HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-02-14 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesEDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION
Meeting Notice
Monday, February 14, 1972
Village Hall Conference Room
1. Call to Order and Rollcall
2. Approval of Minutes of January 31, 1972 meeting.
3. Announcements
4. Communications
5. New Business
A. Consideration of Proposed By-Laws
B. Minnehaha Creek Cooperative Agreement
1. Presentation by Ray Haik Attorney for
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District
C. Discussion of Goals for the Commission
D. Other New Business
6. Adjournment
Minutes of the
February 14, 7972, 7:30 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by John Telfer, acting as moderator, with the
following commissioners present
Carol Beim James Bentley
Robert Johnson Willard Morse, Jr.
Robert Sandilla Mrs. June A. Schmidt
John D. Telfer Earl W. Carson (alternate)
Donald T. Johnson (alter nate) Paul Laederach (alternate))
Village staff present:
Gary West Robert Dunn
Greg Luce Harold Sand
The minutes of the January 3/ meeting were approved as read.
John Telfer made the following announcements:
1. An earth expo to be held in Southdale Shopping Center beginning May 1.
This expo is to last approximately a week with numerous exhibits and
special events. Mr. Telfer suggested that this might be a project
that the Commission may want to become involved in.
2. A work session on disposable containers with the Municiple Advisory
Environmental Commission members to be held in the Community Roam,
Minnetonka Civic Center, 8:00 p.m., February 24. Mr. Gary West in-
formed the Commission that this group was composed primarily of members
of various commissions in the suburban area who were meeting together
to exchange information and collectively study various problems with
the environment.
Mr. Telfer advised the Commission that he had access to a film by the Bureau of
Sports, Fisheries, and Wildlife, which he would be willing to make available for
the next meeting. Bob Johnson said that he would also attempt to secure the film
on Nine Mile Creek for viewing at the next meeting.
T•ir. Telfer handed out some additional information on background for the formation
of the Environmental Quality Commission. In addition to this he read a letter
from the League of Women Voter's to the Council at the time the Environmental
Quality Commission was first being considered.
An item of communications was added by Gary West who announced the resignation of
George W. Nicholas, effective immediately. Mr. Nicholas has accepted a position
in Chicago which will require him to move from Edina, and therefore he would not
be eligible to participate in the Commission.
The Commission meeting as a Committee of the Whole held considerable discussion
on the By-Laws prepared by the By-Laws Committee at their meeting February 3, 1972.
The main items of discussion concerned the number of meetings that would be held
each month and each year, ie. whether the Commission should adjourn during the
ourmcr months or for the December meeting at which time it might be difficult
to obtnin a quorum; the amount of time needed for written notice and receipt of
agenda and study materials before a meeting, and the rights and duties of alter-
natec to the Environmental Quality Commission.
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It was moved by Mr. Frederick Richards and seconded by Bob Johnson that Section 9,
Meeting of Members, be ammended to read as follows: "The Commission shall hold
regular meetings monthly on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Meetings
of the Commission shall be held at least 12 times per year at 4801 West 50th Street,
in the Village of Edina, Minnesota." Considerable discussion was held on the matter
of meeting once or twice per month. Mr. Telfer, in favor of at least two meetings
per month, Mr. Sandilla favoring one meeting plus special meetings as needed. After
considerable discussion, it appeared the majority's opinion that one meeting per
month on a regular basis and special meetings as needed would be the most appropriate.
The motion was approved by a majority voice vote.
The next item of discussion was the date by which members are to notify the vice-
chairman if he is to be absent. By mutual agreement, the second paragraph of *6 was
changed to read: "It shall be the duty of each member to notify the vice-chairman
if he shall be absent at the next meeting by 4:30 of the Thursday before the regular
Monday meeting. In the event of unpredictable absence, he shall inform either the
chairman or the vice-chairman as soon as possible."
Discussion was held on the amount of notice needed for meetings, and when the agendas,
minutes, and study materials are to be delivered to the individual commissioners.
After consieerable discussion about the time needed to adequately study materials,
minutes of the previous meeting, and prior notice of the meeting date, it was unani-
mously decided to change Section 12 and Section 22 to permit the deliverence of
written notice five days prior to the meeting date if it were mailed, or three days
if it were delivered by currier to the commissioner. Of considerable concern was
the possibility of lack of quorum and the need to notify the commission members if a
quorum were not going to be present at the meeting.
Discussion was held on the rights and duties of the alternates to the Commission.
Mr. Laederach mentioned that in his original letter from Mrs. Hallberg appointing
him to the Commission, there was mention that he would have the right to vote in the
event that a quorum were needed and in the absence of the regular members. Mr. West
related that this had not been the original intention of the Mayor, and that the
letter received from Mrs. Hallberg had been in error. General discussion ensued
during which, the commission members expressed the opinion that perhaps this was an
area for the Commission to request an amendment to the Ordinance to clarify this
particlar point.
This portion of the meeting vas continued until later time as the invited greats
Mr. Ray Balk and Mr. Riugham of the Minneheha Creek Watershed District arrived for
their part of the agenda. Mr. Haik, attorney for the Watershed District, gave a
brief history of the district, and the particular proposal on which the Commission
is requested to make' a recommendation by the Village Council. This proposal, being
a joint powers agreement between the five communities bordering and disected by Ninne-
hallo Creek.
Mr. Haik attempted to point out the advantages of thin cooperative agreement and the
work that is being proposed, particularly the advantages of financial savings to
the Village of Edina in terms of property loss end damage due to adnormal creek
flooding. Also mentioned as a benefit would be the development of rest arean for
canoeists along the creek, possibility of hiking, bicycle and horseback riding trails,
and the removal of numerous obstructions present in the creek.
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Several questions were asked by the commissioners of Mr. Haik, including questions
of the amount of budget the Watershed District has available for such use, and the
amount of tax revenue which could be raised by a one mill levy over the Watershed
District which eculd be used in the actual construction of facilities such as the
Gray's. Bay Dam, and rest stations. Mr. Haik said that a further advantage of the
cooperative powers agreement concept would be that it might make federal funds
available for these projects which would eliminate the teed for levying a special
tax on all the property in the Watershed District. The levying of such a tax
could 'se quite difficult and entail a good deal of time and expense. Mr. Haik
expla-ned that the seed money would be to hire a planner to prepare a comprehensive
plan for the development of 1innehaha Creek and the preparation of a federal grant
application to finance this deVelopment. Mr. Balk went on to say that it has been
their experience in the past, that if -the grant were made, most of the seed money would
be returned to the communities as a portion of the administrative costs in the grant,
although it was Mr. Haiks opinion that this money should go into a revolving fund to
keep the governing board operating and functioning.
At this point Mr. Telfer interjected that he had discussed the matter with Mr. Alden
Smith, Commissioner for the Minneapolis Park Board, who expressed optimism that the
Park Board would be interested in participating in this project. He questioned
Mr. Haik as to the effect upon the proposal if Edina and/or Minneapolis and the Minne-
apolis Park Board did not participate in this project. Mr. Haik'e reply was that it
would appear that it might have some affect upon a federal grant, however, he felt
that this was a project worthy of pursuing even though federal grant are not made
available, and if federal money were not available, the project could be financed by
the Watershed District with a 1 mill levy over the whole Watershed District for a
period not to exceed 15 years. This 1 mill levy would mean approximately *400,000
per year and would be available for petitioning projects. Mr. Hingham, Director of
the Watershed District stated that the primary advantage to Edina, Minneapolis, and
the Minneapolie Park Board would be that we would have a voice in the planning in what
takes place upstream which will effect what happens downstream, and not simply sit
back and watch what is being done to us. Further discussion was held between Mr. Haik
and the members of the Environmental Quality Commission.
Mr. Telfer suggested that a committee be appointed from the members of the Environ-
mental Quality Commission to study the proposal and make a recommendation to the full
Commission. Discussion was held as whether this recommendation should be in the form
of a resolution to the Village Council. Mr. Telfer and several other members of the
Commission spoke in favor of adopting a resolution supporting Edina's entering the
proposed cooperative power's agreement. Mr. Bob Sandilla voiced a considerable amount
of concern for this proposal as he felt there was not adequate information available
at this time, and that we had only heard one side of the story. Me felt that there
was perhaps an opposing view point. He felt this opposing view point should be heard
and investigated before the Environmental Quality Commission took action upon a reso-
The motion was made by Bob Johnson and seconded by June Schmidt that a resolution be
sent to the Council that the Village of Edina enter into a joint powers agreement with
the Minnehaha Creek Governing Committee. Additional discussion was held and it was
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-duggested that the Park Board also give consideration to this matter at their
next meeting. Bob Sandilla again expreesed reservations in propriety of sending
such a resolution to the Council: 1. when the Commission is just becoming or-
ganized, and 2. when the Commission does not have facts pTesented from both
opponents and proponents of the proposal. Bob Sandilla moved and Clifford
Johnson seconded that this matter be tabled until the next meeting. The motion
to table this matter carried three to one.
A special meeting was celled for February 28, 1972, 7:30 p.m., in the Conference
Room to continue the work on By-Laws, and for the election of officers.
Clifford Johnson moved, Fred Richards seconded the adjournment. Meting was