HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-30 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesEDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Monday, April 30, 1973 7:30 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call. II. Approval of Minutes of March 12 and April 2 (?). III. Old Business. A. Natural Area - 41st & Lynn Ave. -• Staff. B. Viking Hills Lots - Cliff Johnson. C. Other. IV. New Business. A. Consideration of Solid Waste Committee Report, April 2. 1. Village sponsored Spring Clean-up Week. 2. Village contract for leaf pick-up and composting. 3. Village contract for grass colection and composting. 4. Village wide contract for refuse collection and disposal. B. Storm Sewer Study,' Southwest Edina - Referal to Committee. C. Other. V. Reports. A. Planning Commission - Clifford Johnson. B. Water Resources - John Telfer. C. Park Board - Fred Richards. D. Solid Waste - Jim Bentley. E. Land Resources June Schmidt. F. Air Quality - Earl Carson. G. Education - Carol, Beim. H. Noise - Bob Sandilla. I. Soil Erosion Clifford Johnson. VI. Communications - Staff VII. Adjournment. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Regular Meeting April 30, 1973 -- 7:30 P.M. Edina Village Hall Chairman Robert Sandilla called the meeting to order with the following members present: Ron Hays Carol Beim John Telfer June Schmidt Clifford Johnson Jim Bentley Earl Carson Robert Sandilla Staff present: Gary West Harold Sands The minutes to the March 12, 1972 meeting were read and approved as amended. OLD BUSINESS A. Natural Area - 41st and Lynn Avenue Mr. West reported that Mr. Dunn was to have contacted the St. Louis Park Public Works Director to ascertain when they would be able to finish the removal of the material and finish grade the site, although he had not been able to dis- cuss the results of that meeting with Mr. Dunn. Ron Hays stated that he felt the Village had a commitment to the area residents to finish up the project this spring; and that if St. Louis Park was unable to remove the material, that the Village should remove it or sell it, or pay someone to remove it this spring. Considerable discussion followed among the Commission members. June Schmidt moved and John Telfer seconded that the EQC recommend to the Village Council that they cause inquiry to be made of St. Louis Park as to their ability to remove the material and that the Council also investigate the possi- bility of offering the material for sale and using the proceeds to accomplish the leveling this spring so that the project can be completed this fall. B. Viking Hills Lots Clifford Johnson reported on progress on the soil erosion problems in the Viking Hills area. He reported that satisfactory progress seemed to have been made in making the property owners aware of the erosion problems and that steps had been promised by the owners to control the erosion as much as possible during construction. Following general discussion concerning this property and other land which also is subject to erosion, it was the consensus of opinion that the Viking Hills lots be dropped from future agendas and that the EQC members note other soil Environmental Quality Commission Page two April 30, 1973 erosion problems in the Village on building lots and to bring them to the attention of the Commission. NEW BUSINESS A. Consideration of Solid Waste Committee Report, April 2, 1973 The chair requested Jim Bentley to give a brief synopsis of the Solid Waste Committee's report and recommendations of the last meeting. Mr. Bentley stated that these were areas of concern for the Commission in that the private hauler system of refuse collection in Edina does not provide for the disposal of major appliances and accumulated debris without an additional charge. The Committee felt that a Village sponsored clean-up week such as is carried out in several neighboring towns could be a great service to the community. He also stated that a major portion of the refuse hauled in the warm months consisted of leaves and grass clippings. With the increased cost of landfill disposal and the bulk involved, the Committee felt that a Village sponsored system of pickup and com- posting such material and then recycling it back to the residents would be a good idea. Finally, the committee suggested that in view of the favorable contract for refuse pickup in the Morningisde area, that the Council should consider a Village-wide contract or franchise for this service. Following considerable discussion on the proposals of the Committee, Ron Hays moved and Carol Beim seconded that the Solid Waste Committee prepare a preliminary feasibility report with possible costs and procedures for imple- mentation for consideration by the Commission. Motion carried. B. Southwest Edina Storm Sewer Study Mr. West advised the Commission that the Southwest Edina Storm Sewer Study was conducted at the request of the Council to determine the adequacy of the storm sewers in the largely undeveloped area of Southwest Edina and make recom- mendations for a storm sewer system to handle drainage as the area develops. He suggested that the plan be referred to the Water Resources Committee for their review and comment. This was agreed to by the Commission. C. Other New Business John Telfer inquired as to the status of the Mud Lake task force and their recommendation to the Council. Mr. Hays replied that the task force was on schedule and would shortly be presenting the final task force report to the Council. REPORTS A. Planning Commission Clifford Johnson reported on the April 4 Planning Commission meeting. Subjects reported of significance were the Darrel A. Farr rezoning and the South Edina Comprehensive Plan. Some discussion was held regarding the effects Environmental Quality Commission Page three April 30, 1973 of the new South Edina Plan on traffic generation and density of development. B. Water Resources John Telfer reported that the difficulties with erosion at Highway 100 and Ninnehaha Creek in the construction area seems to have come to a standstill. The State easement has lapsed and the property owner won't permit further activities to rectify the situation unless additional compensation is made by the State. C. Park Board Due to the absence of Fred Richards, there was no report from the Park Board. D. Solid Waste Jim Bentley stated that he had no report other than to advise the Commission that his 5-man committee had been reduced to 3 due to attrition, and he would like to have some more appointees to bring the committee back up to strength when the Council makes additional appointments to the Commission. E. Land Resources June Schmidt stated that she had no report but would like to voice similar concerns to Jim Bentley's about the need for new appointments for her committee. F. Air Quality Earl Carson reported on several bills in the State Legislature which would have considerable impact on air pollution and the use of automobiles. He did say that there seemed little chance that the stronger bills would receive approval. C. Education No report. H. Noise Robert Sandilla stated that he was still waiting for new appointments to the Commission by the Council before completing the appointments to this committee. Soil Erosion Clifford Johnson reported that his committee was still awaiting for final action on State legislation concerning soil erosion and sedimentation. The proposed legislation would be statewide but places the burden of enforcement on the municipality and county and neglects to provide guidelines of how to accomplish the desired ends. It was pointed out that such enforcement would be quite expensive on the part of the Village at a time when severe budget limita- tions have been placed on all municipalities by the State. Environmental Quality Commission Page four April 30, 1973 COMMUNICATIONS Mr. West reported that two items had been received by the EQC: (1) A question- aire which would be completed and returned by staff; (2) A letter complaining of the high-tower lighting recently installed on the Crosstown Highway, This has also come to the attention of the Village Council and action taken by that body. ADJOURNMENT Discussion was held as to the date for the May meeting since the regular meeting date falls on a holiday. It was determined that the meeting would be held on Tuesday, May 29, 1973. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.