HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-11 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesEDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Meeting Notice and Agenda Monday, September 11, 1972 7:30 P.M. I. Call to Order and Rollcall II. Approval of Meeting Minutes III. Old Business A. Recommendation to Bike and Commuter Path Committee B. Pond at Valley View and Wooddale - Memorandum to Council C. Other IV. Reports A. Mud Lake Task Force - Ron Hays (attached material) B. Park Board - Fred Richards C. Planning Commission - Cliff Johnson D. Water Resources - John Telfer E. Solid Waste - Jim Bentley (material attached) F. Land Resources - June Schmidt G. Air Quality - Earl Carson H. Other V. Communications - Letter from Edina School System VI. New Business A. Solid Waste Committee Request to Council on Recycling Center (letter attached) regc.k:-t,1 B. T.e.et Kit - Coca Cola - .G_.441-op'd Johnson C. Is there a need for sound pollution committee? D. Other New Business VII. Others Wishing to be Heard by the Commission VIII. Adjournment FAIVIROMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION September 11, 1972, 7:30 P.M. Conference Room, Edina Village Hall The meeting uas called to order with the following members present: John Telfer Robert Sandilla Carol Beim June Schmidt Ron Hays Fred Richards Earl Carson James Bentley Robert Johnson Staff present: Gary West Leslie Sale Robert Dunn OLD BUSINESS Recommendation to Bike and Commuter Path Committee Triro=sMd.""irthere was any object on to passim the recommendations made by Mrs. Schmidt's committee on to the Bike and Commuter Path Committee. Discussion was held on the legality of riding We persons on a bicycle. Village Ordinances prohibit the rifling of more than one person on a bike, this, however, does not take into consideration tandem bicycle and baby carrier made for bicycles. No action was taken. Mrs. Schmidt reported that she has bee„n asked to serve on the Park Committee of the Hennepin County League of Municipalities which is involved in bike trails, snow mobile trails, etc. Mrs. Schmidt moved that the recommendations be sent to the Bike and Commuter Path Committee. Mr. Telfer seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously. Pond at Vallsy View and Wooddale The Commissioners received copies of the memo sent to the Couneil concerning the pond at Valley View and Wooddale. As the Council had not met on this yet, no further discussion was held. REPORTS Mud Lake Task Force The Commission received an informative report put together by the Mud Lake Task Force. Considerable discussion was held on what direction the Commission should take at this point. It was felt that after having time to study the report, the Commissioners could reet to act on this matter, and send a recommendation along with the study to Council. Many of the Commissioners felt the Park Board should also receive copies of this study, however, the cost of each booklet is epproximately 85.00. Etviroemental Qeelity Commission Minutes of September 11, 1972 Page 2 Mr. Telfer moved that the Commission meat in two weeks (September 25, 1972) to diocese the report, react to it, and send it to Council with some kind of recommendation. Robert Johnson seconded this motion. A vote by hand was taken, with all Commiseioners voting aye. Mr. Sandilla asked than the members of the Mud Lake Task Force be present at this meeting. Water Itesources Commitee Mr. Telfer requested that his report be moved up on the agenda, as he would be unable to main for the entire meeting. Concerning the site preparation at the new high school site, Mr. Telfer reported that he talked to the impactor on the job, Mr. Paulstan, regarding ailtation on the flood plain due to construction at the new high school. Mr. Paulstan had explained that the earth dam and gentle slope at the base of the hill was doing the job of keeping siltation out of the flood plain. In regard to the floating bog in the pond at Valley View and Wooddale, Mr. Telfer stated that he had delegated Shirley Taylor to gather information by calling other municipalities to see what they do to solve this kind of problem. The only apparent solution was found to be dredging the pond. Mr. Telfer felt this topic needed addle. 'Lionel study. Mr. Telfer reported that Nine Mile Creek Watershed District is satisfied with the action that was taken by the Creek Valley Baptist Church to protect Nine Mile Creak. Mr. Telfer expressed concern, however, about the encroach meat on park property. As there is no access to the park property except by going through church property, it was suggested that the Park Board and Creek Valley Baptist Church could make some kind of agreement in regard to the aledged encroachment and possible access. Mr. West advised the Commission that Village survey crews would not be able to determine if, in fact? there is an encroachment until construction work slows down this fall and they have an opportunity to envoy the property. Park Bo reported that Robert Dierks resigned as Chairman of the Park Board, nee that Gayler Adams. replaced Mr. Dierks to this position. Plannipe Commission As Clifford Johnson was not present at this meeting, there was no Planning Commission report. Solid Itag Mr. Bentikfr requested that Paul Miller of Metro Recycling be pieced on the agenda of the next regular meeting. Ran Hays moved that Mr. Miller be invited to the next regular meeting. Robert Johnson made a second to this motion. Motion approvedteeeee imously. The Solid Waste Committee has put together a questionnaire to send to garbege haulers for Edina. After some minor modifications, it was decided to look into the possibility of sending this questionnaire with the applications for 1973 licenses. Environmental Quality Commission September 11, 1972 Page 3 A letter was received by the Commissioners which is proposed to be sent to various clubs in the community who would be interested in running a recycling center. Elm Hays suggested some rewording of the letter. It me decided that modificatioas of the letter would be discuosed at the special meeting scheduled for September 25. Gary West felt that this letter would have to be approved by Council before being sent out. Mr Bentley emphasized that the EQC will only be the initiator and will eventually not be involved with the program. and Resources Mrs. Salearieported that the Land Resources Committee would like to initiate a natural resources inventory of Edina. Hr. Carson distributed copies of the Minnesota Air Regulations to the Commission,• He stated that he had been in contact with a Dr. Conroy to discuss incinerators. COMMUNICATIONS The Ceemisaion received a letter from Don Pryor, Director of Business Affairs for Edina Schools, confirming that diatomaceous earth from the school swimming pools is now going into sanitary sewers. NEW BUSIIIESS agLZELTea2A4MLALk Yf;li.obVt-JSohnsontated that the production of the Ecology Teaching Kit put out . by the Coca.Cola Company bad been discontinued on July 25. It is not certain yet whether or not he will be able to obtain aey of these kits for the Commission. Mr. stated that the Council has apparently received compleints from xesa. dents regarding the noise from the 6800 Dayton Building air conditioner. The Com.. mission discussed present ordinances for sound control and the possibility oe ob. taming an instrument for measuring noise. Mr. Sandilla announced that with the ap approval of the Commission, he would appoint a committee to study sound pollution and its possible control. Mr. Sandilla is to head the committee with the other members to be appointed at a subsequent meeting. On voice vote the Commission, gave approval. There being no. further businass, the meeting was adjourned.