HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-03-12 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesMINA .MITROOMENTAL NALITY COMMISS/Ok Monday, March 12, 1973 7:30 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call IT. Approval of Minutes of February 12, 1973 TH. Old Business A. Natural Area - 41st 4 Lynn Avenue - June Schmidt B. Flood Plan Ordinance - Review C. Karl Krahl Rezoning Ri-PRD-3 D. Bike Path Proposal Status - Staff *E. Environmental Impact Statement F. Other IV. New Business A. Review and Comment on Diamond Interchange at County Road 18 and Valley View . . x Ave, C-3 o * B. AgneCtu*tr*'" ;i4: " C^P a - A O. Criteria for Reviewing - Staff EL Elections - Bob Sandilla 07. Viking Hills Lots - Erosion of Lots - Southwest Corner x• 6. Review and Comment on Open Space Committee Report (Distributed at Last Regular Meeting) R. Other V. Reports A. Planning Commission - Clifford Johnson B. Water Resources - John Telfer C. Park Board - Fred Richards D. Solid Waste - Jim Bentley E. Land Resources - June Schmidt F. Air Quality - Earl Carson G. Education - Carol Beim H. Soil Erosion - Cliff Johnson VI. Communications - Staff VII. Others Wishing to be Heard VIII. Adjournment EWIAW1=TAL OUALITY (.. MNIs;SION ' eulae Th trig March 12, 1973 -- 7:2') P.N. Edina Village Ntll nhairnIn Bob Sandilla called the meeting to order with the following mo;:.; pre-2ra:: Janes Bentley June Schmidt Carol Beim 'gyred Richards John Telfer Ron Hays Clifford Johnson Earl Carson Don Johnson Robert Sandilla Staff present; Gary West Robert Dunn Harold Sand Annroval of the minutes of February 12, 1973. James Bentley moved and June Schnide seconded that the minutes of February 12, 1973 be approved as real. Mot ion carried. OLD BUSINESS A. Natural Area - 41st & Lyn Avenue. Robert Dunn e.9lained the topogrdehl ptoeosal for the surge basin at 41st & Lynn Avenue which had been prepaeed by the Village Engineering Department:— He stated that from C:eic preliminary ieve_;tea- tions, it appeared that approximately 1,500 cubic yards of materials still remain to be removed. This would cost approximately $3,000.00 if the Village were to hire it to be done. However, he went on to state that St. Louis Park had made a commitment with the Village of Edina to remove as much material as we wished ae no cost to us and would do some regrading and smoothing of the site. He further advised that St. Louis Park was doing this during slack teirs with their own eeuip- met and personnel; therefore, it may take some time for the final fill reloyal and grading to be accomplished. Discussion was held upon the natter; and it seemed to be the general opinion .f the Commission that the project should be recommended to elle Council as prpJse_: by the residents and Mrs. Schmidt's committee, provided that Ffeere was no cash outlay required by the Village. Mrs. Schmidt moved and James Bentley seconded that the Enviroceental Quality Commission recommend the proposal, as presented, to the Village Council for the development of the Morningside storm sewer surge basin located at 41st & Lynn ..venue; and that final grading of the area be accomplished according to the plan peeeented by the Village Engineering staff, provided however that there should be no appreciable cost to the Village for development in this nennee. Motion carried unaairously. n ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION - 2 - March 12, 1973 B. Flood Plain Ordinance. The Village Flood Plain Ordinance, as adopted by the Village Council in January, was presented to the Environmental Quality Commission by the Village staff for its review and comment. Several members questioned various parts of the Flood Plain Ordinance as to its meaning and application. Mr. Ron Hays questioned if a single family home could be con structed in the flood plain, provided that it did not unduly restrict the capacity of the flood plain and was not constructed upon fill. Staff was instructed to question the Village attorney on this and other questions pertell- ing to the Flood Plain Ordinance and bring the answers to the next meeting. C. Karl Krahl Rezoning R 1 - PRD Gary West advised the Comniasion thee the Karl Krahl rezoning, which had been considered at the March 5th Egg meeting, had final action delayed by the Village Council for 60 days pending the developer's reassessment of the requested rezoning. He further stated thee it was his re4.eing of the Council's feelings that they would not grant approval to the development if the proponent continued to request a minimum of 12 units per acre for the Ate, D. Bike Path Proposal. Gary West reviewed Council action at its March 5th mt:ting regarding the proposed bicycle paths for the Village. He stated that follewing very stormy meeting, the Village Council referred the proposal to a commit;:ce to be appointed of both proponents and opponents to the plan. This committee echad then bring their recommendations to the Council regarding this project. Ron Neys moved and James Bentley seconded that the Council be requested to appoint one member of the Environmental Quality Commission to this bicycle