HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.24.2023 Meeting PacketAg enda Human Rights and Relations Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota Com m unity R oom , City H all Tuesday, October 24, 2023 5:30 PM I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Min u tes: Hum a n Righ ts & Relation s Com m ission , Septem ber 26, 2023 V.Special Recogn ition s An d Presentation s A.Introduction of New Stu d ent Mem ber B.Qua rterly Up d ate with Police Dep artm ent VI.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VII.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.2024 Meetin g Ca len d ar B.Com m unica tions Review C.2023 Hum a n Righ ts & Relation s Com m ission W ork Pla n Upda te D.2024 Da y s of Rem em b rance Green p rint VIII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents IX.Sta5 Com m ents X.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli8cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: O c tober 24, 2023 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:Human R ights and R elations C ommis s ion Item Type: Minutes F rom:G illian S traub, C ity Management F ellow Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : Human R ights & R elations C ommission, S eptember 26, 2023 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve minutes from the S eptember 26, 2023, meeting of the H R R C. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description HRRC Minutes : September 26, 2023 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights & Relations Commission Edina City Hall, Community Room September 26, 2023, 7 p.m. I. Call to Order Vice Chair Bennett called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Vice Chair Bennett, Commissioners Dawkins, Felton, Khalifa, Nelson, Segall, and Rogers, and Student Commissioner Borah. Staff Present: Gillian Straub, City Management Fellow and MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Manager. Absent: Chair Stringer Moore, Commissioner Ismail and Student Commissioner Mohamad-Karie. Motion by Vice Chair Bennett to add an agenda item to Reports and Recommendations regarding the October 24th, 2023, meeting, seconded by Commissioner Felton. Motion carried. III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion by Commissioner Nelson to approve the amended September 26, 2023, meeting agenda, seconded by Commissioner Felton. Motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion by Commissioner Nelson to approve the minutes from the August 22, 2023, meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Segall. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations Student Commissioner Borah introduced himself to the HRRC. Commissioner Ismail arrived at 7:09 p.m. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. 2023 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan Update • Commissioners described each initiative and discussed the following updates: o Initiative 1: Sharing Values, Sharing Communities Event. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. • Vice Chair Bennett confirmed that Anthony Walsh will be one of the speakers and that Commissioner Dawkins will moderate. • Staff Liaison Straub will request an update on the poster and social media, with Vice Chair Bennett to update the press release. o Initiative 2: Days of Remembrance Event • Event occurred in May 2023. o Initiative 3: Bias and Discrimination Event Response • Police staff attended the May 23, 2023, meeting. • There will be another check-in with the Police department at the October meeting. o Initiative 4: Tom Oye Award • Commissioner Rogers requested HRRC members review the final draft of the poster and provided an update that the press release has been published. Following review of the poster, the subcommittee seeks to hang the posters before the October 24, 2023, HRRC meeting. • Staff Liaison Straub noted that the application is open. o Initiative 5: Climate Action Plan HS 4-3 • Commissioner Segall noted that the organizations have been contacted with the request to fill out a survey, and the subcommittee is on track to summarize findings at the end of November. • Commissioner Khalifa spoke to the overlap with her work on the Human Services Task Force. o Initiative 6: Juneteenth Community Celebration • No update. o Initiative 7: Bias and Discrimination Event Response Plan Review • Committee work will begin this fall. • Commissioners clarified that the initiative is focused on the review of event response plan, not on its promotion or awareness. B. 2024 Work Plan Development Introduction • Staff Liaison Straub emphasized that the HRRC needed to approve the work plan at this meeting, so it can be presented to City Council at its work session on October 3, 2023. Commissioners discussed the following initiatives: o Initiative 1: Sharing Values, Sharing Community Event • Commissioners agreed that this should remain on the work plan. o Initiative 2: Review Bias and Discrimination Event Response • Commissioners agreed that this should remain on the work plan. o Initiative 3: Monitor community awareness of bias and discrimination event process. • Commissioners revised this initiative: o New title: Build connections with community organizations and report on community awareness of bias and discrimination event reporting. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. o New description: Engage with organizations to exchange information, assess community awareness and educate on bias and discrimination event process. o New deliverable: Create standardized presentations and materials for HRRC presentations to community organizations, including on bias and discrimination event response. Report on engagement efforts and awareness of bias and discrimination event reporting. • Commissioners agreed to combine this initiative with previous initiative 8: Community Organization Engagement Process and remove initiative 8 from the work plan. o Initiative 4: Engage with Edina Police Department and Joint Community Police Partnership on bias-related and demographic data. • Staff Liaison Straub recommended removal of any mention of the Joint Community Police Partnership (JCPP) as the JCPP is not a Council- directed group. • Commissioners agreed to remove mention of the JCPP and that the amended version should remain on the work plan. o Initiative 5: Tom Oye Award • Commissioners agreed that this should remain on the work plan. o Initiative 6: Days of Remembrance Event • Commissioners agreed that this should remain on the work plan. o Initiative 7: Review and propose revision of Days of Remembrance resolution. • Commissioners agreed that this should remain on the work plan. o Initiative 8: Community Organization Engagement Process • Commissioners agreed to remove this item. See 2024 Initiative 3. o Initiative 9: Extension of Facility Naming Report • Commissioners renamed this initiative to: “Develop Facility Naming Policy” agreed that this should remain on the work plan. o Initiative 10: Evaluate and report on LGBTQIA+ community resources • Commissioners agreed to move this initiative to the parking lot. Motion by Commissioner Nelson to approve amended 2024 work plan with 8 initiatives, Commissioner Felton seconded. C. October 2023 Meeting Date • Vice Chair Bennett shared Chair Stringer Moore’s request to move the October 24th, 2023, meeting of the HRRC from 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Commissioners discussed the request. Motion by Commissioner Felton to move the October 24th meeting to 5:30 p.m. Commissioner Nelson seconded. Motion carried. VII. Chair and Member Comments Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. • Received. VIII. Staff Comments • Received. IX. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Felton to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Segall. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m. Date: O c tober 24, 2023 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Human R ights and R elations C ommis s ion Item Type: O ther F rom:G illian S traub, C ity Management F ellow Item Activity: Subject:Introduction of New S tudent Member Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: New student commissioner will introduce themselves to the H R R C. Date: O c tober 24, 2023 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:Human R ights and R elations C ommis s ion Item Type: O ther F rom:G illian S traub, C ity Management F ellow Item Activity: Subject:Q uarterly Update with P olic e Department Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Edina P olice D epartment staff will meet with H R R C. T his is prescribed by I nitiative 3 of the 2023 Work P lan. Date: O c tober 24, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I.A. To:Human R ights and R elations C ommis s ion Item Type: O ther F rom:G illian S traub, C ity Management F ellow Item Activity: Subject:2024 Meeting C alendar Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve 2024 H R R C meeting dates and times. I N TR O D U C TI O N: C ommissions approve their annual calendar of meetings for the upcoming year in the fall of the previous year. H R R C meetings are typically the fourth Tuesday of every month. T he April, November and D ecember meetings were adjusted to avoid religious observances or other meeting conflicts. January M eeting - T uesday, January 23rd at 7 pm F ebruary Meeting - Tuesday, February 17th at 7 pm M arch Meeting - Tuesday, March 26th at 7 pm April Meeting - Wednesday, M ay 1 at 7 pm (moved due to religious observance April 23-24 and April 29-30) M ay Meeting - Tuesday, May 28 at 7 pm June Meeting - Tuesday, J une 25 at 7 pm July Meeting - Tuesday, J uly 23 at 7 pm August M eeting - T uesday, August 27 at 7 pm S eptember Meeting - Tuesday, September 24 at 7 pm October M eeting - T uesday, October 22 at 7 pm November M eeting - T uesday, November 19 at 7 pm (moved due to T hanksgiving week) December - T uesday, December 10th at 5:30 pm (moved to align with Tom O ye) AT TAC HME N T S: Description 2024 Propos ed Calendar Holidays City Council & HRA HRRC Meetings Election Day Religious Holiday Observance JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31 MEETINGS, HOLIDAYS, DAYS OF RELIGOUS OBSERVANCE AND ELECTION DATES 2024 CITY OF EDINA COUNCIL AND BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS OCTOBER NOVEMBER APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER DECEMBER Adopted City Council Adopted HRA Date: O c tober 24, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I.B. To:Human R ights and R elations C ommis s ion Item Type: O ther F rom:G illian S traub, C ity Management F ellow Item Activity: Subject:C ommunications R eview Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: None. I N TR O D U C TI O N: S taff L iaison Straub will cover the following topics: 1. Working with City Communications staff 2. Information sharing within the H R R C AT TAC HME N T S: Description ! - Communications Review City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Department Name Phone 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390 • EdinaMN.gov Date: 10/18/2023 To: City of Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission cc: From: Gillian Straub, City Management Fellow Subject: Communications Guidelines Purpose Staff seeks to clarify the process for requesting City of Edina Communications staff assistance. The Human Rights and Relations Commission (HRRC) has historically requested assistance for events and public initiatives. Examples include the annual Days of Remembrance event, the annual Sharing Values, Sharing Communities event, and the annual Tom Oye award. Communications Guidance For events, 6 weeks before the scheduled event is the minimum lead time to request Communications assistance. When requesting at the 6 week-mark, Communications will fulfill the requested work, but there will be significantly less room for edits and any back and forth on the work produced. The HRRC must know all pertinent details – time, date, location, speakers, topics, target audience and any communication goals – when making the request at this time. If requesting support 10 or 12 weeks before the scheduled event, there will likely be more Communications opportunities and more chances to see a proof or draft before an item is published. The HRRC should know most pertinent details at this stage. Staff strongly recommends that the HRRC seek to meet the 10–12-week lead time, rather than the 6-week lead time. Impact on HRRC Work & Role of the Subcommittee A 10–12-week lead time means that the HRRC may need to begin work earlier than anticipated. However, it should also reduce the number of “emergencies” as the HRRC approaches the event. The HRRC has typically empowered subcommittees to lead the work on regular events or awards. In 2024, events will not be subject to approval through commission majority vote for items like the date, time, topic, etc. While the subcommittee will still be encouraged to receive the feedback of the whole commission, subcommittee members will not need to wait until the monthly meeting to move forward with work. Example: Days of Remembrance 2024 The nationally recognized day is Monday, May 6th, 2024. Assuming the Edina Days of Remembrance event occurs the week of May 6, 2024, the following are suggested milestones: Page 2 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 •Subcommittee begins work December 2023 - January 2024 •Subcommittee identifies theme, potential dates and speakers/presenters January 2024 •HRRC Regular meeting •Subcommittee presents proposed key information for feedback January 23, 2024 •Subcommittee incorporates feedback, finalizes key information January - February •12 weeks before event •Recommened milestone to request Communications assistance February 11, 2024 •HRRC Regular Meeting February 27, 2024 •6 weeks before event •Last time to request Communications assistance March 25, 2024 •HRRC Regular Meeting March 26, 2024 •HRRC Regular Meeting May 1, 2024 •National Day of Remembrance May 6, 2024 Date: O c tober 24, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I.C . To:Human R ights and R elations C ommis s ion Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:G illian S traub, C ity Management F ellow Item Activity: Subject:2023 Human R ights & R elations C ommission Work P lan Update Disc ussion, Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: I N TR O D U C TI O N: C ommission members will provide updates on the following initiatives: I nitiative 1: S haring Values, Sharing Communities Event I nitiative 4: Tom O ye Award I nitiative 5: C limate Action P lan H S 4-3 I nitiative 7: R eview B ias E vent Reporting AT TAC HME N T S: Description 2023 HRRC Work Plan Initiative 7 - Clean Copy Initiative 7 - Redlined Copy Council City Approved 12.6.22 Commission: Human Rights and Relations Commission 2023 Annual Work Plan Initiative # 1 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☒ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Coordinate Sharing Values, Sharing Communities Event. Determine topic at least four months in advance of the scheduled event. Deliverable Plan and host event in 2023. Leads Bennett, Jain, Ismail, Dawkins, Nelson Target Completion Date October 2023 3.28.23: Conversations about different potential topics for the event. 4.25.23: Planning will start in May 2023, committee members asked HRRC members for potential topics. 