HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-14 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesEDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION
Meeting Notice and Agenda
Monday, August 14, 1972
7:30 P.M.
I. Call to Order and Rollcall
II. Approval of Meeting Minutes
III. Old Business
A. Herbicides - John Skrypek - Land Use Committee
B. Recommendation to Bike and Commuter Path Committee
C. Pond at Valley View and Wooddale
IV. Reports
A. Mud Lake Task Force - Ron Hays (continued to Sept.11,1972)
B. Park Board - Fred Richards
C. Planning Commission - Clifford Johnson
D. Water Resources - John Telfer
E. Solid Waste - Jim Bentley
F. Air Quality - Earl Carson
G. Lincoln Drive Status - Bob Dunn (Village Engineer)
V. Communications - High School Swimming Pool Filter Effluent
Budget Status
VI. New Business
VII. Others Wishing to be Heard by the Commission
VIII. Adjourn
Minutes of the
Environmental Quality Commission
August 14, 1972, 7:30 P.M.
Conference Room, Edina Village Hall
The meeting was called to order with the following members present
John Telfer
Willard Morse, Jr.
Ronald Hays
Fred Richards
George Hite (Land Resources
Staff Present:
Harold Sand
Lynnae Nye
Clifford Johnson
Don Johnson
Robert Sandilla
Robert Johnson
Ken Rowland
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted.
erbicides - John Skr •ek s Land Use Committee'
Mr.:110,16Skrypek, supervisor of the Environmental Control Unit of the State Division
of Game alit A Fish, defined aquatic plants and their values, and discussed the major
methods of control, including chemical applications, cutting and removal, and
dredging, and discussed several minor methods of control such as water level mani-
pulation, fish population manipulation, shading, vegetation-eating fish, plant
disease, insects, precipitation of nutrients, etc. Discussion was held among the
Commission members and Mr. Skrypek about the types of aquatic plants, and. the effects
of various methods of control. The Commiasion discussed the pond at Valley View
Road and Wooddale AvenUe with Mr. Skrypek, who iedicated the floating bog' might be
anchored in some way, or with the use of heavy` equipment, taken out and hauled to a
land fill. _
Recoemendation to Bike and Commuter Path Committee.
It was noted that the Land Resources Committee approves of the bicycle and commuter
path proposals with the addition of several routes, as outlined In a memorandum
available at the meeting. In response to Mr, Richards, Mr. Hite explained that
although they understand why the paths are on the busy streets, a very special
design problem is posed in terms of a conflict between bicycles and automobiles.
He noted also that they feel the abutting property owners should not be required to
maintain the bicycle paths..
Discussion was held regarding funding of:the paths, and Mr. Ken Rosland noted that
increasing the cost of a bike license is not practical unless mandatory licensing of
bicycles is enforced in some way. He tlso. pointed out that maintenance of the paths
would not be absolutely necessary during the winter months.
Following additional discussion, Mr. Sandilla moved this matter be tabled until the
next meeting to permit review of the original report in light of the recommendations
made by the Land Resources Committee. Mr. Hays seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Motion carried.
Pond at Valley View Road and Wooddale.
Mr. Telfer remarked that no odor was apparent from the pond that day and questioned
how many people complained and how often. Mr. Ragland explained that the Council
originally received a petition from the residents of the apartment building complaining
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that the floating bog Le getting larger, the re idents; acrosa the take are pushing
the bog toward the apartmene building, and either the pond or the bog eeells.. Ne
ea id he met with the peope several weeks ago, at which time it did nut aaleil and
the water clarity was good, and told them a chemical treatment is not encluded in
the budget at this time and a weehanical treatment of some kind :should porhape be
undertaken•. He said this recommendation went back to the Council, who forwarded
it to the E.Q.C. to see if anything should be done and if so, what.,
Following conoiderable diacua3ion, Mr Clifford Johnson moved to inform the peoele
that the E.Q.C. recognize:: the problem, that it is a difficult one to uelve which
will probably requfre some dredging, Fur the time being, however, there are not
enough funds in the budget to do this so it must be postponed; aleo, although the
solution would be to dredge the pond, there is a temporary ban by the Minnehahn
Creek Watershed District prchtbiting dredging. Mr. Hays seconded the motion, Mr,
Clifford Johnson clarified hta motion that it would not prohibit further study