path committee, that: member to be selected by the chairman of the EQC. Motion carried unantmcuoly. The chair announced that he would appoint Ron Hays to be that representative if the Council concurred and requested the Executive Secretary to prepare a memoran- dum to the Council on this matter. NEW BUS/NESS Review and Comment on Interchange at County Road 18. The staff presented the proposal from Hennepin County for a diamond interchange to be located on County Road 18 at approximately Valley View Road on the north edge of Braemar Penh. The EQC was advised that this project was being brought to them at the request of :?red Richards following a review of a similar proposal by the Park Board. The }QC as advised that an interchange in this general ,location had been in the planning stages for a number of years; in fact, since County Read 18 wee, upgraded to freeway states. Furthermore, that the Village Council had approved an interchange in this approximate location sometime in 1968 or 1969 and had again given approval to the concept of an interchange in this, area when they granted approval of the Seuthwest Edina Plan in 1971. Mr. West advised that he felt there was little environmental impact from this proposal; and that furthermore, it was obvious that an icterchnnge in this location was needed from the traffic safety ad taviisportation standpoit. Mr. Richards objected to the proposal on the grounds Ci: mt thie .,,Jould provide ease of access for persons to the west traveling through the Village park pyoperty aad through the Village to reach the industrial interchange center. Ma's. Leo Donn, n 1:,ofIe(MaiENTAL QUALM COMMCSSION 3 March 12, 19/3 6921 Paiute Drive spoke from the audience also in opposition to the present proposal. .Considerable discussion was held among the Commission members z-,brut the impact of the proposed interchange on the area, the residents and the :are. property. Robert Sandilla moved and John Telfer seconded that the Environmental Quality Commissidn go on record as being in favor of the intersection at Cenuty Road 18 and Valley View provided, howeveri that there be no connection to lailey View Road and no extention of McCauley Trail to the proposed intersection. Motion carried unanimously. J. E. Erickson Condominium Proposal. - 66th & France Avenue. Mr. West present >d the Commission with graphics of the present proposal for a condominium structure to. be built on the northwest corner, of 66th & France Avenue. He advised th? Commission that a proposal similar to this had received approval by the Commission in 1972; however, it was rejected by the Village Council, Il,t ,.1rther advised that the proposal being preseated eo the EW was to be taken to tie- Plan- ning Commission at its March 14th meeting. He stated that it was at his roqueet that the proposal was on the agenda for this meeting, in anticipation of a 2oeure request from the Village Council and/or the Planning Commission mental review of the proposed project. Mr. West stated that it a recommendation that the proposal be apernve0 es proposed, qe Al _aon Fuhr spoke from the audience in amm=mw-e- )bjee' Q0,1 1 re • ,.„e k 44. -e-r‘ Donald Brauer of anners for the project, reviewed ia dlLai1 the concept proposed. Following considerable discussion by the members of the FOC on various aspect.: the proposal and its effect upon the environment and upon ehe wild life and t.. •F" Janes Bentley moved and Cliff Johnson aeconded that the 2.0C approve the stuff recommendation for concept approval. In discussion on the motion, Fred Riohares stated that he was not in full agreement with the recommendari,pn of staff; altnouo'l he was In agreement that concept Approval should be granted. ile moved to amend Mr. Bentley's motion. to simply state that the E(;c apc)roved the concept of elle con don-O.-alum proposal at 66th & France. The amendment was acceptable by Mr. BentLay ant' Mr. Johnson. Motion, as .amended, approved unanimously. Neet..c.nc; Schedule. Staff reviewed the memorandum to the Village Council from (reg Luce regarding a proposed change in the meeting schedule a for the Environmental QuaUty Commission and Planning Coeminvion to eliminate mich of the bouncing of planning proposals between the Enviroemeatal Quality f: eommiesion, Planning Commks- aad Council. He further advised that the P/anpire Cot miseion hoped to tako action on the changing of their meeting date at their Mart-h 01_1) meeting. [t seemed the consensus of the Conmiesionern that meeting nn Ihe lair Monday oL: the m)nth would be ;acceptable to them, le was suggested tent_ byt))v., leguired special meeting to be called to um.