HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-03 City Council Work Session PacketAgenda City Council Work Session City of Edina, Minnesota City Hall Community Meeting Room Tuesday, October 3, 2023 5:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.2024 Commission Proposed Work Plans IV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli&cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: October 3, 2023 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Reports / Recommendation From:MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Manager Item Activity: Subject:2024 Commission Proposed Work Plans Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Community Engagement Manager MJ Lamon will provide a brief overview of the 2024 Commission Work Plan Development P rocess. Each Commission Chair will present their 2024 P roposed Work Plan. The presentation order: 1. Parks & Recreation Commission 2. Energy & Environment Commission 3. Human Rights & Relations Commission 4. Community Health Commission 5. Transportation Commission 6. Planning Commission 7. Heritage Preservation Commission 8. Arts & Culture Commission The work plan timeline is: October 3, 2023, City Council Work Session Chairs present proposed commission work plans. November 8, 2023, City Council Work Session Staff presents recommendations and takes feedback from Council. December 6, 2023, City Council Meeting City Council approves work plans January 1, 2024 Work plans officially start. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: 2024 Proposed Commission Work Plans Staff Presentation 2024 Proposed Commission Work Plans October 3, 2023 Mayor & City Council MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Manager Commissions 2024 Proposed Work Plan Review Information / Background: City Council establishes boards and commission to engage residents into city work, assist with effective governance to provide opportunities for residents to serve the community and participate in meaningful work. City Council, Boards and Commissions and City staff work together while fulfilling a defined role. City Council City Manager & Staff Advisory Boards, Commission, Task Forces  Make policy-level decisions  Hire and supervise City Manager  Approve - Budget and related work plan - Ordinances & policy decisions - Development proposals - Variances & rezoning requests  Appoint representatives to advisory boards & commissions  Provide best efforts & technical advice to Council  Manage operations & staff  Propose budget & policies  Carry out Council decisions  Deliver services  Equitably enforce codes & policies  Provide community perspective  Propose work plan items  Advise the Council through work plan “charges”  Hold hearings as directed by Council  Assist as directed in work plan with engagement efforts Council CommissonsStaff Manage Operations, Advise Council & Implement Policy (Technical analysis & evaluation) Decide Strategy Advise Council (Community needs & values) STAFF REPORT Page 2 The annual commission work plan process is a seventh-month process from initiation to final approval. The process kicks off at commission meetings in June when commissions first start discussing potential work plan ideas. Commissions spend the summer months creating their proposed work plans, and staff liaisons provide information, support, and advice in the process. In October, Commission Chairs present their work plan item proposals to City Council. In November the City Manager presents work plan recommendations to Council, based on City-wide resources and goals. Final approval by City Council occurs in December. Guiding Procedures The city has ten Boards and Commissions, with almost 100 Board and Commission Members. The work plan process is critical to ensure that we have the resources to accomplish the goals, and that staff and Commissions are working on the priorities that are most needed. COMMISSIONS Commissions are responsible for developing proposals for work plan items.  Commissions should list proposed work plan items in order of their priority.  Work plan initiatives should not replicate city department work plan initiatives (While there may be overlap, it should be clear what the commission’s role is)  Be careful not to overload the work plan but pursue an achievable number of initiatives  Define who is leading the work plan initiative to validate member interest in completing the project  “Parking lot” is reserved for initiatives the Commission considered but did not propose as part of the work plan. These items are not considered approved and would require a work plan amendment approved by Council to allow the Commission to begin work. STAFF LIAISONS Staff Liaisons provide resources and support to the Commissions during their proposal discussions. As part of the work plan development, liaisons are asked to provide comments on work plan initiatives. Liaison recommendations and comments are based on the following questions:  Is the goal and deliverable of the initiative clearly defined?  Is the initiative an appropriate role of the commission?  Are the resources/funding available to accomplish the initiative? Commissions develop proposed work plans with liaison advice and feedback June–Aug. Commission approves proposed work plan September Chairs present proposed work plans to Council October 3 Staff present recommendations to Council November 8 Council approves work plans December 6 STAFF REPORT Page 3  Is the number of initiatives on the work plan reasonable? If there are misalignments, liaisons are asked to offer suggested changes. CITY MANAGER/ADMINSTRATION STAFF City Manager recommendations are based on City-wide strategies, needs, and resources. Administration Considerations include:  Alignment with other city work plans and goals Commission work plan initiatives can directly impact other City Work Plans, operations, or resources. Initiatives tied to Council-approved Budget Work Plan take priority.  Roles Commissions are advisory to Council and their work plans should consist of the work they intend to complete in the upcoming year. At times, language changes are made to clarify role of the commission and eliminate misunderstanding the intent of the initiative. This is also accomplished by assigning an appropriate Council Charge level.  