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2019-04-10 Planning Commission Packet
Agenda Plan n ing Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall, Council Chambers Wednesday, April 10, 2019 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Planning Commission, March 27, 2019 V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Public Hearings A.Variance Request B-19-6, 4249 Crocker Ave VII.Reports/Recommendations A.Comprehensive Plan Update B.2019 Bylaws VIII.Correspondence And Petitions IX.Chair And Member Comments X.Sta3 Comments XI.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortable being part of the public proc ess . If you need as sistance in the way of hearing ampli6c ation, an interpreter, large-print documents or s om ething els e, pleas e c all 952-927-8861 72 hours in advanc e of the m eeting. Date: April 10, 2019 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : P lanning C ommis s ion, March 27, 2019 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: P lease approve the M arch 27, 2019, P lanning Commission M eeting M inutes. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Minutes : Planning Commis s ion, March 27, 2019 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 1 of 6 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers March 27, 2019 I. Call To Order Chair Olsen called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Lee, Thorsen, Strauss, Mangalick, Nemerov, Hamilton, Berube, Chair Olsen Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Kaylin Eidsness, Senior Communications Coordinator, Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist Absent from the roll call: Bennett and Melton III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Thorsen moved to approve the March 27, 2019, agenda. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Commissioner Thorsen moved to approve the March 13, 2019, meeting minutes. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Annual Meeting, Election of Officers Director Teague explained that what needed to be accomplished was the election of officers for Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. Teague explained that those currently in their positions are eligible to continue in their position. Teague also explained that the Planning Commission is going to vote on adopting the bylaws and the process involves asking for nominations. Commissioner Nemerov moved to nominate Chair Olsen to continue in her position as Chair. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 2 of 6 Commissioner Hamilton moved to nominate Commissioner Nemerov to continue in his position as Vice Chair. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Strauss moved to nominate Commissioner Thorsen to continue in his position as Secretary. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Annual Meeting, Bylaws Director Teague presented revisions to the bylaws that were proposed by Commissioners Nemerov and Olsen. Teague stated that he would revise the bylaws with the recommendations and bring the proposal back to the Planning Commission on April 10. The approval of the Bylaws was tabled to the next Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Thorsen moved to close the Annual Meeting. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. VI. Public Hearings A. 50th & France Small Area Plan Commissioner Nemerov introduced himself and thanked and introduced the members of the 50th & France Small Area Plan Working Group which included Thomas Koon, John Breitinger, Jen Auguston, Mark Arnold, and Patrick Huss. Commissioner Nemerov also explained that Commissioner Hamilton and he were Co-Chairs for the Working Group and he thanked Bill Smith, Consultant, for all of the work he has done. Nemerov explained that they started in March of 2018, started receiving applications, and selected a Working Group in May of 2019. Commissioner Nemerov gave a brief history on the 50th & France study area on a PowerPoint presentation. Ede Pecard and Christine Rice introduced themselves and explained that the Working Group has been meeting since October of 2019. Christine explained their Community Engagement Process that included engagement from the public in the following ways: • Open house style public meetings with an open forum, working sessions, presentations, question and answer sessions, and comment cards. • Task force group review of emails sent to the City of Edina staff. • Discussion amongst task force group members on community postings to public media forums such as Nextdoor. • Invitation to join draft plan working sessions. • An open booth at the Edina Art Fair. Rice commented on the low attendance numbers from residents at the meetings and stated that the City of Edina needs to do a better job with their notification process with these types of things in the Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 3 of 6 community are going on. Rice summarized the community feedback they received regarding what the community wanted and discussed in detail the concerns including traffic, building height and density, and direct connections into the residential neighborhood. Rice and Pecard discussed in length the connectivity and access to the district has been an important topic of discussion in development of the small area plan. They explained that the small area plan task force believes strongly that access to and throughout the site will be a vital part of supporting businesses within the district and should be a consideration as new developments are proposed. Rice and Pecard also discussed that during community meetings some neighbors expressed a desire for pedestrian and bike improvements, while others expressed an adverse reaction to new roadways or passages directly through neighborhoods, particularly to the North. Pecard and Rice explained that the small area plan indicates connectivity as a guiding principle to be considered with the proposal of new developments, but the plan does not propose locations or means of providing access to the site. Pecard explained that there were concerns regarding the existing easement on the west side of the US Bank site and explained that the plan supports the easement remaining. Pecard read the following vision statement, “50th & France is the heart of Edina and will continue to be an energetic mixed use district in the future. Its vibrancy and energy will stem from activity occurring at street level, which will be enhanced by its walkability, tree-lined streets, public areas, and linkages within and between buildings and public areas. Its buildings will be pedestrian-oriented and of the highest architectural quality. Even while evolving, as it always has, 50th & France will continue to be a year-round meeting and gathering place that is inviting to wide ranges of people who will enjoy living, shopping, working, and being entertained in the district. The district will value street level pedestrian activity, which will combine with the placement of building to enhance movement through, to, and within the district.” Pecard and Rice explained that the Working Group came up with 8 guiding principles that they would want someone to focus on when considering possible development in the future. The principles included connectivity, building a design, density and scale, economic vitality, public realm, urban design, site sustainability, and access, parking, and movement. Pecard explained that connectivity included Improvements within the district should strengthen the connection between this area and surrounding Neighborhoods and pathways and public areas should encourage and promote safe and convenient walking and biking experience throughout the district and between the district and adjacent neighborhoods. Pecard also discussed that the building design should maintain the upscale aesthetic and traditional main street experience of the 50th & France district through use of high-quality materials, notable attention to detail, and variety in design. Buildings should strive to enhance conservation of energy and include features like green roofs to improve the district’s aesthetics and protect the environment. Pecard explained that increased density and mixed-use development will support the district’s economic and environmental sustainability. Pecard also explained that building massing and stepbacks will take into consideration access to daylight and human scale at the street level. Pecard and Rice continued with explaining that the economic vitality meant a range of housing and commercial uses that should support living, working, shopping, and playing within the district. Pecard noted that the emphasis should be placed on promoting a strategic commercial mix, ranging from basic goods and services to entertainment and boutique shops that continue the economic success of the district. Pecard and Rice discussed the public realm principle and explained that the public spaces at the street level, such as sidewalks, restaurant patios and building entrances, should incorporate vegetation, Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 4 of 6 ambient lighting, landmark elements, art features, and enhanced materials to enhance the welcoming atmosphere of the district. Pecard explained that site sustainability included open green space, canopy tree coverage, and green roofs should be encourages to reduce the heat island effect in summer months. Pecard explained that the landscaping material selection should prioritize use of narrative, low- maintenance plant species and natural methods of stormwater management, such as rain gardens, should be utilized where appropriate. Rice and Pecard explained that urban design included Developments should include spaces that are safe, inviting, walkable, support life-long learning, and mix well with the unique character of 50th & France. Pecard explained that design should promote year-round public gathering and provide spaces for events for diverse groups of residents and visitors, to enable formal and informal events and social interaction. The last principle the Pecard discussed was access, parking, and movement which included parking lots, buildings, and pedestrian and bike infrastructure should support residents’ and visitors’ ability to arrive at one location and comfortably walk to destinations within the district. Pecard and Rice explained that development within the district should create a welcoming face for surrounding neighborhoods and support convenient movement within the district and between the district and adjacent neighborhoods and added transit options will enhance movement through the district. Pecard and Rice discussed the conceptual development plan and briefly discussed that takes a look at the existing building and how they may relate to new development, ideal opportunities for new development in just looking at the plan today, and looking at the public realm and how that interfaces with the existing and new buildings. Pecard ended the presentation with a brief comparison and discussion of the existing 50th & France plan to the conceptual plan. Public Hearing Roberta Castellano, 4854 France Ave. S., stated that she believes there are factors in the plan that the City’s goal is to get that plan through so the City of Edina has mad modifications, but that some of the modifications aren’t changing the potential of what’s going to happen with the plan. Castellano explained that the buffer is included in the redevelopment area and it puts it at risk. Martha Moffit, 4829 Maple Road, stated that she is against the development and is very concerned about height and density. Moffit suggested that any developer be asked to improve the public realm as part of their plan with a proposed 4 or 2 story building and not just required for 6 stories. Moffit thanked the Working Group for all of the hard work. Dayna Deutsch, 4921 Maple Road, thanked the Working Group and Commission Nemerov for all of the hard work gone into the plan. Deutsch expressed concern about height, density, and the buffer and explained an incident on Maple Road last summer involving a flipped vehicle, due to heavy parking on Maple Road. Deutsch commented that speeds and risks are greater and she would love consideration of proposed retail and commercial and the impact on the perimeter of roads around 50th & France. Hope Melton, 4825 Valley View Road, asked the Planning Commission if they had thought about the possibility of work force and senior affordable housing in the area. Melton explained that there are seniors Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 5 of 6 in the area that would like to stay in the area and might need to downsize. Melton explained that there is a Noah housing project north of Walgreens and Melton hopes that can be preserved. Melton complimented the Working Group and thanked them. Steve Halloway, 4809 Townes Road, Commented that it didn’t make sense to him that the residential traffic would not impact the traffic. Halloway also commented on connectivity and that he is concerned about cars and traffic passing thought the area. Halloway also stated that he is also concerned about people using the residential neighborhood streets as parking lots to access retail. Peter MacDonagh 5132 Hankerson Ave., stated that he thought the plans were very forward thinking. MacDonagh stated that he liked the idea of increasing the density and it is needed. MacDonagh also commented that he appreciates of the idea of requiring developers to increase street amenities if they went taller, including similar art like downtown Hopkins. Commissioner Thorsen moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Discussion/Comments/Questions • Commissioners complimented the Working Group and Commissioner Nemerov. Commissioners also complimented Commissioner Nemerov and how he started the introduction with a background and history of the area and then the outreach efforts to the community. • Commissioners complimented the presentation and stated that the document was well put together. Commissioners commented on the 3 main concerns with density, height, and traffic and how they were addressed as well as working on communication with residents that can be improved. • Commissioners commented on the implementation section and stated that the plan did a great job at framing the history. Motion Commissioner Thorsen moved approval of the 50th & France Small Area Plan. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. VII. Community Comment None. VIII. Reports/Recommendations A. Comprehensive Plan Update Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Page 6 of 6 • Commissioners explained that the Planning Commission has received several comments from the public though Better Together and it seems to be working well. Commissioners also stated that they have a work session with the City Council on Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at 5:30 PM in the Community Room. • Director Teague commented that they have received 47 comments and 10 people have left those comments on Better Together. Teague added that Better Together has had over 1,100 visits. • Commissioners commented that one of the comments that was discussed by the citizens and by Ede and Christine was communication. Commissioners commented that they believes it will be an ongoing discussion and commented that Staff’s Better Together tool is going to improve collecting feedback from people, being able to organize it, and respond to it. IX. Correspondence and Petitions None. X. Chair and Member Comments • Commissioners discussed the student protest across the country regarding concerns with changes in the environment and stated that Edina students participated too. Commissioners commented that they need to be thinking about that issue too when making decisions and to remember that climate changes affects everything that the Planning Commission, City Council, and the City of Edina does. • Commissioner Miranda commented that he attended the Sub Committee meeting of the Transportation Commission on TDM with Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Miranda explained that the City of Edina is a member of the organized called the I-494 Corridor Commission. Miranda explained that it acts as a liaison between Bloomington, Richfield, Edina, Eden Prairie, and Minnetonka to see how they can get themselves and businesses in the area to encourage people to use alternative methods of transportation to reduce congestion. Commissioner Miranda commented that the City of Bloomington has a TDM ordinance and perhaps the City of Edina should consider one as well. XI. Staff Comments None. XII. Adjournment Commissioner Thorsen moved to adjourn the March 27, 2019, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 8:23 PM. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Date: April 10, 2019 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Varianc e R eques t B-19-6, 4249 C roc ker Ave Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance as requested I N TR O D U C TI O N: A 7.4 foot side street setback variance to the south side street/front setback from M orningside Road for a teardown-rebuild new home. T he subject property, 4240 C rocker Ave., is approximately 9,504 square feet in area and is located on the northwest corner of Crocker Avenue and M orningside Road. T he existing home will be torn down and replaced on the lot with a two-story home with a side load garage. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Applicant Application Staff Report Attachments Variance Application for 4249 Crocker Avenue - Supplement Great Neighborhood Homes, Inc. has purchased 4249 Crocker Avenue on behalf of our clients Kush Chottepanda and Sarah Bakken. It is the client's intent to replace the existing home on the site with a new home for their growing family. 4249 Crocker is a corner lot and the zoning code requires a new home to meet both the 42.8' front setback of the adjacent home to the north on Crocker Avenue (4247) and the 24.5' front setback of the adjacent home to the east on Morningside Road (4208). 4249 Crocker is a narrow 50' lot. Complying with the zoning would seriously impact the buildability of a new home if it had to meet the 24.5' setback of 4208 Morningside. Given the zoning requires at least a 5' side yard setback from 4247 Crocker, the resulting new home could only be 20.5' wide. The existing home at 4249 Crocker is 28.2' wide and is setback 16.7' from Morningside Road. We are proposing a new home that would be 26.9' wide and have an improved setback from Morningside Road at 17.1'. Therefore, we are requesting a variance of 7.4'. The clients have worked hard to make sure both the Crocker and the Morningside street facades of their new home are well articulated and attractive, in character with the vintage charm of the other homes in the neighborhood. The proposed variance will relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and the use is reasonable. The ordinance requiring a 24.5' front setback from Morningside Road. This would require an abnormally narrow home to be built. The plight of Schmidt's is due to the unique nature of corner lots and their dual front setback requirement. These circumstances were not created by the homeowner and will not alter the essential character of the property or its surroundings. The proposed variance will correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other properties in the vicinity. Several corner lot homes nearby have setbacks from Morningside similar to the proposed home. For example, 4200 Morningside (NW corner of Morningside and Grimes) is setback 15.1' from Morningside. 4114 Morningside (NE corner of Morningside and Grimes) is setback approximately 10' from Morningside Road. The proposed variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance. The intent of the front street setback ordinance is to prevent obtrusive structures impairing the sightlines of the neighboring homes. The new 17.1' setback from Morningside will be an improvement over the existing 16.7' setback. In addition, our proposed new home is approximately 75' away from the home to the east at 4208 Morningside Road. This is an improvement from the 4249 Crocker existing garage which is approximately 35' away from the home at 4208 Morningside. In addition, our proposed home will be setback 6' from the property line to the north (4247 CroclipraNaA im-DEPAH provement oyer the existing home's 4.9' NINti MtN setback. MAR 1 2 2019 CITY OF EDINA The proposed variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. As you can see in the photos, this neighborhood is an eclectic mix of different style homes. The clients have designed a dual façade home to respect both the streetscapes of Crocker Avenue and Morningside Road that will blend with the existing character of the neighborhood. Careful planning went into designing a timeless exterior style including: Painted Smartside stucco texture siding, decorative painted trim, divided light windows, wood panel shutters, window planter boxes, coach style garage doors, a street facing chimney, and welcoming front porch. 4249 Crocker Avenue new home proposed building materials: • Traditional Painted Smartside stucco texture siding. • Asphalt roof • Detailed trim and shutters. • Divided light windows • Coach panel garage doors • Window planter boxes PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2 2019 CITY OF EDINA 1888 Date: April 10, 2019 To: PLANNING COMMISSION From: Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner Subject: B- 19-6, A 7.4 foot side street setback variance to the south side street/front setback from Morningside Road for a teardown-rebuild/new home. Information / Background: The subject property, 4249 Crocker Ave., is approximately 9,504 square feet in area and is located on the northwest corner of Crocker Avenue and Morningside Road. The existing home will be torn down and replaced on the lot with a two-story home with a side loading garage. The applicant is proposing a 7.4 foot side yard setback variance on the south property line for a new two story home. The existing home has a non-conforming setback to the south property line of 16.7 feet. The required south side street/front yard setback is 24.5 feet because the home adjacent to the west faces Morningside Road. The ordinance requires the subject home match the neighboring front yard setback on a corner lot. The proposed new home will be farther from the south lot line than the existing nonconforming home with a south side street setback of 17.15 feet. The new home will increase the nonconforming south setback of the existing home by a little less than 6 inches. The remainder of the project conforms to all of the zoning ordinance requirements. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential.. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 STAFF REPORT Page 2 Existing Site Features 4249 Crocker is a one and one half-story home built in 1925 with a detached side loading garage. The current home does not meet the setbacks required in today's code. The existing setback on the south property line is 16.7 feet instead of today's required setback of 24.5 feet. The proposed new home will improve upon the existing non-conforming setback by approximately 6 inches on the south side of the property. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in their April 10, 2019, memorandum. The storm water management plan associated with the project does not propose any drainage to neighboring private properties. The new and existing run-off associated with this project will be directed to Crocker Ave. and Morningside Road, which have the storm utility capacity to accept new run off. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side — East Side - South— West Side — 5 feet 42.8 feet 24.5 feet 25 feet 6 feet 42.8 feet 17.15 feet* 52.24 feet Building Coverage 25% 24.8% *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues • Are the proposed variances justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: STAFF REPORT Page 3 I) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. "Practical difficulties" may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and complies with zoning standards, with exception of the south side street/front yard setback. The practical difficulty is caused by the existing location of the home to the west and the required south setback that must be matched on the subject property. The proposed new home is reasonable on the south side due to the lot having two required front yard setbacks, in addition, the proposed home will be farther from the south lot line than the existing home's non-conforming setback. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The existing house has a non-conforming setback on the south side and was built many years ago prior to the current ordinance requirements. There have been no variances grated for original construction of the home, so it conformed to setback requirements at the time. The proposed new home will continue the non-conforming setback as allowed in 1925 when the existing home was built. Circumstances have changed over time creating a nonconforming situation on the property with the existing home non-conforming. The proposed new home will slightly improve upon the same non-conforming setback. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance to the south property line will not alter the character of the neighborhood. All other aspects of the home conforms to the ordinance requirements. Recommended Action: Approve the 7.4 foot south side street/front yard setback request for a teardown-rebuild on property at 4249 Crocker Ave. Staff recommendation the variance request is subject to the findings listed in the staff report above and subject to the following conditions: • Subject to the survey and plans date stamped March 12, 2019 • Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer's memo. Deadline for a city decision: May 1 I , 2019. Hennepin County Property Map Date: 4/4/2019 MorningsIde Ftd PARCEL ID: 0702824420019 OWNER NAME: PARCEL ADDRESS: 4249 Crocker Ave, Edina MN 55416 PARCEL AREA: 0.22 acres, 9,500 sq ft A-T-B: Abstract SALE PRICE: SALE DATA: SALE CODE: ASSESSED 2018, PAYABLE 2019 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Non-HrImpsfPart MARKET VALUE: TAX TOTAL ASSESSED 2019, PAYABLE 2020 PROPERTY TYPE: Unavailable HOMESTEAD: Unavailable MARKET VALUE: Unavailable Comments: This data (i) is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (iii) is notsuitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable for any damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2019 Hennepin County Property Map Date: 4/4/2019 Mo.rnintisido Rd PARCEL ID: 0702824420019 OWNER NAME: ( PARCEL ADDRESS: 4249 Crocker A‘A Edina MN 55416 PARCEL AREA: 0.22 acres, 9,500 sq ft A-T-B: Abstract SALE PRICE: SALE DATA: SALE CODE: ASSESSED 2018, PAYABLE 2019 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Non-Homestead MARKET VALUE: TAX TOTAL ASSESSED 2019, PAYABLE 2020 PROPERTY TYPE: Unavailable HOMESTEAD: Unavailable MARKET VALUE: Unavailable Comments: This data (i) is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (iii) is notsuitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable for any damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2019 DATE: April 10, 2019 TO: Cary Teague — Planning Director I FROM: Ross Bintner, PE — Engineering Services Manager RE: 4249 Crocker Avenue - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed include the survey revised 3/11/19, proposed stormwater management plan dated 03/11/19 and the site plan that is dated 3/12/19. Grading and Drainage The proposed plan includes full redevelopment of the property. Applicant should review need for shoring on north property line with Building Department at time of demo permit application. Site drains to Crocker Avenue and Morningside Road. Stormwater Mitigation Stormwater was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 standards. The applicant has proposed a swale along the north property line that directs water to Crocker Avenue. The south half of the site drains to Morningside Road. Erosion and Sediment Control An erosion and sediment control plan was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-002. Street and Curb Cut A curb cut permit will be required if the applicant proposed replacing or relocating existing curb cut. The site plan should show the removal of the existing driveway and curb cut. Public Utilities Water is served from Morningside Road and sanitary service is unknown, serving either to Morningside or Crocker. Other Items A Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit could be required, applicant will need to verify with the district. A final grade as-built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard • Edina, Minnesota 55439 wmv.EdinaMN.gov • 952-826-0371 • Fax 952-826-0392 Variance Application for 4249 Crocker Avenue - Supplement Great Neighborhood Homes, Inc. has purchased 4249 Crocker Avenue on behalf of our clients Kush Chottepanda and Sarah Bakken. It is the client's intent to replace the existing home on the site with a new home for their growing family. 4249 Crocker is a corner lot and the zoning code requires a new home to meet both the 42.8' front setback of the adjacent home to the north on Crocker Avenue (4247) and the 24.5' front setback of the adjacent home to the east on Morningside Road (4208). 4249 Crocker is a narrow 50' lot. Complying with the zoning would seriously impact the buildability of a new home if it had to meet the 24.5' setback of 4208 Morningside. Given the zoning requires at least a 5' side yard setback from 4247 Crocker, the resulting new home could only be 20.5' wide. The existing home at 4249 Crocker is 28.2' wide and is setback 16.7' from Morningside Road, We are proposing a new home that would be 26.9' wide and have an improved setback from Morningside Road at 17.1'. Therefore, we are requesting a variance of 7.4'. The clients have worked hard to make sure both the Crocker and the Morningside street façades of their new home are well articulated and attractive, in character with the vintage charm of the other homes in the neighborhood. The proposed variance will relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and the use is reasonable. The ordinance requiring a 24.5' front setback from Morningside Road. This would require an abnormally narrow home to be built. The plight of Schmidt's is due to the unique nature of corner lots and their dual front setback requirement. These circumstances were not created by the homeowner and will not alter the essential character of the property or its surroundings. The proposed variance will correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other properties in the vicinity. Several corner lot homes nearby have setbacks from Morningside similar to the proposed home. For example, 4200 Morningside (NW corner of Morningside and Grimes) is setback 15.1' from Morningside. 