HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-03-13 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesEDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION
Meeting Notice
Monday, March 13, 1972
7:30 P.M.
I. Call to Order and Rollcall
II. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of February 28, 1972
III. Unfinished and Old Business
A. Review Recommendation to Council concerning
Minnehaha Cooperative Powers Agreement
B. Meadowbrook Lake Trail Development
C. Appointment of Committee on Disposable Container Studies
D. Other Old Business
IV. Reports
A. Report on Edina and Bloomington Natural Resources and
Environmental Commission's Meeting of February 29, 1972
B. Report on Edina League of Women Voters' Solid Waste
Meeting of February 29, 1972
C. Report on Minnetonka Disposable Container Meeting
D. Others
V. Communications - Memo from Council - Appointments - Other
VI. New Business
A. Establishment of a Committee "Quality of Waters"
B. Mud Lake Hydrological Study
C. Other Committees and Our Plan
D. Other New Business
VII. Adjournment
Minuter:: of -1-,11;,1
.1.i.;nvironraental C Eli e j. on
13, 1972, 7:30 p.m.
C Oro/10 1100111f Edina Village Hall
The meetng vas called to order by Bob Sandilial Chairman. The following ComMiseioners
wore present:
Robert Sandilla
Ronald Hayes
Carol Beim
Jim Bentley
Bob Johnson
Clifford E. Johnson
Village staff present:
Gary West
Greg Luce
Earl. W. Careen
Willard Morse, Jr.
June Schmidt
John Telfer
Don Johnson
Robert Dunn
Harold Sand
-James Bentley moved and Robert Johnson seconded the minutes of the February 23 meeting
be approved as read. The motion carried unanimously.
Resolution to Vill.sge Council on. Minnehaha Cooperative Powers Agreement
Discuesion was held upon the format of the resolution to be sent to the Council reeom-
mending the Village enter into the joint powers agreement with the Minnehaha Crook
Governing Committee. Some discussion was held as to the merits of the legalistic or
the informal form of resolution and some of the phrases that were contained in each.
By a show of hands the legalistic format was selected. Mr. Sand: Ala suggested that
the Commission center its attention on modifications that may be needed in the leva-
istic resolution. Mr. Hayes expressed eoncern about the interpretation of para.{; a.ph 7
- which would apuear to eridcrse the sample joint powers agreement as proposed by the
Minnehaha Creek Governing Comm:;.tteo. Yr. Heyesu concern bong that instead of endoreing
a specific proposal, perhaps we should be concerned with conceptual approval. After
further discussion Ron Hayes moved that paragraph 7 be changed to be more pemisoive
by being changed to read ". . . into a joint powers aoreemont . . . and Minneapolis,
_and with the Minnehaha Creek Governing Committee o . a " The motion was seconded by
Jim Bentley. Motion carried by majority voice vote. John Telfer then offered the
following resolution to be Torwerded to the Village Council:.
'WHEREAS: The Edina Village Council on January 17, 1972 requested the Environ-
mental Quality Commission .to.review and recommend a course of act on on the
proposal of the Ninnehaha. Creek Governng Committee for a joint powers agree-
ment and the expenditure of not more than $2, 500 as the Village eontribution
for the retention of planning s%aff to prepare initial grant applications for
planning and development tondo to carry out such 1.m.provement projects as may
be proposed by the MinnehT/ha Creek Governing CommAttee, and;
WHERBAS: The Environmentol Quality Commission has listened to testimony offered
by M:??. Ray Haik, attorney for -Lie Minnehaha Creek Watershcd DThtrict An eonnel:-
tion with ths proposal, and.;
c_.,-WHEREAS: The Environmental. Quality Commlssion hat oonedered the documents and.
other material prepared by the W.nnehaha Creek Governing Ccamittoe in support
of the proposed. joint nowers agreement, and,
Environmental Qualit
March 13: 1972
Page 2
WHEREAS: The proposal was discussed and has been given consideration at the
Environmental Quality Commission meetings of January 31, :TA)bruary 14, and Feb-
ruary 28, and,
WHEREAS: It has been determined in light of all available information that the
joint powers agreement would give the Village of Edina the oppotunity to par-
ticipate in the planning and determination of improvement projects for Minnehaha
Creek at the first stage-of development and to reap the greatest possible bene-
fit from such projects, and,
WHEREAS: If the Village of Edina does not enter into the joint powers agreement,
Village residents may be required to support through Minnehaha Watershed District
tax levies improvement projects which may or may not benefit those residents, and
which they may have little effective voice in the modification or abandonment of
said improvement projects.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Edina Environmental Quality Commission recommends
to the Edina Village Council that the Village enter into a joint powers agree-
ment with the Village of Minnetonka, the Minneapolis Park Board, and the Cities
of Hopkins, St. Louis Park, and Minneapolis, and the Minnehaha Creek Governing
Committee, further,
BE IT RESOLVED: The Edina Environmental Quality Commission recommends that the
Village authorize expenditures by the Village not to exceed $20500 for the reten-
tion of planning staff to assist in the preparation of the initial grant appIi-
cations for planning and development funds to carry out such improvement nrojects
as may be proposed by the Minnehaha Creek Governing Committee.
Resolution approved y vote.
Meadowbrook Lake Trail Development
Mr. John Telfer read portion6 of a letter from Mrs. Mattie Peterson of the St, Louis
- Park Environmental. Commiepion addressed to Donald Bingham: Chairman of the Minnehaha
:Creek Watershed District.- This letter invited 14r. Ringham and his, staff to the next
-meeting of the St. Louis Park.Ehvironmental Commission, March 22, to discuss more
fully the proposed nature 1 system at Meadowbrook Lake. Mr. Donald Ringhams Chair-
man of the Board of Managere of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed Districts spoke from the
audience and offered information on the Meadowbrook Lake Trail proposal. Although
maps of this proposal were not available, Mr. Ringham explained the history and moti-
vation for this proposal as being three folds
1. Recreational possibilities that could be developed.
2. The control of the floating bog, and the possibility of damming and resultant
of flooding caused by the floating bog.
3. Educational prospects for the trails, using the site as a nature interpretive
0 0
Tionmentel Quality Comicsion
Azi-pc,h 13, 1972
h Page 3
Mr, Ringham went on to state that this might be considered as one of the projects
that could be undertaken under the proposed joint powers agreement with the Minne-
haha Creek Governing Committee.
Mr, Sandill.a suggested that perhaps it might be best for the Edina Commission to
make a field trip to this' area sometime in the near future, and perhaps with the
Environmental Commission from St. Louis Park and the Board of Managers and staff
from Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, to actually view the site and see what
the problems and posbiblitiee for development are. After further discussion as to
reyethe date, Mr. Bentley moved, and Mr. Carson seconded that the Edina Commission in-
vite the Minnehaha Creek Board of Managers and the Environmental Commission from
St, Louis Park to meet with the Edina Environmental. Quality Commission March 26, at
2:00. Details to be worked out by staff. Motion carried unanimously by a voice
Reeert on Edina and Bloomington Natural Resources in Environmental Commesione
Meeting February 29, 1972.
Ron Hayes gave a report on the meeting between Edina and Bloomington Natural Re-
sources Environmental Quality Commissions. The main topic of concern was Nine
Mile Creek and the role of the Board of Managers of Nine Mile Creek and the Edina
and Bloomington Environmental Advisory Commissions. Mr. Hayes expressed his con-
cern over the frustrations he felt evident in both the Bloomington Commission and
'the -Nine Mile Creek Board .of Managers, and outlined his impressions of the positions
taken by both parties. Mr. Sandilla asked that this report be duplicated for all
Report on Edina League of .Women Voters Solid Waste Meeting., February 291 1972
Mr. Willard Morse gave a short report on the League of Women Voters meeting and the
educational aspects of the information that was received. Mr. Bob Johnson suggested
that the two movies that were shown at this meeting, one called "Reveling" and the
other "Sanitary Land Fillee.0ne Part Earth to 4 Parts Refuse" be shown to the Com-
mission at some future meeting date as part of their educational enrieement.
Resort on-Minnetonka Disposable Container MeoILIIELEDleIy 24, 1972
Mr. John Telfer gave a ;Mort report on the Disposable Container Workshop hold in
Minnetonka on February 24; .1972, This was a meeting of Environmental groups through-
out the suburban area of Minneapolis at which they continued their discussion on
ordinances banning noneratuenable bottles and containers. The pros and cons of this
issue were discussed in.spme detail with the group deciding to continue their, efforts
to draw up an ordinance banning non-returnable cans and betties, conduet a community
survey, lobby for support of such ordinances in their individual communities, and to
-talk with store owners to expedite support and expel any fears that they may have on
ban the can ordinances. They set March 16 as their next meeting date, at the New
- Brighton Village Hall. The Chair suggested that minutes of this, meeting bo duplicated
and made lavailable to all members of the Commission. He also suggested that at least
(me membee of the Commission plan to attend the New Brighton meeting if possible,
Mr. Sandilla 'Indicated a communications memo from the Council which had been received
by the Commissioners in their packets. This memo was in answer to the requests of
the Environinc,:ntal Com mission at their February 20 meetinge
Environmental Quality Comeissioa
March 13, 1972
Page 4
1. The designation "alternate" has been changed to "advisor" who may assist the
Commission, but have no voting privileges.
2. Mr. Earl W. Carson was appointed to fill the unexpired 2 year term of Mr.
George Nicholas.
3. Councilman Willis F. Shaw agreed to sit on the Commission as an ex officio
Some discussion was held concerning the wording of staff memorandum to the Council by
several of the Commissioners. Ho further action was taken.
Mr. Sandilla formally announced the appointment of Mr. Earl Carson to the Commission
to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Nichols.
Mr. Telfer suggested that perhaps in the future we should have reports from the Plan
ning Commission, and Park Board members to the Commission as to matters which they
are presently considering which also affect the Environmental Quality Commission.
Quality of Water Committee
Mr. Sandilla announced his appointment of John Telfer as Chairman of a committee on
the Quality of Water, subject to ratification by the full Commission. He expressed
the desire that this committee should become functional in the very near future as
there is a great deal of work for them to do. Mr. Telfer suggested that the name of
the committee be changed to the "Committee on Water Resources", as perhaps this is
more all-encompassing than the Quality of Water would suggest. Mr. Telfer named the
following members as those he would like to have serve with him on this committee:
Nancy Carlspn, Nine Mile Creek Citizens Committee
Shirley Tggi, Minnehaha Creek Watershed Citizens Advisory Group
Mts. Canny Wright, League of Women Voteā¢es
Mr. Don Johnson also expressed willingness to serve on this committee. The Chair asked
Mr. Telfer to prepare resumes on these persons. Approval was called for by the Chair.
Approval given by majority voice Vote.
Mud Lake Hydrological Study
Mr. Sandilla advised the Commission that he was in receipt of preliminary hydrological
study on Mud Lake. This study done in connection with the proposal before the Council
to create a nature study area in Mud Lake.
Mr. Robert Dunn, Village Engineer, then gave a short resume of Mud Lake Hydrological
- Study, the reason for the study, and its impact upon the proposed Lincoln Drive along
the western boarder of the Village. In this connection, Mr. Dunn mentioned the meeting
that was held January 5, at Hopkins Eisenhower High School on the proposed construction
of County Road 18, north from Fabri-Tek to the Village limits. The proposal presented
by Hennepin County showed a bridge:over the old road bed through the marsh area north
( eof Fabri-Tek with a detached frontage road of Lincoln Drive crossing the creek and
\-efunning parallel to County Road 18, but some distance from County Road 18. He further
described Lincoln Drive and some of the ramifications that the various proposals for
Mud Lake would have upon the Lincoln Drive area. Mr. Greg Luce, Village Planner,
Ms),nutes of
Environmental Quality CemmjLssion
Hare. h 13, 1972
Page 5
continued the discussion and pointed out several factors that must be considered, and
trade-offs that are possible under either proposal for the development of Mud Lake,
le, a large open body of water, or a nature study area. After further discussion by
the Commission, Mr. Sandilla suggested that this could perhaps be one of the first
iteme of consideration by. the Committee on Water Resources.
Directions Committee
The Chair related that after considerable thought on the appointment of various standing
eommittees, he had come to the conclusion that perhaps the moot appropriate direction
to take would be the appointment of a directions committee to assist in the establish
ment of goals for the Environmental Quality Commission. He suggested that a committee
of five to poll the other members of the Commission, Village officials, and other
interested parties in the Village on subjects that should be studied, different geo-
graphical areas that should be considered, and the possible committees to study these
various items. The Direeti ons Committee could then oome up with some guidance for the
Commission, particularly in that the Commission newly formed and does not really
know where they are going or how to get there. Mr. Sandia, .a requested he be permitted
to act as Chairman of this with members being, Robert Hayes, Robert Johnson,
ifs r].Carson, and Willard Morse. Ho further suggested that they set a time limit of
perhaps 30 days in which to come up with their recommendations. Mr. Robert Johnson
moved, and Clifford Johnson seconded the approval of the aforo named committee: and
commit tee members. Upon voice vote, the motion vas approved unanimously.
There being no further business, Mr. John Telfer moved, and Mr. Robert Johnson seconded
the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
Commission Secretary