HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-01-22 Arts Culture Commission MinutesEdina Art Center Board January 22, 1998 Edina Art Center, 4:00 p.m. Members Present: Heather Randall King, Gene Andersen, Dee Dege, George Kuebler, Jim VanValkenburg, Mike Kelly and Sandra Clark Members Absent: Art Dickey, Elizabeth Eisenbrey, and Dodie Paul Staff Present: Diana Hedges, John Keprios, and Phillip Johnson Guest: Julie Hawes I. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. H. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for last month's meeting were read and approved. HI. PRESENTATION ON EDINA FOUNDATION CELESTIAL BALL Julie Hawes, Executive Director of the Edina Foundation, presented plans for the Foundation's Celestial Ball to be held April 18th at Edinborough Park from 6:30 p.m. to Midnight. The theme is to be "Stars" . Tickets will be priced at $100 per person. Featured during the Ball are to be a Celestial Tea and Fashion Show, a silent auction, and dancing to the Wolverines Band. Formal attire is recommended. Corporate sponsors are being contacted for purchase of 8 person tables. The event is being co-sponsored by Edina ABC (A Better Chance). A press kit will be available soon. The Art Center is asked to assist with decorating the park. IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. MEDIA STUDIOS EXPANSION Phil Johnson gave a progress report on the new media facility. He stated that electrical wiring had been substantially completed. After a meeting with Lance Leupold, Manager of the Community Cable Access Studio, he could confirm that we will receive no video equipment from the consolidation of cable access studios which occurred two years ago. That will dictate that nearly all of the equipment for our new facilities must be purchased new or used-like new. B. STATUS OF TEA ROOM AND KITCHEN Ms. King gave an update on the status of design specifications for the new kitchen. Two companies had been contacted. They will receive blueprints and will return bids. Additional guidance is needed concerning the types and service levels of equipment and furnishings that should be included. Edina Art Center Board January 22, 1998 Page 2 Ms. Clark stated that she thought the decision had been made to go with the high option. She had a question as to whether it was the people operating the kitchen who had to be licensed or the facility equipped in such a way that it qualifies as a full-service kitchen. Ms. King responded that it is the facility which must meet licensing codes. Ms. Hedges reported that she had recently visited the Minnetonka Art Center which has operated a catering business from their facility for several years. Their center is paid commissions of $6,000 per year. Ms. Clark questioned what is done where the catering firm has exclusive rights to use of the kitchen and the staff or board has a need for the kitchen. Ms. Hedges responded that the Minnetonka center has found that their caterer is very flexible when it comes to internal use. They even set out cookies and coffee for meetings. Ms. King suggested that the design firms be provided with high option specifications which could be modified after further study. Mr. Kuebler endorsed that as the best action plan. Mr. Kelly agreed, stating that while not everything on the list might ultimately be needed, every one of the items must meet codes. C. BUILDING EXPANSION Ms. Hedges reported that the roof is done and work is underway on stucco for the exterior walls. A temporary wall has been erected in the gallery so bricks can be removed for the entrance to the new facility. Thanks to a $10,000 donation from Patricia and Stephen Haynes, the pottery area in the new addition will be equipped with new wheels, shelving and other necessary equipment. Another new development is the plan to build a folding door to separate the two studios in the lower level. This door could have panel frames to permanently display some of Suzie Kelm's photo's. Her family has offered a donation which would cover most if not all of the cost of this display wall. Ms. Hedges reported that a carpet-like material is being considered for the surface on gallery walls. Mr. Kelly asked what was happening to the ceiling in the gallery. Ms. Andersen responded that the original surface on the ceiling was very old and the plaster was falling from time to time. Edina Art Center Board January 22, 1998 Page 3 Ms. Dege recommended that sheet rock be properly installed over the failed surface and Ms. Andersen responded that this was the most likely solution to the problem. Ms. Clark asked what decor was being considered for the tea room. She commented that Peggy Kelly had suggested a sun room theme. Ms. King suggested that this recommendation could be given to Mr. Dickey at the next meeting. Ms. Hedges reported that a student of Susan Frame's had offered to donate some of the tables and chairs for the tea room. Ms. King suggested that an easel could be placed at the Edina Foundation Ball to solicit purchases of chairs and tables for the tea room. The purchaser's name could be listed on a plate on the table or chair. Ms. Hedges gave an update on the "Phoenix" a sculptural outdoor metal bird which has been hanging at Public Works. Mr. Rosland has approved of moving it to the new addition where it will be installed on the outside wall. D. GALLERY EXHIBIT Ms. Hedges reported that the Faculty Exhibit had opened January 8th and will run through February 26th. Thanks were due Heather King for hosting and Dodie Paul for her computer expertise on the identification labels. The next Exhibit will be Photography Here and Now '98, which will run March 5th through April 24th. All area camera clubs have been invited to submit entries. Other gallery dates: April 30-May 14: Bill Dietrichson and Keith Williams May 21-July 4: Student Exhibit July 9-August 26: Stonesoup Dollmakers' Exhibit September 10-October 21: Members' Juried Show November 1-December 23: Holiday Sale E. BOARD BYLAWS REVISIONS Ms. Hedges asked Board Members to review Article 8 of the present Bylaws. This Powers and Duties section seems not to coincide with present practices and perhaps should be revised. Ms. King suggested that this matter be held over to the next meeting. Edina Art Center Board January 22, 1998 Page 4 V. OTHER Ms. Hedges asked for nominations for a board member to replace Suzie Kelm. Board members agreed to submit names for action at the next board meeting. Brad Benn will give a presentation about the Edina Art Center to the Athena Club on February 10th. VI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.