HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-04-10 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesEDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION
Meeting Notice
Monday, April 10, 1972
7:30 P.M.
I. Call to Order and Rollcall
II. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of March 13, 1972
III. Old Business
A. Appointment of Members to Committee of Water Resources
B. Committee Appointments
IV. Reports
A. Meadowbrook Lake Trail Field Trip - Mr. Hays (Verbal)
B. Special Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Meeting
3 April 1972 - Mr. Sandilla (Verbal)
C. Report from Planning Commission Member - Cliff Johnson (Verbal)
D. Directions Committee - Questionnaire - Mr. Sandilla
E. Report from Park Board Member - Fred Richards (Verbal)
F. Edina Fo Meeting on DMJM Study - 5 April 1972 - Mrs. Schmidt
G. Other
V. Communications
VI. New Business
A. Review of the Village Sign Ordinance (Request of the
Planning Commission)
B. Film
C. Other
finutes of the
Envi ronment al euality Col ICA uo11
i'kpril 10, 1()72
Looting was called to order by fobert Sandilla, Chairman, with all members present.
Corrections were made to the minutes or Uarch 13. Linutes approved as corrected.
Appointment of members_, to Committee of ',:ater .Lesources
The Chair indicated the recommendations for the following persons to be appointed
to the Committee on ,rater itesources. Those persons being John Telfer, Lonald T.
Johnson, re. George Taylor, fancy L. Carlson, and !Irs. Prancis ,',right. The
Chair entertained the Motion that these appointments be confirmed by the Commission.
It woo moved by -..onald flays, and seconded by job Johnson that the Chair's appoint-
ments to the Committee of dater itesources be approved. Lotion carried unanimously.
The Chair advised the Commission that he was going to tithhold further committee
appointments until the birections Conuittee had made some recommendation as to
standing committees. It the meantime, there are two areas in which he would like
someone to keep tabs on: 1) Darts, and 2) solid waste. The Chair asked for vol-
unteers to over.view these two oubjects. Allard I;orse volunteered for parks, 'Job
Johnson, and. John Telfer volunteered.for solid wastev 'pith Don Johnson volunteerin
for a future appointment to a solid waste committee.
Neadowbrook Lake Trail I' field Trile
Ston Hays cave a short semmary of the field trip made to Neadowbrook Lake and marsh
area along the northern border of the Villa et on Sunday, Nara' 26. This field trip
consisted of five members of the Edina Environmental iJuality Commission, two from
St. Louis Park's Environmental CommissiQn, and an advisor from the Eugene nickock
Assoc., consulting engineers for the Einnehaha Creek 'Catershed District. The field
trip consisted of walking through the marsh area 'and around Leadoubrook Lake, after
which a general discussion was held about the Ilickock and Associate's proposal .for
the development of the trail system around feadowbrook Lake. lib, formal action ,was
taken concerning the Neadowbrook Lake trails proposal during the meeting, hltheugh
it did seem to be the consensus of the group that such a project should be considered
under the joint powers agreement with the Einnehaha Creek Governing Doard, which was
recently approved by the Village Council.
11r. Hays also reported on side trips that, were taken after the Neadcubrook Lake hike.
These side trips were taken to Lincoln Drive, iludd Lake area, and to the Creek Valley
:Baptist Church site. The purpose of these side trips was mainly to acquajnt the
Commission members with areas to be discussed in the future.
spacial Fame fatershed District feetinee
fir. Sandilla reported .on n special, ilino file Creek fatershed District fleeting held
April 3, 1972. The subject of this meeting was the ,'rank Carderelle proposal for
davelepment on fashingtonAvenue, in the far southwest corner of the Village, on . property divided by fine Creek. End result of the meeti.ng was that the 'dater-
shed District approved the restoration of fine idle Creek to its original location
provided that proper permits Were received by the City of Bloomington, and the Vile-
lege of Edina. fir. Oandilla Uas advised from the audienee by Greg Luce, that he had
issued this gra:UN-; permit for restoration or the Creek to its original location.
Unutes of the
,.....„Eneironmental Commiesion
,Page 2
:peortfron Plenninl_C2mmiselen Uember
Cliaord Johnson gave a ohort, report on the activities in the Planning Commission,
The meet controversial subject at the Earch planning COmmission meeting was the
reeoning of the 1:rickson proporty at 66th and Prance Avenue. Er. Johnson uent into
detail about the facts of this property and its requested rezoning. Of principle
interest was the environmental impact on the small pond at the western end of this
property. Ur. Johnson pointed out that this pond was not a natural pond, but, in
fact a pond created by man with water from tho hett pumps at Southdalo.
,--Jr, Johnson went on to give a brief synopsis of the criteria that are used in eoning
decisions and lot divioions and requirements of plats whereby they are reuired to
dedicate 5 property or equal amount of cash for park purposes. In the same connec-
tion Greg 1,1).Ce eyplained some of the advantages of the planned rebidential or planned
unit type developNent over a regular development.
Ur. Sendilla requested that a summary of the zoning definitions be provided to the
Enviloonmental Qvality Commission to assist them in the comprehension of the sign
ordinance which had been forwarded to the Commission for revive. Ur. Luce said that
he would attempt to have this ready for the neNt meeting. Several other zoning p.m-
posals were also mentioned that wore being considered, or had been approved by the
Planning Comlesion.
(r )Dircetione Commitee
‘- 1:17. Sandilaa presented the questionnaire which had been proposed by the birectiono
Committee along with a listing of those who would receive the questionnaire. Ur. San-
dilla mentioned that this queetionnaire and the list of recipients had been approved
by Ur. Shaw, as a representative of the Council, and the Village staff.
Considerable discussion was held on the appropriateness of this cuestionnaire, whether
the Comeission would be bound by the attitudes expressed by the majority of the re-,
spendeuts to the questionnaire, and the possible negative citizen attitude to a cties-
tionnaire of this typo. During this disellssion, the Chair noted for the record that
he had received a letter from Ur. Telfer indicating his feelince as to the directions
the Onvironmental Quality Commission should take. It was pointed out that the purpose
of the questionnaire is to survey the attitudes of a larger sector of the community
)arA the policy mokors of the Village as to the duties, responsibilities, and goals or
the Cnvirennental Quality Commission, and to Give some indication of the suggested
mode of operation of this Commissien.
Ur. Telfer expressed hits desire for some measure of autonomy for the 'iSnvironmental
Quality Commiseionv that the Commiseion should be able to do "its own thine" in what
it feels is right without reflecting pressures from other sources.
The Chair pointed cut that the psrpoec of this questionnaire was to invoke' discussion
ond deep though as to the duties and responsibilities of the Commiseion. He further
'Indicated thet he moat there would bo a wide variety of opinions expreseed ae c
result of this veetionnaire among the commieeioners, elected officiale or stOff by
_ithe meet's of a questienneire. Ur. Telfer moved that the Oommiesion do further research
the advioability of issuance of a caestionneire of the typo proposed by the Time.
tions Comeitteel motion seconded by Oillard Uorso. Uotion defeated 3 aye, 8 nay vote.
T'enutes o.J: the
,Erorironmental Quality Cornmisoion re-,F
Page 3
Hr. Richards moved that the questionnaire be aompleted by Comnission members and
Village Councilmen, that the results be tabulated, and placed on the agenda for the
noltt meeting for a decision as to further distribution. Notion seconded by Clifford
Johnson, Notion carried.
Raort from the Park Doard
IiroThicharK advisedh ommiceion of present Park Doard activities as they affect the
environment. Ho mentioned that the Village hac employed a forester who makes periodic
nspect:1.one of the Village for such things as Dutch elm disease. A brochure was dis—
ntributed announcing the wild flower trail in Draomar. Ur. Richards advised that the
'first stage of the spring aquatic trood control program had been completed prior to
the melting of the ice on the lakes. Re also advised that there would be a meeting
on Eud Lake among various staff members of the Village of &Una, Ilophins lannetonka l
and Nine Nile Creek Uatershed District the latter part of April.
fob Sandilla gave a short report on the Citizens Committee meet3.n5 held on park land
acqoiUon at the Village Hall, the afternoon of April 6. Village staff outlined
various presently vacant, land that the Village could hope could be acquired by one
means or another for additional park land.
Neelft on ppm Study
lire. Schmidt gave a brick repott on the OWN report as presented to the Edina Foxum
)on April 5, 1972. Coneiderable discussion lets held on the and lire. Schmidt's
Raprt of tra!6er Resourees Ctommitee
riefe.er reported on six items Which were discussed by the Uater Resources Committee
and their recommendations for action:
1. Netdoubrook Lake . Recommendation: Development of the Neadowlvook Lake trail
system be a priority item of the joint powers agreement with W.nnehaha Creek
Board of Nanagers that was authorized by the Village Council in their larch
20 meeting.
2. Ind Lake — Recomm*ndation: This area is most appropriate as a water storage
area and natural habitat for wildlife. It should remain for the most part
in its present state.
3. Lincoln Road — Recommendation: Lincoln Road area be left essentially as it
is because of the Pdveree affect eny devolopment tLete would have upen Uud
Lake remaining as a natural :area.
4. Trash dumping collected in the Village of Edina takes place predominantly in
Savage and as of Harch of 1972 it is being dumped in an approved sanitary
5. Ceeek Deptiot Church and the dumping of trash and fill in the parking
lot atutting the creek. Nr. Teller reported that this situation had been
going on for a ::umber of years and had boon attempted to be rectified by the
Uine Vile Creek Ilaceohecl. Dietact and Villoge official°, however, eatisfaction
ilieeeeeeeeal Quality Ceeeieeion
had not boon received and apparently filling uas continued. The Uater
Eecourees Committee requests approval by the Commisoion to urite a letter
to the Creek Valley Baptiot Church, urging them to take action to cease
filling operations, and to comply uith the order of the Dine Me Creek
Ueterehed District Doard of Hanagers.
6. Flood Planning Ordinance • Eccoueendation: The Village take quick action
upon a flood planning ordinance.
Considerable discussion uao held on the Creek Valley Daptiot Church matter. It was
suggested that perhaps the Uatershed District uas the appropriate body to handle this
(- ) natter. Hr. Fred fichards advised the Commisoion that the Uatershed District attorneys
have had some recent correspondence, although he did not recall exactly uhat this
correspondence said. Councilman Shaw suggested that informal word of mouth equest be
made to the Creek Valley Church with a deadline proposed and if no response is received
b; that deadline/ the matter be referred to the staff for handling. It eras decided
that Hr. Telfer and Don Johnson would handle this uord of mouth contact. Deadline fcc-
action was to be in the sane week es the completion of the neu high school. Eon 'Jaye
moved that the rater Eesources Committee first contact Eine Oilo Creek Doard of Han-
agora: to find out uhat action has boon initiated: and what stage that action is is
with regard to the encroachment by Creek Valley Daptiet Church on fine Me Creek.
The committee is then to communicate uith the Church to assertain uhat action the Church
is going to take. The committee is then to report back to the full Cowission uith a
=commendation of course of action to follow. notion seconded by Clifford Johnson:
(e: and approved by unanimous voice vote.
The Chair asked Or. Telfer if there were any further action required on the six points
of hiS report. Ur Telfer replied that at this time: he is not requesting any further
Comed.esion action
Tho Chair suggested that in the future: all reports should be uritten and distribated
with the ae,enda and minutes prior to the meeting: in order that all members of the
Comeiscion would have an equal opportunity to have forelmoule .0 of the items which
would be discussed in their report.
The Chair acknowledged the receipt of the verbal reports A-G, stating that this in no
way endorecd the content of these reports: but simply acknowledges their receipt by
the COIXACA011.
Ch it aavised the Coui_iusion that Greg Luce: Village Planner: reclueeted that he be
permitted to give a reconcendation of ehanees and modification° in the sign ordinance
for coneideretion by the I;nvironmental Quality Commiesion. This would be preferable
to the rnvironmental Quality Commioeian attempting to delve into the sign ordinance
vitteue preeieus kneuledge. Fred Diehards moved: and John Telfer oeconded that this
mat.tc:' be tabled until the non t meeting. !.lotion carried unanimously.
Unuter_l'of the
Envimmental Quality Commission
Page 5
The Chair announced that a special meeting could be held April 24, 1972, at 7:30
in the Conference floor to consider the questionnaire and the films which they
uere not able to show this night. Ur. Telfer suggested that the meeting dates
and time of the Environmental Quality Commission be announced in the Sun. This
recommendation uas favorably received.
Nr. Boni-play Moved? and Ur. Johnsbn seconded that'thd meeting be adjourned.