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2018-06-27 Planning Commission Packet
Agenda Plan n ing Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall, Council Chambers Wednesday, June 27, 2018 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes V.Public Hearings A.Variance request for setback from Minnehaha Creek using the alternate setback standard for 4606 Browndale B.CUP: 250 Southdale Center for Rooftop Dining C.PUBLIC HEARING: AUAR, Alternative Urban Areawide Review, Pentagon Park Area - Update VI.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VII.Reports/Recommendations VIII.Chair And Member Comments IX.Sta6 Comments X.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortable being part of the public proc ess . If you need as sistance in the way of hearing ampli8c ation, an interpreter, large-print documents or s om ething els e, pleas e c all 952-927-8861 72 hours in advanc e of the m eeting. Date: June 27, 2018 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Varianc e reques t for setback from Minnehaha C reek using the alternate setback standard for 4606 Browndale Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance as requested I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he applicant has submitted a variance request to encroach the 50 foot M innehaha C reek setback at the same nonconforming 31 foot setback of the existing home. T he plan utilizes the alternate setback allowance, however the project will exceed the 200 square foot encroachment allotment and will match setback of the basement area that currently exists closest to the creek. T here is an extensive remodeling plan and addition proposed for the property that includes additions to the home and a new side loading garage. T he homeowner was concerned about maintaining the integrity of the existing home given that it is an original, unmodified structure in a historic district. T he home is located within the C ountry Club overlay zoning district requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness through the H eritage P reservation C ommission for modifications to the front façade. T he home is original in construction and minimally maintained over the years and is therefore in extreme disrepair. It is necessary to replace, repair and completely refurbish all aspects of the existing structure. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report, Applicant Submittal, Engineering Memo STAFF REPORT Date: June 27, 2018 To: PLANNING COMMISSION From: Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner Subject: B- 18-16, A variance request to extend the back wall addition of a home to be within the 50 foot required setback of Minnehaha Creek with an alternate setback standard proposed that exceeds the allowable 200 square feet of encroachment. Information / Background: The property, 4604 Browndale Avenue, is located on the west side of Browndale Avenue, south of Bridge Street, north of Edgebrook Place and east of Minnehaha Creek consisting of a two story home with an attached front loading garage. The home is located within the Country Club overlay zoning district requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness through the Heritage Preservation Commission for modifications to the front facade. The home was built in 1925 and is listed as a "Pivotal" design within Country Club District. Jean Rehkamp Larson, the applicant on behalf of the property owner Diane Mulligan, has submitted a variance request to encroach the 50 foot Minnehaha Creek setback at the same nonconforming 31 foot setback of the existing home. There is an extensive plan for remodeling the interior and additions proposed to all sides of the home. Additions include room expansion towards the creek on all three floors, (basement, main and upper floor), a two story addition with basement on the south side and a new side loading garage to the north and east. The additions conform to all of the zoning ordinance requirements with the exception of the 50 foot setback required from Minnehaha Creek. The existing home is nonconforming with building opportunity constrained given the required creek and front yard setback imposed upon the property. The only expansion opportunity is towards the north where the existing and proposed garage is located and where adequate driveway access is needed. The plan utilizes the zoning ordinance alternate setback allowance to match a 31 foot lower level and 35.5 foot main/upper floor creek setback for additions on the west side, however the project will exceed the 200 square foot encroachment allotment per floor within the existing nonconforming setback. The new basement, first and 2nd floor will match existing setback of the basement area with patio above that originally had a roof with a screen enclosure. The homeowner was concerned about maintaining the integrity of the existing home given that it is in original condition with the exception of the garage and is one of the only virtually unmodified structures in the historic district. The dwelling is one of the few homes in the district that is original in construction. The home was City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 STAFF REPORT Page 2 Give lack of maintenance, it is necessary to replace, repair and completely refurbish all aspects of the existing structure. The homeowner's goal is to repair and add onto the home with seamless additions that will look original to existing construction. Additions to the back wall on all floors will match existing nonconforming setbacks from Minnehaha Creek with no portion of the home closer to the water's edge than the existing home. All aspects of the home conform to the zoning ordinance requirements with the exception of the 50 foot setback from the creek edge. It should be noted that up until the early 1990's, the setback required from Minnehaha Creek was 25 feet. The new garage will be side loading and will no longer have garage doors facing the street. The side loading garage was an original feature of the home with the front loading garage added in the 1950's. It was a design covenant of the historic Country Club District to keep garage doors out of view from the street, so most homes were built with garages attached to the back of a home or were side loading. The proposal is to bring the home's structural integrity back while updating the original 1925 structure. The amount of variance proposed beyond the 200 square feet of allowable matching encroachment into the nonconforming setback is 489 square feet of building footprint addition and 577 square feet of patio area, both of which will maintain the nonconforming setback of the existing home. Heritage Preservation The Heritage Preservation Commission reviewed and endorsed the plans at their June I 2th meeting. The Consultant for the Heritage Preservation Commission stated that based on the plans presented, the proposed structural additions appear to be compatible with the historic character of the house. The addition will require minimal demolition or alteration of the existing structure; no significant architectural character defining features will need to be removed or altered. While the addition will substantially change the size, massing and proportions of the historic house, the new construction should not detract from the essential historic character of the subject property or the neighborhood. It is the consultant's opinion, this project meets the requirements of the Country Club District plan of treatment and the Secretary of the Interior's standards for the rehabilitation of historic properties and recommend approval of the COA. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The existing 18,184 square foot lot is located on the west side of Browndale Ave. and backing up to Minnehaha Creek. The proposal is to add onto the existing home while completely renovating it. The goal is to maintain the charm and character of the home while correcting deferred maintenance and upgrading it to more modern building standard. The lot has a number of challenges. The lot is wide, but STAFF REPORT Page 3 not particularly deep and is too close to the creek given current ordinance requirements. The home conformed to creek setback when originally constructed. The setback ordinance was revised doubling the required setback from Minnehaha Creek and forcing the property into nonconformance. A mitigating factor is that the home is elevated above the creek reducing impact. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control. Generally, the proposed work would closely mimic the existing drainage paths. Compliance Table Principal Structure (House) City Standard Proposed North Side — East Side - South— West Side — I 0 feet principal structure 32.8 feet 10 feet 50 feet 22 feet 30 feet, existing 82 feet *31 feet existing nonconforming Building Coverage 25% 15.2% *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: I) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. There are practical difficulties designing for the existing home in its present condition and location on a shallow lot, with a nonconforming setback from Minnehaha Creek. The owners have done an admiral job of keeping the integrity of the existing 1920's home, while adding space in a tight setback area for updates. The plan has been before the Heritage Preservation Commission who support the project. STAFF REPORT Page 4 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The circumstances unique to the property are the, shallow lot and nonconforming setback to the creek. Remodeling and adding on to an existing home can be a challenge, however, given the deteriorated condition of the home, and limited expansion opportunity, the homeowner has strived to maintain the look of the historic home. The creek setback ordinance changed in 1990 requiring deeper setbacks from waterbodies to be in compliance with the DNR and causing the property to be nonconforming. The ordinance was changed and is not a self- created circumstance. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? The proposed variance and home addition/remodel were specifically designed to maintain the essential character of the neighborhood. The design and materials match the original structure. The Heritage Preservation Commission supports the plans as submitted. Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval of a variance from the alternate setback standard to build additions to the existing home. Staff's recommendation for of the requested variance is based on the following findings: • The proposed project is a remodel and addition to an existing home built in the 1920's. The project is reasonable given the improvements will bring the home up to a more modern building standard. • All improvements to the property conform to the zoning ordinance requirements with the exception of matching the existing nonconforming setback to Minnehaha Creek. • The relatively shallow lot depth given the lot size, home placement, required setbacks and location adjacent to a creek are unique conditions specific to the property making improvements and design alternatives more difficult for the site. • Plans to the historic home have been reviewed by the Heritage Preservation Commission who recommend approval of the plan. • Approval should be subject to the plans as presented to the Heritage Preservation Commission and the Planning Commission. Deadline for a city decision: 24, 2018. Draft Minutes© Approved Minutes0 Approved Date: Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission Edina City Hall Tuesday, June 12, 2018 I. Call To Order Chair Birdman called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call was Chair Birdman and members Schilling, Nymo, Blake, Davis and Mondry. Staff Liaison, Emily Bodeker was also in attendance. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Bodeker explained that Consultant Vogel was unable to attend the meeting and therefore asked the Commission to postpone agenda items B & C. Motion was made by Blake and seconded by Schilling to approve the meeting agenda with the changes presented. All voted aye. The Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by Schilling and seconded by Nymo to approve the minutes from the May 8, 2018 Heritage Preservation Commission meeting. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Community Comment: None VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Certificate of Appropriateness: 4604 Browndale Avenue Staff Liaison Bodeker explained that the Certificate of Appropriateness request for the two-story Spanish Eclectic style residence built in 1925 included the reorientation (removing and rebuilding) of the garage back to a side loaded garage facing the north property line, the addition of a I 6' x 20' 2 level addition to the south side of the existing house, and a 5' addition to the garage area on the front facing façade. The proposed project will also require a variance. The variance request is for an addition that exceeds the allowable square footage within a non-conforming setback. The variance will be heard by the Planning Commission on June 27th, 2018. She explained consultant Vogel reviewed the plans and had a positive evaluation of the Certificate of Appropriateness request. Staff concluded with Vogel's positive evaluation of the project. She explained that notices to surrounding property owners were not sent out Draft Minutes Approved Minutes0 Approved Date: and therefore recommended formal action should be taken at the next Heritage Preservation Commission meeting on July 10th meeting. The Preservation Commission discussed the application and agreed that the application adheres to the Plan of Treatment and expectations of the Commission while still allowing the homeowner to update and use property to its fullest potential. The HPC will review and act on the COA application at 4604 Browndale Avenue at the July 10th, 2018 HPC meeting. VII. Correspondence And Petitions: None VIII.Chair And Member Comments: Commissioner Blake asked about the recent planning proposal at 7250 and asked the Commission if there was something more they could do to commend on Heritage Preservation and reviewing planning projects. The Commission then discussed the Comprehensive Planning process and the Southdale Area District plan. Liaison Bodeker recommended discussing and verifying that the Commission's top preservation goals are added to the Heritage Preservation Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Schilling volunteered to lead the annual tour the Commission does on a yearly basis. Staff noted she will contact Schilling to plan the tour. IX. Staff Comments: None X. Adjournment: 8:20 p.m. Motion made by Nymo to adjourn the June 12, 2018 meeting at 8:20 p.m. Motion seconded by Davis. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, EmAy Bo-clekor Request for Variance at 4604 Browndale Avenue Project Description: Applicants Jean Rehkamp Larson and Sarah Nymo of Rehkamp Larson Architects, with property owner Diane Mulligan seek a variance on existing zoning regulations due to the existing lot's unusual circumstances. The applicant seeks reasonable understanding of their hardship and requests a variance on Edina Zoning Code Ordinance Section 32-1270- Nonconforming uses, buildings and lots in order to: • Add more than 200 s.f. within an alternate setback • Add main and upper level living space on top of an existing basement structure within the nonconforming setback The large .42-acre double lot is adjacent to the Mill Pond of Minnehaha Creek. Due to the bend in the creek and the angle of Browndale Avenue the zoning setbacks constrain the "buildable" area of the lot (see site plan). The viable "buildable" area is further reduced due to the desire to restore the garage back to a side loaded garage — an original covenant of the historic Country Club District. The original 1925 home had a side loaded garage (see image 1); however, a 1950s remodel located the garage doors to the front façade of the house (see image 2). The 1950s garage addition also used a panelized stucco material that does not match the original stucco color or texture (see image 3). The proposed design reorients the garage doors to the side yard (facing north), as originally designed. However, to allow for minimal driveway access to garage, the majority of the "buildable" area of the lot needs to be allotted to the driveway. The proposed garage is a 3-car garage, an amenity that is in line with this level of home. In order to make circulation into the 3-car garage possible, a portion of the existing living space (ironically, the original garage converted to living space in the 1950s remodel) will be converted to garage space. The loss of the living space converted to garage is the basis for the request for variance to add more than 200 s.f. within the alternate setback. Current zoning ordinance allows for up to 200 s.f. to be added within an alternate setback as established by the shortest distance from the Ordinary High Water Mark of the creek to the existing house. Due to the design of the original house, two alternate setbacks exiting on the site — one to the existing 2-story house, the other to the lower level. These alternate setbacks provide the framework for the proposed addition. Diagramed in the site plan: • ALTERNATE OHWM SETBACK "A" is the shortest distance from the Ordinary High Water Mark of the creek to the existing 2-story house • ALTERNATE OHWM SETBACK "B" is the shortest distance from the Ordinary High Water Mark of the creek to the existing basement As stated earlier, the conversion of the garage back to a side loaded garage comes at the cost of (e>6 reduction of living space. The proposed addition adds 210 s.f. to the west/ creekside. A small plz. (less than 8 s.f) of this addition extends beyond the ALTERNATE OHWM SETBACK "A". Howevif this proposed addition to the main and second level is on top of a portion of the basement tha ► esentlyc projects into a non-conforming setback, ALTERNATE OHWM SETBACK "B". A portion o e existi 447 basement is a walkout with an exterior patio above. The proposed design adds living space above the existing basement space. However, the proposed design removes 53 s.f. of basement foot print within the existing non-conforming setback (see site plan and image 4). Additionally, the proposed design adds a two-story addition to the south side yard; approximately 260 s.f. of the addition is within the alternate setback. The proposed design also seeks approval for two sand set stone patios to be located within the alternate setback. With the proposed additions and patios, the overall groundcover is less than 17% of the overall site; far less than the zoning maximum 25% lot coverage. The proposed design is in keeping with the scale of the surrounding stately homes. The existing main fagade is preserved, and the proposed additions are inspired by and are secondary to existing façade. Within the context of the block and size of lot, the proposed home appropriately blends into the framework of neighborhood. The materials and character of the additions will match the original home and with seamlessly blend into the historic character of the neighborhood. All proposed work simultaneously preserves the historic character of the neighborhood, while updating the home to accommodate a modern family. See attached renderings and contextual images. The homeowners have lived in the Country Club District for almost 20 years and look forward to moving their family to their new creekside home. Variance Responses: Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. 1. Relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that it is reasonable: YES As stated in the project descriptions, the geometry of the lot, bend in the creek, and angle of Browndale Avenue constrain the buildable area of the lot. The proposed design seeks to reorient the garage to the side yard (something desired by the homeowner and aligns with EHLD Plan of Treatment). Doing so, requires a portion of the existing garage to be removed, and a portion of the existing living space be converted to garage, allowing for minimal space for a vehicle to access the garage. The percentage of groundcover of proposed addition and patios is less than 17%, well below the allowable 25%. 2. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other properties in the vicinity: YES Do to the unique geometry of the site, this hardship is unique to this site. 3. Be in harmony with general purposes and intent of zoning ordinance: YES 0 •• .4b 4rZ <(<0 _1 0 ,;(c‘ The proposed addition to the south side yard steps back from the front fagade and does not project beyond the face of the rear façade. The south face of the addition is over 70 feet from the side property line (R1 side yard setback is 10') . Furthermore the addition of the side loaded garage enhances the streetscape of the historic district and aligns with the guidelines of the Edina's Historic Country Club District Plan of Treatment. 4. Not alter the essential Character of the neighborhood: YES By eliminating the street facing garage doors, the proposed design works to restore the essential character of the streetscape of the historic district. The original covenants of the country club district did not allow for street facing garages. A 1950s remodel added the street facing garage that exists today. All proposed additions are subordinate to the original main volume of the house. Materials and charm of the additions are inspired by the original Spanish Colonial Revival details. Additionally, the proposed project addresses the home's dire maintenance needs, see attached images (rotted windows, cracking stucco, chipped paint, etc.). Hennepin County Property Map Date: 6/15/2018 PARCEL ID: 1802824240075 OWNER NAME: PARCEL ADDRESS: 4604 Browndale Ate, Edina MN 55424 PARCEL AREA: 0.42 acres, 18,284 sq ft A-T-B: Abstract SALE PRICE: SALE DATA SALE CODE ASSESSED 2017, PAYABLE 2018 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: MARKET VALL., TAX TOTAL: ASSESSED 2018, PAYABLE 2019 PROPERTY TYPE: HOMESTEAD MARKET VALUE Comments: This data (i) is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (iii) is notsuitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable for any damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2018 Image 2: 4604 Browndale 4604 Browndale Variance Application Supporting Images , • / . - , ...1, .1 : • ‘ ii .-KF-•-..;,6„,_.- ..tr• ...„„,..1-jza....-.,-,v, :,-'2,-p.p . r hy,../315.elt ,,.t .Ali7 ,,,,,, ,,,IMIri.'-'--1--.---'—'.-.-Ess: oury inzttrely enetioguNri;Ooryat!ritaktstm tp.spidit4 .1114:Chariti 4:2,,,ifi6.6,1.11:11t.::4.75(f.rf.f. ro " 1....e , aiNCeapilte or, 4t....4504-Ignagnitel4entrentiz, t. Napo ....12r•Alort ..a.n.nfry ,..0.014diturr,.: it is S*Filail 41110# tritvidazat mammy VranrcorrP, 4 ii.'ZIT. 0Air;41,IBV P-r..4rat-ta-r,"-`46 N-g .-& Korleit-erAttfiotkr-hsrcoiy.it. wood,11..,F...4,4:04E.s..;•f.***in7 'Mill iiiitetar MT ., Edi 21, mititur algal iic,10ftcitivi.-41.7,T ti-• ro.44,1G. 411 the-erhigiri1MAfepdlag itiprtplanitranrwiP444:takrigpApitti: . I ..!, rthillkfresbim,;:* :),,,. LAK 14,,,::42;,,,,,..t.,s!'4.011,11'9....vit!•; .'tait,s16'1,.. tvtaiwf- .-; -L, A.. _ ._ - . ., , ,..._ ,.- ..,. Image 1: Original 1925 home designed in the Spanish Colonial Revival Style mage 3: 1950s garage addition uses panelized stucco that does not match original stucco Image 4: Existing walk-out from basement establishes Alternate Setback from ®HWM "B" Image 5: Patching of existing stucco does not match color or texture of original stucco, windows and shutters are in need to repair and paint Image 6: Surface cracking seen throughout the existing stucco Image 9: 4604 Browndale , today Image 7: 4604 Browndale, today Image 9: 4604 Browndale , today as seen from creek Image 10: 3D Rendering of proposed additions /' I • , \6)7 IF- II 0" ) UNtl ( /7- `•••:,-\ r17.17•117 n EN sr • COVER PROJECT PHASE: 17osign Devlaapment PROJECT NUMBER: 18-003 ISSUE DATE: May 25, 2018 DRAWN BY: Mulligan Residence 4604 Browndale Avenue Edina, MN Original Architect Liebenberg & Kaplan Built 1925 696. .596.8 902.0 ,, r,noe 0,, 12' ?Sae Elect„,„ oar S 80040,38 E 83.00 902.3 \ .. Signed Gregory R. P , Mi n. Reg. No. 24992 C5Basis for bearings is assumed The Gregory Group, Inc. d.b.a. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY Established in 1962 LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 760173rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Fax No. 560-3522 uruf.4.orrs Trait-it-tar Existing Conditions Survey For: DIANE MULLIGAN INVOICE NO 87605 F.B.N 0 742-57 SCALE: 1" = 20' • Denotes Found Iron Monument O Denotes Iron Monument e -'•_, Denotes Existing Contours x000,0 Denotes Existing Elevation OG30.0 Denotes Proposed Elevation Denotes Surface Drainage Benchmark: Top of hydrant Browndale Avenue and Edgebrook Place Elevation = 906.82 Property located in Section 18, Township 28, Range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota Property Address: 4604 Browndale Avenue Edina, MN 85°39'58" W 122.10 Concrete Well Polar , r- 895e • _ _ . - - ••1(11 • \:e _ • \k 1 -9741 tt NItti • "ilk \ • \ \ 1,...,24° qak 553. 6•\‘ 1476 \ NO ..• • • . -1 6964 \ t • • I `''`,, •• ft-,1 7 q. \\ Ta -- \ ,., 's P9a5 •• \ 7 0 .11. \ \\,. ,31.sts,83,7" I Concrete finnphouse `,0 \\.. • .-..... \ 1..., "s.,,,, .sa \ Is \ < \ 20.0 ,, \ ‘5.,.\ \ • • \ \ FIs, , \ 9._ \ V..2 6. \ , t % • ',-. •• ligb \ \\ 4 \ i)..i ti \\C,,, \ \ \\\\ ;?..0,, c5; \ \\ ..,--,. Ai \ *- \ ..... ' (,,,ytt % ,' - N,S \cosp 'tilltk .3 '‘. \O\ -3 --gt -5, ) N _\s \\ i O AR1' fa.s re Co \NAO \t 7 t 4' % \\ ti siei -5 vi % \\ \\ \\ \\\\ (Th 553.6 \..;,,,.\ Co cv 1< Existing Frontyard Setbacks: No. 4600 Brownsdale Ave. =33.2 No. 4602 Brownsdale Ave. = 35.4 No. 4604 Brownsdale Ave. =30.2 No. 4610 Brownsdale Ave. = 32.5 Average = 32.8 Existin Hardcover Lot =18184 sq.ft Build' 2135 sq.ft Total = 2 /W. sq.ft peLsentage%-lardcover = 11.74% <5'4 Ci• o OHO r 8 7 T.; q 95. Qi 66 rat I 1 tr 59" Fence Neighbors well 2.2 feet south of fine arch 595.4 \ <C" Lo and 6, Block 14, Country Club District, Brown Section The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed by us this 1st day of March 2018. Rev 5- 1 5- 18 topo Drawn By FAsurvey1counby club district brcrem section henneignb5 - 6 -14,redb-5-1411174251inv87605.4bvg Mulligan Residence 4604 Browndale Ave Edina, MN 55424 ----7,77 REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. 2732 West 43rd Street, Mpls, MN 55410 Tel. 612-285-7275 Fax. 612-285-7274 •7--ur7 "0 aa,,, "TiY2SPMS J -kt ••'- 'S). oi, t.o co %) --: ,-- 1... LD 1Sa <-9 ,•=-• 5-066, Z''268 • TA 0.068 -TP0.0 • ssadwig 5d946. DL/0.9 Cii 33 -0 ,s->t 5-06q, b 0468 6 •.S-N yam CD 62:g '19 ,roz 99_,,u0'3 u 4 - z.00 :-,,'I oitiedth g•e>0so r6'''S1-,t, ..z,,v,:tgin,-,-N;t3-, 5401'4F-7:1 G - - 6 : ; - '''''''-: - --. — atm Fo qpios pal , _ .t , -- .46'49,6,e4*-,T. -- ,-. - \ ' k%9697 ..., ' --'-pq ,, , V.Z6Vj\-."' , 20u9J 54: , 067Z1. M 99,6C.99 cn ;•71 -,:m a-0 Z ------------ g'.965'• £'968 Jejild 94gl0110,7 DRAWN BY: JRL, STN 1 l' 1 il 72 i E' -I SP. Xm DZ mN z - MAY ADO UP TO 100 SF. El AREA OF ENCROACIINICM EG 1111 MO. Hr. MIA' 0 LOWER LEVEL PLAN (Th yr • 1.41. on 11x1 north plan north UN & =, VOT FOR CONSTRUCTION x10 LOWER LEVEL EXISTING PLAN n PROJECT PHASE: AS-BAIlls PROJECT NUMBER: 18403 ISSUE DATE: DRAWN SY: JRL, STN -. MAY ADD UP TO =SF.., AREA OF ENDROADMIEND — L DRIVEWAY tt Rt%0 1=1 CLO.HT.10,2114. 11 118 101 11 DINING RM. STOOP VP, FRONT STOOP DNS ON 4R 0 MAIN LEVEL PLAN O plan 11x17 north -7north I mpg N EN RY N vn, j, WV NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION x11 MAIN LEVEL EXISTING PLAN n PROJECT PHASE: As-Bulls PROJECT NUMBER: 18-003 ISSUE DATE: DRAWN BY: JRL, STN -1 BEAM DROPS 22. BEAM DROPS 101W H vFY r _vp_ywow MEL BEAM CS' DIA STEEL POST uvELc, S1.1:303. ems' r,rar VFY ;NTH 1 • x12 UPPER LEVEL EXISTING PLAN PROJECT PHASE: As-RAIUs PROJECT NUMBER: 18.003 ISSUE DATE: DRAWN BY: JRL, STN — MDV ADD UP TO 200U. tbl AREA OF ENCTIOACHNIENr n—n I soRM i LL NE I I__ )1122ss ON MATH 9.11.05. sor 131— INEN SF1:8. 44^.. I HH:80. STUDY EM:20.2.7. 1.1H:95 . I m. OW NALL E CLC.FIT.11,0 1/2. HALL A YF— r„ty FLAT ROOF DECK LANDING 1.7 DN CLO.10,0,13. Boni A DRESSING ,BATH ~T .P 1 BATH A I L I VFY ALLRADMTOR SEES, Lops I 11 I mmsmr vnRp sFi9rt — _ r —— I I Ip iorTl 4 4 0 ,U,..P?„.0E.12 ,,,L,57VEL PLAN r north 0 plan no north NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION O Ca n REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. 2732 West 43rd Street, Mpls, MN 55410 Tel. 612-285-7275 Fax. 612-285-7274 Mulligan Residence 4604 Browndale Ave Edina, MN 55424 CIO a • NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWN BY: JRL, STN 1 PROJECT PHASE: As•Butlls PROJECT NUMBER: 18-003 g 0001 OO( ) n REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. 2732 West 43rd Street, Mpls, MN 55410 Tel. 612-285-7275 Fax. 612-285-7274 Mulligan Residence 4604 Browndale Ave Edina, MN 55424 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWN BY: JRL, STN 1 .-,;. Li 1 g 1 11 Fil -z 22 6) 60 4 of ut 0 Signed Gregory R. P Mi . Reg. No. 24992 The Gregory Group, Inc. d.b.a. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY Established in 1962 LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 7601 73rd Avenue North (7631560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Fax No. 560-3522 §itru.eurfrs TErtifirttir Proposed Site Plan Survey For: DIANE MULLIGAN INVOICE NO. 87774 F.B.NO. Basis for bearings is assumed SCALE: 1" = 20' • Denotes Found Iron Monument O Denotes Iron Monument _ Denotes Existing Contours x000.0 Denotes Existing Elevation CDDenotes Proposed Elevation Denotes Surface Drainage Benchmark: Top of hydrant Browndale Avenue and Edgebrook Place Elevation = 906.82 Property located in Section 18, Township 28, Range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota Property Address: 4604 Browndale Avenue Edina, MN S 85°39'58" W 122.10 l - • . - .\ ,-. ' ... , . ,V .e :" k e 4 \ V . ' - 8/9 . 59Z7 _ _— ‘' V- ,‘e ›:\ / q" 1 2,4k i &,.rA996.4 \a \ , .\t4 % '' 89913 ts, I \ Concrete , 6 0 •er sr . s?„ rt\ e.?6'9. ,' r''` Pentsbott se % . ' . • .- A • , \ \ '1, • -‘---7 9 ' 1598.0 • .. . 104i # ;14 ,..4,.,.. . r ..-.2.. ...... .896.6 PROPOSED ("WALL 896.3 .A) QJ z mL Existing Frontyard Setbacks: 0 -% `\,,, No. 4600 Brownsdale Ave. = 33.2 r, ,••• \ •• No. 4602 Brownsdale Ave. = 35.4 Co No. 4604 Brownsdale Ave. = 30.2 -6. • u. „..., No. 4610 Brownsdale Ave. = 32.5 ,• \\ Average =32.8 .:\. ‘\ 1\ \ 1 Area into setback (50 feet) Proposed Patio = 577 sq ft. Proposed Addition = 489 sq ft. Total area into setback = 1066 sq ft Area into alternate setback (35.5 feet) Proposed Patio = 39 sq ft. Proposed Addition = 8 sq ft. Total area into setback = 47 sq ft Lots 5 and 6, Block 14, Country Club District, Brown Section The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by dent. I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed by us this 31st day of May 2018. Rev 06.01.18 proposed grades/driveway Drawn By 06.04.18 setback lines/areas FAsuivey1eountiy Sob ctislricl bro.en section - honnepinl5 - 6 -141ecclb-5-14inv8777asiteplan clog Existing Hardcover Lot Area = 18184 sq.ft Building = 2135 sq.ft Total =2135 sq.ft Percentage of Hardcover = 11.74% Proposed Hardcover Lot Area = 18184 sq.ft Building = 2348 sq.ft Patios = 625-150 (allowance) Total = 2823 sq.11 Percentage of Hardcover = 15.52% II 'sat, I -50 foot sell Alternate Setback 135.5 foot setback 0 to 0 •r2 90;2.3\ 12' Pule Elect,/ 902.0 ".„;,..„ 880 040,3 80 E 83.00 „06 cum 06.01.18 A 1.10. KW 52756 5 FT MINIMUM LENGTH POST ATS FT MAXIMUM SPACING GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, 36 IN WIDE ce.3, 5*39'58„ et, 44 4/12210 6yJ2 Ha_ PLASTIC ZIP TIES (SO LOS TENSILE) LOCATED IN TOP II IN TIRE COMPACTION ZONE R„, Peve'f FQ MACHINE SLICE B IN ..42 IN DEPTH "B SILT FENCE MACHINE SLICED) NOT TO SCALE EXISTING STORM CASTING FILTER ASSEMBLY SO POLYESTER SLEEVE INSERT TO BE USED SHALL BE A WIMCO, LANGE INDUSTRIES 'ROAD DRAIN' STYLE, OR APPROVED EQUAL TO BE UTILIZED IN THE EXISTING ROADWAY CASTING. TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A NEENAH CASTING NO. R-3061 TYPE OR, DL, OR TYPE V OR APPROVED EQUAL INLET CONTROL NOT TO SCALE HARD SURFACE PUBLIC ROAD C") CV CV 77 /, 6" MINIMUM NU 1" TO 7 WASHED ROCK NOTES: ROCK SIZE SHOULD BE I" TO 2' IN SIZE SUCH AS MN/DOT CA-1 OR CA-2 COURSE AGGREGATE. (WASHED) A GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MAY BE USED UNDER THE ROCK TO PREVENT MIGRATION OF THE UNDERLYING SOIL INTO THE STONE. ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOT TO SCALE LOTS 5 & 6, BLOCK 14 - COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT BROWN SECTION 4604 BROWNDALE AVENUE EDINA, MINNESOTA DANE MULUGAN 4400 SUNNySIDE ROOD EDINA, MINNESOTA SUN REVISIONS THIS GREGORY GROUP. INC. "2,!,1,7g,ru THE GREGORY GROUP, INC. LAND SURVEYING B ENGINEERING 100115RO AVENUE N, 11110014.1N MIS. MN 06420 PHONE:M.500Jan FAX 702.680.3522 www.talsunioys.rnpanyzem igtro,cLpo ixvjnv E g: Al,i2g1X. 4 7 , 1ti, OR Fr A o n nV=LAIILD plioFest 0+40, [WINTER Y TV NO 0 FAT ATE OP WNW... ni DES16,11.16, JB"PAWN JRD ClIECKIEDEIT: aRP GENERAL GRADING NOTES: 1. SPECIFICATIONS APPLICABLE FOR THIS PROJECT: CURRENT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF EDINA; THE LATEST MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION; AND ALL NPDES REQUIREMENTS EXCEPT WHERE MODIFIED BY THESE DOCUMENTS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY "GOPHER STATE ONE CALI:48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. (1-800252-1166) 3. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WITH UTILITY COMPANIES PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION, AND IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICTS. 4. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. S. EXISTING TOPSOIL SHALL BE SALVAGED TO PROVIDE 4" TOPSOIL COVERAGE OVER ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE REVEGETATED. S. THE BUILDING PAD MUST BE PROVIDED WITH A POSITIVE OUTFLOW. 7. ANY SEDIMENT REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE HAS BEEN REMOVED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM WITH THE EXISTING GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED OR SODDED AS DIRECTED BY THE CRY ENGINEER. 8. NO FINISHED SLOPE SHALL EXCEED 4EI TV UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9. PERLAREE MUST MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION. METHODS OF MINIMIZING SOIL COMPACTION INCLUDE THE USE OFTRACKED EQUIPMENT AND STAVING OFF AREAS TO BE LEFT COMPACTED. EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BAP'S (LE. SILT FENCE, BID-ROLLS, ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, INLET PROTECTION, ECT.) SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. 2. INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ANY INLET THAT MAY RECEIVE RUNOFF FROM THE DISTURBED AREAS OF THE PROJECT. 3. INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S, SUCH AS SILT FENCE. AROUND ALL STOCKPILES. 4. ALL EXPOSED SOILS, INCLUDING STOCKPILES, SHALL BE TEMPORALLY STABILIZED PER MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 2575 WITHIN 7 DAYS AFTER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS TEMPORARILY CEASED. S. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, 6. REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC PAVEMENT AREAS ON A DAILY BASIS OR AS NEEDED. 7. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS SHALL BE INSPECTED EVERY 7 DAYS. OR WITHIN 24 HOURS OF ALL RAIN EVENTS GREATER THAN O' IN 24 HOURS. CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIRED SHALL BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY. 8. SILT FENCE, BIO'ROLLS AND INLET PROTECTION DEVICES MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED OR SUPPLEMENTED WHEN THEY BECOME NONFUNCTIONAL OR THE SEDIMENT REACHES 1/3 THE HEIGHT OF THE DEVICE. THESE REPAIRS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW. 9. AFTER FINAL GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED. EXPOSED SOILS MUST BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED WITHIN 72 HOURS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL CONSIST OF 4 INCHES TOPSOIL, AND SEED MULCH AND FERTILIZER APPLIED BY METHODS AND RATES RECOMMENDED IN MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 2575 AND MN/DOT SEEDING MANUAL, OR SOD AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. THE SEED MIX SHALL BE MN/DOT 25461. 10.INLET PROTECTION MAY BE REMOVED FORA PARTICULAR INLET IF A SPECIFIC SAFETY CONCERN (FLOODING / FREEZING) HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED. THE PERMITTED MUST RECEIVE WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE CITY ENGINEER VERIFYING THE NEED FOR REMOVAL TINS CONCRETE WASHOUT ALLOWED ON SITE, TRUCK BASED SELF CONTAINMENT WASHOUT DEVICES REQUIRED. 12.0IL STAINS ON CITY STREETS SHALL BE CLEANED UP WITH FLOOR DRY, AND DISPOSED OF ASA HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL 13.A1.4. HAZARDOUS WASTE SHALL BE STORED CLEANED UP AND DISPOSED OF PER EPA STANDARDS. 14.ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AFTER PERMANENT STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. %TEMPORARY PUMPED DISCHARGE POLLUTION PREVENTION TECHNIQUES: 'DANDY DEWATERING BAG" BROCK WHITE CO. USA. %CONTACT PERSON FOR SITE CLEANLINESS AND MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS. TBD 17.MINNEHAFIA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT. 552.471-05SO pROJELT: Orrld. STORMWATER EROSION SHEET NO CONTROL PLAN C1 OF Cl N oe4S'Ic e\x" `1, c0\4'' OF .csk SrrE DIAGRAM NOTES: ALTERNATE OHWM SETBACK "A' IS THE SHORTEST DISTANCE FROM THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK OF THE CREEK TO THE EXISTING 2-STORY HOUSE ALTERNATE OHWM SETBACK .B. IS THE SHORTEST DISTANCE FROM THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK OF THE CREEK TO THE EXISTING BASEMENT SITE DIAGRAM KEY: n• EXISTING HOUSE • ADDITION • PATIO/ TERRACE • SHADED AREAS DENOTES S.F. COUNTED TOWARDS BUILDING COVERAGE Z r- I- rJ Z to 2 co i- O a •a- re 2 cc' a. Z ,s; ix LL 0.1 C7 1.7 a. co 2 2 c‘11 cc; `c! Lu CG I- n A01 SITE PLAN PROJECT PHASE: Design Dovloopmont PROJECT NUMBER: 18.003 ISSUE DATE: May 25, 2018 DRAWN BY: JRL, STN ZONING SUMMARY: Fi..1 DISTRICT, EHLD (EDINA HERITAGE LANDMARK DISTRICT) SETBACKS: • FRONT: 32.8' (BASED ON AVERAGE FRONTYARD SETBACKS OF NEIGHBORING HOMES) • BACKYARD/ CREEKSIDE 50' FROM OHWM • INTERIOR SIDE 10' MAX HEIGHT: • 35' MEASURED TO THE HIGHEST POINT OF THE ROOF . FOR LOTS EXISTING SITE INFORMATION EXISTING LOT AREA: 18,184 S.F. EXISTING BUILDING COVERAGE 2135 S.F. EXISTING PERCENTAGE OF HARDCOVER: 11.74% PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE EXIST. HOUSE (AFTER DEMO) 1624 S.F. +ADDITION 724 S.F. +PATIOS 625 S.F. • 2973 S.F. \L 0,6 6 roc, s'`‘ o"6' O Ca. P',11 co 4-0 6, STONES TO OOP (< 50 S:/F.)/ xll N. STONE STEPS 8 LANDINGS Iteli ntirdcri IIMProrit .)) I 12 I EXIST. BUTTRESS TO REMAIN j NEW STOF4 STOOP (< 50sJF.) CONC. SIDEWALK II 5 dew al k DE (y10 PORTION OF 1ST. GARAGE pm DASHED) 111 Oro rd le Avenu e (DASHED) r LOT COVERAGE: PROPOSED PERCENTAGE OF HARDCOVER • • LOTS GREATER THAN 9,000 S.F. BUILDING COVERAGE •• BUILDING COVERAGE INCLUDES ALL PRINCIPAL MAX • 25%. 2973 S.F. / 18,184 S.F.= 16.35% <25% ALLOWE8 \\ AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS INCLUDING DECKS vt AND PATIOS, BALCONIES, PORCHES (THE FIRST 150 S.F. OF AN UNENCLOSED DECK OR PATIO A (.1 SHALL NOT BE INCLUDED WHEN COMPUTING BUILDING COVERAGE. A EXCLUDED FROM BUILDING COVERAGE: \ VI\ \ DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS. UNENCLOSED STEPS AND STOOPS LESS THAN 50 S.F., OVERHANGING EAVES OR ROOF PROJECTIONS NOT SUPPORTED BY POSTS OR PILLARS. PER EDINA CODE OF ORDINANCES 35.438 ' 0 4, 0 oE41,2xisT. LU 4 C019CRETR f50-2\ o p 1 ,- ---. 01 I A ,5,9A\ pa OHWM SETBACK' — — (I 5581 CO ----- ALT. al al ErAe K'A" 4 — - - - - - - — N - fni 'CI II !A ' RI ( -7 MI - ° — — ic -Fvt'n YipSET8ACK t2) Co ti 0 N rn qco c retg • Lu N O NEW RETAINING WALL, STUCCO FINISH Im O SITE PLAN 118" .1•41"con24x36 or1/16"on11 x17 north STAIRS REUSE EXIST. CURB CUT IS UN EX. UN EX, UN 1Ex • PROJECT PHASE: Dosign Davloopmant PROJECT NUMBER: 18.003 ISSUE DATE: May 25.2018 DRAWN SY: JRL, STN A10 LOWER LEVEL UN .. UP EXERCISE RR CL. LAUNDRY BATH UP_) MECH. O LOWER LEVEL PLAN (Th plan -1,0" an MIT north \ north UN EX. VEY F.P.LOC Wow WELL CDWESS EW WELL ><. FAMILY RM. GUEST BERM DAM SAUNA d (6 in ▪ LC)N. cs4 0 Z co N ,21 N < cl• ; Z 8 u_ awn re v 5 Ei 2 co N N , N n PROJECT PHASE: Design Devleopment PROJECT NUMBER: 18-003 ISSUE DATE: May 25, 2018 DRAWN BY: JRL, STN ----------- TALL num DINING RM. AFY HEARIN ADDITION VFY PROM' STOOP DNS DN SITTING alra IGI BREAKFAST NcTE PANTRY =Milt 3R 0 MAIN LEVEL PLAN W.I., on 11.1 north 0 plan DRIVEWAY 7 All MAIN LEVEL L ang • CL.1 --- IH HALL BATH A BERM 0. PROJECT PHASE: Design DeyIoeprnent PROJECT NUMBER: 18.003 ISSUE DATE: May 25.2018 DRAWN BY: JRL, STN Al2 UPPER LEVEL M. CL. #1 M. BERM M. HALL M. BATH 11 BORMA A CL #2 ' LAUNDRY M. HALL I M. HALL LINEN I I I I I I CENTER REUSE EXIST. DESK CL. 0 .==b: FT ON 5R • BDRM 13 • BATH B LINEN CL N BURIN C IHI O UPPER LEVEL PLAN rs) rm plan air •1.-0" on 11817 north north NEW ADDITION MA IN VOLUME OF HOUSE IS PRESERVED REMODEL IS ADOGION 011111111110, EXPOSED RAFTER TAU TO MATCH EXISTING STUCCO TO MATCH EXISTING PAINTED W000 SHUTTERS TO MATCH MMHG METAL FLOWER BOX TO MATCH EXISTING TIMBER BRACKETS INLAY TILE DETAIL DO DO OD DO 0 EAST ELEVATION Ile • V, en SO SS RE HIM an II ET EXPOSED RAFTER TAILS TO MATCH EXtSTING STUCCO TO MATCH /COSTING INLAY TILE OVAL TIMBER BRACKETS 0 SOUTH ELEVATION 1MA ra•onaXsnorurooTT i17 Ll METAL FLOWED BOX TO MATCH EXISTING STUCCO TO MATCH EX..] 6161'I V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 if 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 111111111 STUCCO MAIM,/ CLAM CHAISE-1'PM" EXPOSED HAFTEITARS TO MATCH EXISTS. PAINTED 1N000 SHUTIERS TO MATCH EXISTING STUCCO DETAIL TO MATCH EXISTING VIEW OF SHED ROOF TRAGER BRACKETS (COMMIS STONE STOOPI • TILE ROOF TO MATCH MUTING C A20 ELEVATIONS PROJECT PHASE: Design Devieeprnant PROJECT NUMBER: 18-003 ISSUE DATE: May 25, 2018 DRAWN By: JRL, STN 0 WEST (CREEKSIDE) ELEVATION 114. .1,0" on 2.. 311 /V on II NEW ECIPESS WOW CUT TILE ROOF. TO ---- MATCH EXISTING TIMSEI3 BRACKETS STUCCO TO MATCH INTEO SHUTTERS, TME PAINTED GARAGE DOOR PAINTZ GARAGE DOOR ED NORTH ELEVATION 111. .1,0" ...NI orI10"ort113117 CD Z to In csi tO t./ z M z d ti o - N -65 r.2 ▪ CV Co. • CO • (4 • "). la 76 C' CV I— n PROJECT PHASE: Design Davinopment PROJECT NUMBER: 18.003 ISSUE DATE: May 25, 2018 DRAWN BY: JRL, STN A21 ELEVATIONS swan in. ill] 11 in ti] Lii DATE: June 22, 2018 TO: Cary Teague — Planning Director FROM: Charles Gerk, P.E. — Graduate Engineer RE: 4604 Browndale Ave - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed include the site survey and SWPPP dated 06/01/18, updated 6/22/18. Summary of Review The proposed work on the subject property includes multiple additions to an existing home, landscaping and a new driveway. Proposed grading and drainage paths will closely mimic existing drainage paths. With drainage being directed to the east (street) and west (creek) of the home. Another plan review will take place at the time of building permit to verify compliance with relevant ordinances and engineering policies. Grading end Drainage Proposed grading and drainage paths will closely mimic existing drainage paths. With drainage being directed to the east (street) and west (creek) of the home. The proposed work does not require any mitigation per policy SP-003. Additionally, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District has no mitigation requirements for this site, however an erosion and sediment control permit will be required. The driveway will require a special inspection from the engineering department prior to construction to ensure that correct grades and drainage paths are established per the approved plans. The applicant should consider any other future home additions and landscaping projects at this time and plan appropriately for any mitigation that could be required as a result of those projects. Ei .osion and Sediment Con7trcnl No Comments Street and Curb Cut No Comments Public Utilities No Comments er Items A permit for the north proposed retaining wall will be required to be designed by a licensed engineer, due to the surcharge loading condition from the driveway and height over 4-feet. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard • Edina, Minnesota 55439 ww,,v.EdinaMN.gov • 952-826-0371 • Fax 952-826-0392 • \ \ 1111 45, \ \ \ \ \s, \ 99 Signed Reg. No. 24992 Rev 06.01.18 proposed grades/driveway Drawn By 06.04.18 setback lines/areas 06.22.18 drainage arrows basis for bearings is assumed The Gregory Group, Inc. d.b.a. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY Established in 1962 LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 7601 73rd Avenue North 0631560-3093 Minnealsolis, Minnesota 55428 Fax No 960-3522 untr4cirs Trrtifirair Proposed Site Plan Survey For: DIANE MULLIGAN INVOICE NO 87774 F.B.NO SCALE: 1" = 20' • Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 Denotes Iron Monument • Denotes Existing Contours a000.° Denotes Existing Elevation 000.0 Denotes Proposed Elevation -ssrf— Denotes Surface Drainage Benchmark: Top of hydrant Browndale Avenue and Edgebrook Place Elevation = 906.82 Property located in Section 18, Township 28, Range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota Property Address: 4604 Browndale Avenue Edina, MN po 1 PROPOSED WALL 896.3,dl d Rs S 85°39'58" W 122.10 sl \ \ 1113ei lk tt • 1AX \ 9274.4" 96.14 k 553.6` \ \ talk\ \ 4 .1t 9\ 9\ 553.6 \ Existing Frontyard Setbacks: 0 No. 4600 Brownsdale Ave. = 33.2 No. 4602 Brownsdale Ave. = 35.4 tp No. 4604 Brownsdale Ave. = 30.2 '1< No. 4610 Brownsdale Ave. = 32.5 Average = 32.8 24.5 O f 898.7 5 y proposed / V IP addition y L / c\ t.04 ',-a/ / k.a 0 900.7 xt proposed , tY 2.0 addition • '(/ • 4.0 )0112" Reta7-1Valls \ 1.6 \ • \ 11) \ 595. Concrete Pumphoune Oak 5.95.0 C??. TO 32‹ t7rn\ \aV.g 04 Store 965 ut rY L Existing Hardcover Lot Area = 18184 sq.ft Building= 2135 sq.ft Total = 2135 sq.ft Percentage of Hardcover = 11.74% Proposed Hardcover Lot Area = 18184 sq.ft Building = 2348 sq.ft Patios = 625-I50 (allowance) Total = 2823 sq.ft Percentage of Hardcover = 15.52% Area into setback (50 feet) Proposed Patio = 577 sq ft. Proposed Addition = 489 sq ft. Total area into setback = 1066 sq ft Area into alternate setback (35 5 feet) Proposed Patio = 39 sq ft. Proposed Addition = 8 sq ft. Total area into setback = 47 sq ft Lots 5 and 6, Block 14, Country Club District, Brown Section The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed by us this 3101 day of May 2018. Alternate Setback 1 35.5 foot setback 07.4 24' A4ap/e--"'- 00:4 1 12" Prue 901 7 — 902.0 ,4-e S 80°40'38,, E 83.00 F _ 902.3 F SUSSeytottntry club district bra, sectio -hen 6 -14,db-5-14inv87774si4splan.dwg EXISTING STORM CASTING FILTER ASSEMBLY POLYESTER SLEEVE HARD SURFACE PUBLIC ROAD „. ClM 6- MINIMUM O 1' TO 2. WASHED ROCK -- 5 FT MINIMUM LENGTH POST AT 6 FT MAXIMUM SPACING PLASTIC ZIP TIES (50 LBS TENSILE) LOCATED IN TOP BIN SILT FENCE (MACHINE SLICED) NOT TO SCALE INSERT TO BE USED SHALL BE A MANIC°, LANGE INDUSTRIES 'ROAD DRAIN' STYLE, OR APPROVED EQUAL TO BE UTILIZED IN THE EXISTING ROADWAY CASTING. TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION LITH A NEENAH CASTING NO. R-3067 TYPE DR, DL, OR TYPE V OR APPROVED EQUAL, INLET CONTROL NOT TO SCALE NOTES. ROCK SIZE SHOULD BE 1- TO YIN SIZE SUCH AS MNIDOT CA-I OR CA-2 COURSE AGGREGATE, (WASHED) A GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MAY BE USED UNDER THE ROCK TO PREVENT MIGRATION OF THE UNDERLYING SOIL INTO THE STONE. 3 L ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE .91 NOT TO SCALE GENERAL GRADING NOTES 1. SPECIFICATIONS APPLICABLE FOR THIS PROJECT:CURRENT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF EDINA: THE LATEST MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION, AND ALL NPOES REQUIREMENTS EXCEPT WHERE MODIFIED BY THESE DOCUMENTS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION, (I-000252-1166) 3. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WITH UTILITY COMPANIES PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. AND IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICTS, 4. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES, 5. EXISTING TOPSOIL SHALL BE SALVAGED TO PROVIDE 4' TOPSOIL COVERAGE OVER ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE REVEGETATED. 6. THE BUILDING PAD MUST BE PROVIDED WITH A POSITIVE OUTFLOW, 7. ANY SEDIMENT REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE HAS BEEN REMOVED SHALL RE DRESSED TO CONFORM WITH THE EXISTING GRADE. PREPARED AND SEEDED OR SODDED AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. B. NO FINISHED SLOPE SHALL EXCEED 4H IV UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 9. PERMITEE MUST MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION. METHODS OF MINIMIZING SOIL COMPACTION INCLUDE THE USE OF TRACKED EQUIPMENT AND STAYING OFF AREAS TO RE LEFT COMPACTED, EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS (LE SILT FENCE. RIO-ROLLS, ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, INLET PROTECTION, ECT.) SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. 2. INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ANY INLET THAT MAY RECEIVE RUNOFF FROM THE DISTURBED AREAS OF THE PROJECT. 3. INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS, SUCH AS SILT FENCE. AROUND ALL STOCKPILES. 4. ALL EXPOSED SOILS, INCLUDING STOCKPILES, SHALL BE TEMPORALLY STABILIZED PER MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 2575 WITHIN 7 DAYS AFTER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS TEMPORARILY CEASED. 5. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. 6. REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC PAVEMENT AREAS ON A DAILY BASIS OR AS NEEDED. 7. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL EIMPS SHALL BE INSPECTED EVERY 7 DAYS, OR WITHIN 24 HOURS OF ALL RAIN EVENTS GREATER THAN 0.5" IN 24 HOURS. CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIRED SHALL BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY. 8. SILT FENCE, RIO-ROLLS AND INLET PROTECTION DEVICES MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED OR SUPPLEMENTED WHEN THEY BECOME NONFUNCTIONAL OR THE SEDIMENT REACHES 1/3 THE HEIGHT OF THE DEVICE. THESE REPAIRS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY. OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW. 9. AFTER FINAL GRADING HAS SEEN COMPLETED, EXPOSED SOILS MUST BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED WITHIN 72 HOURS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL CONSIST OF 4 INCHES TOPSOIL. AND SEED MULCH AND FERTILIZER APPLIED BY METHODS AND RATES RECOMMENDED IN MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 2575 AND MN/DOT SEEDING MANUAL OR SOD AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. THE SEED MIX SHALL BE MN/DOT 25-151, 10.INLET PROTECTION MAY BE REMOVED FOR A PARTICULAR INLET IFA SPECIFIC SAFETY CONCERN (FLOODING / FREEZING) HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED. THE PERMITTED MUST RECEIVE WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE CITY ENGINEER VERIFYING THE NEED FOR REMOVAL 11.NO CONCRETE WASHOUT ALLOWED ON SITE, TRUCK BASED SELF CONTAINMENT WASHOUT DEVICES REQUIRED. 12.011 STAINS ON CITY STREETS SHALL BE CLEANED UP WITH FLOOR DRY. AND DISPOSED OF AS A HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL. I3.ALL HAZARDOUS WASTE SHALL BE STORED CLEANED UP AND DISPOSED OF PER EPA STANDARDS. 14.ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AFTER PERMANENT STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 15.TEMPORARY PUMPED DISCHARGE POLLUTION PREVENTION TECHNIQUES,DANDY DEWATERING BAG" BROCK WHITE CO. USA. 16.CONTACT PERSON FOR SITE CLEANLINESS AND MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS. TBD 17.MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT. 952471-0590 10 20 ?:7CA17' GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, -- 36 IN WIDE • I.I:-.7.-- - NI I TIRE COMPACTION ZONE FLOW , MACHINE SLICE — 8 IN -12 IN DEPTH SHEET NO Cl OR C1 DESIGNED BY JAP ':,,,I7,ff,,`„`,I,T.7:WrIg;`,VgggTZ=TITZT2',1'ca="° LOTS 5 & 6, BLOCK 14 - COUNTRY THE GREGORY GROUP, INC. REVISIONS DRAINAG, ARROW, PROT.... ENGINEER UNC1TNE LYW00, NE STATE OF MINNESOTA ( CLUB DISTRICT BROWN SECTION LAND SURVEYING & ENGINEERING DIANE MULLIGAN 0•30C SUNNY.. ROAD DRAWN OV. JRI). 4604 BROWNDALE AVENUE un..w4olaufv.,[ornr.ny.cank EDINA. MINNESOTA CHECICEOBV GRP 4EFFRErn.SEH.?RA F E CATE 0601.1a LIC. NO. 52706 EDINA, MINNESOTA PROJECT 1,17779 STORMWATER EROSION CONTROL PLAN 4 Date: June 27, 2018 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C UP : 250 S outhdale C enter for R ooftop Dining Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R ecommend approval of the Conditional U se P ermit (C U P ) I N TR O D U C TI O N: S ee attached staff report. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Aeiral Map Applicant Submittal June 27,2018 Planning Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner CUP – Rooftop Dining, Life Time Athletic, 250 Southdale Center Information / Background: Life Time Athletic, the applicant, is proposing rooftop dining at the building under construction at 250 Southdale Center, the former site of J.C. Penney at Southdale Center. A site plan for Life Time and an adjacent multi-tenant building were reviewed and administratively approved by planning staff. A formal review of the site plan was not required because the square footage of the new Life Time is smaller in size than the previous J.C. Penney. A footing and foundation permit was issued on June 18, 2018 and a second building permit for the remainder of the work is currently under review. Life Time Athletic is a three story building plus a rooftop which includes leisure pools, lounge seating, bocce courts, and the proposed rooftop bistro/restaurant. To accommodate the request, the following is requested: Conditional Use Permit for the rooftop dining. Rooftop restaurants are a conditional use in the Planned Commercial District. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Firestone Tires & Homewood Suites (under construction); zoned PCD-3 and guided Community Activity Center Easterly: Southdale Center property (parking ramp); zoned PCD-3, Planned Commercial District and Guided Community Activity Center Southerly: Southdale Center; zoned PCD-3 and guided Community Activity Center STAFF REPORT Page 2 Westerly: Southdale Center; zoned PCD-3 and guided Community Activity Center Existing Site Features The subject property, 250 Southdale Center, is 2.43 acres in size and is located within the Southdale Center site. Planning Guide Plan designation: CAC, Community Activity Center Zoning: PCD-3, Planned Commercial District Site Circulation, Traffic & Parking There would be no change in access or traffic to the site. The proposed rooftop restaurant would be utilized by Life Time Athletic members and guests. No additional traffic or parking needs would be generated with the approval of the rooftop restaurant. A number of parking studies have been completed with new development and redevelopment of Southdale Center. The latest parking study, completed with the Untiedt’s Garden Market proposal in March of 2018, accounted for the redevelopment of the J.C. Penney site with the Life Time Athletic Fitness/Retail/Office development. Building/Building Material No changes would be made to the exterior of the building which was administratively approved by planning staff. Conditional Use Permit Per Section 36-612 of the Edina City Code, a conditional use permit for rooftop restaurants shall meet the following: 1. Hours of operation are limited to 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. The city council may further restrict the hours of operation based upon the proximity of the area to residential dwelling units and upon considerations relating to the safety and welfare of residents, businesses, and other uses near the establishment. 2. Amplified sound shall be subject to the city's noise ordinance chapter 23, division 5 of the city Code. 3. The rooftop dining area shall be kept in a clean and orderly manner. No food or beverages may be stored on the rooftop unless a suitable means for such storage has been reviewed and approved by the city as part of the CUP. STAFF REPORT Page 3 4. Rooftop restaurants must be adequately screened from adjacent residential uses at the time the rooftop restaurant is established. 5. A liquor license is required to serve alcohol in the rooftop dining area. 6. Fencing or a guard is required around the perimeter of the rooftop dining area per the Minnesota State Building Code. 7. Lighting shall be permitted to the extent that it only illuminates the designated area. Lighting shall not shine or cause a glare upon other public or private property outside the designated area, and subject to section 36-1260. Staff believes that the above criteria are met. The application indicates that the rooftop will generally be open seasonally from May until September, weather permitting. The applicant initially requested hours of operation (subject to change based on weather and business conditions) from 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM (sometimes later with special events as the City permits), but since the initial application was submitted they have agreed to the hours of 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM to comply with Section 36-612 of the Edina City Code. There isn’t residential property in close proximity to the proposed rooftop restaurant. The Onyx Apartments are located over 500 feet away from Life Time Athletic, 66 West is 600 feet away and One Southdale place is roughly 800 feet away. The rooftop and the rooftop restaurant will be open to members and guests of Life Time Athletic, it will not be open to the public (non-members). Based on this information the parking is adequate for the rooftop restaurant and no additional spaces are required. PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues • Are the plans proposed reasonable to minimize impacts for the conditionally permitted Use? Yes, the proposed application for rooftop dining meets the requirements per section 36-612 of the Zoning Code. There are no changes to the proposed building or approved site plan. The rooftop restaurant is only open to members and guests of Life Time Athletic and therefore no additional parking will be required with the request. Per the requirements of a Conditional Use Permit, it can be determined that the project will meet the requirements for a rooftop restaurant. Staff Recommendation Recommend that the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for rooftop dining at Life Time Athletic at 250 Southdale Circle. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Approval is subject to the following conditions and findings: 1. The proposed rooftop dining is not in close proximity to existing residential uses. 2. The proposal meets the conditional use permit criteria in Section 36-612 of the City Code. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Hours of operation are limited to 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. 2. Amplified sound shall be subject to the city’s noise ordinance chapter 23, division 5 of the city code. 3. The rooftop dining area will be kept in a clean and orderly manner. 4. A liquor license is required to serve alcohol. 5. Required fencing shall meet the Minnesota State Building Code and must be reviewed and approved by the Building Department at the time of building permit. 6. Lighting shall meet the requirements in Section 36-1260 of City Code. 7. The rooftop dining area shall be constructed per the plans date stamped May 14, 2018 Edina, H ennepin, MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates 2013, HN Aerial 2015, ©WSB & Associates 2013 250 Southdale Center June 21, 2018 Map Powered by DataLink from WSB & Associates 1 in = 350 ft / LIFE TIME HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE LTF Club Operations Company, Inc. (d/b/a Life Time Athletic, LifeCafe) Proposed Business Operations Plan — Rooftop Dinning and Alcohol Service - Southdale Conditional Use Permit Consideration Approved: These conditions will be in addition to the Edina City Council and the Minnesota Alcohol and Gambling division's Rules and Regulations for the Licensing and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages (Rules and Regulations). These conditions are in anticipation of questions or concerns that may arise from either of the above listed government entities concerning Life Time's proposed rooftop poolside bistro & bar and lounge area at the Life Time Athletic — Southdale ("Life Time"). A. General Conditions 1) The Life Time rooftop poolside bistro & bar shall comply with all provisions of City Edina code §4-9-13(c) concerning physical patio requirements within the City of Edina. 2) The bistro will generally be open seasonally from May until September, weather permitting. The expected hours of operation (subject to change based on weather and business conditions) shall be 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM (or sometimes later for events, as the city permits). 3) Food (see attached sample menu) and alcohol service will be available and offered from both the bistro and bar where patrons will either be served while dining at a table or lounging poolside or may order directly from and sit at the bar. 4) Life Time also expects to utilize the rooftop space for various member and member guest events throughout the season. 5) Life Time shall at all times (including during events) provide adequate staffing in accordance with customary standards and best practices for the areas of food and alcohol service, in order to implement and enforce these Conditions and the Rules and Regulations. If staffing levels fall below the preceding requirement, the number of patrons who may be served alcohol, and the areas within which said patrons may be served, shall be delimited by physical barriers/delineations, as the case may be, to maintain adequate staffing. 6) The rooftop poolside bistro and bar will operate as a full-service restaurant serving food and drink to seated patrons, with service being provided to the patrons by wait staff. All alcohol sold shall be only in cups that are distinctive and easily recognizable by staff and law enforcement officers. Patrons consuming alcohol will be required to provide proper identification when ordering, and wait staff may require patrons to provide proper identification at the time the alcoholic beverage is delivered, as necessary, all as 4.k.t,'''.7?• customary for the operation of a full-service restaurant. In addition to any o*F‘staffing levels required under these Conditions and the Rules and Regulations, tikktriAvill be adequate staff to assist with table busing, such that any seats or tabOttnattended even for a minimal period will be assumed vacant and cleaned for use by%ther patrons. 9N‘ 6C4' LIFE TIME HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE B. Alcohol Service Conditions 1) When alcohol service to patrons is not permitted under the alcohol License, all alcohol shall be stored in a secured manner, as required by the Rules and Regulations, to prevent unauthorized access. 2) Life Time shall provide to all its members, either within its customary membership documentation, or in a separate document, a requirement that members and their guests engage in responsible consumption of alcohol. 3) These General Conditions and the Rules and Regulations shall apply to any private event involving alcohol service and held at the Life Time Facility. If these Conditions, in the City's and Life Time's reasonable opinion, need review and potential revisions to ensure the Life Time Facility continues to operate in accordance with customary standards and best practices for the service of alcohol, Life Time and the City agree to cooperate to make reasonable revisions to these Conditions for the purpose of ensuring that the Life Time Facility operates in accordance with customary standards and best practices for the service of alcohol pursuant to the Rules and Regulations and all other applicable alcohol laws and regulations. ATTACHMENTS A Life Time Facility Floor Plans B Sample Poolside Bistro and Bar Menu 1111 1:111 Ilkif WORE .01 1111/11 V 1111 H 115111 !MN 111111r ; Et - . NS 20* Soc,gr,, edt Street 4 r•.2O18 Gbogie Date: June 27, 2018 Agenda Item #: V.C . To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:P UBLI C HEAR I NG : AUAR , Alternative Urban Areawide R eview, P entagon P ark Area - Update Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: T he planning commission is asked to review the updated AU AR and provide comments to the City Council before they authorize distribution of the AU AR U pdate for agency comment. T he goal is to have the C ity C ouncil adopt the AU AR Update in August. Any further development proposals in the area would then go through the normal “P lanning” process. I N TR O D U C TI O N: S ee attached AU AR AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Memo Updated AUAR City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: June 27, 2018 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: AUAR, Alternative Urban Areawide Review – Update Introduction/Background: As part of a rezoning of the Pentagon Park Area to MDD-6, Mixed Use Development, an AUAR, Environmental Study was completed in 2007, to examine impacts of the proposed development, and development scenarios beyond the densities suggested by the development. The proposed development at that time was to tear down the buildings on the Pentagon Tower and Pentagon Quads site and build the following: 634 senior housing units An 80,000 square foot hotel Two office towers that would total 737,000 square feet, and two above ground parking structures. The Pentagon Tower and Quad sites contain 660,500 square feet of office space today. Included in the project area were Burgundy Place, Walsh Title and 7600 Parklawn office building. The project area is shown on Figure 3 within in the attached AUAR Update. The proposed project was never developed; and the property ownership has since changed to Hillcrest Development. Since no development has occurred, for the Environmental Study to remain valid, it must be updated. An AUAR allows the flexibility to examine different development scenarios, including what would be allowed under the current zoning and comprehensive plan; and other development scenarios, including, what the developer is considering. An AUAR enables cities to evaluate how much development can be accommodated in an area without significant environmental impacts. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 An AUAR does not replace or overrule any of the normal Comprehensive Plan or zoning ordinance required hearings, project review, or other city approvals. It simply is a vehicle for identifying and evaluating any and all potential project environmental impacts prior to an official development application. WSB & Associates have been hired by the City, at the expense of the landowner, to update the AUAR. WSB conducted the full AUAR in 2007, and updated the AUAR in 2013. Andi Moffit, from WSB will be at the Planning Commission meeting to present the update to the Planning Commission. Attached is the AUAR Update. Recommendation: The planning commission is asked to review the updated AUAR and provide comments to the City Council before they authorize distribution of the AUAR Update for agency comment. The goal is to have the City Council adopt the AUAR Update in August. Any further development proposals in the area would then go through the normal “Planning” process. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 FINAL ALTERNATIVE URBAN AREAWIDE REVIEW - UPDATE GATEWAY STUDY AREA - UPDATE Original AUAR: September 2007 Update 1: September 3, 2013 Update 2: June 2018 Prepared for: City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 WSB PROJECT NO. 11179-000 FINAL ALTERNATIVE URBAN AREAWIDE REVIEW UPDATE Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 GATEWAY STUDY AREA – UPDATE FOR THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA Original AUAR: September 2007 Update 1: September 3, 2013 Update 2: June 2018 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. City of Edina 701 Xenia Avenue – Suite 300 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis, MN 55416 Edina, MN 55424 763-541-4800 952-826-0460 TABLE OF CONTENTS Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction and Purpose ........................................................................................1 II. Approved Development/Current Conditions .......................................................2 III. Areas Remaining to be Developed ..........................................................................2 IV. Update to the Environmental Review ....................................................................2 V. Mitigation Summary and Update ...............................................................................6 VI. AUAR Update Review...............................................................................................14 List of Figures Figure 1 Location Map Figure 2 USGS Location Map Figure 3 Aerial Photo Figure 4-1 Scenario 1 Figure 4-2 Scenario 2 Figure 4-3 Scenario 3 Figure 4-4 Scenario 4 Appendix A – Figures Appendix B – Agency Correspondence Appendix C – Traffic Study Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 1 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 I. Introduction and Purpose The Gateway Study Area (Study Area) is approximately 135 acres. The Study Area is bounded by Minnesota Trunk Highway 100 (TH 100) on the west, France Avenue on the east, 76th Street West and Fred Richards Golf Course on the north, and Edina’s border with Bloomington on the south. The area is shown on Figures 1, 2, and 3 (Appendix A). The Study Area currently contains a mixture of light industrial/warehouse, commercial, office and residential uses. There is a total of 1,904,000 gross square feet (gsf) of these uses in the existing conditions. The City of Edina adopted the Final AUAR on November 5, 2007. The City updated the AUAR in September 2013. Pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.3610 Subp. 7, for the AUAR to remain valid as the environmental review document for the area, the document needs to be updated every five years until all development in the study area has received final approval. Since not all redevelopment has received approval in the study area and another five years has passed, the purpose of this document is to update the AUAR pursuant to Minnesota Rules. The 2007 and 2013 AUAR included an analysis of the following development scenarios (Figure 4-1 to 4-4, Appendix A): Scenario 1 – Comprehensive Plan Scenario 2 – Master Plan Scenario Scenario 3 – Maximum Commercial Build Scenario Scenario 4 – Maximum Residential Scenario Table 1: Summary of Redevelopment Scenarios Existing Conditions Scenario 1: Comprehensive Plan Scenario 2: Master Plan Scenario 3: Maximum Commercial Scenario 4: Maximum Residential Office 1,873,000 1,546,000 1,862,000 3,261,000 1,094,000 Commercial / Retail/Hotel 15,000 174,000 15,000 15,000 Office & Light Industrial Mix 1,296,000 1,296,000 1,296,000 1,296,000 Residential 31,000 31,000 914,000 31,000 1,581,000 TOTAL: 1,904,000 2,888,000 4,246,000 4,603,000 3,986,000 In 2008, the City updated their Comprehensive Plan. However, Scenario 1 is still consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. This AUAR Update serves as an update of the 2007 and 2013 AUAR, and includes a review of the areas that have and have not developed, an update to the environmental analysis as needed, and a review of the mitigation measures. The original 2007 AUAR and 2013 AUAR Update are available for review on the City’s web-site at https://edinamn.gov/546/Planning. Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 2 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 II. Approved Development/Current Conditions Since 2013, a 68,000 square-foot medical office has developed in the study area in the northwest corner of France Avenue and Minnesota Drive. In 2008, the City updated their Comprehensive Plan. Scenario 1 is still consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. III. Areas Remaining to be Developed Some redevelopment has occurred within the study area. The initial potential redevelopment that triggered the initial AUAR in 2007 did not come to fruition. Recently, there has been renewed interest in redevelopment of the area. The redevelopment plans are within or below the densities analyzed in the AUAR. Timeline: There has been renewed interest in redevelopment in the study area for the Pentagon Towers (aka Pentagon South) and Pentagon Quads (aka Pentagon North) area (Figure 3, Appendix A). The City of Edina anticipates redevelopment to begin in 2018/2019. IV. Update to the Environmental Review Wildlife: The DNR Natural Heritage Database was reviewed to provide an update for any threatened and endangered species. This review and DNR correspondence is included in Appendix B. There are no new incidents of rare or endangered species within the study area. Contamination and Past Land Use: Public MPCA database information was reviewed to update this section of the AUAR to identify verified or potential hazardous substances and petroleum release sites associated with the project area or surrounding area. The following databases were reviewed as part of this investigation: • MPCA "What's in My Neighborhood?" website search • MPCA Storage Tank Leak site website search Forty-three sites were identified for the project area. Some of the identified sites were listed on more than one database and most the listings were for small quantity hazardous waste generator (23) and tank sites (10). Inclusions on the generator and tank databases do not indicate a regulated material spill or release. However, the following database listings for the project area were determined to directly indicate historic or current environmental contamination: Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 3 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Sites • MPCA Leak #4105 – Pentagon Office Park located at 4930 West 77th Street, Edina, MN 55435. This site has been issued site closure by the MPCA. Site closure indicates that the contamination, if present, has been investigated and determined to not pose a threat to human health or the environment. Note: site closure does not indicate that the site is free of contamination. • MPCA Leak #627 - Pentagon Office Park located at West 77th Street, Edina, MN 55435. This site has been issued site closure by the MPCA. • MPCA Leak # 617 – Roberts Automatic Products located at 4451 West 76th Street, Edina, MN 55435. This site has been issued site closure by the MPCA. • MPCA Leak #19754 – Pentagon Office Park located at 4940 Viking Drive, Edina, MN 55435. The site has been issues site closure by the MPCA. Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (VIC) Sites • MPCA VIC #28660 – Hillcrest Development located at 4530, 4540, 4550, 4570, 4600, 4640, and 4660 West 77th Street, Edina, MN 55435. • MPCA VIC #29410 – Hillcrest Development located at 4510, 4815, and 4901 West 77th Street and 7600 Parklawn Avenue, Edina, MN 55435. • MPCA VIC #2890 – Parklawn located at 7625 Parklawn Avenue, Edina, MN,\ 55435. • MPCA VIC #13540 – National Rental Car located at 7700 France Avenue, Edina, MN 55435. Petroleum Brownfields Sites • MPCA PB #4182 – Hillcrest Development located at 4530, 4540, 4550, 4570, 4600, 4640, and 4660 West 77th Street, Edina, MN 55435 (also a VIC site). • MPCA PB #4239 – Hillcrest Development located at 4510, 4815, and 4901 West 77th Street and 7600 Parklawn Avenue, Edina, MN 55435 (also a VIC site). Wastewater System: The AUAR analyzed the wastewater system in the area, including the Metropolitan Council’s interceptor, BN-499. Since the 2007 AUAR, a wastewater project was completed in the area. As a result of the AUAR and potential re-development anticipated within the study area, the City of Bloomington, in conjunction with Metropolitan Council, upgraded Lift Station 10 (MCES L-55) to a near- term capacity of 1.8 million gallons per day (mgd) and other upgrades are in process. Project improvements also involved constructing a new 16-inch forcemain to replace the existing 12-inch forcemain in West 84th Street in Bloomington, providing a long-term capacity in the forcemain of 4.8 mgd. Inter-community flows from Edina have been-redirected to the new forcemain, essentially bypassing the gravity portions of MCES Interceptor BN-499 to provide additional capacity for re-development in Bloomington. The City of Edina also updated their Comprehensive Sewer Plan. Water Supply System: No changes to the water supply system have occurred in the area. The City is in the process of updating their water supply plan for the city. Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 4 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 Storm Water Management: The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District adopted updated rules in 2015. Based on these rules, if a redevelopment project disturbs more than 50 percent of the existing impervious surface on the parcel (or increases the imperviousness of the entire parcel by more than 50 percent), retention of one inch of runoff from all the impervious surface will need to be provided. Also, peak flow runoff rates cannot exceed the existing conditions for the 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year storm events and the runoff from a 2.5-inch storm event from the parcel will need to be treated to remove at least 60% of the phosphorus and 90% of the total suspended solids. Two impaired water bodies are within one mile of the study area. Nine Mile Creek has been listed as impaired for chloride and fishes bioassessment. Edina Lake in listed as impaired for nutrient and eutrophication. No TMDL study has been completed to date. The City is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. Additionally, the Edina, Bloomington, and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District are further revising stormwater management in the study area. Transportation: The original AUAR was completed in 2007 and analyzed the impacts of the four development scenarios for the years 2014 and 2030. An updated AUAR was completed in 2013 with new traffic count data. The new traffic counts were compared to those assumed in the 2007 AUAR, and it was determined that recommended mitigation measures were still valid. As part of the current AUAR update a new Traffic Impact Study of the Gateway Area was completed. The Traffic Study is included as Appendix C. The analysis included: conducting updated traffic counts at the impacted area intersections; projecting traffic to new analysis years of 2025 and 2040 for each development scenario; include area development in Edina and Bloomington in the traffic projections; conducting capacity analysis and level of service analysis at the area intersection for the new analysis years for each development scenario; comparing the analysis results to the 2007 AUAR, and; updating the required traffic and transportation mitigation for each scenario. Based on the new Traffic Impact Study for the Gateway Area it was concluded that most of the mitigation from the 2007 AUAR is still valid. The updated mitigation with the anticipated condition (no-build or full-build) and year the improvement would be needed is included in Section V of this update. Trails: The City of Edina has completed the Fred Richards Park Master Plan. This included plans for a regional trail through the Fred Richards Park property north of the study area. Development in the study area will need to continue greenway and trail connections to the park area. Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 5 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 Cumulative Impacts: The study area and its surroundings are within a first-ring suburb of Minneapolis that is generally fully developed. Cumulative impacts will generally be driven by either individual parcel redevelopment or area-wide redevelopment. To analyze cumulative impacts for the study area, the information from the 2013 AUAR was updated to reflect known or approved redevelopment projects within or near the study area. Table 2 summarizes the known redevelopment plans and updates the 2013 AUAR in the area. Table 2. Summary of Adjacent Redevelopment Proposals City Development Summary of Impacts Edina 6500 France Avenue (Aurora on France) 180 units of senior housing and seven care suites Southdale Medical Building 60,000 sf medical office addition and new parking ramp 66 West (3330 66th Street - Affordable Housing project 39 units The Millennium (3250 66th Street) 230 units of apartments Envi Edina (3200 Southdale Circle) 190 units of apartments Homewood Suites Hotel at Southdale 150 rooms The Onyx (6725 York) 240 units of apartments Southdale One Apartments at Southdale 232 units of apartments Byerly’s Redevelopment (71 France) 234 units of housing 47,000 sf new Byerly’s 21,000 sf new retail 9,000 sf Think Bank Continental Gardens (7001 York) 100 senior housing Restoration Hardware at Southdale 58,000 sf furniture store and restaurant Lifetime Fitness Replacement of 247,000 sf JCPenney 120,000 sf Lifetime Fitness 65,000 sf Retail Shake Shack at Southdale 4,000 sf restaurant 7700 France Ave (Twin City Orthopedic) 68,000 sf medical office with free standing parking ramp Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 6 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 V. Mitigation Summary and Update Many of the mitigation measures outlined in the 2007 AUAR still remain valid. The updated mitigation measures are outlined below and either remain in effect from the 2007 AUAR or have been updated based on new analysis as noted. A. Land Use Compatibility and Permitting A1. Scenario 1 is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. The City anticipates a density increase in the residential uses from 30 to 60 units per acre. The proposed change in land use of Scenarios 2, 3, and 4 at the Pentagon Towers and Pentagon Quads site will require a Comprehensive Plan Amendment. A2. Any redevelopment will be required to meet Edina zoning requirements. A3. Any project proposers will be required to obtain any necessary approvals and permits. A4. If components of a proposed project exceed Edina City Code requirements, variances from the City’s requirement will need to be applied for by the developer. The City will review these variance requests and make a determination as to the approval or denial of the project as part of the review process. A project proposer could also seek to amend the City Code. This request would also be reviewed by the City. B. Geologic Hazards, Erosion Control, and Hazardous Material B1. Prior to demolition an asbestos survey shall be completed by a project proposer. At the time of demolition, any necessary asbestos abatement will need to be completed by the project proposer in compliance with MPCA requirements. B2. The management, containment, and cleanup of any spills that may occur within the Study Area during construction will be addressed by the permit holders of the MPCA NPDES/SDS Stormwater Construction Permit and its accompanying Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan preparation. B3. If a neighborhood convenience store and gas station is proposed, the project proposer will be required to adhere to State regulations for containment of underground petroleum tanks and an annual license would be needed. B4. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), including temporary and permanent seeding and staging plans, will be required to be submitted by each project proposer and reviewed by Edina. B5. The project proposer will need to develop an erosion control plan and submit this plan to the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District for review and approval. Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 7 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 B6. During construction, the project proposer and their contractor will implement Best Management Practices as needed to prevent erosion and sedimentation of downstream water resources. B7. Edina will develop a SWPPP and obtain an NPDES permit for the construction of any public infrastructure improvements (sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main) that disturb one acre of land or more. B8. Edina will conduct erosion control inspections during construction. B9. Project proposers will make environmental hazard investigation documents, such as Phase I Environmental Assessments, available to Edina. B10. Project proposers will be required to remediate any contaminated soils encountered in conformance with MPCA regulations. B11. Project proposers will be required to remove and properly dispose of trash and debris located within a project site, including all demolition materials that may include asbestos. B12. Municipal waste hauler companies will make residential and commercial recycling programs available to the Study Area. General municipal waste will be removed by these waste hauler companies. B13. The NPDES Construction Site permit requires a site specific SWPPP to be completed for the construction by the project proposer. This SWPPP is required to include pollution prevention management measures for solid waste and hazardous material spills that occur during construction. B14. Mitigation includes conformance with the Edina spill response plan. Spills will be reported to the fire chief and/or applicable City staff. The fire chief and/or applicable City staff will in turn notify any other appropriate officials depending on the nature of the spill. B15. Project proposers will be required to develop a temporary dewatering plan for construction activities, review this plan with Edina and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District for approval, and conform to the dewatering requirements of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and NPDES Construction permit. B16. If a redevelopment project involves permanent dewatering for underground facilities, a detailed dewatering plan is required to be developed by the project proposer. This plan would include anticipated dewatering amounts, direction of discharge, analysis of impact on adjacent ponds and downstream receiving waters, and impact on the organic material within the Study Area for the Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 8 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 potential for subsidence. The plan will need to be submitted to Edina, Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, and DNR for review and/or approval. C. Fish, Wildlife, Wetlands, and Ecologically Sensitive Resources C1. Buildings to be removed as part of redevelopment will be field checked by the project proposer to determine if there are nesting Peregrine Falcons on the structure. If falcons are noted nesting on the structure, the site cannot be disturbed until the juvenile birds have fledged and left the nest. C2. The project proposer will be required to delineate wetlands within their project boundaries, if any, and review these delineations with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District and Edina to determine jurisdictional status. The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District is the Local Government Unit for the Wetland Conservation Act and will review and verify any wetland delineations. C3. If wetland impact is proposed, the project proposer will be required to minimize impact to the maximum extent possible and mitigate for any unavoidable impacts in conformance with the Wetland Conservation Act. D. Municipal Water Use and Service D1. Edina will work with Bloomington to determine the needs for water system capacity improvements, water main upgrades, and future service to the Gateway Study Area. D2. In conjunction with their Comprehensive Plan update, Edina will complete an update to the 2002 Water Distribution System Analysis for the entire city to determine what current and future water system improvements may be necessary to continue to serve the city’s water needs and maintain a water system firm capacity above the maximum daily water use within the city. D3. As redevelopment occurs, Edina will complete an analysis of the water mains within the Study Area to determine if performing water main replacement is necessary and if it should occur in conjunction with other potential infrastructure improvements, such as sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and transportation improvements. D4. Any abandoned wells found within the Study Area will be sealed in accordance with Minnesota Department of Health guidelines. This will be the responsibility of the project proposer. D5. In accordance with Edina’s Wellhead Protection Plan, continued protection of the existing Drinking Water Supply Management Areas located within the Study Area will be required for redevelopment projects. Additionally, potential for well interference, impact of groundwater pumping on surface waters, and Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 9 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 vulnerability to contamination will need to be reviewed if additional water appropriations are needed D6. There is potential for areas that redevelop within the Bloomington service area to request to be served by Edina. If this occurs, additional analysis and water main improvements will need to be completed by Edina in coordination with Bloomington. D7. Individual redevelopment may require the installation of service pumps to serve multi-story buildings and to provide adequate fire protection. The size and type of pumps will vary based on individual building characteristics, should meet the existing local building and fire protection codes, and will be the responsibility of the developer. E. Water Quality and Quantity E1. Redevelopment projects will be required to be designed to meet the policies of the most current Edina Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. E2. Redevelopment projects will be required to be designed to meet the policies of the most current Nine Mile Creek Watershed District requirements. E3. Redevelopment within the Study Area will be required to limit peak runoff rates to at least existing conditions and reduce the runoff volume so as not to negatively impact the existing storm sewer system. E4. Redevelopment needs to reduce the amount of impervious surface within the project limits or develop a site specific stormwater management plan that shows that the project will not impact downstream pollutant or volume loading. E5. If warranted by Edina’s Nondegradation Plan, project proposers will need to include stormwater management strategies that reduce the total suspended solid loadings, total phosphorous pollutant loadings, and stormwater runoff volumes from the Study Area. E6. Any redevelopment project that disturbs more than one acre of land is required to develop a SWPPP and obtain an NPDES permit from the MPCA. E7. Edina and project proposer(s) will investigate the expansion of the existing ponding areas within the Fred Richards Golf Course to provide additional storage and treatment as outlined in Edina’s Water Resource Management Plan. Update: A master plan for the Fred Richards Golf Course has been completed and includes wetland creation and flood storage as desirable service to include in future park development. Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 10 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 E8. The cities of Edina and Bloomington will petition the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District to expand the South Pond (SP_1) pond to provide additional storm water treatment for the area. E9. As Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) studies are completed for impaired waters in the area, the results of these studies will be reviewed by Edina. Redevelopment in the Study Area will be required to meet any mitigation and pollutant load reductions that may be outlined within the TMDL studies. E10. The project proposer will review and determine which Low Impact Development (LID) practices are feasible to be used for each parcel. Edina will review the LID techniques and encourage their use to the greatest extent possible. E11. A maintenance plan is required to be reviewed and approved by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District for privately constructed and maintained stormwater management facilities. F. Wastewater Mitigation Plan F1. Any redevelopment activities that may increase the total sanitary sewer flows within Service Area A beyond threshold limits for peak capacity will require upgraded facilities within the Gateway Study Area (Computer Avenue sanitary sewer) and Bloomington (MCES Bloomington Lift Station No. 10) to accommodate increased flows. Bloomington Lift Station No. 10 is also denoted at MCES Lift Station L-55. In 2011, the pumps in the existing lift station were upgraded to provide a near- term peak capacity of 1.8 million gallons per day (mgd). Future increases in flow for re-development will need to be evaluated as the final lift station site is proposed to be relocated with the proposed future realignment of I-494. F2. Edina, Bloomington, and Metropolitan Council Environmental Services will continue discussions and analysis regarding proposed capacity upgrades to Bloomington Lift Station No. 10 and the MCES BN-499 Interceptor along West 84th Street in Bloomington. Capacity to L-55 (Bloomington LS 10 was increased to a peak flow of 1.8 MDG as previously discussed. Also in 2011,The MCES BN-499 interceptor was replaced with a 16-inch forcemain from L-55 southerly and westerly along W. 84th Street to a gravity sewer approximately 600 feet west of France Avenue. The forcemain was designed to carry peak flows for the proposed redevelopment area. F3. Edina will complete and update has updated its Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan. Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 11 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 F4. Edina will upgrade Lift Station No. 22. F5. In conjunction with redevelopment activities, Edina will determine the condition of the existing sanitary sewer pipe within the Gateway Study Area to determine if repairs or replacement is necessary based on in-place pipe condition and infiltration potential. G. Traffic and Transportation G1. Scenarios 1 and 4 The following mitigation strategies are needed for Scenario 1 and 4 to accommodate future full development traffic projections: Intersection: France Avenue / West 76th Street Improvement: Extend one southbound thru lane on France Avenue to create a total of four thru lanes Needed By: 2040 No-Build Intersection: France Avenue / West 78th Street Improvement: Eastbound dual right turn lanes on West 78th Street Southbound lanes approaching the I-494 ramps restriped to provide exclusive lanes to both westbound I-494 and eastbound I-494. The right lane will drop at the westbound I-494 ramp providing an exclusive ramp lane. The second lane will also be an exclusive lane leading to I- 494 eastbound, reducing the weaving and stacking of vehicles that occur today. The County has expressed interest in participation. Needed By: 2040 Full Build Intersection: Edina Industrial Boulevard / West 78th Street Improvement: Eastbound dual left turn lanes on West 78th Street Needed By: 2040 Full Build Intersection: Edina Industrial Boulevard / Metro Boulevard Improvement: Add southbound right turn lane on Metro Boulevard, restriping the existing two southbound lanes to accommodate an exclusive left turn lane, and a thru/left lane, providing dual left turn lanes. Add 300-foot eastbound left turn lane on Edina Industrial Boulevard Needed By: 2040 Full Build Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 12 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 Intersection: Northbound TH 100 / West 77th Street Improvement: Add 150-foot northbound right turn lane on Frontage Road Westbound dual right turn lanes on West 77th Street Needed By: 2025 No-Build G2. Scenario 2 Scenario 2 will require all the improvements listed above in addition to the following: Intersection: Minnesota Drive / France Avenue Improvement: Dual westbound left turn lanes on Minnesota Drive Eastbound dual left turn lanes on Minnesota Drive Needed By: 2040 Full Build Intersection: Northbound TH 100 / West 77th Street Improvement: Add 150-foot eastbound right turn lane on West 77th Street Needed By: 2025 Build Intersection: Computer Avenue / West 77th Street Improvement: Northbound dual left turn lanes on Computer Avenue Needed By: 2040 Full Build Intersection: Minnesota Drive / West 77th Street / Johnson Avenue Improvement: Southbound dual left turn lanes on West 77th Street Needed By: 2040 Full Build G3. Scenario 3 Scenario 3 will require all the above improvements listed under Scenarios 1, 2, and 4 in addition to the following: Intersection: Minnesota Drive / France Avenue Improvement: Eastbound dual right turn lanes on Minnesota Drive Needed By: 2040 Full Build Intersection: France Avenue / West 78th Street Improvement: Westbound dual right turn lanes on West 78th Street Needed By: 2040 Full Build Interchange: TH 100 / West 77th Street Improvement: Six-lane section from Metro Boulevard to Computer Avenue Dual left turn turns at both TH 100 Ramps (Hence an eight- lane bridge) Needed By: 2040 Full Build Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 13 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 G4. General The mitigation measures discussion above (G1 – G3) are needed to address full build-out of the site and surrounding area. Specific mitigation measures required for proposed development plans will be established through traffic and transportation studies required for each development proposal. These proposals will need to document compliance within the AUAR and mitigation plan. G5. Transit/Non-Motorized Transportation As redevelopment occurs in the Study Area, consideration of site-specific improvements needs to be included as developments are proposed. These would include upgrading the existing transit facilities, including bus shelters, to become ADA compliant and improving the sidewalk and/or path connections in and around each redevelopment. H. Odor, Noise, and Dust H1. During construction activities, the project proposer and contractor shall observe all dust control Best Management Practices for fugitive dust. H2. Edina will limit construction activities and any other activities that produce noise audible outside the perimeter of a property to between 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. H3. Noise mitigation will be necessary if any residential units are constructed near Receptor 2, located in the southwest quadrant of TH 100/West 77th Street. Any residential buildings should be constructed using noise abatement methods. Noise abatement requirements to conform to state standards can be found in Minn. Rules 7030.0050, subp. 3. I. Archaeological, historical, or architectural resources I1. Prior to redevelopment of the Pentagon Towers and Quads sites that would require razing of the existing structures, an evaluation and documentation of the historical and architectural significance of the sites will be needed by the project proposer. This information will need to be submitted to Edina. The Pentagon Tower site was razed and the site was documented prior to demolition. J. Cumulative Impacts J1. Edina will work with Bloomington and potentially participate in a regional traffic study that will assist in anticipating future potential redevelopment within the TH 100/I-494 area and plan for infrastructure improvements. Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Page 14 Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 11179-000 Edina will also coordinate with other entities to address cumulative impacts. These items have been addressed in other areas of the AUAR and include mitigation plan items D1, D6, E8, F1, and F2. K. Trails K1. Update: The City will coordinate with the Three Rivers Park District to facilitate development of the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail in the study area. The Nine Mile Creek Trail has been completed within the Fred Richards Golf Course Area. VI. AUAR Update Review This AUAR Update has been reviewed pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.3610 Subp. 7. The Gateway Study Area AUAR will remain valid for an additional five years from the City Council adoption date. Appendix A – Figures !"b$ %&h( %&d( %&c( !"b$!"b$ %&f( ?ØA@ %&c( %&e( %&d( !"`$ !"`$ )m )n )p ^_ ¨0 84Miles Figure 1Location MapGateway AUAR Path: K:\01686-370\GIS\Maps\Fig 1_location map.mxd Date: 4/29/2013Legend ^_Project Location %&f( ?úA@ Edina Bloomington Minnesota Drive West Shore DriveComputer Ave77th St. W Parklawn Ave76th St W France Ave S84th St W 78th St. W Normandale BlvdParklawn Ave 70th St W 72nd St W Lake Edina Fred Richards Golf Course ¨0 1,000500Feet Figure 2USGS Location MapGateway AUAR Path: K:\01686-370\GIS\Maps\Fig 2_USGS.mxd Date: 4/29/2013Legend Gateway Study Area %&f( ?úA@ Edina Bloomington Minnesota Drive West Shore DriveComputer Ave77th St. W Parklawn Ave76th St W France Ave S84th St W 78th St. W Normandale BlvdParklawn Ave 70th St W 72nd St W Lake Edina Fred Richards Golf Course 0 1,000500Feet Figure 3Aerial Location MapGateway AUAR Path: K:\01686-370\GIS\Maps\Fig 3_Aerial.mxd Date: 4/29/2013¨Legend Gateway AUAR Study Area Pentagon Quads Pentagon Towers 28.75 Ac 27.03 Ac 20.84 Ac 17.25 Ac12.08 Ac 8.00 Ac 6.59 Ac %&f( ?úA@ MINNESOTA DRIVE CITY OF BLOOMINGTON CITY OF EDINA COMPUTER AVELake Edina WEST SH O R E D RI V E Fred Richards Golf Course PARKLAWN AVE 2.14 Ac15,000 GSF Non-Res31,000 GSF Res(36 Units) 264,000 GSF Non-Res 589,000 GSF Non-Res 751,400 GSF Non-Res 78TH ST W 76TH ST W AMERICAN BLVD W 77TH ST W 70TH ST W FRANCE AVE SNORMANDALE BLVDPARKLAWN AVE84TH ST W H ST W 544,700 GSF Non-Res 375,700 GSF Non-Res 174,200 GSFNon-Res 143,600 GSFNon-Res ¨0 1,000500Feet Figure 4-1Gateway AUAR Scenario 1: Comprehensive Plan Legend Gateway AUAR PID POD-1 POD-2 PCD-3 * GSF = Gross Square Feet Path: K:\01686-370\GIS\Maps\Fig 4.1_Scenario1.mxd Date: 4/29/2013 28.75 Ac 27.03 Ac 20.84 Ac 17.25 Ac12.08 Ac 8.00 Ac 6.59 Ac %&f( ?úA@ Minnesota Drive CITY OF BLOOMINGTON CITY OF EDINA Computer AveLake Edina West Shore Drive Fred Richards Golf Course 883,000 GSF Residential(820 Units) (Incl. 150 Room Hotel) PARKLAWN AVE 78TH ST W 76TH ST W AMERICAN BLVD W 77TH ST W 70TH ST W FRANCE AVE SNORMANDALE BLVDPARKLAWN AVE84TH ST W 78TH ST W 751,400 GSF Non-Res 213,000 GSF Non-Res 544,700 GSF Non-Res 375,700 GSF Non-Res1,115,000 GSF Non-Res 174,200 GSFNon-Res 143,600 GSFNon-Res ¨Figure 4-2Gateway AUAR Scenario 2: Master Plan Legend Gateway AUAR PID POD-1 POD-2 PCD-3 PSR-4 * GSF = Gross Square Feet 0 1,000500Feet 2.14 Ac15,000 GSF Non-Res31,000 Res(36 Units)Path: K:\01686-370\GIS\Maps\Fig 4-2_Scenario2.mxd Date: 4/29/2013 28.75 Ac 27.03 Ac 20.84 Ac 17.25 Ac12.08 Ac 8.00 Ac 6.59 Ac %&f( ?úA@ Minnesota Drive CITY OF BLOOMINGTON CITY OF EDINA Computer AveLake Edina West Shore Drive Fred Richards Golf Course PARKLAWN AVE 78TH ST W 76TH ST W AMERICAN BLVD W 77TH ST W 70TH ST W FRANCE AVE SNORMANDALE BLVDPARKLAWN AVE84TH ST W 78TH ST W 751,400 GSF Non-Res 1,776,000 GSF Non-Res 544,700 GSF Non-Res 375,700 GSF Non-Res792,000 GSFNon-Res 174,200 GSFNon-Res 143,600 GSFNon-Res ¨0 1,000500Feet Figure 4-3Gateway AUAR Scenario 3 * GSF = Gross Square Feet Legend Gateway AUAR PID POD-1 POD-2 PCD-2 PCD-3 2.14 Ac15,000 GSF Non-Res31,000 GSF Res(36 Units)Path: K:\01686-370\GIS\Maps\Fig 4-3_Scenario3.mxd Date: 4/29/2013 Appendix B – Agency Correspondence History/Architecture Inventory PROPERTY NAME ADDRESS Twp Range Sec Quarters NRHP CEF DOE Inventory NumberReportUSGS COUNTY Hennepin CITY/TOWNSHIP:Edina Sturges House 6813 Oaklawn Ave.28 24 31 N-SW-SE HE-EDC-0592Minneapolis South Pentagon Park Office Tower (razed)4940 Viking Drive 28 24 31 SW-SW-SW Y HE-EDC-0656Bloomington Friday, December 08, 2017 Page 1 of 1 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Division of Ecological & Water Resources 500 Lafayette Road, Box 25 St. Paul, MN 55155-4025 February 14, 2018 Correspondence # ERDB 20180298 Mr. Matt Unmacht WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 RE: Natural Heritage Review of the proposed Edina Gateway AUAR Update, T28N R24W Section 31; Hennepin County Dear Mr. Unmacht, The Minnesota Natural Heritage Information System has been queried to determine if any rare species or other significant natural features are known to occur within an approximate one-mile radius of the proposed project. For the results of this query, please refer to the enclosed database reports (please visit the Rare Species Guide Website for more information on the biology, habitat use, and conservation measures of these rare species). I am providing the database reports only and have not evaluated the potential for the proposed project to adversely affect these rare features. The Natural Heritage Information System (NHIS), a collection of databases that contains information about Minnesota’s rare natural features, is maintained by the Division of Ecological and Water Resources, Department of Natural Resources. The NHIS is continually updated as new information becomes available, and is the most complete source of data on Minnesota's rare or otherwise significant species, native plant communities, and other natural features. However, the NHIS is not an exhaustive inventory and thus does not represent all of the occurrences of rare features within the state. Therefore, ecologically significant features for which we have no records may exist within the project area. If additional information becomes available regarding rare features in the vicinity of the project, further review may be necessary. The enclosed results include an Index Report and a Detailed Report of records in the Rare Features Database, the main database of the NHIS. To control the release of specific location information, which might result in the destruction of a rare feature, both reports are copyrighted. The Index Report provides rare feature locations only to the nearest section, and may be reprinted, unaltered, in an environmental review document (e.g., EAW or EIS), municipal natural resource plan, or report compiled by your company for the project listed above. If you wish to reproduce the index report for any other purpose, please contact me to request written permission. The Detailed Report is for your personal use only as it may include Page 2 of 2 specific location information that is considered nonpublic data under Minnesota Statutes, section 84.0872, subd. 2. If you wish to reprint or publish the Detailed Report for any purpose, please contact me to request written permission. For environmental review purposes, the results of this Natural Heritage Review are valid for one year; the results are only valid for the project location (noted above) and the project description provided on the NHIS Data Request Form. Please contact me if project details change or for an updated review if construction has not occurred within one year. The Natural Heritage Review does not constitute review or approval by the Department of Natural Resources as a whole. Instead, it identifies issues regarding known occurrences of rare features and potential effects to these rare features. If needed, please contact your DNR Regional Environmental Assessment Ecologist to determine whether there are other natural resource concerns associated with the proposed project. Please be aware that additional site assessments or review may be required. Thank you for consulting us on this matter, and for your interest in preserving Minnesota's rare natural resources. Please include a copy of this letter in any state or local license or permit application. An invoice will be mailed to you separately. Sincerely, Samantha Bump Natural Heritage Review Specialist Samantha.Bump@state.mn.us Enc. Rare Features Database: Index Report Rare Features Database: Detailed Report Rare Features Database Reports: An Explanation of Fields Links: Rare Species Guide http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/rsg/index.html DNR Regional Environmental Assessment Ecologist Contact Info http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/eco/ereview/erp_regioncontacts.html Cc: Becky Horton Leslie Parris Page 1 of 2Minnesota Natural Heritage Information SystemIndex Report of records within 1 mile radius of:ERDB #20180298 - Edina Gateway AUAR UpdateT28N R24W Section 31Hennepin CountyPrinted February 2018 Data valid for one yearRare Features Database:EO ID #Last Obs DateGlobalRankStateRankMNStatusFederalStatusElement Name and Occurrence NumberSGCNStatusDraftStatusVertebrate AnimalS2 G4 1989-08-25Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding's Turtle) #479THRT28N R24W S31; Hennepin County11306SGCNS2 G4 1993-05-07Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding's Turtle) #679THRT27N R24W S3, T28N R24W S33, T27N R24W S4, T28N R24W S27, T [...]; Hennepin County16923SGCNS3B G4 2011-08-MIDFalco peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon) #91SPCT27N R24W S5; Hennepin County33513SGCNS3B G5 1972-07Gallinula galeata (Common Gallinule) #2SPCT27N R24W S8, T27N R24W S7, T27N R24W S5, T27N R24W S6; Hennepin County1817SGCNRecords Printed = 4Minnesota's endangered species law (Minnesota Statutes, section 84.0895) and associated rules (Minnesota Rules, part 6212.1800 to 6212.2300 and 6134) prohibit the taking of threatened or endangered species without a permit. For plants, taking includes digging or destroying. For animals, taking includes pursuing, capturing, or killing. An Explanation of Fields:Element Name and Occurrence Number: The Element is the name of the rare feature. For plant and animal species records, this field holds the scientific name followed by the common name in parentheses; for all other elements it is solely the element name. Native plant community names correspond to Minnesota's Native Plant Community Classification (Version 2.0). The Occurrence Number, in combination with the Element Name, uniquely identifies each record. Federal Status: The status of the species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act: LE = endangered; LT = threatened; LE,LT = listed endangered in part of its range, listed threatened in another part of its range; LT,PDL = listed threatened, proposed for delisting; C = candidate for listing. If null or 'No Status,' the species has no federal status. MN Status: The legal status of the plant or animal species under the Minnesota Endangered Species Law: END = endangered; THR = threatened; SPC = special concern; NON = tracked, but no legal status. Native plant communities, geological features, and colonial waterbird nesting sites do not have any legal status under the Endangered Species Law and are represented by a N/A. Draft Status: Proposed change to the legal status of the plant or animal species under the Minnesota Endangered Species Law: END = endangered; THR = threatened; SPC = special concern; Watchlist = tracked, but no legal status. SGCN Status: SGCN = The species is a Species in Greatest Conservation Need as identified in Minnesota's State Wildlife Action Plan (http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/cwcs/index.html). This designation applies to animals only.State Rank: Rank that best characterizes the relative rarity or endangerment of the taxon or plant community in Minnesota. The ranks do not represent a legal status. They are used by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to set priorities for research, inventory and conservation planning. The state ranks are updated as inventory information becomes available. S1 = Copyright 2018 , Division of Ecological and Water Resources, State of Minnesota DNR Page 2 of 2Minnesota Natural Heritage Information SystemIndex Report of records within 1 mile radius of:ERDB #20180298 - Edina Gateway AUAR UpdateT28N R24W Section 31Hennepin CountyPrinted February 2018 Data valid for one yearCritically imperiled in Minnesota because of extreme rarity or because of some factor(s) making it especially vulnerable to extirpation from the state. S2 = Imperiled in Minnesota because of rarity or because of some factor(s) making it very vulnerable to extirpation from the state. S3 = Vulnerable in Minnesota either because rare or uncommon, or found in a restricted range, or because of other factors making it vulnerable to extirpation. S4 = Apparently secure in Minnesota, usually widespread. S5 = Demonstrably secure in Minnesota, essentially ineradicable under present conditions. SH = Of historical occurrence in the state, perhaps having not been verified in the past 20 years, but suspected to be still extant. An element would become SH without the 20-year delay if the only known occurrences in the state were destroyed or if it had been extensively and unsuccessfully looked for. SNR = Rank not yet assessed. SU = Unable to rank. SX = Presumed extinct in Minnesota. SNA = Rank not applicable. S#S# = Range Rank: a numeric range rank (e.g., S2S3) is used to indicate the range of uncertainty about the exact status of the element. S#B, S#N = Used only for migratory animals, whereby B refers to the breeding population of the element in Minnesota and N refers to the non-breeding population of the element in Minnesota. Global Rank: The global (i.e., range-wide) assessment of the relative rarity or imperilment of the species or community. Ranges from G1 (critically imperiled due to extreme rarity on a world-wide basis) to G5 (demonstrably secure, though perhaps rare in parts of its range). Global ranks are determined by NatureServe, an international network of natural heritage programs and conservation data centers. Last Observed Date: Date that the Element Occurrence was last observed to be extant at the site in format YYY-MM-DD.EO ID #: Unique identifier for each Element Occurrence record.Element Occurrence: An area of land and/or water in which an Element (i.e., a rare species or community) is, or was, present, and which has practical conservation value for the Element as evidenced by potential continued (or historical) presence and/or regular recurrence at a given location. Specifications for each species determine whether multiple observations should be considered 1 Element Occurrence or 2, based on minimum separation distance and barriers to movement. Copyright 2018 , Division of Ecological and Water Resources, State of Minnesota DNR Appendix C – Traffic Study Gateway AUAR Update Traffic Study For: City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55024 June 2018 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55416 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 2 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered professional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles T. Rickart, P.E., P.T.O.E. Date: June 2018 Reg. No. 26082 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 3 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION ...................................................................................................................................... 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... 3 LIST of FIGURES / TABLES .................................................................................................................. 4 INTRODUCTION / BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................... 5 EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................... 7 TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 12 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 24 TRANSIT ................................................................................................................................................. 31 NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION ......................................................................................... 32 AUAR MITIGATION REQIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 33 APPENDIX............................................................................................................................................... 35 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 4 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 LIST of FIGURES / TABLES Figure 1 - Location Map ........................................................................................................................ 6 Figure 2 – Key Intersections ............................................................................................................ 10 Figure 3A, 3B – Existing Conditions ................................................................................ Appendix Figure 4 – Scenario 1 Land Use ....................................................................................................... 15 Figure 5 – Scenario 2 Lane Use ....................................................................................................... 17 Figure 6 – Scenario 3 Lane Use ....................................................................................................... 19 Figure 7 – Scenario 4 Lane Use ....................................................................................................... 21 Figure 8A, 8B – Scenario 1 2025 Traffic ........................................................................ Appendix Figure 9A, 9B – Scenario 2 2025 Traffic ........................................................................ Appendix Figure 10A, 10B – Scenario 3 2025 Traffic ................................................................... Appendix Figure 11A, 11B – Scenario 4 2025 Traffic ................................................................... Appendix Figure 12A, 12B – Scenario 1 2040 Traffic ................................................................... Appendix Figure 13A, 13B – Scenario 2 2040 Traffic ................................................................... Appendix Figure 14A, 14B – Scenario 3 2040 Traffic ................................................................... Appendix Figure 15A, 15B – Scenario 4 2040 Traffic ................................................................... Appendix Figure 16 – Level of Service Ranges .............................................................................................. 25 Table 1 – Characteristics of Key Roadways ................................................................................... 7 Table 2 – Existing Area Trip Generation ..................................................................................... 11 Table 3 – Summary of Adjacent Redevelopment Proposals ................................................. 13 Table 4 – Estimated Trip Generation – Scenario 1 .................................................................. 16 Table 5 – Estimated Trip Generation – Scenario 2 .................................................................. 18 Table 6 – Estimated Trip Generation – Scenario 3 .................................................................. 20 Table 7 – Estimated Trip Generation – Scenario 4 .................................................................. 22 Table 8 – Development Traffic Distribution .............................................................................. 23 Table 9 – Existing (2017) Intersection Level of Service ........................................................ 26 Table 10 – 2025 AM Peak Hour Level of Service Summary .................................................. 27 Table 11 – 2025 PM Peak Hour Level of Service Summary .................................................. 28 Table 12 – 2040 AM Peak Hour Level of Service Summary .................................................. 28 Table 13 – 2040 AM Peak Hour Level of Service Summary .................................................. 29 Table 14 – 2040 AM Peak Hour Mitigation Level of Service Summary ............................ 30 Table 15 – 2040 AM Peak Hour Mitigation Level of Service Summary ............................ 31 Table 16 – Existing Transit Service ............................................................................................... 32 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 5 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 INTRODUCTION / BACKGROUND The original Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) was completed and approved in September 2007 and analyzed the impacts of the four development scenarios for the years 2014 and 2030. The analysis for both years assumed a 1% per year growth in general background traffic, the approved development in the Cities of Bloomington and Edina at that time and the proposed Gateway Development traffic. AUAR updates are required every five years from the original date of the approved AUAR. The first AUAR update was prepared and approved in June 2013. This included updating the traffic counts at selected intersection and roadway segments on 77th Avenue. The updated traffic counts were then compared to those assumed in the 2007 AUAR to determine if the analysis and recommended mitigation measures were still valid. Based on the facts that: no Gateway Development had occurred in the area; most of the additional development has been in Bloomington and Edina and their traffic generation was included in the new 2013 traffic counts; and, the area traffic levels had not changed significantly from those assumed in the original AUAR for the baseline conditions, it was concluded that the future year analysis and recommended mitigation was still valid and no additional analysis was completed. The second AUAR update is currently being prepared. In order to update and document the impact the proposed redevelopment of the Gateway AUAR Area adjacent to W. 77th Street between TH 100 and Parklawn Avenue has on the area traffic operations; this Traffic Impact Study is being prepared. The project location is shown on the attached Figure 1. The following sections of this report document the analysis and anticipated impacts of the proposed Gateway AUAR development area. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 6 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 7 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS In order to evaluate the existing conditions, key roadway segments and intersections were selected that are expected to provide the primary access to the regional roadway system when the Study Area redevelops. This section documents the existing land use, geometry, traffic volumes, and functional class at these locations, and uses these traffic characteristics to estimate their existing traffic operations. A. Key Roadways The following five roadways were selected as the key roadway segments for the Study Area: • Edina Industrial Boulevard/West 77th Street from Metro Avenue to Computer Avenue • West 77th Street from Computer Avenue to Parklawn Avenue • Minnesota Drive from West 77th Street to France Avenue • Parklawn Avenue/West 76th Street from West 77th Street to France Avenue • France Avenue from West 76th Street to Minnesota Drive The transportation characteristics for the roadways are displayed in Table 1. The existing roadway segment is documented, along with the existing functional classification. Also displayed are average annual daily traffic (AADT) volumes were obtained from Year 2016 MnDOT Traffic Flow Maps. Table 1: Characteristics of Key Roadways Segment Location Functional Classification Facility Type Existing AADT Edina Industrial Blvd / W. 77th Street Metro Blvd to Computer Dr A Minor Arterial – Reliever Four-Lane with Turn Lanes 12,000 W. 77th Street Computer Dr to Parklawn Ave A Minor Arterial – Reliever Four Lane with Center Turn Lane 11,500 Parklawn Avenue / W. 76th Street W. 77th St to France Ave A Minor Arterial – Reliever Four-Lane 8,700 Minnesota Drive W. 77th St to France Ave Other Minor Arterial Four Lane with Turn Lanes 7,500 France Avenue W. 76th St to Minnesota Dr A Minor Arterial - Reliever Seven Lane with Turn Lane 30,000 Source: 2016 MnDOT Traffic Flow Maps and 2008 Edina Comprehensive Plan Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 8 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 B. Key Intersection The following eight intersections, displayed on Figure 2 were selected because they provide primary access to the regional roadway system from the Study Area: • Southbound TH 100 at West 77th Street • Northbound TH 100 at West 77th Street • Commercial Access at West 77th Street • Computer Avenue at West 77th Street • Parklawn Avenue at West 77th Street • West 77th Street at Minnesota Drive/Johnson Avenue • France Avenue at West 76th Street • France Avenue at Minnesota Drive The existing lane configurations at each of the study area intersection are as follows: W. 77th Street at TH 100 Southbound Ramp/Frontage Road – Traffic Signal Control SB TH 100 Ramp approaching 77th St – one free right, one through, two left NB Frontage Road approaching 77th St – one right, one through, one left EB 77th St approaching TH 100 NB Ramp – one right/through, one through, one left WB 77th St approaching TH 100 SB Ramp – one free right, two through, one left W. 77th Street at TH 100 Northbound Ramp/Frontage Road – Traffic Signal Control SB TH 100 Ramp approaching 77th St – one free right, one through, two left NB Frontage Road approaching 77th St – one right/through, two left EB 77th St approaching TH 100 NB Ramp – one right/through, one through, one left WB 77th St approaching TH 100 SB Ramp – one right, two through, one left W. 77th Street at Burgundy Place – Traffic Signal Control SB Driveway approaching 77th St – one right/through, one left NB Driveway approaching 77th St – one right/through, one left EB 77th St approaching Driveway – one right/through, one through, one left WB 77th St approaching Driveway – one right/through, one through, one left W. 77th Street at Computer Avenue – Traffic Signal Control SB Drivcway approaching 77th St – one right, one through/left NB Computer Ave approaching 77th St – one right, one through/left EB 77th St approaching Computer Ave – one right/through, one through, one left WB 77th St approaching Computer Ave – one right/through, one through, one left W. 77th Street at Parklawn Avenue – Traffic Signal Control SB Parklawn Ave approaching 77th St – one right, one right/through, one left NB Driveway approaching 77th St – one right/through/left EB 77th St approaching Parklawn Ave – one right/through, one through, one left WB 77th St approaching Parklawn Ave – one right/through, one through, one left Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 9 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 W. 77th Street at Minnesota Drive – Traffic Signal Control SB 77th St approaching Minnesota Dr – one right/through, one through/left NB 77th St approaching Minnesota Dr – one free right, one through, one left EB Driveway approaching 77th St – one right/through, one through/left WB Minnesota Dr approaching 77th St – one free right, one through, one left France Avenue at 76th Street – Traffic Signal Control SB France Ave approaching 76th St – one free right, three through, one left NB France Ave approaching 76th St – one free right, four through, one left EB 76th St approaching France Ave – one free right, two through, two left WB 76th St approaching France Ave – one free right, two through, two left France Avenue at Minnesota Drive – Traffic Signal Control SB France Ave approaching Minnesota Dr – one free right, four through, one left NB France Ave approaching Minnesota Dr – one free right, three through, one left EB Minnesota Dr approaching France Ave – one free right, two through, one left WB Minnesota Dr approaching France Ave – one free right, two through, one left The majority of traffic exiting and entering the study area will use at least one of these intersections. The a.m. and p.m. peak hour turn movements, lane geometry, and traffic control are displayed on Figure 3A and Figure 3B in the Appendix. All analyzed intersections are controlled by traffic signals. For purposed of analysis, traffic signal timing was obtained from MnDOT, Hennepin County, and the City of Edina. C. Existing Traffic Volumes Updated AM and PM peak hour turning movement counts were conducted the weeks of December 4th and December 11th, 2017. These counts were used as the existing baseline conditions for the area. Figure 3A and Figure 3B in the Appendix shows the existing intersections and driveways in the Study Area that were analyzed as part of this traffic study, with the existing AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 10 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 11 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 D. Existing Land Use The existing land use consists mostly of office and office/warehouse uses. Currently about 1,736,000 gsf of building space is available within the Study Area, of which approximately 190,000 gsf of office space is unoccupied. Sense the original AUAR was completed the Pentagon Tower building were torn down. Building areas were measured from aerial photographs. The amount of unoccupied space was estimated by the City of Edina. The existing land use including the estimated trip generation is calculated and shown in Table 2. As shown, the Study Area is currently generating approximately 13,000 vehicle trips per day (vpd). If the office space was fully occupied, the Gateway Study Area has the potential to generate 14,900 vpd. Table 2: Existing Area Trip Generation Development Size Occupancy Time of Day Trip Rate Trip Generation Total In Out % Trips % Trips Pentagon Quads 355,054 gsf 50.0% Daily 9.74 1,729 50 865 50 864 AM Peak 1.16 206 86 177 14 29 PM Peak 1.15 204 16 33 84 171 Pentagon East 136,611 gsf 91.0% Daily 9.74 1,211 50 606 50 605 AM Peak 1.16 144 86 124 14 20 PM Peak 1.15 143 16 23 84 120 Other Office 992,700 gsf 100.0% Daily 9.74 9,669 50 4,835 50 4,834 AM Peak 1.16 1,152 86 991 14 161 PM Peak 1.15 1,142 16 183 84 959 Other Office / Warehousing 207,000 gsf 100.0% Daily 1.74 360 50 180 50 180 AM Peak 0.17 35 77 27 23 8 PM Peak 0.19 39 27 11 73 28 Other Mini Storage 45,000 gsf 100.0% Daily 1.51 68 50 34 50 34 AM Peak 0.1 5 60 3 40 2 PM Peak 0.17 8 47 4 53 4 Total Daily 13,037 6,520 6,517 AM Peak 1,542 1,322 220 PM Peak 1,536 254 1,282 Source: ITE Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition) and WSB & Associates, Inc. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 12 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS In order to analyze the lane configuration and traffic control needs projected traffic volumes were determined for the area. Traffic forecasts were prepared for the year 2025 which is the year the proposed site is anticipated to be fully developed and; for the 2040 conditions which represents the City’s Comprehensive Plan development time frame. The following sections outline the traffic generation, as well as the traffic distribution and projected traffic volumes. A. Background (Non-Development) Traffic Growth Traffic growth in the vicinity of a proposed site will occur between existing conditions and any given future year due to other development within the region. This background growth must be accounted for and included in future year traffic forecasts. Reviewing the historical traffic counts in the area, traffic has stayed somewhat constant or dropped in the past few years. The Gateway AUAR identified adjacent development projects in Edina and Bloomington that have yet to be completed. These developments for the projects in Edina and Bloomington are shown in Table 3. In order to account for these and other development background growth in traffic the Hennepin County State Aid traffic growth projection factor of 1.1 over a 20-year period was used to project traffic to the 2025 and 2040 analysis years. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 13 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Table 3: Summary of Adjacent Redevelopment Proposals City Development Summary of Impacts Bloomington Duke-Weeks Realty Limited Partnership (Norman Pointe) Phase 1 and 2 completed. Phase 3 to add an additional 312,000 sq. ft. of office in the future Ryan Companies US, Inc. (Marketpoint) Phase 1 and 2 completed. Phase 3 to add an additional 250,000 sq. ft. of office in the future. 8100 Office Tower 255,000 ft2 of office - Future Hotel 100 Rooms – Future OATI Office/Data Center 100,000 ft2 of office - Future Hotel 257 Rooms - Future Norman Pointe III Office Tower 312,000 ft2 Office - Future Marketpoint III Office Tower 250,000 ft2 Office – Future Edina 6500 France Avenue (Aurora on France) 180 units of senior housing & 7 care suites Southdale Medical Building 60,000 s.f. medical office addition and new parking ramp 66 West (3330 66th Street - Affordable Housing project 39 units The Millennium (3250 66th Street) 230 units of apartments Envi Edina (3200 Southdale Circle) 190 units of apartments Homewood Suites Hotel at Southdale 150 rooms The Onyx (6725 York) 240 units of apartments Southdale One Apartments at Southdale 232 units of apartments Byerly’s Redevelopment (71 France) 234 units of housing 47,000 s.f. new Byerly’s 21,000 s.f. new retail 9,000 s.f. Think Bank Continental Gardens (7001 York) 100 senior housing Restoration Hardware at Southdale 58,000 s.f. furniture store and restaurant Lifetime Fitness Replacement of 247,000 s.f. JCPenney 120,000 s.f. Lifetime Fitness 65,000 s.f. Retail Shake Shack at Southdale 4,000 s.f. restaurant Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 14 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 B. AUAR Area Scenario Trip Generation The purpose of this section is to identify the traffic impacts associated with the future redevelopment within the AUAR Study Area. Four potential land use scenarios were evaluated. Trips for each of the scenarios were generated and distributed on the regional system and analyzed for years 2025 and 2040. In order to estimate the traffic generated by the Study Area, land use assumptions were applied to trip generation rates from the ITE Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition) as illustrated in Table 4 to Table 7. All of the proposed scenarios replace existing office space. Trips generated from the existing buildings were shown previously in Table 2. These trips were removed from the network before applying the new land uses. It should be noted only the portion of space that is currently occupied was taken into consideration. Scenario 1 consists of office and office/warehouse land uses. See Figure 4. This scenario is taken from the Edina Comprehensive Plan. The plan will generate approximately 17,800 vpd. The net increase equates to 4,700 vpd with about 550 trips during each of the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Scenario 2 adds residential, retail, and a hotel, increasing the production to about 30,900 vpd. However, the proposed retail will be developed to serve the residential. See Figure 5. To account for trips traveling from the residential to the retail, internal trips were taken into account. Using estimates from the manual, about 3,100 trips were considered internal and removed from the net. The net increase in vehicle trips is 14,800 vpd with 1,300 during each of the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Scenario 3 produces the largest number of trips, at about 34,500 trips per day due to the large amount of office space. The net increase is 21,400 vpd with about 2,500 trips during each of the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. See Figure 6. Scenario 4 includes office, office/warehousing, and residential uses creating 23,000 trips per day. For reasons described above under Scenario 2, about 190 internal trips were removed. The net increase in vehicle trips is 9,700 vpd with 600 and 700 trips during the a.m. and p.m. peak hour, respectively. See Figure 7. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 15 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 16 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Table 4: Estimated Trip Generation – Scenario 1 Land Use ITE Land Use Code Size Time of Day Trip Rate Trip Generation Total In Out % Trips % Trips Office 710 1,593,000 gsf Daily 9.74 15,516 50 7,758 50 7,758 AM Peak 1.16 1,848 86 1,589 14 259 PM Peak 1.15 1,832 16 293 84 1,539 Office and Warehousing 150 1,296,000 gsf Daily 1.74 2,255 50 1,128 50 1,127 AM Peak 0.17 220 77 169 23 51 PM Peak 0.19 246 27 66 73 180 Total Daily 17,771 8,886 8,885 AM Peak 2,068 1,758 310 PM Peak 2,078 359 1,719 Net Increase in Trips Daily 4,734 2,366 2,368 AM Peak 526 436 90 PM Peak 542 105 437 Source: ITE Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition) and WSB & Associates, Inc. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 17 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 18 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Table 5: Estimated Trip Generation – Scenario 2 Land Use ITE Land Use Code Size Time of Day Trip Rate Trip Generation Total In Out % Trips % Trips Office 710 1,908,000 gsf Daily 9.74 18,584 50 9,292 50 9,292 AM Peak 1.16 2,213 86 1,903 14 310 PM Peak 1.15 2,194 16 351 84 1,843 Office and Warehousing 150 1,296,000 gsf Daily 1.74 2,255 50 1,128 50 1,127 AM Peak 0.17 220 77 169 23 51 PM Peak 0.19 246 27 66 73 180 Retail 814 80,000 gsf Daily 63.47 5,078 50 2,539 50 2,539 AM Peak 3.18 254 57 145 43 109 PM Peak 6.84 547 52 284 48 263 Hotel 310 150 rooms Daily 8.36 1,254 50 627 50 627 AM Peak 0.47 71 59 42 41 29 PM Peak 0.6 90 51 46 49 44 Condominium / Townhome 230 205 units Daily 7.32 1,501 50 751 50 750 AM Peak 0.46 94 23 22 77 72 PM Peak 0.56 115 63 72 37 43 Senior Adult Housing - Attached 252 615 units Daily 3.7 2,276 50 1,138 50 1,138 AM Peak 0.2 123 35 43 65 80 PM Peak 0.26 160 55 88 45 72 Total Daily 30,948 15,475 15,473 AM Peak 2,975 2,324 651 PM Peak 3,352 907 2,445 Internal Trips Daily -3,123 -1,561 -1,562 AM Peak -197 -112 -85 PM Peak -421 -219 -202 Net Increase in Trips Daily 14,788 7,394 7,394 AM Peak 1,236 890 346 PM Peak 1,395 434 961 Source: ITE Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition) and WSB & Associates, Inc. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 19 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 20 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Table 6: Estimated Trip Generation – Scenario 3 Land Use ITE Land Use Code Size Time of Day Trip Rate Trip Generation Total In Out % Trips % Trips Office 710 3,308,000 gsf Daily 9.74 32,220 50 16,110 50 16,110 AM Peak 1.16 3,837 86 3,300 14 537 PM Peak 1.15 3,804 16 609 84 3,195 Office and Warehousing 150 1,296,000 gsf Daily 1.74 2,255 50 1,128 50 1,127 AM Peak 0.17 220 77 169 23 51 PM Peak 0.19 246 27 66 73 180 Total Daily 34,475 17,238 17,237 AM Peak 4,057 3,469 588 PM Peak 4,050 675 3,375 Net Increase in Trips Daily 21,438 10,718 10,720 AM Peak 2,515 2,147 368 PM Peak 2,514 421 2,093 Source: ITE Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition) and WSB & Associates, Inc. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 21 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 22 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Table 7: Estimated Trip Generation – Scenario 4 Land Use ITE Land Use Code Size Time of Day Trip Rate Trip Generation Total In Out % Trips % Trips Office 710 1,140,000 gsf Daily 9.74 11,104 50 5,552 50 5,552 AM Peak 1.16 1,322 86 1,137 14 185 PM Peak 1.15 1,311 17 223 83 1,088 Office and Warehousing 150 1,296,000 gsf Daily 1.74 2,255 50 1,128 50 1,127 AM Peak 0.17 220 77 169 23 51 PM Peak 0.19 246 27 66 73 180 Condominium / Townhome 230 1,125 units Daily 7.32 8,235 50 4,118 50 4,117 AM Peak 0.46 518 23 119 77 399 PM Peak 0.56 630 63 397 37 233 Senior Adult Housing - Attached 252 375 units Daily 3.7 1,388 50 694 50 694 AM Peak 0.2 75 35 26 65 49 PM Peak 0.26 98 55 54 45 44 Total Daily 22,982 11,492 11,490 AM Peak 2,135 1,451 684 PM Peak 2,285 740 1,545 Internal Trips Daily -193 -97 -96 AM Peak -12 -2 -10 PM Peak -15 -9 -6 Net Increase in Trips Daily 9,752 4,875 4,877 AM Peak 581 127 454 PM Peak 734 477 257 Source: ITE Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition) and WSB & Associates, Inc. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 23 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 C. Traffic Distribution Background and site-generated trips were distributed to the adjacent roadway system based on several factors including the existing Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), the travel sheds for the major routes that serve the area and data provided in the Gateway AUAR. In general, the Trip Distribution was assumed as shown in Table 8: Table 8: Development Traffic Distribution Direction AM PM In Out In Out North 27% 22% 21% 26% South 24% 13% 18% 25% East 21% 35% 22% 20% West 28% 30% 39% 29% The generated trips for the proposed Gateway AUAR development area were assumed to arrive or exit using the accesses on 77th Street. The development will access the site via Computer Drive, driveways directly onto 77th Street and Parklawn Avenue. Background non-site and site-generated trips were distributed to the adjacent roadway system based on several factors including: • Previous traffic and transportation studies in the area. • Anticipated origins and destinations for specific land use (i.e. location of commercial uses in relationship to residential). • Existing travel patterns. • City’s current Transportation Plan model. D. Future Year Traffic Forecasts Future year traffic forecast turning movements were estimated by applying the approach direction distribution percentages to the site-generated traffic. The traffic forecasts were prepared by adding the projected annual background traffic growth and the projected non-development background traffic growth to the existing 2017 traffic counts to determine the “No-Build” traffic conditions. The anticipated Gateway Area development area traffic was then added to the no-build to determine the “Build” traffic conditions. Figures 8-15 in the Appendix shows the projected 2025 and 2040 Build AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 24 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Existing and/or forecasted traffic operations were evaluated for the impacted intersections and driveway in the Gateway AUAR development area for each land use scenario. The analysis was conducted for the following conditions. 1. Existing 2017 Conditions 2. Projected 2025 Build 3. Projected 2040 Build This section describes the methodology used to assess the operations and provides a summary of traffic operations for each scenario. A. Methodology The traffic operations analysis is derived from established methodologies documented in the Highway Capacity Manual 2000 (HCM). The HCM provides a series of analysis techniques that are used to evaluate traffic operations. Intersections are given a Level of Service (LOS) grade from “A” to “F” to describe the average amount of control delay per vehicle as defined in the HCM. The LOS is primarily a function of peak traffic hour turning movement volumes, intersection lane configuration, and the traffic controls at the intersection. LOS A is the best traffic operating condition, and drivers experience minimal delay at an intersection operating at that level. LOS E represents the condition where the intersection is at capacity, and some drivers may have to wait through more than one green phase to make it through an intersection controlled by traffic signals. LOS F represents a condition where there is more traffic than can be handled by the intersection, and many vehicle operators may have to wait through more than one green phase to make it through the intersection. At a stop sign-controlled intersection, LOS F would be characterized by exceptionally long vehicle queues on each approach at an all-way stop, or long queues and/or great difficulty in finding an acceptable gap for drivers on the minor legs at a through-street intersection. The LOS ranges for both signalized and un-signalized intersections are shown in Figure 16. The threshold LOS values for un-signalized intersections are slightly less than for signalized intersections. This variance was instituted because drivers’ expectations at intersections differ with the type of traffic control. A given LOS can be altered by increasing (or decreasing) the number of lanes, changing traffic control arrangements, adjusting the timing at signalized intersections, or other lesser geometric improvements. LOS also changes as traffic volumes increase or decrease. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 25 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Figure 16 - Level of Service Ranges LOS, as described above, can also be determined for the individual legs (sometimes referred to as “approaches”) or lanes (turn lanes in particular) of an intersection. It should be noted that a LOS E or F might be acceptable or justified in those cases where a leg(s) or lane(s) has a very low traffic volume as compared to the volume on the other legs. For example, improving LOS on such low-volume legs by converting a two-way stop condition to an all-way stop, or adjusting timing at a signalized intersection, could result in a significant penalty for the many drivers on the major road while benefiting the few on the minor road. Also, geometric improvements on minor legs, such as additional lanes or longer turn lanes, could have limited positive effects and might be prohibitive in terms of benefit to cost. Although LOS A represents the best possible level of traffic flow, the cost to construct roadways and intersection to such a high standard often exceeds the benefit to the user. Funding availability might also lead to acceptance of intersection or roadway designs with a lower LOS. LOS D is generally accepted as the lowest acceptable level in urban areas. LOS C is often considered to be the desirable minimum level for rural areas. LOS D or E may be acceptable for limited durations or distances, or for very low-volume legs of some intersections. The LOS analysis was performed using Synchro/SimTraffic: • Synchro, a software package that implements Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodologies, was used to build each signalized intersection and provide an input database for turning-movement volumes, lane geometrics, and signal design and timing characteristics. In addition, Synchro was used to optimize signal timing parameters for future conditions. Output from Synchro is transferred to SimTraffic, the traffic simulation model. 80 55 35 20 10 LOS A LOS B LOS C LOS D LOS E LOS F Not CongestedCongested50 35 25 10 LOS A LOS B LOS C LOS D LOS E LOS F Not CongestedCongested15 Signalized Intersection Unsignalized IntersectionControl Delay per Vehicle (sec.)Control Delay per Vehicle (sec.)SOURCE: Level of Service thresholds from the Highway Capacity Manual, 2000. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 26 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 • SimTraffic is a micro-simulation computer modeling software that simulates each individual vehicle’s characteristics and driver behavior in response to traffic volumes, intersection configuration, and signal operations. The model simulates drivers’ behaviors and responses to surrounding traffic flow as well as different vehicle types and speeds. It outputs estimated vehicle delay and queue lengths at each intersection being analyzed. B. Existing Level of Service Summary The existing intersection operations were evaluated for the AM and PM peak hour based on the current lane geometry, traffic control and traffic volumes. The results of this analysis are illustrated in Table 9. Based on the analysis, the only intersection that is operating at an overall deficient level of service (LOS E or F), is France Avenue at Minnesota Drive which is operating at an overall LOS E during the PM peak hour. All other intersections are operating at an overall LOS D or better. However, there are several movements that are operating at LOS F including: • France Ave at W. 76th St – Northbound Left – AM Peak = LOS F • W. 77th St at SB TH 100 Ramp – Eastbound Through – PM Peak = LOS F • W. 77th St at NB TH 100 Ramp – Eastbound Left – PM Peak = LOS F • France Ave at Minnesota Dr – Westbound Left – PM Peak = LOS F Table 9: Existing (2017) Intersection Level of Service Intersection Existing 2017 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour LOS Delay Movement (LOS) LOS Delay Movement (LOS) SB TH 100 / W 77th St C 27.1 D 51.3 EBT (F) NB TH 100 / W 77th St C 24.5 D 52.6 EBL (F) Commercial Access / W 77th St A 8.2 C 24.5 Computer Ave / W 77th B 18.4 C 25.6 Parklawn Ave / W 77th St C 20.1 C 31.3 W 77th St / Minnesota Dr B 16.3 C 28.4 France Ave / W 76th St C 32.1 NBL (F) D 35.6 France Ave / Minnesota Dr C 24.3 E 55.2 WBL (F) Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Note: Based upon criteria shown in Figure 16 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 27 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 C. Forecasted Traffic Operations A capacity and LOS analysis was also completed for the study area intersections for each land use scenario for the years 2025, which is the anticipated year the proposed Gateway Area development would be completed, and; for the 2040 conditions which represents the City’s Comprehensive Plan development time frame. A summary of the expected traffic operations on the key intersections is displayed in Table 10 to 13. Based on the analysis all scenarios will have some operational deficiencies in years 2025 and/or 2040. Deficiencies include operations on France Avenue, the TH 100 interchange, and accesses to the Gateway Study Area. The majority of these locations do not have right or left turn lanes or the existing turn lanes do not have adequate capacity to handle the forecast traffic volumes. During both the AM peak hour PM peak hours in both 2025 and 2040 assuming with the increase in traffic for each land use scenario, several intersections and movements will be operating at LOS E or F. Specifically, the intersections of 77th Street at the TH 100 ramps, 77th Street at Computer Drive, 77th Street at Parklawn Ave, 77th at Minnesota Drive, France Avenue at 76th Street and France Avenue at Minnesota Street. Table 10: 2025 AM Peak Hour Intersection Level of Service Intersection 2025 AM Peak Hour Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 LOS Delay Mvmt (LOS) LOS Delay Mvmt (LOS) LOS Delay Mvmt (LOS) LOS Delay Mvmt (LOS) SB TH 100 / W 77th St D 50.0 F +100 F +100 D 36.2 EBT (F) WBL (F) NB TH 100 / W 77th St D 54.5 EBT (F) EBR (F) E 77.4 E 78.9 D 35.4 EBT (F) Commercial Access / W 77th St B 11.8 B 14.5 B 12.3 B 11.1 Computer Ave / W 77th B 18.4 C 23.7 B 17.2 C 20.7 Parklawn Ave / W 77th St C 23.4 WBT (E) SBL (E) C 30.0 WBT (E) SBL (E) F +100 C 22.2 W 77th St / Minnesota Dr B 13.9 B 13.9 B 12.2 B 16.1 France Ave / W 76th St D 35.6 NBL (F) D 38.7 NBL (F) E 56.3 NBL (F) C 33.1 NBL (F) France Ave / Minnesota Dr C 33.3 SBL (E) EBL (E) WBL (E) NBL (F) D 35.0 SBL (E) EBL (E) WBL (E) NBL (F) D 40.6 EBL (E) SBL (E) WBL (E) NBL (F) D 35.0 SBL (E) EBL (E) WBL (E) NBL (F) Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Note: Based upon criteria shown in Figure 16 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 28 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Table 11: 2025 PM Peak Hour Intersection Level of Service Intersection 2025 PM Peak Hour Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 LOS Delay Mvmt (LOS) LOS Delay Mvmt (LOS) LOS Delay Mvmt (LOS) LOS Delay Mvmt (LOS) SB TH 100 / W 77th St E 62.3 EB (F) E 59.8 EBT (F) F +100 E 72.0 EBT (F) NB TH 100 / W 77th St E 68.7 EBL (F) EBT (F) NBL (F) F +100 F +100 E 66.1 EB (F) Commercial Access / W 77th St D 39.5 EBL (F) NBT (F) C 31.4 EBL (E) NBT (E) WBT (E) D 47.4 NBL (F) SBL (F) EBL (F) C 31.5 NBL (F) EBL (F) Computer Ave / W 77th F +100 F +100 F +100 E 62.5 WBT (F) NBL (F) Parklawn Ave / W 77th St F +100 F +100 F +100 C 27.5 W 77th St / Minnesota Dr E 61.4 SBL (F) E 66.1 SBL (F) E 71.7 SBL (F) C 24.0 France Ave / W 76th St F +100 F +100 F +100 F +100 France Ave / Minnesota Dr F +100 F +100 F +100 F +100 Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Note: Based upon criteria shown in Figure 16 Table 12: 2040 AM Peak Hour Intersection Level of Service Intersection 2040 AM Peak Hour Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 LOS Delay Mvmt (LOS) LOS Delay Mvmt (LOS) LOS Delay Mvmt (LOS) LOS Delay Mvmt (LOS) SB TH 100 / W 77th St D 51.2 F +100 F +100 C 38.0 EBT (F) WBL (F) NB TH 100 / W 77th St E 55.7 EBT (F) EBR (F) F 82.2 F 84.0 D 41.2 EBT (F) Commercial Access / W 77th St B 12.9 B 16.1 B 12.8 B 11.6 Computer Ave / W 77th B 19.6 C 24.1 B 18.0 C 22.6 Parklawn Ave / W 77th St C 24.4 WBT (E) SBL (E) C 30.5 WBT (E) SBL (E) F +100 C 23.8 SBL (F) WBT (F) W 77th St / Minnesota Dr B 15.7 B 14.8 B 12.8 B 17.3 France Ave / W 76th St D 36.4 NBL (F) D 40.7 NBL (F) E 68.3 NBL (F) C 35.6 SBL (E) EBL (E) WBL (E) NBL (F) France Ave / Minnesota Dr C 38.5 SBL (E) EBL (E) WBL (E) NBL (F) D 46.8 SBL (E) SBT (E) NBL (F) WBL (F) SBL (F) D 41.2 SBL (E) SBT (E) NBL (F) WBL (F) SBL (F) C 37.0 SBL (E) EBL (E) WBL (E) NBL (F) Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Note: Based upon criteria shown in Figure 16 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 29 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Table 13: 2040 PM Peak Hour Intersection Level of Service Intersection 2040 PM Peak Hour Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 LOS Dela y Mvmt (LOS) LOS Dela y Mvmt (LOS) LOS Dela y Mvmt (LOS) LOS Dela y Mvmt (LOS) SB TH 100 / W 77th St F 83.8 E 62.1 EBT (F) EBR (F) F +100 E 75.1 EBT (F) EBR (F) NB TH 100 / W 77th St E 77.6 NB (F) EB (F) F +100 F +100 E 68.3 EB (F) Commercial Access / W 77th St D 41.2 NB (F) SB (F) C 32.9 EBL (E) NBL (E) WBT (E) D 48.2 NBL (F) SBL (F) EBL (F) C 33.4 NB (F) EBL (F) Computer Ave / W 77th F +100 F +100 F +100 E 63.8 WBT (F) WBR (F) NBL (F) Parklawn Ave / W 77th St F +100 F +100 F +100 C 28.2 SBT (F) W 77th St / Minnesota Dr F +100 E 66.5 SB (F) E 73.4 SBT (F) SBL (F) C 26.1 France Ave / W 76th St F +100 F +100 F +100 F +100 France Ave / Minnesota Dr F +100 F +100 F +100 F +100 Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Note: Based upon criteria shown in Figure 16 D. Mitigated Traffic Operations Mitigation improvements that would improve all intersections and movement to an acceptable LOS E or better includes: 2025 Mitigation: 1. Addition of a northbound dual right-turn lane at 77th Street and TH 100 SB Ramp. 2. Addition of a westbound right-turn lane at 77th Street and TH 100 NB Ramp. 3. Addition of a northbound left turn lane, eastbound right turn lane and signal timing improvements at 77th Street and Commercial Access driveway. 4. Improved signal timing at 77th Street and Computer Avenue. 5. Addition of a northbound dual left turn lane, southbound left turn lane and eastbound right turn lane at 77th Street and Computer Drive. 6. Addition of a northbound through lane at France Avenue and Minnesota Street. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 30 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 2040 Mitigation: 1. 2025 Improvements 2. Addition of a northbound through lane at France Avenue and Minnesota Drive. 3. Addition of a southbound through lane at France Avenue and 76th Street. 4. Addition of an eastbound and westbound third lane on 77th Street from TH 100 SB Ramp through Computer Drive. 5. Addition of an eastbound and westbound dual left turn lane at France Avenue and Minnesota Street. 6. Addition of a southbound left turn lane at 77th Street and Minnesota Street. 7. Addition of an eastbound right turn lane at 77th Street and Parklawn Avenue. Based on the proposed mitigation improvements a capacity and level of service analysis was completed using the projected 2040 traffic volumes for each scenario. The results are shown in Tables 14 and 15. The results show that all intersections would be operating at overall LOS D or better for all scenarios in both the AM and PM peak hours. Table 14: 2040 AM Peak Hour Mitigation Intersection Level of Service Intersection 2040 AM Peak Hour Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay SB TH 100 / W 77th St D 44.9 D 54.0 D 53.3 D 46.8 NB TH 100 / W 77th St C 25.9 C 28.2 D 35.3 C 25.4 Commercial Access / W 77th St A 8.0 B 15.6 B 12.4 A 8.1 Computer Ave / W 77th A 6.0 B 11.5 A 7.2 A 6.6 Parklawn Ave / W 77th St C 29.0 C 22.2 B 16.9 C 26.8 W 77th St / Minnesota Dr B 19.1 B 16.1 B 16.4 C 20.6 France Ave / W 76th St C 26.7 C 27.2 C 34.8 C 26.2 France Ave / Minnesota Dr C 23.2 C 25.2 D 37.4 C 22.4 Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 31 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Table 15: 2040 PM Peak Hour Mitigation Intersection Level of Service Intersection 2040 PM Peak Hour Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay SB TH 100 / W 77th St D 47.7 D 45.9 C 33.2 D 53.2 NB TH 100 / W 77th St C 33.4 D 40.7 C 30.1 C 26.3 Commercial Access / W 77th St B 10.8 B 19.6 C 27.8 B 14.4 Computer Ave / W 77th C 22.4 C 24.7 D 46.5 C 26.2 Parklawn Ave / W 77th St D 37.0 C 32.4 D 47.0 D 40.7 W 77th St / Minnesota Dr C 30.3 C 23.9 E 57.4 D 38.9 France Ave / W 76th St D 35.8 C 32.7 D 45.0 C 27.1 France Ave / Minnesota Dr D 50.5 D 40.8 C 28.8 D 50.8 TRANSIT Currently there are two forms of transit service within the City of Edina. Paratransit: Paratransit services are currently provided by Edina Dial-A-Raid Transportation. Door-to-door services provided using a wheelchair lift equipped van on a first-come, first-service basis. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., 24-hour advance notice for scheduling is required. Anyone living in Edina is eligible. Scheduled Transit: The key transit facility in Edina is a Southdale transit center. This is part of the Southdale shopping mall. It includes a covered shelter area with routes and schedule information. The Southdale transit center is one of the busier transit centers in the Twin Cities, with eight transit lines which stop and link at this location. There are also 100 parking spaces at a metro transit Park’n Ride lot at this location. The existing scheduled services to Edina residents is depicted in Table 16. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 32 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Table 16 – Existing Scheduled Transit Service in Edina Route Service Route/Area Service Description 6 Edina (includes Southdale Transit Center), Uptown, downtown Minneapolis, University of Minnesota High frequency local service, all day/evening, all week; 5-15 minute headways 46 Edina (includes 50th/France), south Minneapolis, St Paul Local service all day/evening, all week: 30-60 minute headways 114 Edina (includes Southdale Transit Center), south Minneapolis, Uptown University of Minnesota Commuter/student service during a.m. and p.m. rush hours, weekdays 146 Edina (Vernon Ave.), southwest Minneapolis, downtown Minneapolis Commuter express (I-35W) service during a.m. and p.m. rush hours, weekdays 152 Edina (includes Southdale Transit Center), Lake Street, University of Minnesota Commuter/student express (I-35W) service during a.m. and p.m. rush hours, weekdays 515 Edina (Includes Southdale Transit Center), Richfield, South Minneapolis, Bloomington (includes Mall of America), Veterans Medical Center (alternate route) Local service, all day/evening, all week; 10-30 minute headways 538 Edina (includes Southdale Transit Center), Bloomington (includes Mall of America) Local service, all day/evening, all week; 30-60 minute headways 539 Edina (includes Southdale Transit Center), Bloomington (includes Normandale Community College, Mall of America) Local service, all day/evening, all week; 30-60 minute headways 540 Edina, Richfield (includes Best Buy Headquarters), Bloomington (includes Mall of America) Local service, all day/evening, all week; 15-30 minute headways during a.m./p.m. rush hours, otherwise 30-60 minute headways 568 Downtown Minneapolis, south Minneapolis, Edina, Minnetonka (Opportunity Partners) Weekdays only, one a.m. run from Minneapolis to Opportunity Partners; one p.m. run from Opportunity Partners to Minneapolis 578 Edina (includes Southdale Transit Center), downtown Minneapolis Commuter express service (TH 62 and I-35W) during a.m. and p.m. rush hours 587 Edina, downtown Minneapolis Commuter express service (TH 100 and I-394) during a.m. and p.m. rush hours, weekdays 631 (Southwest) Chanhassen, Eden Prairie, Edina (Southdale Transit Center) Weekday service, morning through evening; approximately 10 runs per day each direction Note: all routes are Metro Transit with the exception of 631, which is Southwest Metro Transit. NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION Sidewalks and other pedestrian facilities are important components of Edina’s transportation infrastructure. Sidewalks and paths provide safe movement for individuals of all ages, decrease dependence on motor vehicles, and encourage active lifestyles. An important key to an effective municipal sidewalk system is in providing networking continuity such that there is broad geographic coverage for a range of users without notable gaps. The Gateway Study Area is a critical link in Edina’s non-motorized transportation system. The City of Edina’s 2008 Comprehensive Plan includes a variety of Travel Demand Management (TDM) and non-motorized vehicle transportation (transit, pedestrian/bike facilities) policies and guidelines for development of these facilities or expanded facilities. However, as development continues to grow, specifically in the Gateway Study Area, consideration of site-specific improvements as developments are proposed needs to be included. These would include upgrading the existing bus shelters to become ADA compliant and improvements of sidewalk and/or path connections. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 33 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 AUAR MITIGATION REQIREMENTS Many of the mitigation measures outlined in the 2007 AUAR still remain valid. The updated mitigation measures are outlined below and either remain in effect from the 2007 AUAR or have been updated based on new analysis as noted. Each mitigation includes if the improvement is needed with the no-build or build (with Gateway Area development) conditions and what year (2025 or 2040) the improvement is required. Based upon the analysis, deficiencies exist for all scenarios near the TH 100/West 77th Street Interchange, on 77th Street and on France Avenue. Intersection signal timing was first modified to provide optimal operations in each scenario. Mitigation strategies were developed for each scenario are listed below. Scenarios 1 and 4: The following mitigation strategies are needed for Scenario 1 and 4 to accommodate both 2025 and 2040 traffic projections: Intersection: France Avenue at West 76th Street Improvement: Extend one southbound thru lane on France Avenue to create a total of four thru lanes Needed By: 2040 No-Build Intersection: Northbound TH 100 at West 77th Street Improvement: Add 150 foot northbound right turn lane on Frontage Road Westbound dual right turn lanes on West 77th Street Need By: 2040 Full Build Intersection: Edina Industrial Boulevard / West 78th Street Improvement: Eastbound dual left turn lanes on West 78th Street Need By: 2040 Full Build Intersection: Edina Industrial Boulevard / Metro Boulevard Improvement: Add southbound right turn lane on Metro Boulevard, restriping the existing two southbound lanes to accommodate an exclusive left turn lane, and a thru/left lane, providing dual left turn lanes. Add 300-foot eastbound left turn lane on Edina Industrial Boulevard Need By: 2025 No-Build Scenario 2: Scenario 2 will require all the improvements listed above in addition to the following: Intersection: Minnesota Drive at France Avenue Improvement: Dual westbound left turn lanes on Minnesota Drive Eastbound dual left turn lanes on Minnesota Drive Need By: 2040 Full Build Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 34 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 Intersection: Northbound TH 100 at West 77th Street Improvement: Add 150 foot eastbound right turn lane on West 77th Street Need By: 2025 Build Intersection: Computer Avenue at West 77th Street Improvement: Northbound dual left turn lanes on Computer Avenue Need By: 2040 Full Build Intersection: Minnesota Drive / Johnson Avenue at West 77th Street Avenue Improvement: Southbound dual left turn lanes on West 77th Street Need By: 2040 Full Build Scenario 3: Scenario 3 will require all the above improvements listed under Scenarios 1, 2, and 4 in addition to the following: Intersection: Minnesota Drive at France Avenue Improvement: Eastbound dual right turn lanes on Minnesota Drive Need By: 2040 Full Build Intersection: France Avenue at West 78th Street Improvement: Westbound dual right turn lanes on West 78th Street Need By: 2040 Full Build Interchange: TH 100 at West 77th Street Improvement: Six-lane section from Metro Boulevard to Computer Avenue Dual left turn turns at both TH 100 Ramps (Hence an eight-lane bridge) Need By: 2040 Full Build Transit/Non-Motorized Transportation As redevelopment occurs in the Gateway Study Area, consideration of site-specific improvements needs to be included as developments are proposed. These would include upgrading the existing transit facilities, including bus shelters, to become ADA compliant and improving the sidewalk and/or path connections in and around each redevelopment. General The mitigation measures discussion above are needed to address full build-out of the site and surrounding area. Specific mitigation measures required for proposed development plans will be established through traffic and transportation studies required for each development proposal. These proposals will need to document compliance with the Final AUAR and Mitigation Plan. Gateway Study Area AUAR Update Page 35 Traffic Study City of Edina, MN June 2018 APPENDIX 77th Street W REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT PERIMETER 30 FTREM = 48 SQ ' PERIMETER = 30 ' REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'PERIMETER 30 FT PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' AREA 26 SQ FT PERIMETER 50FT REM 95 SQ FT Computer Ave.AREA 26 SQ FTPERIMETER 50FTREM 95 SQ FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' AREA 26 SQ FTPERIMETER 50FTREM 95 SQ FT AREA 26 SQ FT PERIMETER 50FT REM 95 SQ FT AREA 26 SQ FTPERIMETER 50FT REM 95 SQ FT Figure 3A - Existing (2017) Traffic WSB Filename: Date: Printed:1/30/2018 K:\011179-000\Cad\Exhibits\11179-000 fig-03A - Existing 2012 Traffic.dgn Gateway Study Area - AUAR Update Traffic Study 63 (127) 480(434) 57 (330)65 (329)75 (45)337(147)(36) 18 (1087)555 (280) 97 (514)218(84) 28(21) 305 (10) 246(614) 83 (629)120 (48)43 (38)319 (95)(11) 10(163) 30(218) 42REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'PERIMETER 30 FT PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ ' PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT AREA 26 SQ FT PERIMETER 50FT REM 95 SQ FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'PERIMETER 30 FTREM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ ' PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT AREA 26 SQ FT PERIMETER 50FT REM 95 SQ FT 63 (127) 480(434) 57 (330)(514)218(84) 28(21) 30REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'PERIMETER 30 FTREM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ ' PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT AREA 26 SQ FTPERIMETER 50FT REM 95 SQ FT (138) 187 (1204)1173 (607) 173 (6) 0 (1138)1145 (33) 35 (0) 0(0) 0(0) 00 (0) 326(723) 4 (12)6 (19)0 (0)13(37)(43) 109 (1204)968 (8) 55 1 (17)0 (6)1 (54)AREA 26 SQ FT PERIMETER 50FTREM 95 SQ FT AREA 26 SQ FT PERIMETER 50FTREM 95 SQ FT AREA 26 SQ FTPERIMETER 50FTREM 95 SQ FT TRAFFIC SIGNAL LANE GEOMETRY (XX) - PM TRAFFIC XX - AM TRAFFIC REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' 0 200 ft 400 ft N MINNESOTA 100 Minnesota Dr 76th Street W AvenueParklawnFigure 3B - Existing (2017) Traffic France AveAREA 26 SQ FT PERIMETER 50FT REM 95 SQ FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FTPERIMETER 30 FTPERIMETER 30 FT PERIMETER 30 FTPERIMETER 30 FT PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'PERIMETER 30 FTPERIMETER 30 FTPERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ ' PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT PERIMETER 30 FT PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FTREM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'PERIMETER 30 FT WSB Filename: Date: Printed:1/30/2018 K:\011179-000\Cad\Exhibits\11179-000 fig-03B - Existing 2012 Traffic.dgn Gateway Study Area - AUAR Update Traffic StudyREM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' AREA 26 SQ FTPERIMETER 50FTREM 95 SQ FTAREA 26 SQ FT PERIMETER 50FT REM 95 SQ FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' AREA 26 SQ FT PERIMETER 50FT REM 95 SQ FTREM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' TRAFFIC SIGNAL LANE GEOMETRY (XX) - PM TRAFFIC XX - AM TRAFFIC REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 '(0) 0(0) 0(0) 00 (0) 140(357) 30 (34)22 (42)1 (0)280(472)(0) 1 (604)476 (695)348 REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' AREA 26 SQ FTPERIMETER 50FTREM 95 SQ FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ ' PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' REM = 48 SQ ' PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT 184 (358)87 (100)41 (3)AREA 26 SQ FTPERIMETER 50FT REM 95 SQ FT AREA 26 SQ FT PERIMETER 50FTREM 95 SQ FT (23) 0 (56) 1 (40) 0 REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT (110) 27(75) 33(1) 846 (65) 54 (8) 143 (219)REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 'PERIMETER 30 FTPERIMETER 30 FT 65 (61)633(1468)84 (22)(283) 72 (407)178 (167) 50 (169) 410(1198)1048(32) 223106 (360) 106 (154) 26 (88) REM = 48 SQ ' PERIMETER = 30 ' PERIMETER 30 FT REM = 48 SQ 'PERIMETER = 30 '183(155)631(1087)152(101)180 (194) 252 (230) 104 (179) (204) 55 (496)123 (269) 73 (173) 122(1144)719(110) 1710 200 ft 400 ft N 17 COUNTY