HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-10 Heritage Preservation Meeting PacketAg enda Heritage Preservation Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota Com munity R oom, E dina City Hall Tuesday, October 10, 2023 7:00 PM I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Septem ber 12, 2023 Min u tes V.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.COA Am endm en t: 4633 Ard en Aven u e VII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents VIII.Sta) Com m ents IX.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli.cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: O c tober 10, 2023 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:S eptember 12, 2023 Minutes Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the September 12, 2023 H eritage P reservation Commission minutes. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description September 12, 2023 HPC Minutes Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: X/XX/23 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission Tuesday, September 12, 2023 I. Call to Order Chair Lonnquist called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Chair Lonnquist, Commissioners Cundy, Everson, Nickels, Hassenstab, Schilling, Jarvinen, Farrell-Straus, and Kiely. Staff present: HPC Staff Liaison Emily Bodeker and Consultants Elizabeth Gales and Rachel Peterson. The HPC did introductions and welcomed new student commissioner, Kathleen Kiely. III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Hassenstab seconded by Farrell-Straus, to approve the meeting agenda as submitted. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Cundy, seconded Hassenstab, to approve the September 12, 2023, meeting minutes. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations: A. Consultant Led Training Elizabeth Gales and Rachel Petersen reviewed led design review training. They led discussions on example projects and design review considerations. VI. Community Comment: None. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. 2024 Work Plan Liaison Bodeker presented the final draft of the Work Plan. Liaison Bodeker gave a brief explanation of each initiative on the Work Plan draft and presented recent changes. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: X/XX/23 Motion made by Farrel-Strauss, seconded Cundy, to approve the draft of the 2024 Heritage Preservation Commission work plan, changing the archeology item to the parking lot. All voted aye. The motion carried. B. Chair and Member Comments: None. C. Staff Comments: None. D. Adjournment Motion made by Schilling, seconded by Cundy, to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 pm. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Emily Bodeker Date: O c tober 10, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C O A Amendment: 4633 Arden Avenue Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the certificate of appropriateness amendment for the project at 4633 Arden Avenue. T he proposed work is complimentary to the historic character of the property and to the historic character of the country club district. T he work will allow the property to continue to contribute to the historic significance of the district. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he subject property, 4633 Arden Avenue is located on the east side of Arden Avenue, just north of the intersection of Arden Avenue and Country C lub R oad. T he existing home on the subject property was built in 1938 and is identified as an example of E nglish Cottage style but classified as an American C olonial Cottage in the C ountry Club N ational Register nomination documents. T he C O A amendment request is for the design of the rebuilt chimney and the change in height for the front door and sidelights to accommodate a zero-entry doorway. B etter Together AT TAC HME N T S: Description Applicant Submittal Additional Information from Applicant Letter from Property Owner Consultant Memo Staff Report Scott Busyn Great Neighborhood Homes, Inc. 3939 West 50th Street, Suite 103A Edina, MN 55424 September 14, 2023 Heritage Preservation Commission c/o Emily Bodeker – Assistant City Planner City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Subject: Deteriorated Chimney at 4633 Arden Avenue Thank you to Chief Building Official Nate Borwege and yourself for reviewing the condition of the chimney at 4633 Arden Avenue. Recapping our discussion, Nate Borwege determined that the chimney was not safe and beyond repair based on the attached reports he received from a structural engineer and a chimney service and repair company. Based on this, he directed us to remove the chimney on 8/1/23. Our plans are to rebuild the chimney to match the exterior of the original chimney per the attached plans. The chimney will be reconstructed with framing materials and finished with same brick that was approved by the HPC for the home project. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Cc: Nate Borwege – Chief Building Official Photo #1: Front Elevaon-4633 Arden Ave, Edina, MN Photo #2: Front view of firebox in Living Room Photo #3: 3-Season Porch foundaon with shallow thickened s lab edge @ West edge Photo #4: Chimney @ SW Corner, showing Spalled and damaged brick and mortar Photo #5: South side of Chimney @ back side of Living Rm. Firebox Photo #6: Basement firebox opening with Mantel Photo #7: Close-up of brick over basement firebox Photo #8: Basement firebox showing void space behind hearth liner Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Masonry Chimney Inspection Report Jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Note: This report is the result of a general inspection of accessible areas of the fireplace or chimney. It is intended as a convenience to our customer, not a certification of fire worthiness or safety. Since conditions of use and hidden construction defects are beyond our control, Jack Pixley Sweeps makes no warranty of the safety or function of any appliance/chimney and none is to be implie d. Scott Clark 4633 Arden Ave Edina MN 55424-1118 (612) 366-5521 sdclark39@gmail.com Jon Haukos CSIA #11062 07/11/2023 Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Exterior ☐The wash at the top of the chimney is cracked ☐The chimney has spalling, loose or deteriorated brick ☐Deteriorated or loose mortar joints ☐The flue cover is missing or inappropriate for the chimney ☐The flashing around the chimney is bad ☐The chimney height does not meet current code requirements. (Chimney to extend beyond roof level at least 3 feet and be 2 feet taller than anything within 10 feet) ☐See Inspection Report 1 Fireplace Location: ☐Swept the fireplace and flue ☐Performed visual & closed-circuit camera inspection ☐Performed visual inspection only ☐Sale of Home; required level 2 inspection per NFPA Interior ☐There is inadequate clearance to combustibles ☐Combustible materials were found in the construction of the ash pit or lintel area ☐There is a lintel gap that is missing mortar ☐Loose or deteriorated firebrick or mortar in firebox ☐Damper is rusted or not functioning ☐Smoke Chamber has voids ☐We found cracked flue tiles in the fireplace liner ☐We found areas of missing mortar between flue tiles in the fireplace liner ☐The clay tiles in this flue are spalling due to age and weathering ☐There is a blockage or restriction of flow in the system ☐We found a hole or breeching in flue liner ☐This fireplace has a flue that is not up to current codes ☐Negative Air ☐Other Service Notes: Upon inspection of the fireplace and flue system, I found that the hearth only measures 10.5in where code requires it to extend 16in in front of the fireplace. Within the flue system, I found leaves on the smoke shelf, voids in the smoke chamber brick and mortar construction, and areas of missing mortar between flue tiles. Leaves found on the smoke shelf Main level Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Note: This report is the result of a general inspection of accessible areas of the fireplace or chimney. It is intended as a convenience to our customer, not a certification of fire worthiness or safety. Since conditions of use and hidden construction defects are beyond our control, Jack Pixley Sweeps makes no warranty of the safety or function of any appliance/chimney and none is to be implie d. Defects Caused By: ☐Water, condensation, freeze/thaw ☐Wear & Tear ☐Sudden occurrence: ☐Latent defect ☐This chimney may have been constructed according to local codes at the time; however, it does not meet current codes or standards Recommendations ☐Inspect annually to verify suitability of continued use. ☐Service annually to control creosote buildup. ☐Because of the defects noted: this fireplace system may not contain the byproducts of combustion (heat, smoke, creosote, and fire), may not function as intended, or has reached the end of its serviceable lifespan and we recommend it n ot be used until repaired or replaced. ☐See Inspection Report 1 ☐Reline Flue ☐Trip Charge ☐Fireplace Insert ☐Crown Coat ☐Rebuild Chimney ☐Water Repellant ☐Flue Cover/Chase Pan ☐Flash Seal ☐Top Mounted Damper ☐Fill Lintel Gap ☐Replace Panels ☐Doors or Grates ☐Replace Utility Liner: No positive connection from furnace/water heater to top of the chimney. Collar Size: ☐Discounted Annual Sweep & Inspection Available January - July Other:☐ Request for Proposal ☐Proposal Requested ☐No Request ☐See Inspection Report 1 ☐Masonry Repair ☐Reline ☐Fireplace or Insert ☐ Chase Pan ☐ Fireplace Doors ☐Remodel ☐Other: Additional Notes: No room to reline the system Firebox too small for insert Ground up rebuild Or Remove chimney and both fireplaces Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Looking up past the damper showing not in need of a sweep Leaves found on the smoke shelf Voids in the smoke chamber transition into the flue system Area of missing mortar between flue tiles Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 View looking out the top of the flue system Area of missing mortar between flue tiles Area of missing mortar between flue tiles Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Masonry Chimney Inspection Report Jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Note: This report is the result of a general inspection of accessible areas of the fireplace or chimney. It is intended as a convenience to our customer, not a certification of fire worthiness or safety. Since conditions of use and hidden construction defects are beyond our control, Jack Pixley Sweeps makes no warranty of the safety or function of any appliance/chimney and none is to be implie d. Scott Clark 4633 Arden Ave Edina MN 55424-1118 (612) 366-5521 sdclark39@gmail.com Jon Haukos CSIA #11062 07/11/2023 Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Exterior ☐The wash at the top of the chimney is cracked ☐The chimney has spalling, loose or deteriorated brick ☐Deteriorated or loose mortar joints ☐The flue cover is missing or inappropriate for the chimney ☐The flashing