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07-12-2022 HPC Packet
Ag enda Heritage Preservation Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota Com munity R oom, E dina City Hall Tuesday, July 12, 2022 7:00 PM I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Min u tes: Ju n e 14, 2022 V.Special Recogn ition s An d Presentation s A.Mem b er Review & W ork Pla n Develop m ent Presentation VI.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VII.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.City Cou n cil W ork Session Follow Up B.COA H-22-7 4707 Sunnyside Road-Cha n ge of Gara ge Doors C.COA H-22-6 4914 Bruce Aven u e-New Detach ed Gara ge D.COA H-22-5 4505 Drexel Ave-New Detach ed Gara ge & Fron t Door Overh ang E .Up d ate to COA H-21-6 4633 Ard en Aven u e-Upda te to b u ild ing m aterials and addition of n ew second <oor win d ow F.2023 W ork Pla n Bra instorm VIII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents IX.Sta> Com m ents X.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli@cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: July 12, 2022 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : June 14, 2022 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the J une 14, 2022 minutes of the H eritage P reservation Commission. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description June 14, 2022 HPC Minutes Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission Tuesday, June 14, 2022 I. Call to Order Chair Schilling called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Chair Schilling, Commissioners, Cundy, Nymo, Hassenstab, Lonnquist and student member Maheshwari. Commissioner Everson walked in at 7:08 pm. Staff present: HPC Staff Liaison Emily Bodeker, Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel, City Attorney Dave Kendall, and Building Official David Fisher III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Nymo, seconded by Cundy to approve the meeting agenda moving item C to the first item under reports and recommendation. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Cundy, seconded Hassenstab to approve the May 10, 2022, meeting minutes. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Community Comment: None VI. Reports/Recommendations C. COA: 4506 Sunnyside Road Liaison Bodeker introduced the COA request for the demolition of an existing attached garage, construction of a detached garage and two-story addition at 4506 Sunnyside Road. Motion made by Lonnquist, seconded by Nymo to approve the COA request for a new detached garage and addition to the front façade as submitted. All voted aye. A. Update to COA H-20-6: 4630 Drexel Avenue, Changes to Building Material and Replacement of Chimney Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Liaison Bodeker introduced the roofing material and chimney reconstruction requests. The property owner and contractor were in attendance to answer questions. Motion made by Hassenstab, seconded by Nymo to separate the actions outlined in the staff report. Taking separate action on the request for the roofing material and the chimney. All voted aye. The motion passed. Motion by Lonnquist, seconded by Hassenstab to deny the roofing material change request, allowing the original 3 materials as approved roofing material options. All voted aye. The motion carried. Motion made by Cundy, seconded by Lonnquist to approve the reconstruction of the chimney as presented by the applicant, without the approval of the exterior gas insert. All voted aye. The motion carried. B. COA: 4909 Sunnyside Road Liaison Bodeker introduced the COA request to for changes to a street facing façade associated with a remodel that include a front porch and dormers. The applicant, the architect, Ryan Fish, and property owners were in attendance. Motion made by Hassenstab, seconded by Nymo to approve the certificate of appropriateness request as submitted by the applicant. Commissioners Nymo, Hassenstab, Lonnquist, and Schilling voted aye. Commissioner Cundy voted No. Commissioner Everson recused himself. The motion passed. VII. Chair and Member Comments: Commissioner Cundy had questions for the City Attorney surrounding HPC processes, code and the Country Club plan of treatment. VIII. Staff Comments: Liaison Bodeker reminded the HPC of the upcoming June 21, 2022 work session with the city council. IX. Adjournment Motion made by Cundy seconded by Hassenstab to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 pm. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Emily Bodeker Date: July 12, 2022 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:MJ Lamon, C ommunity Engagement Manager Item Activity: Subject:Member R eview & Work P lan Development P res entation Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: M J Lamon, C ommunity E ngagement Manager, to give presentation. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Commission Annual Member Review 2023 AP Menu Memo MJ Lamon Community Engagement Manager Updated 2022.05.23 Commission Member Review 2022 Agenda 2 Work Plan Development o Citywide Work Plans o Calendar o Roles o Sub -committee & working groups o Template o Field Descriptions Council StaffCommissions Decide Strategy Advise Council Community Perspective Manage Operations, Implement Policy, Advise Council Technical Analysis Council •Make policy -level decisions •Hire & supervise City Manager •Approve -Budget and related work plan -Ordinances and policy decisions -Development proposals -Variances and rezoning requests •Appoint advisory boards and commissions Staff •Provide best efforts and technical advice to Council •Manage operations and staff •Propose budget and policies •Carry out Council decisions •Deliver services •Equitable enforce codes and policies Advisory Boards, Commission & Task Forces •Provide community perspective on values and needs •Propose work plan items •Advise the council through work plan charges •Hold hearings as directed by Council •Assist as directed in work plan with engagement efforts Supporting Council Technique Examples on the Spectrum Increasing Impact on the Decision Inform Consult Involve Collaborate Empower Board & Commissions Task Forces Website Open House Public Hearing Workshop Survey Focus Groups Public Meetings Publications City Extra Correspondence Stakeholder Interviews Fact Sheets Comment FormsFairs/Events Tours & Field Trips SHARE COLLECT BRING TOGETHER 5 Commission Subcommittee Working Group Task Force Tenure Ongoing Temporary Temporary Temporary Members Residents Commission members only Commission + Public members As defined Scope Work Plan Work Plan Item Work Plan Item Task Force Charge OML Required Not required Not required Not required Staff Support Yes No Not typically Yes Reports To Council Commission Commission Council or City Manager Key Roles 6 CHAIR STAFF LIAISON •Work with liaison to prepare agenda •Lead meetings and facilitate discussion •Facilitate development of the annual work plan and provide progress updates •Encourage member participation •Manage areas of conflict •Prepare agenda and meeting materials •Provide official notice of meetings •Record & prepare minutes. •Maintain BC official records •Provide technical expertise and access to City staff and resources •Relay information to council 7 Work Plans 8 9 Commission Work Plan Calendar 9 Annual Work Plan Begins January Commissions develop proposed work plans with liaison advice and feedback June–Aug. Commission approves proposed work plan September 23 Chairs present proposed work plans to Council October 6 Staff present recommendations to Council November 1 Council approves work plans December 6 Roles 10 Commission Chair •Lead work plan development •Make sure work plan is not overloaded •Ensure there is a “lead(s)” to each initiative •Present proposed work plan to City Council Staff Liaison •Provide technical expertise, recommendations and advice to the commission •Provide clear recommendations to City Management and/or Council to consider •Ensure work plan template fields are completed Committees & Working Groups 11 Commission Sub - committee Commission Members only Working Group Commission Members Public Members 7 Considerations: -Quorum -Student members Template 12 13 Title Be clear and provide detail Deliverable What exactly will be the product / result of your initiative Budget Staff determines if funds are available, commission collectively decides to available funds Liaison Comments Liaisons will provide you technical advice and feedback *Don’t leave white fields blank Leads Signify who is working on the item, working group? Target Completion Be realistic, impacts to supporting departments Partner Projects Cross commission initiatives, liaisons communicate partner requests Progress Reports Complete quarterly & always before joint meeting 14 Commission Up Commission Staff Council 15 Brainstorm Collect Ideas What do you want to work on? June Review brainstorm list Reduce list How much work capacity do you have? July Determine the priorities Who is leading? August Approve work plan Are all the fields completed? September Steps to Develop your work plan! 16 Climate Action Plan (2023) •Review Climate Action Menu •Consider including one Climate Action to 2023 work plan •For questions, contact EEC Chair Questions? www.EdinaMN.gov 17 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Department Name Phone 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390 • EdinaMN.gov Date: 06/01/2022 To: Edina Boards and Commissions From: Grace Hancock, Sustainability Manager Subject: Edina Commission Climate Action Menu: 2023 Work Plan options Attachment: 2023 Commission Climate Action Menu Background: The City’s first Climate Action Plan (CAP) was approved at the end of 2021 with 36 strategies supported by 200 actions. The CAP identifies the City’s GHG emission reduction target of 45% below 2019 levels by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The CAP’s goal is to help those who live and work in Edina imagine and achieve a future where the Earth and all who live on it thrive. For more information, the Climate Action Plan was the subject of a 2021 Town Talk, viewable here: https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/town-talks/forum_topics/sustainability-climate-action-plan In 2022, City staff kicked off the implementation of the CAP, undertaking ~60 actions, along with a few actions led by