HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-08 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesAN:NA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIT COMMX2OXON
Meeting Notice
Monday: May 0 1:172
,7:30 P.M.
I. • Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of Minutes
III. 014 Business
Am Review of Village Sign Ordinance (Continue 12 June 1972)
B.' Creek Valle' BaptiGt Church Land Fill -- Doi joAnson
C. Use of Herbicidos in Village
a. D. Committee Appointments - Bob Saadilia
IL Questionnaire - kny farther use or distributf,on7 - Bob Sandilla
P. Other
IV. Reports
A. Housing Needs - Citizens Ce nm - Juno Schmidt
B. More Parks - Citizone., Committee - WilIard Mrse w Jr,. •
C. Planning ,Commission Report - Clifford Johnsou
D. Park Board Report - VreEn RIchards
* E. Water Resowrceo Colmittee John Telfar
F. Other Committee Reports
. New Business
• Lincoln Drive Rac2rmmendatio71 (Water Resources Committe)
13.- New Standing Cumnette(di OUrectinn Committee)
ft CO Melody Lake Encro4ennent (Wa',:er ResQvir,::es)
• D. Propcsed By-yaw Acl,AtQ one (Dirtc(;ioc, Committee)
E Other
* Hatawiaa
• e
Ninutes of the
Environmental Quality Coapission
May 8, 1972, 7:30 p.m.
Conference Room, Edina Village Hall
Hooting was called to order by Bob Sandilla with the following members present:
Staff presents
Carol Beim
Ronald Nays
Bob Sandilla
Clifford Johnson
Earl Carson
Gary West
Harold Sand
James Bentley
Willard Morse
John Telfer
Fred Richards
Don Johnson
Bob Dunn
Minutes of the April 10 and April 24 meetings were read and approved. It was noted
that the date April 24, 1972 be added to the minutes of the special meeting.
Review „of the V', e simalams2
The Chair advised the Commission that Mr. Luce had not yet prepared his recommene.
rations for modifications of the Village Sign Ordinance, therefore, he requested
-,;hat this matter be continued tc the June meeting.
Creek Vallmlastipt Church Landfill.
Tha Chair requeoted Don Johnson to report on the Creek Valley Baptist landfill diffi—
culty. Mr. Johnson reported that he had been past the site this evening and it did
not appear that any substantial progress had been made. no further reported that
ho bad peen in contact trith officials of the Creek Valley Baptist Church who had
given him some assurance that as soon as weather and soil conditions permitted,
J. Darlene:Sone would be doing some dressing of the slopes down to the Creek on a
3 to 1 grade, and seeding it to grass.
Considerable discussion was held about the possible problem of siltation from the
igh school site in the same general area. General concern was expressed over the
apparent erosion and lack of control of the siltation reaching Nine Nile Crook. It
was suggested that the contractor be contacted and requested to take the neceeeary
precautions to control this erosion. it was moved by Ron Nays, and seconded by
Willard Morse that the staff contact the school administrative staff, dvise them of
the situation, and to encourage them to have the contractor take such steps as would
be necesoary to control erosion and siltation from the site. Motion carried uneni—
Use offlerbacidea in the VEIIIN22
Mr. Telfer reported on the use of herbicides by the Village of Edina, taking his data
from various state records (see "Appendix A" for two of report). It was suggested
that the Park Board consider this report in their decisions on the use of horbacidec
Us Village property.
Minutes of the
arvironmental Quality Connisaion
Page 2
Gary West introduced Bob McGuire, Village Forester, who spent come time telling
the Commission of the Dutch Dim control program of the Village of Edina, and the
Village efforts in controlling various other pests and diseases among plants.
Mr. McGuire pointed out that to this date their was little evidence of infestation
of Dutch Elm disease in the Village, and none in any boulevard trees. Mr. McGuire's
comments envyked considerable discussion among the Commission members. During this
discussion it vas pointed out that the Elm tree is quite valuable, approximately
1)25 per inch in circumference according to the Dutch Elm Institute, and therefore,
a complete replacement project of Elm trees could prove quite expensive.
Gary West read a list of the herbacides and chemicals used by the Village of Mina
and assured the Commission that they were used in strict compliance with advice and
directions by the University of Minneeeta. It was further pointed out that in many
instances those chemicals were used only on a spot basis, and often times at much
less than the recommended quantities.
Committee 4teointments
Sandilia introduced the list of committee appointments for the Solid Waste Commit—
tee being James Bentley, Chairman, Robert Johnson, Barbara Castleman, Greg Uatefield,
and Vir&dnia Bodine. The Mud Lake Task Force being Ron Heys, Chairman, Cliff Johnson,
Fred Richards, Mrs. Francis Wright, and Barbara Castleman. Carol Beim submitted her
list for appointments to the Educational Committee being, Carol Beim, Chairman, Ron
Days, and Dill Welch.
There being no comments or objections, John Telfer moved and Clifford Johnson seconded
that the appointments be approved. Motion carried unwimously.
The Chaer discueoed the final tabulations of the questionnaires stating that there
had not been any material change from the results at the previous meeting.
Considerable diecuseion was held on this matter, particularly concerning the further
distribution to a wider variety of persons, to service clubs, and to the public at
large through the neuspapers. The Chair suggested that the matter be returned to the
Directions Committee for consideration of further distribution, and to give a report
at the next mooting.
HousiIe Needs Committee
In the absence of Mrs. Schmidt, the Chair advised that there would not be a report
from the Housing Needs Couerittee this evening.
Citizens Committee for Parks and 0 IS ce
IRIIME[orse area on the activi. es to date of the Citizens Committee for Parks
and Open Space which her been meeting with Village staff to consider sites and possible
development of additional parks and open space. He reported that at this time the
Commit tee is considering 16 sites scattered throughout the Village for purchase or
'3ossible donation. At the present time, it appears that a bond issue would be needed
;Go finance the purchase of these sites. 14n Morse advised that at their next meeting!
the Citizens Committee hoped to establish some priorities for the 16 sites.
Minntes of the
DavironmeaLol. Qua7Lity Corinission
Page 3
S1441111emmicmflanBg220 dlifford Johnson reported on the activities of the Planning Committee this past month
stating that the only items considered by the Planning Courds,sion had been some will
subdivisions and lot divisions.
Park Board Report
The Chair advised that Mr. Richards had to leave the meeting, and that the Park Board
had not met since the previous meeting, therefore, there would not be a report.
Water Resourcee Corrnd.tteo
Mr. Telfer reported that at the present time, nothing was happening on the Meadow-
' brook Lake proposal, but having been determined to be left to the Minnehalta Creek
Governing Committee as one of their projects.
-. Mr. Telfer inquired as to the status of the Flood Planning Ordinance which would be
required to be passed by the Village, as this would have some affect on several of
the areas for which the Water Resources Committee was concerned.
Mr. Dunn explained that the Flood Planning Ordinance was presently at the staff stage
and that it had not reached Council yet, but that we were hopeful on having this
Flood Pluming Ordinance ready to present to Council very soon.
Hr. Teller advised the Commission that two membere of his committee, himself and
:Nancy Carlson, would be absent for a period of time during the summer.
Education CoMmittee
V0aB7Croported that the Education Committee did send a poster to the Earth Expo
at Sonthdaleu and although it vas in a fairly inconsglcuous place, felt that it was
Gary West read several communications that the Commd.ssion had received. Three of
these dealing with public hearings to be held by the Village of Edina on 1.1m. l5
THese dealt with sanitary saner,: street, and curb a gutter construction on Lincoln
Drive with storm sewer projects in Richmond Hills subdivision and behind the ITIdina
Covenant Church at 4201 West 50th Street.
hr. West also presented the letter from Einnehaha Creek Watershed District concerning
a hearing to be held 144y 18 attempting to develop a policy for storm water disposal.
The final item on the communications was the draft of the environmental impact stabs,-
ment prepared for the construction of County Road 18 in the western portion of the
Some discussion was held on those matters with the Chair determining the referral of
these topics to the respective committees. The environmental impact statement,cm •
Ceunty Road 1C was referred to the land' Resources Committee and the Minnehaha Creek
storm water disposal proposal was referred to the Water Resources Committee.
a the
(Th 1-N.:3,1xlyix:ntal Quality COION1ElaUi
' Page
Ata .on.. Aqend.Eat9e.Vcqlala Hrt Telfer suggeSted that we aght send a letter inviting the two watershed districts
to have a member or members present at our regular meetings. It was decided that the
staff would prepare such a letter for the secretary's signature.
Lincoln Drive receroendetion
Mr. Telfer presented to the Commission the =Commendation of the Water Reeoureco Come
) eleeee on the Lincoln Drive proposal. This recommendation onvoked a great deal of C Oiecuesion among the membero as to the ramifications of building or not building the
In conversation between 14r. Dunn, Village Engineer: and the Commission, Ur* Dunn
pointed out the variouo aspects of the proposed construction of Lincoln Delve and
some alternatives that could be made in its construction. He further stated that it
was not the otaff's intention for desire that the road be ordered at this time, but
:Amply a method of determining the cost factors and placing these costs before the
VilJage Council, Hennepin County, and the affected property owners. Mr. Dunn further
pointed out that during a meeting with the staffs of Hennepin County,' the watershed
distriets, and the communities which would be affected by the Lincoln Road proposal:
ye , it was pointed out that construction of Lincoln Drive would not have any affect upon
_n_e) the alternative avnilable to the Village of Edina for the development of Mud Lake.
Ron Hays Begg stud that rather than making a negative reaction to the Lincoln Drive
proposal: that with mere facto and better facts, we could perhaps make a pooitive
recenoncridation. Ho stated that this concerned him a great deal that the Envirmeental
Quality ()Pm:Jost= may develop a patter of taking negative stances on things and not
offering a constructive proposal.
Uotion was made by John Telfer and seconded by Jim Dentley that the Envinonmental
Quality Commission approve the written statement prepared by the Water Resources Com-
mittee. Motion defeated by a majority vote.
John Tel moved and an Bentley seconded that the Commission recommend to the Council
that it not take action on the Lincoln Drive proposal until the Environmental Quality
Commiceion had been able to study the project* Motion carried*
The Chair directed the Commisoioncs attention to the report from the Directions Com.
mittee suggesting that a Land Resources Committee be established to be chaired by
Juno Schmidt.. This Committee to ho a three member committee. James Bentley moved
Ron He ye seconded that the committee be established as recommended by the Directiono
Ceemittee* Motion carried unanimuualve
MelCvLako 1;rcreachmert eveo_ , , John Telfer reported on Ulu ranUer which was trough about by the construction of Ugh-
) way 100 in the Melody Lake .e Denton Avenue area. The affect of this project will be
the reduction of the v1o0 of Melody Lake by apnrozimetoly 1.1 acres and the cone/er a:3.
tion of a eteem set= outlet pumping station which would pump xecess storm water
through the atom sewer reestem into Minnetaha Creek*
Ninutes of the
, Environmental Quality Commiseion
Page 5
Discueeion was held concerning this matter. It seemed to be the general consensus
of the Commission that there le DA basic objection to the proponed project, however,
it would be desirablo that necessary precautions be made during construction to
protect the lake and that care be taken in regard* to the possible settling of storm
water before it entorc the lake.
It was euggeetod that the proper channels for this action to go through could be to
the Council, and then to the Department of Natural Resources. Ron 114ys moved the
following resolution:
De It Resolved, pursuant to the request of the lanneeota Department of
Nature/ Resourced dated April 24, 1972, the Edina ronemtnal Quality
Comniesion finds no material objection to the proposed 1.1 acre encroach-
ment by Trunk Highew 100 on U i elody Lake and the construction of a pumpng
station to control the level of lake water. However, the alvironmental
Conn-nission does enpreee concern or the quality and quantity of the storm
water which all be permitted to enter Melody Lake as a result of this
construction, and urge the proper authori.ties to take all neceseary pre-
cautions to minimize the storm water entering the lake. Furthermore, that
necessary precautions be token during conetruction to minimize the amount
of siltation taking place in Uol.ody Lake. The Edina Environmental Quslity
Comdex/on urges the Edina Village Council to make these comments known
to the Ninnesota Department of Natural Resources through the propoer char:.
Notion seconded by James Bentley. Notion approved by a vote of 6 . 1.
Pro sed12:121! Addition
The C 'r callerErne attention of the Commission the recommendations of brilaw
changee as proposed by the Directions Counittoo. The Chair also read a letter
from Bob Johnson, suggesting some rewordings of these by-law changes. Discussion
was held on these changes and recommendations. It was moved by Bob Sandilla and
seconded by John Telfer that the recommendation of the Directions Committee on the
by-law changes be accepted with the exception of Item D which is to be ammended to
road, "The cemmittee reports need not be in writing in those instances where no for-
mal Commission approval or Commission action has been required or requested." Notion
approved by 7 - 0 vote.
Aq1211-1121"22k There being no further business the Commission adjourned.