HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-29 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesEDINA,ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
7:30 P.M.
Village Hall Conference Room
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of Minutes of April 2, 1973
III. Old Business
A. Natural Area - 41st & Lynn - Staff
IV. New Business
A. Appointments by Council
B. Committee Appointments
C. Elections
D. Gleason 3rd Addition - Filling Problem
E. Brookview Heights 5th Addition
V. Reports
A. Planning Commission - Clifford* Johnson
B. Water Resources - John Telfer
C. Park Board - Fred Richards
D. Solid Waste - Jim Bentley
E. Land Resources - June Schmidt
F. Air Quality - Earl Carson
G. Educaiion - Ron Hays
H. Noise - Bob Sand.'
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VI. Coommunicatiov S;A.
Regular Meeting
May 29, 1973 - - 7:30 P.M.
Edina Village Hall
Chairman Bob Sandilla called the meeting to order with the
following members present:
Fred Richards
John Telfer
Virginia Scott
June Schmidt
Jim Bentley
Clifford Johnson
Staff Present: Gary West
Harold Sand
Earl Carson
Don Johnson
Ron Hays
Fritz Reid
Bob Sandilla
Aproval of the Minutes of April 2, 1973. Fred Richards moved and
Cliff Johnson seconded that the minutes of April 2, 1973 be approved
as read. Motion carried.
A. Th.tl.ral Area - 41st & Lynn Ave. Mr. West reported that the
Village had met with St. Louis Park on the removal of the material
in the surge pond , and that St. Louis Park was continuing to remove
material from the site. The Chair expressed hope that the project
would proceed rapidly and asked June Schmidt to keep tabs on it.
A. Appointments by the Council. Mr. West reported that the Village
Council had made the appointments to the Commission at the last
Council meeting. The present EQC members whose terms expired in
February were reappointed for a two-year term. Virginia Scott and
Don Johnson were appointed to fill two vacancies on the commission
and Fritz Reid was appointed as the Student Representative.
B. Committee App2intments, Mr. Sandilla recommended the appointment
of Mrs. Scott to the Sound Pollution Committee. Appointment
Environmental Quality Commission -2- May 29, 1973
approved by Voice vote of the Commission.
C. Election of Officers. The Chair announced that since the EQC
was now at full strength and the time scheduled for elections had
long since past, that nominations would be accepted from the floor
for the offices of Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary.
James Bentley moved the nomination of Ron Hays for Chairman.
There being no further nominations, the Chair declared the nominations
closed. Motion made and seconded to cast a unanimous ballot for Mr.
Hays for Chairman; motion carried. Bob Sandilla , thereupon, re-
linquised the duties of Chairmanship to Mr. Hays, who carried forth
the remainder of the meeting.
Earl Carson moved the nomination of June Schmidt and John Telfer
moved the nomination of Don Johnson for Vice Chairman. Virginia
Scott moved and Fritz Reid seconded that the nominations be closed.
Upon the casting of paper ballots, Don Johnson received 6 votes,
June Schmidt received 5 votes. The Chair declared Don Johnson to be
the new Vice Chairman.
Don Johnson placed in nomination the name of John Telfer and
John Telfer placed in nomination the name of Virgina Scott for the
office of Secretary. Jim Bentley moved and Don Johnson seconded
that nominations be closed. Upon the casting of paper ballots, John
Telfer received 7 votes and Virgina Scott received 4 votes. The
Chair declared John Telfer to be the new Secretary.
D. Gleason ITT Add'n. Filling,Problems. Mr. West stated that Harry
Gustafson and Dr. Dickman had been invited by the Staff to appear
before the EQC to explain the filling of the flood plain which had
taken place on lots under their ownership in Gleason III and IV
Additions. He stated that he had considerable discussion with Dr.
Dickman concerning his property prior to the meeting as Dr. Dickman
had a previous engagement and would be unable to attend. However,
Mr. Gustafson was in attendance and could be called upon to answer
any questions the Commission might have.
Mr. West related that the filling had come to his attention
during the weekend of the 21st of May and described in detail the
areas of concern which were being filled. He further stated that
the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District had notified the property
owners of ,Gleason ITT Add'n., Edina Building Inc. that they
would be required to secure a permit to fill the flood plain and
requested them to cease their activities until such a permit had
Environmental Quality Commission -4- May 29, 1973
Motion approved unanimously.
Additional discussion was held among the Commission members
and the staff as to recommendations to the Council concerning
the property of Dr. Dickman. It was the consensus of opinion
that Mr. West would discuss the matter of slope stabilization with
John Dickson of the Watershed District and Dr. Dickman and attempt
to reach an agreeable solution.
E. Brookview Heights 5th Addition. Mr. West stated that this
item was placed on the agenda for the Commission's information
although action was not to be requested at this time. The
proposal was of a plat which contained a portion of the flood
plain adjacent to Nine Mile Creek. He further noted that the
Planning Commission staff had recommended that the plat be tabled
until additional information on the flood plain was made available
by the proponent. Mr. West stated that he felt action was not
required by the EQC at this meeting but that interest should be
expressed by the EQC to the Planning Commission in reviewing the
proposal. Discussion was held among the members of the Commission
concerning this matter and it was determined to take no action at
this time but to wait further information on the proposal from
the proponent.
A. Planninci (7,7-romlssion. Clifford Johnson reported on the May 2,
Planning Commis:-don meeting. Mr. Johnson reported on two small
subdivisions, one which was approved as a two lot plat and another
four lot plat which the Planning Commission requested to be re-
duced and resubmitted at a later meeting. Mr. Johnson reported
on several requested rezonings which had been reported on at the
last EQC meeting: Relocation Realty, Darrel A. Farr, and Rembrandt
of Edina_
R. Resources. John Telfer reported that the problem with
erosion and sedimentation at T.H. 100 and Minnehaha Creek had
apparently been resolved satisfactorily.
C. Park Board. Fred Richards reported that the Park Board at
its May 8th meeting discussed its 5 year capital improvement
program and would be presenting a budget request of $120,000 com-
pared to the $80,000 budgeted for the past several years. Also
discussed were the gullies developing on the hills at Braemar
Park and the means of controlling mini-bikers and snowmobilers
using the hills.
Environmental Quality Commission -5- May 29,1973
D. Solid W,,u;te. Jim Bentley stated that his committee had been
waiting for additional appointments to be made to the Commission
and therefore had not met during May.
E. Land Resources. June Schmidt reported that 14 bills had been
signed into law by the Governor which dealt with ecology and
F. Air Quality. Earl Carson stated that he had no report from
his committee. Don Johnson talked about the air quality monitor-
ing program conducted by the City of Minneapolis and the State.
The Chair suggested that the EQC should look into the possibility
of an air quality testing station in the Southdale area, its
costs, location, and sampling times.
G. Education. Ron Hays stated that he had nothing to report at
this time.
H. Noise. Bob Sandilla stated that as Mrs. Scott had consented
to serve on the Noise Committee, the committee was complete and
would hold their first meeting the following week. Mrs. Schmidt
suggested that the committee look into the air conditioner noise
at 7100 France Ave. So., about which area residents are complaining.
T. Soil Erosion. Clifford Johnson stated that Alison Fuhr is
staying on top of the recent legislation concerning soil erosion
and that when they had the opportunity to review these bills they
would bring back suggestions for Village Ordinances dealing with
erosion and sedimentation.
J. Other. In response to a question from the Commission, Mr.
Hays stated that the Mud Lake Task Force had made their report
of recommendations to the Village Council and it was their under-
standing that the report would be made available to the public
in preparation to hearings to be held later in the summer. It
was requested that copies of this report be made available to
the Commission for their review.
The Chair requested the reestablishment of the Directions
Committee and requested confirmation of Bob Sandilla, Don
Johnson, Fred Richards, and himself to that committee. A motion
confirming the appointments was made by Mrs. Scott and seconded
by Jim Bentley. Motion carried.
Environmental Quality Commission -6- May 29, 1973
Mr. West stated that he had received no communications for the
EQC in the past month.
Mr. West did state that he had discussed a rezoning proposal
(Condor Corporation) which was to be heard by the Planning
Commission at its next meeting with the Chairman of the EQC and
it was determined that, following past unwritten "guidelines
for review", the project would not require EQC review, however,
he did wish to inform the Commission of that decision so it
would not appear that staff and, the Chairman were attempting to
"sneak" the project past the Commision.
Fred Richards objected strongly that the staff and the
Chairman had not seen fit to bring the project to the Commission
for its review. He requested the project be brought before the
Commission at its next meeting.
A great deal of discussion was held among the members of the
Commission concerning the criteria by which Planning Commission
matters are brought before the EQC for review. It was the consensus
of the Commission to permit the Directions Committee to establish
some guidelines for items to be brought to the Commission.
Furthermore, that Planning Commission agendas be included in the
EQC packets for the member's information.