HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-10-23 Arts Culture Commission MinutesEdina Art Center Mission Statement The Edina Art Center mission is to provide facilities, programs and services that meet and reflect the needs of our residents and neighbors for participation, education and enjoyment in the Arts with emphasis on fine arts. MINUTES FOR EDINA ART CENTER BOARD MEETING October 23, 2008 Members present: Rick Fester, Heather Randall King, Ken Rosland, John Swon, Ruth Valgemae, Jim Van Valkenburg and Michael Whitt Members absent: George Hadjiyanis, Mike Kelly, Bill McCabe, Sharanya Srinivasan Staff present: Diana Hedges, Phil Johnson, John Keprios and Anne Spooner CALL TO ORDER -Jim VanValkenburg, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the September 25, 2008 meeting were read and approved. MEDIA STUDIOS — Phil Johnson Phil demonstrated the new digital photo frame stand. The furniture stand was custom-made by Bob Kojetin to allow the photo frame to be placed anywhere in the Art Center to display slide shows or videos. Phil also reported that a high school student hac recently come in with her father to finish a video project assigned in her social studies class. According to the father, more and more audiovisual projects are being assigned, sometimes without regard to the availability of equipment at the school or possessed by the parents. This means that students have to scramble to find audiovisual equipment such as video camcorders in order to complete the assignments. This may be an opportunity for the media studios if the word can reach students about the equipment and help available here. John Keprios suggested that Phil contact Doug Johnson with the Edina Schools administration to see if information could be distributed to classes. Phil also reported that studios' staff had recently worked on demonstration/commercial video DVD's for two small business clients. The projects involved on-location video shoots, editing using the studios' software programs and producing DVD's. This could represent a market opportunity. JURIED SHOW-Heather Randall King and Ruth Valgemae Heather and Ruth gave a wrap-up report on the 2008 Juried Show (JS) with particular emphasis on the planning, preparation, bring-in activities and the opening event. All JS donors received thank you letters from EAC. Included on each was a hand-written note from the Co-Chairs. Also, included were programs for who didn't attend Opening Night. Each JS volunteer also received a personal thank you in some form from the Co-Chairs. We hope they will volunteer again next year. The JS Wrap Event was well attended by EAC staff, current and former Board members and key JS volunteers. Committee reports were followed by general discussion. Particular emphasis was given to streamlining the mechanics of JS, volunteer recruitment, enhancing Opening Nights, obtaining feedback from entrants and JS dates. The recommendations arrived at: JS Planning and Execution 1. Entry forms should be more visible so they aren't lost inside the class schedule. They could be put on the back cover of the schedule or mailed separately as done by some other art centers. 2. Entry forms should be more specific about what is accepted what is not, to avoid problems/question/delays on bring-in day. About 25 entries needed hanging wires and others needed other adjustments before they could be checked in. Specifically proper wiring and the inadmissibility of wrap-around frameless canvases should be spelled out. Desk staff should have a copy o: the requirements to answer phone queries completely and consistently. 3. Bring in date/hours should be respected and enforced. 4. Paper work should be simplified, perhaps filled out in advance by entrants. Two or more people should be available to hang art as soon as it is checked in so no pieces are on the floor. Judging Care should be taken that 3D works; are given their due. They can seem to be overshadowed by framed art. Display Better display options are needed for 3D works. Opening Night 1. Many compliments were heard on quality and variety of entries, food, music, floral arrangements and the welcoming atmosphere provided by Board greeters and by Ken Rosland. Special thanks to Michael Whitt for his contribution of the beautiful floral arrangements. 1 2. It was helpful to remove chairs from the Tea Room for traffic flow. Napkins, rather than plates, helped to stretch the food supply. However, the buffet was consumed by 6:30. Perhaps more money should be budgeted for refreshments. 3. It was suggested that Opening hours be shortened by one hour —5 to 7 rather than 5 to 8, with judges' comments remaining at 6 p.m. 4. The enhanced sound system was appreciated. The question of a video recording of the judges' .remarks should be discussed further. 