4114 Morningside (NE corner of Morningside and Grimes) is setback approximately 10' from Morningside Road. The proposed variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance. The intent of the front street setback ordinance is to prevent obtrusive structures impairing the sightlines of the neighboring homes. The new 17.1' setback from Morningside will be an improvement over the existing 16.7' setback. In addition, our proposed new home is approximately 75' away from the home to the east at 4208 Morningside Road. This is an improvement from the 4249 Crocker existing garage which is approximately 35' away from the home at 4208 Morningside. In addition, our proposed home will be setback 6' from the property line to the north (4247 CrockpatailantoPA1-irernaiver the existing home's 4.9' -DE1 I s etback. MAR 1 2 2019 CITY OF EDINA The proposed variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. As you can see in the photos, this neighborhood is an eclectic mix of different style homes. The clients have designed a dual façade home to respect both the streetscapes of Crocker Avenue and Morningside Road that will blend with the existing character of the neighborhood. Careful planning went into designing a timeless exterior style including: Painted Smartside stucco texture siding, decorative painted trim, divided light windows, wood panel shutters, window planter boxes, coach style garage doors, a street facing chimney, and welcoming front porch. 4249 Crocker Avenue new home proposed building materials: • Traditional Painted Smartside stucco texture siding. • Asphalt roof • Detailed trim and shutters. • Divided light windows • Coach panel garage doors • Window planter boxes PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2 2019 CITY OF EDINA • - , VNlai q)414. 610Z I eIVN • . 'I r 4 1/) • _ f 41, NNING DEPAR M i i CITY OF„gDIN,". LjPiq. Cvo act.- dr:Oji Rd H ofv.c., vlew fl'ovv" Cov146v 1,InCr,j',11Ntqvg...1 :" • - vi ,v4/3 -bh-47- 7) 19--c- • w soeh _ SOLD 011E5 SITES AVAILIKE (-12 ,4ct Cp00.c1. amt (-tv47 Cvo. PL NING;PEP4RTMENT. 612 617C fro &A-k Wfc I 14 of ./1.) . • , G 1:83A ENT .mARa. 2 2014 ', :e• : 'Or TY OF EDINA- Y" PLA14411A4PATirg. MAR 1 2 2019 CITY OF EDINA 02'4 3 LI,Oatt/ _ __ NPLAN ING uEPt ARTMENT MAR 12 2012 n-i, F CO ,EDIN - c q. cv"A at f-r+44,5 sso l'-7101,..C;11 NA Qv/ fob)) CRoolco2,4k1E/471W.. v•s•ii \,svif-t5oRA-oop - m PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 12 2.019 CITY OF EDINA '''' ".• 1.1 - • V 11.g 11-0" - 4 • 00.04. r4.4.1,(2 -$1 ' Pl•KIr IVi• • rem . 510111,- i:j f r — 1: 1 1 • 4--- Mgt — • --r •t•::j ti I 1 ' •: • • r. • $..; PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2.2G1 CITY OF EDINA "14 NI C oGKE,K AN/ .71t4A "6 6 ( . &EA,'1 t6f-Y5ORP 0013 PON(t. ExQT E'ENTATTi97,21-- i4o 11- eIt I '4Vjl An 7z y 2:: t t..11 -3ot Y44, t9IP lc It • t k_•;„ • 't PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 Z.201 CITY OF EDINA 2511' (AAA./ t**1-409 00 ,-7--5Irt•VA•144_ L__ Li: . • r . 1, I*11 71. —1/0 ----I-4,r FLOM= esAt2A-toc..... . (695 5F7 C- tAT!,tr,:fr :771 I: • Vert,12- - II ir)F ?RS t_vm y4,142-(/ (4T R-ooR— PLAI4 24 9 CP-0C)<E,12 ANE, 6REAT o tt:• To = <1.75* Ppr"-ati e avnt 6,kren.te = 6 /4 sw,xtr-,-(• pon.t.41 FA-rto nAtA.,<•(*D*F- • PrzAtiAtt, In:, • • 4. P ToTAC.-.•• —2,11M:c1A61... •-crb•••= • • • 48(73 r 0 2t ttvt.m J,314724. -1/11,It+tdvi II d 14r rig. — ra.' P7 et4.?? • . . - LowER. L PLAN '790SF (iNc.6uve6 Slava-) T= I 'ti,rzhc 77 ~llgx l2= .7t12 -11. -7- tizt-E .n. , IV) p.m -leaTf LCLM [Oa ADV. • f24.!FIFI 1 NT turz z...eArort ti`&." .76.7012., r_A> .2.111 L.<-42_yz- A-vs_ 1, G • 19 , , rq CREAT Noz.)--1o,or-1-4 coy 1-4otv%- ;71 *AA 01.1., 'Go -C. -7..124 :1,10 , p,:1-.4o4p0( I i• ‘1 ":* -1 't•-•.4,11-101/c.ovst PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2_2019 CITY OF EDINA vP I f -FeT 6•14%15 Wu. A....6c OV,9 3/bila( a./7/1.1 rR81:1.6"(Artaz.Y••• •• 16.11-PPL ••••••••f/i..,..•11.::-11-••••••• • • • I /1-,4,) ibl7tistA . . . . attlq ........ 0.1gEgr. Ne1,414e.0234.0011 VNIC13 JO A110 6ot- r 0 --12er roue, 26.1' r-A,,e• t-1.1. 4eCftc•ic. --x,p"op r21964- L17.7.74 ""'• PLINNING DEPARTMENT MAR 12 -2019 CITY OF EDINA eS•r. Fc'0+4 rdirt-•14, • _ - Pel.c, 2 ,L .4147 CMCke.42.4N.,;:-.tXtfirNei•-9trzVcrtne4. .42-41-,..,erzadcp-6 przopoter?...silzue..-turzg ..... ... .. ...... 24 '91 C K. 0 CiK_E-K NSA Crzet,i(t Ars sves-E,-r- F-LeAtAno 6 KSA-i- li \tt6,1440Kt-te77 -7 4.t1.,,(14211 , G • I NROT . "Az2474._10,4! _ ig 1111 snail 11111111Iii""" =Hr—rep '..---1666E 144.6. - 2/18/2019 Google Calendar- March 2019 ci5a,v4ipt4t.,:frgarbSet, 5Tiewtoro-, . ' • •• tt, 24.1os.".minmstpc.150‘lew wri7NA VP.1144. .MORMit16,5-1Pe_ tcoA9 • ' PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 12.2019 CITY OF EDINA 2/2 hilps://calendar.google.comicalendar/r/month/2019/3/12tab=mc /11.01 IN% ••116 .1111 a 0 'MN R7 1 //71 7//7 .41= 7. /// Z7///// .11.1 i > ce 0 ce gergram 185.74 MEAS. 1"1"1.: C) —J .1. wA ZOO MEAS. r- 0.1 .0. en, r R CITY OF EDINA LSI 1.•1 Ana • MIN ft =Mat .11129= .1•11. Oa* on 11.. MOW aroll 0.I.• •II• oda. ••• r••• toe a, .MO11.. -TM Wm. al .11 Mi. ••• .1.11•.• Po deld l•Ver er NNW. It, I... m.:0=1:••===1"...."•."=1:o. " VOil."1/ weltorra.al • ea an =I SCALE IN FEET 0 VV. BROWN AND SURVETWO. WC. 11.00•11./. , ••••••..••••220. .:::" 1•141408.10..0 Ikt..:1/1,011....011...MINIKIVa.00.4 EXISTING CONDITION SURVEY FOR: GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES LEGEND pern.. koyd.• • OM. S... • rid. Cs* MORNINGSIDE ROAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2.2019 IVA owl* ...Ow CANN. 112EM NroAremo Lel PAN • LNIA or CONIONX A110111.1NCT NC. • —1,0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2./. 019 CITY OF EDINA '''"'""""" 20 AO sc44-c IN /QT 0.211 ler NOUN ON•An An INN war •No/Aad •Nkat• II. NW/or Inn Ow NON. ANO> eonN•Nes .104 WWWW W OW n WW1 km IWO su/rell. 114...• •••• 0. mr14 .111•1 Ilea flow ••••13/1 pm. pm. II.111 W. BROWN UN. 2,URV m EYING, INC. PIO C•10./.••0111180.116arax. 01•011•••10......•25 llowtmloa•Noo th44.111111:6WW.W.A.MCIMINVILTPMC01.1 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN FOR: GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES PROPOSED HOUSE PER PRELIMINARY PLANS DATED 02-07-2019 AND SUBJECT TO CHANCE LEGEND S Ore /./.1••• A00.0 GO•11.4 Cads Pall. NOMA NM ['NON GleLtn. Conisor IN•AA km wenn.. ftT.1.1 . 0 k r aNIMA MOWN. ,O0.0 Hattiolo Bs8s op ot z O nal \ ( 1747 ‘1 ••• lomaiwir rook, • . osyclue: ..41. 0.4 ; oft. 4- svnero 4916 N69'26'04 AANNAA onoicA sA4 Nc Num Nrer N 14, • .101.2 MORNINCSIDE ROAD EDINA SITE DRAINAGE PRECAUTIONS: ,• eoG rornblonl. ro,O ,,,O sairlarnenl omen to mantic coratruelon oppl... 2. , tr:vg, raking, 09409, 1111119. or other methode le a 2, 01.4. a nce. rt., organk rich, tento0 to a mInimurn depth of 4 irmbee on anion of 411.1Urb 4. Place an or oved and ankh en .wpooecl ye. as won ea prorDeol. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES, 1. rgrennt7f7nrSludITIttrr:nr;utrS';:r:o=r:bn'gr Irma 2. Largrititerrl Znn'.7"riklitri7711:•;:*ando7='=',11;.'.7,11Z-:„, seelmardallan baidre juks clean. groans or Man lod-eaturbing onalty Point eel .1. enter Intele ISM rec. nunon Imo asturent J. Eel,LNlr ..antral 1414,1 plalka5 m oil doe,, 9144'244 4,42.144. Niar4 Soy a uu N 140.42 Wane INnut pane.. anent nem▪ If th• shart-larm cony I: Oat complete GOPHER STATE ONE CALL "'" ""g:TIZ:Tr`'``Z I • snonnentOCAl PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7.nre=.7,=7,,V41r.,rzt = ovedleadlog. C. Oefora bootreng conetniction, Irelog a ID... ROM CONSTRUCTION ENTIWACE eork poke when weig1« a.. conatructIon .11e. Uss 25 11151 (I 11E30 14 90 mrn (2 kick) ea.. re. MOOT Stannard SpecIfi.1. 3137 6.0-1. CA-2. CA-3, or eon) Coon. Aggregate. Pion 4161. In o User et least 152 min (5 Mc.) thick across 1. tn. width of Ps entron.. Cstend tb. rock entrant* at Mak 15 m 3733 Type t) (SO feeV Inperr to .. . ab. tha nantnn son.. Use a WITCO oo, Stondord SpecIncolion motes. Imm .. rem bns 21 ▪ moot ado love roadways. Praderi per1c47 top ...log nth 104114191 alone n emPd. minded D.P.. akojo naa . nr4L . wnlan en stotaind v. stone not droln. ala to oppasteri onkrant Sapp. cfmne. B. Rm.w oil sells end sad... troclied or onornee deans. onto adjacent P.P.. penmen! or.eldes..., s.ets. and onen. G.mmst shoe be . eonronhout ...on of consinacCon. CI. pond roodw. by ans., or dry aseasng. If nom., Pe. M erne Is loosen compoctee s.dlenont rae.el pr. rweeptag. Neal avdinten motsdpl to 6 oullohle dater. ono. SlownerosIdng U allowed on. otter ask.. ha. 66111112160v.2 .6660490. IL .11 giNtmles Meng el.. or o.r effect. es.. corn. amend an tempo., NM steak.. Leone er dirt .1.1..o 66.6111504 1116 done.. droll droll.. length le no Ins than 15 m (25 1.0 from Om toe of toa .(. length Inc:mig Marrnweler connyanas sock au ourti and Mt... Or condiels and 411.ss ulna. Mere is e bypass In place for . Mennweter. If remaining ler 11566 Non 7 O.. slab.. T. metebtN4.4.4444° coo, or 011... mean.. During a.. nPotr. er(1 AIR Mon.. lecal. Mow Oren 5 is (25 Ian) le a resnery Nolnege Nor. tren. arid noted Mem ener Inns eau AD muko 10. =um.: Mstall an fence M. On contour (one Inn Inertrontol plena) nth load op (I-knob) ardar to help pond peen. ,one! batall threat tence on Me .101 .01. of el/pearl Pros. nano of 1.2 re (4 feel) as Ins. Drin posts at Mort 0.8 ni (21.0) Into eon 610Und. Anchor the .91 Imps 140412 b er trench al .0 1.92 mm (0 Inchee) eup en4 152 no (5 Inc..) elk dog on In 27.tol.....414..11749 Poen Loy th. fa* In 444 tsar, ond than 1.414111 and compact wItt w.atory ante eompoctor. Moo orry minn In Om learn at a fame post. At spl overlap ▪ foink al le. 112 am (0 Inch.). fen II orer, end nestle las. It to . fence pen Sit Inca mt. poma Nan Mee 1 n. C2 In essene or tons hardwood. id. er Mond. T- or 14-sactlen , or ll-secilon at. Plats shag veigh net In. Nen 1.5502 44 per foster (1.35 Oe (4.1 Pon. Noll han a none. lenglk of 1594 mm (5 feet). Pasts shall hon projection. IS 10611101. festenIng ne Ionic and nenre tobric anne rnet the rentrarm. of LINDOT Stone. 5.11.1on .0 for promiseneed fen., !widener In a eentInuon roll In one to non nallcss. Goole.. lobec .11 untlelm 1.ure one appearance e. hose . defects. 0... or kers. The 10466 shin ay.. uttrondel ON) roy Inhibitor ale to ponds nee.. two-year sent.. ninon. rank color Nell internogonet 11. MaIntok of temper. aro.° and en.. corerel dn. In pl. urn Dm contritkrUng dminage area hot been s.111ted (Pord-Infocsd paw pare and vegeogon enc. eh .. greerm..). an DM., 1.4.9°, ZrZO"dZrZbble tro:104°.[Zrns%I.rntat control ale.lo're7ninly'enunan.7 .1.ments Dinsee-st off Restore on .edirnord.on Penne tbdr ..new Immenalely ittonit.on of 12. If 24.erIng . noulnd and suaznilxr p , urrni:1 Tone must be O'b7Zritt leen ;I:1 to =Arm the 1.0..14 4 4.14.49 Ng Zelpollen must he pan. at . as al the pump .1.m. MAR 1 2-2019 CITY OF EDINA CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 0...o. ......o.. a #,... net le Ise as.. (.. Me Sege. .1.1.6.. lgns.. fn.. wk.) 0.1. sere beg. 2 dent. pm.... do Y...4 PM... . rizz.v.°;,t.tvronzzr.rhtl....=="• N. tr.:;:t.=nonr.=;:.=:::,r.r:r. 3 ..66.161 In art. to 66.6.666616 Nert-torm ..... MA snisent ""'"' P"Trrg: r44=411:it; 1:7nreorpl=" ..."' 4 Cent. Me City Mr appro. el Ns secilment can roi clate.. el Rough mon Me slie. 4 .541 all.e 7 Ms. pownsvits. 0 .1•11 I. Mom Ian... 0 Rest. an ribluned warm 10 44. esi .. enter end conny....... , Ma ag 44004444 erne eiiead/ .er Zlale .. ttlein npra.........1.6 nn 12 Rmen MI bersperay see.. an. Orale. EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES: Deno. i.e. of men not to . (..7..111. Oink Monk Mink .col fence. etc) . the Onelopennt .112 Nlan work Ann roma. of Ica. end mean regetollon shaven ...101e, Scene* C06.1.11dlon In color to anpose the smollest ;enon onto of aoll ot any °Nen Hers. ImMornset appropriate cerstructe. phoemg, rentallwa MAfer .ips, horizontal ap. gran.. and othet construction pox... Not minim. erosion. 3. Follow. intra ooh datrebonce or complete permanent or loinnr. Mainanden annul ninon On to 124. 1•114. one running wenn . conn en po.1014. but In .se 1..n 14 con.' de. an ell .larine or tonne ore. Irstuding slam. management panni ninerement does not op. to No. neon on .ommlb..1,10 .64 for rncleriol •tervoo or for Noll ore. on wn. groang. sl le Ovitelng. er olhar conetructirm cc... no cannily Lindorevy. 4. 7mM.. nab.. noes a 144.1 .1460.. ort stockpl. mender In ardor to prennt on .tted. and ropld forioff dn. the casetrunion Onion.. poled. 61 eon, an oath NOM0 grasp cow 411I not . pennttled. 5toldne al datiertme green.. moos win 4 nnirrann of r bong inenerkotely after Han engrode comp... Seed on2 aNln 5 boon env compleon o enol gadingnk d .. pemm.0mo 0 5. 0140111. 4g dieturbed anon to b. pone tang early ,((Lion of grovel bo... 0. Apply n rex.ry moisture lo cona.11. area In ceder to Nonni Pm .proad do In 544. rz1=7."Z: • d'W"u"' TEMPORARY Rp E CONSTRDETON ENTRANC MSS CONSIISI10 CTION. MOM Men aka INIOIECRON ON ALL CAT. MAW: DIPOSED TO OCNIZROCTIoN 50.41. MORNINGSIDE ROAD z w Cc w CC 0 O6 907 ,I.tg:2aFratr. TO, .Or snow-4944,0'. Ake n - e 44 a .19 te el enter . • • -49 909 1 re.. 'Da .C116,1UNCIS 1.101421 SONAN. MOW: =Or MVO GMT 61.0600.6.60 NOM SU Mr 50111•11617, "X.W / MI6 1. .14416301160.66.1.1=C611 • PROPOICO RP. MOW =G. OWING CONTOL111 COMM (091.7) Mee= AP DM.. t0 20 SCALE TELT (Suricle\ CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL EiVOINEEFONO SERVICES nant.te.55411 011....116.66.101. 166,61.1.1613 /O% 4249 CROCKER AVENUE EDINA, IAN (16/6 1116016.11 11.66.16ICE111.11,146611.631.1.4.. re='''"VgArgrr""11° gg="LtovaW000%....vo Of IIGSTATI101.161616.01, MAUR. O67.3.11401.1 0 .6. 1.011.1,16. 41.12 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 61‘61.1.0: C1 ori 1 TO 2 INCH DIAMETER WASHED ROCK. /MOOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 3137 CA-1, CA-2, CA-3 OR EQUAL COARSE AGGREGATE PUBLI R IS INCH MINIMUM THICKNESS 30 FOOT MINIMUM LENGTH AINODT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 3733 TYPE V PERMEABLE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MATERIAL BENEATH THE ROCK 12 FOOT MINIMUM WIDTH 24-INCH HIGH CUT-OFF DIKE WITH MAXIMUM SIDESLOPES OF 4:1 TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE JODt seems I I I M. P0515 1.0 IDEerritar RENIORCE NTN SNOW lint Met 91201, 011 51157 4110502 FENCE IN AREAS *ERE CONCENTRATED FLOWS CCCUll (SUCH AS 5.1E2 INTNIES. AND IN FROM OF CULVERTS AND 02)10/10.45155) LAY Tit FAN. ADAMS, MC 50E5 AND BOTTOM OF 1HE TRENCH. BAC.. AND COMPACT MTH A 013.101. PLATE COMPACTOR 2 114119 501./ME HARDWOOD, POE, OR STANDM. , OR U-SECTION STEEL POSTA DO Nor .CEED .01.11.1 POST SPACING or 4 F. D.C. 30' DK. HOMO 0111ECTION RIF SURFACE 01.04 -V! .81110 COLOR -- 00040 0 vox PERSPECTIVE 417071DCIRE FABRIC IN ACCORDANCE W MNO STD. SPEC. 3533TI OT FOR OT 5.11 BE 0•771.1°'' SUPPORT.. SILT FENCE 1.T.4 L" 27 USC LAM ANT/ iTTAPL. 10 ATTACH FABRIC TO WON, POSTS. USE IT MKS TO ATTAM ABR.. SIT. POSTS. USE HOG RINGS TO ATTACH FABRIC TO 3555 MESH SILT FENCE INSTALLATION ANCHOR SUPPORT POST IN SOIL SECTION VIEW MATERIALS: 1. Torrn kana Mel Praha. roma. MN ...don or rehl...454) Mom., 6 mem. lo emu.. o cora to prole. No catch basIn cur-box eemmont oscapIng over No top of Noe. dracos .1Io MIR 61126440 Ter orn.riency • ROA thein Cu. 4 0.6 With ropM•oblo Mlor sock Monoloclured by WITCO. 799 Ta Dr. 'holm.. MN 55379. Phone (052) 233-3055, Norarea.rolacorn). b. all Mr. Ms B. regular Rao (50 gpm/ft2), with auffs deflector cm mad. 0.500000 01000014 00 roctimulor Imete Round shook on retina r... Monulactured by AV ONVIRONMEIMI. 2531 Con1.11 Rood, RIchmona, VA 23.234. Phone (sop) 443-3635, Gareadenvironmontotre ). c, torn. curt MN a. 91.1 n to.. Mondoetured by D.. PRODUCTS. 1095 Hon.. Rood. Mount Vornan, C.11 43050, /Nene (BOO) 301-22114. 0. DmItt_EM: NIh ourb Oltm as roe.. Mende... by DAN. PRODUCT, 1003 08,03941 Roc. Meant Wreak OH 43050, P.m (500) 551-2234, (..0.aoro2uclecorn). e..L 49944 5W14IN33 5 5 .Cor 9w4n. Mmog . . aMse r.o..e. FaMNvNa . 5f3r0o5m1 , Phone (050) 437-5539. 2. 