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2023-09-27 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Packet
Ag enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City H all Council Chambers Wednesday, Septem ber 27, 2023 7:00 PM Watch the m eeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeeting s or Facebook.com /EdinaMN. How to Participate in Public Hearings: Call 786-496-5601 E nter Confer ence Pin 0998641# Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to g et in the queue to speak An operator will intr oduce you when it is your turn I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. V.Pu b lic Hea rings A.CONTINUE TO OCTOBER 11, 2023, Public Hearin g: 6900 Da wson Lane Variance B.Public Hearin g: 4917 E d en Aven u e, Maison Green, Sign Variance C.Public Hearin g: Conditiona l Use Perm it, Pu ttsha ck Rooftop Dinin g, 10 Sou thda le Cen ter VI.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.Sketch Plan Review - 6600-6800 France Aven u e VII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents VIII.Sta9 Com m ents IX.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli<cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: S eptember 27, 2023 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: F rom: Item Activity: Subject:C O NT I NUE TO O C TO BER 11, 2023, P ublic Hearing: 6900 Dawson Lane Variance C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: I N TR O D U C TI O N: Date: S eptember 27, 2023 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:P ublic Hearing: 4917 Eden Avenue, Mais on G reen, S ign Variance Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approved the sign variance as requested by the applicant, subject to the findings and conditions in the staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he applicant, Bjorn B owman, is requesting a sign variance for an additional 39.9 square foot wall sign on the south elevation of 4917 Eden Avenue, M aison G reen. T he subject property, 4917 E den Avenue, is located on the east side of H W Y 100, south of Eden Avenue and west of Wilson Road. T he subject property is currently under construction. T he Maison Green building is a seven-story apartment building with a restaurant on the first floor. T he site is zoned P U D-21. S igns in the P U D -21 zoning are regulated by the P C D -1, P lanned C ommercial D istrict, for the commercial use, and P R D , P lanned Residential D istrict, for the residential use. T he allowed residential signage under the P R D zoning is one wall sign with a maximum size of 12 square feet. T he applicant is requesting to add an additional wall sign on the south side of the building that is 39.9 square feet. P ublic Input on B etter Together AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Applicant Submittal Site Location Map Site Photos Applicant Pres entation Staff Pres entation Better Together Public Input Report The applicant, Bjorn Bowman, is requesting a sign variance for an additional 39.9 square foot wall sign on the south elevation of 4917 Eden Avenue, Maison Green. The subject property, 4917 Eden Avenue, is located on the east side of HWY 100, south of Eden Avenue and west of Wilson Road. The subject property is currently under construction. The Maison Green building is a seven-story apartment building with a restaurant on the first floor. The site is zoned PUD-21. Signs in the PUD-21 zoning are regulated by the PCD-1, Planned Commercial District, for the commercial use, and PRD, Planned Residential District, for the residential use. The allowed residential signage under the PRD zoning is one wall sign with a maximum size of 12 square feet. The applicant is requesting to add an additional wall sign on the south side of the building that is 39.9 square feet. The applicant is asking for one variance, a variance to allow the additional wall sign for the residential portion of the building on the south elevation. The rest of the proposed signage meets all other requirements of the city’s sign ordinance. The restaurant space will be allowed signage per the PCD-1 sign code allowances. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Grange Hall/Park; zoned R-1, Single-dwelling Unit District, and guided Mixed-Use Center. Easterly: Edina County Club; zoned R-1, Single-dwelling Unit District and public/semi-public. Southerly: Office building; zoned POD-1, Planned Office District, and guided Mixed-Use Center. Westerly: Highway 100. September 27, 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner B-23-16, Sign variance for wall sign at 4917 Eden Avenue, Maison Green Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Existing Site Features The subject property, 4917 Eden Avenue, is 2.08 acres and is the site of a 7-story apartment building with a first-floor restaurant that is currently under construction. This site was formerly the site of the Perkins restaurant and an office building. Planning Guide Plan designation: Mixed Use Center Zoning: PUD-21, Planned Unit Development Compliance Table Signs in PUD-21 *Requires a variance The future restaurant/commercial space is allowed signage per the PCD,1 zoning district. PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issue Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively to grant a variance. The proposed variance will: Sign Standards- PUD-21 Proposed Sign Residential Use Signage (PRD) One sign per building- 12 square feet, maximum height of 6 feet for freestanding sign One 8.9 sf projecting sign on northeast corner of the building -and- One 39.9 sf wall sign on south elevation of building* STAFF REPORT Page 3 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. For the variance to be granted, the applicant must satisfy the statutory three-factor test for “practical difficulties.” The three-factor test includes reasonableness, uniqueness, and essential character. The subject property is zoned PUD and allows for signage that is permitted in the PRD district. Staff believes the request is reasonable given the site’s location on a freeway (Highway 100). The proposed signage facing the freeway would enable people coming to visit to see the apartments before reaching the off ramp from the freeway while traveling at high speeds. Without the signage the building might not be recognized as the destination. One building sign that is 12 square feet does not fit the size and scale of the building given the site location and the height of the building. The previous building on the site, Perkins, was a commercial business and the sign code would have allowed one sign on each building elevation (4 signs) that are up to 15% of the area of the wall the sign is located on. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The property is unique in the fact that there are street frontages on three sides of the lot and one of the street frontages is Highway 100. The additional sign proposed by the applicant will help vehicles traveling on Highway 100 locate the residential building. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The Grandview District has buildings with signage of similar scales. Optional Actions A case could be made for approval and denial of this project. Below provides options for the planning commission to consider: Approval Approve the request for an additional 39.9 square foot building sign on the south elevation of 4917 Eden Avenue. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The practical difficulty is caused by the location of the building on a freeway (Highway 100). 2. The request is reasonable as it would help vehicles traveling at high speed on Highway 100 locate the residential building. Without the signage the building might not be recognized as the destination. 3. The proposed sign is reasonable given the size and scale of the building and the number of street frontages. 4. There are circumstances that are unique to the subject property. Those unique circumstances include the elevation change from Highway 100. 5. The proposal would not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. There are other signs in the Grandview District that are similar and located on similarly sized buildings. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject to plans and survey date stamped August 24, 2023. Denial Deny the variance request for an additional 39.9 square foot building sign at 4917 Eden Avenue. Denial is based on the following findings. 1. The proposal does not meet all the standards to grant a variance. 2. The tenant could install a single 12 square foot sign on one side of the building and meet the city’s sign code. 3. There is not a practical difficulty justifying a new sign. The building is allowed signage under the current code provisions. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the sign variance request. Staff believes the proposed sign meets the variance criteria and is reasonable given the practical difficulty. Relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable. Maison Green, located at 4917 Eden Ave, is zoned as a PUD. The PUD allows for signage per the Planned Residential District in the Code for residential uses. The sign code for residential districts allows for one building sign at the maximum size of 12 square feet. Maison Green is a 7 story, 196-unit apartment building that is taking the place of the former Perkins Restaurant. One building sign at 12 square feet does not allow for the proper identification of this building and is not a practical size for the size and scope of this building, its location, and its height. To relieve the difficulty of the zoning ordinance and provide a building sign that is reasonable for the property's use, we are proposing one illuminated building sign to read Maison Green, located on the 6th floor on the west elevation. The sign will be 34" high x 169" length (39.9sqft). Please see the scaled rendering for location and design. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. The current, prohibitive residential sign code for Maison Green does not align with its mixed-use development designation and does not allow for the size or location of the building sign to properly identify it. Maison Green is bordered by Hwy 100 to the west, Edina City Hall, and the on/off ramps to Hwy 100 to the North, a golf course to the east, and an office building to the south. Because of its unique location in relation to Hwy 100, (3 of the 4 sides of the building directly or indirectly face highway 100) the proposed building sign would allow the building to be properly identified and correct the extraordinary circumstance applicable to this property. The property, is not in a residential neighbprIto4 NA and it should not be subjected to the restrictions of the residential sign code. Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance. AUG 2 4 2023 Maison Green will be a mixed-use development and per the mixed-use land JtoeLANNING DEPARTMENT description: "Primary uses: Retail, office, service, multifamily residential, and institutional uses. Vertical mixed-use should be encouraged and may be required on larger sites." We have designed a sign that will allow for the practical identification of the building while also being in harmony with the primary uses and intent of a PUD zoned property. Not alter the essential Character of a neighborhood The proposed building sign for Maison Green will be located on the south elevation and face Hwy 100. The sign will not be visible from any residential neighborhood areas and will only be seen by oncoming traffic going North on Hwy 100. The sign will in no way alter the essential character of any part of the neighborhood. The sign is designed using Maison Green's branded font and colors and will be integral to the design intent and character of the building and its architectural elements. CITY OF EDINA AUG 24 2023 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAISON GREEN 4917 EDEN AVE. EDINA, MN 55424 EXTERIOR SIGNAGE SHOP DRAWINGS PROJECT NUMBER - 64173 06/27/23 - SUBMITTAL 1 08/08/23 - SUBMITTAL 2 08/16/23 - SUBMITTAL 3 ® SERIGRAPHICS 2401 Nevada Avenue North I Minneapolis, MN 55427 I 763.277.7774 Sign Type: E101-1 Wall Sign CS Qty = 1 BLOCKING IN WALL, LOW VOLTAGE WIRE TO SIGN LOCATION, ACCESS TO REMOTE POWER SUPPLY BY GC (Dashed Blue lines) • (4) 5' x 16' Cut out access holes for Z-Clip mounting. 33 3/4" Version Information Ve Pee Dewy,. By RI RUMS SJor.11•11-OrigInal Dm, JC RI OR/1421 Irk Upcble SC Customer Approval X um. en. C.^ brojrg k..4-our toutcheers ...dr-gnat Rcoamel, cer,fnaittioJoIpat Me/ to color no,. pa, wee. ed naer ,up, 1,Rx. ekvn obylde losened 11,1 Inp.1.61,ed cRnur yepart31, • SRJISystvon n • IIRet pJgrandes4.4,1 for Lcar,en kn,.nto Le RIRmi. up. Ruls,te $4, • ror to be rrp.ci,ed, aped or ekIllitrd'r J-ry Shipping Information SHIP DATE_/-1._ INITIALS PACKAGE TRACIONG Notes • 6" deep SignComp Hinged Flex Face Aluminum Sign cabinet with Bleed Face (42021 Narrow Single Face body extrusion with 42085 Tension frame and # 2095 Bleed Tension Frame cover) • Cabinet & returns painted to match dark blue PMS 296C • Cabinet internally illuminated with Bitro Optics Pro Plus 6500K Bright White LED's. • Mounted to wall blocking with galvanized wood lag bolts. — • UL approved 3M Panagraphics III fabric flex face with Opaque Dark Blue PMS 296C and White Illuminated copy and Border. 6 "—I 1earfg.ds-N-N-N"J'isjNi Bottom Right Corner of Sign 120V - 20 amp 2 power supplies .92 total amps/ .46 amps per power supply (See Page 12) CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 4 2023 PLANNING DEPARTMEN 4. 5" 5/8" INTERIOR SHEATHING (GYPSUM BOAD) - EXTRA LAYER GYPSUM BOARD @ 2 HR FIRE CONDITIONS BATT INSULATION VAPOR RETARDER MASONRY VENEER (BRICK, STONE, OR CMU) W/ MASONRY TIES - REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR TYPE AIR AND WATER BAR 5/8" TYPE GYP BD SHEATHING (FLAMEBLOCK @ RATED WALLS) OOD STUD BACK UP WALL FIRE RETARDANT TREATED) INTERIOR EXTERIOR 169" MAISON GREEN < BW > MASONRY VENEER W/ WOOD STUD BACK-UP PLAN DIMS HERE (FOSH) 18 1/2" SERIGRAPHICS 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. Project FRANA CONSTRUCTION Maison Green Exterior Signage 64173 Sign Type Drawing it C21120 Rev. 1 - 08/14/23 Scale 3/4" = 1' (1:16) Product Ver/Date Sign Type: E101-1 Wall Sign Sign Comp Construction 1 2 1 3 2 4 PARTS UST NOTE: FRAME BRACING GUIDELINES APPLY ITEM PART# DESCRIPTION FOR BOTH THE BLEED AND FRAMED COVERS. 1 2021 Narrow Single Face Body 2 5321 Narrow Body Corner Angle 3 Aluminum Back 4 Aluminum Back Support - Frame Suport Tube #2175 5 2086 Tension Frame II 6 Rivet 7 5210 Corner Key NOTE: THE NARROW SINGLE FACE BODY 8 5305 Frame Corner Angle IS DESIGNED FOR LED APPLICATION. 9 5352 Small Frame Brace 10 2095 Bleed Tension Frame Cover 11 2177 Small Frame Support Tube - 1" BODY CORNER ANGLE SCREW PART# 5218 HINGE SCREW PART# 5170 (1 EVERY 36" O.C. ACROSS TOP ONLY) JOINER BRACKET SLOT TENSION CLIP PART# 5360 DETAIL A NOTE: PRE-CUT KITS ARE NOT PRE-DRILLED. (Holes shown in this drawing are for reference only. Drilling of pilot holes are to be done by fabricator.) THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED AT 110 CHARGE TO ASSIST YOU IN VISLIAUDIIG OUR PROPOSAL. THE DRAWING HEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF SIG? COMP. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVSE TRIS DRAWING OR TO USE THIS DRAWING FOR PRODUCTION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND CAN ONLY BE COPIED. REVISED OR USED FOR PRODUCTION WITH THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SIGNCOMP. DRAWING BY: SBrelhof 0.000 in TIME Centroid X: 6/11/2014 SignComp A Centroid Y: 0.000 in Narrow Single Face Body w/ A Tension Frame II and Bleed Cover - Cross Sectional Details PART Pt0 2021-86-95 with 5352 Principal Moments Ix: 0.000 in^4 Principal Plornen Ty: 0.0001n^4 REV Section Modulus lx: 0.000 in^3 Section Modulus ly: 0.000 inA3 SHEET 1 OF 2 4 3 BRAKE FORM ALUM. OR STOCK ANGLE BACK SUPPORT 3/4" X .090 4 SERIGRAPHICS 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. Project FRANA CONSTRUCTION Maison Green Exterior Signage Job # Sign Type Drawing # 64173 E101 C21120 Product CS Ver/Date Rev. 1 - 08/14/23 NTS Version Information DAA Doc,cr. VI 0027/23 P-hAttal I -0BAnaiDomp RI 01/1413 Hb Updsle 00 Customer Approval X IIIr. e DAN Rn el-nr,k r repnarbicnciteers &Mr, net scrurr ,:, crtF,(Ad dpaPAt kW te car swArA pAI, Larry, wel.mAyiAurrpIe is mkt rylver A.141darnened On I. an bnpAlsPed ,T1I.P.IPITIPOWA/ h YI 1w1Ale.o. It A Fem W sb nm gr yo- • AA,kly }aa we,*ram b reppAyed,yepeclaryAl>00,, Shipping Information SHIP DATE_/_/_. INITIALS PACKAGE TRACKING II Notes CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 4 2023 PLANNING DEPARTM NT Sign Type: E101.1 Single Faced Flex Face Illuminated Wall Sign Section A Detail SERIGRAPHICS 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. Product Ver/Date NTS CS Rev. 1 - 08/14/23 Project FRANA CONSTRUCTION Maison Green Exterior Signage Job # Sign Type Drawing # 64173 E101 C21120 Version Information 06/27/21 -04.1Doring lC RI 08/1423 1,600. le Customer Approval X tM cha', ism rept wt.n .1.1081•Darat. elfpin ce.d prod.. a pi, .0,.-du rrairea uorp, Dm* refutfce A1160.11tterred DA, an try./.4rd 5.,0.39,Drl..., n .D,D9D, II ED. to Le eqwDavvi ratebe ed,rp.1 ereelt.d D Shipping Information SHIP DATE_/_/_ INITIALS PACKAGE TR&OONG S Notes *Masonry Veener (Brick, Stone. Or Cmu) W/ Masonry Ties - Refer To Elevations For Type 3/4 ' 1112'—I 112' • (3) 60w 120-277 VAC — IP68 power supplies housed in bottom of sign. CITY OF EDINP AUG 24 2023 PLANNING DEPARTME • Toggle disconnect on side of cabinet • Conduit to Keep Spacing integrity • Conduit to back of sign by G.C. • 120v - 20 amp electric to sign by G.C. Sign Section A Detail Scale: 1 1/2" = 1' • 6' deep SignComp Hinged Flex Face Aluminum Sign cabinet with Bleed Face (82021 Narrow Single Face body extrusion with 412085 Tension frame and 44 2095 Bleed Tension Frame cover) • 5/8' Type 'X' Gyp BD Sheating (Flameblock10 Rated Walls) • 1 1/2' X 1 3/4' X 1 1/2' X 1/4' Aluminum Z-Clips. Attached to building studs with 1/4' Tek screws. • Fastners TBD Based on Blocking • All penetrations to be sealed with silicone adhesive. • UL approved 3M Panagraphics III fabric flex face with Opaque dark blue PMS 296C background and White Illuminated copy & Border. Bitro Optics Pro Plus 6500K Bright White LED's 38 7/8' Air & Watter Barrier Wood Stud Back Up Wall (Fire Retardant Treated) B FRONT VIEW 4 3 2 1 D C B A Sign Type: E101-1 Wall Sign Sign Comp Frame Construction SignComp TITLE Narrow Single Face Body w/ Tension Frame II and Bleed Cover - Cross Sectional Details PART NO 2021-86-95 with 5352 'SHEET 2 OF 2 1 B 3 NOTE: NOTCH THE BACK SUPPORT(S) AS SHOWN, TO ACCOMMODATE THE HORIZONTAL FRAME SUPPORT(S). DIMENSIONS MAY VARY PENDING ON THE SIZE OF SUPPORTS USED. DRAWING BY: sBremof 6/11/2014 THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED AT SO CHARGE TO ASSIST YOU IS VISUAUZING OUR PROPOSAL THE DRAWING HEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF SIGNCOMP. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING OR TO USE THIS DRAWING FOR PRODUCTION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND CAN ONLY DE COPIED. REVISED OR USED FOR PRODUCTION WITH THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERSISSION CO SIGNCOMP. Centroid X: 0.000 in Centroid 0.000 in R. 23 AUG 2 4 2 Version Information D.Rnr.n.A VI 050003 SAPArtal ORATAJLA,A, OF WWII We UpJal• Customer Approval Ret ef/A, X a rypeR/Iston theory and rayml a:nor, I .ApicifAaletierdpec:At Relerlo mkt PArrh p.Av. urpV.5d ansigillutliie.ecktnittete IPRIP. Resernd .1 er, to-AAA/An! rte.. g p.FaeJ A, S9157.Irra in• 30,11,0,6-1 des., eci rxrtalebest A n nalto be sten.. p-pe AAOls 'Pr oynkason rag m a rercA,AA reped toSt.leA Shipping Information SHIP DATE_/_/_ INITIALS PACKAGE TRACKING tl Notes CITY OF ED NA PLANNING DEPARTMENT SERIGRAPHICS 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. Project FRANA CONSTRUCTION Maison Green Exterior Signage D C B A DETAIL C 4 Alb LM1111.111= 1 it I I :: 1 NOTCH BACK SUPPORT(S) 11 0 I / NOTE: NOTCHING IS BASED ON THE USE OF SIGNCOMP #2175 FRAME SUPPORT TUBE FOR BACK SUPPORT OR A BRAKE FORMED ALUMINUM SUPPORT 2" x 3/4" x .090, AND 1" SQ TUBE FOR COMPRESSION BRACING. DETAIL D Principal Moments Ix: 0.000 In A4 Principal Moments 0.000 InA4 Section Modulus 0.000 inA3 Section Modulus Iy: 0.000 in A3 2 SECTION B-B DETAIL D (fD SERIGRAPHICS 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. Project FRANA CONSTRUCTION Maison Green Exterior Signage Job 8 64173 Sign Type E101 Drawing 8 C21120 Product CS Ver/Date Rev. 1 - 08/14/23 Scale 3/32" = ' Version Information Ver D. Docip-. VI DY27/23 PI C1/1.3 Id* Upi. Customer Approval X Oat Dn...., ...a Fs trp...ata deem •rd I, nal aroma: 6,E1(.1 te, • el machel. Itelea cob eon' eh. pair tarp,. e.-41 of rrsivial sazrp M telerr.r.rea AI Pills 'mend 11r. anvyllJrda wr3vKa•f Ip n • OS" )va his s`..r.> • p.c,Inur rryvei.ted, cep. I c.....1,te 4, A, f Shipping Information SHIP DATE_/__/_ INITIALS— PACKAGE 1RAOONG. Notes Sign Type: E101-1 Mounting Elevation F li 1E31 1111 11111 °°'911111111111111 1,11 111 11 1111 di 1E01 nu I 11111 ;1 1,11 1111111 'INN 11'11111 III I Ill roil!!! WI -1111,11 11,111 '1 " '1111111 IIIIIIII 1111111 1::111! '111111111 II I !I II ,,11111 MAISON GREEN ETI NU 1 --- 111111 111 I H 111 iiimi 101 , ;Pau, /11 _ 110 II =4111N1 WI 5*--z1- _:.. i 1----“EM 1E =3-2 Iii1111111 1111 E 3 1111 11 --=-4 J c t L 46 L EL . RtZi -1,..- adi nil 11 F21 a 7; III! 11114111 :..: - -1- i. ..- .151. mr lin • Fig: 1111 ii 174 II UZI MI r-71 1E31 1E 1111 1111111111 101 ,g__3 silo so uteg,e . 1... =.; sr .%:-::-.74-; S II HIM M 1111 II MI m Pll 1E31 1E WI Mil Hill I 11111 NI III 1111 11111 1R1 I ral II II 1111 1111 II E31 1E31 d En41 1E31 11 M NO II Huiiiii sill 11 mm •••• min 11.111 mu x Iii i ,,low IEEE. mum Es Fug 11111 ""imi low um HIP Mil El is NE liii Ian -5-ffm tom man re N- II 1111 No! Hill ,111111111 1111 NM I I I I III III I1 I 111 1 19 Fl Fl 1 1 I 1 I 1I I I 1 1=1 1 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 1 1=1 I I =I I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 11-1 11-1 I I-11 I I 17,1 I 17,1 I 17,1 I 17,1 I 1,„1 1 1„,1 I I men Re j IAE A=WA rzIMIELILIMAMT:11.116 MIN 1=a 4 El :Ear 1 1 1 1 I 11=1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3-3 -Z-- 1111 Eh CO 1 BM E DM 11 e. == "ELIZMir"a Wm" ra WN M Lrm%"=" MCA al Wallin FISIGMEASS lajZ ECW III III 1 1 1 1 1-1 1 1-1 1 1-1 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 — CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 4 '023 PLANNING DEP RTMENT ME, ILTE =Intl Celdirrt, WWI ••1 221. EPA. rt dfixED BY COUUMPON /Olaf/I B KV GROUP /velitecture Inlerlor Design londscope Arcliteclure Encineering 222 North Second Street Long & Kees Bldg Suite 101 MInneopols, MN 55401 612.339.3752 www.15tvgoop.com CONSULTANTS PROJECT TITLE 4917 EDEN AVE tt•SC•LlTr 42•1•03.11{Er CERTIFICATION pion.sper,caton et yr prom. by no or L.-Ger rry xi wpwrioNG sod NEI run arLoy Liceored OciessOWAK/Gao oWer0e Vol of So ellrer00 timed • Hoe. 0•I0 SHEET TITLE SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER A010 DITE RAN GFIONAL WITT N SEEM MAIIC,Mt•TE MOM* tr111.3,....••m3 DM. t MUM:WM 00.13 fORFLAKINGI • StSterVaf 1 IEF 11..11..1.1.4 01,01 anTtrALO.1.11. FOR WE WV Warn.. .•1011421t Ple NM NO WW1. • FF k 2 I 1 5 SIIEPANIRTIDILS EDEN AVE BELOW GRADE WATER RETENTION SIGN LOCATION BETON GRADE — WATER 00100)00 CITY OF EDINA E105 EU LRE OUTBOOR SPACE 1211 DOT WD) OPEN MI DOT IMO EASING RETAWING WNL WILLSON RD ALIERNME MADWOMEN JEANNE.° PACES•21.111/RE ORKWAY AUG 2 4 2023 IlltEMO•111 MORIN 02021 BKV Group PARTMENT CaLLmi Gaztu=z4=1 IMI=1 M=I 0.2021 21.10:3 00E CFE.0..0 C[0.10051,0101.n.60, 1 `,1.•,f,..,, our MO •,,,,,,,,,, ..„.0 ,,,,,,, LIC1ir M. ...a . 1.1.0•44 ...., p.s.0.....00.,......,.0 trams • srnxrtm • 4ustcog. o Pi rgcz ./ r{y . • ' '' • 1. .. ., : . .":.,•__-'- ......- - li OW ::::::: I ..,•_:--- --_..,-.^.---A,::: 6, r.,.6..mt • 61.0.6. Our lou 16.1.0611, , W.V. V.6.11. ..- G. MN /.. '''''.. . X 't' „filiptar - - ... . r .1,6 ..0:411-1-1 411 •,•.7. i / , I i / ' :7- . '6,.....- •166.7.161, .1116, . MOM, I ' 0[110.10(.. 111.6.11 66- .r.......... .111111111111 /WA( VG 10.0.0,01 t• p. • '',-;, ,,,. 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TELL WOK VW Oa Gopher State One Call AT"LfAsn=';',1,=,..=1.";=1== HIRES, CABLES CONDORS, PIPES MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED Tr WEZO.-il-WW STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHILL REPAIR OR REFUGE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OHNE. C 3016 B. Group, Irk. EOE B K V GROUP Architecture Interior Design Landscape Architecture Engineering Boarman Kroos Vogel Group Inc. 222 North Second Street Minneepois MN 55401 Telephone: 612-339-3752 Facsimile: 612-339-6212 vnwi.b kv g ro u p. corn EOE CONSULTANTS k LOUCKS 6.05cen APC•1.11.7.E F64,0,VEiltd. 101.03 liCACT 21.041.00 PROJECT TITLE 4917 EDEN AVE. OWNER/DEVELOPER JiTy OF EDINA AUG 24 2023 CERTIFICATION hereby certly pan, or repat was preps. by me or under my 60.6 SUpery.n •n•Ulal Irmo rkry Lkensed Prolessbnal Erxeneet Wer. tr. dvw Slate of 1.1nAesota 94941/144 A 4 J. St Achael MAUL PE 24440 1015,021 llama Nun., Oote SHEET TITLE DEMOLITION PLAN SHEET HUMBER C1-2 EXTERIOR SIGNA G E S HOP DRAW I N G S 4917 EDEN AVE. EDINA, MN 55424 PRO JECT NUM BER - 64231 06/27/23 - SUBMITTAL 1 2401 Nevada Avenue North | Minneapolis, MN 55427 | 763.277.7774 SHOP DRAWINGS APPROVAL SHEET Date: 06/27/23 Job #: 64173 Project: Frana Construction - Maison Green SERIGRAPHICS CONTACT INFO Sales Representative: Bjorn Bowman Designer: Josh Cowern Project Manager: Carla Kile SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL COLOR SAMPLES SHOP DRAWINGS LOCATION PLANS MESSAGE SCHEDULE AS LAYOUTS SHOP DRAWINGS REVISIONS NOTES: Submittal 1: Exterior Shop Drawings Submittal 2401 Nevada Avenue N | Minneapolis, MN 55427 | T 763 277 7774 | F 763 277 7775 | info@serigraphicssign.com CUSTOMER APPROVAL APPROVED AS SUBMITTED with no exceptions APPROVED with corrections RESUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS as noted RESUBMIT COLOR SAMPLES as noted STAMPS Date: __ / __ / __ Customer Approval Signature: ______________________________________ Estimated Fabrication Time: 1-2 Wks | 2-4 Wks | 3-5 Wks | 4-6 Wks | 6-8 Wks | 10-12 Wks | 12 + Wks IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Fabrication Phase will begin ONLY after Serigraphics has received written approval of the shop drawings, provided all appropriate documentation including: final message schedule, location plans, and necessary artwork in the correct format. Please contact your Sales Representative and Project Manager to discuss production time if timing is critical for project completion. Signs will be produced exactly as indicated in the attached submittal package. Please verify all information in the submittal package for accuracy. Serigraphics will not assume responsibility after approval of submittal package. Any changes made to the project after we have received signed approvals and have an assigned completion date, may result in a change to your completion date and/or be asset an add cost. Approval Sheet must be returned for fabrication. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DESIGNER/ARCHITECT TO CLEARLY STAMP & APPROVE EACH SHOP DRAWING WITH FINAL APPROVAL SHOP DRA W I NGS REVISION CHAR T 2 4 01 Nevad a Ave n u e N | Minneap o lis, MN 55427 | T 763 2 7 7 77 74 | F 763 277 7775 | i nfo@se rigraphicssign.com E101 E105 Ver1 Ver1 Awaiting Awaiting Submittal History Sign Type Draw Ver Approval Sub1 Notes:/ Designer JC Submittal 1 D ate : 06/27/23 Redlines/Approvals D ate : Frana Construction 64173 1 Index Revision Codes: AS - Added Sign Type CC - Construction Change FC - Fastener/Mounting Change FS - Field Survey Verification GMB - Added Glass Mounted Backer IA - Install Information Added II - Install Information Needed MC - Material Change MI - Missing or Needed Information NR - Sign Type Not Reviewed PC - Process Change QC - Quantity Change RS - Removed From Scope SC - Size Change STC - Sign Type Name Change TC - Thickness Change VC - Visual Change VI - Vendor Information Needed VM - Verbiage Modification Drawing Revision Marker: Number indicates Revision Number 64" Required Equipment Demolition/Installation Notes Special Conditions Code Check Landlord Check Additional Survey Requirements Lift / Crane GC to run power to power supply remote locations Power RequirementsAdd Costs for Winter Install Zoning Classification: Permit Processing Time Additional Requirements (if needed) Electrical Permit for Illuminated Signs Permit Lead Time: ____________________________ Maximum Square Footage Allowance: Maison Green - Edina, Minnesota - Site Details & Notes Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION 64173 C-Survey/Install Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information V1 06/27/23 Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage Ver Date Description By Maison Green - Exterior Signage Family Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION 64173 C-Family1 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information V1 06/27/23 Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage Ver Date Description By E101 Wall Sign E105 Blade Sign Maison Green - Signage Logo Maison Green - Signage Arrows Maison Green - Signage Symbols STAIR NO SMOKING UNISEX MENWOMEN ADA Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION 64173 C-Logo/Sym Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information V1 08/18/22 Original Drawing TL Maison Green Exterior Signage Ver Date Description By Maison Green - Exterior Signage Colors Matthews Paint P3 Matthews Satin Sherwin Williams SW 7005 Pure White MP37209 P1 PMS 296C CMYK: 91 76 55 68 SW Achors Aweigh 9179 BM Old Navy 2063-10 P2 PMS 9285 C CMYK: 5 5 8 0 SW Ibis White 7000 BM White Dove OC-17 Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION 64173 C-Colors Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information V1 06/27/23 Original Drawing TL Maison Green Exterior Signage Ver Date Description By P4 PMS 7497C 7497 CSW SW Meadow Trail 7737 BM Sage 2143-10 6"169" 33 3/4" (Dashed Blue lines) • (4) 5" x 16" Cut out access holes for Z-Clip mounting. Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E101 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage Scale 3/4" = 1’ (1:16) Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ Sign Type: E101-1 Wall Sign CS Qty = 1 • 6" deep SignComp Hinged Flex Face Aluminum Sign cabinet with Bleed Face (#2021 Narrow Single Face body extrusion with #2085 Tension frame and # 2095 Bleed Tension Frame cover) • Cabinet & returns painted to match dark blue PMS 296C • Cabinet internally illuminated with Bitro Optics Pro Plus 6500K Bright White LED’s. • Mounted to wall blocking with galvanized wood lag bolts. • UL approved 3M Panagraphics III fabric flex face with Opaque Dark Blue PMS 296C and White Illuminated copy and Border. BLOCKING IN WALL, LOW VOLTAGE WIRE TO SIGN LOCATION, ACCESS TO REMOTE POWER SUPPLY BY GC 18 1/2" Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E101 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage NTS Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ Sign Type: E101-1 Wall Sign Sign Comp Construction DETAIL A 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 A A B B C C D D SHEET 1 OF 2 DRAWING BY: SBreihof 6/11/2014 PART NO 2021-86-95 with 5352 TITLE Narrow Single Face Body w/ Tension Frame II and Bleed Cover - Cross Sectional Details SignComp REV THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED AT NO CHARGE TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE DRAWING HEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF SIGNCOMP. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING OR TO USE THIS DRAWING FOR PRODUCTION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND CAN ONLY BE COPIED, REVISED OR USED FOR PRODUCTION WITH THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SIGNCOMP. Centroid X: Centroid Y: Principal Moments Ix: Principal Moments Iy: Section Modulus Ix: Section Modulus Iy: 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in^4 0.000 in^4 0.000 in^3 0.000 in^3 PARTS LIST DESCRIPTIONPART#ITEM Narrow Single Face Body20211 Narrow Body Corner Angle53212 Aluminum Back 3 Aluminum Back Support - Frame Suport Tube #2175 4 Tension Frame II20865 Rivet 6 Corner Key5210 7 Frame Corner Angle5305 8 Small Frame Brace5352 9 Bleed Tension Frame Cover2095 10 Small Frame Support Tube - 1"217711A NOTE: PRE-CUT KITS ARE NOT PRE-DRILLED. (Holes shown in this drawing are for reference only. Drilling of pilot holes are to be done by fabricator.) .625 TENSION CLIP PART# 5360 HINGE SCREW PART# 5170 (1 EVERY 36" O.C. ACROSS TOP ONLY) .615 2.6002.783 5.998 .265 1JOINER BRACKET SLOT 10 53 6 BODY CORNER ANGLE SCREW PART# 5218 2 4 9 7 8 NOTE: THE NARROW SINGLE FACE BODY IS DESIGNED FOR LED APPLICATION. BRAKE FORM ALUM. OR STOCK ANGLE BACK SUPPORT 3/4" X .090 .177 4.000 NOTE: FRAME BRACING GUIDELINES APPLY FOR BOTH THE BLEED AND FRAMED COVERS. Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E101 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage NTS Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ Sign Type: E101.1 Single Faced Flex Face Illuminated Wall Sign Section A Detail • 120v -20 amp electric to sign by G.C. • Conduit to back of sign by G.C. Sign Section A Detail Scale: 1 1/2" = 1' 5 15/16" 38 7/8" • Box Rib Wall panels on 2” Zee Furring and Insulation on Vaporsheild weather barrier 1 1/2"2" 3/4" • 3/4” Plywood on 2x2 Wood Framing • 6" deep SignComp Hinged Flex Face Aluminum Sign cabinet with Bleed Face (#2021 Narrow Single Face body extrusion with #2085 Tension frame and # 2095 Bleed Tension Frame cover) • UL approved 3M Panagraphics III fabric flex face with Opaque dark blue PMS 296C background andWhite Illuminated copy & Border. • 3/8" x 6" Hex Head Hot-Dipped Galvanized SteelWood Lag bolts (#94048A314) • All penetrations to be sealed with silicone adhesive. Bitro Optics Pro Plus 6500K Bright White LED’s • (3) 60w 120-277 VAC IP68 power supplieshoused in bottom of sign. • Toggle disconnect on side of cabinet • 1 1/2" X 1 3/4" X 1 1/2" X 1/4"Aluminum Z-Clips. Attached tobuilding studs with 1/4" Tek screws. Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota 10/15/2021 Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E101 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage NTS Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ Sign Type: E101-1 Wall Sign Sign Comp Frame Construction FRONT VIEW SECTION B-B DETAIL C DETAIL D DETAIL D 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 A A B B C C D D SHEET 2 OF 2 DRAWING BY: SBreihof 6/11/2014 PART NO 2021-86-95 with 5352 TITLE Narrow Single Face Body w/ Tension Frame II and Bleed Cover - Cross Sectional Details SignComp REV THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED AT NO CHARGE TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE DRAWING HEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF SIGNCOMP. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING OR TO USE THIS DRAWING FOR PRODUCTION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND CAN ONLY BE COPIED, REVISED OR USED FOR PRODUCTION WITH THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SIGNCOMP. Centroid X: Centroid Y: Principal Moments Ix: Principal Moments Iy: Section Modulus Ix: Section Modulus Iy: 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in^4 0.000 in^4 0.000 in^3 0.000 in^3 B B C D .188 NOTE: NOTCH THE BACK SUPPORT(S) AS SHOWN, TO ACCOMMODATE THE HORIZONTAL FRAME SUPPORT(S). DIMENSIONS MAY VARY PENDING ON THE SIZE OF SUPPORTS USED. 1.250 NOTE: NOTCHING IS BASED ON THE USE OF SIGNCOMP #2175 FRAME SUPPORT TUBE FOR BACK SUPPORT OR A BRAKE FORMED ALUMINUM SUPPORT 2" x 3/4" x .090, AND 1" SQ TUBE FOR COMPRESSION BRACING. 1 5 9 3 4 11 4 4 9 9 11 5 4 NOTCH BACK SUPPORT(S) Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota 10/15/2021 Sign Type: E101-1 Mounting Elevation Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E101 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage Scale 3/32" = 1’ Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ FACE• 1/8" Thick White Polycarb Face • Masked and Painted to Match PMS 296C• Mounted into Frame w/ Polycarb Hanger Strip (See Section Detail) Aluminum Cover • 2”x 1” x 1/8” Aluminum Angle Frame Reveal Secured Welded to Sign Comp Frame • Painted to Match PMS 7497C Moss Green 52" 52"2 1/4" Top View Front View Side View Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota 10/15/2021 Mounting Elevation Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E105 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage Scale 3/4" = 1’ (1:16) Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ Sign Type: E105-1 Blade Sign CS Qty = 1 FRAME • Blue Dotted Flat Double Face Medium Body # 2007 • Painted to Match PMS296C • Secured to 2” Tubes Welded Horizontally (See Frame Details) • Secured to 1 1/2” Thick Steel Tube w/ Mounting Plate w/ Tek Screws TUBE STRUCTURE • 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" Steel Tube Posts. • Post Welded to 3/4"Thick Mounting Plates • 3/4" Gussets Fully Welded to Plate & Post • Painted w/ Bitumen Paint (NEED PYLON INFO FOR MOUNTING) 7" Series 12 Hinge Body #1612 7" 3.5"wide x 8" tall steel mounting plate w/ 1.5"x1.5" steel tube welded w/ gussets mounted to wall w/ ? Typical Mounting Plate(Scale 1:4) Mounting Post • 7/8" dia. mntg holes • 1 1/2" dia. electric hole • Bitro Alpha Slimline60W-24V power supplyRemote Location (GC to Provide Information) • Building Facade Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota 10/15/2021 Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E101 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage NTS Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ Sign Type: E105-1 Blade Sign Sign Comp Construction 1/8” Poly Carb Tab Secured to Poly Carb Face w/ Revets 1/8” Poly Carb Face Sign Comp Frame 4" 8" 48" • LED Bitro TITO3G 6500k Low Voltage Powerfrom Power Supply • Removable Retainer • 1 1/2" x 1/4" Aluminum AngleFully Welded to Top &Bottom of Sign Comp Frame • 2"x2"x1/8" Alum SQ Tube Sleeve for Mounting See CMU Footing DetailSite Survey Needed to Determine BestMounting Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of thestate of Minnesota 10/15/2021 E105 E101 Mike KrychLicense Number Date23555I hereby certify that this plan, specification orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly LicensedProfessional Architect under the laws of thestate of Minnesota 10/15/2021 15 18 15 15 22 18 10 3 6 3 3 1 16 3 REMOVE EX. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. FLAG POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. TRENCH DRAIN REMOVE EX. TRENCH DRAIN REMOVE EX. TRENCH DRAIN REMOVE EX. TRENCH DRAIN REMOVE EX. TRENCH DRAINREMOVE EX. BUILDING W/ ASSOCIATED PAVEMENT UTILITIES & STRUCTURES REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. ELEC. BOX REMOVE EX. GAS METER REMOVE EX. GAS LINE REMOVE EX. AC UNIT-TYP REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. LIFT STATION, UNIDENTIFIED PIPING, & BOLLARDS, REMOVE EX. UTILITY BOX REMOVE EX. FENCE REMOVE EX. AC UNIT-TYP REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. SIGNREMOVE EX. FDC REMOVE EX. STAND PIPE REMOVE EX. CURB & GUTTER -TYP REMOVE EX. CURB & GUTTER -TYP REMOVE EX. CURB & GUTTER -TYP REMOVE EX. CURB WATER SERVICE CAP AT MAIN (SEE CITY STANDARD) MOVE EX. ELECTRIC LINE (COORDINATE W/ UTILITY COMPANY) REMOVE EX. ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLEREMOVE EX. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. TRANSFORMERS (COORDINATE WITH UTILITY PROVIDER & CITY) REMOVE DRIVEWAY APRON AND SIDEWALK PROTECT EXISTING MNDOT WALL & FLUME REMOVE EXISTING FES (COORDINATE W/ OWNER) REMOVE & REPLACE EX. SIGN GAS SERVICE TO BE REMOVED PER CITY REGULATIONS PROTECT CITY FIBER OPTIC LINE (COORDINATE W/ CITY) SANITARY LINE TO BE CAPPED AT MAIN IF IDENTIFIED REMOVE & REPLACE FIBER SIGN Architecture Interior Design Landscape Architecture Engineering Boarman KroosVogelGroupInc. EOE License Number I hereby certify that this plan, specificationor report was prepared by me or under mydirect supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Professionalunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.BKVTB-30x42Engineer Date 10/15/102124440 Michael J. St. Martin, PE LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 21081.00 © 2016 BKV Group, Inc. EOE SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY COMMISSION NUMBER ISSUE #DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT TITLE CONSULTANTS CERTIFICATION DATE 4917 EDEN AVE. 21081.00 10/15/2021 JBT MJS OWNER/DEVELOPER 03/12/2021 PRELIMINARY DESIGN 07/02/2021 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 09/10/2021 DESIGNDEVELOPMENT SET 10/05/2021 FINALDEVELOPMENT SET 10/15/2021 GMP/PERMIT SET EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUNDGopher State One Call DEMOLITION PLAN C1-2 N SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 N N DEMOLITION NOTES 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND/OR RELOCATE EXISTING PRIVATE UTILITIES AS NECESSARY. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ACTIVITIES WITH UTILITY COMPANIES. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY REMOVAL REQUIREMENTS WITH CITY REGULATIONS. 2.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE FEATURES NOT NOTED FOR REMOVAL. 3.CLEAR AND GRUB AND REMOVE ALL TREES, VEGETATION AND SITE DEBRIS PRIOR TO GRADING. TOPSOIL SHALL BE STOCKPILED ON-SITE AND ALL OTHER REMOVED MATERIAL SHALL BE HAULED FROM THE SITE DAILY. ALL CLEARING AND GRUBBING AND REMOVALS SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY ESTABLISHED UPON REMOVAL. SEE THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP). 4.CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL SITE SURFACE FEATURES WITHIN REMOVAL LIMITS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5.ALL FOUNDATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH WALLS, BUILDINGS, ETC. MUST BE DEMOLISHED WITH STRUCTURE. 6.CONTRACTOR TO SCHEDULE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH POWER UTILITY OWNER(S) TO DISCUSS DISCONNECT/RELOCATIONS. DEMOLITION LEGEND REMOVE EXISTING BUILDINGS REMOVE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER, RETAINING WALLS, WOOD FENCE, BILLBOARDS, ETC. REMOVE EXISTING MANHOLES, POWER POLES, LIGHT POLES, BOLLARDS, PARKING METERS, SIGNS, ETC. REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE PAVING, SIDEWALKS, ISLANDS, ETC. REMOVE EXISTING TREES REMOVE EXISTING UTILITIES REMOVE EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVING APPROXIMATE OFFSITE REMOVAL LIMITS Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota 10/15/2021 Mike KrychLicense Number Date23555I hereby certify that this plan, specification orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly LicensedProfessional Architect under the laws of thestate of Minnesota 10/15/2021 Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota 10/15/2021 South Elevation 4917 Eden Avenue © WSB & Associates 2013 September 13, 2023 0 90 18045 ft 0 25 5012.5 m 1:700 Relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable. Maison Green, located at 4917 Eden Ave, is zoned as a PUD. The PUD allows for signage per the Planned Residential District in the Code for residential uses. The sign code for residential districts allows for one building sign at the maximum size of 12 square feet. Maison Green is a 7 story, 196-unit apartment building that is taking the place of the former Perkins Restaurant. One building sign at 12 square feet does not allow for the proper identification of this building and is not a practical size for the size and scope of this building, its location, and its height. To relieve the difficulty of the zoning ordinance and provide a building sign that is reasonable for the property's use, we are proposing one illuminated building sign to read Maison Green, located on the 6th floor on the west elevation. The sign will be 34" high x 169" length (39.9sqft). Please see the scaled rendering for location and design. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. The current, prohibitive residential sign code for Maison Green does not align with its mixed-use development designation and does not allow for the size or location of the building sign to properly identify it. Maison Green is bordered by Hwy 100 to the west, Edina City Hall, and the on/off ramps to Hwy 100 to the North, a golf course to the east, and an office building to the south. Because of its unique location in relation to Hwy 100, (3 of the 4 sides of the building directly or indirectly face highway 100) the proposed building sign would allow the building to be properly identified and correct the extraordinary circumstance applicable to this property. The property, is not in a residential neighbprIto4 NA and it should not be subjected to the restrictions of the residential sign code. Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance. AUG 2 4 2023 Maison Green will be a mixed-use development and per the mixed-use land JtoeLANNING DEPARTMENT description: "Primary uses: Retail, office, service, multifamily residential, and institutional uses. Vertical mixed-use should be encouraged and may be required on larger sites." We have designed a sign that will allow for the practical identification of the building while also being in harmony with the primary uses and intent of a PUD zoned property. Not alter the essential Character of a neighborhood The proposed building sign for Maison Green will be located on the south elevation and face Hwy 100. The sign will not be visible from any residential neighborhood areas and will only be seen by oncoming traffic going North on Hwy 100. The sign will in no way alter the essential character of any part of the neighborhood. The sign is designed using Maison Green's branded font and colors and will be integral to the design intent and character of the building and its architectural elements. CITY OF EDINA AUG 24 2023 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAISON GREEN 4917 EDEN AVE. EDINA, MN 55424 EXTERIOR SIGNAGE SHOP DRAWINGS PROJECT NUMBER - 64173 06/27/23 - SUBMITTAL 1 08/08/23 - SUBMITTAL 2 08/16/23 - SUBMITTAL 3 ® SERIGRAPHICS 2401 Nevada Avenue North I Minneapolis, MN 55427 I 763.277.7774 Sign Type: E101-1 Wall Sign CS Qty = 1 BLOCKING IN WALL, LOW VOLTAGE WIRE TO SIGN LOCATION, ACCESS TO REMOTE POWER SUPPLY BY GC (Dashed Blue lines) • (4) 5' x 16' Cut out access holes for Z-Clip mounting. 33 3/4" Version Information Ve Pee Dewy,. By RI RUMS SJor.11•11-OrigInal Dm, JC RI OR/1421 Irk Upcble SC Customer Approval X um. en. C.^ brojrg k..4-our toutcheers ...dr-gnat Rcoamel, cer,fnaittioJoIpat Me/ to color no,. pa, wee. ed naer ,up, 1,Rx. ekvn obylde losened 11,1 Inp.1.61,ed cRnur yepart31, • SRJISystvon n • IIRet pJgrandes4.4,1 for Lcar,en kn,.nto Le RIRmi. up. Ruls,te $4, • ror to be rrp.ci,ed, aped or ekIllitrd'r J-ry Shipping Information SHIP DATE_/-1._ INITIALS PACKAGE TRACIONG Notes • 6" deep SignComp Hinged Flex Face Aluminum Sign cabinet with Bleed Face (42021 Narrow Single Face body extrusion with 42085 Tension frame and # 2095 Bleed Tension Frame cover) • Cabinet & returns painted to match dark blue PMS 296C • Cabinet internally illuminated with Bitro Optics Pro Plus 6500K Bright White LED's. • Mounted to wall blocking with galvanized wood lag bolts. — • UL approved 3M Panagraphics III fabric flex face with Opaque Dark Blue PMS 296C and White Illuminated copy and Border. 6 "—I 1earfg.ds-N-N-N"J'isjNi Bottom Right Corner of Sign 120V - 20 amp 2 power supplies .92 total amps/ .46 amps per power supply (See Page 12) CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 4 2023 PLANNING DEPARTMEN 4. 5" 5/8" INTERIOR SHEATHING (GYPSUM BOAD) - EXTRA LAYER GYPSUM BOARD @ 2 HR FIRE CONDITIONS BATT INSULATION VAPOR RETARDER MASONRY VENEER (BRICK, STONE, OR CMU) W/ MASONRY TIES - REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR TYPE AIR AND WATER BAR 5/8" TYPE GYP BD SHEATHING (FLAMEBLOCK @ RATED WALLS) OOD STUD BACK UP WALL FIRE RETARDANT TREATED) INTERIOR EXTERIOR 169" MAISON GREEN < BW > MASONRY VENEER W/ WOOD STUD BACK-UP PLAN DIMS HERE (FOSH) 18 1/2" SERIGRAPHICS 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. Project FRANA CONSTRUCTION Maison Green Exterior Signage 64173 Sign Type Drawing it C21120 Rev. 1 - 08/14/23 Scale 3/4" = 1' (1:16) Product Ver/Date Sign Type: E101-1 Wall Sign Sign Comp Construction 1 2 1 3 2 4 PARTS UST NOTE: FRAME BRACING GUIDELINES APPLY ITEM PART# DESCRIPTION FOR BOTH THE BLEED AND FRAMED COVERS. 1 2021 Narrow Single Face Body 2 5321 Narrow Body Corner Angle 3 Aluminum Back 4 Aluminum Back Support - Frame Suport Tube #2175 5 2086 Tension Frame II 6 Rivet 7 5210 Corner Key NOTE: THE NARROW SINGLE FACE BODY 8 5305 Frame Corner Angle IS DESIGNED FOR LED APPLICATION. 9 5352 Small Frame Brace 10 2095 Bleed Tension Frame Cover 11 2177 Small Frame Support Tube - 1" BODY CORNER ANGLE SCREW PART# 5218 HINGE SCREW PART# 5170 (1 EVERY 36" O.C. ACROSS TOP ONLY) JOINER BRACKET SLOT TENSION CLIP PART# 5360 DETAIL A NOTE: PRE-CUT KITS ARE NOT PRE-DRILLED. (Holes shown in this drawing are for reference only. Drilling of pilot holes are to be done by fabricator.) THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED AT 110 CHARGE TO ASSIST YOU IN VISLIAUDIIG OUR PROPOSAL. THE DRAWING HEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF SIG? COMP. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVSE TRIS DRAWING OR TO USE THIS DRAWING FOR PRODUCTION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND CAN ONLY BE COPIED. REVISED OR USED FOR PRODUCTION WITH THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SIGNCOMP. DRAWING BY: SBrelhof 0.000 in TIME Centroid X: 6/11/2014 SignComp A Centroid Y: 0.000 in Narrow Single Face Body w/ A Tension Frame II and Bleed Cover - Cross Sectional Details PART Pt0 2021-86-95 with 5352 Principal Moments Ix: 0.000 in^4 Principal Plornen Ty: 0.0001n^4 REV Section Modulus lx: 0.000 in^3 Section Modulus ly: 0.000 inA3 SHEET 1 OF 2 4 3 BRAKE FORM ALUM. OR STOCK ANGLE BACK SUPPORT 3/4" X .090 4 SERIGRAPHICS 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. Project FRANA CONSTRUCTION Maison Green Exterior Signage Job # Sign Type Drawing # 64173 E101 C21120 Product CS Ver/Date Rev. 1 - 08/14/23 NTS Version Information DAA Doc,cr. VI 0027/23 P-hAttal I -0BAnaiDomp RI 01/1413 Hb Updsle 00 Customer Approval X IIIr. e DAN Rn el-nr,k r repnarbicnciteers &Mr, net scrurr ,:, crtF,(Ad dpaPAt kW te car swArA pAI, Larry, wel.mAyiAurrpIe is mkt rylver A.141darnened On I. an bnpAlsPed ,T1I.P.IPITIPOWA/ h YI 1w1Ale.o. It A Fem W sb nm gr yo- • AA,kly }aa we,*ram b reppAyed,yepeclaryAl>00,, Shipping Information SHIP DATE_/_/_. INITIALS PACKAGE TRACKING II Notes CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 4 2023 PLANNING DEPARTM NT Sign Type: E101.1 Single Faced Flex Face Illuminated Wall Sign Section A Detail SERIGRAPHICS 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. Product Ver/Date NTS CS Rev. 1 - 08/14/23 Project FRANA CONSTRUCTION Maison Green Exterior Signage Job # Sign Type Drawing # 64173 E101 C21120 Version Information 06/27/21 -04.1Doring lC RI 08/1423 1,600. le Customer Approval X tM cha', ism rept wt.n .1.1081•Darat. elfpin ce.d prod.. a pi, .0,.-du rrairea uorp, Dm* refutfce A1160.11tterred DA, an try./.4rd 5.,0.39,Drl..., n .D,D9D, II ED. to Le eqwDavvi ratebe ed,rp.1 ereelt.d D Shipping Information SHIP DATE_/_/_ INITIALS PACKAGE TR&OONG S Notes *Masonry Veener (Brick, Stone. Or Cmu) W/ Masonry Ties - Refer To Elevations For Type 3/4 ' 1112'—I 112' • (3) 60w 120-277 VAC — IP68 power supplies housed in bottom of sign. CITY OF EDINP AUG 24 2023 PLANNING DEPARTME • Toggle disconnect on side of cabinet • Conduit to Keep Spacing integrity • Conduit to back of sign by G.C. • 120v - 20 amp electric to sign by G.C. Sign Section A Detail Scale: 1 1/2" = 1' • 6' deep SignComp Hinged Flex Face Aluminum Sign cabinet with Bleed Face (82021 Narrow Single Face body extrusion with 412085 Tension frame and 44 2095 Bleed Tension Frame cover) • 5/8' Type 'X' Gyp BD Sheating (Flameblock10 Rated Walls) • 1 1/2' X 1 3/4' X 1 1/2' X 1/4' Aluminum Z-Clips. Attached to building studs with 1/4' Tek screws. • Fastners TBD Based on Blocking • All penetrations to be sealed with silicone adhesive. • UL approved 3M Panagraphics III fabric flex face with Opaque dark blue PMS 296C background and White Illuminated copy & Border. Bitro Optics Pro Plus 6500K Bright White LED's 38 7/8' Air & Watter Barrier Wood Stud Back Up Wall (Fire Retardant Treated) B FRONT VIEW 4 3 2 1 D C B A Sign Type: E101-1 Wall Sign Sign Comp Frame Construction SignComp TITLE Narrow Single Face Body w/ Tension Frame II and Bleed Cover - Cross Sectional Details PART NO 2021-86-95 with 5352 'SHEET 2 OF 2 1 B 3 NOTE: NOTCH THE BACK SUPPORT(S) AS SHOWN, TO ACCOMMODATE THE HORIZONTAL FRAME SUPPORT(S). DIMENSIONS MAY VARY PENDING ON THE SIZE OF SUPPORTS USED. DRAWING BY: sBremof 6/11/2014 THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED AT SO CHARGE TO ASSIST YOU IS VISUAUZING OUR PROPOSAL THE DRAWING HEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF SIGNCOMP. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING OR TO USE THIS DRAWING FOR PRODUCTION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND CAN ONLY DE COPIED. REVISED OR USED FOR PRODUCTION WITH THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERSISSION CO SIGNCOMP. Centroid X: 0.000 in Centroid 0.000 in R. 23 AUG 2 4 2 Version Information D.Rnr.n.A VI 050003 SAPArtal ORATAJLA,A, OF WWII We UpJal• Customer Approval Ret ef/A, X a rypeR/Iston theory and rayml a:nor, I .ApicifAaletierdpec:At Relerlo mkt PArrh p.Av. urpV.5d ansigillutliie.ecktnittete IPRIP. Resernd .1 er, to-AAA/An! rte.. g p.FaeJ A, S9157.Irra in• 30,11,0,6-1 des., eci rxrtalebest A n nalto be sten.. p-pe AAOls 'Pr oynkason rag m a rercA,AA reped toSt.leA Shipping Information SHIP DATE_/_/_ INITIALS PACKAGE TRACKING tl Notes CITY OF ED NA PLANNING DEPARTMENT SERIGRAPHICS 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. Project FRANA CONSTRUCTION Maison Green Exterior Signage D C B A DETAIL C 4 Alb LM1111.111= 1 it I I :: 1 NOTCH BACK SUPPORT(S) 11 0 I / NOTE: NOTCHING IS BASED ON THE USE OF SIGNCOMP #2175 FRAME SUPPORT TUBE FOR BACK SUPPORT OR A BRAKE FORMED ALUMINUM SUPPORT 2" x 3/4" x .090, AND 1" SQ TUBE FOR COMPRESSION BRACING. DETAIL D Principal Moments Ix: 0.000 In A4 Principal Moments 0.000 InA4 Section Modulus 0.000 inA3 Section Modulus Iy: 0.000 in A3 2 SECTION B-B DETAIL D (fD SERIGRAPHICS 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. Project FRANA CONSTRUCTION Maison Green Exterior Signage Job 8 64173 Sign Type E101 Drawing 8 C21120 Product CS Ver/Date Rev. 1 - 08/14/23 Scale 3/32" = ' Version Information Ver D. Docip-. VI DY27/23 PI C1/1.3 Id* Upi. Customer Approval X Oat Dn...., ...a Fs trp...ata deem •rd I, nal aroma: 6,E1(.1 te, • el machel. Itelea cob eon' eh. pair tarp,. e.-41 of rrsivial sazrp M telerr.r.rea AI Pills 'mend 11r. anvyllJrda wr3vKa•f Ip n • OS" )va his s`..r.> • p.c,Inur rryvei.ted, cep. I c.....1,te 4, A, f Shipping Information SHIP DATE_/__/_ INITIALS— PACKAGE 1RAOONG. Notes Sign Type: E101-1 Mounting Elevation F li 1E31 1111 11111 °°'911111111111111 1,11 111 11 1111 di 1E01 nu I 11111 ;1 1,11 1111111 'INN 11'11111 III I Ill roil!!! WI -1111,11 11,111 '1 " '1111111 IIIIIIII 1111111 1::111! '111111111 II I !I II ,,11111 MAISON GREEN ETI NU 1 --- 111111 111 I H 111 iiimi 101 , ;Pau, /11 _ 110 II =4111N1 WI 5*--z1- _:.. i 1----“EM 1E =3-2 Iii1111111 1111 E 3 1111 11 --=-4 J c t L 46 L EL . RtZi -1,..- adi nil 11 F21 a 7; III! 11114111 :..: - -1- i. ..- .151. mr lin • Fig: 1111 ii 174 II UZI MI r-71 1E31 1E 1111 1111111111 101 ,g__3 silo so uteg,e . 1... =.; sr .%:-::-.74-; S II HIM M 1111 II MI m Pll 1E31 1E WI Mil Hill I 11111 NI III 1111 11111 1R1 I ral II II 1111 1111 II E31 1E31 d En41 1E31 11 M NO II Huiiiii sill 11 mm •••• min 11.111 mu x Iii i ,,low IEEE. mum Es Fug 11111 ""imi low um HIP Mil El is NE liii Ian -5-ffm tom man re N- II 1111 No! Hill ,111111111 1111 NM I I I I III III I1 I 111 1 19 Fl Fl 1 1 I 1 I 1I I I 1 1=1 1 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 1 1=1 I I =I I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 11-1 11-1 I I-11 I I 17,1 I 17,1 I 17,1 I 17,1 I 1,„1 1 1„,1 I I men Re j IAE A=WA rzIMIELILIMAMT:11.116 MIN 1=a 4 El :Ear 1 1 1 1 I 11=1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3-3 -Z-- 1111 Eh CO 1 BM E DM 11 e. == "ELIZMir"a Wm" ra WN M Lrm%"=" MCA al Wallin FISIGMEASS lajZ ECW III III 1 1 1 1 1-1 1 1-1 1 1-1 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 — CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 4 '023 PLANNING DEP RTMENT ME, ILTE =Intl Celdirrt, WWI ••1 221. EPA. rt dfixED BY COUUMPON /Olaf/I B KV GROUP /velitecture Inlerlor Design londscope Arcliteclure Encineering 222 North Second Street Long & Kees Bldg Suite 101 MInneopols, MN 55401 612.339.3752 www.15tvgoop.com CONSULTANTS PROJECT TITLE 4917 EDEN AVE tt•SC•LlTr 42•1•03.11{Er CERTIFICATION pion.sper,caton et yr prom. by no or L.-Ger rry xi wpwrioNG sod NEI run arLoy Liceored OciessOWAK/Gao oWer0e Vol of So ellrer00 timed • Hoe. 0•I0 SHEET TITLE SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER A010 DITE RAN GFIONAL WITT N SEEM MAIIC,Mt•TE MOM* tr111.3,....••m3 DM. t MUM:WM 00.13 fORFLAKINGI • StSterVaf 1 IEF 11..11..1.1.4 01,01 anTtrALO.1.11. FOR WE WV Warn.. .•1011421t Ple NM NO WW1. • FF k 2 I 1 5 SIIEPANIRTIDILS EDEN AVE BELOW GRADE WATER RETENTION SIGN LOCATION BETON GRADE — WATER 00100)00 CITY OF EDINA E105 EU LRE OUTBOOR SPACE 1211 DOT WD) OPEN MI DOT IMO EASING RETAWING WNL WILLSON RD ALIERNME MADWOMEN JEANNE.° PACES•21.111/RE ORKWAY AUG 2 4 2023 IlltEMO•111 MORIN 02021 BKV Group PARTMENT CaLLmi Gaztu=z4=1 IMI=1 M=I 0.2021 21.10:3 00E CFE.0..0 C[0.10051,0101.n.60, 1 `,1.•,f,..,, our MO •,,,,,,,,,, ..„.0 ,,,,,,, LIC1ir M. ...a . 1.1.0•44 ...., p.s.0.....00.,......,.0 trams • srnxrtm • 4ustcog. o Pi rgcz ./ r{y . • ' '' • 1. .. ., : . .":.,•__-'- ......- - li OW ::::::: I ..,•_:--- --_..,-.^.---A,::: 6, r.,.6..mt • 61.0.6. Our lou 16.1.0611, , W.V. V.6.11. ..- G. MN /.. '''''.. . X 't' „filiptar - - ... . r .1,6 ..0:411-1-1 411 •,•.7. i / , I i / ' :7- . '6,.....- •166.7.161, .1116, . MOM, I ' 0[110.10(.. 111.6.11 66- .r.......... .111111111111 /WA( VG 10.0.0,01 t• p. • '',-;, ,,,. 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TELL WOK VW Oa Gopher State One Call AT"LfAsn=';',1,=,..=1.";=1== HIRES, CABLES CONDORS, PIPES MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED Tr WEZO.-il-WW STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHILL REPAIR OR REFUGE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OHNE. C 3016 B. Group, Irk. EOE B K V GROUP Architecture Interior Design Landscape Architecture Engineering Boarman Kroos Vogel Group Inc. 222 North Second Street Minneepois MN 55401 Telephone: 612-339-3752 Facsimile: 612-339-6212 vnwi.b kv g ro u p. corn EOE CONSULTANTS k LOUCKS 6.05cen APC•1.11.7.E F64,0,VEiltd. 101.03 liCACT 21.041.00 PROJECT TITLE 4917 EDEN AVE. OWNER/DEVELOPER JiTy OF EDINA AUG 24 2023 CERTIFICATION hereby certly pan, or repat was preps. by me or under my 60.6 SUpery.n •n•Ulal Irmo rkry Lkensed Prolessbnal Erxeneet Wer. tr. dvw Slate of 1.1nAesota 94941/144 A 4 J. St Achael MAUL PE 24440 1015,021 llama Nun., Oote SHEET TITLE DEMOLITION PLAN SHEET HUMBER C1-2 EXTERIOR SIGNA G E S HOP DRAW I N G S 4917 EDEN AVE. EDINA, MN 55424 PRO JECT NUM BER - 64231 06/27/23 - SUBMITTAL 1 2401 Nevada Avenue North | Minneapolis, MN 55427 | 763.277.7774 SHOP DRAWINGS APPROVAL SHEET Date: 06/27/23 Job #: 64173 Project: Frana Construction - Maison Green SERIGRAPHICS CONTACT INFO Sales Representative: Bjorn Bowman Designer: Josh Cowern Project Manager: Carla Kile SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL COLOR SAMPLES SHOP DRAWINGS LOCATION PLANS MESSAGE SCHEDULE AS LAYOUTS SHOP DRAWINGS REVISIONS NOTES: Submittal 1: Exterior Shop Drawings Submittal 2401 Nevada Avenue N | Minneapolis, MN 55427 | T 763 277 7774 | F 763 277 7775 | info@serigraphicssign.com CUSTOMER APPROVAL APPROVED AS SUBMITTED with no exceptions APPROVED with corrections RESUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS as noted RESUBMIT COLOR SAMPLES as noted STAMPS Date: __ / __ / __ Customer Approval Signature: ______________________________________ Estimated Fabrication Time: 1-2 Wks | 2-4 Wks | 3-5 Wks | 4-6 Wks | 6-8 Wks | 10-12 Wks | 12 + Wks IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Fabrication Phase will begin ONLY after Serigraphics has received written approval of the shop drawings, provided all appropriate documentation including: final message schedule, location plans, and necessary artwork in the correct format. Please contact your Sales Representative and Project Manager to discuss production time if timing is critical for project completion. Signs will be produced exactly as indicated in the attached submittal package. Please verify all information in the submittal package for accuracy. Serigraphics will not assume responsibility after approval of submittal package. Any changes made to the project after we have received signed approvals and have an assigned completion date, may result in a change to your completion date and/or be asset an add cost. Approval Sheet must be returned for fabrication. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DESIGNER/ARCHITECT TO CLEARLY STAMP & APPROVE EACH SHOP DRAWING WITH FINAL APPROVAL SHOP DRA W I NGS REVISION CHAR T 2 4 01 Nevad a Ave n u e N | Minneap o lis, MN 55427 | T 763 2 7 7 77 74 | F 763 277 7775 | i nfo@se rigraphicssign.com E101 E105 Ver1 Ver1 Awaiting Awaiting Submittal History Sign Type Draw Ver Approval Sub1 Notes:/ Designer JC Submittal 1 D ate : 06/27/23 Redlines/Approvals D ate : Frana Construction 64173 1 Index Revision Codes: AS - Added Sign Type CC - Construction Change FC - Fastener/Mounting Change FS - Field Survey Verification GMB - Added Glass Mounted Backer IA - Install Information Added II - Install Information Needed MC - Material Change MI - Missing or Needed Information NR - Sign Type Not Reviewed PC - Process Change QC - Quantity Change RS - Removed From Scope SC - Size Change STC - Sign Type Name Change TC - Thickness Change VC - Visual Change VI - Vendor Information Needed VM - Verbiage Modification Drawing Revision Marker: Number indicates Revision Number 64" Required Equipment Demolition/Installation Notes Special Conditions Code Check Landlord Check Additional Survey Requirements Lift / Crane GC to run power to power supply remote locations Power RequirementsAdd Costs for Winter Install Zoning Classification: Permit Processing Time Additional Requirements (if needed) Electrical Permit for Illuminated Signs Permit Lead Time: ____________________________ Maximum Square Footage Allowance: Maison Green - Edina, Minnesota - Site Details & Notes Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION 64173 C-Survey/Install Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information V1 06/27/23 Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage Ver Date Description By Maison Green - Exterior Signage Family Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION 64173 C-Family1 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information V1 06/27/23 Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage Ver Date Description By E101 Wall Sign E105 Blade Sign Maison Green - Signage Logo Maison Green - Signage Arrows Maison Green - Signage Symbols STAIR NO SMOKING UNISEX MENWOMEN ADA Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION 64173 C-Logo/Sym Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information V1 08/18/22 Original Drawing TL Maison Green Exterior Signage Ver Date Description By Maison Green - Exterior Signage Colors Matthews Paint P3 Matthews Satin Sherwin Williams SW 7005 Pure White MP37209 P1 PMS 296C CMYK: 91 76 55 68 SW Achors Aweigh 9179 BM Old Navy 2063-10 P2 PMS 9285 C CMYK: 5 5 8 0 SW Ibis White 7000 BM White Dove OC-17 Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION 64173 C-Colors Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information V1 06/27/23 Original Drawing TL Maison Green Exterior Signage Ver Date Description By P4 PMS 7497C 7497 CSW SW Meadow Trail 7737 BM Sage 2143-10 6"169" 33 3/4" (Dashed Blue lines) • (4) 5" x 16" Cut out access holes for Z-Clip mounting. Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E101 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage Scale 3/4" = 1’ (1:16) Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ Sign Type: E101-1 Wall Sign CS Qty = 1 • 6" deep SignComp Hinged Flex Face Aluminum Sign cabinet with Bleed Face (#2021 Narrow Single Face body extrusion with #2085 Tension frame and # 2095 Bleed Tension Frame cover) • Cabinet & returns painted to match dark blue PMS 296C • Cabinet internally illuminated with Bitro Optics Pro Plus 6500K Bright White LED’s. • Mounted to wall blocking with galvanized wood lag bolts. • UL approved 3M Panagraphics III fabric flex face with Opaque Dark Blue PMS 296C and White Illuminated copy and Border. BLOCKING IN WALL, LOW VOLTAGE WIRE TO SIGN LOCATION, ACCESS TO REMOTE POWER SUPPLY BY GC 18 1/2" Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E101 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage NTS Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ Sign Type: E101-1 Wall Sign Sign Comp Construction DETAIL A 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 A A B B C C D D SHEET 1 OF 2 DRAWING BY: SBreihof 6/11/2014 PART NO 2021-86-95 with 5352 TITLE Narrow Single Face Body w/ Tension Frame II and Bleed Cover - Cross Sectional Details SignComp REV THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED AT NO CHARGE TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE DRAWING HEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF SIGNCOMP. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING OR TO USE THIS DRAWING FOR PRODUCTION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND CAN ONLY BE COPIED, REVISED OR USED FOR PRODUCTION WITH THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SIGNCOMP. Centroid X: Centroid Y: Principal Moments Ix: Principal Moments Iy: Section Modulus Ix: Section Modulus Iy: 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in^4 0.000 in^4 0.000 in^3 0.000 in^3 PARTS LIST DESCRIPTIONPART#ITEM Narrow Single Face Body20211 Narrow Body Corner Angle53212 Aluminum Back 3 Aluminum Back Support - Frame Suport Tube #2175 4 Tension Frame II20865 Rivet 6 Corner Key5210 7 Frame Corner Angle5305 8 Small Frame Brace5352 9 Bleed Tension Frame Cover2095 10 Small Frame Support Tube - 1"217711A NOTE: PRE-CUT KITS ARE NOT PRE-DRILLED. (Holes shown in this drawing are for reference only. Drilling of pilot holes are to be done by fabricator.) .625 TENSION CLIP PART# 5360 HINGE SCREW PART# 5170 (1 EVERY 36" O.C. ACROSS TOP ONLY) .615 2.6002.783 5.998 .265 1JOINER BRACKET SLOT 10 53 6 BODY CORNER ANGLE SCREW PART# 5218 2 4 9 7 8 NOTE: THE NARROW SINGLE FACE BODY IS DESIGNED FOR LED APPLICATION. BRAKE FORM ALUM. OR STOCK ANGLE BACK SUPPORT 3/4" X .090 .177 4.000 NOTE: FRAME BRACING GUIDELINES APPLY FOR BOTH THE BLEED AND FRAMED COVERS. Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E101 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage NTS Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ Sign Type: E101.1 Single Faced Flex Face Illuminated Wall Sign Section A Detail • 120v -20 amp electric to sign by G.C. • Conduit to back of sign by G.C. Sign Section A Detail Scale: 1 1/2" = 1' 5 15/16" 38 7/8" • Box Rib Wall panels on 2” Zee Furring and Insulation on Vaporsheild weather barrier 1 1/2"2" 3/4" • 3/4” Plywood on 2x2 Wood Framing • 6" deep SignComp Hinged Flex Face Aluminum Sign cabinet with Bleed Face (#2021 Narrow Single Face body extrusion with #2085 Tension frame and # 2095 Bleed Tension Frame cover) • UL approved 3M Panagraphics III fabric flex face with Opaque dark blue PMS 296C background andWhite Illuminated copy & Border. • 3/8" x 6" Hex Head Hot-Dipped Galvanized SteelWood Lag bolts (#94048A314) • All penetrations to be sealed with silicone adhesive. Bitro Optics Pro Plus 6500K Bright White LED’s • (3) 60w 120-277 VAC IP68 power supplieshoused in bottom of sign. • Toggle disconnect on side of cabinet • 1 1/2" X 1 3/4" X 1 1/2" X 1/4"Aluminum Z-Clips. Attached tobuilding studs with 1/4" Tek screws. Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota 10/15/2021 Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E101 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage NTS Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ Sign Type: E101-1 Wall Sign Sign Comp Frame Construction FRONT VIEW SECTION B-B DETAIL C DETAIL D DETAIL D 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 A A B B C C D D SHEET 2 OF 2 DRAWING BY: SBreihof 6/11/2014 PART NO 2021-86-95 with 5352 TITLE Narrow Single Face Body w/ Tension Frame II and Bleed Cover - Cross Sectional Details SignComp REV THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED AT NO CHARGE TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE DRAWING HEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF SIGNCOMP. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING OR TO USE THIS DRAWING FOR PRODUCTION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND CAN ONLY BE COPIED, REVISED OR USED FOR PRODUCTION WITH THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SIGNCOMP. Centroid X: Centroid Y: Principal Moments Ix: Principal Moments Iy: Section Modulus Ix: Section Modulus Iy: 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in^4 0.000 in^4 0.000 in^3 0.000 in^3 B B C D .188 NOTE: NOTCH THE BACK SUPPORT(S) AS SHOWN, TO ACCOMMODATE THE HORIZONTAL FRAME SUPPORT(S). DIMENSIONS MAY VARY PENDING ON THE SIZE OF SUPPORTS USED. 1.250 NOTE: NOTCHING IS BASED ON THE USE OF SIGNCOMP #2175 FRAME SUPPORT TUBE FOR BACK SUPPORT OR A BRAKE FORMED ALUMINUM SUPPORT 2" x 3/4" x .090, AND 1" SQ TUBE FOR COMPRESSION BRACING. 1 5 9 3 4 11 4 4 9 9 11 5 4 NOTCH BACK SUPPORT(S) Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota 10/15/2021 Sign Type: E101-1 Mounting Elevation Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E101 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage Scale 3/32" = 1’ Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ FACE• 1/8" Thick White Polycarb Face • Masked and Painted to Match PMS 296C• Mounted into Frame w/ Polycarb Hanger Strip (See Section Detail) Aluminum Cover • 2”x 1” x 1/8” Aluminum Angle Frame Reveal Secured Welded to Sign Comp Frame • Painted to Match PMS 7497C Moss Green 52" 52"2 1/4" Top View Front View Side View Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota 10/15/2021 Mounting Elevation Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E105 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage Scale 3/4" = 1’ (1:16) Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ Sign Type: E105-1 Blade Sign CS Qty = 1 FRAME • Blue Dotted Flat Double Face Medium Body # 2007 • Painted to Match PMS296C • Secured to 2” Tubes Welded Horizontally (See Frame Details) • Secured to 1 1/2” Thick Steel Tube w/ Mounting Plate w/ Tek Screws TUBE STRUCTURE • 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" Steel Tube Posts. • Post Welded to 3/4"Thick Mounting Plates • 3/4" Gussets Fully Welded to Plate & Post • Painted w/ Bitumen Paint (NEED PYLON INFO FOR MOUNTING) 7" Series 12 Hinge Body #1612 7" 3.5"wide x 8" tall steel mounting plate w/ 1.5"x1.5" steel tube welded w/ gussets mounted to wall w/ ? Typical Mounting Plate(Scale 1:4) Mounting Post • 7/8" dia. mntg holes • 1 1/2" dia. electric hole • Bitro Alpha Slimline60W-24V power supplyRemote Location (GC to Provide Information) • Building Facade Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota 10/15/2021 Job # Sign Type Drawing # Product Ver/Date These drawings property of Serigraphics Sign Systems, Inc. 2401 Nevada Avenue North Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 Phone: 763.277.7774 Fax: 763.277.7775 FRANA CONSTRUCTION CS C21120 E101 64173 Ver. 1 - 06/27/23 Project Version Information Customer Approval Shipping Information Notes V1 06/27/23 Submittal 1 - Original Drawing JC Maison Green Exterior Signage NTS Ver Date Description By Name This drawing is a representation of colors and may not accurately depict final color of product. Refer to color swatch, paint sample, and or material sample for color reference All Rights Reserved This is an unpublished drawing prepared by Serigraphics Sign Systems Inc. in a sign program designed for your business. It is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Date X SHIP DATE____/____/____INITIALS____ PACKAGE______________________________ TRACKING #______________________________ Sign Type: E105-1 Blade Sign Sign Comp Construction 1/8” Poly Carb Tab Secured to Poly Carb Face w/ Revets 1/8” Poly Carb Face Sign Comp Frame 4" 8" 48" • LED Bitro TITO3G 6500k Low Voltage Powerfrom Power Supply • Removable Retainer • 1 1/2" x 1/4" Aluminum AngleFully Welded to Top &Bottom of Sign Comp Frame • 2"x2"x1/8" Alum SQ Tube Sleeve for Mounting See CMU Footing DetailSite Survey Needed to Determine BestMounting Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of thestate of Minnesota 10/15/2021 E105 E101 Mike KrychLicense Number Date23555I hereby certify that this plan, specification orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly LicensedProfessional Architect under the laws of thestate of Minnesota 10/15/2021 15 18 15 15 22 18 10 3 6 3 3 1 16 3 REMOVE EX. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. FLAG POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. TRENCH DRAIN REMOVE EX. TRENCH DRAIN REMOVE EX. TRENCH DRAIN REMOVE EX. TRENCH DRAIN REMOVE EX. TRENCH DRAINREMOVE EX. BUILDING W/ ASSOCIATED PAVEMENT UTILITIES & STRUCTURES REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. ELEC. BOX REMOVE EX. GAS METER REMOVE EX. GAS LINE REMOVE EX. AC UNIT-TYP REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. LIFT STATION, UNIDENTIFIED PIPING, & BOLLARDS, REMOVE EX. UTILITY BOX REMOVE EX. FENCE REMOVE EX. AC UNIT-TYP REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. SIGNREMOVE EX. FDC REMOVE EX. STAND PIPE REMOVE EX. CURB & GUTTER -TYP REMOVE EX. CURB & GUTTER -TYP REMOVE EX. CURB & GUTTER -TYP REMOVE EX. CURB WATER SERVICE CAP AT MAIN (SEE CITY STANDARD) MOVE EX. ELECTRIC LINE (COORDINATE W/ UTILITY COMPANY) REMOVE EX. ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EX. RETAINING WALL REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLE REMOVE EX. LIGHT POLEREMOVE EX. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE EX. SIGN REMOVE EX. TRANSFORMERS (COORDINATE WITH UTILITY PROVIDER & CITY) REMOVE DRIVEWAY APRON AND SIDEWALK PROTECT EXISTING MNDOT WALL & FLUME REMOVE EXISTING FES (COORDINATE W/ OWNER) REMOVE & REPLACE EX. SIGN GAS SERVICE TO BE REMOVED PER CITY REGULATIONS PROTECT CITY FIBER OPTIC LINE (COORDINATE W/ CITY) SANITARY LINE TO BE CAPPED AT MAIN IF IDENTIFIED REMOVE & REPLACE FIBER SIGN Architecture Interior Design Landscape Architecture Engineering Boarman KroosVogelGroupInc. EOE License Number I hereby certify that this plan, specificationor report was prepared by me or under mydirect supervision and that I am a dulyLicensed Professionalunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.BKVTB-30x42Engineer Date 10/15/102124440 Michael J. St. Martin, PE LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 21081.00 © 2016 BKV Group, Inc. EOE SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY COMMISSION NUMBER ISSUE #DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT TITLE CONSULTANTS CERTIFICATION DATE 4917 EDEN AVE. 21081.00 10/15/2021 JBT MJS OWNER/DEVELOPER 03/12/2021 PRELIMINARY DESIGN 07/02/2021 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 09/10/2021 DESIGNDEVELOPMENT SET 10/05/2021 FINALDEVELOPMENT SET 10/15/2021 GMP/PERMIT SET EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUNDGopher State One Call DEMOLITION PLAN C1-2 N SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 N N DEMOLITION NOTES 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND/OR RELOCATE EXISTING PRIVATE UTILITIES AS NECESSARY. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ACTIVITIES WITH UTILITY COMPANIES. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY REMOVAL REQUIREMENTS WITH CITY REGULATIONS. 2.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE FEATURES NOT NOTED FOR REMOVAL. 3.CLEAR AND GRUB AND REMOVE ALL TREES, VEGETATION AND SITE DEBRIS PRIOR TO GRADING. TOPSOIL SHALL BE STOCKPILED ON-SITE AND ALL OTHER REMOVED MATERIAL SHALL BE HAULED FROM THE SITE DAILY. ALL CLEARING AND GRUBBING AND REMOVALS SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY ESTABLISHED UPON REMOVAL. SEE THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP). 4.CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL SITE SURFACE FEATURES WITHIN REMOVAL LIMITS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5.ALL FOUNDATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH WALLS, BUILDINGS, ETC. MUST BE DEMOLISHED WITH STRUCTURE. 