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1972-06-26 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting Minutes
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONK ISSION Meeting Notice & Agenda Monday, June 26, 197 2 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:30 P.M. SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA I. Call to Order and Rollcall. II. Approval of Meeting Minutes of Jun© 12, 1972, III. Creek Valley Baptist Church Parking Lot Hearing, IV. Edina West High School Construction Hearing, V. Pond at Wooddale Ave. and Valley View Road-refer to Water Resources Committee PS'r, This is.P qui to important mcetin so iic:rkse rlan to attend if at !Al possible° Environmental Quality Cammisoion June 26, 1972 Council Chamber, Village Hall 7:30 P.M. The meeting was celled to order with the following members persent: Staff present: June Schmidt Robert Johnson Earl Carson James Bentley Willis Shaw Robert Sandilla Donald Johnson Cliff Johnson Ronald Hays Willard Morse, Jr. Gary West Harold Sand Minutes were approved as corrected. The Chair requested Don Johnson, member of the Water Resources Committee, to start the discussion concerning the Edina West High School erosion problem. Mr. Don Johnson explained that the Commission is concerned with the erosion that has been occuring at the high school site and Creek Valley Baptist Church. He asked that the representatives from the school to report on what steps they are taking to prevent erosion. Mr. Pt or introduced Jim Rideen from the arch- itectural firm, and Ralph Frederickson who is the consultant on the site for Clark Engineering, the site preparation contractor. They reported that in the planning stage they had met with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District con- cerning siltation. To minimize siltation from the bank, they designed a fill to create a flat area so that the velocity of the water would dissipate and any siltation that occured would be deposited in this area. The edge of the fill is being protected by a polyethylene cover, Mr. Rydeen and Mr. Frederickson stated that upon examination of this area, no evidence of erosion going out into the undisturbed land between the athletic fields and the creek could be seen. It was reported that when everything is completed all these areas will be sodded so that in its final form there should be no erosion. Storm sewer catch basins are also planned for the roadway areas. These will discharge just north of the planned tennis court area, about 200 ft, from the creek. The Commissioners were told that there is a resident inspector on the site and John Dickson, the consulting engineer for Nine Mile Creek Watershed District is watching the construction closely° Gary West asked Mr. Rydeen what the milky substance flowing out of the storm sewer at the end of Creek Valley Road is. He was informed that this is coming frau backwashing the filters at the pool at the Junior High School. Mr. McClenuen expressed concern that while the float area will stop the silt frpn reaching the creek, it would not stop clay, Mr. Rydeen explained that they have built arca somewhat like a bowl so that the water does not run into the creek. __Don Johnson asked about•using this settling basin to dispose of the diatomaceous earth. It was felt by Mr. Rydeen there was not enough area to be used for this. Enviwonmental Quality Commission June 26, 1972 Page 2 Concern was expressed about the diatomaceous earth being backwashed from the Junior High School swimming pool. Mr. Pryor stated that he would like to check with some other schools and see how they cope with the problem., Mr. Sandilla thanhelMssrs. Rydeen,. Pryor, and Frederickson for their report. He summed up the consensus of the Environmental Quality Commission members by,saying it appeared that the contractors and the school were taking adequate stepe'to preserve the creek and prevent siltation, and were being closely watched by the watershed district and the school architects. Creek Valley Baptist The Chair passed around some photographs he took of the creek at the church area showing the erosion that has been taking place. Gary West read a letter from Nine Mile Creek to the Creek Valley Baptist Church asking the church to take steps to assure stabilized conditions and insure the growth of grass. Mr. Evans, a member of the Board of Trustees for the Creek Valley Baptist Church asked the Commission for some ideas as to what should be done. Don Johnson informed Mr, Evans that John Dickson offered to meet at the site and show them what needs to be done. Mr. McClennen, Board Member of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, felt that the best way to correct the problem would be to get a group of the young people from the church and all of them work on the area with shovels. Mr. Evans felt they would need some guidance as to what work should be done, but otherwite felt that this would be a very acceptable solution to the problem. Mr. McClennen offered that his staff could be of:assistance in this aspect. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The Solis Waste Committee invited all Commissioners who wished, to stay and watch a film on solid waste.