HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-08 Heritage Preservation Meeting PacketAg enda Heritage Preservation Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota Com munity R oom, E dina City Hall Tuesday, August 8, 2023 7:00 PM I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.July 11, 2023 Min u tes V.Special Recogn ition s An d Presentation s A.Edin a Historical Society B.Consu ltant Led Tra inin g VI.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VII.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.Ad visory Com m u n ication : Centu ry Hom es Progra m B.2024 W ork Pla n VIII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents IX.Sta1 Com m ents X.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli4cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: August 8, 2023 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:July 11, 2023 Minutes Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the J uly 11, 2023 heritage preservation commission meeting minutes as presented. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description July 11, 2023 HPC Minutes Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: X/XX/23 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission Tuesday, July 11, 2023 I. Call to Order Chair Lonnquist called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Chair Lonnquist, Commissioners Everson, Nickels, Hassenstab, Pollock, Schilling, Farrell- Straus. Staff present: HPC Staff Liaison Emily Bodeker and Community Development Director Cary Teague. HPC Consultants Elizabeth Gales and Rachel Peterson, Hess Roise and Company. III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Schilling, seconded by Hassenstab, to approve the meeting agenda with the addition of a Work Plan Brainstorm & Century Homes work plan update. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Pollock, seconded Farrell-Straus, to approve the May 9, 2023, meeting minutes. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Community Comment: None VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Consultant Introductions: Hess, Roise & Company Liaison Bodeker introduced the new consultants to the Commission. The two new consultants, Rachel and Elizabeth, introduced themselves and gave background information on themselves and Hess, Roise & Company. Each of the Commission members also introduced themselves to the consultants and gave information on how and when they got involved with the HPC. The Commission and consultants discussed some logistics about Plans of Treatment, upcoming projects, and resources available to help the consultants in their work. B. 2024 Work Plan Brainstorm Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: X/XX/23 Liaison Bodeker updated the Commission that the draft Work Plan is due in September. Based on the discussion at the meeting today, she will write up a draft Work Plan to bring back in August for a recommendation. Liaison Bodeker pulled up the 2023 Work Plan to use as a guide. The Commission discussed the differences in the 2024 Work Plan, moving toward implementation. Chair Lonnquist also added that the budget for target outreach should be more explicit. The Commission would like to emphasize more implement and more educate in the 2024 Work Plan. The Commission discussed a potential decision tree for future projects. Liaison Bodeker brought up the potential idea of making the Preservation Month meeting a celebration for Century Homes. Commissioner Schilling discussed her desire for a return to the archeology stuff in the Commission. Liaison Bodeker gave information on the work done by the Archeology Consultant in the past. Chair Lonnquist asked if any Commissioners would be interested in being involved in this work. VII. Chair and Member Comments: A. Human Services Task Force Promotion Commissioner Farrell-Straus gave an update on the Human Services Task Force and updated that the deadline for applications is on August 16th with the presentations on October 16th. Commissioner Farrell- Straus gave background information on what the Task Force is looking for. B. Century Homes Work Plan Update Chair Lonnquist gave an update on the Century Homes project and gave a presentation including the results of the community survey that was sent to 500 homeowners of 100+ year homes. The survey asked questions regarding price ranges, location of plaques, etc. She asked the Commission for their feedback on the program. Commissioner Hassenstab gave information regarding the pricing and quantity options for the plaques. The price per unit is likely to be around $300 per plaque. Chair Lonnquist discussed the potential of adding other 100-year-old buildings to the program, not only homes, and if the name Century Homes would need to be altered. The Commission discussed the information and pictures included on the website for city residents to see. VIII. Staff Comments: Liaison Bodeker had nothing to update the Commission on. IX. Adjournment Motion made by Schilling, seconded by Nickels, to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 pm. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Emily Bodeker Date: August 8, 2023 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Edina His toric al S oc iety Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he E dina Historical S ociety will provide a brief update. Date: August 8, 2023 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:Elizabeth G ales & R ac hel P eterson, Hes s , R ois e & C ompany Item Activity: Subject:C onsultant Led Training Dis cus s ion, Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: C onsultants, E lizabeth G ales and R achel P eterson will lead a training on character defining features and historic integrity. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Date: August 8, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Advisory C ommunic ation: C entury Homes P rogram Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the Advisory Communication to C ity C ouncil on the Century H omes program. I N TR O D U C TI O N: C ommissioners Lonnquist, H assenstab, and M aheshwari have been working on the Century H omes work plan item. T he Heritage P reservation C ommission needs to approve the "official" communication to city council recommending approval of the program and implementation starting in 2024. O nce approved, the advisory communication will be on a future city council meeting agenda. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft Advisory Communication Draft Century Homes Application Form Date: August xx, 2023 To: Mayor & City Council From: Heritage Preservation Commission Subject: Century Home Program Approved Work Plan Item: x Yes No Council Charge: 1: Study & Report 2: Review & Comment 3: Review & Recommend 4: Review & Decide x Items not on the approved work plan: Council action is rarely taken mid-year for items not on the current approved work plan. Action is only taken if Council chooses to discuss the Advisory Communication at the Council meeting and provides specific direction through a Council vote. Commissions are encouraged to submit new initiative proposals through the annual work plan process. Action Requested: Approve the Century Homes Program and implementation. Situation: Modeled on programs in other cities, Edina’s program has three goals: 1. Historic Awareness: Interested homeowners share house information on a city webpage, doing as much or as little research as they wish using a provided resource list, 2. Community Connection: Applicants purchase and display a bronze plaque which features the home’s construction year and aims to prompt neighborhood conversations, 3. Environmental Impact: Extending the lifespan of dwellings with repair and renovation avoids the significant carbon emissions embodied in home demolition and construction. The program was created by Edina’s Heritage Preservation Commission, with input and endorsement from the Edina Historical Society, and will be operationalized by City Staff. Background: The Heritage Preservation Commission completed a 2022 work plan item exploring Century Homes Programs in other cities and defining the resources needed to launch one in Edina. In 2023, the Commission prepared all elements needed for a successful Century Homes program to launch in January 2024. Program elements researched by the commission included application materials, plaques, program guidelines, cost, 2 and potential outreach. The HPC consulted with the Edina Historical Society and their board voiced strong support for the program. Their Executive Director and a Board member joined with the HPC committee to discuss the program’s creation. They also verified the research resources they can offer to interested homeowners and have expressed interest in organizing future walking tours highlighting Century Homes throughout Edina. While the program’s implementation and oversight will be a staff operation, the HPC is proposing a 2024 work plan item to inform the public about the new Century Homes program. The HPC intends to draft materials to share in a mailing to all eligible property owners and in meetings with three community organizations. Assessment: The HPC spends the majority of its meeting time reviewing Certificate of Appropriateness requests from home owners within the Country Club District. Members desired a more informal way to promote the preservation of homes in Edina, as well as a way to celebrate the history of older homes outside of the Country Club District. There are 237 homes in Edina that are already 100 years old, prior to the centennial of the District in 2024. This program is a voluntary, community led approach to documenting not only architectural history, but the human history that happened within the city’s oldest dwellings. The program’s application is intentionally simple, providing homeowners with a list of resources for researching their homes, but accepting any information that the homeowner chooses to submit. The only criteria for participation are: ● Submission of a brief report including at least one photo ● Confirmation that the home is in Edina and was built at least 100 years ago ● Payment of $300* to purchase the Century Homes bronze plaque and a commitment to mount it on the front facade or in a street-facing window. (*Actual cost will be invoiced to reflect the cost of bronze, shipping, and group pricing). ● Authorization for the submission to be posted on the city’s Century Home webpage. ● If interested, they may also choose to share this information on the HouseNovel website, a new free platform to preserve and share house history. Staff will work on cost specifics and program management. This program is highly aligned with the Comprehensive Plan’s goal to “preserve the City’s historically significant resources … and ensure that they will be available for future generations to provide a sense of identity and continuity in a fast-changing world. It is the belief of the Commission that these things reflect and shape values and aspirations and thereby contribute to the City’s identity.” The bulk of the Comprehensive Plan’s vision for the HPC describes the formal process of identifying, nominating, and approving Edina Heritage Landmarks, which have specific Plans of Treatment guiding their future use. The 3 Century Home program has a much lower barrier to entry – anyone in a 100 year old home that wants to share their history with the community can soon do so. This program also provides a means to make good on the City’s stated vision: “The HPC will partner with the Edina Historical Society, neighborhood groups, and other community organizations with shared interests in the preservation, protection, and use of historic properties or to develop effective public education and outreach programs.” The HPC intends to celebrate all Century Home participants at our regular May meeting and will invite staff and board members of the Edina Historical Society to attend to highlight Preservation Month. Recommendation: Approve the Century Homes Program as outlined by the Heritage Preservation Commission and implement it in 2024. Edina Century Homes Program Application (v.5, 8-8-23) Background: A Century Homes Program [will be] launched in 2024 to celebrate the history of homes that are at least 100 years old. Modeled on programs in other cities, Edina’s program has three goals: 1. Historic Awareness: Interested homeowners share house information on a city webpage, doing as much or as little research as they wish using a provided resource list, 2. Community Connection: Applicants purchase and display a bronze plaque which features the home’s construction year and aims to prompt neighborhood conversations, 3. Environmental Impact: Extending the lifespan of dwellings with repair and renovation avoids the significant carbon emissions embodied in home demolition and construction. The program was created by Edina’s Heritage Preservation Commission, in collaboration with the Edina Historical Society, and is run by city staff. Qualifying Criteria: ● Completed application including at least one photo ● Confirmation that the home is in Edina and was built at least 100 years ago ● Payment of $300 to purchase the Century Homes bronze plaque and a commitment to mount the Century Home plaque on the front facade or in a street-facing window following suggested placement guidelines.