HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-12 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION
Meeting Notice & Agenda
Mondayi.June 12/ 1972
Conference Room
7:00 P.M.
I. Call to Order and Rollcall
II. Approval of Meeting Minutes
III. Old Business
*A. Use of Herbicides in Village (Aquatic Weed Control) — Ken Rosland
B. Review of Village Sign Ordinance (Continued July 10/ 1972)
*C. Creek Valley Baptist Church Landfill — Don Johnson
D. Committee Appointments — Robert Sandilla
E. Other
IV. Reports
A. Housing Needs — Citizens Committee . June Schmidt
B. Planning Commission Report — Clifford Johnson
C. Park Board Report — Fred Richards
D. Water Resources Committee — Don Johnson
E. Citizens Committee on Parks & Open Space — Willard Morse, Jr.
F. Education Committee . Caxol Biwa
G. Air Quality COmmittee — Earl Carson
H. Land Resources Committee . June Schmidt
*1. Solid Waste Committee — Jim Bentley
J. Other
V. Communications
VI. New Business.
41A. Review and Comment Flood Plain. Ordinance (Action to. be taken)
4B. Lincoln Drive Proposal between. Londonderry & So. 7th St. inter,-
change (Action to be taken)
C. Other
VII. Others Wishing to be Heard by the Commission
VIII. Adjourn
Related materials sent
Minutes of the
Environmental Quality Commission
June 12, 1972, 7:30 P.M.
Conference Room, Edina Village Hall
The meeting was called to order with the following persons presents
Carol Beim.
Jamea Bentley
Robert Hays
Willard Morse, Jr.
Fred Richards
Donald Johnson
Staff present:
Harold Sand
Robert Dunn
Robert Sandilla
June Schmidt
Robert Johnson
Clifford Johnson
Earl Carson
Gary ;Jest
Ken hosland
Minutes of the May 8 meeting were approved as corrected.
The Chair informed the Commission that Mr. Rosland's report would be given later
during the meeting as Mr. Rosland was unable to be preaent at the begiruillv u2
the meeting.
The Chair announced that the Village Sign Ordinance was to be continued to a later
date upon the request of the Village Planner, who is waiting for answers to letters
he sent to various sign companies for suggested changes in the ordinance.
Creek Valley Baptist Church.
Don Johnson reported on the work that had been done on Nine bile Creak at the Creek
Valley Baptist Church. he passed around letters frem .i .A. Danens and "..ons elating
that the necessary corrections had been made, and a let.t:er from A,v Haik's °face
by James A. Jones, President of Nine Mile Creek Watershed District comaending
J.A. Danens and Sons on their work on the creek area. Mr. Johnson stated that
he had gone by the area and was discatiefied with the work that had bcen dose. He.
explained that over Memorial weekend there was a great deal of erosion en the bunks
due to heavy rains, and a lot of the seed that waa planted was washed away. he also
stated that the slope was not a 3-1, but more of a 2 2:1-1 slope.
Discussion was held on the possibility of holding a mectine with the parties In-
volved, ic., J.A. Danens and Sons, Creek Valley Daetiat Church, and the Nine
Creek Watershed District.
The Chair requested that the staff prepare a letter inviting repreeentativea of these
parties to meet June 26 in the Conference hem at 7:30.
Mr. Johsnon offered to get in touch with hay Balk about the letter and inform him of
the meeting. He also offered to get in touch with John Dickson.
The Chair asked Mr. West if he had anything to report on the Edina West High School
site, as it is close to the Creek Valley Baptist, Church.
,;est reported that he had talked to Don Prior, Suainess Director and asked him
check with the contractor to see if they are following the stieulations that uorc
:e_ere.eeente. Qua_Liby Oommiesion
Ueee 12, 1972
:e 2
elaced on them in the construction of the highschool. Mr. lest stated he had looked
at the site and said it did not appear that much erosion was reaching the creek.
Don Johnson suggested that the school people also be invited to attend the meeting,
of the 26th to discuss what they are doing to give the people from the church
an idea of what can be done to prevent erosion.
C:emittee Appointments
he Chair moved that the proposed committee submitted by Earl Carson be eccepted,
,'on Hays seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
In that June Schmidt had only one recommendation for her committee thus far, her
appointments are to be placed on the next agenda.
