HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-01-12 EEC AgendaAgenda
Energy and Environment Commission
City Of Edina, Minnesota
City Hall - Community Room
Meeting will take place in person. Masks are optional.
Thursday, January 12, 2023
7:00 PM
I.Call To Order
II.Roll Call
III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda
IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes
A.Minutes: Energy and Environment Commission December 8,
V.Community Comment
During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues
or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the
number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items
that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment.
Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their
comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for
consideration at a future meeting.
A.EEC 2023 Work Plan
B.Approve Resolution No. 2023-XX: Support for No Mow May
Initiative 2023
C.EEC Working Group 2023: Green Business Recognition Program
D.Monthly call for communication requests
VII.Chair And Member Comments
VIII.Sta3 Comments
The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public
process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli5cation, an
interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861
72 hours in advance of the meeting.
Date: January 12, 2023 Agenda Item #: IV.A.
To:Energy and Environment Commission Item Type:
From:Grace Hancock, Sustainability Manager
Item Activity:
Subject:Minutes: Energy and Environment Commission
December 8, 2022
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Approve EEC meeting minutes, December 8, 2022
EEC Minutes: December 8, 2022
Energy and Environment Commission
City Of Edina, Minnesota
City Hall - Community Room
Meeting will take place in person. Masks are optional.
Thursday, December 8, 2022
7:00 PM
I.Call To Order
Vice Chair Horan called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.
II.Roll Call
Answering roll call were Vice Chair Horan, Commissioners Haugen, Hovanec,
Lanzas, Lukens, Schima and Tessman, Student Commissioner Rawat.
Late: Commissioner Dakane
Absent: Chair Martinez, Student Commissioner Machart
III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda
Motion by John Haugen to Approve Meeting Agenda. Seconded by Tom
Tessman. Motion Carried.
IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes
A.Minutes: Energy and Environment Commission November 10, 2022
Motion by John Haugen to Approve Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Cory
Lukens. Motion Carried.
V.Special Recognitions And Presentations
A.Special Presentation: 2021 Edina Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory
EEC received a report from Edina consultant paleBLUEdot regarding the
communitywide 2021 Edina Greenhouse Gas Inventory progress report.
VI.Community Comment
No community comment was received
During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or
concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of
speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on
tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair
or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might
refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting.
A.Review and Comment: EEC Plastic Bags Working Group Draft Items
EEC received the report and recommendation, and made the following
Discussed how the bag fee might be used by merchants
Discussed how to affect these profits going to corporations should be
used for good
Discussed potential inequitable outcomes for users
Discussed how the commissions can educate the public if this is
Discussed the importance of behavior change, and data from other
cities supporting this
EEC voted to advance the final draft report and recommended ordinance to
Edina City Council.
Motion by Ukasha Dakane to Approve plastic bag report and
recommendation, advance to City Council.. Seconded by John Haugen.
Motion Carried.
B.Monthly call for communication requests
No communication requests were received
VIII.Chair And Member Comments
EEC Commissioners commented on recent meetings with Edina Public
Schools cafeteria contractor, Chartwell. Chartwell told EEC members that
compostable trays would be used starting in 2023.
IX.Staff Comments
Staff notified Commission of Edina's participation in "Low Salt, No Salt
Staff notified Commission that Council approved their work plan for 2023.
Staff notified Commission that the Sustainability Division would hire a new
position, the Sustainability Specialist, to begin service in 2023.
The EEC meeting was adjourned at 8:47pm.
Motion by Bayardo Lanzas to Motion. Seconded by Teri Hovanec. Motion .
T he City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If
you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print
documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
Date: January 12, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.A.
To:Energy and Environment Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Grace Hancock, Sustainability Manager
Item Activity:
Subject:EEC 2023 Work Plan Information
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Receive final EEC 2023 work plan, approved by City Council in Dec, 2022.
2023 EEC final work plan
Energy & Environment Commission Work Plan
2023 - Energy & Environment Commission
Report Created On: Nov 29, 2022
Plan Number Initiative Type Description Deliverable Council Charge Target Completion
Date Leads Budget Required
Project 1.1.1 Project No Mow May 2.0
•Consider, if any, recommended changes to No
Mow May (NMM) are needed, including program
expansion to other property types (condos,
commercial, etc.)and report-back method for
•Establish a communication strategy with
support from the City Communication area.
•Link NMM promotion with the promotion of rain
and pollinator gardens.