Commissions. With feedback from the Energy and Environment Commission, the Sustainability Division has informed City Council that it will ask that each Commission consider adding a Climate Action to its 2023 work plan. Attached is a refined list of Climate Actions that are suitable for Commission leadership. Some have been identified as especially suitable for certain Commissions, but all are available for all Commissions to consider for their 2023 work plan. These actions were chosen based on the nature of Commission work – resident volunteers who advise Council based on their Commission Charge. The intent for any Climate Action undertaken by a Commission is to study the issue and identify what's possible for Council to consider as next steps. It is not expected that Commissions accomplish the Action within one year, rather it is hoped that Commissions can lend their resident perspective and expertise to make meaningful contributions to the progress of any action they choose to undertake. Action Requested: Commissions should discuss the Climate Action Menu as part of their 2023 work plan development process. Commissions should consider including one Climate Action in their 2023 work plan, and be prepared to mention how their work aligns with the Climate Action Plan when presenting to City Council. For clarifying questions related to any Climate Actions, Commission Chairs should contact the EEC Chair and/or Vice Chair. EEC Chair: Hilda Martinez, hildakimx99@gmail.com EEC Vice Chair: Michelle Horan, mhoran00@gmail.com Strategy Action Potential Commission Work Plan Buildings & Energy 1-5 Partner with local organizations and businesses to educate the public and promote the adoption of energy efficiency habits like purchasing high- efficiency equipment, turning the lights off in unused spaces and at night, having efficient indoor temperature control, and promote home energy audits among their staff and students. BE 1-7 Create a welcome packet for new businesses and residents, which will provide information on all the energy efficiency improvement resources and opportunities. BE 1-13 Establish a performance ratings/labeling program for all homes listed for sale or rent so that owners, tenants and prospective buyers can make informed decisions about energy costs and carbon emissions. Rating program to require Energy Audit/Energy Efficiency Program participation. EEC BE 4-2 Partner with institutions and businesses within Edina to secure commitments to reduce operational greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of this Climate Action Plan, achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. BE 4-5 Create an educational program to inform residential and commercial properties about renewable energy opportunities including technologies that eliminate on-site fossil fuel use. Economic Development CE 1-4 Promote Edina as an environmentally friendly destination by highlighting the businesses that are taking steps to reduce resource consumption (Green Business Recognition program).EEC Greenspace GS 1-4 Update City’s Landscape ordinance to include a minimum tree coverage per lawn area or per impervious surface coverage for all new construction or expansion projects. Explore options for decrease of turf grass/lawn coverage and increase of wildflower/prairie grass coverage requirements. GS 1-7 Prioritize planting and preservation of native species of plants and trees and species of plants and trees adaptive to climate change on public and private property through education, incentives and other promotional programs. Ensure that landscaping requirements articulated in the zoning code include the preservation of the maximum possible number of existing trees, the use of native plantings and the preservation of natural areas whenever possible. GS 2-2 Remove and ease lawn/grass requirements in ordinances. GS 2-6 Establish a policy to require the use of native plants in landscaping at City-owned properties. Continue natural vegetation conversion for passive park areas. Add 110 Acres of native plant and pollinator restoration area on City Property by 2040.EEC GS 2-7 Establish a policy and Identify, create, and promote incentives to assist homeowners and households with low incomes by covering some of the cost of converting traditional lawns by planting pollinator friendly food gardens, permaculture, wildflowers, clover or native grasses in an effort to slow the collapse of the state’s bee population. GS 2-8 Develop educational and informational resources providing information on benefits of and strategies for reduced and repurposed lawn space including: native plantings, "carbon gardening" strategies for ornamental gardens, and produce gardens, tree profile rebuilding, elimination of synthetic fertilizer and pesticide use, high mow deck settings, use of biochar amendments, polyculture lawn mixture and other beneficial greenspace practices included in this CAP. Environmental Health HS 2-2 Add climate preparedness elements to public health programs already aimed at vulnerable populations and low-income households and dedicate increased funding to accommodate demand for public health services among at-risk populations. CHC HS 4-3 Support, leverage create relationships with, and enhance community networks and connections for those who require special attention, such as people who are elderly, homebound, disabled, isolated, or those likely to be in need of financial assistance during or after extreme weather events (heat, cold and heavy precipitation).CHC Local Food LF 1- 2 Support existing school and community gardens and provide opportunities to expand community growing spaces with a focus on locating garden infrastructure to serve youth, immigrant, and people with lower incomes or who are experiencing food insecurity. Community growing and garden spaces may include use of park space, unused city owned space, or public right of way/boulevard areas. Program should prioritize conversion of impervious spaces to garden space and preservation/increase of overall green space benefit. Provide on-going promotion, communication, and education of the sites and opportunities including appropriate translated and accessible content. LF 1-4 Incentivize and reward soil best management practice for urban lawns, gardens, landscaping, parks, open spaces, prairies, environmentally sensitive areas, and agricultural land uses.EEC LF 4-2 Establish an Green Business Refrigeration upgrade cost sharing incentive program providing a 25% matching grant for qualified buildings and applicants to switch to green refrigeration practices. EEC Transportation & Land Use TL 3- 2 Eliminate parking minimums to reduce surface parking and institute new parking pricing models to maintain 85% utilization (performance-based parking, off-street parking tax, dynamic pricing, etc.) PC/ETC TL 3-7 Allow and encourage the construction of accessory dwelling units ("ADU") to increase rental opportunities in both established neighborhoods and new development. This will add additional housing options for the City’s workforce, seniors, families with changing needs, and others for whom ADUs present an affordable housing option. PC TL 4-5 Develop incentive and educational programs to transition lawn care companies and homeowners from using fuel-burning lawn equipment (e.g., lawn mowers, blowers) to electric.EEC TL 1-5 Establish a branded communications campaign to promote increased alternative transportation use, with a particular focus on short distance trips (ie <2 miles) including school and other daily commutes.ETC Waste WM 1-2 Support collaborative consumption community projects, such as neighborhood compost projects, tool libraries, and repair cafes through mini-grant programs. WM 2-3 Conduct an organics waste collection pilot project with a sample of City businesses to test the interest, methodology, and amount of commercial food waste that would need to be accommodated by a commercial organics collection program. Explore possible incentives for food retailers, restaurants, and institutions to participate in food waste reuse and recycling programs. WM 3-2 Explore a requirement that all waste be recycled or salvaged at large construction sites. WM 4-5 Promote and partner to support a Fix It Fair at the Library and create a resource list for reuse. W 1-3 Facilitate reduction of water use by top customers annually through an opt-in water reduction program targeting water reduction goals of 20% or more per site. Offer free technical resources to large institutions and businesses to identify specific opportunities for employees or customers to conserve water and incorporate water efficiency into internal operations. Program can be coordinated with the City's Waste Audit and Diversion Assistance program. Goal: 30 business water use audits completed annually with customers engaged in measuring and reducing water consumption. W 1-6 Conduct a Water Conservation "challenge" campaign ask participants to reduce water consumption through water use behavior change strategies, irrigation system utilization, and replacement of fixtures like shower heads with WaterSense certified fixtures. WM 1-3 Explore options for waste hauling improvements supporting CAP goal achievement, including modifications to City's existing licensure process and requirements as well as organized waste hauling strategies. Edina Commission Climate Action Menu: 2023 Work Plan options Date: July 12, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI I.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: C orrespondenc e, O ther F rom:Lis a S c haefer, Assistant C ity Manager/S cott Neal, C ity Manager Item Activity: Subject:C ity C ounc il Work S es s ion F ollow Up Dis cus s ion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: F ollow up discussion from C ity C ouncil work session. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description HPC Summary for Council City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Administration Department Phone 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390 • EdinaMN.gov Date: June 29, 2022 To: Mayor and City Council cc: Scott Neal, City Manager, Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner, David Kendall, City Attorney From: Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager Subject: Follow-up from June 21, 2022, Joint Meeting of Council and Heritage Preservation Commission At last week’s work session, Council and the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) held their annual joint meeting. HPC identified a number of concerns they wanted Council or staff to address. Following that meeting, Chair Schilling and Commissioner Cundy sent separate emails to Council, which identified specific requests. Staff also met last week to debrief the HPC/Council joint meeting. We are working to get clarity on what decisions Council will ultimately need to make for the HPC to move forward. Some questions we have are the same as identified by Chair Schilling, some are different. Following are staff responses to the emails from Chair Schilling, and Commissioner Cundy, as well as a proposed process moving forward. Commissioner Cundy made the following requests in a June 22, 2022, email to Council: 1. City Council should direct the City Manager to solicit outside legal guidance as to the legitimacy of the Plan of Treatment. 2. City Council should direct the City Manager to provide outside legal counsel to the Heritage Preservation Commission if/when requested. 3. City Council should direct City Planning Staff to strictly adhere to the provisions of Edina City Code Section 36-722 until such time as further changes are made to ordinance or related or referenced processes and tools. 4. City Council should direct City Planning Staff to correct the misstatements made to Applicant X at the June 14 HPC meeting. Staff Response: Some HPC Members do not agree with the legal advice of the City Attorney. It is the role of the City Attorney and staff to obtain legal opinions for the Council. It is outside the scope of the Heritage Preservation Commission to provide legal opinions. The Role of the HPC is to advise the City Council and make recommendations regarding policy decisions. The City Attorney has indicated that staff is following Code, and that no correction of statements to any applicant is appropriate at this point. Conversations at the June 14 HPC meeting were speculative about potential future applications that have not yet been received. Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 The City does not have legal concerns regarding the current process that would make any interim changes necessary or wise. Long-term changes to City Code or other procedures should be made after careful consideration and feedback, following typical city processes. Chair Schilling made the following requests in her email to Council on Friday, June 24. I (as Chair of the Heritage Preservation Commission) would like to call a Special Meeting with the HPC. I request relevant staff and the City Attorney be present to discuss the following: TIMELINE: NO LATER THAN 7/15/2022 Identify the vulnerable points in the Plan of Treatment and/or City Code o Where are the definitions murky? o Where do the two directing documents conflict? o Which is our guiding document? Does one supercede the other? Identify the long-term solutions to the issues facing the HPC Clarify what regulatory function the HPC has and will have going forward Over what does the HPC have purview? Over what does the HPC NOT have purview? What is the protocol if our regulations are not adhered to? Make recommendations to modify the Plan of Treatment and/or City Code so that there are o Clear definitions that are cohesive across both the Plan of Treatment and City Code example: clarify the definition of "Demolition" o Clear understanding of the intent and application of the Plan of Treatment and how it applies to City Code Put in place a penalty if violation of the regulation occurs. Identify short term patches while the long- term solutions are in motion Identify vulnerable inconsistencies across city staff departments o Where do the building department, the planning department conflict with each other's policies? o Where do the different departments pass off responsibility? Staff Response: Staff does not feel that having an additional special meeting by July 15 is feasible, nor would it be productive. Some of the changes HPC might request would be a significant departure from the practices of the last 20 years. This requires a methodical process to follow regarding potential long- term changes to strategy. Staff suggests using our typical process for Council decisions as identified below. The next meeting of the HPC is July 12, and we could begin the discussion regarding next steps as identified below. 1) We define the practical concerns HPC and staff have with the current process. What changes would HPC like to see? Staff have identified the following broad areas of concerns and recommendations to be discussed. Staff have started drafting these concerns and questions in greater detail on the following pages, including: A. Clarification of Roles between Council, HPC Members, and staff B. Process and requirements for Certificates of Appropriateness (COAs) and Plans of Treatment. C. Enforcement concerns and recommendations 2) HPC develops their written recommendations to Council (either through an Advisory Communication or a Staff Report). 3) Staff evaluates the practical/legal impact of those recommendations through a Staff Report. 4) As directed by Council, staff and/or the HPC gets feedback from the larger community about recommendations. 5) Council decides which changes to implement, if any. 6) Staff revises code and procedures accordingly. Page 3 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 A. CLARIFICATION ROLES – COUNCIL, HPC, STAFF Questions to Resolve: Should the HPC be advisory only or should the Council delegate some of its legal authority to the HPC? If so, which authority should be delegated? Current practice: The ordinance indicates HPC makes recommendations to City Planner with respect to COA. The Council has not delegated it statutory authority through the City Code. Through the Work Plan, the Council has delegated some authority to review and issue decisions on COAs (subject to Council appeal). HPPC Work Plan Initiative 1: Review and decide on Certificates of Appropriateness (COA) applications for changes to heritage landmark designated properties. Relevant State Statutes 471.93 subd 3. Subd. 3. Powers. The powers and duties of any commission established pursuant to this section may include any power possessed by the political subdivision creating the commission, but shall be those delegated or assigned by the ordinance establishing the commission. Relevant City Code DIVISION 1 - GENERALLY Purposes and duties generally. All boards and commissions established by the council shall be advisory to the council and shall have the responsibility to: (1) Investigate matters within the scope of the particular board or commission or as specifically directed by the council. (2) Advise the council by communicating the viewpoint or advice of the board or commission. (3) At the direction of the council, hold hearings, receive evidence, conduct investigations, and, on the basis of such hearings, evidence and investigations, make decisions and recommendations to the council. Advisory role. A board or commission established by the council shall not assume the role of an administrative or legislative body. DIVISION 5. - HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION Sec. 2-187. - Duties and responsibilities. The commission shall: 1) Advise the council, manager, and other city commissions and provide leadership for implementing the heritage preservation regulations. 2) Develop and maintain a comprehensive plan for heritage resource preservation to ensure that community development policies and decisions respect the city's heritage and promote stewardship of heritage resources. 3) Conduct an ongoing survey of historic buildings, sites, structures, objects, and districts and maintain an inventory of the heritage resources in the city. 4) Conduct evaluations to determine the eligibility of heritage resources for designation as city heritage landmarks. 5) Nominate heritage resources for designation as city heritage landmarks by the city council. 6) Review city permit applications in relation to city heritage landmarks and make recommendations to the city planner with respect to issuance of certificates of appropriateness. Page 4 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 7) Review and make recommendations to the planning commission on development projects that affect properties designated heritage landmarks or determined eligible for designation as heritage landmarks. 8) Inform and educate citizens about the city's heritage and the benefits of preservation. 9) Develop regulatory and incentive programs that facilitate heritage preservation. 10) Adopt rules of procedure, subject to council approval, to guide the commission's deliberations. 11) Prepare an annual report to the council, describing the commission's accomplishments during the past year and presenting goals and objectives for the coming year. Relevant City Policies/Procedures Staff should re-train or clarify Commission Member responsibilities related to: Board and Commission Member Handbook Speaking as private individual vs. a representative of the City (Commission Member) Commission Member Code of Ethics and potential conflicts of interest B. Certificate of Appropriateness and Plans of Treatment Questions to Resolve: When should COA’s be required? Should COA requirements be expanded to be required for any City permit (i.e., mechanical), and not just a Building Permit. When should Plans of Treatment be required? When should they be voluntary? How should we clearly differentiate the two? Current Practice: COAs are required when the demolition and new construction of attached or detached garage; significant change to a street-facing façade (dormers, addition, significant change in size or shape of window); new home plans for homes that can be torn down (can be torn down if they were built outside of period of significance 1924-1944); or covered entry. The City has adopted the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as the basis for the Commissions design review decisions. The preferred treatment for resources in the Country Club District is rehabilitation, which is defined as the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions of features which convey its historical, cultural, or architectural value. The Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation are neither technical nor prescriptive but are intended to promote responsible preservation practices. They are regulatory only with respect to Certificates of Appropriateness for demolition and new construction; for work that is not subject to design review, they are advisory. C. Enforcement Mechanisms and Concerns Questions to Resolve: In which areas does HPC view enforcement as ineffective? What are the actual vs. perceived barriers to enforcement? What are the proposed solutions and impact, including: Do definitions need to be consistent across City Code and Plan of Treatment, or are different definitions appropriate in different situations? Should there be a change to the definition of demolition? Should there/can there be a penalty for non-compliance? Should there be an escrow, how and when could it be used? Relevant City Policies/Procedures: The 2022 HPC Work Plan contains Initiative 7: “Review and comment on the City’s escrow fee policy.” Date: July 12, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI I.B. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C O A H-22-7 4707 S unnys ide R oad-C hange of G arage Doors Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the certificate of appropriateness for 4707 S unnyside R oad as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he subject property, 4707 S unnyside R oad is located on the south side of Sunnyside Road, west of B rowndale Avenue. T he existing home on the lot is a two-story residence with an attached garage that is classified as a “colonial” or “neo-colonial” style, built in 1943. T he Certificate of Appropriateness request includes the change in the number of garage doors. T he existing house has two separate street facing garage doors, and the applicant is proposing to change the two doors into one single garage door. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Applicant Submittal Staff Report Consultant Vogel Memo Aerial Map Fred Nordahl Const. June 29, 2022 MN Res. Bldg. License BC670492 5421 Countryside Road Construction Remodeling Repair Edina, MN 55436 (952) 926-6705 Subject: Foster Residence 4707 Sunnyside Rd. Edina Scope of work: The intention is to correct the existing footing which is failing. New concrete garage slab and concrete driveway apron. We will also be installing new beams and headers systems to eliminate two posts in the middle of the garage. The news overhead door will be one 16 ft. wide overhead door unit rather than the existing double door system. The style of this new door will be similar to the existing. The roof will not change. July 12, 2022 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Certificate of Appropriateness: 4707 Sunnyside Road-New Garage Door Information / Background: The subject property, 4707 Sunnyside Road is located on the south side of Sunnyside Road, west of Browndale Avenue. The existing home on the lot is a two-story residence with an attached garage that is classified as a “colonial” or “neo-colonial” style, built in 1943. The Certificate of Appropriateness request includes the change in the number of garage doors. The existing house has two separate street facing garage doors, and the applicant is proposing to change the two doors into one single garage door. Primary Issues: The request includes the conversion of two single street facing garage doors to one single street facing garage door. The objective of the Country Club Landmark District is preservation of the existing historic house facades and streetscapes. The city has adopted the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation when reviewing certificate of appropriateness applications. Staff believes the following standards of rehabilitation are pertinent to the review of the certificate of appropriateness: • New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historical materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. STAFF REPORT Page 2 • New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. Preservation Consultant Vogel reviewed the application and has written a memo that is attached in the heritage preservation commission packet. Staff Recommendation & Findings: Staff recommends approval of the certificate of appropriateness request for a single street facing garage door at 4707 Sunnyside Road as submitted by the applicant. Findings supporting the recommendation include: • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness is consistent with the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. • The proposed Certificate of Appropriateness meets the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation. • The existing garage doors are not a character defining architectural feature of the house • The garage door changes will not substantially alter the historic character of the façade or streetscape. Conditions for approval: • All roofs, exterior walls, doors, and windows are required to be kept weather tight through the construction process. This is to protect the integrity of the structure. MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner FROM: Robert Vogel, Preservation Planning Consultant DATE: July 5, 2022 SUBJECT: COA for 4707 Sunnyside Road I have reviewed the COA application for alteration of the existing garage doors at 4707 Sunnyside Road in the Country Club District. Built in 1943, the subject property was identified as an example of the Colonial style when the district was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1982; I would classify it as Neo-Colonial, a “mid-century modern” house form that was popular with suburban home builders between ca. 1935 and 1955. The subject property has been evaluated as not individually eligible for heritage landmark designation but is considered a contributing resource within the Country Club District. The applicant proposes to replace the two street-facing garage doors with a single overhead door. The oldest photographic documentation on file (which probably dates from the 1960s) shows the house with an attached, front-loading, two-car garage; each stall has its own overhead door. Even if the existing garage is not original construction, the two-door configuration is more than fifty years old and therefore may have acquired historic preservation value in its own right – presumably, this is why the staff has required a COA for this project. The district plan of treatment stipulates that a COA will be required for demolition/removal of “a front porch, side porch, vestibule, dormer, chimney, attached garage or porte-cochere”; however, does not mention doors, windows, or other small-scale architectural elements as features subject to design review. To the best of my knowledge, the city has never issued a COA for replacement of a garage door, regardless of its age, and I am unaware of anything in the architectural history literature that would suggest garage doors constitute an important architecture character defining feature of Neo-Colonial style houses. Contextually, overhead (“upward lifting”) garage doors are as old the as the Country Club District, although two-car garages were not particularly common until the post-World War II era. Home building catalogs from the 1940s show one- and two-car attached garages equipped with both single and double doors, but generally have very little to say about garage door design or aesthetic considerations. In my professional opinion, it would be difficult to make a case for treating garage doors as a distinguishing historic character defining feature of any mid-century modern house in the Country Club neighborhood. In conclusion, the existing garage doors are not an important character defining architectural feature of the house at 4707 Sunnyside; the proposed garage door changes will not substantially alter the historic character of the façade or the streetscape; and the design of the new garage door appears to be compatible with the house’s original design. Therefore, I recommend approval of the COA. Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, © WSB & Asso ciates 2013 4707 S unnyside R oadd July 5, 2 022 1 in = 40 f t / Date: July 12, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI I.C . To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C O A H-22-6 4914 Bruce Avenue-New Detac hed G arage Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the certificate of appropriateness for a new garage at 4914 Bruce Avenue as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he subject property, 4914 B ruce Avenue is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Bruce Avenue and 50th S treet West. T he existing home on the lot is a two-story residence built in 1928 and is classified as “M editerranean” and “Italian Renaissance” styles. T he Certificate of Appropriateness request includes the construction of a new detached garage. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Applicant Submittal Staff Report Consultant Vogel Memo Aerial Map 4210 E. 34th St., Minneapolis, MN 55406 Ph: 612.655.4961 E-mail: info@hansonremodeling.com Web: HansonRemodeling.com Page | 1 Galloway Project Narrative June 23, 2022 Jennifer and Brennan Galloway would like to demolish their existing garage and replace it with a 24’ x 32’ hipped-roof garage with two large garage doors, a service door, and two windows. The existing garage is in disrepair, and the concrete floor is beyond repair. The garage is also too small for their family vehicle. They would like to move the new garage closer to the NW corner of the property to increase yard footage. The new garage will be stucco (matching the existing house) with brick mold around the window, a service door and wide casing backband around the overhead garage doors. The roof will be metal to simulate the terra cotta clay tiles of the house. The new garage will have greater storage capacity for a growing family and display refreshed curb appeal from the 50th street view. The new garage will be approximately 14.4 feet tall at the peak. The hip of the roof will mirror the hip roof of the house. As illustrated in the pictures below, the maximum height will fall well within the average height of other existing detached garages on the adjacent lots. This meets the Plan of Treatment requirements of a roof line within 10% of the average height of existing detached garages on adjacent lots or the average of the block. 