:lousing Needs ,Committee
June Schmidt reported that the basic reason for this committee is to see if their
is a need for low and moderate income housing in Mina. She further informed the
commissioners that a "236" moderate income housing deeelopment for the elderly is
planned for Edina, and that the Housing Needs Committee is sending out a questionnaire
to various groups of people in Edina to attempt to find out what the, feel Edina
needs in the way of low and moderate income housing.
71ai~ning Commission
Clifford Johnson gave a brief report on the activities of the Planning Commission
at their May 3 meeting, saying that primarily they considered several lot divisions.
The Planning Commission has postponed action on the Flood Plain Ordinance until the
Environmental Quality Commission makes its recommendation.
Perk Board
Fred Richards reported on the May 9 Park Board Meeting at which discussion was
primarily on aquatic weed growth. It was felt by the Park Board that communication
is needed between the Environmental Qeality Commission and the Park Board in this
matter. Next meeting of the Park Board is July 12.
Water Resources Committee
Don Johnson reported that the Water Resources Committee discussed the Lincoln Road
and Mud Lake proposals and felt that their recommendation of May 8 is still appro-
priate. The filling of the marsh below 78th Street was also a topic of discussion
but it was felt that more information was needed before a recommendation could be
made. The Storm Water Disposal Criteria of Ninnehaha Creek Watershed District and
the accompanying memorandum from Robert Dunn, Village Engineer were considered but
no action was taken.
The Chair indicated that ho felt the Commission should take some stand on the storm
water matter and forward it to Council.
(IJ It was pointed out by staff that this matter had received unified opposition from
a majority of communities involved, and the proposal had. been referred back to
the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District staff for further' evaluation.
.e.vereneeataj.. Qualaay eosted.esien
June 12, 1972
Page 3
Citizen's Committee on Parketandtqam Space
gorse dld not aaend the last meetiag, and therefore, was unable to giVe
a report. Next meeting on June 22, at 2:00.
. alucation Committee
Carol Beim reported on the Edueation Committee meeting June 7# They feel the
purpose of this committee is to coordinate information to other groups and other
committees. ,
Air Quality Committee
Earl Carson informed the commission members that the Air Quality Commission has not
met yet, but that they will probably meet this week and decide what their role is.
The committee has been doing research on communities and how they are approaching
the problem of air quality,
Land Resources Committee
The Land Resources Committee has not been appointed as yet.
;:olid Waste Committee
In his report on Solid Waste Committee, Jim Bentley referred to a written report
on the Solis Waste Committee meeting that was received by the commissioners. The
eemeittee visited .three sanitary facilities, a sanitary landfill, and a transfer
:eld Lake Task Force
Ron Hays reported that the Mud Lake Task Force is in the ,process of preparing a
rough draft. He requested that the staff give them a tour of the lvnzd Lake area
to which the other commissioners would be invited to attend. Kan Rosland offered
to conduct the during which the commissioners wilLwalk the perimeter of the lake.
The date was set for June 24, final details to be set up by Kan Rosland and Gar
;seaLic Weed Control
L this point, Ronfloslaed gave his report on aquatic weed control in the 1/131aL;e.
Rosiand began his report on aquatic weed control giving a brief history on the
action that has been taken in the past to correct the problem. He informed the
commissioners that about six years ago, Cpudnc4 said they would treat all ponds
and laket(Which 4itev dompbred storm waterlaiiiV: In the winter 24 -D pellets are
used on the lakes, this method has had varying successfulness. In the summer Licuat
spot treatment is used, for this they have received permits from the state. Colpo...
sulphate works very good for the control of algae, but is not biodegradable and
Rosland feels that it will probably be taken off the recommended list. The Park
Department has been working with the Clean Flow: Corporation which uses a method
of taking phosphates out of the water. This method is nexpensive and seems to
be very effective. It does a good job of cleaning up algae, although it doesn't
affect duckweed machp it appears to cause some. receding of aquatic weed growth.
Res:Land said they will be testing a fish called the Silver or White Amur in'a fee
ponds in the Village. This fish has been under study in Arkansas for four years.
It eats four times its weight in cellulose, but cannot reproduce itself without
hormone shots. Mr. Rosland feels that the best approach is to control it beroee
moi. J orows up.
:he Roslandethieks they should study which lakes should not be treated, but
every pond or lake that residents back up to mast bo treated because the people
Znviry.47.0ratal',Quelity Commission •
J.1114.0 12, 1972.
Pege 4 ,T.
don't want to live with aquatic weeds and algae. Th3 problem with many of the
lakes in Edina, is that they are not really lakes, they aro ponde that have been
created by storm sewer water and some are very shallow. But people beeld
expensive houses around them, they want them to look like lakes.
The Park Department has received numerous complaints from resideate in the Village
aheet the aquatic weed growth in their lakes. In Maesh the Village received e •
petition from the people at Valley View and Wooddale Apartments which hr.:, a l‘eLd
with a large amount of floating bog on it which smells so bad they can't eeen,ny
windows. This problem will be coming up before Council at its next meetire. • like
Arrowhead is worse than it has ever been. '
Rosland said that the problem is mainly caused by adding .nutrients to thu waLe.
He further informed the commissioners that storm sewers, drainage water, :e., l3
fertilizing and mowing lawns, and even particles of sand contribute nutri,ate to
the water. This is why he feels that the method of taking the phospates out of
the water to stop algae growth, or the fish to completely take out the weede is
what is needed, or killing the weeds before they grow up.
When asked about the use of a mechanical harvester like tho Mud Cat, Roeland repled
that he had investigated that, and found that it created problems of finding a
place to put the weeds when they are taken out of the lakes. They have to bc driet
before they can be hauled, and they can't let them dry on the eherefeeceueo fee
smell is too bad. National Car Rental is trying ee find some way of mechenically
dehydrating the weeds.
Ron Hays expressed the feeling that while it scans that the -Perh Deparmeel, is
providing a temporary solution, they are creatine much more Weed growth in the long
run by adding nutrients through the chemicals ueed to treat Lhc lehee. ire suggested
that Council set aside money to get some expertise in the field.
The Chair requested that the Water Resources Committee do come research on aquatic
weed control and find out what some other areas are doing.
The Commission received a revised Cooperative Agreement from the Minnehaha Crock
Watershed District. It was accepted by Council earlier, but has now been revised
and is more specific than the original proposal. The Chair requested the Water
Resources Committee review and comment on this at the next regular meeting.
Nine Mile Creek Watershed District wrote a letter asking if there are individuals,
in the Village who are ;Qualified or interested in eurvine ata advioore to the Mlle
Nile Crook Watershed District. The Chair gave this to the EdueeLiee G0,AittiLL0,1
Caine up with some people who would like to serve. Ura, Donna Rubins and 1w. .zoboiq,
T. Noleen wore recommended and Don Johnson, offered to ucerve as an advisory.
2m,:,.ruhmented. Qeality Cougrion
12, 1972
2a3e 5
Flood Flain Ordinna2
Considerable aiscession was held with concern being expressed toward the Environ-
mental Quality Conmission not being included in review and recommendation making
(-) processes at the times when the Watershed Districts and the Department of Naturil
resources are.
It was decided that the following modifications would be recommended to Council:
1. Section 5 (b) (2). The Environmental Quality Commission questions the definition.
of "unduly" :L sentence 1. The Environmental Quality Commission would prefer
the deletion c:f ". . or may enduly . ." from sentence 1.
2. Section 5 (d) The Environmental Quality Commission roqueste clarification of
the complete eubeection,
3. 'Sectiene 7 (d, 8 (a) (2) and (b) (2), and Section 13,(b). The '&virorLeental
Quali4 Commineion requests the inclusion of language which would require the
submission of ell requested permits, variances and amendments to the crdinance
to the Environmental Quality Commission for review and recommendation concur-
rently with tee Commissioner and Watershed Districts.
Lincoln Drive Pro: osal , Considerable disceesion was held on the Lincoln Drive proposal. The Chair surzested
that perhaps the flommission should make their reccmmendation strictly frem the
envirennental steedpoint.
The op pion was erpressed by several of the commissionera that if Lincoln Drive is
constreated, it nail put additional pressure on tha Village to permit Wallace Kennet
to con; tract his apartments in the flood plain, possibly with a court order forcine
that development. This could then have a domino affect on other property upstream.
Fred Uchards moved and Aon hays seconded "the Environmental Quality Commission i5
opposqd to the c)nstruction of Lincoln Drive Unless any structure built within Lhe
flood plain adjacent to Lincoln Drive complex fully with the proposed Flood Plain
Ordinence 032 uhen adopted, and other State, Nine Mile Creek Watershed District,
and Val • stoWtes, ordinances, end rules end regulntione." Motion carried enan-
The: •o being no :'either business, the meeting was adjourned.