HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-25 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesEDINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION AGENDA Monday, June 25, 1973 7:30 P.M. Village Hall Conference Room I. Call to Order and Roll Call, II. Approval of Minutes of April 30 and May 29, 1973. III, Old Business A. Natural Area - 41st & Lynn Ave. - - Staff. B. Gleason 3rd Add'n. - Filling problems - Staff C. Brookview Heights 5th Addi n. (Continue to 7-30-73) D. Committee Appointments - Ron Hays. IV, Nev Business A. Relocation Reality (Braemar Hills Homes) B. Braemar Park Add'n, C. Condor Corporation D. Parkwood Knolls Traffic Patterns V. Reports A. Directions Committee B. Planning Commission - Clifford Johnson C. Water Resources - John Telfer D. Park Board - Fred Richards E. Solid Waste - Jim Bentley F. Land Resources - June Schmidt G. Air Quality - Earl Carson H. Noise - Bob Sandilla Soil Erosion - Clifford Johnson VI. Communications - Staff VII. Others wishing to be heard VIII. Adjournment. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION - 2 June! 25, 1973 the face of expressed opposition by members of the Village Countil to application to this property which had been platted under previous ordinances and regulations. He stated that the Nina Mile Creek Watershed Diutrict haa ordered their attorney to begin legal action to force the removal of all fCil material placed within the flood plain and the restoration of the property its original state. This action will be followed closely by the staff and the Commission advised of future developments. C. Brookview Heights 5th Addition. Mr. West stated that the necessary information for consideration of this subdivision had not been received from the developer in time for the meeting, and that it was requested that the matter be postponed until the July meeting. He reported that the Planning Commission also intended to continue the matter. D. Committee Appointments. Chairman Ron Hays made the following recommenda- tions for the filling of vacancies on various committees of the Commission': Land Resources Ardythe Buerosse, 5324 Windsor Avenue Ray Marshall, 4012 Kipling Avenue Solid Waste Nancy Grimsby (tranafered from Air Quality) Education Frits Reid The recommendations were offered.by the Chair and seconded by Cliff Johnson. The appointments were approved unanimously. NEW BUSINESS A. Relocation Realty (Braemar Hills Homes). Mr. West presented the ET staff report on the proposed project outlining the location, placement of the structures, tree coverage and topography. He stated that the proposal was the latest of several which had been reviewed by the Planning Commission and reported on by Cliff Johnson at past meetings. He reminded the Commission that the request before the Planning Commission was for concept approval of a. Planned Residential District project and advised them that the material presented by the proponent was only that required by the Planning ordinances for concept approval. Mr. West then introduced Mr. Dale Cremers, a representative of Relocation Realty who explained in further detail the project and answered questions from the Commission. Virginia Scott expressed concern that the proposal indicated the excavation of additional material from the large gravel hill on the northern part of the property'and the resultant damage to tree cover and possible erosion. Other members of the Commission expressed similar concerns for the proposed changes in the topography and the proposed dredging of a pond on the northern side of the project and the treatment of the existing pond on the east side. ENVIRONteeNTAL QUALITY COMMISSION - 3 - June 25, l97 Jim Bentley moved, and Bob Sendilla seconded, that the EQC recommend concept approvel be granted by the Planning Commission and request the Planning Conn' mission to give particular attention to the soil conditions, the amount of excavation and the existing tree cover in their review of the Final Develop- ment Plans. Furthermore, that the ECC review the Final Development Plans for these items for further recommendations to the Planning Commission at that time. During discussion on the motion, several of the Commission members expressed concern over making this decision without adequate time to per- eonally inspect the site. Motion failed by a 3 aye, 7 nay vote. After additional discusaion, Prits Reid moved that the EQC postpone action on the matter until additional information was received on the gradient of the slopes and the numbee of trees to be removed. Motion died for lack of A second. Virginia Scott moved and ))on Johnson seconded that the EQC postpone any de- cision on the project until the July meeting; and in the meantime, the members of the EQC conduct a personal tour of the site and study the graphics presented by the developer. Ron Bays expressed concern that such action would cause unnecessary delay in the approval process at other stages of that process. He suggested as an amendment to the motion, that the EQC members individually, or in a group, inspect the eite of, the proposed project and set a special meeting for 5:30 P.M., Wednesday, iti4e- 27, 1973, to take some firm action on the pro- posal. The author and the second accepted the amendment. Amendment approved by majority vote. Fred Richards expressel the feeling that the Planning Commission had been working on this propoeil for several months and had obviously considered many of the same factors the EQC is considering for the first time; and that ir¢ was uncomfortable with making a decision on such short notice, but would rather state to the Planning Commission that the EQC had no recommendation on this project and peimit the Planning Commission to make the ultimate de- cision one the project. Following further diectssion, the Chair called the questeon of Virginia Scott's motion se amene's& Motion carried. B. Braemer Parc AddiAon. Mr. West reviewed the EQC staff report on the proposed four lot plat and stated that his main concerns were for the dense tree cover and the.gradient and stability of the soil on the hill being platted. Me further stated that he and the Planning Director were not con- cerned with the questioi of whether the property could or should be sub- divided; but that the proposal, as presented, attempted to place too many building lots on a difiicult site and that it was his (Mr. West's) recom- mendation 'chat the plat be reduced to a three lot plat. Considerable discussioe was held among the Commission members concerning the staff report and recomeendations, particularly the placement of the suggested three or four lots. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Juee 2!;, 1973 The Chair etated that he felt the EQC should address itoelf to the ecological quest Lona which the proposal apparently raises end not the question of whether the property should be platted. Fred Richards, in conclusion of remarks concerning the appropriateness of the Pleneing Commission determining if property should be platted, moved and Frite Reid seconded, that the RQC express concern to the Planning Commisoion with the ecological aspects of the grading of the property and the removal of trees under the proposed plat and permit the Planning Commission to determine the number of lots to be permitted if the plat is approved by that body. Discussion was held concerning the intent of the motion. Cliff Johnson stated that the motion, as stated, would provide no assistance to the Planning Commission in their deliberations as to the appropriateness of thin plat. He further stated that the Planning Commission desired concrete suggestions aa to how file slopes could be protected, how to reduce the number of trees re- moved, hew to prevent the erosion and sedimentation of twits and etc, The motion by Mr. Richards was approved 6 aye, 3 nay. Continuing discussion was then held concerning the points raised by the Plan- ning Commission representative. June Schmidt suggested that the EQC and the Planning Commission should meet or at least representatives of those bodies meet to discuss the typos of assistance and advice they expected and need from the EQC when they consider a zoning or platting request. Cliff Johnson stated that many of his concerns-and frustrations as a member of both the Planning Commission and the EQC was the apparent unwillingness of the Com- mission to take action on a request without endless studies and discussion of minute details, which in the final analysis have little to do with the appropriateness of a proposal. Re further stated that he felt the EQC's role is to determine the impact of a proposed action by a developer, the Village, or other public body on the total environment of the Village; and that this is the input that the Planning Commission desires. Considerable discussion ensued among the members of the Commission with no further action taken. C. Condor Corporation. Mr. West stated that this was the property and pro- ject that the Commission requested the opportunity to review at the May meet- ing. Mr. West introduced Jim Smooda of Condor Corporation to answer any questions of the Commiseion. John Telfer stated that after reviewing the staff report, he had some questions concerning the removal of natural grass and the probability of sodding a majority of the property, with its resultant damage to the ecology through the use of fertilizers and the groomed look of mowed lawns. Mr. Smooda replied that this was a marketing consideration which the corporation had made in view of the results of extensive market analysis. Mr. Smooch" answered several other mac questions about the development which were directed to him by the Commission. The Chair inquired if the Commission wished to take formal action on the proposal. There being no response from the Commission, he declared that no action would be taken on the subject at this Meeting. ENVIRONMEMTAL QUALITY COMMISSION - 5 - June 25, 19/3 D. Psrkwood Knolls Traffic. Patterns. The Chair requested that this item be continued to the July meeting in view of the lateness of the hour. REPORTS A. Directions. Chairman Ron Hays called the Commission's attention to the written report of recommendations of the Directions Committee. He stated that the Committee recommended feasibility reports be prepared by each of the committees of the Commission as to the ability to gather infor- mation concerning their specific area of interest and develop a plan to imple- ment the information gathering process. Furthermore, that the Commission give greater emphasis to the impact of transportation on the environment of the Village. The Chair requested that further discussion of this matter be post- poned to the July meeting. B. Other. The Chair asked if the Chairman of any of the other standing committees had a specific report they wished to make and there beingsnone, declared the floor open for a Motion to adjourn. Don Johnson moved, and John Telfer seconded, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Gary Westihd