6.CONTRACTOR TO SCHEDULE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH POWER UTILITY OWNER(S) TO DISCUSS DISCONNECT/RELOCATIONS. DEMOLITION LEGEND REMOVE EXISTING BUILDINGS REMOVE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER, RETAINING WALLS, WOOD FENCE, BILLBOARDS, ETC. REMOVE EXISTING MANHOLES, POWER POLES, LIGHT POLES, BOLLARDS, PARKING METERS, SIGNS, ETC. REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE PAVING, SIDEWALKS, ISLANDS, ETC. REMOVE EXISTING TREES REMOVE EXISTING UTILITIES REMOVE EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVING APPROXIMATE OFFSITE REMOVAL LIMITS Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota 10/15/2021 Mike KrychLicense Number Date23555I hereby certify that this plan, specification orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly LicensedProfessional Architect under the laws of thestate of Minnesota 10/15/2021 Mike Krych License Number Date 23555 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota 10/15/2021 South Elevation EdinaMN.gov4917 Eden Avenue-Maison GreenSign Variance 4917 Eden Avenue * Sign received varianceCode compliant sign 9/27/23, 7:22 PM 4917 Eden Avenue, Sign Variance | Better Together Edina https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/4917-eden-ave-sign 1/3 Select Language Powered by Translate Home About this Site Development Projects Parks Projects Public Hearings Street Projects Blake Road A, B, & C Morningside D & E Morningside C Eden Grange Roundabout Southdale B Concord B & C Eden, Arcadia, and Brookside Melody Lake, Birchcrest, Grandview Creek Knoll A & B Future Street Reconstruction Projects All Projects Search Login Register Home Development Projects 4917 Eden Avenue, Sign Variance 4917 Eden Avenue, Sign Variance Bjorn Bowman is requesting a sign variance to Edina Code Section 36-517 to allow a 39.9 square foot sign on the south elevation of the Maison Green building at 4917 Eden Avenue. // 9/27/23, 7:22 PM 4917 Eden Avenue, Sign Variance | Better Together Edina https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/4917-eden-ave-sign 2/3 Provide Public Input Questions Public Input- 4917 Eden Avenue The City of Edina offers several ways for people to provide input on variance requests. Regardless of the method, all public input is considered, so people need to use only one method. Instructions for leaving a public comment below: Your comment will be available to Planning Commission, City Council, staff and others to review immediately instead of waiting until the public hearing. Your comment will be posted and publicly viewable as soon as you hit 'Submit'. You will not be able to edit or remove your comment. Please introduce yourself, your neighborhood and your thoughts about this project. Example: Barbara Smith, The Heights. The project is two blocks from my home and my children would have to walk past it every day on their way to school. Please consider adding sidewalks to this project. Other ways to provide comment: 1 - Leave a voicemail with your public input at 952-826-0377. Staff will submit the transcribed voicemail to Better Together Edina. (Available once project application is submitted) 9/27/23, 7:22 PM 4917 Eden Avenue, Sign Variance | Better Together Edina https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/4917-eden-ave-sign 3/3 Page last updated: 21 Sep 2023, 12:37 PM 2 - One public hearing will take place for variance requests in the City Hall Council Chambers, 4801 W. 50th St. Attend the meeting in person to give public input or watch the meeting live from home on Edina TV (Comcast Channels 813 or 16), Facebook or EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeetings. Call in to provide live testimony at 786-496-5601. Call in Conference PINs are provided in the meeting agenda which can be found at EdinaMN.gov/Agendas. If you have any dif culties with participating, contact Community Engagement Manager, MJ Lamon at MLamon@EdinaMN.gov or 952-826-0360. Public input closed at noon on September 21. This item is on the September 27, 2023 Planning Commission agenda. Public Comment Opens September 15 2023 Public Input Closes September 21 2023 Planning Commission Public Hearing & Decision September 27 2023 Applicant Submittal (13.9 MB) (pdf) Site Location Map (912 KB) (pdf) Development & Construction Tracker Who's Listening Emily Bodeker Assistant City Planner Phone 952-826-0462 Email ebodeker@EdinaMN.gov Key Dates Documents Development Map Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Moderation Policy Accessibility Technical Support City of Edina Website Development and Construction Tracker Cookie Policy Date: S eptember 27, 2023 Agenda Item #: V.C . To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:P ublic Hearing: C onditional Us e P ermit, P uttshack R ooftop Dining, 10 S outhdale C enter Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R ecommend city council approve the C onditional Use P ermit for rooftop dining at P uttshack at Southdale C enter, 10 Southdale C enter. I N TR O D U C TI O N: B rendan Barker, on behalf of P uttshack, is proposing rooftop dining at P uttshack, located at 10 S outhdale C enter. P uttshack is an upscale, tech-infused mini golf experience. It will be located within the former Herberger ’s building, above the K owalski’s grocery store. C urrently both the Kowalski’s and P uttshack spaces are under construction. P uttshack is proposing to have foodservice on their outdoor rooftop patio. F ood and drinks will be served from inside the space. T he proposed rooftop patio has 153 seats. To accommodate the applicant’s request, the following is required: Conditional U se P ermit for the rooftop dining. Rooftop restaurants are a conditional use in the P lanned C ommercial D istrict. P ublic input on Better Together Edina AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Applicant Submittal Site Photos Lighting and Noise Ordinances Memo from Health Department-Nois e Proximity to Residential Map Additional Information from Applicant Staff Pres entation Applicant Pres entation 1 Staff Pres entation 2 September 27, 2023 Planning Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 2023-65 Conditional Use Permit for Puttshack at 10 Southdale Center Information / Background: Brendan Barker, on behalf of Puttshack, is proposing rooftop dining at Puttshack, located at 10 Southdale Center. Puttshack is an upscale, tech-infused mini golf experience. It will be located within the former Herberger’s building, above the Kowalski’s grocery store. Currently both the Kowalski’s and Puttshack spaces are under construction. Puttshack is proposing to have foodservice on their outdoor rooftop patio. Food and drinks will be served from inside the space. The proposed rooftop patio has 153 seats. To accommodate the applicant’s request, the following is required: Conditional Use Permit for the rooftop dining. Rooftop restaurants are a conditional use in the Planned Commercial District. A conditional use is a use that the city permits in a zoning district when certain conditions are met. Rooftop restaurants are a conditionally permitted use in Edina’s PCD-3 zoning district. The conditions outlined in Edina’s code for rooftop restaurants are as follows: 1. Hours of operation are limited to 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. The city council may further restrict the hours of operation based upon the proximity of the area to residential dwelling units and upon considerations relating to the safety and welfare of residents, businesses, and other uses near the establishment. 2. Amplified sound shall be subject to the city's noise ordinance chapter 23, division 5 of the city Code. STAFF REPORT Page 2 3. The rooftop dining area shall be kept in a clean and orderly manner. No food or beverages may be stored on the rooftop unless a suitable means for such storage has been reviewed and approved by the city as part of the CUP. 4. Rooftop restaurants must be adequately screened from adjacent residential uses at the time the rooftop restaurant is established. 5. A liquor license is required to serve alcohol in the rooftop dining area. 6. Fencing or a guard is required around the perimeter of the rooftop dining area per the Minnesota State Building Code. 7. Lighting shall be permitted to the extent that it only illuminates the designated area. Lighting shall not shine or cause a g lare upon other public or private property outside the designated area, and subject to section 36-1260. There are existing rooftop dining facilities in close proximity to Puttshack that have gone through the conditional use permit process. Lifetime Athletic received a CUP in 2018 for rooftop dining on their rooftop pool deck. RH (Restoration Hardware) received a CUP for rooftop dining in 2019. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Southdale Center; zoned PCD-3 and guided Community Activity Center. Easterly: Southdale Center property (parking) and Southdale Transit Center and Park & Ride; zoned PCD-3, Planned Commercial District and guided Community Activity Center. Southerly: Southdale Center property (parking), The Galleria and One Southdale Place Apartments; zoned PCD-3 and guided Community Activity Center. Westerly: Southdale Center; zoned PCD-3 and guided Community Activity Center. Existing Site Features The subject property, 10 Southdale Center, is 45.77 acres in size and is located within the Southdale Center site. Planning Guide Plan designation: CAC, Community Activity Center Zoning: PCD-3, Planned Commercial District STAFF REPORT Page 3 Site Circulation, Traffic & Parking There would be no change in access or traffic to the site. The proposed rooftop restaurant would be utilized by Puttshack patrons. The Puttshack space is a remodeled area of existing tenant space within Southdale Center. Outdoor seating does not require additional parking spaces in the City’s parking code. Building/Building Material Elevation changes associated with Kowalski’s and Puttshack were reviewed and approved administratively with the tenant finish permits. No additional changes would be made to the exterior of the building with the addition of the rooftop dining. Conditional Use Permit Per Section 36-612 of the Edina City Code, a conditional use permit for rooftop restaurants shall meet the following: 1. Hours of operation are limited to 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. The city council may further restrict the hours of operation based upon the proximity of the area to residential dwelling units and upon considerations relating to the safety and welfare of residents, businesses, and other uses near the establishment. 2. Amplified sound shall be subject to the city's noise ordinance chapter 23, division 5 of the city Code. 3. The rooftop dining area shall be kept in a clean and orderly manner. No food or beverages may be stored on the rooftop unless a suitable means for such storage has been reviewed and approved by the city as part of the CUP. 4. Rooftop restaurants must be adequately screened from adjacent residential uses at the time the rooftop restaurant is established. 5. A liquor license is required to serve alcohol in the rooftop dining area. 6. Fencing or a guard is required around the perimeter of the rooftop dining area per the Minnesota State Building Code. 7. Lighting shall be permitted to the extent that it only illuminates the designated area. Lighting shall not shine or cause a glare upon other public or private property outside the designated area, and subject to section 36-1260. Staff believes that the above criteria are met. The applicant initially intended to have the rooftop hours reflect the same hours of operation of the interior space (11:00 AM to 12:00 AM Monday through Wednesday and 11:00 to 1:00 AM Thursday-Friday) but since the initial application was submitted staff has informed the applicant that the hours of operation for the outdoor dining space is limited to 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM to comply with the conditional use permit criteria Section 36-612 of the City Code. STAFF REPORT Page 4 The proposed rooftop area is located on the back half of the building, behind the existing building front, closest to the interior of the mall. The patio is enclosed by the existing building and no additional fencing or screening is proposed. There isn’t residential property in close proximity to the proposed rooftop restaurant. One Southdale Place is located over 500 feet away from the Puttshack rooftop, the Westin is over 1,000 feet, and the Onyx is over 800 feet from the Puttshack rooftop. The closest single-family residence is located in Richfield, roughly 1,200 feet from the rooftop; the closest single-family residence in Edina is located approximately 2,000 feet from the proposed rooftop. The applicant has submitted a lighting plan with the application. The rooftop lighting is required to meet the city’s lighting requirements. The applicant is also required to adhere to the city’s noise ordinance. Both the lighting and noise ordinances are included in the planning commission packet for reference. A memo from the city’s health department is also attached that explains the city’s noise ordinance. PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues Are the plans proposed reasonable to minimize impacts for the conditionally permitted Use? Yes, the proposed application for rooftop dining meets the requirements per section 36-612 of the Zoning Code. The rooftop dining area is within the footprint of the existing building and is situated so that it sits behind the existing building front and is screened from residential property. The hours of operation are limited to 7:00 am to 10:00 pm-as noted in the recommended conditions for approval. There is no residential property in close proximity to the proposed rooftop restaurant. Per the requirements of a Conditional Use Permit, it can be determined that the project will meet the requirements for a rooftop restaurant. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit for rooftop dining at Puttshack at Southdale Center, 10 Southdale Center. Approval is subject to the following conditions and findings: 1. The proposed rooftop dining is not in close proximity to existing residential uses. 2. The proposal meets the conditional use permit criteria in Section 36-612 of the City Code. STAFF REPORT Page 5 Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Hours of operation are limited to 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. 2. Amplified sound shall be subject to the city’s noise ordinance chapter 23, division 5 of the city code. 3. The rooftop dining area will be kept in a clean and orderly manner. 4. Service of alcoholic beverages requires the applicant to obtain appropriate liquor licenses in compliance with Edina Code Section 4 and Minnesota Statute 340A. 5. Required fencing shall meet the Minnesota State Building Code and must be reviewed and approved by the Building Department. 6. Lighting shall meet the requirements in Section 36-1260 of City Code. 7. The rooftop dining area shall be constructed per the plans date stamped 8/28/23 and 9/7/23. Puttshack Puttshack is leading the field with it's a one-of-its-kind, upscale tech-infused mini golf game, powered by patented Trackaball technology. Which we want to bring to the city of Edina. When our guests wrap up playing golf as that is the initial attraction to our venue, you're just steps away from Puttshack's globally inspired, mixologist-obsessed signature bar and restaurant. Our golf experience is (4) 9 Hole courses that take up to 30 minutes four our guests to complete that is open to guests of all ages prior to 7 pm. Post 7 pm we turn the music up slightly and is for guests 21+, with a DJ being involved on Thursday-Saturday. We try to optimize every location for the guest experience, and in the city of Edina we have the space to activate an exterior patio to create a world class experience for our visitors. We'd love for them to enjoy the beautiful summer/fall Minnesota has to offer by offering our world class menu on an exterior patio with views of the city. We've seen success with outdoor spaces in our other locations Miami, St. Louis and Scottsdale. It allows us to take full advantage of our individual spaces and we've seen amazing activation of outdoor spaces allowing unique experiences to each of our guests. In fact, it has become quite the destination at each location specifically Miami which offers beautiful views of the city. We've found our exterior spaces to be very successful and look forward to continued success in Minnesota. eg 4_, at; "t Greg Drain Director of Preconstruction CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 8 2023 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 303 W Erie St, Suite 600, Chicago, IL, 60654 I puttshack.com ALIGN UP UP UP UP MA TC H LI N E 1/ A 152A MA TC H LI N E 1/ B 152B MA TC H LI N E 1/ A 152A MA TC H LI N E 1/ B 152B UP DN DN DN DN DN DN MM MM 30" 48" 30" 48"30"48"30"48"8'-8" 9'-0" HOOD21'-8"3'-6"HOOD 19'-0" HOOD 4'-0" HOOD 12"15" 21'-3" S/S PANEL H. 80" AFF 7'-3" S/S PANEL H. 80" AFF 2'-8" 2'-8"5'-0" HOOD 1'-4"4'-6" HOOD 1'-4" 12" 12'-6" HOOD 14'-2" 2'-4" 17'-4" S/S PANEL H. 80" AFF 11'-10"14"5'-0" HOODWB-6WB-3/5/6WB-9 WB-3/5/6WB-9WB-3 WB-4/6 WB-3 WB-3 WB-3WB-4/6WB-3 WB-3WB-7WB-4/6WB-3 WB-3 WB-3 WB-2 WB-3 LA LA LA12"12'-0"2'-3"3'-6" 8'-3"1'-6"3'-1"10'-9"3'-11" 2'-0" 5'-7" 5'-7" 2'-0" 3'-6"4'-10"2'-0"2'-6"6'-4" 23'-11" 2'-6" 2'-2" 11'-7" 3'-4" 9'-11" 2'-4"2'-2" 19'-9" 10'-5"10'-9"12" 3'-0"2'-1"6'-2"2'-0" A AA D D D D CH D DDCHDC HDINOUTHHD CDDDB B BB B BBBB BB B 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE COMPLEMENTARY AND WHAT IS CALLED FOR BY ANY WILL BE AS BINDING AS IF CALLED FOR BY ALL. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CONVEY THE DESIGN INTENT FOR THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CAREFULLY STUDY AND COMPARE THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SHALL COORDINATE THE WORK OF THE DOCUMENTS WITH THE WORK OF VENDOR PROVIDED INFORMATION ASSOCIATE WITH THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISTRIBUTE COMPLETE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TO PARTIES RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING THE WORK SO THAT NO PARTY RECEIVES LIMITED INFORMATION. 2. COORDINATION OF THE WORK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR REVIEW AND VERIFICATION OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, FIELD CONDITIONS, VENDOR DESIGN DRAWINGS INCLUDING DELEGATED DESIGN WORK BY OTHERS, AND DIMENSIONS FOR ACCURACY AND FOR CONFIRMING THE WORK IS CONSTRUCTIBLE PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE WORK WITH THE BUILDING OWNER SO AS NOT TO DISTURB OR CAUSE DAMAGE TO OTHER TENANT SPACES OR BUILDING AREAS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE A CURRENT COPY OF PUBLISHED CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTOR BUILDING GUIDELINES AND REGULATIONS FROM THE BUILDING MANAGEMENT AND COMPLY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF RECORD IN WRITING OF CONFLICTS AND OBTAIN A WRITTEN CLARIFICATION FROM THE ARCHITECT OF RECORD PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 3. DIMENSIONS DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. DIMENSIONS AND WORKPOINTS PROVIDED ARE TO STRUCTURAL GRID OR TO EXPOSED FACE OF A FINISH, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DIMENSIONS WITH CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD AND SHALL SECURE WRITTEN RESOLUTION OF CONFLICTS FROM THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INITIATING THE WORK. DO NOT ADJUST DIMENSIONS INDICATED AS "CLEAR" OR "HOLD" WITHOUT WRITTEN DIRECTION FROM ARCHITECT. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY DIMENSIONS THAT DIFFER BY MORE THAN "1 INCH", INCLUDING THOSE MARKED "VIF" AND "+/-". 4. DELEGATED DESIGN WORK BY OTHERS SYSTEMS INDICATED AS DELEGATED DESIGN SHALL BE ENGINEERED, AND STAMPED BY QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS LICENSED IN THE JURISDICTION OF THE WORK. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENGINEER OF RECORD FOR THESE SYSTEMS TO SECURE AGENCY APPROVALS, INCLUDING REQUIRED FEES ASSOCIATED WITH PERMIT APPROVAL. THESE SYSTEMS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SHALL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING COMPREHENSIVE ENGINEERING ANALYSIS UTILIZING PERFORMANCE AND DESIGN CRITERIA INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. • INTERIOR ARCHITECTS SHALL HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DISCOVERY, REMOVAL, PRESENCE, HANDLING, DISPOSAL OF, OR EXPOSURE OF PERSONS TO HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, MATERIALS, AND WASTES IN ANY FORM AT THE PROJECT SITE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: ASBESTOS, ASBESTOS PRODUCTS, PCB, MOLD, OR OTHER TOXIC OR HARMFUL SUBSTANCES. • QUESTIONS THAT ARISE RELATED TO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL BE REFERRED TO THE OWNER FOR RESOLUTION. INTERIOR ARCHITECTS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO DO WORK NOR RENDER OPINIONS RELATED TO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. • CONTRACTORS SHALL REPORT THE PRESENCE OF MATERIAL OR ASSEMBLIES SUSPECTED TO CONTAIN HAZARDOUS MATERIALS UPON DISCOVERY TO THE OWNER. WORK SHALL BE HALTED UNTIL WRITTEN CLEARANCE TO CONTINUE HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY THE OWNER’S CERTIFIED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CONSULTANTS. THE PROPOSED SOUTHDALE CENTER- HERBERGERS REDEVELOPMENT WILL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODES ADOPTED AND ENFORCED BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: • 2020 MINNESOTA BUILDING CODE (2018 IBC AS AMENDED) • 2020 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE (IEBC) • 2020 MINNESOTA CONSERVATION CODE FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS (2018 IEBC AS AMENDED) • 2020 MINNESOTA ELECTRICAL CODE - 2020 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE - NFPA 70 • 2020 MINNESOTA MECHANICAL AND FUEL GAS CODE • 2020 MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE • 2020 MINNESOTA ENERGY CODE - MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATIVE RULES, CHAPTER 1323, COMMERCIAL ENERGY CODE • 2020 MINNESOTA FIRE CODE (2018 IFC AS AMENDED) • 2020 MINNESOTA ACCESSIBILITY CODE • ALL EDINA CITY LOCAL CODES AND AMENDMENTS ALL CODE REFERENCES HEREIN ARE FROM THE IBC UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. PROJECT SITE CONTRACTOR, FURNITURE VENDOR, DESIGN BUILD SUB-CONTRACTORS AND OWNER’S SUBCONTRACTORS ARE ALL REQUIRED TO USE THE ARCHITECTURAL DIMENSION WORK POINTS ESTABLISHED FOR OPEN PLAN PENDANT LIGHTING AND FURNITURE CENTERLINES WHERE APPLICABLE. CONTRACTOR AND VENDOR PREPARED SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL DOCUMENT THE ARCHITECTURAL DIMENSION WORK POINTS FOR THE ARCHITECT’S REVIEW PRIOR TO START OF WORK. FIELD LAYOUT REVIEW REQUESTED OF THE ARCHITECT MUST UTILIZE ON ESTABLISHED WORK POINTS. FLOOR CORE LOCATIONS SERVING FURNITURE ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FURNITURE VENDOR, INCLUDING FIELD VERIFICATION OF LAYOUT CONSISTENT WITH THE FLOOR CORING REQUIREMENTS IDENTIFIED HEREIN. KEY PLAN SITE LOCATION GENERAL NOTES ABBREVIATIONS DEFINITIONS FURNITURE, FLOOR CORE & LIGHTING COORDINATION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NOTES PROJECT DIRECTORY CODE REFERENCES SHEET INDEX SYMBOLS AREA OF WORK IA'S PROJECT MANUAL DATED ________ TITLED ________ ARE HEREBY MADE A PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. PROJECT MANUAL LIST OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS TBD TBD 1. STEEL CONSTRUCTION - STRUCTURAL STEEL (IBC SECTION 1705.2.1) 2. STEEL CONSTRUCTION - COLD-FORMED STEEL DECK (IBC SECTION 1705.2.2) 3. STEEL CONSTRUCTION - OPEN-WEB STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS (IBC TABLE 1705.2.3) 4. STEEL CONSTRUCTION - COLD-FORMED STEEL STRESSES (IBC TABLE 1705.2.4) 5. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION (IBC TABLE 1705.3) 6. INSPECTION OF WELDING (AISC 360-16) 7. INSPECTION OF HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTS (AISC 360-16) 8. FIRE-RESISTANT PENETRATIONS AND JOINTS (IBC 1705.18) 2020 MINNESOTA BUILDING CODE adopts with amendments International Building Code 2018 (IBC 2018) CHAPTER 17 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: REFERENCE STRUCTURAL SHEET S.002 FOR STATEMENT AND SCHEUDLE OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS NOT IN CONTRACT TRUE TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTH DELTA REVISION CLOUD AREA NAME 150 SF AREA TAG SHEET NUMBER ELEVATION NUMBER ON SHEET SHEET NUMBER ENLARGED CALLOUT ON SHEET ZONE TO BE CALLED OUT GRID NUMBERA STRUCTURAL GRID LINE FINISH TRANSITION BREAKLINE DOUBLE BREAKLINE CL CENTERLINE SYMBOL FINISH GRAIN DIRECTION F-01 LIGHT FIXTURE / FURNITURE TAG XX EQUIPMENT/ACCESSORY TAG ROOM NAME 101 150 SF A-7.0 1 Ref 1 Ref1Ref 1Ref ALIGN CLOUD KEYNOTE ROOM TAG SECTION REFERENCE DETAIL SECTION REF DATUM A-8.6 1 DRAWING SCALE VIEW NUMBER 1 NORTH ARROW 101 1 A8.6 SIM ________________ 1 A-8.6 SIM _________ 1 View Name 1/8" = 1'-0" A B01 A PARTITION TYPE (SEE PARTITION SCHEDULE) GLAZING SYSTEM TYPE INSULATION TYPE, WHERE OCCURS MATCHLINE /1 A101 VIEW / SHEET NUMBER FOR CORRESPONDING PLAN CONTINUATION 1 A101 SHEET NUMBER VIEW DIRECTION VIEW NUMBER ON SHEET AXON/PERSPECTIVE VIEW REF ELEVATION VIEW REF NEW 1HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION NEW 2HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION EXISTING 1HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION EXISTING 2HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION X'-X"CEILING HEIGHT TAG (AFF) ADJACENT TENANTS: KOWALSKI'S (GROCERY STORE) PEOPLE'S ORGANIC (RESTAURANT) Job No. Owner Approval Scale DELTA ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION As indicated 7/28/2023 10:01:56 PMPUTTSHACK SOUTHDALE 47PTTS.0001.000 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 2023 G.000 COVER SHEET 22.7@ AT & AND L ANGLE # POUND OR NUMBER ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- ACP ACOUSTICAL CEILING PANEL AD AREA DRAIN ADJ ADJUSTABLE AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR AGGR AGGREGATE ALUM ALUMINUM APROX APPROXIMATE ARCH ARCHITECTURAL ASB ASBESTOS ASPH ASPHALT AWP ACOUSTIC WALL PANEL AXON AXONOMETRIC ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- BC BACK OF CURB BD BOARD BITUM BITUMINOUS BLDG BUILDING BLK BLOCK BLKG BLOCKING BM BEAM BO BOTTOM OF BOT BOTTOM BR BULLET RESISTANT BTB BACK TO BACK ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- C CHANNEL CAB CABINET CB CATCH BASIN CEM CEMENTIOUS CER CERAMIC CI CAST IRON CJ CONSTRUCTION JOINT CL CENTERLINE CLG CEILING CLO CLOSET CLR CLEAR CM CONSTRUCTION MANAGER CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT COL COLUMN CONC CONCRETE CONSTR CONSTRUCTION CONT CONTINUOUS CORR CORRIDOR CPT CARPET CTSK COUNTERSUNK CNTR COUNTER CT CERAMIC TILE CTR CENTER ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- (D) DEMOLISH DBL DOUBLE DEPT DEPARTMENT DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN DEMO DEMOLISH DET DETAIL DIA DIAMETER DIM DIMENSION DISP DISPENSER DN DOWN DO DOOR OPENING DR DOOR DWR DRAWER DS DOWNSPOUT DWG DRAWING ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- E EAST (E) EXISTING EA EACH EEOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEER OF RECORD EJ EXPANSION JOINT EL ELEVATION ELEC ELECTRICAL ELEV ELEVATION ELVTR ELEVATOR EMER EMERGENCY ENCL ENCLOSURE EPNL ELECTRICAL PANEL EQ EQUAL EQPT EQUIPMENT EWC ELECTRIC WATER COOLER EXG EXISTING EXT EXTERIOR ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- FA FIRE ALARM FAB FABRIC FB FLAT BAR FC FACE OF CURB FD FLOOR DRAIN FDN FOUNDATION FEC FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FE FIRE EXTINGUISHER FF FINISHED FLOOR FG FINISHED GRADE FH FIRE HYDRANT FHC FIRE HOSE CABINET FIN FINISH FL FLOOR FLSHG FLASHING FLUOR FLUORESCENT FO FACE OF FOC FACE OF CONCRETE FOF FACE OF FINISH FOS FACE OF STUDS FPRF FIREPROOFING FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC FRT FIRE RETARDANT TREATED FT FOOT OR FEET FTG FOOTING FURR FURRING FUT FUTURE FWP FABRIC WALL PANEL ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- GA GAUGE GALV GALVANIZED GB GRAB BAR GC GENERAL CONTRACTOR GL GLASS / GLAZING GND GROUND GR GRADE GYP GYPSUM GWB GYPSUM BOARD ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- HB HOSE BIB HDWD HARDWOOD HDWR HARDWARE HM HOLLOW METAL HORIZ HORIZONTAL HPC HIGH PERFORMANCE COATINGS HR HOUR HT HEIGHT ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- ID INSIDE DIAMETER (DIM) INSUL INSULATION INT INTERIOR JAN JANITOR JT JOINT KIT KITCHEN LAB LABORATORY LAM LAMINATE LAV LAVATORY LKR LOCKER LT LIGHT ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT ADDRESS: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING OCCUPANCY: PROJECT AREA: BUILDING NO. OF STORIES: AREA PER FLOOR: SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY: BUILDING LIFE SAFETY INFO: PROJECT INFORMATION 1. ALL INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REFERENCED CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLAMMABILITY AND SMOKE DEVELOPED RATINGS AS WELL AS TOXICITY. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: WALL AND CEILINGS (PER ASTM E84 OR UL723) INTERIOR EXIT STAIRWAYS, RAMPS AND EXIT PASSAGEWAYS CORRIDORS AND ENCLOSURE FOR EXIT ACCESS STAIRWAYS AND RAMPS: ROOMS AND ENCLOSED SPACES: FLOORING (PER ASTM E648 OR NFPA 253): CLASS II CRITICAL RADIANT FLUX OF NOT LESS THAN 0.22 WATTS PER SQUARE CENTIMETER FLAME SPREAD AND SMOKE-DEVELOPED INDEX CLASS A: FLAME SPREAD: 0 - 25; SMOKE-DEVELOPED: 0 - 450 CLASS B: FLAME SPREAD: 26 - 75; SMOKE-DEVELOPED: 0 -450 CLASS C: FLAME SPREAD: 76 - 200; SMOKE-DEVELOPED: 0 - 450 ZONE/DISTRICT: PARCEL NO.: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DEFERRED SUBMITTALS & DELEGATED DESIGN WORK BY OTHERS UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT: 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 COMMERCIAL TENANT RENOVATION OF AN INDOOR RECREATIONAL PUTTING EXPERIENCE ON THE SECOND AND THIRD LEVEL OF AN EXISTING BUILDING WHICH IS CURRENTLY VACANT. SCOPE ON THE SECOND LEVEL IS LIMITED TO AN ENTRANCE LOBBY WITH A NEW STAIR. THE PRIMARY SCOPE ON THE THIRD LEVEL INCLUDES CONSTRUCTION OF NON-STRUCTURAL PARTITIONS, CEILINGS, FINISHES, RAISED ACCESS FLOOR SYSTEMS, AND FURNITIRE AND EQUIPMENT TO SERVE RECREATIONAL PUTTING COURSES, COMMERCIAL KITCHEN, DINING/BAR SERVICE AREAS AND ASSOCIATED BACK-OF-HOUSE PROGRAM. AN OUTDOOR TERRACE OVER A RAISED PAVER SYSTEM WILL ALSO BE INCLUDED. I-B M – MERCANTILE, A-2 – RESTAURANT, A-3 – ASSEMBLY, B – BUSINESS, S-1 - STORAGE 29,017 SF 4 LEVELS INCLUDING BASEMENT 48,100 SF [NFPA 13 SPRINKLERS] , [VISUAL AND AUDIBLE FIRE ALARM], [EMERGENCY VOICE ALARM COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (EVACS)] A-2, A-3 OCCUPANCY - CLASS B A-2, A-3 OCCUPANCY - CLASS B B OCCUPANCY - CLASS B A-2, A-3 OCCUPANCY - CLASS C PCD-3 PID: 29-028-24-32-0021 TRACT A, EXCEPT THAT PART EMBRACED WITHIN THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 028, RANGE 24. A FIRE ALARM, SPRINKLER, EXTERIOR SIGNAGE, CHANDALIER ANCHORAGE, LOW VOLTAGE, ROOFING, MECHANICAL SCREENING, WATERPROOFING, STEEL STAIRS AND LANDINGS AND GUARDRAILING, ALTERNATE MEANS OF ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ARCHITECT OF RECORD: INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, PC JASON COATS MN LICENSE # 58155 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 704.247.5317 J.COATS@INTERIORARCHITECTS.COM LANDLORD/BUILDING OWNER SIMON PROPERTY GROUP STEVEN PASKO 225 W WASHINGTON ST, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46204 317.695.5064 SPASKO@SIMON.COM MEP ENGINEER HENDERSON ENGINEERS PAUL KOLLAT 240 W 37TH, ST #304 NEW YORK, NY 10018 212.413.8400 PAUL.KOLLAT@HENDERSONENGINEERS.COM IA PROJECT CONTACT: INTERIOR ARCHITECTS (PC) NEIL PAULSEN 100 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10005 212.682.6909 N.PAULSEN@INTERIORARCHITECTS.COM NORTH CAROLINA 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 TEL (704) 626-8732 LIGHTING DESIGNER LIGHTHIVE KACI DELONG CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 407.484.6268 KDELONG@LIGHTHIVE.COM ALIGN TO ACCURATELY LOCATE FINISH FACES IN THE SAME PLANE CLEAR / CLR / HOLD DIMENSIONS ARE ABSOLUTES, UNOBSTRUCTED FROM FACE OF EXPOSED FINISH SURFACES. DEMOLISH TO DECONSTRUCT COMPLETE SYSTEM, HAUL, AND DISPOSE OF MATERIAL, INCLUDING APPROPRIATE PULL BACK AND TERMINATION/CAPPING OF RELATED BUILDING SERVICES SALVAGE DIS-ASSEMBLE, CONVEY OR STORE MATERIAL PER OWNERS INSTRUCTIONS REUSE SALVAGE, STORE ON SITE, RE-INSTALL INSTALL ON-SITE OPERATIONS INCLUDING UNLOADING, TEMPORARY STORAGE, UN-PACKING, ASSEMBLY, PLACING, ANCHORING, APPLYING, FINISHING, PROTECTING, AND CLEANING COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL ELEMENTS, EQUIPMENT, AND SYSTEMS FURNISH PROCURE AND STORE ON-SITE MATERIAL FOR INSTALLATION BY OTHERS PROVIDE FURNISH AND INSTALL COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL SYSTEM NOTIFY TO INFORM THE STATED PARTIES IN WRITING AND SEEK RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMENCING WORK GENERAL G.000 COVER SHEET G.002 ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS G.003 TYPICAL MOUNTING HEIGHT & SIGNAGE DETAILS G.004 DOOR AND HARDWARE SCHEDULES G.007 WALL PARTITION TYPES G.008 FLOOR TRANSITION AND WALL BASE DETAILS G.009 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS G.100 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) G.101 EXITING DIAGRAM-1ST FLOOR G.102 EXITING DIAGRAM-2ND FLOOR G.103 EXITING DIAGRAM-3RD FLOOR ARCHITECTURAL A.102 OVERALL CONSTRUCTION PLAN - 2ND FLOOR A.102R OVERALL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - 2ND FLOOR A.103 OVERALL CONSTRUCTION PLAN - 3RD FLOOR A.103R OVERALL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN-3RD FLOOR A.110A 2ND FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN-NORTH A.111A 3RD FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN-NORTH A.111B 3RD FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN-SOUTH A.120A 2ND FLOOR POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN-NORTH A.121A 3RD FLOOR POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN-NORTH A.121B 3RD FLOOR POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN-SOUTH A.140A 2ND FLOOR FINISH PLAN-NORTH A.141A 3RD FLOOR FINISH PLAN-NORTH A.141B 3RD FLOOR FINISH PLAN-SOUTH A.142A 2ND FLOOR WALL FINISH PLAN - NORTH A.143A 3RD FLOOR WALL FINISH PLAN - NORTH A.143B 3RD FLOOR WALL FINISH PLAN - SOUTH A.151A 2ND FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - NORTH A.152A 3RD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - NORTH A.152B 3RD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - SOUTH A.153A 3RD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING COORDINATION PLAN - NORTH A.153B 3RD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING COORDINATION PLAN - SOUTH A.160A 2ND FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN - NORTH A.161A 3RD FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN - NORTH A.161B 3RD FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN - SOUTH A.181 LINE OF SIGHT STUDY A.201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) A.211 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.212 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.213 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.214 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.215 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.216 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.217 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.218 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.219 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.220 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.221 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.222 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.223 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.224 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.225 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.226 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.227 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.228 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.229 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.400A ENLARGED RESTROOM PLANS A.400B ENLARGED BAR PLANS A.401A RESTROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.401B RESTROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.401C RESTROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.801 DETAILS A.802 RAISED PAVER DETAILS A.803 RAISED PAVER DETAILS A.804 RAISED PAVER DETAILS A.805 RAISED PAVER STRUCTURAL AND FIRE TESTING A.806 DETAILS A.820 TYP CEILING DETAILS A.830A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 2) CLOAK PASS THROUGH A.830B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 2) CLOAK PASS THROUGH A.830C MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 2) CLOAK PASS THROUGH A.831 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 3) GUEST GARMENT A.832 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 4) SALE MARKETING DESK A.833 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 6) HOST STAND A.834A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 8) SECONDARY BAR A.834B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 8) SECONDARY BAR A.834C MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 8) SECONDARY BAR A.834D MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 8) SECONDARY BAR A.835 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 10) BALL DISPENSER A.836 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 11) DRINK TABLE A.837 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 12A) TELEVISION SURROUND WITH GLOBE LIGHT A.838 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 12B) TELEVISION SURROUND WITHOUT GLOBE A.839 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 13) BALL LIFTER @ COURSE A.840A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 16) MEN'S BATHROOM VANITY A.840B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 16) MEN'S BATHROOM VANITY A.841A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 17) WOMEN'S BATHROOM VANITY A.841B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 17) WOMEN'S BATHROOM VANITY A.842 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 18) MANAGERS OFFICE DESK A.843A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 19) GENDER INCLUSIVE BATHROOM VANITY A.843B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 19) GENDER INCLUSIVE BATHROOM VANITY A.844 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 23) DJ BOOTH A.845A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 24) MAIN BAR A.845B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 24) MAIN BAR A.845C MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 24) MAIN BAR A.846A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846C MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846D MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846E MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846F MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846G MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846H MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.847 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 28) DO OFFICE SHELVING A.848 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 31) MAIN BAR ISLAND A.849A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 32) MAIN BAR UPPER CABINETS A.849B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 32) MAIN BAR UPPER CABINETS A.849C MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 32) MAIN BAR UPPER CABINETS A.849D MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 32) MAIN BAR UPPER CABINETS A.849E MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 32) MAIN BAR UPPER CABINETS A.849F MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 32) MAIN BAR UPPER CABINETS A.850 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34A) DINING HEIGHT BANQUETTE A.851A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34B) DINING HEIGHT BANQUETTE A.851B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34B) COUNTER HEIGHT BANQUETTE A.852A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34C) ROUND BANQUETTE A.852B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34C) ROUND BANQUETTE A.853A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34D) COUNTER HEIGHT BANQUETTE A.853B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34D) COUNTER HEIGHT BANQUETTE A.854 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 35) BANQUETTE SCREEN A.855 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 36) WAIT STATION © INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. MAX MAXIMUM MC MEDICINE CABINET MECH MECHANICAL MEMB MEMBRANE MEOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER OF RECORD MFR MANUFACTURER MH MANHOLE MIN MINIMUM MIR MIRROR MISC MISCELLANEOUS MO MASONRY OPENING MTD MOUNTED MTL METAL MUL MULLION ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- (N) NEW N NORTH NAT NATURAL NC NOISE CRITERION (NOISE LEVEL LIMIT) NIC NOT IN CONTRACT NOM NOMINAL NRC NOISE REDUCTION COEFFICIENT NTS NOT TO SCALE ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- OA OVERALL OC ON CENTER OCC OCCUPANCY OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER (DIM) OFF OFFICE OPNG OPENING OTS OPEN TO STRUCTURE OPP OPPOSITE ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- P PAINT PERP PERPENDICULAR PL PLATE PLAM PLASTIC LAMINATE PLAS PLASTER PLUMB PLUMBING PLWD PLYWOOD PP POWER POLE PR PAIR PRCST PRECAST PT PRESSURE TREATED PTD PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER PTD/R COMBINATION PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER AND WASTE RECEPTACLE PVB POLYVINYL BUTYRAL PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PLASTIC) ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- QT QUARRY TILE ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- (R) RELOCATE RAD RADIUS RD ROOF DRAIN REF REFERENCE REFR REFRIGERATOR RF RESILIENT FLOORING REINF REINFORCED REQ'D REQUIRED RESIL RESILIENT RM ROOM RO ROUGH OPENING RWL RAIN WATER LEADER ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- S SOUTH SAB SOUND ATTENUATION BLANKET SAFB SOUND ATTENUATION FIRE BLANKET SC SOLID CORE SCD SEAT COVER DISPENSER SCHED SCHEDULE SD SOAP DISPENSER SLT SEALANT SDT STATIC DISSIPATIVE TILE SEC SECURITY SECT SECTION SEOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OF RECORD SFRM SPRAY FIRE-RESISTIVE MATERIAL SG SAFETY GLAZING SH SHELF SHWR SHOWER SHT SHEET SHTG SHEATHING SIM SIMILAR SND SANITARY NAPKIN DISPENSER SNR SANITARY NAPKIN RECEPTACLE SOB SYMBOL ON BACKGROUND SPEC SPECIFICATION SQ SQUARE SS STAINLESS STEEL SSD SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SSK SERVICE SINK SSM SOLID SURFACE MATERIAL ST STONE STA STATION STC SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS STD STANDARD STL STEEL STOR STORAGE STRUCT STRUCTURAL SUSP SUSPENDED ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- T TREAD TB TOWEL BAR TBD TO BE DETERMINED TCOM TELECOMMUNICATION TEL TELEPHONE TER TERRAZZO T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE THK THICK TOC TOP OF CONCRETE TPD TOILET PAPER DISPENSER TR TRANSITION TV TELEVISION TOW TOP OF WALL TYP TYPICAL ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- UNF UNFINISHED UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED UR URINAL ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- VCT VINYL COMPOSITION TILE VERT VERTICAL VEST VESTIBULE VIF VERIFY IN FIELD VNR VENEER ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- W WEST W/ WITH WC WATER CLOSET / WALL COVERING WD WOOD WLD WELDED W/O WITHOUT WO WHERE OCCURS WP WATERPROOF WRB WEATHER RESISTANT BARRIER WT WEIGHT / WINDOW TREATMENT ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- A.856A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 45) SECONDARY BAR A.856B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 45) SECONDARY BAR A.857A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 46) WAINSCOT A.857B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 46) WAINSCOT A.858 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 47) TEE TIME TV BOX A.859 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 53) DRINK LEDGE A.860A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 55) BANQUETTE DIVIDER SCREEN A.860B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 55) BANQUETTE DIVIDER SCREEN A.861 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 57) NESTING TABLE A.862A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 61) BANQUETTE DIVIDER SCREEN A.862B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 61) BANQUETTE DIVIDER SCREEN A.863 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 62) TEE TIME TV BOX A.864 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 101) ASSOCIATE LOUNGE SHELVING A.920 LIGHTING & ZONING SCHEDULE A.920A PLUMBING SCHEDULES A.920B ACCESSORY SCHEDULES A.921 LIGHTING SCHEDULE A.922 SIGNAGE SCHEDULE A.923 SIGNAGE SCHEDULE A.924 FINISH SCHEDULE A.925 FINISH SCHEDULE A.926 FINISH SCHEDULE A.927 FINISH SCHEDULE A.928 FINISH SCHEDULE A.929 FINISH SCHEDULE A.930 FINISH SCHEDULE A.931 FINISH SCHEDULE A.932 FINISH SCHEDULE STRUCTURAL S.001 DESIGN PARAMETERS AND GENERAL NOTES S.002 STRUCTURAL SPECIAL INSPECTIONS S.203 LEVEL 3 FRAMING PLAN S.204 ROOF FRAMING PLAN S.205 LEVEL 2 STAIR FRAMING PLAN S.300 FRAMING DETAILS MECHANICAL M-001 MECHANICAL ABBREVIATIONS, NOTES AND SYMBOLS M-200 MECHANICAL DUCTWORK PLAN - OVERALL M-201 MECHANICAL DUCTWORK PLAN - ENLARGED M-220 MECHANICAL ROOF PLAN M-300 MECHANICAL DETAILS M-301 MECHANICAL DETAILS M-304 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT M-305 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT M-306 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT M-307 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT M-400 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES M-401 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES M-500 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS M-501 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS M-502 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS M-600 ENERGY COMLIANCE FORMS M-601 ENERGY COMLIANCE FORMS ELECTRICAL E-001 ELECTRICAL ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS E-002 ELECTRICAL NOTES AND DETAILS E-003 ELECTRICAL ONE- LINE DIAGRAM E-004 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES E-100 POWER PLAN E-101 POWER PLAN- ENLARGED E-102 EQUIPMENT CONNECTION PLAN E-103 EQUIPMENT CONNECTION PLAN-ROOF E-200 LIGHTING PLAN E-201 LIGHTING PLAN - ENLARGED E-300 LIGHTING CONTROLS E-301 LIGHTING CONTROL SCHEDULES E-302 LIGHTING SCHEDULES E-400 PANELBOARD SCHEDULES E-401 PANELBOARD SCHEDULES E-402 PANELBOARD SCHEDULES E-500 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS E-501 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS E-502 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS E-600 ENERGY COMLIANCE FORMS PLUMBING P-001 PLUMBING ABBREVIATIONS, NOTES AND SYMBOLS P-002 PLUMBING WASTE AND VENT RISER DIAGRAM P-110 PLUMBING WASTE AND VENT PLAN - LEVEL 3 P-111 PLUMBING WATER AND GAS PLAN - LEVEL 3 P-120 PLUMBING PLAN - KITCHEN P-121 PLUMBING PLAN - MAIN AND SECONDARY BAR P-130 PLUMBING ROOF PLAN P-300 PLUMBING DETAILS P-301 PLUMBING DETAILS P-400 PLUMBING SCHEDULES P-500 PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS P-501 PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS FOODSERVICE QF001 FOODSERVICE GENERAL NOTES, SHEET INDEX QF100 FOODSERVICE PLAN QF101 FOODSERVICE EQUIPMEN PLAN QF102 FOODSERVICE SCHEDULE QF103 FOODSERVICE SCHEDULE QF104 FOODSERVICE SCHEDULE QF201 FOODSERVICE PLUMBING IN-SLAB ROUGH-IN PLACE QF202 FOODSERVICE PLUMBING ABOVE SLAB ROUGH-IN PLACE QF301 FOODSERVICE ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN PLACE QF401 FOODSERVICE SPECIAL CONDITIONS PLAN QF402 FOODSERVICE BEVERAGE CONDUIT PLAN QF403 FOODSERVICE MECHANICAL CONNECTION PLAN QF404 FOODSERVICE CRITICAL DIMENSION PLAN QF405 FOODSERVICE FLOOR CURB AND DEPRESSION PLAN QF601 FOODSERVICE DETAILS QF701-718 WALK-IN AND EXHAUST HOOD SHOP DRAWINGS CLIENT CONTACT PUTTSHACK GREG DRAIN 303 W.ERIE ST. CHICAGO, IL 60654 847.878.2082 GREG.DRAIN@PUTTSHACK.COM CONTRACTOR ARCO/MURRAY BRENDAN BARKER 113 N MAY STREET, 2ND FLOOR CHICAGO, IL 60607 331.290.5478 BBARKER@ARCOMURRAY.COM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER WALLACE DESIGN COLLECTIVE MICHAEL LANCEY 1703 WYANDOTTE ST., SUITE 200 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64108 816.421.8282 MICHAEL.LANCEY@WALLACE.DESIGN 6 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 6 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 07.28.2023 Puttshack DN MM MM30"48"30"48"B BB B B MMMM ALIGN ALIGN 1. DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE SCALED. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING AS BUILT FIELD CONDITIONS, INCLUDING FIELD MEASUREMENTS PRIOR TO START OF WORK, NOTIFY ARCHITECT WHERE DISCREPANCIES OCCUR. 2. USE TYPE "X" GWB ON FIRE RATED PARTITIONS. 3. PROVIDE INSULATION FULL DEPTH OF STUD OF A TYPE AND IN LOCATIONS INDICATED IN THE PLAN. INSULATION AT RATED PARTITIONS TO BE NON-COMBUSTIBLE, MINERAL WOOL OR EQUIVALENT APPROVED IN THE PROJECT JURISDICTION. 4. SEE A-8 DETAIL SHEET SERIES FOR TYPICAL PARTITION DETAILS, EXTENTS OF FRAMING AND FINISHES. 5. FIRE SAFE PENETRATIONS AT FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITIONS PER APPLICABLE UL ASSEMBLY. SEE A-8 SHEET SERIES FOR DETAILS. 6. MAINTAIN INTEGRITY OF EXISTING FIRE RESISTANT RATED ASSEMBLIES FOR PENETRATIONS. 7. PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED AT LOCATIONS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: GRAB BARS, SHELVING, OVERHEAD CABINETS, SIGNAGE, TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES, WALL MOUNT. EQUIPMENT, ETC. [ALL BLOCKING TO BE FIRE RETARDANT TREATED WOOD OR 16 GA (MIN) SHEET METAL.] 8. REFER TO A-2 SHEET SERIES FOR POWER & SIGNAL DEVICE LOCATIONS. 9. EXPOSED GYPSUM BOARD OUTSIDE CORNERS SHALL HAVE A CONTINUOUS METAL CORNER BEAD. 10. DIMENSIONS TAKEN FROM PERIMETER EXTERIOR WINDOW WALL ARE TAKEN FROM THE INSIDE FACE OF THE VERTICAL MULLION. DIMENSIONS MARKED VERIFY, SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO START OF WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WORK WITH HVAC, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, DELEGATED DESIGN FIRE PROTECTION AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS AND REPORT TO THE ARCHITECT DISCREPANCIES FOR CORRECTION AND ADJUSTMENT PRIOR TO START OF WORK. NO ALLOWANCE WILL BE MADE FOR INCREASED COST DUE TO THE CONTRACTOR’S LACK OF COORDINATION. 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXISTING FIRE RATED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLIES DENOTED IN THE DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ARCHITECT IN WRITING OF CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE AS-BUILT CONDITION AND THE DRAWINGS. PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A PROPOSAL FOR THE COST AND SCHEDULE OF UPGRADING EXISTING ASSEMBLIES DENOTED AS FIRE RATED TO A CODE COMPLIANT LEVEL. 13. PATCH AND REPAIR PARTITIONS AFTER DEMOLITION WHERE DAMAGE HAS OCCURRED AT UNPROTECTED LOCATIONS. PLEASE NOTE THAT DEMOLITION ACTIVITY MAY OCCUR BEYOND WORK LIMITS SHOWN ON DEMOLITION PLAN DUE TO CONCEALED CONDITIONS. 14. REQUIRED MARKING AND IDENTIFICATION OF PARTITIO NS. WHERE THERE IS AN ACCESSIBLE CONCEALED FLOOR, FLOOR-CEILING OR ATTIC SPACE, FIRE WALLS, FIRE BARRIERS, FIRE PARTITIONS, SMOKE BARRIERS AND SMOKE PARTITIONS OR ANY OTHER WALL REQUIRED TO HAVE PROTECTED OPENINGS OR PENETRATIONS SHALL BE EFFECTIVELY AND PERMANENTLY IDENTIFIED WITH SIGNS OR STENCILING IN THE CONCEALED SPACE. SUCH IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 15 FEET (4572 MM) OF THE END OF EACH WALL AND AT INTERVALS NOT EXCEEDING 30 FEET (9144 MM) MEASURED HORIZONTALLY ALONG THE WALL OR PARTITION AND INCLUDE LETTERING NOT LESS THAN 3 INCHES (76 MM) IN HEIGHT WITH A MINIMUM 3/8-INCH (9.5 MM) STROKE IN A CONTRASTING COLOR INCORPORATING THE SUGGESTED WORDING, “FIRE AND/OR SMOKE BARRIER — PROTECT ALL OPENINGS,” OR OTHER WORDING BASED ON LOCAL JURISDICTION. REFER TO PARTITION SCHEDULE, PLAN AND LEGEND TO IDENTIFY APPLICABLE PARTITIONS. SHEET NOTES FLOOR TO CEILING WINDOW PARTIAL HEIGHT WINDOW (WITH SILL) DOOR TAG (DOOR NUMBER BASED ON ROOM NUMBER WITH ALPHA SUFFIX IF MULTIPLE) A EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN NEW 1HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION NEW 2HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION NEW CONSTRUCTION NEW MILLWORK WITH OVERHEAD CABINETS SURFACE MTD FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET FE FEC +42" FIRE PROTECTION RISER CABINETFPR1047AB01 A EXISTING 1HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION EXISTING 2HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION PARTITION TYPE (SEE PARTITION SCHEDULE) GLAZED OPENING SYSTEM TYPE INSULATION TYPE, WHERE OCCURS ? KEYNOTE 202 TYPE DESCRIPTION - NONE A ACOUSTIC T THERMAL M MINERAL WOOL PARTITION LEGEND INDICATES MOUNTING HEIGHT A.F.F. NEW RAISED ACCESS FLOOR NEW RAISED ROOF WALKWAY A.214 2 MATCHLINE 1/A111A MATCHLINE 1/A111B MATCHLINE 1/A111A MATCHLINE 1/A111B A6 A6 B3 B3 SEMI-PRIVATE DINING ROOM 300 BAR AREA 3 302 BAR AREA 4 305 BAR AREA 1 304 BAR AREA 2 303 TERRACE 325A CIRCULATION 329 MAIN BAR 301 2 - EMERALD COURSE 307 1 - AMBER COURSE ACCESSIBLE 306 HOST/ CHECK -IN 324 B3 BC3 A6 A.227 2 31 A.214 1 A.216 2 A.216 3 A.2143 A.216 4 A.215 2 A.2161 A.215 1 A.213 6 7 10 5 A.213 2 3 4 1 A.2174 1 2 3 A.2184 1 2 3 A.215 3 B3 B3 B3 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 A.217 5 A.400B 1 MW-36 MW-24 MW-6 MW-31 DN DN 325308AEXIT VEST. 328 328A328B 104 3'-3"5'-10"16'-11"19'-0"4'-0" 1'-0" +1' - 1 1/2" +1' - 1 1/2" +1' - 1 1/2" +1' - 1 1/2" +0" CL9'-5"57'-10"EQ.EQ.7'-9 1/2"6'-6 1/2"(VIF)8'-9 1/2"3'-0 1/2"1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 A A B B C C D D E E F F SERVICE AREA 325B 1:20 +1' - 1 1/2" +0" 3'-0"1'-3"1'-3"1'-3"24'-6" +1' - 1 1/2" +1' - 1 1/2" +1' - 1 1/2" +1' - 1 1/2" TERRACE 325A N.I.C LOW ROOF OPEN TO ABOVE 104 18'-0"4'-0"2'-0"24'-0" 22'-6"4'-2"7'-9 1/2"6'-0" CLR(VIF)± 10'-0"(VIF)±22'-5 3/4"(VIF)9'-4"6'-0" CLR23'-2"8'-10"6'-6"31'-9"11"13'-1"10'-11"24'-0" A.228 1 145 145 145 145 145 111 111 145 145145 R 7' - 0"8'-6"DN CL1'-3"3'-2"6'-0"145 +0" 1:12 12'-0 1/2"10'-5 1/2"18'-1"4'-0"1'-11"25'-1"6'-6"1'-8"F8 10'-6" A.213 A.213 8 A.213 9 11 A.216 5 A.219 2 A.220 1 A.228 2 UP 9 RISERS @ 6.97" EA. = 5.23' (5' 2-3/4" USEABLE) 8 TREADS @ 11" EA. 1 LANDING 8 RISERS @ 6.97" EA. = 4.65' (4' 7-3/4" USEABLE) 7 TREADS @ 11" EA. 1 LANDING 16 RISERS @ 6.97" EA. = 9.29' (9' 3-1/2" USEABLE) 15 TREADS @ 11" EA. 1 LANDING 144 144 144 144 144144 144 144 144 144 144 MW-10 BALL DISPENSER MW-10 BALL DISPENSER MW-11 DRINK TABLE x9 MW-12 COURSE TV SURROUND x9 MW-13 BALL LIFTER MW-13 BALL LIFTER MW-12 COURSE TV SURROUND x9 MW-11 DRINK TABLE x9 MW-23 MW-62 MW-62 COUNTER HEIGHT 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 108 144 144144 COUNTER HEIGHT MW-35 MW-34C COUNTER HEIGHT - OPP. MW-55 OPP. MW-47 MW-61 OPP. MW-34B DINING HEIGHT MW-34C COUNTER HEIGHT - MW-55 MW-61 F6 F6F6 144 F6 F6 10'-6"12'-6 1/2"1'-2 1/2"132 102 101 136 136 133 124 133 105 104 102102102 129 135 129 117 129 111 122 134 134 101 101 46'-11"1'-8 1/2"3'-5"9'-8 1/2"10'-11"13'-2"3'-5 1/2" DN +0" 1:12 +1' - 3"1'-0"15'-0"1'-0"10"4'-0"24'-9"6'-4"7'-8 1/2"6'-7"38'-11 1/2"6'-4"22'-6" DN 1:12+1' - 3" +0"1'-0"6'-5"9'-7 1/2"+0" DN 1'-0"2'-0"101 106 101 122 120 120 103 122 124 137 137 129 137 MW-47 MW-24 MW-45 MW-8 F8 F8 4 1/2" KITCHEN 308 VIF 46'-1 1/2" R.O. 311A VIF 21'-11" R.O. VIF 7'-7 1/2" R.O. 325B 325A A.2012 A.201 1 146 146 101 111 144 MW-35 144 +10 1/2" A.4021 2 4 2 G.002 ____________ 1 G.002 ____________ 2 G.002 ____________ 2 G.002 ____________ MILLWORK LEGEND MILLWORK TAG - SEE INDEX SHEET G-000 FOR MILLWORK COORDINATION DETAIL REFERENCES AND MILLWORK SHOP DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION Job No. Owner Approval Scale DELTA ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION 1/8" = 1'-0"7/28/2023 10:28:21 PMPUTTSHACK SOUTHDALE 47PTTS.0001.000 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 2023 A.111A 3RD FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN-NORTH 22.7NORTH CAROLINA 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 TEL (704) 626-8732 KEYNOTESPARTITION SCHEDULE TYPE FIRE RATING UL #DESCRIPTION SSMA # STUD SPACING (IN) MAX DEFLECTION THICKNESS DETAIL REF.MAX HT A2 1 U423 U425 1-HR. RATED 3 5/8" METAL STUDS, FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" TYPE-X GYPBOARD EACH SIDE. 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 5" 10/G007 1/G007 A6 2 U412 2-HR. RATED 2 1/2" METAL STUDS., FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH TWO LAYERS 5/8" TYPE-X GYPBOARD EACH SIDE. 250S125-33 24 L/240 0' - 5" 7/G007 1/G007 B3 NR NR NON-RATED 3 5/8" METAL STUDS, FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE. 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 5" 4/G007 <varies> B6 NR NR NON-RATED 6" METAL STUDS, FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE. 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 7 1/2" 4/G007 1/G007 BC3 NR NR NON-RATED 3 5/8" METAL STUDS, FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH ONE FULL HEIGHT LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD ON ONE SIDE, THE OTHER 5/8" GYPBOARD LAYER TO EXTEND 6" ABOVE CEILING 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 4 1/2" 5/G007 1/G007 D3 NR NR 3 5/8" METAL STUDS WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE (PARTITION TERMINATES AT UNDERSIDE OF CEILING). 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 5" 12/G007 1/G007 F1 NR NR 7/8" METAL FURRING HAT CHANNELS WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD ON EXTERIOR. 087F125-33 16 L/240 0' - 1 1/2" 1/G007 F3 NR NR 7/8" METAL FURRING HAT CHANNELS OVER RESILIENT SOUND ISOLATION CLIPS WITH TWO LAYERS 5/8" GYPBOARD ON EXTERIOR. 087F125-33 24 L/240 0' - 3" 1/G007 F6 NR NR 2 1/2" METAL STUD FURRING WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD ON EXTERIOR (1/2" AIR SPACE BETWEEN STUD AND WALL). 250S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 3" 8/G007 1/G007 F8 NR NR 3 5/8" METAL STUD FURRING WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD ON EXTERIOR (1/2" AIR SPACE BETWEEN STUD AND WALL). 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 4 1/2" 8/G007 <varies> G3 NR NR 3 5/8" METAL STUDS WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE. PARTIAL-HEIGHT WALL - SEE PLANS/ELEVATIONS FOR HEIGHT. 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 5" 9/G007 1/G007 G4 NR NR 3 5/8" METAL STUDS WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE. PARTIAL-HEIGHT WALL - SEE PLANS/ELEVATIONS FOR HEIGHT. 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 6 1/2" 9/G007 1/G007 J05 NR NR TWO ROWS 3 5/8" METAL STUDS , FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE (1" MINIMUM AIR SPACE BETWEEN STUD ROWS). 362S125-33 16 L/240 1' - 6" 1/G007 J06 NR NR TWO ROWS 3 5/8" METAL STUDS , FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE (1" MINIMUM AIR SPACE BETWEEN STUD ROWS). 362S125-33 16 L/240 1' - 10" 1/G007 NO.DESCRIPTION 101 TENANT LEASE LINE. PROJECT TEAM TO VERIFY IN FIELD. 102 G.C. TO INFILL WALL WITH LIKE MATERIAL. MAINTAIN EXISTING CONSTRUCTION AND FIRE RATING OF ADJACENT WALLS. 103 SCRAPE COLUMNS ONLY AS NEEDED TO INSTALL FRAMING AND DRYWALL. REFER TO FINISH PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 104 EXISTING BUILDING STAIR TOWER TO REMAIN. 105 EXISTING BUILDING ELEVATOR TO REMAIN. 106 EXISTING BUILDING CORRIDOR TO REMAIN. 108 EXISTING WALL BY LANDLORD TO REMAIN. SEE LANDLORD BASE BUILDING DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION TYPE AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 111 NEW FULL HEIGHT GYP WALL. CONFIRM WALL CONSTRUCTION TYPE AND IF WALL IS IN LANDLORD OR TENANT SCOPE. 117 NEW DOUBLE DOOR. REFER TO DOOR SCHEDULE FOR MORE INFORMATION. 120 INSULATED WALLS TYP. AT EXTERIOR WALLS. CONFIRM WALL CONSTRUCTION TYPE AND IF WALL IS IN LANDLORD OR TENANT SCOPE. 122 AREA OF RAISED FLOOR PLATFORM. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 124 REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION ON INTERIOR SPACES, WALL HEIGHTS, AND WALL OPENING. 129 PREPARE EXISTING OPENING FOR NEW GLAZING SYSTEM AND DOORS. REFER TO ELEVATIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS AND DOOR SCHEDULE FOR MORE INFORMATION. 132 NEW STRUCTURAL GRAND STAIR. REFER TO ELEVATIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 133 NEW RAILING OVER TWO STORY OPENING. REFER TO ELEVATIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 134 NEW EXTERIOR PAVER SYSTEM. REFER TO ELEVATIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 135 1:20 SLOPE AT EXTERIOR FOR EXITING. REFER TO ELEVATIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 136 PORTION OF FURRED OUT WALL TO EXTEND TO TOP OF THIRD FLOOR SLAB. TO BE FINISHED WILL MILLWORK CAP (WD-3) TO ALIGN WITH CONCRETE FLOOR. 137 NEW OPERABLE STOREFRONT GLASS DOOR SYSTEM. REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR DESIGN INTENT AND DIMENSIONS. 144 EXISTING COLUMNS/BUTTRESSES TO REMAIN. 145 EXISTING WALL(S) TO REMAIN. 146 PROVIDE EXTERIOR CORRUGATED METAL PANEL TO MATCH EXISTING ADJACENT IN STYLE, SIZE, ASSEMBLY, AND INSTALLATION SO TO ACHIEVE A UNIFORM APPEARANCE. GC SHALL COORDINATE WITH LANDLORD FOR SPECIFICATION AND SUBMIT TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. 1/8" = 1'-0"1 3RD FLOOR PARTITION PLAN-NORTH © INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. 1 SD DELIVERABLE 04/07/20236 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 07.28.2023 OPEN TO LEVEL 3 TERRACE OPEN TO LEVEL 3 TERRACE OPEN TO LEVEL 3 TERRACE OPEN TO LEVEL 3 TERRACE S-18 TRIMLESS CHANNEL LETTERS ON STEEL FRAME S-60 WINDOW GRAPHICS 12'-4"30'-4"19'-3"5'-3"AREA OF WORK BY OTHERS S-19 TRIMLESS CHANNEL LETTERS S-18 TRIMLESS CHANNEL LETTERS ON STEEL FRAME S-22 VINYL WINDOW GRAPHICS 6'-0"7'-0"14'-5"2'-3"5'-3"19'-3" SHEET NOTES 1. ELEVATIONS PROVIDE FOR REFERENCE ONLY TO COORDINATE SIGNAGE DELEGATED DESIGN. SHELL IMPROVEMENTS ARE BY LANDLORD UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. 2. EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS BY LANDLORD ARE DOCUMENTED BASED ON DESIGN DRAWINGS, NOT YET CONSTRUCTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND CONFIRM EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS ONCE CONSTRUCTED AND CONTACT ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY IF DISCREPANCIES ARE DISCOVERED. 3. WHERE EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE DOCUMENTED, THEY ARE PROVIDED FOR THE PURPOSE OF COORDINATION ONLY AND DO NOT INCLUDE CONCEALED CONDITIONS OR EXISTING NON-COMPLIANT WORK. Job No. Owner Approval Scale DELTA ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION 1/8" = 1'-0"7/28/2023 6:13:43 PMPUTTSHACK SOUTHDALE 47PTTS.0001.000 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 2023 A.201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS (FOR REFERENCE ONLY)22.7NORTH CAROLINA 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 TEL (704) 626-8732 © INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. 1/8" = 1'-0"1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTH 1/8" = 1'-0"2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST 6 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 6 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 Patio Area DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN MM MMB BB B MMMM N.I.C 24'-0"95'-6 1/2" CLCL EQ.6'-6"EQ. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A B C D E F LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-51 Z58 LT-12 Z10 LT-55 Z84 LT-55 Z84 LT-55 Z84 LT-55 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-53 Z85 LT-10 Z98 LT-10 Z29 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-06 Z53 LT-06 Z53 S-04 Z90 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-51 Z58 LT-53 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-10 Z56 607 611 606 601 TYP. 602 607 603 603 608 609 607 618 TYP.617 607 612 TYP. 606 614 602 604 TYP. 616 S-62 EXTERIOR LED AT MURAL FRAME LT-53 Z53 A24 (x2) Z86 A27 Z48 A27 Z48 A27 Z49 A27 Z49 A27 Z49 CL EQ.24'-0"CLCLCLCLCL2'-6"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"CLCLCLCL 13'-4"5'-3 1/2"5'-3 1/4"13'-4"CLCL5'-8"11'-5 1/2"CLCL12'-7 1/4"4'-10"CL8'-4"CLCLCL 3'-6"9'-2"9'-2"CLEQEQCLCL5'-0 1/2"9'-10"CLCLEQ.EQ.3'-0"CL EQ EQ LT-10 Z1 LT-10 Z1 LT-10 Z1 LT-10 Z1 CL1'-8"S-62CL2'-6"603 603 A24 (AT EACH STAIR NOSING)CL3'-11 1/2"5'-6 1/2" CEILING MOUNTED ONE SIDED EXIT SIGN CEILING MOUNTED TWO SIDED EXIT SIGN WALL MOUNTED EXIT SIGN LINEAR FLUORESCENT 2X4 FLUORESCENT TROFFER FIXTURE 2X2 FLUORESCENT TROFFER FIXTURE RECESSED DOWNLIGHT RECESSED SQUARE DOWNLIGHT RECESSED WALL WASHER CEILING MOUNTED PENDANT WALL MOUNTED SCONCE NEW TYP. CEILING GRID (WHITE - BOH) NEW GWB CEILING / SOFFIT LINEAR FLUORESCENT WALL WASHER CEILING MOUNTED SPECIALTY PENDANT CEILING MOUNTED WIRELESS NETWORK ROUTER SUSPENDED DIRECT/INDIRECT LINEAR FLUORESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURE RECESSED FLUORESCENT LINEAR FIXTURE TRIMLESS AT GYP BD CEILING UNDER CABINET LED FIXTURE LED STRIP COVE LIGHTING STEM MOUNTED LED SPOT LIGHT RCP LEGEND EXISTING CEILING GRID EXISTING GWB CEILING / SOFFIT OPEN TO DECK NEW TYP. CEILING GRID (BLACK - FOH) A ZoneX LIGHT FIXTURE & ZONE TAG REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 1. VERIFY AS-BUILT FIELD CONDITIONS AND LOCATIONS FOR EXISTING AND NEW PLUMBING, AUDIO VISUAL, HVAC DUCTWORK AND PIPING, STRUCTURAL FRAMING, ELECTRICAL BUS DUCT AND CONDUIT BANKS, ELECTRICAL PULL BOXES, FIRE PROTECTION LINES AND RELATED WORK TO DETERMINE AND COORDINATE BEST CEILING FRAMING, POINTS OF ACCESS AND CLEARANCES AS REQUIRED FOR NEW WORK. 2. PROVIDE ACCESS PANELS WHERE REQUIRED IN GYP.BD. CEILING INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO FIRE SMOKE DAMPERS, FIRE LIFE SAFETY J-BOXES, FAN COILS AND VAV BOXES PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS, CONDUIT BANK PULL BOXES AND CONTROL AND SHUTOFF VALVES. 3. CEILING MOUNTED ELECTRICAL DEVICES SHALL BEAR UL LABEL AND FREE OF DEFECTS. 4. WHERE ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE IS SCHEDULED TO REMAIN, REPLACE DAMAGED ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE WITH NEW TO MATCH EXISTING. IF PRODUCT IS NOT AVAILABLE FROM BUILDING INVENTORY ATTIC STOCK OR MANUFACTURER, NOTIFY ARCHITECT PRIOR TO START OF WORK. 5. LIGHTING CONTROL COVER PLATES SHALL BE WHITE AT GYP BD CEILINGS, SOFFITS AND CEILING MOUNTED FABRIC WRAPPED PANEL LOCATIONS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 6. AT EXPOSED STRUCTURE AREAS IN STEEL BUILDINGS WITH EXPOSED SPRAY FIREPROOFING, PROVIDE PROTECTIVE OVERSPRAY AT SPRAY- FIREPROOFING TO PREVENT DUSTING WHERE PAINT IS SCHEDULED AT EXPOSED CONSTRUCTION. PROVIDE PRIMER/SEALER UNDERCOAT PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS. 7. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND FIRE ALARM DEVICE LOCATIONS WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUBMITTING FOR PERMIT. WHERE APPLICABLE CENTER SPRINKLER HEADS IN CEILING PANEL/TILE. ALIGN SPEAKERS, SMOKE DETECTORS, MOTION SENSORS AND RELATED CEILING MOUNTED DEVICES WITH LIGHTING FIXTURE CENTERLINES AND CENTER OF CEILING PANEL/TILE. LOCATE HVAC DIFFUSERS IN GYP BD CEILINGS AS SHOW ON ARCHITECTURAL R.C.P. 8. LOCATE EXIT SIGNS VERTICALLY ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR TO INSURE SIGHT LINES ARE NOT BLOCKED BY LIGHT FIXTURES, BEAMS, SOFFITS, DROPPED CEILINGS, DUCTWORK, CONDUIT BANKS, PIPING AND RELATED OVERHEAD WORK. 9. GYPSUM BOARD CEILINGS TO BE PAINTED [P-#], UON. SEE FINISH SCHEDULE FOR SPECIFIC PRODUCT. 10. ALL CEILING HEIGHT DIMENSIONS PROVIDED ARE AFF, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SHEET NOTES Job No. Owner Approval Scale DELTA ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION 1/8" = 1'-0"7/28/2023 10:29:28 PMPUTTSHACK SOUTHDALE 47PTTS.0001.000 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 2023 A.161A 3RD FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN - NORTH 22.7NORTH CAROLINA 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 TEL (704) 626-8732 © INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. 1/8" = 1'-0"1 ENLARGED 3RD FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN - NORTH KEYNOTESLIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE NO.DESCRIPTION 601 GC TO PROVIDE REMOTE J-BOX WITH PRIMARY POWER AND LABELED CAT5 DATA CABLE WITH LABELED RJ45 END. GC TO CUT ACCESS PANEL DURING SIGNAGE VENDORS INITIAL WALK-THROUGH; PANEL TO BE ABOVE DATUM LINE AND NOT IN WALLCOVERING. 602 GC TO PROVIDE POWER FOR PLUG-IN FIXTURE AND LABELED CAT5 DATA CABLE WITH LABELED RJ45 END. 603 GC TO PROVIDE BLOCKING FOR TVS (IN WALL WHERE APPLICABLE). 604 PERIMETER LIGHTING TO STOP AT COLUMNS, STAIRS, AND RAMPS AND CONTINUE ON OTHER SIDE. 606 GC TO PROVIDE BLOCKING FOR LIT SIGNAGE. REFER TO SHOPS FOR MANUFACTURER REQUIREMENTS. 607 TAPE LIGHTING TO BE LOCATED INSIDE MILLOWORK. SEE CONSTRUCTION PLAN, MILLWORK SCHEDULE, AND MILLWORK SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION. 608 A24 TO BE AT FRONT AND ASSOCIATE SIDE OF BAR DIE. 609 A24 TO BE AT TIERED LEVELS OF THE MAIN BAR ISLAND AND SECONDARY BACK BAR SHELVING. 611 GC TO WORK WITH SIGNAGE MANUFACTURER TO ENSURE CLEAN INSTALLATION. PRE-WIRE MAY BE REQUIRED TO AVOID DAMAGE TO FINAL WALL FINISH. 612 PLUG-IN LIGHT FIXTURE TO BE TIED INTO DIMMING SYSTEM. SEE POWER AND DATA PLAN FOR MORE INFORMATION. 614 DJ BOOTH DIE WALL TO BE INTERNALLY LIT WITH LEDS, VISIBLE FROM OUTSIDE THROUGH DECORATIVE HOLE PATTERN. COORDINATE INSTALLATION WITH MILLWORK, ELECTRICIAN, AND LIGHTING MANUFACTURER. 616 J-BOX TO BE LOCATED AT THE BASE OF THE SCONCE. COORDINATED LOCATION WITH LIGHTING MANUFACTURER. 617 EXTERIOR LED LIGHT TO BE HIDDEN IN FRAME TO LIGHT EXTERIOR MURAL. 618 EXTERIOR FLOOR LIGHT TO BE BOLTED DOWN TO STRUCTURE. REFER TO SHEETS A.920, A.921, A.922, A.923 6 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 07.28.2023 P 2 2 WALL CR TSAT P 2 2 FLR JB EL EDR DR ML OS REX PB D DN DN DN DN MM MMJB30"48"30"48"B BB B MMMM WALL MOUNTED DUPLEX OUTLET WALL MOUNTED DEDICATED OUTLET WALL MOUNTED QUAD OUTLET FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED DUPLEX OUTLET FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED WIRED JUNCTION BOX WALL MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED TELEPHONE OUTLET FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED DATA OUTLET FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED TELEPHONE/DATA OUTLET WALL MOUNTED TELEPHONE OUTLET WALL MOUNTED DATA OUTLET WALL MOUNTED TELEPHONE/DATA OUTLET WALL MOUNTED CARD READER WALL MOUNTED PUSH BUTTON WALL MOUNTED THERMOSTAT FLOOR WHIP - DATA/POWER WALL WHIP - DATA/POWER AV FLOOR MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX FLOOR MOUNTED QUAD OUTLET AV EQUIPMENT DESIGNATIONX FURNITURE MOUNTED DUPLEX OUTLET FURNITURE MOUNTED TELEPHONE/DATA OUTLET # OF TEL/DATA & POWER DROPS # OF TEL/DATA & POWER DROPS ELECTRIFIED LOCKSET & ELECTRIFIED HINGE EMERGENCY DOOR RELEASE PULL DOOR RELEASE BUTTON ELECTROMAGNETIC LOCK OCCUPANCY SENSOR RELEASE PUSH TO EXIT RELEASE BUTTON PANIC BUTTON POWER & SIGNAL LEGEND WALL MOUNTED SWITCH WALL MOUNTED DIMMER 1. SEE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. NOTIFY ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO STARTING THE WORK. 2. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ALL FINAL FLOOR CORE LOCATIONS WITH FURNITURE VENDOR, OWNER AND ARCHITECT PRIOR TO START OF WORK. FLOOR AND WALL CORING SHALL BE SCHEDULED DURING OFF HOURS UNLESS OTHERWISE ALLOWED BY OWNER. 3. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN EXISTING UL FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY FOR PENETRATIONS. 4. NEW COVER PLATES, STROBES, SWITCHES, AND PLUGS, ETC. TO BE WHITE AT PAINTED AND FABRIC WALL AREAS UON ALL COVER PLATES AT WOOD VENEER WALLS TO BE DARK BROWN UON. 5. REPLACE EXISTING COVER PLATES, PLUGS, SWITCHES, ETC. WITH NEW. 6. COORDINATE DEVICE LOCATIONS PRIOR TO START OF WORK INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SYSTEM FURNITURE LAYOUT, FREE STANDING AND BUILT-IN FURNITURE, MILLWORK , STRUCTURAL COLUMN LINES AT 'POKE-THROUGH' LOCATIONS & FACE OF FINISH AT PARTITIONS AND FLOOR. WHERE APPLICABLE CONDUCT PRE- INSTALLATION CONFERENCE. 7. WHERE 'WHIPS' ARE INDICATED FOR SYSTEM FURNITURE, PROVIDE COMPLETE CODE COMPLIANT INSTALLATION INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO 'WHIP' MUST BE VISIBLE AND READILY ACCESSIBLE, SYSTEM FURNITURE 'WHIP' INSTALLATION, HOOK UP AND ACTIVATION SHALL COMPLY WITH LOCAL LABOR LAWS AND JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING UL., LOCATE 'WHIP' OUTSIDE CLEAR ZONES REQUIRED FOR CIRCULATION, ADA ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND EXIT PATH. 8. FURNITURE VENDOR SHALL COORDINATE FURNITURE INSTALLATION WITH POWER/SIGNAL DEVICE LOCATIONS. 9. PROVIDE 3” MINIMUM CLEAR BETWEEN FLOOR MONUMENTS AND PARTITION. 10. PROVIDE NEMA RECEPTACLE TYPES BASED ON ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS AS COORDINATED PRIOR TO START OF WORK 11. RECEPTACLE, SWITCH AND OUTLET MOUNTING HEIGHT DIMENSIONS ARE MEASURED FROM FINISHED FLOOR TO OUTLET CENTERLINE MOUNTED VERTICALLY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 12. PRIOR TO START OF WORK VERIFY AND COORDINATE ELECTRICAL BUS DUCT AND CONDUIT, RISER AND HORIZONTAL ROUTING, RUN LOCATIONS, CIRCUITING AND WIRING FOR NEW WORK TO VALIDATE REQUIRED CLEARANCES BASED ON AS- BUILT FIELD CONDITIONS. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF CONFLICTS. 13. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CURRENT RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS, THE STATE FIRE MARSHALL, THE SAFETY ORDERS OF THE DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND APPLICABLE CODES. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE UL LABELED. 14. BUILDING SERVICES AND UTILITY DISRUPTIONS TO THE BUILDING, INCLUDING ADJACENT TENANTS IN MULTI-TENANT BUILDINGS ARE NOT PERMITTED DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS AND SHALL BE AUTHORIZED BY THE PROPERTY MANAGER 48 HOURS MINIMUM PRIOR TO THE DISTRUPTION (EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PERMITTED BY THE PROPERTY MANAGER) IN ALL INSTANCES. ALL FIRE / LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS SHALL REMAIN OPERATIONAL DURING DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. FOR TEMPORARY DISRUPTIONS LIMITED TO THE AREA OR WORK, AFTER HOURS AS NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE WORK, SCHEDULE DAY AND TIME WITH OWNER IN ADVANCE, IN WRITING ON AN OVERTIME BASIS. REESTABLISH ALL BUILDING SERVICES AND UTILITIES AT CONCLUSION OF TEMPORARY SHUT OFF, AS SOON AS PRACTICAL. SHEET NOTES N.I.C MATCHLINE 1/A21A MATCHLINE 1/A21B MATCHLINE 1/A21A MATCHLINE 1/A21B WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP 210 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A B C D E F 207 206 205 208208 209 206 207 203 203 206 Job No. Owner Approval Scale DELTA ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION 1/8" = 1'-0"7/28/2023 10:28:29 PMPUTTSHACK SOUTHDALE 47PTTS.0001.000 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 2023 A.121A 3RD FLOOR POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN-NORTH 22.7NORTH CAROLINA 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 TEL (704) 626-8732 KEYNOTES GC SHALL SUBMIT SAMPLES OF ALL WALL DEVICES (POWER/DATA/LIGHT SWITCHES) FOR ARCHITECTS SELECTION DARK GREY MEDIUM GREY LIGHT GREY BLACK EXAMPLE: PT-2, PT-5, WT-2, WD-1, WD-2, WD-5, WC-8, MTL-3 WHITE EXAMPLE: PT-1, PT-3, WC-1, PL-1, WT-1, WT-3, WT-5, FWP-1 DEVICE COLOR WALL FINISH DESIGNATION PER PLAN OUTLET/DEVICE/SWITCH AND COVER PLATE COLOR SCHEDULE NO.DESCRIPTION 203 TELEVISION MILLWORK SURROUND, ON ALL TVS ABOVE. SEE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS AND MILLWORK SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION. 205 LOCATION OF OF MIRROR. PROVIDE BLOCKING. REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR DIMENSIONS. 206 LOCATION OF OF WALL ART. PROVIDE BLOCKING. REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS. 207 DASHED LINE REPRESENTS MOTORIZED ROLLER SHADES. PROVIDE POWER AND BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. 208 LOCATION OF OFCI CHECK-IN KIOSKS. REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 209 LOCATION OF CUSTOM EXTERIOR MURAL. OFOI. 210 REFER TO TRIMARK/KEC QF DRAWINGS FOR POWER AND DATA REQUIREMENTS AT KITCHEN, BACK BAR AND BEVERAGE STATION. PROVIDE GFCI RECEPTACLES AS REQUIRED BY CODE. 1/8" = 1'-0"1 3RD FLOOR POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN-NORTH © INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. 1 SD DELIVERABLE 04/07/20236 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 07.28.2023 Patio DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN MM MMB BB B MMMM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A B C D E F N.I.C 24'-0"95'-6 3/4" CL1'-1 1/2"5'-10 1/2" LT-05 Z44 LT-51 Z58 LT-05 Z44 LT-51 Z58CL7'-5 1/4"CL7'-5 1/4"CLEQ.EQ. CL 1'-2 3/4"9'-2"9'-10" CL 2'-2" CL 1'-3"CLEQ.EQ.CL3'-5"CL3'-5"CL3'-5"CL EQ EQ CLCLCLEQ.EQ.1'-1"3'-5"CL2'-10" CL2'-6"CLEQ.EQ.CLEQEQCL1'-0"CL12'-3"9'-2"CL5'-6"TYP.±45°CLCLCLEQEQCLCLCLEQEQCLCLEQ.TYP.±45°CLCLCLCLEQ.EQEQCLCLCLCLCLEQEQEQEQBEGIN FESTOON LT. FROM CORNER CENTER FESTOON LT. ON COLUMN CENTER FESTOON LT. ON COLUMN CENTER FESTOON LT. ON COLUMN CENTER FESTOON LT. ON COLUMN BEGIN FESTOON LT. FROM CORNER BEGIN FESTOON LT. FROM CORNER BEGIN FESTOON LT. FROM CORNER CENTER FESTOON LT. ON COLUMN CENTER FESTOON LT. ON COLUMN T21-12 Z21 T21-16 Z46 T21-12 Z45 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z22 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-18 Z41 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-14 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-16 Z21 T21-16 Z21 T21-8 Z46 T21-14 Z41 T21-10 Z46 T21-8 Z46 T21-8 Z50 T21-6 Z46 S-14 T21-26 Z22 X-S0T21-12 Z22 T21-12 Z22 T21-20 Z21 T21-12 Z21 T21-24 Z22 T21-16 Z46 T21-16 Z44 T21-12 Z45 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z22 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-18 Z41 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-8 Z46 T21-14 Z46 T21-16 Z21 T21-16 Z21 T21-14 Z22 T21-8 Z46 T21-10 Z46 T21-10 Z46 T21-8 Z45 T21-8 Z46 T21-12 Z1 T21-6 Z46 T21-6 Z91 S-14T21-6 Z21 S-14 Z21 T21-26 Z22 T21-12 Z22 T21-12 Z22 T21-8 T21-4 Z45 T21-4 Z45 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 LT-56 Z4 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 S-08A Z92 S-16B Z94 S-15A Z94 LT-01 ZX-1 LT-01 ZX-1 LT-01 ZX-1 LT-01 ZX-1 LT-01 ZX-1 LT-01 ZX-1 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-01 ZX-1 T21-46 Z22CLCLCL1'-0"6'-0"3'-0"T21-16 Z3 CLEQ EQ CLEQEQCL 6'-2"4 5 ° T21-12 Z2CL 8 1/2"CLEQEQ2'-6"T21-8 Z22 CLCL6'-2"8'-8"T21-28 Z21 T21-28 Z51 8'-0" 9'-8"CLCLCL6'-2"8'-8"1'-6"T21-10 Z22 T21-18 Z21 12'-0" T21-28 Z51 21'-2" T21-8 Z30 T21-20 Z21 CLCL CL 4'-0"3'-0"6'-7"2'-6" T21-8 Z19CL8'-3"T21-28 Z21 10'-8"T21-18 Z21 1'-11"CLCL9'-6"1'-2" S-14 Z41 CLCLCL1'-1 1/2"12'-0"12'-0"1'-1 1/2" CLCLCL 1'-1 1/2"12'-0"12'-0"1'-1 1/2"CLCLCL4'-1 1/2"EQ.EQ.T21-8 Z11 T21-8 Z11 T21-26 Z11 T21-26 Z11 CL6'-11 3/4" LT-03 Z24 LT-03 Z24 T21-18 Z21 T21-18 Z21 T21-8 Z22 T21-20 Z21 T21-20 Z21 3'-4"CLCLCL2'-6"2'-0"6'-1"T21-20 Z21 517 517 501 504 501 504 504 505504 505 507 507 504 506506 501 504 506 501 504 506 513 513513 513513513 509 506 S-14 1 1/2"4'-0"520 502 521521 TYP. A.400B 3 10'-7"TYP.CLCL3'-7"6'-10 1/4"1'-0 3/4"CL 7'-6 1/4" 9'-0" CL 10'-3" CL 8'-0"2'-5"CL 8'-6 1/4"1'-0 3/4"CL 11 3/4"2'-6 1/2"3'-4"11'-3"1'-10 1/2"5'-5"CL 7'-5" 2'-0" 15'-3"CL4'-5 1/2"1'-0"CL 5'-4"5'-0 1/2"11'-10 1/2"CL3'-7 1/2"7'-11"CL7'-2 1/4"CLCL7'-11 1/2"1'-3"2'-6 1/2" 11'-6" 19'-8" 3'-2 1/4" 3'-11 1/2"CLCL4'-1 1/2"4'-0 1/4"2'-7" CL4'-1 1/4"1'-1 1/2"8'-10 1/2"CL12'-9 1/4"5'-6 1/4" 6'-8" CL 8 1/2"2'-6 1/2"1'-11 1/2"CL 13'-9 1/4" CL3'-1"1'-4"5'-10 3/4" 8'-0" 8'-4 1/4" 15'-1 3/4" 9'-0 1/2" 6'-1"4'-6 1/4"3'-7 3/4"CL4'-10 1/2"12'-0"1'-7 3/4"CL 4'-11 1/4" CL 2'-2 3/4"3'-8 1/4"8'-9 3/4" 4'-7 1/4" 9'-10 1/4" 11'-0 1/4" 9"12'-9 1/2"CL7'-5 1/2"4'-10 3/4"3'-0"8'-11 1/2"506 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 1'-5 1/4" 7'-2"1'-6" 10'-8 3/4" LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z441'-10"CL11'-9"CLEQEQCLEQEQT21-8 Z52 T21-8 Z52 T21-8 Z52 T21-8 Z52 CL1'-5"CL1'-0"CL1'-0" 524524 525525 8' -6" A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 (E) ELEVATOR 526 526 526 A51 Z20 A51 Z20 A51 Z20 CLCLCL2'-3"4'-6"CLCLCL 1'-8"1'-8" 1'-5" CEILING MOUNTED ONE SIDED EXIT SIGN CEILING MOUNTED TWO SIDED EXIT SIGN WALL MOUNTED EXIT SIGN LINEAR FLUORESCENT 2X4 FLUORESCENT TROFFER FIXTURE 2X2 FLUORESCENT TROFFER FIXTURE RECESSED DOWNLIGHT RECESSED SQUARE DOWNLIGHT RECESSED WALL WASHER CEILING MOUNTED PENDANT WALL MOUNTED SCONCE NEW TYP. CEILING GRID (WHITE - BOH) NEW GWB CEILING / SOFFIT LINEAR FLUORESCENT WALL WASHER CEILING MOUNTED SPECIALTY PENDANT CEILING MOUNTED WIRELESS NETWORK ROUTER SUSPENDED DIRECT/INDIRECT LINEAR FLUORESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURE RECESSED FLUORESCENT LINEAR FIXTURE TRIMLESS AT GYP BD CEILING UNDER CABINET LED FIXTURE LED STRIP COVE LIGHTING STEM MOUNTED LED SPOT LIGHT RCP LEGEND EXISTING CEILING GRID EXISTING GWB CEILING / SOFFIT OPEN TO DECK NEW TYP. CEILING GRID (BLACK - FOH) A ZoneX LIGHT FIXTURE & ZONE TAG REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 1. VERIFY AS-BUILT FIELD CONDITIONS AND LOCATIONS FOR EXISTING AND NEW PLUMBING, AUDIO VISUAL, HVAC DUCTWORK AND PIPING, STRUCTURAL FRAMING, ELECTRICAL BUS DUCT AND CONDUIT BANKS, ELECTRICAL PULL BOXES, FIRE PROTECTION LINES AND RELATED WORK TO DETERMINE AND COORDINATE BEST CEILING FRAMING, POINTS OF ACCESS AND CLEARANCES AS REQUIRED FOR NEW WORK. 2. PROVIDE ACCESS PANELS WHERE REQUIRED IN GYP.BD. CEILING INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO FIRE SMOKE DAMPERS, FIRE LIFE SAFETY J-BOXES, FAN COILS AND VAV BOXES PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS, CONDUIT BANK PULL BOXES AND CONTROL AND SHUTOFF VALVES. 3. CEILING MOUNTED ELECTRICAL DEVICES SHALL BEAR UL LABEL AND FREE OF DEFECTS. 4. WHERE ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE IS SCHEDULED TO REMAIN, REPLACE DAMAGED ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE WITH NEW TO MATCH EXISTING. IF PRODUCT IS NOT AVAILABLE FROM BUILDING INVENTORY ATTIC STOCK OR MANUFACTURER, NOTIFY ARCHITECT PRIOR TO START OF WORK. 5. LIGHTING CONTROL COVER PLATES SHALL BE WHITE AT GYP BD CEILINGS, SOFFITS AND CEILING MOUNTED FABRIC WRAPPED PANEL LOCATIONS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 6. AT EXPOSED STRUCTURE AREAS IN STEEL BUILDINGS WITH EXPOSED SPRAY FIREPROOFING, PROVIDE PROTECTIVE OVERSPRAY AT SPRAY- FIREPROOFING TO PREVENT DUSTING WHERE PAINT IS SCHEDULED AT EXPOSED CONSTRUCTION. PROVIDE PRIMER/SEALER UNDERCOAT PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS. 7. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND FIRE ALARM DEVICE LOCATIONS WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUBMITTING FOR PERMIT. WHERE APPLICABLE CENTER SPRINKLER HEADS IN CEILING PANEL/TILE. ALIGN SPEAKERS, SMOKE DETECTORS, MOTION SENSORS AND RELATED CEILING MOUNTED DEVICES WITH LIGHTING FIXTURE CENTERLINES AND CENTER OF CEILING PANEL/TILE. LOCATE HVAC DIFFUSERS IN GYP BD CEILINGS AS SHOW ON ARCHITECTURAL R.C.P. 8. LOCATE EXIT SIGNS VERTICALLY ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR TO INSURE SIGHT LINES ARE NOT BLOCKED BY LIGHT FIXTURES, BEAMS, SOFFITS, DROPPED CEILINGS, DUCTWORK, CONDUIT BANKS, PIPING AND RELATED OVERHEAD WORK. 9. GYPSUM BOARD CEILINGS TO BE PAINTED [P-#], UON. SEE FINISH SCHEDULE FOR SPECIFIC PRODUCT. 10. ALL CEILING HEIGHT DIMENSIONS PROVIDED ARE AFF, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SHEET NOTES Job No. Owner Approval Scale DELTA ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION 1/8" = 1'-0"7/28/2023 10:28:55 PMPUTTSHACK SOUTHDALE 47PTTS.0001.000 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 2023 A.152A 3RD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - NORTH 22.7NORTH CAROLINA 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 TEL (704) 626-8732 © INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. 1/8" = 1'-0"1 3RD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - NORTH KEYNOTES NO.DESCRIPTION 501 GC TO PROVIDE REMOTE J-BOX WITH PRIMARY POWER AND LABELED CAT5 DATA CABLE WITH LABELED RJ45 END. GC TO CUT ACCESS PANEL DURING SIGNAGE VENDORS INITIAL WALK-THROUGH; PANEL TO BE ABOVE DATUM LINE AND NOT IN WALLCOVERING. 502 NO FLY ZONE OVER BAR GANTRY 504 PROVIDE UNISTRUT AS NEEDED FOR CEILING HUNG TVS. LIGHTING, SIGNAGE AND BAR GANTRY. UNISTRUT TO BE THOUGHTFULLY PLACED BETWEEN TRUSSES, BEAMS AND HVAC. REFER TO AV/LV DRAWINGS FOR TV UNISTRUT MOUNTING HEIGHTS. 505 S-17 DOES NOT NEED ADDITIONAL POWER, TYP. THIS IS A VINYL STICKER AT LT-05 506 PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED IN CEILING FOR CEILING MOUNTED SIGNAGE , TVS AND LIGHTING. 507 NO FLY ZONE FROM BALL COLLECT TO BALL LIFTER. 509 PUCK LIGHT TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN MILLWORK GANTRY ABOVE. SEE MILLWORK DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 513 STRING LIGHTING TO CLIP TO BUILDING EXTERIOR WALLS USING S-HOOKS OR CLAMPS. COORDINATE ATTACHMENT DETAIL WITH LANDLORD AND LANDLORD'S GC. 517 DASHED LINE REPRESENTS OFOI MOTORIZED ROLLER SHADES. PROVIDE POWER AND BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. 520 FIXTURE A24 LOCATED AT TIERED LIQUOR SHELVING, LOCATED ON COUNTERTOP. 521 FIXTURE A24 LOCATED AT GUEST FACING BAR DIE AS WELL AS BARTENDER FACING BAR DIE. 524 TRACK TO BE MOUNTED 9'-6" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR OF LANDING TO BOTTOM OF FIXTURE. 525 TRACK TO BE MOUNTED 10'-0" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR OF LANDING TO BOTTOM OF FIXTURE. 526 EXISTING LIGHTING IN EXISTING STAIR TO BE INVESTIGATED FOR ILLUMINATION COMPLIANCE AND UPGRADED AS REQUIRED. LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE NO.DESCRIPTION 501 GC TO PROVIDE REMOTE J-BOX WITH PRIMARY POWER AND LABELED CAT5 DATA CABLE WITH LABELED RJ45 END. GC TO CUT ACCESS PANEL DURING SIGNAGE VENDORS INITIAL WALK-THROUGH; PANEL TO BE ABOVE DATUM LINE AND NOT IN WALLCOVERING. 502 NO FLY ZONE OVER BAR GANTRY 504 PROVIDE UNISTRUT AS NEEDED FOR CEILING HUNG TVS. LIGHTING, SIGNAGE AND BAR GANTRY. UNISTRUT TO BE THOUGHTFULLY PLACED BETWEEN TRUSSES, BEAMS AND HVAC. REFER TO AV/LV DRAWINGS FOR TV UNISTRUT MOUNTING HEIGHTS. 505 S-17 DOES NOT NEED ADDITIONAL POWER, TYP. THIS IS A VINYL STICKER AT LT-05 506 PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED IN CEILING FOR CEILING MOUNTED SIGNAGE , TVS AND LIGHTING. 507 NO FLY ZONE FROM BALL COLLECT TO BALL LIFTER. 509 PUCK LIGHT TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN MILLWORK GANTRY ABOVE. SEE MILLWORK DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 513 STRING LIGHTING TO CLIP TO BUILDING EXTERIOR WALLS USING S-HOOKS OR CLAMPS. COORDINATE ATTACHMENT DETAIL WITH LANDLORD AND LANDLORD'S GC. 517 DASHED LINE REPRESENTS OFOI MOTORIZED ROLLER SHADES. PROVIDE POWER AND BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. 520 FIXTURE A24 LOCATED AT TIERED LIQUOR SHELVING, LOCATED ON COUNTERTOP. 521 FIXTURE A24 LOCATED AT GUEST FACING BAR DIE AS WELL AS BARTENDER FACING BAR DIE. 524 TRACK TO BE MOUNTED 9'-6" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR OF LANDING TO BOTTOM OF FIXTURE. 525 TRACK TO BE MOUNTED 10'-0" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR OF LANDING TO BOTTOM OF FIXTURE. 526 EXISTING LIGHTING IN EXISTING STAIR TO BE INVESTIGATED FOR ILLUMINATION COMPLIANCE AND UPGRADED AS REQUIRED. REFER TO SHEETS A.920, A.921, A.922, A.923 6 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 07.28.2023 9/22/23, 8:42 AM Edina, MN Code of Ordinances about:blank 1/5 (1) (2) (1) (2) DIVISION 5. - NOISES DISTURBING THE PUBLIC PEACE Sec. 23-121. - State pollution control agency. Noise pollution control regulations of the state pollution control agency air quality division published as Minnesota Rules ch. 7030 (2003) are hereby incorporated by reference. (Code 1970; Code 1992, § 1040.01(1); Ord. No. 1032; Ord. No. 1032-A1, 8-12-1981; Ord. No. 1032-A2, 9-29- 1982; Ord. No. 1032-A3, 9-10-1984; Ord. No. 1995-6, 8-17-1995; Ord. No. 2007-10, 6-5-2007; Ord. No. 2012-8, 2-21-2012) Sec. 23-122. - Measurement of acceptable sound levels. Minnesota Rules § 7030.060, the regulations adopted in section 23-121, is amended to read as follows: A measurement procedure approved by the sanitarian shall be used to determine the acceptability of sound levels in a given area. Such measurements shall be made using the following guidelines: If the noise emanates from a place other than a building or structure, then the measurement shall be made at the point of human activity in the receiving area which is the nearest the noise source and which is typical for the noise area classification category of the receiving area, except where existing barriers, obstructions or reflecting surfaces prevent an accurate measurement; and If the noise emanates from a building or structure, then the measurement shall be made from the property line of the property on which the building or structure is situated. (Code 1970; Code 1992, § 1040.01(2); Ord. No. 1032; Ord. No. 1032-A1, 8-12-1981; Ord. No. 1032-A2, 9-29- 1982; Ord. No. 1032-A3, 9-10-1984; Ord. No. 1995-6, 8-17-1995; Ord. No. 2007-10, 6-5-2007; Ord. No. 2012-8, 2-21-2012) Sec. 23-123. - Prohibited noise. No person shall make, continue, or cause or allow to be made or continued, any noise which exceeds the standards set forth in the regulations. The prohibition set forth in this section shall not apply to the following conditions: Noises necessary for the protection or preservation of property or of the health, safety, life or limb of a human being; The operation of motor vehicles on public streets, locomotives and railroad cars, maintenance of rights-of-way, utility easements or parks or snow removal by the city, county or state. 9/22/23, 8:42 AM Edina, MN Code of Ordinances about:blank 2/5 (a) (1) (2) a. b. c. (3) (b) (Code 1970; Code 1992, § 1040.03; Ord. No. 1032; Ord. No. 1032-A1, 8-12-1981; Ord. No. 1032-A2, 9-29-1982; Ord. No. 1032-A3, 9-10-1984; Ord. No. 1995-6, 8-17-1995; Ord. No. 2007-10, 6-5-2007; Ord. No. 2012-8, 2-21- 2012) Sec. 23-124. - Hourly restrictions on certain operations. No person shall, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.: Operate a snowmobile, minibike, all-terrain vehicle, or other vehicle not licensed for travel on public streets; provided vehicles used by physically disabled persons as defined by Minn. Stats. § 169.345, subd. 2, are exempt from this requirement; Operate a power lawn mower, power hedge clipper, power leaf blower, chain saw mulcher, garden tiller, edger, drill or other similar maintenance equipment; provided, however, the use of the following are exempt from this requirement: Fairway and greens mowers and other motorized equipment used to maintain golf courses and publicly owned property; Snow removal equipment; and Ice rink maintenance equipment. Collect garbage or refuse within 200 feet of a building used for residential purposes. No person shall engage in or permit construction and repair activities involving the use of any kind of electric, diesel or gas-powered motor vehicles or machine or other power equipment, audible beyond the property line of the property where the activity is occurring, except: For projects requiring a building permit with a building project value of $50,000.00 or less: Monday—Friday, 7:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays (New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas), 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. For projects requiring a building permit with a building project value of more than $50,000.00: Monday—Friday, 7:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. Saturdays, 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Sundays and Holidays (New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas), no work (Code 1970; Code 1992, § 1040.03; Ord. No. 1032; Ord. No. 1032-A1, 8-12-1981; Ord. No. 1032-A2, 9-29-1982; Ord. No. 1032-A3, 9-10-1984; Ord. No. 1995-6, 8-17-1995; Ord. No. 2007-10, 6-5-2007; Ord. No. 2012-8, 2-21- 2012; Ord. No. 2020-11 , § 1, 8-18-2020) Sec. 23-125. - Advertising noises. 9/22/23, 8:42 AM Edina, MN Code of Ordinances about:blank 3/5 (a) (1) (2) (b) No person shall make or cause to be made for the purpose of advertising or announcing the person's vocation or presence, or in connection with the buying or selling of any goods, wares, merchandise, services or anything whatsoever, or with the carrying on of any trade, occupation, vocation or profit-making activity: An amplification of the voice; or Any bell, gong, horn, instrument, article or device. The violation of subsection (a) of this section in connection with any license or permit shall be cause for its revocation or suspension pursuant to article II of chapter 12. (Code 1970; Code 1992, § 1040.05; Ord. No. 1032; Ord. No. 1032-A1, 8-12-1981; Ord. No. 1032-A2, 9-29-1982; Ord. No. 1032-A3, 9-10-1984; Ord. No. 1995-6, 8-17-1995; Ord. No. 2007-10, 6-5-2007; Ord. No. 2012-8, 2-21- 2012) Sec. 23-126. - Engines to be mu ed. It shall be unlawful to operate or cause to be operated any noise-creating blower or power fan, internal combustion engine, air compressor or steam engine, the operation of which causes noises due to the explosion of operating gases of fluids, unless the noise from such blower or fan is muffled and such engine or compressor is equipped with a muffler device sufficient to deaden such noises, so that the noise shall not cause annoyance to the public or disturb the rest and quiet of persons of normal sensibilities in the vicinity. (Code 1970; Code 1992, § 1040.06; Ord. No. 1032; Ord. No. 1032-A1, 8-12-1981; Ord. No. 1032-A2, 9-29-1982; Ord. No. 1032-A3, 9-10-1984; Ord. No. 1995-6, 8-17-1995; Ord. No. 2007-10, 6-5-2007; Ord. No. 2012-8, 2-21- 2012) Sec. 23-127. - Mechanical sound devices. No person shall make, cause or allow to be made or continued, any unreasonably loud or raucous noise, in the operation or use of any radio, phonograph or other mechanical, pneumatic or electrical sound- making or reproducing device, instrument or machine, which disturbs the comfort, quiet or repose of persons of normal sensibilities in the vicinity. (Code 1970; Code 1992, § 1040.07; Ord. No. 1032; Ord. No. 1032-A1, 8-12-1981; Ord. No. 1032-A2, 9-29-1982; Ord. No. 1032-A3, 9-10-1984; Ord. No. 1995-6, 8-17-1995; Ord. No. 2007-10, 6-5-2007; Ord. No. 2012-8, 2-21- 2012) Sec. 23-128. - Alarm systems. 9/22/23, 8:42 AM Edina, MN Code of Ordinances about:blank 4/5 (a) (1) (2) (3) (b) (1) (2) (c) No person shall permit an automatic fire alarm or intrusion alarm system under the person's control to emit, for period exceeding 20 minutes, an audible alarm which disturbs the comfort, quiet or repose of persons of normal sensibilities in the vicinity. (Code 1970; Code 1992, § 1040.08; Ord. No. 1032; Ord. No. 1032-A1, 8-12-1981; Ord. No. 1032-A2, 9-29-1982; Ord. No. 1032-A3, 9-10-1984; Ord. No. 1995-6, 8-17-1995; Ord. No. 2007-10, 6-5-2007; Ord. No. 2012-8, 2-21- 2012) State Law reference— False fire alarms, Minn. Stats. § 609.686. Sec. 23-129. - Permit necessary for loudspeakers and similar devices. No person shall use or operate, or cause or allow to be used or operated, in any public street or place, or from any aircraft, or in front of or outside of any building, place or premises, or in or through any window, doorway or opening of such building, place or premises, abutting on or adjacent to any public street or place the following: Any device, apparatus or instrument for the amplification of the human voice; Any other sound or noise; or Any other sound-making or sound-reproducing devices; without obtaining a permit from the city. An application for a permit shall be made to the clerk on forms provided by the clerk. The provisions of article II of chapter 12 shall apply to permits issued under this subsection and to the holders of such permits. The application shall require, among other information required by article II of chapter 12: The hours and location of the proposed use; and The maximum volume (in decibels) of the proposed use. If the proposed use complies with the provisions of this division and other applicable provisions of this Code, the permit shall be granted. The fee for such permit shall be set forth in section 2- 724. Subsequent violation of any provision of this division or this Code by the permit holder shall be cause for revocation or suspension of the permit pursuant to article II of chapter 12. This subsection shall not apply to emergency vehicles or loudspeakers and similar devices used by the city. (Code 1970; Code 1992, § 1040.09; Ord. No. 1032; Ord. No. 1032-A1, 8-12-1981; Ord. No. 1032-A2, 9-29-1982; Ord. No. 1032-A3, 9-10-1984; Ord. No. 1995-6, 8-17-1995; Ord. No. 2007-10, 6-5-2007; Ord. No. 2012-8, 2-21- 2012) Sec. 23-130. - Participants as violators. 9/22/23, 8:42 AM Edina, MN Code of Ordinances about:blank 5/5 Any person on the premises or at the place from which any noise emanates which violates the provisions of this division, and who is participating in the activity for which or from which the noise is being made, shall be deemed to be making, or allowing to be made, the noise in violation of this division. (Code 1970; Code 1992, § 1040.10; Ord. No. 1032; Ord. No. 1032-A1, 8-12-1981; Ord. No. 1032-A2, 9-29-1982; Ord. No. 1032-A3, 9-10-1984; Ord. No. 1995-6, 8-17-1995; Ord. No. 2007-10, 6-5-2007; Ord. No. 2012-8, 2-21- 2012) Sec. 36-1260. - Lighting. All exterior lighting and illuminating devices shall be provided with lenses, reflectors or shades so as to concentrate illumination on the property of the owner or operator of the lighting or illuminating devices. Rays of light or illumination shall not pass beyond the property lines of the premises utilizing the lights or illumination at an intensity greater than 0.5 footcandle measured at property lines abutting property zoned residential and one footcandle measured at property lines abutting streets or property zoned nonresidential. No light source, lamp or luminaire shall be directed beyond the boundaries of the lighted or illuminated premises. (Code 1970; Code 1992, § 850.07(10); Ord. No. 2014-18 , § 5, 11-18-2014) 5 3 7 . 9 4 f t .1043.27 ft.831.74 ft. 0 ft. Total: 831.74 ft. 2080.02 ft. 1253.68 ft. Proximity to Residential Uses Edina, Hennepin, MetroGIS, © WSB & Associates 2013 September 19, 2023 0 375 750187.5 ft 0 110 22055 m 1:2,726 From: Barker, Brendan Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 1:32 PM To: Emily Bodeker <EBodeker@EdinaMN.gov>; Kris Aaker <KAaker@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: Cary Teague <cteague@EdinaMN.gov>; Liz Olson <LKOlson@EdinaMN.gov>; Straits, Paul < Subject: RE: Puttshack Southdale | Review Comments Hi Emily, Please reference my responses below in blue. Thanks, Brendan Barker P.E. Project Developer ARCO/Murray 331-290-5478 www.arcomurray.com From: Emily Bodeker <EBodeker@EdinaMN.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 11:57 AM To: Barker, Brendan <bbarker@arcomurray.com>; Kris Aaker <KAaker@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: Cary Teague <cteague@EdinaMN.gov>; Liz Olson <LKOlson@EdinaMN.gov>; Straits, Paul Subject: RE: Puttshack Southdale | Review Comments Brendan, Yes, they were dropped off this morning. We also received the check in the mail. I looked at the submittal and have a few questions and would like a few more details. Please provide additional information or plans answering the questions below. Do you have plans for the rooftop? Are there tables? How many seats? landscaping? Fencing? Rooftop plans for the terrace are shown on page A.111A which we included. Yes, there are tables and there are a total of 153 seats. There is no fencing, entire patio is already enclosed by the existing building. No landscaping. Also attached is a plan which shows patio seating A.121A. Will the rooftop have food and drink service? Yes it will. Food and drinks will be served from the inside of the space. Will the rooftop have speakers for music? Lighting? Yes there will be speakers on the patio for music, yes we do have lighting please see attached lighting plan and reflected ceiling plan showing festoon lights. What are the hours of operation? Will the rooftop have the same hours of operation? See below table. Hours of operation for patio and rest of space are consistent. Sunday 11 AM–12 AM Monday 11 AM–12 AM Tuesday 11 AM–12 AM Wednesday 11 AM–12 AM Thursday 11 AM–1 AM Friday 11 AM–1 AM Saturday 11 AM–1 AM EdinaMN.govConditional Use PermitPuttshack, Southdale Center Conditions of Approval •Hours of operation are limited to 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. •Amplified sound shall be subject to the city’s noise ordinance chapter 23, division 5 of the city code.•The rooftop dining area will be kept in a clean and orderly manner.•Service of alcoholic beverages requires the applicant to obtain appropriate liquor licenses in compliance with Edina Code Section 4 and Minnesota Statute 340A.•Required fencing shall meet the Minnesota State Building Code and must be reviewed and approved by the Building Department. •Lighting shall meet the requirements in Section 36-1260 of City Code. •The rooftop dining area shall be constructed per the plans date stamped 8/28/23 and 9/7/23. Existing Rooftop Restaurants Site Photos Conditions of Approval •Hours of operation are limited to 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. •Amplified sound shall be subject to the city’s noise ordinance chapter 23, division 5 of the city code.•The rooftop dining area will be kept in a clean and orderly manner.•Service of alcoholic beverages requires the applicant to obtain appropriate liquor licenses in compliance with Edina Code Section 4 and Minnesota Statute 340A.•Required fencing shall meet the Minnesota State Building Code and must be reviewed and approved by the Building Department. •Lighting shall meet the requirements in Section 36-1260 of City Code. •The rooftop dining area shall be constructed per the plans date stamped 8/28/23 and 9/7/23. Puttshack Puttshack is leading the field with it's a one-of-its-kind, upscale tech-infused mini golf game, powered by patented Trackaball technology. Which we want to bring to the city of Edina. When our guests wrap up playing golf as that is the initial attraction to our venue, you're just steps away from Puttshack's globally inspired, mixologist-obsessed signature bar and restaurant. Our golf experience is (4) 9 Hole courses that take up to 30 minutes four our guests to complete that is open to guests of all ages prior to 7 pm. Post 7 pm we turn the music up slightly and is for guests 21+, with a DJ being involved on Thursday-Saturday. We try to optimize every location for the guest experience, and in the city of Edina we have the space to activate an exterior patio to create a world class experience for our visitors. We'd love for them to enjoy the beautiful summer/fall Minnesota has to offer by offering our world class menu on an exterior patio with views of the city. We've seen success with outdoor spaces in our other locations Miami, St. Louis and Scottsdale. It allows us to take full advantage of our individual spaces and we've seen amazing activation of outdoor spaces allowing unique experiences to each of our guests. In fact, it has become quite the destination at each location specifically Miami which offers beautiful views of the city. We've found our exterior spaces to be very successful and look forward to continued success in Minnesota. eg 4_, at; "t Greg Drain Director of Preconstruction CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 8 2023 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 303 W Erie St, Suite 600, Chicago, IL, 60654 I puttshack.com ALIGN UP UP UP UP MA TC H LI N E 1/ A 152A MA TC H LI N E 1/ B 152B MA TC H LI N E 1/ A 152A MA TC H LI N E 1/ B 152B UP DN DN DN DN DN DN MM MM 30" 48" 30" 48"30"48"30"48"8'-8" 9'-0" HOOD21'-8"3'-6"HOOD 19'-0" HOOD 4'-0" HOOD 12"15" 21'-3" S/S PANEL H. 80" AFF 7'-3" S/S PANEL H. 80" AFF 2'-8" 2'-8"5'-0" HOOD 1'-4"4'-6" HOOD 1'-4" 12" 12'-6" HOOD 14'-2" 2'-4" 17'-4" S/S PANEL H. 80" AFF 11'-10"14"5'-0" HOODWB-6WB-3/5/6WB-9 WB-3/5/6WB-9WB-3 WB-4/6 WB-3 WB-3 WB-3WB-4/6WB-3 WB-3WB-7WB-4/6WB-3 WB-3 WB-3 WB-2 WB-3 LA LA LA12"12'-0"2'-3"3'-6" 8'-3"1'-6"3'-1"10'-9"3'-11" 2'-0" 5'-7" 5'-7" 2'-0" 3'-6"4'-10"2'-0"2'-6"6'-4" 23'-11" 2'-6" 2'-2" 11'-7" 3'-4" 9'-11" 2'-4"2'-2" 19'-9" 10'-5"10'-9"12" 3'-0"2'-1"6'-2"2'-0" A AA D D D D CH D DDCHDC HDINOUTHHD CDDDB B BB B BBBB BB B 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE COMPLEMENTARY AND WHAT IS CALLED FOR BY ANY WILL BE AS BINDING AS IF CALLED FOR BY ALL. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CONVEY THE DESIGN INTENT FOR THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CAREFULLY STUDY AND COMPARE THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SHALL COORDINATE THE WORK OF THE DOCUMENTS WITH THE WORK OF VENDOR PROVIDED INFORMATION ASSOCIATE WITH THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISTRIBUTE COMPLETE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TO PARTIES RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING THE WORK SO THAT NO PARTY RECEIVES LIMITED INFORMATION. 2. COORDINATION OF THE WORK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR REVIEW AND VERIFICATION OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, FIELD CONDITIONS, VENDOR DESIGN DRAWINGS INCLUDING DELEGATED DESIGN WORK BY OTHERS, AND DIMENSIONS FOR ACCURACY AND FOR CONFIRMING THE WORK IS CONSTRUCTIBLE PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE WORK WITH THE BUILDING OWNER SO AS NOT TO DISTURB OR CAUSE DAMAGE TO OTHER TENANT SPACES OR BUILDING AREAS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE A CURRENT COPY OF PUBLISHED CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTOR BUILDING GUIDELINES AND REGULATIONS FROM THE BUILDING MANAGEMENT AND COMPLY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF RECORD IN WRITING OF CONFLICTS AND OBTAIN A WRITTEN CLARIFICATION FROM THE ARCHITECT OF RECORD PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 3. DIMENSIONS DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. DIMENSIONS AND WORKPOINTS PROVIDED ARE TO STRUCTURAL GRID OR TO EXPOSED FACE OF A FINISH, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DIMENSIONS WITH CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD AND SHALL SECURE WRITTEN RESOLUTION OF CONFLICTS FROM THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INITIATING THE WORK. DO NOT ADJUST DIMENSIONS INDICATED AS "CLEAR" OR "HOLD" WITHOUT WRITTEN DIRECTION FROM ARCHITECT. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY DIMENSIONS THAT DIFFER BY MORE THAN "1 INCH", INCLUDING THOSE MARKED "VIF" AND "+/-". 4. DELEGATED DESIGN WORK BY OTHERS SYSTEMS INDICATED AS DELEGATED DESIGN SHALL BE ENGINEERED, AND STAMPED BY QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS LICENSED IN THE JURISDICTION OF THE WORK. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENGINEER OF RECORD FOR THESE SYSTEMS TO SECURE AGENCY APPROVALS, INCLUDING REQUIRED FEES ASSOCIATED WITH PERMIT APPROVAL. THESE SYSTEMS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SHALL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING COMPREHENSIVE ENGINEERING ANALYSIS UTILIZING PERFORMANCE AND DESIGN CRITERIA INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. • INTERIOR ARCHITECTS SHALL HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DISCOVERY, REMOVAL, PRESENCE, HANDLING, DISPOSAL OF, OR EXPOSURE OF PERSONS TO HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, MATERIALS, AND WASTES IN ANY FORM AT THE PROJECT SITE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: ASBESTOS, ASBESTOS PRODUCTS, PCB, MOLD, OR OTHER TOXIC OR HARMFUL SUBSTANCES. • QUESTIONS THAT ARISE RELATED TO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL BE REFERRED TO THE OWNER FOR RESOLUTION. INTERIOR ARCHITECTS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO DO WORK NOR RENDER OPINIONS RELATED TO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. • CONTRACTORS SHALL REPORT THE PRESENCE OF MATERIAL OR ASSEMBLIES SUSPECTED TO CONTAIN HAZARDOUS MATERIALS UPON DISCOVERY TO THE OWNER. WORK SHALL BE HALTED UNTIL WRITTEN CLEARANCE TO CONTINUE HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY THE OWNER’S CERTIFIED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CONSULTANTS. THE PROPOSED SOUTHDALE CENTER- HERBERGERS REDEVELOPMENT WILL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODES ADOPTED AND ENFORCED BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: • 2020 MINNESOTA BUILDING CODE (2018 IBC AS AMENDED) • 2020 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE (IEBC) • 2020 MINNESOTA CONSERVATION CODE FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS (2018 IEBC AS AMENDED) • 2020 MINNESOTA ELECTRICAL CODE - 2020 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE - NFPA 70 • 2020 MINNESOTA MECHANICAL AND FUEL GAS CODE • 2020 MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE • 2020 MINNESOTA ENERGY CODE - MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATIVE RULES, CHAPTER 1323, COMMERCIAL ENERGY CODE • 2020 MINNESOTA FIRE CODE (2018 IFC AS AMENDED) • 2020 MINNESOTA ACCESSIBILITY CODE • ALL EDINA CITY LOCAL CODES AND AMENDMENTS ALL CODE REFERENCES HEREIN ARE FROM THE IBC UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. PROJECT SITE CONTRACTOR, FURNITURE VENDOR, DESIGN BUILD SUB-CONTRACTORS AND OWNER’S SUBCONTRACTORS ARE ALL REQUIRED TO USE THE ARCHITECTURAL DIMENSION WORK POINTS ESTABLISHED FOR OPEN PLAN PENDANT LIGHTING AND FURNITURE CENTERLINES WHERE APPLICABLE. CONTRACTOR AND VENDOR PREPARED SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL DOCUMENT THE ARCHITECTURAL DIMENSION WORK POINTS FOR THE ARCHITECT’S REVIEW PRIOR TO START OF WORK. FIELD LAYOUT REVIEW REQUESTED OF THE ARCHITECT MUST UTILIZE ON ESTABLISHED WORK POINTS. FLOOR CORE LOCATIONS SERVING FURNITURE ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FURNITURE VENDOR, INCLUDING FIELD VERIFICATION OF LAYOUT CONSISTENT WITH THE FLOOR CORING REQUIREMENTS IDENTIFIED HEREIN. KEY PLAN SITE LOCATION GENERAL NOTES ABBREVIATIONS DEFINITIONS FURNITURE, FLOOR CORE & LIGHTING COORDINATION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NOTES PROJECT DIRECTORY CODE REFERENCES SHEET INDEX SYMBOLS AREA OF WORK IA'S PROJECT MANUAL DATED ________ TITLED ________ ARE HEREBY MADE A PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. PROJECT MANUAL LIST OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS TBD TBD 1. STEEL CONSTRUCTION - STRUCTURAL STEEL (IBC SECTION 1705.2.1) 2. STEEL CONSTRUCTION - COLD-FORMED STEEL DECK (IBC SECTION 1705.2.2) 3. STEEL CONSTRUCTION - OPEN-WEB STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS (IBC TABLE 1705.2.3) 4. STEEL CONSTRUCTION - COLD-FORMED STEEL STRESSES (IBC TABLE 1705.2.4) 5. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION (IBC TABLE 1705.3) 6. INSPECTION OF WELDING (AISC 360-16) 7. INSPECTION OF HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTS (AISC 360-16) 8. FIRE-RESISTANT PENETRATIONS AND JOINTS (IBC 1705.18) 2020 MINNESOTA BUILDING CODE adopts with amendments International Building Code 2018 (IBC 2018) CHAPTER 17 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: REFERENCE STRUCTURAL SHEET S.002 FOR STATEMENT AND SCHEUDLE OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS NOT IN CONTRACT TRUE TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTH DELTA REVISION CLOUD AREA NAME 150 SF AREA TAG SHEET NUMBER ELEVATION NUMBER ON SHEET SHEET NUMBER ENLARGED CALLOUT ON SHEET ZONE TO BE CALLED OUT GRID NUMBERA STRUCTURAL GRID LINE FINISH TRANSITION BREAKLINE DOUBLE BREAKLINE CL CENTERLINE SYMBOL FINISH GRAIN DIRECTION F-01 LIGHT FIXTURE / FURNITURE TAG XX EQUIPMENT/ACCESSORY TAG ROOM NAME 101 150 SF A-7.0 1 Ref 1 Ref1Ref 1Ref ALIGN CLOUD KEYNOTE ROOM TAG SECTION REFERENCE DETAIL SECTION REF DATUM A-8.6 1 DRAWING SCALE VIEW NUMBER 1 NORTH ARROW 101 1 A8.6 SIM ________________ 1 A-8.6 SIM _________ 1 View Name 1/8" = 1'-0" A B01 A PARTITION TYPE (SEE PARTITION SCHEDULE) GLAZING SYSTEM TYPE INSULATION TYPE, WHERE OCCURS MATCHLINE /1 A101 VIEW / SHEET NUMBER FOR CORRESPONDING PLAN CONTINUATION 1 A101 SHEET NUMBER VIEW DIRECTION VIEW NUMBER ON SHEET AXON/PERSPECTIVE VIEW REF ELEVATION VIEW REF NEW 1HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION NEW 2HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION EXISTING 1HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION EXISTING 2HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION X'-X"CEILING HEIGHT TAG (AFF) ADJACENT TENANTS: KOWALSKI'S (GROCERY STORE) PEOPLE'S ORGANIC (RESTAURANT) Job No. Owner Approval Scale DELTA ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION As indicated 7/28/2023 10:01:56 PMPUTTSHACK SOUTHDALE 47PTTS.0001.000 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 2023 G.000 COVER SHEET 22.7@ AT & AND L ANGLE # POUND OR NUMBER ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- ACP ACOUSTICAL CEILING PANEL AD AREA DRAIN ADJ ADJUSTABLE AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR AGGR AGGREGATE ALUM ALUMINUM APROX APPROXIMATE ARCH ARCHITECTURAL ASB ASBESTOS ASPH ASPHALT AWP ACOUSTIC WALL PANEL AXON AXONOMETRIC ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- BC BACK OF CURB BD BOARD BITUM BITUMINOUS BLDG BUILDING BLK BLOCK BLKG BLOCKING BM BEAM BO BOTTOM OF BOT BOTTOM BR BULLET RESISTANT BTB BACK TO BACK ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- C CHANNEL CAB CABINET CB CATCH BASIN CEM CEMENTIOUS CER CERAMIC CI CAST IRON CJ CONSTRUCTION JOINT CL CENTERLINE CLG CEILING CLO CLOSET CLR CLEAR CM CONSTRUCTION MANAGER CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT COL COLUMN CONC CONCRETE CONSTR CONSTRUCTION CONT CONTINUOUS CORR CORRIDOR CPT CARPET CTSK COUNTERSUNK CNTR COUNTER CT CERAMIC TILE CTR CENTER ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- (D) DEMOLISH DBL DOUBLE DEPT DEPARTMENT DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN DEMO DEMOLISH DET DETAIL DIA DIAMETER DIM DIMENSION DISP DISPENSER DN DOWN DO DOOR OPENING DR DOOR DWR DRAWER DS DOWNSPOUT DWG DRAWING ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- E EAST (E) EXISTING EA EACH EEOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEER OF RECORD EJ EXPANSION JOINT EL ELEVATION ELEC ELECTRICAL ELEV ELEVATION ELVTR ELEVATOR EMER EMERGENCY ENCL ENCLOSURE EPNL ELECTRICAL PANEL EQ EQUAL EQPT EQUIPMENT EWC ELECTRIC WATER COOLER EXG EXISTING EXT EXTERIOR ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- FA FIRE ALARM FAB FABRIC FB FLAT BAR FC FACE OF CURB FD FLOOR DRAIN FDN FOUNDATION FEC FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FE FIRE EXTINGUISHER FF FINISHED FLOOR FG FINISHED GRADE FH FIRE HYDRANT FHC FIRE HOSE CABINET FIN FINISH FL FLOOR FLSHG FLASHING FLUOR FLUORESCENT FO FACE OF FOC FACE OF CONCRETE FOF FACE OF FINISH FOS FACE OF STUDS FPRF FIREPROOFING FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC FRT FIRE RETARDANT TREATED FT FOOT OR FEET FTG FOOTING FURR FURRING FUT FUTURE FWP FABRIC WALL PANEL ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- GA GAUGE GALV GALVANIZED GB GRAB BAR GC GENERAL CONTRACTOR GL GLASS / GLAZING GND GROUND GR GRADE GYP GYPSUM GWB GYPSUM BOARD ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- HB HOSE BIB HDWD HARDWOOD HDWR HARDWARE HM HOLLOW METAL HORIZ HORIZONTAL HPC HIGH PERFORMANCE COATINGS HR HOUR HT HEIGHT ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- ID INSIDE DIAMETER (DIM) INSUL INSULATION INT INTERIOR JAN JANITOR JT JOINT KIT KITCHEN LAB LABORATORY LAM LAMINATE LAV LAVATORY LKR LOCKER LT LIGHT ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT ADDRESS: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING OCCUPANCY: PROJECT AREA: BUILDING NO. OF STORIES: AREA PER FLOOR: SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY: BUILDING LIFE SAFETY INFO: PROJECT INFORMATION 1. ALL INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REFERENCED CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLAMMABILITY AND SMOKE DEVELOPED RATINGS AS WELL AS TOXICITY. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: WALL AND CEILINGS (PER ASTM E84 OR UL723) INTERIOR EXIT STAIRWAYS, RAMPS AND EXIT PASSAGEWAYS CORRIDORS AND ENCLOSURE FOR EXIT ACCESS STAIRWAYS AND RAMPS: ROOMS AND ENCLOSED SPACES: FLOORING (PER ASTM E648 OR NFPA 253): CLASS II CRITICAL RADIANT FLUX OF NOT LESS THAN 0.22 WATTS PER SQUARE CENTIMETER FLAME SPREAD AND SMOKE-DEVELOPED INDEX CLASS A: FLAME SPREAD: 0 - 25; SMOKE-DEVELOPED: 0 - 450 CLASS B: FLAME SPREAD: 26 - 75; SMOKE-DEVELOPED: 0 -450 CLASS C: FLAME SPREAD: 76 - 200; SMOKE-DEVELOPED: 0 - 450 ZONE/DISTRICT: PARCEL NO.: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DEFERRED SUBMITTALS & DELEGATED DESIGN WORK BY OTHERS UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT: 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 COMMERCIAL TENANT RENOVATION OF AN INDOOR RECREATIONAL PUTTING EXPERIENCE ON THE SECOND AND THIRD LEVEL OF AN EXISTING BUILDING WHICH IS CURRENTLY VACANT. SCOPE ON THE SECOND LEVEL IS LIMITED TO AN ENTRANCE LOBBY WITH A NEW STAIR. THE PRIMARY SCOPE ON THE THIRD LEVEL INCLUDES CONSTRUCTION OF NON-STRUCTURAL PARTITIONS, CEILINGS, FINISHES, RAISED ACCESS FLOOR SYSTEMS, AND FURNITIRE AND EQUIPMENT TO SERVE RECREATIONAL PUTTING COURSES, COMMERCIAL KITCHEN, DINING/BAR SERVICE AREAS AND ASSOCIATED BACK-OF-HOUSE PROGRAM. AN OUTDOOR TERRACE OVER A RAISED PAVER SYSTEM WILL ALSO BE INCLUDED. I-B M – MERCANTILE, A-2 – RESTAURANT, A-3 – ASSEMBLY, B – BUSINESS, S-1 - STORAGE 29,017 SF 4 LEVELS INCLUDING BASEMENT 48,100 SF [NFPA 13 SPRINKLERS] , [VISUAL AND AUDIBLE FIRE ALARM], [EMERGENCY VOICE ALARM COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (EVACS)] A-2, A-3 OCCUPANCY - CLASS B A-2, A-3 OCCUPANCY - CLASS B B OCCUPANCY - CLASS B A-2, A-3 OCCUPANCY - CLASS C PCD-3 PID: 29-028-24-32-0021 TRACT A, EXCEPT THAT PART EMBRACED WITHIN THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 028, RANGE 24. A FIRE ALARM, SPRINKLER, EXTERIOR SIGNAGE, CHANDALIER ANCHORAGE, LOW VOLTAGE, ROOFING, MECHANICAL SCREENING, WATERPROOFING, STEEL STAIRS AND LANDINGS AND GUARDRAILING, ALTERNATE MEANS OF ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ARCHITECT OF RECORD: INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, PC JASON COATS MN LICENSE # 58155 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 704.247.5317 J.COATS@INTERIORARCHITECTS.COM LANDLORD/BUILDING OWNER SIMON PROPERTY GROUP STEVEN PASKO 225 W WASHINGTON ST, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46204 317.695.5064 SPASKO@SIMON.COM MEP ENGINEER HENDERSON ENGINEERS PAUL KOLLAT 240 W 37TH, ST #304 NEW YORK, NY 10018 212.413.8400 PAUL.KOLLAT@HENDERSONENGINEERS.COM IA PROJECT CONTACT: INTERIOR ARCHITECTS (PC) NEIL PAULSEN 100 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10005 212.682.6909 N.PAULSEN@INTERIORARCHITECTS.COM NORTH CAROLINA 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 TEL (704) 626-8732 LIGHTING DESIGNER LIGHTHIVE KACI DELONG CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 407.484.6268 KDELONG@LIGHTHIVE.COM ALIGN TO ACCURATELY LOCATE FINISH FACES IN THE SAME PLANE CLEAR / CLR / HOLD DIMENSIONS ARE ABSOLUTES, UNOBSTRUCTED FROM FACE OF EXPOSED FINISH SURFACES. DEMOLISH TO DECONSTRUCT COMPLETE SYSTEM, HAUL, AND DISPOSE OF MATERIAL, INCLUDING APPROPRIATE PULL BACK AND TERMINATION/CAPPING OF RELATED BUILDING SERVICES SALVAGE DIS-ASSEMBLE, CONVEY OR STORE MATERIAL PER OWNERS INSTRUCTIONS REUSE SALVAGE, STORE ON SITE, RE-INSTALL INSTALL ON-SITE OPERATIONS INCLUDING UNLOADING, TEMPORARY STORAGE, UN-PACKING, ASSEMBLY, PLACING, ANCHORING, APPLYING, FINISHING, PROTECTING, AND CLEANING COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL ELEMENTS, EQUIPMENT, AND SYSTEMS FURNISH PROCURE AND STORE ON-SITE MATERIAL FOR INSTALLATION BY OTHERS PROVIDE FURNISH AND INSTALL COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL SYSTEM NOTIFY TO INFORM THE STATED PARTIES IN WRITING AND SEEK RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMENCING WORK GENERAL G.000 COVER SHEET G.002 ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS G.003 TYPICAL MOUNTING HEIGHT & SIGNAGE DETAILS G.004 DOOR AND HARDWARE SCHEDULES G.007 WALL PARTITION TYPES G.008 FLOOR TRANSITION AND WALL BASE DETAILS G.009 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS G.100 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) G.101 EXITING DIAGRAM-1ST FLOOR G.102 EXITING DIAGRAM-2ND FLOOR G.103 EXITING DIAGRAM-3RD FLOOR ARCHITECTURAL A.102 OVERALL CONSTRUCTION PLAN - 2ND FLOOR A.102R OVERALL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - 2ND FLOOR A.103 OVERALL CONSTRUCTION PLAN - 3RD FLOOR A.103R OVERALL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN-3RD FLOOR A.110A 2ND FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN-NORTH A.111A 3RD FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN-NORTH A.111B 3RD FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN-SOUTH A.120A 2ND FLOOR POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN-NORTH A.121A 3RD FLOOR POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN-NORTH A.121B 3RD FLOOR POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN-SOUTH A.140A 2ND FLOOR FINISH PLAN-NORTH A.141A 3RD FLOOR FINISH PLAN-NORTH A.141B 3RD FLOOR FINISH PLAN-SOUTH A.142A 2ND FLOOR WALL FINISH PLAN - NORTH A.143A 3RD FLOOR WALL FINISH PLAN - NORTH A.143B 3RD FLOOR WALL FINISH PLAN - SOUTH A.151A 2ND FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - NORTH A.152A 3RD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - NORTH A.152B 3RD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - SOUTH A.153A 3RD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING COORDINATION PLAN - NORTH A.153B 3RD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING COORDINATION PLAN - SOUTH A.160A 2ND FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN - NORTH A.161A 3RD FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN - NORTH A.161B 3RD FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN - SOUTH A.181 LINE OF SIGHT STUDY A.201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) A.211 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.212 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.213 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.214 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.215 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.216 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.217 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.218 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.219 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.220 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.221 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.222 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.223 