•Explore ways for residents to add additional
"greening" efforts beyond NMM, including soil
Support No Mow May event.Charge 4: Review
& Decide
Q2 Tessman,
Martinez, Rawat
Funds are
Project 1.1.2 On-going / Annual Green Business Recognition Program
•Strengthen and bring more business to the
Green Business Recognition Program. Establish
an annual outreach and recruitment calendar
including spring communications campaign;
present at Chamber, Rotary and other relevant
business associations
•Add bike rack fund participation as part of
rubric, as well as one-stop lighting audits, tree
Support Green Business Recognition program.Charge 4: Review
& Decide
Q4 Lukens, Hovanec,
Budget available
for materials.
Page 1
Plan Number Initiative Type Description Deliverable Council Charge Target Completion
Date Leads Budget Required
Project 1.1.3 Project Tree Recognition Campaign
•“Parade of Trees” tree recognition campaign
around Arbor Day
•Residents submit photos and locations of special
trees. Trees are mapped and residents are
invited to do a walking tour to see the trees. Tree
photos can be used in social media to raise
awareness around Edina’s tree canopy.
•EEC may award special tree recognitions: “most
climbable tree,” “spookiest,” etc.
•Mayor will be invited to recognize beloved trees
during Mayor’s Minute
Develop a campaign for tree recognition.Charge 4: Review
& Decide
Q4 Lukens, Hovanec,
Budget available.
Project 1.1.4 Project Commercial Tree Ordinance
Assess Edina’s Commercial Tree Ordinance by comparing to
similar ordinances adopted in relevant cities; determine if
changes should be made.
Report and recommendations to City Council.Charge 3: Review
& Recommend
Q4 Haugen, Martinez,
None required.
Project 1.1.5 Project Time of Sale Energy Disclosure Program
Review the program currently under implementation in
Bloomington and Minneapolis. Analyze local data and
evaluate if it is a program that can be implemented in the
city of Edina.
Report to City Council.Charge 1: Study &
Q4 Martinez, Schima,
None required.
Project 1.1.6 Project Parking
Consideration of future of parking in Edina to identify
parking initiatives to pursue in the next 10-15 years, in what
order and what commissions/resources should be assigned
to each. Planning Commission will be the lead. ETC & EEC
will review and comment on final report and
recommendation from Planning Commission.
Recommendation to Council.
EEC & ETC: Review and Comment
Charge 3: Review
& Recommend
Q4 Alkire, Miranda,
None required.
Project 1.1.7 Project Boulevard Tree Planting
Review options for replacement and new boulevard tree
planting program. (Greenspace + Trees Strategy GS1).
Report to City Council.
EEC: Review and Comment.
Charge 1: Study &
Q4 Rubenstein None required.
Page 2
Plan Number Initiative Type Description Deliverable Council Charge Target Completion
Date Leads Budget Required
Project 1.1.8 Project Climate Action Plan HS 4-3
Evaluate community organizations, networks, and
connections serving those who require special attention,
such as people who are elderly, homebound, isolated,
living with disabilities, or those likely to need financial
assistance, during or after extreme weather events (e.g.,
heat, cold, and heavy precipitation). EEC will review and
comment on approved report.
Report to Council.
EEC: Review and comment.
Charge 1: Study &
Q4 Segall, Ismail,
Stringer Moore
None required.
Report Legend No Update Overdue #Priority
Page 3
Date: January 12, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.B.
To:Energy and Environment Commission Item Type:
From:Grace Hancock, Sustainability Manager
Item Activity:
Subject:Approve Resolution No. 2023-XX: Support for No
Mow May Initiative 2023
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Adopt Resolution No. 2023-XX approving support for a "No Mow May" Initiative 2023.
As part of their commission work plan, the Energy & Environment Commission developed and approved a
resolution for a No Mow May Initiative in 2023, and asks City Council to adopt this Resolution.
The Resolution temporarily suspends enforcement of portions of the City Code relating to Turf Grass and Weed
management, allowing participating residents to refrain from mowing their lawns from May 1 until May 31, 2023
without penalty. It also temporarily allows an exception to the sign rule, for No Mow May signs officially
distributed by the City
Resolution 2023-XX Support No Mow May Initiative 2023
WHEREAS, the Edina City Council approved Resolution No. 2020-42 endorsing pollinator friendly policies.
WHEREAS, the Edina City Council recognizes that bees and other pollinators are integral to pollination of plants in order to grow a wide diversity of essential foods including fruit, nuts and vegetables; and
WHEREAS, pollinator populations are threatened due to habitat loss, neonicotinoid use, pathogens and parasites; and
WHEREAS, the City of Edina passed in December 2021 a Climate Action Plan, that includes Greenspace and
Trees, with a specific strategy to increase pollinator supportiveness of lawns and grasslands; and
WHEREAS, recent research suggests that bee pollinators make use of no mow spaces as key floral resources
during early spring in the upper Midwest United States ; and
WHEREAS, pollinators and floral resources have a positive relationship, where the increase in pollinators can
increase the amount of flora and vice versa; and
WHEREAS, the City of Edina approved Resolution No. 2022-34 to support No Mow May Initiative during 2022,
and the initiative had more than 1,200 households participants, and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds it is in the public interest and consistent with adopted City policy for the
City to keep demonstratinge its commitment to a safe and healthy community environment through the
implementation of initiatives that help increase the pollinator population.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County,
To continue its efforts to become a pollinator friendly City by ensuring best management practices for
management of vegetation, and
To continue to identify actively maintained areas that could be converted back to vegetation favorable to
bees and other pollinators, or left natural to promote nesting areas for bees, and
To proclaim May 1st -31st, 20232 as “No Mow May”, and encourage all residents of the city who wish to
participate in this initiative to register with the City and refrain from mowing their lawns in the month of May to
provide vital early spring flowers for bees that emerge from hibernation, and
To temporarily suspend enforcement for No Mow May registered participants of Edina City Code
requirements in Sec 30-118 and Sec 30-119, specifically that “Turf grasses shall be regularly cut such that no
individual plant shall exceed, at any time, ten inches in height or length” and “Weeds shall be regularly cut or
controlled such that no individual plant shall exceed, at any time, ten inches in height or length” from May 1,
20232 to June 15, 20232, while continuing to enforce the Minnesota State Mandate regarding the management of
noxious weeds, and
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To continue enforcement of the above City Code requirements for any properties not registered for No
Mow May, and
To develop a registration portal online for those interested in participating in this initiative, where
participants will be required to register and where interested parties can learn about the importance of creating
and maintaining a pollinator friendly landscape and additional green programs like “lawns to legumes”, soil health,
raingardens, turf alternatives, etcand others.
ADOPTED this 22ND XX7th day of XXFebruaryMarch, 20222023
Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor
I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached
and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of March 1, 2022, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting.
WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 22nd XX7th day of MarchXXFebruary, 2022
City Clerk
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Date: January 12, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.C.
To:Energy and Environment Commission Item Type:
From:Grace Hancock, Sustainability Manager
Item Activity:
Subject:EEC Working Group 2023: Green Business
Recognition Program
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Receive information and approve updated Green Business Outreach Program working group charge, which must
be updated and re-posted annually.
GBOP 2023 Working Group Charge
Advisory Board and Commission
Green Business Outreach Program (GBOP)
Working Group Greenprint
BOARD OR COMMISSION:Energy and Environment Commission
WORKING GROUP NAME:Green Business Outreach Program Working
WORKING GROUP OBJECTIVE: The working group will be charged with
three main objectives to be completed in 2023:
1.Continue to update and improve the Green Business Outreach
2.Outreach to current and new businesses
•Recruit new businesses: Identify list of Edina businesses who do not currently
participate in GBOP, reach out to business owner to describe program and invite
•Support Edina businesses: Provide materials, make network connections, and
serve as a sounding board for Edina businesses looking to become more green
•Application support volunteer: Assist businesses as they complete a GBOP
application; check in with participating businesses at least annually or as directed
by EEC representative
3.Promotion of recognized “Green Businesses”
•Spearhead promotional opportunities to recognize green businesses for their
efforts via channels available through Edina communications team
•Discover means to create further value in the GBOP
Advisory Board and Commission
Green Business Outreach Program (GBOP)
Working Group Greenprint
Advisory Board and Commission
Green Business Outreach Program (GBOP)
Working Group Greenprint
Project Title
A working group may have
more than one project.
Green Business Recognition Program (GBOP)
Describe the project and
how it supports the
approved work plan.
The only way the City can reach its environmental goals is
by involving businesses. The GBOP is a vehicle to engage
the business sector on the environment. It is a means for
the City to celebrate Edina businesses for making a positive
impact on the environment. The Green Business
Recognition application lists various sustainable actions a
business can take, and each action has a point value. By
taking the total acquired points and meeting the minimum
requirement, a business can be recognized as being a "green
Describe the purpose or
objective of the project. e.g.
develop a process, review the
The GBOP is a way to engage and educate businesses on
environmental actions, celebrate those businesses who are
doing positive things for the environment, and let Edina
residents know which businesses are taking such actions.
Tangible or intangible object
produced as a result of the
project intended to be
delivered to the indicated
The tangible deliverables will be:
1.A process update and guide for the EEC to oversee
the program
1.Additions to the list of Edina Green Businesses
2.Promotional value opportunities for Green
Community Benefit
How does this project benefit
the Edina community?
Edina residents have stated that the environment
matters to them and should be made a priority by the
City. The GBOP will allow residents to make
purchases with businesses that reflect that value.
The GBOP can also be a tool for the City to further
reach out to businesses about the environment, and
the important role business plays in reaching the
City's sustainability goals.
Advisory Board and Commission
Green Business Outreach Program (GBOP)
Working Group Greenprint
Key Dates
Is there an event or a
timeframe to complete
certain steps?
The Working Group will be established for a year to
continue to work on the three tasks.
Promotion &
What is the plan to share the
project findings/completion or
how will the completed
project be implemented?
How will the group evaluate
the findings or end result of
the project?
The EEC will be able to evaluate the program by the
number of new businesses that apply and receive a Green
Business Recognition.
Duration of the Group
Typically six months to two
Duration of outreach working group is 1 year.
Membership & Time
Working group size cap
recommendation is 7
members. Estimate how much
time a working group
member needs to commit to.
A member commits for one year. This commitment entails
a monthly meeting with possible further time commitments
outside of meetings, averaging 1.5-3 hours per month.
Public Notice &
Member Recruitment
Public notice will be given of
the formation of any working
group and individuals will have
a minimum of 14 days after
the public notice to express
interest to join before
members are selected.
Forward the completed
Greenprint to MJ Lamon for
public notice.
Date of working group approval from board/commission:
November 12
Date for release of public notice:
Monday, November 16
Date for working group member selection (must be at least 14
days after release of public notice date):
December 1, 2020
Date for working group’s first meeting:
A7er December 10 approval of new members by EEC.
Advisory Board and Commission
Green Business Outreach Program (GBOP)
Working Group Greenprint
Date: January 12, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.D.
To:Energy and Environment Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Grace Hancock, Sustainability Manager
Item Activity:
Subject:Monthly call for communication requests Action
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Submit any communications requests to staff liaison for processing
EEC Communication Channels
Energy and Environment Commission Communication Guidelines
Communication Channels
These channels are used by Edina’s Communication Department and can be accessed by the EEC. While
turnaround time is included, it is recommended that requests be made as early as possible for planning
purposes. There will be a call for communication requests as a standing agenda item at each EEC
meeting. The staff liaison will coordinate requests with Communications Director, Jennifer Bennerotte.
Type Content Materials from
Website Press releases/news alerts (Hometown
Heroes is a longer feature – also on
social media and recognized at City
Council meetings)
willingness to be
Ad hoc 1 week
Heroes = 1-2
Any topic that the Commission wants
to get feedback on or engage with the
Topic, drafted
text, type of
engagement, etc.
Ad hoc 1 week
Sun Current Newspaper- Guest Column (cannot
be submitted on behalf of the
Commission/City). Anything coming
from the City needs to be submitted
by the Comms Dept.
Text Weekly Independent
Edition Edina Newsletter Topic, willingness
to be interviewed
Monthly 60 days
Social Media Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Topic, # of posts Ad hoc Campaign = 1
Basic post = 1 day
Video Agenda: Edina /Mayor’s Minute/
Youtube idea
Topic, willingness
to be interviewed
2x/month 1 month
Direct Mailers postcards, inserts, posters, flyers, etc. Budget, topic Ad hoc 1 month
Send Text Text Topic Opt-in 1 month
PW Pipeline and Parks Activities
Directory, The Times (Senior Center
Topic, willingness
to be interviewed
Times =
3 months
City Extra
Can choose topic area-bulk emails Topic, draft text Opt-in 1 week
Contact Information
Grace Hancock
Sustainability Manager
Communication Department Project Lead Times
The following lead times are organized by level of work involved by Communication Department. These
are recommended by the staff to provide guidance for marketing and communication development.
Level 1 (1 day)
• Re-order of existing project
Level 2 (3 days)
• Re-sizing existing project (no other edits)
• Website banner images
• Basic photo editing
Level 3 (1 week- small changes)
• Copy changes where text doesn’t move
• Postcards
• Rack cards
• Social media graphics based on existing campaign
• PowerPoint presentation graphics for public event
Level 4 (2 weeks-updates)
• New social media graphics
• Updates to existing pieces (new copy, colors, photos or combination thereof)
• Posters and flyers
• Ads
Level 5 (3-4 weeks-significant projects)
• New campaigns
• New art
• Brochures
• Reports
• Pamphlets and booklets
Level 6 (More than 1 month (to be negotiated or determined with Director-large projects))
• Re-brand
• Logo design
• Publication redesign