6.27.23: Committee has convened, and commissioners agreed that the topic/theme this year will be preventing hate/reshaping our cultural lens. Motion to approve date, time, location and topic of event was approved. Date: Sunday, November 12 from 3-5p at Edina City Hall Council Chambers with a topic of preventing hate & bias and cultural competency. Title of event proposed in July 2023 meeting 7.27.23: Commission approved event title as “Building an Inclusive Community: Learning to Prevent Bias So All Can Thrive”. Commissioners will ask for quotes/ speaker photos for press release information. 8.22.23: Committee requested any HRRC volunteers arrive by 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 12 to assist with the event. 10.17.23: Press has been finalized, including posters, press release and other print media. Initiative # 2 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☒ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Coordinate Days of Remembrance to be held in alignment with the United States 2023 commemoration date. Potential need for amended resolution if topic is broadened to include additional events of genocide. Deliverable Plan & host a 2023 Days of Remembrance Event with the possibility of amending initial DOR resolution. *Resolution amendment will require Council approval. Leads Felton, Stringer Moore, Bennett, Dawkins Target Completion Date April 2023 2.28.23: Draft agenda and potential dates discussed at HRRC meeting. 3.28.23: Event will be held on May 7 from 2-4p at City Council Chambers. Approved marketing of event. 4.25.23: Keynote speaker for event has been confirmed and display exhibit approval from HRRC. 5.19.23: Event completed on 5.7.23, which had about 60 people who attended with 318 views on City’s social media account. A survey was created to compile feedback from attendees. COMPLETED. 7.27.23: Commission requested update on Facebook & YouTube event views. 8.17.23: Total views on Facebook: 325, YouTube views: 32. Council City Approved 12.6.22 Initiative # 3 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Bias and discrimination event response: • Respond to Bias events as described by the Bias Event Plan • Continue quarterly meetings with Edina Police Department Deliverable Respond to bias events & participate in quarterly meetings with PD. Leads Jain, Ahluwalia, Felton, Stringer Moore, Rogers Target Completion Date December 2023 3.28.23: Police Department representatives attended 3.28.2023 meeting to provide updates to HRRC. 7.10.23: Police representatives attended May 23 meeting to discuss Joint Commission Policed Partnership (JCPP) and Multicultural Advisory Committee (MAC). 7.27.23: Police Department will plan to attend the October 2023 meeting to provide updates. 8.22.23: Police Department will plan to attend the October 2023 meeting to provide updates. Initiative # 4 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☒ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Tom Oye Award: Coordinate and select one recipient for the 2023 Tom Oye Award. Deliverable Planning and selection of recipient of Tom Oye Award. Leads Jain, Stringer Moore, Rogers Target Completion Date December 2023 4.25.23: Planning for Tom Oye will occur in late July/early August. 7.10.23: Committee members have been sent previous year's Tom Oye documents for review and changes. 7.27.23: Committee will provide an update in August 2023 meeting. Committee has been asked to provide changes to staff by August 25. 8.22.23: Nominations for the award will open on September 25, 2023. The Committee has requested small changes to the poster. 10.17.23: Press release issued; Social media graphic developed and ready for sharing; Poster printed and ready to be displayed; 2 nominations received. Initiative # 5 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Climate Action Plan HS 4-3: Evaluate community organizations, networks, and connections serving those who require special attention, such as people who are elderly, homebound, isolated, living with disabilities, or those likely to be in need of financial assistance, during or after extreme weather events (e.g., heat, cold, and heavy precipitation). EEC will review and comment on approved report. Deliverable Report to Council. EEC: Review and comment. Leads Segall, Ismail, Stringer Moore, Khalifa Target Completion Date December 2023 4.25.23: Subcommittee met on 4.25.23 to start planning for this work plan. Council City Approved 12.6.22 7.10.23: The committee had contacted City's Sustainability Manager to discuss work plan and organizations. Committee has determined that organizations would be reached out separately. 7.27.23: Committee is finalizing interview guide and each committee member has been assigned organizations to interview. 10.17.23: Subcommittee has begun interviewing organizations and is on track. Initiative # 6 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☒ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Provide feedback to staff regarding planning of 2023 Juneteenth City event. Debrief after event and provide recommendations for the direction of future events Deliverable Provide input to staff on planning components of the Juneteenth event. Leads All Target Completion Date February 2023 3.28.23: Staff Liaison provided updates of Juneteenth event and planning to HRRC. 4.25.23: Staff Liaison has provided updates to HRRC during meetings and will provide a debrief opportunity after the Juneteenth Community event has taken place. 