Resources (funding & supporting staff) Each year, Commissions propose several events and communication campaigns in addition to those already occurring throughout the city. If initiatives have large funding requirements or require additional staff support, this may adversely impact a department budget and workload. We need to ensure the city has the resources, budget, and time needed to accomplish the work. COUNCIL Commissions are appointed by the Council and serve in advisory role. Commissions provide additional community perspective, feedback, and support to inform Council decisions, and accomplish City goals. The Council has approval over Commission work plans, and could ultimately choose to remove, revise, or add work plan items During the Commission Chair presentations, Council should ask questions to ensure they understand what the Commission is proposing and why. During staff presentations, Council will provide feedback for staff to prepare a final draft for approval in December. Advisory Commission Proposed Work Plans City Council Work Session October 3, 2023 City-wide Work Plan Process Timeline & Roles October 3 Chair Presentation November 8 Staff Presentation Chairs •Present work plan proposals •Focus on items needing explanation Admin Staff •Present city-wide recommendations for work plan proposals City Council •Ask questions •Make sure to understand scope and item being requested Staff Liaisons •Available for questions Admin Staff & Liaisons •Available for questions City Council •Provide feedback for staff to develop a final recommendations Next Steps Oct. 6 – Nov. 1………….Staff/City Manager Review Review proposed work plans and offer comments / adjustments for City Council consideration November 1……………Staff Presentation Staff will present comments on work plan initiatives Receive feedback from Council on edits/changes Nov. 1 – Dec. 6 …………Staff/City Manager Review Incorporate Council feedback December 6……………City Council Approval Work plans approved at the City Council meeting Presentation Order 5:40 Parks & Recreation Commission 5:47 Energy & Environment Commission 5:54 Human Rights & Relations Commission 6:01 Community Health Commission 6:08 Transportation Commission 6:15 Planning Commission 6:22 Heritage Preservation Commission 6:29 Arts & Culture Commission Page 1 of 3 Parks & Recreation Commission 2024 Proposed Work Plan 1 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: 12/31/2024 Lead(s): Ites (L), Pfuhl, Weaver, Welsch Initiative Title: Support Fred Richards Park Implementation Initiative Description: In support of the Fred Richards Park master plan implementation efforts assign members to the various stakeholder/focus group input opportunities as needs are identified to bring the community perspective to the process. Potential Areas: • Playground process • Facility/Food and Beverage Operations • Public Art Deliverable: Review and Comment Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☒ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Project funded by local option sales tax referendum. Commission provides review and comment during planning and design phases as needed. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Part of planning and engagement for master plan implementation. Liaison Comments: Continuation of initiative 1.6.1 from 2023 work plan. City Manager Comments: 2 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: 12/31/2024 Lead(s): Spanhake (L), Luangrath Initiative Title: Support Braemar Park Implementation Initiative Description: In support of the Braemar Park master plan implementation efforts assign members to the various stakeholder/focus group input opportunities as needs are identified to bring the community perspective to the process. Potential Areas: • Off trail and pedestrian trail system development • Athletic and active area development • Natural Resource restoration Deliverable: Review and Comment Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☒ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Project funded by local option sales tax referendum. Commission provides review and comment during planning and design phases as needed. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Part of planning and engagement for master plan implementation. Liaison Comments: Continuation of initiative 1.6.2 from 2023 work plan. = commission = staff Page 2 of 3 City Manager Comments: 3 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: 12/31/2024 Lead(s): Spanhake (L), Doscotch, Ytterbo, Initiative Title: Support Braemar Arena Implementation Initiative Description: In support of the Braemar Park master plan implementation efforts for Braemar Arena assign members to the various stakeholder/focus group input opportunities as needs are identified to bring the community perspective to the process. Potential Areas: • Infrastructure replacement • TBD if Arena expansion will be in scope Deliverable: Review and Comment Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☒ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Project funded by local option sales tax referendum. Commission provides review and comment during planning and design phases as needed. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Part of planning and engagement for master plan implementation. Liaison Comments: Continuation of initiative 1.6.3 from 2023 work plan. City Manager Comments: 4 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: 12/31/2024 Lead(s): Doscotch (L), Pfuhl, Weaver, Welsch Initiative Title: Community Garden Study and Report Initiative Description: In support of the Climate Action Plan Strategy LF 1-2, the commission will study the opportunity and access to Community Gardens within the park system and if applicable the broader Edina community. Climate Action Plan Strategy LF 1-2: Support existing school and community gardens and provide opportunities to expand community growing spaces with a focus on youth, immigrant, and people with lower incomes or who are experiencing food insecurity. Deliverable: Report Council Charge: ☒ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No financial need identified. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Standard research and administrative support. Liaison Comments: Connection to Climate Action Plan. Page 3 of 3 City Manager Comments: 5 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: 12/31/2024 Lead(s): Luangrath (L), Pfuhl, Weaver, Welsch Initiative Title: Review and compare park shelter building amenities and function Initiative Description: The upcoming capital improvement program identifies several park shelter building replacements. The commission will study and report on user experience enhancements, amenities and style of facility approaches that are successful in current Edina parks and surrounding communities to help guide future replacement projects. Deliverable: Report Council Charge: ☒ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No financial need identified. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Standard research and administrative support. Liaison Comments: Completed prior to CIP funded projects begin. City Manager Comments: Page 1 of 4 Energy & Environment Commission 2024 Proposed Work Plan 1 Initiative Type: Ongoing Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Cory Lukens, Stephen Schima, Teri Hovanec Initiative Title: Green Business Outreach Program Initiative Description: Receive and review business applications. Engage Chamber of Commerce and two Rotaries to connect with large audiences and explore green business nominations rather than applications. Expand outreach component to guide participating businesses to increase sustainable practices, and to notify businesses of city resources while sharing best practices among businesses. Revisit application approach for coming years. Deliverable: Sustainable businesses door-knocking packet. Business roundtable event. Fulfills part of CAP actions BE 1- 7, BE 4-2 Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Limited funds are available to support target marketing, including ads during application timeframe, recognition materials like window clings and mailings. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): • Comms: Communications staff time will be needed to complete regular communications cycle for GBOP: business spotlights (up to 4), ad design during application season, design business packet materials. Liaison Comments: Staff is supportive. EEC remains enthusiastic about engaging with business community on environmental matters. City Manager Comments: 2 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Hilda Martinez, LeeAnn Weber Initiative Title: Study paved areas conversion opportunity to green space or community gardens Initiative Description: Identify underutilized paved areas and study ways to incentivize conversion to sustainable green space or infill development and increase pollinator habitat. Will include a study and report on current City community garden process and how it could be expanded/adjusted to better meet CAP goals in CAP item LF 1-2 through paved area conversions: "Support existing school and community gardens and provide opportunities to expand community growing spaces with a focus on youth, immigrant, and people with lower incomes or who are experiencing food insecurity." Deliverable: Report to Council identifying underutilized paved areas in Edina, pollinator supportiveness potential and section describing City community garden existing practices and potential changes. Fulfills part of CAP actions TL 3-4 and LF 1-2 Council Charge: ☒ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No Funds Staff Support Required (completed by staff): • Community Development staff would likely be asked to advise EEC members on specific site conditions, and potentially provide some data or existing City studies related to this initiative. Community Garden staff lead will be interviewed by EEC members to share existing practices and perspective on any changes or expansions. Liaison Comments: The EEC will focus on all land – public and private – for its pavement conversion, and then can focus any community garden study on just private land to complement the parks commission proposed work. City Manager Comments: = commission = staff Page 2 of 4 3 Initiative Type: Event Target Completion Date: Q3 Lead(s): Tom Tessman, John Haugen, Grif Pugh Initiative Title: Host buckthorn removal event in high-priority area Initiative Description: ID high-priority buckthorn removal areas in the City (including schools) to organize a removal event. Consider partnering with youth organization or other nonprofit like Great River Greening to provide volunteers. Could be marketed as a “buckthorn bash” or something similar. Deliverable: One buckthorn removal event. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Are there funds for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): • Comms: • Forests: Forestry staff advises EEC to participate in buckthorn removal on City property, rather than considering private or school-owned sites. If on city property, City crews can pick up buckthorn after event and manage disposal. Consider Braemar Golf Course area for spring cleanup (3 large areas). Liaison Comments: Staff is supportive and recommends EEC consider a public site like Braemar Golf Course or Bredeson Park, using Natural Areas plan and work already underway as a guide in site selection. City Manager Comments: 4 Initiative Type: Event Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Tom Tessman, Hilda Martinez, Ukasha Dakane Initiative Title: Host EV Ride & Drive event Initiative Description: Invite up to 25 residents and businesses to display their vehicles, including e-bikes, and answer questions from curious potential EV owners. Deliverable: One EV Ride and Drive event. Fulfills part of CAP action TL 3-4 Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Limited funds to support marketing. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): • Comms: • Other: Will need support from facility staff to choose and stage location. Communications staff will be needed to promote event. Liaison Comments: Staff is supportive, EEC can review how neighboring cities have hosted similar events to ensure success. City Manager Comments: Page 3 of 4 5 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Bayardo Lanzas, Teri Hovanec Initiative Title: Tree Recognition Celebration Initiative Description: Continuation from 2023 initiative: • “Parade of Trees” tree recognition campaign around Arbor Day or in the fall • Residents submit photos and locations of special trees, especially in public spaces. Trees are mapped and residents are invited to do a walking/driving tour to see the trees. Trees could be geo-cached, if participants opt in to sharing their location. Tree photos can be used in social media to raise awareness around Edina’s tree canopy. • EEC may award special tree recognitions: ”most leaves”, “spookiest,” etc. • Mayor will be invited to recognize beloved trees during Mayor’s Minute Deliverable: Online celebration of beloved Edina trees. Social media, website materials. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No funds Staff Support Required (completed by staff): • Liaison: ~10 hours (works with Comms and GIS staff to organize communication campaign and populate online parade of trees map.) • Comms: 160 hours (Provide campaign design assistance, tree signifier design (e.g. tree medallion) and production, stories/videos on special trees around Edina) • Other staff: ~10 hours for GIS staff to receive special tree submissions, geocode them and produce walking tour map Liaison Comments: Staff is supportive; EEC is committed to raising awareness about tree ordinance revisions and City- wide tree canopy goals. City Manager Comments: 6 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Stephen Schima, LeeAnn Weber Initiative Title: Participate in Planning Commission Parking initiative Initiative Description: Participate in joint initiative sub-group between Planning and Transportation Commissions focused on parking. Deliverable: Comment on Planning Commission product ahead of Council submittal. Relates to CAP Action TL 3-2 Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No funds Staff Support Required (completed by staff): • Liaison: ~5 hours (coordinate with EEC and other commission staff liaisons to share comment) • Comms: • Other staff: ~3 hours for organizing support from other Commission Staff Liaisons Liaison Comments: Staff liaison expects limited time commitment by the EEC on this topic. Four Climate Actions relate to parking management; Staff supports cross-commission work to recommend implementation pathways for these actions. City Manager Comments: Page 4 of 4 Parking Lot • campaign to raise education on bee gardens • education on insulation, importance of weatherization • education for solar on private homes: solar gardens, rooftop, etc. • Instagram Takeover • Comprehensive Waste Reduction Marketing Campaign Page 1 of 4 HRRC 2024 Proposed Work Plan 1 Initiative Type: Ongoing/Annual, Event Target Completion Date: October/November – Q4 Lead(s): Nelson, Felton, Ismail Initiative Title: Sharing Values, Sharing Communities Event Initiative Description: Determine topic at least four months in advance of the scheduled event. Topic to be mental health, LGBTQIA+ or ageism focused. Deliverable: Plan and host event in 2024. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Yes, funds are available and would be primarily used for marketing the event and booking speakers. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Communications and marketing support will be needed to advertise the event. Liaison Comments: The HRRC plans to hold the 2023 Sharing Values, Sharing Communities Event on November 12, 2023, with the theme: “Building an Inclusive Community – Learning to Prevent Bias so All Can Thrive.” City Manager Comments: 2 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Rogers, Dawkins, Nelson Initiative Title: Review bias and discrimination event response. Initiative Description: Review and propose update as needed to the bias and discrimination event response in accordance with legislation and best practices. Respond to bias or discrimination events as plan prescribes. Deliverable: Reviewed and if needed, propose update of bias and discrimination event response. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Funds are not needed. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): The Edina Police Department may need to support the HRRC’s efforts to ensure all City responses – Police and HRRC – are consistent with each other and legislation. Liaison Comments: Recent Minnesota legislative changes to the definition of bias and discrimination events necessitate a review of the current event response plan to ensure compliance and coordination of response with the new definition. City Manager Comments: = commission = staff Page 2 of 4 3 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Khalifa, Rogers Initiative Title: Build connections with community organizations and report on community awareness of bias and discrimination event reporting. Initiative Description: Engage with organizations to exchange information, assess community awareness and educate on bias and discrimination event process. Deliverable: Create standardized presentations and materials for HRRC presentations to community organizations, including on bias and discrimination event response. Report on engagement efforts and awareness of bias and discrimination event reporting. Council Charge: ☒ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No funds are needed. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Communications will be needed for graphic design support for any materials created. Liaison Comments: The HRRC has presented to community organizations in the past about its work; this initiative builds on that and seeks to report on community awareness of bias and discrimination event reporting. City Manager Comments: 4 Initiative Type: Ongoing/Annual Target Completion Date: Quarterly Lead(s): None needed. Initiative Title: Engage with Edina Police Dept on bias-related and demographic data. Initiative Description: Meet with EPD quarterly on bias-related or demographic data. Deliverable: Increased engagement with EPD. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No funds are required. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): The initiative prescribes quarterly meetings with Edina Police Department staff. Staff support from the Edina Police Department will be required to ensure regular, productive meetings. Liaison Comments: Staff supports continuation of the regular meetings with the Edina Police Department. City Manager Comments: Page 3 of 4 5 Initiative Type: Ongoing/Annual, Event Target Completion Date: December 2024 Lead(s): Rogers, Stringer Moore Initiative Title: Tom Oye Award Initiative Description: Coordinate and select one recipient for the Tom Oye Award. Deliverable: Tom Oye award winner selected and recognized. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Funds are available, and the budget will be used for marketing the event and award Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Communications and marketing support will be needed. Liaison Comments: Staff supports the continuation of the Tom Oye Award, as an opportunity to celebrate human rights work in Edina and honor Tom Oye’s legacy. The Tom Oye Award has been awarded since 2010 continuously. City Manager Comments: 6 Initiative Type: Ongoing/Annual, Event Target Completion Date: April/May – Q2 Lead(s): Bennett, Felton Initiative Title: Days of Remembrance Event Initiative Description: Coordinate Days of Remembrance to be held in accordance with the national 2024 Days of Remembrance on Monday, May 6. Deliverable: Plan and host a 2024 Days of Remembrance Event. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Yes, funds are available and would be primarily used for marketing the event and booking speakers. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Communications and marketing support will be needed. Liaison Comments: The 2023 Days of Remembrance (DOR) event was held in May with the theme of “Never Again.” The HRRC has planned and hosted the event for 12 years in various attendance modes such as in-person, hybrid, and virtual. City Manager Comments: Page 4 of 4 7 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: February/March, before the Days of Remembrance Event Lead(s): Bennett, Nelson Initiative Title: Review and propose revision of Days of Remembrance resolution Initiative Description: Review resolution language for Days of Remembrance and propose changes as needed. Deliverable: Reviewed language for Days of Remembrance and potentially proposed changes. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No funds are needed. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Limited staff support from the Race & Equity Manager may be required if changes are proposed. Liaison Comments: Staff supports reviewing the language for the resolution, as the event is held by the HRRC and changing the language has been discussed for several years. City Manager Comments: 8 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 2024 Lead(s): Bennett, Dawkins, Segall Initiative Title: Develop Facility Naming Policy Initiative Description: Develop a policy and process for naming City facilities according to recommendations in the HRRC City Facility Naming Policy Report Deliverable: Recommended policy and process for naming City facilities Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Funds are not needed. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Staff from Parks and Recreation and Engineering may have to support this initiative through information sharing and evaluation of different policies. Parks and Recreation will have to review and report on the draft policy. Liaison Comments: Staff recommends that the Parks and Recreation Commission should review and comment on the proposed policy before City Council review, given the PARC report and recommendation on Alternative Funding Strategies, a 2023 work plan item. City Manager Comments: Parking Lot Evaluate and report on LGBTQIA+ community resources Page 1 of 2 Community Health Commission 2024 Proposed Work Plan 1 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q1 Lead(s): Andrea Patineau, Nick Mattison, Tracy Nelson Initiative Title: Racism as a Public Health Emergency Initiative Description: Review report from 2023 work plan and make recommendation regarding declaration of racism as a public health emergency in the City of Edina. Include potential activities/policy changes that would accompany declaration Deliverable: Recommendation Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Are there funds for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. No funds available. Potential impact to Communications and Public Health staff with marketing or outreach around the initiative. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Who in addition to the staff liaison will have to support this initiative? How many hours of support are needed? Communications/marketing? Communications, possibly Administration/Race and Equity Liaison Comments: The declaration of racism as a public health emergency is a public statement recognizing that racism is affecting health outcomes. The declaration alone carries no action or change, but does show that the City recognizes that these are related issues and potentially plans to take future actions to work for change. The declaration will show City staff and residents that City leadership is continuing to recognize this issue. City Manager Comments: = commission = staff Page 2 of 2 2 Initiative Type: Ongoing Target Completion Date: Q1 Lead(s): Mary Absolon, Julia Selleys Initiative Title: Opioid Stakeholder Workgroup Representative Initiative Description: Two members of the Community Health Commission will serve as representatives to the opioid funds stakeholder working group which guides the spending of opioid settlement funds in Bloomington, Edina, and Richfield Deliverable: Appointment and Representation Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Are there funds for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. None Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Who in addition to the staff liaison will have to support this initiative? How many hours of support are needed? Communications/marketing? None Liaison Comments: Continued commission representation is important to maintain consistency of input at these stakeholder meetings and get perspectives from both City residents and staff. One appointed member is rotating off the commission in 2024, so appointment of new member is necessary. City Manager Comments: 3 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Matt Giljahn, Brenna Smithson, Andrew Hawkins Initiative Title: Aging Community/Social Connectedness Initiative Description: Study and Report. As Edina’s population average age is 7 to 8 years older than the rest of the State, commission will report on possible city-level activities aimed at assisting those aging in place, specifically relating to social connectedness. Deliverable: Report Council Charge: ☒ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Are there funds for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Who in addition to the staff liaison will have to support this initiative? How many hours of support are needed? None Liaison Comments: This item is continued from 2023 and been refined. Potential for even narrower focus as the subject matter is wide ranging and can be difficult for members to narrow down. City Manager Comments: Parking Lot: Cannabis Regulation: Is there a role for the Community Health Commission? Page 1 of 2 Transportation Commission DRAFT 2024 Proposed Work Plan 1 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Grant Wright, Bethany Olson Initiative Title: Traffic Safety Infrastructure Research and Recommendations Initiative Description: Residents have been vocal with the Transportation Commission about how dangerously fast drivers drive on Edina’s residential streets – even after speed limits were lowered to 25 mph. This, paired with a lack of focus on traffic enforcement capacity due to understaffing of patrol officers and a slower-than-desired implementation of traffic calming measures they suggest to the Commission, leaves some residents feeling frustrated with the City’s perceived inaction. To improve safety for all users of Edina’s transportation network, this initiative will support an educational campaign (such as “Drive 25”) and recommend improved processes to implement traffic calming improvements more quickly. Deliverable: Complete case study research of cities that leverage quick build solutions to implement traffic calming changes to roadways. Recommend improvements at priority locations (e.g., schools, parks, bus stops, places of worship, etc.) and identify grant programs for city staff consideration to pursue for project implementation of best practices. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required: No funds available. Staff Support Required: ~2 hours per month from Staff Liaison. Police and Public Works would likely be asked to provide their perspective on various traffic calming techniques and infrastructure. Liaison Comments: Staff recommends removing “support an educational campaign (such as Drive 25) and…” since this is incorporated in Initiative 2. This initiative supports goals in the Living Streets Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. City Manager Comments: 2 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Grant Wright, Roger Bildsten Initiative Title: Traffic Safety Community Outreach Campaign Initiative Description: The Transportation Commission reviews requests for pedestrian crossings (marking a crosswalk or enhancing an existing crossing) nearly every month. Correlating with safety concerns surrounding traffic calming, residents share concerns and desires of being able to walk safely and conveniently to their destination. To improve safety for Edina’s most vulnerable travelers, people walking or rolling, this initiative will support an educational campaign (such as St. Paul’s “Stop for Me” campaign) and recommend priority areas to focus city resources for pedestrian improvements. Deliverable: Execute a yearlong traffic calming community outreach campaign in close partnership with the City’s Communications team (owned digital channels, yard signs, earned media) to reinforce the new 25 mph speed limit, increasing the stigma of driving over the limit and helping residents feel heard. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required: Limited funds available through PACS for marketing strategies Staff Support Required: ~2 hours per month from Staff Liaison. Communications would be asked to assist with editing and distributing articles or social media posts on the City’s various media channels. Liaison Comments: The Commission and Communications partnered on similar campaigns in 2015, 2016 and 2019. This initiative supports goals in the Living Streets Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. City Manager Comments: = commission = staff Page 2 of 2 3 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Roger Bildsten, Bethany Olson, Tricia Rubenstein Initiative Title: Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan Review Initiative Description: The Commission will assess progress to-date on implementation of the plan; prioritize implementation of recommendations within the plan that have not been yet implemented; identify appropriate updates, revisions, deletions or additions to the plan; and develop a community communication strategy related to the plan. Deliverable: Report to Council Council Charge: ☒ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required: No funds available. Staff Support Required: ~3 hours per month from Staff Liaison. Liaison Comments: This initiative will help staff in scoping out a public participation project in 2025 to update the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. This initiative supports goals in the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. City Manager Comments: 4 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Jill Plumb-Smith, Kirk Johnson Initiative Title: Parking (Planning Commission Lead) Initiative Description: Consideration of the future of parking in Edina to identify parking initiatives to pursue in the next 10-15 years, in what order and what commissions/resources should be assigned to each. The Planning Commission will be the lead. Deliverable: ETC will review and comment on the final report and recommendation from Planning Commission. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required: No budget available. Staff Support Required: ~1 hour per month from Staff Liaison. Community Development staff will be primary contacts. Liaison Comments: This initiative supports goals in the Climate Action Plan, the Living Streets Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. City Manager Comments: 5 Initiative Type: Event Target Completion Date: Q1 Lead(s): Andy Lewis, Grant Wright Initiative Title: Edina Transportation Commission 20th Anniversary Recognition & Celebration Initiative Description: The Commission will work with staff to create a proclamation recognizing the Commission’s 20th anniversary and celebrating their contributions and achievements since 2004. Deliverable: Proclamation for adoption by City Council. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required: No budget available. Staff Support Required: ~5 hours from Staff Liaison. Administration would be involved in reviewing the proclamation, Communications may be involved in producing and distributing articles or social media posts on the City’s various media channels. Liaison Comments: A similar proclamation was adopted in 2020 to commemorate the HRRC’s 50th anniversary. This is a relatively low-effort initiative that would be greatly impactful for the Commission to be recognized for their contributions to the City. City Manager Comments: Parking Lot Organized trash collection, transit service advocacy and expansion, boulevard tree planting Page 1 of 4 Planning Commission 2024 Proposed Work Plan 1 Initiative Type: Ongoing/Annual, Event Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): All Commissioners Initiative Title: Land Use Applications Initiative Description: Review land use applications, send recommendations to Council on CUP, site plans, and rezoning. Deliverable: Recommendations on land use applications submitted to City Council. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): None required. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Planning Staff & Communications. Liaison Comments: This is the primary responsibility of the Planning Commission City Manager Comments: 2 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Miranda (lead), Padilla, Felt, Daye Initiative Title: Consider the next “Areas of Potential Change” for future small area planning/lead in to the next Comprehensive Plan Update. Initiative Description: Consideration of areas for future small area planning. This would lead in to the next Comprehensive Plan Update. Deliverable: Recommendation to the City Council. These areas would then be studied further in the next Comprehensive Plan update or earlier if recommended by the City Council. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No budget required. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Planning staff. This task should not take a lot of time to complete but will be important to set the stage for the next areas to study as part of the 2028 Comprehensive Plan. Liaison Comments: This task is to simply identify the areas, not study them. City Manager Comments: = commission = staff Page 2 of 4 3 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Bornstein (lead), Padilla Initiative Title: Zoning Ordinance Amendment – Study and draft an Ordinance regarding cannabis regulations. Initiative Description: Study and propose/recommend regulations per state statute. Deliverable: Recommendation to City Council. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No budget required. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Planning staff. Liaison Comments: Addison Lewis will be the staff lead. City Manager Comments: 4 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): All Commissioners Staff will draft Ordinance Amendments & the entire Commission will discuss at work sessions. Initiative Title: Zoning Ordinance Amendments – 1) Updating the industrial zoning district standards to be more flexible with respect to retail uses already allowed in the district; 2) Revise Building material, first floor height and transparency requirements for new buildings; 3) Sign Ordinance revisions. Initiative Description: Zoning Ordinance revisions. Deliverable: Recommendation to City Council. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No budget required. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Planning staff. Liaison Comments: Ordinance amendments to address issues that were raised over the past year. Drafts of #1 and #2 will be accomplished by staff, and will not be time consuming. City Manager Comments: Page 3 of 4 5 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Felt & Daye (leads), Smith, Bornstein Staff will draft Ordinance Amendments Initiative Title: Create new zoning district(s) or revise existing districts. Initiative Description: Revise existing or create new zoning districts to better align the City’s base zoning districts with the comprehensive land use plan. Deliverable: Recommendation to City Council. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No budget required. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Planning staff. Liaison Comments: Staff would draft the amendments. This would be a large undertaking but important to revise the City’s base zoning district to align with the Comprehensive Plan more closely. City Manager Comments: 6 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Miranda, Daye, Strauss Initiative Title: Parking Initiative Description: Consideration of future of parking in Edina to identify parking initiatives to pursue in the next 10-15 years, in what order and what commissions/resources should be assigned to each. Planning Commission will be the lead. ETC & EEC will review and comment on final report and recommendation from Planning Commission. Deliverable: Recommendation to City Council. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No budget required. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Planning staff. Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Page 4 of 4 7 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Daye Initiative Title: Cahill District Plan – Next Steps. Initiative Description: Deliverable: Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Yes. If consultant is required to assist. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Yes. Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: 8 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Bennett Initiative Title: Development Review Process Initiative Description: Enhance and diversify the communication of the development review process through BTE, city meetings, and other media/means. Deliverable: Recommendation to City Council. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No budget required. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Planning, Administration & Communications staff. Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Parking Lot Page 1 of 3 Heritage Preservation Commission 2024 Proposed Work Plan 1 Initiative Type: Ongoing/Annual Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Chair Lonnquist-all commissioners Initiative Title: Certificate of Appropriateness Applications Initiative Description: Review COA Applications when submitted Deliverable: Review Applications and issue COAs Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Budget for consultant review comes from Planning Budget. No additional budget is required. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Planning staff and HPC Consultant reviews all COA applications. No additional staff support required. Liaison Comments: This is an annual work plan item and is one of the main charges of the HPC. City Manager Comments: 2 Initiative Type: Ongoing/Annual Target Completion Date: Q4 Lead(s): Chair Lonnquist-all commissioners Initiative Title: Edina Heritage Landmarks Initiative Description: Based on owner interest, nominate eligible properties as Edina Heritage Landmarks and add additional properties to the eligible property list. Deliverable: Recommend designation of eligible heritage landmarks and add properties to Edina Landmark list. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): None. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Communications support needed only if new landmark is designated (to create new webpage). Liaison Comments: This is another main charge of the HPC. City Manager Comments: = commission = staff Page 2 of 3 3 Initiative Type: Ongoing/Annual Target Completion Date: Q3 Lead(s): Commissioners Jarvinen & Nickels Initiative Title: Heritage Preservation Award Initiative Description: Recruit nominees and award and promote the annual Heritage Preservation Award during Preservation Month in May. Deliverable: Seek and submit nominations, select recipient, and present the award. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Plaque cost comes out of Planning budget. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Communications support required. Communications writes an article on the award winner after the award is presented at Council. They also help solicit nominations with social media posts. Liaison Comments: The HPC gives this award out every year during May which is Preservation Month. 2024 will be the 21st year of the award. City Manager Comments: 4 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q2 Lead(s): Commissioners Lonnquist & Hassenstab Initiative Title: Century Home Program Outreach Initiative Description: Public outreach to eligible Century Homes. Draft mailing and meet with 3 community organizations. Deliverable: Mailing to be sent to current eligible properties and presentation to community organizations. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): The Planning Division will fund one mailing. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Mailing cost will be covered by Planning Department. Social media posts to promote new program-estimate 5 hours communication support. Liaison Comments: No additional comments. Staff supports the proposed outreach for the new Century Homes program. City Manager Comments: Page 3 of 3 5 Initiative Type: Project Target Completion Date: Q2 Lead(s): Commissioners Cundy, Pollock & Lonnquist Initiative Title: Public Outreach for Ordinance and Country Club Plan of Treatment Changes Initiative Description: Create information to illuminate changes to the city's heritage preservation ordinance -- including addition of an escrow fee -- and the Plan of Treatment for the Country Club Heritage Landmark District. Deliverable: Digital brochure, flowchart, decision tree Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No additional funds are requested. All outreach would be completed digitally/on the city’s website. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): After drafts are completed by the HPC staff would request Communications/Graphic Design Support on the final versions of the digital brochure, flow chart and decision tree. Staff Estimates 10 hours. Liaison Comments: Staff supports this initiative. Creating a digital brochure, flowchart and decision tree for the website will help educate community members and the HPC. City Manager Comments: Parking Lot • Preservation Checklist for old homes • Research on Archeology in surrounding communities and next steps for Edina archeology project. Ideas discussed that are staff functions: • Add HPC items to ERRCATS Training • Archeological Grant – funding would be needed to have consultant draft grant application. Other Items/Ideas for HPC to do (not work plan items): • Off site meeting in May (Grange Hall)-reception for Century Homes Program/Joint meeting with Historical Society • Participate in 4th of July Parade • Keep a list of Edina Preservation Award Nominations Page 1 of 3 Arts and Culture Commission 2024 Proposed Work Plan 1 Initiative Type: Ongoing Target Completion Date: Lead(s): Westlund, Zbaren, Amlaw, Curtin Initiative Title: Bring the community perspective to the art center colocation with the Hennepin County Library project Initiative Description: As the Hennepin County Southdale Library project advances, the Arts and Culture Commission will continue to bring the community perspective and assist as the city moves forward as a tenant for a new art center design. Deliverable: Assist with community perspective on design and engagement Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☒ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No funding needed to involve the commission in the process. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): As the Hennepin County Southdale Library project moves into schematic design, the colocation of a new art center space will be developed. The commission will bring the community perspective to the process and provide feedback during that process. This will be a joint city staff/commission effort. Liaison Comments: ACC is interested in being involved in the new art center effort and provide community perspective and knowledge of the art world. We appreciate any perspective they can offer as we move forward. City Manager Comments: 2 Initiative Type: Ongoing/Annual Target Completion Date: Lead(s): Faeth, Curtin Initiative Title: Implement year 1 of the new Edina Art Grant Program Initiative Description: Work with City staff to develop and implement the Edina Art Grant Program. Deliverable: Review and select art application projects to be implemented. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Funds will be needed for this project. $5,000 per year is the initial recommended amount for the microgrant awards from the Public Art Fund. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Communications and marketing will be instrumental as we move forward with this project. This may require multiple hours of staff time as we establish the program. Once it is established, however, it should be an easy project to continue on a yearly basis without much added need pending annual funding reviews. Liaison Comments: Supportive to implement year 1 of this program and evaluate results. City Manager Comments: = commission = staff Page 2 of 3 3 Initiative Type: Ongoing Target Completion Date: Lead(s): Fram, Faeth, Scully, Stemmler Initiative Title: Review Public Art Opportunities for New City Facilities and Locations Initiative Description: As the City builds out Grandview, Fire Station #2, Fred Richards Park and other projects, the Arts and Culture Commission will review art and décor elements and make public art recommendations. Deliverable: Review and recommend public art projects to be implemented. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No funds currently needed for ACC to review, public art will need a funding source to include into the projects. Staff Support Required (completed by staff): City staff will need to provide updates and potential selection decision points to the ACC on projects. Liaison Comments: ACC members are very interested in being involved in upcoming city projects. Their knowledge and skills in the realm of public art will be valuable as projects move forward. City Manager Comments: 4 Initiative Type: Event Target Completion Date: Quarter or month Lead(s): Stemmler, Scully, Fram Initiative Title: Commission Participation in Community Events Initiative Description: Promote Commission initiatives and art in Edina through increased ACC presence at public events, including Edina Fall into the Arts Festival at Centennial Lakes Park and other City events though out the year. Deliverable: Promote art in Edina and engage with residents. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☐ 3: Review & Recommend ☒ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): Minimal Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Communications may be asked to assist with creating marketing materials. Staff Liaison will be able to take care of everything else. Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Page 3 of 3 5 Initiative Type: Target Completion Date: Quarter or month Lead(s): Stemmler, Westlund, Zbaren Initiative Title: Present and Inform Street Art/Public Art Policy and opportunities to other City Commissions Initiative Description: Present the Street Art Policy, including asphalt art, to the planning and transportation commissions. Deliverable: The presentation will ensure there is awareness on how the policy can assist the commissions in their work as they review projects and applications. The ACC would be open to partnering on future projects as they are identified to assist in solving land use or transportation concerns. Council Charge: ☐ 1: Study & Report ☐ 2: Review & Comment ☒ 3: Review & Recommend ☐ 4: Review & Decide Budget Required (completed by staff): No budget required Staff Support Required (completed by staff): Only staff liaison support required at this time to communicate and schedule time with other commissions. Liaison Comments: This initiative hinges on the City Council accepting and adopting the Street Art Policy that has currently developed by the ACC. Tentative presentation to City Council in early October. City Manager Comments: