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2023-01-09 Heritage Preservation Meeting Packet
Ag enda Heritage Preservation Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota Com munity R oom, E dina City Hall Monday, Januar y 9, 2023 7:00 PM I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Decem ber 13, 2022 Min u tes V.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.H-19-3-4604 Brow n d ale Ave COA Am en d m ent B.H-20-8 4510 Sunnyside Road COA Am endm en t C.H-23-1: 4909 Bru ce Avenue-New Deta ched Ga rage D.H-20-6 4630 Drexel Ave COA Am endm en t VII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents VIII.Sta4 Com m ents A.City Cod e and Plan of Trea tm en t W ork Plan Su b -Com m ittee IX.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli;cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: January 9, 2023 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:December 13, 2022 Minutes Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the D ecember 13, 2022 Heritage P reservation C ommission Minutes. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Minutes : December 13, 2022 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: X/XX/22 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission Tuesday, December 13, 2022 I. Call to Order Chair Schilling called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Chair Schilling, Commissioners Cundy, Nymo, Hassenstab, Pollock, Lonnquist, Kmetz- Sheehy, Everson, and student members Maheshwari and Varadhan. Staff present: HPC Staff Liaison Emily Bodeker III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Chair Schilling, seconded by Lonnquist, to approve the meeting agenda as presented, striking items VI.B and VI.C from the Reports and Recommendations section. Commissioner Lonnquist voted aye. Commissioners Cundy, Nymo, Hassenstab, Pollock, and Kmetz-Sheehy voted no. The motion failed. Motion made by Commission Cundy, seconded by Hassenstab, to approve the meeting agenda as presented, removing items VI.B. and VI.C. from tonight’s agenda, and moving to the January agenda. Commissioners Cundy, Nymo, Hassenstab, Pollock, and Kmetz-Sheehy voted aye. Commissioners Lonnquist and Chair Schilling voted no. The motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Commissioner Lonnquist, seconded by Commissioner Hassenstab, to approve the November 7, 2022, meeting minutes with the addition of noting that only one staff member was present. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Community Comment: None VI. Reports/Recommendations A. COA: 4909 Bruce Avenue-New Detached Garage Liaison Bodeker gave overview of the existing house and the request for the construction of a new detached garage with demolition of the existing detached two-car garage. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: X/XX/22 The Commission discussed height differences, lot area, roof style, dormers, and asked questions of staff relating to the gambrel being incongruent with the style. Motion made by Commissioner Lonnquist, seconded by Commissioner Nymo, to deny the COA as submitted. All voted aye. The motion carried. B. H-19-3-4604 Browndale Ave: As-built Elevations C. H-20-8-4510 Sunnyside Road: As-built Elevations These items were rescheduled to the January 2023 agenda. VII. Chair and Member Comments: Commissioner Kmetz-Sheehy asked questions regarding how much weigh Robert Vogel’s opinion has on reviewed COAs and the Commission’s role in researching COAs to discuss in meetings. Commissioner Lonnquist updated that the Century Homes group met and are working on a survey to reach out to sample homes. Commissioner Lonnquist also updated that the rotary is interesting being involved as well. Commissioner Lonnquist gave information concerning a proposal from a community member, Jack Weston, and is looking for a naturalist or ecologist to help with the project. Commissioner Cundy asked a question concerning if COA discussion will be included in policy and procedure work group in coming year for clarification. The Commission also discussed needed consistency for policy enforcements, retroactive approval for projects, and complete framing inspections. VIII. Staff Comments: None IX. Adjournment Motion made by Hassenstab, seconded by Everson, to adjourn the meeting at 9:09 pm. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Emily Bodeker Date: January 9, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:H-19-3-4604 Browndale Ave C O A Amendment Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve a C O A amendment for 4604 Browndale Avenue as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he subject property, 4604 B rowndale Avenue, is a S panish Eclectic style built in 1925, and is located on the west side of Browndale Avenue, south of B ridge Street, north of E dgebrook P lace and east of M innehaha C reek. A Certificate of Appropriateness was approved by the H P C May 14, 2019 for a two level addition on the south side of the house, and an addition to the garage area on the front façade and reorienting the garage back to a side loaded garage. S taff inspected the site and found the as-built elevations do not match the elevations approved with the 2019 C ertificate of Appropriateness. At the time of the site visit by staff, there had not been a final inspection that had been signed off and approved. T here were outstanding building code items that needed to be addressed with the building department. At that time, staff sent letters to the property owner, C O A applicant and permit holder informing them of the discrepancies in the elevation and the need for a final inspection. T he applicant’s request is for the H P C to approve a C O A amendment with the changes in elevations as they are built. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Applicant Submittal Consultant Vogel Memo Site Location Map "Original" Elevations Original COA Submittal H-19-3 May 14, 2019 HPC Minutes January 9, 2023 CONTINUED from December 13, 2022 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner COA H-19-3: 4604 Browndale Avenue As-Built Elevations CONTINUED Information / Background: The subject property, 4604 Browndale Avenue, is located on the west side of Browndale Avenue, south of Bridge Street, north of Edgebrook Place and east of Minnehaha Creek. A Certificate of Appropriateness was approved by the HPC May 14, 2019 for a two level addition on the south side of the house, and an addition to the garage area on the front façade and reorienting the garage back to a side loaded garage. The home, built in 1925, is a two-story Spanish Eclectic style residence. It was built in 1925 for Charles A. Moore, an executive with the United Fruit Company (who is credited with helping to perfect the mechanical process by which bananas are ripened artificially during transport). The house was designed by the architectural firm of Jacob Liebenberg and Seeman Kaplan and is not one of the six “model” Country Club Homes designed for Samuel Thorpe in 1927-1928. Staff inspected the site and found the as-built elevations do not match the elevations approved with the 2019 Certificate of Appropriateness. At the time of the site visit by staff, there had not been a final inspection that had been signed off and approved. There were outstanding building code items that needed to be addressed with the building department. At that time, staff sent letters to the property owner, COA applicant and permit holder informing them of the discrepancies in the elevation and the need for a final inspection. To date, a final inspection has been completed with the building department. The building permit has not been closed out due to the changes in the as-built elevations. The applicant’s request is for the HPC to approve a COA amendment approving the changes to the elevations as they are built. The changes in the as built elevation versus the approved COA elevations include: Changes in location of decorative tile Lack of “planter box” metal detailing on two windows, one on the first floor and one on the second floor. STAFF REPORT Page 2 The objective of the Country Club Landmark District is preservation of the existing historic house facades and streetscapes. The city has adopted the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation when reviewing certificate of appropriateness applications. Preservation Consultant Vogel reviewed the as built elevations and has provided a written memo that is included in the heritage preservation commission packet. Staff Recommendation & Findings: Staff recommends approval of the elevations as they are built at 4604 Browndale Avenue as requested by the property owner. Findings supporting the staff recommendation include: The changes to the elevations continue to meet the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation and the Country Club Plan of Treatment. Tiles and the metal planter boxes are minor ornamental features, and the changes have a minimal effect on the historic integrity of the façade. The doorway details are not historic character-defining features, and the façade remains compatible with the neighborhood’s architectural character and retains sufficient historic integrity. ve-)111. Ns:4Mb, L. ORIGINAL VOLUME CP FICVSE STUCCO • STONE FRONT STOOP vff DECORATIVE IRON RAILING Minimum!" high. contrasting building atitims numbers, ii‘ibic from thc stmt. requImd on Or building THIS PLAN MUST BE MAINTAINED AND ACCESSIBLE ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SNOOD WINNE,/ CRININCY POT ROOF TILES. TO MATCH IXISTIND — • —VATTITA-To"4"- - • — • — • — • — • — MINI. WOOD WW1'S. TO LNTCH trxwnwo STIICCO TO PATCH =TIRO - • - • - - • - • - SLAV TLC. DUAL INSPIRED BV EXISTING A. "QS".""".-1. TriAWCerrma . . . . . — . STUCCO FOUDAIION WAIL TO...ATOM MOSTINO _ 111111111111111111111111111111111 4!igAvE 101MICVEXISPRO.-- _ • _EAST ELEVATION. _ 1 1.4,111,11.11..../.61.1.Mr— --- 4111/ .4....,...ascv -2., SOUTH ELEVATION . . . . . . 011219.1$.,_ . — 14,Elt,S.O.nrc.JIOW•MX. - • - - • - • • - • - - • - • - - • - - • - . - • - • - TIME r 470VrNMOBITOMAICRUISTNa_ . — 41)1n . iii I LAY MAY T11.6 MITA, INSPiRCD ODSTIND City of Edina Plitealiedmint.r.Cosk.Contrtmase r.ww*EDITIsw 1.1..N.1,22.900_ EXTERIOR MATERIALS KEN, OrLiyiEl SELECTION , 1:1 STUCCO. TO MATCH EXISTING 10 CONCRETE STOOP EXTERIOR TRIM NOTES: •ALL WINDOW TRIM TO MATCH EXISTING, U.N.() • SHUTTERS TO BE RAISED PANEL (TEM) • WV IF SHUTTER HARDWARE By TIMBERLANE SHUTTERS- VET SPECS WITH ARCHITECT NOTE: • HALF ROUND COPPER GUTTERS A DOWNSPOUTS-VFV LOCATIONS WI ARCHITECT • FASCIA. SOFFIT, EXPOSED RAPIERS TO MATCH EXISTING DRAWN RV STN PROJECT PHASE: PERMIT SET PROJECT NUMBER: 18-003 ISSUE DATE JUNE 1].2018 A20 ELEVATIONS MIIILI NEILL 1111 II !PAIN 1um u M• Fdr • • • m WIN E El l• — • • • • m 111 n m 111 Em° MI'ir it l woo Y 1/fig/ 1 , , /i 1011101 IAV MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner FROM: Robert Vogel, Preservation Planning Consultant DATE: December 4, 2022 SUBJECT: Comments on Renovation Work at 4604 Browndale Avenue I have reviewed the information you provided in relation to the COA previously approved for exterior work at 4604 Browndale Avenue in the Country Club District. The owner has requested final approval for the project, “as built”—specifically, the decorative tile accents around the main entry door shown on the plans submitted with the original COA application were omitted from the renovation project. In my opinion, the tiles were a minor ornamental feature and their effects on the historic integrity of the façade would have been minimal. In its current condition, the front entry is compatible with the historic façade. The COA should receive final approval. The CITYofEDINA“Original” Elevationswww.EdinaMN.gov3 PLANNING DEPARTMENT APR 2 5 2019 CITY OF EDINA Consideration for Certificate of Appropriateness at property located at 4604 Browndale Avenue The owners of this 1925 Spanish Colonial Revival seek approval for the following updates to the street facing fagade: • Reorient garage BACK to a side loaded garage located in the north facing side yard. • Addition of a 16' x 20' 2-level volume to the south side of the existing house • Enlarged footprint of Front Stoop • General maintenance and safety updates to the existing home The original home was designed by the architects Liebenberg & Kaplan and built in 1925. The home is a wonderful example of the Spanish Colonial Revival present throughout the historic district. The garage