HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-11-16 Meeting PacketAgenda
Transportation Commission
City Of Edina, Minnesota
City Hall - Community Room
Thursday, November 16, 2023
6:00 PM
I.Call To Order
II.Roll Call
III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda
IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes
A.Draft Minutes: October 26, 2023
V.Community Comment
During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues
or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the
number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items
that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment.
Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their
comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for
consideration at a future meeting.
A.Tra&c Safety Report of October 31, 2023
B.France Avenue Corridor Review
C.Boulevard Tree Planting
D.Response to Community Comment
E.2023 Work Plan Updates
VII.Chair And Member Comments
VIII.Sta2 Comments
A.2024 Work Plan Update
The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public
process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli6cation, an
interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861
72 hours in advance of the meeting.
Date: November 16, 2023 Agenda Item #: IV.A.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Draft Minutes: October 26, 2023 Action
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Approve the minutes of October 26, 2023 regular meeting.
See attached draft minutes.
Draft Minutes: Oct. 26, 2023
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
City Of Edina, Minnesota
Transportation Commission
City Hall Community Room
October 26, 2023
I. Call To Order
Chair Lewis called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Answering roll call: Commissioners Bildsten, Brown, Johnson, Olson, Plumb-Smith, Wright, Karoussos,
Late: Commissioner McCarthy
Absent: Commissioners Rubenstein, Donnelly
Staff present: Transportation Planner Andrew Scipioni, Assistant City Engineer Aaron Ditzler
III. Approval of Meeting Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Bildsten to
approve the agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried.
IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes
Motion was made by Commissioner Plumb-Smith and seconded by Brown to approve the
September 21, 2023 meeting minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Commissioner McCarthy arrived at 6:03.
V. Community Comment
Cathy Owens, 6225 Grandview Square, testified about Item A1 on the Traffic Safety Report of September 26,
2023. Owens noted concerns about crossing Eden Avenue near the Avidor and requested an advanced
pedestrian flasher for eastbound traffic from Vernon Avenue. Owens also asked the City to consider
installing a high-intensity activated crosswalk (HAWK) beacon like the one on W 51st Street behind Lunds &
Arne Selbyg, 6225 Grandview Square, testified about Item A1 on the Traffic Safety Report of September 26,
2023. Selbyg supports adding an advanced pedestrian flasher but noted that it would only help in the
summertime before the snow piles up. Selbyg also requested that the City extend W 53rd Street across
Vernon Avenue to Sherwood Road so the neighbors have an alternative exit besides Eden Avenue.
Fran Edelson, 6225 Grandview Square, testified about Item A1 on the Traffic Safety Report of September 26,
2023. Edelson also noted that snow piles up on the sidewalk adjacent to the Avidor, obstructing pedestrian
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
VI. Special Presentations/Recognitions
A. 2024 Roadway Reconstruction Projects
Assistant City Engineer Aaron Ditzler and Liaison Scipioni presented the proposed 2024 roadway
reconstruction projects for review and comment. Comments from Commissioners included;
• Concord B/C
o Support boulevards for all proposed pedestrian facilities.
o Staff should consider low-maintenance plantings in narrow boulevards instead of turf.
o On-street bicycle facilities on Wooddale Avenue make sense given the on-street bike
lanes north of the project area.
o Support removing on-street parking on Wooddale Avenue.
o Support the proposed pedestrian facility on W 64th Street.
o Support narrowing W 64th St and removing on-street parking to reduce impervious
surface and future maintenance responsibility.
o Support the proposed one-way conversion of W 64th Street to minimize impacts of
proposed shared-use path.
o Staff should consider the impacts to residents on Concord and St John Avenues when
deciding the direction of one-way traffic on W 64th Street.
o Support the City maintaining the shared-use paths on W 64th Street and Concord Avenue.
• Southdale B
o Support narrowing the streets to reduce impervious surfaces.
o Support adding a sidewalk on the west side of Barrie Road south of W 65th Street.
o Commissioners asked if Metro Transit Express Route 578 is expected to continue service
in the neighborhood.
VII. Reports/Recommendations
A. Traffic Safety Report of September 26, 2023
The Commission reviewed and commented on the Traffic Safety Report of September 26, 2023.
Motion was made by Commissioner Lewis and seconded by Commissioner Bildsten to
allow resident testimony. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Deb Stortz, 6108 Arctic Way, testified about Item B7 on the Traffic Safety Report of September
26, 2023. Stortz noted that this is the only crosswalk on Vernon Avenue/Lincoln Drive between
Gleason Road and Londonderry Road, and that there is no sidewalk leading up to the pedestrian
curb ramp on the south side of Vernon Avenue.
B. 2023 Work Plan Updates
• #1 Pedestrian Crossing Policy Review – Subcommittee will have a draft report to
share at the next meeting.
• #2 Bicycle Network Planning for Bikes as Transportation – Subcommittee will have
a draft report to share at the next meeting.
• #3 France Avenue Corridor Review – Subcommittee will share draft report at the
next meeting.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
• #4 Boulevard Tree Planting – Subcommittee may present draft report at the next
• #5 Cahill Small Area Plan – Completed.
• #6 Parking – No update.
• #7 Response to Community Comments – Staff will review draft language with
Communications and Administration.
VIII. Chair and Member Comments – Received.
IX. Staff Comments
A. 2024 Work Plan Update
Liaison Scipioni provided an update on the 2024 work plan development process.
B. Proposed 2024 Regular Meeting Dates
Liaison Scipioni provided the proposed regular meeting dates for the 2024 calendar year.
X. Adjournment
Motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Lewis to adjourn
the October 26, 2023 regular meeting at 8:21 p.m. All voted aye. Motion carried.
