HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-12-11 City Council Meeting PacketAgenda City Council Meeting City of Edina, Minnesota City Hall Council Chambers Monday, December 11, 2023 6:00 PM Watch the meeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeetings or Facebook.com/EdinaMN. Participate in Community Comment and Public Hearings Call 786-496-5601 Enter Conference 1689495# Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak An operator will introduce you when it is your turn I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Pledge of Allegiance IV.Approval Of Meeting Agenda V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Mayor will invite residents to share issues or concerns that are not scheduled for a future public hearing. Items that are on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Mayor may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments tonight. The City Manager will respond to questions raised during Community Comments at the next meeting. VI.Public Hearings During "Public Hearings," the Mayor will ask for public testimony after sta) and/or applicants make their presentations. The following guidelines are in place to ensure an e+cient, fair, and respectful hearing; limit your testimony to three minutes and to the matter under consideration; the Mayor may modify times, as deemed necessary; avoid repeating remarks or points of view made by previous speakers. The use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. A.PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 2023-97: Concord B&C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA- 465 B.PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 2023-98: Southdale B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA- 464 VII.Manager's Comments VIII.Mayor And Council Comments IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampliBcation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: December 11, 2023 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Aaron T. Ditzler, P.E., Assistant City Engineer Item Activity: Subject:PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 2023-97: Concord B&C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA-465 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to close the public hearing at noon December 13 and to continue action on the item to the December 19 City Council meeting. INTRODUCTION: Staff initiated this project. Staff proposes to reconstruct Ashcroft Avenue, Ashcroft Lane, Concord Avenue, Garrison Lane, Millers Lane, Nancy Lane, Rose Court, St Johns Avenue, Virginia Lane, Wooddale Avenue, West 62nd Street, West 63rd Street, and West 64th Street. The overall project cost is estimated at $12,883,299. Funding will be a combination of special assessments, City Utility and Pedestrian and Cyclists Safety (PACS) funds, and property taxes. Staff analyzed the project and feels that the project is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible from an engineering standpoint. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2023-97: Concord B and C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA-465 Engineering Study BA-465 Certificate of Mailing BA-465 Street Reconstruction Intro Presentation Transportation Intro Presentation BA-465 Concord BC Presentation RESOLUTION NO. 2023-97 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT FOR CONCORD B and C NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-465 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council, adopted the 8th day of November 2023, fixed a date for a council hearing on Improvement No. BA-465, the proposed improvement of Concord B and C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction; and WHEREAS, ten days mailed notice and two weekly published notices of the hearing was given, and the hearing was held thereon on the 11th day of December 2023, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible to update aging infrastructure. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered. 3. The city engineer is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. The engineer shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. 4. The city council declares its official intent to reimburse itself for the costs of the improvement from the proceeds of tax exempt bonds. Dated: December 19, 2023 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of December 19, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Special Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______ day of __________, 20___. _______________________________ City Clerk ENGINEERING STUDY CONCORD B/C NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION Ashcroft Avenue, Ashcroft Lane, Concord Avenue, Garrison Lane, Millers Lane, Nancy Lane, Rose Court, St Johns Avenue, Virginia Lane, Wooddale Avenue, West 62nd Street, West 63rd Street, West 64th Street IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-465 DECEMBER 4, 2023 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 42003 11/28/22 Aaron Ditzler Reg. No. Date Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 2 SUMMARY: The project involves reconstruction of local bituminous and concrete streets, replacement of existing concrete curb and gutter, installation of new concrete curb and gutter, construction of new concrete sidewalk and localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer systems in the neighborhood. The estimated total project cost is $12,883,299. 36.88% of the roadway cost will be funded through property taxes and 63.12% will be funded through special assessments at a rate of approximately $13,400 per residential equivalent unit (REU). Utility improvements amount to $8,701,800 and will be funded through the City’s utility funds. Sidewalk improvements are estimated to cost $268,500 and will be funded through the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund. INITIATION: The project was initiated by the Engineering Department as part of the City’s Neighborhood Reconstruction Program, identified in the Capital Improvement Plan. The project complies with the City’s Living Streets Policy, Vision Edina’s mission statement to “provide effective and valued public services” and “maintain a sound public infrastructure” and the “Strong Foundations” City budget goal. This project addresses updating substandard infrastructure with improvements associated with the roadway condition, watermain system, storm sewer system, sanitary sewer system and pedestrian facilities. LOCATION: The project includes Ashcroft Avenue, Ashcroft Lane, Concord Avenue, Garrison Lane, Millers Lane, Nancy Lane, Rose Court, St Johns Avenue, Virginia Lane, Wooddale Avenue, West 62nd Street, West 63rd Street, West 64th Street. A detailed location map of the project is shown in Figure 1. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 3 Figure 1: Project Area Map Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS: Roadways The roadways in this neighborhood were originally constructed between 1952 and 1992 (see Photo 1). Photo 1: Concord B/C Neighborhood, 1956 Maintenance records indicate Nancy Lane and Wooddale Avenue south of Garrison Lane were overlayed in 2012. West 64th Street was reconstructed in association with a sanitary sewer improvement project in 1999. Most of the streets in the neighborhood have concrete curb and gutter; over half of the streets are concrete. The roadway width is primarily 30’ (measured from the face of curb to the face of curb). Virginia Lane, Wooddale Avenue between Nancy Lane and Garrison Lane, and West 64th Street range from 20-23’ wide. A recent geotechnical evaluation of the project area performed by Braun Intertec showed the roadway section varies from 2” to 5.75” of pavement over an apparent aggregate base followed by an assortment of clay, clayey sand, and silty sand soils. Soft clayey soils are present under some of the concrete streets. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 5 As part of the City’s Pavement Management Program, all streets are regularly evaluated and rated on a scale from 1 to 100; 100 representing a brand-new road surface and 0 being extremely poor. This rating is referred to as the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and is determined based on existing conditions and defects (alligator cracking, raveling, potholes, etc.). The average PCI for the City of Edina is 78 and the average PCI for Concord B/C is 36. An example of the current pavement condition can be seen in Photo 2. Photo 2: Existing Pavement Condition Traffic and Crash Data Staff measured traffic volumes and speeds at several locations within or near the neighborhood. Average daily 2023 traffic volumes within the neighborhood range between 402 and 645 vehicles per day with 85th percentile speeds between 27.5 and 28.0 miles per hour. Traffic and crash data for this project is shown in Appendix A. Multi-Modal Transportation Pedestrian Facilities A shared-use path is present between Lake Nancy and Otto Pond between West 64th Street and Nancy Lane and is in average condition. Sidewalks are also present immediately adjacent to the project area on Valley View Road, Concord Avenue and Wooddale Avenue north of the project limits (see Appendix B). The project area also abuts the Highway 62 pedestrian bridge connecting to Rosland Park. A pedestrian-activated flasher is present at the intersection of Concord Avenue and Valley View Road. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 6 Bicycle Facilities In addition to the previously mentioned shared-use path, a bike boulevard is present on Wooddale Avenue between Nancy Lane and Valley View Road. On-street bike lanes are present immediately adjacent to the project area on Valley View Road and Wooddale Avenue north of the project limits (see Appendix C). Public Utilities Sanitary Sewer The sanitary sewer system consists of 6” cast iron pipe (CIP), 8” ductile iron pipe (DIP), 9-18” vitrified clay pipe (VCP), 10-18” polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC), and 12- 21” reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). Most of the sanitary sewer system was installed between 1952 and 1961, except for Rose Court in 1992 and trunk sanitary sewer improvements on West 64th Street in 1998. Historical records indicate there has been a minimal number of sewer back-ups or blockages in the area (see Appendix D). Watermain The Edina watermain system consists primarily of 6-12” ductile iron pipe (DIP) installed between 1954 and 1971, along with some 6-12” cast iron pipe (CIP and a 1.5” copper pipe. A 6” high density polyethylene (HDPE) watermain was installed along West 64th Street west of St. John’s Avenue in 2018, and a 6” DIP watermain was installed along West 64th Street east of St. John’s Avenue into the Rose Court cul-de-sac in 1992. The overall system has experienced a significant number of breaks (see Appendix D). A segment of 6” DIP under trunk highway 62 west of Ashcroft Avenue is in poor condition. Most of the fire hydrants are original to the neighborhood. City records indicate that private wells for homes in the neighborhood that were constructed prior to the availability of municipal water were properly sealed. There are no known unsealed wells. Based on Utility Billing records, there are no properties in the project area that rely on private wells for domestic water. Storm Sewer The storm sewer network is in the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. The system consists of 12” – 42” corrugated metal pipe (CMP), 12” – 48” reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) installed in 1961. A storm extension was installed on Wooddale Avenue in 2004. There are relatively few storm sewer inlets and pipes located within the project area. Most streets within the project area drains to a storm sewer system that drains into Lake Nancy, Otto Pond, or other stormwater ponds and eventually discharge into Lake Cornelia (and subsequently, Minnehaha Creek), while a small portion drains to a storm sewer system that drains into Lake Cornelia. Private Utilities Gas, electric, communications, cable and fiber optic utilities are present in the neighborhood. These utilities are a combination of overhead and underground facilities located in backyards or along the boulevards. Street lighting consists of standard “cobra head” lights mounted on wooden poles located throughout the project area as shown in Appendix E. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 7 DESIGN INPUT: City Council 2018 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan This plan, part of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan, was developed to guide the City’s efforts to create a comprehensive pedestrian and bicycle network. As shown in Appendix B, there is a proposed sidewalk on Concord Avenue between West 64th Street and Valley View Road, and a proposed shared use path on Wooddale Avenue between Nancy Lane and Valley View Road. 2015 Living Streets Policy This policy balances the needs of motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders in ways that promote safety and convenience, enhance community identity, create economic vitality, improve environmental sustainability and provide meaningful opportunities for active living and better health. The City will apply the Policy to all street projects, including those involving operations, maintenance, new construction, reconstruction, retrofits, repaving, rehabilitation or change in the allocation of pavement space on an existing roadway. The Living Streets Plan includes 15 principles to guide implementation of the Policy, divided into four categories: All Users and All Modes, Connectivity, Context Sensitivity and Sustainability. Below is a summary of how these principles are incorporated into this project: All Users and All Modes – This project will improve mobility and access to the transportation network for a variety of users, including pedestrians, cyclists, children, seniors and people with disabilities. Replacement of the pavement surfaces and traffic control signage will enhance safety and convenience for all users. Connectivity – This project involves maintaining a transportation system that can accommodate all modes of travel. Existing facilities form a multimodal network within the neighborhood. Context Sensitivity – Engineering strives to preserve and protect natural features within or adjacent to construction sites where feasible, including trees, waterways and sensitive slopes. Residents within the project area were invited to complete a questionnaire soliciting input on project design components, including multi-modal transportation, street lighting and local drainage problems. Sustainability – Engineering works closely with Public Works to implement infrastructure improvements with consideration of lifecycle costs and future maintenance. The new roadway section can be easily maintained long-term with the use of proactive rehabilitation treatments, which will significantly extend the life of the pavement. Reductions in impervious surfaces benefit water quality and may lessen the demand for chemicals to manage snow and ice (such as chloride). Construction operations are required to use the smallest footprint necessary to complete the work; this includes utilizing trenchless technologies, such as pipe bursting or cured-in-place pipe liners. This project will also reduce inflow and infiltration of clean water into the sanitary sewer system, minimizing regional wastewater treatment, reducing the risk of sewage surcharges, and limiting the risk of back-ups to residential properties. Relevant portions of the Living Streets Plan can be found in Appendix F. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 8 2018 Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan The CWRMP identified multiple areas of flood inundation within the project area for both the 10-percent and 1-percent-annual-chance flood event (also referred to as the 10-year and 100-year frequency event, respectively). The first area includes Garrison Pond and is along Garrison Lane between St. Johns Avenue and Wooddale Avenue as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Garrison Lane and Backyard Flood Zone (NC_2, NC_5) This modeled inundation area impacts both the roadway and backyard sections of Garrison Lane. This area is connected to the City’s storm sewer system that runs from Garrison Pond to Lake Nancy, and then via storm sewer to Lake Cornelia. 7 structures could be impacted by the 10- and 100-year flood zones. Potential manhole surcharging was also identified in the 1-percent and 10-percent-annual- chance events. The second area includes Lake Nancy and is along Garrison Lane between St. Johns Avenue and Wooddale Avenue and along Nancy Lane as shown in Figure 3. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 9 Figure 3: Garrison Lane Backyard and Nancy Lane Backyard Flood Zone (NC_2) Lake Nancy and its watershed impacts both backyard sections of Garrison and Nancy Lanes along the lake. The Lake Nancy storm sewer outlet discharges via storm sewer to Lake Cornelia. 5 structures could be impacted by the 10- and 100-year flood zones. The third area is along Ashcroft Lane, St. Johns Avenue, Millers Lane and West 64th Street as shown in Figure 4. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 10 Figure 4: Ashcroft Lane, St. Johns Avenue, Millers Lane and West 64th Street and Backyard Flood Zone (NC_2, NC_40) This modeled inundation areas impact both the roadway and backyard sections of Ashcroft Lane, St. Johns Avenue, Millers Lane and West 64th Street. Approximately 12 acres of stormwater from the neighboring properties drains to the City’s storm sewer system and discharges to Lake Cornelia. 10 structures could be impacted by the 10- and 100-year flood zones. Potential manhole surcharging was also identified in the 1-percent and 10-percent-annual- chance events. The fourth area includes Lake Nancy and is along Millers Lane and West 64th Street as shown in Figure 5. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 11 Figure 5: Millers Lane and West 64th Street and Backyard Flood Zone (NC_2) Lake Nancy and its watershed impacts both backyard sections of Millers Lane and West 64th Street along the lake. The Lake Nancy storm sewer outlet discharges via storm sewer to Lake Cornelia. The 1-percent and 10-percent-annual-chance events could impact the structures at 4504 and 4508 West 64th Street. Climate Action Plan The CAP identified the following actions for consideration that would align with the roadway reconstruction project. Transportation and Land Use TL 1-2: Accelerate building on-street and off-street protected bike lanes, sidewalks, crosswalks, and other walking infrastructure in high- need areas and fill connectivity gaps as identified in the City's Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan. Public Works A draft engineering study was provided to the City’s Public Works Department. They support replacement of concrete curb and gutter, as well as replacement of deficient watermain components (including fire hydrants, gate valves and water services). They also recommend replacement of existing CMP storm sewer within the project area. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 12 Police and Fire A draft engineering study was provided to the City’s Police and Fire Departments. The Fire Department supports watermain improvements, including adding fire hydrants as necessary to meet public safety standards. They noted that temporary fire hydrants should be consistent in style for ease of access, that emergency access should always be maintained during construction and that drive widths and turnarounds should meet fire code. Although the proposed 15’ wide streets do not solely meet the fire code requirement of an unobstructed minimum width of 20 feet, the combination of the roadway and adjacent pedestrian and / or shared use path does meet the minimum 20’ width. The adjacent pedestrian and / or shared use path will be designed to structurally support the fire apparatus loads. Edina Transportation Commission Prior to the Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) regular meeting on October 26, 2023, a draft engineering study was provided for review. Relevant minutes from the ETC meetings are included in Appendix G. Minnesota Department of Transportation Highway 62 / Rosland Park Pedestrian Bridge In 2022, the Rosland Park Pedestrian Bridge was struck twice by commercial trucks traveling on Highway 62, resulting in substantial damage and the bridge being closed until MnDOT could reopen the bridge in 2023 following temporary repairs. Concept designs of a new replacement pedestrian bridge began in 2023. Following public input, consultant and staff recommendations, and selection of a preliminary concept in 2023 by the City Council, the project will go through MnDOT design approvals in 2024. The improvements are tentatively scheduled for construction in 2025. Highway 62 Auxiliary Lane and Noise Wall Due to the MnDOT I-494 project under construction, a temporary auxiliary lane was established in 2023 on Highway 62 to facilitate additional traffic volumes. MnDOT staff are studying making the auxiliary lane permanent. If approved by MnDOT, this will likely require encroachment on West 64th Street, which is in MnDOT right-of- way, for shoulder pavement and noise wall improvements. The improvements are tentatively scheduled for construction in 2027-2028. Residents As part of the Engineering Department’s practice of notifying residents 2-3 years prior to a potential reconstruction project, virtual neighborhood informational presentations were posted on Better Together Edina in March 2021, September 2022, and October 2023. Residents were notified of the virtual meetings and were able to directly ask questions to staff from the Better Together Edina website, as well as telephone and email. Additionally, residents were invited to a meeting on November 28, 2023, to ask City Staff questions about the project. Materials from the virtual presentation can be found in Appendix H. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 13 On June 12, 2023, residents in Concord B and C were asked to complete a questionnaire, soliciting feedback on motorized and non-motorized transportation, and local drainage problems within the project area. The questionnaire was completed by 39 of 159 property owners, a return rate of 25%. The following is a summary of feedback received from residents:  17 of 39 (44%) were concerned or very concerned with the speed of traffic in the neighborhood; 22 (56%) were not concerned.  13 (33%) were concerned or very concerned with motorist behavior in the neighborhood; 24 (62%) were not concerned.  20 (51%) identified an unsafe intersection within the neighborhood.  31 (80%) walk, run, or jog in the neighborhood at least 2-3 times per week.  13 (33%) ride a bicycle in the neighborhood at least 2-3 times per week.  7 (18%) reported parking on the street at least 2-3 times per week; 15 (39%) reported parking on the street less than once per month. *Percentages based on number of returned surveys The full questionnaires and responses can be found in Appendix I. Relevant correspondence from residents regarding the project can be found in Appendix J. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: The proposed improvements acknowledge many of the comments and concerns raised by residents throughout the information gathering process, while still maintaining the desired minimum standards of Engineering, Public Works and other City staff. Roadways Typical Section The bituminous and concrete roadways are proposed to be completely reconstructed to the subgrade. The existing bituminous pavement and suitable aggregate material will be recycled for use as base material in the new roadway where feasible. The existing concrete pavement and aggregate base material will be removed. A minimum of 8” of aggregate base material will be graded and compacted as the base layer prior to placement of 2.5” of bituminous non-wear and 1.5” of bituminous wear course. Unsuitable subgrade materials will be replaced as necessary to provide adequate support for the new roadbed. Significant subgrade removals may occur where areas of clay soils are present. The reconstructed sections will meet the requirements of a minimum 20-year pavement design life based on projected traffic loadings. All roadways within the project area are designated as Local Streets in the Living Streets Plan. Per this plan’s design guidelines, Local Streets have a typical width of 27’ (measured from the face of curb to the face of curb) without sidewalks or 24’ with a 5’ sidewalk on one side. Local streets that vary from the guidelines are as follows: Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 14  Virginia Lane is proposed to be reconstructed to its current 20’ width to avoid increasing impervious pavement and excessively impacting landscaping and infrastructure in the ROW.  Wooddale Avenue between Nancy Lane and Garrison Lane is proposed to be reconstructed to a 15’ width due to its proximity to Lake Nancy and Otto Pond along with its proposed sidewalk or shared use facility.  West 64th Street between Concord and St. Johns Avenues is proposed to be reconstructed to a 15’ width due to its proximity to future potential MnDOT auxiliary lane, shoulder pavement and noise wall improvements, as well as accommodating a proposed sidewalk or shared use facility. The 15’ roadway width will be one-way, the direction to be determined during the design phase.  West 64th Street between St. Johns Avenue and Rose Court is proposed to be reconstructed to a 20’ width to accommodate a proposed sidewalk or shared use facility and to minimize excessively impacting landscaping and infrastructure in the ROW. Parking Per the Living Streets Plan, on-street parking should be evaluated based on classification, adjacent land uses, existing demand and costs of construction and maintenance. Staff recommends restricting parking along both sides of the street on Virginia Avenue, West 64th Street and Wooddale Avenue due to the narrow proposed street widths. Given the existing demand for parking, staff believes that parking changes should not occur on any other streets in the project area. The existing and proposed roadway widths, sidewalks and parking recommendations for local streets that vary from the Living Streets Plan guidelines are shown in Figures 6 through 9. The existing and proposed roadway widths, and parking recommendations that meet the guidelines are shown in Appendix K. The existing and proposed roadway widths, sidewalks and parking recommendations are also shown in Table 1. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 15 Figure 6: Virginia Avenue Figure 7: Wooddale Avenue (Nancy Lane to Garrison Lane) Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 16 Figure 8: West 64th Street (Concord Avenue to St. Johns Avenue) Figure 9: West 64th Street (St. Johns Avenue to Wooddale Avenue) Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 17 Street Existing Roadway Width ¹ (face to face), feet Proposed Roadway Width (face to face), feet Pedestrian and / or Mixed use Width, feet Boulevard Width, feet Parking Ashcroft Avenue Ashcroft Lane Garrison Lane Millers Lane Nancy Lane St. Johns Avenue W. 62nd Street W. 63rd Street 30 27 - - Two-sided Concord Avenue 30 24 8’ shared use path 0-3 West side only Rose Court 28 27 - - Two-sided Virginia Lane 20 20 - - No Parking Wooddale Avenue between Nancy and Garrison Lanes 21 15 6’ walk or 8’ shared use path 0 No Parking Wooddale Avenue between Garrison Lane and Valley View Road 30 24 6’ walk or 8’ shared use path 0 No Parking West 64th Street between Concord and St. Johns Avenues 24 15 6’ walk or 8’ shared use path 0-3 No Parking West 64th Street between St. Johns Avenue and Rose Court 24 20 6’ walk or 8’ shared use path 0-3 No Parking ¹Existing roadway width is measured from edge of bituminous to edge of bituminous on streets with no curb and gutter Table 1: Street Widths, Sidewalks and Parking Roadway Signage All traffic signage within the project area, including street name blades, will be replaced to improve visibility and reflectivity (see Appendix E). All new signs will conform to the standards of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 18 Multi-Modal Transportation Pedestrian Facilities Staff is trying to balance the Living Streets Plan roadway width recommendations and Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan connections to parks and schools with available right-of-way, and potential tree, wetland, water body and infrastructure impacts. See Table 1 in the previous section for options the City will evaluate. Spot repair of the existing Wooddale Avenue shared use path will occur as necessary between West 64th Street and Nancy Lane. Figure 10 shows all existing and proposed pedestrian facilities. Figure 10: Existing and Proposed Pedestrian Facilities Locations were selected by staff based on existing topography, connections to existing facilities and private utility conflicts. The grass boulevard that will separate the new curb and the proposed sidewalk is proposed to be 5’-wide but may vary depending on construction conflicts. The separation from vehicle traffic creates a Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 19 more pedestrian-friendly environment and is preferred by Public Works for snow storage. The extra width needed for the sidewalk and boulevard will be balanced between both sides of the street, where feasible. No boulevard will exist between the new curb and the proposed sidewalk or shared use path along Wooddale Avenue between Garrison Lane and Valley View Road due to existing infrastructure conflicts. All adjacent pedestrian curb ramps will be reconstructed to meet the current design standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and portions of the existing sidewalk will be reconstructed as necessary. The pedestrian-activated flasher at Concord Avenue and Valley View Road will be replaced with a rectangular rapid- flashing beacon (RRFB) to improve visibility and consistency with industry standards. The shared-use path between Lake Nancy and Otto Pond is maintained by the City as it is adjacent to City property. The proposed pedestrian and bicycle facilities would be maintained by adjacent property owners as they are not within state or county right-of-way, not along Municipal State Aid routes, not adjacent to City property nor included in the City’s Active Routes to School Plan. Bicycle Facilities This Wooddale Avenue mixed-use facility for pedestrians and bicyclists is referenced above in the proposed section. Public Utilities Sanitary Sewer The sanitary sewer main has been televised, and portions will be repaired using a combination of open cut and cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) methods. These repairs will address the issues of sags, cracks and groundwater infiltration into the sewer main. The manhole castings will also be removed and replaced to reduce inflow and infiltration of stormwater. Watermain Echologics, LLC was hired by the City to perform a non-invasive pipe condition assessment on the watermain within the project area, and staff has reviewed historical break data to determine the extent of improvements needed. All the existing watermain, except for the 6” DIP on Rose Court, will be replaced using a combination of pipe bursting, lining and open cut methods. A segment of 6” DIP under Trunk Highway 62 west of Ashcroft Avenue will be replaced using a combination of open cut and cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) methods. Water service leads and gate valves will be replaced as well. All gate valves and fire hydrants within the project area will be replaced and, if needed, additional hydrants will be installed to meet current public safety standards. The new fire hydrants will include the Storz nozzle fittings desired by the Edina Fire Department for quick connection of fire hoses. As part of the City’s Wellhead Protection Plan, staff plans to engage property owners who have unsealed private wells and encourage them to have them properly sealed. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 20 Storm Sewer Based on the scope of utility work, concrete curb and gutter will be replaced throughout the project, providing a continuous, functional conduit for stormwater. The storm sewer network will have modifications to resolve existing drainage issues at various locations throughout the neighborhood. Some of the existing structures will be removed and replaced due to their poor condition. CMP pipe is proposed to be replaced as necessary. Sump drains will be installed where feasible to allow property owners to connect their sump pump discharges directly into the storm sewer system. Sediment removal is proposed to be performed at the storm sewer outlets; this work will require a permit through the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Staff will engage in further discussions with Barr Engineering to determine whether to consider: 1. Install a 42-inch storm sewer pipe on West 64th Street between Ashcroft Lane and St. Johns Avenue eastward to connect with the existing storm sewer system on West 64th Street between Miller Lane and Rose Court. 2. Increasing the storm sewer pipe size between Garrison Pond and Lake Nancy or lowering Garrison Lane to reduce flood exposure to homes. 3. Connecting the water bodies via storm sewer pipe between Lake Nancy and Otto Pond. Private Utilities Staff will meet with representatives of several private utility companies in December 2023, to discuss the proposed 2024 reconstruction projects and preliminary improvements. Portions of the private utility networks may receive upgrades prior to construction; however, this work is not part of the City’s project. Currently, the City does not have a standard to determine where and when street lighting should be improved. Unlike other infrastructure improvements, lighting can be installed later with minimal disturbance using trenchless technologies. The lighting in the neighborhood is sufficient to delineate the intersections; therefore, staff are recommending no revisions to the current street lighting. RIGHT-OF-WAY/ EASEMENTS: A majority of the existing right-of-way in this neighborhood varies from 50’ to 60’. It is anticipated that most of this project can be constructed within the existing ROW. Many properties have retaining walls, fences, vegetation, boulders or other landscaped items within the right-of-way. A portion of these landscape items will interfere with some of the proposed infrastructure improvements and will need to be removed to complete the necessary work. A ROW permit from the Minnesota Department of Transportation will be required for watermain work that will occur under Trunk Highway 62 between St. Johns Avenue and Ashcroft Avenue. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 21 PROJECT COSTS: The total estimated project cost is $12,883,299 (see Table 2). The total cost includes direct costs for engineering, clerical and construction finance costs from the start of the project to the final assessment hearing. Item Amount Total Cost Funding Source Roadway $2,338,099 Special Assessments Roadway $1,574,900 Property Taxes Roadway Total: $3,912,999 Sanitary Sewer $1,120,300 Watermain $3,034,800 Storm Sewer * $4,546,700 Utility Total: $8,701,800 City Utility Funds Sidewalk Total: $268,500 PACS Fund Project Total: $12,883,299 Table 2: Estimated Project Costs ASSESSMENTS: Assessments will be levied against the benefiting adjacent properties pursuant to Chapter 429 of the Minnesota State Statues. Based on the City’s Special Assessment Policy, there are 174.49 roadway residential equivalent units (REUs) in the Morningside C project area. The estimated assessment per REU is $13,400 (see Figure 11). The preliminary assessment roll can be found in Appendix L. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 22 Figure 11: Preliminary Roadway Assessment Map All single-family residential properties located entirely within the project area receive an assessment of 1 REU, except for the properties shown in the tables below. There are 10 single-family residential properties located in the project limits that have been previously assessed a partial REU or are corner lots with an adjacent street that will be assessed with a future project. Tables 3 & 4 show their REU calculations based on the City’s assessment policy. Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 23 PID House Number Street Type of Property Proposed REU REU Factor Assessable REU 1902824340011 6100 ASHCROFT AVE Corner lot 1 0.5 0.5 1902824340031 6101 ASHCROFT AVE Corner lot 1 0.5 0.5 1902824340021 6100 ST JOHNS AVE Corner lot 1 0.5 0.5 1902824340015 6101 ST JOHNS AVE Corner lot 1 0.5 0.5 1902824340009 4629 VALLEY VIEW RD Corner lot 1 0.5 0.5 1902824330076 4701 VALLEY VIEW RD Corner lot 1 0.5 0.5 Table 3: Single-Family Residential Corner Properties with Future Additional Assessment Table 4: Previously Assessed Single-Family Residential Properties There are five city owned properties located within the project limits. Table 5 shows their REU calculations based on the City’s current assessment policy. PID House Number Street Previous Project Previous REU Assigned Proposed REU Assessable REU 1902824330085 6140 CONCORD AVE Concord A/G – 2022 0.5 1 0.5 3002824220006 6200 CONCORD AVE Concord A/G – 2022 0.5 1 0.5 1902824330077 4700 VIRGINIA LN Concord A/G – 2022 0.5 1 0.5 1902824330084 4701 VIRGINIA LN Concord A/G – 2022 0.5 1 0.5 Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 24 PID House Number Street Description Comments Proposed REU 3002824210002 6216 WOODDALE AVE Garrison Pond Not developable with current zoning and flood plain restrictions. 0 1902824340002 24 Address Unassigned Garrison Pond Not developable with current zoning and flood plain restrictions. 0 3002824210001 24 Address Unassigned Garrison Pond Not developable with current zoning and flood plain restrictions. 0 3002824210021 24 Address Unassigned Lake Nancy Not developable with current zoning and flood plain restrictions. 0 3002824120004 24 Address Unassigned Garrison Pond Not developable with current zoning and flood plain restrictions. 0 3002824210007 24 Address Unassigned Garrison Pond Not developable with current zoning and flood plain restrictions. 0 Table 5: City-Owned Properties There is one multi-family residential property located within the project limits, Table 6 shows their REU calculations based on the City’s assessment policy. PID House Number Street Type of Property Proposed REU REU Factor Assessable REU 1902824340001 4545 VALLEY VIEW RD Multi-Family (63 units) / Corner lot 0.5 0.5 15.75 Table 6: Multi-Family Property There are two commercial properties located in the project limits, Table 7 shows their REU calculations based on the City’s assessment policy. PID House Number Street Type of Property Gross Square Footage Institutional REU (Based on Square Footage) Assessable REU 1902824430002 6161 WOODDALE AVE Commercial, Corner Lot 8,980 13.47 6.735 3002824120005 24 Address Unassigned Commercial 0 0 0 Table 7: Commercial Properties Engineering Study Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-465 December 4, 2023 25 PROJECT SCHEDULE: The following schedule outlines the past and future tasks to be performed related to the project: Neighborhood Informational Video Presentations (all 2022 and Future projects) March 2021 September 2022 Neighborhood Informational Video Presentation (all 2024 projects) October 2023 Neighborhood Q and A Meeting with City Staff November 28, 2023 ETC Engineering Study Review October 23, 2023 Receive Engineering Study December 11, 2023 Open Public Improvement Hearing December 11, 2023 Close Public Improvement Hearing December 13, 2023 Public Improvement Hearing Council Decision December 19, 2023 Bid Opening March/April 2024 Award Contract/Begin Construction Spring 2024 Complete Construction Fall 2024 Final Assessment Hearing October 2025 RECOMMENDATION: Staff believes the project can be completed during the 2024 construction season. Staff believes the construction of this project is feasible, cost effective and necessary to improve the public infrastructure in the Concord B/C neighborhood. APPENDIX: A. Traffic and Crash Data B. Comprehensive Plan Update – Pedestrian Facilities C. Comprehensive Plan Update – Bicycle Facilities D. Sewer Blocks and Watermain Breaks E. Street Lights and Signs F. Living Streets Plan G. Edina Transportation Commission Meeting Minutes H. Neighborhood Informational Video Presentation Materials I. Resident Questionnaire J. Correspondence from Residents K. Proposed Typical Sections L. Preliminary Assessment Roll APPENDIX A Traffic and Crash Data                                                     LocaƟon Year ADT 85% Speed Crash Comment  1 2002  2023  408  402  31.7  28.0    2 2016  2023  471  645  29.1  27.5    3 2000  2017  101  188  26.9  29.2    4  2004  2014  2017  212  162  159  28  20  25.6    A December  2013    Vehicle backing out of driveway hit parked car  on street.  B  September  2013    February  2016    No info on crash.    Eastbound, leŌ turning bus hit slipper road  and slid into fire hydrant at northeast corner  of intersecƟon.  1  4  2  3  A  B  APPENDIX B City Comprehensive Plan Update – Pedestrian Facilities Map TRACY AVEVERNON AVEWOODDALE AVEHANSEN RD70TH ST W FRANCE AVE SVALLEYVIEWRDMINNESOT ADRGLEASONRDWeberPark EdinaCommunityCenter HighlandsPark CityHall M innehahaCree kNineMileCree kNine Mile Creek ArdenPark SouthdaleLibrary ToddPark YanceyPark Van ValkenburgPark BredesenPark PamelaPark RoslandPark Fred RichardsPark BraemarGolfCourse LewisPark PublicWorks ArnesonAcresPark EdinaHighSchool CentennialLakes LakeCornelia LakeEdina MudLake IndianheadLake ArrowheadLake MirrorLake MelodyLake BraemarArena Canadian Pacific RailroadCanadian Pacific RailroadBLAKE RDSCHAEFER RDVERNON AVECAHILL RD66TH ST W YORK AVE SINTERLACHEN BLVD MALONEY AVE 44TH ST W 50TH ST W 54TH ST W 58TH ST W 70TH ST W 76TH ST W DEWEY HILL RD VALLEY VIE W R D VALLEY VIEW RD 78TH ST W October 2022 City of EdinaExisting and Proposed Pedestrian Facilities ± 0 2,250Feet Legend Proposed CP Rail Regional TrailNine Mile Creek Regional Trail Existing Shared-Use Path Existing Sidewalk Proposed Shared-Use Path Proposed Sidewalk Proposed Twin Loops APPENDIX C City Comprehensive Plan Update – Bicycle Facilities Map TRACY AVEVERNON AVEWOODDALE AVEHANSEN RD70TH ST W FRANCE AVE SVALLEYVIEWRDMINNESOT ADRGLEASONRDWeberPark EdinaCommunityCenter HighlandsPark CityHall M innehahaCree k NineMileCreek Ni ne Mile Cre ek ArdenPark SouthdaleLibrary ToddPark YanceyPark Van ValkenburgPark BredesenPark PamelaPark RoslandPark Fred RichardsPark BraemarGolfCourse LewisPark PublicWorks ArnesonAcresPark EdinaHighSchool CentennialLakes LakeCornelia LakeEdina MudLake IndianheadLake ArrowheadLake MirrorLake MelodyLake BraemarArena Canadian Pacific RailroadCanadian Pacific RailroadBLAKE RDSCHAEFER RDVERNON AVECAHILL RD66TH ST W YORK AVE SINTERLACHEN BLVD MALONEY AVE 44TH ST W 50TH ST W 54TH ST W 58TH ST W 70TH ST W 76TH ST W DEWEY HILL RD VALLEY VIE W R D VALLEY VIEW RD 78TH ST W October 2022 City of EdinaExisting and Proposed Bicycle Facilities ± 0 2,250Feet Legend Proposed CP Rail Regional TrailNine Mile Creek Regional Trail Existing Shared-Use Path Proposed Shared-Use Path Proposed Twin Loops Advisory Bike Lane Existing Bike Boulevard Bikeable Shoulder Existing Shared Bike Lane Existing Bike Lane Existing Buffered Bike Lane Proposed Bike Boulevard Proposed Bike Lane Proposed Buffered Bike Lane APPENDIX D Sewer Blocks and Watermain Breaks !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( 6144 4300 4401 4415 4443 6304 4502-14 4545 4421 4439 6302 6306 4435 4425 4431 6305 4425 43014420 4501 6313 6024 4509 45004520 6303 6232 4420 6145 6200 4701 45096301 6233 6029 6141 442861616025 6324 6208 6225 6216 4505 6112 4704 452146046308 6316 61174624 6209 6217 6224 44326020 6025 6321 6325 6300 6216 6321 62046109 62056301 6108 6208 6309 6128 6104 6008 45086031- 33 6028 4501 4516- 18 6021 4500 6301 44366225 6020 6016 6012 4621 4609 6209 6104 4504 4605 6016 6024 6324 4620 6200 6012 4617 6217 6101 6305 62094613 45046100 6305 6109 6117 6217 62086017 6105 6113 4505 6301 6205 45004624 6121 6125 45126108 44046025 451662136116 6304 4701 6309 6021 6100 6205 4616 6140 6313 6109 6336 6213 6201 6317 6212 6329 6317 6101 6105 6008 6325 6201 47056109 6017 6009 4713 6028 6321 6016 6209 6017 47046332 6009 6324 6012 462947006320 6013 45136309 6308 6312 6305 6337 6217 6105 44306021 6141 6125 6013 6312 6328 6112 44406204 61214708 46086308 6020 6329462862136212 6021 6304 6036 6013 6120 6045 6020 6333 63124701 6017 6317 4709 4412 62016320 6013 4712 6309 6044 6221 6012 6313 6316 450047004704 6037 6304 45176013 4705620546126113 63006301 4508 6016 6336 4444462047134708 6008 6305 6116 6104 633247096328 6333 620946256012 6329 6016 6017 6041 6028 6117 6124 6120 6121 6113 6116 6112 6108 6133 6029 6132 6128 6101 6129 6032 6100 6125 6020 6101 6121 6136 6029 6129 6104 6101 6033 6016 6045 6021 6109 6113 6137 6117 6037 6033 6017 6021 6105 6041 6037 60246025 6044 6028 6036 6032 6016 6025 6100 6112 6120 6142 6020 6040 6024 6145 6039 6313 6140 4408Project Limits WOODDALE AVE§¨¦62CONCORD AVEASHCROFT AVEST JOHNS AVEASHCROFT LNMILLERS LAROSE CT64TH ST W GARRISO N L N NANCY LN 62ND ST W VIRGINIA LN 63RD ST W VALLEY VIE W R D / Engineering Dept October 2023 Sewer Blockage and Watermain BreaksConcord B & C Neighborhood Roadway ReconstructionCITYOFEDINAMI N NESOTAINCORPORAT E D 1888 , e Legend !(Sewer Blockage !(Watermain Breaks APPENDIX E Street Lights and Signs !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !(6144 4300 4401 4415 4443 6304 4502-14 4545 4421 4439 6302 6306 4435 4425 4431 6305 4425 43014420 4501 6313 6024 4509 45004520 6303 6232 4420 6145 6200 4701 45096301 6233 6029 6141 442861616025 6324 6208 6225 6216 4505 6112 4704 452146046308 6316 61174624 6209 6217 6224 44326020 6025 6321 6325 6300 6216 6321 62046109 62056301 6108 6208 6309 6128 6104 6008 45086031- 33 6028 4501 4516- 18 6021 4500 6301 44366225 6020 6016 6012 4621 4609 6209 6104 4504 4605 6016 6024 6324 4620 6200 6012 4617 6217 6101 6305 62094613 45046100 6305 6109 6117 6217 62086017 6105 6113 4505 6301 6205 45004624 6121 6125 45126108 44046025 451662136116 6304 4701 6309 6021 6100 6205 4616 6140 6313 6109 6336 6213 6201 6317 6212 6329 6317 6101 6105 6008 6325 6201 47056109 6017 6009 4713 6028 6321 6016 6209 6017 47046332 6009 6324 6012 462947006320 6013 45136309 6308 6312 6305 6337 6217 6105 44306021 6141 6125 6013 6312 6328 6112 44406204 61214708 46086308 6020 6329462862136212 6021 6304 6036 6013 6120 6045 6020 6333 63124701 6017 6317 4709 4412 62016320 6013 4712 6309 6044 6221 6012 6313 6316 450047004704 6037 6304 45176013 4705620546126113 63006301 4508 6016 6336 4444462047134708 6008 6305 6116 6104 633247096328 6333 620946256012 6329 6016 6017 6041 6028 6117 6124 6120 6121 6113 6116 6112 6108 6133 6029 6132 6128 6101 6129 6032 6100 6125 6020 6101 6121 6136 6029 6129 6104 6101 6033 6016 6045 6021 6109 6113 6137 6117 6037 6033 6017 6021 6105 6041 6037 60246025 6044 6028 6036 6032 6016 6025 6100 6112 6120 6142 6020 6040 6024 6145 6039 6313 6140 4408Project Limits WOODDALE AVE§¨¦62CONCORD AVEASHCROFT AVEST JOHNS AVEASHCROFT LNMILLERS LAROSE CT64TH ST W GARRISO N L N NANCY LN 62ND ST W VIRGINIA LN 63RD ST W VALLEY VIE W R D / Engineering Dept October 2023 Existing Street 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6109 6113 6137 6117 6037 6033 6017 6021 6105 6041 6037 60246025 6044 6028 6036 6032 6016 6025 6100 6112 6120 6142 6020 6040 6024 6145 6039 6313 6140 4408Project Limits WOODDALE AVE§¨¦62CONCORD AVEASHCROFT AVEST JOHNS AVEASHCROFT LNMILLERS LAROSE CT64TH ST W GARRISO N L N NANCY LN 62ND ST W VIRGINIA LN 63RD ST W VALLEY VIE W R D / Engineering Dept October 2023 Existing SignsConcord B & C Neighborhood Roadway ReconstructionCITYOFEDINAMI N NESOTAINCORPORAT E D 1888 , e APPENDIX F Living Streets Plan Living Streets Plan 2015 Safety Health Choice Economy 8 2. Living Streets Policy INTRODUCTION The Living Streets Policy was developed to provide the framework for a Living Streets Plan. The policy initially stood alone and included sections to guide the creation of the Living Street Plan. This revised policy is now an integral part of the Living Streets Plan. The Living Streets Policy ties directly to key community goals outlined in the City’s 2008 Comprehensive Plan. Those goals include safe walking, bicycling and driving; reduced storm water runoff, reduced energy consumption, and promoting health. The Living Streets Policy also compliments voluntary City initiatives such the “do.town” effort related to community health, Tree City USA and the Green Step Cities programs related to sustainability. In other cases, the Living Streets Policy will assist the City in meeting mandatory requirements set by other agencies. The Living Streets Policy is broken up into three parts: Vision, Principles and Implementation. The Policy is followed by a description of core services provided by the City of Edina that are related to or implemented in part through Living Streets. POLICY Living Streets balance the needs of motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians and transit riders in ways that promote safety and convenience, enhance community identity, create economic vitality, improve environmental sustainability, and provide meaningful opportunities for active living and better health. The Living Streets Policy defines Edina’s vision for Living Streets, the principles Living Streets will embody, and the plan that will guide implementation of their construction. LIVING STREETS VISION Edina is a place where ... • Transportation utilizing all modes is equally safe and accessible; • Residents and families regularly choose to walk or bike; • Streets enhance neighborhood character and community identity; • Streets are safe, inviting places that encourage human interaction and physical activity; • Public policy strives to promote sustainability through balanced infrastructure investments; • Environmental stewardship and reduced energy consumption are pursued in public and private sectors alike; and • Streets support vibrant commerce and add to the value of adjacent land uses. Mini Fact Expect cyclists on the road. Watch for cyclists on the road. Treat them as you would any slow-moving vehicle. Living Streets Plan – 2. Living Streets Policy 9 LIVING STREETS PRINCIPLES Fifteen principles guide implementation of the Living Streets Policy in the areas of all users and all modes, connectivity, context sensitivity and sustainability. The City will incorporate these principles when planning for and designing the local transportation network and when making public and private land use decisions. All Users and All Modes Principle 1: Living Streets are high-quality transportation facilities that meet the needs of the most vulnerable users such as pedestrians, cyclists, children, seniors and the disabled; and Principle 2: Living Streets provide access and mobility for all transportation modes while enhancing safety and convenience for all users. Connectivity Principle 3: The City designs, operates and maintains a transportation system that provides a highly connected network of streets that accommodate all modes of travel; Principle 4: The City seeks opportunities to overcome barriers to active transportation by preserving and repurposing existing rights-of-way and adding new rights- of-way to enhance connectivity for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit; Principle 5: The City prioritizes improvements to non-motorized connections to key destinations such as public facilities, public transit, the regional transportation network and commercial areas; Principle 6: The City will require new developments to provide interconnected street and sidewalk networks that connect to existing or planned streets or sidewalks on the perimeter of the development; and Principle 7: Projects will include consideration of the logical termini by mode. For example, the logical termini for a bike lane or sidewalk may extend beyond the traditional limits of a street construction or reconstruction project, in order to ensure multimodal connectivity and continuity. Context Sensitivity Principle 8: Living Streets are developed with input from stakeholders and designed to consider neighborhood character and promote a strong sense of place; Principle 9: Living Streets preserve and protect natural features such as waterways, urban forest, sensitive slopes and soils; Principle 10: Living Streets are designed and built with coordination between business and property owners along commercial corridors to develop vibrant commercial districts; Living Streets Plan – 2. Living Streets Policy 10 Principle 11: Living Streets coordinate with regional transit networks and regional authorities; and Principle 12: The City will consider the fiscal context of projects and potential financial impacts when implementing Living Streets at the project level. Sustainability Principle 13: Living Streets will improve the current and future quality of life of the public, Principle 14: Living Streets will reduce environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of roadways; and Principle 15: The City will increase the life span and resilience of its infrastructure and will build infrastructure with consideration for lifecycle costs and ease of maintenance. LIVING STREETS IMPLEMENTATION The City of Edina will develop Living Streets in the regular course of business of maintaining, expanding or redeveloping the road network and will be guided by the Vision and Principles established above. Implementation will happen predominantly through the neighborhood street reconstruction program, but also though specific stand-alone stormwater utility, pedestrian, bicycle or safety projects. Project prioritization is not specifically part of the Living Streets Plan. Prioritization of projects takes place in the City’s Capital Improvement Program and Budget and is determined by the City Council with guidance from the Living Streets Vision and Principles. The City will actively promote and apply the Living Streets Policy and Plan by: • Applying the Living Streets Policy and Plan to all street projects, including those involving operations, maintenance, new construction, reconstruction, retrofits, repaving, rehabilitation or changes in the allocation of pavement space on an existing roadway. This also includes privately built roads, sidewalks, paths and trails. • Drawing on all sources of transportation funding and actively pursuing grants, cost-sharing opportunities and other new or special funding sources as applicable. • Through all City departments supporting the vision and principles outlined in this Plan in their work. • By acting as an advocate for Living Streets principles when a local transportation or land use decision is under the jurisdiction of another agency. Projects that implement Living Streets will be guided by pedestrian and cyclist network plans and roadway classifications and will consider the physical, social, ecologic, regulatory and economic context in a given project area. Living Streets Plan – 2. Living Streets Policy 11 The project delivery system used to build Living Streets will: • Systematically engage Edina residents and project stakeholders to better inform project-level recommendations. • Keep Edina residents and project stakeholders informed about Living Streets and the range of services they help provide. • Follow minimum Living Streets design requirements and standards. • Manage construction impacts to residents and users of streets. Network The creation of a Living Streets network of road, pedestrian and bicycle facilities provides mobility, accessibility and access to people, places and spaces. The resulting interconnection of neighborhoods links people to goods and services and to one another, and increases quality of life for those who live in, work in, or visit the city. Existing and planned transportation networks are identified in the City of Edina Comprehensive Plan and other approved/adopted plans. Network plans include: • Roadway Network (Functional Classification, Jurisdictional Classification) • Sidewalk Facilities • Bicycle Facilities (Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan) • Active Routes to School Comprehensive Plan • Transit Service Network plans are approved by the City Council. In most cases, modification requires an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan. The expansion, creation and improvement of pedestrian and bicycle networks will be well planned and prioritized: • Expansion of existing networks and providing connections to key traffic generators or destinations provide immediate benefit to all network users and is a top priority. • Network connections serving vulnerable users such as children, seniors and the disabled are a top priority. • Network connections serving high-volume uses such as schools, retail destinations or regional public transit are a top priority. Living Streets Plan – 2. Living Streets Policy 12 Context Contextual variety can either constrain or create opportunity in roadway and other infrastructure projects. The following are contexts that will be considered and will influence the planning, design and implementation of Living Streets. Exceptions Living Streets principles will be included in all street construction, reconstruction, repaving and rehabilitation projects, except under one or more of the conditions listed below. City staff will document proposed exceptions as part of a project proposal. • A project involves only ordinary maintenance activities designed to keep assets in serviceable condition, such as mowing, cleaning, sweeping, spot repair, concrete joint repair or pothole filling, or when interim measures are implemented on a temporary detour. Such maintenance activities, however, shall consider and meet the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians. CONTEXTS OF LIVING STREETS Ecological Water resource, ponds, wetlands, lakes, streams Natural resouces, trees, and urban forest Air quality Climate Sun and shade Materials, waste, energy, sustainability Regulatory State Aid roadway Watershed rules Operational Maintenance operations Traffic control or functional constraints Project Type Public Neighborhood street reconstruction Neighborhood street reconstruction with major associated utility work State Aid street reconstruction Stand-alone sidewalk, bicycle or utility project Public partner lead State County Transit agency Parks district Private development Will remain private Future public Living Streets Plan – 2. Living Streets Policy 13 • The City exempts a project due to an excessively disproportionate cost of establishing a bikeway, walkway or transit enhancement as part of a project. • The City determines that the construction is not practically feasible or cost effective because of significant or adverse environmental impacts to waterways, flood plains, remnants or native vegetation, wetlands or other critical areas. • Available budget is constrained or project timing allows more efficient construction at a later date. Engagement Members of the public have an interest in understanding and providing input for public projects. Project recommendations will be developed with a transparent and defined level of public engagement. The public will have access to the decision-making process and decision makers via public meetings and other correspondence and will be provided the opportunity to give input throughout the process. Project reports will discuss how their input helped to influence recommendations and decisions. The City of Edina’s Living Streets will continue to engage and solicit public input as a vital component of the project implementation process. See Chapter 5 for a more detailed discussion regarding the purpose of and opportunities for public engagement. Design The guidelines contained in the Living Streets Plan will be used to direct the planning, funding, design, construction, operation and maintenance of new and modified streets, sidewalks, paths and trails. The guidelines allow for context-sensitive designs. The Design Guidelines (see Chapter 6): • Keep street pavement widths to the minimum necessary. • Provide well-designed pedestrian accommodation in the form of sidewalks or shared-use pathways on all arterial, collector and local connector streets. Sidewalks shall also be required where streets abut a public school, public building, community playfield or neighborhood park. Termini will be determined by context. • Provide frequent, convenient and safe street crossings. These may be at intersections designed to be pedestrian friendly, or at mid-block locations where needed and appropriate. • Provide bicycle accommodation on all primary bike routes. • Allocate right-of-way for boulevards. • Allocate right-of-way for parking only when necessary and not in conflict with Living Streets principles. • Consider streets as part of our natural ecosystem and incorporate landscaping, trees, rain gardens and other features to improve air and water quality. The Design Guidelines in this Plan will be incorporated into other City plans, manuals, rules, regulations and programs as appropriate. As new and better practices evolve, the City will update this Living Streets Plan. Minimum standards will guide how vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle networks interact and share public right of way. Living Streets Plan – 2. Living Streets Policy 14 Benchmarks and Performance Measures The ability to measure the performance of a plan, as well as knowing that it is functioning as it is intended, is vitally important to overall success and the ability to sustain it. With this in mind, the City will monitor and measure its performance relative to the Living Streets Policy. Benchmarks that will demonstrate success include: Every street and neighborhood is a comfortable place for walking and bicycling. This does not mean that every street in the city will have walking and biking facilities. It means that each neighborhood will provide a network of these facilities such that walking and biking to and through neighborhoods is a comfortable experience. Every child can walk or bike to school or a park safely. It is essential that alternatives to driving to school or parks be provided to children and their caregivers. These alternatives – walking or bicycling – will be both safe and convenient modes of transportation. See the Edina Active Routes to School Plan for more information. Seniors, children, and disabled people can cross all streets safely and comfortably. Opportunities to cross all streets in Edina, including local, collectors and arterial streets, will be provided. These crossings will be safe and comfortable for all users, regardless of age or ability. An active way of life is available to all. Opportunities for active living should be made available to all members of the Edina community by connecting centers of activity via active, multimodal transportation. Each resident of and visitor to Edina will have the ability to lead an active way of life. There are zero traffic fatalities or serious injuries. Perhaps the ultimate safety benchmark is zero traffic fatalities or serious injuries. Modeled from the Vision Zero Initiative (www.visionzeroinitiative.com), an aspirational yet primary goal of Living Streets is to achieve this high level of safety on the City’s roadways. Reduce untreated street water flows into local waterways and reduce storm water volume. Cost-effective stormwater best management practices (BMPs) are strategically selected to go above and beyond regulatory requirements to provide for flood protection and clean water services through the use of infrastructure that retains, settles, filters, infiltrates, diverts or reduces the volume of stormwater that flows to local surface waters. Retail streets stay or become popular regional destinations. Part of Edina’s Living Streets vision is that “streets support vibrant commerce.” While most of the city’s streets are residential, Edina’s business districts are a vital part of the community. The benefits of Living Streets extend to retail streets as well, making them more attractive to businesses and consumers alike. Living Streets Plan – 2. Living Streets Policy 15 The City will draw on the following data to measure performance: • Number of crashes or transportation-related injuries reported to the Police Department. • Number and type of traffic safety complaints or requests. • Resident responses to transportation related questions in resident surveys. • Resident responses to post-project surveys. • The number of trips by walking, bicycling and transit (if applicable) as measured before and after the project. • Envision ratings from the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure. • Additional performance measures may be identified as this Policy is implemented. Mini Fact Motorists must stop behind all crosswalks. Living Streets Plan – 2. Living Streets Policy APPENDIX G Edina Transportation Commission Meeting Minutes APPENDIX H Neighborhood Informational Meeting Materials The CITYofEDINA2024 Neighborhood Roadway ReconstructionInformational Meeting The CITYofEDINAAgenda•Introductions•Why Reconstruct•Project Scopes•What You Can Expect•Funding Sources•Timeline•Communication•How to Prepare•Questionswww.EdinaMN.gov2-A The CITYofEDINAwww.EdinaMN.gov3-AEngineering - Design & Construction DivisionBrandon FreemanEngineering TechnicianChris MooreGraduate EngineerAaron DitzlerAssistant City EngineerChad MillnerDirector of EngineeringJon MooreSr. Engineering TechnicianTom HaatajaSr. Engineering TechnicianCharlie GerkProject EngineerLiz MooreEngineering Coordinator The CITYofEDINAwww.EdinaMN.gov4-C2024 Project Areas•Concord B/C•- 166 Properties•Southdale B•- 326 Properties The CITYofEDINA•Streets grouped into neighborhoods•- Maximizes economics of scale•- Extends pavement life•Proactive Pavement Management Program•Prioritized based on;•- Pavement condition•- Underground utility issues5-Cwww.EdinaMN.govWhy My Street? The CITYofEDINAWhy Reconstruct?•Previously reconstructed in the 1960s – 1990s•Utility issues to address beneath roadway•More cost-effective than other maintenance strategies (mill & overlay, seal coat)www.EdinaMN.gov6-A The CITYofEDINAExisting Conditions - Roadways•Pavement reaching end of useful life•Most streets have curb and gutter, some do not•Some properties already have concrete driveway aprons, some do notwww.EdinaMN.gov7-A The CITYofEDINAExisting Conditions - Utilities•Watermain- Loss in pipe wall thickness- Main and service breaks- Undersized mainswww.EdinaMN.gov8-C•Sanitary Sewer- Cracks, breaks, sags, etc.- Inflow and infiltration•Storm Sewer- Structure deficiencies- Undersized pipes- Curb and gutter failing The CITYofEDINA•Mailboxes•Irrigation systems and pet fences•Landscaping•Outwalks/stepsExisting Conditions – Right-of-Waywww.EdinaMN.gov9-C The CITYofEDINAWhat / Where is the ROW?•Surface and space above and below public roadways used for travel purposes and utilities•Typically, 60’ width•(MSA Streets 66’)•Property corners located during surveywww.EdinaMN.gov10-A The CITYofEDINAProposed Improvements - Roadways•Replacement of curb & gutter (all or sections)•Subgrade corrections as needed•New roadbed and asphalt pavement surfacewww.EdinaMN.gov11-A The CITYofEDINALiving Streets Plan•Approved by City Council in 2015•Balances needs of motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians and transit riders•Incorporates;•- Minimum roadway design elements•- Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Planwww.EdinaMN.gov12-C The CITYofEDINAProposed Improvements - Driveways•Aprons will be replaced / installed to comply with City standards•Special driveway materials•Reimbursement Policywww.EdinaMN.gov13-A The CITYofEDINAProposed Improvements - Utilities•May include localized watermain and service replacements•New fire hydrants and gate valves•May include localized sanitary sewer repairs and rehabilitation•Storm sewer upgradeswww.EdinaMN.gov14-A The CITYofEDINAProposed Improvements – Sump Drain•Installed when feasible and warranted•Homeowners encouraged to connect to City Sump Drain•Notification will be given when connecting is available•Sump connection permit available thru City websitewww.EdinaMN.gov15-C The CITYofEDINA•Recommend inspecting private services prior to construction•Repairs/upgrades can be coordinated with street work•Associated costs can be added to special assessmentUtility Ownershipwww.EdinaMN.gov16-AResident Owned UtilitiesB –Water ServiceC & D – Sanitary Service The CITYofEDINAProposed Improvements –Ped / Bike•Based on Pedestrian and Bicyclist Master Plan•Final design evaluated based on network consistency and construction conflictswww.EdinaMN.gov17-C The CITYofEDINAPrivate Utilities•Gas, Electric, Telephone, Cable may upgrade or repair their utilities before construction begins•Potential City-required relocations•Goal: streamline projects and minimize neighborhood disturbance•Streetlight upgrades typically not included with projectwww.EdinaMN.gov18-A The CITYofEDINAWhat You Can Expect•Dust, mud, noise, and vibrations•Localized flooding during rainfall•Occasional delays due to inclement weather•Residents will be asked to limit water use occasionally•Homes may be connected to temporary watermainwww.EdinaMN.gov19-A The CITYofEDINAWhat You Can Expect•Construction materials stored temporarily in ROW•5-10 feet of disturbance behind back of curb•Construction equipment stored on streets•Tree removals as necessary (property owners notified)www.EdinaMN.gov20-C The CITYofEDINAWhat You Can Expect•Driveways and roads will be periodically inaccessible•Driveways will be inaccessible for 7 days to allow driveways to curewww.EdinaMN.gov21-C The CITYofEDINAWhat You Can Expect•Items within the City’s right-of-way may be damaged•-You can remove plants and other landscape features before the project•- Irrigation and pet fences will repaired•Disturbed areas will be restored with new sodwww.EdinaMN.gov22-A The CITYofEDINAWhat You Can Expect•We will;•- Provide opportunities for input•- Keep you informed•- Do our best to minimize inconveniences•Our contractor will accommodate residents with special access needswww.EdinaMN.gov23-A The CITYofEDINACity Utility Funds•Collection of utility service charges paid to the City•Covers 100% of:•- Storm sewer •(curb and gutter, •driveway aprons, •sump drain pipe) •-Sanitary sewer•-Watermainwww.EdinaMN.gov24-C The CITYofEDINAPedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund•Revenue from Xcel and CenterPoint Energy franchise fees•Promotes non-motorized transportation throughout the City•Covers 100% of:•-Sidewalks /shared-use paths•- Bike lanes•-Associated signage and pavement markingswww.EdinaMN.gov25-C The CITYofEDINADo Taxes Cover Street Projects?•~22% of property taxes go to the City for expenses including Police, Fire, Parks, and Public Works•- Snowplowing•- Pothole repairs•- Other street maintenance (sealcoating, overlays, patch repairs)•Beginning in 2022, taxes will pay for a portion of street reconstructionwww.EdinaMN.gov26-A The CITYofEDINASpecial Assessments•Assigned to benefitting properties of public improvements•Covers portion of roadway costs•- Roadway and driveway removals•-Asphalt pavement•- Restoration•- Indirect Costs – engineering, finance, soil investigations, mailingswww.EdinaMN.gov27-A The CITYofEDINAResidential Equivalent Units•Assessments distributed based on REUs•- Factor used to compare properties to a single-family residence•Additional factors for commercial, industrial, and public-use propertieswww.EdinaMN.gov28-CREU FactorLand Use ClassScenario1.0Single-Family ResidentialA0.8Multi-Family Residential – DuplexB0.5Multi-Family Residential – Apartment/CondosC1.5*Commercial – OfficeE The CITYofEDINAProject Details – Concord B and C•166 properties (174.49 REUs)•2.18 miles of road•Full watermain, water services replacement*•Full replacement / installation of curb & gutter•Storm sewer improvements•5’ concrete walk on Concord Ave•6-8’ asphalt path on Wooddale Ave north of Garrison Lnwww.EdinaMN.gov29-A The CITYofEDINAProject Details – Southdale B•326 properties (478.88 REUs)•0.68 miles of road•Full removal and replacement of curb & gutter•Partial watermain, water services replacement•Storm sewer improvements•30-32’ F/F street width•5’ concrete walk on Barrie Rd, Heritage Dr (fill gap)www.EdinaMN.gov30-C The CITYofEDINARevised Roadway Cost Assessment - Local www.EdinaMN.gov31-ASample Assessment During Transition$20,000$15,000$10,000% of Local Roadway Costs Assessed Construction Year$20,000$15,000$10,000100%2020$15,780-$14,728$11,835-$11,046$7,890-$7,36478.90%-73.64%2021-2022$13,676$10,257$6,83868.38%2023$12,624$9,468$6,31263.12%2024$11,572-$1,052$8,679-$789$5,786-$52657.86%-5.26%2025-2035$0$0$00%2036 The CITYofEDINARevised Roadway Cost Assessment - MSAwww.EdinaMN.gov32-ASample Assessment During Transition$10,000$7,500$5,000% of MSA Roadway Costs Assessed Construction Year$10,000$7,500$5,00020%2020$7,890-$7,364$5,918-$5,523$3,945-$3,68215.78%-14.73%2021-2022$6,838$5,129$3,41913.68%2023$6,312$4,734$3,15612.62%2024$5,786-$526$4,340-$395$2,893-$26311.57%-1.05%2025-2035$0$0$00%2036 The CITYofEDINAPreliminary Assessments –Concord B/C*Residential equivalent unit (1 single-family home = 1 REU)www.EdinaMN.gov33-ASquare Yards of Paving per REUSquareYards of Paving#of REUsEstimated Assessment Range per REU*% of Roadway Costs Assessed Neighborhood175.230,568174.49$11,900 - $17,10063.12%Concord B/C (2024)144.819,273133.11$8,500 - $14,00068.38%Morningside C(2023) The CITYofEDINAPrelim. Assessment – Southdale Bwww.EdinaMN.gov34-ASquare Yards of Paving per REUSquare Yards of Paving# of REUsEst. Assess Range per GFAEstimated Assessment Range per Unit% of Roadway Costs Assessed Neighborhood22.310,689478.88$860-$1,20063.12%Southdale B -Apartment / Condos (2024)22.310,689478.88$1.31 -$1.77-63.12%Southdale B -Commercial (2024)259,660386$0.85 $284 20%Parklawn Ave (MSA - 2016) The CITYofEDINATypical Project Timelinewww.EdinaMN.gov35-AEngineering studies/estimates providedJuly –September2023Public hearingsDecember 2023Plan preparation and biddingJanuary – March 2024Construction beginsApril – May 2024Construction concludesOctober – November 2024Warranty workSpring 2025Final assessment hearingFall 2025 The CITYofEDINAAssessment Timingwww.EdinaMN.gov36-CDecember 2023Initial Public HearingsSummer 2024Project ConstructedOctober 2025Final Assessment HearingNovember 2025Assessment Filed with CountyJanuary 2026Assessment on Tax Statement The CITYofEDINAPayment Options•Pay entire amount upon receiving bill to avoid interest charges•Pay min. 25% ; balance rolls to property taxes over 15 years •Roll entire amount to property taxes over 15 years•Defer payment if 65 years of age or older and meet specific income requirements•- 2023 interest rate was 4.01%•- Finance charges are 1% over City’s borrowing interest rate•-Assessing Department – 952-826-0365www.EdinaMN.gov37-C The CITYofEDINACommunicationwww.EdinaMN.gov38-A•Regular Mail-All meetings, public hearings, and questionnaires- Final assessment notices (one year after construction)•Door hangers and flyers -Time-sensitive information (water shut-offs, concrete, temporary inaccessibility)•Better Together Edina – City Website Project Page The CITYofEDINABetter Together Edina•Best way to stay informed•www.bettertogetheredina.org•Free, access to periodic updates on project progress and scheduleswww.EdinaMN.gov39-A The CITYofEDINAProviding Input•Questionnaires mailed to your home, weigh in on;•-Traffic/pedestrian issues•- Street drainage issues•- Streetlight upgrades•Public hearing in December 2023•- Opportunity for residents to voice comments and concernswww.EdinaMN.gov40-C The CITYofEDINAQuestionnaire Resultswww.EdinaMN.gov41-CResponses Received to DateNeighborhood25% (39 / 159)Concord B/C9% (28 / 321)Southdale B The CITYofEDINAHow To Prepare•Complete project questionnaire•Begin financial planning•Coordinate home and yard improvement projects around street reconstruction schedule•Review Better Together Edina updates•Ask questions, stay informedwww.EdinaMN.gov42-A The CITYofEDINAEngineering Department7450 Metro BoulevardHours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.952-826-0371Contact Uswww.EdinaMN.gov43-ALiz MooreEngineering Coordinator952-826-0449LMoore@edinamn.govAaron DitzlerAssistant City Engineer952-826-0443ADitzler@edinamn.gov The CITYofEDINAQuestions?www.EdinaMN.gov44-A•Ask questions on Better Together Edina Q&A page•‐https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord‐bc•‐https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/southdale‐b•Call or email The CITYofEDINAThank you for your time!www.EdinaMN.gov45-A 2024 NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION OPEN HOUSE MEETING NOVEMBER 28, 2023 ______ ,i NAME ADDRESS 2 ! k ' A c ,, z : , Li ---- c. i ,,) , ,. . . 3 , 4 - , ' , - --, Pi/ , - E r-, - ' :i. : w, : f, &_,,f -'''' S' _, e-,---- iv - -Pi -' f 5 -, -„, i.1 e 6 ', , _____ 3. . i ,--, 7 i...... .A,,F),' ',, , , , .. 1 ..--2_,1, --i- _,,:g , , ,, , ..„),---;--. , —.1.-1., 8 ' .z--- ' -, A '', 1 4 " , c V' Y :7): r %. ) t I ‘,,. 3 '') '' ' ' ' .' c..-,.., - 1 ;A. .1' ('-,.,,. 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Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 01:09 PM Back yard Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 02:32 PM We have a sump pump and the bag yard can get pooling water after hard prolonged rain, or snow melt Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 02:44 PM Water in basement during heavy rain if the power is down and the sump pump isn't running. Sump pump runs frequently after heavy rains or spring snow melt. Screen Name Redacted 6/15/2023 05:39 AM Driveway is adjacent to the four storm manholes on Garrison. In heavy rains, the water backs up and floods the street. Screen Name Redacted 6/15/2023 06:20 PM Water in our basement (if the survey meant just on the property then disregard) Screen Name Redacted 7/06/2023 06:28 PM In 2019, due to sudden thaw in March, our basement got flooded. Also our portion of the street floods most of the time with standing water. Q2 Please comment on the location and types of problems you have: Optional question (7 response(s), 32 skipped) Question type: Essay Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 3 of 33 Q3 How concerned are you with the speed of traffic in your neighborhood or on your street? 22 (56.4%) 22 (56.4%) 8 (20.5%) 8 (20.5%) 9 (23.1%) 9 (23.1%) Not Concerned Concerned Very Concerned Question options Optional question (39 response(s), 0 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 4 of 33 Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 09:16 AM I submitted a concern last year via the official Edina page about the speeding and lack of looking for pedestrians at the corner of Wooddale and Garrison. I met with Nick Bauler, who told me that doing anything about it would likely require a study using the intersection's cameras and would include many bureaucratic steps. I plan on speaking at the transportation committee soon. It needs to be a four-way stop, and there need to be additional safety interventions reminding everyone that this is a heavily used pedestrian route. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 12:47 PM People fly down our street! No one ever goes the speed limit. This is the case going down Valley View too-as we wait to turn onto Saint Johns. I've had people pass me on my own street...on the left...as I'm waiting to turn into my driveway. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 01:09 PM It’s a dead end. P Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 02:32 PM There is no stop sign on st Jon’s from valley view to the frontage road speeds can be excessive Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 02:44 PM Lots of standing water at the south end of St Johns (at 64th) after rains or snow melt, ice in winter. Poor drainage in that area. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 03:07 PM People drive really fast when turning off valley view onto concord. Maybe adding a stop light on concord or a stop sign on Virginia lane might help. Pedestrians Crossing valley view with the yellow flashing isn’t always easy…cars regularly do not stop. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 03:58 PM None Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 04:15 PM I like how wide the streets currently are. Please don't make them skinnier Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 06:54 PM we don't have that much traffic so do not want sidewalks in our neighborhood Q4 Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about existing traffic or street conditions in your neighborhood. Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 5 of 33 Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 06:57 PM Drivers always go fast on Concord Ave Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 07:23 PM Need a stop sign at the corner of Wooddale/ Garrison lane Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 08:43 PM It's a shame that in the four years we have lived here, despite the very high taxes we pay, my grandchildren have not been able to even ride their trikes in the street due to the abysmal state of our road. It is a serious safety concern and completely embarrassing. Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 05:36 AM Our street is in terrible condition! Every year the potholes gets patched but it detracts from the beauty of the neighborhood. After it gets patched, the asphalt end up in our yard every winter. Our street has more patches than actual road. Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 05:59 AM We have a lot of walkers on Concord between Hwy 62 and Valley View. Pedestrian accommodations would be welcome. Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 01:12 PM 4505 Garrison Lane Screen Name Redacted 6/14/2023 04:01 PM Since there isn't a stop sign at the intersection of Wooddale and Garrison Lane people fly down that hill. It is also a heavy foot/bike area with the walking bridge over to Rowland. I am worried someone will get hurt. Screen Name Redacted 6/15/2023 05:39 AM Old concrete pavement that is falling apart. A portion of the concrete was removed for utility construction and replaced with asphalt patches. Screen Name Redacted 6/16/2023 07:20 AM nothing Screen Name Redacted 6/16/2023 08:44 AM Pavement on Concord between West 63rd Street and West 64th is uneven; broken up. Screen Name Redacted 6/22/2023 10:02 AM My street, Garrison Lane, is often used as a cut-through and so speeding has previously been an issue. Currently not so much Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 6 of 33 because the road surface on the west end of Garrison is a disaster. The only way to speed over that surface is to risk damage to your vehicle. Given this, when the new road is installed, I wonder if a speed bump on the west end of Garrison, just east of the intersection of St. Johns would help slow traffic and discourage cut-through? Separately, I am concerned about the growing number of trash haulers on Tuesdays. Last week it was like a monster truck show. Clearly regardless of any industry studies, this will not be good for new roads not to mention the climate impact. Screen Name Redacted 6/22/2023 10:57 AM roads have been horrible for over 6 years Screen Name Redacted 6/25/2023 11:28 AM Many potholes Screen Name Redacted 6/30/2023 09:31 AM The volume of traffic is an issue but primarily the speed of traffic on Valley View Road is a major safety and life quality issue in this neighborhood. Screen Name Redacted 7/03/2023 02:33 PM Garrison is a mess. Look forward to loosing the concrete slabs that crack and shift. Screen Name Redacted 7/05/2023 06:18 PM Some bikes have excessive speed coming down Wooddale and as they do not have a stop sign, are difficult to see and cause many near misses with cars turning onto Wooddale from Garrison. Screen Name Redacted 7/06/2023 06:28 PM Valley View Road is always a concern. The pedestrian light is confusing and old. It needs to be replaced with better lighting and equipment. Screen Name Redacted 7/09/2023 06:12 PM The noise of highway 100 and our house shakes if large trucks are going too fast Optional question (27 response(s), 12 skipped) Question type: Essay Question Q5 If concerned or very concerned, please enter the location(s) of concern and why you feel that way. Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 7 of 33 Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 09:16 AM The intersection of Wooddale and Garrison (marked on all of the city's plans as a shared-use path) is just south of a business district, a busy intersection on the bike route to the infamous bridge over 62, a school bus stop for three blocks of neighbor, and at the bottom of a big hill. I regularly see cars and bikes speed through the intersection (going all directions) and the foliage/electrical poles make it difficult to see. Cars come down the hill not knowing that the street does not go through or get lost at two cul-de-sacs and use this spot as a turnaround. Additionally, something must be done to protect everyone for the first half block south of the intersection at Valley View and Wooddale. The hill is very steep and difficult for cars to see pedestrians and bikes when turning south. Similarly, it is difficult to navigate when going north if there are bikes or pedestrians because the hill causes everyone to slow down without any protection. We love living on a street busy with people using the trail system and near these amazing resources in the city. I am an avid gardener and always in the front yard. There have been too many close calls between pedestrians and cars not to raise concerns. The new street from the intersection at Valley View and Wooddale needs to have proven strategies to cognitively remind people this is a shared-use road such as painted bike lanes and a four-way stop at Wooddale and Garrison. As well as proven strategies to physically protect people on the south side of the Wooddale and Valley View intersection. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 12:47 PM Saint Johns Ave-it's a straight shot from Valley View and I'm sure people are going upwards of 35 mph. Valley View Rd-as I come down the hill from either direction, getting ready to turn onto Saint Johns, I've been passed and honked at for slowing down to turn. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 01:00 PM St Johns Ave is a primary means of people getting to Millers Ln, Nancy Ln, and other points south of Valley View Road and as such, cars speed often down the street. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 01:37 PM Wasn't the concern about speed? Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 02:32 PM Garrison lane and St. John’s needs a 4 way stop Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 02:44 PM Intersection of St Johns and 64th. Screen Name Redacted Concord south of valley view Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 8 of 33 6/12/2023 06:57 PM Screen Name Redacted 6/14/2023 04:01 PM Wooddale and Garrison Lane intersection Screen Name Redacted 6/16/2023 07:20 AM nothing Screen Name Redacted 6/22/2023 10:02 AM Location: The west end of Garrison, east of St. Johns. Why? See answer in #3. Screen Name Redacted 6/22/2023 10:57 AM Ashcroft Ave, and W 62nd Street Screen Name Redacted 6/25/2023 11:28 AM Intersection of 62nd and Concord. Cars try to bypass traffic on Valley View and cut down Concord. Also, often cars fail to stop at the stop sign. Maybe 4-way stop would help. Screen Name Redacted 6/30/2023 09:31 AM I live on the corner of Ashcroft Avenue and Valley View Road. I have witnessed many times cars going so fast that they don’t have time to stop. I have applauded the 25 mph speed limit change to attempt to slow down traffic, but watching people sail by at 40+ miles per hour is just common place. The speed at which cars drive with no regard for residents and general safety is mine boggling. Screen Name Redacted 7/06/2023 06:28 PM Concord &amp; Valley View Rd intersection. Optional question (14 response(s), 25 skipped) Question type: Essay Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 9 of 33 Q6 How concerned are you with the volume of traffic or number of vehicles in your neighborhood or on your street? 30 (76.9%) 30 (76.9%) 8 (20.5%) 8 (20.5%) 1 (2.6%) 1 (2.6%) Not Concerned Concerned Very Concerned Question options Optional question (39 response(s), 0 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 10 of 33 Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 09:16 AM I am not concerned that there is a high volume. I celebrate the high volume. I just want everyone to be safe and right now, they are not. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 01:00 PM St Johns Ave is a primary means of people getting to Millers Ln, Nancy Ln, and other points south of Valley View Road and as such the volume of vehicles is greater than other nearby N-S streets. Aschcroft and Wooddale do not go south to 64th so much of that traffic goes down St Johns. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 01:37 PM Volume of trafic due to the continued overbuilding. Valley View, Southdale area. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 03:07 PM It seems like people use valley view as a cut through to get to hwy100…it’s not just local traffic Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 06:57 PM Concord ave Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 02:24 PM Too many garbage, recycling, lawn waist etc. trucks use our cul-de- sac to turn around. There are at least 10 trucks each Tuesday. They are dangerous and destroy our street paving. Only a couple actually do business with our six houses. Screen Name Redacted 6/16/2023 07:20 AM nothing Screen Name Redacted 6/22/2023 10:02 AM Volume is increasing from delivery vehicles--every day, sometimes repeat trips from the same company (FedEx, UPS, Amazon). Volume will also increase when the roads are repaired because of cut- through. See more detail in #3 Screen Name Redacted 6/25/2023 11:28 AM Volume increases during rush hour Screen Name Redacted Valley view has become what seems like a highway and not a Q7 If concerned or very concerned, please enter the location(s) of concern and why you feel that way. Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 11 of 33 6/30/2023 09:31 AM residential Road. I feel like the traffic control lights at the highway 62 on ramp is forcing people to use Valley View as a cut through , which significantly increases the safety risk and reduces the livability of this neighborhood. We moved here from a house on Wooddale Avenue. Had I known the volume on Valley view compared to Wooddale, we may have never moved here. Optional question (10 response(s), 29 skipped) Question type: Essay Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 12 of 33 Q8 How concerned are you with motorist behavior in your neighborhood? (Excludes speed and traffic volumes. Examples of poor motorist behavior include rolling through stop signs, failing to yield and driving aggressively) 9 (24.3%) 9 (24.3%) 24 (64.9%) 24 (64.9%) 4 (10.8%) 4 (10.8%) Concerned Not Concerned Very Concerned Question options Optional question (37 response(s), 2 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 13 of 33 Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 09:16 AM Excessive speeding, not looking before turning, not yielding to pedestrians, and some rolling through stop signs. However, the stop signs help a lot. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 02:32 PM During school year the garrison lane St. John’s 4 way stop is a hazard to kids and pedestrians Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 03:07 PM People do not stop for pedestrians in the crosswalks… Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 04:15 PM Drivers coming down Wooddale Ave as they approach Garrison Lane take the corner too fast. There should be a stop sign for traffic that comes down the hill south on Wooddale. Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 05:59 AM Some stop signs ignored. Speeding. Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 02:24 PM Bicycles go way too fast on the walking/biking path by Nancy Lake to 64th Street. It is dangerous for children and walkers. Screen Name Redacted 6/14/2023 04:01 PM Wooddale and Garrison and St. Johns and Garrison. People drive fast and don't yield. Screen Name Redacted 6/16/2023 07:20 AM nothing Screen Name Redacted 6/22/2023 10:02 AM A few years ago a stop/yield sign was added to the intersection of Garrison and Wooddale. That has helped a bit with the intersection, but trees block the stop sign on the northeast corner. The bigger problem with that intersection is that bikers come zooming down Wooddale to access the WALKING path. It is difficult for cars turning right at that northeast corner to see the bikers. Screen Name Redacted 6/25/2023 11:28 AM 62nd and Concord intersection. Often, drivers disregard the stop sign and drive through the intersection Q9 If concerned or very concerned, please enter the location(s) of concern and why you feel that way. Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 14 of 33 Screen Name Redacted 6/30/2023 09:31 AM The crosswalk at Concord at Valley View is a moral hazard. Even with the flashing lights, motorists sail through frequently with people trying to cross, without regard to pedestrians. I have also witnessed cars, not being able to stop due to the speed and actually driving up onto the sidewalk on my property to avoid an accident. I have witnessed this specifically twice. Screen Name Redacted 7/05/2023 06:18 PM Some bikes have excessive speed coming down Wooddale and as they do not have a stop sign, are difficult to see and cause many near misses with cars turning onto Wooddale from Garrison. Optional question (12 response(s), 27 skipped) Question type: Essay Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 15 of 33 Q10 In general, these behaviors impact you most when you are: 7 (28.0%) 7 (28.0%) 1 (4.0%) 1 (4.0%) 17 (68.0%) 17 (68.0%) Driving Bicycling Walking, jogging, or running Question options Optional question (25 response(s), 14 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 16 of 33 Q11 Do you feel any intersection in your neighborhood is unsafe? 20 (52.6%) 20 (52.6%) 18 (47.4%) 18 (47.4%) Yes No Question options Optional question (38 response(s), 1 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 17 of 33 Q12 Which, if any, of the following factors contribute to your feeling that the intersection is unsafe? (select all that apply) Lack of traffic control (traffic signal, stop sign, yield sign)Issues with sight lines or clear view Drivers failing to stop at stop sign Drivers failing to yield Drivers turning corner too fast Insufficient lighting Other (please specify)Street(s) too wide Question options 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 10 6 10 9 1 3 Optional question (23 response(s), 16 skipped) Question type: Checkbox Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 18 of 33 Q13 In general, the intersection feels most unsafe when you are: 7 (26.9%) 7 (26.9%) 1 (3.8%) 1 (3.8%) 18 (69.2%) 18 (69.2%) Driving Bicycling Walking, jogging, or running Question options Optional question (26 response(s), 13 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 19 of 33 Q14 How frequently do you walk, jog, or run in your neighborhood? 24 (63.2%) 24 (63.2%) 7 (18.4%) 7 (18.4%) 6 (15.8%) 6 (15.8%)1 (2.6%) 1 (2.6%)0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) Very frequently (daily or near daily)Frequently (2-3 times per week)Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Never Question options Optional question (38 response(s), 1 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 20 of 33 Q15 If you walk, jog, or run in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply) Health/exercise Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop)Commute to/from work Other (please specify)Access transit Question options 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 37 11 1 7 Optional question (38 response(s), 1 skipped) Question type: Checkbox Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 21 of 33 Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 03:58 PM More sidewalks. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 08:43 PM Wooddale Ave from Valley View to Garrison needs a sidewalk! Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 05:59 AM Sidewalks! Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 02:24 PM Signs telling bicycles to slow down on the walking/biking path. Screen Name Redacted 6/15/2023 05:23 PM Stop sign at Wooddale and Garrison Screen Name Redacted 6/16/2023 08:44 AM More even payments Screen Name Redacted 6/21/2023 01:48 PM Adding Sidewalks Screen Name Redacted 6/22/2023 10:02 AM I just prefer variety in where I walk so in nice weather I go to Centennial Lakes, The Promenade or Rosland, otherwise I would walk more in my neighborhood. In the winter, however, the hill on the south end of Wooddale makes it unsafe to walk to the commercial node. Screen Name Redacted 7/09/2023 06:12 PM Sidewalks through the neighborhood Screen Name Redacted 7/12/2023 01:34 PM I didn't have an opportunity to say that the intersection with poor sight lines is northbound St. Johns at Valleyview. There are small trees growing in the sightline to the east and Century link has been allowed to put equipment in that sightline as well. Q16 If you don't walk, jog, or run in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what reconstruction improvement might increase your walking, jogging, or running? Please list all that you can think of. Optional question (10 response(s), 29 skipped) Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 22 of 33 Question type: Essay Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 23 of 33 Q17 How frequently do you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood? 6 (15.8%) 6 (15.8%) 7 (18.4%) 7 (18.4%) 11 (28.9%) 11 (28.9%) 4 (10.5%) 4 (10.5%) 10 (26.3%) 10 (26.3%) Very frequently (daily or near daily)Frequently (2-3 times per week)Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Never Question options Optional question (38 response(s), 1 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 24 of 33 Q18 If you ride a bicycle in your neighborhood, what are your primary reasons for doing so? (select all that apply) Health/exercise Travel to/from destination (such as store, coffee shop)Commute to/from work Other (please specify)Access transit Question options 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 28 9 2 1 Optional question (28 response(s), 11 skipped) Question type: Checkbox Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 25 of 33 Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 09:16 AM I am scared of the intersection at Wooddale and Valley View going north so I go around the block to stay safe. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 02:32 PM I’m not interested Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 02:44 PM Roads are too broken up for comfortable or save riding. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 03:58 PM More bike lanes or sidewalks. Screen Name Redacted 7/06/2023 06:28 PM It would be great to connect our neighborhood to a bike trail. We live in the Concord neighborhood and it takes a while for us to get to a bike trail. The nearest takes 3-4 miles of riding on the streets without sufficient bike lanes. It would be great to have a dedicated bike lane on Benton Ave. Wooddale Ave used to have dedicated marked bike lane but got disappeared after a while. Q19 If you don't ride a bicycle in your neighborhood as often as you would like, what reconstruction improvement might increase your bicycle riding frequency? Please list all that you can think of. Optional question (5 response(s), 34 skipped) Question type: Essay Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 26 of 33 Q20 How frequently do you or a member of your household park on the street? 2 (5.1%) 2 (5.1%) 5 (12.8%) 5 (12.8%) 8 (20.5%) 8 (20.5%) 15 (38.5%) 15 (38.5%) 9 (23.1%) 9 (23.1%) Very frequently (daily or near daily)Frequently (2-3 times per week)Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Never Question options Optional question (39 response(s), 0 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 27 of 33 Q21 How frequently do visitors to your household park on the street? 2 (5.1%) 2 (5.1%) 9 (23.1%) 9 (23.1%) 19 (48.7%) 19 (48.7%) 7 (17.9%) 7 (17.9%) 2 (5.1%) 2 (5.1%) Very frequently (daily or near daily)Frequently (2-3 times per week)Occasionally (1-4 times per month) Rarely (less than once per month)Never Question options Optional question (39 response(s), 0 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 28 of 33 Q22 How satisfied are you with the availability of on-street parking in your neighborhood? 20 (51.3%) 20 (51.3%) 11 (28.2%) 11 (28.2%) 7 (17.9%) 7 (17.9%) 1 (2.6%) 1 (2.6%)0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question options Optional question (39 response(s), 0 skipped) Question type: Radio Button Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 29 of 33 Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 12:47 PM I have a neighbor who backs into her driveway every day and will come knock on our door if we have a car parked in front of our house that's impeding her from being able to back in as she likes. Not a huge problem related to the reconstruction, but annoying nonetheless! Ha! Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 01:00 PM I would prefer narrower and calmer streets even if it meant reducing on street parking - there is no shortage of on street parking in the nieghborhood. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 06:54 PM Please do not add bike lanes or sidewalks to take away our parking and wreck our nice neighborhood Screen Name Redacted 6/15/2023 05:39 AM Garrison has a sweeping curve. When people park on the street in the curved area, it limits site-lines and lane width (since people aren't tight to curb). Screen Name Redacted 6/16/2023 07:20 AM nothing Screen Name Redacted 6/22/2023 10:02 AM There are several families who use on-street parking for the extra vehicles/trailers--all year-round. Please do not narrow the streets or it will look like a used car and trailer lot. Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 09:16 AM Garrison and Wooddale Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 10:50 AM Garrison lane Screen Name Redacted Saint Johns Ave. Q23 Any additional comments about parking? Optional question (6 response(s), 33 skipped) Question type: Essay Question Q24 What is your street name? Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 30 of 33 6/12/2023 12:47 PM Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 01:00 PM St Johns Ave Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 01:09 PM Concord avenue Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 01:13 PM Concord Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 01:37 PM St. Johns Ave Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 02:32 PM St johns Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 02:44 PM St Johns Ave Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 03:07 PM Virginia Lane Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 03:58 PM 64th Street Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 04:15 PM Garrison LAne Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 06:54 PM Ashcroft Lane Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 06:57 PM Concord Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 07:23 PM Garrison lane Screen Name Redacted 6/12/2023 08:43 PM Garrison Ln Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 31 of 33 Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 05:36 AM Ashcroft Ave Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 05:59 AM Concord Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 07:03 AM Garrison Lane Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 01:12 PM 4505 Garrison Lane Screen Name Redacted 6/13/2023 02:24 PM Rose Court Screen Name Redacted 6/14/2023 04:01 PM Garrison Lane Screen Name Redacted 6/14/2023 05:35 PM Concord Ave Screen Name Redacted 6/15/2023 05:39 AM Garrison Lane Screen Name Redacted 6/15/2023 05:23 PM Garrison Screen Name Redacted 6/15/2023 06:20 PM St Johns Ave Screen Name Redacted 6/16/2023 07:20 AM Ashcroft Lane Screen Name Redacted 6/16/2023 08:44 AM West 63rd Street Screen Name Redacted 6/21/2023 01:48 PM St. Johns Screen Name Redacted 6/21/2023 09:40 PM Garrison Lane Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 32 of 33 Screen Name Redacted 6/22/2023 10:02 AM Garrison Lane Screen Name Redacted 6/22/2023 10:57 AM W 62nd Street Screen Name Redacted 6/25/2023 11:28 AM 62nd Street Screen Name Redacted 6/30/2023 09:31 AM Ashcroft Ave Screen Name Redacted 7/03/2023 02:33 PM Ashcroft Lane Screen Name Redacted 7/05/2023 06:18 PM Garrison Lane Screen Name Redacted 7/06/2023 06:28 PM Ashcroft Ave Screen Name Redacted 7/09/2023 06:12 PM Concord Avenue Screen Name Redacted 7/12/2023 01:34 PM Millers Lane Mandatory Question (39 response(s)) Question type: Single Line Question Concord B/C Neighborhood Reconstruction Survey : Survey Report for 30 January 2019 to 06 December 2023 Page 33 of 33 APPENDIX J Correspondence from Residents 1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Tuesday, April 20, 2021 1:51 PMTo:'Kiera Peterson'Subject:RE: Sidewalk location?Kiera,   No decisions have been made on the sidewalk side.    Typically we try to keep sidewalks continuous to adjacent sidewalks.  Therefore, the preferred side would be the west side to match the west side sidewalk already in place north of Valley View Road.    Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Stay informed about the City’s response to COVID-19 at EdinaMN.gov/Coronavirus. Need a hand or want to help? Visit BetterTogetherEdina.org/COVID-19. Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  From: Kiera Peterson   Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 9:21 AM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Sidewalk location?  EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Hello Aaron,  I just got a postcard in the mail regarding the Concord reconstruction project for 2024.  I live on the corner of Virginia Lane & Concord.  I saw that they are wanting to add a secondary sidewalk on Concord.  Do you know what side of the street the sidewalk will added on? I’m concerned that if the sidewalk is installed on the west side of the Concord, the sidewalk would be really close the side of my house.    2   Thanks!  Kiera Peterson   1Liz MooreFrom:Julie Risser Sent:Thursday, November 17, 2022 9:36 AMTo:Aaron DitzlerSubject:Question re: street reconstructionFollow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:CompletedEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Good morning,   I am a resident of Edina who lives in the Concord neighborhood. Our streets will be replaced in 2024.  This week I watched the City Council meeting and learned any disturbed grass will be replaced now with sod not seed ‐ and residents will be billed.  I'm wondering what options residents have. We have patches of clover in our yard and I would much rather just plant this bee friendly plant that requires much less water.  Do residents get a list of choices? Can they opt out of the more expensive sod?   Thank you for any information that you can send my way,  Julie Risser   1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Monday November 21 2022 4:29 PMTo:Subject:RE: Question re: street reconstructionJulie,   Depending on the contractor bids, the assessment amount per REU will likely increase a few hundred dollars due to sod vs. seed initially.    