HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-02 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesZDINA ;:fgALITI Cv.7013SION 82ECIAL AEef F I0 P.2-1M1D 1113 Vit-LINS AND - ;IXRGIIVG`T, aMETTAR, BUSItIESS mon....02,..,42Ltus, • 1973 Village Rail Council. Chambers 500 to Order and Bollcall. j.7 2:.y.i.oval of MinOter. of March 5' and. ii*Xvh 12e,?)' Ia OA] Dasinace • Natural Ares 41at,& 'L 'a Ave. Staff O'stixte A,. Gleason 3rd Aiken.' Review of rill 11";',,y,, s • Flood Plain Ordi.naneo - Reply to questions ,ai.s4,LZ A Viking Lots '- Erosion of boildinc Open Sloes Consitton - Report by staff,• • • 0, IV. kiew, &minces , mat to By-lovs- Chsaga &zit met ' • Monday of the month.by onandiro 8,etion 9 to wac,4 vibe COSFASOUra shall hold molar soutal7 matins 2--zi L4igt itknWay cif each month at. 7:30 PIL" • . V. Reports PlionniOS Cerzetaolesa Ciltfo-4 d'ctitc 4 S. Wator Resoureen John TeLfzFl Peek Rosr,•1 - Yzed r. Solid WasTo 6 arirad E*WAST Land ateenreaS Asfic Air Quitlity - Carl Crrekdt. riduftstlo-tg - Ctrs!, ?Nisi Directiorg3 Sea,SAILI, , Bob Seadil • Soil Eroclia-A .Y-AVaGoi VI. ConeKstizotilisoir Adjournment. • EDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CO MISSION SPECIAL MEETING TO AMEND THE BY-LAWS AND CONDUCT REGULAR BUSINESS -Monday, April 2, 1973 - - 5:30 P.M. Village Hall Conference Room Chairman Robert Sandilla called the meeting to order with the following members present: Clifford Johnson Earl Carson Carol Beim June Schmidt Ron Hays Fred Richards John Telfer James Bentley Don Johnson Bob Sandilla Staff Present: Gary West Robert Dunn Apowoval of the Minutes of March 2„_1973. Ron Hays moved and June Schmidt seconded that the minutes of March. 2, 1973 be approved as read. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS A. Natural Area - 41st and Lynn Avenue. Mr. West reported that the Village Council had granted approval of the proposal for the development of the 41st and Lynn Avenue storm sewer surge basin as a nature area in accordance with the EQC's recommendation provided that it could be accomplished at a reasonable cost with St. Louis Park providing the removal of the material from the area. Mr. West was requested by the EQC to investigate the possibility of speeding up the removal of the anterial by St. Louis Park so that the project could be finish graded and the neighbors able to start planting their seedlings this spriog. Mr. West advised the EQC that St. Louis Park is using their own manpower and equiment to accomplish this removal and that with the beginning of the construction season, the removal of material night be slowed somewhat. B. Outiot A,_ Gleason 3rd Addition, Mr. West advised the EQC that the proponent of this project was in attendance with a slightly revised grading and fill plan. He further advised the Commission that the proposal now meets the watershed district's 20% fill requirement and that the only restriction that he would suggest being rade is that the proponent submit the deed for the property to be dedicated to the Village prior to the issuance of a building permit. Crag Gustafson, the owner of the property, presented a model of the site and answered questions from the Commisaion. Jaron Bentley moved and Clifford Johnson seconded that the EQC advise the Village Council that the grading plan as presented meets with the requirements of the wat,271,ohcAl district end, peovided the owner comply with the grading plan, the EQC would zeeol2yAend the grantIns of a building permit. Motion carried on a voice vote. ? EQC, 4-2-73 Paee 2 Co Flood Plain_Ordiesace. Mr. West seated that in enewer to a question raised by Ron Hays at the last meeting regarding the ability to construct a single family home in the flood plain without using fill, that a check with the Village Attorney revealed that such construction would be prohibited through application of Section 5a of the Ordinance which prohibits any construction in the flood plain without complying with the Flood Plain Ordinance in all respects. D. Viking Hills Lot Erosion. Mr. West reported that he had sent letters to Mk. Helle and Mr. Thernell concerning the soil erosion on lots under their ownership in the Viking Hills Addition as directed by the EQC. Clifford Johnson reported that he had talked to Mr. Halle and Mr. Thernell about the problem. Although Mr. Helle stated that he felt he was being picked on, that he would do all he could to prevent the erosion although sodding and seeding would have to wait until he finished construction on the sites. Mr. Thernell also agreed to seed the open ground and is intending to plant pine seedlings on part of the slopes to protect them. John Telfer asked if it would be possible 'to have in the contract specifications a portion of money withheld from final payment to insure that the contractor took necessary steps to prevent erosion or establish landscape planting. Cliff Johnson stated that until state legislation on soil erosion is adopted, such measures were unlikely in private contracts, and that even then the enforcement of the state legislation would fall on the shoulders of the municipalities., E. Open Space Cqemittee. Mr. West reported that the Village Council at its last meeting indicated that they favored the appointment of an open space committee to report directly to the Village Council. Although they did not take further action, they indicated that they would consider the appointment of one of the members of the EQC to this committee. NEW BUSINESS A. Amendment to By-laytaShIREllinglatt. The Chair advised the Commission that the purpose of the special meeting of the Edina Environmental Quality • Commission called for March 26, 1973, and postponed until April 2, 19730 was for the consideration of the proposed amendment to the By-laws of the Comniesion to provide for the change of regular meeting date for the Commission from the second Monday of each month to the last Monday of each month. Upon reading of the proposed amendment, John Telfer moved and Carol Beim seconded "Section 9 of the Byelaws of the Edina Envitonnental Quality Commission be hereby amended to read: 'The Commission shall hold regular monthly meetings on the lase Monday of each month at 7:30 P.M.'" Motions carried unanimously. REPORTS A. Planning Co mission. Clifford Johnson reported that the Planning Co mission at its March 14th meeting reviewed the traffic study presented by the Darrel A. Parr apartment complen proponenti for the western Edina area. Cliff and Bob Dann reported on Mr. Dunn's street analysis of the South Edina Plan. The Commisaion spent considerable time in the discuesion of traffic problem and their possible eclutions in the south Edina area. Mr. Johnson reported on other planning matters of minor importance which were considered at the Planning Coy is- [lion meeting. Ee also reported that the Planning Commission approved the changing of their meeting data to the Wednesday preceeding the first Monday of the =nth to coincide with die change in meeting date. 4-2-73 Paee 3 C B. Watee Resoerces. John Telfer reported to the Commiesion about the siltation in Minnehaha Creek as a result of the construction of Highway 100. He expressed concern about this problem and general discussion was held about siltation and sell erosion. C. Park Board. No report. D. Solid Waste. James Bentley submitted a written report from the Solid Waste Committee tabulating the results from the first three weeks of operation of the weekly recycling center. The Committee also made the following recommendations for consideration by the EQC. 1. A Village sponsored Spring Cleanup Week each year. 2. A village contract for leaf pickup and composting for two weeks in spring and fall. 3. A Village contract to pickup and compost grass clippings during the summer. 4. A Village contract for removal and disposal of the remainder of the refuse generated by the households in the Village as is done for Morningside. Following discussion, the chair advised that the requests for action on the Solid Waste Committee's report would be considered at the April 30 meeting. E. Land Resources. June Schmidt stated that the committee was waiting for the Park ii.tpatratavey on possible park sites and to see whet state legislation would be passed in regard to land use to use this information in their discussions. F. AlEARelitz.. No report. Co Education. No report. H, Directions, Robert Sandilla submitted a written report on the Directions Committee meeting, March 26. 1. The staff would continue present procedure of discussing items to be included on the monthly agenda with the President and include those items felt of significant impact to warrent Commission consideratioa. 2. The staff will prepare a sample environmental impact statement for consider- ation by the EQC. I. Noise. Robert Sandilla stated that this Committee was not meeting pending the appointment of new members to the Commission. J. Soil Erosion, Clifford Johnson reported that there are several bills in the state legislature at the present time dealing with soil erosion and sedimentation. The committee is waiting action by the legislature to see what new statutes they will have to work with. C OMMUNICATIONS The staff reported that there were no communications. ADJOURNMENT The hour being late and there being no further business, the chair declared the meeting adjourned.