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.224 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.225 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.226 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.227 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.228 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.229 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.400A ENLARGED RESTROOM PLANS A.400B ENLARGED BAR PLANS A.401A RESTROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.401B RESTROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.401C RESTROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.801 DETAILS A.802 RAISED PAVER DETAILS A.803 RAISED PAVER DETAILS A.804 RAISED PAVER DETAILS A.805 RAISED PAVER STRUCTURAL AND FIRE TESTING A.806 DETAILS A.820 TYP CEILING DETAILS A.830A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 2) CLOAK PASS THROUGH A.830B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 2) CLOAK PASS THROUGH A.830C MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 2) CLOAK PASS THROUGH A.831 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 3) GUEST GARMENT A.832 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 4) SALE MARKETING DESK A.833 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 6) HOST STAND A.834A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 8) SECONDARY BAR A.834B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 8) SECONDARY BAR A.834C MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 8) SECONDARY BAR A.834D MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 8) SECONDARY BAR A.835 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 10) BALL DISPENSER A.836 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 11) DRINK TABLE A.837 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 12A) TELEVISION SURROUND WITH GLOBE LIGHT A.838 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 12B) TELEVISION SURROUND WITHOUT GLOBE A.839 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 13) BALL LIFTER @ COURSE A.840A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 16) MEN'S BATHROOM VANITY A.840B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 16) MEN'S BATHROOM VANITY A.841A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 17) WOMEN'S BATHROOM VANITY A.841B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 17) WOMEN'S BATHROOM VANITY A.842 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 18) MANAGERS OFFICE DESK A.843A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 19) GENDER INCLUSIVE BATHROOM VANITY A.843B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 19) GENDER INCLUSIVE BATHROOM VANITY A.844 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 23) DJ BOOTH A.845A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 24) MAIN BAR A.845B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 24) MAIN BAR A.845C MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 24) MAIN BAR A.846A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846C MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846D MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846E MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846F MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846G MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.846H MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 25) BAR GANTRIES A.847 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 28) DO OFFICE SHELVING A.848 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 31) MAIN BAR ISLAND A.849A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 32) MAIN BAR UPPER CABINETS A.849B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 32) MAIN BAR UPPER CABINETS A.849C MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 32) MAIN BAR UPPER CABINETS A.849D MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 32) MAIN BAR UPPER CABINETS A.849E MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 32) MAIN BAR UPPER CABINETS A.849F MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 32) MAIN BAR UPPER CABINETS A.850 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34A) DINING HEIGHT BANQUETTE A.851A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34B) DINING HEIGHT BANQUETTE A.851B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34B) COUNTER HEIGHT BANQUETTE A.852A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34C) ROUND BANQUETTE A.852B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34C) ROUND BANQUETTE A.853A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34D) COUNTER HEIGHT BANQUETTE A.853B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 34D) COUNTER HEIGHT BANQUETTE A.854 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 35) BANQUETTE SCREEN A.855 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 36) WAIT STATION © INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. MAX MAXIMUM MC MEDICINE CABINET MECH MECHANICAL MEMB MEMBRANE MEOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER OF RECORD MFR MANUFACTURER MH MANHOLE MIN MINIMUM MIR MIRROR MISC MISCELLANEOUS MO MASONRY OPENING MTD MOUNTED MTL METAL MUL MULLION ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- (N) NEW N NORTH NAT NATURAL NC NOISE CRITERION (NOISE LEVEL LIMIT) NIC NOT IN CONTRACT NOM NOMINAL NRC NOISE REDUCTION COEFFICIENT NTS NOT TO SCALE ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- OA OVERALL OC ON CENTER OCC OCCUPANCY OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER (DIM) OFF OFFICE OPNG OPENING OTS OPEN TO STRUCTURE OPP OPPOSITE ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- P PAINT PERP PERPENDICULAR PL PLATE PLAM PLASTIC LAMINATE PLAS PLASTER PLUMB PLUMBING PLWD PLYWOOD PP POWER POLE PR PAIR PRCST PRECAST PT PRESSURE TREATED PTD PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER PTD/R COMBINATION PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER AND WASTE RECEPTACLE PVB POLYVINYL BUTYRAL PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PLASTIC) ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- QT QUARRY TILE ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- (R) RELOCATE RAD RADIUS RD ROOF DRAIN REF REFERENCE REFR REFRIGERATOR RF RESILIENT FLOORING REINF REINFORCED REQ'D REQUIRED RESIL RESILIENT RM ROOM RO ROUGH OPENING RWL RAIN WATER LEADER ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- S SOUTH SAB SOUND ATTENUATION BLANKET SAFB SOUND ATTENUATION FIRE BLANKET SC SOLID CORE SCD SEAT COVER DISPENSER SCHED SCHEDULE SD SOAP DISPENSER SLT SEALANT SDT STATIC DISSIPATIVE TILE SEC SECURITY SECT SECTION SEOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OF RECORD SFRM SPRAY FIRE-RESISTIVE MATERIAL SG SAFETY GLAZING SH SHELF SHWR SHOWER SHT SHEET SHTG SHEATHING SIM SIMILAR SND SANITARY NAPKIN DISPENSER SNR SANITARY NAPKIN RECEPTACLE SOB SYMBOL ON BACKGROUND SPEC SPECIFICATION SQ SQUARE SS STAINLESS STEEL SSD SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SSK SERVICE SINK SSM SOLID SURFACE MATERIAL ST STONE STA STATION STC SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS STD STANDARD STL STEEL STOR STORAGE STRUCT STRUCTURAL SUSP SUSPENDED ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- T TREAD TB TOWEL BAR TBD TO BE DETERMINED TCOM TELECOMMUNICATION TEL TELEPHONE TER TERRAZZO T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE THK THICK TOC TOP OF CONCRETE TPD TOILET PAPER DISPENSER TR TRANSITION TV TELEVISION TOW TOP OF WALL TYP TYPICAL ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- UNF UNFINISHED UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED UR URINAL ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- VCT VINYL COMPOSITION TILE VERT VERTICAL VEST VESTIBULE VIF VERIFY IN FIELD VNR VENEER ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- W WEST W/ WITH WC WATER CLOSET / WALL COVERING WD WOOD WLD WELDED W/O WITHOUT WO WHERE OCCURS WP WATERPROOF WRB WEATHER RESISTANT BARRIER WT WEIGHT / WINDOW TREATMENT ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- A.856A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 45) SECONDARY BAR A.856B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 45) SECONDARY BAR A.857A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 46) WAINSCOT A.857B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 46) WAINSCOT A.858 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 47) TEE TIME TV BOX A.859 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 53) DRINK LEDGE A.860A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 55) BANQUETTE DIVIDER SCREEN A.860B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 55) BANQUETTE DIVIDER SCREEN A.861 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 57) NESTING TABLE A.862A MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 61) BANQUETTE DIVIDER SCREEN A.862B MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 61) BANQUETTE DIVIDER SCREEN A.863 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 62) TEE TIME TV BOX A.864 MILLWORK DETAILS (MW- 101) ASSOCIATE LOUNGE SHELVING A.920 LIGHTING & ZONING SCHEDULE A.920A PLUMBING SCHEDULES A.920B ACCESSORY SCHEDULES A.921 LIGHTING SCHEDULE A.922 SIGNAGE SCHEDULE A.923 SIGNAGE SCHEDULE A.924 FINISH SCHEDULE A.925 FINISH SCHEDULE A.926 FINISH SCHEDULE A.927 FINISH SCHEDULE A.928 FINISH SCHEDULE A.929 FINISH SCHEDULE A.930 FINISH SCHEDULE A.931 FINISH SCHEDULE A.932 FINISH SCHEDULE STRUCTURAL S.001 DESIGN PARAMETERS AND GENERAL NOTES S.002 STRUCTURAL SPECIAL INSPECTIONS S.203 LEVEL 3 FRAMING PLAN S.204 ROOF FRAMING PLAN S.205 LEVEL 2 STAIR FRAMING PLAN S.300 FRAMING DETAILS MECHANICAL M-001 MECHANICAL ABBREVIATIONS, NOTES AND SYMBOLS M-200 MECHANICAL DUCTWORK PLAN - OVERALL M-201 MECHANICAL DUCTWORK PLAN - ENLARGED M-220 MECHANICAL ROOF PLAN M-300 MECHANICAL DETAILS M-301 MECHANICAL DETAILS M-304 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT M-305 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT M-306 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT M-307 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT M-400 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES M-401 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES M-500 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS M-501 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS M-502 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS M-600 ENERGY COMLIANCE FORMS M-601 ENERGY COMLIANCE FORMS ELECTRICAL E-001 ELECTRICAL ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS E-002 ELECTRICAL NOTES AND DETAILS E-003 ELECTRICAL ONE- LINE DIAGRAM E-004 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES E-100 POWER PLAN E-101 POWER PLAN- ENLARGED E-102 EQUIPMENT CONNECTION PLAN E-103 EQUIPMENT CONNECTION PLAN-ROOF E-200 LIGHTING PLAN E-201 LIGHTING PLAN - ENLARGED E-300 LIGHTING CONTROLS E-301 LIGHTING CONTROL SCHEDULES E-302 LIGHTING SCHEDULES E-400 PANELBOARD SCHEDULES E-401 PANELBOARD SCHEDULES E-402 PANELBOARD SCHEDULES E-500 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS E-501 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS E-502 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS E-600 ENERGY COMLIANCE FORMS PLUMBING P-001 PLUMBING ABBREVIATIONS, NOTES AND SYMBOLS P-002 PLUMBING WASTE AND VENT RISER DIAGRAM P-110 PLUMBING WASTE AND VENT PLAN - LEVEL 3 P-111 PLUMBING WATER AND GAS PLAN - LEVEL 3 P-120 PLUMBING PLAN - KITCHEN P-121 PLUMBING PLAN - MAIN AND SECONDARY BAR P-130 PLUMBING ROOF PLAN P-300 PLUMBING DETAILS P-301 PLUMBING DETAILS P-400 PLUMBING SCHEDULES P-500 PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS P-501 PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS FOODSERVICE QF001 FOODSERVICE GENERAL NOTES, SHEET INDEX QF100 FOODSERVICE PLAN QF101 FOODSERVICE EQUIPMEN PLAN QF102 FOODSERVICE SCHEDULE QF103 FOODSERVICE SCHEDULE QF104 FOODSERVICE SCHEDULE QF201 FOODSERVICE PLUMBING IN-SLAB ROUGH-IN PLACE QF202 FOODSERVICE PLUMBING ABOVE SLAB ROUGH-IN PLACE QF301 FOODSERVICE ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN PLACE QF401 FOODSERVICE SPECIAL CONDITIONS PLAN QF402 FOODSERVICE BEVERAGE CONDUIT PLAN QF403 FOODSERVICE MECHANICAL CONNECTION PLAN QF404 FOODSERVICE CRITICAL DIMENSION PLAN QF405 FOODSERVICE FLOOR CURB AND DEPRESSION PLAN QF601 FOODSERVICE DETAILS QF701-718 WALK-IN AND EXHAUST HOOD SHOP DRAWINGS CLIENT CONTACT PUTTSHACK GREG DRAIN 303 W.ERIE ST. CHICAGO, IL 60654 847.878.2082 GREG.DRAIN@PUTTSHACK.COM CONTRACTOR ARCO/MURRAY BRENDAN BARKER 113 N MAY STREET, 2ND FLOOR CHICAGO, IL 60607 331.290.5478 BBARKER@ARCOMURRAY.COM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER WALLACE DESIGN COLLECTIVE MICHAEL LANCEY 1703 WYANDOTTE ST., SUITE 200 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64108 816.421.8282 MICHAEL.LANCEY@WALLACE.DESIGN 6 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 6 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 07.28.2023 Puttshack DN MM MM30"48"30"48"B BB B B MMMM ALIGN ALIGN 1. DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE SCALED. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING AS BUILT FIELD CONDITIONS, INCLUDING FIELD MEASUREMENTS PRIOR TO START OF WORK, NOTIFY ARCHITECT WHERE DISCREPANCIES OCCUR. 2. USE TYPE "X" GWB ON FIRE RATED PARTITIONS. 3. PROVIDE INSULATION FULL DEPTH OF STUD OF A TYPE AND IN LOCATIONS INDICATED IN THE PLAN. INSULATION AT RATED PARTITIONS TO BE NON-COMBUSTIBLE, MINERAL WOOL OR EQUIVALENT APPROVED IN THE PROJECT JURISDICTION. 4. SEE A-8 DETAIL SHEET SERIES FOR TYPICAL PARTITION DETAILS, EXTENTS OF FRAMING AND FINISHES. 5. FIRE SAFE PENETRATIONS AT FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITIONS PER APPLICABLE UL ASSEMBLY. SEE A-8 SHEET SERIES FOR DETAILS. 6. MAINTAIN INTEGRITY OF EXISTING FIRE RESISTANT RATED ASSEMBLIES FOR PENETRATIONS. 7. PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED AT LOCATIONS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: GRAB BARS, SHELVING, OVERHEAD CABINETS, SIGNAGE, TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES, WALL MOUNT. EQUIPMENT, ETC. [ALL BLOCKING TO BE FIRE RETARDANT TREATED WOOD OR 16 GA (MIN) SHEET METAL.] 8. REFER TO A-2 SHEET SERIES FOR POWER & SIGNAL DEVICE LOCATIONS. 9. EXPOSED GYPSUM BOARD OUTSIDE CORNERS SHALL HAVE A CONTINUOUS METAL CORNER BEAD. 10. DIMENSIONS TAKEN FROM PERIMETER EXTERIOR WINDOW WALL ARE TAKEN FROM THE INSIDE FACE OF THE VERTICAL MULLION. DIMENSIONS MARKED VERIFY, SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO START OF WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WORK WITH HVAC, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, DELEGATED DESIGN FIRE PROTECTION AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS AND REPORT TO THE ARCHITECT DISCREPANCIES FOR CORRECTION AND ADJUSTMENT PRIOR TO START OF WORK. NO ALLOWANCE WILL BE MADE FOR INCREASED COST DUE TO THE CONTRACTOR’S LACK OF COORDINATION. 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXISTING FIRE RATED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLIES DENOTED IN THE DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ARCHITECT IN WRITING OF CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE AS-BUILT CONDITION AND THE DRAWINGS. PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A PROPOSAL FOR THE COST AND SCHEDULE OF UPGRADING EXISTING ASSEMBLIES DENOTED AS FIRE RATED TO A CODE COMPLIANT LEVEL. 13. PATCH AND REPAIR PARTITIONS AFTER DEMOLITION WHERE DAMAGE HAS OCCURRED AT UNPROTECTED LOCATIONS. PLEASE NOTE THAT DEMOLITION ACTIVITY MAY OCCUR BEYOND WORK LIMITS SHOWN ON DEMOLITION PLAN DUE TO CONCEALED CONDITIONS. 14. REQUIRED MARKING AND IDENTIFICATION OF PARTITIO NS. WHERE THERE IS AN ACCESSIBLE CONCEALED FLOOR, FLOOR-CEILING OR ATTIC SPACE, FIRE WALLS, FIRE BARRIERS, FIRE PARTITIONS, SMOKE BARRIERS AND SMOKE PARTITIONS OR ANY OTHER WALL REQUIRED TO HAVE PROTECTED OPENINGS OR PENETRATIONS SHALL BE EFFECTIVELY AND PERMANENTLY IDENTIFIED WITH SIGNS OR STENCILING IN THE CONCEALED SPACE. SUCH IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 15 FEET (4572 MM) OF THE END OF EACH WALL AND AT INTERVALS NOT EXCEEDING 30 FEET (9144 MM) MEASURED HORIZONTALLY ALONG THE WALL OR PARTITION AND INCLUDE LETTERING NOT LESS THAN 3 INCHES (76 MM) IN HEIGHT WITH A MINIMUM 3/8-INCH (9.5 MM) STROKE IN A CONTRASTING COLOR INCORPORATING THE SUGGESTED WORDING, “FIRE AND/OR SMOKE BARRIER — PROTECT ALL OPENINGS,” OR OTHER WORDING BASED ON LOCAL JURISDICTION. REFER TO PARTITION SCHEDULE, PLAN AND LEGEND TO IDENTIFY APPLICABLE PARTITIONS. SHEET NOTES FLOOR TO CEILING WINDOW PARTIAL HEIGHT WINDOW (WITH SILL) DOOR TAG (DOOR NUMBER BASED ON ROOM NUMBER WITH ALPHA SUFFIX IF MULTIPLE) A EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN NEW 1HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION NEW 2HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION NEW CONSTRUCTION NEW MILLWORK WITH OVERHEAD CABINETS SURFACE MTD FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND CABINET FE FEC +42" FIRE PROTECTION RISER CABINETFPR1047AB01 A EXISTING 1HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION EXISTING 2HR FIRE RESISTANT RATED PARTITION PARTITION TYPE (SEE PARTITION SCHEDULE) GLAZED OPENING SYSTEM TYPE INSULATION TYPE, WHERE OCCURS ? KEYNOTE 202 TYPE DESCRIPTION - NONE A ACOUSTIC T THERMAL M MINERAL WOOL PARTITION LEGEND INDICATES MOUNTING HEIGHT A.F.F. NEW RAISED ACCESS FLOOR NEW RAISED ROOF WALKWAY A.214 2 MATCHLINE 1/A111A MATCHLINE 1/A111B MATCHLINE 1/A111A MATCHLINE 1/A111B A6 A6 B3 B3 SEMI-PRIVATE DINING ROOM 300 BAR AREA 3 302 BAR AREA 4 305 BAR AREA 1 304 BAR AREA 2 303 TERRACE 325A CIRCULATION 329 MAIN BAR 301 2 - EMERALD COURSE 307 1 - AMBER COURSE ACCESSIBLE 306 HOST/ CHECK -IN 324 B3 BC3 A6 A.227 2 31 A.214 1 A.216 2 A.216 3 A.2143 A.216 4 A.215 2 A.2161 A.215 1 A.213 6 7 10 5 A.213 2 3 4 1 A.2174 1 2 3 A.2184 1 2 3 A.215 3 B3 B3 B3 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 A.217 5 A.400B 1 MW-36 MW-24 MW-6 MW-31 DN DN 325308AEXIT VEST. 328 328A328B 104 3'-3"5'-10"16'-11"19'-0"4'-0" 1'-0" +1' - 1 1/2" +1' - 1 1/2" +1' - 1 1/2" +1' - 1 1/2" +0" CL9'-5"57'-10"EQ.EQ.7'-9 1/2"6'-6 1/2"(VIF)8'-9 1/2"3'-0 1/2"1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 A A B B C C D D E E F F SERVICE AREA 325B 1:20 +1' - 1 1/2" +0" 3'-0"1'-3"1'-3"1'-3"24'-6" +1' - 1 1/2" +1' - 1 1/2" +1' - 1 1/2" +1' - 1 1/2" TERRACE 325A N.I.C LOW ROOF OPEN TO ABOVE 104 18'-0"4'-0"2'-0"24'-0" 22'-6"4'-2"7'-9 1/2"6'-0" CLR(VIF)± 10'-0"(VIF)±22'-5 3/4"(VIF)9'-4"6'-0" CLR23'-2"8'-10"6'-6"31'-9"11"13'-1"10'-11"24'-0" A.228 1 145 145 145 145 145 111 111 145 145145 R 7' - 0"8'-6"DN CL1'-3"3'-2"6'-0"145 +0" 1:12 12'-0 1/2"10'-5 1/2"18'-1"4'-0"1'-11"25'-1"6'-6"1'-8"F8 10'-6" A.213 A.213 8 A.213 9 11 A.216 5 A.219 2 A.220 1 A.228 2 UP 9 RISERS @ 6.97" EA. = 5.23' (5' 2-3/4" USEABLE) 8 TREADS @ 11" EA. 1 LANDING 8 RISERS @ 6.97" EA. = 4.65' (4' 7-3/4" USEABLE) 7 TREADS @ 11" EA. 1 LANDING 16 RISERS @ 6.97" EA. = 9.29' (9' 3-1/2" USEABLE) 15 TREADS @ 11" EA. 1 LANDING 144 144 144 144 144144 144 144 144 144 144 MW-10 BALL DISPENSER MW-10 BALL DISPENSER MW-11 DRINK TABLE x9 MW-12 COURSE TV SURROUND x9 MW-13 BALL LIFTER MW-13 BALL LIFTER MW-12 COURSE TV SURROUND x9 MW-11 DRINK TABLE x9 MW-23 MW-62 MW-62 COUNTER HEIGHT 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 108 144 144144 COUNTER HEIGHT MW-35 MW-34C COUNTER HEIGHT - OPP. MW-55 OPP. MW-47 MW-61 OPP. MW-34B DINING HEIGHT MW-34C COUNTER HEIGHT - MW-55 MW-61 F6 F6F6 144 F6 F6 10'-6"12'-6 1/2"1'-2 1/2"132 102 101 136 136 133 124 133 105 104 102102102 129 135 129 117 129 111 122 134 134 101 101 46'-11"1'-8 1/2"3'-5"9'-8 1/2"10'-11"13'-2"3'-5 1/2" DN +0" 1:12 +1' - 3"1'-0"15'-0"1'-0"10"4'-0"24'-9"6'-4"7'-8 1/2"6'-7"38'-11 1/2"6'-4"22'-6" DN 1:12+1' - 3" +0"1'-0"6'-5"9'-7 1/2"+0" DN 1'-0"2'-0"101 106 101 122 120 120 103 122 124 137 137 129 137 MW-47 MW-24 MW-45 MW-8 F8 F8 4 1/2" KITCHEN 308 VIF 46'-1 1/2" R.O. 311A VIF 21'-11" R.O. VIF 7'-7 1/2" R.O. 325B 325A A.2012 A.201 1 146 146 101 111 144 MW-35 144 +10 1/2" A.4021 2 4 2 G.002 ____________ 1 G.002 ____________ 2 G.002 ____________ 2 G.002 ____________ MILLWORK LEGEND MILLWORK TAG - SEE INDEX SHEET G-000 FOR MILLWORK COORDINATION DETAIL REFERENCES AND MILLWORK SHOP DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION Job No. Owner Approval Scale DELTA ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION 1/8" = 1'-0"7/28/2023 10:28:21 PMPUTTSHACK SOUTHDALE 47PTTS.0001.000 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 2023 A.111A 3RD FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN-NORTH 22.7NORTH CAROLINA 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 TEL (704) 626-8732 KEYNOTESPARTITION SCHEDULE TYPE FIRE RATING UL #DESCRIPTION SSMA # STUD SPACING (IN) MAX DEFLECTION THICKNESS DETAIL REF.MAX HT A2 1 U423 U425 1-HR. RATED 3 5/8" METAL STUDS, FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" TYPE-X GYPBOARD EACH SIDE. 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 5" 10/G007 1/G007 A6 2 U412 2-HR. RATED 2 1/2" METAL STUDS., FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH TWO LAYERS 5/8" TYPE-X GYPBOARD EACH SIDE. 250S125-33 24 L/240 0' - 5" 7/G007 1/G007 B3 NR NR NON-RATED 3 5/8" METAL STUDS, FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE. 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 5" 4/G007 <varies> B6 NR NR NON-RATED 6" METAL STUDS, FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE. 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 7 1/2" 4/G007 1/G007 BC3 NR NR NON-RATED 3 5/8" METAL STUDS, FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH ONE FULL HEIGHT LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD ON ONE SIDE, THE OTHER 5/8" GYPBOARD LAYER TO EXTEND 6" ABOVE CEILING 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 4 1/2" 5/G007 1/G007 D3 NR NR 3 5/8" METAL STUDS WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE (PARTITION TERMINATES AT UNDERSIDE OF CEILING). 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 5" 12/G007 1/G007 F1 NR NR 7/8" METAL FURRING HAT CHANNELS WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD ON EXTERIOR. 087F125-33 16 L/240 0' - 1 1/2" 1/G007 F3 NR NR 7/8" METAL FURRING HAT CHANNELS OVER RESILIENT SOUND ISOLATION CLIPS WITH TWO LAYERS 5/8" GYPBOARD ON EXTERIOR. 087F125-33 24 L/240 0' - 3" 1/G007 F6 NR NR 2 1/2" METAL STUD FURRING WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD ON EXTERIOR (1/2" AIR SPACE BETWEEN STUD AND WALL). 250S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 3" 8/G007 1/G007 F8 NR NR 3 5/8" METAL STUD FURRING WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD ON EXTERIOR (1/2" AIR SPACE BETWEEN STUD AND WALL). 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 4 1/2" 8/G007 <varies> G3 NR NR 3 5/8" METAL STUDS WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE. PARTIAL-HEIGHT WALL - SEE PLANS/ELEVATIONS FOR HEIGHT. 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 5" 9/G007 1/G007 G4 NR NR 3 5/8" METAL STUDS WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE. PARTIAL-HEIGHT WALL - SEE PLANS/ELEVATIONS FOR HEIGHT. 362S125-33 16 L/240 0' - 6 1/2" 9/G007 1/G007 J05 NR NR TWO ROWS 3 5/8" METAL STUDS , FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE (1" MINIMUM AIR SPACE BETWEEN STUD ROWS). 362S125-33 16 L/240 1' - 6" 1/G007 J06 NR NR TWO ROWS 3 5/8" METAL STUDS , FULL HEIGHT [SLAB-TO-SLAB] WITH ONE LAYER 5/8" GYPBOARD EACH SIDE (1" MINIMUM AIR SPACE BETWEEN STUD ROWS). 362S125-33 16 L/240 1' - 10" 1/G007 NO.DESCRIPTION 101 TENANT LEASE LINE. PROJECT TEAM TO VERIFY IN FIELD. 102 G.C. TO INFILL WALL WITH LIKE MATERIAL. MAINTAIN EXISTING CONSTRUCTION AND FIRE RATING OF ADJACENT WALLS. 103 SCRAPE COLUMNS ONLY AS NEEDED TO INSTALL FRAMING AND DRYWALL. REFER TO FINISH PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 104 EXISTING BUILDING STAIR TOWER TO REMAIN. 105 EXISTING BUILDING ELEVATOR TO REMAIN. 106 EXISTING BUILDING CORRIDOR TO REMAIN. 108 EXISTING WALL BY LANDLORD TO REMAIN. SEE LANDLORD BASE BUILDING DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION TYPE AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 111 NEW FULL HEIGHT GYP WALL. CONFIRM WALL CONSTRUCTION TYPE AND IF WALL IS IN LANDLORD OR TENANT SCOPE. 117 NEW DOUBLE DOOR. REFER TO DOOR SCHEDULE FOR MORE INFORMATION. 120 INSULATED WALLS TYP. AT EXTERIOR WALLS. CONFIRM WALL CONSTRUCTION TYPE AND IF WALL IS IN LANDLORD OR TENANT SCOPE. 122 AREA OF RAISED FLOOR PLATFORM. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 124 REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION ON INTERIOR SPACES, WALL HEIGHTS, AND WALL OPENING. 129 PREPARE EXISTING OPENING FOR NEW GLAZING SYSTEM AND DOORS. REFER TO ELEVATIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS AND DOOR SCHEDULE FOR MORE INFORMATION. 132 NEW STRUCTURAL GRAND STAIR. REFER TO ELEVATIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 133 NEW RAILING OVER TWO STORY OPENING. REFER TO ELEVATIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 134 NEW EXTERIOR PAVER SYSTEM. REFER TO ELEVATIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 135 1:20 SLOPE AT EXTERIOR FOR EXITING. REFER TO ELEVATIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 136 PORTION OF FURRED OUT WALL TO EXTEND TO TOP OF THIRD FLOOR SLAB. TO BE FINISHED WILL MILLWORK CAP (WD-3) TO ALIGN WITH CONCRETE FLOOR. 137 NEW OPERABLE STOREFRONT GLASS DOOR SYSTEM. REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR DESIGN INTENT AND DIMENSIONS. 144 EXISTING COLUMNS/BUTTRESSES TO REMAIN. 145 EXISTING WALL(S) TO REMAIN. 146 PROVIDE EXTERIOR CORRUGATED METAL PANEL TO MATCH EXISTING ADJACENT IN STYLE, SIZE, ASSEMBLY, AND INSTALLATION SO TO ACHIEVE A UNIFORM APPEARANCE. GC SHALL COORDINATE WITH LANDLORD FOR SPECIFICATION AND SUBMIT TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. 1/8" = 1'-0"1 3RD FLOOR PARTITION PLAN-NORTH © INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. 1 SD DELIVERABLE 04/07/20236 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 07.28.2023 OPEN TO LEVEL 3 TERRACE OPEN TO LEVEL 3 TERRACE OPEN TO LEVEL 3 TERRACE OPEN TO LEVEL 3 TERRACE S-18 TRIMLESS CHANNEL LETTERS ON STEEL FRAME S-60 WINDOW GRAPHICS 12'-4"30'-4"19'-3"5'-3"AREA OF WORK BY OTHERS S-19 TRIMLESS CHANNEL LETTERS S-18 TRIMLESS CHANNEL LETTERS ON STEEL FRAME S-22 VINYL WINDOW GRAPHICS 6'-0"7'-0"14'-5"2'-3"5'-3"19'-3" SHEET NOTES 1. ELEVATIONS PROVIDE FOR REFERENCE ONLY TO COORDINATE SIGNAGE DELEGATED DESIGN. SHELL IMPROVEMENTS ARE BY LANDLORD UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. 2. EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS BY LANDLORD ARE DOCUMENTED BASED ON DESIGN DRAWINGS, NOT YET CONSTRUCTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND CONFIRM EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS ONCE CONSTRUCTED AND CONTACT ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY IF DISCREPANCIES ARE DISCOVERED. 3. WHERE EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE DOCUMENTED, THEY ARE PROVIDED FOR THE PURPOSE OF COORDINATION ONLY AND DO NOT INCLUDE CONCEALED CONDITIONS OR EXISTING NON-COMPLIANT WORK. Job No. Owner Approval Scale DELTA ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION 1/8" = 1'-0"7/28/2023 6:13:43 PMPUTTSHACK SOUTHDALE 47PTTS.0001.000 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 2023 A.201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS (FOR REFERENCE ONLY)22.7NORTH CAROLINA 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 TEL (704) 626-8732 © INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. 1/8" = 1'-0"1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTH 1/8" = 1'-0"2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST 6 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 6 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 Patio Area DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN MM MMB BB B MMMM N.I.C 24'-0"95'-6 1/2" CLCL EQ.6'-6"EQ. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A B C D E F LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-51 Z58 LT-12 Z10 LT-55 Z84 LT-55 Z84 LT-55 Z84 LT-55 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-53 Z85 LT-10 Z98 LT-10 Z29 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-06 Z53 LT-06 Z53 S-04 Z90 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-08 Z23 LT-51 Z58 LT-53 Z83 LT-55 Z83 LT-10 Z56 607 611 606 601 TYP. 602 607 603 603 608 609 607 618 TYP.617 607 612 TYP. 606 614 602 604 TYP. 616 S-62 EXTERIOR LED AT MURAL FRAME LT-53 Z53 A24 (x2) Z86 A27 Z48 A27 Z48 A27 Z49 A27 Z49 A27 Z49 CL EQ.24'-0"CLCLCLCLCL2'-6"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"CLCLCLCL 13'-4"5'-3 1/2"5'-3 1/4"13'-4"CLCL5'-8"11'-5 1/2"CLCL12'-7 1/4"4'-10"CL8'-4"CLCLCL 3'-6"9'-2"9'-2"CLEQEQCLCL5'-0 1/2"9'-10"CLCLEQ.EQ.3'-0"CL EQ EQ LT-10 Z1 LT-10 Z1 LT-10 Z1 LT-10 Z1 CL1'-8"S-62CL2'-6"603 603 A24 (AT EACH STAIR NOSING)CL3'-11 1/2"5'-6 1/2" CEILING MOUNTED ONE SIDED EXIT SIGN CEILING MOUNTED TWO SIDED EXIT SIGN WALL MOUNTED EXIT SIGN LINEAR FLUORESCENT 2X4 FLUORESCENT TROFFER FIXTURE 2X2 FLUORESCENT TROFFER FIXTURE RECESSED DOWNLIGHT RECESSED SQUARE DOWNLIGHT RECESSED WALL WASHER CEILING MOUNTED PENDANT WALL MOUNTED SCONCE NEW TYP. CEILING GRID (WHITE - BOH) NEW GWB CEILING / SOFFIT LINEAR FLUORESCENT WALL WASHER CEILING MOUNTED SPECIALTY PENDANT CEILING MOUNTED WIRELESS NETWORK ROUTER SUSPENDED DIRECT/INDIRECT LINEAR FLUORESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURE RECESSED FLUORESCENT LINEAR FIXTURE TRIMLESS AT GYP BD CEILING UNDER CABINET LED FIXTURE LED STRIP COVE LIGHTING STEM MOUNTED LED SPOT LIGHT RCP LEGEND EXISTING CEILING GRID EXISTING GWB CEILING / SOFFIT OPEN TO DECK NEW TYP. CEILING GRID (BLACK - FOH) A ZoneX LIGHT FIXTURE & ZONE TAG REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 1. VERIFY AS-BUILT FIELD CONDITIONS AND LOCATIONS FOR EXISTING AND NEW PLUMBING, AUDIO VISUAL, HVAC DUCTWORK AND PIPING, STRUCTURAL FRAMING, ELECTRICAL BUS DUCT AND CONDUIT BANKS, ELECTRICAL PULL BOXES, FIRE PROTECTION LINES AND RELATED WORK TO DETERMINE AND COORDINATE BEST CEILING FRAMING, POINTS OF ACCESS AND CLEARANCES AS REQUIRED FOR NEW WORK. 2. PROVIDE ACCESS PANELS WHERE REQUIRED IN GYP.BD. CEILING INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO FIRE SMOKE DAMPERS, FIRE LIFE SAFETY J-BOXES, FAN COILS AND VAV BOXES PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS, CONDUIT BANK PULL BOXES AND CONTROL AND SHUTOFF VALVES. 3. CEILING MOUNTED ELECTRICAL DEVICES SHALL BEAR UL LABEL AND FREE OF DEFECTS. 4. WHERE ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE IS SCHEDULED TO REMAIN, REPLACE DAMAGED ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE WITH NEW TO MATCH EXISTING. IF PRODUCT IS NOT AVAILABLE FROM BUILDING INVENTORY ATTIC STOCK OR MANUFACTURER, NOTIFY ARCHITECT PRIOR TO START OF WORK. 5. LIGHTING CONTROL COVER PLATES SHALL BE WHITE AT GYP BD CEILINGS, SOFFITS AND CEILING MOUNTED FABRIC WRAPPED PANEL LOCATIONS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 6. AT EXPOSED STRUCTURE AREAS IN STEEL BUILDINGS WITH EXPOSED SPRAY FIREPROOFING, PROVIDE PROTECTIVE OVERSPRAY AT SPRAY- FIREPROOFING TO PREVENT DUSTING WHERE PAINT IS SCHEDULED AT EXPOSED CONSTRUCTION. PROVIDE PRIMER/SEALER UNDERCOAT PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS. 7. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND FIRE ALARM DEVICE LOCATIONS WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUBMITTING FOR PERMIT. WHERE APPLICABLE CENTER SPRINKLER HEADS IN CEILING PANEL/TILE. ALIGN SPEAKERS, SMOKE DETECTORS, MOTION SENSORS AND RELATED CEILING MOUNTED DEVICES WITH LIGHTING FIXTURE CENTERLINES AND CENTER OF CEILING PANEL/TILE. LOCATE HVAC DIFFUSERS IN GYP BD CEILINGS AS SHOW ON ARCHITECTURAL R.C.P. 8. LOCATE EXIT SIGNS VERTICALLY ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR TO INSURE SIGHT LINES ARE NOT BLOCKED BY LIGHT FIXTURES, BEAMS, SOFFITS, DROPPED CEILINGS, DUCTWORK, CONDUIT BANKS, PIPING AND RELATED OVERHEAD WORK. 9. GYPSUM BOARD CEILINGS TO BE PAINTED [P-#], UON. SEE FINISH SCHEDULE FOR SPECIFIC PRODUCT. 10. ALL CEILING HEIGHT DIMENSIONS PROVIDED ARE AFF, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SHEET NOTES Job No. Owner Approval Scale DELTA ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION 1/8" = 1'-0"7/28/2023 10:29:28 PMPUTTSHACK SOUTHDALE 47PTTS.0001.000 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 2023 A.161A 3RD FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN - NORTH 22.7NORTH CAROLINA 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 TEL (704) 626-8732 © INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. 1/8" = 1'-0"1 ENLARGED 3RD FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN - NORTH KEYNOTESLIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE NO.DESCRIPTION 601 GC TO PROVIDE REMOTE J-BOX WITH PRIMARY POWER AND LABELED CAT5 DATA CABLE WITH LABELED RJ45 END. GC TO CUT ACCESS PANEL DURING SIGNAGE VENDORS INITIAL WALK-THROUGH; PANEL TO BE ABOVE DATUM LINE AND NOT IN WALLCOVERING. 602 GC TO PROVIDE POWER FOR PLUG-IN FIXTURE AND LABELED CAT5 DATA CABLE WITH LABELED RJ45 END. 603 GC TO PROVIDE BLOCKING FOR TVS (IN WALL WHERE APPLICABLE). 604 PERIMETER LIGHTING TO STOP AT COLUMNS, STAIRS, AND RAMPS AND CONTINUE ON OTHER SIDE. 606 GC TO PROVIDE BLOCKING FOR LIT SIGNAGE. REFER TO SHOPS FOR MANUFACTURER REQUIREMENTS. 607 TAPE LIGHTING TO BE LOCATED INSIDE MILLOWORK. SEE CONSTRUCTION PLAN, MILLWORK SCHEDULE, AND MILLWORK SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION. 608 A24 TO BE AT FRONT AND ASSOCIATE SIDE OF BAR DIE. 609 A24 TO BE AT TIERED LEVELS OF THE MAIN BAR ISLAND AND SECONDARY BACK BAR SHELVING. 611 GC TO WORK WITH SIGNAGE MANUFACTURER TO ENSURE CLEAN INSTALLATION. PRE-WIRE MAY BE REQUIRED TO AVOID DAMAGE TO FINAL WALL FINISH. 612 PLUG-IN LIGHT FIXTURE TO BE TIED INTO DIMMING SYSTEM. SEE POWER AND DATA PLAN FOR MORE INFORMATION. 614 DJ BOOTH DIE WALL TO BE INTERNALLY LIT WITH LEDS, VISIBLE FROM OUTSIDE THROUGH DECORATIVE HOLE PATTERN. COORDINATE INSTALLATION WITH MILLWORK, ELECTRICIAN, AND LIGHTING MANUFACTURER. 616 J-BOX TO BE LOCATED AT THE BASE OF THE SCONCE. COORDINATED LOCATION WITH LIGHTING MANUFACTURER. 617 EXTERIOR LED LIGHT TO BE HIDDEN IN FRAME TO LIGHT EXTERIOR MURAL. 618 EXTERIOR FLOOR LIGHT TO BE BOLTED DOWN TO STRUCTURE. REFER TO SHEETS A.920, A.921, A.922, A.923 6 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 07.28.2023 P 2 2 WALL CR TSAT P 2 2 FLR JB EL EDR DR ML OS REX PB D DN DN DN DN MM MMJB30"48"30"48"B BB B MMMM WALL MOUNTED DUPLEX OUTLET WALL MOUNTED DEDICATED OUTLET WALL MOUNTED QUAD OUTLET FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED DUPLEX OUTLET FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED WIRED JUNCTION BOX WALL MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED TELEPHONE OUTLET FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED DATA OUTLET FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED TELEPHONE/DATA OUTLET WALL MOUNTED TELEPHONE OUTLET WALL MOUNTED DATA OUTLET WALL MOUNTED TELEPHONE/DATA OUTLET WALL MOUNTED CARD READER WALL MOUNTED PUSH BUTTON WALL MOUNTED THERMOSTAT FLOOR WHIP - DATA/POWER WALL WHIP - DATA/POWER AV FLOOR MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX FLOOR MOUNTED QUAD OUTLET AV EQUIPMENT DESIGNATIONX FURNITURE MOUNTED DUPLEX OUTLET FURNITURE MOUNTED TELEPHONE/DATA OUTLET # OF TEL/DATA & POWER DROPS # OF TEL/DATA & POWER DROPS ELECTRIFIED LOCKSET & ELECTRIFIED HINGE EMERGENCY DOOR RELEASE PULL DOOR RELEASE BUTTON ELECTROMAGNETIC LOCK OCCUPANCY SENSOR RELEASE PUSH TO EXIT RELEASE BUTTON PANIC BUTTON POWER & SIGNAL LEGEND WALL MOUNTED SWITCH WALL MOUNTED DIMMER 1. SEE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. NOTIFY ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO STARTING THE WORK. 2. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ALL FINAL FLOOR CORE LOCATIONS WITH FURNITURE VENDOR, OWNER AND ARCHITECT PRIOR TO START OF WORK. FLOOR AND WALL CORING SHALL BE SCHEDULED DURING OFF HOURS UNLESS OTHERWISE ALLOWED BY OWNER. 3. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN EXISTING UL FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY FOR PENETRATIONS. 4. NEW COVER PLATES, STROBES, SWITCHES, AND PLUGS, ETC. TO BE WHITE AT PAINTED AND FABRIC WALL AREAS UON ALL COVER PLATES AT WOOD VENEER WALLS TO BE DARK BROWN UON. 5. REPLACE EXISTING COVER PLATES, PLUGS, SWITCHES, ETC. WITH NEW. 6. COORDINATE DEVICE LOCATIONS PRIOR TO START OF WORK INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SYSTEM FURNITURE LAYOUT, FREE STANDING AND BUILT-IN FURNITURE, MILLWORK , STRUCTURAL COLUMN LINES AT 'POKE-THROUGH' LOCATIONS & FACE OF FINISH AT PARTITIONS AND FLOOR. WHERE APPLICABLE CONDUCT PRE- INSTALLATION CONFERENCE. 7. WHERE 'WHIPS' ARE INDICATED FOR SYSTEM FURNITURE, PROVIDE COMPLETE CODE COMPLIANT INSTALLATION INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO 'WHIP' MUST BE VISIBLE AND READILY ACCESSIBLE, SYSTEM FURNITURE 'WHIP' INSTALLATION, HOOK UP AND ACTIVATION SHALL COMPLY WITH LOCAL LABOR LAWS AND JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING UL., LOCATE 'WHIP' OUTSIDE CLEAR ZONES REQUIRED FOR CIRCULATION, ADA ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND EXIT PATH. 8. FURNITURE VENDOR SHALL COORDINATE FURNITURE INSTALLATION WITH POWER/SIGNAL DEVICE LOCATIONS. 9. PROVIDE 3” MINIMUM CLEAR BETWEEN FLOOR MONUMENTS AND PARTITION. 10. PROVIDE NEMA RECEPTACLE TYPES BASED ON ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS AS COORDINATED PRIOR TO START OF WORK 11. RECEPTACLE, SWITCH AND OUTLET MOUNTING HEIGHT DIMENSIONS ARE MEASURED FROM FINISHED FLOOR TO OUTLET CENTERLINE MOUNTED VERTICALLY, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 12. PRIOR TO START OF WORK VERIFY AND COORDINATE ELECTRICAL BUS DUCT AND CONDUIT, RISER AND HORIZONTAL ROUTING, RUN LOCATIONS, CIRCUITING AND WIRING FOR NEW WORK TO VALIDATE REQUIRED CLEARANCES BASED ON AS- BUILT FIELD CONDITIONS. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF CONFLICTS. 13. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CURRENT RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS, THE STATE FIRE MARSHALL, THE SAFETY ORDERS OF THE DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND APPLICABLE CODES. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE UL LABELED. 14. BUILDING SERVICES AND UTILITY DISRUPTIONS TO THE BUILDING, INCLUDING ADJACENT TENANTS IN MULTI-TENANT BUILDINGS ARE NOT PERMITTED DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS AND SHALL BE AUTHORIZED BY THE PROPERTY MANAGER 48 HOURS MINIMUM PRIOR TO THE DISTRUPTION (EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PERMITTED BY THE PROPERTY MANAGER) IN ALL INSTANCES. ALL FIRE / LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS SHALL REMAIN OPERATIONAL DURING DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. FOR TEMPORARY DISRUPTIONS LIMITED TO THE AREA OR WORK, AFTER HOURS AS NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE WORK, SCHEDULE DAY AND TIME WITH OWNER IN ADVANCE, IN WRITING ON AN OVERTIME BASIS. REESTABLISH ALL BUILDING SERVICES AND UTILITIES AT CONCLUSION OF TEMPORARY SHUT OFF, AS SOON AS PRACTICAL. SHEET NOTES N.I.C MATCHLINE 1/A21A MATCHLINE 1/A21B MATCHLINE 1/A21A MATCHLINE 1/A21B WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP 210 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A B C D E F 207 206 205 208208 209 206 207 203 203 206 Job No. Owner Approval Scale DELTA ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION 1/8" = 1'-0"7/28/2023 10:28:29 PMPUTTSHACK SOUTHDALE 47PTTS.0001.000 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 2023 A.121A 3RD FLOOR POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN-NORTH 22.7NORTH CAROLINA 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 TEL (704) 626-8732 KEYNOTES GC SHALL SUBMIT SAMPLES OF ALL WALL DEVICES (POWER/DATA/LIGHT SWITCHES) FOR ARCHITECTS SELECTION DARK GREY MEDIUM GREY LIGHT GREY BLACK EXAMPLE: PT-2, PT-5, WT-2, WD-1, WD-2, WD-5, WC-8, MTL-3 WHITE EXAMPLE: PT-1, PT-3, WC-1, PL-1, WT-1, WT-3, WT-5, FWP-1 DEVICE COLOR WALL FINISH DESIGNATION PER PLAN OUTLET/DEVICE/SWITCH AND COVER PLATE COLOR SCHEDULE NO.DESCRIPTION 203 TELEVISION MILLWORK SURROUND, ON ALL TVS ABOVE. SEE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS AND MILLWORK SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION. 205 LOCATION OF OF MIRROR. PROVIDE BLOCKING. REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR DIMENSIONS. 