6.27.23: Staff Liaison provided updates on the Juneteenth event on Monday, June 19. There were 12 community partners, two kids book giveaways, event program, four food vendors. COMPLETED. Initiative # 7 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Review the Bias Event Response, if needed, make any recommended changes to Council. Deliverable Report and recommendation to Council if there are changes. Leads Jain, Ahluwalia, Felton Khalifa, Rogers, Nelson Target Completion Date December 2023 4.25.23: Staff Liaison will send current Bias Event Response plan to subcommittee to review. 7.10.23: Staff Liaison sent current Bias Event Response plan on 6/2/23 to subcommittee to review and provide changes. 7.27.23: Committee work will begin in August. 10.17.23: Subcommittee reviewed and suggested draft edits to the Bias Event Response plan. Edits to be presented at the 10/24/2023 HRRC meeting. Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.) Ageism: helping community understand, how to mitigate it, educate and assess With a focus on equity, study and report on location and features of, and access to, City facilities (i.e., parks and recreational facilities, community gardens, meeting rooms, and transportation facilities including sidewalks and bicycle facilities) Research and report potential models for Edina residents to review, comment on, and make recommendations for changes to the policies and procedures of local law enforcement. Study & report what other cities are doing to provide reparations City of Edina Bias Event Response Plan INTRODUCTION: The Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission (HRRC) drafted the Bias Offense Response Plan (the Plan), proposed the Plan to the Edina City Council (City Council), and the City Council adopted the Plan on May 5th, 1997. The City Council directed the HRRC to review the Plan at least once per year and provide recommended amendments as needed. In 2021, HRRC proposed to include the definitions of bias, bias event, bias offense, and bias incident, which align with definition of state statute. With the addition of bias event, the Plan will be referred to as the Bias Event Response Plan. In 2023, the Minnesota State Legislature adopted an expanded definition of bias motivated crimes pursuant to Chapter 52 of Laws of Minnesota 2023, which this revised Bias Event Response Plan incorporates. DEFINITIONS: • Bias: A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons based in whole or in substantial part on a victim's or another's actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, or disability as defined in section 363A.03, or because of the victim's actual or perceived association with another person or group of a certain actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, or disability as defined in section 363A.03. • Bias Event: Either a bias offense or a bias incident. • Bias Offense: As described in Minnesota statutes referenced in Appendix A, conduct that would constitute a crime and was committed in whole or in substantial part on a victim's or another's actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, or disability as defined in section 363A.03, or because of the victim's actual or perceived association with another person or group of a certain actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, or disability as defined in section 363A.03. • Bias Incident: A bias incident is any actions committed against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by the offender’s bias but does not rise to the level of a crime. PURPOSES: • To establish a procedure for appropriate and timely local responses to bias events thus showing strong community support for people targeted and showing zero community tolerance within the boundaries of the City of Edina. • To raise awareness in the community about the city’s response to bias events. • To establish a Community Resources Network (Appendix B) to be activated as needed. PARTNERSHIP: The HRRC will partner with individuals and organizations in the community to provide timely and meaningful support to those who have experienced a bias event. Local community partners are identified in Appendix B, Community Resources Network. RESPONSE PLAN: 1. Complaints regarding bias events may be made directly to the Edina Police Department (the Police Department) but also may be made on-line on the City’s website or made to other City departments, including the Parks Department and the Race & Equity Coordinator. 2. Subject to the limitations in the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Chapter 13, the Police Department will notify the Edina City Manager (City Manager) and the Race and Equity Manager, who will notify the HRRC Chair of a substantiated event which may constitute a bias event. The Police Department will investigate the substantiated event to determine if a crime was committed. 3. If a complaint is made to the City other than through the Police Department, the complaint shall first be forwarded to the City Manager and Police Chief, who shall forward it to the Police Department to be investigated. 4. Upon completion of the investigation of a bias event, the Police Department will notify the City Manager and Race and Equity Manager of the findings and classify the bias event as either a bias offense or bias incident. 5. If a complaint is determined to be a bias offense, the Police Department will coordinate appropriate criminal charges with the prosecuting authority. The Police Department is responsible for reporting the bias crime to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. 6. The City Manager, Chief of Police, Race & Equity Manager, HRRC Chair and a yearly designated committee from the HRRC will meet to determine the appropriate level of community response. Community response options include contacting appropriate members of the Community Resources Network to inform them of a bias event, requesting their support and development of a response plan, meeting with the victim or representatives of targeted groups to determine appropriate restorative measures by the City, and such other responses deemed appropriate under the circumstances. 7. The Race & Equity Manager will record and track when and where the bias events occurred and will provide an annual report to the Commission. APPENDIX A: Minnesota Laws 2023, Chapter 52: Section 4, amending Minnesota Statutes Section 609.2231, subdivision 4. Section 5, amending Minnesota Statutes Section 609.2233. Section 9, amending Minnesota Statutes Section 626.5531, subdivision 1. Section 13, amending Minnesota Statutes Section 626.8451, subdivision 1. APPENDIX B: Community Resources Network ORGANIZATION CONTACT TELEPHONE Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission Staff Liaison 952-826-1622 Edina Police Department Chief of Police 952-826-1610 City of Edina City Manager 952-927-8861 Edina City Council Mayor 952-927-8861 Edina Public School District #273 Superintendent 952-848-4000 Richfield Public School District Superintendent 612-798-6000 Hopkins Public School District Superintendent 952-988-4000 Edina Chamber of Commerce Executive Director 952-806-9060 Hennepin County County Attorney 612-348-5550 Professional Mediation Organizations Call the Human Rights and Relations Staff Liaison for resource list 952-926-1622 Minnesota Department of Human Rights Commissioner 651-539-1100 Plan Updated History: 1994, 1997, 2003. 2008, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021, 2023 City of Edina Bias Event Response Plan INTRODUCTION: The Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission (HRRC) drafted the Bias Offense Response Plan (the Plan), proposed the Plan to the Edina City Council (City Council), and the City Council adopted the Plan on May 5th, 1997. The City Council directed the HRRC to review the Plan at least once per year and provide recommended amendments as needed. In 2021, HRRC proposed to include the definitions of bias, bias event, bias offense, and bias incident, which align with definition of state statute. With the addition of bias event, the Plan will be referred to as the Bias Events Response PlanEvent Response Plan. In 2023, the Minnesota State Legislature adopted an expanded definition of bias motivated crimes pursuant to Chapter 52 of Laws of Minnesota 2023, which this revised Bias Event Response Plan incorporates. DEFINITIONS: • Bias: A performedpreformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons based on theirin whole or in substantial part on a victim's or another's actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, or disability, or sexual orientation as defined in section 363A.03, or because of the victim's actual or perceived association with another person or group of a certain actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, or disability as defined in section 363A.03. • Bias Event: Either a bias offense or a bias incident. • Bias Offense: As defineddescribed in Minnesota State Statute Section 611A.79, Subd.1 (statutes referenced in Appendix A),, conduct that would constitute a crime and was committed because of the victim’sin whole or another’sin substantial part on a victim's or another's actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, or disability as defined in section 363A.03, or because of the victim's actual or perceived association with another person or group of a certain actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, or disability as defined in Minnesota Statutes section 363A.03, age, or national origin. • Bias Incident: A bias incident is any actions committed against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by the offender’s bias but does not rise to the level of a crime. PURPOSES: • To establish a procedure for appropriate and timely local responses to bias events thus showing strong community support for people targeted and showing zero community tolerance within the boundaries of the City of Edina. • To raise awareness in the community about the city’s response to bias events. • To establish a Community Resources Network (Appendix B) to be activated as needed. PARTNERSHIP: The HRRC will partner with individuals and organizations in the community to provide timely and meaningful support to those who have experienced a bias event. Local community partners are identified in Appendix B, Community Resources Network. RESPONSE PLAN: 1. Complaints regarding bias events may be made directly to the Edina Police Department (the Police Department) but also may be made on-line on the City’s website or made to other City departments, including the parks departmentParks Department and the Race & Equity Coordinator. 2. Subject to the limitations in the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Chapter 13, the Police Department will notify the Edina City Manager (City Manager) and the Race and Equity CoordinatorManager, who will notify the HRRC Chair of a substantiated event which may constitute a bias event. The Police Department will investigate the substantiated event to determine if a crime was committed. 3. If a complaint is made to the City other than through the Police Department, the complaint shall first be forwarded to the City Manager and Police Chief, who shall forward it to the Police Department to be investigated. 4. Upon completion of the investigation of a bias event, the Police Department will notify the City Manager and Race and Equity CoordinatorManager of the findings and classify the bias event as either a bias offense or bias incident. 5. If a complaint is determined to be a bias offense, the Police Department will coordinate appropriate criminal charges with the prosecuting authority. The Police Department is responsible for reporting the bias crime to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. 6. The City Manager, Chief of Police, Race & Equity CoordinatorManager, HRRC Chair and a yearly designated committee from the HRRC will meet to determine the appropriate level of community response. Community response options include contacting appropriate members of the Community Resources Network to inform them of a bias event, requesting their support and development of a response plan, meeting with the victim or representatives of targeted groups to determine appropriate restorative measures by the City, and such other responses deemed appropriate under the circumstances. 7. The Race & Equity CoordinatorManager will record and track when and where the bias events occurred and will provide an annual report to the Commission. APPENDIX A: 2020:Minnesota Laws 2023, Chapter 52: Section 4, amending Minnesota Statutes: https:// Section 609.2231, subdivision 4. 611A.79 CIVIL DAMAGES FOR BIAS OFFENSES. §Subdivision 1. Definition. For purposes of this section, "bias offense" means conduct that would constitute a crime and was committed because of the victim's or another's actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability as defined in section 363A.03, age, or national origin. Subd. 2. Cause of action; damages and fees injunction. A person who is damaged by a bias offense has a civil cause of action against the person who committed the offense. The plaintiff is entitled to recover the greater of: (1) $500; or (2) actual general and special damages, including damages for emotional distress. A plaintiff also may obtain punitive damages as provided in sections 549.191 and 549.20 or an injunction or other appropriate relief. Subd. 3. Relation to criminal proceeding; burden of proof. A person may bring an action under this section regardless of the existence or outcome of criminal proceedings involving the bias offense that is the basis for the action. The burden of proof in an action under this section is preponderance of the evidence. Subd. 4. Parental liability. Section 540.18 applies to actions under this section, except that: the parent or guardian is liable for all types of damages awarded under this section in an amount not exceeding $5,000; and amending Minnesota Statutes Section 609.2233. (1) the parent or guardian is not liable if the parent or guardian made reasonable efforts to exercise control over the minor's behavior. Subd. 5. Trial; limitation period. (a) The right to trial by jury is preserved in an action brought under this section. (b) An action under this section must be commenced not later than six years after the cause of action arises. Subd. 6. Other rights preserved. The remedies under this section do not affect any rights or remedies of the plaintiff under other law. Section 9, amending Minnesota Statutes Section 626.5531, subdivision 1. Section 13, amending Minnesota Statutes Section 626.8451, subdivision 1. APPENDIX B: Community Resources Network ORGANIZATION CONTACT TELEPHONE Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission Staff Liaison 952-826-1622 Edina Police Department Chief of Police 952-826-1610 City of Edina City Manager 952-927-8861 Edina City Council Mayor 952-927-8861 Edina Public School District #273 Superintendent 952-848-4000 Richfield Public School District Superintendent 612-798-6000 Hopkins Public School District Superintendent 952-988-4000 Edina Chamber of Commerce Executive Director 952-806-9060 Hennepin County County Attorney 612-348-5550 Professional Mediation Organizations Call the Human Rights and Relations Staff Liaison for resource list 952-926-1622 Minnesota Department of Human Rights Commissioner 651-539-1100 Plan Updated History: 1994, 1997, 2003. 2008, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021, 2023 Date: O c tober 24, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI I.D. To:Human R ights and R elations C ommis s ion Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:G illian S traub, C ity Management F ellow Item Activity: Subject:2024 Days of R emembranc e G reenprint Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the subcommittee's greenprint, authorizing the H R R C to work with members of the public on the 2024 Days of Remembrance event. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he subcommittee requests approval of the greenprint. T he H R R C must approve, by majority vote, the draft greenprint, as well as the recommended volunteers at a subsequent meeting. D ue to these approvals, and requirement that the greenprint be published for at least 2 weeks, approval must be granted at the October meeting of the H R R C in order for the working group (H R R C and other residents) to begin work before J anuary 2024. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft Greenprint for Approval Advisory Board and Commission Working Group Greenprint This form must be completed prior to a board or commission approving the establishment of a working group. BOARD OR COMMISSION: Human Rights and Relations WORKING GROUP NAME: Days of Remembrance WORKING GROUP OBJECTIVE: Plan an educational event WORKING GROUP CHAIR/CO-CHAIRS: To Be Determined Project Title A working group may have more than one project. Days of Remembrance and Genocide Awareness event Description Describe the project and how it supports the approved work plan. One of the HRRC’s ongoing initiatives is to plan an annual event to acknowledge April as Holocaust Remembrance and Genocide Awareness and Prevention Month. Purpose Describe the purpose or objective of the project. e.g., develop a process, review the work The working group will help to develop a theme and agenda for the event, identify presenters, schedule the day and venue, help to publicize and assist with event logistics, including securing refreshments and room set-up /clean-up. Deliverables Tangible or intangible objects produced as a result of the project intended to be delivered to the indicated audience. An educational event free and open to the public that will be planned and scheduled for a day in April 2024 to be held at a location in Edina. Community Benefit How does this project benefit the Edina community? The Days of Remembrance event provides an opportunity for us to remember and honor, as a community, victims of the Holocaust and genocides and to share experiences of survivors of the Holocaust and other genocides. The event serves to educate us on how the Holocaust and genocide impact the lives of survivors and affect us as a community, and what we can do to make a difference on these issues. Key Dates Is there an event or a timeframe to complete certain steps? Several planning meetings are to be scheduled between December 2023 and March 2024 (evenings or weekend hours). The event to be scheduled in April 2024.One final meeting may be held in April or May of 2024 to collect event feedback and prepare a report for the HRRC. Promotion & Implementation What is the plan to share the project findings/completion, or how will the completed project be implemented? The event will be promoted through regular media channels utilized by the city, including social media, and working group members will be asked to help distribute posters publicizing the event and to assist in promoting the event in neighborhoods and through personal connections and networks. Evaluation How will the group evaluate the findings or end result of the project? We will compare the attendance and feedback we receive at this year’s event with previous years’ attendance and feedback. In addition, a five-point post event survey will be offered to all attendees for their anonymous feedback on the desire to act as a result of attending the event, the speakers' effectiveness, and the venue's appropriateness. Duration of the Group Typically six months to two years. December 2023 through May 2024 Membership & Time Commitment Working group size cap recommendation is 7 members. Estimate how much time a working group member needs to commit to. Seeking up to 2-3 members; 2-6 hours per month for 5 – 6 months. Advisory Board and Commission Working Group Greenprint This form must be completed prior to a board or commission approving the establishment of a working group. Public Notice & Member Recruitment Public notice will be given of the formation of any working group. Individuals will have a minimum of 14 days after the public notice to express interest in joining before members are selected. Forward the completed Greenprint to MJ Lamon for public notice. Date of working group approval from board/commission: 10/24/2023 Date for release of public notice: 10/30/2023 Date for working group member selection (must be at least 14 days after release of public notice date): 11/24/2023 Date for working group’s first meeting: TBD