5. It was suggested that more recognition be given to award-winning artists at the Opening. Winners could be photographed with their art for inclusion in future publications. Winners could also be presented with their checks on stage at the reception. Pre-printed name badges with ribbons could be prepared as well. 6. It was suggested that more awards be given and that award amounts be increased to give this show more impact on many levels. Volunteer recruitment 1. Postcards sent to EAC membership to recruit JS volunteers didn't generate hoped-for calls. More specifics as to tasks/dates/hours would be helpful. 2. The sign-up sheet in EAC entry was very helpful. 3. Eddi Fesler sent reminder postcards to volunteers who had shift assignments. Since there were still some no-shows, phone calls the day before might be more productive as well as less costly. 4. Volunteer recruitment remains a problem. Many people attend the volunteer luncheon; few actually respond when Eddi calls them to help. It was suggested that the Clark guest list be reviewed. Also suggested that a volunteer recruitment drive be initiated and that new members be informed about volunteer options when they join. 5. Having volunteers arrive 15 minutes prior to their shift for training eases the transition between shifts. In addition, written instruction could be mailed/emailed to them ahead of time. Timing of Show 1. General opinion is that having JS at a time which conflicts with Labor Day/State Fair/opening of school year, etc. is difficult for almost everyone involved, particularly for entrants and volunteers. Feedback 1. This year, a questionnaire will be available to all entrants to complete when they pick up their works at the end of the show. II will ask them to rate the show overall and, more specifically, the entry process, judging, opening, numbers of award, etc. In addition, we will ask if they are interested in on-going or spot volunteering for EAC. In the future, this survey could be added to the Peer Award ballot. Following this report, Ken Rosland offered kudos and thanks to Heather and Ruth for the fine job they did as Co-Chairs. Whoever does this next year will benefit from the planning and execution they did. OUTREACH AND PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE-Rick Fesler Rick reported that the Public Art Committee had endorsed the suggestion made at the last Board meeting by Ken Rosland that an additional plaque be considered, beside the dedication plaque, to tell the story of the Pine Cone and what inspired its creator, Marcia McEachron. The question remains as to how it would be funded. John Keprios responded that the plaque would cost between $200 and $300. The Park and Recreation department can fund. He will obtain a mockup and have the Public Art Committee and EAC Board approve the design. He also suggested that the design include the pine cone and the artist's signature. MARKETING AND PUBLICITY- George Hadjiyanis and Heather Randall King Heather reported that the article written by George had appeared in the September issue of About Town. FOUNTAIN and SIGNAGE —Ken Rosland The new sign has been installed next to the EAC driveway. Others to be placed at West Shore and 66th and at 66th and Valley View are nearly completed but installation will be deferred until next spring. The funding will have to be carried over until next year. John Keprios commented that the sign is very nice. Michael Whitt asked how often the sign would have to be maintained. Ken replied that it should survive for 10 to 15 years with occasional cleaning and touchup. BUILDING EXPANSION UPDATE — Jim VanValkenburg Jim advised that due to the faltering economy and the City budget situation he recommends the Board suspend any consideration of a building expansion at this time. Ken added his endorsement for that recommendation stating that the council has other priorities and that the need at EAC is not severe. Heather stated that simply suspending left it too open-ended fearing that the idea could just disappear. Ken suggested that the motion could state that the situation be revisited each year. John Keprios suggested that each year could be too open-ended, also. Ken made the motion that action regarding an expansion of the EAC be suspended with the study to be raised again in 2010. Rick Fesler seconded. The motion passed. 2 DIRECTOR'S REPORT- OTHER BUSINESS r Join us for Gifts! Gifts! Gifts! Nov. 6-Dec. 23. Help with set up on Oct. 29 and 30. 9am-9pm. Please call Diana at 612-915-6600 (office) or 952-406-1608 (cell) or 952-920-5856 (home) if you are available. Please take postcards to pass out and send to your friends and family. 1111111=111111 The EAC staff has decided not to have a silent auction in the gallery in February for several reasons. We have not had any success in finding a Chair or Co-chairs. Our paid Coordinator from last year, Lyle Sorenson has moved to Wisconsin and is not available to manage the event. Heather asked if someone else could be paid to do the Silent Auction. Ruth responded that it seemed like the Board and Staff had a pretty full plate. The good news is that we have an opportunity to have a group showing of Worldwide Pinhole Photography. As you may remember from last year, Pinhole photography gives people an opportunity to get away from the highly technical world that we live in and join in the fun of a very simple photographic form. In anticipation for Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day (held each year on the last Sunday in April), the Art Center will present family workshops. We also plan to gather images from photographers around the world to display along with the local group. Ric Johnson and Anne Spooner will be the coordinators of the exhibit. This exhibit also helps us meet our Cultural Explorations goals of reaching out to a diverse audience. This is also a wonderful vehicle for advertising the Peggy Kelly Media Studios classes and services. We may be able to receive some donations from local camera stores. Old Business At the last Board meeting, it was suggested that John Keprios be asked to clarify the level of staff involvement in fund raising for the Art Center. John offered his understanding of the current instructions from City Manager, Gordon Hughes. Mr. Hughes has stated that City Staff should not spend their time in fund raising activities. Ruth asked if that meant that EAC Board should not do activities like the Silent Auction. Ken, responded that the Board can sponsor fund raising activities, but the staff is to concentrate on running the best classes and art exhibitions possible. He offered the opinion that a way should be found to establish a substantial budget to support 2 or 3 events. Diana asked if that would mean the Board would run the events without much Staff involvement. Ken responded that Staff would have to be involved. Diana reminded that the EAC raises five to six thousand dollars each year by selling pottery at the Edina Art Fair, as a fund raiser. Ruth asked if we ask for donations during any of the other events or exhibitions. Diana responded that we do not except for a small entry fee. Ruth asked if a list could be given of all the events sponsored each year. Diana named the major events and said that a complete list would be available next meeting. Heather asked if the Board were to approach the City Council regarding fundraising, should we provide a plan or a question. Ken responded that if this were to be done, a plan should be offered. Michael stated that this would address only funding, not vision or mission. Other business Michael Whitt mentioned that the Art Centers in Eden Prairie and Hopkins had received a great deal of newspaper publicity recently. Were their programs outshining EAC? Diana stated that she meets with other Art Center Directors on a regular basis and is very aware of programming and policies. Diana responded that she had seen the recent articles concerning the proposed Eden Prairie art center and has met with the initiators of their proposed new center. Diana is also aware of the Hopkins Center for the Arts gallery and performance events. In the case of Eden Prairie, the community is still deciding on how the Art Center will be funded 4 3 and no staff or programs are yet in place. The Hopkins Art Center does feature frequent smaller gallery events for individual artists so these shows do require publicity prior to each show. In terms of number of art classes offered and number of students participating, there is no comparison between Hopkins and Edina. Their members Juried Show had 33 entries compared to EAC's 253. Edina Art Center is still the largest (in student population) of all of the suburban Art Centers. Ruth suggested that a number of subjects could be explored in a meeting devoted to fundraising and sponsored events. Perhaps, a Saturday in the spring would be a good time. 1111111111111•011111 As you remember at the last Board Meeting, Heather suggested that we put lighting in the front of the Art Center and possibly decorate some trees with lights for the holidays to increase the visibility. I met with two professional lighting companies. Andy Gosha (Sandy Clark recommended) and a company called Roof to Deck. The prices range from about $1,500 to $4,800. I also checked with Todd at the Golf course. Public works might be able to put up some lighting for less, but we would need to purchase the lights. Another option is our after school student, Clay Bornowski. Clay's father is an event planner and designer. They may be able to help with this project. Since we have zero budget, we may want to consider doing some simple lighting this year and expanding in the future. Ken offered to talk to Tom Shirley, who may be cutting back on lighting for Centennial Lakes Park. We might be able to obtain some of those lights. Faculty Exhibit opens on January 8 from 5-8pm. Pat Greer Retrospective April 2-April 25 You can help us plan this very special exhibit! So more of Pat's snowbird friends could attend, we have discussed a possible Closing reception on Saturday, April 25 from 2-4pm instead of an opening on April 2 Garden Sale-April 30-May 28. PUBLIC COMMENT No members of the public were in attendance. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. 4