206 LOCATION OF OF WALL ART. PROVIDE BLOCKING. REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS. 207 DASHED LINE REPRESENTS MOTORIZED ROLLER SHADES. PROVIDE POWER AND BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. 208 LOCATION OF OFCI CHECK-IN KIOSKS. REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 209 LOCATION OF CUSTOM EXTERIOR MURAL. OFOI. 210 REFER TO TRIMARK/KEC QF DRAWINGS FOR POWER AND DATA REQUIREMENTS AT KITCHEN, BACK BAR AND BEVERAGE STATION. PROVIDE GFCI RECEPTACLES AS REQUIRED BY CODE. 1/8" = 1'-0"1 3RD FLOOR POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN-NORTH © INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. 1 SD DELIVERABLE 04/07/20236 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 07.28.2023 Patio DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN MM MMB BB B MMMM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A B C D E F N.I.C 24'-0"95'-6 3/4" CL1'-1 1/2"5'-10 1/2" LT-05 Z44 LT-51 Z58 LT-05 Z44 LT-51 Z58CL7'-5 1/4"CL7'-5 1/4"CLEQ.EQ. CL 1'-2 3/4"9'-2"9'-10" CL 2'-2" CL 1'-3"CLEQ.EQ.CL3'-5"CL3'-5"CL3'-5"CL EQ EQ CLCLCLEQ.EQ.1'-1"3'-5"CL2'-10" CL2'-6"CLEQ.EQ.CLEQEQCL1'-0"CL12'-3"9'-2"CL5'-6"TYP.±45°CLCLCLEQEQCLCLCLEQEQCLCLEQ.TYP.±45°CLCLCLCLEQ.EQEQCLCLCLCLCLEQEQEQEQBEGIN FESTOON LT. FROM CORNER CENTER FESTOON LT. ON COLUMN CENTER FESTOON LT. ON COLUMN CENTER FESTOON LT. ON COLUMN CENTER FESTOON LT. ON COLUMN BEGIN FESTOON LT. FROM CORNER BEGIN FESTOON LT. FROM CORNER BEGIN FESTOON LT. FROM CORNER CENTER FESTOON LT. ON COLUMN CENTER FESTOON LT. ON COLUMN T21-12 Z21 T21-16 Z46 T21-12 Z45 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z22 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-18 Z41 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-14 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-16 Z21 T21-16 Z21 T21-8 Z46 T21-14 Z41 T21-10 Z46 T21-8 Z46 T21-8 Z50 T21-6 Z46 S-14 T21-26 Z22 X-S0T21-12 Z22 T21-12 Z22 T21-20 Z21 T21-12 Z21 T21-24 Z22 T21-16 Z46 T21-16 Z44 T21-12 Z45 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z22 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-18 Z41 T21-12 Z46 T21-12 Z46 T21-8 Z46 T21-14 Z46 T21-16 Z21 T21-16 Z21 T21-14 Z22 T21-8 Z46 T21-10 Z46 T21-10 Z46 T21-8 Z45 T21-8 Z46 T21-12 Z1 T21-6 Z46 T21-6 Z91 S-14T21-6 Z21 S-14 Z21 T21-26 Z22 T21-12 Z22 T21-12 Z22 T21-8 T21-4 Z45 T21-4 Z45 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 LT-56 Z4 A47 Z87 A47 Z87 S-08A Z92 S-16B Z94 S-15A Z94 LT-01 ZX-1 LT-01 ZX-1 LT-01 ZX-1 LT-01 ZX-1 LT-01 ZX-1 LT-01 ZX-1 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-01 ZX-1 T21-46 Z22CLCLCL1'-0"6'-0"3'-0"T21-16 Z3 CLEQ EQ CLEQEQCL 6'-2"4 5 ° T21-12 Z2CL 8 1/2"CLEQEQ2'-6"T21-8 Z22 CLCL6'-2"8'-8"T21-28 Z21 T21-28 Z51 8'-0" 9'-8"CLCLCL6'-2"8'-8"1'-6"T21-10 Z22 T21-18 Z21 12'-0" T21-28 Z51 21'-2" T21-8 Z30 T21-20 Z21 CLCL CL 4'-0"3'-0"6'-7"2'-6" T21-8 Z19CL8'-3"T21-28 Z21 10'-8"T21-18 Z21 1'-11"CLCL9'-6"1'-2" S-14 Z41 CLCLCL1'-1 1/2"12'-0"12'-0"1'-1 1/2" CLCLCL 1'-1 1/2"12'-0"12'-0"1'-1 1/2"CLCLCL4'-1 1/2"EQ.EQ.T21-8 Z11 T21-8 Z11 T21-26 Z11 T21-26 Z11 CL6'-11 3/4" LT-03 Z24 LT-03 Z24 T21-18 Z21 T21-18 Z21 T21-8 Z22 T21-20 Z21 T21-20 Z21 3'-4"CLCLCL2'-6"2'-0"6'-1"T21-20 Z21 517 517 501 504 501 504 504 505504 505 507 507 504 506506 501 504 506 501 504 506 513 513513 513513513 509 506 S-14 1 1/2"4'-0"520 502 521521 TYP. A.400B 3 10'-7"TYP.CLCL3'-7"6'-10 1/4"1'-0 3/4"CL 7'-6 1/4" 9'-0" CL 10'-3" CL 8'-0"2'-5"CL 8'-6 1/4"1'-0 3/4"CL 11 3/4"2'-6 1/2"3'-4"11'-3"1'-10 1/2"5'-5"CL 7'-5" 2'-0" 15'-3"CL4'-5 1/2"1'-0"CL 5'-4"5'-0 1/2"11'-10 1/2"CL3'-7 1/2"7'-11"CL7'-2 1/4"CLCL7'-11 1/2"1'-3"2'-6 1/2" 11'-6" 19'-8" 3'-2 1/4" 3'-11 1/2"CLCL4'-1 1/2"4'-0 1/4"2'-7" CL4'-1 1/4"1'-1 1/2"8'-10 1/2"CL12'-9 1/4"5'-6 1/4" 6'-8" CL 8 1/2"2'-6 1/2"1'-11 1/2"CL 13'-9 1/4" CL3'-1"1'-4"5'-10 3/4" 8'-0" 8'-4 1/4" 15'-1 3/4" 9'-0 1/2" 6'-1"4'-6 1/4"3'-7 3/4"CL4'-10 1/2"12'-0"1'-7 3/4"CL 4'-11 1/4" CL 2'-2 3/4"3'-8 1/4"8'-9 3/4" 4'-7 1/4" 9'-10 1/4" 11'-0 1/4" 9"12'-9 1/2"CL7'-5 1/2"4'-10 3/4"3'-0"8'-11 1/2"506 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z44 1'-5 1/4" 7'-2"1'-6" 10'-8 3/4" LT-05 Z44 LT-05 Z441'-10"CL11'-9"CLEQEQCLEQEQT21-8 Z52 T21-8 Z52 T21-8 Z52 T21-8 Z52 CL1'-5"CL1'-0"CL1'-0" 524524 525525 8' -6" A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 (E) ELEVATOR 526 526 526 A51 Z20 A51 Z20 A51 Z20 CLCLCL2'-3"4'-6"CLCLCL 1'-8"1'-8" 1'-5" CEILING MOUNTED ONE SIDED EXIT SIGN CEILING MOUNTED TWO SIDED EXIT SIGN WALL MOUNTED EXIT SIGN LINEAR FLUORESCENT 2X4 FLUORESCENT TROFFER FIXTURE 2X2 FLUORESCENT TROFFER FIXTURE RECESSED DOWNLIGHT RECESSED SQUARE DOWNLIGHT RECESSED WALL WASHER CEILING MOUNTED PENDANT WALL MOUNTED SCONCE NEW TYP. CEILING GRID (WHITE - BOH) NEW GWB CEILING / SOFFIT LINEAR FLUORESCENT WALL WASHER CEILING MOUNTED SPECIALTY PENDANT CEILING MOUNTED WIRELESS NETWORK ROUTER SUSPENDED DIRECT/INDIRECT LINEAR FLUORESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURE RECESSED FLUORESCENT LINEAR FIXTURE TRIMLESS AT GYP BD CEILING UNDER CABINET LED FIXTURE LED STRIP COVE LIGHTING STEM MOUNTED LED SPOT LIGHT RCP LEGEND EXISTING CEILING GRID EXISTING GWB CEILING / SOFFIT OPEN TO DECK NEW TYP. CEILING GRID (BLACK - FOH) A ZoneX LIGHT FIXTURE & ZONE TAG REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 1. VERIFY AS-BUILT FIELD CONDITIONS AND LOCATIONS FOR EXISTING AND NEW PLUMBING, AUDIO VISUAL, HVAC DUCTWORK AND PIPING, STRUCTURAL FRAMING, ELECTRICAL BUS DUCT AND CONDUIT BANKS, ELECTRICAL PULL BOXES, FIRE PROTECTION LINES AND RELATED WORK TO DETERMINE AND COORDINATE BEST CEILING FRAMING, POINTS OF ACCESS AND CLEARANCES AS REQUIRED FOR NEW WORK. 2. PROVIDE ACCESS PANELS WHERE REQUIRED IN GYP.BD. CEILING INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO FIRE SMOKE DAMPERS, FIRE LIFE SAFETY J-BOXES, FAN COILS AND VAV BOXES PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS, CONDUIT BANK PULL BOXES AND CONTROL AND SHUTOFF VALVES. 3. CEILING MOUNTED ELECTRICAL DEVICES SHALL BEAR UL LABEL AND FREE OF DEFECTS. 4. WHERE ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE IS SCHEDULED TO REMAIN, REPLACE DAMAGED ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE WITH NEW TO MATCH EXISTING. IF PRODUCT IS NOT AVAILABLE FROM BUILDING INVENTORY ATTIC STOCK OR MANUFACTURER, NOTIFY ARCHITECT PRIOR TO START OF WORK. 5. LIGHTING CONTROL COVER PLATES SHALL BE WHITE AT GYP BD CEILINGS, SOFFITS AND CEILING MOUNTED FABRIC WRAPPED PANEL LOCATIONS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 6. AT EXPOSED STRUCTURE AREAS IN STEEL BUILDINGS WITH EXPOSED SPRAY FIREPROOFING, PROVIDE PROTECTIVE OVERSPRAY AT SPRAY- FIREPROOFING TO PREVENT DUSTING WHERE PAINT IS SCHEDULED AT EXPOSED CONSTRUCTION. PROVIDE PRIMER/SEALER UNDERCOAT PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS. 7. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND FIRE ALARM DEVICE LOCATIONS WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUBMITTING FOR PERMIT. WHERE APPLICABLE CENTER SPRINKLER HEADS IN CEILING PANEL/TILE. ALIGN SPEAKERS, SMOKE DETECTORS, MOTION SENSORS AND RELATED CEILING MOUNTED DEVICES WITH LIGHTING FIXTURE CENTERLINES AND CENTER OF CEILING PANEL/TILE. LOCATE HVAC DIFFUSERS IN GYP BD CEILINGS AS SHOW ON ARCHITECTURAL R.C.P. 8. LOCATE EXIT SIGNS VERTICALLY ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR TO INSURE SIGHT LINES ARE NOT BLOCKED BY LIGHT FIXTURES, BEAMS, SOFFITS, DROPPED CEILINGS, DUCTWORK, CONDUIT BANKS, PIPING AND RELATED OVERHEAD WORK. 9. GYPSUM BOARD CEILINGS TO BE PAINTED [P-#], UON. SEE FINISH SCHEDULE FOR SPECIFIC PRODUCT. 10. ALL CEILING HEIGHT DIMENSIONS PROVIDED ARE AFF, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SHEET NOTES Job No. Owner Approval Scale DELTA ISSUE DATEDESCRIPTION 1/8" = 1'-0"7/28/2023 10:28:55 PMPUTTSHACK SOUTHDALE 47PTTS.0001.000 330 SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA, MN 55435 2023 A.152A 3RD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - NORTH 22.7NORTH CAROLINA 615 S COLLEGE ST, SUITE 725 CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 TEL (704) 626-8732 © INTERIOR ARCHITECTS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF THE ARCHITECT, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. 1/8" = 1'-0"1 3RD FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - NORTH KEYNOTES NO.DESCRIPTION 501 GC TO PROVIDE REMOTE J-BOX WITH PRIMARY POWER AND LABELED CAT5 DATA CABLE WITH LABELED RJ45 END. GC TO CUT ACCESS PANEL DURING SIGNAGE VENDORS INITIAL WALK-THROUGH; PANEL TO BE ABOVE DATUM LINE AND NOT IN WALLCOVERING. 502 NO FLY ZONE OVER BAR GANTRY 504 PROVIDE UNISTRUT AS NEEDED FOR CEILING HUNG TVS. LIGHTING, SIGNAGE AND BAR GANTRY. UNISTRUT TO BE THOUGHTFULLY PLACED BETWEEN TRUSSES, BEAMS AND HVAC. REFER TO AV/LV DRAWINGS FOR TV UNISTRUT MOUNTING HEIGHTS. 505 S-17 DOES NOT NEED ADDITIONAL POWER, TYP. THIS IS A VINYL STICKER AT LT-05 506 PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED IN CEILING FOR CEILING MOUNTED SIGNAGE , TVS AND LIGHTING. 507 NO FLY ZONE FROM BALL COLLECT TO BALL LIFTER. 509 PUCK LIGHT TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN MILLWORK GANTRY ABOVE. SEE MILLWORK DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 513 STRING LIGHTING TO CLIP TO BUILDING EXTERIOR WALLS USING S-HOOKS OR CLAMPS. COORDINATE ATTACHMENT DETAIL WITH LANDLORD AND LANDLORD'S GC. 517 DASHED LINE REPRESENTS OFOI MOTORIZED ROLLER SHADES. PROVIDE POWER AND BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. 520 FIXTURE A24 LOCATED AT TIERED LIQUOR SHELVING, LOCATED ON COUNTERTOP. 521 FIXTURE A24 LOCATED AT GUEST FACING BAR DIE AS WELL AS BARTENDER FACING BAR DIE. 524 TRACK TO BE MOUNTED 9'-6" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR OF LANDING TO BOTTOM OF FIXTURE. 525 TRACK TO BE MOUNTED 10'-0" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR OF LANDING TO BOTTOM OF FIXTURE. 526 EXISTING LIGHTING IN EXISTING STAIR TO BE INVESTIGATED FOR ILLUMINATION COMPLIANCE AND UPGRADED AS REQUIRED. LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE NO.DESCRIPTION 501 GC TO PROVIDE REMOTE J-BOX WITH PRIMARY POWER AND LABELED CAT5 DATA CABLE WITH LABELED RJ45 END. GC TO CUT ACCESS PANEL DURING SIGNAGE VENDORS INITIAL WALK-THROUGH; PANEL TO BE ABOVE DATUM LINE AND NOT IN WALLCOVERING. 502 NO FLY ZONE OVER BAR GANTRY 504 PROVIDE UNISTRUT AS NEEDED FOR CEILING HUNG TVS. LIGHTING, SIGNAGE AND BAR GANTRY. UNISTRUT TO BE THOUGHTFULLY PLACED BETWEEN TRUSSES, BEAMS AND HVAC. REFER TO AV/LV DRAWINGS FOR TV UNISTRUT MOUNTING HEIGHTS. 505 S-17 DOES NOT NEED ADDITIONAL POWER, TYP. THIS IS A VINYL STICKER AT LT-05 506 PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED IN CEILING FOR CEILING MOUNTED SIGNAGE , TVS AND LIGHTING. 507 NO FLY ZONE FROM BALL COLLECT TO BALL LIFTER. 509 PUCK LIGHT TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN MILLWORK GANTRY ABOVE. SEE MILLWORK DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 513 STRING LIGHTING TO CLIP TO BUILDING EXTERIOR WALLS USING S-HOOKS OR CLAMPS. COORDINATE ATTACHMENT DETAIL WITH LANDLORD AND LANDLORD'S GC. 517 DASHED LINE REPRESENTS OFOI MOTORIZED ROLLER SHADES. PROVIDE POWER AND BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. 520 FIXTURE A24 LOCATED AT TIERED LIQUOR SHELVING, LOCATED ON COUNTERTOP. 521 FIXTURE A24 LOCATED AT GUEST FACING BAR DIE AS WELL AS BARTENDER FACING BAR DIE. 524 TRACK TO BE MOUNTED 9'-6" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR OF LANDING TO BOTTOM OF FIXTURE. 525 TRACK TO BE MOUNTED 10'-0" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR OF LANDING TO BOTTOM OF FIXTURE. 526 EXISTING LIGHTING IN EXISTING STAIR TO BE INVESTIGATED FOR ILLUMINATION COMPLIANCE AND UPGRADED AS REQUIRED. REFER TO SHEETS A.920, A.921, A.922, A.923 6 CITY REVIEW - 30% 02/14/2023 7 CITY REVIEW - 60% 05/17/2023 8 CITY REVIEW - 90% 06/21/2023 9 ISSUE FOR PERMIT 07/28/2023 07.28.2023 Date: S eptember 27, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:S ketch P lan R eview - 6600-6800 F ranc e Avenue Dis cus s ion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: No action requested. P rovide the applicant non binding comments on a potential future land use application. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he P lanning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to re-develop a portion of the 22- acre parcel at 6600-6800 F rance. T he specific proposal is to tear down the middle buildings on the site (6750, 6740 and 6700 France) and build a 3-4 story medical office building and restaurant. T he applicant is proposing a significant change to the development plans that were approved for this site in 2017. Two options are provided for consideration. T he first is a proposal to attempt to fit in to the approved P U D , P lanned Unit D evelopment for the site; and the second is to rescind the existing P U D , and re-zone the site back to P O D, P lanned Office D istrict (T he original zoning district for the site.) In rezoning back to the P O D, the property owner would lose the development rights granted in the P U D that allowed an extra floor area ratio (FAR) requirement from .5 to 1.0, a doubling of the square footage for the site. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Memo Site Location, Zoning, Comp Plan & Approved 2017 PUD Plan Applicant Plans and Narrative AFO Review (Mic Johns on) Applicant Pres entation Staff Pres entation City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: September 27, 2023 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review – 6600-6800 France Avenue The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to re-develop a portion of the 22- acre parcel at 6600-6800 France. The specific proposal is to tear down the middle buildings on the site (6750, 6740 and 6700 France) and build a 3-4 story medical office building and restaurant. The applicant is proposing a significant change to the development plans that were approved for this site in 2017. Two options are provided for consideration. The first is a proposal to attempt to fit in to the approved PUD, Planned Unit Development for the site; and the second is to rescind the existing PUD, and re-zone the site back to POD, Planned Office District (The original zoning district for the site.) In rezoning back to the POD, the property owner would lose the development rights granted in the PUD that allowed an extra floor area ratio (FAR) requirement from .5 to 1.0, a doubling of the square footage for the site. In 2017, this site was rezoned to PUD for a mixed-use development project (The Avenue on France). The approved plans did a very nice job of following the Southdale Design Experience Guidelines. The plans included below grade parking, dividing the site into smaller parcels, preserving the mature oaks, providing the 50-foot setback from France Avenue with green space and sidewalks, storefronts on France with the new retail buildings. (See attached approved Plans.) The approved plans were found to meet the PUD standards to justify the doubling of the density on the site. The proposed PUD proposed plans should be reviewed against those same PUD District standards to justify the increased density that was allowed for the site. The applicant is NOT entitled the density that was approved for the previous request, if the originally approved plan is not followed. To accommodate a formal land use application request, the following would be required: An Ordinance Amendment to revise the existing PUD, and a Revised Overall Development Plan and Site Plan Review, OR A Rezoning from PUD, Planned Unit Development to POD, Planned Office District with Site Plan Review. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Mic Johnson, AFO, Architectural Field Office has provided a review of the project. (See attached.) Compliance Table City Standard (POD) Existing PUD Proposed New Stucture Setbacks Front – France Ave Front – Valley View Front - 66th Street Surface Parking Setbacks Front – France Ave Front – Valley View Front - 66th Street 50 feet (measured from curb) 50 feet (measured from curb) 30 feet (measured from curb) 20 feet (measured from curb) 20 feet (measured from curb) 20 feet (measured from curb) 45 feet (measured from curb) 100 feet (measured from curb) 50 feet (measured from curb) 10 feet (measured from curb) 10 feet (measured from curb) 10 feet (measured from curb) 50 feet 50 feet* NA 20 feet 10 feet** 20 feet Building Height 4 Stories or 48 feet whichever is less 8 stories and 96 feet (No building shall be taller than the existing building at 6800 France) 3 stories (new medical building) First Floor ceiling height Transparency facing the public realm 20 feet 75% 20 feet 75% 20 feet Not specified for sketch Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) .50 of the lot Lot size = 21.7 acres or 944,642 s.f. 472,321 s.f. MAX 1.0 of the Lots Lot size is 22.48 acres or 979,228 s.f. MAX (includes Bank of America) 455,831 s.f. (POD Plan) 774,392 s.f. (PUD Plan) Parking Stalls – Entire Site Office & Medical Office = 1/300 s.f. 448,331 (1,494 spaces) Restaurant = 1 space/100 s.f. + employees on maximum shift 7,500 s.f + 20 employees (95 spaces) 1,589 total required 488 surface spaces 1,399 underground spaces 1,887 Total 1,893 proposed (POD Plan) 2,087 proposed (PUD Plan) * Change from the approved PUD ** Variance from POD Standards As stated in the Design Experience Guidelines “Flexibility is not a right, but rather the natural by-product of a fair exchange for benefits, collaboration, and quality in development.” City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Additional Considerations/Staff Concerns Loss of green space and trees. Staff are concerned over the removal of all the mature Oak Trees on Valley View Road to build a parking structure. Both scenarios remove these trees. Landscaping should be significantly increased with any type of formal submittal. Parking. The project would be over parked by up to 300 stalls. Are the additional parking stalls and parking deck really needed or do they simply provide more convenient parking for the medical building and existing building? The project under both scenarios seems to turn its back on the neighborhood to the west. There would be no transition to the single-family neighborhood to the west, as suggested in the design experience guidelines. Neither option does a great job of engaging the street or creating a “street room” as recommended in the Greater Southdale Plan and Guidelines. Both plan alternatives are centered around the automobile and unwelcoming to those arriving to or moving through site by means other than an automobile. This approach is not consistent with the vision of the Greater Southdale Plan and related design experience guidelines, and the approved PUD plan. Staff believes that the PUD alternative would be a large step backward from the approved PUD for the site. The new proposal does not seem to have taken any suggestions from the Southdale Design Experience Guidelines. The woonerf would be degraded, the high quality east west pedestrian connection through the oak trees to the plaza would be lost, and buildings along France would be reduced. Underground parking would be significantly reduced, in favor of structured and surface parking. This type of development proposed in the middle portion of the site is more in keeping with traditional suburban development with large surface and structured parking. This PUD proposed alternative could be accomplished under the standard POD, Planned Office District. The approved PUD plan (current zoning) for the site already allows for a 155,000 square foot 6- story medical building along 66th Street on the north end of the property. (See the approved PUD plan for the site.) The reversion to POD seems most appropriate if there is no realistic intention to build out the southern and northern parking areas that were part of the previous PUD. The POD alternative will require good design and thoughtful site planning utilizing the design experience guidelines for assistance. If the PUD is to be amended, the owner should provide realistic phasing plans as well as plans that demonstrate how each phase will be compatible with other phases. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 No building should be longer than 200 feet. First floor height of all new buildings must be 20 feet with 75% of the building fronts facing a public street being transparent. Sustainability. Under the PUD alternative, the project would need to meet the City’s Sustainable Building Policy. A traffic and parking study would be required to determine the impacts on adjacent roadways. The study would include the full development buildout. Watershed district review. Review and approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District is required. PUD This site has been determined to meet the PUD criteria. The PUD criteria could also be considered for the center of the site in recommending an amendment to the PUD. The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 f. preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and i. ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Site Site Site FRANCE - Edina, MN Sketch Plan Submission | September 12, 2023on Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 2 Sketch Plan Narrative Southdale Office Partners, LLC and its project team, including HGA and Kimley-Horn, is pleased to present its next phase in the redevelopment efforts of the approximately 21.69-acre Southdale Office Center site at 6600 – 6868 France Avenue South. The proposed new medical office building (MOB) adds to the diversity of community offerings and strengthens synergy with surrounding medical destinations. This building, further described below and throughout this presentation, is being presented under two respective zoning considerations. Each option proposes to create a vibrant mixed-use site and significantly enhance the existing 1970s era office park, expanding and bringing new amenities to an important Edina medical and employment hub. The first option proposes rescinding the previously entitled Planned Unit Development (PUD) design, Resolution No. 2017-47, in favor of the site’s prior zoning designation as a Planned Office Development (POD). This scenario proposes one new 3-story medical office building that would replace the three buildings currently known as the 6700, 6750, and 6740. This is a departure from the current entitled PUD in that no other new buildings are being proposed at this time. The objectives of this POD Redevelopment option include: • Expand and enhance the site as a center of employment and economic vitality by replacing three outdated and legally non-conforming buildings with one new medical office building, linking the existing 6600 and 6800 buildings, creating a best-in-class destination for physicians, medical care providers, employers, and their staff. • Successfully addresses the parking demand of both new uses on the site AND the existing demand from 6600, 6800, 6868 buildings in a manner that is market viable, and considerate of adjacent properties. • Incorporate sustainability strategies into planning, design and operations focused on human health impact, energy efficiency, and climate change. • Removes complexity associated with an amended PUD (from 2017); is more focused, and aligns within the parameters of the existing zoning code. The second option proposes an amendment to the previously entitled PUD design. The central portion of the site, between the 6600 France Avenue and 6800 France Avenue buildings, would be addressed differently to meet the immediate need of the marketplace while the North and South portions of the parcel would remain unchanged. The center section would see a reduction in density by the elimination of the 4-story hotel, and a reconfiguration of the central structure from a 6-story office building to a 3-story medical office building with low-rise structured parking to the west. The objectives of this Amended PUD Redevelopment option include: • All objectives listed under the POD option above. • Use the Greater Southdale District Plan and Design Experience Guidelines to guide site improvements in support of the City’s vision: creating a new and welcoming gateway experience to the France Ave Southdale District, oriented toward a pedestrian scale, & providing a variety of outdoor gathering areas and new urban plazas. • Replace the existing surface parking areas with buildings, amenities, structured parking, and programmed outdoor space. A mix of uses, including office, dining and service retail, residential, and medical office, will create a thriving, vibrant project that serves as a key transition between Southdale Mall and the neighborhoods and parks to the west. • In conjunction and support with the City and NMCWD, improve stormwater management practices on a large portion the site, ultimately benefiting all our area neighbors. The market dynamics have changed significantly since this site was entitled for redevelopment in 2016/2017 as the intent of this design relied too heavily on below-grade parking and destination retail to be viable today. The retail industry has shifted drastically since 2016/2017 and office space is continuing to go through an even more dramatic shift. Additionally, a high-water table at portions of the site prevents the stated quantity of below-grade parking from being economically constructed. The proposed mix of surface, below-grade, and structured parking better reflect prevailing market conditions and a better understanding of the site’s limitations. The limited amount of retail now proposed is service and dining focused that is readily available to the neighborhood and the regular users of the site. Recognizing that this project has a meaningful impact on the character of the neighborhood, we continue to engage with the neighbors in a variety of formats including letters/emails, Q&A meetings with Lake Cornelia and Point of France associations, and conversations with local leaders. Our Sketch Plan options are designed around the types of questions and concerns we have previously heard from the neighbors and our strong desire to acknowledge and respond. This is a great opportunity to assist the City in their desire to expand medical and well-being services for the area, revitalize an aging employment center, and seek the highest and best uses for a mixed-use site in the Edina community and beyond. Using the Greater Southdale District Plan and Design Experience Guidelines has helped us prepare two options for a new vision that we believe will become a gateway project for the South France Avenue Corridor, increasing medical access while welcoming employees, residents, and visitors to the Southdale neighborhood. Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 3Site Location Map Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 4Existing Site Conditions - Building & Parking Metrics 310 197 189 161 473 69 82 38 54 21 Existing Buildings To Remain Type Stories RSF Parking Ratio Parking Demand E1 695000,1 / 3367,8916eciffOevA ecnarF S 0066 E2 031000,1 / 3662,343eciffOevA ecnarF S 0076 E3 6740 S France Ave (Tavern on France)Restaurant 1 + Basement 7,525 + Patio 3 / 1,000 E4 621000,1 / 3000,243eciffOevA ecnarF S 0576 E5 294000,1 / 3558,3617eciffOevA ecnarF S 0086 sllatS gnikraPseirotSepyT E1 831dnuorgrednUevA ecnarF S 0066 E5 451dnuorgrednUevA ecnarF S 0086 205,1ecafruSetiS Total 1,594 Existing Parking Existing Buildings Existing Parking Existing Buildings Enclosed Enclosed Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 5 POD NEW MOB WITH STRUCTURED PARKING The POD (Planned Office Development) sketch plan option assumes the existing PUD zoning has been rescinded from the site and it is reverted back to POD zoning. In this option 6700, 6750 and the Tavern on France buildings would be demolished and replaced by a new Medical Office Building (MOB) that incorporates a restaurant space within it’s podium level. A new central drive and updated surface parking to the east of the new building would help to connect the North and South parcels within the boundaries of the site. The height of the new MOB is set to be between 3 and 4 stories and sits below the overall heights of the adjacent existing 6600 & 6800 buildings on the site. The massing of the new MOB and parking structure is designed to favor the France Ave side of the site and step down as it approaches the Lake Cornelia Neighborhood to the west. One level of parking below the MOB along with a new double tiered structured parking ramp located to the west of the new building would help to accommodate parking requirements for the site. In order to better conceal this western parking structure within the existing sloping topography it is designed to have the lower deck excavated into the landscape to align with Valley View Road and the upper deck placed on the upper grade to align with the first floor of the new MOB. This new parking structure would also help to activate Valley View Road as a secondary access point from the west side of the site. This design option is intended to fully adhere to the current POD zoning ordinance and removes all previous PUD zoning entitlements. Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 6Site Plan - POD 6800 (E5) 6600 (E1) NEW MOB (O1)(T1) (P1) FRANCE AVE S W 66TH STVALLEY VIEW R D 50’ SETBACK (BUILDING)* 30’ SETBACK ( B U I L D I N G ) * * 50’ SETBACK ( P A R K I N G R A M P ) * * * * 20’ SETBACK (PARKING)*** SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: * Sec. 36-1276. - Setbacks in the Greater Southdale District: a) Front street setbacks on France Avenue between Highway 62 and Minnesota Drive... A 50-foot setback is required from the face of the curb to the face of building. ** Sec. 36-1276. - Setbacks in the Greater Southdale District: b) Front street setbacks on streets other than France Avenue and York Avenue: A 30-foot setback is required from the face of curb to the face of building. *** Sec. 36-1316. - Parking & Circulation Setbacks: a) No exposed parking spaces, required stacking spaces or drive aisles shall be located within 20 feet of a public street right-of-way or within ten feet of an interior side lot line or a rear lot line. **** Sec. 36-1323. - Parking ramps: 2) The front street or side street setback for parking ramps and garages, and other structures, shall be increased to 50 feet when the ramp, garage or structure is located across the street from a property in an R-1 district used for residential purposes. Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 7POD Program PROGRAMMED SPACE CODE GSF* GFA**STALLS BUILDING HEIGHT PROGRAM NOTES EXISTING 6600 FRANCE E1 226,223 189,982 3.3 /1,000 627 7 Stories Above Grade + Mech Penthouse, 1 Below: 12' FTF ~ 100' From France Ave Side City Zoning Requires 1 parking space per 300 SF 6800 FRANCE E5 209,346 163,439 3.3 /1,000 539 6 Stories Above Grade + Mech Penthouse: 12' FTF ~ 100' From France Ave Side, 88' From VV Side City Zoning Requires 1 parking space per 300 SF NEW MEDICAL OFFICE BLDG (MOB)O1 160,800 94,910 3.3 /1,000 313 3 Stories Above Grade, 1 Below: (1)Level Podium: 20' + (2)Typical: 15' FTF = 50' From France Ave Side City Zoning Requires 1 parking space per 300 SF RESTAURANT (WITHIN PODIUM OF MOB)T1 8,000 7,500 75 1 Story @ 20'Parking Count Based on Tenant Discussions TOTAL PROGRAMMED SPACE/REQ'D PARKING 604,369 455,831 1,554 PARKING PROVIDED 6600 PARKING (Below Building Existing)38 6800 PARKING (Below Building Existing)54 SURFACE PARKING (Existing + New)1,325 NEW MOB (New Below Building)116 Assumes 1 level below MOB building STRUCTURED PARKING (New)P1 360 Upper level on grade from west bldg entrance, 1 level below grade which times out with VV TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED 1,893 945,127 *** 455,831 ** 0.482 16,733Available to Max FAR (GFA) TOTAL FAR (Building Only) * GSF (Gross Square Feet) calculates all floors cumulative area based on the BOMA definition. ** GFA (Gross Floor Area) calculates all floors cumulative area based on the Edina Code of Ordinances definition (Sec. 36‐10) which is then used to calculate FAR as well as parking requirements. Under this definition "(GFA) does not include accessory garages, parking ramps, parking garages, areas not enclosed by exterior walls, mechanical rooms, patios, decks, restrooms, elevator shafts or stairwells.". *** Total Site Area includes the adjusted site boundary with absorption of the right‐of‐way at the northwest corner of Valley View & W 66th St deeded on 5/5/18. This also removes the BOA parcel that was subdivided in Sept. 2019. onFRANCE ‐ PROGRAM TRACKER 09/12/2023 ‐ POD SITE PLAN BUILDING PARKING REQ'D RATIO FAR CALCULATIONS Total Site Area (SF) Building Area (GFA) Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 8 FRANCE A V E N U E S W 66 T H S T R E E T W 69TH STREET VALLEY VIEW R O A D 38 360 116 # # 54 197 21 310 255 69 473 978’ 878’ 880’ 880’ 868’ 935’ 954’ 878’ POD 3D Massing Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 9 PUD AMENDED SITE LAYOUT BETWEEN 6600 & 6800 The PUD (Planned Unit Development) sketch plan option proposes to amend the existing PUD design at the center of the site between 6600 & 6800 in order to allow for a 3-4 story new Medical Office Building (MOB) and structured parking. Aligning with the 2017 PUD, in this option 6700 & 6750 would be demolished while a restaurant would remain in it’s current location and the north-south connecting drive would only be slightly modified to accommodate additional parallel parking. The Hotel from the 2017 PUD would be removed as a part of this option to accommodate an open plaza along France Ave. This plaza would be designed as an amenity to both the development campus as well as the surrounding community. Similar to the POD design option, the height of the new MOB is set to be between 3 and 4 stories and sits below the overall heights of the adjacent existing 6600 & 6800 buildings on the site. The massing of the new MOB and parking structure is designed to favor the France Ave side of the site and step down as it approaches the Lake Cornelia Neighborhood to the west. One level of parking below the MOB along with a new three tiered structured parking ramp located to the west of the new building would help to accommodate parking requirements for the site. In order to better conceal this western parking structure within the existing sloping topography it is designed to have the lower deck excavated into the landscape to align with Valley View and the upper decks placed on and one level above the upper grade which aligns with the first floor of the new MOB. This new parking structure would also help to activate Valley View Road as a secondary access point from the west side of the site. This design option is intended to only modify the Center portion of the previously approved PUD site plan and not change the North and South portions of the plan. Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 10 DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. The Avenue on France 13 Masterplan - The Avenue on France This Masterplan shows new construction of a Medical Office Building, (3) Retail Buildings, Residential, Hotel and Office that will replace (2) 3-story office buildings in the middle of the site that are not compliant with current ADA standards. The Masterplan also shows new construction of (3) areas of underground parking to meet the needs of the site and reduce the amount of surface parking on the site. N BANK OF AMERICA 1F 7,190 SF Under Permit RETAIL II-A 2F 25,748 SF EX. 6800 OFFICE 7F To Remain TAVERN ON FRANCE 1F To Remain OFFICE 6F 116,000 SF EX. 6600 OFFICE 6F To Remain RETAIL II-B 2F 23,093 SF MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 6F 155,000 SF RESIDENTIAL 8F 105,280 SF 70 Units RETAIL 1F 6,500 SF HOTEL 4F 72,350 SF 100 Rooms Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing ExistingAllowableActualNotesBOARetail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site)Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160L425,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing Existing Allowable Actual Notes BOA Retail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site) Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160 FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160 Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160 Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160 L4 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing ExistingAllowableActualNotesBOARetail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site)Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160L425,000 20,000 17,950 13,160L325,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls Site Plan Amended PUD 50’ SETBACK 6800 (E5) NEW MOB (O1) (R2) (H1) (B1) (R1)(T1) (P1) (R3) (O2) 50’ SETBACK (BUILDING)* 30’ SETBACK ( B U I L D I N G ) * * 50’ SETBACK ( P A R K I N G R A M P ) * * * * SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: * Sec. 36-1276. - Setbacks in the Greater Southdale District: a) Front street setbacks on France Avenue between Highway 62 and Minnesota Drive... A 50-foot setback is required from the face of the curb to the face of building. ** Sec. 36-1276. - Setbacks in the Greater Southdale District: b) Front street setbacks on streets other than France Avenue and York Avenue: A 30-foot setback is required from the face of curb to the face of building. **** Sec. 36-1323. - Parking ramps: 2) The front street or side street setback for parking ramps and garages, and other structures, shall be increased to 50 feet when the ramp, garage or structure is located across the street from a property in an R-1 district used for residential purposes. 