(Subsidies should be available if the fee is a barrier to participation.) Applicants will authorize the information and photos in their application to be included on the city’s Century Home Program webpage. If interested, they may also choose to share this information, publicly or privately, on the HouseNovel website, a new platform to preserve and share house history. Note that the Century Homes Program is a voluntary and honorary recognition effort. It does not qualify homes for local or national historic designation, provide any financial assistance for home maintenance, place any restrictions on future work on the house, nor indicate contributing resource status for homes that are within an Edina Heritage Landmark District. The city will verify each home’s built date and will share the submitted information and photo(s) online for community and educational use. Applications will be processed on a rolling basis and celebrated annually during National Preservation Month in May. Address of Century House:______________________________________________________ Current Owner/s:______________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________Email__________________________________ Note that the owner’s name(s) and information will NOT appear on the city’s Century Homes webpage, only the address, report, and photo(s). Year house was built: _______________ Researcher (if other than homeowner listed above): ___________________________________ The following information is offered as suggestions to include if known in your report, using your own stories as well as information from the resources on the next page: Original owner/s and other long-term or notable owners Interesting information about people who have lived in this home Architectural style Architect and Builder Notable features (interior and exterior) of the home Major renovations done to the house Any stories about the home and its occupants that you find interesting ● While there is no required report length, please use 250 -1000 words as a guideline. ● Attach/upload a current photograph of the house exterior. Add historic photographs or the interior or exterior if available. Limit of three photos total. ● Please list your sources, when known, to support the information provided. ● In addition to the free public resources listed on the next page, the HouseNovel site offers a free ebook on how to research home history and also sells home research, photo digitizing, and coffee table book production services. HouseNovel is a national repository of home history and registered users for the free website can share their home history (publicly or privately) and can invite others (family members or previous owners), to add their own stories and photos. Payment Instructions: Your bronze plaque, featuring the year your home was built as submitted here, costs $300 and may take several months to create and receive. [Link to Edina Community Foundation payment site.] If expense is a barrier to participation, please contact ______. ___ I certify that I am applying to participate as the current homeowner. ___ I plan to create a free account and username to share this information on HouseNovel.com. Thank you for sharing the history of your one-hundred year old (or older!) home with others! Resources for Researching Your Edina Home Hennepin County Tax Records The Hennepin County Property Information Search (PINS) website contains public information from tax records. Enter your address to find out the year built, the legal description and lot dimensions. Edina Assessing Cards These usually contain a photo, names of the original owners, and construction information. You will need to make an appointment to view this paper form as follows: ● For homes in the Country Club District, contact Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner, at 952-826-0462 or EBodeker@EdinaMN.gov or visit the Planning Department at City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, and ask to see your home’s assessing card. ● For homes elsewhere in Edina, contact the Edina Historical Society, 4711 W. 70th Street, at 612-928-4577 or museum@edinahistoricalsociety.org to view your home’s assessing card. Their Research Library also has historical maps, photographs, and back issues of The Crier. Hennepin County Library – Minneapolis Central Library James K. Hosmer Special Collections has Edina materials in its Minneapolis history collection (www.helibrary/specialcollections) Minnesota Digital Library – https://mndigital.org Minnesota Collection includes photographs, maps, documents Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub (www.mnhs.org/newspaper/hub) searchable website, includes Minneapolis Journal, Minneapolis Tribune for 1920s-1940s Minnesota Historical Society – 345 W. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul (www.mnhs.org) Gale Family Library Research Center has newspapers, archival collections, maps University of Minnesota – Wilson Library (West Bank campus) ● John R. Borchert Map Library in subbasement of Wilson Library has historic air photos 1930s-present, maps, plats, Sanborn fire insurance maps of Minneapolis and suburbs ● Northwest Architectural Archives in Elmer L. Anderson Library (www.lib.umn.edu/naa) has plans and biographical information on Minnesota architects Abstract of Title If you don’t have this document (which should always be stored safely), your title company may have it. Abstracts list the year built and all property owners and are updated each time a property is sold. Northwest Architectural Archives This collection at the University of Minnesota may have information on your home, including the architect and possibly building plans. Send an inquiry to their curator as shown on the website. Minnesota Historical Society They have great online resources, starting here: https://www.mnhs.org/preservation/buildings/history Neighbors This may be the best, and most fun, source of information about your home. Date: August 8, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I.B. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:2024 Work P lan Dis cus s ion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Edit draft 2024 H P C Work P lan. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Edit draft work plan. F inal draft will be on the S eptember 12 H P C agenda. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft Work Plan Page 1 of 4 Heritage Preservation Commission 2024 Proposed Work Plan 1 Initiative Type: Ongoing/Annual Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Chair Lonnquist-all commissioners Initiative Title: Certificate of Appropriateness Applications Initiative Description: Review COA Applications when submitted Deliverable: Review Applications and issue COAs Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Budget for consultant review comes from Planning Budget. No additional budget is required. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Planning staff and HPC Consultant reviews all COA applications. No additional staff support required. Liaison Comments: This is an annual work plan item and is one of the main charges of the HPC. City Manager Comments: 2 Initiative Type: Ongoing/Annual Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Chair Lonnquist-all commissioners Initiative Title: Edina Heritage Landmarks Initiative Description: Based on owner interest, nominate eligible properties as Edina Heritage Landmarks and add additional properties to the eligible property list. Deliverable: Designate eligible heritage landmarks and add properties to Edina Landmark list. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): None. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Who in addition to the staff liaison will have to support this initiative? How many hours of support are needed? Communications/marketing? Liaison Comments: This is another main charge of the HPC. City Manager Comments: = commission = staff Page 2 of 4 3 Initiative Type: Ongoing/Annual Target Completion Date: Q3 Lead(s): Initiative Title: Heritage Preservation Award Initiative Description: Recruit nominees and award and promote the annual Heritage Preservation Award during Preservation Month in May. Deliverable: Present the Preservation Award Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Plaque cost comes out of Planning budget. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Communications support required. Communications writes an article on the award winner after the award is presented at Council. They also help solicit nominations with social media posts. Liaison Comments: The HPC gives this award out every year during May which is Preservation Month. 2024 will be the 21st year of the award. City Manager Comments: 4 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q2 Lead(s): Lonnquist, Hassenstab, Maheshwari Initiative Title: Century Home Program Outreach Initiative Description: Public outreach to eligible Century Homes. Draft mailing and meet with 3 community organizations. Deliverable: Mailing to be sent to current eligible properties and presentation to community organizations. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Are there funds for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. The Planning Division will fund one mailing. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Who in addition to the staff liaison will have to support this initiative? How many hours of support are needed? Communications/marketing? Mailing cost will be covered by Planning Department. Social media posts to promote new program-estimate 5 hours communication support. Liaison Comments: Liaison comments should be completed prior to submitting the proposed work plan to MJ. City Manager Comments: Page 3 of 4 5 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q2 Lead(s): Initiative Title: Public Outreach for Ordinance and Country Club Plan of Treatment Changes Initiative Description: Create information to help people learn about preservation, the HPC COA process, and what projects may need a COA with POT and ordinance changes Deliverable: Digital brochure, flowchart, decision tree Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Are there funds for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. No additional funds are requested. All outreach would be completed digitally/on the city’s website. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Who in addition to the staff liaison will have to support this initiative? How many hours of support are needed? Communications/marketing? After drafts are completed by the HPC staff would request Communications/Graphic Design Support on the final versions of the digital brochure, flow chart and decision tree. Staff Estimates 10 hours. Liaison Comments: Liaison comments should be completed prior to submitting the proposed work plan to MJ. City Manager Comments: 6 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Initiative Title: Research on Archeology in surrounding communities and next steps for Edina archeology project. Initiative Description: Deliverable: Council Charge: ☒ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Are there funds for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Who in addition to the staff liaison will have to support this initiative? How many hours of support are needed? Communications/marketing? Liaison Comments: Liaison comments should be completed prior to submitting the proposed work plan to MJ. City Manager Comments: Parking Lot  Preservation Checklist for old homes Ideas discussed that are staff functions:  Add HPC items to ERRCATS Training  Archeological Grant – funding would be needed to have consultant draft grant application. Page 4 of 4 Other Items/Ideas for HPC to do (not work plan items):  Off site meeting in May (Grange Hall)-reception for Century Homes Program/Joint meeting with Historical Society  Participate in 4th of July Parade  Keep a list of Edina Preservation Award Nominations