HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-07-27 Arts Culture Commission MinutesDraft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: August 24, 2023 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Arts and Culture Commission City Hall Community Room Thursday, July 27, 2023 I. Call To Order Chair Westlund called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners Amlaw, Curtin, Faeth, Fram, Scully, Stemmler, Zbaren; and Chair Westlund. Staff Present: Staff member Laura Fulton III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Fram to approve the meeting agenda of the July 27, 2023 meeting, seconded by Faeth. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Amlaw to approve the June 22, 2023 meeting minutes, seconded by Curtain. Motion carried. V. Reports/Recommendations A. 2023 ACC Workplan Updates • Initiative 1.1.1: Grandview Public Art i. No update at this time • Initiative 1.1.2: Street Art Policy and Practices i. Commissioner Stemmler updated the Commission on report progress. Initiative group submitted first draft for feedback and comments. Requested feedback by August 10 and will address comments in next draft. ii. Fulton reported that Forecast submitted Phase 1 to staff and that public engagement is currently on hold. • Initiative 1.1.3: Public Art Incorporated in Planning and Development i. No updates at this time, initiative is on hold. • Initiative 1.1.4: New Art Center i. Fulton shared a short update on the movement of the possible collocation of a new art center at the Southdale Hennepin County Library site. ii. Commission discussed tour of the White Bear Center for the Arts location and expressed their gratitude to staff at WBCA for their willingness to share information about their location. iii. Commission requested to be kept informed when community engagement begins. Commission would like to assist. iv. Initiative will carry in to 2024 Work Plan Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: August 24, 2023 • Initiative 1.1.5: Utility Boxes i. Chair Westlund reported that the BetterTogetherEdina Utility Box Art Submission site has received 122 submissions as of meeting time. ii. Commission initiative members will be judging the art submissions on August 3. iii. Staff recommended that five utility boxes be covered this year. • Initiative 1.1.6: ACC Involvement at Performances on the Plaza and other Community Events i. Commissioners Stemmler and Fram discussed citywide activities, specifically the Edina Fall into the Arts Festival. Commission discussed how to present ACC projects. Initiative group will be creating posters, FAQ sheets and hosting a scavenger hunt/giveaway. ii. Staff will assist in ordering and printing displays and giveaways. iii. Commission brainstormed ideas for displays and presentations. iv. Initiative will carry in to 2024 Work Plan • Initiative 1.1.7: Micro Grant Phase 2 i. Commissioner Faeth presented a final microgrant report to the Commission. ii. Commission discussed revising wording for criteria guidelines and that the report is meant to provide background of how the program will work. iii. Commission discussed evaluations and processes for review criteria of microgrant language and altered language in report to reflect discussion. iv. Staff discussed that a report will be written in conjunction with the guidelines report as the submission to City Council. • Motion by Westlund to approve the Edina Arts Grants Guidelines as will be revised by the members of the initiative to submit document to City Council. i. Ayes: Amlaw, Curtin, Faeth, Fram, Scully, Stemmler, Zbaren, Westlund ii. Nays iii. Abstain iv. Motion carried. B. 2024 Work Plan Development • Chair Westlund opened discussion about the 2024 draft work plan • Commission discussed rolling certain 2023 initiatives into the 2024 work plan, including the initiative for a New Edina Art Center; the Art Grants for Edina Program; rewording the Grandview Public Art initiative to encompass multiple upcoming public projects; and Commission Participation in Community Events. • Commission discussed their role in engagement to assist in development of Public Art policy and the opportunity to give community feedback. • Commission discussed the opportunity to develop a plan to fill empty storefronts with artist works. Commissioner Scully will research. • Commission discussed an opportunity to work jointly with the Transportation Commission to propose an Asphalt Art initiative in 2024. VI. Chair and Member Comments Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: August 24, 2023 A. Westlund requested that Commission meet on September 14 meeting to focus on the finalization of the ACC workplan. • Motion by Westlund to change the meeting in September from Sept. 28 to Sept. 14 at 4:30 p.m. i. Ayes: Amlaw, Curtin, Faeth, Fram, Scully, Stemmler, Zbaren, Westlund ii. Nays iii. Abstain iv. Motion carried. VII. Staff Comments A. Fulton updated Commissioners on summer programming. VIII. Adjournment Motion was made by Amlaw to adjourn the July 27, 2023 meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission, seconded by Scully. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.