HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-10 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesEDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION
Meeting Notice and Agenda
Monday, July 10, 1972
7:30 P.M.
I. Call to Order and Rollcall
II. Approval of Meeting Minutes
III. Old Business
A. Creek Valley Baptist Church - Don Johnson
Status of Corrective Action
B. Review of Village Sign Ordinance
(Continued at request of Village Planner)
C. Committee Appointments (Land Resources)
D. Other
IV. Reports
A. Air Quality - Earl Carson
B. Mud Lake Task Force - Ron Hays
(Continued to 14 August 1972)
C. Solid Waste - Jim Bentley
D. Park Board - Fred Richards
E. Planning Commission - Clifford Johnson
F. Water Resources - Don Johnson
G. Education Committee*
H. Other
V. Communications
VI. New Business
A. Recommendation to Bike and Commuter Path Committee
B. Request for Annual Budget
C. Other
VII. Others Wishirig to be Heard by the Commission
VIII. Adjourn
Ninutes of the
Envieonmental quality Commission
July 10, 1972, 7:30 P.M.
Conference Room, Edina Village Hall
The meeting was called to order with the following people present:
( Staff .resent:
Ron Hays
Willard Horse;, Jr.
Cliff Johnson
Don Johnson
James Bentley
Gary West
Harold Saad
June Schmidt
Earl Carson
Robert Sandilla
Robert Johnson
Robert Dunn
Minutes of the previcus meeting were approved as corrected.
Creek 7alLey,Bpptist Church
Gaey West stated that he had received a letter from the Church explairing what work
End been done on the property. Mk. 'MacLennan, who helped the members of the church
repair the creek area on their property, diagrammed the changes which had been made.
The Commission felt the problem on the south side of the lot had been corrected
satisfactorily, but would like to see more done on the west side adjacent to the
park peoperty.
Review -of Villaj%eSign Ordinance
This Aopie was held over until a later date upon request by the Village Planner.
Commiteee Appointments
Mrs. .Schmidt announced that her appeintwants to the Land Use Committee were as foLlows:
JoanLonsberry, of the Edina Garden Club, and George Hite, former Village Planner.
Mk. Sandilla moved that the committee appointed be approved as submitted. Robert
JohnSon seconded the motion. Motion carried,
Nk. Caeson submitted a written memorandum concerning the first meeting of the Air
Quality Commietee. Me. Carson stated that they had been unable to obtain information
en inc:aerators to date, but would continue to try and obtain this information.
Mr. Hays offered the assistance of the Education Committee with educating the Edina
public to drive clean cars and to drive less.
;Ind Lake Task Force
Me. Heys stated that the report from the Mud Lake Task Force would not be ready foe
presentation until the August 14 meeting.
Mr. Dunn entplaieed the compromised plan which the staff had drawn. This plan would .
provide for part nature area and part water aren. Discussion wea held concemin the
eoad system.
y 10, 102 meeting of
EeAronmeetal Quality Commission
Peee 2
Solid Waste Committee
A report was distributed to the Commissioners, Mr. Benticy told the Commissioners that
the members of the Solid Waste Committee had toured the Lake Harriet and Edina Sanitary
See ice headquarters in Savage, the Burnsville Sanitary Laadfill, and the American
Systems Trnns2er Station.
Robert Johnson was asked to bring an environmental training kit to the next meeting.
Park oval
As Fred Iahards was tact in attendance at the meeting, there was no report from the
( Park Board.
Planning Commission
Mr. Cliff Johnson reported that nativity at the July. 5 meeting of the Planning Commis,
sien consioted primseily of sevexal minor lot divisions, two reecnings (First Edina
National Bank requested a rezoning from R-1 to C-2 and 5418 Benton Avenue rooming fort
Rel. to R-2) and the Flood Plain Ordinance, all of which were approved.
Water Resources Committee
Mx, Johnson reported that he had not heard from Mr. Pryor as yet about the diatomaceous
earth' frem the filter of the Valley View Jr. High School swimming pool.
. _ . Don Jebason'fUrther reported that..-he had called Mr. SUrypeckwho is en expert 03 aeuatic
WeedgroOthand requested Lint he send some li.terotOre..thot riould be of assistanao inp
the Otto Pond problem.
The Chair noosed if it would be ppaSible to have M7'. Skrypeck attend the next meeting.,
Mr. ScihnsonSoid that he would.dake centact with hipfdnd invite him to the meeti0..
Education Cammittee
Ron Hays reported that theEducetion Cormittee is working on suggestions for appoint me
to We Nine Mile Creek Watershed Distr4t Advisory BOgrd..
ealy lieismeported on a memorandum fial Robert Dunn saying the Flood Plasia op:dirt4nce iS
beineheld:by the DepartMent of 47#ural Resources: Until)0 year flood plain Fthps
are S4,plied.; These have been -requested from Nine Mile Creek Watershed District..
.v.ieoemeadation to Bike and Commuter, Path Cxitaittee,
Tho Coir s:ated tha a number of the fnvirenMentol Quality Commission members hdd attended
a meeting uith members of the Bike and Commuter Path Committee the 13th of Jul... The
arid Conmuter Path Committee are requesting support and ideas of how tio rnise morey
.k.er r1:0jecto
Vwlmiscion expressed concern and disapproval of the location oz some o the pathreays
keeeecau'ee they mild not serve ral oftt people. Discussion eras held ou uhere .:() get
funds. to build these paz.s.
The CLIair r'nquestod 0-ta the Laud Use Committee consider' alternate pat: .:7 router" mencds
July 10, 1972 meetine of
Envieoameneal Quality Commission
Page 3
of raising movey, etc.. Mr. Clifford Johnson moved that this action be taken. Robert
Johnson, seconded the motion. Notion carried.
Reguest for Annual Budeet
Gery West stated that the recson he as bringing the budget to the attention of the
Comminsion uas that it is budget time for the Village, and he felt that the Edina En-
vironmental Quality Commission might want to have a budget to allocate costs for sec-
retarial, reproduction, and speaker° to the Environmental Quality Commission instead
of absorbing these costs in the administration budget.
Discuasion was held as to whether there iz a need for a 'eudget. The general conseneue
uao that a budget would be appropriate. The Chair mentioned that the City of Bleomineeon's
Environmental Commission started out with a budget and later discovered that they do not
need very much money, thus they cut their budget to approaimately $300. It seemad the
conseneuo of the Commission that a budget should be prepared.
Mr. Bentley moved that the Commission request $1200 from the Council. Mr. Carson seconded
the motion. The motion was amended to request money for Leo categories, $600 for education,
and $600 far administrative costs. Morse seconeed the amended motion. Arended motion
There being no, further business, the meeting was adjourned.