HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-27 Evironmental Quality Commission Meeting MinutesENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Special Meeting June 27, 1973, 5:30 P.M. Edina Village Hall In the absence of the Chairman, John Telfer, Secretary of the Commission, called the meeting to order with the following members present: Fred Richards Earl Carson Fritz Reid Virginia Scott Staff Present: Gary West Bob Sandilla Ron Hays (entered Meeting 6:18P.M, John Telfer SPECIAL BUSINESS A. Relocation Realty (Braemar Hill Homes). Acting Chairman, John Telfer, suggested that the Commission members should now have had adequate time to make the necessary personal inspection of the site and review the proposal as presented to the Commission June 25. -He asked if there were questions which should be directed to the staff or if the Commission was ready to act on the staff's recommendations or formulate its own recommendations to forward to the Planning Commission. Fred Richards requested clarification of the provisions of the Southwest Edina Plan as adopted by the Village Council and the pro- posal's compliance or noncompliance with that plan. Mr. West replied that the proposal was well within the perimeters set forth in the Southwest Edina Plan and provided for somewhat less that maximum density permitted in the Plan for that property. He went on to clarify the proposed alignment of Gleason Road and the relationship of the project to Braemar Park. Mr. Richards suggested that he would like to see the precedent established in this portion of Southwest Edina of densities less than the maximum densities permitted in the Southwest Edina Plan. Mr. Telfer agreed with Mr. Richards stating that he was particularly concerned about the buildings proposed adjacent to the pond on the eastern portion of the property. The Commissioners during further discussion expressed dis- pleasure with the proposed density of the project and fear that Environmental Quality Commission -2- June 27, 1973 the project might detract visually from Braemar Park. Bob Sandilla questioned the concern of Mr. Richards over the density when the proposal was for.7 units / acre more that would be permitted on the property under its present R-1 single family zoning. Mr. Richards replied, that considering the problems of traffic and other factors, he questioned if a lower density might not be more appropriate. He questioned if it was proper for the EQC to bow to a developer's attempt to maximize the dollar return on his investment. Mr. Sandilla inquired as to what density would be considered appropriate. Considerable discussion among the Commission members ensued, culminating with Virginia Scott asking the Commissioners to be polled to see if they were reaching any unanimity of opinion. Mrs. Scott moved and Bob Sandilla seconded that the EQC recommend concept approval of the Relocation Realty proposal at its re- quested 4.7 unit / acre density. Motion failed, 3 ayes, 4 nays. After further discussion, Virginia Scott moved and Fritz Reid seconded that,"the EQC forward the recommendation to the Planning Commission that they require the preservation of the heights of the hills, the protection of the slopes and the reten- tion of the ponds in as natural condition as practicable. Further- more, that; the plans developed by the proponents to accomplish these ends to be submitted to the EQC for review prior to approval of the Final Development. Plans". Discussion was held on the motion. Mrs. Scott moved to amend her motion by adding, "the EQC recommends the approval of the concept and that . . .". The motion as amended was approved with 6 ayes and 1 nay. Bob Sandilla moved and Fred Richards seconded that, "the EQC further recommends to the Planning Commission that consideration be given to a reduction of density in the proposal to accomplish the protection of the natural slopes, the hills and the ponds on the site". Motion approved unanimously. Bob Sandilla moved the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Virginia Scott. Motion carried unanimously.