J F M A M J J A S O N D # of Mtgs Attendance %
Meetings 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
1 Wright, Grant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100%
2 Rubenstein, Tricia 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 80%
3 Bildsten, Roger 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100%
4 Lewis, Andy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 90%
5 Johnson, Kirk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 70%
6 Brown, Chris 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 80%
7 Olson, Bethany 1 1 1 3 75%
8 McCarthy, Bruce 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 70%
9 Plumb-Smith, Jill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 80%
10 Donnelly, Sam (s) 1 1 50%
11 Karoussos, Evangelia (s) 1 1 50%
Date: November 16, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.A.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator
Item Activity:
Subject:Traffic Safety Report of October 31, 2023 Discussion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Review and comment on the Traffic Safety Report of October 31, 2023.
See attached staff report and supporting material.
Comments received by the Commission will be included in the staff report provided to City Council at their
December 5 regular meeting.
Traffic Safety Report of October 31, 2023
November 16, 2023
Transportation Commission
Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator
Traffic Safety Report of October 31, 2023
Information / Background:
The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on October 31. The Traffic
Safety Coordinator, City Engineer, Streets Public Service Worker, Transportation Planner, Police Sergeant,
Public Works Director and Assistant City Planner were in attendance for this meeting.
On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been
discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional
facts to present, they can submit correspondence to the Transportation Commission and/or to City Council
prior to the December 5 regular meeting.
Section B: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends no action
B1. Request to improve safety within Sunnyslope Neighborhood
Staff recommends no action citing traffic volume
and observed speeds.
Description Request includes lowering driver speeds and
improving safety for pedestrians.
ADT 311
85% Speed 26.7 mph (Sunnyslope Rd E, 2023)
Crashes One crash in 2022 at Dale Dr and Hilltop Ln
Sight Lines Adequate
Previous Request None in neighborhood.
No current or proposed sidewalk facilities in
Two access points to W 50th St – Sunnyslope
Rd E and Dale Dr.
Sunnyslope Neighborhood
B2. Safety concerns on Merritt Circle during afternoon school release
Staff recommends no action citing volume and
observed speeds.
B3. Request to slow traffic on Eden Avenue west of Arcadia Avenue roundabout
Staff recommends no action based on crash history. EPD
will use the mobile speed trailer on this corridor in 2024.
B4. Request for in-street pedestrian crossing signs on W 50th Street
Staff recommends no action as the crossing treatment
is consistent with the City’s pedestrian crossing policy.
Description Resident is concerned with traffic around
Highlands Elementary School.
ADT 338 (2023)
95 vehicles between 7:30 - 8:00 am
77 vehicles between 2:15 - 2:45 pm
85% Speed 26 mph (2023)
Crashes None reported in last 10 years
Sight Lines Adequate
Previous Request Signal timing issues leading to extended queueing
during school drop-off and pick-up time. County
was informed of issue to review signal.
Signage directs drivers exiting Highlands to turn
right 7:30 - 8:30 am and 2:00 – 3:00 pm. Drivers
therefor have to turn onto Merritt Cir to access
Vernon or Tracy Avenues.
Description Requestor is concerned with the speed of westbound
traffic, making it difficult to exit the Avidor complex and
Brookside Avenue.
ADT 5,250 (2023) Peak Hour 534 @ 8:00 am
85% Speed 32.5 mph (2023)
Crashes Three reported crashes in last ten years (between
Sherwood Road and Brookside Avenue).
Sight Lines Adequate
Previous Request Added advanced crosswalk RRFB visible for eastbound
vehicles approaching from Vernon Avenue.
Eden was reconstructed in 2021 and 2022.
Description Resident is concerned for vehicles not stopping for
pedestrians at crosswalks between Halifax and France
AADT 9,550 (2021)
85% Speed N/A
Crashes 11 reported in last ten years.
Two involved a pedestrian struck in a crosswalk.
Two involved rear-end collisions with a pedestrian in an
adjacent crosswalk.
Ped and Bike
Sight Lines Adequate
Concerns of people not pushing the RRFB buttons.
Both crosswalks have RRFBs. In-street signs were
utilized on 50th prior to 2022, when they were removed
pursuant to the City’s pedestrian crossing policy and due
to high rate of damage.
Merritt Circle
Eden Avenue
Crosswalks within 50th & France
B5. Request for parking restrictions on Beard Place
Staff maintains recommendation of no action. The requestor was informed of the petition
process available.
Section C: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends further study
C1. Request for lane striping on W 44th Street
Staff recommends further research into previous roadway and bikeway projects on W 44th St.
Section D: Other traffic safety items handled
D1. A submission was received of a vehicle speeding on Valley View Road near McCauley Trail. EPD was
notified of the concern for targeted enforcement.
D2. A development project submitted a sign variance at 6500 Barrie Road. The proposed sign location was
reviewed and determined to not impact sight lines along Barrie Road and W 65th Street.
D3. An apartment leasing sign was impacting sight lines at the intersection of Gallagher Drive and France
Avenue. The sign was moved to improve sight lines.
Description Resident is concerned with soccer parking at
Strachauer Park leading to parking along Beard Pl,
Beard Ave and W 62nd St.
(October 2022)
Beard Pl Weekday ADT – 71
Beard Pl Weekend ADT - 187
85% Speed 23.7 mph on Beard Pl
Crashes None reported in last ten years
Ped and Bike
Beard Pl and W 62nd St – 1,140 (2021)
Sight Lines Adequate
Same request from resident in 2021 and 2022.
Resident was notified to submit petition for parking
Neighborhood streets were reconstructed in 2014
and 2016:
• Beard Ave – 24’ wide, one-sided parking
• Beard Pl north of 62nd – 27’, two-sided parking
• Beard Pl south of 62nd – 27’, one-sided parking
• W 62nd St – 27’, two-sided parking
Description Resident is requesting a striped parking lane or
lane striping after their parked vehicle was hit by
a westbound vehicle.
AADT 7,157 (2021)
85% Speed 30.5 mph (2019)
Crashes Five crashes in last ten years, two involved a
parked car.
Ped and Bike
Sight Lines Adequate
Street was reconstructed in 2011. On-street
parking is permitted on the north side
throughout the corridor and on the south side
adjacent to Kojetin Park. W 44th is a signed bike
route and a sidewalk is present on the north
Speed complaints along W 44th St.
Beard Pl facing north towards W 62nd St
W 44th St
D4. A resident was concerned with a neighbor parking on their own driveway and blocking the sidewalk on
W 58th Street near York Avenue. EPD was made aware of the concern and the requester was notified to
contact non-emergency dispatch for future concerns.
D5. A resident reported a downed yield sign along a roundabout near City Hall. The sign is being replaced
by the installed sign contractor.
D6. A resident requested to remove flashing yellow arrow signals along W 50th Street and Vernon Avenue
stating they are dangerous. The request was referred to Hennepin County who has jurisdiction over Vernon
D7. A sight line concern was reported for eastbound vehicles on W 56th Street at France Avenue. EPD
reviewed the issue and spoke with the property owner about the City’s clear view zone ordinance.
D8. A construction company staged materials on Ridgeview Drive. The construction company was notified
material must not be placed within the right-of-way and the material was relocated.
Date: November 16, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.B.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:France Avenue Corridor Review Action
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Approve draft France Avenue Corridor Review report.
See attached draft report and presentation.
Draft Report: France Avenue Corridor Review
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
Transportation Commission •
Date: September 21, 2023
To: Mayor and City Council
cc: Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
From: Transportation Commission
Subject: France Avenue Corridor
Review the safety, accessibility, and amenities along the existing France Avenue Transit Corridor
for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders between Minnesota Drive and Highway 62 (Southdale
District). Investigation will include site visits and review of similar case studies that promote non-
automobile transportation modes along similar scale roadways and will include input from key
stakeholders. Inquiry is in response to the Climate Action Plan and new parking ordinances.
France Avenue, Hennepin County Road 17, stretches the length of Edina North to South. For the
purpose of this report, only the section of France Avenue from South of Highway 62 to Minnesota
Drive in the was examined. This portion of France Avenue runs through what is designated as the
Southdale District. This area of Edina is the most developed area of the City including M Health
Fairview Hospital, the Southdale Mall (opened in 1956 first fully enclosed climate-controlled mall in
America), the Galleria Edina, Westin Hotel, Centennial Lakes Park & Centennial Lakes Office Park,
and numerous other office, medial retail and housing development.
In the last decade the City of Edina has invested significant resources in studies and reports that
examine and acknowledge the City’s interest and commitment to improving non-vehicular
transportation. These include:
Living Streets Plan 2015
Pedestrian and Bike Master Plan, May 2018
Edina Comprehensive Plan 2018
Greater Southdale District Plan 2018
Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines, March 2019
Page 2
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
Climate Action Plan, December 2021
Within each of these documents the City of Edina reconfirms its value for
non-vehicular modes of transport for its residents. In looking at the France
Avenue Corridor, considering these stated priorities, and guidelines, the existing conditions of
France Avenue, recent and upcoming development in the Southdale District and this Commission
has observed challenges and opportunities for the City to consider.
As previously stated, the Southdale District is the most densely developed are of the city. The
district also has increased residential density significantly in the last decade. The tablei below of
recent housing developments in the Southdale District illustrates the significant increase in housing
units in the Southdale District in the last decade; 2702 new units have come onto the market. This
considerable sum is only increasing with the recent approvals of LifeTime Living and 70th and
France which will add another 567 units to the area.
Year Delivered Year Approved Development # Units # Affordable
2012 2012 Aurora on France 182 10
2012 2012 One Southdale 232 0
2013 2013 71 France 241 0
2013 2013 Yorkshire Senior Living 96 10
2014 2014 66 West 39 39
2015 2015 The Onyx 244 0
2019 2015 Aria 184 8
2021 2015 Millennium 227 11
2021 2019 The Bowers 185 0
2022 2020 The Sound on 76th 70 70
2023 2021 4040 Flats 118 118
2023 2021 Fred 1 408 0
2023 2021 Pentagon Apartments (The Eddi) 200 20
2022 The Finch (Solhem) 276 28
According to the 2020 Us Census, the Southdale District is home to more than 5000 residents
per square mile.ii As the population increase though planned development Edina has an
opportunity to improve the options for non-vehicular transportation.
Page 3
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
France Avenue lacks bike lanes so pedestrians, cyclists and transit riders all
must rely on the existing sidewalks for right out way along France Avenue.
The City of Edina Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan indicates a proposed bike
lane along France Avenue. Unfortunately, this bike lane is only actionable by Hennepin County.
Hennepin County has begun its reconstruction of France Avenue from American Boulevard in
Bloomington to W 76th Street in Edina. The construction plans do not include a bike lane on
France Avenue. An 8’ sidewalk will be installed between Minnesota Drive and W 76th Street. iii
The existing sidewalks along France Avenue are insufficient in scale, quality and safety to be
considered an appropriate non-vehicular transit corridor in the Southdale District. Currently the
sidewalk along the East side of France Avenue is considered a multiuse path. This 8’ wide sidewalk
has no signage identifying the path as multiuse. This path in some instance has significant physical
barriers and no landscape buffer as recommended in the GSDDEG. Along the West side of France
Avenue, the sidewalks are inconsistent, some crossings are dangerous and in some instances are
not ADA compliant. Hennepin County has a proposed ADA Sidewalk Transition Plan which
includes 104 sidewalk crossings that are not compliant and require improvement.iv
Metro Transit Bus riders have limited options in Edina. Currently seven bus routes operate in the
Southdale District and run through the Southdale Transit Station. Service to and from the district
will improve in efficiency and frequency when the new Metro Transit E Line replaces the Number
6 bus. This route will terminate /originate at the Southdale Transit Station much improving
commute times to downtown Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota beginning in 2025.v
The Southdale Transit Station will be relocated to W 66th Street as part of the LifeTime Living
project.vi The experience of transit riders on the E Line will be much improved, but the remaining
routes along France Avenue south of the new Transit Station lack amenities for riders as was
noted in the Greater Southdale District Plan.vii Some stops have only a bus sign, about half have a
single bench. These stops lack shelters, direct lighting, emergency communications, warning strips
and near level boarding for individuals with mobility challenges. The austere stop conditions are
an equity issue for the residents of the district. The E Line service and amenities in the north of
the Southdale District adjacent to planned luxury housing are very exciting, but there are no
proposed improvements in the South close to older and lower income housing developments.
The City of Edina Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan proposes paths and connections that would
make substantive improvements in the connectivity within the district, between the district and
greater Edina and the district and Bloomington and Richfield. Unfortunately, much of that plan
relies on future redevelopment of parcels along France Avenue. The City of Edina has invested
substantial resources in promenades on the East and West of France Avenue, but they are
recreational in nature.
Page 4
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
The Edina Promenade, north of Centennial Lakes Park is .75 miles long running between 70th
Street and Gallagher Drive. Bicycle use terminates there, and cyclists are expected continue riding
on the Mile Creek Path (East/West) or find their own way through the district.viii The West
Promenade, currently under construction, is an isolated segment. There are proposed plans to
extend it through the new development at 7200 France, but there are gaps in between. Without a
more actionable plan on the part of the City the West Promenade will remain recreational. If the
City wants residents to use non-vehicular transportation along France Avenue, then a more
substantive and actionable plan should be considered.
If the City of Edina would like to see their vision of more residents choosing non-vehicular
transportation come to fruition, then there needs to be a better understanding of bicycles as
transportation versus recreation. While Edina’s off-street bike paths are very pleasant, they are
not continuous or efficient. If the decision-making process of whether to cycle involves piecing
together disjointed paths and busy streets that do not have dedicated bike lanes, it is less likely an
individual will choose to cycle.ix
Page 5
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
Opportunity Statement
Create a more pedestrian and cyclist friendly environment along France Avenue south of Highway
62 that that promotes non-vehicular transportation and supports equity.
Areas for
Improvement Current Opportunity
Set Backs
Greater Southdale District Design
Experience Guidelines specifies 50' set
backs along France Avenue in Typology
2b and Typology 5.
Require all new development and
redevelopment to adhere to the 50' set
Landscape Buffers
Landscape buffers vary greatly or are
non-existent along France Avenue
particularly along the West side. The
GSDDEG recommends a double row of
street trees along France Avenue moving
pedestrian paths inward creating a safer
and more pleasant experience.
Require all new development and
redevelopment to adhere to the double
row of trees thereby creating a safer,
more pleasant and more cohesive District
Amenities for Transit Riders
Currently France Avenue lacks amenities
for transit riders. Stops are merely
marked with the Transit sign. Not all
stops have benches, stops lack shelters,
direct lighting, emergency
communications, warning strips and near
level boarding for individuals with
mobility challenges.
Consider improving the quality of transit
stops. The Living Streets Plan, and the
Climate Action Plan both state that
improving and encouraging the use of
public transport is an important piece of
achieving the City's Climate goals. Work
more actively with Hennepin County to
expand and improve Metro Transit in
Page 6
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
Roadway Crossings for
Pedestrians and Cyclists
Along France Avenue on both east/west
crossings and north/south crossings are
of uneven quality and safety. The Living
Streets Plan lists safe street crossing as
an issue of equity for all residents.
Examine safety and equity at crossings.
Require improvements to existing
infrastructure to comply with ordinances
and ADA laws.
Pedestrian and Cyclist
Transportation Along the
West Side of France Avenue
Partial development of the West
Promenade that supports recreational
use of bicycles. This path is dependent
on future development and does not
prioritize connecting to the multifamily
housing south of W 72nd Street.
Study the development of a multiuse path
along the west side of France Avenue to
promote transportation from multi-family
housing in the south of W 72nd Street to
connect with parks, schools,the greater
Southdale area and with any proposed
pedestrian/cyclist bridge over France
i Table provided by City of Edina Affordable Housing Office 8/31/23
ii https://mtgis-
iii https://www.hennepin.us/residents/transportation/france-494.
iv https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/transportation/documents/ada-sidewalk-transition-
plan.pdf pg 21
v https://www.metrotransit.org/e-line-project
vi https://www.edinamn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/12437/Life-Time-Living-Edina-Sketch-Plan-2022
vii https://www.edinamn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/5330/09-05-2018-Draft---Greater-Southdale-Area-District-Plan-
PDF?bidId= p 84
viii https://www.edinamn.gov/696/Edina-Promenade
ix https://pointa.ca/2020/07/29/biking-for-recreation-vs-transportation-the-suburban-cycling-experience/
France Avenue Corridor
September 21, 2023
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
Review the safety, accessibility, and
amenities along the existing France
Avenue Transit Corridor for
pedestrians, bicyclists and transit
riders between Minnesota Drive
and Highway 62 (Southdale
District). Investigation will include
site visits and review of similar case
studies that promote non-
automobile transportation modes
along similar scale roadways and
will include input from key
stakeholders. Inquiry is in response
to the Climate Action Plan and
new parking ordinances.