doors of the original home faced the north side yard a 1950s addition and remodel located the garage doors to the street facing garage. The 1950s addition used panelized stucco, that does not match the original stucco. The proposed garage will be a 3-car garage with doors facing north and accessed from the sideyard. To allow for space enough for 3-car garage a 6' addition will need to be added to the street facing façade of the garage. This addition does not project beyond the face of the main volume of the house. Additionally, a 6'-6" addition will be added to the Creekside/ rear yard to create an overall width of 35'-9" for the 3-car garage. In essence, the 1950s garage is demolished in order to allow for access to the side loaded garage. Above the garage the existing 2" floor volume will be added onto and align with existing roof geometry (addition towards street, extrusion of existing roof geometry). The new roof will match the existing Spanish clay tile roof. The east facing double hung windows will have decorative wood shutters to match the unique style of the existing home. The material palate and character will use the existing house as precedent. The scale of the garage and bedroom volume is subordinate to the main volume of the house. Pulling from the existing roof forms, the second story addition quietly resides next to the main volume of the original home. The addition will have stucco walls, exposed rafter tails, and a clay tile roof. Proposed reworking eliminates garage doors on street facing fagade, consistent with the Country Club District's Plan of Treatment. The existing home sits on a double lot and is vastly out of scale with its neighboring grand homes. The proposed design adds a 2-level living space to the south side yard. The primary volume of the addition sits back 12" from the existing front wall of the house — preserving the charming original Spanish Colonial Revival buttress. The addition consists of a Living Room on the main level and bedroom on the 2" level. The Living room opens to an outdoor patio space. To animate the façade of the 2-level addition a small 1-level bay is located on the south east corner of the addition, housing a cozy window seat. The hip-roof of the bay wraps the corner and extends beyond the chimney on the south where it continues as the canopy for the south stoop. The material palate of the addition will match the exiting house — stucco walls, exposed rafter rails, clay tile roof, and decorative window shutters. The scale and character of the addition compliments, but does not overshadow, the original house. The proposed design also adds glass to the original front door; allowing light to enter the house and visibility to the front stoop. The front stoop is enlarged to accommodate a few small chairs, its size is consistent and in keeping with homes in the historic district. The existing home needs general maintenance and upkeep, and upgrades to meet current life safety building code. Most of the wood windows are rotted and inoperable and need to be replaced. We propose replacement of all windows with energy efficient double hung or inswing casement with simulated divided lites (or "muntins"). The existing stucco with be inspected and repaired or replaced with traditional stucco as needed. Additionally, the existing clay tile roof will be inspected and repaired. Additionally, an egress double hung window will be added to north wall of existing main volume of house, to do this the window location will need to be modified. The new egress window is not on street facing façade but is visible from the street. All necessary maintenance items safeguard the longevity of the home and will be in keeping with the character of the historic district. All proposed work simultaneously preserves the historic character of the neighborhood, while updating the home to accommodate a modern family. The additions bring the house closer in scale to the surrounding stately scaled homes. Within the context of the block and size of lot, the proposed home quietly blends into the framework of neighborhood. The homeowners have lived in the Country Club District for almost 20 years and look forward to moving their family to their new creekside home. PLANNING DEPARTMENT APR 2 5 2019 CITY OF EDINA Image 1: Original 1925 home designed in the Spanish Colonial Revival Style 4604 Browndale COA Application Supporting Images Image 2: 4604 Browndale Image 3: 1950s garage addition uses panelized stucco that does not match original stucco Image 4: Existing walk-out from basement establishes Alternate Setback from OHWM "B" Image 5: Patching of existing stucco does not match color or texture of original stucco, windows and shutters are in need to repair and paint Image 6: Surface cracking seen throughout the existing stucco Image 9: 4604 Browndale , today Image 7: 4604 Browndale, today Image 9: 4604 Browndale , today as seen from creek Image 10: 3D Rendering of proposed additions Image 11: 3D Rendering of proposed additions Image 12: 3D Rendering of proposed additions (Original July 2018 Submittal) Image 13: 3D Rendering of proposed additions (Original July 2018 Submittal) Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: June 11, 2019 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission Edina City Hall Tuesday, May 14, 2019 I. Call To Order Chair Birdman called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call was Chair Birdman and members, Lonnquist, Schilling, Widmoyer, Nymo, Blake and student members Venell and Maheshwari. Staff Liaison, Emily Bodeker was also in attendance. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by Lonnquist seconded by Blake to approve the meeting agenda as amended. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Commissioner Lonnquist recommended the word volunteer be added to the 44TH & France Small Area Plan Heritage Nomination award. Motion by Black seconded by Schilling to approve the meeting minutes with the changes as presented. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations: A. Archeology Project Update Archeology consultant, Jeremy Nienow gave the Commission the last of the Archeology 101 presentations. He explained that he will present the report at the June Heritage Preservation Commission meeting. VI. Community Comment: None VII. Reports/Recommendations A. H-19-3 4604 Browndale Avenue COA Staff Liaison Bodeker explained that the certificate of appropriateness request for 4604 Browndale was for slight changes made to the front and side elevation during the finalizing of the design. The proposed COA included specific changes to the bump out on the southeast corner of the front façade and a front porch expansion. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: June 11, 2019 The applicant was in attendance and further explained the reason for the changes requested with the updated COA. Staff Liaison Bodeker informed the Commission that the applicant is also requesting an updated variance from the Planning Commission for slight changes to setbacks to the creek. Motion made by Schilling seconded by Blake to approved the COA at 4604 Browndale Avenue. Nymo abstained. The motion carried. VIII. Chair and Member Comments: A. History of Edina-Arjun Majeshwari Student member Majeshwari gave a brief presentation on the History of Edina and inclusion. B. Artifact Identification Day: May 18th 10-Noon, Edina Historical Society. C. 4602 Browndale Photo The Commission discussed the project going on at 4602 Browndale Avenue. Staff informed the Commission that she would have to check on the status and follow up on the building permit. IX. Staff Comments: Staff Liaison Bodeker reminded the Commission that the Preservation Award was being presented at the Tuesday, May 21 City Council meeting. X. Adjournment Motion made by Nymo to adjourn the May 14, 2019 meeting at 8:40 p.m. Motion seconded by Schilling. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Emily Bodeker Date: January 9, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:H-20-8 4510 S unnyside R oad C O A Amendment Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the C O A amendment for C O A H-20-8 at 4510 Sunnyside Road as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he subject property, 4510 S unnyside R oad, is located on the north side of Sunnyside Road, east of Browndale Avenue. A C ertificate of Appropriateness was approved by the H P C on O ctober 13, 2020, for a change to the existing gable on the front façade of the existing home and a small entry addition. T he home, built in 1941, is a story and a half American Colonial R evival style home. S taff inspected the site and found the as-built elevations (currently under construction) do not match the elevations approved with the 2020 C ertificate of Appropriateness. T here has not been a final inspection because the project remains under construction. Staff sent letters to the property owner, C O A application and permit holder informing them of the discrepancy in the elevation. T he property owner ’s request is for the H P C to approve a C O A amendment approving the changes in elevation as they are built today. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Applicant Submittal Consultant Vogel Memo Site Location Map "Original" Elevations Original COA Submittal H-20-8 October 13, 2020 HPC Minutes January 9, 2023 CONTINUED from December 13, 2022 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner COA H-20-8: 4510 Sunnyside Road As-Built Elevations CONTINUED Information / Background: The subject property, 4510 Sunnyside Road, is located on the north side of Sunnyside Road, east of Browndale Avenue. A Certificate of Appropriateness was approved by the HPC on October 13, 2020, for a change to the existing gable on the front façade of the existing home and a small entry addition. The home, built in 1941, is a story and a half American Colonial Revival style home. Staff inspected the site and found the as-built elevations (currently under construction) do not match the elevations approved with the 2020 Certificate of Appropriateness. There has not been a final inspection because the project remains under construction. Staff sent letters to the property owner, COA application and permit holder informing them of the discrepancy in the elevation. The property owner’s request is for the HPC to approve a COA amendment to the original COA approving the changes in the second-floor front dormer/addition. The changes in the as built elevation versus the approved COA elevations include: Changes in the second-floor front dormer/addition The objective of the Country Club Landmark District is preservation of the existing historic house facades and streetscapes. The city has adopted the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation when reviewing certificate of appropriateness applications. Preservation Consultant Vogel reviewed the as built elevations and has provided a written memo that is included in the heritage preservation commission packet. Staff Recommendation & Findings: Staff recommends approval of the elevations as they are built at 4510 Sunnyside Road as requested by the property owner. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Findings supporting the staff recommendation include: The changes to the elevations continue to meet the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation and the Country Club Plan of Treatment. The change in design of the dormer is comparable to the house’s original design and is appropriate to the historic character of the district. The shape of the new dormer is not a historical character defining feature and the façade remains compatible with the neighborhoods architectural character and retains sufficient historic integrity. 1 Emily Bodeker From:mary mcnamara Sent:Tuesday, November 22, 2022 1:28 PM To:Emily Bodeker Cc:Mike Ernst Subject:4510 Sunnyside Road, ED181714 EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Emily Bodeker: This letter is in response to our project at the above address, specifically the change to the dormer. We purchased this house August 2020 and had our first construction meeting the same month. We planned to remodel prior to moving in, it's been 27months of remodeling. Our target move-in date in February 2023. We agree the dormer was changed; however, we don't know why. We will bring photo of old dormer to meeting. Our architect left the project shortly after it was started. Our builder lost his license and went bankrupt a few months ago. We have no one to go back to and ask. We have been going through hell. We have liens on our project, resulting in hiring an attorney. There is no one to hold liable for cost overruns, contractors not showing, poor quality of some subs, delays, excuses, breach of contract with Telos Construction, and our diminished quality of life. This is yet another very regrettable situation. We will be very grateful for any assistance in correcting this issue. Appreciate any help. Respectfully, Mary McNamara Mike Ernst MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner FROM: Robert Vogel, Preservation Planning Consultant DATE: December 4, 2022 SUBJECT: Comments on Renovation Work at 4510 Sunnyside Road I have reviewed the information you provided in relation to the COA previously approved for exterior work at 4510 Sunnyside Road in the Country Club District. The owner has requested final approval for the project, “as built”—specifically, the new dormer does not match the structure shown in the plans submitted with the original COA application. In my opinion, the new dormer represents a minimal change to the façade, is compatible with the house’s original design, and is appropriate to the historic character of the district. The COA should receive final approval. The CITYofEDINA“Original” Elevationswww.EdinaMN.gov3 Sunnyside Road DESIGN GROUP Application for: CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 4510 Sunnyside Road, Edina Minnesota. (Ernst and McNamara Residence) Applicant: Maggie Tarr (ph. 760.831.1007) EXPLANATION OF REQUEST: The proposed project includes removing an existing dated addition, that is in a dilapidated state, and adding a new addition of the back of the home that ties in with the architectural style and materials of the residence. The addition will include a new Master Suite, Kitchen, where the existing old addition was. We will also be adding a Workshop off of the back of the Garage. A gable dormer added to the front of the home to match the same pitch of the front roof slope to create a better continuity for the front Elevation facing Sunnyside road. We are replacing materials that include new roof sheathing, replacing the shake shingle in a similar architectural style, and replacing all windows to match the existing windows that are divided lite and double hung. As the existing home has a mixture of stone causing the original addition stand out- we will be applying a German Schmear to the stone or Limewash to help create continuity. There are three materials used on the home- and the goal is to create it as a unified home without the appearance of multiple additions. The goal of the home is to create a residence that appears as it has always been there, and provide an efficient one level living space for Mike Ernst and Mary McNamara. Sincerely, Maggie Tarr 760.83 .10(17- maggieamargaretjanedesigngroup.corn PLANNING DEPARTMENT SEP 2 5 7020 CITY OF EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT SEP 2 5 2020 CITY OF EDINA atamirAtworacvsArascam. _ J/Wgiaili) 0.04-4110110s.t 01.101111111/10k11111011191.111111Itimair dr. E 0 a Ernst & McNamara Residence 08.17.2020 08.21.2020 08.27.2020 09.14.2020 09.24.2020 AT.0 Prnrincto•ri Plnnc Project Contacts Sheet Index General Scope of Work Architectural Designer: Structural Engineer: AT.0 Title Sheet Margaret Jane Design Group Complete Building Solutions See Survey Maggie Tarr 2900 Thomas Avenue South Suite 1501 Bruce Polaczyk, PE bruce@cbsmn.com SP1.0 Site Plan Minneapolis, MN 55416 Phone: (763) 544-3355 A0.1 Existing Front Elevation maggie@margaretjanedesigngroup.com A0.2 Existing Lower Level & Main Level Plan Phone: 760-831-1007 Surveyor: A0.3 Existing Upper Level Plan Stonebrooke Engineering, Inc. Contractor: 12279 Nicollet Avenue, Burnsville, MN 55337 Telos Direct: 952.540.4845 Main: 952.402.9202 oposca ounaa Erik Olson http://www.stonebrookeengineering.com A1.0 Proposed Basement Floor Plan President, TELOS Aaron Mages A1.1 Proposed Main Floor Floor Plan www.telosmn.com Al .2 Proposed Upper Floor and Roof Plan 7148 Shady Oak Road, Minneapolis, MN 55344 erik@telosmn.com A2.0 Proposed Exterior Elevations Addition off the Rear of the Home for a New Master Suite, Kitchen, and Workshop. A gable dormer added to the front of the home to match the same pitch of the front roof slope to create a better continuity for the homes front Elevation. Add a German Schmear or Limewash to the existing Stone and Brick. There are three materials used on the home- and the goal is to create it as a unified home without the appearance of multiple additions. Replace the shake shingle siding with new shake shingle siding, along with windows that match the double hung, divided lites of the home. Outside of new Windows in Existing Locations, New Roof sheathing ontop of existing roof and New Roof details to Match the Architecture of the home. VW]] JO A.110 co I 1 rn (z) z C) -n 0 m rn z z .1N7A 1 Poiriqn ) O o ,0 ,o iv - _N. 4, N 1,) 0 0 N..) K.) o o co co iv k) v - IV iv 0 0 is, N3 o :c, - v iv 0 iv Ernst & McNamara Residence Margaret Jane Design Group www.margaretjanedesigngroup.com -HESE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND THE HOME CONSTRUCTED PURSUANT TO THE PLANS ARE THE EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY OF MARGARET JANE DESIGN GROUP LLC AND ARE PROTECTED BY UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT LAW ANY USE O F THESE PLANS IS STRICTLY UNAUTHORIZED PROHIBITED Copyna,1 ",- 2020 111111/4. ) • D • 0 000 0 4510 Sunnyside Road Edina, Minnesota Ernst & McNamara Residence A1.0 PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL 1 /811=1 '-0" PLANNING DEPARTMENT SEP 2 5. 2020 CITY OF EDINA Prnnricpri Plnnc Do we wont ,ithed Yid's? Or Conc. UNEXCAVATED INFrost f ootdos t ) So SSS O Washer er 0 DS 04)Wndw weT (N)Pindw 1E1 loc. Patch WE, Pone, ng Peuty Four cloton INIWncte in IF) Loc. Patch WOE Pcne,g (N)Yinde wet STORAGE Rponn 004 I onc STORAGE ROOM II 005 Conc. Fir LL TI 10°21 eo!oce Fut., Sher. Cob i 1E1 Loc MECHANICAL ROOM °°' I Rep.ace lam. Re R. Remove dropped Clg. Repo,' Fkonoce Basement Wo'. (MPS. Red. Clg. LL SHOP =1 MEDIA ROOM 0 Zt Cky 00 Scrape Clg. Paneled Wes TNI LnIS Ht. 101P.r. Wood) We? Coquet?) (MING) UNEXCAVATED /7 N)GOOf 11e VerRy Foundation Nldon Re se. 08.17.2020 08.21.2020 08.27.2020 09.14.2020 09.24.2020 ti 0 0 m 06 3 S o 0 06 3 C) 0 m IN3INiblVd30 ONINNVid 7, :. > 5 ) CD 0 0 -.o -.0 A A iJ is, 0 0 N) N, iv 0 0 co co ,,..1 --, k.) NJ 0 0 N, NJ .00.. o co 'V is.) 0 NJ Ernst & McNamara Residence Margaret Jane Design Group www.margaretjanedesigngroup.com THESE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND THE HOME CONSTRUCTED PURSUANT TO THE PLANS ARE THE EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY OF MARGARET JANE DESIGN GROUP LLC AND ARE PROTECTED BY UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT LAW ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Copyright © 2020 ) "? • N) 4510 Sunnyside Road Edina, Minnesota C'g 08.2t Crown Moting Wood. Belt In e Cob. GUEST BATH 108 (E)Wncia T 43'd RIWnde alWndre (EIVIndw 7.90,4 KITCHEN 1 1051 C1980-24 Crown Mo'cfng rte lErrende DINING ROOM II 019 6 8-2f Crown Mordng Wood F., Arched Openng Spina Pt 08, Pt 9 T LIBRARY =1 Clg 8 0-24' Crown MorcIng PoneedWo, Wood Pr O LIVING ROOM Clg e 13-4 Crown Mdcfng Wood P+ OWNER'S BEDROOM 1107 I C.98 8-2f Pen Bond Mo'cfng Wood R N N BREAKFAST NOOK z GARAGE lElPindre fE)Wnde 2-814.4 08.17.2020 08.21.2020 08.27.2020 09.14.2020 09.24.2020 A0.3 Pvictinn Plnnc Ernst & McNamara Residence -0 0 0 0 a) 'al D c (>1.g C C JO CD Lo lEjAC SUN ROOM 1 103 I Gig Pone'ed Room lie FP 3,6' FP Montle A 4 (E)Wndee 7-0S-4 PLANNING DEPARTMEk! SEP 2 5 2020 CITY OF EDINA lErrendor (EIWnde EXISTING MAIN FLOOR SF: 2060 (INCLUDING GARAGE) EXISTING MAIN LEVEL 1 /T=1.-0" C) •• 0 O O o N VNIC13 JO A110 C—f) m —10 bD I O N.) IN31AlitiVd3CI ONINNYld -5,7 > DD 0 ,o :,:, is) — .1:rs .1, NJ is) N..) N.) 00000 00000 co co is3 ND V — IV rs) is) N..) po — -.1 is, N.) Ernst & McNamara .....THESE Residence Margaret Jane Design Group www.margaretjanedesigngroup.com ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND THE HOME CONSTRUCTED PURSUANT TO THE PLANS ARE THE EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY OF MARGARET JANE DESIGN GROUP. LLC AND ARE PROTECTED BY UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT LAW ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS SS TRICTLY PROHIBITED Copyright @ 2020 ) • _I , 4510 Sunnyside Road Edina, Minnesota Ernst & McNamara Residence 4r• PLANNING DEPARTMENT SEP 2 5 2020 CITY OF EDINA Prnnncari PlrIng U PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL 1 /8"=1'-0" VW min, I eqwn. in IE) loc. in IF) lac. Patch Wol Pcneng Polch Wof Pcnerng STOR. GE ROOM I 004 0 DS Do we wont Edshed Woes? Or Conc. UN)XCAVAIED (N)Frosl FoolWgs NI Rafe. Clg. 55 0 O Washer Dryer furnace MECHANICAL ROOM I 001 Replace lam. de W. Remove d'oPPed Repanl Nlwndo well INIWndes wet )Dr ) LL TI 002 fry), ^,^ Ch place fatur S hwr. Cabi Et I. (MING) UNEXCAVAIED Z=M, LL SHOP 003 Conc, Er MEDIA ROOM o 0W1 e.2, scrape Paneled was (NI IMIr Ht. IN)F1s. (Wood? Re? Cotoet?) STORAGE ROOM II 005 Conc. Flt Ver4y Foundatan M= am 215 Nprcin Re /Throughout FYN Verity Foundation 100 08.17.2020 08.21.2020 08.27.2020 09.14.2020 09.24.2020 A1.0 7-0 (N}ConcPool Ratio [Included h Impervious Surface Coe) 327SF uhlure by Owner BUTLERS PANTRY 114 I oo Ire Shelvisg Purchased by Owner, will by Tetos LP L FOYER fol (Elwood Fk. Clg B Er-2c Crown Alecing INJElec.Hld (NITee Pr Remove Or Open Entry Reuse IBIDR ENTRY ED° 60 Pll (NiVinders lE) loc. Cup 1-21 Clown Moking Rees III Wood Pe (Reuse (El Montle lor Mattle By Owner-, ssv Basement na -6- 11 Monfle A 1141Gos FF wen 114)3DR et (Et Loc. ( lock lobs. By Owner Snon, Bower et Attic Access GARAGE I 115 Og • Bra Refit. Pc 3bPe/ EPotsY 1 4 1/7 lElAsphcil Driveway POOL EQUIPMENT CONC.PAD WORKSHOP Owner's III? I lEprecek En. Conc.F1 hnioted a Foihed Bench Mei SO System Closet 120133 Skiing DR oak ode LAUNDRY INIW00 LJ Nffinclw 7,3-8 161Wndar 2-Ella-1 RJ 14. 24. (Wool rn p c 160SF 4664 Planing by Owner 12124,3',Wnders 3 218,5'.611/nd 16-1 1/21 MINN:MIME 0)( ' " !: ismommon = Bench Ie D I Ffloperina emove Carpel. Runner Handal le t Strined, Pdnt Treads & Inert frock Write Spades //l'oneled WorNe .‘ Uoss Enclosed Entry IConcStion Thts Space) riptYnder Wel Sone Veneer / Slone Cap ceol= EXISTING MAIN FLOOR SF: 2060 (INCLUDING GARAGE) LINEAR SQUARE FEET OF ADDITION EXISTING:1040 PERCENTAGE OF HOME MODIFIED: 49% C./ Goroge Or. ConErrn roe on Sire- (Nplecoder TROUGH DRAIN LJDr (Mildy ep Inch Wolf, Sh p DV 12 reo lOIN Byer enl En1 to Dc-vnsfo rs poi cel TBD Cono. • W rod re 3Tor ge \3 41 POOL (311,4.1E111? 13) il ne ljNjFconclation Ywar SO, PO 116 I B M =1 Cp it 2, Wood Pr oaIng Von Corti Below d. MUDROOM Wood L. OWNER'S BAT 1111 ------- ------ --- ------- ------ — -------- --- .... ..... helving Purchosed b own, MASTER WIC 08101 by Tabs I L 'JEN] kICAIH emove EJSItmer eproce E) o //Reuse pionty By lEjD PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL 1/8"=1'-0" 16 Panee Rel. Freezer AnCque Moor WOE Bock Bar Colonel By Owner Add 74 30 1d Cab Mbar tide Mohan Stoop au BACK HALO. n Clg 8 INICraren Making PP FIr .17410pennrc— I Lit PPe^=-11 Reuse Ow et. III el. INJOtass Dr lEjSleps E/012 (411Wnch6s INIWnclw Box 46. ow I Garage (coulee Makert 17'r, By INIWndW [PONS Ht.Wndws ler Leaded GP0- Diornond Potion SUN ROOM emove Panel 164 1E) Brick I=1 Clg 6-2i" Contractor Poneted Room to Confirm INJHIA. Tien LIVING ROOM lit I____1 1___I IN)Wndw 0 (E) loc. PLANNING DEPARTMENT SEP 2 20211 CITY OF EDINA IPJ Wncle In (E) lac (N)Wnotty Wet Stone Veneer w/ Stone Cop (NI kt IQ loc. KITCHEN OWNER'S SUITE 4 GIVE 10-I IN)Crown Moldng Wood Pr LIBRARY Crg g 1-2 Crown MoVng Poneted Wars ReFotE)Wood Fir Reprint Ponels in Block d0 E 6.4 0 a 0 0 2 z cc 1 2 ,, 0 .)C 9„,,,occp— •= p 0 OZ : C4 : i : 0 pt :69 C 0)'—t.'""PEIL L1' 'fn D C • ,,w 8 u.,..... zB . 0) .6c . . : u LP- ti x . o _9 ( 2 • .1gs :0 ! ! ,i e F,s LY, ! 8 r5) 1120 Y.: I; P i 3 fr' ED. &,7, % Wj_:,,' 0 0 ' `n 2 .I ,,, f32,...R8g z • 8 § EL° 5 c_ -0 O 0 o ce 0 `• en) P C D • 0 (.1) C f) LLI 08.17.2020 08.21.2020 08.27.2020 09.14.2020 09.24.2020 A 1 . 1 Prnr-in6pri Plnnc Ernst & McNamara Residence N)Gobre Root e,1n ln Coen Cob. GUEST BEDROOM Wood fir Scrape Clot. Seenf Pt.p6 GUEST BEDROOM 103 1 Wood Hr Scrape Cgs. (E)Rubber Roof Pot Deck 08.17.2020 08.21.2020 08.27.2020 09.14.2020 09.24.2020 A 1 .2 Prnnr-Kpri Plring Ernst & McNamara Residence D 0 ce 0 0 0 •(7).g C c . ( D O ) C C) .1-7") LLI Remove l E)Rebber Roof for (N)flo, Deck Remove (EA, for INI Wno, Potch Wok and Exter,or Sming ) GUEST BATH II 1 103 1 Rep!oce He on Fk and WO, Scrape CI 0 CLOSET toe Wood Fir Scrape Clge PLANNING DEPARTMENT SEP 2 5 2020 CITY OF EDINA PROPOSED UPPER LEVEL 1 /8"=1'-0" I 111-11 )Finial 11111111111101111 II I II 1111 I I (N)Ridge 1TY I 1 I T H 14,1 11 Imlllmlll 1 mormonmon 1, L r I III ..d 11 M111 1111 !HY ' AiiallIF11111.1111111.1111111 .41111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111 41 1 1 LI I1 IT Jill I 1 Ij III 1.Ill10 11 11 LI 1 111 L1 Ur L1 LI 1 I 1 [1 II r LI 1 1 1 11 11Y IIIYI 1 I II LI 1 111 Li a ITIYULJ UL1 I IINUILII[11 YIY U 'LH 11 1111 U O uu u u 1 LJ I I I I f l I I iii 1 I I U I 1 U 1 I I LI U II II I if Ill II I I LI II IIiII II II L i I U I U II - LI Li. LI LI 1 II II NI Rid IU u 11 I 'Li I I II 1Y111 1 111 I I U I I I LT II 11 II 11 1 II LI I IIITIU LTI 111 III II U II ilk III -11 u 1 III (i008 .tRoo 1 1 1 I 11 I 1.08 (El Ridge ioRa oimo c iz tin+) ? > R ...A -o s) — .N. ka is.) 0 0 00000 co co i.) na ••••4 — is) ts) 0 0 po — --.J is) Ernst 8( McNamara Residence Margaret Jane Design Group www.margaretjanedesigngroup.com THESE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND THE HOME CONSTRUCTED PURSUANT TO THE PLANS ARE THE EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY OF MARGARET JANE DESIGN GROUP LLC AND ARE PROTECTED BY UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT LAW. ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Copyright @ 2020 D 1 . C.4) 8 81 '8 '8 0 8 4510 Sunnyside Road Edina, Minnesota IN30111:1Vd34 DNINNV1d C) 0 m Cf) m IND fV IV C.7 (N)Wndw 1E) Loc. INI•nrev Wel ih lIlIan. Expand Dep . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . ' Nit-lade Shake Shrvgle d Sking Stagger Stacke YYYYYYYYN I YYYYYYYY- YYYYYYYYY ...4•1,11711•MIL 12 IrDcen'tedirag; IMO NNE I N MOB I N mP•m"Ill 22119111111111 I. I N I. ermanSchinere Line Wash 1E) Slate B rinIZI , E= INISenges over 11) Roof Option I: Rubber Shndes to look Pre slate 0OtiorCP3Vitotro'f'Prrutli•Phdi- A h. xii===•11k. ra====•1•11k. elM=====11N -..113111r _,.11111111111Er ....1101111110111r ..1141111111111111:::r ,11411Miillil • 11111111111111111111111111,' =rimilvin1111&_ „ow u 11 Am, '1 IIIA mom mos 5.'1' inosinms irszcanzai .H II ..... MNII=1= on t go. ap.=... E. rii4; mommm.. Mi—FM "11 M=R-,RIN IN MMININI M= IN =M ONE 12 M=I NN =MIMI= =1611.2:Jelet IIID EN1111-reN• ====7MININIIIINIIIIII=M1===M=1=== ==ME=MIIMIIM11=1==MENN=====NE ====MIIIMINNI==M1=====M==1 mmmmomimmrammommmmommEN ==MMININNIMIIMIN ======INION1111=141114411•11•2111111113 =IIMIPEMMmomms INfOR MERRIER 117 n EGA • .101,11-16n msos T.ra.cat., dieteRTARTielMMffriiii. 8 asr -218„„—AN • ismiSk._ MMMMMM ....%=i-Wm1111111 'cm3:6MiLM-E.M•2 1,0=1":11.—.4N••NW PLANNING DEPARTMEN SEP 2 5 202(1 CITY OF EDINA Ernst & McNamara Residence D o o a) a)) 7 c C c D 0 c a b Lf") .42,YIN°°?! RO. ti .tUPPER LEVE} FLOOR . PLATE FIT. WINDOW RO. INISlinges over lE) Root Opton I: Robber Sling'es to look lee slate Option 2 Snake Sting'es Opfon limber:ale of Equal Asphoe )N)PdnfOd Ebve Detail • • • " " " • " • 7f`oAllE)*Cove befol & QgnIsittono10.j(Et ./ Co.umn t? co MAIN LEVEL FL00? TOP QF FOUNDATION b ` NEM MMMMMMn INIGoroo Or in 10 Lon anal n lime Wash (El Sc one • . • . .. • • . • • • • • . • • IN)Shades over IN) Root Option Rubber Slindes lo look Ike slate Oplion 2 Shale Shndet Option Timber:he of Food Asphalt t1.11;PER. LEVI f1.0E4R +WINDOW RO. ... MAIN LEVEL FLOOR . . •. ;IORPF.EOUNDATIOEI '12 n o u n .•.............ms UN II II 1111111111111111.au1ni11 111111011 UM 1111111 1 111111 1111111 111111111 11111 1 11111 1 •512 ENE miesomicao 111111 1111111 SIMI 111111 1111E10 111111111111111 •1111111 _. 11111111111111 imminilirminum Imminas iim II mu inininummicsi mil ming Au amiumummil memeeine 11111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 •••••mminnum•.•1..• 1 11111111111 1111 111 11111118111111 1111111111111111111111 111111111111111PW4 111111111111111.11 1111111111111111 111111111111111111 1111111111 11111111111 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111 ERWIMME NIncede Shake Shod° Eking Slogger Slacked 1111111 MEM •NE NISconc III Ell Jim MIN • MN -11 11 N)Fence w/ Conc. Slob or Pod Kelp V BD: Meta Ridge to Catch IN) Gable Darner- or Ande Gable Dormer dove, to 1E) (NISH-nolo, over 1E) Roof Option I: Rubber Stinges to look Ike tole Opron 2 Shake Slinges Option I Troberine of Squid Moho, Yth. (19113DIA !IMO LA VII 111111111k 1111111111111116 Mill..w.21511111% 111111111111.11k. VA= '4111111111111111111, -j 11111-1\ 11111111111111111. Agram•aimhalos, 11111111111111111A 14141g, . 91" I si 7, 1 ir LIM 111=1 MEM igigMashromm. 111 IV! I .M! gllIl En! Ems PI M11111114.-ar ---•=.411.1..0 Ar41;\ 12 , 411:11 . 1algatk now Ammo 1111:111'om 1 111 1 :111; 411114111M1114: ,.,,,„1111:1111971711.7111171:11111111111111. anted Meld Gutter 111_=11111.1510AN AJilt a•-‘1.171W—IlliirM A.r.• v /-/ik AIM NS- =ZIT Ailaarie 12 Nord° Shake sto n c tIldng Stagger r:;Hg NJGable Dame, front 011E) Dormer IN)Rool. Was. Sang. Fascia Freeze Bead Balt In Window Bo. Gable Vent weal S rUr,* Wash (E) Slate N)Pcinled Rd'ng .1111111111M (Foie 1E) Caumns Oil Panted Hade Pone' Be INC Wn ............ • . • • • • • • • • rrnon Sclonere or Lime Wash ID Stone gowndw kt [1) Loc. (N)Wnde Wel COL... Expand Dept crow Schelde a Lime Wash (E) Stone rTQ P 511.B P QF FQOANG. PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION 1 Pr=r-0" BO Meld Ridge to Catch IN) Goble Darner- a Angle Gable Darner down to 1E) Ridge email Schrnere Line Wash 111 Slone N)firid WINDOW RO. 1r a'olt=0°, Lima Wash )E) Slone 08.17.2020 08.21.2020 08.27.2020 r P S3F $LAEL TQP QF fQ0ELNG. 09.14.2020 09.24.2020 PROPOSED SIDE ELEVATION 1 /8"=1'-0" A2.0 Prnnncp.r1Flpstr-vtinnc 4-1 ... II gr. —5, III In1 v _ PLANNING DEPARTMENT SEP 2 5 2020 CITY OF EDINA Ernst & McNamara Residence -o 0 rY 0 0 Ow (7) C C D C 0 .f) INISIIWgWsover IN) Roof Option I: Rubber Divides to look Ike Vale OpEon 2 Shake SWndes Option I renberine of Equal AlPhol 7 ilsr)Pointed Eove Deto1 K Style Gutters ••PROPOSED REAR ELEVATION • • • • • • • • • • 1 /811= F-0" Germon Schmere or it,,. Woth 1E) Stone I 136 Mold F5dge to Catch (N) Gale Dormer. Ander Goble Dormer down to (E) FSdge... '411111111ip.... '411111111m._ '1111111111111.11.._ =I=11M1 —111110-00 APININWh. ) N Sconce IGC. +.=, 1•00•00. p=0 Ili .4- —.• --..--1-- (MY Drs. • n •140 •7.• ••- la — dill 11111111 11E1 01 1111111 III 1101 AIRE 111111111 11111111111' VI 111111•1 IIII rowMINVINISAIIINIS? 1111_ liriernsi.sserinT :2 I' PAIH1111,111M Nre s r , 00.01j 0 0 7 :e010 n NI 4‘1111 lb. Pilch Weds A11111111111E 1111111111 111111 4011 1 1111111.. monconi NE man .41111111111111111h. 11111111111 St ROI 41111111111 111111111111c. 111111111111d — 11111 AIM al 101 MN is mum inn '''RR ; FI. ;RF; il 1 I IIATIMIN 11111111111111111111111111 1. . 11111 111111111111111111111111101"- In. aiiiir'6----4.----1-n--ilinii um 111—=J1111111! -11131 III 1 111 111111111111 111111 MI 11111111 11111111111 11111 VIIII 1E11111 1 1111111011111 11111. 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Arilifilii 1 CITNI IMEM1b16 1111111111 11 . ----- 111111111111.. -z. LIIIII 1111111111111111111k 4111111011111111tr""' 111111 11111111111k. 11111111111111 III wpm c411111111111111111111.,_ .. .. . n1111111111111 Fzr- ocki in Met • moungininam- Aimouniumm I, ...to On Fr OM 111111111 111111111111111111 m -1 11 iimmii -1-1-. ormomurs 1iniumnimmiumamien 11111111111U 1 11111111111111111"1111111111 '!1. 1111111111111 1 1111111111111 111111111111M 1111111111111HV 1 1 1 1411111 1 111.1111 II 11111111111111 ll 111111111111111 111111111111 .41t, Affill 1 111111111111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111 1111111111111 11111 111111111111111 1 n g IN 1111111111111 11111111111r 11110111i 1 arm,' Schrnere Lime Wash (E) Stone INIShildes over IN) Root Option I: Rubber to look We slate Option 2 Shake Sling,' Opfon 2 Emberine of Equal Asphdt IVIS 11111 111. 1111 1111..... 1111 111111111 HEM im.•••• •••• :I I •P:4. '74A F 11111'' 1111111 MI Ell 1111 Inn I I BEE NMI w flir K ci s r4r e d Epee lI 1 I Wo schmere Lime Wolff 1€1 stone 44/7 MAIN LEVEL FLOOR •, •. , TIOP QF FQUNpATION,;- . . . . . ••poyy, RO. 1.1;97rnIV to lch IF) 4E1 ow 1.= AS 11 xrrma ,.....in.;-W7....7,:::::**_.,•,•_•••_••..4.....••,74 4....r. 0Wr..4. ... 10.1...; WARMMINWhh. A1111 I I I I I I 1 I 1 11112r r IM•111 1 111•11 .-..mmpW..w.._•.....-a.-ai .Mnkfk....-..o.... ..„. 7- , ,, "91 1' .11111 •=11M•m•I to= ...•212Mallao I pII42:V= Abs. I '4 I 4 I 4 I 4 I 4 MCI= im.4%p ENE 514.111 11 11111111,11111 isimmins. 1111 1111 1111 II 1110111K 11111111111 11 11 11111111 1111111111111 II 11111111111' 111111111111111bi (N)Stingles over NI Roof Option It Rubber Wimples to look he sole OpEon 2 Shake StingWs Option ITimberfne of Equal Aspncit ,;,97CdSr4eedj07:rPekil 11 11 1111111 111111111111 III II 1111111 1111 1111111 1'11w11111 11111 1101111111111 giiii 111111111111111 111111 11111 L11111111111 111111111 11111 11111111111111111 '11111111 11111 11U1111111111111 111111111 11111 111111111111111 r I mum= Alllllllil ninimornmans mow n • ill • ill 111 ill no 111111 11111101 1111111111111111 nni min • . . . UPPER LEVEL FLOOR `,1 • PLATE I Tl +WINDOW RO. ... .. IN)SE ndes over 1E) Roof Option I: Rawer Singlet to look roe lee Option 1l mberine o1 Equd Alphas /n Nfiront of (El Damen VC.3190*.tErVelet ars'g., Bait in Window Ba .' 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NO.DATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNEDOFSHEET_LEGEND4510 SUNNYSIDE ROAD, EDINA, MNCERTIFICATE OF SURVEY™FEETSCALE01020MONUMENT FOUNDIRON PIPE MONUMENT SETWOOD HUB SETDENOTES DRAINAGE ARROWEXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONPROPOSED ELEVATIONAS-BUILT ELEVATIONPROPOSED CONTOURSEXISTING CONTOURSLIGHT POLEUTILITY POLEOVERHEAD UTILITY LINEDECIDUOUS TREECONIFEROUS TREECONCRETE AREAAJMREVISED PER CITY COMMENTTRH10/1/20201 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 11/10/20 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission VIRTUAL MEETING Tuesday, October 13, 2020 I. Call to Order Chair Schilling called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were members Lonnquist, Pollock, Birdman, Widmoyer, Nymo, Hassenstab, Chair Schilling, and student members Lee and Maheshwari. Emily Bodeker, staff liaison, and preservation consultant, Robert Vogel were also in attendance. III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Hassenstab seconded by Pollock to approve the meeting agenda as presented. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Nymo seconded by Hassenstab to approve the meeting minutes from the virtual September 8, 2020 meeting. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Reports/Recommendations A. COA: 4510 Sunnyside Road Staff Liaison Bodeker presented the COA request for 4510 Sunnyside Road. The proposed request included changes to the street facing façade which include changes to an existing dormer and a small front entry addition. The applicant, Maggie Tarr, Margaret Jane Design Group, was also on the call to answer any questions. Motion by Birdman seconded by Hassenstab to approve the COA request at 4510 Sunnyside Road with the following conditions: • Any changes to the proposed plans would require review from the Heritage Preservation Commission. All voted aye. The motion carried. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 11/10/20 B. COA: 4634 Edgebrook Place Staff Liaison Bodeker introduced the Certificate of Appropriateness request for a new home at 4634 Edgebrook Place. TJ Madecki, from Murphy Design Co. and Nate Wissink from Streeter homes were present on the webex to answer questions on the requested COA. Bodeker explained that obtaining a COA for new homes in the Country Club District is a two-step process. The plans presented fulfill the first step. Staff recommended that the HPC provide the applicant feedback on the proposed plans and identify any desired changes. Overall, the commission asked the applicant to review the size of the large picture window on the first floor, review the massing and materials of the overhang and large bracket on the right side of the front elevation, and to review the scale and size of the railing and overhang creating the front porch and upper decorative “deck”. The Commission had concerns about that portion of the home creating a precedent for future projects. The property owner, Chris Pohlad, addressed the Commission. Commissioner Everson was added into the meeting at 7:45 pm. C. COA: 4600 Browndale Avenue-Request to determine that the house at 4600 Browndale Avenue no longer contributes to the historical significance of the Country Club District and is eligible to be torn down Staff Liaison Bodeker introduced the applicants request to determine that the house at 4600 Browndale Avenue no longer contributes to the historical significance of the Country Club District. Staff walked through the primary issues of the request, summarized consultant Vogel’s comments, and informed the commission that the Building Official reviewed the application and visited the subject property. Ryan Fish, Peterssen/Keller Architecture presented the applicants evidence and reasoning as to why they believe the house at 4600 Browndale Ave no longer contributes to the Country Club District. Nico and Kris Wyrobek, the property owners, were also on the call to answer questions. Motion by Lonnquist seconded by Nymo to deny the applicant’s request, and finding that demolishing the existing structure would not be appropriate and that 4600 Browndale Avenue is a contributing preservation resource in the Country Club District based on the following findings: • Edina’s Preservation consultant finds that issuance of a COA for demolition of the home would not be appropriate. • The house dates from the district’s period of historical significance. • The property shows the influence of the developer’s master plan. • The property is identifiable as a specimen of period revival style architecture. • The property retains historic integrity of the most important architectural character defining design features associated with the Tudor Revival style. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 11/10/20 Commissioners Lonnquist, Pollock, Birdman, Widmoyer, Nymo, Hassenstab and Chair Schilling voted aye. Commissioner Everson recused himself from the vote. The motion carried. VI. Correspondence and Petitions A. Correspondence-Atwood Station Commissioner Birdman motioned to request staff write a letter to the author of the correspondence, Ted, and ask Consultant Vogel to provide a report with additional information on the findings of the building. Seconded by Pollock. All voted aye. The motion carried. VII. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Preservation Planning Motion by Birdman seconded by Pollock to continue the Preservation Planning presentation and discussion to the November Heritage Preservation Commission meeting. All voted ate. The motion carried. VIII. Chair and Member Comments: A. 2020 Work Plan Commissioner Lonnquist explained that Commissioners Pollock, Hassenstab and herself have started meeting and want to encourage any student members who are interested in joining them to let her or staff know. IX. Staff Comments: None X. Adjournment Motion by Birdman seconded by Hassenstab to adjourn the Heritage Preservation Commission meeting at 9:38 p.m. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Emily Bodeker Date: January 9, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.C . To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:H-23-1: 4909 Bruc e Avenue-New Detached G arage Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the requested C O A for a new detached garage at 4909 B ruce Avenue as presented by the applicant. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he subject property, 4909 B ruce Avenue is located on the east side of Bruce Avenue north of 50th S treet W and south of C ountry Club Road. T he existing home on the lot is a two story “Mediterranean” style house built in 1927. T he Certificate of Appropriateness request includes the demolition of the existing detached garage and the construction of a new detached garage. T he subject property previously submitted a C O A request for a new garage that was denied by the H P C. T he H P C felt the garage design that was proposed didn’t match the architectural style of the house, specifically the roofline. T he applicant redesigned the proposed garage and has submitted a new C O A application. T he most recent C ertificate of Appropriateness request includes the demolition of the existing detached garage and the construction of a new detached garage. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Applicant Submittal Consultant Vogel Memo Site Location Map January 9, 2023 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Certificate of Appropriateness: 4909 Bruce Avenue-New Detached Garage Information / Background: The subject property, 4909 Bruce Avenue is located on the east side of Bruce Avenue north of 50th Street W and south of Country Club Road. The existing home on the lot is a two story “Mediterranean” style house built in 1927. The subject property previously submitted a COA request for a new garage that was denied by the HPC. The HPC felt the garage design that was proposed didn’t match the architectural style of the house, specifically the roofline. The applicant redesigned the proposed garage and has submitted a new COA application. The most recent Certificate of Appropriateness request includes the demolition of the existing detached garage and the construction of a new detached garage. Primary Issues: The request includes the construction of a new detached garage which is why the proposed project requires a Certificate of Appropriateness. The objective of the Country Club Landmark District is preservation of the existing historic house facades and streetscapes. The city has adopted the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation when reviewing certificate of appropriateness applications. Staff believes the following standards of rehabilitation are pertinent to the review of the certificate of appropriateness: New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historical materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old STAFF REPORT Page 2 and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. The garage is comparable to surrounding garage heights and meets the 18-foot, and story and a half maximum height requirement, and setback requirements of the zoning code. Preservation Consultant Vogel reviewed the application and has written a memo that is attached in the heritage preservation commission packet. Consultant Vogel notes that the existing garage is not historically significant, and no preservation resource will be destroyed with the proposed work. He opines that the proposed garage is compatible with the historic character of the house and surrounding properties and will not have an adverse effect on the integrity of the district. Staff Recommendation & Findings: Staff recommends approval of the certificate of appropriateness request for a new detached garage and at 4909 Bruce Avenue as submitted by the applicant. Findings supporting the recommendation include: The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness is consistent with the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. The proposed Certificate of Appropriateness meets the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation. The proposed garage is compatible with the historic character of the house and will not have an adverse effect on the integrity of the district. Conditions for approval: An as built date plaque should be installed on the exterior of the new garage. Any change to the approved elevations or materials will need to be submitted for review. L • I ARCHQS ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN, PA. DECEMBER 19,2022 HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION THE CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50™ STREET EDINA, MN 55424 EMILY BODEKER, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER PROJECT NARRATIVE THIS LETTER IS TO INFORM YOU OF THE DEMOLITION OF THE EXISTING GARAGE AND PROPOSED NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A DETACHED GARAGE AT 4909 BRUCE AVENUE, EDINA, MN. WE ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT TO THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION FOR EDINA HERITAGE LANDMARK APPROVAL. THE PROPOSE OF THIS NARRATIVE IS TO EXPLAIN HOW THE PROPOSED PROJECT MEETS THE CITY OF EDINA'S, HISTORIC COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT, PLAN OF TREATMENT. PLANNING OBJECTIVE: THE PROPERTY OWNERS INTEND ON MAINTAINING THE HISTORIC HOME FACADE BY CONSTRUCTING A NEW GARAGE. THE INTENT IS TO MATCH THE CHARACTER OF THE EXISTING FRONT OF THE HOME AND APPLY THAT AESTHETIC TO THE GARAGE FRONT FACADE. SECRETARY OF INTERIOR'S STANDARDS: THE NEW DETACHED GARAGE IS SLIGHTLY LARGER THAN THE EXISTING STRUCTURE, IT WILL BE LOCATED IN THE SAME POSITION AS THE EXISTING GARAGE. IT WILL BE PLACED FURTHER FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH PROPERTY LINES, BUT IT WILL COMPLY WITH THE CITY SETBACKS AND BUILDING LOT COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS. THE CHARACTER OF THE EXTERIOR IS TO MATCH THE HISTORIC STYLE OF THE FRONT FAQADE OF THE EXISTING HOME AND USE SIMILAR EXTERIOR MATERIALS. THE PROPORTIONS OF THE NEW STRUCTURE ARE INTENDED TO COMPLEMENT THE EXISTING HOME. CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS: THE OWNER ARE SEEKING APPROVAL FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL. THE EXISTING GARAGE WILL BE DEMOLISHED FOR A NEW GARAGE STRUCTURE. THE EXISTING GARAGE IS TOO SMALL FOR MODERN DAY USE AND IS BEYOND REPAIR. DESIGN REVIEW GUIDELINES: IN THE SUBMITTAL PACKET, INCLUDED ARE PHOTOS OF THE EXISTING HOMES FRONT FACADE, THE EXISTING GARAGE, EXISTING PATIO AND PHOTOS OFTHE ADJACENT PROPERTIES, DETACHED GARAGES. THIS EVIDENCE IS DOCUMENTATION OF SIZE, SCALE AND MASSING OF THE CHARACTER OF THE ADJACENT STRUCTURES. THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHOW THE EXTERIOR FINISHES THAT ARE TRADITIONAL, COMPLIMENTARY AND MATCHING THE EXISTING HOME. THE INCLUDED SITE PLAN/ SURVEYS SHOW THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED MODIFICATION FOR BUILDING LOT COVERAGES AND IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATIONS. EXTERIOR BUILDING MATERIALS: THESE EXTERIOR MATERIALS THAT MATCH THE EXISTING HOME INCLUDE: • ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR AND TEXTURE) • STUCCO SIDING (COLOR AND TEXTURE) • LIMESTONE BASE AT THE FRONT (WEST) FACADE (MATCHING THE EXISTING FRONT FACADE OF THE HOME) • WINDOW AND DOOR STYLES (COLOR, GRIDS AND PROFILE) • WINDOW SHUTTERS (STYLE, SIZE AND COLOR) • WINDOW AND DOOR TRIM (COLOR AND PROFILE). GARAGES: THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE IS MEANT TO BE SUBORDINATE TO THE EXISTING HOME AND PLACED ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY REQUIREMENTS. A PLAQUE WITH THE YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION WILL BE PLACED FACING THE STREET. GARAGE HEIGHT: THE PROPOSED GARAGE IS A STORY AND A HALF STRUCTURE ALLOWABLE BYTHE CITY REQUIREMENTS. THE ATTIC/ SECOND LEVEL IS FOR STORAGE AND DOES NOT EXCEED THE ALLOWABLE 60% OF THE GARAGE FOOTPRINT. THE AVERAGE GRADE (887.76') AT THE EXISTING GARAGE DETERMINES THE ALLOWABLE (18') BUILDING HEIGHT (905.76'). DRIVEWAYS: THE CURRENT DRIVEWAY WILL BE MODIFIED ONLY SLIGHTLY FOR THE PLACEMENT OF THE NEW GARAGE, THE EXISTING GRADES TO BE REMAIN AT THE EXISTING CONTOUR, 887.9'. THE AVERAGE GRADE IS 887.76'. WE LOOK FORWARD TO PRESENTING THE PLANS TO THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION, SHOULD YOU SO DESIRE OR REQUIRE. FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE ABOUT THIS PROJECT. ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN, P.A. ON BEHALF OF: SHAELYN & DANIEL ANNUNZIATA 4909 BRUCE AVENUE EDINA, MN 55424 MICHAEL J, ECKARDT, ARCHITECT/ OWNER: SINCERELY, I—I 12 - 15 - 2022 Appropriateness Documents Revised- Certificate of Annunziata Residence: Shaeyln & Daniel Annunziata Custom Home: Edina, MN 55424 4909 Bruce Avenue Detached Garage APPROPRIATENESS SET 12 - 15 - 2022 Sheet: Architecture & Design, P.A.4909 Bruce AvenueEdina, MN 55424Custom Home,: Detached GarageShaelyn & Daniel AnnunziataREVISED/ CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS SET 12 - 15 - 2022 Sheet: Architecture & Design, P.A.4909 Bruce AvenueEdina, MN 55424Custom Home,: Detached GarageShaelyn & Daniel AnnunziataREVISED/ CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS SET 12 - 15 - 2022 Sheet: Architecture & Design, P.A.4909 Bruce AvenueEdina, MN 55424Custom Home,: Detached GarageShaelyn & Daniel AnnunziataREVISED/ CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS SET 12 - 15 - 2022 Sheet: Architecture & Design, P.A.4909 Bruce AvenueEdina, MN 55424Custom Home,: Detached GarageShaelyn & Daniel AnnunziataREVISED/ CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS SET 12 - 15 - 2022 Sheet: Architecture & Design, P.A.4909 Bruce AvenueEdina, MN 55424Custom Home,: Detached GarageShaelyn & Daniel AnnunziataREVISED/ CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS SET 12 - 15 - 2022 Sheet: Architecture & Design, P.A.4909 Bruce AvenueEdina, MN 55424Custom Home,: Detached GarageShaelyn & Daniel AnnunziataREVISED/ CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS SET 12 - 15 - 2022 Sheet: Architecture & Design, P.A.4909 Bruce AvenueEdina, MN 55424Custom Home,: Detached GarageShaelyn & Daniel AnnunziataREVISED/ CERTIFICATE OF WPP**? nr*u - st Ave* fa? 11' Page 1 of 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner FROM: Robert Vogel, Preservation Planning Consultant DATE: January 2, 2023 SUBJECT: Amendment to COA for 4909 Bruce Avenue I have reviewed the revised COA application for construction of a new detached garage at 4909 Bruce Avenue in the Country Club District. Based on the new project narrative and the accompanying plans, no heritage preservation resource will be destroyed (the existing detached garage is not historically significant) and the replacement garage meets the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation. In my opinion, the proposed new construction is compatible with the historic character of the house and surrounding properties and will not have an adverse effect on the historic integrity of the district. The new garage also meets the design guidelines for garages contained in the district plan of treatment. Therefore, I recommend approval of the COA. Date: January 9, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.D. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:H-20-6 4630 Drexel Ave C O A Amendment C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Applicant Submittal Consultant Vogel Memo Site Location Map "Original" Elevations "Original" COA Amendment Submittal-Chimney June 14, 2022 HPC Minutes January 9, 2023 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Amendment to COA H-20-6, 4630 Drexel Avenue, As-built Elevations, Changes to Rebuilt Chimney Information / Background: The subject property, 4630 Drexel Avenue is located on the northwest corner of Drexel Avenue and Country Club Road. The home built in 1924 is a Mediterranean style. A certificate of appropriateness for the project at 4630 Drexel Avenue was approved September 8, 2020. One of the conditions of the original COA was that asphalt shingles were not an allowable roofing material. At that time, the applicant was agreeable to that condition. The original COA listed Brava Tile, Decra Tile or Clay Tile as options for the approved roofing material. The property owner requested an amendment to the original COA June 2022 for a change in the approved roofing materials and the rebuilding of the original chimney that needed to come down for safety reasons. The HPC denied the change in roofing materials and approved the reconstruction of the chimney without the addition of an exterior gas fireplace insert. The approved chimney was to be finished in stucco and stone fireplace surround per the schematic to match the original structure. Staff inspected the site when a final inspection was requested by the permit holder and staff received complaints of the project not being completed and notified the permit holder that the following items were outstanding: Fireplace stone detailing Garage doors needed painting The contractor notified staff that the garage doors will be painted when the weather permits. The property owner and applicant’s request is for the HPC to approve a COA amendment to the original COA approving the changes to the rebuilt fireplace and approving the fireplace without stone detailing, as it is currently built today. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Primary Issue: The Heritage Preservation Commission is asked to review the applicants request-reviewing the chimney as it is built today, without the stone detailing. The objective of the Country Club Landmark District is preservation of the existing historic house facades and streetscapes. The city has adopted the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation when reviewing certificate of appropriateness applications. The secretary of the interior defines preservation as the act or process of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity, and materials of an historic property. The secretary of the interior defines rehabilitation as the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features which convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values. Staff believes the following standards of rehabilitation are pertinent to the review of the amendment to COA H-20-6: Distinctive features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a historic property shall be preserved. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, or pictorial evidence. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. Preservation Consultant Vogel reviewed the application and has written a memo that is attached in the heritage preservation commission packet. Consultant Vogel notes that in his opinion, the project meets the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation. While the exterior chimney is considered an architectural character defining feature of the house, the presence or absence of the outdoor fireplace (stone detailing) does not represent a substantial façade alteration-and this kind of minor change is allowed by the standards of rehabilitation. Staff Recommendation & Findings: Staff recommends approval of the amendment to COA H-20-6 approving the chimney as it is built today, without the stone detailing as shown on the COA elevations approved with the rebuilt chimney. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The absence of the stonework detailing does not represent a substantial façade alteration and minor changes in detail are allowed by the standards for rehabilitation. 2. The chimney, as built, meets the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation. Petrocchi Residence 4630 Drexel Avenue December 9th, 2022 Dear Heritage Preservation Commission, We are requesting the approval of a certificate of appropriateness for the home as completed at 4630 Drexel Avenue without the stone fireplace surround on the chimney. As long time residents and builder/remodeler of homes in the District, we appreciate the importance of maintaining the historic character of the neighborhood. We have successfully worked with the HPC on 8 projects in the District without any issues. Here are examples of our work in the neighborhood: 4615 Wooddale 4620 Moorland 4505 Arden The renovation of 4630 Drexel Avenue maintained the importance form elements and street facing facades of the original home. These elements include the original roof on the main body of the home, the façade facing Country Club Road, and the façade facing Drexel Avenue. The addition elements maintain the matching roof pitch, stucco elements, and barrel tile roof. I agree we did not install the fake fireplace stones on the chimney facing Country Club Road. We were unsure they were required since the fireplace insert was not approved. In reading the HPC motion again, I do see the COA was approved with the requirement of the stone surround on the fake fireplace. In addition, the original chimney stones were painted white (actually the entire house stucco as painted white). We can not find white stones and do not want to use painted stones on a newly renovated home. The homeowner liked how the chimney looked without the stone surround as it is a clean look and consistent with the historic character of other Spanish Colonial chimneys in the neighborhood. The chimney is located on his outside terrace. The lower portion of chimney is obscured by his terrace furniture and will eventually be completely hidden once the arborvitae grow in. Here are other similar chimneys on Spanish Colonial Homes in the neighborhood that show a similar chimney without a fake fireplace. These similar homes show that our chimney reflects the character of the neighborhood in architectural form and finish. Thank you for considering this request. Scott Busyn Great Neighborhood Homes Page 1 of 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner FROM: Robert Vogel, Preservation Planning Consultant DATE: January 2, 2023 SUBJECT: Amendment to COA for 4630 Drexel Avenue I have reviewed the information provided by the applicant regarding final approval of the project as built (specifically the omission of the outdoor fireplace at the base of the chimney, as shown on the plans submitted with the COA approved by the HPC). As built, the project meets the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation, which are the required basis for COA design review. While the exterior chimney is considered architectural character-defining feature of the house, the presence or absence of the outdoor fireplace does not represent a substantial façade alteration—these kinds of minor changes are allowed by the standards for rehabilitation and are not discussed in the district plan of treatment. My recommendation is to approve the project as built, with a note to the COA file documenting the fact that the fireplace described in the plans submitted with the COA application was not built. 4630 Drexel Ave Edina, Hennepin, MetroGIS, © WSB & Associates 2013 January 5, 2023 0 50 10025 ft 0 10 205 m 1:394 The CITYofEDINA“Original” Elevationswww.EdinaMN.gov3 Scott Busyn Great Neighborhood Homes, Inc. 3939 West 50th Street, Suite 103A Edina, MN 55424 May 4, 2022 Heritage Preservation Commission c/o Emily Bodeker – Assistant City Planner City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Subject: Deteriorated Chimney at 4630 Drexel Avenue Thank you to Chief Building Official Dave Fisher and yourself for meeting us at the 4630 Drexel Avenue job site to review the existing chimney. Recapping our discussion, we pointed out to you and Dave that the existing chimney was structurally unstable due to decades of water intrusion from the top of the chimney and improper flashing. We pointed out that the structural brick was mushy and crumbly throughout the chimney structure. There were also structural cracks throughout the chimney. One of our workers stated he could move the chimney by leaning on it while working on the roof. Dave Fisher inspected the chimney and ruled that the chimney was structurally unsafe and should be removed due to it being a hazard. I attached photos of the deterioration as well as an inspection report from the mid-1980s (source Edina Historical House Record Card) that that basement had a “Severe, very noticeable water problem, very frightening to a prospective buyer.” The inspection report also stated the windows had “some rotted wood.” Dave Fisher also stated at the meeting that he would be issuing a recap of his observations. Our plans are to rebuild the chimney to the exact measurements per the attached schematic drafted by DFP Planning and Design (attached). The chimney will be reconstructed with framing materials and finished with stucco and stone fireplace surround per the schematic to match the original structure. The homeowner will be installing an exterior gas fireplace in the location of the fireplace surround as this area will be landscaped as an exterior terrace per the survey. The homeowner will also be planting trees to create privacy for the terrace. Obviously, removing and rebuilding this chimney creates significant unintended costs for the homeowner. The intent of replacing the chimney is to create a safe and functional structure while making a compatible use of the chimney that meets the objectives of Edina’s Historic Country Club District Plan of Treatment. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Cc: Dave Fisher – Chief Building Official Attachments: Photo of original chimney Photos of chimney deterioration Photos of existing chimney measurements used for schematic Schematic of rebuilt chimney ASSESSMENT SUMMARY LAND VALUE COMPUTATIONS Valuation changes to b entered on next line. Indicate year and authorit y — A«=«^r • Frontage Figured Average Depth Unit Price Unit Percent Front. Ft. Price Top. Intl. Tot YEAR MARKET VALUE OF LAND MARKET VALUE OF STRUCTURES TOTAL MARKET VALUE FULL VALUE OF LAND FULL VALUE OF STRUCTURES TOTAL VALUE OF LAND AND STRUCTURES HOME- STEAD Yes No . ma ..uutuez u, saoaremenr, etc. ASSESSED VALUES HOMESTEAD 25% REMAINDER (it 40% TOTAL ,I 0 • 1911 . 