HomeMy WebLinkAboutBMP Inspections 2023 - Filtration_FI_005Ba rr Foote r: ArcGIS 10.8.1, 2023-07-11 21:23 File : I:\Clie nt\Edina \Proje cts\Stormwa te r_Ma na g e me nt\2023_SW_BMP_Inspe ctions\Ma ps\R e ports\2023_Inspe ction_Forms\BMP Inspe ctions 2023 - Filtra tion.mxd Use r: JJL2 Jua nita Ave Arde n A v e W 52nd St Minne ha ha B lvd FI_005 M i n n e h a h a C r e e k Facility ID:FI_005Date:6/26/2023 11:53:56 AMInspector Name:Elli Boe hm, Ga b b y Ca mpa g nolaWeather Conditions:Sunny (cle a r)Rained in the past 48 hours?:Ye sIs the BMP still present/intact?:Ye sCan it be inspected?:Ye sStanding water more than 48 hours after a rainfall?:NAIs there a sediment trap/sump present?:NoSediment volume amount accumulated in trap/sump?:NAAre there areas of bare soil or erosion?:Ye sWhat is the condition of the mulch?:Ne e ds R e pla ce me ntIs the inlet, outlet, underdrain or overflow clogged?:NoInvasive plant intrusion?:Sig nifica nt – Ne a r 50% of siteInvasive plant of concern?:Ca tta ilIf other, please list:Is there dead, or dying vegetation?:Ye sTrash, leaves, grass clippings, debris present?:NoHas there been unauthorized modifications?:NoEvidence of illicit discharge?:NoEvidence of oil or gasoline contamination?:NoEvidence of channelization?:NoWas testing/assessment performed?:NoResults of testing/assessment?:N/AInspector Comments:The b a sin is da mp a nd muddy in the ce nte r. Ca tta ils a re pre se ntthroug hout b a sin which is a ne w occurre nce . The re is e rosion occurring whe re wa te rove rflows pa th from b a sin to b a sin. The re is dying ve g e ta tion pre se nt a t the e dg e s. Thisb a sin could b e ne fit from je tting out the dra in tile . Ba sin a ppe a rs to b e h olding morewa te r a nd ca tta ils tha n ye a r b e fore .Operational Rating:(3) POOR : sig nifica nt ma inte na nce ne e de dStructural Rating:(3) POOR : de te riora te d, conside r for re pa ir or re pla ce me ntIs follow-up maintenance recommended?:Ye sMaintenance activity #1:Inve stig a te sta nding wa te r a nd pe rform ma inte na nce ofunde rdra in (je tting , re mova l of a ny ca ps, e tc.) or filtra tion me dia to e nsure b a sin isdra ining prope rlyMaintenance activity #1 (Frequency):Sing le e ve ntMaintenance activity #2:Ca tta il re mova l in b a sinMaintenance activity #2 (Frequency):Sing le e ve ntMaintenance activity #3:Soil re inforce me nt a nd se e ding a t inle tMaintenance activity #3 (Frequency):Sing le e ve ntPhoto 1 Caption:Erosion a t spillove r point b e twe e n b a sins, ve g e ta tion da ma g e d, b a resoilPhoto 2 Caption:Looking south a t b a sin, ca tta ils pre se nt, b a re soil a nd e rosion pre se ntPhoto 3 Caption:Ca tta ils in middle of b a sin, lush g ra ss ve g e ta tionPhoto 4 Caption:Inle t, no sta nding wa te r pre se nt §¨¦494 £¤169 £¤212 ¬«100 ¬«62 FI_005 FACILITY ID: FI_005 FILTR ATIONINSPECTION SUMMAR Y - 2023 City of EdinaEdina , Minne sota <Pipe s BMP Indica tor BMP Loca tion Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 0 100 200 Fe e t !;N Image Source: Met Council (2020)