5130:TS.42.11.1 Pratrallon /mann .1111n° nodes 405 nr ovefflon nem.,.Toko cam to protect the cm. bosh a... frt. ed... toed.. ongoing froor Ihe lop of Nese dotleas M. MN ago.. for mnorgency a. 3902 N. Ton T. Md. R. 23 mu. cramlIng .4 2'23' RD 27 OW rough ppm. ler 27. NM). or Ma0M 00 3057 OM Canting MN 39-1/4.417-3/4- alarmelons). llandoatured by 151.0. 700 Thal. Dre , Sh In puokapeo. MN. 1517.. Pha. 013T 233-3055, 50..422252206°m.eorn. on use . rIght-al... 05 b. 1.1,152291455.LC..T.I. outelde of No baon erder map addelonal Moe Standard from. are ...Is to 111 2.1. 1430. darrmlar ane 2.53. operingy. OWN. by ROYAL EIMITPRISM 30522 Forest Boulmard, MN. 50025, Mona (051) 492-1706 (mmeryolontregritoe.m). De not use In NAM c. TIM U........arroo.„0„. ...sment I•In place. 90 Sator Tubs. aletrl.. by atnatl P. Box 22055. Offandlold. CA 01290. Plea (051) /15.3558. GmermelorrOmong. Ito net 9. In mella 41.1.-say. 3. • 10 cordoln mare Nan 35% o°dd Topsail shall Ifs martanotily froo of Vtenerrs.-•••0117;111=7Plcrt:•nrotr If11:11..t7e=5:1•71711:7n• (atallel•.•'•4 1......-E511.4.2q15010.2.5111121.1.1- M001 Standard Speolroo.n 3733 Type V permed.• geotexas mole. Pode ler c111...- 51 won (2 In.) ....MI. namwsoe,Pink er ..Ord or LI-soallon steel paff.. 7- or 11-5.110 Mom pools shall wolgh of lou Noe 1.0002 1.5 per meld (1.29. per lineal Ma). Ns. 1.0 hare a rff4423 length of 1524 mm (5 NM). Pants Mall have mojoctIono foc011ate Noted. No fobrla and pre.. all.. 5 Tamar FohrI, MDOT MTN. Sp.... 3533 well mg.. Mt WIC.. Furnish In a con... roll In order To a.. spOons. CootextOe labdo . .11onn In Ware ond appearance and lam no dolects. Trek or Team. . fobrlo •MO .doki ultraMolot (UV) toy Intabllor and MON... Pm.* mmInInunn boo-year marloo Illeeddoerk Fob. color Trail be Idernallonal Orange. >, 20010040 for 401150,5,0 Rork rmslnMln Meer.. arm (2 Inch) M.N. rock, MINOT Sloneard Sp...on 3137 CA-2 or CA-3 Coo. Agar.. m oguat e. :f.11Jo'f.d.311;;47.rprrne:ob••1: ;:l11111•17;Inrddr'r 322,060 g. 7.7.7'r rookTaff Vorl:re;.4111=11T7 4t2.Z1.1-71ZrZ 0) 1...dm or too. 10. IDe L ,2011 m.rb Md En.,re!Mk end 5004 InIal F15301, coal Of opon-van comm. masonry blecla, n. err. MIA 12 ram (0.5 Inch) op.... ...NM rock Pla. opon-core conc. masonry ee. 1.1.1.. Noir Mee artatin0 the catc.asIn 1.1. Plem. mks oar. aro. On Nelnerlor lo lap alae block Condor belon the lo pOarad. sm. ado to pcmont Um M Ila Mktg tr.. through 1M Macke Place mak 0,20,ENo cr. nal. to the tep el Sta nd)ack, Uso 25 mrn (1 1.0 to 50 rrm (2 .acedama. rock INDOT ard S.M.. 3137 CA-1, CA-2 CA-3, o Como Aggro.. No courses of In order to form • Mc. hoght of 167. ". Srafon for Nice muf Rmk Intel FID6 12 mm (0.5 I.) 25 3*60 11 Lolef 4.:.541t1= Wee of unrotlad hay. alma, or aNer ma. locally wage. 14. F=.9452415griglioo2.C.N.21:09.5. In woe... MN LINDOT Standard 15 Melon ran. tandlolf INA 450 Turf RoNfaremant Met manufactured by oPprovod .5. .11 midn control mettIng. 111.51.p0. 550,10. wad ta anchor otnnk. 00.0 6540, 0,12 be LI-0am. 3 nun diornatar or tuador Meal .a. Ina .pon odd. at the arom.holl . a mlnlenum el 25 awn (1 Inch). Tod. dm. h1, a Imp, el 35o mm (10 or more fnom lop to bottom after bonding. 12 T.M.N. Curl.. SedIrm. Leg, cm manuloaturod by Amedcon Med., Company Grem.co...), or approe... E.hlor flbors ehall be rood nod q. 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Nee ...nue Temporary ond parmanmt oe0Menlatler. balm mud ho divined and sodlmont rammed when No rot of 4..51 C015,02.01 th...1. VT ths Ido 72 .ore. or cm soon es OM 202200,4202 mw 0,w.,. rza,^nztza.47 atOwl2ellon mal es "•-,:tzr PaZletsgelblal. rood te. el. dey. of obtaining ocoosa. 0. pent conetnaUen volicle melt lecollans for ...as el ort-.IlesedIrnmt Mr 1 onto paved madman. liatraws all ano... Welled 00 elKartrive 2nd Remo.I Merl Bo on a Meuphut No ado. ot the .otncotlan. Noon pond Ma.. by sham. or 1-..aping. De not dry swoop. If mean wry. scrape paved o.m l0000n comm. xedIrnant mato. :mina Ha. oodkrima o dlopoeol Stn. Is *9.0.2 only Mid emliment nn beer num. by onevelIng or moping. 10. Ned., any coma. maned. ordered by 1M 257 or or 09.0:1 WHO 24 hot. of oU11.11. hadell oddMnal eroslon molocU. or tedlm. ;7,7.7 010 or womd owria 21015 24 boon of PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2 2 019 CITY OF EDINA 4. ISundel Eno IOW CML AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1063502.21,0001102 (4.0010110101/000.1250-10 0002 51,511,510 .(01.05512 042/001.1012,110.0 4249 CROCKER AVENUE EDINA, MN OCR 55.055 105 171;01C04.011=251.541501.00 VT NG 0191.0025..0505211.0.511V19 rcimagazioructmoo OPT. 02501022101521•010. /24,407T-5 05(5.00.155:010 0003 1,00100.51105: ammo CX2C051355 150050200, DAM 00-11,00 02025105010 NOTES AND DETAILS C2 2W" .!\11\1ING DE1511-3TMEN V NA CH) ova d ocitfor, View -171/ovvv. CoVki&V l; t-(2 Kot CI* a/kJ "Pit7 CV° .4 GHEAT 11 EIGH60RH000 HOMES (952) 807-1765 inmsrevInrighbt;rboOdhomo.com DEPARTMEN"F 2 2019 OF EDINA 'LANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2 2019 • • •. ..... .• • CITY OF EDINA 4t, 0A,f4p. • • • 1 N........................,......:,....-......,..21 Far, Vont 06. p`..1 gos.pa. t dl ii • at4vi... 14't I rtf.et omuf • — — • T1 — .. i_Jj ,r6. t2 .1 • It(g., — t 111 -rt-zdth„ 4.7-2,404r; r-„..•,..„,_, , ..4,1 ,,,,,T,, , . __......_.......... , ......,,,--„.., ._. . . . . _I:C/17 0-CAC Ig-Yg 0 - PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 12 2019 T41---A- 1 CRo&K,te,AVE,7 4-A4\ 5 G • 3 - • tAT P NI IQ-JD -4. ivt. _ . I • • /...4 •, Nt.lcrt , PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2 -2 019 CITY OF EDINA CoGKE.kz, 3 , ('t tr,-,164,0Rpoof 11 .1 .... I I II I 1\1 ace...II-A./A o I . EIWI ELSAT UO - 411 e PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2 2019 CITY OF EDINA rt401 (N-A-.›t 9 1!" 14,602.1-) co v:.-v12., 14 .„.,„ 4- 4c riNi e to-nz 614 ,..1 ,1-(2.,( V41tA .1.-111 11.. • :‘42 TOTA \ i -11-54-1 - 0' 0 1 71 --1- TIE :! II ...; 12,Ait-ost. 1°" • Lt'.71147.112,31 - - 1 AA. 4 r2 C -I<E47-. /6N E tNC4 1,1,6-Qy (4-r r (---0 eC4 ---a440;:)-Ft.COP- ---1; 0177.12...tVk /q3 , • "r. I 11 1 1 1 - 11 1 I i , 1 JII 1 _ :--- \ i - LI-----i- i_ J -I -trPt 5:0A 42'..>)14D1'1.0 - It t)5 12 g :171.1-11,1;0 c_ vv,r4 101 0 4.-4''-e ÷L WO, LI- I— 11 17 r:Owrim .2. 1 - VI 6x.: • • hTV6 Fgr" Voyi2 • rJN lr -t4 •r_ 2.6; 1r7 -F UT PEA. - PLANNING DEPARTMENT 72Np- -7/. g..zF ,2 MAR I 2 _2019 CITY OF EDINA j12rA E —t itez4-t4i-tpt te;,g h4le,6-14. 4_ 120si TV) tzr___c- ----- 1 7 -1( IT +/W. / :.,..Sig,iztfp',,t; Lily (11t.G... t•°CA it 44 ''rleatr---Y 1 FUT tbAR L-ozeNri,9m __. -- l Aw "f?-114/1:?,(.4./CURZia_ ___,_._ Z arrtom ? La W-E1e, LA N lice;u :, C-0" C 10- PIA- , 1 0 CF. N c.A.0 e-S 5 TPA r-) A 4 ta_. c Yz Avg Kt A- 1\06:r4 w)t-1--t cop 1--40ty%, It g ct 07.0 .• A.142-.4% .47,vsn • 1 f,Rt LIM 11\1 C PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2 -2019 CITY OF EDINA -77 • 6, • 9 24 G O 0 K._ EK a<6Ctr,:. sme.-ET F--1VATtot 1\61-1-40K1--10c>c2 26, 61 ‘tvvls-x's :4—Dr ictP& Is itsrea . t : .4 47 ClgoCks?.,v2, . . : .. . .-..-Ctrci)&1-6yz.: AV 2 3 . __...:. . NOL F5-r. _Aram. a I 9ATIo'\ • 9 (51 fl nom I -1,1' jbc r210CL 7 n - PL1NNING DEPARTMENT MAR 12 2019 CITY OF EDINA 1 464.0, 40- — — (1..) 1_).tzf_v.g.kape.it 11 —_:_kirLrepwp — .12.1945 144.e,17.4- --2_ . LtE0C.44.0?..A4(t..,:.elz0 EP:0 "lizt.)4-1-1.1 RE, _ . . • _ moeNS 1.64J.6)uc--r-orz . _..._.. TOQ .af 1,611,E =111,0 2/18/2019 Google Calendar - March 2019 00-6.reicAvt.,, _morztqlo6,stiz. KOAl2. STREEZ. fil.E—O.T1 \ s 5 • ti 0.10101ES__ _ .- L. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 12.2019 CITY OF EDINA https://calendangoogle.com/calendar/r/month/2019/3/1?tab=mc 2/2 10 20 40 W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. 8030 Ceder Annus So., Suit 9 228. 21 oomington,MN 55425 E100:1052)8644055 Fen: (062)8544258 EMAIL: IN FOCSW BROW NLANDSUR VE YING.COM SITE ADDRE 4249 Crocker Are. Wes 55415 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The South 60 feet of the 'lest 190 feet of Lot 14, Block 1, CRODIER AND CREIMILI FIRST AIDITICH. lieenepin Comfy. Illeuesete. BENCHMARK act20.4:Tho of sanitary sanbote tot centerline at 4247 • 4249 Cracker Ave. giant Ion • 906.67. I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I em o duly registered Land Surveyor under the lows of the Stole of Minnesota. W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. Dated: al 82 11019 Woodr ow A. Brown,RL S MN REG 15230 JOB NO. SCALE 338-18 •- 10' DRAWN BOOK/ PAGE OATS REVISIONS naaleillar 162/35 REFERENCE SHEET 1 of 1 EXISTING CONDITION SURVEY FOR: GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES LEGEND ▪ Electric Meter O Catch Bosin O Manhole Keystone Retaining Well 0900.0 ExIsUng Devotion x900.DTC Top of Curb Oevalion Existing Contour • Found Iron Monument O Set Iron Monument Inscribed R.LS 1523D icarcriuun(: SUI Y.N. TOP-90.5.57 1.1.1 0 0 0 I OT COWRAGF GI CULA1100. Lot Area = 9,504 SF COVERAGE: House = 1,085 SF Detached Garage = 405 SF Total • Ig431 SF 25% Maximum Alowable Lob Coverage MX& —RI not gz, d e i r r .: g sion o s t,n o d r: li Ln n e . asured to the finished —No search was mode for ony eosernente. —The location of all ulltilles shown a e frorn either observed evidence In th field and/or from plans furnished by the utility companies and are approximate. Utility companies should be notified for ex a location before d log any excavation. SNI ILK TOP=907.34,,, ,t) PLANNING DEPARTMENT MORNINGSIDE ROAD MAR 12 2 019 N89'26.04"W 189.74 MEAS. 20 CITY OF EDINA SCALE IN FEET PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN FOR: GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES PROPOSED HOUSE PER PRELIMINARY PLANS DATED 02-07-2019 AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE. LEGEND Electric Meter Catch Basin Manhole Keystone Retaining Wall &sling Elevation Top of Curb Devotion Proposed Devotion &Ming Contour Proposed Contour Found Iron Monument etInscribedR Iron Monument Mo..."j5 n1r5130 20 BENCHWEK, SAN 1LN. TOP-905.57 O 0900.0 0900.0TC x(000.0) • O 42.6 -478- 8 .90111 .947.9 \ 8 2 ... 7 .. --........ „905.41. .908.I r i .907.5 .918 . 906.2 / .907.9 .1 908.8 11- 907 05 908.0 I; .910.6 x911.41 t 0911.0 • 1909 0 CS) PEM HEI081-931.7 E .cr • I-- C) - -912-- 911.51V .2 N • PA00 150 --et, c .7 909 0 1902, (900.0) (909.0) 10 N .910.3 9141. (MA) (909.4 (9090) 910.9. 5 trix EAST UNE OF 111E NEST 190' OF LOT 910.9. - #4249 CROCKER AVE. PROPOSED HOUSE PER PREUMINARY 1ST FLOOR PLAN DATED 02-07-2019 FIRST BOOR (911:0) TOP OF END.=(910.2) GARAGE 9100R.(909.8), 5 c• (909.2) 910._ 910.4 910.7 b. . 0 x996,5; 1111 01.2 - - 1 908.8 I 5905.4 903.5 IMW.ItAY" loo (9ERA) • • TEMPOIthliT \ j PROPOSED \C.1 CONSTRUCTKM STOCKPILE EnoRAHOE -• • • 's• 1/910.V. t -910- DODO (909.7) HHOE10:41119H00000 .1•1 09 141 mouhsti PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2 _2019 CITY OF EDINA 10 20 40 SAN 11.14. TOP•e907.34,..... 0 MORNINGSIDE ROAD .907.9 I 0907.7 D,(9o8/2) 04247 FRONT ENINT=911.0 TOP OF F/10,909.6 WAAGE FL000o909.4 PEAK REIC18.141.0 / 7/ d /// 909.7 / tall 5 Oa L8 0.14% Id oc3 . .909.0 909.1. 589'28'06'E 189.81 MEAS. (421s v9029 009 9158.9 ▪ 5' 09100480 9E1BACK ORM UNE OF 1HE SOUTH 54/ OF LOT 14 49092 909.3 .4 9098 908.9 909.3 909.1. ts .9092 .909.3 909.3, .909.9 _909- .3, ...914.191W 10,_• f 1 CO 1 900.1 0 0 CC ROLM 907.3 O O 13 0 13 D p 0 0 ,1 1 C. N89'26'04"W 19.74 MEAS. • . , 09052 0907.9 ESEDHS.1112811011.5.1 Front Entry = 911.5 IrDEC13. Top of Foundation = 909.6 90~.1fC AY FAsn.10 LOT FOVFRAGP Lot Area = 9,504 SF COVERAGE: House 1,085 SF 405 SF Total pROPOSFO IDT COVERAGE; Lot Area = 9.504 SF COVERAGE: House = 2.185 SF Covered Porch = 167 SF Pablo = 150 SF ALLOWANCES: Patio = -150 SF Total = 3, 4 3N SF 25% Maximum Allowable Lot Coverage liOIES; -Grading provided by Sunda Engineering, PLIC. MI existing building dimensions are measured to the finished -siding and not the building foundation. -Ha search was mode for any easements. The location o a9 utilities shown are from either observed evidence In th field and/or from ions furnished by the utility companies and are approximate. Utility companies should be notified for ex ct location before d log any excavation. O SCALE IN FEET SITEADDRESS 4249 Crocker Ave. Edina NH 55415 PROPERTY DEECR1Pla ON The South 50 lost of the Peat 190 feet of Lot 14, Stock 1. CRGCRIER Alm CROITILLill FIRST ADOITIEH. Hennepin County. Kintleeote. BENCHMARK Top of eenitery •enhole on eonteriloo 01 4247 9 4249 Crocker Ave. Elevation = 905.57. I hereby certify that this survey plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. 8050 CYO. AV.. So., 91.117. 228. BLoostItIOTON, MN 219428 51110: (95211504.4035 FAX MEM 854.42438 EMAIL: INFO OWBROWNLANDSURVEYIN G.COM Cixerao: 03-12-2019 .909.0 909.0 905.9 W000now A. SHOWN, R.L.S. MN REG 10230 Joe NO. 35-19 BOOK/PAGE 162/35 MEET 1 of 1 SCALE = DRAWN 092 REFERENCE 338-18 PATE 3-5-2019 3-11-2019 REVISIONS P.F.MARMIS Relee hop. 0.9' wove to 6' north setback per OE 56.000 Neat floor to 911.4 per per Email 908 907 909 4- (20= 910 A(906.2) ?:PROFOsEcetiousi.Zt fIC:FREUMNARMsratoottOrgag-2,- GARAGE:rabn.(11.1 ;6* ft- (909.7) EGRESS (909. )'_`v"' 909 4 (909.6) i ) 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 C 0000 J 0 0 0 0 ---)(;)460 00 X000C 0 0000. ,30000 000C A. ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,?4,./ 300000000C ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ 'PROPOSED; ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C I ) 1. 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 I STOCKPILE )00000000( \ LOCATION/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , `..... ...., 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C ' vr - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 0 Li U U UVUU 1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 909.7 SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES: 1. Implement sediment control practices in order to minimize sediment from entering surface waters, including curb and gutter systems and storm drain inlets. 2. Install all temporary or permanent sediment control measures Including silt fence at perimeter of construction, bio-logs at driveway, sediment filters, silt sacks, and sedimentation basins prior to beginning site clearing, grading, or other land-disturbing activity. Protect all storm sewer inlets that receive runoff from disturbed areas. 3. Establish sediment control practices on all down gradient perimeters before any up gradient land disturbing activities begin. These practices must remain in place until final stabilization has been established. 4. The timing of the installation of sediment control practices may be adjusted in order to accommodate short-term activities, but sediment control practices must be installed before the next precipitation event even if the short-term activity is not complete. 5. If the down gradient treatment system becomes overloaded, install additional up gradient sediment control practices or redundant BMPs In order to eliminate the overloading. 6. Before beginning construction, install a TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE at each point where vehicles exit the construction site. Use 25 mm (1 inch) to 50 mm (2 inch) diameter rock, MNDOT Standard Specification 3137 CA-1, CA-2, CA-3, or equal Coarse Aggregate. Place the aggregate in a layer at least 152 mm (6 inches) thick across the entire width of the entrance. Extend the rock entrance at least 15 m (50 feet) into the construction zone. Use a MNDOT Standard Specification 3733 Type V permeable geotextile fabric material beneath the aggregate in order to prevent migration of soli into the rock from below. Maintain the entrance in a condition that will prevent tracking or flowing of sediment onto paved roadways. Provide periodic top dressing with additional stone as required. Close entrances not protected by temporary rock construction entrances to all construction traffic. 