HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-09-14 Arts Culture Commission MinutesDraft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: October 26, 2023 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Arts and Culture Commission City Hall Community Room Thursday, September 14, 2023 I. Call To Order Vice-Chair Westlund called the meeting to order at 4:31 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners Curtin, Faeth, Fram, Scully, Stemmler, Zbaren, and Chair Westlund. Staff Present: Parks Director Perry Vetter, Staff Liaison Laura Fulton III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Fram to approve the meeting agenda of the September 14, 2023 meeting, seconded by Faeth. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Curtin to approve the August 24, 2023 meeting minutes, seconded by Zbaren. Motion carried. V. Reports/Recommendations A. 1.1.2: Street Art Policy and Practices • Stemmler presented the final copy of the street Art Initiative Study and Report. Motion made by Curtin to approve the Street Art Initiative Study and Review to send to Council, seconded by Faeth. Motion carried. B. 2023 ACC Workplan Updates • Initiative 1.1.1: Grandview Public Art i. No update at this time. • Initiative 1.1.2: Street Art Policy and Practices i. Reviewed above • Initiative 1.1.3: Public Art Incorporated in Planning and Development i. No updates at this time, initiative is on hold. • Initiative 1.1.4: New Art Center i. Vetter presented that a Letter of Intent will be brought forth to the City Council at the next City Council meeting to review and comment on an agreement to authorize staff to work with Hennepin County on a colocation site for a new art center. ii. Commission members discussed opportunities for public art as the building progresses, as well as community participation in the engagement session that took place earlier at the Hennepin County Southdale Library. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: October 26, 2023 • Initiative 1.1.5: Utility Boxes i. Westlund announced that utility box art has been chosen and that a handout on how commissioners chose artists would be available at the next meeting. ii. Fulton presented that the utility box wrappings will begin in the next month. All artists have been contacted. • Initiative 1.1.6: ACC Involvement at Performances on the Plaza and other Community Events i. Westlund thanked commission members for their participation at the Edina Fall into the Arts Festival. ii. For upcoming events, a box with a tablecloth, volunteer information and giveaways will be available for commission members. iii. Initiative will roll over to 2024. • Initiative 1.1.7: Micro Grant Phase 2 i. Commissioner Faeth will be presenting the report to the City Council at the next City Council meeting. C. 2024 Work Plan Development • Westlund presented the draft 2024 workplan. i. Initiative 1 includes community perspective of a new art center. Staff will reword the initiative to be specific to the collaborative space that is approved by City Council. Initiative will be finalized once the letter of intent is discussed with the City Council. ii. Initiative 2 will revolve around the Edina Art Grant program. Commissioner Faeth discussed how to word the initiative to both develop the program and also review and select/execute the program in 2024. Fram requested her name be added to this initiative. iii. Initiative 3 combines opportunities for new city facilities and locations, including the new Fire Station, Grandview, Fred Richards and the new art center, to participate in the selection of public art at these locations. iv. Initiative 4 continues Commission participation in events such as the Edina Fall into the Arts Festival and other city events. v. Commission discussed alternate initiatives. Among the discussion was filling empty storefronts with art work and partnering companies who own those spaces with artists who are interested in displaying work. Another idea was to take the Street Art initiative from 2023 and discuss opportunities like Asphalt Art with other city commissions. vi. Commission members agreed to add an initiative 5 to include presenting the street art report to other commissions as a tool for commissions to use when working together on public art and land use design opportunities. • Commission will continue to think about and research opportunities to partner with other commissions in future years. VI. Chair and Member Comments Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: October 26, 2023 A. Westlund reminded commission members that she would be present at the workplan meeting on Oct. 3 when the chairs present at 2024 workplans to the City Council. VII. Staff Comments A. Fulton reminded Commission members to make sure they have the correct dates on their calendars for the remainder of 2023, as dates work around the holidays. VIII. Adjournment Motion was made by Scully to adjourn the Sept. 17, 2023 meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission, seconded by Curtin. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:08 p.m.