This increased assessment amount will decrease every year based on the cumulative reduction in assessment.    Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  From: Julie Risser   Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 11:11 AM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Re: Question re: street reconstruction  EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  So it's likely that going back to sod instead of seed will be a significant cost increase for all residents.   On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 10:15 AM Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@edinamn.gov> wrote: Julie,     2Thanks for your questions.  We don’t have specific answers yet to all the questions on how the restoration policy will be implemented.  We’ll be discussing internally prior to implementation of sod as the standard restoration method.    Historically we work with residents to replace what is existing in the boulevards.  Typically, it’s perennials or other plantings but replacing the existing clover with seed would likely apply.    As far as the costs go, the restoration will be included in the special assessment at the percentage shown in the assessment policy.  The assessment per residential equivalent unit will likely be the same regardless of the type of restoration at each property.    https://www.edinamn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/11369/Assessment‐Policy‐Dated‐July‐21‐2021   Thank you.     Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.   From: Julie Risser  Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 9:36 AM  3To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Question re: street reconstruction   EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Good morning,    I am a resident of Edina who lives in the Concord neighborhood. Our streets will be replaced in 2024.  This week I watched the City Council meeting and learned any disturbed grass will be replaced now with sod not seed ‐ and residents will be billed.  I'm wondering what options residents have. We have patches of clover in our yard and I would much rather just plant this bee friendly plant that requires much less water.  Do residents get a list of choices? Can they opt out of the more expensive sod?    Thank you for any information that you can send my way,   Julie Risser   1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Monday November 21 2022 10:15 AMTo:Subject:RE: Question re: street reconstructionJulie,   Thanks for your questions.  We don’t have specific answers yet to all the questions on how the restoration policy will be implemented.  We’ll be discussing internally prior to implementation of sod as the standard restoration method.   Historically we work with residents to replace what is existing in the boulevards.  Typically, it’s perennials or other plantings but replacing the existing clover with seed would likely apply.   As far as the costs go, the restoration will be included in the special assessment at the percentage shown in the assessment policy.  The assessment per residential equivalent unit will likely be the same regardless of the type of restoration at each property.   https://www.edinamn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/11369/Assessment‐Policy‐Dated‐July‐21‐2021  Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  From: Julie Risser   Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 9:36 AM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Question re: street reconstruction  EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   2Good morning,   I am a resident of Edina who lives in the Concord neighborhood. Our streets will be replaced in 2024.  This week I watched the City Council meeting and learned any disturbed grass will be replaced now with sod not seed ‐ and residents will be billed.  I'm wondering what options residents have. We have patches of clover in our yard and I would much rather just plant this bee friendly plant that requires much less water.  Do residents get a list of choices? Can they opt out of the more expensive sod?   Thank you for any information that you can send my way,  Julie Risser   1Liz MooreFrom:Julie Risser >Sent:Monday, November 21, 2022 4:50 PMTo:Aaron DitzlerSubject:Re: Question re: street reconstructionFollow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:CompletedEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Is there a way for residents to opt out?  They could agree to find the clover seed that meets their standards. This could be a way to reduce investment in sod and water usr Thinking of residents who want pollinator friendly yards that require less water and maintenance. Also people who are concerned about chemicals.  Sent from Julie's iPhone 7   On Nov 21, 2022, at 4:28 PM, Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@edinamn.gov> wrote:   Julie,    Depending on the contractor bids, the assessment amount per REU will likely increase a few hundred dollars due to sod vs. seed initially.     This increased assessment amount will decrease every year based on the cumulative reduction in assessment.     Thank you.     Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov   Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.    2From: Julie Risser   Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 11:11 AM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Re: Question re: street reconstruction   EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   So it's likely that going back to sod instead of seed will be a significant cost increase for all residents.    On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 10:15 AM Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@edinamn.gov> wrote: Julie,    Thanks for your questions.  We don’t have specific answers yet to all the questions on how the restoration policy will be implemented.  We’ll be discussing internally prior to implementation of sod as the standard restoration method.    Historically we work with residents to replace what is existing in the boulevards.  Typically, it’s perennials or other plantings but replacing the existing clover with seed would likely apply.    As far as the costs go, the restoration will be included in the special assessment at the percentage shown in the assessment policy.  The assessment per residential equivalent unit will likely be the same regardless of the type of restoration at each property.    https://www.edinamn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/11369/Assessment‐Policy‐Dated‐July‐21‐2021   Thank you.     3 Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov   Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.   From: Julie Risser >  Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 9:36 AM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Question re: street reconstruction   EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Good morning,    I am a resident of Edina who lives in the Concord neighborhood. Our streets will be replaced in 2024.  This week I watched the City Council meeting and learned any disturbed grass will be replaced now with sod not seed ‐ and residents will be billed.  I'm wondering what options residents have. We have patches of clover in our yard and I would much rather just plant this bee friendly plant that requires much less water.  Do residents get a list of choices? Can they opt out of the more expensive sod?   4  Thank you for any information that you can send my way,   Julie Risser   1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Tuesday, November 22, 2022 10:45 AMTo:'Julie Risser'Subject:RE: Question re: street reconstructionJulie,   I don’t see a reason residents couldn’t opt out of sod.  As long as the restoration is completed within 14 days to meet the MPCA stormwater permit requirements.    Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  From: Julie Risser   Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 4:50 PM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Re: Question re: street reconstruction  EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Is there a way for residents to opt out?  They could agree to find the clover seed that meets their standards. This could be a way to reduce investment in sod and water usr Thinking of residents who want pollinator friendly yards that require less water and maintenance. Also people who are concerned about chemicals.  Sent from Julie's iPhone 7  On Nov 21, 2022, at 4:28 PM, Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@edinamn.gov> wrote:  2  Julie,    Depending on the contractor bids, the assessment amount per REU will likely increase a few hundred dollars due to sod vs. seed initially.     This increased assessment amount will decrease every year based on the cumulative reduction in assessment.     Thank you.     Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov   Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.   From: Julie Risser >  Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 11:11 AM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Re: Question re: street reconstruction   EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   So it's likely that going back to sod instead of seed will be a significant cost increase for all residents.    On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 10:15 AM Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@edinamn.gov> wrote: Julie,    Thanks for your questions.  We don’t have specific answers yet to all the questions on how the restoration policy will be implemented.  We’ll be discussing internally prior to implementation of sod as the standard restoration method.     3Historically we work with residents to replace what is existing in the boulevards.  Typically, it’s perennials or other plantings but replacing the existing clover with seed would likely apply.    As far as the costs go, the restoration will be included in the special assessment at the percentage shown in the assessment policy.  The assessment per residential equivalent unit will likely be the same regardless of the type of restoration at each property.    https://www.edinamn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/11369/Assessment‐Policy‐Dated‐July‐21‐2021   Thank you.     Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov   Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.   From: Julie Risser  Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 9:36 AM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Question re: street reconstruction    4EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Good morning,    I am a resident of Edina who lives in the Concord neighborhood. Our streets will be replaced in 2024.  This week I watched the City Council meeting and learned any disturbed grass will be replaced now with sod not seed ‐ and residents will be billed.  I'm wondering what options residents have. We have patches of clover in our yard and I would much rather just plant this bee friendly plant that requires much less water.  Do residents get a list of choices? Can they opt out of the more expensive sod?    Thank you for any information that you can send my way,   Julie Risser   1Liz MooreFrom:Julie Risser Sent:Tuesday, November 22, 2022 10:57 AMTo:Aaron DitzlerSubject:Re: Question re: street reconstructionEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Thank you ‐ I appreciate this information and your time.   On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 10:45 AM Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@edinamn.gov> wrote: Julie,    I don’t see a reason residents couldn’t opt out of sod.  As long as the restoration is completed within 14 days to meet the MPCA stormwater permit requirements.     Thank you.     Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  2  From: Julie Risser <  Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 4:50 PM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Re: Question re: street reconstruction   EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Is there a way for residents to opt out?  They could agree to find the clover seed that meets their standards. This could be a way to reduce investment in sod and water usr Thinking of residents who want pollinator friendly yards that require less water and maintenance. Also people who are concerned about chemicals.  Sent from Julie's iPhone 7  On Nov 21, 2022, at 4:28 PM, Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@edinamn.gov> wrote:   Julie,    Depending on the contractor bids, the assessment amount per REU will likely increase a few hundred dollars due to sod vs. seed initially.     This increased assessment amount will decrease every year based on the cumulative reduction in assessment.      3Thank you.     Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov   Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.   From: Julie Risser <  Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 11:11 AM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Re: Question re: street reconstruction   EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   So it's likely that going back to sod instead of seed will be a significant cost increase for all residents.    On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 10:15 AM Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@edinamn.gov> wrote: Julie,     4Thanks for your questions.  We don’t have specific answers yet to all the questions on how the restoration policy will be implemented.  We’ll be discussing internally prior to implementation of sod as the standard restoration method.    Historically we work with residents to replace what is existing in the boulevards.  Typically, it’s perennials or other plantings but replacing the existing clover with seed would likely apply.    As far as the costs go, the restoration will be included in the special assessment at the percentage shown in the assessment policy.  The assessment per residential equivalent unit will likely be the same regardless of the type of restoration at each property.    https://www.edinamn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/11369/Assessment‐Policy‐Dated‐July‐21‐2021   Thank you.     Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov   Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.   From: Julie Risser  Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 9:36 AM  5To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Question re: street reconstruction   EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Good morning,    I am a resident of Edina who lives in the Concord neighborhood. Our streets will be replaced in 2024.  This week I watched the City Council meeting and learned any disturbed grass will be replaced now with sod not seed ‐ and residents will be billed.  I'm wondering what options residents have. We have patches of clover in our yard and I would much rather just plant this bee friendly plant that requires much less water.  Do residents get a list of choices? Can they opt out of the more expensive sod?    Thank you for any information that you can send my way,   Julie Risser   1Liz MooreFrom:Better Together Edina <notifications@engagementhq.com>Sent:Thursday, December 8, 2022 12:02 PMTo:Aaron Ditzler; Chad MillnerSubject:Anonymous User completed Public Hearing Comments - Morningside C Roadway ReconstructionEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Anonymous User just submitted the survey Public Hearing Comments ‐ Morningside C Roadway Reconstruction with the responses below.  First & Last Name Julie Risser  Address 6112 Ashcroft Avenue  Comment This road reconstruction project adheres to Edina's turf management practices ‐ practices which remain focused on continuing traditional grass lawns. Depending on the circumstances, either grass seed or grass sod will be used to repair land damaged during reconstruction. Edina's Climate Action Plan point GS 2‐7 encourages alternatives to traditional lawns: "Establish a policy and identify, create, and promote incentives to assist homeowners and households with low incomes by covering some of the cost of converting traditional lawns by planting pollinator friendly food gardens, permaculture, wildflowers, clover or native grasses in an effort to slow the collapse of the state's bee population." While some of these options are not necessarily appropriate for space adjacent to roads, clover is appealing for reasons beyond supporting pollinators ‐ clover requires less water and maintenance than traditional lawn. Including clover, and perhaps a clover/grass mixture, to Edina's turf management policy before this project begins makes sense. Also it would be good to ensure sod coming to Edina does not have PFAS ‐ sod farms may be fertilized with sludge and have high PFAS levels.   2  1Liz MooreFrom:Jessica Vanderwerff WilsonSent:Saturday, May 6, 2023 12:09 AMTo:Maggie HoranCc:Aaron DitzlerSubject:RE: 6325 St Johns Ave drainageFollow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedHi, Maggie.  Thank you for your patience as I get back into the office and through my emails.  Our flooding and drainage webpage has some more information that may be helpful to you. https://www.edinamn.gov/371/Flooding‐and‐Drainage  Flooding and drainage issues can occur through a few different pathways. The type you’re referring to seems to be through groundwater seepage. Basement sumps are very common in Edina. Check out the webpage linked above for some standard advice on sumps and home drainage basics. After a record snow winter (3rd snowiest in MN record), the issue may be worse than the two years prior in which we were experiencing drought conditions. With the lakes, ponds, and wetlands in the neighborhood, and the age of the home, it may just be that you have a deep basement with a vulnerable foundation in an area with elevated groundwater.   Another pathway for flooding is over land – this is what people typically think of when they describe flooding issues and is typically associated with rain or snowmelt and water pouring in through a low opening like a window or door. Take a look at the interactive “What is My Flood Risk?” map. You can see flood‐prone areas and a map of the storm sewer infrastructure.   Do you have a land survey for the property? If so, we could compare elevations of the property to what the model is predicting for surface flooding.  Water in your neighborhood drains either directly to North Lake Cornelia or travels through Lake Nancy before going to North Lake Cornelia. At the peak of the 1%‐annual‐chance flood (a relatively big storm, about 7‐8 inches in a day), North Lake Cornelia water level is higher than the outfalls that empty into it from your neighborhood. That means that water can’t drain until the level in North Lake Cornelia goes down.  It looks like Saint Johns Avenue is scheduled for neighborhood roadway reconstruction in 2024. During street design, we typically review flooding and drainage issues to see if any improvements can be made. I’ve copied Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer, who leads the roadway reconstruction program. The design process won’t start until the end of this year.   2Jess   Jessica Vanderwerff Wilson, CFM, Water Resources Manager 952-826-0445 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 jwilson@edinamn.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  From: Maggie Horan   Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 10:05 AM To: Jessica Vanderwerff Wilson <jwilson@edinamn.gov> Subject:   EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Good morning!  My mom, Michelle Horan, gave me your email to reach out regarding our new home in Edina, 6325 St Johns Ave. We have had some extensive water issues due to increased pressure under the home causing cracks in the cement that water is pushing through into the basement. We do have a sump pump, but I believe it is exterior drainage only since we need to install interior drain tile. We have someone scheduled to come out and start this hopefully in the next couple weeks, but the more we talk to our neighbors and learn the history of the house I had some more questions.  Our neighbors have told us that previously the sump pump would run on and off all year round including the winter months. We have also noticed that there is not a lot of drainage on the street itself as far as storm drains on our block. Since most of the neighbors have water issues, but not quite to the extent of ours, I wanted to see if you had any knowledge about the history of the neighborhood along with any future plans.   Before we completely dive into the project, I figured I would just see if you knew anything about the home or area that we should know about.  Thank you!  Maggie Horan   Sent from Mail for Windows   1Liz MooreFrom:Maggie Horan Sent:Thursday, May 25, 2023 7:11 PMTo:Jessica Vanderwerff WilsonCc:Aaron DitzlerSubject:RE: 6325 St Johns Ave drainageFollow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Jessica,  Thank you for getting back to me and providing that information. We were able to get new drain tile in the basement and an additional sump pump which seem to be working. Due to our sump pump in the front yard kicking out so much water, there is now some standing water on the street and no where for it to go. We are trying to keep the water to our yard, and we are hoping to create a rain garden of sorts. That being said, I was curious if you had any ideas of how to mitigate the potential standing water on the street since there are no storm drains near us. We would love to avoid any complaints down the road.   Thank you for the resources, and have a great weekend!  Maggie Horan    Sent from Mail for Windows  From: Jessica Vanderwerff Wilson Sent: Saturday, May 6, 2023 12:09 AM To: Maggie Horan Cc: Aaron Ditzler Subject: RE: 6325 St Johns Ave drainage  Hi, Maggie.    2Thank you for your patience as I get back into the office and through my emails.   Our flooding and drainage webpage has some more information that may be helpful to you. https://www.edinamn.gov/371/Flooding‐and‐Drainage   Flooding and drainage issues can occur through a few different pathways. The type you’re referring to seems to be through groundwater seepage. Basement sumps are very common in Edina. Check out the webpage linked above for some standard advice on sumps and home drainage basics. After a record snow winter (3rd snowiest in MN record), the issue may be worse than the two years prior in which we were experiencing drought conditions. With the lakes, ponds, and wetlands in the neighborhood, and the age of the home, it may just be that you have a deep basement with a vulnerable foundation in an area with elevated groundwater.    Another pathway for flooding is over land – this is what people typically think of when they describe flooding issues and is typically associated with rain or snowmelt and water pouring in through a low opening like a window or door. Take a look at the interactive “What is My Flood Risk?” map. You can see flood‐prone areas and a map of the storm sewer infrastructure.    Do you have a land survey for the property? If so, we could compare elevations of the property to what the model is predicting for surface flooding.   Water in your neighborhood drains either directly to North Lake Cornelia or travels through Lake Nancy before going to North Lake Cornelia. At the peak of the 1%‐annual‐chance flood (a relatively big storm, about 7‐8 inches in a day), North Lake Cornelia water level is higher than the outfalls that empty into it from your neighborhood. That means that water can’t drain until the level in North Lake Cornelia goes down.   It looks like Saint Johns Avenue is scheduled for neighborhood roadway reconstruction in 2024. During street design, we typically review flooding and drainage issues to see if any improvements can be made. I’ve copied Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer, who leads the roadway reconstruction program. The design process won’t start until the end of this year.   Jess    Jessica Vanderwerff Wilson, CFM, Water Resources Manager 952-826-0445 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 jwilson@edinamn.gov | EdinaMN.gov   Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.   From: Maggie Horan   Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 10:05 AM To: Jessica Vanderwerff Wilson <jwilson@edinamn.gov> Subject:     3EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Good morning!   My mom, Michelle Horan, gave me your email to reach out regarding our new home in Edina, 6325 St Johns Ave. We have had some extensive water issues due to increased pressure under the home causing cracks in the cement that water is pushing through into the basement. We do have a sump pump, but I believe it is exterior drainage only since we need to install interior drain tile. We have someone scheduled to come out and start this hopefully in the next couple weeks, but the more we talk to our neighbors and learn the history of the house I had some more questions.   Our neighbors have told us that previously the sump pump would run on and off all year round including the winter months. We have also noticed that there is not a lot of drainage on the street itself as far as storm drains on our block. Since most of the neighbors have water issues, but not quite to the extent of ours, I wanted to see if you had any knowledge about the history of the neighborhood along with any future plans.    Before we completely dive into the project, I figured I would just see if you knew anything about the home or area that we should know about.   Thank you!   Maggie Horan    Sent from Mail for Windows     1Liz MooreFrom:Jessica Vanderwerff WilsonSent:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 7:46 AMTo:Maggie HoranCc:Aaron DitzlerSubject:RE: 6325 St Johns Ave drainageMaggie,  The rain garden idea is a good one. The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District may have grant funding available for that type of project. https://www.ninemilecreek.org/get‐involved/grants/  We typically look at adding sump drains during street reconstruction. There is a permit process for connecting to the city sump drain.   Jessica Vanderwerff Wilson, CFM, Water Resources Manager 952-826-0445 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 jwilson@edinamn.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  From: Maggie Horan   Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2023 7:11 PM To: Jessica Vanderwerff Wilson <jwilson@edinamn.gov> Cc: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: RE: 6325 St Johns Ave drainage  EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Jessica,  Thank you for getting back to me and providing that information. We were able to get new drain tile in the basement and an additional sump pump which seem to be working. Due to our sump pump in the front yard kicking out so much water, there is now some standing water on the street and no where for it to go. We are trying to keep the water to our yard, and we are hoping to create a rain garden of sorts. That being said, I was curious if you had any ideas of how to mitigate the potential standing water on the street since there are no storm drains near us. We would love to avoid any complaints down the road.   2 Thank you for the resources, and have a great weekend!  Maggie Horan    Sent from Mail for Windows  From: Jessica Vanderwerff Wilson Sent: Saturday, May 6, 2023 12:09 AM To: Maggie Horan Cc: Aaron Ditzler Subject: RE: 6325 St Johns Ave drainage  Hi, Maggie.   Thank you for your patience as I get back into the office and through my emails.   Our flooding and drainage webpage has some more information that may be helpful to you. https://www.edinamn.gov/371/Flooding‐and‐Drainage   Flooding and drainage issues can occur through a few different pathways. The type you’re referring to seems to be through groundwater seepage. Basement sumps are very common in Edina. Check out the webpage linked above for some standard advice on sumps and home drainage basics. After a record snow winter (3rd snowiest in MN record), the issue may be worse than the two years prior in which we were experiencing drought conditions. With the lakes, ponds, and wetlands in the neighborhood, and the age of the home, it may just be that you have a deep basement with a vulnerable foundation in an area with elevated groundwater.    Another pathway for flooding is over land – this is what people typically think of when they describe flooding issues and is typically associated with rain or snowmelt and water pouring in through a low opening like a window or door. Take a look at the interactive “What is My Flood Risk?” map. You can see flood‐prone areas and a map of the storm sewer infrastructure.    Do you have a land survey for the property? If so, we could compare elevations of the property to what the model is predicting for surface flooding.   Water in your neighborhood drains either directly to North Lake Cornelia or travels through Lake Nancy before going to North Lake Cornelia. At the peak of the 1%‐annual‐chance flood (a relatively big storm, about 7‐8 inches in a day), North Lake Cornelia water level is higher than the outfalls that empty into it from your neighborhood. That means that water can’t drain until the level in North Lake Cornelia goes down.   It looks like Saint Johns Avenue is scheduled for neighborhood roadway reconstruction in 2024. During street design, we typically review flooding and drainage issues to see if any improvements can be made. I’ve copied Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer, who leads the roadway reconstruction program. The design process won’t start until the end of this year.  3  Jess    Jessica Vanderwerff Wilson, CFM, Water Resources Manager 952-826-0445 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 jwilson@edinamn.gov | EdinaMN.gov   Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.   From: Maggie Horan   Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 10:05 AM To: Jessica Vanderwerff Wilson <jwilson@edinamn.gov> Subject:    EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Good morning!   My mom, Michelle Horan, gave me your email to reach out regarding our new home in Edina, 6325 St Johns Ave. We have had some extensive water issues due to increased pressure under the home causing cracks in the cement that water is pushing through into the basement. We do have a sump pump, but I believe it is exterior drainage only since we need to install interior drain tile. We have someone scheduled to come out and start this hopefully in the next couple weeks, but the more we talk to our neighbors and learn the history of the house I had some more questions.   Our neighbors have told us that previously the sump pump would run on and off all year round including the winter months. We have also noticed that there is not a lot of drainage on the street itself as far as storm drains on our block. Since most of the neighbors have water issues, but not quite to the extent of ours, I wanted to see if you had any knowledge about the history of the neighborhood along with any future plans.    Before we completely dive into the project, I figured I would just see if you knew anything about the home or area that we should know about.   Thank you!   Maggie Horan    Sent from Mail for Windows     1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Monday June 12 2023 3:25 PMTo:'Subject:2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction - Heads UpAttachments:Concord B C Project Area.pdfEllen,   My name is Aaron and I’m the Assistant City Engineer.  I’m reaching out to you because your name is listed as the point of contact for the Concord Neighborhood Association, and the Concord B/C Neighborhood is scheduled for Roadway Reconstruction in 2024.  Some comments:  1. See the attachment for the project area limits.  2. We’ll be sharing updates on the project website here: a. https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord‐bc 3. Property owners can sign up on the website for email updates a. Updates will be sporadic and as necessary in 2023, but weekly in 2024 during construction.  4. The website has list of project milestones on it.   5. We mailed a postcard to property owners to provide input via an online survey  6. Feel free to spread the word about the project website as you see fit.   Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.   1Liz MooreFrom:Better Together Edina <notifications@engagementhq.com>Sent:Monday, June 12, 2023 3:47 PMTo:Aaron Ditzler; Liz Moore; Chad Millner; eacosta@edinamn.govSubject:A new question has been added to Ask a QuestionFollow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Hi there, Just a quick heads up to let you know that a new question has been asked at Concord B & C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction by kjm6313. The question that was asked is: Hi! Do you know what street you're starting with? I called in April to see if you know‐I don't think I talked with Aaron‐and the person I spoke with didn't know too much. We have twins graduating from EHS next spring and are trying to plan their open house. We're hoping Saint Johns isn't at the start of the project! Thanks, Kim & Jon Moore Please DO NOT reply to this email. If you want to provide an answer to this question, sign into your site and respond to the question from within the Q & A tool. Regards Bang The Table Team    1Liz MooreFrom:Westin, Ellen Sent:Tuesday, June 13, 2023 11:01 AMTo:Aaron DitzlerSubject:RE: 2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction - Heads UpEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Hi Aaron! Thank you so much! I will send this to all of the neighbors that I have contact information for.  Thanks again!      From: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov>  Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 3:25 PM To: Westin, Ellen  Subject: 2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction ‐ Heads Up  [EXTERNAL]   2 Ellen,   My name is Aaron and I’m the Assistant City Engineer.  I’m reaching out to you because your name is listed as the point of contact for the Concord Neighborhood Association, and the Concord B/C Neighborhood is scheduled for Roadway Reconstruction in 2024.  Some comments:  1. See the attachment for the project area limits.  2. We’ll be sharing updates on the project website here: a. https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord‐bc 3. Property owners can sign up on the website for email updates a. Updates will be sporadic and as necessary in 2023, but weekly in 2024 during construction.  4. The website has list of project milestones on it.   5. We mailed a postcard to property owners to provide input via an online survey  6. Feel free to spread the word about the project website as you see fit.   Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   ALERT! Edina Realty will never send you wiring information via email or request that you send us personal financial information by email. If you receive an email message like this concerning any transaction involving Edina Realty, do not respond to the email and immediately contact your agent via phone. 1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Tuesday August 1 2023 3:58 PMTo:'Subject:RE: New sidewalk on ConcordKiera,   We would start invesƟgaƟng the walk on the west side to be consistent with the walk north of Valley View Rd.  IniƟal thoughts are there would need to be major infrastructure conflicts on the west side to move the sidewalk to the east side.  We'll be narrowing Concord Ave from 30' to 24' wide.  Property owners would be responsible for maintaining / plowing the Concord Ave sidewalk.    We'll be looking at preliminary designs this fall and can follow up with you.   Thank you.   Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952‐826‐0443 | Fax 952‐826‐0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov   ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From:   Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 12:52 PM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: New sidewalk on Concord  EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open aƩachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Hello,  I just wanted to check in to see if there are any iniƟal thoughts on what side of the street the new Concord sidewalk will be? I live on the corner of concord and Virginia lane, and I’m concerned about how close the sidewalk would potenƟally be to the side of my house.  2 Also, does the city maintain/ plow the sidewalk during the winter months?  Thanks! Kiera Peterson Sent from my iPhone  1Liz MooreFrom:Sent:Tuesday, August 1, 2023 12:52 PMTo:Aaron DitzlerSubject:New sidewalk on ConcordFollow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open aƩachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello, I just wanted to check in to see if there are any iniƟal thoughts on what side of the street the new Concord sidewalk will be? I live on the corner of concord and Virginia lane, and I’m concerned about how close the sidewalk would potenƟally be to the side of my house. Also, does the city maintain/ plow the sidewalk during the winter months? Thanks! Kiera Peterson Sent from my iPhone 1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Monday October 9 2023 4:03 PMTo:'Subject:RE: New sidewalk on ConcordKiera,   We'll be recommending sidewalk on the west side of Concord Ave at the Public Hearing in December.    Thank you,   Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952‐826‐0443 | Fax 952‐826‐0392 7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From:   Sent: Monday, October 9, 2023 12:33 PM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Re: New sidewalk on Concord  EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open aƩachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Hi Aaron,  Curious if you have an update on the locaƟon of the sidewalk that will be added to Concord Ave?  Thanks!  Kiera Peterson  Sent from my iPhone  2 > On Aug 1, 2023, at 3:58 PM, Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@edinamn.gov> wrote: > > Kiera, > > We would start invesƟgaƟng the walk on the west side to be consistent with the walk north of Valley View Rd.  IniƟal thoughts are there would need to be major infrastructure conflicts on the west side to move the sidewalk to the east side.  We'll be narrowing Concord Ave from 30' to 24' wide. > > Property owners would be responsible for maintaining / plowing the Concord Ave sidewalk. > > We'll be looking at preliminary designs this fall and can follow up with you. > > Thank you. > > Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer > 952‐826‐0443 | Fax 952‐826‐0392 > 7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 > ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov > > ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ > From:  > Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 12:52 PM > To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> > Subject: New sidewalk on Concord > > EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open aƩachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. > > > Hello, > > I just wanted to check in to see if there are any iniƟal thoughts on what side of the street the new Concord sidewalk will be? I live on the corner of concord and Virginia lane, and I’m concerned about how close the sidewalk would potenƟally be to the side of my house. > > Also, does the city maintain/ plow the sidewalk during the winter months? > > Thanks! > Kiera Peterson > Sent from my iPhone  3  1Liz MooreFrom:Sent:Monday, October 9, 2023 12:33 PMTo:Aaron DitzlerSubject:Re: New sidewalk on ConcordFollow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open aƩachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Aaron, Curious if you have an update on the locaƟon of the sidewalk that will be added to Concord Ave? Thanks! Kiera Peterson Sent from my iPhone > On Aug 1, 2023, at 3:58 PM, Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@edinamn.gov> wrote: > > Kiera, > > We would start invesƟgaƟng the walk on the west side to be consistent with the walk north of Valley View Rd. IniƟal thoughts are there would need to be major infrastructure conflicts on the west side to move the sidewalk to the east side. We'll be narrowing Concord Ave from 30' to 24' wide. > > Property owners would be responsible for maintaining / plowing the Concord Ave sidewalk. > > We'll be looking at preliminary designs this fall and can follow up with you. > > Thank you. > 2> Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer > 952‐826‐0443 | Fax 952‐826‐0392 > 7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 > ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov > > ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ > From: > Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 12:52 PM > To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> > Subject: New sidewalk on Concord > > EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open aƩachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. > > > Hello, > > I just wanted to check in to see if there are any iniƟal thoughts on what side of the street the new Concord sidewalk will be? I live on the corner of concord and Virginia lane, and I’m concerned about how close the sidewalk would potenƟally be to the side of my house. > > Also, does the city maintain/ plow the sidewalk during the winter months? > > Thanks! > Kiera Peterson > Sent from my iPhone 1Liz MooreFrom:Better Together Edina <notifications@engagementhq.com>Sent:Sunday, October 15, 2023 10:31 PMTo:Aaron Ditzler; Liz Moore; Chad Millner; eacosta@edinamn.govSubject:A new question has been added to Ask a QuestionFollow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Hi there, Just a quick heads up to let you know that a new question has been asked at Concord B & C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction by Constance. The question that was asked is: The proposed project timeline includes city council approvals in December and then March, 2024. How can the city council approve the project before residents are provided with expected assessments?  Please DO NOT reply to this email. If you want to provide an answer to this question, sign into your site and respond to the question from within the Q & A tool. Regards Bang The Table Team    1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Tuesday November 7 2023 2:40 PMTo:Subject:2024 Concord Neighborhood Road Reconstruction - Retaining WallArnaud,   As we discussed, see the photo or link below of Edina’s city standard natural stone wall.  hƩps://maps.app.goo.gl/6gmSThCKZYeaCtKB9   2 3  Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.   1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Tuesday November 7 2023 2:45 PMTo:Subject:6208 Concord Ave - Private Driveway ContractorsAttachments:Driveway Contractors List.pdfArnaud,   As we discussed, reach out to me at the end of April 2024 regarding replacement of your full private driveway.  It’s up to the future contractor if they want to provide you a quote or not.  Some contractors are interested, others are not.  If they decline, feel free to reach out to the contractors on the aƩached list.   Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.   1Liz MooreFrom:Arnaud Ritt Sent:Wednesday, November 8, 2023 8:10 AMTo:Aaron DitzlerSubject:Re: 2024 Concord Neighborhood Road Reconstruction - Retaining WallEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Hi Aaron ‐   It looks great!   Thank you very much for the information .  Regards, Arnaud Ritt  612 212 0985  From: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@edinamn.gov> Date: November 7, 2023 at 14:40:32 CST To Subject: 2024 Concord Neighborhood Road Reconstruction ‐ Retaining Wall   Arnaud,    As we discussed, see the photo or link below of Edina’s city standard natural stone wall.   https://maps.app.goo.gl/6gmSThCKZYeaCtKB9   <image001.png>   <image002.gif> Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer  2952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov   Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.    1Liz MooreFrom:Jen McVann Sent:Monday, November 13, 2023 5:43 PMTo:Aaron DitzlerSubject:concord project accessibilityFollow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Hi Aaron,  I just got notice that my street would be under construction come spring. I have a wheelchair user in my home and am concerned about accessibility. Can you tell me how long we can expect to not be able to get our van in our driveway?  Thanks, Jen McVann 6145 Concord Ave. Edina  1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Tuesday, November 14, 2023 9:45 AMTo:'Jen McVann'Subject:RE: concord project accessibilityJen,   Thank you for reaching out.  Typically, access in and out of your driveway can be achieved every day.  There will be exceptions:  1. Concrete driveway apron installation.  a. Concrete needs 5‐6 days to gain strength before being driven on.   2. Utility and roadway excavation.  a. Typically, this will be during the daytime for hours and not days.    Once we have a contractor and schedule in the spring, we can anticipate when the exceptions above may occur.  Reach out to us in the spring and we can discuss additional accessibility options.  If you have specific schedules, we’ll work with you.    Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  From: Jen McVann   Sent: Monday, November 13, 2023 5:43 PM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: concord project accessibility  EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Hi Aaron,   2I just got notice that my street would be under construction come spring. I have a wheelchair user in my home and am concerned about accessibility. Can you tell me how long we can expect to not be able to get our van in our driveway?  Thanks, Jen McVann 6145 Concord Ave. Edina  1Liz MooreFrom:Shawn Godfrey Sent:Tuesday, November 14, 2023 2:26 PMTo:Aaron DitzlerSubject:Concord B & C Neighborhood Roadway ReconstructionFollow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Aaron,   Is there a plan to put in a sidewalk from Concord to the walking bridge on 64th st?If so can I see those plans?   I didn't see on the B_‐_Pedestrian_Facilities_Master_Plan.pdf but heard it could be a possibility.  I can't make the meeting on the 28th but will see if my wife can.  Any information you can send over would be appreciated.  Thank you.  1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Wednesday November 15 2023 3:22 PMTo:Subject:2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway ReconstructionShawn,   Yes, there is a plan for a shared use path on West 64th Street.  Hot off the press, see my email below for a link to the typical sections showing the proposed road widths, parking, sidewalk, or shared use path locations.  The design phase where we prepare plans won’t begin until the council reviews the project at the December 11 Public Hearing and considers approving the project at the December 19 council meeting.  You’ll receive a mailing inviting you to the Public Hearing later in November.    Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  From: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov>  Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 3:18 PM To: Ellen Westin  Subject: 2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction ‐ Project Videos, etc.  Ellen,   Reaching out to you as the neighborhood contact for a project update.  Feel free to spread the word as you see fit.  1. See the attached postcard mailed to the project area on 11/9. 2. City staff will host a project Q&A meeting on 11/28 at the Public Works facility.   3. Project videos can be viewed on the project website.  a. https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord‐bc  24. Proposed roadway widths, including parking, sidewalk, or shared use path locations are shown on the website as well.  a. https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord‐bc/news feed/proposed‐roadway‐parking‐and‐sidewalk‐shared‐use‐path‐details 5. The Public Hearing is scheduled for 12/11.  A separate mailing to the project area will occur for this meeting.   Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  From: Westin, Ellen <>  Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 11:01 AM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: RE: 2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction ‐ Heads Up  EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Hi Aaron! Thank you so much! I will send this to all of the neighbors that I have contact information for.  Thanks again!    3   From: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov>  Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 3:25 PM To: Westin, Ellen <> Subject: 2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction ‐ Heads Up  [EXTERNAL]   Ellen,   My name is Aaron and I’m the Assistant City Engineer.  I’m reaching out to you because your name is listed as the point of contact for the Concord Neighborhood Association, and the Concord B/C Neighborhood is scheduled for Roadway Reconstruction in 2024.  Some comments:  1. See the attachment for the project area limits.  2. We’ll be sharing updates on the project website here: a. https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord‐bc 3. Property owners can sign up on the website for email updates a. Updates will be sporadic and as necessary in 2023, but weekly in 2024 during construction.  4. The website has list of project milestones on it.   5. We mailed a postcard to property owners to provide input via an online survey  6. Feel free to spread the word about the project website as you see fit.   Thank you.    4 Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   ALERT! Edina Realty will never send you wiring information via email or request that you send us personal financial information by email. If you receive an email message like this concerning any transaction involving Edina Realty, do not respond to the email and immediately contact your agent via phone. 1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Wednesday, November 15, 2023 3:18 PMTo:'Westin, Ellen'Subject:2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction - Project Videos, etc.Attachments:2023 11 09 Info Mtg 2024 Postcard.pdfEllen,   Reaching out to you as the neighborhood contact for a project update.  Feel free to spread the word as you see fit.  1. See the attached postcard mailed to the project area on 11/9. 2. City staff will host a project Q&A meeting on 11/28 at the Public Works facility.   3. Project videos can be viewed on the project website.  a. https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord‐bc 4. Proposed roadway widths, including parking, sidewalk, or shared use path locations are shown on the website as well.  a. https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord‐bc/news feed/proposed‐roadway‐parking‐and‐sidewalk‐shared‐use‐path‐details 5. The Public Hearing is scheduled for 12/11.  A separate mailing to the project area will occur for this meeting.   Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  From: Westin, Ellen <>  Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 11:01 AM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: RE: 2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction ‐ Heads Up  EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   2Hi Aaron! Thank you so much! I will send this to all of the neighbors that I have contact information for.  Thanks again!      From: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov>  Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 3:25 PM To: Westin, Ellen  Subject: 2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction ‐ Heads Up  [EXTERNAL]   Ellen,   My name is Aaron and I’m the Assistant City Engineer.  I’m reaching out to you because your name is listed as the point of contact for the Concord Neighborhood Association, and the Concord B/C Neighborhood is scheduled for Roadway Reconstruction in 2024.  Some comments:  1. See the attachment for the project area limits.  2. We’ll be sharing updates on the project website here: a. https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord‐bc 3. Property owners can sign up on the website for email updates a. Updates will be sporadic and as necessary in 2023, but weekly in 2024 during construction.  4. The website has list of project milestones on it.    35. We mailed a postcard to property owners to provide input via an online survey  6. Feel free to spread the word about the project website as you see fit.   Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   ALERT! Edina Realty will never send you wiring information via email or request that you send us personal financial information by email. If you receive an email message like this concerning any transaction involving Edina Realty, do not respond to the email and immediately contact your agent via phone. 1Liz MooreFrom:Tracie Bell <>Sent:Saturday, November 18, 2023 5:54 PMTo:Chad MillnerCc:Becky Thacher-BellSubject:Bollards on Wooddale trailEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open aƩachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Chad: I thank you for the informaƟon at the Rose Ct. briefing recently. I did not bring up the bollard issue (not on agenda). Below are porƟons of emails I exchanged with Adam Ditzler that I wish to insure are heard before the bollard project is finalized. Subject: Bollards on the bike‐path between Lakes Nancy and OƩo. If the city decides to install a bollard on the path I request it be made of a flexible material. That material would not injure bike riders or joggers who might not see it, and would permit ambulance or emergency vehicles access to the path. I have biked on the Minnehaha trail under Lyndale Avenue which has I‐beam bollards mounted in the center of the trail ‐ posing a serious safety hazard. If a solid bollard is used, could a pair of units be spaced so that normal traffic is not endangered ‐ perhaps two spaced 4 to 6 feet apart at each end of the path? That should ensure a clear signal that car traffic is not authorized on the path and yet permit a safe passage for other users. The mid‐trail beams on the Minnehaha bike route worry me every Ɵme we encounter them. They could stop a speeding truck, much less a 10mph bike. Thanks again, Tracie PS: I am parƟcularly sensiƟve to the hazard of things encountered in/on a trail. My wife ran into an abandoned rental scooter on the bike trail leaving Loring Park two years ago, across from Westminster Church. Although it was a slow crash and Ɵp‐over, her femur broke impacƟng a low curb. Thanks to modern medicine and a pin, she regained ability to walk. 1Liz MooreFrom:Chad MillnerSent:Monday, November 20, 2023 7:01 AMTo:'Tracie Bell'Cc:Becky Thacher-BellSubject:RE: Bollards on Wooddale trailThanks for the note. Understood. We will be installing some type of bollard at this locaƟon. The type and style is unknown at this point. Thanks, Chad Chad Millner, Director of Engineering 952-826-0318 | Fax 952-826-0392 7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 cmillner@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org. ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Tracie Bell Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2023 5:54 PM To: Chad Millner <cmillner@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: Becky Thacher‐Bell Subject: Bollards on Wooddale trail EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open aƩachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Chad: I thank you for the informaƟon at the Rose Ct. briefing recently. I did not bring up the bollard issue (not on agenda). Below are porƟons of emails I exchanged with Adam Ditzler that I wish to insure are heard before the bollard project is finalized. 2 Subject: Bollards on the bike‐path between Lakes Nancy and OƩo. If the city decides to install a bollard on the path I request it be made of a flexible material. That material would not injure bike riders or joggers who might not see it, and would permit ambulance or emergency vehicles access to the path. I have biked on the Minnehaha trail under Lyndale Avenue which has I‐beam bollards mounted in the center of the trail ‐ posing a serious safety hazard. If a solid bollard is used, could a pair of units be spaced so that normal traffic is not endangered ‐ perhaps two spaced 4 to 6 feet apart at each end of the path? That should ensure a clear signal that car traffic is not authorized on the path and yet permit a safe passage for other users. The mid‐trail beams on the Minnehaha bike route worry me every Ɵme we encounter them. They could stop a speeding truck, much less a 10mph bike. Thanks again, Tracie PS: I am parƟcularly sensiƟve to the hazard of things encountered in/on a trail. My wife ran into an abandoned rental scooter on the bike trail leaving Loring Park two years ago, across from Westminster Church. Although it was a slow crash and Ɵp‐over, her femur broke impacƟng a low curb. Thanks to modern medicine and a pin, she regained ability to walk. 1Liz MooreFrom:Better Together Edina <notifications@engagementhq.com>Sent:Monday, November 27, 2023 9:45 PMTo:Aaron Ditzler; Liz Moore; Chad MillnerSubject:A new question has been added to Ask a QuestionFollow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Hi there, Just a quick heads up to let you know that a new question has been asked at Concord B & C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction by Godfrey. The question that was asked is: Would it be possible to put the sidewalk proposed for W 64th St from Concord to Wooddale on the south side of the road so there are less conflict points with motor vehicles? Please DO NOT reply to this email. If you want to provide an answer to this question, sign into your site and respond to the question from within the Q & A tool. Regards Bang The Table Team    1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Tuesday, November 28, 2023 5:03 PMTo:'Andy Lewis'Cc:Andrew ScipioniSubject:RE: Concord B/C Assessment / Policy Phase-inAndy,   Unfortunately, the $13,400 amount already includes the discount factor.     The higher density the neighborhood is (smaller front footages on average), the lower the assessment due to higher number of Residential Equivalent Units. The lower density the neighborhood (larger front footage on average), the higher the assessment due to lower number of REU's.  Concord B/C is less dense compared to higher density neighborhoods like Chowen Park and Morningside, so the assessment amount is higher.    Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.  From: Andy Lewis >  Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2023 3:45 PM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: Andrew Scipioni <ascipioni@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Concord B/C Assessment / Policy Phase‐in  EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Aaron ‐ Thank you for your presentation on Concord B/C in our recent Transportation Commission meeting ‐ as a resident in this area, I am pleased to see many of the recommendations we put forward be incorporated into the working plans.    2I had a question on the assessment as referenced in the mailer that went out last week. Does the estimated $13,400 amount take into consideration the phase in discount factor in the below chart?  https://www.edinamn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/11369/Assessment‐Policy‐Dated‐July‐21‐2021  If not, would the actual estimated amount be:  $13,400 * Year 4 Percentage (63.12%) = $8,458.08  If so, does that mean that the actual raw assessment amount (pre‐policy change) was:  $13,400 / Year 4 Percentage (.6312) = $21,229.41  Trying to orient myself to the cost personally, and also because I do field outreach from others in the neighborhood given my role on the commission, and I'd like to be as accurate as possible when answering questions.   Thank you for your help ‐  Andy  Andy Lewis   1Liz MooreFrom:Aaron DitzlerSent:Tuesday, November 28, 2023 1:46 PMTo:'Katie Dodd'Subject:Concord B & C questionsKatie,   See my responses below in the body of your email in red.    Thank you.    Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392  7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.    From: Katie Dodd   Sent: Monday, November 27, 2023 3:53 PM To: MJ Lamon <MLamon@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Re: Concord B & C questions   EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Are they going to answer all of the questions? When and how?   Get Outlook for iOS  From: MJ Lamon <MLamon@EdinaMN.gov> Sent: Monday, November 27, 2023 3:37:59 PM To: katharine Dodd <katiepdodd@icloud.com>  2Cc: katharine Dodd  Subject: RE: Concord B & C questions    Hello Katharine, we have received this email and noticed that it is included on the website as well. Our Engineering department has received the information. Thanks, MJ  ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: katharine Dodd <  Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2023 4:40 PM To: MJ Lamon <MLamon@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: katharine Dodd < Subject: Concord B & C questions  EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Hello~ Thanks for helping with mate Concord B& C questions.  If you are not the correct person can you please direct these questions to the appropriate person.  1. How often are projects modified because neighborhoods aren’t happy with the ideas? It varies, each project stands on it’s own.  Engineering may recommend something, and the City Council may reject, amend or approve it.  Historically the City Council has been mostly supportive of Pedestrian improvements.  But not in every case / project.   2. I would like to officially state that we do NOT want a sidewalk on 64th street. Especially between St. John’s Ave and Wooddale Ave.  It is not needed~ It’s a dead end.  Parking is needed Thank you for your comments.  The City Council will review all comments on the BTE website prior to deciding on December 19.    3. I don’t see the mention of the moving of power lines listed in the project.  The power lines are very close to the proposed new sidewalk on 64th. Utility pole relocation may or may not be required.  We’ll confirm during the design phase of the project after the public hearing.    4.  Does the city pay for the removal of trees that they damage during a project like this?  What is the process if the construction crews destroy property?  3Yes.  For every tree removed during a project, a new tree is planted.   We do not plan to impact private property.  Please recall that the City owns right of way, including a portion of the boulevard on the home side of the curb and gutter.  That said, the City replaces landscaping items with the project.     5. If you are insistent on a sidewalk it makes more sense for it to be on the Southside of 64th since then it would never have to cross and streets. It’s feasible on the south side of W. 64th St.  We recommended the north side to have vehicles 8’ further away from homes, due to the 8’ shared use path, and because of proximity to potential users from the properties on the north side of W. 64th St.   6. $13,400 is A LOT to ask me to pay for a project that I do NOT want.  I am hopeful you are considering what people in the actual neighborhood want and need instead of trying to just boost a claim about amount of sidewalk/paths Edina has (that is what this project feels like to me) Assessment amount is calculated by calculating the roadway project costs divided by total number of Residential Equivalent Units (REU's).  The higher density neighborhood (smaller front footage), the lower the assessment due to higher number of REU's.  The lower density neighborhood (larger front footage), the higher the assessment due to lower number of REU's.    The project is being driven primarily by pavement condition and utility improvements in the neighborhood as a whole, not by pedestrian improvements.  See the video here [link] for additional information.   Looking forward to learning more~ Katie Dodd   1Liz MooreFrom:Andy Lewis Sent:Tuesday, November 28, 2023 3:45 PMTo:Aaron DitzlerCc:Andrew ScipioniSubject:Concord B/C Assessment / Policy Phase-inFollow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:CompletedEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Aaron ‐ Thank you for your presentation on Concord B/C in our recent Transportation Commission meeting ‐ as a resident in this area, I am pleased to see many of the recommendations we put forward be incorporated into the working plans.   I had a question on the assessment as referenced in the mailer that went out last week. Does the estimated $13,400 amount take into consideration the phase in discount factor in the below chart?  https://www.edinamn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/11369/Assessment‐Policy‐Dated‐July‐21‐2021  If not, would the actual estimated amount be:  $13,400 * Year 4 Percentage (63.12%) = $8,458.08  If so, does that mean that the actual raw assessment amount (pre‐policy change) was:  $13,400 / Year 4 Percentage (.6312) = $21,229.41  Trying to orient myself to the cost personally, and also because I do field outreach from others in the neighborhood given my role on the commission, and I'd like to be as accurate as possible when answering questions.   Thank you for your help ‐  Andy   2Andy Lewis   1Liz MooreFrom:Andy Lewis Sent:Wednesday, November 29, 2023 8:14 AMTo:Aaron DitzlerCc:Andrew ScipioniSubject:Re: Concord B/C Assessment / Policy Phase-inEXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Good to know, thank you.    Andy   On Nov 28, 2023, at 5:02 PM, Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> wrote:  Andy,    Unfortunately, the $13,400 amount already includes the discount factor.      The higher density the neighborhood is (smaller front footages on average), the lower the assessment due to higher number of Residential Equivalent Units. The lower density the neighborhood (larger front footage on average), the higher the assessment due to lower number of REU's.  Concord B/C is less dense compared to higher density neighborhoods like Chowen Park and Morningside, so the assessment amount is higher.    Thank you.    <image001.gif> Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392 7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439 ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov  Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org.    2From: Andy Lewis   Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2023 3:45 PM To: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: Andrew Scipioni <ascipioni@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Concord B/C Assessment / Policy Phase‐in   EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Aaron ‐ Thank you for your presentation on Concord B/C in our recent Transportation Commission meeting ‐ as a resident in this area, I am pleased to see many of the recommendations we put forward be incorporated into the working plans.   I had a question on the assessment as referenced in the mailer that went out last week. Does the estimated $13,400 amount take into consideration the phase in discount factor in the below chart?   https://www.edinamn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/11369/Assessment‐Policy‐Dated‐July‐21‐2021   If not, would the actual estimated amount be:   $13,400 * Year 4 Percentage (63.12%) = $8,458.08   If so, does that mean that the actual raw assessment amount (pre‐policy change) was:   $13,400 / Year 4 Percentage (.6312) = $21,229.41   Trying to orient myself to the cost personally, and also because I do field outreach from others in the neighborhood given my role on the commission, and I'd like to be as accurate as possible when answering questions.    Thank you for your help ‐   Andy   Andy Lewis    From:Westin, Ellen To:Aaron Ditzler Subject:RE: 2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction - Heads Up Date:Thursday, June 15, 2023 11:16:07 AM Attachments:image002.png image003.gif EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Aaron! A question from one of our neighbors: What do you think they mean by "pedestrian facilities... sidewalk? Construction of pedestrian facilities along Concord Avenue between West 64th Street and Valley View Road, and Wooddale Avenue between Nancy Lane and Valley View Road Are you able to answer that question? Thank you! Ellen Westin From: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 3:25 PM To: Westin, Ellen Subject: 2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction - Heads Up [EXTERNAL] Ellen, My name is Aaron and I’m the Assistant City Engineer. I’m reaching out to you because your name is listed as the point of contact for the Concord Neighborhood Association, and the Concord B/C Neighborhood is scheduled for Roadway Reconstruction in 2024. Some comments: 1. See the attachment for the project area limits. 2. We’ll be sharing updates on the project website here: a. https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord-bc 3. Property owners can sign up on the website for email updates a. Updates will be sporadic and as necessary in 2023, but weekly in 2024 during construction. 4. The website has list of project milestones on it. 5. We mailed a postcard to property owners to provide input via an online survey 6. Feel free to spread the word about the project website as you see fit. Thank you. Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392 7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org. CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. ALERT! Edina Realty will never send you wiring information via email or request that you send us personal financial information by email. If you receive an email message like this concerning any transaction involving Edina Realty, do not respond to the email and immediately contact your agent via phone. From:Westin, Ellen To:Aaron Ditzler Subject:Re: 2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction - Project Videos, etc. Date:Wednesday, November 15, 2023 3:42:42 PM Attachments:image002.png image001.gif Outlook-jkp5sesj.png EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Thank you! From: Aaron Ditzler <ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 3:17 PM To: Westin, Ellen Subject: 2024 Concord B/C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction - Project Videos, etc. [EXTERNAL] Ellen, Reaching out to you as the neighborhood contact for a project update. Feel free to spread the word as you see fit. 1. See the attached postcard mailed to the project area on 11/9. 2. City staff will host a project Q&A meeting on 11/28 at the Public Works facility. 3. Project videos can be viewed on the project website. a. https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord-bc 4. Proposed roadway widths, including parking, sidewalk, or shared use path locations are shown on the website as well. a. https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord-bc/news_feed/proposed-roadway- parking-and-sidewalk-shared-use-path-details 5. The Public Hearing is scheduled for 12/11. A separate mailing to the project area will occur listed as the point of contact for the Concord Neighborhood Association, and the Concord B/C Neighborhood is scheduled for Roadway Reconstruction in 2024. Some comments: 1. See the attachment for the project area limits. 2. We’ll be sharing updates on the project website here: a. https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord-bc 3. Property owners can sign up on the website for email updates a. Updates will be sporadic and as necessary in 2023, but weekly in 2024 during construction. 4. The website has list of project milestones on it. 5. We mailed a postcard to property owners to provide input via an online survey 6. Feel free to spread the word about the project website as you see fit. Thank you. Aaron Ditzler, Assistant City Engineer 952-826-0443 | Fax 952-826-0392 7450 Metro Blvd. | Edina, MN 55439ADitzler@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov Share your thoughts and ideas with the City online! Visit www.BetterTogetherEdina.org. CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. ALERT! Edina Realty will never send you wiring information via email or request that you send us personal financial information by email. If you receive an email message like this concerning any transaction involving Edina Realty, do not respond to the email and immediately contact your agent via phone. CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. ALERT! Edina Realty will never send you wiring information via email or request that you send us personal financial information by email. If you receive an email message like this concerning any transaction involving Edina Realty, do not respond to the email and immediately contact your agent via phone. APPENDIX K Proposed Typical Sections Wooddale Ave Path (W. 64thSt to Nancy Ln)Existing: 10’ shared-use Path Wooddale Ave (Nancy Ln to Garrison Ln)Existing: 20’ road width, one-sided parking, bike boulevardProposed: 15’ road width, no parking, 6-8’ Sidewalk, bike boulevardWest sideWest side East sideEast side Wooddale Ave (Garrison Ln to Valley View Rd)Existing: 30’ road width, one-sided parking, bike boulevardProposed: 24’ road width, no parking, 6-8’ sidewalk, bike boulevardEast sideEast sideWest sideWest side W. 64thSt (St. Johns Ave to Wooddale Ave)Existing: 24’ road width, two-sided parkingProposed: 20’ road width, no parking, 8’ shared-use path (0-3’ grass boulevard)South sideSouth sideNorth sideNorth side W. 64thSt (Concord Ave to St. Johns Ave)Existing: 24’ road width, two-sided parkingProposed: 15’ road width (one-way, westbound), no parking, 8’ shared-use path (0-3’ grass boulevard)North sideSouth sideNorth sideSouth side Concord AveExisting: 30’ road width, two-sided parkingProposed: 24’ road width, one-sided parking, 8’ shared-use path (0-3’ grass boulevard)West sideWest side East sideEast side Virginia LnExisting: 20’ road width, two-sided parkingProposed: 20’ road width, no parking Local StreetsExisting: 30’ road width, two-sided parkingProposed: 27’ road width, two-sided parking APPENDIX L Preliminary Assessment Roll CONCORD B/C NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT NO. BA‐465 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL PID HOUSE  NO. STREET OWNER ASSESSABLE  REU ASSESSABLE  AMOUNT 1 3002824210045 4605 62ND ST WSOLANGE RIBEIRO 1 13,400.00$              2 3002824210046 4609 62ND ST WKENDALL & CAROL MCDONNELL 1 13,400.00$              3 3002824210047 4613 62ND ST WJAMES R WATCZAK 1 13,400.00$              4 3002824210048 4617 62ND ST WJULIA J COSTIN 1 13,400.00$              5 3002824210049 4621 62ND ST WSCOTT F WOOD & KARI L WOOD 1 13,400.00$              6 3002824210055 4620 63RD ST WGARY G URBANSKI 1 13,400.00$              7 3002824210054 4624 63RD ST WMICHAEL & MARY STEPHENS 1 13,400.00$              8 3002824210031 4500 64TH ST WSHAWN GODFREY 1 13,400.00$              9 3002824210030 4504 64TH ST W BETTY C PAGE 1 13,400.00$              10 3002824210029 4508 64TH ST WADAM M DODD/KATHARINE P DODD 1 13,400.00$              11 1902824340011 6100 ASHCROFT AVE LAWRENCE D OSTERAAS 0.5 6,700.00$                12 1902824340031 6101 ASHCROFT AVE JOEL D & STEPHANIE A NORDIN 0.5 6,700.00$                13 1902824340012 6104 ASHCROFT AVE OGUZ C CANDIR 1 13,400.00$              14 1902824340030 6105 ASHCROFT AVE NICHOLAS R PAHL 1 13,400.00$              15 1902824340013 6108 ASHCROFT AVE ROBERT E & MARY J LUCAS 1 13,400.00$              16 1902824340029 6109 ASHCROFT AVE THOMAS J & ANN M BURATTI 1 13,400.00$              17 1902824340032 6112 ASHCROFT AVE ANDREW MASON & JULIA RISSER 1 13,400.00$              18 1902824340028 6113 ASHCROFT AVE CAROL J DOOELY 1 13,400.00$              19 1902824340033 6116 ASHCROFT AVE JOHN B HOLLAND 1 13,400.00$              20 1902824340027 6117 ASHCROFT AVE SCOTT & ROBYN INGALLS 1 13,400.00$              21 1902824340034 6120 ASHCROFT AVE MARY L GUNDERSON 1 13,400.00$              22 1902824340026 6121 ASHCROFT AVE CYNTHIA ATKINSON 1 13,400.00$              23 3002824210057 6201 ASHCROFT LN MARK C WOOLDRIDGE 1 13,400.00$              24 3002824210040 6204 ASHCROFT LN MARY T LATHROP 1 13,400.00$              25 3002824210058 6205 ASHCROFT LN GUNILLA MCKINLEY 1 13,400.00$              26 3002824210039 6208 ASHCROFT LN MATTHEW P BOUDJOUK 1 13,400.00$              27 3002824210059 6209 ASHCROFT LN RAYMOND M & REBECCA MAZOROL 1 13,400.00$              28 3002824210038 6212 ASHCROFT LN MICHAEL FALK & ALYSSA J FALK 1 13,400.00$              29 3002824210060 6213 ASHCROFT LN MAHESH KUMAR MUDRADI 1 13,400.00$              30 3002824210037 6216 ASHCROFT LN EMILY N SPANGLER 1 13,400.00$              31 3002824210061 6217 ASHCROFT LN THERESE MARIE SANDERS 1 13,400.00$              32 3002824210062 6221 ASHCROFT LN TODD R HANSEN 1 13,400.00$              33 3002824210063 6225 ASHCROFT LN SUSAN M MCGOLDRICK 1 13,400.00$              34 3002824210090 6300 ASHCROFT LN DERRICK L JOHNSON &1 13,400.00$              35 3002824210089 6301 ASHCROFT LN MOLLY LYNN CARTER 1 13,400.00$              36 3002824210091 6304 ASHCROFT LN PHILLIP T BEERS 1 13,400.00$              37 3002824210088 6305 ASHCROFT LN ANDREW M AYERS 1 13,400.00$              38 3002824210092 6308 ASHCROFT LN LOUIS E VEGA/LILIANA M VEGA 1 13,400.00$              39 3002824210087 6309 ASHCROFT LN WILDA E NYBECK 1 13,400.00$              40 3002824210093 6312 ASHCROFT LN EDITH CINCO 1 13,400.00$              41 3002824210086 6313 ASHCROFT LN DAVID M ENGELBERT 1 13,400.00$              42 3002824210094 6316 ASHCROFT LN BARBARA J LOWELL 1 13,400.00$              43 3002824210085 6317 ASHCROFT LN KAREN KOHAGURA 1 13,400.00$              44 3002824210095 6320 ASHCROFT LN SHELBY L ECKERMAN 1 13,400.00$              45 3002824210084 6321 ASHCROFT LN STEVE ONYAMBU 1 13,400.00$              46 3002824210108 6324 ASHCROFT LN CAROLYN DREESZEN 1 13,400.00$              47 3002824210083 6325 ASHCROFT LN HARRIS LIVING TRUST 1 13,400.00$              48 3002824210082 6329 ASHCROFT LN ARNE CHRISTOPHER RIAN 1 13,400.00$              49 1902824340010 6105 CONCORD AVE JAMES P CAREY/MOLLY K CAREY 1 13,400.00$              50 1902824340014 6109 CONCORD AVE GREGORY GABLE 1 13,400.00$              51 1902824330085 6140 CONCORD AVE JOEL A LIVINGOOD 0.5 6,700.00$                52 1902824340007 6141 CONCORD AVE SCOTT LOVING & JOSH BUDISH 1 13,400.00$              53 1902824340004 6145 CONCORD AVE JENNIFER L MCVANN 1 13,400.00$              54 3002824220006 6200 CONCORD AVE JOHN & COLLEEN GLOVER 0.5 6,700.00$                55 3002824210050 6205 CONCORD AVE JO WARD & RYAN WARD 1 13,400.00$              Page 1 of 4 CONCORD B/C NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT NO. BA‐465 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL PID HOUSE  NO. STREET OWNER ASSESSABLE  REU ASSESSABLE  AMOUNT 56 3002824220008 6208 CONCORD AVE LISA S REINER 1 13,400.00$              57 3002824210051 6209 CONCORD AVE MARK J RUCHIE 1 13,400.00$              58 3002824210052 6213 CONCORD AVE KATHRYN E WAGNER 1 13,400.00$              59 3002824220010 6216 CONCORD AVE SAMUEL O VANNORMAN 1 13,400.00$              60 3002824210053 6217 CONCORD AVE HAITHAM HUSSEIN 1 13,400.00$              61 3002824220012 6224 CONCORD AVE RYAN RADERMACHER 1 13,400.00$              62 3002824220013 6232 CONCORD AVE JAMES R & MOLLY T EVANS 1 13,400.00$              63 3002824220051 6300 CONCORD AVE BRITTNEY MCKITTRICK 1 13,400.00$              64 3002824210103 6301 CONCORD AVE CATHERINE M CORSARO 1 13,400.00$              65 3002824220052 6304 CONCORD AVE JAMES G FUQUA 1 13,400.00$              66 3002824210102 6305 CONCORD AVE MITCHELL TUTTLE 1 13,400.00$              67 3002824220053 6308 CONCORD AVE ANDREW H NGUYEN 1 13,400.00$              68 3002824210101 6309 CONCORD AVE MELIS CANDIR 1 13,400.00$              69 3002824220054 6312 CONCORD AVE PAUL G GERST 1 13,400.00$              70 3002824210100 6313 CONCORD AVE DEBRA K FALCONER 1 13,400.00$              71 3002824210099 6317 CONCORD AVE EVAN BERGMAN/BAILEY GELLA 1 13,400.00$              72 3002824210104 6321 CONCORD AVE TERRY G BERG & LAUREL A BERG 1 13,400.00$              73 3002824120015 4420 GARRISON LN SHARON KAY SAGEL 1 13,400.00$              74 3002824120083 4421 GARRISON LN XIJING ZHANG & JUNHUI YANG 1 13,400.00$              75 3002824120027 4425 GARRISON LN GEORGE T STRAND 1 13,400.00$              76 3002824120014 4428 GARRISON LN RAFIQ & JACQUELINE ANTAR 1 13,400.00$              77 3002824120013 4430 GARRISON LN JESSE L MOEN & SARAH E MOEN 1 13,400.00$              78 3002824120028 4431 GARRISON LN STEVEN STUART 1 13,400.00$              79 3002824120012 4432 GARRISON LN SHAWN A & SARAH J TRAVIS 1 13,400.00$              80 3002824120029 4435 GARRISON LN OLFELT STUDIO LLC 1 13,400.00$              81 3002824120011 4436 GARRISON LN DAVID L CRAIG 1 13,400.00$              82 3002824120030 4439 GARRISON LN ALEX & KATHRYN SWIGGUM 1 13,400.00$              83 3002824120010 4440 GARRISON LN JACK WALSTIEN 1 13,400.00$              84 3002824120031 4443 GARRISON LN DAVID MELANDER 1 13,400.00$              85 3002824120009 4444 GARRISON LN MALORI PAPLOW 1 13,400.00$              86 3002824210003 4500 GARRISON LN LANA REBECCA PETERSON 1 13,400.00$              87 3002824210016 4501 GARRISON LN JAMES WESTIN & ELLEN WESTIN 1 13,400.00$              88 3002824210004 4504 GARRISON LN JEANETTE BARNARD 1 13,400.00$              89 3002824210017 4505 GARRISON LN SCOTT J NELSON 1 13,400.00$              90 3002824210005 4508 GARRISON LN YEDDA S MARKS 1 13,400.00$              91 3002824210018 4509 GARRISON LN J MILLER & C CARRINO 1 13,400.00$              92 3002824210006 4512 GARRISON LN SUSAN C SWANSON 1 13,400.00$              93 3002824210019 4513 GARRISON LN BETTY LOU LANY 1 13,400.00$              94 3002824210008 4516 GARRISON LN LEA BOTTEM & JENNIFER BOTTEM 1 13,400.00$              95 3002824210020 4517 GARRISON LN MARSHALL P ENGEN 1 13,400.00$              96 3002824210009 4520 GARRISON LN PAUL R & SUSAN A HANSON 1 13,400.00$              97 3002824210022 4521 GARRISON LN MARCUS P & ABBY K ANDRUSKO 1 13,400.00$              98 3002824210023 6324 MILLERS LN RICHARD & JUDY LUND 1 13,400.00$              99 3002824210024 6328 MILLERS LN CINDY QUAN & MIKE KAO 1 13,400.00$              100 3002824210027 6329 MILLERS LN ANNETTA M DIEDRICH 1 13,400.00$              101 3002824210025 6332 MILLERS LN RICK J SHERIDAN 1 13,400.00$              102 3002824210028 6333 MILLERS LN STEVEN & MICHELLE HALVORSEN 1 13,400.00$              103 3002824210026 6336 MILLERS LN JOHN C THILL III 1 13,400.00$              104 3002824210015 4500 NANCY LN MARY LEE PRATT 1 13,400.00$              105 3002824210010 4501 NANCY LN DARLA NUTTER/WILLIAM NUTTER 1 13,400.00$              106 3002824210105 4505 NANCY LN MARC SEABERG 1 13,400.00$              107 3002824210106 4509 NANCY LN COURTNEY L OBBINK 1 13,400.00$              108 3002824120076 6301 ROSE CT COLLEEN M CURRAN 1 13,400.00$              109 3002824120081 6302 ROSE CT RYAN T ELBING 1 13,400.00$              110 3002824120077 6303 ROSE CT DENNIS W SCHULSTAD 1 13,400.00$              Page 2 of 4 CONCORD B/C NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT NO. BA‐465 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL PID HOUSE  NO. STREET OWNER ASSESSABLE  REU ASSESSABLE  AMOUNT 111 3002824120080 6304 ROSE CT RANDALL M JOHNSON 1 13,400.00$              112 3002824120078 6305 ROSE CT BECKY A THACHER‐BELL 1 13,400.00$              113 3002824120079 6306 ROSE CT JOHN FREDERICK NYMARK 1 13,400.00$              114 1902824340021 6100 SAINT JOHNS AVE LLOYD D KENYON JR 0.5 6,700.00$                115 1902824340015 6101 SAINT JOHNS AVE JESSE EATON 0.5 6,700.00$                116 1902824340022 6104 SAINT JOHNS AVE MICHAEL LYNCH & LISA LYNCH 1 13,400.00$              117 1902824340016 6105 SAINT JOHNS AVE BEATRICE A MANSKE 1 13,400.00$              118 1902824340023 6108 SAINT JOHNS AVE DARREL D ROEPKE 1 13,400.00$              119 1902824340017 6109 SAINT JOHNS AVE MARIA GUERTIN 1 13,400.00$              120 1902824340024 6112 SAINT JOHNS AVE PAM GAGNON 1 13,400.00$              121 1902824340018 6113 SAINT JOHNS AVE DOUGLAS & BARBARA POLICH 1 13,400.00$              122 1902824340025 6116 SAINT JOHNS AVE JUDITH A HOPPE TRUST 1 13,400.00$              123 1902824340019 6117 SAINT JOHNS AVE ANDREW LEWIS 1 13,400.00$              124 3002824210044 6200 SAINT JOHNS AVE ADAM D KELLY & JODI L KELLY 1 13,400.00$              125 3002824210032 6201 SAINT JOHNS AVE ERIK W THOMAS 1 13,400.00$              126 3002824210043 6204 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDITH E GRANEY 1 13,400.00$              127 3002824210033 6205 SAINT JOHNS AVE TODD BLASKOWITZ 1 13,400.00$              128 3002824210042 6208 SAINT JOHNS AVE JOHN D & EMILY C NICHOL 1 13,400.00$              129 3002824210034 6209 SAINT JOHNS AVE JEFFREY D EMERICK 1 13,400.00$              130 3002824210041 6212 SAINT JOHNS AVE MICHAEL T SONNEK 1 13,400.00$              131 3002824210035 6213 SAINT JOHNS AVE DIANN G TOWNSEND 1 13,400.00$              132 3002824210036 6217 SAINT JOHNS AVE RENE ELIZABETH HARI 1 13,400.00$              133 3002824210064 6301 SAINT JOHNS AVE KARL ELFSTROM 1 13,400.00$              134 3002824210056 6304 SAINT JOHNS AVE R T MCGARRY JR & J B MCGARRY 1 13,400.00$              135 3002824210065 6305 SAINT JOHNS AVE THOMAS J HAMEL 1 13,400.00$              136 3002824210074 6308 SAINT JOHNS AVE LISA KOLDEN 1 13,400.00$              137 3002824210066 6309 SAINT JOHNS AVE SRIRAJ KANTAMNENI 1 13,400.00$              138 3002824210075 6312 SAINT JOHNS AVE ABIGAIL MARIE SHAFER 1 13,400.00$              139 3002824210067 6313 SAINT JOHNS AVE JONATHAN C MOORE 1 13,400.00$              140 3002824210076 6316 SAINT JOHNS AVE JOSEPH T PETERSON 1 13,400.00$              141 3002824210068 6317 SAINT JOHNS AVE EMIKO MILLER & ANDREW MILLER 1 13,400.00$              142 3002824210077 6320 SAINT JOHNS AVE ZIRAN ZHOU & LILI JIANG 1 13,400.00$              143 3002824210069 6321 SAINT JOHNS AVE ARYE MALEK 1 13,400.00$              144 3002824210078 6324 SAINT JOHNS AVE CATHERINE A STACHOVICH 1 13,400.00$              145 3002824210070 6325 SAINT JOHNS AVE MAGGIE HORAN 1 13,400.00$              146 3002824210079 6328 SAINT JOHNS AVE ANDREW PAUL COMMERS 1 13,400.00$              147 3002824210071 6329 SAINT JOHNS AVE ANDREW D BRAND 1 13,400.00$              148 3002824210080 6332 SAINT JOHNS AVE MICHAEL A WILLIAMSON 1 13,400.00$              149 3002824210072 6333 SAINT JOHNS AVE ALABAMA 2 LLC 1 13,400.00$              150 3002824210081 6336 SAINT JOHNS AVE JOFFRE M SANCHEZ 1 13,400.00$              151 3002824210073 6337 SAINT JOHNS AVE THOMAS E & SHANNON L MATSON 1 13,400.00$              152 1902824340001 4545 VALLEY VIEW RD SAMUEL Z HECHTER 15.75 211,050.00$            153 1902824340009 4629 VALLEY VIEW RD DEBORAH S OTTEN 0.5 6,700.00$                154 1902824330076 4701 VALLEY VIEW RD GRACE D KALANTARI 0.5 6,700.00$                155 1902824330077 4700 VIRGINIA LN KIERA MARIE PETERSON 0.5 6,700.00$                156 1902824330084 4701 VIRGINIA LN SHERYL L MCNAIR 0.5 6,700.00$                157 1902824430002 6161 WOODDALE AVE MAP INVESTORS L L C 6.735 90,249.00$              158 3002824120006 6205 WOODDALE AVE JOSEPH Y LEE 1 13,400.00$              159 3002824120008 6209 WOODDALE AVE BENJAMIN SINGER 1 13,400.00$              160 3002824210002 6216 WOODDALE AVE VILLAGE OF EDINA 0 ‐$                          Page 3 of 4 CONCORD B/C NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT NO. BA‐465 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL PID HOUSE  NO. STREET OWNER ASSESSABLE  REU ASSESSABLE  AMOUNT 161 3002824120005 24 Address Unassigned MAP INVESTORS L L C0‐$                          162 1902824340002 24 Address Unassigned VILLAGE OF EDINA 0 ‐$                          163 3002824210001 24 Address Unassigned CITY OF EDINA 0 ‐$                          164 3002824210021 24 Address Unassigned CITY OF EDINA 0 ‐$                          165 3002824120004 24 Address Unassigned CITY OF EDINA 0 ‐$                          166 3002824210007 24 Address Unassigned CITY OF EDINA 0 ‐$                          Total 174.485 2,338,099.00$        Page 4 of 4 Allison, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CERTIFICATE OF MAILING NOTICE CITY OF EDINA I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified acting City Clerk of the City of Edina, Minnesota, hereby certify that on the following dates November 22, 2023, acting on behalf of said City, I deposited in the United States mail copies of the attached Notice of Public Hearing for Concord B & C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement Nos. BA-465 (Exhibit A), enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon duly prepaid, addressed to the persons at the addresses as shown on the mailing list (Exhibit B), attached to the original hereof, which list is on file in my office, said persons being those appearing on the records of the County Auditor as owners of the property listed opposite their respective names, as of a date 19 days prior to the date of the hearing; and that I also sent said notice to the following corporations at the indicated addresses whose property is exempt from taxation and is therefore not carried on the records of said County Auditor. NAME ADDRESS WITNESS my hand and the seal of said City this 22nd day o v. 2023. PIVAIIMPV November 22, 2023 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-465 CONCORD B & C NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION The Edina City Council will meet at Edina City Hall on Monday, Dec. 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., to consider the public hearing on roadway improvements for Concord B & C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction. This hearing is being conducted under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. This hearing has been called as a recommendation from staff. The proposed project would be constructed in the summer of 2024 with the assessment hearing occurring in the fall of 2025. The estimated cost is $2,338,099.00 and is funded by special assessment. The estimated cost per assessable lot is $13,400.00 per residential equivalent unit. The assessment can be divided over a fifteen-year period with interest accumulating on the unpaid balance. The area proposed to be assessed the cost of the proposed improvement includes the following: 4605 to 4621 West 62nd Street, 4620 and 4624 West 63rd Street, 4500 to 4508 West 64th Street, 6100 to 6121 Ashcroft Avenue, 6201 to 6329 Ashcroft Lane, 6105 to 6321 Concord Avenue, 4420 to 4521 Garrison Lane, 6324 to 6336 Millers Lane, 4500 to 4509 Nancy Lane, 6301 to 6306 Rose Court, 6100 to 6337 Saint Johns Avenue, 4545, 4629 and 4701 Valley View Road, 4700 and 4701 Virginia Lane, 6161, 6205 and 6209 Wooddale Avenue. Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties which are considered to be benefited by the improvement. The City Council can authorize the proposed project immediately upon the close of the hearing. Staff’s recommendations to City Council are: • Wooddale Avenue between Nancy Lane and Garrison Lane reconstructed to 15’ wide, including no parking, a 6’ sidewalk or 8’ shared use path on the east side, and bike boulevard pavement striping • Wooddale Avenue between Garrison Lane and Valley View Road reconstructed to 24’ wide, including no parking, a 6’ sidewalk or 8’ shared use path on the east side, and bike boulevard pavement striping • West 64th Street between St. Johns Avenue and Wooddale Avenue reconstructed to 20’ wide, including no parking, and an 8’ shared-use path on the north side • West 64th Street between Concord Avenue and St. Johns Avenue reconstructed to 15’ wide (one-way, westbound), including no parking, and an 8’ shared-use path on the north side • Concord Avenue reconstructed to 24’ wide, including one-sided parking, and an 8’ shared-use path on the west side • Virginia Lane reconstructed to 20’ wide, including no parking; all other streets reconstructed to 27-feet wide • New concrete curb and gutter and new asphalt pavement on all streets • Storm sewer improvements to reduce flood risk and resolve local drainages issues • Full replacement of underground watermain, water services, hydrants and valves, except for Rose Court • Spot repairs of the sanitary sewer main and installation of sump drains where feasible The Engineering Study will be available online as part of the Dec. 11 City Council meeting agenda at http://bit.ly/2y3wCOo; under Meeting Type select City Council Meeting, click Search and you will see the Dec. 11 Agenda. Notice of Public Hearing 2024 Concord B & C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction November 22, 2023 English: This and other public hearing notices can be viewed online at EdinaMN.gov/PublicNotices. Español: Este y otros avisos de audiencia pública se pueden ver en línea en EdinaMN.gov/PublicNotices. Soomaali: Tan iyo ogeysiisyo kale oo dhagaysi dadweyne ayaa lagu daawan karaa onlayn ahaan EdinaMN.gov/PublicNotices. Further Information: City of Edina Engineering, 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 952-826-0371 Provide Input to Engineering Staff 1 – Post questions online at https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/concord-bc for review by Engineering staff 2 – Write to City of Edina, Attention Engineering, 7450 Metro Boulevard, Edina, MN 55439 Provide Public Input Share your thoughts! Public input can be provided in a variety of methods to City Council. All comments are reviewed and considered; therefore, you do not need to participate in more than one method. Public Input Options: 1 – Provide public input online at BetterTogetherEdina.org/Public-Hearings. (Available now) 2 – Leave a voicemail with your public input at 952-826-0377. Staff will submit the transcribed voicemail to Better Together Edina. (Available now) 3 – A public hearing will take place in the City Hall Council Chambers, 4801 W. 50th St., 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 11, 2023 Attend the meeting in person or watch the meeting live from home on Edina TV (Comcast Channels 813 or 16), Facebook.com/EdinaMN or EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeetings. Call in to provide live testimony at 786-496-5601. Call-in Conference PINs are provided in the meeting agenda which can be found at EdinaMN.gov/Agendas. City Council will make a decision at its meeting 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19. Current resident Address City State Zip CURRENT RESIDENT 6201 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4435 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4421 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6104 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6313 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6112 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6140 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6204 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6337 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6313 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6329 MILLERS LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6312 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6300 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6113 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4432 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6212 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6321 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4504 64TH ST EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4439 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6300 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4508 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4443 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4621 62ND ST EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6109 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6320 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6212 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6205 WOODDALE AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6321 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6116 ASHCROFT AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6100 ASHCROFT AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6313 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6332 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6105 ASHCROFT AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6317 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6209 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6303 ROSE CT EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4613 62ND ST EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4512 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4513 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6100 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6324 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6208 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4440 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4505 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6329 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6104 ASHCROFT AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6120 ASHCROFT AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4505 NANCY LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6317 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6208 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4500 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4521 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6101 ASHCROFT AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6325 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6324 MILLERS LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6213 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6213 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6333 MILLERS LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6205 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6101 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6208 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4430 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6145 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6308 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4520 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6201 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6309 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6117 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6312 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6205 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6113 ASHCROFT AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6141 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4605 62ND ST EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4500 64TH ST EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6217 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6216 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6333 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4428 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6308 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6316 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6108 ASHCROFT AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4516 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6209 WOODDALE AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6161 WOODDALE AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6324 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6109 ASHCROFT AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 ROSE CT EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6213 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4617 62ND ST EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6225 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4509 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4517 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4431 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6316 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6309 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6121 ASHCROFT AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6200 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6108 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6312 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6332 MILLERS LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6224 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6109 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6216 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6317 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6209 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6329 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4624 63RD ST EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6336 MILLERS LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 ROSE CT EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6105 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4425 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4508 64TH ST EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6204 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6232 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4509 NANCY LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6320 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6309 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6116 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6117 ASHCROFT AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6217 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4609 62ND ST EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6205 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4500 NANCY LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4420 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 ROSE CT EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6321 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4501 NANCY LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6302 ROSE CT EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6336 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6105 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6325 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6200 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4444 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4436 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6308 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6112 ASHCROFT AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4501 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4504 GARRISON LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6306 ROSE CT EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 MILLERS LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6217 SAINT JOHNS AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6209 CONCORD AVE EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4620 63RD ST EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 6221 ASHCROFT LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4701 VALLEY VIEW RD EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4629 VALLEY VIEW RD EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4545 VALLEY VIEW RD EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4701 VIRGINIA LN EDINA MN 55424 CURRENT RESIDENT 4700 VIRGINIA LN EDINA MN 55424 EdinaMN.gov2024 Street ReconstructionPublic HearingsPublic Improvement HearingDecember 11, 2023 Agenda•Thank You – Residents and Council•Infrastructure Spending•Project Similarities•Multimodal Information Sharing•Concord B & C•Southdale BBlake Road Fall 2023 Infrastructure Spending•Budget Work Plan – Pillar #1 Strong Foundation•Infrastructure meets community needs now and in the future•Multi-Modal Transportation Network – Roads, Sidewalks, Bicycle Facilities, Mass Transit•Clean & Safe Drinking Water –Water Treatment Plants, Distribution Networks.•Sanitation – Sanitary Sewer, Wastewater•Flood Protection - Storm Sewer, Lakes, Ponds Pavement Condition Index - Citywide Pavement Condition Indexhttps://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/ 2024 Projects•Concord B & C•Local Streets•166 properties•Southdale B•Local Streets•326 property owners FutureProjects•Highway 62 Pedestrian Bridge (2025)•Highway 62 Auxiliary Lane and Noise Wall (2027-2028) Why My Street?•Proactive Pavement Management Program•Streets grouped into neighborhoods•Maximizes economics of scale•Extends pavement life•Prioritized based on•Pavement condition•Age of original construction•Underground utility issues•Transportation issues / goals Proposed Watermain Improvements•Verify appropriate hydrant spacing and add hydrants if needed to meet public safety standards•Replace gate valves project wide•Replace aged pipes when needed•Paid for under watermain fund Proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvements•Spot trunk pipe repairs and cured-in-place pipe liners to reduce I&I•Replace manhole castings and rings•Paid for from sanitary sewer fund Proposed Storm Sewer Improvements•Modifications to roadway and storm sewer to improve existing drainage issues•Replace curb and gutter•Install sump drain pipe where feasible•Paid for by the storm sewer fund Right-of-Way Impacts•Irrigation systems and pet fences•Sod proposed•Landscaping•Outwalks/steps Project SchedulesMarch 2021 September 2022October 2023 Neighborhood Informational Video PresentationOctober 23, 2023ETC Engineering Study ReviewNovember 28, 2023Neighborhood Q and A Meeting with City StaffDecember 11, 2023Public Hearing Opens / Receive Engineering StudyDecember 13, 2023Public Hearing ClosesDecember 19, 2023Public Hearing DecisionMarch/April 2024Bid OpeningSpring 2024Award Contract / Begin ConstructionFall 2024Complete ConstructionOctober 2025Final Assessment Hearing Special Assessments•Assigned to benefitting properties of public improvements. Adjacent properties.•2021 Policy Change •Transition to taxes over 16 year•Covers 63.12% of roadway costs% of Local Roadway Costs Assessed Construction Year100%202078.90%-73.64%2021-202268.38%202363.12%202457.86%-5.26%2025-20350%2036 Special Assessments•Covers 63.12% of roadway costs•Roadway and driveway removals•Asphalt pavementBase material•Restoration•Indirect Costs – engineering, finance, soil investigations, mailings•Remainder of roadway costs are covered by property taxes Residential Equivalent Units•Assessments distributed based on REUs•Factor used to compare properties to a single-family residence* Additional factors for commercial, industrial, and public-use propertiesREU FactorLand Use ClassScenario1.0Single-Family ResidentialA0.8Multi-Family Residential – DuplexB0.5Multi-Family Residential –Apartment/CondosC*Commercial – OfficeE 18•Special assessments are valid if; •The assessment does not exceed the special benefit measured by the increase in market value due to the improvement.•Licensed and Qualified Appraisal FirmMarket Benefit Estimate Assessment Payment Options•Final assessment amount will be sent one year after project completion (Fall 2025)•Pay entire amount upon receiving bill to avoid future interest charges•Pay min. 25%; balance rolls to property taxes over 15 years•Roll entire amount to property taxes over 15 years•Defer payment if 65 years of age or older and meet specific income requirements Comprehensive Plan Goals -Transportation•Improve mobility with a balanced system of options for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and motorists•Reduce overall use of single-occupancy vehicles•Encourage and support transit service and connection•Manage safety of all users and modes Living Streets•Strive to meet needs of most vulnerable users•Prioritize non-motorized connections•Repurpose rights-of-way for pedestrians, cyclists and transit users•Improve quality of life, reduce environmental impacts Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan•Improve safety and comfort•Address network gaps•Design for all ages and abilities•Connectivity for everyday uses and needs Climate Action Plan Tonight’s Projects EdinaMN.govConcord B and CNeighborhood Roadway ReconstructionBA-465Public Improvement Hearing December 11, 2023 Project Details – Concord B and C•166 properties (174.49 REUs)•2.18 miles of road•28,375 square yards of street pavement Existing Roadways Conditions•Streets originally constructed 1952 – 1992- Most constructed 1950s- Rose Court 1992•Existing street widths vary between 20’ and 30’- Majority of streets are 30’ •Primarily clay soils with some silty sandy soils Existing Roadways Conditions•Concrete and asphalt streets•City of Edina Network Average Pavement Condition Index – 78•Concord B/C – 36 Proposed Roadway Improvements•Street widths will vary throughout the project area- Majority 27’ wide- Majority no parking changes•Exceptions Local Streets•Local StreetsExisting: 30’ road width, two-sided parkingProposed: 27’ road width, two-sided parking Virginia Ln•Virginia LnExisting: 20’ road width, two-sided parkingProposed: 20’ road width, no parking Existing Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities•Shared-use path between West 64thSt and Nancy Ln -Adjacent sidewalks on Valley View Rd, Wooddale Ave, and Concord Ave•Bike boulevard on Wooddale Ave-Adjacent bike lanes on Valley View Rd, Wooddale Ave•Highway 62 pedestrian bridge to Rosland Park Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan•Concord Ave sidewalk•Wooddale Ave shared-use path•Twin Loops network Wooddale Avenue Constraints10•Narrow existing street width (20’)•Narrow existing right-of-way (30’) •Impacts to trees, wetland, waterbody Proposed Pedestrian / Bicycle Facilities•6-8’ concrete walk on Wooddale Ave •8’ asphalt shared use path on -W. 64thSt-Concord Ave•Bike boulevard on Wooddale Ave•Maintenance by residents Proposed Pedestrian / Bicycle Facilities•Twin Loops network•Amenities- Rosland Park-Aquatic Center- Schools- Pamela Park Wooddale Ave Path (W. 64thSt to Nancy Ln)Existing: 10’ shared-use Path Wooddale Ave (Nancy Ln to Garrison Ln)Existing: 20’ road width, one-sided parking, bike boulevardProposed: 15’ road width, no parking, 6-8’ Sidewalk, bike boulevardWest sideWest side East sideEast side Wooddale Ave (Garrison Ln to Valley View Rd)Existing: 30’ road width, one-sided parking, bike boulevardProposed: 24’ road width, no parking, 6-8’ sidewalk, bike boulevardEast sideEast sideWest sideWest side Bicycle Improvements•Wooddale Avenue Bike Boulevard •Pavement Markings and Signage Existing: 24’ road width, two-sided parkingProposed: 20’ road width, no parking, 8’ shared-use path (0-3’ grass boulevard)South sideSouth side North sideNorth sideW. 64th St (St. Johns Ave to Wooddale Ave) W. 64thSt (Concord Ave to St. Johns Ave)Existing: 24’ road width, two-sided parkingProposed: 15’ road width (one-way, westbound), no parking, 8’ shared-use path (0-3’ grass boulevard)North sideSouth sideNorth sideSouth side* Concord AveExisting: 30’ road width, two-sided parkingProposed: 24’ road width, one-sided parking, 8’ shared-use path (0-3’ grass boulevard)West sideWest side East sideEast side Estimated Project Costs*Includes concrete curb and gutter•Engineering, clerical, finance costs and contingency includedFunding SourceTotal CostAmountItemSpecial Assessments$2,338,099RoadwayProperty Taxes$1,574,900Roadway$3,912,999Roadway Total:$1,120,300Sanitary Sewer$3,034,800Watermain$4,546,700Storm Sewer *City Utility Funds$8,701,800Utility Total:PACS Fund$268,500Sidewalk Total:$12,883,299Project Total: Estimated Roadway Assessments•166 properties (174.49 REUs)- 1 REU per single-family home- 0.5 REU for corner properties•$2,338,099 / 174.49 REUs = $13,400 per REU- ($21,200 without policy change) •State Statute Chapter 429•Properties could see an average price benefit of: - $15,000 to $20,000 per buildable lot•Preliminary Assessment- $13,400Market Benefit Estimate Preliminary Assessments*Residential equivalent unit (1 single-family home = 1 REU)Square Yards of Paving per REUSquareYards of Paving#of REUsEstimated Assessment per REU*Neighborhood175.230,568174.49$13,400Concord B/C (2024)144.819,273133.11$11,500Morningside C(2023)112.627,928248.04$9,300Morningside D/E(2022) Recommendation•Reminder -Approving Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements requires a minimum of 3 out of 5 Council votes in favor to pass •Staff believes this project is feasible, cost effective and necessary to improve the public infrastructure•Motion to close the public hearing at noon, December 13,and to continue action on the item to the December 19 City Council meeting. (Improvement No. BA-465) Thank you for your time! Date: December 11, 2023 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Aaron T. Ditzler, P.E., Assistant City Engineer Item Activity: Subject:PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 2023-98: Southdale B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA-464 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to close the public hearing at noon December 13 and to continue action on the item to the December 19 City Council meeting. INTRODUCTION: Staff initiated this project. Staff proposes to reconstruct Barrie Road, Heritage Drive and West 65th Street. The overall project cost is estimated at $5,148,354. Funding will be a combination of special assessments, City Utility and Pedestrian and Cyclists Safety (PACS) funds, and property taxes. Staff analyzed the project and feels that the project is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible from an engineering standpoint. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2023-98, Southdale B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA-464 Engineering Study BA-464 Certificate of Mailing BA-464 Street Reconstruction Intro Presentation Transportation Intro Presentation BA-464 Southdale B Presentation RESOLUTION NO. 2023-98 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT FOR SOUTHDALE B NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-464 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council, adopted the 8th day of November 2023, fixed a date for a council hearing on Improvement No. BA-464, the proposed improvement of Southdale B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction; and WHEREAS, ten days mailed notice and two weekly published notices of the hearing was given, and the hearing was held thereon on the 11th day of December 2023, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible to update aging infrastructure. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered. 3. The city engineer is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. The engineer shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. 4. The city council declares its official intent to reimburse itself for the costs of the improvement from the proceeds of tax exempt bonds. Dated: December 19, 2023 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of December 19, 2023, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Special Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______ day of __________, 20___. _______________________________ City Clerk ENGINEERING STUDY SOUTHDALE B NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION Barrie Road, Heritage Drive, West 65th Street IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-464 DECEMBER 4, 2023 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 42003 11/28/22 Aaron Ditzler Reg. No. Date Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 2 SUMMARY: The project involves reconstruction of local bituminous and concrete streets, replacement of existing concrete curb and gutter, installation of new concrete curb and gutter, construction of new concrete sidewalk and localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer systems in the neighborhood. The estimated total project cost is $5,148,354. 36.88% of the roadway cost will be funded through property taxes and 63.12% will be funded through special assessments at a rate of approximately $1,900 per residential equivalent unit (REU), or $950 per 0.5 REU. Utility improvements amount to $3,040,500 and will be funded through the City’s utility funds. Sidewalk improvements are estimated to cost $232,200 and will be funded through the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund. INITIATION: The project was initiated by the Engineering Department as part of the City’s Neighborhood Reconstruction Program, identified in the Capital Improvement Plan. The project complies with the City’s Living Streets Policy, Vision Edina’s mission statement to “provide effective and valued public services” and “maintain a sound public infrastructure” and the “Strong Foundations” City budget goal. This project addresses updating substandard infrastructure with improvements associated with the roadway condition, watermain system, storm sewer system, sanitary sewer system and pedestrian facilities. LOCATION: The project includes Barrie Road, Heritage Drive and West 65th Street. A detailed location map of the project is shown in Figure 1. Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 3 Figure 1: Project Area Map Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS: Roadways The roadways in this neighborhood were originally constructed in the 1960s (see Photo 1). Photo 1: Southdale B Neighborhood, 1971 Maintenance records indicate Heritage Drive was seal coated in 1990 and overlayed in 2010, and West 65th Street was seal coated in 1990 and overlayed in 2011. All the streets in the neighborhood have concrete curb and gutter (Barrie Road, as a concrete street, has integral curb). The West 65th Street roadway width is 44’ (measured from the face of curb to the face of curb), Barrie Road roadway width is 36’, and Heritage Drive is 30’. A recent geotechnical evaluation of the project area performed by Braun Intertec showed the roadway section varies from 2.25” to 6.5” of pavement over an apparent aggregate base followed by an assortment of silty sand, clayey sand, or sand soils. As part of the City’s Pavement Management Program, all streets are regularly evaluated and rated on a scale from 1 to 100; 100 representing a brand-new road surface and 0 being extremely poor. This rating is referred to as the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and is determined based on existing conditions and defects Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 5 (alligator cracking, raveling, potholes, etc.). The average PCI for the City of Edina is 78 and the average PCI for Southdale B is 39. An example of the current pavement condition can be seen in Photo 2. Photo 2: Existing Pavement Condition Traffic and Crash Data Staff measured traffic volumes and speeds at several locations within or near the neighborhood. Average daily traffic volumes within the neighborhood range between 1,060 and 1,902 vehicles per day with 85th percentile speeds between 22.9 and 24.3 miles per hour. Traffic and crash data for this project is shown in Appendix A. Multi-Modal Transportation Pedestrian Facilities A continuous sidewalk is present on the north side of Heritage Drive beginning 180 feet east of Barrie Road to Xerxes Avenue, and discontinuous sidewalk segments are present on the south side between York and Xerxes Avenues. Sidewalk is present on the east side of Barrie Road adjacent to 3330 West 66th Street, and the west side of Barrie Road adjacent to 6500 Barrie Road. A sidewalk is also present on the south side of West 65th Street adjacent to 6500 Barrie Road; all sidewalks are in average condition. Pedestrian facilities are also present immediately adjacent to the project area on Xerxes Avenue, West 65th Street and West 66th Street (see Appendix B). Bicycle Facilities There are no bicycle facilities within the project area. There is a shared-use path on the north side of West 66th Street adjacent to the project area (see Appendix C). Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 6 Transit Facilities Metro Transit’s Express Route 578 serves this neighborhood, with bus stops along Barrie Road, Heritage Drive, West 65th Street and Xerxes Avenue. Local Route 6 also serves the neighborhood, with stops along Xerxes Avenue, West 66th Street, Drew Avenue and West 65th Street. About half of the stops within the project area are accessible by sidewalks; none have bus shelters. The Southdale Transit Center is approximately ¼ mile (or a 5-minute walk) to the south, accessible by existing pedestrian facilities. Public Utilities Sanitary Sewer The sanitary sewer system consists of 9-12” vitrified clay pipe (VCP) installed primarily in the early 1960’s. A 8” polyvinyl chloride (PVC) forcemain from Lift Station 4 was installed in 2000 along Heritage Drive. Historical records indicate there have been no sewer back-ups or blockages in the area (see Appendix D). Watermain The watermain system consists of 6-8” cast iron pipe (CIP), along with some 8” ductile iron pipe (DIP), installed between 1961 and 1966. The overall system has experienced a moderate number of breaks (see Appendix D). The fire hydrants are original to the neighborhood. There are no known unsealed private wells. Based on Utility Billing records, there are no properties in the project area that rely on private wells for domestic water. Storm Sewer The storm sewer network is in the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. The system consists of 12” – 36” reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) installed between 1961 and 1964, a short section of 12” VCP, and a 10” DIP forcemain installed in 1989 that supports storm discharge from a detention pond at West 64th Street and York Avenue outside the project area that drains into the Barrie Road gravity storm sewer system. A segment of 36” RCP under trunk highway 62 northwest of Heritage and Barrie Avenues is in fair condition. There are a moderate amount of storm sewer inlets and a significant amount of storm sewer pipes located within the project area. Most of the Southdale B streets within the project area drains to a storm sewer system that drains into MnDOT Trunk Highway 62 ROW, and eventually drains to Lake Cornelia (and subsequently, Minnehaha Creek). A small portion drains to a storm sewer system along Xerxes Avenue or West 66th Street and eventually drains to Lake Cornelia. Street Lighting The City owned street lighting system consists of lantern style lights mounted on aluminum poles and located throughout the project area as shown in Appendix E. The lighting is sufficient; however, the lights and conduit were installed in 1967 and are in poor condition and nearing the end of their useful life. Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 7 Private Utilities Gas, electric, communications, cable and fiber optic utilities are present in the neighborhood. These utilities are a combination of overhead and underground facilities located in backyards or along the boulevards. DESIGN INPUT: City Council 2018 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan This plan, part of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan, was developed to guide the City’s efforts to create a comprehensive pedestrian and bicycle network. As shown in Appendix B, there is a proposed sidewalk on Barrie Road north of 3330 West 66th Street to Heritage Drive, on Heritage Drive between Barrie Road and 180 feet east of Barrie Road and on West 65th Street between Barrie Road and Colony Way. Appendix C shows proposed buffered bicycle lanes on Xerxes Avenue adjacent to the project area. 2015 Living Streets Policy This policy balances the needs of motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders in ways that promote safety and convenience, enhance community identity, create economic vitality, improve environmental sustainability and provide meaningful opportunities for active living and better health. The City will apply the Policy to all street projects, including those involving operations, maintenance, new construction, reconstruction, retrofits, repaving, rehabilitation or change in the allocation of pavement space on an existing roadway. The Living Streets Plan includes 15 principles to guide implementation of the Policy, divided into four categories: All Users and All Modes, Connectivity, Context Sensitivity and Sustainability. Below is a summary of how these principles are incorporated into this project: All Users and All Modes – This project will improve mobility and access to the transportation network for a variety of users, including pedestrians, cyclists, children, seniors and people with disabilities. Replacement of the pavement surfaces and traffic control signage will enhance safety and convenience for all users. Connectivity – This project involves maintaining a transportation system that can accommodate all modes of travel. Existing facilities form a multimodal network within the neighborhood. Context Sensitivity – Engineering strives to preserve and protect natural features within or adjacent to construction sites where feasible, including trees, waterways and sensitive slopes. Residents within the project area were invited to complete a questionnaire soliciting input on project design components, including multi-modal transportation, street lighting and local drainage problems. Sustainability – Engineering works closely with Public Works to implement infrastructure improvements with consideration of lifecycle costs and future maintenance. The new roadway section can be easily maintained long-term with the use of proactive rehabilitation treatments, which will significantly extend the life of the pavement. Reductions in impervious surfaces benefit water quality and may lessen the demand for chemicals to manage snow and ice (such as chloride). Construction operations are required to use the smallest footprint necessary to complete the work; Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 8 this includes utilizing trenchless technologies, such as pipe bursting or cured-in-place pipe liners. This project will also reduce inflow and infiltration of clean water into the sanitary sewer system, minimizing regional wastewater treatment, reducing the risk of sewage surcharges, and limiting the risk of back-ups to residential properties. Relevant portions of the Living Streets Plan can be found in Appendix F. 2018 Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan The CWRMP identified multiple areas of flood inundation within the project area for both the 10-percent and 1-percent-annual-chance flood event (also referred to as the 10-year and 100-year frequency event, respectively) as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Southdale B Flood Zone Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 9 This modeled inundation areas impact both the roadway and private property sections of the neighborhood. Approximately 29 acres of stormwater from the neighboring properties discharge to the City’s storm sewer system that drains into MnDOT Trunk Highway 62 ROW, and eventually drains to Lake Cornelia (and subsequently, Minnehaha Creek). 11 garage structures could be impacted by the 10- and 100-year flood zones. Climate Action Plan The CAP identified the following actions for consideration that would align with the roadway reconstruction project. Transportation and Land Use TL 1-2: Accelerate building on-street and off-street protected bike lanes, sidewalks, crosswalks, and other walking infrastructure in high- need areas and fill connectivity gaps as identified in the City's Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan. Public Works A draft engineering study was provided to the City’s Public Works Department. They support replacement of concrete curb and gutter, as well as replacement of deficient watermain components (including fire hydrants, gate valves and water services). They also recommend replacement of existing VCP storm sewer within the project area. Police and Fire A draft engineering study was provided to the City’s Police and Fire Departments. The Fire Department supports watermain improvements, including adding fire hydrants as necessary to meet public safety standards. They noted that temporary fire hydrants should be consistent in style for ease of access, that emergency access should always be maintained during construction and that drive widths and turnarounds should meet fire code. Edina Transportation Commission Prior to the Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) regular meeting on October 26, 2023, a draft engineering study was provided for review. Relevant minutes from the ETC meetings are included in Appendix G. Residents As part of the Engineering Department’s practice of notifying residents 2-3 years prior to a potential reconstruction project, virtual neighborhood informational presentations were posted on Better Together Edina in March 2021, September 2022, and October 2023. Residents were notified of the virtual meetings and were able to directly ask questions to staff from the Better Together Edina website, as well as telephone and email. Additionally, residents were invited to a meeting on November 28, 2023, to ask City Staff questions about the project. Materials from the virtual presentation can be found in Appendix H. On June 12, 2023, residents in Southdale B were asked to complete a questionnaire, soliciting feedback on motorized and non-motorized transportation, and local Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 10 drainage problems within the project area. The questionnaire was completed by 28 of 321 property owners, a return rate of 9%. The following is a summary of feedback received from residents:  20 of 28 (71%) were concerned or very concerned with the speed of traffic in the neighborhood; 8 (29%) were not concerned.  16 (57%) were concerned or very concerned with motorist behavior in the neighborhood; 11 (39%) were not concerned.  22 (79%) identified an unsafe intersection within the neighborhood.  21 (75%) walk, run, or jog in the neighborhood at least 2-3 times per week.  1 (4%) ride a bicycle in the neighborhood at least 2-3 times per week.  1 (4%) reported parking on the street at least 2-3 times per week; 25 (42%) reported parking on the street less than once per month. *Percentages based on number of returned surveys The full questionnaires and responses can be found in Appendix I. Relevant correspondence from residents regarding the project can be found in Appendix J. Metro Transit Metro Transit is in the process of implementing the E Line bus rapid transit (BRT) project, which will provide faster, more reliable transit services to portions of Local Route 6 adjacent to the project area. A BRT station (which will include amenities like shelters, ticketing machines and real-time departure information) is proposed on West 65th Street approximately 660’ from the western limits of the project area. Construction is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2024 with service expected to commence by late 2025. More information can be found in Appendix K. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: The proposed improvements acknowledge many of the comments and concerns raised by residents throughout the information gathering process, while still maintaining the desired minimum standards of Engineering, Public Works and other City staff. Roadways Typical Section The bituminous and concrete roadways are proposed to be completely reconstructed to the subgrade. The existing bituminous pavement and suitable aggregate material will be recycled for use as base material in the new roadway where feasible. A minimum of 8” of aggregate base material will be graded and compacted as the base layer prior to placement of 2.5” of bituminous non-wear and 1.5” of bituminous wear course. Unsuitable subgrade materials will be replaced as necessary to provide adequate support for the new roadbed. Significant subgrade removals may occur where areas of clay soils are present. The reconstructed sections will meet the requirements of a minimum 20-year pavement design life based on projected traffic loadings. Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 11 Barrie Road and Heritage Drive are designated as Local Connector Streets in the Living Streets Plan. Per the plan’s design guidelines, Local Connector Streets have a roadway width of 24-30’ (measured from the face of curb to the face of curb) with a 5’ sidewalk on one side. West 65th Street is a Local Street, and Local Streets have a typical width of 27’ without sidewalks or 24’ with a 5’ sidewalk on one side. Parking Per the Living Streets Plan, on-street parking should be evaluated based on classification, adjacent land uses, existing demand and costs of construction and maintenance. Given the existing demand for parking, staff believes that parking changes should not occur in the project area. The existing and proposed roadway widths, sidewalks and parking recommendations are shown in Figures 3 through 6, as well as Appendix L and Table 1. Figure 3: Barrie Road (West 66th Street to West 65th Street) Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 12 Figure 4: Barrie Road (West 65th Street to Heritage Drive) Figure 5: Heritage Drive Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 13 Figure 6: West 65th (Colony Way to Barrie Road) Street Existing Roadway Width (face to face), feet Proposed Roadway Width (face to face), feet Sidewalk Width, feet Boulevard Width, feet Parking Barrie Road between West 65th Street and Heritage Drive 36 30 51 0-5 East side only Barrie Road between West 66th Street and West 65th Street 36 24 5 3-5 None Heritage Drive west of Barrie Road 24-30 0 0 0 No-parking Heritage Drive between Barrie Road and Xerxes Avenue 30 27 51 3-5 No-parking3 West 65th Street 44 27 5 3-5 No-parking 1 Spot replacement of the existing sidewalk will occur as necessary 2 Excludes existing no parking locations as shown in Appendix E 3 Excludes existing conditional parking locations as shown in Appendix E Table 1: Street Widths, Sidewalks and Parking Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 14 Roadway Signage All traffic signage within the project area, including street name blades, will be replaced to improve visibility and reflectivity (see Appendix E). All new signs will conform to the standards of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Multi-Modal Transportation Pedestrian Facilities A 5’ boulevard-style concrete sidewalk is proposed on the east side of Barrie Road, on the west side of Barrie Road adjacent to 3400 West 66th Street, on the north side of Heritage Drive between Barrie Road and 180 feet east of Barrie Road, and the north and, if feasible, south side of West 65th Street between 6401 France Avenue and Barrie Road. These sidewalks will connect to the existing sidewalks on Barrie Road, West 66th Street, Heritage Drive, Xerxes Avenue, West 65th Street and France Avenue. Figure 7 shows all existing and proposed pedestrian facilities. Figure 7: Existing and Proposed Pedestrian Facilities Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 15 Locations were selected by staff based on existing topography, connections to existing facilities and private utility conflicts. The grass boulevard that will separate the new curb and the proposed sidewalk is proposed to be 5’-wide but may vary depending on construction conflicts. The separation from vehicle traffic creates a more pedestrian-friendly environment and is preferred by Public Works for snow storage. The extra width needed for the sidewalk and boulevard will be balanced between both sides of the street, where feasible. All adjacent pedestrian curb ramps will be reconstructed to meet the current design standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and portions of the existing sidewalk will be reconstructed as necessary. As the proposed sidewalk segments are not along Municipal State Aid routes, adjacent to City property nor included in the City’s Active Routes to School Plan, they will be maintained by the adjacent property owners. Bicycle Facilities There are no proposed bicycle facilities in this project area. Transit Facilities Accessible boarding areas (also referred to as ADA pads) will be constructed at all bus stops within the project area. Staff will coordinate with Metro Transit on the design and location of each pad. On-street parking will be restricted adjacent to existing bus stops to provide merge zones for buses. Public Utilities Sanitary Sewer The sanitary sewer main has been televised, and portions will be repaired using a combination of open cut and cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) methods. These repairs will address the issues of sags, cracks and groundwater infiltration into the sewer main. The manhole castings will also be removed and replaced to reduce inflow and infiltration of stormwater. Watermain Echologics, LLC was hired by the City to perform a non-invasive pipe condition assessment on the watermain within the project area, and staff has reviewed historical break data to determine the extent of improvements needed. Selective portions of the existing watermain will be replaced using a combination of pipe bursting, lining and open cut methods. Staff is considering replacing existing watermain service leads to homes served by the City of Edina water system. This will be determined after bids are received, due to budget constraints. All gate valves and fire hydrants within the project area will be replaced and, if needed, additional hydrants will be installed to meet current public safety standards. The new fire hydrants will include the Storz nozzle fittings desired by the Edina Fire Department for quick connection of fire hoses. As part of the City’s Wellhead Protection Plan, staff plans to engage property owners who have unsealed private wells and encourage them to have them properly sealed. Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 16 Storm Sewer Based on the scope of utility work, concrete curb and gutter will be replaced throughout the project, providing a continuous, functional conduit for stormwater. The storm sewer network will modifications to resolve existing drainage issues at various locations throughout the neighborhood. Some of the existing structures will be removed and replaced due to their poor condition. VCP pipe is proposed to be replaced as necessary. During the design phase, staff will consider replacing a segment of 36” RCP under Trunk Highway 62 northwest of Heritage and Barrie Avenues using a combination of open cut and cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) methods. Staff will engage in further discussions with Barr Engineering to determine whether to consider 1. Extend a 21-inch storm sewer pipe and drainage structures on Barrie Road to intercept stormwater draining to the storm sewer and detention pond at West 64th Street and York Avenue. 2. Adjusting the Heritage Drive roadway elevation west of Barrie Road to minimize flood risk during a 100-year flood event. 3. Adjusting roadway and driveway elevations to facilitate property drainage to the street. Street Lighting The City owned street lighting system will be removed and replaced by Xcel Energy due to its poor condition. Staff is preparing an agreement with Xcel Energy for the proposed street lighting system work. The agreement will detail each agency’s responsibilities regarding construction, cost allocation, ownership, and future maintenance. Ownership and maintenance of the street lighting system will transition from the City to Xcel Energy. Private Utilities Staff will meet with representatives of several private utility companies in December 2023, to discuss the proposed 2024 reconstruction projects and preliminary improvements. Portions of the private utility networks may receive upgrades prior to construction; however, this work is not part of the City’s project. RIGHT-OF-WAY/ EASEMENTS: Existing right-of-way in this neighborhood varies from 50’ to 60’. It is anticipated that most of this project can be constructed within the existing ROW. Some properties have vegetation, boulders or other landscaped items within the right-of-way. A portion of these landscape items will interfere with some of the proposed infrastructure improvements and will need to be removed to complete the necessary work. A ROW permit from the Minnesota Department of Transportation will be required if storm sewer work occurs under Trunk Highway 62 north of Heritage Drive. Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 17 A ROW permit from Hennepin County will be required for work that will occur at the intersections at Heritage Drive and Xerxes Avenue, and Barrie Road and West 66th Street. PROJECT COSTS: The total estimated project cost is $5,148,354, (see Table 2). The total cost includes direct costs for engineering, clerical and construction finance costs from the start of the project to the final assessment hearing. Item Amount Total Cost Funding Source Roadway $1,095,854 Special Assessments Roadway $779,800 Property Taxes Roadway Total: $1,875,654 Sanitary Sewer $537,200 Watermain $1,104,200 Storm Sewer $1,399,100 Utility Total: $3,040,500 City Utility Funds Sidewalk Total: $232,200 PACS Fund Project Total: $5,148,354 Table 2: Estimated Project Costs ASSESSMENTS: Assessments will be levied against the benefiting adjacent properties pursuant to Chapter 429 of the Minnesota State Statues. Based on the City’s Special Assessment Policy, there are 576.77 roadway residential equivalent units (REUs) in the Southdale B project area. The estimated assessment per REU is $1,900, or $950 per 0.5 REU (see Figure 8). The preliminary assessment roll can be found in Appendix M. Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 18 Figure 8: Preliminary Roadway Assessment Map The methodology for calculating assessments per REU are as follows: Table 3 shows there are 308 single unit multi-family residential properties located in the project limits that will receive an assessment of 0.5 REUs based on the City’s assessment policy. PID Address Street Type of Property Proposed REU REU Factor Assessable REU Varies 6300 – 6399 BARRIE RD Multi-Family 1.0 0.5 0.5 Varies 6401 – 6499 BARRIE RD Multi-Family 1.0 0.5 0.5 Varies 6301 – 6423 COLONY WAY Multi-Family 1.0 0.5 0.5 Table 3: Single Unit Multi-Family Residential Properties Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 19 There are 5 multiple unit multi-family residential properties located in the project limits that will be assessed a 0.5 REU factor per unit based on the City’s assessment policy. Table 4 shows their REU calculations based on the City’s assessment policy. PID Address Street Type of Property Proposed REU REU Factor Assessable REU 2902824240222 6400 BARRIE RD Multi-Family (193 units) 1.0 0.5 193 x 1.0 x 0.5 = 96.5 2902824210010 3420 HERITAGE DR Multi-Family (63 units) 1.0 0.5 63 x 1.0 x 0.5 = 31.5 2902824210009 3434 HERITAGE DR Multi-Family (88 units) 1.0 0.5 88 x 1.0 x 0.5 = 44 2902824210099 3450 HERITAGE DR Multi-Family (61 units) 1.0 0.5 61 x 1.0 x 0.5 = 30.5 2902824210101 3456 HERITAGE DR Multi-Family (51 units) 1.0 0.5 51 x 1.0 x 0.5 = 25.5 2902824210100 24 Address Unassigned Multi-Family 0 0.5 0 2902824230168 24 Address Unassigned Multi-Family 0 0.5 0 Table 4: Multiple Unit Multi-Family Residential Properties There are 3 multiple unit multi-family residential corner properties located in the project limits that will be assessed a 0.5 REU factor per unit and partial REU due to an adjacent street that will be assessed with a future project. Table 4 shows their REU calculations based on the City’s assessment policy. PID Address Street Type of Property Proposed REU REU Factor Assessable REU 2902824210111 3105 HERITAGE DR Multi-Family (33 units) / 3-sided lot 2/3 0.5 33 x 0.667 x 0.5 = 5.5 2902824210102 3201 HERITAGE DR Multi-Family (21 units) / corner lot 0.5 0.5 21 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 5.25 2902824210011 6200 XERXES AVE Multi-Family (85 units) / corner lot 0.5 0.5 85 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 21.25 Table 5: Multiple Unit Multi-Family Residential Corner Properties Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 20 There are 4 commercial properties located in the project limits, Table 6 shows their REU calculations based on the City’s assessment policy. PID Address Street Type of Property Proposed REU REU Factor Assessable REU 2902824240032 6500 BARRIE RD Commercial Property (25,834 Gross Floor Area SF) 1.0 1.5 25,834 x 1.0 x 1.5 / 1000 = 38.75 2902824240025 6515 BARRIE RD Commercial Property (9,758 Gross Floor Area SF) 1.0 1.5 9,758 x 1.0 x 1.5 / 1000 = 14.64 2902824240027 6519 BARRIE RD Commercial Property (10,000 Gross Floor Area SF) 1.0 1.5 10,000 x 1.0 x 1.5 / 1000 = 15 2902824240026 6525 BARRIE RD Commercial Property (9,620 Gross Floor Area SF) 1.0 1.5 9,620 x 1.0 x 1.5 / 1000 = 14.43 2902824240002 24 Address Unassigned Commercial Property 0 1.5 0 2902824240031 24 Address Unassigned Commercial Property 0 1.5 0 Table 6: Commercial Properties There are 2 commercial corner properties located in the project limits that will be assessed a partial REU due to an adjacent street that will be assessed with a future project. Table 7 shows their REU calculations based on the City’s assessment policy. PID Address Street Type of Property Proposed REU REU Factor Assessable REU 2902824240030 3330 W. 66TH ST. Commercial Property, corner lot (6,023 Gross Floor Area SF) 0.5 1.5 6,023 x 0.5 x 1.5 / 1000 = 4.52 2902824230012 3400 W. 66TH ST. Commercial Property, 3-sided lot (75,430 Gross Floor Area SF) 2/3 1.5 75,430 x .6667 x 1.5 / 1000 = 75.43 Table 7: Commercial Corner Properties Engineering Study Southdale B Neighborhood Reconstruction BA-464 December 4, 2023 21 PROJECT SCHEDULE: The following schedule outlines the past and future tasks to be performed related to the project: Neighborhood Informational Video Presentations (all 2022 and Future projects) March 2021 September 2022 Neighborhood Informational Video Presentation (all 2024 projects) October 2023 Neighborhood Q and A Meeting with City Staff November 28, 2023 ETC Engineering Study Review October 23, 2023 Receive Engineering Study December 11, 2023 Open Public Improvement Hearing December 11, 2023 Close Public Improvement Hearing December 13, 2023 Public Improvement Hearing Council Decision December 19, 2023 Bid Opening March/April 2024 Award Contract/Begin Construction Spring 2024 Complete Construction Fall 2024 Final Assessment Hearing October 2025 RECOMMENDATION: Staff believes the project can be completed during the 2024 construction season. Staff believes the construction of this project is feasible, cost effective and necessary to improve the public infrastructure in the Southdale B neighborhood. APPENDIX: A. Traffic and Crash Data B. Comprehensive Plan Update – Pedestrian Facilities C. Comprehensive Plan Update – Bicycle Facilities D. Sewer Blocks and Watermain Breaks E. Street Lights and Signs F. Living Streets Plan G. Edina Transportation Commission Meeting Minutes H. Neighborhood Informational Video Presentation Materials I. Resident Questionnaire J. Correspondence from Residents K. Metro Transit E Line BRT Project Informational Materials L. Proposed Typical Sections M. Preliminary Assessment Roll ron Allison, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CERTIFICATE OF MAILING NOTICE CITY OF EDINA ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified acting City Clerk of the City of Edina, Minnesota, hereby certify that on the following dates November 22, 2023, acting on behalf of said City, I deposited in the United States mail copies of the attached Notice of Public Hearing for Southdale B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement Nos. BA-464 (Exhibit A), enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon duly prepaid, addressed to the persons at the addresses as shown on the mailing list (Exhibit B), attached to the original hereof, which list is on file in my office, said persons being those appearing on the records of the County Auditor as owners of the property listed opposite their respective names, as of a date 19 days prior to the date of the hearing; and that I also sent said notice to the following corporations at the indicated addresses whose property is exempt from taxation and is therefore not carried on the records of said County Auditor. NAME ADDRESS WITNESS my hand and the seal of said City this 22nd day of Nov. 2023. November 22, 2023 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-464 SOUTHDALE B NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION The Edina City Council will meet at Edina City Hall on Monday, Dec. 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., to consider the public hearing on roadway improvements for Southdale B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction. This hearing is being conducted under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. This hearing has been called as a recommendation from staff. The proposed project would be constructed in the summer of 2024 with the assessment hearing occurring in the fall of 2025. The estimated cost is $1,095,854.05 and is funded by special assessment. The estimated cost per assessable multi-family residential lot is $950.00 per condominium or apartment unit, and $2.85 per square foot of gross floor area for commercial properties. The assessment can be divided over a fifteen-year period with interest accumulating on the unpaid balance. The area proposed to be assessed the cost of the proposed improvement includes the following: 3330 and 3400 West 66th Street, 6300 to 6525 Barrie Road, 6301 to 6423 Colony Way, 3105 to 3456 Heritage Drive, 6200 Xerxes Avenue. Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties which are considered to be benefited by the improvement. The City Council can authorize the proposed project immediately upon the close of the hearing. Staff’s recommendations to City Council are: • Heritage Drive reconstructed to 27’ wide, including matching existing parking, and a 5’ sidewalk on the north side west of the existing sidewalk • Barrie Road between West 65th and 66th Streets reconstructed to 27’ wide, including no parking, and 5’ sidewalks on both sides of the street • Barrie Road between West 65th Street and Heritage Drive reconstructed to 30’ wide, including parking on the east side only, and a 5’ sidewalk on the east side • West 65th Street between Colony Way and Barrie Road reconstructed to 27’ wide, including no parking, and 5’ sidewalks on both sides of the street • New concrete curb and gutter and new asphalt pavement on all streets • Storm sewer improvements to reduce flood risk and resolve local drainages issues • Partial replacement of watermain and water services; full replacement of hydrants and valves • Spot repairs of the sanitary sewer main and installation of sump drains where feasible The Engineering Study will be available online as part of the Dec. 11 City Council meeting agenda at http://bit.ly/2y3wCOo; under Meeting Type select City Council Meeting, click Search and you will see the Dec. 11 Agenda. Notice of Public Hearing 2024 Southdale B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction November 22, 2023 English: This and other public hearing notices can be viewed online at EdinaMN.gov/PublicNotices. Español: Este y otros avisos de audiencia pública se pueden ver en línea en EdinaMN.gov/PublicNotices. Soomaali: Tan iyo ogeysiisyo kale oo dhagaysi dadweyne ayaa lagu daawan karaa onlayn ahaan EdinaMN.gov/PublicNotices. Further Information: City of Edina Engineering, 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 952-826-0371 Provide Input to Engineering Staff 1 – Post questions online at https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/southdale-b for review by Engineering staff 2 – Write to City of Edina, Attention Engineering, 7450 Metro Boulevard, Edina, MN 55439 Provide Public Input Share your thoughts! Public input can be provided in a variety of methods to City Council. All comments are reviewed and considered; therefore, you do not need to participate in more than one method. Public Input Options: 1 – Provide public input online at BetterTogetherEdina.org/Public-Hearings. (Available now) 2 – Leave a voicemail with your public input at 952-826-0377. Staff will submit the transcribed voicemail to Better Together Edina. (Available now) 3 – A public hearing will take place in the City Hall Council Chambers, 4801 W. 50th St., 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 11, 2023 Attend the meeting in person or watch the meeting live from home on Edina TV (Comcast Channels 813 or 16), Facebook.com/EdinaMN or EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeetings. Call in to provide live testimony at 786-496-5601. Call-in Conference PINs are provided in the meeting agenda which can be found at EdinaMN.gov/Agendas. City Council will make a decision at its meeting 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19. Current resident Address Sub id1 Ctu name State code Zip CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 BARRIE RD 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6371 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6437 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6500 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6417 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6421 COLONY WAY 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6449 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6493 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 2H EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6417 COLONY WAY 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6475 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6308 BARRIE RD 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6312 BARRIE RD 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6320 BARRIE RD 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6335 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6401 COLONY WAY 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6415 COLONY WAY 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 COLONY WAY 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6324 BARRIE RD 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 3E EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 3434 HERITAGE DR EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6309 COLONY WAY 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 3B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6329 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6309 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 1F EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6489 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6359 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6405 COLONY WAY 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6389 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6411 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6343 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6311 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6383 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 3E EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6415 COLONY WAY 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6461 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6455 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 3456 HERITAGE DR EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6405 COLONY WAY 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6443 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 2G EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 BARRIE RD 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6417 COLONY WAY 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6409 COLONY WAY 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6300 BARRIE RD 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6409 COLONY WAY 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6324 BARRIE RD 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6469 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6417 COLONY WAY 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 3G EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 1H EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6308 BARRIE RD 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6431 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6315 COLONY WAY 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6315 COLONY WAY 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 BARRIE RD 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6308 BARRIE RD 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6317 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6324 BARRIE RD 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6316 BARRIE RD 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 COLONY WAY 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 COLONY WAY 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 1E EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6315 COLONY WAY 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6300 BARRIE RD 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6339 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6421 COLONY WAY 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6473 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 3L EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6373 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6515 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 3M EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 1M EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 2E EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 2H EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6427 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 3J EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6316 BARRIE RD 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6429 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 2K EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6300 BARRIE RD 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6415 COLONY WAY 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6405 COLONY WAY 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6417 COLONY WAY 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6405 COLONY WAY 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6525 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6357 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6453 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 1K EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6324 BARRIE RD 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6421 COLONY WAY 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 1M EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6435 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6300 BARRIE RD 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6308 BARRIE RD 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 COLONY WAY 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6312 BARRIE RD 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6324 BARRIE RD 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6309 COLONY WAY 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 COLONY WAY 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6308 BARRIE RD 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 COLONY WAY 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6320 BARRIE RD 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 COLONY WAY 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6319 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6485 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 BARRIE RD 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 3J EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6341 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 3A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6309 COLONY WAY 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6421 COLONY WAY 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6401 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 2K EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6441 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6439 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 3M EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 BARRIE RD 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6409 COLONY WAY 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6421 COLONY WAY 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 2E EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6379 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6419 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 1F EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 3B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6349 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6479 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6312 BARRIE RD 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6309 COLONY WAY 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6405 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6415 COLONY WAY 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6312 BARRIE RD 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6401 COLONY WAY 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6300 BARRIE RD 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 3420 HERITAGE DR EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 3F EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 3F EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6316 BARRIE RD 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6313 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 1G EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 3H EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6391 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6413 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6361 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6417 COLONY WAY 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 3105 HERITAGE DR EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 3450 HERITAGE DR EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6385 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6397 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6345 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6316 BARRIE RD 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6425 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6401 COLONY WAY 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6381 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6316 BARRIE RD 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 1J EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 3C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6483 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6409 COLONY WAY 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6351 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 2L EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6415 COLONY WAY 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6401 COLONY WAY 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6415 COLONY WAY 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6320 BARRIE RD 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 BARRIE RD 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 1G EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 COLONY WAY 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6315 COLONY WAY 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 2F EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6387 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 COLONY WAY 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6312 BARRIE RD 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6315 COLONY WAY 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6303 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6477 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 3K EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 2L EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6375 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6312 BARRIE RD 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6369 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 3330 66TH ST EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6519 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6300 BARRIE RD 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6421 COLONY WAY 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6405 COLONY WAY 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6457 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6409 COLONY WAY 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 2J EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6417 COLONY WAY 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6324 BARRIE RD 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6300 BARRIE RD 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6337 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6401 COLONY WAY 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6309 COLONY WAY 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6409 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6320 BARRIE RD 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6312 BARRIE RD 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 COLONY WAY 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 COLONY WAY 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6320 BARRIE RD 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6308 BARRIE RD 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 3C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6495 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6331 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6307 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6405 COLONY WAY 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 3H EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6401 COLONY WAY 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 1L EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6497 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 1J EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 COLONY WAY 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6403 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6407 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6325 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6467 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6463 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6327 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 2M EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6393 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6415 COLONY WAY 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 2F EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 2M EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6409 COLONY WAY 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 BARRIE RD 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6409 COLONY WAY 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6421 COLONY WAY 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 BARRIE RD 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6459 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6312 BARRIE RD 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6347 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6315 COLONY WAY 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6300 BARRIE RD 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6417 COLONY WAY 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6309 COLONY WAY 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6308 BARRIE RD 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 1E EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6421 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6315 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6401 COLONY WAY 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6324 BARRIE RD 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6316 BARRIE RD 1A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6323 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 3L EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6400 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6320 BARRIE RD 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6333 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6405 COLONY WAY 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 3K EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6315 COLONY WAY 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6363 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6399 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 2G EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6471 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 1K EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 COLONY WAY 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 1H EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6499 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 3A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6367 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6417 COLONY WAY 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6415 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6365 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 3D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6395 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6316 BARRIE RD 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6433 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6401 COLONY WAY 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 1L EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6328 BARRIE RD 3D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6355 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6316 BARRIE RD 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6447 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6491 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6421 COLONY WAY 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6465 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6324 BARRIE RD 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6415 COLONY WAY 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6320 BARRIE RD 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6308 BARRIE RD 2A EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6320 BARRIE RD 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6309 COLONY WAY 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 COLONY WAY 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6315 COLONY WAY 2D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 COLONY WAY 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6321 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6301 COLONY WAY 2B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6200 XERXES AVE EDINA MN 55423 CURRENT RESIDENT 6353 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 2J EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6305 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6487 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6309 COLONY WAY 1D EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6409 COLONY WAY 1C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6405 COLONY WAY 1B EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6481 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6377 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 2C EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 3201 HERITAGE DR EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6423 COLONY WAY 3G EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6445 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 6451 BARRIE RD EDINA MN 55435 CURRENT RESIDENT 3400 66TH ST W EDINA MN 55435 EdinaMN.gov2024 Street ReconstructionPublic HearingsPublic Improvement HearingDecember 11, 2023 Agenda•Thank You – Residents and Council•Infrastructure Spending•Project Similarities•Multimodal Information Sharing•Concord B & C•Southdale BBlake Road Fall 2023 Infrastructure Spending•Budget Work Plan – Pillar #1 Strong Foundation•Infrastructure meets community needs now and in the future•Multi-Modal Transportation Network – Roads, Sidewalks, Bicycle Facilities, Mass Transit•Clean & Safe Drinking Water –Water Treatment Plants, Distribution Networks.•Sanitation – Sanitary Sewer, Wastewater•Flood Protection - Storm Sewer, Lakes, Ponds Pavement Condition Index - Citywide Pavement Condition Indexhttps://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/ 2024 Projects•Concord B & C•Local Streets•166 properties•Southdale B•Local Streets•326 property owners FutureProjects•Highway 62 Pedestrian Bridge (2025)•Highway 62 Auxiliary Lane and Noise Wall (2027-2028) Why My Street?•Proactive Pavement Management Program•Streets grouped into neighborhoods•Maximizes economics of scale•Extends pavement life•Prioritized based on•Pavement condition•Age of original construction•Underground utility issues•Transportation issues / goals Proposed Watermain Improvements•Verify appropriate hydrant spacing and add hydrants if needed to meet public safety standards•Replace gate valves project wide•Replace aged pipes when needed•Paid for under watermain fund Proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvements•Spot trunk pipe repairs and cured-in-place pipe liners to reduce I&I•Replace manhole castings and rings•Paid for from sanitary sewer fund Proposed Storm Sewer Improvements•Modifications to roadway and storm sewer to improve existing drainage issues•Replace curb and gutter•Install sump drain pipe where feasible•Paid for by the storm sewer fund Right-of-Way Impacts•Irrigation systems and pet fences•Sod proposed•Landscaping•Outwalks/steps Project SchedulesMarch 2021 September 2022October 2023 Neighborhood Informational Video PresentationOctober 23, 2023ETC Engineering Study ReviewNovember 28, 2023Neighborhood Q and A Meeting with City StaffDecember 11, 2023Public Hearing Opens / Receive Engineering StudyDecember 13, 2023Public Hearing ClosesDecember 19, 2023Public Hearing DecisionMarch/April 2024Bid OpeningSpring 2024Award Contract / Begin ConstructionFall 2024Complete ConstructionOctober 2025Final Assessment Hearing Special Assessments•Assigned to benefitting properties of public improvements. Adjacent properties.•2021 Policy Change •Transition to taxes over 16 year•Covers 63.12% of roadway costs% of Local Roadway Costs Assessed Construction Year100%202078.90%-73.64%2021-202268.38%202363.12%202457.86%-5.26%2025-20350%2036 Special Assessments•Covers 63.12% of roadway costs•Roadway and driveway removals•Asphalt pavementBase material•Restoration•Indirect Costs – engineering, finance, soil investigations, mailings•Remainder of roadway costs are covered by property taxes Residential Equivalent Units•Assessments distributed based on REUs•Factor used to compare properties to a single-family residence* Additional factors for commercial, industrial, and public-use propertiesREU FactorLand Use ClassScenario1.0Single-Family ResidentialA0.8Multi-Family Residential – DuplexB0.5Multi-Family Residential –Apartment/CondosC*Commercial – OfficeE 18•Special assessments are valid if; •The assessment does not exceed the special benefit measured by the increase in market value due to the improvement.•Licensed and Qualified Appraisal FirmMarket Benefit Estimate Assessment Payment Options•Final assessment amount will be sent one year after project completion (Fall 2025)•Pay entire amount upon receiving bill to avoid future interest charges•Pay min. 25%; balance rolls to property taxes over 15 years•Roll entire amount to property taxes over 15 years•Defer payment if 65 years of age or older and meet specific income requirements Comprehensive Plan Goals -Transportation•Improve mobility with a balanced system of options for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and motorists•Reduce overall use of single-occupancy vehicles•Encourage and support transit service and connection•Manage safety of all users and modes Living Streets•Strive to meet needs of most vulnerable users•Prioritize non-motorized connections•Repurpose rights-of-way for pedestrians, cyclists and transit users•Improve quality of life, reduce environmental impacts Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan•Improve safety and comfort•Address network gaps•Design for all ages and abilities•Connectivity for everyday uses and needs Climate Action Plan Tonight’s Projects EdinaMN.govSouthdale BNeighborhood Roadway ReconstructionBA-464Public Improvement HearingDecember 11, 2023 Project Details – Southdale B•326 property owners (576.77 REUs)•0.8 miles of road•11,614 square yards of street pavement Existing Roadways Conditions•Streets originally constructed in the 1960s•Existing street widths vary between 24’ and 44’•Silty sand, clayey sand, and some sandy soils•Narrow ROW north of 65th Existing Roadways Conditions•City of Edina Network Average Pavement Condition Index – 78•Southdale B – 39 Existing Traffic Conditions Proposed Improvements –Walks5’ Concrete Walks On:•Barrie Rd •W 65thSt•Heritage Rd Proposed Roadway Improvements W. 65thSt (Colony Way to Barrie Rd)Existing: 45’ roadway width, no parkingProposed: 27’ road width, no parking, 5’ sidewalk both sides Barrie Road (W 66thSt to W 65thSt)Existing: 36’ road width, no parking, 5’ sidewalk (adjacent to 3330)Proposed: 27’ road width, no parking, 5’ sidewalk both sides Barrie Road (W 65thSt to Heritage Dr)Existing: 36’ road width, variable parkingProposed: 30’ roadway width, one-sided parking, 5’ sidewalkEast sideEast sideWest sideWest side Heritage DrExisting: 30’ road width, primarily no parking, 5’ sidewalk*Proposed: 27’ road width, match existing parking, 5’ sidewalkNorth sideSouth sideSouth sideNorth side Estimated Project CostsEngineering, clerical, finance costs and contingency included*Includes concrete curb and gutterFunding SourceTotal CostAmountItemSpecial Assessments$986,754RoadwaySpecial Assessments$109,100LightingProperty Taxes$779,800Roadway$1,875,654Roadway Total:$537,200Sanitary Sewer$1,104,200Watermain$1,399,100Storm Sewer *City Utility Funds$3,040,500Utility Total:PACS Fund$232,200Sidewalk Total:$5,148,354Project Total: Estimated Roadway Assessments•326 property owners (576.77 REUs)•1 REU per single-family home (0.5 for corner properties)•0.5 REU per Condo / Apartment unit•$1,095,854.05 / 576.77 REUs•$1,900 per REU•$950 per Condo / Apt. Unit(Including $95 for street lights) •Properties could see an average price benefit of: •$1,200 to $1,800 per Apt. unit•$1,500 to $2,000 per Condo unit•Preliminary Assessment•$950 per Apt. / Condo unit•($1,500 pre policy change)Market Benefit Estimate Preliminary AssessmentsSquare Yards of Paving Per REUSquare Yards of Paving# of REUsEstimated Assessment Amount Per Unit% of Roadway Costs Assessed Neighborhood20.111,614576.77$95063.12%Southdale B -Apartment / Condos (2024)259,660386$284($363 Inflation Adj)($1,132 Non-State Aid) 20%Parklawn Ave (2016)State Aid Recommendation•Reminder -Approving Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements requires a minimum of 3 out of 5 Council votes in favor to pass •Staff believes this project is feasible, cost effective and necessary to improve the public infrastructure•Motion to close the public hearing at noon, December 13,and to continue action on the item to the December 19 City Council meeting. (Improvement No. BA-464) Thank you for your time!