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
Year Delivered Year Approved Development # Units # Affordable
2012 2012 Aurora on France 182 10
2012 2012 One Southdale 232 0
2013 2013 71 France 241 0
2013 2013 Yorkshire Senior Living 96 10
2014 2014 66 West 39 39
2015 2015 The Onyx 244 0
2019 2015 Aria 184 8
2021 2015 Millennium 227 11
2021 2019 The Bowers 185 0
2022 2020 The Sound on 76th 70 70
2023 2021 4040 Flats 118 118
2023 2021 Fred 1 408 0
2023 2021 Pentagon Apartments (The Eddi)200 20
2022 The Finch (Solhem)276 28
The table below of recent housing developments in the Southdale
District illustrates the significant increase in housing units in the
Southdale District in the last decade; 2702 new units have come
onto the market. This considerable sum is only increasing with the
recent approvals of LifeTime Living and 70th & France which will
add another 567 units to the area.
Table provided by City of Edina Affordable Housing Office 8/31/23
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
Create a more
pedestrian and
cyclist friendly
environment along
France Avenue
south of Highway 62
that that promotes
transportation and
supports equity.
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
The Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines (2019) recommends
50’ setbacks and landscape buffers along France Avenue
Setbacks & Landscape Buffers
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
Setbacks & Landscape Buffers
The Greater Southdale District Design Experience
Guidelines (2019) recommends 50’ setbacks and
landscape buffers along France Avenue.
Redevelopment plans should respond to these
guidelines. When plans are approved that do not
adhere to the guidelines it lessens the strength of
these recommendations.
42’ setback
US Bank Building
Phase I of 72 & France Development
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
Setbacks & Landscape Buffers
The Greater Southdale District Design Experience
Guidelines (2019) recommends 50’ setbacks and
landscape buffers along France Avenue.
Within the Southdale District redevelopment
plans should respond to these guidelines.
Proposed 7235 France Ave. Sketch Plan
(Macy's Furniture Store Site)
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
Metro Transit’s E Line will bring
more efficient service for riders.
Bus stops north of the Southdale
Transit Station will be upgraded to
Metro Transit’s new stop design
which offers amenities for riders.
Amenities for
Transit Riders
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
The bus stops south of the
Southdale Transit Center will
receive no upgrades.
Amenities for Transit Riders
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
Roadway Crossings
Along the west side of France Avenue, the
sidewalks are inconsistent, some crossings
are dangerous and in some instances are
not ADA compliant. Hennepin County has
a proposed ADA Sidewalk Transition Plan
which includes 104 sidewalk crossings that
are not compliant and require improvement.
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
Proposed Edina Pedestrian &
Bicycle Plan
Pedestrian and
Cyclist Transportation
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
The existing Edina Promenade to
the East of France Avenue
stretches between W 70th Street
and Gallagher Drive. Cyclists have
the option of continuing on the on
the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail
(East/West) or find their own
route South as bicycles are
prohibited in Centennial Lake Park.
Pedestrian and Cyclist Transportation
West Promenade
West Promenade (Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines)
West Promenade (alternative alignment)
Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail
7200-7250 France redevelopment Lynmar Basin
Project (under
Valley View Road
The West Promenade, currently under
construction, is an isolated segment.
There are proposed plans to extend it
through the new development at 7200
France, but there are gaps in between.
1. No definitive plan
2. Recreational in nature
France Avenue Corridor
Pedestrian and Cyclist Transportation
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
East Side Sidewalks
The existing sidewalks along France Avenue are
insufficient in scale, quality and safety to be considered
an appropriate non-vehicular transit corridor in the
Southdale District. Currently the sidewalk along the
East side of France Avenue is considered a multiuse
path. This 8’ wide sidewalk has no signage identifying
the path as multiuse. The sidewalks sometimes have
obstacles in the path.
Pedestrian and Cyclist Transportation
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
Bike trails for recreation vs. routes for transportation
“Multi-use trails, as wonderful as they are for recreation, are not sufficient infrastructure for transportation. They do not
connect people to amenities, workplaces, or schools. People, like myself, who wish to use cycling as a means of transportation,
must either brave busy roads or discontinuous residential streets. So, what do you choose? A stressful journey alongside
speeding cars or an inefficient route that extends your journey? Likely, you choose your car.”
Pedestrian and Cyclist Transportation
The CITY ofEDINAFrance Avenue Corridor
Date: November 16, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.C.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Boulevard Tree Planting Action
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Approve draft Boulevard Tree Planting report.
See attached draft report.
Draft Boulevard Tree Planting Report
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
Department Name
Phone 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390 • EdinaMN.gov
Date: November 2, 2023
To: Mayor and City Council
cc: Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
From: Transportation Commission
Subject: Boulevard Tree Planting
Boulevard Tree Planting
Review options for replacement and new boulevard tree planting program
(Climate Action Plan - Greenspace + Trees Strategy GS1).
The City of Edina has an ambitious goal of increasing the increase tree cover from 35.9% to 39.5%
by 2030 and 43% by 2040 i according to the 2021 Climate Action Plan. To achieve this goal, new
tree planting strategies must be instituted.
Page 2
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
The City Forester, Luther Overholt, has done an excellent job on his
NextGen Tree Project.ii In two short years he has planted 936 trees in Edina
and 67 tree plantings are planned. The grants he applied for and received
were well used planting approximately 1000 new trees. Many of these
trees were planted in right of ways maintained by the city, in Rosland,
Pamela, Arden and Highlands Parks. A significant number of trees were planted in the very
southeast districts of the city which has some of the greatest canopy inequity in the city.
According to the city the goal is currently on track.iii Unfortunately, there is no mechanism by
which trees can be planted on private commercial property by the city which leaves a large part of
the Southdale district still deficient in canopy coverage.
Another very successful program run by Luther Overholt was the spring tree sale. Ten species of
trees were offered for sale to Edina residents at a significant discount. In 2023, 200 trees in all
were offered. The two most desirable species sold out within the first fifteen minutes with all
trees being sold by the third day of the sale. This overwhelming response is encouraging and
would suggest that residents of Edina are willing to take part in increasing the tree canopy
Page 3
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
coverage of city in concert with the Climate Action Plan. Given the
response to the spring sale Luther Overholt expects to offer 1000 trees in
the 2024 and 2025 sales.
The City of Minneapolis has a different strategy for Boulevard Trees.
Different from Edina, the Minneapolis plants and maintains boulevard trees, caring for more than
200,000 trees.iv Any resident in the city can request boulevard tree, but Minneapolis has
established Green Zones which gives priority status to tree requests for those residents.
Additionally in Minneapolis’ trees sale (1500 trees offered in 2023) Green Zone residents receive
free trees.v
Below is the City of Minneapolis Parks website which is easily navigated to find out about Green
Zones and directly request a free tree if a resident resides in one of the designated zones.
The City of Edina already has a tree sale. Expanding and targeting areas of the city with the
greatest canopy inequity would assist in keeping the tree planting goal on target.
1. Consider expanding the tree sale
2. Use quarterly aerial photography (already in use) to establish Green Zones
3. Consider designating “Green Zones” to prioritize residential areas within the city with
inequitable tree canopy for Tree Planting and Priority for the Tree Sale.
4. Offer those residents preference at tree sale, free trees or free installation.
During street reconstruction boulevard tree loss is addressed by the city through replanting. Any
resident who loses a tree due to city infrastructure improvements is offered a replacement.
Residents who do not lose a boulevard tree and not offered a tree at this time. Many residents
appreciate the benefits of boulevard trees and if it were possible to offer all residents along a
street undergoing reconstruction a tree, not just those who experience a loss, a whole new
category of planting opportunities and locations would become available to the city.
1. Consider expanding tree replacement.
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City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
2. Consider designating “Green Zones” to prioritize residential areas
within the city with inequitable tree canopy for a more expansive
tree planting program in conjunction with street reconstruction.
Another approach to increasing tree canopy cover in the City of Edina is
through codes and enforcement. This year the city established the new Tree Protection
Ordinance. This is a step in the right direction to protect existing trees and require replacement
of trees lost to construction or redevelopment. vi The ordinance has a one year look back for tree
removal. Given the pace of construction and development a longer lookback might be considered.
One of the areas in the City of Edina most deficient in tree canopy is the Southdale District.vii The
Southdale District is currently undergoing intensive redevelopment. Several large projects are on
the boards or have been recently approved by City Council. In 2019, the city approved Greater
Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines (GSDDEG) to steer future redevelopment to
create a more walkable, human scale and green district. Encourage the use of the Greater
Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines (GSDDEG) in all redevelopment in the Southdale
District. The guidelines specifically address tree planting on all the street typologies in that part of
the city. Redevelopment is happening and that is the best opportunity for the city to create the
envisioned identity set forth in those guidelines while also increasing tree canopy to meet its goals
set forth in the Climate Action Plan.
Sections from Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines
Right now, there is an opportunity for the city to set an example of the ideal Boulevard planting
set forth in the GSDDEG. Hennepin County is reconstructing France Avenue from Minnesota
Drive to W 76TH Street. The Hennepin County Forester has plans to plant trees where 28 trees
will be lost. Consider partnering with Hennepin County on the replanting of the trees along
France Avenue between Minnesota Drive and W 76th Street. The very preliminary drawing shows
a single row of trees, paid for, planted & maintained for two years by Hennepin County. This
Page 5
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
would be an opportunity to partner with Hennepin County and use the
GSDDEG Typology 5 - The Boulevards for this planting.
Within Edina, there are several examples of recent construction that placement of stormwater
retention facilities limits or eliminates the planting of boulevard trees. Discourage or restrict the
placement of stormwater retention facilities or features along street frontage. The Climate Action
Plan calls for the daylighting of stormwater, but this important initiative in at least two recently
approved redevelopment plans stormwater supersedes the boulevard tree planting
recommendations outlined in the GSDDEG. viii Planning approvals should consider stormwater
management and tree planting in concert.
Page 6
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
Shops at Estelle stormwater retention along France Avenue
Residential home with stormwater retention along the street frontage. Intensive planting in the rain garden
discourages the placement of a boulevard tree.
1. Enforce new Tree Protection Ordinance
2. Consider extending look back period of Tree Protection Ordinance
3. Encourage the Use of the Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines
4. Consider adapting the GSDDEG for other city districts
5. Consider partnering with Hennepin County in tree planting to replace loss through
County Road reconstruction
Page 7
City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424
6. During planning approvals limit or restrict the placement of
stormwater retention facilities or features near the boulevard
Boulevard Tree Planting is a worthy topic for the city to investigate in a
multidisciplinary approach. The Commission would recommend the creation of a task force from
with members from Transportation, Energy & Environment, Health & Human Services and Building
and Planning to consider this important initiative. The Climate Action Plan’s ambitious goal will
not be achieved by just the city forester. More stakeholders need to become involved in achieving
The City of Edina’s climate goals.
i Climate Action Plan 7-2 https://www.edinamn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/12064/Climate-Action-Plan-PDF
ii NextGen Tree Dashboard https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/8045946ec4ac42f3b76ec1b0062b9d60
iii City of Edina Progress Portal https://performance.envisio.com/dashboard/ClimateActionPlan-Edina/Strategy-69040
iv Boulevard trees – Minneapolis Parks & Recreation Board. https://www.minneapolisparks.org/park-care-
v City of Minneapolis Sustainability, Healthy Homes and Environment.
vi Tree Protection Ordinance.
vii City or Edina Climate Action Plan 7-3. https://www.edinamn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/12064/Climate-Action-
viii70th & France https://ehq-production-us-california.s3.us-west-
Removal Plans from 20230524_CSAH17_FranceAve_97Pct_Plans
Date: November 16, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.D.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Response to Community Comment Action
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Approve draft handout to provide to community members who comment at regular meetings or provide written
See attached supporting documents.
Draft Community Inputs Handout
Draft Community Inputs Handout - Staff Edits
Edina thrives because we have active participation from community members like you, and
Edina’s Transportation Commission appreciates your input. While the Commission may not
respond directly, your comments and suggestions are taken seriously and are an essential part
of the Commission’s decision-making process.
As a next step, we recommend that you share your feedback or concern with Edina’s Traffic
Safety Coordinator, Nick Bauler nbauler@edinamn.gov 952-826-0349, if you haven’t already.
Please also review the Transportation Commission’s meeting minutes for a summary of any
ensuing discussion and actions taken. Minutes become publicly available once approved by the
Commission, typically at the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting. Find all City of
Edina agendas, meeting packets and minutes at
Edina City Council is responsible for reviewing the Transportation Commission's
recommendations and making final decisions on transportation matters in the city. If you would
like additional visibility on the issue you raise, you may engage with Edina City Council through
various channels, such as during the Community Comment portion of monthly City Council
meetings or by contacting City Council members directly. More info at
You can also visit https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/ to make your voice heard on major city
projects, programs and topics that affect you and your neighbors.
We value your input and participation in our community, and we thank you for your continued
involvement in making Edina a better place to live and work.
Edina thrives because we have active participation from community members like you, and
Edina’s Transportation Commission appreciates your input. While the Commission may not
respond directly, your comments and suggestions are taken seriously and are an essential part
of the Commission’s decision-making process.
If you are commenting on a traffic safety request, As a next step, we recommend that you share
your feedback or concern with Edina’s Traffic Safety Coordinator, Nick Bauler, at
nbauler@EedinaMNmn.gov or 952-826-0349, if you haven’t already. Please also review the
Transportation Commission’s meeting minutes for a summary of any ensuing discussion and actions taken. Minutes become publicly available to the public once approved by the
Commission, typically at the its next regularly scheduled Commission meeting. Find all City of Edina agendas, meeting packets and minutes at
The Edina City Council is responsible for reviewing the Transportation Commission's
recommendations and making final decisions on transportation matters in the city. If you would
like additional visibility on the issue you raise, you may engage with Edina City Council through
various channels, such as during the Community Comment portion of bimonthlyregular City
Council meetings or by contacting City Council members directly. More info is available at
Our staff liaison, Transportation Planner Andrew Scipioni (ascipioni@EedinaMNmn.gov, 952-
826-0440) can be reached with questions or comments about transportation-related topics in
Edina. You can also visit https://www.BbetterTtogetherEedina.org/ to make your voice heard on
major Ccity projects, programs and topics that affect you and your neighbors.
We The Transportation Commission values your input and participation in our community, and
we thanks you for your continued involvement in making Edina a better place to live and work.
Commented [JB1]: I will make the shortcut
Field Code Changed
Date: November 16, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.E.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:2023 Work Plan Updates Information
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Commissioners will provide updates on the status of 2023 Work P lan initiatives (unless an item is elsewhere on
the current agenda). See attached work plan.
2023 Work Plan Progress Report
Approved by City Council December 6, 2022
Amended by City Council August 2, 2023
Commission: Transportation Commission
2023 Annual Work Plan
Initiative #1 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event
Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide)
Pedestrian Crossing Policy Review
Review existing crossing policy and recommend changes with
consideration for local amenities such as parks and schools.
Report and recommendations to City
Chris Brown
Completion Date
Q4 Sub-Committee
Budget Required: None
Staff Support Required: 1 hour per month from Staff Liaison, ~5 hours from other staff (Engineering, Parks & Recreation)
Jan: No update.
Feb: Starting to review policy, resources provided by staff and case studies from other communities.
Mar: Started reviewing case studies from Seattle, Denver and Dakota County and will bring back findings and recommendations.
Apr: Next step is to meet with staff.
May: Meeting with staff next week to discuss next steps.
Jun: Met with staff to talk about next steps, focusing on case studies and looking for areas where Edina can improve.
Jul: No update.
Aug: No update.
Sep: No update.
Oct: Subcommittee will share a draft report at the next meeting.
Approved by City Council December 6, 2022
Amended by City Council August 2, 2023
Initiative #2 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event
Council Charge ☒ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide)
Bicycle Network Planning for Bikes as Transportation
Develop a priority list of high-traffic corridors and ideas for bike friendly
Report to City Council
Andy Lewis, Jill Plumb-
Completion Date
Budget Required: None
Staff Support Required: 1 hour per month from Staff Liaison
Jan: Subcommittee will use 2018 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan as blueprint to guide this initiative. Requested street reconstruction information and
Hennepin County contacts from staff.
Feb: Subcommittee will connect with Hennepin County staff on gaps in their system and timeline for improvements.
Mar: Subcommittee met with Hennepin County staff, learned about County’s cost participation program. Hennepin County has also identified how inhospitable
France Ave is for pedestrians and cyclists.
Apr: Subcommittee will review information provided by staff, will focus efforts on what is within City’s control.
May: Subcommittee is making progress on a map of recommendations based on information provided by City and County.
Jun: Subcommittee is looking at current bike routes to Southdale and Cahill.
Jul: No update.
Aug: Subcommittee is reviewing anticipated capital projects.
Sep: No update.
Oct: Subcommittee will share draft report at the next meeting.
Approved by City Council December 6, 2022
Amended by City Council August 2, 2023
Initiative #3 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event
Council Charge ☒ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide)
France Avenue Corridor Review
Review the safety, accessibility, and amenities along the existing France
Avenue Transit Corridor for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders
between Minnesota Drive and Highway 62 (Southdale District).
Investigation will include site visits and review of similar case studies
that promote non-automobile transportation modes along similar scale
roadways and will include input from key stakeholders. Inquiry is in
response to the Climate Action Plan and new parking ordinances.
Report to City Council
Tricia Rubenstein, Bruce
Completion Date
Budget Required: None.
Staff Support Required: 2-5 hours per month from Staff Liaison, ~10 hours from Communications for stakeholder engagement/website
Jan: Requested Hennepin County contacts from staff.
Feb: Subcommittee has started a base drawing, highlighting sidewalks, crosswalks, driveways, and signage. Requested Richfield contacts from staff to get more
information on recent W 66th St reconstruction project.
Mar: Subcommittee reviewed existing sidewalks gaps, amenities for cyclists. Hennepin County is adding sidewalk between Minnesota Dr and W 76th St. Staff
provided a contact for the City of Richfield to learn about recent W 66th St project.
Apr: Subcommittee reached out to Planning about redevelopment proposal at Macy’s and lack of bicycle facilities. A pedestrian underpass is also being discussed
related to the redevelopment of Macy’s and 7200/7250 France.
May: Subcommittee is meeting with the City of Richfield’s Public Works Director this month to learn about W 66th St reconstruction project.
Jun: Subcommittee met with Richfield staff to talk about multi-modal improvement projects. Members asked if there are landscaping standards for France.
Jul: No update.
Aug: Subcommittee reviewed Southdale Design Guidelines, planning to present preliminary findings at September meeting.
Sep: No update.
Oct: Subcommittee will share draft report at the next meeting.
Approved by City Council December 6, 2022
Amended by City Council August 2, 2023
Initiative #4 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event
Council Charge ☒ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide)
Boulevard Tree Planting
Review options for replacement and new boulevard tree planting
program (Greenspace + Trees Strategy GS1).
Report to City Council
Tricia Rubenstein
Completion Date
Q4 Sub-Committee
Budget Required: None
Staff Support Required: 1 hour per month from Staff Liaison, ~5 hours from City Forester
Jan: Already collected information on potential opportunities.
Feb: Planning to meet with City Forester in spring.
Mar: City Forester has new interactive map showing where new trees are being planted.
Apr: Subcommittee reached out to City Forester to schedule another meeting.
May: Subcommittee met with City Forester again. City has almost reached its goal of 1,000 new trees this year and the spring tree sale was a big success.
Jun: Subcommittee asked for the street recon map.
Jul: No update.
Aug: Subcommittee connected with City Forester again, reviewed Southdale Design Guidelines.
Sep: No update.
Oct: Subcommittee may present draft report at the next meeting.
Approved by City Council December 6, 2022
Amended by City Council August 2, 2023
Initiative #5 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event
Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide)
Cahill Small Area Plan
Appoint Commissioner to serve on the Cahill small area plan working
Commissioner will actively participate
in the working group and provide
regular updates to the Commission.
Completion Date
Q4 Working Group
Budget Required: Funds available through Hennepin County Planning Grant
Staff Support Required: 1 hour per month from Staff Liaison.
Jan: Commissioner Kitui absent, no update provided. Next public workshop is Tuesday, February 21, 7-9 p.m. at Public Works.
Feb: No update.
Mar: No update.
Apr: Add discussion item to May agenda.
May: Draft plan is now available on Better Together Edina website for public comment through June 22. Planning Commission public hearing is scheduled for
June 28. Commission will review and comment at their next meeting.
Jun: Commission reviewed and commented on the draft plan.
Jul: Initiative complete.
Approved by City Council December 6, 2022
Amended by City Council August 2, 2023
Initiative #6 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event
Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide)
Consideration of future parking in Edina to identify parking initiatives to
pursue in the next 10-15 years, in what order and what
Commissions/resources should be assigned to each.
Recommendation to City Council
(Review and Comment from ETC, EEC)
Kirk Johnson
Completion Date
Q4 Cross-Commission
Committee (PC lead,
Budget Required: None
Staff Support Required: 2-5 hours per month from Staff Liaison, ~5 hours from other staff (Planning, Engineering)
Jan: Planning Commission lead (Alkire) will set up a meeting in early March. EEC representative is Commissioner Schima. Planning expects to develop a roadmap
for Council/Commissions on parking initiatives. ETC will inquire whether bike parking can be included.
Feb: No update.
Mar: Waiting to hear who new lead is from Planning Commission.
Apr: No update.
May: Subcommittee reached out to Planning to determine where this initiative lies in their priorities.
Jun: On hold until Planning reaches out.
Jul: No update
Aug: Met with Planning subcommittee, work will continue into 2024. Next meeting is scheduled for September 6.
Sep: No update.
Oct: No update.
Approved by City Council December 6, 2022
Amended by City Council August 2, 2023
Initiative #7 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event
Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide)
Enhancements to Commission Response to Community Comments
Create more thorough and consistent communication to provide to
community members who comment at Transportation Commission
meetings or provide written commentary to the Commission or City
Proposed set of communications
Andy Lewis
Grant Wright
Roger Bildsten
Completion Date
Budget Required: None
Staff Support Required: 1-2 hours from Community Engagement Manager, 1-2 hours from Communications
Aug: Subcommittee will bring draft language to next meeting.
Sep: No update.
Oct: Staff will review draft language with Communications and Administration.
Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to
work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.)
Transit service advocacy, pedestrian safety education, speed limit adherence
Date: November 16, 2023 Agenda Item #: VIII.A.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:2024 Work Plan Update Information
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Staff will provide an update on the 2024 work plan development process.