1, WIMUMIIM 0 0 0 I ? 74'40 I coasi) 261 4 19?:_ / I %cr'' 266.04 I ' 6 MiiiiMii 26 (I ' IMIIIIRLMI4EMIIIIIMI 9' 0909 22610J 297cO9 SALES INFORMATION Date Consideration Kind of Inst. Remarks Contract for Deed held by: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RECORD AND APPRAISAL CARD STREET ADDRESS 4630 Drexel Avenue ASSESSMENT DIST. SCHOOL DIST. NO. 1:91.7:17g - tt, • COUNTRY CLUBBLBYSTiii CT FAiliWAY SECTION/ 7) ADD. BUILDING PERMIT RECORD Amount Purpose bLAA,ry )•-°. ( ' , URBAN LOT RECORD TOPOGRAPHY IMPROVEMENTS Level Sidewalks High 'A Curb & Gutter Low City Water Sanitary Sewer Gravel LOT 16 7 Dote Number STREETS Asphalt Concrete Brick Parcels covered by same homestead. List parcel numbers. DRAINAGE Good-Fair-Poor LOCATION Corner Lot Inside Lot Storm Sewer Nat'l Gas Residential Dbl. Bung. Dirt with alley ZONING OR USE Commercial Industrial Multi-Family General Desirability: Good Fair Poor Other: Roof Exterior PARCEL NO. OTHER STRUCTURES GARAGE Grade Yr. Built Att. Det. Bsrnt. Found. Floor ' Finish Overhead Door /( Auto Control ROOF PLUMBING ROOMS WIRING FOUNDATION Concrete Flat City Water .. Living Room , BX CABLE BREEZEWAY ../ Describe: ,e---,.., , '1..., 3-7- .,-'7,),' 7 ,4 /7 ,,.,4 Conc. Blk. V Goble .., Well Cr Pump Dining ,......- Rigid Conduit Brick Hip Sewer , - Kitchen L.,., BUILT-INS - /--k/ 1 7 ( ,1 - .•.:-." ,' . x J-7, i ,i) Y ) Irregular Septic Tank Bedrooms / I Breakfast Nook ,./ EXTERIOR WALLS Shingle, Asphalt Cesspool Den or Study 1...,- Bookcases V YARD IMPROVEMENTS Driveways, Fences, Ret. Walls, Barbecue Pits, Siding and Sheating Shingle, Wood Baths (3 Fist.) Rec. Room China Closet Wood Shakes Slate Half Bath (2 Fixt.) Utility Extra Kit. Cabts. Describe: i ef;45,777- Patios, Swimming Pools, Etc. Composition Shakes Tile .---- Single__Ejxtures Refrigerator '9.A.' Redwood Roll, Composition ,Hot W,..,)-Elec.—Gas— Range Cy Oven - 5-1C.."7.dc- "(AN _ e•-• 4, ‘..t) e. ..-_--. ei-C t <-- ye 7.4( tr.,- •:"."4/e' Stucco L.,--- Shakes Water Softner ' --- ,...- INTERIOR FINISH Dishwasher fr"-- Brick Veneer Tar and Gravel --- Hdwd. Floors iv Garbage Disp. V --77/- z__ /g4" Ae",,C "Afris?-7-- I Corn. or Rug. Insulated HEATING Softwood Floors OUT BUILDINGS Roman or Face Fireplaces Inside Concrete Floors TILING (Sq. Ft.) Sheds, Cabins, Boathouses, Shops, Greenhouses, Etc. Stone BASEMENT Fireplaces Outside / Linoleum Floors. Cer. Plas. Describe: None Full Hot Air: Pipeless Carpeted Floors 1.,' Bath Hall ,.• 41 -,.7./ ----'-:- < Insulated Yes- No Partial % Piped (Gravity) Hardwood Trim t-Kitchen ' S 'eV . e X ,5!"--7 --'4./ ' ? r ''' PORCHES Unfinished Forced Circurtn Softwood Trim Glazed: Partitioned Steam ----Th Plastered Int. MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING DIAGRAM AND OUTBUILDINGS Screen: Finished % HrWater-/or Vapor Drywall Int. Incinerator Draw to scale and show dimensions Open: Walkout % Radiant Concealed„ Laminated Swim. Pool ........................... Oil— Coal— ..,,s...2 Date of Appraisal By: . Interior Inspected Ye V No STRUCTURAL VALUE COMPUTATIONS ST:ZUCTURES DIMENSIONS AREA SQ. FT. RATE/S.F. DEP. Cr OBS. ct6 OFF NET RATE/S.F MARKET VALUE ) ...5XIC ' . S /0 x .. er 7'.....? 77:..- ..,...,.. ',..., 1,...._.......------.7./.. HOU?r- - CI X 9 C f VcC1 1,3 9 /4/4 27' / '''' '-'' " Flat Charges Basement Finished Rept. _Cost z .. - ' 47e; 1/ .3- ,-,?\.t- ( / 41 X 3.,( .4, 71:: -t --7../ '-At-tie 1-;,,Ued - 1,"141'''.--Cf;Nr) ''''''; 4 '''.. Extra Plumbing ' 5 7 ,,,- , -z. 4(X /.,-,- - / . 5 . /..5- - / ,c7cq ...-- -. 6 .,,,, 5 A5 . 471;1 / rr:/ 411%. • . ->. - (i '4•14er 4V/rid', 4.\ Built-ins G. Misc. ...1-- ID Porches / X , - 46711/ .3 7F? .f:-' . TOTAL 5 „.74,147z :- TOTAL FLAT CHARGES AREA = / ,.....1.--, ,5 GARAGE ,--1( X /9 -7 `i 4, ,,,:, A'. / f., ' .' .^.' . P\ •••••• .--- .--1 I / 1 (o ElliftEZEWAY X _.-742cr -. I YARD IMPS. , 4.74( o ..., 2-...,,,-:5- ..,:,-,- - ,. -43 Ye,I - • n Ric 11 R vv\ L ._, au /--"S ..... - _...., v.k., rq OUTBUILDINGS le00 n 19 TOTAL MARKET VALUE OF STRUCTURES -7 1 4' 'Future Adjustments: /•-2.7c,.• "JAI. „5-,r _ --/--c Y'-. - ..- , Grade No. of Stories _7 Const. Cost h sic& Condition: Good_ Normal ..„/ Fair__ Poor Mo. Rental ,oat .• Cost Cs• Fn%•______ Poor__ Me. Rentof__ Peng: Oven 7i.nasher Giritroqc Disp. Concrete r;oors TILING lSi. Fioi,,. Sortw7ro—Floor I NT:RIOR ...loiter-, Floors BA rire,..eces Outs•Je P-Ru ,.:TUKES DIMCNS1ONS Describe: 3 3 S=ir c, r, 4'102 BUILDING DIAGRAM AND OUTBUILDINGS Draw to stoic and shoo' dimensions or. Inas Both Moil Kitchen MISCELLANEOUS 'nom/tato? Swim. Pool No Gil— Coal-- Gas— Cote of Appraisal STRUCTURAL VALUE COMPUTATIONS Interior Inspected Ye, -r; rAt _ tvl F /5tfb Fpv-.•,.5".5"3 I r CC': .•1S i WIPING ± r--- Li.,4,,, Reorr. i--.,-, ..4::___, „x CABLE BREEZEWAY -I Describe: / 5- ),. r--xt.? of --4-el•re- .9', 5-Z774 —6" 1-r- ...,- 514. r C.:...... ---1-1‘L.V.-:li WC.2;tirwo Dining Rigid Conduit 17,;-k i .1,2 I f 5.,....i. • Kirchto C.1.1iLT-IN:: —__ ,: . 1,,oric -rank 1.4,icorlis 1- -TProakfosi Nook /IfiC 23 2 a-C.— 5"-(146 „.,„•. 7 . -----.xiE- .. ,-y...- 7•T,.ILS 7 • ..,!s.,,,,i,:. , -ss,Lror , L.. Doi Den or Trudy 7----Ii „..0.1,re YARD IMPROVEMENTS! Driveways, Fences, Re,. Wags, oiliacJe Pits, S.i:•,4 cno !".h.,...;,...,, r— :r -ng:.., "A, ood i • onr.,, 15 F.xt,t krt. I.toon_fjp: A-- Chino Close. • liir oar, .i.•..• ... ; ....loft • 1-1,-;i E.oiri , 2 FixI.I Utility i.xi•to Tat cr,:bt , Describe: Potius, S'4;rnming rook, Etc Cr‘ririiirilicr F //\( frm../ OUT BUILDINGS Sheds, Cabins, Boothouses, Shops, Greenhouses, Etc. _ Found.__ _ _ -Exterior_ jo 0 Finish ‘,>2.4,_ALL,:iUs ence.3 Doo, _ ...2----J- Ili ,-7 -773.-574 1 4 „ a .5 X-WA 3io sp .1.1 -11., 0-074, / gy 3 I 1 - 3'1 '8 SC 3 ,7 5” E., Cha,,,, TAT,T—c.,, 2... / 5—, 1 zi.se.,e, F;,:i,,,c:f I 25-70 7 $ X 12 . M. 2. .t.. t Li 6.-14 0 t w o I r T ''S WPI I # I SO I - S/ E.?-ri Plumbing eal_2-3 12 • i O X_3--..9 00 ;2 G-,g _7..sviit_i,,s. & micc. ,0 c, I -.6. ,if,2) 0..41 '4. ........ j1.-- - t9(1.-.---"" "arches 1 -- Ai---X / 5— 575",---- 70TAL $ Z300 TOTAL FLAT CHARGES /AREA = -•:VitZEWA Y X r;-- TnTAL MARKE: VALUE OF STRUCTURES $ 7utu:.e AcrtustmeM3. AREA DEP. Cr C. NET PATE/S.F. SQ. FT. % OFF RATt/S.F +41 337( P.AGE B. I, 2./ X /9 3 99 V/ Xts. IMPS. MARKET VALUE fr: !If et Cr' c X-e4 3 (0 • , 1 1 2-1 1q° 5-0 1396 10 3 '9'7 4 Go 334. s-1-7 E• SKETcht .... ..... . .. ....... . . ........ . —Sry • ......... „,4 • • • 12.062 v E az„ YAR 6 X-tx : --744. /S X /9 ". es' .33-7 1'77-1 2.5= /0e, 7 0 X 2- ie' '3Er0 144,0 t="5t74 3x y - 9-7 / 57 -Y u ivE}cc- c-i x - o S Irtalottd Yes N ES keen: urns Not W.—Elcc.—Cos— 'tia ter ,:itster Piiek yrrrti ood . • Pr rian c. ',act t I irepiaces Insidt Srecco L i Sn-ss None Not Air: Piceiess Carpeted iioors Porr.ol Co Piped iG.trityi Hordwotil Trio; Ulltill.;.,•• 1 Ftlf 4,1 i..11CtIrtrl POri,r1Ontd 1 a.,tecon Finial-1o.: C.; i 1 N. Water or Vapor raTfici.lt ..oriceoled Prou: co.. Softwood Trim Plastered Int. Drywoli Int. lam noted 0.5- 700 a•sry aAyEx • . 7 X'/9-' ='8^+V S ki 403 54 60 . I-4 b. /W. 4:t4 , ,c) 11 • 54 4.' bb pates <i , Q. -us y,o-Y 40=' 151" it -tt; /40.05 (39) Z 4„ • Aniacilf g ze.o P 137(-4 1257f L, • vt,u :3143.1r 01) 3 ;75.5 04 4 r r‘a7 q45 141.78 4 113.) 14C. Vt' :4 ' 5 1Z5, • 27 I _174 ; 04)4 741' 7 155.9" A ' 4 151M 5 A /40. 13 133 _ 13. 2 A 1344i 1e 4413, 2 0 0 24 t.35. '1 22 I 10) .131 7 f38.114 (g.)4A2 Z437-0'11 /*P . 1 3) 1 : 35.0-• 444 4 33,41. `i 134.9515 134,f V-4; 16 9 17/117 41-0 /1 43.2,__14 ,r-tya 'ft ,66pzf I3CIP4i %% .334 8d... 4'• o. .0°8 Ta j! - 8 to td 51. 1)8 - Ma 7 - 14246 " (ONO 144.38 4 1. /2 140. ,k0°)12 A,f,1 14 k_Azi 15 .0 /44 /70 ,o-tx If 41 13 • tp, zif,qt.uPp o ,001 I j36.0i t,e 2Z 6A .1)1)1 A leto..14" 135.48 1 -1) 4e. Ri-DGEsz's - 131.( 1 : 4 6) , 2 k4744 21 l'135.25 0. 33(4. • .32 (A) 03 44c ,`! 1_7.3 5 /0(19)' 1/ 4 23 • ,Z1 2(90)1, (cicilz 4,1? 01,2 /4(6t& (e6)2/ 34)-. 8{I$1= 3001 /obi)), 2,eY. 11 z8(~. IZ 27(0,(f , 26(34 y 14@A), 7)5 ° • 4'-) 7 31.44 1)8 ‘P' 133 3 4_0)9 132.33 0)1° Id 132 'CA r- (16 )11 0. -131-5 1-)I 2 0 3i 4.0 6p C -05 5,1 „413,?1,:,,,,I ,z3iik6.,1467-j ft" 1 :47 i:41' 12Z. (41?). L.34.14 "4 lot 6.11 '411 TRY 3.6 so )434 sa • 38.. nY24 ) -1:11 7 ‘41‘tft a. .ut i2(!°") • 45 if 060 132 142.2 945 — .2. L. - 13—/i7 n io.) I ri.rie Nhor 0614 6. 6 /IC: 1:344 C:- qz:d--- 7 q I eY 4630 Drexel is located in Country Club district of Edina an area designated on the National Registry of Historic Homes. This Property is at the intersection of Wooddale Avenue, Country Club Road and Drexel Avenue. Confluence of roads is a liability to property value because the market is mainly to young families with children. Placement of the house on the lot compounds the difficulty of a lack of play yard protected from streets and traffic. All grassy areas are to the front of this house. Orignal oil hot water furnace converted to gas fuel. Tile, original Front step, driveway and garage floor are cracked and need to be replaced. 00TOR STUCCO Acceptable condition with some calking. INDOWS Some rotten wood, most are in acceptable condition, storms and screens are old style wood. BASEMENT Severe, noticeable water problem, very frightening to a pro- spective buyer. LANDSCAPING Needs redoing. INTERIOR While offering generous spaces in back room, the house is in need of new window treatment, floor coverings, and paint a total redecorating. KITCHEN Obsolete, needs total replacement. too DACE NCRETE Edina Realty 9 z 0 z 0 - -4 -f rn ,0 Drexel and 4116 Sunnyside were offered to the market both needing reriovations. Some work had already been done in both houses. price realized was: $155. per main level square foot and $156. per main level square foot r giese homes are better located than 4630 Drexel offering less trafficed locations and back yards for children. If 4630 were in perfect condition it would sell at $183,000. - $185,000. in present market. Work needed will cost $35,000. to $40,000. If it were listed today with the basement repainted, we would ask you to list at $169,000. expecting a sale at $152,000. - $155,000. N - z • k I I I ION GRIP OTHER STRUCTURES OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE Const. Cost No. of Stories Fair Poor Mo. Rental Good Normal PLUMBING ROOMS WIRING City Water Living Room BX CABLE Well & Pump Dining Rigid Conduit Sewer Kitchen BUILT-INS ROOF Flat Gable Hip FOUNDATION oncrete .onc. Blk. rick Grade Yr. Built Cesspool Rcc. Room China Closet Half Bath (2 Fixt.) Utility Extra Kit. Cabts. Single Fixtures Refrigerator Hot W.—Elec.—Gas— Range Cr Oven Water Softner INTERIOR FINISH Dishwasher Tar and Gravel Hdwd. Floors Garbage pisp. Insulated HEATING Softwood Floors Fireplaces Inside Concrete Floors TILING (Sq. Ft.) BASEMENT Fireplaces Outside Linoleum Floors Cer. Plas. Baths (3 Fixt.) Den or Study Bookcases Bedrooms Describe: Septic Tank Breakfast Nook Irregular Shingle, Asphalt Shingle, Wood Slate Tile Roll, Composition Shakes EXTERIOR WALLS !ding and Sheeting /ood Shakes omposition Shakes edwood tucco rick Veneer orn. or Rug. omen or Face 'one Hall Bath None Full Carpeted Floors Hot Air: Pipeless Partial Kitchen Forced Circul'tn Softwood Trim Steam Plastered Int. H. Water or Vapor Drywall Int. Radiant Concealed Laminated Swim. Pool Oil— Coal— Gas— Piped (Gravity) Hardwood Trim Unfinished Partitioned Finished Walkout MISCELLANEOUS Incinerator 'sulated Yes No PORCHES lazed: creen: pen: BUILDING DIAGRAM AND OUTBUILDINGS Draw to scale and show dimensions ..................... 'ate of Appraisal By: Interior Inspected Yes No AREA SQ. FT. MARKET VALUE NET RATE/S.F RATE/S.F. DEP. & OBS. % OFF DIMENSIONS Rept. Cost Basement Finished Extra Plumbing Built-ins & Misc. Porches x x x x ........................................... TOTAL $ /AREA = TOTAL FLAT CHARGES ARAGE x x 19 TOTAL MARKET VALUE OF STRUCTURES $ INGLE DWLG. Yr. Built Grade AULTI. DWLG. Observed Physical Condition: Floor Overhead Door Att. Det. Bsmt. Roof Exterior Auto Control GARAGE Found. Finish STRUCTURAL VALUE COMPUTATIONS PARCEL NO i•LAT NO 0 • )-1 • cd • U ° ri cu rl 7 //6 /bcx _rettetiET — _zro6 13 caA) —0 1 0 a00 GL.2- 9Z 7 Le , -7SM qq, 7 , or -0-7---,;47 ,.-x_._,, 2--- .., tiete "7/630 , <- I.. 4(.24 - -i-'',,--C-)* JeLLAL„ ,--7,toc, 0 , /75, 00 0 , \ .,,, 6-,,,,,,, • 49afe_. 