6600 (E1) THE SITE PLAN ABOVE SHOWS PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO THE 2017 PUD, IT SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED A SCOPE OF WORK DIAGRAM Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 11 PUD PHASE I/MOB PARKING REQ'D PROGRAMMED SPACE CODE GSF* GFA**STALLS BUILDING HEIGHT PROGRAM NOTES STALLS 6600 FRANCE E1 226,223 189,982 3.3 /1,000 627 7 Stories Above Grade + Mech Penthouse, 1 Below: 12' FTF ~ 100' From France Ave Side Parking Per 2017 PUD 627 6800 FRANCE E5 209,346 163,439 3.3 /1,000 539 6 Stories Above Grade + Mech Penthouse: 12' FTF ~ 100' From France Ave Side, 88' From VV Side Parking Per 2017 PUD 539 BANK OF AMERICA B1 7,190 7,190 3.3 /1,000 24 1 Story @ 26'Parking Per 2017 PUD 24 RETAIL R1 6,500 6,500 5.0 /1,000 33 1 Story Parking Per 2017 PUD RETAIL II‐A R2 25,748 25,748 5.0 /1,000 129 2 Stories Parking Per 2017 PUD RETAIL II‐B R3 23,093 23,093 5.0 /1,000 115 2 Stories Parking Per 2017 PUD RESIDENTIAL H1 105,280 105,280 123 8 Stories Parking Per 2017 PUD MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING O2 155,000 155,000 3.3 /1,000 123 6 Stories Parking Per 2017 PUD NEW MEDICAL OFFICE BLDG (MOB)O1 139,700 90,660 3.3 /1,000 299 3 Stories Above Grade, 1 Below: (1)Level Podium: 20' + (2)Typical: 15' FTF = 50' From France Ave Side City Zoning Requires 1 parking space per 300 SF 299 TAVERN ON FRANCE T1 8,000 7,500 75 1 Story @ 20'Parking Count Based on Tenant Discussions 75 TOTAL PROGRAMMED SPACE/REQ'D PARKING 906,080 774,392 2,087 1,564 PARKING PROVIDED 6600 PARKING (Below Building Existing)38 38 6800 PARKING (Below Building Existing)54 54 SURFACE PARKING (Existing + New)448 1323 BELOW GRADE PARKING NORTH (2017 PUD)497 BELOW GRADE PARKING SOUTH (2017 PUD)452 NEW MOB (New Below Building)60 Assumes 1 level below MOB building 60 STRUCTURED PARKING (New)P1 490 3 stories: Lower Level at VV, 2nd Level @ MOB Main Floor 490 TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED 2,039 ****1,965 948,853 *** 774,392 ** 0.816 174,461 onFRANCE ‐ PROGRAM TRACKER Total Site Area (SF) ** GFA (Gross Floor Area) calculates all floors cumulative area based on the Edina Code of Ordinances definition (Sec. 36‐10) which is then used to calculate FAR as well as parking requirements. Under this definition "(GFA) does not include accessory garages, parking ramps, parking garages, areas not enclosed by exterior walls, mechanical rooms, patios, decks, restrooms, elevator shafts or stairwells.". * GSF (Gross Square Feet) calculates all floors cumulative area based on the BOMA definition. BUILDING EXISTING 2017 PUD AMENDED PUD FAR CALCULATIONS Building Area (GFA) PARKING REQ'D RATIO *** Total Site Area boundary based on 2017 Approved PUD. This includes the BOA parcel (which was later subdivided in Sept. 2019) and right‐of‐way setback at northwest corner of Valley View & W 66th St (which was later deeded into the property on 5/5/18). TOTAL FAR (Building Only) Available to Max FAR (GFA) 09/12/2023 ‐ PUD SITE PLAN Amended PUD Program **** The 2017 PUD had a shortfall of 157 Stalls which were addressed as a variance 2015-113 Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 12 FRANCE A V E N U E S W 66 T H S T R E E T W 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW R O A D 38 490 60 # # 54 40 978’ 878’ 880’ 891’ 868’ 935’ 954’ 878’ 69 PUD 3D Massing Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 13DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. The Avenue on France 13 Masterplan - The Avenue on France This Masterplan shows new construction of a Medical Office Building, (3) Retail Buildings, Residential, Hotel and Office that will replace (2) 3-story office buildings in the middle of the site that are not compliant with current ADA standards. The Masterplan also shows new construction of (3) areas of underground parking to meet the needs of the site and reduce the amount of surface parking on the site. N BANK OF AMERICA 1F 7,190 SF Under Permit RETAIL II-A 2F 25,748 SF EX. 6800 OFFICE 7F To Remain TAVERN ON FRANCE 1F To Remain OFFICE 6F 116,000 SF EX. 6600 OFFICE 6F To Remain RETAIL II-B 2F 23,093 SF MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 6F 155,000 SF RESIDENTIAL 8F 105,280 SF 70 Units RETAIL 1F 6,500 SF HOTEL 4F 72,350 SF 100 Rooms Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing Existing Allowable Actual Notes BOA Retail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site) Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160 FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160 Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160 Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160 L4 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing Existing Allowable Actual Notes BOA Retail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site) Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160 FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160 Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160 Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160 L4 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing Existing Allowable Actual Notes BOA Retail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site) Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160 FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160 Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160 Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160 L4 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls 50’ SETBACK 6800 (E5) NEW MOB (O1) (R2) (H1) (B1) (R1)(T1) (P1) (R3) (O2) 6600 (E1) PUD POD Site Plan Comparison 6800 (E5) 6600 (E1) NEW MOB (O1)(T1) (P1) FRANCE AVE S W 66TH STVALLEY VIEW R D Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 14Building Material Concepts THIN BRICK OVER PRECAST EXPOSED ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST METAL PANEL WOOD OR WOOD LOOK ACCENTS STOREFRONT WINDOWS CURTAINWALL GLAZING THE DIAGRAM ABOVE SHOWS A PROPOSED MATERIAL PALETTE FOR BOTH THE PUD & POD DESIGN OPTIONS 2200 Zane Ave N | Minneapolis, MN 55422 www.archfieldoffice.com Cary: Per your request, we reviewed the most recent proposal for the redevelopment of the current Southdale Office Center at 6600-6800 France Avenue South based on our experience working with the Greater Southdale Work Group to craft a physical vision for the future district, translating their guiding principles to the built environment. The resulting vision for development in the Greater Southdale District is to create an enhanced human experience along existing major and new connector streets, with overall experience shaped via landscape setbacks, building step backs, a hierarchy of street typologies, transparency at street level, a minimized impact of the car, and managing storm water as an amenity. The outcome of our collaborations with the Work Group is described in the urban design chapter of the Greater Southdale District Plan and resulted in the Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines. As we’ve previously noted, the site of the proposed development is a pivotal, large-scale parcel within the Greater Southdale District. It serves multiple roles: gateway to the District, transition to the Cornelia neighborhood, northern terminus of the proposed West Promenade, and the northern edge of the new street room along France Avenue. At nearly 22 acres, it offers great potential to exemplify and positively contribute to the broader community goal of a walkable, resilient, human - centric district. The Greater Southdale District Plan and Design Experience Guidelines address fundamental ideas about how building scale and location, block size, and street width come together to shape public realm and overall human experience. Through the development of the guidelines, we applied measurements to each of these components that are essential to shaping the future form and character of the district. We understand there are many ways this can be accomplished. To City of Edina Cary Teague, Community Development Director 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 From Mic Johnson, FAIA Date September 21, 2023 2 However, the proposal for the site at 6600-6800 France that is being offered to the City, in its reduced plan, is counter to those Guidelines in many important categories: the location of buildings and their relationship to the street, the visibility of infrastructure and amount of the site dedic ated to car storage; the lack of attention paid to transition zones; the scale/massing of buildings that exceed 200 feet in length; and proposed connections and public realm improvements. When taken together, their broader impact on the individual and comm unity experience is not in alignment with the Greater Southdale District vision of a public realm experience that catalyzes an active community-based approach to both development and daily life. While developed prior to the finalization of the Design Experience Guidelines, the 2017 PUD Plan meets the spirit of the guidelines in its approach to both development and daily life, with a plan that is focused on enhancing the human experience, not on parking cars. It respects the existing wooded area on the west side of the site – maintaining part of the history and open space of the site, and providing a living screen to the neighborhood. Housing has always been in the forefront of the Design Experience Guidelines, whether in support of single family houses or the growing multifamily housing in the district. Part of the purpose of adding more housing and increasing the number of families living in the District is to increase the number of jobs that could support this increase in population. The goal is to improve walkability, reduce the use of the cars and thereby limit the vast number of parking lots that currently plague the district, replacing them in part with parks and open space to enrich the experience of residents and visitors. The 2017 PUD did just that. However, both options presented in the current proposal do very little but prioritize the experience of those arriving by car, rather than presenting a compelling vision for the future, or presenting a strategy to reduce cars through a multifaceted PUD plan balanced with housing—which it seems this development team does not plan to pursue. Neither the current PUD or POD proposal for this site meet the Design Experience Guidelines. In particular, we note: The typologies set forth in the Design Experience Guidelines have not been cited as to their application to specific buildings and uses, and appear to have been ignored as a fundamental organizing strategy for the development of the site. The new office building is located in the center of the site rather than along France to support the public realm development and the France Avenue Street Room. It provides no distinguishable connection to France. (See DEG Typologies) The proposals include multi-level parking structures that face the community/public realm and are not lined. Per page 15 of the Design Experience Guidelines, “above-grade parking structures should be lined with programmable public realm space.” (There are no above ground parking structures in the 2017 PUD.) 3 Pedestrian public realm is not a primary consideration of these proposals, nor is it connected to District assets. The proposal does not emphasize France Avenue as a major artery and connector, but rather is inward-facing—to the detriment of the overall goals of an interconnected district. In addition, there is no direct connection to the proposed north- south West Promenade, which is envisioned as a continuous North-South woonerf through the District that puts pedestrians first, bikes second, and cars last. The proposal does not consider the importance of pedestrian east/west streets, a primary purpose of which are to increase connectivity of residents in the single family neighborhoods, enabling them to flow through the site to other destinations within the district. These arteries should be inviting and comfortable, residential in nature, with a character that makes them special and connective. (Note the Grid Section in the DEG). This proposal is lacking on that front. There is a lack of definable outdoor places that are accessible to the neighborhood that can be used for programmed activities for tenants, residents and the community alike. And lastly, the DEG and Urban Plan Section in the 2018 Comprehensive Plan both specify the creation of treed boulevards and trees and programmed open space as important part of the of Greater Southdale District’s growth. The current proposal suggests removing the grove of mature oak trees and replacing them with a parking structure—which is objectionable on many fronts All that currently remains of the pre-development landscape on the site is small oak savanna on the west edge of the site—which likely pre-dates the development of the Southdale Center and most of the District. The landscape is part of the Eastern Broadleaf Forest, an area that originally was tall-grass prairie species growing in between stands of oaks. The existing stand of oak comprises about 70,000 square feet. It provides a vital part of the character on the east side of Valley View Drive facing the Cornelia neighborhood to the west. In the 2017 PUD it is noted as an ‘Existing Tree Grove to Remain,’ with a pathway leading from the neighborhood into the heart of the District, connecting to the existing Promenade. This important connection has been removed from this proposal. A driving part of the Design Experience Guidelines was to extend the quality of the singl e family landscape characteristics into the treeless parking lots that have dominated the Southdale District for over half a century. Extensive consideration to building setbacks was given as means to encourage new development to add landscape - especially trees - to 4 extend the landscape characteristics of Fred Richards Park, the Promenade, the Nine Mile Creek Watershed, and Roseland Park into the District’s existing and new streets as a way to bind the single family residential areas with the growing development in the Southdale District. Areas within the Southdale District with existing mature trees are particularly important because of the size of trees compared with the small new trees most often installed as part of new developments—offering a glimpse into the future character of the district. In addition, these trees provide a growing need as part of a broadening plan for carbon sequestration. While sometimes small, these important landscape areas provide habitat and can regulate air quality, climate, and water quality and quantity, as well as provide both recreation and opportunities for learning and inspiration that enhance Edina’s cultural values. In summary, this current development proposal for 6600-6800 France Avenue South is very disappointing considering the potential and importance of the site to the community. And, we wholeheartedly believe that a small but important little oak forest should not be bulldozed in favor of the very thing that is pushing carbon into our atmosphere. There should be another way to solve a development plan for a larger investment in our collective future. Thank you for the opportunity to review. Please let me know if you have any questions. Mic FRANCE - Edina, MN Sketch Plan Submission | September 12, 2023on Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 2 Sketch Plan Narrative Southdale Office Partners, LLC and its project team, including HGA and Kimley-Horn, is pleased to present its next phase in the redevelopment efforts of the approximately 21.69-acre Southdale Office Center site at 6600 – 6868 France Avenue South. The proposed new medical office building (MOB) adds to the diversity of community offerings and strengthens synergy with surrounding medical destinations. This building, further described below and throughout this presentation, is being presented under two respective zoning considerations. Each option proposes to create a vibrant mixed-use site and significantly enhance the existing 1970s era office park, expanding and bringing new amenities to an important Edina medical and employment hub. The first option proposes rescinding the previously entitled Planned Unit Development (PUD) design, Resolution No. 2017-47, in favor of the site’s prior zoning designation as a Planned Office Development (POD). This scenario proposes one new 3-story medical office building that would replace the three buildings currently known as the 6700, 6750, and 6740. This is a departure from the current entitled PUD in that no other new buildings are being proposed at this time. The objectives of this POD Redevelopment option include: • Expand and enhance the site as a center of employment and economic vitality by replacing three outdated and legally non-conforming buildings with one new medical office building, linking the existing 6600 and 6800 buildings, creating a best-in-class destination for physicians, medical care providers, employers, and their staff. • Successfully addresses the parking demand of both new uses on the site AND the existing demand from 6600, 6800, 6868 buildings in a manner that is market viable, and considerate of adjacent properties. • Incorporate sustainability strategies into planning, design and operations focused on human health impact, energy efficiency, and climate change. • Removes complexity associated with an amended PUD (from 2017); is more focused, and aligns within the parameters of the existing zoning code. The second option proposes an amendment to the previously entitled PUD design. The central portion of the site, between the 6600 France Avenue and 6800 France Avenue buildings, would be addressed differently to meet the immediate need of the marketplace while the North and South portions of the parcel would remain unchanged. The center section would see a reduction in density by the elimination of the 4-story hotel, and a reconfiguration of the central structure from a 6-story office building to a 3-story medical office building with low-rise structured parking to the west. The objectives of this Amended PUD Redevelopment option include: • All objectives listed under the POD option above. • Use the Greater Southdale District Plan and Design Experience Guidelines to guide site improvements in support of the City’s vision: creating a new and welcoming gateway experience to the France Ave Southdale District, oriented toward a pedestrian scale, & providing a variety of outdoor gathering areas and new urban plazas. • Replace the existing surface parking areas with buildings, amenities, structured parking, and programmed outdoor space. A mix of uses, including office, dining and service retail, residential, and medical office, will create a thriving, vibrant project that serves as a key transition between Southdale Mall and the neighborhoods and parks to the west. • In conjunction and support with the City and NMCWD, improve stormwater management practices on a large portion the site, ultimately benefiting all our area neighbors. The market dynamics have changed significantly since this site was entitled for redevelopment in 2016/2017 as the intent of this design relied too heavily on below-grade parking and destination retail to be viable today. The retail industry has shifted drastically since 2016/2017 and office space is continuing to go through an even more dramatic shift. Additionally, a high-water table at portions of the site prevents the stated quantity of below-grade parking from being economically constructed. The proposed mix of surface, below-grade, and structured parking better reflect prevailing market conditions and a better understanding of the site’s limitations. The limited amount of retail now proposed is service and dining focused that is readily available to the neighborhood and the regular users of the site. Recognizing that this project has a meaningful impact on the character of the neighborhood, we continue to engage with the neighbors in a variety of formats including letters/emails, Q&A meetings with Lake Cornelia and Point of France associations, and conversations with local leaders. Our Sketch Plan options are designed around the types of questions and concerns we have previously heard from the neighbors and our strong desire to acknowledge and respond. This is a great opportunity to assist the City in their desire to expand medical and well-being services for the area, revitalize an aging employment center, and seek the highest and best uses for a mixed-use site in the Edina community and beyond. Using the Greater Southdale District Plan and Design Experience Guidelines has helped us prepare two options for a new vision that we believe will become a gateway project for the South France Avenue Corridor, increasing medical access while welcoming employees, residents, and visitors to the Southdale neighborhood. Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 3Site Location Map Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 4Existing Site Conditions - Building & Parking Metrics 310 197 189 161 473 69 82 38 54 21 Existing Buildings To Remain Type Stories RSF Parking Ratio Parking Demand E1 695000,1 / 3367,8916eciffOevA ecnarF S 0066 E2 031000,1 / 3662,343eciffOevA ecnarF S 0076 E3 6740 S France Ave (Tavern on France)Restaurant 1 + Basement 7,525 + Patio 3 / 1,000 E4 621000,1 / 3000,243eciffOevA ecnarF S 0576 E5 294000,1 / 3558,3617eciffOevA ecnarF S 0086 sllatS gnikraPseirotSepyT E1 831dnuorgrednUevA ecnarF S 0066 E5 451dnuorgrednUevA ecnarF S 0086 205,1ecafruSetiS Total 1,594 Existing Parking Existing Buildings Existing Parking Existing Buildings Enclosed Enclosed Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 5 POD NEW MOB WITH STRUCTURED PARKING The POD (Planned Office Development) sketch plan option assumes the existing PUD zoning has been rescinded from the site and it is reverted back to POD zoning. In this option 6700, 6750 and the Tavern on France buildings would be demolished and replaced by a new Medical Office Building (MOB) that incorporates a restaurant space within it’s podium level. A new central drive and updated surface parking to the east of the new building would help to connect the North and South parcels within the boundaries of the site. The height of the new MOB is set to be between 3 and 4 stories and sits below the overall heights of the adjacent existing 6600 & 6800 buildings on the site. The massing of the new MOB and parking structure is designed to favor the France Ave side of the site and step down as it approaches the Lake Cornelia Neighborhood to the west. One level of parking below the MOB along with a new double tiered structured parking ramp located to the west of the new building would help to accommodate parking requirements for the site. In order to better conceal this western parking structure within the existing sloping topography it is designed to have the lower deck excavated into the landscape to align with Valley View Road and the upper deck placed on the upper grade to align with the first floor of the new MOB. This new parking structure would also help to activate Valley View Road as a secondary access point from the west side of the site. This design option is intended to fully adhere to the current POD zoning ordinance and removes all previous PUD zoning entitlements. Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 6Site Plan - POD 6800 (E5) 6600 (E1) NEW MOB (O1)(T1) (P1) FRANCE AVE S W 66TH STVALLEY VIEW R D 50’ SETBACK (BUILDING)* 30’ SETBACK ( B U I L D I N G ) * * 50’ SETBACK ( P A R K I N G R A M P ) * * * * 20’ SETBACK (PARKING)*** SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: * Sec. 36-1276. - Setbacks in the Greater Southdale District: a) Front street setbacks on France Avenue between Highway 62 and Minnesota Drive... A 50-foot setback is required from the face of the curb to the face of building. ** Sec. 36-1276. - Setbacks in the Greater Southdale District: b) Front street setbacks on streets other than France Avenue and York Avenue: A 30-foot setback is required from the face of curb to the face of building. *** Sec. 36-1316. - Parking & Circulation Setbacks: a) No exposed parking spaces, required stacking spaces or drive aisles shall be located within 20 feet of a public street right-of-way or within ten feet of an interior side lot line or a rear lot line. **** Sec. 36-1323. - Parking ramps: 2) The front street or side street setback for parking ramps and garages, and other structures, shall be increased to 50 feet when the ramp, garage or structure is located across the street from a property in an R-1 district used for residential purposes. Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 7POD Program PROGRAMMED SPACE CODE GSF* GFA**STALLS BUILDING HEIGHT PROGRAM NOTES EXISTING 6600 FRANCE E1 226,223 189,982 3.3 /1,000 627 7 Stories Above Grade + Mech Penthouse, 1 Below: 12' FTF ~ 100' From France Ave Side City Zoning Requires 1 parking space per 300 SF 6800 FRANCE E5 209,346 163,439 3.3 /1,000 539 6 Stories Above Grade + Mech Penthouse: 12' FTF ~ 100' From France Ave Side, 88' From VV Side City Zoning Requires 1 parking space per 300 SF NEW MEDICAL OFFICE BLDG (MOB)O1 160,800 94,910 3.3 /1,000 313 3 Stories Above Grade, 1 Below: (1)Level Podium: 20' + (2)Typical: 15' FTF = 50' From France Ave Side City Zoning Requires 1 parking space per 300 SF RESTAURANT (WITHIN PODIUM OF MOB)T1 8,000 7,500 75 1 Story @ 20'Parking Count Based on Tenant Discussions TOTAL PROGRAMMED SPACE/REQ'D PARKING 604,369 455,831 1,554 PARKING PROVIDED 6600 PARKING (Below Building Existing)38 6800 PARKING (Below Building Existing)54 SURFACE PARKING (Existing + New)1,325 NEW MOB (New Below Building)116 Assumes 1 level below MOB building STRUCTURED PARKING (New)P1 360 Upper level on grade from west bldg entrance, 1 level below grade which times out with VV TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED 1,893 945,127 *** 455,831 ** 0.482 16,733Available to Max FAR (GFA) TOTAL FAR (Building Only) * GSF (Gross Square Feet) calculates all floors cumulative area based on the BOMA definition. ** GFA (Gross Floor Area) calculates all floors cumulative area based on the Edina Code of Ordinances definition (Sec. 36‐10) which is then used to calculate FAR as well as parking requirements. Under this definition "(GFA) does not include accessory garages, parking ramps, parking garages, areas not enclosed by exterior walls, mechanical rooms, patios, decks, restrooms, elevator shafts or stairwells.". *** Total Site Area includes the adjusted site boundary with absorption of the right‐of‐way at the northwest corner of Valley View & W 66th St deeded on 5/5/18. This also removes the BOA parcel that was subdivided in Sept. 2019. onFRANCE ‐ PROGRAM TRACKER 09/12/2023 ‐ POD SITE PLAN BUILDING PARKING REQ'D RATIO FAR CALCULATIONS Total Site Area (SF) Building Area (GFA) Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 8 FRANCE A V E N U E S W 66 T H S T R E E T W 69TH STREET VALLEY VIEW R O A D 38 360 116 # # 54 197 21 310 255 69 473 978’ 878’ 880’ 880’ 868’ 935’ 954’ 878’ POD 3D Massing Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 9 PUD AMENDED SITE LAYOUT BETWEEN 6600 & 6800 The PUD (Planned Unit Development) sketch plan option proposes to amend the existing PUD design at the center of the site between 6600 & 6800 in order to allow for a 3-4 story new Medical Office Building (MOB) and structured parking. Aligning with the 2017 PUD, in this option 6700 & 6750 would be demolished while a restaurant would remain in it’s current location and the north-south connecting drive would only be slightly modified to accommodate additional parallel parking. The Hotel from the 2017 PUD would be removed as a part of this option to accommodate an open plaza along France Ave. This plaza would be designed as an amenity to both the development campus as well as the surrounding community. Similar to the POD design option, the height of the new MOB is set to be between 3 and 4 stories and sits below the overall heights of the adjacent existing 6600 & 6800 buildings on the site. The massing of the new MOB and parking structure is designed to favor the France Ave side of the site and step down as it approaches the Lake Cornelia Neighborhood to the west. One level of parking below the MOB along with a new three tiered structured parking ramp located to the west of the new building would help to accommodate parking requirements for the site. In order to better conceal this western parking structure within the existing sloping topography it is designed to have the lower deck excavated into the landscape to align with Valley View and the upper decks placed on and one level above the upper grade which aligns with the first floor of the new MOB. This new parking structure would also help to activate Valley View Road as a secondary access point from the west side of the site. This design option is intended to only modify the Center portion of the previously approved PUD site plan and not change the North and South portions of the plan. Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 10 DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. The Avenue on France 13 Masterplan - The Avenue on France This Masterplan shows new construction of a Medical Office Building, (3) Retail Buildings, Residential, Hotel and Office that will replace (2) 3-story office buildings in the middle of the site that are not compliant with current ADA standards. The Masterplan also shows new construction of (3) areas of underground parking to meet the needs of the site and reduce the amount of surface parking on the site. N BANK OF AMERICA 1F 7,190 SF Under Permit RETAIL II-A 2F 25,748 SF EX. 6800 OFFICE 7F To Remain TAVERN ON FRANCE 1F To Remain OFFICE 6F 116,000 SF EX. 6600 OFFICE 6F To Remain RETAIL II-B 2F 23,093 SF MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 6F 155,000 SF RESIDENTIAL 8F 105,280 SF 70 Units RETAIL 1F 6,500 SF HOTEL 4F 72,350 SF 100 Rooms Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing ExistingAllowableActualNotesBOARetail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site)Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160L425,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing Existing Allowable Actual Notes BOA Retail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site) Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160 FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160 Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160 Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160 L4 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing ExistingAllowableActualNotesBOARetail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site)Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160L425,000 20,000 17,950 13,160L325,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls Site Plan Amended PUD 50’ SETBACK 6800 (E5) NEW MOB (O1) (R2) (H1) (B1) (R1)(T1) (P1) (R3) (O2) 50’ SETBACK (BUILDING)* 30’ SETBACK ( B U I L D I N G ) * * 50’ SETBACK ( P A R K I N G R A M P ) * * * * SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: * Sec. 36-1276. - Setbacks in the Greater Southdale District: a) Front street setbacks on France Avenue between Highway 62 and Minnesota Drive... A 50-foot setback is required from the face of the curb to the face of building. ** Sec. 36-1276. - Setbacks in the Greater Southdale District: b) Front street setbacks on streets other than France Avenue and York Avenue: A 30-foot setback is required from the face of curb to the face of building. **** Sec. 36-1323. - Parking ramps: 2) The front street or side street setback for parking ramps and garages, and other structures, shall be increased to 50 feet when the ramp, garage or structure is located across the street from a property in an R-1 district used for residential purposes. 6600 (E1) THE SITE PLAN ABOVE SHOWS PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO THE 2017 PUD, IT SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED A SCOPE OF WORK DIAGRAM Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 11 PUD PHASE I/MOB PARKING REQ'D PROGRAMMED SPACE CODE GSF* GFA**STALLS BUILDING HEIGHT PROGRAM NOTES STALLS 6600 FRANCE E1 226,223 189,982 3.3 /1,000 627 7 Stories Above Grade + Mech Penthouse, 1 Below: 12' FTF ~ 100' From France Ave Side Parking Per 2017 PUD 627 6800 FRANCE E5 209,346 163,439 3.3 /1,000 539 6 Stories Above Grade + Mech Penthouse: 12' FTF ~ 100' From France Ave Side, 88' From VV Side Parking Per 2017 PUD 539 BANK OF AMERICA B1 7,190 7,190 3.3 /1,000 24 1 Story @ 26'Parking Per 2017 PUD 24 RETAIL R1 6,500 6,500 5.0 /1,000 33 1 Story Parking Per 2017 PUD RETAIL II‐A R2 25,748 25,748 5.0 /1,000 129 2 Stories Parking Per 2017 PUD RETAIL II‐B R3 23,093 23,093 5.0 /1,000 115 2 Stories Parking Per 2017 PUD RESIDENTIAL H1 105,280 105,280 123 8 Stories Parking Per 2017 PUD MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING O2 155,000 155,000 3.3 /1,000 123 6 Stories Parking Per 2017 PUD NEW MEDICAL OFFICE BLDG (MOB)O1 139,700 90,660 3.3 /1,000 299 3 Stories Above Grade, 1 Below: (1)Level Podium: 20' + (2)Typical: 15' FTF = 50' From France Ave Side City Zoning Requires 1 parking space per 300 SF 299 TAVERN ON FRANCE T1 8,000 7,500 75 1 Story @ 20'Parking Count Based on Tenant Discussions 75 TOTAL PROGRAMMED SPACE/REQ'D PARKING 906,080 774,392 2,087 1,564 PARKING PROVIDED 6600 PARKING (Below Building Existing)38 38 6800 PARKING (Below Building Existing)54 54 SURFACE PARKING (Existing + New)448 1323 BELOW GRADE PARKING NORTH (2017 PUD)497 BELOW GRADE PARKING SOUTH (2017 PUD)452 NEW MOB (New Below Building)60 Assumes 1 level below MOB building 60 STRUCTURED PARKING (New)P1 490 3 stories: Lower Level at VV, 2nd Level @ MOB Main Floor 490 TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED 2,039 ****1,965 948,853 *** 774,392 ** 0.816 174,461 onFRANCE ‐ PROGRAM TRACKER Total Site Area (SF) ** GFA (Gross Floor Area) calculates all floors cumulative area based on the Edina Code of Ordinances definition (Sec. 36‐10) which is then used to calculate FAR as well as parking requirements. Under this definition "(GFA) does not include accessory garages, parking ramps, parking garages, areas not enclosed by exterior walls, mechanical rooms, patios, decks, restrooms, elevator shafts or stairwells.". * GSF (Gross Square Feet) calculates all floors cumulative area based on the BOMA definition. BUILDING EXISTING 2017 PUD AMENDED PUD FAR CALCULATIONS Building Area (GFA) PARKING REQ'D RATIO *** Total Site Area boundary based on 2017 Approved PUD. This includes the BOA parcel (which was later subdivided in Sept. 2019) and right‐of‐way setback at northwest corner of Valley View & W 66th St (which was later deeded into the property on 5/5/18). TOTAL FAR (Building Only) Available to Max FAR (GFA) 09/12/2023 ‐ PUD SITE PLAN Amended PUD Program **** The 2017 PUD had a shortfall of 157 Stalls which were addressed as a variance 2015-113 Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 12 FRANCE A V E N U E S W 66 T H S T R E E T W 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW R O A D 38 490 60 # # 54 40 978’ 878’ 880’ 891’ 868’ 935’ 954’ 878’ 69 PUD 3D Massing Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 13DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. The Avenue on France 13 Masterplan - The Avenue on France This Masterplan shows new construction of a Medical Office Building, (3) Retail Buildings, Residential, Hotel and Office that will replace (2) 3-story office buildings in the middle of the site that are not compliant with current ADA standards. The Masterplan also shows new construction of (3) areas of underground parking to meet the needs of the site and reduce the amount of surface parking on the site. N BANK OF AMERICA 1F 7,190 SF Under Permit RETAIL II-A 2F 25,748 SF EX. 6800 OFFICE 7F To Remain TAVERN ON FRANCE 1F To Remain OFFICE 6F 116,000 SF EX. 6600 OFFICE 6F To Remain RETAIL II-B 2F 23,093 SF MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 6F 155,000 SF RESIDENTIAL 8F 105,280 SF 70 Units RETAIL 1F 6,500 SF HOTEL 4F 72,350 SF 100 Rooms Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing Existing Allowable Actual Notes BOA Retail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site) Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160 FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160 Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160 Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160 L4 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing Existing Allowable Actual Notes BOA Retail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site) Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160 FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160 Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160 Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160 L4 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing Existing Allowable Actual Notes BOA Retail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site) Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160 FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160 Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160 Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160 L4 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls 50’ SETBACK 6800 (E5) NEW MOB (O1) (R2) (H1) (B1) (R1)(T1) (P1) (R3) (O2) 6600 (E1) PUD POD Site Plan Comparison 6800 (E5) 6600 (E1) NEW MOB (O1)(T1) (P1) FRANCE AVE S W 66TH STVALLEY VIEW R D Sketch Plan Study | September 12, 2023FRANCEon 14Building Material Concepts THIN BRICK OVER PRECAST EXPOSED ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST METAL PANEL WOOD OR WOOD LOOK ACCENTS STOREFRONT WINDOWS CURTAINWALL GLAZING THE DIAGRAM ABOVE SHOWS A PROPOSED MATERIAL PALETTE FOR BOTH THE PUD & POD DESIGN OPTIONS EdinaMN.govSketch Plan Review6600-6800 France Avenue Site Site Formal Application would Require:An Ordinance Amendment to revise the existing PUD, and a Revised Overall Development Plan and Site Plan Review, ORA Rezoning from PUD, Planned Unit Development to POD, Planned Office District with Site Plan Review. Proposed Existing PUDCity Standard (POD)50 feet50 feet*NA20 feet10 feet**20 feet45 feet (measured from curb)100 feet (measured from curb)50 feet (measured from curb)10 feet (measured from curb)10 feet (measured from curb)10 feet (measured from curb)50 feet (measured from curb)50 feet (measured from curb)30 feet (measured from curb)20 feet (measured from curb)20 feet (measured from curb)20 feet (measured from curb)New Stucture Setbacks Front – France AveFront – Valley ViewFront - 66th StreetSurface Parking Setbacks Front – France AveFront – Valley ViewFront - 66th Street 3 stories (new medical building) 8 stories and 96 feet (No building shall be taller than the existing building at 6800 France)4 Stories or 48 feet whichever is lessBuilding Height20 feetNot specified for sketch20 feet75%20 feet75%First Floor ceiling heightTransparency facing the public realm455,831 s.f. (POD Plan)774,392 s.f. (PUD Plan)1.0 of the Lots Lot size is 22.48 acres or 979,228 s.f. MAX(includes Bank of America).50 of the lotLot size = 21.7 acres or 944,642 s.f.472,321 s.f. MAXMaximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)1,893 proposed (POD Plan)2,087 proposed (PUD Plan)488 surface spaces1,399 underground spaces1,887 TotalOffice & Medical Office = 1/300 s.f.448,331 (1,494 spaces)Restaurant = 1 space/100 s.f. + employees on maximum shift 7,500 s.f + 20 employees (95 spaces)1,589 total requiredParking Stalls – Entire Site Issues/ConsiderationsLoss of green space and trees. Staff are concerned over the removal of all the mature Oak Trees on Valley View Road to build a parking structure. Both scenarios remove these trees. Landscaping should be significantly increased with any type of formal submittal.Parking. The project would be over parked by up to 300 stalls. Are the additional parking stalls and parking deck really needed or do they simply provide more convenient parking for the medical building and existing building? The project under both scenarios seems to turn its back on the neighborhood to the west. There would be no transition to the single-family neighborhood to the west, as suggested in the design experience guidelines. Neither option does a great job of engaging the street or creating a “street room” as recommended in the Greater Southdale Plan and Guidelines. Issues/ConsiderationsBoth plan alternatives are centered around the automobile and unwelcoming to those arriving to or moving through site by means other than an automobile. This approach is not consistent with the vision of the Greater Southdale Plan and related design experience guidelines, and the approved PUD plan.Staff believes that the PUD alternative would be a large step backward from the approved PUD for the site. The new proposal does not seem to have taken any suggestions from the Southdale Design Experience Guidelines. The woonerf would be degraded, the high quality east west pedestrian connection through the oak trees to the plaza would be lost, and buildings along France would be reduced. Underground parking would be significantly reduced, in favor of structured and surface parking. This type of development proposed in the middle portion of the site is more in keeping with traditional suburban development with large surface and structured parking. This PUD proposed alternative could be accomplished under the standard POD, Planned Office District. Issues/ConsiderationsThe approved PUD plan (current zoning) for the site already allows for a 155,000 square foot 6-story medical building along 66thStreet on the north end of the property. (See the approved PUD plan for the site.) The reversion to POD seems most appropriate if there is no realistic intention to build out the southern and northern parking areas that were part of the previous PUD. The POD alternative will require good design and thoughtful site planning utilizing the design experience guidelines for assistance.If the PUD is to be amended, the owner should provide realistic phasing plans as well as plans that demonstrate how each phase will be compatible with other phases.Sustainability. Under the PUD alternative, the project would need to meet the City’s Sustainable Building Policy. A traffic and parking study would be required to determine the impacts on adjacent roadways. The study would include the full development buildout. Discussion The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; f. preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and i. ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses.