HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-05-25 Arts Culture Commission MinutesEdina Art Center Board Meeting May. 25, 2006 Members Present: Gene Andersen, Dolores Dege, Liz Eisenbrey, George Hadjiyanis, Heather Randall King, Mike Kelly, Ken Rosland, Alexandra Sifferlin, and Jim Van Valkenburg Members Absent: Linda Kieffer and Ruth Valgemae Staff Present: Bradley Benn, Diana Hedges, and Phil Johnson CALL TO ORDER Meeting was calW to order at 4:00 p.m. APPROVAL. OF MINUTES The minutes of die. October 27, 2005 meeting were read and approved. NEW MEMBER George HadjiYanis was introduced EDINA.PUELIC ART COMMITTEE — Linda Kieffer Diana reported for Linda: Eddi Fesler will be showing at Jerry's Café. The Utility check off will be on the next bill. Jennifer is working on advertising for it. Grandview Square sculpture will be going in in June. REPORT ON FALL INTO THE ARTS — Ken Rosland It will be Sept:' 9 & 10. Ken asked if the Art Center wanted to have the Tavern on the Lake again in 06. Yes. DIRECTOR'S,REPORT — A huge thankyoti19 Sandy Clark for hosting our Volunteer Luncheon. It was a beautiful event! Put April 27, 2007 on your calendar now for our next luncheon at Sandy's! ART FAIR . • . . We have a.new space this year. We will be setting up tables in front of Bellesen's. Come help sell and also shop! This is the pottery department's big fundraiser of the year! TOURS We have 20,people signed up so far for the France trip Celebrating the Year of Cezanne (August 21-31). Still have room for five more so pass the word. The brochure is done on our trip to Senegal (January 2007) and we are starting to get calls about it. GIFT SHOP (Repeat of,March/April report) If you are not already on a committee or have a specific Board area, this might be your chance to get more involved! We are presently seeing if we can make use of our volunteers and staff to continue this operation until the fall when the really busy season comes. Liz Genovese, a volunteer has taken over the bookkeeping aspect and has been busy painting and renovating, but we still need people to: Arrange items,..lielp Monica Sullivan with the organization of storage areas, Dust, contact artists, suggest items, attend art fairs to get new items ideas. Please call Mary of me if you have a few hours to donate or if you know of anyone who would like to help. Heather suggested.we should still consider a gift shop manager although Liz has been doing a great job as a volunteer.' Edina Art Center Board Meeting May. 25, 2006 page 2 CULTURAL EXPLORATIONS PROGRAM We need Board Members to participate to make this year's Carnival a success! When is a good time for you to meet? We did not have anyone from the Board attend the last meeting. Next Carnevale Delle Arti meeting is scheduled for June 8 at 4pm. October 8, 2006 '-- Carnevale Delle Arti This is one of our BIG events of the year and I hope you already have it on your calendar! Asiyou know this activity is in conjunction with the Twin Cities Fine Arts Organization's Art on the Town. We will have a planning meeting June 8 at 4pm. We are presentblworking on details to host a workshop with Massimo Boldrin, an internationally-known maskmaker from Venice at the end of July. He and his brother Sergio create one-of-a-kind commedia dell' arte masks and have' been featured in international fashion design arenas as well as Shakespeare festivals worldwide. We'll keep you'updated when we finalize. ARTS TOWN HALL First meeting will be May 25 at 6pm during the Student Show opening. Please attend if you can and meet some of our Members. Someone suggested that Town Hall Meeting had some negative political connotations. GALLERY'OPENINS Discussion topic: How do we get more involvement from the Board at openings? Ken suggested listing events on a calendar format to help the board members. Heather mentioned that she had never been called to help at openings. BOARD MEETINGS Discussion topic: Because it is so difficult to get a quorum (a quorum is six) in the winter, the Board voted to schedule Board Meetings on the third Thursday April through November and then just have Committee meetings the rest of te. year unless a special meeting is called by the Executive Director and the Board Chair. A list of volunteer opportunities including some of the above was passed out. Mike congratulated Diana and the staff on progress on a business plan. It is expected that we can't operate at a profit but the loss was reduced in 2005 and we are on track to reduce it in 2006. Dee Dege expressed thanks for her volunteer award and said she would call a Juried Show planning meeting soon. ADJOURNMENT -The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 pm.