,394.00 CHECK 485685 TOTAL: 16,394.00 485686 07/14/2023 PRTD 116410 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS 39276351 06/12/2023 20230714 283.61 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS 39276379 06/12/2023 20230714 504.44 CHECK 485686 TOTAL: 788.05 485687 07/14/2023 PRTD 100869 MARTIN-MCALLISTER CONSULTING PSYC 15370 05/31/2023 20230714 1,250.00 CHECK 485687 TOTAL: 1,250.00 485688 07/14/2023 PRTD 122878 MARTTI, DOROTHEA J 283 06/26/2023 20230714 330.00 CHECK 485688 TOTAL: 330.00 485689 07/14/2023 PRTD 141215 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV1015608 06/22/2023 20230714 601.50 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV1015598 06/22/2023 20230714 522.42 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV1015624 06/22/2023 20230714 268.17 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 25 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET MAVERICK WINE LLC INV1018670/1018901 06/28/2023 20230714 1,917.06 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV1018885 06/28/2023 20230714 735.22 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV1018896 06/28/2023 20230714 3,620.68 CHECK 485689 TOTAL: 7,665.05 485690 07/14/2023 PRTD 146040 STRAYER, JUSTIN IN-1472 06/21/2023 20230714 230.00 CHECK 485690 TOTAL: 230.00 485691 07/14/2023 PRTD 101483 MENARDS 79740 04/17/2023 20230714 192.25 MENARDS 78453 03/23/2023 20230714 42.91 MENARDS 83256 06/15/2023 20230714 218.77 MENARDS 83118 06/13/2023 20230714 260.93 MENARDS 83219 06/14/2023 20230714 341.66 CHECK 485691 TOTAL: 1,056.52 485692 07/14/2023 PRTD 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 531936 06/12/2023 20230714 25.38 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 421606 03/09/2023 20230714 434.79 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 531182 03/17/2023 20230714 41.58 CHECK 485692 TOTAL: 501.75 485693 07/14/2023 PRTD 145395 MILK AND HONEY LLC 12226 06/22/2023 20230714 136.00 MILK AND HONEY LLC 12227 06/22/2023 20230714 136.00 MILK AND HONEY LLC 12233 06/22/2023 20230714 136.00 MILK AND HONEY LLC 12271 06/29/2023 20230714 136.00 CHECK 485693 TOTAL: 544.00 485694 07/14/2023 PRTD 127062 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE IN 180233445 05/14/2023 20230714 6.48 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE IN 180233447 05/14/2023 20230714 18.36 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 26 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE IN 180233446 05/14/2023 20230714 24.85 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE IN 180235286 06/11/2023 20230714 18.36 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE IN 180235284 06/11/2023 20230714 6.48 MINNEHAHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE IN 180235285 06/11/2023 20230714 49.69 CHECK 485694 TOTAL: 124.22 485695 07/14/2023 PRTD 103942 MINNESOTA FIRE SERVICE CERTIFICAT 11511 06/14/2023 20230714 304.50 CHECK 485695 TOTAL: 304.50 485696 07/14/2023 PRTD 101996 WILCOCK ASSOCIATES INC 34924 06/15/2023 20230714 28.33 CHECK 485696 TOTAL: 28.33 485697 07/14/2023 PRTD 128914 BJKK DEVELOPMENT 34800 06/12/2023 20230714 50.87 BJKK DEVELOPMENT 34812 06/14/2023 20230714 54.00 BJKK DEVELOPMENT 34818 06/16/2023 20230714 42.00 CHECK 485697 TOTAL: 146.87 485698 07/14/2023 PRTD 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC E-42236 06/20/2023 20230714 293.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-42521 06/28/2023 20230714 200.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-42519 06/28/2023 20230714 345.17 CHECK 485698 TOTAL: 838.17 485699 07/14/2023 PRTD 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1390561-00 06/12/2023 20230714 21.64 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1390405-01 06/12/2023 20230714 52.28 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1389991-00 06/14/2023 20230714 86.92 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1391108-00 06/15/2023 20230714 200.32 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1391542-00 06/15/2023 20230714 234.25 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1391365-00 06/15/2023 20230714 108.01 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1391387-00 06/16/2023 20230714 290.88 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 27 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485699 TOTAL: 994.30 485700 07/14/2023 PRTD 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 206694 06/21/2023 20230714 223.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 206607 06/21/2023 20230714 1,109.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 206608 06/21/2023 20230714 510.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 206693 06/21/2023 20230714 372.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 206865 06/23/2023 20230714 789.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 206609 06/21/2023 20230714 1,230.83 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 206692 06/21/2023 20230714 149.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 207016 06/28/2023 20230714 879.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 206923 06/28/2023 20230714 82.50 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 206995 06/28/2023 20230714 3,633.50 CHECK 485700 TOTAL: 8,978.83 485701 07/14/2023 PRTD 100922 NEWMAN SIGNS INC TRFINV047248 06/12/2023 20230714 8,087.74 CHECK 485701 TOTAL: 8,087.74 485702 07/14/2023 PRTD 104350 NIKE USA INC 9754056942 04/20/2023 20230714 1,454.77 CHECK 485702 TOTAL: 1,454.77 485703 07/14/2023 PRTD 117830 NORTHLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS IN106487 06/09/2023 20230714 3,408.19 CHECK 485703 TOTAL: 3,408.19 485704 07/14/2023 PRTD 139023 NUSS TRUCK GROUP INC PSO011205-1 06/13/2023 20230714 510.34 CHECK 485704 TOTAL: 510.34 485705 07/14/2023 PRTD 160385 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC 318149561001 06/14/2023 20230714 70.13 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC 317690914001 06/14/2023 20230714 50.77 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 28 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485705 TOTAL: 120.90 485706 07/14/2023 PRTD 105901 OERTEL ARCHITECTS 22-08.5 06/14/2023 20230714 1,593.00 OERTEL ARCHITECTS 20-23.2 CA 06/14/2023 20230714 2,547.34 CHECK 485706 TOTAL: 4,140.34 485707 07/14/2023 PRTD 999998 BCBS MN 273-23-0659-A 05/16/2023 20230714 1,732.45 CHECK 485707 TOTAL: 1,732.45 485708 07/14/2023 PRTD 999994 Brennan Crow Crow Liquor 6/23 06/14/2023 20230714 45.00 CHECK 485708 TOTAL: 45.00 485709 07/14/2023 PRTD 999994 Daniel Jennings Jennings Liquor 6/2306/14/2023 20230714 45.00 CHECK 485709 TOTAL: 45.00 485710 07/14/2023 PRTD 999994 Deanna Strom License Refund 06/2306/22/2023 20230714 360.00 CHECK 485710 TOTAL: 360.00 485711 07/14/2023 PRTD 999994 Edward Stuart Stuart Liquor 6/23 06/14/2023 20230714 45.00 CHECK 485711 TOTAL: 45.00 485712 07/14/2023 PRTD 999994 Megan Sussman Sussman Liquor 6/23 06/14/2023 20230714 45.00 CHECK 485712 TOTAL: 45.00 485713 07/14/2023 PRTD 999996 Anne Nagler 56069605-Refund 06/28/2023 20230714 120.00 CHECK 485713 TOTAL: 120.00 485714 07/14/2023 PRTD 999996 Christina Tin 56037298-Refund 06/27/2023 20230714 120.00 CHECK 485714 TOTAL: 120.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 29 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485715 07/14/2023 PRTD 999996 Dianna Newell 55952128-Refund 06/26/2023 20230714 5.00 CHECK 485715 TOTAL: 5.00 485716 07/14/2023 PRTD 999996 Ginny Grant 55958376 Refund 06/26/2023 20230714 154.00 CHECK 485716 TOTAL: 154.00 485717 07/14/2023 PRTD 999996 Jamie Liang 55135642-Refund 06/16/2023 20230714 30.00 CHECK 485717 TOTAL: 30.00 485718 07/14/2023 PRTD 999996 Jasmine Scarlett 55987685-Refund 06/27/2023 20230714 230.00 CHECK 485718 TOTAL: 230.00 485719 07/14/2023 PRTD 999996 Kirsten Farni 56151546-Refund 06/29/2023 20230714 35.00 CHECK 485719 TOTAL: 35.00 485720 07/14/2023 PRTD 999996 Maggie Helms 55988863-Refund 06/27/2023 20230714 80.00 CHECK 485720 TOTAL: 80.00 485721 07/14/2023 PRTD 999996 Maggie Helms 55988752-Refund 06/27/2023 20230714 240.00 CHECK 485721 TOTAL: 240.00 485722 07/14/2023 PRTD 999996 Oona Vedder 55940648-Refund 06/26/2023 20230714 45.00 CHECK 485722 TOTAL: 45.00 485723 07/14/2023 PRTD 999996 Ruth Merid 55623223-Refund 06/22/2023 20230714 205.00 CHECK 485723 TOTAL: 205.00 485724 07/14/2023 PRTD 999996 Thomas, Alyssa 55691385-Refund 06/23/2023 20230714 448.00 CHECK 485724 TOTAL: 448.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 30 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485725 07/14/2023 PRTD 160764 ORIGINAL WATERMEN IN S82867 06/14/2023 20230714 2,706.34 CHECK 485725 TOTAL: 2,706.34 485726 07/14/2023 PRTD 101659 ROLLINS INC 246247684 06/13/2023 20230714 63.00 CHECK 485726 TOTAL: 63.00 485727 07/14/2023 PRTD 101659 ROLLINS INC 246247355 06/20/2023 20230714 149.47 ROLLINS INC 246247214 06/20/2023 20230714 26.28 ROLLINS INC 246247730 06/20/2023 20230714 30.00 CHECK 485727 TOTAL: 205.75 485728 07/14/2023 PRTD 129485 PAPCO INC 229234 06/14/2023 20230714 328.85 PAPCO INC 227642 03/29/2023 20230714 99.99 CHECK 485728 TOTAL: 428.84 485729 07/14/2023 PRTD 100944 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 205396 06/20/2023 20230714 383.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 205431 06/20/2023 20230714 343.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 205385 06/20/2023 20230714 1,435.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 205397 06/20/2023 20230714 304.00 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 205398/205503 06/20/2023 20230714 582.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 206134 06/27/2023 20230714 600.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 206145 06/27/2023 20230714 794.50 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 206144 06/27/2023 20230714 4,972.00 CHECK 485729 TOTAL: 9,415.50 485730 07/14/2023 PRTD 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 45570409 06/26/2023 20230714 819.62 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 46748054 06/21/2023 20230714 559.29 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 46769457 06/23/2023 20230714 1,100.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 31 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 46607011 06/27/2023 20230714 343.75 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 26022952 06/29/2023 20230714 430.78 CHECK 485730 TOTAL: 3,253.44 485731 07/14/2023 PRTD 149249 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-193488 06/22/2023 20230714 138.00 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-193440 06/22/2023 20230714 167.50 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-193429 06/22/2023 20230714 249.00 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-193487 06/22/2023 20230714 53.00 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-193489 06/22/2023 20230714 138.00 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-193436 06/22/2023 20230714 124.50 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-194218 06/29/2023 20230714 42.50 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-194219 06/29/2023 20230714 267.00 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-194225 06/29/2023 20230714 762.90 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-194224 06/29/2023 20230714 247.00 CHECK 485731 TOTAL: 2,189.40 485732 07/14/2023 PRTD 160261 PETERSON, RACHAEL May/June 2023 06/23/2023 20230714 480.00 CHECK 485732 TOTAL: 480.00 485733 07/14/2023 PRTD 129706 PREMIUM WATERS INC 319503020 06/23/2023 20230714 48.60 PREMIUM WATERS INC 319522338 07/03/2023 20230714 15.00 CHECK 485733 TOTAL: 63.60 485734 07/14/2023 PRTD 108875 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 130432 06/16/2023 20230714 1,747.14 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 130436 06/16/2023 20230714 1,671.62 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 130435 06/16/2023 20230714 331.48 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 130430 06/16/2023 20230714 722.90 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 130434 06/16/2023 20230714 813.28 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 32 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 130431 06/16/2023 20230714 382.83 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 130433 06/16/2023 20230714 2,332.81 CHECK 485734 TOTAL: 8,002.06 485735 07/14/2023 PRTD 105690 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 109930 05/31/2023 20230714 6,078.90 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 110180 06/15/2023 20230714 3,000.00 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 110179 06/15/2023 20230714 3,000.00 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 110178 06/15/2023 20230714 3,600.00 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 110177 06/15/2023 20230714 4,200.00 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 110157 06/15/2023 20230714 14,915.50 CHECK 485735 TOTAL: 34,794.40 485736 07/14/2023 PRTD 106322 SCHENCK, DAVID 160789 06/13/2023 20230714 309.36 SCHENCK, DAVID 160810 06/16/2023 20230714 499.13 SCHENCK, DAVID 160819 06/16/2023 20230714 257.28 CHECK 485736 TOTAL: 1,065.77 485737 07/14/2023 PRTD 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-57013 06/22/2023 20230714 618.00 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-57014 06/22/2023 20230714 1,397.00 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-57404 06/29/2023 20230714 388.00 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-57407 06/29/2023 20230714 781.00 CHECK 485737 TOTAL: 3,184.00 485738 07/14/2023 PRTD 100763 QUADIENT, INC 17029041 06/13/2023 20230714 179.55 CHECK 485738 TOTAL: 179.55 485739 07/14/2023 PRTD 100763 QUADIENT, INC 40208651 06/14/2023 20230714 60.00 CHECK 485739 TOTAL: 60.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 33 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485740 07/14/2023 PRTD 131685 QUADIENT LEASING US, INC. N9987261 06/14/2023 20230714 979.23 CHECK 485740 TOTAL: 979.23 485741 07/14/2023 PRTD 135833 QUALITY FORKLIFT SALES AND SERVIC R05986 06/14/2023 20230714 2,394.95 CHECK 485741 TOTAL: 2,394.95 485742 07/14/2023 PRTD 138267 QUALITY LOCKSMITH INC QLS25538 06/16/2023 20230714 260.00 CHECK 485742 TOTAL: 260.00 485743 07/14/2023 PRTD 160037 RACHEL CONTRACTING, LLC ENG 21032 #11 06/12/2023 20230714 170,295.13 CHECK 485743 TOTAL: 170,295.13 485744 07/14/2023 PRTD 133627 REPUBLIC SERVICES #894 0894-006248924 05/31/2023 20230714 47,295.18 CHECK 485744 TOTAL: 47,295.18 485745 07/14/2023 PRTD 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 87591 06/16/2023 20230714 170.00 CHECK 485745 TOTAL: 170.00 485746 07/14/2023 PRTD 127639 MIDWAY FORD COMPANY 778478 06/12/2023 20230714 487.30 MIDWAY FORD COMPANY 779089 06/14/2023 20230714 329.60 MIDWAY FORD COMPANY 778991 06/14/2023 20230714 118.46 MIDWAY FORD COMPANY 778993 06/14/2023 20230714 123.20 MIDWAY FORD COMPANY 779055 06/16/2023 20230714 110.00 MIDWAY FORD COMPANY 779641 06/19/2023 20230714 355.08 MIDWAY FORD COMPANY 751956 06/14/2023 20230714 177.54 MIDWAY FORD COMPANY 753465 06/14/2023 20230714 236.42 CHECK 485746 TOTAL: 1,937.60 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 34 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485747 07/14/2023 PRTD 134173 SAFE-FAST INC INV277063 06/16/2023 20230714 89.95 SAFE-FAST INC INV277062 06/16/2023 20230714 346.75 CHECK 485747 TOTAL: 436.70 485748 07/14/2023 PRTD 144553 SALTCO LLC 111331 06/15/2023 20230714 70.00 CHECK 485748 TOTAL: 70.00 485749 07/14/2023 PRTD 144403 SENTEXT SOLUTIONS 325345 06/20/2023 20230714 318.50 SENTEXT SOLUTIONS 327028 07/06/2023 20230714 30.91 CHECK 485749 TOTAL: 349.41 485750 07/14/2023 PRTD 134643 SHAKOPEE MDEWAKANTON SIOUX COMMUN 1019 04/30/2023 20230714 6,557.28 CHECK 485750 TOTAL: 6,557.28 485751 07/14/2023 PRTD 103409 KELBRO COMPANY 2905615 06/22/2023 20230714 85.20 KELBRO COMPANY 2902723 06/17/2023 20230714 164.45 KELBRO COMPANY 2905611 06/22/2023 20230714 83.85 KELBRO COMPANY 2907175 06/24/2023 20230714 241.67 KELBRO COMPANY 2905533 06/22/2023 20230714 318.51 KELBRO COMPANY 2908020 06/29/2023 20230714 35.45 KELBRO COMPANY 2907948 06/29/2023 20230714 68.30 CHECK 485751 TOTAL: 997.43 485752 07/14/2023 PRTD 100995 SHORT-ELLIOT-HENDRICKSON INCORPOR 447503 06/12/2023 20230714 1,603.88 SHORT-ELLIOT-HENDRICKSON INCORPOR 447613 06/13/2023 20230714 761.73 SHORT-ELLIOT-HENDRICKSON INCORPOR 447498 06/12/2023 20230714 20,573.11 SHORT-ELLIOT-HENDRICKSON INCORPOR 447499 06/12/2023 20230714 43,664.26 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 35 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485752 TOTAL: 66,602.98 485753 07/14/2023 PRTD 137482 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131238191-001 06/13/2023 20230714 132.68 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131226484-001 06/13/2023 20230714 122.51 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131248000-001 06/13/2023 20230714 103.97 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131312796-001 06/14/2023 20230714 125.54 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131311343-001 06/14/2023 20230714 251.07 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131281389-001 06/14/2023 20230714 785.64 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131391913-001 06/16/2023 20230714 409.52 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131104836-001 06/09/2023 20230714 156.35 CHECK 485753 TOTAL: 2,087.28 485754 07/14/2023 PRTD 132195 SMALL LOT MN MN66118 06/20/2023 20230714 293.00 SMALL LOT MN MN66211 06/20/2023 20230714 159.96 SMALL LOT MN MN66213 06/20/2023 20230714 109.04 SMALL LOT MN MN66442 06/27/2023 20230714 207.50 SMALL LOT MN MN66513 06/28/2023 20230714 291.00 SMALL LOT MN MN66454 06/28/2023 20230714 300.00 CHECK 485754 TOTAL: 1,360.50 485755 07/14/2023 PRTD 127878 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2358504 06/21/2023 20230714 747.56 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2358505 06/21/2023 20230714 96.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2358503 06/21/2023 20230714 270.71 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2355668 06/20/2023 20230714 3,086.92 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2358511 06/21/2023 20230714 3,019.06 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2358510 06/21/2023 20230714 1,249.60 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2358509 06/21/2023 20230714 233.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2358508 06/21/2023 20230714 781.60 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 36 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2358512 06/21/2023 20230714 261.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2358517 06/21/2023 20230714 4,126.38 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2358515 06/21/2023 20230714 889.56 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2358516 06/21/2023 20230714 206.40 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361489 06/28/2023 20230714 1,736.01 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361490 06/28/2023 20230714 238.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361484 06/28/2023 20230714 .40 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361486 06/28/2023 20230714 270.71 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361485 06/28/2023 20230714 168.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361487 06/28/2023 20230714 964.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361488 06/28/2023 20230714 805.60 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361497 06/28/2023 20230714 3,614.40 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361502 06/28/2023 20230714 4,532.82 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361499 06/28/2023 20230714 788.80 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361501 06/28/2023 20230714 108.80 CHECK 485755 TOTAL: 28,199.33 485756 07/14/2023 PRTD 101023 SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN CABLE COMMISSI 202228 05/04/2023 20230714 12,082.25 CHECK 485756 TOTAL: 12,082.25 485757 07/14/2023 PRTD 130640 SPERIDES REINERS ARCHITECTS INC 34384 06/16/2023 20230714 33,368.75 CHECK 485757 TOTAL: 33,368.75 485758 07/14/2023 PRTD 145599 SSI MN TRANCHE 1 LLC 57339 05/12/2023 20230714 42,223.23 SSI MN TRANCHE 1 LLC 59772 06/12/2023 20230714 54,001.38 CHECK 485758 TOTAL: 96,224.61 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 37 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485759 07/14/2023 PRTD 145599 SSI MN TRANCHE 2 LLC 60633 06/12/2023 20230714 10,099.76 CHECK 485759 TOTAL: 10,099.76 485760 07/14/2023 PRTD 160346 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY June 2023 06/01/2023 20230714 7,635.14 CHECK 485760 TOTAL: 7,635.14 485761 07/14/2023 PRTD 139006 BCA TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT SECT 29813 06/08/2023 20230714 50.00 CHECK 485761 TOTAL: 50.00 485762 07/14/2023 PRTD 139006 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT P00016908 06/28/2023 20230714 1,096.88 CHECK 485762 TOTAL: 1,096.88 485763 07/14/2023 PRTD 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50683 06/20/2023 20230714 210.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50682 06/21/2023 20230714 105.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50810 06/27/2023 20230714 140.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50813 06/28/2023 20230714 691.00 CHECK 485763 TOTAL: 1,146.00 485764 07/14/2023 PRTD 101015 STREICHERS INC I1636681 05/30/2023 20230714 349.98 CHECK 485764 TOTAL: 349.98 485765 07/14/2023 PRTD 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 817106 06/12/2023 20230714 2,155.57 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 816972 06/01/2023 20230714 169.95 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 155482P 06/01/2023 20230714 181.51 CHECK 485765 TOTAL: 2,507.03 485766 07/14/2023 PRTD 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC 10194667 06/15/2023 20230714 2,000.00 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC 10194581 06/12/2023 20230714 665.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 38 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485766 TOTAL: 2,665.00 485767 07/14/2023 PRTD 102140 SUN MOUNTAIN SPORTS INC 1121966 06/13/2023 20230714 164.50 CHECK 485767 TOTAL: 164.50 485768 07/14/2023 PRTD 119864 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447709513 06/19/2023 20230714 1,270.93 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447712396 06/21/2023 20230714 2,099.29 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447713762 06/22/2023 20230714 601.02 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447723189 06/27/2023 20230714 -17.79 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447725602 06/29/2023 20230714 -131.38 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447725686 06/29/2023 20230714 1,316.73 CHECK 485768 TOTAL: 5,138.80 485769 07/14/2023 PRTD 151143 TALKING WATERS BREWING CO LLC 3623 06/22/2023 20230714 265.00 CHECK 485769 TOTAL: 265.00 485770 07/14/2023 PRTD 104932 TAYLOR MADE 36709550 05/23/2023 20230714 318.62 TAYLOR MADE 36565754 03/27/2023 20230714 118.75 CHECK 485770 TOTAL: 437.37 485771 07/14/2023 PRTD 112362 TEAM LABORATORY CHEMICAL LLC INV0036186 06/14/2023 20230714 2,625.50 CHECK 485771 TOTAL: 2,625.50 485772 07/14/2023 PRTD 160414 TEGRA GROUP INC 424.623 06/12/2023 20230714 10,650.00 CHECK 485772 TOTAL: 10,650.00 485773 07/14/2023 PRTD 160681 TENNES, ANN 002302 06/15/2023 20230714 1,350.00 CHECK 485773 TOTAL: 1,350.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 39 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485774 07/14/2023 PRTD 160286 TOWN TALK MFG CO INC 522559 06/12/2023 20230714 1,570.78 CHECK 485774 TOTAL: 1,570.78 485775 07/14/2023 PRTD 138732 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS LLC 36484 06/28/2023 20230714 1,419.00 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS LLC 36485 06/28/2023 20230714 1,253.00 CHECK 485775 TOTAL: 2,672.00 485776 07/14/2023 PRTD 160747 INFINITE HEALTH COLLABORATIVE, PA TCOINV06673 05/31/2023 20230714 2,000.00 CHECK 485776 TOTAL: 2,000.00 485777 07/14/2023 PRTD 101360 TWIN CITY HARDWARE COMPANY INC PSI2198167 06/13/2023 20230714 2,900.00 CHECK 485777 TOTAL: 2,900.00 485778 07/14/2023 PRTD 102150 TWIN CITY SEED CO 53933 05/15/2023 20230714 88.00 CHECK 485778 TOTAL: 88.00 485779 07/14/2023 PRTD 146436 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 130-136693 06/01/2023 20230714 109,543.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 130-136955 06/01/2023 20230714 7,939.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-426466 05/31/2023 20230714 11,392.93 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-427766 06/14/2023 20230714 962.50 CHECK 485779 TOTAL: 129,837.43 485780 07/14/2023 PRTD 103973 ULINE INC 164685348 06/12/2023 20230714 134.23 CHECK 485780 TOTAL: 134.23 485781 07/14/2023 PRTD 145567 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2702 06/22/2023 20230714 100.00 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2703 06/22/2023 20230714 316.30 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2711 06/28/2023 20230714 478.80 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 40 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485781 TOTAL: 895.10 485782 07/14/2023 PRTD 160770 LAURA M BREDEMUS 75986 06/15/2023 20230714 511.46 LAURA M BREDEMUS 75829 05/31/2023 20230714 196.00 CHECK 485782 TOTAL: 707.46 485783 07/14/2023 PRTD 112118 US BANK 6961421 06/23/2023 20230714 400.00 US BANK 6961232 06/23/2023 20230714 400.00 US BANK 6961110 06/23/2023 20230714 400.00 US BANK 6960958 06/23/2023 20230714 400.00 US BANK 6960957 06/23/2023 20230714 400.00 US BANK 6961055 06/23/2023 20230714 400.00 CHECK 485783 TOTAL: 2,400.00 485784 07/14/2023 PRTD 143327 GARBER, CAROL 5/3/23 06/19/2023 20230714 1,000.00 CHECK 485784 TOTAL: 1,000.00 485785 07/14/2023 PRTD 144033 USS MINNESOTA ONE MT LLC 59686 06/12/2023 20230714 7,623.56 CHECK 485785 TOTAL: 7,623.56 485786 07/14/2023 PRTD 103500 VALLEY PAVING INC ENG 21-2 #18 05/19/2023 20230714 278,827.42 CHECK 485786 TOTAL: 278,827.42 485787 07/14/2023 PRTD 144209 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 4483 06/21/2023 20230714 156.00 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 4486 06/21/2023 20230714 110.00 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 4517 06/28/2023 20230714 120.00 CHECK 485787 TOTAL: 386.00 485788 07/14/2023 PRTD 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES 99341 06/14/2023 20230714 21.98 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 41 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485788 TOTAL: 21.98 485789 07/14/2023 PRTD 101064 VESSCO INC 091297 06/19/2023 20230714 10,881.59 CHECK 485789 TOTAL: 10,881.59 485790 07/14/2023 PRTD 148579 VIERKANT DISPOSAL LLC 5/1/23 - 5/31/23 06/13/2023 20230714 68,070.00 CHECK 485790 TOTAL: 68,070.00 485791 07/14/2023 PRTD 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY S007002183.001 06/16/2023 20230714 98.60 CHECK 485791 TOTAL: 98.60 485792 07/14/2023 PRTD 160088 VINIFERA IMPORTS 326350 06/21/2023 20230714 1,780.00 CHECK 485792 TOTAL: 1,780.00 485793 07/14/2023 PRTD 119454 VINOCOPIA INC 0331735-IN 06/22/2023 20230714 276.50 VINOCOPIA INC 0331737-IN 06/23/2023 20230714 241.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0331739-IN 06/22/2023 20230714 127.50 VINOCOPIA INC 0331738-IN 06/22/2023 20230714 201.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0331740-IN 06/22/2023 20230714 960.75 VINOCOPIA INC 0331741-IN 06/22/2023 20230714 145.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0332200-IN 06/29/2023 20230714 437.75 VINOCOPIA INC 0332201-IN 06/29/2023 20230714 354.50 VINOCOPIA INC 0332214-IN 06/29/2023 20230714 1,025.00 VINOCOPIA INC 0332211-IN 06/29/2023 20230714 1,496.25 CHECK 485793 TOTAL: 5,266.00 485794 07/14/2023 PRTD 120627 VISTAR 68576238 06/16/2023 20230714 760.12 CHECK 485794 TOTAL: 760.12 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 42 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485795 07/14/2023 PRTD 132751 WARNING LITES OF MINNESOTA 23-02524 06/15/2023 20230714 469.80 CHECK 485795 TOTAL: 469.80 485796 07/14/2023 PRTD 103088 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN 0104506-2808-5 07/05/2023 20230714 7,216.75 CHECK 485796 TOTAL: 7,216.75 485797 07/14/2023 PRTD 135181 WATERFORD OIL CO INC 178413 06/15/2023 20230714 2,116.72 CHECK 485797 TOTAL: 2,116.72 485798 07/14/2023 PRTD 160415 WINCAN LLC 7879 06/16/2023 20230714 5,050.00 CHECK 485798 TOTAL: 5,050.00 485799 07/14/2023 PRTD 101033 WINE COMPANY 239034 06/21/2023 20230714 726.00 WINE COMPANY 239033 06/21/2023 20230714 182.00 WINE COMPANY 239032 06/21/2023 20230714 2,038.00 WINE COMPANY 239030 06/21/2023 20230714 51.12 WINE COMPANY 239031 06/21/2023 20230714 1,548.20 WINE COMPANY 239653 06/28/2023 20230714 2,946.00 CHECK 485799 TOTAL: 7,491.32 485800 07/14/2023 PRTD 144412 WINEBOW MN00132179 06/19/2023 20230714 -11.29 WINEBOW MN00132245 06/20/2023 20230714 1,107.00 WINEBOW MN00132208 06/20/2023 20230714 57.50 WINEBOW MN00132207 06/20/2023 20230714 1,182.00 WINEBOW MN00132582 06/27/2023 20230714 342.00 WINEBOW MN00132733 06/29/2023 20230714 406.44 WINEBOW MN00132709 06/29/2023 20230714 2,684.84 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 43 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485800 TOTAL: 5,768.49 485801 07/14/2023 PRTD 124503 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 245707 01 06/14/2023 20230714 39.32 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 245770 01 06/15/2023 20230714 14.29 CHECK 485801 TOTAL: 53.61 485802 07/14/2023 PRTD 142162 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4344 06/22/2023 20230714 328.50 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4342 06/22/2023 20230714 388.20 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4343 06/22/2023 20230714 564.60 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4364 06/29/2023 20230714 250.80 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4363 06/29/2023 20230714 609.60 CHECK 485802 TOTAL: 2,141.70 485803 07/14/2023 PRTD 127774 WORLDWIDE CELLARS INC INV-000275 06/20/2023 20230714 123.96 WORLDWIDE CELLARS INC INV-000130 06/20/2023 20230714 959.08 WORLDWIDE CELLARS INC INV-000364 06/26/2023 20230714 1,024.04 CHECK 485803 TOTAL: 2,107.08 485804 07/14/2023 PRTD 103410 WW GOETSCH ASSOCIATES INC 110452 06/13/2023 20230714 10,420.00 CHECK 485804 TOTAL: 10,420.00 485805 07/14/2023 PRTD 103266 YORKDALE SHOPPES PARTNERS, LLC June 2023 06/01/2023 20230714 1,148.77 YORKDALE SHOPPES PARTNERS, LLC July 2023 06/01/2023 20230714 1,148.77 CHECK 485805 TOTAL: 2,297.54 485806 07/14/2023 PRTD 136192 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION 3741241 05/31/2023 20230714 331.20 CHECK 485806 TOTAL: 331.20 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/13/2023 13:43User: MSchauerProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 44 NUMBER OF CHECKS 252 *** CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL *** 3,226,588.99 COUNT AMOUNT TOTAL PRINTED CHECKS 250 2,700,498.09 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS 2 526,090.90 *** GRAND TOTAL *** 3,226,588.99 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 43 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND SUB FUND DUE TO DUE FR 1000 General 124,846.572100 Police Special Revenue 129.982500 Conservation & Sustainability 178,002.012600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 13,565.002600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 5,760.854000 Capital Projects 202,440.594200 Equipment Replacement 259.964400 PIR Capital Projects 7,350.005100 Art Center 905.895200 Braemar Golf Course 6,891.945300 Aquatic Center 14,899.625400 Edinborough Park 1,259.365500 Braemar Arena 1,780.855600 Braemar Field 3,600.815700 Centennial Lakes 5,186.565800 Liquor 227,460.055900 Utility Fund 61,550.365900 Utility Fund 654.145900 Utility Fund 47,295.186000 Risk Management 246,812.166100 Equipment Operations 10,033.836200 Information Technology 20,477.136300 Facilities Management 8,213.787100 PS Training Facility 483.777200 MN Task Force 1 73,903.879000 Payroll 487,633.749999 Pooled Cash Fund 1,751,398.00 TOTAL 1,751,398.00 1,751,398.00 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Shirleng Tan Geil ** City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 1 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485807 07/21/2023 PRTD 133644 A DYNAMIC DOOR CO INC 22306231 06/24/2023 20230721 2,908.60 CHECK 485807 TOTAL: 2,908.60 485808 07/21/2023 PRTD 101304 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 0174787-IN 06/23/2023 20230721 885.85 CHECK 485808 TOTAL: 885.85 485809 07/21/2023 PRTD 129458 ACME ELECTRIC MOTOR INC 11429773 06/20/2023 20230721 756.00 ACME ELECTRIC MOTOR INC 11429626 06/20/2023 20230721 548.00 ACME ELECTRIC MOTOR INC 11439464 06/22/2023 20230721 524.62 CHECK 485809 TOTAL: 1,828.62 485810 07/21/2023 PRTD 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915944614 06/13/2023 20230721 917.79 ACUSHNET COMPANY 915944615 06/13/2023 20230721 568.99 ACUSHNET COMPANY 916097944 07/06/2023 20230721 -1,204.60 CHECK 485810 TOTAL: 282.18 485811 07/21/2023 PRTD 130792 AIRGAS NATIONAL CARBONATION 9139379961 06/23/2023 20230721 494.24 CHECK 485811 TOTAL: 494.24 485812 07/21/2023 PRTD 100575 AMERICAN CYLINDER LLC 207516 06/23/2023 20230721 136.59 CHECK 485812 TOTAL: 136.59 485813 07/21/2023 PRTD 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1HK9-DTC7-3P3J 04/04/2023 20230721 36.97 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 19DQ-16K9-K46R 05/05/2023 20230721 1,791.84 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1GH7-L7DX-K43N 05/18/2023 20230721 1,934.94 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1496-M14V-4WNV 05/30/2023 20230721 -1,525.84 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1LY1-DRHH-7K31 06/06/2023 20230721 19.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 19MJ-4NC3-HW14 06/19/2023 20230721 358.17 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1PVC-YXJW-KDCW 06/19/2023 20230721 352.86 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 2 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1H1D-4XMM-KGNQ 06/20/2023 20230721 87.18 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1VQL-7M6R-7TXC 06/20/2023 20230721 24.70 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1JH9-J4HJ-1CJ3 06/21/2023 20230721 54.93 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 119G-17J4-14VC 06/21/2023 20230721 19.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1VFQ-JTVN-1NTK 06/21/2023 20230721 159.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1F1M-6WTM-JL39 06/21/2023 20230721 10.12 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 13RW-KN4D-1K1X 06/21/2023 20230721 104.70 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17C9-D1H6-1GM1 06/21/2023 20230721 140.01 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17C9-D1H6-13MF 06/21/2023 20230721 83.82 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1PMJ-DGMW-49XG 06/21/2023 20230721 34.95 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1CCK-1MTR-3QKY 06/22/2023 20230721 -77.81 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1JYX-943X-44G7 06/22/2023 20230721 41.75 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1CGT-D447-914N 06/22/2023 20230721 89.08 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1YWH-VMJP-7RV7 06/22/2023 20230721 9.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 114J-R36H-7GQY 06/22/2023 20230721 347.32 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17TD-19PM-71M9 06/22/2023 20230721 259.96 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1K4J-LJRX-CCHC 06/23/2023 20230721 57.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 19P7-K9W1-9R7Q 06/23/2023 20230721 12.91 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1N6Y-DPFX-MDJX 06/25/2023 20230721 63.85 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1KGW-PCTL-L9CC 06/25/2023 20230721 59.90 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1JQW-1X7T-KMHQ 06/25/2023 20230721 56.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1CTL-YX9K-KNRM 06/25/2023 20230721 28.48 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 17HX-XY7M-KT6C 06/25/2023 20230721 8.78 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1J77-FQ77-KPN7 06/25/2023 20230721 91.71 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1N6H-GWPT-TD11 06/26/2023 20230721 45.97 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1TQP-PPY1-TD7V 06/26/2023 20230721 29.08 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 3 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 11LC-Q3HH-T9H9 06/26/2023 20230721 52.38 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1GCY-W7FR-MYD3 05/28/2023 20230721 158.94 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 483229 03/23/2023 20230721 -108.10 CHECK 485813 TOTAL: 4,918.46 485814 07/21/2023 PRTD 101874 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER 115568 06/22/2023 20230721 170.00 CHECK 485814 TOTAL: 170.00 485815 07/21/2023 PRTD 151441 ARAMARK UNIFORM AND CAREER APPEAL 2500266018 06/21/2023 20230721 319.19 CHECK 485815 TOTAL: 319.19 485816 07/21/2023 PRTD 106304 ASPEN MILLS INC 315833 06/26/2023 20230721 965.85 ASPEN MILLS INC 315846 06/26/2023 20230721 965.85 ASPEN MILLS INC 315848 06/26/2023 20230721 1,015.85 CHECK 485816 TOTAL: 2,947.55 485817 07/21/2023 PRTD 102774 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1 146354-070123 07/01/2023 20230721 343.76 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1 405453-070123 07/01/2023 20230721 3,495.47 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1 422086-070123 07/01/2023 20230721 8,054.84 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1 406543-070123 07/01/2023 20230721 10,058.79 CHECK 485817 TOTAL: 21,952.86 485818 07/21/2023 PRTD 100920 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 2122-965247 06/21/2023 20230721 59.33 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 2122-967009 06/26/2023 20230721 27.96 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 2122-965596 06/22/2023 20230721 46.32 CHECK 485818 TOTAL: 133.61 485819 07/21/2023 PRTD 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO 23271917.23-5 06/26/2023 20230721 5,445.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 4 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485819 TOTAL: 5,445.50 485820 07/21/2023 PRTD 151171 7TH STREET BEER COMPANY 2695 06/29/2023 20230721 420.00 CHECK 485820 TOTAL: 420.00 485821 07/21/2023 PRTD 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099946300 06/29/2023 20230721 4,636.43 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0100012600 06/30/2023 20230721 16.26 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0100012500 06/30/2023 20230721 -24.62 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099946200 06/30/2023 20230721 1,326.50 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0100012400 06/30/2023 20230721 -97.65 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099946400 06/29/2023 20230721 3,044.72 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0099946500 06/29/2023 20230721 343.30 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0107011600 06/29/2023 20230721 134.41 CHECK 485821 TOTAL: 9,379.35 485822 07/21/2023 PRTD 143097 BERRY DUNN MCNEIL & PARKER LLC 432060 06/26/2023 20230721 3,690.00 CHECK 485822 TOTAL: 3,690.00 485823 07/21/2023 PRTD 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 23172 06/28/2023 20230721 441.00 CHECK 485823 TOTAL: 441.00 485824 07/21/2023 PRTD 132444 BOLTON & MENK INC 0314356 06/22/2023 20230721 1,177.00 CHECK 485824 TOTAL: 1,177.00 485825 07/21/2023 PRTD 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 197698 06/27/2023 20230721 1,558.00 CHECK 485825 TOTAL: 1,558.00 485826 07/21/2023 PRTD 160765 BRADEN, ANN 23CAPF-Braden 06/20/2023 20230721 750.00 CHECK 485826 TOTAL: 750.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 5 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485827 07/21/2023 PRTD 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110868371 06/21/2023 20230721 6,195.34 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 110980294 06/28/2023 20230721 315.10 CHECK 485827 TOTAL: 6,510.44 485828 07/21/2023 PRTD 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 110845791 06/20/2023 20230721 8,945.73 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 110994529 06/28/2023 20230721 9,562.65 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 110953095 06/27/2023 20230721 302.00 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 1100953096 06/29/2023 20230721 203.10 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 411106185 06/20/2023 20230721 -30.00 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 411106186 06/20/2023 20230721 -444.55 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 411175506 06/21/2023 20230721 -13.60 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 411175507 06/21/2023 20230721 -81.60 CHECK 485828 TOTAL: 18,443.73 485829 07/21/2023 PRTD 150972 BROKEN CLOCK BREWING COOPERATIVE 7840 06/29/2023 20230721 239.00 CHECK 485829 TOTAL: 239.00 485830 07/21/2023 PRTD 103244 BURTIS, ROBERT 23CLP0050 07/18/2023 20230721 250.00 CHECK 485830 TOTAL: 250.00 485831 07/21/2023 PRTD 102149 CALLAWAY GOLF 936241619 04/01/2023 20230721 475.20 CALLAWAY GOLF 936587238 05/31/2023 20230721 666.90 CALLAWAY GOLF 936586594 05/31/2023 20230721 817.69 CALLAWAY GOLF 936606526 06/05/2023 20230721 813.60 CALLAWAY GOLF 936762673 07/06/2023 20230721 -192.60 CALLAWAY GOLF 936762672 07/06/2023 20230721 -192.60 CALLAWAY GOLF 936782469 07/11/2023 20230721 -2,126.93 CALLAWAY GOLF 936777594 07/11/2023 20230721 -131.40 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 6 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CALLAWAY GOLF 936777595 07/11/2023 20230721 -117.00 CHECK 485831 TOTAL: 12.86 485832 07/21/2023 PRTD 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2854795 06/28/2023 20230721 197.40 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2854794 06/28/2023 20230721 7,582.40 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2854796 06/28/2023 20230721 257.55 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 19600442 05/29/2023 20230721 -79.20 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2861257 07/14/2023 20230721 2,614.80 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2861256 07/14/2023 20230721 1,054.50 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2861255 07/14/2023 20230721 14.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2861260 07/14/2023 20230721 6,609.35 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2861258 07/18/2023 20230721 266.10 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2861259 07/14/2023 20230721 1,007.10 CHECK 485832 TOTAL: 19,524.00 485833 07/21/2023 PRTD 102372 CDW GOVERNMENT INC KB34395 06/07/2023 20230721 430.97 CHECK 485833 TOTAL: 430.97 485834 07/21/2023 PRTD 101515 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY 7175997 06/23/2023 20230721 879.50 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY 7176683 06/26/2023 20230721 982.50 CHECK 485834 TOTAL: 1,862.00 485835 07/21/2023 PRTD 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 4124221557 07/05/2022 20230721 117.63 CINTAS CORPORATION 4159365758 06/22/2023 20230721 14.00 CINTAS CORPORATION 4159365831 06/22/2023 20230721 13.68 CINTAS CORPORATION 4159365795 06/22/2023 20230721 6.00 CINTAS CORPORATION 4159618624 06/26/2023 20230721 78.65 CINTAS CORPORATION 4159618603 06/26/2023 20230721 11.52 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 7 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CINTAS CORPORATION 4159618531 06/26/2023 20230721 179.83 CHECK 485835 TOTAL: 421.31 485836 07/21/2023 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN RFD-06/23-1 06/29/2023 20230721 66,270.07 CHECK 485836 TOTAL: 66,270.07 485837 07/21/2023 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN ROCHESTER-07/2023-1 07/10/2023 20230721 1,384.92 CHECK 485837 TOTAL: 1,384.92 485838 07/21/2023 PRTD 100087 CITY OF SAINT PAUL IN54398 06/27/2023 20230721 1,000.00 CHECK 485838 TOTAL: 1,000.00 485839 07/21/2023 PRTD 146472 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN 32009017737 07/01/2023 20230721 4,241.59 CHECK 485839 TOTAL: 4,241.59 485840 07/21/2023 PRTD 130477 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 695993/6450115-116 06/28/2023 20230721 1,032.32 CHECK 485840 TOTAL: 1,032.32 485841 07/21/2023 PRTD 102165 ROGER CLEVELAND GOLF CO. INC 7518002 CA 06/21/2023 20230721 -365.52 ROGER CLEVELAND GOLF CO. INC 7548383 SO 06/23/2023 20230721 728.28 CHECK 485841 TOTAL: 362.76 485842 07/21/2023 PRTD 145952 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGIES 349340 04/28/2023 22300019 20230721 19,187.00 CHECK 485842 TOTAL: 19,187.00 485843 07/21/2023 PRTD 144092 CONCENTRA 103795646 06/23/2023 20230721 216.00 CHECK 485843 TOTAL: 216.00 485844 07/21/2023 PRTD 143187 CONQUER ATHLETICS LLC 3637 06/19/2023 20230721 140.00 CONQUER ATHLETICS LLC 3636 06/26/2023 20230721 280.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 8 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485844 TOTAL: 420.00 485845 07/21/2023 PRTD 121267 CREATIVE RESOURCES IN0002416 06/23/2023 20230721 63.55 CHECK 485845 TOTAL: 63.55 485846 07/21/2023 PRTD 100699 CULLIGAN SOFTWATER SERVICE COMPAN 114X92390901 06/30/2023 20230721 319.46 CHECK 485846 TOTAL: 319.46 485847 07/21/2023 PRTD 100703 CUSTOM FIRE APPARATUS INC. 0022409-IN 05/16/2023 20230721 2,094.01 CHECK 485847 TOTAL: 2,094.01 485848 07/21/2023 PRTD 104020 DALCO ENTERPRISES INC 4099631 06/22/2023 20230721 1,284.30 CHECK 485848 TOTAL: 1,284.30 485849 07/21/2023 PRTD 102195 DAY INVESTMENTS LLC P63393419 06/22/2023 20230721 27.00 DAY INVESTMENTS LLC P63457278 06/26/2023 20230721 127.50 CHECK 485849 TOTAL: 154.50 485850 07/21/2023 PRTD 121103 DIRECTV GROUP INC 045419181X230719 07/19/2023 20230721 148.81 CHECK 485850 TOTAL: 148.81 485851 07/21/2023 PRTD 140923 WILLEY, LANEE J 23CLP0054 07/18/2023 20230721 150.00 CHECK 485851 TOTAL: 150.00 485852 07/21/2023 PRTD 145811 EASTLAKE CRAFT BREWERY LLC 2315 06/28/2023 20230721 289.20 CHECK 485852 TOTAL: 289.20 485853 07/21/2023 PRTD 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 953404 06/22/2023 20230721 154.70 CHECK 485853 TOTAL: 154.70 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 9 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485854 07/21/2023 PRTD 142458 EDINA MARKET STREET LLC Q1-2023-S.RETAIL 05/03/2023 20230721 3,730.44 CHECK 485854 TOTAL: 3,730.44 485855 07/21/2023 PRTD 103594 EDINALARM INC 92587 06/26/2023 20230721 318.00 CHECK 485855 TOTAL: 318.00 485856 07/21/2023 PRTD 138265 ERANGE INC 108645 06/26/2023 20230721 400.00 CHECK 485856 TOTAL: 400.00 485857 07/21/2023 PRTD 160613 FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE 165827541 06/30/2023 20230721 1,003.75 FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE 165827846 06/30/2023 20230721 16.70 CHECK 485857 TOTAL: 1,020.45 485858 07/21/2023 PRTD 100146 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-492793 06/20/2023 20230721 264.71 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-492976 06/22/2023 20230721 423.90 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-492913 06/21/2023 20230721 53.75 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-492761 06/21/2023 20230721 7.66 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-493225 06/23/2023 20230721 103.08 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-493268 06/23/2023 20230721 112.50 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-493256 06/23/2023 20230721 3.52 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-493548 06/26/2023 20230721 10.56 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-493212 06/23/2023 20230721 59.81 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-493243 06/23/2023 20230721 150.77 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8764267 06/20/2023 20230721 102.59 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 158-093482 06/26/2023 20230721 3.52 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8781141 06/26/2023 20230721 120.12 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-8781138 06/26/2023 20230721 21.12 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 10 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 485858 TOTAL: 1,437.61 485859 07/21/2023 PRTD 147181 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-10693 06/28/2023 20230721 201.00 CHECK 485859 TOTAL: 201.00 485860 07/21/2023 PRTD 103600 FERGUSON US HOLDINGS INC 0514378 06/26/2023 20230721 79.20 CHECK 485860 TOTAL: 79.20 485861 07/21/2023 PRTD 142145 FISCHER BROS LLC 1955-783 06/26/2023 20230721 369.50 CHECK 485861 TOTAL: 369.50 485862 07/21/2023 PRTD 126444 KIRK STENSRUD ENTERPRISES INC 2315-52390 06/23/2023 20230721 426.00 CHECK 485862 TOTAL: 426.00 485863 07/21/2023 PRTD 160289 GOLF COMPETE INC 07-2023-18721 07/01/2023 20230721 1,655.01 CHECK 485863 TOTAL: 1,655.01 485864 07/21/2023 PRTD 102456 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1906136 06/20/2023 20230721 1,105.92 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1908052 06/22/2023 20230721 441.28 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1907366 06/21/2023 20230721 224.48 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1909725 06/26/2023 20230721 20.00 CHECK 485864 TOTAL: 1,791.68 485865 07/21/2023 PRTD 101351 GILBERT MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS LL 232703 06/22/2023 20230721 2,741.32 CHECK 485865 TOTAL: 2,741.32 485866 07/21/2023 PRTD 160589 GOES AROUND TIRE TRANSPORT LLC 6720 06/27/2023 20230721 303.00 CHECK 485866 TOTAL: 303.00 485867 07/21/2023 PRTD 101103 WW GRAINGER 9746307736 06/21/2023 20230721 1,110.40 WW GRAINGER 9747963792 06/22/2023 20230721 87.63 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 11 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET WW GRAINGER 9749085057 06/23/2023 20230721 179.23 WW GRAINGER 9750838683 06/26/2023 20230721 35.00 CHECK 485867 TOTAL: 1,412.26 485868 07/21/2023 PRTD 160003 GRAY, GLENN S ECH-0710-23 07/10/2023 20230721 75.00 CHECK 485868 TOTAL: 75.00 485869 07/21/2023 PRTD 102426 HALE, WILLIAM 23CLP0053 07/18/2023 20230721 250.00 CHECK 485869 TOTAL: 250.00 485870 07/21/2023 PRTD 151168 HAMMER SPORTS LLC 3423 06/25/2023 20230721 442.00 CHECK 485870 TOTAL: 442.00 485871 07/21/2023 PRTD 122093 GROUP HEALTHPLAN INC 121775660 06/26/2023 20230721 484,062.36 GROUP HEALTHPLAN INC 121768878 06/26/2023 20230721 22,285.19 CHECK 485871 TOTAL: 506,347.55 485872 07/21/2023 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000200519 02/26/2023 20230721 67.00 CHECK 485872 TOTAL: 67.00 485873 07/21/2023 PRTD 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC 622027 06/27/2023 20230721 6,217.80 CHECK 485873 TOTAL: 6,217.80 485874 07/21/2023 PRTD 151094 HOPKINS SPORTS CAMPS LLC 20644R1 06/20/2023 20230721 5,187.60 CHECK 485874 TOTAL: 5,187.60 485875 07/21/2023 PRTD 116680 HP INC 9017432056 05/19/2023 20230721 1,187.00 CHECK 485875 TOTAL: 1,187.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 12 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485876 07/21/2023 PRTD 160559 HUMERATECH INC 230153 01/31/2023 20230721 40,517.62 HUMERATECH INC 230255 03/31/2023 20230721 40,509.90 HUMERATECH INC TBD-04/23 04/30/2023 20230721 26,053.51 HUMERATECH INC 230397 05/31/2023 20230721 65,347.08 CHECK 485876 TOTAL: 172,428.11 485877 07/21/2023 PRTD 119857 ICMA 2023 DUES-190781 06/21/2023 20230721 1,200.00 CHECK 485877 TOTAL: 1,200.00 485878 07/21/2023 PRTD 146427 LUCID BREWING LLC 16387 06/28/2023 20230721 186.00 CHECK 485878 TOTAL: 186.00 485879 07/21/2023 PRTD 141969 ESPRESSO SERVICES, INC MN3132734 06/26/2023 20230721 1,233.60 CHECK 485879 TOTAL: 1,233.60 485880 07/21/2023 PRTD 124290 INTERNATIONAL CHEMTEX LLC 41624 06/22/2023 20230721 368.21 CHECK 485880 TOTAL: 368.21 485881 07/21/2023 PRTD 160762 JACOB WISE 23CAPF-Wise 06/20/2023 20230721 2,000.00 CHECK 485881 TOTAL: 2,000.00 485882 07/21/2023 PRTD 102157 JEFF ELLIS AND ASSOCIATES INC 20115058 06/21/2023 20230721 210.00 CHECK 485882 TOTAL: 210.00 485883 07/21/2023 PRTD 100828 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC FIRE-06/2023 06/25/2023 20230721 315.65 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC POLICE-06/2023 06/25/2023 20230721 50.34 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC PARKS-06/2023 06/25/2023 20230721 676.67 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC STREETS-06/2023 06/25/2023 20230721 162.52 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC FACILITIES-06/2023 06/25/2023 20230721 5.39 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 13 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC UTILITIES-06/2023 06/25/2023 20230721 143.04 CHECK 485883 TOTAL: 1,353.61 485884 07/21/2023 PRTD 102146 JESSEN PRESS INC 690981 06/03/2023 20230721 10,492.00 JESSEN PRESS INC 691002 07/06/2023 20230721 6,095.00 CHECK 485884 TOTAL: 16,587.00 485885 07/21/2023 PRTD 160790 JM MORALES INNOVATION LANDSCAPE 003425 07/09/2023 20230721 7,350.00 CHECK 485885 TOTAL: 7,350.00 485886 07/21/2023 PRTD 100835 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3612491 06/29/2023 20230721 5,331.58 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 365597 06/03/2023 20230721 -16.20 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3612490 06/29/2023 20230721 6,953.28 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 366950 07/03/2023 20230721 -33.84 CHECK 485886 TOTAL: 12,234.82 485887 07/21/2023 PRTD 100835 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6617564 06/29/2023 20230721 5,777.15 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6617558 06/29/2023 20230721 1,467.95 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6617559 06/29/2023 20230721 2,760.75 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6617557 06/29/2023 20230721 454.75 CHECK 485887 TOTAL: 10,460.60 485888 07/21/2023 PRTD 100835 WINE MERCHANTS 7432054 06/22/2023 20230721 5,342.60 WINE MERCHANTS 7433031 06/29/2023 20230721 9,256.21 WINE MERCHANTS 7433029 06/29/2023 20230721 356.20 WINE MERCHANTS 7433030 06/29/2023 20230721 138.80 CHECK 485888 TOTAL: 15,093.81 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 14 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485889 07/21/2023 PRTD 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2325851 06/22/2023 20230721 5,395.36 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331293 06/29/2023 20230721 6,846.15 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331317 06/29/2023 20230721 9,749.03 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331315 06/30/2023 20230721 6,561.13 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331314 06/29/2023 20230721 9,535.52 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331319 06/29/2023 20230721 7,209.20 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331297 06/29/2023 20230721 1,272.50 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331306 06/29/2023 20230721 4,560.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331301 06/29/2023 20230721 980.42 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331305 06/29/2023 20230721 4,424.97 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331304 06/29/2023 20230721 3,902.91 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331302 06/29/2023 20230721 1,062.05 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331298 06/29/2023 20230721 210.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331307 06/29/2023 20230721 2,705.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 2331303 06/29/2023 20230721 5,252.68 CHECK 485889 TOTAL: 69,668.92 485890 07/21/2023 PRTD 160140 JOHNSTON, STEVEN ROBERT 23CLP0047 07/18/2023 20230721 250.00 CHECK 485890 TOTAL: 250.00 485891 07/21/2023 PRTD 102113 AUDRANN INC 1426688 06/21/2023 20230721 75.60 AUDRANN INC 1426875 06/22/2023 20230721 47.68 CHECK 485891 TOTAL: 123.28 485892 07/21/2023 PRTD 160462 JPMI CONSTRUCTION CO 9202217-4F 05/24/2023 20230721 31,931.80 CHECK 485892 TOTAL: 31,931.80 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 15 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485893 07/21/2023 PRTD 145396 JUNKYARD BREWING COMPANY LLC 005746 06/29/2023 20230721 200.00 CHECK 485893 TOTAL: 200.00 485894 07/21/2023 PRTD 160763 KEITH ROBERT MOSER 23CAPF-Moser 06/20/2023 20230721 1,843.90 CHECK 485894 TOTAL: 1,843.90 485895 07/21/2023 PRTD 136686 KIDCREATE STUDIO 1013 v1 06/10/2023 20230721 180.00 CHECK 485895 TOTAL: 180.00 485896 07/21/2023 PRTD 160105 KILLMER ELECTRIC CO., INC. W20790 06/22/2023 20230721 550.00 CHECK 485896 TOTAL: 550.00 485897 07/21/2023 PRTD 124002 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 25062214 05/31/2023 20230721 2,186.14 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 25062213 05/31/2023 20230721 1,289.20 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 25062211 05/31/2023 20230721 5,760.85 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 160603028-0523 05/31/2023 20230721 13,565.00 CHECK 485897 TOTAL: 22,801.19 485898 07/21/2023 PRTD 160541 KUBISTA, TERENCE 4 06/23/2023 20230721 100.00 CHECK 485898 TOTAL: 100.00 485899 07/21/2023 PRTD 151024 LA DONA SBC 6438 06/28/2023 20230721 152.00 CHECK 485899 TOTAL: 152.00 485900 07/21/2023 PRTD 139451 LANDBRIDGE ECOLOGICAL INC 1828 04/19/2023 20230721 30,383.38 CHECK 485900 TOTAL: 30,383.38 485901 07/21/2023 PRTD 101220 LANO EQUIPMENT INC 01-1004214 06/26/2023 20230721 73.97 CHECK 485901 TOTAL: 73.97 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 16 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485902 07/21/2023 PRTD 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9310716435 06/23/2023 20230721 1,369.51 CHECK 485902 TOTAL: 1,369.51 485903 07/21/2023 PRTD 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 40002474-07/23 07/07/2023 20230721 224,209.00 CHECK 485903 TOTAL: 224,209.00 485904 07/21/2023 PRTD 160424 LEXIPOL INVPRA116147 05/01/2023 20230721 3,698.52 CHECK 485904 TOTAL: 3,698.52 485905 07/21/2023 PRTD 135867 LIBATION PROJECT 59749 06/27/2023 20230721 672.24 CHECK 485905 TOTAL: 672.24 485906 07/21/2023 PRTD 130046 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH A June 2023 06/27/2023 20230721 2,567.63 CHECK 485906 TOTAL: 2,567.63 485907 07/21/2023 PRTD 160779 NORTH CO 2023-248082 05/11/2023 20230721 980.00 CHECK 485907 TOTAL: 980.00 485908 07/21/2023 PRTD 141916 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 54130 06/28/2023 20230721 477.70 CHECK 485908 TOTAL: 477.70 485909 07/21/2023 PRTD 114593 MAAP 2023- DUES-ERICKSEN 07/06/2023 20230721 165.00 CHECK 485909 TOTAL: 165.00 485910 07/21/2023 PRTD 160640 MARGE MAGNUSON CONSTRUCTION CO IN FC22-113 #3 06/26/2023 20230721 41,740.15 CHECK 485910 TOTAL: 41,740.15 485911 07/21/2023 PRTD 116410 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS 39372533 06/20/2023 20230721 1,066.71 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS 39389321 06/21/2023 20230721 14,294.64 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS 39404127 06/23/2023 20230721 9,204.02 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 17 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS 39404128 06/23/2023 20230721 9,237.08 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS 39142092 05/31/2023 20230721 275.85 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS 39181006 06/02/2023 20230721 1,307.29 CHECK 485911 TOTAL: 35,385.59 485912 07/21/2023 PRTD 100251 MATT'S AUTO SERVICE INC 16967 04/27/2023 20230721 125.00 MATT'S AUTO SERVICE INC 16974 06/15/2023 20230721 375.00 CHECK 485912 TOTAL: 500.00 485913 07/21/2023 PRTD 141215 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV1018915 06/30/2023 20230721 1,950.06 CHECK 485913 TOTAL: 1,950.06 485914 07/21/2023 PRTD 105603 MEDICINE LAKE TOURS 07-19-2023 07/11/2023 20230721 1,260.00 CHECK 485914 TOTAL: 1,260.00 485915 07/21/2023 PRTD 101483 MENARDS 83763 06/23/2023 20230721 19.96 MENARDS 83244 06/15/2023 20230721 72.87 MENARDS 83172 06/14/2023 20230721 232.54 MENARDS 83705 06/22/2023 20230721 7.68 MENARDS 83688 06/22/2023 20230721 58.78 MENARDS 83898 06/26/2023 20230721 51.98 MENARDS 83619 06/21/2023 20230721 103.94 MENARDS 83629 06/21/2023 20230721 18.44 MENARDS 83497 06/19/2023 20230721 337.06 MENARDS 83620 06/21/2023 20230721 95.40 CHECK 485915 TOTAL: 998.65 485916 07/21/2023 PRTD 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 532005 06/22/2023 20230721 25.12 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 531344 04/05/2023 20230721 127.71 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 18 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 531597 05/04/2023 20230721 9.22 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC CM531597 05/10/2023 20230721 -9.22 CHECK 485916 TOTAL: 152.83 485917 07/21/2023 PRTD 104650 MICRO CENTER 9722731 06/20/2023 20230721 129.98 CHECK 485917 TOTAL: 129.98 485918 07/21/2023 PRTD 145395 MILK AND HONEY LLC 12270 06/29/2023 20230721 136.00 CHECK 485918 TOTAL: 136.00 485919 07/21/2023 PRTD 160632 MINERAL SERVICE PLUS LLC 6965-1 06/29/2023 20230721 16,150.00 CHECK 485919 TOTAL: 16,150.00 485920 07/21/2023 PRTD 116498 MINNEAPOLIS POLICE BAND 23CLP0051 07/18/2023 20230721 150.00 CHECK 485920 TOTAL: 150.00 485921 07/21/2023 PRTD 103942 MINNESOTA FIRE SERVICE CERTIFICAT 11574 06/21/2023 20230721 126.00 CHECK 485921 TOTAL: 126.00 485922 07/21/2023 PRTD 112908 MINNESOTA ROADWAYS COMPANY 87739 06/23/2023 20230721 1,780.00 CHECK 485922 TOTAL: 1,780.00 485923 07/21/2023 PRTD 100252 MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIV 1163656 06/13/2023 20230721 1,200.00 MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIV 1159356 05/23/2023 20230721 1,000.00 CHECK 485923 TOTAL: 2,200.00 485924 07/21/2023 PRTD 100252 MINNESOTA HIGHWAY SAFETY AND RESE 337900-10120 06/22/2023 20230721 490.00 CHECK 485924 TOTAL: 490.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 19 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485925 07/21/2023 PRTD 101385 MITY LITE INC SO137046 06/20/2023 20230721 1,245.00 CHECK 485925 TOTAL: 1,245.00 485926 07/21/2023 PRTD 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC E-42384 06/23/2023 20230721 84.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-42520 06/28/2023 20230721 235.00 CHECK 485926 TOTAL: 319.00 485927 07/21/2023 PRTD 100912 MOTOROLA INC 1187101701 06/23/2023 20230721 6,248.88 CHECK 485927 TOTAL: 6,248.88 485928 07/21/2023 PRTD 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1392522-00 06/21/2023 20230721 586.19 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1392518-00 06/21/2023 20230721 990.84 CHECK 485928 TOTAL: 1,577.03 485929 07/21/2023 PRTD 124711 MURPHY AUTOMOTIVE INC 219230 06/22/2023 20230721 179.90 CHECK 485929 TOTAL: 179.90 485930 07/21/2023 PRTD 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 206984 06/28/2023 20230721 1,774.00 CHECK 485930 TOTAL: 1,774.00 485931 07/21/2023 PRTD 101620 NORTH SECOND STREET STEEL SUPPLY 537190 06/21/2023 20230721 173.00 CHECK 485931 TOTAL: 173.00 485932 07/21/2023 PRTD 160743 NORTHWESTERN POWER EQUIPMENT CO., 230122DJ 06/26/2023 20230721 6,106.25 NORTHWESTERN POWER EQUIPMENT CO., 230180DJ 05/15/2023 20230721 194.48 CHECK 485932 TOTAL: 6,300.73 485933 07/21/2023 PRTD 160426 NOVACARE REHABILITATION 846632909 06/26/2023 20230721 370.00 CHECK 485933 TOTAL: 370.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 20 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485934 07/21/2023 PRTD 999998 HIRSCHFELD, MARK 273-23-0763 06/26/2023 20230721 894.25 CHECK 485934 TOTAL: 894.25 485935 07/21/2023 PRTD 999998 MANZAVRAKOS, DARLENE 273-23-0874 06/26/2023 20230721 108.30 CHECK 485935 TOTAL: 108.30 485936 07/21/2023 PRTD 999998 MARCICH, SUSAN 273-23-1498 06/26/2023 20230721 110.91 CHECK 485936 TOTAL: 110.91 485937 07/21/2023 PRTD 999998 OLANA, TIGIST 273-22-7281 06/26/2023 20230721 499.71 CHECK 485937 TOTAL: 499.71 485938 07/21/2023 PRTD 999995 Bollig & Sons ED202949-REFUND 07/03/2023 20230721 2,500.00 CHECK 485938 TOTAL: 2,500.00 485939 07/21/2023 PRTD 999995 Refined LLC ED183412-REFUND 07/03/2023 20230721 9,450.00 CHECK 485939 TOTAL: 9,450.00 485940 07/21/2023 PRTD 999994 Mary Yee 23WELL-Yee 06/20/2023 20230721 425.00 CHECK 485940 TOTAL: 425.00 485941 07/21/2023 PRTD 999994 Quick Dry Carpet and Uphulstery 087936 06/22/2023 20230721 95.00 CHECK 485941 TOTAL: 95.00 485942 07/21/2023 PRTD 999996 Bennett, Alexis 57107076-REFUND 07/11/2023 20230721 194.00 CHECK 485942 TOTAL: 194.00 485943 07/21/2023 PRTD 999996 Melin, Mari 57049604-REFUND 07/10/2023 20230721 224.00 CHECK 485943 TOTAL: 224.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 21 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485944 07/21/2023 PRTD 999996 Moeller, Will 56805559-REFUND 07/07/2023 20230721 194.00 CHECK 485944 TOTAL: 194.00 485945 07/21/2023 PRTD 999996 Ostlund, Kate 57106746-REFUND 07/11/2023 20230721 279.00 CHECK 485945 TOTAL: 279.00 485946 07/21/2023 PRTD 999996 Otto, Angie 57040790-REFUND 07/10/2023 20230721 194.00 CHECK 485946 TOTAL: 194.00 485947 07/21/2023 PRTD 999996 Tucci, Katherine 57045236-REFUND 07/10/2023 20230721 274.00 CHECK 485947 TOTAL: 274.00 485948 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 AHLBRECHT, BRUCE 82258 07/17/2023 20230721 31.84 CHECK 485948 TOTAL: 31.84 485949 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 ANDERSON, BRIAN W 82261 07/17/2023 20230721 157.15 CHECK 485949 TOTAL: 157.15 485950 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 ANDERSON, JEFF 82264 07/17/2023 20230721 215.54 CHECK 485950 TOTAL: 215.54 485951 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 ASTRUP, MICHAEL 82238 07/17/2023 20230721 432.14 CHECK 485951 TOTAL: 432.14 485952 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 BERGLUND, MICHAEL 82270 07/17/2023 20230721 24.86 CHECK 485952 TOTAL: 24.86 485953 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 BISBEE, EVAN 82229 07/17/2023 20230721 43.66 CHECK 485953 TOTAL: 43.66 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 22 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485954 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 CARLSON, REGINA 82267 07/17/2023 20230721 50.06 CHECK 485954 TOTAL: 50.06 485955 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 CHIEN, CHIU-YING W 82273 07/17/2023 20230721 206.22 CHECK 485955 TOTAL: 206.22 485956 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 CLAIRMONT, JAYNE M 82262 07/17/2023 20230721 39.94 CHECK 485956 TOTAL: 39.94 485957 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 COMMERS, PAUL 82222 07/17/2023 20230721 450.00 CHECK 485957 TOTAL: 450.00 485958 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 CONRY, JOHN 82239 07/17/2023 20230721 9.57 CHECK 485958 TOTAL: 9.57 485959 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 DEAL, ERIC 82274 07/17/2023 20230721 278.26 CHECK 485959 TOTAL: 278.26 485960 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 DUPONT, AMANDA 82256 07/17/2023 20230721 52.21 CHECK 485960 TOTAL: 52.21 485961 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 EASTMAN, NOAH 82257 07/17/2023 20230721 169.89 CHECK 485961 TOTAL: 169.89 485962 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 EFTEKHARI, MALEKEH 82235 07/17/2023 20230721 370.27 CHECK 485962 TOTAL: 370.27 485963 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 ESTATE OF RICHARD CHARLES JONES 82231 07/17/2023 20230721 40.50 CHECK 485963 TOTAL: 40.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 23 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485964 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 FORTES, ANTONIO 82232 07/17/2023 20230721 179.38 CHECK 485964 TOTAL: 179.38 485965 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 GILLOON, BEN 82268 07/17/2023 20230721 61.92 CHECK 485965 TOTAL: 61.92 485966 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 GONYEA, JULIE 82251 07/17/2023 20230721 239.00 CHECK 485966 TOTAL: 239.00 485967 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 GRONSETH, DEBORAH 82281 07/17/2023 20230721 23.86 CHECK 485967 TOTAL: 23.86 485968 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 HADDAD, RICHARD 82278 07/17/2023 20230721 98.56 CHECK 485968 TOTAL: 98.56 485969 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 HANSEN, JANE C 82224 07/17/2023 20230721 183.66 CHECK 485969 TOTAL: 183.66 485970 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 HANSEN, JANE C 82286 07/17/2023 20230721 66.34 CHECK 485970 TOTAL: 66.34 485971 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 HENKEL, SCOTT 82271 07/17/2023 20230721 63.96 CHECK 485971 TOTAL: 63.96 485972 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 HERRO, PAUL 82241 07/17/2023 20230721 220.53 CHECK 485972 TOTAL: 220.53 485973 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 HOFFMANN, GEORGE 82260 07/17/2023 20230721 272.14 CHECK 485973 TOTAL: 272.14 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 24 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485974 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 HOLTEN, RYAN 82246 07/17/2023 20230721 39.36 CHECK 485974 TOTAL: 39.36 485975 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 JERRY D HORN REVOCABLE DEED OF TR 82253 07/17/2023 20230721 111.30 CHECK 485975 TOTAL: 111.30 485976 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 JOHNSON, DANIEL 82283 07/17/2023 20230721 19.75 CHECK 485976 TOTAL: 19.75 485977 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 JOSEPH, LINVAL 82272 07/17/2023 20230721 190.00 CHECK 485977 TOTAL: 190.00 485978 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 KALUZA, ANNE 82259 07/17/2023 20230721 300.00 CHECK 485978 TOTAL: 300.00 485979 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 KELLER, ROBIN ROHDE 82245 07/17/2023 20230721 25.06 CHECK 485979 TOTAL: 25.06 485980 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 KLEMANN, RANDALL 82243 07/17/2023 20230721 417.24 CHECK 485980 TOTAL: 417.24 485981 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 KOEHN, JUSDSON 82242 07/17/2023 20230721 211.34 CHECK 485981 TOTAL: 211.34 485982 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 LAGALY, CHRIS 82275 07/17/2023 20230721 261.97 CHECK 485982 TOTAL: 261.97 485983 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 LAMBERT, KARL 82240 07/17/2023 20230721 16.56 CHECK 485983 TOTAL: 16.56 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 25 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485984 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 LIEBL, DAVID 82252 07/17/2023 20230721 271.27 CHECK 485984 TOTAL: 271.27 485985 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 LU-LAWSON, JUDY 82266 07/17/2023 20230721 14.36 CHECK 485985 TOTAL: 14.36 485986 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 LUND, EILEEN 82230 07/17/2023 20230721 221.78 CHECK 485986 TOTAL: 221.78 485987 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 LUNDIN, HAROLD 82226 07/17/2023 20230721 39.94 CHECK 485987 TOTAL: 39.94 485988 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 MITCHELL, LEE 82276 07/17/2023 20230721 42.89 CHECK 485988 TOTAL: 42.89 485989 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 NESSAR, BOUCHAIB 82236 07/17/2023 20230721 106.67 CHECK 485989 TOTAL: 106.67 485990 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 O'SHAUGHNESSY, MICHAEL L 82249 07/17/2023 20230721 179.27 CHECK 485990 TOTAL: 179.27 485991 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 OGDEN, WILLIAM 82248 07/17/2023 20230721 14.63 CHECK 485991 TOTAL: 14.63 485992 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 PALM, TRENT 82265 07/17/2023 20230721 280.47 CHECK 485992 TOTAL: 280.47 485993 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 ROCHAT, THOMAS R 82254 07/17/2023 20230721 130.00 CHECK 485993 TOTAL: 130.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 26 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 485994 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 ROEPKE, DARREL 82277 07/17/2023 20230721 36.06 CHECK 485994 TOTAL: 36.06 485995 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 RUTHERFORD, THEODORE 82228 07/17/2023 20230721 300.00 CHECK 485995 TOTAL: 300.00 485996 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 RYDER, JUSTIN 82247 07/17/2023 20230721 170.79 CHECK 485996 TOTAL: 170.79 485997 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 SCHMITT, JOSEPH 82263 07/17/2023 20230721 180.09 CHECK 485997 TOTAL: 180.09 485998 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 SCOTT, STEVEN 82244 07/17/2023 20230721 700.00 CHECK 485998 TOTAL: 700.00 485999 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 SEDOFF, JEANNE A 82233 07/17/2023 20230721 37.85 CHECK 485999 TOTAL: 37.85 486000 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC 82250 07/17/2023 20230721 736.04 CHECK 486000 TOTAL: 736.04 486001 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 SHARP, KARL O 82284 07/17/2023 20230721 111.16 CHECK 486001 TOTAL: 111.16 486002 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 SMITH, DANNETTE L 82227 07/17/2023 20230721 47.55 CHECK 486002 TOTAL: 47.55 486003 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 SORENSEN, ROGER 82269 07/17/2023 20230721 174.99 CHECK 486003 TOTAL: 174.99 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 27 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 486004 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 SPROUT, JEFFERY 82225 07/17/2023 20230721 34.73 CHECK 486004 TOTAL: 34.73 486005 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 STECKLER, DEL 82223 07/17/2023 20230721 53.41 CHECK 486005 TOTAL: 53.41 486006 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 THIES, NICOLLE 82280 07/17/2023 20230721 10.44 CHECK 486006 TOTAL: 10.44 486007 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 WATCHMAKER, LINDA 82279 07/17/2023 20230721 895.12 CHECK 486007 TOTAL: 895.12 486008 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 WITHERSPOON, KEITH 82255 07/17/2023 20230721 395.94 CHECK 486008 TOTAL: 395.94 486009 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 WOLDING, SUZETTE 82234 07/17/2023 20230721 693.34 CHECK 486009 TOTAL: 693.34 486010 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 ZABEL, NOI DAWN 82282 07/17/2023 20230721 168.02 CHECK 486010 TOTAL: 168.02 486011 07/21/2023 PRTD 999997 ZENNER, DAN 82237 07/17/2023 20230721 199.54 CHECK 486011 TOTAL: 199.54 486012 07/21/2023 PRTD 160764 ORIGINAL WATERMEN IN S83358 06/23/2023 20230721 750.45 CHECK 486012 TOTAL: 750.45 486013 07/21/2023 PRTD 104916 PAINTERS GEAR INC 76492 06/16/2023 20230721 113.37 CHECK 486013 TOTAL: 113.37 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 28 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 486014 07/21/2023 PRTD 100944 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 206141/206249 06/27/2023 20230721 3,481.70 CHECK 486014 TOTAL: 3,481.70 486015 07/21/2023 PRTD 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 26022955 06/29/2023 20230721 517.00 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 44661002 07/06/2023 20230721 2,317.56 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 47070563 07/10/2023 20230721 790.80 CHECK 486015 TOTAL: 3,625.36 486016 07/21/2023 PRTD 149249 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-194126 06/29/2023 20230721 507.77 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-194217 06/29/2023 20230721 352.00 CHECK 486016 TOTAL: 859.77 486017 07/21/2023 PRTD 160501 PFM ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC 13751809 06/20/2023 20230721 3,356.42 CHECK 486017 TOTAL: 3,356.42 486018 07/21/2023 PRTD 100119 PING INC 16990672 06/20/2023 20230721 96.17 CHECK 486018 TOTAL: 96.17 486019 07/21/2023 PRTD 118747 POTTERS INDUSTRIES LLC 91401012 06/19/2023 20230721 15,120.00 CHECK 486019 TOTAL: 15,120.00 486020 07/21/2023 PRTD 129706 PREMIUM WATERS INC 319529884 07/05/2023 20230721 57.99 CHECK 486020 TOTAL: 57.99 486021 07/21/2023 PRTD 124831 PRESSWRITE PRINTING INC 087593 06/20/2023 20230721 268.00 CHECK 486021 TOTAL: 268.00 486022 07/21/2023 PRTD 105690 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 110249 06/22/2023 20230721 260.44 CHECK 486022 TOTAL: 260.44 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 29 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 486023 07/21/2023 PRTD 106322 SCHENCK, DAVID 160811 06/26/2023 20230721 292.70 SCHENCK, DAVID 160830 06/26/2023 20230721 139.57 SCHENCK, DAVID 160829 06/26/2023 20230721 761.28 SCHENCK, DAVID 160831 06/26/2023 20230721 379.18 CHECK 486023 TOTAL: 1,572.73 486024 07/21/2023 PRTD 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-57406 06/29/2023 20230721 626.25 CHECK 486024 TOTAL: 626.25 486025 07/21/2023 PRTD 131685 QUADIENT LEASING US, INC. N9997520 06/22/2023 20230721 516.99 CHECK 486025 TOTAL: 516.99 486026 07/21/2023 PRTD 110777 RAINBOW TREE COMPANY 457064 06/20/2023 20230721 1,082.14 CHECK 486026 TOTAL: 1,082.14 486027 07/21/2023 PRTD 125936 REINDERS INC 3096420-00 06/21/2023 20230721 140.00 REINDERS INC 3096371-00 06/22/2023 20230721 2,683.58 REINDERS INC 3096371-01 06/22/2023 20230721 81.20 CHECK 486027 TOTAL: 2,904.78 486028 07/21/2023 PRTD 125936 REINDERS INC 3096540-00 06/26/2023 20230721 4,660.00 CHECK 486028 TOTAL: 4,660.00 486029 07/21/2023 PRTD 133627 REPUBLIC SERVICES #894 0894-006295958 06/30/2023 20230721 47,295.18 CHECK 486029 TOTAL: 47,295.18 486030 07/21/2023 PRTD 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 87650 06/21/2023 20230721 845.00 CHECK 486030 TOTAL: 845.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 30 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 486031 07/21/2023 PRTD 160438 RODAL, YUNIOR ROMERO 23CLP0049 07/18/2023 20230721 200.00 CHECK 486031 TOTAL: 200.00 486032 07/21/2023 PRTD 127639 MIDWAY FORD COMPANY 780480 06/23/2023 20230721 86.32 MIDWAY FORD COMPANY 780485 06/23/2023 20230721 100.60 CHECK 486032 TOTAL: 186.92 486033 07/21/2023 PRTD 160458 RUDDY, PETER 23CLP0052 07/18/2023 20230721 150.00 CHECK 486033 TOTAL: 150.00 486034 07/21/2023 PRTD 129348 SAFETY ON SITE LLC 100120-05.03.2023 07/05/2023 20230721 4,660.00 CHECK 486034 TOTAL: 4,660.00 486035 07/21/2023 PRTD 103409 KELBRO COMPANY 2909191 06/27/2023 20230721 109.60 KELBRO COMPANY 2908017 06/29/2023 20230721 103.35 KELBRO COMPANY 2911678 07/01/2023 20230721 99.55 KELBRO COMPANY 2911674 07/03/2023 20230721 46.80 KELBRO COMPANY 2911675-A 07/01/2023 20230721 114.00 KELBRO COMPANY 2910370 07/06/2023 20230721 213.90 CHECK 486035 TOTAL: 687.20 486036 07/21/2023 PRTD 160278 ROHN INDUSTRIES, INC 0001756 06/14/2023 20230721 32.72 ROHN INDUSTRIES, INC 0002382 06/23/2023 20230721 35.46 CHECK 486036 TOTAL: 68.18 486037 07/21/2023 PRTD 120784 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 18396 06/21/2023 20230721 297.90 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 18397 06/21/2023 20230721 139.68 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 18413 06/23/2023 20230721 49.26 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 18419 06/29/2023 20230721 195.62 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 31 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 486037 TOTAL: 682.46 486038 07/21/2023 PRTD 137482 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131331932-001 06/15/2023 20230721 117.10 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131569886-001 06/21/2023 20230721 198.70 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131566546-001 06/21/2023 20230721 177.11 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131613207-001 06/22/2023 20230721 225.30 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131608809-001 06/22/2023 20230721 372.16 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131654739-001 06/23/2023 20230721 377.36 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 131735593-001 06/26/2023 20230721 21.55 CHECK 486038 TOTAL: 1,489.28 486039 07/21/2023 PRTD 132195 SMALL LOT MN MN66445 06/27/2023 20230721 449.52 SMALL LOT MN MN66446 06/27/2023 20230721 161.46 CHECK 486039 TOTAL: 610.98 486040 07/21/2023 PRTD 127878 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2358513 06/21/2023 20230721 8,196.48 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361498 06/28/2023 20230721 5,459.97 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361492 06/28/2023 20230721 5,277.13 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361491 06/28/2023 20230721 .07 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361496 06/28/2023 20230721 4,927.46 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361495 06/28/2023 20230721 238.00 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361493 06/28/2023 20230721 469.60 SOUTHERN GLAZERS WINE & SPIRITS L 2361494 06/28/2023 20230721 440.40 CHECK 486040 TOTAL: 25,009.11 486041 07/21/2023 PRTD 105842 MINER, LTD 801702 06/19/2023 20230721 73,500.00 CHECK 486041 TOTAL: 73,500.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 32 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 486042 07/21/2023 PRTD 101007 STAR TRIBUNE MEDIA INTERMEDIATE H I00461428-06232023 07/03/2023 20230721 1,500.00 CHECK 486042 TOTAL: 1,500.00 486043 07/21/2023 PRTD 139006 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT P00017007 07/11/2023 20230721 183.85 CHECK 486043 TOTAL: 183.85 486044 07/21/2023 PRTD 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 50811 06/28/2023 20230721 309.00 CHECK 486044 TOTAL: 309.00 486045 07/21/2023 PRTD 101015 STREICHERS INC I1641192 06/22/2023 20230721 31.97 STREICHERS INC I1640797 06/21/2023 20230721 87.98 STREICHERS INC I1640249 06/19/2023 20230721 43.99 CHECK 486045 TOTAL: 163.94 486046 07/21/2023 PRTD 137673 SWEETLAND ORCHARD LLC 4659 06/28/2023 20230721 180.00 CHECK 486046 TOTAL: 180.00 486047 07/21/2023 PRTD 160147 WILKES, JOHN 23CLP0048 07/18/2023 20230721 150.00 CHECK 486047 TOTAL: 150.00 486048 07/21/2023 PRTD 119864 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447721455 06/26/2023 20230721 2,356.39 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447736919 07/04/2023 20230721 -5.90 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447738322 07/06/2023 20230721 -146.20 SYSCO MINNESOTA INC 447748648 07/12/2023 20230721 -32.99 CHECK 486048 TOTAL: 2,171.30 486049 07/21/2023 PRTD 160516 CHANDLER, SPENCER 06232023 06/23/2023 20230721 228.00 CHECK 486049 TOTAL: 228.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 33 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 486050 07/21/2023 PRTD 101038 TOLL COMPANY 40176346 06/23/2023 20230721 28.29 CHECK 486050 TOTAL: 28.29 486051 07/21/2023 PRTD 138732 TRADITION WINE & SPIRITS LLC 36486 06/28/2023 20230721 1,272.00 CHECK 486051 TOTAL: 1,272.00 486052 07/21/2023 PRTD 160596 TWIN CITY OUTDOOR SERVICES SM-8251 05/25/2023 20230721 1,860.00 CHECK 486052 TOTAL: 1,860.00 486053 07/21/2023 PRTD 146436 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-428373 06/21/2023 20230721 1,225.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-426513 06/21/2023 20230721 1,400.00 CHECK 486053 TOTAL: 2,625.00 486054 07/21/2023 PRTD 160638 TZU TZU SPORT 62845 06/23/2023 20230721 124.50 CHECK 486054 TOTAL: 124.50 486055 07/21/2023 PRTD 131957 UNIVERSAL ATHLETIC, LLC 150-0070103-01 06/21/2023 20230721 209.97 CHECK 486055 TOTAL: 209.97 486056 07/21/2023 PRTD 145567 UNMAPPED BREWING COMPANY LLC E-2712 06/28/2023 20230721 156.00 CHECK 486056 TOTAL: 156.00 486057 07/21/2023 PRTD 140009 US KIDS GOLF LLC IN2082311 06/16/2023 20230721 73.23 CHECK 486057 TOTAL: 73.23 486058 07/21/2023 PRTD 101058 VAN PAPER COMPANY 040178 06/27/2023 20230721 1,102.89 CHECK 486058 TOTAL: 1,102.89 486059 07/21/2023 PRTD 144209 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 4509 06/29/2023 20230721 423.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 34 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 486059 TOTAL: 423.00 486060 07/21/2023 PRTD 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES 100412 06/24/2023 20230721 177.39 CHECK 486060 TOTAL: 177.39 486061 07/21/2023 PRTD 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY S007034852.001 06/21/2023 20230721 1,434.48 CHECK 486061 TOTAL: 1,434.48 486062 07/21/2023 PRTD 160408 VINCENT, LESLIE 23CLP0055 07/18/2023 20230721 200.00 CHECK 486062 TOTAL: 200.00 486063 07/21/2023 PRTD 119454 VINOCOPIA INC 0332203-IN 06/29/2023 20230721 1,025.50 VINOCOPIA INC 0332202-IN 06/29/2023 20230721 127.50 CHECK 486063 TOTAL: 1,153.00 486064 07/21/2023 PRTD 160533 WASHINGTON STATE DEPT OF LABOR AN 04/1/23-06/30/23 07/12/2023 20230721 85.27 CHECK 486064 TOTAL: 85.27 486065 07/21/2023 PRTD 101033 WINE COMPANY 239929 06/30/2023 20230721 366.00 WINE COMPANY 239650 06/28/2023 20230721 8,896.10 WINE COMPANY 239652 06/28/2023 20230721 2,794.00 CHECK 486065 TOTAL: 12,056.10 486066 07/21/2023 PRTD 144412 WINEBOW MN00132734 06/29/2023 20230721 594.96 CHECK 486066 TOTAL: 594.96 486067 07/21/2023 PRTD 142162 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 4362 06/29/2023 20230721 997.80 CHECK 486067 TOTAL: 997.80 486068 07/21/2023 PRTD 127774 WORLDWIDE CELLARS INC INV-000365 06/27/2023 20230721 566.04 WORLDWIDE CELLARS INC INV-000415 06/28/2023 20230721 27.67 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 07/20/2023 14:09User: STanGeilProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 35 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET WORLDWIDE CELLARS INC INV-000399 06/28/2023 20230721 281.58 CHECK 486068 TOTAL: 875.29 486069 07/21/2023 PRTD 130618 CHANHASSEN AUTO CENTERS LLC 24005 06/20/2023 20230721 2,657.19 CHECK 486069 TOTAL: 2,657.19 NUMBER OF CHECKS 263 *** CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL *** 1,751,398.00 COUNT AMOUNT TOTAL PRINTED CHECKS 263 1,751,398.00 *** GRAND TOTAL *** 1,751,398.00 Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Parks and Recreation Staff Development Training Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for Parks and Recreation Department staff development training with Davidson Consulting and Coaching, LLC for $25,730. INTRODUCTION: The Parks and Recreation Department consists of operating divisions including recreation programming, park maintenance and natural resources, Braemar Golf, Braemar Arena, Centennial Lakes Park, Edina Liquor, Edinborough Park and the Aquatic Center. This training and development program with Davidson Consulting and Coaching will bring 42 staff members of the Parks and Recreation Department through insights discovery training. Most of the employees in these divisions work varying schedules to provide seven day a week coverage, often splitting mornings and evening shifts, a majority working in forward facing positions representing the City of Edina to our residents, patrons, and guests. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 training and development opportunities have been limited or postponed and over that period many new team members have joined the department. As part of the insights discovery training, each member will receive an individualized profile to allow them along with their coworkers and supervisors to have a better understanding of their individual approach to communicating, interacting with others, and decision making. Staff members will participate in and receive in- person training sessions to work further to build upon their strengths, value to the team, development, and communications suggestions. 42 full-time team members of the department in supervisory and front-line staff classifications will participate in this development training. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request For Purchase: Parks and Recreation Staff Development Training Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300116 Department:Parks & Recreation Buyer:Perry Vetter Date: 07/21/2023 Requisition Description:P&R Insights Discovery Training 8.2023 Vendor:DAVIDSON, JEAN ERTEL Cost:$25,730.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW:- PURCHASE SOURCE:SERVIC K - SERVICE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION:Training and Development BUDGET IMPACT: Operating Budget Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:Frontline staff training that work with community ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:NA Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle:NA Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): NA Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG: Carbon Emissions: Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Joe Abood, General Manager - Braemar Golf Course & Golf Dome Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Professional Services Proposal for Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse, Maintenance Buildings Facility Assessment & Market Study Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase of Professional Services Proposal for Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse, Maintenance Buildings Facility Assessment & Market Study with I & S Group, Inc. (DBA as ISG, Inc.) for $64,300. INTRODUCTION: This study was called for as part of the Braemar Park Master Plan amendments to be funded by the golf course operational budget. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Clubhouse & Maintenance Buildings Study Staff Report to Director Vetter Clubhouse & Maintenance Buildings Study Proposal and Agreement Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300109 Department:P&R Braemar Golf Course Buyer:Joseph Abood Date: 07/14/2023 Requisition Description:Braemar GC Clubhouse & Maintenance Facility Study Vendor:I & S GROUP INC Cost:$64,300.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW:NEW - NEW PURCHASE SOURCE:SERVIC K - SERVICE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION:Braemar GC Clubhouse & Maintenance Facility Study BUDGET IMPACT: Operating Budget Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:N/A Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle:N/A Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): N/A Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG:N/A Carbon Emissions:N/A August 2, 2023 Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director Joe Abood, General Manager- Braemar Golf Course & Golf Dome Professional Services Proposal for a Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse and Maintenance Facility Assessment & Market Study Information / Background: To support Braemar Golf Course’s continued success and quality of services, it is essential to conduct a professional facilities assessment and market study. The assessment and study will help determine how the facility can improve its staff and player retention, revenue generation, continued growth and overall accessibility while providing high standards of quality the community expects. The proposed assessment and market study will inventory and analyze the existing clubhouse, Academy 9 & driving range clubhouse, immediate surrounding site and the maintenance facility. In addition, the proposed assessment will highlight the architectural and structural integrity of the buildings, provide an overview of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and technology systems, assess site circulation and user and staff safety in accordance with spaces utilization and occupancy and improve accessibility, functionality, efficiency, user satisfaction and sustainability. The findings will provide a framework for immediate repairs and recommendations for future replacements, improvements or options. The proposed market study will include a financial analysis and key indicator report that establishes a baseline for historic financial performance, identifies opportunities for improvement, and create a platform for analyzing and prioritizing the impact of recommended improvements. A service area and competition analysis will also be completed as well as market-specific golf research and golf course trends. Funding for the proposed assessment and market study will be funded by the Braemar Golf Course operating budget. Action Requested: Staff is requesting that City Council approve a Professional Services Proposal with I & S Group, Inc. (DBA as ISG, Inc.) in the amount of $64,300 for a Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse and Maintenance Facility Assessment & Market Study. 6465 Wayzata Blvd + Suite 970 + St. Louis Park, MN 55426 + 952.426.0699 ISGInc.com RE: Professional Services Proposal for Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse and Maintenance Buildings Facility Assessment + Market Study Edina, Minnesota Joe, As the City of Edina looks to assess the existing condition, potential future uses, and revenue opportunities of the Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse in Edina, Minnesota, ISG, in partnership with Sports Facilities Companies (SFC), stands eager and ready to assist. ISG understands that professional services are needed to inventory and analyze the existing clubhouse, training center building, immediate surrounding site, and the nearby golf course maintenance facility. The following images outline the approximately four-acre clubhouse study limit and the approximately three-acre maintenance buildings study limit: The Braemar Golf Course is a premier public golf facility owned by the City of Edina, featuring an 18-hole championship-level course, a nine-hole par-three practice academy, and a driving range. With a team of 100 seasonal employees, 12 full-time staff members, and seven golf professionals, the facility operates year-round to serve the community’s recreational and event needs. To support the golf course’s continued success and quality services, it is essential to conduct a facilities assessment. This assessment will help determine how the facility can improve its staff and player retention, revenue generation, and overall accessibility while providing high standards of quality the community expects. Following a site visit by Bryan Paulsen and Amanda Prosser on April 12, 2023, several key elements have been identified that will be critical to the success of the Final Facilities Report. Our team will work closely with the City to prioritize areas such as storage, circulation, adjacencies between spaces, revenue generation, and accessibility. The team will also consider other preliminary priorities outlined in the following scope of services, considering their seriousness, urgency, and potential for growth. Throughout the process, ISG and SFC will maintain open and transparent dialogue with the City to build support and gain a deeper understanding of the priorities and needs of the community. With this collaborative approach, the Braemar Golf Course can continue to provide exceptional services and support the recreational needs of the Edina community for years to come. JUNE 26, 2023 Joseph Abood General Manager Braemar Golf Course 6364 John Harris Drive Edina, MN 55439 952.903.5754 jabood@edinamn.gov 500+ EMPLOYEES 45 STATES LICENSED Zweig Group HOT FIRM LIST FOR 2022 Top 500 2022 ENR FIRM Architecture + Engineering + Environmental + Planning ISGInc.com JUNE 26, 2023 | ISG Backed by 500+ in-house, multi-disciplinary professionals, vast industry experience, and a sound project understanding, ISG proposes to provide the following scope of services to meet your project needs. INVENTORY + ASSESSMENT SERVICES Phase 1: Kickoff KICKOFF MEETING ISG will facilitate an in-person meeting with City staff and the ISG project team for introductions and to discuss project goals, preferred processes and procedures, and project vision. The following will be discussed in detail to ensure all team members are in alignment as the project progresses. • Project study extents, expectations, project goals, objectives, and deliverables • Preferred lines of communication, points of contact, and level of involvement by leadership and staff • Protocols and procedures for scheduling meetings and other related project management details Deliverables • Meeting #1: Kickoff meeting with City staff • Meeting summary and notes SITE BASEMAP + FLOOR PLAN CREATION ISG’s first step in the project will be to create a comprehensive basemap for the site, which will draw upon a variety of sources including existing infrastructure and as-built data from the City, publicly available data, and high-resolution aerial photos and topographic data captured with ISG’s LiDAR drone. This detailed map will provide a clear and accurate representation of the site, allowing the team to assess and plan effectively. ISG will also utilize the floor plans and as-builts provided by the City to create a detailed and user-friendly plan that can be referenced within the final report. By creating a clear and easy-to-understand plan, the team will be able to communicate their findings and recommendations effectively, ensuring that stakeholders can understand and engage with the report’s content. ISG’s approach will ensure that the project has a strong foundation of accurate and reliable data, allowing the team to create a comprehensive and effective final report. Deliverables • Basemap • Floor plans Architecture + Engineering + Environmental + Planning ISGInc.com JUNE 26, 2023 | ISG Phase 2: Data Collection + Preliminary Planning INVENTORY + ASSESSMENT The goal of the facility assessment will be to inspect the buildings and adjacent site to provide a thorough understanding of needs. The final report will include images and narratives that can be used by the City to create a credible and functional road map for improvements. If any hazards or facility elements requiring immediate action are found during the assessment, ISG will ensure direct engagement with City staff, alerting appropriate contacts in a timely manner. The assessment will highlight the architectural and structural integrity of the buildings; provide an overview of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and technology systems; assess site circulation and user and staff safety in accordance with spaces utilization and occupancy; and improve accessibility, functionality, efficiency, user satisfaction, and sustainability. ISG will fully assess the overall physical condition of the clubhouse, training center, and maintenance buildings by conducting a site visit to investigate structures, surrounding site, and associated infrastructure. Overall physical condition and supportive infrastructure will be evaluated to validate and develop a meaningful set of recommendations. During the assessment, the following components will be reviewed: SITE ISG will focus on areas immediately surrounding the clubhouse, training center, outdoor connection corridor between the two buildings, and the maintenance facility buildings and yard. This includes: • Plazas and patios • Utilities (including service lines from Hilary Lane) • Signage • Lighting • Material storage • Storm drainage • Furniture • Landscaping • Viewsheds • Vehicle and equipment storage EXTERIOR BUILDING • Areas of inflow—roof, walls, and landscaping • Building code compliance, accessibility, moisture infiltration, and insulation • Building structure, footing, foundation, and framing systems—lintels, concrete, and masonry • Roofing systems • Condition of windows and doors Architecture + Engineering + Environmental + Planning ISGInc.com JUNE 26, 2023 | ISG BUILDING EFFICIENCY + ACCESSIBILITY • Items that will meet code compliance and provide access to and circulation within the building and site • Location of existing and proposed uses, conflict points, challenges, and inefficiencies • General accessibility and circulation -Pedestrian routes and walkways -Access to back of the house -Vehicular drop-off -Traffic patterns -Relationships between uses HAZARDOUS MATERIALS • Items creating a negative health effect on building occupants • Chemical storage and disposal INTERIOR BUILDING • Ceiling systems • Interior finishes for general design adequacy • Wall and floor surfaces LIFE SAFETY + FIRE • Current technology to explore innovative options for improvement • Life safety building code components: fire alarms, fire suppression systems, fire walls, fire doors, and exits • Security systems, cameras, and entrance security measures MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING • HVAC systems (age, condition, capacity, and efficiency) • Plumbing systems and fixtures, appliances, supply piping and venting, wastewater piping • Switchgear, distribution systems, breaker panels, lighting systems, and occupancy sensors • Ventilation and air filtering systems Architecture + Engineering + Environmental + Planning ISGInc.com JUNE 26, 2023 | ISG FUNCTIONALITY • Five years, preferably, of financial performance data to demonstrate pre-pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic operations • Programs and program descriptions • Operations and maintenance -Daily operations, tournament, and special event schedules -Organization and staffing information -Operations resources -User group information -Other pertinent data Deliverables • Summary of assessment findings with one (1) round of comprehensive edits • Meeting #2: Share assessment findings with City staff • Meeting summary and notes Phase 3: Development Planning REPORT DEVELOPMENT ISG will work with City staff to develop a prioritized list (high, medium, and low) of recommended capital improvement projects such as immediate and emerging repairs, along with recommendations for future replacements, improvements, or options. Deliverables • Final assessment report with one (1) round of comprehensive edits • Meeting #3: Present final assessment report to City staff • Meeting #4 (optional): In-person facilities tours to show assessment findings and answer questions • Meeting summary and notes MARKET STUDY SERVICES Historic Financial Performance Assessment Building upon the information gathered from the functionality assessment, including City provided data from the City, SFC will produce a financial analysis and key performance indicator report that demonstrates financial performance metrics over time in the primary revenue categories of food and beverage, events, training, and pro shop sales. This assessment will categorize sources of revenue and expenses into an easy- to-view format that establishes a baseline for historic financial performance, identifies benchmark-based opportunities for improvement, and creates a platform for analyzing and prioritizing the impact of recommended improvements. Architecture + Engineering + Environmental + Planning ISGInc.com JUNE 26, 2023 | ISG Service Area + Competition Analysis Utilizing City provided data gathered from the City, SFC will conduct local market research to further understand local opportunities and constraints. The custom market research will include a drive-time analysis factors including population density, income and spending, and growth trends. As a key portion of this analysis, SFC will use City-provided data to create visitor profile reports for golf course visitors over the preceding 12-month period that will feature consumer segmentation data including but not limited to: • Visitor origin (by zip code, county, and miles from the facility) • Visitation trends (hours of the day, days of the week, and seasonal trends) • Lifestyle profiles (categorical and key characteristics and psychographics) • Household income and size • Head of household age • Home ownership status SFC will also conduct market-specific golf research and participation trends and provide a preliminary list of existing golf courses in the area and a comparison analysis of up to five leading courses in the region. This assessment will be delivered as a matrix that demonstrates how Braemar Golf Course compares to primary competitors and/or regional benchmark golf course clubhouses in terms of physical assets, programs and services offered, and visitor profiles utilizing the same information outlined in the mobile data analysis defined in the Recommended Asset Matrix. Recommended Asset Matrix with Range of Financial Performance Potential Culminating the market analysis, SFC will provide a set of prioritized options for improvements to the Braemar Golf Course Club House. This asset matrix will outline the recommended improvements, the cost of making those improvements based on ISG’s analysis, a range of revenue and expense potential for each asset, and an analysis of how the financial performance range of each asset will improve upon the historic financial performance of Braemar Golf Course. The recommendations will also explore food and beverage options as this is a central component to supporting and attracting people to the facility. Note: Review meetings for the Market Study Services will correspond with the meetings outlined in the Inventory and Assessment Services section. SCHEDULE ISG and SFC anticipate that the scope of work will be completed in approximatley four months. While our team is flexible on start and completion dates, we recommend starting the project in July or August and completing by November 2023. JUNE 26, 2023 | ISG Architecture + Engineering + Environmental + Planning ISGInc.com COMPENSATION ISG proposes to provide the scope of work described within this proposal for compensation in accordance with the following schedule: Anticipated reimbursable expenses such as travel, mileage, printing, and plan production are included within the compensation listed above. ISG appreciates the opportunity to provide a solution tailored to the needs of Braemar Golf Course. Upon acceptance of this proposal, please sign the acknowledgment box and return a copy to our office digitally or with a physical copy. We look forward to providing you with responsive service, a collaborative approach, and timely delivery. Sincerely, Amanda Prosser, PLA Vice President, Sports + Recreation Business Unit Leader SERVICE COMPENSATION Inventory + Assessment Clubhouse + Training Center $19,400 Maintenance Buildings $10,200 Market Study $34,700 TOTAL $64,300 This proposal is valid for 30 days. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ACCEPTANCE Accepted this ______________ day of _________________, 2023. Company: __________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________ Print Print Print APPLICABLE CONTRACT The General Terms and Conditions applicable to this Proposal are available at the link below and are hereby accepted and incorporated herein by reference. Upon acceptance of this Proposal, the parties can proceed with the project based on this signed Proposal, per its General Terms and Conditions, or for more complex projects, ISG, at its discretion, will prepare and require the use of an AIA or EJCDC Contract that will govern the project. General Terms + Conditions bit.ly/termsconditions_isg Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Joe Abood, General Manager - Braemar Golf Course & Golf Dome Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Professional Design Services Proposal for Braemar Golf Dome Food & Beverage Expansion Analysis Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase of Professional Design Services Proposal for Braemar Golf Dome Food & Beverage Expansion Analysis with I & S Group, Inc. (DBA as ISG, Inc.) for $42,400. INTRODUCTION: See Staff Report: ISG Professional Design Services Proposal for Braemar Golf Dome Food & Beverage Expansion Analysis. This study was called for as part of the Braemar Park Master Plan amendments to be funded by the golf dome operational budget. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: ISG Professional Design Services Proposal for Braemar Golf Dome F&B Expansion Analysis RFP: Golf Dome F&B Study Requisition Golf Dome F&B Study Proposal August 2, 2023 Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director Joe Abood, General Manager- Braemar Golf Course & Golf Dome Professional Design Services Proposal for a Braemar Golf Dome Food + Beverage Expansion Analysis Information / Background: To support the Braemar Golf Dome’s continued success and quality of services, it is essential to conduct a facilities assessment of the present Food & Beverage infrastructure and potential for additional offerings at the facility. The proposed analysis will assist the city in determining future food and beverage opportunities at the golf dome, including evaluating overall building expansion opportunities and building structure types, and adding additional parking capacity to serve dome users. In addition to the Food & Beverage analysis, ISG’s project partner, Yeadon Domes, will fully assess the overall physical condition of the dome by conducting a site visit. Overall physical condition and supportive infrastructure will be evaluated to validate and develop a meaningful set of recommendations. The findings will provide a framework for immediate repairs and recommendations for future replacements, improvements, or options. Building upon the information gathered and the preliminary program, ISG will collaborate to prepare two (2) schematic design concepts for the building and site features, including an option for a permanent four-season structure, product and materials inspiration palette, interior netting, and preliminary magnitude of cost to construct comparisons. Schematic design concepts will illustrate the existing dome, permanent structure alternative, food and beverage options, parking lot and expansion, access points, and connections throughout the site. Following the Concept Plan Development phase and gathering initial feedback, ISG will refine the design to create a preferred plan. ISG will then share the preliminary preferred plan with the city. ISG’s presentation of the preliminary preferred plan will include a preliminary opinion of probable cost, an amenities palette exhibit, as well as rendered site and floor plans, up to four (4) three-dimensional still-image renderings, and phasing plan, as appropriate. Funding for the proposed analysis will be funded by the Braemar Golf Dome operating budget. Action Requested: Staff is requesting that City Council approve a Professional Services Proposal with I & S Group, Inc. (DBA ISG, Inc.) for $42,400 for a Braemar Golf Dome Food + Beverage Expansion Analysis. Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300110 Department:P&R Braemar Golf Course Buyer:Joseph Abood Date: 07/14/2023 Requisition Description:Braemar Golf Dome F&B Expansion Analysis Vendor:I & S GROUP INC Cost:$42,400.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW:NEW - NEW PURCHASE SOURCE:SERVIC K - SERVICE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION:Braemar Golf Dome F&B Expansion Analysis BUDGET IMPACT: Enterprise Operating Budget Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:Study to determine if additional support can be provided to community ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:Sustainability part of study review Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle:N/A Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): N/A Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG:N/A Carbon Emissions:N/A 6465 Wayzata Blvd + Suite 970 + St. Louis Park, MN 55426 + 952.426.0699 ISGInc.com RE: Professional Design Services Proposal for Braemar Golf Dome Food + Beverage Expansion Analysis Edina, Minnesota Joe, As the City of Edina looks to plan the next phase of improvements at the Braemar Golf Dome in Edina, Minnesota, ISG stands eager and ready to assist. ISG understands that there is interest in expanding food and beverage opportunities at the golf dome, including evaluating overall building expansion opportunities and building structure types, and adding additional parking capacity to serve dome users and to function as a trailhead and parking area for future mountain bike trail system users. Backed by 500+ in-house, multi-disciplinary professionals, vast industry experience, and a sound project understanding, ISG proposes to provide the following scope of services to meet your project needs. SCOPE OF SERVICES Pre-Design SITE SURVEY ISG will provide the topographical survey performed by a licensed surveyor. The survey will include elevation shots across the site and include existing trees larger than six inches in diameter. The shots will also include all existing concrete and bituminous pavement, curbs, and underground utilities within the area outlined. The survey will verify existing topographic conditions and help determine the extent of improvements based on existing grades. The survey will also include all known utility and easement and watershed information within the project limits. Deliverables • One (1) topographical site survey, to scale (PDF) KICKOFF + PROGRAMMING ISG will facilitate an in-person project kickoff and programming meeting, followed by a walk-through of the existing facilities and site with City staff. The kickoff and programming meeting will focus on confirming project expectations, including scope, timeline, and deliverables as well as discussing all planning efforts to-date, including a review of the existing master plan document. Our team will also facilitate an interactive programming session to determine space needs for the new facility. Deliverables • One (1) kickoff and programming meeting • Existing inventory + assessment memorandum • Space needs summary • Existing condition assessment JUNE 26, 2023 Joseph Abood General Manager Braemar Golf Course 6364 John Harris Drive Edina, MN 55439 952.903.5754 jabood@edinamn.gov 500+ EMPLOYEES 45 STATES LICENSED Zweig Group HOT FIRM LIST FOR 2022 Top 500 2022 ENR FIRM Architecture + Engineering + Environmental + Planning ISGInc.com JUNE 26, 2023 | ISG DOME INVENTORY + ASSESSMENT ISG’s project partner, Yeadon Domes, will fully assess the overall physical condition of the dome by conducting a site visit. Overall physical condition and supportive infrastructure will be evaluated to validate and develop a meaningful set of recommendations. During the assessment, the following components will be reviewed and conducted: • Interior and exterior membrane -Rips or tears, including documenting the size and specific locations (rips increase energy costs and decrease the efficiency of the dome) -All seam connections -A sample from the exterior south-facing side of the dome to test for strength and expected lifespan • Cables -Main and stress relief cables -Safety concerns • Concrete grade beam -Areas of visible cracking -Dome membrane connection points • Dome doors/egress points -Seals and functionality -Rust and other weather damage • Mechanical systems -Efficiency to determine if in need of repair or replacement -Eroding materials due to age or weather exposure -Generator -Blower unit -Gas/electrical service • Interior lighting -Light levels -Light fixtures • Netting -Interior netting Concept Plan Development Building upon the information gathered and the preliminary program, our team will collaborate to prepare two (2) schematic design concepts for the building and site features, including an option for a permanent four-season structure, product and materials inspiration palette, interior netting, and preliminary magnitude of cost to construct comparisons. Schematic design concepts will illustrate the existing dome, permanent structure alternative, food and beverage options, parking lot and expansion, access points, and connections throughout the site. A meeting with City staff will be facilitated to review the plan options. ISG will address the items below with the City during the concept plan development phase: Administrative Architecture Business Development Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Environmental Finance + Accounting Information Technology Interior Design Land Survey Landscape Architecture Marketing Mechanical Engineering Pipeline Planning Project Delivery Project Management Refrigeration Structural Engineering Talent Engagement Technology Telecommunications Testing Transportation Water/Wastewater 500+ MULTI-DISCIPLINARY EMPLOYEES Architecture + Engineering + Environmental + Planning ISGInc.com JUNE 26, 2023 | ISG • The ideal physical relationships between the proposed building and existing utilities and features on the site • Plan layout and room size to be the most functional for the requested program and number of expected visitors • Parking lot layout, access, flow, and ability to efficiently and safely serve two user groups • General concerns from a safety and ADA compliance standpoint to address Deliverables • Concept review and input meeting with supporting materials • Feedback summary • Up to two (2) concept exhibits, including kitchen layout options, and permanent structure alternative • One (1) inspiration palette exhibit • Magnitude of cost to construct comparisons Preferred Plan Development Following the Concept Plan Development phase and gathering initial feedback, ISG will refine the design to create a preferred plan. ISG will then share the preliminary preferred plan with the City. ISG’s presentation of the preliminary preferred plan will include a preliminary opinion of probable cost, an amenities palette exhibit, as well as rendered site and floor plans, up to four (4) three-dimensional still-image renderings, and phasing plan, as appropriate. Deliverables* • Preliminary preferred plan with one (1) comprehensive round of revisions • Preliminary preferred plan opinion of probable cost with one (1) comprehensive round of revisions • Four (4) three-dimensional still-image renderings, including illustrations of the existing dome structure and the permanent structure alternative, assuming it is a viable option • One (1) presentation of the preliminary preferred plan • Meeting minutes • Final preferred plan package *Will be provided in electronic format 6465 Wayzata Blvd + Suite 970 + St. Louis Park, MN 55426 + 952.426.0699 ISGInc.com COMPENSATION ISG proposes to provide the scope of work described within this proposal for compensation in accordance with the following schedule: Anticipated reimbursable expenses such as travel, mileage, and printing are included within the compensation listed. ISG appreciates the opportunity to provide a solution tailored to the needs of Braemar Sports Dome. Upon acceptance of this proposal, please sign the acknowledgment box and return a copy to our office. We look forward to providing you with responsive service, a collaborative approach, and timely delivery. Sincerely, Amanda Prosser, PLA Vice President, Sports + Recreation Business Unit Leader JUNE 26, 2023 | ISG PHASE COMPENSATION Pre-Design $20,500 Topographical Survey $15,000 Kickoff + Programming $1,200 Dome Evaluation $4,300 Concept Plan Development $10,900 Preferred Plan Development $11,000 TOTAL $42,400 This proposal is valid for 30 days. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ACCEPTANCE Accepted this ______________ day of _________________, 2023. Company: __________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________ Print Print Print APPLICABLE CONTRACT The General Terms and Conditions applicable to this Proposal are available at the link below and are hereby accepted and incorporated herein by reference. Upon acceptance of this Proposal, the parties can proceed with the project based on this signed Proposal, per its General Terms and Conditions, or for more complex projects, ISG, at its discretion, will prepare and require the use of an AIA or EJCDC Contract that will govern the project. General Terms + Conditions bit.ly/termsconditions_isg Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.F. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Chad Eischens, General Manager-Braemar Arena & Field Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Braemar Arena Zamboni Repairs Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for Zamboni Repairs at Braemar Arena with R & R Specialties, Inc. for $24,217. INTRODUCTION: This purchase is for repairs to one of the ice rink zambonis at Braemar Arena. This zamboni is used for the arena's main West Arena which experiences a high and heavy amount of use year-round. This zamboni was purchased in 2012 and currently has 5,571 hours of use on it. A typical zamboni useful life is approximately 8,000 hours of use. The proposed repairs are routine in nature and include repairs and maintenance to various bushings, bearings, motors, tires, auger sprocket, snow tank and hydraulic hoses on the machine. The repairs will continue to provide a safe and quality ice surface for all users. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Braemar Arena Zamboni Repairs Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300119 Department:P&R Braemar Arena Buyer:Chad Eischens Date: 07/24/2023 Requisition Description:Braemar Arena Zamboni Repairs Vendor:R & R SPECIALTIES INC Cost:$24,217.04 REPLACEMENT or NEW:REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE:QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION:Repairs to arena zamboni to continue to provide quality and safe ice BUDGET IMPACT: Operating Budget Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:Repairs will provide consistent, safe and quality ice for users ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:Repairs will provide continued efficient use of machine Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle: Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG: Carbon Emissions: Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.G. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Edina Liquor Southdale Product Inventory Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve request for purchase of Edina Liquor product inventory with Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Beer LLC for $23,392. INTRODUCTION: This purchase is for the replenishment and quantity purchasing of product inventory for Edina Liquor Southdale. These purchase amounts reflect quantity purchasing in order to consistently provide the best value, customer service experience, and product selection for patrons. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Edina Liquor Southdale Product Inventory Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300117 Department:Parks & Recreation Buyer:Josh Furbish Date: 07/21/2023 Requisition Description:Southdale Product Purchase 22084 Vendor:BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER LLC Cost:$23,392.87 REPLACEMENT or NEW:NEW - NEW PURCHASE SOURCE:SERVIC K - SERVICE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION:Edina Liquor Southdale Product Inventory BUDGET IMPACT: Cost of Goods Sold Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:Product inventory for Southdale Location Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle: Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG: Carbon Emissions: Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.H. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Edina Liquor Grandview Product Inventory Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve request for purchase of Edina Liquor product inventory with Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Beer LLC for $26,432. INTRODUCTION: This purchase is for the replenishment and quantity purchasing of product inventory for Edina Liquor Grandview. These purchase amounts reflect quantity purchasing in order to consistently provide the best value, customer service experience, and product selection for patrons. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Edina Liquor Grandview Product Inventory Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300118 Department:Parks & Recreation Buyer:Josh Furbish Date: 07/21/2023 Requisition Description:Grandview Product Purchase 22087 Vendor:BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER LLC Cost:$26,432.15 REPLACEMENT or NEW:NEW - NEW PURCHASE SOURCE:SERVIC K - SERVICE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION:Product inventory for Grandview Location BUDGET IMPACT: Cost of goods sold Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:Product inventory for Grandview Location Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle: Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG: Carbon Emissions: Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.I. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Richard Poppitz, Equipment Operations Supervisor Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: 2024 Kabota M4 Tractor and Attachments Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve request for purchase for 2024 Kabota Tractor and attachments from Lano Equipment for $88,768. INTRODUCTION: Lano Equipment will be providing the tractor and attachments. This is a replacement for vehicle 47-470, a 2006 John Deere tractor that has 5500 hours on it. This piece of equipment scores a 29 and has outlived its useful life and needs replacement. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for purchase: 2024 Kabota M4 tractor and attachments Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300105 Department:Parks & Recreation Buyer:Richard Poppitz Date: 07/11/2023 Requisition Description:2024 Kabota M4 tractor and attachments Vendor:LANO EQUIPMENT INC Cost:$88,768.13 REPLACEMENT or NEW:REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE:STATE K - STATE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION:2024 Kabota Tracor for park maintenance BUDGET IMPACT: Equipment CIP fund 2024 Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:All resident accessibility ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:Upgrading to a tier 4 diesel and lowering Hp to 75 Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle:Kabota / M4 / 2024 Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): John Deere / 5525 / 2006 Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? YES - YES Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG:N/A Carbon Emissions:N/A Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.J. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Richard Poppitz, Equipment Operations Supervisor Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: 2023 Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for one 2023 Chrysler Pacifica hybrid van from Apple Chrysler Shakopee for $50,190. INTRODUCTION: Chrysler Shakopee will provide the Pacifica van for the communications department. This unit is approved for replacement in the CIP replacement budget. It also meets the equipment replacement score of 26. A score of 25 is needed for replacement. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: 2023 Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300112 Department:Communications Buyer:Richard Poppitz Date: 07/18/2023 Requisition Description:2023 Chrystler Pacifica Hybrid Vendor:APPLE SHAKOPEE MOTORS INC Cost:$50,190.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW:REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE:QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION:Purchasing a Chrysler Pacifica hybrid for communications department BUDGET IMPACT: Communication equipment replacement fund Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:All resident accessibility ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:We will be reducing gas due to purchasing the hybrid Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle:Chrysler / Pacifica / 2023 Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): Dodge / Caravan / 2013 Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? YES - YES Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG:20 - 29 Carbon Emissions:N/A Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.K. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Richard Poppitz, Equipment Operations Supervisor Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: 2023 Metal Pless Blade Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for one 2023 Metal Pless Blade from Lano Equipment for $36,900. INTRODUCTION: Lano Equipment will provide a Metal Pless Blade. T his blade will be added to our fleet to reduce salt usage and diesel fuel due to the improved efficiency. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: 2023 Metal Pless Blade Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300114 Department:Public Works Buyer:Richard Poppitz Date: 07/20/2023 Requisition Description:2023 Metal Pless Blade Vendor:LANO EQUIPMENT INC Cost:$36,900.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW:NEW - NEW PURCHASE SOURCE:STATE K - STATE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION:2023 Metal Pless blade to reduce salt usage and increase efficiency. BUDGET IMPACT: This is being funded by the salt budget. Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:All resident accessibility ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:This blade will be more efficient and reduce salf usage. Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle:Metal Pless Blade / 2023 Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): N/A Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? YES - YES Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG:N/A Carbon Emissions:N/A Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.L. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Nate Kaderlik, Assistant Director of Public Works- Utilities Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Well 10 Preliminary Study Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve request for purchase for Well 10 preliminary study by Bolton and Menk for $25,700. INTRODUCTION: Well 10 is an existing Mt. Simon well that has holes in the casing and needs replacement. This well is one of two wells that feed the water treatment facility on-site. The City plans to abandon the existing Well 10 and drill a new Mt. Simon well on the existing site. The location of the new well is unknown and will require study by both Public Works and Parks staff to determine the best location. The location of the new well will impact the amount of raw watermain, site work and the electrical requirements. If the well is located more than 100 feet from the existing water treatment plant, additional electrical requirements will be needed and will likely require the addition of a building to house electrical components. These items will impact the overall design for the replacement well and therefore we are suggesting conducting a preliminary design study to determine the well location and overall scope of work prior to commencing with final design for the new well. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Well 10 Preliminary Study Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300113 Department:Public Works Buyer:Nathan Kaderlik Date: 07/20/2023 Requisition Description:Well 10 Preliminary Study Vendor:BOLTON & MENK INC Cost:$25,700.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW:REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE:QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION: Feasibility Study Bolton & Menk proposes to complete the following services: Research & Site Visit, Evaluate Well Site Alternatives, Develop cost estimates, and Prepare preliminary design report. The well replacement is included in the City’s CIP and programmed for 2024 construction. AE2S also submitted a bid for $28,200. They did not win the bid. BUDGET IMPACT: CIP Utilizing leftover fund from existing completed well rehab projects. Project String: PWK23103 Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:N/A Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle:N/A Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): N/A Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG: Carbon Emissions: Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.M. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Todd Milburn, Chief of Police Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Starchase Pursuit Intervention Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve request for purchase of Starchase Pursuit Intervention Systems from Starchase LLC for $50,000. INTRODUCTION: The department acquired four Starchase systems in 2022 for testing purposes. The systems have proven to be a useful option to track stolen vehicles and suspects. With only four systems deployed the challenge today is having a patrol car in the right position to track a stolen vehicle. This purchase will add four additional units to marked patrol squads and extend the required support and tracking services for the entire system for a total of three years. In recent years incidents of auto theft and suspects fleeing police in vehicles have risen sharply. Fleeing suspects create a significant danger to public safety which prevents police from engaging in most pursuits. The Starchase system allows police officers to safely launch a GPS tracking unit from a squad car which sticks to the suspect vehicle and allows police to track a vehicle they would otherwise be unable to pursue. This project was approved in the 2023 Capital Improvement Plan and is within budget (Project # POL23109). Starchase is the sole source vendor of this technology and has discounted this package from retail pricing. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Starchase Pursuit Intervention Starchase Quote and Agreement Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12300115 Department:Police Buyer:Aaron White Date: 07/20/2023 Requisition Description:Starchase Pursuit Intervention Systems Vendor:STARCHASE LLC Cost:$50,000.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW:NEW - NEW PURCHASE SOURCE:QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION:Starchase Pursuits Intervention Systems BUDGET IMPACT: CIP PROJECT # POL23109 Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT:Minimize police pursuits, apprehend suspects and stolen vehicles ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:No impact Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle: Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG: Carbon Emissions: Quote# 1894 Valid Until: Nov 30, 2023 Date: Jul 19, 2023 09:21 PM Sales Representative: Tommi West Phone:620-803-9073 Email: twest@starchase.com Bill/Ship To: Ryan Schultz MN- Edina Police Department 4801 W 50th St. Edina, Minnesota 55424 Customer Name:______________________ Signature:___________________________ PO Number:__________________________ DATE:_______________________________ Grand Total: $ 50,000.00 Special Notes Terms & Conditions Standard Terms and Conditions Article 1 PRICING AND ORDERING 1.1 Pricing. 1.1.1 Products. Customer pricing is set forth in ABOVE QUOTE. 1.1.2 Services. Prices for additional engineering/installation services other than these needed to install or operate Pursuit Management Equipment and/or other equipment and accessories supplied pursuant to this Agreement are established under this Agreement on an hourly basis at the then current rates. The rates currently in effect are shown in ABOVE QUOTE. 1.1.3 Maintenance. If applicable, StarChase shall provide, for an additional fee, extended maintenance for any equipment purchased from the Agreement for the duration of this Agreement and any renewal hereunder. Maintenance contracts or agreements shall be agreed to on a case by case basis and shall be between StarChase and the using Customer. The specific terms, conditions and pricing for such maintenance shall be agreed to by the parties, and to the greatest extent possible, shall be based upon the pricing set forth in this Agreement. All maintenance contracts must be under StarChase's direct supervision. The Customer will establish with StarChase a maintenance agreement for installation and removal, as well as preventive maintenance and repairs, for equipment. 1.2 Purchase Orders. Customer shall purchase only those Products set forth on Orders duly issued by an authorized representative of Customer’s corporate Purchasing Department. Each Order shall, at a minimum, specify the following information for each Product listed thereon: Product Code Product Name Qty.MSRP Unit Price Extended Price Total 22B-SC-VML- BL GUARDIAN - VX VML (1) Vehicle Mounted Launcher System - Black, (1) Interior Console, (1) Remote Key Fob and 24 Month Manufacturer Warranty. 4 $ 5,990.00 $ 5,462.00 $ 21,848.00 22B-SC-TSP- T3 GUARDIAN - VX Total Solution Package: 36 Months Unlimited Subscription GPS Live Tracking Projectiles, CoreView Mapping, Data and User Access. Note: Annual Base Rate = $1,320.00 **Extended warranty included in price** 8 $ 3,960.00 $ 3,519.00 $ 28,152.00 SHP Shipping 1 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 (1) the SKU number and Product name; (2) the quantity ordered; (3) the total purchase price; (4) shipping instructions; (5) delivery destination with one or more points of contact clearly marked “to the attention of:” (the “Delivery Destination”); and (6) the required delivery date for the Product at the Delivery Destination (the “Delivery Date”). Purchase Orders shall be submitted to Seller in writing and may be sent electronically, by facsimile, or by mail. Scanned electronic delivery is the preferred method. 1.3 Acceptance. Unless Customer is notified to the contrary in writing within fifteen (15) days following the day StarChase’s financial department received an Order from Customer, StarChase will be deemed to have accepted the Order for generally available Products and/or Maintenance Services. StarChase agrees that it will not unreasonably refuse acceptance of any Order issued by Customer pursuant to this Agreement. Each Order will be deemed to be incorporated as part of this Agreement upon Customer’s issuance thereof. However, any pre-printed terms and conditions set forth on the Order or any other document submitted by Customer will be null and void, unless previously negotiated and mutually accepted in writing between StarChase and Customer. Article 2 SHIPMENT AND DELIVERY 2.1 Packing. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, all Products shall be prepared, marked (bar coded where possible), and packed for shipment in accordance with StarChase’s standard packing procedures. 2.2 Shipping. Customer will be responsible for all transportation charges for the Products. StarChase will not make partial shipment of individual components of Products without prior approval from Customer. In the absence of shipping instructions, StarChase shall select a carrier. 2.3 Delivery and Risk of Loss. StarChase shall comply with any reasonable special shipping instructions provided by Buyer. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, delivery under this Agreement shall be complete upon transfer of possession to a common carrier, FOB Virginia Beach, Virginia, whereupon all risk of loss, damage or destruction of the Products or other items delivered to Customer under this Agreement shall pass to Customer. Article 3 ACCEPTANCE BY CUSTOMER 3.1 In General. Unless the parties have previously agreed upon alternative acceptance criteria for the Products, as specified in writing and set forth in the applicable Order, Products delivered to Customer will be subject to the acceptance procedure set forth in this Article 3. The provisions of this Article 3 will also apply to all replacement Products. 3.2 If StarChase Installs. Acceptance of Products that StarChase is responsible to install shall occur upon the following: (1) completion of StarChase's standard installation procedures that demonstrate conformance to StarChase's applicable publicly available written specifications in effect at the time of delivery; and (2) successful demonstration that the Products meet StarChase's written specifications, if any, as mutually agreed upon by the parties in writing prior to the time of Order. 3.3 If Customer Installs. With respect to Products which are Customer's responsibility to install, Customer will have a period of fifteen (15) days from receipt by Customer to test such Products to assure that they (1) successfully operate in conformance to StarChase's applicable publicly available installation and operation specifications in effect at the time of delivery; and (2) successfully demonstrate that they meet Customer’s written specifications, if any, as mutually agreed upon by the parties in writing prior to the time of the Order. Unless StarChase has been notified by Customer that such Products do not conform to such specifications, such Products will be deemed to have been accepted by Customer at the end of such fifteen (15) day time period. 3.4 Adjustments and Replacements. Upon written notification of a Product’s nonconformance, StarChase will, at its expense, promptly adjust, repair or replace the Product(s) as required so that they can be accepted in accordance with the provisions of this Article 5. Article 4 BILLING AND PAYMENT 4.1 Billing. StarChase shall invoice Customer for all Products at the time of shipment. StarChase shall issue a separate invoice for each Order containing the following information (“Invoice(s)”): (1) the description and quantity of Products ordered; (2) the quantity of Products shipped; (3) the Delivery Destination and day/date confirming product delivery; (4) the Purchase Order number, (5) the Purchase Price for each Product; (6) the total Purchase Price for the Purchase Order; and (7) any applicable taxes, Freight Charges, and applicable discounts. All Invoices, bills of lading, and freight bills for the Products shall be delivered to Customer at the “Bill To” address shall be shown on the face of Customer’s Purchase Order. 4.2 Payment. Subject to the terms and conditions contained herein, Customer will remit payment of the Purchase Price due hereunder, less any applicable discounts or offsets, for each Conforming Product within thirty (30) days of Customer’s receipt of the Invoice therefore. All invoiced amounts shall be subject to a two percent (2%) early payment discount for all payments remitted by Customer within fifteen (15) days of Customer’s receipt of such invoice. All fees paid are not refundable unless expressly stated otherwise. 4.3 Late Payment. Any payment which is past due and caused by reasons attributable to Customer will be subject to a monthly charge at the rate of one and one half percent (1.5%) per month of the amount due or the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is lower. Article 5 OBLIGATIONS OF CUSTOMER Customer agrees that it has a duty to become familiar with the operational and technical requirements set forth by StarChase and to advise, and hereby warrants that it has advised, StarChase of any requirements, including, Internet access, data storage, installation requirements outside the normal scope, installation change orders, modifications, alterations, special construction or any other requirement necessary to provide delivery, implementation and operation of such StarChase equipment and/or services, or other items to achieve optimal performance. Customer further agrees that, for all such equipment and/or services provided by StarChase, it has made StarChase aware of any modifications or alterations needed, and StarChase agrees to provide all such equipment and/or services for the prices submitted to Customer in the Agreement. If Customer identifies any unforeseen discrepancy that impairs the performance of the Pursuit Management equipment and/or accessories any amendments/change orders to rectify the impairment must be specifically authorized by StarChase in writing. Article 6 LIMITED WARRANTY 6.1 Limited Warranty. StarChase hereby represents and warrants that: (a) it is authorized: (1) to sell the StarChase Hardware and Third Party Hardware; and (2) license the StarChase Software, third party software embedded in the StarChase Software and StarChase Hardware and Third Party Software and Hardware to Customer; (b) unless otherwise agreed to in an Order, all StarChase Hardware and Third Party Hardware will be: (1) of genuine and authentic manufacture; and (2) new and unused (but may contain some remanufactured components that will operate as new); (c) all Maintenance Services, including Maintenance Updates and Software Upgrades that may be provided as a component software Maintenance Services furnished by StarChase will be performed in a professional manner by qualified personnel; (d) StarChase Hardware will be free from manufacturing defects and will be in good operating condition in accordance with StarChase's publicly available written specifications in effect at the time of delivery during StarChase's one year warranty period for the StarChase Hardware; and (e) StarChase Software (exclusive of Maintenance Updates and Software Upgrades, which are provided as components of applicable Maintenance Services) will perform in accordance with StarChase's publicly available written specifications in effect at the time of Delivery during StarChase's one year warranty period. The warranty periods specified in (d) and (e) above will commence on the date of installation of the StarChase Hardware and StarChase Software as applicable. However, if upon installation the StarChase Hardware and/or StarChase Software is not performing in accordance with StarChase's publicly available written specifications or the mutually agreed upon specific acceptance criteria, if any, the warranty periods specified in (d) and (e) above will be extended for the period of time it takes StarChase (or authorized contractor) to make the necessary adjustments, repairs or replacements. StarChase will, at its sole option, cost and expense, promptly adjust, repair or replace the Products that do not conform to the warranties specified herein or re-perform Maintenance Services as required to satisfy the warranties specified herein. The level of warranty services to be provided by StarChase pursuant to (d) and (e) above are specified in the Support Services Addendum and/or above. If after a reasonable number of attempts, StarChase is unable to make Product adjustments, repair or replacements, or corrections to the Maintenance Services as required to satisfy the warranties specified herein, StarChase shall refund the amount paid by Customer for the non-conforming Products (including refund of installation charges, if any) in exchange for their return at StarChase's expense or, in the case of Maintenance Services, refund the amount Customer paid StarChase for the portion of the non-conforming Maintenance Service. In the event the operation of a Third Party Product provided hereunder by StarChase, impacts the StarChase Hardware and/or StarChase Software to the extent that such StarChase Hardware and/or StarChase Software fail to satisfy their respective warranties specified above, StarChase's obligations (including that of refund) and Customer's remedies specified immediately above shall apply. The foregoing is StarChase's sole and exclusive liability and obligation regarding any Products or Maintenance Services provided under this Agreement that do not conform to their respective warranties. 