HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-10 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION January 10, 1973 . Council Room - Edina Village Hall Bob Candilla called the meeting to order with.the following members present: Ronald Hays Carol Beim Clifford Johnson Fred Richards June Schmidt Jim Bentley John Telfer Don .Johnston Earl Carson 404 Staff present: Gary West, Robert Dunn and Harold Sand The minutes of December 11, 1972, meeting were read. Clifford JohnSon moved and June Schmidt seconded and the minutes were approved as read. Carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS A. Natural Area - 41st Street and Lynn Avenue. The chair recognized and wel- comed approximately 30 persons in the audience who were interested in the nature proposal for the storm water retension area located at 41st F Lynn Avenue. With the aid of the view graph, Mr. West pointed out the area is question, the proposal as presented by Miss Mary Hertogs and the location of those signing the original petition requesting the Environmental Quality Commission to consider th.s proposal. In his presentation, Mr. West pointed out that the area had been origi- nally intended to be a storm water surge basin for the Morningside storm sewer, the development of which had been deleted from the original Morningside storm sewer project as a money-saving feature. As this project has now been completed and storm sewers from St. Louis Park have been connected with the Morningside storm sewers, it is now necessary to provide for the surge capacity necessary for a proper operation of the system. It was further pointed out that material was being removed from the basin at this time to provide that surge capacity and that Miss Hertogs had come to the EQC as a private citizen and concerned about the man- ner in which the surge basin was to be developed. Residents of the area had been notified of this evening's hearing and requested to give their input to the EQC as to what they would like to see happen with the area in question. Mary Hertogs gave a brief explanation of her proposal to the Commission and the audience. The chair requested those persons interested in the proposal to express their ideas and concerns. The following persons made comments to the EQC concerning this proposal: Ralph Rose, 4011 Kipling Avenue; Dale Naroisse, 4108 Lynn Avenue; Jack Peterson, 4109 Kipling Avenue; Del Koster, 4304 West 42nd Street; Raymond Marshall, 4012 Kipling Avenue; David Markusen, 4001 Lynn Avenue; Douglas Yarwood, 4021 Lynn Avenue; Lawrence Zetzman, 4216 Crocker Avenue; Gerald Price, 4116 Lynn Avenue Several of the aforementioned persons spoke in favor of the project as proposed by Miss Hertogs. Others spoke in disfavor of some aspects of the proposal; however, all those voicing an opinion did desire some change in the property's present condition. Questions were directed to Mr. Dunn. as to the requirements of the surge basin in reference to slope elevations and holding capacity. There was some Environmental Quality Commission January 10, 1973 Page 2 discussion held about the method in which trees could be procured and the work of planting, grading, etc. could be accomplished. The choir summed up the general feeling of those persons attending the meeting as being in favor of some development of the surge basin by grading the area, planting some trees and letting most of the rest of it go back to nature. The chair assured the audience that the EQC did in- tend to take a proposal before the Council sometime before Spring thaw for the development of this area and, furthermore, that the area residents in attendanee at this meeting had expressed some interest in gathering additional information about availability of plantings, etc. and had. expressed interest in assisting the Village in the site preparation. The chair suggested that the Land Resources Committee under the direction of June Schmidt ceordinate the efforts of the area residents and Ms. Hertogs to finalize such a plan for the develops' int of the nurge basin for presentation to the Village Council. A motion made to that effect by Ron Hays, seconded by Clifford Johnson and passed unanimously. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Soil Erosion Subcommittee The chair announced the following appointments to the Soil Erosion Subcommittee John Telfer, June Schmidt, Allison Fuhr, Sonny Dann and Clifford Johnson as Chairman. Confirmation of these appointments were moved and seconded and carried unanimously. Sound Pollution Committee The chair recommended the appointment of Mr. Gary Eckhardt, 5028 West 70th Street to the Sound Pollution Committee. The chair advised that 111., Eekh irdt is presently employed by the PCA and has been working with their D111' llttien studies. June Schmidt and Ron Hays seconded that the appointment be 'meJ. Notion carried unanimously. Water Quality Testing Carol Beim and John Telfer reported they had talked-to Mr. Meyer, a biology teacher in the Edina school system, about the possibility of his pupils taking water samples and conducting tests on those samples in the Spring. Mr. Meyer did express some interest, and staff was instructed to contact Mr. Meyer and attempt to arrange the details foI, instruction and assistance in the testing when the Spring thaw comes. NEW BUSINESS Oit3ot A, Gleason 3rd Addition The staff reminded the Commission that they had considered this parcel of property at their November 1972 meeting. At that time, the Commission reccmmeuded to the Council that platting be allowed, providing that the creek was moved into the park property on the north at the proponent's expense in accordance with any watershed district and DNR regulations; that development plans should receive the approval of the EQC; and that no more than 20 percent of the outlot could be filled. This recommendation was forwarded to the Village Council, but not acted upon, as the pro- po.ient requested a continuation of the Council hearing twice and had since dropped Environmental Quality Commission January 10, 1973 Page 3 the request for replatting. Staff advised that the proposal was now returning to the EQC as• the proponent had requested that the Co, 211 d' 17tr! thrJ )utlot build-- able in return for dedication of a 50 foot wide portioe 1,nd on the north side of his lot which contain most of the creek and pond. He aLao requests permission to fill to a 860 foot elevation a portion of the pond and south of the dedication line to a total of 20% of the lot. Staff advised that the proposal appeared to be a compromise in favor of the pro- ponent and suggested that such a compromise was not ecologically appropriate. Furthermore, he stated that it would be staff's recommendation that the EQC stand by its recommendation to the Council of November 13, 1972. Mr. Greg Gustafson presented his proposal for the development of Outlot A, Gleason 3rd Addition to the Commission. Mr. Gustafson stated that the majority of the fill that would be required would be placed directly under the house and placed one foot deep over a portion of the pond area to eliminate tendency for it to dry up into a mudhole. The total amount of fill would be less than 20 percent of the total out- lot area. Mr. Gustafson indicated his willingness to dedicate to the Village as much of the property as necessary to gain approval and still be able to construct a home on the site. Following discussion, Robert Sandilla moved and Ron Hays seconded that the EQC deny the new plan and reaffirm the EQC resolution of November 13, 1972. Discussion on the motion ensued and the motion was later withdrawn by Mr. Sandilla. Fred Richards voiced considerable concern about the ecological damage that would be done to the creek by moving it into the park property. Following considerable discussion, Fred Richards offered the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Edina Environmental Quality Commission did at its January 10, 1973 meeting review the most recent proposal by Gregory Gustafson for the development of Outlot A, Gleason Third Addition and considered the environ- mental impact of such development upon Nine Mile Creek; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Environmeh' .1 Quality Com.!,sion recommends that the Village Council declare Outlot A, Gleason Third Addition to be a buildable low and building permits be issued for said outlot; and PROVIDED HOWEVER, that all property north of a line 100 feet upland from the southerly edge of Nine Mile Creek and the pond on the north portion of Outlot A, be dedicated to the Village; or as an alternative, 50 feet as determined above, to be dedicated with the remaining 50 feet covered by a perpetual open space easement in favor of the Village; and FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proponent receive permission from Nine Mile Creek Watershed District for any filling to take place on said outlot and, notwithstanding Nine Mile Creek Watershed District regulations, that no more than 20% of the flood plain of Outlot A shall be filled and that no filling shall take place within the area to be dedicated to the Village; and Environmental Quality Commission January 10, 1973 Page 4 FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that prio., to a building permit being issued, complete plans for the filling and grading of thr2 property be submitted to and approved by the Environmental Quality Commission. Motion seconded by Clifford Johnson and approved unanimously. Mud Lake Task Force Mr. Telfer requested information as to the status of the Mud Lake Task Force which was to be appointed by the Village Council. The staff replied that the appointments had been made; however, the notifications had not been sent to the appointees and the first meeting had not been held as yet. Minnesota Environmental Information Symposium Ron Hays advised the Commission that there would be a Minnesota Environmental Information Symposium held February 3 and suggested that the EQC might care to have representatives attend this meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS There being no more business, the chair called for reports from tl:o various committees. Planning Commission Cliff Johnson reported on the January Planning Commission meeting at which the most significant items acted upon was the approval of a rezoning request for the property commonly known as Carl Krahl's hill, located south of Vernon Avenue between Gleason and County Road #18. The proposal called for 96 apartment units located at the base of the hill and would require a considerable amount of retaining walls; Relocation Realty which is located adjacent to Braemar Park had had action postponed indefinitely until problems with the proposal can be worked out between staff and the proponent; The Darryl A. Farr Development Corporation with a proposal for apartment buildings to be located directly south of Fabri-Tek. This proposal was denied. The EQC expressed some concern with not having had the opportunity to review the Carl Krahl proposal, Ron Hays moved and James Bentley seconded that the EQC formerly request the Planning Commission to refer the Carl Krahl proposal to the EQC for its review. Motion carried unanimously. Water Resources John Telfer reported that there is proposed legislation to be introduced to the State Legislature on the subject of soil erosion. Education Committee Carol Beim stated that she had no report for this meeting. Environmental Quality Corsuission January 10, 1973 Page 5 Park Board Fred Richirds stated that at the last Park Board meeting, they had entertained a request to do a study of enclosing the present municipal pool and/or the possibility of constructing .a second pool in the western part of the Village. A major item of discussion concerned a proposed interchange on County Road #18 and County Road #39 at approximately Braemar Park. Fred expressed considerable concern about this interchange and suggested that the EQC request permission to study the environmental impact of the proposal at an early date. John Telfer moved with Ron Hays seconding that the Council and Park Board be requested to refer the proposed County Road #18 intersection plan to the EQC for review and advice. Motion carried unanimously.. Solid Waste Jim Bentley reported on the recycling meeting sponsered by the Solid Waste Committee and distributed a written report to the Commission. Land Resources June Schmidt reported that her Committee was waiting for the Metro Council's open space proposal which was expected very soon. There being no further business, John Telfer moved and Fred Richards seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried and meeting declared adjourned at 10:30 p.m.