423>-)221 t, / / .::i I32 /:::? iti .15 /3y9 --, /s PO C 4 ,30,-, 0 igsat 3 stqao 37 g od 7?., Lf' 7 cin prO-#0eittri "syleat..). 4* 1/4,eieeeViizev ‘,8150zLa,;0 41-1P-A6) 112 SZA) 275 ;-av:44-40- 1 q 2-C , - cd*-- ... 1 ____)-7 -6-6' (2P-4d-e;' _ — -- 'Z' 44-1"' Fei, (,*cert- D 1 • 3_e_ 1 ' K-I rt112-yi cacC°5P) .',3 4., •;+ e7, ., on44- Acrelice .:. 1-$ SZsr• , _ , ; RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RECORD AND APPRAISAL CARD INICG b5 1/ I i--260 M.r2 I-I 1-2i+-vie 4) C../^-p Zzo,44vo 1-44445 4:71- PLAT NO. PARCEL NO Bsmt. INGLE DWLG. Yr. Built , Grade 471 -fr No. of Stories Const. Cost Mo. Rental Fair Poor IULTI. DWLG. Observed Physical Condition: Good Normal Slate Utility Tile Single Fixtures Refrigerator Hot W.—Elec.—Gas-se' Range Er Oven Half Bath (2 Fist.) Extra Kit. Cabts. Shakes Hdwd. Floors Garbage Disp. HEATING Softwood Floors Fireplaces Inside Concrete Floors TILING (Sq. Ft.) Fireplaces Outside Linoleum Floors Cer. Plas. Water Softner INTERIOR FINISH Dishwasher Partial 96 Hardwood Trim Kitchen Unfinished Softwood Trim Partitioned Plastered Int. MISCELLANEOUS Finished Drywall Int. Incinerator Walkout Laminated Swim. Pool WIRING BX CABLE Rigid Conduit BUILT-INS Breakfast Nook Bookcases China Closet Bath Hall ROOF Flat Gable Hip Irregular Shingle, Asphalt Shingle, Wood Roll, Composition Tar and Gravel Insulated BASEMENT None Full PLUMBING City Water Well Cr Pump Sewer Septic Tank Cesspool Baths (3 Fixt.) Hot Air: Pipeless Piped (Gravity) Forced Circul' n S H. Water Vapor nY Concealed Oil— Coal— Gas- FOUNDATION 'oncrete „onc. Blk. rick EXTERIOR WALLS iding and Sheating 'food Shakes omposition Shakes edwood tucco rick Veneer .0m. or Rug. oman or Face tone nsulated Yes No PORCHES lazed: creen: 'pen: ROOMS Living Room / Dining Kitchen /A,', Bedrooms / Den or Study Rec. Room fL Carpeted Floors „, By: Tate of Appraisal Interior Inspected Ye No ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE C,M7Te.e,ei 18-028-24-13-0014 BRIGHT M. DORNBLASER 4630 DREXEL AVE EDINA MN S5424 )44°111-,1. Z fr,c (.5'04.1ts)c_r- uffc7 4-4%1. c',4 -(2414.41,11-. BUILDING DIAGRAM AND OUTBUILDINGS Draw to scale and show dimensions --)Col-kx ........... .... I Q-1,44.436.1:1 X 2 ARAGE ............... ................................. 4, AREA SQ. FT. MARKET VALUE NET RATE/S.F RATE/S.F. DEP. Cr OBS. % OFF DIMENSIONS 7;1 )357 _30 X Basement Finished "2-04 AREA = Repl. Cost Extra Plumbing Built-ins Cr Misc. Porches TOTAL $ esr -v" °PA o -> TOTAL FLAT CHARGES Mt -:- • /1 q.0 4? 1 • • • I eo 1 715 STRUCTURAL VALUE COMPUTATIONS ,g40 .3 OTHER STRUCTURES tenor 3rd Floor Interior: Trim: Floor: Avg. Clear. Height: # of Fireplaces: Fplc. Quality: 3rd Baths (#/Quality) Spa: Dlx: Full: 3/4: 1/2: 3rd Room Count Bedrooms: Baths: Other: Total Rooms: Totals 11.1111111.1 Res. Cond: Fair Int. Layout: Manual Assess: Actual Age: Effective Age: Renovated Age: Functional %: Economic %: Standard N 1924 1960 Unfin. 1st GBA: Unfin. 2nd GBA: Unfin. 3rd GBA: Unfin. GBA: 1st Floor Area: 1,172 2nd Floor Area: 1,301 3rd Floor Area: Total GBA: 2,473 Total Rooms Length Dimensions Width Sq Ft Bedrooms: 4 0 0 0 Baths: 4 0 0 0 Family: 1 0 0 0 Living: 1 0 0 0 Dining: 1 0 0 0 Kitchen: 1 0 0 0 Other: 2 0 0 0 Total: 10 Last Sale Date. Price: Code: Desc: r ust Inspection Appraiser ID: Appraisal Date: Reason: Result: Appraiser ID: Appraisal Date: Reason: Result: Left Tag: Yes / No Flat Value Value: Desc: RCN 05/16/2006 Quintile Review Interior City of Edina PID: 18-028-24-13-0014 Property Type: R - Residential Residential Field Card Property Address: 4630 Drexel Ave Zoning: R-1 Printed: 06/13/2007 Lot / Block: 016 / 007 Dwelling Type: Single Family Assessment Year: 2007 Addition: Country Club District Fairway Section Owner(s): Bright M Domblaser Version: 2 District: 03 Model: 009-004-140 Neighborhood: 0114 Zoning: R-I Area Rating: Very Good Site Rating: Good Land Quality: Contamination: Flood Plain Map Ref: PUD Ref: Allowable Units: Excess Land (SqFt): Zoning Variance: Frontage: 87 Left Side: Rear Side: Right Side: 141 Effective Width: 87 Effective Depth: 141 Effective Water: 0 Property Area (SqFt): 12,923 Acreage: Park: Park Quality: On Lake: Lake Quality: On River: River Quality: Landscape Quality: Average Attributes Curbs Gas Gutter Paved Street Sewer Available Sidewalk Water Available Influences Thru Street Partial Const (%): Model: Dwelling Type: Adjacent Property: View: Arch./Appeal: Quality: Shape: Style: ConstruCtion: Exterior Walls: Exterior Trim: Roof Type: Roof Cover: Window Type 1: Window Type 2: Air Conditioning: Dormer Length: Dormer Quality: # Patio Doors: Placement: # of Cars: Floor Area: Condition: Exterior Walls: Garage #2 Placement: # of Cars: Floor Area: Condition: Exterior Walls: Porch Glazed Area: Quality: Screened Area: Quality: Open Area: Quality: Patio Patio 1 Area: Quality: Patio 2 Area: Quality: Deck Deck 1 Area: Quality: Deck 2 Area: Quality: Pool Pool 1 Area: Quality: Pool 2 Area: Quality: Amenities Sprinkler Systems Basement Area (SqFt). 1,158 Type: Regular Finished (%): 80 Quality: Fair # of Fireplaces: 1 Fplc. Quality: Average Avg. Clear. Height: Elec. Svc: Standard Htg. Svc: Hot water, gas fired W.O. Type: W.O. Quality: Basement Baths (#/Qual.) Spa: Dlx: Full: 3/4: 1/2: 1 / Fair Basement Room Count Bedrooms: Baths: 1 Family: 1 Kitchen: Other: 1 Total Rooms: 2 1st Floor Kitchen Rating: Substandard Interior: Plaster Trim: Painted Floor: Wood Avg. Clear. Height: # of Fireplaces: 1 Fplc. Quality: Average 009-004-140 Single Family Equal Equal Average BOI Square Two Story Wood Frame Stucco Gable Slate Tile Double Hung No Built-In 2 420 Average Stucco 142 Average 1st Baths (4/Quality) Spa: Dlx: Full: 3/4: 1/2: 1 / Fair 1st Room Count Bedrooms: Baths: 1 Family: Living: 1 Dining: 1 Kitchen: 1 Other: 1 Total Rooms: 4 2nd Floor M'' 16, Interior: Plaster Trim: Painted Floor: Wood Avg. Clear. Height: # of Fireplaces: Fplc. Quality: 2nd Baths (#/Quality) Spa: Dlx: Full: 1 / Fair 3/4: 1 / Fair 1/2: 2nd Room Count Bedrooms: 4 Baths: 2 Other: Total Rooms: 4 Comments MEDITERRAINIEN STYLE. 19.0' ole 1/B 127 13.0' Deck 4.0' 1/0 18-028-24-13-0014 2nd flr OH 1.0' Deck /G- L° 13.0' 1/B 9.0 Ld 2/B 25.0' 20.0' 2nd/Garage 7.0' 12.0 15.0' City of Edina PID: 18-028-24-13-0014 Property Type: R - Residential Residential Field Card Property Address: 4630 Drexel Ave Zoning: R-1 Printed: 06/13/2007 Lot / Block: 016 / 007 Dwelling Type: Single Family Assessment Year: 2007 Addition: Country Club District Fairway Section Owner(s): Bright M Domblaser Version: 2 District: 03 Model: 009-004-140 Neighborhood: 0114 Sketch by Apex 1\r" Edina Country Club District: Historic and Architectural Survey Form Summer, 1980 Address: L-kl0-3c)-Z%.1-e_xe_ PIN# Parcel#: Lot: Block: -1 Owner: Occupant: Use: Condition: Date of Construction: Original Owner: Architect/Builder: Subsequent Owners: O Original Use: Historical Information (if available): • e_k.c& sr- v... \p‘s, c.r Style: Definitive Style Features: - - \ Number of Stories: Roof Shape & Roofing Materials:(7,..-k.A_e ,,--e.&•"-x-e- Additions/Alterations: - Size & Spacing of Windows: Garage/Outbuildings: Setback from Sidewalk: (30,..reg"*". . Building Materials & Building Colors: Scale: f71,..--',,L.J" Size & Spacing of Doors: Distinctive Landscape Features: Comments: Status within District: Pivotal Complementary Intrusion Photographs Roll#: Frame#: Surveyor: Lynne VanBrocklin Spaeth, Heritage Preservation Associates, Inc. Date: Summer, 1980 1 Emily Bodeker From:Scott Busyn Sent:Wednesday, June 8, 2022 12:45 PM To:Emily Bodeker Cc:Cary Teague Subject:Re: Fireplace Clarification EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Emily, Here is the information on the outdoor fireplace. The original home had a faux fireplace detail on the chimney per the elevations. There is a terrace proposed on the project survey that comes off the doors on either side of the chimney. We would like to add an outdoor gas fireplace in the faux fireplace opening. I attached the brochure of the fireplace, the schematic showing the fireplace in the faux fireplace spending, and a photo of this finished on another Spanish colonial home. The homeowner will also have landscaping and trees to create privacy for the patio and fireplace area. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, SCOTT BUSYN President 3939 West 50th Street, Suite 103A, Edina, MN 55424 | greatneighborhoodhomes.com 2 3 4 On Jun 8, 2022, at 8:55 AM, Emily Bodeker <EBodeker@EdinaMN.gov> wrote: Scott, Do you have information clarifying the fireplace request? Can you please have that submitted to us by the end of the day so we can include it for the HPC packet next week? The packet will be posted tomorrow. Thank you! <image001.gif> Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner 952-826-0462 | Fax 952-826-0389 4801 W. 50th St. | Edina, MN 55424 EBodeker@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 7/12/22 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission Tuesday, June 14, 2022 I. Call to Order Chair Schilling called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Chair Schilling, Commissioners, Cundy, Nymo, Hassenstab, Lonnquist and student member Maheshwari. Commissioner Everson walked in at 7:08 pm. Staff present: HPC Staff Liaison Emily Bodeker, Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel, City Attorney Dave Kendall, and Building Official David Fisher III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Nymo, seconded by Cundy to approve the meeting agenda moving item C to the first item under reports and recommendation. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Cundy, seconded Hassenstab to approve the May 10, 2022, meeting minutes. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Community Comment: None VI. Reports/Recommendations C. COA: 4506 Sunnyside Road Liaison Bodeker introduced the COA request for the demolition of an existing attached garage, construction of a detached garage and two-story addition at 4506 Sunnyside Road. Motion made by Lonnquist, seconded by Nymo to approve the COA request for a new detached garage and addition to the front façade as submitted. All voted aye. A. Update to COA H-20-6: 4630 Drexel Avenue, Changes to Building Material and Replacement of Chimney Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 7/12/22 Liaison Bodeker introduced the roofing material and chimney reconstruction requests. The property owner and contractor were in attendance to answer questions. Motion made by Hassenstab, seconded by Nymo to separate the actions outlined in the staff report. Taking separate action on the request for the roofing material and the chimney. All voted aye. The motion passed. Motion by Lonnquist, seconded by Hassenstab to deny the roofing material change request, allowing the original 3 materials as approved roofing material options. All voted aye. The motion carried. Motion made by Cundy, seconded by Lonnquist to approve the reconstruction of the chimney as presented by the applicant, without the approval of the exterior gas insert. All voted aye. The motion carried. B. COA: 4909 Sunnyside Road Liaison Bodeker introduced the COA request to for changes to a street facing façade associated with a remodel that include a front porch and dormers. The applicant, the architect, Ryan Fish, and property owners were in attendance. Motion made by Hassenstab, seconded by Nymo to approve the certificate of appropriateness request as submitted by the applicant. Commissioners Nymo, Hassenstab, Lonnquist, and Schilling voted aye. Commissioner Cundy voted No. Commissioner Everson recused himself. The motion passed. VII. Chair and Member Comments: Commissioner Cundy had questions for the City Attorney surrounding HPC processes, code and the Country Club plan of treatment. VIII. Staff Comments: Liaison Bodeker reminded the HPC of the upcoming June 21, 2022 work session with the city council. IX. Adjournment Motion made by Cundy seconded by Hassenstab to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 pm. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Emily Bodeker Date: January 9, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I I.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C ity C ode and P lan of Treatment Work P lan S ub- C ommittee Disc ussion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Get three volunteers for the 2023 work plan item regarding changes to the city code and the country club plan of treatment. I N TR O D U C TI O N: