HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-08-27 Arts Culture Commission Minutes Edina Art Center Board August 27, 1998 Edina Art Center, 4:00 p.m. Members Present: Gene Andersen, Art Dickey, Mike Kelly, Heather Randall King, George Kuebler, and Jim VanValkenburg. Members Absent: Sandra Clark, Dee Dege, Elizabeth Eisenbrey, and Dodie Paul Staff Present: Diana Hedges, John Keprios, and Bradley Benn I. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 4:00 p. m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the August 27th meeting were read. Heather moved and Art seconded. Minutes approved. III. MEDIA STUDIO REPORT Diana reported that the Portrait Studio was equipped and ready for use. Casablanca classes are available in video editing. She showed a book that had been produced in a children's computer class. IV. CONDOLENCES Phil Johnson was unable to attend the meeting due to his brother's funeral. The board extended their sympathy in his time of loss. V. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Gallery Juried Show Sept. 10-Oct. 21. Holiday Sale Nov. 1- Dec. 23. Opening is Sunday, Nov. 1 froml-4pm. Need hosting and shoppers. A big thank you to Sandy Clark for her donation to the opening refreshments for Juried Show. B. Calendar We finally are producing an Art Center calendar with all of the important dates for the year. We also have a full page ad for the Media Studios and Membership information included. Members can pick up a free calendar (gets them in to shop!) and additional calendars will be available for $6.95. If Edina Art Center Board August 27, 1998 Page 2 this is successful, next year we will have submissions for artwork from our Members and also give people a chance to purchase "days". (much like they do on public radio) Calendars available Halloween through New Year's Eve. C. Birkeland Donation Paul & Marylou Birkeland have donated ten prints by Steven Sorman, Steve Hartman, and Cynthia Starkweather-Nelson. Total appraised value is $16,200. They would like us to try to sell the prints with a commission to them and if we do not sell them, they will donate them. Jim commented that all agreements about this should be in writing and that we should not supply any valuation. Diana said that they provided the valuations from a gallery and they said that we should start at 30% off those valuations. If we sell before February, we will give the Birkelands 35% of the sale and if later they will get a letter of donation. Currently hung in Nichols. We will publicize. Several options: • Celestial Ball Silent Auction (with minimum bids) • Possible Silent Auction at a wine tasting event on June 3 at the Art Center Diana mentioned this is the event (Artists' reception, silent auction) proposed by Steve at the Liquor Store and Karen Knudson to open the Edina Art Fair • Advertise to Galleries D. Classes Fall classes are in full swing with record setting attendance! We've seen a huge growth in the pottery department recently. All pottery classes are filled with waiting lists. E. Holiday Party • Gene and Ken Andersen have once again volunteered to have the Holiday Party in their home. Bravo, K & G! Gene will let us know the date. Gene set Saturday, December 12th at 6:30pm. It will be a potluck. F. Other • Art Dickey is recovering well from surgery in Rochester. So well he was here. Edina Art Center Board August 27, 1998 Page 3 Silent Auction if proceeds were to go to the Art Center. A discussion ensued around the issue of the scale of effort versus the probable returns. Several Board members had direct experience with solicitation of prizes for such events and they were reluctant to commit to this type of activity again. Jim summarized that there was no enthusiasm for this project at this time. F. Other 1. The new kitchen layout is clean and modern but more cabinets are needed. It was suggested that Art Dickey design wooden cabinets which Bob Kojetin could build. Art agreed to follow-up. 2. Compliments were offered to Bob Kojetin and Gene Bartz for their fine craftsmanship in making the desks and shelves in the media studios and the tea room. 3. Sandy Clark asked about plans for the food at the opening of the Juried Show. Her generous offer to augment the budget for the food was gratefully accepted. 4. Ms. Hedges will send Gene Bartz a letter thanking him for the wonderful beef served at the Dedication. V. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.