around the chimney is bad ☐The chimney height does not meet current code requirements. (Chimney to extend beyond roof level at least 3 feet and be 2 feet taller than anything within 10 feet) ☐See Inspection Report 1 Fireplace Location: ☐Swept the fireplace and flue ☐Performed visual & closed-circuit camera inspection ☐Performed visual inspection only ☐Sale of Home; required level 2 inspection per NFPA Interior ☐There is inadequate clearance to combustibles ☐Combustible materials were found in the construction of the ash pit or lintel area ☐There is a lintel gap that is missing mortar ☐Loose or deteriorated firebrick or mortar in firebox ☐Damper is rusted or not functioning ☐Smoke Chamber has voids ☐We found cracked flue tiles in the fireplace liner ☐We found areas of missing mortar between flue tiles in the fireplace liner ☐The clay tiles in this flue are spalling due to age and weathering ☐There is a blockage or restriction of flow in the system ☐We found a hole or breeching in flue liner ☐This fireplace has a flue that is not up to current codes ☐Negative Air ☐Other Service Notes: Upon inspection of the fireplace and flue system, I found that the surround is falling off of the wall, left wall of the firebox is cracked and falling off the firebox. Within the flue system, I found a section of about 4ft of unlined flue system, and multiple areas of missing mortar between flue tiles. Section of unlined flue system, surround falling off the wall Lower level Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Note: This report is the result of a general inspection of accessible areas of the fireplace or chimney. It is intended as a convenience to our customer, not a certification of fire worthiness or safety. Since conditions of use and hidden construction defects are beyond our control, Jack Pixley Sweeps makes no warranty of the safety or function of any appliance/chimney and none is to be implie d. Defects Caused By: ☐Water, condensation, freeze/thaw ☐Wear & Tear ☐Sudden occurrence: ☐Latent defect ☐This chimney may have been constructed according to local codes at the time; however, it does not meet current codes or standards Recommendations ☐Inspect annually to verify suitability of continued use. ☐Service annually to control creosote buildup. ☐Because of the defects noted: this fireplace system may not contain the byproducts of combustion (heat, smoke, creosote, and fire), may not function as intended, or has reached the end of its serviceable lifespan and we recommend it n ot be used until repaired or replaced. ☐See Inspection Report 1 ☐Reline Flue ☐Trip Charge ☐Fireplace Insert ☐Crown Coat ☐Rebuild Chimney ☐Water Repellant ☐Flue Cover/Chase Pan ☐Flash Seal ☐Top Mounted Damper ☐Fill Lintel Gap ☐Replace Panels ☐Doors or Grates ☐Replace Utility Liner: No positive connection from furnace/water heater to top of the chimney. Collar Size: ☐Discounted Annual Sweep & Inspection Available January - July Other:☐ Request for Proposal ☐Proposal Requested ☐No Request ☐See Inspection Report 1 ☐Masonry Repair ☐Reline ☐Fireplace or Insert ☐ Chase Pan ☐ Fireplace Doors ☐Remodel ☐Other: Additional Notes: No room to reline the system Firebox too small for insert Ground up rebuild. Or remove the chimney structure and both fireplaces Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Surround bricks falling off the wall Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Area of missing mortar between flue tiles View looking out the top of the flue system Section of unlined flue system Area of deteriorated mortar between flue tiles showing sunlight from outside Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Masonry Chimney Inspection Report Jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Note: This report is the result of a general inspection of accessible areas of the fireplace or chimney. It is intended as a convenience to our customer, not a certification of fire worthiness or safety. Since conditions of use and hidden construction defects are beyond our control, Jack Pixley Sweeps makes no warranty of the safety or function of any appliance/chimney and none is to be implie d. Scott Clark 4633 Arden Ave Edina MN 55424-1118 (612) 366-5521 sdclark39@gmail.com Jon Haukos CSIA #11062 07/11/2023 Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Exterior ☐The wash at the top of the chimney is cracked ☐The chimney has spalling, loose or deteriorated brick ☐Deteriorated or loose mortar joints ☐The flue cover is missing or inappropriate for the chimney ☐The flashing around the chimney is bad ☐The chimney height does not meet current code requirements. (Chimney to extend beyond roof level at least 3 feet and be 2 feet taller than anything within 10 feet) ☐See Inspection Report 1 Fireplace Location: ☐Swept the fireplace and flue ☐Performed visual & closed-circuit camera inspection ☐Performed visual inspection only ☐Sale of Home; required level 2 inspection per NFPA Interior ☐There is inadequate clearance to combustibles ☐Combustible materials were found in the construction of the ash pit or lintel area ☐There is a lintel gap that is missing mortar ☐Loose or deteriorated firebrick or mortar in firebox ☐Damper is rusted or not functioning ☐Smoke Chamber has voids ☐We found cracked flue tiles in the fireplace liner ☐We found areas of missing mortar between flue tiles in the fireplace liner ☐The clay tiles in this flue are spalling due to age and weathering ☐There is a blockage or restriction of flow in the system ☐We found a hole or breeching