6.2 Extended Warranty. If applicable, Customer may purchase StarChase's Annual Post Warranty Service described in the Support Services Addendum after the initial warranty period for StarChase Products and/or upgrade the level of warranty services for StarChase Products in accordance with the service offerings specified in the Support Services Addendum. 6.3 Third Party Products. All Third Party Products are subject to the third party's warranty provisions copies of which will be provided to Customer by StarChase. Notwithstanding the warranties specified in this Article 6 for Third Party Hardware, StarChase will pass through to Customer, as between Customer and the third party, the benefit of any third party warranty provisions applicable to Third Party Products and such warranty provisions are hereby passed through by StarChase for the benefit of Customer. Third Party Software that is licensed by StarChase. At Customer's option, Customer may engage StarChase for support of such Third Party Software licensed by StarChase to Customer in accordance with terms, conditions and charges mutually agreed upon in writing by the authorized representatives of both parties. 6.4 Replacement Parts. Any replacement StarChase Hardware or part provided by StarChase as part of its warranty service will be comparable in function and performance to the replaced original StarChase Hardware or part and is warranted for the remainder of the replaced original StarChase Hardware or part limited warranty period, or for ninety (90) days, whichever is greater. Whenever Customer is responsible to install replacement StarChase Hardware or parts, Customer will promptly return the replaced StarChase Hardware or part which will become the property of StarChase on an exchange basis. StarChase is responsible for the shipping and insurance charges associated with the replacement and replaced StarChase Hardware and parts shipped to and from Customer as part of StarChase's limited warranty service. 6.5 Restrictions on Warranty. This express warranty is extended by StarChase to the original purchaser only. The limited warranties set forth in this Article 10 do not apply to problems to the extent that they arise from (1) a product subject to misuse, accident, neglect or damage; (2) interoperation with third party products which are not recommended or approved by StarChase; (3) improper installation or modification by other than StarChase, its agents or subcontractors; (4) use of StarChase Products in an environment or in a manner or for a purpose for which the StarChase Products were not designed; or (5) Customer's failure to implement all previously supplied software or physical hardware Updates. 6.6 Batteries; Charging Systems. Batteries and charging systems, are excluded from this warranty but carry their own separate limited Mfg. warranty. 6.7 Operation of Warranty. In order to obtain performance of this warranty, Customer must contact its StarChase Manufacturer Representative or StarChase at the contact information above, support@starchase.com Should any returns be initiated, a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number must be clearly marked on the returned merchandise shipping container. 6.8 Disclaimer. STARCHASE DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PRODUCTS WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS SECTION 6.8, STARCHASE MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT THE STARCHASE PRODUCTS, MAINTENANCE SERVICES OR OTHER STARCHASE SERVICES. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS SECTION 6.8, STARCHASE DOES NOT MAKE, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS. STARCHASE MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO STARCHASE PRODUCTS, MAINTENANCE SERVICES OTHER STARCHASE SERVICES OR THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON- INFRINGEMENT, AND ANY WARRANTY ARISING BY COURSE OF DEALING, PERFORMANCE, OR USAGE OF TRADE. Article 7 INDEMNIFICATION 7.1 Intellectual Property Claims. With respect to StarChase Products, StarChase hereby agrees to indemnify, defend (with counsel satisfactory to Customer) and hold Customer harmless from and against any third party claim, suit, action or proceeding that the StarChase Products infringe any patent, copyright, trade secrets or other proprietary right, and pay all amounts agreed upon in settlement, costs, expenses (including attorney's fees) and the resulting judgments and damages finally awarded against Customer by a court of competent jurisdiction. In connection with StarChase's indemnification obligation pursuant to this paragraph, Customer shall provide StarChase with (1) prompt notification in writing of such claim, (2) sole control over the defense and settlement thereof, and (3) reasonable cooperation, at StarChase's expense, in response to a StarChase request for assistance. Customer shall be entitled to participate in the defense of any such claim at its own expense including its attorney's fees for which StarChase will not be responsible. 7.2 Remedies. In the event that Customer is enjoined, or is otherwise prohibited, from using StarChase Products, as a result of or in connection with any such claim, suit, action or proceeding, or should StarChase Products become or in StarChase's opinion likely to become, the subject of such a claim, suit, action or proceeding, StarChase shall, at its option and expense, (1) modify StarChase Products so that they become noninfringing and non-violative, without diminishing the usefulness of StarChase Products to Customer; (2) replace StarChase Products with products that are noninfringing and nonviolative, and that are at least as useful to Customer as StarChase Products; (3) procure for Customer the right to make continued use thereof; or (4) if neither (1), (2) or (3) can be accomplished on commercially reasonable terms, request the return of the StarChase Products at StarChase's expense and upon receipt, promptly refund to Customer as appropriate, the license fee for StarChase Software less a reasonable amount for past usage, or a pro rata amount of the purchase price for the returned StarChase's Products, taking into account the useful life and depreciated value of the StarChase Hardware as determined by Customer in accordance with its normal accounting practices (e.g., three (3), four (4) or five (5) years as applicable). 7.3 Limitations. StarChase shall have no liability to the extent the alleged infringement is based on: (1) the use of StarChase Products in combination with third party products not furnished by StarChase or not recommended or approved in writing by an authorized representative of StarChase; (2) StarChase Products used for a purpose or in a manner for which the StarChase Product was not designed; (3) use of any older version of the StarChase Software when use of a newer StarChase revision made available and known to Customer would have avoided the infringement; (4) any modification to the StarChase Product not made by StarChase or made without StarChase's written approval; (5) any unique custom StarChase software made by StarChase pursuant to Customer's specific instruction; or (6) any intellectual property right owned or licensed by Customer. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ARTICLE 7 STATE CUSTOMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND STARCHASE'S ENTIRE LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT CLAIMS WITH RESPECT TO STARCHASE PRODUCTS. 7.4 Mutual. Each party hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the other ("Indemnified Party") harmless from and against any and all damages, losses, judgments, settlement amounts, costs and expenses (including attorney's fees) that the Indemnified Party may suffer or incur that arise out of, are in connection with, or result from bodily injury (including death), personal injury or damage to tangible property to the extent that such damage or injury are caused by, arise out of, are connected with or result from its acts, negligence or willful misconduct or that of its employees, agents, or subcontractors. In connection with each party's indemnification obligations pursuant to this paragraph, the Indemnified Party shall provide the other party with (1) prompt notification in writing of the claim; (2) sole control over the defense and settlement thereof; and (3) reasonable cooperation, at the other party expense, in response to the other party's request for assistance. 7.5 Third Parties. StarChase hereby passes through to Customer the benefits of any indemnification from the third party (e.g., patent; copyright, trade secret or other proprietary rights infringement indemnification) with respect to third party software embedded in the StarChase Software and StarChase Hardware and Third Party Products to the extent such indemnification may be passed through to Customer. Article 8 FORCE MAJEURE 8.1 General. StarChase shall not be liable for delays or lack of performance if the failure to perform this Agreement arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of StarChase. The Customer shall not be liable for any breach of Agreement if the breach arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Customer. Such causes may include, but are not restricted to, acts of God or the public enemy, acts of the state and federal governments in either their sovereign or contractual capacities, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather; but in every case the failure to perform must be beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of StarChase or the Customer. 8.2 Subcontractors. If the failure to perform is caused by the default of a subcontractor, and such default arises out of causes beyond the control of both StarChase and subcontractor, and without the fault or negligence of either of them, StarChase shall not be liable for any excess costs for failure to perform, unless the supplies or services to be furnished by the subcontractor were obtainable from other sources in sufficient time to permit StarChase to meet the required delivery schedule. Article 9 DISPUTE RESOLUTION Mindful of the cost in time, energy and money of resolving a dispute by litigation, the parties agree that the sole and exclusive procedure for the resolution of a dispute shall be as follows: 9.1 Informal Negotiation. The parties shall attempt in good faith to resolve promptly any dispute not resolved in the regular course of business by informal negotiations between senior representatives of the parties having direct responsibility within their respective organizations for the administration of this Agreement. 9.2 Formal Negotiation. In the event that such informal negotiations do not result in resolution of the dispute, either party may initiate further negotiations by delivery to the other of a written notice. Within ten (10) days following the receipt of any such notice, the recipient party shall deliver to the initiating party a written response of the notice. Each such notice and response shall include the party’s description of the dispute (including any suggestions for the resolution of the dispute), and designation of a senior representative who will represent the party in further negotiations, who shall have authority to resolve the dispute on behalf of such party. The designated representatives shall meet on at least one occasion (and may meet as often as they deem necessary), at a mutually acceptable time and place, and attempt in good faith to resolve the dispute. 9.3 Arbitration. In the event that, within thirty (30) days following the initial written notice described in Section 9.2, the formal negotiation has not produced a resolution of the dispute, either party may submit the dispute to be resolved by arbitration by one arbitrator (“Arbitrator”) in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, applicable law and the provisions of this Agreement. StarChase shall have the sole discretion to appoint the Arbitrator; provided, however, that the Arbitrator (1) shall not be a current or former employee of the parties; (2) shall have sufficient expertise in the subject matter of the dispute; and (3) shall not receive any payments from the parties except in accordance with the provisions of this Article 9. The Arbitrator shall not in any event award punitive or exemplary damages, but may award equitable relief and arbitration costs. The Arbitrator’s decisions shall be final and conclusively binding on the parties, and judgment upon such award may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction as set forth in Section 6.5 of the Master Agreement. Any arbitration of a dispute shall be held in Virginia Beach, Virginia. 9.4 Specific Enforceability. The parties may prevent violations or enforce the provisions of this Agreement through any and all rights and remedies existing in their favor, whether at law or in equity, including specific performance and injunctive relief. The parties agree that the subject matter of this Agreement is unique and that money damages may not be an adequate remedy for any violation of the provisions of this Agreement and that, notwithstanding this Article 14, any party may apply to any court of law or equity, which is of competent jurisdiction as set forth in Section 6.5 of the Master Agreement, for equitable relief and shall be entitled to specific performance or other equitable relief to enforce or prevent any violations of this Agreement. 9.5 Injunctive Relief. Customer acknowledges that, in the event of a breach or threatened breach by Customer of any of the provisions of this Agreement, StarChase will not have an adequate remedy in money or damages. StarChase shall therefore be entitled to obtain injunctive relief against any such breach or threatened breach by Customer in any court of competent jurisdiction. StarChase’s rights hereunder shall not in any way be construed to limit or restrict its right to seek or obtain other damages or relief under this Agreement or under applicable law. 9.6 Cumulative Remedies. No right or remedy in this Agreement is intended to be exclusive, but each shall be cumulative and in addition to any other remedy referred to herein or otherwise available to a party at law or in equity; and the exercise by a party of any one or more of such remedies shall not preclude the simultaneous or later exercise by a party of any or all such other remedies. 9.7 Attorney’s Fees. The reasonably prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney’s fees and costs incurred in any dispute arising out of this Agreement, including at trial and on appeal, and including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in any action brought solely to recover attorneys’ fees and costs to which it is entitled pursuant to this paragraph. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.N. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Staff Response: Lake Cornelia Traffic Safety Petition Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve staff's recommendation to continue the work underway to address traffic safety concerns within the Lake Cornelia neighborhood. INTRODUCTION: At the December 20, 2022 regular meeting, City Council received a petition to address safety concerns of residents within the Lake Cornelia neighborhood and Point of France Condominiums. Among the concerns specifically mentioned in the petition include speeding, inattentive drivers and dangerous crosswalks. See attached staff report and supporting materials. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Lake Cornelia Traffic Safety Petition Petition Received December 6, 2022 Petition Graphic Lake Cornelia Neighborhood Traffic Data Staff Report April 4, 2023 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 August 2, 2023 Mayor and City Council Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Petition Response: Lake Cornelia Traffic Safety Approve staff’s recommendation to continue the work underway. Background: At their December 20, 2022 regular meeting, City Council received a petition to address safety concerns of residents within the Lake Cornelia neighborhood and Point of France Condominiums. Among the concerns specifically mentioned in the petition include speeding, inattentive drivers and dangerous crosswalks. 364 residents signed the petition, representing 269 adjacent properties (see Petition Graphic). 84 signatures were obtained from Point of France Condominium (6566 France Ave) and one address on the petition was illegible. Existing Conditions The Lake Cornelia neighborhood is generally bound by Highway 62 to the north, Highway 100 to the west, W 70th St to the south and Valley View Rd to the east. Within this area are 618 single-family residential properties, the Edina Art Center, the Edina Aquatic Center, Rosland Park and Christ Presbyterian Church. Cornelia Elementary School and Arneson Acres Park are located on the south side of W 70th St. Key roadway corridors within/adjacent to the neighborhood include W 66th St, Valley View Rd, West Shore Dr, Cornelia Dr, Normandale Rd and W 70th St. The posted speed limit is 30 mph on W 66th St east of Valley View Rd, Valley View Rd between W 66th St and W 69th St and W 70th St west of Normandale Rd. There are school speed zones on Cornelia Dr between Wooddale Ave and Heatherton Trl (20 mph) and on Cornelia Dr between W 70th St and W 72nd St (15 mph). The speed limit on all other streets is 25 mph. There is a dynamic display speed sign for eastbound traffic on W 70th St between Wooddale Ave and Cornelia Dr. Sidewalks are present on W 70th St, W 66th St, Cornelia Dr, Valley View Rd and W 69th St. Bike lanes are present on W 70th St, as well as a bike boulevard on Cornelia Dr/Southdale Rd. No public transit service operates within the neighborhood. REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 There are several pedestrian crossings within or adjacent to the neighborhood, with varying treatment levels (see Table 1). Marked Crosswalk with Road-Side Signs Pedestrian-Activated Flasher/RRFB Traffic Signal  W 66th St & Normandale Rd  W 68th St & Cornelia Dr  W 70th St & Valley View Rd  W 66th St & West Shore Dr  W 66th St & Cornelia Dr  W 66th St & Southdale Rd  W 68th St & Valley View Rd  W 69th St & Valley View Rd  W 70th St & Wooddale Ave  W 66th St & Valley View Rd  W 70th St & Normandale Rd  W 70th St & West Shore Dr  W 70th St & Cornelia Dr Table 1: Pedestrian Crossing Treatments in Lake Cornelia Traffic and Crash Data Staff collected new traffic data on W 66th St, West Shore Dr, Cornelia Dr, Valley View Rd, and W 70th St in 2023. Comparing this data to historic volume and speed data, staff has found that; 1. A spike in traffic volumes was observed in W 66th St in 2011 (9,962 vehicles compared to 5,440 the year before). This spike is consistent with W 70th St being closed to thru traffic during roadway reconstruction that year. 2. There is reason to believe that the 2012 data on W 70th St is unreliable. This data shows a margin of error beyond what is acceptable for the equipment used to collect it (pneumatic road tube counters). An error rate of this magnitude suggestions a defect in the road tubes used, improper installation or an error with the data recorder. Whatever the cause, it is the opinion of staff that this collected data is not representative of the actual traffic volumes in 2012. 3. 85th-percentile speeds for all roadways collected in 2023 were above the posted speed limit (ranging from 27.3 to 41.6 mph) 4. Traffic volumes have generally decreased or remained stable on all measured roadways over the last 25 years. 5. Minimal changes were observed in 85th-percentile speeds on measured roadways over the last 10 years. 6. No fatal or serious injury crashes have been reported in the neighborhood in the last 10 years. Previous Improvements/Work Underway In 2006, the City initiated a traffic study for the Greater Cornelia Area/W 70th St to evaluate traffic volumes, speeds and safety concerns. In 2009, the traffic study was presented to City Council, who then authorized staff to pursue implementation. Many of the recommendations have since been implemented (see Staff Report April 4, 2023). Additionally, the following projects/initiatives are underway to address traffic safety concerns within the neighborhood: REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 3 1. The City has submitted a grant application through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program to develop and Safe & Equitable Mobility Action Plan. Such a plan would identify strategies and projects that holistically address safety issues, while ensuring that the benefits of a safe road are available to all users. Grant award decisions are expected to be announced in October 2023. 2. The City is reconstructing Valley View Rd between W 70th St and W 69th St in 2023. The new street will have narrower travel lanes and a new 10’ shared-use path on the west side for pedestrians and cyclists. 3. Staff is investigating if the signal system on W 70th St can be reprogrammed to potentially address vehicle speeds. When originally installed, the “smart” signal system included provisions to monitor and react to speed and traffic volume in the corridor. For example, the signals could reduce the green light cycle if a certain number of vehicles are observed traveling above the posted speed limit. That technology is no longer operative nor supported by the vendor. 4. Staff is in the process of scoping out a project to replacing the existing pedestrian-activated flashers at W 70th St and Wooddale Ave in 2023 or 2024. The current flashers are round amber flashing beacons, which is an older style of equipment. The current industry standard is a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB). Various studies have shown that RRFBs can significantly improve the rate at which motorists yield to pedestrians at a crossing. Staff recommends replacing the existing flashers with RRFBs to be consistent with other crossing treatments throughout the City. 5. Staff is developing a policy to guide future use of vehicle speed feedback signs. Also known as dynamic speed display signs or radar speed signs, these devices are designed to slow drivers down by alerting them of their speed through an electronic display. The City currently has three feedback signs installed, including one on W 70th St near Cornelia Elementary School. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends continuing the work previously mentioned at address traffic safety within the neighborhood. Attachments Petition Received Dec 6, 2022 Petition Graphic Lake Cornelia Neighborhood Traffic Data Staff Report April 4, 2023 City of Edina, Minnesota CITY COUNCIL 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 (952) 927-8861 • (952) 927-7645 FAX • (612) 927-5461 TDD DATE RECEWED: PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL q SIDEWALK q ALLEY PAVING q STORM SEWER q SANITARY SEWER Ei CURB AND GUTTER ONLY El PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER El WATER MAIN El STREET LIGHTING X OTHER: Public Safety Traffic Issues To the Mayor and City Council: The persons who have signed this petition ask the City council to act on the issues listed below. Please address traffic safety concerns of Lake Comelia/Point of France residents regarding the number of speeding, inattentive drivers in our neighborhood. Major areas of concern include speeders along 70th, 66th and Valley View Road. Dangerous crosswalks exist along 70th at Wooddale, Cornelia and Valley View & 66th , endangering both children and adults. Residents also report cut-through, speeding traffic along Cornelia, West Shore, Southdale Road and Dunberry, again endangering children and adults. Please, let's address these traffic safety issues before someone is seriously injured or killed. Thank you. PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS SIGNATURE (PRINTED) (PRINTED) i(11\ r Andp,,e 69 LLI c orn& /4 Dr S b Pa,h- (c c-Do tireibe,v- G -71 (151(12,dia-- ect, 4-.4 3 (/ wa0,74/e 4„ %A l& 077w...Lirk-, (e_. (LcSeri 4'ca ih)f. This petition was circulated by: 67 L/ 0/00(10,4 te /lye f (S//3) s-o-s'- NAME ADDRESS PHONE There is space for more signatures on the back. APRIL 2008 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE C Li \VA OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) V L111 (i /) e5- ), tuctriC U\ -1 C4 V) USA 1 -Pto. (---ts\c\ pwlm kcx vely 34pL 1e ?),(4ivAdOVtAiJ6 PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) L. /Ht162L-i_tit 6 9 Corilediti 101, K)9 CoolrcIA ort G2 v3 u0\9_40, `bi • (o 0 CO \CV-1 e „ d CO /e Dd/ (dq 0-ertiVkaG HV t 1( 7 n )1/-6,-k 11/( (10c-- ,110 czic 71( A vwfA t P e-Er c\ONA`\ co( fve \c\ CA Ai E t Pe tk 17e-fi-- YbLV h A-- r -77 09 0/6t/M-S f41 SVolvi to 0c-,L ( 3 (.0kAsi This petition was circulated by: k105 09 ,1 /422 )e [7 L-4).7,1 ( Vat) (O vv,t/Li (9L (oC\2-L\ Co AeXic\. 6q-33 Coi29Y 5i-die ‘7)3 2 Cnri.iNJ\ Ciornee, 4r (f (Ac QV c.ovwf. 17 Y , )(0) ru (.\ic ‘k)-- e{ iu\nc e- k ()12.— \-2J--7670 PHONE NAME ADDRESS The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you ofyour rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE t,')(.7;7\, -(24 OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) Dc, stAAAesAit-'" c:\r\.;h6( ILs Savod 1,14 L. McA4 t_v /A- A (E=t, L-e -44) K--60-k. Cif L\r u) PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) u0l) LS 0-)9121, 412-5 P0A1,2e$77 L h Dt"i(frvi Li" L41 (97 g IA/ —Cio.o/e D7. w IVO "so k" 3k lJ Clerk`A-se--4A 4 01-t crPyl D( 6Ji $?,. c-'),L ft (\iL 422-21 This petition was circulated by: y- y\ I- (t\vr\ NAME ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 AitA 6(-1t1 411./ OA 4 -A OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) /4-blSeA) )<J2-0 0)k) Ciephitnrc geA --/Y14‘ V-66(6/VV%- kik \\\' Jos c, crryA Lew; ce G rifsw ..-fkv\ .,e( Mit Aw-c ionickiks- k r\ VVLSV\ PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRLNTED) Odi 1,6°1-7 (7(,(3 6444.1,4 Toy it 6,)6 C6 n€' Dnp ve._ 64,4 ed-2/kt_d6t efiA471 --c-6;6( (&c( _//r-17-/4/t-,C(4 ernO`l acme ti 1:‘u, (0r4-04 Cori eide>11)-L. -407 e_of try .1)e, Oftak___ 7Z-66 151(47)\ CAY. da 7C ( Co (0 Ao 0_06-- Q-L I I It PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE ( 41r11 /14/2" ()-U Patty t 64- A-- / U (cdaey) C oc) I Ock(\ 5c" ev)cy Ira c 854( ix4,.\t-6 Rai y a r)"0 L5-/-)a v This 9 - on was circulated 133h-/ 4,37bi [IC 6C4'‘g- Zio? ( es/44, (i>, Pr, toga I Coin(' rick b1 v9 eorn.dce: 6 61 2- 171P I 610 , Are:te,r NAME Q` iii P)Y-‘ ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME SIGNATURE (PRINTED) ()Ay] Vl (2-AA-Cc-CA\ 6 PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 4- Ucg yam / 7 4,1 r, ,b71._ 66-1.4J-4 -v1 ?1,2- arroli4 1)( This petition was circulated by: , t(leACtvCfrif C-t NAME ((117) araave_ ,10 t oo (k-*6 ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 1431/7 ay LQ//e--- ( r1) col (:st 404 I 0418 914/L Lc/Les:, L,J 9016 0-01(1v4 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE tagle-/A. )Av„ KA.e7\f-Adc-ONO \f- ca,idiet (A1 iLAQG1_p eitep)ei filitivap gz-ir 64 r ki 14/ eit/iG Li Is( le to LS OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) clie( )7c.) 1(&‘ 5 eV' 0 . "tit IALIM ap,o, li)kp it4N;tA,_ CANsv.s:jtin,akel_ ivy C \Thr ,'>V -env r\ This petition was circulated by: cog.,2c ocAlow4-Nkrt- k) 0 f A YV\ :1)4 ; s 61 \ 0 LA4 I\ (9.41v —2 0 55a - cf„? ci "(-1 `1 NAME ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 ak-vNA cz It‘t-A-S` 6cog .sou- coo Poctd Roafinehainbei-;, &I 33 &cida,a))1 4L,LL C) &S 33 cekb-ec-4 g 32— Dck\(_I 4);..A 8., IA uvAA V\ ) f &J. DE, /2,f; A7oA/ /744 "--1( R)--h vik Eel / nO 7(4hr-- , 1/1 • 1 ti ct -e-tt, D ocI k vP For IiO'' 6ov 1<cor- e)--rackhviewrl E f -c, NiCe, ri.2 4 ei-) te, iv\ 1-- PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME SIGNATURE (PRINTED) I <--ki\--)1\4 11-C PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) ObS7 nMA,C1--itit <14 ki a, FIN 6k/A6- 57S IL- ()t %-•--\- \NA V-4•A EeS), 6\ cf. t'\ ) 5 ti)((./st L i,t, jA/7 /LA/ b1I 3 PAviSo cl L-64ii e Ike co (49 SM-rt te Rc( (-) °I I b souiltrAl \A 69.11 S'avki-hctole_ VI 00 64kA4(/(12_ 4,ye 4L.6_ ,1,1•(1, This petition was circulated by: r A DF%Ji S (91:kk C OCkAtAdL4ItL- cl 5 A. 9 ' NAME ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) roAck _. ( v7- n6A tc,-)(c3s4 rt-,( \Ni I---• geds-- 47./,,,--4/ /4/6e: (i c xe\yr RA i ,e)(.4) i<ct, f321) i6PriAk1 ctx(cIri°C EI-12ft-P)Inf t Cgr//fr 1601)6 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) G21 Saaivouitc 11d. 6SYC Sar\(, 1 Sexah&olo vor 04„, 6931 ,crwct•hd cdp. R4. Gei Lc; V 3 Rozidih 9°33 v(4), pi u9),,t)- 0,4041e Rk LE2)04-y-x-rnA-DA-c-). i961 6 d 610 al- -r- oct This petition was circulated by: o rA. V)/ . AL))S e75 S 0r.L.G2 Tef, 9 /5:2 - 9•29-44 1--VZ ) NAME ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you qfyour rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 If\jo r A tkA AO \171 )11_,L)Th (9, OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) c4-1 -ra-456),u G41)(,\ Gar (1 a 1 A CVsN Seip \A NzaCte)Cr\ oututevtl)At, IktIVAlkNies f---;(1/1 LA r\ie-,t-3,, 1--)" ttt. h. A A(lTE ILA-0 PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) bi-375 01---kfirA1 AJ A-VE 6,9Z_ fid 041-9/-' PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGN PURE 114,o/v-oio—k_ 1&( .?01)(1 coo,_ dAzi_ This petition was circulated by: Or A )AL); It, 9 •••• I I) ciS 7 •'2 *Lf Lt ? NAME ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE /n. M IC t\c7YA‘Ave) ?v, vv) 711-t o\v\o,q L. I Moarr, 7v-,-/c/RAL A t. 0 .5O— 4_ / Ti:.,c)so(r F-10(0\ &ti )4gi-c;,‘ VP. 11/14/22, 9:12 AM Re: Petition? - E Brumm - Outlook PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) nrad avi-m M Joy v el 7 10 0 1.-Cc046( 1-t;.„ fri loo 7 1-1-e(2116.-/0rf 164 Tom' 4D.W \i\kawc\-\-c-1) r 2 f2Z1 L) 221 This petition was circulated by: Vovi NAME ADDRESS CIC)PW7H 13 PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform ,mu ofrour rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 about:blank 1/1 /1,/ -e- `d- ' a-b,y Lice Imo.. ,c)Rtt:1611‘') q, 1 S Ann OVI CA, V (LC I A jA ) A 1)17,i CI Les 1^-4-' 72 32., 1 vle cjvi( rvi o N Ar41) foog&AN 1.44.0,Lf _frz / cr, et- ri Z7// C , •til M I .1141dide/ kic-16,9/41--r•- PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE k 67L-(64 OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) I 4 6KA-5.-L k_rr•-• ,c; Peirey GA. k. 1,14c *(Si-/A/ 14,/,L6i 1 0(3'ee e kr0a E-r;C 2 kl s&r-) PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 2 a AA/I /1 (2_1)6 L-,_ 1/-;)e.. hl ‘14 IL/ c4 7Z2-( Lr\ 7,217 tviia //e-2.1(teio 6A f /-cle. 122-1 D? 10-466 CL , ‘ (Ir‘CeC Lr MOili,1_4 (4-) 7.1 ! viA ri (: L -7-1-oct .ps -ZYL This petition was circulated by: D aLtvvi 7 23:2- Moiii cc! e) LJ/1 NAME ADDRESS Q52--9.2-0 PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 44/Are (.EE q 5• LA6 um-1 00-. eh AI PA /V 55%-4- .mss n f/ YeK/ 7tia `te.A)ci- 1,1 cc. # Fri t! ES /14 Ct e r 1;"1""ii )() V1 77-6Z2‘ Ltry z.L.1( :,Aeci_xx\ ISAO) Nic) rcY 10/ Ccj-/ 942. A 4452/ /- „cA,',- it ( La s /5112 ( /- (93 tJ Pr ‘26-33 (,),.__Wort 66) CV GI r4 621 LA.) SKsz,n-iz Orio-e (02 511.try L bI vc ‘"/ 5 4G fv4 L-1521 tawcacc. 45-d,c LVL5 L,,A, z' V041, s 1/1(,kr, t.t This petition was circulated by: -1,e‘c Lei' h4 t„.aid‘ NAME ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 ti AA. s ANA HAT-HL) - 4,(zt, K(A---411-e_e_AV k LA:A L ev‘ ocsbA Q rte.t\ t-vik PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME D 0,0 as AN L Act it-Lair . <)/47-7-7 t koe L Dope j- eiL) cA/Ava 64,tzt.,6 0710 * )-ax/Johviy --1-01\or 51-t,ktle j k Iry i erLy Pei-roc PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) (PRINTED) Zzeke•I-7- iAlheie— S. eick--&-:-A17-- ri t—Ttmic 40,0 fl rem, \--\e-c,\4(v DO VT) r/M-T4 L . . r IP This etition was circulated by: \IAA-) e -ittg Day..3L0LA_A- 8"14.4.A., iird4 () &I/27 2/-31( CW244e-a-4-e4e, gq-A. 7S6 NAME ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you ofyour rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 PROPERTY OW. ER'S SIG E OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) (PRINTED) gf)wt-( ifrof (11 ll- p/ e C4-re-,g 0 / 7 /7,-,7-7// s C EJ joirme, v-vka. NI\ ncc,kair P 14ekeAA(Alctd Qv Kai/tea/4 frcs,- KeTv\ Pi con 6ii&,,s7&J fe r c ren t_jr\ctSetiA 47 C AtIVA.,1? a 5 42 4fIsr" /6/ re 6033 &nal (4-v-{ ifto 6c(n formeli Aue. 64-32 CALLit 1-1-1 n w Lin,. 4'V G y w. sl4,„„ pe- OB 9102-\1\ilroVei tvi w,t 1--OIZJSL-5" .ck/1/0— 6 s-16 (4). 946, Oz. w 661-1‘ sLIA/A-) This petitionpet.qion was circulated by: 7N.C.)//' Li NAME z-fil cititAm 95,tA 4 ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you ofyour rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law. your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 5 6A1 cz,b(cs,), Ikt .;\ \(\c '\Th !Da!, 1:)')(1011) PO Jo 17Laye (4 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) M C tikEL/ E ak) PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 1/1-66/ a/te-gf ietio. cottit-r /r e'( q 5 r) C /6INC, A,VC) ref C4 C r CA-", 93-la (Lc-at vtivorc, .1-6/2 0041We (74- This petition was circulated by: 1,\A 2A I cLArzovetz._ cod' q15'-zgzo 404 a, NAME ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 ADDRESS NAME -7300 ho Jo), atvAc-c- 7 3/ .3 '‘k) 12 qVijc Jci1 731 Z- 4. VI R\,1 \ A I,,ShOre 1)r57.S1-35- 5 (/ 5 0-7-6,; ecti 5-5'Yoy gAODW&) "WC- y PHONE cur P 0,11, 1 j ke S The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 "try gros-fAci —6'3 taus This petition was circulat O(5hore Or K. 1)/1-fia\44,64K) OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) e/ee-r-A K. I:=)411-1 Gc / e v cl) ()kr? 1),1-c c tu" 01 L7 "{(7-'irL r L L„,3 („1 '04-0 Sho r Py- ykL \r-k kiQui jN itiWIA Jo 4v 1•7‘ / GA)51t-0414,/ -7,75c6 13P11.. `:31'--() ate-, C/ 7 ? L, S f S ho,fe Or. O)r )A Holf2i4tet-13 Sjio ic 0-, 7 36 7 / PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE L/,'" kc-1,,,ti PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) .” V`feS`b 4A0re.. Dr. PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 71 2- ( U') t \c-,r*- 7 1 7 C k! 5 Ii &u' OK. •iR This petition was circulated by: 6,;--T-A-V p/t-t-t OWNER'S NAME (PR NTED) rivm.„ :1161titu:c M Ay-4 ''-71101/141.-C • PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE 11/14/22, 1:20 PM 70th ST TRAFFIC Signature sheet.jpg PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE /// OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) A (1) \L_Q PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) OQC\ (1 , - / _2 I Lic Iz u 10 ' 1/2- S1/UH c / )j-4 -/ 41 17 111'14' -/-I v- CtA 67 ete-)) e V d 0 3 u C/u, Pc/ / 6g 3(.2 6-efm, Pd ,LB3 2 Q &-.1 • A 1/1/t/C, trill 7 - .J 2 r r V\V‘JCA:`„_.) 14 IVA, fr) Y.? j )0(4 , I I 7;1 t(' r( ) \r) • :1---A) C,JJ9 (Z' L'7 u r_; 5 This petition was circulated by: 44 NAME 00v woock4ie Ave S (/3) Jo 7q6'7 7q(7 ADDRESS PHONE 0 5- c( ) e (.)( rc _doc The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGqRQFJKhfgvKCTpb,JdhFVFTTss?projector=1&messagePartlid=0.1 1/1 /Q to(77 5- (2y 'I ic2 /'p7(YVi9P.,.sP 9)9 r)511) •h-( 77-% 417 g/;'d cjg 9 -gPV Vc/ --dje Jr -247) /772 U4 g0:1;2 q S -6" 0/ 9 ,-77 ,v- 99•-V v17 _zt ,9f51 /)z f 74.97,7.4' 011 %,%. IH(H$ H 4.11)H.I S ry-> 2)? v920 ± 5lT9 AffP Aii--Pfoied/) v.,/ cid/ v„-v( (roc? ri) INAM) Tr „ 1,7 /6V /74 CIX/1400Zy s.9 r-oz-7 ,?A 72 ?;.'"" rn"'111(1V tri, 7/! In 11% \ ‘Nt) lin LIOH.1 /i/2// /a) 2y -d-d-w}zi (566 6-64.kct,iILL /en Ov, N'AME t;l0 stii EMVV <EE - 46 (11 ) N-4 1AL-7(1-1 f/,s2-t-rwtA 2z}) 4-wii'7911/Vi Qt 5--b 6 E f 5:4! /Hoek"... ak___Lt, r fl fr--; Ae-ar0-Vi_tx r4.o. 1)61(6' . _ (ebcoc,Vc' Qw Nj S (fz) ttleP4 4+ 50 I Pi I *1 It• •$lki% Ali 1{1. 6/41L trA-T<P - 7 (e, ./ (•C. //e_-__ 5- c,(// .1P4-71,/e-ee, iiitt4L-te WI (a- 972rere-A--- J Ho o 1 2 01 0 1—) )C., rock (,) OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) 1 4 2 y L. vAi 4 'UPS. ref 11N-L— te4-e&o-h6L-6.11._)Ph\)1 11'5 Co lei hi'rsch etrYt-/Yulai W X.2.-4--Nt/vtA-81--tk _,0 he\ l C, 11 Mck. Vl ri e kcLiti 1-\ PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINT D) /1 4)7 aoS/ //Z UAL, et_i /66,--71/02 Rob&d- rcCf) (1 5 r),-, i\) ex vi Are 4(0.5 i)py v\rkDi J,7 I( PF/ 94,11.0A4 /7 0 tition was circulated by: &‘2 61 -7 ;5W- 7,--)7 ADDRESS 7-f---12/ f PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you ofyour rights about the private data we are requesting on this .form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information, You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 NAME PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE 6.2) verA. %IV P 4 '? i Zo k_c-W2 fravakire- 3 -77eveo 60'1 303 a SIGNATURE (PRINTED) PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S NAME R B Condi PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 65 (0C Rivao Aye 11 12,11 ir f'-'71T/ el eitA -•-•W 40 9 (4 f 1 ic;\ -41-0)0- 0-1 F Acc,rc-Kc-,04 3t_ec__Ixc_„,k1, 8,7/ 4 el/ v--e i-2 /./.5 I-1 k-2 ,17e.c /4m.y /00 'Pdtio6--- This petition w trculated by: ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form, 'Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information, You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 1/ rt /co // I 4'21( /d7 tt 1(010tJ 4;r ft rAirMite 4TY ViTt-trA,T IM\se.;AV:"e Ilelltkb / Engineering DeptMarch 2023 Lake Cornelia NeighborhoodTraffic Safety Petition CITYOFEDIN A MIN N ESOTAINCORPORATE D1888 ,e W 70TH ST HWY 100WEST SHORE DRW 66TH ST NORMANDALE RDW 72ND STCORNELIA DRVALLEYFRANCERoslandPark HWY 62 PARKLAWN AVE W 65TH ST EdinaArt Center EdinaAquaticCenter ChristPresbyterianChurch ArnesonAcres Park CorneliaElementarySchool kjkj kj kj kj kj kj kj kjkj kjkj kj kj kj kj kj ##kj kj kj kjkj kj kjVIEW RDAVE!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$ Point of FranceCondominiums kj !"$ kj # Legend Signed Petition Traffic Signal All-Way Stop Roundabout Pedestrian-Activated Flasher Location Year Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 85% Speed, mph A (W 66th St) 2010 5,440 38.1 2011 9,962 37.7 2023 5,833 37.9 B (W 66th St) 1997 5,000 - 2001 5,650 - 2005 5,600 - 2009 5,300 - 2013 5,900 - 2015 6,700 - 2018 7,300 - Location Year Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 85% Speed, mph C (West Shore Dr)2011 948 29.0 2023 669 27.3 D (Cornelia Dr) 2011 1,395 29.8 2012 804 29.8 2023 475 31.3 Location Year Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 85% Speed, mph E (Valley View Rd) 1997 11,000 - 2001 8,400 - 2005 7,700 - 2009 8,000 - 2013 8,900 - 2018 9,600 - 2023 10,100 41.6 Location Year Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 85% Speed, mph F (Valley View Rd) 1997 4,600 - 2001 3,500 - 2005 2,650 - 2009 2,500 - 2013 2,550 - 2015 2,700 - 2018 2,700 - Location Year Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 85% Speed, mph G (W 70th St) 1997 18,000 - 2001 14,600 - 2005 13,600 - 2009 10,700 - 2013 9,700 - 2015 10,300 - 2021 10,100 - H (W 70th St) 2012 5,602*32.8* 2012 8,774 33.1 2023 8,929 34.9 Location Year Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 85% Speed, mph I (W 70th St) 1997 14,500 - 2001 16,000 - 2005 12,800 - 2009 10,600 - 2013 9,600 - 2015 9,200 - 2018 9,200 - City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 April 4, 2023 Mayor and City Council Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Petition Response: Lake Cornelia Traffic Safety Approve staff’s recommendation to collect additional traffic data spring/summer 2023 and return to City Council for further discussion. Information / Background: At their December 20, 2022 regular meeting, City Council received a petition to address safety concerns of residents within the Lake Cornelia neighborhood and Point of France Condominiums. Among the concerns specifically mentioned in the petition include speeding, inattentive drivers and dangerous crosswalks. 364 residents signed the petition, representing 269 adjacent properties* (see Petition Graphic). Existing Conditions The Lake Cornelia neighborhood is generally bound by Highway 62 to the north, Highway 100 to the west, W 70th St to the south and Valley View Rd to the east. Within this area are 618 single-family residential properties, the Edina Art Center, the Edina Aquatic Center, Rosland Park and Christ Presbyterian Church. Cornelia Elementary School and Arneson Acres Park are located on the south side of W 70th St. Key roadway corridors within/adjacent to the neighborhood include W 66th St, Valley View Rd, West Shore Dr, Cornelia Dr, Normandale Rd and W 70th St; these roads carry 2,700 to 10,100 vehicles per day. The posted speed limit is 30 mph on W 66th St east of Valley View Rd, Valley View Rd between W 66th St and W 69th St and W 70th St west of Normandale Rd. There are school speed zones on Cornelia Dr between Wooddale Ave and Heatherton Trl (20 mph) and on Cornelia Dr between W 70th St and W 72nd St (15 mph). The speed limit on all other streets is 25 mph. There is a dynamic display speed sign for eastbound traffic on W 70th St between Wooddale Ave and Cornelia Dr. * 84 signatures were obtained from Point of France Condominiums (6566 France Avenue). One address on the petition was illegible. REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 Sidewalks are present on W 70th St, W 66th St, Cornelia Dr, Valley View Rd and W 69th St. Bike lanes are present on W 70th St, as well as a bike boulevard on Cornelia Dr/Southdale Rd. No public transit service operates within the neighborhood. There are several pedestrian crossings within or adjacent to the neighborhood, with varying treatment levels (see Table 1). Marked Crosswalk with Road-Side Signs Pedestrian-Activated Flasher/RRFB Traffic Signal • W 66th St & Normandale Rd • W 68th St & Cornelia Dr • W 70th St & Valley View Rd • W 66th St & West Shore Dr • W 66th St & Cornelia Dr • W 66th St & Southdale Rd • W 68th St & Valley View Rd • W 69th St & Valley View Rd • W 70th St & Wooddale Ave • W 66th St & Valley View Rd • W 70th St & Normandale Rd • W 70th St & West Shore Dr • W 70th St & Cornelia Dr Table 1: Pedestrian Crossing Treatments in Lake Cornelia Past Improvements In 2006, the City initiated a traffic study for the Greater Cornelia Area/W 70th St to evaluate traffic volumes, speeds and safety concerns. In 2009, the traffic study was presented to City Council, who then authorized staff to pursue implementation. Many of the recommendations have since been implemented (see Table 2). Traffic Study Recommendation Implementation Update 1 Remove of free right from northbound Highway 100 to eastbound W 70th St Completed in 2011 as part of roadway reconstruction project 2 Create of a school speed zone around Cornelia Elementary School Completed in 2009 as part of Edina Speed Zone Study 3 Install “smart” signal system along the corridor, including new traffic signal at West Shore Dr, pedestrian crossing at Wooddale Ave and modifications to existing signal at Cornelia Dr Completed in 2011 as part of roadway reconstruction project 4 Parking to remain along corridor where applicable 52% of existing parking spaces were removed in 2011 as part of the roadway reconstruction project to accommodate new bike lanes 5 Install dedicated left-turn lanes at West Shore Dr, Wooddale Ave and Cornelia Dr Completed (these already existed prior to 2009) REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 3 6 Install improved signage at the west end of the corridor to redirect motorists to use alternatives routes to access locations further east Per State Statute, legal vehicles can only be prohibited from using Municipal State Aid routes based on weight restrictions. Alternative east-west routes (Highway 62, W 66th St, or W 77th St) are not convenient. 7 Pavement rehabilitation or reconstruction to quiet roadway Completed in 2011 as part of roadway reconstruction project 8 Enhance landscaping along the corridor Completed in 2011 as part of roadway reconstruction project 9 Explore possibilities for offering turnarounds on private property Some property owners opted to have new turnarounds constructed in 2011 as part of roadway reconstruction project 10 Study a roundabout to replace the “T” intersection of W 70th St and Valley View Rd Roundabout constructed in 2011 as part of roadway reconstruction project 11 Further evaluation of roundabouts at the intersection of W 70th St and Highway 100 Traffic signals are owned and operated by MnDOT; additional study is needed to review impact to traffic operations and pedestrian/bicycle facilities Table 2: 2009 Traffic Study Recommendations and Implementation Work Underway The City has three projects currently underway related to traffic safety in the Lake Cornelia neighborhood: 1. The “smart” signal system on W 70th St included provisions to monitor and react to speed and traffic volume in the corridor. For example, the signals could reduce the green light cycle if a certain number of vehicles are observed traveling above the posted speed limit. The “smart” technology is no longer operative nor supported by the vendor. Staff is evaluating whether reimplementing a similar technology would be appropriate based on current traffic patterns. 2. The pedestrian-activated flashers at W 70th St and Wooddale Ave are round amber flashing beacons, which is an older style or equipment. The current industry standard is a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB). Various studies have shown that RRFBs can significantly improve the rate at which motorists yield to pedestrians at a crossing. To be consistent with other crossing treatments throughout the City, staff is in the process of replacing the existing flashers with RRFBs. This work is expected to occur this spring or summer depending on the availability of materials. 3. In 2021, the City reduced speed limits on most local streets to 25 mph. This initiative was part of a comprehensive strategy to address speeding and pedestrian safety. Staff is in the process of collecting traffic data at various locations throughout the City to ascertain the effectiveness of the reduced speed limits. Staff will also compare crash data on local streets two years before and after implementation to assess associated safety impacts. The data collected will help inform future decisions related to infrastructure, enforcement and education. REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 4 Next Steps Staff recommends collecting additional traffic counts and speed data in spring/summer 2023. Priority roadways for collection will include W 70th St, W 66th St and Valley View Rd; traffic data will be collected on West Shore Dr, Cornelia Dr, Dunberry Ln and Southdale Rd as weather and workload permits. This data will provide staff with an objective understanding of current traffic conditions and will help determine whether improvements are warranted in the neighborhood. Attachments Petition Graphic Petition Received Dec 6, 2022 Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.O. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Approve Transportation Commission Mid-Year Work Plan Modification Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve mid-year modification to the Transportation Commission's 2023 work plan. INTRODUCTION: The Transportation Commission is requesting to add a new initiative to their approved work plan. Staff believes that the Commission has the capacity to complete this initiative in the 2023 calendar year and that the initiative aligns with the City's strategic goals. See attached staff report and supporting documents. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Mid-Year Work Plan Modification Approved 2023 Work Plan Proposed Initiative #7 August 2, 2023 Mayor and City Council Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Transportation Commission Work Plan Modification Information / Background: The Transportation Commission’s approved 2023 work plan includes six initiatives. Initiative #5 relates to the Cahill District Area Plan, whose working group included an appointed representative from the Commission. Since the working group presented their final recommendations to City Council in July 2023, this initiative is completed and the Commission is proposing to add a seventh initiative to their work plan; “Create more thorough and consistent communication to provide to community members who comment at Transportation Commission meetings or provide written commentary to the Commission or City staff.” The Commission intends to develop communication materials to provide to members of the public who interact with the Commission in person or through the City’s online correspondence submission tool. These materials will help explain the Commission’s roles and responsibilities, particularly related to the Traffic Safety Request process. Staff believes that the Commission has the capacity to complete this initiative in the 2023 calendar year, and that the initiative aligns with the City’s strategic goals to improve communication, public engagement and transparency. Attachments Transportation Commission Approved 2023 Work Plan Transportation Commission Proposed Initiative #7 Approved by City Council December 6, 2022 Commission: Transportation Commission 2023 Annual Work Plan Initiative #1 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Pedestrian Crossing Policy Review Review existing crossing policy and recommend changes with consideration for local amenities such as parks and schools. Deliverable Report and recommendations to City Council Leads Chris Brown Target Completion Date Q4 Sub-Committee Budget Required: None Staff Support Required: 1 hour per month from Staff Liaison, ~5 hours from other staff (Engineering, Parks & Recreation) Initiative #2 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☒ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Bicycle Network Planning for Bikes as Transportation Develop a priority list of high-traffic corridors and ideas for bike friendly improvements. Deliverable Report to City Council Leads Andy Lewis, Mindy Ahler, Jill Plumb-Smith Target Completion Date Q4 Sub-committee Budget Required: None Staff Support Required: 1 hour per month from Staff Liaison Approved by City Council December 6, 2022 Initiative #3 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☒ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) France Avenue Corridor Review Review the safety, accessibility, and amenities along the existing France Avenue Transit Corridor for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders between Minnesota Drive and Highway 62 (Southdale District). Investigation will include site visits and review of similar case studies that promote non-automobile transportation modes along similar scale roadways and will include input from key stakeholders. Inquiry is in response to the Climate Action Plan and new parking ordinances. Deliverable Report to City Council Leads Tricia Rubenstein, Bruce McCarthy, Lori Richman Target Completion Date Q4 Sub-committee Budget Required: None. Staff Support Required: 2-5 hours per month from Staff Liaison, ~10 hours from Communications for stakeholder engagement/website Initiative #4 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☒ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Boulevard Tree Planting Review options for replacement and new boulevard tree planting program (Greenspace + Trees Strategy GS1). Deliverable Report to City Council Leads Tricia Rubenstein Target Completion Date Q4 Sub-Committee Budget Required: None Staff Support Required: 1 hour per month from Staff Liaison, ~5 hours from City Forester Initiative #5 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Cahill Small Area Plan Appoint Commissioner to serve on the Cahill small area plan working group. Deliverable Commissioner will actively participate in the working group and provide regular updates to the Commission. Leads Janet Kitui Target Completion Date Q4 Working Group Budget Required: Funds available through Hennepin County Planning Grant Staff Support Required: 1 hour per month from Staff Liaison. Approved by City Council December 6, 2022 Initiative #6 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Parking Consideration of future parking in Edina to identify parking initiatives to pursue in the next 10-15 years, in what order and what Commissions/resources should be assigned to each. Deliverable Recommendation to City Council (Review and Comment from ETC, EEC) Leads Kirk Johnson, Janet Kitui Target Completion Date Q4 Cross-Commission Committee (PC lead, EEC) Budget Required: None Staff Support Required: 2-5 hours per month from Staff Liaison, ~5 hours from other staff (Planning, Engineering) Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.) Transit service advocacy, pedestrian safety education, speed limit adherence Transportation Commission Proposed Modification to 2023 Annual Work Plan Initiative #7 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Enhancements to Commission Response to Community Comments Create more thorough and consistent communication to provide to community members who comment at Transportation Commission meetings or provide written commentary to the commission or city staff. Deliverable Proposed set of communications Leads Andy Lewis Grant Wright Roger Bildsten Target Completion Date Q3 Budget Required: Funds not needed. Staff Support Required: 1-2 hours from Community Engagement Manager, 1-2 hours from Communications. Liaison Comments: This initiative supports the City’s work towards improving communication, engagement and transparency. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.P. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Traffic Safety Reports of May 30 and June 27, 2023 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Traffic Safety Reports of May 30 and June 27, 2023. INTRODUCTION: The Transportation Commission reviewed the reports at their June 15 and July 20 regular meetings, respectively. ATTACHMENTS: Description Traffic Safety Report of May 30, 2023 Traffic Safety Report of June 27, 2023 July 18, 2023 Mayor and City Council Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of May 30, 2023 Information / Background: The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on May 30. The Traffic Safety Coordinator, City Engineer, Streets Public Service Worker, Transportation Planner, Public Works Director, Police Sergeant and Assistant City Planner were in attendance for this meeting. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can submit correspondence to the Transportation Commission and/or to City Council prior to the July 18 regular meeting. Section A: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends action A1. Request to remove advanced stop warning sign in front of 4213 Morningside Road. Staff recommends removing the advanced warning sign. Description Requests included restricting non-local traffic, improving signal timing and layouts along W 50th St and France Ave. ADT 1,318 (August 2020) 85% Speed 29.6 mph Crashes None reported in past 10 years Ped and Bike Crosses N/A Sight Lines Adequate Previous Requests N/A Policy Guideline Mn-MUTCD requires sign if not visible at distance of 180’ (if intermittent obstructions occur, engineering judgement should determine treatment) Unique Circumstances On-street parking and sidewalks are present on both sides of street. Morningside Road facing east STAFF REPORT Page 2 A2. Request for additional accessible parking stall in front of Morningside Church on Morningside Road. Staff recommends adding a third accessible parking designation along Morningside Rd adjacent to Morningside Church. Section B: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends no action B1. Driver and pedestrian safety concerns along W 58th Street east of France Avenue. Staff recommends no action. Traffic circles are not recommended based on crash history and traffic volumes. Staff will evaluate this corridor for a dynamic display speed sign once a policy has been developed. Description An added third accessible stall is requested, adjacent to 4201 Morningside Rd ADT 1,318 (August 2020) 85% Speed 29.6 mph Crashes None reported in past 10 years Sight Lines Adequate Previous Requests 2014 two signs were installed with in-street markings and the curb painted blue, to prevent vehicles from parking too close to the stop sign at Grimes Avenue. Current Layout 75’ is available for parking extending west, while allowing adequate clear view space approaching Grimes- can accommodate three spaces. Unique Circumstances A “Keep Back 30 Feet” placard has been removed between 2019 and 2022 Policy Guideline N/A Description Residents concerned with drivers passing, requesting added stop controls and a crosswalk at Ewing Ave. ADT 2,223 (2023) 85% Speed 30.9 mph (2023) Crashes A southbound vehicle on Ewing turning left (east) on W 58th failed to yield to westbound vehicle on W 58th. (2018) Ped and Bike Crosses 46 peds, 17 bikes. Peak hour crossings: 17 (Chowen Avenue) Sight Lines Adequate Previous Requests Request for dynamic display speed signs and added speed limit signs on W 58th. Policy Guideline Crosswalk at Ewing does not meet warrants- location within 300’ of nearby controlled crossing (France) with sidewalks on both sides of W 58th. No cross street adjacent to W 58th has an ADT over 400- further all-way stop controls do not meet warrants. Unique Circumstances W 58th St was reconstructed in 2020 with narrowed driving lanes, added curb and gutter and on- street bike lanes were removed. Transportation Commission Recommendation The Commission recommended that the City pilot temporary traffic circles at Drew and Zenith Avenues and conduct a traffic study before and after implementation. W 58th Street all-way stop controls at Beard Avenue Two designated accessible parking spaces on Morningside Rd STAFF REPORT Page 3 B2. Request for traffic calming efforts on Schaefer Road. Staff recommends no action. Residents are encouraged to submit a petition for sidewalk construction or curb and gutter installation. Section D: Other traffic safety items handled D1. A resident had concerns of a garbage truck continuing to damage their fence when turning in the alley between Beard Avenue and Abbott Avenue, north of W 60th Street. The resident was advised to contact their garbage company to prevent further issues. D2. A resident was concerned with the level of safety when crossing York Avenue at Parklawn Avenue and requested additional traffic signals. The request was forwarded to Hennepin County as the intersection is under their jurisdiction. Description Issue is between View Lane and Stauder Circle (both all-way stop controlled intersections). ADT 1,772 (2023) 85% Speed 29.9 mph (2023) Crashes December 2015 – vehicle failed to stop and passed a stopped car at Shaeffer Rd and View Ln. Crashing into another vehicle. Sight Lines Adequate Street Width Approximately 27’ Previous Requests Perceived speed concerns on Schaefer, east of View Ln. Unique Circumstances Less than 600’ of roadway between all-way stop controls. Schaefer is classified as a local connector for the Parkwood Knolls neighborhood. Roadway has no curb and gutter. Future Work A secondary sidewalk is proposed, no current timetable. Anticipated overlay in 2026. Schaefer Road August 2, 2023 Mayor and City Council Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of June 27, 2023 Information / Background: The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on June 27. The Traffic Safety Coordinator, City Engineer, Streets Public Service Worker, Transportation Planner, Police Sergeant and Assistant City Planner were in attendance for this meeting. The Public Works Director was not able to attend but was informed of the decisions and had no objections to the recommendations. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can submit correspondence to the Transportation Commission and/or to City Council prior to the August 2 regular meeting. Section A: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends action A1. Request for parking restrictions within Larada Lane. Staff recommends adding parking restrictions within Larada Ln cul-de-sac to allow truck access. Description Concerns from PW and delivery drivers being unable to travel thru when parking is utilized. ADT 427 (2002) 85% Speed 31 MPH (2002) Crashes None reported in past 10 years. Sight Lines Adequate Previous Requests None Unique Circumstances Center island has notable damage due to trucks driving over the curve. Discussion Five residents adjacent to cul-de-sac were sent a mailing offering options of parking restrictions or removal of center island. Feedback Three residents opposed removing center island, one requested the removal of the island and one did not respond to the mailing. Larada Lane cul-de-sac STAFF REPORT Page 2 A2. Request to review crosswalk over W 50th St at Eden Avenue. Staff recommends shifting the location of advanced pedestrian crossing signage for eastbound traffic to improve driver awareness of the crosswalk at Eden Avenue. Section B: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends no action B1. Request to reinstall in-street pedestrian crossing sign on Brookside Avenue. Staff recommends no action as the current crosswalk treatments meets city policy. Description Resident has concerns of visibility and awareness of crosswalk connecting to northeast corner of City Hall. AADT 22,204 (2021) 85% Speed 36-37 MPH (2019) Crashes One rear-ended for eastbound left turn onto Sunnyslope in 2018 Ped and Bike Crosses N/A Sight Lines Adequate Previous Requests None Unique Circumstances RRFB installed at west corner of Eden prior to October 2018. Advanced pedestrian signage present for both directions of W 50th St. Advanced RRFB is only present for westbound traffic, in median between Sunnyslope and Eden. Description Requestor claims pedestrians are difficult to see, and drivers do not yield. Mentioned the in-street crossing sign was removed in past year. ADT 4235 (2016) 85% Speed 26.1 MPH (2016) Crashes None in past ten years. Ped and Bike Crosses N/A Sight Lines Adequate sight lines and stopping distance from north and south. Previous Requests N/A Policy Guideline Edina Crosswalk Policy recommends in-street markings with roadside signs. No in-street signage warranted. Unique Circumstances Brookside was overlaid in 2022. Brookside is approx. 35’ wide (face to face of curb). Brookside Ave at Rutledge Ave RRFB crosswalk at Eden Ave over W 50th St STAFF REPORT Page 3 B2. Request for flashing lights on the all-way stop controls at Brookside Avenue and Division Street. Staff recommends no action as all the stop signs approaches have adequate visibility. B3. Request for parking restrictions adjacent to 5120 France Avenue. Staff recommends no action as adequate sight lines are available when entering onto France. B4. Request for No Outlet signs at the entrance of the Countryside Rd cul-de-sac, east of Crescent Dr. Staff recommends no action as the cul-de-sac is visible from the intersection. Description Resident says stop signs aren’t visible and are requesting red flashing lights with stop sign to increase awareness. ADT 4235 (2016) 85% Speed 26.1 (2016) Crashes One northbound rear-ended collision in 2016. Ped and Bike Crosses N/A Sight Lines Adequate Previous Requests None Unique Circumstances MUTCD guidance- may be used at intersections where traffic or physical conditions do not justify conventional traffic control signals, but crash rates indicate the possibility of special need. Discussion Flashing red lights can provide ambient lighting impact nearby properties Description Residents at 5120 France Condominium petitioned for parking restrictions between driveway entrances off France Avenue AADT 7,400 (2019) 85% Speed N/A Crashes Two since 2017- both northbound rear-ended accidents Ped and Bike Crosses N/A Sight Lines The marked parking bay allows space for drivers to cue as they look to enter onto France. Previous Requests Temporary parking restrictions due to redevelopment on Minneapolis’ side of France Ave. Unique Circumstances France is under Hennepin County jurisdiction. Development across the street has temporary lane shift closer to 5120 property. Parking is allowed on both sides of France. Description Resident was concerned with nearby closure leading to detouring vehicles turning into cul-de-sac ADT 257 Crescent (2011) and 264 Countryside (1998) 85% Speed N/A Crashes None in past ten years Ped and Bike Crosses N/A Sight Lines Adequate Previous Requests Requested signs to prevent detoured vehicles during nearby one-week closure at Tracy Avenue. Unique Circumstances End of cul-de-sac is visible from Crescent. Discussion No Outlet sign is not warranted. Brookside Ave at Division St 5120 France Ave northern driveway access Countryside Rd facing east towards cul-de-sac. STAFF REPORT Page 4 B5. Request to replace allowed parking sign at 5908 Interlachen Boulevard. Staff recommends not replacing the sign as the bike lanes along Interlachen require parking restrictions. Section D: Other traffic safety items handled D1. A resident requested to update the left turn signal timing for westbound traffic on Vernon Avenue turning onto southbound Highway 100 entrance ramp which led to a long delay one morning. MnDOT signal operators were notified as they own and operate this traffic signal. D2. A resident requested increased speed enforcement on Valley View Rd between HWY 100 and Wooddale Avenue. The EPD was notified of the request and available traffic data in the area. D3. City staff was notified of a downed utility box at the southwest corner of Benton Avenue and the West HWY 100 frontage road. The suspected utility owner was contacted for repairs. D4. A resident requested to extend the 30 MPH speed limit for westbound traffic on Vernon Avenue from the Grandview District, past Ayrshire Blvd. This is due to impacted sight lines causing a perceived issue of turning onto Vernon when vehicles are traveling at a high rate of speed. This request was forwarded to Hennepin County staff. The City Forrester requested and trimmed back vegetation along Vernon to improve sight lines. D5. A resident requested temporary parking restrictions as a neighboring house was part of the Artisan Home Tour and should draw added traffic to Arrowhead Pass. Street widths were reviewed and adequate access is available if parking was utilized on both sides of the street. D6. Request for added signage to deter vehicles detouring around Tracy Avenue at Benton Avenue onto Countryside Rd. No action warranted as proper detour signage is available during the week-long closure. D7. A request was submitted for the mobile speed trailer placed on France Avenue near W 57th St. The EPD was notified of this request. D8. A traffic signal at W 70th west of Highway 100 had the pedestrian WALK signal was stuck on activated. This concern was sent to MnDOT, the owner and operator of the signal and the issue was fixed. Description Resident at 5904 Interlachen is requesting to replace a previous sign stating “Parking Allowed This Space” at southwest corner of 5908 Interlachen. ADT 5861 (2021) 85% Speed 37 (2021) Crashes One left turning vehicle from Bywood hit by westbound vehicle on Interlachen in 2017. Ped and Bike Crosses N/A Sight Lines Adequate Previous Requests None Unique Circumstances Streetview image shows sign was installed prior to 2008. Bike lanes are present on Interlachen. Parking is restricted on both sides of Interlachen. “Parking Allowed Here” at 5908 Interlachen Blvd STAFF REPORT Page 5 D9. A resident requested to replace the signpost at the corner of their lot citing the quality of the post is causing landscaping issues. The signpost is recommended to remain in place, and the homeowner is reviewing other landscaping options. D10. A resident requested traffic signals along Xerxes Avenue at W 64th St due to drivers not stopping for crossing pedestrians. The EPD was informed of the concern for potential enforcement. Hennepin County staff was informed of the request as this portion of Xerxes is owned and maintained by the County. D11. A resident requested crosswalk signs at the Highway 100 northbound entrance from westbound W 50th St. An in-street crosswalk marking is present without signage. MnDOT staff was contacted to review as this area is part of the state highway system. D12. A resident reported a downed tree on Lynn Ave following a July 3 storm. City crew was dispatched and cleared the tree from the street. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.Q. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Chad A. Millner, P.E., Director of Engineering Item Activity: Subject:Ordinance No. 2023-10: Renewing the Grant of a 10- year Franchise to CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gas Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Grant second reading of Ordinance No. 2023-10 approving a 10-year franchise held by CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gas. INTRODUCTION: This ordinance will renew the franchise agreement with CenterPoint Energy for 10-years. The previous agreement was approved for a 20-year term in 2003. ATTACHMENTS: Description Ordinance No. 2023-10: Renewing the Grant of a 10-year Franchise to CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gas | P a g e 1 o f 7 | Model Franchise Ordinance – CenterPoint Energy – Updated 03.02.2023 ORDINANCE NO. 2023-10 RENEWING THE GRANT OF A 10-YEAR FRANCHISE TO CENTERPOINT ENERGY GAS AN ORDINANCE GRANTING CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES CORP. d/b/a CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNESOTA GAS (“CENTERPOINT ENERGY”), ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, REPAIR AND MAINTAIN FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE TRANSPORTATION, DISTRIBUTION, MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF GAS ENERGY FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE USE AND TO USE THE PUBLIC WAYS AND GROUNDS OF THE CITY OF EDINA, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA, FOR SUCH PURPOSE; AND, PRESCRIBING CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS For purposes of this Ordinance, the following capitalized terms listed in alphabetical order shall have the following meanings: City. The City of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota. City Utility System. Facilities used for providing public utility service owned or operated by City or agency thereof, including sewer, storm sewer, water service, street lighting and traffic signals, but excluding facilities for providing heating, lighting, or other forms of energy. Commission. The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, or any successor agency or agencies, including an agency of the federal government, which preempts all or part of the authority to regulate gas retail rates now vested in the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. Company. CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp. d/b/a CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gas its successors and assigns including all successors or assigns that own or operate any part or parts of the Gas Facilities subject to this Franchise. Gas Energy. Gas Energy includes both retail and wholesale natural, manufactured or mixed gas. Gas Facilities. Gas transmission and distribution pipes, lines, ducts, fixtures and all necessary equipment and appurtenances owned or operated by the Company for the purpose of providing Gas Energy for retail or wholesale use. Notice. A writing served by any party or parties on any other party or parties. Notice to Company shall be mailed to CenterPoint Energy, Minnesota Division Vice President, 505 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55402. Notice to the City shall be mailed to City of Edina, City Manager, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424. Any party may change its respective address for the purpose of this Ordinance by written Notice to the other parties. Ordinance. This gas franchise ordinance, also referred to as the Franchise. | P a g e 2 o f 7 | Model Franchise Ordinance – CenterPoint Energy – Updated 03.02.2023 Public Way. Any highway, street, alley or other public right-of-way within the City. Public Ground. Land owned or otherwise controlled by the City for utility easements, park, trail, walkway, open space or other public property, which is held for use in common by the public or for public benefit. SECTION 2. ADOPTION OF FRANCHISE 2.1 Grant of Franchise. City hereby grants Company, for a period of ten (10) years from the date this Ordinance is passed and approved by the City, the right to import, manufacture, distribute and sell Gas Energy for public and private use within and through the limits of the City as its boundaries now exist or as they may be extended in the future and also the right to transport Gas Energy through the limits of the City for use outside of the City limits. For these purposes, Company may construct, operate, repair and maintain Gas Facilities in, on, over, under and across the Public Ways and Public Grounds, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance. Company may do all reasonable things necessary or customary to accomplish these purposes, subject, however, to such reasonable regulations as may be imposed by the City pursuant to ordinance or permit requirements, including Edina City Code § 24-48 et seq., and to the further provisions of this franchise agreement, so long as they do not conflict with State Law. 2.2 Effective Date; Written Acceptance. This Franchise shall be in force and effect from and after the passage of this Ordinance and publication as required by law and its acceptance in writing by Company. If the Company does not file a written acceptance with the City within 60 days after the date the City Council adopts this Ordinance, or otherwise informs the City, at any time, that the Company does not accept this franchise, the City Council by resolution may revoke this franchise, seek its enforcement in a court of competent jurisdiction or pursue other remedies in law or in equity. For purposes of this Section, email shall be considered “written”. 2.3. Service and Gas Rates. The terms and conditions of service and the rates to be charged by Company for Gas Energy in City are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commission. 2.4. Publication Expense. Company shall pay the expense of publication of this Ordinance. 2.5. Dispute Resolution. If either party asserts that the other party is in default in the performance of any obligation hereunder, the complaining party shall notify the other party of the default and the desired remedy. The notification shall be written. Representatives of the parties must promptly meet and attempt in good faith to negotiate a resolution of the dispute. If the dispute is not resolved within thirty (30) days of the written Notice, the parties may jointly select a mediator to facilitate further discussion. The parties will equally share the fees and expenses of this mediator. If a mediator is not used or if the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days after first meeting with the selected mediator, either party may commence an action in District Court to interpret and enforce this Franchise or for such other relief as may be permitted by law or equity. 2.6. Continuation of Franchise. If the City and the Company are unable to agree on the terms of a new franchise by the time this Franchise expires, this Franchise will remain in effect until a new franchise is agreed upon, or until ninety (90) days after the City or the Company serves written Notice to the other party of its intention to allow Franchise to expire. However, the franchise fee will not remain in effect for more than one (1) year after the franchise expires. | P a g e 3 o f 7 | Model Franchise Ordinance – CenterPoint Energy – Updated 03.02.2023 SECTION 3. LOCATION, OTHER REGULATIONS 3.1. Location of Facilities. Gas Facilities shall be located, constructed, and maintained so as not to interfere with the safety and convenience of ordinary travel along and over Public Ways and so as not to disrupt normal operation of any City Utility System. Gas Facilities may be located on Public Grounds in a location to be mutually agreed by the City and the Company. The location and relocation of Gas Facilities shall be subject to reasonable regulations of the City consistent with authority granted the City to manage its Public Ways and Public Grounds under state law, to the extent not inconsistent with a specific term of this Franchise. 3.2. Street Openings. Company shall not open or disturb the surface of any Public Way or Public Ground for any purpose without first having obtained a permit from the City, if required by a separate ordinance, for which the City may impose a reasonable fee, Pursuant to City Code 24-50 and 24-51, unless the City is receiving a franchise fee pursuant to this Ordinance, in which case all permit fees will be waived. Permit conditions imposed on Company shall not be more burdensome than those imposed on other public right-of-way users for similar facilities or work. Company may, however, open and disturb the surface of any Public Way or Public Ground without a permit if (i) an emergency exists requiring the immediate repair of Gas Facilities and (ii) Company gives telephone, email or similar Notice to the City before commencement of the emergency repair, if reasonably possible. Within two (2) business days after commencing the repair, Company shall apply for any required permits and pay any required fees. 3.3. Restoration. After undertaking any work requiring the opening of any Public Way or Public Ground, the Company shall restore the Public Ways or Public Grounds in accordance with Minnesota Rules, 7819.1100 and applicable City ordinances consistent with law. . Company shall restore the Public Ground to as good a condition as formerly existed and shall maintain the surface in good condition for 6 months thereafter. All work shall be completed as promptly as weather permits, and if Company shall not promptly perform and complete the work, remove all dirt, rubbish, equipment and material, and put the Public Ground in the said condition, the City shall have, after demand to Company to cure and the passage of a reasonable period of time following the demand, but not to exceed five (5) days, the right to make the restoration of the Public Ways or Public Grounds at the expense of Company. Company shall pay to the City the cost of such work done for or performed by the City, including administrative expense and overhead. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedy available to the City for noncompliance with this Section 3.3. Pursuant to City Code §§ 24-50 & 24-51, if the City is receiving a franchise fee pursuant to this Ordinance, the Company shall not be required to post a construction performance bond. 3.4. Avoid Damage to Gas Facilities. The Company must take reasonable measures to prevent the Gas Facilities from causing damage to persons or property. The Company must take reasonable measures to protect the Gas Facilities from damage that could be inflicted on the Gas Facilities by persons, property, or the elements. The Company and the City will comply with all applicable laws, the City Code, and regulations, including Minnesota Statutes chapter 216D, when performing work near the Gas Facilities. 3.5. Notice of Improvements to Streets. The City will give Company reasonable written Notice of plans for improvements to Public Ways and Public Grounds where the City has reason to believe that Gas Facilities may affect or be affected by the improvement. The Notice will contain: (i) the nature and character of the improvements, (ii) the Public Ways or Public Grounds upon which the improvements are to be made, (iii) the extent of the improvements, (iv) the time when the City will start the work, and (v) if more than one Public Way or Public Grounds is involved, the order in which the work is to proceed. The Notice will be given to Company a minimum of eight (8) weeks time, considering seasonal working conditions, in advance of the actual commencement of the work to permit Company to make any additions, alterations or repairs to its Gas Facilities Company deems necessary. | P a g e 4 o f 7 | Model Franchise Ordinance – CenterPoint Energy – Updated 03.02.2023 3.6 Mapping Information. If requested by City, Company must promptly provide complete and accurate mapping information for any of its Gas Facilities in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Rules 7819.4000 and 7819.4100. 3.7. Emergency Response. As emergency first responders, when a public safety concern exists both the City and Company shall respond to gas emergencies within the City. 3.8 Property Owner Communications. Property owners shall be notified in writing 7-days in advance of gas main and/or gas service replacements adjacent to their property. Notification shall include work description, schedule, locations, impacts, restoration procedures and a point of contact. SECTION 4. RELOCATIONS 4.1. Relocation in Public Ways. The Company and City shall comply with the provisions of Minnesota Rules 7819.3100 and with applicable City ordinances with respect to requests for the Company to relocate Gas Facilities located in Public Ways. 4.2 Relocation in Public Grounds. City may require Company at Company’s expense to relocate or remove its Gas Facilities from Public Grounds upon a finding by City that the Gas Facilities have become or will become a substantial impairment to the existing or proposed public use of the Public Grounds. Relocation shall comply with applicable city ordinances consistent with law. Nothing in this Section 4.2 shall be construed so as to invalidate or impair any existing company easements in Public Grounds. 4.3. Projects with Federal Funding. Relocation, removal or rearrangement of any Company Gas Facilities made necessary because of the extension into or through City of a federally aided highway project shall be governed by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes §§ 161.45 and 161.46. SECTION 5. INSURANCE & INDEMNIFICATION 5.1. Insurance of the Facilities. The Company shall maintain insurance consistent with state law. 5.2 Indemnity of City. Company shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all liability, on account of injury to persons or damage to property occasioned by the construction, maintenance, repair, inspection, the issuance of permits or the operation of the Gas Facilities located in the Public Ways and Public Grounds. The City shall not be indemnified for losses or claims occasioned through its own negligence or otherwise wrongful act or omission except for losses or claims arising out of or alleging the City's negligence as to the issuance of permits for, or inspection of, Company's plans or work. 5.3. Defense of City. In the event a suit is brought against the City under circumstances where this agreement to indemnify applies, Company at its sole cost and expense shall defend the City in such suit if written Notice thereof is promptly given to Company within a period wherein Company is not prejudiced by lack of such Notice. If Company is required to indemnify and defend, it will thereafter have control of such litigation, but Company may not settle such litigation without the consent of the City, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. This section is not, as to third parties, a waiver of any defense or immunity otherwise available to the City. The Company, in defending any action on behalf of the City, shall be entitled to assert in any action every defense or immunity that the City could assert in its own behalf. This Franchise agreement shall not be interpreted to constitute a waiver by the City of any of its defenses of immunity or limitations on liability under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. | P a g e 5 o f 7 | Model Franchise Ordinance – CenterPoint Energy – Updated 03.02.2023 SECTION 6. VACATION OF PUBLIC WAYS AND PUBLIC GROUNDS The City shall give Company at least two weeks prior written Notice of a proposed vacation of a Public Ways or Public Grounds. The City and the Company shall comply with Minnesota Rules 7819.3100 and 7819.3200 with respect to any request for vacation. SECTION 7. CHANGE IN FORM OF GOVERNMENT Any change in the form of government of the City shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance. Any governmental unit succeeding the City shall, without the consent of Company, succeed to all of the rights and obligations of the City provided in this Ordinance. SECTION 8. FRANCHISE FEE 8.1. Form. During the term of the franchise hereby granted, the City may charge the Company a franchise fee. The Company will administer the collection and payment of franchise fees to City in lieu of permit fees or other fees that may otherwise be imposed on the Company in relation to its operations as a public utility in the City. The franchise fee will be collected on a flat fee per account basis, as provided by City Ordinance 2012-15, or by some other method that is mutually acceptable to both City and Company for each retail customer account within the corporate limits of the City. The amount of the fee collected may differ for each customer class. The City shall seek to use a formula that provides a stable and predictable amount of fees, without placing the Company at a competitive disadvantage. Such fee shall not exceed any amount that the Company may legally charge to its customers prior to payment to the City and be consistent with the Minnesota Public Utility Commission’s March 23, 2011, Order establishing franchise fee filing requirements in Docket No. E,G999/CI-09-970. If the Company claims that the City required fee formula is discriminatory or otherwise places the Company at a competitive disadvantage, the Company will provide a formula that will produce a substantially similar fee amount to the City and reimburse the City’s reasonable fees and costs in reviewing and implementing the formula. If the City and Company are unable to agree, the disagreement shall be subject to the Dispute Resolution provisions of this Ordinance. 8.2. Separate Ordinance. The franchise fee shall continue in the form and in the amount imposed by City Ordinance 2012-15.Amendments to the franchise fee shall be by separate ordinance duly adopted by the City Council. The effective date of such franchise fee amendment ordinance shall be no less than sixty (60) days after written Notice enclosing a copy of the duly adopted and approved ordinance has been served upon the Company by Certified mail. The Company is not required to collect a franchise fee if the terms of the fee agreement are inconsistent with this franchise or state law, provided the Company notifies the City Council of the same within the sixty (60) day period. 8.3. Condition of Fee. The separate ordinance imposing the fee shall not be effective against the Company unless it lawfully imposes a fee of the same or substantially similar amount on the sale of energy within the City by any other energy supplier, provided that, as to such supplier, the City has the authority or contractual right to require a franchise fee or similar fee through an agreed-upon franchise. 8.4. Collection of Fee. The franchise fee shall be payable not less than quarterly during complete billing months of the period for which payment is to be made. The franchise fee formula may be changed from time to time, however, the change shall meet the same Notice and acceptance requirements and the fee may not be changed more often than annually. Such fee shall not exceed any amount that the Company may legally charge to its customers prior to payment to the City and be consistent with Minnesota Public Utility Commission’s March 23, 2011, Order establishing franchise fee filing requirements in Docket No. E,G999/CI-09-970. Such fee is subject to subsequent reductions to account for uncollectibles and | P a g e 6 o f 7 | Model Franchise Ordinance – CenterPoint Energy – Updated 03.02.2023 customer refunds incurred by the Company. The Company shall not be responsible to pay City fees that Company is unable to collect under Commission rules or order. Company agrees to make available for inspection by City at reasonable times all records necessary to audit Company’s determination of the franchise fee payments. 8.5. Continuation of Franchise Fee. If this franchise expires and the City and the Company are unable to agree upon terms of a new franchise, the franchise fee, if any being imposed by the City at the time this franchise expires, will remain in effect until a new franchise is agreed upon. If for any reason the franchise terminates, the franchise fee will terminate at the same time. SECTION 9. ABANDONED FACILITIES The Company shall comply with Minn. Stat. § 216D.01 et seq Minnesota Rules, Part 7819.3300, and applicable city code provisions as they may be amended from time to time with respect to abandoned facilities in Public Ways. The Company shall maintain records describing the location of all abandoned and retired Gas Facilities within the Public Ways and Public Grounds, produce such records at the City’s request and comply with the location requirements of Minnesota Statutes § 216D.04 with respect to all Gas Facilities, including abandoned and retired facilities, located in Public Ways and Public Grounds. SECTION 10. PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE 10.1. Severability. Every section, provision or part of this Ordinance is declared separate from every other section, provision or part; and if any section, provision or part shall be held invalid, it shall not affect any other section, provision or part. Where a provision of any other City ordinance is inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, the provisions of this Ordinance shall prevail. 10.2. Limitation on Applicability. This Ordinance constitutes a franchise agreement between City and Company as the only parties. No provisions herein shall in any way inure to the benefit of any third person (including the public at large) so as to constitute any such person as a third-party beneficiary of this Ordinance or of any one or more of the terms hereof, or otherwise give rise to any cause of action in any person not a party hereto. SECTION 11. AMENDMENT PROCEDURE Either party may propose at any time that this Franchise Ordinance be amended. Franchise Ordinance may be amended at any time by the City passing a subsequent ordinance declaring the provisions of the amendment, which amendatory ordinance shall become effective upon the filing of Company’s written consent thereto with the City Clerk within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the amendatory ordinance. This amendatory procedure is subject, however, to the City’s police power and franchise rights under Minnesota Statues, Sections 216B.36 and 301B.01, which rights are not waived hereby. | P a g e 7 o f 7 | Model Franchise Ordinance – CenterPoint Energy – Updated 03.02.2023 First Reading: July 18, 2023 Second Reading: August 2, 2023 Published: Attest: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk James Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on Send one affidavit of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.R. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve Summary Publication for Ordinance No. 2023-10: Renewing the Grant of a 10-year Franchise to CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gas Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Summary Publication for Ordinance 2023-10 renewing the grant of a 10-year franchise to CenterPoint Energy Minnesota gas. INTRODUCTION: State Statute requires that the City publish all approved ordinances within 45 days of approval in its official newspaper. State Statute allows cities to choose to publish a summary of a complete public notice. This is a cost effective option for lengthy ordinances. ATTACHMENTS: Description Summary Publication CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 2023-10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING RENEWING THE GRANT OF A 10-YEAR FRANCHISE TO CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNESOTA GAS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on August 2, Ordinance No. 2023-10 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance No. 2023-10, the following summary of the ordinance has been prepared for publication and approved by the City Council as authorized by state law. An ordinance granting a franchise to CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gas (CenterPoint) to construct, operate, repair, and maintain facilities and equipment for the transportation, distribution, manufacture and sale of gas energy in the City of Edina, Minnesota (City) setting forth conditions accompanying the grant of the franchise; providing for regulation and use of the system and the public rights-of-way; and prescribing penalties for the violation of the provisions herein. The Franchise serves two purposes. First, it is intended to provide for and specify the means to attain the best possible gas energy service for the public by providing requirements with respect to technical standards, customer service obligations, and related matters. Second, it grants a non-exclusive gas service franchise to CenterPoint, to operate, construct and maintain a gas energy system within the City and contains specific requirements for CenterPoint to do so. The complete ordinance is available by contacting Sharon Allison at sallison@EdinaMN.gov or 952-826-0408. APPROVED for summary publication by the City Council this 2nd day of August 2023. By order of the Edina City Council. Sharon Allison City Clerk Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on August 10, 2023 Send one affidavit of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.S. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Jon Darsow, Facility Supervisor Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Painting South Ramp 50th and France Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for painting the South Ramp in the 50th and France District with Painting by Nakasone Inc. for $50,000. INTRODUCTION: This work will provide painting touch ups throughout the South Ramp for all the recent structural concrete repairs to columns, stairwells, overhead and crack repairs. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: 50th and France South Ramp Painting Painting Contract 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 Requisition Number 12300120 Department: Engineering Buyer: Jon Darsow Date: 08/2/2023 Request for Purchase Requisition Description: Painting South Ramp 50th and France. Vendor: PAINTING BY NAKASONE INC. Cost: $50,000.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW: REPLACEM – REPLACEMENT SOURCE: QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID – STATE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION: These painting services will provide updates throughout the South Ramp from the recent structural concrete repairs to columns, stairwells, overhead and crack repairs. BUDGET IMPACT: Assessed to the 50th and France Business District. 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT: The City of Edina is committed to providing efficient and safe facilities, to ensure the district is vibrant and clean. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Maintenance to extend the life of the asset. 140400v01 FC 22-11 RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF EDINA AND CONTRACTOR FOR CONTRACT ENG FC 22-11 50th & FRANCE PARKING RAMP PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT made this 2nd day of August 2023, by and between the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“Owner” or “City”) and Painting by Nakasone, Inc., PO Box 4518, St. Paul, MN 55104 (“Contractor”). Owner and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, agree as follows: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shall be referred to as the “Contract Documents”, all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract between the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: A.This Agreement B.City of Edina General Contract Conditions C. Specifications prepared by City of Edina D.Drawing (1 sheet), prepared by City of Edina E.Responsible Contractor Verification of Compliance F.Contractor’s Quote date July 11, 2023 In the event of a conflict among the provisions of the Contract Documents, the order in which they are listed above shall control in resolving any such conflicts with Contract Document “A” having the first priority and Contract Document “F” having the last priority. 2.OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR. The Contractor shall provide the goods, services, and perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents for Areas A, C, and D. 3.CONTRACT PRICE. Owner shall pay Contractor for completion of the Work, in accordance with the Not To Exceed Contract $50,000.00 inclusive of taxes, if any. 4.PAYMENT PROCEDURES. A.Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment. Applications for Payment will be processed by the City Engineer. B.Progress Payments; Retainage. Owner shall make 95% progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of Contractor’s Applications for Payment during performance of the Work. C.Payments to Subcontractors. (1)Prompt Payment to Subcontractors. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.25, Subd. 4a, the Contractor must pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the Contractor’s receipt of payment from the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. The Contractor must pay interest of 1 ½ percent per month or any 140400v01 FC 22-11 RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 part of a month to the subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100.00 or more is $10.00. For an unpaid balance of less than $100.00, the Contractor shall pay the actual penalty due to the subcontractor. (2) Form IC-134 (attached) required from general contractor. Minn. Stat. § 290.92 requires that the City of Edina obtain a Withholding Affidavit for Contractors, Form IC-134, before making final payments to Contractors. This form needs to be submitted by the Contractor to the Minnesota Department of Revenue for approval. The form is used to receive certification from the state that the vendor has complied with the requirement to withhold and remit state withholding taxes for employee salaries paid. D. Final Payment. Final payment will not be made until the Contractor has filed with the Owner a fully and duly executed Affidavit, General Waiver and Indemnity Agreement, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B and hereby made a part hereof, together with such other and additional evidence as Owner may request, in form and substance satisfactory to the Owner, that all labor, materials and services expended or used in the Work have been paid for in full and that no liens or other claims for such labor, materials or services can be made or claimed against Contractor, Owner or any other person or any property. In case such evidence is not furnished, the Owner may retain out of any amount due said Contractor a sum sufficient, in the reasonable discretion of Owner, but in any event not less than one and one-half times the sum determined by Owner to be necessary, to pay for all labor, material, services or other claims which are then unpaid or which are then believed by Owner, in its reasonable discretion, to be unpaid. Upon final completion of the Work, Owner shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by the City Engineer. 5. COMPLETION DATE. The Work must be completed by September 29, 2023. 6. CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIONS. A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Contract Documents. B. Contractor has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. C. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. 140400v01 FC 22-11 RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 D. Contractor has carefully studied all: (1) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the General Conditions and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condition, if any, at the Site. E. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for doing so) all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may affect cost, progress, or performance of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, including any specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction expressly required by the Bidding Documents, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. F. Contractor does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. Contractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by Owner and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. Contractor has correlated the information known to Contractor, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. I. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. J. Responsible Contractor. This contract may be terminated by the City at any time upon discovery by the City that the prime contractor or subcontractor has submitted a false statement under oath verifying compliance with any of the minimum criteria set forth in Minn Stat. § 16C.285, subd. 3. K. Subcontracts: (1) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, upon receipt of the executed Contract Documents, submit in writing to the Owner the names of the Subcontractors proposed for the work. Subcontractors may not be changed except at the request or with the consent of the Owner. 140400v01 FC 22-11 RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 (2) The Contractor is responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's subcontractors, and of their direct and indirect employees, to the same extent as the Contractor is responsible for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees. (3) The Contract Documents shall not be construed as creating any contractual relation between the Owner and any subcontractor. (4) The Contractor shall bind every subcontractor by the terms of the Contract Documents. 7. WORKER’S COMPENSATION. The Contractor shall obtain and maintain for the duration of this Contract, statutory Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance as required under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 8. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY. Contractor shall obtain the following minimum insurance coverage and maintain it at all times throughout the life of the Contract, with the City included as an additional name insured on the general liability insurance on a primary and noncontributory basis. The Contractor shall furnish the City a certificate of insurance satisfactory to the City evidencing the required coverage: Bodily Injury: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate products and completed operations Property Damage: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate Contractual Liability (identifying the contract): Bodily Injury: $1,000,000 each occurrence Property Damage: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate Comprehensive Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned, hired): Bodily Injury: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each accident Property Damage: $1,000,000 each occurrence 9. WARRANTY. The Contractor guarantees that all new equipment warranties as specified within the quote shall be in full force and transferred to the City upon payment by the City. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship, materials, and equipment which may develop in any part of the contracted service, and upon proper notification by the City shall immediately replace, without cost to the City, any such faulty part or parts and damage done by reason of the same in accordance with the bid specifications. 140400v01 FC 22-11 RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 10. INDEMNITY. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim made by third parties as a result of the services performed by it. In addition, the Contractor shall reimburse the City for any cost of reasonable attorney’s fees it may incur as a result of any such claims. 11. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS. Performance and payment bonds are not required for the doing of any public work if the contract price is $175,000 or less. On projects of more than $175,000 for the doing of public work a payment bond and a performance bond each in the amount of the contract price must be furnished to the City prior to commencement of work. The form of the bonds must satisfy statutory requirements for such bonds. 12. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Terms used in this Agreement have the meanings stated in the General Conditions. B. Owner and Contractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. C. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any law or regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon Owner and Contractor, who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provisions. D. Data Practices/Records. (1) All data created, collected, received, maintained or disseminated for any purpose in the course of this Contract is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, any other applicable state statute, or any state rules adopted to implement the act, as well as federal regulations on data privacy. (2) All books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices to the Contractor and its subcontractors, if any, relative to this Contract are subject to examination by the City. E. Software License. If the equipment provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract contains software, including that which the manufacturer may have embedded into the hardware as an integral part of the equipment, the Contractor shall pay all software licensing fees. The Contractor shall also pay for all software updating fees for a period of one year following cutover. The Contractor shall have no obligation to pay for such fees thereafter. Nothing in the software license or licensing agreement shall obligate the City to pay any additional fees as a condition for continuing to use the software. 140400v01 FC 22-11 RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 F. Patented devices, materials and processes. If the Contract requires, or the Contractor desires, the use of any design, device, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright, trademark or trade name, the Contractor shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and a copy of said agreement shall be filed with the Owner. If no such agreement is made or filed as noted, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented designed, device, material or process, or any trademark or trade name or copyright in connection with the Project agreed to be performed under the Contract, and shall indemnify and defend the Owner for any costs, liability, expenses and attorney's fees that result from any such infringement. G. Assignment. Neither party may assign, sublet, or transfer any interest or obligation in this Contract without the prior written consent of the other party, and then only upon such terms and conditions as both parties may agree to and set forth in writing. H. Waiver. In the particular event that either party shall at any time or times waive any breach of this Contract by the other, such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any other or any succeeding breach of this Contract by either party, whether of the same or any other covenant, condition or obligation. I. Governing Law/Venue. The laws of the State of Minnesota govern the interpretation of this Contract. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District Court of the State of Minnesota for Hennepin County. J. Severability. If any provision, term or condition of this Contract is found to be or become unenforceable or invalid, it shall not effect the remaining provisions, terms and conditions of this Contract, unless such invalid or unenforceable provision, term or condition renders this Contract impossible to perform. Such remaining terms and conditions of the Contract shall continue in full force and effect and shall continue to operate as the parties’ entire contract. K. Entire Agreement. This Contract represents the entire agreement of the parties and is a final, complete and all inclusive statement of the terms thereof, and supersedes and terminates any prior agreement(s), understandings or written or verbal representations made between the parties with respect thereto. L. Permits and Licenses; Rights-of-Way and Easements. The Contractor shall give all notices necessary and incidental to the construction and completion of the Project. The City will obtain all necessary rights-of- way and easements. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for any construction delay resulting from the City’s not timely obtaining rights-of-way or easements. 140400v01 FC 22-11 RNK:08/06/2010 Engineering 1/2015 M. If the work is delayed or the sequencing of work is altered because of the action or inaction of the Owner, the Contractor shall be allowed a time extension to complete the work but shall not be entitled to any other compensation. CITY OF EDINA CONTRACTOR BY: ____________________________ BY: ___________________________ Its Mayor Its AND ___________________________ AND ___________________________ Its City Manager Its Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.T. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Derik Otten, Facility Manager Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Citywide Roof Assessment Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for Citywide Roof Assessment with Garland/DBS for $81,600. INTRODUCTION: Garland/DBS will conduct assessments of approximately 120 roofing structures owned by the City. This will provide an accurate report of current conditions, life expectancy, and costs for repair options. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: City Wide Roof Assessment Contract 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 Requisition Number 12300122 Department: Engineering Buyer: Derik Otten Date: 08.2.2023 Request for Purchase Requisition Description: ENG23111 CITY WIDE ROOF ASSESSMENT Vendor: GARLAND/DBS INC. Cost: $81,600 REPLACEMENT or NEW: NEW PURCHASE SOURCE: QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION: This project involves the conducting condition assessments of approximately 120 city roof structures. Work is being performed under the master services contract dated July 18th, 2023. BUDGET IMPACT: The assessment is funded from 2020 budget surplus allocated for roofing inspections, design and repairs. 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT: Strong Foundation: Capital Assets meet the need of the City now and in the future. Capital assets are managed to sustain service levels and prevent unnecessary and costly emergency repairs by taking a proactive approach to evaluation current conditions and make repairs thus extending the useful life of building structures and components. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This project will reduce material waste created by unnecessary emergency repairs and where possible divert materials from landfills. 1 201517v1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this 2nd day of August 2023, by and between the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and Garland/DBS Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Designer"). IN CONSIDERATION OF THEIR MUTUAL COVENANTS, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: The Designer will provide services across all city owned buildings. SCOPE OF SERVICES. Roof Assessment services include: 1. Obtain all available documents regarding current roof systems. a. Classify the existing roof system by material and roof type. 2. Survey and Document a thorough review of each roof area. 3. Identify any drainage issues. a. Recommend procedures for improving drainage in areas where there is significant ponding. The ponding water will accelerate the deterioration of any roof system and potentially challenge the structural integrity of the roof. b. Establish procedures for improving drainage issues that will be incorporated. into future roof replacement scope of work. 4. Evaluate previous repairs a. Determine the condition of previous repairs and the level of performance. expected moving forward. 5. Confirm the condition of all roof areas by cross-referencing data with photographs. 6. Establish a budget to upgrade roof areas based on short and long term goals. a. Provide solution options with recommendations for the course of action that. should be taken with each particular roof section. b. Prioritize various roof areas based on the condition of the current waterproofing system, interior sensitivity, structural condition, and customer needs. 7. Provide detailed CAD drawings of each roof area. Drawings will be provided to scale, perimeter details will be identified, penetration will be categorized by type and location marked, and existing roof system composition will be detailed. 8. Core cuts will be taken, as needed, on all non-warranted roofs to determine the composition and number of existing roofing systems. a. Core cuts provide accurate information on the number of plies, type and thickness of insulation and coatings, and the type and condition of structural decking that supports the existing roof system. They provide the most tangible information for roof system diagnostics. When core cuts are performed the following services will be provided: • A representative number of core cut samples for each roofing section or more as needed. • Determination of the condition of roofing system components. 2 201517v1 9. A Roof Database will be created, including photos and data collected from surveys. 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shall be referred to as the "Contract Documents," all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract between the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: A. This Professional Services Agreement; B. Insurance Certificate; C. Designers proposal dated August 2nd, 2023 for the services listed herein. In the event of conflict among the provisions of the Contract Documents, the order in which they are listed above shall control in resolving any such conflicts, with Contract Document “A” having the first priority and Contract Document “C” having the last priority. 3. COMPENSATION. Designer shall be paid by the City for the services described in the Proposal a not to exceed fee of Eighty-One thousand Six hundred dollars and no cents ($81,600.00), inclusive of expenses. Services shall be paid at an hourly rate in accordance with the Proposal, subject to the not to exceed fee. The not to exceed fees and expenses shall not be adjusted if the estimated hours to perform a task, the number of required meetings, or any other estimate or assumption is exceeded. Designer shall bill the City as the work progresses. Payment shall be made by the City within thirty-five (35) days of receipt of an invoice the project will be billed at an hourly rate not to exceed the total compensation listed above. 4. DOCUMENT OWNERSHIP. All reports, plans, models, diagrams, analyses, and information generated in connection with performance of this Agreement shall be the property of the City. The City may use the information for its purposes. 5. CHANGE ORDERS. All change orders, regardless of amount, must be approved in advance and in writing by the City. No payment will be due or made for work done in advance of such approval. 6. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. In providing services hereunder, Designer shall abide by all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the provisions of services to be provided. 7. STANDARD OF CARE. Designer shall exercise the same degree of care, skill, and diligence in the performance of the services as is ordinarily possessed and exercised by a professional Designer under similar circumstances. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is included in this Agreement. City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies in the accuracy of Designer’s services. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. Designer shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, 3 201517v1 including costs and attorney's fees, arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the services provided for herein and further agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder. 9. INSURANCE. Designer shall secure and maintain such insurance as will protect Designer from claims under the Worker’s Compensation Acts, automobile liability, and from claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage which may arise from the performance of services under this Agreement. Such insurance shall be written for amounts not less than: Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate Automobile Liability $1,000,000 combined single limit Professional Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate The City shall be named as an additional insured on the general liability policy on a primary and non- contributory basis. Before commencing work, the Designer shall provide the City a certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance coverage in a form acceptable to City. 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The City hereby retains Designer as an independent contractor upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Designer is not an employee of the City and is free to contract with other entities as provided herein. Designer shall be responsible for selecting the means and methods of performing the work. Designer shall furnish any and all supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary for Designer’s performance under this Agreement. City and Designer agree that Designer shall not at any time or in any manner represent that Designer or any of Designer’s agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the City. Designer shall be exclusively responsible under this Agreement for Designer’s own FICA payments, workers compensation payments, unemployment compensation payments, withholding amounts, and/or self-employment taxes if any such payments, amounts, or taxes are required to be paid by law or regulation. 11. SUBCONTRACTORS. Designer shall not enter into subcontracts for services provided under this Agreement without the express written consent of the City. Designer shall comply with Minnesota Statutes § 471.425. Designer must pay subcontractors for all undisputed services provided by subcontractors within ten (10) days of Designer’s receipt of payment from City. Designer must pay interest of one and five-tenths percent (1.5%) per month or any part of a month to subcontractors on any undisputed amount not paid on time to subcontractors. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or more is Ten Dollars ($10.00). 12. CONTROLLING LAW/VENUE. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District Court of the State of Minnesota for Carver County Minnesota. 4 201517v1 13. MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT. Designer must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to (1) all data provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement, and (2) all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by Designer pursuant to this Agreement. Designer is subject to all the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, including but not limited to the civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.08, as if it were a government entity. In the event Designer receives a request to release data, Designer must immediately notify City. City will give Designer instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. Designer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold City, its officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers harmless from any claims resulting from Designer’s officers’, agents’, city’s, partners’, employees’, volunteers’, assignees’ or subcontractors’ unlawful disclosure and/or use of protected data. The terms of this paragraph shall survive the cancellation or termination of this Agreement. 14. COPYRIGHT. Designer shall defend actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or software license by reason of the use or adoption of any software, designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it, and it shall hold harmless the City from loss or damage resulting therefrom. 15. PATENTED DEVICES, MATERIALS AND PROCESSES. If the Contract requires, or the Designer desires, the use of any design, devise, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright, trademark or trade name, the Designer shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and a copy of said agreement shall be filed with the City. If no such agreement is made or filed as noted, the Designer shall indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented designed, device, material or process, or any trademark or trade name or copyright in connection with the services agreed to be performed under the Contract, and shall indemnify and defend the City for any costs, liability, expenses and attorney's fees that result from any such infringement. 16. RECORDS. Designer shall maintain complete and accurate records of hours worked and expenses involved in the performance of services. 17. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall assign this Agreement, or any interest arising herein, without the written consent of the other party. 18. WAIVER. Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect, in any respect, the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The entire agreement of the parties is contained herein. This Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the 5 201517v1 provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties, unless otherwise provided herein. 20. TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by the City for any reason or for convenience upon written notice to the Designer. In the event of termination, the City shall be obligated to the Designer for payment of amounts due and owing including payment for services performed or furnished to the date and time of termination. Dated: __________________, 2023. CITY OF EDINA BY: ______________________________________ James Hovland, Mayor BY: ______________________________________ Scott Neal, City Manager Dated: __________________, 2023. GARLAND/DBS INC. BY: _____________________________________ Its Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.U. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Zuleyka Marquez, Project Manager Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Salvage Interior Materials at New Fire Station #2, 4401 W. 76th Street Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for interior deconstruction services and salvage at Community Health and Safety Center (Fire Station 2), with Better Futures Minnesota for $44,532. INTRODUCTION: Better Futures Minnesota will perform non-structural interior deconstruction for salvage of reusable and recyclable materials with a landfill diversion total estimated at 51,000 pounds. This contract aligns with the city’s sustainability, community engagement, and race and equity goals as well as state B3 guidelines. Funding for this contract is supported by Hennepin County Set Aside salvage contract, Edina’s Race and Equity fund, and the Fire Station 2’s demolition budget. The environmental and race and equity benefits and impacts will be tracked and included in sustainability and workforce documentation. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Salvage Interior Materials at 4401 76th St W – New Fire Station #2 Contract 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 Requisition Number 12300111 Department: Engineering Buyer: Zuleyka Marquez Date: 08/02/2023 Request for Purchase Requisition Description: Partial interior salvage of 4401 76th St W Vendor: The Network for Better Futures Cost: $44,532 REPLACEMENT or NEW: REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE: QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION: Better Futures Minnesota’s contract provides interior non-structural deconstruction services to 4401 76th St W existing facility for reuse or recycling. This preliminary demolition phase is part of a City goal and B3 requirement of diverting 75% of waste from landfills. This contract would divert an estimated 51,000 pounds of material from landfills; reclaimed items would be reused, reprocessed, or recycled. Deconstruction activities, including workforce training opportunities, will span 22 days with 10 program participants. Primary items for salvage include carpet tiles, interior doors, key card readers, cabinetry, appliances, and bathroom fixtures and finishes. City departments have had an opportunity to salvage useful items. Subsequent full demolition is upcoming this fall and will include exploring salvage of larger electrical equipment as well as materials recycling and residual value credits. Better Futures helps bridge the gap to harvest items that would otherwise be directed to the landfill during typical demolition activities. The environmental benefits/impact of this project will be documented and provided in a final report. Additionally, the contractor will provide documentation necessary for B3 compliance for the overall project. BUDGET IMPACT: Of the total $54,732 proposal value for this work, Better Futures Set Aside salvage contract with Hennepin County covers $10,200. The overall Fire Station 2 project budget will contribute $30,000. The City’s Race and Equity funding will provide the remainder at $14,532. 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT: Better Futures Minnesota is a work-training program and employer that specializes in building deconstruction, building maintenance, and appliance recycling and janitorial services. The program is dedicated to helping those who have been previously incarcerated and looking to gain employment for a path into re-entry into community. This community benefit is compounded because Better Futures Minnesota employs people with high barriers to employment, including a disproportionate number of Black men living in chronic poverty, with histories of previous incarceration, persistent unemployment, untreated mental illness, addiction, and homelessness. In addition to providing employment opportunities, Better Futures provides employment certification, health & wellness support through trauma informed and culturally specific care. Partnering with Better Futures Minnesota helps people who have been previously incarcerated successfully reenter the job market and society while completing work that aligns with the City’s values of equity, health, and sustainability. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Opting into deconstruction and material salvage decreases emissions by diverting waste from landfills and reducing resource extraction, along with associated transportation and energy consumption for new building materials. This lessens the environmental impact of the overall project by diverting waste streams from landfills to reuse on other projects. Document A101® – 2017 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is a Stipulated Sum Init. / AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 1 ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS: The author of this document has added information needed for its completion. The author may also have revised the text of the original AIA standard form. An Additions and Deletions Report that notes added information as well as revisions to the standard form text is available from the author and should be reviewed. A vertical line in the left margin of this document indicates where the author has added necessary information and where the author has added to or deleted from the original AIA text. This document has important legal consequences. Consultation with an attorney is encouraged with respect to its completion or modification. The parties should complete A101®–2017, Exhibit A, Insurance and Bonds, contemporaneously with this Agreement. AIA Document A201®–2017, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, is adopted in this document by reference. Do not use with other general conditions unless this document is modified. AGREEMENT made as of the 2 day of August in the year 2023 (In words, indicate day, month and year.) BETWEEN the Owner: (Name, legal status, address and other information) City of Edina 4801 W 50th St Edina, MN 55424 and the Contractor: (Name, legal status, address and other information) The Network for Better Futures 2620 Minnehaha Ave Minneapolis, MN 55406 for the following Project: (Name, location and detailed description) AIA Templates Community Health & Safety Center – Partial Interior Salvage 4401 76th St W City of Edina Approved AIA A201 General Conditions for Construction The Architect: (Name, legal status, address and other information) The Owner and Contractor agree as follows. Init. / AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 2 TABLE OF ARTICLES 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 4 CONTRACT SUM 5 PAYMENTS 6 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 7 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION 8 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS EXHIBIT A INSURANCE AND BONDS ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract ((AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved) (General, Supplementary, and other Conditions)), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents listed in this Agreement, and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, all of which form the Contract, and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. An enumeration of the Contract Documents, other than a Modification, appears in Article 9. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The Contractor shall fully execute the Work described in the Contract Documents, except as specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others. ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION § 3.1 The date of commencement of the Work shall be: (Check one of the following boxes.) [ X ]The date of this Agreement. [ ]A date set forth in a notice to proceed issued by the Owner. [ ]Established as follows: (Insert a date or a means to determine the date of commencement of the Work.) If a date of commencement of the Work is not selected, then the date of commencement shall be the date of this Agreement. § 3.2 The Contract Time shall be measured from the date of commencement of the Work. § 3.3 Substantial Completion § 3.3.1 Subject to adjustments of the Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work: (Check one of the following boxes and complete the necessary information.) Init. / AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 3 [ ]Not later than ( ) calendar days from the date of commencement of the Work. [ X ]By the following date: September 30, 2023 § 3.3.2 Subject to adjustments of the Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents, if portions of the Work are to be completed prior to Substantial Completion of the entire Work, the Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of such portions by the following dates: Portion of Work Substantial Completion Date § 3.3.3 If the Contractor fails to achieve Substantial Completion as provided in this Section 3.3, liquidated damages, if any, shall be assessed as set forth in Section 4.5. ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM § 4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor the Contract Sum in current funds for the Contractor’s performance of the Contract. The Contract Sum shall be forty four thousand five hundred thirty two dollars ($ 44,532 ),The Contract Sum shall be a Stipulated Sum in accordance with this Section. Any reference in the Agreement to any other Contract Sum calculation methods are hereby deleted. § 4.2 Alternates § 4.2.1 Alternates, if any, included in the Contract Sum: Item Price N/A N/A § 4.2.2 Subject to the conditions noted below, the following alternates may be accepted by the Owner following execution of this Agreement. Upon acceptance, the Owner shall issue a Modification to this Agreement. (Insert below each alternate and the conditions that must be met for the Owner to accept the alternate.) Item Price Conditions for Acceptance N/A N/A N/A § 4.3 Allowances, if any, included in the Contract Sum: (Identify each allowance.) Item Price N/A N/A § 4.4 Unit prices, if any: (Identify the item and state the unit price and quantity limitations, if any, to which the unit price will be applicable.) Item Units and Limitations Price per Unit ($0.00) N/A N/A N/A § 4.5 Liquidated damages, if any: (Insert terms and conditions for liquidated damages, if any.) N/A § 4.6 Other: (Insert provisions for bonus or other incentives, if any, that might result in a change to the Contract Sum.) N/A Init. / AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 4 ARTICLE 5 PAYMENTS § 5.1 Progress Payments § 5.1.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the responsible party administrating the contract by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the responsible party administrating the contract, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. § 5.1.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month, or as follows: § 5.1.3 Provided that an Application for Payment is received by responsible party administrating the contract later than the day of a month, the Owner shall make payment of the amount certified to the Contractor not later than the day of the month. If an Application for Payment isreceived by the responsible party administrating after the application date fixed above, payment of the amount certified shall be made by the Owner not later than ( ) days after the responsible party receives the Application for Payment. (Federal, state or local laws may require payment within a certain period of time.) § 5.1.4 For contracts in excess of $100,000.00 the Contractor shall submit pay applications using a AIAG702 form or similar as approved by the owner. Each Application for Payment shall be based on the most recent schedule of values submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The schedule of values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work. The schedule of values shall be prepared in such form, and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy, as the responsible party administrating the contract may require. This schedule of values shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor’s Applications for Payment. § 5.1.5 Applications for Payment shall show the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. § 5.1.6 In accordance with AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved, and subject to other provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows: § The amount of each progress payment shall first include: .1 That portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work; .2 That portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the completed construction, or, if approved in advance by the Owner, suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing; and .3 That portion of Construction Change Directives that the responsible party administrating the contract determines, in their professional judgment, to be reasonably justified. § The amount of each progress payment shall then be reduced by: .1 The aggregate of any amounts previously paid by the Owner; .2 The amount, if any, for Work that remains uncorrected and for which the responsible party administrating the contract has previously withheld a Certificate for Payment as provided in Article 9 of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina .3 Any amount for which the Contractor does not intend to pay a Subcontractor or material supplier, unless the Work has been performed by others the Contractor intends to pay; .4 For Work performed or defects discovered since the last payment application, any amount for which the responsible party administrating the contract t may withhold payment, or nullify a Certificate of Payment in whole or in part, as provided in Article 9 of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction; and .5 Retainage withheld pursuant to Section 5.1.7. § Payments to Subcontractor. 1. Prompt Payment to Subcontractors. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.25, Subd. 4a, the Contractor must pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the Contractor’s receipt of payment from the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. The Contractor must pay interest of 1½ percent per month or any Init. / AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 5 part of a month to the subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100.00 or more is $10.00. For an unpaid balance of less than $100.00, the Contractor shall pay the actual penalty due to the subcontractor. 2. Form IC-134 required from general contractor. Minn. Stat. § 290.92 requires that the City of Edina obtain a Withholding Affidavit for Contractors, Form IC-134, before making final payments to Contractors. This form needs to be submitted by the Contractor to the Minnesota Department of Revenue for approval. The form is used to receive certification from the state that the vendor has complied with the requirement to withhold and remit state withholding taxes for employee salaries paid. § 5.1.7 Retainage § For each progress payment made prior to Substantial Completion of the Work, the Owner may withhold the following amount, as retainage, from the payment otherwise due: (Insert a percentage or amount to be withheld as retainage from each Application for Payment. The amount of retainage may be limited by governing law.) N/A § The following items are not subject to retainage: (Insert any items not subject to the withholding of retainage, such as general conditions, insurance, etc.) N/A § Reduction or limitation of retainage, if any, shall be as follows: (If the retainage established in Section is to be modified prior to Substantial Completion of the entire Work, including modifications for Substantial Completion of portions of the Work as provided in Section 3.3.2, insert provisions for such modifications.) N/A § Except as set forth in this Section, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, the Contractor may submit an Application for Payment that includes the retainage withheld from prior Applications for Payment pursuant to this Section 5.1.7. The Application for Payment submitted at Substantial Completion shall not include retainage as follows: (Insert any other conditions for release of retainage upon Substantial Completion.) N/A § 5.1.8 If final completion of the Work is materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, the Owner shall pay the Contractor any additional amounts in accordance with Article 9 of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved § 5.1.9 Except with the Owner’s prior approval, the Contractor shall not make advance payments to suppliers for materials or equipment which have not been delivered and stored at the site. § 5.2 Final Payment § 5.2.1 Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor when .1 the Contractor has fully performed the Contract except for the Contractor’s responsibility to correct Work as provided in Article 12 of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved, and to satisfy other requirements, if any, which extend beyond final payment; and .2 a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect. Init. / AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 6 .3 Contractor has executed IC134 form and returned it to Owner. § 5.2.2 The Owner’s final payment to the Contractor shall be made no later than 30 days after the issuance of the Architect’s final Certificate for Payment, or as follows: no later than 30 days after the issuance of the final invoice § 5.3 Interest Payments due and unpaid under the Contract shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate stated below, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is located. This interest only applies to payments due and unpaid under the Contract unless the City in good faith disputes the obligation consistent with the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 471.425. (Insert rate of interest agreed upon, if any.) % ARTICLE 6 DISPUTE RESOLUTION § 6.1 Initial Decision Maker The Architect will serve as the Initial Decision Maker pursuant to Article 15 of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved, unless the parties appoint below another individual, not a party to this Agreement, to serve as the Initial Decision Maker. (If the parties mutually agree, insert the name, address and other contact information of the Initial Decision Maker, if other than the Architect.) § 6.2 Binding Dispute Resolution For any Claim subject to, but not resolved by, mediation pursuant to Article 15 of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved, the method of binding dispute resolution shall be as follows: (Check the appropriate box.) [ X ]Arbitration pursuant to Section 15.4 of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved [ ]Litigation in a court of competent jurisdiction [ ]Other (Specify) If the Owner and Contractor do not select a method of binding dispute resolution, or do not subsequently agree in writing to a binding dispute resolution method other than litigation, Claims will be resolved by litigation in a court of competent jurisdiction. ARTICLE 7 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION § 7.1 The Contract may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided in Article 14 of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved § 7.1.1 If the Contract is terminated for the Owner’s convenience in accordance with Article 14 of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved, then the Owner shall pay the Contractor a termination fee as follows: Init. / AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 7 (Insert the amount of, or method for determining, the fee, if any, payable to the Contractor following a termination for the Owner’s convenience.) N/A § 7.2 The Work may be suspended by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved. ARTICLE 8 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS § 8.1 Where reference is made in this Agreement to a provision of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved or another Contract Document, the reference refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. § 8.2 The Owner’s representative: (Name, address, email address, and other information) Zuleyka Marquez 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, MN 55439 zmarquez@edinamn.gov § 8.3 The Contractor’s representative: (Name, address, email address, and other information) Alex Baldwin, Waste Diversion Manager 2620 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55406 abaldwin@betterfutures.net k443-478-0717 § 8.4 Neither the Owner’s nor the Contractor’s representative shall be changed without ten days’ prior notice to the other party. § 8.5 Insurance and Bonds § 8.5.1 Contractor’s Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall purchase and maintain commercial general liability insurance as required to protect the Contractor, Architect and Owner from claims set forth below which may arise out of, result from, or are in any manner connected with, the execution of the work provided for in this Contract, or occur or result from the use by the Contractor, its agents or employees, of materials, equipment, instrumentalities or other property, whether the same be owned by the Contractor, or third parties, whether such claims arise during Contract performance or subsequent to completion of operations under this Contract and whether operations be by the Contractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by Contractor, or by anyone for whose acts Contractor may be liable, and whether such claims are claims for which the Contractor may be, or may be claimed to be, liable. Insurance shall be purchased from a company licensed to do business in the state where the Project is located, and shall be written for not less than the limits of liability specified below or required by law, whichever is greater. A certificate of insurance on a form acceptable to the Owner which verifies the existence of this insurance coverage must be provided to the Owner before work under this contract is begun. The Owner shall be named as an additional insured on a primary and noncontributory basis. The types of claims, required coverages and minimum limits of liability are as follows: A. Claims under Worker’s Compensation, disability benefit and other similar employee benefit acts; claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease or death of employees. Insurance coverages shall include: Statutory Workers’ Compensation, including Employer’s Liability with a minimum limit of $100,000.00 for each employee. Init. / AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 8 B. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death, by any person other than employees, claims for personal injuries which are sustained (1) by any person as a result of an act or omission directly or indirectly related to the employment of such person by the Contractor, or (2) any other person; claims for damages other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or destruction of tangible property including loss of use resulting therefor. Insurance coverages shall include: Premise – Operations Products-Completed Operations Blanket Contractual – Such insurance and endorsements as will insure the obligations under the provisions of Subsection 11.1.5 of this Document. Broad Form Property Damage Personal Injury Blanket Explosion, Collapse and Underground Property Damage Operations of Independent Contractors Policy Limits: General Aggregate $2,000,000.00 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000.00 Personal Injury $1,000,000.00 Each Occurrence $1,000,000.00 C. Claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person, or any property damage arising out of the ownership or use of any motor vehicle. Insurance coverage shall include: Business Auto Liability insurance including owned, hired and non-owned vehicles with limits of $1,000,000.00 Combined Single Limit for each accident for bodily injury and death, or property damage. D. The coverage limits required by Paragraphs (B) and (C) above may be achieved by the use of an Umbrella Excess Liability Policy. The limits of liability specified shall be considered minimum requirements. All aforesaid insurance policies shall be underwritten with responsible insurance carriers, with Best’s Ratings of not less than A and X and otherwise satisfactory to Owner and licensed to provide insurance in the state in which the Project is located. . § 8.5.2 The Contractor shall provide surety bonds of the types, for such penal sums, and subject to such terms and conditions as required by the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall purchase and maintain the required bonds from a company or companies lawfully authorized to issue surety bonds in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. (Paragraphs deleted) § 8.5.3 Upon the request of any person or entity appearing to be a potential beneficiary of bonds covering payment of obligations arising under the Contract, the Contractor shall promptly furnish a copy of the bonds or shall authorize a copy to be furnished. § 8.5.4 Notice of Cancellation or Expiration of Contractor’s Required Insurance. Within three (3) business days of the date the Contractor becomes aware of an impending or actual cancellation or expiration of any insurance required by the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide notice to the Owner of such impending or actual cancellation or expiration. Upon receipt of notice from the Contractor, the Owner shall, unless the lapse in coverage arises from an act or omission of the Owner, have the right to stop the Work until the lapse in coverage has been cured by the procurement of replacement coverage by the Contractor. The furnishing of notice by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of any contractual obligation to provide any required coverage. § 8.6 Owner’s Insurance § 8.6.1 The Owner shall purchase and maintain insurance of the types and limits of liability, containing the endorsements, and subject to the terms and conditions, as described in the Agreement or elsewhere in the Contract Documents. The Owner shall purchase and maintain the required insurance from an insurance company or insurance companies lawfully authorized to issue insurance in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. Init. / AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 9 § 8.6.2 Failure to Purchase Required Property Insurance. If the Owner fails to purchase and maintain the required property insurance, with all of the coverages and in the amounts described in the Agreement or elsewhere in the Contract Documents, the Owner shall inform the Contractor in writing prior to commencement of the Work. Upon receipt of notice from the Owner, the Contractor may delay commencement of the Work and may obtain insurance that will protect the interests of the Contractor, Subcontractors, and Sub-Subcontractors in the Work. When the failure to provide coverage has been cured or resolved, the Contract Sum and Contract Time shall be equitably adjusted. In the event the Owner fails to procure coverage, the Owner waives all rights against the Contractor, Subcontractors, and Sub-subcontractors to the extent the loss to the Owner would have been covered by the insurance to have been procured by the Owner. The cost of the insurance shall be charged to the Owner by a Change Order. If the Owner does not provide written notice, and the Contractor is damaged by the failure or neglect of the Owner to purchase or maintain the required insurance, the Owner shall reimburse the Contractor for all reasonable costs and damages attributable thereto. § 8.6.3 Notice of Cancellation or Expiration of Owner’s Required Property Insurance. Within three (3) business days of the date the Owner becomes aware of an impending or actual cancellation or expiration of any property insurance required by the Contract Documents, the Owner shall provide notice to the Contractor of such impending or actual cancellation or expiration. Unless the lapse in coverage arises from an act or omission of the Contractor: (1) the Contractor, upon receipt of notice from the Owner, shall have the right to stop the Work until the lapse in coverage has been cured by the procurement of replacement coverage by either the Owner or the Contractor; (2) the Contract Time and Contract Sum shall be equitably adjusted; and (3) the Owner waives all rights against the Contractor, Subcontractors, and Sub-subcontractors to the extent any loss to the Owner would have been covered by the insurance had it not expired or been cancelled. If the Contractor purchases replacement coverage, the cost of the insurance shall be charged to the Owner by an appropriate Change Order. The furnishing of notice by the Owner shall not relieve the Owner of any contractual obligation to provide required insurance. § 8.7 Waivers of Subrogation § 8.8. Loss of Use, Business Interruption, and Delay in Completion Insurance The Owner, at the Owner’s option, may purchase and maintain insurance as will insure the Owner against loss of use of the Owner’s property due to fire or other hazards, however caused. § 8.9 Adjustment and Settlement of Insured Loss § 8.9 1 A loss insured under the property insurance required by the Agreement shall be adjusted by the Owner as fiduciary and made payable to the Owner as fiduciary for the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to requirements of any applicable mortgagee clause and of Section 11.5.2. The Owner shall pay the Architect and Contractor their just shares of insurance proceeds received by the Owner, and by appropriate agreements the Architect and Contractor shall make payments to their consultants and Subcontractors in similar manner. § 8.9.2 Prior to settlement of an insured loss, the Owner shall notify the Contractor of the terms of the proposed settlement as well as the proposed allocation of the insurance proceeds. The Contractor shall have 14 days from receipt of notice to object to the proposed settlement or allocation of the proceeds. If the Contractor does not object, the Owner shall settle the loss and the Contractor shall be bound by the settlement and allocation. Upon receipt, the Owner shall deposit the insurance proceeds in a separate account and make the appropriate distributions. Thereafter, if no other agreement is made or the Owner does not terminate the Contract for convenience, the Owner and Contractor shall execute a Change Order for reconstruction of the damaged or destroyed Work in the amount allocated for that purpose. If the Contractor timely objects to either the terms of the proposed settlement or the allocation of the proceeds, the Owner may proceed to settle the insured loss, and any dispute between the Owner and Contractor arising out of the settlement or allocation of the proceeds shall be resolved pursuant to Article 15. Pending resolution of any dispute, the Owner may issue a Construction Change Directive for the reconstruction of the damaged or destroyed Work. § 8.10 For contracts in excess of $175,000 the Contractor shall provide bonds as set forth in AIA Document A101™–2017 Exhibit A, and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. Init. / AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 10 § 8.11 Notice in electronic format, pursuant to Article 1 of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved, may be given in accordance with AIA Document E203™–2013, Building Information Modeling and Digital Data Exhibit, if completed, or as otherwise set forth below: (If other than in accordance with AIA Document E203–2013, insert requirements for delivering notice in electronic format such as name, title, and email address of the recipient and whether and how the system will be required to generate a read receipt for the transmission.) § 8.12 Other provisions: The Contractor must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to (1) all data provided by the Owner pursuant to this Agreement, and (2) all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor is subject to all the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. In the event the Contractor receives a request to release data, the Contractor must immediately notify the Owner. The Owner will give the Contractor instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the Owner, its officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers harmless from any claims resulting from Contractor’s officers’, agents’, owners’, partners’ employees’, volunteers’, assignees’ or subcontractors’ unlawful disclosure and/or use of protected data. The terms of this section shall survive the cancellation or termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 9 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS § 9.1 This Agreement is comprised of the following documents: .1 AIA Document A101™–2017, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor .2 AIA Document A101™–2017, Exhibit A, Insurance and Bonds .3 AIA Document A201™–2017, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction .4 AIA Document E203™–2013, Building Information Modeling and Digital Data Exhibit, dated as indicated below: (Insert the date of the E203-2013 incorporated into this Agreement.) .5 Drawings Number Title Date N/A N/A N/A .6 Specifications Section Title Date Pages N/A N/A N/A N/A .7 Addenda, if any: Number Date Pages N/A N/A N/A Portions of Addenda relating to bidding or proposal requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding or proposal requirements are also enumerated in this Article 9. .8 Other Exhibits: (Check all boxes that apply and include appropriate information identifying the exhibit where required.) [ ]AIA Document E204™–2017, Sustainable Projects Exhibit, dated as indicated below: Init. / AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 11 (Insert the date of the E204-2017 incorporated into this Agreement.) [ ]The Sustainability Plan: Title Date Pages N/A N/A N/A [ X ]Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract: Document Title Date Pages Preliminary Materials List PML 4401 W. 76th St City of Edina Rev 06.05.23 6/5/23 1 Proposal Better Futures Minnesota Deconstruction Proposal - 4401 W. 76th St Edina Rev 06.05.23 6/5/23 7 .9 Other documents, if any, listed below: (List here any additional documents that are intended to form part of the Contract Documents. AIA Document A201™–2017 provides that the advertisement or invitation to bid, Instructions to Bidders, sample forms, the Contractor’s bid or proposal, portions of Addenda relating to bidding or proposal requirements, and other information furnished by the Owner in anticipation of receiving bids or proposals, are not part of the Contract Documents unless enumerated in this Agreement. Any such documents should be listed here only if intended to be part of the Contract Documents.) This Agreement entered into as of the day and year first written above. OWNER (Signature)CONTRACTOR (Signature) Scott Neal City Manager Alex Baldwin Waste Diversion Manager (Printed name and title) (Printed name and title) Additions and Deletions Report for AIA® Document A101® – 2017 This Additions and Deletions Report, as defined on page 1 of the associated document, reproduces below all text the author has added to the standard form AIA document in order to complete it, as well as any text the author may have added to or deleted from the original AIA text. Added text is shown underlined. Deleted text is indicated with a horizontal line through the original AIA text. Note: This Additions and Deletions Report is provided for information purposes only and is not incorporated into or constitute any part of the associated AIA document. This Additions and Deletions Report and its associated document were generated simultaneously by AIA software at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023. Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 1 PAGE 1 AGREEMENT made as of the 2 day of August in the year 2023 … City of Edina 4801 W 50th St Edina, MN 55424 … The Network for Better Futures 2620 Minnehaha Ave Minneapolis, MN 55406 … AIA Templates Community Health & Safety Center – Partial Interior Salvage 4401 76th St W City of Edina Approved AIA A201 General Conditions for Construction PAGE 2 The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary, and other Conditions), ((AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved) (General, Supplementary, and other Conditions)), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents listed in this Agreement, and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, all of which form the Contract, and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. An enumeration of the Contract Documents, other than a Modification, appears in Article 9. … [ X ]The date of this Agreement. PAGE 3 [ X ]By the following date: September 30, 2023 … § 4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor the Contract Sum in current funds for the Contractor’s performance of the Contract. The Contract Sum shall be ($ ), subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017>. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This draft was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 2 Documents.forty four thousand five hundred thirty two dollars ($ 44,532 ),The Contract Sum shall be a Stipulated Sum in accordance with this Section. Any reference in the Agreement to any other Contract Sum calculation methods are hereby deleted. … N/A N/A … N/A N/A N/A … N/A N/A … N/A N/A N/A … N/A … N/A PAGE 4 § 5.1.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect responsible party administrating the contract by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect, responsible party administrating the contract, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. … § 5.1.3 Provided that an Application for Payment is received by the Architect not responsible party administrating the contract later than the day of a month, the Owner shall make payment of the amount certified to the Contractor not later than the day of the month. If an Application for Payment is received isreceived by the Architect responsible party administrating after the application date fixed above, payment of the amount certified shall be made by the Owner not later than ( ) days after the Architect responsible party receives the Application for Payment. … § 5.1.4 For contracts in excess of $100,000.00 the Contractor shall submit pay applications using a AIAG702 form or similar as approved by the owner. Each Application for Payment shall be based on the most recent schedule of values submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The schedule of values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work. The schedule of values shall be prepared in such form, and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy, as the Architect responsible party administrating the contract may require. This schedule of values shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor’s Applications for Payment. … § 5.1.6 In accordance with AIA Document A201™–2017, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved, and subject to other provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows: Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017>. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This draft was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 3 … .3 That portion of Construction Change Directives that the Architect determines, in the Architect’s responsible party administrating the contract determines, in their professional judgment, to be reasonably justified. … .2 The amount, if any, for Work that remains uncorrected and for which the Architect responsible party administrating the contract has previously withheld a Certificate for Payment as provided in Article 9 of AIA Document A201–2017;201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina … .4 For Work performed or defects discovered since the last payment application, any amount for which the Architect responsible party administrating the contract t may withhold payment, or nullify a Certificate of Payment in whole or in part, as provided in Article 9 of AIA Document A201–2017; 201 General Conditions for Construction; and .5 Retainage withheld pursuant to Section 5.1.7. § Payments to Subcontractor. 1. Prompt Payment to Subcontractors. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.25, Subd. 4a, the Contractor must pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the Contractor’s receipt of payment from the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. The Contractor must pay interest of 1½ percent per month or any part of a month to the subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100.00 or more is $10.00. For an unpaid balance of less than $100.00, the Contractor shall pay the actual penalty due to the subcontractor. 2. Form IC-134 required from general contractor. Minn. Stat. § 290.92 requires that the City of Edina obtain a Withholding Affidavit for Contractors, Form IC-134, before making final payments to Contractors. This form needs to be submitted by the Contractor to the Minnesota Department of Revenue for approval. The form is used to receive certification from the state that the vendor has complied with the requirement to withhold and remit state withholding taxes for employee salaries paid. PAGE 5 N/A … N/A … N/A … N/A § 5.1.8 If final completion of the Work is materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, the Owner shall pay the Contractor any additional amounts in accordance with Article 9 of AIA Document A201–2017.201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved … Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017>. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This draft was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 4 .1 the Contractor has fully performed the Contract except for the Contractor’s responsibility to correct Work as provided in Article 12 of AIA Document A201–2017, 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved, and to satisfy other requirements, if any, which extend beyond final payment; and .2 a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect. .3 Contractor has executed IC134 form and returned it to Owner. PAGE 6 no later than 30 days after the issuance of the final invoice … Payments due and unpaid under the Contract shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate stated below, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is located. This interest only applies to payments due and unpaid under the Contract unless the City in good faith disputes the obligation consistent with the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 471.425. … The Architect will serve as the Initial Decision Maker pursuant to Article 15 of AIA Document A201–2017, 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved, unless the parties appoint below another individual, not a party to this Agreement, to serve as the Initial Decision Maker. … For any Claim subject to, but not resolved by, mediation pursuant to Article 15 of AIA Document A201–2017, 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved, the method of binding dispute resolution shall be as follows: … [ X ]Arbitration pursuant to Section 15.4 of AIA Document A201–2017201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved … § 7.1 The Contract may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided in Article 14 of AIA Document A201–2017.201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved § 7.1.1 If the Contract is terminated for the Owner’s convenience in accordance with Article 14 of AIA Document A201–2017, 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved, then the Owner shall pay the Contractor a termination fee as follows: PAGE 7 N/A § 7.2 The Work may be suspended by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of AIA Document A201–2017.201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved. … § 8.1 Where reference is made in this Agreement to a provision of AIA Document A201–2017 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved or another Contract Document, the reference refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017>. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This draft was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 5 … Zuleyka Marquez 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, MN 55439 zmarquez@edinamn.gov … Alex Baldwin, Waste Diversion Manager 2620 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55406 abaldwin@betterfutures.net k443-478-0717 … § 8.5.1 The Owner and the Contractor shall purchase and maintain insurance as set forth in AIA Document A101™–2017, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is a Stipulated Sum, Exhibit A, Insurance and Bonds, and elsewhere in the Contract Documents.Contractor’s Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall purchase and maintain commercial general liability insurance as required to protect the Contractor, Architect and Owner from claims set forth below which may arise out of, result from, or are in any manner connected with, the execution of the work provided for in this Contract, or occur or result from the use by the Contractor, its agents or employees, of materials, equipment, instrumentalities or other property, whether the same be owned by the Contractor, or third parties, whether such claims arise during Contract performance or subsequent to completion of operations under this Contract and whether operations be by the Contractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by Contractor, or by anyone for whose acts Contractor may be liable, and whether such claims are claims for which the Contractor may be, or may be claimed to be, liable. Insurance shall be purchased from a company licensed to do business in the state where the Project is located, and shall be written for not less than the limits of liability specified below or required by law, whichever is greater. A certificate of insurance on a form acceptable to the Owner which verifies the existence of this insurance coverage must be provided to the Owner before work under this contract is begun. The Owner shall be named as an additional insured on a primary and noncontributory basis. The types of claims, required coverages and minimum limits of liability are as follows: A. Claims under Worker’s Compensation, disability benefit and other similar employee benefit acts; claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease or death of employees. Insurance coverages shall include: Statutory Workers’ Compensation, including Employer’s Liability with a minimum limit of $100,000.00 for each employee. B. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death, by any person other than employees, claims for personal injuries which are sustained (1) by any person as a result of an act or omission directly or indirectly related to the employment of such person by the Contractor, or (2) any other person; claims for damages other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or destruction of tangible property including loss of use resulting therefor. Insurance coverages shall include: Premise – Operations Products-Completed Operations Blanket Contractual – Such insurance and endorsements as will insure the obligations under the provisions of Subsection 11.1.5 of this Document. Broad Form Property Damage Personal Injury Blanket Explosion, Collapse and Underground Property Damage Operations of Independent Contractors Policy Limits: General Aggregate $2,000,000.00 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000.00 Personal Injury $1,000,000.00 Each Occurrence $1,000,000.00 Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017>. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This draft was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 6 C. Claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person, or any property damage arising out of the ownership or use of any motor vehicle. Insurance coverage shall include: Business Auto Liability insurance including owned, hired and non-owned vehicles with limits of $1,000,000.00 Combined Single Limit for each accident for bodily injury and death, or property damage. D. The coverage limits required by Paragraphs (B) and (C) above may be achieved by the use of an Umbrella Excess Liability Policy. The limits of liability specified shall be considered minimum requirements. All aforesaid insurance policies shall be underwritten with responsible insurance carriers, with Best’s Ratings of not less than A and X and otherwise satisfactory to Owner and licensed to provide insurance in the state in which the Project is located. . § 8.5.2 The Contractor shall provide bonds as set forth in AIA Document A101™–2017 Exhibit A, and elsewhere in the Contract Documents.surety bonds of the types, for such penal sums, and subject to such terms and conditions as required by the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall purchase and maintain the required bonds from a company or companies lawfully authorized to issue surety bonds in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. § 8.6 Notice in electronic format, pursuant to Article 1 of AIA Document A201–2017, may be given in accordance with AIA Document E203™–2013, Building Information Modeling and Digital Data Exhibit, if completed, or as otherwise set forth below: (If other than in accordance with AIA Document E203–2013, insert requirements for delivering notice in electronic format such as name, title, and email address of the recipient and whether and how the system will be required to generate a read receipt for the transmission.) § 8.5.3 Upon the request of any person or entity appearing to be a potential beneficiary of bonds covering payment of obligations arising under the Contract, the Contractor shall promptly furnish a copy of the bonds or shall authorize a copy to be furnished. § 8.5.4 Notice of Cancellation or Expiration of Contractor’s Required Insurance. Within three (3) business days of the date the Contractor becomes aware of an impending or actual cancellation or expiration of any insurance required by the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide notice to the Owner of such impending or actual cancellation or expiration. Upon receipt of notice from the Contractor, the Owner shall, unless the lapse in coverage arises from an act or omission of the Owner, have the right to stop the Work until the lapse in coverage has been cured by the procurement of replacement coverage by the Contractor. The furnishing of notice by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of any contractual obligation to provide any required coverage. § 8.6 Owner’s Insurance § 8.6.1 The Owner shall purchase and maintain insurance of the types and limits of liability, containing the endorsements, and subject to the terms and conditions, as described in the Agreement or elsewhere in the Contract Documents. The Owner shall purchase and maintain the required insurance from an insurance company or insurance companies lawfully authorized to issue insurance in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. § 8.6.2 Failure to Purchase Required Property Insurance. If the Owner fails to purchase and maintain the required property insurance, with all of the coverages and in the amounts described in the Agreement or elsewhere in the Contract Documents, the Owner shall inform the Contractor in writing prior to commencement of the Work. Upon receipt of notice from the Owner, the Contractor may delay commencement of the Work and may obtain insurance that will protect the interests of the Contractor, Subcontractors, and Sub-Subcontractors in the Work. When the failure to provide coverage has been cured or resolved, the Contract Sum and Contract Time shall be equitably adjusted. In the event the Owner fails to procure coverage, the Owner waives all rights against the Contractor, Subcontractors, and Sub-subcontractors to the extent the loss to the Owner would have been covered by the insurance to have been procured by the Owner. The cost of the insurance shall be charged to the Owner by a Change Order. If the Owner does not provide written notice, and the Contractor is damaged by the failure or neglect of the Owner to purchase or Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017>. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This draft was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 7 maintain the required insurance, the Owner shall reimburse the Contractor for all reasonable costs and damages attributable thereto. § 8.6.3 Notice of Cancellation or Expiration of Owner’s Required Property Insurance. Within three (3) business days of the date the Owner becomes aware of an impending or actual cancellation or expiration of any property insurance required by the Contract Documents, the Owner shall provide notice to the Contractor of such impending or actual cancellation or expiration. Unless the lapse in coverage arises from an act or omission of the Contractor: (1) the Contractor, upon receipt of notice from the Owner, shall have the right to stop the Work until the lapse in coverage has been cured by the procurement of replacement coverage by either the Owner or the Contractor; (2) the Contract Time and Contract Sum shall be equitably adjusted; and (3) the Owner waives all rights against the Contractor, Subcontractors, and Sub-subcontractors to the extent any loss to the Owner would have been covered by the insurance had it not expired or been cancelled. If the Contractor purchases replacement coverage, the cost of the insurance shall be charged to the Owner by an appropriate Change Order. The furnishing of notice by the Owner shall not relieve the Owner of any contractual obligation to provide required insurance. § 8.7 Other provisions:Waivers of Subrogation § 8.8. Loss of Use, Business Interruption, and Delay in Completion Insurance The Owner, at the Owner’s option, may purchase and maintain insurance as will insure the Owner against loss of use of the Owner’s property due to fire or other hazards, however caused. § 8.9 Adjustment and Settlement of Insured Loss § 8.9 1 A loss insured under the property insurance required by the Agreement shall be adjusted by the Owner as fiduciary and made payable to the Owner as fiduciary for the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to requirements of any applicable mortgagee clause and of Section 11.5.2. The Owner shall pay the Architect and Contractor their just shares of insurance proceeds received by the Owner, and by appropriate agreements the Architect and Contractor shall make payments to their consultants and Subcontractors in similar manner. § 8.9.2 Prior to settlement of an insured loss, the Owner shall notify the Contractor of the terms of the proposed settlement as well as the proposed allocation of the insurance proceeds. The Contractor shall have 14 days from receipt of notice to object to the proposed settlement or allocation of the proceeds. If the Contractor does not object, the Owner shall settle the loss and the Contractor shall be bound by the settlement and allocation. Upon receipt, the Owner shall deposit the insurance proceeds in a separate account and make the appropriate distributions. Thereafter, if no other agreement is made or the Owner does not terminate the Contract for convenience, the Owner and Contractor shall execute a Change Order for reconstruction of the damaged or destroyed Work in the amount allocated for that purpose. If the Contractor timely objects to either the terms of the proposed settlement or the allocation of the proceeds, the Owner may proceed to settle the insured loss, and any dispute between the Owner and Contractor arising out of the settlement or allocation of the proceeds shall be resolved pursuant to Article 15. Pending resolution of any dispute, the Owner may issue a Construction Change Directive for the reconstruction of the damaged or destroyed Work. § 8.10 For contracts in excess of $175,000 the Contractor shall provide bonds as set forth in AIA Document A101™–2017 Exhibit A, and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. § 8.11 Notice in electronic format, pursuant to Article 1 of AIA 201 General Conditions for Construction City of Edina Approved, may be given in accordance with AIA Document E203™–2013, Building Information Modeling and Digital Data Exhibit, if completed, or as otherwise set forth below: (If other than in accordance with AIA Document E203–2013, insert requirements for delivering notice in electronic format such as name, title, and email address of the recipient and whether and how the system will be required to generate a read receipt for the transmission.) § 8.12 Other provisions: The Contractor must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to (1) all data provided by the Owner pursuant to this Agreement, and (2) all data, Additions and Deletions Report for AIA Document A101 – 2017. Copyright © 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2007 and 2017>. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This draft was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 8 created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor is subject to all the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. In the event the Contractor receives a request to release data, the Contractor must immediately notify the Owner. The Owner will give the Contractor instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the Owner, its officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers harmless from any claims resulting from Contractor’s officers’, agents’, owners’, partners’ employees’, volunteers’, assignees’ or subcontractors’ unlawful disclosure and/or use of protected data. The terms of this section shall survive the cancellation or termination of this Agreement. PAGE 10 N/A N/A N/A … N/A N/A N/A N/A … N/A N/A N/A PAGE 11 N/A N/A N/A [ X ]Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract: … Preliminary Materials List PML 4401 W. 76th St City of Edina Rev 06.05.23 6/5/23 1 Proposal Better Futures Minnesota Deconstruction Proposal - 4401 W. 76th St Edina Rev 06.05.23 6/5/23 7 … Scott Neal City Manager Alex Baldwin Waste Diversion Manager AIA Document D401 – 2003. Copyright © 1992 and 2003. All rights reserved. “The American Institute of Architects,” “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are trademarks of The American Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No.2114395692 which expires on 01/24/2024, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1815105591) 1 ’Certification of Document s Authenticity AIA® Document D401™ – 2003 I, Scott Neal, hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, that I created the attached final document simultaneously with its associated Additions and Deletions Report and this certification at 15:42:03 ET on 07/24/2023 under Order No. 2114395692 from AIA Contract Documents software and that in preparing the attached final document I made no changes to the original text of AIA® Document A101™ – 2017, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is a Stipulated Sum, other than those additions and deletions shown in the associated Additions and Deletions Report. _____________________________________________________________ (Signed) _____________________________________________________________ (Title) _____________________________________________________________ (Dated) Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.V. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Stephanie Hawkinson, Affordable Housing Development Manager Item Activity: Subject:Approve Release of Development Agreement with Millennium Edina, LLC and Approve Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve release of the Development Agreement between the City of Edina and Millennium Edina, LLC and approve the new Declaration of Restrictive Covenants to be recorded against the development. INTRODUCTION: In November 2016, the City Council executed a Development Agreement with Millennium Edina, LLC for a two phased apartment project with a combined total of 372 units. Phase 2 was never constructed and the parcel sold. Phase 1 is completed and occupied per the requirements of the Development Agreement, including having 11 affordable units. Millennium Edina, LLC is selling the apartment to new owners. As the Development Agreement pertains primarily to the construction process, staff is seeking to have it released. However, in order to maintain the 11 affordable units for the 20-years affordability period, the buyers have agreed to record a new Declaration of Restrictive Covenants against the property. T he Declaration will maintain the same affordability requirements as the Development Agreement and will be recorded in a superior lien position to financing. ATTACHMENTS: Description Release of Development Agreement Declaration of Restrictive Covenants 1 227298v1 (reserved for recording information) RELEASE OF DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT RELEASE granted ______________________, 2023, by the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"). WHEREAS, the City has been asked to release and discharge real property in Hennepin County, Minnesota, legally described as set forth on attached Exhibit A, according to the recorded plat thereof (“Subject Property”) from the Development Contract between the City and Millennium Edina, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (“Developer”), dated November 10, 2016, and recorded November 14, 2016 as Document No. A10379631 in the Office of the County Recorder, Hennepin County (“Development Contract”); WHEREAS, all requirements of the Development Contract have been met as to the Subject Property and there is no longer a need to have the Development Contract recorded against the Property; NOW, THEREFORE, by the City of Edina, Minnesota: The Subject Property described in Exhibit A is released and discharged from the Development Agreement. ADOPTED this _____ day of _______________, 2023. 2 227298v1 CITY OF EDINA BY: _______________________________________ James Hovland, Mayor BY: _______________________________________ Scott Neal, City Manager (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _______ day of __________________, 2023, by James Hovland and Scott Neal, respectively the Mayor and City Manager of the City of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. ___________________________________________ Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center 1 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 651-452-5000 DSK/mew 3 227298v1 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 227238v2 (reserved for recording) DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS1 THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS (the “Agreement”), is made on this _____ day of August, 2023, by Harmony Heights Associates LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the “Owner”) in favor of the City of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the “City”). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Owner is the owner of the property legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Property”) which currently contains 227 housing units; and WHEREAS, the Owner intends, declares, and covenants that the restrictive covenants set forth herein shall be and are covenants running with the Property for the term described herein and binding upon all subsequent owners of the Property for such term, and are not merely personal covenants of the Owner. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants hereinafter set forth, and of other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Owner agrees as follows: Section 1. Affordable Housing Covenants. (a) Income Limits. Eleven (11) completed residential housing units on the Property (the “Affordable Units”) shall be leased to tenants with annual income amounts not exceeding sixty percent (60%) of the median family income for the Twin Cities Metropolitan area in which the Property is located as that figure is determined and announced from time to time by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”), adjusted for family size (the “Affordable Housing Covenant”). 1 Note to Draft: This document is contemplated to be recorded immediately following closing on the purchase/sale transaction. The termination of the Development Agreement shall be recorded immediately prior to closing on the purchase/sale transaction. 2 227238v2 (b) Rental Rates. Each Affordable Unit shall bear annual rents not greater than the 60% rent rate limits (adjusted for bedroom count and inclusive of utilities) as determined and announced from time to time by HUD (or any successor agency(ies) administrating government affordable housing programs). During the term of this Agreement, the term for Affordable Unit leases shall be twelve (12) months during which time the rent shall not be increased except that the Utility Allowances, as determined and announced from time to time by Metro HRA, may be adjusted and any such adjustment shall not be deemed a rent increase. (c) Termination. Notwithstanding any other term herein, this Agreement shall automatically terminate in its entirety with no further action required as of December 23, 2041.2 Section 2. Recording and Filing; Covenants to Run with the Land. (a) Upon execution and delivery, the Owner shall cause this Agreement to be recorded and filed with the recorder of Hennepin County, and shall pay all fees and charges incurred in connection therewith. Upon recording, the Owner shall promptly transmit to the City an executed original of the recorded Agreement showing the date and document numbers of record, or a duly certified copy of the executed original. (b) The Owner intends, declares, and covenants, on behalf of itself and all future owners, if any, of the Property during the term of this Agreement, that this Agreement and the covenants set forth herein (i) shall be and are covenants running with the Property, encumbering the Property for the term of this Agreement, binding upon the Owner’s successors in title and all subsequent owners of the Property, (ii) are not merely personal covenants of the Owner, and (iii) shall bind the Owner (and the benefits shall inure to the City) and its respective successors and assigns during the term of this Agreement. The Owner hereby agrees that any and all requirements of the laws of the State to be satisfied in order for the provisions of this Agreement to constitute deed restrictions and covenants running with the land shall be deemed to be satisfied in full, and that any requirements or privileges of estate are intended to be satisfied, or in the alternate, that an equitable servitude has been created to ensure that these restrictions run with the land. For the term of this Agreement, each and every contract, deed, or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the Property of portion thereof shall expressly provide that such conveyance is subject to this Agreement; provided, however, that the covenants contained herein shall survive and be effective regardless of whether such contract, deed, or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the Property or portion thereof provides that such conveyance is subject to this Agreement. (c) The covenants contained herein may not be terminated, modified, or amended without written consent of the City prior to the expiration of the term of this Agreement. Notwithstanding clause (b) above, upon receipt by the City of certified evidence that the Property is no longer subject to the covenants in this Agreement, the City shall promptly furnish the Owner with an appropriate instrument terminating this Agreement and the covenants set forth herein which the Owner may cause to be recorded and filed with the recorder of Hennepin County at the Owner’s expense. 2 Note to Draft: This date is 20 years after the certificate of occupancy was issued on December 23, 2021 which is the expiration listed in the Development Agreement. 3 227238v2 Section 3. Miscellaneous. (a) Severability. The invalidity of any clause, part or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. (b) Notices. Any notice, demand, or other communication under this Agreement shall be sufficiently given or delivered if it is dispatched by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered personally to parties at the addresses set forth below: To the Owner: Harmony Heights Associates LLC, or its assigns c/o Belgarde Enterprises 7841 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 111 Minneapolis, MN 55426 Attention: Kenneth C. Belgarde Beverly Boland ken.belgarde@belgarde.com beverly.boland@belgarde.com To the City: City of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Attn: Affordable Housing Development Manager or at such other address with respect to either such party as that party may, from time to time, designate in writing and forward to the other as provided in this Section. (c) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. (d) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the has caused this Agreement to be signed by its duly authorized representatives, as of the day and year first above written. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank] [Signatures contained on the following pages.] 4 227238v2 CITY OF EDINA: By: James B. Hovland, Mayor By: Scott H. Neal, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ____________, 2023 by James B. Hovland and by Scott H. Neal, respectively the Mayor and City Manager of the City of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. ____________________________________ Notary Public 5 227238v2 OWNER: Harmony Heights Associates LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company By: _______________________________ Name: Kenneth C. Belgarde Title: Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ____________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ____________, 2023 by Kenneth C. Belgarde, the manager of Harmony Heights Associates LLC, on behalf of the entity. ____________________________________ Notary Public This Instrument Drafted By: Fredrikson & Byron P.A. (AMT) 60 South Sixth Street, Suite 1500 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-492-7000 6 227238v2 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY3 3 Note to Draft: To be confirmed prior to recording. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.W. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve Special Permit to use City Property with Service of Alcohol for Mr. Paul's Supper Club Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Mr. Paul's Supper Club special permit to serve alcohol on city property on Aug. 10, at Nolan Mains Plaza. INTRODUCTION: City Code 24-346 requires City Council's approval for a special permit for serving alcohol on city property. Mr. P aul's Supper Club, 3917 Market Street, is hosting a wedding rehearsal dinner on Aug. 10 in their restaurant and would like to use a portion of the Nolan Mains Plaza for overflow. A tent would be set up in this space to allow approximately 30 guests to walk out of the restaurant into this space with their alcoholic beverage. The tent will be adjacent to the restaurant and surrounded by stanchions to make it compact and contiguous. Mr. P aul's meets all requirements for this special permit and staff recommends approval. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Laura Fulton, Recreation Supervisor Item Activity: Subject:Minnesota Recreation & Park Association Awards of Excellence Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None; Information only. INTRODUCTION: Each year the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association (MRPA) recognizes agencies or organizations in Minnesota for outstanding achievements in the following "Award of Excellence" categories: · Administrative or Management Strategies · Marketing and Communications · Park and Facility · Programming and Events · Sponsorship and Partnerships · Volunteer Initiatives A major goal of the Awards of Excellence program is to increase public awareness and appreciation of the excellent parks, trails, and recreation services available in Minnesota. Public presentations of the awards are made before the agencies’ governing bodies throughout the summer and fall season. In March 2023, the Minnesota Recreation and P ark Association selected Art Together for an Award of Excellence in the Programming and Events category. Art Together uses art as a gateway for conversation between youth and public safety professionals to promote connection and understanding in a fun and safe environment. Held once a month in June, July and August at the Fred Richards Park Pavilion, Art Together is a low barrier program that is no cost, has no registration requirement and is offered in a traditionally underserved community. Initially established as a community event promoting partnership between the Edina Art Center and the Edina Police Department, Art Together has grown to include members from the Edina Fire Department, Hennepin County, Metro Transit Police Department and Minnesota State P atrol members. A representative from the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association will be in attendance to present this award to the City of Edina. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2023-50: Accepting Donations Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2023-50 accepting donations. INTRODUCTION: To comply with State Statute, all donations to the City must be accepted by resolution and approved by two- thirds majority of the Council. See attached resolution with list of donations. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2023-50 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-50 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed grants and donations on behalf of its citizens. Parks & Recreation  Andy Warczak $2250.00 1 Swiss Stone Tree at Chowen Park 1River Birch 1 Swamp White Oak at York Park  Friends of the Edina Library $899.00 100 Compost Stew Books for Farmer's Market Booth Edina Senior Center  Allina Health Aetna Ice Cream for 50 People - Social Dated: August 2, 2023 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of August 2, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _______ day of ___________________, 2023. City Clerk Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VIII.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Chad A. Millner, P.E., Director of Engineering Item Activity: Subject:Proposal to Increase Franchise Fees with CenterPoint Energy and Xcel Energy Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Discussion only. INTRODUCTION: At the May 4 City Council retreat, staff received support to develop a proposal to increase franchise fees on both CenterPoint Energy and Xcel Energy customers. The additional fees would increase the pace of implementation for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan funded from the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund (PACS)(request from ETC), sustainability initiatives funded by the Conservation and Sustainability Fund (CAS) and to start to address the funding shortfall to maintain our street light systems. Staff will present a plan to increase fees incrementally in 2024, 2026, and 2028. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Franchise Fee Proposal Staff Presentation August 2, 2023 City Council Scott Neal, City Manager Chad Millner, Engineering Director Franchise Fee Proposal Executive Summary Staff is proposing to increase the franchise fees on both Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy by approximately 22% in 2024, 2026, and 2028. This would increase revenue from franchise fees from $2.1M in 2022 to $4.1M by 2029. Fees would increase on all property classes. The fees on residential properties are $2.90 for each CenterPoint Energy and $2.90 for Xcel Energy accounts, respectively. For a total of $5.80 currently. The fee proposal for 2024, 2026, and 2028 would increase the fees to $3.55, $4.40, and $5.40 per account, for total fees of $7.10, $8.80, and $10.80, respectively. The distribution of funds would continue to the PACS and CAS funds along with additional funding to street lighting. Distribution Year Revenue PACS CAS Street Lighting 2022 $2,176,000 $1,227,000 $949,000 $0 2024 $2,714,000 $1,361,000 $1,053,000 $300,000 2026 $3,344,000 $1,547,000 $1,197,000 $600,000 2028 $4,100,000 $1,889,000 $1,461,000 $750,000 The increases would occur in separate ordinance approvals by City Council prior to the year noted above. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund  The Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund is a special revenue fund created to account for an increase in utility franchise fee revenues from customers of Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy within Edina.  The purpose of the PACS Fund is to provide for the creation, maintenance and improvement of non-motorized transportation facilities for the primary benefit of pedestrians and cyclists in Edina. Non-motorized transportation facilities (NMTF) include sidewalks, bikeways, trails, crossing treatments, associated signage and pavement markings.  These franchise fees were approved by City Council in November 2012 and went into effect Q1 of 2013.  About $1,174,000 is generated annually through franchise fees for the PACS Fund budget.  From 2013 to 2021, over $10,500,000 in revenue has been generated for the PACS Fund.  The average single-family home pays $2.90/month in franchise fees ($1.45/month each for Xcel and CenterPoint) for the PACS Fund. o This equals $34.80/year for the average single-family home. o From 2013 to 2021, the average single-family home has paid $313.20.  While the franchise fee rates have not changed since 2013, the addition of new customers (residential and commercial) within Edina over that time period has increased the PACS Fund revenue an average of 1% per year.  The PACS Fund has been primarily used to construct of new infrastructure, including: o Over 15 miles of new sidewalks and shared-use paths. o Over three miles of bicycle facilities. o Seven pedestrian-activated flashers. o One traffic signal with accessible pedestrian signals (Wooddale Ave and Valley View Rd). o Crosswalk installation equipment and materials for Public Works. o Engineering services for various pedestrian and bicycle projects.  The PACS Fund has also been used to fund associated strategic initiatives, including: o The Living Streets Plan, which provides guidance for public realm and street design that is safe, sustainable and convenient for all modes of transportation. o The Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, which guides the City’s continuing evolution toward becoming a more walkable, bikeable community.  The Drive 25 initiative, whereby local speed limits were reduced to 25 miles per hour in an effort to improve safety and mobility for pedestrians and cyclists. Conversation and Sustainability Fund (CAS)  The Conservation and Sustainability (CAS) Fund is also a special revenue fund created to account for an increase in utility franchise fee revenues from customers of Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy within Edina.  The purpose of the CAS Fund is to provide a dedicated funding source for the City’s conservation and sustainability functionality and programs.  These franchise fees were approved by City Council in 2015 and went into effect Q1 of 2016. STAFF REPORT Page 3  From its first revenue receipt in 2016 through 2020, the fund generated ~$2.5M. In 2021 and expected in future years, ~$950,000 is generated annually through franchise fees for the CAS Fund.  The CAS Fund franchise fees were last increased in 2019. Since then, the average residential customer pays $2.90/month in franchise fees ($1.45/month each for Xcel and CenterPoint) for the CAS Fund, or around $35/year to support activities by the Sustainability Division.  The addition of new customers (residential and commercial) within Edina results in an estimated 1% increase in CAS Fund revenue per year.  No less than 50% of annual CAS Fund revenue is dedicated to capital improvements for City property and equipment that further the City’s overall conservation and sustainability goals. o The Green Fleet Policy provides a process and funding to support City fleet purchase of electric and highly efficient vehicles and equipment. o City facility energy efficiency management and upgrades. o Renewable energy investments.  The CAS Fund is also used to fund programs that accomplish goals in Edina’s Climate Action Plan, such as: o The Climate Action Plan, which outlines strategies and actions to support achieving increased climate resilience, reductions in local greenhouse gas emissions and further advancement of the City’s sustainability goals. o The Sustainable Buildings Policy, which directs new developments that seek City funding or land use incentives to be certified under an eligible Sustainable Building Rating System at the listed rating level, and meet the standards set forth in the Edina Overlay. o The Efficient Buildings Ordinance, which requires existing buildings 25,000 square feet or larger to annually report energy and water use to the City. The City directs buildings in the bottom 50% of energy efficiency to receive an energy assessment at no cost to them, and provides incentives to adopt energy efficiency practices. o The Climate Action Fund, cost share program where the City reimburses residents and businesses for some of the costs to complete high-impact energy-efficiency projects based on a recent building audit, or install on-site solar after completing energy efficiency improvements. o Aligned City Purchasing Policy with City values including sustainability to inform decisions. o Supporting up to 1,000 subsidized or free Home Energy Squad visits for residents each year. o Partnering with Minnesota GreenCorps to host a GreenCorps member annually for staff support and meeting goals related to air quality and community outreach. Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) Workplan Item Recommendation The 2022 ETC Workplan included the following item:  Review and recommend changes to the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund Policy. The ETC recommended raising the monthly fees by 100% one-time, for all four land use types. This would accelerate completion of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan from 44-years to 21-years. They also proposed adjusting the rate structure to reduce the overall burden on residential property owners via larger fee increases for commercial property owners. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Street Lighting System Recall staff presented a financial analysis of the street lighting system at the November 15, 21022 City Council Work Session. Staff recommended a hybrid approach between owning specific street light systems and converting most to Xcel Energy owned and maintained. The City would own the lights in high priority areas such as 50th and France and Grandview. The remainder of the city would be converted to Xcel ownership and maintenance with monthly fees per light. The current budget was insufficient to sustain the current street lighting systems and staff recommended further discussions at the May 4 Council Retreat and during the 2023 Budget Cycle. 2023 Council Retreat Staff presented on franchise fees at the council retreat. The discussion focused on legal authority, historical use in Edina and surrounding communities, the ETC recommendation, and streetlight funding analysis. Staff received support to bring a proposal to the City Council to increase franchise fees to accelerate PACS and CAS Project implementation and fund streetlight maintenance. EdinaMN.gov Utility Franchise Fee Proposal August 2, 2023 Scott Neal – City Manager Chad Millner – Engineering Director Franchise Fees •MN Statute 216B.36 •Any public utility in public property within a municipality may be required to obtain a franchise agreement. Under this agreement, the city can impose a fee and the use of that fee use. Utility companies typically pass this fee on to their customers. It’s shown as a line item on their gas and electric bills. Franchise Fees •History •Started in 2012 w/ Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund •2016 added the Conservation and Sustainability (CAS) Fund •Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund (PACS) •Since 2019, $2.90 per month = $1.45 for each Xcel and CPE •Fees for Residential Customers but all customers classes are charged the fee •Generates ~$1.2M •Conservation and Sustainability Fund (CAS) •Since 2019, $2.90 per month = $1.45 for each Xcel and CPE •Fees for Residential Customers but all customers classes are charged the fee •Generates ~$0.95M •Capital Improvement Requirement – Get stuff done Franchise Fees •ETC 2022 Workplan Item •Review and recommend changes to the PACS funding policy. •Update to Council on March 7, 2023 •Memo and Presentation •Increase fees to double revenue to complete proposed improvements in half the time Franchise Fees •Street Light Analysis •Recall work session on November 15, 2022 •Reviewed 4 options - recommended the hybrid approach •City retains priority areas of Grandview and 50th and France •Convert rest to Xcel •Two options – cobra head and traditional •25-year transition – 37 Xcel conversations and 10 City replacements per year average •Current budget is $555,000 per year – lease, electricity, and replacement •Additional budget for 25-year transition requires additional $565,000 per year Franchise Fees Proposal Fees on Residential Customer Year CPE Xcel Total Fee 2022 $2.90 $2.90 $5.80 2024 $3.55 $3.55 $7.10 2026 $4.40 $4.40 $8.80 2028 $5.40 $5.40 $10.80 •~ 22% Increase in each year. •Increases applied to all property classes Franchise Fees Proposal Distribution Year Revenue PACS CAS Street Lighting 2022 $2,176,000 $1,227,000 $949,000 $0 2024 $2,714,000 $1,361,000 $1,053,000 $300,000 2026 $3,344,000 $1,547,000 $1,197,000 $600,000 2028 $4,100,000 $1,889,000 $1,461,000 $750,000 Franchise Fees Proposal •If supported, seek approval for 2024 fee increase only at an upcoming council meeting. •Questions? Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VIII.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Ordinance No. 2023-12: Concerning the Use of Cannabis and Hemp in Public Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Ordinance No. 2023-12 concerning the Use of Cannabis and Hemp in Public and grant first reading. INTRODUCTION: Ordinance No. 2023-12 is being presented to City Council for adoption to prohibit the use of cannabis and hemp products in public places in Edina. Similar ordinances are being adopted by many Minnesota cities to clarify the city’s position that it does not want to allow the use of cannabis and hemp products in public places such as parks, trails, golf courses, etc. It could be argued that the City’s current ordinances prohibiting smoking are sufficient to cover the use of cannabis and hemp products, but this ordinance makes the City’s prohibition on the use of these products in public places exceptionally clear and unambiguous. ATTACHMENTS: Description Ordinance No. 2023-12: Concerning the Use of Cannabis and Hemp in Public 227312v1 ORDINANCE NO. 2023-12 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 24 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING THE USE OF CANNABIS AND HEMP PRODUCTS IN PUBLIC THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Chapter 24, Article VII. of the Edina City Code is amended to include the following; Sec. 24-260. Cannabis and Hemp Public Use Prohibition. (a) Definitions The definitions in Minn. Stat. § 342.01 apply to this section. In this section: CANNABIS FLOWER: The harvested flower, bud, leaves, and stems of a cannabis plant. Cannabis flower includes adult-use cannabis flower and medical cannabis flower. Cannabis flower does not include cannabis seed, hemp plant parts, or hemp-derived consumer products. CANNABIS PRODUCT: Any of the following: (1) cannabis concentrate; (2) a product infused with cannabinoids, including but not limited to tetrahydrocannabinol, extracted or derived from cannabis plants or cannabis flower; or (3) any other product that contains cannabis concentrate. Cannabis product includes adult-use cannabis products, including but not limited to edible cannabis products and medical cannabis products. CERTAIN CANNABINOID PRODUCTS: Any product legalized under Minn. Stat. §151.72. LOWER-POTENCY HEMP EDIBLE: Any product that (1) is intended to be eaten or consumed as a beverage by humans; (2) contains hemp concentrate or an artificially derived cannabinoid, in combination with food ingredients; (3) is not a drug; (4) consists of servings that contain no more than five milligrams of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, 25 milligrams of cannabidiol, 25 milligrams of cannabigerol, or any combination of those cannabinoids that does not exceed the identified amounts; (5) does not contain more than a combined total of 0.5 milligrams of all other cannabinoids per serving; (6) does not contain an artificially derived cannabinoid other than delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol; (7) does not contain a cannabinoid derived from cannabis plants or cannabis flower; and (8) is a type of product approved for sale by the Office of Cannabis Management or is substantially similar to a product approved by that Office, including but not limited to products that resemble nonalcoholic beverages, candy, and baked goods. HEMP-DERIVED CONSUMER PRODUCT: A product intended for human or animal consumption, does not contain cannabis flower or cannabis concentrate, and (1) contains or consists of hemp plant parts; or (2) contains hemp concentrate or artificially derived cannabinoids in combination with other ingredients. PUBLIC PLACE: Property owned, leased, or controlled by a governmental unit and private property that is regularly and frequently open to or made available for use by the public in sufficient numbers to give clear notice of the property's current dedication to public use but does not include: 1. a person's dwelling house or premises, including the person’s curtilage or yard; 2. private property not generally accessible by the public, unless the person is explicitly prohibited from consuming cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, or hemp-derived consumer products on the property by the owner of the property; or 3. the premises of an establishment or event licensed to permit on-site consumption. 2 227052v2 (b) Prohibited Activity No person shall use cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, hemp-derived consumer products, or certain cannabinoid products in a public place. (c) Penalty Violation of this section shall be a petty misdemeanor punishable to the maximum extent authorized in Minn. Stat. § 412.231 and Minn. Stat. § 609.0332. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: August 2, 2023 Second Reading: August 15, 2023 Published: ADOPTED this _____ day of ____________, 2023, by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota. ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication Bill to Edina City Clerk Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VIII.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Ordinance No. 2023-13: Interim Ordinance Prohibiting the Operation of Cannabis Businesses Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Ordinance No. 2023-13 an Interim Ordinance Prohibiting the Operation of Cannabis Businesses and grant first reading. INTRODUCTION: It is the intent of this ordinance to allow the City of Edina time to complete an in-depth study concerning adoption of revisions of the City’s official controls for the manufacturing, testing, distributing, and selling of Cannabis Flower and Cannabis Products, and the operation of Cannabis Businesses. In order to pass a moratorium ordinance, the City must study the issue with the intent of creating a set of controls to manage the new legalized environment around cannabis. The study will likely be conducted by staff. Staff will include it on the work plan to discuss where to allow high-dose retailers to operate beginning in 2025. The City is required to hold a public hearing on this ordinance. The requirement of the public hearing is included in the new law. It is different from every other moratorium, where the City is required to hold a public hearing. Staff are requesting that Council approve a variance from our standard public hearing process by holding the public hearing on August 15 and adopting the second reading of the ordinance at that some meeting. Staff are recommending this action in order to minimize the time in which the City’s position on this subject is unsettled. If the Council does not approve this process variance, the next available date the Council could act on the ordinance for final approval would be September 5. Many Minnesota cities are adopting moratorium ordinances like this one. Staff are recommending that Council approve this ordinance, but we fully expect to present our recommendations to the Council on necessary actions before the expiration of the moratorium in 2024. ATTACHMENTS: Description Ordinance No. 2023-13: Interim Ordinance Prohibiting the Operation of Cannabis Businesses 1 227313v1 ORDINANCE NO. 2023-13 AN INTERIM ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE OPERATION OF CANNABIS BUSINESSES The City Council of the City of Edina does ordain: SECTION 1. FINDINGS AND PURPOSE. A. By enacting 2023 Session Laws Chapter 63, the Minnesota Legislature enacted Minn. Stat. chapter 342, legalizing adult-use cannabis and permitting the operation of cannabis businesses and the sale of cannabis flower and cannabis products for human consumption. This law creates a new agency, the Office of Cannabis Management, to regulate the sales of cannabis products. B. The new law does enact some requirements for production, labeling and testing, and sale of cannabis products at the state government level. However, the new law creates uncertainty that will need to be resolved by the passage of further regulations by the Office. C. The new law establishes that the sale of cannabis products are still subject to local planning and zoning restrictions, and must comply with local zoning code. The new law provides no guidance on how cities are to zone the new businesses, leaving it to local control. D. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 342.13, the City is authorized to adopt an interim ordinance protecting the planning process and the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. Under Minn. Stat. § 342.13, such ordinance may remain in effect until January 1, 2025 E. Pursuant to its general police powers, including but not limited to, Minn. Stat. § 421.221, subd. 32, the City may enact regulations regarding to promote the health, safety, order, convenience, and the general welfare of the City. This power permits the City to implement a moratorium to study the sales, testing, manufacturing, and distribution of cannabis products to determine if regulations are necessary for the sake of good order of the City. F. The City Council finds that it is necessary to study the application of 2023 Session Laws Chapter 63, and the products, uses, and businesses related thereto, in order to assess the necessity for and efficacy of regulation and restrictions relating to the sales, testing, manufacturing, and distribution of cannabis flower, cannabis products, and lower-potency products including through zoning ordinances, in order to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of its residents. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS: The following terms when used in this ordinance shall mean: Official controls. “Official controls” or “controls” means ordinances and regulations which control the physical development of the city or any part thereof or any detail thereof and implement the general objectives of the comprehensive plan. Official controls include ordinances establishing zoning, subdivision controls, site plan regulations, sanitary codes, building codes and official maps. Cannabis Business. “Cannabis Business” has the meaning given in Minn. Stat. § 342.01, subd. 14. Cannabis Flower. “Cannabis Flower” means the harvested flower, bud, leaves, and stems of a cannabis plant. 2 227313v1 Cannabis Product. “Cannabis Product” means a product infused with cannabinoids, including but not limited to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), including hemp-derived cannabinoids. SECTION 3. INTENT AND AUTHORIZATION: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to allow the City of Edina time to complete an in-depth study concerning adoption of revisions of the City’s official controls for the manufacturing, testing, distributing, and selling of Cannabis Flower and Cannabis Products, and the operation of Cannabis Businesses. B. City staff is directed and authorized to conduct a study of the City’s official controls that may need to be adopted or amended to protect the public health, safety, and welfare as they relate to the manufacturing, testing, distributing, and selling of Cannabis Flower and Cannabis Products, and the operation of Cannabis Businesses. SECTION 4. TEMPORARY PROHIBITION: A. Pending the completion of the above referenced study and the adoption of appropriate official controls, the following is prohibited within the City: The manufacturing, distributing, and selling of Cannabis Flower and Cannabis Products, and the operation of any Cannabis Business. B. This moratorium does not apply to the selling, testing, manufacturing, or distributing of THC Products related to the Medical Cannabis Program as administered by the Minnesota Department of Health, provided that such activity is done in accordance with the regulations and laws of Minnesota regarding Medical Cannabis. SECTION 5. ENFORCEMENT. The City may enforce this Ordinance by mandamus, injunctive relief, or other appropriate civil remedy in any court of competent jurisdiction. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager, in consultation with the City Attorney, to initiate any legal action deemed necessary to secure compliance with this Ordinance. A violation of this Ordinance is also subject to the City’s general penalty in City Code Sec. 1-18 et seq. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and shall remain in effect until January 1, 2025, or until the adoption of the official controls being studied, whichever occurs first. First Reading: August 2, 2023 Second Reading: August 15, 2023 Published: ADOPTED this _____ day of ____________, 2023, by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota. 3 227313v1 ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication Bill to Edina City Clerk Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VIII.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Local Elections Management Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to affirm the City Council’s July 18, 2023, consensus on a proposed agreement with Independent School District 273 for local elections management. INTRODUCTION: At the City Council’s July 18, 2023, Work Session, the Council received a presentation from staff on issues related to the general management of local elections and specific issues related to the City’s past and future management of School District elections for Edina Public Schools (District 273). Staff asked for Council support of a set of principles to be included in a new elections management agreement with District 273. See attached staff report. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Local Elections Management August 2, 2023 Mayor and City Council Scott H. Neal, City Manager Local Election Management Information / Background: At the City Council’s July 18, 2023, Work Session, the Council received a presentation from staff on issues related to the general management of local elections and specific issues related to the City’s past and future management of School District elections for Edina Public Schools (District 273). The staff asked for Council support of a set of principles to be included in a new elections management agreement with District 273. Adoption of this motion will affirm the Council’s support of the following agreement principles: • The agreement will be structured as a contract for services with the City in the role of the vendor. • The agreement will include reimbursement of actual City staff time that is deployed to provide elections management services. • The agreement will include reimbursement of actual incremental costs that are incurred by the City in service of a School District election. • The agreement will limit the City’s responsibility to ensure access/furniture/parking etc. to only those School District election polling locations that are owned and operated by the City. • The agreement will authorize the City to share its election-related equipment with the School District. The agreement will require the School District to repair or replace election-related equipment that is damaged while in the custody of the School District. • The agreement will include specific conditions, services and timelines for the City to provide elections management services for the School District’s special elections. • The agreement will create a formula or cost-sharing practice for non-incremental costs related to elections management. STAFF REPORT Page 2 As explained in the July 18 Work Session, staff recommends this agreement be informed by the experiences and costs of the 2023 School District general election, which the City is managing under the terms of a previously approved agreement between the City and the School District. Staff believes that finalizing the agreement during the time period after the November 7, 2023, election, but before the Council’s final regular meeting for the year on December 19, 2023, will provide both parties with the best knowledge and understanding of how the new elections management agreement will function in 2025 and beyond. Staff recommend the City Council adopt the motion and affirm the Council’s support of the proposed elections management agreement principles. If approved, City staff will continue to engage with School District staff to negotiate a final agreement that will be presented to the School Board and City Council for final approvals. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: VIII.F. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Addison Lewis, Community Development Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Continue Action to August 15, 2023 for Resolution No. 2023-46: Authorizing Staff Submittal of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Metropolitan Council for the Cahill District Area Plan Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Continue action to August 15, 2023. INTRODUCTION: To allow time for staff to address questions raised regarding stormwater management. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: IX.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Laura Fulton, Recreation Supervisor Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Arts and Culture Commission May 25, 2023 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None; information only. INTRODUCTION: Receive minutes of the Arts and Culture Commission from May 25, 2023 ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: Arts and Culture Commission May 25, 2023 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: June 22, 2023 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Arts and Culture Commission City Hall Community Room Thursday, May 25, 2023 I. Call To Order Chair Westlund called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners Amlaw, Curtin, Faeth, Fram, Scully, Stemmler; Student Commissioner Konkimalla; and Chair Westlund. Staff Present: Parks and Recreation Director, Perry Vetter, Staff member Laura Fulton Commissioner Zbaren entered the meeting at 4:36 p.m. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Scully to approve the May 25, 2023 meeting agenda, seconded by Curtin. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Curtin to approve the April 27, 2023 meeting minutes, seconded by Amlaw. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Board and Commission Member Review • Assistant City Manager Lisa Schaefer presented the Annual Boards and Commission Review to the Arts and Culture Commissioners. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. 2023 ACC Workplan Updates • Initiative 1.1.1: Grandview Public Art i. Director Vetter reported that the bridge behind the site will be installed soon. • Initiative 1.1.2: Street Art Policy and Practices i. Commissioner Stemmler updated the Commission on the research being done by the initiative group. ii. Fulton reported that staff will be meeting with Forecast Public Art to discuss Public Art policy development. • Initiative 1.1.3: Public Art Incorporated in Planning and Development i. Commissioner Zbaren reported that there are no updates at this time. ii. Commission discussed putting initiative 1.1.3 on hold to focus on other initiatives. • Initiative 1.1.4: New Art Center Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: June 22, 2023 i. Commissioner Amlaw presented an overview of the tours that the initiative group took of art centers around the metro. ii. Commissioner Curtin discussed her observations of the sites. iii. Initiative group will be putting together a report for staff to discuss findings. • Initiative 1.1.5: Utility Boxes i. Chair Westlund reported that staff has completed the page on Better Together Edina and will putting the call out for art in June. Commission discussed how to proceed in choosing art upon completion of artist call. • Initiative 1.1.6: ACC Involvement at Performances on the Plaza and other Community Events i. Commissioner Stemmler discussed the Performances on the Plaza is now called Music on the Plaza. Commission discussed participation. ii. Commission decided against having a presence at the Edina Art Fair, Fourth of July parade and Juneteenth. iii. Commission will have a presence at the Edina Fall into the Arts Festival. • Initiative 1.1.7: Micro Grant Phase 2 i. Commissioner Faeth presented a draft report to the Commission ii. Commission will review document and make edits within the next two weeks. Initiative group will edit document and bring it back to the June meeting. B. Upcoming ACC Meetings Discussion • Director Vetter reminded Commissioners of options to schedule meetings around lack of quorum or lack of agenda items. • Chair Westlund requested that all commissioners look at their calendars and we discuss scheduling issues at the June meeting. VII. Chair and Member Comments VIII. Staff Comments A. Staff member Fulton mentioned that the Edina Fire Department is building a new Fire Station and the ACC may have the opportunity to assist with Public Art decisions. B. Fulton requested assistance with documenting current artwork on the new GIS Public Art map. An area map will be sent for Commissioners to view and for possible volunteer opportunities. C. Director Vetter requested that Commissioners begin thinking about initiative ideas for 2024. D. Fulton updated Commissioners on upcoming programming at the Art Center. IX. Adjournment Motion was made by Fram to adjourn the May 25, 2023 meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission, seconded by Zbaren. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: IX.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Grace Hancock, Sustainability Manager Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Energy & Environment Commission, June 8, 2023 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None; information only. INTRODUCTION: Receive the June 8, 2023 minutes of the Energy & Environment Commission. ATTACHMENTS: Description EEC Minutes: June 8, 2023 Agenda Energy and Environment Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall - Community Room Meeting will take place in person. Masks are optional. Thursday, June 8, 2023 7:00 PM I.Call To Order Chair Martinez called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. II.Roll Call Answering roll call were Chair Martinez, Vice Chair Lukens, Commissioners Weber, Lanzas, Hovanec, Tessman, Schima, and Student Commissioners Machart and Rawat Late: Commissioner Haugen arrived at 7:12pm, Commissioner Dakane arrived at 7:30pm III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Tom Tessman to Approve Meeting Agenda. Seconded by Hilda Martinez Salgado. Motion Carried. IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Energy and Environment Commission May 11, 2023 Motion by Hilda Martinez Salgado to Approve Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Bayardo Lanzas. Motion Carried. Motion by Hilda Martinez Salgado to Approve Meeting Minutes. Seconded by . Motion Carried. V.Special Recognitions And Presentations A.Special Presentation: 2023 Water Resources Update Commissioners received a presentation from Water Resources Manager regarding an annual report on Edina's water resources programming. VI.Community Comment no community comment was received. During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VII.Reports/Recommendations A.Consultant Report: Proposed Carryout Bag Fee Ordinance Public Input Results Commission received the consultant report, and Liaison Hancock opened the topic for discussion. Commissioners made the following comments: Commissioners expressed the opinion that public resistance would be short lived if ordinance passed. Commissioners asked about enforcement. Staff responded that general retail businesses are not currently licensed by the city, so new enforcement processes would need to be established. Commissioners commented City ordinances should be informed by science and research, not only by public input. Commissioners questioned whether an annual report to track progress was actually needed. Commissioner commented the proposed carryout bag fee would be a small but visible and important step. Commissioners asked if the City could pass omnibus bills to tie multiple waste items, for instance, together. Liaison Hancock committed to follow up on this question. B.Comment on 2024 Commission Climate Action Menu Liaison Hancock introduced the 2024 draft commission climate action menu. No additional actions were requested by the Commission to be added before the menu is shared with other commissions for 2024 work planning. C.2024 Workplan Development Kickoff The Commission brainstormed ideas for the 2024 work plan. The work plan will be approved by the Commission at their August meeting for submittal to Council in September. D.Monthly call for communication requests No communication requests were received. VIII.Chair And Member Comments Chair Martinez thanked student commissioner Machart for her service. Commissioners asked if a property clearing trees in Edina was required to comply with the former or amended residential tree protection ordinance. Liaison Hancock will follow up. Commissioners asked for confirmation about current water restrictions. Liaison Hancock confirmed that irrigation was on an odd/even schedule. Commissioner Weber agreed to lead the EEC group for the July 4 parade. IX.Staff Comments Staff shared the newly adopted amended landscaping ordinance, Ordinance 2023-07. Staff shared that City Engineer Millner will liaise at the Commission's next meeting on July 13. X.Adjournment The EEC meeting was adjourned at 9:13pm. Motion by John Haugen to Adjourn. Seconded by Tom Tessman. Motion Carried. T he City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: IX.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Gillian Straub, City Management Fellow Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Human Rights & Relations Commission, June 27, 2023 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Receive the minutes from the June 27, 2023, Human Rights & Relations Commission meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description HRRC Minutes: June 27, 2023 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 7/25/2023 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights & Relations Commission Edina City Hall, Community Room June 27, 2023, 7 p.m. I. Call to Order Chair Stringer Moore called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Chair Stringer Moore, Vice Chair Bennett, Commissioners Dawkins, Ismail, Nelson, and Rogers. Staff Present: Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Manager, Gillian Straub, City Management Fellow. Absent: Commissioners Felton, Khalifa, Segall. III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion by Vice Chair Bennett to approve the June 27, 2023, meeting agenda, seconded by Commissioner Nelson. Motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Vice Chair Bennett noted an addition to the minutes from the May 23, 2023, meeting, on item VI. Reports/Recommendations, A. 2023 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan Update, Initiative 1: Sharing Values, Sharing Communities Event, at the end of the second bullet point. The text to be added is: By consensus, commissioners agreed that the topic/theme this year will be preventing hate/reshaping our cultural lens. Motion by Commissioner Nelson to amend the minutes from the May 23, 2023, meeting with Vice Chair Bennett’s edits. Seconded by Commissioner Ismail. Motion carried. V. Reports/Recommendations A. 2023 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan Update • Commissioners described each initiative and discussed the following updates: o Initiative 1: Sharing Values, Sharing Communities Event • Vice Chair Bennett shared the proposed date, time, location, previously approved topics and speakers. a. Date: Sunday, November 12 b. Time: 3-5 p.m. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 7/25/2023 c. Location: Edina City Hall Council Chambers. d. Topic: Preventing Hate and Bias and Cultural Competency. e. Speakers: Bill Svrluga, Executive Director of Before Racism; Tru Pettigrew, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer of Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx.; and a representative of Edina Public Schools. • Vice Chair Bennett noted each speaker would have 30 minutes total for a presentation and questions and that the program would include a JCPP presentation. • Commissioners discussed titles which represent the topic in a positive light, including phrases such as embracing diversity, thriving in a diverse world, and one community, many cultures, among others. Vice Chair Bennett moved to hold the event on November 12, 2023, from 3-5 p.m., at Edina City Hall Council Chambers. Seconded by Commissioner Nelson. Motion carried. Vice Chair Bennett moved to affirm the topics reached through consensus at May meeting, and to propose Embracing Diversity and Preventing Bias as the working title, with the committee to finalize the title at a future committee meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Nelson. The motion received two votes in favor and four votes not in favor. Motion not carried. Commissioner Nelson resigned from the committee on Initiative 1 at 7:55 p.m. Vice Chair Bennett resigned from the committee on Initiative 1 at 7:55 p.m. o Initiative 2: Days of Remembrance Event • Chair Stringer Moore noted the resolution associated with Days of Remembrance may need to be changed in 2024, and this could be included in the 2024 work plan development. o Initiative 3: Bias and Discrimination Event Response • The Police Department provided an update at the March 28, 2023, meeting. • Officer Jepson and Lulu Thompson of the JCPP presented at the May meeting. o Initiative 4: Tom Oye Award • Chair Stringer Moore noted that the committee plans to meet next month. o Initiative 5: Climate Action Plan HS 4-3 • Vice Chair Bennett noted that the May update to the work plan should reflect that the committee connected with the sustainability manager and identified 14 organizations, excluding faith-based organizations, for evaluation. o Initiative 6: Juneteenth Community Celebration Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 7/25/2023 • Commissioners provided feedback on the event. • Staff Liaison Lee provided a short review of the event. o Initiative 7: Bias and Discrimination Event Response Plan Review • Commissioners discussed the history of bias event reporting in Edina and how recent legislation may affect this initiative. Motion by Chair Stringer Moore to amend the agenda to allow Commissioner Ismail to make member comments during this time. Seconded by Vice Chair Bennett. The commission received member comments. • Received. Commissioner Ismail left at 8:26 p.m. B. 2024 Work Plan Development Introduction • Chair Stringer Moore introduced the work plan development. • Vice Chair Bennett noted that work plan items: Sharing Values, Sharing Communities Event; Days of Remembrance Event; Bias and Discrimination Event Response; the Tom Oye Award; and the Bias and Discrimination Event Response Plan Review; should be included on the work plan at this time due to their ongoing or annual nature. • Staff Liaison Lee introduced the parking lot topics for discussion. o Ageism: helping community understand, how to mitigate it, educate and assess. o With a focus on equity, study and report on location and features of, and access to, City facilities. o Research and report potential models for Edina residents to review, comment on, and make recommendations for changes to the policies and procedures of local law enforcement. o Study & report what other cities are doing to provide reparations. • Other work plan items discussed by the Commission include: o A community roundtable connecting organizations and boards and commissions o Connection and education with the JCPP to reach new audiences o Affordable housing topic o Quarterly meetings with a representative of Edina Public Schools. o Mental health topic, with potential connections to ageism and homelessness o Climate Action Plan items Commissioner Dawkins left at 8:59 p.m. VI. Chair and Member Comments VII. Staff Comments Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 7/25/2023 VIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m. Date: August 2, 2023 Agenda Item #: X.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Prep Memo Aug. 2, 2023 CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Prep Memo for Aug. 2, 2023 From: Scott H. Neal <sneal@EdinaMN.gov> Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2023 1:43 PM To: jhovland@hovlandrasmus.com; James Pierce <JPierce@EdinaMN.gov>; Carolyn Jackson <CJackson@EdinaMN.gov>; Kate Agnew <kagnew@EdinaMN.gov>; Julie Risser <jrisser@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: Lisa Schaefer <LSchaefer@EdinaMN.gov>; Sharon Allison <SAllison@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Prep Memo for the August 2, 2023 City Council Work Session and Meeting Good Afternoon Everyone – WORK SESSION The City Council’s Work Session tonight is dedicated to a presentation and discussion of the City’s proposed budget for 2024-2025. This is the Council’s first look at the numbers. Lisa Schaefer, Alisha McAndrews and I will lead the presentation. The intention for tonight is to give the Council the “big picture” view of our fiscal condition and prospects for 2024 and 2025. This presentation typically leads to a number of smaller meetings with Council Members to get your individual feedback during the month of August. Your first official action on the proposed budget occurs on September 19 with the setting of preliminary levy for 2024. CITY COUNCIL MEETING • There has been one request to remove an item from the Consent Agenda. Council Member Jackson has asked to remove item VI.O. from the Consent Agenda. This item is a mid-year work plan amendment for the Transportation Commission. • I have answer questions about Consent Agenda item VI.I., the purchase a new Kubota Tractor, but it has not been requested to be removed from Consent. Staff will be ready to answer questions if that removal action happens at the meeting. That’s all I have for you at the moment. See you all for work session at 5:30pm. Scott Scott H. Neal, City Manager 952-826-0401 | Fax 952-826-0390 sneal@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov Follow me on Twitter.