-.!nd the bylaws to permit 2 change 0 the daze. The chair called a special meeting for the 2t';eh if Hezeh ./4. the ,.tiroo ,=): aoeuding the bylaws to provide i'or. this charge . Criirta for Reviewing Development Projects and Euvironw?ntal. Im,,JiLet Statements. Mr. West stated that he was brin2„Log these matters before the iu order Lit ii: EnViReteWMTAL QUALIV CO MISSION - 4 - March 12, 1973 • it night give some guidance and direction to the staff as to matters they wish to have the opportunity to review without waiting for the Planning Commisson or the Village Council to refer a topic to them. The question of the environ- mental impact statement is raised because of the present lack of legal require- ments for developers to provide the information that the Eqc considers necessary for a fair and proper evaluation of ecological impact of a.development proposal. Mr. West advised the Commission that an environmental impact statement might receive opposition feom developers and the Council, but that he felt that ouch a requireoent would be necessary if the EQC realistically intends to evaluate a developoent proposal. Discussion was held on these topics, and it was the con- sensus of the group that the matter should be investigated further. The chair stated that if there was no objection, he would appoint the directions comwittes con?osed of Ron Hays, Earl Caraon and himself to investigate these matters end repoet back to the ECC at its next meeting. Open S'ace Committee Report. The chair directed the Commission's attentiot the Open Space report prepared by the ad hoc'committee on open space. After considerable discussion about the items contained and various parcels idenetfied. in thio report and their significance, Fred Richards moved and Ron Hays seeended that: the EQC recommend to the Village Council that they appoint an official opea space committee to review the parcels identified in this report sakeilastshe-asaisopaetrrn a-t:-:p.arece-1--aueitae-r-±6, review other property which may have an ecological or open space significance, prepare a report on their findings and make recommendations for means of financing the purchase of high priority property. Furthermore, that the EQC requests one member of its Commission be appointed to this committee. Motioned carried. Election of Officers. The chair stated that the Council has yet to make aay new appointments to the Commission, and it would he his recommendation that we coatinne the election of officers until such time as these appointments have been made. James Bentley moved and John Telfer seconded that the EQC defer elections outil finel decision is made by the Council on the continued existence of the My% Mot!oft carried unanimously. Viking Hills Tots. The chair advised the Commission members that when ha and some other Commissioners had been invited by the Viking Hills Homeowners Aesocia- tion to tour the Karl. Krahl site, he had observed soil erosion taking place on eeveral lots in the Viking Hills Addition. • There followed discussion among the Commission members The chair stated that it aceeed to be the consensus of opinion that the owners of this property be advised - of the EQC's concern with soil erosion that was taking place on their property mid that they should be requented to provide some sort: o cover er proteceior from eoil erosion. The chair directed staiif to prepare such a letter to the peepeete Leaner's and that the soil erosion committee should keep taies -e ogress in this: mareer. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION - 5 March 12, 1973 COMMITTEE REPORTS Planntng Commission. Clifford Johnson reported that the Planning Commission _had at its last meeting reviewed the South Edina Plan which was a comprehensive development plan for the areas generally south of 70th Street; a rezoning for a motel by Capital Ventures was approved (however, this project has since been dropped); and a lot division and rezoning in the Yorktown area which-eliminates a gas station site. Water Resources. John Telfer reported that he had nothing of significance for this meeting. Park Board. Fred Richards reported that at the last Park Board meeting thee had discussed primarily the fee schedule for recreational activities for the coaine year. Solid Wastrel. .James Bentley advised the Commission that the first week of co- lection at thtnew site seemed to be very successful, but he had no totals yet on the amount collected. Land Resources. June Schmidt stated that she had nothing to report at th1 meeting. Air Quality. Earl Carson - no report. Education. Carol Beim stated that she had solid .waste collection posters nomeed in the high school. L.„ Soil Erosion. Clifford Johnson stated that he had a greet deal of material. on soil. erosion, and his committee would begin reviewing thin material in the reeurt. Comatnecations. Staff read a letter from the Director of Public Works, !9I :;;° art, Minnetonka, concerning the restriction of water flow by n culvert on County Road 18 and the flooding of the golf driving range west of County' Rold 18 along Niee Mile Creek, This letter requceted reaction by the Village of ndina to the poevi- bilety of channelizing Nina Wele Creek south of County Road 18 in. Edina ,ate' enlarging the culvert ender County Road 18 to permit more rapid flow of water through the area. Following n short discussion, the Commessiou directed the staff to prepare a letter advising the City of Minnetonka that the 2nvironaentnl. Quality Commission would be in opposition to such a proposal. Tbeee eeing sc further business, the chair declared the meettng edjournedo GLW/hd