in flue liner ☐This fireplace has a flue that is not up to current codes ☐Negative Air ☐Other Service Notes: On the chimney structure, I found areas of spalled bricks and deteriorated mortar joints down to the ground of the chimney below what was rebuilt 15 years ago. Chimney Inspection Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Note: This report is the result of a general inspection of accessible areas of the fireplace or chimney. It is intended as a convenience to our customer, not a certification of fire worthiness or safety. Since conditions of use and hidden construction defects are beyond our control, Jack Pixley Sweeps makes no warranty of the safety or function of any appliance/chimney and none is to be implie d. Defects Caused By: ☐Water, condensation, freeze/thaw ☐Wear & Tear ☐Sudden occurrence: ☐Latent defect ☐This chimney may have been constructed according to local codes at the time; however, it does not meet current codes or standards Recommendations ☐Inspect annually to verify suitability of continued use. ☐Service annually to control creosote buildup. ☐Because of the defects noted: this fireplace system may not contain the byproducts of combustion (heat, smoke, creosote, and fire), may not function as intended, or has reached the end of its serviceable lifespan and we recommend it n ot be used until repaired or replaced. ☐See Inspection Report 1 ☐Reline Flue ☐Trip Charge ☐Fireplace Insert ☐Crown Coat ☐Rebuild Chimney ☐Water Repellant ☐Flue Cover/Chase Pan ☐Flash Seal ☐Top Mounted Damper ☐Fill Lintel Gap ☐Replace Panels ☐Doors or Grates ☐Replace Utility Liner: No positive connection from furnace/water heater to top of the chimney. Collar Size: ☐Discounted Annual Sweep & Inspection Available January - July Other:☐ Request for Proposal ☐Proposal Requested ☐No Request ☐See Inspection Report 1 ☐Masonry Repair ☐Reline ☐Fireplace or Insert ☐ Chase Pan ☐ Fireplace Doors ☐Remodel ☐Other: Additional Notes: Ground up rebuild Or remove the chimney and both fireplaces Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Back of the chimney inside the home Spalled bricks and deteriorated mortar joints down to the ground of the chimney Spalled bricks and deteriorated mortar joints below the rebuild of the chimney Spalled bricks and deteriorated mortar joints below the rebuild of the chimney Jack Pixley Sweeps, Inc. 8201 Central Ave NE Unit H, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 jackpixleysweeps.com 763-422-0481 Scott Busyn Great Neighborhood Homes, Inc. 3939 West 50th Street, Suite 103A Edina, MN 55424 September 14, 2023 Heritage Preservation Commission c/o Emily Bodeker – Assistant City Planner City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Subject: COA Amendment for Revised Front Door Design at 4633 Arden Avenue Our clients have requested to revise the front door design that was previously submitted for 4633 Arden Avenue. Per this drawing, this front door area was always planned to be removed and replaced with a new door design. Here is the approved new door design on the left compared to the revised new front door design on the right: The only change is the door threshold is 7” lower than the approved front door design. The door is no higher than what was approved and matches the front window header heights per the original approved plan. As you can see this change is imperceivable between the two versions and will not impact the historic character of the neighborhood. The door area was always proposed to be removed and replaced with a new door design. In addition, the Country Club District Plan of Treatment explicitly states replacing doors does not require a COA. Our empty nester clients requested that this door threshold be lower to accommodate easier long term access in and out of the home. This will allow them to have a home where they can age-in- place and through better long term accessibility. This door design fits the POT which states: "The preferred treatment for heritage preservation resources in the Country Club District is rehabilitation, which is defined as the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property…” For our clients, a compatible use is for them to have a home that fits their current and future stages in life. Please approve this COA amendment. Thank you for your consideration. From:Scott Busyn To:Emily Bodeker Cc:Cary Teague Subject:Re: 4633 Arden COA Amendment Date:Monday, October 2, 2023 4:36:17 PM Attachments:PastedGraphic-1.tiff PastedGraphic-2.tiff EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Emily, Here are the answers for the consultant Thank you! Chimney Could the applicant please provide a plan view of the reconstructed chimney with the finished dimensions for the exterior of the chimney? The elevations show the exterior finished dimensions. I also attached photos of the original chimney and close up measurements of the original brick and the approved new brick (Modular Mist) Per the photos we will have six courses of brick with 3/8” mortar joints to match the original brick courses. The side of the chimney will have 2 courses and one brick end. The new chimney will use the same coursing. The new brick is the same depth but is 7 1/2” wide (vs old brick 8” wide) so the chimney will be 3” narrower. The lower part of the chimney is 1 1/2 courses wide (approx 12”) and we will match with new chimney. Could the applicant confirm if the finished width depth and height of the reconstructed chimney will match as closely as possible the finished dimensions of the previous chimney? Yes, the chimney will match as closely possible to original chimney per above discussion on coursings. Could the applicant confirm the material of the chimney cap at the top of the chimney? Here is a photo the original 2” Indiana limestone cap with fractured edge. We will use the same stone on the new chimney. Does the overhang of the chimney cap match the overhang of the cap on the former chimney? Yes, and we will also have the top brick course 1/2”proud per original photo. Do the dimensions of the metal “flue” approximately match the overall dimensions of the former flues? The original chimney had three spark arresters, we will just do one clay flue and one spark arrestor to match original. Door and Sidelights On the elevation for the taller door and sidelights it appears that the panels of the door are proportioned to be consistent in height across the entire door. The upper row of glazing on the sidelights seem a bit longer compared to the two lower rows. Is this a minor drafting error and will all three rows be approximately the same height but spread out over a longer distance? I checked with DFP who did the drafting. He confirmed this was a minor drafting error. These will line up. SCOTT BUSYN President 3939 West 50th Street, Suite 103A, Edina, MN 55424 greatneighborhoodhomes.com On Sep 27, 2023, at 4:41 PM, Emily Bodeker <EBodeker@EdinaMN gov> wrote: Chimney Could the applicant please provide a plan view of the reconstructed chimney with the finished dimensions for the exterior of the chimney? Could the applicant confirm if the finished width depth and height of the reconstructed chimney will match as closely as possible the finished dimensions of the previous chimney? Could the applicant confirm the material of the chimney cap at the top of the chimney? Does the overhang of the chimney cap match the overhang of the cap on the former chimney? Do the dimensions of the metal “flue” approximately match the overall dimensions of the former flues? Door and Sidelights On the elevation for the taller door and sidelights it appears that the panels of the door are proportioned to be consistent in height across the entire door. The upper row of glazing on the sidelights seem a bit longer compared to the two lower rows. Is this a minor drafting error and will all three rows be approximately the same height but spread out over a longer distance? October 4, 2023 To: Heritage Board Members We are the owners of 4633 Arden Ave. which is scheduled for a COA Amendment review at the October 10 meeting. We would like to introduce ourselves and present our reasons for requesting approval of this amendment. We have been residents of Edina for over 40 years. Our first home as a married couple was 4517 Bruce Ave. We currently live in the Parkwood Knolls neighborhood. We raised our children here and the vast majority of our purchases, dining, services and entertainment occur in Edina. In short, we love living in Edina and very much appreciate the amenities and services the city provides. We love the Country Club area in particular as it is walkable to so many of these amenities. Two years ago, as retired empty nesters, we made the decision to downsize from our current home. We quickly decided that we wanted to move back to the Country Club area and began searching for homes. 2022 proved to be a very difficult year to find a home! Particularly with out desire for a main floor bedroom, allowing us to stay in the home as long as we were able. We found very few homes on the market and they frequently sold before we had an opportunity to see them. By the fall of 2022 we were mailing letters and going door to door to see if anyone was interested in selling. During that summer, we noticed that 4633 Arden was undergoing major renovation and we stopped at Great Neighborhood Homes to speak to Scott about this house and others he had built or was building. We had admired the quality of his homes for many years. In January, 4633 Arden became available and we quickly jumped at the chance to purchase the property. We are very excited about this project since it meets our needs for main level living, the ability to walk to most of our favorite shopping and dining spots, and we can live in an energy efficient, low maintenance home for years to come. After several months of meeting final requests from the Board and City, and another delay due to the poor condition of the fireplace, we are now very excited to be well underway with the renovations. The basement has been excavated, footings poured, and about half of the walls are completed. On June 26, Scott Busyn, our builder, informed us that the city had given permission to dig a deeper basement to allow the main level to be lowered by 7 inches. This truly allowed for one level, handicap accessible living, so we could enter the house through a gradual incline. This change came at a considerable cost to us. We agreed to this because of the major long term benefit it provided us. It also gives our property the highly desirable benefit of being a truly accessible home for future buyers. The 7” inch floor drop requires the door to be 7 inches longer and we understood that this was part of what had been approved. The Planning Objectives for the Country Club district specifically states that the preferred treatment for heritage resources “is rehabilitation, which is defined as the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions”. By lengthening the door 7 inches, we feel that we are maintaining the desired historic look of the front of the house while make this a truly compatible use for us long term. Regarding the chimney, the city agreed with an engineering inspection, that we needed to replace the existing fireplace. For energy efficiency, we elected not to have any functioning wood or gas fireplaces in the house. We are very pleased with the replacement chimney design as the exterior detail is identical to the previous Chimney. We ask you to support this as well. Thank You, Wayne and Kathie Volland Page 1 MEMO Date: 10/02/2023 To: Emily Bodecker, City of Edina From: Elizabeth Gales, Hess, Roise and Company Re: Certificate of Appropriateness Review – 4633 Arden Avenue Summary Hess Roise has reviewed the Certificate of Appropriateness application for 4633 Arden Avenue in the Country Club Historic District. This review focuses on the current COA and not on previous documentation submitted for the property. The house is in the English Cottage style and is a contributing resource to the historic district. The COA proposes replacement of the chimney and a new design for the main door and sidelights. Standard F in the Plan of Treatment for the district seems the most relevant to review these proposed chimney. The standard states: Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will match the old in design, color, texture, and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. Dimensions showing the height of the chimney were included with the COA. The applicant did not provide dimensions for the footprint of the chimney that would allow comparison between the historic chimney and the proposed chimney. At this time, it looks like the proposed replacement chimney will match the appearance of the historic chimney in overall design and materials. Without a complete set of dimensions, it cannot be confirmed that the chimney will match the size of the historic chimney. Standard I is the most relevant regarding the proposed door and sidelights. The standard states: New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction will not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and will be compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment. Page 2 The proposed replacement door and sidelights will follow the standard. They are differentiated from the former door system, but the design, materials, size, scale, and proportion are compatible with the style of the house. Recommendation The proposed work is complimentary to the historic character of the property and also to the historic character of the Country Club Historic District. The work will allow the property to continue to contribute to the historic significance of the district. October 10, 2023 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Amendment to COA H-21-6, 4633 Arden Avenue-replacement chimney and changes to the front door/entry Information / Background: The subject property, 4633 Arden Avenue is located on the east side of Arden Avenue, just north of the intersection of Arden Avenue and Country Club Road. The existing home on the subject property was built in 1938 and is identified as an example of English Cottage style but classified as an American Colonial Cottage in the Country Club National Register nomination documents. A certificate of appropriateness was approved on April 13, 2021, for the construction of a detached garage and a second-floor addition that is visible from the street facing façade, changes to an existing dormer and changes to the entryway. A certificate of appropriateness amendment for the approval of building materials was approved October 2022. The project is currently under construction. August of 2023, the city’s building official ordered the existing chimney, and three flues were beyond repair and needed to be rebuilt. At that point, the applicant was required to submit updated drawings showing the proposed rebuilt chimney to be reviewed by the HPC. With the updated chimney drawings, the applicant is also requesting changes to the previously approved front entry. The applicant is changing the floor trusses of the home to accommodate an assessable floorplan. Due to the proposed grading and waterproofing, the exterior walls will continue to appear to be the same height as the original wall height. The proposed amendment is for the change in height for the front door and sidelights to accommodate a zero-entry doorway. Consultant Memo: See attached memo from Elizabeth Gales, Hess, Roise and Company. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Staff Recommendation & Findings: Both staff and consultants recommend approval of the certificate of appropriateness amendment. The proposed work is complimentary to the historic character of the property and to the historic character of the country club district. The work will allow the property to continue to contribute to the historic significance of the district. Findings supporting the recommendation include: • The information provided supporting the Certificate of Appropriateness amendment is consistent with the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. • The proposed Certificate of Appropriateness amendment continues to meet the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation. • The rebuilt chimney will match the size and appearance of the historic chimney in overall design and material. • The proposed replacement door and sidelights are compatible with the style of the house in design, materials, size, scale, and proportion.