7. If necessary, clean the wheels of construction vehicles in order to remove soils before the vehicles leave the construction site. Wash vehicles only on on area stabilized with stone that drains into an approved sediment trapping device. 8. Remove all soils and sediments tracked or otherwise deposited onto adjacent property, pavement areas, sidewalks, streets, and alleys. Removal shall be on a daily basis throughout the duration of the construction. Clean paved roadways by shoveling, wet-sweeping, or dry sweeping. If necessary, scrape paved surfaces in order to loosen compacted sediment material prior to sweeping. Haul sediment material to a suitable disposal area. Street washing is allowed only after sediment has been removed by shoveling or sweeping. 9 Soil Stockpiles: Install siltfence or other effective sediment controls around all temporary soil stockpiles. Locate soil or dirt stockpiles such that the downslope drainage length is no less than B m (25 feet) from the toe of the pile to a surface water, including stormwater conveyances such as curb and gutter systems, or conduits and ditches unless there is a bypass in place for the stormwater. If remaining for more than 7 days, stabilize the stockpiles by mulching, vegetative cover, tarps, or other means. During street repair, cover construction soil or dirt stockpiles located closer than B m (25 feet) to a roadway or drainage channel with tarps, and protect stern sewer inlets with silt sacks or staked siltfence. 10. Silt Fence: Install silt fence along the contour (on a level horizontal plane) with the ends turned up (J-hooks) in order to help pond water behind the fence. Install the silt fence on the uphill side of the support posts. Provide a post spacing of 1.2 m (4 feet) or less. Drive posts at least 0.6 m (2 feet) into the ground. Anchor the silt fence fabric in a trench at least 152 mm (6 inches) deep and 152 mm (6 Inches) wide dug on the upslope side of the support posts. Lay the fabric in the trench and then booedl and compact with a vibratory plate compactor. Make any splices in the fabric at a fence post. At splices, overlap the fabric at least 152 mm (6 inches), fold it over, and securely fasten it to the fence post. Silt fence supporting posts shall be 51 mm (2 inch) square or larger hardwood, pine, or standard T- or U-section steel posts. T- or U-section steel posts shall weigh not less than 1.8602 kg per meter (1.25 lb per lineal foot). Posts shall have a minimum length of 1524 mm (5 feet). Posts shall have projections to facilitate fastening the fabric and prevent slippage. Geotextile fabric shall meet the requirements of MNDOT Standard Specification 3886 for preossembled silt fence, furnished in a continuous roll in order to avoid splices. Geotextile fabric shall be uniform in texture and appearance and have no defects, flaws, or tears. The fabric shall contain sufficient ultraviolet (UV) ray inhibitor and stabilizers to provide a minimum two-year service life outdoors. Fabric color shall be international orange. 11. Maintain all temporary erosion and sediment control devices in place until the contributing drainage area has been stabilized (hard-surfaced areas paved and vegetation established in groenspace). Repair any rilling, gully formation, or washouts. After final establishment of permanent stabilization, remove all temporary synthetic, structural, and nonbiodegrodable erosion and sediment control devices and any accumulated sediments. Dispose-of off site. Restore permanent sedimentation basins to their design condition immediately following stabilization of the site. 12. If dewatering Is required and sump pumps are used, all pumped water must be discharged through a sediment control device such as a dewatering bag or other appropriate facility prior to leaving the construction site. Proper energy dissipation must be provided at the outlet of the pump system. EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES: 1. Delineate the location of areas not to be disturbed (e.g. with flags, stakes, signs, silt fence, etc.) on the development site before work begins. 2. Avoid removal of trees and surface vegetation wherever possible. Schedule construction in order to expose the smallest practical area of soil at any given time. Implement appropriate construction phasing, vegetative buffer strips, horizontal slope grading, and other construction practices that minimize erosion. 3. Following initial sail disturbance or redisturbonce, complete permanent or temporary stabilization against erosion due to rain, wind, and running water as soon as possible, but in no case later than 14 calendar days, on all disturbed or graded areas including stormwater management pond sideslopes. This requirement does not apply to those areas that are currently being used for material storage or for those areas on which grading, site building, or other construction activities are actively underway. 4. Provide temporary gross seed cover on all topsoil stockpiles and other areas of stockpiled excavated material In order to prevent soil erosion and rapid runoff during the construction period. Prolonged periods of open, bare earth without grass cover will not be permitted. Stabilize all disturbed greenspace areas with a minimum of 4' topsoil immediately after final subgrade completion. Seed and mulch, or sod and stake these areas within 48 hours after completion of final grading work (weather permitting). 5. Stabilize all disturbed areas to be paved using early application of gravel base. 6. Apply necessary moisture to the construction area In order to prevent the spread of dust. 7. In areas to be permanently stabilized, landscape with decorative rock, plantings, and sod. Refer to the approved Landscape Plan for design and details. GOPHER STATE ONE CALL NW 41 GOPHERSTATEONECALLORG : • • ' , i _ , T , ,: ' : .. _ , It (80O) 252-1166 TOLL FREE (651) 454-0002 LOCAL EDINA SITE DRAINAGE PRECAUTIONS: 1. Reduce soil compaction by limiting equipment access to specific construction paths, If applicable. 2. Loosen compacted soils through raking, tinning, tilling, or other methods to a minimum depth of 2 inches. 3. Place new, organic rich, topsoil to a minimum depth of 4 Inches on areas of disturbance. 4. Place sod or seed and mulch on exposed soils as soon as practical. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2.2019 CITY OF EDINA I SILT FENCE z 0 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, INSTALL STORM SEWER INLET PROTECTION ON ALL CATCH BASINS EXPOSED TO CONSTRUCTION SEDIMENT MORNINGSIDE ROAD TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 0 10 20 IN FEET SCALE 10 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1 Delineate the location of areas not to be disturbed (e.g. with flags, stakes, signs, silt fence, etc.) before work begins. 2 Establish sediment control practices on all down gradient perimeters before any up gradient land disturbing activities begin. These practices shall remain in place until final stabilization has been established. 3 Install all perimeter sediment control devices and construction entrances. The timing of the installation of sediment control practices may be adjusted In order to accommodate short-term activities, but sediment control practices must be Installed before the next precipitation event even If the short-term activity is not complete. 4 Contact the City for approval of the sediment control devices. 5 Rough grade the site. 6 install utilities. 7 Install pavements. 8 Install lawn and landscape. 9 Restore all disturbed areas. 10 Clean all storm sewer and conveyance systems. 11 After all disturbed areas are stabilized, obtain approval from the City and/or Watershed District. 12 Remove all temporary sediment control devices. INDMDUAL RESPONSIBLE FOR ME CLEANLINESS OF THE SITE ARO THE IMJN1E1UNCE OF THE EROSION AND SECO/ENE CONTROLS: SCOTT BUSYN GREAT NE/CHBORHOOD HOMES 3939 WEST 50111 STREET / SURE 1030 EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424 PHONE (952) B07-13765 EWA.: SCOTIOCREATNO6HB0RH000HOLIES.CON K E Y -mo> PROPOSED RUNOFF FLOW DIRECTION EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR (871.7) PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION (Suricle En g(neering,rLLc,:; 4410Pf CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 037.0 NEMO T AVENUE SOUTH BLOOMINGTON MINNESOTA 55437 19521 881-3B44 TELEPHONE 155215B1-1013 FAX , vw..• stmcleintla. 4249 CROCKER AVENUE EDINA, MN DATE REVISION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. RE NAME DATE: 03-11-2019 G. NO.: 23468 INFORMATION: PROJECT NO.: 019512 DRAWN BY: kd CHECKED BY: ss APPROVED BY: Ohm SCALE grapNc DATE 03-11-2019 DESCRIPTION: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN SHEET NO: Cl 1 of 2 24-INCH HIGH CUT-OFF DIKE WITH MAXIMUM SIDESLOPES OF 4:1 TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PUBLI R MNDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 3733 TYPE V PERMEABLE GEOTaTILE FABRIC MATERIAL BENEATH THE ROCK 6 INCH MINIMUM THICKNESS 1 TO 2 INCH DIAMETER WASHED ROCK, MNDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 0 3137 CA-1, CA-2, CA-3 00 00 0• OR EQUAL COARSE AGGREGATE 00 00 00 00 0 0 000000 0 0000 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0° 0° 0° 0° 00000000 0000 30 FOOT 00000000 0000000000 00 00 00 00 LENGTHLENGTH 0 00 00 00 00 00 0 0° FOOT WMIINDTIMHUM REINFORCE WITH SNOW FENCE, WIRE MESH, OR STIFF PLASTIC FENCE IN AREAS WHERE CONCENTRATED FLOWS OCCUR (SUCH AS SWALES, DITCHES, AND IN FRONT OF CULVERTS AND CATCHBASINS) 2 INCH SQUARE HARDWOOD, PINE, OR STANDARD T— OR U—SECTION STEEL POSTS. DO NOT EXCEED MAXIMUM POST SPACING OF 4 FT. O.C. FABRIC COLOR SHALL BE INTERNATIONAL ORANGE 30' MIN. HEIGHT DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW LAY THE FABRIC AGAINST THE SIDES AND BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT WITH A VIBRATORY PLATE COMPACTOR ANCHOR FABRIC IN SOIL USE LATH AND STAPLES TO ATTACH FABRIC TO WOOD POSTS. USE TIE WIRES TO ATTACH FABRIC TO STEEL POSTS. USE HOG RINGS TO ATTACH FABRIC TO WIRE MESH ANCHOR SUPPORT POST IN SOIL SECTION VIEW PERSPECTIVE VIEW NI-II. r-44 *.11. GEOTEXITLE FABRIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT SID. SPEC. 3886 FOR SELF SUPPORTING SILT FENCE JOIN SECTIONS m WRAP POSTS AND 11E TOGETHER SILT FENCE INSTALLATION MATERIALS: 1. Storm Sewer Inlet Protection (areas with pedestrian or vehicle traffic): Emergency overflow is required. Take care to protect the cutch basin curb—box from additional sediment escaping over the top of these devices while still allowing for emergency overflow. a. Road Drain Curb & Gutter: With replaceable filter sock. Manufactured by WIMCO, 799 Theis Drive, Shakopee, MN 55379, Phone (952) 233-3055, (www.roaddrain.com). b. Silt Sack: Type B, regular flow (50 gpm/ft2), with curb deflector as required. Rectangular siltsack on rectangular inlets. Round siltsock on round Inlets. Manufactured by ACF ENVIRONMENTAL, 2831 Cardwell Road, Richmond, VA 23234, Phone (800) 448-3636, (www.acfenvironmentalcom). c. Dandy Sack: With curb filter as required. Manufactured by DANDY PRODUCTS, 1095 Harcourt Road, Mount Veman, OH 43050, Phone (800) 591-2284. (www.dandyproducts.com). d. Qcuick_log: With curb filter as required. Manufactured by DANDY PRODUCTS, 1095 Harcourt Road, Mount Vernon, OH 43050, Phone (800) 591-2284. (www.dandyproducts.com). e. Sediguard Filter. With Sediguard curbguard as required. Available from ERO—TEX, N94 W14330 Darwin Mace Drive, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051, Phone (866) 437-6839, (www.era—tex.net). 2 Storm Sewer Inlet Protection (areas with no pedestrian or vehicle traffic): Emergency overflow is required. Take care to protect the catch basin curb—box from additional sediment escaping over the top of these devices while still allowing for emergency overflow. a. Road Drain Tarr Slab: Model RD 23 (fits rough opening for 2'x3' inlet), Model RD 27 (fits rough opening for 27' inlet), or Model CG 3067 (fits Neenah Costing with 35-1/4'07-3/4" dimensions). Manufactured by WIMCO, 799 Theis Drive, Shakopee, MN. 55379, Phone (952) 233-3055, www.roaddraln.com. Do not use in public right—of—way. b. JnfroSofe Sediment Control Barrier. Install geotextile sock on the outside of the barrier in order to trap additional fines. Standard frames are available to fit 24- to 3e diameter and 2'x3' openings. Distributed by ROYAL ENTERPRISES AMERICA, 30622 Forest Boulevard, Stacy, MN, 55079, Phone (651) 462-1766, (www.royalenterprises.com). Do not use in public right—of—way. c. Rock Snake/Rock Sock/Rock Log/Rock Tube: Use only for Inlets after pavement is in place. Silt Sifter Tubes distributed by WE.sitliN FIBER COMPANY. PO Box 22665, Bakersfield, CA 93390, Phone (661) 854-5556, (www.westemfiber.com). Do not use in public right—of—way. 3. TODS01: Topsoil used for finish grading of areas to be turfed or planted shall meet the requirements of MNDOT Standard Specification 3877 for topsoil borrow modified to contain no more than 35% sand. Topsoil shall be reasonably free of subsoil, heavy cloy, coarse sand, stones, and other objects over 51 mm (2 inches) in diameter; and without plants, roots, sticks, and other objectionable material. 4. Geotextile Fabric for Subgrade Stabilization (If required): MNDOT Standard Specification 3733 Type V permeable geotextile material. 5. Supporting Posts for Siltfence: 51 mm (2 inch) square or larger hardwood, pine, or standard T— or U—section steel posts. T— or U—section steel posts shall weigh not less than 1.8602 kg per meter (1.25 lb per lineal foot). Posts shall have a minimum length of 1524 mm (5 feet). Posts shall have projections to facilitate fastening the fabric and prevent slippage. 6. Siltfence Fabric: MNDOT Standard Specification 3886 self supporting silt fence. Furnish in a continuous roll in order to avoid splices. Geotextile fabric shall be uniform in texture and appearance and have no defects, flaws, or tears. The fabric shall contain sufficient ultraviolet (IN) ray inhibitor and stabilizers to provide a minimum two—year service life outdoors. Fabric color shall be international orange. 7. Moreno-1e for Temporary Rock Construction Entrance. 25 mm (1 Inch) to 50 mm (2 inch) diameter rock, MNDOT Standard Specification 3137 CA-1, CA-2, or CA-3 Coarse Aggregate, or equal. 8. Geotextile Fabric for Temporary Rock Construction Entrance: MNDOT Standard Specification 3733 Type V permeable geotextile fabric material. 9. Aaaregate for Block and Rock Sediment Filter: 25 mm (1 Inch) to 50 mm (2 inch) diameter rock, MNDOT Standard Specification 3137 CA-1, CA-2 or CA-3 Coarse Aggregate, or equal. 10. Block and Rock Inlet Filters: Block and Rock Inlet Filters consist of open—core concrete masonry blocks, wire screen with 12 mm (0.5 inch) openings, and washed rock. Place open—core concrete masonry blocks lengthwise on their sides around the catchbasin inlet. Place wire screen around the perimeter to the top of the block barrier before the rock Is placed. The screen acts to prevent the rocks from being washed through the blocks. Place rock against the wire mesh to the top of the blocks. Use 25 mm (1 inch) to 50 mm (2 Inch) diameter rock, MNDOT Standard Specification 3137 CA-1, CA-2, CA-3, or equal Coarse Aggregate. Install two courses of e blocks in order to form a barrier height of 16". 11. Concrete Block for Block and Rock Inlet Filter Standard units with nominal face dimensions of 16 x 8 inches. Minimum 8 inches nominal depth. 12. Wire Screen for Block and Rock Inlet Filter 12 mm (0.5 inch) openings 13. Bales. Tightly bound bales of unrotted hay, straw, or other gross locally available from recent cuttings. 14. Brodearadable Erosion Control Blankets: In accordance with MNDOT Standard Specification 3885. 15. Erosion Control Matting: LandLek 1RM 450 Turf Reinforcement Mat manufactured by Propex, Inc. (wvnv.goeotextile.com), or approved equal soil erosion control matting. 16. Staples: Staples used to anchor erosion central blankets shall be U—shaped, 3 mm diameter or heavier steel wire. The span width at the crown shall be a minimum of 25 mm (1 Inch). Staples shall have a length of 250 mm (10 inches) or more from top to bottom after bending. 17. Sio-Loas: Cortex Sediment Log, as manufactured by American Excelsior Company (vnvw.curlex.com), or approved equal. Excelsior fibers shall be weed seed free, TYPE III 9—inch (23—cm) diameter. Excelsior color shall be standard (natural). Netting at each end of the log shall be secured to assure fiber containment POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES: 1. Solid Waste: Dispose of collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic, fabric, construction and demolition debris, and other wastes properly off—site in compliance with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency requirements. 2. Hazardous Materials: Property store oil, gasoline, paint and any hazardous substances In order to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Include secondary containment Restrict access to storage areas in order to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal of hazardous materials must be in compliance with MPCA regulations. 3. Other Materials: Dispose of unused building materials, garbage, trash, cleaning wastes, toxic materials, and wastewater properly off—site and In compliance with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency disposal requirements. 4. Furnish suitable trash containers and regularly remove the accumulated trash from the premises. 5. Do not allow solid waste, hazardous materials, and other materials shall to be carried by runoff into a receiving water or storm sewer system. 6. Limit external washing of trucks and other construction vehicles to a defined area of the site. Wash vehicles only on an area stabilized with stone that drains Into an approved sediment trapping device. Contain runoff and properly dispose of waste. Engine degreasing is prohibited. 7. Concrete Washout Operations: Contain all liquid and solid wastes generated by concrete washout operations in a leak—proof containment facility or irnperrneable liner. Do not allow the liquid and solid wastes to contact the ground. Prevent runoff from the concrete washout operations or areas. Dispose of liquid and solid wastes property in compliance with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regulations. Install a sign adjacent to each washout facility in order to inform concrete equipment operators to utilize the proper facilities. 8. Sanitary and Septic Waste: Furnish and install detached portable toilet facilities at the construction site. The portable toilets shall be conveniently located for the use of all workers on the project. Maintain the facilities In a clean, dry, sanitary condition in accordance with Minnesota Deportment of Health requirements. INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE: 1. Inspect the entire construction site at least once every 7 days during active construction and within 74 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in a 24—hour period. Following on inspection that occurs within 24 hours after a rainfall event, the next inspection must be conducted within 7 days after that rainfall event. 2. Inspect all erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs, infiltration areas, and stabilized areas. 3. Record all inspections and maintenance conducted during construction in writing and keep these records. The inspections and maintenance records must include date and time of inspections, date and amount of all rainfall events greater than 0.5 inches in a 24—hour period, name of persons(s) conducting inspections, findings of inspections, recommendations for corrective actions, and any corrective actions taken. 4. Inspect all erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs in order to ensure integrity and effectiveness. Repair, replace, or supplement any nonfunctional BMPs with functional BMPs within 24 hours after discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access unless another time frame is specified. 5. Remove accumulated sediment deposits from behind erosion and sediment control devices as needed. Do not allow sediment to accumulate to a depth of more than one—third of the height of the erosion and sediment control devices. Repair, replace, or supplement deteriorated, damaged, rotted, or missing erosion control devices within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access. 6. Repair, replace, or supplement all slit fences when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches 1/3 of the height of the fence. These repairs must be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access. 7. Clean sedimentation basins, storm sewer catch basins, ditches, and other drainage facilities as required in order to maintain their effectiveness. Temporary and permanent sedimentation basins must be drained and the sediment removed when the depth of sediment collected in the basin reaches 1/2 of the storage volume. Drainage and removal must be completed within 72 hours, or as soon as field conditions allow access. 8. Inspect surface waters (including drainage ditches and conveyance systems) for evidence of erosion and sediment deposition. Remove all deltas and sediment deposited. Stabilize areas where sediment removal results in exposed soil. Removal and stabilization must be completed within 7 days of discovery unless precluded by legal, regulatory, or physical access constraints. If precluded, removal and stabilization must take place within 7 days of obtaining access. 9. Inspect construction site vehicle exit locations for evidence of off—site sediment tracking onto paved surfaces. Remove all soils and sediments tracked or otherwise deposited onto adjacent property, pavement areas, sidewalks, streets, and alleys. Removal shall be on a daily basis throughout the duration of the construction. Clean paved roadways by shoveling or wet—sweeping. Do not dry sweep. If necessary, scrape paved surfaces in order to loosen compacted sediment material prior to sweeping. Haul sediment material to a suitable disposal area. Street washing is allowed only after sediment has been removed by shoveling or sweeping. 10. Perform any corrective measures ordered by the City or Watershed District within 24 hours of notification. Install any additional erosion protection or sediment control measures deemed necessary by the City or Watershed District within 24 hours of notification. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 2 2019 CITY OF EDINA (S u ri d Engineering, PLLC... 1411Y CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 19830 NESBITT AVENUE SOUTH BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55437 (982) 081344 TELEPHONE (952)881.1913 TAX criaw.stradachil cam 4249 CROCKER AVENUE EDINA, MN DATE REVISION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT 1AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. u., yuff = P.E NAME DATE 03-11-2019 G. NO.: 23468 INFORMATION: PROJECT NO.: 19-506 DRAWN BY: kd CHECKED BY: ss APPROVED BY: Man graphic 03-11-2019 DESCRIPTION: NOTES AND DETAILS SHEET No: C2 2of2 SCALE, DATE: Date: April 10, 2019 Agenda Item #: VI I.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:C omprehens ive P lan Update Dis cus s ion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: I N TR O D U C TI O N: Date: April 10, 2019 Agenda Item #: VI I.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:2019 Bylaws Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Adopt the 2019 B ylaws with the changes highlighted in red, as discussed by the P lanning C ommission at the M arch 27, 2019 P lanning C ommission Meeting. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description 2019 Bylaws Planning Commission Bylaws 1 | P a g e SECTION 1. PURPOSE The bylaws outlined below are approved procedures for the Planning Commission. Members should review and understand City Code sections 1500 and 1505 Chapter 2, Article III included in the appendix of these bylaws. In the event of a conflict between the City Code and the Planning Commission bylaws, the City Code will prevail. In addition to the City Code and these bylaws, the Planning Commission will be guided by those policies and procedural documents applicable to the Planning Commission or City advisory boards in general. Copies of these documents together with such other orientation materials as may be applicable to the performance of each member’s duties and responsibilities will be made available to members at the beginning of their service with the Planning Commission. SECTION 2. MEMBERSHIP The membership of the Planning Commission shall consist of such voting and nonvoting members as shall be appointed, from time to time, in accordance with Section 1500.03 and 1505 Chapter 2, Article III of the Edina City Code. All members of the Planning Commission shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council. The terms of Membership is regulated in City Code Section 1500.04 Chapter 2, Article III. (A) Contact Information. Planning Commission members are required to provide a mailing address and phone number or email address to the City Clerk. This contact information is available to city staff and members of the public. (B) Responsibilities Planning Commission members are expected to be present and adequately prepared for all meetings and to actively participate in meeting discussions. Members who are unable to complete assigned tasks should notify the Chairperson as soon as possible. SECTION 3. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Planning Commission shall be the first regular meeting in the month of March of each year. Such meeting shall be devoted to the election of officers for the ensuing year; consideration of any updates to the bylaws of the Planning Commission, and such other business as shall be scheduled by the Planning Commission. SECTION 4. REGULAR MEETINGS In accordance with Section 1500.07 Chapter 2, Article III. Division 6 of the City Code, two Regular meetings of the Planning Commission shall be held each calendar month in the City Hall or other officially noticed location at 7:00 pm on the date set for each meeting. The first meeting shall be held on the second Wednesday of each calendar month. The second meeting shall be held on the fourth Wednesday of each calendar month. At such meetings, the Planning Commission may consider all matters properly brought before the Planning Commission. A regular meeting may be cancelled or rescheduled by the Planning Commission at a prior meeting, or by the Chairperson, the City Council or Mayor. Unless otherwise determined by the Chairperson, any regular meeting falling upon a holiday shall be held on the following business day at the same time and place. Planning Commission Bylaws 2 | P a g e SECTION 5. SPECIAL MEETINGS Special meetings of the Planning Commission may be called by the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson, City Council or Mayor who shall designate the time, place and purpose of the meeting. Notice of special meetings must conform to the State Open Meeting Law. Written notice thereof shall be given to all members not less than 24 hours in advance of the special meeting except in the case of an emergency. SECTION 6. QUORUM In order for any meeting to be called to order, a quorum of a majority of all then existing voting members must be present. During the course of a meeting, such a quorum must be present to take action on any matter before the Planning Commission. SECTION 7. MEETINGS AND THE OPEN MEETING LAW In accordance with the Minnesota Open Meeting Law (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13D), and unless otherwise provided, authorized or permitted under the Open Meeting Law or other applicable law, all official meetings of the Planning Commission shall be open to the general public. An “official” Planning Commission meeting is any gathering, or simultaneous communication (via email, telephone or otherwise), between a quorum of Planning Commission members for the purpose of considering the public business of the Planning Commission. SECTION 8. VOTING AND RECOMMENDATIONS At all meetings of the Planning Commission, each member attending, with the exception of any high school student member, shall be entitled to cast one vote on matters before the Planning Commission. In the event that any member shall have a conflict of interest, in accordance with Section 21 of these bylaws, or as otherwise determined by the City Attorney, concerning a matter then before the Planning Commission, he/she shall disclose his/her interest, refrain from participation in any discussion of such matter, and be disqualified from voting upon the matter, and the Secretary shall so record in the minutes that such member refrained from all such participation and that no vote was cast by such member. The affirmative vote of a majority of voting members in attendance shall be necessary for the adoption of any resolution or other voting matter. The results of any vote shall be recorded, listing those voting Aye and those voting Nay. All recommendations shall be sent to the City Council by means of written minutes, and shall include the record of the division of votes on each recommendation. SECTION 9. REGULAR PROCEEDINGS (A) At any regular meeting of the Planning Commission, the following shall be the regular order of business: 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of agenda 4. Approval of minutes 5. Community Comment Planning Commission Bylaws 3 | P a g e 6 Public hearings 7. Reports and recommendations 8. Correspondence 9. Commission comments 10. Staff comments 11. Adjournment The order of business may be varied by the presiding officer, but no public hearings shall be held at an earlier time than specified in the notice of hearing. (B) Except as otherwise determined by an affirmative vote of a majority of voting members in attendance, and except for public hearings which shall be governed by the procedures set forth in Section 13, the following procedures shall be observed for matters before the Planning Commission; provided, however, the Chairperson may, in the Chairperson’s reasonable discretion, rearrange individual items if necessary for the expeditious conduct of business: 1. Staff presents report and makes recommendation (if any). 2. The Planning Commission may ask questions regarding the staff presentation and report (if any). 3. The applicant (if any) of the agenda item make a presentation (if any). 4. The Planning Commission may ask questions of the applicant (if any). 5. Members of the public (proponents or opponents) make comments (if any). 6. The Planning Commission asks any questions it may have of the applicant, proponents, opponents or staff (if any). 7. If in the determination by the presiding officer the applicant’s responses to questions from the Planning Commission introduces materially new information or issues relevant to the matter then under consideration, proponents and opponents may make additional comments confined solely to such new information or issues. 8. The Planning Commission asks any questions it may have of the applicant, proponents, opponents or staff (if any) with respect to such new information. 9. The Planning Commission then discusses and takes a vote. (C) In order to promote meeting efficiency, the Chairperson may discourage duplicative comments and may place reasonable time limits on the amount of time that individuals have to speak. (D) Each formal action of the Planning Commission required by law, rules, regulations or policy shall be embodied in a formal vote duly entered in full upon the Minute Book after an affirmative vote as provided in Section 6 hereof and may be accompanied by written findings of fact. (E) Unless agreed to by a majority vote of the Planning Commission, no new agenda items shall be taken up after 11:00 p.m. Planning Commission Bylaws 4 | P a g e SECTION 10. AGENDA AND DEADLINE FOR AGENDA (A) Agenda. The agenda of a Planning Commission meeting shall be prepared by City Staff in cooperation with the Chairperson. (B) Submissions. Any Planning Commission member may request an item or issue to be placed on a future agenda at a regular meeting by instructing the City Staff responsible for agenda preparation; provided, however, a majority vote of the Planning Commission is required for the item or issue to become a future regular agenda item. No item shall be placed on the agenda unless the item is expressed in such a way as to clearly show the subject matter involved. (C) Agenda Additions During Regular Meetings. Additional items may be added to the agenda at a Planning Commission meeting subject to approval by a majority vote of the voting members in attendance. The additional agenda items may be discussed, but no action may be taken if any voting member objects. 1. If a new item of business proposed to be added to the agenda requires staff review (such as rezoning, ordinance amendments, preliminary subdivision plans, and subdivision review procedures and guidelines), involves quasi-judicial procedures (such as a request for a hardship variance from Subdivision or Zoning Ordinance standards), or involves substantive matters of potential public interest (such as the Comprehensive Plan, or other major policies), the Planning Commission may add the item to the agenda only for purposes of referring it to the staff or a Planning Commission committee, or scheduling it for consideration at a later meeting (as appropriate). The Planning Commission may not discuss the substance of the matter or take any final action on the item except at a meeting where the item is included on the distributed agenda. (D) Delivery of Agenda to Members. On the Friday immediately preceding the next meeting of the Planning Commission, the meeting agenda shall be delivered to each member of the Planning Commission, along with any supporting materials related to items on the agenda. (E) Order and Form of the Agenda. The agenda organization shall generally conform to Section 9 above. In addition, the agenda shall generally organize matters to be addressed at the meeting so as to best promote opportunities for effective public input and the timely and efficient performance of Planning Commission responsibilities. (F) Notice of Attendence. Commissioners shall notify staff in advance of the meeting if they are unable to attend. SECTION 11. MINUTES (A) Duties of Staff Preparing Minutes. In accordance with Section 1500.08 of the City Code, City Staff shall prepare minutes of all Planning Commission meetings. The minutes shall state: 1. Which members were present and absent, and whether absent members were excused or not excused. 2. A summary of staff and committee reports and recommendations, applicants’ presentations, public comments, and the Planning Commission’s discussion on each item. Planning Commission Bylaws 5 | P a g e 3. The content of each principal motion before the Planning Commission, the identity of the person who made and seconded the motion, and the record of the vote on the motion (identifying the vote count and, unless the vote was unanimous, the names of those voting for or against the motion). If the motion called for or recommended adoption of an ordinance or resolution, or the acceptance of a report, the minutes shall also include a copy of the ordinance, resolution or report. SECTION 12. COMMUNICATIONS (A) Ex Parte Communications. 1. Ex parte communications are contacts, whether oral or written, direct or indirect, which occur outside the public meeting forum between individuals seeking to influence the decisions of the Planning Commission and individual members of the Planning Commission in which such member discusses the merits of any matter which may or will be subject to such Commissioner’s vote. Such contacts include, without limitation, meetings with project proponents or opponents, residents, property owners, citizens or other interested parties separate from Planning Commission meetings, and telephone calls or letters which attempt to influence a Commissioner’s opinion on a matter which may or will be subject to the Commissioner’s vote. 2. Exclusions. Notwithstanding Section 12(A) above, ex parte communications shall not include the following: (a) Written communications delivered to City Staff for distribution to all members of the Planning Commission as part of each member’s public meeting packet and which thereby become available to all interested parties and constitute communications within the public meeting forum; or (b) The conduct of site visits by members of the Planning Commission provided that all such members are able to, and do, conduct such visits for the specific purpose of gathering physical facts and data, and without any unnecessary contact with any project proponents or opponents, residents, property owners, citizens or other interested parties, or any of their respective representatives. 3. Ex Parte Communications Prohibited In Connection With Quasi-Judicial Matters. In the interest of avoiding bias or undue influence, or the appearance of bias or undue influence, all Planning Commission members shall refrain from engaging in any ex parte communication related to any Quasi-Judicial Matters. In the event any Planning Commission member is contacted by any project proponents or opponents, residents, property owners, citizens or other interested parties, or any of their respective representatives, under circumstances where the Planning Commission member has reason to believe that an ex parte communication related to a Quasi-Judicial Matter will or may occur, such member shall promptly inform such interested party that the Planning Commission member cannot discuss the matter or have any contact with such interested party on the subject of such matter other than at a Planning Commission meeting. Members are encouraged to recommend to all such interested parties that they attend meetings of the Planning Commission to publicly express their views, or that they otherwise deliver written comments to the office of City Staff for distribution to Planning Commission members. 4. Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications/Abstention. When any ex parte communication occurs, each Planning Commission member participating in such ex parte communication shall promptly notify the Chairperson and City Staff of the occurrence of such ex parte communication, and shall divulge the Planning Commission Bylaws 6 | P a g e occurrence and substance of such communication on the record at the commencement of the public hearing to which such communication pertains. In doing so, each member shall disclose, if known, the name of the party or parties participating in such communication, the substance of such communication, and whether, in the opinion of such member, such communication has caused such member to become biased in connection with any public vote on such matter. If, in the opinion of that member, an ex parte communication has caused such member to become biased in connection with any public vote on a matter, such member shall refrain from participation in any discussion of such matter, and be disqualified from voting upon the matter, and the Secretary shall so record in the minutes that such member refrained from all such participation and that no vote was cast by such member. 5. “Quasi-Judicial Matters” Defined. For purposes of this Section 12, “Quasi-Judicial Matters” shall mean such matters as to which the Planning Commission determines the legal rights, duties or privileges of specific parties in a public hearing or other contested case proceeding over which the Planning Commission has jurisdiction. By way of example only, Quasi-judicial matters do not include legislative actions recommending, adopting, amending or revising comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, other land use planning documents, or other similar matters. (B) Communication between Members Outside of Meetings. Planning Commission-related communication between members when a quorum of voting members is present constitutes a violation of open meeting laws if it takes place outside of publicly-noticed meetings. Members are prohibited from discussing Planning Commission business in such a situation. Since email communication is common outside of meetings, the following email protocol is adopted: 1. Any email communication intended for a majority of Planning Commission members should go through the City Staff Liaison so that an appropriate record can be established. 2. Members should not respond “reply all” to group messages. 3. Members should not blind copy (bcc) other members. Members must not engage in a serial discussion of Planning Commission business. A serial discussion occurs when members discuss official business with a majority of voting members through successive communications. Serial communication can occur through a combination of communication methods such as “face to face,” email, telephone or on a social media site. (C) Public Announcements and Press Releases The City’s Communications and Marketing Department will approve and coordinate any public announcements, press releases or other media contact desired by the Planning Commission. SECTION 13. RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS All meetings of the Planning Commission shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rule of Order of Standard Parliamentary Procedure 10th Edition, or such later edition as may then be in effect (“Robert’s Rules”). Planning Commission Bylaws 7 | P a g e SECTION 14. PUBLIC HEARINGS & COMMUNITY COMMENT (A) A public hearing is a noticed, official hearing, the express and limited purpose of which is to provide an equitable opportunity for the public to speak on matters before the Planning Commission. (B) For certain matters considered by the Planning Commission, a requirement that the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing is prescribed by State Statute, the City’s Municipal Code of Ordinances or by City Policy. The Planning Commission, however, may elect to conduct a public hearing, although not specifically required, if the Planning Commission determines that due to the unique nature of the matter, it is advisable. (C) The Planning Commission may neither deliberate nor take a substantive vote during a public hearing, but may ask questions for the sake of clarification of speakers. (D) The Planning Commission, upon resuming their regular meeting after the close of the public hearing, may take action upon the matter discussed at the public hearing. (E) Conduct of Persons Before the Planning Commission 1. During all public hearings required by State law or ordinance, members of the public shall be given reasonable opportunity to speak. In order to promote meeting openness, fairness and efficiency, the Chairperson may discourage duplicative testimony, may place reasonable time limits on the amount of time that individuals have to speak, and may establish such other rules of procedure as shall, under the circumstances, reasonably facilitate a fair, open and orderly conduct of the public hearing. Comments should be addressed to the item before the Planning Commission. Where a comment is irrelevant, inflammatory, disruptive or prejudicial, the Chairperson may instruct the Planning Commission to “disregard” the comment, which nevertheless remains in the public record. 2. During all regular and special meetings of the Planning Commission, the public may be present but shall remain silent unless specifically invited by the Chairperson to provide comment. 3. During all proceedings, members of the public have the obligation to remain in civil order. Any conduct which interferes with reasonable rights of another to provide comment or which interferes with the proper execution of Planning Commission affairs may be ruled by the Chairperson as “out-of-order” and the offending person directed to remain silent. Once, having been so directed, if a person persists in disruptive conduct, the Chairperson may order the person to leave the Planning Commission meeting or hearing. Where the person fails to comply with an order to leave, the Chairperson may then call upon civil authority to physically remove the individual from the chamber for the duration of the hearing or deliberation on that item. 4. The Chairperson may impose additional limits or rules upon members of the public as permitted by Section 16. Applicant presentations should be limited to 20 minutes. Planning Commission Bylaws 8 | P a g e (F) Additional Rules of Procedure for Public Hearings 1. Public Hearing Format. Public hearings shall be conducted in the following manner: (a) The presiding officer calls the public hearing to order and declares the time of opening. (b) It is the intent of the Planning Commission to open all public hearings at or after the predetermined and published time. From a practical standpoint, not all hearings can be opened at their designated time. The presiding officer may delay the start of a hearing until the business at hand is acted upon, in any manner, by the Planning Commission. However, in no circumstances can a hearing be opened prior to the predetermined and published time. (c) The presiding officer shall read, from the hearing notice, the details on the hearing sufficient to provide the public a general understanding of the purpose and procedures for the hearing, and the fact that the hearing is their exclusive or primary opportunity to provide input to the city on the subject. (d) Staff and/or a consultant make a presentation or report on the subject matter for the hearing. (e) The applicant (if any) may make a presentation or report on the subject matter for the hearing. Applicants will be asked to limit their presentation to 20 minutes. (f) The presiding officer asks Planning Commission members if they have questions of the staff or consultant, if any. (g) The presiding officer requests a motion and second to open the public hearing. (h) The presiding officer announces that input will be received from the citizens, requesting that each speaker provide a name and address, noting any applicable time limits for comment from individual members of the public, any other applicable rules and explaining the procedure for enforcement of such rules. (i) After members of the public have spoken, the presiding officer requests a motion to: i. Close the public hearing, and the Planning Commission votes on the motion. Once the vote is taken, the hearing is closed for the record. ii. Continue a public hearing, and the Planning Commission votes on the motion. If the Planning Commission votes to continue the hearing, the presiding officer shall, in consultation with City Staff, select and announce a time and date certain for the continued public hearing. No additional publication or notice requirements are needed if a hearing is continued to a later date. However, no public hearing may be continued more than once without re-notice and publishing the time, date and location of the hearing. (j) The Planning Commission may request that the applicant respond to issues or questions arising from, or raised by the public during, the public hearing. In such event, and if the presiding officer determines that Planning Commission Bylaws 9 | P a g e the applicant’s response introduces materially new information or issues relevant to the matter then under consideration, the presiding officer may request a motion and second to reopen the public hearing, after which the reopened public hearing shall be conducted, and closed or continued, in accordance with Section 14(F)(1)(i) above; provided, however, the presiding officer may limit the scope of such reopened public hearing only to a discussion of such materially new information or issues. (k) The Planning Commission addresses the subject matter through deliberation, questions to citizens and staff, and reactions and statement of position on the subject. (l) If the public hearing is closed, the Planning Commission may take action on the application before them. The Planning Commission may formulate a recommendation which outlines the parameters under which an approval would be granted. The reasons and conditions shall be stated in the motion or resolution for approval or denial. Continuation of an action may occur in the event insufficient information is present to make a decision. The Planning Commission shall delineate the missing information before continuing the item. SECTION 15. OFFICERS The officers of the Planning Commission shall consist of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary elected by the Planning Commission at the annual meeting for a term of one year. In the absence of the Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect a Temporary Chairperson for that respective meeting. SECTION 16. DUTIES OF OFFICERS The Chairperson is a voting member of the Planning Commission and may make motions. In addition, the duties and powers of the officers of the Planning Commission shall be as follows: (A) Chairperson. 1. To preside at all meetings of the Planning Commission. 2. To call special meetings of the Planning Commission in accordance with these bylaws. 3. To sign documents of the Planning Commission. 4. To see that all actions of the Planning Commission are properly taken. 5. To cancel or postpone any regularly scheduled meetings. 6. To invoke a reasonable time limit for speakers during any public hearing in the interest of maintaining focus and the effective use of time. 7. To provide for the selection of one or two spokespersons to represent groups of persons with common interests during public meetings and hearings. 8. To order an end to disorderly conduct and direct law enforcement to remove disorderly persons from Planning Commission meetings or hearings. 9. To schedule a second official public hearing meeting or other continued meeting in the event that a meeting or public hearing cannot be concluded by a reasonable hour in the judgment of the Chairperson. 10. The presiding officer has the responsibility to facilitate discussion by the Planning Commission. This may occur in a variety of ways, including: Planning Commission Bylaws 10 | P a g e (a) Interpret and apply rules of procedure; (b) Decide whether motions are properly made; (c) Decide whether motions are in order; (d) Decide whether questions of special privilege ought to be granted; (e) Decide when to recognize speakers; (f) Call for motions or recommend motions; (g) Expel disorderly persons from the meeting; and/or (h) Enforce speaking procedures. (B) Vice-Chairperson. During the absence, disability or disqualification of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall exercise or perform all the duties and be subject to all the responsibilities of the Chairperson. (C) Secretary. 1. To sign official documents of the Planning Commission and other duties as required. (D) Secretarial duties to be delegated to City Staff. 1. To give or serve all notices required by law or by these bylaws. 2. To prepare the agenda for all meetings of the Planning Commission. 3. To be custodian of Planning Commission records. 4. To inform the Planning Commission of correspondence relating to business of the Planning Commission and to attend to such correspondence. 5. To handle funds allocated to the Planning Commission in accordance with its directives, the law and city regulations. 6. To take the minutes of all meetings of the Planning Commission for typing and filing into the appropriate minute book by City Staff. (E) City Staff Liaison. Pursuant to City Code Section 1500.02, the Planning Commission has a City Staff Liaison appointed by the City Manager. The City Staff Liaison is expected to work cooperatively with Planning Commission members. Members may not direct city staff, but can request assistance through the City Staff Liaison to carry out the Planning Commission mission. The duties of the City Staff Liaison include but are not limited to: 1. Work with Chairperson to prepare and distribute meeting agendas. 2. Reserve meeting rooms and other needed meeting equipment. 3. Provide technical expertise and access to city resources. 4. Work with Chairperson to ensure bylaws are followed and annual work plans are submitted. 5. Relay information or directives from City Council meetings or work sessions relevant to the Planning Commission. 6. Respond to Planning Commission inquiries in a timely manner. Planning Commission Bylaws 11 | P a g e 7. Forward information to and between Planning Commission members. 8. Record meeting attendance, include the current attendance record with each packet and consult with the Chairperson and City Clerk regarding attendance issues. 9. Provide orientation materials to new members and chairperson. 10. Provide educational opportunities for all members including the role of a planning commissioner and an annual training session with the City Attorney. Concerns with the performance of the City Staff Liaison should be directed to the Assistant City Manager. SECTION 17. VACANCIES If a vacancy occurs among the members of this Planning Commission by reason of death, resignation, disability or otherwise, notice shall be given to the City Manager or City Clerk and Chairperson by the Secretary. City staff shall then see that a new appointment is made by the City Council. Resignations should be made in writing to the Chairperson stating the effective date of the resignation. SECTION 18. COMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS (A) Introduction 1. Committees or Working Groups may be established by a majority vote of the Planning Commission to study issues in greater depth and report findings. Committees or Working Groups present their analysis to the Planning Commission for discussion and recommendations. The Planning Commission has the sole authority to make final recommendations on all matters on which a Committee or Working Group has given guidance. The Planning Commission defines the scope and the duration of the Committee or Working Group’s mission. In no case may the Committee or Working Group exceed the authority granted by the Planning Commission. 2. Committee and Working Group participants may not include enough voting Planning Commission members to constitute a quorum for the Planning Commission. Committees or Working Groups may be designated as standing (ongoing) or temporary in nature. (B) Definitions Committees and Working Groups may be comprised of two or more people, one of whom is the chair appointed by the Planning Commission. A Committee is comprised of current Planning Commission members only. A Working Group is led by a Planning Commission member, but will also include members of the public. (C) Working Group Announcement Public notice will be given of the formation of any Working Group, including a press release from the City to local media outlets. Individuals will have a minimum of 14 days after the public notice to express interest in joining before members are selected. (D) Public Access Based on the potential public interest in the topic, some Committees and Working Group meetings may be designated as public meetings by the Planning Commission or the City Council. If a Committee or Working Group’s meetings are designated as public meetings, official meeting notices, written agendas and written minutes are Planning Commission Bylaws 12 | P a g e required. In the case of such meetings as may not be designated as public meetings, such committee or working group shall endeavor to compile such unofficial notes of such meetings as shall be determined by such committee or working group to be reasonable under the circumstances. Refer to Section 4 of these bylaws for additional information on meeting notices. (E) Appointments and Chair Assignments 1. Committees: The Planning Commission Chairperson will ask for Committee volunteers from the Planning Commission membership. A majority vote may approve the Committee appointments once sufficient volunteers are established. The Committee will elect its own chair and notify the Planning Commission Chairperson. A temporary committee chair will be appointed by the Planning Commission at the time of the committees formation. 2. Working Groups: The Planning Commission Chairperson will ask for volunteers from the Planning Commission to serve as the Working Group Chair. The Working Group Chair is approved by a majority of the Planning Commission members. The Working Group Chair will recommend other Working Group members. By definition, those members will include individuals outside of the Planning Commission. The Chair may also nominate a co- chair who is not a Planning Commission member. Working Group appointments will be made by a majority vote of Planning Commission members. (F) Duties. 1. The duties of the Committee or Working Group Chair(s) include but are not limited to: (a) Set the meeting schedule and, if required, notify the City Staff Liaison for public notification. (b) Prepare and distribute a written meeting agenda, if required. (c) Lead the meeting in accordance with the agenda and facilitate discussion on agenda items. (d) Ensure that this section of the bylaws and Planning Commission directives are followed. (e) Maintain meeting decorum. (f) Recommend members and notify Planning Commission of changes in membership (Working Group only). (g) Report on the Committee or Working Groups’ activities at each regular Planning Commission meeting. (h) Communicate to the Committee or Working Group any directives, questions or input from the Planning Commission. (F) Resignation or Removal A Committee or Working Group member may voluntarily resign by submitting his or her written resignation to the Chair of the Committee or Working Group. A Committee or Working Group member may be removed by a majority vote of the Planning Commission. (G) Disbanding A Committee or Working Group may be disbanded at any regular meeting of the Planning Commission by a majority vote of the members. Committees or Working Groups will automatically be disbanded if no member of the Planning Commission is available to serve or appropriate volunteer membership cannot be established. Planning Commission Bylaws 13 | P a g e SECTION 19. AMENDMENTS Some components of these bylaws are common across all City boards and commissions. The City Staff Liaison should be consulted prior to considering bylaw amendments. Proposed bylaw amendments should be announced one meeting prior to voting on the proposed change. Bylaw amendments require the approval of a majority of the voting Planning Commission members and approval by the City Council. SECTION 20. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS All financial expenditures by the Planning Commission must relate to the Planning Commission mission and be covered under the Planning Commission budget. All expenditures must be approved in advance by a majority of the voting members. The City Staff Liaison is responsible for ensuring that all approved expenditures or reimbursements meet the criteria above as well as other city financial policies. Expenditures that do not meet the criteria above will not be reimbursed. The Planning Commission does not have the authority to execute contracts or to otherwise financially obligate the City of Edina. Any contract related to Planning Commission business will be managed by the City Staff Liaison and may be subject to City Council approval. SECTION 21. ETHICAL AND RESPECTFUL CONDUCT (A) Conflict of Interest Members may not use their position on the Planning Commission for personal benefit. The interests of the Planning Commission must be the first priority in all decisions and actions. Any member who has a financial interest in, or who may receive a financial benefit as a result of, any Planning Commission action or decision must disclose this fact as a conflict of interest. A member who has disclosed a conflict of interest should abstain from discussion and voting on the matter. (B) Gifts Planning Commission members may not receive personal gifts from any “interested person” in conjunction with their board and commission duties. An “interested person” is a person, or representative of a person or an association, who has a direct financial interest in a recommendation under the Planning Commission’s purview. This section does not apply to lawful campaign contributions. The Planning Commission may recommend acceptance of general gifts or donations through the City’s donation policy. (C) Respectful Behavior The City of Edina is committed to providing a work environment free from violence for all elected and appointed officials, employees and visitors. The City does not tolerate any form of violence in the workplace including threats or intimidating actions by or against any of the groups cited above. Violence and threats may include, but are not limited to: 1. Any act which is a physical assault; and 2. Any threat, behavior or action which is interpreted by a reasonable person to carry the potential to harm or endanger the safety of others, or result in an act of aggression, or destroy or damage city property. The Chairperson and City Staff Liaison have the right to call for the immediate removal of anyone who threatens or commits an act of violence on City property. Planning Commission Bylaws 14 | P a g e Respectful behavior also includes how Planning Commission members relate to each other, City staff and members of the public. Members share a joint responsibility in modeling, monitoring and addressing behavior within the group. During Planning Commission interactions, members should strive to: 1. Treat people with courtesy, politeness and kindness; 2. Encourage others to express their opinions and ideas; 3. Listen to what others have to say; 4. Use the ideas of others to improve decisions and outcomes; and 5. Recognize cultural differences. Members should avoid: 1. Speaking over or cutting off another individual’s comments; 2. Insulting, disparaging or putting down people or their ideas; and 3. Bullying other members by displaying a pattern of belittling, demeaning, judging or patronizing comments. How to Report Members can report cases of unethical conduct to the City Staff Liaison, Assistant City Manager, City Manager or City Attorney. SECTION 22. AMENDMENT, RESTATEMENT AND REPLACEMENT OF BYLAWS These bylaws of the Planning Commission hereby amended, restate and replace in their entirety all predecessor bylaws of the Planning Commission. ADOPTED by the Edina Planning Commission this 10th day of April, 2019. ____________________________________ Secretary APPROVED APPROVED by the Edina City Council this ___day of , __________, 2019 ____________________________________ Mayor