HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-26 Arts Culture Commission MinutesJam Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® Edina Art Center Board minutes June 26, 2003 Edina Art Center, 4:00p.m. 1114621.111.1101 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY C\ AVERY® 5160® Members Present: Becky Amlaw, Dolores Dege, Liz Eisenbrey, Mike Kelly, Linda Kieffer, Ken Rosland, Ruth Valgemae and Jim VanValkenburg Members Absent: Gene Andersen, Sandra Clark, Staff Present: Diana Hedges, Phil Johnson and John Keprios CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of last month's meeting were read and approved. JURIED SHOW Ruth Valgemae distributed draft copies of a brochure and solicitation letter as well as a list of organizations and individuals to be mailed to. Diana Hedges suggested that all board members provide names of businesses that they patronize that could be contacted for donations. She also suggested that the submission deadline date be set earlier to July 31 instead of Aug. 31. Our donations were down by about $1,000 last year so we really need the Board's help. Board members are to pick up letters and brochures by Monday, June 30 at the Art Center. NEW BOARD MEMBER Jim VanValkenburg introduced new board member Ken Roslan4 and the board welcomed him to his new duties. RESOLUTION FOR THANKS TO RETIRING BOARD MEMBERS A motion was made by Jim VanValkenburg, seconded by Mike Kelly and unanimously approved to express the board's appreciation to retiring board members George Kuebler and Delores Paul for their service to the Edina Art Center and the City of Edina. MEDIA STUDIOS REPORT Phil Johnson gave a status report on programs and revenue position for the first 5 months of the year. Revenues were approximately on track with the prior year but short of the budget for 2003. Do-It-Yourself business had sharply decreased during March and April for unknown reasons. A pickup had taken place during May and June, with part of that increase due to a mention in the Star Tribune Fixit column in early June. Phone calls and appointments had spiked following the article and continued strong. Classes in photography, including digital 0091, S CAZAIATM All3AV-09-008-L wOYA.lane'MMM 11=1=1111111111111 009LS 3.1.V1dIAIll okianv asn 6tin.uyd 09.1j Wer Jam Free Printing www.avery.com Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® 1-800-GO-AVERY C\ AVERY® 5160® Opening on July 3rd: The mini-exhibition entitled "A Woman's View" will run June 28th through July 4th. Reception for Stonesoup Dollmakers will be from 5-8pm on Thursday, July 10. Signage for the Art Center: The signs nearby and around the park are fading, rusting, and look very shabby. Bigger and more effective signage has been needed for quite some time but no funds are available for this need. Ken Rosland noted that he has some contacts who could lend some expertise in this regard. A discussion ensued around the topics of colorful banners and possible limitations within Edina's sign ordinance. John Keprios noted that he will check with the appropriate people at City Hall to clarify ordinance requirements and that he and Ken Rosland could team to move this forward. FALL INTO ARTS FESTIVAL Edina is sponsoring a FALL INTO ARTS FESTIVAL at Centennial Lakes on Saturday and Sunday, September 13 and 14, 2003. Karen Knudsen (former Director of Edina Art Fair) is heading this event. Ken Rosland noted that discussions are underway concerning a possible concession selling beer and wine at the event. If this is approved, the Art Center should consider staffing it and collecting the revenues. Linda Kieffer moved to approve the Art Center's participation; it was seconded by Liz Eisenbrey and passed. Diana Hedges added that 1919 Root Beer should also be`included. Ken Rosland noted that wine glasses personalized by Art Center potters/sculptors could also be sold. OTHER BUSINESS Diana Hedges noted that a recent listing of contributors to the Edina High School Graduation Party had included the Edina Art Center as a contributor of two $25 gift certificates. She wished to clarify that this contribution was a private donation by Phil Johnson. Our BIG fall event: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2003 FROM 175PM put it on your calendar and ask your friends to help host. Thanks! ADJOURNMENT -The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm. Ati3AV-09-008-1. woyitiaAe'MAAM ®09LS 31.1/1d1A131 ®Jany asfl 6uptilad 88.1d Lifer e09L5 ®AIJ3AV