of the problem by the appropriate bodies, All voted aye, except Mr. RIcharde, who
was opeoecd The Commission requested Water lieourcea to further pursue the prebtem,
and the ,notion carried,
Mr, Richards stated it ia meeleading to inform the people we are retaining thia
problem within our jurisdiction because we do not e!eee aufficient Information to
determine exactly what the problem Is and therefore ..houtd recommend to the Council
that funda be appropriated to research the problem further, Following additional
diecusaeon, Mr, Hays moved the Council be requested to :instruct the staff to make
their best possible efforts to determine what the cause of the odor frog the pond
area ia, either with their own expertise or with whatever outside expereiee is
available to them.. In addition, the EflQ,C, would not object to the reaaval of the
bog if that is the cause of the odor. Me, Richards seconded the motion, All voted
aye,. Motion carried,
Mimi Lake Task Force - Ron liar s
This report was continued to the September 11, 1972 meeting,
Park Board - Fred Richards
Mr. Richards stated the Park Board will. ITLeet the following eventoe, and LLIce he wa:,
not present at their last meeting, he has nu report, Mr, Roaland indicated them
is nothing urgent before the Park Board at this tine:
Planning_Commlasior thClifford Johneon
Mr, Johnson said the laat Planning Commiealon isettiog wasAuguii 2, 11;72, and
reviewed the agenda and action taken et that meeting, Mr. Shaw commentad with
reanect to the Robert E Hansen preliminary 't view for rezoning that alAlough Gee
Council approved the concept of a frontage ad between Vernon Avenue and Gleason
Road ali'ng the Croaatoen Highway, coemercial nae were oleimiaated on both tho wap
'and the pIon tun when i.hf Nt,,?ra Edtha Pion wee adopted, anu ehereeoee, a foeteee
rord eheil. not he the by which in vae1, commorcie Yon- oaLo thL-17 eree u
ediel (northeaei o I 18 and t'{‘,1-,
Water Reaource 3 John To for •
Air,. Teier ateced chot ehe Church eo 1-,rob0.m end t es
eenelaiee agreed that iceee aheeld %.e dei t) vre.A side 6-5: i:ho lot edjocone aka
the park srope'.'r.i' to rc.cluod Y.o c's ;J:w ;Y41.110 '11.U-:1 CO14: f.‘f3t0C
ohed A.!,...LertrooA
Environeeneai Quality Commissien
August 14, 1972
Page 3
of the church repair the creett area on their property, is entirely satisfied with the
results of the repairs made. Following further discussion, it was agreed Mr. Richards
should discuss this problem with the Park Board because of the encroachment involved
with a portion of park property and Mr. Telfer should consult Mr. John Dixon of Barr
Engineering. Regarding the new high school, Mr. Telfer stated the bull-dozed dirt
in the low flood plain area is about 30 inches in that area. It was suggested Mr.
Telfer contact Mr. Pryor regarding the problem and perhaps take pictures to illustrate.
Regarding filling the marsh below 78th Street, Mr. Telfer stated no perMits have
been received from Edina or from the Watershed District. It was decided Robert Dunn,
Village Engineer, should be asked if any response has been received fro the owner
of the property.
Solid Waste - Jim Bentley
BecaUse no solid waste meeting was held since the lest E.Q.C. meeting, no report was
available. It was noted they are still looking at the environmental education kits.
Air Quality - Earl Carson
The air quality report was bypassed, because no one from that committee was present.
Lincoln Drive Status - Robert Dunn, Villajee Engineer
As Mr. Dunn was not present, this report was not discussed, however, Hr., Sandilla:
stated that although they acknoteedee some trees must be removed due to construction
of the road, :lune Schmidt's committee should review the matter.
Communications - High School Swimming Pool Filter Effluen,
Mr. Sandilla stated that although there is not written communication regarding this,
the school has advised the E.Q.C. that the filters will now be dischrTged into the
sanitary sewer. It was'decided Gary Wisisheitild be instructed to reqUeec a written
communication from the' ithool to this' effect irid sake it a matter of record.
Budget Status
Mr. Sandilla stated the budget is being sUbmitted to the Council and is in their
hands for review.
Mr. Telfer presented a paper entitled "Putting Recycling in Perepective". It yes
agreed copies should be made and diseributed to the Commission.
Mr. Don Johnson etated that Mr. Ron Way. the Executive Secretary of the: State Envie
ronmentel Quality Commission located id the'capital square building. he stated he
would contact him as a member of the Edina' Environmental Quality Commission to try
to get information on what progress is' Veing made by the advisory committee in
retard to energy conservation.
There being no further business, the wetting wag adjourned.