4210 E. 34th St., Minneapolis, MN 55406 Ph: 612.655.4961 E-mail: info@hansonremodeling.com Web: HansonRemodeling.com Page | 2 Exhibit A: 4911 Bruce Ave. Approximate garage height: 15ft Exhibit B: 4908 Bruce Ave. Approximate garage height: 15ft Exhibit C: 4909 Bruce Ave. Approximate garage height: 13ft Exhibit D: 4906 Bruce Ave. Approximate garage height: 15ft 4210 E. 34th St., Minneapolis, MN 55406 Ph: 612.655.4961 E-mail: info@hansonremodeling.com Web: HansonRemodeling.com Page | 3 Exhibit E: 4907 Bruce Ave. Approximate garage height: 15ft Exhibit F: 4903 Bruce Ave. Approximate garage height: 20ft Exhibit G: 4902 Bruce Ave. Approximate garage height: 16ft Galloway Project Outline 6.23.22 Page 1 of 7 4210 E. 34th Street Minneapolis, MN 55406 License # BC633225 WALKTHROUGH Brennan & Jennifer Galloway 4914 Bruce Avenue Edina, MN 55424 Notice to Subcontractors: Thank you for taking the time to attend this walkthrough. Please return your quote no later than the end of business on June 27th 2022. Project demolition is likely to start 9.01.22. Please submit quotes and questions to Ranisha Robinson, Mark Mitchell, and John Greely. Ranisha Robinson Designer ranisha@hansonremodeling.com (612) 759-3831 John Greely Estimator john@hansonremodeling.com 952-237-7322 Mark Mitchell Production Manager mark@hansonremodeling.com 206-900-3760 Thank you! Galloway Project Outline 6.23.22 Page 2 of 7 General Project Description Jennifer and Brennan Galloway would like to remove their existing garage and build a new 24 X 32-foot hipped roof garage with two large garage doors, a service door, and an optional window. They would like the new garage to be tucked further in the corner of the property three feet from the overhang to the property line. The garage would be stucco with brick mold around the window and service door and a wider casing around the overhead garage doors. The roof would be a metal roof with the look of Terra cotta clay tiles to match the main house. The new garage would allow them greater storage capacity for a growing family and refreshed curb appeal from the 50th street view of their property. Please include options for the following items: Option A: Leaf covers for gutters. Galloway Project Outline 6.23.22 Page 3 of 7 Project Scope Based on plans dated (6.23.2022). Appliances and decorative light fixtures provided by homeowners and installed by builder. Demolition: Do not remove: • Lower section of the driveway. • Sidewalk adjacent concrete or curb cut. Remove: • Garage • Parking pad concrete Waste Removal: • Hanson Remodeling will provide all waste removal pertaining to project. Type of removal (i.e. dumpster, bagster, etc.) will be determined at Pre-Con meeting based on project needs and city requirements. • NOTE: Homeowners understand that dumpsters may need to be periodically and temporarily removed for city snow removal, street sweeping, or street/tree maintenance. If this is required, additional costs may incur. Concrete/Masonry: • Pour concrete slab for garage. • Pour new concrete for the driveway. • Pour new concert for walkway from the garage. • Install 6’ of CMU block on the perimeter of the new garage. Framing: • Frame for GARAGE per plans. Insulation: • N/A This will not be a conditioned space. Drywall: • N/A This will not be a conditioned space. Galloway Project Outline 6.23.22 Page 4 of 7 Windows: • Install Marvin Essential Slider window. Measurements to be verified on site. Window to have: • Stone White exterior o Stone White interior o 6 lites o White hardware Exterior Siding, Fascia, and Trim: • Stucco siding • Wood fascia • Wood trim • OPTION A: Leaf covers for gutters. Roofing, Gutters, and Soffits: • Install new roof on Garage. o Shingles: Decra Villa Tile (Tuscan Sun) o Edge Trim Color: MATCH EXISTING • Install new gutters on GARAGE. o Color: White o Leaf Protection: TBD • Roof vents: NONE • Install new Aluminum soffits o Color: White o Style: non-vented on west and north side, vented on east and south side • OPTION A: Leaf covers for gutters. Electrical: • All outlet receptacles and switches in (white) unless otherwise noted. • All switches to be toggle switches unless otherwise noted. • Install switches, outlet receptacles, and lighting fixtures per the Electrical plan. • Wire and install (8) duplex outlet receptacles. Including 2 on the ceiling for garage door openers. Galloway Project Outline 6.23.22 Page 5 of 7 • Garage door openers to be installed by garage door subcontractor: Liftmaster 87504 ½ HP with built-in LED bulb battery backup and camera. • NOTE: Decorative light fixtures provided by homeowner. • Wire and install (3) Wall Lantern exterior sconces with single pole switch in GARAGE. o GARAGE SCONCES: Wayfair (W007880949) (Black) • Wire and install (1)Barn light over door sconce light fixture with (1) switches in GARAGE. o Light Fixture: Wayfair (RTRA1007)(Black) Galloway Project Outline 6.23.22 Page 6 of 7 The garage door picture door is for panel style reference only. Color will vary Doors & Door Hardware: • Install (2) new 12'0" X 7'6" MIDLAND Carriage long panel thermal insulated garage door, with Stockton windows in the almond color. • Install Scherer Bros Classic Mahogany shaker style fiberglass door with simulated divided lite glass. 3’-0” x 6’-8” with a left-hand inswing. • Install the Schlage Latitude single cylinder keyed entry door lever set with Addison back plate. o Lock Set: Schlage (FB50ADDLATADD622)(Black) Millwork: • Install a new frieze board below the boxed soffit. o Profile & Species: 1x6 exterior grade lumber • Install new exterior casing around garage doors. o Profile & Species: 1x4 w/ backband exterior grade lumber Paint and Stain: • Apply (1) coat of primer and (2) coats of paint to facia and frieze board on GARAGE. o Manufacturer: TBD o Color: TBD o Finish: Enameled Galloway Project Outline 6.23.22 Page 7 of 7 • Apply (1) coat of primer and (2) coats of paint to exterior trim and frieze board on GARAGE. o Manufacturer: TBD o Color: TBD o Finish: TBD • Additional Notes: o One round of touch-up paint included. 4914 BRUCE AVENUEEDINA,, MN, 554243D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS LICENSE NO: BC633225 4210 E. 34th St., Minneapolis., MN 55406THE GALLOWAYRESIDENCEPAGE TITLE:TABLE OF CONTENTSDRAWN BY: SHEET #: SCALE: DATE: 6/23/2022 AS NOTED 1 SHEET #: SCALE: 1Preliminary measurements are as thorough as possible, but may contain discrepancies due to limitations in measuring a lived-in space. All measurements will be verified once the space is cleared and ready for demolition. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Table of Contents Label Title 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 AS-BUILT GARAGE SITE PLAN 4 FLOOR & ELECTRICAL PLAN 5 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 6 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 7 CROSS SECTION DETAILS THE GALLOWAY RESIDENCE SB / L SB / L SB / L SB / LSB / L SB / L SB / L SB / L P / LP / L P / L P / L P / LP / LP / L P / L P / L P / L CUT LINE FOR CONCRETE 33.26'33.72'Impervious Surfaces: Driveway: 906.75 SF Walkways: 352.46SF Patio: 272.29 SF Front Deck: 165 SF Building Coverage: House: 957 SF 32' x 21' Garage: 407 SF 20'x 20' This area of concrete to remain. Curb cut and sidewalk to remain AS-BUILT SITE PLAN & SURVEY AS-BUILT SITE PLAN & SURVEY Scale:1" = 30'-0"4914 BRUCE AVENUEEDINA,, MN, 554243D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS LICENSE NO: BC633225 4210 E. 34th St., Minneapolis., MN 55406THE GALLOWAYRESIDENCEPAGE TITLE:AS-BUILT GARAGE SITEPLANDRAWN BY: SHEET #: SCALE: DATE: 6/23/2022 AS NOTED 2 SHEET #: SCALE: 2Preliminary measurements are as thorough as possible, but may contain discrepancies due to limitations in measuring a lived-in space. All measurements will be verified once the space is cleared and ready for demolition. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED SB / L SB / L SB / L SB / LSB / L SB / L SB / L SB / L P / LP / L P / L P / L P / LP / LP / L P / L P / L P / L P / L135'3.23'37.86'34.54'PROPOSED GARAGE: 768 SF FOOT PRINT:24' X 32' 3.00 FT Impervious Surfaces: Driveway: 1196.6 SF Walkways: 371.71SF Patio: 272.29 SF Front Deck: 165 SF Building Coverage: House: 957 SF 32' x 21' Garage: 768.8 SF 24' x 32' Total Lot Square Footage = 7,635 SF (HC) Fifty Percent Coverage = 3,817 Impervious Surface Coverage = 3,730.59 SF CUT LINE FOR CONCRETE NEW CONCRETE WALKWAY New 4 ft Manual sliding / rolling gate. New proposed 6 foot fencing section.( red line) This area of concrete to remain. PROPOSED GARAGE SITE PLAN & SURVEYPROPOSED GARAGE SITE PLAN & SURVEY 4914 BRUCE AVENUEEDINA,, MN, 554243D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS LICENSE NO: BC633225 4210 E. 34th St., Minneapolis., MN 55406THE GALLOWAYRESIDENCEPAGE TITLE:PROPOSED GRAGESITE PLANDRAWN BY: SHEET #: SCALE: DATE: 6/23/2022 AS NOTED 3 SHEET #: SCALE: 3Preliminary measurements are as thorough as possible, but may contain discrepancies due to limitations in measuring a lived-in space. All measurements will be verified once the space is cleared and ready for demolition. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Scale:1" = 30'-0" W01W01 30681207612076 W01W01 P / L P / L P / L P / LP / LP / LP / LP / LP / LP / LP / LP / LP / LP / LP / LP / LP / L4 WP WP WP E5 7 E5 7 E1 5 E1 5 E2 5 E2 5 E3 6 E3 6 E4 6 E4 6 8" 32'24'19'-6 5/16"4'-5 11/16"24'32'2'-2 15/16"3'-5 1/2"14'-10 1/16"2'-5 1/2"23'2'-5"12'2'12'2'-7" 31'8"8" 8"8"768 SQ FT GARAGE 3'-0"3'-0"Electrical Schedule 3D Perspective Qty Attached To Description Comments 2 Garage Door Opener 1 Wall Four Way 1 Wall Single Pole 1 Wall 220V 2 Wall Duplex 4 Ceiling Bare Bulb - Ceiling Pull 2 Ceiling Duplex Ceiling Mounted 3 Wall Max Wall Sconce 6 Wall Duplex 48"HTC 3 Wall Duplex Weatherproof 12" HTC 1 Wall Seaside Sconce FLOOR & ELECTRICAL PLANFLOOR & ELECTRICAL PLAN Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"4914 BRUCE AVENUEEDINA,, MN, 554243D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS LICENSE NO: BC633225 4210 E. 34th St., Minneapolis., MN 55406THE GALLOWAYRESIDENCEPAGE TITLE:FLOOR & ELECTRICALPLANDRAWN BY: SHEET #: SCALE: DATE: 6/23/2022 AS NOTED 4 SHEET #: SCALE: 4Preliminary measurements are as thorough as possible, but may contain discrepancies due to limitations in measuring a lived-in space. All measurements will be verified once the space is cleared and ready for demolition. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED 4 : 12 1207612076 11 Note Schedule Stucco Exterior Albumin soffit w/venting and gutters Wood Frieze board Decra Villa Roofing in Tuscan Sun Color C.H.I Garage Door Steel Insulated Door Flat trim with backband Decorative Motion Sensor Light 6" CMU Midland Carriage long panel garage door in almond color. Marvin Essential window with SDL 7/8 th wide mulls 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1010 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1010 22 44 55 66 77 33 88 99 1010 4 : 12 1207612076 W01W01 4 : 12 1010 W01W01 4 : 12 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"4914 BRUCE AVENUEEDINA,, MN, 554243D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS LICENSE NO: BC633225 4210 E. 34th St., Minneapolis., MN 55406THE GALLOWAYRESIDENCEPAGE TITLE:EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSDRAWN BY: SHEET #: SCALE: DATE: 6/23/2022 AS NOTED 5 SHEET #: SCALE: 5Preliminary measurements are as thorough as possible, but may contain discrepancies due to limitations in measuring a lived-in space. All measurements will be verified once the space is cleared and ready for demolition. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED E1E1 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" E2E2 WEST ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" 4 : 124 : 12 3068 W01W01 4 : 12 3068 W01W01 4 : 12 4914 BRUCE AVENUEEDINA,, MN, 554243D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS LICENSE NO: BC633225 4210 E. 34th St., Minneapolis., MN 55406THE GALLOWAYRESIDENCEPAGE TITLE:EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSDRAWN BY: SHEET #: SCALE: DATE: 6/23/2022 AS NOTED 6 SHEET #: SCALE: 6Preliminary measurements are as thorough as possible, but may contain discrepancies due to limitations in measuring a lived-in space. All measurements will be verified once the space is cleared and ready for demolition. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS E3E3 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" E4E4 EAST ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" Grade Level 0.0' Top of Garage Slab 0.0' Ceiling Finish - 1st Floor 9.3'112"Highest Ridge 14.4'60 1/2"8"10"12"10"4 12 4/12 ROOF PITCH TRUSS HIP ROOF ALUMINUM GUTTER AND SOFFIT 7" ENERGY HEEL DOUBLE TOP PLATE 2 X6 WALLS TREATED BOTTOM PLATE SILL SEAL 6" CMU (2) #4 REBAR 5" CONCRETE SLAB WITH THICKEN RIM 1/2" REBAR 2 FEET ON CENTER 4914 BRUCE AVENUEEDINA,, MN, 554243D VIEWS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND MAY NOT REFLECT EXACTLY WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROJECT. RENDER VIEWS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF WHAT THE VIEW COULD LOOK LIKE, NOT WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. 2D VIEWS ALWAYS SUPERCEDE 3D VIEWS LICENSE NO: BC633225 4210 E. 34th St., Minneapolis., MN 55406THE GALLOWAYRESIDENCEPAGE TITLE:CROSS SECTIONDETAILSDRAWN BY: SHEET #: SCALE: DATE: 6/23/2022 AS NOTED 7 SHEET #: SCALE: 7Preliminary measurements are as thorough as possible, but may contain discrepancies due to limitations in measuring a lived-in space. All measurements will be verified once the space is cleared and ready for demolition. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" CROSS SECTION DETAILSCROSS SECTION DETAILS E5E5 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" July 12, 2022 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Certificate of Appropriateness: 4914 Bruce Avenue-New Detached Garage Information / Background: The subject property, 4914 Bruce Avenue is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Bruce Avenue and 50th Street West. The existing home on the lot is a two-story residence built in 1928 and is classified as “Mediterranean” and “Italian Renaissance” styles. The Certificate of Appropriateness request includes the construction of a new detached garage. Primary Issues: The request includes the construction of a new detached garage which is why the proposed project requires a Certificate of Appropriateness. The project also requires a front yard setback variance for the construction of the garage. The subject property is a corner lot and has two required front yard setbacks. The required front yard setback is to match the property located to the west. The applicant intends to submit the variance request, so the request is heard at the July 27th Planning Commission Meeting. The objective of the Country Club Landmark District is preservation of the existing historic house facades and streetscapes. The city has adopted the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation when reviewing certificate of appropriateness applications. Staff believes the following standards of rehabilitation are pertinent to the review of the certificate of appropriateness: Distinctive features, finishes and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a historic property shall be preserved. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historical materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old STAFF REPORT Page 2 and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. The garage is comparable to surrounding garage heights and meets the 18-foot height requirement of the zoning code. Preservation Consultant Vogel reviewed the application and has written a memo that is a ttached in the heritage preservation commission packet. Staff Recommendation & Findings: Staff recommends approval of the certificate of appropriateness request for a new detached garage and at 4914 Bruce Avenue as submitted by the applicant. Findings supporting the recommendation include: The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness is consistent with the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. The proposed Certificate of Appropriateness meets the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation. Conditions for approval: An as built date plaque should be installed on the exterior of the new garage. MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner FROM: Robert Vogel, Preservation Planning Consultant DATE: June 29, 2022 SUBJECT: COA for 4914 Bruce Avenue I have reviewed the plans and supporting documents submitted in relation to the COA application for construction of a new detached garage at 4914 Bruce Avenue in the Country Club District. Built in 1928, the subject property was classified as an architectural hybrid combining elements of the “Mediterranean” and “Italian Rennaissance” styles when the district was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. These types of houses make up less than 10% of the historic resources in the Country Club District. The house has not been evaluated as individually eligible for heritage landmark designation but is considered a contributing resource within the Country Club District. Therefore, a Certificate of Appropriateness is required for construction of the new detached garage. The district plan of treatment includes design guidelines for garages based on the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation, which are intended to promote responsible preservation practices. Numerous COAs for construction of new detached garages have been approved by the HPC since the Country Club neighborhood was designated an Edina Heritage Landmark District in 2002. In my professional opinion, the proposed new construction meets applicable design standards and is consistent with the guidelines contained in the district plan of treatment. The existing accessory structure is not considered a heritage preservation resource in its own right; therefore, demolition is an appropriate undertaking, provided the replacement structure meets the district design guidelines. Based on the plans presented, the replacement garage will be subordinate to the historic house but at the same time compatible with its architectural character in terms of size, scale, building materials and architectural character. The design of the garage is also compatible with the architectural character of the neighborhood and its location on the northwest corner of the lot will help reduce its visual impact when viewed from the public right-of-way. It is my understanding that the large expanse of undecorated wall surface on the structure’s north elevation will be partially screened by an existing fence; therefore, no additional exterior detailing is recommended. I recommend approval of the COA with the usual conditions. Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 4914 B ruc e Ave July 5, 2 022 1 in = 50 f t / Date: July 12, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI I.D. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C O A H-22-5 4505 Drexel Ave-New Detac hed G arage & F ront Door O verhang Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the certificate of appropriateness for a new detached garage and front door overhang at 4505 Drexel Avenue as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he subject property, 4505 Drexel Avenue is located on the east side of D rexel Avenue, south of Sunnyside Road and north of B ridge Street. T he original house is a two-story home that was built in 1930 with an attached garage and is classified as a Tudor R evival S tyle. T he Certificate of Appropriateness request includes the construction of a new detached garage. T he project also includes the construction of a front door overhang. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Applicant Submittal Staff Report Consultant Vogel Memo Aerial Map Pope Residence, 4505 Drexel Avenue, Edina, MN 55424 June 13, 2022 Project Narrative The scope of work for this certificate is the construction of a new, detached garage, and the addition of a bracketed portico (overhang) above the front door. The home was built in 1930 and has had no additions. As there have been few improvements made to the home, the new owners intend to renovate the 1970s kitchen and convert the 92-year-old garage into a family room. This improvement—fundamental by current standards—will necessitate the construction of a new garage. The garage will be situated in the southeast corner of the property, adjacent to the neighboring garage. In adherence to Edina lot size codes, the size of the garage will be 20'x20' with an attached wing of 6'x10', for a total of 460 SF. It is designed to blend with the style of the home, with a north-south roof ridge orientation (like that of the house), and with stucco siding and roof shingles to match existing. The windows will be compatible with those on the house. The height of the garage will be 17.7', consistent with the height of the neighboring garage and most other garages in the neighborhood. The portico over the front door will echo the gothic arch design of the front windows and door. It will be constructed of wood, and painted to match the trim on the house. Approximately 3' in depth and 8'8" in width, it will span the stone surround, with the brackets in a natural placement on the outside of the stone. This overhang will provide much needed protection from weather elements, as well as an aesthetic improvement that will hew to the authentic design of the house. lune 14, 2022 To whom it may concern: We are the current owners of 4505 Drexel Ave., Edina, MN, 55424 ("the Property"). We have an agreement to sell the Property to buyers Leigh and Bretton Pope. Closing for the property sale will be on August 1, 2022. We are aware of, and grant our permission for, Leigh and Bretton Pope's application for a Certificate of Approval (COA) with the Historical Preservation Commission related to the addition of a garage and front portico at the Property. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any follow-up questions or concerns. Sincerely, -ANI\ Daniel Scott Aberson Jen Jean Ab Cell: 612.240-8616 Cell: 612.240-8293 Email: scottaberon@gmall.com Email: abersons@yahoo corn 1 t- t h" v.40 14 Nc) 4 °OA 1.4667 pre,,4 111111111PEMOMPTirr-FL7c-dC79. e• 146.11.1MPlair T flr'SMNAP", SOUL I MIMI MBE /// ..."7!11111MIIMINGel ,I MI. ........... . f 1 " i • /1.._ , -• 410, , tO 44 % X i .0, rt- . 4 p Y lr s, r .., if •• elf - 17 • V r 4., .,„ ' .1, A i " 2., „r m.! •st . % ' 0.• ti) , , ' 0 ' . .. . . t I • # f I I ,1 de -4 ., - . • • e • J 4 ' i re '!' Ai , I 4 %fa A, Wil • .•e .P.0\1*•r, attic i ~Lt fe , • i eft 4' 4ell e ia t E a I Ail . • •. a. tr . o , ii. • .. 9 • .. , il alk i° ' • ". d 1 r .•" ' " 4. v • I. ...: -",..6'.-:, flit 7,-.4 • r iP Ire IIIV' • • - ItAi`‘ 4 V 4- •:41" .... alp Ar f 1 .,a .1"1" I' s. 0 re i. 1 _ ... . f 0 dpv •ilt „ .4, AN •• % 19 .• 14 )0. ' r _ 6. 1 • ''' .4 ,,,, • 0., AA 44.4 4 we y Jo Y ,fro "M••••••,.. - ff. 'We •••••• ••••••• mow ,4•••••••. -wow, gi MN. • +.111. 0•••••••, am. 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I fill iddhh. illththhhhhhhhhhhhhilk Ken Heyda Design, LLC 612 Highway 55 Medina, MN 55340 Lic# BC634662 Ken Heyda Design, LLC 612-221-6995 kenheyda@comcast.net BY DESIGNED FOR POPE SCALE SEE VIEW Nnici. Nth B Papa DATE SHEET # A4 BY DATE DWN REV BY Ken Heyda Design, LLC 612-221-6995 kenheyda@comcast.net Ken Heyda Design, LLC 612 Highway 55 Medina, MN 55340 Lic# BC634662 DESIGNED FOR POPE I1-/ r/ r/ (/ ?-/ (/ I I 1 rl m 111 „ 11 , 1 , 1 , 1 „ 11 1 1 . 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111II111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111. 11 .11111 1 r 1 , 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 111 111 I I 11 1 1 , 1 11.11, 11111111 11111 1-1 1111 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1. 1111 111111111111111111 11111111 1111111111111111 11111111111 11111 Roofing materials to Match Existing House Roof Stucco To match existing House Carriage style garage door MIR 1 Garage Front A /\ /\ / \ / \ / \ I I 1 House side Elevation I DATE BY DWN REV SCALE SEE VIEW 40.3. cn Aro, PXer DATE SHEET # A8 IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IMNINI=MMIIIMINIMEMMMINIIMIIMIMMOINIIMMMMrnMMIIMIIMMMMIM 11111111111 111 I 1111 1 I III I 11111111111111111 I 111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111 1 III 1 1111 I I III l 11111111111111111 1 111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 t I I 11111111111111 111111 I I I I I 1 I l I I I I I I I I 1 I t I I I I I 1111111111111 I 111 1III1111111111111111111111111111I1111111111-1IIII1II1 111111111111111 I 111 1 1111 I I 111 I 11111111111111111 I III 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 111111111111111 I 111 I 1111 I I III 11111111111111111 I 111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 111111111111111 I 111 I 1111 I I 111 I 11 I 11111111111111 I III 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 1 111111111111 I 111 I 1111 I I 111 I 11 I 11111111111111 I 1 II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 I 111111111111 111 I 1111 I 1111 1 111111111 I 1111111 I I 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 11 I 111111111111 I 111 I 1111 I 1111 I 111111111 I 1111111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 I 1111111111111111 I 1111111111111111111 I 1111111 I II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 I 1111111111111111 I 1111111111111 I 11111 I 11111111 I 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 11 1 111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111 1 11111111 1 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 I 111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111111 I 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I MI1111_1_11 _L I 11 BY Ken Heyda Design, LLC 612-221-6995 kenheyda@comcast.net Ken Heyda Design, LLC 612 Highway 55 Medina, MN 55340 Lic# BC634662 '.DESIGNED FOR POPE 1 Back Elevation nIn'. MIEN r Neighbor's elevation DATE BY DWN REV SCALE SEE VIEW A/Vcatie eINIT 13 Papa DATE SHEET # A9 AY Ken Heyda Design, LLC 612 Highway 55 Medina, MN 55340 Lic# BC634662 BY Ken Heyda Design, LLC 612-221-6995 kenheyda@conncast.net SHEET # A7 SCALE SEE VIEW 406catla cri Ar. B Pa, DATE DATE BY DWN REV DESIGNED FOR POPE July 12, 2022 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Certificate of Appropriateness: 4505 Drexel Avenue-New Detached Garage and Front Door Overhang Information / Background: The subject property, 4505 Drexel Avenue is located on the east side of Drexel Avenue, south of Sunnyside Road and north of Bridge Street. The original house is a two-story home that was built in 1930 with an attached garage and is classified as a Tudor Revival Style. The Certificate of Appropriateness request includes the construction of a new detached garage. The project also includes the construction of a front door overhang. Primary Issues: The request includes the construction of a new detached garage which is why the proposed project requires a Certificate of Appropriateness. The objective of the Country Club Landmark District is preservation of the existing historic house facades and streetscapes. The city has adopted the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation when reviewing certificate of appropriateness applications. Staff believes the following standards of rehabilitation are pertinent to the review of the certificate of appropriateness: Distinctive features, finishes and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a historic property shall be preserved. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historical materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. STAFF REPORT Page 2 New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. The garage on the property to the north of the subject property is an attached garage. The garage on the property to the south, 4507 Drexel is approximately 16.9 feet in height. The proposed garage does not have undecorated walls longer than 16 feet. Preservation Consultant Vogel reviewed the application and has written a memo that is attached in the heritage preservation commission packet. Staff Recommendation & Findings: Staff recommends approval of the certificate of appropriateness request for a new detached garage and front door overhang at 4505 Drexel Avenue as submitted by the applicant. Findings supporting the recommendation include: The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness is consistent with the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. The proposed Certificate of Appropriateness meets the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation. Conditions for approval: An as built date plaque should be installed on the exterior of the new garage. All roofs, exterior walls, doors, and windows are required to be kept weather tight through the construction process. This is to protect the integrity of the structure. MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner FROM: Robert Vogel, Preservation Planning Consultant DATE: June 29, 2022 SUBJECT: COA for 4505 Drexel Avenue I have reviewed the plans and supporting documents submitted in relation to the COA application for construction of a new detached garage and the addition of a “bracketed portico” above the front entry of the house at 4505 Drexel Avenue in the Country Club District. The applicant proposes to convert the existing attached garage to living space. Built in 1930, the subject property is classified as an example of the Tudor Revival style. It is not individually eligible for landmark designation but is considered a contributing heritage preservation resource within the Country Club District. Therefore, a Certificate of Appropriateness is required for construction of the new detached garage. The district plan of treatment includes design guidelines for garages based on the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation. Homes with attached garages are common within the district boundaries (roughly one-third of the homes built between 1924 and 1944 had attached garages). The conversion of attached garages to living space, necessitating construction of new detached accessory structures, has also become a frequent occurrence. Historically, the city has not discouraged this practice. Numerous projects similar to the one proposed for 4505 Drexel have been certified as appropriate by the HPC since the current preservation ordinance was adopted in 2002. In my professional opinion, the plans for the new garage are consistent with the goals of the Country Club District plan of treatment and the standards for rehabilitation. The new construction matches the architectural character of the house and is compatible with surrounding properties. No historic features or materials will be destroyed and the essential historic character defining features of the house will not be substantially altered. Therefore, I recommend approval of the COA (with the usual conditions for new construction projects). Regarding the proposed portico or overhang above the front door, the district plan of treatment does not address these kinds of minor façade alterations—a COA is only required for demolition of specific architectural features (porches, vestibules, dormers, chimneys, attached garages ). In my professional opinion, the new entry is well designed and meets applicable standards for rehabilitation. No historically important architectural details will be destroyed or obscured by the proposed work and the changes to the façade will be minimal. From a streetscape perspective, the new work will be compatible with the house’s original design and with surrounding properties in terms of architectural style and materials. (Contextually, historic homes in the Country Club District which have been classified as “Tudor” often incorporate design elements borrowed from other popular period revival styles—therefore, the arched portico is not out of place in a neighborhood where the majority of the houses are architectural hybrids.) Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, © WSB & Asso ciates 2013 4505 Drexel Ave July 5, 2 022 1 in = 35 f t / Date: July 12, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI I.E. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Update to C O A H-21-6 4633 Arden Avenue-Update to building materials and addition of new sec ond floor window Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: A case could be made for approval and denial of the proposed building material. T he staff report offers options for the H eritage P reservation Commission to consider. Approve of the addition of a second floor window as presented by the applicant. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he subject property, 4633 Arden Avenue is located on the east side of Arden Avenue, just north of the intersection of Arden Avenue and Country C lub R oad. T he existing home on the subject property was built in 1938 and is identified as an example of E nglish Cottage style but classified as an American C olonial Cottage in the C ountry Club N ational Register nomination documents. A certificate of appropriateness was approved on April 13, 2022 for the construction of a detached garage and a second floor addition that is visible from the street facing façade, changes to an existing dormer and changes to the entryway. T he original C O A noted that the existing brick was to remain on the front of the house and reused for the garage. T he property owner removed the brick without notifying the city. Staff notified the contractor that the building material would need to come back to the H P C for approval. T he building official placed a stop work order on the site on M ay 17, 2022. T he contractor had permission with the stop work order to install house wrap to protect sheathing. T hey were also notified all windows need to be kept closed or weathertight. T he request includes the approval of building materials and the addition of a second-floor window as shown on the updated proposed elevations. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Applicant Submittal Staff Report Consultant Vogel Memo Aerial Map Date: June 28, 2022 To: Emily Bodeker – City of Edina From: Scott Busyn Subject: 4633 Arden Avenue Amendment to COA: Material Selection and Adding Window Hi Emily, During the process of preparing the home for renovation, we realized that the existing brick was deteriorated and that there was an insufficient weather barrier to maintain a drainage plane behind the existing brick. The one layer of building paper was crumbling and brittle. The paper had insufficient coverage as it was not lapped properly in a waterfall fashion (reverse lapped in several areas). The paper was not nailed sufficiently and had nail holes. There was also no flashing over the windows. We are planning to install a code-complaint weather barrier and replace the brick with a similar tumbled brick look called Tundrabrick. We have photographic documentation of the original brick details on the home for the mason to match with the new product. We would also like to add a small window to the street facing façade to bring light into a kids playroom on the second floor: Approved COA Elevation: Existing Home Existing Weather Barrier Photos Proposed Material Tundrabrick with mortar Tundrabrick on similar home July 12, 2022 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Amendment to COA H-21-6, 4633 Arden Avenue-building materials and the addition of a window Information / Background: The subject property, 4633 Arden Avenue is located on the east side of Arden Avenue, just north of the intersection of Arden Avenue and Country Club Road. The existing home on the subject property was built in 1938 and is identified as an example of English Cottage style but classified as an American Colonial Cottage in the Country Club National Register nomination documents. A certificate of appropriateness was approved on April 13, 2022 for the construction of a detached garage and a second floor addition that is visible from the street facing façade, changes to an existing dormer and changes to the entryway. The original COA noted that the existing brick was to remain on the front of the house and reused for the garage. The property owner removed the brick without notifying the city. Staff notified the contractor that the building material would need to come back to the HPC for approval. The building official placed a stop work order on the site on May 17, 2022. The contractor had permission with the stop work order to install house wrap to protect sheathing. They were also notified all windows need to be kept closed or weathertight. The request includes the approval of building materials and the addition of a second-floor window as shown on the updated proposed elevations. Primary Issues: The request is for the HPC to approve the replacement brick material and approve the placement of a new second story window. The applicant removed the brick from the house without notifying or getting approvals from city staff. The commission is asked to review the proposed material. STAFF REPORT Page 2 The objective of the Country Club Landmark District is preservation of the existing historic house facades and streetscapes. The city has adopted the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation when reviewing certificate of appropriateness applications. Staff believes the following standards of rehabilitation are pertinent to the review of the certificate of appropriateness: The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, or pictorial evidence. Distinctive features, finishes and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a historic property shall be preserved. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historical materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. Preservation Consultant Vogel reviewed the application and has written a memo that is attached in the heritage preservation commission packet. Staff Recommendation & Findings: A case could be made for approval or denial of the proposed replacement brick material. Below provides options for the heritage preservation commission to consider: Approval (brick and window) Approve the amendment to COA H-21-6 allowing the use of Tundrabrick and approval of the addition of a second-floor window. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed brick material meets the intent of the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation and the Country Club Plan of Treatment. 2. Tundrabrick is appropriate for rehabilitation projects in the country club district. 3. The Tundrabrick material would match the original brick material in size, composition, design, color, texture, and other visual qualities. 4. The visual impact of the proposed window is minimal and compatible with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and the Country Club Plan of Treatment. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Denial for Brick (approval for window) Deny the proposed replacement brick material and approve the addition of a second-floor window: 1. The existing brick was a distinguishing feature of the home. Tundabrick does not match the features of the original brick in size, composition, design, color, texture or other visual qualities. 2. The visual impact of the proposed window is minimal and compatible with the house’s original design. 3. The addition of the window meets the intent of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and the Country Club Plan of Treatment. MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner FROM: Robert Vogel, Preservation Planning Consultant DATE: June 30, 2022 SUBJECT: COA amendment for 4633 Arden Avenue I have reviewed the request to amend the COA issued in 2021 construction of a new detached garage and exterior alterations at 4633 Arden Avenue in the Country Club District. The masonry conservation issues described by the applicant are commonly found in mid-century modern houses. The Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation (which are the required basis for all COA decisions) recommend repair rather than replacement of deteriorated brick “whenever possible”; the guidelines for applying the standards also recommend compliance with current building safety codes in such a manner that the essential character of a building is preserved intact. If the city’s building official determines that the deteriorated brick wall cladding at 4633 Arden cannot be repaired, replacement would be appropriate and the COA should be amended, with the following condition: that the new brick and mortar must match the old masonry in size (face height & length), composition, design, color, texture and other visual qualities. It is unlikely that the original face brick is still being manufactured. (The applicant should provide the HPC with samples of the existing brick as well as the Tundrabrick product referenced in Mr. Busyn’s letter in order to demonstrate the match.) With respect to the proposed addition of a small window in the front-facing gable wall, the visual impact of the change should be minimal and in my opinion compatible with the house’s original design. No historically important architectural details will be destroyed or obscured. Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, © WSB & Asso ciates 2013 4633 A rden Avenue July 5, 2 022 1 in = 40 f t / Date: July 12, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI I.F. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:2023 Work P lan Brains torm Dis cus s ion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Discuss ideas for the 2023 work plan. I N TR O D U C TI O N: